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Filename: 20210117_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 17, 2021
1633 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories related to political events and current affairs. He accuses leftist groups of being responsible for the attack on the US Capitol and criticizes Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor for claiming that Americans have no right to claim election fraud. Jones also talks about chemtrails and how they are part of a secret science dictatorship's agenda, using Hollywood as an example. He promotes various products available on his website, including a fluoride-free charcoal mouthwash and pollen block.

It's Sunday, January 17th, the year is 2021.
We are three days from the Communist Chinese agent Joe Biden being installed and his massive levels crackdown designed to bring us into a permanent depression for social re-engineering.
But InfoWars has discovered the documented evidence of who exactly attacked the Capitol and who led the false flag.
It's all coming up today.
You do not want to miss one second of this broadcast, my Paul Reveres.
However you're listening, tell everyone you know, tune in now.
It's all about the Great Reset.
This year's Davos is very, very different to all the previous ones.
The World Economic Forum, along with the United Nations, along with the International Monetary Fund, and along with any number of prominent globalist organizations and powerful individuals, including Prince Charles, together,
have jointly promised that the 2021 World Economic Forum will be used to introduce, via a vast network of connected big tech corporations, online activist movements and compliant local and national governments, something they call the Great Reset.
It is a global commitment they have made to use the panic and fear
generated by the coronavirus as a means to reshape all our economies and laws and move to a new form of capitalism that focuses on net zero emissions.
And this is real evil we're facing.
And so folks need to understand that it's coming in to shut everything down.
There's a global revolution against the New World Order.
Globalism is a consortium of corporations that do not want free market.
They want fascist monopoly to carry out eugenics.
The world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Australia's vaccine regulator says it's investigating reports of deaths among elderly patients in Norway who have received the Pfizer jab.
I call them globalists because they call themselves globalists starting in the 70s, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Globalists believes in global government, not international man and libertarianism and you can travel and live wherever you want and there's standardized systems.
I'm all for that as long as it's free market and as long as people agree to it and it's not authoritarian.
But the Great Reset, and saying you're not essential, and shutting down small businesses, and coming with forced inoculations, and all of this is authoritarian globalism.
Technocracy in their own words.
One of the features of this forced industrial revolution is that it doesn't change what we are doing, but it changes us.
This is criminal, what's happening.
And this is all the Great Reset, this is all the UN World Government takeover.
This is 21st century war.
And these are the guys that say we can't have national borders,
And that we gotta take migrants, quote, into our homes.
Outnumbered and facing thousands of people determined to enter Guatemala.
It doesn't take long for these Hondurans to push through the lines of soldiers at Guatemala's eastern Amur border and press on.
Their aim?
To reach the United States.
Many were held up after not presenting IDs or asked for proof of a negative coronavirus test before entering.
But many ignored the formal crossing, instead illegally breaching the border nearby.
We've all got to have COVID passports to travel even inside the country and not even start your car.
That's where all this is going.
It's all being announced.
It's insane.
We have Jack Dorsey caught secretly by Project Veritas communicating with, he believes, the top executives at Twitter.
We are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account.
And it's going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, the next few weeks.
It's going to go on beyond the inauguration.
We have to expect that.
We have to be ready for that.
So the focus is certainly on this account and how it ties to real-world violence.
But also, we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time.
I don't believe this is going away anytime soon.
We've got the Mexican President coming out and saying he's going to lead a global movement, Trump should have done this, to stop big tech from abusing the people and censoring everyone and that this is a criminal combine that's one of the greatest dangers the world's ever seen.
That's what Ted Cruz says too.
I'm just thinking, God, every day that I'm not them and not involved in the incredible evil they're involved in.
Because these are enslaved, demonically controlled people.
Ladies and gentlemen, the video is called The Great Reset Button Has Been Pushed.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
InfoWars is a critical organization.
I think so.
2020 prices before the prices go up on high quality storable food with huge discounts as big as $850 discount on a year's supply of food at InfoWareStore.com.
So take advantage of these sales right now at InfoWareStore.com while you still can.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
About two hours ago, I was sitting in the parking lot of the office and I'm not name-dropping, but two big household names sent me a clip you're about to see.
I walked through that door.
One of the crew members came up and said, have you seen the footage inside the Capitol?
I said, yeah, I just watched it out in my car in the parking lot.
Then the phone rang again.
It was my wife.
She'd just seen it.
Then the boom operator and camera controller walked in and he said, have you seen the video?
I said, I've seen the video.
Then another crew member walked up and said, have you seen the video?
It's got 500,000 views in like an hour since then.
We're about to show you this.
We're going to archive it at InfoWars.com, but this is really waking everybody up.
I'm getting chills.
And since I was sent this video two hours ago, we did a little poking around the crew did and found stuff even worse.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us for three days left of the Trump presidency and facing the installation of the Chinese communist, globalist, puppet, cryptkeeper, New World Order frontman, Joe Biden.
But wow!
This video we're about to play is huge.
And the invasion of 7,000 with the latest migrant caravan smashing across the
Southern border of Guatemala on its way to Mexico, all of that ties together.
And then, a week and a half after the attack, the insurrection, the New Pearl Harbor, as they're calling it and exaggerating it a million times, well now, independent researchers have been able to dig through and identify who really attacked the Capitol.
Now we knew it was Antifa and told you that the day of the event.
We told you who the operator was, where he came from in Utah, how he led over 100 antifoot addresses to Trump supporters.
But I told you, I said, I saw folks that didn't look like meth-head antifoot on the videos.
I got there about 30 minutes after it started at the Capitol, that looked like right-wingers.
You know, that didn't look like they'd been grown in their mother's basement.
Looked like they'd actually had some steak and potatoes and done a little fighting.
And sure as hell, we identified who they were.
They were telling the crowd they were Proud Boys, but I checked them, they weren't Proud Boys.
They were Boogaloos.
We've got a whole bunch of their Facebooks and their Twitters and their admissions of how they planned it and what they did.
And they're a left-wing group that works with Black Lives Matter.
They call themselves Accelerationists.
They want a civil war.
So, we also have that main contingent that broke through with Antifa.
And it's just so incredible because you try to get this out, the only place it gets out is here.
Gateway Pundit's got an article about it, you name it, but now it's very clear what went on and what happened.
But let's hit the first big one I just told you about.
You can bet your bottom dollar you'll be seeing this on Tucker Carlson tomorrow night because Tucker's the first one to send it to me.
I'm going to leave it at that.
You know, those that are in Fight Club, don't talk about Fight Club.
You know, the second rule of Fight Club, don't talk about Fight Club.
But I send him stuff, he sends me stuff.
This comes in, but then again, it starts coming in from everybody.
What you know is going to go mega viral when, you know, ten people an hour tell you about something.
Your phone's ringing, they're not just texting you.
And here is the Q Shaman, who I think is a well-meaning person.
Because the Q folks were the ones that just went in there and everything was fine, and they weren't really violent.
They were sucked in by the Boogaloos and Antifa.
But they were the photo op people.
And so here comes the Q shaman who we had on last week.
He's in jail right now.
He diverged me out.
Maybe we should pay his bail.
He was non-violent.
Hell, when Antifa or BLM take over buildings or police stations or burn them down, it's called good.
I mean, the Q shaman doesn't deserve to be in jail.
I want to talk to him when Biden's in on Wednesday afternoon and see if he can get through his brainwashing of the pacification network that Q is to make you not take action.
But I'm done talking about that for now.
The footage you're about to see is on InfoWars.com.
I hope you share it there because they'll probably pull it off Twitter.
But it's just now being uploaded hours ago on Twitter of the Q shaman coming in with three or four other people.
One guy's been shot in the face with rubber bullets for no reason.
And when the cop asked him to leave, there's more video came up, they left!
Did a photo op and left.
This is the insurrection, the armed insurrection, as bad as Pearl Harbor, and all you got is four dead citizens and a cop that died of a heart attack two days later.
Ashley Babbitt shot in the face, all of it.
And this is why they have armed checkpoints around the Capitol and fences and hundreds of armored vehicles and F-16 wings and all of it because of what we're about to supposedly show you.
So, understand, over 100 Antifa with over 50 Boogaloos.
Broke through, gave people weapons, tried to provocateur them.
We have new footage that I forgot to tell you guys, Gateway Pundit has it.
Remember when we showed what we thought was Antifa handing weapons out through the window?
No, it was Boogaloos.
And then we have the cops letting the Boogaloos go back out through the window.
So, we have it all, folks.
We have the total anatomy of how this false flag worked.
And then in come the Q people.
Staying in the velvet ropes, doing what the police tell them, and they all get arrested.
While the Boogaloos and the Antifa scurry off to safety.
If you're a radio listener, we're sending out screams at band.video and mfortworse.com.
We have it all.
