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Filename: 20210325_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 25, 2021
3583 lines.

In this segment of the Alex Jones Show, the host discusses various topics including COVID fears leading to extreme medical interventions, censorship, the power struggle between globalists and Christians, the importance of local politics and community involvement, and psychological experiments related to submission. He criticizes the media for promoting fear and calls for listeners to support their efforts in standing against oppression. The speaker also promotes their products and platforms for alternative news and information sharing.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, March 25th of the year.
It's 2021, I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I'm about to show you something shocking from Europe with a baby being born wrapped in plastic.
His mother can't touch it because of COVID fears.
You know, about 60% of the births now in the U.S.
are cesarean.
They're taking control of human biology.
But I've got something even more shocking going on with children and the COVID hysteria.
Next segment, when Max Keiser joins us with massive Bitcoin news and a bunch of other big guests today.
But here is the video.
It's posted to Band.Video.
If you want to share it, it's also at InfoWars.com.
Video, the first child born in the Matrix.
The new virtue signal.
Wrap a baby in plastic as it flails, reaching out for its mother.
Put the state of medical tyranny between the mother and its child.
Complete the takeover of the human race.
This is the post-human era.
Back in the mid 20th century, major universities conducted studies like the Milgram and Stanford studies, where they tested their psychology departments how far they could push their students to commit crimes as long as authority figures were telling them to do so.
And they found that in almost every case, 90 plus percent of people would follow orders from authority figures to even kill people in order to do so.
That's why I parallel
What's happening with the whole COVID rollout, the lockdowns, and the nonsensical social distancing, and the masks that don't work, and the lies about the COVID deaths, and the vaccine damages, is a giant Milgram psychological experiment.
That's what we're about to break down today, is in late March 2021, the level of absurdity has reached
proportions never before seen in human history.
The heartbreaking video you're seeing is a newborn baby in Europe wrapped in plastic to supposedly protect it from its mother so it can't touch its mother despite the fact that hundreds of studies show it's an initial contact with the mother that activates the
Life force of the child.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a crime against humanity.
This is a crime against our own biology.
This is teaching us that we're dirty and evil and bad and that humanity is a disease on the planet.
This is the cult of the global warming eugenicists left.
The death cult is teaching us that we're evil.
The death cult is teaching us we're bad.
It doesn't matter if all the science shows more human contact gives us a better immune system and makes us healthy.
They're teaching us all to be the boy in the bubble who couldn't be in contact with any germs or he'd die.
That's a very, very, very rare genetic disorder.
But if you're not around other microbes growing up, if you don't play around in the dirt when you're a baby and
Put it in your mouth, you don't develop an immune system and then you need the medical system for the rest of your life to give you constant drugs, constant antibiotics, constant inoculations to just keep you alive.
We are witnessing the scientific dictatorship take control of the human family.
We are witnessing the final revolution.
The medical system is run by the most ruthless, out-of-control corporations, and they're simply testing to see what you will put up with.
We've already submitted to abuse.
We've already let them lock up our elders.
We've already let them give us experimental vaccines.
We've already let them shut down our schools and seen suicide and drug addiction explode.
We've already seen children performing band practice in pods out of the body centers.
We've already witnessed people wearing large donuts around themselves as they go into bars and restaurants.
This is absurdity.
That's what cults ask you to do.
To do things that are ridiculous.
To do things that are against common sense.
To prove your submission.
Klaus Schwab and other globalists admit this is not about COVID.
It's about teaching you that humans are dirty and bad and we need to be exterminated.
It's about teaching you that you're obsolete.
That you are non-essential.
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
I am a human being!
I exist!
You're witnessing mass mind control.
We are witnessing the true chicken little scenario.
Where psych warfare chiefs, aided by big banks, and the corporate media, and government, and the medical system, are literally terrifying the public into total submission.
I knew Trump was embattled.
I knew he was surrounded by cowards and by double-talking agents of the enemy.
And a lot of people just couldn't believe it.
They're like, oh no, it's 3G chess, 5G chess, he's invincible.
And I understand why people wanted to believe that, because this is scary what's going on.
The global government, the new world order, and now that people woke up to the fact that that's real, they want somebody to come save them from.
Well, Trump sure as hell tried.
My gosh, look at how prescription drug prices just tripled or quadrupled depending on the drug once Biden signed that executive order.
We pay the most money in the world.
That's just one case of hundreds
We're good.
I don't know.
It's Thursday, March 25th.
The year is 2021.
We are under United Nations-directed planetary attack.
A scientific death cult is taking control of human evolution to build a post-human world.
They're in the process of conditioning the world population to accept this takeover.
If we adapt by submitting to it, it will be the end of humanity as we know it.
In the beginning of a true nightmare era, only imagined in the minds of people like H.P.
Lovecraft, or the mind of Satan.
This is going to be a particularly powerful transmission today.
I've done a lot of preparation, a lot of planets have aligned, a lot of big things are going to be broken here on air.
First off, Max Keiser, who I've known for 20 years, yeah, I've known Max that long, has been a true trailblazer, and he's been proven absolutely right.
And there is a Bitcoin global revolution happening right now with central banks coming out and saying they're launching their own cryptocurrencies and they're claiming they want to get rid of Bitcoin.
And the fact that they're announcing they want to go after it is an attempt to suppress it.
They're not going to be able to get rid of it.
And so now I am officially getting behind Bitcoin because people have a right to it.
And the globalists are trying to take control of it regardless of its providence and where it came from.
It is now something that is a people versus the system battle.
And we'll lay it all out coming up with Max Keiser starting in the next segment.
But they are busy trying to drive it down right now.
I believe that's the time to buy for the first time ever.
I'm not in stocks, I'm not in bonds.
I began buying Bitcoin yesterday and I'm going to tell you how I did it and where I did it.
I've done deep research over 10 years and now finally made this move.
And I do it as something that can protect you, something that is more private, something that is an alternate, something the system doesn't want, not as an investment.
Though if I would have taken the 10,000 Bitcoin that Max tried to give me at the Bilderberg meeting that we were covering 10 years ago, it would have been worth $600 million as of today.
So we're going to be laying it all out.
The Federal Reserve did say, yes, we're coming out with our own cryptocurrency.
So that tells you this is the future.
The planets have aligned.
That's coming up next segment.
Then we have Robert Barnes joining us with a lot of big news and analysis on what's coming next.
And now we fight back against this global takeover.
Then Andrew Torba, who's seen a 600% increase in their traffic and signups at GAAB that the left is trying to shut down.
He's going to be joining us as well in the third hour.
Then in the fourth hour,
Alex Jones and Jason Jones in studio together.
He's got incredible footage of the ongoing martial law in Hawaii.
And more, them choking people out, you name it.
So he'll be in studio with us coming up.
I've got a lot of calls about this because it aired on NPR.
NPR is on over a thousand radio stations.
And it was put in a lot of different newspapers around the country.
And it is NPR is calling for me to be shut down, taken off the air, and it's calling for all of our shopping carts to be shut down.
Now, I've told you we've already been under assault behind the scenes.
I haven't gotten into that because I don't want the enemy to know what to target or what's been effective.
But when I tell you that your financial support to build up our war chest is beyond critical right now, it is.
I need everybody to go to infowarestore.com and get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
And know that you're funding this operation.
Sign up for AutoShip on things you're going to want to reorder, like the supplements.
And even when they're sold out, when you're on AutoShip, we hold it back for AutoShip folks for at least two shipments in case you still want to do it.
You can cancel any time for free so that you still get products that may never be coming back in because of supply chain breakdowns.
And yes, all the major publications of New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal is the worst.
They have all been
Contacting thousands of people.
And trying to find out where we manufacture, what we do, how to shut us down.
Tortuous interference, racketeering, criminal activity, par excellence.
But you can read it in the article.
Here it is, right here.
Gateway Pundit did a story about it, and nothing against our crew, but it's kind of like we don't cover what's happening to us.
We're kind of over ourselves, but sometimes we kind of have to focus a little bit and care about the mothership under attack.
Taxpayer-funded NPR goes after Alex Jones and his last channel of income.
And that's Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit actually cares about us more than we care about ourselves.
And I really appreciate Jim showing some interest in that, because it is a big deal.
I'm pretty stoic about all this, but
They are demanding that eBay kick off our little account and that Amazon take our account off.
Some are saying, well, wait a minute, you say Amazon is bad, but you have an account.
I've had an account on Amazon for 25 years.
Some of our accounts got shut down years ago.
Some of them went dormant.
If we don't have stuff on Amazon, which I don't promote, then we can't control the Chinese fakes that are on there.
And there are fake imports products from China that are total crap that they flood it with.
And I have to have an agreement with Amazon that I'm on there just so I can have control and get rid of the counterfeits.
And that's really the reason for it.
You never hear me say, go buy our products at Amazon.
But they have a right to sell stuff.
They have a right to a market.
I have a right to say you should try to keep mom-and-pop stores open and smaller online retailers open that have your political views and that are under attack.
But that said, ladies and gentlemen, we have the big mega blowout sale.
I almost called it, when we were planning the sale last week, the Save Info Wars, get it while you still can sale.
But I said, you know, I don't want to put blood in the water, even though it's a true statement that we can be shut down anytime if you knew all the stuff that was going on.
The whole country's being shut down, though.
My God, they took all of Trump's bank accounts.
They've kicked all his merchant accounts off.
He can't sell Make America Great Again hats.
I was sitting there talking to a very well-known individual, didn't even know about this.
We've all gotten so punch drunk to being abused.
And I said, yeah, you know, all these big credit card processors and PayPal banned Trump selling Trump gear.
The person looked at me and they said, come on, that's not true.
PayPal is owned
You know, by the famous libertarian individual.
Well, no, it's not owned by him anymore.
And I pulled up the article.
I typed in PayPal bans Trump merch.
I mean, that's what's going to go.
Oh, just get another merchant.
Then they take that one.
So instead of paying one point nine percent for your credit card processing, we pay four or five percent.
They take that one.
That's what the harassment does.
And now it's not enough.
They have a huge article.
And a huge report, Alex Jones still sells supplements on Amazon despite bans from other platforms.
So remember, remember how just three years ago they were going, oh, there's no such thing as deplatforming.
That came out in internal documents is what they called it.
Now everybody knows it.
Household word.
Household term.
They go, Jones is making it up.
No one's censoring him.
I could pull the articles up where they said no one's censoring him.
And Tim Cook said, I'm not censoring him.
I'm curating him, like in a museum.
You just don't have your speech, you go bankrupt, you live under a bridge, but, you know, he lives in his little palace up there and runs death camps in China, but it's okay, cuz Tim Cook's gay!
Remember that.
So here we go.
Alex Jones still sells supplements.
And the whole article says you need to attack Amazon, you need to attack the other sites he's on.
Like eBay, and he needs to be taken down.
They're like, this is outrageous!
And they go, where are federal regulators?
He needs to be arrested!
You gotta go read the article.
It is incredible.
Now, by the way, we're showing articles where Apple is lobbying against bills that would just criticize Chinese death camps.
Death camps, where they sell people's organs.
Men, women, children.
Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.
And NPR loves that!
Oh, liberal!
Oh, but Alex Jones questions mass shootings.
Alex Jones questions Jussie Smollett.
Alex Jones questioned Bubba Wallace.
And, you know, Alex Jones questioned babies in incubators that didn't happen to start the Iraq War.
And they're like, that can't be allowed.
He's a mean person.
He's the worst person.
Though I've never killed anybody.
I mean, well maybe somebody died later, I forgot to follow, but the point is, is that I didn't start it.
I've never gone out and offensively killed anybody, and I have not engaged in all these crimes, and I'm not running death camps in China, ladies and gentlemen.
And so that's the issue here, is that it's this corrupt, horrible, evil, elite establishment lecturing us that Jay Leno's bad, because ten years ago, he went, Who cares?
I do redneck jokes!
We should be able to make fun of everybody!
You ever watch Japanese TV?
You ever watch Chinese TV?
All they do is make jokes and make fun of each other.
And by the way, they make fun of us!
Oh, but Jay Leno, he's so sorry now.
But you know what?
Putting on the drag, it's funny, and he's sticking around.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, Max Keiser and the Biggest Bitcoin Itch.
My enemies are your enemies.
They're the globalists.
They're exterminists.
They're a consortium of mad scientists, pedophiles, control freaks, devil worshippers, vampires, wherever you want to call them, that are highly predatory, that are setting up a false fantasy land system of constant bombardment of propaganda, drugs, and electromagnetic radiation.
To change the very DNA of the human species, to mutate us into a form that they can control like a pawn on a chessboard.
The bottom line is they want to play God, they are playing God, and the noose is only going to tighten around our necks from here on out.
So many other people want to be positive, they want to put out fake news, and want to only cover limited amounts of what's happening with their world order, but
At the end of the day, it's all about the population.
It's all about world government.
It's all about the end of the human system as we know it.
It's actually a nightmare being built.
Only admitting it can turn it around and stop it.
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Part of our big blowout
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, I've known Max Keiser.
I actually went and looked it up.
19 years.
But hell, you can go back to
Dateline NBC shows that he's in.
In the 1980s, he was a very successful stockbroker.
One of the most successful out there.
He's also been on Al Jazeera, BBC, RT, US TV.
I mean, he's been a sought-after guest for a long time.
And 10 years ago, covering Bilderberg, north of London, we're in a hotel at night, eating dinner, and he goes, look, Bitcoin's the future.
In the next 20 years, it will replace the dollar.
It'll be the world currency.
He goes, I think in about 10 years.
I remember the conversation.
And he kept saying, let me put this on your computer, 10,000 of these, but you got to promise to give most of it away to your listeners.
That's what China's doing today.
They're giving their fake currency.
They're trying to compete with Bitcoin out to people to get it going.
And I don't remember what happened.
People that were there, Richard Reeves remembers it.
Others remember it.
I remember most of it.
It went on.
I was drinking wine and eating a big old fat steak and I've been working probably 15 hours that day.
So it blurred into the history.
He doesn't remember whether I got it or not.
I remember he got mad because I didn't promote it like I said I would.
But he still came back around.
He was mad at me for about a year or so.
But that's okay.
Boy, I'm mad at me now too.
I wish he would have punched me right in the face.
But regardless, he was right.
I wasn't wrong.
I just
I talk about things I know, things that I've educated on, things I understand.
I will tell you my view on it.
When I don't know something, I have a tendency to not tell you.
So he came here again two years ago, met with my wife and I, and brought Stacey with him, his great lady.
And he said, listen, dude, it's going to go up even more than it did in the last 10 years.
You've got to get behind it now.
He wasn't selling me anything.
He just said, you've got to do this yourself.
And he told me the best, cleanest ways to do it.
And I signed up and then didn't even do it, and boy did I wish, because it's doubled or more since then.
That would have funded our whole operation.
So they may drive it down, they may drive it up, but definitely it's here to stay.
So I want to give him the floor for this segment and a few more to get into what's currently happening.
The global civil war, they've got all these financial experts out.
Oh, the governments are just going to seize it and outlaw it like gold.
Like they did in the 30s.
There's no way to do that.
But again, they're doing that to drive it down because now we know China and India and the US are coming out with their own cryptocurrencies.
And so now it's truly a people's fight.
Yes, it's speculation.
It doesn't matter.
Because now I feel gut-level good to totally jump in and support it because people have a right to buy and sell and own and trade what they want.
And it is good to have a backup currency.
It's good with all these currencies hyperinflated, in my view, to diversify.
And I've been watching them all and got confused by all the fake ones and the bad ones.
And that kept me from getting into Bitcoin.
I meant to do it two years ago.
Didn't do it.
Now I'm sure about it.
Whether it goes way down today, I'm going to buy a bunch.
Goes up, I'm going to buy some because gut level, now I feel good about it.
And maybe that works out some different way in God's plan.
I just know my gut says something.
It's finally green light.
It's time to do it.
And so Max Keiser, thank you for trying to lead a horse to water and make it drink the last 10 years.
Good to have you here.
Let's get into the current, what's unfolding with Bitcoin and these massive battles and the attempt to drive it down and where you see this thing going.
Well, you know, Bitcoin is the apex predator, Alex, in the currency market, and it's proven itself to be the apex predator.
And it is gobbling market share from all the other fiat currencies.
It's even taking market share away from gold, which is really surprising to a lot of people.
But if you notice, gold has been doing nothing for eight or nine months.
It's because people are selling their gold
And they're buying Bitcoin.
And for a couple of obvious reasons.
First of all, it's unconfiscatable.
And what I mean by that is that even though there may be laws passed that say, hey, we're going to go after your Bitcoin, they can pass all the laws that they want, but they can't enforce those laws.
As people, the governments have found out in India and countries around the world, they can pass laws against Bitcoin, but they can't enforce those laws.
And you have to liken it to
Starting 20 years ago, Alex, there was the P2P file swapping in the music industry and in the intellectual property industry.
And of course, Hollywood and the record industry hated the idea of Napster and the follow up to Napster, but they couldn't do anything about it.
You can't stop.
The encryption and the P2P file swapping.
So what happened is the music industry had to completely change.
And now we have sites that do music streaming.
We have sites where you subscribe to music.
But the old model of music, the record labels and selling records and the intellectual property, that was completely destroyed by P2P file swapping and nobody could do a thing about it.
So let's flash forward to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is P2P file swapping equivalent for money.
And nobody can stop it.
And they can throw everything that they have at it, but they won't stop it.
And the users now, the adoption rate is exploding.
You've got over 100 million people using it every day as money.
You've got entire countries like Nigeria adopting it as day-to-day money.
It's becoming the unit of account in Nigeria.
You've got countries that are plagued with hyperinflation like Venezuela, Iran, Argentina.
This is really a way for people to get around the IMF and World Bank slavery that they put in the third world from these jackals, these economic hitmen.
Yep, absolutely.
In particular in Africa now.
You know, Africa has been the colonial victim of colonization for hundreds of years.
They're finally breaking free of the colonial mindset of their masters that have been plaguing that continent for hundreds of years.
And that's really the global model.
Explain that, because you're an economist.
How the French Empire, the British Empire, and others used debt to control third world countries, and still do.
Well, it's not too hard really.
And if you read John Perkins' book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, he goes into it in great detail.
You know, the U.S.
or the IMF or the World Bank shows up and they make multi-hundred billion dollar loans to countries.
So much so that they know that they can't possibly be paid back and when those loans can't be paid back then they send in the economic hitman and they start grabbing assets.
They start seizing assets and they essentially control that country and that's been America's model in Latin America and South America.
For decades, it's also American model in Middle East and in other locations.
So it's using debt as a weapon.
The US dollar has been weaponized.
And when America first put that first round of sanctions against Iran,
A lot of smart people said, well, that's okay, they can do that, but they should be wary now because you can only do that once.
