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Filename: 20201022_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2020
3228 lines.

The text discusses various current events in America, including the lack of mainstream media coverage on Antifa and BLM anarchists during the Kenosha riots, Facebook's role in censoring content, universities training students in anarchist ideology, and the fight against COVID-19 measures. Alex Jones talks about health supplements, conspiracy theories, political events, and mask-wearing on his show. Bishop Larry Gators discusses connections between the Biden family and financial groups and foundations. A speaker highlights scandals involving Joe Biden and other political figures like John McCain and John Kerry.

Just because the mainstream media was barely there to cover Antifa and BLM anarchist chaos doesn't mean it didn't happen.
What you're seeing behind me is one of multiple locations that have been burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin over the course of the night.
Fortunately for the rest of us, a hard-charging group of citizen journalists captured everything and posted it all on social media for the world to see.
They're stoking fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs.
It ain't nothing left here, so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what's it all gonna do?
You see what I'm saying?
So, hey, that's just what's gonna happen, you know?
Apparently the Associated Press didn't see it.
And has now slid rapidly into the quicksand of propaganda, writing, President Donald Trump portrays the hundreds of people arrested nationwide in protests against racial injustice as violent urban left-wing radicals.
But an associate press review of thousands of pages of court documents tells a different story.
Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups.
And many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs.
Defense attorneys and civil rights activists are questioning why the Department of Justice has taken on cases to begin with.
They say most belong in state courts.
Where defendants typically get much lighter sentences, and they argue federal authorities appear to be cracking down on protesters in an effort to stymie demonstrations.
But after billions of dollars of property damage, roughly 40 people killed as a direct result of the protests, including the cold-blooded murders of several Trump supporters, one of those by a bodyguard of leftist media no less, and a culture split in half by Marxist subversion.
Does the media really expect us to ignore what we have seen with our own eyes?
I have a question for you, Joe Biden.
You said that Antifa is just an idea.
This is what the idea you're talking about, Antifa?
This is what they did to me.
I'm at the hospital right now, Joe Biden, because they're Antifa, so I just want to ask you, do you still think, after seeing this, that they're just an idea?
Meanwhile, Facebook doubles down on its algorithm to censor those they, and more importantly, China, disagree with.
Facebook, the company, operates something called the Hate Speech Engineering Team.
Now, how do they know how to censor hate speech?
Well, at least half a dozen members of the in-house team are in fact Chinese nationals in this country on H-1B visas.
What the insider told me is that they actually are on the lookout for what they call specifically borderline content.
And the whole goal is, is as you're surfing your newsfeed, there are certain things they consider quote-unquote borderline content, which apparently includes now New York Post reporting, reporting for the oldest newspaper in this country, which they then ensure that you see it last on your newsfeed.
Social media only pours more fuel on the fire of propaganda, aiding those anti-American radical leftists the AP claimed don't exist that continue to churn out of our universities.
Trained in the art of anarchy by professors like Midwestern State University philosophy professor Nathan June, who wrote on Facebook, I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician.
Hey, this is Nathan John coming to you from Wichita Falls, Texas.
Thanks to Duane for inviting me to participate in this project.
So, what is Anarchist Studies?
Well, first of all, I think that Anarchist Studies is a contested term.
I don't think that there's any real consensus necessarily among those of us who like to think of ourselves as working in Anarchist Studies.
I think it's something that we're still trying to figure out.
What follows in the psychotic mindset is the strangling of all those that disagree with the dangerous narrative dominating these overlords in our media.
John Bowne reporting.
Alright, I got ultra-massive news when we come back.
In fiction, supervillains are known as supervillains because they have gigantic, huge, global plans that are incredibly well thought out and incredibly complex.
And if I had told you a year ago, back in October of 2019, that a powerful billionaire
You tell me that's crazy.
You tell me that's a dystopia.
You tell me that's some type of science fiction comic book.
But in reality, it really did happen.
His name is Bill Gates and he's the head of a major eugenics consortium that his father and mother set up more than 60 years ago.
And we're living in this world Bill Gates has built.
Until we start saying no, we are Bill Gates's property.
It's time to expose Bill Gates.
He now takes you live to the heart of the resistance!
He now takes you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Out on the road for 26 years!
All of it getting us in attack position for what's happening right now.
They got Satan in his operating system, we've got God's.
We're jacked in.
Targeting computer, ready.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are so honored to be here because we are an American band.
We're American.
Have they been trying to demoralize us, dumb us down, and poison us, and drug us out of our minds?
We're coming to your town.
We're coming to your country.
We're bringing 1776 worldwide.
We want you to succeed.
We want you to throw the globalist chains off.
We want to see you go to the stars with us.
Because America is an idea.
An idea whose time has come.
It will be America that destroys the New World Order.
It will be America that overturns the world government.
It will be America that is going to be a key part in defeating the Antichrist world system in God's plan.
Sit back and watch.
That's why all the fake theologians tell you America isn't in Revelations.
America isn't mentioned.
All of it's pure lies.
It's all right there for you to see.
Thank you so much for joining us on this transmission.
Thursday, October 22nd.
The quickening is here.
Eleven days.
I want to open the phones up.
And there was one caller left on hold yesterday who we're going to call up.
If he wants to come on, he'll be our first caller.
But I want to open the phones up for the entire four hours of the transmission.
We have James O'Keefe popping in for one segment in the
Third hour and then Bishop Larry Gators with all of his interesting esoteric research is going to be coming in.
I think I'm going to host a little bit of that time with him as well because I've got some questions for him.
I want to open the phones up throughout the entire transmission.
I'll give the number out start of the next segment and you can start your engines and I'm going to really try to get to a lot of the calls.
Man, look, if you're freaked out by what's going on, so am I. I mean, I knew all this stuff was coming.
I knew the globalists were in control of the planet, and I knew they were trying to get greater control over our individual lives.
And I knew they were really bad people.
But now, so much has happened in the last eight months, and they're now so out in the open about what they're going to do, that
I am just flabbergasted that more people aren't supporting Bolsonaro, more people aren't supporting Trump, more people aren't supporting their own secessionist movements.
But the truth is, and when I say secessionist, I mean out of these globalist systems, the EU, the New World Order, WTO, the UN.
But the truth is, whether you're in Spain, or whether you're in France, or whether you're in Nigeria, or whether you are in Israel, or whether you are in Russia, or whether you are in China, there are people rebelling against these globalist forces everywhere at record levels.
And that's why they've used the COVID exaggeration, the COVID martial law, the planned pandemic, the scamdemic, to lock everything down.
And they admit that's what they're doing.
And so that's really the good news is they're throwing everything they've got at us right now with this.
And people aren't buying into it on average.
People through panopticonic pressure though are still complying with the mask which holds up the facade that the overblown hoax is a reality.
And that's why they've got to block and censor all the medical doctors and epidemiologists and scientists.
If you study Foucault, who wrote about the Panopticon, and if you study the Panopticon and the development of modern prisons in France 250 years ago, they had a round prison ward with a tower that went up three stories or four stories, depending on the design, and so that prisoners would feel like they were being watched at all times out of the windows.
Even though most of the time there weren't guards there.
And so that's what a panopticon is.
And that's what panopticonic surveillance is, is you self-enforce.
So you don't believe in the mask.
You don't believe in COVID.
You don't, but you wear it.
So I'll be sitting there in a legal meeting.
I'll be sitting there at a store.
I'll be sitting there wherever.
And I'm like, you don't need that mask with me.
I know it's a fraud.
And most of the time, they will pull the mask off.
Particularly young, attractive women.
I'll be like, boy, it's really sad I can't see your face.
And they're like, ooh.
Boom, that mask comes off.
And I was in a store the other day, and there were two women behind the counter.
They're wearing their masks.
They're getting something for me.
And I just said, you don't need to wear those masks.
Well, they kind of make us do it.
And I said, why don't you just take them off?
You know it's a fraud.
You know it's a lie.
She said, well, I heard that.
My brother said that.
I was reading that.
Like, OK.
And we just have to do that.
And I annoy the crew when they go at me.
I annoy my children.
She's about as bad as I am now telling people it's fraud.
My wife's on board.
And we just go to the park anywhere and we just go, oh, you're jogging, but you're wearing a mask.
I mean, the American Airline Association and the International Association came out a week ago.
Like, reprint me that, guys.
You're the ones that brought it to me.
Where you've got a 1 in 23 million chance of getting COVID on an airplane?
I mean, folks.
Why is it you're not getting super spread on these airplanes?
Because it's an overblown fraud.
And again, I know 99% of you know this, but for the 1% that just tuned in, I want you to know this.
You will die without vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc of any virus.
Your cells will stop working, and anything can invade and take over your cells because they malfunction, because the mitochondria cannot give orders to the cells if it does not have those.
And it's not just three things.
Most people end up being deficient in D because of the winter, C because they're not eating leafy green vegetables or citrus at proper levels, and Zinc.
But there's 13 vitamins that if you don't have them you die.
And a bunch of minerals you don't have them you die.
And you need the other ones to be healthy.
I've got hundreds of articles, hundreds of things to cover.
I just want to say again, because the fall's here, and people don't get malnutrition, and you're going to die of the flu, you're going to die of a cold, you're going to die of pneumonia, you're going to die of COVID, you're going to die of tuberculosis.
You think homeless have high levels of tuberculosis just because they
Are homeless, no, they're taking drugs and they're not eating good food.
They're eating gas station food, and they're taking drugs, and they're sleeping outside, and their bodies are run down.
They're all skinny.
You ever see fat homeless people?
Very rarely.
Because they're spending all the money on drugs.
And that's why they've almost all got TB, folks.
Because they're run down!
Like, oh, why'd my engine blow?
I hadn't put oil in it in two years!
You could have a brand new car.
And in six, eight months, if you hadn't changed that oil, you had an oil leak and there's no oil in there in days.
Hell, if you're driving down the road without oil, your engine will seize up in 10 minutes.
And again, these aren't weapons God gave us.
These are things we have to have.
It's not like they go, oh, vitamin D is a weapon against COVID.
Vitamin C is a weapon against it.
Oh, fish oil is a weapon against Alzheimer's.
If you don't have essential fatty acids that are clean, your brain short circuits.
So I'm gonna stop.
I'm gonna come back and hit the big Hunter Biden news, the big debate news, the big election fraud news that's so huge that I don't even know how to respond to this.
I'm gonna stop.
I mean, this is so big that I should not even be on air right now, okay?
I barely got on air because of this.
And I'm sitting there looking at this and I'm just like,
You know what real journalists are like?
Real journalists are like FBI agents, or what they used to be.
That's all you do.
You go out to a place, you get the proof, you show it to people, you document it.
But I don't have the money to hire retired FBI agents.
But I mean, that's what a real journalist would do.
Notice, media doesn't do that anymore.
They just see something somebody said, and then they just repeat what they heard.
I mean, when I come back, I'm gonna tell you this piece of news I've got, that I've seen the evidence,
And it's even from law enforcement.
And everyone's afraid to bring it out, even though they'll be heroes.
It's another thing.
It's this timidness of everybody.
But wait till you hear about what's going on when we come back.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Want to weigh that dog hunt?
You share that link.
You share that link.
George Soros, Bill Gates, you're burning hell!
The future isn't coming, it's here.
And in the future, keeping your humanity, saving your soul, your integrity, your very essence is going to be your most valuable asset.
In fact, it's going to be your only asset.
The world being built by the technocrats and the trap they've now sprung with COVID-19 and the endless lockdown is the beginning of the process of taking us past domestication into total
Incomplete dehumanization.
Human life will be impossible to be carried out in an original biological way by the year 2050.
This is their stated goal.
I'm sorry to have to report horrifying things like this to you, but only by facing the horror and not projecting your own decency onto the enemy.
Can we turn this around?
You must study their own writings, you must face the facts, and you must come to grips with it.
I've got some really important and quite frankly bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election and they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep.
And we understand that the globalists are our mortal enemies.
And we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Eleven short days.
Ninety days to the inauguration.
I don't have words to describe to you how incredible this is.
You don't need me to tell you, you already know.
I don't have music that can build us up to the point of the incredible majesty of what God has in store for us that will just be faithful.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is the live, October 22nd, Thursday transmission.
This is the final countdown.
All right.
My biggest frustration is that we have a small media organization that reaches millions of people a day and they can get in front of the president.
And as soon as I hire somebody and train them, they get poached away to go work somewhere else, which is fine, but it happens all the time.
And this morning,
I learned from very credible sources, something that I'd already gotten from another credible source last week, and that I got so busy, I never followed up on.
So when I learned from the City of Austin source, I'll leave it at that, what was going on, it was like a kick in the stomach because I already knew about it.
And again, that's just an example of how rampant this is.
And what am I talking about?
Guys, will you cue up the clip out of Germantown, Maryland, please?
With the man looking over his shoulder, messing with the ballot, and with a pen, a marker, changing it, which is a crime, I believe, in that state.
But that's speculation.
I mean, maybe the guy's just stupid, didn't know what he was doing.
This is a source known directly
By individuals employed here that have worked in, let's just say different strategies, the security apparatus of this country.
And all over Austin, they are mailing into nursing homes, multiple ballots, sometimes four a piece.
But of course, not everybody's getting them.
Women are getting them.
And almost all of them are registered what?
When I learned about this last week, I said, let me guess, is it mainly women?
Yeah, how do you know that?
And let me guess, they're Democrats.
Yeah, they are.
And so, I have a separate individual come here this morning, and he's showing me the evidence of this, but oh,
This person, you know, works in the city of Austin.
They don't want to get in trouble.
And I get that, but you're going to get in more trouble if there's not a country.
So I'm just like, just get me copies of the ballots.
Oh, touching somebody else's ballot, you know, that could be a crime.
So they're mailing out everybody ballots.
They're mailing them into nursing homes.
People don't know what planet they're on, most of them.
And the staff is filling them out and getting paid off to do it, okay?
And I mean, it's open and shut.
It's going on.
So, guarantee I called the FBI, I thought it was going to happen.
Because they won't let them.
The average FBI people are good, but those above market won't let them do anything.
But you know what?
I'm still going to call the FBI.
And so I told these folks, I said, just go out.
I said, I don't care what you got to do.
Go over there and damn it.
I mean, I'll sneak into the nursing home myself and do the interview.
But see, we've got this passive attitude.
Well, this isn't hearsay.
One individual has the damn ballots his mommy was given.
Four of them.
And they're saying, yeah, the rest of the women got them.
And folks in the nursing home.
God help us.
And can you imagine when that comes back to the state of Texas?
Imagine how bad it is in Michigan or Pennsylvania or Florida.
It's going to be totally a jackknife snurl of entanglement and impossible to find out what's going on.
And in states like Texas, it'll be hard to get fake ballots through, but the stump will still make it.
But what's going to happen in other states?
Well, we know what's going to happen.
And that's why
The Democrats in the last year quietly tried to get the Pentagon to say they'd overthrow Trump if they contest the election.
The Pentagon said no.
Hell no!
So they moved about a month ago to say, OK, Biden's going to win by a landslide.
Remember before, they got caught with fake polls four years ago, so they weren't doing it as bad this time.
But now, right back to fake polls.
He's going to win a landslide.
And they're just going to say he won.
And they're going to go with the secession movement and have the media declare Biden the winner.
They'll say, oh, it's not clear the 9-0.
It'll take a week or two.
And then they're going to say Biden wins and then win.
When Trump contests it, they're going to say he's a liar, and this is a disaster by design.
And during that, they're going to plunge the stock market saying, uncertainty about America.
Trump won't step down.
Stock market down 5,000 points, 7,000 points, 10,000 points, 12,000 points, 14,000 points, 20,000 points.
And it's going to be everybody lined up saying, get rid of Trump, and Biden will turn the stock market back on.
And they're going to betray us during that period, and then they're going to kill the dollar, and then the average leftist won't remember they did this a month later.
They have no memory.
They won't care that their pension's shot.
They won't care everything's bankrupt.
They won't care there's war on the streets.
They won't care that there'll be Venezuela, like that.
There'll be Cuba, like that.
Because that's the thing about leftists.
