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Filename: 20210112_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 12, 2021
3557 lines.

In the Alex Jones Show segment, Jones critiques mainstream media for exaggerating events at the Capitol and portrays Antifa, communists, and globalists as orchestrators of the situation. He warns against forced inoculations, a post-human future controlled by artificial intelligence, and ethics charges against individuals such as Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for questioning election fraud. Jones emphasizes the importance of facing reality, standing up against tyranny, and supporting patriots by taking control of one's life, health, and wealth. The speaker also discusses strategic relocation, immigration policies, and promoting Alpha Power as a product to maintain strength and vitality during turbulent times.

It was a year ago I began to play air raid sirens at the start of the broadcast.
I told you the globalists were trying to bring us into martial law during the contested election.
They said they would.
And now we're here.
Trump has declared a national emergency, a particular martial law emergency in D.C.
They have manipulated right-wing forces being programmed through the Q army to launch attacks this weekend across the United States.
So Joe Biden can bring in martial law.
Trump is calling for calm and peace and saying, do not be part of this.
But the CIA Q operatives are telling you that's not really Trump's plan.
Prepare to launch your attacks.
We're going to break it all down coming up today.
I'm not blaming most people involved in Q stuff.
Some people in the name of Q have done good research.
I'm saying the people in control of it and what they're doing are setting us up.
Here I am last night telling you about the civil emergency coming.
I told you on Sunday exclusively this was already about to happen and now it's unfolded.
Remember three months ago before the election.
I launched the website 79 days, God knows.
For the 79 days of hell.
And a lot of people said, Jones, Trump's going to win in a landslide.
You don't have a problem.
Trust the plan and know that he's invincible.
And I said then, yeah, all the internal poll numbers show Trump's going to win a lot bigger in swing states than he won last time four years ago.
But the enemy's body language and what they were saying and what they were doing told me
They were going to steal it.
And at 47 years of age, I finally learned one thing.
Go with my gut.
On January 6th, as we're sitting there waiting for Trump to speak, I turned to my crew, they're in the front row, and I said, we got to get to the Capitol.
What if somebody creates a disturbance there?
And my crew said to me, oh, there's police there to be handled.
And I had this burning desire.
To get my people and leave.
They said, no, no, 20 minutes before Trump finishes, he will then let you out to go lead the crowd.
And that indeed happened.
And as soon as I get out there, hundreds of thousands had already left.
And I had a bad feeling as soon as I got there, I saw tear gas.
And I saw what was unfolding, and the hundred Antifa thugs, along with a bizarre paramilitary group, that started the fight with the police, and then breached the Capitol, and the police then stood down.
This was a false flag.
And this was used to finish up the 79 days of hell.
And so now I want to tell listeners something.
What is about to happen in this country is going to be so hellish, because my gut's telling me, not just my instincts, but my spirit is.
And not just my intellect, but my spirit.
They're going to stage false flags in this country.
And they're going to attack state capitals around the United States and claim that patriots did it.
I had constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes on last night.
He told me privately weeks ago that the globalists are manipulating through 8chan
The Q people, the more suggestible of them, to go out and launch attacks.
And indeed, we know that Antifa started the fight, but Q people were the ones that then went into the Capitol and that gave the media what they needed to demonize the Trump supporters.
And they were the ones with the zip ties and military members that really believe they were there to free, you know, the children under the Capitol and they were going to arrest Pelosi and all this kind of LARPing exercise that isn't virtual reality but is augmented reality.
So just like two years ago I bought this armored vehicle because I knew that Antifa would attack us in the streets and that civil unrest was coming.
And just like I said 79 days of hell was coming,
We are now going to see the season of the false flag.
Do not go to capitals armed.
Do not be part of the demonstrations on January 20th.
It's run by the globalists.
There isn't some secret plan to overthrow things so Trump wins.
All you're doing is cementing things as domestic terrorists so Biden can pass a new Patriot Act and come after you.
So I decry all offensive violence and I'm asking everyone to understand that
Q is an A.I., globalist, chi-com, big tech system to manipulate you.
And that if you think you're on a secret mission for the president, you're wrong.
Do not be part of it.
Do not go out and attack governors' mansions.
Already a bunch of governors' mansions have been attacked.
It's been covered up because they want the main attack to happen.
That was the simulation test.
Now they're launching the main operation.
I'll cover it all live on the show at InfoWars.com.
Three, two, one, here we go!
It's back in stock.
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I don't know.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, you live to see world government, and you live to see the attempt to take down the Republic.
It's live, it's happening now.
It's not a football game, it's not a basketball game.
It's the real deal.
And the globalists?
What's their ideology?
It is your death.
It is your destruction.
Oh, he's gonna kill the pain.
Cause you won't be alive.
It'll stop war.
Cause there'll be no more humans.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Tuesday transmission, January 12, 2021.
I was born for this.
I'm Alex Jones.
So were you.
The painkiller.
This is the painkiller.
Yeah, I got to tell you, I'm not happy about what's going down, but I am on fire.
Because, you know, the allegory of the Christian
Parable of Lord of the Rings.
It is Christian according to the author J.R.R.
I agree with him.
That when the goblins are near, the sword's sting glows bright blue.
And it's on fire.
I've never seen sting glow so blue.
And so I just can't help but be as high as a kite because the evil is rising.
And you know, Newtonian physics has been proven to be very accurate.
The more advanced the technology gets, the more they know it's absolutely true.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
They've noticed with spectrometers and supercomputers that just looking at a star that could be trillions of miles away, thousands of trillions of miles away, affects it.
That's consciousness.
That's God's will projected through us.
Okay, let me give you the horrifying news.
Let's just get it out on the table because you'd want to know about something bad.
Your house was getting robbed.
If you work down the street and somebody says, hey, there's guys breaking in your house, they're beating your wife up, they're tying her up.
Your neighbor's not being a bad person.
Your neighbor's saying, hey, you better get home and I'm getting my shotgun and going over there.
So I'm that guy.
I'm telling you that they're not
Just putting your wife in handcuffs.
They're skinning her.
Mother Earth.
And the ones killing the Earth are the ones saying they're the protectors of it, and as things get worse and worse, they tell us it's humans' fault the Earth's dying, when they're the ones in their own literature saying they're overriding it.
So let's understand this.
We're in the midst of a global, New World Order, revolution against humanity.
And this has been foretold, whether you believe in God or whatever it is, or our psychic vision of the future, because the future is the present, is the past, it's all a space-time continuum, you can move up and down.
We saw this psychically coming, we were warned thousands of years ago.
And you're not just by John on the Isle of Patmos, I mean, there are
Indian teachings even older saying basically the same thing.
So you have to understand folks.
This has been known for a long time and our will is great.
Our spiritual power is great.
Our consciousness is amazing.
Our psychic power is unbelievable.
We're all like super powerful beings.
We're just babies.
And the globalists and other species of twisted failure in the universe are ancient and hunchbacked, but they can kick us around when we're embryos and pretend they're God, but that's all they've got.
Imagine a tadpole that becomes God.
Or something damn close.
And then there's just some hunchbacked demonic parrot.
That knows what it becomes and envies it.
So it wants to go down and destroy it.
But you didn't destroy the final product.
You tried to kill in the womb.
The signature.
But killing the signature is different than killing the thing itself.
And I am that thing.
That the enemy fears.
I am.
And it doesn't want us to declare that.
And so are you.
The thing that should not be.
Someday, maybe even death would die.
To quote Lovecraft.
I will focus my mind.
And I will come back and I will tell you the horrifying news.
I talked to an individual that's very well known and a household name who spoke with Giuliani late last night.
And Giuliani said, the word is we've been indicted in D.C.
Trump, Giuliani, and Don Jr.
And I said, but couldn't that be to hold pressure over them to resign and they're not going to release the indictment?
And the individual's like, yes, you're finishing my sentences.
And so we wargamed it all out.
We also found out what the plan was.
They planned to SWAT team me in D.C.
and blame me for what happened.
But that didn't go the way they wanted because the police refused to do it.
We confirmed that.
Hell, I saw it happen.
But I'll be honest, I was so exhausted.
I've just eaten a big meal on Thursday afternoon and under stress, drank a half bottle of vodka, so I didn't even care when 100 police cars came for me.
I mean, I haven't even told you this whole story yet, ladies and gentlemen, but I will tell you all of it.
You're like, Jones, my family goes, why do you tell these stories about yourself if you're so honest?
Truth is my weapon.
Can't you?
It's all I have.
But I now see the entire picture more than ever.
I mean every damn piece of the puzzle.
I can zoom in to almost the subatomic level.
I can see the matrix.
And I know what their next moves are.
I know how to stop them.
I know what's unfolding.
And I understand how I underestimated Q. Q is 100% globalist intelligence.
100% what's left of the U.S.
And it hates Trump and it hates America and it's planning a giant violent uprising to bring down the country.
That doesn't mean you're bad if you were part of it or use the movement to educate people.
You're not Q. That's why I made you pledge allegiance to it so it can round you up.
They're planning truck bombs, mass shootings, bombings of capitals all over.
I told you that Sunday from DC police and the FBI.
I mean, that was exclusively from them and Army Special Operations Command.
Who are totally freaked out and they go, finally, okay, yeah, no, this is Q. It's an AI op run by the globalists, probably the Chinese.
It's gonna activate the patriots who are pissed about what's happening.
They have a huge violent uprising.
They've secretly declared a national emergency.
Tell people, I went on Sunday, I told you this.
It's on record.
Today, emergency announced, FBI says, look at Dredge Report's headline.
Talks about huge explosion.
Go to Dredge for me.
Talks about national emergency, absolute meltdown.
If Trump, quote, indicted or if Trump removed.
No, no, no.
That's what they'll use to indict or remove Trump, 25th Amendment.
FBI warns of huge uprising.
The Capitol was a dud because Trump supporters, by the hundreds of thousands, fought the couple hundred Antifa and other operatives and stopped them invading.
That's why they had to finally order Capitol Police to open the doors and let them in.
Then the officer that was given the order, we're not sure by who, probably Charles Schumer, committed suicide.
If you believe that, I got a bridge in Arizona and some oceanfront property I'm ready to sell you.
So all the pieces have fallen together.
We can stop this now.
This is bigger than putting Trump in for another administration.
They want martial law and gun confiscation to begin.
As Biden said, I will defeat the Second Amendment and the NRA.
He said it yesterday.
And it's on.
They're saying all over.
They're flooding Facebook, flooding Twitter.
Oh, you better be a man and get out there and blow up some Capitol buildings.
They stole the election.
They're discredited.
They're a fraud.
So they need violence.
Don't be part of it.
It's a lie.
It's a setup.
And we now know the lie.
We now know the setup.
We know every angle of it.
And by the grace of God, we're still on air for this moment.
Dug in hard when everybody else is being shut down because we'd already been persecuted first.
We knew the mission.
And it's all the Holy Spirit, the divine transmission I am receiving.
And I just opened myself up to receive the transmission and give it as clearly as I can to you.
This is not me.
I'm telling you, I'm going to give you the transmission.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor.
By design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuilding, and they're dystopic.
We are fighting this at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We are fighting for a pro-human future and we need you to get the facts, to research it and share it with others and join the fight.
God bless you.
Visit us, spread the word at Infowars.com.
Hey, Alex, how you doing, man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I've been trying to get ahold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said, man, I got to get on that show and give him an update.
I said, if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm going to tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now, look, I'm 64 years old going on 20, thanks to
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know, we didn't screen your call, we had no idea, and I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm gonna explain how the AI targeting works.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
So, using AI systems, you notice years ago Google would only put you in conservative areas if you were conservative, liberal areas if you were liberal, putting you in groups.
That was testing the propaganda and stimulus on you in a psychological test.
So through the Q movement,
They would already target great people, mainly veterans, law enforcement, others that understood the world was more complex, understood there was globalism, understood there was pedophile networks, understood all this real stuff.
So it would load in your belief system exactly the way you thought it was, so you thought this is dead on, and even give you subgroups of Q the way you wanted it.
Then it would say, now you're needed on a mission to find this clue online or decipher this.
And then a queue leader, many of them operatives, would then, oh, this is what the answer is, and leads you down that road so that the system itself wasn't putting out the orders, but their subgroups, their sub-priest class was sending out the directive.
And then, oh, we're going to arrest them.
The purge is coming.
We're going to kill them.
I mean, all this allowed on these message boards, all this prepared.
And it was meant to be a giant, insane rampage.
Handcuffing, killing members of Congress.
Lockdowns led by anti-foes of the shock force.
All in unison.
But the patriots fought back and tackled them and helped the police.
So finally they had to order police stand down to let them in.
And the guy that gave the order committed suicide conveniently.
I mean, this is serious.
So this didn't work, so now they need 2.0.
That's this Saturday and Sunday.
They're now saying, we're going to attack.
It's the storm.
We're going to hit the capitals.
We're going to hit D.C.
And so Trump, knowing he's got to stop a small percentage of his own base being mind-controlled, using their love of America and Trump and fighting the globalists to then trigger
A mass uprising that brings in the gun control and permanent martial law.
Even for all you tough guys on InfoWars.com and Banned.video, the classy commenting, who we know are operatives, most of you.
Oh, Jones, you're a whip, you're a shill.
You never beat tyranny, you know, without violence.
Really, most revolutions of the last century were non-violent.
They were social.
They were non-compliant.
Really, Mahatma Gandhi defeated the British after thousands of uprisings over 300 years.
And he did it with civil disobedience.
Martin Luther King.
Did black folks running around murdering and killing white people ever get them freed?
Because most whites didn't own slaves.
98% didn't.
But when folks sang Christian hymns and they watched them get their heads beat in, white people, like my grandparents, and their parents said, this is BS, man.
We're not bullies.
We're not doing this anymore.
We're Christians.
So, nothing ever got resolved without violence!
Okay, well let's take that line and say it's true.
Sometimes violence does resolve things.
Once the enemy starts it, once you've educated the public about who the enemy is, once it's a clear cut.
But the globalists are all about you not knowing who did it.
They're gonna set off truck bombs in major cities this week and the next week.
That's their plan.
I told you it's coming, you already saw it.
They're gonna stage mass shootings, and they're gonna put it all over the news and say you did it.
So, I will be out at the Capitol this weekend, but not with guns.
I knew this was all coming.
I'll be in an armored vehicle.
And I'm going to be documenting who did what and what happened, but I can't be in all 50 capitals.
So, go out there, pray to Jesus, have your video camera and document every person because you can't miss these Antifa.
You can't miss.
You'll see Chinese state party people like the guy that planted the pipe bombs they just showed.
You'll see Chinese agents.
They'll all be wearing masks.
You'll see Antifa wearing black that wear pink bandanas and signifiers.
And then guys in camo covering their faces with backpacks as well.
They are deep state mercs.
DynCorp, Halliburton, you name it, they're making a full move on us.
So, Gateway Pundit gets it right.
Do not attend armed protests at state capitals for inauguration.
No, there's no possible about it.
Sinister plot hatched by radical left to take away gun rights.
That's it.
He wants to come in against guns, he wants to start a fight with America, and have the moral authority of a bunch of dead people.
You know, I went to Georgia a month and a half ago.
We went with a state rep.
We marched in peacefully.
We gave a speech.
We did a great job.
I thought it was the same thing that was about to happen in D.C., but we weren't going to go in the Capitol.
We left.
And I showed up 30 minutes into it, and there was no cops anywhere.
They stood down by the time I got there.
So, this isn't my opinion.
We know where this is going.
We know why Q attacked me early on.
Because Q figured out, I would figure out what it was.
And I know U.S.
intelligence was involved in it.
It was even started under orders by some campaign officials in the Trump operation.
They said, oh, let's do this so we can put out information like Jones puts out against Hillary and the rest of them, but so nobody gets sued.
But it was instantly taken away in three weeks by the group that tricked the Trump campaign people to authorize it.
And so to the average Qtard, it's like there's no way, not even God talks to Q. Like Q is God's daddy.
All it is is intelligence operatives manipulating you to destroy the Republican Party, to destroy Trump.
And you say, well, what's Q going to do when Trump's gone, Trump?
Q will be discredited!
Q is one contingent, not the whole thing, Antifa's going to be involved, in starting the civil war that destroys America.
And then it'll still be the behind-the-scenes group led off of the eight chans and the rest of it.
When I'm in prison and Trump's in prison, they'll be still controlling the opposition so they can keep martial law in place by having badly coordinated idiotic terror attacks run by Q-tards.
Or that Q-tards are going to take the blame for it.
This is augmented reality.
Where they take, like the Pokemon game, Pokemon Go, where you go out and people would go in your garage or go in your house.
They could put somebody's house as a psychological test.
And people would go to that house and then they'd say, as Robert Martin said, oh, I see beams of the house, look like an arrow.
The treasure must be hidden up at the top of that.
They tear people's houses apart.
It's the same thing, because it's not just virtual reality.
It's virtual reality over reality.
And your brain gets tricked and thinks it's real.
I told you so much about Q. I told you Trump was going to lose by fraud.
I told you, do I have to be right again when the country's on fire next week?
Because even if the Q people don't show up, Biden's going to probably detonate those pipe bombs, those car bombs.
They did a dry run last week.
The Capitol wasn't totally rushed, didn't go the way they wanted, so they didn't detonate the pipe bombs that were found.
So that's what's happening.
They're trying to use mob psychology to control you.
We have Joel Skousen joining us to talk about this.
Ali Alexander, who they claim is in hiding.
No, they've banned him everywhere.
He's unpersoned, so he can't speak for himself.
Patrick Byrne's gonna be joining us.
He's got a peaceful solution to all this and so much more.
And we've got what President Trump says about all this in a little speech he gave before he flew to Texas and more.
But the big news is, Giuliani believes and has been told that he, Don Jr., and the President have been indicted for incitement by the District of Columbia last night.
And that it'll be announced this afternoon.
Notice they are conveniently on their way to the great state of Texas.
