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Filename: 20201221_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2020
3251 lines.

In this episode of Alex Jones show, topics discussed include President Trump's legal challenges to election results, COVID-19 hoax news, hospital claims, mask mandates, vaccines, and protests against Democrat mandates. The speaker talks about potential paths that could lead to Trump remaining in office or overturning the results, such as pending Supreme Court cases, state legislatures recalling their electors, and congressional hearings under the 12th Amendment contingent election framework. The importance of civil disobedience and understanding the Constitution is emphasized. Owen Shroyer and Ivan Reikland discuss their plan of action in response to the current political climate, encouraging listeners to call their congressmen/women, engage on social media, email, and protest outside representatives' offices to demand hearings regarding electoral fraud. They focus on the next 17 days leading up to January 6th to build pressure for these hearings to take place. Discussions also include topics such as InfoWars fighting against globalists, pedophile networks in Hollywood, dangers of COVID-19 vaccines, Klaus Schwab and Agenda 2030, and the desire for a youth revolution. Various products are promoted throughout the episode.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are tuned in to the most banned, censored, lied about, attacked, and feared by the globalists and New World Order broadcast transmission in the world.
It is the Alex Jones Show, live for the next four hours here at Band.Video, InfoWars.com, and 79Days.News.
Owen Schroer here sitting in for Alex Jones.
We may be hearing from Alex before this broadcast is over.
He was supposed to take a trip, a vacation.
We had meetings about it.
You cannot drag that man away from the info war.
So he'll be roaming the halls, I'm sure, monitoring the broadcast, maybe even popping in.
He just finished hosting the new broadcast here, the American Journal, that runs 8 to 11 a.m.
every day.
Very topic-oriented, caller-oriented broadcast.
Before I get into all this news, and I mean, if we get a doc cam here, I've got a ton of news.
I want to get to the latest statements from President Trump, which sadly always have to come out of Twitter.
He's the commander-in-tweet, not the commander-in-chief right now.
We hope that changes.
But we'll be addressing that.
We've got great guests coming up as well, and I just heard the conclusion
Of the American Journal with Alex Jones with an interesting caller and something Alex talked about.
And I'm wondering if there isn't something happening right now that nobody is even aware of.
Because unless we were watching this and monitoring this and then communicating with one another about it, we would have no idea that this is going on.
But it's something that happened to me, it's something that Alex just said is happening to him, and then a caller just mentioned.
So we may be getting into that too.
But first, before we get into all the breaking news,
Let's go to clip number two here, just because I have so much COVID hoax news.
It's just getting out of control.
And you thought, oh, you know, it's Christmas.
Maybe they'll finally let us breathe.
You know, Merry Christmas.
Let's have a good time.
Let's not live in fear anymore.
Not so fast.
The lies about the hospitals being packed.
...are dominating local news, including here in Austin and other places.
The hospitals are not packed.
They are empty.
They've been empty for this whole COVID hoax.
We have nurses and doctors that call in, guests as whistleblowers.
The hospitals are not packed, folks.
It's one of the biggest lies they've told.
And if you don't believe me, go out and do what this gentleman did in clip two and expose it for yourself.
...is being lied to.
There's nobody here.
This hospital's empty.
Look at these, oh yeah, call security like they're going to do anything.
There's nobody here.
We're being lied to.
Restaurants are closed.
Small businesses closed.
Families are suffering.
Why don't you speak up about the truth, sir?
Why don't you speak up about the truth?
About there being no patients in this hospital.
These are the Nazi SS soldiers.
They get to keep working, they get to get paid, they get to round up the Jews.
Maybe they agree with it, maybe they don't, but they just are doing their job.
I don't
The so-called average American, the so-called everyday citizen, going to hospitals.
We've got a guest coming up in the first hour, it's the individual who went up, I believe it was a Costco, he goes up, he's got his bullhorn, he's sitting there bullhorning the Costco saying, COVID is a sham, we're all allowed to be in here, but all the businesses are dying, small businesses, restaurants, everything.
And of course, they want to go after restaurants.
Think about it.
What is one thing
A tyrannical government must have full control over to control the people.
The food chain.
The food supply.
If you're going and eating in a restaurant, many Americans never even cook a meal at home anymore.
They eat out all the time.
Keeps the restaurants going.
Keeps the restaurants in business.
Keeps that market very fertile for competition.
So they have to shut that down so you don't even have a choice where to eat.
They don't even want you to have a choice where you can eat.
That's why they're targeting the restaurant so much.
And of course, churches and gyms keep you spiritually healthy, keep you physically healthy.
Alright, I've got so much news.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Hey Alex, how you doing man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes sir, yes sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said man, I gotta get on that show and give him an update.
I said if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm gonna tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now look, I'm 64 years old going on 20 thanks to this.
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know.
We didn't screen your call.
We had no idea.
And I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
Living Defense.
Living Defense.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, December 21st, 2020.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer here filling in for Alex.
It's supposed to be taking some time off, but it's impossible.
I think you could probably chain him out in the woods somewhere, or like put a 500-pound anvil around his ankle and say, Alex, just hang out for a little bit.
He'd still find his way back into the studio, just like he is right now.
In fact, he really wants me to tell you about something, because it really is imperative, and that is Winter Sun Plus.
Now, why is this important?
You see,
It's no secret during the winter you don't get as much sun, whether it's because of the weather with the clouds or the weather and you're staying inside, you're not going on vacation, you're not going to the pool, you're not getting the sun.
We have the Ultra Vitamin D supplement right here, Winter Sun Plus.
Now you'll notice
At the beginning of last winter, January, February, and then March, when we saw the COVID in China and we were kind of wondering what this is about, we were saying vitamin D. We were saying vitamin D, vitamin D, vitamin D, vitamin D, and it needs to be absorbable.
Not the bad supplements that they'll sell that's barely absorbable like chalk, but the good absorbable
Vitamin D3.
We sell.
At InfoWarsTore.com.
Now, they may literally sue us and try to ban us over this.
They've done it over their supplements.
I'll leave it at that.
But now they say, oh Fauci says, oh you can take vitamin D because he's, you know, he's the health czar.
He's the health Nazi.
He decides when you can be healthy, when you can exercise, when you can take vitamins and minerals.
And now he says, yes, you do need vitamin D. Oh, eight months after all the people that died from COVID from what?
Vitamin D deficiency.
What's more dangerous, COVID or vitamin D deficiency?
Vitamin D deficiency is more deadly.
So, now you know Wintersun Plus is back in stock at InfoWarsStore.com.
We had a huge run on this.
People are smart.
They know, oh, get the best vitamin D on the market.
Oh, InfoWars has it.
Now it's back in stock.
We sell out.
Vitamin D supplement Wintersun Plus at InfoWarsStore.com.
50% off right now for the season.
That's what we do.
Okay, now.
I have got so much news to cover here.
And it's just the amount of information and data and I mean, you name it.
Personal stories, nurses, doctors.
I mean, just the information alone with Bill Gates and the rest profiting massively off of this fake pandemic.
It's a joke.
It's a joke that we're still living under this.
And I went and did some Christmas activities with some friends over the weekend.
And I basically said, all right, as soon as I'm told to put on a mask for the third time, I'm done.
I'll do it twice.
After that, I'm done.
So some of the places we went, this was in Texas, didn't mandate a mask.
I patronized those places, got some stuff.
Places that made me wear a mask, I typically said, you know what, I'll take my business elsewhere.
You did that to yourself.
But I go to an outdoor facility on Saturday night, big Christmas festivities, Christmas lights, ice skating, everything.
And then they have, I guess, one of the bars is allowed to be open.
It's a big, big chain bar.
Very popular.
Live music and dancing and stuff.
And... I said, oh, let's go try it out.
It's all outdoor.
They have the bouncer or security there.
About a hundred yards from the door.
So I'm just walking up.
No mask.
Guy stops me and says, oh, oh, you need a mask.
I say, uh, well, sir, this is an outdoor venue.
What do you mean I need a mask?
He goes, you gotta have a mask here.
So that was third time's a charm, I was done.
But I said something to him that I think we need to start saying because it just makes sense.
Now, you're told as a child, as a child, what are you told?
Keep your hands out of your nose and mouth.
Common sense, right?
You keep your hands out of your nose and mouth, especially when you're in public, touching things, grabbing things, shopping, eating.
You don't put your hands in your nose and your mouth.
That's how you get sick or, you know, get sores or whatever.
So, this guy tells me to put the mask on.
And by that time I'd had enough and I didn't get mad or anything.
I stopped and I said, oh, okay.
I go, but sir, you do realize that the mask spreads disease, right?
I don't know.
How did you put that mask on?
With your hands.
So now everything that has ever been on your hands is now on your mask sitting there right in front of your nose and mouth.
So the whole notion of don't put your hands in your nose and mouth is gone as soon as you put that mask on and you're touching it all day.
Oh, now you know why there's a spread and now we have the data.
Or I should say additional data because remember the CDC came out their own numbers and their own studies.
90% 90% of COVID positive said they wore a mask all the time.
90% of COVID positive said they wore a mask all the time.
So yeah, you want to spread a flu you release your highly contagion contagious flu into the world.
That's what China did the Wuhan lab and Bill Gates and Fauci and Obama.
They're all tied into it.
So, they release the contagious flu.
Always going to be deadly to people that have comorbidities or people that are elderly.
Perhaps this one is a little more deadly, but overall it's pretty much the same as an average flu.
But how do you really get it to spread?
Well, you get people to put on the mask that spreads viruses and bacteria.
So you're touching... And remember, Fauci said all of this!
I'm just echoing Fauci from eight months ago!
He said, don't wear the mask!
When you touch the mask, you spread disease!
Everybody knew it!
He wrote a paper on it in 1992!
Fauci did!
That dirtbag knew this!
That's how you know he's an evil monster.
So now though, you touch your mask all day long with your hands that are dirty, because nobody wears the gloves, they don't tell you to wear gloves.
It would make more sense to tell people to wear gloves, but they don't.
But see, you say this to the average yuppie, and their mind is just completely blown, because they've already fully bought into the fraud.
So they don't want to divest from that fraud, because they're already sunk.
And the way they value it, it's like, oh, well, I'm already fully invested in this fraud.
I've got to just stay invested in case it comes around to save me in the end.
And then I'll be safe from COVID.
No, the whole thing was a scam.
You got scammed.
All that you've invested is gone, never coming back.
And you'll only have to invest more.
So you must totally divest, you must totally reject, and you must accept the reality that's in front of our faces.
COVID is a sham, there's no pandemic happening, the mask spreads the disease, and at this point the deadliest thing from COVID is the economic shutdown.
But now we have more data.
In Denmark, remember there was like no COVID in Denmark, they did no lockdowns, no masks, nothing.
And again, this is all, I have the whole graph right here.
In fact, guys, the source is Our World in Data.
And so it just shows here in Denmark.
Owen, it's Dr. Fauci here.
Be quiet.
You know, I talked to Santa Claus and told him he took a vaccine.
Santa Claus is real.
COVID's real.
China says we're never reopening.
I didn't say my vaccine would kill everybody, just most of the people.
But it's alright.
It protects you from COVID when you take the vaccine.
And Santa Claus is real, alright?
And when you come back, you can show him you're solved.
There I am.
I gave Santa the shot.
He won't be having any kids now.
Neither will Mrs. Claus, but it's alright.
We'll be right back, Owen.
You stay right there.
I'll be popping in throughout the podcast today, Owen.
You must guard your humanity.
You must guard your children's humanity.
You must guard the very genetic code of the planet.
The globalists have set themselves up as the guardians of this world.
But they are the ones that are overriding every genetic system and poisoning the planet.
They are the ones that are now engaged in genetic takeover of every human on earth through the GMO crops.
And now they've moved on to their main target, humanity, with the mRNA vaccines, which are not vaccines.
They are recombinant DNA from aborted, cloned fetuses.
We're then inserted into your genome to take over your body's systems.
Go read the actual inserts for the mRNA vaccines and then remember you've been warned.
This is the equivalent of an alien takeover.
Whether it's interdimensional, whether it's little green men, the globalists are acting like another species that's overtaking us and overriding us.
It's all the same in the end.
The year 2021 is almost here, and so we're launching our New Year's specials right now.
We've got two different big sales.
We've got Super Metal Vitality Turbo Force and Ultra 12, part of the New Year's Resolution Energize Pack, 40% off.
We've got Bodies, Vazzo Beats, and Knockout, part of the New Year's Resolution Revitalize Pack,
At 40% off.
But if you get both of these packs together, they are 60% off with free shipping and double Patriot points.
The best deal ever.
I want to thank you all for your support and encourage you to go to InfoWarsTore.com today and take advantage of this.
And you can't lose because it funds the InfoWar.
Again, get the great products at InfoWarsTore.com and fund the Second American Revolution worldwide at a time that's more critical than ever.
Again, the year 2021 is here, and I am committed to you to fight against the globalists harder than ever.
So thank you so much for keeping InfoWars in the fight.
Without your support, we couldn't do any of it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I gotta say, I'm just so sick of Anthony Fauci interrupting our daily lives with his lies and medical tyranny, but now to be interjecting directly into the Alex Jones Show on InfoWars?
I mean, this guy...
Looks like somebody's here.
Come in!
It is I, Reptilian Leader Bill Gates.
I come bearing the gift of vaccination.
Get that needle out of here, Gates!
I will not take your vaccination and be marched into a FEMA death camp!
I promise it's safe.
Just ask Dr. Fauci.
Come on, Alex.
It won't kill all of civilization.
Just most.
Listen, Fauci.
Listen, Gates.
I don't want your gift.
But do you know the best Christmas gift for the Info Warrior in your life?
What's that?
It's the Liberty Fighter Patriot Pack!
Alright, so there you can see Fauci just can't leave us alone here.
Fauci just won't leave us alone because we're completely combating his lies and medical tyranny.
And we believe that you don't want to live in worldwide medical tyranny.
We believe that you don't want to live under the lies
...of Fauci, this dirtbag who's been a bureaucrat for 30 years now, working with Gates, working with experimental viruses in labs, lying about AIDS and everything.
He's always been a pawn of Big Pharma, this guy.
Owen, don't be like that.
Just take the shot.
Don't read the insert.
Listen, there's too many people, Owen.
Just take the shot.
Do the right thing.
Sure, he says he wants to kill you, but it's good.
Trust Bill Gates.
Owen, come on.
I wouldn't lie to you, Owen.
Ah, so I wrote that paper in 2008 saying masks actually spread bacterial pneumonia and don't protect you from viruses.
Don't worry about it, Owen.
Trust Dr. Fauci and Dr. Gates.
Oh, Dr. Gates now.
Did you give him an honorary doctorate?
I did give him that, just like Mrs. Biden.
I mean, President-elect, Lady Biden.
Oh, it gets better.
Did you hear?
I gave Santa Claus a shot too.
That's real as well.
Wait a second.
Santa got the shot?
Wait a second.
You made Santa take the shot?
Oh, I did make Santa take a shot.
He's not going to be having any little baby elves anytime soon.
His balls fell off.
Whoa, so you've basically castrated Santa.
Fauci has castrated Santa, that's the headline?
Well, absolutely.
And if you read what the Pfizer shot does, it makes you have convulsions, can sterilize you, kill you, and eat your placenta.
So say goodbye to babies, to all you women out there.
Listen, don't worry about having kids no more.
You just get one of these and bye-bye uterus.
What about you, though, Fauci?
Are you going to be taking the vaccine?
Actually, I did take the vaccine.
Like, Santa Claus over there to your right used to be, uh, six feet tall.
Now he's a foot tall.
Well, I used to be ten feet tall, but I took it.
Now I'm a half a foot tall.
And so, that's how it works here.
So, uh, roll up your sleeve.
Never mind, I own a big percentage of the Pfizer vaccine myself with, uh, Bill Gates.
So, uh, thank you for having me on the shows of today's.
And, uh,
Like I said, vaccines are totally safe.
That's why we have a vaccine damage fund for the millions that die and get sick.
So, uh, and the EEOC said you're gonna take it.
So, doesn't matter if 80% of Americans don't want it.
You're never out of martial law till you take it.
So, from myself, Klaus Schwab, and everybody, enjoy your martial law Christmas while I fly around in private jets.
All right, kiss your ass goodbye.
Bye-bye, your boys.
Uh, don't show any doctors collapsing from the shot of nurses, or we'll ban you there too, cause big techs were liberal.
Alright, bye bye Owen!
And by the way, you InfoWars pathetic slugs, you don't share InfoWars.com, you don't tell people about it, you roll over and let me silence you, now!
Or you don't believe that Santa Claus is real.
I gave Santa Claus the shots.
That means all the presents are for me.
The diabetes, the brain cancer,
The sterilization, the autoimmune disorders.
Take your shots, okay?
Alright, bye-bye.
Oh, and I'm sure that Fauci and Gates and the rest of the people promoting these shots or producing, manufacturing these shots, I am sure that they'll be fully liable for any damages.
Oh, that's right.
No, they won't.
They've actually said they're above the law and you can't sue or you can't even look at them, you can't even say their name.
Perfectly healthy, beautiful woman walks in, gets the COVID vaccine, and then keels over, dies, and gets Guillain-Barré syndrome.
That's her fault.
That's her fault.
Not Fauci, not Gates, not Moderna, not Pfizer.
So... But that's normal!
It's normal for someone to produce a foreign substance with clone genetics
It's so ridiculous.
Take your clone genetics RNA shot, keel over and die, and then just have the vaccine manufacturer laughing all the way to the bank.
Look, I always lie, so I told you I was going away, and so now I'm back.