We're actually showing you every exhibit that we're laying out here.
They get a few people all fired up in the mob mentality to come in that were just regular drum supporters?
But hundreds of thousands were outside and the media showed you a few violent things inside and a woman being killed inside by the police, by the feds, and then said that that entire mob was attacking.
And that's a scary image archetypally.
A couple hundred thousand people coming to attack you.
That is a archetypal, instinctive memory of anybody that's, you know, had ancestors that went through it.
And so you see it as a threat.
I got there and they said they breached the Capitol and I saw hundreds of thousands.
I thought, somebody's gonna get killed.
Stop this now.
But 99% plus did not go in.
Divide out of 200,000 conservatively, 200 that went in.
I mean, that's maximum.
So here, ladies and gentlemen,
Is the video of the Q Shaman and a few others coming in peacefully to the Capitol, and then they talk a few minutes, and they leave when one cop asked them to.
One cop that did not stand down.
We need a foyer thing on this.
One cop did his job.
Please leave.
Absolutely, sir, we'll leave.
Here it is.
F***ing hey, man.
Glad to see you guys.
You guys are f***ing patriots.
Look at this guy.
He's got covered in blood.
God bless you.
Do you need medical attention?
You good, sir?
I'm good, thank you.
All right.
I got shot in the face.
I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
Any chance I could get you guys to leave the Senate wing?
I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place.
We will.
Okay, I just want to let you guys know this is, like, the safest place.
I know, I know.
For this opportunity to stand up for our God given unalienable rights.
So he says a prayer, thanks the police, and they leave.
And now all these videos are coming out.
This is the most bloody insurrection in world history.
Bigger than World War II.
Bigger than Lenin.
Bigger than Stalin.
Bigger than Mao.
Bigger than Hitler.
This is the ultimate insurrection in the new Pearl Harbor.
And then there's more videos posted in 4Wars.com.
They leave.
Because one cop asked them to.
Meanwhile, a few people believe they were on a mission for Q, went into deeper areas of the Senate, where the Vice President was, and that's why, and Schumer, and that's why they killed him.
Killed the lady, but it's wrong, it's terrible, they killed her, it's wrong.
Led by the Antifa commander, who said,
He would lead them into this with a hundred antifa dressed as Trump supporters.
But they, again, couldn't have done it without the Q people who were just all jolly in there to say prayers and there to declare the storm was here.
But the one Q lady, Ashley Babbitt, she was all hyped up.
She had to get in there.
She had to do the citizen's arrest.
She had to, I mean, she was screaming and yelling, breaking through a barricaded up doors and they killed her.
And it's terrible she died, but that's it!
The most deadly attack in world history is an unarmed woman screaming!
And now the heroes killed her, and there's 30,000 troops and hundreds of armored vehicles and F-16 wings!
And the whole nation's going under martial law because a woman broke glass on a window and screamed!
That's the end of America!
The end of the First Amendment!
CNN saying take down Fox News!
Take down OAN, Newsmax, Infowars!
Just ban everything!
I want to ban everything!
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And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Everything is coming to a head.
Good and evil are battling it out across the planet.
In the skies and on the ground, it's all unfolding.
And we have come so far against the new world order.
The global government reset, wanting to make you poor, wanting to make you sick, wanting to make you dead, is out in the open.
That's coming up next hour.
It's, oh hey, yeah, we are using this to make you poor.
It's good.
We are going to change your genetics.
You have no right!
We are going to inject you and change your very DNA.
It is incredible.
Mainstream news is just telling everything now.
Overwhelming you to get you to give up.
We're not going to give up.
We've been proven right.
This is authoritarian.
We're going to fight back.
We're not going to break our will.
And we're going to fight back, not with deadly poison vaccines, not with chemtrails, not with pedophilia, not with all the aggressive New World Order that the globalists attack us with, but with love and justice and freedom and boycotts and civil disobedience and promoting the truth and free speech!
So if you just joined us, this video is going viral.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's also on NationalFile.com.
They actually had it before even Tucker Carlson sent it to me.
This just broke like three hours ago.
It's already up to almost a million views.
I checked it during the break.
Literally one cop asked two shaman protesters to leave the Senate on January 6th, and he was successful three minutes later.
Did you hear that?
So they had hundreds of thousands of people there.
Trump said, go to the Capitol, be peaceful.
None of the media shows you that.
They couldn't hear Trump's speech.
There was over a million people.
Hundreds of thousands came to the Capitol.
They're there.
Antifa was already there in the morning before Trump even spoke, starting a fight.
Trump's a mile and a half away.
They begin to attack, and then the Boogaloos, which again are quote right-wing, but they're against the Proud Boys and they want a civil war.
Posing as them, they then come and attack and hand out weapons and knock the few cops down that had their numbers cut that day.
They've been told to be on traffic control around the city.
And so, we're talking 20-30 riot cops get overrun by the Antifa and by the Boogaloos, and then the crowd of hundreds of thousands doesn't know what's going on, but we have all the videos of patriots beating up Antifa and Boogaloos, not letting them get in.
But it didn't matter.
Once the doors were open, the people went in.
A few hundred, they followed the velvet ropes.
A few agitators knocked out windows into the Senate and House.
You could get the images of the feds pointing guns at them.
One woman got shot.
A few others had heart attacks.
But that's what happens.
You go to a football game with 100,000 people, there might be two or three deaths every time from heart attacks or getting stumbled over or the championship happens and 20 cars get burnt and 60-something businesses get broken into.
I mean, you've seen it.
You'll hear about seven deaths last night when such-and-such won the NBA championship.
Or, God forbid, there be a soccer championship in Europe.
Tell you what, whole cities, hundreds dead.
Is it the end of the world?
They had yellow vest demonstrations for over a year.
Hundreds dead.
That's a non-issue.
America's over.
Free speech is over.
They may convict Trump in the Senate with the impeachment going forward.
They're talking about kicking Senator Cruz and Senator Hawley out, saying they're seditious because they challenged the elections and the Constitution.
Something Democrats did four years ago.
This is insane.
All based on what Chuck Schumer calls a new Pearl Harbor as bad as Pearl Harbor.
What, four citizens died and then one cop from a heart attack two days later?
I mean, this is crazy!
You have riots when somebody wins a game, all these deaths, that's no big deal.
You had millions of migrants funded by the UN three years ago breaking across our border, in some cases hundreds dying a day in the process, police and migrants, and that was, oh, not a big deal.
Members of the Democratic Party, like Gerald Nadler, saying Antifa doesn't exist, ladies and gentlemen.
But oh, this is the biggest thing in the world.
This was white supremacists attacking, trying to burn down the U.S.
But it was a known Antifa leader, who's been arrested but now released without bail, who was inside leading it, saying burn everything down, but he failed.
So let's go over it.
Here is the goofy guy, you know, with the
Bison horns on his head that was non-violent.
Maybe he gets a trespassing ticket, 500 bucks.
Maybe he does a week of community service.
No, he's still in jail.
Last time I heard, he's charged with all sorts of evil.
Here he is, walking into the Senate, going, yeah, all right, yeah!
And then the cop says, will you please leave?
And a few minutes later, he does.
Here it is.
F***ing A, man.
Glad to see you guys.
You guys are f***ing patriots.
Look at this guy.
He's got covered in blood.
God bless you.
Do you need medical attention?
You good, sir?
You all right?
I'm good, thank you.
I got shot in the face.
I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
Any chance I could get you guys to leave the Senate wing?
We will.
I've been making sure that I ain't disrespecting the place.
Okay, I just want to let you guys know, this is like the sacredest place.
I know, I know.
It's sacred.
And so, because it's the will of the people, right?
And a few minutes later, another dozen or so show up, but the one cop's able to get them to leave.
So you just saw the most deadly attack in U.S.
You just saw something bigger than the Trojan War, bigger than World War II, bigger than World War I, bigger than the Civil War.
You just saw why America has to end.
Now let's get serious.
coroner still doesn't know why people died on January 6th, even as Congress claims deaths caused by protest.
One was the cop shooting somebody.
All the rest were heart attacks and strokes.
Outrage that for 10 days we still don't know very little about the deaths of four Trump supporters in the U.S.
Why is that?
And it goes on from there.
But let's play this next.
Over 7,000 strong migrant caravan inches closer to the U.S.
border as Biden vows to end Trump asylum.
And this will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, like hit Europe.
It's the U.N.
As soon as they knew Biden would let them in, they began the march out of a U.N.
camp in Honduras into Guatemala.
Here it is.
Countries in Central America have ramped up their border controls as thousands of migrants from Honduras and Guatemala are heading to the U.S.
for a new life.
The region is reeling from a growing hunger crisis after hurricanes hit, as well as violence and lockdown measures that disrupted the job markets.
On Friday, the first migrant caravan of the year departed Honduras.
