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Filename: 20210217_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 17, 2021
3513 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including power outages in Texas as an act of war, the ongoing crisis in Texas caused by intentional shutdowns of energy production facilities, the importance of having a Survival Seed Bank and using 2020 Safe Hand Sanitizer, globalist agendas and their control over information and media, the need for immune system health in the COVID culture, the ongoing battle against globalists, and promoting his store where listeners can purchase high-quality food supplies for long-term storage. He also criticizes other warehouses in the area for being allowed to stay open during power cuts while theirs was turned off, implying a form of technocracy or selective control being used over society. A veteran claims that he was deemed disabled for political reasons after attending a Donald Trump rally and received negative treatment from the VA. The speaker discusses how smart meters have financial penalties associated with refusing to install them, Joe Biden signing onto agenda 2030 which bans space heaters, wood heaters, and oil heaters, and how some major US state governments are running TV and radio ads encouraging people to take vitamin D3, zinc, and C to maintain their health, but these essential nutrients have been sold out for months due to high demand.

I don't play air raid sirens to scare you.
I play air raid sirens because you're under attack and you know what's going on.
You understand this is a war.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I have a skeleton crew and we have limited power back on in the studios here.
And a lot of listeners will say to me, well, you're Mr. Prepared.
Why aren't you prepared?
Want to eat some of that screwable food?
When I've told people that we should all take our vitamins and be in shape, I'm pointing three fingers back at myself and one finger at you.
But I'm obviously saying what I think the best thing to do is.
The city of Austin was here two years ago and wouldn't give us the permits for a full power generator system that we wanted to put in here.
And you could, I guess, move locations.
We don't have the money to do that.
So we're just like the average folks.
And I don't have power.
Most of my family doesn't have power.
And so I've been going around dealing with frozen pipes and things like that.
And I'm not complaining.
I just saw some of the comments on Bandot video.
And really what I'm doing here at the start of the broadcast is just doing a little bit of bitching because the information is so heavy.
The information is so insanely intense.
That I'm going to be covering here today as I broadcast to you from a building that's 99% dark except for the studio.
And we've got three generators running just to keep this going 24 hours a day.
I bring you this information because this is the end of the Republic, the end of the country, the end of the world as you know it.
This is the Global Extermination Plan.
And now they're so far into it, I'm able to track the type it is.
I knew they had different models to first launch test attacks, and then prepare.
And then a few years later, launch bigger attacks, each time killing more of us.
But they've decided to go ahead and just accelerate all the way now.
And I would say by a year from now, they'll release a bioweapon that probably kills 4 billion people.
So, they may even have Biden stand down and receive a first strike to our military bases from China.
And I'm just telling you what I really think, okay?
So this is the ultimate Black Pill broadcast today, and I just want you to understand what we're facing.
Now, I already knew this, and I said this on Monday.
I came up here and shot a special report on my little Globalist tracker, slave-made iPhone, and the Skelton crew got it uploaded to our servers and systems that aren't in Texas, and the blackouts was able to get out.
And I said, watch, this blackout's gonna last weeks.
It's all a psychological test.
And now they've come out and announced it's going to last weeks.
That was just announced one hour ago.
It's going to last four weeks.
So there is the headline.
Joe Biden's dark winter is here.
now under Agenda 2030 electrical lockdown.
And Bill Gates says that's good to have blackouts, get used to it.
In North Korea, in Romania, under Ceausescu and other dictatorships, they do this on purpose.
I helped write the excellent analysis that Greg Reese put out last night, last week, and I'm not taking credit, he wrote about 90% of it, but there's the part in there about next they're going to turn your power off and give you rolling blackouts, and I predicted that would be imminent, and of course it's now imminent, and now it's here.
Because I also noticed everything Q said was the enemy bragging.
It was the enemy.
The mouth of Sauron.
And so Q said, when the lights go out, that's when the roundups begin.
And indeed, they are starting to SWAT team and kill and round people up.
They're in the blackouts, but it's us that's getting rounded up, not them.
So also, that's some of the sick irony of President Q. Yep.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a hellish situation.
Absolutely nightmarish situation, and I have not even begun to give you the intel.
When we come back, Biden openly last night on the Communist News Network said that Xi Jinping is good, and that the takeover of Hong Kong is good, and that the death camps are good.
You're like, this is incredible.
Yes, I'm going to play the video next segment.
This is the externalization of the completely satanic method, and they got me.
Beta's over, baby!
Beta is over.
So, America has fallen.
America is gone.
America is dead.
And only admitting that gives us any chance of turning around.
We are now completely overrun, the FBI's completely paid off, and hell on earth is now being released.
Finally, we're seeing major state governments
In the United States, running TV and radio ads saying everybody take your vitamin D3, take your zinc, and take your C. It's essential for your body's cells to maintain your health.
Essential means you must have it.
It's been sold out for months.
It's Winter Sun.
It's back in stock with Vitamin K. Both are essential for your immune system and for your body.
We got a limited shipment in.
It's 25% off.
Winter Sun has Vitamin D3 highest quality with Vitamin K. Taken sublingually under the tongue.
Limited amount.
25% off.
Get it with Ultra 12.
Now back in stock together for 40% off or Ultra 12 by itself.
50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
But whatever you do, visit InfoWarsTore.com today because your funding of our operation is critical.
You are the folks that sponsor us.
We don't have George Soros funding us.
It's you.
So thank you all for your support.
Winter Sun.
Back in stock for a limited time.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, February 17th.
The year is 2021.
And we're going to be here, live, for the next four hours, Lord willing.
Very thankful to the crew.
Some of them working around the clock.
Those that were able to get out of their homes.
Those that didn't live in the hills.
Many people are completely locked in their homes because of a half-foot thick sheet of black ice after this giant blue northern pounded the state and much of the rest of the country and more is on its way.
Again, thank you for joining us.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
Let me just do the best job I can right now and just read you these headlines.
Joe Biden officially endorses Communist China and the invasion of Hong Kong.
He officially endorses the Uyghurs in death camps working in slave factories for Apple.
So that is official.
We have the video for you.
This would be like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1943 saying Hitler's a good person.
This is just over-the-top, super whopper, and it's on purpose.
So if they were wondering where Joe Biden was going to behave because they own him and have him by the short hairs, you now know, totally controlled by Chinese intelligence.
So is most of the Senate, not just the Democrats, but also Mitch McConnell.
It's just unbelievable.
So we have that.
We also have an extremely chilling statement from Bill Gates and one from Psaki, the White House press secretary, saying, oh, we hope someday the lockdowns and the mask end.
So now it's we hope someday.
And they're now saying seven years, 10 years, 20 years.
Completely over.
Contact tracers coming to your house soon.
Already coming to people's houses across Europe, Australia.
And there actually is contact tracers now actually showing up with armed police at people's doors for their Facebook posts about not wearing masks.
In Florida, in places like Broward County, they are now sending police in the middle of the night, without warrants, to your house to tell you that you better not organize a no-mask protest.
See the contact tracers are the political enforcers.
Remember Obama said we need a group just as big and just as strong as our military.
Remember that?
We need a domestic security force just as big and just as strong as our military and it's called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.
They've divided it up and the UN, three groups, all have their own accredited training now for millions of the new enforcers.
That have the power to disappear you to a secret facility.
And of course I told you they would use a deadly virus as the cover for this 20 years ago and it was even the plot 15, 16 years ago to V for Vendetta.
So they're throwing it in your faces.
So we have that.
And we have Mark Zuckerberg in a leaked video
Saying that he doesn't trust the vaccine because it mutates the DNA of the body, which is what it does.
It does cause mutations, which you might know is another name.
It's called cancer.
It's not very much fun to get her to die.
But why would he tell his insider executive class?
Well, they all get the warning.
I mean, you don't think they actually take the vaccine, do you?
Certainly not.
And I'm going to explain something when we come back in the next segment.
It's the most important thing ever.
Okay, and it's this.
Everything with them is actually a truthful statement, except it's inverted.
So when Bill Gates says we're fighting the equivalent of World War II, you have that clip coming up, we're fighting the equivalent of World War II, and the virus is World War II, and climate change is like World War II.
When he says we're fighting the virus, you're the virus.
They call human overpopulation and
Free speech and everything and Christians and white males, the virus.
So they say it's like a world war and suddenly he's on every channel constantly.
Joe Biden isn't seen but about once a week.
They say Joe Biden won't meet with a world leader for two months.
And they're teaching us that Bill Gates does the talking along with Kamala Harris.
And now there it's in the news that Bill Gates talks to world leaders now for Joe Biden.
And he talks for the president.
Of course!
And then presidents and prime ministers step back and the Jeff Bezos's and the Bill Gates's actually rule over all of us and tell us about our medical future and tell us about the economy and tell us about our energy use.
In fact, here's an article.
Here's an article from a couple years ago.
And it says, backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, Breakthrough Energy Ventures placed bets on power outages.
Power outages.
They place their bets on there being big power problems.
And so now they're going to have ways to, quote, store it.
And then look, Texas wholesale electric prices spiked more than 10,000 percent amid outages.
And here's the big news.
They planned this power outage.
They did it on purpose.
And I even have articles where they have admitted this in the past.
Remember Enron?
I'm going to break all that down.
So each one of these big topics.
Bill Gates coming out and saying, you're not going to have me anymore and world government's here and I'm in control of your life.
And Mark Zuckerberg video saying, oh, yeah, you know, I don't trust this vaccine.
It changes the RNA and the DNA.
It's not really a vaccine.
And then we've got the big one is Biden just saying Xi Jinping is doing a wonderful job.
Now what Enron did was create the rolling blackouts to create the artificial scarcity perception where they would overcharge billions a day sometimes to people on the West Coast with pleasure.
They had fake computer models and fake computer reporting to the state, and it was all fraud.
The state knew it was.
And see, they just burned Enron and Kinlay back then because it was still a little bit of an FBI, a little bit of the court system, and just, you know, well, you can't.
Plus, Enron was kind of its own company.
No, no, no, that doesn't just belong to you.
We're going to take that technology and total energy fraud and roll that because it was Enron came up with the carbon tax in 1987.
I mean, you knew that, right?
Ken Lay hatched all this.
And then we all heard he committed suicide on house arrest and then where does he stand in Paraguay?
So that's that's how all this works, ladies and gentlemen, see, I study how these boys operate.
How they do it.
And Schwarzenegger got together with Enron and cooked all that up, and then recalled the Democrat governor, remember?
Who I wasn't for either, but then they made it even worse, and then old Schwartzy ripped everybody off and contained the scam going.
And that's how it operates.
And of course, folks are worried that China is taking control of the U.S.
electric grid, but big deal!
I mean, they're good folks.
It's their cultural norm to have three million Muslims in death camps, a million Christians,
And a million Buddhists.
I mean, there's at least 5 million people in death camps.
Death camps.
And they... One camp, estimate, killed about 5,000 a day.
And we've showed you the footage of the mass executions.
The stations complain about it.
I understand it.
Mass executions aren't fun.
But, you know, when George Floyd was killed, everybody showed it so we could burn the country down over what one cop did wrong.
So, it's okay to show that snuff film, right?
You just don't want to show those death camps in China.
Those mass executions.
And then walking up and just machine-gunning people are hanging them.
No, you're not supposed to.
Oh, come on, have some decency, Jones.
Let's not show that.
So, only having a full, total awakening that you're under attack, it's a silence.
I mean, it's every ounce of courage I have not to evacuate the United States right now.
I mean, it's that bad.
And by the way,
It's totally easy to do.
You just have to make the decision.
But that's what courage is.
It's just continually being replaced every millisecond.
But you better have courage because if you don't stand up, they're going to kill all of us very soon.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hey, everybody.
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The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim, so you don't take your birthright as being made in the image of God, and the incredible mission and destiny we have, being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness.
God is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of a sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music, the fact that you can commune with that and resonate with that is energetic.
And that itself is what God teaches us is worship.
So don't worship the globalists.
Don't worship the NFL.
Don't worship all the things of the system.
But worship the things of God.
Because we're made by God.
And appreciate your consciousness.
And appreciate free speech.
While you still have it.
While you still have it.
My enemies are your enemies.
They're the globalists.
They're the exterminists.
They're a consortium of mad scientists, pedophiles, control freaks, devil worshippers.
Vampires, whatever you want to call them.
That are highly predatory and are setting up a false fantasy land system of constant bombardment of propaganda, drugs, and electromagnetic radiation to change the very DNA of the human species to mutate us into a form that they can control like a pawn on a chessboard.
The bottom line is they want to play God, they are playing God, and
The news is only going to tighten around our necks from here on out.
So many other people want to be positive, they want to put out fake news, and want to only cover limited amounts of what's happening with the New World Order, but at the end of the day, it's all about the population, it's all about world government, it's all about the end of the human system as we know it, and all it's actually is a nightmare being built.
Only admitting it can turn it around and stop it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's two types of civilizations.
Those based on barbarism and torture and evil and intrigue, backstabbing, feudalism, serfdom,
And then there's those based on goodness and chivalry and strength.
Where people get together and decide to try to build a strong, virtuous system because they don't want their children to be slaves and they want to have security.
And they want to build a beautiful system.
But man has fallen.
And as soon as you don't recognize that, as soon as you don't fight corruption, it takes over like cancer.
And so I've been on air 27 years.
And as you know, if you're a regular listener, I probably didn't say this is the most important broadcast I've ever done for five years.
About five years into my broadcasting career and research career, I started to say this is the most important thing I've ever done.
And maybe I'd say that every couple of years, and then I'd say it every couple of months, and now I say it every week because things just get more intense.
To have Joe Biden
Come out in a town hall on CNN, standing 20 feet away from Anderson Cooper, the Aster heir, the eugenics heir.
Aster is heavily funded by Bill Gates, the population plan.
He's the heir to the entire fortune.
Oh, but he owns nothing like Bill Gates.
He just puts it all in, it's all tax-free.
He's such a philanthropist.
Oh, and he's gay, too, so it's okay, you know, if he supports death camps in China.
As long as you're gay and look like Anderson Cooper or look like Tim Cook, it's okay, because they're good people.
Because they're gay.
But anyways, because they're not having any children.
That's the really important part, isn't it?
And there they are, and he says that China's doing a good thing in Hong Kong.
We have a treaty with Hong Kong.
The British do.
Protectorate agreements.
China has an agreement with them to not do what they're doing.
To not take over for another 20 years.
But they've got troops by the hundreds of thousands stationed there.
They're attacking people, torturing them, killing them.
And Joe Biden says that's good!
In total violation of U.S.
policy, U.S.
law, common sense, he just says it right out loud.
And then he went further, he said, oh, he didn't deny they were killing the Uyghurs.
He didn't deny there were three million of them in death camps that make components mainly for Apple.
And that's all on record.
Apple doesn't deny that.
And all the videos come out of the
So, we have reached this incredible point where you notice all these Democrat leaders.
One of the Democrat party leaders in California, remember two weeks ago, said, we need to be like Xi Jinping and put Americans in camps like the Uyghurs.
And people went, man, you like, even name it.
It's like they're endorsing it.
And they're on the news saying, we want to arrest Americans.
We want to put Americans in camps.
We are the new single party, like the Communist Party, 1949, that took over China.
And it's just completely, and totally, and absolutely, out in the open.
They have killed more than 30 million, the Chinese Party says, babies already born.
They've had a one-child policy to where there's probably a hundred million more boys in China than there are girls, so they export Chinese men to colonies and tell them, get an African wife, get a Latin American wife, get an American wife.
They forcibly rape the Uyghur women and up to ten men at a time, that's in the mainstream news, they don't deny it, to forcibly make them Chinese instead of the group they are, which basically is Chinese.
It's a dark day, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a dark day.
I'm going to play this clip in a moment, but this is all being done on purpose.
This is rubbing our faces in it, and we got another bad piece of news.
He wasn't perfect.
He got snookered into wars, bloodless wars, but he was an American, and he was loyal to the country, and he meant well, and he fought the Communists, Rush Limbaugh, American radio host, dead at 70.
So just another disgusting, sickening omen.
And folks, I've learned at 47 to go with my gut, it's never wrong.
The United States is facing imminent destruction.
My gut's never been wrong and I keep having very intense nightmares the last month that the United States is going to be hit by nuclear weapons by China and is going to stand down and are going to receive the attack.
And I've looked at all the evidence, too.
They're preparing us with stay in your homes, oh, your power's off.
If they turn the power off, I'll prove that coming up.
But they admit they did, by the way.
It's in the fine print.
And they're just getting us ready for the disaster.
They're not going to hit the main cities.
They're going to hit the military bases.
And that's why they want to keep National Guard in D.C.
so that the states can't organize and have any response.
They'll be cut off in D.C.
That's why they're doing this purge the military.
They did a 60-day stand down to go through and create lists of who they're going to kill right away and who they're not.
I mean, if you don't want to stay and fight this, I would evacuate the United States right now.
Very good chance that they're going to either blow the entire power grip of the MPs, which they've been conditioning us to get ready for, or they're going to hit us with a first strike.
And you're like, oh, that's that's crazy.
Now, this is war, folks.
America's over.
It's gone.
Trump was removed.
Of course he wanted a giant landslide.
They weren't going to allow that to happen.
And that's why when you look at the press secretary and all of Biden's people, they are scared.
And if I was them, I'd be scared too.
Because they're going to be removed as soon as the Chinese take over.
I gotta be honest with you folks.
It's all over.
We're about to be hit with nuclear weapons.
It's all over.
The military stood down.
Everything's gone.
It's over.
I'm sorry.
The country's gone.
It's all over.
I'm not giving up.
I'm admitting that the Death Star is orbiting the planet at maximum velocity.
If we don't stop the globalists, if they aren't stopped, it's over.
You think they just steal elections for no reason?
You think they're saying veterans are terrorists for no reason?
You think they're saying all white men are terrorists?
Under this Chinese regime, folks, they're gonna take all white men in for re-education.
And then it'll be every other group after that.
Because they know that white men coming from a Scottish, Irish, English tradition, even the continent of Europe didn't get free until about 150 years ago.
Germans were still serfs 150 years ago.
In the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
They were under a king.