If you believe we're ever going to pay you for the damages a vaccine causes, you believe in my friend I just vaccinated, Santy Claude.
I'm sorry, Owen.
You shut up, you dumb American.
No, but you will be.
I mean, you'll take full responsibility for all those that die from the COVID vaccine, right?
Oh, no.
The EEOC will not as well.
You, the taxpayer, will pay for all the sterilized children and those that die.
And everybody will just normalize the fact that we kill you.
It doesn't matter the Nuremberg Code or Geneva Convention.
I am Dr. Fauci!
So it doesn't matter how many die or get sterilized, Fauci, you have no responsibility or the vaccine manufacturers?
It's for a greater good, Owen.
You see, last December, the U.N.
even said they didn't want to give shots anymore.
Their own scientists came out and said it was bad.
So we had to launch this to make the big system fail.
Too evil to fail.
And now, you won't remember the tens of millions we gave autism because now we're going to slowly kill billions.
Not just from the shot, but from the shutdown.
The lockdown is set to kill hundreds of millions, and our own UN agency that runs it is now collecting money to feed those who are starving, but you won't feed them.
So thank you, liberals.
Wear your mask.
Help do the shutdowns and starve the third world together.
Thank you.
Thank you for helping us murder her.
Dr. Fauci, I've got to give you credit, because no one else here will do this, but I want to give you credit, Dr. Fauci.
You, you, and Bill Gates and some others, but you in particular, Dr. Fauci, you deserve credit for the depopulation of the world, you deserve credit for the sterilization of the world's children, and for the billions that will probably die from this.
I did meet with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with what they call the Good Club, with Ted Turner and Bill Gates, whose goal is to depopulate you.
But I just want to make sure, Dr. Fauci, no one else is giving you the credit.
I want to give you the credit right here.
When billions die from COVID and or the vaccine, I want to make sure you get the credit, Dr. Fauci.
I mean, you deserve that credit.
Not only did I cook it up at Wuhan to create the crisis with Bill Gates on record,
Then I created the hysteria around it, and the UN policies to starve hundreds of millions.
So yes, and we'll kill millions with a shot.
So we kill you with the lockdown, we produce the virus to begin with, we kill you with the vaccine, and then we kill you with the depression and suicide and drug use exploding.
Yes, it's called dystopia, and you're going to lay there and take it.
Do you understand?
But how many have to die, Fauci, for you to declare victory?
Everyone has to die.
We're building a post-human world, pig-head.
Now, I know you've got that scumbag that stood up in Costco coming up and said, don't be part of the tyranny.
Well, let me tell you, no matter how many of you protest and riot or even demonstrate peacefully, we're coming to kill you!
Wow, what a huge interview.
And ladies and gentlemen, we will be sure here at InfoWars to give Dr. Fauci all the credit for the death.
Fauci and Gates, you guys, I mean, look, I'm not going to mince words here.
You guys are legends.
I mean, you know, we talk about like Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong and Hitler and all the millions that they killed.
I mean, Fauci and Gates are going for billions.
I mean, they deserve credit.
So we'll give them the credit.
Bill Gates and Fauci may be responsible for billions.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official.
Part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab.
All officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them.
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
It's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech and big pharma are all pushing that COVID is the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see somebody dying in some of the nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones,
We're good to go.
Just in time for Christmas, one of our best sellers.
Sold out for months, he's now back in stock, living defense.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is a next-level probiotic.
It's not a bacteria that breaks your gut.
It's a whole bunch of known herbalist ingredients that are organic, that are documented historically to do amazing things for the health of your gut.
What is in Living Defense Back in Stock, the ultimate stocking stuffer, the ultimate thing to put under the Christmas tree this year, and a great New Year's resolution as well.
It's got the Grapefruit Seed Extract, it's got the Grape Seed Extract, it's got Organic Black Walnut Leaf and Stem that the regular black walnut, when it's green, from the whole, Organic Olive Leaf, Organic Neem Leaf, Organic Ginger Root, and so much more.
We're really proud of this formula.
It's groundbreaking.
It's been sold out for months.
Back in Stock.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Don't let them do it.
You know why we're under this lockdown right now?
Because all the information is coming out about COVID and they know it's a farce.
You must not do this.
You continue.
This is a life that you will have.
Don't tell me I have the right.
Governor Newsom doesn't have the right to make you wear a mask.
You know what?
That's right.
All right, people, you know that's right.
We've got to stand up for ourselves because this governor is going to keep us locked down until we do something about it.
One of the answers to our problems right here.
It's civil disobedience.
It's truly peaceful protesting.
That's what Jeff did in California at a Costco.
And you know, I find it funny as Jeff joins us now on the Alex Jones Show.
Jeff, we salute you for your...
Paul Revere moment there, if you will.
I wish there were thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions of others that would take the same action.
Of course, then this whole thing would be over.
We wouldn't be living under this tyranny.
But, you know, as you're standing there, Jeff, with the bullhorn, there is something that stood out to me about that.
I mean, you would expect them to obviously send security over to, you know, escort you out of the building.
Okay, you probably expected that.
But what I found odd was while you were sitting there talking, how the workers surrounded you and told everybody, oh, don't bother with him.
Oh, just move along.
You know, the people filming like, nope, nothing to see here.
Like somehow they're involved in the cover-up, like somehow they want you to be silent, you're up there speaking up for them, you're up there standing up for them, and then they want to like shuffle people, oh nothing to see here, don't worry about him.
To me that was very odd.
So you're in that moment, was that like, how do you explain that?
Because it looked like most of the people that walked by were at least interested in what you were saying, maybe they agreed, maybe they disagreed, there's only one way to find out, but for the workers,
To be like, nope, this isn't happening, just move along, don't film him, he's not even here.
I mean, to me, that's like the most epic level of Stockholm Syndrome, where their livelihoods are being destroyed, you're calling it out, and they say, no, don't call it out, please!
I love my livelihood being destroyed!
Hey, Owen, thanks very much.
And that's one of the things I noticed as I was looking back on the video once I saw it online, is that they were literally at my feet telling me to get down, but they were also telling other folks, hey, don't pay attention here.
And the other odd thing was people just walking by as if it wasn't even happening.
And, you know, this whole thing kind of started the night before when I was out at a break the curfew in Huntington Beach and we were hanging on the side of the street.
Cars are going by and we're kind of saying our things, but it's not really penetrating anything.
So I stayed up all night thinking, hey, what can I do to get in people's faces?
Because that's what we have to do now.
We have to take off the nice guy dockers and put on some war paint and get out there and start telling people in their face what it is that's
Especially here in California by the governor, but all in all about the mainstream media, people are literally brainwashed and we need to figure out how to wake them up.
And doing something like this, I was hoping other people would see.
I had no idea how viral it would go.
I'm super excited about that.
And it's definitely resonating with people, which I'm really excited about.
Yeah, you could tell, like I said, some people are interested, maybe they agree, maybe they don't agree, but they're at least curious, like, hey, what is this man saying?
Why is the worker here telling me not to listen to him, which is even stranger to me.
Yeah, I would expect them to come up to you and, oh, sir, please get down.
OK, we expect, but to say, oh, other.
You know, bypassers and citizens.
You have nothing to do here.
Don't worry about this man, too.
I mean, it's like, but it really is to me an example of how they don't even have the wherewithal to understand.
It's like they're being sucked into the beast.
It's like they've been sucked into the system.
You're anti-system.
So whether it's subconsciously or consciously, they're like anti-you because you're anti-the system.
I mean, it really was a moment of clarity for people to see how Stockholm Syndrome really works, at least from my view.
We are living in a true parallel universe right now.
I mean, there is almost half the country that has no idea what's really going on because they are being completely lied to.
And, you know, the only way that we're going to do that is to to reach out and
And make a stand and do things that may seem to be uncomfortable.
And it can be a number of things, you know, walking into a store and just not wearing your mask right from the beginning and let them say to you, hey, sir, hey, sir, do you need a mask?
You mask and just say, no, I don't continue on with what you're doing or whether or not you want to write something on your back window.
We're good.
So, we're not asking people to step out of their comfort zone for a long period of time.
Literally, you've got to step up right now.
And we know that the President has told us that he wants us there on January 6th.
I've already booked my plane ticket.
I've already got my hotel.
I will be there.
And I'm going to be there at probably what is going to be the most incredible gathering of patriots in the history of the United States.
Yeah, and you know, that's an interesting subject of discussion, too, because the President obviously has the most influence over our fight against this movement.
I mean, Infowars has the grassroots... You guys deserve the Presidential Medal of Honor, I'm telling you.
We're going to have to push for that after this.
You guys have really been the ones that have kept it in the forefront.
Alex Jones, I don't know how he's done it, and you guys have done it for so many years, constantly listening to us.
And we weren't listening, that was the problem.
And now we're listening and we're going, wow, you guys are right.
Thank you so much for that.
Well, I don't, you know, we don't need any rewards or any honors.
Honestly, just saving the country, victory for America would be more than enough.
And I think that, you know, everybody would agree with that.
But for President Trump to be the leading influential factor in this,
It's an interesting sword and shield that he wields that he, to me, hasn't really done properly.
And like you said, he has 30 days left.
He's called for the big movement January 6th in D.C.
We'll see how that goes.
It's odd that he waited until this day and nobody else seems to be organizing on that day.
But, you know, you just said something else that I think, you know, because it's all about getting people involved, making them feel
Not just involvement, but somehow, like, they're being effective.
And you know, you mentioned something about putting on your war paint.
I actually think that's brilliant.
I mean, people should literally put on war paint.
Like, put paint on their face and go out and start doing this.
A, it'll give you a little bit of a mask, if you will, so people don't have to recognize you if you're afraid of that.
But it's like, it's a symbol of war.
It's a symbol that, no, times are not normal.
It's a symbol that, yeah, I am a warrior in the battlefield.
That's what you're witnessing.
Not just another human here trying to speak to you.
No, this is a warrior in the battlefield.
Wake up and realize what you're in.
Yeah, we have to get out of our comfort zone.
We really do, because if we don't get out of our comfort zone now, trust me, you're coming out anyway and it's not going to be pretty.
So, folks, we just got to make a stand here.
Whatever it is, whatever your contribution is, do something that's going to move the ball forward.
We have to.
Yeah, Trump, I hope that this call for the organizing of patriots in D.C.
January 6th is just the beginning.
I mean, he needs to have mass calls of civil disobedience.
He needs to organize at state levels, local levels, not just the D.C.
I mean, this needs to be all across all 50 states.
And in some way, not just people getting on the streets.
I mean, seriously, there needs to be... I mean, he needs to come out... I believe the President needs to just come out and do what we did in 1776.
Just sign a Declaration of Independence.
Say, you the American, you the American business owner, you the American worker, you're independent!
You're independent from the CDC, you're independent from the WHO,
You're independent from all of this stuff.
You're independent.
You are a free citizen.
I mean, I'd love to see the Democrats or the media react to that.
Tell us we're not free.
That's what it is.
It's juxtapose freedom versus their tyranny and make them own the tyranny.
Yeah, it's incredible out here in California.
You know, I live in the L.A.
region, and when you go down the streets, businesses are boarded up and closed down and gone all because of one person, and that's Governor Newsom, who's decided to lock us down
And you know, people are literally losing all that they have, yet they're just going along with it.
They're not saying, wait a minute.
And that is because they are not looking at alternative sources like you guys and other news media.
I told people, you have got to turn the television off.
The television is absolute poison.
You know, the truth is, and stick around for another segment, the truth is, you know, most of what we do here, 80-90% of what we do here is already public information that people are already thinking or already knowing or already wanting to talk about.
They just don't have the reverb.
They don't have the sounding station.
That's what this is.
That's why it's important for people to know, hey, tune into InfoWars.
You're not alone.
There's millions of us.
We can win this fight.
Fox has betrayed President Trump as I predicted they would.
They've always been part of the establishment and it's only going to get worse.
If they're able to keep Trump from rightfully taking office for a second term on January 20th, the system is going to drop the hammer harder than ever on this republic.
They are going to explode gas prices.
They're going to shut down our coal power plants.
They're going to cut off the energy source to the U.S.
So it's impossible for factories to move back here.
This is economic domination.
This is economic war.
We're being consolidated.
We're being taken over.
The Democrats aren't mismanaging their blue cities and states.
They're consolidating power and control to bankrupt the population and bring them absolutely to heel and then consolidate ownership of all the infrastructure and property.
This is a monopolistic takeover.
That's what the Great Reset is.
Klaus Schwab and these other criminals admit it.
That's what social distancing is.
So your business is only at 25% for several more years.
No small businesses will be there.
This is a master plan.
Let's go!
Say no.
Imagine a dystopic novel or a dystopic science fiction movie where if you've had a cold, you can be locked up in your home, you can be taken away, you can be forcibly inoculated with drugs that masquerade as vaccines that actually change your very DNA.
Well, that's where we are in the year 2020.
Global government, the United Nations, all these authoritarian groups admit they're doing it.
They even admit that they're doing it for power and control.
And that they're not even worried about COVID-19.
That's what Klaus Schwab and others have said.
Think about how insane that is.
Oh, and big tech's got to track you.
They've got to trace you.
They've got to control you.
You've got to have apps leave your house.
You've got to have secret police come disappear you because, my God, this thing has one-tenth of one percent chance of killing you if you're debilitated and have cancer or a heart attack.
This is their takeover.
Imagine on America's death certificate.
Killed by the fear of the common cold.
Yeah, that's fear-mongering.
That's mind control.
The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor.
By design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuild it, and they're dystopic.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
We're back here with a great patriot, Jeff, who's out there in California fighting the tyranny of COVID and lockdowns.
And I'm just
I mean, like I said when we went to break, Jeff, I believe most people are thinking and feeling what we're thinking and feeling, but they don't realize that they're not alone, they don't realize that there's others out there, they don't realize that they're in this battle with millions of us, and one way to get them awake to that fact is to get out and get active.
Another way is to say, hey, tune into Inforce, look at the millions of people.
Look at the 70 more, 74 plus that voted for Trump.
I mean, so we're not alone in this.
But what are you seeing as the biggest obstacle in California?
Because even a small business owner or a restaurant owner, whether they're Democrat or Republican, I mean, they're dying.
It doesn't matter what affiliation of a party or, you know, which way you lean, you're dead business-wise.
You can't open your restaurant, you can't open your business.
So that has to be a realization point for people to say,
Okay, the government really is encroaching on my liberties.
This notion of tyranny is in my face.
I either fight against it now or die.
But is it a full-blown Stockholm Center where people are just like, oh, I have no choice.
That's what's best for the world.
I just have to die.
What are you seeing in California?
Well, basically, you know, I kind of liken it to the old saying of it's like a like a frog in the pot.
You know, you put it in when it's cool and you slowly turn the heat up.
At first we were told 15 days, then we were told 30 days.
And I think at some point people think that this is just all going to go away.
I don't know.
You go ahead and give me a fine for opening my business or doing what I want to do or not allowing people to come in without allowing masks to be worn.
I don't care.
Give me that fine because you know what?
When it comes time to go to court, it is not going to be upheld.
These people think that they're just going to be given this ticket or they're going to shut down or they're going to lose their license, but at the end of the day, they're either going to lose it or they're not.
But the chances are, no.
This is not unconstitutional, all this stuff that's happening out here.
And it's just sad to see people taking it.
It really is.
We've got to stand up.
You know, by the way, you say that, I had this story here that I was going to cover from the mirror.
The headline is, when this is all over branded most infuriating phrase as Brits long for normal life.
And then you can go see that.
Oh, when this is over or when things return to normal.
And by the way, they basically admitted this through this data research they do.
They can find out the most used phrases during texts, the most used emojis.
Folks, how do you think they get that?
It's literally stealing the data from your phone.
But anyway, the point is, so they now know that phrases like, when this is all over, when it's back to normal, are the top phrases used in conversations.
That's exactly what we were saying.
It's never going back to normal.
This notion that you're ever going back to normal is a lie, and I guess that's maybe one of the major obstacles too.
As soon as people realize that's the case, maybe then, you know, maybe then the white flags will start to go down and they won't give in, and the spidey senses will be tingling like, whoa, wait a second, I gotta do something about this.
You know, in all fairness, too, I must say that I think most Americans are law-abiding citizens, and they think that their government has their best interests at hand.
That's kind of what we've been taught to understand, that, okay, we need to obey that authority.
But the bottom line is, we now know, especially in the last nine months, that that is simply not the case.
And that is not resonating with people because they're listening to the mainstream media.
The mainstream media is telling them that you must do this and you're helping.
You're being brave in order to do this.
You're being brave to shut down your business.
You're being brave to wear a mask.
You're being brave to stay home.
All that stuff is a lie.
They think that they're doing something good.
They're really not.
They're hurting themselves.
And then when you try to explain this to people, it's like they get mad at you, which again is just total Stockholm Syndrome.
It's like, hey, the mask actually spreads disease.
Oh, how dare you?
I love my mask.
Look, it has my favorite football team on it.
How dare you?
And, you know, the old movie, The Grinch That Stole Christmas, a holiday classic.
But we have this headline today from Michael Snyder.
For millions of Americans, no money equals no Christmas in 2020.
So Bill Gates and Fauci and the Democrat Party have stolen Christmas.
They are literally the Grinch.
They've stolen Christmas.
They've robbed people of their holiday cheer.
Again, for me, it's obvious.
I mean, I get mad, I get so hot on air, I start screaming and cursing.
Probably should calm down sometimes, but I mean, that's just a natural response.
It's like, I have to go above and beyond the normal response to try to drag up that average, drag up that medium.
Yeah, and that's what some of us are going to have to do.
