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Filename: 20201020_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2020
3029 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses the ongoing pandemic, election fraud, and censorship by big tech companies. He criticizes Governor Cuomo's hypocrisy and praises Trump's efforts to fight against globalist agendas. Additionally, Jones promotes various health supplements available on his website. The show also highlights the importance of maintaining one's humanity and integrity in the face of technocratic dehumanization. Topics covered include election news, censorship on Big Tech platforms, occult practices promoted by leftists, and concerns about cancel culture leading to a dystopian future. Instagram has announced that it will be banning all QAnon accounts due to their alleged promotion of real-world harm, but there is no actual evidence of this. The media admits that apps and companies are tracking users' location, surfing history, relationships and share data with each other. Coronavirus lockdowns are being renamed "circuit breakers" as resistance against them grows, with some countries extending them for months. Celebrities such as Gary Lineker support mask wearing but are often caught breaking the rules themselves. The article discusses the Manchester Arena attack and a father's experience with confronting the suicide bomber just minutes before the blast. Despite multiple people reporting suspicious individuals to security, the suspects were largely ignored or dismissed by authorities.

They were taking children out of Boys Town orphanages and foster homes and driving them to Sioux City, Iowa, 184 miles away, placing them in private jets, flying them to Washington, D.C.
for sex orgy with Congress and Senators and dignitaries.
And I covered that in my intelligence report, by the way.
I remembered Ted Gunderson, and I was reading the things he said, quotes in the 80s about, there's a shadow government using pedophilia to control and blackmail the population.
And it's setting up networks internationally to bring down the United States.
And I mean, I'm reading this from the FBI's own website, and it all was true.
There's code words for some of these various operations.
The code word that I'm going to tell you about right now, and this is in my source's own handwriting.
He doesn't read, he doesn't write too well, so I may make some mistakes.
The Black Rose is the code word for this.
It's a clandestine group of U.S.
government operatives, primarily the CIA, which has for many years run illegal drugs and arms operations in both Southeast Asia, via the Golden Triangle, and the Middle East, via the Golden Crescent,
Funded by the British Socialist-based Russell Trust Drug Cartel, the Black Rose's current chairman and co-founder is an individual known as the White Rose, or GHWB, a known bisexual pedophile and CFR, Council on Foreign Relations conspirator.
This man, as a top member of the Skull and Bones Society,
But what's broken in the last week is so huge.
It's really hard, but don't worry.
Unlike POP, that's one of the names for
Joe Biden, Democrat candidate for the United States Presidency.
I won't make you give me half your salary.
Okay, left-wing press.
What are you gonna do with that?
Yesterday we learned from newly released emails, and I want to thank the New York Post for showing real bravery.
That Joe Biden has been blatantly lying about his involvement in his son's corrupt business dealings?
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician and he has been corrupt for many years and everybody in Washington know it.
And just now, a little while ago, a new story shows up that Hunter made a deal with a wealthy Chinese business magnate for $10 million a year for introductions only.
At first was, oh, here they are with the emails with Burisma saying, we're going to pay you in these criminal investigations, tell your dad to do it.
I mean, that was open and shut.
I was like, oh, so what if he's got a crack pipe and hookers?
The media is diverting off onto that.
I wasn't defending crack pipes and hookers or meth pipes and hookers, but that was what the media chose to focus on.
I kind of took the bait.
And then I began to go back and do research.
I'm like, wait a minute.
There was a major Chinese dissident group from inside the Communist Party back in September, three weeks ago, that said that this laptop's there.
It's coming out.
Giuliani's got it.
Turns out the dissident that put this out is working with Giuliani.
We confirmed all that.
It's not just taking Chinese Communist money.
It is actual videos, reportedly, of Hunter Biden having sex with very young Chinese girls and reportedly beating the living hell out of them.
The campaign strategy seems to be to call Biden a criminal.
Why is that?
He is a criminal.
He's a criminal.
He got caught.
Read his laptop.
And you know who's a criminal?
You're a criminal for not reporting it.
You are a criminal for not reporting it.
Let me tell you something.
Joe Biden is a criminal and he's been a criminal for a long time.
And you're a criminal in the media for not reporting it.
Good luck everybody.
Have a good time.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it.
They're doing it to the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
It's October 20th.
On this Tuesday edition, 13 days out from the election, 82 from the inauguration, and the forces of globalism, the literal armies of evil, are attempting to take down the United States and the rest of the world using COVID-19 as their martial law cover.
It has already triggered a worldwide financial collapse.
It's already killed more than 2 million people, not from COVID, but from the lockdown.
That is only the first dominoes to fall.
It will accelerate according to the UN's own numbers.
Over the next three years,
Million people could be dying per month by next year as the chain reaction unfolds.
We're talking about close to 300 million people dying.
We are 13 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 12 seconds out.
I am your host Alex Jones and I cannot state enough to you right now how epic the crossroads are that we're at right now and that everything you do
To override big tech censorship and to override the globalists is going to shake the foundations for decades to come and is going to have such a massive effect.
It's times like these that the political action you take has thousands of times the effect and power it would have had, say, 20 years ago.
We're at a crossroads.
We're at a
Change point right now.
And we all knew that this fall and winter they'd shut the world economy down and bring in total martial law.
Each year getting stricter than the last.
Prison time, $15,000 fines in New York.
Curfews, checkpoints, all of it consolidating the economy.
That's all coming up.
And then we've got some good news, but it's still very, very weak.
A Justice Department lawsuit filed for antitrust monopolistic behavior and for censorship.
Record data manipulation by the Justice Department against Google.
That will be battled for years.
They've not done that 13 days out.
They should have done it three years ago.
At the same time, now Congress may not even call Jack Dorsey and others for their perjury to an emergency hearing because they've got so much big tech money to flood into the candidates and so many of the Republicans are really double agents of these people and bought off.
We've got a serious situation.
We've got all that.
Then you've got the ongoing rigging happening.
Democrats are spending 5 to 1 what Trump has, because they've got all the big money, all the big billionaires, all the big foreign banks.
EMT battleground states like Iowa, Michigan, Florida, and other areas.
5 to 1 spending in local news.
On local radio stations with incredible lies.
That's why you've got to get the word out yourself.
And there's nothing more effective than when you personally share Donald Trump campaign ads on your email list, on your text message, or sit your employees down and show it to them, or sit your neighbors down and show it to them, and then show them the facts.
The Trump ads are very effective.
Infowars is as effective as well with the truth.
I suggest you go pick the most effective, most truthful videos, most evident videos to you from your own research.
They're all very truthful, but certain videos will hit you stronger than others, and you make the decision what videos at Band.Video you want to share.
Then you realize they're blocking Band.Video, so you need to share it from 2020ElectionCenter.com, the exact same website, just different URLs, very same videos.
And just realize, this is up to you now.
They're counting on you being scared of COVID.
They're counting on you following their illegal regulations and laws and staying home.
They now admit that it's come out.
They've been calling hot mics, saying it's political theater to keep Republicans from coming out.
And for the last eight months it worked, but now people are figuring out the truth.
They're finding out that any virus will kill you if you don't have vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin B12.
If you don't have all the essentials, iodine.
If you don't have zinc, you're dead.
And so as people load up on that, suddenly the morbidity rate is, you know, .00000000 something.
And the establishment's so pissed that you figured out you were dying because you did not have the right vitamins and minerals, which anyone will die if you don't have.
If you don't have vitamin C, on average you're dead within four months.
Zero vitamin C, dead four months.
Don't have water, average dead in seven days.
Don't have food, average dead in about 45 days.
Again, I just keep saying that this is a public service emergency announcement.
They can save lives.
Tell everyone you know they need organic vitamin D, organic C, and organic zinc.
These synthetics do nothing.
