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Filename: 20210201_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 1, 2021
3348 lines.

Alex Jones talks about free speech concerns, criticizing mainstream media for spreading false info & censoring alternative viewpoints. He promotes products on his website & encourages listeners to support InfoWars. Discusses youth revolution narratives, globalist agendas and preparing for uncertain times ahead.

All right, I got some really, really bad news for everybody.
But it's best to know stuff up front, isn't it?
It's like Churchill said at the start of World War II, all I can offer you is blood, sweat, tears, and pain.
But you won't be a slave at the end of it, and we'll be victorious, because the alternative is far worse.
So we're inside the New World Order.
I have three giant stacks right here.
Can I have an overhead shot, please?
I have three giant stacks.
I probably have 200 articles right here.
And I've scanned over and read all of these.
And Biden is set to, in the next six months, dial back the restrictions, the martial law, and then they're gonna bring an even bigger lockdown where you're totally locked in your house for at least a year.
And we have this from John Hopkins, we have this from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, we have this from the UN, we have this from Singapore.
When I saw this last Friday, I began to do a lot of research.
I've probably done eight hours of research on this alone.
Now, why is this so important?
Well, it shows you it's all scripted.
Remember about eight months ago of the Canadian provincial government in Quebec, a document came out about how they were going to bring in rolling lockdowns and then how by early 2020,
21 they would announce new variants as the excuse to continue the lockdowns as part of the Great Reset to then collapse things then build back better under their corporate fascist communist model.
Communists on the bottom, corporate fascists on the top, us in between it.
And people like, is this real?
Then of course later it officially was done and it was a real document.
But Twitter and Facebook and YouTube would block the different medical doctors that were exposing and speaking about it.
But then they had press conferences with the Quebec ministers saying, we're building secret facilities for round two 2021 for the new variants.
It's all scripted.
This is organized crime out in the open.
He says it in French, but I played the clip five or six times here.
And he says, and we're already arresting hundreds of people and holding them in secret facilities.
And we're going to grab thousands.
And so China's building these emergency centers, the U.S.
is building them, England, Germany.
This is the excuse for martial law.
This is the bureaucracy absorbing the people.
This is absolutely pure criminal activity, and there's almost no senator standing up, there's almost no governor standing up, because they know it's the takeover.
And they want to be in the new overclass.
The Uber mention, they believe they can't defeat it.
So almost everyone is getting on their knees to this insane criminal takeover.
So I'm going to show you here in the stacks today a wide spectrum analysis of all this in the first hour when we come back.
And then I'm going to shift gears and get into the economic implosion end of it, the border implosion end of it with Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital.
We'll talk about the all-time highs of silver and GameStop and all the rest of it.
And then Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, has been working with Trump.
He'll be joining us to talk about the new legal team that Trump has and the impeachment trial that kicks off next Tuesday in the Senate.
But it's all right here.
And by the way, it's not hidden.
Biden's spokesperson for COVID was on
Meet the press this weekend saying there's a five-year lockdown coming and we're going to close everything except big box stores that are essential.
So this is siege, the most ancient form of total war and it's global government and China's open for business.
It's designed to transfer all of the all of the
Resources and jobs overseas.
And the public's got to go into a conscious mode.
Everybody gets really unconscious, just kind of accepts what's coming at them.
Like I'm not mad at the crew.
I love him to death, but I said, if my collar's ever sticking up, you gotta tell me on air.
Open your eyes, look for problems.
If I got a booger hanging out of my nose, tell me.
But they won't do it.
They're good people.
They're just in a trance.
My collar was sticking straight up.
See, I'm not mad at them.
It's a teaching moment.
The globalists are coming with deadly vaccines that don't work, permanent lockdowns, and everybody's just kind of taking it.
They're just kind of taking it.
Can't take it anymore.
You gotta get in a conscious mode.
See, when you're not conscious, you're basically dying.
You can be programmed.
You must get into a conscious, clear mode.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I've interviewed all the experts.
I have looked at every facet of this.
And now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order.
And now use the already martial law in place for COVID-19.
And that's what it is to then be expanded and become political.
And become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses.
They train you to be tracked.
They train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels.
And now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not going to be martial law for Trump.
There's going to be martial law for the globalist.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order.
And expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
With truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, February 1st.
The year is 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we are going into the world government.
Okay, coming up, we're going to play a clip from Meet the Press of one of Biden's chief COVID advisors saying that permanent lockdown is coming.
They're going to release the pressure to train you to submit when they put the handcuffs back on.
But there'll come a point when the handcuffs never come off again.
This is all Pavlovian manipulation and learned helplessness is what you're being given.
It has nothing to do with the environment, nothing to do with COVID-19, nothing to do with saving anybody.
It's all about total power and control.
COVID is a giant hoax, a synthetic virus.
That mimics the regular cold virus.
They admit the vaccines don't work.
They'll never work.
Now they're saying you're gonna need 15 vaccines a year for every new variant.
It's just an impossible problem that can never be fixed that transfers all power and control over your life to them.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let's go ahead and zoom in right here for TV viewers, right here for me, please.
And I'm going to just read you these headlines.
Let's just read these headlines.
Busted CDC.
Inflated COVID numbers.
Accused of violating federal law.
National file.
Medical tyranny.
CDC announces all travelers will wear two masks.
Threats of arrest.
And now they claim control over the highways and people driving in cars.
The CDC says we have arrest authority.
Total power grab.
Forbes celebrates as Biden's CDC makes not wearing a mask on public transport, Uber, a federal crime.
Chilling Trend, a longer, deadlier pandemic.
By the way, you can't have executive orders making things for the general public a crime.
Disclaiming interstate commerce over all the roads.
I mean, this is just martial law.
Chilling Trend, a longer, deadlier pandemic.
And it's a big article out of Axios.
This is the one that's linked to the Meet the Press, where they say that you will never leave and that the lockdowns are coming for at least five years.
Representative Stephen Lynch tests positive for COVID-19 weeks after he completed the two-shot round.
Yeah, taking the vaccine says you're COVID positive.
That's how it works.
It's all total fraud, all lies.
They now admit, oh, all these tests are fraudulent.
They're almost all false positive.
Now we're going to start anal swabbing, because China and Singapore do.
And they have robots on the ground with weapons controlling us.
Well, if China does it, we better do it immediately.
New clinical trials raise fears that coronavirus is learning how to resist the vaccines.
Oh, that's Yahoo News.
Oh my gosh.
And oh, they have the guys out in the spacesuits.
They have them with the containment centers all to do the kabuki theater to scare you.
Oh my gosh.
COVID-19 tests now available in Oakland Airport vending machines to create even more hysteria and fear.
Biden health advisor warns of virus variants, future lockdowns.
And this is the one, guys, for you to go grab the meet the press video out of.
Thank you.
Biden health advisor warns of virus variants, future lockdowns.
And says five years of lockdowns.
Including everything closed but big corporations.
Ha ha ha!
Total war, total victory.
Dangerous new coronavirus strains may incubate in COVID-19 sickest, so they've got to be kept in secret camps away from everyone so they can be intubated and killed with enjoyment.
And then whoever kills them gets $53,000 for the execution.
Playing favorites, hospital boards and donors get COVID shots.
Oh, everybody's got to have it.
Only the elite get it.
You need to rush out and get it right now.
Oh my gosh, everybody wants it.
It's like the Christmas toy that nobody can have.
Everybody rushes out and tries to get, then it turns out, in every case, big corporations will pose with actresses fighting over the new Cabbage Patch doll or whatever it is.
And there's lines out the store and it's all fake.
It's like they caught production companies with nurses and doctors dressed up in hazmat gear going in and out in New Jersey and Texas and New York to say that, oh, we're so full for COVID.
Oh, it's a disaster.
It was all literal criminal theater.
They got the Democrats ready to commit mass crime.
These corporate people ready to commit mass crime.
It's incredible.
Vaccine skepticism lurks in town.
Famous for syphilis study, AP.
Okay, we told black people we were giving them a vaccine.
We injected them with syphilis.
We tracked them dying with syphilis.
They gave it to hundreds of thousands of people.
They also shot up poor white Appalachians with it as well.
But it's okay, because Tim Cook's gay.
He runs death camps in China.
He's gay.
And it's alright that he covers this up, because he's gay.
Vaccine skepticism lurks in town, famous for syphilis study.
And they say, I trust the white woman to give me the shot.
Hey, the white lady didn't load up the mRNA
Death juice for you lady, but it's like showing black nurses giving black people shots.
Now they're like, oh, we trust the white people.
She has no idea what's in the damn shot.
Tech glitches, swamp websites, impede U.S.
vaccine distribution.
Everybody has to have it.
Let me get it.
Let me, let me, cause everybody wants to win a lottery ticket.
Everybody wants that.
That magic thing, like, oh, the mask is for me, I wear it over my face, it's my binky, it's my little blanket that you haul around behind you, and it's for you, and you're a hero, and you're so good, aww.
It's a mess, Biden's first 10 days dominated by vaccine mysteries.
Where is it?
There's 20 million dosages just missing somewhere, 20 million dosages.
Oh, meanwhile, a week after saying wear two masks, Fauci says it won't make a difference.
Wow, but what would vitamin D, C, and E do?
Any virus will kill you if you don't have them.
But they're called essential.
You die without it.
Viruses take over your cells, because your cells don't have the building blocks to protect themselves.
Like, if you don't have water, you die of thirst in about two weeks!
If you don't have food, hell, why are you dying in about a week?
If you don't have food, you're dying in about three weeks.
But oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!
California State Senator faces ridicule for bragging about wearing two masks.
But hell, he had to be topped when he and Fauci said that last week.
Within days, they were up to five masks.
Five masks!
And Biden signed an executive order saying you've got to wear two masks or you're going to federal prison.
What a kook criminal.
French restaurant owners who opened in defiance of lockdown on Monday will be punished, says the economic minister.
They'll be punished even more by going bankrupt if they don't.
Anti-vax mob that closed Dodger Stadium vaccination site sparks outrage.
We've got video of people saying, I want my shot!
I'm a hero!
Get me in there!
All they did was protest so the police panicked and like blocked the entrance of all the lemmings going in to get the deadly vaccine that doesn't protect them, that doesn't do anything except cause autoimmune disorders, cancer, and of course long lingering horrible diseases and death.
It just goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on,
We don't know why they've got whole genomes of dead kids in them and why they got jellyfish, colony creature genes in them, whole genomes.
I mean, top scientists look at this and they go, this looks like some kind of damn weapon.
And Bill Gates is just smiling going, God, I want to depopulate your ass.
And man, I want to kill old people.
And they're all dying.
Large percentages.
Everybody I talk to that runs nursing homes or works at them says they give those shots and upwards of 3 or 4 percent are dead within days.
And it's just no big deal.
Because all the young are locked out.
Nobody a year in is allowed to see their parents.
And they're locked up in there.
And Bill Gates is their doctor.
And he gives them that shot.
And all the rest of them can't even get out of bed anymore.
And they'll be dead in a few months probably.
But it won't matter!
Because we'll say they died of COVID!
Is it liberal?
Let's get into the five-year lockdown.
He's gonna take off the lockdown for a little while, and then slam it shut on you for permanent martial law, and then the Clinton Foundation runs the contact tracers.
Five million of them are coming to your house, and they're coming armed with weapons!
And they're building camps!
I love the Patriot Blend Wake Up America coffee.
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Water filtration, air filtration, it's all there.
The technocrats are getting ready to bring in all the force GMO and more.
The answer to 1984.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, my wife asked me last night, she said, you're not usually up at midnight.
Scientific, criminal, corporate, medical takeover in their own words.
Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates write books saying this virus isn't even a threat.
We're using this to bring in a global government and to save the earth by cutting your carbon footprint and making you poor.
And then my own governor's going along with it.
And he knows full well.
That we never come out of it.
First they told you 15 days, then they told you 2 months, then they told you 6 months, then they told you a year, then they told you 2 years, and now they're starting to come out and say 5 years!
It'll never end, folks!
They are habituating everyone, and then they admit the vaccines don't protect you.
And I'm going to cover that in a moment, but there's good news.
Why did Merck stop their vaccine program?
Why did the Australian government stop their vaccine program?
Why did Macron announce Friday, with almost no coverage, the French dictator, the Yellow Vest Rebellions, that, quote, the vaccine is almost useless, almost completely ineffective.
And notice who he talked about.
He said above 65 because the British government says do not take it above 75 mRNA vaccine.
It will kill you.
They started it almost two months ago, the first country, and the military implemented it, and the military came out and said, this is insane.
Their own troops wouldn't do it.
Their own medical doctors and the army said, this is killing people.
Three groups shouldn't take it.
Folks, I could cover a thousand articles.
Let me just keep saying this every segment.
We're saving lives here.
If you're above 75, don't take it.
If you're under 16, don't take it.
And if you're pregnant, don't take it.
But see, that's in the advisory, so they're covered.
But that's the fine print.
I watched the news, I watched the California footage of literally tens of thousands of cars pulled up at a sports stadium to get their shots.
Begging for it, and it was women and children and old people.
And some are dying the day they get it!
It's in the news!
So this is the Twilight Zone level of people lining up, going to be hurt.
And they admit now, when they go, oh, it was 96% effective.
Now it's 50% effective.
Now it's 20%.
It's not.
It's all a lie.
They didn't do long-term trials.
They didn't do trials.
When they started giving it to people, it started killing them.
So why is Macron saying they may just suspend the vaccine program and just open things up?
Because he realizes the public's not going to buy this.
This is a car baby that gets you.
And then, oh, sorry, two shots don't work, now it's five shots.
Well, Gates loves to say stuff first.
Gates said eight months ago, you're gonna get five shots a year for COVID and COVID variants.
It's a corporate plan.
But why is Macron stopping it?
Why is Australia saying, okay, the vaccine, and canceling 54 million doses they made?
Because it's hurting and killing people, and they're like, my God, this is so obvious.
What are we doing?
They're testing, can they get away with killing us?
Remember, Bill Gates runs the whole big eugenics operation on record.
He was on Bill Maher talking about it.
He's been on Moyers talking about it.
I made films about it.
I made an endgame about it 13, 14 years ago.
This is not a game.
So next segment, I'll show you all the statements, the quotes, and the incredible information that I just began to lay out.
I'll actually show you where they say it, where they do it.
But first, let me just talk about this.
Notice the censorship that if medical doctors and nurses and scientists and the heads of hospitals come out and say, hey, if you give somebody inhalable steroids, they're better in one hour.
It's an autoimmune response.
Or, hey, I'm the head of the EU Commission, Wolfgang Wudarg.
We think this will cause an autoimmune response and actually kill you when you come in contact with a regular cold virus.
And what does Google and Facebook and Twitter do?
They block EU Advisory Commission reports, just like they block medical doctors in Congress and scientists and computer scientists in Congress that presented evidence of fraud.
Now, days and days, hundreds of clips
That we know of have been taken down of computer scientists and inventors and MIT top scientists and Stanford top scientists and inventors of QR code and top engineers showing the fraud and it gets deleted.
So we have a professional class that's actually still being professional by and large.
Every doctor I talk to, almost every nurse I talk to knows it's all a fraud, a giant scam, and that all you need is therapeutics, and that it's just, they're creating a fear over the common cold, and that you can never have a vaccine for the common cold.
Remember 11 months ago I had, in fact let's get him on this week, I had a great patriot on, Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, co-author of the U.N.
World Government Law on Bioweapons.
And he said, you can't have a vaccine for the common cold of this virus.
No one's ever able to make it.
He cited the papers.
Much less COVID, that's five different viruses mixed together, but based on a coronavirus, a cold virus.
Now you think about that long and hard.
We knew this 11 months ago.
We're on record saying it.
I have zero hedge articles from 12 months ago with top scientists saying this vaccine will say that you have HIV.
If it's a copy of the virus, this virus has HIV delivery in it.
And Australia had to suspend it because it does a false positive for HIV!
This is a giant evil plan!
Locking us down, consolidating control, tracking everything we do, bankrupting us, getting rid of cash, bringing in world government, making us cover our faces in a cult, and making these globalists fabulously wealthy, and then not to mention whatever the vaccine does to you.
Absolutely insane.
Absolutely crazy.
Over the top nuts.
And we told you all first.
All right, I'm gonna go to break, come back and lay all this out.
Let me just briefly tell you about the new sale.
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This is an anybody that can afford this, because it's expensive for us.
It's a very expensive product.
They sell the similar thing for 300 bucks, you know, four or five times the amount.
At medical facilities, it's non-prescription, but they have doctors selling basically the same formula for three, four, five times.
DNA Force Plus is so good.
It's not synthetic, it's the real deal.
Synthetic versions are still expensive.
PQQ, CoQ10, and so much more, 25% selling out.
Ultra 12, great for your stamina, energy, your whole body, your blood, your brain.
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We sold out of Bobby's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
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You know it's about to sell out.
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And that's got all these essential oils in it.
You take three or four shots in your mouth.
Inhale just a little bit.
I'll show you how I do it.
I haven't even done a stand yet.
I need to do it right before I go to bed at night too.
And then once you've already sprayed it in your mouth, then you inhale.
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You just go.
And then it's a little bit in there.
And it's absolutely amazing.
It is back in stock, 50% off.
Infowarshore.com or 888-253-3139.
But whatever you do, please spread the word about this broadcast because without you we will not stay on the air and the enemy is moving against everyone right now.
We've got some news on that as well coming up.
They're openly calling for Fox News to be taken off the air at CNN.
The word apocalypse means the revealing of what was once hidden.