And just south of where I sit, we have reporters on the ground in Alamo City, a suburb of McAllen, right on the border with Brownsville.
Alright folks, we'll be right back on the other side.
Tell everybody you know.
Stay with us.
Tune in now.
Tomorrow's news today.
Always true.
Always faithful.
It's not a secret why in leftist-controlled cities all over the world, not just the U.S., they encourage people to live in tent cities as homeless and to use drugs and alcohol and engage in petty crime.
It's because the globalists admit under Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, of course the Great Reset, they want to lower expectations.
They don't want you to think of having sanitary systems everywhere.
They don't want you to think of a civilization that gets better.
They want you to think of a civilization that gets progressively worse.
The globalists fly around in private jets.
They have huge private estates.
They are separate from us.
Their children go to private tutors.
They admit this.
Now they want us locked down, telecommunicating with each other, so that we are not actually out physically building a pro-human infrastructure.
The infrastructure that's left under 5G is meant to control robot autonomous cars and trucks.
This is all their admitted plan.
The public's finally listening because the plan is no longer in beta, it's gone operational.
It's a post-human future.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Power man freaks trying to rule the earth!
That's what we're witnessing.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And I want to be a thousand percent, a trillion percent clear, an infinity clear.
Just because people got into a cube movement and exposed government pedophile rings, the private Federal Reserve, or GG Ping, and the New World Order, or animal-human hybrids, all that's real.
That was a liberty movement that already existed.
But as our movement to expose global government and expose the power structure,
Hit phenomenal levels.
They had to have something where there's a priest classed again.
Because if you don't believe in mainstream media, you don't believe in government, you don't believe in the main church, which you shouldn't, well now there's a Q priest that has secret intelligence that tells you about the New World Order.
People come up to me and they go, Q exposed Jeffrey Epstein.
I'm like, Q came around two and a half years ago.
I exposed it 15 years ago.
It's not about, oh I'm in competition with it.
I see where you pledge allegiance to it, you do all this, and then I see the highly suggestible Q followers, who are the ones with the zip ties, and going and thinking the mass arrest and the storm is here, and it's all about to happen, ruining our big, giant, beautiful event of a million people, saying we don't buy election fraud, and Joe Biden can't fill the back of somebody's, you know, parking lot with 50 people, but we've got a million!
And then Trump's declared an emergency!
And Trump says, don't be violent!
And then I see, the storm is here!
We're all going to take over, we're going to get the globalists.
And so, it's a very complex issue, but we know Antifa's communists, we know they're globalists, we know they triggered the Capitol, and then manipulated not just a few people, but regular, well-meaning, red-blooded Trump supporters, only a few hundred maximum.
And most of them came in and walked between the lines with the, there's your riot, with the velvet, purple, deep red,
Red carpet dividers.
Can we pull that footage up of the supposed riot?
The media doesn't want you to see what C-SPAN had a shot of.
And it's just a hundred people or so, doo-doo-doo, walking under the rotunda.
And there you've got the red-purple ropes.
They showed it on the earlier show today.
If we can find that, it'd be great.
But I mean, that's what went on.
And then four people get killed, and later a cop dies of a heart attack?
And that's the end of the world, and no fly list for anybody that went to D.C., and Trump should be arrested, and Pence should be arrested, and Giuliani, and Alex Jones, and everybody else.
It's crazy.
And then they had... We can't find it.
Ask Matt.
He knows where it is.
And then you are at it in post, because I know we're live right now, but I've got to have that shot.
We should be looping that shot, those shots.
Yeah, there it is, but there's not just that one.
There's shots from like up at the top of the rotunda that just shows them all orderly, not even leaving it, not even leaving the guide rails.
So that's where we are.
And that's what we're dealing with as a society and as a culture.
When I say hundreds, it's more than that.
Including the Wall Street Journal that had to retract and others have.
Saying, Jones led the attack.
He said, attack, storm it, get them, get them.
Meanwhile, I was there saying, stop!
And got most people to turn back and not go in.
Who thought it was like an open tour or something.
They didn't even know what was going on.
The larger crowds that showed up later.
I showed up 30 minutes into it.
Didn't even know what was going on.
Until I saw flashbangs and tear gas.
So imagine how deceptive this corporate media is.
There it is, look at that footage.
NBC News.
This is the new Pearl Harbor.
Chuck Schumer said this was as bad as the 3,100 dead at Pearl Harbor.
December 7th, 1941, a day with a little bit of infamy.
This is thousands of Japanese Zero attack aircraft with torpedoes and bombs sinking more than 20 battleships and other ships.
Look at it!
That, if you're a TV viewer, of course a radio listener, I'm being sarcastic.
Back that up.
It's literally the Grand Rotunda.
With like 30 people wandering around taking selfies.
And then one guy, he's a revolutionary, he kicks over one of the, one of the stands, one of the brass stands.
I see more rowdy nights on a Friday night.
Back in the old days, we had an open, free society when high school kids were screwing around at the movie theater.
Hell, one time they caught some of my friends sneaking in their friends to the back movie theater door.
Remember that?
You didn't have money for the movie.
Your buddies would let you in.
I knew some guys tied their truck chains to one of the doors to the movie theater and pulled the door off.
God, that was worse than Pearl Harbor, too!
I didn't do it!
I was drinking a sludge malt liquor at about 14 years old and watched them do it, though.
But that was Dallas.
See, that was worse than Pearl Harbor.
That was worse than Alderaan being blown up by Darth Vader in Episode 4 of Star Wars.
I mean, I saw people tie chains to a movie theater back door and pull it off its engines.
So if walking off of Pelosi's lectern or sitting in her office is Pearl Harbor, well then pulling
A door off a movie theater is all of World War II, all of World War I, all of Nazi Germany, all of Mao Zedong, all death that ever happened on Earth from now back to the beginning of time.
This was the ultimate assault in history.
Free speech must end.
We must have no fly list for Christians.
That's where this is all going.
We must have forced inoculations.
All these folks are dying from it because the police opened the gates up and waved people into the Capitol.
Man, I tell you, on purpose they didn't coordinate.
They knew Trump was going to call for this rally.
They knew Trump was calling for a march days before.
Trump just thought they'd have Capitol Police.
Instead, hundreds of thousands march, I'm there, Antifa attacks, Patriots kick their ass, so these weird paramilitary groups, in camo, these are big guys, it's military, they went in and attacked, opened the breach, the cops stand down, and boom, it's over.
So yeah, all that Q military intelligence,
Like that one general, it's not Flynn, it's the other one, he's like 80 years old.
He was on a video this weekend, I forget his name, he's like, Army intelligence broke in to get the thing.
They needed the attackers to cover to get the laptop.
That's how you steal a laptop, you do it digitally.
Everybody's like, oh, special forces did it!
Yeah, and special forces says, raid all the other capitals this Saturday and Sunday.
No, don't do that, because some 80-year-old general who can't even find his ass with both hands tells you to.
Oh, Army Intelligence.
There's this intelligence group out of Arizona.
It was defunded 15 years ago.
It doesn't exist.
I looked it up.
Any moron.
This particular intelligence group is running around.
It's called the Kraken.
That's what they said.
The Kraken's about to be released.
Meanwhile, I'm on air like,
Well, let me get Army Special Operations Command on the line, or let me get Roger Stone on the line, or let me get Giuliani on the line, or let me... And they'll be like, oh, we don't want them!
They don't know anything!
It's not about like, oh, I'm interfering with your cue power.
I've been around 27 years.
I am who I am.
My family's on the Mayflower.
My family raised Colonel Travis's son.
My family was in the most elite army special units there are.
CIA, everything else.
And they told me the government's corrupt and evil and I should fight it.
I did all this myself as supporters.
And I sit here and watch a bunch of delusional lunatics sit there and believe that you're fighting the New World Order when you have rolled the gravy train in for martial law and national gun confiscation.
And then you're going to get the civil war you're looking for.
But it looked to me like the few cutards once you got into the Capitol, with your zip ties, nobody was there!
Because it was a setup!
It was a LARPing!
It was a drill!
Their speeches were already written!
It was prepared!
So, Newsflash, next time you launch a violent revolution, make sure it isn't run by your enemy, laughing at you.
Meanwhile, all over the United States,
Antifa is marching to the streets, beating people, police run in fear, and they announce they rule America.
They rule!
They rule!
They rule!
They rule!
They rule!
They rule!
So let's not walk into their trap this weekend coming up.
Let's document it, let's expose it, and let's get the word out now.
They want us off the air so the truth doesn't get out.
When we come back, Trump's statement before he flew to Texas, the latest in Texas, the reporters on the ground in Alamo, Texas.
Not the Alamo in San Antonio, folks.
Told people it was already a crowd at the Alamo in San Antonio.
No, it's the Alamo.
It's a little suburb of McAllen on the Texas border in South Texas.
And we've got so much more, and PBS's director calling for Moloff cocktails at the White House, and more on the other side.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
My eyes are blind, but I can see.
The sun no longer sets the Satanists free.
Those of us that love God, we love the night as well as the day because we don't fear.
In fact, the light is even brighter in the dark.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We've got a lot of big guests coming up today to give us their take.
Patrick Byrne, Inside Baseball with the President.
Ali Alexander, Persecutor, they claim he's running ahead.
Know that he platformed him everywhere.
No social media, no communication, no banking, no nothing.
Joel Skousen, and then I'll continue with your calls in the fourth hour with Trump's speech, but he's always about 15-20 minutes late from Alamo, Texas, South Texas.
But I want to be clear here.
There's a lot of people working in this office that got into Q. Because 99% of it's reasonable and real and it's covering things that are already well known.
And so they're going to try to persecute Q followers after this insurrection they're trying to stage that they'll then blame on Q and the Proud Boys.
And I'm very close to revealing information.
I just want to be 100% accurate when I do it.
I'm about 95% right now that a major Patriot group was infiltrated ahead of this event.
Their leader was arrested so that a globalist fed could be put in charge of it so they could also be part of it.
I know the FBI knows it because they were in command of it.
No matter what happens to me, that information is already ready to come out.
It's in certain national talk show hosts and others' hands.
So, they're taking over every group, they're commandeering it, and they tried to manipulate me.
I have a question to the President.
And it looks like he was set up and I was set up.
He was approached.
He's already answered one part of it.
I have to get another question answered.
Where they said, hey, we want Alex Jones to lead the march from here to the Capitol.
And Trump thought it would be like $50,000.
He had no idea.
He goes, yeah, we need somebody to do that.
Have the Secret Service help him.
Because at first, once I saw that last Wednesday, I thought, did I get set up?
Did Trump really say that?
The word is Trump did say, I want Jones and others to lead this.
You saw Trump say on the stand, I was not going to lead it.
I'm sitting there.
I've had a bad feeling.
And then Trump goes, and by the way, after this, we're going to march down there peacefully.
You know, they've edited all that out of what he said, but he said that.
And we're going to show them peacefully the will of the people that we don't buy this fraud and our numbers.
And as soon as the Secret Service came and waved us over and opened up the gate, I went out, told my wife, stay back here.
I just had a bad feeling.
I said, this may not be safe.
I mean, I had a bad feeling.
And of course, the Secret Service guys that waved us over, they weren't part of this.
They're compartmentalized.
Put the Capitol Police to sit down, but I finally got my cell to work once I'd gotten out of the crowd, because they had like some bubble.
It wasn't just everybody using cell phones.
They had something that cut off cell phones at Trump's speech.
They admit they had that.
I called Roger.
He wouldn't answer, so I talked to one of his assistants.
They go, no, he's not going.
He has a bad feeling.
And he's told that whole story, and then he had a really bad feeling and left at like 4.
At 4.30, they SWAT teamed his hotel room.
And I learned they came to my hotel room, too, and came in.
I was over at the OEM studios where they're at.
I rented it from the building to be on top, so I didn't know, but the next day, like I said, 100 police cars showed up for me, and they said, you're leaving now or you're arrested.
I'm with D.C.
senior cops that are off-duty that we hired.
They're like, listen, I've never seen anything like this.
They're saying, they're already, they did a 10-33 or, I forget what they said, it's like a 10-something, means officer down.
They said, Jones has shot an officer.
They said, we've never seen anything like this.
The cops are like, we know you didn't do it.
We're being ordered to arrest you.
You gotta go now.
I mean, I had the cops, like, to my, the cops I was with, like, these cops are all around, and they're like, you gotta go.
People go, where's the video?
You think I'm pulling cameras out when there's a hundred police cars around the building?
And they're saying, we got a ten-whatever officer down saying you shot a cop?
They go, we know, Mr. Jones, you didn't do it.
Go now.
Go, go.
So I go to the hotel, a mile away, we got our bags, there's like 20 police cars around us.
They wanted, we're told, Trump wants you and Roger to lead the, the, the, the, and I'm like, God, that sounds crazy.
I'm like, Roger, get a call.
He goes, I'm not going to waste my time when I talk to Trump, ask about some March, blah, blah, blah.
But I guess I'll, you know, so I'm telling you folks, this is a movie, man, just like they, they manipulated me to go lead a March.
That was a setup, they're manipulating you through Q. So I'm not judging you.
I fell for it as well.
This is psychologist and psychiatrist doing Milgram level experiments 2.0, Stanford prison experiments.
Coming up in the 30 minutes before Patrick Byrne joins us, I'm gonna play
The bombing of the Capitol in 1983, the media said it was good by communists, the woman that founded Black Lives Matter.
She bombed it!
She's a good person, the media says.
I'm gonna play you, PBS Principal Counsel, Michael Beller, in Sight's Mala Cocktails at the White House.
That's all loving and good, that's all great.
And I'm gonna show you what the President had to say,
Before he flew out to Texas and is now here.
In fact, speaking of that, let's just play what the President just had to say about the situation about censorship and about peace.
Here it is.
So again, this is the clip I was given.
Can we find a better clip?
Let's just stop.
I'm sure we can find a better clip of that.
I knew, I read the transcript of what he said.
I hadn't seen that.
I heard that audio.
That is abysmal.
Let's see if we can get a better copy of that.
Thank you.
So, that's coming up.
But he says the censorship's abysmal, let's all be peaceful.
It's not Trump's fault what happened out there by any stretch of the imagination.
Under this yardstick, if there's a riot at an NFL football game where they've had dozens killed in stampedes or hundreds of cars burned, is the Dallas Cowboys bad?
The Lakers have won championships and six, seven people get killed and dozens of cars get burned and shops get looted.
Does the Lakers go to jail?
It's unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
It's absolutely unbelievable.
We're going to go to break, come back, and break all this down in the second, third, and fourth hour today.
And I cannot impress upon you that they're censoring everybody else.
Nobody else built systems like ours be redundant.
They still may be able to shut us down.
So while you still can, go to Bandot Video, download every video you can and save it.
Share the articles, share the reports, pray for us, and also financially support us because
If they take our credit card merchant stuff away.
They're not trying to take the merchant accounts.
They're trying to take the credit card service away.
They've done to a bunch of people.
They've done to Trump.
Trump lost his bank accounts today.
Private and public.
His company and his private.
This is total Nazi Germany.
So I need as much capital as I can get.
And InfoWarsTore.com.
Plus, you need swimmable foods at the highest quality, ready to ship.
You need the supplements, the Pollen Block, the X2, the X3, the DNA Force Plus, the Super Mel Vitality back in stock, the Living Defense.
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Next Level, Beyond Probiotic, Living Defense, and Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, and our Liquid Turmeric Formula.
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That's discounted.
But it's that capital.
I'm not worried about it.
It's all up to God.
However much money comes in, no matter what happens, we'll stay on air until they cut the lights out, and it's up to all of you after that.
So we'll just stay faithful.
It's kind of like in that 1980s movie, The Thing, and he thought he killed it, but he knows one's still alive and the whole camp's burning.
It'll be 30 below zero, 50 below zero in an hour.
He said, let's just sit here a while and see what happens.
I mean, I'm kind of in the camp.
It's really warm right now, actually, but it's going to get real cold.
It's on fire.
That's okay.
They're gonna be left alone with the compact tracers coming to your house, bagging your parents, bagging your kids, dragging you out.
And you're like, why would they do it?
Because they want tyranny.
They have a hunger to rape you, a hunger to put you in a camp, a hunger to inject you, a hunger to hurt you.
That's what psychos are about.
And tyranny is organized psychos taking control for mass feeding.
Low-level psychos kill a few women, a few children get caught.
The high-functioning ones, they do it on a mass scale.
And so everything is setting the table, preparing the meal.
They've got it all ready and they're just now ringing the dinner bell to kill 50, 100 million Americans like Larry Grathwald caught the weathermen that run this whole thing saying, we're going to put 50 million in camps, kill 25 million Americans.
There were 200 million Americans when they planned to kill 25 million.
So, you understand, the journey is the destination.
They want to rape you in a death camp.
They want to inoculate you and watch you have a convulsion.
They want to kill you.
They love hurting you.
They're coming.
They're coming.
They're coming.
There's nothing you can do except face reality.
Facing reality is how we beat them.
We have cancer.
We have a satanic cancer.
Hitler was just a beta test.
You are under attack.
They're never going to stop.
They are driven by an energy.
Look at them.
They're wraiths.
Look at Schumer.
Look at Pelosi.
They're dead humans.
They're globalists.
These are wraiths.
These are not human.
They're coming.
They need your brains.
They need your soul.
They don't have it.
They want to destroy you.
They want to bring you down.
They want to annihilate you.
They love Chinese death camps.
Apple loves it.
They all love it.
They're all turned over to evil.
They're under Satan's control.
Mountain Patriot in Colorado.
Thank you for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I love you, man.
I want to make a quick plug.
That DNA Force, I love it.
I've been using it quite a while, and I just went, looked at the ingredients again the other day, and I see that it contains quercetin, which according to some published studies that Dr. Merkula has cited, is an ionophore similar to hydroxychloroquine.
