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Filename: 20201211_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 11, 2020
3482 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses his concerns about COVID-19 vaccines and criticizes globalists' plans for corporate governance and population control. He urges people not to take the vaccine, support InfoWars Store for Christmas shopping, and value human life. He also addresses various topics related to COVID-19, masks, and vaccines, arguing against their use due to infringement on individual rights and freedom.

All right.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
And tomorrow is the big day here in D.C.
We're expecting even more people than were here three weeks ago.
And you notice in three weeks the evidence has come out of total election fraud in those five states by the Democrats and the Communist Chinese.
Totally coordinated.
And we'll be opening the phones up today.
We've got some big surprise guests and more.
But the big news that overshadows all of this and that now must have Trump come out against it because now we have the evidence.
It's something that's been hiding in plain view for 10 months on this broadcast since late February of this year.
10 months ago.
Now, it's hiding in plain view, and I want to call this system dystopianism.
You know, a dystopia is a nightmare system based on tyranny and oppression that's bad.
And a lot of times you see dystopias in fiction or futuristic dystopic visions.
The establishment actually finances dystopic visions because that's the vision they're building.
But the dystopists, or the dystopians, are building a dystopia for us because it's easier to manage, and they like it, and they enjoy it, and are actually trying to tear down the egalitarian, open, free societies.
That's why George Soros calls his group the Open Society, because he's destroying open societies.
Because to have open societies, you've got to have independent, separate societies who then interface with each other through free will, not through cultural, spiritual, financial, genetic rape.
So, I'm going to give you the big enchilada when we come back, ladies and gentlemen.
The giant, trillion pound elephant in the room.
And the end of the New World Order as we know it, and I now know exactly what's going on.
We've been able to decipher this and have all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, but we're busy plopping them into place, making sure that they're the right pieces in the right spots.
Well, there are no more pieces that have not been put in place.
It is 100% complete.
We are 100% dead-on accurate about this.
And I've had a lot of people walk up to me and shake my hand here in D.C.
this morning when I was out walking around, black, white, old gun.
Asian, great souls.
And when I tell them this information, their jaws drop.
Because there's a certainty in my voice.
Now, here's the deal.
I already know this.
You already know this.
This has already been hiding in plain view in a big, big way.
But it was from us before.
It was us warning you, and us with scientists, and us with the scans from the electron microscopes.
But now, ladies and gentlemen, it is out in the open, and it is now completely and totally confirmed.
Now, you're probably wondering what I'm talking about.
Well, we're live right now at noon Eastern, 11 a.m.
Central Texas time.
And later we're going to archive this video and I'm asking everyone, if you care about the future, and if you don't want to be a slave, you better listen to me and you better bust your ass.
Because I am going to run through the streets today with proper behavior, screaming and yelling, panicking, like the body snatchers have attacked.
Because if we just take this new news and normalize it and standardize it, it's the equivalent of the Aztecs or others normalizing human sacrifice.
And people marched their kids up to have their hearts cut out because everybody was going along with it.
They are trying to normalize mass extermination.
So, get ready for it.
I'm going to break it down when we come back.
But you need to understand that you already, when you hear this, you already know this, but this is total, absolute, triple admission by the Australian government of what we've known from the Indian scientists and the German scientists and the African scientists and the U.S.
scientists and the Canadian scientists and the discoverer of the HIV virus, that when you scan the COVID-19 virus,
When you scan the COVID-19 virus, it has had five viruses cut into it, one of them HIV.
And now, people that are taking the COVID vaccine are getting HIV AIDS.
There it is.
They're giving you a new weaponized HIV with the vaccine, not the original virus.
I'll explain how this works when we come back.
Stay with us.
I've got some really exciting good news, and I've also got some bad news.
InfoWars is getting the highest traffic we have ever gotten since the election in 2016.
Despite all the bans, all of the system trying to censor us and suppress us, you with your word of mouth have overridden that, and they are so scared of InfoWars.com and Ban.Video, and they're so scared of you being able to communicate and share the truth.
We're bringing in the same amount of money we brought in last December right now.
This is our most important month to be able to fund ourselves into next year.
And I understand the economy shut down.
I understand there's not as much money as there used to be.
They're trying to kill Trump's recovery.
But InfoWars really needs your support.
You just buy great items through your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com with huge sales, amazing products, and then you know you're funding the InfoWar and not funding Amazon and Jeff Bezos and the globalists that are openly trying to destroy small businesses.
Continue to fund the second American revolution.
We're getting great products at the same time at InfoWareStore.com.
Thank you.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, my fellow Americans, my fellow humans watching me on this December 11th global transmission.
I am here, literally, just a tenth of a mile from the Capitol.
And later, when the sun pans around,
Let's see the Capitol and the stage where they're building the second inaugural platform.
We're going to have Owen Schroer give you a tour of that live on air, start in the next hour, and talk about how serious this is as they try to ensconce and install as Nancy Pelosi, install and ensconce their operative, Nancy Pelosi.
And so that's coming up next hour.
But I have some extremely important news and information for you guys.
That is the biggest news I have ever reported in the history of this transmission.
And there's a lot going on out here where I'm at.
And I'm going to air something here in a moment that Tucker Carlson had to say.
And then when I come back, I'm going to deliver
This information to you, but I want you to call all your friends, all your family, all your neighbors, and tell them, tune into that local radio station you're able to listen to us on, or tune into that local TV station or cable station.
This is life and frickin' death, and folks have figured out now.
We do our research.
We know what we're talking about.
That's why we are the enemy of the globalists.
That's why they hate us.
That's why I'm number two on the hit list after Trump, according to Trump's lawyers that have told me that directly.
This is Trump's personal lawyer.
Personal lawyer.
I'm not going to say names.
People know who they are.
Only three of them.
You have to understand, this is a communist globalist takeover.
So when I tell you this information, when we come back at the start of the next segment,
This is life and death to every single one of you out there.
And yes, I'm building this up.
I never build stuff up.
I just go right to the news.
But I want everyone, out of all the important stuff we cover, those are just pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.
The jigsaw puzzle is now completely confirmed from every angle, and the PSYOP, and why they did it, and what's unfolding.
But I will explain the big picture and all of it on the other side.
But I want you to understand something.
The globalists are doing this out of desperation.
Imagine if Hitler was losing World War II, but he had nuclear weapons.
He would have used those, obviously, on himself or others, even though he knew it wouldn't save him, just to be destructive.
The globalists are doing that with COVID-19.
And now I've had a chance to read, because they finally published what's in the vaccines.
They kept it secret until they finally approved three of the vaccines.
In the UK and one in Australia.
And ladies and gentlemen, these are not vaccines.
I just call them vaccines.
It'd be like if I came up shot in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun and I said that I'd, you know, give you a kiss on the cheek.
In a regular... In a regular... Situation... Like just getting a regular vaccine is a kiss on the cheek.
You know, it's got all those myriad problems and things.
This new vaccine is the equivalent of calling a kiss on the cheek, then shot in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun at point blank range, blowing your head completely off, splattering your brains all over the wall.
This is not a vaccine.
They finally had to make their move.
They're making their move with mass death, and they confirmed
What we already knew and what the media sat there and basically tried to spin and ignore and what they call conspiracy theories the whole time.
So we're going to air a few minutes of what Tucker Carlson said last night where he says, you know, are these globalists, these Biden's Chinese agents, are they criminals?
There's evidence of perhaps they're being crimed.
That's like saying there's evidence that maybe I'm wearing a black vest.
Or maybe there's evidence I'm on the radio and TV right now.
Or maybe there's evidence this is a dark grey table.
I mean, no, it's a fact.
And that's why the globalists want Biden in, because he's so compromised.
So the good news is the criminal investigations are now out in the open.
We told you about them months ago.
The media blacked it out.
Twitter called it fake news.
We talked about the laptop and the Southern District of New York criminal investigations into the Bidens.
But the Bidens, the brother,
All of them are a bunch of criminals, not just the son.
Biden, his brother, his disgusting pedophile son, who's naked, posing in like victory trophy shots with his 12-year-old niece with his penis hanging out.
I mean, you know, that's who these people are.
That's all confirmed.
The Bidens are a family of perverts and pedophiles, ladies and gentlemen.
And my God, we even got his sister's diary.
That's confirmed to be real.
About, you know, her dad raping the hell out of her.
So, that's who these are, is pervert devil worshipers.
Now, what would pervert devil worshipers want to do?
They like to kill people for their God.
That's why every culture gets taken over by the same cult, the same spirit.
Happened to the ancient Europeans, the ancient Mesoamericans.
It happened all over the world.
These evil cults take over and start sacrificing humans.
Children, namely.
Read the Bible about giving out your children to the fires of Bullock.
But now they're going to publicly give you a vaccine, and I'll tell you what's in it.
Now confirmed, now admitted when we come back.
Here's a few minutes with Tucker Carlson.
The full interview is up at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com at Bandai Video.
We're live from D.C., Owen Troyer next hour.
Again, it's going to be right down there.
We'll show you.
He's going to be Skyping in in front of the stage to try to put their, you know, coronate their new Lordship Biden.
But that's going to get stopped because we're going to get the word out.
We're going to stop these criminals.
But they're going for broke.
We'll go to break with Tucker Carlson.
October surprise!
You've heard that term.
It's political slang for a damaging news story that appears in the final days of a campaign.
This year we had one.
One of the biggest October surprises ever.
The New York Post, that's the oldest daily newspaper in this country, published a trove of documents showing that members of Joe Biden's family have been selling access to the former Vice President to a number of foreign governments, including the Communist government of China.
Now that's a blockbuster.
But the rest of the media decided to kill it before you could read it.
Social media companies banned their users from sharing the New York Post's reporting.
Other news organizations simply ignored it.
On October 22nd, that was 11 days before the presidential election, National Public Radio, an organization that is literally state media, funded against your will by your tax dollars,
issued the following statement through its public editor.
NPR explained that they would not say anything negative about the Bidens, and here's why.
Quote, End quote.
Now you're probably thinking, that is the single dumbest, most dishonest, high-handed, infuriatingly arrogant thing I have ever heard.
But if you feel that way, obviously you don't watch CNN.
On that same day, October 22nd, an RNC spokeswoman called Liz Harrington made the mistake of submitting to an interview with Christiane Amanpour.
Harrington had hoped to talk about the Biden's business deals.
Amanpour is, and we're quoting here, CNN's chief international anchor.
Here's how it went.
As you know perfectly well, I'm a journalist and a reporter and I follow the facts.
And there has never been any issues in terms of corruption.
Now let me ask you this.
Yesterday, the FBI... Wait, wait, wait!
How do you know that?
I'm talking about reporting and any evidence.
I'm talking to you now.
Okay, I would love if you guys would start doing that digging and start doing that verification.
No, we're not going to do your work for you.
I want to ask you a question.
It's a journalist's job.
It's a journalist's job to find out if this is verified.
As you know perfectly well, I am a journalist and a reporter, says Christiane Amanpour, who of course is neither of those things, and never has been.
Christiane Amanpour is a celebrity script reader, a half-wit, whose self-esteem far outpaces her accomplishments.
She is also, it turns out, the personal flack for the Biden Family International Finance Corporation.
That's not in her Twitter bio, but it's pretty obvious.
There have never been any issues of corruption with the Bidens, Amanpour announced, as if she hadn't just been confronted with some.
And so it went, just like that, across the entire American news media until the presidential election.
Now, six weeks later, it is finally safe to speak freely, and so the truth is coming out.
We now know the New York Post was right all along, and so was poor Liz Harrington of the RNC.
Yesterday, millions of Americans learned, some for the very first time, that the Biden family has indeed been deeply enmeshed in a series of sleazy international business deals that undercut America's core interests.
Three months ago we sold out of our privacy pouches.
The reason we sold out is they are super high quality and it's all over the news that the UN and the Clintons and Microsoft and others of contact tracers are tracking everywhere you go and everything you do.
They admit it's a cover for bringing in their cashless society AI system of total control.
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It is a great Christmas gift at Infowarsstore.com.
The U.S.
Postal Service tells InfoWars that as long as you get your order in by December 18th and we're able to ship it out by that date, you will get it to anywhere in the United States before Christmas.
But listen, don't wait.
Do your shopping at InfoWarsStore.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
No music from a famous 1980s horror film, Halloween, can illustrate the true nightmare danger we're facing.
And the type of psychological attack this is, not just biological attack, it's a multi-pronged, multi-layered tensor attack.
And I'm going to explain the mechanics of this, because no one else has done this research other than the globalists themselves.
We reverse-engineered it next segment.
But right now, I'm going to give you the big story, hiding in plain view.
We're going to unpack this and walk through the history of it and confirm this, okay?
Here is the Sydney Morning Herald.
That is arguably the most respected newspaper in Australia.
But that doesn't matter.
The government just came out and halted their mRNA vaccine because when you take it,
You then test positive for HIV.
Did you hear what I just said?
You test positive for HIV.
Now I don't just believe the mainstream media.
We have the CRISPR's gene editing electron microscopes from dozens of major universities that scan the virus
in January and in February and said it's five viruses sliced into a standard coronavirus with an HIV delivery system.
P-Shuttle genes welded in.
It's sliced in.
Microscopic surgery.
It's blasted in with a gene gun.
Got the scars like Frankenstein or your wife's got a
You know, she's got scars.
Boob job.
It's got the gene insertion points on it.
They know what it is.
Like, oh, that's a 57 Chevy.
It's got big red fins on it.
Marilyn Monroe gets out of it.
You know, her dress blows.
That's Marilyn Monroe.
This is HIV.
And now they're unpacking the other four viruses in it.
And oh, yeah.
Lawsuits were filed in the EU by the European Advisory Commission itself, saying that this will attack your immune system and shut the thing off.
What's age do, baby?
It's when your immune system is shut off.
I'm going to tell you, this is AIDS 2.0.
Oh, and let me tell you another little secret about the HIV insertion delivery point.
Dark skin in basic genetics and dark hair is the dominant gene.
And it has a different type of receptor point.
White people can die of HIV, but they've got to have already shut down immune systems.
It's designed to target people with melanin in their skin, because the cells have different insertion points, and that's a known fact for 30 plus years about HIV.
This is a 100% bioweapon to kill black people and brown people, and it is now completely confirmed.
That's why you hear all day long from Michael Moore how cops are killing all the black people when it's the rarest way a black person dies.
It's why you hear how much the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation loves black people.
And I'm going to say love Indians.
And how they want to be your guardian and protect you and they want you to get the shot first.
Because the real Nazis, ladies and gentlemen, don't dress up in stupid white
They're loving liberals that tell you about Black History Month and tell you how whites are all out to get you.
So that they can make everybody racist and fight each other while the globalists come and get everybody.
And by the way, they're coming after white people too.
But it is a fact that the HIV delivery system is hundreds of times more effective penetrating people of color's cell membranes.
And replicating.
That's a scientific fact known since the 80s.
This is a virus.
That is engineered at Wuhan.
That has been released, probably on purpose.
But we know Bill and Melinda Gates funded it with Fauci.
They ran the damn program.
That's Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, New Scientist.
This is all facts!
You're a lister and you're like, yeah, we've heard this a thousand times, Jones, but now!
I never even, I remember actually I did bring this up like eight months ago.
I said what's going to happen when people take this and they come up positive even in a regular vaccine?
Because that would be an attenuated dead HIV virus.
But it could still cause problems.
This is a new live son of a bitch!
That goes into your cells, and the scientists are on record in these lawsuits.
Prestigious geneticist, former chief science officer of Pfizer came out, and he said, you're crazy if you take this.
It will destroy you.
It turns your immune system off, or jacks it way up in a cytokine storm and kills you.
It's genetically engineered.
And every time these universities would come out and say this, they go, oh, now, now, that's fake news.
But never discredit it.
Never say it wasn't true.
They would just say fake news.
And now the Australian government comes out.
Oh, and what else just happened?
The British government's advisory board, because this is actually real scientists are going, what the hell's going on here?
This is all big pharma.
Remember the UN scientists last year in December?
The head UN scientist had an emergency meeting in Switzerland, and they said, we played hours of it here, they said, our doctors are wobbly, they know vaccines are killing people, causing autoimmune disorders, causing neurological disorders, these are not helping people, we're just told by these big pharma companies and by Bill Gates what to do, and it's not even really tested, and people are fighting us, and this is terrible.
So then this new giant hysteria and attack comes in.
And it's a way of failing forward.
That'll make you forget about the tens of millions lost.
That'll make you forget about everybody that got cancer from cancer viruses and vaccines.
Now they move on with this fear and then trick you to waive your rights and take something that is admittedly made in a lab, that Bill Gates and Fauci funded, the gain of function.
Six years ago, it was huge news and a scandal.
They were doing it at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, so they paid in 11 programs to move it to the Wuhan facility, where they could do it illegally, because the Chinese communists have absolutely no bottom to them.
And they got their, quote, super soldiers over there with all this gene therapy.
This is insane.
And so now we figured out how they're running this operation.
And I'm going to lay it out here today, but ladies and gentlemen, they finally have to start killing us.
They said they want to get rid of 95% of everybody.
They said they first want to depopulate the third world.
This is how they're doing it, rolling it out, claiming it's for this virus.
But what really happens is, when you read the medical literature on the mRNA vaccines, it goes in and turns your immune system off, and actually gets it where you will then accept similar viruses, which obviously they're going to be releasing.
That's what the scientists are saying.
They're going, this isn't even going to protect you.
Why the hell are they doing this?
It makes no sense.
Top scientists are like, this will kill you.
This is the road to destruction.
This is biblical.
Do not do this.
What the hell is going on here?
And they go, conspiracy theories, fake news, no one's gotten sick, no one's had a problem.
Meanwhile, 20 dead here, 6 dead here, 59 dead here, hundreds, thousands sick over here.
And now the British government, one week into the shot, says, we've got to have resuscitation centers, because the babies are dying, kids are dying, people are falling down, they're having convulsions.
And the doctors are saying, just get tough, roll your sleeve up, the government, the spokespersons are.
The other doctors are saying, this is crazy, this is way worse than the so-called disease.
And now, what did the British government say?
Oh, do not take it if you're pregnant?
If you have any autoimmune problems, if you have any allergic problems in your body, or if you are under 16.
So now, they're saying, don't even give it to young people, ladies and gentlemen.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, they tell you, you gotta take it.
They have all the big banks announced, all the airlines announced, the restaurants announced, you have to have a QR code, the GG Ping announced.
We're under Chinese control.
You've got to take these vaccines to live your life.
You've got to take this to be able to get on a plane.
And then they tell you later, by the way, this could kill your ass and it's got HIV in it.
It has HIV in it.
It has HIV in it.
It has HIV in it.
It has HIV in it.
It doesn't just have the delivery system.
It's got AIDS.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income, which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official.
Part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab.
All officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them, agenda 21, agenda 2030, it's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech and big pharma are all pushing the COVID as the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically, it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see somebody dying inside the nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones, are basically
I think so.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, this globalist bio-attack on humanity is only one part of the attack.