Small skirmishes broke out between Honduran security forces and migrants at the border with Guatemala as night fell.
But groups of migrants continued to trickle past the border, even as Guatemalan military detained hundreds of migrants, including many families with young children.
Guatemalan officials estimate around 6,500 people to be heading north to the US.
Dora Sanchez is one of them.
We just want a chance to work.
We are defeated.
We have nothing.
Okay, so what did I tell you 10-11 months ago about 5,000 times like a crazy parrot on methamphetamines?
The U.N.
is collapsing the third world with COVID lockdowns, not letting them grow flowers that we buy in the markets out of Latin America, Africa, you name it, not letting us buy food, vegetables, grains.
And they're going to come here when it collapses and the U.N.'
's going to run it.
And then the U.N.'
's going to organize the global crisis out of this and drive down wages here in the United States and Europe.
It's all an admitted plan.
I mean, Klaus Schwab decades ago wrote the proposals.
That's why he was brought in as a scientist to head it up.
He's a high-tech general running this attack.
War doesn't look like it did in Vietnam or Korea or the Gulf War.
This is modern war.
This is globalist war against the nation-state.
So wear your mask and take your vaccines and roll over and die.
But remember this, submission only makes it worse.
This is the end of America.
In the next two years, the country will not exist.
Q is a Bolshevik operation.
Q is a relaunch of Operation Trust that the Soviets used in the 1920s to identify who their opposition was.
That's what George Orwell wrote in 1984 that was about a futuristic, Stalinistic world government system.
He talked about Immanuel Goldstein, who was the supposed leader of the resistance, but really worked for the controllers to be able to identify anyone that was a dissident.
That's what's happening.
So the storm of Q is real.
It's a globalist martial law takeover of America.
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but you have been had.
I was suspicious of it, knew what it was early on, but did not realize it was the main thrust.
The main thrust of the globalist takeover is Operation Trust 2.0.
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Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
InfoWars is a critical organization.
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
So now, major news organizations that aren't completely in the hands of the globalists, like Infowars and others,
A few pockets of resistance like Tucker Carlson are going through the hours and hours of footage and putting it all together by timestamp that there were maybe 30 fights or so in the entrance to the Capitol and six or seven inside.
And it was Antifa that smashed the cop in the door.
We know their name.
They've been arrested.
It was Antifa led the attack.
We know their name.
John Sullivan.
We know all this.
It's coming out.
And so, it's surprising they couldn't get a crowd of hundreds of thousands, like you see on that shot of your TV viewer, incredible footage, to do more damage.
It shows the incredible control of this crowd.
And then all the footage we've got of patriots beating up Antifa, dressed up as patriots, to stop them from entering the building.
So when I showed up 30 minutes into this and told people, don't go in, they're like, yeah, we know, we're not going in.
So everybody knows about the BLM people that have been arrested and the Antifa folks.
And we're talking leaders of it who bragged they were going there to attack the Capitol to blame Trump.
It's more than 20.
He bragged on Twitter.
He bragged everywhere.
It's on record.
His brother has come out and exposed him as planning this.
He's in the news now.
His brother is really upset.
His dad is a three-star general.
Very interesting.
So all of this is going on
And now we have the articles with the screenshots of the Boogaloos bragging that they did all this.
And we have the footage of it.
We'll talk about this in just a moment.
But first, ladies and gentlemen, let's look at 7,000, if they're telling you 7,000 migrants from a U.N.
center in Honduras coming across the Guatemalan border, where they mask them, they prepare them, they brainwash them, they politically tell them, go to the U.S., they tell them where the safe houses are.
They're mainly military-age men.
They bring women up and children up the front.
And they open up these giant invasion corridors, just like 3 million, 4 million Muslims last few years got into Europe.
Then the government says, if you want your universal income, you gotta house these people in your home.
It's all about to drive down wages, break down society.
We have more troops than we have in the Middle East right now.
In Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Syria, in Israel, in Egypt, in all the Middle East.
There's not even 10,000 troops.
There's close to 30,000 troops.
As of last night, I checked the numbers, there were 28,000 U.S.
troops in Washington, D.C.
More than 100 armored vehicles.
More than 400 armored Humvees.
A wing of F-16 fighters.
And the whole town's under martial law.
The bridges are locked down.
They're blocking the bridges starting tomorrow out of Virginia and Maryland.
I mean, that's martial law for nothing.
For Trump, knowing his crowds are peaceful, hey, he just had the big crowd in front of him.
March down there, be peaceful.
Trump Jr.
said it as well.
And let them know that we are the majority and we know this was election fraud.
They want to change the subject from all the evidence of election fraud that's totally confirmed now onto all of this.
Simply disgusting.
But, I was outside the building while this was happening, and I'm like, there's hundreds of thousands of people here, they've attacked the Capitol?
I had no idea what was going on.
It was no more than 150 people, most of them peaceful, and four of them got killed inside.
So you think about that.
There's close to 30,000 troops, hundreds of armored vehicles of different types, F-16s, everything in D.C.
Over Antifa that came and attacked some cops and made the riot police come out and attack the general crowd.
The general crowd kind of fought back, pushed up a mob mentality, and then it was Antifa and Buggaloo that broke in, and then they said, hey, trust the plan, arrest Pelosi, and the Q folks went in nonviolently as the useful idiots.
So this is the martial law of the wall that is built right now.
In Washington D.C., there's a wall there for Congress, there's a wall around their gated neighborhoods, but you don't get a wall.
After the U.N., 10 months ago, 11 months ago, shuts down the third world, where, I mean, in Latin America and Africa, they couldn't even leave their houses for six months.
People starved to death.
And they told him, oh don't worry, we've got U.N.
It's not like I'm just saying this now.
I told you hundreds of times, hundreds, that this is part of the Great Replacement, the Great Migration, the U.N.
uses people as a weapon, they turn their food off, they turn their jobs off.
You just think you're staying home for a few months and okay, it's a vacation.
No, it's collapsing the border.
When you become poor, the third world starves to death.
When the first world collapses, the third world dies.
How many times did I drill that into your head?
And now in Europe, and now in the US, everywhere the borders are collapsing.
And giant third world populations that don't have jobs and don't have infrastructures are coming here to do what?
Collapse the infrastructure.
First they get you to not go to work.
Next they get you to say you're not essential.
Next they shut down Main Street.
Next they shut down the side streets.
Then they come in and tell you that you've got to open your borders up because the third world's starving to death en masse and then they get here and they're organized into political weapons and political groups that from the beginning were trained for up to a year in a UN refugee camp in Marxist-Leninist ideology projected by Mark Zuckerberg
Projected by Jeff Bezos.
Projected by all them on record, commanding it.
Well, they're offshore and tax exempt.
And Communist China doesn't take one migrant.
And Communist China has three million Muslims in death camps, and a million Christians and Buddhists in death camps, and that's all okay.
But we're supposed to open our borders up and take in tens upon tens of millions as the entire third world population
is based on agriculture, mining, timber, and the big one, tourism.
And now the tourism's gone.
The tourism's gone in Africa.
The tourism's gone in Latin America.
The Caribbean is just shut down.
You can't even get into most Caribbean islands if you want to fly down there and get some sun.
Those people are just sitting there for 10, 12 months, and they're saying, sorry, it's going to go on for years, but you can get on an airplane.
And fly to one of a dozen spots in North America, and South America, and Central America, and more than that in Europe, where the U.N.
will give you a debit card, this is all in Reuters, from George Soros with taxpayer money, of $1,000 to $5,000 to get you into the U.S., and you're gonna be allowed in!
You're gonna fly in, you're gonna march in, you're gonna do it all, and Joe Biden just said, last week he said, I'm gonna give amnesty to 11 million people,
The day I get inaugurated, I'm signing the executive order.
And then he said, and by the way, we're going to do another $20 million after that.
And they opened up that UN Refugee Center, because Trump had blocked it at the border, and they hit us and hit us hard.
And a lot of them are kidnapped children that are actually there in sex trade.
And a lot of them are bringing in coke and heroin and everything else, but it doesn't matter.
Because this is a takedown, a communist takedown of America.
The average dumbass is out there wearing their mask and glathered up to go to work thinking, well, I'll just get another government check.
When they're done with you, baby, you're going to be living on the street.
Because this is the takeover, this is modern warfare using giant third world starving hordes that have been put in the position of starvation or invasion and the UN is going to manage with the left every damn bit of it.
And they're going to swamp your red city, they're going to swamp your red town, and they're going to take your ass over because you're under military attack.
And they're shutting down all our communications and now they're coming after your banking
Because you're under attack.
Do you think I just came up here and told you all this was coming to lie to you?
You think I like the FBI with magnifying glasses down my ass?
You think I want to go to prison?
Here's the difference.
I will not be a liar.
I will tell the truth.