And it helps channel the zinc into the cells, so people might want to take a look at that.
All I know is with DNA Force, we went out and looked at these high-end products that they sell through doctor clinics that aren't prescription, but the doctors sell for like 300 bucks a bottle, because there's a lot of expensive product and it's really only cost them like 50 bucks.
And so we basically cloned two different top brands together, and that's what produced this.
So thanks for the plug.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought!
COVID more devastating than you could ever imagine!
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Dramatic images at the U.S.
Capitol building, where just today, it was the scene of one of the darkest days in American history.
A failed insurrection.
What happened here today was an insurrection.
Let me be very clear.
The scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect a true America.
It's not protest.
It's insurrection.
As everyone knows by now, today was a day filled with surreal and horrifying scenes of armed insurrection.
They are selling the illusion of insurrection.
The Democrats and their corporate overlords have already begun their blitzkrieg of tyranny, twisting the occupation of our nation's capital by frustrated citizens into a call for totalitarianism.
Well, I'm glad to see that the political marketplace is working out there with organizations, companies, individuals saying we're simply not giving any more contributions to those who held up the election or tried to hold up or overturned the election.
So that certainly has to happen.
As DC Mayor Bowser lords over her potential future state with a 15-day emergency order following the Capitol building siege.
Now, of course, we are all focused on preparing for the upcoming presidential inauguration.
Our goals right now are to encourage Americans to participate virtually and to protect the District of Columbia from a repeat of the violent insurrection experienced at the Capitol and its grounds on January the 6th.
I am requesting the Secretary of the Department of the Interior cancel any and all public gathering permits in the District of Columbia and deny any applications for public gathering during the period January 11 through January 24.
The National Guard, including 1,000 soldiers from New York, are stationed in the nation's capital to protect the illegitimate inauguration of the Manchurian candidate, Joe Biden.
1,000 Virginia National Guardsmen remain in D.C.
tonight to help with security operations.
About 1,000 more are expected to join them in the coming days.
I grew up in Austria.
I'm very aware of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass.
It was a night of rampage against the Jews carried out in 1938.
And my father was involved.
And now I work for George Soros to kill you.
I love Hitler.
He said he loved Hitler.
Schwarzenegger, when you make a rotten heart, roll over and die.
Burn in hell.
My father and our neighbors were misled also with lies.
Oh, they were?
I never such lies lead.
President Trump is a failed leader.
He will go down in history as the worst president ever.
The time for debate and name-calling is over.
Will the American people accept the voice of truth or that of lies?
John Bowne reporting.
Literal son of an SS officer, the product of an SS marriage, telling us that Trump's Hitler, when
Schwarzenegger is a known gay escort who's been compromised ever since long lines of people at the Getty Center would have gang bangs on him.
And so that's the only reason Schwarzenegger is so controlled is the Getty Center has all those 35 millimeter films of Schwarzenegger giving blowjobs.
So there you are, Schwarzenegger.
And nobody's saying you're a bad guy that you've, you know,
Been with more men than, you know, most women have.
The whole point is that's how they compromise you.
So Schwarzenegger can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and that's why he's compromised.
Gay porn operative of the Gettys.
Three, two, one, here we go!
It's back in stock.
It's been sold out for over eight months.
We couldn't get it because the lockdown pollen block is back in stock.
Let me tell you real quick about it.
With the power of quail egg concentrate, pollen block acts differently than traditional antihistamines and was clinically studied to alleviate seasonal distress symptoms by helping to clear sinus passages and aiding respiratory function.
It's amazing.
Folks absolutely love it.
And again, France has been shut down so we couldn't get it.
Now a limited supply is back in stock.
25% off at m4wrestore.com.
Polyblock, again, is available in this one-minute ad.
I don't have time to tell you all about it, but believe me, I have really wanted it back in because it works naturally, unlike some of the stuff that's over-the-counter that makes you all be speedy and irritable.
I don't think so.
Turn me on, I'm high tonight.
Something you'll never forget.
Turn me on!
Live wire, ladies and gentlemen.
On the front lines of the battle for human freedom.
You better turn me loose.
You better set me free.
A little bit better than I used to.
Live Wire!
Come on, baby!
Take a chance with me!
I'm your Live Wire.
This is some good vintage crew for you.
I remember being about 12 years old listening to this.
I told this 16-year-old girl when I was 16, and I was lying, I wasn't.
She was listening to Mötley Crüe driving around in her daddy's car.
Alright, let's get serious.
Little nostalgia there.
We're in a really bad situation, but we're in a really great situation.
Newtonian physics, every action opposite and equal reaction.
And we're here.
And we're at the crossroads of all of this right now.
So here's the incredible news on this live January 12th, Tuesday transmission, eight days to the coronation, the inauguration of the Lord and Savior.
The Chi-Com King pedophile, Creepy Joe Biden!
And how are they going to sell a stolen election?
How are they going to sell this?
Well, by triggering a riot at the Capitol that dutted, because almost no one took part.
A leftist mob would have burned that place down.
So what are they going to do?
Well, the national emergency has been declared, a total emergency, martial law in D.C.
Trump's like, do not come out, do not be violent, do not do it.
But they're gonna have their provocateurs roll out, you can bet your bottom dollar.
So we need patriots on the streets with cameras, documenting every satanic meth-head you see.
But also groups of well-put-together paramilitary folks.
Or anybody online telling you you're part of a secret mission, that's the globalist.
Do not
Be part of it anyway.
Here's President Trump when he took off a few hours ago for Texas.
He's here in Texas now, about to speak in Alamo, Texas.
Not the Alamo in San Antonio, not the shrine, not the seat of the Texas Revolution in 1836, but the town of Alamo outside McAllen, Texas.
We have crew down there.
We'll be covering it live in the fourth hour.
Here's what President Trump had to say when he took off.
I think Big Tech has made a terrible mistake and very, very bad for our country.
And that's leading others to do the same thing.
And it causes a lot of problems and a lot of danger.
Big mistake.
They shouldn't be doing it.
There's always a counter move when they do that.
I've never seen such anger as I see right now.
And that's a terrible thing.
Terrible thing.
And you have to always avoid violence.
And we have we have tremendous support.
We have support, probably like nobody's ever seen before.
Always have to avoid violence.
What is your role in what happened at the Capitol?
What is your personal responsibility?
So if you read my speech, and many people have done it, and I've seen it both in the papers and in the media, on television, it's been analyzed and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate.
And if you look at what other people have said, politicians at a high level, about the riots during the summer, the horrible riots in Portland and Seattle and various other places,
That's right.
Trump gave a moderate speech compared to Nancy Pelosi or Phil Mudd or Mad Maxine Waters or
Michael Moore.
I mean, we have hours of them saying, maul off cocktail, kill, destroy.
Hell, let's play!
The latest Project Veritas video.
This is the principal counsel, the head lawyer of the PBS channel.
Hundreds of millions of taxpayer money.
It was $600 million last time I checked.
Look up what PBS gets a year.
One of the places that still has a big audience.
I mean, PBS is big.
This is force-fed on every TV screen in the country.
Go to the White House and throw mom-off cocktails.
You know what Trump said?
Go to Obama's house and throw mom-off cocktails.
I'd say arrest Trump.
Because I don't support that.
But he didn't say it, this guy did.
Here it is.
If Biden wins, he will kill all the Republican voters.
And Homeland Security will kill the Republicans.
It's like when Tim Dillon said, what's the goal here?
Joe Rogan, well, the goal is not to have a good time.
The goal is to screw your children or put them in a FEMA camp.
So that's the real what they want.
Those children, God, they'll do anything to get them.
Let's hear what this monster had to say again.
For all Republican voters, burn down their house and take their children.
We put their children in re-education camps.
Will you guys pull up Larry Grathwald, Green Beret, highly decorated, confirmed in federal court.
Weatherman confessed what he said.
He's in meetings with all these PhDs saying 50 million in camps, 25 million dead.
That was in the 60s and 70s.
Let's continue with Project Veritas.
Trump is close to Hitler.
So he had to take her children.
Look at that.
Look at that little roast.
Look at that creepy head, man.
Molotov cocktails.
Molotov cocktails, he wants your children.
He's principal counsel, PBS funded in part by U.S.
tax dollars.
Those kids who are growing up knowing nothing will come, you know, in four years, you've got to wonder what else they're going to be like.
Are we raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people?
We don't love them?
I'm not saying Michael Beller looks like a pedophile.
I'm just saying he looks creepy.
Why do you make games?
They're nice.
They have Sesame Street characters in the classroom.
Re-education camps.
Sesame Street, they name it.
They watch PBS all day.
Wow, put them in a camp and make them watch Pedophile Elmo.
Can you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or states where everybody's just... By educated.
Giving up on humanity.
Sterilizing their sons.
Oh, COVID spiking.
It's a total hoax.
They count all the regular deaths as that.
Oh, we got to lock all these COVID.
It's about locking children up.
It's about, he puts the parents away and he gets the kids.
He keeps saying it.
We lock them up, the parents, the kids.
I need them.
Every once in a while I look at Fox News and it makes me want to throw up after five minutes.
It's all this Joe Biden shit and all that.
So there's the head lawyer of PBS.
He wants to put your parents in death camps and he wants your children with him watching Elmo.
Of course, the main voice of Elmo is a pedophile.
Of course.
So... Oh, hello!
I'm Elmo.
Let me tell you how to take your underwear off now.
Oh, I'm not Brian Stelter.
These people want one thing.
Just like every ancient culture said, evil groups take over, they want children.
And he said, he wants your children in a re-education camp.
You take one look at that big old tall glass of pus, and you know what he wants.
Children, children, children.
Take over the children, destroy them before they grow.
Only way to defeat the humans, get those children.
Get them.
Get them!
And so these entities take vacations on Earth, through our children, through us, and they just rape and murder us.
And that's their whole game.
A bunch of weird, twisted perverts.
I mean, it's worse than perverts.
He wants to put mommy and daddy in a death camp while he's with your children in a re-education... Come on over here, Georgie.
Take the boat, Georgie.
Is there clowns?
Will I float?
Oh, you'll float too!
Stick your hand down in here, Georgie!
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Fox has betrayed President Trump as I predicted they would.
They've always been part of the establishment and it's only going to get worse.
If they're able to keep Trump from rightfully taking office for a second term on January 20th, the system is going to drop the hammer.
Harder than ever on this Republic.
They are going to explode gas prices.
They're going to shut down our coal power plants.
They're going to cut off the energy source to the U.S.
So it's impossible for factories to move back here.
This is economic domination.
This is economic war.
We are being consolidated.
We are being taken over.
The Democrats aren't mismanaging their blue cities and states.
They're consolidating power and control to bankrupt the population and bring them absolutely to heel and then consolidate ownership of all the infrastructure and property.
This is a monopolistic takeover.
That's what the Great Reset is.
Klaus Schwab and these other criminals admit it.
That's what social distancing is.
So your business is only at 25% for several more years.
No small businesses will be there.
This is a master plan.
Say no!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
The Democrat House Majority Leader is calling for anyone that supports Trump to have their bank accounts and right to fly taken away.
Welcome to the technocracy.
Welcome to the Chinese credit score 2.0.
But first, the daughter of the funder of Al-Qaeda, the supporter of the New World Order.
McCain's daughter, once MAGA terrorist, sent to Gitmo and fed dog food.
Listen to this fat, bloated drug addict tell us about her dreams of putting her foot in our neck.
Sorry, I can't.
It's hard to... I just... That's alright.
I just think we need to treat domestic terrorists the way we do actual terrorists.
I think we need to consider all, all, all possibilities.
I'm not against sending these people to Gitmo.
And that may sound extreme.
These are domestic terrorists who attacked our own republic.
They should be treated the same way we treat Al-Qaeda.
Oh, Al-Qaeda that your father secretly funded on record and got caught funding in the Syrian rebellion?
That is a Prozac drug addict nobody.
That's a demon.
That woman's already in hell.
So let's move on.
Democrat House Homeland Security Chair wants GOP Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley on no-fly list as well.
Let's go to that.
About liability for inciting
This is
Now, here's the question.
Call for all the violence, all the antifa's good.
If these folk are found liable, should they be on a no-fly list?
Well, there's no question about it.
You know, there's no exemption for being put on the no-fly list.
And there's no exemption if you're a baby getting aborted in Georgia with your organs sold.
Even a member of Congress commits a crime.
We're going to get that, baby!
...from the body.
There are ethics charges that can be brought against those individuals.
And people are looking at all this.
What Hawley did and what Cruz did.
Yeah, we didn't lay down your election fraud that's permanent like Venezuela.
Because we're told now, you never questioned fraud.
It's a permanent one-party state.
And everything was going on.
I can't listen to any more of this crap.
Shut it off.
So, uh, there you go.
I mean, Apple's running death camps with three million people in it, but these guys are like, Josh Hawley deserves to be in jail.
He deserves to not be able to fly, because, you know, they were going to have those hearings on election fraud.
Don't do that!
And Meghan McCain's like, oh, we're going to make you eat dog food, because then she'll have real power, like a little Field Marshal outfit.
We just keep putting up with it and putting up with it.
You're like, well, then let's get violent.
They are controlling the dumbest violent elements to make sure that it's all coordinated wrong.
You don't see Q saying, go to Chuckie Schumer's house or go to Obama's house or where they're at.
It's attack the Capitol right on the right day.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I don't want to attack Schumer or any of those guys.
My point is, is that Santa Claus is not real.
And their new world order and communism doesn't work either.
And people aren't going to put up with it.
And their need to dominate everyone is sick.
And I talked about this yesterday.
I'll talk about it again right now.
I hadn't watched There Will Be Blood in a long time.
It's an Academy Award winning film.
It's really well done with Daniel Day-Lewis.
Big fan of him.
And Laszlo Higinz, all his movies.
Gangs of New York.
He's an excellent actor.
That's a composite of real stuff that happened.
Oxygen, petroleum, pipelines, the ocean, all the rest of it.
So it's not a true story, but it's a composite.
And he talks in the movie about, I have a competitiveness about me, I hate everyone, I don't want anyone else to do well.
That's the globalists.
That's how they operate.
So they tell you, we're liberal, we're nice, we want to unify everybody to be good, but they're totally ruthless.
I am super alpha male dominant, and I don't want to be a slave, but I want to empower everybody.
And so I see people doing well, and I see people successful, and I just look at all the technology and everything as a rising tide raises all the ships.
And so I see some guy with a gorgeous wife and great kids and a private jet and all this stuff.
If they made their money legally, I love it.
That's good for all of us.
But I've been around most men that are rich and powerful.
They're like super insecure like you'll be with some multi-billionaire person and they'll see their neighbor has a good-looking boat.
It's not even half as big as theirs, but they're like, what is that?
How'd you and they think they get really they're insecure.
There's something wrong with them.
It's a satanic energy.
Because see, I can see some dude with this incredibly gorgeous wife and I'm just like admiring a horse or something.
And I'm not saying a man, but like a horse too.
I'm not putting a woman down.
And I'm just like, that's an incredible thing.
I'm just glad you're having sex with that and having kids.
This makes me feel good for humanity.
I look at some, you know, but the average man I've learned just is envious of everything and just absolutely can't stand other people's successes.
And so I realized when I saw There Will Be Blood when it came out like 10 years ago, or whatever it was, I thought, oh, that's not how everybody is.
But you know what?
That is how people are.
The average man, whether he's a garbage collector, or whether he's a lawyer, or whether he's a corporate leader, whether he's worth $10 billion, or he's worth $10,000, that's satanic.
That he doesn't want, he doesn't take pleasure when his friend knocks a hole in one.
He feels small.
So see, that's the thing.
I'm an individualist because I am the most collectivist person there is.
I mean, I, but I understand that I can't let my collectivism make me give up my will.
I have individual power and I love humanity, but I am a total collectivist.
I just, I love everyone's success.
I love beauty.
I love people's art.
I celebrate others.
And my whole life I would think like, see, it's men.
They don't like me.
I mean, men listen to me that are patriots and know what's going on who aren't evil and get that.
But I mean, women have always liked me.
But it's other men, they see me and they go, what's this guy's angle?
How's he trying to get over you?
Dude, I'm already over you.
I don't need to beat you.
I've already spiritually am way above you.
And by the way, I want to see you transcend with me and be above me because you're a ladder for me to climb up.
See, you're a ladder.
That's how this works, is I want to be a ladder to people that build up and have to get destroyed in the process.
It's okay, because out of that, the crystal matrix grows, and then other people can get on and we go up.
I always watch crabs.
You always heard this analogy, even after I never heard this, I was on talk radio 27 years ago, but when I was a kid, we'd go catch crabs with pieces of bacon, pull them out, you know, boil them, just catch crabs all day at the Texas beach, like, throw out the bacon.
The crab won't let go, it's greedy.
Get the bucket, put it in there.
I mean, I had like buckets of crabs.
And I just remember, like, they never help each other and climb out when they all sit there like 10 crabs in a bucket.
And then as soon as one crab tried to, like, go and get up, they're grabbing!
And another crab would try to get out, they'd grab him!
Like, no, you're not leaving, you're not above me, because that's pure dominance.
That's there will be blood.
Like, you're not climbing out of this thing.
You're staying down here with us, and that's Satan.
Satan is in a crab bucket, telling us we're not getting out of here.
Well, guess what, Satan?
We're getting out of here, because we're not crabs.
And I'm going to find enough souls that want to go to the next level that we're going to blast out of this thing, okay?
So just screw off, New World Order.
Alright, I'm going to shut up.
We got a special guest joining us, Patrick Byrne, on the other side, about a peaceful way out of this stalemate, because we are in the middle of total insanity, with the globals ready to trigger martial law and civil war.
We can stop it together.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I guess Bobby didn't
Well, you weren't asking the right people, brother.
Ha ha!
We got the answers.
Unless you already died and were reborn.
Alright, Patrick Byrne, CEO, former CEO of Overstock.