There's the psychological effect and how they plan to manage the death.
And a lot of this is not in books, it is not in white papers.
Because they'll go 95%, 98%, 99% in white papers.
About saying what their plan is and what they're doing, but they leave out small little final incriminating places of
What they're actually doing, but but everything's there.
It's like a jigsaw puzzle.
There's a thousand pieces and three pieces are not been put in place yet, but you already see what it is, but you can already see what the three pieces are going to show and it's so scary.
You don't want to put pieces into place.
Well, I saw this 20 plus years ago reading their own reports and I could see the final pieces
I mean, they said we want to get rid of 95% of people.
We ought to put stuff in vaccines.
We put fluoride in the water to lower their IQ, lower fertility.
We want to break up the family.
I mean, they were saying they were doing this to us.
They just didn't say, by the way, your municipal water supply that buys that toxic fluoride, that's to lower your IQ.
They just said, yeah, we put fluoride in your water to lower your IQ.
Bertrand Russell, John P. Holdren.
John P. Holdren was the White House Science Czar of Obama.
Well, he wrote, again, the year I was born, in 1974, about putting fluoride in the water to lower your IQ and fertility.
So, they've been doing this a long time, and they're recruiting more scientists, they're recruiting more bureaucrats, they're recruiting more corporations that, hey, there are too many people, the Earth's being hurt, we've got to go ahead and sterilize people and dumb them down, make them controllable, so we can save the planet.
That's the old Plato argument, 2,300 years old.
It leads through Malthus and Galton and the Wedgwoods and the Huxleys and Darwin and then into H.G.
Wells and then into Bertrand Russell and then of course into Aldous Huxley and then of course, you know, that Adolf Hitler and the Soviets and different schools of dictatorship.
Remember the clip we played yesterday?
Of the Prime Minister of Canada saying, I admire, to a group of women, dictatorship.
And he said, I admire Xi Jinping and China because they have the best basic dictatorship to empower us, the dictators.
You're like, but that's, that's an authoritarian, that's an illiberal statement.
That's the opposite of what Thomas Jefferson, a true liberal, would say.
More freedom.
Less state.
But see, we're now at the point of revelation of the method.
We're now at the point of leaving beta, entering real operations.
So if you just tuned in, listen to me again carefully.
The Sydney Morning Herald, the BBC, they're all reporting, like a little minor footnote, kind of like you're in an office meeting, you gotta pass gas, you gotta just do it and hope nobody notices it was you.
Neither smelt it, dealt it.
I don't mean to use a childish joke here.
They are just going, okay, yeah, I might kill you and I might give you a neurologic disorder, and okay.
All right, you test positive for HIV when you take this vaccine.
And ladies and gentlemen, every single person that takes either the regular vaccine, attenuated COVID-19,
Which is just a dead virus.
Doesn't replicate, but your body learns how to beat it.
Still can cause an autoimmune response.
Still can be contaminated.
These globalists are known for Trojan horsing stuff.
You don't want that.
The mRNA is like an alien spaceship landing saying, we're taking over.
It's like the board, okay?
It's not a vaccine.
It's a nanotech-engineered, multi-stage, five-virus, at least.
Their science is so advanced that these top universities are looking at super-science stuff, okay?
And they're looking, going, okay, this is five viruses.
We've never seen something this sophisticated.
This is scary as hell.
It's got HIV delivery system.
And they're like, what are you doing?
And then they go look at similar vaccines that have been patented, and guess what?
Other vaccines are like this, that are patented for something else.
Sterilization of wild animals.
Where they drop out a live virus in little range cubes, and coyotes or wild horses or others eat it, and it's got a live virus that goes and creates a protein, so they can't have babies, and it blocks the placenta.
But see, that's why there's five.
This doesn't just attack your testicles when you get the virus.
That's true, that's confirmed, when it's a live virus.
It doesn't just attack your testicles when you take the vaccine.
It's engineered for that protein.
It doesn't just give you an autoimmune disorder five, ten years down the road, and then no one knows why suddenly there's this giant autoimmune disorder even though you got hit with a vaccine.
The teachers, the cops, the schools, the media, everyone goes along with it, takes the shot, they're heroes, they've got Stockholm Syndrome now.
They're too evil to fail.
They're too stupid to fail.
They can't admit that they took their kids and gave them an autoimmune disorder.
They can't admit they gave them a five virus vaccine.
Did they put those five viruses in there for no reason?
We don't know all the aspects.
But the top scientists that are on our side, the head of the main EU commission, the former chief science officer of Pfizer, the former vice president of Pfizer said,
We know at least from the trials it can turn your immune system off a large part of the time and 70% of the time it creates a protein autoimmune response of an exact protein in the placenta of women which will terminate the zygote before it connects and gets tied into the blood supply of the mother and her placenta in the uterus.
I mean okay so turns your immune system off
Attacks your body 70% of the time in studies.
This is all listed in the reports.
They admit this in the studies.
Has HIV delivery system.
Makes you test positive for HIV.
Now you're starting to get it.
So that's three of the things we know it does.
What are the other two?
Well, I'm reading scientific reports every night, every day.
I can't stop reading them.
Just like, I mean, I was up there all last weekend reading huge, giant reports.
I suggest you do.
You go ring Wolfgang Wudarg, the head of the EU Advisory Commission, head scientist.
He's not a little monster like Fauci.
He's like Atlas.
Atlas said, rise up, say no to this.
He was removed out of the White House by the bureaucracy.
And it's the same thing.
Fauci now is going to be with Biden if they're able to insert him.
He says, the masks are never coming off, and you're never leaving your house, and the vaccines don't even work, but you're going to take them.
And why suddenly did England go, the military went, you ordered us to give these, people are coming lining up because they trust us, and the British government, Boris Johnson, suddenly went, okay, don't give under 16 the shot, it's an MRN, same thing as Australia, they just got to prove, MRNA.
Johnson's like, don't give it to the kids, don't give it to pregnant women, don't give it to old people, don't give it to people with autoimmune, if you've got allergies, actually don't take it, don't take it.
Because they're going to only now, this is how this works, this is eugenics.
That's why they used to tell people, oh, in the 60s, we're only going to kill half the population.
Because people think, well, you know, I'll be safe.
I'm part of this.
Then it's, oh, we're going to kill 80%.
Well, I'm part of the scientific elite.
Then Ted Turner's like, we're going to kill 95%.
And then now you notice they're like, actually want a post-human world.
We want exterminism.
We want to get rid of humans, they're bad.
Wall Street Journal, looking forward to the end of humans.
They're externalizing their sick method.
Look, 99% of this is scientific, and I can prove it, and I can show it, but as a, let's just say a military-type thinker, or a strategic long-range thinker, or someone that does wide-spectrum systems analysis,
Which is a term they don't have, it's my term.
Wide spectrum analysis of history, this planet, everything we're dealing with.
The only thing that makes sense is what the former Israeli head of their space program said.
They've made a deal with aliens to kill everybody off and they're going to be given some advanced technology and not die.
The globalists say, we're going to live forever, we're going to merge with silicon, we're going to get rid of humans and be gods.
So they already believe that.
Whether aliens are telling them this or whether they're on power trips and are crazy and think it's about to happen, it doesn't matter.
It's the same thing.
And then I study the globalists.
I've unfortunately rubbed shoulders with them and had them try to get me to join them.
And they don't laugh when I've talked about this with them.
They say, join us, Alex.
You need to go into the future.
You need to save yourself and your family.
You need to come with us.
They don't joke when I go, so you're working with interdimensional stuff that gave you this knowledge.
You think you're really going to get life extension when you kill everybody else?
And you really think you made a deal with these goddamn demons?
You really think you got a deal with these people?
And they go, Jones, just join us.
The public doesn't care.
They're profane.
They've got to be dealt with.
So, this is real.
And if you don't want to be killed, don't take the shot.
If you don't want to slowly die, don't take the shot.
We're going to go to break.
I'm told we're going to break here.
I just can't even believe this, folks.
They admit HIV is in it.
HIV is in it.
HIV is in it.
I don't know about the aliens or any of that.
The globalists think they're getting this information from aliens.
My God, the former Israeli top guy just told you.
If you think 2020 has been an insane and dangerous year, just wait until you see the year 2021.
I'm Alex Jones.
I started InfoWars, but I couldn't have done any of this without you.
And now InfoWars is more important than ever because the general population of the planet is waking up to the fact that we've done our research and we've been dead on.
That's why it's so important for those of you out there that have supported the broadcast and the websites and the films and all the rest of the information we put out, to realize how important your work has been and to redouble your efforts.
So I salute you and I thank you.
Also, it's Christmas.
He's almost here.
Don't wait.
Do your shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get amazing new suiticals that boost your immune system and make your life better.
So much better overall for adults and children.
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Books, films, t-shirts, survival gear, storable food, locket pockets, privacy pouches, and so much more at infowarestore.com.
And again, thank you all for your support and Merry Christmas.
God bless.
During our war for independence, during some of the darkest days, Thomas Jefferson, the man credited with writing our Declaration of Independence and much of our Constitution later, said, look, this is not going to be an easy fight.
We're not going to be transported to liberty on a bed of feathers.
No, ladies and gentlemen, we've actually had incredible successes with Donald Trump and Bolsonaro.
I think?
InfoWars has never been more critical.
I want to thank you all for your support.
And I want to encourage you to do your Christmas shopping now at InfoWarsStore.com.
If we ship your order out by the 18th, the Puzzle Service says you will get it before Christmas.
So get those orders in at InfoWarsStore.com and know that you're investing in freedom and liberty and justice while getting great products.
Thanks for your support.
Please shop at InfoWarsStore.com.
Just in time for Christmas, a lot of our best-selling products are back in stock.
The Privacy Pockets are back in stock and massively discounted from $19.95.
A great stock, stuff for a great gift.
Alpha Power sold out for a year because of the lockdown.
A lot of the key patented ingredients weren't available.
It is now back in stock.
Another great product that's been selling out because people realize it's got so many great vitamins and minerals and saw palmetto is Prostagard.
It's good for not just men, but it's good for women's clans as well.
Check it out.
They're all massively discounted at InfoWarsTore.com.
And of course, some of the big ones are X2 and X3, the pure, clean iodines that are so essential.
So many people are deficient in iodine.
It's essential to your immune system and so much more.
All of these products are discounted from $30 to
You must guard your humanity.
You must guard your children's humanity.
You must guard the very genetic code of the planet.
The globalists have set themselves up as the guardians of this world.
But they are the ones that are overriding every genetic system and poisoning the planet.
They are the ones that are now engaged in genetic takeover of every human on earth through the GMO crops.
And now they've moved on to their main target, humanity, with the mRNA vaccines, which are not vaccines.
They are recombinant DNA from aborted, cloned fetuses.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are here back live broadcasting worldwide.
As you can see, I've got the Washington Monument and other things behind me.
Next hour, I'm going to move over there to another setup table we've got with the Capitol, the U.S.
Capitol, literally just right in front of me.
And Owen Schroer is right down there on the field where they're setting up the inaugural stage.
And no one knows who will be inaugurated there.
So what a magic moment with the big
Million Maga March Part 2 is set to hit tomorrow, and the word is there's even more cars and more people here, and I'm seeing Patriots everywhere I go.
I can't go to the bathroom.
I can't walk into a restaurant.
I can't walk into a... I forgot to bring tennis shoes on the trip, so I went to a little five-and-dime place and ran into a bunch of listeners in there.
It's just very heartening to run into white folks, old folks, young folks, black folks, Asian folks, Hispanics.
Everybody knows about the New World Order, and they say, keep it up, Alex.
Well, that's good, because we're going to keep it up.
We're not going to back down.
So let me explain this again.
I went ahead and took you all the way to the end, okay?
Because the globalists say they're the guardians of the Earth and they're doing this to save the planet.
But they're really overriding the genetic code of the planet.
They're the ones destroying the planet.
And when you read into their newer literature that's even public now, I mean, this is not like white papers anymore that's academic.
This is public that, you know, creation's nothing.
We'll make a thousand worlds.
We're going to be gods.
That's reportedly what Satan said to Eve in the garden was, eat of the fruit of good and evil, knowledge of this, and you can be a god.
You don't have to follow your already set nature.
You're already perfect.
You're perfection.
You're with God.
You're of God.
Little g. You're just perfect.
Hey, there's other ways to do stuff.
Knowledge of evil too.
Would you like to know that?
You look at that allegory and say, did that really happen?
The point is, it's real now, folks.
These people have eaten of the tree of good and evil.
They're playing God, and it's not going very godly, is it?
It's going bad.
It's going terribly.
And everything they do is powerful, and it's playing God, but it's all destructive.
Because their system cannot be perfect.
It can't be perfect.
It's not perfect.
They can't even understand perfection.
Those of us that are connected to God, we don't understand all the perfection.
We just recognize it and can transcend and like ride on a wave on the perfection.
But to them, they hate the perfection.
It's ugly to them.
They're projecting their own ugliness onto it.
And so, they can only do what is against God's creation and God's perfect order.
And that's why everything they do is a vandalous, destructive,
I don't
The allegory of himself, Winston Smith, the BBC propagandist, Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love is torturing him to death.
The first one's his mind and his intellect, spiritually, before they finally shoot him in the back of the head and throw him into an incinerator and pump his ashes up into the stratosphere.
He says, Winston, you know the vision of the future is this boot-stomping on the human face forever.
Because we don't want a more beautiful culture.
We don't want to live longer.
We don't want to be more empowered.
We don't want more beauty.
We want more ugliness, more trampling, more being trampled upon.
You look at how I'm falling apart, Winston.
How I look old.
How I look worn out.
That's the strength of the vigor of the system that will destroy humanity.
We serve a spirit that is of the priest of power, here to oversee the annihilation of humans on this earth.
Do you understand, Winston?
You cannot defeat us!
And I will break you, and I will make you a sub-slave before I kill you!
And Winston says, please, just get it over with.
Break me.
And he goes, I will.
And a month later, he goes, how many fingers I'm holding up, Winston?
And Winston says, five, seven, eight, twelve, a hundred.
I can't even tell anymore.
And O'Brien says, good.
I'm gonna kill you soon.
But first, I'm gonna make you sit for a year at the Chestnut Cafe or whatever it was and drink synthetic gin and watch propaganda.
And love it, and embrace it in worship before we blow your head off.
And once it says, please do it.
Not until you're completely broken.
Once you're totally destroyed, I will kill you.
That's how this works.
And that's why they lie to you out in the open.
Like, oh, there's no side effects.
Insane people say it.
These mothers are crazy.
You know, they've got tens of millions of kids, mainly boys, that can't even, you know, talk or walk.
And so nothing's happening.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, no, this vaccine doesn't hurt you.
It's just got HIV in it.
Oh, oh, oh, well, you know, we said it's totally safe, but we're suspending it right now because so many kids had convulsions, and, well, some people died, and the military's a little concerned, but, you know,
And they're just normalizing.
Oh, I heard my neighbor died.
Oh, I heard they had a convulsion.
Oh, funny, there's like 10 kids on our block.
Three of them have cancer.
Yeah, the other ones have all got diabetes.
The vaccine insert for the flu shot and MMR says it can give you that by shutting down your pancreas and pancreatitis.
Oh, really?
I have two friends.
Who took their young children in to get vaccinated, and they would get really sick and lose all this weight, and be pissing blood and everything else, and their hands going numb.
And they would take them into Dell Children's Center, and they'd tell them, oh, your daughters, these are daughters, in both cases, your daughters have type 1 diabetes, it's genetic.
Funny, nobody in my family's got diabetes.
But on the insert for that vaccine, it says, can shut down your pancreas.
And here's the thing, most of the time the pancreas turns back on in a few months, the nurses and doctors know that.
But they're ordered by the bioethics board to not tell you and say they've got to go on insulin right now.
And when they go on insulin, the pancreas shuts down forever!
Your pancreas is gone forever!
It's not school's out, your pancreas is out!
Horrible lives!
Large parts of their salary!
Paid to Big Pharma!
20 years off their life!
Another devastating victory!
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!
And that's all this whole thing is, is a giant murder operation of you and your family.
And you can sit there and go over every facet of this, and every angle of this, and every line of this, and you can prove it.
And now they go, oh, it's a false positive if you take the COVID vaccine that you have HIV.
It sees it as an HIV virus because it is an HIV virus.
And it's delivering a system to shut down your immune system.
And it's delivering a system to attack your placenta.
It's delivering a system to attack your testicles because it's the new 21st century bioweapon that kills you 10 years later so you never knew what hit you and by then Bill Gates already owns all the patents on all the new treatments for all the things that are going to happen.
And if you can pay a million dollars, you're gonna be able to have your jeans turned back on and have a child.
But those Africans aren't gonna have the money, are they?
And those poor white people down the street aren't.
But you'll be able to have a child!
But now that child's gonna be a laboratory child!
And now just like an iPhone's got Trojan horses in it, there's gonna be special Trojan horses put into this!
Ha ha ha ha!
And you see how it works now.
It's like they're passing five states laws to keep babies alive after they're born so they can get all the organ orders in on the databases and get more money out of those seven pounds of meat, like Governor Northam of Virginia said.
And he's a baby harvesting doctor!
And more and more, it's not going to be lawyers in charge of your state.
It's going to be baby harvesters.
Because they're the new farmers.
They don't farm hemp, or cotton, or tobacco, or soybeans, or corn, or wheat, or vegetables.
They farm you.
Because you didn't stand up for the babies.
And you didn't stand up for the poor.
And you didn't stand up for yourself.
And so now there's nobody left to stand up for you.
And they're coming with that vaccine that's going to slowly kill you and your family.
And you're gonna be so weak-minded, you're not even gonna admit to yourself later in five years when you're dying of the vaccine, and you got blood running out of your ass, and your balls have basically fallen off, and your uterus is a bloody mess, and you're dying, and that same medical system that murdered you is smiling at your ass, sucking up all your money.
You won't even have the nerve when you're dying to admit they killed you, because you love it!
Are you gonna do something about that, or are you gonna roll over?
And I'll say this again.
I'm spending a lot of money to wage this war, and that's fine.
If we run out of it, I don't even care.
We got a couple months to operate money.
I've already mortgaged my house, and I'm putting all of it into the fight.
I don't give a damn.
But if you want to keep us in this fight, do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTore.com and get supplements and nutraceuticals that are essential to your life.
That if you don't have, these globalists have a lot better chance at getting your ass.
Things like sunshine are free.
If you're not out in the sunshine, get your vitamin D3 with our Prostagard.
With our winter sun that, by the way, is back in next week.
The truck's coming from Colorado right now.
And get your other products at InfoWarStore.com.
Alpha Power is back in, sold out for a year.
Prostacard is back in, and a lot of women are taking it, too, because saw palmetto is good for women, and everybody knows about it for prostates, but it's good for your glands, period.
That's how we fund this operation.