And now that all the lies are being revealed, what will you do?
We know that millions will do absolutely nothing.
They will do whatever they are told, as if obedience is a virtue.
It is the patriots of the world versus everybody else.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
And that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties as best as I can.
So help me God.
Spam dot video.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you'd ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
President Trump wanted a landslide on November 3rd, but the globalists weren't going to let that happen.
They had to have some way to repudiate the populist movement emanating from the United States that had spread across the world from the UK to Brazil.
They were desperate.
They admitted their own publications.
They didn't know what to do.
And so they put out 80 million fake ballots, violated state law, and stole it better than Dulles.
And now they're coming after the president, they're coming after you, they're coming after me.
They're shutting everybody off.
The internet, they're trying to totally censor us.
And that's why InfoWars is still in the fight, because we knew this was coming.
We told you this was coming.
We were the first main target, and we're still on air at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and BandOnVideo.
Without your word of mouth, without your prayer, without your financial support, we can't stay on air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Look, what's happening is very, very simple.
History is repeating itself, but in a high-tech, futuristic way.
We're not in 1965.
We're not in 1974.
Or 1997.
We're not in 1982.
We're in 2021.
Or 2015.
Or 2000.
And the globalists have decided you don't get the Jetsons, you don't get life extension, you don't get all the goodies and the jetpacks.
You get to be phased out, put in a coffin apartment, brainwashed, atomized, made to be totally alone and depressed, and then finally you sign a form and an agreement.
To be able to travel to the Caribbean and be able to skydive and be able to take all the drugs you want for one year and then you will arrive at a reclamation center where you will go in and be drugged up and watch a beautiful film of your choice and killed.
And that is their official plan.
They pre-programmed it in all the Hollywood movies and now they're actually proposing that you will again be given credits
Free pass, want to wear a mask, can fly anywhere you want for one year.
If you agree to have your sons sterilized and their testicles chopped off, you'll get even more.
Maybe three years of partying.
And that's what the social credit score is.
That's why they're positioning men that have had their testicles removed as the leaders of all the corporations and all the groups.
That's satanic inversion.
Men aren't going to be fathers.
Men will then pose as women, as the guardians, and lead us into death.
As Judas goes.
That all comes out of the transhumanist movement, because it will accept men in women's bathrooms, and men playing women in football and basketball and wrestling and boxing, but will accept cyborgs walking around, will accept human clones.
That's all this is, is mad scientists want to play God, they want to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and they're setting the precedent right up front that you're not essential, you're dirty, you're bad, you wear a face diaper over that ugly face, you cover that dirty, ugly thing,
We'll tell you on your little smartphone where you can go and what you can do.
And that's the end of it.
And by Pavlovian Rewards, they teach you how avant-garde and cool it is to live in a coffin apartment.
They teach you how avant-garde it is to sit there on Twitter and Facebook and lie about patriots and in screech and then have your tweets promoted which doesn't even make you any money or even support you but it feels good so you've been enslaved to dopamine.
With all the history of secret experimentation.
All the history of vaccines having Trojan horses and hurting people and the very people running the global vaccine program saying they want the power to put in your body what they want when they want to sterilize you.
Maybe a hundred people go and protest in Southern California at the giant sports stadium where people out of thousands are lined up to take this deadly gene therapy system.
And the media calls them terrorists and says they should be arrested.
Look at them.
And the cops are smart.
They didn't even block the road going in.
But the police then, oh, shut it all down so they can say that they were terrorists and they were bad.
There, the police direct them over.
They don't block the traffic, but the police go ahead and close it down and then blame them.
So they can say, oh, you kept this from our life-saving stuff.
And then there's all the vaccine reactions and all the deaths and, well, it doesn't matter.
It's for the greater good.
Like Hank Aaron.
Be a hero.
Get your second shot and have a convulsion and go to Jesus.
Just die.
Just Klaus Schwab needs the earth.
Jean-Claude Juncker needs the earth.
Ted Turner needs the earth.
Bill Gates needs the earth.
So make way.
Make way, my slaves.
And if you go to the headline at Infowars.com, there it is.
Joe Biden is planning a five-year lockdown.
And I have the quotes right here.
Breaking documents, Joe Biden planning five-year lockdown.
We are witnessing a global corporate takeover designed to merge the United States with the European Union and Communist China under the United Nations.
Peter Schiff joins the show.
Revealed explosive news about the economy.
Robert Barnes breaks down the unconstitutionality of the Trump impeachment trial coming up live today.
So let's just go back into some of the headlines.
I probably covered 40 or 50 articles.
I've got another 100 here.
Most of them even mainstream, fine print, telling you what they're doing.
Look at this one.
Merck, first U.S.
pharma giant to abandon COVID vaccine efforts.
That happened last week.
They've already buried the fact that they said there's no way to have a vaccine that actually protects you.
There's too many mutations.
This is all a fraud.
You should just get it and get over it and take therapeutics.
What an incredible thing!
You think that would be dun-dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun, all over every channel.
But no, no, no.
Like when scientists said, oh, 99% take hydroxychloroquine, they're fine.
Well, yeah, because it pushes zinc into the cells.
No, can't say that.
Only the UN can say what a therapeutic is.
And again, report China denying entry to people who took Pfizer-Moderna vaccines.
China's reportedly denying entry of individuals who have taken the Pfizer-Moderna vaccines.
And it goes on and breaks it all down.
And again, our show yesterday was Sunday Live.
France says COVID vaccines don't work, collapsing the hoax.
I've actually got the articles here that I'll go over for you.
The other rebellion, oh see, they're now tying it in MSN, literally, msn.com.
To what happened at the Capitol, which was at most a riot with four citizens being killed, a cop having a heart attack days later, into an insurrection.
Well, now they're saying GameStop is an insurrection anti-terrorism.
And now they're saying businesses that have been closed for 10 months in Michigan that are going bankrupt, that they're reopening.
They're still wearing their face diapers.
Well, that's terrorism, too.
The other rebellion.
Oh, no.
Dozens of Michigan restaurants defy state coronavirus order.
Oh, my gosh.
They've got to be arrested.
It goes into the article.
Remember the old video?
Cuomo said a few months ago, who cares?
Cuomo insists he doesn't matter where 4,000 hidden nursing home deaths took place.
But that was months ago.
Now it's 12,000.
He said, who cares?
It's all about making you feel helpless.
Oh, and the Orthodox Jews, I've got all this video of them being shot, beat up, pepper sprayed, and taken to jail because they will not violate Leviticus, which is the law of Moses, and take anyone else's seed, meaning blood.
That's kind of smart, isn't it?
Like Leviticus says, don't eat
Oysters, I mean, back then especially, you'd eat oysters and they'd kill you before they were cooked or whatever.
I mean, just kind of like, hey, don't take somebody's blood into your body.
And don't take somebody's seed into your body.
And so because they're not going to take the shot, just like in New York, and just like here, they're going to jail.
And CNN is very, very excited about it.
And that is, again, Jews being pepper sprayed.
And they've even got videos of them being shot and shot at by the Israeli forces because they will not take into their body that special loving Jews.
They will not be raped properly.
China is trying to collect Americans' DNA and more.
Former U.S.
intel official says, this is all over the news,
This is Arnold from AmericanMilitaryNews.com, and it turns out that they're involved in a lot of medical companies and DNA companies getting your DNA.
So make sure it's not a Chinese company when you take that anal swab, which China has announced we must take.
And our meeting has already said China is the boss, and the UN.
We will now take anal swabs.
China plans to switch to anal swab coronavirus testing.
So this is a more accurate U.S.
file of suit.
Anal swabs now at the airport.
They're actually setting up anal swab checkpoints.
I'm not kidding.
Under camera, you go in yourself and stick it in your rear end, you watch a video.
At the U.S.
airports, they're getting them ready.
I showed it yesterday.
And you go in and stick a big, long swab up your ass, and then that's what they do.
So, there you go!
Sorry, I've got more for you when we come back, where I'll show you the articles in different countries where they're saying the vaccine doesn't work.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Mountain Patriot in Colorado.
Hey, man.
Thank you for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I love you, man.
I want to make a quick plug.
That DNA Force, I love it.
I've been using it quite a while, and I just went and looked at the ingredients again the other day, and I see that it contains quercetin, which according to some published studies that Dr. Merkula has cited, is an ionophore similar to hydroxychloroquine.
And it helps channel the zinc into the cells, so people might want to take a look at that.
All I know is with DNA Force, we went out and looked at these high-end products that they sell through doctor clinics that aren't prescription, but the doctor sells like 300 bucks a bottle, because there's a lot of expensive product and it's really only cost them like 50 bucks.
And so we basically cloned two different top brands together and that's what produced this.
So thanks, thanks for the plug.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official, part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group.
And Klaus Schwab, all officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them, agenda 21, agenda 2030, it's here.
And it only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
And hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
But Soros and Bill Gates and the globalists are on our tail.
But the new website is theresistance.video.
They're trying to block us because the truth is powerful and can defeat them.
So the new URL that links right to band.video and all of our videos and all of our documentaries and all the special reports and all the suppressed information is at theresistance.video.
Share the link.
I've got some bad news.
Our best-selling Vitamin Mineral Fusion has sold out because people understand in these stressful times, it's now more important than ever to boost your body's natural defenses.
But here's the good news.
Turmeric acts in very similar ways and is so good for inflammation, so good for your immune system, and we've got two great turmeric formulas.
One is BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula that is a dried turmeric extract, 95% curcuminoid.
People love it.
That's selling out.
Despite that, it's still discounted at infowarstore.com.
And then also selling out this week is our Liquid Turmeric Extract.
It's called Liquid Turmeric Extract.
People really love it.
It's extremely strong as well.
It's selling out.
And your purchase doesn't just help yourself and your body.
It also funds the Infowar and keeps us on air while they're trying to shut everybody down.
So thank you all for your support.
Please visit Infowarstore.com and find so many other great items that will enrich yourself and your family's life and fund the InfoWar.
God bless and good luck!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So I'm going to say this again.
They are planning to break the economy, wreck Main Street completely, ban all small businesses.
We're already almost a year into this.
Collapse the third world with total starvation, flood us with them, and the UN will manage the migration floods.
They will manage the COVID hoax along with the big corporations that will stay open and consolidate total control.
There's massive caravans on their way through Guatemala and Mexico now that Biden is in and he has already frozen deportations and is going to let them in, which again will further break the borders.
This is a scientific plan.
All we need is a few more Tulsi Gabbards, a few more Donald Trumps.
All we need is a few more Tucker Carlson's and a lot more Alex Jones's and a lot more you out there.
To call this out.
I mean, the governor of Texas, folks, has an ongoing executive order.
They basically say the masks are never coming off.
And they're going to have Democrat mayors continue to lock economies down, open them back up, lock them down, open them back up.
That's the plan.
So that next time they lock it down even stronger, you think, well, we'll get out of this soon.
That's what the Nazis did.
And that's what the Soviets would do.
It took the Soviets, the Bolsheviks, 10 years to get control of Russia.
10 years to get full control.
And they would first say, hey, we're just going to lock down for a week, accept it.
Then they would take it off for a month.
Then they'd lock down for a month.
And then take it off for a month.
Then they'd lock down for two months.
And take it off for a week.
And pretty soon, everybody just got used to that.
And only a few people got rounded up.
And the next it was more, more, more.
And that's the cover with this COVID thing.
For the COVID contact tracers run by the U.N.
and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation.
Look it up.
Coming and grabbing you, coming and controlling you, building the emergency centers, admitting they're quote secret.
I mean, this is just the end and suspension of due process and a medical tyranny and the CDC signed, Biden signed an executive order last Friday and the CDC in these articles says quote, we have the authority at the CDC to have you arrested and charged federally.
So do what we're telling you, and we hope you'll comply voluntarily.
What does that mean?
You got a gun to their head.
It's all a power grab.
It's all unconstitutional.
It's all illegal.
And they didn't just declare cruise ships and airports and trains and buses.
They said all travel on the roads, including Uber.
What does that mean?
Well, because Uber operates in multiple states.
They're claiming jurisdiction because it's
So, ladies and gentlemen, this is serious, and next it's, oh, violation of federal law, not having your vaccine.
Violation of federal law, not having your contact tracing app.
Everything China has, it's now here.
This isn't a creeping death anymore, this is martial law.
And it's all based on fraud, it's all based on lies.
But we're so into virtue signaling with political correctness, now it's virtue signal America's bad.
Virtues signal white people are evil.
Virtues signal capitalism is bad.
And now it's virtues signaling judges have to rule that you must take shots.
Judges rule you must wear a mask.
But actually in Europe and the U.S., judges have ruled that these lockdowns are unconstitutional.
You don't have to wear a mask.
But the corporate companies still enforce it.
And Biden says he's turning the feds loose to enforce it.
This is madness.
So back to the articles.
Pharma giant to abandon COVID vaccine efforts.
First U.S.
It doesn't work.
Report China denying entry to people who took Pfizer-Moderna vaccine.
And it goes on and on and on.
I already mentioned some of these articles, but let me get to the articles that I haven't hit yet.
Let's get into these right here.
China is trying to collect Americans' DNA and more.
Former U.S.
intel official says China plans to switch to anal swabs.
Here's the new articles.
Can the arrival of a new coronavirus variant scare Americans into better pandemic behavior?
Better behavior and now it's permanent.
It's never going to go away.
Not with the vaccines, not with the lockdowns, not with the mask.
It's new.
New variants.
It's scary.
It's all lies.
All false testing.
All fraud.
But down the road they will release a real bioweapon.
Bill Gates has promised you that.
He said terrorists will release it.
This is all just a drill to make sure you're good little slaves when they do it.
Now here's a really important one I've been mentioning.
Emmanuel Macron claims AstraZeneca vaccine is almost ineffective in over 65s because it's killing people over 65.
Macron gambles by saying no to lockdown.
But stopping flights from outside countries into France is all an exercise of martial law.
But he knows that it's such a mass crime against humanity.
It's Nazi level to force these inoculations and cause all this death and illness.
And he knows it doesn't work on top of it.
He's at least hedging his bet and saying that, just like everybody else is.
France's vaccine delays symbolize national decline for some.
Oh, it's a national decline.
They're not like China.
Macron gambles.
No, he's not gambling.
They're gambling by going along with this.
Now here's where it gets really important.
Australia cancels COVID vaccine trial over unexpected false positives for HIV.
Remember that?
So it's now Australia, it's now France, and it's now Merck pulling back from the vaccines.
And here is Zero Hedge back in February of last year.
HIV insertion stokes fears over artificially created bioweapon.
We covered it at the same time as well, but now it's confirmed showing up false positive HIV because it's in it.
Coronavirus far more likely than SARS to bond to human cells in an HIV-like mutation.
That's even mainstream news.
So, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen, and we have the very scientists that have been running the secret projects at Wuhan that are now public, Fauci and Gates.
Are the ones now running the response to what they've released.
And I don't think by accident.
This has all been pre-planned.
Busted CDC.
Inflated COVID numbers.
Accused of violating federal law.
Recapping this.
Medical tyranny.
CDC announces all travelers can wear two masks.
Threatens arrest.
You submit to this, you submit to everything.
Forbes celebrates as Biden's CDC makes not wearing a mask, public transport, and Uber a federal crime.
And again, the Fairmont Ring.
Chilling trend.
A longer, deadlier pandemic.
And in this Axios article, and in others, they say, it's gonna go for five years.
Four or five years, it's permanent.
Once they've got you that long, they've got you forever.
15 days, two months, six months, a year, four years, five years.
Wear two masks, wear five masks.
Now Fauci says two masks don't help.
Last week said it's key.
It's all part of telling you what to do, and then putting a little proviso out doesn't actually help you.
Because it's about a takeover.
It's about you're dirty, you're evil, you're bad.
Again, all these people that are getting one, two shots, they're still getting COVID.
They're probably getting it from it.
They're still testing positive.
So now they're saying maybe you need five shots.
But again, Bill Gates said that eight months ago.
Oh, new clinical trials?
Raise fears of coronaviruses?
Learning how to resist the vaccines?
Oh, the hazmat suits and spacesuits and people in bubbles and it's on the news and it must be deadly, I mean, you saw that?
And it's like somebody dressed up in a ghost outfit, jumping out from behind the closet, making you have a heart attack.
But you better be scared of Fauci and Gates and Schwab saying you're not essential and the lockdown is forever.
I played you four times last week.
Klaus Schwab at the Davos meeting last week saying, no one will be allowed to ever be in close contact again.
No industry with close contact will exist anymore.
Drones and robots will deliver everything.
You will have nothing, you will own nothing, and you will love it.
And it cuts at Leonardo DiCaprio going,
At their virtual meeting.
What a scumbag.
What a filth.
Because he's going to be able to fly around, and when he goes to a national park, no one will be there.
When he goes to a hotel, no one will be there.
Because these guys stole the world through fraud.
They stole the world through fraud, they stole it through fraud, and now they want you off of it.
That's last year.
Yeah, there's Joe Biden in the front row with them.
What a group of monsters.
And you're putting up with it so they believe you deserve it.
So you better start saying no to businesses.
You better speak out.
You better educate folks.
You better file lawsuits.
You better go out and protest.
You better get your mayors and cities to be sanctuary cities for reality, not the globalist takeover.
You've got to do it now, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to go on a break.
Peter Schiff to get into the economy, GameStop, Silver's massive surge that I predicted last week wasn't hard to predict, and so much more coming up in the next hour.
Please don't forget, DNA Force Plus is selling out quickly.
It's the highest quality PQQ and CoQ10 and so much more.