He's been advising the President very closely, been calling for non-violence and warning of this.
He joins us here in a moment.
Terrible things are happening, but also good things are happening.
The President's had his corporate bank account taken, Deutsche Bank, his private bank account shut down.
It's been done to me already this year, or last year now.
He is having all the shopping carts shut down, all his businesses annihilated.
He is in the crucible for standing up for America against the Chi-Coms.
Grudge Report, now run by CNN, I was told, is celebrating Xi Jinping as over America.
America is defeated.
Talk Radio is ordering their hosts, do not question elections, so they can steal them in the future.
We are now becoming Venezuela.
And then we're told the Q movement, which again is some good people, some bad, but the folks that have hijacked it regardless,
Our globalist intel.
Yeah, they do know Trump was going to Texas two days ago.
Because they're spying on him.
They're surrounding him.
And so it's on.
Trump doesn't want violence.
He's declared emergency in D.C.
The U.S.
is really under a secret martial law decree right now.
This is one hell of a time.
They want 25th Amendment against him.
They want the impeachment.
And so Patrick Byrne is a really smart fella.
He's written an article we'll put on screen and tell you about where there's a peaceful way out of this violent stalemate we're in for all Americans, old, young, black, white, gay, straight, brown, you name it, to unify, a peaceful way to resolve the crisis.
Deep Capture is the website.
So, he joins us from deepcapture.com.
Patrick, always great to have you on, a peaceful way to resolve this crisis.
First, let's define the crisis as you see it, then let's resolve it.
Well, Alex, thank you for having me on again.
And what a good interview you did with Mike Flynn last week, too.
So you're providing a service to the nation to get this news out.
Yeah, it's etiquette.
So I wouldn't say I'm advising the President closely.
I went in as... Well, you've had a lot of meetings.
You're doing a great job.
The point is, give us your take on what's going on.
Well, first of all, what's going on is, there is a way through this, which is that what the President should have done, under the authority he has under an executive order, he doesn't have to do anything, martial law, insurrection act, he just has to say, under this executive order 13-848, signed a couple years ago, and one that Obama signed five years ago.
Say that slower, it's in your article, but say the name of the executive order again, we'll pull it up.
All he has to do is a, and it's a very, given that we're about to enter civil war, it seems like a very tame solution to say, I'm going to send the National Guard, the DHS, in to count those six states.
We're just going to count, or even just the six problematic counties.
We're going to count those, and you know what?
If I'm wrong, and these votes all are fine, then I, Donald Trump, am going to get on the helicopter next Tuesday, no muss, no fuss.
He could have that answer by Friday.
He could have the answer in three days.
Pull the National Guard in to recount six counties.
And we'll go to the next segment.
You've got the floor here, but let's talk about the crisis we're in from your perspective.
What we're defining.
These shadowy groups saying they're going to attack the 50 governors.
The Civil War.
The FBI warning.
What's the headline at Drudge?
It's a national uprising.
Well, let me tell you a story.
I was in Eastern Europe a few years ago.
When I was in Moldova, somebody told me about what had happened when they had had an election.
And clearly the non-pro-Russian, the guy, the candidate who was not in favor of Putin and Russia, he got cheated.
And it was a clear case of cheating.
And the people took to the street and the pro-Russian guy won.
People took to the streets to protest the cheating.
Putin sent people.
He sent what are called ozone provocateurs, the French expression.
He sent Russian espessonats types to go into Moldova, and then they would infiltrate the crowds.
And then once they were inside the crowds, they would try to get the crowds not just to demonstrate their dissatisfaction, but to charge government buildings and break windows and things like that.
Why did Putin do that?
He knows that their population was sitting on the sideline.
Do we buy this?
Do we not buy it?
If you can get those people, those protesters, to charge government buildings and kill people and things like that, the middle class will abandon you.
The center of the people will abandon.
Because they don't want a destabilized country, exactly.
And that's what they've done with the Capitol last week.
And so I felt, you know, I felt very sorry.
I told people, when you come, be civil, A, because we're better than the other side, and B, if you get violent, they're going to use it against you.
You said that on my show the week before.
Don Jr.
said it in his speech.
But they've edited it.
He's like, we're not like them that are violent.
We're peaceful.
Trump said that, but they're not showing that.
Yeah, and then you look at what the tapes from that day, uh, look, does look really suspicious.
Looks like cops were welcoming people in.
Looks like, looks like the one, well, some people got escorted right to the front by the cops.
Yeah, one thing is they staged a few clashes, then they ordered the cops to stand down and let them in.
Yes, and then, so that did to our side, to the pro-election integrity side, exactly what Putin was trying to do.
Now fortunately, in Moldova, they were too smart to fall for it, and the people did not follow the agent provocateur into government buildings and smash windows, they turned on them.
And because of that, the middle class of Moldova stay in the middle of the
And, you know, 20% of America will support.
And then the other thing is you're giving Nancy Pelosi all she needs to, basically, she wants to have a law passed that makes it illegal to be Republican.
And they're going to do that if you go out and get violent.
Oh yeah, this is real persecution.
If we're radio listeners, we're rolling minute after minute from C-SPAN of the so-called terrorists in between the velvet robes doing what they were told.
There were very few riots inside, but the media focused in on, let's say you have a city of 5 million people.
There may be a rape happening in one part, and a murder happening every night.
Maybe 10 people get killed.
If you only focused on those 10 killings in a city, it would look like the city's lawless.
But if you pull back, it's not.
That's what they did.
They're creating a narrative.
So if we go out, if your people go out and protest, remember the great American tradition of civil disobedience.
We will win this.
Patrick, I 1000 trillion percent agree.
What I'm saying is don't just go out and be peaceful.
Speak out against violence and videotape everything.
Videotape everything, but it's okay.
And if this dirty election goes down, it's perfectly okay to do what the other side did for four years.
Everyone should get buttons that say, not my president.
Just wear buttons.
And listen, I've said civil disobedience.
I agree.
If they really steal this and do a free speech crackdown, I'm going to leave people to block highways.
We're going to go to the White House peacefully.
But I mean, if they really push, I'm going to, like Mahatma Gandhi, march into Washington.
Well, yeah, like Gandhi.
Not like Sherman.
If you do that, if you bring guns... This will not be Sherman's march to the sea.
Explain Sherman versus Gandhi.
Explain that.
Well, Sherman was the guy who marched across Georgia, and I don't look up, Mike Flynn has had me go read Sherman's letter to the town burghers of Atlanta on Christmas Eve 1864, where they basically established the American way of war.
Anyway... Well, it's fine if I want to come back, because that's true.
That's one way to do this.
And if patriots did that, we would defeat Pelosi, we would defeat... You would.
We would defeat the CFR and Haas.
Because that's the thing.
If we're really going to do war, we show what real war is.
Like burn everything in your path, kill everything, which I'm not calling for.
Not go take selfies in the Capitol and act like a jackass.
We don't want to go to the violent war.
Stay there.
Patrick Byrne is our guest.
He's at DeepCapture.com.
I'm at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
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I want to warn all patriots in the United States and across the world that are listening to my voice.
I'm Alex Jones.
I've been in this fight 27 years, and I've studied every angle of their operations.
And I am here to tell you as clear as day.
They have organizations on message boards and other groups posing as patriot leaders and posing as President Trump, anonymously telling you to have armed marches in all 50 states coming up on the 20th and before that.
You are being set up.
I was there in D.C.
with a million peaceful people, and I watched Antifa and other leftist groups oppose our people and set us up.
Thank God the patriots did not engage in the rioting, so only a few people did it, so the thing was a misfire.
It was a dud.
But the left is hungry to declare all Trump supporters terrorists, and they're planning terrorist attacks and mass shootings on the 20 to blame the American people.
Do not be part of it.
We are peaceful.
We are not violent.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, baby!
Come on, come on!
You know, Uncle Ted's been sending me a lot of texts today.
I'm about to call him.
You know, let's get him on as a guest there tomorrow.
Hit Ted, dude.
Patrick Burns, our guest.
We're going to write back to him in a moment.
Ahead of... Ali Alexander, who they're saying is hiding from the media.
No, he's been de-platformed everywhere, so we can't speak out so they can lie about him and say he led this assault.
Joel Skousen's joining us, and so much more.
Briefly... You see the President having his bank accounts taken, his shopping cart shut down.
They want to shut down people's money.
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And you're supporting us.
There's also a support button if you want to donate at infowarestore.com on the main page.
But whatever you do, take action and be part of the Second American Revolution worldwide.
We say 1776, it's about saying no to authoritarianism and yes to freedom.
But the globalists know that we've had a political realignment.
They know we've had a global awakening.
They're panicking, and so now they want to outlaw our speech and teach us that we're dissidents under this whole lockdown.
So, Patrick Byrne, going back to you, the former CEO of Overstock.com, you've been in D.C.
the last few months fighting this.
You've had your nose to the grindstone.
Continue with your plan from DeepCapture.com, a peaceful way to resolve the crisis.
Let's get into it.
You know, one week to do it.
Trump could today, President Trump could order those six counties be recount on live stream TV by the National Guard.
We see what happens.
If there is no aberration, no irregularities, he gets on his helicopter, no muss, no fuss.
He told me that.
If, on the other hand, there's big irregularities, then he should use his executive powers to say, you know what, this whole election,
Pursuant to that executive order I told you about, if they show what I think that those may show is 500 to 800,000 irregular votes in those different counties, he then just says, look, we're going to scrub this.
It's obviously so compromised, this election.
It's an egg we cannot unscramble.
I'm going to have the National Guard rerun an election nationally.
30 days, 45 days, they're going to run it, paper ballots only, no machines.
If you want to vote absentee, somebody comes to your door, gives you the ballot, you fill it out.
So everything, it'll be the most drum-tight, secure,
No nonsense election America's ever had.
And you know what?
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy won 120 million votes.
You know, if they did that.
So that's what he should do.
But before taking that big step, he should just send the National Guard in to recount the ballots in those six states.
Physical paper ballot counts.
When they sold us these machines a decade, 15 years ago, when they sold the public on these machines, all the, they always said,
There's always going to be a paper ballot.
As a fail-safe, you can always just open the box and count the paper ballots.
It was on that premise that they got our society to accept these machines.
Well, I say that the time has clearly arrived.
We have reached whatever threshold of uncertainty one needs to have reached to reach the point that we say, let's open the boxes, let's physically count all the paper ballots.
Well, Patrick, you're right.
I mean, now they're trying to announce major talk radio groups.
You and Amber are saying,
You don't question elections.
So you don't question vaccine dangers.
You don't question elections.
You don't question policies.
This is super authoritarianism.
It's like Tucker Carlson said last night, this makes the hair on his arm stand up.
This is real 1984 tyranny.
It is.
In fact, Twitter outlawed the hashtag 1984, which tells you something.
Wow, they just did that?
Yeah, yesterday.
They remember the whole 1984, wow!
Yeah, so we have to, we lose, if we lose the center of America, which we do if we bring violence, we have to be the peaceful ones and let the goons expose themselves for who they are.
I'll just be brass tacks with you right down to the wire.
We know the election was stolen, there's overwhelming evidence of it, but I've moved past Trump trying to prove that now.
It's about him changing the subject, that Joe Biden plans to screw you, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, great reset to lock you down.
This is about to happen.
We need to form a national movement to oppose this peacefully.
Let's be peaceful.
I think that's where Trump needs to be right now.
And let's show them for what they are.
But there's still a way out of it.
He could have that answer by Friday.
If he pulled the trigger on it today, the National Guard could have counted by Friday or Saturday.
So is there a way for him to turn the tide at the 11th hour?
I agree.
What do you think his speech from Texas here in about an hour and 30 minutes is going to be?
I heard that he flew to Texas, but I don't know any details.
He's in Alamo, Texas.
He's about to give a speech in an hour.
Well, that may be symbolic that he's in Alamo.
You know, you can't, he... Oh, wow, that is symbolic, isn't it?
Yeah, he should take, and you're down there by, not far from there, as I recall, he should take... Oh, yeah, my ancestor was there, yeah.
Oh, was he?
Who was your ancestor?
Just look it up, it doesn't really matter.
Someone I know?
Oh, wow.
It doesn't matter, I don't live off the past laurels, it's just an interesting story, yeah.
David Crockett.
Okay, well... No, not David Crockett.
We can still resolve this.
There's a totally peaceful way through this.
Count the six counties.
If it comes up really irregular, rerun the national election in 30 days with the National Guard.
That way, there is no reason for anyone to fight.
But if you don't do that, and we install this new guy next Tuesday, this is something that 47% of America will never believe.
And then the things that they're doing are the exact things you would do in order to aggravate it.
Instead of saying there's going to be open discourse about it, they're making it a thought crime.
To do anything but expend it.
Here's the deal, Patrick.
I knew tyranny was coming.
This is so fabulous and so flaming and so grandiose.
I mean, it's so classical but then a 2.0 that I'm just, like, stunned.
Like, Tucker Carlson's just stunned as well.
It's like, what the heck?
It's like you think Godzilla's coming out of the ocean and something ten times bigger comes out.
I mean, this is the Bonafidi.
Well, it was beautifully, beautifully managed.
All the stages, they pulled it off perfectly, slickly.
You know, the demoralization from COVID, the disorientation from Antifa, this crisis of a rigged election, and now normalization, normalization.
It's just, so no matter what happens, and so if Biden does, God forbid, actually gets sworn in,
I think most people should not come with children.
People should not go to these capital events.
If you go, be really safe and try to stop violence and videotape everything.
Videotape everything.
Show America that we are the good guys.
Look at how Martin Luther King did this in the 60s.
Show America that we are the good guys.
Do not take part.
Do not sanction people.
It took a lot of will to get fire hosed and beat over the head and bit by dogs, but they knew what Gandhi had done worked.
They were doing it again.
Yeah, I'm not sure we have to go that far, but for now, at this point, I wonder what's going to happen in law enforcement and the military, because there's a lot of people in law enforcement, from what I'm connected to, some of those communities, who... Oh, Patrick, I don't want to write myself in the story.
Did you know they sent a SWAT team to get Roger?
He had a bad feeling and had already left by 4 to the hotel at the Willard.
They came with a SWAT team for me as well, saying we did the attack.
The cops learned that I said, don't be violent.
They refused to arrest me.
That they came to arrest me.
Did you know they were going to blame Roger and I?
But Roger didn't go.
I tried to stop it.
The very cops had seen that.
And said, we've been ordered to arrest you, but we're not going to do it.
That happened.
Good, good.
Good, good.
We're just asking, what are the cops going to do?
There's an example right there.
I have COVID now, by the way, just to let you know.
That's why I'm coughing.
But I can't get, we're practicing social distancing.
Well, you look really healthy.
The PCR test told you that?
You know, 96% of those are false.
It's like a mild... No, this is real.
I have a mild flu.
I feel it.
Well, no, people get colds, people get flus, but they're calling basically every... The PCR test, if you have any viral background, says that you have COVID.
Oh, really?
That's what the environment says.
Dude, five more minutes.
Stay there, Patrick Byrne.
You've got the website, deepcapture.com.
You've got a great plan to fix this peacefully.
I fully endorse it, and I agree with him.
Peace is cancer.
Biden is stealing this bigger than Dallas.
They need a violent confrontation at the end to make him look like a victim and change the subject.
Do not let it happen.
We'll be right back in one minute with Patrick Byrne to finish up then.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I love you, man.
I want to make a quick plug.
That DNA Force, I love it.
I've been using it quite a while, and I just went and looked at the ingredients again the other day, and I see that it contains quercetin, which according to some published studies that Dr. Merkula has cited, is an ionophore similar to hydroxychloroquine.
And it helped channel the zinc into the cells, so people might want to take a look at that.
All I know is with DNA Force, we went out and looked at these high-end products that they sell through doctor clinics that aren't prescription, but the doctor sells like 300 bucks a bottle, because there's a lot of expensive product in them.
It's really only cost them like 50 bucks.
And so we basically cloned two different top brands together, and that's what produced this.
So thanks for the plug.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official, part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group.
And Klaus Schwab
All officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them, agenda 21, agenda 2030, it's here.
And it only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going where eagles dare.
Went into D.C.
to challenge the frauds in an election.
They staged a false flag.
Doesn't matter to us.
We just keep fighting.
And remember, I'm not your little loveless minion.
I'm fighting back.
Patrick Byrne, thank you so much, former Overstock CEO.
You've got five minutes left to finish up your great points.
I am simpatico with you.
I totally agree with you.
But how do we manifest not having our people sucked into violence this weekend and next week?
That's a great question.
You know, somebody's weird.
When I was just about to leave D.C., a militia man sought me out and found me.
And I had a very unsettling conversation with him.
He said,
You need to know, Patrick, this sounds crazy to me, and I hope this isn't true, but he said, Patrick, you know there are tens of thousands or maybe more people around this country that we will do whatever you say.
When you say, give the word for war, we're ready to come.
And I said, holy Christ, if you want to do something for me, do not go violent.
If you go violent, they're going to, that will guarantee- Oh, I know, they asked me too.
They're looking for someone to tell them to do it.
And no, we're not doing that.
So, so, uh, but I would, you know, I think that we, I want us to keep fighting this and maybe we can change the outcome by Tuesday if Trump would do just this one thing that he could do that.
I agree.
He should show leadership instead of being on defense.
If, God forbid, this happens, then what we do is we just adopt the exact same techniques they used, except over the last four years, but without burning buildings and police cars and stuff.
We wear pins.
We're perfectly polite, but get pins that say, not my president.
And, you know, and we can practice civil disobedience, too.
Nonviolent civil disobedience.
Don't wear the mask.
Don't go along with them.
There's a thousand things we can do.
That expressed you have not fought and do not let them under any circumstance.
Make you normalize, normalize that, yes, you believe Biden was the legitimate elected president.
Nancy Pelosi did it to our side for four years.
We can do it to them.