And that's what they sell at the store where it's like $10 for a multivitamin and it's got all these supposed vitamins in it.
You look at it, they're synthetic, they do nothing except maybe hurt your liver.
But let me stop right there.
I'm digressing.
Let me tell you what else is coming up.
is a former top federal prosecutor and they got this laptop over a month ago now now five weeks ago and they went through the emails and they called people in the emails and they emailed them and they even confirmed it from other congressional testimony and hearings that yes indeed the emails of Hunter Biden's laptop were real so the idea that the
25,000 videos.
I mean, only a super pervert would do something like that, have that on their computer.
And the tens of thousands of emails to Ukrainian officials, Chinese officials, the payoffs, all of it's there, and all of it matches the dates the stuff happened.
And they've already had an army of investigators, private investigators, which means the cream of the crop former federal agents.
I'm told it's more than 50 former FBI agents, Scotland Yard people,
You name it, that are on this, tracking the emails.
I mean, they knew within days it was a real laptop.
They knew it was a real laptop shop.
They have Hunter Biden's signature.
Hunter Biden was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine.
They authenticated all the photos.
They knew within days it was real.
Then they started reaching out and going through this massive trove with hundreds of people total working on it, calling and getting witnesses and then finding out what happened at the meetings.
Hunter was setting up the State Department illegally for paper play inside the State Department.
So this is so open and shut and the FBI has now confirmed that indeed they were in receipt of the laptop.
The media tries to spin that though and gaslight you and they've had quote 50 public
Officials, former intelligence operatives, Brennan and Clapper at the top with their John Hancocks, come out and say, well they have no proof.
I have their quote right over here, I'll show it to you in a moment.
They say, well we don't have any proof, but we just know it's Russians.
Wow, so the Russians got him kicked out of the Navy for cocaine.
And the Russians had, there were Russians involved, the mayor of Moscow giving him millions of dollars.
Oh, the Ukrainians giving him tens of millions of dollars and overall billions total that was diverted by the Communist Chinese.
I mean, Biden's on tape saying China's good, they need to run every aspect of our lives.
You've got Pelosi saying China needs to run things.
China wants Biden.
I mean, we all know they sold us out.
And the laptop's real.
And Biden's a lawyer.
Is in the emails and has said, yes, that's me.
But it gets worse.
Now Biden campaign officials and we'll show you these quotes.
Well, there's videos of this have come out and be asked about it.
They say, well, no one's denying that these are real emails.
We're just saying the Russians got them.
And so you can't use it because the Russians got them, which is not even true.
There's no evidence of that.
No connection.
Though there was other laptops and other material discovered by the new government in Ukraine about all the payoffs of the corruption and how they were ordered by Biden to fire the prosecutor or they wouldn't get the billion dollars.
How do we know about that?
Oh, the Russian disinfo person, Joe Biden, to hide it in plain view.
That wasn't Russian disinfo.
That was Joe Biden at the CFR saying they were investigating us.
I ordered him to fire the prosecutor.
And an hour later, son of a bitch, he was gone.
So there's nothing they can do.
And the Communist Chinese state media has said in their top newspaper that the views of Biden and his goals, as they gloat, are parallel to Beijing's.
His worldview runs parallel to Beijing's.
This is all on record.
And now they're sitting there telling you that that's not happening.
And it's Clapper and Brennan who ran the illegal attempted coups against Trump, all three of them.
Who've been caught red-handed illegally spying on the American people and President Trump, who've been caught on the payroll of foreign powers, who now tell you that it's, with no evidence, that it's Russia.
They say we have no evidence, but we know it's Russia, because we're experts and magically know this.
That list of 50 people is who needs to be arrested for the crimes they've already committed.
What a perfect list of the ongoing conspirators, former Obama and former Clinton operatives.
To a man and woman who literally think they own this country, they think they own you, to sell you off to the communist shycoms, and the UN, and the New World Order, and big tech.
And now they're so scared because the world's awakening to them, and even if they assassinate Trump or steal this election, we have won because now everyone knows it's a foreign UN agenda 21 takeover, they know about all the censorship, they know about the coup, they know about the plan to wreck America, and the sleeping giant ain't sleeping now, New World Order!
The sleeping giant is awake and it's now not just rubbing the sleep out of its eyes but it's now learning the information and energizing and realizing how much threat it's under and realizing how many wounds it already has and it's pissed it's picking up a big club.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, and says he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
I mean, he's modern in the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them, oh yeah!
It was 30 months ago that InfoWars, and of course yours truly Alex Jones, was banned on more than 60 major platforms in one day.
Led by the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, who helps China run giant death camps.
Always just let that be in the back of your mind when we talk about these monsters and where they're taking us.
They have no bottom.
People said, Jones, how are you taking it?
I said, I'm taking it just fine.
They're coming for you next.
This is a technocracy.
They're merging with big pharma.
They're taking over the media.
This is a digital psychological dictatorship in their own words.
This is a planetary takeover.
They're then going to start locking us in our houses using supposed plague threats.
That's so the wireless system can come into place with the driverless cars and the robot takeover.
How'd I know all this would happen?
Because they've been saying they're going to do it.
See, it's not that I'm psychic.
I know how to read what these monsters are saying.
So you have to understand, as crazy as all this sounds, it doesn't come from me.
It comes from them.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
October 20th.
The year of insanity.
The year is 2020.
The year of war.
The year of awakening.
The year America chooses its fate.
13 days out from the election.
92 until the inauguration.
A referendum on freedom.
Versus slavery.
No amount of powerful, operatic music can even set the stage for what could truly become the triggering event for the Guter Dammerung.
The twilight of the gods.
Mass death.
The Antichrist.
And the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
World government.
The Mark of the Beast.
But we choose our adventure.
We will decide the course and the final outcome.
For we are not slaves.
We have free will and can decide how we will live and how we will die.
Now is the time for that choice.
And to give you an example of this, I remember
We're good to go.
And they're getting rid of 2 plus 2 equals 4, literally.
Fuzzy math, fuzzy grammar.
And well, here it is.
This is San Francisco News, San Francisco newspaper, San Diego Unified.
Changes grading practices to be equitable, less punitive, gets rid of the grading system.
And now it'll all be political and cultural what you're taught, not about the world and how it really works and how you can become successful and empowered.
But it's racist, you see.
And now Forbes asks, is it a good idea?
I don't know, is jumping off a cliff a good idea?
Now, let's talk reality.
Humanity's waking up that we're being domesticated by ultra-rich that took over through fraud, who don't want us part of the game, that don't want us part of the competition, who want to wall us off in a slave-master-slave feudal
We're good to go.
And so now they're getting ready to take the economy out from under us and make us dependent to then dictate the terms of our surrender.
And it's like they ask, uh, in that famous James Bond movie, he says, do you expect me to talk?
And they say, no, Mr. Bond, we expect you to die.
Oh, I'll just roll over to these people.
Oh yeah.
Well kill yourself then.
Cause that's what they want.
They want you off the planet.
They stole the planet through fraud.
You won't stand up for yourself.
So they're coming after you.
Now, Jorge,
The champion UFC fighter has come out and literally destroyed the globalists.
Manz Vidal.
And this is more of what we need to see, is people understanding that it doesn't matter what color you are, even where you came from, if you don't see that America's under crisis and that powerful corrupt forces are trying to take it over, you're crazy!
And if you don't see that all the big powerful banks and the communist Chinese and all the authoritarian scammers are offering all these idiots free stuff, never work again, free home, free car, free guaranteed income, free education, free everything!
If you don't understand that,
And if people don't understand that, then they don't have a hope in hell, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what this comes down to.
Here it is.
I'm gonna let you in on something.
The Democrats just think that they're entitled to the Latino vote.
They think that we just have to hand it over to them.
That's right.
We sure as hell don't.
They gotta show us what they can do for us.