This is the Rolls-Royce on steroids.
For your mitochondria, for your cells, for the health of your cells.
This is what myself and my family take.
That's why I'm as healthy as a bull, even though I eat too much.
Living Defense is selling out.
Next Level Probiotic will flush out your body and totally clean you up.
Probiotic without bacteria.
Check into it for yourself.
And we also have the turmeric that's sold out, the powdered turmeric bodies.
We have the pure turmeric extract selling out.
Despite that, it's also discounted.
Lung Cleanse, back in stock at Ultra 12, back in stock at infowarestore.com or call toll free, 888-253-3139.
We'll be back with hour number two.
Stay with us.
We have the technocrats are controlling the food supply.
Secure your own safe source of food supply sale.
It's the new prices in 2021, but it's the lowest price for high quality food you're going to find at InfoWorksStore.com.
The subsection is PrepareWithAlex.com.
And it's all these globalists do this.
And as they hoard the food and as they prepare.
You need to understand that you need 25-year food supply.
The last 25 years, one month, three months, six months, one year supplies, and it's the highest quality you're going to find.
And it's just good to have that checkbox taken care of, and you know you're getting good food at a very good price, and you know that a small percentage of it, because there's not much profit in this, goes to us to fund our operations.
So, preparewithalex.com or infowarsstore.com.
You can find the preparedness section there.
Water filtration, air filtration, it's all there.
The technocrats are getting ready to bring in all the force GMO and more.
It's time to start getting prepared.
It starts with self-defense.
It starts with being prepared.
It starts with storable food.
It starts with digging in.
With a long, globalist fight, you'll win in the end.
We told you it was coming.
Under the United Nations pilot program in Singapore, for eight months they've made citizens wear bracelets on their arms that make them a social distance and report them back to cell towers to track for every movement.
This is for everybody, the way it gets better.
Now France has programs in their factories, government-pushed and sponsored, to make everyone wear actual dog collars so that we can make a social distance and report back to simple computers.
They're turning us into a commodity.
Human animal clones have been around for 50 years.
It's all being announced.
They are literally taking over the life cycle of humans and making us obsolete.
And big corporations now claim that they own us with these gene therapy systems and patents that they've produced.
Do you understand?
It is a takeover of the entire species at the genetic level and now they're coming with dog collars and they're announcing in public schools in the U.S.
starting next year it will begin.
Did you hear me?
Dog collars for your children all based on a hoax, all based on a lie.
Info Wars will continue to spread the word to fight back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, you've got your diamonds and you've got your
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide on this Monday edition.
Tulsi Gabbard's left Congress.
She's a good lady overall.
I disagree with her, but I think she's a well-meaning liberal, not one of the really cold-blooded globalist ones.
But she says the people who want the Capitol could be terrorists, okay?
I think that's an exaggeration, more like routing people out of control.
But some thought they were there, part of the Q-Storm, and thought they were there to arrest people.
I also don't think it's terrorism.
I think it's misguided fools.
But she talks about how the Democrats are really terrorists, terrorizing our country, and it's much more dangerous with a security apparatus, and that's absolutely true.
So here she is on Tucker Carlson.
So I don't think of you as someone given to hyperbole.
You're not throwing wild charges out there.
You measure your words.
You said you are concerned that we are moving towards a police state.
Tell us why you're worried.
Tucker, the very first thing that any president does after they've gotten elected, any member of Congress, and every one of us who has served in the military, is we take an oath.
And we swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The reason that this is the first thing that we do is because our Constitution is the foundation of this country and who we are.
It is what guarantees us our civil liberties, our freedoms that are endowed to us not by any man or person in government, but are endowed to us by our Creator.
Something that we must all unite around.
This is something that we recognize that those who stormed the Capitol on January 6 trying to stop Congress from fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities, they were acting as domestic terrorists undermining our Constitution.
As you pointed out in my video, those like John Brennan, Adam Schiff, and others are also acting as domestic terrorists because they are also undermining our Constitution by trying to take away our civil liberties and rights that are guaranteed to us.
If you don't mind, I'd like to just quote John Brennan directly so that people can't say I'm taking this out of context.
Directly, John Brennan says,
Authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians.
This is the extent that they are going to try to undermine the rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to every one of us, and it's incredibly dangerous.
It is so dangerous, and it's also happening on a greater scale than we've ever seen before, because as you point out in the video that I hope every one of our viewers will find on the internet, it isn't simply government officials and our intel and law enforcement agencies, it's also private businesses, it's these giant tech monopolies.
What can the rest of us do to protect ourselves, to keep free speech alive in a moment when it's being crushed all around us?
First of all, keep speaking.
I think this is the most important thing at a time when there is so much fear and threats and the kind of fomenting of fear that we're seeing coming from the likes of John Brennan.
We must all take a stand and unite around these principles in our Constitution and continue to speak freely, whether it be in person, on the street corner, or on these virtual public squares, these town squares that exist.
Take a stand.
I think so.
I think there are alternative platforms.
I've got one on tulsi.locals.com.
It's a place where people can come and speak freely and have open dialogue and conversation around different issues based on respect and this appreciation for our constitutional rights and freedoms.
But I think most importantly, we need to urge President Biden and every member of Congress how critical it is they take a stand and denounce the likes of John Brennan and Adam Schiff's actions.
Because if we do not, and if they do not, then this country that we love and cherish will no longer exist.
This is a corporate fascist world government takeover.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history, I've interviewed all the experts, I have looked at every facet of this, and now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order and
Now, use the already martial law in place for COVID-19, and that's what it is, to then be expanded and become political and become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses, they train you to be tracked, they train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels, and now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not going to be martial law for Trump.
There's going to be martial law for the globalists.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order and expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
With truth.
Well, you've got your diamonds and you've got your pretty clothes.
And the chauffeur drives your car.
You let everybody know, but don't play.
Well, there's a lot of hype out there, but I've been interviewing this fellow for probably 16, 17 years, and he's made a lot of really accurate predictions about what happened in 2008 and so much more.
Peter Schiff, EuroPAC.com.
He's an American businessman, investment broker, author, financial commentator.
He's a CEO and Chief Global Strategist at Europacific Capital Inc.
and I'm not going to spend all the time going over it.
He's written a lot of books, done a lot of really important work, been on a lot of national TV shows until he wasn't saying what they wanted to hear.
But he's still out there quite a bit.
We appreciate him.
Joining us, and we can start anywhere he wants to go.
GameStop, the short squeeze, what's happening in silver.
I mean, I'm not a rocket scientist, and I said middle of the week last week, look for silver to explode as soon as they figure out that that's an even better target to go after these hedge funds.
But he's got his own views on this, an expert view.
We'll also talk about the big economy, the post-Trump world.
The moves Biden's making and what he expects to unfold.
And I'm not just a talk show host.
I'm a father and I'm an American and I'm a human.
So I'm really looking forward to what he has to say because I'm trying to make a lot of decisions based on what he and a lot of others I respect think is going to happen.
Because I know Schiff will tell us what he really thinks is going on versus what a lot of these other big brokerage firm owners will tell you what they want you to hear.
So great to have you, Peter, from Europack.com.
Where do you want to start?
This is an insane time, isn't it?
Well, I mean, it's been insane for a while, but maybe it's a little bit more obvious now to some people.
But there's actually some rationality beneath that veneer of insanity in some of what's going on.
But we should probably start with what's happening today with silver.
Because I think silver is a lot more important than the short squeeze in GameStop and some of these other stocks, because, you know, short squeezes have been going on for as long as there's been shorting.
I mean, there's nothing new about that.
What's new is maybe the publicity this one is getting and the way it's come about.
But, you know, I think what's more important is what's happening in silver.
And, you know, the silver move was going to happen anyway.
I mean, I think obviously the move today, we have silver up better than two dollars an ounce.
That's a pretty big move.
In fact, if you look at the price of silver relative to the price of gold, silver is as high as it's been in many years now against gold, although silver was very cheap.
And we talked about that on your program.
And I've been talking about it on my podcast.
It's one of the reasons I've been encouraging people to buy silver because of how historically cheap silver became in terms of gold.
So it's not nearly as cheap now as it was, but historically it's still undervalued.
And so in contrast to a lot of these Wall Street bets guys on Reddit who are now buying GameStop or AMC or a number of these stocks,
Anyone buying these stocks, I mean, if you get caught with them when the music stops, you're going to lose.
I mean, you're buying extremely overvalued stocks.
You're going to lose a lot.
I mean, there's a reason that so many short sellers were attracted to these stocks.
It's because their business models are flawed and the companies are in a lot of trouble.
And and so smart people are betting that the companies are going to fail.
And that's probably a smart bet.
I wouldn't want to fade that bet.
I think some of these hedge funds were a little overly short and they got caught.
And you know, that's you know, that's OK.
I mean, that's the way the game works.
I mean, you don't make money for free.
You take risks.
And that's one of them when you're short.
And so they're big boys.
They can afford to lose money.
My concern is that you've got a lot of smaller investors who don't really realize what they're doing when they buy these stocks and they see the price going up and they think, well, they're a good investment.
The price is going to keep going up.
It's not.
The price is going to crash.
And the people who are making money are the ones who are selling, not the people who are buying now.
You know, maybe they'll be able to flip out of it, but they're playing with fire.
If you hold these stocks long enough, they are going to crash and a lot of money will be lost.
That is not the case with silver.
Even though there are a number of shorts in silver, silver is cheap.
And these silver stocks are great values.
And even if people are rushing in today and pushing up the price a little bit too much, and I would expect there to be a correction from the big moves that we've seen, don't get discouraged.
People should be buying more.
People should maybe be using limits and not just crowding in in the morning and letting people run up the price on you.
But I think the people on Reddit who are
So, you think that was good advice?
I wasn't giving it as a financial person or advice to folks, but I just personally said, it seems to me a lot safer place to be would be silver and then gold after that, because we know silver is way undervalued compared to the inflation that's in the market and the inflation in the currencies.
And I know you talked about this a lot on there in the past.
Thank you very much.
In fact, I titled my podcast the day that, you know, the story really broke about the short squeeze in GameStop.
And the title of my podcast was the mother of all short squeezes is yet to come.
And I was referring to the one in precious metals and silver and gold.
And then, of course, the next day,
Not that I'm taking credit for it, but maybe they probably had it in the works.
But the next day, that's exactly the type of articles that I was reading up on Reddit was about these shorts in silver in particular.
And the way a lot of this comes about is most of the metal that's traded
Is traded on futures markets, so people aren't actually trading the physical bars of gold and silver.
They're trading contracts in a futures market, and there's a lot of leverage there.
Each contract for a silver contract.
That's 5000 ounces, but you don't have to have the money to cover the 5000 ounces.
You just need a few percent of the value and you can buy the contract.
And so what happens is you have a lot more paper silver.
Being traded than actual silver that exists.
But as long as the people who are buying the contracts don't actually want the silver, it's not a problem because they're buying it from people who want to bet that silver is going down or maybe want to hedge a portfolio that's long silver.
And so they're selling these futures contracts.
But a lot of these speculators who are short the futures contracts, they don't actually have any silver to deliver.
But it's not a problem because they know that the counterparty who's long the silver doesn't actually want the silver.
He just wants to bet that it goes up.
Well, what would happen if a lot of the people who have been buying silver futures contracts decide that they actually want the silver?
They just don't want to bet that the price goes up.
They actually want to take delivery of their bars, which is their right to do.
And if that were to ever happen with any significant quantity and all the people who were short were given notices from the Comex, hey, you got to deliver the physical silver.
They don't have it.
Now they got to try to buy it.
Well, where are you going to find it?
There is not a lot of physical silver.
That's the problem that these shorts were having in GameStop.
They borrowed the stock to go short.
Now they have to close out their positions because they're getting margin calls.
So they have to go into the market and buy the shares.
All right, Peter, stay there.
Stay there.
I want to ask you what you think is coming.
The big difference, GameStop can issue new stock.
I mean, they can issue more shares, sell them into the market, and that's something that they're going to be doing to take advantage of their overvalued stock.
That can't happen with silver.
You just can't magically create more silver.
You need to mine it, and that takes a long time to do.
So really there could be a fantastic short squeeze in silver But I don't think you know that the Raiders over at reddit are big enough to do it I mean, maybe it's possible they can get it started But there's gonna have to be some bigger players that are gonna have to join in.
It's a global market It's much larger, but eventually it's gonna happen whether it's gonna happen now or at some time in the future Those silver shorts are gonna get squeezed.
I think the price of silver is gonna go ballistic
And I think anyone who's buying it now is doing a smart thing.
You're going to make money.
I mean, be careful, you know, with the market now and the volatility.
You can use limits.
You can be patient.
But buy on these dips, if you get any.
And I think the silver stocks in particular, I think, for people who want to be more aggressive, I think... I'm not sure you can hear me.
We've got to go to break, Peter.
We're going to come right back.
We're going to come right back and talk about what you think is coming next.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You thought the leaden winter would bring you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And Peter Schiff of Europat.com, a real financial expert, really respected, has been a very accurate track record, is our guest for the hour.
Very pleased to have him.
Really enjoyed seeing him on some of the other biggest podcasts out there and to hear his information reaching tens of millions.
Former SCC commissioner compares GameStop squeeze to Capitol riot, Laura Inger, but it gets worse.
Why was I putting Peter Strzok up there?
Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen, they have hired
His wife to head up the criminal division.
Here it is.
Amid turmoil, SEC names wife of disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok as division director.
So, you talk about police state, they are rewarding all of these people that slit America's throat.
Let's go ahead and play the former SEC Commissioner, Laura Inger.
It really puts a lot of question about the integrity of the market, right?
And it really kind of everybody scratching their heads over this.
What should happen?
What is the right thing to do to control this or stop this?
Not unlike what we saw on January 6th at the Capitol, right?
If you don't have the police in there at the right time,
And that's kind of feels like what's happening with this much different, much lesser degree.
It's financial harm, not personal bodily harm.
But certainly that's the same kind of, you know, platform created frenzy that people are operating under.
And these are very trying times.
All right, right before we went to break a few minutes ago, our audio to Peter Schiff was out.
That's why he couldn't hear me.
That's why he missed this question.
But I was asking, what do you expect to be different under Obama 2.0?
We know Obama's pulling the strings, calling the shots.
What do you expect to happen in this new Biden administration versus Trump just in the big market picture?
And what do you make of statements like this about GameStop that this is like some form of terrorism?
Well, first of all, I think one of the big differences between Biden and Obama is that I don't think the Republican opposition is going to be able to push back as much on the spending and the deficits.
That is one of the problems that is going to be left over from the Trump experience in that the Republicans did not object at all
To massive deficit spending under Trump.
Government spending increased dramatically for both warfare and welfare in the Trump years.
And so I have a hard time seeing how the Republicans can try to claim that programs are too expensive or that we can't afford it.
And that it's just, you know, going to be too big an increase in the deficit when they weren't complaining when it was happening on Trump's watch.
So I think that's going to be a problem.
That's one of the things I was warning about.
I think so.
But both of those are going to get even bigger under the Democrats.
And I just don't think there's going to be the ability of the Republicans to do anything to slow it down, especially with COVID, which is, you know, really the gift that keeps on giving to the government because they can
Justify whatever they do based on COVID.
And now they've manufactured another crisis, the so-called, you know, coup d'etat, the insurrection in Washington, D.C., which was really just a political protest.
And, you know, when you have these kind of protests, you know, sometimes people get, you know, a little, you know, a little crazed or they go a little too far.
But now they're going to turn this into a terrorist incident, which it clearly was not.
They're going to use it as a justification for some kind of new Patriot Act, which is unfortunately what George Bush did when we were attacked by 9-11.
But at least we were actually attacked, you know, during 9-11.
This was not an attack.
This is a bunch of nonsense.
But the Democrats are going to be able to use this to justify
Further increases in government.
They're going to further limit our freedoms and our individual liberties.
And this is going to hit everybody.
It's not just going to be the MAGA guys that are going to lose constitutional rights and freedom.
It's going to be everybody in the country that's going to be losing it.
So all the people who think this is great and that are celebrating
Yes, because normally you would think that people on the left, oh, you're in favor of civil liberties.
You know, you want freedom of expression.
You want freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
And, you know, but all that is going to be curtailed based on what the government is doing.
But I really want to talk about the SEC trying to come out and say, oh, this, you know, we got to come in.
The government has to come in and protect people from what's going on.
The government is the problem.
If we didn't have an SEC, if we didn't have FINRA, if we didn't have all these securities regulations, far fewer people would be getting ripped off.
It's the government that is the problem.
The reason that so many small investors do not have any professional help, and they just have to go it all by themselves, and they're more vulnerable to those type of pump and dump type things, and they're more likely to make bad investments,
The reason is because the government has made it so expensive for professional money managers, brokers, investment advisors, like me, they've made it so expensive to deal with the small investor.
Because of all the rules and regulation, nobody will take small customers.
We have such high minimums now in the securities industry, because if we take the small account, we lose a fortune on the regulatory costs of providing the account.
So now you have all these little investors that, because of the government, are shut out from any professional.
And then they're dumped into a shark tank like Robinhood or Ameritrade, where we now know those companies are reportedly selling lifetime data on their users to the big hedge funds.
So you're literally like in a rigged casino.
Yeah, and of course, you know, you don't get something for nothing.
They're trading for free, right?
Free commissions.
Stock trades aren't free.
So you have to ask yourself, I'm putting all these orders through, the company isn't charging me anything.
So how are they making their money?
Because they're not making it from me.
And that's what Washington always does.
