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Filename: 20201021_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2020
3018 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the current political climate in the United States, warning of a "Globalist Crime Syndicate" attempting to overthrow the country through censorship and control. He urges viewers to stay informed and united against these threats. In addition, he discusses the negative effects of lockdown measures and COVID-19 restrictions on various aspects of life, encouraging listeners to remain informed and aware of the situation.

It's Wednesday, October 21st.
The year is 2020.
We are now 12 days, 12 incredible days from the election.
91 from the inauguration.
And the forces of globalism are desperately trying to overthrow our country and smash us economically to become vassals of the globalist corporate combine and the Communist Party of China.
But there is also at the same time a huge awakening to what's happening.
If you go to Infowars.com,
You'll see the live show feed today and it has a title and it says it all.
The Globalist Crime Syndicate, the Globalist Axis is coming out and incrementally implementing the internet kill switch that is selective through the AI algorithms of these major companies that have unified their policies.
And they even came out a month ago and said, oh, we've unified our policies on hate speech, on election meddling, and we're going to be totally controlling people the days before the election, the day of the election, and of course, particularly the weeks after when they're contesting it.
So emergency alert with three exclamation points.
We never do that.
Deep state to activate internet kill switch days before election.
Globalist big tech.
The Communist Chinese and the captured Democratic Party have successfully tested an AI-driven censorship engine capable of selectively silencing billions of people and their online activity instantly.
The technocratic axis of evil is moving from beta to full operational.
Alex Jones, an expert guest, will lay out what's coming next and how to stop it.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and the good news is I noticed all over Twitter and I noticed all over Facebook, without even looking, people send it to me, you're seeing 50,000 retweets, 60,000 retweets, 10,000 retweets of people going, Jones warned of a global AI censorship grid that will be closing its noose by the day of the election and that they would then contest the election, even though Trump's going to win, and then if he contests their contention, they're planning to burn down the cities.
The Democrats and their surrogates, even Elizabeth Warren has now called for this.
Two days ago, Keith Olbermann's crawled off under his rock and is calling for Trump to be killed.
They're making their move.
So I would pray to God and get right with God and also then get very active in the streets.
You need to be thinking about now what you're going to do on the streets today and tomorrow and the next 12 days and what you're going to do when this hits because they've got anti-foes going to come out and attack you in blue cities and the police are going to stand down.
They're going to try to deny you access so they can be the only people on the streets demanding Trump be removed.
You have to protect the White House.
We have to protect the red state governor's facilities.
This is a real run at the country because we're so open and we've let so much treason happen and big corporations don't want America to exist and they've come in and bought up the NFL, the NBA, and the colleges and it's just all no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
That was the old chant.
Now it's death to America.
Burning American flags.
And look, you'd think I'm not naive, but just two years ago they had a big event.
They shut down downtown Congress.
They had a huge stage set up.
Almost no one showed up.
And it was called, The Lies of Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
And so I showed up at it.
And of course they ran me off and said, you're not allowed to be here.
I showed up at it.
We're here lying about you.
When I started speaking, when I stood up there, I said, look, America's good.
We can come together and save America.
That's when they all got really upset.
This is a cult that wants to capture America and hates everything it stands for, especially Christianity.
That's why we've made these politically incorrect shirts.
For Paul Joseph Watson to try to fund him, hiring some reporters and expanding what he's doing over at Summit.News.
This isn't a pitch.
Tell me why I'm wearing it.
I thought what's more politically incorrect is the original English flag of King George.
The original one has the five crosses.
Then it got simplified to the Union Jack with the Scottish flag laid over it.
But this is pretty much banned in England as a hate symbol.
Because a country existing is hate.
See, that's why.
We wear the American flag, we wear the English flag, we wear the Scottish flag, the German flag, the Mexican flag, the Japanese flag.
It's all about nationalism.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
That means CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up to the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My love is in league with the freeway.
It's a passion we'll ride, till the cities fly by.
And the taillights is on, in the coming of night.
And the questions in mind,
It's Wednesday, October 21st.
Twelve days out.
Twelve days from now, the fight begins as the Deep State, backed by Communist China, the most powerful multinational corporations, and the entire globalist Hollywood, media, America-hating combine, weigh in and try to break the will of the American people and complete our journey into the slavery that they are establishing.
Let me lay out what we're gonna cover today, and the extreme import of all of this, and the good news.
We've hit a major tipping point.
I don't just have some of the top Republican talk show hosts in the country, some of the top people on Fox calling me and saying, we thought you were crazy, it's all true, exactly as you said, what's coming next?
Now I have major liberal talk show hosts calling me, and major newspaper heads
And saying, oh, okay, we thought this was made up in a joke, but now it's out in the open that China's going to conquer the U.S.
We're all being told, submit to China.
We're all being told that everybody is going to have microchips and get on board.
Because now it's gotten to the point of they're telling the executives, and they're telling Hollywood, you are taking a forced inoculation.
You are taking five shots a year from Bill Gates.
And so now they're telling the executives,
People worth hundreds of millions of dollars, billions of dollars this, and they're like, oh, see, they weren't even in on this.
And so, they're being told, by the way, we've got internet kill switch, it's selective, it'll kill most websites where you can't even go to them, and it'll block in live time on all the major platforms what you can say and do.
A number of years ago in Congress, the Congressman Wigley, I'm not joking, out of Illinois,
He said, when are you going to shut down Alex Jones and Paul Watson?
Paul Watson has a tweet that's number one today about the guy screaming Allah Akbar that ran over a bunch of folks in New York.
And an article simply pointed out that his local mosque had reported him and said he was planning to do this and nothing was done.
And it was an Islamic attack.
Well, Congressman Quigley
Complained, and the heads of Twitter, Facebook, and Google, the technical heads of there, they go, sir, we saw it at lunch, and we blocked it.
They said within months, we're gonna have AI in place where it won't be able to do that anymore.
Well, that AI is now in place, okay?
And they've announced the last few months that they've unified the systems that are over Twitter, Facebook, Google,
YouTube, Apple, and now even mid-level tech firms are signing on to it, and the anti-virus firms are signing on to it, and at military bases, at most libraries, at most colleges, you can't even go to Infowars.com.
You go, well, Trump should stop that.
Well, the military's his jurisdiction.
He told them, stop teaching that George Washington's bad, that America's inherently bad, that white people are bad, and the Pentagon said, we're going to continue
The critical race theory that whites are inherently bad, the Secretary of Defense said, and Trump didn't fire him, because it would just look so crazy.
Trump gives orders that are reasonable and they don't stop.
University of Texas just pulled their radical race theory, critical race theory, because Trump threatened federal funds.
But, I mean, it just shows Trump gives orders that are totally lawful, totally legal.
If you ask Martin Luther King, should we teach that white people are bad because of the color of their skin?
He'd say, that's pure racism.
That's horrible.
We don't need Martin Luther King to tell us that.
We already know it.
But that's what they're teaching to get us at each other's throats.
It sure as hell isn't about retribution for any black people for anything they went through.
The globalists hate your guts more than anybody.
You're the target of Bill Gates, but he funds Black Lives Matter.
So what does Black Lives Matter say?
Get rid of the nuclear family and
Get black men to sexually change themselves and have their genitals removed.
Boy, that sounds like your friend!
But they got enough dumb black people and dumb white people and dumb brown people to go out and burn and kill because, you know, because Trump doesn't want to chop their balls off.
You cannot make this up.
So I can go through all the technicals.
I could spend hours here with you going over it.
Congress literally is flat-footed.
They're a bunch of lawyers.
They finally figured out how much trouble they're in.
And America is at war with a consortium of big tech, the communist Chinese, and powerful banks, with America haters, and the occultist, the Satanist, the whole Hollywood trash group.
And not all of entertainment's bad, not all of government's bad.
So there's a real come-to-Jesus moment as people are going, wait a minute,
Everything Jones is saying is exactly what's coming true.
What's happening next?
Well, let me do this.
I need to hit the latest on the Giuliani revelations with the Hunter Biden laptop and more laptops and eyewitnesses and business partners coming out and confirming it all.
I mean, I told all you people saying we were lying about this.
Giuliani knew a month ago, they'd already contacted hundreds of people and gotten them to send back copies of the emails.
They went to their houses.
They have an army of retired FBI agents and Scotland Yard and CIA.
I mean, it's over 200 people, I'm told now, okay?
Plowing through, I even know some of the people, plowing through all these emails.
And then all they do is they call the person up and say, yeah, this Hunter Biden meeting, you had that?
They say, absolutely.
This happened?
And these people are scared.
They know it's criminal.
So they're saying, I'm ready to go public.
And they're all starting to go public.
So they tried to gaslight you that first it didn't exist and it was a Russian disinfo.
This makes Hillary's emails look tame in comparison.
Open and shut Burisma and Ukraine saying, listen, we'll give you the 30 million and half the company profits, but you've got to end the criminal investigations.
And then his dad goes on TV and brags how he did it for the money.
I mean.
And you read these new Hunter emails that came out to his dad, going, Dad, I played with myself in front of a 14-year-old girl, and my girlfriend's really upset about it.
She may go to the police.
These are the emails.
His dad's like, don't worry about it.
Too powerful.
These are mental midgets that never grew up past the age of 10, that have hundreds of millions of dollars, and they're on crack and meth, and he's literally like, Dad!
My girlfriend's gonna leave me!
She might go to the police!
She told her therapist I jerk off in front of 14-year-olds!
And yeah, I do chase them around and outside.
I mean, it's like you chase them around outside and then they call the people and they confirm it.
Like, where's Hunter chasing girls around at night naked that are 14?
I mean, what?
I mean, this is all coming out.
I've got stacks of this.
And the left is so desperate.
So many people that were on the right flipped over to the left thinking they're on the winning team.
You're fools.
Doing the right thing is always the winning team, even if you don't win this round.
It's about what you do in front of God.
That's next segment, but for the Republicans, for America, for the whole planet...
When we put up a little bit of censorship, it ends up being total surveillance, total control, and now it's in place, and they've said, on election day, none of conservatives or libertarians or nationalists or patriots or populists are going to be able to communicate.
They're not going to be able to report fraud, you see.
They're not going to be able to report people stuffing ballot boxes.
There's a new video of that coming up.
You're not going to be able to do any of it.
You're going to have to do it on local radio and local TV.
You're going to have to do it on your own email.
You're going to have to learn to upload videos to another server and send it out over your email.
You're going to have to learn to call it in to the Trump campaign.
Trump's going to have to talk about this stuff because he's going to be the only one.
It'll be able to do a press conference like he's starting to do, fireside chats, they're finally doing it, with jumbotrons, where Trump goes, oh look, they say they're gonna ban all fossil fuels and fracking.
Shows clips, then shows them saying, we never said that, Trump's a liar.
And the crowd's mouth is hanging open.
That will annihilate the enemy.
What we do here on air, Trump does it, he's got a bigger crew, he can do it better, it's over.
We told him four years ago to start doing this.
Now he's finally doing it because he understands that there is a massive election fraud operation and we have video from Yahoo Business where they're in Germantown, PA.
I don't know.
The COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers,
This is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI, and all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Twelve days, twelve short days until all hell breaks loose.
Everything you've seen so far has been a mere dress rehearsal as the true forces of evil launch their attack at the remnants of our once great republic.
Because though they are remnants, those white hot coals of fire of truth and justice and Christendom could be rekindled into a mighty flame of liberty.
That will extinguish the darkness that Satan's forces have launched upon the earth.
This is the great test of humanity.
This is your great test.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
Epic times, certainly.
There can be no doubt of that.
No amount of hype can even come close to the real peril we're in.
Okay, let's hit it.
And there's a lot of clips to go over.
We'll take the rest of the hour to hit all these clips, but they're pretty amazing.
Overhead shot, please, for TV viewers.
I'll read this for radio listeners.
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Biden crime family involved in hundreds of millions of dollars in money laundering schemes, says, he tells Fox News, he says, it's all coming out in the emails.
He's already caught red-handed and they've now confirmed they're real emails.
But again, this is a family that keeps it in the family, if you know what I mean.
That's why he says to his dad, I'm running around naked with this 14-year-old girl.
I got caught.
My girlfriend caught me.
What am I going to do?
She told the therapist she might go to the police.
And Pop says, son, it's no problem, of course.
I mean, wow!
What a group of pervs, ladies and gentlemen.
I feel sorry for anybody growing up in the Biden family, especially if you're a little girl.
You see what he does in public.
He even says, Dad, I was on crack, though.
That makes it okay.
This is all up on InfoWars.com.
It's coming out in Town Hall.
Even the mainline Republican sites have it now.
More dirty deeds.
Hunter Biden's ex-business partner has flipped, revealing a new trove of emails.
And Giuliani's been able to confirm with them the emails they have that these individuals have in their inboxes.
And Giuliani reportedly now has more than 100 people contacted that are ready to return state's evidence.
They're going to start going public today.
And they've gone and put people that are already in federal prison that work for the Bidens, who've turned state's evidence in protective custody.
More dirty deeds, ladies and gentlemen!
And federal agents have confirmed to Fox News and others that, indeed, these are real emails from the laptop shop, from the computer repair shop.
Russia has nothing to do with it.
But of course, Biden's buddies, Brennan and Clapper, that work for Obama and Biden and Hillary, they're saying everything's fine.
This is all Russians.
Yes, the Russians did it.
I put my shoes on this morning and went for a hike.
The Russians did it.
When my mother gave birth to me, the Russians did it.
When I brush my teeth, the Russians did it.
When I have any success or do it, it's all Russians.
It's not me.
It's not you.
It's not Trump.
The Russian misinformation narrative peddled by Democrats to protect Joe Biden was dealt a massive blow.
When it's being reported by the Federalist and by Fox and others that senior intel officials have confirmed, just so everyone understands, the people who actually have access to the evidence, that the DNI and DOJ say the laptop isn't a Russian op, these people don't shift.
They don't operate like he does and say these groups in the media have breathlessly been reporting on.
Here's another one.
Oh boy, Rudy Giuliani reads text message from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden talking about FaceTiming 14-year-old girl naked while smoking crack.
But it gets worse.
Then he says, I'm running around with her in the yard.
I guess he's chasing his niece and then his girlfriend comes home and catches it.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
And notice, they're silent about this.
They don't deny it.
It goes on and on.
Hunter Biden's emails reportedly turned over to Delaware State Police to the FBI again.
The FBI confirms they got him almost a year ago.
Giuliani gives Hunter Biden's hard drive to Delaware State Police over photos of underage girls, disturbing text including him naked in the photos with them.
Because he's a trophy hunter, folks.
He takes a photo
With the little girl, with his niece, showing off what he's done.
Because these pedophiles like to share it.
They like to do it out in the open like pop does.
Pop taunting.
If I had to bet, I bet Biden's popped Hunter.
I bet he's that old Hunter.
That's how these Satanists operate.
I'm serious, folks.
They want to dominate.
They want to abuse.
I bet Hunter's been under ritual abuse.
These people are Satanists, folks.
And they commit crimes so horrible that society's afraid to come out with it.
I mean, you think just the Catholic Church got taken over by this?
You think just Penn State?
You just think all these big Protestant churches keep getting caught doing this?
It's because these people use this to take over.
It's a cult of pedophiles.
And they're in every group.
They're in every organization.
And Trump has now tenfold increased arrest.
Twelvefold now.
He's created an international task force and a department to stop human smuggling and trafficking of adults and children.
And the Democrats won't say a word about it because it's one of their biggest currencies.
Type in U.N.
sex traffic.
Type in U.N.
sex slaves Haiti.
sex slaves the Balkans.
It's all thousands of children per country where they've been caught.
Because U.N.
people blew the whistle.
And a lot of these kids get killed.
My first film, Marriage by Design, I have blurred out photos of three-year-old African children being raped to death with nightsticks.
But first they're held over fires and roasted.
Now, why the hell would you do that?
Because you're in to evil.
And I'll tell you, black lives do matter.
It's open season on black people in the Caribbean.
It's open season on black people in Africa by these globalists.
Because they have no one to speak for them.
And Bill Gates can test whatever he wants on them.
And he's been caught.
And I don't send out the virtue signal to black people.
I just see another person.
They're doing it to them because they can get away with it.
You know Gates wants it for everybody.
He said that.
And now he's coming for you, whether you're black or white.
And you live in the West because our basic protections are being stripped away and we're all in grave danger.
Here's another one.
Links to all the video.
Federal law enforcement officials say Hunter Biden's emails are authentic.
Fox News.