Once you weaponize SWIFT, the global payment system, and once you weaponize the dollar, you're encouraging these countries and these territories and regions to develop their own payment systems.
So what's happened is now you've got five or six competing payment systems to SWIFT, and you've got Bitcoin, and Bitcoin is the vector out.
Christine Lagarde of the ECB recently called Bitcoin the escape hatch.
She literally called it an escape hatch from fiat money tyranny is what she was alluding to.
Stay right there.
Stay right there.
And that's again the head of the International Monetary Fund.
We're going to come right back.
And discuss all of this with Max Keiser on the other side, and see what he sees happening to major currencies, what he sees with the Federal Reserve announcing they're going to have a cryptocurrency, China's already launched theirs, and so much more.
And again, the apex predator, Bitcoin, undoubtedly.
We'll be right back on the other side to lay out all the big global developments as well.
Whether you're into Bitcoin or not, all this affects you, because the global currencies are being inflated massively.
The word apocalypse means the revealing of what was once hidden.
And now that all the lies are being revealed, what will you do?
We know that millions will do absolutely nothing.
They will do whatever they are told, as if obedience is a virtue.
It is the patriots of the world versus everybody else.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
And that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties as best as I can.
So help me God.
I don't like coming to you and saying this could be our last broadcast.
Hell, I've been on there 27 years and only the last year or so have I said that.
But let me tell you, the New World Order is breathing down our neck.
The big globalist publications are coming after us, and they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
So please pray to keep InfoWars on the air, and please support the local station you're listening to as well.
At the same time, go to InfoWarsStore.com while you still can, and get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt, get some supplements, because it's that money that helps us stay on air in the face of this thing.
I need your help more than ever now.
I want to keep fighting the globalists, but I can't do it if you don't support us.
So, pray for us, word of mouth, tell folks about the broadcast however you can, and buy great products that will enrich you and your family's lives every day at InfoWarsTour.com.
Whether it's high quality coffee, or supplements, or books or films, all of it nurtures the soul, all of it empowers humanity, all of
All of it is pro-human and pro-God.
Thank you so much.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
A great time of change is here.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
The private central banks of the world owned by less than 10 families are predatory.
They launch the fake lockdowns to consolidate and vertically integrate wealth and starve the third world while flooding the first world with cheap labor to drive down wages and complete their economic takeover.
And those very same central banks have been bashing Bitcoin while setting up their own cryptocurrencies.
Here's some of the headlines.
Bitcoin soars after Musk says Tesla now accepting payment in Bitcoin.
Veteran investor says governments are planning to totally outlaw Bitcoin.
That's what's driving it down today, an opportunity to buy.
That's all being done, again, to scare people away from it.
That's Powell at the Federal Reserve, says Federal Reserve is considering proprietary cryptocurrency.
Here it is at Business Insider, the Federal Reserve is looking, developing a digital currency in the U.S.
Powell confirms.
Yeah, they'll tie it to having vaccines and
Political correctness, that's why we've got to have alternatives and make sure the alternatives survive.
I'm for a hundred digital currencies out there, or cryptocurrencies, but Bitcoin is the one I've studied the most, the one I'm finally going to get into.
Veteran investor says governments are planning, again the same thing I read, Federal Reserve digital dollar push worries Wall Street.
China has given away millions in its digital yuan trials.
This is how it works, CNBC, Central Bank, digital currency.
And it goes on and on and on.
India to propose cryptocurrency ban, penalizing miners, traders, sorts.
Good luck.
Bitcoin could be banned by government, says world's biggest hedge fund owner, as they try to drive it down.
This is all planned.
China proposes global rules for central bank digital currency.
So there's some of the background.
All I'm saying is people better learn about this, and people better start studying it, and people better not procrastinate and stick their toe
At least in the water like I've done, but I had to learn, I had to study, I had to see the best places to do it, the safest places to do it, so your wallet doesn't get stolen, so you can keep your passcode.
Show that when people get into this, it's a safe and good way to do it.
And let's go ahead and talk about that.
We'll get into the history of this, where you see it going, how you see this unfolding.
Because we talked quite a bit yesterday off air, and you were on fire, Max.
In fact, let's get into that right now.
Explaining the global civil war, the fight that you expect the U.S.
Treasury later to actually adopt Bitcoin.
And you've been dead on for 10 years on this.
So look into that crystal ball and tell us what you see happening next.
You know, the what I call the hash wars or the Sputnik moment.
Yeah, I'll get to that.
And that's very dramatic.
It's going to probably happen in the next 12 months or so.
But to just look at Bitcoin again, what it has that is unique is that it's completely decentralized.
What that means is that there's no center.
To attack, and that's one reason why it doesn't matter who passes what law to try to stop it.
There's no place that they can attack.
It's decentralized.
It's replicated on thousands of servers all over the world, and you can't go after them all.
And again, to use that P2P file swapping analogy, it's just uncensorable.
It's immutable.
And the central banks, of course, are quite nervous because a lot of capital is moving out of the central banks and moving into Bitcoin.
And so if you defund the central banks and you defund Wall Street, that's a problem for the central banks and they're getting nervous.
So in response, they're going to launch a central bank digital currency.
But by definition, it can't work because by definition, it's centralized.
And so therefore it cannot compete with a decentralized, unconfiscatable Bitcoin, so it's not going to work.
The same thing applies to these so-called altcoins like Ethereum or Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.
They're either insecure or they're centralized or they have a single point of failure.
And that's why they're all really disappearing versus Bitcoin.
If you look at how Bitcoin's been performing in the last five years,
It's really putting everything out in its shadow.
And I think that's very important to understand, because a lot of people get caught up in these, what are called the garbage coins, and they end up wasting time, they end up wasting money in these garbage coins, and they lose out on Bitcoin.
So that's, it's great that the Bitcoin maximalism philosophy, if you will,
Is really what I think InfoWars needs to focus on.
Now in terms of the global hash war, the flip side of all this talk about banning Bitcoin from governments is that the governments are going to realize that they can't beat Bitcoin, they're going to have to join Bitcoin.
And I liken it to the Sputnik moment going back to the Cold War when the Soviet Union put up
Sputnik satellite and suddenly America felt like they needed to enter the space race to compete and with Bitcoin and when you have countries around the world that are.
Defying the sanctions from the US and we're talking about Iran and Venezuela and other countries.
What they're doing is they're actually mining Bitcoin and hoarding Bitcoin and if the US doesn't decide to counter their moves by mining and storing Bitcoin themselves and they risk.
Having a country like Iran have the strongest currency in the world.
If Iran went to 100% Bitcoin standard, it would immediately have the strongest currency in the world.
So the US, of course, would be, wait a minute, we can't let that happen.
So then they're going to get into mining Bitcoin and storing Bitcoin.
And I predict that within two years, America's IRS will let taxpayers in America pay their taxes in Bitcoin.
And get an 80 or 90% discount on their taxes.
That's how desperate America will be for Bitcoin.
So it's a mad scramble for Bitcoin.
And it's not about banning it.
That's a fool's errand.
It's impossible.
And it's counterintuitive and counterintelligent.
And it's a strategic blunder.
It's a matter of national security, Alex.
If you're a country and you don't have any Bitcoin on your balance sheet, you are taking a huge risk in a world that's on a Bitcoin standard.
So that's what we're going to see in the next year or two.
And it's a learning curve.
I mean, obviously, the Federal Reserve and Chairman Powell and over there at the Treasury, you know, they are still thinking in the old legacy terms.
They haven't
So let me throw this in because you're the guru that's probably the top Bitcoin guy out there.
Certainly the first person I ever heard articulate it properly and you've been dead on.
You worked with me for years.
You told me the best, cleanest place to sign up.
I signed up two years ago, but never launched it because I was so busy.
Now I have relaunched it as of last night.
And I'm already seeing some traction there.
I'm about to make a 10% investment of our meager treasury into Bitcoin.
And I think now's the time to get in because if I look at these graphs of the last 10 years, put it back on screen for TV viewers, please.
You see this slow build up, and then a big spike, and then a few spikes, and then it goes down, but then always rebounds two or three times bigger later.
And so we've just seen this giant spike.
Is that one of the baby spikes before the top, before it starts going back down again?
Or with your expertise, again, I know it's just speculation, what do you expect to see with this market?
Well, for 2021, my price target is still $220,000 per coin.
So, between here and there, you know, you're going to have some volatility.
But with Bitcoin, you're making a trade-off.
You told me two years ago it would hit 50,000 within a year to two years.
You were absolutely right.
It hits 60 plus thousand.
You only have to ask yourself one question.
Do you want to own fiat money like the US dollar, which is completely stable, and you're guaranteed to lose 15% a year in purchasing power?
Or would you rather own Bitcoin, which is volatile, but you're guaranteed to increase your purchasing power every year?
Let me ask you this question, because I get a lot of these questions.
If there's only 21 million Bitcoins, they've mined 18 million or whatever, what's the issue there?
Will there be another issuance, or what happens?
No, there's 2.1 quadrillion what are called Satoshis.
That's the division of a Bitcoin is divisible into 100 million sub Bitcoin, which are called Satoshis.
There's 2.1 quadrillion of them.
And just like any market, as demand increases, the price goes up and we trade in Satoshis.
So when you are on a site that, for example, Adam Curry has a new site.
Which is all about streaming these Satoshis for podcasting.
It's a brand new model.
Adam Curry, the podfather, he's reinvented podcasting using Bitcoin Satoshis and you stream into your wallet as you do your podcast.
So it could be only... I want to mimic that.
A necessity is the mother of invention.
It's incredible.
You told me all this years ago to do it and now I'm a daylight a dollar short but I'm definitely going to get involved because regardless if it goes up or goes down, it's time to get educated.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
It's time to get informed.
Believe me, you're going to want to stay with us for the announcement on the other side.
Please stay with us and tell your friends and family to tune in right now.
Alex Jones here with the new InfoWars sale and it is a fantastic sale.
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I think?
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A 360 win!
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
Granny Do-Right, Granny Do-Right, thanks for holding your
I love your products.
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People think I'm 55 years old.
And I was already taking your other supplements, but I thought, you know, well, maybe that's what I need to do because I just thought it was a hopeless situation.
But when I started taking it, I mean, it doesn't happen immediately, but you know, over a period of time, I started noticing, okay, you know, this is a ticket.
This is working.
This is wonderful.
You know, I don't, I don't have to put on Dermablend anymore, you know?
So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Alex Jones Show, and I'm sitting here watching the Chinese roll out their own currency, digital cryptocurrency.
I'm watching all these other governments move to do it, and then I'm seeing the globalists saying, you shouldn't own Bitcoin.
Well, you have a right to own it.
And again, I don't buy something when it's at its high, I don't buy something when it's at its low.
I never get involved in any of this stuff, I just study it.
But in the future, everything will be these digital currencies, and people, especially conservatives and Christians, need to start understanding it, even though it's full of pitfalls and crazy.
Clearly, the apex predator is Bitcoin.
Max Keiser told me that five years ago, he was right then, he was right two years ago when he came to visit me.
I'll invite him here now, Stacey, to be in studio, because I'm all in.
If I would have invested in Bitcoin two years ago, when he said, don't be an idiot, it wasn't investing with him,
He just said, you need to do this.
He told me some of the safer places to do it.
I would have been able to put $100,000 in and gotten, you know, $500,000.
That could have helped us fund this whole operation.
But regardless, it's good to just study it.
So go ahead and make the announcement, the same thing you did to me two years ago.
Explain it to folks, and we're going to put it on screen.
One of the best places, one of the only places to do it safe, do it right.
And again,
Then, that actually funds InfoWars, because we get a little tiny one quarter of one percent, if you want to add a bunch of fees on, when people set up their account, when people get their $10 or free Bitcoin converted, and it's just really a great deal, and it teaches people how to get involved, and you know, put in a few hundred bucks, put in a few thousand bucks,
Don't put anything in that you can't lose.
But again, in my view, you're going to lose if you don't start getting educated about it.
So that's what I'm doing now.
And I do intend, and I've already started, to put some of our funds in there because I really do believe in this.
And it's really time for me to stop missing the boat here.
So explain to people the place to get involved in Bitcoin, the URL, and the place to help InfoWars at the same time.
A true 360 win.
Max Keiser.
Sure, you know, as I said a couple of years ago, and it's true today, swanbitcoin.com is the best place to buy Bitcoin.
And there's a few reasons for that.
Number one, it's super easy.
Number two, you get the best rate.
Number three, they don't support any of the garbage coins.
Let me throw this in.
To support InfoWars, it's swanbitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
The best deals they've got are right there.
It's free to sign up.
You get $10 of free Bitcoin to be able to play with it, study it, learn with it.
So again, put it back on screen, folks.
It's swanbitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
swanbitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
Please continue, Max.
So it's super easy to deal with them.
They have a very great feature called dollar cost averaging.
And you can set it so that every day or every week or every month, you automatically buy $10 or $50 or $100 in Bitcoin.
So it's just set it and forget it.
This way, you're always going to be stacking stats.
It is called stacking Satoshis.
You're always saving you're always putting some capital into Bitcoin on a regular basis.
You don't forget to do it.
It's just done for you.
You can quit that at any time if you if you want to.
But it's a very easy way to just accumulate Bitcoin automatically.
And it's all up to you when and how much.
And as I said before, the folks at Swann Bitcoin are
You know, OG's as they're called in the space.
They've been around since the beginning.
They understand the importance of Bitcoin and there's no garbage coins.
There's no Ethereum.
There's no Bitcoin Cash.
There's none of that garbage.
They just deal with the apex predator.
The one, the only, the one that's going to take out the central bankers and that is Bitcoin.
So with the SwampBitcoin.com forward slash Alex, you know, that's great for you guys.
You know, it's a great promo.
Your listeners get 10 bucks free in Bitcoin when they sign up using that promo code.
And also, I mean,
At the end of the day, it's just a very simple product.
You just have to make the mental commitment to say, you know what?
I'm tired of fiat money.
I'm tired of all the money printing.
I'm tired of the fact that nobody in Washington represents my interest at all.
All they do is throw cash at the bankers.
They destroy my purchasing power.
They're killing my businesses.
It's a travesty.
So this is the passive resistance.
This is the fight back.
This is how you
Yes, we are.
It's gone up 9,000 to 60,000.
I mean, how big of an increase is that?
It's just crazy.
And, of course, there's been so much volatility.
But just answer my question here, though.
I understand they've got the little subdivisions of it, and it's dominant, and it's the apex predator, and it's the first, and it's the biggest.
But how does that not hurt it when the other 3 million are mined, when that's such a big part of the driving dynamic of it, and that's what's so organic about it?
Because the mining schedule is...
Set up so that it's gradual over the remaining 100 years, right?
So we won't have the last Bitcoin won't be mined until 100 years from now, the year 2140.
But every 10 minutes, some Bitcoin are mined and they enter the system.
That's the monetary policy, if you will, of Bitcoin.
It's gradual, happens every 10 minutes, a few coins are released into the system.
And then every four years, the amount of coins that are released are cut in half.
We just had that recently.
What's going to happen, Max?
Well, the history, really, you have to go back 20 years before Bitcoin was launched in 2009.
The cypherpunks, as they were called, have been trying to come up with money that you could use on the internet for decades.
And in the white paper, there's a reference to Adam Beck, and he's got, he had a system called Hash Cash.
And that was one of many systems that were attempted before Bitcoin.
And so finally the programmer who called himself Satoshi Nakamoto figured out the final piece of the puzzle to make unconfiscated immutable money possible on the Internet and he released in 2009 and the reason he's anonymous is because he knew
Based on the experience of anyone who's ever tried to do any competing monetary system.
They put you in prison or kill you.
They put you in prison or kill you.
They get into trouble.
Yeah, they get into trouble very quickly.
So he made the strategic decision to essentially become anonymous and just fade away from reality, you know, fade away from the scene.
Because obviously what you see now with central banks are getting absolutely crazy.
They realize that their time is growing short.
And they would love to be able to find the person who created it to attack them and to smear them and to publicly pillory them the way they do to everybody.
They don't want to get airtime.
They would de-censor them.
They would de-platform them.
But because there's nobody to attack, it's beautiful because there's nothing that they can do.
I totally agree.
It's so beautiful.
It's so well done.
And you have been so dead on.
Why did you know this was the one when it happened?
I mean, you're a really smart guy.
But how did you know?
You've got great instincts.
Well, in the 90s I have a patent on a digital currency that I invented.
I remember you used to always promote the Hollywood Stock Exchange when you came on.
You talked about it, yeah.
Yeah, so that has a patented virtual currency.
Did the Pentagon steal your idea or something too?
No, we sold it to Cantor Fitzgerald and they moved the entire thing to the top of the World Trade Center just three months before 9-11.
So 9-11 came and literally the whole thing got destroyed.
But the technology at that time was a digital currency you could use online, but it was highly centralized, right?
So the key about Bitcoin is that it's decentralized.
It manages to have all the attributes of
Hard money and immutable money, but by also being simultaneously decentralized without having a center to attack.
Even gold is problematic, because even though gold's around the world, and you can find it around the world, it's easy to confiscate gold.
As we've known from history, gold is confiscated all the time.
So good luck stopping Bitcoin, absolutely.
All right, well, everybody needs to go to Swan, one word, Swan, S-W-A-N,
Bitcoin.com forward slash Alex, and you get the very best deals they've got.
They've got a lot of great services there.
It's free.
You sign up for free, and then if you want to buy Bitcoin, you buy it there.
And I've talked to a lot of other people, not just Max Keiser.
They go, yeah, this is the place to do it.
This is how to do it.
Folks, there are so many scams out there.
People say, oh, send me your Bitcoin.
I'll give you double.
No, no, no.
Deal with Schwann.
Bitcoin.com forward slash Alex, and then a very small percent goes to us.
But Max projected this two years ago, and he was right.
If we'd have done it, it would have fixed all our problems.
We could have already launched a bunch of new initiatives against the globalists.
But I'm just such a traditionalist.
I'm not a troglodyte.
I use new technology, but I just, you know, I just have been too skittish about this.
And again, nothing's perfect.
It may go way down.
It may go way up.
I'm going to buy it, and I hope it keeps going back up, but I'm not worried about that because the system is scared they don't like it.
We're going to break.
Do five more minutes with us.
Max Keiser is here with us today, and I really appreciate him guruing me through this for 10 years.
And I don't want to say I feel foolish.
I just feel like, I just, I feel like this is surreal.
I mean, he literally tried to get me to take 10,000 Bitcoin, and I was too stupid to even do it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, alright, we've got five minutes left with Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
He's got a lot of other websites.
What is the best place for people to find everything Max Keiser?
You know, that's easy.
Max Keiser is my Twitter handle.
Wow, so you bet on this over 10 years ago, you've been dead on.
There's Max Keiser, at Max Keiser.
And what in the last five minutes we have, other great knowledge would you like to impart to us?