Explain that.
They write regulations where real professionals can't take clients because of liability, because of cost.
Then they incentivize towards big tech with AI to automate it and then really screw people.
Yeah, because...
When you have a company like Robinhood, it's all unsolicited, right?
When you work with Robinhood, you don't have a professional advisor that's helping you and giving you advice and recommendations, right?
So they don't have any responsibility.
They're just like a casino, right?
They're just like got a bunch of slot machines there and, you know, they just let you put money in.
But if you really start winning, all of a sudden guys come from the back in dark suits and drag your ass outside and throw you on the street.
That's just what happened.
Well, exactly, because the people who are supposed to make money are their real customers, right?
Who is actually paying the bills at Robin Hood?
It's the people who are buying all that data and all the orders.
They want to know what these small investors are doing so they can do the opposite.
So they could fade it.
I got so many questions for Chef.
I want to get into what's coming next, the economy, China, where's the inflation, where's all that inflation gonna go?
We'll talk about it all on the other side.
This is Important Radio and TV.
Stay with us.
The globalists are taking control of the entire human genome.
They are forcing mutations.
This is forced evolution, or de-evolution.
When you look at all the major research, all the major programs they're carrying out, they are not to produce people that are smarter, or folks that live longer, or are more moral.
No, it's turning humanity into a commodity.
Now we see some propaganda like communist China bragging, hey, we've done mRNA vaccines to make our soldiers supermen.
That's a way to make it sexy that, hey, we're experimenting on our troops.
Well, the same things would happen to our troops if thousands and thousands died each time they tried a new experimental vaccine.
I'm talking to high-level folks inside the federal government and the state of Texas Health Department.
They say, Alex, we know it hurts a lot of people, but it's for a greater good.
But that's not even true.
And it violates the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, and federal and state law.
This is violence being carried out against us by men of deterrent, and we have a right to resist it with any means necessary.
President Trump wanted a landslide on November 3rd, but the globalists weren't going to let that happen.
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They were desperate.
They admitted their own publications.
They didn't know what to do.
And so they put out 80 million fake ballots, violated state law.
And stole it bigger than Dallas.
And now they're coming after the President, they're coming after you, they're coming after me.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I've told listeners this.
I'm not invested in one bitcoin.
I'm not invested in the stock market.
I don't have a hedge fund.
I mean, I'm not invested in any type of commodities other than gold and silver.
And I ended up in a divorce having to sell a half million dollars of silver and gold I bought.
It was worth like three million dollars at the time of the divorce.
And my ex-wife didn't believe me.
And I'm like, we got to sell now.
It was at the top of the market when she was divorcing me.
She waited until it went down by half and then sold it.
But that's been my experience with silver and gold is I basically tripled my money.
And I just had it in a safety deposit box.
It was a backup for me and my family.
That was basically most of my savings.
I had like, I think a half million dollars or something in the bank as well, just to be able to run the business if something happened.
It's a very small, you know, capital thing for an operation like that.
And it was that experience of divorce that made me want to actually go out and make more money, so that I could actually keep this place alive in the future, because I used to run with so little in the tank, and we've been a lot more successful since then.
But just pulling back here,
I'm not even that smart when it comes to markets, and I knew obviously this is the ultimate short squeeze silver.
Sheffy, before I was saying, I didn't see his podcast, was saying the same thing, I guess, the day before.
It's just pretty much prima facie, but big picture.
I mean, as a guy that has billions under management, but also as a father, as a husband, gut level, because I know you don't like to speculate, but what do you see happening in the future?
Things are so volatile.
I see so much inflation.
I see governments in a race to devalue their currencies.
How do you see this shaking out?
What happens to the dollar?
What happens to the yen?
What happens to the euro?
What happens to the yuan?
Yeah, well, there's a lot there, Alex.
But, you know, we've been on this fiat-based monetary system
Really, since 1971, when Nixon famously and temporarily took us off the gold standard.
People don't realize that it was supposed to be temporary.
Well, it's going to be temporary.
It's just going to be a lot longer than people thought at the time.
But we will go back on a gold standard again, because the standard we have now does not work.
It is responsible for all of the major global macroeconomic imbalances that exist today.
But, you know, the primary beneficiary of this system has been the United States, because we have been the issuer of the primary reserve currency, the dollar.
And it's a lot easier to print dollars than mine gold.
In fact, you don't even have to print them anymore.
You just electronically create them.
And so we can make all the dollars we want.
And then we use those dollars to buy all these products.
That's how we have these huge trade deficits.
Donald Trump talked about them as a candidate.
Why do we have these massive trade deficits?
Because we print money and then we use that to buy the stuff that we need.
The question is, why do our trading partners give us all their valuable stuff that they work hard to produce for pieces of paper that, you know, you take no resources at all.
We make them as fast as we want.
And the reason has been because they've been using those dollars as reserves and therefore they've been investing them and dollar denominated financial instruments.
But that is going to come to an end.
I think the massive money printing that we've seen recently, and it's about to go off the charts under Obama.
I mean, under Biden.
See, I'm mixing these guys up, but under Biden.
It's not a mistake.
Obama basically runs Biden.
Under Obama, you're correct.
But under Biden, you know, with the squad and Bernie Sanders really pushing them further to the left, and you have all these Democrats looking to get rewarded for their votes with all sorts of freebies from Green New Deal stuff, to reparations, to Medicare for All, universal basic income, all sorts of stuff.
And nobody thinks you have to pay for this.
Everybody thinks, well, we just print money and that's fine.
And, you know, we could have whatever we want.
So we're about to take this thing into uncharted territory.
And our creditors who have been underwriting this for decades and accepting our paper in exchange for their stuff, they're not going to take it anymore.
And the dollar is going to crash.
We're going to have a U.S.
dollar crisis that will make the financial crisis of 08 look like a Sunday school picnic, much, much worse than what we saw in the early days of COVID.
And we're finally going to see all these inflation chickens coming home to roost.
Prices are going to literally explode through the roof for all the goods that Americans need and take for granted.
Things are going to get very expensive.
I think we're going to end up with shortages and price controls because the government is not going to know how to react to this.
So they're going to make the same mistakes that Nixon made early on when we initially went off the gold standard.
When the world goes off the dollar standard, the consequences are going to be far greater.
And I think the only way out of this is to return to a gold standard.
I mean, we're going to do it whether we want to or not.
I think when the world rejects the dollar, I think the only viable alternative to the dollar is gold.
It's not going to be the euro or the yen or the Chinese R&B.
None of these currencies are backed by anything.
What do you make of China coming out with its own cryptocurrency?
Well, look, if it's a crypto yuan, right?
Well, I mean, it's the same thing as a paper yuan, right?
It's just a fiat digital currency as opposed to a fiat paper currency.
But, you know, it will be legal tender in China and it will be, you know, one-to-one with yuan.
And so it will be a medium of exchange every bit as much as the paper version.
And so all central banks can put out their own fiat currency
But doesn't this just spell inflation?
All these new currencies, all these cryptos, all these digitals, all these... It just sounds like you're gonna have so much money everywhere.
It sounds like Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe.
Just sounds like a mess.
Well, I don't know that the cryptocurrencies are in and of themselves, meaning there's gonna be even more inflation than without them.
What I don't like about the cryptocurrencies
So you're saying under blockchain, they know everything you bought, everything you did.
It's an incredible surveillance system.
Yeah, and they can always take your money.
They don't have to find it.
At least if you have paper currency, you can hide it someplace and they won't be able to find it.
But they can track everything that's going on on the internet.
And then if they don't like what you're spending your money on or what you're doing with it, I mean, there's all sorts of Orwellian implications about a monetary system where the government knows every single thing that you spend money on.
Well sure, last year there were statements made that I was getting into cryptocurrency.
All I said is, I like alternative currencies, I like people having freedom, but people need to know these are pump and dumps that go up and down.
Don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that.
And then you were like, Jones, what are you doing selling out to crypto?
I'm taking no money for crypto, but all I'm saying is, I'm for people having freedom, they just need to know that
In that industry, it's obviously a rollercoaster, pump and dump, over and over again.
Look at how Bitcoin crashed a few years ago, now it went back up, went down again.
It's a rollercoaster.
Yeah, look, when you have freedom, you also have to accept responsibility.
That's the deal.
So, you're free to make mistakes.
And if you make mistakes, you're going to lose money.
Now, that doesn't mean fraud should be legal.
Fraud is a crime, right?
It's like theft.
You're inducing people to do something by lying to them, which they wouldn't do if you told them the truth.
So, I think there should be laws that punish fraud.
I don't
I don't know.
Yeah, well, first of all, by shorting stocks, you're actually calling attention to an overvalued company.
These guys do a lot of research.
I mean, to the extent that they're not fraudulent.
I mean, let's say you short a stock and then you disseminate all sorts of false information about problems that the company has.
Just so you can push the price down, and then you can make a profit.
You know, that type of stuff can be illegal.
But if you legitimately just see a business that's overpriced, and maybe you think they're going to go bankrupt, and you start shorting the stock, I mean, what you're doing is you're adding value to the market.
I understand that, and that's a real view.
I'm saying, though, that brokerage firm that lost, you know, $3 million, they shouldn't be able to run and bitch that a bunch of private investors saw what they did and squeezed them.
No, no, no.
As I said earlier, that's par for the course.
These are big boys that are running hedge funds.
I mean, if you short a stock, even if it's overvalued, you've borrowed it, right?
You're on leverage.
Stay there.
It's not risk-free money.
Final segment with Peter Schiff.
He can talk about whatever he wants.
I'm sure he's got a lot to talk about.
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Anybody listening to my voice, simply search engine the term, Davos Group, technocracy, we're technocrats.
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But they no longer want elected leaders over governments.
But they want businessmen technocrats over them.
And that's who Klaus Schwab is.
You might want to look into the guy that says they've launched the COVID-19 lockdowns to bankrupt you and make you poor.
You might want to find out who this supervillain is.
You see, he believes, because he's hidden it in plain view, and you're not speaking out against it, that he has a right to do it to you.
You might want to find out who he works for.
He works directly for Prince Charles.
He developed, since the 80s, the plan for global sustainability.
That means worldwide neo-feudalism, in his own words.
So you might want to find out how he talks about using vaccines to sterilize you, before you take those shots.
You might just want to find out who this villain is, alright?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns Just when I'd stopped opening doors Finally knowing the one that I wanted
Peter Schiff's here at EuroPAC.com.
And I know he's got a lot of topics he probably wants to get into.
He's been gracious in answering my questions.
But before he gets any other final important points he wants to hit, two big questions.
Where would he invest if he was just an average person out there?
A, and then B, I don't like to be alarmist, but it looks to me like we're way more leveraged and way more fiat than even Zimbabwe did or Weimar Germany.
And just how long can these bubbles go on?
How long while they have the COVID lockdown that kills Main Street so the real economy shrinks?
The third world stars, but then there's all this money printing and fiat and, you know, Jeff Bezos has 15 yachts and Putin's got 20 and they're all just going, luxury items go up and up and up.
It's just, it has a real Tower of Babel feeling, a real disaster level, like when they had Occupy Wall Street and all the rich folks are drinking champagne, laughing at people.
It has a Marie Antoinette feel.
So, which one do you want to take first?
How you'd invest or how long this craziness can go on?
Well, I'll get to them both.
But first, let me just finish up the thought from before the break, just to complete it.
But, you know, you don't have to feel sorry for the hedge funds that are losing money in the short squeeze.
These are very wealthy people who knew the risks going in, and they've made plenty of money.
They can't win them all.
They're going to have some tough times.
But don't assume it's all the little guys versus the hedge funds.
I am sure
That behind the scenes, there are some big guys, maybe even other hedge funds that are making a lot of money on this short squeeze.
I mean, they may have even enlisted the help of some of these small guys.
And so they helped do the pump.
And I'm sure they've already dumped.
My concern is for the people, the little guy who don't get the fact that it's a pump and dump and they helped line the pockets of other wealthy people and they're going to be stuck as the bag holder.
So that's why I'm always out there warning people against these things.
You know, don't participate.
Don't get suckered in by the large gains and think that you can come late to the party and make just as much money.
And you're right, it's the same thing with the cryptocurrencies from all the obscure altcoins right up to the granddaddy Bitcoin.
It's the same thing.
It's a worthless digital token.
It's not money.
It's not an asset.
It's never going to be anything other than a speculative vehicle.
And eventually the bottom is going to drop out.
And the people who have been pumping it and pumping it are the ones that dump it and they walk away with a bunch of money.
And then you have a lot of people who were fooled
And they're the real true believers that have hold the whole time that have bought their Bitcoin and have never sold.
They're enabling all these other profits.
And eventually, when the music stops, the bottom is going to drop out and people are going to get wiped out in Bitcoin, too.
So, you know, if you still have it, you know, you have plenty of opportunity to get out because there are still a lot of people who don't realize the truth yet, just like there are a lot of people who don't realize what's going on with GameStop or any of these other stocks.
Now, as far as what I would recommend that the average person do with their money, it's pretty much what I'm doing with my own money, maybe tweaked a little bit depending on your risk tolerance.
But I think the biggest risk out there, as you said, is the purchasing power of the U.S.
dollar, massive inflation.
Inflation is now the primary source of revenue for the U.S.
It's not tax and spend.
It's not even really borrow and spend.
It's inflate and spend.
And inflate is printing money.
The government creates money and just spends it.
But when the government does that, we don't get all the spending for free.
Inflation is just another government tax.
The tax makes your money worth less, and so now everything you want to buy costs more.
And our listeners, I think, get that.
What they're asking is they respect you.
I respect you.
You've got a good track record.
Excellent one.
How much more inflated are we than Weimar?
It seems like a lot more.
But how are they hiding it a lot more?
Because some things are really spiked up.
Luxury goods, the rich are buying that.
But for other areas, it's gone up some, but not as much as it should.
I mean, my goodness, the amount of printing and spending and just disgorging by all these major countries and groups and the amount of derivatives continuing on.
I mean, does anybody know any ballpark how many quadrillions this is?
Well, we haven't inflated to the Weimar Republic level yet.
You know, that doesn't mean we may not get there.
But you have to understand, what is, what caused the Weimar Republic to inflate?
It was their external debt that resulted from the Treaty of Versailles and World War I. So all of a sudden, Germany had a lot of debt that they had to pay.
And they really didn't have the resources to pay it, so they printed money.
And that's what went on.
Well, if you look at how much debt the United States has,
Relative to the size of our economy, we're more indebted than was the Weimar Republic.
So we have a bigger problem.
And if we turn to the same type of finance, and it looks like that's where we're going, we can wipe out our currency too.
The difference is, Germany didn't issue the world's reserve currency.
Back during the Weimar days, the world was still on a gold standard.
Now those marks, those rice marks, weren't backed by gold.
Well, obviously!
I agree.
Obviously it's going to come to an end.
And as you said, there seems to be a giving up by Republicans and Democrats.
They're just accepting that this is all coming.
They just hope to move it down the road, kick the can.
Well, that's all they've ever cared about.
That's the problem with politicians.
You know, that's why I had hoped initially that Trump would rise above that and be a statesman, but instead he, you know, he kicked the can maybe further than anybody.
But, you know, everybody just tries to get to the next election.
Nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news, right?
No one wants to be the messenger that gets shot for delivering the truth to the American public about the gravity of the problems
That governments in the past have created.
So no government of the present wants to deal with it.
So they want to kick it down the road so that some government of the future has to deal with it.
But that brings me to this question.
Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates say, we're going to shut the economy down, claim COVID causes a collapse, so the public doesn't blame governments for this big reset.
So it seems like that's their solution is they're maneuvering us in to this global collapse, but they're going to claim COVID caused it.
Yeah, look, the government always wants to scapegoat for all the problems.
And COVID is the perfect scapegoat because, after all, it's nobody's fault, right?
Every time they talk about COVID and all the problems, it's through no fault of their own, you know?
And so, therefore, the government has to help people who are in trouble for no fault of their own, you know?
And now everybody feels that they have an excuse.
In fact, now we've manufactured an excuse.
Look what Biden said.
Hey, if your boss wants you to come back to work,
And you turn down the job, you still get unemployment.
In fact, you can actually make more money being unemployed than you used to make when you had a job.
All you have to do is say, I don't want to risk getting COVID.
I mean, so we have really opened up a Pandora's box here, and I don't know how to close it.
And everybody, again, thinks they're going to get something for nothing.
So getting back to what to do with your money, get out of U.S.
dollars, buy some physical silver, buy some gold, buy foreign stocks.
If you have a larger portfolio, do what I'm doing with my own money, what I'm doing with my clients at Europe Pacific Asset Management, which is getting into good valued foreign businesses through the stock market, buying good companies abroad that have good assets, that have good income and pay good dividends.
Yes, stocks that aren't overvalued, but in countries that don't have the type of problem that the United States has, that haven't been living beyond their means, that have, you know, balanced budgets.
Listen, I'm out of time, but I personally want to talk to you, so hopefully we can talk the next couple of days.
Peter Schiff, thank you so much for the time.
Schiff Gold, thank you so much.
All right, my pleasure.
Well, that was a powerful interview.
We got Robert Barnes coming up.
He's actually a lawyer for Trump.
They're working on this whole impeachment situation.
He's going to be on with us to talk about this nightmare starting next week.
I'm right at the center of it, trying to say I wanted this to happen, even though I'm there trying to stop the riot that ensued.
Or, you know, like Schiff said, it was kind of like a football game, a small riot or whatever.
They're turning into the ultimate Pearl Harbor, the ultimate war.