What they can do for our communities.
We're not going to buy the same wolf tickets and false promises that destroyed great countries like Venezuela and Cuba.
It's not going to happen.
You know what else is not going to work for them?
Playing Despacito on your cell phone.
It's a panda to us.
Hell no.
You got to give us some credit for having heads on our shoulders.
I'm going to wrap this up with some words of Barack Obama.
He said elections have consequences.
That is true.
And those words have never been more true than they are today.
We either reelect President Trump and keep America great.
Or we let Joe Biden destroy the greatest country the world has ever seen.
Now I'm a professional athlete and I've been one for most of my life, so I've always seen things through a sports lens.
That makes Donald Trump our head coach.
And before the global pandemic, we were winning Super Bowls.
And when you're winning Super Bowls, you don't fire the coach.
Doesn't matter if you don't like the plays he runs, the players he puts on the field, or what he says on Twitter.
You sure as hell don't replace him for another coach that's been in the business for 47 years at every level and never won a f***ing game.
Alright, Jorge Masvidal knocked it out of the park.
Rush Limbaugh is fighting for his life.
Stage 4 cancer.
He's a trooper.
We love him.
He's grown a lot over the years.
He's a patriot.
He loves America.
We don't want to lose Rush.
We want him to be here for years.
And he's fighting for his life.
I'm going to play a clip of him here in a moment, but I want to say something about Jorge.
Can you imagine if I went to a white group, black group, mixed group, Hispanic group?
Imagine if I went to a Hispanic group and started playing mariachi when I came up on the... It's insulting.
Or like if you came to some farmer's deal and you started playing Hank Williams.
It's pandering.
It's a joke.
Because Biden's fake.
So he thinks doing something fake makes him real, even though all the real people see right through it.
See how they operate?
It's like Hillary goes, I like Mexicans, I like hot sauce.
What the hell does that mean?
Here's Rush Limbaugh fighting for his life.
He now says he's got a death sentence.
Mine are no better, and mine are no different, and mine are no more special than anybody else's.
But it can feel like a roller coaster.
From the moment you get the diagnosis, there's a part of you every day, okay, that's it, life's over.
You just don't know when.
But when you get that diagnosis, I mean, that's... So, during the period of time after the diagnosis, you do what you can to prolong life.
You do what you can to prolong a happy life.
You measure a happy life against whatever medication it takes, and at some point you could decide, you know, this medication may be working, but I hate the way I feel ever.
This is just, I'm not there yet, but it is part and parcel of this.
It's tough to realize that the days where I
That's right.
Alright, we'll pray for Rush Limbaugh, pray for America, but it's so archetypal that one of the main resistance figures against the left's takeover is fighting for his life, but that's what always happens in epic parts of history.
This is just an amazing time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and America's fighting a death sentence, but we can stop it if we pray to God for a mass awakening.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock after being sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Well, both products are back in stock at Infowarestore.com just two weeks after the election and we're offering them both at 50% off
Free shipping and triple Patriot points in your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out, but some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight and you've helped win the war against the global so far.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma.
And it done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of the money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info, and even censored major news publications, and even censored the President.
But when the President and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly...
Jack of Twitter said he didn't know it had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, rapid tearing, is the way to stop it.
Groveling to it and letting big tech lie to us and run over us is the way to make these tyrants continue to go absolutely crazy.
Remember, they support Communist China and its death camps.
What will they do to us?
Well, we now know.
It's taken me two and a half years.
To finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical
Power Grab, it is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives and implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, like my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves in any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Betray America!
Burn in Hell!
We knew this was coming.
We knew the enemy plan.
We knew that people would make fun of us and laugh at us and persecute us.
The general public would think we're fools.
The enemy would know we were onto them.
But in the end, in the end, we knew that we would then have a stopgap measure and enough people aware of what was going on.
That we would have more than a fighting chance.
And now the globalists are confused.
They're upset.
And they're angry.
Because we have been quietly working across the planet.
In every nation.
In every continent.
To warn the people about the planetary government operation.
And its endgame.
Its goal of forced depopulation.
And the hallmark of that will be
That's the real stakes!
That's what the real world really holds for all of us.
I want to open the phones up on Biden,
On the rigged debate, I've got evidence of that.
It's ridiculous how rigged it is.
I think Trump probably should cancel this one too.
It's just ridiculous.
It's preposterous.
Then have his own big event and just give a speech.
And just say it's fake.
And he should go over the list of why it's fake.
He says it's rigged, but he's still going to go into their rigged system.
We're going to be here at the town hall.
And the next night, the debates with live coverage with Owen Schroyer, myself, Keanu O'Rean and others.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host, who just joined us.
We've got the big DOJ filing landmark antitrust case against Google for abusing its online dominance and stifling viewpoints.
We have the new UN directive worldwide lockdown, which they're having their surrogates launch at the national level under their directives, but now the UN is saying it's too cruel, playing good cop, bad cop.
We have so much to lay out, but I want to give the number out now so we can start taking calls next segment, right into the next hour.
And then I had Patrick Halley on, who's been all over national news with his findings of election fraud.
But I got into other issues with him when he was on.
So I've got him coming back on at the bottom of the next hour.
And then, of course, we also have Leo Zegami popping in.
Paul Joseph Watson will be hosting the fourth hour of the next two days and so much more.
I just want to commend all of you for how you've been promoting Man.Video.
I looked it up.
As of Monday, the site had had, from Friday to Monday morning, 12 million views.
That's just beautiful.
By the way, we don't even sell advertising on there.
We pay for the bandwidth.
I just see that as a sign of victory that you're sharing it on email, sharing it on text message.
The enemy is outraged because they've shut everything else down, but you're able to see the Hunter Biden stuff, you're able to see all these top medical doctors and scientists press conferences about COVID being an overblown hoax, and how to protect yourself with vitamins and minerals.
It's all coming out and humanity's fighting back because we knew this was coming and we made preparation for it.
Like Noah built his ark.
We've built InfoWars, you've built it so that we're here and have a platform.
But the only way it's magnified, the only way it's amplified, the only way the dog gets out of its cage and into the field is you open the door and you share the articles and videos.
It's not critical, it's essential.
Critical means very important and central, and you really need it.
Essential means you gotta have it.
So let's get this straight.
You're not the horse pulling the wagon.
You're not the person driving the horse.
You're not the carriage.
You're not the whip.
You're not the spurs.
You're not the grain the horse got fed, the water it had.
No, you're the whole thing.
And so am I. So get that in your head real good, because this fight is up to you now.
These reports are so powerful that we've been putting out.
I'm going to air one, even though I've got plenty to cover.
I'm going to come back and take calls.
First-time callers again.
Or if you haven't gotten it in a year, we'll count that as a first-time caller.
But let's go to this special report.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Betray America, go to hell.
America is faced with a liberal legion of doom.
Recently, two of its top villains expressed their utter contempt for the intelligence and the basic facts regarding their dangerous power-wielding hypocrisy.
Michigan Governor Whitmer got a reality check
When President Trump recently visited her state on a campaign stop.
The alleged plot to kidnap or kill Governor Whitmer broke just days ago.
She immediately blamed President Trump for inspiring the plot.
Now the president on Governor Whitmer's home turf here in Muskegon.
Get your schools open!
The schools have to be open, right?
President Trump in Muskegon late Saturday.
She reacted by playing the victim card for a kidnapping plot where the smoke hasn't even cleared yet.
Ten days after a plot to kidnap, put me on trial and execute me.
Ten days after that was uncovered.
The president is at it again and inspiring and incentivizing and
Um, inciting this kind of domestic terrorism.
It is wrong.
After Whitmer's draconian emergency pandemic lockdown orders were ruled unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court, Whitmer, no stranger to toying with the upcoming election, vetoed legislation that would stem the tide of voter fraud.