Oh, great, orange one.
Well, as Stacey just pointed out, I tell you, if people really want to dive into the rabbit hole and learn more about Bitcoin, there's a great resource.
And you can find it at bitcoin.page.
And it's all free.
And it's a repository of the best articles ever written about Bitcoin for the past 10 years.
And it's put together by our friend Jameson Lopp, who's one of the absolute stalwarts of the whole Bitcoin.
And it's a free resource, bitcoin.page, P-A-G-E.
And it just has, you spend a few hours reading those articles, and I guarantee you,
You will start shaking with excitement because you realize that this, in fact, is the answer we've all been waiting for for decades, pushing back against the globalists, pushing back against the central bankers, pushing back against fiat money.
This is the answer.
And you can just go to there and absorb all that information and you will become a Bitcoin maximalist.
Stay away from the garbage coins like Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash and Satoshi Vision.
Those are all garbage.
Sure, but I mean, if you go to the local check cashing places and even payday loan places, they have Bitcoin.
I mean, it's been adopted.
And I agree with you.
I don't see how they were even able to confiscate the gold when they tried.
There's no way they're going to be successful in banning this.
And what is it like?
It's like 95% of the cryptocurrency markets, Bitcoin.
I mean, it's not the apex predator.
It is the environment.
95% of all the computational power in the entire industry goes to Bitcoin.
And that's growing every day, and it's going global.
People like Fidelity Investments, which is a multi-trillion dollar asset company, are launching a Bitcoin fund.
BlackRock is launching a Bitcoin fund.
Elon Musk is totally in.
What's that?
Elon's in.
Elon's totally in.
Elon is buying it.
You've got Michael Saylor over at MicroStrategy.
He's buying billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin.
Paul Tudor Jones, one of the most famous money managers in history, started buying Bitcoin last year.
So actually right now at $50,000 a coin, the risk reward here is pretty good because you're front running, what's called front running.
You're getting in before the trillion dollar investment funds, the sovereign wealth funds come in and they're all going to come in.
And, you know, that's why I think we're going to get to $220,000 in 2021.
Man, you've not been wrong yet when it comes to Bitcoin.
And you were right that shorting silver could hurt the globalists, but then they came in and naked shorted it.
But you've definitely been a trailblazer.
A minute and a half left.
What other great nuggets do you want to give us?
Well, ask me anything, you know.
I mean, you're now a Bitcoiner.
So, what's up, Stacey?
Oh yeah, we've got the Orange Pill podcast on YouTube.
So it's youtube.com forward slash orange pill.
So we've got a live stream there once a week.
We've got our podcast there on Sundays.
That's a great podcast.
By the way, you've had me on your RT show a lot too.
Let me just tell you this.
You see the CEO of YouTube said no people are allowed to interview Alex Jones.
He just can't have his own show.
So I would love to come on your Bitcoin podcast with my questions.
I'd love to come on and ask you questions.
That sounds groovy, man.
You know, we'd love to come back to Austin and feast on the barbecue that we love.
Come stay at my house, brother.
I got a nice spare room.
Listen, I'm excited, though.
I'm all in now.
You've tried for 10 years.
You wanted to get me in bed now.
I mean, not to be gary, you know what I mean?
I mean, I am literally in league with you now.
Does it feel good or more like, yeah, idiot, glad you finally woke up?
Eventually, everyone comes into Bitcoin and they get the price they deserve.
All right.
Well, hey, you guys are coming on every week.
You got to get Stacy on the show, too.
Absolutely, Alex.
You know, we've been hanging out for nearly 20 years, keeping it real.
And, you know, the fight continues.
And I think Bitcoin is the kryptonite to their very limp sausages.
You know, we're going to win this.
Bitcoin is the apex predator.
Thank you so much, Max Keiser.
Thank you, sir.
You cannot hide a grand assault.
America is about to have its energy cut off, its borders destroyed, its dollar brought down to nothing.
All of you that have served Satan believe that you are the right team.
You're about to find out how pathetic you are.
So I ask all of you who are awake and who love God, stop living in fear.
The enemy is about to expose itself.
The enemy can't help itself.
The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
We sit here as good people and get upset about that and try to stop it.
We should, but once it comes through, once it hits us, once it's dominating us and raping us and attacking us, we just have to point out we tried to stop it.
So prepare yourselves, America.
You're going under judgment, just like all the children that were aborted.
This is the truth.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up in a few minutes, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is going to join us to cover the waterfront, some big lawsuits he's about to launch, his ideas on how to battle the globalists, the internal fights, the human trafficking at the border, Bitcoin, global currencies.
We're going to cover it all with him coming up.
And of course, he always talks about this.
I mean, I'm not a litigious person, but we did threaten this through the Wall Street Journal, and they said I led the attack on the Capitol, and they did retract.
But look at this, taxpayer-funded NPR goes after Alex Jones and his last channel of income.
That's not actually completely true, but they're being nice to get away punnett.
But yeah, they want our Amazon account.
They'll go, oh, you criticized Amazon, what are you doing there?
If I don't have an Amazon account, I can't take the counterfeits of our products off.
You don't hear me promoting the Amazon account, do you?
But I mean, for a lot of small businesses, Amazon is great.
I'm just saying, when you only buy stuff from Amazon, it has a monopoly practice.
It's a problem.
And Jeff Bezos promotes leftist garbage.
That's a real problem.
But he's not as bad as some of them.
I mean, we're still there.
But they say, oh, we're organizing everyone to take him off there, and he's got an account on eBay.
Which we sell a little bit of stuff on, too.
It's crazy, ladies and gentlemen, when I get up here and I explain to you that, and I haven't talked about this yet because talking about it encourages them and it gives them ideas of what's effective and the rest of it, but at the same time, I want to communicate with you what's going on.
And I'm a tough guy, okay?
In fact, I can be totally exhausted if somebody death threats me or something bad happens and I have all this energy to fight it.
But let me just tell you, it's totally criminal and I've gone through 1-100th what Trump has gone through.
So that's why I do admire Trump, even though he wasn't perfect, because I know his whole family and like seven rings out from him have gone through.
They've had the Wall Street Journal is the worst.
And others, Pulitzer Prize winners, which means for fraud.
It's like you won a Peace Prize now for launching wars like Obama.
It's an award you don't want.
It's like getting something from Hitler.
Literally calling thousands of people total.
I mean, people don't even know we're calling.
I get dozens of calls a day.
Everyone's being called that has any connection to us just to see if someone will make something up.
And they say, where does he make the supplements?
What are the companies?
Because they want to call up and basically bomb threat those places.
They publish it in the Wall Street Journal on NPR and they say, do something.
I mean, they don't do it.
And then the left is literally bomb threat people.
And they'll find out who the owner of a company's wife is and call up her business.
And the left goes, oh, you make supplements for Alex Jones.
You're fired!
So this is a Nazi reign of terror going on.
And we told Trump three years ago about, if you let us get deplatformed, you'll be deplatformed.
Now we're saying, if you let them take the banking away, if you let this racketeering go on, if you let them take the production away, they'll do it to everybody.
Which, notice, the Great Reset, the big lockdown, is for all the small businesses.
You're not essential.
I'm just being attacked because I'm standing in the way of them and you.
I affiliate myself with you.
I don't affiliate myself and feel like I'm part of the globalist establishment, though they've begged me to join them.
I mean, I've probably had 20 meetings with globalists over the years off record and signed non-disclosures.
Signed one just days ago in Connecticut.
I'll leave it at that.
But Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group, in front of John Harmon on the phone during breaks, said, join us.
You are already a super class.
There's only a thousand of us.
You will control the liberty movement.
Come to New York now.
You'll make hundreds of millions of dollars.
I said, I'm not joining.
He said, I just can't believe it.
No one doesn't join us.
You're just a fool.
I can say that because he did it.
I had this other globalist threaten me in an L.A.
bathroom at a film production set, and because he did it in front of witnesses, I could tell the story.
Threatened to sue me, I said, go ahead.
But my point is, ladies and gentlemen, is we're in the heart of the fight, ladies and gentlemen.
So don't take it for granted that we'll be here tomorrow.
Don't take it for granted that VanDock Video will be there.
Share this info and say, this is the forbidden info.
This is the takeover of America.
This is the group fighting it.
So Barnes, you've got a lot to cover.
I wanted you to get you on last week.
You were too busy in court and stuff, but about a host of issues.
I can't remember why I wanted you on last week.
Now so much has happened.
But can you spend a few minutes with your great historical and also legal mind on what is racketeering the right term?
I mean, what is this where big corporations gang up?
Steal data, reverse engineer stuff they've gotten from the government, put it out and then have hordes of people harass you.
I mean, this is what they claim McCarthy did, but he didn't do it at 1-100th the scale.
What would you call this witch hunt, this terrorism, this un-American orgy of evil that just keeps getting worse and worse and worse and no one resists it?
I mean, my God, where does it lead next is the real question.
Robert Barnes, thanks for joining us.
Oh yeah, glad to be here.
It's sort of a reverse McCarthyism.
In other words, whatever people think about what McCarthy himself did and whether that label is correct for his name to be attached to it, what it described was this kind of blacklisting mindset.
But this goes far beyond that.
I mean, you look at what happened with McCarthyism, and what mostly was the House Un-American Activities Committee, and that included a lot of prominent Democrats, it was run by Democrats, did, and the reason why they stuck McCarthy's name on it, because he was the only Republican that was associated in the Senate,
And he was nowhere near involved with what HUAC did.
HUAC is what did all of the most problematic actions.
But they mostly put pressure on media, academia, on Hollywood to conform and to blacklist certain individuals.
But many of those individuals, they did not unleash lawfare against them.
And it's just that their political tool set continues to expand.
So that what was, you know, just public humiliation and public censorship campaigns, public embarrassment campaigns, employment blacklisting campaigns, have now reached a whole new level of personal lawfare campaigns depriving people of their occupational and professional licenses.
I look at what happened in Michigan.
Someone who says, hey, I'm not going to be the guardian of the healthcare for people.
I'm going to let people make their own decisions.
And I don't think the governor, the governor who was busy being a serial killer and whacking old people all across the state, I'm not going to defer to that person.
For how I run and operate my business or to dictate to the people who choose to patronize my business.
And what did they do?
They started out with removing the business license so that she couldn't even operate the business.
When she continued to do so, then they used the basis that they removed her license to wage lawfare against her.
And when that didn't satisfy them, they used jail and put her in jail simply for wanting to operate her business that people wanted to go see voluntarily and consensually.
And while Target and Walmart and the grocery stores are all open, your little business is not essential.
Little people are the most essential.
This is such an authoritarian move, all couched in love.
Well, it's just rising levels of weaponization.
Everything that they can weaponize, they're weaponizing.
Whether it's media access, legal access, professional access, occupational access, ballot access, it doesn't matter what it is, they're weaponizing every tool in their toolkit to maximize true totalitarian political control to a degree that really the only regimes that ever came close to this
We're the Inquisition era Catholic Church regimes and the Communist regimes under the Soviet Union.
That's right.
I mean, when you say true totalitarianism, there's never been an animal like this.
I mean, if this was a race car driver, it'd be Mario Andretti or it would be Dale Earnhardt.
I mean, it'd be Muhammad Ali in boxing.
I mean, this is the greatest tyranny and it's just getting started.
And it admits it wants to imprison us and kill us.
I mean, the left has now become an army of evil.
No doubt about it.
And their willingness to plagiarize as part of this process is incredible.
You see the evidence coming out of the Capitol Hill cases, where they tried to tar and feather all oath keepers with certain criminal activities, and now it's coming out they're having to beg for trial continuances because the evidence turns out that most of the prosecutors were lying the whole time.
That in fact the text didn't say what they said it did, there was no conspiracy, there was no... Oh, that's what I wanted you on last week, exactly.
How big is it that the U.S.
Attorney went on 60 Minutes and said, we know it's all sedition, we know Trump run it.
I mean, you have to throw all those cases out now under law, because he just said, we're demanding our investigators find this.
That prosecutor did what was something that was highly unethical, was ultimately embarrassing to the Biden administration, because it exposed what the real objective was.
Now, part of that is on Trump.
That prosecutor got in while under Trump, so this is where some of his appointments were not ideal.
But putting that aside, what he exposed was how politically weaponized this whole case was, that they were deliberately manipulating bail proceedings and those criminal cases to terrorize and intimidate people from lawful protesting in the future.
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the New World Order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at InfoWareStore.com.
They're great products, plus they fund the operation.
So you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Robert Barnes is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And he was a constitutional lawyer and somebody who's got his nose to the grindstone, his ear to the ground.
Laying out the example of the judicial tyranny we're seeing with the Oath Keepers.
People that were just there being indicted, and they're saying, we expect this to lead to insurrection and terrorism charges, says the U.S.
Attorney, telling his investigators what to find.
For folks that aren't lawyers or aren't prosecutors or aren't defense attorneys, that's like one of the cardinal big no-nos, isn't it, Barnes?
That's why they're asking for continuances now while they keep people locked up in prison for doing one-one millionth what BLM and Antifa does.
What you're supposed to do in any criminal prosecution, but especially a federal criminal prosecution with political overtones and undercurrents, is investigate the case first before you indict people.
Here, what they did is they indicted people first and then went and looked for evidence.
And the second problem of this, of course, is speedy trial violations.
The third problem with all of it, of course, is the bail violation.
So, I mean, they're locking up people that have been charged with nothing more than misdemeanors.
Like in the Oath Keepers case, they were claiming that there are conspiracies to commit violence and all these, you know, preordained theories.
And then the actual evidence starts to come out, and there's no evidence for that.
There's no evidence that any of them committed any violence.
Uh, at all.
And yet they're being charged with violence that somebody else committed that's not associated with them, that happened separate from them, that was even before they got there, that just involves property.
Under that theory, they could have indicted everybody connected to BLM over the summer.
They could have indicted everybody connected to Antifa over the summer.
There would have been some media people indicted as part of that process.
And yet, most of those people weren't indicted that actually committed the violence that's
Including physically attacking people in burning buildings.
In fact, the media praised the burning buildings and said, what did Cuomo say?
He said, who says demonstrations have to be peaceful?
So the degree of duplicity and hypocrisy, they clearly wanted this to be much worse than it was.
They wanted to be able to attribute this to something like Oklahoma City.
And instead it didn't in 1995.
They instead didn't get anything close to that.
They mostly got just grandmas wandering around that thought it was okay, and just ordinary everyday people who just showed up and saw the worst world.
Sure, maybe 20 people assaulted cops and took craps and
And fine, they get a vandalism assault charge, not sedition and terrorism charges.
I mean, you look at what's happening in Portland, people who committed violence daily against the courthouse, daily against the federal marshals, daily against federal officials.
And they just did it again, burning the courthouse with people in it, but the media's like, well that's okay.
Not only that, most of the charges were dropped as soon as Biden got in.
Everybody who committed routine, regular, everyday violence, that here you have just a few number of people commit violent acts against property or people, and of course it turned out they were lying.
A few people caught up in the moment of hysteria, not long-term actors that live in encampments funded by George Soros to nightly go out and beat people up and burn things and shoot police.
No, no, those organized marauders are protected and bailed out of jail.
Ultimately didn't find any weapons on any of these people as they admitted in the congressional hearings.
So these are people who clearly, you know, there was no pre-planning of any type other than maybe some people who had some bad intentions and we already know there were informants that had infiltrated the organization.
We already know there are people that are ultimately paid by CNN that were there.
So the idea that this just didn't meet the institutional narrative, so they have to gaslight the world and pretend that it does.
So let me ask you this in big terms.
Seeing the wheels come off, maybe disagree, maybe they haven't.
Seeing Biden falling down, seeing him not knowing where he is in every speech.
Kamala, super-impossible.
Where is this going?
Okay, you stole the election, now you're in there, and they stole it with these uncharismatic dead fish?
So, extrapolate that out.
Where do you see this going?
What are the different scenarios here?
Well, it's a sign of a declining empire is what it is.
I mean, that's why China felt such confidence to come to America and smack America's Secretary of State rhetorically in the face repeatedly.
This is why, you know, Putin can make easy jokes.
He's like, you know, I wish Joe Biden good health.
But if he really wants a discussion, I'll debate him anytime he wants live.
And of course, Joe is busy tripping to hide in that context.
When you have an old, decrepit dementia candidate who can't walk upstairs without tripping three different times, who has to hide out in the basement of the White House, just like he did throughout his campaign, I mean, once it hits one o'clock, he disappears from press coverage.
Public Disclosure is holding his first press conference today.
It appears that's going to be with like four people or tomorrow.
And so this is a sign of a declining empire.
The deep state, the part of the deep state that wanted America to be the beginnings and the continuance of a sort of empire-driven globalist set of policies has failed.
And increasingly, the rest of the world recognizes it.
The only question is how long before America recognizes it.
And let's be clear because this is key.
Pax Americana was sold as we set up a world government and America runs it, but the whole time it was meant to get rid of America.
And now they've got the mask and the social distancing and the sign of a cult in decline, wanting to see us submit to them under a hoax.
That's a sign of their weakness.
And now even the establishment sees, oh, we've lost all our power.
We should have had Trump rallying to hold us up in our worst hour.
But we got threatened by that because we'd invested in China.
But now they don't need us because they know we're a bunch of little bitches.
I mean, this is incredible.
And what we have is a bunch of, a generation of people who grew up watching, you know, that TV show West Wing, who live in their own little, in bubbled spaces, who, I mean, you could tell Blinken was completely unprepared for the utter humiliation he was going to suffer.
He really thought the rest of us would too.
He couldn't believe that weakness, especially to the Asian culture, they're like, we're groveling, we sold out to you, why are you pissing on me?
He couldn't believe it!
Because they see it as weak!
Because you are weak!
Because a real leader wouldn't act like that!
They were scared of Trump, you dumbass!
Except you never bow before a king.
You bow before a king, the king's gonna, especially an abusive king, you're just gonna get smacked in the face and they're gonna walk all over you.
And that's the nature of it.
And they respected Trump because Trump, one, didn't play stupid politics.
He defended American national interests.
They respect people who, and they respected Trump's negotiation abilities, his willingness to back things up, his willingness to take action, his willingness to defend America.
And these are people who think that the rest of the world wants them to be the leaders of this global alliance.
I totally agree.
So you're dead on.
So what happens as the left reaches the point of realizing they're pathetic losers and their war against America's strength is a war against themselves?
If they hijacked a damn ship, why are they running it off the frickin' reef?
Well, that's the dangerous sign when you have people that are this incompetent.
They're just incapable of evaluating the world.
When they get scared, when they get frightened, what do they usually do?
They usually find some war to justify themselves in.
And now they're even dumber!
They want a domestic civil war to cover up their mistakes!
The worst possible war!
Well, it appears at times they almost want both.