They have a spirit of evil, a spirit of denial, a spirit of being morons.
Yeah, shock pole, Texas tied.
Mega rips debate moderator, Trump weighs firing FBI director and Barr.
Well, I mean, they're not doing their job.
You have the laptop under Biden.
Releases full 60 minutes interview.
He walks out of tough questions.
No, he doesn't.
He's already gotten 45 minutes.
Twitter account hacked.
994 COVID deaths today.
Yeah, they're counting all the flus and all the pneumonia's.
He always had that many deaths, but oh, they're gonna talk about it all day and discuss it because they're trying to steal Texas, folks.
That's how much trouble we're in because we have a criminal organized crime group trying to take over the country and then that means the whole planet.
And that's why we've got to be praying for a global awakening, and we've got to get Trump back in, and he's got to go on the offense.
And let me tell you, he's out there not wearing a mask.
He's saying COVID's overblown now.
He's saying arrest the deep state.
He's saying go after the New World Order.
He is taking the vaccine program away from Bill Gates, which I told you would piss Gates off, because Gates wants you to have that mRNA.
Once he just says he has the vaccine, that ends the fear that nobody will take the vaccine.
Trump knows what he's doing.
It's actually working.
I'm not defending his Machiavelli tactics.
I'm not for inoculation, because I know they tame him.
I'm saying Trump knows what he's doing.
He's doing a different strategy than I would, but more and more, he's been 90% of my strategy.
He's like 98% of the strategy I go with.
That's just the truth.
Guns a-blazing, out in the open.
Just like I released the segments of the interview with Megyn Kelly before she did to show that she was lying, Trump just did that with 60 Minutes.
So you can see how they jump cut, how they edit what he really said.
So the good news is, out of this the system is being destroyed, it's corrupt, it's un-American, it's out of control.
Will Trump survive it?
Will Infowars survive it?
Will some of you survive it?
Maybe not.
But at least we're fighting back now, and that's the good news.
Now that we're awake, now that we're fighting back, the enemy just threw everything it's got at us.
The whole world, the Chi-Coms, trillions of dollars, and they're losing right now.
You got that?
So, this fight's just gonna go on and on, and we're going to take the globalist out.
We've got Obama.
Criticizing the president in a disgusting way, and laughing like he's in junior high like that fools us, that there's no conspiracy, there's no powerful group, because they fear that exposure.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock after being sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Both products are back in stock at InfowarsStore.com just two weeks out from the election.
And we're offering them both at 50% off, free shipping, and triple Patriot points for your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out.
But some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We're in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it.
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system?
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
My eyes are blind, but I can see.
The sun no longer sets me free.
Well then turn back to God.
The sun will set you free.
So will the night.
It's all made by God.
The occultists actually fear the night.
For they claim they are the night.
Fear the dark.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide.
Let me get some good news.
I'll get the really big news.
You've had state courts and federal courts all over the United States say Congress shall make no law establishing religion.
The establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Congress shall make no law.
Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof.
Don't have a jurisdiction.
Don't have it!
That means it's not your rodeo, not your property, not your zone, not your area.
Not your lane.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion prohibiting the exercise thereof, or the right of the press, or the right of the people to peacefully assemble for a redress of their grievances.
That's the First Amendment.
And it's under total globalist assault right now.
But you see what's happening.
Federal court just ruled that churches cannot be forced to wear masks, and that they cannot do social distancing.
But the problem is, the churches themselves will self-enforce it, because the media always says, according to the WHO, according to the UN, and the corporations are the new government, and big tech is the new enforcer.
And that's why they're making their move, is they believe
They can supersede Congress and your local governments because they've already bought off most of Congress.
They've already bought off most of the cities.
They've already got control.
And that's why it's up to we, the people, united, can never be defeated.
But it comes to us in noncompliance.
Oh, Alex, just wear the mask.
You know, it'll be over soon.
It'll never be over.
Bill Gates now says 10 years.
Because the mask is a symbol of idiocy.
Big studies have come out.
They're trying to suppress it.
Masks actually spread disease.
It's all crap, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all total and complete bunk.
Doctors wear masks because they don't want to smell your blood and the pus coming out of your teeth when they're drilling them.
Doctors wear...
Gas-operated spacesuits now with oxygen pumped in because when they're removing those mercury fillings, they don't want to breathe it.
Not because they're worried about keeping you safe.
The M95 masks protect those wearing it, but not those outside of it.
But these are facts.
The simpletons want to just wear their mask and feel like they're this good person.
Like, oh, I've got my app on my phone.
All the major restaurants now, even small ones, you go in them and, oh, we don't have menus anymore.
You scan right here.
You got to have a phone.
Oh, I don't have my phone.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You can't get food.
And that's getting you ready to scan.
And if you hadn't paid your taxes, if you don't have a good social credit score, they're not letting you in the building.
That's the admitted plan.
And you can tell the owner of the restaurant that they don't care.
They get some corporate email that tells them how to make money and who to sign up with and what they should do to be a good citizen.
And every liberal restaurant has it.
Every conservative restaurant doesn't.
The left adopts whatever they're told.
They're a cult.
Here's a clip of a local newscast.
On federal court striking down the unconstitutional mask mandates.
And a big talker this morning in one of our top stories on cbsdenver.com is the win in federal court by two churches here in Colorado.
The court case allows congregations to no longer wear masks or limit the number of people under one roof.
The pastors of Colorado Church's Denver Bible Church and Community Baptist Church filed a lawsuit in August.
Saying the restrictions were violations of the right to free exercise of religion.
The federal judge made the decision in agreeance last Thursday.
However, the state says it plans to appeal the decision to overrule state health orders.
But notice they don't care about Black Lives Matter shooting people in the head or huge rallies.
They want churches to stay shut.
And gyms.
And restaurants.
They want you to come to them to be able to have a life.
Let's break it down.
Oh, all the restaurants are going digital to stop COVID because we're dirty and menus are bad.
And oh, robots wash our plates.
Oh, other humans are evil.
That's how you depopulate.
You teach folks that any human action is bad.
You teach folks that no one can ever get sick and no one can ever die because it's an impossible problem that can never be fixed.
Bill Gates says, you'll never fix the problem, you'll never go back to normal.
I'm gonna run your life!
Because we're teaching you to have a hysteria about regular flu, regular cold, regular pneumonia death.
Because the tests are geared to shut down anybody that has a positive test.
Joe Rogan's had to shut down because his producer, supposedly had COVID, isn't even sick!
But oh, we've got to shut down because the insurance company says, we just have to go away!
Talk about the wimp culture, and I'm not saying Joe's a wimp, but I mean, this is the nanny state now, you see.
Oh, you can't have a cold.
Oh, but never tells you you need zinc.
Never tells you you need vitamin D3.
Never tells you you need C.
Never tells you that if you have a large dose of that and you're absorbing it, that you're basically invincible from viruses.
You may still get a heart attack, you may still have a stroke, you may still get struck by lightning, you may still be in a car wreck, you may still get cancer, but not as often, but you basically can't get viral infections when you're loaded up with 13 vitamins and minerals.
And that's a damn fact!
That's problem solved!
But oh, don't tell anybody that!
Oh, you need $3,000 in Desivir!
That Bill Gates and Fauci own part of.
All right.
I need to hit the laptop news.
I need to give the number up and take calls.
I need to hit all these clips.
And I said I'd play something when we came back that was huge, but I'm out of time right now.
This Obama thing coming out and saying, man, Trump's crazy, he believes in a secret power group.
We're under you in control of our health!
Medical doctors that own hospitals can't have YouTube channels!
Saying they gave steroids to their patients and cured them!
I also saw him giving a speech yesterday with a mask on.
It was like Bane.
Fire goes up.
That's all coming up.
This is a big deal though.
I'll explain why when we come back.
I'll give the number out.
Separately, this is a new massive week of specials at preparewithalex.com.
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Get those at infomercial.com.
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Black Friday in October.
Last year, that was one of our most popular sales that we ran in the last couple weeks of October.
And it was popular for a reason.
Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October.
And that means 30 to 60% off storewide free shipping, triple Patriot points, that's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto ship, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
A lot of stuff sold out.
Some of our best sellers are still there.
But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today with just two weeks to the election.
And more good news.
Ultra 12.
It's got the name Ultra for a reason.
Highest quality 5MB12.
Take it under the tongue for full absorption.
It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma and had done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of the money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info.
And even censored major news publications, and even censored the President.
But when the President and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly Jack of Twitter said he didn't know what had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, rapid carrying, is the way to stop it.
Groveling to it and letting big tech lie to us and run over us is the way to make these tyrants continue to go absolutely crazy.
Remember, they support Communist China and its death camps.
What will they do to us?
Yes, well we now know.
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates has 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers, this is our new neurotic control freak society.
Overseen by robots.
Overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian.
Premeditated and Bill Gates sits on top of it?
Come on folks, let's reject this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I have mixed feelings about what's going down.
I'm so proud of seeing humans across the planet of every race, color, and creed, who are one race human, come together and the huge awakening that good and evil are real.
That's what this battle's about.
But knowing how bad evil is, I can't believe it's almost winning.
I mean, it's just horrifying what the globalists have already done to third world countries, what they've done to us, what they do to those they get control of.
They're just monsters.
Remember Obama was at West Point about five years ago.
I played the clip many times.
He says, don't listen to those that claim tyranny is always around the corner and there's danger and there's oppressive systems and people that want to take your rights.
This is not true.
There is no new world order.
Remember that?
Even though he's part of the same project that calls for a new world order under Herbert Walker Bush.
Well, he came out, as you know, in his speech that they're billing, destroyed Trump, you know, all this CNN hype, to a little tiny crowd.
At first he had his mask on, finally just pulled it off.
He's like, argh, argh, kept messing with the mask and finally pulled it off.
I mean, just no one can do this.
It's a joke.
They're smothering us.
And so, that's the image, him pulling that mask off.
He slams Trump for believing secret cabal runs the world.
I mean, we just saw Bill Gates over every major African country except Tanzania, over the U.S., over Canada, over Mexico, even though Bolsonaro's president, Gates, through his system, controls their medical system because they did the grants and the funding over the last 30 years.
Europe's under it.
gives the orders.
The U.N.
If the U.N.
You don't need vitamin D3?
If a doctor tries to prescribe it, they get arrested.
Vitamin C, you get arrested.
Doctors saying, hey, here's vitamin D and C. Take this.
Arrested SWAT team, FBI.
People go, well, the FBI's here?
I mean, it must be bad what they did.
It's like, you gave that baby mother's milk!
Why, you put a plant in the sun!
You're arrested!
Why you didn't run that red light, we're arresting you.
Why you helped a little old lady cross the street, we're gonna... But again, they do it like, oh, the FBI's here, I mean... I mean, the doctor is giving a vitamin C, I mean, we have to...
And so, we're under United Nations control, telling us exactly what we can do, when we can do, how we can do it, and it's all centralized, and Bill Gates is on TV going, I don't care what Trump says, you're gonna take five shots a year, and the masks don't come off for 10 years, and the media goes, okay, they don't come off for 10 years.
People go, who died and made this guy emperor of the planet?
I mean, imagine if an alien sat down on a little pink cushion and said, I am Gwark from Mars, I am your emperor.
If you don't do as I say, I'll blow your planet up!
Well, there's Bill Gates.
You can never go back to normal until you take all my shots, have trackers on your phones, and always wear a mask.
And then a year later, actually, you'll take the shots and have the trackers, but you'll still never have freedom.
Because we're trying to save the Earth from your carbon footprint, and we're going to make you poor.
So then they can make us do what they say socially, for food.
Because now everything's going to be automated.
See, automation and robots doesn't mean you work two days a week.
It means you die.
Oh, the year 2020 or year 2030.
Well, automation will be so great with robots.
We'll work two days a week and do art and literature and just get smarter.
But instead we work more hours and have less and everything's falling apart and everything, nothing works right.
Planned obsolescence in humanity and it's all admitted to be their official plan.
And they write books how they're doing it.
And they've got all these movies.
There's a new movie out.
Every time I turn around, I'll read them.
The spoiler on a science fiction movie.
I used to like science fiction.
Until every movie is, the Earth is overpopulated, everyone dies.
But, thanks to depopulation and a new system, humans merge with machines.
And now they're able to live into the future forever.
You know, used to it was, I robot, the robots could become a problem.
But oh, no, no, not now.
All the new movies is, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
We become robots and live forever.
What a dystopic nightmare.
And so, they're telling you all this.
These godless big tech executives that are bigger than government, engage in all these crimes against you.
But again, the delusional conservatives.
The delusional lawyers that still think because they're in the big ivory capital building that they're in control.
You're in control of nothing because you handed your power over to the New World Order dumbasses.
And I'm saying, if you want to get the Senate and the House to do something, you want your governor to do something, don't call up and bitch at them and say, oh, you're a tyrant.
You're taking us over.
They like that.
Say, you're a schmuck.
You're an idiot.
You've been taken over by a multinational powerhouse.
You're run by China.
You're run by big tech.
You're a bitch.
Because they are.
That's who they are.
So let's go to this clip of Obama.
And what is Obama really telling you here in this clip?
He's saying, don't talk about the international power structure, don't talk about the big banks, don't talk about the New World Order, don't talk about the WTO, don't talk about the IMF, don't talk about the World Bank, don't talk about globalism, don't talk about the UN, because globalism is the global government and it's authoritarian and it's bad!
And if we ever have a debate about it and say, it's authoritarian, it's bad, it's out of control, it's done!
They want to just bring in globalism, have you accept a world ID on your iPhone, a face scan that controls everything you do, and taxes your movements, and runs your life, and makes you poor, all under the COVID rollout!
This is them rolling their takeover out!
And so Obama makes jokes when we see rigged debates.
Rigged polls.
All big tech blocking Hunter Biden's real emails now confirmed.
Confirmed sex abuse of children.
Emails to his dad.
And the media is more than happy as spokespersons, as PR firms, to cover that up.
So, oh, there's no centralized group.
There's no secret group.
You're right.
It's not secret.
It's out in the open.
So here's Obama laughing and ridiculing what he fears.
Like, ha ha ha!
And then they claim the sun comes up in the morning.
Ha ha ha!
Next, they said the ocean's got water in it.
Ha ha ha!
Next, they said the grass was green.
Let me tell you another one.
Ha ha ha!
Next, he told me that roosters go cock-a-doodle-doo!
And then it gets even worse.
He told me... He told me the really funny thing.
That the sky is blue.
He said vaccines are dangerous!
A bunch of people are dying in the trials!
He's right!
Here's Obama, not looking too good.
Looks like Big Mike might have gave him AIDS.
Here it is.
And with Joe and Kamala at the helm, you're not going to have to think about the crazy things they said every day.
And that's worth a lot.
You're not going to have to argue about them every day.
It just won't be so exhausting.
You might be able to have a Thanksgiving dinner without having an argument.
You'll be able to go about your lives knowing that the President is not going to retweet conspiracy theories about secret cabals running the world or that Navy SEALs didn't actually kill Bin Laden.
Think about that.
The President of the United States retweeted that.
They didn't.
We're not going to have a president that goes out of his way to insult anybody who doesn't support him.
Or threaten them with jail.
That's not normal presidential behavior.
And listen how he's... It's not normal to sell this out to China.
It's not normal to call your wife Michael over and over again.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to give the number out.
We're going to take your calls.
I'm going to get to the laptop news.
All of it.
But that was a big deal right there.
They are so scared.
Again, do not forget.
We're selling out of Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
As folks know, it boosts your natural defenses, your immune system.
It's got the zinc.
It's got the vitamin D. It's got the olive.
It's got the C. It's got all the minerals.
It's got everything you and your children need.
It tastes great.
It's delicious.
It's all natural.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Even though it's going to sell out in like seven, eight, nine days at current sales rate, I'm going to go ahead and keep it discounted, even though we're not getting more of it until the earliest mid-December because of the supply chain breakdown.
So I just, it's the moral thing to do to thank all the listeners.
I'm going to keep it discounted.
I'm going to keep it discounted.
For a couple more days, and then we're still going to keep a discount of about 50% off because we've got to fund our operation.