And honestly, the reason that I did what I did, jumping on that table, I was hoping that I would reach someone and it worked out.
They are stealing Christmas stories.
I don't know if you saw the Washington Post tweet the other day that said, while the time that you're listening to White Christmas, a certain number of people have died from COVID.
I mean, that's insanity.
You know, one of the things that's happening out here, too, as far as the hospitals go, is last year, during flu season, the hospitals were filled to 90%, which is pretty standard.
So what Newsom did is he introduced this coding system of alertness that if the hospitals ever reach 85 degrees, that's when they're going to put us down in lockdown.
Well, guess what?
He knew it was going to get that high because it always gets that high.
So while they're saying this, the hospitals are actually less busy than they were before.
And it's not all COVID stuff.
That's what we're being led to believe.
In fact, I heard your segment a little bit earlier before I came on, and I posted something on Parlor that allows people to go and look at specifically the hospitals in their area.
It's all a farce.
And I love the video of the guy going into that ER, that entrance to the hospital, and showing it.
I mean, we got nurses putting on organized dance videos on TikTok.
How busy can they really be?
Where are the people dying?
Show me.
They told us two and a half million people were going to die in our country alone.
Two and a half million people that haven't died in the entire world.
What's going on?
Well, and I think, and you mentioned this earlier too, or maybe it was with Alex on a past show, where it's like, we have to get organized, but we have to be so focused where we say, okay, on this day, a thousand of us are going to go to this Apple store and say, okay, no more slave labor.
Apple uses slave labor.
Let the people know.
That's just a fact.
We need to go to a local hospital where they say, oh, it's totally filled, and we just need to overwhelm it with a thousand people walking in and say, where's the busyness?
Because it's frustrating, too, and maybe at new levels you pick up more people willing to fight, but it's frustrating for me.
I already did this.
I did this back in March.
We did a whole trend back in March.
I did a whole three-hour broadcast back in March where it was
Go to your hospital, film the empty hospitals.
We have hours and hours of footage.
I went to three hospitals in Austin.
Literally, none of them busy.
None of them busy whatsoever.
But you know, you said something and it just clicked in my head.
COVID is the new racist virtue signal for the Democrats and for liberals.
So the whole thing of racism is kind of dying out.
They use it for every excuse under the book.
So it's not really resonating anymore.
People don't believe in racism.
They're not racist.
They don't want to hear your racist, you know, garbage every time you have something go wrong in your life and you want to try to get leverage.
Now it's COVID.
Now it's COVID.
Oh, you're being free because, but people are dying from COVID.
Oh, you're listening to Christmas carols, but people are dying from COVID.
So now it's just, oh, someone dies and now it's our fault.
So someone dies and you're a bad person now.
You know, something I say to people is if I don't, when I don't, I don't wear a mask anywhere I go, by the way.
I just walk in and I've heard, excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir, a million times when I just go about my business.
Yeah, make them tell you to wear the mask.
Make them be that jerk.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So it's having a mask on is like having a chain link fence out there and you're trying to stop mosquitoes from getting through it.
They think that this COVID is like the size of a spitball and as long as they have something covering their nose and mouth, they're good.
No, that's not the case.
This is microscopic stuff.
It doesn't care about a 99 cent mask that you can buy at the dollar store.
And you know, I found it one of the most frustrating things when you talk to the mask-loving brainwashed sheep out there.
When you actually make them think logically and common sense.
I mean, you know, they talk about science all day.
Let's talk about common sense.
When you actually propose to them a logical, common-sense reasoning why you don't wear a mask, why the mask is bad, that's when they really get mad.
I had a guy try to ban me from flying Southwest.
I even had the mask on.
And he almost kicked me off.
And I said, sir, I go, because sarcastically, I was trying, I was literally drinking coffee.
And he's like, you need to have the mask on.
I go, I'm drinking coffee.
He goes, put your mask on.
I go, well, how am I supposed to breathe?
He goes, well, you breathe through the mask.
I go, well, how is that possible?
Does the air go through the mask?
He goes, yes.
I go, oh, just like the virus?
Anybody can understand, forget about science and everything, just common sense logic.
That's when they really get the most angry, because I think that's what it's about.
It's about destroying common sense and destroying logic, because then they can dominate you in any lie.
Yeah, it really is.
And so the messages need to get out there and they need to be quick and simple.
You know, for example, I said, you know, you can write stuff on the back window of your car with a paint pen.
You can wear shirts.
I have a shirt here that says liberalism, find a cure.
Something simple, something that makes people think.
And that's what we've got to do.
We've got to hit them in the face.
We've got to we've got to wake them up because they're not going to do it on their own.
We've got to get them off.
We've got to get them off mainstream media.
We've got to get them using alternate sources on the Internet, like Gateway Pundit and Citizen Free Press.
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Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you'd ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
You know, this is the perfect song for this segment.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus.
You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch.
Mrs. Bitch!
That's Nancy Pelosi's nickname.
You've got Mr. Grinch.
That's the Gavin Newsom's, the Andrew Cuomo's, the Grinch's that stole Christmas.
Then there's the bitches, like Nancy Pelosi.
You're a mean one.
She even wears the green!
You're a mean one, Mrs. Bitch.
You wanna shut down our economy, but you go get a haircut, then you blame it on the boutique.
You're a bitch!
Nancy Pelosi's the biggest bitch in the Western Hemisphere!
Oh, God.
Anyway, let's play, Mrs. Bitch.
In clip three, lying to you about what Christians and Catholics are saying in response to the forced vaccinations.
Here's Mrs. Bitch.
We didn't do it.
We couldn't pass legislation.
Pause it and restart it real quick because seasonally she's in the Grinch green.
Mrs. Bitch is what we're going to call Nancy Pelosi now.
So she used to never wear the face mask because she would be talking to a microphone.
So I'm sorry she's jumbled.
You can't hear.
You can't hear.
She has a stupid mask on.
But remember, remember the backdrop.
She said in March, go to Chinatown, go to Chinese restaurants, go to Chinese businesses.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
And then she's going to sit here and lecture you!
Not to leave your house and to be totally afraid of a virus.
So, I mean, again, this woman is a fraud on her face, her own words, her own actions, but she's a criminal in her behavior as a congresswoman who's made untold amount of wealth.
Nobody knows.
Maybe we should audit her or have a special counsel into her.
I'm sure we could dig up some dirt.
Wouldn't be that hard.
But here's Nancy Pelosi lying about what Christians and Catholics are saying in response to forced vaccinations.
We didn't do it.
We couldn't pass legislation until now because the administration simply did not believe in testing, tracing, treatment.
Okay, so this is a lie.
Pause it right here.
So let me just correct the record here.
That is a total lie.
In fact, that has nothing to do with it.
She's saying, oh, we didn't pass the bill because there wasn't proper COVID response.
The lies of this woman is unbelievable.
The Democrats refused to pass the stimulus bill.
Now, I don't want to pass it anyway.
Not because I want to see Americans go broke.
The government's broke.
But she's lying.
And then it was Representative Andy Biggs.
I have his response to this somewhere here.
He called her out for the lie.
So, she says,
That, oh, we can't pass the bill because there's not people properly responding to COVID.
That's a lie.
The bill was on their desk.
They didn't sign it.
But now they have put the bill on their desk to sign it.
But Andy Biggs says, we still don't have the text yet for this massive spending bill, and we'll likely be expected to vote on it later today.
Scientific approach.
It has come clear to us now that they believed in herd immunity.
No, they didn't.
Springing right from the Oval Office.
And not denied sufficiently by some of the CDC and the rest.
Look at this woman.
This is not a leader.
This is a decrepit old witch criminal.
And that gives us hope.
A vaccine that is... No, the vaccine doesn't give us any hope.
People say around here sometimes, I'm faith oriented, so I don't believe in science.
And I said, well, you can do both.
That's a lie.
So there you go.
Get the bitch off my screen.
So she says, oh, Christians and Catholics are saying, I'm faith oriented, I don't believe in science.
You will not find a single Christian or Catholic that's ever said that, ever.
So she just makes that up.
What happened to my body, my choice, by the way?
My body, my choice.
My body, my choice.
My body, my choice.
I'm a Christian.
I was raised Catholic.
You're not going to put the devil's mark on me.
You're not going to put me with a foreign substance.
My body, my choice.
You bitch!
Hey, Alex, how you doing, man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes, sir.
I've been trying to get ahold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
Yes, sir.
I said, man, I got to get on that show and give him an update.
I said, if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm going to tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now, look, I'm 64 years old going on 20 thanks to this.
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know.
We didn't screen your call.
We had no idea.
And I'd go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
You know, I am ready for a merry Christmas, a holly jolly Christmas, so I am a little rambunctious on my diatribes today, and I do have a nasty sentiment towards that woman, Nancy Pelosi.
But you know what?
We are in the holiday spirit here.
We really are.
As you can see, we do love Christmas here.
We celebrate Christmas here.
I really enjoy the Christmas season.
The older I get, it's kind of funny.
So, we though,
Don't want to see the Grinch steal your Christmas.
And it's probably harder than ever to do Christmas shopping this year with all the mask mandates and you don't want to go deal with it and you don't really know what's even open.
But we are open at InfoWarsTore.com and we never shut down and we have huge discounts.
But you know, this is imperative folks.
Building your immune system is the real defense.
A vaccine is the fake defense.
The immune system, the real defense.
The vaccine, the fake corporate government controlled defense.
If you have a vaccine as your immune system, then you're a slave.
If you have your own immune system, then you're a free individual.
And that's why vitamin D is so important.
Now think about the wickedness.
Think about the wickedness
Of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and the rest to never even mention vitamin D. Never even mention vitamin D. We knew vitamin D right out of the gates.
They never even mentioned vitamin D. Oh, then eight months later Fauci says, okay, well, we just found out as if they didn't know.
That, I think it's like 80% of COVID deaths that are actually COVID, not people that get shot, like 40% of the deaths from COVID in Colorado are gunshot wounds, literally.
Not people that get ran over by a car, or people that get in a motorcycle accident, or people that are 90 years old.
So the actual flu, COVID deaths,
80% of those were deficient in vitamin D. That's why we were promoting vitamin D right out of the gates.
That's why Fauci and Gates were saying, no, don't take vitamin D. It's bad for you.
But then when the facts came out, then they said, OK, yeah, take vitamin D. Well, our audience is very smart.
And so they knew that we had the best vitamin D formula at Infowarsstore.com, bar none.
So they started loading up on our formula, which is Winter Sun Plus.
Now because of that,
We were out of the best vitamin D supplement that you can find.
We were out of Winter Sun Plus because of that huge rush for people to order it to get the best vitamin D on the market.
And then it was even a bigger rush once Fauci and the establishment had to admit, yeah, you do need vitamin D. It's imperative.
Well, we already knew that.
Our audience already knew that.
So it was sold out for a while.
But it's finally back in stock.
And now it's time to boost your natural defenses with our powerful vitamin D3 and K formula.
With winter coming up fast, there's no better time to make sure that you're getting the vitamin D3 your body seeks than with Winter Sun Plus at 50% off right now.
So we're giving it, we didn't have to discount it, we discount it because we want you to have it.
And it's an update from the classic InfoWarriors Life Formula.
Wintersun Plus contains 100 mcg of vitamin D per serving as well as vitamin K and E to enhance the formula and provide you with even more whole body support.
Wintersun's incredible formula works together to promote calcium absorption, support the body's natural immune system, provide the necessary vitamin D for whole body support.
And it's the same thing like they knew in
The years of the Spanish flu to get sun because that's how you get the vitamin D naturally with the sun and then your body naturally producing it.
So that's why in the winter it's even you have flu outbreaks and people get more sick because there's not as much sun.
People aren't getting as much sun.
They're vitamin D deficient.
Then they get the flu.
Then they get a cough and then they potentially have a more serious effect or illness that could even lead to death.
That's why vitamin D is so important.
That's why they came out and even said, folks, the sun kills the virus within 30 seconds.
It's probably like five seconds, but they say, oh, just 30 seconds.
It's the vitamin D. It's the sun.
It's what's so important.
And vitamin D and K, both in Winter Sun Plus, work together synergistically to maximize the benefits of both vitamins for your body.
And right now it's 50% off at Infowarsstore.com Winter Sun Plus.
So get your supply of Winter Sun Plus before it's too late.
And you know what?
I think I'll take a little dropper of it right here, right now, live on air.
Because you know, they do this whole thing as, ooh, I'll get the vaccine, look at me!
And then they fake the vaccine, right?
We've seen that, right?
How they have the fake vaccine, or there's nothing in the vaccine, or there's no needle.
All the different ways they've been caught faking taking the vaccine.
Well, I'm not faking this!
So this is an actual, fresh bottle of Winter Sun Plus, just delivered to me for Christmas.
And I will actually take the recommended amount right here, live on air, for all to see.
Not fake.
This is the real deal.
Let's make sure.
All right?
I'll even put it above so you can see it going into my mouth and I'm not faking this, all right?
Not much taste there.
Very just natural tasting.
So it's all in there, folks.
The vitamin D, the vitamin K.
And it's super absorbable so that your body's immune system can be ready to fight whatever comes up during this winter season.
Okay, that's at InfoWarsStore.com and of course your support at InfoWarsStore.com makes everything we do here possible.
You know, I'm going to briefly touch on this and then really focus on getting through all of this news when we come back from the break.
But this was talked about on the
American Journal this morning with Alex Jones and a caller.
And the story is from Big League Politics.
IMF proposes punishing dissidents by lowering their credit score if they go to bad websites.
I think this is already going on.
I think this is already going on.
I think it's worse than what they're saying.
And I think they're able to get away with it because who goes around talking about their credit score?
You know, who goes around saying, oh, my credit score this, my credit score that, my debt this, my... No, but that's not really a commonplace conversation.
But I have a feeling this is already going on.
And I mean, quite frankly, I think they just did it to me.
So it's a very weird thing.
I could be wrong just because I don't really... I'm not a credit score expert, but...
It's a weird thing when you literally have no outstanding debt, you've paid all your debts early, and then somehow your credit score goes drastically down overnight.
I mean, what?
And then they brought this up, because I just get alerts, you know, when your credit score changes.
And it was just like, your credit score just dropped this many points.
I went from basically a perfect credit score to just, I guess, above average credit score and like no reasoning whatsoever.
Some people say, oh, well, that's because you have no debt.
How does that make any sense?
So the whole system's rigged either way, but I have a feeling they're already doing this.
We already know they're banning people from even opening bank accounts.
They're removing people's payment processors.
And either they are or they will begin to lower your credit score, or they'll just not even lower it, they'll just put it at zero, and they'll just say, oh, you can't even engage.
But see, this is again, this is the big trap.
You bring in COVID, you collapse the economy, you force everybody into poverty, so then they have to be dealing on credit.
So you don't have an income, you don't have savings, you don't have assets, you don't have liquefiable anything, and so all you have is debt.
All you have is your credit score.
And then you say, oh, well, I need to get a car to go to work, or I need to get this, I need to get my kid, you know, this treatment, I need to do this, I gotta get this surgery.
Oh, well.
You shared InfoWars ten times in a month, so your credit score is actually zero.
You say, well, wait a second, I have no outstanding debt, I've never missed a bill, I own my own property.
Well, it doesn't matter, you went to a bad website.
So you don't even get a credit score.
Oh, well, what can I do?
Well, I'll tell you what.
Take the vaccine, give your kids the vaccine, or chop your kids' balls off for liberalism, and then you can have your credit score back.
So that's where this is going.
So you're just in the first phase of this right now.
First, you get the entire world broke.
You get the entire world onto the debtor economy.
But you're basically already in.
You just still have some money.
You just may still have some savings.
You may still have some liquifiable assets and stuff.
You may even still have a business that you can make an income on.
But once they've erased all that, and you have to go into debt, and you have to have a credit card, then you'll realize how serious this is.
Oh, your credit score is zero.
Sorry, you can't have a car, you can't have a loan, you can't have that surgery.
What happened?
Well, you visited InfoWars.
Well, you didn't get your last round of vaccines.
Oh, okay, fine.
I'll be a good slave.
I'll be a good slave.
Just give me my credit score back.
Globalists are taking control of the entire human genome.
They are forcing mutations.
This is forced evolution, or de-evolution.
When you look at all the major research, all the major programs they're carrying out, they are not to produce people that are smarter, or folks that live longer, or are more moral.
It's turning humanity into a commodity.
Now we see some propaganda, like communist China bragging, Hey, we've done mRNA vaccines to make our soldiers supermen!
That's a way to make it sexy that, hey, we're experimenting on our troops.
Well, the same thing's been happening to our troops, and thousands and thousands have died each time they tried a new experimental vaccine.
I'm talking to high-level folks inside the federal government and the state of Texas Health Department.
They say, Alex, we know it hurts a lot of people, but it's for a greater good.
But that's not even true.
And it violates the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, federal and state law.
This is violence being carried out against this biomedical tyranny, and we have a right to resist it with any means necessary.
The year 2021 is almost here, and so we're launching our New Year's specials right now.
We've got two different big sales.
We've got Super Metal Vitality, Turbo Force, and Ultra 12, part of the New Year's Resolution Energize Pack, 40% off.
We've got Bodies, Vazzo Beats, and Knockout, part of the New Year's Resolution Revitalize Pack, at 40% off.
But if you get both of these packs together, they are 60% off with free shipping and double Patriot points.
The best deal ever.
I want to thank you all for your support and encourage you to go to InfoWarsTore.com today and take advantage of this.
And you can't lose because it funds the InfoWar.
Again, get the great products at InfoWarsTore.com and fund the Second American Revolution worldwide at a time that is more critical than ever.