I mean, you look at hotspots in Bolivia, Venezuela, Ethiopia, but especially Ukraine, where they're encouraging the Ukrainian government to basically storm militarily the eastern part of the country that is really aligned with Russia.
They're inviting a war.
And what happens if Russia gets involved?
And then we get involved.
We have a live, hot war for the first time since 1945.
And we're going to have pregnant women in the airplanes and dudes in red high heels?
I mean, it's a total joke.
Barnes, I want to hit this more.
What else?
Because I've got a lot of questions, but what do you want to hit when we come back?
I think the other thing is the whole crazy modern monetary theory that the Fed and Biden is spending another $4 trillion.
Sure, a bunch of things.
That's 20% of the size of the entire GDP of the United States after he just spent $2 trillion.
So, I mean, they're just print, print, print, print, print.
And one of the things that I'm going to be part of is we've got to find ways to find out what's really happening behind closed doors at the Fed, to audit the Fed.
So I'm going to join an effort to sue the Fed as part of auditing the Fed.
And we can talk about that and all the other insanity economically.
That's right.
We have nothing left to lose, so why not stand up?
Robert Barnes straight ahead.
You heard him about to announce he's suing the Federal Reserve.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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It's so hard for me when I'm cutting ads to not get overly excited.
People ask me all the time, they go, Jones, are you on cocaine?
Are you on meth?
How are you so excited?
How do I not get excited about world government, forced masks, forced inoculations, open announcements that our country is going to be dissolved?
I'm sorry.
I'm a fighter.
And I know many of you out there watching and listening are fighters as well.
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InfoWars.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am not a gonzo journalist.
I didn't set out to write myself into stories.
We're just in most of the major stories.
We're the resistance, the globalists.
They hate us.
They don't understand that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.
Newtonian physics, so that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.
Nietzsche was certainly correct.
I had Roger Stone on yesterday.
And I know Roger Stone well.
I've known him eight years.
I've known him well about six years.
And I know he had a big nice house.
I know he had all this money.
I know what lawyers cost.
I know he went almost bankrupt.
So, he wouldn't come to D.C.
I knew people wanted him to go speak at D.C., so I helped him out with $10,000.
So he could get him and his crew up there, because I get money in here to fund things.
I'm not like some, you know, big rich person or something, but, I mean, there's a lot of groups, a lot of organizations I've funded over the years that need help.
I mean, it's just what I do.
Big news stories and media matters.
Oh, and arrest Alex Jones!
He funded Roger Stone.
To go to Washington protest, financed the flights.
That's Newsweek saying it.
It's like, oh, prosecutors, we found this secret thing.
It was like when I said the day of the riot, a million people there, 200,000 at the Capitol, maybe 100 or 200 go inside, maybe 20 do bad things.
I'm like, yeah, I financed the first $100,000, got donors for the $500,000 for the stage.
Trump doesn't get that from the government.
The RNC wouldn't pay for it.
You think I was proud of that?
I was saying Trump's in trouble.
No one will even fund his event.
I'm having to do it.
I said that weeks before the event.
I said, support us.
We may be on the line for $500,000.
But thank God the money came in to reimburse us.
I don't have $500,000 laying around.
That means no bonuses for the next year for my crew.
And I don't get paid.
I mean, I don't have that much money.
I'm working with a few million dollars a year extra just for these projects.
And that's what's so frustrating is I've gotten to the point where I can't help all these people I used to help quietly.
Because I'm not about the credit.
I want to beat these monsters.
And I've been pushed to the edge of a cliff and to watch them viciously.
When I'm on air saying, Roger, I know you can't afford security.
You know, we tried to help you and I had to help you get up there.
And I know for a fact it was a little bitty cracker box apartment.
I'm not putting it down, but I've been there.
I mean, it's not, you know.
They want to put me in that position, which is fine.
They can kill me, I'm not going to stop.
But now, Media Matters says Jones needs to be indicted.
He admits to flying Roger there to run the attack.
Roger didn't even go to the damn speech.
You know why?
Because there was a million people there and we couldn't get to the crowds.
I could barely get to the crowds.
It took me an hour and a half to get through the crowd to the entrance where they had it walled off for Trump's speech.
A limited fence around him.
And again, I'm not up here going, oh, I'm innocent.
Please don't get me.
The left are disgusting people.
They literally know we didn't do this.
They know it blew up in our face.
They know they have provocateurs in there.
They know they dressed up like MAGA people.
They bragged about it in Time Magazine.
And then they turn it around and say, I don't mean to rant.
I got you here, Barnes, to have you talk, and I apologize.
Get into that if you want, and then just get into your great insight on the empire.
Oh, I know why I did this rant.
I forgot why I was going down that road.
This is not for the FBI.
This is not for anybody to leave me alone.
This is the reality.
The last thing I want is violence.
I've always been like that.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
90% of war is information.
I'm in full wars.
I do stuff with information.
I believe information is power.
So the idea to frame me and millions of other Trump supporters as wanting a revolution, that's the left.
Our ideas sell.
People came to America because of the idea of freedom.
We're not selling communism, Barnes.
So I'm ranting here, but how do you extrapolate that and what do you make of this frothing intent to try to get us indicted?
Well, there's no doubt that what they originally wanted was to use the events of January 6th to get Trump in trouble, get all of the Trump administration in trouble, and his key supporters in trouble.
The problem was the evidence refuted their claims.
That with the evidence dug in, you know, Trump had knew nothing about it.
Trump actually wanted National Guard there.
It was other people who prevented it.
It's Nancy Pelosi who's probably more responsible than any other public official because she's the one that effectively issued de facto stand down orders by not having the staffing and the security present even after it was requested on multiple occasions.
And notice when Lindsey Graham said that, they dropped the fake impeachment.
When he said, what did Pelosi know, when did she know it?
The moment they said they wanted to put her on the stand, they wanted to depose her, they wanted to have her have to testify, all of a sudden they're like, uh, we don't want any more evidence here, let's move on real quickly.
So, and they know that what you did was one of, you are one of the key reasons why things did not go in a much worse direction on January 6th.
Because you were there on multiple times, at multiple places, on video, on audio, getting people pulled back that didn't know what was happening, to stay away, to not go into the Capitol, to not do anything illicit.
You were there on tape, on record, on video, advising the security.
Oh yeah, we turned back the main crowd that thought the Capitol was just open.
I said, no, don't go in.
And I said, tell everybody.
They told everybody because they couldn't hear me 300 yards ahead.
I said, tell the next person, don't go in.
It's a trap.
It's a trap.
And they did that and everybody turned away.
That was good, yeah.
Oh, absolutely.
And you approached the Capitol Police.
Well, I'll be honest.
It was the former Army Special Operations guys I was with.
They said, we've got to erase the Capitol.
They breached the Capitol.
You've got to try to stop this.
And I was going to try to stop it anyways.
But we ran the last quarter mile, my fat ass, just trying to get them turned around.
And it was your people telling the Capitol Police you were there to use your megaphones to get anybody and everybody out, to get anybody and everybody away, to get anybody and everybody to step down and stand down.
Oh, exactly.
And it was the Capitol Police chose not to utilize that, but you were there throughout the process.
Yeah, I asked for control of the PA system.
I said, why aren't you using your PA?
Which they used days later to say, martial law, no one allowed around here.
And they have speakers, hundreds of speakers.
I said, well, you get on them then and tell them to get out.
When people hear, get out of the Capitol, get out of the Capitol, they would have left.
Oh, exactly.
And you have to wonder what some of those people were told.
It was clearly the case that some people within the Capitol Police apparatus were told different information than what was later relayed.
Because if proper security is there, then this never happens.
That's the biggest story of January 6th.
FBI informants and infiltrators.
So we already know some of that.
But in order for that to happen at all, meant the police needed to, Capitol Police, needed to be told not to do their job.
Meant the National Guard needed to not be there.
Secret Service to not be there.
When, again, Trump was scheduled to speak right behind the Capitol, why wasn't the Secret Service scoping it out?
Somebody got- Oh, there was a total standout.
We got there, because that's why I said, go to the other side, that's where we have the stage.
It was there the day before we had the permit.
It was all gone when we got there.
Total set-up.
A complete total set-up.
All the way through.
And that's why I don't think they can afford real evidence to be developed.
They want a railroad.
Most of the people they've targeted are poor and working class people who, again, many of them didn't even... Some of the people they're targeting... Oh, they're like targeting disabled combat heroes with no criminal record who literally are like half-dead.
They're targeting people who can't fight.
It's politicized prosecution, all the way.
And it's what exposes how corrupt the seventh floor of the FBI is, how corrupt parts of the Justice Department are, how corrupt key parts of our national security apparatus is.
So the media is going to keep trying to do the libel campaign against you, and against Trump supporters, and against Trump, and against Oath Keepers and others, because they needed this narrative to be something that it wasn't.
And so they're going to keep pretending that it's something that it wasn't and hope they don't get sued somewhere along the way.
I mean, that's what's going on.
It's gaslighting extraordinaire.
That's a big myth.
That most people, they've done the polling, most people don't buy it.
80% of the people are like, this was not that big of an event.
Especially compared to what happened all summer long.
We had whole swaths of places burned.
Dozens of police killed.
Dozens of citizens shot dead.
And the media had great discipline.
They would shut it all down.
Just like they said this crazy Islamicist that killed 10 white people was a white dude killing minorities.
Obama said that!
Well, especially when you have somebody like that sociopath in Atlanta, who clearly is driven by his own mental illnesses, and they try to pretend that it has something to do with the race of the people that, uh, some of the people that he killed.
He was a mentally ill incel, pissed he was blowing his paycheck on sex workers.
And what they're not talking about is how that sex work comes about in the first place is sex trafficking by triads connected to the CCP in China.
That's a topic.
Let's talk about that next.
Barnes is always on fire.
By the way, Barnes, come back tomorrow if you want.
We got one more segment.
I'm doing a special Saturday, three hour commercial free show.
You want to come on for an hour?
We'd love it.
Those go viral.
I don't know why.
We're good to go.
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As negative as times are right now, and as depressing as things can be, you have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet, is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension, so we can decide where we want to spend eternity, and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
As sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
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InfoWarStore.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, Lord Biden has been in office more than two months.
Two months and five days.
And he had a press conference where he reads through notes.
We've been watching him for the last 45 minutes.
It's been live for 45 minutes, the crew has.
And he flips through notes, goes to each reporter, knows the name, and then he reads a prepared question.
So the war room today, I'm told, is going to go exclusively with this at the first.
Showing the staged canned deal.
He'll look at the note, call the person, they don't call on him,
And then he reads off a note card!
I mean, my lord!
How long are they going to be able to keep this up, Robert Barnes?
That's an open question.
I mean, the other big issue in that context, well, two things.
One, the whole world knows it.
So the American media thinks that because they've gaslit the American public, that that means the rest of the world doesn't know who Joe Biden is.
But that's why Putin made that joke very early on after Biden called Putin a killer.
Putin's response was, I wish Biden good health, with a sort of a wink and a nod.
You have a dementia candidate as your president, so why is anyone going to take you seriously?
And that's a serious problem.
That when you have so many parts of the rest of the world that is not a snooker by the American media coverage, they're going to do things like have China come up and show up on the Americans' own soil.
Something they've never done before in their entire history of these two countries existing.
So this is a sign of an incredibly inept, incompetent, weak,
Guy, uh, I mean he fell down literally three different, four different times, uh, just trying to, and remember the whole reason why that's happening is he loves to run up the steps to show everybody how healthy he is.
Everybody knows the guy is just a complete embarrassment.
People haven't been following this, but I watch a show called The Gaggle with Peter Lavelle and George Sannuelli.
They've been detailing this in great detail.
It's on YouTube and Rumble.
But what they've been talking about, Kamala Harris is the one making all the calls to foreign leaders.
They don't even let Biden on the phone with foreign leaders 90% of the time.
Well, that's another thing.
Why does he in a video every day go, do I take my mask off?
What do we do now?
Tell me what to do.
That's what someone in late dementia does.
Oh, exactly.
I think it was yesterday.
He was sitting around the cabinet room and they had to lock out the media after he slipped up and said, now who do I give this to?
So he clearly doesn't even know who it is that's running his own administration.
He's just taking instructions and they take him to... Well, you got your ear to the ground.
We're hearing some certain names.
Who's really running Biden?
Who's the real consortium or plutocrats that are in control?
Combination of the Deep State, which is almost in total control.
They always had their favorite candidate was Kamala Harris.
And so she just implements their agenda while they're helping her, by the way.
There's a reason why those Cuomo stories are leaking.
There's reasons why the Whitmer stories are leaking.
And there's reasons why Newsom's probably going to face real competition, maybe from Tom Steyer in California, because Kamala's busy taking out, kneecapping all of her potential 2024 opponents.
But she's sort of the figurehead, but it's the deep state apparatus combined with Obama's shadow government.
These were the less smart versions in Obama's administration.
Well, what do you expect?
You said start a war, start a civil war.
That's their admitted plan.
They admit it.
Why can't they just back off and be pro-America?
They run the country now.
Why do they have the instinct to want to wreck the nation when they're in charge?
Like, again, if I was riding a horse, it's my horse, why would I just go, you know, I'm just going to shoot this horse in the head for fun.
That horse is pretty.
It's beautiful.
I feel threatened by how big and cool it is.
I'm just going to shoot it in the head.
I mean, that's the attitude of these, of these, of these.
It's like a little pee-pee syndrome.
I call it the chicken SH-T dimension.
They run it?
They hijack it?
Like if I stole a house from somebody, how am I going to burn it down just because I'm threatened by the marble columns?
But I guess that's what the German barbarians did when they came into Rome.
What is these people's problem?
It's a book that you've referenced before, Alex.
Well, you know what's good?
The Shadow of Kissinger, which is that sort of mindset, that sort of existential imperialism, where you prove yourself simply by being imperialistic, taking action for its own sake, regardless of whether it has any reason or moral logic.
That's why you're so smart.
You're right.
I remember Richard Perle once...
It was in the New York Times, and he admitted it was true.
He walked up to all these hot women and said, you know, I kill a lot of people.
I'm powerful.
He was like this 400-pound wimp, and the women all went, ooh, and walked away.
They didn't... Women don't want that.
They want somebody that's fun and happy and protects them, not a fat dude saying, I kill people.
They're like a badass Green Beret.
They'd still think it was creepy, but not as creepy.
So, exactly, it's like he called our troops cannon fodder and dumb animals.
Why do they hate that which gives them their power?
It makes no sense.
It's because for them, they live in their own world, their own moral philosophy, their own unbubbled universe.
To some degree, they're more isolated than North Korea.
I mean, that's how bad it is.
When you can have the North Korea premier make fun of Biden, when you have Kim Jong-un doing his whole Biden mockery and satire, that shows you how disconnected our elites are to the whole rest of the world.
Have you noticed how everyone just laughs at us now?
Oh, absolutely.
The North Korean premier is making jokes about us.
And jokes that are actually kind of funny.
I mean, that's sad.
But it's a showing of their mindset, their mentality.
These people live in a West Wing TV show of their own creation that only listens to the New York Times.
And then the left says, oh, get in bed with China, have all the comedians apologize for Asian jokes.
The Asians only see that as weakness.
Like, what's the left doing?
They're crazy.
In fact, they think their main goal is to lecture the Chinese about how woke they have failed to be.
I mean, that's not a strategy.
That's just a crock.
Nobody in the rest of the world has any interest in it.
Nobody has any concern with it.
When they speak wokeness to Africa or Asia, they look at us like we're speaking Martian.
Oh, exactly!
Eastern Europe, Central Europe, even Paris!
Even France is saying this woke stuff is insane!
So, they are basically, this is probably the weakest, worst national security team that's currently really, almost completely in control, because Biden is not a restraint at all, that we have probably ever had.
Obama's not stupid like Biden.
Well, that's the next question.
What is his plan?
Who does he work for?
The problem with Obama is he goes back and forth in his degree of interest.
So these are Obama's less smart sort of siblings that are running policy.
So they have a lot of the same ideas of Obama, but they're not as smart as Obama.
And that's what makes them so dangerous.
That's why one of these hotspots will become a full-blown international crisis.
Ethiopia, Venezuela, Bolivia, or Ukraine.
One of those four is going to be a hotspot by the end of the year.
And they're going to find an excuse.
They've already found an excuse to go back into Syria.
Already found an excuse to extend their stay in Afghanistan.
Now they're going to find an excuse to go somewhere else to prove how tough we are, and how big they are, and how important they are.
They can't help themselves, and the problem is they could trigger conflict with a nuclear power in the process.
All right, Robert Barnes, incredible interview.
You're going to be joining me this Saturday.
We're going to tape to air 11 to 1.
It'll probably air about 3 p.m.
Again, it's like a live interview, but we add little articles and little documentation to it.
Again, you just are kicking ass.
You know, I love
The French lawyer, I've probably watched 10 of those shows or more.
Before you were on with him, I was actually familiar with him.
Tell me about some of the other shows you're doing that are such big hits.
Sure, yeah, so every Sunday I do a show with Viva Frye, who's a Canadian lawyer who's helping support... His publicity, drawing attention to the... They locked up a pastor for preaching in Canada.
That's what they locked him up for, for just holding service.
You guys helped get him out?
He helped him get him out, which is great.
We have a local page called VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com, where we do some exclusive stuff that's fun and interesting.
We're going to be bringing suit soon against the Federal Reserve because... Hold on!
Give me five more minutes.
I've got to go on a break.
I forgot about that.
I said I forget break to break.
I wanted to come back with the Federal Reserve suit, and I forgot it went off in the other area.
Stay there.
Do five more minutes with us.
Then we have Andrew Torba of Gab battling to stay online as their
We're good to go.
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Because it's karmic for me.
Let me tell you, what I do to you, I want back at me.
And it's metaphysical.
It's the only reason I've survived this long.
And the thing is, I don't even do it like magic, that I only do good things.
That's how I was built.
But at the same time, I need your support.
Please don't let these monsters take me off air.
God, I just want to stay in this fight so bad.
It drives me crazy.
And if you knew what they were doing behind the scenes, you'd really support us, but I can't tell you all of it, because the enemy needs that data to know where to concentrate their attacks.
But you can see it all over the news.
It's not fun.
But I trust in Jesus, and I'm willing to go all the way, but I need your financial support.
So, free shipping on a bunch of great products.
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Without you, we will be shut down.
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We'll be back with Robert Barnes in two minutes.
Stay with us.
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A 360 win.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Trying to move quicker.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, final segment with Robert Barnes, and holy mackerel, the crew was showing me transcripts of what Biden said in the last hour of his press conference.
Train wreck is not even a word.
Wait till I play this next segment after Barnes leaves us.
I'm not going to even tell you.
I'm sure a lot of you already know, but this is a new one.
I'll just tell Barnes right now.