FBI's possession of the laptop for the second time.
Giuliani, anonymous sources about to start going public, confirming Joe Biden is involved in Hunter Biden paper play.
He knows who they are, says they're very credible.
And it goes on from there.
Hunter Biden witness moved from prison cell after exposing influence peddling Operation Zero Hedge.
But don't worry, CNN's Stelter claims, Tubin's jerking off in front of a Zoom meeting was an accident.
No, they all get off on doing things inappropriate.
And here it is.
President Trump is fighting human trafficking in historic ways.
Nationalfile.com, Infowars.com posted.
And there's zero coverage of it unless you share the article and get the truth out to everyone you know.
What I'm going to do is later I'll get to all the video clips where they talk about what I just said, but I wanted to get that out up front.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
I suggest you share it.
The enemy is running around like chickens with their heads cut off or a Chinese fire drill trying to
Shut this down.
I suggest you don't let them shut it down.
I suggest you push it if you want to defeat these scumbags.
Or just lay there and keep taking it all you want.
Hit your email list.
Hit your text messages.
Hit your word of mouth.
And then hit it on Facebook, Twitter, all of it.
They're going to ban you anyways.
Everyone will be banned November 3rd.
Remember, you'll all be banned then.
You'll all be frozen.
So might as well fight while you still can.
The internet kill switch is going in.
That's the big enchilada right now for the election.
I'll tell you about the technocracy when we come back.
Stay with us.
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They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
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That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out, but some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the global so far.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, welcome back!
Alex Jones here as we scan the scene of the planet tonight looking for the globalists to start up a fight.
Yeah, there's a really aggressive feeling in our minds.
It won't let us alone because we're the ones they're gonna find running on our way.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Very honored to be here with you.
Let me try to
Quantify this.
I don't need to tell you that you can cut the suspense with a knife.
I don't need to tell you how predatory the globalists are.
I don't need to tell you that they are a foreign multinational consortium, a new type of war, globalism, taking us over.
I'm just telling you that you cannot see yourself as someone that
Just supports this broadcast, which is wonderful and is key, or just votes for Trump.
You're going to have to hit the streets.
You're going to have to get aggressive.
You're going to have to do non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience now.
And I'll just be honest with you.
I engaged in some today.
And I've got to have the energy to do it because I work hard.
I'm just going to say it.
I'm going to go out with a bunch of spray paint tonight.
And I'm going to tag stuff.
Big things that can be seen on the highway.
And I don't care if they come find me and arrest me.
I don't care anymore.
Just see what a jury does.
And the globals want to burn down police stations and shoot cops in the head?
I don't want to do that.
But I'm going to get big messages out.
And I'm not telling you what to do, but
And I'm going to get more aggressive than that.
I swear to God, excuse me Lord, I'm not supposed to, I'm not taking your Lord's name in vain because it's not good to swear on God.
I just came out of me.
I just, I, you need to be thinking every minute about what you're going to be doing.
And then also we need to make oaths just to our friends and family and, and, and, and, and before God, a commitment that
When Bill Gates rolls out his deadly mRNA vaccine, and it does kill people and maim people, it already is in the trials, that he will be held responsible regardless of what courts do, and that he's not above reality and not above God.
And we need to have discussions about that.
Well, that's a dangerous person.
We don't need to organize.
Well, he's coming after us, so we have a metaphysical right, and we have a metaphysical duty to do that.
And I'm not going to sit here and just talk on the air.
It's really good to promote this stuff digitally, but they're bringing the kill switches in.
You're going to, I should have whole shows about what do you do?
What do you do?
Wear t-shirts, that does something to show solidarity, to exercise free speech to the enemy's face.
They hate it.
Go speak in front of your church, go speak at city council, that's all locked down.
See, they locked us down for this, they know what they're doing.
Do you go make leftists uncomfortable, like on South Congress, which is like the worst parts of LA and Austin, and drive by every weekend we do on Saturday and bullhorn them about the evil they're involved in and the overblown fraud of COVID, now it's killing millions with a lockdown?
Now the UN even has to admit that?
Yeah, that's something we can do.
And I fly drones with speakers over Zilker Park and try to educate folks.
I'm just saying, you've all got to do this, because let me explain something.
If you don't speak up, and if you don't get involved, if you don't hit the streets now, you never will.
Because they are going to cut the resources off here like they've done in the third world, and they are bringing us into a hellish situation.
And the key to their whole system is that you have an eight-second
Attention span now.
No, you really still have your deep attention span, your values, your default, but the average person really is caught in about a seven second attention span.
Our attention spans used to be about an hour long just 70 years ago.
So everything's been about getting our attention span, where we're like the dog in the movie Up, where he can't ever get anything done because if he thinks he sees a squirrel or a piece of trash blows by, he goes, squirrel!
Like, hey, we need to save the little kids, they're in trouble.
Then runs off after the squirrel, doesn't save the kids.
We're not a Labrador Retriever.
You know, they're cute, they're great, but their attention span is very, very short.
Humans have long attention spans.
And focus is the key to success.
Knowing your roots, knowing what you stand for, understanding what's got to be done, and then having focus and dedication and repetition.
So you've got to do what you've got to do legally and lawfully and with civil disobedience at this point to get the truth out.
Maybe that means you go rent a big projector.
They have these in every major city and you just get it done and you go project huge messages every night on the sides of big buildings in the most populous areas with messages like COVID came from China or InfoWars.com.
Or America's fighting for its life, or Communist China runs Biden, or vote Trump.
Everything you do changes the world, and you need to go volunteer now.
In most states, they have to let you volunteer.
You need to get into the polling places now, because the Democrats are harvesting ballots, changing ballots, falsifying, throwing them away.
They're getting arrested everywhere.
It makes the local news, but doesn't do anything else.
Public servants have been doing a pretty good job around the country, from Pennsylvania to Texas to Michigan to you name it, catching Democrats.
It's always Democrats.
It's never a Republican.
See, they know, they tell Republicans, don't leave your house.
Democrats do whatever they want.
You don't.
They know, they say, don't cheat on elections.
You wouldn't do it anyways.
They know you have morals, so they use that against you.
And I'm not saying get rid of your morals.
I'm not saying go cheat.
I'm saying go after them.
And show the criminal activity they're involved in.
We gotta go to break, and I'm gonna come back to the technicals of this, then I'll get more into what's coming out on Biden.
And it's just devastating, and there's no way the media can cover this up.
But what's the real story here?
That the corporate media to an institution throughout the system is not covering now confirmed photos of Biden with underage girls naked.
And notice it gets worse what Giuliani brings out every couple days.
That's done on purpose to have the system cover it up.
They know what's in there.
And then just devastate them with stuff so bad, there's nothing they can do.
And I told you, it's sex abuse of children.
They brought this out because this is an email to his dad about, hey, my girlfriend's mad at me.
Hey, they caught me with a 14-year-old naked.
I was on crack.
And that's his brother's daughter.
They're bringing that out now because it connects it to Biden.
But it's connected to Biden.
That he reportedly was in China raping what looks like 10-year-old girls and beating the hell out of them.
And that's what witnesses that have seen the video say happens.
They say it's brutal.
I mean, we're talking just... Boom!
The little girl's crying.
Right in the jaw.
I mean, that's who these people are.
Look what they do to your economy.
Look what they do to your country.
Why would you join the chi-coms?
Why would you do evil things?
Why would you bankrupt the country?
Why would you triple-charge people for prescription drugs and screw up society?
Because they're evil, folks!
They say Hitler would have won World War II if in 1943 he didn't say, looks like we're probably going to lose down the road.
Put all the resources into killing these undesirable groups, Jews, namely, Central.
Because he just wanted to kill people.
All right, we're going to go to break just briefly.
We have Black Friday comes in.
Black Friday comes in October.
We did this last year.
We're doing it now.
There's 10 days left on it.
I don't know.
The other stuff takes about a week to ship.
That's before the election.
Really smart to get this.
Very portable.
High quality and sports broadcast.
$100 off for a week.
Emergency food supply.
$130 off.
Alexa Breeze water filtration system.
That's an incredible deal.
Everybody needs that water filtration.
10,000 gallons.
Cuts all the garbage out.
Take it out of creeks, ponds, you name it.
Purifies tap water as well.
$20 off the 9-in-1 multifunction LED solar rechargeable flashlight.
That is a great product right there at repairwithalex.com and that funds our operation.
But over at infomorestore.com, we're going to sell out of Ultra12 and Vitamin Refusion in two weeks at current sales rates.
And they're so good for your immune system, I'd get those now.
It was 30 months ago that InfoWars, and of course yours truly Alex Jones, was banned on more than 60 major platforms in one day.
Led by the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, who helps China run giant death camps.
Always just let that be in the back of your mind when we talk about these monsters and where they're taking us.
They have no bottom.
And people said, Jones, how are you taking it?
And I said, I'm taking it just fine.
They're coming for you next.
This is a technocracy.
They're merging with big pharma.
They're taking over the media.
This is a digital psychological dictatorship in their own words.
This is a planetary takeover.
They're then going to start locking us in our houses using supposed plague threats.
That's so the wireless system can come into place with the driverless cars and the robot takeover.
How'd I know all this would happen?
Because they've been saying they're going to do it.
See, it's not that I'm psychic.
I know how to read what these monsters are saying.
So you have to understand, as crazy as all this sounds, it doesn't come from me.
It comes from them.
Black Friday in October.
Last year, that was one of our most popular sales that we ran in the last couple weeks of October.
It was popular for a reason.
Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October.
And that means 30 to 60% off store-wide free shipping, triple Patreon points.
That's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
Now, a lot of stuff sold out.
Some of our best sellers are still there.
But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today, which is two weeks to the election.
And more good news.
Ultra 12, it's got the name Ultra for a reason.
Highest quality Vimon B12.
Take it under the tongue for full absorption.
It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
InfoWars is a archetypal classic example of free, independent, organic resistance against tyranny.
You built InfoWars.
You spread the word.
You prayed for us.
You bought the products.
You called in.
You made recommendations.
InfoWars is as much yours as it is mine.
And that's why the enemy is so upset that under the deplatforming, under all the DNC lawsuits, under all the attack, in many ways, we've become stronger.
With Band.Video, the redesigned InfoWars, with all of our great crew,
With documentary films and 10 hours of live radio and TV a day.
We are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
So remember this arsenal of freedom is waiting for you to continue to spread the word about it and to continue for you to support because this is something we built together.
It's not just a national treasure.
It's a treasure worldwide against the tyrants and they know it and they can't stand it.
And as everything we talked about comes true our credibility only goes up together.
So I salute you all.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Is censoring because of the power of the people overrode them four years ago?
Trump has finally figured this out, since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech under these modern situations.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he hasn't taken action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them, oh yeah!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Let me do this.
There's just so much here.
Roger Stone, I should have told you that.
I didn't tell you yesterday.
He's going to be handicapping the election, giving you his concerns.
He is concerned.
He's a realist.
But there's still time for Trump to win.
He's going to be joining us next hour.
So I look forward to that.
Then we will open the phones up in the third hour on this live.
Wednesday, October 21st transmission.
Tonight we're going to have live coverage of the town hall and tomorrow night live coverage of the debate.
All the coverage is at Band.Video, but that is banned on Twitter.
You can't share that link.
Even though Jack Dorsey pledged to stop blocking URLs.
He's a total liar.
He lied to Congress in a letter saying we don't do that.
You can share 2020ElectionCenter.com.
2020 is the numbers.
2020ElectionCenter.com and that is your patriotic mission.
Your self-preservation mission, if you choose to accept it.
But just finishing up what I was saying earlier, just think about how warfare works, especially psychological warfare.
You can't just flip an internet kill switch on, and then Congress would stand up, the people would stand up, people would recognize a frontal assault.
Everything with globalism is lawyers and think tanks and creeping death.
And everything is hidden, everything is sleight of hand, everything is wizardry, fraud, con artistry, flim flam.
And so, that's why I knew when I saw them demonize us, then censor us to make a big deal about how they were censoring us, they wanted to demonize somebody and then silence them and have other people agree with it so that then they wouldn't notice everybody else that got silenced.
And you can see it.
And we got internal emails and documents that people at Google were upset and Twitter and we knew what was happening.
And then you see these two and a half years later, it's now the President, it's Congress, it's all of them.
So they've got an algorithm, they've got a technique.
To carry all of this out, and if we're aware of how they run the scam, it's game over.
But if Congress and the public and all of us keep addressing the globalists according to their terms, the way they address us, they always address you with a fraud and a fraudulent discussion and a fraudulent debate, knowing you're not sophisticated and don't know how they operate.
But if you just learn how they operate,
Even if you were a sociopath, you don't make money and get power at this stage of the game, joining the New World Order.
You become successful knowing what they know and using that knowledge against them.
I use that knowledge to defeat them.
Someone that just wanted to make money and get powerful could get incredibly powerful with this knowledge.
And that's why they can't stay on this show, because we're covering real issues here on air that if there's ever an understanding of how these systems work, it's game over for them.
You see, I didn't go to college to be a lawyer or go to college to be a political scientist.
I read those textbooks.
I went to the school of research and the school of the street and the school of building something myself that interfaced with the world so that I could discover how it really worked.
And I've discovered how it really works.
You've discovered how it really works.
It's called common sense, and most of you have more common sense than the top politicians in D.C.
They're specialists that were brought in by other corrupt individuals because they went along with them, and their value system is different than ours.
They want power, control, dumbed-down slaves.
We want a great society for our children, with other people's children, and we love God and we just want to be good and be happy.
They're not going to let us do that.
And so they've already implemented, and they admit these numbers, that conservatives are censored 96% from the reach they had two years ago.
Now, that's the next phase.
Remember what I said in all those articles we wrote years ago?
First, when Hillary lost, they banned us 96%.
I can see it on all the servers, and all the metrics, and Alexa.com, and all of it, 96%.
Cut in letting us reach people there.
It was still there, but it was governed back.
I don't know why it's 96% of the algorithm they're using.
They've got other algorithms now that the Communist Chinese wrote that are in the news that are being used as well.
And then they've got former Stasi heads coming in, East German secret police to help run it.
I mean, there's a lot of stuff going on here.
Well now, that's what the Republicans are saying.
They're like, we've got a 96% reduction in our reach.
And then you get used to that, and then they finally take you down to about 1%, and then when no one's there, and no one hears you, and no one cares, when you've been metaphysically brought out in the woods, a six-foot hole's been dug, they shoot you in the back of the head and ban your ass.
And then, everyone else
Sees what happened to you and they keep their mouth shut.
And here's the secret.
They're already deep into the process themselves of being shadow banned.
It's already closing the net.
They may be 20% banned, 50%, 70%, 80%, 96%.
But when you finally get totally banned, they don't say anything because they don't want to be the next person to get banned.
And that's how the psychology works.
And that's why they do it incrementally.
And I know you know that.
But they're going to get everybody.
They're going to get the New York Post.
They're going to get the Washington Post.
They're going to get Joe Rogan.
They're going to get Rush Limbaugh.
They're going to get Sean Hannity.
They're going to get Tucker Carlson.
And Tucker's understood this for three, four years.
I've been friends with Tucker for about eight, nine.
But he still laughed at me at dinner and stuff eight years ago.
He doesn't laugh anymore.
It was just a fun, friendly laugh, you know.
He went from thinking I was really a bad guy to a liar to, okay, Alex just means, well, he's wrong about some stuff, right about a lot to, well, how the hell do you know all this?
And I'm not bragging about that.
I'm saying that's the path of leadership.
Knowing you're right, knowing that it doesn't matter what happens to you, you've got to tell the truth for everybody in the balance, including your children, and then being proven right.
A lot of people fight their whole lives, tell the truth, and get nothing but destroyed over it.
I'm so blessed that I'm living to see myself vindicated, and let me tell you why that is.
Because of you.
They would have had me in prison, they would have had me destroyed already, and they still may.
But you financially supported us, and you prayed for me, and you prayed for our operation, and you spread the word about us.
And you know how much that means to me because I don't want to lose.
And I, quite frankly, don't want to be in prison or dead.
But I'm gonna do this fight no matter what, but you came through, dammit, and I appreciate you!
That's why when you call up thanking me, it's like, what the hell are you talking about, man?
You're like a life raft, and I'm in freezing water and barely get on board, and the life raft's thanking me!
Oh no!
I'm thanking you!
And praise God that this is coming out about the Bidens and how horrible they are.
And we already knew they were pedophiles and said it, you know, eight, nine years ago, but about the Bidens specifically.