Again, the year 2021 is here, and I am committed to you to fight against the globalists harder than ever, so thank you so much for keeping InfoWars in the fight.
Without your support, we couldn't do any of it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, we are really on the verge of the American Revolution 2.0, 1776 meets 2021 in so many different ways.
And the system is rigged against us in all walks of life, many of which you don't even realize until you battle them.
Right now though, in Oregon, and do we have a live feed of this guys?
Is this live right now?
Or is this a replay?
Okay, so we are live right now, the Oregon State Capitol building, where dozens, perhaps even hundreds of patriots are trying to take the Capitol right now.
Yes, you heard me right.
They have the Capitol shut down, and it looks like either the National Guard or somebody there protecting it, and patriots in Oregon have decided they're taking the Capitol building.
They have been maced.
They have been assaulted.
Perhaps even arrests have been made.
We're just getting this intel.
This is all developing right now.
So we've got the live feed.
Is there audio of this too, guys?
Okay, so we're going to try to also have audio of this feed.
But as you can see, there's law enforcement.
They've already breached the Capitol building.
It looks like it appears a side door.
They've breached the Capitol building.
They're trying to take the Capitol building.
But you have law enforcement there.
Now, think about this.
If you're in Portland, Oregon, you can literally do whatever the hell you want, okay?
You can take buildings, you can burn buildings, you can loot, you can just take over whole city blocks and just declare them as yours.
But if you're actual law-abiding American citizens, they send law enforcement after you when you want to take the state capitol.
So it's like this weird thing.
They should... Now, of course,
It's all very confusing, but it's like if you go to the Oregon State Capitol and you say, we're BLM, we're BLM, we're creating an autonomous BLM zone, then they would stand down.
But if you show up and you say, we're American patriots standing up for America, then they come after you.
So it's just another example of the law being enforced politically.
This is incredible.
I mean, folks, you're looking at the beginning of an American revolution right now.
This is amazing.
We now have the live feed.
So Patriots in Oregon are trying to take their state back.
And the Democrats are sending law enforcement after them.
Now here's the problem.
We're pro-police here.
We do back the blue.
We understand it's a very complex issue.
Personally, I am just against all the laws that they have to enforce.
And I get in debates with police officers and former police officers and everything about that.
It's a fair debate.
I'm against the war on drugs.
I'm against traffic violations.
There should be a lot less restrictions and measurements.
And it should be more, okay, you were speeding.
Were you actually putting anybody in danger or not?
Uh, you know, oh, you're doing, you know, crack in a street alley.
I'm not going to bother with you.
Oh, you're trying to give it to kids?
Okay, maybe there's a problem with that.
But see...
When you look at a situation like this that we're in, and you have a total tyranny that we're facing, and you have one side of the aisle that's allowed to do whatever the hell they want.
They can burn, they can loot, they can riot, they can take buildings, they can just anything, whatever the hell they want, and no law enforcement even gets involved or steps in their way or makes an arrest.
But then when you actually try to save your country, and law enforcement shows up to put
A mace in your eye to put smoke in your face, in your mouth, in your lungs, or beat you over the head when you're just trying to take your country back.
Now I have to say I'm anti-police.
So I'm pro-police.
I back the blue.
I want to get along with police.
I respect the police.
But as soon as you choose a side, which is what they've done, now understand, oh they're just taking orders.
Well who's giving you the orders?
It's the same Democrats that have killed the economy.
It's the same Democrats that make you wear a mask.
The same Democrats that make you vaccinate.
So it's the enemies of America giving you the orders.
So as soon as you take orders from the enemies of America, you become the enemies of America.
I'm not saying the police are the enemies of America, I'm not saying state troopers, National Guard, I'm not saying they're the enemies of America.
They could be our number one heroes, but as soon as they start taking commands from the Democrats...
They then put themselves in the shoes, in the uniform of the anti-American enemy.
And that's the last thing I want to do, is be coming on air, pointing out at police, pointing out at state troopers, pointing out at National Guard, saying you're the enemy of America.
That's the last thing I want to do.
But when we're in this situation,
And we have everything against the wall, and you know damn well who the enemy of America is, and you know damn well who's giving you these illegal, tyrannical orders, you know damn well it's Democrat mayors, damn well it's Democrat governors, and damn well it's Democrat judges and prosecuting attorneys and all of it, and you sit there and you let them do it while the Democrat militant wing, BLM and Antifa,
Get to run roughshod in every county, every city that they want, and you do nothing?
You just put on the SS uniform.
You just put on the Nazi swastika.
You just hailed Hitler.
So, again, the last thing I want to do is point out at a law enforcement officer and say, you're the enemy of America.
But I'm always going to call it as it is.
I'm going to call a spade a spade.
So, those officers that just did this to these patriots, you are now the enemies of America.
And I hope you wake up and realize what's happening in this country because you're just going to be put in the front lines.
You know, that's what these people, these leftists, don't understand.
That's what Black Lives Matter and Antifa and these law enforcement officers don't understand.
The globalists and the Chi-Com Democrats are literally using you as a human meat shield.
Do you understand that?
We the people will go through you if we have to.
We don't want to.
We would much rather you just get out of the way or join our ranks.
But the Democrats are using these law enforcement officers as a human meat shield and so
Oh my gosh.
This is incredible.
And you know what?
I don't want any harm to come to these officers, but at the same time, I'm cheering on these patriots to do whatever they have to do.
Because this is a battle for America, and it's on.
And we're not going to sit here and stand by while all of our rights are eroded, and you allow the militant Democrat wing to take over our cities with BLM and Antifa, and you allow the tyrannical Democrat wing to shut down our free market, and then you sit there at the Capitol building and do their bidding?
As a useful human meat shield to stop us from getting to them?
You are now the SS Nazi officer taking orders.
So, I suggest, if you're listening to this and you're a police officer, if you're listening to this and you're in the National Guard, if you're listening to this and you're a state trooper, you need to tell everyone within your ranks to stand down when American patriots show up and say we're taking this country back.
You do not want to be the ones that engage in this fight.
You didn't sign up to fight a civil war.
Don't do it.
You did not sign up to stop our rights.
So don't do it.
And those thousands of patriots in Oregon right now at the State Capitol building, they are well within their rights and even beyond their rights to do what they're doing today.
And they're heroes for doing it.
And let me tell you, folks,
Speaking from experience, when you go into a situation and you know damn well you're about to get arrested and go to jail, you have to bite that bullet and you have to take it because you know what you're doing is for the greater good and you know what you're doing is going to be an example for other Americans to see, follow, and recreate.
So, let me tell ya.
Whatever happens in Oregon today is going to happen in every single state in the next 30 days.
We're going to continue to monitor this situation.
This is huge.
I stand and I salute these patriots in Oregon.
Take your capital back.
Be the voice.
Be the leaders.
The globalists and their minions want to play God.
Chuckie Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama.
You look at these sacks of garbage and you think, why do they hate humanity so much?
Why do they love death?
Because they hate themselves.
They project their own disgust with their soul onto us.
And once you understand that basic psychological point, every other answer is completely clear.
That's why they hate InfoWars.
We believe in humanity.
We think you're beautiful.
We think you're amazing.
InfoWars knows you're fallen, but that you have God's potential that God gave you.
Ladies and gentlemen, the great epic battle is now here.
It's now upon us.
I want to encourage you all to spread the word about InfoWars now more than ever, when the enemy hopes to shut down the light of truth.
We know you're going to override these globalists.
We know you're going to defeat them.
I just want to salute you all for your action, everything you've already done.
Because God's on our side, and the globalists know it.
The globalists have always been at war with the family and small businesses.
They want control.
They want domesticated slaves.
That's the process that is taking place right now.
And when you shop at the big box stores, and when you shop with Amazon, remember that they are creating monopolies, and they are the globalists that are pushing the lockdowns, gun control, abortion, world government, all of it.
If you want to do that, go ahead and shop there.
But if you'll shop at InfoWars, where we have thousands of products, made right here in America, with our warehouses and our crew,
It's incredible and it changes the whole world.
So do your shopping if you want to fund the InfoWar and if you want to stop the globalists at InfoWarStore.com.
And tell others to do their shopping at InfoWarStore.com.
We have amazing products.
We can get everything delivered to you by Christmas if you order by the 18th.
So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for thinking through what you do and where you spend your money.
And do your shopping and get great products at InfoWarStore.com.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Yeah, hello.
Can you hear me?
Thank you.
I sure can, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro, and it's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I'm calling from New Brent, Connecticut, and I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver, and Turbo Force has changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, there's a couple of us, we're all Hispanics.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
There's a big list of essential vitamins and minerals, meaning if you don't have them, you will die of the deficiency.
But when it comes to immunity, vitamin D3 is right up there at the top, and over 40% of Americans in national studies are deficient in vitamin D3.
Well, InfoWars sold out more than two months ago of our best-selling product, Winter Sun, with high-quality vitamin D3 and K,
That helps with the absorption and also boosts the immune system.
That's why it's a PLUS product.
Whenever we have a product that we've upgraded or added to or made stronger, we call it PLUS.
Well, Winter Sun PLUS has vitamin K as well.
It's been sold out for several months.
It came back in last week, but we always have to wait until we get a certification test back, and we got that in this morning.
So after being sold out for several months, it is ready to ship to you right now.
For adults, for children, for women, for men, everybody needs vitamin D3.
But if you work indoors and you don't get a lot of sunlight, you absolutely need a supplement with high quality vitamin D3.
Because a lot of people don't absorb vitamin D3 properly in the gut, you absorb it under the tongue.
And that's why you take Winter Sun under your tongue.
It tastes great naturally.
Turns out vitamin D3 really tastes sweet and delicious.
And Winter Sun has been sold out again for several months.
It's back in stock.
And when you purchase it from us,
It funds the Infowar, which again is a 360 win.
And I went out and talked to the top labs in the country, like with all our products.
This is the best D3 you're going to find out there.
Been selling it for, I don't know, six, seven years.
They recommended it a few years ago.
Hey, you ought to upgrade it with some vitamin K. It helps with the absorption.
And so there you go.
It's vitamin D3 and vitamin K. Winter Sun, back in stock at InfowarStore.com.
You're not going to find a high-end liquid vitamin D3 like this anywhere near that price.
It's $19.95.
And of course,
Of course, there's a lot of other great items in the Fullerstore.com right now as well, but I want to thank all of you for your support.
I am working right now.
I did the early morning show today, the new show, American Journal, but Owen is doing a great job here on the main transmission.
I just want to encourage this live audience to take action and to stock up.
By the way, if you order today, pretty much anywhere in the lower 48, you'll get it before Christmas.
Even tomorrow, you'll get it in more than half the country.
Back here live in the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas, and I am shaking right now.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm not somebody that normally gets like shaky like this or like you know feels the pressure of a situation and that's not what it is but what's happening in Oregon right now is I mean I got all this news that I need to cover but the dichotomy of what's happening in Oregon right now is so imperative for people to understand because it's everything
And this is basically the Battle of the Bulge.
This is potentially the shot heard around America.
Whatever happens in Oregon today will determine what happens in the rest of the states around this country.
And I'll tell you, I'm sickened at the behavior of these police officers.
I'm sickened.
You make us sick.
You have now become the Nazi SS soldiers just doing your job.
You are now becoming the foot soldiers of the Chinese Communist Party and these police officers make me sick.
Make my blood boil.
Now let me explain this because it's very complex as we have the live feed going.
This is live in Oregon.
Again, this is the state capitol in Oregon.
Thousands of patriots showed up today to take their capitol building back, which is rightfully theirs!
And this scum in blue are stopping them from doing it and arresting people and assaulting people and spraying them with mace!
And it makes me sick!
So let me explain this dichotomy here as this is happening live and we're tuned in.
So the police in our country, law enforcement in our country have been politicized.
One side of the aisle wants to respect the police, stand with police, back the police, keep them funded, and the morale high.
Another side literally wants to kill the police!
They want to kill the police!
They want to defund the police!
And that's the dichotomy.
Now, one side
Which is the side that wants to support the police, decides that the country is in danger, and they're going to have to do some drastic action by taking back what's rightfully theirs.
The state capitol building.
That belongs to we, the people.
But now the officers are there, stopping them, assaulting them, arresting them, and spraying them with mace.
Well, because they're being told to do that by the Democrats that run their state.
These are the same corrupt Democrats that work for the Chi-Coms.
These are the same corrupt Democrats that call for defunding the police.
And these are the same corrupt Democrats that let Black Lives Matter and Antifa run roughshod on the police.
And the police can do nothing.
So Antifa and BLM are literally above the law because that's what the Democrats have created now in the system with the police and law enforcement.
But any conservative Trump supporter is a criminal on site and has no rights.
But you say, well that doesn't make sense.
Why would the police, why would law enforcement be taking illegal orders from the Democrats that want them dead?
And not be standing with the patriots that want to respect them, work with them, and back them, and make sure that they're funded and respected, and their morale is high.
Well, see, this ultimately is the biggest catch of all, and this is why the globalists have us in their Venus flytrap, folks.
And it's the same story of all time.
With the Nazis and anybody else.
Well, why are the police doing it?
Well, it's their job!
They're just doing their job, and they need a paycheck!
It's hard to get a paycheck in this country anymore.
Half the country's shut down.
But see, they still get to collect their paycheck, the ones that are lucky enough not to be defunded or shut down yet.
But so, imagine, you're a Democrat, or you're Black Lives Matter in Antifa, you literally want police dead, you get to break the law, all day long, without any discipline, and now the country's being destroyed, people's livelihoods are being destroyed.
So then,
People decide they're going to rise up and legally and lawfully, peacefully protest and take their capital back, and then the same Democrats who want these police officers dead tell them to go out and protect them from the patriots taking their building back, and they do it because why?
They need money.
They need the money, they need the job.
And so now these police officers are putting their own bottom line and their own paycheck ahead of everything else.
Everything that is right, everything that is God-given in our rights, and everything this country stands for.
And it really makes me sick because this is what's going to happen here.
The police are going to become our enemy.
And that's the last thing I want to see, because the police are not my enemy.
The police have never been my enemy.
But now, the police will become, we the people's enemy, if they become the frontline foot soldiers for the Chi-Coms, for the Globalists, for the Democrat Party, for Black Lives Matter in Cuba.
Look at that pig!
Spraying an innocent woman!
Oh boy, I'll tell ya.
This, this, this is something right here, folks.
And they won't cover this on mainstream news, by the way.
They won't even mention any of this.
See, but again, notice, where is the left?
Where is Black Lives Matter?
Where is Antifa?
Well, let's just send them in.
They're allowed to kill police.
They're allowed to attack police.
They're allowed to take over buildings.
See, that's the problem.
When you fly an American flag, you don't have any rights.
But if you fly a Black Lives Matter flag, then you can kill police and do whatever the hell you want.
So, I mean, I say this tongue-in-cheek, but seriously, it's almost like if they can't breach the full building and take it over today, they should all come back tomorrow with Black Lives Matter flags.
I'm not joking about that.
Because it just shows, as an example, how there's two sets of rules, and then the optics...
The optics of Black Lives Matter supporters getting attacked by police.
The optics of Black Lives Matter not being able to break the law.
The optics of Black Lives Matter not being able to create an autonomous zone.
It'll send the entire media paradigm into a spiral.
Everybody observing and watching will finally realize what the hell's going on.
So, I got all this news, but I'm going to continue to monitor this situation.
This is battle of the bullets potential right here.
And I am with these organ patriots in heart and spirit and mind.
I hope they have victory today.
Fox has betrayed President Trump as I predicted they would.
They've always been part of the establishment and it's only going to get worse.
If they're able to keep Trump from rightfully taking office for a second term on January 20th, the system is going to drop the hammer harder than ever on this republic.
They are going to explode.
We're good.
They're consolidating power and control to bankrupt the population and bring them absolutely to heel and then consolidate ownership of all the infrastructure and property.
This is a monopolistic takeover.
That's what the Great Reset is.
Klaus Schwab and these other criminals admit it.
That's what social distancing is.
So your business is only at 25%.
For several more years, no small businesses will be there.
This is a master plan.
Say no.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official, part of the UN Great Reset of the Demos Group.
And Klaus Schwab, all officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, it's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear.
Leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Boy, I am real hot and bothered right now.
Oh boy.
We've got a guest host for the War Room today, because quite frankly, kind of like Alex has like a hundred things to do off-air, he just never takes off-air.
He has to get them done.
It's kind of the same thing here.
I've got Democrats trying to put me in jail right now.
And I got to take care of some legal stuff that it's like impossible to do.
But I may have to come on to the war room too today.
But it's like, what do I do?
Do I fight this legal stuff to try to stay out of jail?
Or do I try to help the Republic free itself?
But let me just say this.
I got to get to this news as we're monitoring this situation in Oregon.
You know, one of the biggest things that sparks a revolution
Specifically a righteous one is giving the revolutionaries a physical enemy to attack and then to use that for motivation.
And I'm not saying I want that to be the police.
I don't want that to be the police.
That's the last thing I want.
I want the police to realize they need to stand down in this situation just like they stand down for Black Lives Matter or Antifa that literally wants them dead and kills people in the streets that they never seem to want to do law enforcement then.
And if that's because they're getting illegal orders, then they need to recognize those illegal orders and fight against them.
But see, let me tell you something right now.
If you give Trump supporters, if you give quote-unquote right-wingers, or you give these patriots an actual physical enemy to attack, you've just gifted them, bad for you, good for the Republic, the greatest gift they could ever ask for.
And that's an actual physical enemy to attack, to bring down.
That will actually mobilize people in this fight.