We will just always maintain civil disobedience as soon as we do not believe Joe Biden won fairly.
And, you know, two years, you know, if we hold that out for two years, I think there's going to be, oh, the other thing is you have to.
This is what everybody has to spend the next two years doing.
Election integrity.
Volunteer in your local precincts.
Learn how the system works.
Demand integrity.
At the local level, get this fixed.
In two years, you will win in a landslide like you've never seen.
That's right.
We're not violent.
We won in a landslide.
We exposed the COVID exaggeration.
We exposed the COVID industrial complex.
We exposed that fraud as well because that's a key control grid.
Yeah, and you know, there's still some hope that the Supreme Court, when this gets to the Supreme Court, there have been such wussies.
You know, the Supreme Court betrayed us once terribly when Roosevelt, FDR, threatened to stack the Supreme Court and they bowed in 1937.
But they have a chance.
They have to come forward after this whole mess and see this as a civil rights violation.
When there's this much slop in the election, every fake vote
Cancels the legitimate vote of one legitimate voter.
So you can't have this kind of voter suppression.
This is mass voter suppression by allowing there to be... No, you're right.
They want to discredit resistance to election fraud and say it's all terrorism.
Basically outlaw it as all these legislatures pick up the task of saying what happened here was illegal, which it was.
Yes, and we do not.
And so we go without being violent.
We would refuse to accept that.
It will end up in courts.
And the courts, which remember Trump did a good thing here, the courts, the federal courts are going to say that's an insane infringement upon free speech to be trying to outlaw a political position like that.
We have to be careful about election fraud.
So these are the kind of tactics we're going to.
Yeah, exactly.
What is the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws?
Read letter from a Birmingham jail from King.
Take care Alex, thank you.
Our Activated Charcoal Toothpaste became a best-seller overnight because Activated Charcoal is already one of the top-selling, fastest-growing toothpaste out there.
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It also makes a great gift for your family, for your grandkids, for your mother, your father, for everybody.
The Alex Jones Show, because there is a war on, for your mind.
I covered it at the start of the show.
The video is now posted at Band.Video.
Giuliani believes Trump himself and Don Jr.
indicted in D.C.
That is from a well-known individual I talked to this morning, who's never giving me bad info, who talked to Giuliani.
Now maybe they're holding it over Trump's head to make him resign.
You notice Trump has left D.C.
This is a big deal.
That's when I hosted part of the new weekday morning show, American Journal, with Harrison Smith, American Journal, 8 a.m., weekday mornings, Infowars.com, and Newswars.com.
Ali Alexander is getting on a Skype right now.
We're getting him on in a minute or two.
I wanted to talk about him because you see these headlines.
Wall Street Journal retracts claim.
The Epoch Times reports.
Thank you, Epoch Times.
That Alex Jones encouraged capital storming.
Why the hell would I want to do that and destroy myself in America and Trump's?
It's like saying, why would I shoot myself in the head?
I mean, we're talking hundreds of thousands of tweets calling for my arrest.
We're talking hundreds of articles saying, arrest Jones.
He sent people to storm the Capitol.
I had a bunch of pro-Trump rallies.
This was our greatest rally.
Almost a million people or more.
And I get there and a small group of people, Antifa and some other paramilitary group, bus through, the police stand down, it all happens.
So, Wall Street Journal retracts claim that Alex Jones encouraged building storming.
And then Ali Alexander.
Love Ali, hate Ali.
He's a hardworking guy that gets these rallies going and fought the steel around the country.
Stopped the steel organizer, Ali Alexander, in hiding after denying blame for the Capitol.
That's the Daily Beast.
Ali had all of his social media, Twitter, Facebook, his email, his websites, all taken.
He has no voice.
He was marching with us after Trump asked us to lead the march.
We got there after a huge crowd was already there.
Violence already happened.
He tried to calm the crowd down, tried to stop it.
Most of the crowd was totally peaceful.
So when they say, oh, Ali Alexander is in hiding, Ali Alexander
Ran this.
He's been deplatformed.
He's not.
And that's what they do.
If they could ever shut me down completely, where I have no voice anywhere, they would say Jones is in hiding.
That's a lie.
I could be dead at the bottom of the ocean.
I could be in a Supermax prison.
They would say that.
So that's where we are as a culture.
That's where we are as a society.
We're going to get him on the line.
And then we've got Joel Skousen and others joining us here today.
But I want to air this report that's already a few days old, but it's so powerful by Greg Rees.
And it really tells it all.
Clip six.
Capitol building riot was started by false flag.
And this is at Band Up Video.
And the system hopes all day and all night
That you don't get this information and you don't get it out.
But all I ask listeners now at this key crossroads is that you understand we're under attack.
We're fighting harder than ever to stay on air.
And we were built for this moment with the information we're covering.
So please, your email list, your text message list, your Facebook, your Twitter, so what?
They're going to ban you anyways.
Your word of mouth, tellfolksaboutband.video.
Tell folks about InfoWars.com.
Be proud of it and say, it predicted it.
That's why it was banned first.
Now the President's banned.
Now the President's losing his banking.
Now the President's lost his email.
Because if they can get Alex Jones, then they can get the President.
And then they can get everybody.
And that's the point we've reached in this civilization.
This is, as Tucker Carlson said last night, if he couldn't get any better, he hit it last night.
I watched it early this morning.
I woke up at 5 a.m.
because I was with my children last night when Tucker was on.
I didn't watch TV last night, but I watched it this morning at 5 a.m., drinking coffee when it was still dark outside.
He said, if you're not getting chills and the hair on your arms isn't standing up, you're crazy.
If you read this in a history book, this would be Nazi Germany.
I mean, our Soviet Union.
I mean, this is, this would win the Kentucky Derby.
If you had horses and the Tyrant wins, imagine the top horses named Tyrant.
This is the triple crown winner.
This doesn't just win the Kentucky Derby.
It won the other two big races.
I mean, this is the big one.
This is the Mac Daddy.
This is the Big Kahuna.
I mean, this is, from every stitch of its garment, every cell of its body, the most evil, focused, demonic force the planet's ever seen.
Here's Greg Reese's report.
It's at Band.Video.
Proof DC Capitol Riot was staged false flag.
When the CCP, who openly runs death camps, slave labor factories, and earns billions of dollars each year harvesting their organs, attempts to overthrow your country, what exactly are you supposed to do?
The grotesque vassals of the CCP, occupying the highest levels of our government, would have you believe that you should bleed out and die.
On January 6, 2021, millions of great Americans were betrayed by their government.
They came from all over the country to defend fair elections in America and rightfully demand justice under the laws of the Constitution.
It would be the most historical protest in American history.
Well over a million Americans gathered at the Capitol to demand that Congress not certify the election in light of overwhelming evidence of election fraud.
After all their betrayals, the average American still believed in the democratic process.
They believed in the First Amendment.
And they came to exercise that right.
At the end of President Trump's speech, he announced that we are going to the Capitol to give our elected officials the pride and boldness they need to do the right thing.
So, we're going to... We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.
I love Pennsylvania Avenue.
And we're going to the Capitol.
And we're going to try and give... The Democrats are hopeless.
They're never voting for anything.
Not even one vote.
But we're going to try and give our Republicans the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help.
We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.
I want to thank you all.
God bless you.
And God bless America.
Thank you all for being here.
This is incredible.
Thank you very much.
But it was this righteousness that blinded us from the enemy's deceit.
Capitol Police opened the gates and ushered in the crowd.
Photo ops were directed inside.
BLM activist John Sullivan, who was arrested for organizing a violent riot in Utah, was inside the state capitol.
Agent provocateurs were seen instigating violence, and the crowd tried stopping them.
Many of us already knew that we'd been set up.
But others gave in to mob mentality, and people died.
A window leading into the House chamber was broken.
And as Ashley Babbitt climbed through, she was shot without warning.
After 14 years of serving her country, 35-year-old war veteran Ashley Babbitt was disgracefully killed.
Vice President Pence praises Capitol Police.
And after certifying the election, with Ashley Babbitt's blood still fresh on the floors, Pence receives a gold coin.
Like Judas Iscariot, the betrayal is complete.
The CCP and their global propaganda apparatus are trying to paint Ashley Babbitt as a terrorist.
Domestic terrorists.
They are trying to paint all patriots as terrorists.
They are now coming for all of us.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Our only options at this point is for Trump to act swiftly with the military or a revolution by the people.
One way or the other, war is upon us.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
And hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
Soros and Bill Gates and the globalists are on our tail.
But the new website is TheResistance.Video.
They're trying to block us because the truth is powerful and can defeat them.
So the new URL that links right to Band.Video and all of our videos and all of our documentaries and all the special reports and all the suppressed information is at TheResistance.Video.
Share the link.
Hey Alex, how you doing man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes sir, yes sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said man, I gotta get on that show and give him an update.
I said if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm gonna tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now look, I'm 64 years old going on 20 thanks to
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know, we didn't screen your call, we had no idea, and I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Meghan McCain!
Daughter of the war criminal is on the view, saying arrest anyone that protested the election and put them in Gitmo.
Well, Allie Alexander is one of her main targets.
Here's what she had to say.
Sorry, I can't.
It's hard to... I just... That's alright.
I just think we need to treat domestic terrorists the way we do actual terrorists.
I think we need to consider all possibilities.
I'm not against sending these people to Gitmo, and that may sound extreme.
These are domestic terrorists who attacked our own republic.
They should be treated the same way we treat Al-Qaeda.
It's her father that famously funded Al-Qaeda, was photographed at the heads of them in al-Nusra in Syria just five years ago.
Her father is now in hell.
But, Ali Alexander joins us.
He's ready for Gitmo in his orange jumpsuit.
Right now.
Mainstream media is saying he's hiding, but he's been deplatformed everywhere.
He's not hiding.
He's got a few venues to speak out.
He was there with me, the thought criminal that led the violent assault.
He was there with me on the board saying, don't assault, stop, stop!
To the small minority of the hundreds of thousands, the few hundred that went in.
Ali, you're not hiding.
Daily Beast and Newsweek and CNN are saying, no, you're here on air.
This is incredible.
It's how they ban you, they de-platform you, they steal your identity and then lie in your name.
You're not scared, though you are in your orange jumpsuit, ready to eat dog food at Camp Gitmo.
Yeah, well, you know, Alex, I'm not in hiding, but, you know, for my own protection because of the tens of thousands of people that the media has inspired
So you were put on a no-fly list?
No, I don't know.
I just decided that I was not going to use my plane ticket outside of Tuesday.
So that's why they're mad.
They're saying they're trying to arrest you right now.
I have no knowledge that they're trying to arrest me.
I will make myself available to anyone who wants to talk to me in our government.
But look, I have nothing really to say.
Everything that I know is public.
Thankfully, it was reported by your crew.
And the timestamps are actually going to condemn
Um, a lot of our government, when everything comes out that you and I know.
I remember you telling me, tell everybody to be peaceful.
I'm like, of course we're peaceful.
But you were the one telling me to say that.
I mean, look, the fact is, is that you and I were escorted out by secret service in order to leave the overflow from our event with the president to the U.S.
Capitol peacefully.
What you and I did not know is that there were tens of thousands of people who did not attend a Stop the Steal rally, and did not attend the Save America March rally, that attended none of our events that were... That had their own agenda.
And so look, a lot of people got caught up in the moments.
You and I then started proceeding down Pennsylvania Avenue.
We stopped at Freedom Plaza.
We addressed a crowd for about 10 minutes.
And what we know now is that that was by the grace of God.
Because if you and I had just marched, we would have been in the front line on the U.S.
Capitol and we would have been blamed.
And we have the videos of Antifa and this other paramilitary group on their phones with watches going, go, go, go, to time it right when we got there.
But thank God we stopped and gave a speech.
Yeah, I believe that forces within our government coordinated with the paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party to have disgusting events inside the U.S.
And not everybody was disgusting who entered the U.S.
I want to be very clear, okay?
No, the vast majority stayed within the velvet ropes.
And this is what I like to tell people, is if the mob was coming to perform an insurrection, then they would have breached the U.S.
House floor.
What we know is that only Jake, that weird Pew shaman, and who, by the way, a lot of people don't know this, here's an exclusive, Jake actually protested, counter-protested the last Stop the Steal rally in Arizona.
So Jake actually
He has attacked Dr. Steele in Arizona.
He's attended our rallies before, and then when he wasn't allowed to speak, he protested us.
So a lot of people need to understand, I've got all the proof.
And then we've got John Sullivan, an admitted Antifa, saying, I dressed up and led 100 Antifa to stage it, and they're all wearing black.
They won't wear our multi-colors, like you're wearing orange.
Yeah, the American public... I mean, I'm fat, so I wear black, but almost all Trump supporters wear bright colors for whatever reason.
Yeah, well, look at me.
Orange man good or orange man was good.
But look, the fact is that you and I jeopardized our own safety and we ushered about 15,000 people from the front of the U.S.
Capitol to the back of the U.S.
That's what Harrison Smith said yesterday.
He said Pelosi ought to thank us if she was so scared because we literally got them to stop going in.
Yeah, and you and I, we really risked our own safety.
And you and I have it on reporting that we approached three, the U.S.
Capitol Police three different times, told them who we were.
We went three levels up and got a commander's agreement that we should go up.
But I wasn't dumb.
I wasn't going up there without their permission in the middle of a riot.
Yeah, so what I want to tell the media is that you guys don't know what you're doing because Alex and I have all of the proof.
It's all on video.
Not only will we be vindicated, we are heroes of
We're good.
And we have video of patriots beating up Antifa trying to breach.
We have patriots fighting with the cops against Antifa.
We have hours of video.
Yeah, so the good news is that, you know, you've got an entire team that is countering the narrative, but eventually we're going to put together, your team and my team, a great video that shows everything in chronological order with the timestamp of my text messages that I was getting from actual intelligence, and I'm relaying that directly to you.
I mean, Alex, you are a great guy.
As soon as you and I found out that people are beating the police,
We took off running, hoping to de-escalate.
The Trump campaign then texts me and says, you guys need to get there to de-escalate.
And I said, we are going to de-escalate.
And if we can't de-escalate, we'll leave.
And you told me Trump's not coming once we got there.
And I climbed up on top of that pile of chairs and tried to stop it.
Why would we not want Trump there?
Why would we want this?
And it's not we're trying not to get indicted.
It's a total fraud.
The left did this.
They are such dirty bastards, man.
They're dirty bastards and there's crooked cops in this and so I applaud the House Democrats who feel like their safety is in danger and they're not in on this on this hoax.
So they're calling for investigations into the U.S.
Capitol Police and I will make myself available to anybody.
I was about to say I don't want to be demonized in these Senate and House hearings.
I want to be called.
I want to expose what happened.
I will not sit there and watch them claim I did this when I did the opposite.
Yeah, there's no text message that I received during that period that I don't intend to make public.
There's nothing to hide.
There's no information to hide.
Unfortunately, they can't get the President on this, so they want to get you and me.
And I'm going to tell you, they're not getting my scalp on this.
I'm not going to die on the spot.
Well, exactly.
Here's the deal.
They staged this, they know they've been caught, and they're scared.
It was meant to be much worse, but thank God the Patriots didn't go along with it.
Thank God.
I mean, it's really by the grace of God, because our government was against us.
Our opponents were against us, and now parts of our own side are too cowardly to take the moment and consider, is the media lying about these events?
But we have the timestamps, Alex, and they're not all out there.
What's out there already vindicated us, but we're going to put more out.
Yeah, we're dubbing all the raw footage tonight at Bandai Video.
Ali, you're not hiding.
You've been deplatformed everywhere.
Come back tomorrow and join us.
Talk about what you've gone through.
Banned everywhere.
You're not hiding.
We're trying to suppress you.
Thank you so much.
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The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor.
By design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuilding, and they're dystopic.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am Alex Jones.
I've been on air 27 years.
I don't usually use my full name, but I'm Alexander Emmerich Jones.
This feels like an official day, something we ought to be putting on our tuxedos for.
I have never seen the Republicans so much crisis.
I have never seen the globalists moving like this.
And I've never had more intel.
I talked to cabinet-level people this morning.
I made three phone calls, called Trump lawyers, confirmed it.
Giuliani's telling Trump and Don Jr.
that they have been indicted in the District of Columbia.
Now, Giuliani thinks they're holding it to see if he resigns, but that is directly with household names that talked to Giuliani.
Then I called Giuliani's.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Let's just say somebody very close to Giuliani.
And they confirmed it.
I've been on air.
I had a call from one of the individuals earlier, called him back.
They didn't answer.
They talked to the president.
Trump is in Texas to tout his successes and the rest of it.
But ladies and gentlemen, look at these articles out of Yahoo News.
This is the top of Yahoo.
Pence's chief of staff denied entry into White House.
Trump blames me.
I was sent intel by Pentagon patriots an hour ago.
Show the footage.
They didn't tell me what to do with it.
They said, here's the footage of Pence arriving at the West Wing.
Go ahead and roll that footage, guys.
I'll send it to you.
So, I told you, once they cut Trump off, they do a 25th Amendment, because they're planning riots and Q-generated terrorism they claim Trump's running this weekend.
That's why Trump's declared a civil emergency, secretly nationwide, publicly in D.C., martial law.
Again, I was told, everybody always drops names, the highest level of the U.S.
Army under Trump, on Sunday, I'm on record,
That five governor's mansions have been attacked and that all sorts of violence has happened that's being covered up because they want the governors to turn against Republicans and join Biden in martial law for gun confiscation.
Former Marine Corps aviator and officer, one of the top experts on the New World Order, led up the conservative coalition, is Joel Skousen of worldoffirstbrief.com, editor-in-chief.
Joel, you've heard my basic briefing to you and the world.
This is beyond insane.
We've laid out the facts.
What are we looking at right now in your expert view?
Well, we're looking at an attempt to paint the Trump supporters as insurrectionists, so that they can not only indict Trump for inciting insurrection, but to blackball the entire movement.