InfoWarStore.com with organic, high-end, high-quality nutraceuticals like DNA Force Plus, and all of them are 25 to 60% off, free shipping.
And, of course, we also have
Double patriot points going right now, but all I can tell you is, don't wait.
Don't screw around, this isn't a game, and you have put us in the game, and it's amazing to see what you've done in this fight.
So your word of mouth, spread the word about the broadcast, and call your family, call your neighbors.
I'm gonna run down the street today, just screaming, THERE'S HIV IN THE VACCINE!
That's a normal behavior!
Like if they caught people in a dungeon with kids, you'd come out yelling!
You gotta get upset!
You gotta get angry!
You gotta warn people!
It's been said that you should strike while the iron is hot.
Well, InfoWars is white hot right now.
World government, globalist forces trying to take over the United States is mainstream news.
And InfoWars credibility has gone through the roof.
That's why now is the time to contact local radio, TV, and cable stations.
If you don't have an affiliate in your area already,
And to send them to InfoWars.com forward slash affiliates and say, pick up Alex Jones, pick up Owen Schroeder, pick up David Knight, pick up our other great programs.
They're free to air.
If you're on TV or you're on cable, you can cover up all the commercials for yourself.
No contracts needed.
This is your authorization stations.
Pick up the InfoWars feed right now.
All the affiliates, the satellites, it's all linked at InfoWars.com forward slash affiliates.
Go to the local stations, call them, email them, and send them the link to InfoWars.com forward slash affiliate and tell them we're free to air, no contracts, just pick us up.
The project for world government developed by the British Empire via Cecil Rhodes, then picked up by the Rockefeller family and the major robber barons to plant it by the 1920s, is all about corporate global governance.
And now you're seeing it.
Not just the blue states, the blue cities, the communists and socialists, nations all working in unison under UN control to establish a medical planetary dictatorship.
At the core of it is the Fortune 100 corporations, themselves funded by a handful of private central banking families.
The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Dutch and British Royalty being at the very heart of that.
Then you learn the Dutch and British Royalty aren't even Dutch or British at the same time.
But they go back to the literal Count Dracula and the wars in between Christendom and Islam.
Those that don't know history really are doomed to repeat it.
They're involved in ploting the world economy.
That's what the social distancing, the masks are all about.
It's about bankrupting local small businesses.
And those that comply, are complying with your own destruction.
Wake up!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
InfoWars has been banned.
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
Go to Banned.Video.
Download the videos and share.
Support the Information War at InfoWarsStore.com
And never give up the fight.
InfoWars.com Hi, Steve Adler.
Stay home.
Plato wrote that one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
Subversive legislation, illegal votes, destroyed ballots, machine glitches, poll watchers denied entry while windows are blocked with cardboard, and thousands of sworn affidavits.
While covering up the biggest flood of election fraud evidence in U.S.
history, CNN admits to taking orders from the Democrat Party.
The two-party system was a product of the Civil War and devolved into a rigged two-party system set upon destroying our American birthright from within, using election fraud as its primary method of infiltration.
Strong evidence of voter fraud in favor of George W. Bush occurred in 2000.
And after Al Gore got the Florida courts to order a recount, the Supreme Court put a stop to it after determining the recount to be unconstitutional.
What makes you think the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump?
Attorney General William Barr seems to be defending the corrupt establishment.
How many actual patriots are there in the Trump administration?
And if Biden is inaugurated as president in January, we already know what to expect.
While vacationing in Cabo, Austin Mayor Adler told residents to stay home.
Trying to do contact tracing to see if
We may have to close things down if we're not careful.
If we're going to be closing things down, it would be great to be able to do it in a really surgical way.
Pfizer today said that they think they have a vaccine, but know that even when those vaccines are available, the CEO of Pfizer was reminding us that we're going to be wearing masking and social distancing and being disciplined well into 2021.
So everybody just needs to get mentally mentally prepared for that.
LA residents have been ordered to stay in their homes.
Michigan Governor Whitmer tells her constituents not to travel for Christmas.
An American couple was charged with second-degree reckless endangerment for attempting to fly home after testing positive for COVID-19.
And a bar owner was arrested in Staten Island for simply trying to run his own business.
We have been told by several doctors that the testing being used for COVID doesn't work, including the inventor of the test himself.
And when the Pfizer vaccine comes, we can expect the real horror.
A top EU scientist has found that the new experimental mRNA vaccine will likely cause sterilization in women.
The globalist depopulation agenda is now in full view.
And the actual end of America is now seen on the horizon.
If you care about the future of the republic, if you care about preserving your children's birthright, then get yourself to Washington, D.C.
this Saturday.
This is when the real draining of the swamp begins.
Our fight to drain the Washington swamp and reclaim America's destiny has just begun.
We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield.
We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never back down.
We will never, ever surrender.
Because we are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white, and blue.
Join together this Saturday in DC.
Stop the steal and drain the swamp.
Our lives depend on it.
The globalists have always been at war with the family and small businesses.
They want control.
They want domesticated slaves.
That's the process that is taking place right now.
And when you shop at the big box stores, and when you shop with Amazon, remember that they are creating monopolies, and they are the globalists that are pushing the lockdowns, gun control, abortion, world government, all of it.
And if you want to do that, go ahead and shop there.
But if you'll shop at InfoWars, where we have thousands of products, made right here in America, with our warehouses and our crew,
It's incredible and it changes the whole world.
So do your shopping if you want to fund the InfoWar and if you want to stop the globalists at InfoWarStore.com.
And tell others to do their shopping at InfoWarStore.com.
We have amazing products.
We can get everything delivered to you by Christmas if you order by the 18th.
So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for thinking through what you do and where you spend your money.
And do your shopping and get great products at InfoWarStore.com.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Friday transmission.
You can see the U.S.
Capitol, a true work of Western
Culture architecture behind us.
Absolutely gorgeous.
We are very blessed and honored to be here with you today.
Coming to you from Washington, D.C.
Owen Schroer is just literally 300-400 yards behind me, right down there, where they're just now starting to close off around the stage.
Just an hour ago, it was not roped off.
He'd go right up to the stage.
Now they've roped it off down to the big Christmas tree, so he's had to move back.
We're going to go to him coming up here in just a few minutes, but I want you to understand something.
This is the biggest broadcast I've ever done.
And again, 27 years ago, I never said that for a few years.
Then we'd have a big event, I'd say, this is the biggest show I've ever done.
I might say that once a year.
The last six months, or eight months or so, you've noticed I've been saying it every day.
I mean, just each show gets more insane because there's more incredible information.
So let me just announce this to you right now, okay?
Let me announce this to you right now.
I'm gonna say it again.
Sidney Morning Herald, BBC, Reuters, AP, they're having to admit that the entire national vaccine program and the martial law and the lockdowns and the attempts at forced inoculation has been suspended because the individuals that take the vaccine are coming up positive for HIV or the virus that they say causes AIDS.
It's a little more complex than that but
Remember, we said that back in February.
We said that back in March.
We said that back in April.
We said that back in May.
Back in June.
Back in July.
Back in September.
Back in August.
Back in October.
Back in November.
Why do we say that basically every day?
I'd come on air and I'd say, all the other news is important, and oh, a black guy got shot by cops that shouldn't have, but that's a diversion to cover up the real genocide.
By the very globalists doing it.
All the other news pales in significance, ladies and gentlemen.
All of it pales in significance to the top scientists in India and all these other countries, including Australia.
Australia, eight months ago, confirmed the Indian Institute that has CRISPR's editors.
And we're talking billion-dollar software, ladies and gentlemen.
Billion-dollar software to scan these viruses with electron microscopes.
And they said it has the HIV virus delivery system in it.
We said, now we don't know that means it gives you HIV.
Now we have Wolfgang Wudar's reports, the EU Commission reports, we now have all these other scientists coming out in the same report, the former chief scientist at Pfizer, the head medical officer, the guy that actually ran it, the vice president, saying, we don't know what this vaccine does, it doesn't even help you with COVID-19, but we looked at similar vaccines,
Dr. Francis Boyle is a very busy professor.
He wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Treaty.
But I called him this morning and I said, this is an emergency.
If you have to cancel students, which he's never done, we need you to get on the air.
Because he was the first to expose the HIV insertion point.
And so, here's the only lie in the media.
They say, false positives for HIV.
That's the headline.
False positives for HIV.
What does that mean?
The test for HIV comes up positive because this is five viruses, and its main system is a coronavirus with an HIV delivery virus, and then they've got these three other viruses packed on.
So, the magnitude of this is so incredible, so insane, and you've got them pushing it, saying no one gets hurt, and then boom!
Australia cancels their inoculation program because people are getting sick.
I forgot that part.
England cancels it and says do not give it to women, pregnant women, old people are getting killed by it, people under 16, or if you have an autoimmune disorder, or if you have allergies.
You know, the media said pregnant women, people with allergies, and under 16.
I actually read the British report.
The advisory board of the British government.
And the British government stopped.
They said, you understand, this is not protecting people, it's causing cytokine storms and people are collapsing and having convulsions.
A large percentage.
That's why Gates said, oh, it's not an adverse response if you have a convulsion and bite your tongue off.
And that's just what happens when you take it.
Most people have a convulsion at home, or they wake up two days after they go to sleep with blood on the brain and their IQ reduced.
Folks, this is a bio-weapon, just like Dr. Boyle said earlier this week, just like all these top scientists who have a soul.
Prestigious scientists are saying, this doesn't protect you, this is dangerous, this is evil.
But let's play the sicko.
Michael Moore, who pitches racial division and corruption and America's bad and capitalism's bad because he wants to get control of people, and he's saying brown people are being murdered everywhere by the police and white people.
Well, 14 black men on average a year get killed wrongly by police.
That's a problem, but it's on the list.
It isn't there.
How many black men kill black men in Chicago a year?
Nobody cares about that.
So Michael Moore and the left says they want Black Lives Matter, says they care about black people, so they control the black movement or any other movement to oppose them.
They claim they own the representation of black people.
They claim they own the representation of everybody.
And so that's why the very group, Bill and Melinda Gates, the UN, pushing forced inoculation of Africans, and the very group saying, we even have a clip,
Fauci saying, give the vaccine to black people first.
They are under advantaged and COVID hits them harder.
Now we know why does COVID hit black people harder?
Because it has the HIV delivery system and black people are more susceptible to HIV.
My God, it's hiding in plain view.
Then he says he'll give you a vaccine that's actually the weapon.
But they don't want to release it in general because they don't want to kill certain groups of people.
So they want you to opt in to go, well, I'm black, so I deserve this first, like they've got this wonderful thing you want and you go do this to yourself.
In fact, we have a clip, too, of Fauci saying that.
We have Fauci also saying Trump will be challenged by a big viral outbreak.
But my God, have the wheels come off on this.
They can't hide this stuff anymore.
So they don't know what to do.
But here's Michael Moore.
Then we'll go to a shorter next segment.
Here's Michael Moore.
About how the black people are all being murdered by the local governments and police and we need to overthrow things and have communism because they just love the black people so much.
Here he is.
We've had a year where the absolute worst president ever and it happened this year with a once-in-a-century pandemic.
It happened this year and with an uprising over the non-stop killing
Of our black and brown citizens in this country.
And people finally said, that's enough.
I mean, this has been, it's been a powerful, and it's been a revolting year.
Oh, the record black people being killed, like the UN's own admission that 2 million people have already starved to death, mainly in Africa, from the lockdowns, not the virus.
But that's real people dying, I don't care what color they are.
That's real people dying.
But Michael Moore is there.
Oh, we got rid of Trump because of his racism.
What a sick joke.
Let's play a clip of Louis Farrakhan.
What was this?
Ten months ago.
Early on, he said, do not take the vaccine.
It will sterilize you or it will kill you.
Remember, Howard Stern made fun of me two weeks ago.
Jones claims there's HIV in the vaccine.
We have Howard Stern saying that because I did say that.
I'll have the crew to go find the clip.
You heard me say it a thousand times.
Howard Stern made fun of me about it.
And now it's confirmed, HIV, just like the top scientists told you.
Think about that.
Here's Louis Farrakhan.
Do not take their medications.
I say to those of us in America, we need to call a meeting of our skilled virologists, epidemiologists,
Students of biology and chemistry.
And we need to look at not only what they give us, we need to give ourselves something better.
All right, let's stop there.
You can say what you want about Faircon, that's totally true.
We need scientists to stand up together and expose what this is.
Owen Schroer, coming up.
Remember, the COVID-19 vaccine.
Our entire modern system has been built to track and trace us.
Not because we're doing anything wrong, but so we can be socially engineered and controlled.
And now, that's out in the open.
One way to take back a lot of your power is to put your so-called smartphone in a privacy pocket when you're not using it that way.
Hackers, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Clintons, contact tracers, and all these big corporations that are setting up this tracking and control grid in the name of fighting COVID.
They admit their internal documents are truly about a taxless society control system.
They have that power over you.
They protect their locations.
They protect where they're going and what they're doing.
I can tell you.
I was the first person 20 years ago who said, cover up the cameras on your computer.
And now, of course, Bill Gates and all of them admit they're doing that.
Mark Zuckerberg.
So get your privacy pockets.
They make great stocking stuffers and great gifts.
They've been sold out for months.
They're little Faraday cages.
They're only $19.95.
And they're back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
Give the gift of privacy and security and safety with Privacy Pockets at InfoWareStore.com.
Postal Service tells InfoWars that as long as you get your order in by December 18th, and we're able to ship it out by that date, you will get it anywhere in the United States before Christmas.
The U.S.
But listen, don't wait.
Do your shopping at InfoWarsStore.com, get great products, and fund the InfoWars.
Now at the most critical time, not just in InfoWars history, but this country's history.
You have invested in InfoWars.
You've prayed for us, you've spread the word, you've bought the products, and you've gotten the benefits of the information warfare.
Of course.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
What an incredible day on this December 11th transmission.
The Capitol right behind me, Owen Troyer is literally 300, 400 yards below me, right down there in front of the Capitol, where they are building the stage.
And the system is telling us to ensconce and install Joe Biden.
But I tell you, the wheels are coming off.
We now know what we already knew, that Bill Barr was concealing the Southern District of New York's criminal investigation of Joe Biden, his brother.
And, of course, his son.
That article's at Infowars.com.
Huge developments.
Again, the wheels are coming off.
I'm not somebody that puts out positive news to just put out positive news.
I'm not Joel Olsteen.
I'll give you the good, the bad, the ugly.
But this fight is not over.
It's just beginning.
And I don't see how they ever put Biden in.
This isn't like Russia, where there was no proof with Trump.
With China, that's all we've got is proof.
So, Owen, you're down there.
You've been talking to folks, been doing some interviews.
You're right there at the inauguration point.
The globalists want the executive branch.
They want the nuclear codes.
That is the whole world's eyes are pointed right at January 20th, and that point and that stage is being built right
Right behind you, my friend.
Well, that's right, Alex.
And in fact, you're hearing a lot of people say now, including President Trump, his legal team, Republicans in Congress.
Everybody who's trying to stop this theft of our election and rig our election systems, you're hearing them say what?
The world is watching.
Well, guess where they heard that first?
Right here at InfoWars.
The world is watching.
And it's accurate.
The whole world wants to know that in America, we're still the leaders of the free world, setting the example for the rest of the world.
And if they see that Joe Biden, the most corrupt criminal mafia gangster, one of the top in US political history, can be inserted in a total
But Alex, you said something that I'm not hearing anybody else point out that I filed a report on earlier.
The inauguration stage is being built behind me.
I don't know how close it is to being finished there, but you can see the scaffolding, you can see the bleachers, you can see the people working.
Alex, it's interesting.
Why would they be building the inauguration stage when Joe Biden and his campaign team have said they are not going to do an inauguration?
They have said they're not doing an inauguration and they're going to have a virtual inauguration because, they say because of COVID, but really it's because they know nobody will show up.
Stay there, stay there, stay there.
I am staggered right now.
No, I hadn't mentioned this.
I was up here with you an hour ago before you went down there, before we went live on air an hour and a half ago saying, wow, I wonder who'll be on that stage.
And we were like, yeah.
You know, it's funny.
Biden says he's not doing one, and now you just made the 2 plus 2 equals 4 point.
Why the hell if Biden isn't doing an inauguration, are they building it?
Because they know it's really still in question.
That is a huge national story you just broke there with, again, common sense.
That's incredible, Owen.
Yes, Alex, we just filed the report.
It's up at band.video right now.
But nobody else is going to, you know, think about these things or put two and two together, honestly, because most people just don't watch for all the signs and symbols and developments like we do here at InfoWars.
But it is a question.
It does beg the question.
If Biden is already in, if Biden is the big guy, if they're going to inaugurate him, well, why build the stage?
Why are we wasting the manpower?
Why are we wasting the time?
Why are we doing all this?
He's not even going to use the stage.
And by the way, nobody would show up.
We know it.
Just like at his events.
I mean, what are they going to do, Alex?
Are they going to have the little umbrella, or the little circles, the little hula hoops, the little six-feet circles, and people can all stand around and play with one another with their masks on and everything?
So, they're not going to do that.
So, why would they be building this stage?
You know, if you wanted to do deeper research, you find out, well, who told him to do that?
Did President Trump say, no, you're doing this?
Did Congress say, no, you're doing this?
This is where Congress works.
This is a huge national story.
Biden is on record saying, no inauguration, virtual inauguration.
It's all this big globalist takeover, AI takeover, big tech takeover.
So why are they building the inauguration stage when Biden says he's not coming?
This is incredible.
In fact, what's the headline on the video you put out?
This is so sensational.
building Trump's inauguration stage.
I mean, D.C.
knows Trump is going to be a... I mean, this is huge.
Yeah, the headline was something like that, like breaking Trump announces he's won and builds his own inauguration stage.
But it doesn't stop there, Alex, because remember, they had Podesta and Hillary Clinton running the fake inauguration of Joe Biden where they said, oh, well, we're just going to have an inauguration anyway.
By the way, let's go back.
Pelosi leaked that four months ago.
She said, it's not about geography.
We'll just have it someplace else.
It doesn't matter what he does.
As if they'd already war-gamed all this out.
When Trump wins at the Supreme Court, if he does, and they throw out the... They'll still say, Biden, we're right back to what they planned.
Oh my God!
They've looked at every damn angle, Owen.
It's the total Tokyo Rose, Baghdad Bob, I mean, peak level moment.
Not only were they lost legitimately and Trump won, but then even in the steal, even in the theft, even in the fake news they lost, and Trump will have an inauguration, there'll be another million plus people here, just like they were in 2016, and they'll have a fake virtual digital inauguration for Biden.
You know what they'll do?
They'll have a digital...
They'll have a digital one and say that we're there for Trump.
They'll say that we're there to support Biden.
That's why everyone must wear solid red.
Solid red.
Just red hats, red shirts, red pants, brother.
Because you know what they'll do?
They'll say, look, even though Biden didn't have the inauguration, there's his fans all wearing red.