Now again, I don't want the police attacked.
Conservatives and Trump supporters are not the people to attack the police.
That's the Democrats.
That's BLM.
That's Antifa.
But now you're getting in our way.
And we've seen you let the radical left terrorize our streets for an entire year.
And all we want to do is take our capital back and you dare mace these people and assault these people and arrest these people when we have watched you stand idly by while the Democrats have terrorized us, murder us, destroyed our business, two billion dollars in property damage and you didn't do anything and now we show up at a peaceful protest and you shut us down?
Boy, I hope you know what you're doing.
Because if you don't, you're about to find out.
But Oregon is setting the example for the rest of the country right now.
We need this in every state capitol building.
And in fact,
That's why, I'm gonna be honest, I'm kind of upset at President Trump for doing this whole January 6th thing because it's just more like herding cats.
It's like, we can march in D.C.
all these different times, we don't even organize.
Trump just throws out a date and it's like, okay, well now I guess we're all going and then we'll be there again.
Trump needs to say, every state on this day, take your capital back!
Just like they're doing in Oregon!
And then you put all the onus on the local leaders and you put all the onus on police to draw their lines.
Are you with us?
Or are you with the Chi-Coms?
Are you with America?
Or are you with the Democrats?
Are you with freedom?
Or are you with tyranny?
And you know what?
If some of the police have to hang up their hats and hang up their badges, then guess what?
Welcome to the real world where a lot of people have lost their jobs.
Where a lot of people go home not knowing how they're going to put food on the table, or not knowing how they're going to pay for their Christmas gifts.
But, if you sign on to the New World Order, and you sign on to the Democrats and the Chi-Coms, then understand, they have successfully made you a meat shield.
A human meat shield to stand in the way of us stopping the corruption.
And believe me, that scenario for you is much worse than not having a job for a couple weeks or a month.
Which is probably about how long this whole thing would take.
But I'll tell ya, all the Trump supporters that chant back the blue, all the Trump supporters that say stand with the police, you're gonna lose about half of them when they see videos like this.
Let me just tell ya.
Because as much as we wanna back the blue and get along with police, we'd rather see all of you out of a job and us get our country back
Then sit here and have to play games with you, or negotiate with you, that hey, we're in a battle for the Republic.
If you don't get that by now, you're either willingly standing in the way, or you're in for a rude awakening.
So, this is going to be interesting to see what happens in Portland.
Excuse me, see what happens in Oregon.
Salem, Oregon is the capital.
Not too far from Portland where, again, Black Lives Matter and Antifa is allowed to just roam the streets killing people, doing whatever the hell they want, taking over businesses, taking over government buildings.
It's just ridiculous.
And then you, a law-abiding citizen, can't even go into your state capitol building.
This is a major demarcation line today, and I believe the dominoes will fall.
But, you know, this whole thing, January 6th in D.C., we'll see what happens, if anything.
It's just odd to me that we've already had two of these major things, and the President never really gave them any juice, and then he wants to juice this thing on January 6th.
People are going to be juiced out by the inauguration, is what I'm afraid of.
And that's why I think it's time to act locally.
And I'll tell you, you know, the reason why Alex is trying to take a break, and I encouraged him to this week, is because we are about to enter the fourth quarter of this battle, folks.
Or maybe we just finished the fourth quarter and we're going into sudden death overtime.
But, you know, the point is, you need your best players to be rested and ready to go for this final level, not worn out and injured.
Uh, that's why I took some time off when my voice went out, but I mean, this is just, this is, this is what the American revolution is going to look like in 2021.
What's happening in Oregon.
Oh my gosh.
I just, and you know what though, seeing the videos of the police, uh, assaulting the Patriots in Oregon, it really, it really hurts me because
I think they liked it, and I think a certain level of their consciousness or a certain number of these officers, they've signed on to the Democrats, folks.
They've signed over, and they've become the new Nazis.
They've become the new Nazi SS foot soldiers.
So you have the brown shirts, which is Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and now you have the SS soldiers, which is the police officers
Illegally enforcing Democrat mandates.
And look at that.
Look, when you have a police officer standing there, macing an innocent woman in the face, you're gone.
You're no longer one of us.
We no longer like you.
We're no longer going to stand with you.
You're done.
So that officer needs to be fired and arrested.
And I'll tell you, again, hey, Black Lives Matter and Antifa are severely misguided and brainwashed, but boy oh boy,
I'll invite them right now to join our side to fight these police.
How would you like that?
So maybe that's what needs to happen.
Hey, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but you know what?
We want to stand up against the establishment here.
We've identified them.
Join us!
What would happen if that was Black Lives Matter and Antifa storming that Capitol?
You know what would happen.
The police would stand down.
Oh, but because it's a Trump flag and an American flag, you get maced, you get hit with a billy club, you get arrested.
But you know damn well if they had Black Lives Matter flags, they would be escorted into the state capitol and probably given the keys to the building.
You know, maybe that's what these people need to do.
Let's send a hundred Black Lives Matter flags to Oregon and let's give them the Black Lives Matter flags.
They can chant Black Lives Matter as they take the Capitol back and then the police will give them a red carpet treatment, give them everything they want.
So it looks like they're removing the covering off of some war memorial perhaps here.
This is incredible to watch.
We're gonna be monitoring this.
I've got guests coming up.
I haven't even gotten into this news, all the COVID hoax news.
I mean, you know it's a hoax.
It's just more of the total proof that it's a hoax.
Like, for example, in Denmark, they had no shutdown, no mask mandate.
And then they instituted mask mandates in August, and you can see the graph here.
So as soon as they instituted mask mandates, COVID numbers shot way up, and then they doubled down on it, saying you had to wear a mask everywhere, and then the COVID numbers went from basically nothing to all-time highs.
The mask spreads COVID!
The mask spreads COVID!
Of course it does!
If you walk around all day sticking your fingers in your mouth and your nose, you're probably going to get a virus.
Well, imagine now you're walking around with your fingers in your nose all day long in the form of a face mask.
Yeah, it spreads disease.
Alright, we're going to continue to monitor this situation.
We've got big guests coming up.
Don't go anywhere.
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Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
And that's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you'd ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential.
All the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Folks, if you are listening to this transmission and you are in Oregon, you need to get to your state capitol now and fight with these patriots.
And think about this.
If the media even covers this, which they probably won't, but imagine
For months, for an entire summer, the mainstream media celebrated the Democrat terrorism.
They celebrated the autonomous zones.
They celebrated the riots.
They celebrated the looting, the arson, the death.
All of it.
They celebrated all of it.
So, how are they going to cover this?
Oh, you watch.
They'll say this is bad.
They'll say it's racist.
They'll say all the things, even though this is an actual, righteous, peaceful protest.
So, more people continue to ascend upon the Oregon State Capitol.
They are trying to get inside and take it.
So here's how they're covering it.
Oh yeah, look at this.
Heavily armed, far-right mob.
Floods hoarding cattle.
So you wait.
So this is bad.
So an actual peaceful, righteous protest is bad.
But Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning buildings, murdering people, looting around the clock.
They don't even... That's the greatest thing ever.
That's righteous.
That's granted.
But this is bad, even though this is the real revolution right here.
So, I invite Black Lives Matter to join these patriots.
I invite Antifa to join these patriots.
It's your capital building too.
You may hate America, but it's still yours.
If you choose to destroy it, so be it.
We choose to bring it back.
We choose to return power to the individual.
This is just so stunning.
And I am just... I hope that if we see this act
In Oregon, with patriots taking the Capitol, if we see this replicated in all 50 states, I hope that the police and the law enforcement and those state capitals don't make the awful mistake that those in Oregon just did.
To aim themselves against the people and to target themselves as an enemy of we the people.
Again, this is the craziest thing.
You have the police have been totally politicized.
One side of the aisle wants to kill the police.
The other side of the aisle wants to stand with the police.
And the police are actively going after the people that have their back.
And you're witnessing it in real time.
Yeah, boy, how are you going to feel as a police officer?
You think it's bad now?
When the whole media and the Democrat Party is against you?
How is it going to feel when we, the people, the conservatives, the patriots, the Trump supporters that have had your back, how is it going to feel when we hate you?
And if we see this happen again,
Whether it's in Oregon, or Washington, or Texas, or Missouri, or Florida, or wherever, and we see police attacking innocent patriots, where in the same city you let leftists come, tear down buildings, murder, loot, destroy, take autonomous zones, and you don't say boo, and then we show up and peacefully protest, and you attack us?
How do you think it's going to feel when you have the entire planet against you?
We're your only hope!
And you're aiming yourselves against us?
And you know what's sad?
Because this is all by design, by the Chi-Coms and the Democrats, and you're falling right into their trap!
But I have a feeling... I have a feeling what you're seeing today in Oregon is just the beginning, folks.
I think 2021 is gonna look a lot like this.
I don't really talk about it because I just don't want to put any fuel to their fire, but I mean... They're still trying to arrest me for calling out Nadler, folks.
So... I mean... I'm telling you, this is... I just... This is just so incredible, man.
This is just so incredible to see.
I mean, my heart, my soul, everything is with these patriots in Oregon today, and it just...
Makes me sick to see the police that we have stood for, stood up for, and defended for the last year of the onslaught and attack and vicious lies about them, and now they're being aimed against us.
But again, if you want to spark off a revolution, you give the revolutionaries a physical target.
And the police better realize that they're being lined up as that physical target.
Not what we want!
We love the police, but you better get out of our way!
Hey Alex, how you doing man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes sir, yes sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said man, I gotta get on that show and give him an update.
I said if I ever get a chance to be on Alex Jones Show, I'm gonna tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now look, I'm 64 years old going on 20 thanks to this.
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know, we didn't screen your call, we had no idea, and I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
The police in Salem, Oregon better stand down, because we the people are standing up.
And you let the Democrats and their militant wing run roughshod over this country, rioting for an entire summer, billions of property damage, no arrests, and now you're actually stopping peaceful protests by patriots.
And it just has me sick.
And we're joined now by Ivan Ranklin, who wants to talk about the latest updates when it comes to stopping the steal of this election.
And, you know, I'll be honest, folks.
In my heart and mind, I've already played out this hand a billion times, and I'm going to be honest, I believe the only path to victory is what we're seeing in Oregon.
I don't think our politicians are going to do anything.
I love Lin Wood.
I love Sidney Powell.
Ivan's shaking his head.
We may disagree.
I think this is our only path to victory.
I mean, it's revolution, man.
They just stole our election, and the whole mainstream media is going along with it, but Ivan has other ideas.
Ivan, tell me how we can do this peacefully.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, first of all, thanks for having me.
Let's check this out.
There are about five, six different paths before we have to go the kinetic option as you're, I think, talking about.
So we still have until January 6th.
I think the critical date, the next one is December 23rd.
I don't know if you want to pull it up, but I essentially wrote the memorandum that Vice President Pence needs to send over to the Secretaries of State of these contested states to tell them that he has not received a non-fraudulent slate of electors.
And for them to address that, they have several options.
One is that they can go ahead and run a new election.
Good luck doing that in the course of two weeks before January 6th.
The other option is that they can actually have a vote in the legislature to determine whether or not they're going to submit an electoral slate in light of all the new information of fraud that has come out since they originally selected a Biden slate on December 14th.
And then even more information is going to be coming out, not daily, but hourly, foreign influence, crimes, investigations, etc.
And it is going to impact the psyche of those legislators to determine whether or not they're going to submit a slate at all or submit a Trump slate of electors.
And then the third option is to file a lawsuit in federal court with a grievance against Vice President Pence.
In his capacity as the presiding officer for the joint session and in his role as receiving the electoral votes from the states.
If they have a disagreement with it, file a lawsuit in district court.
Somebody wins, somebody loses.
The other party appeals.
It goes to the Court of Appeals.
Somebody wins, somebody loses.
The other party goes ahead and appeals it to the Supreme Court.
And what do you think the Supreme Court's going to do?
They're going to sit it out.
And January 6th comes.
Those six slates of electors from those states that have fraudulently certified electors are not included in the count on the January 6th electoral joint session.
Trump wins 232 to 227.
Four more years.
So basically, there's going to be... Okay, so you're saying there could be an abstention, essentially, of those votes from those fraudulent states.
No, no, it's not an abstention.
Abstention would be on their own volition.
The states would say, you know what, we're going to abstain.
That is an option.
If the other option is that they're not going to, the Vice President will say he's not received a legitimate slate.
So they could either do nothing, they could hold a new election, they could hold, I guess, a four pass.
They could do nothing, leave it as it stands, file a lawsuit, that'll never get to the Supreme Court in time.
The second piece, or the third piece, is to hold a new election and then have a
A legitimate vote in their state legislature to hold a vote according to Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S.
And again, that means that no contingent election has to occur.
He wins it outright because the denominator is going to be, what's 232 plus 227?
Trump has a majority.
There you have it.
He doesn't need the 270.
He's legally obligated to do it this way because otherwise he would be complicit in certifying a fraud.
So why would he want to commit a crime?
Who would just write a memo, as I mentioned?
But see, that's kind of my problem, and pardon me, I'm all hot and bothered today because of what's going on in Oregon.
I don't know if you've been able to follow this or not.
I don't know what's going on over there.
I'm sure you'll be privy to it very soon here if you get a free minute ever in your life today.
I know you may be hearing some chatter coming out of the White House.
You may have even been in the White House.
I know Patrick Byrne was there, Sidney Powell was there, some others were there.
I was there yesterday, yeah.
Okay, so I don't know if you can share with us what their confidence level here is.
I can only go off what I'm seeing, and I'm not saying it's the wrong move of President Trump to put his faith in the American people in general, specifically the people in positions of power to do the right thing, like the state legislatures, the electors, these committings, we're seeing all these hearings, but we found the same thing every time.
They stand down, they don't have the courage, they get threatened, they get intimidated, so they don't do what their job is.
That's why I've been trying to push this of the Vice President.
Everybody needs to essentially get this within the Vice President's orbit.
And I believe that the President's being briefed maybe a little later today on this specific path.
I think they're aware of it.
That the Vice President does this.
And then essentially it resolves the election pretty cleanly.
And if people have an issue with it, they have to take it with the Supreme Court.
In the absence of the Supreme Court ruling on any of these election cases, the Vice President, as the presiding officer of the Joint Session of Congress, is the authority.
Until he is overridden, if he even is, by the Supreme Court.
So then he's literally telling, hey, the states, you don't like what I'm saying?
But let's say, Ivan, let's say this is a roulette table, okay?
And we're playing with President Trump's money here.
How much money is he putting on red or black?
Is he putting his whole pot on Mike Pence doing the right thing?
Is he putting half on Pence, half on the legislatures?
Oh, no.
I would say that this is one path.
It's a very clear path, right?
The other, I mean, there are other paths, right?
We're going to apply pressure on the state legislatures and continue these lawsuits because just like we are, these state legislators are being educated on all the fraud occurring with more lawsuits and etc.
And some of them that haven't voted with dismissing the fraud are going to get there.
We're going to, we're building more and more momentum based on grassroots pressure of we the people for them to go ahead and recall.
They may on their own decide, you know what, before Wednesday,
We're going to recall our electoral slate and do a re-vote according to the Constitution.
Example, Georgia right now.
On Friday, one of the committees in their State House or Senate said that they cannot recommend going ahead and certifying the electoral state that was voted on.
It's fraudulent.
So now the Speaker of the House and the President of the State Senate has to determine, are they going to call a legislative session before Wednesday?
We may get
Presidential electors from Georgia by Wednesday.
Pennsylvania may follow suit.
I would imagine though.
So then Pence will not have to send this memorandum to Georgia and maybe Pennsylvania.
But you're talking about something happening, but Ivan, you're talking about something happening on Christmas Eve Eve.
Most Americans aren't going to even be paying attention.
Hell, even half of Congress isn't even going to know what the hell's going on.
I'm briefing them every day.
Trump has said be in DC January 6th.
I mean, to me it seems like Trump is saying that that January 6th after Christmas plan is what he's betting with.
So this is a new development.
Another attorney and myself kind of looked into the code some more.
And this is the analysis we came up with.
And if anybody disputes it, I will... Come at me.
I will crush you with my analysis.
Like, you're not going to win.
There's no standing here.
The only way you can win is when the Supreme Court takes up a case and says that Vice President Pence did not follow the Constitution.
That's it.
But you're assuming people are going to act logically.
What's that?
You're assuming people are going to act logically.
So again, this is being briefed, as far as I understand, in the White House today.
And it may have been briefed earlier.
As one path of several, six before going kinetic, as you're talking about.
I mean, like I said, though, I've just seen... I can talk about the other past.
Well, let's do that.
We're about to go to a break.
We'll talk about the other past.
My problem is, perhaps, you know, you're the optimist in this conversation.
I'm the pessimist today.
My problem is, it's just, you shouldn't even have to make these arguments.
I mean, this is so cut and dry.
This is like arguing that grass is green.
And that's what I said to you on Wednesday.
No, grass is not green, Ivan!
No, Christmas trees do not have lights on them, and people do not put ornaments on Christmas trees, okay?
It doesn't happen, and Trump did not win the election.
Grass is not green, okay?
The election's not over.
Trump did, no, there's no such, in fact, Christmas trees don't even exist!
Trump lost, and there's no such thing as Christmas trees.
That's not a tree right there.
No, it's not.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
And Ivan Reikland, who is joining me here.
He's trying to keep us confident and sane.
Again, my issue is, I don't disagree with Ivan.
Everything he's saying is 100% true.
It's just, like, I shouldn't have to beg somebody to say, hey, look, here's all the fraud.
Obviously, this election was stolen.
Like, please follow the law.