So get your Vitamineral Fusion at FullWorthStore.com right now.
And Ultra 12 is so good for your body's defenses as well.
It's such a great foundation for your cells, for your stamina.
You've got to have it.
This is the strongest, highest quality form.
Take it under the tongue.
Let it sit there for about a minute.
Absorbs into the blood vessels.
This works better for me at like 9 at night if I've got to work 5 more hours.
And coffee.
And I go right to sleep after I take it.
That's the stuff that B12 does.
It's the best.
Ultra12, InfowarsStore.com.
It's all there.
Free shipping.
Up to 60% off.
Storewide free shipping.
Triple pay 3 points.
Check out all the products.
They're amazing.
We'll be right back.
It was 30 months ago that InfoWars, and of course yours truly Alex Jones, was banned on more than 60 major platforms in one day.
Led by the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, who helps China run giant death camps.
Always just let that be in the back of your mind when we talk about these monsters and where they're taking us.
They have no bottom.
And people said, Jones, how are you taking it?
And I said, I'm taking it just fine.
They're coming for you next.
This is a technocracy.
They're merging with big pharma.
They're taking over the media.
This is a digital psychological dictatorship in their own words.
This is a planetary takeover.
They're then going to start locking us in our houses using supposed plague threats.
That's so the wireless system can come into place with the driverless cars and the robot takeover.
How'd I know all this would happen?
Because they've been saying they're going to do it.
See, it's not that I'm psychic.
I know how to read what these monsters are saying.
So you have to understand, as crazy as all this sounds, it doesn't come from me.
It comes from them.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off,
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Legion War on Corruption Broadcasting Worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're taking your calls.
This hour number goes out right now.
And that one call that was still on hold yesterday, the answers, we'll put them up front.
You can call in about any subject you want, the election, the laptop, all of it.
I would love to hear from you.
I've got a lot to cover, but I'm going to just repeat something I said earlier because it's so important.
Can you believe how good Trump is?
The media is spinning it like he's going to get in trouble because he's being too mean.
He better stop being too mean.
What's Obama saying?
Don't talk about secret cabals and shadow government.
That's ridiculous.
And CNN and MSNBC, oh my gosh, you're calling us crooks.
You're calling Hunter Biden a crook.
Don't do that.
It's discrediting.
Oh, and I forgot.
Golly gee, tonight we're going to be here live.
I'm going to be here.
I will be here.
Lately I've been saying I'll be here at night, and then I just get tired and don't come up here.
But wild horses cannot drag me away.
So I'll be a good boy and won't eat too big a dinner.
I go home, my wife makes some big dinner and then I'm like, I can't go back in.
I go to sleep at like nine at night.
That's not happening tonight.
I will be up here hovering with Owen Schroer, Deanna Lorraine and others.
The final debate, Trump versus Biden with special assistance from Kristen Welker.
Coverage starts at 5 p.m.
Central during the War Room with Owen the Destroyer Schroyer.
And then, I'll be in here with Deanna Lorraine and others tonight.
And Trump needs to just... Here's what happens.
It happened with Chris Wallace.
It happened with the last lady.
That was his debate with her.
They don't interrupt Biden when he goes off on a tangent, but when Trump does, they do.
And say, well, that's not true.
Trump's like, oh, I'm debating you.
I mean, it's crazy.
It's like in the movie Gladiator, where they stab him first so the little princeling can fight him.
He still beats him, but I mean, how about Trump comes out in a ball gag?
I mean, seriously, you know, with a sock stuffed in his mouth, because that's what's going on.
We'll get your take on that as well, 877-789-2539.
And I will hit the news on the Biden laptop that we've not gotten to yet here in just a moment.
But I got to tell you, I am stunned, stunned, stunned at the discipline of the mainstream media not touching
The laptop.
I mean, they won't even get into it.
They won't discuss it.
More laptops have come out.
All these witnesses are coming out that had the emails on the other side confirming it.
I mean, obviously, they had that a month ago.
And but then every news channel, the London Guardian, you name it, Giuliani's got big questions.
Giuliani's in trouble by Sacha Baron Cohen.
He thought it was an underage girl.
I tell him, please wait here, sir.
Just like he did Ron Paul.
They say, oh, we're done now.
He goes in.
I do this all the time.
I went in the bathroom today.
I was being interviewed this morning by a TV crew.
I went in the bathroom to do it, but I mean, you've got to get your pants down and get it out.
He's just, oh, we're ready for your microphone.
Giuliani's done this probably 5,000 times, as many times as I've done it or more.
Pulls the cord out.
They put it on your side.
That's how they do it.
It goes up your shirt.
You've got to grab it.
He reaches in.
He's now trying to rape her.
Whole thing staged.
He says it's a complete fabrication, but you see the other headlines.
It's, oh, he's in trouble.
Every news channel, oh, is this illegal what Giuliani did in a room with a 15-year-old.
Who wasn't 15?
She was 22.
And it was Barat.
Sacha Baron Cohen, a creepy guy that's not even American.
That prays on our country and calls for the end of free speech and the arrest of our president.
What he is is an enemy operative and a criminal who thinks he's better than you and your family and who's preying on you and your family.
I hope he burns in hell.
Disgusting maggot!
Unbelievable criminal.
So there's the media covering up all the real pedophilia.
Hunter Biden with his niece and tortured girls trying to set up Giuliani.
That's the type of devilish filth we're dealing with.
Burn in hell, Sacha Marako and burn!
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out for the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond canon.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together, it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make light work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, we now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm here with Congressman Ron Paul, who was the 2008 presidential candidate.
So tell me, who are you wearing?
Well, I don't even know, because it's pretty conventional and I'm pretty, in that sense, pretty ordinary.
But the message is not ordinary.
Do you want some champagne?
Oh, I don't care for any now.
There's no ice bucket, but I know a good place to put it.
Yeah, you look great in that.
Have you done a lot of television before?
Oh, well, I've been on you throughout the years.
This last year, a tremendous amount.
Do you want some strawberries or maybe some oysters?
No, I'm okay.
I'm gonna light some candles, if that's okay.
It really loosens you up.
Has anyone ever told you you look like Enrique Iglesias?
You're much cuter.
Of course not.
I love music.
I used to be a dancer.
All right, get out of here!
Now the reason we played that again, if you're a radio listener, you can hear it's Ron Paul.
It is the sinister criminal, Sacha Baron Cohen, un-American filth, who literally goes on TV and says, arrest Big Tech if they don't censor Alex Jones completely off, eradicate everyone.
The closest thing to Hitler is Sacha Baron Cohen.
This monster uses our open, free speech to degrade our country, to run it down, to say we're racist and evil, to set people up.
The supremacist.
And then his specialty is saying you're being interviewed in a hotel, and to say, oh, the lights have broken.
This is what happened to Giuliani we now know.
It was obvious this is what he did.
Please come in here and wait.
There's no chairs.
There's a bed.
You sit on the bed.
And then he comes in, blocks the door and pulls his pants down on you.
I mean, listen, I wish he'd pull that with me because I'd break his jaw if he was lucky.
I mean, and Ron Paul almost punched him in the face.
I've talked to him about it off air.
You see him.
I mean, the guy's not a wimp.
And the point is, is that that's the type of crap that's going on here.
Imagine you're in a hotel room and a dude drops his drawers.
Wearing a thong, and then chases him out the door.
Ron Paul's like, that guy's a fag!
They're like, oh, he's homophobic!
Give me a break, folks.
Imagine if that was a woman.
Even back then, ten years ago.
A woman, you get a woman in a room, and then you drop your pants on her.
That's called sexual assault, folks.
That's called exposure.
That's called trauma.
Oh, but a man, he's tough.
Kind of like our school-age boys can be taught at eight to have their balls chopped off.
They were telling little girls to have their ovaries removed.
Oh, you're really a little boy.
Let's cut your ovaries out.
Because the real target's appropriation.
Oh, you're a tough boy.
You can get your balls cut off.
It's sexual mutilization.
That's what they're doing, is mutilating these children.
And it's all their admitted plan.
So they're literally watching him on all these hidden cameras right next door, and it's on video.
That's why they haven't released it yet, but Julianna has described what happens.
And as soon as he starts taking his mic off, she runs into the room, he leans up, she reaches for the mic, taking it off of him to get him to have contact with her, because this is just a scam operation, a set up, criminals, and Sasha Barricano runs in, dressed like a woman,
Scantily clad in a thong and a pink top saying, she's too young, she's 15, have sex with me.
And Giuliani reportedly said, what the hell is this?
And ran out of the room.
So imagine they're watching him on TVs in the room next to him.
They say, oh, the interview is over.
He goes, okay.
He leans back.
He goes to take the mic.
You put it in your back pocket or your side.
You string it under the shirt.
And you pin it right here.
So you've got to pull your stuff out to get it.
So they're watching in the room right next door.
And the minute Giuliani goes to do that, they're like, oh, I can take it out?
They leave.
Okay, sure.
He leans back to take it out.
They run into framing.
This was a criminal frame up.
And we're like, oh, it's just free speech.
It's just Sacha Baron Cohen.
He's just a comedian that says, arrest Alex Jones, lock him up for his speech and arrest Big Tech and let the ADL run America.
That's what's going on in 2020.
These people are authoritarians and they are dangerous.
And then they've got some sex operative woman posing as an underage girl.
They invite him up for an interview.
He goes there and they go, oh, here she is.
She is 15.
OK, whatever.
You can take Mike off now.
Oh, go in here, please.
OK, we go away.
We'll give you time.
They're right next door, as soon as he sticks his hand in his pants to block a wire, they come and jump on him.
And then she's up, oh let me touch wire, let me, let me touch you, let me get on your body to have that shot from the hidden cameras they've got.
What a group of criminals!
Oh, it's Sacha Baron Cohen, a celebrated liberal.
He's a monstrous, filthy, disgusting, un-American enemy of this country.
Trying to set people up and he thinks it's funny because he thinks you're there to be set up by him.
And he goes to all these events and sings racist songs and tries to get white people to sing along but he can't do it so now he's resorted to things like this.
I said I'd go to your calls.
Next segment I'm going to go to Aliza in Alaska.
Jeff's first from Canada.
And David and Kim and Jeremiah and Salvador in Chicago, Christian in Delaware, Brandon in New York, DJ in New York, Walt.
We're getting to everybody this hour.
And then, James O'Keefe pops in the middle of the next hour.
We've got plenty of time for your calls.
We'll take more calls than even this.
I promise you I'm going to write your calls when we come back.
But let me hit the other notes.
This is so incredible.
GOP Senator Ron Johnson asked DOJ IG Horowitz to open an investigation into the FBI handling of Hunter Biden's laptop.
It's now confirmed.
It's all there.
What's on it?
Including, it looks like, sex.
We're trying to have sex with his niece.
But, that's just liberal in the way it is.
It's all Giuliani that's bad.
Set up by, uh, again, trying to make him look like what they are.
Basically, Sacha Baron Cohen is there to defend the pedophile lobby.
And the ADL was founded by organized crime to protect a man convicted of murdering a little girl in pedophilia.
And their job is destroying this country and destroying Israel as well.
Because the devil always creates a counterfeit.
And the ADL is just a shameful criminal organization sworn to destroy freedom in this country and is a clear and present danger just as bad as the Southern Property Law Center.
Again, this guy wants all our speech, he wants me arrested for my speech, but he gets to run around and set people up because he thinks he's better than you, he thinks he's royalty, he thinks he's God.
He's like Obama, he's like Hillary, he's like all these globalists.
Bill Clinton, they all think they're better than you.
That's why they're into pedophilia.
That's why they're in all this evil stuff, because they love to have power over innocent people.
And they love putting masks on you, and they love controlling your speech, and they love all the AI censorship, and they love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it.
But I'm done ranting.
Hunter Biden's story was most read in social media despite attempts to kill it.
Bombshell statement.
Biden insider claims he was a recipient of emails as he witnessed Joe and Hunter discussing deals and money.
Obama mocks Trump for believing secret cabals run the world.
Buddy, you're out in the open.
We just witnessed a clear example of foreign interference in the election.
This is all InfoWars.com.
What did Trump do with his Sacha Baron Cohen interview back when he was Ali G?
20 years ago.
The interview's 30 seconds long.
Let's go out to break with it.
I don't have time to play it now, but... He says, this is fake.
Got up and left.
Said, you have a nice day.
I'll see you later, buddy.
This isn't real.
I sat down to hear your real business.
Yeah, this is a joke.
Look, Trump's looking around.
You saw what Ron Paul gets up to.
He's looking around like, where are the hidden cameras?
It's a setup!
We see you!
Your whole world is about conning us and scamming us and getting it over us with your stupid COVID crap!
We're done with the CHICOMS and the New World Order and all of it!
We're done with you!
Get out of our lives!
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app
I think?
Turn on and listen to what you're saying, just like Siri or Alexa do, and then putting databases, transcripts of everything you say into those systems to be saved forever.
Your phone is spying on you and companies are generating secret surveillance scores based on information.
This is the Global Chinese Communist Social Credit Score.
Get your protection privacy pockets at InfoWarstore.com and cut Big Brother off dead in his filthy tracks.
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clintonistas are saying.
It's what the Obamabots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
You've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we're going right to your phone calls.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, but I've got an action alert.
Action, action, action, action!
We've got a powerful weapon in the fight for the Republic and the planet.
And it's called the truth, and it's called taking action and force of will.
Last week, I got contacted by a very credible source in Texas, of all places, it must be rampant.
This morning, another source here at the office was contacted by folks in the city government of Boston about their families that are in nursing homes getting multiple ballots and it happening throughout the nursing homes.
Printed out in their name, ready to go to them off a database, just like the dead cat got one, you know, dead people get them as well.
80 million of them have been sent out.
And Texas is not as bad as other states, so it must be horrible.
We're seeing those numbers come out, just crazy stuff everywhere.
Ballots in trash cans, in rivers, in gullies being burned, the backs of people's cars, people filling it out on video, turning them in who aren't even them, you know, doing it in Germantown, Maryland, on camera.
It's crazy.
Well, everybody I talked to is like, well, yeah, we went and got the extra ballots, and yeah, we've got them, but, you know.
We're just not gonna talk to you because we're scared for our jobs.
They're like, but don't worry, we'll destroy the extra ballots.
Having the extra ballots is illegal.
You need to report it to the police.
People are like, well, we'll get fired from the city of Austin if, well, I mean, my God, we're gonna lose everything anyways.
You can't report ballot mistakes?
But see, everybody knows you would get fired.
So, I have limited resources.
I'm not complaining.
I'm frustrated that it's like I'm a cop
We're like a police substation that has 10 cops in it, and there's like 100 calls an hour coming in.
I mean, I can't handle it.
But you know what?
Somebody's got to do it.
So we're creating a new email.
We're going to try to check every hour.
Vote at Infowars.com.
And all over the country, just go see your parents in the nursing home, because you know what's happening in Texas.
And I've seen reports of multiple ballots in Michigan, too.
You know it's happening everywhere.
and just go check on your parents or check on your sister or your brother or or your just just you know what if you've got a dog you know say it's a whatever they call where you go visit people with the animal to make them feel good companion animal I mean I've gone and had country music played at nursing homes for people and my grandmother was in there and brought the dog in there to see her made her real happy so I mean I've done that
Go visit the nursing home with your dog.
Go visit there and see if there's a stack of ballots sitting right there and then report it.
But if you're in a Democrat county, you cannot report to them because they will do nothing.
Give it to the Texas Rangers.
Give it to the Attorney General.
Give it to the Lieutenant Governor.
I wouldn't give it to... I wouldn't give it to the governor we got now.
He's basically Gavin Newsom's creature.
All right, I'm going to your calls.
Vote at InfoWars.com.
Send in your info.
And we need you to show the ballots.
And I don't even care if we get the story.
Notice I don't say, oh, send it to us and we'll do a report on it.
We'll try.
But do this.
Send it to everybody.
Send it to Fox News.
Send it to local newspapers.
Send it, and then it'll get out.
Because I don't care about breaking the story.
I just care about beating these monsters.
I'm really pissed right now because I was busy last week and was told about this by another source and just kind of mulled over it.