Military service, the Prussians were owned men.
Prussians were sold as mercenaries.
So you had a bunch of wars in
The British Isles over tribalism and who ran things.
And then that grew into our system of freedom.
That's where it all came from, folks.
It all comes out of England.
It all comes out of Scotland.
It all comes out of Ireland.
That's where all the freedom comes from.
Mainly England.
People demanding their freedom.
Because they were going to have another group dominating them.
They're not going to have Norman telling them what to do.
The Scots aren't going to have the English telling them what to do.
The Brits, the British.
The Irish aren't going to have the English telling them what to do.
That's where all this comes from!
And it's all just been washed away!
All of it!
So just admit it!
I'm not going to sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes and put words to your head.
If you're paying attention, you know we've done together.
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game and they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence the human resistance.
So, now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structures are going to silence those of us that they can.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the polar bears you are.
The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid.
Now, inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
I know this sounds insane, but if you read the writings of the Globalist, it's all on record.
You have been warned.
You have been given the information to say no to this plan.
This is the end of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is the alien takeover of Earth.
You cannot hide a grand assault.
America is about to have its energy cut off, its borders destroyed, its dollar brought down to nothing.
All of you that have served Satan believe that you are the right team.
You're about to find out how pathetic you are.
Living in fear.
The enemy is about to expose itself.
The enemy can't help itself.
The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
We sit here as good people and get upset about that, and we're gonna stop it, and we should, but once it comes through, once it hits us, once it's dominating us and raping us and attacking us, we just have to point out we tried to stop it.
So prepare yourselves, America.
You're going under judgment, just like all the children that were aborted.
This is the truth.
This is the InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've looked at all the data.
I've looked at the attack profile of the enemy.
And I'm not guessing when it comes to this.
They are strongly considering the decapitation of the United States.
You're like, oh, the military won't let that happen.
The military is compartmentalized.
This country is run by the technocrats now, and they're telling us Bill Gates is the president of the world.
Klaus Schwab is the administrator of the United Nations.
They have the entire Fortune 500 lockstep.
They are shutting the world economy down.
They are imploding the third world.
They're creating a migrant crisis out of which they will bring in total world government.
The mRNA vaccine that Zuckerberg told his employees do not take?
We'll cause autoimmune disease, bare minimum.
Bare minimum.
And miscarriages in women that take it, and destruction of the placenta.
And I just told you, if you're a new listener and you think I'm joking, or maybe you're a new listener and you think it's good, like, oh yeah!
We love G.G.P.!
Folks, I have a long-time producer here, the oldest employee here, 17 years.
He used to live in Minnesota.
His sister pledges allegiance to Xi Jinping and is an academic.
And she's mainline in Minnesota.
They pledge allegiance to Xi Jinping.
Think I'm joking?
Look at the Washington Post.
Can Xi Jinping destroy Donald Trump to save America?
Let me give you a little newsflash.
When Jeff Bezos's newspaper is telling you that we need the communist dictator that runs a country that's killed three or four times what Hitler did, that we need to be like them, we got a problem, Houston.
So, here he is saying, Hong Kong, Greenlight, invade it, totally take it over, which they've already basically done.
And then it gets worse.
Over here, just hear it from Joe Biden with the CIA operative, Anderson Cooper, heir to the third richest family from the Robert Barrett's, the Astors.
And again, I want you to know these people all are, they're all intermarried.
Gates is related to the Astors.
It's all one group.
And what's crazy is, is it is weird, crazy white people.
But they're not like Hitler.
They want to kill all the poor people.
And a lot of them are Jewish at the top of it.
It's very, very sick.
And you notice they're locking up all the Jews in Israel and arresting the Orthodox Jews en masse because they won't take the vaccines.
Very, very sick.
I mean, they're going to come after everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the cult.
Remember, I made a film 14 years ago about Bill Gates called Endgame.
People used to say, why are you obsessed with a Microsoft nerd?
I'm like, he runs the show.
There's people behind him.
But these globalists die.
And Bill Gates is willing to be the front man, and he was hired to do this, and he's out there doing it.
And he doesn't even contain himself when he's like, sorry, we're never going to reopen.
Humans are a virus.
Old people are a virus.
And then he kills everybody, but oh, his dad, he kept him alive.
Because they're important.
They get to have jet airplanes.
They get to have steaks.
They get to have a bunch of children.
And then his evil little daughter is now becoming a medical doctor.
And she's wearing a yellow, excuse me, a pink sweater just like daddy.
It's all PR firms.
And she's making jokes about you conspiracy theorists claiming that, oh, they're going to put microchips in the vaccine.
He has freaking patents on it.
They're just not doing it with this one.
So they always apple and orange it.
And then people like Reid where he has all these patents on delivering vaccines through mosquitoes!
So these are very dangerous people.
They tried to recruit my dad.
Oh, my dad just fit the exact type they were looking for, let me tell you.
You know, there's types.
You can look at somebody and tell if they've been a Marine or an Army officer.
You can tell somebody.
These globalists are short, nice, friendly little doctors.
Usually with, for whatever reason, dark hair.
That's what my dad looks like.
And he's on top of his class, and they try to recruit him.
My dad didn't tell me that until, again, my mother was watching Endgame in my office before it came out, and she looked at my dad and said, David, this can't be true.
And he said, no, they recruited me at UT, Plan 2, gave me this whole speech, world government, eugenics, call off the herd, you know.
This is what happens, folks.
My dad was in high school at University of Texas being told about world government and depopulating the population.
So see, that's how far down the rat hole we are, and
We just sit here and take it.
And maybe Bill Gates is right.
You deserve to die because you're putting up with it.
I just want everybody to know that that's going along with this, that they are insane.
I mean, I guarantee you that White House press secretary, she's destroying her children's future.
All these people sign on and say, we've got to get rid of evil Western culture for peace and global government to stop problems.
We've got to merge with China to have peace.
But it isn't peace they're setting up.
It's hell on earth.
Here, since I keep talking about it, is the most incredible thing ever.
And you just know it's going to get worse from here on out.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is Joe Biden endorsing Communist China's death camps and takeover, militarily, of Hong Kong.
Just unbelievable, in-your-face treason, over-the-top, just... It's only going to get crazier from here.
Here it is.
You know, Chinese leaders, if you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven't been unified at home.
So the central, to vastly overstate it, the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China.
And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that.
I point out to him, no American president can be sustained as a president if he doesn't reflect the values of the United States.
And so the idea, I'm not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in western mountains of China and Taiwan, trying to end the one China policy by making it forceful.
I said, and by the way, he said he
He gets it.
Culturally, there are different norms at each country, and their leaders are expected to follow.
Did you catch that?
He said, I'm not going to criticize it, like he was saying he would criticize it.
Sick, evil lawyer crap.
Now, who else recently, oh, the Prime Minister of Canada said to a group of women, who got really excited when he said it, it was so manly,
He said, I like the communist Chinese system of total dictatorship.
And I like Xi Jinping.
I like total dictatorship.
And the women just all were like squirming in their seats and just wiggling around like they were at a, you know, men's or women's gentlemen club.
What do you call those?
The guys with the bow ties, but that's all they're wearing.
I mean, they were just giggling and snickering and hopping up and down.
It's so sexy to have death camps.
So sexy to have rivers that catch on fire.
She's dumped the toxic waste right in.
It's so sexy, people that work 18 hours a day and they chain their kid up to a power pole and the child defecates on the side of the road and gets one meal a day and they're lucky.
Oh, it's so liberal.
And George Soros says, China will lead us into the world government.
And four years ago at Davos, Xi Jinping came and said, I will crush Trump, and I will crush America.
And Jean-Claude Juncker, the heir of the supreme Nazi order, said, you will, we will crush them with economic war and economic weapons.
And they are crushing us, and we love it!
Because we're Americans, and we got the NFL, and we're free, and nobody can do anything to us!
But O.G.G.'
's choice?
Ha ha ha, destroy Trump or save him!
Ooh, we're weak in America!
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And again, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air at InfoWarsStore.com.
In the early 1990s, there was a really funny movie that came out called Wayne's World.
Even before I had an access TV show in the mid-1990s, I went and saw that movie and thought, man, that was fun.
In fact, you speak out, have your own ideas, and even if you're a nerd, you're still entertaining because you're real.
Well, what do they say in Wayne's World?
We're not worthy!
Every day when I cover these huge topics, I don't feel worthy to talk to you.
Because these topics are so huge, they're so real.
But I'm trying to tell you the truth.
I'm trying to get it right, and most of the time we do.
The globalists love lying to you.
They love manipulating you.
They enjoy destroying humanity.
They enjoy manipulating ideas and using people's ignorance against them.
That, for me, is really satan.
And disgusting.
So you've got to pledge for myself and the whole Infowars crew
We will never join the globalists.
We will never knowingly manipulate you.
Because we know we're all in this together.
I knew Trump was embattled.
I knew he was surrounded by cowards and by double-talking agents of the enemy.
And a lot of people just couldn't believe it.
They're like, oh no, it's 3G chess, 5G chess, he's invincible.
And I understand why people want to believe that, because this is scary what's going on.
The global government, the new world order, and now that people woke up to the fact that that's real, they want somebody to come save them from.
Well, Trump sure as hell tried.
My gosh, look at how prescription drug prices just tripled or quadrupled depending on the drug once Biden signed that executive order.
We pay the most pay by the world, that's just one case of hundreds of thousands
We told you it was coming.
Bracelets on their arms that make them a social distance and report them back to cell towers to track their every movement.
This is for everybody.
The wave gets better.
Now France has programs in their factories, government-pushed and sponsored, to make everyone wear actual dog collars that make you social distance and report back to digital computers.
They're turning us into a commodity.
Human-animal clones have been around for 50 years.
It's all being announced.
They are literally taking over the life cycle of humans and making us obsolete.
And big corporations are downplaying it.
They own us with these gene therapy systems and patents that they've produced.
Do you understand?
It is a take-away.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Next hour, I'm going to open the phones up for folks in Texas and other areas without power.
I want to talk to you.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Listen, I'm not trying to be negative and say things to scare you.
I remember many years ago,
I was in an off-record meeting talking to one of the main representatives of the New World Order, and they said, uh, Jones, you just scare them for us.
We're not really worried about you.
Of course, later they figured out there were a lot of folks that weren't scared, and actually decided to take action.
And so they go, okay, actually, they're not as cowardly as we thought.
Let's shut all the speech down.
But they thought I was actually scaring people for them with, like, fear porn.
But see, I don't care about the cowards.
The cowards aren't going to be in this fight anyways.
I'm here telling you how bad things are so you figure out that this is a total takeover and you realize that you've got to resist it.
I can't help, because my brain wargames every facet of this, but think about selling out.
I want to be clear.
I'm not wanting to sell out.
I'm not going to sell out.
It's that just knowing that option is there, and then your brain mulls it over.
Well, why don't I sell out to them?
Well, because they're Satanists, and they're so unhappy, and they're bad, and God's real, and God is in control, and it's a trap what they've gotten into, and it's just horrible, and I don't want to be part of exterminating 99% of people.
That's the real number.
I mean, I look at these globalist minions, and they're not happy people.
They're scared.
And they're scared at night, and they're not empowered, and they're not close to God, and they just live in fear, and I will not be with these people.
So this broadcast is not about fear, but it's about reality.
We're seeing things done to the country, like cutting main oil and gas pipelines off, that cost twenty-something million dollars to build, and just telling the builders of it, stick it up your rear end.
We're seeing the border completely dissolved.
We are seeing
The public told stay locked down, you're not essential and it goes on and on and on.
You've got to get angry, you've got to get tribal as a human with red blood and realize the globalists are assaulting you, they're coming after you and things are only going to get worse until you realize that.
You know, I have stacks of articles here where the feds are SWAT teaming people
Who were just peacefully at the Capitol rally.
And they're doing that to scare people.
Hey, you better not ever go out in public.
We'll come to your house.
They're just getting you used to seeing that in the news.
And all this is going to lead to is a horrible, bloody civil war that the shycoms also want.
So I'm just going to tell the FBI and I'm going to tell the military and I'm going to tell everybody else this right now.
They brought in a bunch of Obama appointees as officers.
Trump couldn't get rid of them.
And we've got globalists in control of the military.
There are some good people in the military.
But the FBI and the military know that this is a plan to trigger a civil war that will actually take them out.
For the next phase, a Chinese attack on the United States.
And the globalists are only not doing that because they're worried that Russia might get involved.
The United States approached Russia in the 60s and asked if they wanted to join in on a joint strike on China.
Russia declined.
That was declassified a long time ago.
And so this is the type of stuff that goes on at this level of the real world.
And so America's not invincible, America's not all-powerful, and America doesn't have control of the space-based weapons and all this.
The globalists have control of all of that.
And now they want to mop up
The decent Americans that aren't going to let their kid go to drag queen story time, that aren't going to take an mRNA vaccine, that aren't going to salute foreign flags.
That's why they always have the flag at half-mast for some death, to demoralize you.
That's why they always take a knee at the Super Bowl, or they take a knee at the basketball game, because it's all about everything you stand for, everything that was there, is going away.
So you can pretend all day long,
That this is going to, uh, just, just, you know, turn out okay.
And so many people, I was on Steven Crowder's show.
Dad's really nice.
His mom's really nice.
Met them.
He's a really good guy.
But there he is watching cancel culture and just trying to have fun and, you know, smoke a cigar, have a glass of whiskey or whatever.
And I had a lot of fun with him in Dallas and seeing him.
I mean, I just told him, you know, after the interview, I said, you know, it's all over, you know, they're never turning the power back on.
This is a tech.
And people look at me, and I understand they're concerned.
Because, hey, you don't think I just want things to go back to where I go to the bowling alley whenever I wanted to, or go get a pizza with my kids whenever I wanted to?
It's all over, folks.
They're just getting you used to, it's all over.
I mean, there's a very chilling clip I'm going to play next hour with this sockie lady.
Everybody pointed out, oh, they asked how we're going to help small business during the COVID lockdown.
And she says, oh, we appointed a woman the head of it.
Like, oh, that's magic.
That'll fix everything.
Just tokenism.
But that isn't what's important in the two-minute clip that she put out.
What's important is, she says, they go, will we ever get back to normal?
And she goes, you can hope.
We can all hope, can't we?
Hope that maybe, maybe, now it's maybe, maybe in 10 generations.
I mean, maybe in 5,000 years.
And I have so many people I know, friends and family.
My dad's a smart guy, and this morning I was over at his house, because he's got power and water, and I'm taking a shower, because you gotta wash that ass, to quote Red Fox, and he's like, son, don't worry, you know.
There'll be all sorts of doctors and people out there that'll wink-wink claim you've had the vaccine when you haven't.
And then you'll be able to travel.
And I said, Dad!
They've said it doesn't matter how many shots you take, you still can't travel.
It's all bull.
It's all over.
It's a problem you can't fix.
Why do you think Pfizer
Has been kicked out of India.
Why do you think they've been kicked out of South Africa?
Why do you think they're having to suspend it all over the place?
I mean, the country of India banned Bill Gates' main vaccine.
Gates is behind the Pfizer one.
It's the worst one.
It's the first one.
It's the big one.
It's the meanie.
The others are bad as hell, too.
These mRNA suckers.
And... I just preached to my parents for about 10 minutes, and my mom said, I know it's all true.
I know you're right, son.
We're just gonna pray, and God's in control.
And I said, absolutely, but you've got to warn other people.
Because my sister was over there with her husband.
They're all having fun, drinking coffee and everything else, because my sister's power is out too.
So we're all back at mommy's house.
And I just said, you think I want to sit here and give you this speech?
Every person has to inform everybody around them now.
Soon there won't be shows, folks.
We're not going to be on air soon.
Do you understand that?
People keep going, how are you doing Alex?
Oh boy, they're sure mean to you on the news.
They're sure mean to you in those lawsuits.
Those lawsuits are wonderful compared to this.
That's old DNC moves.
That's why the big DNC isn't funding the lawsuits against me anymore, because there's not gonna be a country anymore!
I'm gonna go to break.
I'm gonna come back.
You know, speak of the devil.
Everybody around here goes, oh Alex, don't worry, they stole it from Trump.
At least you'll have more listeners now that Biden's in.
No, I said no, people are going to give up.
And the censorship's going to get worse, and we'll have less funds coming in.
And sure as hell, I was right again, because my gut's always right.
I can analyze later why my gut's right, but it's always right.
It's right!
My spirit knows.
It's right!
It's a lot smarter than just this gray matter.
And it interfaces with my gray matter.
And I'm telling you that you better get right with Jesus right now, okay?
This is a takeover.
A military takeover.
And they are going to purge the living snot out of them.
They're going to kill probably a third of our military veterans and people.
And they'll just fly over the helicopter and bomb your house.
I mean, that's what's going to happen.
And the public will be out there like this because they don't want to get killed.
The average American is a cowardly sack of demonic devil-worshipping garbage.
Your neighbors will watch the NFL while your ass is drug out and put in a FEMA camp so some pot-bellied pedophile can screw your kids in front of you.
It's all about raping you, and you're gonna find out now.
They're gonna rape you and enjoy it.
So just remember,
If you want to fund us, we can stay on air who knows how long.
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If you don't have it, InfoWareStore.com.
The only items that we don't ship out of our things, the rest of our things shut down for a few more days, but you'll get your orders.
But this is out of Utah, so it gets shipped out to you within 24 hours.
InfoWars is a archetypal classic example of free, independent, organic resistance against tyranny.
You built InfoWars.
You spread the word.
You prayed for us.
You bought the products.
You called in.
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InfoWars is as much yours as it is mine.
And that's why the enemy is so upset that under the deplatforming, under all the DNC lawsuits, under all the attack, in many ways, we've become stronger.
With Band.Video, redesigned InfoWars, with all of our great crew, with documentary films and 10 hours of live radio and TV a day.
We are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
So remember this arsenal of freedom is waiting for you to continue to spread the word about it and to continue for you to support because this is something we built together.
It's not just a national treasure, it's a treasure worldwide against the tyrants and they know it and they can't stand it.
And as everything we talked about comes true, our credibility only goes up together.