Separately, look at these products right here.
DNA Force Plus, ladies and gentlemen, is about to sell out as PQQ, CoQ10, so good for your cells, the ultimate thing for your immune system.
Adults, children, everybody can take it, but it's really for people over 40, but kids can safely take it.
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We also have Ultra 12, super high quality vitamin B12, take it under the tongue.
I just got a big shipment of this in, so it's 50% off.
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All these great essential oils, highest quality.
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Get a book, get a t-shirt, get a water filtration.
Thank you all for your support, keeping us on the air in this critical time.
We'll be back with hour number 33333.
Hey, Alex, how you doing, man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I've been trying to get ahold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said, man, I got to get on that show and give him an update.
I said, if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm going to tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now, look, I'm 64 years old going on 20, thanks to
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know.
We didn't screen your call.
We had no idea.
And I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
Living Defense.
Living Defense.
You must guard your humanity.
You must guard your children's humanity.
You must guard the very genetic code of the planet.
The globalists have set themselves up as the guardians of this world.
But they are the ones that are overriding every genetic system and poisoning the planet.
They are the ones that are now engaged in genetic takeover of every human on earth through the GMO crops.
And now they've moved on to their main target, humanity, with the mRNA vaccines, which are not vaccines.
They are recombinant DNA from aborted, cloned fetuses.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, Robert Barnes can only do 30 minutes.
We're trying to get on the line right now.
Smart constitutional lawyer, great historian.
Worked during the last few months of the whole situation with the election fraud.
Soon as we get him on, we'll go to him.
He can only stay half an hour.
And I do intend to take a lot of calls this week on some of the other shows.
We do have some big guests coming up this week.
I'll just leave it at that.
I went into a whole hour-long rant the first hour, though, and
Again, humans, I had a globalist explain this to me, and I've told the story probably 500 times.
I'm not going to tell it again, but I was on a first-class flight to be on The View like 15 years ago.
And I was like, I recognize you.
He goes, yeah, I recognize you.
And he goes, yeah, I'm the CEO of this bank.
That's one of the big three banks.
And I'm like, oh, yeah.
We didn't talk for about an hour.
The next two hours flying to New York,
He said, Jones, this is off record, right?
He says, don't say who I am.
And of course, you wonder how guys are like that.
They know somebody like me.
I don't do in confidence talks and then blow who they are.
And he just says, Jones, they're going to adapt to being slaves.
They're going to adapt to corporate world government.
He didn't say slaves.
They're going to adapt to us running things.
You don't get it because you understand all this.
You should try to work with us.
It's just like, it's the same attitude when I talked to Rothkopf, head of the Kissinger Group, trying to hire me.
And there was a witness there and he didn't say it off record so I can tell the story.
He just said, Jones, come on.
It's not going anywhere.
Just give up.
Join us.
And that's what this is.
And it's not like I'm up here like, oh, aren't I fancy?
They've tried to hire me.
They buy everybody off.
And now you see the nightmare world we're going towards.
Because people have agreed to this and people have gone along with this.
And now they say, oh, we're not just going to live forever, we're going to get rid of humans and merge with machines.
It's insanity!
And yeah, the public is jealous and dumbed down and lazy.
Because freedom created so much wealth, but a lot of people are busting their ass.
And it's those good people that are keeping the country and the world going.
Because the globalists are trying to starve the third world to death.
And so all I'm saying is the globalists that claim they're better than everybody are the worst of our people.
And they don't have any right to sit there and claim they're gods and they're doing all this for the greater good under some social Darwinistic precept that they have a right to do this because they're in charge.
It's classic dictator behavior.
It stinks of death and failure.
And now, I don't dislike the public.
I don't even get mad at the public because I get they're in a trance.
But I have mourning.
I'm mourning.
And I've learned how to mourn now better than I ever had.
I've learned just to accept family dying.
I've learned how to accept evil.
I don't go along with it.
I just cannot physically, psychically take all the pain on.
And so God has given me peace to a certain extent.
You gotta be careful about it then though, because then you could just cut people off like that.
So what I'm saying is I'm not becoming a sociopath.
It's the opposite.
I've learned when this is so painful that I just have to give it to God.
So it's like a filter.
I still feel 10% of the pain, but as I accept more reality and learn more, the pain level goes way up.
So the pain level I'm feeling psychically is more than most people can handle.
And I'm not my own personal experience, but it's extremely like living in a pain induction chamber.
The thing about it though, having empathy and then still facing the evil, which most people can't do, is then your discernment and your psychic abilities just jack off the charts, which then again causes more understanding.
The Bible says, with knowledge comes great suffering.
With knowledge comes great pain.
And it's true, but there's an ecstasy in the pain.
And I'm not saying that in a masochistic way.
It's just that I know I'm for real.
I know I know how to get out of this.
I know God's real.
And I sit there and I watch people engage in lies and engage in evil and engage in corruption at levels the world's never seen before.
And it's just you want to save them.
And the sociopaths are like, don't save them, feed on them.
And I'm like, I can't do that and lose my soul.
But then it becomes a paradox where now they've dumbed the mass down where it's an army that'll destroy you like lemmings are stampeding cows over a cliff and so you at some point are stuck between the globalists and the masses and what do you do?
Back in 60 seconds with Robert Barnes.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I've interviewed all the experts.
I have looked at every facet of this.
And now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order and
Now, use the already martial law in place for COVID-19, and that's what it is, to then be expanded and become political and become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses, they train you to be tracked, they train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels, and now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not going to be martial law for Trump.
There's going to be martial law for the globalists.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order and expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
With truth.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
And it's not my point of view, it's a fact!
And you know it's true, baby!
It's not my point of view, it's a fact!
There's only one way to fight tyranny, and that's by waking up and committing to humanity and standing up against evil.
And then you find your spiritual muscles just explode.
All right, we only got him for two segments.
Robert Barnes, one of the top constitutional lawyers in the country, worked closely with Trump trying to battle election fraud, called the shots exactly as they unfolded, warned about the Q delusion, and now he's here with us to talk about
I don't
We're good
Yeah, I mean, there's no question.
I think the President's made the right choice.
Uh, to not do the Lindsey Graham defense, which was going to be very limited because the other lawyers involved that are now no longer involved that he replaced, uh, this week, that he replaced on Saturday and Sunday, uh, those lawyers were picked, handpicked by Lindsey Graham.
They're from South Carolina.
Yeah, he won two weeks ago.
It was a terrible choice.
Yeah, because these are lawyers who don't want to present the full leverage of the President's defense.
And there's two aspects of this.
One is the actual substantive defense and what the President can say he's going to use as part of his defense as leverage to get the Senate to reconsider even going through with this trial.
Because there's already talk in the Senate of dropping the trial and simply doing a censor, you know, some sort of censor and that's it.
You know, we'll censor you, we'll say you were wrong, but we're not going to go through the rigmarole of a trial that the outcome we all know will not be conviction, will not be removal.
Now, they are trying to explore the 14th Amendment Section 3 as an alternative mechanism to, by majority vote, bar people from office.
They're even talking about doing that with congressmen.
Uh, but at this point, there isn't enough support for that to happen, and constitutionally, that's very dubious.
The President's potential defenses, and what he wants, is he wants all of his quivers, uh, available to him, and then he can decide once next week comes around which ones to actually utilize, but at least have the threat of them in order to have leverage during this negotiation stage this week.
And that includes not only defending against the unconstitutionality of the impeachment, which it goes beyond the fact that there is no right to impeach someone or convict someone or punish someone who's not an existing officer.
That's problem one.
So that's the question.
Is Trump even accepting and going to this, opting into a fraud?
I mean, as Dershowitz points out, I can read the Constitution, I'm not a lawyer.
It's crystal clear that he's a private citizen that shouldn't be able to do this.
Is that why John Roberts refuses to be part of it?
Is that why Leahy is being rolled up there?
I mean, what is this?
It's a shame is what it is.
So Roberts recognized that only an existing officer can be impeached because if in fact it was the President being impeached, then Roberts constitutionally had to appear for this trial.
And that would certify that Trump was still the President.
I mean, if he did that.
And so they were rejecting that that was, of course, the case.
And so that's why Roberts is not there.
And there is no constitutional provision to have the sitting senator act as both juror and judge in an impeachment case, which is what Leahy is.
So that's a second constitutional problem.
Oh, I didn't think of that!
He's a juror and a judge!
What article of the Bill of Rights does that violate?
What, 7?
I mean several different ones, but primarily the reason why the Impeachment Clause itself.
Because the Impeachment Clause itself says if the President is being tried, then the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has to preside.
If he refuses to preside, that means you have an unconstitutional trial from the get-go, which is what is already the case.
It's an unconstitutional Bill of Attainder, because it's a private citizen being punished by the Senate, which they don't have a right to do under the Bill of Attainder provisions.
It is in addition to that a violation of the First and Fifth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution because the President is being punished for his speech.
There was no illicit criminal incitement that took place here, no true threat that took place here.
It's a patent violation of the First Amendment.
It's a Fifth Amendment violation because no due process was allowed during the impeachment stage of the case, nor apparently going on here.
So there was an argument that Dershowitz, Turley, and others made that Trump should treat it as a joke and not even show up.
The counter to that was to use it as an opportunity to present arguments because he can always challenge this after the trial in the courts if he wants to.
The additional things he can challenge, aside from the complete illegality of what took place, is expose the hypocrite, put the House and the Senate on trial.
Not only the unconstitutional nature of these proceedings,
But the degree to which, the reason why what happened on January 6th happened, if anyone is to be blamed, it's a combination of whatever happened at the 7th floor of the FBI that misled Capitol Police into what happened that day, whatever was really going on with QAnon and whether or not it was in fact a government psyop by dissident members of the Deep State against the President,
Uh, whether or not Senator McConnell and Speaker Paul Pelosi had advanced notice of risk and deliberately took steps to prevent knowledge of that risk from being, uh, given to the Capitol Police and to their fellow Congress members and senators, uh, so he can go pursue those paths.
Well, let me ask you this.
I don't hear what you have to say at the moment in time.
I wish you'd stay longer.
What about him going in and showing hours of footage of Pelosi and Maxine Waters and Democrats and all of them saying, kill Trump, attack people, burn things down.
It's just what people do.
BLM are heroes.
Antifa are heroes.
And then show him saying, don't be violent, peaceful protest.
I mean, it's open and shut.
You show them all calling for 50 times what he did, and then you show what he actually said that day.
To me, I mean, he just goes on the offense and absolutely throttles them with that.
Yeah, that's the other aspect where you put them on trial.
You put them on trial because, well, also the reason why did people think they could do what they could do on the 6th?
Because they'd been witnessing it all summer, they'd been witnessing it for four years, they'd witnessed the media greenlight it, and they had witnessed the politicians greenlight it.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
They're the ones that opened up the attack.
They drew first blood.
We're not defending the violence, we're just saying you can't open a war up and say it's good, and then bitch when somebody else fights back.
And you're precisely right.
What he should do is contrast it.
Put up a video presentation that has Trump saying, peaceful and patriotic protest, and then whatever other bad democratic statement there is, and then do them all that way.
So do Eric Holder talking about kicking them when they're down, the former Attorney General.
Then contrast that with Trump saying, peaceful and patriotic protest.
Do Maxine Waters, then contrast it to Trump saying peaceful patriotic protest.
Do Nancy Pelosi, then contrast it with peaceful patriotic protest.
And on top of that, do comparisons of what BLM was doing with Kamala Harris, now the Vice President,
Organizing bail funds for people that committed a real insurrection in Minnesota and Minneapolis over the summer.
Hundreds of burned buildings, people shot, and she's saying it's good.
And she's working with a group doing the bail, which shows her as a capo or a don running a criminal enterprise.
Exactly, and encouraging them to get right back out and encouraging people to continue to do it.
Show the different statements that Biden has made in this respect.
So just do all of the high-ranking Democrats and the horrendous consequences of their actions and keep contrasting it with Trump's words, peaceful and patriotic protest, peaceful and patriotic protest, peaceful and patriotic protest.
And that would also put the House and the Senate on trial and show the laughable political absurdity of it.
I agree.
What about bringing the President himself in with all of his gravitas and stage appeal?
I mean, to literally, like, have you no decency like the McCarthy hearings?
Get in their face.
Instead of being on defense, go on offense.
Where you would use him, if you're going to use him in that capacity, is as a speech.
You don't want him to be subject to sworn testimony, because that will just be a perjury trap.
So if he does it, just do as a closing argument.
A statement.
The President himself making that closing argument.
So he'd make a final statement.
Exactly, exactly.
Like a witness statement in a case, like a closing argument that's traditionally given in a trial.
And that could be the way in which he could impeach the impeachment.
Because the impeachment is what's the laughable... Can you imagine the power of him in the well of the Senate, though, doing a 20-minute closing statement on a teleprompter?
It would devastate them.
Wow, this is so incredible.
This could, just like they defeated us at the Capitol, staging it and taking it away from us, we can defeat them here right now.
Victory from the jaws of defeat right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, folks.
Robert Barnes is here with me.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're having amazing discussions during the break.
And I gotta say, we're simpatico on what the president needs to do.
The media's like, oh, you better not bring up fraud.
Oh, you better not defend yourself.
You better just be right on the legal issues.
That's why the legal team quit.
No, Trump figured out they were wimps and got rid of them.
He's talking to Barnes.
He's got a solid team now.
I think somebody like Jay Sekulow or Robert Barnes would be great to present the videos.
But doesn't it all go back to the negotiations this week on how this trial is held?
Because Shucky Schumer and McConnell are out to get Trump and kill the populist movement they know he really wanted to landslide.
So, I mean, it sounds like that everything is being baked right now into the cake.
And is this week almost more important than next week?
Yes, because the president needed to incorporate all of his tools available to him to leverage the best advantage in terms of what happens next week, or even if a trial moves forward.
What they wanted initially was to discredit him, discredit the movement, and Trump momentarily had been gaslit.
The last several weeks, even he was in the White House.
By some bad actors who are no longer around him into believing that he was going to lose, that he was going to get convicted, that he didn't stand a chance, that he was going to be criminally prosecuted after that.
His family was going to be criminally prosecuted.
All that jazz.
And some of us were saying that that was all bluff.
That they never had 17 votes to convict.
They weren't that suicidal politically.
And it's suggested to him, and he did take up on this suggestion, which was threaten a third party because it will motivate them to remember that it's mutually assured destruction if they even think about convicting you.
And once he did that, the polling of course came out, showed more people would vote for the third party than the Republican Party.
Immediately showed Liz Cheney has no shot in 2022.
Just like he did with the Bush family and the Clinton family, he's now taken out the Cheney family as a threat to democracy.
They're trying to Buffalo Trump into thinking, be quiet or we'll get you.
If he's quiet, they're going to get him.
He's got to marshal his people now.
And that's what he figured out last week.
That's why he took the actions he did over the weekend.
He's like, I'm not going to go that path.
So that's why he told Lindsey Graham's people to take a hike, decided to bring in his own people who have agreed that they will put any argument forward that he wants to have put forward.
And part of that has to be at least the option
Of looking at the election issues because the president was completely denied any evidentiary trial, any bench trial, any meaningful hearing in a single case he was a part of on the election constitutional issues that he raised.
He was never given an evidentiary hearing.
He was never given a jury trial.
He was never even given a meaningful hearing on the merits.
And so he should use this as an opportunity to do so.
And the reason why it's relevant, the reason why it's material evidentiary-wise, is because they're claiming any statement he made about the election was in bad faith and illicit incitement.
And he can show not only could it never fit the definition constitutionally of incitement under the Free Speech Clause, but it was all in good faith.
He could document and remind the people there.
There's one of the people that are leading the prosecution against him that voted against his certification in 2017.
I mean, it's just incredible.
The Democrats said, we're going to contest no matter what.
We're going to try to block the electors.
We're going to split the country and have secession.
John Podesta told the New York Times.
And they're talking about breaking the country up in a civil war.
All Trump said was, be peaceful and protest.
And so this is the ultimate gaslighting, as you said.
This hoax that he did something wrong.
And as you said, they scared him at the end to go.
They scared him with all this by saying, you're in deep trouble.
But his instincts kicked back in.
Exactly, and what he should do is remind, because also half the country doesn't know, and this is going to be broadcast everywhere, the impeachment trial.
You just said it, that's why he's been censored everywhere.
What are they going to do?
Because first they want the trial, now they're still going to do it.
Why are they still doing it, even though this is a very dangerous move for them to put the real president, who won on a landslide, under trial for nothing?
It seems like a very risky move by them.
It was because initially they thought the country would be on their side, then they found out otherwise.
Then they thought they don't have to worry about it because Lindsey Graham was co-opting Trump's defense.
So what are they going to do now that Trump's got good defense?
And now that he's got all of his defense available to him, it'll be very interesting to watch.
Because Trump could use this stage as an opportunity to not only vindicate and validate his actions on January 6th, that 99.99% of the people who participated in those rallies were peaceful and did nothing illegal or criminal.
In part, thanks to the actions that you and other people took to make sure it stayed peaceful while there.
And on top of that, remind and show for many people for the first time what really happened in this election.
What happened in this election was there were people who voted who were not entitled to vote.
There were people who cast ballots in a manner that they were not entitled to be counted.
And there were people who counted votes in a way that broke the laws.
So if this was an unconstitutional election at every key stage of the election, that's why he was raising the issues.
They've been objecting in the House and the Senate.
And he can show the Democrats saying, we're going to object no matter what, even if it's clear he won.
He had evidence.
So the idea that objecting is terrorism, he can just show all the videos of them saying, we are going to contest no matter what.