And because I get busy and I forget what I'm working on and then, you know, there's so much happening.
And then now it's confirmed again and they are scared to show it to us.
So that's what this country's turned into.
I mean, I guess it's courage to even let somebody know what's going on.
Vote at Infowars.com.
Jeff in Canada.
Thank you for being here today, sir.
Go ahead.
We appreciate you.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, you know, I watched Giuliani's podcast last night, and I really think that the information is so damning against Biden, I don't know if they can survive it if the information gets out.
So I think they're going to go for broke to try and shut everything down.
The thoughts I've been having is, what's the InfoWars contingency plan, and I had a few ideas about it, if you're totally taken off the air, and we can't share articles, and even if people are banned, is there a contingency plan in place that you have?
Well, we have our own satellites.
We're on radio and TV stations, so you can always find us by searching Alex Jones Live, Alex Jones Podcast, Alex Jones Local Radio.
There are hundreds of stations that are restreaming us.
You can get around it.
But yes, we've been getting hit.
In the last two months, with attacks hundreds of times bigger than any previous attack.
Attacks that, I'm not going to give who the big companies we use, but they're saying these are governmental level attacks, some of the biggest they've ever seen on private companies, and it's all out of communist China.
They're not even hiding the IP addresses.
So they work with the Democrats and they're trying not to shut us down.
I told you this a month ago and now the FBI came out, the NSA came out and said, the public needs to know the Chinese are hacking our cell towers.
They're hacking our dams.
They're hacking our power plants.
They're hacking red lights.
That's why cell phones have been down in Austin, Round Rock.
Right now, I can tell you, this is secret, but the Chinese know, so I'll just say it.
A lot of dams and a lot of power relay centers now have people watching it, and they've basically taken the computers offline most of the time.
So they'll turn computers on, let them calibrate stuff, then they turn them off for a while and let it run by hand, because there's so many Chinese attacks.
They're doing phishing deals, they're doing spoofing, they're hitting everywhere, and it's just absolute total sabotage.
And remember, Obama...
Seven years ago, gave the keys of all 22 million U.S.
government assets, their families, their numbers, their files to the Chinese.
And they've just, they've infiltrated everything.
I mean, we are just, I mean, sir, we're so infiltrated.
The Washington Post says, Xi Jinping is our king.
Destroy Trump.
We love China.
We love communism.
He goes to Davos and they say, Xi Jinping will crush America.
And he is saluted on both sides by
By Junker and by Soros.
I mean you couldn't, I mean literally they saluted him on the stage and had tears in their eyes as their champion and Junker said, Xi Jinping will defeat Trump in America.
They didn't even say, oh Trump, they said America.
Junker is the heir to the entire Nazi fortune.
His grandfather was the richest Nazi, the richest German, German royalty.
Um, they were so rich that they didn't even get in trouble in World War II.
He is, he is the owner of Luxembourg, okay?
If you want to get down to brass tacks, he's probably the richest man on earth that we know of, okay?
And he's above the Rothschilds.
He literally is drunk on the stage saluting G.G.
You'll kick American, and you'll get Trump, leave the cross there!
And, and, and Soros is like wandering around like... You ought to watch the video, we played it before.
I mean, and he's a Nazi collaborator!
They're crazy people!
Have you seen the video of Junker running up and like humping women on TV and like grabbing men and stuff?
Have you seen these people?
It's a complete mess.
They're a complete joke.
But Alex, my concern is that if you are taken off the air, one day we all tune in, the millions of people that tune in, and all of a sudden there's no transmission.
I will tell you the best way to get around it.
We'll still be able to shoot a video or have an article and email it to you.
And so everybody should sign up at the free newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Just put your name in, create a new account if you don't want to go into your main account, whatever.
And then if it's not a Google account or something else, because they can block that now, if it's a private email or a small email company, they won't be able to block the URL.
Uh, and so I would sign up for the free newsletter.
That is the battle plan.
And I would just tell listeners, that's a big subject.
We can do a whole show.
You know, I thought about last week.
Thank you for the call, sir.
I thought about last week, Jeff, doing a whole four-hour show on This Could Be Our Last Show.
And what would I say on my last show?
You know what?
Next Tuesday, I'm gonna do a show called My Last Show Ever.
Question mark.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock after being sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Both products are back in stock at InfoWarStore.com, just two weeks out from the election.
And we're offering them both at 50% off, free shipping, and triple Patriot points on your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out.
But some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
That means CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's the clear winner, hold everything up with the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Herd them into those vaccines.
Take your children away.
Make them with 5G.
Hard to believe this was on in the early 50s.
With Clint Eastwood.
My mother said her first crush
I was on Clint Eastwood when she was like 10 years old watching this show.
My mom's 70 years old.
I was watching online Rawhide the other day because we were playing this music.
This is just good old-fashioned TV shows.
Great acting.
A lot of the same actors you see on The Twilight Zone and stuff.
First-rate stuff.
There's that young Clint Eastwood.
Man, it's amazing.
Anyways, I'm not plugging Rawhide here.
I just, a little nostalgia there about that.
All right, let's race through your phone calls now, and then I've got some big breaking news on the Ghazaleen Maxwell situation, and what's coming out in court documents concerning Billy Boy Clinton on that airplane on that island, and so much more, and more deaths from the COVID vaccine test, and more deaths from the flu shots.
Now it's even coming out in the news, right?
Yeah, it's gonna kill you, and you're gonna take it, and it doesn't protect you.
All right, is Christine been home the longest, or is it Eliza?
Eliza in Alaska, up in Sarah Palin territory.
I haven't been to that state yet.
One of the few states I haven't been to.
I want to go there someday.
Eliza, thanks for joining us.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Wanted to say thank you, first of all, for everything that you do.
Thank you.
And I just kind of wanted to talk to you about the current situation, the election.
I love this quote by Steve Quayle.
It says, there's no political solution for a country with a spiritual problem.
Well, that's somebody I want to get back on the show.
I keep meaning to do that.
In fact, I just told my producers, please get Steve Quayle on and please continue, ma'am.
He has a lot of wonderful things to say.
I just think that Americans that are like-minded to us, that have a relationship with God and want to see the best for our country, we have a lot of fear and a lot of uncertainty.
But I think that we can unite in prayer
And unite in that hope that President Trump will win and that the right people will take power.
But if God's plan is different, no matter what we do, we can't win.
Then we have to prepare ourselves in a different way.
Well, I just thank God, and I mean that when I say it, for you calling in.
Because this morning I was up at 5 a.m.
staring into the mirror, brushing my teeth.
And I was having a lot of anxiety over the election, a lot of anxiety over the fraud, and it was just the Holy Spirit said, go on your show first thing and say it's all in God's hands and it's God has the power.
You're killing yourself and you're killing your listeners.
Get everybody upset.
Get people motivated.
Do the best you can, but I'll do the rest.
Stop getting upset.
You know God's real.
You know you're awake.
You know people are awake.
Do your job, but don't
Don't hurt yourself over it and tell others they need to just trust in God and pray and pray and pray and pray because it's that connection when we call on God that opens up the channel more and more like a river.
From a trickle to a river, so that God can then act through us.
And so, we must open up a channel to God, and we must be God-like.
And that means that, you know, with that, we have to set aside the worldly things we do.
And I gotta tell you, I more and more have done that.
I mean, I'm not a super worldly guy, but I like alcohol, I like, you know...
Food, I like sex, I like fighting, I like all those type of things.
And as I get closer to God, those things are not really important like they were before.
All that is important is connection to God, and it's so much more fulfilling.
And that's part of the maturing process, but you're absolutely right.
What else would you like to impart to us, ma'am?
With what you just said, God chose the most flawed men to lead his crusades and his fights.
And that is very reflected on with you and your admittance that
You know, there's indulgences that you have.
We all do.
But I think we're all patriots here and that we just all need to find common ground because the time is almost up.
And I don't know if we're going to win this or not.
I hope President Trump wins.
I love a lot of the things he does.
I don't agree with him on everything, but I know that I love my country.
I love you and your family, Alex.
And all my brothers and sisters that are Americans and patriots.
But I really do want to get Steve Quayle on once a month because he's very apocalyptic, but he's been right about so much of what he said.
And I think so many times he's been apocalyptic.
We came right at the edge and he was probably right.
And then God gave us a reprieve.
But I think now we really see how apocalyptic all this is.
OK, let's go to Kim in Connecticut, then Christian in Delaware.
Kim, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks for answering my call.
My father-in-law is a huge fan of you and he suggested to call you.
So hi, how are you?
I'm great.
It's so wonderful to have you listening.
Thank you.
So I have actually an important message for President Trump for the tonight's debate.
And I hope I can reach to him.
So I think he should bring a positive message of
I think his slogan should be make America healthy again.
And it doesn't mean he has to be perfect.
He has to recognize that he's got issues, we all have issues, and then make America healthy again.
I think that would be a great national thing.
In fact, Putin has made organic food a staple, that in Russia would be the biggest exporter of organic food, which was a major market for him.
We need to displace the GMO.
And Putin has said, we need to make Russia healthy again.
It's actually something Putin's done.
They'll accuse him of being a Russian agent.
Well, I mean, if the Russians have good ideas, we should adopt good ideas.
I don't care if the Chinese have it, or the Mexicans have it, or who has it, or the Brazilians, or, you know, the Nigerians, or the South Africans.
I don't care.
But that is a fabulous idea, Kim.
Make America healthy again, because we are very unhealthy.
Yes, and everybody's talking about masks and
Taking vaccines and everything else, but the main focus should be just improving everybody's immune system so we can naturally just combat forever influenza.
That's right.
Well, thank you for the call.
In all the major studies, you might look these up, taking the flu shot lowers your immunity the next year to regular flu.
And it's never worked to pick the right flu to give you immunity.
It is the biggest fraud ever.
So when you take this new COVID vaccine that is basically a cold virus, they're saying you may have an autoimmune response in the future to regular cold viruses that kill you, like the influenza flu of 1918.
That's in the literature, and it looks like that's what these jerks are doing, is making it where regular colds and regular flu are going to kill more people.
Just it's so sick.
Then they'll say that's COVID into the future.
See what they're doing?
They're removing your immunity, folks.
These people are jerks.
Man, I tell you.
Because again, it's a chimera virus, so the body doesn't just create an immunity to it, it creates an autoimmune response that's so huge it kills you.
This is very sophisticated stuff going on.
Very, very, very sophisticated evil.
But you better believe, when you hear them call it a vaccine, a vaccine goes, you know, there's two different types, but look it up for yourself.
The main one teaches T lymphocytes, white blood cells, how to kill something.
Because if a white blood cell sees anything it's never seen before, it comes up and literally... Well, I sent you a video two weeks ago, guys, an electron microscope of a white blood cell.
It was the best one yet I've seen.
Leanne Mackinney tweeted it, of all people.
I saw it on her Twitter, and I went, oh, that's what I was asking you guys to get.
It's like magic.
You guys couldn't find it when I asked for it a month ago, but then she randomly had a white blood cell on hers, eating, eating, eating viruses and bacteria, and it's like an amoeba, and it's a big cell, and it comes up, it's got little antennas, it touches it, smells it, waits a minute, and it goes...
And just gobbles it up and then craps it out.
It eats stuff.
And then it learns how to... And then it teaches the other cells what to kill.
That's what they give you an attenuated weakened virus or bacteria that your body learns how to kill it.
These new ones go in and reprogram your cells randomly.
It's crazy!
Cognitive dissonance is a major issue amongst the left.
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Black Friday in October.
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Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October.
And that means 30 to 60% off store-wide free shipping, triple Patriot points.
That's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto-ship, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
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But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today with just two weeks to the election.
More good news.
Ultra 12.
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It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing... Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground.
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every fast of our lives.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, Salvador and Chicago just hung up.
He was up first.
Get back in, Salvador.
I'll go right to you.
I know you're busy.
I appreciate you holding.
Christian, Steve, Brandon, DJ, Walt, Kathy, Jessica, David, Dango, Jay.
I'm just going to the calls as they come in.
But I was going to Salvador first, but he's gone.
So who's up next here?
That would be Christian in Delaware.
Thanks for holding.
You're up there in Joe Biden territory.
And I'm going to piggyback off of the second-to-last call you had, and I'm going to pray.
I hope that's all right with you.
Go ahead, brother.
Lord, thy God, creator and master of the universe, in your son's name, Yeshua, Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, on this day we pray.
Father, we pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Your will includes making your enemies your foes.
So Lord, we ask that your enemies face judgment here on earth as they will surely face eternal judgment.
Father, we ask that you will soften our hearts and sharpen our minds.
And though we do not deserve your blessings, and never will, we ask that you guide and guard our patriots, protecting them from the schemes and wiles of the wicked one.
For it is your promise that if we turn to you, seek your face, repent, and turn away from our wicked ways, you will hear from heaven and you will heal our land.
We will never deserve you, yet we have you.
Fill us with the Holy Ghost.
And for those who have not yet received, I pray that they be baptized in the Holy Ghost and born again.
In your son's name, Yeshua Adonai Elohim.
Real quick, God has given me a task in which I have not been obedient about, so this will be a good starting point.
More than a year ago, He gave me a vision in which told me that all who smoke hempen seeds shall surely die.
Ezekiel 3, 18 says, When I say to a wicked person, you will surely die, and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life.
I personally submitted evidence to the Delaware State Police before concerning child pornography being traded on Instagram.
When I forfeited my phone, they try to make it seem like I'm a bad person for doing so and gathering evidence that proves underage conduct.
So I'm just, you know... No, no, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
I gotta jump to the next person.
Look, the FBI already had this laptop.
Giuliani gave it to the Delaware Police.
They gave it to the Feds again to open a congressional investigation that the FBI is on record getting this and is not doing anything.
That was the point.
It's like when you know somebody's home, and you're knocking on the door again.
But I hear you, brother.
I don't have faith in Delaware Police, State Police either.
At least not their leadership.
Okay, let's take another call here.
Let's go to David in California.
Go ahead, David.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to mention something that I heard this morning on Fox.
They had a Biden surrogate on there, and it's funny, she kept referring to Biden as President, President Biden.
So it's almost, the closer it gets, the more they project.
Then they also brought up the, they also brought up a question regarding Hunker's email.
And sure enough, they try to dismiss it as Russian disinfo, Russian disinfo.
So it's just funny how we have the same trend we saw in 2016 with the Hillary Clinton emails and Anthony Weiner and all this crap.
And they played it off as Russians.
It's simple.
It carries on.
Oh yeah, it's the same playbook.
No evidence of Russians.
It's a laptop.
It's real.
It's confirmed.
They've all these witnesses coming out that have the emails on the other end.
And they just go, Russia, Russia, Russia.
Oh really?
Is it Russia sold out our country?
Is it Russia with drag queen story time?
Is it Russia that has Antifa burning the cities?
Is it?
I mean, look, look.
The Democrats tell us Antifa doesn't exist.
They're running TV ads saying Trump's lying and saying nobody's burning cities.
These people are incredible, David.
Yeah, there's really no question or really no line to where they'll go to with their madness.
So I just want to... I really wish you were wrong about most of these things and all these things that are happening, that are going to happen post-election, but it just seems like the more we get closer to this day, the more they want to
We're good to go.
Hey Alex, how you doing, buddy?
Man, I tell you, I'm excited.
It's a crazy time right now.
Eleven days out.
Yeah, I just want to tell you a quick story about some Democrats here in Western New York.
Some of your stickers ended up on a stop sign in front of my house.
I'm not sure how they got there.
But my neighbors and I, we like them.
And there was this guy, he peeled them off.
And we confronted him and said, hey, don't do that.
We like those there.
He started taunting us and saying stuff.
And we go up to him and he's like, oh, I'm a minor.
You know?
And so we let him be.
Well, he started taking pictures of us and took pictures of my neighbor's house.
He peeled them off anyways and went on his merry way.
Well, two weeks later, two patrol cars show up at my neighbor's house threatening to arrest him on a federal offense for some stickers that weren't even there.
I thought that was kind of crazy.
People say the cops are perfect.
The problem is if you have bad government, the cops will carry out illegal orders that they're ordered to do.