So I salute you all.
Throughout history there have been two basic forms of civilizations and different mixes of the two.
One is born of renaissance, the other is born of conquest.
One bases its power on having strong, enlightened, focused people with an ethos and a culture and ingenuity, art and skill and strength.
The other is based on the massive number of slaves it controls with a tiny elite above it.
America is transferring out of a system based on the ethos of liberty and freedom into one of total mass high-tech slavery.
That's why the globalists tell us America was founded on slavery when it wasn't.
They point out one of our evils so they can invert the fact that they are truly the slave masters.
A global permanent lockdown is here.
It's already causing millions and millions to starve to death.
When they're done, billions will starve to death.
Even the former head of the Ministry of Defense in England and a top general have come out and said the COVID lockdown is going to trigger a giant new world war.
That's the facts.
This is the Bill Gates New World Order weapon.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm sorry.
I'm just going to tell you really how bad things are.
And if you want to believe a fantasy land, go ahead and go find somewhere else.
But I'm going to lay out all of it in the next hour, piece by piece with each clip with precision.
We're also going to show the culprits and who's behind it, and the fact that they believe they're emboldened, they believe they're above the law, they believe they're invincible, they have tested this stuff out all over the world, and they believe they're about to get away with all of it.
Because we have a ninnying, servile population that is into playing victim and into playing baby, so they can then be abused by the system.
And if people don't wake up to that, and if people don't speak out, and if people don't have a come-to-Jesus moment, a transformative moment in your life, you are going to be a victim of these people, and you will continue to be a victim until you are dead.
They're carrying out a depopulation program, and they enjoy every finger-licking bit of it, okay?
It's not that they don't care about you, they ravenously want to torture you to death and tear you limb from limb and murder your children in front of you, okay?
So, if you don't understand the enemy, I do understand the enemy.
I have been around real hardcore Satanists.
I told you all that, folks.
I didn't make a damn word of it up.
I have been around the satanic energy.
I know.
I have dialed into them.
And I'm going to explain to you again, Satan is one trillion percent real.
And when we didn't start standing up for other people and our children and our old people, the hedge of protection has been lifted and God is going to let Satan literally annihilate us.
So, I hope everybody enjoys it.
And I hope all the Satanists, and I hope all the dumbasses that serve it, have fun.
Because the Satanists fear those above them and then love to torture those beneath them.
And that's how these psychos operate.
Yeah, no amount of art or literature, no H.P.
Lovecraft, nothing can even approach, approach the hellish desire
To vandalize the human species in our genetic code and then absolutely torture us and turn us into quivering piles of filth.
And again, we have discernment through Christ.
The enemy has its own sickening form of discernment.
And as a large understanding of the space-time continuum,
And is able to make long-term, very accurate predictions that are almost like future crystal ball powers, but not.
And they have foreseen basically most of what has already transpired.
And I can tell you, things are not going good for Satan.
Of course, you can read Revelation.
Things don't go well for him.
He gets power for a year or so, full power, and then his worship and fixes a bunch of problems, and then everybody's like, oh, this is great, and then he turns around and starts killing everybody.
And then finally, governments get freaked out, get reorganized, and there's this giant worldwide war, nuclear weapons, everything.
I mean, it's all there, folks.
It's all described and fine to tell.
And you can say, oh, that's, you know, that's a
Predictive programming or whatever you want to call it.
Whatever it is, baby!
You got front row seats to it on this planet.
God help us.
I just cannot believe it's moving this fast.
I mean, we are living in such historic times.
I am just flabbergasted at how much danger everybody's in.
I don't mind.
I mean, folks, we are in the middle of a world government psycho science takeover with the most vicious, crazy, just out-of-control maniacs you've ever seen.
I mean, these people are unbelievable.
And all I can say is brace for impact, because if you think things are bad now, you have not seen anything yet.
Finally, we're seeing major state governments
In the United States, running TV and radio ads saying everybody take your vitamin D3, take your zinc, and take your C. It's essential for your body's cells to maintain your health.
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But whatever you do, visit InfoWarsTore.com today because your funding of our operation is critical.
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So thank you all for your support.
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Winter Sun, back in stock for a limited time.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You can look to the left and look to the right.
But you will live in danger tonight.
When the enemy comes you will never be heard.
Well, you have lived to see it.
The takedown of the Western world.
The end of the Republic.
But, humans are not resurrected from the dead.
Unless they're Jesus Christ or Lazarus.
But ideas and republics can be risen from the ashes.
And it's the idea that America embodied that made the enemy so upset.
And you saw their counter-offensive to President Trump, Bolsonaro and others.
And you saw the former mayor of London that became the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, was always a double agent.
You now see him swearing allegiance to Bill Gates, saying Bill Gates is in charge of the G8 nations.
The UK is on the board every eight years.
The UK is in charge of the G8.
And that means NATO, the nuclear weapons, Interpol, and everything.
And he said Bill Gates is in charge of that and made the statement.
And now, oh, it's being announced everywhere.
Bill Gates is in charge of this.
Bill Gates is in charge of that.
Bill Gates.
Just rubbing it in that he's our boss.
Oh, and he's got a helper.
He's got a helper.
You know who the helper is?
Oh, that's right.
He's got good old Michael Bloomberg.
That's right, Boris Johnson meets Bill Gates to discuss plans to prevent future pandemics.
Oh, the big lockdown system and QR codes that track everywhere we go to make sure we've got all our shots that they admit don't even protect us and are causing all these health problems and are getting banned in all these countries because people are getting sick and dying.
But that's OK, because Bill Gates wears a pink sweater!
Let me do it this way.
I mentioned a lot of the news at the start of the show, but let me just read you these headlines that I can get to and some of the ones I did, and then I'm going to drill into a few of these, then open the phones up for the balance of transmission.
Here's this one.
It's on Infowars.com.
We played the video last hour.
Biden dismisses China's Uyghur genocide as difference in cultural norms.
If you know anything about Chinese history, oh, oh the Chinese history, let's kiss their imperial ass.
If you know anything about Chinese history and how the commoners had no rights and were slaves and how wonderful it is, sorry.
If you know anything about Chinese history,
It has always been a time when China has been victimized by other world.
Oh, the outer world.
Oh, so because China got invaded by the Huns and by the Mongols and because Japan was mean to them and all that.
Well, they get to run death camps now.
And on Hollywood, oh, poor China.
You know, Xi Jinping, openly in his speech, is how he admires Stalin and Hitler.
And it's like, oh, that's OK, because he's Chinese.
He's allowed to like Hitler.
Oh, George Soros ran to help the Nazis round up Jews.
It's okay, he's Jewish, though.
Okay, okay, fine.
If you know anything about China's history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized.
Oh, they're a victim like Black Lives Matter when they burn down your grocery store or your restaurant.
Oh, now I understand.
If you know anything about China's history,
It's always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven't been unified at home.
Oh, they need to be strong.
Notice, he's dividing us.
He's turning our power off.
He's degrading us.
But see, he's telling you how China's got to be strong, though.
Said Biden, going on to say that President Xi Jinping is aiming to achieve a tightly controlled China.
Remember what, again, the Prime Minister of Canada said?
He said, oh, my favorite type of government is a strong dictatorship like China.
Everybody's got to kiss that Qaikong ass, boy.
Woo, Xi Jinping, that dictator.
Man, you know, they murdered his sister, murdered his brother, he ratted out his dad, sent his dad to a slave camp.
Man, Xi Jinping is a good guy, man.
Why, he ratted out his family and helped kill his siblings within a youth movement, helped beat his sister's brains out.
Man, he's good!
Man, he serves evil!
Man, he'll do bad things!
This is a great person!
He's a survivor!
Well, after all, I mean, China was the victim, so he had to help kill his family.
I mean, this is, you know, come on, come on, come on, come on, folks!
I mean, come on, he was a victim!
If you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world.
It's when they haven't been unified at home, said Biden, going on to say that President Xi Jinping is aiming to achieve tightly controlled China.
I'm not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China.
Culturally, there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow.
His brother, you know, got thrown off the balcony and died because he didn't like what was being done to him.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, that's part of the training.
Little young, young Anderson, when he was nine years old, handed over to the gay runway strip system.
That was, I'm sure, fun for him.
But mommy was very proud of it.
The other brother didn't like it too much and, you know, he killed himself.
But anyways.
It's okay though, see, because it's Tim Cook's cake.
And so you've got all of this going on right here, and Anderson Cooper's on there just looking pleased as punch to be hearing all this.
And Anderson Cooper was also on with Bill Gates about how there's a war.
It's like World War II, and the war is against carbon.
And of course, we're made out of carbon.
Everything we do is based on it.
So here you have these psychotic rich people on TV,
Announcing that they're going to have a war on us and that the war is never going to end.
Yeah, look at that satanic photo.
You have satanic black mass iconography and you've got Lady Astor there with Cooper and his brother.
Yeah, that doesn't look satanic or anything.
None of this is scary or anything.
Hey boys!
You're in a really sick club now!
Ha ha ha!
Hope you enjoy!
If you're a radio listener, you're not having to see this.
Look at those poor children's eyes.
Just look at those eyes.
But oh, they decided to join the club!
You're either gonna survive, or you will be thrown off a balcony.
Hey, look at these elite families.
They usually kill the firstborn son.
Just something they do, you know.
The devil demands a little coin.
And that's why Pharaoh, on record, people to the Ten Commandments, the Bible, oh yeah, right, Ramses II or whatever, he really said kill all the firstborn of the Israelites.
He did to a bunch of groups they had living there.
And they actually found now the Sanskrit.
And they actually found the hieroglyphs where he did it.
Why do you want to do that?
Because they never stop, ladies and gentlemen.
It never ends.
It's the same crap from these Satanists.
Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
So, I covered that.
When we come back, Saki says... I'm not talking about the Japanese drink, I mean the little redhead beauty.
We will be a couple months before Biden meets a world leader.
We don't let Spot out very often, but he'll be allowed out on a very short leash for a little while.
This is what they love, is having like, some Chinese system, like some Chinese emperor didn't know who he is, and the Forbidden City, and they can just do whatever they want, and when they're done, just flush him out, and then bring in whoever they want after that.
Because just like the Vatican's gonna have multiple popes at the same time, we told you all this years ago, you're gonna have multiple presidents, you're gonna have just interchangeable, because they don't wanna have the idea of leadership, or a country, or a president, or anything.
It's all just these globalists running everything with their war on men.
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My enemies.
Are your enemies.
They're exterminists.
They're the globalists.
They're a consortium of mad scientists, pedophiles, control freaks, devil whispers, vampires, whatever you want to call them, that are highly predatory and are setting up a false fantasy land system of constant bombardment of propaganda, drugs, and electromagnetic radiation.
To change the very DNA of the human species, to mutate us into a form that they can control like a pawn on a chessboard.
The bottom line is they want to play God, and they are playing God, and the noose is only going to tighten around our necks from here on out.
So many other people want to be positive, they want to put out fake news, and want to only cover limited amounts of what's happening with the New World Order, but
At the end of the day, it's all about the population.
It's all about world government.
It's all about the end of the human system as we know it.
And on its ashes, a nightmare being built.
Only admitting it can turn it around and stop it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
So again, we have a normalcy bias here in the Western world, what's left of Christendom.
And that we have due process, that people are good, they're nice, they're helping.
They stop on the side of the road if you need help.
Notice, that doesn't really happen anymore in cities, and even most rural areas, because we've been taught to hate each other.
We've been taught, you know, to only care about ourselves.
We've been divided, and we've been conquered.
And so we still have this normalcy bias,
That, oh, we have free and fair elections.
Oh, you know, we wouldn't be sold out to China.
And we're describing how, at every level, we're being positioned to end the dollar.
And Biden and the globalists are holding America underwater because, personally, they're just minions.
Imagine the dollar signs are going bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.
And just floating up in the air.
Their bank accounts are going up.
Their stocks, their bonds, their investments are exploding.
Because for 40 years, they have had prohibitive laws in the West to not be able to do business here.
So everything is moved.
The British government paid to have Sheffield Steel move to India.
The British government paid to have their last coal power plant move to India.
I'm going to explain that again.
They didn't just shut down the last British coal power plant, whatever it was 10 years ago.
They paid to move it
To the company.
This is called greasing the skids.
And I'll cover all the energy news next segment.
But let me give you an example.
I was so busy yesterday up here trying to get the power back on and also flying up in my buddy's helicopter that he flew me up there and I appreciate it.
And up to be on Crowder's show.
And when I drove to the office, I drove by the one Wendy's that was open nearby.
There was a line around the corner and down the block that looked like it went two miles.
It just never ended.
The road about a mile away was a hill, so I couldn't see if it ended.
And, of course, I was driving to work this morning, and my buddy who's got a four-wheel drive truck came and picked me up.
I've got a four-wheel drive vehicle also that's being used to ferry in the crew to get here, because a lot of them can't make it.
Uh, don't have the right vehicle, I understand.
So, I had one of my associates ferry me in this morning, in his truck, and I said, I bet when we get to the Wendy's, it's closed, I bet they ran out of food.
And sure as hell, sure as Joe Biden being evil, there was no one there, and it was closed, out of food.
And see, that's this just-on-time delivery, only have enough, you know, for what you're currently doing.
That's where they've got us so positioned.
So, literally,
We're eating food from the gas station.
I brought some food from my house, and we do have a 10-year supply of food for a family here at the office, and we are literally out there with a generator, with a stove we brought here to the office, boiling up a bunch of fettuccine Alfredo and a bunch of other food from my Patriot supply.
So here we are in the year 2021, and we are actually cooking the delicious, healthy, good food for my Patriot.
Go to preparewithalex.com
And not just for this blackout.
I've got articles where Bill Gates bet on blackouts, and that's why he's doing alternative energy.
Knowing there'll be blackouts from windmills, he's coming up with other systems.
It's all planned out.
I'll cover it next segment.
And so, yes, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
This is footage in Austin of people lined up down the block, hundreds of yards to get into H-E-B, the grocery store.
Why do they not have food at home?
I have a
Multi-year food supply, and I have a lot of other staples there, and now I'm able to bring food to the office.
I understand a lot of folks don't have extra money.
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I can't remember anymore.
My brain is so fried with all this stuff going on.
What is the toll-free number?
I need to try to get it right in my head.
I know the call-in number.
That's right.
So the number I was giving out is correct.
Rush Limbaugh died today at 70.
That's terrible.
Because, I mean, he meant well and he did a lot of good.
He got more hardcore over the years.
I mean, at least his world government came out in the open.
He grew up a lot.
I remember him saying the CFR didn't exist, you know, 30 years ago.
Bless his soul.
But now, I know he became a reader of InfoWars, and a fan of InfoWars.
I got told that by multiple people close to him.
But I never got a chance to talk to Rush Limbaugh.
I really like Turner Carlson.
I get to talk to him.
He's a friend.
But Rush Limbaugh, American radio host, dead at 70!
Made the jump into hyperspace.
Rush Limbaugh, the radio host who dominated conservative media for three-plus decades, died today at the age of 70.
He was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in February and held on and worked throughout most of his illness.
Limbaugh received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
We ought to show that.
From President Trump at the 2020 State of the Union Address, just one day after revealing his diagnosis to his listeners.
He is the greatest fighter and
Winner you'll ever meet, Trump said at the time.
Rush Limbaugh, thank you for your decades of powerless devotion to the country.
By the way, I know that Trump really liked Rush Limbaugh because he was always telling me how much he liked Rush Limbaugh and how he listened to Rush Limbaugh and do you like Rush and you're going to be the new Rush when he retires and blah, blah, blah.
I mean, I think almost every time I talked to Trump, he talked about Rush Limbaugh.
I mean, he loved Rush Limbaugh, loves Rush Limbaugh.
And Trump really tried to save the country, you know.
He tried to co-opt the system, tried to give them, you know, like, come on, let's not destroy America for China.
Let's not do this.
Let's not teach five-year-olds how to get blowjobs.
You know, let's not sterilize all our boys.
Let's not.
And they said, no, we're doing it.
And that's where we are.
And so it's really sad, and that's why I go back to the Q thing.
I tried to warn all the people.
They're like, Alex, the lockdown is so they can round up all the pedophiles.
Alex, the power is going to go out soon so they can arrest everybody.
And I go, yeah, when Biden gets in, he's going to turn the power off, all right?
I'm going to come back, and I'm going to prove and document all of that, the energy news, on the other side.
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As negative as times are right now and as depressing as things can be, you have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension so we can decide where we want to spend eternity and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
As sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
When you look at mainstream media in Hollywood and this whole evil culture, and Washington D.C., and Fauci, and the mass cult, it's all about dominating your free will.
It's all about telling you you're dirty, you're ugly, you're in the bad.
Because Satan hates you because you're made in the image of God, the creator of the universe.
I've been thinking a lot lately about playing devil's advocate on air.
About looking at the world from the perspective of the globalists.
That the public's so dumbed down that they don't care that we're stealing their future from them, that we're poisoning them, that we're sterilizing them, that they deserve to be killed.
Yes, that's the position of the globalists.
They play God.
And they think because we don't stand up, they have a right to do this to us.
You know, I've told you that the globalists have tried to hire me.
They've tried to get me to join them.
But metaphysically, at a spiritual level,
I have the Holy Spirit.
I have connection with God.
And I know that God does not like that, so I cannot join the enemy.
But I'll tell you, at a selfish level, I get very, very mad at people that go along with the system, believing you're part of it, or believing you're getting power out of it.
Whether you're just a steel worker, or a school teacher, or a Henry Kissinger, you're not God.
And treating other people like they're animals, and you're God, is something that the real God of the universe doesn't like.
And that's a fact.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Info Wars has been banned.
Attacked and threatened.
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The Great Awakening is here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's a way out of this.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You've got to study the globalists.
You've got to learn their attack plan.
And then you're gonna know what they're gonna do next and how to warn others.
And if you warn people before it happens, then they'll listen to you later.
That's why we're so dangerous, because we successfully did that.
And remember, I don't know how long InfoWars.com can stay on air.
I don't know how long we can stay on air here.
This is a systematic takedown, a takeover of civilization and society.