Don't forget, Alex, I mean, these are the same people that stood in front of burning buildings with people getting beaten behind them saying, this is a peaceful protest.
So, I mean, let me do my best CNN impression here.
Oh, well, I'm out in front of the Capitol, but there's no inauguration stage being built and Christmas is canceled.
So as you can see, there's no Christmas tree, there's no inauguration stage and Biden won and we're going to have a virtual digital inauguration for Joe Biden.
And this is a clown Troyer for CNN.
So that's what they'll do.
They'll say, oh, this isn't happening.
Oh, Trump didn't get a record number of votes.
Oh, a million people didn't show up for Trump's inauguration.
Oh, millions didn't show up again in November 2020 or December 2020.
No, it just didn't happen.
You know, we didn't get a million votes at 3.30 a.m.
in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Georgia to all magically for Biden.
No, we didn't break the law to make sure Biden went in.
No, we didn't rewrite the law to make sure we could have all these illegal ballots.
None of it happened, Alex.
And it's peaceful protests.
It's $2 billion worth of damage at peaceful protests in the summer of 2020.
The good news is, though, there's already people out here wearing Trump hats.
There's already people getting into D.C.
So, it's going to be another big weekend.
And the media can try to continue to ignore it, but eventually the chickens are going to come home to roost.
In fact, we're going to march right to Dean Zinne's doorstep tomorrow morning to let them know how we feel.
That's right, 9 a.m.
Where are we meeting?
We're going to march over there, then we're going to be part of all these big events.
And I appreciate the listeners supporting us, because the listeners, they'll pay for some of the stages here, so these other groups and organizations should be involved, because they didn't have the money to do it.
So we appreciate the listeners bankrolling this.
So remember, do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarshaw.com.
Oh, and I've got Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, co-author of the U.N.
Weapons Law.
He first had HIV in it, the vaccine.
He's on for two segments, but
As I've watched the last few hours, they're sort of closing off the area.
I'd like you to go get some closer footage and follow more reports on the imaginary Phantom Trump inauguration stage that doesn't exist.
I'd like to come back to you at the start of the next hour, maybe with a live feed, because I know they put up a fence, but you can still go up the road up until they stop you or whatever, to try to show as much of the stage that doesn't exist as you can.
So can you join us again in about 30 minutes, Owen?
All right, fantastic.
Owen Schroyer, again, Biden has said, look it up, he's not having an inauguration.
Why are they going to the inauguration stage?
This is crazy.
This is an incredible point.
This isn't like magic cues and stuff.
This is like, boom, there's the stage.
Trump says he's being inaugurated.
Wow, this is insane.
We'll be back with Dr. Francis Boyle.
Remember, HIV is in your COVID vaccine.
HIV is in the COVID vaccine.
HIV is in the COVID vaccine.
HIV is in the COVID vaccine.
HIV is in the COVID vaccine.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force or actually carrying out force for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than they could ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech and big pharma are all pushing the cub as the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see somebody dying in southern nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones, are basically
I think so.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, let me know when you have Dr. Boyle, okay?
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here in incredibly dire times.
Amazing times.
Who could be bored right now with what's happening?
I've got hundreds of stories, dozens of video clips, so much huge election news.
There's hawks, red-tailed hawks, I'm here in D.C.
on this rooftop.
They're like doing a mating dance, going in circles and grabbing talons and screeching above us.
I don't... We got some HD footage of it.
This is just insane.
Uh, but uh, I don't know dude, but maybe wheel that camera over and show the Redtail Hawks.
I'm not making this up.
This is a pretty magic day.
And uh, DC has some good energy right now because the word is there's like a couple hundred thousand Patriots already here.
And I can't go in a CVS.
I can't go in a
Where's that clothing place we went in?
I forgot tennis shoes like an idiot.
I like packing 30 seconds like a monkey just grabbing something and throwing it in my double bag.
I mean, just fans everywhere, folks.
Which again, shows humanity's awake, humanity's involved, humanity's engaged.
And do you know what most of the people that came up to me and shook my hand said?
They said, Alex Jones, you woke me up.
It's not about Alex Jones, but if you want to excite me, don't thank me, just say I woke you up.
Because... God, look at that hawk.
It's dive-bombing again.
Look at that dive-bombing.
They just... All I'm saying is, you can wake others up.
It's a chain reaction.
We've got to do this together.
We've got to do it together now.
We can do it.
We don't have a choice.
We must do it.
Now, let me just put this out there.
I don't put this on air to act cool or act like, oh, I'm great.
I wish I had billions of dollars.
Like Soros, I would really defeat the Globals with your help.
We'd do it together.
But some of these groups wanted to put on events, and they didn't have money to get the stages.
And so we helped a couple of the groups.
$30,000 here, some money there.
That's what it costs to get the stages.
You have to have a certain amount of police that come out for it.
And you can say that violates the First Amendment or whatever, but I get it.
DC has to spend money to fund some of this stuff.
You can certainly protest on the side of the street by yourself if you want, but if you want to block off a major mall,
Something like the Lincoln Memorial or whatever.
You know, I get there's some money involved.
One group we helped fund had already spent, a Christian group, $100,000 getting some of these stages.
Look at that hawk right above us.
Red-tailed hawk.
Look at that.
So, I just want to get it once.
It's like super far off.
People are like, oh yeah, not a big deal.
See, earlier they were like, look at this.
Right here.
This is amazing.
Anyways, I'm digressing here.
I just want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for your prayers.
I want you to understand the historic point we're at.
And there's no other media institution like InfoWars that will break stuff right when we get it.
I paid a major investigative team to go investigate the SEC filings, because the White House asked me to, of the Communist Chinese and Dominion.
We broke the exclusive documents two weeks ago that are now all over the news.
Time and time again, we initiate the story when no one else will.
And then it becomes a chain reaction because others are scared to do it.
It's important for us to take the blame, take the hit, hit the barbed wire.
We're shock troops.
That's why keeping us in the fight is so incredibly critical.
So please go to InfoWarsTore.com, as I was saying earlier.
Get the fish oil, get the X2, get the Vazo Beats, get the Ultimate Turmeric Bodies, it's back in stock.
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Everybody should get the blocket pockets we have with the Faraday cages.
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So mfulworthshore.com.
I appreciate him coming on on short notice.
It's just an emergency situation.
He's the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, that is current law.
He prosecuted international war criminals at the UN, at the Hague, like Slobodan Milošević.
So he's the highest level international lawyer.
And it's not about bragging.
You need to know his curriculum vitae.
He went to the special PhD at Harvard that only a few globalists a year like Kissinger go through.
He was vetted for that, but he exposed it and basically infiltrated it.
He helped his law became UN law to a great extent.
He came out in February and said the gene coding of this is HIV delivery system, and now top scientists have come out, major universities have confirmed it, and the Australian government has suspended
The vaccines because people are testing positive for HIV.
They're going, oh, it's a false positive.
It doesn't matter.
It recognizes the HIV delivery system.
So he joins us for this segment, the next, and a longer segment coming up.
Dr. Boyle, you've got the floor only a few minutes here, I know.
Tell us how big this is.
For me, this is huge to have them suspend the vaccine that you called a bioweapon three days ago here on air and warned the world not to take.
Now, England is suspending the shots for under 16, for pregnant women, for those that have allergies.
It looks like the wheels are coming off this very, very quickly, Dr. Boyle.
Yes, Alex.
And I want to thank you very much for having me on.
And I agree with you.
We are
In an existential crisis, just as human beings and American citizens.
I have read the accounts of what happened out there in Australia, and I will give you my analysis for what it's worth.
Namely, this is a domestic, they call it a vaccine.
The notion that these were false positives, I find a cover story.
I think they were giving people HIV in these franken-shots.
As I've discussed with you before, COVID-19 has HIV DNA genetically engineered right into it.
And that was accomplished
By the Wuhan BSL-4, which is China's Fort Detrick, sending a scientist down to Australia to work with the Australian Health Board on DNA genetically engineering the HIV into SARS.
We've discussed this before.
I produced that article.
You'll put it on there.
And notice here, the statement coming out is by the director of the Australian Health Board.
Right, that's the exact same people who DNA genetically engineered HIV into SARS that was taken back to the Wuhan BSL-4, China's Fort Detrick, and turned into COVID-19.
I think what happened here, and oh, by the way,
The Five Eyes intelligence agencies agreed with me on that assessment of the situation, and Five Eyes includes the Australian intelligence.
They leaked that memorandum to the Australian news media.
And by the way, Dr. Bolton, let me interrupt you, but it isn't about bragging how you were so right.
People need to know this is deadly serious.
How were you the first to lay out this entire scenario that the Five Eyes later confirmed
Your scenario has now been confirmed.
How did you do that?
Well, let me then say that even Rupert Murdoch saw Sky News there in Australia, had me on the next Sunday for about 10 minutes to discuss this live on Australian TV.
That's right.
The wheels are coming off.
Stay there.
Stay there, Doctor.
We've got to go to the break.
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The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We are live!
We are broadcasting worldwide.
Coming to you from DC.
They're building the inauguration stage for Trump.
Biden has said he's not going to have inaugurations.
I don't know what's going on.
We're here covering it live.
Cohen Schroeder pops back in next hour.
I'm going to open the phones up and take your calls.
But Dr. Francis Boyle was just on national television in Australia.
They've been doing a pretty good job in Australia exposing that COVID came out of Wuhan, exposing this.
Though their government's been very oppressive and trying to do forced inoculations and things,
Their media has been some of the best we've been covering.
I didn't know that Dr. Boyle had just been on there exposing this, but I just knew that he was the guy first saying, this has HIV delivery system.
It may give you HIV.
And I mean, you can pull those interviews up 10 months ago, and now it's in the news.
They've suspended.
The National Vaccine Program of this mRNA vaccine, because I'm going to quote this again, people are testing positive for HIV.
So to get into the meat and potatoes, Doctor, of what we know and how big this is, and why suddenly England's saying, okay, don't give it to children, don't give it to pregnant women, don't give it to people that have allergic responses.
Why would they release it on accident or on purpose, have all this happen, and then cause a huge problem and get everybody sick?
It's a PR disaster for Bill Gates, but they just keep... Well, I know you're a lawyer and a scientist and a researcher.
You want to just go off the facts, so you've got the floor.
I'll shut up.
This is just mind-boggling watching this happen.
Right, Alex.
Let me go back then to what I think happened in Australia.
I'm only operating on the news media reports.
But this Australian Health Board here that supervises, they knew exactly what they were doing.
And when it comes to the development of a biological weapon, you need two elements.
First, you need the offensive agent itself, which they helped the Wuhan BSL-4 develop.
And then, that's COVID-19, and then you need a vaccine.
And what they do then is that they take the biological warfare weapon, in this case COVID-19, with the HIV DNA genetically engineered that they did, and then they reverse engineer it.
They do reverse DNA engineering to try to create a vaccine.
And I believe that is why, then, the HIV is in the so-called vaccine.
That they reversed-engineered the COVID.
Well, of course, COVID-19's got HIV in it, so they made a vaccine that's got it in it, and so now you take it, you test positive HIV.
And that's what happened with this.
We have to understand there are different vaccines in operation here.
So I think this was a reverse engineering of the biological warfare weapon that the Australian Health Board helped
I agree.
In the whole history of Tuskegee Experiment and Joseph Mengele, this is already ranking way up there.
I mean, you're the leading bioweapons expert on
On law.
I mean, you're recognized for losers.
Like, when it comes to law, what the prosecution is, you put up the U.S.
law of death penalty.
I mean, this rises to Tuskegee level, doesn't it already?
This is insane.
Oh, it far exceeds.
As we see here in the United States, 3,000 people died yesterday.
So, this is worse than the Spanish flu virus of 1918.
But let me come then to what's going on in the U.K.
They too gave even this emergency use authorization that was completely worthless, just as worthless as the emergency use authorization they gave to British troops on those experimental anthrax and botulin vaccines that gave the British troops
The Gulf War Syndrome, and I helped blow the whistle on that nationally in the TV4 Dirty War documentary.
So what happened then, here, it's very clear that
It's coming out now that these are frankenshots that the emergency use authorization the British gave is even more worthless than ours.
The two health care workers, they say, well, they were allergic and this was an allergic reaction.
It wasn't the vaccines.
Well, you know, that's another cover story, Alex.
It's hard to believe that two professional health care workers
With such severe allergies that they have to take EpiPen, that they have to carry EpiPens would take a vaccine like this.
I think it's just a cover story.
I think what we saw in those
Two cases were healthcare workers who had a severe reaction to these messenger RNA.
I mean, no doubt, Dr. Boyle, I could go for hours, but you've got to leave soon.
Big picture here.
How devastating is this for the system that they have to admit this is causing positive HIV tests, which they tried to cover up is
Inside this COVID-19, so of course a vaccine has to have COVID-19 in it, so it's got HIV.
This is like galactic level, wheels off, exploding, falling apart.
I mean, I guess I just hope this is just a blip on the radar.
No, this is spreading like wildfire.
Well, as I said, there are different vaccines involved here with different biotechnologies behind them.
As far as I could tell, what happened there in Australia was reverse engineering of the COVID-19 biological warfare.
A vaccine is an attenuated version of what we're fighting.
No, we get it.
So yeah, how do they get away with this?
Well, let me go back, though, to the British case.
So with these two health care workers, their reaction was so severe that apparently they had to be resuscitated.
In other words, they would have died without the resuscitation.
And now the British government is recommending that these frankenshots not be administered unless resuscitation facilities are available.
That's right, you've got to be in an emergency room to take this, it's so dangerous.
That's correct.
And in Britain, they have prioritized people over 80.
This is pursuant to Boris Johnson's philosophy, herd immunity, which, as we discussed before, is really the Nazi philosophy of useless eaters that was condemned at Nuremberg.
And as we know, in Britain, their elite
Uh, have, you know, have believed in this.
They've been eugenicists.
Oh, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, they want to kill everybody.
They say it.
They were collaborators with the Nazis.
We know Edward VII had to abdicate and the first person he went to visit was Adolf Hitler.
You're right, Edward VIII, the King of England.
So the British ruling class over there, they were all pro-Nazi.
And only when the war broke out did that turn around, and including the royal household.
So I'm afraid that's what we're seeing.
And I'm afraid these Frankenshots are just going to go through British nursing homes again and kill everyone off.
Well, Dr. Boyle, I can only say, and I know you don't care about accolades or praise, you have called this from day one, get rid of old people, buy a weapon, gain of function, HIV, you called it exactly as it was, I guess from deep research, being a bioweapons legal expert, you read everything.
I know you've got to go, but if you can do five more minutes, you've got to go understand.
We've got to go to break for two minutes here.
We've got about a minute and a half.
What should be done about this?
Shouldn't all the vaccines be halted?
Trump's warp speed is a horrible idea?
Shouldn't now with this happening?
First of all, everyone should refuse to take these franken-shots, and if they are, people try to
Force them on you, you say no.
These violate the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation applied to the Nazis, and it would violate international criminal law, and I have a basic human right under international criminal law not to take these frankenshots, and I am not going to take them.
That's the most important thing to do now.
That is why when you asked me a half hour ago to come out here on an emergency basis, I'm here.
I think that's the most important thing now, to stop these shots.
I mean, I agree.
I don't know how they... The good news is, they're backing off because it's so dangerous.
The bad news is, who's in control that they are just doing stuff like this that's so reckless?
What is the impetus behind it?
Why did they cook all this up?
We'll do five more minutes with Dr. Boyle, then he's got to go.
I want to ask him.
Why does he think Bill Gates and the Globalists are doing this?
Because everyone hates them now.
They're like the devil.
But it seems like they're just driven.
They're committed.
Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, and co-author to all the U.N.
laws, is our guest.
We'll be back in two minutes.
We'll do five more minutes with him.
And Owen Stroyer is down here in front of the Capitol.
We'll be talking to him.
He's just right down below me right now.
If you think 2020 has been an insane and dangerous year, just wait until you see the year 2021.
I'm Alex Jones.
I started InfoWars, but I couldn't have done any of this without you.
And now InfoWars is more important than ever because the general population of the planet is weighing up the fact that we've done our research and we've been dead on.
That's why it's so important for those of you out there that have supported the broadcast and the websites and the films and all the rest of the information we put out, to realize how important your work has been and to redouble your efforts.
So I salute you and I thank you.
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And again, thank you all for your support, and Merry Christmas.
God bless.
During our war for independence, during some of the darkest days, Thomas Jefferson, the man credited with writing our Declaration of Independence and much of our Constitution later, said, look, this is not going to be an easy fight.
We're not going to be transported to liberty on a bed of feathers.
No, ladies and gentlemen, we've actually had incredible successes with Donald Trump and Bolsonaro and the liberty movement worldwide.
We're going to have major setbacks, but
There is a giant awakening happening.
That's when the globals have gone ahead and launched their great reset, global collapse, worldwide social credit score, tracking app, microchip, forced inoculation, takeover now.
Because if they don't force it now, they're never going to get it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, final segment.
Final segment here with Dr. Francis A. Boyle, author, researcher, Google his name, author of the U.S.
Bylaws of Weapons Law, big contributor to the U.N.
law, the top prosecutor against world dictators, the world court, and he's here just frighteningly laying out exactly what happened.
And so I know you like to speculate, but you did, with the evidence you had, predict what was coming.
A global health crisis?
What is this?
A cover-up by people that released a bioweapon?
Then they wanted to be the saviors, and now it's even worse?
I mean, because if I was going to design a PR disaster for the Chi-Coms and for Bill Gates and for the UN, I would have designed this.
Because they think they're getting power out of it, but everybody I talk to, Dr. Bull, is really awake right now.
What other key points should folks know?
Well, as I see it,
This is a one-two punch against human beings.
We have COVID-19 that is an existentially dangerous biological warfare weapon, and now we have these frankenshots.
That's how dangerous it is, a one-two punch against the human beings.
Now, before you ask me, well, you know, what is the mentality here?
Well, again, I'm not here to toot my horn.
I spent seven years at Harvard.
I have three degrees from Harvard.
I taught two years at Harvard.
And it's the most elite institution in the world.
And what you have at Harvard is the ubermensch versus untermensch philosophy.
That the Nazis adopted.
Namely, we, the elite, are the ubermensch, the overmen.
And you, the rest of humanity, are the untermensch, the undermen.
And so that led, in part, to Hitler and the Nazis' doctrine of useless eaters.
That was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal.
Namely, the poor people with disabilities, whether physical or mental, old people, Jews, Roma, Slavic people, they're untermenschen, we are ubermensch, and so they do not deserve to live.
And I'm afraid this is what we are doing, and we have to come to grips with it as human beings.
And each one of us, in our own way, with our own conscience and religious philosophical system, has to figure out, well, where do we stand and what are we going to do about it?
You're saying, bottom line, it's another power trip, it's another corporate power grab, and they're creating a crisis so they can offer the solution.
You think it leaked on accident, I think they did it on purpose.