They shouldn't.
So they were claiming, oh, you were violating the highways or the roads.
By the way, a stop sign's not a federal offense.
It'd have to be a post office box.
Just pure intimidation.
Oh, the left's all about defund the police, but they're the ones that always call them on you first, don't they?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
He was calling my neighbor's wife an old hag and stuff.
It's probably a pedophile.
Listen, I'm going to put you on hold.
I want to make sure this happens.
How about I ship you 1,000 free stickers, and just magically, every time they try to suppress you, every time they suppress me, I just fight harder.
And when they do that, I just put even more stickers up, brother.
How would you like 1,000 stickers mailed to you right now?
Alex, I got goosebumps, I'm so excited!
Little sheet and then people stick them all over the place on their wallets, their phones, you know, bathrooms, wherever.
And, you know, don't do it in some big clean place or whatever.
But people let... A lot of big places have this R on the walls.
I mean, at my office, I've got stickers all over the walls and stuff.
When it's a restaurant like that or a place where they like it, do it.
But yeah, if there's a power pole with a hundred stickers on it, they're not enforcing it, sticking on there.
It's the most ancient form of communication.
Yeah, see that sticker pack right there in the middle?
What's that one right there at the top, guys?
Middle top right there.
Click on that for me.
All right, Brandon, thank you and God bless.
InfoWars sticker sheet.
Okay, you can buy those at cost, 100% reviews.
That is a very effective little sticker system.
Got your 3% 1776 InfoWars.com.
InfoWars.com is warm for your mind.
InfoWars with a Gadsden snake.
Straight up InfoWars, bunch of 1776ers.
Very, very effective.
And the left can't stand it.
They're all about suppressing you.
Their whole religion is not letting you have speech.
Their whole religion is dominating you and making you submit to them.
They're against free will.
God is for free will.
Satanists are against free will.
That's how you know good versus evil.
They always claim it's conservatives that want to suppress your speech.
No, no, no.
Conservatives want to tell you what they think is good and what they think is bad.
The left are the ones that want to suppress speech and control it because they're a bunch of filth.
Joseph in Ireland, thank you so much for calling.
You want to talk about the big debate tonight that InfoWars is going to cover live.
Go ahead.
Alex, I'm just trying to get inside the mind of the enemy.
I'm not trying to boast here.
I originally thought, yeah, they're going to cut the mics in the next debate.
Yeah, next thing it was announced.
So I'm there thinking, what are they going to do tonight?
What is it all about?
So I just thought about it in my head and I said,
Trump needs to get someone to signal to him because they're going to cut his mic in the middle of sentences when he's trying to make a point at the end.
They're going to cut it and then after they'll say, oh, but, oh, his time was up and all that.
He should pull a little bullhorn out.
They've got little ones that are super loud.
I think he should have someone there to signal because it's going to be cut to the audience on television and they won't have a camera on him.
I'm just down the line as well, but they are going to start a civil war.
If Trump loses, there's going to be a civil war.
If Trump wins, there's going to be a civil war.
And remember this, farmers, if you're loyal to Trump, they're going to turn off your tractors, your big tractors.
Starve your house.
Have small equipment that's not attached to computers.
This is their move.
They're going to shut off everything.
All communications are going to be shut off.
Oh, you're totally right.
Everything is like new cars you can't get them worked on, and they won't let small companies work on them.
They now admit that they're going to start cutting off big tractor equipment as part of their control.
That's absolutely true.
Stay there.
I want to come back to you, Joseph.
You always make amazing points.
You call a couple times a year.
Wow, we'll be right back with Joseph.
I remember Joseph calling five years ago about the Red Dragon of China and Revelation and how we're at war with China.
And boy, is it not all true now.
And then we're going to go to Kathy and Jessica and Jesse and Tango and Carlos and Craig and Angela and Steve and DJ.
Stay with us.
I've got some really important and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election and they're going to really try to do it, they're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep.
And we understand that the globalists are our mortal enemies.
And we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off,
with free shipping is ultra 12 incredible high quality b12 take it under the tongue look into how great it is your body's defenses your health your stamina that's back in stock and vitamin mineral fusion with the zinc and the other vitamins and minerals that are essential
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Because God doesn't give you tasks you can't take on.
So you ask God to have you take action against evil, God is going to say, all right, let's make sure you got what it takes.
Let's start giving you the trials.
Let's start giving you the tribulations.
And it's just incredible to be alive and watch all this unfolding.
All right, Joseph in Ireland was getting into, they have legislation that's been introduced at Big Tech's fighting, where even cell phones or wristwatches or laptop computers, but also, you know, cheap electronics like toasters and or refrigerators or washing machines, alarm clocks,
They're all high-tech and they're all wireless and quote synced to other things, meaning they're all incestuous, they all spy.
And they were talking about how all the new cars, regular shops can't work on them.
And then the shops get them and they're not even allowed to bypass it and work on the engine.
I think?
Yes, I believe that
I have often thought about this, and I said, what's going to happen here?
They're going to shut off everything.
They've food stored for their little Antifa.
But don't forget, the big army to come out is the Al Qaeda.
The guys who are sitting there, not anti-Muslim people, but anti-jihadi Muslims.
They're sitting there, they're smiling to your face.
We know the Wahhabist is a globalist fifth column, you're absolutely right.
Sitting there.
Now Antifa are the guys like in World War 1 that ran up and they'll throw themselves in the wire and all get mowed down, most of them, and they'll cause the anarchy.
The next thing that will pop up is the jihadis.
And then the coast will be controlled and in will come the UN troops from Canada.
Mexico will send up their divisions and America will be attacked from all sides and from within.
Everything will be shut off.
Agriculture will be shut down.
All communications will be cut off.
Now, who's going to win there, Alex?
I'm sorry, I don't want to be doom and gloom, but this is... Sir, you are smart.
You're right.
We're seeing a perfect storm to undermine, divide the country, devalue the dollar, and then finally attack from every angle.
And this is going to end eventually with boots on the ground.
And all the world media in the other countries will say, it is wonderful the UN troops, peacekeepers... The New York Times, the Washington Post have all called for UN occupation of the US to remove Trump.
That's happening.
And when patriots have been put up against the wall, they're all labeled as right-wing terrorist extremists.
Everyone will clap and say, brilliant, the terrorists are being killed, the real white, white wing extremists, Nazis are all being killed, America will be brought back.
And then meanwhile, the rest of the world is already locked down under the COVID fraud, under martial law.
I was reading in Ireland, they're going to bring back lockdown again.
No, no, it's back.
We're back.
It's back.
And now bringing in laws where it'll be a thousand quid, euros, which is more than dollars.
If you have a house party, it'll be 500 if you cross.
So the British could never occupy all of Ireland and control it with men, but now they're using fear to do it.
I mean, do people in Ireland see through that?
No, I hate to say it, Alex.
Yes, I'm talking to a few people and can see it.
The problem is the few that see it have no power anymore.
We are controlled by communists.
Our leaders are total traitors.
They're donations, Alex.
They're so-called leftists.
Well, that's what it is, because if you've got an enemy like the British, you can see you can beat them.
But when it's this creeping political communism, it just gets your soul.
And all our students have been brainwashed, I see it all the time.
And the media, they're not media, we only have one real channel, RT, and they are a hateful bunch.
And you know, as a Catholic, I can't go to Mass now.
And this, I believe, the House Party thing is only a ruse to go after Christians who want to meet us.
Of course it is.
They want to end the Christians meeting.
That is the number one mission.
They don't want us coming together.
In mass.
We must come together.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
More calls.
Thank you so much, Joseph.
InfoWars is a archetypal classic example of free, independent, organic resistance against tyranny.
You built InfoWars.
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And that's why the enemy is so upset that under the deplatforming, under all the DNC lawsuits, under all the attack, in many ways, we've become stronger.
With Band.Video, the redesigned InfoWars, with all of our great crew,
With documentary films and 10 hours of live radio and TV a day.
We are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
So remember this arsenal of freedom is waiting for you to continue to spread the word about it and to continue for you to support because this is something we built together.
It's not just a national treasure.
It's a treasure worldwide against the tyrants and they know it and they can't stand it.
And as everything we talked about comes true, our credibility only goes up together.
So I salute you all.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It's game time.
Election 2020.
I probably have watched that clip.
Forty-five times?
Since it happened three or four days ago?
We played it three or four times that day, then I watched it.
It's just something... I mean, Trump's totally for real, folks.
And that's what hit me is, in the Holy Spirit is, I should stop being so judgmental and not believing that there's good in the world when there is.
There's evil and there's good.
And you heard a caller earlier, a nice lady called in, I think it was from Colorado.
And she said, you know, God chooses imperfect men every time to lead the fight against Satan.
Well, all men are imperfect.
All women are imperfect, but God chooses big personalities.
So if somebody's got a big personality, they're going to have a really big good side, and they're going to have a big bad side.
Even though the bad side's way smaller than their good side.
Now, this is a key metaphysical rule.
I don't go back to your calls, but this is big.
If you understand this, you understand everything.
Your intention is what rules you, and what your will is, and what you're pointed towards, and what you want to serve, and what you believe in, and what you aspire to.
What you really serve.
Like Bob Dylan says, you gotta serve something.
And so, these Satanists have these little souls, and most of it's evil.
But they're always trying to get power, and money, and control, because they feel small.
Where somebody that's good, has this big, huge good side, and all this understanding, but because that's so big,
We got this evil side over here that's way bigger than the... I mean, my evil side, if I look into it and actually use it, I mean, it's worse than anything the enemy's got.
I'm actually really ashamed of that.
It's something I'm bragging about.
I mean, it's like, it's why I know who they are.
I know how to track them.
I know how they operate, because I can... I don't want to, but I can look in there and, oh boy, yeah, that's how I know what the enemy's up to.
And they actually, they envy that.
See, they want that.
I mean, Trump's got a huge evil caboose.
But a big, loving, Christ-like engine on the front that loves God, loves justice, wants freedom, doesn't want to be pushed around, doesn't want to be a slave, doesn't want to control you, wants freedom, wants free will.
It's big!
But it's so big, man, that devil he's got on his shoulder, it's big too.
Not as big as him, not as big as the influence of God, but he's got a big-ass devil.
So do I. And that's why the Satanists all of them hate us so much, because we've got big aspects.
So do you.
That's why you're tuned in, literally.
You're drawn here.
You care.
We've got a big aspect.
And so it's not just that God chooses flawed men.
All men are flawed.
All of us fall short.
All of us are fallen.
We have that devil side.
We have that fallen nature.
But I want away from that as much as I can.
I can't stand it.
I don't like it.
And I just marvel at God and just want to know God and just am so thankful.
Whereas the Satanists are killing kids and drinking blood and poisoning food supplies to try to like up this thing, like get more evil, get more powerful.
It's like this little shriveled, you know, chicken neck creature that has like a zombie and they're trying to give it blood transfusions.
That's what they're, I mean literally, they're over here worshiping this
This fallen thing, hoping they can pump it up, because they have been captured by it.
They don't want to turn their will over to God.
And so the lady, what she said is true.
God uses flawed men because that's the only kind of men there are.
But it's not like God goes out and chooses flawed men.
God chooses people with big personalities that are strong, and that can take it, and that can face it, and can deal with it, and aren't victims, but are overcomers.
And that means men that are willing to lose.
Men that are willing to be tortured.
Look at Christ.
That was God in man's skin doing that.
Looked like a big loser getting tortured, getting hauled up there.
But knowing there's a bigger victory coming, that takes a real man.
Think about that.
See, that's what it's really all about.
It's not thinking one-dimensionally about, do I get worshipped right now and told how great I am?
Or do I really do something big that changes things forever?
That's the godly aspect.
It's multi-dimensional and expansive and works and waves go out and hit and come back better and better and better.
See how that works?
With God's system, things go out and they come back and it just gets beautiful and it gets more powerful and it makes, it's just like, oh my God, this is so good.
People go, wait a minute, I didn't make this.
I want control of what this is.
I want to run this.
You can't run it!
You're not God!
You need to submit to it!
No, I'm ranting here.
I want to go to your phone calls.
I had a James O'Keefe popping in, but that's really what it is.
So, God doesn't choose flawed men.
That's all there is, is flawed men.
And that's what it comes down to.
And if there are people that are meek, and there are people that want to roll over,
You read the Bible, it's all really a riddle.
It's like, the meek will inherit the earth.
Yeah, because all the warriors are going to get killed protecting your ass.
Which is fine, it's not supposed to work.
But it's going to be warriors that will deliver you the earth.
And that's what this is all about.
We'll deliver it, so you've got it.
And just remember it.
Alright, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to... That would be Jessica in the great state of Florida, probably the deciding state in the election.
Jessica, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
I'm actually in Key West, Florida.
We were one of the strictest places with our mask laws.
Our mayor is quite something to be seen.
You could not walk out of your home without a mask on, or you'd be considered, you know, breaking their law.
We have a doctor down here which is amazing, Dr. Bruce Boros, who's done a lot of research on ivermectin.
He's got a 100% success rate right now.
We've also got our resident doctor at the hospital whose wife actually works for Debbie Mercurcel-Powell, and everybody that has died here in Key West has been under his care.
Dr. Boros had a patient at the hospital the same day that Norris had a new patient go in and they were both treating their patients and Dr. Boros was watching how his patient was being treated and the different medication and realized he wasn't getting anything but vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc.
There's actually a YouTube video on it where the doctor and the patient get up and speak about what their experience was.
Dr. Boros, he's posting even on Facebook that he's being contacted by multiple sources all over.
We're just so blessed here in Key West to have a doctor like that.
On top of it, I have a sister-in-law that works at the nursing home in Kansas, where Fox News actually was talking about the New York nursing homes and mentioned really quickly that there was a Kansas nursing home where everybody in there had COVID and they had 10 deaths.
Well, I happened to just take the clip, and I text it to my sister-in-law, and come to find out it's her nursing home.
She just had COVID the last two weeks.
She's back at work, and everybody there has it.
She said, yeah, the count is now up to 13.
She said she's broken down four different times, so upset, and it came down to, I guess, a director of nursing that just chose not to go into work that day, called another employee and said, you have to go in.
She happened to have been
Exposed to COVID, went into the nursing home and it spread like wildfire.
And again, why is it killing them?
Because they're in the dark not getting vitamin D3, or their guts are old and they're not absorbing it.
Amazing call, Jessica.
We thank you so much.
All right.
Now I'm going to go really fast to break, and when I come back, I'm doing it.
I'm taking five calls next segment.
I'm James O'Keefe, and I want back to your calls.
We are 11 days out from the election.
It could not be a more exciting time.
Whatever happens, it's in God's hands.
Stay with us.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, and says he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech, and that he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has taken action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
As I take this announcement, we are exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clintonistas are saying.
It's what the Obamabots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
We've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is breaking!
Kamala Harris, Schumer, Cuomo, and Feinstein listed as key contacts for Biden-China joint venture.
Big zero-edge article, I'll cover that after James O'Keefe leaves us in the final segment of this hour.
But it's huge, we'll post that at InfoWars.com.
James O'Keefe scheduled to pop in for 5-10 minutes with us.
He's a busy beaver.
Don't want to keep much of his time.
He'll tell us what's coming next.
He'll be popping in quarterly next segment.
I'm going to go back to your calls right now.
We've got the Queen of Conspiracy.
What a cool name that is.
We've got Steve.
We've got Angela.
We've got DJ.
We've got Walt.
We've got Kathy.
And I'm just going to folks in the order that their calls are received.
And so that means DJ and then Walt.
DJ in New York.
Go ahead.
Oh, hello, Alex, my beloved brother.
It's been a long, long winding road as a listener and viewer of your show, and I just wanted to express some things to you today that I think are significant.
I appreciate so much
Sir, I appreciate you.
You understand you've stayed with us together to keep us here for this moment.
You did this.
I thank you, too.
You understand that?
Literally, you guys don't get it.
You did this.
We were meant to be on the air during this, and you did it.
You did it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I know you well enough by now to know you don't like that stuff.
That's not quite what I thought.
No, no, no, no.
It's not that I don't like it.
I love you.