And how he's degenerating neurologically in the last five and can't keep his hands off anybody.
I mean, he comes up to good-looking women at events in restaurants and just starts grabbing women's breasts.
There's video of that.
And the husband's like, what the hell are you doing?
The woman's like, what the hell?
These are people that are used to doing whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want.
They're totally and completely out of control because they're used to everyone bowing down to them, but you didn't.
So despite all my stumbles, you the listeners and supporters, the affiliates, the station managers, the sponsors we used to have, this crew putting up with me, and believe me, what you see on air is what you get behind the scenes even worse.
We did it, folks!
I mean, Trump may get killed, he may lose, I think he's probably going to win.
But it doesn't matter, they're all exposed now.
And they've all been caught with their pedophilia and their devil worship and their chi-com, and there's no putting it back together again.
They're done.
They're done.
They're done.
They're done.
They're done.
Now, I might be done, but I don't care about myself at the end of the day.
I care about the continuum of humanity, because I'm part of that.
I surfed in on my ancestors' will.
And you're surfing in on their will, and we're surfing this together, and as long as we make it as a people, humans, into the future, into the stars, we win, and that's all that matters, because that is certain, eternal, genetic life.
And God always operates in three levels.
Because I've not read it in a book, I've seen, I've literally, God's given me the download.
The last three years, and I have literally seen across the other side, and I've seen back in the time, which loops back around, and it's incredible, the three systems.
You are genetically all of your ancestors, and that is a resonance of information that passes forward genetically and spiritually into higher dimensions, and then you're that key seed of God's free will and intellect that's splintered off from God into you, little G,
And then you're also the giant living cultural mass manifestations of what we build.
And then all the things we're attempting to create something sentient and something with free will because we're trying to copy our father.
Do you see how masterful that is?
How incredible that is?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Roger Stone coming up.
As I take this announcement, we are exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-eeses are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
We've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off,
with free shipping is ultra 12 incredible high quality b12 take it under the tongue look into how great it is your body's defenses your health your stamina that's back in stock and vitamin mineral fusion with the zinc and the other vitamins and minerals that are essential
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
We never give in.
We never give up.
I'm losing weight and I'm turning mighty pale.
Yeah, that's Biden for you.
And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail.
Speaking of tiger by the tail, that is a snappy looking guy.
I don't like bow ties.
Now I love them.
That's the slickest looking bow tie I've ever seen.
You're ready unless you're missing out.
Roger Stone.
Some stations don't carry this segment.
So he'll sit there a few minutes.
We love him.
We're going to come to this former political prisoner, now reborn like the mighty mythical phoenix.
That is coming up next segment.
He wants to get into the Hunter Biden.
The real scoop on this.
What's coming out next.
Then we're going to look at the states, the election, is Trump behind?
Is he dead heat?
Is he ahead?
Roger's a real realist here, so he'll talk about what 12 days out, what is coming up, and so much more.
But there's a video that's really gone viral at Vandot Video, part one of it.
Like 300,000 views, that's pretty good for Vandot Video.
Our thing on the Biden's got about 3 million views right now, but what will happen in 2025?
Our great Wilson put this out, one of our crew members, and part two just came out as well.
So here is part one.
What will happen in 2025?
What will happen in 2025?
An international forecasting website, deagle.com, published an interactive graph where it projects future prospects or trends for any nation in the world that you click on.
Although the graph has been updated since 2013, their site currently charts changes in population, GDP, and other national factors of almost every country in the world from 2017 to 2025, allowing you to easily cross-compare the statistics.
They forecast that from 2017 to 2025, the United States population will be cut down to less than a third of its size, from 327 million to 100 million, while the UK is whittled down to almost a sixth of its 2017 size, 66 million to 15 million.
France loses nearly half of their population.
While Germany is inexplicably trimmed down from 81 million to 28 million.
During this same stretch of time, China and Russia are projected to maintain the same population.
While India and Brazil grow by a few million more people.
Why are populations dramatically disappearing in such a short amount of time?
And why 2025?
Deagle's forecast says that the US's GDP will fall from $19 trillion to $1.6 trillion, less than a tenth of its former self from 2017.
The UK drops from $2.9 trillion to $132 billion.
While Canada, France and Germany follow suit, dropping from the trillions to the hundreds of billions in GDP.
However, China and Russia are expected to grow their GDP by 1 trillion and over 2 trillion respectively.
While Brazil maintains a stable GDP at $3.2 trillion, and India loses only $2 trillion of its projected $7.3 trillion, the defense budget for each Western nation follows the same trend, a sharp drop in the billions.
While as predictably predicted by Deagle.com, China, Russia, India, and Brazil increase their defense budget in the double and triple digit billions.
It's clearly showing a major shift in national military power worldwide.
Countries associated with the economic development group known as BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India, China, arrive in a future with greater population stability, a growing GDP, and a booming defense budget.
Why does Diegel predict such a bleak 2025 for North America and Europe?
Little is known about the owners of Deagle.com, but according to their own website, Deagle is partners with, and clients of, the NSA, NATO, the World Bank, the United Nations, and other national and international agencies.
They say the economic and demographic data used in the making of their forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, and USG.
Also, they make it clear that they are, quote,
In fiction, supervillains are known as supervillains because they have gigantic, huge, global plans that are incredibly well thought out and incredibly complex.
And if I'd have told you a year ago, back in October of 2019, that a powerful billionaire
Who controls the UN, would roll out a global hysteria, and lock down the planet, starve millions of people, and would be pushing a forced inoculation to even be able to leave your houses, and that this same billionaire would say, we're all gonna work from home now, and that this was good to lower the carbon footprint on the human population.
You tell me that's crazy.
You tell me that's a dystopia.
You tell me that's some type of science fiction comic book.
But in reality, it really did happen.
His name is Bill Gates and he's the head of a major eugenics consortium that his father and mother set up more than 60 years ago.
And we're living in this world Bill Gates has built.
Until we start saying no, we are Bill Gates's property.
It's time to expose Bill Gates.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Pleased and honored to know Roger Stone.
I don't know, eight, nine years now.
Met him at a JFK event.
Knew who he was.
Knew he was the best selling author.
Knew he worked for Nixon, Reagan, and others.
Then he's worked with him for, as a correspondent, the last five years off and on and just done a great job.
He joins us right now to look at the election, to look at all the election fraud going on with the Democrats, to handicap it to give his view on where Trump really is.
We'll do that next segment.
But first thing he wants to get into is Hunter Biden and all these massive revelations coming out and where that's going.
Thank you so much for joining us, Roger.
You look great.
You look 10 years younger after you got that whole fraudulent fake conviction off your back.
It's clemency, not a pardon, but the next best thing.
And I'm just glad you're back in the fight, my friend.
Well, I thank Jesus Christ and God for that development, Alex, and I'm just pleased to be with you today through the grace of God.
I must tell you, as a political junkie, this is the most interesting, volatile, and I think different election that I've ever had the opportunity to see.
Let's start with the polls because it's a good place to start.
It's important to recognize that polls are
Always just a snapshot in time.
In other words, they're not static, they're fluid.
Meaning, by the time any pollster gets his sample tabulated and reported, it's already technically obsolete.
Meaning, voters have moved.
Now, what you have here is a situation in which the President's support has the highest level of intensity I've ever seen
For a Republican presidential candidate, and that includes the great Ronald Reagan.
In the two national campaigns that I worked on for Governor Reagan, then President Reagan, his approval rating reached the high 90s, which we thought was incredible.
Donald Trump's approval rating among his base, among Republicans, is in the mid 90s.
I've never seen that before.
When you ask Trump voters, are you certain that you're going to vote for Donald Trump, or could you change your mind?
That number is in the mid-80s.
Never seen that before.
So unprecedented hardline support.
I want to keep breaking down all the numbers.
Clearly, the New York Times said that it was a 97% chance Hillary would win.
They would oversample Democrats 10 to 15 points.
I remember four years ago, you thought on air, two weeks out, that Trump was probably going to win, but narrowly, you ended up being right.
This time, you have privately told me, and let's just get it out there, that you think he's in trouble.
Well, you know what?
In politics, a week is a lifetime.
So anything I told you a week ago or two weeks ago, as Ron Ziegler once said, that is now inoperative.
And I want to be clear, you didn't say he was going to lose.
Because the Democrats are outspending in 5-1 in key battleground states, and because the media is lying about him, and because of massive election fraud, you thought that might be able to give them the victory, but you still were thinking he's going to win.
I don't want to mistake what you said.
That's correct.
The trend line at that time was not good.
The good news is that I think the trend line has changed.
Here's the most significant part of this.
If you examine the polls pre-COVID-19 pandemic,
When he was leading Joe Biden by 10.
And then you examine the polls post pandemic, and you examine which sub voter groups have moved.
It's interesting.
Virtually every single voter group remained in place exactly as they were in the first survey, with the exception of African Americans and Hispanic Americans.
Prior to the pandemic, the president was winning
A significantly greater number of those votes, particularly traditionally for a Republican, and was headed towards doing even better.
Those are the votes that I believe he temporarily lost post pandemic.
What does that mean tactically?
Well, if I were running the Trump campaign, and I am not,
I want to stress I have no formal or informal role.
I am strictly playing the part of loyal supporter.
But if I were running the Trump campaign, even if there are cash flow shortages, I would shift money out of other endeavors, including broadcast television to this point, and put it into Hispanic language radio or Spanish language radio in the swing states.
Particularly Florida, and I would put it into urban radio, stressing Joe Biden's role in the 1994 crime bill, where he is the father of the misguided current federal drug law that requires the harsh mandatory penalties for the first time nonviolent crime of possession.
Well, I don't think it's misguided that he and the Clintons said that blacks are predators, need to be in prison, brought to heel like dogs.
So on purpose, they wanted to lock all the black people up, and now they've been caught.
And you were instrumental in getting ads and major stories broken in Detroit, in Pennsylvania, in areas of Florida.
That's what the Democrats credit you with, probably getting Trump elected with all the other work that went on as well, but you were a big part of that.
And that's just not going on this time.
You're not criticizing the campaign, but let's just be honest, you are really concerned they're not doing targeted advertising with a group that we have all this evidence to show them Biden's bad, and Kamala's even worse.
She's two peas in a pod when it comes to locking up black people for some reason.
They have a fetish.
And so if you have a huge swings of Hispanics and blacks towards Trump, so it's already fertile ground, and it's the truth, and you've got Biden dead to rights, why the hell aren't they doing it?
Is it just too targeted?
Is it too much work for the campaign to figure that out?
I think, and this is just an educated guess, the problem is a financial problem.
Here's the thing about Spanish language radio, particularly in Florida, and urban radio, it's extraordinarily effective.
It's very good at reaching precisely those voters you need to reach.
It is not inexpensive, although it certainly doesn't cost what, say, broadcast television does, but it's a very pinpointed, effective media.
By the way, you know this.
You've run a bunch of successful campaigns at the state level and national level at Florida, and you're married to a Cuban, you know, daughter of a famous exile.
I mean, you're in the Cuban community.
And I noticed on the Venezuelan,
I mean, all of the major Hispanic community I see are shifting towards Trump in Florida, especially and kind of picking up the understanding of the Cubans because they've seen what happened in Venezuela?
Well, I wish it were that simple.
First of all, there was a time in Florida where the Cuban-American vote was almost monolithically Republican, but that was a reflection of the revolution pulled off by Fidel Castro.
Today, among younger Cuban members, they don't have that of voters.
They don't have that frame of reference.
They don't have that instinctual opposition to communism that their parents and grandparents have.
So those voters have to be reached.
You also have to recognize beyond Cubans and Venezuelans, the largest and fastest growing
A group of Hispanic voters in Florida are Puerto Ricans, most of whom have migrated here from New York.
Donald Trump does not need to win a majority of the Hispanic vote in Florida.
He just needs to slightly increase his standing.
That's actually the key.
I don't expect him to win a majority of African American votes, but I have seen polling, not Trump campaign polling, that shows that when African American voters learn of Joe Biden's role in the 94 crime bill and his responsibility for the mass incarceration of
Hundreds of thousands if not millions by now of black Americans and when they learn about Kamala Harris's zeal in enforcing these laws, it is a compelling argument for them to switch their position.
Well that was my next point is, not just ads, Trump, what is Trump going to do in that debate tomorrow night?
I mean he needs to savage Biden with this information doesn't he?
Well, to the president's credit, he did bring it up in the last debate.
I was cheering when he did.
I do think it requires a bit more explanation.
In other words, when the president said to Joe Biden, your treatment of African Americans has been disgraceful.
You've treated them horribly.
That's 100% correct.
But I think the president needs to just spell it out a bit more.
There's a lot riding on this debate.
That's one of the other reasons why I'm growingly optimistic.
Because the president now has a wealth of opportunities to go on the attack.
It's taken me two and a half years.
To finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives and implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, like my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves in any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
Cognitive dissonance is a major issue amongst the left.
It can be very stressful dealing with facts you refuse to accept.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
I am your host Alex Jones.
And Roger Stone is here with us.
It was three years and three hundred and something days ago that he was here in studio as we famously
Clicked our glasses together of champagne when Donald Trump was announced the winner.
Hillary refused to officially concede herself.
Reportedly got totally drunk and threw fits.
I hope to be having that celebration again.
Maybe even Roger will be with us here in studio now that he is a free man.
Continue with the polls.
Continue with what you see right now with President Trump in this election with your honest expert analysis.
Then I know you want to get into Hunter Biden and how big this laptop is.
The New Revelations, Roger Stone.
And of course, the website is StoneFamilySupportFund.com.
He spent his whole fortune, sold his house, everything, in that long three-year persecution.
That's why it's important to support those that have kept the fight going.
I want to thank you all for your support of Roger Stone, StoneFamilySupportFund.com.
You can also go to his website and find some of his great Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong shirts that are historic.
All right, Roger, continue getting into the current polls.
Well, Alex, you're exactly right.
A couple of weeks ago, I was very concerned about the direction of the race.
Today, I would describe myself as growingly optimistic.
There's a couple of reasons for that.
First of all, I still believe Donald Trump may be the single best communicator and campaigner in Republican Party history.
The Trump Roadshow is something to behold.
Voters turn out by the hundreds of thousands because Trump is interesting.
He's pugnacious.
He is straight to the point.
He's entertaining.
And he's a counter puncher.
Joe Biden is not capable of maintaining any kind of a rigorous campaign schedule.
And let's face it, he's boring on the stump.
So you have that.
You also have the fact that these new Hunter Biden revelations could be the so-called October surprise.
Now, I give former Mayor Rudy Giuliani enormous credit because, as I understand it, Hunter Biden
Turned his computer over to a repair shop in Delaware.
He signed a contract that said if he did not collect it within 90 days, the ownership would revert to the owner of the shop.
He did not collect his laptop, based on what I understand.
He looked at it.
He was appalled.
He sent it to the FBI.
Six months went by and he heard nothing whatsoever.
Fearing a cover-up,
I'm told he reached out to a number of prominent Republicans, but only Mayor Giuliani responded.
Then Mayor Giuliani sent a very heavy duty attorney, a former assistant U.S.
attorney, former head of the criminal division at the DOJ, to Delaware to inspect and authenticate the computer.
They spent almost a week doing that.
It was then and only then that Mayor Giuliani made this information public.
It is amazing to me to watch the New York Times go through contortions, along with the rest of them, ABC, NBC, CBS, arguing about the province, the source of these laptops.
They didn't seem to be too concerned about the source or the authenticity of Donald Trump's tax returns when they posted them on page one.
It is such a phony narrative.
We're not going to cover this because we doubt the veracity.
Oh, they let BuzzFeed put out that hookers were peeing on the president.
It's just absolutely ridiculous and it's really woken people up following the censorship.
I think the worm's starting to turn though on big tech censorship.
I agree with you on that.
Then yesterday they rolled out the biggest buffoon they have, John Brennan.
A man who declassified documents now proved beyond a shadow of doubt, engaged in various illegal activities, and hid evidence of Hillary Clinton's involvement with the Russians while falsely accusing Donald Trump of being involved with the Russians, and 50 other neo-con former intelligence types who say, without inspecting any of the material,
Oh, this has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation.
That is nonsense.
In fact, the FBI and the Department of Justice have now verified the authenticity.
Nice try, John.
Nice try.
That's going nowhere.
This is, by the way, exactly the tact that Joe Biden started this morning.
Every important intelligence
No Joe, just John Brennan and a handful of his groupies say that.