As Breitbart reported, Whitmer vetoed legislation that would have made it a felony to attempt to apply for multiple absentee ballots.
Bad for our elections.
State Representative Anne Boland, a Republican who sponsored the legislation, criticized Whitmer over the veto, arguing both bills were designed to deter fraud while enhancing confidence as voters battle noise regarding mail-in voting.
Boland said this legislation would have created a felony penalty for someone who fills out an application for another person
In an attempt to commit fraud.
That's not voter intimidation, it's voter protection.
Meanwhile, New York Governor Cuomo is blatantly denying that he had anything to do with the thousands of nursing home deaths his overhanded policies caused.
Governor Andrew Cuomo appearing to take a victory lap as he promotes the launch of his new book, quote, leadership lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Can you see why a lot of people think, if you say we're in the halftime of this, that writing a book, a retrospective in the middle of it, sort of celebrating the things that you did right, feels off and strange?
No, Willie, it's not a celebration at all.
The game isn't over.
The part that's so insulting is that as people were still dying, as people were still getting sick, as the uncertainty continued and businesses were closing, this was a guy who used that moment not only to take, you know, contemporaneous notes for a future book, but he was actually glad-handing publishers, shopping for agents, writing this book, and doing the work.
This is in the thick of this pandemic when we lost more people, again, more than any other state easily,
But more than places like France and Spain.
Cuomo has defensively pointed to an internal report conducted by his own state health department, which is widely criticized by medical experts, politicians and family members who lost loved ones in the facilities to the virus.
Experts like Katherine Troisi, an epidemiologist with the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, ripped the DOH-issued report released in July, arguing the analysis lacked sufficient information, including data on nursing homes that were free of the deadly disease before being forced to admit infected patients.
Troisi added, would this get published in an academic journal?
How many more Whitmers and Cuomos will it take for America to come to terms with the potential danger their votes pose when cast for psychotic megalomaniacs posing as their saviors?
John Bowne reporting.
As I take this announcement, we are exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-esters are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and the sick vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
You've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
Black Friday in October.
Last year, that was one of our most popular sales that we ran in the last couple weeks of October.
It was popular for a reason.
Some of the biggest sales of the year in Black Friday comes in October.
And that means 30 to 60% off storewide free shipping, triple Patriot points, that's 15% off your next order.
And everybody that signs up for auto ship, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of these items lost leaders.
A lot of stuff sold out.
Some of our best sellers are still there.
But some good news.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with a big dose of zinc and all the other vitamins and minerals and amino acids for adults and children that boost your body's natural defenses.
It is back in stock, back on sale today with just two weeks to the election.
And more good news.
Ultra 12.
It's got the name Ultra for a reason.
Highest quality Bobbin V12.
Take it under the tongue for full absorption.
It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at Infowarstore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out for the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond canon.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together, it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make life work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to banned.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system
He's censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out and says he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has taken action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionCenter.com, 2020ElectionCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that video.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back.
And I decided to play really powerful, operatic, Lord of the Rings music here, which I would not even normally play because it's so powerful.
But these are the times we're in.
And I knew building up to this election would get to this point.
I've been waiting a year to play this.
And now, we are 13 days out.
Now, I gave the number out earlier and I forgot to say one thing.
I said, you can call it about anything you want.
But I said,
I wanted to get into the election meddling, the rigged debates, Hunter Biden, all of it.
But I really wanted to ask you, because I really want to focus on what you think, is what are the crimes of the globalists?
What are the things they've done?
Because I was watching Trump's rallies last night, and he would take two hours to list a lot of the crimes they've committed, and I'd forgotten about a lot of stuff he was saying.
And I've forgotten about a lot of the things that Trump's done that's good.
I mean, it's unreal what a good job he's done on so many fronts.
He's not done some good things, but I mean, compared to what I could do or what you could do?
Come on, folks.
This is not an instant gratification situation.
This is a godsend.
There's no doubt the enemy hates Trump.
There's no doubt he's really president.
There's no doubt he's really calling the shots.
There's no doubt he's going to win in a landslide.
And they're going to say he didn't win.
Because they have nothing to lose.
Because they never get in trouble for the crimes they've committed.
And so it's the immovable object comes into the unstoppable force.
That's where we are right now.
So I'm going to go to your phone calls.
And I'm going to cover the news.
But I want to
I want to direct viewers for TV to that wall over there in just a moment.
And it's the Hoover Dam, and behind it you've got billions of gallons of water.
If that dam broke, it would flood and kill thousands below.
It provides power to most of several states, like Nevada and other areas, Arizona.
But socialism is up there trying to crush, and the wall holding it back is Trump, is you, is Infowars.
But you know, I point out here that we are the wall, but we're also down below with our children.
That the system is targeted.
And so that's why what you're doing is so incredibly precious and why I salute you and why I thank you.
And why I want you to count the cost again and realize that now is the time to be super active, super on the streets with the energy you've got that overrides the enemy and shows that mainstream media is a fraud and it works as a mouthpiece for the globalist.
So I'm going to hit some news, and I'm going to go to your calls here, but I just wanted to point out for TV viewers and radio listeners something right now.
You see these four products?
I was thinking last night and this morning, with all these dozens of products on sale right now with free shipping and triple Patriot points for your next order and auto ship, biggest deals of the year so far, and so many products that have already sold out, so many close to selling out.
I was thinking about what are the most important products we've got right now?
DNA forces and up there's not a bottle of it in here because I took it to my office.
I'm taking it, but it should be there as well.
But it's Vitamin Mineral Fusion Ultra 12 Cabochil and X2 Purest Cleanest Iodine in a spray bottle so it aerosolizes into your throat and into your lungs.
Everything here is so amazing.
The Cabochil to relax you and give you a focused relaxation when you get home from work and you're tired or you're at work and you're stressed out.
Kava has been worshipped by the Polynesians and by the Samoans for thousands of years as the most powerful plant that the, quote, Supreme Being gave them to give them euphoria, focus, and connection to God.
That's what they say about it.
And when I'm wanting to tear people's heads off at 7, 8, and 9 because I'm really stressed out and working too much, can't wind down, taking too much caffeine, too much turbo force, boom, it's kava chill.
I'm good to go.
It's been sold out for months.
It's going to be sold out at current sales rates in 15 days.
And we can't get more until next year.
We should have put in a bigger order.
It took them longer to get it to us because of supply chain issues.
Highest quality amino acids, the vitamins, the minerals, the D3, the zinc, the C. With the minerals, everything you need.
Because if you're not having one of the essentials you need, you're wide open.
But if you've got all the essentials, you're in like Flynn.
So, it is 50% off, free shipping, InfoWarStore.com right now.
So that's Vitamineral Fusion, InfoWarStore.com.
That's the big thing that people realize is a great formula, and it's healthy, and it's natural, and it's great for children and adults.
And then, of course, Ultra 12, which people don't get is so essential as well.
It's the highest quality B12 taken out of the tongue.
That's the one that I personally think should be selling out.
It's not.
A lot of folks are ordering it.
It's 50% off as well.
Triple page rate points, free shipping, all of it.
Get this now, and it funds the operations.
Remember, I don't have George Soros.
I don't have the global style.
I didn't make $30 billion off the stimulus package like Jeff Bezos did.
I'm a regular guy, so I pay the regular tax rate at 40%.
And I was doing accounting this morning, and it's always the same.
We're right there, on empty, funding, moving forward, doing everything we can, and don't have the extra funds.
I can sell everything I've got and have us run extra two months.
Okay, so a lot of funds are in three, four months right now.
That's not acceptable.
I'm not bitching at you.
I'm not bitching at myself.
I hate coming up here and saying, please support us.
But these are great products you already need.
So take action now.
Keep InfoWars on the air.
Just doing that alone is a great feat in the face of the New World Order.
InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
And get the DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10, and so much more that actually clean up the mitochondria.
They make telomeres not shrink as fast.
They don't make the telomeres grow, but they don't make them shrink as fast, which is the same thing.
And that's when your telomeres get short, you die.
I mean, as close as the fountain of youth are going to get, DNA Force Plus, InfoWarsTore.com, or AAA2533139.
The globalists are coming in, folks.
They now admit this is a fight between good and evil.
They admit they're going to persecute everybody if they're able to get in.
They are going to want to try to take all the independent media off the air, not just censor everybody off the internet, but take us off the air, period.
Rush Limbaugh's dying.
I mean, this is the battle of the gods here.
This is just so epic as everything comes to a head.
And there's the communism up there behind the Hoover Dam, that's Infowars, that's Trump, that's your action.
And there, at the same time, we're all down there together, your children, your family, all of us together, hoping that us, the men and the women that are involved and active, can hold back the enemy.
I want to get Trump back in and then turn the tide and move against the enemy and move over the wall and start pushing back against these people and go on the offense.
The enemy's never faced any offense, whether it's Antifa thugs in the street attacking innocent men, women, and children and killing people and knocking their teeth out and shooting cops in the head for no reason, or whether it's the Clapper and Brennan and the Clintons and Obama and Stelter and all these perverts and globalists and murderers and pedophiles.
That's why they think they're invincible, because the system, the trillions of dollars, the mega-rich, have tried to make their minions think they're invincible, but they're not.
You look at who they... They can't even get good-looking people to serve them.
They can't even get smart-looking people to serve them.
They can't even get strong people to serve them.
You look at CNN or MSNBC, at the empty husk, the soulless crap that the enemy's actually been able to find.
It's a joke!
You look at the CEOs of these corporations, and who they are, they're disgusting!
Ladies and gentlemen...
Because they're all about selfishness, and all about themselves, and all about their power.
So coming up, your phone calls, and we'll look at this incredible commission, funded by foreign banks, foreign monies, the debate commission, the woman that hates Trump, so it's going to be Trump against Biden, and this woman, they're going to be muting Trump's mic.
Always the last debate is mainly on foreign policy, no foreign policy allowed, because Biden has all these wars and death and destruction, and Trump has all this peace and ending wars.
I mean, this is incredible!
The rigging, the scamming, the fraud, and then all the election fraud that's coming out.
All the Democrats, they're busting, hiding ballots, and voting the names of dead people, and ballot harvesting, and scamming, and new Project Veritas videos coming out about big tech.
Whistleblowers admitting that they're all rigging it for Democrats as if we needed them to tell us the sky's blue.
The quickening is here.
The acceleration.
The singularity.
It's all here.
It's all now.
It's all real.
The universe.
The devil.
Your soul.
In eternity.
All of it's real, folks.
Think of the wonder and the beauty and the incredibleness of this universe, and then ask yourself, what are you doing to protect yourself and your family?
Are you defending freedom?
Are you praying to God?
Are you supporting those that are the tip of the spear?
And many of you are, I commend you.
But I ask those of you that haven't, all of you need a good vitamin, mineral, amino acid system to defend your immune system.
Every winter and fall.
Regardless, we always promote it.
Like winter sun.
Or, like, Vitamin Refusion.
All of you need the essential iodine.
The X2 Spray.
All of you need Ultra 12.
All of you should have Covishield, and you should take it, and you should use it, and you should see how great it is.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
We're selling out of the X2 Spray.
We're almost sold out of the regular X2.
We're selling out of Vitamin Refusion.
People are going crazy.
It'll be gone.
And, like I said, my goodness, I get two or three weeks at this rate.
That's a bummer.
I wish I could have ordered more, but I didn't know if I had the money.
I didn't know if you'd buy it, so I bought a smaller amount.
And I'm not bitching.
It's just that's the problem.
I'm not a businessman.
I don't want to spend all my time studying business and trying to find money to stay on air, which I do.
And I'm not complaining.
I want to be in the fight.
Have we just ever got...
Cognitive dissonance is a major issue amongst the left.
It can be very stressful dealing with facts you refuse to accept.
If you have a family member suffering from this degenerative mental condition, buy them a bottle of Ultimate Fish Oil from Infowarsstore.com.
Studies have suggested that fish oils and fish oil supplementation can slightly lower blood pressure, decrease triglyceride levels, decrease the growth rate of plaque, and provide a soothing reduction in inflammatory responses in joints and the digestive system.
Recent studies have suggested that high EPA and DHA fish oil can stimulate
We're good to go.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off,
We're good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night?
Just remember who Big Tech is.
An army of scum.
An army of Satanists.
An army of pedophiles.
An army of trash.
Now telling Congress, go to hell.
We'll censor the president.
We'll censor his campaign.
You will not even show C-SPAN clips of Joe Biden saying, I ordered them to fire this prosecutor who was investigating my son, or I'll take a billion dollars away.
And son of a bitch, within one hour it was done.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here.
I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
I got fired.
Oh, but the Republicans are going to have an emergency hearing 17 days out.
Talk about Section 230.
To protect the growing Internet economy, Congress enacted Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in 1996.
It ensured that companies can moderate their network without assuming responsibility for the acts of all users.
Under Section 230, bad actors who use the Internet are responsible for their own actions, not the intermediaries they happen to use.
Because Congress said, don't shoot the messenger.
These companies, these tech platforms control the big ones.
I mean, they control the channels of social communication, they control the news that
This isn't them violating the fact that they say they're not a publisher, then they go in and censor.
This isn't Section 230.
We're here to contribute to a healthy public square, not compete to have the only one.
We know that's the only way our business thrives and helps us all defend against these new threats.
The allegation that we make, the Republicans, is that you're discriminatory against us, against the Republicans.
Your post says, well, there were some Democrat politicians too.
So out of 600,000, if there were a thousand Republicans and 10 Democrats,
It still seems somewhat biased.
If it's 50-50, then that's a whole different ballgame.
Well, we agree that the result was not impartial.
And that is why we corrected it and we fixed it.
And now people are going, whoa, it's not just Alex Jones, it's everybody?
You don't turn a light switch off instantly with tyranny.
That would get people's attention if suddenly the lights go off.
That might wake the cattle up.
But if the lights slowly turned down over three months,
Because starting about three years ago, four years ago when Hillary lost, they started really shadow banning, controlling, testing out their systems.
But see, in the last four years, about 50% of the net was closed.
Now in the last couple months, 90% has now been closed.
It's accelerating.
Until I told you, members of Congress, the judiciary committees, the courts, police departments, the president, intelligence agencies, they all have to bow
To the technocrats that now decide what can be seen on the platforms and what can't ahead of, I would say, within three days of the election, so 14 days from now, you will have 99.9% total freezing of 100 million people's accounts in America.
You won't be able to private message anybody on Facebook.
All of you.
You won't be able... You'll post something, but no one will see it.
You won't be able to go anywhere.
You won't be able to send people emails.
They're testing this ahead of activating their terror squads that Antifa's just a cover for, and burning down buildings and blowing up police departments, plunging the dollar, plunging the stock market, and saying President Trump must be removed
Or you're not going to remove the pain?
If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can and they will if we don't make a change in this election.
And of course, when you give in to them, they only hurt you worse.
It's what psychotic criminals do.
And as soon as you recognize that these are willful, hardcore, selfish, drug addict, devil-worshipping monsters,
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
That means CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up to the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide on this live, October 20th, Tuesday edition.
The forces of world government, the armies of Satan, are making their move against free humanity right now.
Okay, I want to open the phones up directly.
We have Patrick Howley, who was just on with us a day ago, breaking big news.
He broke more big news yesterday about election fraud.
I'm going to talk about that in the rigged debates with him and play some of those clips coming up.