We have every Democrat, major Democrat, from AOC to Hillary, saying that.
And show the footage of them kicking out observers and then bringing out the ballots in Atlanta from underneath the tables and then counting them in secret.
Show the footage like that you're showing just now of the people who were excluded from being able to watch the counting of the ballots.
Document in detail the stories of the number of ballots that were sent out that was a record that came back where the signature matches were never done and in the few places that they were, they came back as
What do you make of this new litmus test with Republican senators saying, we've got to admit Biden won, don't question, it's bad to question.
That's, even if we were wrong we have a right to question, but we're right.
I mean, they are really scared.
They know they put an illegitimate, doddering creature, Chai Com agent in the White House.
I like to call him his fraudulency the second, after his fraudulency the first, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, who had his election stolen.
And I would incorporate that rhetoric and language on the floor of the Capitol.
Say that this is about his fraudulency the second, having his gas lit the country about what really happened in the election.
Not only what really happened on January 6th, but what really happened in the election.
What really happened in the election is this was an election that violated every core provision of an honest, open, transparent election, that it will happen again unless we take remedial action.
Oh, and now they've got HR1 that codifies the fraud.
Exactly, and that's what this is really about, is fraudulency, being gaslit as a legitimate president elected in a constitutional manner when he wasn't, and about greenlighting this for the future.
Not only about trying to gaslit people about Trump in the past and try to destroy him and his movement, and leverage this opportunity to show the world the truth.
And by doing so, leverage election law reform.
Leverage more than just protecting and preserving his image.
And by the way, I know you know the inside scoop.
Very great to know you're still able to talk to Trump.
So just hopefully he goes on the offense.
It looks like it's going to happen.
Then I would expect them to try to maybe withdraw this or maybe have a vote like they did last impeachment, last January.
Isn't there a chance they could just shut this down because they realize that Trump isn't going to roll over?
There's already talk in Washington of exactly that.
So the president got wind of that this past week, that they would rather just dismiss the whole proceedings, censor them, and move on than hold a trial that could embarrass and humiliate them.
And that's why he took the leverage of saying, well, I'm going to try to embarrass and humiliate you because you're on trial.
I'm going to impeach the impeachment.
Well, I'm going to make a prediction.
I think there's a very good chance they're going to stage a mass shooting or bombing days before to change the subject onto his supporters and claim he's a terrorist.
Always glad to do it.
Thanks Alex.
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President Trump wanted a landslide on November 3rd, but the globalists weren't going to let that happen.
They had to have some way to repudiate the populist movement emanating from the United States that had spread across the world from the UK to Brazil.
They were desperate.
They admitted in their own publications they didn't know what to do.
And so they put out 80 million fake ballots, violated state law.
And stole it better than Dallas.
And now they're coming after the President, they're coming after you, they're coming after me.
They're shutting everybody off.
The Internet, they're trying to totally censor us.
And that's why InfoWars is still in the fight, because we knew this was coming.
We told you this was coming.
We were the first main target, and we're still on air at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and BandOnVideo.
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God bless and good luck.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, you're about to see some of the most incredible gas lighting ever.
Brian Stelter has like 100,000 viewers.
He's promoted all over CNN.
He is a total abject failure and a liar.
Brian Stelter continues to hammer for the censorship, the deplatforming of millions of Americans that support America, that support President Trump, that support borders, that support freedom of speech.
And the way he gaslights people is so amateur.
He sits there and says,
We need to help Fox News by taking it off the air.
We're not trying to take them down because they're competition.
We're not racketeers.
We're not organized criminals.
We are trying to help Fox News.
And censorship is just totally removing somebody.
It's not cutting back their reach.
So they've taken Parler off the air, CNN wants it gone, just because somebody might be on there they don't control, because it's competition to big tech, and now they want Telegram shut down, and they want people's emails taken away, and Facebook with WhatsApp for two years is blocking what people can text message.
I mean, my God, they've got Spotify admitting they're listening to you over the microphone 24-7 deciding what your psychological algorithm is.
So is Google.
So these people are just monsters.
They're absolute, total monsters.
And they tell you that we just need to take Fox off cable and satellite networks.
That's not censorship.
No, taking someone off the satellite and TV is not censorship.
It's like walking up to someone with a hatchet and saying, me hitting you in the face with this is not hitting you in the face with a hatchet.
But Stelter, even if they pay to be on in the airports, they pay to be in the bars, they pay to be in the hotels, no one watches it.
They're a joke.
But they convince, I guess, the governing class that they're still in charge pulling this type of crap.
I mean, look at that disingenuous person.
No one would be around such a disconnected psychotic.
Look at him!
Totally fake!
And again, I'll say it.
I'm not saying Brian Stelter is a child molester.
I'm saying if I was a Hollywood director making a movie about It the Clown, a creature that grabs children and drags them in the sewer and eats them, no makeup is needed.
I mean, he just reeks of disingenuous evil.
He just stinks to high heaven of hell itself.
And it's Oliver Darcy, his own little minion that runs around behind him.
And it's just a nightmare vision of this is what Satan creates.
This is who he gives power.
And I'm not the only one that notices he looks like the clown.
I mean, it's quite the meme.
So what does the clown do?
Well, he doesn't eat little kids in the sewers.
He eats the First Amendment and then tells you that he's helping Tucker Carlson getting him off the air.
I'm helping you.
I'm helping you grow the arrogance, the attitude that he's in charge and he's the boss and he's the master.
Here it is.
And the polluters are trying to deflect blame.
Dishonest cries of censorship are filling Fox's airwaves, with charges that these guys, right here, are being suppressed.
The word censorship's been invoked almost 400 times on Fox this month alone, and more than 300 times on Newsmax.
You know, post-insurrection, a book publisher decided that it did not want to be in business with Senator Josh Hawley.
So he's been on a national TV tour claiming he's muzzled.
And Tucker Carlson is telling viewers that this network, CNN, is trying to force Fox News off the air.
They're openly in all these shows the last six months saying, take him off the air, take his sponsors, take him off his cable system, take him off his TV system, take him off the satellite system.
Just like when they were banning me, they would go, Jones claims he's being censored.
He's just been taken off 60 platforms.
It's like saying, Jones claims he's wearing a black long-sleeve shirt.
Jones is a liar.
Well, I am wearing a black shirt.
I mean, again, this is gaslighting, and it's something psychos do where they just love to lie to you.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Biden's broken basically every promise he said he would except to shut down our energy supply.
So again, I don't mean to interrupt this, just listening to this is
Not just a lie.
It's like saying, that fire engine is not red, it's green.
You're like, no, it's fire engine red.
He's like, no it is not.
And then he goes on to say, we're helping him take him off the air, that's not censorship.
So censorship is not censorship.
Here it is.
...not want to be in business with Senator Josh Hawley, so he's been on a national TV tour claiming he's muzzled.
And Tucker Carlson is telling viewers that this network, CNN, is trying to force Fox News off the air, which is patently false.
It's as predictable as the sunrise.
Democrats win elections, and then Republicans say they are being silenced.
But while some cry cancel culture, let me suggest a different way to think about this.
A harm reduction model.
Most people want clean air and blue skies and accurate news and rational views and then in that healthy environment, that looks beautiful, then we can have great fights about taxes and regulation and health care and all the rest.
The vast majority of people can agree that disinformation about, let's say the pandemic, is unhealthy.
It's harmful.
So how can that harm be reduced?
Well, big tech platforms say they are removing lies about vaccines and stamping out Stop the Steal BS and QAnon cult content.
Now, do these private companies have too much power?
And many people would say, yes, of course they do.
But reducing a liar's reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech is different than freedom of reach.
And algorithmic reach is part of the problem.
Now, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg seems to agree.
Here's the headline from Politico.
He's pledging to depoliticize Facebook.
Zuckerberg says one of the top pieces of feedback that we're hearing from our community is that people don't want politics and fighting to take over their experience on our services.
Well, he's several years too late, but that is a real issue.
And he wants to now try to clean up Facebook.
But this is bigger than Facebook.
This harm happens all over the place.
In the words of a recently fired Fox News editor, news consumers are both overfed and malnourished.
So, Stelter's the referee, he's the king, he's the AI, he decides how to stop the harm.
Because there was no fraud.
And there is no problem with the vaccine.
And, you know, don't point out that they said 2.5 million Americans would die in the first two months of COVID and that didn't happen.
Don't point out that they admit that they sent people to die in nursing homes.
Don't point any of it out.
It's dangerous.
And hey, shut down GameStop too.
He said that.
You know, don't let people, Elizabeth Warren said, arrest the GameStop people.
Because, you know, they're causing harm.
We, the establishment, say, we're here protecting you.
We're going to stop.
We're going to stop all the harm.
And so everything that is at their agenda is censored and controlled.
And he tells you, we're not censoring.
We're just stopping the reach of harm.
And we're doing you a favor, says that in the full interview, and trying to help Tucker Carlson, trying to help Alex Jones.
Because we didn't deplatform Alex Jones.
He wasn't censored.
I'm not lying to you.
I'm Brian Stelter.
Do I act disingenuous?
Do I look like a serial killer?
But you just need to listen to me and not listen to your gut or the integrity of your own intellectual understanding that I'm a giant liar.
You just need to let me run the show.
Is that clear?
Oh, and Ted Turner, the creator of CNN, wants global extermination on record.
Look him up.
He wants 90% of the world killed.
So that's down to 400 million.
I mean, look it up!
You can go watch video clips of him saying it.
But see, Stelter doesn't like this.
He doesn't like this show has 3-4 million viewers a day, conservatively, even with him trying to suppress us.
And he has 100,000.
But you see, he speaks for the establishment.
Why do we pay attention to him or AOC?
Because they are the mouth, or the anus you could say, of the establishment that craps on us, and so we need to know what it's doing and what it's up to.
So he has no viewers, but he is what's about to happen.
Because when he speaks, or Oliver Darcy speaks, it happens because it already was decided.
They're just the spokesman, the town crier, telling you the way it is.
Now we come back, I want to delve into the mental illness of the left and the radicalization of them with some incredible information straight ahead that we're going to break down for you.
Just these people are completely delusional.
Sometimes, you know, I went a little bit crazy.
I put TurboForce in my coffee.
That was a crazy week.
I don't remember sleeping, but... As far as the products go, TurboForce is my favorite, and all the Infowars products are down to taking control of your life, taking control of your health, not relying on other people to do it for you.
Nobody wakes up in the morning...
And thinks, I'm gonna give that person over there a better life.
I'm gonna wake up today, you know what?
I'm gonna spend my entire day trying to make that guy over there healthier, happier, and richer.
I'm gonna make sure he gets a Ferrari and a girlfriend.
I don't think that happens very often.
It's never happened to me.
I've never had anyone knock on my door and said, Tate, you're such a good guy.
How can I improve your life in every single way?
There's only one person who woke up and thought that, and that was me.
I woke up and thought, you know what, okay, I want to take control of my life, I want to take control of my health, and that's why you need to go to Infowars.com, take control of your health right now, and support the resistance.
Don't buy into the groupthink, don't drink the Kool-Aid, drink the TurboForce.
Kool-Aid's bad and the TurboForce is good.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you could ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
The Resistance not video.
The Resistance not video.
The Resistance not video.
The Resistance not video.
The Resistance not video.
The Resistance not video.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Ban.Video, and hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
We're good.
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So thank you all for your support.
Please visit InfoWarStore.com and find so many other great items that will enrich yourself and your family's life and fund the InfoWar.
God bless and good luck.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Man, the articles on Infowars.com are in fuego.
Biden press secretary gloats over Trump ban.
Can't say we miss him on Twitter.
Doctor admits masks don't work.
All viruses can get through.
It's just total, total hoax.
It's like saying a fighter jet can fly through the Grand Canyon.
You can put 20 fighter jets, 100 fighter jets in some areas, 1,000 fighter jets.
Some areas of the Grand Canyon are 4 miles wide.
I was reading the equivalent of a coronavirus because they're so small.
It's like a BB shooting through a 500-foot wide deal.
It's like a BB gun from a Daisy Red Ryder shooting through a 500-foot window.
It's just ridiculous.
Lead is solid, folks, atomically, but still like Swiss cheese intergalactically at the subatomic level.
But we, compared to lead, are not very solid.
You understand?
Well, a damn mask is really not solid.
But, see, only the U.N.
can say the science!
Shut up, Jones!
COVID cops arrest man for handing out free soup.
Islamic scholars say Muslims should flee the West to flee LGBT teachings.
So much more.
Reporters are on the ground in D.C.
Joe Celente's coming up.
I'm going to host a little bit in the next hour.
We can pull up the Twitter on this guy, I want to show this to people.
Now as I cover this important piece of news, I'm not covering it like Hunter S. Thompson would do because he's writing himself in the story, Gonzo Journalism.
And I've really not even talked about this the last few weeks because it was so comical at first, but as I watched the hysteria mount, and as I watched
Literally hundreds of tweets that were getting 10,000, 20,000, 100,000 retweets apiece.
I mean this was trending a few times last few weeks in the top 10 of Twitter.
Arrest Alex Jones.
And they would post videos that even said they were from late November.
Of myself and Ali Alexander and a bunch of other people like Vernon Jones, state rep there.
Peacefully going into the Capitol, having demonstrations, and going and meeting with members of the legislature, asking for them to have hearings and postpone the certification.
So since the day of the Capitol riot, they call the ultimate, you know, Pearl Harbor 9-11, four citizens getting killed, and a cop having a heart attack a few days later, and people going through these velvet ropes, I began to see New York Times writers, Washington Post writers, CNN writers,
Post the same video that had already gone viral even with the earlier date of, what was it, like November 20-something in Georgia.
And so I had even law firms reach out to some and send them messages saying, hey, that's Georgia.
We're not storming the Capitol of DC.
I wasn't inside.
And you shouldn't be calling for my arrest and saying I'm a terrorist.
I mean, these are open and shut lawsuits, and their response is, you're going to jail, terrorist.
So imagine, they're posting videos from late November.
January 6th is when the Capitol thing happened.
And Ali Alexander, obvious provocateurs are in there saying, we're going to lay down and not leave.
We're going to have a sit-in.
And Ali says, that's a horrible idea.
And calls the guy hillbilly, which was pejorative, he should have done it.
They watch that video with the date on it, with millions of views, they edit that out, re-upload it, Democrats do, send it out, and when they're contacted, they don't care.
And they go, you're going to jail, you're in a lot of trouble.
So here it is.
This guy's name is Don Winslow.
Talk about a lawsuit for him and his publisher waiting to happen.
He's a fiction writer and a New York Times guy.
And he says, I'm offering $75,000 reward to the first person who gives the FBI Ali Alexander's current location.
Well, you de-platform him.
He's not hiding.
He comes on the show.
But see, since they de-platform him, they go, oh look, he's hiding.
If you don't want to turn him in because he's a domestic terrorist, you can always turn him in because he is an incredible, vile a-hole.
And they go on to say, here they are in the Capitol planning the attack.
Then they go on to say that we were meeting with Congress members to run the attack the day before, but then they say it's January 6th as well.
This has been going on for several weeks with this video.
Here's the deal.
It's like a million views here, 700-something thousand here, 75,000 here, 20,000 there.
And they all know it's fake.
People go, hey, here's the local TV station.
It's Georgia.
They were not violent.
Vernon Jones was with them.
They don't care.
Then they start blocking people that say it.
So this guy, Don Wilson, knows this isn't true.
I'm just picking one, because he's got like 20,000 retweets here, 40,000 retweets there.
And I've actually had people walk up to me in the street and say, you're gonna go to prison, I've seen the video of you planning the attack with Ali Alexander.
It's crazy.
So let's continue.
Don Winslow says, this is called evidence.
And they go on to say, arrest Ali Alexander, arrest me, get us all.
People linked to the original video that it's in November of last year.
It's another city.
They don't care.
Dear FBI, Ali Alexander is a domestic terrorist.
You are pursuing him for involvement in 1621.
You are?
He says people are.
No they're not.
He is currently raising money to evade you and continue to spread hate.
Who set up the account?
How is that money routed?
When does he get it?
Shut it down!
If you see this man, notify the FBI immediately.
Domestic terrorist, Ali Alexander.
And he says, I mean, just open and shut libel, defamation.
And it gets worse.
This is what he earlier said, 50,000 of the first person who provides the FBI with direct information leads the arrest of domestic terrorist Ali Alexander.
No judge, no jury, New York Times backed writer saying he is a terrorist, period.
It's enough money to begin a fresh start.
If the FBI confirms your information, leads to Ollie's arrest, I give you $50,000.
So he's putting out videos of Georgia, even with the date on the video, doesn't care, totally deranged, totally crazy, totally foaming at the mouth.
And this is just one guy I picked.
This is literally, like, you know, 100,000 tweets here, 50,000 there, 30,000 here, 40,000 there.
Just thousands.
Twitter's just, arrest Jones, arrest Alexander.
It goes on and on and on.
And then they've got other people.
I've never even heard of this Sandy Phillips.
Never said her name until now.
She says, my husband and I were harassed like this by Alex Jones after our daughter was slaughtered in Aurora, Colorado, movie theater massacre.
It was emotionally devastating to do this, young people.
So a congresswoman asked Hogg about how they let the shooter at
The Florida high school shooting, go 20 plus times, when he threatened to shoot people, and pointed that liberal program and allowed it to happen, they then turn that around and say the Congresswoman is saying it didn't happen, and that she's harassing families, and then a woman I've never heard of says I harassed her.
I mean, this is what I'm talking about.