You know, they've done this for years in the deep state.
The Oklahoma City bombing was a deep state false flag operation, using an army guy who they claimed was right-wing, but he wasn't.
He dipped in a Delta Force setup.
Yeah, so, you know, the only thing that we have to be very, very careful of is that the movement is being swamped with disinformation experts now.
People telling them all kinds of things about, you know, military tribunals taking down the Deep Swamp.
Q is telling everybody, which is U.S.
intelligence, the globalist side, the dark ads, they're telling them the storm is here, the victory's here, now's the time to attack.
That's the opposite.
Explain it to them.
Well, that's right.
We don't know who Q is.
He talks in cryptic sentences on the Internet, but I'm convinced that there's somebody else
Who perhaps General Flynn recognized in her former days in the military, as well as General McInerney, who's talking to them and telling them that I'm a patriot.
You know, there's a whole group in the White House or in the intelligence and military services that are going to defend Donald Trump and put him back in the White House.
There's no other explanation for why General Flynn, in the face of all that we know about the deep state, would make a statement that there's a hundred percent chance that Donald Trump's going to win this and he's not going to win it.
And we know that already.
It's even worse than it is.
Well, I can tell you, last Thursday when Trump made that speech, Flynn broke with him.
And I'm going to leave it at that, but Flynn is not buying that Kool-Aid now.
Yeah, I wish you'd ask him if you have contact with him.
Who was the contact?
Who told him?
Because it had to be somebody personal.
How about I just give you, after the show, his number?
How about this?
Yeah, I'd appreciate that, and I could talk to him.
But, in any case, what I'm worried about is that the movement is inflamed, and when you're inflamed, you're subject to a lot of disinformation.
And these people, you know, are going to lead them to do some rash things that are going to get the movement blackballed.
It could be used to justify gun control.
Oh, this is Pied Piper leading the children into the river.
Yeah, indeed.
You know, we have to be very careful.
I can't tell you how many emails I get now per day asking me, people sending me a video and saying, is this true?
And I look at it and it's just bogus.
But what worries me is that people in our movement can't determine it for themselves or are not trying to think about what's going on here and how they're being misled.
And so I think it's very, very crucial that people learn to think that, first of all, let me just lay out the evidence.
First of all, one of the videos says that clear back when JFK was assassinated that a group of military intel people decided we're never going to let this happen again and that they're going to start to work undercover to drain the deep state.
It never happened.
It never existed.
This is a lie.
The Deep State controlled military and U.S.
intelligence ever since the JFK assassination.
They've used it to cover up things.
The NSA spies... A bunch of my family was in that.
They all told me it was pure evil, just like you're saying.
They said the whole government's evil at the top, is what you're saying.
That doesn't mean that there aren't guys on the white side within the FBI and the CIA and even the NSA who do the actual gathering of evidence.
That's right, it is.
But everyone at the authority level is compromised.
At the executive decision level, they're Satanists.
Well, they're deep state at least.
Now, I think only the very top level of people in the deep state know about the satanic connection and receive, you know, direct guidance as happens in all conspiracies throughout history.
It's very real.
But there's a lot of yes-men in there.
There's a lot of people who fear for their lives.
There's a lot of people... Exactly, they do it through fear.
Yes, and they use it.
Remember, there's this promise of immunity.
That's what drives the deep state, the promise that we will make all of your sins go away.
You won't be prosecuted unless you do something stupid that we can't cover up, like Jeffrey Epstein.
But even then, they may have, you know, exited him.
There was this eyewitness sighting at the New Mexico Ranch.
You know, you can't put anything past these deep state people.
They have the power.
To control coroners, to falsify death, to say it's a suicide when it's murder, it just goes on and on.
Yeah, they're magicians of fraud, so we should expect that.
That's right.
So, this is a time to be very careful.
Now, I want to point out one thing about the Malheur federal takeover of the Malheur Refuge Area.
The mistake that those people made to allow anybody who claimed to be a patriot to come in there, and they ended up allowing about eight
FBI agent provocateurs to come in there to spy on them and other things.
And we're going to have to, I think, be very careful in future rallies for the movement that we just don't allow anyone to come in, especially people with backpacks who will come in there with weapons and gas masks.
Well, anybody that starts to engage in violence has to be tackled.
That's right.
But we're going to have to do our own disciplining, our own security at these rallies.
I know it's hard to do.
But I think it only takes about two dozen security-minded people trained to search out and look for the signs.
And I totally agree.
If I'd have got there 30 minutes later with my 20 security guys, we would have stopped that.
And so, you know, we have video now of the big long sticks that they were using to beat down police shields.
Those were being handed out from inside the Capitol.
It wasn't a policeman in there, but somebody from inside the Capitol was handing out these long rods for people to beat on the police with.
So there's a lot of investigation that has to be done here.
But what I worry about in this congressional mania about trying to indict Trump for starting an insurrection is that you can't have an honest investigation in Congress or by the FBI or the Department of Justice.
It's just all controlled.
They've covered up the JFK assassination.
They covered up the 9-11 deep state, you know, loading of the building with explosives.
It just goes on and on and that's why I'm discouraged.
I want to come back in the next two segments with you and try to shut up, give me the floor, because you're a smart guy.
What does Trump need to do?
Because I can actually, I might even be able to talk to him.
I have to try hard, I can call a hundred times, might get through to him.
But I know some people that can talk to him.
I know three people that have probably, one already talked to him today, with very limited messaging.
What would you say to Trump?
What can he do?
Joel Skousen, roll the first brief.
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I'm with God.
I'm with justice.
I feel very fulfilled right now.
World government's out in the open.
Everything we said is happening.
I'm not happy it's happening, but I know Jesus is real, and I know my ancestors were real, and they were good people, and I'm going to stand with God, and that's what matters.
I don't fear who can kill my body.
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I want to warn all patriots in the United States and across the world that are listening to my voice.
I'm Alex Jones.
I've been in this fight 27 years, and I've studied every angle of their operations.
And I'm here to tell you as clear as day.
They have organizations on message boards and other groups posing as patriot leaders and posing as President Trump, anonymously telling you to have armed marches in all 50 states coming up on the 20th and before that.
You are being set up.
I was there in D.C.
with a million peaceful people, and I watched Antifa and other leftist groups oppose our people and set us up.
Thank God the patriots did not engage in the rioting, so only a few people did it, so the thing was a misfire.
It was a dud.
But the left is hungry to declare all Trump supporters terrorists, and they're planning terrorist attacks and mass shootings on the 20th to blame the American people.
Do not be part of it.
We are peaceful.
We are not violent.
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InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Ban.Video, and hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Joel Skousen is our guest.
He just asked me, he said, listen.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's right.
He was just asking me, hey, are you part of this, the new video, or this is a deep fake of you?
It's modern stuff that just happened last week.
You have no beard.
And I said, no, I haven't seen it.
It's you.
But it's bad, folks.
They have soundboards where they...
Call people and hit these buttons of what I've said together to make sentences.
That's been going on for 20 years.
But now they've got... Adobe came out a few years with it where you can have a minute of somebody's voice and then you can program a computer to full voice print.
And then Adobe pulled it off the market but thousands were sold.
And so yeah, they've got me saying horrible things about black people, horrible things about Jews, horrible things about...
Everybody it's not me, but Joel you were talking about now.
We're gonna see all those secret weapons rolled out We're gonna just because you were bringing this up to me That's right.
I was concerned.
You know somebody sent me the video to attack me and saying why are you on this guy's show?
Because he's obviously you know doesn't have the moral values that you represent and I said well, that's not Alex Jones he didn't have a beard on and I caught it immediately that this was a deep fake and I
But it was disturbing and it's going to influence a lot of people.
I'll send it to you at some time when I find it during the break so that you can analyze it.
But we have to be prepared for all kinds of dirty tricks.
It's, you know, when you look at what they did to Parlay, you know, and taking it off, not only the Google and Apple store, but then Amazon take it.
You know, it's very difficult for a big organization running a Twitter like feed to run, you know, it takes hundreds and hundreds of servers.
And there's only two or three or four companies that have the server capacity to run someone like that.
So when you take them off the air, it becomes very difficult.
Well, exactly.
Parler's taken off.
Trump's losing his bank accounts.
This is insanely dangerous.
And that's why they're moving to a digital currency too.
Once you get into everything is sold by credit cards and everything is done through a digital currency and there's no backup with cash, it's going to be very difficult to handle life when they shut down your account and say that you're an insurrectionist.
I totally agree.
But in the interest of truth, because I'm trying to scan my mind, I want to get into Trump and the world and Marshall Law and all the rest of it.
I'm a sinner.
I've been through a lot of stress.
In 27 years on air, probably 10 times I flipped out late at night when I was drinking or I was angry.
One night my dog died.
It had an aneurysm.
Blood was spraying out of its face.
I came up there after it died.
I blew up on air and cussed and yelled.
But there's nothing modern.
I haven't done that in a long time.
So if that's out there, I repent.
Nobody's perfect except Jesus Christ.
But no, I've not done anything in a long time like that, so that sounds like a deep fake or edits of something I've done together that are exaggerated.
But Joel, moving on from Alex Jones, I don't control the currency, I don't control the markets.
They're celebrating Xi Jinping crushing America.
They're celebrating the takeover.
They're celebrating what they're about to do.
What would your advice be to President Trump in the, you know, less than 200 hours he's got left or whatever?
What would you do if you were President Trump?
Well, that's hard to say.
You know, I've always said, as of a few weeks ago, right after the election, he needed to sequester the Dominion machines.
He needed to sequester the ballots, not take possession, but make sure that they were guarded at federal facilities so that they could be audited by independent, non-state people.
Now, Rand Paul made a major mistake in the Senate when he said, you know, this is a matter of states' rights.
The elections are totally under the control of the states.
But when there is fraud, and you're talking about a federal election, the federal government has the power, the president has the power to use emergency powers to intervene and at least sequester those... Because the two sides under a federal system check each other.
That's right, there has to be a check.
That's why the powers are there.
The powers aren't illegitimate.
If the public thinks they're right, then it's a political decision.
So there has to be a check and a balance against state fraud.
And the courts are not acting as that check and a balance.
And so the federal government has the power, I think, to go in, not to take over, but to sequester them so that they cannot be, you know, damaged.
For example, there's video of a truck moving into the Fulton warehouse where all the phony ballots are and hauling away ballot boxes.
And I think they're hauling away the ones that were... Oh, we have the USPS drivers that they opened it up and it's all perfectly crisp Scantron printed ballots out from another state.
Totally proof.
That's right.
Now, I don't think there really is anything that Trump can do because he's been totally paralyzed by this false flag operation at the Capitol.
And as I've said on your show before, you know, unfortunately, there were a lot of Trump people that got
Caught up in the moment and started entering the Capitol floor and entering and doing things, but they were led by agent provocateurs and those provocateurs got away.
If any of them are arrested, they will have been released by now.
We'll never know.
And I think that Trump has to cancel any rallies on January 20th or anyone else.
That's right.
Keep people away from the Capitol.
They're just going to make things worse by infiltration.
And so he's really just got to go graciously out of office.
And while we regroup and try to fight this, and as I say,
The big thing is, if we're ever going to regain any liberty in this country, we've got to have a larger majority than what we have.
We have a substantial, an 80 million minority.
And it's not enough to outvote with voting fraud, unless we get a lot more votes.
We have to geographically explain that.
That's what you write about, that's what you do, strategic relocation, the books we sell at InfoWarsaw.com.
It's about culturally, historically, physically coming out of Babylon.
We have to physically remove ourselves.
That's the only power we have.
That's right.
We have to prepare at the same time that we fight this battle, at the same time we try to keep waking people up.
And the issue has to be conspiracy.
You have to talk about the conspiracy of election fraud, the conspiracy to date Donald Trump, the conspiracy of false flag operations.
You know, that's how I tell whether someone's been in deep state.
Were they involved in the cover-up of the JFK assassination?
Were they involved in the cover-up of TW800 or Oklahoma City bombing?
Because it's a lineage.
They just keep rewarding themselves.
That's right.
And they keep covering for themselves.
I mean, you look at Brett Kavanaugh, who was part of the Deep State and covering up for the Vince Foster murder.
And they feed his name to Donald Trump.
He won't be a reliable conservative.
You know, he's not going to be as obvious as John Roberts.
We've got to really wake up our people to the sophistication of what we're dealing with and how we have to be a lot smarter.
You know, you say nobody's perfect, but I'll tell you, Alex, we've got to be a lot more perfect than we are.
We've got to get healthy.
We've got to get healthy so that we're not subject to these pandemics, which are going to continue.
And we've got to have strategy sessions for everybody to debate how we pull ourselves out of this and get our families involved.
Because I've looked at this from every angle.
You told me ten years ago, Jones, you can't fix this.
It's biblical.
You're going to have to have a... And I agree with you now.
I thought we could fix it.
We have got to pull out.
The only thing to do is build our own communities now.
It's got to happen now.
We cannot wait.
That's right.
And that's what strategic relocation is all about.
Getting to conservative based safe places because these places are going to grow during the next war.
When there's a nuclear attack on U.S.
military targets preceded by an EMP strike, there's going to be mass social unrest in all the major cities and the good people are going to flee.
The good people are going to come to areas that I talk about as strategic relocation that are conservative based where we can have new majorities in order to build those majorities.
Tell me right now the best place for me to move that has telecommunications for us to move.
Where should I move?
Well, that's... Because I'm ready to do it.
I realize I can't wait anymore.
Every cell tells me get out of Boston.
Yeah, you have to get out of Austin.
There are safer places in Texas where you can still operate, but I really think the Intermountain West is the safest place long term.
So where's the sweet spot in the Intermountain West?
I almost don't want to say the name, but if you had to live anywhere for what I'm trying to do and run a telecommunications operation, where's the sweet spot in the Intermountain West?
Well, I'll have to think about that, Alex, because... Give me the top five.
Give me a few good ones.
Well, I would say they would be in the Boise area, or in northern Idaho, or in Utah County, or in St.
George, Utah, the southernmost city, which is kind of a warm climate area.
But those are the areas that have the technology, that they have the base, they have the people base, they're in safe areas that won't get shut down, pretty good legal systems.
You have to stay away from Arizona, Colorado, because they're going to be blue states.
And even Texas, I believe, is going to be a blue state within the next election or so.
I agree.
I agree.
All right.
A lot of Californians are moving into Texas, which is unfortunate.
They're going to bring their liberal attitudes with them.
All right.
Trump's set to speak.
We'll do five more minutes with Joel Skousen on the other side, and then we'll have Trump take over.
And we'll talk about if Trump customarily is 10, 15 minutes late, we'll get Joel Skousen
What Biden's gonna do?
I just am so sick.
But, you know, we killed all those babies, folks.
We joined Satan.
I mean, not all of us did consciously, but we let it happen.
So we're about to be judged, ladies and gentlemen.
No mistake.
God gives us free will.
Satan does not, by the way.
And so we have free will to join Satan.
And we did it.
And now we are about to get really screwed over.
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And get a t-shirt, get a book.
I don't know if I'll be here next week.
I never lie to you folks.
I mean, it's bad.
They're breathing down our necks, okay?
We'll be right back.
Mountain Patriot in Colorado.
Thank you for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I'm just working as hard as I can.
We're in such a critical time, brother.
How are you?
I love you, man.
I want to make a quick plug.
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So thanks for the plug.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID, more dumbest thing they could ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome to Venezuela.
Major talk radio networks say do not question the election.
That's violence.
You're banned.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And Jim Jordan says he never said it was stolen.
The new litmus test is, Joel Skouzen, don't question the fraud as the one-party state takes over.
What can Trump do in the twilight of his 200 hours in power?
Well, as we talked about before, I don't really think there's anything to do because anything he tries to do will be poison in terms of the media.
But he can cancel any rallies to make sure that they cannot continue to push this insurrection because, believe me, they will turn it to be violent if he ever has another rally again here.
Now, I'm not sure he should try pardoning himself.
It probably wouldn't hurt.
It's never been done before, but clearly they're going to indict him for insurrection and try to put him in jail.
They want him impeached because they want to add to that impeachment a total ban on any running for federal office again.
That's what they're headed for.
And I don't think they're going to be able to do it unless Mitch McConnell, who is a globalist, he could betray Trump, but he's got the power to stop that impeachment from coming to a vote.
Within this timeframe, without hearings, he can draw out the hearings and make it go away.
So it's all up to Mitch McConnell right now.
After that, you know, in the Biden administration, they've got control of both houses of Congress and the presidency.
The only thing that can stop anything at all now will be the, well, you'd have the two-thirds majority that has to vote for, you know, major things.
It just slipped my mind now.
There's parliamentary systems that could block this.
Well, that's right.
You're not supposed to have every rule that even the Sergeant-at-Arms doesn't know.
Or the Senate leader.
It's all Byzantine.
It's all insane.
There are procedures to stop this, but do you think Trump realizes how much danger he's in?
I think he does.
I think he realizes that, but I think he's very discouraged.
I think he's lost heart over this, and I mean, he made a mistake in talking to McCarthy, who's not on his side, by telling him he accepts some responsibility for the violence in the Capitol.
He should never have said that, because there really wasn't anything wrong with what he said.
It certainly wasn't any more volatile than anything else he's ever said.
The minute he made an admission of guilt, that's when they deplatformed him.
No, you're right.
That's right.
And of course, you know, it's so totally hypocritical because all the BLM Antifa riots, you know, which were provoked by the media and given full carte blanche, those have never been condemned.
And they haven't prosecuted any of them for insurrection.
And they never run an investigation on who's financing BLM and Antifa.
And it would lead right back to George Soros and other globalists.
So this is a very, very bad situation for the President.
I really think there's nothing he can do except to be very moderate, very mild, and go out of office to try to keep them from poisoning his supporters because that's who they're after now.