But I want to go to your calls pretty much right now.
That said, though, on the COVID worldwide tyranny front, there have been the biggest developments yet.
I mean, they're following exactly what we knew they were going to do.
Just as draconian, just as horrible as we can predict, this is an unlimited, permanent power grab that collapses the economy, and that's the real weapon.
So let me just read you these headlines, and then I'll go to your calls.
And then I'm asking listeners, it's important to chronicle this.
I've been watching Trump's speeches the last few days, and he's been rattling off all the different horrible things the globalists have done, and then all the good things he's done, which is good, it's true, it needs to happen.
When I look at how bad they are, it's like hard to believe, but it's true.
I mean, they really back China that's killed over 100 million of their own people and has a million Christians, a million Buddhists, three million Muslims in death camps.
They sell their organs, they brag, they do.
And Apple and all the big companies are over there making money off of it publicly, and LeBron James loves it.
I mean, it's just, it's one thing if he took the money from the shy cons, but to tell us we're bad because we're America?
I don't hate him because he's a black guy.
I hate him because he's a piece of crap and an arrogant piece of filth worth hundreds of millions of dollars telling me how much I suck all day while he helps evil.
And that damn Jeezy Ping and just all of them.
It just makes me want to throw up, man.
I hate the white New World Order people, the black ones, the brown ones, the yellow ones.
I hate their dirty guts.
And the Chai Com trying to fund a race war in this country, they make me sick.
Because America is so much better than those other countries and the globalists know it!
Look at these headlines on one of your calls.
Ireland forced to
Have second lockdown.
Even as more U.N.
officials say lockdowns are killing the third world and shouldn't happen.
But they directed it.
When they do it, they say it's because of the U.N., but now the U.N.'
's playing good cop because they know of the backlash.
Rockland, New York officials, or it's tyrants, will begin patrolling streets and handing out fines of $15,000 for violating COVID restrictions, not staying six feet apart or wearing a mask.
What a cult!
Oh, you're not six feet apart.
Let me inspect you.
Let me beat your brains in.
Let me arrest you.
Despite being responsible for thousands of COVID deaths, like 10,000, in New York nursing homes, crazy killer Cuomo released book claiming his efforts were mostly successful.
Chinese billionaires boost their fortunes at record pace during coronavirus crisis, just like the globalist billionaires Zuckerberg and Bezos and all of them did here.
It's designed to consolidate.
The Davos Group admits it.
They should all be indicted.
Manhattan emptied out during the pandemic, but Big Tech is moving in.
New York Times consolidating power, because they'll turn us back on in a while, turn us off when they want.
They know what they're doing.
This is total martial law.
Big Tech moving into Manhattan to spike coronavirus fears.
Oh, because they know when it's going to be turned off.
PA Bakery claims cookie sales have predicted the past presidential elections.
They're selling overwhelmingly Trump cookies.
That's some good news on that front.
That got stuck in the stack.
For many Californians, the pandemic marks the end of barely making it.
San Jose Mercury News, oh, COVID made them go bankrupt.
COVID made them commit suicide.
COVID made them be poor.
COVID made them close their business.
No, the government using it as a cover to wage war against small businesses, telling you you're non-essential, and you buying that made you go bankrupt or commit suicide.
Because instead of overcoming their attack and saying, I'm going to fight this, you said, I'm a victim, it's all over, and blew your head off.
Don't be a victim!
Get into being victorious!
And setting your will against the enemy.
And you're only gonna get stronger.
That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
Frederick Nietzsche.
Coronavirus was really a rip-off of a Roman saying.
Work and struggle and conflict.
And defeat and victory only makes us stronger.
You quote it from the Latin.
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger!
Look at this.
Ireland may return to full national lockdown for six weeks of surprise moves.
Sky News.
So the British, over 300 years, couldn't keep Ireland occupied.
Over 500 years, couldn't occupy Scotland.
Both are shut down like North Korea.
Wake up Scotland.
Wake up Ireland.
Throw off the globalist chains.
You threw the Brits off.
Can you throw the New World Order off?
And Brussels and the UN?
Are you calling in from Reykjavik or where are you calling in from, David?
I'm calling from Eskimos.
Well, welcome.
Well, thanks for having me.
I got two points.
One, love the product.
We use the X3 every day and the bodies, but we can't get much in Europe.
You know?
That's right.
Europe has a daily allowance way below ours and really tries to suppress nutrients over there, don't they?
Yeah, we don't get the male vitality.
We don't get the, what do you call it, the knockout?
Can't get that.
We can't get a lot of stuff.
I'm not even allowed to ship over there.
That's right, a lot of stuff.
That's right.
But, um, second point, like you, you, you Americans have a responsibility, you know, because you're not just voting for yourself, but for the whole world, really.
If, if America can end the lockdown, if America can end all the bullshit,
You know, we'll be forced to follow like good little pets.
And I agree with you because the UN is close to the breaking point.
You know?
They're now acting like they're not behind the lockdowns and all the tyranny when the UN is the one directing it for Bill Gates.
So the fact that they're even having to back off and saying, oh, it's the nation's doing it, shows that we're starting to win.
I hope you're right.
I hope you're right.
It's a little tough to handle.
And, you know, we just
We pray for the American people that they make the right decision.
That's it.
What's your business over in Iceland?
What do you do?
Are you a fisherman?
Are you a carpenter?
Are you an engineer?
No, I work for an American company.
I work for the Aluminum Company of America.
They've outsourced their labor here and that's good for us.
Where should I visit if I ever come to Iceland?
Where should I visit?
If you ever come to Iceland,
You should visit just the hot springs.
It's all about the pools.
That's what I've heard.
I've heard the hot springs are amazing.
God bless you, David.
We love you.
Keep spreading the word, sir, and thanks for the support.
Thank you.
Daryl in Texas.
You're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I just have two quick questions and I'll get off.
One, is William Barr compromised?
And two, when can we hope to see indictments on these traitors?
I mean, if the things happening now
Uh, happened a hundred years ago.
I don't think there'd be enough rope to hang them all.
Uh, I think Barr definitely has been compromised since he was in the CIA.
I think he represents a group that wants to stabilize things and doesn't want to totally screw the country, but he still knows the Democrat Deep State has dirt on a bunch of Republicans, so they're blackmailed.
Not for as bad a stuff as Hunter and things, but still they're all a bunch of wimps.
They've had generations of putting wimps and lawyers up there that'll do whatever they're told.
What do you think, sir?
Well, I'm mad.
I'm mad in the morning and I'm mad at night when I go to bed.
I get up in the morning and the first thing on TV is nothing but lies and none of the real news.
And it just, you know, infuriates me.
I just stay mad all the time.
You had another question, Darryl.
You want to hold over or you want to shoot the question out real quick?
Do what now?
You had one more question.
What was it?
Oh, the other question is, do you think the incident with the Senator in Michigan was a false flag?
Because I do.
Are you talking about the Governor?
Yeah, the Governor.
Oh, absolutely.
They now admit it was a false flag, sir.
It was staged by the FBI.
God bless you.
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I've got some really important and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election and they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep.
And we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies.
And we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I came here looking for something.
I couldn't find any.
We got some big breaking election fraud news and a big development that just came in.
It's going live on InfoWars.com in the next 10 minutes concerning Hunter Biden's laptop.
That's next segment.
Special guest joins us.
We'll continue with your calls.
We're taking calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Todd in North Carolina.
Todd, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, just wanted to mention your Living Defense product.
That's an amazing product.
We're good to go.
And especially if you pay good money for it and everything, and then you regret it.
Well, when listeners call me and remind me of the supplements, I should be taking them all.
And I'm not a big supplement guy, so I'm always having to remember to take them.
Remember to take the X2, remember to take the NA4s.
But yeah, Living Defense gets out all the unwanted visitors.