It's like my heart telling me it likes me.
Brother, we're in this together.
Thank you for keeping me on air.
What I'm thanking you for is all the stuff you've taught me.
I've learned so much from you.
I really appreciate that.
And, of course, you've been, you know, a spigot where all the information comes to and goes out through.
So, you know, I'm going to give you some information today.
First, I wanted to start off by saying what I appreciate about you is your love of, you know, Americana and chivalry.
And those principles that made America great and continues to.
And what is the centerpiece of this fight?
The goodness of all of us that are fighting to see a better outcome than what the alternative looks like.
Evil laughs at us for trying to hold the good.
They only exist because we hold this thing together.
I also appreciate your love of discussing and talking about your ancestors and the greatness of how
This country came about from a combined effort of all these ancestors, and now all these ancestors are in our DNA.
So our dreams and everything that we feel and think comes from somewhere.
We are not a product of our ancestors.
We are our ancestors.
That's it.
So I wanted your crew, maybe while I'm talking, to pull up my ancestor, which was the first one to set foot here in North America.
That's it.
In 1638, his name is Michael Jansen Freeland, with a V. V-R-E-E-L-A-N-D.
Now, he was a somewhat famous guy in the day, because the governor of New York, the Amsterdam loyalist governor here, appointed nine men.
They were known as nine men, and my grandfather was one of nine men.
He's 12 generations removed from me.
And there's an etching, a picture of him, and the story on the internet of him is amazing because he befriended the natives.
He bought his land just over the river from Manhattan, from the natives, and he made a farm.
He came here as a farmer.
So he's the guy that bought it with the glass bead wampum?
Well, no, that was Manhattan.
He did some other kind of trade with guilders, which was the currency in the day.
So, uh, you know, he, he was a farmer.
I have farming in my blood like you do.
And I desire to go back to that.
Uh, now he, uh, he was a very respected man by the Indians.
And, uh, he was actually involved also in fur trading with them.
And it was very popular thing.
So send beaver skins back.
I'm going to search engine and brother.
That's very interesting.
And Michael Jansen Vreeland and, and the Indians,
had a war in 1646 and the chiefs put the word out when they burned all the settlements there that they should not harm Michael Jansen Vreeland or his family and so that's why I'm able to talk to you today.
Yeah, we're pulling this up.
By the way, do you know who created InfoWars?
No, it was just you.
No, it was not.
Vic Vreeland
Was a Air Force Intelligence guy and then the Deputy Fire Chief of Austin and a big listener and I was over at his house one night drinking beer in like 1996 and we were he said you need a website we need to launch one and I said I don't know the name he goes well you do information warfare he goes let's name it InfoWars and a Vic Vreeland you might be he says he's too old to come on the show he lives out in Bastrop and I reached out to him a year ago he wouldn't come on I love Vic Vreeland
But I mean, my God, that was 27 years ago.
He must be super old now.
He was old then.
But it's Vic Vreeland.
Listen, I gotta go and I love you, brother.
Thank you so much.
I gotta get to know the people.
I love you.
But it's just funny you say Vreeland's the ancestor and it was Vic Vreeland.
Vic Vreeland that created InfoWars.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call.
It's a Dutch name, isn't it?
Let's go ahead and talk to who's the longest holding now here.
Walt in New York.
Go ahead, Walt.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
Alex, are you there?
Thanks for holding.
Alex, I don't know if I can keep up with you.
I'm an old man, and you're like on all cylinders today.
But let me say this.
You know, in the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before the crucifixion, Jesus was sitting there, and the disciples were falling asleep.
He says, you can't even keep awake.
I mean, these are the highest people, and they can't even stay awake.
And, you know, Martin Luther King said,
Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
So when Jesus was on the cross, what is a greater injustice than that?
And right now we have Julian Assange in prison for what?
For freedom of speech?
He is literally on a cross in solitary confinement for eight years.
That's right.
And it's being ignored.
I think President Trump should get on this right now.
A big October surprise.
And don't get down in the mud with these people.
They're down in the mud.
Go to the higher level.
I totally agree.
Trump will win if he releases Julian Assange.
God wants him to order Julian Assange released.
You know, we're all made in the image and likeness of God.
And even if we're ordinary everyday people, and these globalists, they don't think that the common man is worth anything.
But it's a creation of the Creator.
This is the Lord's play.
And He made this beautiful universe.
He made all these animals.
He made the trees and the grass and the sky and us.
And we can use our minds for good.
And we must recognize that and realize that God's the boss.
And then follow God's directives and all we have is success.
But we have to tune in to the Holy Spirit.
That's the form that God lets us know He's here.
So we have to try.
We have to go in silence, in prayer, at night when we're alone.
Go deep, go inside and find what is your message to me, God?
What would you like me to say?
What would you like me to do?
And we'll win this thing.
God will win this thing for us.
Well, all the callers are saying this.
I literally this morning woke up from a dream of God saying, seek my face, tell people to pray, tell people to call out for me.
You have to open the channel up.
And I think that's the message we hear today, isn't it?
God's in control.
We open things up to God.
We pray to God for real.
That's what's going to
This is the big one.
This is the big one, Alex, and you've been saying it all along.
It's now or never for humanity.
It's going to be the whole planet that puts at stake, and everything in God's creation is at stake.
So if we want to defend that, we need to go deep, we need to find the Holy Spirit, and we need to
Go to the highest point and advise the President to free Julian Assange.
I think that will be a... I agree.
And Trump needs to pray on air.
He needs to come out and call on God's blessing.
He needs to pray openly himself.
We'll be right back.
Thank you so much, Walt.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Without James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your minds.
Without James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, President Trump would not have gotten elected four years ago.
And always upping the ante, they have broken so many bombshell reports in the last three, four days, I can't even keep track of it.
I've seen five big ones myself, with whistleblower after whistleblower admitting
That Google is openly skewing the election with search results and other systems for Joe Biden.
So in the one segment we have, the nine minutes we have, James O'Keefe, you've got the floor.
Project Veritas, tell us what's happening, what you've broken, what people should share and be informed about, and then what's coming next.
Thank you so much.
Hey, Alex, great to be with you.
We just broke about three videos on Google, various engineers inside Google talking about bias, a technical program manager in the cloud.
Inside Google saying that they use algorithms in a biased fashion to help Joe Biden.
This guy talks about how they take only disinformation off Google in one political spectrum.
You can delete misinformation when it comes to Joe Biden, but not when it comes to Melania Trump.
We have another guy, Adriano Amaduzzi, who is a Google ad executive on tape this week.
He says they offer free advertising credits to Democrats.
This is on the videotape.
And he says you can censor out information from your search engine.
Uh, in order to help the Democratic Party.
And finally, Ashwin Agrawal, uh, head of global competitive analysis and Google cloud.
He's on hidden camera, uh, saying the platform is influencing you and you don't even know it.
And, uh, and you see more democratic advertising content.
Then you see Republican content, uh, quote, the truth is that it's a deep platform is influencing you a way you did not sign up for.
So these guys, Alex are kind of.
They're not necessarily villains, but they're people working for Google who are confirming suspicions, telling you things that don't shock you.
But certainly, it's the first time we've ever seen a Google employee say these things, and there they are on the tape.
You could spend all the money in the world buying ads on TV, but if Google, which has both a legal monopoly and a monopoly on ideas and information,
And what's incredible is, they're so nonchalant about it because they're so arrogant, and if anything you're playing down how big this is, James.
This is the biggest thing ever.
They're saying...
We're fixing the search engines.
We're fixing the results.
We're manipulating the election.
We're changing the outcome.
This is all coffin nails if Congress wanted to act.
This is all proof that Sundar Pichai and all of them lied to Congress.
This is smoking gun.
Yeah, this is smoking gun evidence, and this is incontrovertible.
And there you see one of the individuals, Adriano, ad executive at Google, talking about helping the Democratic Party through advertising.
Free advertising for Democrats.
That's an FEC violation.
I was about to say, that's an illegal campaign contribution.
An illegal campaign contribution, yes.
Dinesh D'Souza got a few of his friends to give money, he went to prison.
This is way beyond that.
They're saying we're giving free advertising to Democrats in an election.
That's a felony.
Well, I think we're no longer a nation of laws, Alex, but we're a nation of political will.
And I don't think people have the cojones to take on Google because of how big and powerful they are.
They have their tentacles everywhere, in Congress, in the White House.
I'm not afraid of Google or any other organization.
And by the way, these videos on Twitter, millions and millions of views, but when you go to look at them, it says it's sensitive content.
So they call me a disinformation campaign when in fact the powers that be, the New York Times, the USA Today is engaged in their own disinformation against Project Veritas.
But this is again straight out of George Orwell's 1984 to call black white
I just hope that politicians have the willpower and the courage to play this in Congress and change and do something about it.
Well, that's what I was going to say next.
The only way you'll get it is Congress or if Trump tweets it, which he's been doing.
Total blackout on the Hunter Biden laptop confirmed to be real.
All the witnesses saying, yeah, we got the emails.
They've got the chain confirmed.
You're dropping.
I mean, I don't go see superhero movies.
I've got James O'Keefe.
I'm not kissing your ass.
It's true, dude.
Your organization, what your reporters do, what you do, you just keep upping the game.
Like one of these stories would be bombshell.
It's almost like too much.
You've got like three of them today and five of them this week.
God, I cannot think of a better place for people to spread information or be supportive.
How do people support the tip of the spear of Project Veritas?
Well, the main thing they can do is if they're watching your program and they're witness to fraud, wherever they may be, VeritasTipsAtProtonMail.com.
That's V-E-R-I-T-A-S TipsAtProtonMail.com.
You know, Alex, I'm headed to Texas.
One of our next stories is in your state of Texas.
A massive, massive voter fraud bombshell coming out soon.
And what you're going to see here is an army of people.
Alex, they can stop one man.
But they can't stop a thousand citizens blowing the whistle, filming fraud and corruption.
Yes, we get, you know, we get blacklisted by, you know, these major media corporations.
But I think, I think we're winning and that we're, we're enlightening people by the millions.
We're bypassing the powers that be.
We're going straight to the consumer, sometimes on social media platforms.
But people have a hunger for real visual
You know, information.
So I think we're being very successful getting these tapes directly to people and I think we're going to build an army.
This is a movement.
People have a hunger for truth.
Yes, and this is a movement of whistleblowers that's growing, growing, growing.
Same thing.
I've been contacted and confirmed from law enforcement, you name it, people inside nursing homes in Texas where all the Democrat registered people are getting a bunch of ballots.
Then they're all scared, though, to show it to me, though we've confirmed it.
So I'm sure you already know about that.
But I mean, I bet you're... How do you deal with the flood?
There's just a flood of Democrat fraud.
I mean, if Republicans were involved in fraud, I'd expose it.
I never see them do that.
If someone sends me a tape of a Republican ripping up a ballot, I'm publishing that story right here, right now.
I mean, I have a lot of tips, a lot of sources, even in Texas.
And these people are filling out ballots for other people.
They're breaking the law.
We have them on tape.
That's what we're told.
That's what we're told by all these insiders.
And what about the footage that Yahoo News got inadvertently in a live feed in Germantown, Maryland, where the guy's like filling out the ballot right there on camera?
Yeah, I mean we that's what that's what we've got that stuff Alex forthcoming.
We've already released the stuff in Minnesota.
They attacked me.
They said there's no evidence.
It's unsubstantiated.
I'm not sure what evidence you actually need to see other than the people on tape with all the absentee ballots breaking the law and ripping them up.
But I think we have a greater problem in this country, which is that the only way things are going to change is if ordinary people and this is my pitch just the ordinary salt-of-the-earth guy sitting out there.
Does the work themselves.
You cannot wait for the Attorney General or law enforcement or the FBI whose director Christopher Wray said there's no such thing as voter fraud.
I don't that's the irony of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation saying there's no fraud.
That should be self-evident.
So you have to do the work yourself and get it out there directly to the people.
And Alex, it's just going to get bigger.
This is a movement.
You know, I'm looking forward to the truth and reconciliation committees after the election.
I'm going to hold on to the mast and ride or die into the wind here and keep releasing more footage because there's a lot of work to be done.
Alright, join us again before the election and then after, but just 60 seconds on this.
He's moved to Austin.
I'm friends with Joe.
He buys mainstream media, but it is true.
You've never been repudiated.
You've never been proven to be a liar.
The media says you edit tape and you're a fraud when you're the gold standard of that.
So, you know, I'm going to talk to Joe next week.
I hope that he'll actually have you on and understand that he got conned about that.
You talking about Joe Rogan?
Yeah, I mean, I hope I'm on a show, but listen, Alex, what they do is they use that Soviet technique where they project onto you what they do.
So they accuse you of doing what they're doing.
So when they say I'm a disinformation expert, the New York Times hired Stanford University researchers and just interviewed some idiot who said, oh, Keefe's a disinformation expert.
And what they do is they put out their own disinformation.
And then they call us what they do.
So they selectively edit.
Sure, sure.
They have a call to authority.
Oh look, this professor says James O'Keefe's bad.
Or CNN experts say Trump's a liar.
It's all fraud.
It's incredible.
James O'Keefe, you gotta go.
Join us again soon.
I know you got even more stuff about to break, right?
Yeah, we've got videos released every day until the election.
So we're gonna keep pushing forward.
Everybody get to Project Veritas and get those videos out now.
Thank you, James O'Keefe.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with your call.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
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Both of those are 50% off at Infowarstore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and it's been incrementally orchestrated.
First, it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty.
That's all.
Then it's two months.
Then it's six months.
Then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask.
I like my face diaper.
I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers, this is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant, your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on folks, let's reject this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Glenn Black?
Wow, I didn't even know this was on the playlist.
I love it.
Let it roll for a minute.
What do you say when it's over?
Or is this Mark Tessman?
Don't know if I should say anything at all.
No, it's Glenn Black.
It all rings together.
I think I'm like 16 years old again.
One day we're rolling in the clover.
Next thing you know we take the fall.
You know, I did put this on the playlist a few years ago.
Nobody ever played it.
I guess they're digging for the playlist.
But the idea is we're under tyranny, and things are rough, but we are leaving here a better man.
Go ahead and roll it.
I'm leaving here a better man.
By the end, he says, things I couldn't do before, now I know I can.
That's the key.
Alright, just briefly.
I was thinking this morning, what do I say about vitamin D?
What do I say about vitamin C?
What do I say about iodine?
What do I say about zinc that are all essential to live?
They're not weapons in our lives.
Water is not a weapon when you drink it.
Sunlight's not a weapon.
Food's not a weapon.
It's just what you do.
And so much of it is not in the food or it's synthetic.
And I preach to myself when I say, if you've got the supplements, you better remember to take them.
Because when I remember to take DNA Force, when I remember to take X2, when I remember to take my Winter Sun, when I remember to take my Vitamin Mineral Fusion, there's a lot of products.
And one day I mix up some punch for a few days, we drink it into the container.
And the next I take some fish oil, I remember, and I just kind of graze through the stuff I've got.
It makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the info war.
But with Vitamin Mineral Fusion, it's going to sell out.
We did the numbers just about an hour ago.
I called the crew over there at the warehouse.
It'll be sold out in nine days at current sales rates.
People want zinc, they want vitamins, they want amino acids, they want the minerals, everything you need in one deal.
I'm going to keep the sale going, despite the fact it's selling out.
Ultra 12, highest quality B12, selling out, free shipping, 50% off, triple patriot points, 10% off if you sign up for auto ship, it's right there.
We're selling out of the fish oil, selling out of the krill oil, still massively discounted, still free shipping, still triple patriot points, all of it.
DNA Force, about to sell out.
We'll have more until December.
Still gonna keep it discounted.
Because I want you to get it.
I want you to see how great it is.
But if you're like me, you gotta remember to take it.
ImpowarStore.com, thanks for keeping us on air.
It's been amazing to be here in the middle of this.
Thank God we're still here.
Thank God you kept us on air.
I mean, I just cannot thank you enough.
It's just, the enemy wants to defeat us.
And it's not being beaten by them I'm scared of.
It's them, when they beat you, then they dominate you.
That's just the beginning.