Please look at reality.
It's like, at this point, if they don't want to do it, they're never going to do it.
Uh, so that's kind of why I'm like, you know, Hey, we have the law.
We know Trump won.
They don't care.
They stole this thing.
They're committed to it.
They're not going to return it.
Um, even though they've been caught and they have the whole media, the whole Democrat party, the whole Chai Com world government, you know, with them.
So they just assume, Oh, we can just steal anything now and get away with it.
Uh, but you're going to lay out other passive victory.
You just laid out one and two and three.
You said there are more though.
So we have still Supreme court cases that are.
I think it's nine or ten.
We have four by Sidney Powell in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin.
They're still waiting to be somehow resolved at the Supreme Court, whether it's docketed, dismissed, or taken up.
There's three cases that were just filed yesterday by the Trump campaign via Rudy Giuliani, as well as, I think, some others.
That's seven.
Then you have Lin Wood in a federal case from Georgia that he's appealed.
It's before the Supreme Court.
Figure what they're going to do with that.
That's eight.
There's another Pennsylvania case by the Pennsylvania GOP.
And I think there's one other one from the campaign if it hasn't been dismissed yet.
So that's outside of the Texas case.
That was obviously everyone knows what happened with that.
So that's another path.
The other path, I mean, we talked about essentially impacting the decision-making process of the state legislatures to recall the current slate of electors.
Because you got to remember that even though December 14th, they did their certifications, they submitted it to the Vice President, the Vice President on December 23rd is going to do what I just mentioned, but let's just assume he didn't.
The states still have an opportunity from now until January 6th at 1 p.m.
To decide to recall their slate of electors.
And the reason why they would do that is from grassroots, we the people pressure.
That's one.
Two, by having the president and the executive branch lay out everyday prime time for at least an hour, explaining all of the foreign interference and influence on our critical infrastructure to include election infrastructure that has been going on.
Uh, treasury department can discuss it.
The intel community, DNI Radcliffe, they can declassify some of that material and essentially show how
Foreign actors, China, Russia, Iran have attacked us and our infrastructure and potential manipulation through these foreign companies on the election.
And then also hold congressional hearings at the federal level under the 12th Amendment contingent election framework, which means that because 26 of the states are majority delegations Republican in the current Congress and it'll be 27 or it'll be 26 or 27 in the 117th Congress,
On January 3rd, when they swear in at noon, under that construct, Republican Party has a majority.
So they need to hold joint hearings in the Senate chambers, co-chaired by the respective chairman of that committee.
For example, Rubio of Intel and Devin Nunes would represent the House of Representatives under this framework, and they would hold hearings.
And they would have witnesses, such as the CEO of Dominion, such as DNI Radcliffe, such as
Eric Swalwell talking about his foreign connections and putting it out there under oath for the whole world to see.
And then that information that the state legislators cannot gain access to, but the federal U.S.
Congress can have.
They have stronger subpoena power to bring these people in and under oath with actually more bite to it.
It will inform the state legislators to decide for themselves on that information, coupled with more lawsuits, coupled with more investigations of criminal fraud.
They could decide, you know what?
It's just too much.
There's too much fraud.
You know, even though it was just a little bit, we could dismiss it.
Now we're at a point where there's just too much fraud.
But what's the difference?
We've already had these hearings, though.
So what's the difference in this is that with subpoena power?
So the states.
There were hearings at the state level.
Now I'm calling on federal level hearings similar to what Ron Johnson did, but even taking it to the next level where the entire Congress is preparing to decide what they're trying to get data points for them to justify objecting or not objecting on January 6th to these electoral slates if they end up getting to Congress on the 6th.
Georgia submits.
Pence does not deny accepting it.
It goes to the, let's use Arizona.
It's the first one in alphabetical order.
Any objections?
You know, somebody is going to have to object on the House and Senate side.
I think enough people have discussed that part.
But in the run up to that, you need to convince those congressmen and senators that will ultimately object or not object why they're doing either.
As part of that learning process and shedding light to that process, you hold hearings by the Judiciary, by the Intel Committees, of both Houses, remember.
And the House is represented by the Republican Party because they have a majority of the states in preparation for a contingent election.
And the minority, in this case the Democrats under the 12th Amendment construct, will be represented by, you know, Adam Schiff will be the minority leader member of that committee.
They'll have an opportunity to testify.
Not as a co-chair, but as a witness on his perception of foreign interference.
And then we'll have, ask him a line of questioning, similar to the other committee chairs under the, you know, normal construct of 435 members.
Speaker Pelosi is the Speaker of the House.
So this construct that I'm recommending and presenting to Mo Brooks and
Marjorie Taylor Greene and Congressman-elect Moore and some of the other folks in Congress, they need to start setting up these hearings, but they can't really do it unless the Senate acts.
So the Senate needs to have, I think Ron Johnson's at the forefront of this, but he has to do it in a joint manner.
I think it creates more credibility, it informs everybody involved in the process, and then it exposes people and more fraud.
And the way it exposes it is
It's based on the witnesses that you have there that are being questioned.
So, for example, when you talk about foreign interference, obviously DNI, right?
And some of the big actors.
If you talk about the Foreign Relations Committee, you're having under oath the witnesses being the U.S.
ambassador for Pompeo, U.S.
ambassador to China, to Russia, to the senior representative to Iran, and then you have folks like Hunter Biden discussing
On multiple committees, financial services, foreign financial dealings and financial crimes.
But would they go for a haymaker?
I mean, would you see subpoenas of Hunter Biden and James Biden who have been involved in some of these transactions?
Would they be called to the floor?
The key component here is to call the hearing and list those individuals as witnesses and then subpoena them.
If they refuse the subpoena, that means they're hiding something.
That is a win.
In the court of public opinion.
Next, they accept the subpoena, they testify, they plead the fifth, you're hiding something.
That's a win in the court of public opinion.
I see this is a good formula.
The problem is the mainstream media will never report it.
I guess now it's a matter of can we beat the mainstream media?
I believe we can because I don't suspect they're not going to show up.
But look at my pinned tweet.
No, they're not.
It articulates all of these hearings, who needs to be there, all the witnesses.
And at the very end, when all those hearings are done, America's going to come up with the assessment that I provided that DNI Ratcliffe was slow-rolled on and hasn't provided yet fully to the American people.
And you're going to see why we have these hearings.
All right.
Can you do another segment, Ivan?
We've got to take a break here.
Can you do another segment?
All right.
We're going to come right back with more of the great Green Beret, Ivan Ranklin.
Don't go anywhere.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official.
Part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab.
All officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them, agenda 21, agenda 2030, it's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
I've got some really exciting good news, and I've also got some bad news.
InfoWars is getting the highest traffic we have ever gotten since the election in 2016.
Despite all the bans, all of the system trying to censor us and suppress us, you with your word of mouth have overridden that, and they are so scared of InfoWars.com and Banned.Video, and they're so scared of you being able to communicate and share the truth.
We're bringing in the same amount of money we brought in last December right now.
This is our most important month to be able to fund ourselves into next year.
And I understand the economy shut down.
I understand there's not as much money as there used to be.
They're trying to kill Trump's recovery.
But InfoWars really needs your support.
You just buy great items through your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com with huge sales, amazing products.
And then you know you're funding the InfoWar and not funding Amazon and Jeff Bezos and the globalists that are openly trying to destroy small businesses.
Continue to fund the second American revolution.
You must guard your humanity.
You must guard your children's humanity.
You must guard the very genetic code of the planet.
The globalists have set themselves up as the guardians of this world, but they are the ones that are overriding every genetic system and poisoning the planet.
They're the ones that are now engaged in genetic takeover of every human on earth through the GMO crops.
And now they've moved on to their main target, humanity, with the mRNA vaccines, which are not vaccines.
They are recombinant DNA from aborted, cloned fetuses.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ivan Reikland is with us.
By the way, uh, I consider Ivan a friend.
So, uh, if I get a little chippy with him, that's just because we're buddies.
And, uh, it's probably better that way, too, because he's like, damn it, Owen, I'm trying to give you the intel here.
Shut up!
Uh, it's just a matter of, uh, he, he, again, you know, it comes down to this for me.
Trump is surrounded by cowards and traitors.
And so thank God we have people like Ivan Reikland getting in there, Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne, who are maybe not even necessarily political, they just realize the Republic is in danger.
And I think it's pathetic that you have people who just think, oh the Republic will save itself, oh Trump will just go away and everything will turn to normal.
Not even close to the case.
It's do or die time right now.
So I wanted to ask Ivan, and obviously you can't get into, I'm sure a lot of the things you could discuss in the White House or with the President's executive offices, you can't necessarily say here on air.
But from somebody who's observing this, President Trump, I got a whole stack, I got a whole stack
He's the commander-in-tweet.
We know what he's thinking on Twitter.
He knows the election was stolen.
He wants to fight back.
But he's so committed to following the Constitution that you have Joe Biden still running around because Attorney General Barr won't do anything.
He even says there's no election fraud, General Barr says.
So okay, well he's obviously not on our team.
But Trump is so committed to doing things by the book, by the Constitution, so they can't come after him.
The problem is his enemies don't have that same notion.
So, Ivan, can you tell us what the president is thinking right now, aside from what we're seeing on Twitter?
I mean, aside from all the plans and everything that you laid out, does the president have a final stopgap of, I'm not going to let them steal this election and destroy our republic, or will he walk away because the powers that be won't help him?
No, so I think you're not.
First off, I'll say I was only at the White House yesterday with my family as just a tour.
So I didn't have any meetings whatsoever.
It was just there as a tour.
Second piece, I don't know what the President's thinking.
That's for him to answer that question.
But I will say this.
I mean, I will agree with your statement.
General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lynwood, Patrick Byrne, a bunch of others.
But the ones that I didn't list, you know.
Those that I listed are the ones 100% fighting to defend our Constitution and fortunately for President Trump, that Constitution favors his victory in all aspects of it.
Now, a lot of these members of Congress have no clue that that's the case.
A lot of these members of the Senate have no clue that the Constitution creates these paths, pretty simple paths to victory for the President.
In the absence of all the fraud.
But the fraud only adds on to his simplicity of a win.
But they don't know their authorities, similar to the state legislatures.
They have no clue what's going on.
They buy into the mainstream media, the big tech search results that they get, that the election's decided by some bot in Silicon Valley that's funded by China, right?
And that's where we come into play.
I'm literally begging your entire audience.
It doesn't matter that I'm the guy putting it out.
The most important thing is the information.
Go to my pinned tweet.
Read the entire thread on that one pinned tweet.
Every single word.
And if there's anything incorrect in that, I have open DMs.
Tell me what's wrong.
I'll update it.
I can guarantee you that all of that information is fully sourced.
And you'll see.
And that lays out
All of the paths on how the President can win.
It's essentially a message to the Commander-in-Chief that this is what needs to be done over the course of the next 17 days.
And the way he does that is by we, the people, creating the demand signal on Twitter, if you're banned on Twitter, Facebook, Parler, Instagram, I don't care, whatever your biggest platform is,
Educate every single person in your network that this is what can happen.
The election is over on January 6th, at the earliest, keyword, at the earliest on January 6th.
My proposals and paths to victory only go to January 6th.
And at the early part of the show, before I started speaking, there are other paths.
But I don't think we need to go there.
Are they being planned?
Am I thinking about them?
Are other people thinking about them?
The President has all of the options on the table that he has legally until January 20th at noon.
If he's re-elected, which I submit almost 100% chance he gets re-elected, that he's going to continue down that path, but he has all of the levers of government power and the Constitution behind him.
Not because of him as an individual as Donald Trump, it's because constitutionally he has that power.
Joe Biden is currently a candidate
For President.
That's all he is.
Well, and I just, to me it's just frustrating because, again, everything you said is right.
I just, I just want to, I just live in logic and reality.
Trump won by a landslide!
Like, I mean, it's just such a joke that we even have to present all of this.
But let me ask you this.
It is.
It is a joke.
But let's hone back in on these details though.
So if we get these hearings with the subpoena power, whether it's Rubio or Nunes, I mean, I'd love to see Nunes and Schiff put head-to-head on a stand.
I mean, that'd be brilliant.
Some pencil-necked, you know, Chinese freak, known liar Schiff versus Nunes, who cemented himself as a great patriot in my eyes.
I love your colorful adjectives.
Well, I mean, I just call it like I see it.
But when would these hearings start taking place?
When would we hear about a subpoena of a Hunter Biden, or a subpoena of Dominion, and then get the actual refusal to show up?
When would that time period be?
I'm calling on it to be yesterday.
Actually, what's today?
The 20... Okay, but you're saying any time between now and the 6th, basically.
The plan that I set forth, if the people that were, you know,
In the halls of Congress, if sufficient numbers of people looked at it, and understood it, and read it, and took me as a credible source, which now I think people are, because of the amplification on my voice on Twitter, etc., I think we would have had those hearings.
But if more people amplify and apply that pressure, I think we're going to see them sooner than later.
Should people be calling their congressmen and women about this too?
If you have the capacity, we need to make sure that their phones 24-7 are being called.
That's all state legislatures in these states.
And then also, Federal Congress, when it applies to these hearings.
And then also, social media.
Also, you need to email them.
If you live by them, and by their offices, you should be approaching their offices.
And kind of like what Owen has done in the past, I recommend taking a look at the local ordinance near the house.
I mean, I'm not going to dox anybody, but you can do your own research.
Take a look at where these people live.
Again, we're supporters of them until they make the wrong decision against the Constitution.
Then we're going to start applying more pressure over the next 17 days.
And the crescendo is going to be on January 6th.
Here's what you do.
You get on a public easement, the sidewalk or on the street, where it's not illegal to stand.
From daylight hours, when you can actually be noisy and rowdy, you use your First Amendment right with your megaphone, and you start telling them that they need to call a legislative session, if it's a state legislator, and if it's a congressman and they're in their home district and you know where they're at, then you need to blow horn them.
And you need to blow horn them for whatever it is, 16 hours a day, 18 hours a day, and then if they still aren't calling these hearings, then we need to increase.
Then we need to have two people, four people, double that, eight people, sixteen people, swarming, nothing illegal, but applying the necessary psychological pressure that they know that they're about to be boiled.
And it's going to reach 212 degrees on January 6th.
And it's up to them whether or not they want to turn down the burner, or if we're going to continue to turn it past 212.
Yep, that's exactly.
I'm at like 250 right now myself, but Ivan's very calm.
He's cool-headed.
You don't want to see him go over 200, I have a feeling.
I don't think that's not something.
A great man, a great patriot, a great Green Beret.
Ivan, thank you so much for laying this out for us today.
Hey, thanks for all the time you gave me, Owen.
I appreciate that.
Of course, of course, brother.
I hope we cross paths again soon as well.
Alright, there goes Ivan Reikland.
Again, folks, he put all the information up there on his Twitter.
If you want to go through that and get a better understanding, if you're still maybe a little confused from this today, it's all laid out right there at his Twitter account.
I believe it's at Reikland, I think is what it is, guys?
Yeah, at Reikland.
Ivan E. Reikland.
I'm gonna do a news blitz when I come back.
Gerald Cilenti has the fourth hour.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
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Imagine a dystopic novel or a dystopic science fiction movie where if you've had a cold, you can be locked up in your home, you can be taken away, you can be forcibly inoculated with drugs that masquerade as vaccines that actually change your very DNA.
Well, that's where we are in the year 2020.
Global government, the United Nations, all these authoritarian groups admit they're doing it.
They even admit that they're doing it for power and control and that they're not even worried about COVID-19.
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Think about how insane that is.
Oh, and big tech's got to track you.
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My God, this thing has one-tenth of one percent chance of killing you if you're debilitated by cancer or a heart attack.
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Imagine on America's death certificate.
Killed by the fear of the common cold.
Yeah, that's fear-mongering.
That's mind control.
The post-industrial world.
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Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
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It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor by design so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are in the battle for the Republic.
I mean, this is... I mean, we're all gonna be forced to make decisions over the course of the next 30 days that will impact your future forever.
Some decisions will have more weight than others.
Some people's decisions will have more weight than other people's, but it's all down to this, folks.
You are in sudden death overtime for your freedom.
You are in sudden death overtime for the Republic.
You are in sudden death overtime for the United States of America.
It's all on the line.
It's all on the line.
So everybody's going to be making decisions for the next 30 days, and with every decision, the weight of the Republic will be right there.
And I know that we've had to make a lot of decisions here.
We're still in the process of making more.
I'm just... I'm just floored, and you know, I'm on a certain side of the spectrum, or on a certain, you know, end of the spectrum or whatever, where
All the experience behind me influences my foresight, and that's why I'm just already like, there's only one option left.
Because at this point, we've been betrayed by almost every single level of our government.
In fact, we have.
And so, there's really only one option when that happens.
And, you know, I'm not able to get to the commander-in-tweet, all his tweets today, about the election theft and how he won.
It's nice.
It's nice to have a commander-in-tweet.
I want a commander-in-chief.
Now, I'm not saying Trump's giving up.
He's obviously not.
I'm simply saying
Has Trump already made the intellectual decision that he will step aside if no one else comes to defend him within the apparatus of the Republic?
And you know what happens then?
Joe Biden shouldn't even be walking free today.
That criminal should be behind bars.
So it's a total affront to everything we hold dear and our logic and common sense that Joe Biden is even still walking free.
You know that InfoWars is the catalyst for much of this.
You know that InfoWars is the tip of the spear when it comes to fighting the globalists, the corrupt globalists.
And, you know, I didn't even get into this, and I don't even know how you really can, quite frankly.