These people just say whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, and it goes on and on.
So, guys, go to Twitter and type in Alex Jones.
Just do a Twitter search and you will see literally thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of tweets saying, kill me, arrest me, here's the proof.
And like I said, people under the comments go, hey, here's local CNN or local Fox News in Atlanta saying it's a peaceful demonstration.
They went in the Capitol.
Here's the full footage.
They don't even want the footage.
They literally say, here's Jones inside commanding the attack.
And then they go, look how nervous Jones is.
It's some live feed.
Some guys almost getting in a fight with Ali, wanting to stage some type of demonstration.
Ali doesn't even want him to do a sit-in at the Capitol.
This is supposedly the terror mastermind who's getting in arguments with people that are coming up wanting to do stuff months ago, before the January 6th event.
Here is the video in the Georgia Capitol.
Alex, Alex, they serve... I'm sorry, I'm not trying to... They serve by the vote here, right?
We're inside.
Let's not leave.
We're not the left.
We're not going to democratize ideas.
That's how we're going to stop the certification?
Listen to me.
It's peaceful.
It's peaceful.
It's not a bad idea.
Listen to me.
Peaceful sit-in.
Peaceful sit-in.
That's what we'll call it.
Here we go.
If the hillbillies make up all the ideas, then we're going to lose the country.
So put aside your pride.
Listen to me.
We're going to stop the steal.
But first, we're going to stop the certification.
It's not going to be fine.
It's OK.
How are we going to do that?
Let's talk about it later.
It's good.
It's okay to have ideas.
Everybody's fine.
It's just an idea.
We can just lose it for a moment.
Ideas are fun.
Well, he can have ideas as a private citizen.
So we're up at the head of about 300 people that went through metal detectors, came in.
You can see the photos of us staging the photo with the state reps and the police shaking their hands and leaving.
That turns into, here's the proof, they're planning to stop the certification of the U.S.
And weeks in, they've all been sent this.
The Wall Street Journal has whole articles admitting the truth, and that we tried to stop the riot.
And they don't care, because this Don Winslow thinks lying is cute and funny, and he thinks it's powerful.
And what he's going to get is his miserable ass and his publisher stood in the ground.
So, get ready, Winslow.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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And it's just good to have that checkbox taken care of, and you know you're getting good food at a very good price, and you know that a small percentage of it, because there's not much profit in this, goes to us to fund our operations.
So, preparewithalex.com or infowarsstore.com.
You can find the preparedness section there.
Water filtration, air filtration, it's all there.
The technocrats are getting ready to bring in all the force GMO and more.
It's time to start getting prepared.
It starts with self-defense.
It starts with being prepared.
It starts with storable food.
It starts with digging in.
With a long, globalist fight, you'll win in the end.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official, part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group.
And Klaus Schwab, all officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them,
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, it's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Take the highway to the end of the line.
End of the line.
End of the line.
In Burma.
Or Myanmar, as it's now known.
They have another Democrat Soros-funded Communist Party called the Democrats.
And they got caught 80 plus thousand examples of fraud.
They have all the witnesses.
They've had months of this going on since their November election.
And so the military took over.
Just like in Indonesia when they had communists pull the same thing.
And I'm not even saying I lionize the military, but I know the players in Burma.
I know it's gone downhill.
The UN staged massacres there in the 90s.
Killed tens of thousands of people.
So they're always having globalists take over.
And they finally got their own sovereignty.
They finally got their own military.
And the military is like, we're not putting up with this.
And so now Joe Biden is in threatening military action to invade Burma with a UN force to put the communists back in.
End of the line.
End of the line.
That's up on Infowars.com right now.
Meanwhile, Biden press secretary gloats over Trump ban.
Can't say we miss him on Twitter.
I'm going to play that clip next segment, then hand the baton to Gerald Solinte.
Another video on Infowars.com.
Doctor admits masks don't work.
All viruses can get through.
I want to shift gears for a minute.
I have made mistakes on air before, and I've grown up a lot, and I've learned the power of this show, so I watch what I say.
Because I never consciously lied, but, you know, I'd cover somebody else's news story, and then it would become a big thing, and it wasn't accurate, and I hurt people.
And I tried to fix that.
But man, with these Democrats, I mean, they just don't care, folks.
They've known.
Since January 7th, that I didn't storm that Capitol, and they know that we were at the Georgia Capitol trying to stop people then that wanted to do a sit-in.
The Democrats do all the time, but we're not like Code Pink.
And they turned that into, here's the proof of Ali Alexander and Alex Jones planning the Capitol attack and getting a tour from the Capitol people in D.C.
Arrest them and Congressman Gozer.
I mean, it's crazy!
It's absolutely nuts!
And people send them, hey, here's the original video from November.
They don't even respond.
They delete it or they block it.
And just to meet a lie so big, man, just shows they're in a crazed mode.
I mean, because, you know, I don't want to spend a year suing this guy and everything.
I want everything he gets.
He's a wealthy author.
He's got a bunch of big, you know, best-selling books.
Fiction books.
And he's like LARPing in the real world, putting out, that's a $50,000, now it's $75,000, and they're like, where's Ollie Alexander?
Ollie's not hiding, he's been on this show four times since then.
He's been banned off of everything, including his bank accounts, so people like you, Don Wilson, or Winslow, or Winston Smith, or whatever the hell your name is, can sit there and lie about him in your echo chamber.
And just thousands of retweets, just, oh my god, it's the total proof, kill them, arrest them.
And it's the Georgia Statehouse.
And you know that.
It's like...
How do we get away from these people?
How do I never have to interface with them?
I guess I can't.
I mean, this is their time.
As a criminal, crazy, organized, globalist mob, the New World Order is just, hey, we're going crazy, we're going to attack everybody, and we're going to lie about you, and that's just the way it is because we have this existential will to power to project our own hatred of ourselves onto you, and we're going to get you because we hate ourselves.
And humans need to be exterminated.
There's too many people.
Well, then you go first.
I don't wish you any harm.
But, you know, Klaus Schwab, and he's wearing his weird-ass cult outfits and all this stuff, says there's too many people and the age of humans is over and they're making this move.
And I'm just like, then you go first.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Klaus Schwab's a god.
Bill Gates is a god in his mind, and they've got to carry out this great thing for the Earth.
And it's just crazy to watch everybody bow down to these monsters and put up with that.
And where is that from?
I know you guys gave me an article, but I lost it.
They're like, no, Klaus Schwab is not part of the Church of Satan.
That's a weird cult university.
It's far worse than that.
I mean, these are cult members.
All right, those two clips straight ahead.
Then Gerald Cilente, the top trends forecaster, takes over on the economy and more.
Strap yourselves in.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I've interviewed all the experts.
I have looked at every facet of this.
And now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order and
Now, use the already martial law in place for COVID-19, and that's what it is, to then be expanded and become political and become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses, they train you to be tracked, they train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels, and now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not gonna be martial law for Trump.
There's gonna be martial law for the globalist.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order and expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
With truth.
I'm up here in space.
I'm looking down on you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
I lasers trace everything you do.
Yeah, we'll see how it goes, Klaus Slaw and Bill Gates.
Keep playing God.
I predict you're gonna die at a mental institution.
Like all your kind.
Like Nietzsche and all the rest of you.
You uber mentions.
I'm elemental!
My sight is clean.
I am perpetual!
I keep the country free!
Alright, let me hit this news.
Because it's crazy.
Look at this headline.
Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Disavows Founder After Revelation That He Flirted With 14-Year-Old Boys.
I mean, tried to pick them up.
A whole bunch of them.
I mean, welcome to Planet Pito.
Biden's Advisor To Pick The Federal Judges Was Accused Of Physically Assaulting Children.
Biden Picked To Run Unemployment, Let Nigerian Fraudsters Steal $600 Million From Washington State.
And of course, CNN hit the clown.
Stelter argues that the ship is okay when the left does it.
Let's go to this next video.
Biden press secretary, Mrs. Sushi, not joking, that's her name, same one that says use the CIA on all Americans,
Sushi, Press Secretary, gloats over Trump ban.
Can't say we miss him on Twitter.
So banning the President of the United States is a good thing.
And if you think you're safe when he's not, well, I got a bridge I'm ready to sell you.
So here is, pull up the photo of sad Obama staffers, 2017.
Let's show the footage of her, of Psaki.
Or not, that'd be a cool name.
Sushi, I'm sorry.
Sushi or Saki?
So, so Mrs. Mrs. Sushi, uh, Mrs. Mrs. Rotting Fish from the head down.
There she is!
So upset!
Oh, look at those poor little babies, but now they're gonna teach America, they're gonna cut your energy off and keep you locked down forever!
Freedom's out forever!
America's been blown to pieces.
So here it is.
Biden press secretary gloats over Trump ban.
Can't say we missed him.
Here she is.
As you know, President Trump has been barred from a lot of social media sites.
I'm curious whether you think his absence has made your job any easier or the White House's job any easier as it kind of goes forward on these COVID negotiations.
In what way?
Well, he'd create a lot of noise, right?
He would have certain gravitational pull with Republicans who may be, um, may be more inclined to take a- God, look how disingenuous he is.
Imagine being married to that sack of filth.
This may be hard to believe.
We don't spend a lot of time talking about or thinking about President Trump here.
Former President Trump, to be very clear.
Oh yeah, he's not the president.
I think that's a question that's probably more appropriate for Republican members who are looking for ways to support a bipartisan package and whether that gives them space.
But I can't say we miss him on Twitter.
Does President Biden support the continuing ban of President Trump?
Oh, that's enough.
I want to go to Gerald Salinger, but I've got one more clip.
Again, they want to silence him so they can lie about him.
That's how it works.
Now here's another one.
Medical doctor lectures explaining face masks aren't effective, that blocking has gone viral.
They're trying to censor it.
It's in a Don Salazar article on Infowars.com.
The Texas-based ophthalmologist goes on to explain there are more protective methods.
But again, all of it's a fraud.
Let's play that clip.
We know what works.
These don't work against viruses.
Regular masks don't work.
That's simply what it is.
It's been shown many times.
It's nothing to do with COVID.
COVID doesn't even factor into the equation, because for years we've been looking at these issues.
So they have these spacesuits.
They're called PAPRs.
They're incredibly effective.
They filter viruses down to, I think, the 0.01 or something like that.
Basically, we have materials like N99, N100, but N95,
Blocks, let's say, 5%, only 5% of airborne particles can get through.
But all viruses can get through.
All viruses can get through.
Now, do they get through?
No, it's just like a chain link fence.
If you throw sand in a chain link fence, not all the sand gets through.
So, I think the best example I can say is like, the reason we wear masks, and the reason I wear masks, is because the fear is so massive in this country.
I wear a mask so people don't think I don't care about them.
Yeah, it's all hysteria, and now take a vaccine to prove you don't care.
And now never leave your house, and now you're not essential.
I want the third world starved to death.
It's immoral to do it.
It's the COVID-19 lockdown, the Great Reset, a corporate takeover where all the big banks and all the big tech double their profits, and we all go bankrupt.
Stop doing it!
Stop submitting!
It's a fraud!
Please remember, we have a new sale.
That's how we fund this operation.
Plus, these are great products.
DNA Force Plus, about to sell out.
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Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And I would get high quality storable foods the last 25 years while you're at it as well at preparewithalex.com.
The best deals you're going to find out there on the hottest quality food.
Preparewithalex.com or go to the sub page of infowarsstore.com.
I want to thank everybody for the great job they're doing now.
I want to thank the crew.
For the next 46 minutes, 47 minutes, Gerald Cilente, the Trends Forecaster, good friend of mine, a great patriot, takes over.
And then we've got the War Room coming up today, 3 p.m.
Central with Owen Schroer.
Gerald Cilente takes over.
Thanks so much, Alex, and thank you for all that you do.
Boy, you really nailed it with that mask clown.
You know, what do the guys say?
Well, the reason I wear a mask, yeah, they're ineffective, but I don't have the courage not to wear one, and I want to make everybody feel good, and so I don't want to wear one.
So I wear one for them, even though they're totally useless.
What kind of man is that?
What kind of man is that?
I'm doing it because it's a fraud and I'll keep the fraud going.
How about making it clear like that?
How about saying I'm a doctor and I know these things are worthless, but I'm going to make you feel good because you're a gutless little clown.
And I like to make gutless little clowns feel like they're not gutless little clowns.
So I have a pair of cojones, maybe the size of a mothball.
This is the mask that the doctor, the doctor, you know, I'm tired of this crap, doctor.
You know, it's like when they report on lawmakers.
What lawmakers?
A bunch of crappy little pieces of garbage that never worked a day in their life called politicians.
Politics sucked the blood out of us.
Oh, and then the people at the inauguration, dignitaries.
What dignitaries?
Little cherry nothings dignitaries.
Disgusting terries.
Bobo, you gotta give them a good name.
So going back to the doctor, to the doctor.
Read the, read the box.
Read the box.
I don't need the doctor to tell me these things that the doctor was wearing, that the doctor wears so he makes people feel good.
These masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection.
And there are no studies out there at all on wearing these damn things constantly and what they're doing to your health.
Besides your mental health and what they're doing to little kids freaking them out when it is big.
Putting this crap on them.
And again, we've been writing about this over and over and over and over in the Trends Journal.
All the details are there.
We even quoted this New England Journal of Medicine one after another.
How about the Denmark study?
Oh no, now the doctor said it!
So take the Denmark study that came out in November and shove it!
This is ridiculous what's going on.
They have destroyed life, they suck the joy out of it, and they set us in for the greatest depression.
Oh, that little clown Cuomo.
Daddy's boy, daddy's boy.
Be nothing if daddy wasn't Mario.
So listen, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Buy those products, they're important.
Keep truth alive.
And we're gonna be right back.
The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab, the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor.
By design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuild it, and they're dystopic.
Mountain Patriot in Colorado.
Thank you for holding.
How you doing Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I want to make a quick plug.
I love you, man.
That DNA Force, I love it.
I've been using it quite a while, and I just went and looked at the ingredients again the other day, and I see that it contains quercetin, which according to some published studies that Dr. Merkula has cited is an ionophore similar to hydroxychloroquine.
And it helps channel the zinc into the cells, so people might want to take a look at that.
All I know is with DNA Force, we went out and looked at these high-end products that they sell through doctor clinics that aren't prescription, but the doctors sell for like 300 bucks a bottle, because there's a lot of expensive product in them.
It's really only cost them like 50 bucks.
And so we basically cloned two different top brands together, and that's what produced this.
So thanks for the plug.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilenti.
Hello, hello, hello.
Alex Jones Show.
I wear a mask to make people feel good.
Can you imagine a guy saying something like that?
Anyway, okay, here's the big news.
Stop the game.
It's one of our top trends in 2021.
We come out with our top trends in 2021.
And I believe it was the first week of or second week, I think it was the first week of December.
We do it each year, but no later than the 8th or the 10th.
And one of them this year is youth revolution narratives.
Youth revolution right in front of you.
And that's what's going on.
GameStop is to stop the game.
They've had it.
The young people that have a brain.
The people that are turned into Infowars.
That young crowd of vigor and free minds.
The people that subscribe to our magazine.
They know it's all a bunch of baloney out there.
We all know the numbers.
26 people in the world got more dough than half the world's population.
26 people!
And as Alex said, you know, the Great Reset.
These little slimy, low-life, pieces of garbage, scum crap politicians locking down everywhere.
You're not an essential business!
I'll tell you who's an essential business!
I'm little gruesome Gavin Newsome!
I'm slimy little Cuomo!
I'm a little witless Whitmere!
I'll tell you little peoples of Slavelandia!
What an essential business is, it's Walmart's!
It's Costco!
It's Target!
They give us a lot of money!
Idiots and morons call it campaign contributions!
Adults call it bribes and payoffs!
So what happens?
They shut down everybody!
But there's no social distancing!
In the big chains!
No, no, no!
You could do whatever you want.
But the little people are shafted.
And so the young people, you can't open up your own business.
Get it out of your head.
You're gonna stock shelves of Bezos.
You're gonna be a cashier until they get it all automated at Walmart.
You're not going to have a living.
It's not the land of opportunity.
Almost a third of young people have lost their jobs.
No future.
It's the youth revolution.
They've had it.
They're tired of old, fat people and other slimers grabbing everything and giving them nothing.
Hey, how about that guy Steve Cohen?
Oh yeah, the big hedge fund guy.
Hedge fund?
How about criminal operations?
When I was a kid, these things didn't exist.
Hedge funds.
Private equity groups.
Yeah, a bunch of gangsters getting together to screw you and steal everything.
And when the young people fight back, pfft, we need more laws on the NASDAQ.
Yeah, we need more.
We gotta regulate the little people because they're gonna start getting money that we're trying to steal all of it.
You heard the Nasdaq clown the other last week telling that.
Oh, how terrible this is.
Yeah, the bigs could short the market.
Oh, how about the JPMorgan Chase gang?
The little slimy low lives that got caught rigging the precious metals markets.
Only got a slap on the wrist, only paid $900 million to screwing people after all those years of rigging the precious metals market.
That's okay, but not the little people.
Not the little people.
No, no, no.
This is the youth revolution.
They've had it.
They know they have no future.
They can't live with mommy and daddy.
They can't get a job.
They brought us Bitcoin.
They brought us Bitcoin.
They brought us cryptocurrencies.
Now they're fighting the bigs on the market front.
This is just the beginning of the youth revolution.
They're going to be anti-tax, anti-vax, anti-big, and pro-free.
Freedom, peace, and justice.
These are the people that are going to turn this around.