So all you men in America that like to
Polish your sports car and play golf, and you think it's up to dumb men like me to be politically involved?
Well, I've been protecting your ass.
Well, guess what, all you little smarty-pants, uh, you know, yuppie men?
You're all going to join the Globalists and organize the migrants who control them against us.
We know that.
And so you are going to be the target of political retribution.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
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Hey, Alex, how you doing, man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I've been trying to get ahold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said, man, I got to get on that show and give him an update.
I said, if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm going to tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now, look, I'm 64 years old going on 20, thanks to the
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know, we didn't screen your call, we had no idea, and I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
The Resistance, not video.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Ban.video, and hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
But Soros and Bill Gates and the globalists are on our tail.
We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I've interviewed all the experts.
I have looked at every facet of this.
And now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order and
Now, use the already martial law in place for COVID-19, and that's what it is, to then be expanded and become political and become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses, they train you to be tracked, they train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels, and now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not going to be martial law for Trump.
There's going to be martial law for the globalist.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order and expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
With truth.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I've told you this probably 10,000 times and I'll tell you again, you're going to be here one day when the world government makes its move.
With lockdowns, martial law, forced inoculations, race war, false flags, and now you're here.
At least we knew it was coming, we know who's behind it.
There's so many flavors of information out there.
Thousands of them.
Most of them are people's own imaginations.
You know, the ancient Greeks thought that they didn't have their own imagination.
They thought that they were lusting after somebody.
It was Athena.
They wanted to go to war.
It was Mars.
They wanted to build a sword.
It was Festus or Vulcan.
Imagine people today don't even know where their thoughts come from.
They just sit there and allow themselves to be completely programmed.
Well, I'm not about that.
I have emotion once I intellectually, scientifically decide what's really going on, what's pro-human, what's good for people, what works, what does God want, what does our basic genetic code say we should do.
And then I emotionally promote that because that's what reaches people.
And it's not an act.
I mean, I'm an emotional person.
Emotional person having sex with my wife.
Emotional person eating a plate of enchiladas or looking at a beautiful sunset or sunrise.
But what I'm getting at is you have to know yourself and control your mind and be aware of who you are or somebody else will control you.
So let's get into it right now.
Boogaloo Boy, leader who aligns with Black Lives Matter, posted about organizing armed insurrection at U.S.
Capitol at the time on Twitter.
Because, you know, Twitter lets you do that.
This is really a leftist group of accelerationists that are trying to demonize American gun owners and create this crisis.
They say they're Boogaloo Boy teams have been activated in Virginia, and we currently have four fire teams inside the Capitol and seven more outside.
And we witnessed it, and that is exactly who did it.
And they would tell people they were Proud Boys.
But they were allowed, and footage we'll show you right now.
After entering the Capitol, the police would turn their backs and allow them out, because the police were told to stand down.
Let's roll some of that payroll footage for TV viewers.
And then meanwhile, Uber hides ad featuring left-wing activist.
Yeah, let's just fade the audio out here.
Charged in Capitol Riot, John Sullivan and his daddy, the three-star general.
He was featured in an Uber ad.
He's such a little movie star.
He's been arrested in other areas of the country.
Staging events.
Isn't daddy proud.
But now they're trying to hide the ad.
It's all the big corporations, all the big money.
We're the resistance, they're the establishment.
And so as CNN calls for censorship and competition and is joined by Facebook saying, yeah, shut down OAN, shut down Newsmax, they really mean shut you down.
They're already trying to shut us down.
A news organization saying shut down their competition.
And every time they say it, it magically happens to thousands of groups of people.
And Congress and Trump and the Republicans didn't defend this, but now they want Ted Cruz expelled.
They want Josh Hawley expelled.
Oh, there'll be action now, because now the establishment realizes they're set up.
Senator Paul said to Mitch McConnell today, he said, if you go ahead with the trial of Trump, when he clearly did nothing, you'll destroy the Republican Party.
And if you go ahead against Josh Hawley,
A senator and Cruz for still holding a vote as they said they would that's in the Constitution about the electors, the certification that day after the quote Pearl Harbor mass murder attack, the biggest in U.S.
history, which it wasn't.
Then you will destroy the Republican Party.
Hey, Senator Paul!
I knew you back when you were campaigning for your daddy in 1995.
You're a smart guy.
Don't you figure it out yet?
That's what Mitch McConnell's mission is, son.
They're scared of the populism.
They're scared of the nationalism.
They're scared of the awakening, and they want everything shut down.
So you're not in business as usual, Paul.
None of you are!
You're in a war!
In a globalist takeover!
In the end of the republic!
In a Great Reset shutdown!
The Australians have said that!
They were not joining the U.S.
With Joe Biden and the great reset to bankrupt our country for China, under the coronavirus hoax.
But really, you follow the hoax?
Bigger than any other country.
But see, the Prime Minister doesn't control the blue cities under Chinese control.
And that's why Australia's fighting so hard, because they've already lost.
Unless they admit there's been a Chinese takeover, they have no hope.
Pompeo came out today, and he said, we're not in a Cold War, China has basically taken over.
The Australian Prime Minister has said the same.
That's why this is happening.
Julian Assange from prison said the Q movement is a pacification movement to make you think you're invincible and that Trump's invincible when Trump's in grave danger.
And he was right a year ago, he was right last month, and I was right as well.
I'm not mad at you that you like Q. Q took on all the things that are real that we talk about, but made it where it was secret and esoteric.
None of this is about being esoteric or being secret.
It's about being out in the open.
So I'm going to start the next hour.
Videos, arrested, suspected BLM agent provocateur at the Capitol.
More videos coming out?
Oh, look, even Zero Hedge, who's a great folks, gets it wrong.
Like, look at the, look at the Proud Boy Boogaloos.
Don't even know the group.
Oh, look, they're wearing rainbow flags and Black Lives Matter Antifa shirts.
And they say that, oh, the Proud Boys are going to attack because this group is calling themselves the Proud Boys.
My God, they're even wearing rainbow flags so the cops know not to stop them and Antifa outfits.
And then even our own people go, look,
It's the Proud Boys!
They're gonna blow up the Capitol on the 20th.
And the dudes are Antifa with rainbow flags on.
Just incredible.
Antifa militant leader arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters during inauguration says he received Soros money.
And now the FBI has to admit Patriots weren't planning to kill and murder people inside.
They were set up.
So we knew a false flag was coming.
I thought they detonated a truck bomb out of a mass shooting and say that Patriots said it.
Instead they had Antifa and Boogaloos lead the attack, which Twitter still lets them announce they've done.
And the rest is history.
So yeah, we stood up against election fraud.
We walked into a trap.
What are we supposed to do?
Just roll over?
But you see, as Mark Twain said, a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.
But that's okay, because in the end, truth is going to come out, and the globalists are going to get in major trouble.
But boy.
Facebook is announcing the banning of all self-defense training, all body armor, all gun accessories.
You knew it was coming.
The state gets all the body armor, they get all the defense training, but you don't.
And CNN calls, along with Facebook, for the removal of Newsmax and OAN off of the cable dial.
And you know it's going to happen.
And they say, we can't let Americans organize.
Before it was always for some made-up reason.
Now it's just, we can't let America organize.
And then Stelter has guests on going, there are lots of talk radio hosts and YouTube hosts that have bigger audiences than us!
Talk about racketeering.
Talk about Sherman antitrust.
Talk about monopolies.
Talk about oligopolies.
Talk about cartels.
Talk about criminal activity.
I mean, this is it.
This isn't like creeping towards North Korea or lurching towards communist China or remembering Stalinist Russia or Hitler's Germany.
This is the big 21st century American version.
And it's all weird, disreputable.
Creatures, because that's all they can get, because there's such virtue in humanity that no good-looking, no well-spoken, no honorable man will even serve this.
But it still doesn't matter, because just because honorable men don't take the field and don't join the enemy, the enemy goes, great, because you didn't join the fight.
And the fight is informational, it's cultural, it's spiritual, and it's about boycotting, and it's about information war, and it is about
Non-compliance, it is about civil disobedience, and it won't matter.
They're gonna hurt you so bad because they have a nature, like a child molester's gotta rape a child, or a murderer's gotta kill.
They just have this drive and this desire, and they've gotta have power over you, and they've gotta inject you, and they've gotta shut your farm down, and they've gotta shut your business down, and they've gotta see their stock go up at Amazon, and their stock, and they've just gotta do it, and they've just gotta put you down!
They can't help it!
And they're gonna go and go and go and go and go!
They can't ever stop till you stop them!
They're such liars, Chuckie Schumer and Nadler saying, Antifa doesn't exist!
Oh, the greatest attack since Pearl Harbor!
Thousands dead, killed by Nazis!
And all that was killed was a woman and people having heart attacks.