So let me lay out what we're facing and what we're really dealing with.
I have a moral responsibility to tell you what's going on, even if I'm going to be attacked for doing it, so I have sworn on the altar of God that I will do that.
Now, only those of you that have been listening on a regular basis will know everything I'm saying has already been said exactly as I'm saying it now, and you see exactly as I said it's now unfolding.
This is a program.
This is a plan.
They've all beta tested this before, and they act the same.
These dictators, these authoritarians do the same crap.
I said just last week in a report that I helped write with Greg Rees that they'll soon start having rolling blackouts and turn the power off within days of that.
Not hard.
Cutting off the pipeline.
That's what they're doing.
Cutting off the drilling to 60% of the country.
I mean, they mean business.
So let me show TV viewers some photos.
Very powerful videos on Twitter.
They're up on Infowars.com.
The image of only downtown Austin
Only the skyscrapers, only the big buildings, only the government buildings having power.
Can we put that back on screen?
You were just showing it a moment ago for TV viewers.
And when you see those photos, that's just one of them.
There's even more dramatic ones that show the whole downtown.
One of the articles you'll find it in is on Infowars.com.
Downtown Austin glowing bright while thousands went, no, millions went without power.
It's complicated.
Austin Energy says, oh, Austin Energy says, I'm going to lay out what really happened and what's really going on and what's coming next in a moment.
And again, it's not that I'm that smart.
I know the enemy.
It's like, say, when you're fishing for bass with a purple worm, you know, when that big bass hits that worm, give him a second to eat it and then pull up on it.
See, you plant the hook, and then start reeling them in.
If it's a big fish, let them run out and get tired.
It's like teaching a child how things are.
The globalists, though, act just like a bass does.
They've got the way they do things.
So, they've got us down right now, and they are kicking the living hell out of us, and until we wake up to it and realize they just put a dictator in and so they don't care, and until there's a mass total awakening and mass demonstrations everywhere,
It's only going to get worse.
So again, I'm not telling you it's going to get worse to scare you.
I'm saying it's only going to get worse till you figure it out and say no.
And I know the general audience knows that, but I'm talking to lost sheep out there.
But see, they can't have me on air anymore, can they?
Because everything we say is accurate, basically, and folks are actually listening.
I can basically convince anybody.
How many times have I said Ceaușescu liked to only keep the power on in the central district of the capital city?
The Romanian dictator.
And he did that as an act of power and control.
And there's film footage and photos of it.
And where you see the lights on in his palace, but nobody else had the lights on.
And you notice Joe Biden said during the debates with Trump, a dark winter is coming.
This is going to be a really bad winter with COVID.
And I'm not going to take my boot off your neck.
And there's going to be all sorts of power problems.
Because he's there cutting the power off.
So let me show you some of the history of this.
And again, I don't have the document cam shot, because most of the equipment's still down, because we have the generators, but not wired in correctly, because there's so many electrical wires and systems.
So, a problem we failed, we probably won't even fix it.
We'll probably just shut down.
I don't think I'm actually capable of keeping this place going much longer.
I'm trying.
The crew's great, but, you know, I've had a lot of crews great, but the people that have the discipline of running the show are the best.
But I just, I don't know anymore.
I'm just being honest.
Enron linked to California blackouts.
This is from a long time ago, Market Watch.
I just thought I'd pull this up from 15 years ago because it came out in court that they would do rolling blackouts to convince people that it was a power shortage so they could raise prices.
And the only reason they got shut down was because they weren't a total globalist player and the globalists wanted this technology for themselves.
And it turns out that other globalist companies have been doing this in third world nations and other nations in Europe for a very long time.
So there it is.
Biden rescinds Trump order banning Chinese Communist involvement in U.S.
power grid.
That just happened a month ago.
ERCOT power outages in Texas could last an indeterminate amount of time.
I was listening to local talk radio.
They had a spokesman on about three hours ago on 590, and they said it'll be until next weekend.
Not this weekend, but another week after that.
Oh, and now they say critical infrastructure might have to be turned off just to play the Kabuki Theater with you, since they noticed all the big city stuff still kept on.
Now they're going to turn some of that off and go say, oh see, we lost power too.
But they admit that they're commanding where the power's on, where the power's off.
They've turned off most of the city because we're a good liberal city in the ERCOT system and we don't own a coal plant.
The city shut down an old coal plant and two big brand new ones under Obama.
They were so proud of it.
Obama didn't even order no shutdown.
The city of Austin divested the billions of dollars it took to build it starting in the 80s and 90s and just ordered it completely shut down.
But there was one part of the Fayetteville facility that they didn't own.
It's one giant modern plant still going and the city of Austin has been battling and suing
Stakeholders, as they're called, out of Houston, in that plant, battling to have our last generator blown.
So we even did joke videos from Empire Strikes Back, where you've got the Admiral, or the General, and he's down there in the Imperial Walker, and he tells Darth Vader, we've reached the shield, you may start your landing.
Target generator, maximum firepower.
And they destroy it.
I mean, literally blowing our generators, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what these people are doing.
It's an act of war.
Oh, and then it gets better.
It turns out Bill Gates has been betting on power outages and power shortages, and so he's been investing in all these other systems that he's going to force you to buy and force you to take.
Here's an article out of GeekWire about him and Jeff Bezos.
So they don't even hide any of this.
They're all very, very proud of the whole thing.
Now here's another big question.
Was that giant arctic vortex blast weather modification?
And the answer is, we don't know.
We know that HAARP is up in Alaska.
There are other major arrays and other major systems.
They are able, with that arctic stream, to control it and punch it through and steer it and make it break into areas it wouldn't normally break into.
But there's a reason growing up here in Texas, every house has fireplaces.
Because, you know, when my dad was little, it snowed a lot in Texas.
And it snowed more when my mother was little.
And then we went through a little bit of a warm spell.
And we know that from the mud samples and the studies and the ring structures of the trees.
It goes up and down.
We know things go through these cycles.
But they do have these technologies.
These technologies do exist.
And here's the CIA director six years ago on C-SPAN at the Council on Foreign Relations admitting to this, along with Joe Biden, talking about dark winter.
Here it is.
We're still facing a very dark winter.
We're about to go into a dark winter.
A dark winter.
Truthfully, we remain in a very dark winter.
Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
One that has gained my personal attention is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
An SAI program could limit global temperature increases,
Reducing some risks associated with oh, yeah, so you cool the atmosphere off and then we get Arctic blast I see but then you're not supposed to even say they have this technology I'll come back with a full clip on the other side target maximum firepower.
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I knew Trump was embattled.
I knew he was surrounded by cowards and by double-talking agents of the enemy.
And a lot of people just couldn't believe it.
They're like, oh no, it's 3G chess, 5G chess, he's invincible.
And I understand why people wanted to believe that, because this is scary, what's going on.
The global government, the New World Order, and now that people woke up to the fact that that's real, they want somebody to come save them from.
Well, Trump sure as hell tried.
My gosh, look at how prescription drug prices just tripled or quadrupled, depending on the drug, once Biden signed that executive order.
We pay the most money in the world.
That's just one case of hundreds of things that Trump had reversed.
And now people are going to feel the sting and the pain, the energy costs, everything else.
But what's really illustrated this is the trial in the Senate where Trump's own lawyers are attacking him and putting him down and saying he lost the election and just engaged in all sorts of criminal activity.
Because the fix is in, folks.
The swamp is deep.
Trump fought it, but it's up to us to win it.
The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim, so you don't take your birthright as being made the image of God, and the incredible mission and destiny we have, being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness.
God is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of a sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music, the fact that you can commune with that and resonate with that is energetic.
And that itself is what God teaches us is worship.
So don't worship the globalists, don't worship the NFL, don't worship all the things of the system, but worship the things of God, because we're made by God.
And appreciate your consciousness, and appreciate free speech, while you still have it.
While you still have it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Red alert!
Red alert!
Next hour I'm taking your calls.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'd like to hear
From people in Texas who have been without power, we'd like to tell your stories and give your take on the situation.
And I'm not trying to be negative.
Impul Wars has had a long, hard, strong run in the fight against the globalists.
But there is basically no money coming in at ImpulWarsStore.com.
People were so excited about Trump.
They thought he was invincible.
They were mad at me because I was saying he was being set up and surrounded and was begging for help.
I was talking to Roger Stone.
I was talking to lawyers that worked with Trump.
I've talked to Trump quite a bit on the phone.
I knew what was going on.
People didn't want to believe me and they got pissed at me.
I'm not lying to you.
I'm just not going to lie to you.
We're in deep trouble.
If you'd like to keep us on air and get great products you need already, I'd go to infowarestore.com.
We won't be able to ship out of the warehouse until next week?
We are not an essential group like Walmart or like Target.
They're all open, doing great right now.
We are scum.
We're Americans that have a warehouse and have real products we make and sell.
We're all scum.
Our office doesn't have power.
We're not essential.
Our backup batteries went out after about six hours.
We have generators, but something this big.
The city wouldn't let us at this facility have the permit for the generator we needed.
Everybody else can have them.
We can't.
That's how it is to be Alex Jones, folks.
You don't get bank accounts, you don't get... Oh, you're Alex Jones?
You're not getting a permit for that.
Well, everybody else gets it.
So if you want, these are communists.
And I'm not a victim.
I just have been experiencing what you're going to be experiencing soon for a long time.
So, if you order the Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system at Infowarstore.com, that is going to be shipped to you within a day out of Utah, and they're up and running and know how to deal with the snow.
And that funds our operation.
We've got to sell a lot of those at $50 off, because there's not a lot of profit in them, but it's something everybody needs.
So if you've sat on the fence about having a stainless steel water filter that you can get out of a snowy puddle, or you can get out of a lake, get out of a creek, it makes everything drink, cuts out all the garbage.
Everybody needs one, and it takes money to run this operation.
I mortgaged my house last year to help fund the operation.
The pandemic came along and it brought in a little bit more funds.
We kind of dug ourselves out of a hole from the year before.
And then now I'm watching the hourglass run through the money with the crew that's paid and they're great and everything.
But I mean, I just, I mean, I don't have $100,000 to set up the proper generator systems with all the damn stuff.
They want me to build a building and then do all this crap.
So, yes, I know I should have generators for the whole system.
I know that.
You know, I should have it all at my house.
I've got some solar panels.
They can run a few appliances.
They're hooked up.
But no, I mean, my power's off.
I'm over there, and my parent's taking a bath.
My water's off.
Oh, and I knew it yesterday.
The city said, there's a rumor that the water will not be coming to you soon.
That's not true.
And then I confirmed with city people I know that the water went off at my house yesterday.
And they said, oh no, it's not frozen, the plumber told us.
Who also works for the city, he said, they just turned the water off to most of the city.
So when you hear them say, we're not going to turn your water off, people always do in communist countries, don't believe something until it's denied.
And then as soon as you hear something out of his mouth, you know, it's a lie.
But hell, Biden's so evil, he doesn't care.
He stole the election.
Why didn't he have to campaign?
Why did he tell a group of people in a rally?
I don't need you to win.
I don't need you to win.
I don't need you to campaign to win.
And I went, look folks, he's telling you.
Because they're trying to demoralize us and destroy our morale.
They think humiliating us like this will make us give up.
And you're like, well Jones, you're talking about giving up.
I'm not giving up.
I'm giving out.
Like a horse that's been carrying too much too long.
I want you to know how serious this is.
You want us to go off the air?
You want us to just shut it down?
Because if people don't get serious and understand what's happening, I'll never sell out to the globalists.
But at a certain point, ladies and gentlemen, there's not enough serious people around me.
This crew in here, because they work with me and they're great, they're serious and they kick ass.
But almost everybody else I know doesn't give a rat's ass and wants to just sit there and watch Netflix.
Now some of them are pissed because the power's off.
And so all I'm getting at is,
Everyone needs vitamin D3.
We have the highest quality with vitamin K for your immune system and all the stuff they're releasing and the crap they're pulling.
If you don't have that and if you're not taking it, you're crazy.
It's 25% off, selling out, infowarestore.com.
We have Ultra 12.
50% off, highest quality B12.
Get them together, 40% off.
And as soon as we can turn the power back on in our warehouse, we'll ship it to you.
But I told you on Monday,
I said they're not turning the power on Tuesday night.
They're not turning it on Wednesday night.
They're not turning it on Thursday night.
They're not turning it on Friday or Saturday or Sunday or Monday or Tuesday.
They'll never turn it on if you don't get mad!
This is who they... You understand?
The White House press secretary said, they said, she's reading questions and she goes, will the lockdowns ever end?
She goes, you can hope, probably, no, never.
You can hope though.
And they all get raises, and they get electricity, and they get medicine, because they're the elite!
They're the big guys!
It's all theirs!
They get off on the exclusivity of it all.
I thought Hollywood was interesting.
I like some movies, so I actually got out to Hollywood and found it out there a lot.
And I didn't like it and I hated it.
It was empty and gross and fake and all these people just getting off on like pretending they're powerful and they're famous and they're rich and all the exclusivity and oh they're getting the latest exclusive thing and they're so exclusive and they worship things and it's all they care about.
And they are the most empty soulless people on earth.
And let me tell you, I look at Obama, because that's who Biden is, I look at Obama's puppet, and I look at the press secretary and how hateful and weird she is, and just how committed to evil they are, and I just think, God, I'm not one of these people.
Because, I mean, these people, they're just of their father.
They're bad people, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're disgusting.
And they're fake!
And they try to glare at you with a fake smile like they've got something you don't have.
No folks, you've got something they don't have.
And it's all collapsing.
All the blue cities are collapsing.
All the communist systems are collapsing and that's why they want to collapse you because they are so miserable and unhappy and alone that they don't know what to do.
So, it's declassified that HAARP systems can take the Arctic vortex and break it down through warm air and actually drive it as far south, many experts have said, as the equator, if they wanted to.
It would cause violent storms, the likes of which have never been seen.
Was that what we just saw?
No, because we know that these Arctic blasts have been a regular thing anyways.
But can they control them?
Is it legitimate to ask the question, did they do it?
Could they?
Do they selectively turn off all the neighborhoods except downtown, the elite area?
Do they throw it in your face?
They're teaching you that you're not essential.
And I told you, next we'll be rolling power outages.
Enron did it.
Enron came up with carbon taxes.
Enron wrote the book.
Here's the former CIA director when he was currently CIA six years ago on C-SPAN admitting it all.
Here it is.
A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat.
In much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures, and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels.
This process is also relatively inexpensive.
The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.
As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community.
On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
On the geopolitical side, the technology's potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations.
And so, what you do is just give Nobel Prizes out for it in 1992 for geoengineering with the airplane exhaust having aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and even radioactive isotopes added to create nuclei in the atmosphere and block out the sun, which they've been doing.
That's the class five.
Five billion dollars a year, Department of Energy alone just to have it added to the fuel.
And then he just talks to you like you're a baby.
He goes, oh, that doesn't exist.
What are you talking about?
There's no weather modification going on.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Another cheesy Star Wars analogy.
Weather or climate, what caused Hurricane Sandy?
Folks, they've been controlling and steering hurricanes declassified in 2004.
They've been doing it since the 1960s.
We'll be right back with our number three in your phone calls.
We have the Technicrafts are controlling the food supply.
Secure your own safe source of food supply sale.
It's the new prices in 2021, but it's the lowest price for high quality food you're going to find at InfowarsStore.com.
The subsection is preparewithalex.com.
And as all these globalists do this, and as they hoard the food and as they prepare,
You need to understand that you need 25-year food supply in the last 25 years.
One month, three months, six months, one-year supplies.
And it's the highest quality you're going to find.
And it's just good to have that checkbox taken care of.
And you know you're getting good food at a very good price.
And you know that a small percentage of it, because there's not much profit in this, goes to us to fund our operations.
In the early 1990s, there was a really funny movie that came out called Wayne's World.
Even before I had an access TV show in the mid-1990s, I went and saw that movie and thought, man, that was fun!
In fact, you speak out and have your own ideas, and even if you're a nerd, you're still entertaining because you're real.
Well, what do they say in Wayne's World?
We're not worthy!
We're not worthy!
Every day when I cover these huge topics, I don't feel worthy to talk to you.
Because these topics are so huge, they're so real.
But I'm trying to tell you the truth.
I'm trying to get it right, and most of the time we do.
The globalists love lying to you.
They love manipulating you.
They enjoy destroying humanity.
They enjoy manipulating ideas and using people's ignorance against them.
That, for me, is really sick tech.
And disgusting.
So you've got to pledge for myself and the whole InfoWars crew
We will never join the globals.
We will never knowingly manipulate you.
Because we know we're all in this together.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Black killing everybody just because we helped turn things around with Trump.
We fought hard.
I told you how much desperate trouble he was in.
But CIA psych warfare operation with Q is just too powerful.
They hit us too hard.
So it's people stood down and now we're going to get hurt really, really bad.
I'm going to go to break here in a few minutes.
This is a short segment.
Come back and take calls.
I've got a lot of other clips I haven't gotten to.
Mark Zuckerberg admitting that, oh, don't take the vaccine.
It's dangerous.
I mean, just incredible stuff.
By the way, he knew all this was going to get leaked.
They had their employees leak this stuff.
There's a PR campaign to cover his ass.
That's full spectrum dominance.
I'm explaining the Hegelian dialectic they're using on the other side.
And then, of course, go to your phone calls at 877-789-2539.
But seriously, if I don't get in the business of getting listeners to understand that we have to fund ourselves by you buying products, we won't be here.
Or I'm gonna have to lay a lot of folks off.
So please listen very carefully.
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to decide what you're gonna do
In the future.
Now you've got to decide what you're going to support and who you're going to promote.
Infowars has proven, without a shadow of a doubt, that we know what we're talking about, that we're fearless, and that we are the antidote to the globalists.
But listen, I can't run this operation without your financial support.
I can't do it.
And I understand when Trump was in, it was the bandwagon effect, we were invincible, we were the Super Bowl champions, and everything was going to be fine.
I explained it was more like a beachhead in globalist territory.
And that we better understand that they could either kill Trump or remove him via fraud.
They've now done that.