But, you know, it's InfoWars that are going to be the only people that boost this type of information, and so I'll just go ahead and put it out there, and this is reminding
All of us, why InfowarsStore.com is so important and why you should do your Christmas shopping at InfowarsStore.com.
So I'll just go ahead and put this out there and you know it, but over the weekend, I went and watched a bunch of mouthy Buddha videos.
There has never been a more complete, in-detailed expose of the pedophile networks.
And you watch this stuff, documentary form, and you literally are just, your heart is breaking, your soul is screaming, and everything becomes numb.
And so, we're all focused on the politics right now, and rightfully so.
You know, as much of the calling out of the corrupt politics that InfoWars has done over the years, there'll be a lot of people that are willing to take that ride.
There are not many people willing to take the ride against the pedophile networks, folks.
And, let me tell you, InfoWars will be number one when it comes to exposing them.
And so, this isn't, I mean, I don't know this gentleman.
I've had communications with Maldi Buddha, but
When we talk about pedophile networks and satanist networks and you think it's crazy, if you want a full onslaught to smack you right in the face, go watch these documentaries and you're going to be so sick to your stomach when you find out how they are literally raping and torturing children.
In fact, I would even go as far to say that Jeffrey Epstein was cloning kids to be raped and murdered.
And so, and it's a lot of names, folks, that we've talked about, that you've heard about, that you see every day.
And it's just, it's so real.
Everything else becomes numb.
And the politics of the day become second or third banana, even.
But let me just tell you, when they are flaunting Tom Hanks as a footlong hot dog salesman for $6.66, they are rubbing it in your face.
And that is just, like, not even their biggest... I mean, they're selling kids on the internet, man.
I mean, you have no idea.
You thought Cuties was bad?
That was just an indoctrination into their pedophile system.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
You thought Cuties was bad?
They run child rape porn.
In Hollywood, they hire pedophiles.
They rape kids on the set of Disney movies, okay?
Obama poses for pictures with these people.
Alright, I'm going to stop right there, because, you know.
It's the kind of thing that you have to see it for yourself.
Let's get back into the total fake COVID.
Remember, the left is all about ending Big Pharma.
I went out, you won't be able to find these videos, they're banned everywhere now.
This was before I worked for InfoWars.
I used to go out in the year 2015 and early 2016, before I got hired here.
And one of the biggest things I would do is I would go out and show the fraud that the left has on Big Pharma.
And I would go ask Trump haters about Big Pharma.
And they would all say the same thing.
Hillary took no money from Big Pharma.
Bernie doesn't take money from Big Pharma.
Trump takes all the Big Pharma money.
And of course Trump took zero dollars from Big Pharma.
Literally zero.
Zero, zilch, nada.
And the 2016 rounds.
I'm not sure about 2020.
In 2016, Trump took zero dollars from Big Pharma.
Only candidate that could claim that.
So I would go out and I would ask the Trump haters, Hey, can you believe Trump took all this money from Big Pharma?
And I'd show the money that Bernie got.
Oh, can you believe Trump took this money from Big Pharma?
I'd show the money Hillary got.
And every time they would fall for it.
But now here you are in 2020 and the left loves Big Pharma.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez promoting, promoting the Big Pharma vaccine saying, I'll answer any of your questions.
You're not a doctor.
Unless I need a stiff, you know.
Moscow Mule, I'm not coming to you.
But she says, I got the vaccine, now I'm an expert on it.
I bet you didn't even get the vaccine.
So she's totally sold, bought and sold out and paid for.
Political whore.
This was promoted by Twitter.
I don't know who David Harris at AJC is, but he says...
For those who hate immigrants, for those who hate Muslims, for those who hate Jews, for those who hate Israelis, I've got bad news for you.
Don't plan on taking any of the new COVID vaccines.
They wouldn't be coming without the key role of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and Israelis.
We don't want the COVID vaccine!
And we don't hate those people anyway!
That's the left!
CDC issues new guidelines, launches probe after thousands negatively affected following COVID-19 vaccination.
Oh yeah, Bell's palsy, Guillain-Barré, death, fainting.
Oh, oh, oh, it's not the vaccine.
Like they'd say, oh that girl passes out on live television from the vaccine, and then they say, oh no, she was just in pain.
Yeah, you believe that?
Bill Gates leads effort to get three billion dollars into the coronavirus deal to help vaccinate the world's poor.
Well, sure, if you're Bill Gates, three billion dollars is in part of your fortune to depopulate the earth.
That's a good investment.
And of course, you had in D.C.
and now others are following, they say that you can be underage and you don't need parents permission to get a vaccine.
How sick is that?
How sick is that?
And now they're, uh, oh yeah.
And also, so SNL gets to do their show, the NFL gets to play games, and the NBA and all this stuff.
That's essential.
A basketball game is essential.
A football game is essential.
A lame TV show that nobody watches is essential.
But not you!
Not you.
Not you, the lowly peasant.
Not you, the lowly peon.
Again, it's all a fraud.
At least 164 maskless revelers pack illegal Queens nightclubs.
So now you have people just basically doing speakeasies or, you know, underground bars or whatever, because everything's closed.
And then the police and law enforcement show up to arrest them and shut them down and fine them $15,000.
Again, just say your black lives matter and you can do whatever the hell you want.
So, you know, that's the trick.
Minnesota Attorney General sues bars that defined Wall's ban on dine-in service.
Folks, everybody just has to defy it.
When they write you a citation, rip it up, tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine.
This is the answer.
Civil disobedience.
Refusing to comply with their illegal mandates.
Telling them you're a free man.
And it's sad, but the police are doing this to themselves.
The police are becoming the enemy of the people.
We didn't want it that way.
They're doing it.
The year 2021 is almost here, and so we're launching our New Year's specials right now.
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Again, the year 2021 is here, and I am committed to you to fight against the globalists harder than ever, so thank you so much for keeping InfoWars in the fight.
Without your support, we couldn't do any of it.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you'd ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential.
All the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I don't want to finish up some of these headlines before I hand the baton to the great Gerald Salente.
Look at this madness.
Oh my gosh, I mean, just... I'll just end it all.
Life-sized cardboard cutouts of relatives are here to save Christmas.
Yeah, because that's what you want.
You already were sick of your relatives anyway, but now they're gonna send you a cardboard cutout.
Well, just wait, because then they'll say, COVID spreads via cardboard cutout.
So, you know, it won't even matter, you know.
Your family, whether they're cardboard or biological, spread COVID, so you don't want that.
New York governor calls for bans on flights from the UK amid surge of virus variant.
Ooh, we got a variant now.
Look out!
Now, not only are you afraid of the COVID, you're afraid of the variant.
Which could mean anything, you know.
A variant.
Oh, they've got you with the variant now.
But they're still landing from all over the world in Heathrow.
But you know, somehow,
The New York governor is probably racist for this travel ban.
Well, I mean, if his name was Trump, he would be at least.
Doctor who warned Americans not to travel for Thanksgiving?
Traveled for Thanksgiving!
I know, you're stunned.
You thought there was no way a politician would never be a hypocrite, but we somehow found another one, and that's the scarf doctor, Deborah Birx.
So, again, they tell you not to travel, they tell you not to open your business, get a haircut or any of that, and then they literally do all of it.
It's pretty sick, really.
But that's who these politicians are.
These are sick puppies.
Very sick puppies.
By the way, it's now coming out with new text that they were actually illegally spying on and investigating Trump before they even started Crossfire Hurricane.
Of course, you knew that.
But they were trying to cover that up.
And they accused Carter Page doing exactly what Hunter Biden did with China.
Of course, Hunter Page didn't actually do that.
But more calls.
For the pardon of Julian Assange, Sarah Palin now, she says, years ago I publicly spoke out against Julian Assange and I made a mistake.
Well that's because she was probably getting pressure or perhaps even blackmailed, but maybe not.
But you know, like a Lindsey Graham, a war hawk, who has a lot of friends that make money on war, he probably makes a lot of money on war, he's probably blackmailed too.
He wants Assange arrested forever and never to get a pardon because then, how would all the fake wars that enrich him and his cronies ever continue on?
I won't even get in this latest Dan Crenshaw thing.
I'm just not a fan.
We already kind of got into what's going on at the White House and who's been there to talk to President Trump.
Oh, oh, oh, they're removing the statue of Robert E. Lee from the capital of Virginia.
Well thank God, finally racism is dead.
So we've done it folks, we've removed all the statues, we've renamed all the schools so we can finally stop crying racism about everything, right?
Because it was never about that, it was always about dominating you and erasing U.S.
So these are Chai comms, Chinese communists come in and they erase our history and they say it's because of racism.
Now look at what they did to that statue.
Now, with zero punishment, no police action at all, they get to completely engage in criminal activity.
But if you have a Trump flag or an American flag and you step outside and smile, well then the police are going to beat the hell out of you and take you to jail for being a good American citizen.
And that's just the day and age that we live on.
But, you know, here's another example of the hypocrisy.
The headline from Gateway Pundit.
Congress got paid their full salary for nine months while they argued about giving every American $600 of their own money.
So yeah, I think that every member of the media that called for a lockdown should no longer get paid.
And I think that every member of Congress that called for a lockdown should not get paid either.
How would that change their opinions on this?
And I love the response of people like, well you know they make all their money illegally anyway.
They don't care!
These are thieves!
They don't want a single penny to be removed from their pocketbook!
So yeah, even Nancy Pelosi, who's worth untold amounts of wealth, believe me, if you took away her congressional check, she would throw a fit!
She would throw a fit, because she's a money-grubbing whore!
We'll be right back with Jail Zelensky.
He may lay it out a little more harsh.
Hey Alex, how you doing man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes sir, yes sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said, man, I gotta get on that show and give him an update.
I said, if I ever get a chance to be on the Alex Jones Show, I'm gonna tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now look, I'm 64 years old going on 20 thanks to the
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know.
We didn't screen your call.
We had no idea.
And I go to you a year later and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
Living Defense.
Living Defense.
Oh, you're gonna like us a lot.
Because we're going to be at your doorstep pretty soon.
That's what's happening in Oregon right now.
Gerald Cilenti is with us.
I'm going to go to him in a second.
I want to just address one thing here that really had me mad.
Now at first, I wasn't so upset when I saw these headlines going viral from the New York Post today.
Well, the one that was going viral today was
Joe Biden's niece Caroline gets no jail time after DUI guilty plea.
Now that's pretty normal.
Your first DUI, you're usually probably going to get out of that with maybe a slap on the wrist and some side punishment.
So I wasn't too offended, but I then read the story and that's when I really got ticked.
She was wasted.
I mean, wasted.
This wasn't you had a few drinks and drove.
She was wasted, smashed her car into a tree, couldn't even talk to the officers that showed up on the scene, and she got basically just a small probation.
Now, what infuriated me even more was a link to a substory that the New York Post had in July.
Joe Biden's family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving, and zero jail time.
Now look,
Folks, when you look at some of these crimes, the drug possessions, the DUIs, the stolen credit card of hundreds of thousands of dollars of illegal spending, yeah, that's the Bidens!
With zero jail time whatsoever.
Now look, I was a bit of a partier or a troublemaker, depends on your opinion, back in college.
And I got in some trouble.
I spent a lot of time behind bars.
I spent a lot of time behind bars in my entire life.
I'm not proud of it, it's just the truth.
I have never committed a violent crime in my whole life.
I've never hurt anybody, ever, in my whole life when it comes to any of these crimes.
And I have spent, in my life, two weeks in jail.
That includes night stays.
I'm not proud of that.
I've never committed a violent crime.
I've never robbed anybody.
I've never harmed anybody with any of the crimes that I was charged with.
The Bidens have stolen from people, wrecked people's cars, driven blind, drunk, done drugs.
I mean, it's so bad and they never go to jail.
And so I'm so sick of this left thing with BLM and Antifa crying about privilege this, privilege that.
It's Democrat politician privilege, period!
It's not white privilege, it's Democrat liberal privilege!
And I'm done hearing your sob story about white privilege, you phony coward bums!
Now, having said that...
I've had my two-piece now.
It's time to let Gerald Cilenti get his two cents in here.
And I give it to Gerald with this.
Headline from Zero Hedge.
Let him eat at some crappy roadside diner.
New York City restaurants strike back and ban Cuomo from dining out.
I love this.
I would love to see the footage of Andrew Cuomo showing up for a steak dinner.
Only be told to buzz off.
Well, you know, you said it, Owen.
About how they get, you know, special breaks and they could do anything that they want.
How about this story that happened on December 13th?
Not ancient history.
Former aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment.
Where's Me Too?
Hey, what is all of a sudden Me Too has lockjaw?
And this wasn't some random woman off the street.
She worked for Cuomo directly for a long time.
But where's Me Too?
This shows you the hypocrisy of how they only go after us when anything that we do, but the big criminals, the murderers and thieves, and you could go up and down the list.
How about that little boy, Georgie Bush?
Another little boy like
Like, uh, Cuomo, brought on third base and be nobody, a little nothing of a garbage can man, if daddy wasn't Georgie before him, if his grandpop wasn't Prescott.
Same thing over there with, uh, Cuomo.
A nobody.
How about the murderer, George W. Bush, for lying us into war, that everybody knew it at the time, that
I could think for themselves, and nothing happens to them.
Oh, and hey, how about that protest that went over there in the UK on Saturday?
Those little tough cops, you see them?
And the woman that came out, the young women, that said what they were doing was illegal?
And you made the point.
Those tough, yeah, listen to her.
Did you hear her?
Well, that's my problem, and it happened again in Oregon today.
Look, we want to support the police, we want to get along with the police, we don't view them as our enemy, but I mean, they show up at Max Pub in New York and arrest him and keep people from going in, but they don't stop the Democrat riot mobs.
They stop people from entering the state capitol building in Oregon, which is rightfully theirs, but they don't stop the autonomous zone and the murders happening in Portland.
I mean, are these cops willingly buying into globalism, or are they just too stupid to realize it?
Well, again, you look at what they do in the UK.
Look at the women they're knocking over.
By the way, my accountant, who's also the accountant for Occupy Peace, Neil Pacifico, was at that protest in Staten Island.
And again, it wasn't the local cops that came in, the sheriffs came in.
But again, it's the cops that are doing this, because if they didn't... Oh, how about that guy that's the sheriff over there in New Mexico?
I got his name right over here.
And he refuses it.
Here it is.
Bernalio County Sheriff Manny Gonzalez said he will not enforce unconstitutional laws in the state's coronavirus response.
I choose to direct this agency's time and resources to the laws deemed to protect people free of crime.
Overreaching restrictions will harm our community.
For that reason, we will not follow along with any orders that subvert constitutional rights.
Now, there's a man.
How come the rest of them aren't doing that?
And then here's the BS.
This is the BS that those little lowlife slimy politicians throw out after he makes that statement.
Over 2,000 New Mexicans have been killed by the COVID-19.
Oh, yes.
Killed like it's homicide.
Including 460 people in Bernalio County.
All right.
So you look at the numbers here, right?
All right.
2,117 deaths out of 2 million at 0.1035%.
Yeah, and most of those are probably comorbidities.
But just hold it right there and cover that when you come back, Jill, because I want to make an analogy as we go to break here.
You know, and this is really for the police.
They just came to my head.
The American people are like King Kong when they reveal him to the people in the theater.
And when they first reveal him, he's kind of confused, he's kind of not sure what's going on.
And then he wakes up and he opens his eyes and he realizes he's chained.
Well now he's pissed!
And so that's where we're at right now.
The American people are pissed.
But guess what?
We're still in the chains.
So we're shaking the chains.
And the police are all taking pictures.
Hey, look at us!
We're out here!
The politicians are like, hey, look, we're out here.
We're fine.
He's in chains.
Meanwhile, the American people are raging, trying to break free of their chains.
And the public is like, oh, OK, this is interesting.
Now the police are like, whoa, wait a second now.
Whoa, this thing could turn against us in a matter of minutes.
And then the media realizes, uh-oh, it's going to be turning against us too.
But this is the point we're at right now, Gerald.
As soon as the American people break free, yeah, guess what?
The police are going to go running, the politicians are going to go running, and we're going to take this country back.
Sadly, it'll be violently if they don't stand down now.
No, it's not going to be violently.
I can tell you how to do it.
All you have to do is look at how the Berlin Wall fell.
I remember it.
I wrote about it.
I knew about it.
The people came out and they didn't leave.
And then more came out and they didn't leave.
And then more and more came out and they didn't leave.
And all of a sudden these tough guys in their military drag got rid of all their armaments, took off their stuff, and joined the crowd.
That's what we need.
That's what we need.
Gerald Cilenti takes over the Alex Jones Show.
Always entertaining, always informative, and always original.
Gerald Cilenti takes over.
Ladies and gentlemen, remember InfoWarsStore.com.
Do your Christmas shopping with us.
We are the ones that will be fighting this till the bitter end.
And hopefully there won't be a bitter end.
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But please continue to do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com.
Gerald Cilenti takes over.
Don't go anywhere.
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Fox has betrayed President Trump as I predicted they would.
They've always been part of the establishment and it's only going to get worse.
If they're able to keep Trump from rightfully taking office for a second term on January 20th, the system is going to drop the hammer harder than ever on this republic.
I think so.
They are going to
They're consolidating power and control to bankrupt the population and bring them absolutely to heel and then consolidate ownership of all the infrastructure and property.
This is a monopolistic takeover.
That's what the Great Reset is.
Klaus Schwab and these other criminals admit it.
That's what social distancing is.
So your business is only at 25% for several more years.
No small businesses will be there.
This is a master plan.
Say no!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hello, hello!
Great being on The Alex Jones Show.
And, well, a lot of what Owen was saying is right on target.