Who came, they thought, to save America.
Out of a million people that showed up, they had only a hundred unhinged people.
The police stood down, opened the door, and did it all.
But see, big tech hopes you don't know the truth.
They hope this doesn't get out, but see, we're here.
We're still here, thanks to you.
I want to warn all patriots in the United States and across the world that are listening to my voice.
I'm Alex Jones.
I've been in this fight 27 years and I've studied every angle of their operations and I am here to tell you as clear as day they have
Organizations on message boards and other groups posing as patriot leaders and posing as President Trump anonymously telling you to have armed marches in all 50 states coming up on the 20th and before that.
You are being set up.
I was there in D.C.
with a million peaceful people and I watched Antifa and other leftist groups pose as our people and set us up.
Thank God the Patriots did not engage in the rioting.
So only a few people did it.
So the thing was a misfire.
It was a dud.
But the left is hungry to declare all Trump supporters terrorists.
And they're planning terrorist attacks and mass shootings on the 20th to blame the American people.
Do not be part of it.
We are peaceful.
We are not violent.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
They look at this mob, they say, that's not me.
I'm nothing like those people.
I would never have done that.
They're all wrong.
Those people voted the way you voted and for who you voted for.
I'm just saying.
Right, but just because you vote for the same people doesn't mean that you believe the same thing.
We're in the same crowd.
Yes it does.
Round two for the ultimate demonization of patriots begins roughly on January 16th as the FBI sets the stage, tying the aims of real right-wing extremism to that of your average law-abiding, America-loving Trump supporter.
The range of criminal conduct is really, I think again, unmatched in any type of scenario that we've seen the FBI or the DOJ.
We're looking at everything from simple trespass, to theft of mail, to theft of digital devices with inside them.
Oh my gosh!
Two shaman walked in and prayed?
You killed a woman?
And while thousands of Central Americans race towards Biden's potentially wide-open U.S.
border, 12-foot walls are going up to replace the 8-foot walls that were there before to keep Americans out, as the National Mall resembles something straight out of a tin pot dictatorship where the government fears the people.
Streets are being blocked off.
The Capitol locked down.
Tensions are high.
Pelosi fronts a movement branding 75 million Trump voters as neo-Nazis simply because one idiot wore an offensive shirt.
Oh, so many disgusting images.
But one figure.
George Soros.
A man in a shirt with Auschwitz on it.
George Soros.
Round up Jews.
To see this punk with that shirt on and his anti-semitism that he has bragged about to be part of a white supremacist raid on his house... Is he with AOC?
...requires us to have an after-acts war.
Or Hilda and Omar.
To assign responsibility to those who are part of organizing it and incentivizing it.
And as thousands of National Guard members prepare to protect the nation's capital from the nation, I'm sure that amongst the ranks, very few of those National Guard have forgotten that just seven months ago, they weren't welcome to protect the President from the Marxist mob.
We don't think that soldiers should be in the nation's capital patrolling or policing streets.
We've made that formal request to the White House.
We have no desire to have any soldier out on the street.
But D.C.
residents can't pay their bills.
So either the Department of the Army or their home states will have to take care of their arrangements.
Mayor Bowser came here to unveil this new Black Lives Matter plaza sign, the new name for 16th and 8th Street outside the White House in Lafayette Square.
Who's in charge?
What is the chain of command?
And by what authority?
While Pelosi stands like a fascist dictator in front of the troops she called on to protect her country club and its members.
What transpires as we move forward toward Biden's tyrannical inauguration will be a circus of radicalism and possible false flag operations in all 50 capitals of the United States.
Late afternoon, the Texas State Capitol grounds were shut down to the public to quote-unquote maintain public order.
DPS, Austin Police and Highway Patrol stood by carefully watching confrontations and verbal threats.
We're not a moral nation anymore.
We're done.
Protestors holding guns, which is legal in Texas.
Why did you bring that with you?
We're not here to start trouble.
We're actually just here to protect people and really just kind of scare them away.
Hopefully without even having to use any force.
This would be an opportunity for all real Trump supporters to stay home or risk handing the full weight of federal subjugation over to a Democratic Party desperate for a reason to re-educate and imprison God-fearing Americans.
FDR was afraid the Japanese had infiltrated the West Coast, even though the Pentagon said it wasn't true.
He knew better.
And so he pushed through his policies, and we made one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century, by taking our own citizens, and listen to this, confiscating their wealth, making sure they couldn't work, shutting them down, and then putting them in camps.
Tucker, this is the road we're on again.
John Bowne reporting.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
InfoWars is a critical organization
I think so.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So there is a paradox in human history that great liberty creates incredible wealth, and then decadence, and that breeds corruption, tyranny, and then collapse, and that's the cycle that many a philosopher, even 2,000, 3,000 years ago, in what is Greece today, and Rome later, and Egypt understood.
So that's where we are, but it doesn't make it any more dangerous what we're facing.
Okay, so we now know Boogaloo groups working for the Feds and Antifa working for the Democrats and the Feds stormed the Capitol, got a few Q people to follow them, but the main groups are Boogaloo and Antifa.
We know their names, we know their groups.
They took advantage of it, they bragged they did it.
Got hundreds of thousands outside, didn't go in.
I mean, it's easy to stampede a crowd or cause a riot.
Look at, you know, any bar fight where people get in a fight and others, you know, trigger it.
That's not just in John Wayne movies where two guys get in a fight and suddenly the whole bar's fighting.
That's how that works.
It's a chain reaction.
But now we've got Brian Stelter and others.
Coming out and saying, with Facebook executives, hey, we can't let any conservative or nationalist, because they're so violent after the Capitol event, we can't let them have any voice or anywhere to talk.
And they go on in a long, hour-long report.
We're going to play a few minutes over here to say, we just have to figure out how to re-educate them.
How do we deprogram them?
They love us so much.
CNN covers up for three million Muslims in death camps in China, and a million Christians and Buddhists, and covers up for Apple, and they cover for all the illegal wars and chemical weapons, and, you know, Brian Stelter, he's just up there like, oh, he's the good guy.
Like, how do we silence them for their own good?
We don't want OAN and Newsmax, which are both milquetoast.
I mean, OAN's better than Newsmax, but give me a break.
It's everything.
They don't, just like Parler, Trump might have gone, oh, Trump might go to Parler?
Well, we'll just ban it!
It's gone.
This is an avalanche.
This is a stampede.
This is a foreign army.
Hitler ended up losing in five years.
What he lined up against
Poland, he lined up against Czechoslovakia, he lined up against Austria, he lined up against France, he lined up and all of them fell quickly.
And finally there was a Winston Churchill, I hate to say it, or a Joseph Stalin, said, no that's not going to happen.
And finally, they were met with resistance.
Can we just recognize we're in a takeover?
Can we just recognize we're in an assault?
Because if you don't do that, you don't have a prayer.
The great news, and I'll cover this coming up at the bottom of the hour, is Australian TV, national TV, the Prime Minister is saying, this is a UN global government takeover using COVID, and we're not going to stand for the Great Reset.
Well, you just went along with the biggest lockdowns ever.
But it was his Blue Cities did it.
The Australians are organizing now to say no.
They've had all these top ministers resign, saying it's all a fraud.
They have the statistics.
Hell, I hired a month ago a major statistician group, but they had to sign an agreement not to say their name.
It was all demonized.
That does major work for national insurance companies.
And I said, we've looked at the COVID deaths.
Looks like 61,000 people.
Extra died in 2020.
They're telling us 300,000.
And if you count population increase, looks like there's actually less deaths per capita this year, 2020, than last year.
They came back two weeks later and they said, yeah, that's exactly right.
In fact, it's worse than you're saying.
We're going to present those numbers very soon.
We've been so busy.
We haven't released them yet because they're very voluminous.
But that's what the Australian
Government high-level national deputy finance head came out and said, like, I can't be part of this.
This is a lie.
It's not true.
They count all the pneumonia, which is bad.
That's the big one, folks.
It's not flu.
And all the flu and the car wrecks and the cancer and the heart attacks in the same damn column.
The average person that dies of COVID worldwide is 84 and a half years old.
They didn't die of COVID, folks.
They died of natural causes and they put COVID on the death certificate because worldwide, because it's all run by the UN and Bill Gates, you get money when you say it's COVID.
But I'm digressing.
Here it is!
CNN calls on cable companies to remove Newsmax and OAN, but it's worse than that.
It's the former executive at Facebook calls for OAN, Newsmax to be deplatformed.
So look, I don't want them to be deplatformed.
I love them.
They're great folks.
But remember, InfoWars is there as well.
So when you tell people, hey, it's Bigby Platform, Newsmax, OAN, InfoWars, Band.Video, don't be ashamed of that.
We're exploding right now, but I want to explode to win.
I don't care about how big we are.
I want to explode to defeat them.