Now they're shutting everybody down and moving in with rolling blackouts and moving in with the lockdowns and moving in with the race war and moving in with a roundup of patriots.
And it's going to be more important than ever
That we stay on air during this critical time.
Every day we stay on air has a huge effect.
Every week, every month.
And so I'm committed to stay here, to stay in the U.S., and go down with the ship.
Because there's a chance we can save the ship if I stay at the helm.
But I'm not fully at the helm.
Neither are you.
Together, collectively, if we raise the alarm and warn the American people, we can do it.
So spread the word about the broadcast, that it's on the air at Bandop Video and local stations.
And spread the word about Infowars.com and Newswars.com and say, listen, this is a takeover.
Learn the truth.
Here it is.
This is the guy that exposed Q as a fraud.
Q was designed to grab the Liberty Movement, discredit it, and make people no longer promote freedom.
And it was devastatingly successful, but not completely successful.
So say, this is the guy that exposed the whole New World Order first, who's been accurate, who exposed the Q thing.
Because they're going to tell you, oh you're a Q guy, there's no New World Order, there's no pedophiles, there's no Chinese takeover, even though it's all happening.
And so you've got to then tell them, hey, it's on air, and you've got to financially support.
Everybody needs our Winter Sun.
Everybody needs our Ultra 12.
Everybody needs the over-the-top Turbo Force.
People take it and say, my God, this is the strongest thing I ever took.
I can only take a quarter packet.
Truck drivers take a half a packet.
And they've got, you know, burn-out adrenals, just like I do.
It's over-the-top strong.
It's at InfoWarsTore.com.
Chill Force, Vitamineral Fusion comes back in next week.
Knockout has been sold out.
For months, eight different great natural ingredients to give you a synergy of deep restful sleep.
It's 50% off, knockout sleep aid, back at InfoWarsTore.com.
But whatever you do, get the DNA Force Plus, get the Living Defense, get the BioTruth Selenium.
Oh, the X2, the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
If you knew one thing, I would do that.
Crostagard is also a great multivitamin.
With the vitamin D3 and the zinc and all the rest of it, and also has a salt palmetto.
So good, not just for your prostate, but all of your glands.
It's all there.
We have the ultimate fish oil, the ultimate krill oil.
We have the super male vitality.
And one reason we were able to stay on air is we don't have big stockpiles of things anymore.
And a lot of that's because the supply chain broke down.
So that's why, I mean, it's like the walls are closing in, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm just not going to lie to you about any of it.
I don't care about my career and being on air.
This is a war.
And Rush Limbaugh just died.
I'm not happy about that, even though I'll probably get a bunch of his radio stations.
It's total war.
We're all in this together, and we need you to continue to commit.
Sign up for AutoShip, initial 10% off.
But you're getting deals so good on a lot of these items that we're making 20, 30%.
It takes a lot of sales to fund the operation.
Also, $50 off, limited time, on the Alexa Pure Pro gravity-fed filter, the highest rated out there.
$50 off, the lowest price you'll ever see on a unit like that.
We'll be right back.
Finally, we're seeing major state governments in the United States running TV and radio ads saying, everybody take your vitamin D3, take your zinc, and take your C. It's essential for your body's cells to maintain your health.
Essential means you must have it.
It's been sold out for months.
It's Winter Sun.
It's back in stock with Vitamin K. Both are essential for your immune system and for your body.
We got a limited shipment in.
It's 25% off.
Winter Sun has Vitamin D3 highest quality with Vitamin K. Taken sublingually under the tongue.
Limited amount.
25% off.
Get it with Ultra 12.
Now back in stock together for 40% off.
Or Ultra 12 by itself.
50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
But whatever you do, visit InfoWarsTore.com today because your funding of our operation is critical.
You are the folks that sponsor us.
We don't have George Soros funding us.
It's you.
So thank you all for your support.
Winter Sun, back in stock for a limited time.
We've got it.
The transmission is coming to you.
Waging War on Corruption.
Thank you, Uncle.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
You know, Michael Jordan put this al dente on a hot plate in the dark by the studio.
We have limited power here.
And if it wasn't al dente, it tastes as good as restaurant fettuccine alfredo from preparewithalex.com.
So I am sitting here
In the studio with, you know, there's no TV wall.
It takes a lot of power.
In Texas with the power off.
With emergency generators barely keeping us on air.
Glenn Beck's off air.
So many others are off air right now.
Steven Crowder's house doesn't have power, but a studio does.
It's next door to a hospital.
And it's seen as essential.
An incredible time to be alive.
So that is really tasty.
That is really delicious.
That is so good.
And the storable food and the water filtration is shipped out of Utah and three other facilities around the country.
So they're ready to ship to you next day.
Infowarestore.com has gotten so good that unless it's the weekend, we ship next day.
I'm not going to lie to you.
Not now.
The power is turned off at our warehouse because we're not Amazon.
We're not.
We're not Google.
We're not Facebook.
We're not Twitter.
We're not Walmart.
We're not H-E-B.
We're not Target.
They're all open!
But nobody else is, because you don't have power.
Oh, sorry.
Like, why are all these restaurants closed?
Why are all these bodegas closed?
Why are all these... Because they're non-essential!
Everybody's wearing their little mask and going along with it.
I'm gonna stop plugging.
It's just that, you know, when the shoe fits,
I mean, here we are saying get your storable food now while you still can, because more and more crazy stuff is coming in the future.
It is an absolute default.
We have the best food at the best price.
All right, here's the deal.
I'm going to take calls for the rest of this hour into the next hour, and then John Rappaport pops in for the last 30 minutes.
I have a lot of news I've not hit yet.
I've mentioned a lot of it, but Zuckerberg in a leaked video telling his employees, I don't trust the vaccine.
You know what all that is, right?
You know he's the aide-de-camp to Bill Gates.
But he sees Bill Gates being vaporized.
And look, I love Project Veritas, and they're getting censored right now.
They're good guys.
They're amazing.
They're the cat's meow.
But these Zuckerberg things were leaked on purpose.
All this stuff about, I want to work with Biden.
And I think it is too big a responsibility that we're censoring everybody.
And I just don't like doing it because he knows he's getting heat.
And now he's like, I don't know about these vaccines.
They're untested and dangerous.
And I just don't know if we should be taking them as a company.
That's all a cover story.
And I told you they'd do this.
And I told you they were going to burn Cuomo!
I told you they were going to burn Cuomo because they want sacrificial lambs to act like Cuomo sent old people to die in nursing homes.
Cuomo is in a torture dungeon most of the day.
Hanging up by his, you know, literally.
That's the word.
It's come out.
That's what he does.
I'm not going to get into it on air.
The guy's a pervert.
And so he doesn't even know what side is up.
And of course, I told you six months ago, they're going to destroy Cuomo.
They may even destroy Newsom.
Because they like to feed their own into the system.
And sure enough, that's all happening as well.
So we're going to break that down.
But the power, they admit, was turned off in select areas on purpose because they claim it went too high.
And now they can't turn it back on.
Because the windmills are frozen.
I talked to the engineers.
Those windmills are the same ones they've got on the coast of Spain.
Same ones they've got on the coast of Connecticut.
Same ones they've got... No.
It's all lies, folks.
They just turned the power off.
And Enron, they came up with this whole scam.
And the carbon tax was the first to do it.
And they got caught decades ago doing it.
And I showed all that last hour.
So they are positioning us for total collapse to sell the world the fact that America is not open for business and that America is over so everybody moves to China and to other countries.
This is total war.
And only becoming aware of it gives us any future.
They're going to charge you 10 times what fossil fuel costs on systems that don't work.
And they're going to have waivers for all of their systems and their jets and their programs.
This is taking cheap energy away from the general public is the main way you make someone poor.
I'm going to explain it again.
How is food inexpensive?
How is medicine inexpensive?
How do you get everything?
Cheap energy.
You can't do business without it.
China's energy cost a third of ours.
Now it's going up more.
Where you cannot do business here.
All right, let's go to your phone calls, ladies and gentlemen.
We're talking to folks in Texas.
I mean, that's what I called for.
I see this caller from everywhere.
About, are you out of power?
What do you think of this?
What do you make of this experience?
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to show you Greg Abbott got an award last week for the windmills by the globalists.
How about a good globalist he is?
Oh, and Rick Perry was on Fox News this morning talking about how
Terrible the windmills are and how the Green New Deal did this.
Rick Perry's the one that got all the accolades as a good Republican, shutting off the coal power plants and putting in the windmills.
So they think we're stupid.
And I'm not even attacking Rick Perry.
I mean, Rick Perry, he just did what he was told.
He's not, like, out to get the country.
It's just, at least he's criticizing it now that he's not in office.
But, my God, this is out of control!
All right, David, Paul, Jay, Randy.
Rudy, Levi, Jeff, Adam, John, Ben, Kelsey.
I'm going to go to all of you.
No need to thank me.
No need to, you know, just get right to your point.
We'll move the next person so we get to everybody.
I really appreciate everybody calling in today.
Let's go to Jay in Texas.
Jay, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I'm in Deer Park.
I'm a truck driver, and I love your products.
I love the Turbo Force.
Bottom line is, the power went out.
I've been here since Saturday, and really, I got on an electric scooter.
So I got out on the electric scooter on the ice, and I found they got barriers out there, so you can't get on 225 and you can't get over to 10 and get out of here.
And the power was off at the Love's Truck Stop, so you couldn't even go in there.
Let's explain that.
Let's explain that.
They just have closed most of the highways.
A lot of our employees, crew members, can't get here because they just closed the roads!
Yeah, and you'll get a ticket.
And the roads don't even look bad.
I went up on top of the overpass to look at 225, and it looks as clear as a bell.
I was in a helicopter yesterday, and most of the roads are completely clear.
And they just...
Locking us down.
It's retarded.
I mean, I got a bunch of those barrels of food from the Patriots there at my house.
And I'm kicking myself in the ass for not carrying one in the truck, because I usually do my shopping about once a week.
And I'm only three miles from Walmart.
And because of the electronic log, I don't want to drive over there and start moving my clock, which at this point now, it doesn't matter anymore.
I lost my load.
But um it's not even open over there and you can't get in there and uh so now the water's out so you can't use the toilet inside the um truck drivers know how to take care of the business what they gotta do you gotta do but it sucks I mean I hate to I I've been listening to you for probably 12 years in all honesty and uh yeah you sounded a little off for a little while but you're not off I mean you totally were on point and it's uh and it just
I want to scream.
I want to jump.
I want to yell.
I didn't want to come on here and tell people Trump was surrounded.
I mean, I met with people, high-level U.S.
intelligence, in D.C.
three years ago, who claimed they're conservatives, and they were talking crap about Trump to me, and I thought it was a loyalty test, and it wasn't.
They were trying to recruit me against Trump.
He is surrounded by enemies.
So I didn't want to sound like a negative person.
I sounded lost?
Is that what you're saying?
Or when did you think I was full of it, maybe?
No, I never thought you were full of it.
You know, everything that you've said over the years in that show, The End Game, it just sounded really out there, something that was never going to happen in my life.
But it's everything that has happened in my life.
I mean, I've worked real hard.
I'm 56 years old.
Everything is paid for, the house and the cars and everything, and life is good.
I got money in the bank.
And that today I just I had my wife send some money off to buy some more gold and silver.
I'm a little afraid of the Bitcoin, but I guess I got another.
I'm just worried about you because they're talking about keeping things locked down for another week.
Again, they're using this to train us to live under martial law, to bankrupt the economy and to show us looking like a bunch of idiots.
They put Biden to look like a joke.
China brags they control him.
It's about humiliating us.
Don't let them break your morale.
Admit how much trouble you're in and decide we can only come up from here and we're gonna fight back in the info war.
God bless you, brother.
Good to have you on board for 12 years.
Hope there's another 12, but I'm not sure.
We're all in deep trouble.
We'll be right back with more calls.
We got afraid of Jesus.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You can face it, too, if you're going to have to.
Yeah, it's getting closer.
You're going to have to take it.
Don't let the globalists depress you.
This is war.
Push back, get strong.
Let's go ahead and take phone calls.
But just remember, Alex Jones, you're back live.
We remember that our grandpas and grandmas and other people warned us about this.
When I was growing up, the naked communists, the naked capitalists were on the bookstore shelves at my grandmother's house, my father's father's house.
Guys, look up when The Naked Communist was written by Cleonskousen.
Late 50s, early 60s.
All of it came true.
So we've known who we've been up against this whole time.
They tried to take over in the 60s, it failed.
They funded that whole cultural revolution, they did the Vietnam War, had us lose it on purpose, now it's all declassified.
It's all a big war game, all a big test.
Yep, remember that same red cover.
All right, Levi, in Texas, thanks for holding your ear.
What's your view on this whole situation?
All right, thank you, Alex.
Look, I just wanted to say, okay, that what's it going to take for the people of this country to wake up?
Your nation is judged and you have been found wanting.
And I've got information for you, Alex, that is imperative.
I can't get into it over the line, but I'm going to tell you right now that there are 360 million lives at stake right now.
And all I'm asking for you is 15 minutes of your time.
If I give you this information and you hear it, you'll know it's the truth.
And it's going to answer a lot of questions that you have had that you have not been able to get answers to.
I'm a man of God.
I'm a prophet of God.
All right, brother, listen, I'll get your info, but I mean, here's the deal.
Everybody always used to talk to me privately.
I don't know why we can't.
You've got a point to make it on air.
But and I hear you.
I think this is his judgment.
And God is letting these evil people do this to us because that's their nature and they can't help it.
They want to bankrupt.
They want to steal.
They're making huge profits.
Under the lockdown, they've doubled their profits.
Now they're going to triple their profits even more.
They turn the power off.
They admit they turn the power off.
Now they say they can't turn it back on.
It's all BS, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all BS.
They turned it off by shutting down over 100, 120-something power plants in the U.S.
under Obama.
Trump only got a couple of them reopened because people knew that Trump wouldn't be there long.
And so they're like, we're not going to rebuild or turn one of these things on when it costs hundreds of millions of dollars just to turn one back on.
And so I watched the city of Austin shut down three giant modern coal plants that are totally clean.
I appreciate you.
Put him on hold and get his info and see what he's talking about.
And if it's some kind of intel, then I'll do it.
But if it's like some, you know, word from God or whatever, he seems to do it on air.
And I'm not pooh-poohing what you're saying, sir.
I just, I have to run around here like a chicken with my head cut off, and I gotta make sure food gets here for the crew, and I'm in there on a hot plate cooking up my Patriot supply of food, okay?
So, and I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, I'm literally, you know, don't know what my wife's doing at home with the power off and no water.
I don't know, she's not answering the phone, you know, it's just, there's a lot of stuff going on here.
And so I'm just here explaining what's going on and how dependent they've got us.
Now we're off the land now.
And now they say they're going to exploit that and use that till we're so bankrupt we live in 250 square foot coffin apartments with communists and socialists minding us and controlling everything we do.
That's their plan, to bankrupt you to live in a communal coffin apartment where you live in a coffin.
And then everybody spies on you, tracks you, fries you with 5G inside the buildings, feeds you GMOs, makes you take dozens of vaccines a year until you die.
I mean, it is a freaking dystopia.
People are like, he's crazy, or why is it coming true?
They all wrote about it!
It's a damn plan, people!
They're not playing games.
Let's go to the next caller.
Adam in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Or is that Wichita Falls, Kansas?
I don't know.
You're on the air from Wichita Falls.
Is that Texas, Adam?
That is Texas, Alex.
Alright, brother.
So tell me your view on this.
Well, I'm out here and yeah, we've been hit with the weather storm just like anybody.
You know, power's out in various places.
And I just recently moved.
I stay in an area that is, it's pretty nice.
It's really rich.
I mean, there's a lot of two-story houses out here, you know.
And I'm like, I'm just grateful to have a new place.
But then I'm hearing with everybody like, you know, in places where I don't know where it's just not as well off, you know, I'm saying Sunnyside, just places that just would be a little more rundown, but they're completely without power.
They don't have any power.
And I expect that in something like this, maybe it'll last a day or two, you know, but to be going for this long, you know, and you got family members calling and they're saying that we ain't got power, we didn't got water.
It's always the same psychology.
Oh, it'll be back on in a day, back on in three, back in a week, back in two.
Now the White House says the masks never come off, the lockdown never stops.
And they're going to do it one way or another because America is being under sanctions for Trump reversing a bunch of Chinese deals.
So we are to be punished and kept closed one way or another.
And they're doing it to us right now.
This is humiliation for Xi Jinping to watch this and enjoy this.
What do you think of Biden going on TV and saying China can invade Hong Kong and China can put people in death camps?
Yeah, you know, honestly, man, I have not kept up with you that much in the past few days because I've been so focused on what's going on here.
I don't agree with it, but I've been following you for years.
You know, I learned about you originally on a radio show called Coast to Coast.
I love Coast to Coast.
I need to get back on Coast to Coast.
I haven't been on there in over a year and a half.
I didn't have a falling out with George Norrie.
I've just been so busy and a couple times I was supposed to be on and fell asleep.
I think I pissed off George Norrie, so I apologize.
I mean, that's the thing.
Alright, God bless you.
I wasn't trying to bring myself up, sir.
I was asking what you think, or did you hear that Joe Biden endorsed Chinese death camps?
But I thought it was pretty interesting that the clip you just showed where the guy talks about aerosoling in spring, the atmosphere,
And people have been saying that Kymtro has been going on for years and now they just openly admitted it on a live world public forum?
But again, they talk to us like we're children.
That doesn't exist.
That's not happening, sweetie cake.
Right, right.
And they're like, we control the weather, but we can't let the public know on TV they're saying it.
I appreciate your call, brother.
Hey, can I give you one last thing before I go?
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Okay, so one thing that I've followed just as much as I've followed you for years is the Philadelphia Church of God.
And I just want to highly recommend that either you or somebody that's in your organization to research this and listen to this and hear what they have to say, because they've been spot-on just as much as you.
So if anybody, whether it's you or somebody else, can take the time to look at this, I think it'll really help you.
I will!
Philadelphia Church of God.
I watch preachers all the time.