President Biden on filibuster debate.
I believe we should go back to the position of a filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago.
It's being abused in a gigantic way.
And I'm told there's even bigger gaps.
Barnes, this is crazy.
Yeah, there's a reason why they were trying to keep him off of those press conferences and keep him in bed by 3 o'clock every afternoon.
It's extraordinary.
It's a reflection of the state of affairs and where his mindset is.
Basically, the Fed is running our monetary policy, the deep state is running our national security policy.
And a bunch of knockoffs from the Obama administration are running our diplomatic policy, and it's a triangle, a trifecta of defeatism that is going to be a debacle and could result in economic collapse and major wars.
I agree.
It's like Tokyo Electric building nuclear reactors on a fault line, the tsunami line.
We've got four minutes left.
Federal Reserve suit.
You're getting ready to file that?
That's big news.
Tell us about that.
Yes, so exclusive here, I can announce it.
The goal is we need to find a way to audit the Fed.
The Fed has found a hundred ways to evade that by evading certain restrictions in the law.
So we're going to use the Freedom of Information Act.
George Gammon is orchestrating the effort.
I agreed to be lead legal counsel in the effort.
And we came up with a strategy to sue the Fed by using the Freedom of Information Act to either force the Fed to disclose, to audit the Fed, to disclose the records and information, especially what they've been doing over the last several years.
But I'm going to be asking for records that date back to 1913 and some of their internal correspondence at critical times of crisis over the last almost more than 100 years.
And in the same time period, either the Fed's going to produce that documentation, allow us to audit them, or they're going to have to legally admit that what they've been doing has been illegal, because they'll say, hey, this wasn't done in a legal capacity, so we don't have to produce any FOIA records.
But that will be an admission that they've been acting outside of what the law allows them to do, and that will allow a second level of lawsuits to be brought.
So the goal is in order to audit the Fed, we got to sue the Fed, use the Freedom of Information Act against them.
There's actually been good precedence in the last 10 years against the Fed.
They usually hide their records with the individual boards of governors, the individual constituent banks.
There have now been decisions that have been issued over the past five years that say those banks are subject to FOIA as well.
So we're going to find out what's been really going on as they just print, print cash, as they favor certain people, disfavor other people, and how much they're putting America's economy at risk by doing things that the law never approved or authorized them to do.
So it's going to be a fun little suit, and it's time to find a way to audit the Fed by suing the Fed.
Barnes, we've got two minutes left.
This is intriguing.
Sue them on the foyer because they claim they're government, but they're really private, but they're involved in public operations at a level even above the executive branch.
I don't see how they can block this.
Yeah, that's their problem.
Their problem is they either have to say, you know what, we've really been doing this all off the books, but that means they've been doing it outside of the law, or they have to admit that in fact the nature of their process is that they have to disclose all these records, all their internal communications, their internal notes, their internal emails, their communications with other Wall Street banks, with other politicians, all the rest, with the press.
Find out all this detail and go back to some of what they did back in 1913, 14, 15, and 16.
Some key records that no one has actually ever requested.
There have been a bunch of key records that no one's ever sought that revealed their own understanding of the legal limits on their authority and their attempt over the past century to evade those limits and to catch them with the trap of a FOIA lawsuit.
I was about to say, you've got some big eggs, huevos, as they say in Spanish, to do this, because anybody that's tried this, they come after massively, so kudos and praise to you and prayers to you and this crew doing this, because, again, they always tell Congress, oh, we're open, we're under scrutiny, never been in on it, never been in control, they say they're governmental, they're not, and so this is going to absolutely be a huge issue.
What's the time frame?
30 seconds left.
When can we expect this suit to be filed?
So there's going to be a public effort to focus attention on the suit, where people can follow the suit, and I'll be putting that up at the VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com site, where they can track the information as to the filings.
There's some FOIA filings that come before the suit, and we're going to be doing it this year.
Robert Barnes will join me in a commercial-free Saturday transmission at InfoWars, coming up Saturday.
Thank you, Robert Barnes.
We'll be back with Andrew Torban.
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
First of all, let me say I love your products.
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And I was already taking your other supplements, but I thought, you know, well, maybe that's what I need to do, because I just thought it was a hopeless situation.
But when I started taking it, I mean, it doesn't happen immediately, but, you know, over a period of time, I started noticing, okay, you know, this is a ticket.
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This is wonderful.
You know, I don't, I don't have to put on Dermablend anymore, you know.
So anyway, it worked wonderfully, and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
If you like to gamble, I'll tell you how to land.
You win some, lose some, and do the same to me.
Well, Andrew Torba has been a busy man, a busy father, a busy husband, a busy American, a busy patriot.
He was in big tech many years ago.
Silicon Valley, very successful coder, programmer, operations guy.
Saw the tyranny, went and started Gab long before the mass censorship even kicked in.
He saw the storm clouds.
And he has a diverse site of liberals and conservatives, gay, straight, all of it.
But they've tried to shut him down, calling him a white supremacist.
And our horrible leftist chi-com governor, a wolf in sheep's clothing that uncloaked himself in the last year, has called for him to be shut down.
He says, oh, I support conservative free speech.
Shut down Gab, the Nazis.
I think Torbaugh ought to file suit against him.
Very ashamed of Texas.
I love my state.
Ashamed of who's hijacked it.
600 plus percent traffic.
They already shut down Parler, why Trump said I might go to Parler.
Boom, they're just gone.
Think about that.
Because you can't have an alternative.
And so I'm very glad and very happy and he's gracious in his busy time to join us at Gab.com.
We've got a couple of big sites for Infowars and Alex Jones and hundreds of thousands of followers over there at Gab.
We should probably pull those pages up and invite folks to go follow over there.
They've got a lot of new features, a lot of great things.
Works a lot better than Parler.
We're not in competition with Parler.
He's not either.
We want everybody to do great.
But it's one of the best sites.
He's worked through a lot of bugs, had his bank accounts taken repeatedly.
We're good to go.
Think about how alien that is.
That was something we all knew you didn't deal, you didn't take away.
And now, it's like that rare diamond.
So, Mr. Torba, great to have you here.
I could ask so many questions, I could bring up so many points, but I know you've got your own up-to-the-minute spiel to tell the millions of listeners.
So, thanks for joining us.
And what's front and center on your radar right now?
Front and center on my radar right now, Alex, is defending free speech online.
It's the same thing that's been on my radar for the past five years.
You know, we have grown tremendously, as you noted, over the past six months.
We have, you know, 25, 30 million people that are visiting the site and using our products and services every single month.
And we're forced to be reckoned with.
So, you know, as you mentioned, we've faced tremendous adversity as you yourself have and as you continue to do and as we continue to face as well.
We've been banned from both app stores, hosting providers, payment processors.
And just in the past six weeks, we've been dealing with getting banned from about five or six different banks at this point.
So that's our latest struggle is just struggling to keep a bank account open in the United States of America.
As an American citizen running an American company that's doing nothing illegal, it's really madness.
This is the world that we're living into.
You're doing what Twitter was doing two years ago.
You're doing what Facebook was doing three years ago.
I mean, you're literally just creating a free open forum.
You've got rules.
Can't have terror, can't have crime, can't have porn, whatever.
And it doesn't matter because they don't want anybody to have a voice, which shows how much trouble our country's in.
I mean, we're really under an authoritarian takeover.
We've reached the point now where you see Governor Abbott of Texas is coming after me.
We see the ADL is lobbying the Department of Justice to investigate Gabb and to throw me in jail.
For what?
I don't know.
But they've reached a point where they can no longer de-platform us at any level.
We've become so resilient that they have no other choice but now to lobby the state to smear us, to defame us, and to throw me in jail, to shut the website down.
That's what their next agenda is.
They want to shut us down completely.
They want me shut up.
They want the millions of people that are using our site shut up.
And you know what?
We're not going to stop.
There's nothing that's going to stop us.
We have God on our side.
We have had God on our side for the past five years.
And that's why we continue to survive and thrive and grow.
And that's not going to change anytime soon, Alex.
So we're going to continue fighting, and they can come at us all they want, but it's only making us stronger.
It's only making us grow bigger.
So I'm happy to carry the cross of being smeared and being defamed and being attacked by now governors of states.
It's insanity.
I'll tell you, for TV and radio listeners, the crew can pull it up.
I didn't get it before the show, but I know it was there.
I saw it last week.
Governor of Texas calls for Gab to be shut down.
First he says, oh I'm going to stand up against big tech censorship.
And then he gets up there with an Israeli flag.
I know you're not against Israel.
I'm not either.
But if you were, that'd be your right.
And then they go, I'm going to shut down the white supremacist site, Gab.
And he's like this doddering idiot.
Lying about you.
That is outrageous.
Well, it's crazy, Alex, because five days prior to this statement that he made about us, he's out there saying, I'm going to take on big tech and we're going to do something about this censorship and free speech is crucial.
And then I see this video and I honestly, I thought it was a deep fake.
I didn't believe that it was an actual video from him at first.
I had to do a double take on it when I first saw it.
And it's just, you know, it's craziness.
It's absolute craziness.
That's what it is, this psych warfare.
When they go, oh, I'm for free speech, but take it.
There it is.
Texas Governor Brandt's Gab anti-Semitic platform calls for it to be shut down.
What the hell is going on?
Now, this is a red state, Alex.
I mean, you're living in Texas.
It's a conservative state, right?
It's a deep red state, at least that's what I thought.
And it appears what's going on in the Texas Republican Party is there's some sort of civil war going on between the establishment rhinos and the puppets of the oligarchs and the party of the patriots, right?
There's this division happening, and the Party of the Patriots, that's the weird thing about this, is the official Republican Party of Texas, the GOP of Texas, has an account on GAB that is verified by us.
So, they have an official account, and they're going against what the governor is saying, and from what I'm hearing... Oh, I should have said it up front.
The legislature's come out in defense of you.
I should have said it up front.
Hey, the founder of GAB embattled free speech activists for everybody, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, whatever, black, white.
He has been attacked by the governor as an anti-Semite and the state legislature came out and said it's not true and they have a site on your site.
That's just incredible!
Yeah, they went against what the governor said.
And the governor appears to have some liberal subversives around him who are trying to push the liberal agenda in the GOP Republican Party of Texas.
And the Republican Party itself, which is led up by Alan West, is not having it.
And they doubled down and they said, we're not leaving Gab.
We're going to continue to post on Gab and we're not going to listen to the governor.
So that was very reassuring.
Key in free speech, because one person out of 30 million visitors a month says kill people or do whatever, they get in trouble, not everybody else does.
It's like if somebody said, well someone used an AT&T phone to call in a bomb threat, so everyone has their phones taken away.
That's authoritarianism, that's not how we work.
And Alex, let me be clear.
If people are making threats of violence, if they're breaking the law, we have zero tolerance for that.
We absolutely do take action on that stuff each and every day.
Absolutely, exactly.
So do we!
But you can't have prior constraint.
You can't be, like, hovering over every comment.
What they hate is the free speech.
That's what they want.
They want to use their artificial intelligence that they have on Facebook, on Twitter, etc.
to pre-scan every comment before it goes out into the world.
I interrupt.
Start over.
That's the key.
They admitted it in congressional hearings two years ago.
AI will soon be in control.
We'll be able to censor info warrants.
Now it's in there.
They don't like you because you're not AI censored.
And what's interesting, Alex, is they can use this AI to censor memes and to fact check and to shut up conservatives, but they can't stop the child exploitation problem that's going on on Facebook.
An annual report just came out that Facebook is the number one source of child exploitation on the Internet, above even the porn sites, right?
And they're allowed to be on app stores, they're allowed to have hosting providers, they're allowed to do business with all these advertisers.
Nobody talks about this, that Facebook is the number one source of child exploitation, but they're mad because a few people say some mean words on Gab and we don't do anything to stop them.
Alright, you're going to get the floor on the other side because I'm so excited to have you and I'm ranting, but you just brought up the key here.
Massive pedophilia on Facebook and Twitter.
Massive racial attacks, massive snuff films, so they can then point at you and say, oh, but they had one racist on there, and that makes them look good.
They're using you, like Apple runs death camps in China, but oh, they fund Black Lives Matter as a distraction.
Gab.com, everybody knows what it is.
Infowars, this show, Alex Jones, yours truly.
We have sites there.
Visit us there.
It's a great site, adding new features.
We'll talk about recapping.
What he got to just now about the horrible things that other big tech are doing while they demonize Gab and then some of the great features at Gab.com.
Why we all need to get on Gab and everybody needs to support Gab because Andrew Torba and Gab is the real deal.
I'll also ask him, how do you know five years ago when he founded this, this was all coming?
He's another trailblazer.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, my friends, thank you so much for tuning in out of a sea of information, choosing us.
We're all in this together.
I love you.
No matter what color you are, where you came from, if you love God and justice, we're brothers and sisters together.
Understand that the corrupt evil forces of the globalists that are now out in the open, no more debate about it, literally work around the clock to silence this broadcast, and to silence you, and to silence Andrew Torba, who would dare go out, and who would dare, five years ago, seeing what was coming, very successful in Silicon Valley, and Bill Gabb,
And so, I'm not going to get into inside baseball here, but I know a lot of people and a lot of things.
I can tell you, they could have had parlor continue on, folks.
The word is they got paid off the shutdown.
And so, there's not a lot of oases in this desert left.
And these oases are going to get more precious as they're taken away.
So recap what you said, we'll talk about the future, next segment, and more.
But Andrew Torb, I was interrupting my segment.
You've got the floor.
Talk about the huge news of your crimes, supposedly, versus Facebook's crimes, and where all this is going, and how we fight back.
Well Alex, there was just a report that was released in early February that said that there are over 20 million cases of child exploitation on Facebook that happened last year alone.
They are the number one source of child exploitation on the internet, surpassing even pornography websites.
They are allowed to be on app stores.
They are allowed to have banks.
They are allowed to have hosting providers.
They have advertisers that are funding this activity, right?
This is madness.
We don't have any pornography at all on Gab.
We have zero tolerance for pornography in general.
We also work with law enforcement to prevent things like threats of violence and criminal activity.
And by the way, that's not censorship.
You up front say this is not on our platform.
It's the only way you can do it.
So we have very clear rules, very clear lines in the sand.
We have law and order.
Gab is not an anarchist website.
It never has been.
But because we have people that share information that the oligarchs and the people in power don't want people knowing about, and we don't put a stop to that with artificial intelligence or with tens of thousands of blue haired moderators out of San Francisco, you know, they want to shut us down.
They can't have people
We're good.
That's the bottom line.
Anything that you can do legally in the town square, you can do at Gab.
It's real simple.
Whatever you can do in the town square, you can do at Infowars.
You can't rape kids.
You can't hand out pornography.
You can't kill people.
You can't eat poop in the town square like the liberals do.
But like you said, they can do every crazy thing they want on all these other platforms.
You run a good operation, you're the bad guy.
Yeah, you go on Twitter, Alex, and you're going to find young teenage girls selling their bodies, posting naked photos of themselves, child exploitation.
You'll find people selling drugs.
You'll find all sorts of just degeneracy and madness and illegal activity.
And it's just allowed.
It's overlooked.
Nobody talks about it in the press.
Apple and Google don't care.
They allow it on their app stores.
But, you know, somebody shares something, alternative medicine or alternative information or, you know, news about COVID that they don't want you to know.
And all of a sudden, you know, you're like domestic terrorists because... Any healthy communication is banned.
Anything degenerate and evil is promoted.
Yeah, it's upside down world.
And a big part of this is they, you know, we have a lot of Christians on Gab, Alex, from around the world, including Christians in places like China, where it's, you know, it's very dangerous being a Christian.
We take it for granted here in the United States, you know, that we can openly express and share our faith and share the gospel.
But they're putting skin in the game.
They're absolutely putting skin in the game and I think that's one of the reasons why they're coming after Gab and why they're coming after Infowars and others so aggressively is because Christians are organizing and Christians are speaking freely and sharing the gospel and sharing a message of hope.
You know, with this critical theory, with this communism, this cancel culture, there is no redemption, there is no salvation, there is no forgiveness.
And, you know, the gospel message of Jesus Christ offers all of that, right?
So they don't want people to have forgiveness, they want them enslaved to addiction, enslaved to sin, and enslaved to the system.
And the gospel of Jesus Christ... That's another key point, is the left never gives you absolution!
Exactly, you're always guilty of whatever you did!
No matter, if you sent a tweet 10 years ago when you were, you know, 14 years old, you know, you're going to get fired from your job because you said something on Twitter 10 years ago.
No matter how much you grovel, no matter how much you apologize, you're guilty and you're- That's huge because the left claims, oh, do whatever you want, there's no judgment, but they're all about judgment!
They're the most judgmental people, they're the most racist people, they're the most intolerant people, and ultimately everything that they're doing is projecting their sin and their evil onto the rest of the world and onto the people that are, you know, God's children, that are spreading the gospel, that are spreading truth and goodness into this world of darkness.
They can reject all they want, but what we need to remember, I know times right now are very tough for a lot of people after this year of lockdown, after this rigged election, with all the crazy things that the Biden administration and Democrats are doing, but what we need to remember is that we serve and worship the creator of the universe and he has a plan.
So I have never been more hopeful and more faithful in our God and in his plan for this country and for our people.
We're going through this for a reason, and I think we're going to come out on the other end of it stronger because of it.
If we unite together and continue pressing forward in this spiritual war, Alex, it's a spiritual war that we're in right now, and people need to wake up and realize and choose which side do they want to be on.
Do they want to be on the side of light, on the side of God the Creator, or do they want to be on the side of darkness and evil?
And use these platforms that allow this wickedness to go on, you know, while they come after platforms like Gab, where we have millions of Christians that are just sharing gospel messages, sharing Bible verses, sharing alternative news and information that they don't want other people to see.
So, exactly.
That's the medicine to the evil.
That's why they want to shut down.
But let me just say this.
I've been interviewing you for five years since you launched Gab.
You've always been well-spoken.
You're always a great guest.
You're on fire right now, and it's not just you.
Every guest I've had on for many years is even like five times more well-spoken and incredible now.
I'm seeing a quickening as the evil accelerates.
Are you not seeing?
I mean, I'm not kissing your ass.
It's true.
You're really well-spoken.
You're powerful.
You're stronger than ever.
Has this persecution not made you stronger?
What do you think's happening?
Yeah, Alex.
Listen, I think the Holy Spirit is at work.
I take no credit for anything that I've built.
I take no credit for any of the words that I'm saying here today or any of the words that I've said in the past.
It's all the Holy Spirit.
It's all God speaking through me.
All the glory goes to Him.
And I think that a lot of people are waking up right now.
A lot of people are getting closer to God.
I was driving up the driveway the other day and my neighbor stopped me and she said,
You know, your message is really resonating with me.
I think I'm going to start going back to church.