I want OAN to be huge.
I want Newsmax to be huge.
I want Newsmax to be more hardcore.
But yes, promote them, but promote InfoWars.com because it's the real fount of the resistance.
They're trying to get Tucker off the air right now.
So look at these would-be dictators, these slimy monsters, up there with all their fake authority, as a news organization that lies to you, saying they want their competition taken off the air.
Here it is.
We have to work on the broader disinformation problem to try to turn down the anger that you see from that- Pause again, back this up.
They said three years ago that they weren't censoring when they took me off all those platforms.
It's double think, it's gaslighting.
So wait, it didn't- remember, none of this existed, remember?
Oh, but now the election meddling does, and now we've got to stop it.
We're the good little re-education camp operatives.
I mean, think how sick this is.
They are engaged in Soviet, Nazi-level censorship, but they're the good guys trying to stop the hate.
Here it is.
We have to work on the broader disinformation problem to try to turn down the anger that you see from that huge percentage of Republicans who believe that the election was stolen.
Biden denialism is very real and widespread.
So is riot denialism, with people claiming that it was Antifa and all these other crazy lies.
Oh we had thousands of buildings burned down, tens of billions of dollars of damage, 30 plus cops killed, 20 plus, I mean it was huge numbers.
They tried to cover it up.
You, we have Nadler saying Antifa doesn't exist, but Humpty Dumpty, Brian Stelter, we're like 100,000 viewers, he let her bitches, no one watches me!
Well no kidding dude, you look like a child molester!
I'm not saying you are one, but I mean, I'm not letting you babysit my kids bro.
You molest the truth.
I'm sorry, let's go back to it.
Both are happening.
Both are happening from the same platforms and the same pro-Trump media outlets.
Both are problematic.
Chris, what do you say to the following?
We have to be clear-eyed about what is a domestic terror threat, but also very careful not to exaggerate it.
Rewind this again.
Not to overstate it.
Rewind ten seconds.
There's a domestic terror threat.
It's called your speech.
Oh, they killed four Americans at the Capitol.
There was a riot, a small riot.
It's the worst thing since Pearl Harbor.
Well, we gotta be careful not to exaggerate it.
He plays all these games.
Let's go back to this sack of pus.
Chris, what do you say to the following?
We have to be clear-eyed about what is a domestic terror threat, but also very careful not to exaggerate it, not to overstate it, not to create undue fear in this country right now.
I think that's absolutely right.
We've got to be very careful here.
Just because someone may believe that the President did not win the election, or President-elect Biden did not win, or that someone believes in QAnon, doesn't mean that they're going to go pick up arms
Hey, pause again.
It's like we're outlawing him questioning the election, but we don't put him in the FEMA camp right away.
See, that's how you move the Oversight Window.
Like, we kill him and put him in a FEMA camp.
Oh, we don't.
We just shut him down.
And then, oh, we kill him.
This is all psychological scripts they're reading.
Super predatory, super dangerous, super evil.
Is that possible, Alex?
Will there ever be a solution, a real, clear, full solution to this information crisis that has been perpetuated, in my view, by platforms like the one we're used to work for?
Hey, pause again.
Is there a final solution, he's asking?
Like, how do we deal with these people that, like, you know, saw them with suitcases in Georgia, pulling them out and closing things and saying the water main broke and then all these Biden votes come in?
Or Biden can't get 20 people, Trump gets a million, but, you know, what do we do?
What's the solution?
We're going to come back.
I'm going to be nice.
I'm going to play the clip unedited, because by edited, I'm jumping in.
I'm talking over it.
It's just it's hard to look at someone with no viewers.
But it doesn't matter.
It's what the banks... They know that the globalist word is through Stelter.
That's Jeff Zucker.
And so here is this, this, this, this Hitler, this Stalin, this Mao.
I mean, they call us that.
He's the one trying to arrest everybody.
Look, we don't arrest everybody.
Let's be reasonable.
We'll arrest some for the speech.
I mean, I'm Brian Stelter.
I mean, how do we re-educate these people?
The best product, I'm not supposed to be biased, but I'm going to tell you all now, if you haven't tried TurboForce, you need to try it.
I've tried TurboForce with everything.
Sometimes, you know, I went a little bit crazy.
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That was a crazy week.
I don't remember sleeping, but as far as the products go, TurboForce is my favorite, and all the InfoWars products are down to taking control of your life, taking control of your health, not relying on other people to do it for you.
Nobody wakes up in the morning
And thinks, I'm gonna give that person over there a better life.
I'm gonna wake up today, you know what?
I'm gonna spend my entire day trying to make that guy over there healthier, happier, and richer.
I'm gonna make sure he gets a Ferrari and a girlfriend.
I don't think that happens very often.
It's never happened to me.
I've never had anyone knock on my door and said, Tate, you're such a good guy.
How can I improve your life in every single way?
There's only one person who woke up and thought that, and that was me.
I woke up and thought, you know what, okay, I want to take control of my life, I want to take control of my health, and that's why you need to go to Infowars.com, take control of your health right now, and support the resistance.
Don't buy into the groupthink, don't drink the Kool-Aid, drink the TurboForce.
Kool-Aid's bad, the TurboForce is good.
Q is a Bolshevik operation.
Q is a relaunch of Operation Trust that the Soviets used in the 1920s to identify who their opposition was.
That's when George Orwell wrote 1984 that was about a futuristic, Stalinistic world government system.
He talked about Immanuel Goldstein, who was the supposed leader of the resistance, but really worked for the controllers to be able to identify anyone that was a dissident.
That's what's happening.
So the storm of Q is real.
It's a globalist martial law takeover of America.
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but you have been had.
I was suspicious of it, knew what it was early on, but did not realize it was the main thrust.
The main thrust of the globalist takeover is Operation Trust 2.0.
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The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor by design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuilding it, and they're dystopic.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're in a process, ladies and gentlemen.
We accepted the killing of 60-plus million babies in this country, saying we had no rights.
Now they want us to kill all the old people, and the COVID news is coming in that, indeed, that's happening.
It is a euthanasia device.
They're giving these COVID shots to old people above 80, and they are going bye-bye fast.
And major governments are saying, oh, that's okay.
Because they're old.
And Tim Cook's gay.
So it's okay.
But I wanted, without me interrupting, it's so hard to watch this.
I watched the whole 45 minutes, because it's an hour-long show, but 15 minutes of ads, just like our show, any broadcast show has 15 minutes of ads.
And I watched 45 minutes of it this morning and almost threw up, because it aired yesterday.
And I mean, it's just them like, yeah, we just can't let conservatives or Republicans just have a voice.
We have to reeducate them so we have to get rid of every place they can talk.
And they're just, I mean, this is so textbook 1984 and you're just watching these criminals talk about it.
But I'm not going to interrupt them.
Just go ahead and play it unedited.
Just play a few minutes of this.
I'm going to try to shut up.
Go ahead.
We have to work on the broader disinformation problem to try to turn down the anger that you see from that huge percentage of Republicans who believe that the election was stolen.
I'm sorry, stop it again.
Back at the start.
Remember them saying we're not censoring you?
It's made up!
Now it's like, oh Trump might go to parlor, ban them off their servers, ban everyone, ban, I mean, you can't even have body armor sold anywhere!
I mean, it's like, it's crazy how these crooks operate.
And it's all these weird, creepy dudes, like, why do all of them look like the creepiest, slimiest, like if I was a Hollywood producer and I said, I want to create a planet of slimy looking men.
And they'd say, well, sir, what are you looking for?
Brian Stelter's guest.
Like, I want to show disingenuous men that, like, I would teach my daughter, if you see a man looks like this, don't go anywhere near them.
These are fake frauds.
These are bad people.
These are scam artists.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Oh, please, Lord, help me.
Go ahead and roll it.
Go ahead.
We have to work on the broader disinformation problem to try to turn down the anger that you see from that huge percentage of Republicans who believe that the election was stolen.
Biden denialism is very real and widespread.
So is riot denialism, with people claiming that it was Antifa and all these other crazy lies and stuff.
Both are happening from the same platforms and the same pro-Trump media outlets.
Both are happening.
Both are problematic.
Chris, what do you say to the following?
We have to be clear-eyed about what is a domestic terror threat, but also very careful not to exaggerate it, not to overstate it, not to create undue fear in this country right now.
I think that's absolutely right.
We've got to be very careful here.
By the way, back that up five seconds.
I forgot, and my boom operator pointed out, this Kreb guy worked for Trump and said there's no election fraud and got fired for it.
So, like, literally, let's just go back to Kreb.
They don't say, oh, by the way, the guy that stabbed America in the back and helped the fraud happen, here's Kreb.
Remember, this is Kreb the election rapist.
Here he is.
I think that's absolutely right.
We've got to be very careful here.