I believe Mayor Giuliani, I think he's been very effective and very articulate
In his presentation and his outlay regarding both the province and the conduct.
I totally agree and I want to talk about from your sources.
More bombshells coming, that's my next question.
But since you mentioned it, here's Biden this morning saying, oh all the intel officials including, no no, 50 Democrat Party operatives admitted they have no evidence, but the actual Director of National Intelligence said this is totally real.
It's from his laptop shop.
They're not even denying it's real, so they're in a lot of trouble.
Here's the clip.
So Wisconsin's Republican Senator Ron Johnson put out a statement on Homeland Security letterhead saying Hunter Biden together with other Biden family members profited off the Biden name.
Is there any legitimacy to Senator Johnson's claims?
None whatsoever.
This is the same garbage Rudy Giuliani, Trump's henchman.
It's the last of its effort in this desperate campaign to smear me and my family.
Even the man who served with him on that committee, a former nominee for the Republican Party, said there's no basis to this.
And, you know, and all and the vast majority of the intelligence people have come out and said there's no basis at all.
Well, they've really screwed the poots here, haven't they?
Because they're saying all these other laptops are coming out.
They've contacted people on the laptop with their emails confirmed it's real.
They're meeting with new FBI groups.
Not the phony investigation that was done.
I mean, Joe Biden and his son Hunter have got to be sweating bullets.
Not to mention the Burisma emails that are like, we're going to give you the $30 million, but you've got to end the investigation.
Then they have his dad on C-SPAN admitting he ended the investigation.
I mean, this is crazy how obvious this is.
Well, and if Joe Biden was road testing that response for this week's debate, I can tell him right now, it's not going to work.
He is incredibly busted.
Let's remember what he said.
He knew nothing about Hunter's business enterprises.
He had no meetings pertaining to them.
He knew nothing about it.
Just on that basis, he has lied to the American people.
The attempts to suppress this news,
By the mainstream media outlets are unlike anything I have seen in a 40 year career in American politics.
But you know how America works.
The more you tell people, Oh, no, you can't see this.
The more curious they are to see it and make a judgment for themselves.
I really think this issue is devastating because it speaks both directly to Joe Biden's credibility and his integrity.
And, quite obviously, the undue influence that the Chinese would have over him were he to become President of the United States.
When we come back, we'll talk about, from your sources and other sources we have, what's on the laptop and more about to come out.
Then we'll look more at election fraud with this new shocking video that just went live at Infowars.com and Bandock Video.
They're in Maryland, Germantown, where it looks like they're messing with the ballots and marking them, which is illegal.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock after being sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high-quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
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That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out, but some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the global so far.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We're in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform and now they're doing it
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
He's censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out.
He says he's going to take action once re-elected against Big Tech.
I mean, he's modeling the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has taken action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, the Alex Jones Show is live on stations across the country and of course syndicated by you, the listeners, when you promote the live links, the videos, the articles from Infowars.com and Newswars.com and Bandai Video.
We're going back to Roger Stone in a moment, former top advisor to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, the guy that introduced him to the idea of running for president more than 43 years ago.
He is here with us and I want to get into the election meddling, the censorship,
The internet kill switch they're basically already implementing, which I've discovered this is exclusive with Roger Stone.
I'm gonna finish up on the Hunter Biden.
The word bombshell gets overused.
This is just, as Roger said, he's been involved in politics since I guess the 50s or whatever, and however many campaigns that is, he's never seen anything like this.
I mean, this is so, and the media covering it up is incredible, and the censorship has really woken people up, so it's quite a time to be alive as things come to a head, as they say, separately.
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Infowarsstore.com and while you're at it get a t-shirt to fund the operation because again I want to thank you for keeping us on air under all these attacks but it is neck and neck here what's going to happen next year because I want Trump to get elected but if Trump gets elected people are going to go back to sleep we'll even have less support which is fine but if Biden gets elected he's going to probably have us arrested I mean so we want Trump elected regardless I don't
I don't support getting Trump in for how it affects our operation here.
The media lied and said Jones is upset the night of the election because Trump won.
He wanted Hillary to be elected.
No, Hillary would have had to shut down and arrested.
I wanted Trump elected.
I got depressed on election night.
Because I knew they were coming after us, and I don't want to toot my horn, but I want to go back to that night four years ago, Roger, and I want to ask you, before we get back into the Hunter Biden stuff, what do you expect to happen if Trump loses versus Trump wins?
And of course, regardless, the Democrats have said they are going to contest the election when they lose and try to break the country up.
So that's never before been seen.
I mean, this is really the battle of the gods about to go down.
Well, Alex, first of all, I've made it a practice in 40 years in American politics not to answer hypothetical questions.
Before we wrap up on the last topic, again, I want to give Mayor Giuliani enormous credit for bringing this information out.
I find it kind of amusing that out of the blue, Steve Bannon is trying to take credit for these devastating releases.
This is, of course, the same Steve Bannon who said Donald Trump Jr.
was a Russian traitor, that the Trump Organization was a criminal enterprise, the same Steve Bannon who testified falsely at my trial, which is indisputed when you compare his sworn testimony to his testimony under oath before the House Intelligence Committee.
Sure, because no one was giving him credit involved earlier, but said him like a pig at the trough, he inserted himself.
Exactly what he appears to be doing.
Look, I've known Rudy Giuliani, I think, 25 years.
He's a very serious lawyer and prosecutor.
He does his due diligence before he goes forward on anything.
He's extraordinarily cautious, but he's also extraordinarily knowledgeable.
And therefore, that gives this entire thing additional credibility, in my view.
This debate coming up Thursday night has the same problems as the first debate, the same problems
As the second debate would have had, I wrote a piece for the Spectator telling the President he should duck the Miami debate because the format was unfair, the moderator was in the tank, he had worked for Joe Biden.
Okay, this is so important, Roger.
Let me respectfully give you the floor for a ten and a half minute segment, the long segment, next segment, but of the five minutes we have left, let's get into that because Trump gets your reports here.
We know a lot of the time
The secret service that, sir, when he's on a plane, Roger wants to talk to you, people respect you.
We found that sometimes if I have a message, it gets to Trump, but with you, it pretty much always gets to him.
So let's give you the floor to host the next segment, your messages to Trump about the debate, the campaign, everything you want to say.
But let's just get back to the Hunter Biden thing and then censorship.
I have no inside information on what else is to come, other than I am told by credible sources that it's devastating, that it's extraordinary.
I'm not, like Steve Bannon, I'm not going to claim that I know something that I don't know.
But just what we do know already is enough to royal this election if it gets sufficient coverage.
Thursday night's debate is going to give the President a bully pulpit to lay this out for the American people.
The other thing, though, and I think this is crucial.
Some weeks ago, your friend Joe Rogan invited Donald Trump and Joe Biden to a four hour debate on his podcast.
The president immediately accepted.
There was nothing but deafening silence from Joe Biden.
The president should pummel Biden every day to have the courage, have the guts to go on that debate with Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan would be an ideal moderator.
He's not in the tank for anyone.
It would be an extraordinary political development.
Personally, I don't think Joe Biden can stand up for four hours.
But the President should.
Just because Thursday has a debate doesn't mean we can't have another debate next week, the week before the election.
This isn't over.
Roger, you need to fly to Austin because I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Joe Rogan last night.
His offices are right down the street from me and we were basically having a discussion about something just like what you're debating right now.
So it's definitely the zeitgeist is activated.
Again, the more debates, the better.
Because it breaks through the fake news media blockade regarding the Hunter Biden revelations.
So I would, if I were the president, I would be calling Joe Biden out relentlessly for another debate.
By the way, the polling also shows the voters will hold it against a candidate who refuses to debate.
We're now at a point in American history where voters expect a debate.
They believe they deserve an open and fair and free debate between the candidates.
The Commission on Presidential Debates is not a commission, not appointed by the President, and it's about limiting debates.
I'm concerned about those cutoff switches that I understand have been installed for the debate Thursday night.
It would be a big mistake for anybody to cut off
The President of the United States when he's trying to make a fair and salient point.
Well, it's just unprecedented, as you said, to be censoring him on Twitter, censoring him on Facebook, censoring the campaign.
And now the lady they've picked is an anti-Trumper.
Kill switches, they're not going to allow foreign affairs to be discussed, because usually the third debate, as you know, is about that.
And that's Trump's strong suit with all the great things he's done.
I mean, I agree with you.
I think he shouldn't go to it.
Then what should he do, Roger?
Just have his own big rally?
And just sit there and just lay out the facts?
Well, if he has to, of course, he could debate an empty chair or he could get somebody to stand in and play the role of Joe Biden if he could find somebody that out of it.
You just gave me a great idea, Alex.
I'm going to post a petition this afternoon demanding that Joe Biden agree to Joe Rogan's debate invitation.
I think that that could be the crucial turning point in this presidential election.
Rogan is fair.
He'd be a perfect moderator.
I don't think Biden's got the honey.
Maybe I should call Joe right now.
He always answers.
I'm just going to give him a call.
I've got some really important and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
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Black Friday comes in October.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes with the
We're good to go.
Jack of Twitter said he didn't know it had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, racketeering, is the way to stop it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
You know, I will open the phones up next hour and cover stories like this.
Priest baptizes baby using water pistol.
What's the story behind the viral video?
This is all the cultic, none of us are safe, all of us are evil, don't touch anyone, permanent lockdown.
Volunteer in Oxford COVID-19 vaccine study has died.
And there's more deaths around the world.
Deaths in Brazil, deaths in Mexico.
Five people died after getting flu shots in South Korea.
Yeah, they're just teaching us.
Well, you die.
It's what you do.
All very interesting depopulation out in the open.
And after Roger leaves us, this big story that went live on Bandot Video.
Yahoo Finance catches man using a pen on mail-in ballot.
Election meddling.
It's altering a ballot.
This is in Germantown, Maryland.
We'll cover it all next hour.
Roger Stone, we've got 10 minutes left.
You've got the floor for your emergency message.
12 days out to President Trump.
Well, again, the single most important votes right now, the votes that seem to be most in play, where the president, through just an incremental increase in his current percentage, could swing virtually every one of these swing states.
Are both African Americans and Hispanic Americans.
Remember, this is the president that gave us the highest level of black employment in American history.
And the older Hispanic voters tend to be social conservatives, pro-life, but they're also extremely entrepreneurial.
Economic opportunity will flow through the policies of Donald Trump.
Not the high tax, more regulation policies of Joe Biden.
Again, I would shift.
Resources out of other areas, including broadcast TV at this point to pinpoint those key voters through radio, specialized radio, urban radio, Hispanic radio, gospel radio, even Christian radio in the swing states.
I think the president should continue to pound on Joe Biden for yet another debate.
And as I've made it clear, I think Joe Rogan is the perfect moderator.
The other observation I would make is that the president has a secret weapon.
Actually, three of them.
His son, Donald Jr., his other son, Eric, and his daughter, Ivanka Trump.
Each of one of them, in their own right, is an extraordinarily capable campaigner, and they have hit the trail very hard.
Hunter Biden, I don't think, will be doing any campaign appearances anytime soon.
Beyond that, the President, I also think, needs to boil these issues down and frame a question for the American people.
Here's the question, based on all the polling that I have seen.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic,
In an act of caution, an abundance of caution, the President's not a doctor, he's not a scientist.
He had no choice but to protect the public safety by closing America's economy down.
Thank God, the draconian projections of the scientists turned out to be wrong.
And then they tried to fool the President into shutting the economy a second time, and he wisely refused.
Now the question is, who better to rebuild America's economy?
A man who has already proven, indisputably, that he knows exactly how to do it.
A president who got us record wage growth, record job growth, record levels of employment among all subgroups of Americans, black, white, Asian, men, women, and so on.
Or Joe Biden, whose prescription of higher taxes, he makes no bones about that, more regulation, and more of these big, omnibus, one-size-fits-all
That is the choice for Americans.
Those African Americans and Hispanic Americans who were
In the polls, voting for Donald Trump pre-pandemic, we're doing so for economic reasons.
Those votes, in my opinion, can be gotten back.
They're clearly open to voting for Trump because they were voting for him at one time.
So we now get down to the narrow casting part of this election.
Again, remember the last three weeks of the 2016 campaign.
When Hillary Clinton was closeted in Chappaqua, actively picking out the fabric for the curtains in the Oval Office.
While Donald Trump... Trump is doing five campaign stops a day, and he's doing it again.
Donald Trump is getting by on two, three hours sleep a night, barnstorming in the Democratic strongholds of Detroit, Milwaukee, Richmond, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Cleveland,
You can expect him to outwork the opposition again.
Biden cannot keep up with that pace.
Donald Trump loves the battle.
He's a brawler.
You can see how the clouds bring him alive.
He actually enjoys campaigning and he's going to close fast here and win this election.
I'm beginning to become increasingly optimistic, but we need to hammer every day on making sure that the true, accurate information regarding the misconduct of Hunter Biden and his father get through to the American people.
Beautifully said, Roger Stone.
What about the ace in the hole?
We have our ace in the hole.
The people, they're awake, they're coming together.
Black Hispanic voters are waking up.
They know they're being manipulated by Democrats.
But their ace in the hole is big tech, unified censorship, censoring everybody down, dialing everybody down to nothing, or outright banning them.
My son Rex banned last week on Twitter for no reason, promoting a Trump tweet.
This is here.
This is happening.
They haven't gotten in trouble.
And the Democrats are going to say they contest.
They're going to say we've got to count all the ballots.
They're going to have some states that go along with that to hold this up weeks or months.
I'm really concerned, as you said a few months ago, that Trump still doesn't have a big lawyer ground game.
The Democrat one I'm seeing is about 10 times bigger, correct me if I'm wrong, to try to
Well, there was a very encouraging sign yesterday, Alex, because early voting began in Florida and Republicans out-produced Democrats in the very first day.
That's a very, very
Good sign because I had some concerns when the president correctly criticized the safety and the potential for fraud in mail-in voting.
Some older Republicans got confused and were worried that their absentee ballots, which they have by tradition filed, might not get counted and therefore they needed to show up in person.
That seems to be happening.
A very, very good sign.
Uh, as far as I'm concerned.
Uh, the other factor he...
Well, in fact, in Pennsylvania, for example, 200,000 new Republicans have registered since the last presidential election, easily outpacing the Democrats.
So there is some anecdotal good news.
I'm feeling much better.
But again, a day is a lifetime in American politics.
The President has the momentum.
I think he will keep the momentum.
The question is not, can he beat Joe Biden?
The question is, can he beat the fake news media that is deeply committed to hiding the truth from the American people?
I totally agree.
In closing...
StoneFamilySupportFund.com, folks.
He's a great patriot.
He thanks you for supporting him.
Check that out.
Keep in the fight.
You're his only sponsor, just like you're my sponsor.
I thank you and appreciate it.
With the one minute we have left, do they have an October surprise on Trump?
I mean, we know it's going to be fake, but what is their October surprise on Trump?
Looks like there is nothing.
Well, if there was anything, I think we'd know it by far.
They've tried everything.
There was the Russian collusion hoax.
There was the Ukrainian hoax, which now these emails
With Donald Trump, what you see is what you get.
That's why the voters love him.
He's genuine.
He's real.
He's authentic.
I saw him last night.
He was on fire.
Roger, I'm trying to get you here in Austin for the election in 12 days.
But regardless, you're going to be with us on election night just like four years ago, my friend.
Well, if you promise me some brisket, I might come down.
We'll have barbecue.
And I would absolutely be unable to make the deadline without Brain Force Plus.
Brain Force is a great... You're awesome, Roger.
Thank you.
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting.
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clintonistas are saying.
It's what the Obamabots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and to say vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
We've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off,
We're good
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'll do my best job in the next hour to take calls and cover all the news.
We haven't hit yet.
Ahead of Paul Joseph Watson hosting a second day in a row.
A fourth hour ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroer.
Then tonight, the town hall event.
We're going to be covering the President and a lot more with Owen Troyer, Daryl Lorraine, Harrison Smith and others.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here.
We've got major election news and potential fraud.
Just to illustrate, if it isn't fraud, what people could easily do fraud-wise.
Coming up, the start of the next segment.
But I wanted to hit this report, because there's so many of these clips I haven't got to, of Giuliani.
Has given Hunter Biden's hard drive to Delaware State Police, and he gets into some of the things that are on it.
Hunter Biden photographed naked with a 14-year-old girl.
Here it is.
Well, this is really a very, very sensitive one.