I've been praying more.
This is what this country needs.
The second that we stepped away from God, the second that we stopped proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is when this country started going downhill.
We need a spiritual awakening.
We need a spiritual revival in this country.
And if I could do some small part in that as a part of God's plan, that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to glorify Him each and every day in all that I do.
You just said it brings tears to my eyes.
This is a fight between good and evil.
I know you've always been a Christian.
You're a father.
But I mean, I guess, so it was the enemy coming against you got you even closer to God, didn't it?
I clung to that cross, Alex.
You know, the persecution just forced me into his hands, which is, I think, where he wanted me to be and where we all need to be.
And the only reason that I survived is because of him.
So that's right.
He said, here's the good news.
God is there with the arms open.
The bad news is we're going to get pushed in his arms, but it's okay.
It's going to get so intense.
We'll be right back with the founder of Gab.
The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid.
Now, inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
I know this sounds insane, but if you read the writings of the globalists, it's all on record.
You have been warned.
You have been given the information to say no to this plan.
This is the end of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is the alien takeover of Earth.
Humanity has been domesticated, by and large.
The population has been trained to submit, do what you're told, and it's all gonna pass.
But if you study authoritarians, if you study the globalists, you understand that they reach a point where all the training is just beta, and you go into the point of being culled, being totally enslaved.
And because the globalists see us as weak and see us as stupid, they are now making that move.
And they are collapsing the third world with their economic weapons, to then flood us with a third world that the UN will use as a weapon to then have us, under such a crisis, under such a load, capitulate to the UN, whatever agreements they want us to sign, hoping that they will stop the flood of tens of millions of refugees.
Not fleeing COVID or climate change, as the UN and Klaus Schwab are saying, and Bill Gates is saying, but fleeing the year-long lockdowns that the UN and Bill Gates ordered them to institute or they wouldn't get more IMF and World Bank money.
And that's why we have to really get educated about the globalists.
The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim so you don't take your birthright as being made the image of God and the incredible mission and destiny we have being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness, is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of the sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Isn't this really about the big corrupt companies, the big corrupt apples with the slave camps in China lecturing us for Black Lives Matter?
That Nike comes out against slave camps?
Which they used to get in trouble for, now they're the bad guy.
That's in the stack of news.
I've got Andrew Torba.
You are really, we always have guests that are on fire, but you're really on fire.
So I've got a lot of questions, a lot of points, but what else is the head of GAAB, the founder of it, five years?
How'd you predict this?
How'd you know?
What do you think's coming next?
So I think I was blessed by the Holy Spirit to have the foresight you know five years ago to know where this was going because I was living and working in Silicon Valley and I knew how these people thought and I had a lot of close relationships inside a lot of these companies and people were telling me like
Hey, this is going to get much worse.
So, you know, I had the foresight to build what I call, you know, a digital Noah's Ark.
And, you know, then I think God put us through a trial in 2018 when we were really systematically no platform from everything.
Yeah, absolutely.
I really feel like they are going to try to solidify big tech's dominance.
We see, you know, in Congress today, you know, all the big tech oligarchs being grilled by Congress.
Grilled, quote unquote.
It's all just a dog and pony show.
So they're going to push for some sort of regulation that locks in their power and their control over the internet.
And we're going to fight back against that in every way that we can.
I think maybe they'll also try to censor at the browser level so Google Chrome can very easily ship an update to all Google Chrome browsers that when you type in InfoWars.com or when you type in Gab.com, you're just not allowed to access it anymore.
So we're already thinking ahead of where their next step is going to be in terms of the censorship.
And you're right, they've said it's browser level, you know, when the ADL calls for your arrest.
I mean, Cohen calls for the arrest of Zuckerberg.
I mean, it's like, it's like, these are Nazis.
Put them in jail.
And you're like, these are Nazis saying this.
It's so monstrous.
So, folks, for people that aren't Gab or Infowars, you're thinking, oh, I'm not the target.
Folks, they're coming after you.
They just got to get through us.
Yeah, it's not even us, right?
They're not even coming after us.
They're actually coming after the millions of people that are on Gab or that tune into InfoWars.
That's what they're afraid of.
They're not afraid of Andrew Torba or Alex Jones.
What they're afraid of is the millions of people that are tuning in and waking up to the things that you've been talking about.
They're afraid you've got a video feature where people can shoot their own videos that show what really happened.
They're afraid of truth.
They're afraid of the humans having access to reality.
You know, Proverbs 28.1 tells us that the righteous are as bold as a lion.
We are commanded biblically to speak boldly, to speak the truth boldly.
And I think too many Christians are afraid to do that.
They cower in fear.
As long as it's not impacting me, I don't have to worry about it.
But it is impacting you, and it's going to start impacting you.
They're going to start coming after churches.
They're going to start coming after Christian organizations.
Hell, look at the lockdown!
Everything else can be open.
That's a big part of it, but it's going to go beyond that, Alex.
They're going to start attacking the churches and any Christian organization.
Yep, any Bible-based church, any Bible-based Christian organization is going to face the same level of de-platforming and financial attacks that Gap has faced over the past five years.
We are really the guinea pig for where this is going.
Why do the left take Christians so much?
I guess they metaphysically know we're going to oppose their takeover.
Well, it's real simple, Alex.
Communism wants you to worship the state as God.
And God, actual God, and Jesus Christ gets in the way of that.
So communism, historically, always comes for the Christians first.
Because the Christians are, you know, are actually worshipping God Almighty instead of worshipping the state and instead of worshipping all of these false idols, whether it's celebrities or sports stars or any number of things.
We're bringing God's will into the earth.
And that's how it works.
They can't have their satanic will as long as we're bringing God in.
Absolutely, absolutely.
You know, I think there's so much taboo in our society and in our culture.
By design, the enemy has designed it this way, around talking about things like Jesus Christ and God and angels and demons.
These things are very real.
Spiritual warfare is a very real thing.
And, you know, our secular humanist society has all but disregarded God with Nietzsche's nihilism and all this chaos of degeneracy that is allowed to be promoted to our children.
You know, what we need to do with this movement, this MAGA movement, or this American populist movement, is we need to localize it.
So we need 10,000 Donald Trumps in every town
And for those that don't know, BLM can riot, Antifa can kill.
When Christians in America or Canada in leftist areas peacefully pray, they are arrested by the police.
This is outrageous.
This is criminal.
We're showing it right now.
Yeah, this video is for out of Moscow, Idaho, where we had Christians.
This is a Christian pastor who's being taken away for peacefully protesting in the streets.
Now, again, you make a great point.
BLM can burn down half the country all summer and destroy things and go massless and mass crowds and all this stuff.
But the second that Christians stand up, the second that Christians start fighting back against this chaos that's going on in this world, they're immediately shut up.
Show that crowd.
Yeah, they're mainly
We're good to go.
You look in their eyes.
It's the eyes of the windows to the soul, Alex.
And you look in the eyes of these people and, you know, they sold their soul to the devil.
They say they are enslaved to sin.
They're enslaved to the world and they've chosen darkness over light.
And the only thing that we can do at this point is to pray for them.
And to minister to them and to show them the other side.
I think God is doing some tremendous things in our church that we're having a baptism on Palm Sunday.
And one of the testimonies that I listened to this week during a trial run was of a man who was consumed with nihilism and consumed with atheism and had treated Christians very horribly.
And over the past year with this lockdown,
He started, you know, learning about God and watching sermons and God sent a woman into his life to introduce a different side of Christianity that he hadn't seen before and now he's proclaiming, you know, Jesus, his love for Jesus Christ in the form of baptism in front of a public room.
So, you know, God is doing tremendous things.
That's the key.
The enemy is in trouble.
That's why they're doing all this.
Yeah, and that's why they're trying to shut up Christians.
That's why they're punishing Christians and demonizing Christians.
You know, we see that they're calling out Christian nationalism and painting us like as if we're ISIS, members of ISIS.
Because we stand in the way of their sacrament, the destruction of children's lives.
We do.
Yeah, that's what abortion's about.
We do.
That's what this child exploitation's about.
It's satanic.
It's demonic.
It's wickedness.
Let me ask you this so you can feel the power.
I actually am scared for the globalists, because as their evil rises, I feel the Holy Spirit rises even more.
I mean, the power now coming out of God is getting so intense every day, I can't even handle it.
I wonder what this is going to be like in a year or two, brother.
This is incredible.
It's good.
Again, I've never been more optimistic.
We serve, brother, the creator of the universe.
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?
The oligarchs, another man.
And when you have somebody who recognizes this, who has nothing to lose, and who worships God, and humbly puts their faith in God, amazing things happen.
And God has a way of using
Ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
You know, Alex, I don't come from money.
I don't come from status.
You know, I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, and God is doing tremendous things with my life and through my life, and I think he's going to work on many other people in the same way and use them to accomplish his will, and we're going to continue fighting.
We're not going to stop.
That's right.
Stay there.
You are kicking butt.
Final segment.
We love it.
Andrew Torba of Gab.
It is a revolutionary act against this demonic system.
To spread it, Gab.com.
Become a member.
Set up.
Start posting articles, videos, you name it.
And please support InfoWars there as well, because we are under passive attack, which I only see as proof of the fact we're over the target!
I rejoice in our persecution, because we are never going to surrender!
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Throughout history, there have been two basic forms of civilizations and different mixes of the two.
One is born of renaissance, the other is born of conquest.
One bases its power on having a strong, enlightened, focused people with an ethos and a culture and ingenuity and art and skill and strength.
The other is based on the massive number of slaves it controls with a tiny elite above it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Andrew Korba of Gab.com is our guest.
And man, has he been talking about how this is good versus evil.
It's now show out in the open.
I got a whole stack of news.
Right here, dealing with that.
They are announcing that men can be in women's sports.
That's already happening.
They are announcing they're going to have government funding to sterilize little boys.
This is just purely, purely satanic.
So in the censorship battle, I agree.
You're right.
Big Tech's going to try to really
Affirm it's control and it's dominant.
How does it do that next?
I mean, I think going against the general public, the Federal Reserve head was in a congressional hearing two days ago and said, oh, big banks need to surveil people's purchases and punish them.
So, I mean, I think that's where this is going.
This is already happening, Alex.
We saw Bank of America, after January 6th, hand over any transaction from the D.C.
So if you bought a coffee in D.C.
at a Starbucks or something on that day, your data was handed over to the feds with a warrant from Bank of America.
You know what we're going to have to do and I want to talk about solutions.
I don't want to fearmonger.
I want to because it's going to get bad.
We already know it's going to get bad.
It's already bad right now.
Let's talk about solutions.
So the solution is a silent secession.
Maybe that secession will turn geographic.
Maybe we'll see a bunch of states pop up.
I don't know what's going to happen on that end, but we need to start somewhere.
We need to build our own economy.
It's not just building our own social network anymore.
We need Christian banks.
We need Christian restaurants, because now what we're seeing with this vaccine stuff is, you know, they're not going to allow you to go into a restaurant or to go to the grocery store if you're not vaccinated.
So we're going to need Christian business owners to stand up and to fight back against this and to essentially build our own parallel economy in this country.
And that's one of the things that we're working on next at Gab is how do we empower this digital side of this economy, right?
How do we help people on Gab buy and exchange goods and services with one another so that they can go around the oligarchs, you know, Fortune 500 economy and, you know, barter and trade and do things the old-fashioned way with one another?
I think that also, in terms of American popular... Oh, you're totally right!
That's where it's all going, is isolating everybody, social control, inoculations to buy and sell.
So the whole future, even if you weren't a Christian, doing it because your spirit tells you for humanity, if you were a sociopath and not a globalist, the whole future is going to be communities that are like, beyond the Amish, beyond the Orthodox Jews, who have already got it right, who they're attacking, or ultra-Orthodox,
It's their own communities.
We have to start moving in that exodus because things will get so bad, this extermination plan, that that's where it will go.
So we should preposition now.
That's exactly what we need to do.
We need to start building our own communities that are grounded in, you know, the original vision of this country and what the Constitution says.
And all of that stuff, of course, is grounded in biblical truth and in biblical liberty and in biblical spiritual freedom that comes to us only from God.
You know, one of the things that I am really pushing for right now is
We need to focus more on our local politics.
A lot of us are so enamored, are so consumed with national politics on what's going on in Washington, D.C., that we forget or neglect what's going on in our own backyard.
I would guarantee you that many of the people listening right now probably don't even know who sits on their city council.
That's a problem.
That's how we got to the point where we see Drag Queen Story Hour in our local library, because the enemy has not only taken control of DC and the national level of politics, but they've also taken control of our own backyard.
And let me agree with you, because if you launch a national-international social network, only, you know, Gab could do that five years ago,
Most people couldn't have the technical skill to do it, but if people launch a local news site about local community and just let people post with a message board, those go wildly popular.
Put up stickers, go to city council, tell folks about it.
Suddenly you literally form a local pro-human, pro-God, pro-basic common sense, anti-racist against the left with a real racist organization.
It's so easy.
I did it 27 years ago.
People have to realize local is the power.
We need to start in our own backyards, and we need to seize control back of our local communities.
Once we have control of our local communities, we can take back control of our local counties, and then our state, and then this country.
We're focused way too much right now.
All of our political energy is focused way too much on the day-to-day nuance of chaos that is happening in DC.
Instead of just having a garden, spending time with our children, loving God, loving our neighbors, that will turn back the tide of depression and Satanism and evil.
You know, I firmly believe that if even 25% of this country cut the cable cord and stopped watching CNN and stopped, and by the way, Fox News too, stop watching both of them.
Just turn it off.
Turn it off.
Go outside with your kids.
Spend time with your family.
Spend more time in church.
We have to really think about and consider where we're spending our time.
There are so many people in this country that get home after a long day at work and plop on the couch and turn on the TV and watch the news until they go to bed at 11 o'clock at night.
Let's be clear, that's when you're tired and very suggestible.
And what is on the news?
The world is burning down and everything is the end of the world.
It's fear mongering.
It's fear porn.
So when you eliminate that from your life and you supplement that stuff with, you know, maybe you go to church on Wednesday night.
Maybe you go volunteer at the soup kitchen.
Maybe you take your kids out to the park.
Do real life things be an actual human being instead of being this cog that sits there Absorbing this fear porn from CNN and by the way in Fox News and others All day long when you come home after a hard day of work.
We need to start actually living and No, I agree because I mean well and we've done good work overall But I end up focusing like Nietzsche said you stare in the abyss you become the abyss we've got that's what God's been telling me is and
Cover what the enemy's doing, but don't give it so much power.
Talk about the good.
Magnify it.
That's what people are looking for.
There's a lot of good that's going on, Alex.
Like I said, that testimony in church, you know, from this former atheist, this guy who used to criticize and demonize Christians, is now becoming a Christian.
So, you know, God can do tremendous things in the lives of individuals if they just
Spend some time, you know, praying and spend some time in the Word and spend some time surrounding yourself with other Christians and with other people that just see the madness that's going on.
I mean, we have to start again just being human beings and focusing on the good stuff that's going on in this world instead of always focusing on the negative and the doom and gloom.
You know, you wonder why suicide rates are on the rise, you wonder why the opioid crisis is going on, why people are addicted to pornography, why people are addicted to gambling and all the ways of the world.
It's because that is what is feeding people some sort of comfort in this chaotic world that we're fed this fear porn all day and we just want to escape from it.
Well, listen, Andrew Torba, you have blown me away again today more than ever.
Great job at Gab.com.
We have about a minute left.
Please join the other shows.
I know you're busy.
Please come back on with us.
We love everybody listening.
Go join Gab.
Go join InfoWars.
Go join us on there.
Join everybody.
But just 60 seconds, other key points you want to make.
Return to God.
Return to God.
Keep the faith.
If you haven't prayed in a long time, pray.
Introduce other people to the Gospel if you're a Christian.
If not, maybe give Christianity a second look.
Don't look at Christianity through the lens of what the world and through what culture tells us.
Go and open the Bible for yourself and read God's Word and read what He has to say.
And I guarantee you it'll change your life.
That's right.
Well, that's right.
God gave us free will, but he also gave us a cheat sheet.
And it's incredible.
And what was the term?
You called it a silent exodus?
A silent... A silent secession.
A silent secession.
And the other thing I would say is I want to encourage people to build.
We need to build.
We need to build our own alternative economy to this wicked... Because we are building.
We're making God's image.
We are builders and we are reformers, yes.
Christians are not anarchists, we are not revolutionaries, we are reformers and we are builders.
We do not destroy things, we build them up.
And that's what we need to do right now is rebuild our civilization from the ash that it's currently sitting in.
That's right, the enemy hates us because they are not builders.
They're anarchists.
They're destruction.
They're evil.
They're wicked.
But, you know, we have faith and we have the creator of the universe on our side and we're going to win.
All right.
Beautifully said.
Andrew Torba.
And God is with him.
All right.
God bless Alex.
Thank you sir.
God bless you and your family.
Jason Jones is going to join us in about 15 minutes.
I've got other news I've got to hit.
I've got to play some of these fighting clips from the press conference and I've got some other stuff we've got to do here.
And also, there's just a bunch of other things we've got to be hitting.
We've got a lot of great guests today.
Please realize, your word of mouth in this fight is king.
It's everything.
And so if you promote Gab.com, if you promote InfoWars.com, if you promote NewsWars.com, if you promote these sites, we will overcome the enemy.
If you don't, it's going to be a lot worse.
And everything's foretold we're going to go through, but God's already predestined what's going to happen, but we have free will.
And that's a complex equation, but it's basically if there's an outcome, but there's a spectrum of how it's going to end.
And we have that free will.
God's already predestined it.
We were given free will because God already knows.
But it's our decisions that are going to decide where we are in that spectrum.
Where it's like 6 billion get killed or 3 billion get killed.
I mean, it really is going to be spectacular.
You're going to see everything.
You're going to see combat robots on the street, mass assassinations, mass suicides.
You're going to see people gouging their eyes out with ice picks on TV.
You'll see people eat babies on television.
Emerick's Essentials is all-natural, all-organic, high-end, quality, clean, self-care products.
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It's all there and our best-selling organic deodorant from Enriched
We're good to go.
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't watch it, but I've seen some of the clips.
Biden's first press conference in two months was a disaster.
The war room's coming up in an hour.
Owen Schroyer's gonna be playing the whole thing, I'm told.
So get ready for that.
Alright, I got sent this video this morning, and it actually made me cry.
And not tears of joy, like I was crying earlier listening to Andrew Jorba, but tears of pain.
People thought the video was fake.
I could tell it was real.
The soy boy dad, the UK.
They got Sony involved in it, and it's the song Hallelujah.
Turned to worshipping the poison vaccines, the mRNA, that doesn't protect you.
You still can't go out once you take it.
But it's the left literally worshipping medical tyranny.
Their new sacrament.
Here is the Marsh family in the UK.