Just because someone may believe that the President did not win the election, or that President-elect Biden did not win, or that someone believes in QAnon, doesn't mean that they're going to go pick up arms.
Is that possible, Alex?
Will there ever be a solution, a real, clear, full solution to this information crisis that has been perpetuated, in my view, by platforms like the one where you used to work, Facebook, as well as Twitter and others?
It's really hard because what's happening is people are able to seek out the information that makes them feel good.
That is what's happening is that people have so much choice now.
They can choose what their news sources are.
They can choose what influencers they want to follow.
And they can try to seal out anything that helps them question that.
Yes, and I think that gets to a really core issue with how our freedoms as Americans and the way we've treated press freedom in the past is being abused by these actors.
And that we have given a lot of leeway, both in the traditional media and on social media, to people to have a very broad range of political views.
Because again, we've given a lot of leeway in America to people's views, and now this big meg-corporation that takes money from Gulf...
State dictatorships in Communist China, they're going to heal us.
There he is, Trump lashes out at former DHS official, reasserts the election was secure.
And again, now he doesn't just want to steal your vote, now he wants to steal your voice.
Like, who was the bad, the villain in The Little Mermaid?
What was her name?
So his new nickname is Ursula.
Ursula doesn't just want to steal your vote.
Ursula wants to steal your voice.
Once he's got you, he's got you, doesn't he?
So let's go back to Ursula.
Let's hear from Ursula.
...the great economic interest of those individuals to become more and more radical.
And I think that one of the places you can see this is on the fact that you now have competitors to Fox News on their right.
OANN and Newsmax, which are carried by all the major cable networks, who are trying to now outflank Fox on the right because the moment...
Even little shows have more viewers than me!
Immediately, a bunch of people chose... Pause!
Like, I get out on the race car track, there's a hundred race cars, and my car won't start.
I want to stop the fast cars, that big red one that keeps... that blue one, that silver one.
I don't like them.
I want them to be disqualified.
Sorry, let's go back to WWE.
And they can do that both on cable, they can do it online, and that becomes a huge challenge of figuring out how do you bring those people back into the mainstream of fact-based reporting and try to get us all back into the same consensual reality.
And Ken, is that possible?
Yeah, back under your rape farm.
It's hard.
Well, you're my pimp.
I think we've got to do a couple things.
One, there needs to be an intentional work by the social media companies.
Yes, a rape farm.
Collaborating together to work on violent extremism in the same way they worked on... Oh, violent extremism, Kenosha.
Totally run by the deep state.
The globalists launched Islamic State, did it all, then used that to crack down on free speech.
So he's like, we're moving from, we're moving from Islamics, we're moving from Islamic State to men in America.
It goes, let me explain how it works.
It goes from Islam to white males.
Islam to white males.
Islam to white males.
And then, then it'll be every male after that, because that's the real target here, isn't it?
Let's let our little friend finish up.
Mostly young Muslim men at the time around the world.
Now we're talking about domestic audience in the United States.
And the challenge is going to be partially that ISIS did not have a domestic constituency in the United States Congress.
But there is over half of the Republicans in Congress voted to overturn the election.
And there will be... Yes, so half those Republicans are ISIS.
You heard it.
...on the companies to not take it seriously.
So I think first... Which is who you voted for.
And those companies have to be brave in that way.
That's bad.
We were unable to steal the election for those few people.
So we've got to be brave and attack members of Congress.
There are people on YouTube, for example, that have a larger audience than daytime CNN.
And they are extremely radical and pushing extremely radical views.
It's going to get a lot bigger now, dumbass!
Get dumb, frickin' bastard, burn in hell!
Get that piece of filth off my screen.
God Almighty, if we let a piece of trash like that run our lives, we deserve what you get.
He's a reset pimp of literal Nazi Jean-Claude Juncker.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've studied history.
I've interviewed all the experts.
I have looked at every facet of this.
And now, only days until the inauguration of the CHICOM agent, it's all coming into place.
That's how they changed the subject from election fraud.
It's how they changed the subject from Hunter's laptop.
It's how they changed the subject from Epstein and Obama and Al Qaeda and the New World Order and
Now, use the already martial law in place for COVID-19, and that's what it is, to then be expanded and become political and become permanent.
They train you to stay in your houses, they train you to be tracked, they train you to do what you're told for 9-10 months as training wheels, and now they launch the storm.
The storm is here.
It's a globalist storm.
There's not gonna be martial law for Trump.
There's gonna be martial law for the globalists.
They're trying to set you up.
Don't be involved in violence.
Expose the New World Order and expose the takeover with information.
That's how we beat these people.
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The Resistance Dot Video.
The Resistance Dot Video.
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Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Ban.video, and hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
But Soros and Bill Gates and the globalists are on our tail.
I'm good.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There comes a point when powerful organizations and groups decide to make their move.
No matter what happens, they're committed to the fight.
It's called war.
It has a name.
We are now under open globalist attack.
The United States did not see the sneak attack.
I tried to warn people for decades.
People going back to Barry Goldwater, Cleon Skousen, some of the others warned before I was even born.
But Americans were arrogant.
They believed that we were so strong, we could not fall.
We had major rot from within.
And now, we face the prospect of slavery, and massive persecution, and the full thrust of the globalist attack at levels never before seen.
That's why tomorrow, I'm going to do a special transmission that I'm going to title, Is This Alex Jones' Last Broadcast?
Because every day now is precious.
And I can say more now in a day, and do more in a day than I could in 27 years before.
Because now, the now's over.
You can record what I say today, or what I say tomorrow.
You can listen to it in 50 years, or 100 years, or in a thousand years.
It'll be more important then, than when I say it now, because it will unfold.
Well, it's going to be up to you how it unfolds.
So let me give you some good news.
I don't normally air a special report twice.
And we aired this right at the start of the show, first five minutes of every show.
Some stations carry news, some stations don't.
About half our audience tunes in.
The enemy thought they'd take us off the internet and we'd be done.
We had hundreds of radio affiliates who we love and who listeners should support and sponsor and really get behind.
And that's why we're still on air.
But I'm going to air this and then give the actual newscast that this comes from because it's so important.
And this deals with the Great Reset.
And if you don't understand, the Great Reset.
You don't understand what's happening.
I could sit here and talk about drag queen story time all over the Western world, funded by major corporations to have convicted pedophiles come to your school and have your five-year-old son on their lap.
It's an act of dominance.
I could read the giant stack of news I've got about mass death and mass convulsions from the COVID vaccines.
I could read you all these articles I've got about
Government files on QAnon being a disinformation Bolshevik operation.
But if you don't understand the Great Reset and who Klaus Schwab is and who Jean-Claude Juncker is, it's like fighting World War II and not knowing who Hitler is.
But I still believe in you.
And I don't say that from a position of weakness.
We've really kicked their ass.
I figured we'd have to have a revolution in 50 years from members of the establishment that saw how bad what they did was to reverse this.
And now they're not going to get the promise of immortality and the rest of it.
I was thinking victory in like the year 2070.
We could have victory in 2030 if we wanted.
But we have to want it, we have to understand the ideology, the eugenics, and the globalists, and we have to then decide to recognize the enemy, and then as men and women say, we say no to you, and actually engage the globalists in a real debate, not having the denial.
So here's the report, and I'll come back and cover more of this in detail, but it's posted
It's a very important report.
The Great Reset button has been pushed.
The Great Reset is here.
Here it is.
This year's Davos is very, very different to all the previous ones.
The World Economic Forum, along with the United Nations, along with the International Monetary Fund, and along with any number of prominent globalist organisations and powerful individuals, including Prince Charles, together
We're good to go.
And this is real evil we're facing!
And so folks need to understand that it's coming in to shut everything down.
There's a global revolution against the New World Order.
Globalism is a consortium of corporations that do not want free market.
They want fascist monopoly to carry out eugenics.
The world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Australia's vaccine regulator says it's investigating reports of deaths among elderly patients in Norway who have received the Pfizer jab.
I call them globalists because they call themselves globalists starting in the 70s, the big Brzezinski.
Globalists believes in global government.
Not international man and libertarianism and you can travel and live wherever you want and there's standardized systems.
I'm all for that as long as it's free market and as long as people agree to it and it's not authoritarian.
But the great reset and saying you're not essential and shutting down small businesses and coming with forced inoculations and all of this is authoritarian globalism.
Technocracy in their own words.
One of the features of this forced industrial revolution is that it doesn't change what we are doing but it changes us.
This is criminal what's happening.
And this is all the Great Reset.
This is all the UN World Government takeover.
This is 21st century war.
And these are the guys that say we can't have national borders.
And that we gotta take migrants, quote, into our homes.
Outnumbered and facing thousands of people determined to enter Guatemala.
It doesn't take long for these Hondurans to push through the lines of soldiers at Guatemala's eastern Amur border and press on.