There's a text message to his father in which he says the following, and he's discussing his sister-in-law, who for quite some time was his lover.
And he says, uh, she told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate.
This would be with a unnamed 14-year-old girl.
When she says that I FaceTimed naked with the unnamed 14-year-old girl, and the reason I can't have her out to see me is because I'll walk around naked, smoking crack, talking tomgirls on FaceTime.
When she was pressed, she said that the unnamed 14-year-old girl
Never said anything like that, but the bottom line is that I created and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids.
This is supported by numerous pictures.
Of underage girls.
So, Mr. Mayor, that is, look, that's dynamite stuff.
And I've seen it.
I turned it over to the... You turned it over to the Delaware State Police, correct?
Yes, yesterday.
Bernie Kerrick and I turned it over to the Delaware State Police because we're very uncomfortable with this.
And we're very uncomfortable with the fact that these underage girls were not protected.
So here's the deal.
Hunter Biden...
Let's face it, he's never going to be elected to anything, and he'll probably wind up in jail someday for something.
Who knows?
But, I'm more concerned about the Vice President, because he's the one who's running... Right, I see that.
But you know what I don't see, Mr... Just dissent to the Vice President.
Here's the deal.
And look, I want to be clear here.
That sounds like him.
Yeah, but you know what?
It's not fair.
Just dissent to him.
What did he do about it?
What did he do about it?
For three years.
Mr. Mayor, the only thing is, in that, hold on a second, in the text messaging you just showed me and we went through, we've got Junior, who is Joe Biden, talking to Hunter Biden.
We have no acknowledgement in what we just saw from the Vice President.
We don't know what he knows or whatever, and this is all family drama.
And by the way, it's so late, it's big time, they could be in trouble.
And I'm glad you got it out there, but I want to know, is there anything concrete tying Joe Biden to Burisma money, money from China?
You know, it does not look good at all to me, those emails and what they were up to.
Anything in that regard?
And if you haven't found it yet, you're kind of saying it might still be there, because how much of this hard drive have you been through?
No, I found it already.
You found it.
There's a memo in here that says that 10%
of the money that was being uh... whacked up that was ten million dollars a year and then fifty percent of the profits with three chinese communists one of whom was a chinese uh... intelligence operatives that ten percent of that was going to H for the big guy so we've identified the big guy several ways one we are all tired
But mostly I'm tired of the needless sickness and the needless death and the needless terror because this mentally incompetent, inhuman, dumb bastard has lied about this disease in a thousand different ways.
A different way for each different political need he has sensed.
And I'm tired of the thought that we're now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something, but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son-of-a-bitch, one real-life Major French attacking the only hope we have, the science.
Boy, they're scared, aren't they?
Isn't that little Nancy boy scared?
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out for the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond canon.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together, it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make life work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
One last breath, the four wind blows.
Better raise your ears.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Forgot to comb my hair during the break, sorry.
Horsemen are drawing nearer!
Let us ease their ride.
Dave Mustaine wrote this song many years ago.
So choose your fate and die!
Oh yeah!
You've been dying since the day you were born.
You know it's all been planned.
I sent her once.
A sinner twice, you need no confessions now.
Just now.
Just a few minutes of this.
Take me off screen.
Fight of your life.
All the games are over.
They come to take your life!
I have a stack of armies here that just came out today mainstream with Maxi Krause killing people.
So choose your fate and die!
Alright, let's get real here.
Let's start getting into it.
The globalist plan is to suppress human development and stop us going to the next level.
And if you go back to the history books, whether it was the ancient Druids or the ancient Mesoamericans or the ancient Egyptians, they would routinely order the firstborn sons and sometimes the firstborn daughters to be killed by the sword,
To have their hearts cut out?
To be bound and thrown into deep wells?
I've been to Mexico to one particular temple where they went down and excavated in this cenote and there's just hundreds of thousands of skeletons.
It just makes up the gravel.
And it's mainly little girls.
Little girls got thrown into that.
And little boys got their hearts cut out.
Where does this come from?
And if you understand this, you understand all of it.
And why every culture does this.
And why it keeps coming back.
There's something going on.
Something wants to do this to our best and brightest.
And nothing against somebody that was born second, third, or fourth.
It's just statistically higher IQs, more success rates, because it's now known in epigenetics that the firstborn gets more of the genetic transference into them.
They also get more of the mother's physical toxins that she's built up.
He's also pushed into the child.
But then there's also nurture, not just nature.
Once they're around adults, they're the first child.
They watch the adults at first.
They don't have children to interact with and see themselves more like adults and then interact with children, see themselves more as parents.
So there's also that effect that takes place.
Oh, they just pulled it up.
Yeah, the cenote is full of all the little girls they sacrificed, throwing them into the water.
And it's the same crap every group does it.
So, where does this come from?
Well, every culture said, creatures from the stars, gods from the stars, told them to do this.
Can't make that up either.
What does it mean?
You figure it out yourself, folks.
But the so-called elites on this planet are not elites.
They've decided to serve an evil force in the universe.
We serve a good force.
And we have to choose that good force.
Now let's shift gears to the temporal and what's currently happening.
I'll give the number out and take calls throughout this hour.
80 million ballots.
Supposedly because of COVID-19.
But the shutdown rallies of Trump paralyzed Republicans.
When Democrats and Black Lives Matter march, it's good for COVID.
That's the headline.
Studies show Black Lives Matter rallies help COVID.
What the hell does that mean?
Oh, Trump's causing the upsurge in COVID, not deaths.
The number of people that supposedly have it, and then most of the tests, there's like five tests out now, and almost all of them are false positives when you get it?
And then, oh, we got one person in the warehouse, one person at the dental office, one person at the grocery store, one person at the school, one person at the auto repair shop, one person at the farm, one person at the golf course, one person at the church, has COVID,
Joe Rogan's podcast, totally shut down.
I know the guests he had, not just the ones you've heard.
Kanye West, you name it.
I talked to Joe last night, I'm not gonna say the names.
Shut down!
Because the producer, the company, Spotify, makes them take COVID tests every time they go to work.
Well, you saw the meatpacking plant, so they make 3,000 employees get a meatpacking test, and 500 have COVID, none of them are sick, because it's a false positive!
It's a virus so deadly that you're not even sick when you've got it.
Because if you've ever had a bacterial infection or a viral infection or a cold the last couple years or even longer, the average is 10 years, then it's false positive.
And you sit there and you tell people that, they just don't listen to you.
Nobody's had COVID in my company.
Because nobody's been tested.
Nobody's been sick.
It didn't happen.
But we're not run by these lawyers.
So, here's the big story.
Yahoo Finance catches man using pen on mail-in ballot election meddling.
Well, the headline should be, it's not a bad headline we put up, but it's Yahoo Finance Catches Election Official Altering Ballot With Pin.
Let's change that headline.
Yahoo Finance Catches Election Official Altering Ballot With Pin.
Video just went up last hour at Band.Video.
And this is a live feed of Yahoo.
They wouldn't let us in there to show this stuff.
This is in Germantown, Maryland.
So for radio listeners, I'll narrate it.
For TV viewers, here it is.
Then we'll slow down the worst part where the guy, because if I'm sitting there dealing with ballots, I've done election volunteering at least four times.
You're there helping get them, put them in the scanner.
You're just making sure they're stacked up in the right order.
You're not, but nobody like looks over their shoulder and has a pen and then starts scribbling something.
I mean, it's on video.
So here it is.
Man looks around, hits the ballot, grabs a pen, and then starts on the Scantron on the ballot filling something out.
Is this fraud?
I mean, what is this?
And again, we have the full video
We're good to go.
Putting a pin, he picks a pin up and starts writing on the ballot.
And we looked up the Maryland regulations, they don't do that.
The ballot's thrown out, they stamp it and throw it in the trash can.
Now maybe he just doesn't know what he's doing, but imagine 80 million of these are floating around, and you've got all these good little liberal minions, all these good Democrats volunteering, and they're all in there doing God knows what right now.
Yahoo Finance catches man using pen on mail-in ballot.
Is this election meddling?
That's a strong headline, but the real headline is Yahoo Finance catches election official altering ballot with pen.
You're not supposed to do that.
Now I'm sure he's a good person and it's all just an accident.
But we need to know this is going on.
That's why they're all mailed in.
That's why most people have already voted.
It's they've got months to jack with your ballots and they catch them being thrown away and destroyed.
And it's always Trump ballots being thrown away.
Of course it is.
Because they know there's a giant landslide against them.
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and it's been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers, this is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Infowars has been banned
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
Go to Band.Video.
Download the videos and share.
Support the Information War at InfowarStore.com.
And never give up the fight.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You look like an angel.
Walk like an angel.
Talk like an angel.
But, I mean, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party and the Chi-Coms aren't the devil in disguise.
They're the devil on parade.
Alright, let's give the number out and take calls for SDR.
Ahead of Paul Joseph Watson taking over.
First time callers, long time callers.
You want to talk about the craziness going down?
The fact that we just joined us that it's emails with Hunter Biden talking to his dad about, all right, they caught me with a 14 year old in the house and they caught me Skyping with one and I'm naked with him.
I might get in trouble, daddy.
We're just like Bill Clinton.
There's not going to be a problem.
The FBI had this 10-11 months ago.
Now they've got it again from the Delaware State Police, and they're not denying it.
They're just hoping they can censor it and cover it up.
But let's look at Keith Oberman, baseball commentator, brought over to MSNBC.
Russian scum!
Kill the American people!
Anyone who votes for Trump is a Russian scum!
Well, he's back!
And he's saying, every COVID death is Trump's fault, even though it's a car wreck, it's a gunshot wound, it's the flu, it's something else.
They're massively exaggerating, and he doesn't tell you to take vitamin C or vitamin D3 or zinc.
He doesn't tell you, no, no.
He just says, every death is Trump's fault.
How transparent.
It's not the Chinese virus.
It's the American virus.
Here is Keith Olbermann.
We are all tired.
But mostly I'm tired of the needless... Hit pause again.
It started over at the beginning.
We're all tired!
You know, China's running giant slave camps with millions in death camps, but it's okay.
Trump needs to die.
He is responsible for everything as we keep your society locked down.
He's the reason the economy's in trouble.
He's the reason when they all said we're going to kill the economy to hurt America.
I mean, it's just like, thank God every morning you wake up, every day you wake up that you're not Keith Olbermann.
The literal example of a sack of filth.
There he is.
We are all tired.
But mostly I'm tired of the needless sickness and the needless death.
I love how he's got an American flag.
Back it up.
He's got, if you're a TV viewer you can see it, but radio listeners, he has an American flag and he's in New York.
And oh, he's an American.
He's a globalist.
He represents the Democrats that have sucked off America.
He's a parasite.
He's a piece of filth.
He hates flyover country.
He hates you.
But he's got that American flag, but see, that's how desperate he is.
Oh look!
Never had those before!
Oh, I've got the American flag right here behind me!
I'm for you!
Let's continue.
We are all tired.
But mostly I'm tired of the needless sickness, and the needless death, and the needless terror because this mentally incompetent, inhuman, dumb- Hey, pause the end.
Start it over.
This mentally incompetent person that beat all your horses and all your men, the chi-coms in Hollywood, we beat you, Oberman.
You sack of filth.
And no matter what you do, you fake plastic garbage.
Probably a pedophile.
I'm not saying you're one, but you look like one, like Ryan Stelter.
You're all in the same crew.
You and Hunter Biden, you're all the Clintons.
You're going down.
You're a loser.
You're a sack of filth, on the bench the last four years, brought back as desperate cannon fodder, as sandbags, while you're going down.
See, filth head, I don't need to tell a prompter written by somebody else.
I've got a soul, filth bag.
In fact, I want to challenge him.
Million dollars for charity.
Bare Knuckles getting a ring with me.
There are states where it's legal.
I'd love to just break his ribs, man.
But I'm going to break his ribs politically.
Even though he wants to kill our president, here is this violent turd.
Now I'm not going to stop him this time.
We are all tired.
But mostly I'm tired of the needless sickness, and the needless death, and the needless terror because this mentally incompetent, inhuman, dumb bastard has lied about this disease in a thousand different ways, a different way for each different political need he has sensed.
And I'm tired of the thought that we're all going to... And pause again.
I'm sorry.
Start it over.
I'm not going to do it again, but literally everything they did was fake numbers, fake tests, every political need they need.
This is pure projection.
Everything he says about Trump is about himself.
So Keith Olbren, instead of wanting to kill the President, he should just get a nice robe, get in there, he can even write a note saying that KKK did it like Jesse Smollett, and just put it around his neck and just jump off, just jump off, Keith!
Just go, oh!
And then, you know, instead of wanting to kill America and projecting your hatred that you have of yourself on us, it's you you hate!
It's you you hate!
It's you!
It's you, Keith!
You hate yourself, Keith!
Stop trying to kill us, and please don't kill yourself, but if you've gotta kill somebody, then you're the man.
I'm gonna stop now.
Here he is.
We are all tired.
But mostly I'm tired of the needless sickness and the needless death and the needless terror because this mentally incompetent, inhuman, dumb bastard has lied about this disease in a thousand different ways.
A different way for each different political need he has sensed.
And I'm tired of the thought that we're now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country.
A country that should have learned something, but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bitch, one real-life major threat attacking the only hope we have, the science.
The science!
Mic drop!
So, 94% of those died of something else.
Trump's the one that shut down flights from China.
It is man-made, that's why it's scary.
It only kills you if you're vitamin and mineral deficient and you don't have sunlight.
They know all this.
That's why the Democrats sent people to nursing homes to kill them.
He doesn't talk about that.
Keith Olbermann is a whore.
He's a nobody.
He's a teleprompter reader and nobody buys his BS.
But that's why he sat there with his best straight face for money.
And just said what he said.
The good news is humanity is awake to his scams.
They're awake to the things he's doing.
President Trump.
Tried to come out and say vitamin D and vitamin C and zinc.
Oh, shut up!
And, oh, we represent the science.
Fauci, which means Bill Gates, the political operative of the thousands of doctors and scientists and epidemiologists and virologists that went out all over the news and some of them got 10 million views, 5 million views, 20 million views.
They all got banned because they said the UN says we got to lock things down and the UN says you can't ever leave your house when there's inoculation.
It's going to kill hundreds of times what COVID did.
Now the UN knows they're under pressure, like actually open things up.
We need to stop this because they understand we're exposing them.
But Keith Olbermann, you've signed on to millions of real dead people that have already starved to death.
You soulless little coward.
And their deaths are on your hands.
So, we come back.
We're going to Julio, we're going to Daniel, we're going to Tucker.
Trucker, we're going to Tom, Jerome, Jeff, Tao, Thomas, Julia, Truth Dealer, and others, but get ready, because in the time we've got, I'm going to go bam, bam, bam to your calls.
What a time to be alive, and please do not forget, we're only on air because of you, so spread the word, pray for us, we're praying for you, and buy the products.
Big sales at infowarsstore.com.
Vitamin World Fusion's already selling out, so is Ultra 12.
Get those, they push your body's defenses.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock.
It's been sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Both products are back in stock at Infowarestore.com, just two weeks after the election.
And we're offering them both at 50% off, free shipping, and triple Patriot points for your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out.
But some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the globalists so far.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing.
When they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
That means CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up to the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill.
That is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he hasn't taken action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to be quick here to speak to everybody.
Julia in Oregon, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, how are you doing?
I have two quick points that I'd like to make.
First of all, Bill Barr announcing that he was waiting until after the election, so it didn't appear political, actually made it political.
And he tipped his hand, showing that he's hoping that a Biden win would mean he doesn't have to prosecute his fellow swamp creatures.
I mean, I agree with that statement.
That means they've got blackmail material on them.
Yeah, there's no question.
And all of the Biden endorsements lately, I mean, you saw a big flood of these people that were
Endorsing Biden basically announces to the world, I'm a pedophile and they have dirt on me.
And so I'm going to endorse Joe Biden so that I don't get prosecuted.
I mean, have these people never played poker?
Well, that's what Democrats do.
They're on the news saying, we're going to arrest everyone that doesn't support Biden.
I mean, it's like a total declaration of Hitlerian, Stalinistic, Mao war.
I mean, it's like textbook tyranny.
It's like, it's crazy.
It's really sad, though, when you look at Joe Biden.
He's nothing but a pawn.
I believe that he was selected because they know he's a disaster, expecting that when he, and they're so arrogant that they think that he would actually win, so that when he's elected, he's immediately then impeached and removed.
Harris is installed, who they wanted all along.
Oh, exactly.