My wife's like, why are you always watching black preachers?
I go, maybe I was a black preacher in other life.
I don't believe reincarnation folks, it's a joke.
But she's like, I was up at 5 a.m.
the other day with this black preacher, ranting and raving.
She's like, what's going on?
I go, I was some black preacher.
They're talking about, you know, how we're going under judgment and the rest of it.
I forget his name.
All right, we're going to be right back.
How about black preachers copy me?
Think about that dumb joke.
We'll be right back on the other side of this break.
And we'll go to your phone calls.
We've got a bunch of people that are patiently holding.
Rudy, and David, and Paul, and Randy, and John, and Kelsey, and... We're gonna get to everybody, but just be ready.
Bam, bam, bam, when we come back.
And I'm sorry I gotta tell you all this horrible stuff, but I mean, don't you wanna know?
I'm telling you, I got a bad feeling.
The worst feeling ever.
I'm not gonna sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes and put worse as that.
If you're paying attention, you know what we've done together.
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game.
And they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence the human resistance.
So, now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to have to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structure is in the silence.
Those of us that they can't.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that long, dark night doesn't come.
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You cannot hide a grand assault.
America is about to have its energy cut off, its borders destroyed.
It's dollar brought down to nothing.
All of you that have served Satan believe that you are on the right team.
You're about to find out how pathetic you are.
So I ask all of you who are awake and who love God, stop living in fear.
The enemy is about to expose itself.
The enemy can't help itself.
The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
We sit here as good people and get upset about that and try to stop it.
We should, but once it comes through, once it hits us, once it's dominating us and raping us and attacking us, we just have to point out we tried to stop it.
So prepare yourselves, America.
You're going under judgment, just like all the children that were aborted.
This is the truth.
This is the Infowar.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You know what it's like to read all the globalist documents that know it's true and know they're going to do this and now it's happening and then I know what's going to happen next.
I don't know exactly when they're going to do it but they've already laid all this out.
And I'm mad about it.
And I just look at all the corporate yes-men and all the governors and legislatures that sit there like dumb fools.
I mean the U.S.
Senate is still going, we're going to have a hearing to see if there is censorship.
And then meanwhile they're like, we're going to shut every American down that questions us, we're going to re-educate them, we're going to arrest them, we're going to take their guns.
This flash, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, who I think are good guys, that's why they want him to resign and step down, they're coming after him.
They all know everything I know and more.
And by the way, behind the scenes with these people, they're just like, oh Alex Jones, you're absolutely right about everything.
And they all listen.
And I'm not outing them or getting them in trouble.
It's just that they all, they're just as smart as I am.
Probably smarter.
They're smart.
Ted Cruz especially, but so is Rand Paul.
They're up there.
About as smart as you can get.
And they're not out to destroy the country.
Well, they better get on their damn horse and lead us!
Because the New World Order was worried about me being a leader.
I never tried to be one, but they assassinated my character to enough people
And I've done a lot of wild stuff, too, that I am not statesman-like enough.
We need statesmen to lead us out of this, and they need to pray to God publicly and ask for God to anoint them to do this job.
Because you can only do this if you have God on your side.
And again, I'm not up here on some high horse like I'm the perfect person.
I know this, though, I might have to get humanity.
I mean, I like to beat the hell out of people.
They try to fight with me.
That's not Christian.
I like to, you know, I'm a lustful person, too.
I like what God's finest creation, women.
But at the end of the day, I love humanity, see?
And I'm not here trying to screw people over.
And so I'm going to go to your phone calls right now.
I'm just telling you, this is it.
This is the big globalist move.
This is the New World Order.
This is every level you can imagine.
Joe Biden endorsing death camps in China and the invasion of Hong Kong, and Saki saying, oh, he won't be seen for months now.
I mean, I've got the clips.
These people are out of control!
Biden dismisses China's Uyghur genocide as different cultural norm.
All right, I'm going to rattle through your calls quick here.
Who's been home the longest now?
Let's talk to David in Texas.
Thanks for holding, David.
You are on the air.
We'll go to Rudy.
What's up?
Hey, Alex.
Man, I'm just totally freaked out.
It's going to just get worse from here on out.
Hey, hey, hey.
Chill, chill, chill, chill.
Remember, remember, Alex, half the people in America are under 30 years old.
Us older guys, we've been through all this stuff.
You need to go out and get vitamin and mineral fusion and some X2.
But I got
You know, ever since the bullets ran out back in 2012, my power has stayed on here because we're on Denton County Co-op.
My in-laws, they're on on-call and whatever.
They're bailed in here with me for the last three days.
They're all freaked out because they're big old Biden vote liberals, and I'm sitting here reloading .44 Magnum stuff to get all my bullets lined up and everything.
They'll probably report you.
They'll probably, they'll probably, they'll probably.
They'll probably rob you and kill you and take your house.
They're liberals.
They're probably not that bad, but here's the deal.
I'm sorry.
They will later when there's less resources.
Do they realize that their king, God, Biden, and Obama cut our coal power off?
That's why they don't have power?
Are you educating them?
Yeah, I've been showing them the articles.
I said, you know, and we got two more coal plants here in Texas.
East Texas is fixed to get cut off in the next year or so.
And I told them, I said, geothermal, 12 foot down in the ground, right here in Carrollton.
We're good to go.
These liberals don't know that the jet stream brings all China's crap in and throws it right down here on Texas and we have to breathe it.
But they're finally starting to realize that and now living with me thinking I was crazy having 12 propane, 100 pound propane tanks and all these heaters and food and everything else.
Well, they don't think I'm so crazy right now.
But hey, Godspeed to Rush Limbaugh, and may Jesus send his angels to protect Infowars and your family.
You too, brother.
What a great call.
God bless you, and thank you, David, for listening to me.
I just wish we could wake all these people, but this doesn't have to happen.
People are just throwing away the country, throwing away prosperity, throwing away God, throwing away our children on Hollywood because they tell us to.
Screw them!
Man, I don't even watch Hollywood movies ever anymore.
I don't, I just, I don't want any of it.
I just, I hate them.
God, I hate them.
They're just scum.
They know we hate them.
They want to make us miserable.
This is all, these people make me sick.
I'm going to explain it to you when you tune in.
They turned the power off on purpose.
It's all admitted.
I showed it all last hour.
It's all staged.
Nobody's at the Ercot place down the road from me.
I'm going to go over there and protest tomorrow.
None of this is going on.
I mean, this is just total power to test us and see what happens.
Rudy in South Texas, how are you doing?
Going on over 60 hours of no power.
And, you know, I got a one-year-old, one-year-old.
And it's cold, man.
It's cold.
Not very happy right now.
I wish people had the same type of energy to want to investigate what's going on as
You know, put that type of energy into the investigation of the stolen election, but that's not going to happen.
It's kind of too late.
Oh, you're not allowed to say that.
That's terrorism to question an election.
Oh, Biden really got more votes than anyone in history.
He's so popular.
You know, the people down in this area, they're without
Water, I mean, it's probably, it's all over Texas, to be honest with you.
I'm literally five minutes away from the border.
We still got illegals flooding in over here, but guess what?
They have light, they have water, they got heat, they got three squares a day.
And that's because they got beautiful, they got beautiful coal, as Trump would say.
Beautiful coal.
Burns clean, burns pure, burns straight, never goes out, never runs out.
We're just sitting on top of a planet of coal, and boy, Mexico built all those new plants, they got cheap energy, and they're ready to start your factory.
So, you know about the head of ERCOT, Sally Falberg?
She doesn't even live in Texas.
She's from Michigan.
She's a Governor Gretchen Whitmer appointee.
I knew that ERCOT was a globalist company.
We were looking into them, but no, I did not know that.
Tell us more about this witch.
Yeah, she is a Gretchen Whitmer appointee.
She was head of the environmental services in Michigan, you know, the whole Flint water disaster.
Oh yeah, I've heard of her.
Oh, but they gave the governor an award for the windmills.
It's ridiculous, man.
Isn't that good?
It's ridiculous.
I'm disgusted.
Utterly disgusted with the way this country is headed, man.
Yeah, tell me that piglet's name again because I want to look her up.
It's Sally Talberg.
No, Talberg.
Yep, well I'm going to be paying them a little friendly visit tomorrow protesting.
We're going to be announcing that sometime today because it's right here in Austin, Texas.
And yeah, they control the whole grid and they just decide who's essential, who isn't, and they're teaching us.
Oh, your family grocery store is not essential, but your big Walmart is.
See how that works?
Do you have any input on
Biden opening up the power grid to China.
They couldn't even answer the question the other day.
They're going to circle back to it.
Oh yeah, she said, Saki.
Saki said, she said, I'm not going to answer that question about China taking over the power grid.
Oh, it's no big deal.
They're just saying they're going to nuke us and attack us any day and that they may, and then, what do you make of Biden actually groveling and saying you're allowed to attack Hong Kong?
We love death camps.
It's disgusting, and people don't say anything about it because they're not being shown that.
You know, mainstream media does a great job of covering it up, big tech, social media.
But then she smiles and goes, but we're putting women in positions of power, and we're going to give free money to black people.
Yeah, if you kill them with a vaccine, you lion, buck-toothed, raggedy-eared piece of crap.
Excuse me, folks.
I shouldn't even be on air.
I'm so pissed right now.
We'll be right back as the New Dark Ages are here.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Colin.
Thank you, Rudy.
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Again, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air at InfoWarsTore.com.
As negative as times are right now, and as depressing as things can be, you have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension.
So we can decide where we want to spend eternity and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
So as sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
And when you look at mainstream media and Hollywood and this whole evil culture, and Washington D.C.
and Fauci and the mass cult, it's all about dominating your free will.
It's all about telling you you're dirty, you're ugly, you're in the bad.
Because Satan hates you because you're made in the image of God, the creator of the universe.
I knew Trump was embattled.
I knew he was surrounded by cowards and by double-talking agents.
Of the enemy.
And a lot of people just couldn't believe it.
They're like, oh no, it's 3D chess, 5D chess, he's invincible.
And I understand why people aren't to believe that, because this is scary what's going on.
The global government, the new world order, and now the people holding up the fact that that's real, they want somebody to come save them from.
Well, Trump sure as hell tried.
My gosh, look at how prescription drug prices just tripled or quadrupled depending on the drug once Biden signed that executive order.
We pay the most money in the world.
That's just one case of hundreds of things that Trump had reversed.
And now people are going to feel the sting and the pain, the energy cost, everything else.
But what's really illustrated this is the trial in the Senate where Trump's own lawyers are attacking him and putting him down and saying he lost the election and just engaged in all sorts of criminal activity.
Because the fix is in, folks.
The swamp is deep.
Trump fought it, but it's up to us to win it.
The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, and making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim, so you don't take your birthright as being made the image of God, and the incredible mission and destiny we have, being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness, is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of the sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music, the fact that you can commune with that and resonate with that is energetic.
And that itself is what God teaches us is worship.
So don't worship the globalists.
Don't worship the NFL.
Don't worship all the things of the system.
But worship the things of God, because we're made by God.
And appreciate your consciousness.
And appreciate free speech, while you still have it.
While you still have it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It was 20 years ago or so that I got a contact from the Air Force and they said the director of HAART, the civilian head, would like to come on the show because he heard General Benton K. Parton, the military head of HAART previously, on your show talk about it.
And sure enough, there was an Air Force colonel on the line, they put the civilian head of it on, I look up, it's the real guy, he came on about a week after the Air Force called me, but when he admitted that they could control the weather, they could actually ignite the upper atmosphere on fire and steer the Arctic blast south if they wanted to, the Air Force guy got real mad, got on the line and said the interview's over during the break and hung up on me.
And I've never been able to find that interview.
It was a big interview.
It was crazy that the military wanted to come on my show.
And it's just one of those bizarre things.
And there's that interview.
But yes, they can sit there with the Alaska system that's also meant to be over-the-horizon radar, where they ionize the atmosphere and they're able to bounce signals off of that and see fighters over the horizon.
That's the supposed one use of it.
And they have those patents.
And Parton said that's what it was for.
But, when it comes to weather modification, they can absolutely do it and they admit it, but they talk to you like you're five years old and say, oh no, that doesn't exist, even though it's in all the literature.
It's in the Smithsonian, it's in the Journal of Nature, it's in science.
They have C-SPAN symposiums about it.
And if you're for weather modification, oh, then it's great and it's good.
Here's a Nobel Prize.
But if you say, hey, I don't want that, or let us know the details, oh, I'm sorry, it doesn't exist.
And then they just play that game.
But they have New York Times articles going, there's no such thing as the Great Reset, while the Deimos Group talked about it two weeks ago for a whole week and said we're it.
And they publish best-selling books about it.
I told people 20 years ago, they're going to have synthetic meat and make you eat bugs, because they said that was the plan.
Oh, shut up, you're crazy!
Now it's all happening.
Because it's a plan, folks.
Like you go to a play, and they give you a program.
There's the first act, second act, third act.
And you go, oh, you know, I'm watching
Macbeth or you're watching whatever it is and you know it's coming up next because it has a program.
So in one article it's great and good and we're going to starve you to death because it's good for the earth.
Oh it doesn't exist when we like go to Congress and say please protect us.
We're going to go back to your phone calls but just briefly.
I had an idea.
I called My Patriot.
That is, preparewithalex.com.
We get the very best deals.
They're full catalog.
They're in our back end daily.
They take the orders.
They drop ship.
So even though Texas is shut down, our main warehouse won't be able to ship stuff out until next week or who knows when.
We're not Walmart.
We're not essential.
But My Patriot has four locations across the country.
And we have to all load my stuff up in an 18-wheeler and send it to their place and ship.
We've already talked about those partnerships, but you have the whole spectrum of restorable food.
Ready to ship at infowarestorm.com.
That's the main umbrella site.
Or go to preparewithalex.com.
That takes you right to all of the high-quality storable foods.
The Alexa Pure Water filtration system is discounted.
And I called them this morning.
Speak of the devil, they brought me some macaroni and cheese.
Thank you, sir.
Speak of the devil, they brought me some macaroni and cheese.
I called them and they're going to give you additional 10% off.
They weren't going to do specials for a long time.
They hadn't done sales in years.
They had a bunch of sales last year.
This is a huge deal.
We knew it was coming.
The price of food could not last as this low rate for much longer.
And now even major brands like Kraft, Heinz, ConAgra are announcing plans to start passing these soaring food costs on to you.
With millions of Americans nationwide becoming
Aware of the impact of the global pandemic and lockdown and four statewide outages to our power grid, there has never been a better time to stock up on food while you still can.
In response to these outages, we are leading to food lines in Texas.
Again, I didn't write this.
I talked to the crew about 30 minutes ago and I said, please write this up.
I guess this was written hastily, so I can't really even understand this, but let me just tell you this, ladies and gentlemen.
You need to get prepared now with all the craziness that's going on.
You need to take action, and I would get high-quality, storable food right now while you still can, ready to ship to you within a day.
That means they get the orders out generally within one day, at super fast, four locations across the country, ready to ship to you, storable food, mfulworthstore.com, 10% off, and they just brought me in this very distracting macaroni and cheese.
And again,
Um, you know, when you got the power out, you're going to mama's house to get foods.
My mom's got power and food and all that.
Uh, this My Patriot supply is incredibly delicious.
I still wanted a different macaroni.
About an eight.
But their Fettuccine Alfredo was a nine.
I mean, that tastes as good as the expensive boxed stuff at the store, but it's a fraction of the price.
It's amazing.
Let's go ahead now and go back to your phone calls.
We appreciate you holding while we cover this insane garbage.
Let's talk to Paul in Texas.
How are you dealing with this and what is your view on it?
Paul, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
What is your view on all this?
We'll put him on hold, see if he comes back.
Okay, we'll still put you on hold.
We're just going to relax and enjoy ourselves and take a few minutes here.
Can you hear me?
We'll give it to you when we want.
That's what I've been experiencing with my power.
I totally agree.
What do you make of the fact that I guess the whole crew knew it.
I didn't even know it.
I was looking into ERCOT.
ERCOT's just like Enron run by a bunch of Democrats.
Oh, I wouldn't doubt it.
I mean, if all the plants that we've lost, I mean, you know, there's nothing really much left, you know, and so it kind of makes you wonder what's going to happen next.
You know, because if we're losing, if they're going to control our power like this, and our families, and their well-being when they're at home, you know, what's our next move?
Like, what do we do?
And that's, you know, those are the conversations we're going to have to start having.
And they're messing around with, you know, blue-collar people.
I'm from Texas, born in Texas.
I've worked on drilling rigs, I've done roofing, I work on generators now, I work on compressors, light towers.
You're messing with the wrong people that know how to do stuff, know how to work.
And you start messing with our families, you've got something going on.
I agree sir, I am seriously pissed off and I've been having anger issues because...
I know they're running the scam.
I know they turned off most of our plants.
I know they fought Trump trying to reopen them.
And now they're going to put their foot on our neck when China opens three new coal plants a week.
Mexico opens one every week or so.
Everybody else can have power but us.
We are slated for destruction.
And the average liberal is so dumb and so disconnected, they fetishize their own destruction.
Can you believe this?
Oh, yeah.
And then, you know, they're stirring up some people that they don't want to stir up.
And it's really
They want that civil war.
I'm a loving guy.
We don't want it.
I love my kids.
I love to give.
I love to eat, barbecue.
But you start taking that away from us, man, you're going to see a side of us you don't want.
That's right.
China is moving into coal.
We have been banned.
And he says within four years, he wants basically all coal plants silenced.
Folks, still 60% of our power is from coal.
All the other stuff isn't reliable.
We're literally looking at not having power anymore, and the left will love it!
They'll love being homeless!
I appreciate your call.
God bless you, brother.
Jeff, first-time caller from Arkansas.
I know you've had power outages there as well.
There's ERCOTs all over the country.
Break this down for us, Jeff.
What's your view?
Alex, I'm a 20-year listener.
I love the show, but here's the thing.
We live in a state that has an energy surplus.
We produce more energy than we need, yet we still had rolling blackouts.
Not like Texas, but we still did.