He's trying to stop people being manipulated into Q violence this weekend, but the word is there are a lot of people believing this Q stuff that are planning violence.
It's so dangerous.
Well, that's why it's very, very important for Sidney Pound, Lyn Wood, who's been really the subject of a lot of disinformation.
And General Flynn and General McInerney.
Whether he's bad or good, Lin Wood needs to knock it off.
I agree.
I mean, he's put out the worst stuff I've ever seen, and it's just he ought to know better.
I'm worried because he was a Democratic contributor before that he might be a plan.
By the way, he's still on Twitter, isn't he?
What I'm saying is he's allowed to say all this.
Yeah, and that's a bad that's a sign that we may not be able to trust this going on.
I don't trust Jenna Ellis and his legal team.
I know you may be friends with Rudy Giuliani, but he was deep state in 9-11.
Oh, no, no, I'm not friends with Giuliani.
I'm friends with a freaking rattlesnake.
Well, he has sabotaged Trump's legal case.
You know, Trump just doesn't have the judgment on who to pick, who to surround himself with to keep himself from being manipulated.
And, you know, he has a good heart, but we need a new champion.
And I don't know who that is right now.
I don't necessarily trust Ted Cruz.
He can certainly fight, but he's disappointed us before.
Yeah, he still has that knowledge of evil.
All right, Joel Skousen, thank you so much.
We're all falling for the knowledge of evil.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
InfoWars is a critical organization
I think so.
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You can run on for a long time
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Soon our laser gonna cut you down.
Soon our laser gonna cut you down.
We are watching the control implosion.
...of the United States of America.
You can talk about, oh, Trump should have done this, Trump should have done that.
The globalists want him gone.
The globalists want the destruction of the country.
So there's all these moralizing people out there, like Ann Coulter and others, that say, oh, Trump could have done a better job.
But then they literally side with the globalists to take over the country.
These are opportunists.
These are people that have sold out, who act holier than thou.
Trump fought hard for our republic.
And as soon as he gets up to speech, as soon as he gets up to speak, we will show you what he has to say.
But we thank God for Trump.
We thank God for you.
And we've only begun to fight.
You didn't think we'd elect a president and battle the globalists back to the edge of a cliff and not have them push back.
This is a sword fight.
We are in the battle.
And so that's the crucible.
You don't think you get your arm cut off for a couple seconds, you don't get super power to take the enemy out?
Enemy hacks your arm off, that's when you get them.
It's in that moment that you've already been stabbed to death, that you go, you want war, you get it spiritually.
That's where we are now.
I've never felt closer to God.
People say, man, things are bad.
America's falling.
Why are you so excited?
Because the enemy is out in the open now, and I believe in you.
Go commercial-free, as I said before the show.
Now, some stations will cut away.
We fire tones, computer programs on the satellites, so they'll cut away.
The stations aren't editing us.
The stations aren't censoring us.
They've got to run those ads.
Those are paid.
They have to run them.
They're wonderful.
We love our affiliates, TV and radio.
Wouldn't be on there without them.
But I'm saying commercial free on TheInfoWars.com, TheNewsWars.com, TheBanned.VideoStreams.
We are commercial free.
We are commercial free.
Everybody's getting ready for the president.
He's not perfect, but he's our president.
He's an American.
Probably the last president you'll see before the return of Christ.
Because God gives you an example of what to do right before the fall.
Like, this is what you could've had.
And if we'd have gone with this, we could have turned it all around, but we were too weak.
And now it's Mark of the Beast, forced inoculation, world government, pedophile rings coming to your house, social credit scores, you let a pedophile rape your child, get a year bonus in your bank account, next time it's like a week's bonus, next time it's a cheeseburger, next time it's one fry.
Like let me rape your kid 10 times, you get a box of fries.
First it's a million bucks, then it's a box of fries, then it's one fry.
Then it's I'm not gonna kill you unless you let me rape your child.
It's all about the children, because they are the potential of the universe, with God's stamp on them.
So we're going to skip these breaks.
I want to air this important report we haven't aired yet.
And as soon as Trump comes on, we'll go to him.
Oh, Trump's speaking?
Go ahead and go to President Trump, right now, commercial-free, from Texas.
Let's get ready.
Here it is.
Alamo, Texas.
There's a lot to stew on that.
Thank you very much.
Thank you everybody.
Great honor to be here.
We worked long and hard.
Please sit down.
We've worked long and hard to get this done.
They said it couldn't be done and we got it done.
One of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of our country.
I'm honored to be here in the Rio Grande Valley with the courageous men and women of Customs and Border Patrol.
These people are
They're really incredible.
I've gotten to know you very well over the last four years.
Many of you are friends from all of the work we did in designing the wall.
We got it exactly as you wanted it.
Everything, including your protective plate on top.
I say, why did we put that?
And they said, we need it for extra protection.
Climb plate.
And we have everything you want.
It's steel.
It's concrete inside the steel.
And then it's rebar.
A lot of heavy rebar inside the concrete.
And it's as strong as you're gonna get and strong as you can have, but we gave you 100% of what you wanted, so now you have no excuses.
I didn't want you to have any excuses.
And you set records, and we can't let the next administration even think about taking it down, if you can believe that.
I don't think that will happen.
I think when you see what it does and how it's so important for our country, nobody's going to be touching it.
And you are very proud of it.
And you're proud of the work you did because we really designed it together.
We're joined together to celebrate a great achievement, the extraordinarily successful building of the wall on the southern border.
Before we begin, I'd like to say that free speech is under assault like never before.
The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me, but we'll come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration.
As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.
The impeachment hoax is a continuation of the greatest and most vicious witch hunt in the history of our country, and is causing tremendous anger and division and pain, far greater than most people will ever understand, which is very dangerous for the USA, especially at this very tender time.
And now I'd like to briefly address the events of last week.
Millions of our citizens watched on Wednesday as they mob-stormed the Capitol and trashed the halls of government.
As I have consistently said throughout my administration, we believe in respecting America's history and traditions, not tearing them down.
We believe in the rule of law, not in violence or rioting.
Because of the pandemic.
Horrible, horrible, invisible enemy.
And despite our tremendous success developing a vaccine years before, it was thought even remotely possible.
Nobody thought it was going to be possible.
They said it would take five years.
Sir, it will take seven years.
All of our scientists were saying, our advisors, it will take seven years, five years, ten years, maybe.
Well, we did it just like I said we would, and we had it out.
Years and years before they thought it was possible.
And we're now delivering it to states, including your state, where your governor and government are doing a terrific job in getting it administered in Texas.
And Florida's doing great.
Some of them are doing great.
Some aren't doing as well.
But they have all they can handle.
And we get it to them as fast as they need it, and even faster.
But they're calling it a medical miracle.
And this has been a difficult year and a very difficult election.
The pandemic has made it a very, very difficult year for our country and virtually every country all over the world.
Now is the time for our nation to heal.
And it's time for peace and for calm.
Now folks, here's the key.
I've got Fox News, CNN on the control room.
No coverage of the U.S.
President's speech.
Show Fox News.
It's the FBI on the riot that says the white supremacist and Christians are the big threat.
They're not showing, they're showing this dude not talking instead of the President calling for unity because they want to blow stuff up this weekend and blame Trump.
Remember that.
That's why Bandot Video is here.
That's why I'm fullwords.com is here.
Let's go back to the President.
You do.
And you are.
No one's carrying this, folks.
I want to thank Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan.
Total cutoff.
Total martial law.
Where's Mark?
Stand up, Mark.
Great job.
This is a total drill for takeover.
Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings.
Brian, thank you very much.
Guys, check all the channels.
We're going to skip this network break.
Some stations may break.
That's fine.
Guys, show people.
Every channel.
No Trump.
And most importantly, the brave law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day to protect our families and our country.
I also want to thank a tremendous gentleman, a friend of mine, Tom Holden.
They don't want him calling for peace because on 8chan, they're commanding you to attack.
Attack, they're saying.
Don't do it.
When they were saying, no, no, we need drones, we need drones.
I said, why?
So you could watch the people pour into our country illegally?
And I want to thank you very much, Sean.
What an unprecedented job.
His bank account's taken, him silenced.
And MSTM will not show the president.
Everyone here today is part of an incredible success story.
We're here at Bandot Video.
You can share it on email.
When I took office, we inherited a broken, dysfunctional, unopened border.
Everybody was pouring in at will, working alongside the prisoners.
Great outdoor space, looking at our wall.
We reformed our immigration system and achieved the most secure southern border in U.S.
It is at a level that it's never been before.
We took on the cartels, the coyotes and the special interests, and we restored the rule of law.
For years, politicians ran for office promising to secure the border only to get elected.
And to do the absolute exact opposite.
They even promised a wall, if you remember.
About 10 years ago, they promised a wall, but they couldn't get it built.
It wasn't easy getting it built.
Getting it financed was tough.
Getting it built was even tougher.
All the different chains of title, all the different things we had to go through.
Very, very complex and very difficult, but we got it done.
But they had it... Years ago, you remember that better than anybody, right?
And they never got it done.
They never ever completed the task, and then ultimately the money was sent back to the federal government.
Spent, but the wall was built.
But unlike those who came before me, I kept my promises.
And today we celebrate an extraordinary milestone, the completion of the promised 450 miles of border wall.
450 miles.
By the way, this is blocked out on all US TV.
Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, CNN, ABC.
But on right side broadcasting, almost 700,000 viewers.
We have over 700,000 viewers.
Funny similar number just on our streams right now.
We have about 700,000 watching.
That's separate.
That's another group.
So that's why we're so precious.
And they want right side shut down.
So you can't even hear him.
I mean, this is incredible!
This is insane!
I've got every cable channel on in that control room and nobody's carrying our president.
This is martial law by the media and by the corporations that Tucker Carlson warned us about.
Back to the president.
But where we needed them, because it's been so successful.
You know all of you that said Trump wasn't perfect, you've got your ground points.
And that's currently under construction.
Attacking him, shame on you, shame on you.
They hate him, he's the real deal.
Is he perfect?
No, nobody is.
But God, you pissed all over yourselves now.
In every region that we've built the wall, illegal crossings and drug smuggling have plummeted.
Absolutely plummeted.
In the Rio Grande Valley, crossings have dropped nearly 80%.
In Yuma, Arizona, illegal entries have been slashed by 90%.
Nationwide, ICE and Border Patrol have seized over 2 million pounds of fentanyl, heroin, meth, and other deadly narcotics, saving thousands and thousands of lives.
We've arrested nearly 500,000 illegal aliens.
Ladies and gentlemen, we went to the White House feed.
It is dead.
Another White House feed is showing Joe Biden.
We are under martial law.
We are under globalist attack.
Drudge Report is owned by CNN, I'm told now.
They are celebrating Xi Jinping rules America.
They say Xi Jinping rules America.
I mean, wow!
We will put up with anything.
Let's go back to this great president.
My God.
People say, oh, Trump's not perfect.
He ain't Joe Biden, bitch!
I've been persecuted for supporting Trump.
And I will continue to support the truth.
He's not perfect, but he's not a pedophile globalist.
Let's finish up with the president.
But even worse, it's catch and release them.
It means release into our country, not into another country.
This policy was exploited by vicious criminal organizations who understood the laws better than our people understood them for years to spread misery and suffering and drugs all across the hemisphere.
Now, instead of catch and release, we have detain and remove.
It's called detain and remove.
Doesn't that sound better?
One of the biggest loopholes we closed was asylum fraud under the old broken system.
If you merely requested asylum,
You were released into the country.
The most ridiculous thing anyone's ever seen.
And we were taking in some people that you didn't want to have in your country.
We instituted a series of historic policy changes to shut down asylum.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing history that I cannot believe.
We're checking Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube.
He's nowhere.
He's not on the White House website.
If they can shut down the President of the U.S., they can shut anything down.
I mean, this is incredible.
Then they force-feed Joe Biden as President-elect.
No one watches.
I mean, man, this is crazy.
The President of the U.S.
is blocked so they can lie about him and say whatever they want.
This is big tech, man.
This is so dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank God we built InfoWars, and I mean, how long will we be here?
I mean, man, this is incredible.
They have shut the President of the U.S.
down where he's on no channels but right-side broadcasting at InfoWars.com.
Let's go back to him.
We actually had 27,000 Mexican soldiers guarding our borders over the last two years.
Nobody thought that was possible.
I can't believe it.
I mean, I knew it was coming, but I never thought... That's why the numbers were able to plunge even during the construction of the wall.
And by the way, one of the big elements of the wall that make it so successful is we can have far fewer people working now.
They can be working on other things, other things related to crime and drug prevention and a lot of other elements they're working on because we save massive numbers of people.
And included here, we have the most sophisticated camera systems and most sophisticated electronic systems.
Anywhere in the world.
We implemented three historic agreements with the Northern Triangle.
That's Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Under these critical asylum cooperation agreements, the burden of illegal immigration is now shared all across the region.
Now, when an illegal immigrant is arrested at our border, they can be sent to a neighboring country instead of into a U.S.
Prior to my getting here, countries wouldn't accept them.
They would say, no, no, no.
I said, well, you got to take them.
First month, I'll never forget.
These gentlemen right here came to me.
They said they won't take them back.
They came.
They may be murderers.
They may be cartel heads.
They may be some really vicious people.
The countries didn't want them back.
And I stopped all payments to those countries.
I stopped everything going to those countries.
And after it was stopped for about a month, you remember?
After it was stopped for about a month, they called, they said, we'd love to have them back.
And they never gave them as much money as they were getting, by the way, but they got some.
It was amazing.
And you people know better than anyone, they wouldn't take them back, would have planes flying over, loaded up with people that we didn't want here.
And they'd say, don't ever even think about landing that plane.
And they take them by boat and they take them by bus and they wouldn't let them into their countries.
And all of a sudden they say, welcome back.
We love having you.
So it was a great thing.
And now they do take them back.
And the relationship with those countries, the triangle, the relationship is a much better one than it was before.
In addition to our agreements with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador,
We have systematically reformed the regulatory code to return asylum to its original legal meaning and purpose, not a free ticket for entry.
A recent comprehensive report by the Department of Homeland Security and Justice show how effective our reforms have been and how disastrous their removal would be.
It would be a disaster for our country.
I know they're thinking about removing them.
I hope they don't do that.
I hope they don't do that.
It'll be an absolute travesty for our country.
The report conclusively proves once and for all that aliens released at the border remain at large in the country and do not return home.
They won't go home.
And you rarely find them.
It's very tough to find them.
So we have aliens released in our country, many of whom are serious criminals.
And we've stopped that.
Don't ever start that process again.
By contrast, under our policies, 98% of aliens that remain in DHS custody are removed.
Simply put, if you enter the United States illegally, you are apprehended and immediately, safely removed from our country.
Without this core principle, there is no border.
There is no law.
Which, by the way, the globalists admit is their plan to flood the border.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing for the first time in modern history, a president giving a major speech in the middle of this firestorm.
And it's not on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC.
I'm in there checking.
It's nowhere.
Instead, you've got the federal prosecutor in D.C.
about how he's gonna charge all the people that went to the Capitol when the feds opened the doors up and shot citizens.
God, man, we are screwed, man.
We got big tech, big media, ganged up on America in a giant gang rape.
And our poor embattled president will be gone in eight days, down on the border, saying we should have a border and fight the U.N.
Gosh, just thank God InfoWars is here.
And right side broadcasting.
Let's go back to the president.
Great shape, but on the other side in Mexico, they're suffering greatly with the virus.
It's been incredible what we've achieved.
That's Joe Fox again.
The wall because of COVID.
That's Joe Fox again.
Just look at this.
That's one of these weird, crazy lawyers that wants to arrest somebody.
He's trying to indict Trump.
We're told he's already indicted Trump.
It hasn't been announced yet.
Look at that maniac.
Did you elect him?
He loves China.
He loves death camps.
He loves it all.
Both he's in power.
He's a big boy now.
His mommy raised him to run things.
Let's continue.
Go ahead.
They're tough.
They're strong.
And they're great patriots, great Americans.
We fixed it and we secured it.
We empowered our wonderful ICE and Border Patrol to fulfill their oaths and sworn officers.
They became sworn officers of the law.
And they love their job.
It's a tough job.
I think when Trump learns they blacked us out.
He's going to do resolute death speeches finally.
I mean, speeches all day long, because this is going to get out.
But man, if he was Hitler, I'd want to hear a speech.
Or if he was Mao Zedong, let us hear it.
No, you can't hear it.
It incited what happened.
You know, you're protesting, we installed Biden, and no one could ever question an election again.
That's North Korea, folks.
That's the cue to turn the president back up?
We also have, and we had, but we have them all the time.
We have terrorists from the Middle East coming into our country through the southern border.
That was before what you see right here.
Because it was easier to come into our country through the southern border than it was through airports or any other means.
So they'd land in South America and then work their way out.
So Trump ends with the image of a country, a wall of sovereignty, which they're trying to end.
From some very seriously dangerous places in the Middle East.
And the numbers are far greater than anybody would understand.
Really far greater.
Removing any of these measures would hamstring our workers, endanger our country and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
No matter our party, we should all agree on the need to protect our workers, our families.
When every job's shut down and America's a wasteland, all the money you got goes to business.
A big smiley face monster and he's laughing hard.
It will trigger a wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before, and I can tell you that already.
Waves are starting to come up from 2,000 and 1,000 and 500.
It's up to 800,000 viewers almost.
We have that same number.
Last time I checked at Infowars.com for his last show.
But that's what's sad is this should be on every channel.
But oh, we can't let you hear the president.
He doesn't like the New World Order.
No channels are carrying this, but right side, InfoWars, continue.
Calamity for national security, public safety, and public health.
It would destroy millions and millions of jobs and claim thousands of innocent lives.
The policies I put into place are uniformly and strongly supported by the men and women of... And as soon as this reasonable speech, it's very reasonable, is over, we'll archive it at InfoWars.com.