This is real.
They're editing all the comments that don't like it on their YouTube.
Here is the horror of the video.
I heard there was a rumour shared that Covid vaccines were unprepared or brutal to really censor and control you.
Look at that demonic father.
He thinks he's good.
He's back on syndrome.
Let's put up some headlines about India abandoning Jabba.
Have the new Jabba.
Have the new Jabba.
Have the new Jabba.
Have the new Jabba.
She's in Hallelujah.
Eternal Satanism.
Using children for this.
The left loves taking over Princeton.
No, you'll just get cancer.
That's right.
It's not a plague.
It's time to prove to children.
He doesn't look like he would bother to that father.
Look at the weak look in his eyes.
He's mesmerized.
Look at that father.
Well, maybe we all get misled.
We see this post on our WhatsApp thread.
They use conspiracy theories just to fool ya.
Yeah, like black men in Tuskegee.
It's not needlepricks to be scared about.
The ones who put this nonsense up.
It's absurd and it's a mistake and has an allusion.
Have the new job!
Have the new job!
They literally worship Bill Gates.
Have the new job!
Have the new job!
Hallelujah, Bell's Palsy!
Hallelujah, Cancer!
Hallelujah, Death!
Our daddy led us into Babylon.
You know, human sacrifice for children is a pretty common thing.
It's a great thrill for parents to leave their boys castrated.
They're no sweet little boys.
They'll do it all to prove they're part of the system.
They're followers.
Oh, no.
The average person in the UK wants to stay locked down.
Is there a Stockholm Syndrome?
What heroes.
Hitler was bad for inscripting children into war.
Well, he's wearing the non-threatening, trendy pants.
That's right, my body.
My body.
My choice, but not now.
That's right, if you don't think you're hurting others.
That's right.
Bye-bye, Marvel's Marvin Hagler.
Bye-bye, top baseball players that died.
I've been thinking a lot lately about playing devil's advocate on air.
About looking at the world from the perspective of the globalists.
That the public's so dumbed down that they don't care that we're stealing their future from them, that we're poisoning them, that we're sterilizing them, that they deserve to be killed.
Yes, that's the position of the globalists.
And they think because we don't stand up, they have a right to do this to us.
They play God.
You know, I've told you that the globalists have tried to hire me.
They've tried to get me to join them.
But metaphysically, at a spiritual level, I have the Holy Spirit.
I have a connection to God.
And I know that God does not like that, so I cannot join the enemy.
But I'll tell you, at a selfish level, I get very, very mad at people that go along with the system, believing you're part of it, or believing you're getting power out of it.
Whether you're just a steel worker or a school teacher or Henry Kissinger, you're not God.
And treating other people like they're animals and you're God is something that the real God of the universe doesn't like.
And that's a fact.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
It's hard to filibuster.
I believe
We should go back to a position of the filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago.
And that is that it used to be required for the filibuster, and I had a card on this, I was going to give you the statistics, but you probably know them, that it used to be that from between 1917 and 1971 the filibuster existed.
There were a total of 58 motions to break a filibuster.
That whole time.
Last year alone, there were five times that many.
So it's being abused in a gigantic way.
And for example, it used to be you had to stand there and talk and talk and talk and talk until you collapsed.
And guess what?
People got tired of talking and tired of collapsing.
Filibusters broke down and we were able to break the filibuster, get a quorum and vote.
So, I strongly support moving in that direction.
In addition to having an open mind about dealing with certain things that are just elemental to the functioning of our democracy.
Like the right to vote.
Like the basic right to vote.
We've amended the filibuster in the past.
But here's the deal.
As you observed, I'm a fairly practical guy.
I want to get things done.
I want to get them done
Consistent with what we promised the American people.
And in order to do that, in a 50-50 Senate, we've got to get to the place where I get 50 votes so that the Vice President of the United States can break the tie.
Or I get 51 votes without her.
And so, I'm going to say something outrageous.
I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate.
So the best way to get something done, if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to... Anyway.
We're going to get a lot done.
And if we have to, if there's complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster, then we'll have to go beyond what I'm talking about.
It's a new virtue signal.
Wrap a baby in plastic as it flails, reaching out for its mother.
Put the state of medical tyranny between the mother and its child.
Complete the takeover of the human race.
This is the post-human era.
Back in the mid 20th century, major universities conducted studies like the Milgram and Stanford studies, where they tested their psychology departments how far they could push their students to commit crimes as long as authority figures were telling them to do so.
And they found that in almost every case, 90 plus percent of people would follow orders from authority figures to even kill people in order to do so.
That's why I parallel
What's happening with the whole COVID rollout, the lockdowns, and the nonsensical social distancing, and the masks that don't work, and the lies about the COVID deaths, and the vaccine damages, as a giant Milgram psychological experiment.
That's what we're about to break down today, is in late March 2021, the level of absurdity has reached
proportions never before seen in human history.
The heartbreaking video you're seeing is a newborn baby in Europe wrapped in plastic to supposedly protect it from its mother so it can't touch its mother despite the fact that hundreds of studies show it's an initial contact with the mother that activates the
Life force of the child.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a crime against humanity.
This is a crime against our own biology.
This is teaching us that we're dirty and evil and bad and that humanity is a disease on the planet.
This is the cult of the global warming eugenicists left.
The death cult is teaching us that we're evil.
The death cult is teaching us we're bad.
It doesn't matter if all the science shows more human contact gives us a better immune system and makes us healthy.
They're teaching us all to be the boy in the bubble who couldn't be in contact with any germs or he'd die.
That's a very, very, very rare genetic disorder.
But if you're not around other microbes growing up, if you don't play around in the dirt when you're a baby and
Put it in your mouth, you don't develop an immune system and then you need the medical system for the rest of your life to give you constant drugs, constant antibiotics, constant inoculations to just keep you alive.
We are witnessing the scientific dictatorship take control of the human family.
We are witnessing the final revolution.
The medical system is run by the most ruthless, out-of-control corporations.
And they're simply testing to see what you will put up with.
We've already submitted to abuse.
We've already let them lock up our elders.
We've already let them give us experimental vaccines.
We've already let them shut down our schools and seen suicide and drug addiction explode.
We've already seen children performing band practice in pods out of the body centers.
We've already witnessed people wearing large donuts around themselves as they go into bars and restaurants.
This is absurdity.
That's what cults ask you to do.
To do things that are ridiculous.
To do things that are against common sense.
To prove your submission.
Klaus Schwab and other globalists admit this is not about COVID.
It's about teaching you that humans are dirty and bad and we need to be exterminated.
It's about teaching you that you're obsolete.
That you are nonsensical.
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
I am a human being!
I exist!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
You're witnessing mass mind control.
We are witnessing the true chicken little scenario.
Where psych warfare chiefs, aided by big banks, and the corporate media, and government, and the medical system, are literally terrifying the public into total submission.
Globalists want our children so they don't develop and touch God's face.
We have Jason Jones coming in with some of the incredible carry that's unfolding in studio in a moment.
But here's part of the video.
Texas man fights back against mask, invokes God.
This is posted at man.video.
Here's Nino Rodriguez in Midland, Texas.
All of us should be doing this.
Oh, that's me.
I want to first and foremost say that Jesus Christ is Lord, and he's a name above all names and every need is outbound, like it or not.
When's enough enough?
How many masks you want to wear here?
The whole box?
What's next, y'all?
A bag of s*** that's not even proven?
Hasn't had clinical studies long term?
What's next?
This man over here?
This attorney from NYSD harassed me at the door, me and my son.
Is it because I'm a Hispanic minority?
Or what's going on here?
What do you want us to do, sir?
Wear a star now?
Because we don't want to wear a mask?
You told me to stay away?
Away from everybody else?
Over here?
I'm not a leper.
I'm not sick.
I've never been sick.
I've got a report too.
I've got a report.
Me and my whole family have never worn a mask one time.
The greatest president in the world, Donald Trump, invited me to the White House and I went to Washington, D.C., Dallas, Houston.
I've been all across the nation, right?
With no mask.
I refuse to wear one.
And I never got Corona.
None of my family has got Corona Virus.
Here's my report, right?
You don't want to know my report because I usually give you reports with no kind of proof whatsoever.
But here's my report, it's the truth, so help me God.
Every person that I know, they got Corona Virus.
First of all, they survived.
Second of all, they all wore masks, a face diaper, breathing their hot breath all day.
I've never worn a mask in my life and I've never been sick.
Neither have you, son.
Have you been sick?
So, we've never worn a mask, we've never been sick, yet you've got COVID Karens, a mask police harassing me, like I said, the attorney here for A.M.I.S.D.
harassing me, and a bunch of Patriots telling us we have to leave once we speak.
I'm not a leper.
I'm not sick.
So again, what's next?
And when's enough enough?
Last time I checked, it was the Free Country.
Last time I checked, this is America.
And you know what?
My religious beliefs, why are they not accepted, right?
I guess if I was BLM or LGBT, right, or a pro-master, I guess everybody would love me a lot more.
But since I'm a Hispanic minority with the Trump hat and the Jesus shirt, right, I get treated like so wickedly at the door.
Basically, looking like the police want to arrest me for not wearing a mask.
But thank God the governor had enough of this stuff and got rid of the mandate, which I think MISD needs to also.
Because I'm going to tell you something.
Your safety
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the New World Order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So, please pray for us, and please buy the products at InfoWareStore.com.
They're great products.
Plus, they fund the operation.
So, you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
Alex Jones here with the new M4 War Sale, and it is a fantastic sale.
It is many of our best-selling products that just so happen to also be selling out, but despite that, they're 50% off and free shipping on these select items.
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Plus, all of the Enbridge Essentials, essential oils, natural deodorants, shampoos, conditioners, a whole host of products.
The entire Enbridge Essentials line is close to selling out and we're coming in a few months.
But despite that, right now ladies and gentlemen, they're all 50% off as well with free shipping.
Just follow the banners at InfoWarsStore.com to huge savings and it funds the Info War.
A 360 win!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and Jason Jones is an Army veteran, best-selling author, produced a bunch of award-winning films.
I mean, big movies with a lot of big stars.
And they're Christian!
And boy, is that swimming against the tide successfully.
It's one thing to swim against the tide, another thing successfully.
And he's welcome here anytime.
He moved from Hawaii, that's been under martial law for a year.
But they're on Oahu, you know, the most populous island.
He sent me a video a few days ago of George Floyd level stuff.
Women being tortured, having their necks kneeled on for not wearing masks.
Wearing masks, they don't care.
For trying to go out and demonstrate.
We just showed you Idaho.
Pastors being arrested for having outdoor church.
This is ridiculous.
This is satanic.
This is so obvious.
And look at him torturing that woman that didn't even resist him.
Why do they single her out?
This is just totally demonic.
We're going to play this next segment.
But Jason Jones...
We're good to go.
Wow, what the hell's going on in Hawaii?
What a wonderful state, what wonderful people.
Why has it been singled out to be as bad as Australia?
Well, I think you hit the nail on the head.
Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, they all have something in common.
They're island communities.
They can be abused.
And what it lets us know is, government will go as far as it can go.
They'll take as much as they can take.
In Texas, they can't take much, so they don't take much.
In Hawaii, it was funny, early on, they took everything from us, but you could fish and surf.
They knew that they couldn't take that.
So what we're seeing in Hawaii is that, I was talking to business owners today, is there any relief in sight?
Is there any hope in sight that they're going to relax these restrictions?
And they said they don't have any hope.
But what you say is key.
Thomas Jefferson was asked famously, what is the level of tyranny we will accept?
Or what is the tyranny tyrants will attempt?
He said, whatever you put up with.
So stop submitting, it only makes it worse.
Yeah, well in the public... Look at that camera, you tell folks what's going on.
Well, here's what's going on in Hawaii.
In normal times, there's seven people on a mortgage.
On normal times, everyone in the house has two jobs.
You have aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, all living together, all working together, so people are vulnerable.
We're good to go.
Everyone in your family is going to suffer.
They know that.
They take advantage of this.
And now, if one person's working and three people are out of work... Let's just say it.
Hawaii was put under martial law by the U.S.
It never got up.
They banned them dancing.
I mean, they've been under control forever.
Well, look it, and this is what... Why is Hawaii food insecure today?
Because plantation owners overthrew the Kingdom of Hawaii.
This is what happened.
A lot of my conservative friends don't want to hear it.
This is exactly what happened.
I say give Hawaii back to the natives.
Yeah, so the plantation owners, ag industry overthrew the state, they made an ag state, they brought people in from all over the world, the Philippines, Okinawa, China, and then with GATT 94, they destroyed the ag industry.
They said, no, you are no longer part of the agricultural global community, and so now 90% of food in Hawaii... It's the same thing as Jamaica.
And now look, 90% of the food in Hawaii has to be imported.
When I was a young man, Hawaii was an ag state.
The most wonderful time of the year was the Ag Fair.
It's an agriculture community.
We were knit together through agriculture.
They destroyed the agriculture community.
They have made us food insecure.
Hawaii is extremely vulnerable.
We're 47 out of 50 states with food security.
It's going to increase by 50%.
We're the furthest place in the world from any other place in the world.
Right now there's a ship.
In the Suez Canal that's stopping all that, all those ships going back and forth, all that trade, well, Hawaii is extremely vulnerable.
So I've been spending the past, since I left in July, I came to Texas, I told my friends,
I'm not leaving Hawaii.
I'm deploying, and I'm deploying to work on a plan to make Hawaii food secure.
That's been my focus.
And we were... And again, any good governor or leader would want to make an island-locked bread basket self-sufficient.
You could be a net exporter like you used to be.
I looked it up.
You used to be exporting beef, exporting coffee, exporting everything.
Now, no.
No offense, Texas.
Hawaii had paniolos.
We had cowboys before you did.
Look it up.
This is true.
That's because they had the Spanish and Portuguese settling there.
Well, they had to bring the Mexican cowboys in there because a British admiral gave King Kamehameha some cattle.
They went out of control.
And then by the middle of the 19th century, we had a booming cattle business.
We had a booming industry.
And so now what?
Instead of, they don't even talk about the food insecurity.
That's the Big Island mainly, right?
That's the Big Island.
Parker Ranch was the biggest active ranch in the world.
I flew over to Helicopter.
Damn, that was beautiful cows.
I want to live in Hawaii, much less a cow must love it.
No, and you know, my heart breaks, but listen.
The regime forms your soul.
The type of government you live in forms you.
The agriculture industry formed the people of Hawaii.
All the ethnicities, the cultures coming together, mixed with the missionaries, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Well, now there's this tyranny that will form souls.
That's why I had to get my children out of there, but I haven't stopped fighting.
That will form who we are.
So here we were next week, we're launching... So you're in Texas, but your spirit's still in Hawaii?
Oh, I'm still fighting for Hawaii.
And, you know, we were going to launch... Believe me, brother, I was planning to move there.
I knew it had problems, but watching this...
No, it's heartbreaking.
So, we were going to launch next week hawaiifoodsecurity.com.
Thanks to you, we're launching it right now.
Go to hawaiifoodsecurity.com.
That's what my focus has been on.
A plan to make Hawaii food independent and food secure.
And then last week, on Saturday, I was driving back from Dallas where I was giving a speech to 500 people.
In Dallas, a blue city in a red state, but I got to speak to 500 people, signed autographs, shook hands, handed out books and movies, drove home, I was just feeling on top of the world, and I see a woman being brutalized by HPD going through what I went through a year ago.
That's right, you got choked, you got arrested.
Well, you know, I didn't get choked, but they arrested me.
Well, they were grabbing at you, remember?
Well, that was the doctor, the fake facility where the woman struck me in the head.
I don't remember, you were attacked.
I was attacked by a woman who was, they had a fake COVID site that I...
Revealed was just nothing more than a movie set.
No one was there?
No one.
But you know, in the news it was miles away.
But you were there to get tested, like no one's there.
I was actually in February exposed to COVID.
I landed, I had a mother-in-law that's elderly.
I have a mother-in-law who's elderly.
And yeah, I got attacked.
And then when the police arrested me, I was actually handcuffed by a student of mine 20 years before when I was a religion teacher.
I taught him ethics.
And to me it was almost... Surreal?
I felt like this was out of the Sound of Music or something.
Here I was, I taught him in a Catholic school ethics.
He's a police officer handcuffing me for what?
There were no charges.
There were no charges.
They kept me in a police car for three hours.
This was almost a year ago.
They released me, sent my money back with an apology letter.
This woman who we saw, thrown to the ground.
They knelt on her neck.
Guess what she was charged with?
She committed no crime.
That's how they do it.
They commit the crime.
And then don't even give you a charge so you can defend yourself.
And you know what breaks my heart?
Hawaii's a small place.
I have friends that work for HPD.
The day I was arrested, my wife was babysitting for a friend of ours who works for HPD.
She's a police officer.
Because there was no daycare because of COVID, we became sort of a daycare for a family.
We're not even against the police.
Well, that's it.
They're destroying their own community.
Yeah, and you know, I feel sorry.
You're a young father, you're a young mother, you work for HPD, and it has to be a horrible position.
Not all of us have been blessed with whatever it is.
The fabulous want to take Hawaii over, it's so beautiful.
They want to police take it.
That's what it is.
I was thinking about that.
What is this?
They're destroying Hawaii.
They don't want us food secure.
They want to take all of that farmland.
They want to develop it.
All of those communities that were brought there in the early 20th century to work in the ag industry will be swept away.
We're going to San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, New Braunfels.
Where I live, I see Hawaii license plates all over the place.
They're sweeping us away from our grandparents, our grandchildren, our nieces, our nephews.
So they're going to move the Chinese in.
That's what it looks like they're doing.
Yeah, it's a deal.
So how do we stop it?
We force food security.
I agree.
Let's talk about this victory plan with Jason Jones.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me and it makes me feel pathetic.
Because I sit there and I beg you for support.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth.
And we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
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We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
I think.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I am so honored to be here with the great Jason Jones, best-selling author, amazing top filmmaker, Christian filmmaker, and he's got a friend.
Or an individual he knows about who was at the event, had the event.
Gary Cordery.
We'll introduce him coming up here in just a few minutes.
But first, introduce this to us.
Where they are in Hawaii and which island and what happened and why they just grabbed some innocent woman and start George Floyd-ing her.
Yeah, you know, I don't really know why they chose her.
She was wearing her mask.
She was a Marine veteran with her two sons, her two children.
There were hundreds and hundreds of people you can even see in the video.
They're not wearing masks.
They arrested her.
They didn't charge her with any crime.
They said she was resisting arrest.
Resisting arrest for what?
She committed no crime.
They said she didn't commit any charges.
They arrested her, took her to the police station.
No crime.
And Gary Cordery of the Aloha Freedom Coalition was the organizer of this event and it stunned everyone.