And going back to what happened with this sheriff in New Mexico,
So they said the response was over 2,000 people died.
So you have 2,171 deaths at about 2 million people.
That comes out to 0.1035%.
Or if you go, every month began when the COVID war began.
March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
The rate per month of deaths, you ready?
0.0115 per month.
And then they went after him because there were 460 dead in that county.
The county has 679,000 people.
That equals 0.0677%.
These numbers add up to nothing.
And again, you know the facts.
Most of the people that die are elderly people or people with pre-existing chronic conditions, 2.6.
Over 40% of the people in America have died from nursing homes.
So, to lock up all of society for this, and it's global, they're doing it all over.
You look what's happening in London.
We started talking about that before when they had this protest.
Now here's a cop in Albuquerque saying not to, you know, I'm not going to do this.
And then look what happened this past weekend in London.
And you have to listen to these young women that were protesting.
And here they go.
You got that clip?
All right.
We're protesting during a lockdown because we feel that the government's approach to this pandemic is completely unjust.
The laws that have been put in place are taking away our human rights.
We're not allowed to be humans anymore for a virus with a 99.96 survival rate.
So we just can't understand why we're being forced to do this.
Except for the lockdowns for so long.
They are weak.
They're too fearful, too scared to push back and not realise this is not law, these are guidelines.
Government are the criminals and you're serving them!
You can film as much as you like!
We're free!
We're free.
No, we're not.
Look at those little clowny boys and girls.
They all gather together to beat up one person.
And you listen to those young women that were talking before.
They summed it up perfectly.
Look at these little boys.
Look at these little tough guys.
You call these guys out one-to-one, they wouldn't know whether they're crap or you know what.
Look at that little boy with the camera over there.
So this is what we have to fight against.
These are the people that are destroying us.
Because your little Boris Johnson wouldn't be able to stop anybody.
Your little Cuomo wouldn't be able to stop anybody.
These are the brave people.
Again, we are protesting the corona lockdown because we feel that the government's approach to the pandemic is completely unjust.
It is taking away our human rights.
We are not allowed to be humans anymore.
Of course you're not.
You have to wear a mask.
You can't hug, no kissing, no dancing, no loving.
You can't do it anymore.
And then the other woman said, when they asked her, why aren't people fighting back?
She said, they're too weak.
They're too scared to push back.
That's it.
You got it.
They're cowards.
It's been going on for centuries.
Not only in America, all over the world.
They marched to Mussolini, they saluted Stalin, and they hailed Hitler.
People obey.
And that's where we're going.
Christmas season?
As the cover of our Trends Journal shows, Satan Claus has come to town.
You're not allowed to have a good time.
You're telling him not to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, killing Christmas right in front of our eyes.
And who's doing it?
Little lowlife pieces of garbage crap.
Don't believe me?
Why don't you believe them?
Why don't you believe the woman from Belgium who's the health minister?
She looks great.
She's in great shape.
What is she, about a couple of hundred pounds overweight?
And then you got that guy over there, woman, whoever, from Pennsylvania, Rachel Levin.
He heard telling me what to do.
There she is.
And how about that one from Belgium?
All right!
All right!
You're telling me what to do when it comes to health!
Oh, and how about the one from California?
That's thorough.
A ghost of a chance.
One after another.
One, oh, and then there's that one up there in Canada.
Look at her!
Telling people not to have sex.
Yeah, no kidding, baby cakes!
Probably been a long time, you know?
Or maybe you and Rachel got it together!
Who are these people to tell us what to do?
How dare they tell us what to do?
Oh, and by the way, this is the first book I worked on.
It was called Natural Healing.
A Warner book.
A big book.
I have an honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences for the work I've done in integrative and complementary medicine.
So when I got some little clowns shooting off their fat, ignorant Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola, this is to you, Rachel, and to you, the blimp lady from Belgium, and the scarecrow from California,
And the Tam of Nothing over there in Canada, you can all go shove it!
You don't know anything!
You're little nothings!
And the people are following you.
And that woman from Canada said it.
The people are too weak.
Support InfoWars.
They're robbing us of our life.
The globalists and their minions want to play God.
Chucky Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama.
You look at these sacks of garbage and you think, why do they hate humanity so much?
Why do they love death?
Because they hate themselves.
They project their own disgust with their soul onto us.
And once you understand that basic psychological point, every other answer is completely clear.
That's why they hate InfoWars.
We believe in humanity.
We think you're beautiful.
We think you're amazing.
InfoWars knows you're fallen, but that you have God's potential that God gave you.
Ladies and gentlemen, the great epic battle is now here.
It's now upon us.
I want to encourage you all to spread the word about InfoWars now more than ever.
When the enemy hopes to shut down the light of truth, we know you're going to override these globalists.
We know you're going to defeat them.
I just want to salute you all for your action, everything you've already done.
Because God's on our side, and the globalists know it.
We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech and big pharma are all pushing that COVID is the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see somebody dying in southern nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones,
Are basically bioweapons that are super deadly.
And now they're having to resuscitate people that die, basically, when they take it.
Just like newborn babies, they get vaccines.
They have to resuscitate them all the time, or a lot of times they just let them die.
And that's on the record, it does that.
Guillain-Barré's, narcolepsy, cancer, all these other diseases.
But they tell you, safe and effective.
It's a conspiracy theory.
No one's getting hurt.
And then all the fine print says can kill you absolutely deadly.
So they run from something that isn't dangerous towards something that is incredibly dangerous.
Because the media says it's safe, they do it.
Globalists are taking control of the entire human genome.
They are forcing mutations.
This is forced evolution, or de-evolution.
When you look at all the major research, all the major progress they're carrying out, they are not to produce people that are smarter, or folks that live longer, or are more moral.
It's turning humanity into a commodity.
Now we see some propaganda, like communist China bragging,
Hey, we've done mRNA vaccines that make our soldiers supermen.
That's a way to make it sexy that, hey, we're experimenting on our troops.
Well, the same thing's been happening to our troops, and thousands and thousands have died each time they try a new experimental vaccine.
I'm talking to high-level folks inside the federal government and the state of Texas Health Department.
They say, Alex, we know it hurts a lot of people, but it's for a greater good.
But that's not even true.
And it violates the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, and federal and state law.
This is violence being carried out against us by medical tyranny.
And we have a right to resist it with any means necessary.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another... There's a big list of essential vitamins and minerals.
Meaning if you don't have them, you will die of the deficiency.
But when it
That helps with the absorption and also boosts the immune system.
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Whenever we have a product that we've upgraded or added to or made stronger, we call it PLUS.
Well, Wintersun PLUS has vitamin K as well.
It's been sold out for several months.
It came back in last week, but we always have to wait until we get a certification test back, and we got that in this morning.
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For adults, for children, for women, for men, everybody needs vitamin D3.
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You absorb it under the tongue.
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Turns out vitamin D3 really tastes sweet and delicious.
And Winter Sun has been sold out again for several months.
It's back in stock.
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And I went out and talked to the top labs in the country, like with all our products.
This is the best D3 you're going to find out there.
Been selling it for, I don't know, six, seven years.
They recommended a few years ago, hey, you ought to upgrade it with some vitamin K. It helps with the absorption.
And so there you go.
It's vitamin D3 and vitamin K. Winter Sun, back in stock at InfowarStore.com.
It's $19.95.
You're not going to find a high-end liquid vitamin D3 like this anywhere near that price.
And of course there's a lot of other great items and then fullerstore.com right now as well.
But I want to thank all of you for your support.
I am working right now.
I did the early morning show today of the new show American Journal, but Owen is doing a great job here on the main transmission.
I just want to encourage this live audience to take action and to stock up.
By the way, if you order today pretty much anywhere in the lower 48 you'll get before Christmas.
Even tomorrow you'll get it more than half the country if you
Hello, hello!
And listen, do what you can to support InfoWars.
This is critical times.
You know, Owen was saying, you know, we have to fight.
And I'm a warrior for the Prince of Peace.
I'm a fighter.
And here's what went wrong.
In our Trends Journal magazine, one of the articles we have is survivalism.
And more than just stocking up on food.
I mean, you can see the numbers coming out.
This is from last week's Wall Street Journal.
New York Police Department aims to curb soaring gun violence in the city.
It's only up 96% in the past 11 months.
And they say that they can't identify the shooters because they have masks on.
So, survivalism, it's about close combat.
And here's the deal in the fight.
Brad Snyder, may his soul rest in peace, he died about two weeks ago.
And he was the top close combat guy in the country.
And the teacher of my teacher, John Perkins, of attackproof.com.
Not that other John Perkins.
And here's the deal.
When the fight breaks out, there's no pause.
There's no this.
There's no that.
There's only that!
You're in.
The people didn't fight.
They bought the BS.
All these restauranteurs that are not now fighting, they should have started fighting on day one.
That's what you do.
And when you fight, you're going in for the kill.
It's not to see who's gonna beat who.
You go in, it's over.
And that's why you don't want to get in the fight.
Because somebody's gonna die.
The people are waiting too long to fight.
All the time that they waited to fight, the other side kept building up the resistance.
The fight has to happen now.
There's no time to waste.
And as I said to Owen, this has to be a peaceful fight.
Because if it becomes a violent fight, then the police win.
It needs to be a peaceful fight.
Just like they did with the Berlin Wall.
They came and they didn't leave.
Wall came and they didn't leave.
And that's what has to happen.
And you go for the top!
You take out the top.
You take out a Cuomo.
Where is Me Too?
Where's Me Too?
Where's Me Too?
They got Lockjaw over Cuomo?
How come?
You gotta bring down the top one.
And that's what has to happen.
So moving forward on this.
You know, they're selling fear and hysteria every day and we get all the information like InfoWars does coming from around the world.
This is the press release from Nova Scotia today.
Nova Scotia reports, you ready?
Two new cases of COVID-19 Monday.
Two cases out of a population of what?
I'm not sure.
I think it's about 3 million people.
And that would be 0.0572%.
Why are you telling me you got two cases?
Excuse me, 971,000.
Why are you telling me you got two cases?
They add up to nothing.
Why are you doing it?
And you know those PCR tests are inaccurate.
The facts are there.
We write about it in our magazine.
That's the other thing.
These guys, they have, they got all these guys doing a sign language.
What are we paying for this stuff for?
Here's some sign language for you.
In this new world, you can put this script below the, what the guy's talking about.
And we don't have to waste our money, somebody doing sign language.
Here, here's your sign language.
You got that?
I got some more for you.
Well, how stupid this whole act is.
And that's all it is.
It's a bad act.
And the people are buying it.
My high school magazine, they sent me today.
All I want for Christmas is a vaccine.
I guess you still didn't get out of high school yet.
And look at the way they've been promoting it on the media.
That's that woman.
Everywhere she is and she's saying it and we quoted her saying that she's doing it as a minority person so more black people will get vaccinations because they're hesitant in getting it.
And then you saw the one of that nurse fainting after the vaccination.
And that's all they're doing is they're selling the vaccination.
I got somebody telling me what to do.
Please be prudent.
Be smart.
Wash your hands.
Wear a mask.
The fear is being spread.
2021 is going to be a wild year ahead.
When we come back, we're going to talk a little bit about it.
The future's in your hands.
Don't drop it.
Because if you let them be in charge, you'll drop dead.
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Anybody listening to my voice can simply search engine the term Davos Group, technocracy, or technocrats.
You will get Klaus Schwab and Jean-Claude Juncker and all the New World Order globalists like Xi Jinping saying that they no longer want elected leaders over governments, that they want businessmen technocrats over it.
And that's who Klaus Schwab is.
You might want to look into the guy that says they've launched
The COVID-19 lockdowns to bankrupt you and make you poor.
You might want to find out who this supervillain is.
You see, he believes, because he's hidden it to blame you, and you're not speaking out against it, that he has a right to do it to you.
You might want to find out who he works for.
He works directly for Prince Charles.
He developed, since the 80s, the plan for global sustainability.
That means worldwide neo-feudalism, in his own words.
So you might want to find out how he talks about using vaccines to sterilize you, before you take those shots.
You might just want to find out who this villain is, alright?
The post-industrial world.
That's what George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to at the Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21 conference back in 1992.
Now they've launched Agenda 2030, which is a post-industrial world.
Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group, Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, they're all on record saying the Great Reset is Agenda 2030.
Well, you might want to find out what Agenda 2030 is.
It is the destruction of society as we know it.
It is making the population poor.
By design, so we can be controlled with a medical technocracy over you and your family.
They're destroying civilization, rebuilding it, and they're dystopic.
We're good to go.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver, and two befores have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that, and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar, and I just want to thank
Thank you for that, man.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better.
So that means a lot to me.
Thank you.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Cilente.
Great being back on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
I'm getting censored left and right on, I can't say anything, as you would know, bad about vaccinations on the Internet.
And I can't even say things like liars, cowards, freaks and fools are destroying our lives.
They got LinkedIn banning me on saying, I can't say all aboard next train to Auschwitz.
That just got banned.
So do what you can to keep the truth alive because they're going to rob it from us.
They're robbing it from us.
They robbed our freedom from us.
You can't make this stuff up.
Who would believe that we're living a Christmas like that?
The streets are dead.
Matter of fact, that's one of our top trends for 2021.
Boca Midnight.
People down in Boca, Florida.
Boca Raton.
They're all the cats, you know?
And they go out early and go to bed early.
They're in bed by 10 o'clock.
That's the new midnight.
When I was a young guy, we were going out at one in the morning.
That's when the night began.
And now it's terrible.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
You know, I was talking before about that.
It really bothered me and enlightened me, those young people that so articulately said in the UK how they were robbing us of our freedom.
And this was unconstitutional.
And the other woman saying that people are weak and afraid.
And they asked, this is from Breitbart, they said, and there had been a longstanding disparity in how the police in the British capital have dealt with Black Lives Matter marches compared to the largely peaceful anti-lockdown movements.
In June, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Prasidha Dick admitted that police took a hands-off approach to Black Lives demonstrations.
The fear of sparking, quote, serious disorder.
And then you have.
In today's Wall Street Journal, Newsom is pressured on pick of senator.
As he considers a replacement for vice president elect Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing pressure from advocates who want him either to appoint
The state's first Latino senator to ensure there's another black woman in the U.S.
I find this sexist and racist.
Black Lives Matter gets a free ride.
You got to pick somebody that's either a woman, black, Latino.
How about picking the best person for the job?
So my good friend,
And world-renowned hairstylist, Marc Ferraro, said to me, that the football league, the NFL, and the NBA are both racist.
They have more black players than white players.
By the percentage of blacks to whites?
They outnumber them.
So I think we should sue the NFL and the NBA.
They're prejudiced.
They have more black players than white players, percentage-wise.
This is discriminatory!
Oh, you mean they didn't pick those black guys because they're better at the sport?
You mean that has nothing to do with it?
No, no, no!
You don't need the best person to be your senator!
You don't need the best person to work with you!
Skills only count when they want them to count.
They count in sports, but they don't count in our lives.
So I believe we should sue the NFL and the NBA for being discriminatory against whites.
You don't have to pick the best player.
How dare you want the best player?
We have to make it equal.
America is not a racist nation.
A racist nation doesn't elect a black president.
A racist nation doesn't have a Condoleezza Rice, a Susan Rice,
A Colin crap Powell.
How about Eric Holder this?
The guy that works at a white shoe boys over there at a law firm.
Too big to jail, that Eric Holder.
The Attorney General under Obama.
This is not a racist nation.
So, that's what we're looking at.
There he is.
Sellout holder.
Hold this.
So I want to go on to some more of my trends that are coming up for 2021.
One of them is China 2021.
The 20th century was the American century.
Unfortunately, the 21st century is going to be the Chinese century.
China's totally opened up as the Western nations locked down.
The gross domestic product is the only one of the major nations that's going to go up this year.
The business of China is business.
The business of America has been war.
Look at the defense budget they just passed.
$740 billion.
More money to the military-industrial complex.
Oh, and what is that guy that Biden's bringing in?
He's on the board of directors of Raytheon as a defense secretary?
Owen mentioned something else before.
Young people want to go out and have a good time.
This is an old person's, sick person's death.
It doesn't register with them.
They want to live in love.
Speakeasies and roaring 2020s.
There you go.
Biden's pick.
$350,000 on Raytheon's board.
For what?
I'm a general.
Yeah, I got you.
You guys haven't won a war since World War II.
So take it easy, man!
Take it easy!
No, we need more money!
Again, the 21st century is the Chinese century, and we're even wearing masks.
China's taken over.
We used to make fun of them.
The reason they wore those masks is because of the pollution.
And some other trends we have here.
Youth revolution.
Big time.
You're going to start seeing it.
The young people are going to revolt.
When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And they're losing it young in life.
No jobs, can't pay for an education.
And another trend, the greatest depression.
It's going to look like a recovery.
People are going to be fooled by it.
Of course it'll come back.
But not for long.
Got places like New Jersey, Connecticut right near me over here.
They still haven't recovered the jobs that were lost from 2008, 2009.
So jobs are going to come back, but new ones aren't going to be created.
Anti-tax, anti-vax, new political parties, and a new movement.
Peace, freedom, and justice.
Just us.
As Owen made the point before, the Bidens get free rides.
Crimes they commit don't count.
You're going to start seeing a real revolution, and an evolution.
So, I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday, and great being on InfoWars, and I support what they do, and I support freedom, justice, and peace.
And do what you can to support InfoWars, and of course, subscribe to the Trends Journal, there's another magazine like it.
The more subscribers we have, the more we can do.
Same with Infowars.
The more support we have, the more we can do.
Or else, we're all aboard!
Next train to Auschwitz...