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Go explore it.
Go check it out.
I've got three amazing clips from Trump.
How he taped Leslie Stahl so he could show what she really said.
Now, I wish she'd have had a better microphone because it's on the camera so it's not the best audio, but it shows what he said versus what she's already put out.
She hasn't aired it yet, but they've aired clips and they're highly edited.
We're going to play that next hour and then our guest host will come on the last three segments the next hour.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
So stay with us for that.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Jesse in Missouri, the Queen of Conspiracy.
Jesse, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Man, I'm just blessed to be talking to you, brother.
I got some points.
So, we could counter that disinformation campaign with Borat.
You know how you can pause a video when somebody's making a funny face?
That's a lot like the way you explain what this is.
Well, they admit that's what happened.
They put him in a room, said, take your mic off.
He leans back, take the mic out, and they run in on him.
It's criminal entrapment is what it is.
Right, but you know, you see somebody's funny face mid-video, or in the middle of a word, whatever.
Well, notice the law says, let convicted pedophiles have your sons and daughters ride on them at Drag Queen Storytime, but if a woman jumps on Giuliani in a hotel room, he's bad.
And we gotta wear masks and can't touch each other.
You see how they're doing this?
So, you always ask where we're at, where people think we're at.
Did you remember in the last year, beginning of this year, you ran job postings on the website people found for, I forget the exact term, relocation and reintegration specialists or whatever?
Yes, I remember it broke seven years ago, official Department of the Army, and they said it was fake, the Army confirmed it was real, that Obama wanted people hired to relocate millions of Americans during a collapse, including our social security numbers and how to put us in camps, yes.
Yeah, these were job postings from January, December.
I forget exactly, but anyway.
Oh, they're doing them again?
I didn't know that.
I thought it was eight years ago.
No, this was January.
One more quick thing, and I'll get off here.
Just something for you to ponder.
Have you researched anything about the grand solar minimum?
We're entering potential new ice age.
How does that line up?
They know we're going into an ice age.
And so why are they spraying aluminum dioxide, blocking solar radiation?
They're trying to trigger it early.
So that aligning with the fourth turning in 2020, perfectly planned.
Yeah, exactly.
They're trying to pull off a mass culling.
They're trying to cut our food supply off before we go interstellar.
Have a good day.
Yeah, absolutely.
Genius caller.
I love these callers.
Let's go to Carlos in Canada.
He's been a longtime caller.
Really smart guy.
Carlos, thanks for holding.
I want to see the order that we received.
We really respect you.
Go ahead, Carlos.
Thank you, Alex.
I just want to break some ground with you, if possible.
First of all, I think the CDC recently explained that masks, and they never said masks, were supposed to protect you from infection from any virus, apparently.
That's right.
Fauci said it's a sign of respect, meaning you buy into the fraud.
Well, there is a reason.
You see, if I have a chance, I'll explain to you why it doesn't work, why the masks don't work, besides openings, etc.
But it's more important than that.
But there's a segment which is not covered.
Obviously, it's in the scientific community, and it's even in top-secret research, that when you're trying to deal with artificial intelligence in the sense of robotics and robots and so on,
Human beings are very, very sensitive to very minute, you know, how you can detect the smallest amount of movement.
Because of our evolutionary ability, we subconsciously process a lot of
minute movements of the lips when people are speaking and facial expressions, which cannot be, I don't care how much you practice or how much you try, get a robot to emulate the... That's right.
Their best AI spoofing doesn't work.
The human brain can track it.
They can track it.
Children in particular, when they're infants, they're the best of all, actually.
But what I wanted to tell you is that by having people wearing masks,
There's a conscious effort in the community that wants to sell you robots and wants to sell you... Oh, I agree.
It's totally a dehumanization, not making us human.
Totally real.
Yeah, by forcing people to wear masks all the time,
We're getting used to seeing less features around the movement of the lips and the mouth and the chin, etc.
that are telling you that the person is speaking and then you can lip read, essentially, whether you know it or not.
Subconsciously, you can detect emotions.
It's a giant occult ritual of dehumanization and submission and ahead of a robot takeover where we're not human anymore, so when robots hit the streets, we accept it.
It's a massive de-evolutionary attack.
And you can't sell the technology because people will reject robots as humans, okay?
And their effort is to make you be integrated to them so that they can replace you.
Yes, and robots are allowed to deliver you things during lockdowns.
They're safe.
You're bad.
They're not dirty.
And the other part is why it doesn't work.
If you give me a second, I'll explain.
The smallest
First of all, a virus is a part of micro-messenger RNA.
It's really not an organism.
So, there's no such thing as a vaccine for it.
It's a sign of a sickness that's already there.
No, exactly.
What you're doing, Alex, is this.
If you take a mask, if you and I went into business to make the best masks in the world, because there's money into that, we will have a limiting factor.
And that is that people need to breathe.
And if the openings in your masks
I don't
A virus is point zero eight.
They admit it's all a fraud.
It's a suffocation.
It's you're a prisoner.
A gag is on your face.
You're bound.
You accept being a prisoner.
Now you'll accept the vaccines.
Now you accept the contact tracing.
Now you'll accept the control.
I'm going to come back to you and have you finish up.
And then I'll go to Greg, Tom, Megan, Queen of Conspiracies Up Next, Dr. Carlos, hour four, straight ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I wondered so aimless, life filled with sin.
I wouldn't let my dear Savior in.
Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night.
Praise the Lord, I saw the light.
I saw the light!
A couple more segments of your phone calls.
I want to play this Steve Wozniak clip from last year, co-founder of Apple, saying, the best AI isn't one millionth as good as an ant's brain.
It's true!
But the power we give AI, like a red light, it's just a switch, that every
A few minutes changes from red to yellow to green.
But you obey it.
So it's power is it controls you.
And a red light's good.
We designed it, we built it, it helps us go and come, we did it.
But what if they build red lights and green lights and yellow lights in the mind that make us slaves?
And that's what AI is.
It's not artificially intelligent.
It is a fraud.
And here is one of the top scientists in the world telling you that.
Here it is.
The application of computers today, it should not be called intelligence.
It isn't.
It isn't going to get there.
It isn't even close.
We haven't even thought about making it as smart as the brain of an ant.
We've never thought about building a computer that would say, what should I do today?
You see, that's the difference with the intuition of a human brain that we really haven't gotten close to.
My mother said that when I was about 16 years old.
We're standing on a beach in Cancun, looking out at a storm blowing over the rainbow.
She looks at me and she said, son, there'll never be a computer that can recognize beauty.
That's the soul of God we have.
Our capacity to commune with God and God's creation.
We don't worship the creation, we worship God, but our interfacing with creation is interfacing with God.
Do you understand that?
I said, yes, mother, I understand that.
You recognize what's good and what's bad.
That is sentient free will.
And oh, this phone shows me a website.
This phone shows me Joe Rogan.
This phone shows me Melania Trump.
It shows me Bill Clinton.
It shows me whoever.
It shows me the NFL and a guy running people over.
That's not that phone.
That's a person.
That's a window into what they did.
And we built that!
But the left tells us we're obsolete, we're done, we're over, bow down, die, go away.
What a fraud!
The celebration of humanity is what we need.
Carlos, finishing up your point about the mask of the dehumanization and just how fundamental it is in our whole
Development to tell us our faces are dirty and we're dirty and we're bad.
I mean, that is the most satanic thing I've ever seen.
But what I wanted to tell you is that people will not accept robots if they're trying to make them be like us or replace us.
They need to make us like robots.
I get it.
They just want us not to be able to detect the subtle cues that we use in human communication.
The voice, for instance, behind the mask is not the same as the normal voice.
No, they don't want us to reject the driverless cars and the robot rollout that's happening now.
And you're right, there's a lot of checkboxes of why they do this.
Make us obsolete, make us hate ourselves, make us feel dirty.
But the biggest thing is accept the rollout of robots.
And the first robot I see, the first driverless car I see is getting destroyed.
The first robot I see is being destroyed.
We must overthrow them now.
Yes, I will tell you that if I ever have a car that I cannot drive because it doesn't allow me to drive and then a person crosses the street and a child runs behind that person and the car decides who to kill, I don't want to be in that car.
And they admit AI is already deciding which... Oh, that's a bus.
It's bigger.
So I'll hit it instead of the kids.
Yeah, it's all sick.
It's sick.
There are people out there
I agree.
Well, listen, Carlos, let's declare war on them.
I love you.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma.
And it done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info, and even censored major news publications, and even censored the President.
But when the President and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly...
Jack of Twitter said he didn't know it had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, racketeering is the way to stop it.
Groveling to it and letting big tech lie to us and run over us is the way to make these tyrants continue to go absolutely crazy.
Remember, they support Communist China and its death camps.
What will they do to us?
Well, we now know.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, Trump's going to debate two people tonight.
I'll be here live covering it at Infowars.com forward slash show and Newswars.com with Deanna Lorraine.
Trump versus Biden with special assistance from
Kristen Welker, please join us and share that link from 2020ElectionsCenter.com.
That's the URL.
It's not being censored right now.
I want to hit a few more of your calls.
I have a special guest who's about to take over on the fall of Biden and what he's predicting is coming next.
That is, of course, with the man with the website, Bishop Gators.
Bishop Larry Gators will be joining us coming up.
Let's get to these clips because Trump finally had them record Leslie Stahl and 60 Minutes, but the audio is not the best.
It doesn't matter.
It's okay.
Pretty amazing clips.
Trump on suburban women.
Myth 145.
We'll play that.
Talks about why he thinks polls on suburban women are wrong.
Let me ask you something about suburban women.
You said the other day to suburban women,
Oh, I didn't say that.
You know, that's so misleading the way I say jokingly.
Suburban women, you should love me because I'm giving you security and I got rid of the worst regulations.
See, the way you said that is why people think of you and
Everyone else is fake news.
I said kiddingly, suburban women, you should love me.
I got rid of a regulation that would bring low-income housing into suburbia that is destroying, that would destroy suburbia.
And I said that in a jokey way.
The way you have it, it's like, oh, like I'm begging.
I'm kidding.
Play it.
And I'm kidding.
That is such a misleading question, Leslie.
But you're behind the suburban women in the polls.
I doubt it.
I doubt it.
I really doubt it.
I'm saving suburbia.
He's going to destroy suburbia.
He's got a regulation, which I terminated, that he would put back, and even worse, that will destroy, that will bring low-income housing projects into suburbia.
And women understand that.
And they've really learned about it over the last two, three weeks.
I terminated the worst regulation you could possibly have.
It's gone.
Under Obama and Biden's operatives, since Obama put this into law and Trump killed it, you pay in your little town to build a 10-story building, the model, it's a UN model, and then you bring in homeless people and then you take care of them and pay for them.
You can't make this up!
I've been endorsed by almost every police department, almost every law enforcement group in the country.
He's been endorsed by almost nobody.
Suburban women want security.
The polls show that you're behind.
The polls said Hillary was going to win 97% chance.
But you hear that, oh he's a loser, I'll vote against him, I want to be a winner.
It's a giant manipulation.
It's not going to work this time either.
But they're still going to hold up the election and still say he lost.
And still cause a civil war.
Because they work for CHICOMS.
And they don't care.
They never got in trouble.
I'm watching all these people gendered together and I'm seeing most of them without masks.
And I'm wondering the message that you're sending with these pictures coming up.
Take a look.
Yesterday, we were in Arizona.
Record-setting rallies.
Numbers of people like nobody's seen before.
Many, many masks.
I watch it.
You used to have bigger rallies.
No, these are much bigger than I ever had.
I don't want to pick her up.
Biden has none of these.
You're so negative.
You're so negative.
These are the biggest rallies we've ever had.
That's why Trump ended the interview.
He was just sitting on a carpet.
These are the biggest rallies we've ever had.
We are having numbers like we've never had.
Tell me about the masks.
Excuse me.
There is more.
No, but you made a statement.
There's more enthusiasm right now for us than we ever had before, ever.
And you'll see that in a short period of time.
But what about the masks?
A lot of people are wearing masks.
I mean, I looked yesterday.
A lot of people, and it's outdoor.
They want it outdoor.
Wear your burqa.
You can't have a meeting.
You're not allowed to.
She's done.
CBS is done.
They're all done.
Let's pause.
You know, we just woke up and started kicking their ass last few years.
And then we think like they're striking back, you know, they kill Trump, kill me, take us off the air.
You're done!
We're awake now, it's over.
It's like we punch you back, you hit us, we fall down.
There's a thousand of us behind us.
We're done, globalists.
Schumer, the New World Order, Hillary, Michael Moore, you're done, you big fat degenerates.
You freaking pedophile maggots.
And you know it, you smell it too.
You losers.
You pieces of trash.
We hand out thousands of masks.
You're bad, COVID's your fault.
A lot of people had masks and it was outside.
And you don't get up there and say, look.
You don't get up there and say we've got to end civilization and starve 100 million people to death.
You don't buy into the fraud.
What are you doing?
I'm with CBS.
I'm Leslie Stahl.
There has never been anything like what you're witnessing now, and you'll see that soon.
Okay, but I'm asking about masks, not about- I'm asking about masks.
You commented on the size of the room.
You said they're not as big as they used to be, and I'm telling you they're much bigger.
She wanted to shut up.
She's not a reporter.
She's a globalist.
Leslie, we hand out masks.
To everybody that comes to the rally.
We tell them to wear their masks.
But get that lawyer idea and pause it.
Get rid of all diving boards.
Someone statistically, if you've got a diving board to pull for 10 years, statistically somebody will break their leg.
Just get rid of it.
Oh, if your pool's more than three feet deep, someone might drown.
Get rid of it.
It's all lawyers.
Oh, they're talking about in Austin getting rid of the greenbelt and just closing it because someone might hurt their leg.
Oh, you can't have someone hike down there.
They might get hurt.
This is a prison they're building.
This is the nanny state, and she's like, you can't have Raleigh's mask!
But the Muslims can stab and murder and kill and burn down cities and, you know, all that's cutesy cake time.
It's a joke and no one buys it.
No wonder he entered into the interview.
She sounds like a whimpering chihuahua that has electrodes connected to it.
Just... Because she can't let him talk.
No problem.
They love you.
They would pay attention to anything you say.
I hope you're right.
Are you going to say that you didn't say this?
I saw you say that.
You're only trying to... I wish you would interview Joe Biden like you interviewed me.
Hit pause.
She's like, I know you said this, so don't try to dodge it.
I mean, these people are owned by Chinese communist banks that run giant death camps.
So when you look at Leslie Stahl, remember, there's just people in death camps.
But she's up there, oh, I'm a liberal woman.
Oh, I'm so good.
All right, look, I'm out of time.
I did a good job today, I think, overall.
We had one caller left yesterday, and I said, get their numbers.
I'm gonna call them tomorrow in front of the line.
Queen of Conspiracy, if you'll be there, we love you.
Megan, Tom, Greg, we will get to all of you.
Queen of Conspiracy, 11.30 tomorrow.
I will open up the show with calls.
Queen of Conspiracy.
I'm gonna call.
Get their numbers.
I'm gonna have them on.
First thing tomorrow.
Tonight, coverage starts 5 p.m.
with Owen Schroyer of the debate.
I will be here with Donna Lorraine when she's covering the main debate.
Coverage starts at 5.
What time is the actual debate, guys?
You guys tell me.
Was it 7, 8, Central?
Let me know about that.
But I'll be here before the debate.
I'll be here during the debate.
I'll be here after the debate to take your phone calls yet again.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to just encourage you.
Vitamins and minerals are great to protect yourself as a weapon against all the stuff that's going on.
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But 2020ElectionCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system?
He's censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show with your guest host and moderator today, Bishop Larry Gators.
We are so very honored to be on America's number one television and radio show right now in the 21st century, and that is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm so very honored to be back with you guys.
My name is Bishop Larry Gators.
I am the host and the moderator
Of the nationally and internationally syndicated radio show, Global Spiritual Revolution Radio through the WOR17AM network, The Voice of New York.
We can be heard around the world in approximately 200 countries, speaking to around between 150 million to 200 million people around the world through the iHeart Radio Network and the iHeart Media Group.