And again, I watched the full video and you said to me a few days ago, she doesn't resist and they are really putting their hands on her carotid arteries.
Why would you do that?
It seemed personal.
It seemed like... And you don't know?
You don't know why they picked her out?
She doesn't know why.
I talked to her friends.
No one that was there knew.
I talked to Nurse Erin, the hero Nurse Erin, from Elmhurst Hospital.
She was there as a speaker.
She said it was so confusing.
And all because she wants to have an in-the-lockdown event.
If she'd have been Black Lives Matter, she'd have been fine.
Maybe she should have burned a building.
She would have been a hero.
Yeah, it's really unbelievable.
That's a Marine right there.
And, um, she was wearing her mask.
Her children see this, and this is what I mean by the regime forms us.
And they're like, oh, we're all suffocating you, but everything's okay.
They get off on it.
This is a satanic ritual.
Guys, turn the audio up, please.
Now they're gonna take her to jail.
And the police are just sickening orders all over.
I'd love to see Hawaii free.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I got a feeling that the tribal government's ready to be free.
You saw, the police just walked by several people that had no masks on.
She was wearing her mask before they threw her to the ground and it fell off.
Look at these women.
They love it.
And the mayor, Blan Giardi, who ran as a conservative, is a Republican.
Is now defending this, saying, well she had a flag.
Maybe it's that she was wearing American flag pants.
That tends to trigger leftists, the American flag.
Well she had a flag when they attacked her.
She was holding a flag.
She was holding a flag, that's what it was.
And the mayor said, Mayor Blangiardi, who I was hopeful for.
He said some really, some things that had me very hopeful.
In fact, I shared a post on social media recently in support of him.
Because he had a great press conference.
But then he came out and said, well she had a flag, it could have been used as a weapon.
You know, I was mugged in D.C.
and I successfully defended myself.
So successfully that the police told me afterwards, you know, you could have run.
You're a big guy.
You're an MMA guy, but tell us what happened in D.C.
Well, the police told me, listen, you know, next time just, you had a, you know, you obviously are a trained fighter.
You had a route.
You could have run away.
You could have gotten in trouble because you had a, you had a,
Access to avoid the mugging by running.
That sounds like England where they indict people that are mugged.
A couple years ago, I was coming back from a speech near DuPont Circle, was attacked.
I wonder if he was a BLM... Because you're a big guy.
I wonder why the muggers think you're a big guy.
I asked myself the same question.
He was calling me old man before he attacked me.
But the police had told me they were good.
They were on my side.
But they said, hey, next time if we ask you
If you say you were backed up against the wall or say that there was nowhere to run, because they asked me, could you felt cornered?
See, that's what they that's what the police told me to say.
Say you felt cornered.
And so was that the last resort for the use of violence?
I was thinking, I don't want to hate these police.
That's what I was thinking.
No, these are degenerate thugs following orders.
They're scum.
I mean, I'm sorry.
They're arresting a woman because they're triggered by red, white and blue.
This is pathetic.
Yeah, no.
So, you know, my college roommate's an HPD officer.
I have family and friends that work for HPD.
And it's really sad that they're pitting against each other.
And they're pitting people against each other in the same families because people are so scared.
No, I agree.
We've still got to call it out as you're doing it.
No, I agree.
Tell us about this gentleman.
Tell us about Gary and his organization.
Well, God bless Gary Cordery and all the folks in Hawaii that are continuing to stand up.
It's been a year now and they haven't been worn down.
They haven't tapped out.
They haven't surrendered.
And Gary was there and he witnessed the whole thing.
So thank you, Gary, for being here.
I don't know if we can... Yeah, Gary, turn him up.
Gary, thanks for joining us.
Tell us about this event and what happened.
Well, the event was actually a part of the Worldwide Rally.
The Freedom Rally on the 20th.
That's when we're having it in London and in Berlin and everywhere.
There's a hundred cities that joined in a number of U.S.
You have the flyer there on screen.
It was a great rally.
It was a fantastic day.
Beautiful day in Hawaii.
Great speakers like, you know, we had Del Bigtree, we had Nurse Erin, Sheriff Mack, local speakers, Hula.
Comedy, the brothers on there, comedy so good, so much fun going on.
The people were enjoying a beautiful day in the park in Hawaii.
And what happened?
Why did they single out this woman?
You know, it's interesting.
Early on in the day, the police started coming in.
First 2, 4, 10, 12, 15.
And by the time early afternoon came around, there was over 50 officers.
And they just were intimidating.
You can see them on the screen now.
I see the image, the video image.
They're talking to Sheriff Mack there.
But they essentially started encircling the crowd.
Uh, they made a couple of PA microphone things about social distancing and wearing your mask.
Although you couldn't hear it, it was from 200 feet away.
It was garbled.
Ultimately, early afternoon, around 4.30 or so, 4.15, a number of the officers circled the entire venue.
At that point, there was about 500 people left.
There was a rainstorm that came through.
They saw the police.
People had left.
A lot of police were feeling intimidated.
There was anxiety going on.
They started to leave around.
Rainstorm came, it stopped, and the police encircled the group.
They created a V from the back, and they just walked into the middle of the group.
They didn't have any courtesy.
They stepped over people, through people.
So this is just an exercise in martial law.
It's just, oh, evil Americans are out in the park.
Let's go harass them.
I just think that, you know, this gentleman you can see on the screen now, this was the gentleman that was arrested.
It all started running.
They actually asked him to see his ID, and he asked the simple question back, do I have to share my ID?
The officer stepped back, didn't say a single word.
He just said, level two.
At that point, they encircled him and went to arrest him.
The lady that got face planted, she actually reached out to him and said, do you want me to take your son?
Because he had his son at his side.
As soon as she did that, they turned on her and took her down.
Her two kids were on her side as well.
So, the event became chaotic, it became disruptive, it nearly got violent.
The people... Yeah, these police... I mean, this is such a powder keg, because if the people want to overthrow the system, we're going to do it in five minutes.
And we're restrained, but they keep wanting... They know we've got the powers, they keep wanting to dominate us, so we submit.
Don't they get, Jason, that that's going to trigger the war?
Yeah, I don't understand it.
If you can even hear the audio, and you hear Pastor Stonebreaker from Calvary Chapel Honolulu in the back, and he's talking about how we love our police officers, that police officers are too.
We're supposed to respect them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Back that up and turn it up!
Turn that up!
He's like trying to be nice.
Here it is.
Free it up!
Free it up!
Meanwhile, literally, if you were Black Lives Matter or anti-Black Lives Matter, you'd burn the city down.
You'd be worshipped.
So you can see in the video, obviously, that there's nothing going on there.
You see the flag there being held.
That's the flag that began.
That was the only action you could actually see from a distance.
You could see the flag being jerked back and forth.
One of the officers was trying to take the flag from the young lady, ultimately ended up on the ground, which is so ironic.
Nevertheless, I really believe that truth is the currency of change in this conversation.
We need to maintain the truth.
I think there was some information that went out there that the officers were asking her whether she could breathe.
It wasn't actually the officers saying that, it was a participant in the rally.
I just want to bring clarity to that.
But nevertheless, what happened there that day was just an act of intimidation.
These guys
The SWAT team was in the back behind that huge monkey pod tree.
There was a lot of guys with riot jackets.
Oh yeah, this is all martial law training.
They use the virus as the excuse.
And this is all martial law training.
I want to ask Gary and I want to ask Jason Jones, what is the big event coming they're getting ready for?
We're going to go to break.
Dollar collapse?
But it's all over the world.
We're going to talk about it.
Gary, how do people find your local Hawaii organization so they can get involved in the great work you're doing?
Yeah, that's great.
Thank you.
It's the AlohaFreedomCoalition.org.
It's Facebook.
It's a website.
Facebook Instagram.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back to you.
What a beautiful place.
What beautiful people.
I like the joke.
I was going to tell a COVID joke, but there's a 99.69% chance you won't get it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I don't like coming to you and saying this could be our last broadcast.
Hell, I've been on there 27 years, and only the last year or so have I said that.
But let me tell you, the New World Order is breathing down our neck, the big globalist publications are coming after us, and they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
So please pray to keep InfoWars on the air, and please support the local station you're listening to as well.
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Thank you so much.
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
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My enemies are your enemies.
They're the globalists.
They're exterminists.
They're a consortium of mad scientists, pedophiles, control freaks, devil worshippers, vampires, wherever you want to call them, that are highly predatory and are setting up a false fantasy land system of constant bombardment of propaganda, drugs, and electromagnetic radiation.
To change the very DNA of the human species to mutate us into a form that they can control like a pawn on a chessboard.
The bottom line is they want to play God, they are playing God, and the noose is only going to tighten around our necks from here on out.
So many other people want to be positive, they want to put out fake news and want to only cover limited amounts of what's happening with the new world order, but
At the end of the day, it's all about the population.
It's all about world government.
It's all about the end of the human system as we know it.
You know, it's actually a nightmare being built.
Only admitting it can turn it around and stop it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright folks, The War Room with Owen Stroyer is coming up here in about 15 minutes.
Jason Jones is going to host my Sunday show.
4 to 6 p.m.
I'm coming in Saturday to tape a taped air show for two hours.
It'll be basically commercial-free.
It'll air at 3 p.m.
and then until 4 p.m.
when he takes over.
Then Owen Shroyer does Sunday live 6 to 8 p.m.
and we're talking to Gary Cordery who heads up one of the pro-freedom groups there in Hawaii where we saw this disgusting police state action.
This is just unbelievable.
Now they're saying, oh, gotta have a shot to get on a plane, gotta have one to go to a bar or restaurant in the UK.
They promised they wouldn't.
This is a takeover.
Jason Jones, that's why you're talking about food security.
You take that breadbrasket that is Hawaii, that is those incredible islands, that is Kauai, and then of course coming to the Big Island, and all of it, these are just beautiful, like Garden of Eden's, and I know they used to be giant net exporters, now giant net importers.
How do we break this cycle of control?
You know, in the mid-90s when I was a student at the University of Hawaii studying the genocides and democides of the 20th century, I saw that Oahu was probably the most vulnerable place in the world in the 21st century.
That's what inspired me to write my first book, The Race to Save Our Century.
It's like, how do we prevent democides, genocides, and total wars in the 21st century?
How do we prevent the Great Famines?
The famines in the Ukraine, the famine in China where Mao killed 60 million Chinese.
It was caused by one thing.
Taking power away from the local folks and putting it off to distant, unelected bureaucracies.
The famine in China did not end until the farmers bribed their way back onto the farms.
That's how the government, the bureaucrats, the famine would have never ended in China, but the farmers after 60 million dead finally figured out we need to bribe our way back into our farms, use food.
They innovated again!
Yeah, the farmers saved China from famine after 60 million dead.
How do we prevent famine in Hawaii?
How do we prevent food insecurity in Hawaii?
The people of Hawaii need to take back their food security.
They need to import 10% of their food, not 90% of their food.
And this is true, as you said, Alex, offline.
Everyone in the world is vulnerable when you give power to distant, unelected bureaucracies, when our local officials are acting as nothing more than administrators for the World Health Organization.
They're acting as if they don't have solar plants in Texas.
Texas said, let us turn the coal up.
They said no.
So the power went off.
I mean, they did that.
We are dependent.
Yeah, 100 percent.
And I lived through that.
Five days, no electricity.
Fortunately for me, we had a big fireplace and I'm a prepper.
And so while other families, where people were really dying in Texas, we were reading books and playing board games, studying scripture.
But we need, and that's because with a lot of your products that you're selling, Alex, it's saying take responsibility for your family.
Do not count on bureaucrats.
Do not count on the local grocery store.
Do not count on you not taking care of yourself.
We really appreciate you.
Any other points you'd like to have?
We'd love to have you back on about Hawaii, because they're using you because you're small.
They're controlling you.
What happens to you today happens to us tomorrow.
Well, I would say that one of the things that's most concerning is this passport vaccine that they're trying to promote here.
A lot of people are thinking about leaving Hawaii, seriously leaving Hawaii permanently, because they don't like the policies that are being mandated and implemented here.
There's an agenda to mandate passport vaccines here, very similar to the one that's being voted on in Europe today.
This is a nightmare.
So if people want to make a stand, they want to call out something that's tangible, that's going to affect everybody, this passport vaccine mandate is, to me, it's a tipping point for a lot of people.
You can join our site.
You can go to our site.
You can help us.
You can donate.
There's a lot of ways to get involved.
We're actually here to stand for the liberty of the people.
We're not actually here to tell people how to live, whether they should wear a mask or take a shot.
We're saying people have the right to self-govern.
Your body, your choice.
Your body, your choice.
But in every area of our lives, we're people that have been given discernment.
We have wisdom.
We don't need to be told how to think.
People can think for themselves, and then they can also have family in Ohana.
So that's the other part that we're about.
We're about creating family and an organization where people can actually live the life they want to live, not one that's sold.
Well, I totally agree with you.
I mean, here's what's happening.
Hawaii is a magic place.
It has a magic spirit.
And just like New York or California are great places, they're forcing everyone out with policies to take them over.
So I would leave that with you too.
It's great to have you here in Texas, Mr. Jones, but at the same time, hang on for those that feel like that, because definitely the Facebook owners trying to take problem lands, they want it for themselves.
They're sweeping people away.
They've been sweeping people away since the early 90s when they destroyed the agriculture industry.
The key to, just like the key to preservation of soil... Thomas Jefferson said, the key is farmers.
That's the only real culture is growing things.
It's not fiat currency.
It's not Bitcoin, which I'm saying is fine.
No, it's really families and farms and houses and men and women and children.
Yeah, and that beautiful spirit, that aloha spirit, in many ways grew up in the plantations.
It grew up in an agriculture state.
It grew up in a state that was a farm state.
And once, after GATT 94, after agriculture went away, it was very sorrowful and it was really dramatic.
It was overnight.
I was fortunate to go to community college in the mid-90s right after this happened, and so I was going to school with men that I thought were very old.
Happy people that were working in the fields.
Yeah, men that had been working in the fields their whole life were now in community college with me.
Because you know, working in the fields is like a drug.
You get high doing that.
Strong, healthy, happy.
And check this out, Alex.
Now their children were getting into management positions.
Now their children were getting to go up in that industry.
They came as immigrants, they worked in the fields, and now their children were going into management positions, and then BAM!
It was all swept away.
And again, for those of you who don't know, gardening or farming, you're supposed to do it.
It feels good.
Go ahead, Gary.
I just want to illuminate, you know, the idea of Aloha and family and Ohana here is deeply rooted in the family.
That's the issue.
People here love family.
Spending time together, having dinner together, singing together, praying together, going to the beach together.
It's all about family here.
It's all about community and it's all about relationship.
So these tactics to divide and separate
These are the tactics that are being used to destroy the family, the core sense of aloha here in Hawaii.
I agree, so do Hawaiians get pissed when the cops try to keep people from coming together?
You have to repeat that, I'm so sorry.
Are the Hawaiians getting mad then when the police are trying to keep people from coming together?
The Hawaiians have been, you know, standing for their own sovereignty for decades.
They want their own voice.
You know, when this first happened,
What happened to the Hawaiian people was wrong.
It was.
The way it went down, it was wrong.
It was wrong.
So they have their own issues.
The Hawaiian community have their own issues.
Nevertheless... Well, I just said Hawaii should declare its independence and throw the globalists out.
How's that sound?
Actually, there's a move going on, I can assure you.
My friend Leon Hsu is the ambassador for the Kingdom of Hawaii.
We'd love to come on your show.
Get him on.
Yeah, we'll get him on.
We'll get him on.
I mean, America's already taken over.
We might as well just have Hawaii.
And they're godly people.
They want godly government.
They love the principles of America.
They love America.
They're just saying, hey, you illegally overthrew our government, which is 100%
And we have to acknowledge that's true.
I will take the Hawaiian government of the people over Klaus Schwab, because we're under UN governance now.
Just like they got overthrown, we're being overthrown by the New World Order.
Yeah, no.
But I think that's part of the strategy, to divide all of us so that they can rule all of us.
I agree, so we come together against globalism.
That's right.
And that's subsidiarity.
Think local, live local, act local.
Hey, listen, sir.
Go ahead, Gary, plug your website one more time.
We appreciate it.
We'll talk to you soon.
I got Owen Schroer coming on for three hours.
You're hosting the Sunday Show.
You'll get into the food revolution then, but give us 30 seconds on that, a little bit more.
So, because of the federal government and transnational trade agreements, Hawaii was removed from the global food production.
So, the idea, we're proposing at HawaiiFoodSecurity.com a Food Security Act, which would say
Hawaii must be subsidized to become food independent because you took away our farms, you took away our industry.
You force us to take shifts.
Just like the National Petroleum Reserve, or just like we subsidize farmers, get out of the way of farmers.
Get out of the way of farmers.
You got in our way.
We're 47 out of 50 states in food security.
We're 47 out of 50 states in food subsidies.
If we were 25 out of 50... We used to supply the world, now we don't.
Yeah, and they crushed it.
If we were 25 out of 50 states for ag subsidies, we would be food independent in 24 months.
And now Bill Gates is taking over the food.
The whole country.
All right, you're going to talk about it Sunday.
4 to 6 p.m.
Yes, sir.
It's very important.
Mr. Jones, thank you.
What's the best website for you?
Well, you can go to hawaiifoodsecurity.com, movietomovement.com is my website for my movies, and my podcast, The Jason Jones Show, is erupting thanks to you, so I brought you a hat.
Thank you, brother.
We love your show.
Hey, Owen Schroeder, tell us what's coming up on your three-hour transmission.
Well, the headline says it.
Joe Biden seems confused at times during first official press conference on the New York Post.
No, he's always confused.
He can barely walk.
He can barely talk.
I will give him credit.
He lasted for an hour up there, Alex.
But we're going to be going over some of the clips, some of the highlights.
We'll be responding to that in live time.
So you're going to cover the disaster that was the Joe Biden press conference?
Yeah, I mean, the lies that were told, the fumbling and bumbling, they're not going to be able to hide this.
Even, I think, left-wing media is going to be forced to cover this.
But they may not mind it now.
I think they're getting ready to get Kamala in there anyway.
So this could be the beginning of the end for Joe Biden.
We're also going to have Dan Lyman coming up.
Big news at the border.
Big news coming out of Europe.
Drew Hernandez, a guest on your show.
I want to
Go deeper into the details of these men being put in hotel rooms with kids.
That's a recipe for disaster.
And then Dell Bigtree in studio for the third hour today.
That is one hell of a transmission.
The War Room at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And of course at Band.Video and on stations all over the country.
Everybody tune in now to The War Room on the network feed on the front page of InfoWars.com.
Thank you so much, Owen Schroer.
All right.
Great job, Jason Jones.
Thank you, sir.
And great job to the crew.
I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing.
He'll be hosting
The Sunday Show.
Get ready for the war room.