Regardless, they're not letting a crisis go to waste, and they're so mismanaging it, I think it's really turning the public against them.
I think these so-called supermen, these over-rulers, have miscalculated.
What do you gut-level think?
As an American, as a patriot, what do you think, Doctor?
Well, I regret to report, I do watch all of the mainstream news media and I read it.
And so far, they're all in the tank for this.
Every one of them.
Remember, the media are part of the elite too.
They think they are part of the ubermensch.
And so, if you watch the mainstream US media,
And I monitor all of it to see what's going on.
You read the mainstream U.S.
news media.
So far, they're getting away with it.
They are very good at propaganda.
And the propaganda around COVID-19 and now these Frankenshots is astounding.
I understand.
What you're saying is, no matter if it doesn't make sense, no matter if it's killing people, they don't care if they're moving forward and they believe they're in a position of power.
Well, they'll end up like Hitler, hopefully.
Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
We really appreciate it.
People should Google your name, find your books and more.
Thanks for your courage and being a visionary.
Thank you very much.
I've got some really exciting good news, and I've also got some bad news.
InfoWars is getting the highest traffic we have ever gotten since the election in 2016.
Despite all the bans, all of the system trying to censor us and suppress us, you with your word of mouth have overridden that, and they are so scared of InfoWars.com and Banned.Video, and they're so scared of you being able to communicate and share the truth.
We're bringing in the same amount of money we brought in last December right now.
This is our most important month to be able to fund ourselves in the next year.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, I just had Dr. Francis A. Boyle, the writer of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law.
That's a big deal.
The head U.N.
prosecutor of war criminals.
I mean, the dude's like way up there.
And he's telling you it's a world government that wants to basically poison and kill the public as the overmention against the lower people.
The supermen against the lower.
And that's what this is.
And so the left is all liberal and, oh, your little business has got to have a handicap ramp.
And that's all to make you not want to take care of people and to make it a burden to take care of sick people and old people, all the rest of it, so that you just say, screw it, kill everybody.
That's what all of this really is about.
And to know that, I mean, I love how Boyle is so academic.
He's like, why do you think people that took the new mRNA vaccine that the Australian government put out
And to make sure you get sick, Bill Gates wants you to have five of these a year to be able to go on an airplane or have a job.
I mean, this is a total collapse level event.
This is the takeover.
I'm going to give Owen Schroer, because I've been ranting and he's been out there doing great reports.
He's right behind me.
You can see I've got the Capitol 400 yards behind me.
Owen is right down there.
We're the stage.
That's right.
They won't call it HIV.
We'll have all these new autoimmune disorders, all these new problems, which we know from the EU's own commission, their own scientists say they've got to shut this down.
This is incredible.
So, as a patriot, as an American, hearing us all cover this, seeing the documents, in this segment, right in front of the Capitol, in front of Trump's inauguration stage, what the hell's going on in your view on this HIV situation and the vaccine?
You know, Alex, I want to actually really trace this back and think about what we've been dealing with for a long time here in America.
You know, forced vaccinations is nothing new.
In fact, mandatory vaccines is something this country has accepted for decades now.
I think it was actually Ronald Reagan that brought it in where, oh, to go to school or to do these a bunch of other things, you have to get all these vaccines as a kid.
It was one then, maybe two, maybe a polio thing, three, four, five.
Now it's 11, 20, 30.
And in the beginning, myself included, there was a gut instinct.
There was a gut instinct.
What is this substance they're putting in my body?
What is this needle?
Why am I being forced to do this?
It should be a gut level instinctual reaction.
No, you're not going to chemically rape me.
No, I'm not going to put a foreign substance into my blood.
It should just be a gut instinct.
But see, this is when it comes back down to how they're attacking our very gut instincts, Alex.
We don't even have the microbiome capacity that we used to have, which quite frankly, it's in your microbiome, it's in your gut, where
Your ancestors passed down generational knowledge.
I mean, the truth is you probably have the same bacteria living in your gut that your great great great great great great grandparents had.
So that's that gut instinct.
That's that learned knowledge.
And Alex, you were talking about in the car last night how we're only two generations removed from actual hunters and people that would build homes.
And start fires and heat their own home and hunt their own meals.
Like, we're only two or three generations removed from that.
Think about where we're going to be in two or three more generations if we accept this force of inoculations which won't even make us human anymore.
Like, we think, oh, we're not human anymore.
We don't live out in the woods.
We don't build cabins.
We don't build fires.
You know, we don't hunt.
We don't have kids.
It's going to be in two, three generations, it's going to be you don't even have a reproductive
Oh, you just said total.
You're totally right.
Absolutely true.
And I want it to be true for generations.
It's now.
It's here.
We're talking total sterilization.
You know, in Austin, I was talking to a medical doctor.
Austin has the highest rate.
They have their own statistics.
This is not a public number.
67% of births are cesarean.
They make more money, they get it done quicker, they're taking control of the reproductive thing.
It'll be a conspiracy soon that women ever had birth vaginally.
They're making it a conspiracy that women ever breastfed their children.
Well, they make a woman wait for a few days, don't give the baby the milk, so that then the baby has a problem with their blood sugar, so they go on formula, then their brain is literally a third smaller.
This is a weaponized program.
The average nurse, the average doctor just follows orders, but the good news is,
There's an awakening to this happening as folks begin to figure all this out.
So it's a very, very exciting moment.
I want to get into Trump and how huge things are and the big march tomorrow.
Next segment with you.
But I just want listeners to understand something.
It's exactly what you just said.
They have to normalize people getting sick from the vaccines.
They have to normalize all this tyranny.
They have to get us accustomed to getting sick and having autoimmune disorders or having convulsions or dying because that's what it's supposed to do.
This is the new big nasty vaccine, worse than all the others before.
But imagine big tech now censoring people.
As they expose this, as medical doctors talk about it, that's why InfoWars is more critical than ever.
So this is all a normalization of a sterilization, soft kill operation being carried out, Owen.
Yeah, and think about it, Alex.
Here's the analogy.
It's like, you know, two, three generations ago,
What would you do?
You wanted to get a nice steak?
You want to get a nice burger?
Well, you might even know the guy that had the cow.
You might know the guy that butchered the cow, cut the cow.
You may even be the guy that did that.
Now, you know, kids these days think about a cheeseburger or steak.
Oh, just go to McDonald's.
Just go to the restaurant.
So that's that changing of the guard where hunting or, you know, getting your own food is just completely removed.
It'll be the same thing with your immune system.
Oh, you don't even have an immune system anymore.
Just go to the doctor and get a shot.
There's no immune system.
You say, hey, you know, you used to
We're being made totally domesticated, and we don't even live as long now.
None of this is working.
It's killing us.
Totally controlled.
When you're completely reliant on one system, when you're completely reliant on a system that's outside of your body, which used to be, we were all self-reliant in America.
That's the culture that they're removing for us.
Oh, you're no longer self-reliant, you don't get any of your own food.
Oh, I totally agree, but how are they?
I want you to host the next segment yourself.
Because I want to hear what you have to say.
I want you to give us a tour of the stage.
Explain why that's so big.
Why is there a Trump stage?
Biden's not going to have a stage.
Why are they building a stage if it's going to be Biden?
This is big, the E-Point.
It's hiding in plain view.
You made this major discovery.
2 plus 2 equals 4.
I'm not being condescending.
I didn't think of that.
Next segment, you're going to take over and host Owen.
And give folks a tour of Trump's 2021 inauguration, January 20th event.
So you'll take over next segment.
But just remember, listeners, it costs money to do these demonstrations.
We're paying for some of the stages and some of the permits.
It takes money to rip this rooftop and be here in front of the Capitol.
It takes money to put Owen out there on the street.
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And the more money pours in, the more we're going to fight.
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Owen Troyer takes over for a segment.
Then I'm gonna come back, I'll be listening to him.
Straight ahead on the other side from D.C.
We are live.
Spread the word or roll over and die.
Globalists are taking control of the entire human genome.
They are forcing mutations.
This is forced evolution or de-evolution.
When you look at all the major research, all the major programs they're carrying out, they are not to produce people that are smarter, or folks that live longer, or more moral.
It's turning humanity into a commodity.
Now we see some propaganda, like communist China bragging, Hey, we've done mRNA vaccines that make our soldiers supermen.
That's a way to make it sexy that, hey, we're experimenting on our troops.
Well, the same thing's been happening to our troops, and thousands and thousands have died each time they tried a new experimental vaccine.
And I'm talking to high-level folks inside the federal government and the state of Texas Health Department.
They say, Alex, we know it hurts a lot of people, but it's for a greater good.
But that's not even true.
And it violates the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Code, federal and state law.
This is violence being carried out against us by military, and we have a right to resist it with any means necessary.
The U.S.
Postal Service tells InfoWars that as long as you get your order in by December 18th, and we're able to ship it out by that date, you will get it anywhere in the United States before Christmas.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Royer here live from Washington, D.C.
We are standing in front of the U.S.
Capitol building where I've had some fun here before.
Haven't I?
In fact, we were trying to get you a closer shot of the construction of the inauguration stage, or shall I say re-inauguration stage, when I believe that, let's just say the Democrats have put a ping on my location here in D.C.
and they told the Metro Police to make sure I'm not doing anything, or if I am doing anything that they can arrest me for to just bring me in.
So they harassed us a little bit for walking around, so we came out back here to the front here.
But as you can see, now,
I want you guys to understand something here.
I just call things as I see things.
And it's crazy that that's, you know, such a revolutionary act in media these days.
You know, call it telling the truth.
Or forecasting, whatever.
I just call it as I see it.
I go with my gut.
No holds barred.
And so when I get in D.C.
and I'm not seeing anybody cover this.
I mean, you're not you're not hearing people talk about the inauguration stage.
You're not hearing people even talk about really an inauguration, except for the Biden team saying they're going to do a virtual inauguration.
There'll be no inauguration this year.
That's what they said.
So when I got to D.C.
and I saw the Capitol and I came down here,
And I saw the big beautiful Christmas tree, and I saw them building, constructing the inauguration stage.
The first thing that came to my head would be, well, why are they doing that?
If Biden won, they wouldn't be building this stage.
Biden said he's not doing an inauguration.
The Biden transition team said they're not doing an inauguration.
And the office of the president-elect said they're not doing an inauguration.
They said they're going to do a virtual inauguration because of COVID.
And remember,
A few months ago, Nancy Pelosi actually already had this game planned out.
She said, well, it doesn't matter where the inauguration takes place.
is just a geographic location.
We can have the inauguration anywhere.
And in fact, we're going to do it digitally.
So they already had their parallel construction planned for when Trump wins.
And they have a fake inauguration of Joe Biden.
But not only is
The inauguration stage being constructed, perhaps a hint, a wink, a nod from President Trump that, yeah, I won and yes, I will be re-inaugurated in January.
Perhaps the biggest tell of them all, folks, is notice on top of the scenic
Inauguration stage here is a United States flag.
Now everybody knows if it was Biden that would be inaugurated here, that would be a Chinese flag.
So as you can see, this is going to be Trump's re-inauguration stage.
Biden isn't going to do an inauguration in D.C.
He wants to do it digitally, you know, so they can put on the makeup, put on the little puppet strings.
He's probably got little strings on his mouth that they pull and they can get the right lighting so he doesn't look like a rotting corpse.
But, I mean, folks, the tell-all.
A total fake event.
Not only are they building Trump's inauguration stage, the United States of America flag flies above it.
And everybody knows, if it was a Biden inauguration, that would be the Chinese Communist flag that would be waving right now.
So perhaps another tell that this is going to be President Trump's re-inauguration stage.
Again, I just landed in D.C., saw the stage being built, and said, hmm, this is kind of a big news story.
How is nobody reporting it?
But that's the crazy thing about InfoWars is all we do is tell you the truth that nobody else will tell you.
And so it seems like it's some sort of big revelation.
Like we just had Dr. Francis Boyle on.
In fact, he's been coming on for months, years now, talking about this, how they merged this COVID virus in a lab with HIV.
Now it's all coming out, and how they want to have an RNA vaccine that will rewrite the human genome.
And so then, you won't even have a human genome anymore, and it's already been signed off by the Supreme Court, actually.
Clarence Thomas said, well, if you look at a human genome or a DNA sequence that is not from nature, in other words, if you create an alien genome that's not from nature, it can be patented.
And you've already seen people do this with certain, like, people that do mastectomies.
There's a cell in the breast that they say, oh, we own that.
Now we own mastectomies and stuff like that.
So there's all kinds of weird stuff.
But if they do this, if Bill Gates gets away with this, it will rewrite the human genome.
It won't be a human genome.
It'll be an alien DNA sequence genome that they can then patent and claim they own you.
But that's not what we're here to talk about in this segment.
Think about the fact nobody's covering the inauguration stage being built.
The Biden fake president-elect team hasn't called up and said, wait a second, hold on, we're energy efficient here.
Why are you wasting energy?
Why are you wasting all the gas and electricity and everything it takes to build this stage?
Why are you using police that should be defunded to protect the stage that's being built?
Why would you be doing this?
Why would you be having a planned event where people will be coming to gather when there's this deadly COVID going around?
Why are they not doing it?
Because they know it's all fake.
And they planned on doing a virtual inauguration no matter what.
And I actually suspect
If the Supreme Court throws out the fake result, the illegal result from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, which if Trump wins those electoral votes, he does win the election, just on the numbers.
He doesn't need to worry about getting Nevada back or getting Arizona back.
He can win with those four states.
That's why they're going after them.
They clearly broke the law.
It'll put Trump over 270, and they'll still have a fake inauguration for Biden.
Here's why.
Biden is a Chinese communist asset.
So they say, look Joe, you have to project power.
Even though you have none, you have to project power because we have to project power.
So they'll say, do the fake inauguration, do the virtual inauguration.
All the mainstream media will go along with it.
They probably won't even show Trump out on this stage in a month.
Giving an inauguration speech.
They probably wouldn't even show.
In fact, they didn't show.
Last month, we had millions, over a million people in Washington, D.C.
marching in D.C.
all kinds of different rallies and events.
The media didn't even cover it, folks.
The media did not even cover it.
It's like it didn't even happen.
Even Rush Limbaugh, who is considered the godfather of conservative media and talk radio, even Rush Limbaugh did not know that it happened.
He didn't know.
Now granted, he's going through some cancer treatment right now and he can't possibly see everything.
He watches mainstream news.
So he was stunned when someone called into his show and said, Hey Rush, didn't you see what happened in D.C.
last weekend with millions of people?
I don't know anything.
He said, What?
I never heard of that.
Folks, they didn't even cover it.
They didn't even cover it.
So they'll do the same thing for Trump's re-inauguration, but they couldn't have a Biden inauguration here anyway.
Whether there was COVID or not, they couldn't have a Biden inauguration here.
I have more people watching this segment right now.
I didn't promote I would be here.
I have more people watching this segment right now, live in person, than Biden had at any rally all year.
Look at this.
All year.
And look at this.
They're not standing in the hula hoops.
Maybe if they were standing in the Biden hula hoops, it might look like a Biden rally.
So think about that.
Of course they're not going to have a Biden inauguration that is going to have an empty field, a rotting corpse, a corrupt politician of 50 plus years, a rotting husk of a former human standing up there addressing an empty field.
They can't have that folks.
Plus he might pass out.
There's a solid breeze.
They could blow Joe Biden right off the stage.
You go, whoa!
There goes Joe!
So they would never have an inauguration for Biden out here.
So that's why they projected it early saying, no, no, no.
That's just a geographic location.
We don't really care about that.
We'll have a virtual inauguration for Joe.
Plus, there's a COVID going around that we just killed the US economy, freaking you out about.
So we're not going to have an inauguration.
We'll have a digital inauguration.
So they're really planning this, folks.
And they ran the war games with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton.
They're really planning this separatist movement.
So there's two separatist movements.
There's the Chinese-controlled Democrat Party and some Republicans that are controlled by China, China assets like Eric Swalwell.
That are going to try to break away from the U.S.
to take it over.
And then there's the Bill Gates technotronic separatists that want to make us slaves.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Owen Troyer.
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and is being incrementally orchestrated.
First, it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty.
That's all.
Then it's two months.
Then it's six months.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
Then it's a year.
And people are now saying, I like my mask.
I like my face diaper.
I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers, this is our new neurotic control freak society.
Overseen by robots.
Overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
That's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought!
COVID more devastating than they could ever imagine!
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run in our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores and Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
Most of the world submitted to the unconstitutional criminal lockdowns directed by the Communist Chinese and the United Nations.
And now because the slaves have proven themselves to be subservient, the worst Australian models of complete lockdowns where you can't even leave your house for months and months are being announced.
And in Germany, the police are using giant armored tanks with water cannons to blast men, women, and children that protest the fact that Merkel, the dictator, has put them under her control.
That's right, she's been rigging elections for years and years.
And the same thing is coming here to the United States.
This is world government.
In Philadelphia, they've announced four people or more seen together will be arrested.
They're announcing that Christmas is canceled.
This is what the communist takeover looks like.
To bankrupt you, to take rid of all your due process, and absolutely
Transform the world into a prison planet.
How long have we warned you about this?
But you can fight back.
America is the last bastion.
Stop submitting!
Our entire modern system has been built to track and trace us.
Not because we're doing anything wrong, but so we can be socially engineered and controlled.
And now, that's out in the open.
One way to take back a lot of your power is to put your so-called smartphone in a privacy pocket when you're not using it that way.
Hackers, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Clintons, contact tracers, and all these big corporations that are setting up this tracking and control grid in the name of fighting COVID.
They admit their internal documents are truly about that.
A tax society control system don't have that power over you.
They protect their locations.
They protect where they're going and what they're doing.
I can tell you.
I was the first person 20 years ago said cover up the cameras on your computer and now of course Bill Gates and all of them admit they're doing that.
Mark Zuckerberg.
So get your Privacy Pockets.
They make great stocking stuffers and great gifts.
They've been sold out for months in little Faraday cages.
They're only $19.95 and they're back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
Give the gift of privacy and security and safety with Privacy Pockets at InfoWareStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So we've been spending so much time trying to warn you about world government and trying to convince you it's real, the fact that it's predatory and anti-human, that now that it's here, people don't know what to do.
They're like, oh my gosh, including myself.
We're going through the same process together.
And I'm talking to Dr. Boyle earlier and Owen earlier who will say bye to Owen in a moment because he's got to come back upstairs and get over here and get back on air.
He's going to host the fourth hour of the three hours of war room up here on top of this building overlooking the Capitol.
But really, I'm like, Boyle, we're winning.
They're admitting it gives you HIV.
They're admitting that it's, and he's like, no, the whole media is going to say just do it.
And so as positive as we think this is, it's not positive.
Because I see the general public.
They're under Stockholm Syndrome.
And this is just the normalization that, okay, half the boys take shots will be retarded the rest of their life.
Boys are bad.
The left is like, well, boys are bad, you know?
Normally boys die in war.
Now they die from the shot.