It's a next level, really, herbal probiotic.
And folks have heard the reviews of people that were
Well, I thought
If he hadn't already thought of this, you know, Trump has just got to be Trump.
So I thought it would be amazing if he had some little cue cards up his sleeve that said, Joe Biden is a Chinese puppet.
Joe Biden is a criminal.
You know, he could have a whole sundry of them.
You know, so when they mute his mic, he just pulls out the signs and he steals the conversation right back.
Those people, they would blow a gasket.
That's beautiful if he pulled out like oversized cue cards he's got saying Biden's a Chinese agent or Hunter Biden's laptop or Burisma.
Oh, that's a great idea.
I mean, can you imagine, you know, the headlines would be all about the signs.
That's what the debate would be all about.
And here's the deal, they'd say Trump cheated.
No, they're the ones with the debate commission, I'm going to cover next segment, literally funded by shadowy multinational groups and Soros.
All the debate moderators hate Trump, so he's doubled up on.
They're going to be muting his mic.
They're not going to allow him to talk about foreign policy, even though the final debate's always about that.
I mean, this is so rigged, it's ridiculous.
So I don't even know if Trump should show up to this.
What if he just has his own press conference?
Yeah, I mean, he could certainly do that, but if he does decide to go, he's got to find a way to, pardon the pun, but Trump, you know, what's going on there.
Oh, he says he's going.
Listen, he says he's going.
He says he knows it's a rig game and he's still going to be part of it.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, Todd.
All right.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Kevin in New York.
Red zones in New York.
No early voting.
Walk-in voting canceled.
What's happening, Kevin?
Alex, how are you, brother?
Welcome from New York.
Good, man.
Sir, listen, I've been only listening to you for two years, but you've blown my mind and you said everything I was thinking for a long time.
So thank you.
Also, I want to say your gear is fantastic.
Keep selling that stuff.
In New York City, I'm in Forest Hills, which is in the Queens area.
And I'm Irish Catholic, but we're surrounded by Hasidics, the Buharians, which is a Jewish sect, and if you look at the red zone map, where I do real estate and I can't do business in the areas where I have listings, because they've shut down those neighborhoods.
They're shutting down the in-person voting before the election, and they're also going to shut it down during the election, I hear, that de Blasio is going to be shutting that down.
And another thing I wanted to point out, too, is like all these pop-up testing centers,
Well, what you're doing is beautiful, Kevin, because they admit most of the tests are false positive.
They keep ramping them up.
So it's not about death.
It's always about, oh, the numbers are up.
And why do you think de Blasio sends in Black Lives Matter to beat up people at Baptist churches?
They try to shut down Catholic churches, and they've totally bullied
The Orthodox and Hasidic Jews and arrest them and beat them up.
And I've seen the maps where they particularly shut down those Jewish neighborhoods.
Why are they doing that?
You probably know better than I would.
I don't know why all over Democrats chose Jews to pick on.
It's weird.
It's insane.
And when you go to those areas where the testing sites are in Kew Gardens, Northern Forest Hills, which are predominantly Jewish neighborhoods, you look at the lines and they're not the Jews.
The Jews, the Hasidics, they're not getting tested.
So these numbers are just fabricated.
I bullhorn these people.
I'm like, what are you guys doing?
The numbers are a hoax.
A lot of it is the main Hasidic doctors were the first ones to say vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and that no one dies when you take it preemptively.
I mean, and which has now been confirmed.
But I mean, remember, remember all those Hasidic doctors were the first ones in New York?
Something's weird going on, man, with the Communists and Hasidic Jews.
Because, you know, the Communists targeted them in different parts of the world.
It's really bizarre, weird, inter-leftist politics.
I think they just know that those groups, I guess, are so insular that maybe they think they can pick on them because they're not going to complain because they expect to be persecuted.
I don't know.
What do you think?
Well, I think they're a pocket of Trump supporters.
They do a lot of business with them.
Oh, that's what it is!
They're almost all Trump supporters.
That's why they're being bullied.
You just answered it.
They're all Trump supporters.
The Buharians are from, you know, Kazakhstan and those areas.
And they come over here, very conservative, a lot of money, you know, and they want to keep their money.
You know?
No, you just answered the question.
That's why we take calls.
I'm like, why are they picking on the Hasidic Jews?
Because they're like 99% vote for Republicans and Trump, just like the Muslims are 99% voting for Democrats.
And they say may win Michigan and Minnesota.
Thank you, Kevin.
The Democrats.
Great points.
Kevin's asking me questions.
He's got the answers.
Right there.
That's the answer.
They support Trump.
James in FEMA Region 1.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, God bless you, brother.
How you doing?
Man, you can cut the suspense with a knife, brother.
Right on, man.
Hey, first of all, product plug.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion basically turned my life around, and I've never felt better in my life.
I'm 50, I feel 30, so kudos to you.
I hope to keep cranking that product out.
Well, I'm going to hold you over so you can finish your calls.
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Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
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That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out while the other stuff is close to selling out.
But some of our best sellers are still there and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out.
So those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the global so far.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing... Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground!
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and it's been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers,
This is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI, and all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant,
Your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're going to finish up with James, hit this breaking news, and then go right to our guest.
When he's gone in 30 minutes, we will go back to Gregory, Jake, Tyler, Marshall, Joseph, Paul, and Gordon.
And then Leo Zagami.
Really, an insider.
He was in the real Illuminati, the real actual Italian Illuminati, P2 Lodge, as close as you get to the real deal.
I mean, it's the real deal.
And people go, oh, you can't trust him.
No, he was inside and got out of it and exposed it.
He's going to be looking at the election and all the big developments and looking how the Vatican ties into it, and the black pope, that old civil war inside the Catholic Church.
There's a civil war happening everywhere.
In our own bodies, in our own minds, our own souls, and in the Protestant Church, the Catholic Church.
Right on, brother.
Hey, so I think it was yesterday or the day before at Trump's rally when he essentially called out Barr.
He said, you know, it's a good thing that Dems don't have, it's a good thing that Dems have Barr as the Attorney General because he's such a nice guy.
He doesn't want to destroy families.
He doesn't want to destroy reputation.
That rubbed me so the wrong way, and I'm wondering, and I had to call you to talk to you, was Trump basically putting a warning flag on Barr and saying, you need to wake up and do something?
Do we have criminal evidence that Barr is just sitting on and doing nothing?
Yeah, Trump's criticized Barr, he's criticized Pompeo, he's criticized all of them as not doing their damn jobs.
Trump's saying, lock these people up.
Listen, the Hunter Biden emails, they're real, they admit them, the lawyers admit it.
They're open and shut.
Giuliani has the thousands of emails.
They've called the people up and confirmed the meetings that are in the emails, and they've gotten the email from the other side.
So they're just waiting for Biden to say it's not real.
But notice he'll never say it's not real.
They go, oh, the Russians, they got him.
The Russians have nothing to do with it.
It was a computer shop, and they have the signature at the computer shop of Hunter Biden, and they have his lawyer and his email.
Everybody trying to gaslight it.
Oh, this is fake.
We have Democrats on video.
Biden campaigners.
Operatives saying, no, no, it's real.
It's just misrepresented by the Russians.
Yeah, right.
Where's your homework?
The Russians ate it.
You know, why didn't you clean up your room?
The Russians.
Why didn't you eat your vegetables?
The Russians.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Anything on Roger Stone?
You want to comment on him?
Oh, there goes James.
Now, Patrick Howley writes for NationalFile.com, Epic Times, you name it, great guy, and he was coming on yesterday about election fraud and something he broke big in Texas, but I went off on other subjects with him.
I want to get back into that and a bunch of new big breaking developments, the rigging of the debate.
You thought the last two were rigged?
Well, this is just ridiculous from every angle, but this is the big one I want to go to.