My dad, who is disabled, paralyzed from a stroke, I'm his caregiver, yesterday morning it was eight below zero.
And here we are, there's no power, thank God we have the wood stove, and we get in there,
And I mean, it's in just a matter of a couple of hours, the temperature went down to 36, of course, in the house.
And I'm stoking the wood stove.
Thank God for that.
Eight hours later, the power came back on.
But the point that I'm trying to make is they were just saying, hey, look, we've got the energy here, but we're just going to show you that we can do it.
And I'm telling you, we have a humanitarian crisis in Texas.
And if Trump were in office right now, they would be demonizing him because he's not sitting down aide and National Guard.
Well, they would have never done this if Trump was in.
Listen, listen.
Enron did this all over the world.
Dictators do this with power.
This is a move they do all the time.
They did this on purpose.
I have family.
We used to run power plants.
One of them is dead now, but I've got family.
I'm not going to get into it because they don't want me to, but I called them in Houston.
And I called others, and they said 100% this is all fake to jack up prices, which they've now announced they're going to increase prices 10,000%.
How's that sound, buddy?
Well, and that's the thing.
I know people from Eastern Europe that lived in communist times, and this was the norm.
And they're conditioning us, Alex.
We have only scratched the surface.
Let me tell you.
Stay there.
Don't hang up.
Jeff, Doug, Ben, Kelsey.
I'm going to Kelsey after Jeff.
We're going to come right back to you.
The need for storable foods are increasingly apparent.
With millions left without power, including most grocery stores, many Texas residents are left without food.
The lines at the grocery stores are getting longer and longer, while most of the store shelves are left bare.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Owen Troyer is going to be coming in at 3 o'clock to host.
I've got so much to say and so much I didn't get to because I've been really upset.
I didn't get to a lot of it.
I'm going to go ahead and co-host with Owen for at least an hour.
So look for that.
I'll take off 30 minutes and go try to build an extra generator in here and try to get an electrician in because part of the system is where the generators went on, blew up.
And so that's why our backup system didn't work quite like it was supposed to.
And it's been a mess.
And I'm not complaining.
And I'm not being gloom and doom because of our own problems here in Texas.
I've harped on this power issue, and people are like, why do you care about power?
No one thinks about power lines and plugs.
That's what I do, is I study the globalists.
They're obsessed with taking your power away.
If your power is expensive, you can't have a thriving country.
It's another tax!
And I have a warehouse that's got a bunch of employees.
And we actually do warehouse work for other people and other companies to try to pay the bills here.
I got other businesses that I run to try to pay the bills here.
I'll leave it at that.
And so I take money and I feed it in here.
You understand that?
And all the other big warehouses are allowed to stay open.
They're all essential.
They get power, but we don't.
And that's the essence of this technocracy, is they can go right down the line, down to neighborhood after neighborhood.
You saw those maps, where Antifa would only hit certain targets, and they were all the maps where JPMorgan Chase wanted to buy something.
This is all very precise.
They're testing a new form of war, where there are people burning only certain targets, only certain things are allowed to stay open, and then they all just vertically integrate.
This is for a technocracy, I mean, my God,
Jeff Bezos doubled his wealth in one year under the lockdown.
You understand that?
These people aren't playing games, okay?
And we're just sitting here like sitting ducks, and now they're taking all the money, and they're funding it in to buy all the politicians!
This is dangerous!
This is criminal!
I said I'd go to your calls.
Jeff, first time caller, finishing up.
You're making some great points about Arkansas.
Yes, I know that Arkansas, like Texas was 10 years ago, is still a net seller of energy.
Texas used to be the king, supplying everybody.
Now we can't even supply ourselves, so they can make fun of us and call us names.
But they, notice, they turned your power off for 8 hours just to show you who's boss.
And it came out in the Enron documents that that's a tactic they do.
And I got the text message the night before.
Interestingly, the coldest night out of this whole storm, I get the text from the energy company, from Energy, and they said, be ready because we may turn off your power because everybody's consuming too much.
Turn down your thermostat, all this kind of stuff.
And sure enough, I wake up the next morning and it's off.
Let's go further.
Remember when they put the smart meters in 10 years ago, and they even bragged, they said, governments want to be able to control your thermostat remotely so that you don't use too much carbon.
So now that'll be the excuse is, we've got a remote control your thermostat with a smart meter that's already there, or it'll cause more blackouts.
See how it works?
Alex, the smart meter, they told me, they said, if you don't want a smart meter, you're going to have to pay extra money if you don't want a smart meter.
So that they really kind of force you financially to get a smart meter.
You know what I'm saying?
But they're going to get you down the road ripping you off with it.
Well, of course.
I mean, you come out the loser at the end of the day.
And all I got to say is, you know, you have to be self-reliant, make sacrifices where you can.
If folks that are listening, I mean, when this blows over, don't forget about it.
Hit a wood stove if you can.
Not only that, but get not only your house right, but get your spiritual life right.
And I'm just going to take advantage of this platform right now, Alex.
Some people are going to get offended, but if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, look, you can have everything else right, but if your spiritual health is not in order, what's the whole point?
No, I agree.
What would the problem be if the whole world loses its soul?
Let me ask this last thing.
Biden has signed on to agenda 2030 that says ban all space heaters, ban all wood heaters, and all oil heaters.
Europe's already adopted it.
For radio listeners, I just showed the articles.
Biden is preparing to announce fines of thousands of dollars for any type of fire.
They're training you with these fire bans to get ready for it.
But now they're going to ban heaters in your home.
You will freeze to death.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Finally, we're seeing major state governments in the United States running TV and radio ads saying, everybody take your vitamin D3, take your zinc, and take your C. It's essential for your body cells to maintain your health.
Essential means you must have it.
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Winter Sun.
Back in stock for a limited time.
We are now into hour number four.
Owen Schroyer is going to be hosting for three hours.
I'll be there for part of the show remotely.
I'm going to be out on the road.
We're going to your phone calls right now, but let me just show you some of these headlines since I mentioned them.
Wood burners, most polluting fuels.
Oh, they're bad.
Wood burning has always been evil on the earth.
And then it creates potash that goes into the atmosphere and forms nuclei that forms rain.
And the burning cycle of wood and things has been known for millennia as what creates the nitrogen and things back into the soil.
But oh, oh, that fire you love, it's dirty.
It's evil.
And San Francisco, of course, has signed a law to ban your fireplaces.
It's bad.
You will be fined if you're caught.
So, we're going to turn your power off.
Norway to ban the use of oil for heating buildings by 2020, and that was three years ago, and they did it.
Bay Area cities go to war against gas stoves in homes and restaurants.
You can't have gas either, even though it's totally clean!
Well, it creates a little carbon dioxide, sorry.
They're never gonna stop.
Never gonna stop.
Never gonna stop.
They're the Green Police.
And Mark Zuckerberg, in a new leaked video, says he's not gonna take the vaccine, doesn't trust it.
But that's okay, because you are
Aren't you?
Alright, I got something big I'm going to hit in the next segment.
I want to get to your calls right now, though.
I'm going to get my ducks in a row here about Greg Abbott and this private Democrat-run company that turned our power off.
But this is all well-planned operation, and this is so they can make fun of the whole Brexit-Texit movement to succeed, which has really gained a lot of steam.
I've had, like, I wanted to see my doctor at a checkup, and he was telling me about it.
Uh, and then the female doctor came in to do the rest of the checkup, but she was telling me about it.
I mean, people are really, really on fire with all this.
Joe Biden's dark winter is here, ladies and gentlemen.
Sally Tolberg, ERCOT chairwoman, lives in Michigan and works for GOVERNOR KILL THE OLD PEOPLE WHITMER!
Alright, Jeff.
Jeff, a lot of great points.
I had you hold over to finish, and I appreciate your call.
Say bye to Jeff.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in the great city, where I was just yesterday, with Steven Crowder of Dallas, my hometown.
Go ahead, John.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I'm just new.
I'm freaked out, man.
I just know it's going to get worse and worse.
Hey, I'm freaked out, too.
I wanted to talk to you all tomorrow when we get out, but I wanted to kind of talk to your listeners real quick and let you know about
The doctors that are involved in the reset, they've been involved for a while, and I wanted to kind of let you know what was going on in my situation.
Tell us!
Yeah, okay, so I'm a disabled veteran.
I'm 40 years old.
I've been disabled for 18 years.
In 2018, I hired Ted Cruz because the government said I owed them $16,000.
Ted Cruz went in and fought for me.
He won.
The VA didn't like that because they had to pay for a lot of my college too.
I have three college degrees.
Uh, 2019 they tried to deem me, uh, disabled.
I mean, not disabled because they seen me at a Donald Trump rally.
And they also, uh, seen me in 2018 at the, when Donald Trump came down for the gun thing in Dallas.
I was in all the newspapers with my pistol on my side.
And, uh, the VA didn't like that for some strange reason.
And then fast forward when, when Donald Trump came down in October,
I don't know.
I've been a veteran for 18 years, all of a sudden I'm not a veteran.
So I filed a complaint against them, the VA, for discrimination against my disability for political views.
And right now I'm still going through with them, but COVID-19 is slowing everything down.
Oh yeah, they used COVID to not give us access to the courts.
That's another reason they did it.
Yeah, they spun everything down.
And you're right about access to courts.
That's what's going on too.
They won't even do virtual with me.
And they said I gotta wait in order just to get my money back, my back pay, all that.
But then the VA, the people in the VA, they were Biden supporters.
They contacted Social Security.
And I told him I was going to use what Donald Trump had to where I can go and I can go to an outside doctor and use that.
So they contacted Social Security.
So Social Security cut off my money.
So I was getting two checks for the rest of my life.
Now I don't get a veteran's check.
Now I don't get a Social Security check.
Well sir, that's the thing about the technocracy is Biden wasn't elected.
And so it's not just you now.
It's everybody
They're going to kill the old people.
They're going to take the checks from the veterans and the disabled.
And Biden just tripled prescription drug prices.
It's even more for insulin.
And now they're going to cut Medicare and Medicaid.
But it's okay because he's Joe Biden.
Because like he told voters, I don't need you to vote for me.
I'm going to win.
I don't need to campaign.
So yeah, but here's the good news, brother.
They're coming after everybody now.
So all these people, you are fighting.
And you lost what you had because you fought for what was right.
Now all these people that sat on the fence and did nothing, they're going to lose what they got.
What do you think is going to happen?
Here's the thing about tyrants.
They can't help it when they do this.
They're going to push and push until somebody stops them.
Thomas Jefferson was once asked, what is the limit what tyranny will go?
He said, as much as you let them take, they can't help it.
So the bad news is they're crazy and aren't going to stop.
The good news is they're crazy and aren't going to stop.
So it's going to get so damn bad they're going to get stopped.
You see what I'm saying?
And I see exactly what you said.
I've been listening to you for 10 years.
I love you, man.
I'm saying it like this.
I don't appreciate how they're doing me, and I want to fight on the front line.
I want, if Trump, if he has, if he's going to come back 2024, if he's got his office, I want to fight with him, because they have taken everything from me.
I have four service animals, and I've been in this little electricity grid that they took from me.
I contacted all four.
I don't
Yeah, they all play bureaucratic games, and here's what you do.
You just start going and protesting in front of their facility every day until they arrest you, and you make a news item out of it.
You just fight back, and then other people are going to start joining you, brother.
This is the time to protest every day.
I love you, and I appreciate you, John.
All right, some more great calls.
Ben in Quebec, thank you for holding.
Up in Canada, then we'll talk to you.
Kelsey's first in business, our last caller.
Kelsey, thanks for holding in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, once a great steel city.
Pouring steel again, not now.
Obama pledges to shut that down.
So, Kelsey, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm sorry, I love you.
I have never called in before, but I mean, this is crazy what's going on in Texas right now.
Um, and I feel so bad for everyone in Texas.
Well, I have a family that works inside the, they say it's all made up.
I already knew that, but it's all made up.
They have plenty of power.
It's all made up.
They're just ripping us off.
Um, I don't know.
This is so crazy.
It's scary.
It's really scary.
Everything that's going on.
Uh, I think a lot of people are waking up, but I don't think it's happening fast enough.
Um, and
I don't know.
Well, let me say this.
What do you make of Biden cutting the Keystone Pipeline off?
That's enough power to fund half the country, literally.
I mean, if people are denying that they're cutting the power off, they admittedly are doing it.
We're under damn attack.
Can you believe this?
Oh, man.
My husband, he's a union worker.
He actually works at the Shell plant here in Minacka, Pennsylvania.
And, uh, you know, most of the guys there on the job site, they voted for Trump, but I mean, there's, there's still a lot of guys there that are, it's really weird with you, like, like with the union guys.
I mean, they grew up Democrat and like all the old heads, it doesn't matter.
It's like those, those are people that are like, you know, vote blue no matter who.
But, they're really worried now.
I mean, that really shocked them, whenever he shut that pipeline down.
Absolutely, and you notice that it came out in that Time Magazine article, bragging how they stole the election, that the head of the AFL-CIO worked with the Chamber of Commerce, that's famous for shipping our jobs overseas, worked with the union buskers to beat Trump, to steal the election.
So, I mean, it's just sick.
Trump totally went to bat for this country, he wasn't perfect.
And now people are seeing this, but see, Biden doesn't care because he's a dictator, and he's about to cause a civil war coming for the guns.
That's another thing, my husband, I mean, he goes every morning, well, not every morning, on the weekends, you know, he works through Monday through Friday, but whenever he can, he goes up to the ammo store and he gets ammo every morning.
Well, he's smart.
He's lucky to have a lady like you.
I hear that baby in the background.
God bless you.
Alright, another caller hung up from Quebec.
That's okay.
I got big news.
I'm gonna hit when we come back.
Stay with us.
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They've made citizens wear bracelets on their arms that make them a social distance and report them back to cell towers to track their every movement.
This is for everybody.
The wave gets better.
Now France has programs in their factories, government-pushed and sponsored, to make everyone wear actual dog collars so they can make you social distance and report back to single computers.
They're turning us into a commodity.
Human-animal clones have been around for 50 years.
It's all being announced.
They are literally taking over the life cycle of humans and making us obsolete.
And big corporations now say that they own us with these gene therapy systems and patents that they've produced.
Do you understand?
It is a fake news.
The need for storable foods are increasingly apparent.
With millions left without power, including most grocery stores,
Many Texas residents are left without food.
The lines at the grocery stores are getting longer and longer, while most of the store shelves are left bare.
Now we know that in the most historic record freezing temperatures in over a century, your government can simply turn off the power, turn off the heat, and turn off the water.
Don't let your government dictate whether or not you're able to feed your family.
Go to infowarrestore.com and get at least a year's supply of storable foods to make sure you and your family are prepared for the unimaginable.
Get your storable foods at infowarrestore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Tell it like it is.
Evil rules the world.
So, heavy metal rock bands from Germany know it.
Jesus told you.
Now you see it.
America was a Christian nation.
We had our problems.
We had wars over fixing them.
But now we've got just people that want to absolutely steal and rob and manipulate and have raw power over you.
This is all about
Raw power over you.
Raw power over your family.
Over your power.
Literally, it's not a pun.
They want power over your power.
They want power over your body.
They want power over your genetics.
They want power over your children.
They want power over your soul.
They want power over your very essence.
And let's put up the ERCOT executive that we're digging into.
And I knew this group was just as bad as Enron.
Again, Enron wrote the book.
I showed it last hour how Enron got caught in other countries and in the U.S.
Jacking up prices by saying there were power allergies and not enough power.
And they found that if you said there wasn't enough power, people would then accept higher power prices.
That's how it works.
And there's a Wall Street Journal article, a Market Watch article from back in 2002, 18 years ago, admitting it.
So there's documentaries on it, there's congressional hearings, this is a fact.
And the weird thing about criminals is they do the same thing over and over again, more than even the general public.
Criminals are very OCD.
And so they're doing it.
And I told you last week, I said, they're going to have rolling blackouts now, now that Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
And I said, it's not because that pipeline shut down.
That never got open.
It was almost completed.
Like 98% done.
That's crazy.
That's like $20-something billion to build.
But now they'll start turning the power off just to train you because they found if you're starving to death or you don't have money,
You're not going to be complaining politically.
You're going to sit there and take it.
And the big banks are going to make more money.
So let me show you some of these articles and what's unfolding.
Governor Greg Abbott received Tri-Global Energy Wind Leadership Award.
PR Newswire.
He received it February 9th.
Well, that was just like 10 days ago.
8 days ago.
The Global Energy, a leading US originator and developer of utility-scale renewable energy products, you mean crap, today announced that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is the recipient of the Tri-Global Energy Award for signing into law more windmills and shutting down coal plants.
Meanwhile, there's an article here
For the posting by Carol Dutton, I looked this up, they're SWAT teaming people's houses with regular pickup trucks, with people dressed in what looks like US Army uniforms, probably our Army, because someone, the neighbor said he looked like he was at the Capitol, even though he wasn't the guy they saw at the Capitol.
Doesn't matter.
Now, you're sure at the Capitol?
Well, here comes the SWAT team, because we've got to disappear you.
But here it is, backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, Breakthrough Energy Ventures places first bets on power storage because of coming power outages.
That was three years ago.
Gee, they could do the math.
If they cut off all the coal power that was supplying 80% of the country 15 years ago, now it's like 55, 60%.
These other systems don't work?
They already did it in Spain?
Spain never came out of their depression since then.
Meanwhile, here it is.
Biden rescinds Trump order banning Chinese communist involvement in U.S.
power grid.
And just last week, a week and a half ago, they asked Psaki about it.
And Psaki just said, I'm not going to comment on that.
But she does comment on bringing Biden's dogs are going to be coming to the, I guess, to the press conference.
Oh, look, he has dogs.
He's nice.
Oh, well, it's cultural for Xi Jinping to eat them, though.
You know, he just came out and said, well, it's their culture to attack Hong Kong.
It's their culture to have millions of people in death camps that work for Apple and slave labor.
You know, he said that.
I played it last hour.
Terrible, terrible situation.
So since we mentioned that, let's play Socky.
I've lost my list of videos here, but let's play Socky, the press secretary.
A little loathsome person.