They live in diapers the rest of their life, but they're mentally dead.
They're essentially off the board.
And so this is eugenics.
This is the science fiction dystopia you're living in.
And now they're coming with the girls.
With just one aspect of this vaccine that's a live virus.
They admit it's a live mRNA virus that goes in and reprograms your cells.
And even I have nightmares now.
Every night.
By nightmares, my brain is so concerned about this that I usually have dreams about going fishing, or dead family members, or where I talk to a dog.
Dreams are crazy, they're weird.
But now my dreams are all like, I'm in a boardroom looking at documents, real stuff that I research during the day, trying to figure out...
Why is it?
And then my brain gets pissed off because it can only remember something I read.
It's like, read the rest of the file.
Let's say I didn't read the whole thing.
So my brain's like, remembers what I read and like, oh, you didn't turn the page.
So there's like a frustration in my dream.
Like, you didn't read that.
My brain's like, read more, read more.
So I'll sit there in my office like 10 hours some days.
I'll take a break and take the baby out, you know, she's three and a half now, but take her for a hike or I'll go take my wife to dinner.
I'll go see some of my parents or friends, but I'm always like back to like just my brain's like, give me more, give me more, give me more.
And now it's commanding me to stop this.
It's commanding me to break the globalists.
It's commanding me to resist them.
It's commanding me to warn you because this is huge.
This is a new type of war and it's hitting us before we figure out what's happening.
So, Owen Troyer, great job showing folks the inauguration site, what's unfolding tomorrow with the big march, but just historically, what would you call this time we're in, and then what are you going to be covering tonight when you host the next four hours?
Well, Alex, let me just first say this.
When you were talking about Francis Boyle and how this whole thing is being exposed with the bioweapon and the vaccine,
And you say, well, we're having victory.
We're exposing it.
You know, here's the analogy, I think, Alex.
I mean, imagine if we all knew about the Manhattan Project before the Manhattan Project came out.
And it's like, hey, look, they got this atom bomb.
They're going to drop it on us.
It's going to kill a couple million people.
It's going.
And then that's like saying, OK, well, we have victory.
It's going.
We know what they're going to do.
No, they're loading up the atom bomb.
They're wheels up.
They're getting above the drop zone.
And it's coming down.
That's what these vaccines are.
So they've loaded up the vaccines.
They've put them out.
They've got $200 million from the government.
They've got it all coming.
They've got the forced plant.
They've got all of it.
This is the new Manhattan Project.
This is the new cellular... Let's go back.
Let's go back.
They had a cartoon.
Ten years ago, or whatever it was, I don't follow cartoons and comic books, but I went and saw it, and Dr. Manhattan blows up all the governments and kills half the population to have peace.
Well, that's Bertrand Russell.
So exactly, they've launched their attack, they've launched their Manhattan Project against humanity, and we're like, oh look, the vaccines are sterilizing and giving people HIV.
We're like, see, we're right.
But the public will actually go take it because they're told to, because they're in a trance under mind control.
Is that what you're getting at here?
It's just, it's a race against time, Alex.
I mean, again, if you could have warned the Japanese or, you know, whoever, hey, you know, this bomb's about to drop, you know, they're like, oh, it's fine.
Oh, we know now.
We're safe.
No, there's the B-52.
I mean, there it is.
Oh, there it's coming down.
It's coming.
I mean, get to the bomb shelter.
Like, that's what that, it's a race against time.
That's where we're at right now, Alex.
No, I agree.
So it's like telling people bombers are coming, and they're laughing at you, and finally you see the bombers, and now you see bombs coming out of the bombers.
It's like, oh look, we told you there's bombs!
Now luckily for most of us, Alex, we have not taken this bioweapon vaccine, and this audience probably won't.
But I have a feeling... Let me give you the bad news, Owen.
Let me give you the bad news, Owen.
It's a live virus vaccine, the mRNA.
It's gonna spread.
They're releasing the bioweapon in the vaccine.
It's a total buy weapon, but the good news is, Alex, is that we haven't taken it yet, we won't take it, but I have a feeling- Well, the good news is, Fauci's gonna go to prison or be given the death penalty when it comes out this is bigger than the Nazis.
Bill Gates and Fauci and all them are guilty, and she should start talking about how they're going to prison.
My God, this is BS, man.
That's the only way this stops, Alex.
Because there's going to be, I predict, there's going to be about a two-year period where it's going to be forced vaccines or you can't do anything.
I mean, you can't travel, you can't leave your home, you can't go to a restaurant, nothing.
And we'll have to deal with it.
But only if we opted and follow it.
They can't control illegal aliens.
But they know as citizens, we follow orders.
We have to ignore all this crap.
When you go in a restaurant, they want the QR code to get your food?
Say, I want a regular menu.
Because that QR code is the tracking system.
We all have to stop complying with our own instruction.
But why did they get rid of the small businesses, Alex?
Because those are the people that would have rebelled.
Those were the people that were outside of the system that would have been free market capitalists and said, no, we're not going to make you take a vaccine.
Come eat here.
No, we're not going to make you take a vaccine.
They know only big corporations will enforce it.
No, exactly.
That's why it's not too late to turn back.
But people better realize this is so dystopian.
This is so sick.
This is so real, brother.
So I'm going to come up to you, Alex, and meet you and take over.
And I think we're going to be taking a lot of calls today.
It is Friday.
And I know the people are chomping at the bit to have their voices heard right now.
And they're angry.
They're fired up.
They're mad.
And we're about to have a massive rally and march for President Trump to stop the steal tomorrow in D.C.
All right, Owen, go ahead and get your butt up here.
We appreciate you.
All right.
I got a bunch of clips I haven't played, and I'm going to do one segment of those.
And then Owen, who's down there at the Capitol behind me, he's going to be up here hosting the fourth hour, and then the three hours of the war room.
And then I guess Harrison Smith, who's doing a splendid job, he'll be hosting election countdown.
People are like, oh, where's your election countdown going after the election?
I said, it's going nowhere.
It's going to be contested.
The Globalist said that.
Then they announced his false victory and have done all this.
But how big is it?
How big is it that Biden says he's not doing an inauguration here on the mall, but it's all being built.
It's all being built right there.
So that shows you archetypally that the game's not over.
The fat lady hadn't sung yet.
And I'll just say this again.
I'm burning the candle on both ends, and I'm happy to do it.
I love doing it.
It's in his history.
Things are so magic now.
We've been doing this so long that, you know, God's just carrying us through.
It's not me.
It's God doing all this, and it's you, and God working through you.
But we're going to have live coverage and live streams.
The internet breaks up, and goes in and out.
We're going to have probably a half a million or more protesters out here marching against this fraudulent election.
Our live streams may go in and out tomorrow.
We've gotten some new technology, some new stuff we've got.
There's like a cell tower that the guy carries around on his back, like a turtle.
It says, don't get it too close to you, so I'm not sure if we should even do that.
But poor Greg says he's ready to have it mounted on his head, so.
We're gonna see, but we've got all that coverage tomorrow at multiple events.
Multiple events, one at Freedom Plaza, one at the Lincoln Memorial, both at noon.
I'm going to probably be part of both of those.
I think we'll probably take over the Freedom Plaza event with a little neocon snot in those ladies.
Because the people that are going to be there are great, but these ladies are pieces of work.
We'll probably take that over, leave that at the Supreme Court tomorrow at like 1pm, but it doesn't matter.
We're going to be covering the truth.
We're going to be there.
We're going to be breaking it down.
I just want to encourage you again.
Spreading the word.
Praying for the broadcast.
Buying the products.
That's what makes the world go round.
So commit to do your Christmas shopping at InfoWareStore.com.
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Huge discounts.
They rarely do these.
It's been years since they did it.
Now they've done three sales in the last few months.
This is their biggest sale of the year.
The last sale of the year.
It's like 10% off a bunch of stuff.
$100 off other sortable foods.
The one month supply, you name it.
We'll be right back with PrepareWithAlex.com.
It's been said that you should strike while the iron is hot.
Well, InfoWars is white hot right now.
World government, globalist forces trying to take over the United States is mainstream news.
And InfoWars credibility has gone through the roof.
That's why now is the time to contact local radio, TV, and cable stations.
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Go to the local stations, call them, email them.
The Pope came out yesterday and announced a global government corporate alliance to redistribute wealth and create a planetary universal income which of course the United Nations and global corporations will control through the apps on your phone and finally a chip under your skin.
It's all now completely official.
Part of the UN Great Reset of the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab
All officially written about in hundreds of books by Schwab and Rockefeller Foundation, all the rest of them.
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
It's here.
And only gets worse, like being fed into a wood chipper, or a meat grinder, until you reject it all.
And the rejection starts with realizing it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil, and stopping abortion.
We must start valuing human life again.
We must start saying that we are not expendable, that we are not disposable, that we are essential.
Until we do that, we are all slaves.
We must stand up and declare our basic God-given human rights now.
I've got some really exciting good news, and I've also got some bad news.
InfoWars is getting the highest traffic we have ever gotten since the election in 2016.
Despite all the bans, all of the system trying to censor us and suppress us, you with your word of mouth have overridden that, and they are so scared of InfoWars.com and Banned.Video, and they're so scared of you being able to communicate and share the truth.
We're bringing in the same amount of money we brought in last December right now.
This is our most important month to be able to fund ourselves into next year.
And I understand the economy shut down.
I understand there's not as much money as there used to be.
They're trying to kill Trump's recovery.
But InfoWars really needs your support.
You just buy great items, do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com with huge sales, amazing products.
And then you know you're funding the InfoWar and not funding Amazon and Jeff Bezos and the globalists that are openly trying.
You must guard your humanity.
You must guard your children's humanity.
You must guard the very genetic code of the planet.
The globalists have set themselves up as the guardians of this world, but they are the ones that are overriding every genetic system and poisoning the planet.
They are the ones that are now engaged in genetic takeover of every human on earth to the GMO crops.
And now they've moved on to their main target, humanity, with the mRNA vaccines, which are not vaccines.
They are recombinant DNA from aborted, cloned fetuses.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, my friends.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Welcome back.
Owen Schroer is about to host the fourth hour.
And three more hours after that, taking your phone calls, playing all these clips, going to all the news.
But we can't just let them come out and say, OK, if you take the COVID shot, it says you have HIV.
We can't just let them normalize that.
We have to get upset about that.
We have to realize what's happening.
We have to say no.
That's really what all of this is, is a globalist normalization process where, okay, 10,000 U.S.
troops died from the experimental botulism and anthrax shots.
That's admitted.
10,000 U.S.
troops died over 20 years in illegal experimentation on them?
It was wrong to inject black people with syphilis and kill them.
It was wrong to inject our troops with this and do it.
And now they've beta-tested on those communities they control, whether it's poor black people or the military, people under government control.
It's not the general government doing it, it's the scientific elite class that everyone goes, oh, you're the doctors, you're the scientists, you do whatever you want.
So Bill Gates and Fauci are like, okay, we're creating gain of function.
With bat viruses, COVID-19.
Even two years ago, they called it COVID-19.
In the literature.
And what it would do.
And how it was a weaponized SARS.
With an HIV delivery system.
And then Fauci's name is on it!
But it just sits out there as a fact.
And nothing is done.
And they don't get in trouble.
Then you get Governor Abbott.
Oh, the big Texas patriot.
And just like Boris Johnson, he becomes one of the biggest disappointments.
And he comes out and he says, oh, we need to have state-sponsored inoculation.
We're going to declare it an emergency to make it a mandatory vaccine.
Now that's color of law.
That doesn't mean what it says.
Emergency means the state implements it, like Gardasil 15 years ago, with another Republican governor that did the wrong thing, Rick Perry.
And so a vaccine that couldn't get approved by the feds, and a vaccine that couldn't get approved by the UN.
This was so dangerous to sterilize women.
It didn't protect you from human papillomavirus.
Because the governor said it was an emergency, it kicked in the 86 Reagan Act.
Which is a bad thing Reagan did.
Reagan's biggest failure.
Oh, it's just inoculation.
Believe in science.
Reagan thought, oh, we're giving somebody a shot of something attenuated so you learn how to beat it.
No, that's not what this is.
It's something government or corporations put in you.
That's what a vaccine is.
Nanotech, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA.
It goes on and on.
And so now, this just came out minutes ago on the governor's Twitter, Greg Abbott,
Office of the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, State of Texas activates federal COVID-19 vaccination program for long-term care staff residents.
Now you read that, you go, oh, it's a federal program for old people.
That means liability protection kicks in.
Just like with Gardasil.
And again, does it help old people?
No, it kills them.
Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the state of Texas will participate in the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Program, a federal program to vaccinate residents and staff of long-term care facilities with COVID-19.
The program is free of charge to facilities and send staff and Pfizer's vaccines, which is the mRNA super deadly one, the one already killing people in England.
We're participating Walgreens and CVS locations, these facilities to vaccinate residents and staff who volunteer to participate.
How's an 89-year-old woman with Alzheimer's volunteer to take something that's probably going to kill her?
And once it kills them or makes them sick, now they've corrupted the local staff.
That's why they send people with COVID in the nursing homes to kill them, to corrupt the staff to set that paradigm.
I've learned how they operate.
The first vaccines included in this program will be provided to pharmacies this week, December 21st, 2020.
And the program will begin December 28th, 2020.
So within minutes of the FDA approving the experimental mRNA vaccine.
They are now going to hit the old people which have been the main target of this and it's a live virus recombinant mRNA system and I've had scientists and medical doctors and top lawyers on telling you and it's confirmed a similar vaccine in Australia was suspended because it's killing people and it's giving them HIV.
Let's play a clip of Fauci.
I was going to play this last hour.
I didn't get to it.
Here's Fauci saying black people are disadvantaged.
So you get the shot first.
It has HIV in it now confirmed.
All the vaccines do.
Because that's what the COVID-19 is.
It's a souped up data function HIV.
And now we know that people with melanin in their skin, it's on a scale.
But Africans, I mean, if you're a Central African, about as African as you can get, you look at a vial of this, you're dead.
I mean, it's like they joke, a black dude can get AIDS just walking by a girl that's got it.
Whites can get it too, but we don't have the receptors where it doesn't plug in as well.
We've got to not have an immune system to die from it.
A healthy black person gets HIV like this and dies.
So, this is hardcore, folks.
This isn't a joke.
And a lot of people joke, they go, well, there are too many third world people.
You gonna go over there and kick those kids' brains out yourself?
Really gonna line up black folks and just shoot them?
Doesn't matter if they've been dumbed down.
Doesn't matter if they've been weaponized.
Doesn't matter if they've been used by the UN to flood us.
I'm against all that.
But I will not sit back and be part of eugenics operations with Bill Gates.
I will not be part of it.
And you shouldn't be part of it either.
So, I've got a couple clips of Fauci.
I keep the poor crew on their toes because I asked for these hours ago and they had them.
But play the Fauci clip of him saying, black people get this first because he loves them so much.
HIV targets blacks way more than whites.
And now it's HIV.
Get it?
And then the other clip where he says Trump will be hit with a big virus in 2017 that will challenge his administration.
They had all this cooked up and ready.
Here are those clips.
African American brothers and sisters, is that the vaccine that you're going to be taking was developed by an African American woman.
And that is just a fact.
I mean, that is a fact.
And I think that's some of the things that people don't fully appreciate.
Given, as you heard from the introduction, that I have been around for a while and have had the opportunity and the privilege and the pleasure of serving in five administrations, I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of pandemic
Uh, preparedness.
And if there's one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience, and you'll see that in a moment, is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena.
All right.
The history of the last 32 years that I've been the director of NIAID will tell the next administration that there's no doubt in anyone's mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.
So for those who think that infectious diseases is gone, there's so many people who have made foolhardy statements not knowing at the time that they made them.
I usually show a quote from an old search... Okay, I want to play a few more clips here now.
Let's play the Justin Trudeau clip everybody's heard, the new one they haven't heard, where he's speaking to a group of women recently and he says, I don't know if this is women, because I love dictatorship, the best dictatorship is China, I admire them, I want to live like they do.
Because that's what this all is, okay?
And you've got the victims, the women.
Where they statistically know women will lay down to being killed more than men.
Being taught, oh pretty boy Trudeau's here to get me to do this and telling me a dictatorship is good.
Wake up folks, this man is a psychotic monster like Ted Bundy.
Don't get in the yellow Volkswagen.
He'll be in a torture dungeon with it having his way with you.
Here is the serial killer in spirit.
Again, his spirit animal is a serial killer.
Here is the kidnapper in spirit, Justin Trudeau.
There's a level of admiration I actually have for China.
Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.
Okay, now let's go to the other Trudeau clip.
I wanted to combine the two.
Where he says, the Great Reset is here, we're going to use COVID for the takeover.
And they're saying, the Vatican, oh this will help poor people.
Locking the economy down and bankrupting you and injecting you with HIV 2.0 is wonderful!
And people are like, wait, they're saying, take HIV!
We love black people!
And I love the crew.
They found another clip of Fauci I've never seen saying, oh my black brothers and sisters, a black woman made this vaccine.
No Bill Gates did in Wuhan.
But the other clip, I've never seen that one, is him saying, black people need the shot first.
We love you black people.
And you're going to get the shot.
He's in the news saying it.
You've seen him say, disadvantaged communities get the shot first.
But it's just insane.
But here's Trudeau talking about the great reset.
Here it is.
Feeling better?
Alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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During our war for independence, during some of the darkest days, Thomas Jefferson, the man credited with writing our Declaration of Independence and much of our Constitution later, said, look, this is not going to be an easy fight.
We're not going to be transported to liberty on a bed of feathers.
No, ladies and gentlemen, we've actually had incredible successes with Donald Trump and Bolsonaro and the liberty movement worldwide.
We're going to have major setbacks, but there is a giant awakening happening.
That's where the globalists have gone ahead and launched their great reset, global collapse, worldwide social credit score, tracking app, microchip, forced inoculation, take over now.
Because if they don't force it now, they're never going to get it.
So, InfoWars has never been more critical.
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Please shop at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalist operation is a hail Mary.
They're accelerating all their plans that were behind schedule in an attempt to overwhelm us and get us to give up, but we're not.
Remember, the Tanzanian president is an award-winning, major patent-holding scientist, chemist, genetic engineer.
And he was smart enough ten months ago when nobody else was
I just give credit where it's due.
To say, you know, we've got U.N.
testing going and almost everybody they test is COVID positive.
They're using it to shut down Tanzania and shut down our exports that are starving people.
And he said, so I sent off, he didn't just send off a goat and a papaya, he sent off like 10 things.
You can look them up.
Rice, something else.
And they all came up positive for COVID-19.
Just last week, because I've been at Joe Rogan's studio a few weeks ago, and they do the COVID test, and it's a rapid test, and we know they can turn it up to make you positive, turn it down to make you negative.
I was thinking about having a mobile lab come to the office.
In fact, we were actually in talks with them yesterday, but then I'm going to be on camera, so that I could test like an eggplant.