Their aim?
To reach the United States.
Many were held up after not presenting IDs or asked for proof of a negative coronavirus test before entering.
But many ignored the formal crossing, instead illegally breaching the border nearby.
We've all got to have COVID passports to travel even inside the country and not even start your car.
That's where all this is going.
It's all being announced.
It's insane.
We have Jack Dorsey caught secretly by Project Veritas communicating with, he believes, the top executives at Twitter.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We've got the Mexican president coming out and saying he's going to lead a global movement, Trump should have done this, to stop big tech from abusing the people and censoring everyone, and that this is a criminal combine that's one of the greatest dangers the world's ever seen.
That's what Ted Cruz says too.
I'm just thinking, God, every day that I'm not them and not involved in the incredible evil they're involved in.
Because these are enslaved, demonically controlled people.
All right, that report is at band.video.
It's titled, The Great Reset Button Has Been Pushed.
It's got 31,000 views.
It was posted a few hours ago.
There's also the video of the police ushering everybody in to the Capitol and the whole setup.
That footage is going super viral right now.
The Q Shaman being invited in by the police and all the rest of it.
Just an incredible time to be alive.
I've got some COVID-19 news I want to hit when we come back, but the good news is people are now recognizing the official corporate plan to not save the earth.
The corporations pushing the Great Reset have doubled their profits last year.
They don't even pay taxes.
This is just super cold-blooded, war on the middle class, war on poor people, and then they collapse the third world and bring giant masses in that will collapse the nation-state itself.
It's just, it's pure criminality.
So, if you want to survive, say no to Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and the New World Order.
If you want to be bankrupted and homeless and destroyed in a couple of years, then by all means, choose your destiny.
That's what God is all about.
Choose your own destiny.
But, final segment on the Sunday Transmission, and then two hours of Owen Schroyer and your phone calls with Sunday Live coming up at Band.Video.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
InfoWars is a critical organization
I think so.
Mountain Patriot in Colorado.
Thank you for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I love you, man.
I want to make a quick plug.
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All I know is with DNA Force, we went out and looked at these high-end products that they sell through doctor clinics that aren't prescription, but the doctors sell for like 300 bucks a bottle, because there's a lot of expensive product in them.
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Tumeric is renowned for what it does for all of our bodies for inflammation and so much more get yours today at Infowarslife.com Anybody listening to my voice can simply search engine the term Davos group technocracy or technocrats
You'll get Klaus Schwab and John Claude Juncker and all the New World Order globalists like Xi Jinping saying that they no longer want elected leaders over governments, that they want businessmen technocrats over them.
And that's who Klaus Schwab is.
You might want to look into the guy that says they've launched the COVID-19 lockdowns to bankrupt you and make you poor.
You might want to find out who this super villain is.
You see, he believes, because he's hidden it from playing you, and you're not speaking out against it, that he has a right to do it to you.
You might want to find out who he works for.
He works directly for Prince Charles.
He developed, since the 80s, the plan for global sustainability.
That means worldwide neo-feudalism.
It is what works.
So you might want to find out how he talks about using vaccines to sterilize you, before you take those shots.
You might just want to find out who this villain is, alright?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
But I gotta tell you the truth about who these people are.
They're super rich people that are ruthless and they think like, you're like weevils in their pantry eating their grain or something.
Eating their flour.
They just think of you as like a, just exterminate you.
It's like calling the local exterminator to kill cockroaches.
That's what they think of you.
I'm Alex Jones here.
About to close out this live broadcast.
Owen Troyer is going to come in for two hours and do Sunday Live here and take your phone calls.
I'll be on tomorrow, Lord willing, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We've got the weekday morning show now.
American Journal with Harrison Smith is coming up.
But before I hit geoengineering and how the globals want to play God, let me just show you a few headlines here.
The Great Reset!
Big Tech and Big Pharma Join Forces to Build Digital COVID Vaccination Passport Under Xi Jinping.
Told you that 11 months ago, now it's the Gateway Pundit today.
Peer Review Study Did Not Find Evidence Lockdowns Were Effective in Stopping COVID Spread.
They're effective in bankrupting your economy.
The collapse of the third world so they invade.
23 dead in Norway after taking COVID vaccine.
You know, why do you think folks are coming up here from the third world?
Because they don't have jobs and now they really don't.
See how that works and who manages refugee flows worldwide?
The UN.
And who brainwashes them with their political ideology?
The UN.
That's a foreign army coming to invade you with Marxist ideology.
You see while we're in the endgame?
23 dead in Norway after taking COVID vaccine.
Government says it's a good price to pay.
13 Israelis suffer facial paralysis after taking Pfizer COVID jab.
Amid influx of reports detailing adverse reactions, thousands of those.
It's okay, Bill Gates.
He loves you.
And it goes on and on.
But 15 years ago, Dr. Fauci promoted hydroxychloroquine to cure the common cold, which is COVID-19.
We're being taught a fear.
We're being taught submission.
Japan considers heavy fines and jail for violators of coronavirus restrictions.
Just like Australia, just like everywhere else.
And it never goes away, it just gets worse.
It's come out that the Wuhan lab launched the attack, but we're not supposed to talk about that.
We're supposed just to submit to the whole thing.
And again, CNN calls for cable companies to silence conservatives, and even the same show they go, well just like we silence medical doctors that question the World Health Organization.
You know, we can't let American doctors tell folks what's going on.
We can't have that.
This is ridiculous tyranny.
This is not going to go well, folks.
This video I didn't even play.
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor, who looks like the scariest looking creep I've ever seen, who's a communist, says Americans have no right to claim election was rigged.
He'll arrest you if you question it.
I mean, wow!
These people are going for broke!
But I'll just recap what we started the show with before I have this important information.
We know the Boogaloo's leftist group with the Antifa, a few hundred people, staged the attack.
Only the Q folks were dumb enough to go in to get media attention.
Nothing against the average Q person, but it was Q people that went in non-violently to be set up and arrested.
They didn't arrest the Boogaloo's.
When they've arrested Antifa, they're released later.
They did their job well.
They set up America.
Trump knew his supporters were patriotic and non-violent.
He said be non-violent.
He didn't incite anything.
They went down there to say, we see the election fraud.
We have the numbers to show it.
Trump fought back.
He did the right thing.
He didn't roll over.
He didn't submit.
If you wanna keep us on air, go to infowarrestore.com and get t-shirts, books, films, got a bunch of supplements that are about to sell out that are great for your immune system and your body, X2, X3, super male vitality, DNA Force Plus, they're all there at infowarrestore.com.
But separately, this is New World Order, this is 2020.
I remember reading when I was 15 years old, they'd have world government by 2020.
In congressional record.
I was into that stuff back then.
It was so interesting.
So again, here we are.
Every generation goes through something.
Every third generation goes through something really big.
We're going through it right now.
I want to thank the crew for their great job.
Here is this amazingly important report from a major pop artist exposing chemtrails and country clubs.
I hope that you will share, Lana Del Rey, chemtrails over the country club video.
It's posted to Bandai Video.
Here it is.
Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
One that has gained my personal attention is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, or SAI.
A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect... By the way, they're demonizing her now for this, calling for her to be taken off the rumor label.
Oh, of course.
She looks just like a girl on a... Cindy Brown.
Where is Sidney Brown?
This whole thing is about...
Hollywood molesting children.
It's all about dual personalities.
And it's all about how the chemtrails of the secret science dictatorship is right there.
And now you're supposed to wear your mask because you're poisonous and you're bad, but there's actually spraying you like a cockroach above.
Now it's all declassified.
We're in our jewels in the swimming pool Me and my sister just playing it cool Under the chemtrails over the country pile Meet you for coffee at the elementary schools We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cold
It's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me.
I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild in a way.
It's a country club.
And you're not in it.
Airplane contrails may be creating artificial geoengineering.
Dissipating haze from plane exhaust.
Alters how sunlight reaches the earth and may be unintentionally affecting our climate.
And again, for TV viewers, you're catching all this.
For radio listeners, it's a art piece, a fair use investigation, a composite.
It's all fair use.
Our company gives me trouble.
I'm not worried about it.
I don't care anymore.
That's definitely what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
If you type in her name, they want her taken off the air right now.
She's not playing balls with the people in Hollywood.
They don't like this being seen.
Because they're a bunch of devil worshippers.
They want to hide and feed on our children forever.
But they won't.
Everything they're doing is the end of their world.
They're on our horns, not theirs.
The sun is setting on Satan.
The universe is filled with Christ's energy.
All right.
Coming up for the next two hours, Owen Schroyer and Sunday Live with Alex Jones signing off until 11 a.m.
Central tomorrow with my standard transmission.
We'll be right back as the human resistance rages on against the vampires of the New World Order.
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I don't think so.