Now, I'm so very excited
To be unpacking this powerful topic today.
Concerning the House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Again, the House of Cards concerning the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Now, up until this week, I thought Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, was the most corrupt family duo in American history.
But they are not.
It is the Biden family.
Now, it speaks of a 16th century mathematician by the name of Dr. Johannes Kepler, who once said concerning the Kepler conjecture philosophy that there is a global pattern of history that has been dis-patterned by a global pattern of corruption.
Again, there is a global pattern of history that has been a dis-pattern or dysfunction that we call the global dysfunctionality of a life pattern because of corruption.
We call this chaos theory.
And so we're going to examine the bloodline of the Joe Biden family, which goes back as early as the 1600s, that the Biden bloodline in connection to the Robinette bloodline
We're full of racist slave owners.
This is going to blow your mind today concerning the House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Now, Joseph Robinette Biden was born in 1942.
His generation is going back to seven and eight generations were brutal slave owners out of the United Kingdom, out of England and out of Scotland.
Who later immigrated to the United States during the early parts of the 1800s to the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland.
Now, Senator Biden, well, Vice President Biden, is very close to a man by the name of Robert Allen Stanford.
Now, Robert Allen Stanford was the creator of the Stanford Capital Management Firm.
This Robert Allen Stanford is now serving a 110 year sentence, which he was convicted going back to eight years ago, to the year 2012, because of a massive global Ponzi scheme, okay?
Where he had defrauded between 7 to 8 billion people, not just here in the United States, but around the world.
Now, Joe Biden, including Hunter Biden and the late Beau Biden, who had died in 2015 of a brain tumor, sat on the board of the Stanford Private Equity Fund.
Now, there was a famous Hollywood athlete who recently died earlier this year on the 26th of January in 2020.
A young man by the name of Kobe Bean Bryant was defrauded out of $1.7 million by the Robert Allen Stanford Equity Fund.
But the Biden sat on that board up until a year ago.
And now this individual, Robert Allen,
Stanford is serving a massive 110 year prison sentence because of a massive Ponzi scheme in which Bo Biden, the late Bo Biden, was serving as senior counsel up until the year of 2015, right before his death.
But at the same time, Bo Biden, who was serving as the lead counsel
For the Stanford Equity Fund was also the Attorney General for the state of Delaware.
This is a major conflict of interest.
So then to understand the corrupt bloodline, natural and political of the Joe Biden family, we have to look at this from a spiritual paradigm and then a political paradigm.
And so Robert A. Stanford, who was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Committee of 300, the Hidden Hand, was a close confidant of one Joe Biden, including James Biden, the younger brother of Joe Sleepy Creepy Sniffin' Biden, who cannot remember his left foot from his right toe.
Another topic for another day.
So then Joe Biden, James Biden, the late Beau Biden, and the crackhead Hunter Biden sat on the executive board of this Stanford private equity fund.
Going up until the year 2014, even though two years prior, Robert Allen Stanford went to prison.
And so then the entire Biden bloodline is connected to national and international global political corruption, as we're just kind of laying this foundation concerning the crime family of one Joseph Robinette Biden.
Now, it's interesting that Joe Biden is not only connected to Robert Island on Stanford,
But Joe Biden is connected to a equity fund by the name of the Paradigm Global Advisory Group.
Now, in 1989, a South Korean man by the name of James Park, the son-in-law of the billionaire Sung Yong Moon of the Cult of the Unification Movement that was created going back in 1954.
Now, as a side note, James Park, who had designed and created the Paradigm Global Advisory Group,
Which later was bought out by Joe Biden and the Biden family in 2006.
So James Park, Sung Young Moon, was closely related financially and tied to Chinese intelligence, the Ministry of State Security, which is the Chinese equivalent of the American CIA, including South Korean intelligence connected to the National Intelligence Service.
These are the people and the individuals
That Joe sleepy creeping Biden in his crackhead pipe of a son Hunter Biden are connected to.
Now, when we come back from our two to three minute break concerning part two of the downfall, the coming downfall of one of the most corrupt families in American political history, it is going to blow your mind.
We see you here in the next two to three minutes here with your host, Bishop Larry Gates.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock after being sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
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Now we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
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And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out.
So those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out for the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond can.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make life work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every fast of our lives.
And implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves and any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, the number one radio and television show in America and around the world.
This is your guest host back with you, Bishop Larry Gators, during this fourth hour.
It's such a great honor to be back with Brother Alex, who is my mentor, and I thank God for him and for his powerful staff there at InfoWars.
You guys are literally transforming and transliterating the world.
All right.
The House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
I want to get into the late son of Joe Biden, Beau Biden.
Now, Bo Biden at the time, going back during the year of 2008, 2009, in 2011, Bo Biden had created the Bo Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children.
Now, at the time in 2011, when his father was vice president of the United States for America, Joe Biden, including Hunter Biden and Barack Obama visited Penn State University.
Now, one may say, what does this have to do with the House of Cords, the coming fall of the Biden crime family?
Glad you asked.
Because Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Beau Biden visited Penn State University a month before the outbreak of the Jerry Sandusky conspiracy.
Now, I'm not trying to put two and two together, but my job here today is to present the facts and it's up to you, the American people, to come up with the proper conclusions.
As we're talking about this house of cards, the coming fall of the Biden crying family.
So, in 2011, going back to October 2011, a month before the Jerry Sandusky case went live.
Now, Jerry Sandusky was the former assistant football coach.
Under Joe Paterno, who had died, you know, they say of cancer in 2012.
So, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Beau Biden, okay, and Hunter Biden visited Penn State University.
Not only met Joe Paterno, but met Jerry Sandusky.
Now, Jerry Sandusky ran a foundation called the Extra Mile, okay, or the Mile 2 Foundation.
The Extra Mile or the Mile 2 Foundation had many names going back to 2008.
Many of these individuals were connected to the life, the financial and the political life of one Joseph Robinette Biden.
Concerning the Biden's connection to Robert Allen Stanford in the Stanford Financial Equity Fund.
Including the Paradigm Financial Equity Group and including the connection to the Moonies out of South Korea.
To James Park.
Wait a minute now.
So, Jerry Sandusky, who is serving a 30 to 60 year prison term, was connected to Joe Biden and connected to the Robert Allen Stanford Equity Fund.
Because many executives who sat on the Jerry Sandusky Foundation, the Extra Mile Foundation, also sat on the board of Burisma, sat on the board of Rosemont Seneca,
Sat on the board, okay, of the Bahia Harvest International Group out of China.
Wait a minute now, what does Jerry Sandusky and his former executive foundation, called the Extra Mile Foundation, have anything to do with Joe Biden?
Because when Jerry Sandusky was exposed,
Joe Biden, under the direction of Barack Hussein with a thousand different aliases, Obama, was mum concerning both Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky, okay?
And so the Beau Biden Foundation, okay, the Foundation for the Protection of Children, had on its executive board Hunter Biden.
Now, when you look at the logo there of the Bold Foundation, the Bold Biden Foundation, which they have a P.O.
box, 7819.
Now, wait a minute.
I'm confused now.
If this foundation is the conduit for millions of dollars, why is Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, in the Biden family?
Why don't they have a regular address?
It is a shell company for the conduit of millions of dollars, okay, for child pedophilia and child sacrifice.
Now, somebody said, well, Bishop, you have lost your mind.
I don't think so, because this Joe Biden bloodline
That goes back 78 generations of slave owners out of Scotland, out of England, migrating to Delaware and Maryland during the early part of the 1800s, who were also members of the Odd Fellows Seeker Society.
Another topic for another day.
Now, the EIN number, the Employee Identification Number,
For the Beau Biden Foundation is 47-450-7397, which they specialize in for the prevention of child abuse.
Okay, in connection to Burisma out of Kiev in the Ukraine, and also being connected to Chinese intelligence.
But Hunter, by excellent picture there guys, Hunter Biden, along with his father, were complicit in nationalizing the PrivatBank out of Kiev in the Ukraine.
Now, when we're talking about the coming fall of the crime family called the Biden crime family, let's look again at the life of Jerry Sandusky in connection to Joe Biden, whom Joe Biden met Jerry Sandusky a month before the Jerry Sandusky conspiracy was exposed.
Now, in connection of Biden money to a man by the name, going back to 1972.
Now, what I'm about to read, ready to reveal to you is going to absolutely blow your minds as we're talking about the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Now, as we go back to 1972, there was a Pakistani billionaire, a financier,
By the name of Agha Hassan Abidi.
Capital A-G-H-A-H-A-S-A-N Hassan Abidi.
Capital A-B-E-D-I.
He created, in 1972, one of the most corrupt banks in world history.
The BCCI Bank.
Okay, the private bank that is connected to Chinese intelligence, to the Mossad, excellent link there, ladies and gentlemen, to the Mossad, to the CIA, to the KGB and Pakistani intelligence.
So the Bank of Credit and Commerce International with Hassan Abidi personally finance
The political career of Joseph Biden in 1972, okay, which was the same year that his wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, was involved in a horrific car crash.
All right, that also had killed their daughter, Naomi.
Now, when we come back in the third segment, we're going to connect these political ley lines concerning the House of Cards and the coming fall of the Biden crime ban.
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda, and they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-eses are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Olbermann's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
You've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
Black Friday in October.
Last year that was one of our most popular sales that we ran in the last couple weeks of October.
It was popular for a reason.
Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October and that
That means 30 to 60% off store-wide free shipping, triple Patreon points.
That's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
Now, a lot of stuff sold out.
Some of our best sellers are still there.
But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today, which is two weeks to the election.
And more good news.
Ultra 12.
It's got the name Ultra for a reason.
Highest quality Vitamin B12.
Take it under the tongue for full absorption.
It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
That means CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up to the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert, censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
The future isn't coming, it's here.
And in the future, keeping your humanity, saving your soul, your integrity, your very essence is going to be your most valuable asset.
In fact, it's going to be your only asset.
The world being built by the technocrats and the trap they've now sprung is COVID-19 and the endless lockdown is the beginning of the process of taking us past domestication into total
Incomplete dehumanization.
Human life will be impossible to be carried out in an original biological way by the year 2050.
This is their stated goal.
I'm sorry to have to report horrifying things like this to you, but only by facing the horror and not projecting your own decency onto the enemy when we turn this around.
You must study their own writings, you must face the facts, and you must come to grips with it.
You're all being incrementally destroyed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show, because there is a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, the number one radio and television show in America and around the world with your host and moderator Bishop Larry Gators.
We're talking about
The coming fall of the Joe Biden crime family.
House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Now, we left off with this corrupt bank that I want to talk about for the next two to three minutes.
This BCCI bank.
Now, remember the 2009 movie with Clive Owen entitled The International is base, was base.
Uh, upon this particular bank, which is now defunct, the Bank of Credit and Commercial International or International, which was a creature of the Central Intelligence Agency.
So then Joe Biden is a creature of the CIA.
Now, Joe Biden, his connection with the BCCI Bank out of Karachi in Pakistan, which its international headquarters at the time was in the nation called Luxembourg, which also financed later
The SNL scandal that was connected to the Clintons, to Jimmy Carter, to John McCain, who was a traitor, including one Joseph Biden.
And so then, now that brings us to the Burisma Holdings Group out of Kiev in the Ukraine.
Now, there is a man by the name of Mykola Shlovesky.
Now, Mikolaj Slaveski is connected to the bloodline out of Latvia, going back to the year 1705, to the Kirchner family.
Now, I'm not saying that the term Kirchner concerning the son-in-law of our president is connected to this, and he is not.
I'm just saying that the bloodline of one Mikolaj Slaveski
Goes back to 1705 to out of Latvia, which their original name was the Kirchner family, capital K U S H N I R, which later was changed to N E R during the early part of the 1800s.
So Nicola Chelish Vesky.
Excellent picture there, ladies and gentlemen.
Concerning Burisma Bank.
Now, Burisma Bank is the epicenter of this corruption surrounding one Joseph Biden because he wanted the private bank that was created by Nikola Shledesky to be nationalized.
In 2016, why?
Because Joe Biden wanted to hide his complicit connection into money laundering, which is also on the laptop of one crackhead, Hunter Biden.
Another topic for another day.
Now, the Biden family, their money is closely connected to Chinese intelligence, okay?
To a man by the name of Chin Wing Gee, okay?
Capital W-E-N-Q-I-N-G.
So Chen Wing Di, ladies and gentlemen, as we're talking about laying this foundation concerning the House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family and syndicate.
So the Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China all have not just Chinese intelligence money,
But also Mossad money and Pakistani intelligence money, including money through the Biden family.
I told you at the very beginning of today's broadcast that Joe Biden and his family is the greatest, is the worst corrupt family in American political history.
So Joe Biden's connection to Chinese intelligence.
To the Ministry of State Security, which is the Chinese equivalent of the American CIA, to Chen Wengying, who is the head of the Ministry of State Security.
So the Ministry of State Security in the Biden family, with Hunter Biden owning 10% of a Chinese equity group out of Shanghai, China, called the Baha'i Harvest Group.
Now, in connection to the Paradigm Global Advisory Group, and the connection to the Rosemont Seneca Group, which was created by Christopher Hines, the stepson of one John Kerry, okay?
So, Christopher Hines, Devin Archer, and Hunter Biden had created the Rosemont Seneca Equity Firm in 2009.
Which is also connected to Ukrainian uranium and to the Russian uranium deal, which this Jezebel, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama gave away sold 20% of American uranium.
Which thereby President Putin kicked back a check for $145 million to who?
To the Clinton Foundation and to the Clinton Global Initiative.
You're dealing with devils as we're talking about this house of cards, the coming fall of the Biden crime family.
Now, in our conclusion, Joe Biden's connection to a major corporation out of China, entitled the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, that's ran, you got it, by Chinese intelligence, by the Administrative State Security, which is the Chinese equivalent of the American CIA.
This also is connected to the Paradigm Global Advisory Group, connected to the Rosemont Seneca Partners Group, which is ran by the Biden family, who are then connected to a man by the name of Tom Skoldal.
Well, he's a fixer, okay?
Tom Skoda was the former president of New York's Detectives Endowment Association Union that's connected to the old Tammany Hall, okay?
Going back to 2002.
So, Tom Skoda is the unindicted, notice these legal terms, the unindicted co-conspirator
By federal prosecutors, okay, in connection to organized crime.
So Tom Skoda, his connection to Joe Biden, these two gentlemen are connected to the Lucchese family and the Gambino family here in New York City.
But yet, Joe Biden wants us to elect him to be the President of the United States.
It's not going to happen.
Now, in my conclusion, in 2004, Joe Biden sat on the board of the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities
Wait a minute now.
The same Bernie Madoff, whose real name goes back to the 1600s, out of Lafayette.
And later, Poland.
The meal down.
M-I-O-D-O-W-N-I-K-I, which that bloodline is related to the Robinette family, into which the bloodline of Joe Biden married into during the mid-1800s.
These are corrupt devils, okay, concerning the House of Cards, the coming fall of the
This crime family, this crime syndicate, called the Biden family.
Now, in my conclusion, so the Bidens, they're also connected to a mobster by the name of Anthony V. Lotito, capital L-O-T-I-T-O.
He's connected to the Gambino crime family, to the Bonanno crime family, and to the Lucchese family.
He runs the J.P.
Lotito & Company here in New York City, whereby he co-created, along with James Biden, the younger brother of Joe Biden, the Globex Financial Advisory Group, and the Lionhawk Group, which is now owned by James Biden.
Who also owns the AmeriCorps International Securities Group, which is a shell company for foreign money, okay?
Now, in my conclusion here, we have to say that the Biden family is one of the most corrupt families in American political history.
And also, Joe Biden, who was connected to the DCCI scandal in the 1970s, including the SNL scandal with Charles Keating, okay, along with Michael Milken, connected to the Lincoln Savings and Loan Conspiracy.
Including John Sellout McCain, the Bush family, and John Kerry, who is connected to the late mobster, okay?
And this is going to blow your mind, to the late mobster, okay?
Whitey Bulger.
They're all complicit in these House of Cards, the coming fall of the Biden family.
And I thank you.
Have a wonderful day.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.