And I didn't think of a Coca-Cola, but I thought about a soft drink.
So this is how the ether works, folks, because I was thinking about
I mean, I had a testing group in my office yesterday morning.
This was yesterday morning, where they were talking about they had this mobile machine, it's the new big business, and I was like, will you do it on camera?
They were like, I don't know.
This just happened.
Owen Schroer's coming up.
He's going to take over.
He'll have this clip for you next segment.
Watch Australian Member of Parliament test Coca-Cola for COVID-19 yields positive result with these new rapid testing kits.
And that's why we're like, oh my God, the cases are off the chart!
And then they're testing tens of millions of Americans, everybody else.
And so now, statistically, when they die, they say it's COVID-19.
3,000 people die in a day?
Tens of thousands die a day in the United States.
They're just saying everybody that dies is of this.
It's all chicken little BS.
But I can't stay on air and I can't fight.
Listen, I have a problem.
I have a problem.
When we're bringing in plenty of money, I don't plug.
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So give gifts by shipping our products to friends and family.
That's a big thing I never promote.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Again, it's impossible for the globalists to win if we have the truth, if we know what's going on.
It's something that I'm really pissed at myself for.
Is that I don't plug this enough that forget Christmas.
Christmas is great.
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Take action!
We are witnessing a perfect dichotomy of psychological warfare.
The United Nations, the big corporations, the globalists, big tech, and big pharma are all pushing that COVID is the most deadly thing in history, even though statistically, it's a very weak flu or cold.
But if you are deficient, then you can actually die from it.
That's why you see somebody dying in Southern nursing homes.
Meanwhile, all these top scientists and researchers and former Pfizer head medical officers have come out and said that the COVID-19 vaccine, especially the mRNA ones, are basically
I think so.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Right into the battle pit.
Owen Troyer now hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show here with you.
What a Friday it's been here in DC.
First of all, an absolute
It's a beautiful day here in DC.
You can see the Capitol building behind me.
I think we'll probably even get to witness a beautiful sunset together right there just beyond the Washington Monument and the State Capitol here behind me.
You'll be able to see it as we're streaming live in HD.
And I'll be hosting not only the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, but I'll be hosting the War Room as well from 3 to 6 p.m.
Just walk right in front of the camera, man.
It's okay.
You're great, man.
Yeah, that's alright.
We're gonna send him to China for that one, and they'll put him in one of the gulags.
You know what, though?
It really has been unbelievable.
Yep, he's already on the list to go to China, though.
There's nothing new there.
They've been hunting him down for a while.
I can tell you that, you know, I'm hearing from people that didn't make it in November to be a part of the march, that they will stop at nothing to be here for this one.
Because I think what happened was...
I think what happened was a lot of the people saw the history that was made here last month.
They saw the millions of people in DC.
They saw the Trump flags.
They saw the USA flags.
They saw the great speeches.
And they just feel like they missed out.
They feel like they missed out and so they don't want to miss out on history again.
And history is going to be made this time.
And we're going to be in front of the Supreme Court at some point tomorrow after the dozens of rallies and marches.
I was just down in front of the Capitol and people kept coming up to me.
And they each had a different, like a flyer on their cell phone of, this march over here, this march over here, another rally over here, and over here.
Of course we can't be at all of them, and I just said, hey, we're going to be as many as we can.
You know, stay tuned here at Band Out Video for updates.
But the point is, it's just everybody is getting active now.
Everybody is getting organized, getting activated, wanting to have a rally, wanting to have a march, wanting to be a part of something, because they can feel the history, they can feel the moments that are going to make history building right now.
And more than anything, you know, most people that
are apolitical or are not fired up about politics but they vote you know they vote and they maybe own a business or run a business or have a family and they see that everything right now is being impacted so there's no more ignoring politics there's no more saying you know what I don't want to be involved in politics I don't want to talk about politics I don't do politics is not my thing well politics is up your ass so you know you may want to get out of there it's not meant to be there so you know just go ahead and get it out there that's how everybody's feeling right now hey I don't wanna
I don't want to be told I can't send my kids to school where they've gone to school for, you know, four years, five years.
Hey, it's my kid's senior year in high school.
They can't go to prom.
They can't have a homecoming.
They can't even go to school, some of them.
So that's, now they're seeing the politics of mostly the Democrat Party, but it's globalists, it's people sold out to China and the Republican Party as well.
This is the system they're bringing.
This is the system of destruction of the American way of life they're bringing.
So people just say, you know, I want to live in a free country now.
Isn't it not incredible that it's all out in the open now?
That's why people are riding it.
It's crazy, dude.
We're literally, it's all real.
New World Order.
So they're saying, hey, wait a second.
I can't even go get a paycheck?
I can't even go to work?
I can't even reopen my business?
I can't even go to the gym?
I can't even go walk around without a mask on?
I've got a governor of California saying I can't even have Thanksgiving.
As he has massive parties in his luxurious mansions, and he tells you.
And so it just shows you, when Lori Lightfoot goes on national TV and says, I get to have a haircut, you don't.
That's the cast system, folks.
That's all this is.
How come...
NFL players and NBA players get to play basketball for millions of dollars, but your business is considered non-essential.
Tell me, I'd like to hear this argument, how a man playing with balls is an essential activity.
I'd really like to hear that argument.
Now, if you did make the argument, well, these guys playing sports generate millions of dollars, people work in the concession stands, people sell magazines, they shut it all down.
When you start saying who's essential and who isn't, you're in slavery territory.
These are the same folks who spent $15 million on shrimp on treadmills.
Well, now we made use of that shrimp on the treadmill.
Shrimpzilla is now actually a logo for the InfoWars War Room.
So, $50 million well spent on a shrimp on a treadmill.
But yeah, when Lori Loughlin says, I get to get my hair cut, I'm important, you don't.
She says, well, I work in government.
What does she say?
Well, I take my hygiene very seriously.
Well, so what?
I take my hygiene seriously too.
Am I allowed to wipe my ass?
Or can I not wipe my ass now, either?
Lori Lightfoot gets to wipe her ass, but, you know, do I get to wipe my ass?
Hey, I like having, you know... Or maybe they'll just say, no, you're not even allowed to go to the bathroom anymore, actually.
You have to go dig a hole in your backyard and bury your feces now.
And, of course, the irony is, in California, if you want to get above or around or New York or in these places, if you want to get above all these COVID restrictions, just say you're homeless.
It's amazing.
Say, oh, I'm homeless.
You can go have parties.
You can go build tent cities.
You can go have a million people in your tent as you want.
It's like, oh, I'm homeless.
But, you know, you own property.
You pay taxes.
You do this.
No, you don't get to send your kids to school.
You have to wear a mask in your home.
I mean, imagine this.
I'm pretty sure, you know, we've had serious debates, Gina Haspel being involved in these, about waterboarding as a technique, or torture in general, but waterboarding as a technique to try to get information.
Well, if you're sitting in the shower with a face mask on, you're basically waterboarding yourself.
And you know people are doing this.
I've seen people swimming in a pool wearing a face mask.
I mean, you know, so it's like, oh, I can swim really well.
Well, how did you drown?
Well, I was wearing my COVID safe face mask.
I couldn't breathe.
Now they have these new plastic things that you put in your mask so that you can breathe.
And they run commercials on TV saying, are you sick of wearing a mask and not being able to breathe?
Are you sick of wearing a mask and breaking out?
Are you sick of wearing a mask and getting bacterial pneumonia or hypoxia?
Are you sick of wearing a mask and sweating and fiddling with it?
Now we have this new thing and it's like a plastic cage and you put it over your mouth and then the mask goes over and it shows, oh now you can breathe.
Now you cannot sweat.
Now you don't have to break out.
Now your makeup doesn't smear.
Hey, here's an idea.
Take off the mask.
I know, wild thing, this thing, you know, breathing air freely, it's a crazy notion folks, but so this is what they're doing.
So when Lori Lightfoot says, I get to get my hair cut, I'm an important person and I take my hygiene seriously, well what is she saying to you?
She's saying you're not important, you don't matter, you're a slave, or as Bill Gates would have you say, or as they said in the Nuremberg Trials, you can't say that people are useless eaters.
You can't just say humans are useless eaters.
And this is the whole entire point of the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights is that the individual is in charge of their own government.
It's called self-government.
It's called rugged individualism.
And so, this whole notion that the American way of life has to die because of a virus is the biggest lie that you've ever been told.
And now they want to rewrite your immune system.
So think about it.
Not more than maybe a hundred, two hundred years ago,
Most people in America were farmers, so they raised their own livestock, they had chickens and hens, and they laid eggs, and they grew plants.
And they were hard to BS because they lived close to land.
But that's all gone.
So now, you know, we have... And you know what?
Hey, maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing.
But I've never gone out and raised cattle or farmed or anything like that.
Make the argument.
But hey, I know how to go to a steakhouse, right?
So that's nice.
So I go order a steak.
But that's a conscious thing.
It's now going to be to a point where you don't even have an immune system to survive.
Is what they're trying to do.
Rewrite the immune system, destroy the microbiome, so that anything comes, any bug, any small flu bug or virus or anything comes and gets you, you will be seriously sick.
Because you destroyed your gut flora, and you destroyed your microbiome.
They did a study sometime, somebody had like 100 straight days of fast food, it's all this processed food.
They're microbiome died, their gut flora disappeared, and now all of a sudden they were susceptible to all these different bacterias and viruses that they never would have been before because they had a strong immune system.
So now they're suppressing the immune system so that any bacteria, any virus, whatever, gets in and now you're seriously sick and so what do you need to do?
Well just like I don't have cattle to go butcher,
Well, I don't have an immune system anymore, so I have to go get a vaccine so that a little flu bug doesn't kill me.
So this is the New World Order.
When we come back on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, maybe Alex Jones, maybe his hat, you never know.
You know what it is?
I'm trying to make your hat land on your head again.
I told you to never do that again.
We should play the hat.
We should play the hat video.
Once in a lifetime.
Once in a lifetime.
I tried it again.
I'm sorry.
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Fox has betrayed President Trump as I predicted they would.
They've always been part of the establishment and it's only going to get worse.
If they're able to keep Trump from rightfully taking office for a second term on January 20th, the system is going to drop the hammer harder than ever on this republic.
They are going to explode gas prices.
They're going to shut down our coal power plants.
They're going to cut off the energy source to the U.S.
So it's impossible for factories to move back here.
This is economic domination.
This is economic war.
We are being consolidated.
We are being taken over.
The Democrats aren't mismanaging their blue cities and states.
They're consolidating power and control to bankrupt the population and bring them absolutely to heel and then consolidate ownership of all the infrastructure and property.
This is a monopolistic takeover.
That's what the Great Reset is.
Klaus Schwab and these other criminals admit it.
That's what social distancing is.
So your business is only at 25% for several more years.
No small businesses will be there.
This is a master plan.
Say no!
Postal Service tells InfoWars that as long as you get your order in by December 18th, and we're able to ship it out by that date, you will get it anywhere in the United States before Christmas.
The U.S.
But listen, don't wait.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Yeah, we have been thunderstruck.
No doubt, ladies and gentlemen.
No doubt.
And as they say, we are the storm.
And we are here in the swamp.
The Washington District of Criminals.
The Washington District of Communism.
Owen Troy with you hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I want to give a quick programming note.
I will be hosting the War Room today from right here.
On the War Room, I am going to be taking your calls.
So, stick around, hang on to the War Room if you want to call in.
I'm going to be taking calls probably almost the entire first two hours.
We also have Harrison Smith in studio, so we'll be hearing from him and then really co-hosting with him in the third hour.
But I'm going to be doing a lot of calls in the first two hours of the war room.
It's open line Friday there so anything is welcome as far as subject material.
Real quick though, what you're seeing right now is a local news report goes outside to talk about the election or goes outside to talk about COVID and patriots come up behind the cameras or happen to be crossing by or whatever and they see, oh there's a live news crew, there's a live news stream, there's a live news report.
I'm going to go take it over.
This is my country.
This is my right to free speech.
They're up here selling the nation a bill of lies, and the people need to know it.
So you've been seeing, you know, InfoWars, and our audience has been doing this forever.
Now it's just average Americans are seeing this, that have been lied to about the election, lied to about COVID, whatever, and they're just living in reality.
And so it's just an instinct thing to say, hey look, there's the liar right there.
Uh, there's the person right there that's misinforming me, my countrymen, my family, my, my, my kin.
And so I'm gonna get in their face.
I'm gonna be aggressive.
And, and that doesn't mean necessarily that news reporter is your enemy or a bad person.
Quite frankly, they probably don't even have a clue what's going on.
Uh, I've been around pretty much all aspects of media, and I will tell you, most local news people
Are really just in it for prestige.
They're just in it to be on camera.
They're just in it to feel famous.
They like going to the restaurant every night and, you know, fluffing up their chest.
Oh, and people are like, oh, there's a local news report.
Like, yeah.
Oh, the ladies get on there.
They have a whole team that does their makeup for three plus hours.
And then they sit down and they read out off of a teleprompter.
And you know, as the audience for InfoWars and War Room gets bigger, people are saying, hey, you know, you made this little detail mistake.
It was actually this number.
Or hey, this person is actually the niece, not the daughter.
It's like, look, man, I don't have a teleprompter.
You said daughter.
I never have a teleprompter.
I don't have people in my ear telling me what to say.
I don't sit and make up for three and a half hours and then have somebody put out a bullet points of everything I'm going to say.
This is raw.
This is real.
This is off the cuff.
This is untethered.
This is the soul.
This is the spirit.
So that's what separates us from the rest.
But getting back to my point,
So you see the news reports happening, local news team, you get in front of the camera, you shout, you make a scene, you say, no, you're lying about COVID.
No, you're lying about the election results.
This is going viral.
It just happened again in front of a CBS news crew.
And listen closely to what they said.
How come you guys didn't cover the Hunter Biden laptop story?
How come you didn't cover the fact that Hunter Biden is comprised by the Chinese Communist Party?
How about that?
How about that?
How about the blatant voter fraud?
How about the blatant voter fraud?
You're going to send out this little hobbit to try and block my camera?
He can't even reach up to my phone.
Serving the purpose of the American people and that's assault.
Yeah, it is.
Kamala or Kamala?
I don't know.
All I know is she's a serial abuser of African American civil liberties.
How many black people did you keep in jail after their sentence was up?
She's a serial abuser of African American civil liberties.
Joe Biden hates black people.
How many times do you say the N-word on the floor of the Senate?
The people you're serving do not want to help the African American community.
They want us divided.
That's the only way they can be successful.
Right now I don't have a video feed in front of me, so I'm not exactly sure what is going on there.
I'm just hearing music.
Is there more of that, of the guy confronting him though, guys?
Okay, alright, yeah, keep going.
He says, oh, you're harassing me.
Harassing you?
You're in public, okay?
And quite frankly, now see, they don't understand this.
No, no, no.
You're harassing us when you go on air every day and say, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, deaths, cases, deaths, cases.
And then I live in a torturous, interfered life because of you.
No, you're harassing us.
But see, they're allowed to do it.
They think, oh, I'm the big news team.
I'm with CBS.
I'm prestigious.
You're dirt!
No, you're nothing!
You're pond scum!
You're a worm!
And notice how everything this guy says is true.
And so that's the real power.
Is finding these fake intellectual local mainstream media folks that want to lecture you all day long and don't know anything.
Like, people are stunned.
I've never had a teleprompter in my life at InfoWars.
They can't even believe how people do it.
That's all these people in local media do.
So he comes up, he says, no, Kamala Harris put back black people in jail.
Joe Biden used the N-word on Congress, and they're just like, oh well, you know, you're harassing us, you're harassing us.
No, no, no, you're harassing us, we're fighting back.
Let's go back to the clip.
I don't need to interview you.
We have talked to people who support them.
I don't have to answer your questions.
Maybe you can watch my story at 11 and start judging a difference.
See, there it is.
You don't have to voice me.
Oh, just watch me.
Yeah, kill it!
Go, go, go!
Fake news be gone!
Fake news be gone!
This is the Minuteman Broadcast and we are banishing the fake news!
Go back!
Go back to your little niche!
Your hide!
Like the gremlins that the media are!
A little bit of sunlight and they dry up!
You know what Alex Jones would call you?
He'd call you a pot-bellied goblin!
Now watch this, folks.
How much time do I have left here, guys?
Now watch this, guys.
I don't have a video feed in front of me.
I'm gonna flex... I'm gonna flex my knowledge right now.
Was that Lewis Shankner from the Minutemen podcast who just did that?
See, I have the wealth of knowledge they wish they had.
These people are pathetic.
He says, oh, I've told your story.
I've covered Trump supporters.
I covered the rallies.
They didn't cover any of it.
They covered none of it.
All they cover is Joe Biden and how great he is.
And COVID and how deadly it is.
And it's all fake.
So that's the answer.
So, Lewis Shankner, you know what?
I'll be honest.
Lewis, if you're listening right now, Lewis blows me up every day.
It's just like one of the thousands of texts from people making requests.
I love you, Lewis.
Maybe I'll get you on The War Room today.
That's how you want to get on.
People say, oh, how can I get on?
How can I go on?
Folks, I get 1,000 emails or requests a day for ideas.
You want to get on InfoWars?
That's how you do it right there.
That's a champion right there.
That's a victory, hold the belt over your head moment.
So I'm going to see if Lewis can come on today.
If not, we'll get him on next week.
And by the way, he's doing a bunch of other stuff.
So folks, the answer is taking action.
You are the answer.
You are the hero.
You are the American patriot that's going to change this world.
Um, that's just incredible.
That is how it's done, folks.
That is how it's done.
I guarantee you Lewis didn't even plan that.
And in fact, he probably had no idea I'd give him a shout-out today on air.
But there you go.
The Minute Man podcast.
Lewis Shankner.
You want to make an impact in the world?
That's how it's done.
Owen Troyer here hosting the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back.
The project for world government developed by the British Empire via Cecil Rhodes, then picked up by the Rockefeller family and the major robber barons to plant it by the 1920s, is all about corporate global governance.
And now you're seeing it.
It's not just the blue states, the blue cities, the communist and socialist nations all working in unison under UN control to establish a medical planetary dictatorship.
At the core of it is the Fortune 100 corporations, themselves funded by a handful of private central banking families.
The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Dutch and British Royalty.
They hit the very heart of that.
Then you learn the Dutch and British Royalty aren't even Dutch or British at the same time.
But they go back to the literal Count Dracula and the wars in between Christendom and Islam.
Those that don't know history really are doomed to repeat it.
They're involved in ploting the world economy.
That's what the social distancing, the masks are all about.
It's about bankrupting local small businesses.
And those that comply are complying with your own destruction.
Wake up!
Just in time for Christmas, a lot of our best-selling products are back in stock.
The Privacy Pockets are back in stock and massively discounted at $19.95.
A great stock to cover, a great gift.
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Thank you so much for your support.
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When the menu comes up, you simply click Add to Home Screen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
No, it was all good.