And all of you hit your email list, your text message, call family and say, here's the forbidden speech you aren't supposed to hear.
It is knowingly to put America in really serious danger and to override the great career experts that have worked so hard, those from DHS.
At this very moment, smugglers... See, if you just...
Fight back, folks.
If you just spread the word, we'd beat them.
But it's all about you.
Without you, we're nothing.
When I tell you, you're everything.
It's not like I'm patting you on the head.
Oh, you're so important.
I'm paralyzed, okay?
I know all this stuff, but I'm quadriplegic.
I'm like, help me.
The water's raising.
You gotta pull a plug over there.
Yeah, the plug's down there.
Please, please, I love you.
Get it, get it.
Please help me.
Thank you, Alex.
I love your show.
Pull the plug.
Pull the plug.
Pull the plug.
Pull the plug, folks.
Spread the word.
You are Paul Revere.
This is not a game.
Continue with the President.
Political appointees should ever order them to violate that oath.
These are real experts.
They really get it.
Yeah, they get it.
You gotta have a border on the country.
Hispanic population of our country gets it.
Because not only did I win Texas in historic numbers, but I won border towns, which are largely Hispanic.
And people were amazed to see that.
And the numbers, they say, were Governor of Texas called.
Greg, great guy, great governor called.
He said, you had numbers that nobody's had since Reconstruction.
People get it!
Reconstruction means Civil War.
And largely Hispanic.
They understand it better than anybody and they want law enforcement to help them live safe lives.
The laws that Congress passed must be upheld to the men and women of ICE, Customs and Border Protection and all across DHS.
Law enforcement in general, you have earned the everlasting gratitude of our nation.
You have no idea how much... Yeah, the whole UN plan is to end our border and we're done, folks.
They're collapsing the third world right down the flush, right against the people.
We're against the globalists and we have just, this is it.
Go ahead.
Expect it long into the future.
God bless you.
God bless law enforcement.
And God bless America.
Thank you very much.
All right, that reasonable, truthful speech was blacked out everywhere but right side and force.
Thank you.
Not on Fox.
Not on CNN.
Not on MSNBC.
Total shutdown.
That's telecommunications control.
We are under globalist martial law.
God Almighty.
Let's go back to the audio right side.
God bless right side.
Go back to it.
Let's hear the audio from right side.
No audio.
There goes the real president we elected, getting in the car.
Now we get Chai Kang Zhou!
He's gonna cut off your factories and shut down your gas and your oil.
Because he all invested in China.
He's a puppet.
I mean, I'm just sorry for America, but you'll wake up once you get to the bottom.
So there you go.
A nation that turned on itself.
A nation that was taught to fight with itself with a race and all this stuff.
And now we're screwed.
We're going into Qaikom rule.
We're going into hell on earth.
And I tried hard and we'll turn it around later.
But man, I tell ya.
You're gonna get hurt bad now, folks.
The globalists are gonna barbecue you up one side and down the other.
Some radio stations and TV stations just rejoined us.
And I am flabbergasted by the reasonable, focused, incredibly presidential, and most importantly, truthful speech I just heard for 30 minutes.
Trump usually starts late.
He started early.
Speech was set for 2.15, centrally started at like 2.03.
And for 30 minutes, he laid out Veritas.
That's truth in Latin.
And I was out there.
It wasn't on one U.S.
TV network.
I don't care if he was Mao Zedong or Adolf Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer.
If he's our president, you want to hear what he has to say because you get to make a decision.
But mainstream media decided and big tech decided you don't get to see that, you dirty American.
And that's what we got to wake up to.
That's how tyranny works.
Put up with Alex Jones's banning, now it's all your bannings.
And that's where we are.
The War Room's coming up in 25 minutes.
I've got some other key articles I want to hit and cover here, but man, oh man.
They're planning a second revolution with leftist staged terror attacks this weekend to make Joe Biden look legitimate and like all these violent people are attacking.
They're not engaged in information war.
They're engaged in violence because they work for Biden.
They know they're going to be protected, just like the young black man that came and led the attack on the Capitol.
He was released after he tricked folks into trying to destroy the Capitol.
But they're young black men.
They're young white men.
They're all doing it.
That's part of their plan.
What's crazy is all these people that claim they're part of the power structure that are going along with this, you're going to lose your future.
You're going to lose your investment.
You're going to lose your birthright.
And you think you're part of the establishment when you're blowing up the middle class and getting rid of this big dream they called America, where you had a shot, a good shot, at being successful.
I mean, the New World Order, man, they got 97% tax rates in France.
Yeah, you hear what I just said?
They're gonna keep you down.
And you're gonna learn to kiss ass up front.
You get a whole bunch up front when you kiss ass.
But a year later, you're like, man, I got $100,000 to sell out last year.
I got $5,000 this year.
Next year, you get $1,000.
Year after that, you get $100.
And year after that, you gotta get on your knees and beg just to even be a slave.
You're going to be like, how did I get here?
Well, you didn't study history.
You think these big banks and these mega corporations that run slave camps in China, you think they've got robots taking over your job and telling you all this because they love you?
They think you're dumb.
They think you're a chump.
They told me in meetings off record.
Jones, we're ready to make you a kingmaker.
We'll let you lead this thing.
Before Glenn Beck even came around.
We'll have books published every three months.
We'll have the number one show on national TV.
Everything you do will be controlled by us and you'll be worth billions of dollars within a few years.
Join us.
You've got what it takes.
But my soul felt cold.
I didn't feel strong anymore.
I feel strong right now.
I feel like I could kill a hundred people.
I could have a hundred wives.
I'm in touch with God.
I'm a titan right now because I'm with my people.
And the minute I even started talking to those Satanists, I felt like I was shriveling up.
I was getting weak.
I was dying.
I didn't even want to join them.
And my cells said, boy, you're not joining Satan ever!
And don't you know Trump's on the same power trip?
He's had all the women.
He's a billionaire.
But he wasn't a Satanist.
He's had everything.
He's not perfect.
And he dialed into helping people.
He got so high off that.
I've had talks with Trump.
He goes, I get so high.
Like, better than a rock concert.
Better than the best woman, Jones.
When I do this, and he goes, I have these preachers in the office, and I feel this energy.
And I said, yes, sir.
That's the Holy Spirit.
He said, I know!
I feel it!
See, that's where I'm at.
Because your helicopters and your private jets and all the whores... What's a whore worth if I'm not alive while I'm having sex with her?
It's not their, folks.
Jesus is power.
God is power.
He gave us sex.
He gave us our families.
He gave us food, our children, our grandparents, everything that's good, the sun coming up, the moon coming up, the clouds at night, the fish in the ocean, all this stuff, this energy, this power!
This power!
And everything the enemy attacks is that power!
The Satanists think they're getting power by going against God, and the devil that controls this planet gives them some power, but they're the most unhappy, unhealthy, degenerate people the world's ever seen.
So there is no deal with Satan.
They're either with God,
Oh, you're against God.
And all of you out there should thank Jesus Christ every millisecond that you're not Klaus Schwab.
Because I can take one look at Klaus Schwab, because I've been on the other side, and I can tell you God is going to wipe that son of a bitch out so hard you couldn't even imagine it.
Klaus Schwab knows he's going to get run to the ground.
Klaus Schwab knows he's going to get hammered in like a nail by Thor's hammer.
And Pelosi, and Obama, and that hunchback pedophile Chuck Schumer, and all of them.
My God!
You think they're the winners?
They're the losers!
So they can play their games, and pretend they're in charge, but there's one God in charge of the universe, and all I know is,
I'm following that God.
And I have more knowledge in the Satanist, more knowledge in Klaus Schwab.
I know more about their own plan.
That's what I tune every day that they do.
That's not a power trip, but it's true.
I don't even want to look into their operations.
I know I could tell them how to run it better than they do, but I don't do that.
Because it's like a big fractal of God as a sun.
And I'm just a little plant that God's rays are hitting.
And God's rays are hitting me.
And I'm like, Oh God, I love you.
Thank you.
But I can become delusional when God's rays hit me.
I can think that I'm God, but I'm not.
I'm a little plant that just opens up my petals and says, I love you.
I want to build other planets.
I want greenery in the universe.
I want consciousness.
I want to worship you.
I love you.
Thank you, God.
Thank you for your power.
I recognize you.
I don't want to be you.
Please raise me up.
Instead of this, a dead tree, we're a tree that's risen.
This is the sign of who we are.
Our arms are up to God, to the Son, to our ancestors, everyone that came before us and will come.
We just say, God, empower us, override the enemy.
Help us break the will of Chuck Schumer.
Help us, in your holy work, deliver us from evil.
All right.
I've got more I want to say before this ends and Owen Schroeder takes over the war room.
But since I mentioned it, let's air proof DC Capitol riot was started by a false flag.
Or should I air selling the illusion of insurrection?
Maybe we haven't aired that yet.
Or we should air that.
Let's air clip three right now.
And then let's thank Jesus, and I'm serious, that whatever happened to our family or our background, whoever we are, that we love God.
Because the fact that you can see God, the fact that you know God, the fact that you recognize that Klaus Schwab and David Rockefeller and Brian Stelter and Joe Biden are fallen and evil, the fact that you see that is your redemption!
The recognition of God.
That is all you need!
Look at that creature!
Holy hell!
Deliver the children from it!
That is the creature.
That is the frontline private soldier we face.
That is your enemy.
Clear eye back, stay with us.
Tomorrow's news, today.
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Anybody listening to my voice can simply search into the term Davos Group, technocracy or technocrats.
You'll get Klaus Schwab and Jean-Claude Juncker and all the New World Order globalists like Xi Jinping saying that they no longer want elected leaders over governments.
That they want businessmen, technocrats over it.
And that's who Klaus Schwab is.
You might want to look into the guy that says they've launched the COVID-19 lockdowns to bankrupt you and make you poor.
You might want to find out who this super villain is.
See, he believes, because he's hidden it in plain view, and you're not speaking out against it, that he has a right to do it to you.
You might want to find out who he works for.
He works directly for Prince Charles.
He developed, since the 80s, the plan for global sustainability.
That means worldwide neo-feudalism.
In his own words.
So you might want to find out how he talks about using vaccines to sterilize you, before you take those shots.
You might just want to find out who this villain is.
Now is the time to get prepared.
You gotta pray to God and get your soul ready.
You gotta be prepared to physically defend yourself and your family.
And you've also got to get things that allow you and your family to not be dependent on the system.
That's why they want to bankrupt the economy.
It's why they want to destroy the infrastructure of this nation.
Because they want all of us on our knees so they can dictate our surrender to them.
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The Resistance dot video.
The Resistance dot video.
The Resistance dot video.
Infowars dot com.
Newswars dot com.
Ban dot video.
And hundreds of other URLs we've launched have been banned.
That's why every month we launch a new URL before they ban it.
Soros and Bill Gates and the globalists are on our tail.
But the new website is TheResistance.Video.
They're trying to block us because the truth is powerful and can defeat them.
So the new URL that links right to Band.Video and all of our videos and all of our documentaries and all the special reports and all the suppressed information is at TheResistance.Video.
Share the link.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
All right, here I stand on Tuesday, January 12, 2021.
Eight days left till Joe Biden takes over.
And man, everybody knows they are going to cut the economy off.
They're going to shut the power off, the gas off.
It's going to be hell on earth.
But hey, we're not like those babies in that womb getting cut up.
That's why God's like, hey, you let babies get killed?
I'm going to let you see how it's like.
So we deserve what's going to happen.
But I want to win through this.
I want to use this as God's going to give us an opportunity to wake up and stand up and be men again.
And be women again.
So, that's it.
You're going to find that fantasy football doesn't matter anymore.
You're going to find none of that matters when there's no food at your house.
Oh, get an extra vaccine, you get $100.
You're going to go do it.
You're going to have a convulsion.
You're going to die.
I mean, the death is just everywhere.
They're killing us.
They're rolling it out.
They're normalizing it.
This is a scientific takeover.
And I'm sad that this is the case, but I mean, we knew who the globalists were.
We knew what they were going to do.
And we just saw a U.S.
president 20 minutes ago conclude a 30-minute speech
That not one network covered.
I don't think even C-SPAN did.
That is disciplined control.
First, it's Alex Jones three years ago.
Now it's President Trump.
Then it's you, his bank account.
And a lot of folks are like, well, I'll just go along with it.
Oh, you think you just are against America and shut up and you get your money?
Oh, no.
Now AI has your algorithm.
Now you've got to do everything it says.
That's what I'm explaining to you.
The season of all of you sitting on the fence is over.
People are like, Jones, are you scared?
Uh, the opposite.
I've been in the bacon grease for a long time.
I've been lowered down in it.
My whole life.
For this moment.
I've been waiting for this moment all my life.
Because I believe, what I warn you,
When you get lowered down into that grease, and your toes hit that boiling pain, and then it's up your shins, and up your legs, and up your waist, and up your chest, and up your neck, that you're gonna fight back.
I'm betting on you.
I've lived in the grease for decades, psychically.
I'm not a victim, it's made me powerful.
But I'm here to tell you right now, you need to decide to declare your will, which you own your damn soul.
And the first rule is, declare.
I'll tell you the rules.
I'll start telling you the rules starting tomorrow, all of them.
Because now, I'm authorized to tell you now.
Now that the enemy has to launch, we're now under enemy attack, I will tell you the rules.
You must declare your soul as your own,
You must declare your free will as your own.
And then you must direct your soul in the direction you want to go.
I suggest Jesus Christ.
You can set this however you want.
You wanna join Satan?
Many of you are in fear.
You will join Satan!
And you will be given a season of power to do whatever you want!
But you will burn for eternity in your own juices.
You will be cut off from good to resonate with that energy, and that is like burning in a lake of fire.
The only human description is burning in fire.
Not your mother, not your father, not blue pastures, green hills, the sky, love, not all the goodness.
No, no, you deny that.
You resonate with that.
You are in a lake of fire.
You are in hell.
Your cells will beg you to get out of it, but you chose it.
So I tell you now,
You will choose God or you will choose the devil.
They're gonna hook wires in your brains and put microchips in you and, oh, give you all these drugs to make you happy, but you won't be.
Nothing will fulfill you like the moment with Christ.
Nothing will fulfill you like the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost will fulfill you so much, you can't even believe it!
But God demands you take action against evil.
Which seems scary, which I don't know why I've been in this so long.
Fighting evil is a pleasure.
It is an enjoyment.
It is.
The question is why do I do this more?
Why was I not doing it before?
There's actually a great feeling of guilt and patheticness in the face of God.
Once you join God, Satan is a rotting dead carcass in the corner and with maggots covering it and you're like looking at celestial galaxies and unending power and you're like, how did this ever?
How is this?
And then you watch civilization falling and your people falling.
That's the sick joke.
To replace Trump with Biden.
To replace your mother with Satan.
To replace everything that's strong and everything that's good with a lie.
Why would you do that?
And Trump's not perfect.
He's a man like all of us.
The enemy edited him because he wanted a pro-human future.
Because he believed in you.
And the spirit of Satan said, I will attack you, I will annihilate you, I will defeat you, until you deny this, because this is a spirit that did not submit to me!
Well, I reject Satan.
And I reject all of Satan's servants.
And I commit myself to God.
I am fallen, I am weak, but I love Jesus.
And I commit myself to Christ.
And that's the only power I have.
But I don't just sit there and commit myself to Christ and shake in the corner like some Nelly.
I then tell Christ, I'm ready to die.
I'm ready to be crucified.
I'm ready to be like you.
I'm ready to be destroyed.
I'm ready to be attacked and I commit to you that my free will is yours and I stand for humanity and I stand with your son and I am ready!
And that's what God's waiting for is a few good men and women who are not under Satan's bondage and who will not submit to this evil and this system.
The only thing, as President Roosevelt said, we have to fear is fear itself!
And so I salute our crew, and I salute our audience, and I salute you whether you're old, or whether you're young, or whether you're black, or whether you're white, no matter who you are, if you love justice, and if you love God, I commit to you eternally love of God and resistance to Satan and all his minions.
We're going to see hell on earth.
We're going to see every one of God's laws turned on top of its head.
We're going to see human animal clones.
We're going to see mass euthanasia of our elderly.
We're going to see the ongoing killing of our children, our babies, but it's okay because they're in God's hands.
And those that commit these satanic crimes are first in God's docket to be sealed and sent to be with themselves in their own hell.
Can you imagine being with David Rockefeller and Jeff Bezos and Hillary Clinton forever?
Can you imagine being cut off from God?
Can you imagine being cut off from beauty and everything that's good we've been given?
Well, that's who they are.
So they can defile creation, they can defile God, they can play God all day, but they have lost in the final equation.
So I tell you now in closing before the war room with Owen Schroer taking over, that this is the reality and this is the fight and there's good in the universe, not just evil.
And I am true as the North Star pointed at God.
I am failed, I am weak, but I love God and I am strong.
Strong in Christ, strong in you together as brethren, strong into the future, strong standing against the enemy and the great pain we're about to face.
Because the beginning of the end has only started, but that ending is the beginning of something much greater.
So I just tell you all, band.video, newswars.com, infowars.com.
We're seeing all the people we worked with over the years that were under Satan's control fall to the enemy.
We're seeing those that never joined us joining us because this is the great harmonic convergence.
This is the great separation of the metal, the gold from the shaft, the wheat from the tares, the goats from a sheep.
This is it.
This is the great test.
Let's go together with our souls into the future to build a better galaxy, a better universe, a better world.
We were given free will by our Father because He loved us, because He believed in us, and now we must complete the mission.
Don't hate God for your free will.
Thank God that He had the will to hurt, and to make us pure, and to make us big, and to make us strong, and to make us free, even though our Father had to pay the price of pain for doing it.
Because God was lonely and wanted to know you, and God does know us, and Satan is damned to hell.
The War Room's coming up.
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We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech and big pharma are all pushing that COVID is the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see so many dying in southern nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones,
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!