They're creating a constitutional crisis.
To kill the dollar.
The real goal is to kill the dollar, make us lose our superpower status so China becomes it.
That's 100% what's happening.
One of the things that I find most interesting, historically speaking, I see Donald Trump as a Nebuchadnezzar type of individual.
And when Nebuchadnezzar first took power of the ancient Babylonian Empire, there was a huge coup that tried to remove him.
And it was nearly successful.
It was so bad, history teaches, that he had to defend his own life in his own palace with his own sword.
But it was not successful.
And the whole point of Nebuchadnezzar's reign in Babylon was to, I kid you not, make Babylon great again.
I remember that, and he had certain advisors that kept him from happening.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
I've noticed metaphysically, mathematically, the way the universe works is, that's really what metaphysics is, is the unseen system of mathematics, that good and evil are equal to a certain point with free will, but God's always greater, and that everything we do, it's like you said Nebuchadnezzar, that last moment
With all the battles outside the palace, it came down to him winning.
It's like the Vice President breaking a tie in the Senate.
It's always right down the line.
It's like Russell Limbaugh's dying right now, right as we come down the line.
You know, all this is happening.
I mean, this is, this is like, like everybody's spending themselves right up to this point.
This is so epic right now.
All right, let's take another call.
Let's talk to Daniel in Oklahoma.
Daniel, welcome.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I've been listening to you for over 20 years.
You are the one that really woke me up right after 9-11 happened.
Well, I'm blessed and honored to be your listener, sir, and we love you.
Now, I want to tell you, Alex, I listened to you for quite a few years after 9-11, and then all of the stuff that you were saying just got so far off the deep end
That I stopped listening to you for eight years.
I understand.
And then all of this COVID stuff started happening and every single thing you have ever said has come true exactly as you have said it.
I'd love to give myself credit, brother, but you understand, you can read the Rockefeller Foundation and UN documents and they said, we'll use pandemics for worldwide martial law, lockdowns, control, tracking you.
I mean, I was just telling you what they were saying.
And as a human being, you really want to resist believing that.
Sir, I agree with you.
I talk to my wife every night, and I say, she goes, why are you so upset?
You knew this was happening.
And I'm like, totally freaked out.
It's all real, aren't you?
Like, why are we letting this happen?
It pisses me off.
Does it not make you angry?
It makes me very angry that all this is happening.
What I really want to tell people, people, I imagine you're getting a whole flood of new listeners these days because what you say about getting tomorrow's news today is so true.
You're the only place where it's so hard even to get news.
Not only can I get news, I can get tomorrow's news today.
And, you know, what are you saying right now, Alex?
They are coming to kill us.
And I want to tell people that are, you know, just starting to listen.
That what you're saying, this is not metaphorical speak.
They are literally coming to kill us.
And people better get involved.
That's it.
They want to set the precedent to just say, oh, some are going to die.
Like he said, 700,000 are going to die.
Bill Gates said, look just today.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial volunteer has died.
They've tried to cover up all the other deaths.
Brazil health authorities say, Yahoo News, Reuters.
If people want to save their lives, they need to get involved, and they need to get active, and they need to support you.
You are a frontline warrior in a battle right now.
You are a literal soldier.
You do not have Congress funding you to fight this battle.
And so people need to really get in on your store.
They need to order supplements.
They're supporting you.
They're supporting their nation.
They're supporting their own health.
Um, and they really need to get, get, they do need support Alex.
God bless you brother.
I mean, look, we're all in this together.
Let me ask you this question.
What do you think's coming next?
I mean, I don't see how they beat Trump.
He's got a massive landslide, but they're intending to say he loses.
I, this is, I mean, I feel like, you ever been in a car wreck and a guy runs a red light and you see the car and you can't believe they ran the red light.
This happened to me about a month ago and then they still hit you.
So, I mean, it's like that slow motion of, like, this is happening.
I mean, how bad is it going to be?
Because you know you're about to get hit.
You're about to get T-boned, but you don't know how bad it's going to be.
Do you have that same feeling?
And we don't know what direction it's coming.
Is it coming from the driver's side?
The rear?
The passenger side?
We don't know.
So, let me ask you this, Alex.
What's your thoughts on Rudy Giuliani being the one to release all this stuff?
Because after 9-11,
You know, I, I, you know, Mary, where's Giuliani?
Well, there's no, there's no doubt Giuliani went along with the cover of 9-11.
I don't think he was involved in it.
And something, he was a famous anti-monarch.
No, I mean, I, I, I agree.
I mean, I've had Steve Pchenik on everybody that 9-11, radical Islam's real.
They were involved, but criminal groups were involved using it as a cover for something larger to get rid of the CIA headquarters and all the Clinton files in Building 7.
Giuliani is mayor, he's not a stupid guy, he's very smart.
He definitely went along with it.
So yeah, that's something I thought about.
What do you think?
Well, I think that there's no way he could be having sex with little kids if he's releasing this stuff, you know, because it's going to come back to bite him if he's in on it himself.
So that's why I'm kind of confused about it.
I don't think Trump and Giuliani are in the screw kids camp.
I know Trump's not.
I know Trump's not.
Absolutely not.
Daniel, thank you so much.
Let's jam in one more before break.
Julio in Minnesota.
Thanks for holding, Julio.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call.
Yes, sir.
It's great to talk to you.
Thank you.
I just wanted to inform all the info warriors that there's a website called www.donaldtrump.watch and it's basically a hit list, sir.
It's a hit list of donors.
I know the information is public, but they formatted it in such a format that you can look it up on a map and you can see somebody's address and their name and how much they've donated.
And with everything going on with Antifa, this is a straight-up Hitler.
I heard about this a few months ago.
The Democrats created a website to harass Trump donors and said, go to their houses.
Yes sir, it's www.donaldtrump.watch.
I checked it, my family's on it.
Oh yeah, one guy in San Antonio, I remember he's a rich Hispanic guy, I remember he gave, I was on the news, he gave money to Republicans and Democrats and they came to his house, remember that?
Yep, yes sir.
And now with everybody saying, like, let's go to their houses, let's go to their houses.
This is going to be a powder keg, sir.
Especially with election two weeks away.
Julio, don't hang up.
I agree.
Let's start over on this subject, because they're burning down houses, they're shooting people every day, they're beating people up.
You know, I mean, I've got out easy just having coffee and tea thrown on me.
I'll be at dinner, they walk over and say, I'm going to kill you and your family.
And they pull a camera out to, like, make you look bad.
I mean...
Yeah, they've never been held accountable, and I'm all about retribution.
It's because these people need to be dealt with, but we need to be like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, whose example was Jesus Christ.
There's times to hold them and times to fold them, times to walk away, times to run.
Right now, I'm going to take those punches like the blacklister that got his teeth knocked out in San Francisco for a greater cause.
And it's not because I'm a wimp, because I'm not going to give the enemy what they want at this point.
There is a time of vengeance coming.
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Black Friday comes in October.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
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Well, not anymore!
Introducing... Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground.
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives.
And implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves in any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we got some big breaking news.
ADL, leftist, Rothschild, shutdown Infowars operative, Barat.
Saucer Bear Cohen has tried to set up Giuliani as a pedophile right on time with this information.
But he has screwed the pooch.
He's in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep trouble.
Because this is going to blow up in his sickening face so big.
So we'll be covering this start of the next hour, then Paul Watson takes over.
Right now, Julio in Minnesota, you're on the air worldwide finishing up your point about doxing Trump voters with this website.
Yeah, it just, it shows what they're planning.
What do you want to add to this?
Absolutely, sir.
I just want to tell all the info warriors that, um, prepare yourself, prepare yourself to protect yourself, your family and your property, because
These people are terrorists.
These people are domestic terrorists.
And they've said it.
It's been out in their documents, in their YouTube videos.
They are going to hunt down people whether Trump wins or loses.
And this is a hit list that they're putting out.
And I just implore everyone to check out www.donaldtrump.watch.
And please search the map and make sure that if you are on that list, please take care of yourself.
And I wish the best for everyone.
Great point, sir.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right, let's talk to Teo in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex, everything you were saying about the nursing homes is true.
My father works in a nursing home in New Jersey and he told me about the incentives that everybody got.
Everybody got hush money, they got the increased wages.
They're definitely culling people in the nursing homes.
Well, spend some time on that.
I mean, tell us, because we know the only place they can kill you is if you don't get sunlight, don't get vitamin D and things, and then they sent people with COVID there to get those death numbers.
What murderers, but what was your dad saying?
He's been working in the physical therapy realm at nursing homes for years, this one particularly for years, and he was just saying the mismanagement was, it was just gross negligence.
There's no way that, it's purposeful.
Everybody got incentivized to kind of go along with it because their wages went up during that initial wave of the bologna 19 virus.
So I just wanted to say that, you know, I don't agree with everything you say.
I definitely love you.
I don't have to agree with everything you say to love you, but that's something that's very
Sir, I disagree with myself sometimes, so I hear you.
What else did you want to add, sir?
I just wanted to say, obviously we see with our brain, you know, and that, like, we get natural DMT from the breath of God, and that the lungs create the precursors for DMT, and when DMT, you know, with dreams or whatever you want to call it, that's just
A full spectrum view, the light spectrum.
And they got us so worked up on race.
No, I totally agree.
Getting with God, having good sleep, doing good things releases DMT that literally is the chemical that opens up the dimension and gets us closer to God.
The problem is you take it in a mass dose, it kind of shifts you into the bad area.
Yeah, because I mean, sleep is just pretty much unconscious breath work.
And I know they got us so worked up on this racial issue.
And really, there's just the humanity is an expression of the light spectrum.
You know, like, all the shades.
Nobody's really white, really.
Like, you're pink or brown or whatever.
You're a different shade.
Or you could say everybody is black.
I mean, white is a total reflection of everything off.
No, you're right.
Black is an absorption of everything.
So black is all the colors and white is no colors.
I mean, I guess you could say that, but the sun makes us darker, so I would look at light.
No, no, I hear you.
Obviously all white people are some form of other color, and I get it.
There's no white people, there's no black people.
We're all shit, but I'm saying what you're saying is true, is that white is the reflection of all light, black is the absorption of all light.
So black is all the colors, white is none of the colors.
Yeah, and everybody is a ratio to it, so maybe there is one person that is almost absolutely white and somebody that's almost absolutely black, but everybody in between is all the shades.
If we are fighting over shades of, you know, of light or however you want to look at it, shades of darkness, whatever, we're just getting lost in that whole melee.
And it's just ridiculous when really the breath of God is what keeps everybody alive and what keeps everything going.
Whether you're black, white, or whatever you are, the breath of God is what produces the DMT, which produces the dreams, and you can look at life... I want to hear more about this because I've been trying to breathe more.
Realizing I don't.
It's made me feel a lot.
I can literally breathe for like 10 minutes and totally get relaxed and not be depressed.
So tell me about the breathing.
Really like babies, the way babies breathe is full diaphragmatic expansion.
It helps you go into the parasympathetic nervous system.
And that's where we're dreaming, that's where we're doing our healing, and we're so worked up from adrenal fatigue and things like that, that we're never really getting into the parasympathetic nervous system consciously.
That's why I say sleep is unconscious.
I'll tell you what, let's get Tao on for 30 minutes as a guest.
Daria, set him up and send me some notes, what you want to talk about.
Come on as a guest, Tao, we love you.
I want to hear what you have to say.
Set him up the next week, please.
He can do it.
Thank you, sir.
Thomas in Spain.
I saw you were in Spain, I got onto you earlier.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Thomas.
Hello Alex, hi.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thank you.
Yeah, and I want to thank you for your service.
You're doing really a service to the world, you and your crew, so we love you and I just want to appreciate that.
Back at you.
Yeah, two things I would like to mention.
I mean, all about this COVID BS.
When Europe here, they're really pushing the pedal to the metal again here and closing countries down.
Ireland now in level five lockdown in Spain here.
Because there's a rebellion against the EU.
Macron has curfews.
It's terrible.
And also there is an alliance of doctors like your American frontline doctors.
And basically they have now an alliance worldwide and they're
He's calling himself Doctors for Education and they have a webpage acu2020.org and they need worldwide support.
But more importantly, there's a German lawyer and that's what I want to really give a voice to.
And I see him on YouTube and I think he's such a big dude.
YouTube is not able to shut him down.
His name is Doctor of Laws, Rainer Fulmich, F-U-E-L-M-I-C-H.
And he is just about to file a big, major lawsuit against the WHO, the RKI, which is the Robert Koch Institute, the equivalent, the German equivalent to your CDC, and Dr. Drosten, who is the right hand medical advisor of Merkel.
And this lawyer, Dr. Firmage, he is, well, he's licensed in California as well.
He won a class action lawsuit against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen with a diesel scandal.
And now he's really looking for worldwide support, and he has already.
Well, I hope we can get him on.
I'm actually aware of who he is, and I'm aware of a bunch of these legal groups and doctor groups are filing suits because what they're saying on the news is just a fraud.
And what do you think of the UN even coming out and admitting that lockdowns have killed a bunch of people and should stop?
I mean, it shows they're having to backpedal.
But then the UN says, oh, nation states are the one locking things down.
Well, the nation states did that under UN orders.
Yes, correct.
Well, yeah, he wants to go full on now with this class action lawsuit.
And it's already underway.
He's talking about, I mean, trillion dollars, not a billion, trillion.
And every, there's another thing.
Every business in the world should go to a local lawyer and, yeah, get connected to this classic law firm.
I totally agree.
We've got to legally push back because this is lawyers and big tech creating a new tyranny that ends all due process and is absolutely dangerous, Thomas.
Anything else?
Thank you very much, Alex.
Yeah, bless you and I wish you all the best for your elections.
I hope I can see you and Roger Stone with a glass of champagne soon again.
We love you, brother.
Thank you so much.
All right, let's talk to Truth Dealer in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Alex, God bless you, brother.
You too, brother.
Let me tell you something.
We cannot defeat an enemy we can't properly identify.
These people call themselves socialists, but you peel back a layer, they're communists.
Peel back another layer, they're globalists.
If you bottom line it, they're satanists.
This is our most desperate hour.
We are living the prologue of your documentary, Endgame.
Rush Limbaugh, I think, said it best.
What's on the ballot this time, folks, is America.
Yes or no.
Every red-blooded American who loves this nation needs to vote for their lives.
Every swingin' dick.
Every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Frank.
Remember him, Alex?
Hey, Frank!
Stop infighting, folks.
Support InfoWars.
Let's go baby!
Will you do a rally cry with me Alex?
And I'm here to tell you that you're absolutely right.
The point we're at is so awesome that I never get butterflies, I never have anxiety attacks, I never choke up.
I'm choking up all the time right now because it's so awesome.
It confirms God's real, the devil's real, all this is real, and I'm just like, I cannot believe that more people don't get it and aren't rejecting this evil, brother.
Look at these people!
They are a bunch of limp-dick cowards!
Sorry, but I'm just gonna call it like I see it.
I'm gonna quote Platoon.
We gotta keep our eyes peeled and our peckers hard.
Let's go, baby!
We're not gonna cower down to these soy boys.
Come on!
You're right, brother.
And in-game is still... it's been banned on... on...
Amazon in places, but it's still free.
It changed the channel.
It's been there for 13 years.
It's got like 5 million views.
It had 80 million views on Google Video before they took it down.
But it's still there.
Folks, download it.
Share it.
For global enslavement.
Hour number four.
More calls.
Big breaking news.
Paul Joseph Watson.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Yes sir, I just have two comments.
I went to renew my license plate tags and we have an old courthouse where they do that business and right outside the door they have a table with a lady
That says you have to put your mask on and they are taking names and phone numbers.
It's all contact tracing, getting you ready for apps on your phone.
It's so evil, sir.
Oh yes, I said, well I have a medical exemption.
She said it doesn't matter and I said, who does this information go to and why are you taking it?
I don't know.
I just work here.
It goes to the health department and puts you in a database and then you have to sue them.
You have to say, listen, get your manager.
I'm going to sue you.
State and federal losses.
We have to enforce against them.
I don't have to.
What ended up happening?
Yes, and one more observation.
I don't watch television anymore.
I listen to the local radio station, and they have a national news.
They had a one-line news that said North Dakota has such a high
Positive rate that the governor has called out the National Guard to enforce quarantines in North Dakota.
And I thought, my God, is this a test run of getting started on the whole country?
Sir, I saw that too.
Yeah, they have almost no deaths.
But, oh, they did record testing.