It was a minor thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back here live from Washington D.C.
Owen Troyer hosting the Alex Jones Show.
I will be hosting the War Room today as well, right here in front of the U.S.
Capitol building.
And I want to play a report that's not in English coming up here where doctors
And it's all just coming to complete total truth here, what we've been reporting all year about COVID, and how the tests are fake, the positives are false, and it's through an amplification process that they can even have all these positives that aren't real, and then through the fact that they built this virus in a lab so that it would be, I don't want to say super contagious, but basically it's like any other thing in your microbiome.
You could have
A hundred viruses or bacteria, thousands, millions in your microbiome at any given time, a microscopic amount.
But if you amplify the test, then we all have COVID.
And so that's the whole point.
And so now they're testing soft drinks, testing grains of sand.
Everything's got COVID.
Because it's all fake.
Now, before I do that, though, ladies and gentlemen, do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
This is the easiest thing in the world.
People always ask, how can we help?
How can we support?
How can we help?
It's Christmas season.
Everybody budgets out.
Christmas gifts, friends, families, you know, sons, daughters, what have you.
Don't shop at the big corporations that want to lock you down for COVID.
Don't shop at the big corporations that are becoming more rich and powerful while the little guy is dying out.
Don't shop with the big corporations that will stomp America's face into the ground if they have an opportunity.
Shop with the people who fight for America.
Shop with the people who have their products made in America.
Shop for the people that are with you, for you.
And that is InfoWarsStore.com.
And the good news is we have big specials happening.
The Christmas sale is live right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've got discounts on all of our emergency food.
We've got discounts on emergency water supplies.
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Up to 60% off some of the health supplements as well.
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Try them both.
Knockout sleep aid, rocket rest.
I like them both.
I actually kind of have to switch off between the two, because I think my body adjusts.
It's like I'll do, we have 60 capsules in the rocket rest, so I'll do a rocket rest, three or four capsules a night, and then my body kind of catches on to that, and the body, brain chemistry, and so then I switch to the knockout that has different ingredients in it, and then that works more effectively.
So I kind of go back and forth there.
You have problems sleeping?
That will help.
All kinds of great supplements at InfoWarsStore.com and that's how you can support us, everything we do here, so that we can continue into the year 2021 fighting for you and fighting for this republic.
Now, it didn't take us long.
We're so ahead of the curve, it's almost like we're too ahead of the curve.
It's almost like it can be detrimental at times.
Because we see a news story developing, and then we hop on it and cover it, but then we kind of have to back off because it's like, okay, it's going one way, but now it's going massively viral.
COVID is the perfect example.
We saw all the propaganda coming out of China.
We saw little hits here and there about COVID and this virus.
And we, and at the time, you know, we're like, whoa, okay, what is this?
Is this the bioweapon?
This came out of a lab.
Look at what it's doing to people in China.
And so it's like, we were right that, yeah, this was the big bioweapon.
This was the economic warfare attack.
We were right about that, but at the time it was kind of a mystery.
Is this really deadly?
You know, is this something we should be panicked about?
And so we kind of say, OK, well, maybe we don't know.
And you may recall, I was on air at the time, and I was traveling, and I had expert guests on with us, and we just didn't know.
I said, look, I'm traveling.
I don't want to cancel my travel plans here.
I'm going to be going around.
I'm going to be on an airplane.
I'm going to be at a concert.
I'm going to be at this.
They're like, no, I wouldn't do it.
And people just tell me.
I wouldn't get on an airplane.
I wouldn't do it.
I wouldn't go to a big venue.
And at the time, this was in early March, I just said, you know what, I'm just going to go it and I'll be fine.
So I ended up being fine.
But the point is, we knew that this was coming, we knew it was something big, we weren't exactly sure of all the details.
Well then, after a few months go by, we're like, okay, well look, this is obviously not that deadly.
They're using this to crash the economy.
All these false positive results.
They're lying about where the virus came from.
And that's when you realize, okay, this is the economic weapon.
Sure, there's going to be some people getting sick, maybe some people dying.
It's going to have some serious effects there.
A pandemic, it is not.
And so...
Now that, it was like, we already went through that entire news cycle, and then the media starts pushing COVID as the greatest threat to humankind that has ever existed.
And even though the death count, this is the, folks, this is the canary in the coal mine.
I mean, this is the, you know, this is the albino.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Look at the death count in the United States of America for 2020.
Go back 10 years, 20 years, as long as you want, and as long as your heart is content until you've seen it enough.
The death count is not raised at all, folks.
It has not gone up at all.
And actually, the death rate has gone down!
How is that possible if we're living in a pandemic?
Well it's not a pandemic, that's the answer.
But so now doctors, and this has been going on for a while, doctors and scientists and chemists...
Are running COVID tests on oranges and soft drinks and stuffed animals.
I mean, it doesn't matter.
And oh, they all have COVID.
You go test, you know, your daughter or your granddaughter or whatever.
She's got a whole room full of stuffed animals.
You go in there and test all of her stuffed animals.
90% of them have COVID.
Oh my gosh, send them to the ICU and the hospital's packed with all these stuffed animals.
That's how fake it is.
So now these doctors, and again, we're rolling the B-roll of this.
The video is not in English.
It's linked up at InfoWars.com.
Adan Salazar has a story and he's just sourcing out other information and then having people to translate the video so that we can say exactly what's going on and what he's saying.
Folks, they're now testing soft drinks.
They're testing Coca-Cola for COVID.
Now, you tell me, how does a soft drink, how does a carbonated beverage,
A highly acidic, carbonated beverage tests positive for COVID because the test results are fake.
You can find probably COVID anything and everything if you amp up the test results enough.
It's a microscopic virus that's now everywhere.
There's thousands probably like it, we just don't know about it.
Because they just have lived in our microbiome, they don't really do anything to us.
But now it's a man-made COVID that they can track and trace so that they can get the case numbers up, tell you to lock down and be in panic,
Shut down the economy, roll it up into a one-world government where only the major corporations get to survive, and you don't get a small business, you can't travel, you can't do anything without taking your COVID vaccine, which, now we're finding out, could kill you.
I mean, hey, what's more, what's better than dying of a fake virus or a fake pandemic?
Well, dying from a vaccine, which you chose.
Or they'll just mandate it.
So let's say the vaccine and COVID both have a 99.9% survival rate.
Which one are you going to take?
The foreign substance vaccine?
Or are you going to go risk it in the world and see if you get COVID and survive?
They test Coca-Cola and it shows a positive test result for COVID.
Folks, you can go look at this.
Look, I don't suggest drinking these high fructose corn syrup drinks.
I try to avoid them at all costs.
I'm not perfect.
If you want to see something that'll probably change your mind on drinking these things, maybe the crew can find it.
Folks, you can go look.
People take a rag or a washcloth, they'll go find like a rusty
Car Thing in the back I forget what it's called that you put like your boat on or your skis or whatever It's the little the little ball there and they'll go find a rusty dirty old car With with the with the trailer hitch all rusted and dirty and they'll put coca-cola all on a rag and they'll wash it with nothing but coke and it comes out sparkly clean Okay
So you're telling me that a highly acidic, carbonated beverage is getting COVID?
It's a joke, folks.
It's all a joke.
And this is what they're shutting down and killing the world economy over.
We cannot allow this to happen.
That's why you gotta get in front of these news cameras, just like Lewis Shankner did, and say, no, you're lying to us, and we know you're lying to us.
If you think 2020 has been an insane and dangerous year, just wait until you see the year 2021.
I'm Alex Jones.
I started InfoWars, but I couldn't have done any of this without you.
And now InfoWars is more important than ever because the general population of the planet is weighing up the fact that we've done our research and we've been dead on.
That's why it's so important for those of you out there that have supported the broadcast and the websites and the films and all the rest of the information we put out, to realize how important your work has been and to redouble your efforts.
So I salute you and I thank you.
Also, as Christmas is almost here, don't wait!
Do your shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get amazing food and suitcales that boost your immune system and make your life so much better overall for adults and children.
Get great water filtration, air filtration that enriches your life.
Books, films, t-shirts, survival gear, storable food, locket pockets, privacy pouches, and so much more at InfowarsStore.com.
And again, thank you all for your support, and Merry Christmas.
God bless.
Webster's Dictionary has a very simple definition of terrorism.
Other dictionaries have similar ones.
Terrorism is the threat of force, or actually carrying out force, for a political or financial reason.
It's basically scaring the hell out of people until you submit to them.
And that's exactly what all this overblown COVID-19 garbage is.
You see the headlines from CNN, ABC News.
Doctors say it's worse than they ever thought.
COVID more devastating than you'd ever imagine.
They told us that two and a half million people would be dead just eight months ago, within three months.
It's a quarter million if you count all of the people that died of other things.
We're talking 96% had comorbidity.
These are real numbers.
These are real facts.
This is the chicken little event where we all run our houses, never come out, and are taught we're not essential, while the big box stores on Amazon take over the planet.
Rebuke it.
Stand up against it.
This is slavery.
It is not something you can put up with and survive.
The globalists have always been at war with the family and small businesses.
They want control.
They want domesticated slaves.
That's the process that is taking place right now.
And when you shop at the big box stores, and when you shop with Amazon, remember that they are creating monopolies, and they are the globalists that are pushing the lockdowns, gun control, abortion, world government, all of it.
And if you want to do that, go ahead and shop there.
But if you'll shop at InfoWars, where we have thousands of products, made right here in America, with our warehouses and our crew,
It's incredible and it changes the whole world.
So do your shopping if you want to fund the InfoWar and if you want to stop the globalists at InfoWarStore.com.
And tell others to do their shopping at InfoWarStore.com.
We have amazing products.
We can get everything delivered to you by Christmas if you order by the 18th.
So again, I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank you for thinking through what you do and where you spend your money.
And do your shopping and get great products at InfoWarStore.com.
Three months ago we sold out of our privacy pouches.
The reason we sold out is they are super high quality and it's all over the news that the UN and the Clintons and Microsoft and others and contact tracers are tracking everywhere you go and everything you do.
They admit it's a cover for bringing in their cashless society AI system of total control.
So to block the UN, to block the globals, to get in the habit of realizing what a surveillance system phones are,
Everybody needs a privacy pocket.
They fit almost all sizes of droids and iPhones, from small to big.
They also make a great gift to educate friends and family about what's going on.
Now again, there's lots of privacy pocket type systems out there.
Most of them are about 90% effective.
We found a model that's actually pretty inexpensive and has around 99% effectiveness.
If you're right under a cell tower, it'll still blast through the Faraday cage.
They're at InfoWarsTore.com at $19.95.
This exact same system is sold everywhere else for $29.
That's still a great deal.
We sell a lot of these.
We have the best price.
Give us a great Christmas gift at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Not gonna happen.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
In honor, in honor of this being the final segment of the Alex Jones Show, from this historic Friday, December 11th, being up here on this rooftop with the
You know what?
Capitol behind me.
I feel like letting out a roar of liberty, because I'm feeling victory coming right now!
You globalists thought you could defeat America, but you were wrong!
Oh, and you're gonna feel our wrath.
Oh, you're gonna feel the wrath of the people that you thought were dead.
We're not dead.
We just took a long extended nap.
But we're waking up now.
The fog is clearing from our eyes.
The morning haziness is starting to clear.
We're getting up on our feet.
We're getting our balance back.
And we're getting that energy.
And we're flexing our muscles that have been atrophied.
And we're looking right at you!
Who wanted to take everything from us.
And now we know who you are.
We know your names.
We know what bureaucracies you've been involved with.
We know the deals you've cut.
We know the foreign countries you've sold us out to.
We're pissed, and we're coming.
And now, we're gonna be in D.C.
for the second straight month.
I bet another million Trump supporters are out here tomorrow.
And then it'll be three months in a row.
So it'll be November, a million Trump supporters show up in D.C.
December, a million Trump supporters show up in D.C.
And then January, a million Trump supporters show up in D.C.
Oh, by the way, where are the Biden supporters, though?
You know, this guy that got 80 million votes, magically the most popular presidential candidate of all time?
Where are all the Biden supporters?
I haven't seen one!
I haven't seen one Biden hat.
I haven't seen one Biden shirt.
I don't see Biden signs.
There's nothing out here.
We go out and stand out in front of the Capitol.
It's nothing but InfoWars fans.
It's nothing but Trump supporters.
Or people that are just neutral.
There's no support for Biden.
There's no majority liberal progressive left.
It's all a big sham, just like the pandemic.
Yeah, Biden got 80 million votes, and COVID's the deadliest thing ever.
Two of the biggest lies the media has ever tried to tell us.
Of course, we didn't buy it, did we?
And we here at InfoWars knew it was a lie right out of the gates.
And so that's another kind of key to understanding all of this.
You know, most people still want to assume the best about a fellow human.
Or most people are still under the conditioning and brainwashing that, hey, you know, whatever I see on TV is trustworthy, and whatever I see on TV is good.
They're not going to lie to me.
I can trust this.
No, no, no, no, no.
See, our instincts are the exact opposite.
And our instincts have been proven entirely accurate.
But now, the rest of the world is catching up.
I mean, what's the analogy?
It's like, you know, the older kid in the playground who knows that one of the swings is squeaky, and one of the swings breaks, and then one of the swings is just the best.
I mean, you take the best swing on that, and he knows, and he always goes for that swing, but then some of the other kids, first time on the playground, they don't know which swing is the best, so they just go pick whatever swing is open.
But now we know what swing is the best, and it's InfoWars.
Now we know that even that Fox News swing over there, it comes loose.
It comes loose and the bottom falls out.
Now you've got a busted keister.
So, everybody is starting to realize this now.
This is the Great Awakening.
And I'm not sure how it's all gonna go, folks.
And we can debate that, and most of it probably shouldn't be done on air.
I don't know how this thing is going to go, but America will rise up, and America will be victorious.
It's only a matter of how dark it's going to get.
It's only a matter of how nasty it's going to get.
But, if we can have this peaceful victory right now, and get Trump in office for another four years, doesn't mean Trump's perfect, doesn't mean Trump is the answer to all of our problems.
Believe me, he's neither of the two.
But he is the President of the United States.
He is the populist, America first, patriot candidate.
He wants to be the leader of America.
He wants to go down in history as the leader of America.
And here's the other thing, you know, you're in D.C.
this weekend with us, or if you've been to D.C., you know about all the memorials, the Lincoln Memorial, the statues and everything.
It's such a beautiful thing.
And we built these beautiful statues, and of course the left is trying to tear them all down, and here's why.
If we are victorious in this stage and President Trump gets re-inaugurated as he won the election and you have, let's say on the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh and Alito and Thomas and Coney Barrett and Gorsuch vote to throw out the illegal votes in those four states and then Trump gets recertified as the victor, winning the 2020 election,
They will have statues built for them across this country.
And now, because the Democrats have destroyed us having pride in our country, you can't build them in your local city or, you know, oh, Kavanaugh's from this city, so we build a statue for him here.
You know, Clarence Thomas went to this high school.
We built a whole library after him and all this stuff.
They don't let you do that anymore.
But, remember, President Trump built the monument park.
I forget where he said it's going to go, but he made the declaration and signed it.
We're going to have a monument park.
We're going to put statues and stuff now so that the left can't go destroy them and take them down.
There's going to be statues built to the Supreme Court judges that rule with the truth.
It's not even ruling for Trump.
It's ruling with the reality.
These states cheated.
The Democrats cheated.
They really belong in jail.
There will be statues built for Trump so big it'll block out the sun.
That's where this is going.
But see, we're in the battle stages of this right now, and each battle can be won or lost, and it just depends on how difficult the next battle will be.
So if we win this battle at the Supreme Court and we get Trump in office again, that makes the rest of our battles really easy.
If Biden gets fake inaugurated, that makes our next battles even harder.
But you know, here's the big thing that we broke today on air, which is like crazy to say that's breaking news.
It's just, you know, the fake news is just nowhere to be found.
We landed in D.C.
and we got to our location today to do these broadcasts.
And so what do I see behind me?
Well, yeah, I mean, I see the Capitol building, but they're building the inauguration stage.
I'm not hearing anybody else reporting this.
I'm not seeing this in here.
So, I mean, I'm just sitting here thinking like, oh, they're building the inauguration stage.
Wait a second, though.
Joe Biden and his team, the fake President-elect office, the Biden transition team, they said they're not going to do an inauguration.
They said no inauguration, not doing it in D.C., not doing it live, we're going to do it virtually.
Well, why would they be building the stage then?
And don't forget that Nancy Pelosi said, well, you know, D.C.
is just a geographic location.
We can have the inauguration anywhere.
So, folks, they already planned on doing a fake inauguration on the Internet, just totally fake, for the Chinese communists, which is really all it is.
China will play the Joe Biden fake inauguration, and they'll say, look, Biden won!
We run America!
We run China!
We're the world power now!
And they'll try to run with that as long as possible.
And so that's their plan.
So Trump will be re-inaugurated right there behind me.
That's why they're building the stage.
And millions of Trump supporters will be here.
And then the fake news will say, oh no, it never happened.
No, no, no, there weren't a million Trump supporters.
No, no, no, there was no Trump inauguration.
No, it didn't happen.
Even though you were there, you saw it, you were part of it.
No, no, no, it didn't happen.
And then they'll show you Joe Biden's fake inauguration, the fake president-elect, probably from some deal in Delaware in his basement, or California or something, or who knows, maybe he'll just be in Beijing.
And then China will show it, and the world media will show it, and the BBC and Telemundo, and they'll say,
Joe Biden inaugurated as president when it's a total fake ceremony.
Of course they're not going to put Joe Biden on a stage out there.
If the breeze kicks up above 20 miles per hour, he might blow off the stage.
So they're never going to do that.
But they've already shown you their blueprint.
It's the same thing they did with the forced vaccines.
How did you know the forced vaccines were coming?
Well, they told me.
Hey, how did you know they were going to do a fake inauguration of Biden?
How did you know they were going to cheat?
How did you know they were going to send tens of millions of fake mail-in ballots to get him in?
They told us.
They told us.
There's nothing new here.
They told us all of this.
So, they're telling us what they're going to do next, folks.
It's almost like a weird thing of when you're in, like if you're in the middle of a ballgame or something, you know, you're just thinking about the play.
You're just thinking about the game, the play you're running, trying to execute whatever needs to be done.
You're not in that moment.
Thinking, oh, this is going to be the greatest game of all time, this is going to be the greatest comeback, they're going to play this game on TV for hundreds of years.
No, you accept and realize that after it's over, after you've had the victory, after you've executed the game plan.
So that's where we're at right now.
And we understand the historical significance of all of this, but it's still kind of numb to us.
It's still kind of just like we're reaching and grabbing and we don't get it.
These times are going to be written about for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, potentially.
The future of mankind all pivots on these moments.
Thank you for tuning in to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to be hosting the War Room coming up for three hours, taking your calls.
Open line Friday on the War Room.
We'll see you shortly.