The big news was
That Psaki came out and said that, well, let me tell you what we'll do for small businesses shut down by COVID.
We put a woman in charge.
That's, oh my gosh, a woman's in, well, it doesn't matter if I go bankrupt now.
I mean, a woman is in charge of the small business initiative that Biden's trying to shut down.
Well, I mean, absolutely fine.
Blow up all the small businesses now.
If a woman's in charge, I can't criticize it.
But what she said in there is, oh,
You want to know when the lockdown ends?
You want to know when the mask wearing stops?
We can hope someday.
Now it's hope someday.
You know, just out there.
Bill Gates says never.
Here is Saki talking about that.
Would like to know your thoughts about a very controversial and divisive issue.
Drumroll please.
Hi, it's Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary.
I'm back again to answer your questions that you sent on Twitter.
It's a $1.9 trillion package that does three things.
It has funding to get vaccines into the arms of more Americans.
Two, it has funding to reopen schools.
I'm a mom.
I know how important that is.
And three, it gets relief to Americans who need help the most.
When will we get another stimulus check?
What's happening is the House committees are negotiating the pieces of the package through their committees.
Once they're done, it will go to the Senate.
Once it comes through that process, the President's looking forward to signing it, and we're hopeful that's as soon as possible.
When can Major and Champ come to a press briefing?
Major and Champ, this is for you.
You're invited anytime to the briefing room.
I will have snacks and treats in there right behind the podium that will just be for you.
When will we be getting vaccines?
What we're working to do here from the White House and from the administration is get more vaccine supply out to states.
So, if you're eligible in your state, if you're over 65 in many states, you should be able to get the vaccine.
But it's going to take some time.
It's going to take several months to ensure that every American has access to a vaccine.
Shut her up, please.
Again, you have to show the phone that you've had it to do whatever you want, to go wherever you want, to do whatever you want.
Again, it's about the Global ID, it's about the Global Tracking, and Xi Jinping designed it.
They give him credit.
The Chinese designed it, and we have to adopt it.
It's like, oh, Xi Jinping, you're allowed to invade Hong Kong, you're allowed to act like God, you're allowed to run death camps for Buddhists and Muslims and Christians.
He said that yesterday.
But it's okay because Tim Cook's gay and so is Anderson Cooper's.
He's like, you know, I'm not going to get in the way of what they do.
That's their culture.
They need to do it to make China strong.
The only thing I've heard crazier is the Prime Minister of Canada saying, quote, I like the strong dictatorship of China.
I admire dictatorship.
I mean, these people are telling you they admire dictatorship, and they're not giving you a strongman dictatorship that's so popular he gets elected, so he's not a dictator, but he does act as an autocrat.
It's not like it's even an autocrat that's for the people.
You know, those are the philosopher king type, still has a big problem, because what happens when Putin goes, you know, it'll just go back to the way it was.
But the point is, is that
This is an unelected real dictator who's super unpopular who goes to bat against you!
You understand?
All right, we're going to come right back with a key clip of Zuckerberg admitting that the vaccine is dangerous.
Leaked video, and we're going to get some comments from the one, the only John Rappaport of nomorefakenews.com.
I'm Alex Jones with infowars.com, band.video.
Download every video, share it, save it on hard drive.
Who knows how long we'll even be here?
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic.
Because I sit there and I beg you for support constantly.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth.
And we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
I think so.
In the early 1990s, there was a really funny movie that came out called Wayne's World.
Even before I had an access TV show in the mid-1990s, I went and saw that movie and thought, man, that was fun.
In fact, you speak out and have your own ideas, and even if you're a nerd, you're still entertaining because you're real.
Well, what do they say in Wayne's world?
We're not worthy!
Every day when I cover these huge topics, I don't feel worthy to talk to you.
Because these topics are so huge, they're so real.
But I'm trying to tell you the truth.
I'm trying to get it right, and most of the time we do.
The globalists love lying to you.
They love manipulating you.
They enjoy destroying humanity.
They enjoy manipulating ideas and using people's ignorance against them.
That, for me, is really satan.
And disgusting.
So you've got to pledge for myself and the whole Infowars crew
We will never join the Globalists.
We will never knowingly manipulate you.
Because we know we're all in this together.
I've been thinking a lot lately about playing devil's advocate on air.
About looking at the world from the perspective of the Globalists.
That if the public's so dumbed down, that they don't care that we're stealing their future from them, that we're poisoning them, that we're sterilizing them, then they deserve to be killed.
Yes, that's the position of the Globalists.
They play God.
And they think because we don't stand up, they have a right to do this to us.
You know, I've told you that the globals have tried to hire me.
They've tried to get me to join them.
But metaphysically, at a spiritual level, I have the Holy Spirit.
I have a connection with God.
And I know that God does not like that, so I cannot join the enemy.
But I'll tell you, at a selfish level, I get very, very mad at people that go along with the system, believing you're part of it, or believing you're getting power out of it.
Whether you're just a steel worker, or a school teacher, or a Henry Kissinger, you're not God.
And treating other people like they're animals and you're God is something that the real God of the universe doesn't like.
And that's a fact.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport is always loaded for bear.
He's about to take over, and I'm going to introduce him with this video of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO,
Admitting that he just doesn't trust the vaccine and the side effects.
Really, India just banned it.
Merck pulled out.
South Africa's banning it.
Australia banned their vaccine.
Now they've got another one.
I mean, they are really acting suspicious.
They're like, putting revisos out.
Like, be careful, it's dangerous.
But, oh, you've got to take it to have a job.
And we've got a global ID.
And Israel's the most draconian right now.
My God, they're arresting Hasidic Jews en masse because they won't take the vaccine.
I'm going to go back to Sally Talberg, ERCOT chairwoman.
It's getting bad.
Remember, ERCOT is the new Enron.
But it's in bed with Governor Whitmer and of course Cuomo and of course Biden.
And so she's up in Michigan.
She runs ERCOT.
We went over to ERCOT earlier today.
It's totally empty.
Like two cars in the giant parking lot.
It controls all the thousands of little power plants around Texas that Obama was trying to shut down.
He shut down about half of them.
We used to supply 10, 15 states around us.
Now that's not the case.
This is all about them going in and controlling all the new smart thermostats with the smart hub, as they call it, the smart meter.
And then they're going to say, oh, we've got to control everything now, because there's not enough power, and we've got to control your refrigerator, and we've got to control your computer, and we've got to talk to your digital assistant.
So it's about the AI moving into your house, the contact tracers then come to your house, they have little social worker conversations with you, analyze what's going on, call the cops, call CPS, call elder care, looks like things aren't good, and then later they come with the police to take your guns.
It's all an admitted plan.
Here's another one.
The heads of ERCOT Board of Directors don't even live in Texas.
Honeywell is giving utility companies access to your thermostat.
That's from many, many years ago.
Seven years ago.
Eight years ago.
How utility companies lower electricity use by controlling your thermostat.
I remember when I was telling people 20 years ago, they were planning it.
Because I'd watch, like, you know, the hearings and stuff.
They're like, oh, it's preposterous.
No one can do that in America.
So that's what this is.
He's about to take over?
He is.
Here's a two-minute clip though of the latest coup by Project Veritas.
Zuckerberg in leaked video saying we just don't know the long-term side effects basically modifying people's DNA and RNA.
He put that out on purpose.
These leaks have been on purpose.
I don't think
The folks at Project Red Toss are great, but they're like, oh, I don't want to work with Biden.
I don't like censoring.
I don't like the vaccine.
This is to boost his credibility because he works for Bill Gates, his direct aide to camp.
He is the heir to Bill Gates, not Bill Gates' little rat-like children.
And so let's go ahead and play that clip and then John Robport will take over.
We just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA.
DNA is inherent in your own DSM.
We just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's... Last week, Facebook announced they are, quote, expanding their efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram.
About COVID-19 vaccines.
Let's take a look at Facebook's most updated COVID-19 vaccine policy.
The real kicker is right here in the policy where Facebook says it would remove any content that, quote, claims the COVID-19 vaccine changes people's DNA.
Well, we just got a new leaked tape from Zuckerberg himself, the CEO of Facebook, basically violating his own code of conduct.
He would be censored on the platform today.
Um, we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA.
So when Zuckerberg said, quote, basically, the vaccine is modifying people's DNA, it seems pretty clear modifying is synonymous with changing.
Again, Zuckerberg would be banned from Facebook.
For saying this, this video of me showing the CEO of Facebook talking might be banned, but then Zuckerberg on November 30th in a public livestream Q&A appears to somewhat change his tune.
My understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA.
First of all, DNA is inherent in your own nucleus cell.
Sticking in anything foreign will ultimately get cleared.
Well, I'm glad we can clear that up.
Yeah, I'm glad we could clear that up.
Isn't it interesting that Zuckerberg can vastly involve his thinking on the subject of vaccines.
As soon as he's made up his mind, or appears to have made up his mind on the topic, he disallows the almost 3 billion Facebook users to do the same.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Seems a little bit hypocritical.
All right, the full report's on InfoWars.com, but I mean, look, they do this as a proviso to metaphysically, to protect themselves.
It's a rule they follow.
He has to tell his employees, he has to let you know out there one place the truth, then come out and say this other thing.
But what it does is it programs your cell to create this protein, and the top scientists say that when the cell dies or divides, it will offshed that, where you're now going to have an autoimmune response to that.
That's just one of the problems.
John Rappaport will be joining me in the next few days on my full show.
I cut him short today.
I appreciate him still being here for a segment and a half.
John Rappaport, give us the latest, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
Very good.
Mark Zuckerberg.
Wow, wow, wow.
Speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
How unusual.
Okay, first of all, folks, I want to comment on a gentleman named Alfie Oaks.
You can see his video recently on Band.Video at Infowars, a very fine piece of work by a man who owns a grocery store in Naples, Florida, who wants business owners to stand up and open up on March 1st, regardless of restrictions, regulations, lockdowns, what have you, because
He's been running a grocery store in Florida all this time where masks are not mandatory.
You want to wear them?
You don't?
And he understands that this is a crackdown and destruction of the economy that is completely anti-constitutional, violates every legal freedom and natural freedom that we have.
And he is encouraging
Other business owners across the country to join on March 1st and open up, open up the economy.
I would say this is a very vital thing.
I only not only would say it is Alfie Oaks.
You'll find his video at band dot video on Infowars.
And I certainly commend and congratulate him for
Not only speaking out, but keeping his business alive through thick and thin all during this whole insane ordeal.
So in the time remaining today, I want to begin launching an effort to show you a weak spot, a major weak spot in the globalist enemy program.
That can be defeated with your help.
You know, it's one of these deals where lots and lots and lots of people pay attention to important information, but then there's the question, what do you do with it?
Do you just absorb it or do you share it and pass it on?
Because there is a thing, and I assure you it's true because I've seen it,
There is a thing called critical mass of information.
And when it reaches that critical mass, all kinds of unpredictable things happen that are good if the information is true.
All kinds of good things happen at critical mass when the information is true.
So I want to start launching this today here.
I won't have time to explain it completely.
But I'll be on next week for sure doing that.
And that weak spot in the opponent is the PCR test, because I'm talking about the lockdowns, the shutdowns, the destruction of the economy, the brutalization and destruction of many lives all over the planet on purpose, as we have been saying, to usher in the Great Reset and the technocratic revolution
That demolishes what is human in humanity.
The test, the PCR test that presumably detects the virus, is the key to the enemy's scientific position.
All of the case numbers are based on it, and the lockdowns supposedly are based on the case numbers.
But the test is completely fraudulent,
And I have explained it, and I will explain it again in significant detail.
But it means nothing unless you pass on the information.
See you right after the break.
Stay with us.
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As negative as times are right now, and as depressing as things can be, you have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet, is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension, so we can decide where we want to spend eternity, and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
As sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
And when you look at mainstream media and Hollywood and this whole evil culture and Washington, D.C.
and Fauci and the mass cult, it's all about dominating your free will.
It's all about telling you you're dirty, you're ugly, you're in the bad.
Because Satan hates you because you're made in the image of God, the creator of the universe.
I knew Trump was embattled.
I knew he was surrounded by cowards and by double-talking agents of the enemy.
They're like, oh no, it's 3G chess, 5G chess, he's invincible.
And I understand why people wanted to believe that, because this is scary what's going on.
The global government, the New World War, and now that people woke up to the fact that that's real, they want somebody to come save them from.
Well, Trump sure as hell tried.
My gosh, look at how prescription drug prices just tripled or quadrupled depending on the drug once Biden signed that executive order.
We pay the most money in the world.
That's just one case of hundreds of things that Trump had reversed.
And now people are going to feel the sting and the pain.
Energy costs, everything else.
But what's really illustrated this is the trial in the Senate where Trump's own lawyers are attacking him and putting him down and saying he lost the election and just engaged in all sorts of criminal activity.
Because the fix is in, folks.
The swamp is deep.
Trump fought it, but it's up to us to win it.
The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim so you don't take your birthright as being made the image of God and the incredible mission and destiny we have being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness, is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of a sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music, the fact that you can commune with that and resonate with that is energetic.
And that itself is what God teaches us is worship.
So don't worship the globalists, don't worship the NFL, don't worship all the things of the system, but worship the things of God, because we're made by God, and appreciate your consciousness, and appreciate free speech, while you still have it, while you still have it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Frappaport.
Okay, last segment of this hour, I'm talking about the PCR test, which is a great weak point in the enemy's position.
If you will take the truth and pass it on to many, many people,
And in this segment, I only have time to dip into this because there are many, many details here that are vital.
First of all, different labs come up with different results for the PCR test.
This has been known as an open secret in the testing community for decades now.
That is to say, a person could get tested at one lab negative, another lab positive.
That is fantastically important.
Imagine what would happen if a person, armed with a good lawyer, would be tested three or four times, let's say, within a very short space of time, in three or four different geographic areas, to be sure that the test would be going to three or four different labs, and they came back with different results.
Positive, negative, positive, negative.
If that isn't a basis for a lawsuit, I don't know what is.
That's a note to lawyers.
That's a note to clients, potential clients.
That's called a strategy.
Real-life, real-time strategy that has legs, that has guts, that can be publicized at the same time that it can be entered as a case in court.
Number two, let's take this, requires a bit more explanation.
Let's say that you're a person that has been told they have to get tested for whatever reason.
Tested for the virus, okay?
So you have a good lawyer and you go in to get tested and you say, hold on, before I get tested, I want the lab that is going to process this test
To issue a sworn affidavit stating how many cycles they run the test at.
Now I have to provide a little background.
What does that mean?
The PCR test is done in cycles.
Each cycle is a quantum leap in amplification of the test sample swab taken from the patient.
That's the way the test is done.
So you have one cycle magnifies the test sample.
Two cycles magnifies it much bigger.
On and on and on.
It is common knowledge, and we have the citation from Anthony Fauci, that when a test is run higher than 35 cycles, the results are meaningless, useless, deceptive.
However, and all of this is cited in my articles at nomorefakenews.com where I'm doing a series now that I've launched on the PCR test.
However, the guidelines for labs in America issued by the FDA and the CDC recommend doing the PCR test
Up to 40 cycles to find the virus.
That means that labs are going along with that.
That means that labs are going to be running this test at levels that are meaningless, useless, deceptive, and spin out false positive results like a fire hose.
If that isn't a basis for a lawsuit, I don't know what is.
So, client, lawyer,
Go in to get tested and they say, whoa, wait a minute.
We want a sworn affidavit from the lab that's going to process this sample and test it as to how many cycles they're doing the test at.
If the lab refuses to come across with that information, lawsuit.
If the lab comes across with the information and it's higher than 35 cycles, lawsuit.
Now imagine, let's say, a hundred or two hundred such clients and lawyers around the United States filing these lawsuits and the publicity that would attach to all of this as a way of detonating consciousness, truthful consciousness, about the deceptive PCR test, which is the basis
of all claims of case numbers and the basis for all of the lockdowns and economic destruction.
You getting my message here?
Now, to put a cap around this, and again I have the citation in the New York Times, labs in America do not report the number of cycles they run the test at to doctors or patients.
They just simply don't do it.
That's very interesting, isn't it?
You wonder why?
Well, I've explained why.
Because if they admit that they're running the test at higher than 35 cycles, they're liable.
They're committing a crime.
They're deceiving people and calling them positive for the virus, which is a lie.
This is a fantastic scandal, folks.
And this is just the beginning of the scandal.
Now, I know there are lawyers out there listening to this program.
I've handed you two strategies for making a serious inroad on the official lying position on the PCR test.
And if you're willing to pick up the ball and run with it,
All kinds of things can happen.
And for people who are watching and listening, all kinds of good things can happen if you spread this information.
The information contained in this program, this segment that I'm doing right now, and in the articles that I'm publishing at NoMoreFakeNews about the PCR test.
Alerting to the public what the truth is
And the lies are behind this fabricated operation, a covert operation, using a fatally flawed test to deceive the public, jack up case numbers, and bring upon the destruction of the economy through these brutal lockdowns.
That's the chain of events.
That's what people have to understand more and more clearly.
I have already exposed, and will be exposing again, statements in official medical literature from the World Health Organization, from the CDC, from the FDA, admitting that their own test is irreparably flawed, the PCR test.
Not my words,
When there is a war, and there is a war,
And if you're listening here on InfoWars, you know there is a war.
There is a war against freedom.
There is a war against the individual.
There is a war against sane society, open society, freedom, liberty, all of the things that make life meaningful and worthwhile.
Then what we need to do is to look at the enemy
The technocrats, the globalists that want to destroy everything that is good about life and say, they're not overwhelming.
Come on.
What is their weak point?
What are their weak points?
And there are several, at least.
I'm pointing to one
Major one here, the test, the PCR test, which is geared to produce all these false numbers that are hypnotizing the public via the news, that are being used by governors, presidents, premiers, to institute these brutal lockdowns and the destruction of economies across the world as a prelude to the
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The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid.
Now, inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
I know this sounds insane, but if you read the writings of the Globalist, it's all on record.
You have been warned.
You have been given the information to say no to this plan.
This is the end of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is the alien takeover of Earth.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.