It's everywhere.
And so, oh, they're false tests.
So now things shut down.
And they're doing it to every business.
Joe Rogan shut down because the company makes them test everyone.
And then his producer came up positive, even though most of the tests are false positive.
It's just unbelievable.
God bless you, Tom.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
I'm alright, brother.
Oh, let me segue off that last caller about the mask and all.
Hey, over in mainland China, I talked to my son, and I get to see my grandson every morning.
I use WeChat, and everything is going just like it was before any COVID showed up.
I mean, everything's open, schools.
No, no, no, China just launched the attack.
They're not shut down.
We're shut down forever.
That's how this works.
China's not shut down.
We're shut down forever.
Yeah, it's normal.
Everything's back to normal.
But anyway, here's what I want to talk about is old China Joe.
You know something?
People need to go back to the beginning.
They're not looking at that, I don't think.
Back when John Kerry was appointed to Secretary of State, and then his son shows up, old Chris Heinz, then old Hunter Biden.
He gets kicked out of the Navy, you know, because he had his drug test he busted.
Oh yeah, by the way, when he got in the Navy, they gave him like a two-year dispensation because of some kind of a drug problem.
He was 44 and I think 42 is the maximum age.
Then he goes in and gets a commission right off the bat.
You know, it's dirty from the very beginning to now.
And don't forget, who was Secretary of State before John Kerry?
Yeah, your favorite lady.
She just probably handed John Kerry the lift and said, here you go, fill you up with your duffel bags.
Hillary Clinton.
I think that's why Hunter Biden went to the Navy, so he could steal a bunch of duffel bags so he could fill them full of money.
But anyway...
If you start looking at that, that situation there, John Kerry and China Joe were real good buddies when they were in the Senate.
And after they got, you know, married up over there and the Secretary of State and Vice President, it was just a shark fest.
I couldn't say it better.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
InfoWars is a archetypal classic example of free, independent, organic resistance against tyranny.
You built InfoWars.
You spread the word.
You prayed for us.
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As it is mine.
And that's why the enemy is so upset that under the deplatforming, under all the DNC lawsuits, under all the attack, in many ways, we've become stronger.
With Band-Odd Video, redesigned InfoWars, with all of our great crew, with documentary films and 10 hours of live radio and TV a day.
We are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
So remember this arsenal of freedom is waiting for you to continue to spread the word about it and to continue for you to support because this is something we built together.
It's not just a national treasure, it's a treasure worldwide against the tyrants and they know it and they can't stand it.
And as everything we talked about comes true, our credibility only goes up together.
So I salute you all.
Well, ABL, Rothschild, globalist, operative, Sasa Baron Cohen has called for me to be taken off the air.
He's called for arresting tech executives that don't serve the aims of the ABL and their un-American activities.
And now, just like he got caught over a decade ago, they tell Ron Paul he's being interviewed when he's running for president.
They tell him it's an interview in a hotel.
They say, please wait here.
And then Sacha Baron Cohen tries to have sex with him.
And Ron Paul says, get away from me and leaves.
And they call it homophobic that he didn't have sex with him.
Well, he's been caught again.
Arch criminal that he is.
He's against our free speech, but he tries to set people up using it.
An entrapment.
Rudolph Giuliani, it turns out, six, eight months ago, they get him.
They're trying to set him up.
They say, oh, this is my 15-year-old daughter.
It's really a 22-year-old woman.
They say, please come in this room.
They make him wait over an hour.
Then he's fixing his microphone in his pants.
She comes in.
And they go, oh, there's a young 15-year-old and he's fixing his pants.
And Drudge Report, I guess now run by CNN, has the still shot of this.
This is what's going on.
So media will cover this, The Guardian will cover this, but not Hunter Biden's laptop where he says, dad, I'm naked with 14-year-old girls, I'm smoking crack, and all the rest of it.
Just unbelievable to see this.
So here's what he tried with Ron Paul.
And he tries this with everybody.
He's like, oh, I've got a room interview.
Oh, wait in here while we get things ready.
And then he comes at you or some tart, some harpy he's hired comes at you who wasn't underage and who Giuliani did nothing.
He's literally adjusting his microphone.
Here is what he did to Ron Paul.
I'm here with Congressman Ron Paul, who was the 2008 presidential candidate.
So tell me, who are you wearing?
Well, I don't even know, because it's pretty conventional and I'm pretty, in that sense, pretty ordinary.
But the message is not ordinary.
So they lie and say the light's broken.
Please go relax in this room.
Puts him in a side bedroom.
Drives him to sex with him.
They leave newspapers for him.
Do you want some champagne?
Oh, I don't care for any, no.
There's no ice bucket, but I know a good place to put it.
Because he's a predator.
He's a predator, see?
Yeah, you look great inside.
Have you done a lot of Halloween before?
Oh, well, I've been on you throughout the years.
This last year, a tremendous amount.
Do you want some strawberries or maybe some oysters?
I'm okay.
I'm going to light some candles, if that's okay.
It really loosens you up.
Super hardcore medical doctor.
Has anyone ever told you you look like Enrique Iglesias?
He hasn't clicked yet, now he does.
Of course not, you're much cuter.
Paul picks up a newspaper.
I love music.
Dancing, I used to be a dancer.
Paul starts looking for hidden cameras.
Now he figures it out.
He tries to kick his ass.
Get out of here!
What's going on?
He goes out and says he tried to, you know... So that's what they've done to Giuliani now.
Giuliani faces questions.
Show the dredge report.
And Giuliani's already come out about this.
They say the same thing.
Oh, the light's broken.
Go in this room.
Oh, it's my daughter.
She walks in.
He's like literally laying on the bed there.
He like tucks his shirt in like anybody do.
Yeah, okay, what's up?
Because there's only a room with a bed.
Same crap.
Over again.
Man, these people are criminal filth.
Paul Joseph Watson is taking over.
I want you to get Jeff's name and number from Canada.
I want him to be the first caller tomorrow.
Don't forget, you guys are great, but you do forget this one thing.
I want that to be the first caller tomorrow.
He's talking about something serious.
M4 is being taken off the air.
Next level censorship.
That's where they're going.
But you can keep us on air because money blocks the globalist DNC lawsuits, keeps us on air, and allows us to expand operations and fight that we're so critical, you know that.
Preparewithalex.com's got some big specials right now.
Get your DNA Force Plus, get your X2, get your X3, get your Vitamineral Fusion.
It's still discounted massively.
You know it's gonna sell out.
Ultra 12, all this boosts your body's natural defense is what you need anyways.
Infowarsstore.com or AAA253.
3139, I wanna thank you all for your prayers.
I wanna thank you all for your financial support and your word of mouth.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over right now from London, England.
Paul Joseph Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
Yes, we are live and we're continuing to talk about this fake Rudy Giuliani scandal that isn't a scandal, that is solely designed to distract from the real sex scandal, that being Hunter Biden's laptop.
I want to remind people, by the way, this seemed longer ago than it actually is.
It was actually only as recently as June that Mr. Sacha Baron Cohen, who has now interjected himself into a presidential election once again,
Tried to pull another stunt, this time at an event in Olympia, a March for Our Rights 3, which was a Patriot Conservative rally.
This is an article I got out of CNN.
Bear in mind, this one fell completely flat on its face, it made him look stupid, because it contradicted the entire narrative that he tries to push over and over again in his movies.
Specifically in this Borat movie,
The sequel of which, apparently now, as we've learned, features this embarrassing incident with Giuliani.
Of course, the main drive of Borat, and these are the movies that Baron Cohen has been behind, is to make conservatives look intolerant, look racist, look hateful, by him acting out, by him acting obnoxiously as a, quote, foreigner, as an immigrant, and then having them react in a negative, intolerant way.
Problem with that,
Is that in the vast majority of cases, even the ones in the movies, it only turns out that the conservatives, who he tries to provoke, react in a patient, tolerant way.
I mean, how many video clips out of his movies have we seen where he sits there at dinner for an hour or two probably to gather the footage,
from the length of the clips we've seen, and continually tries to provoke Conservatives to say something outrageous to attack him personally, either because he's a, quote, foreigner, in the case of the Borat character, or gay, in the case of the Bruno character, as we saw in the clip that was just played there.
Problem is it falls flat on its face almost every time.
CNN headline from June.
A right-wing group got pranked at a rally and they believe Sacha Baron Cohen is behind it.
Now this was on Twitter for probably a matter of hours back in June and it disappeared quite quickly because it obviously fell flat on its face.
Basically what happened is they had this March for our Rights 3 rally in Olympia.
They had a little stage where people gave speeches
Then Sacha Baron Cohen, who was dressed up in this instance as the stereotypical intolerant racist redneck, got up on stage and started ranting, spouting racist platitudes.
The problem is, he was obviously intending
To make fools out of the audience, the organizers of this Patriot Rally, because he probably expected to whoop, holler and cheer.
He's an ADL, anti-free speech, UN rat, trying to frame Republicans and it keeps blowing up in his face.
But what about him pulling his pants down on Ron Paul?
It's the same crap with Giuliani.
There's a 22-year-old woman saying it's his daughter, go in this room, she's jumping on him and now it's his fault?
Yeah, and if you've seen the pictures of this, who he was told was a 15-year-old.
She's obviously in her mid-twenties.
You can see that from the pictures.
He was taking off his bike and tucking his shirt into his pants.
That's clearly what happened.
And yet we have headlines saying that Giuliani now was trying to solicit sex from a 15-year-old girl.
The girl wasn't 15.
She's an actress in her mid-twenties.
And also, the other aspect of this, of course,
Is we've had this big censorship controversy over the past week about leaked information, quote, unconfirmed information from Hunter Biden's laptop.
And that being the sole reason for the New York Post, for example, still being locked out of its Twitter account.
But Twitter has no problem with this?
I'm substantiating crap.
Yeah, and many people have made the point, Alex, that this could indeed break revenge porn laws in New York.
Many people are making that point right now.
In fact, I've got a couple of tweets, emails, Chong tweets.
Jack Posobiec makes the point.
Twitter will allow unlawful dissemination of intimate photos of Rudy Giuliani, but censored everyone who shared the New York Post factual story about Biden's foreign corruption.
So a bunch of people making the point that this
Stunt, this apparent prank, is actually a violation of revenge porn laws, but Twitter's doing nothing to censor it because we know what team they're on.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
The future isn't coming, it's here.
And in the future, keeping your humanity, saving your soul, your integrity, your very essence, is going to be your most valuable asset.
In fact, it's going to be your only asset.
The world being built by the technocrats and the trap they've now sprung with COVID-19 and the endless lockdown is the beginning of the process of taking us past domestication into total and complete dehumanization.
Human life will be impossible to be carried out in an original biological way by the year 2050.
This is their stated goal.
I'm sorry to have to report horrifying things like this to you, but only by facing the horror and not projecting your own decency onto the enemy, can we turn this around.
You must study their own writings, you must face the facts, and you must come to grips with it.
You're all being incrementally destroyed.
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting.
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-eses are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
You've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Transmitting worldwide from the Summit.News studios in the United Kingdom, you are listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
So the very same mainstream media and social media that is either blacklisted or censored completely, the very real evidence of criminal activity regarding Hunter Biden's laptop potentially involving minors,
has now flooded the narrative with this supposed bombshell scandal where Rudy Giuliani tucks his shirt into his pants.
Yes, this could swing the election the other way.
This is so bombshell, so incredible apparently.
Oh, by the way, you know every time Project Veritas and James O'Keefe release a video, of which we're going to play another one later today in terms of insiders, whistleblowers within Google and other social media companies, what does the media do?
What do they say in response?
Oh, the video's edited.
It's edited, it's taken out of context, therefore it's completely unreliable.
But then you get one screenshot from Rudy Giuliani on a bed in a hotel room, tucking his shirt into his pants.
And suddenly I'm seeing tweets and I'm seeing headlines seriously charging Rudy Giuliani with attempting to solicit sex with a 15-year-old.
The girl isn't 15, she's an actress in her mid-20s and he was tucking his shirt into his pants.
But apparently, within the space of an hour, that's now soliciting sex from a minor.
This is how the Democrats work.
Of course, their stunt didn't work back in June, as I mentioned before the break.
When Sacha Baron Cohen tried to prank a Patriot rally in Olympia by getting up on stage and spouting racist platitudes, expecting the audience to cheer and support him, what they actually did was cut his mic and drag him off the stage, kind of disproving his entire narrative, his entire setup, as he went into that prank.
That failed, but now he's back, and coincidentally he's back
What is it?
One day after Rudy Giuliani said that the bombshells regarding Hunter Biden's laptop are going to come day after day.
Suddenly now Rudy Giuliani finds himself at the centre of a scandal.
Well, it's almost like they timed it.
Headline out of The Guardian, Rudy Giuliani faces questions.
After compromising seeing a new Borat film.
And again, Borat is a character who in the first film
Tries to provoke conservatives into doing racist, intolerant things throughout the entire movie.
And yet, throughout the entire movie, the vast majority are just nice, welcoming people.
Oh my God!
So they've tried to go a step beyond with this.
Says the reputation of Rudy Giuliani could be set for a further blow with the release of highly embarrassing footage and Sacha Baron Cohen's follow-up to Borat.
Sacha Baron Cohen, by the way, who
uses his right to free speech to set up all these pranks to claim that a girl's 15 and send her apparently into a prank that involved a sexual situation which as commentators on Twitter are now suggesting that could be a crime in and of itself but that's okay for him to exercise his free speech you want your free speech though
Ain't gonna happen.
He gets up in front of ADL conferences and says that Alex Jones needs to be banned.
Everybody else needs to be silenced apart from him.
Despite the fact that people are making very serious allegations now that he could have in fact committed a crime by overseeing this prank.
Says in the film, released on Friday, the former New York mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals.
Apparently, they use the word apparently because
The photos don't actually show that.
While reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat's daughter is posing as a TV journalist.
Again, the idea that a 15-year-old would be a TV journalist is inexplicable in many ways.
Following an obsequious interview for a fake conservative news program, the pair retreat at her suggestion for a drink to the bedroom of a hotel suite, which is rigged with concealed cameras.
Now, I think the biggest charge that you can level against Giuliani is that
He's an idiot.
And how has he not noticed, for one, that this is Borat, unless he hadn't actually met Sacha Baron Cohen playing Borat before this whole stunt was set up.
And yes, obviously going to a hotel room with a woman who is obviously in her mid-twenties, someone who you've just met, kind of might have rang some alarm bells, but that's probably what we can charge him with at this point, is being an idiot.
Continues to say,
After she removes his microphone, Giuliani 76 can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers.
Again, they don't mention the fact that he's tucking his shirt in.
They mention the fact that he removed his microphone, but then obviously if you remove the microphone, then you have to readjust your clothing.
That's obviously what happened here.
And but they, they literally spin it as soliciting sex with a 15-year-old.
I've seen actual headlines.
I'm sure they're
Feverishly editing them as we speak, given Giuliani's reputation as an aggressive prosecutor.
Gonna be a lawsuit city by the end of this.
They are then interrupted by Bora, who runs in and says, she's 15, she's too old for you.
Representatives of Giuliani have not replied to the Guardian's request for comment.
Now bearing in mind, this is a guy in Sacha Baron Cohen, who is being protected by the establishment to such an extent and for such an extended period of time.
Over the past 20 years plus, that he is basically, from my memory, the only person who can culturally appropriate, in the past, both black people and gay people and get away with it in the present.
Of course, we've had numerous instances of people like Jimmy Kimmel doing blackface and then having to grovel and apologize for it 20 years later.
We've had actresses and actors
Who are scheduled to play the parts of LGBT characters, and because they're not personally gay or transgender themselves, they then almost get cancelled by social media or they have to withdraw from the role.
Same thing didn't happen to Sacha Baron Cohen.
Now, I know that he didn't black up for his Ali G character.
This was a character on British comedy television about 20 years ago, 22 years ago.
But again, he adopted all the mannerisms, all the patois of a black person, while being a white person, basically playing a black character.
He doesn't get cancelled, he doesn't get retrospectively cancelled for that.
Then of course he released a movie, I think it was in 2000, 2009 actually, called Bruno, where he plays this outrageous gay character.
That was the clip you saw previously, where they tried to entrap Ron Paul.
So he can play this outrageous, offensive gay character riffing off all these supposed gay stereotypes that were supposed to eschew now and are supposed to be part of the ancient past, but he can get away with that as recently as 2009 and not get retrospectively cancelled
Like a lot of other people have, and like actors and actresses have been hounded by social media mobs merely for scheduling themselves or being approached or accepting a role as a gay character in a movie when they're not personally gay.