It was one of our top trends before this happened.
You know, I tell people, they call me a futurist.
I said, I'm not a futurist.
Nobody could predict the future.
There are too many wild cards.
Who would have ever thought?
Game stop.
Stop the game.
Stop the game.
Who would have ever dreamt that that would have happened?
But you can see the big picture.
And the big picture is Youth Revolution 2021 off with their heads 2.0.
They've had it.
And when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And they've lost their future.
It has been stolen from them by the repulsive kids and the Democrats.
The slimy, low-life, worthless politicians.
How can anybody with a mind bigger than a thimble or a pea look up to a Mitch McConnell, bow down to a Pelosi,
Suck up to a Lindsey Graham.
March off to a little Chucky Crappie Schumer.
One after another, the Freak Show is in front of your eyes!
They are freaks!
Look at them!
Oh, I forgot about Diane Not-So-Feinstein.
Oh, over there in Europe, you got Little Katson McCrone.
How about Nothing Sanchez?
Freak shows!
It's a freak show!
And they destroyed it.
Our lives.
There we are.
Militarized United States of America.
Just like every other country these days.
I had protests and riots in Russia yesterday.
Yeah, yesterday.
Or Sunday.
Oh, did the media go after that?
Oh, cops with batons.
Yeah, just like here.
Just like here.
Freedom has been robbed from us and the young people, the youth revolution has begun.
Game stop.
Stop the game.
Game over.
This is the beginning.
Again, support InfoWars.
Put your money where your heart is.
We're going to be right back.
We told you it was coming.
Under the United Nations pilot program in Singapore, for eight months they've made citizens wear bracelets on their arms that make them social distance and report them back to cell towers to track their every movement.
This is for everybody, the way that it's better.
Now France has programs in their factories, government-pushed and sponsored, to make everyone wear actual dog collars that make you social distance and report back to single computers.
They're turning us into a commodity.
Human-animal clones have been around for 50 years.
It's all being announced.
They are literally taking over the life cycle of humans and making us obsolete.
And big corporations downplay that they own us with these gene therapy systems and patents that they've produced.
Do you understand?
It is a taker
President Trump wanted a landslide on November 3rd, but the globalists weren't going to let that happen.
They had to have some way to repudiate the populist movement emanating from the United States that spread across the world from the UK to Brazil.
They were desperate.
They admitted their own publications.
They didn't know what to do.
And so they put out 80 million fake ballots, violated state law.
And stole it better than Dallas.
And now they're coming after the President, they're coming after you, they're coming after me.
They're shutting everybody off.
The Internet, they're trying to totally censor us.
And that's why InfoWars is still in the fight, because we knew this was coming.
We told you this was coming.
We were the first main target, and we're still on air at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and BandOnVideo.
Without your word of mouth, without your prayer, without your financial support, we can't stay on air.
So while you still can, go to MFORSTORE.COM and get storable foods, high quality products, supplements, you name it, at MFORSTORE.COM.
I've got some bad news.
Our best-selling Vitamin Mineral Fusion has sold out because people understand in these stressful times, it's now more important than ever to boost your body's natural defenses.
But here's the good news.
Turmeric acts in very similar ways and is so good for inflammation, so good for your immune system, and we've got two great turmeric formulas.
One is BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula that is a dried turmeric extract, 95% curcuminoid.
People love it.
That's selling out.
Despite that, it's still discounted at infowarsstore.com.
And then also selling out this week is our Liquid Turmeric Extract.
It's called Liquid Turmeric Extract.
It's extremely strong as well.
People really love it.
It's selling out.
And your purchase doesn't just help yourself and your body, it also funds the Infowar and keeps us on air while they're trying to shut everybody down.
So thank you all for your support.
Please visit InfowarStore.com and find so many other great items that will enrich yourself and your family's life and fund the Infowar.
God bless and good luck.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
You know, you guys don't know Trump's supporter, but to me, this election was rigged right in front of our eyes.
You saw it, you know, pulling boxes out from under the tables, on and on, you know.
And they're stopping a populist movement.
And that's what this youth revolution is about.
It's about a populist movement.
And censorship is real.
It was one of our top trends in 2019.
We said this censorship is going to be escalating quite rapidly.
And now we're here.
So it's really up to you to keep the truth alive.
And now, of course, they're coming out with the BS line of domestic terrorism.
If you disagree with anything that they say, it's domestic terrorism.
And I want to put this really back into context.
Think about it.
Between the police and the cops and the troops in DC, the whole place is locked down on Inauguration Day because there were protests against an illegal vote.
Some 74 million people thought that the thing was rigged.
If this happened in another country,
And you saw these pictures because people were protesting that the election was rigged.
This would be an excuse for slimy little lowlife pieces of garbage scum crap like George W. Bush, another daddy's boy, probably with a pair of cojones, small and a mothball.
Be nobody if daddy wasn't Georgie.
Attack a foreign nation.
This is America?
Look at this.
Yeah, A-N-E-R-I-K-A.
If you saw this in another country, another slimy, little, low-life, piece of garbage, scum, crap, like the war monger, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama, that guy Qaddafi, I want him out of there!
No, so if this is another country, I want that guy Biden out of there!
Look what he's done to America, the land of the free!
He's militarized the whole nation!
We gotta attack that country and bring freedom back!
And the people would march off, yeah!
Yeah, look at, this is not my America!
I'm Biden!
Oop, I made you get banned for that.
And there he is with the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, giving him a medal.
Yeah, great job.
Great job, murderers.
Not a war you didn't love.
If you saw what happened in America on Inauguration Day in another nation, that these sick people wanted to overthrow the government, they would use that, showing all the military around, as a reason to overthrow it.
So this is why you have to support InfoWars to keep the truth alive.
And they got some great products out there.
And as we feel it, that turbo charge, you got to get that charge.
The turbo charge is your defenses with this incredible new sale.
So because of the slow destruction of the supply chain, you know, we're having to end sales on some of their fan favorite products.
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So they're bringing you fresh new sales on other classic InfoWars life products.
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Ultra 12, it's back in stock.
50% off.
Liquid Pure Turmeric Extract.
Turmeric, I should say, for 50% off.
Lung cleanses, plus, back in stock, 50% off.
Look, the biggest thing you can do for your body's defenses is supplementing and empowering them.
You never hear that in the news.
Even though DNA Force Plus is selling out quickly, they're keeping it at 25% off for an affordable advantage.
For your natural defenses.
And that's what you have to do.
You have to build up your natural defenses, build up your immune system.
And that COVID won't get you.
Maybe you can't say that.
Maybe they lock me up for saying that.
And with bodies now out of stock, you can get to Rick in a new way with the liquid pure turmeric extract on sale.
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So that's what you got to do if you want to get ahead of the game and stay healthy again.
You never hear a word, not a peep, from the prostitutes.
The little prostitute days.
Who get paid to put out by their corporate pimps.
The little Donnie Lemons.
Perfect name for that lemon.
That sour piece of crap from the Cartoon News Network.
A little prostitute day.
Like little Chrissy Cuomo.
A daddy's boy.
Be nobody.
I used to know him.
I knew his father.
When I used to be on CNN, I used to be on CNN like four times a month, back in the day.
And they'd bring Chris Cuomo around, he had two aides with him.
Hey Chris, how you doing?
Oh, good, good.
He was doing, he was doing sports and pop culture.
All right?
I liked his father, by the way.
I liked Mario.
But the, the little boys, the little zeroes.
Prestitute days.
You're paid to put out.
You gotta keep the truth alive.
And they're going to do everything with this domestic terrorism bill to shut us down.
It's only going to be time before they knock me off YouTube.
I know it.
They're going to do everything they can.
So, when you talk about building your immune system, that's against the law!
You gotta get the vaccination!
You gotta get, you know, they should have a vaccination where you bend over and get it because that's all that's happening.
Then it will look perfect.
It will look perfect.
Bend over and get that vaccination.
So do you can to support InfoWars.
I'm talking before about, you know, the youth revolution and with Bitcoin.
It's happening.
You're now you're seeing
JP Morgan to launch Digital Bank.
Got it?
They know that they're in trouble.
And they will fight the youth to their death.
And they will kill anybody that they want, anytime, anywhere.
Money's number one.
So, as we're looking ahead,
At the markets.
The youth revolution can be that wild card that brings down these phony markets.
What they're doing now to push silver prices up because the slimers are shorting it because they don't want precious metals to be precious.
They want digital crap.
They want JP Morgan digital trash.
Get rid of that dirty cash.
This can change everything, as InfoWars is saying, and so are we.
This is a whole new game.
Precious metals.
We called silver's rise before this, by the way.
In June, when silver was selling at 17 bucks, we said it was going to spike at a higher percentage rate than gold.
Before this happened, before the youth revolution, it was hovering around 25.
And now it's spiking higher.
And we have forecast that silver is going to go over $50 an ounce this year.
Gold over $2,100.
And the banksters will do everything to kill it.
And that's why you have to support InfoWars to keep the truth alive.
And subscribe to the Trends Journal.
No other magazine like it.
Last week, 134 pages.
No ads.
People want to know what's happening, we're telling them.
And we're going to tell you more when we get back.
And remember, InfoWars.com.
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Globalists are taking control of the entire human genome.
They are forcing mutations.
This is forced evolution, or de-evolution.
When you look at all the major research, all the major programs they're carrying out, they are not to produce people that are smarter, or folks that live longer, or more moral.
It's turning humanity into a commodity.
Now we see some propaganda, like Communist China bragging, Hey, we've done mRNA vaccines to make our soldiers supermen!
That's a way to make it sexy that, hey, we're experimenting on our troops.
Well, the same thing's been happening to our troops, and thousands and thousands have died each time they tried a new experimental vaccine.
And I'm talking to high-level folks inside the federal government and the state of Texas Health Department.
They say, Alex, we know it hurts a lot of people, but it's for a greater good.
But that's not even true.
And it violates the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, the federal and state law.
This is violence being carried out against this biomedical tyranny, and we have a right to resist it with any means necessary.
The Resistance, not video.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Ban.Video, and hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
We're good.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello, hello.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And again, do what you can to keep the truth alive.
This is serious.
They're going to see domestic terrorism.
They're coming out with it.
And you can see what they're doing.
They militarized.
We became a militarized country.
This never happened.
I mean, it happened when I was a young guy, you know, when the demonstrations were going on.
And, you know, but and but what's what's going on now with militarized.
What was he going to do on election day?
The inauguration night?
Militaries in 50 states?
This is unprecedented.
They're going to rob us of our freedom.
They're doing it.
They're doing it in front of our eyes.
Again, look at this.
This is America?
Oh, and the cops now have these kind of things too.
Isn't that wonderful, huh?
So, support InfoWars, support the Trends Journal.
We're doing everything we can.
To keep truth alive and our mission is freedom, peace and justice.
Anyway, going back to the markets.
Everyone knows that they're rigged.
We got Gregory Manorino writing for us in the Trends Journal.
This guy's really on top of things.
And, you know, adding to what we've been adding to what we've been writing and putting a whole nother level in different areas and regarding stocks and trading.
No, we weren't doing.
And it's one big bubble.
Everybody knows it.
Everybody knows it.
You know where the money's running now to?
Into emerging markets.
Emerging markets have sunk into nothing.
They're gambling in those now.
So, we're saying this because when you look at how the markets closed out January, they closed out on a low note.
Now they're 600 points down a couple of days each.
This thing is volatile.
And the youth revolution, what they're doing with GameStop, what they're doing with Silver, they can bring down some of these big hedge funds.
At the end, the big hedge funds will out beat them, but they could destroy a lot in the meantime.
This could be the wild card that brings down the equity markets.
It's big.
Because they should have crashed a long time ago.
The Federal Reserve is buying up what?
$120 billion worth of junk bonds.
They're buying bonds, including junk bonds, every month.
Some ridiculous number, $80 billion, $120 billion, some moronic number.
So, this thing could come down very hard and fast.
They've locked down the global economy.
What's going on is unprecedented.
The Congressional Budget Office today.
Big news.
Big news on CNBC.
Big news that by 2022, you'll recover.
The jobs that have been lost will come back.
Okay, imbecile.
The jobs that have been lost will come back.
In two years, a year and a half, you're not creating any new jobs.
Got it?
Got it?
So they inflate it by saying, oh, the jobs that will be lost will come back.
New jobs aren't being created.
And the jobs stink.
They don't pay any money.
Yeah, we're going to give you a $15 an hour guaranteed wage.
A big deal.
Yeah, but it's part of the Great Reset.
You have enough money, you don't have to work, you'll be alright.
You can live like a pauper, it's alright.
I want to go a little direction here, just to show you why you should listen to Infowars, and why you should subscribe to the Trends Journal.
You know what I think about the turlet paper record, the New York Times.
They call themselves the paper of record.
The paper of record!
Hey, remember that Saddam Hussein?
Yeah, selling the lie that he had these aluminum tubes coming up there that was making weapons of ma- Yeah, that!
Those slimy toilet paper record, New York Times.
This is a story that they ran yesterday.
Big story.
Right there.
See it?
Vulnerable communities.
Quote, it's numbing.
Nine nuns die in Michigan outbreak.
The religious sisters who lived in retired seclusion in a Dominican life center in Michigan followed strict rules to avoid
The outbreak of coronavirus infection.
But after months, after being kept at bay, it found its way.
Look how they write like little stupid imbeciles.
Christine Hauser and Concepcion de Leon.
How about two pieces of prostitute crap?
What kind of kiddie crap language is that?
But, the nuns died.
The nuns died.
Oh, for nun dives.
Dominican nuns.
I could tell you a story about a Dominican nun, Sister Marie Rosaire, made she rotten hell for what she did to me.
I'm in the fifth grade in school.
My brother, may he rest in peace, talked me into going to Catholic school so I would get some discipline.
Because they couldn't control me.
And one day, she's a principal at a school.
She grabs me by my little blue tie.
And blew out my middle ear and perforated my middle ear and blew out my eardrum.
You know what that did to me as a kid?
I was the toughest kid around.
I was a kid from the Bronx who moved to Yonkers.
I learned how to fight.
I was the toughest little kid.
Because I was a small kid, I learned how to fight right away.
Lost my confidence.
Then she left me back.
And I became the stupidest kid in the school.
I used to water ski at 10 years old in the Hudson River with just a belt on going over the wakes of ships.
I could never get my ears wet again.
So anyway, going back to the Dominican nuns.
Then you read the story all the way down here.
Sister Janine Teresa was 86.
Esther Ortega died on June 14th.
She was 86.
Dorothea Gramlich was 81.
Sister Ann Reena Shinkley, 87.
Mary Ann or Mary Irene Witschmeyer, 94.
And Sister Margaret Ann Swallow, 97.
Well, or she didn't make it to 98.
What are you telling me this crap for?
I'll tell you why!
Because we're selling fear and hysteria, Salenti!
And we're prostitutes!
We get paid to put out!
We're corporate whores!
The lemons!
The thems!
The thats!
The thises!
Go back to your Trends Journal.
This was several weeks ago.
Forget about what's going on in Yemen.
Who cares about Tigray?
Are the French finally leaving Mali after they try to regain control over their colony?
A big story in last week's New York Times.
The toilet paper record, only good for cleaning up crap, was a convent near Albany, New York.
Not far from me.
Which announced last week that a COVID outbreak in December resulted in 47 residents coming down with the virus, including nine nuns who died.
Those who died were between the ages of 84 and 98 years old.
All right?
All right?
All right?
They're selling fear and hysteria.
And you gotta read the whole damn article, get to the end of it to show you how old they were.
And that's who this virus is killing, and that's why the young people have had it.
This is a sick old person's disease, or if you're obese, type 2 diabetics, and we're number one!
We're number one!
40% of Americans are obese, 70% they're overweight, eating crap.
That's why you gotta support InfoWars.
And that's why you need these products to keep you healthy.
And that's why you need to buy the truth.
Put your money where your heart, where your mind is.
Subscribe to the Trends Journal.
We're putting out information that's going to help you prepare.
What's happening in the future is like nothing.
I'm at this 40 years.
I'm a trend forecaster.
I see the future.
I don't know exactly what it'll look like.
But I know it's hell on earth if we don't change it.
And it's up to you to make it happen.
Freedom, peace and justice.
Freedom, peace and just us.
And that's what the youth revolution is.
Just us.
Not those old clowns that want everything.
See you next week.
Thanks for tuning in.
Viva Derch!
We have the technocrats are controlling the food supply.
Secure your own safe source of food supply sale.
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And it's just good to have that checkbox taken care of, and you know you're getting good food at a very good price, and you know that a small percentage of it, because there's not much profit in this, goes to us to fund our operation.
So, preparewithalex.com or InfoWars.com.
We're good to go.
Anybody listening to my voice can simply search into the term Davos Group, technocracy, we're technocrats.
You'll get Klaus Schwab and Jean-Claude Juncker and all the New World Order globalists like Xi Jinping saying,
That they no longer want elected leaders over governments.
That they want businessman technocrats over them.
And that's who Klaus Schwab is.
You might want to look into the guy that says they've launched the COVID-19 lockdowns to bankrupt you and make you poor.
You might want to find out who this supervillain is.
You see, he believes, because he's hidden it in plain view, and you're not speaking out against it, that he has a right to do it to you.
You might want to find out who he works for.
He works directly for Prince Charles.
He developed, since the 80s, the plan for global sustainability.
That means worldwide neo-feudalism.
It is what works.
So you might want to find out how he talks about using vaccines to sterilize you, before you take those shots.
You might just want to find out who this villain is, alright?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.