They can't get away with it, but Sacha Baron Cohen can.
Hmm, gee, I wonder why that is.
Has been released without any context, without any discussion of the fact that this is obviously edited.
The explanation is there, that he's removing the mic.
The Hunter Biden laptop scandal, by the big media networks, it's basically zero.
We've seen Twitter, Facebook censor the very real scandal, criminal scandal of Hunter Biden's laptop.
They've ignored it, they've blacklisted it, they've censored it, and now they've replaced it with this scandal, which is a complete non-scandal, basically.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock.
It's been sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Both products are back in stock at InfoWarStore.com, just two weeks out from the election, and we're offering them both at 50% off, free shipping, and triple Patriot points in your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out, but some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
In fiction, supervillains are known as supervillains because they have gigantic, huge, global plans that are incredibly well thought out and incredibly complex.
And if I had told you a year ago, back in October of 2019, that a powerful billionaire who controls the UN would roll out a global
You tell me that's crazy.
You tell me that's a dystopia.
You tell me that's some type of science fiction comic book.
But in reality, it really did happen.
His name is Bill Gates, and he's the head of a major eugenics consortium that his father and mother set up more than 60 years ago.
And we're living in this world Bill Gates has built.
Until we start saying no, we are Bill Gates's property.
It's time to expose Bill Gates.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site with the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, and says he's going to take action once re-elected against Big Tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are back!
We're going to move on now and talk about lockdown and the fact that this imposition, the greatest imposition on our liberties in peacetime memory, specifically in the United Kingdom, continues to accelerate and indeed continues to accelerate across the world.
Earlier today we had the shocking and tragic headline, Australia, four newborn babies die after being denied heart surgery due to COVID travel rules.
Will this be a big story or will it disappear?
It's already disappeared, let's be honest.
Four newborn babies in Adelaide, Australia have died after being denied life-saving heart surgery due to coronavirus travel restrictions.
What happened is that these babies in Adelaide, these sick, ill babies who needed treatment, were in a city, the only mainland Australian capital, that doesn't provide paediatric cardiac surgery.
So they have to send around 100 babies a year from Adelaide over to Melbourne to get this vital life-saving treatment.
Problem being is that now in Australia, where they have a lockdown, you're not allowed to travel from Adelaide to Melbourne and they're having to send these babies more than double from what I saw in terms of the distance.
double the travel distance over to Sydney so these babies aren't getting treatment and four of them just this past month alone have died specifically because of coronavirus lockdown restrictions.
Professor John Svegos said four babies who had died in Adelaide in the past month have been unable to be transferred and would have almost certainly benefited from on-site surgery.
Now we've made the point, we've cited the experts over and over again
The lockdown, the lockdown restrictions will end up killing more people than the virus itself.
And we're already starting to see that.
Germany's Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Gerd Müller, warned recently that lockdown measures throughout the globe will end up killing more people than the coronavirus itself.
He cites 400,000 deaths from malaria and HIV on the African continent alone.
Oh, but I thought progressives really cared about black people.
400,000 of them dead.
Keep wearing your mask.
He added that half a million more will die from tuberculosis.
This came after a leaked study from inside the German Ministry of the Interior which revealed that the impact of the country's lockdown could end up killing more people than the coronavirus itself.
Again, due to victims of other serious illnesses not receiving treatment.
Nobody ever talks about it, yet the death toll continues to climb higher and higher.
We have Professor Richard Sullivan out of the UK who warned that there will be more excess cancer deaths in the UK alone than total coronavirus deaths.
Again, because people are either having their treatments cancelled by the hospital while the nurses do TikTok dancing videos, because that's way more important,
Or they've been petrified by the hysterical media into thinking that if they leave their homes they're going to catch coronavirus and die.
Despite the fact that even for example in the case of someone like Donald Trump, who is overweight and 74 years old, his chances of surviving coronavirus were 96% plus and obviously he'd be within a matter of days.
That reality is not being echoed in the mainstream media to the point where, for example, in America, the average American thinks 30 million Americans have died of coronavirus.
They literally believe that.
That's not the far end of the spectrum.
That's what the average American believes.
Some of them believe it's killed more than 30 million.
Similar case in the UK.
Where we've had under 50,000 coronavirus deaths, of course, the vast majority of whom had comorbidities and unfortunately would have died anyway, but they just put COVID on the death certificate.
Where people think 5 million people have died in the United Kingdom purely because of media hysteria.
Experts have also warned.
There will be 1.4 million deaths globally from untreated TB infections due to the lockdown.
But the vast majority of those people are in the third world, so I guess we don't give a damn, do we?
We're so progressive.
As we previously highlighted, a data analyst consortium in South Africa
Found that the economic consequences of the country's lockdown will lead to 29 times more people dying than the coronavirus itself.
And that was a minimal equation.
It's probably going to be hundreds of times more.
And in terms of years shaved off lives, the lockdown will cause massively more years to be shaved off lives than the virus itself.
We've been telling you about this for the past six months.
Has it been adopted into government policy?
They're making the lockdowns even more draconian, despite the fact that all the graphs show the lockdowns have made infections even worse.
Gee, I wonder if people wearing masks, touching masks, then touching surfaces all the time is actually driving more infections.
But you can't talk about that because you get banned immediately.
50,000 children's surgeries postponed.
This is out of Breitbart.
Deaths on transplant waiting lists near double due to lockdown.
The UK's coronavirus lockdown has impacted every area of healthcare.
Now the Office for National Statistics figures have revealed there were 25,000 excess deaths at private homes since the beginning of the year, with only 9% being as a result of coronavirus.
And in fact, if you look at the graphs, the five-year average, which I tweeted out earlier, the average for deaths
Over the past several weeks, in fact from what I'm looking at the graph over the past 15 to 20 weeks, the average deaths per week are lower than the five-year average and that's even accounting for coronavirus deaths.
Deaths from flu and pneumonia have gone down over the past six weeks or so and yet we're fed this narrative in the media, there you see the graph there, those are the current average deaths in the United Kingdom
The blue line and the orange line kind of looks like normal, doesn't it?
But no, we're told by the mainstream media the hospitals are being overwhelmed.
They're going to have to put people in corridors.
There's going to be death on a massive scale unless we put everyone under house arrest.
Oh, but it's not called house arrest, is it?
It's not even called lockdown anymore.
It's called a circuit breaker.
And it's only for two weeks.
No, we lied.
It's for three weeks.
No, it's for six weeks.
No, it's for six months.
Stay in your homes, even though the hospitals are not at capacity.
And they've been caught lying time and time again, saying that, for example, in Manchester, which has just introduced the strictest circuit breaker, which is just another lockdown, lying to the public, saying that hospitals are overstretched, that they're way over capacity.
When people pointed out that the actual capacity for hospital beds in Manchester was lower than normal compared to October 2019, they still continued to claim that they were over capacity.
Meanwhile, LockdownSceptics.org, in its post from today, says, Lockdown's lethal death toll.
Award-winning investigative journalist David Rose wrote a sensational front page story for the Mail,
Documenting the scale of the collateral damage to public health caused by the lockdown and the continuing restrictions.
He's brought together more than 130 studies and the article documented the impact of this disastrous policy on every sphere of health, including cancer, heart disease, addiction, the welfare of children, domestic violence and mental illness.
Among the revelations are the following.
Delays in treatment are set to cause a 20% rise in deaths among newly diagnosed cancer patients in England.
6,270 excess deaths this year.
Again, because people aren't getting treatment, their appointments are getting cancelled or they're afraid to go into the hospital.
Treatment for strokes fell by 45% during lockdown.
There were more than 2,000 excess deaths from heart disease.
More than 50,000 operations for children were cancelled.
You also have this thing where they're saying
The kids aren't getting their vaccines.
I thought the progressive, caring Bill Gates left loved their childhood vaccines.
They're not getting them anymore.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
Organ transplants fell by two-thirds, with the number of those who died on the transplant waiting list almost doubling.
Total waiting list for routine orthopedic and eye operations at record levels.
Calls to child abuse helplines rocketed.
Of course, domestic abuse,
Incidents have also rocketed as we've seen over the past six months.
Rates of depression and anxiety doubled.
Thousands of recovering alcoholics have relapsed.
And I think the last count on the prescription of antidepressant drugs in the United States was a rise of 86%.
Which is obviously a sign that we're going to see, tragically, way more suicides because of this disastrous lockdown policy that will end up killing more people than COVID-19.
Summit.News, don't go away.
We'll be back.
I've got some really important, and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high-level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Now here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
Black Friday in October.
Last year, that was one of our most popular sales that we ran in the last couple weeks of October.
And it was popular for a reason.
Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October.
And that means 30 to 60% off storewide free shipping, triple Patriot points.
That's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
A lot of stuff sold out.
Some of our best sellers are still there.
But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today with just two weeks to the election.
And more good news.
Ultra 12.
It's got the name Ultra for a reason.
Highest quality vitamin B12.
Take it under the tongue for full absorption.
It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it.
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information, and the Chinese information, and the photos, the crack pipes, and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First, it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty.
That's all.
Then it's two months.
Then it's six months.
Then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask.
I like my face diaper.
I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers, this is our new neurotic control freak society.
Overseen by robots.
Overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian.
Premeditated and Bill Gates sits on top of it?
Come on folks, let's reject this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
Hysterically claiming that all the videos are edited.
The videos are edited.
You can't take them seriously.
And yeah, one edited out of context video of Rudy Giuliani in a hotel room is now the biggest story in America.
That's fine.
That's fine.
But James O'Keefe videos, they're all edited.
You can't trust them.
First though, we're going to go to this video.
Headline, Jewish restaurant in New York City hit with coronavirus fine for leaving door open.
He was visited.
Because my doors are open, I want to understand.
Look, if you don't want to, you don't need to sign it.
I know you're recording me.
That's fine, I'm allowed to record you.
I'm gonna give you a copy then.
You're giving me a ticket because my doors are open, sir?
The charge is spelled out here.
There's nobody sitting in the restaurant.
Everything is okay.
You're giving me a ticket because my doors are open?
What if my store is hot?
I'm not allowed to open the door because the store is hot?
Everything is spelled out in the slogans.
I'm gonna give you a copy.
And I'm gonna read it.
Can I have your name, please?
Is it in the report?
But it's not fair that only because my doors are open and I'm getting a violation.
You know, I'm struggling here every single day.
It's hard for me.
And there was nobody inside the store, obviously, because we don't have dining.
We only have takeout.
There was nobody in the store, and I'm only getting a ticket because my doors are open.
Can you just please repeat that sentence why I'm getting a violation?
It's because I'm operating in a red zone with... What is that?
In a red zone, you're only supposed to do pickup and delivery at the door.
Everything is spelled out here in the sign.
So, but I'm doing pickup and delivery, when the guy walked in I told him to step outside, that was not good enough?
I'm not here to argue, I'm just reporting.
So they have the confrontation with the sacred anointed Covid inspector, of course.
He was in a quote, red zone.
They opened up most of the restaurants in New York on September 30, but said they could only have 25% capacity, which is nowhere near enough.
They're all going out of business.
The high street's crumbling.
People are going to be unemployed.
That's going to lead to poverty.
That's eventually going to lead to death.
It's not a matter of health versus the economy.
The economy is health.
So, some of these restaurants have been able to open indoors.
They've got these weird bubbles, which I posted on Twitter yesterday, of these trendy hipsters, larping as homeless people by the looks of it, by dining outside in bubbles.
But even in areas where indoor dining is allowed, capacity is restricted to 25% and tables must be separated by a minimum of six feet in all directions.
A recent report by the New York City Hospitality Alliance found that out of 450 city restaurants in New York, around 87% failed to make full rental payments for August and 34% were unable to pay at all.
They're all going out of business.
The vast majority of them are never coming back because of this virus.
And because of the mainstream media hysteria that's been rammed down people's throats to the point where they will literally jump out of the way if you walk near them in public.
Meanwhile, RT reports people will have to live with coronavirus forevermore, says UK expert on government's advisory committee.
John Edmonds, a British epidemiologist on the government's COVID-19 advisory committee, which has been proven wrong time and time again in every single model it publishes, by the way, but we continue to trust them, warned UK lawmakers that there is very little chance of the coronavirus being eliminated.
He said vaccines could slow its spread.
He's basically come out and said we need more lockdown and even if we have more lockdown the virus is never going away.
They've got this ridiculous policy it seems, especially in countries like Scotland, where they actually think they can have
Achieve zero COVID.
It's kind of like zero carbon emissions, i.e.
completely impossible, unless at great devastating costs to the human race in terms of freedoms, liberties, the economy.
But that's apparently what they're going for.
And now he's saying it's going to last forever more.
You saw the article that we had from a U.S.
Army official
Saying that these social distancing measures, this Covid restriction, dystopian hell is going to last forever.
You had CNN's chief security correspondent come out a few weeks ago and say that the mask wearing is permanent.
All of this is permanent.
We were told we needed to just give up a little bit of our freedoms for a short amount of time and we'd all get back to normal.
No, this is the new normal and it's forever.
But there is some pushback, there is some real resistance building, and that's starting to be evident in the polls, where especially in the United Kingdom, still a majority of people will support lockdowns when they're asked by these pollsters.
But when they're actually being honest as to whether they comply with the law, I think one of the recent polls showed that only 18% of the British population were complying with lockdown laws.
And that makes sense, because the government came out literally a couple of days ago and said that you can't have sex with your partner, so they're this whole thing about, oh stop controlling my body, I'm progressive, and yet you support a law where the government says you can't have sex with your wife or girlfriend if you don't live with her, and yet they support it, the same people who support my body, my choice, in the context of abortion.
We've got another clip now though,
This is the based British grandma from Yorkshire, where I hail from originally, being featured shockingly on BBC News.
And this, I think she's 84 years old.
And even she's up there saying, don't sacrifice the future of the country.
Don't sacrifice many more deaths in terms of what lockdown will cause simply to shield vulnerable older people.
They're not even following that policy anyway.
But she's saying, to her credit, I'm 84 years old.
I think she's 84 around that age.
I want to live the rest of my life in freedom, not under house arrest.
Here's the short clip.
Let's roll it.
I think it's all ridiculous.
We should never have been in lockdown.
All the people who were vulnerable should have been helped and kept safe.
And all the rest of us, I'm 83, I don't give a sod.
I look at it this way, I've not got all that many years left and I'm not going to be fastened in a house.
Based Yorkshire Granny, with some common sense red pills right there.
I'm shocked that they even allowed that on the BBC.
But there you go, it seems public opinion is finally
Probably four or five months too late starting to shift.
Will it be in time?
Will it lead to any actual changes?
That remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, in the US presidential election, headline pollster, hidden voters not reflected in polls will secure Trump re-election.
This is coming out of Trafalgar Group, which is interesting because they were only one of two polling firms that correctly predicted Donald Trump's 2016 victory.
And they say that he's on course for re-election due to hidden voters who are not reflected in mainstream polling because they are reluctant to admit their support for Trump.
So obviously this impact, this effect of, quote, shy Trump voters, common sense dictates has probably escalated after months and months of BLM Antifa riots, where people are reluctant, maybe you could say afraid, of actually telling pollsters
They're voting preference for Trump because they're afraid of retribution.
They're not sure that the poll is truly anonymous.
They're not sure that their information is not going to be doxxed by journalists.
Another scandal to that effect came out today that journalists were digging through polling data and finding out who was going to vote for Trump and then trying to reveal their identities to have them targeted because journalists are just such good people, so progressive and friendly and nice.
So this head of the polling group, Trafalgar Group, basically said there's clear feeling among conservatives and people that are for the president that they're not interested in sharing their opinions so readily on the telephone.
We've seen people being beat up, harassed, doxxed, have their houses torn up because they express political opinions that are not in line with the politically correct establishment.
Now how large this pool of shy Trump voters is remains to be seen.
But there was another interesting poll which was put out by Fox News and featured by Florida Daily.
And it found that most Americans think their neighbors are quietly voting for Trump.
Almost half of those surveyed, 49% think their neighbors are supporting Trump compared to the 38% who believe their neighbors are backing Biden.
So again, that doesn't line up with the national polls which were all of course proven wrong back in 2016.
So there could be this hidden
By no means massive, but significant, quotient of shy Trump voters who aren't reflected in the polls, but who are going to vote for Trump.
And that could be big.
More room coming up next.
That's going to wrap it up.
Keep it right here.