Rudy Giuliani announces new documents to be released Wednesday.
That's tomorrow.
We'll show financial crimes and personal crimes by the Biden families.
We were wondering, he said there's gonna be five data dumps.
Well, this'll be the third data dump here of the Biden laptop that they were waiting for Biden to deny it was real.
He won't do that.
So they're gonna keep moving forward with the information.
Here's a clip of Giuliani talking about it.
That's 24, 48 hours that you're gonna bring forward
A potential other information related to non-financial criminal activity?
We're going to do both.
There'll be more financial criminal activity, more proof on the stuff that we already have, and some even bigger deals that are eye-popping, and some personal conduct that has to be brought to the attention of the public for, you know, to make sure people are safe.
Someone shot video off of Steve Bannon's show.
I have no idea why they wouldn't just download the original.
But there he is saying it.
The full video of the transcript is now on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And Patrick Howley is joining us.
So much to hit.
Where do you want to start?
With this first?
Then the election fraud coming out everywhere.
Some of which you've broken in Texas.
The rigged debate.
Just the insanity.
Thirteen days out.
Patrick Howley.
Yes, I think that the Democrats are engaged not only in trying to steal this election, but in trying to steal our country away from us.
And the Hunter Biden situation shows that Joe Biden is completely and utterly corrupted.
He's completely and utterly blackmailed.
He is not capable of being the commander-in-chief of the United States military.
The military would be terrified.
I think?
And, you know, everybody around Joe Biden has come back.
You got Joe Kochet, who was naked in front of his daughters.
You've got Michael Nutter, the former mayor of Philly, who is fundraising for Biden.
I can exclusively reveal on this show that he had sex with a prostitute and told her that he was going to help her get her kids back.
From Child Protective Services and then never did.
These are disgusting people.
These are scumbags and we don't want disgusting scumbags running this country anymore.
For once, we'd like to have ethical people in charge and that's what President Donald Trump represents.
He was at a washing machine factory two months ago and he said, I've discovered China isn't even the one ribbing us off most of the time.
It's the middlemen.
They get more money than China.
We're cutting them out.
And we're going to bring all the drug manufacturing back here anyways, because that's fair.
We can do a better job.
But he said, we're cutting the middlemen out.
They're about to get really pissed.
And he's literally cutting out all these middlemen, thousands of them, some of which make billions a year.
The others make hundreds of millions, millions a year, literally middlemanning the sellout of America.
And as Trump said, our economic surrender is over, over, over.
The masters of the universe have been the people who have sold our economy to China.
And that's David Rockefeller and his people and all of these folks from the Love Generation and the John Lennon One World Generation.
I guess they interpreted that to mean that one world means selling out American manufacturing and leeching off of this country and getting money for themselves.
It's despicable.
And, you know, the Chinese, you know, look, they exploited the situation.
They were a developing country and now they're a superpower because our people sold this out and sold out the promise of America.
And, you know, in the 50s, the houses that cost... And it didn't even benefit the Chinese people on average.
They literally, a corrupt cabal here with a corrupt Communist Party China, literally did the biggest heist in the world, stealing roughly 80% of our wealth.
Yes, every country in the world now is governed by oligarchs and that includes Russia and includes China, includes certainly the United States.
The United States probably worse than
Anywhere else, because the oligarchs have totally consolidated their power and wealth in every single industry, crushed small business, and allowed these mega-corporations, these global corporations... And now they're censoring, and now their thugs are beating people up for free speech everywhere, and knocking black men's teeth out, and calling them racist while they do it.
A white person knocking black people's teeth out is now fighting the Nazi.
But they're being revealed.
I mean, my God, look at this debate.
We'll talk about it when we come back.
But get into this.
I mean, the woman hates Trump.
She's on record.
The debate commission's funded by Soros and foreign banks.
They won't let... They're going to turn Trump's mic off?
I mean, this is crazy.
Yes, well, I know the debate moderator, that lady from my years in DC journalism.
She's exactly what you would imagine, a nasty, disgusting, despicable, globalist, apparatchik, stupid, stupid as the day is long.
Christina Wilker.
Yeah, totally dumb and nasty and awful and just a little apparatchik, a little, you know, house of cards glamour, you know, this town, you know, thinking she can go to, you know, black tie events.
It's despicable.
She's one of them.
I cannot stand these people.
I'm sick and tired of listening to these people.
They don't represent us.
They're the mouthpieces of despicable globalist oligarchs who are literally exterminating us.
And the idea that there are people out there who still think these people are journalists is beyond horrifying and it needs to stop.
It needs to go away after this election.
Well, Kristen Wilker is a joke and a literal anti-American piranha.
So we'll play some clips of her and talk about what's happening when we come back.
But again, the tone deafness of the establishment to rig the debates like they've done it so far is just incredible.
I think Trump, last minute, should just announce he's giving a speech somewhere else and not go to it, and then lay out his indictment of the Bidens and all the rest of them.
Why take part in a fraud?
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-eeses are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Overman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
We've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
Black Friday in October.
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Black Friday comes in October.
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But 2020ElectionCenter.com is a clone of the site with the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system
He's censoring because of the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, and since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech, and then he needs to monitor the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I am a shotgun rider!
The globalists only fired once.
They shot me in the chest.
They may have wounded me, but they'll never get the best of better men.
Alright again.
When they attack you, they think that you're going to take on the victim status and give up because someone did something to you.
Instead of, taking that attack and those scars is beautiful.
And making it part of your signature.
We're under attack because America is special and because we are the new Atlantis.
We are what our forebears wanted to set up for the new enlightenment.
A true Christianity.
A true pro-human future.
To overthrow Satan and God's plan.
And that's why we're under attack.
And that's why there's so much evil here.
It's because good and evil have gathered here for the big battle.
I want to hit a bunch of issues with Patrick Alley.
I appreciate coming on on short notice.
I keep hitting other issues with him before I get to the big one where he was on Newsmax TV and a bunch of other reports last night that I saw and he went over the election.
I thought he did a great job, but you were telling me about this a month ago, but now you've proven it.
You've helped get some investigations going.
I know it led to some arrests.
Tell us about the particular election fraud in Texas you discovered.
There are now a number of sworn statements, including from a poll watcher, busting the fact that there is a massive, massive Democrat voter fraud ring.
I knew that this was happening.
I honed in on it.
We proved it.
We showed the world and we continue to show the world there's going to be more developments over the next 24 hours.
I don't
The Texas political director for the Joe Biden campaign who has now been interrogated by the FBI according to sources within the FBI.
What they're doing is drive-through voting, mail-in voting, all the nonsense that they've put through because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Ooh, the dreaded China virus.
They just fill out what they want.
They just substitute it.
So now you're voting as though you're going to Taco Bell and you're going through the drive-through and they have stacks of driver's licenses.
They're pairing up the driver's licenses with the people who don't have IDs who are coming through doing drive-thru voting.
We know that the Chinese are sending massive amounts of fake IDs, fake driver's licenses into this country.
They've been having bus with 45,000, 200,000.
I mean, that's just what the feds are catching is just 18 wheelers full of driver's license with names already printed on them.
So the Democrats put the order in and then the Chinese forge them and ship them.
These are real people who put your personal information out on the internet and then the Chinese intercept the personal information, make up a fake driver's license for you.
A lot of them are college kids.
So we know what the scam is here.
And you could vote in this election for Joe Biden and not even know it.
And that's how sophisticated Chinese spying is on the internet.
And it's just like dead people are also getting dead people's names that keep voting.
And so the Democrats who are already engaged in fraud everywhere, they're just committed.
What do you expect to see in the election?
We know there's a tsunami for Trump, but can the seawall of fraud block it?
Yes, the seawall of fraud can block it.
We just lost a case at the Supreme Court.
Shameful, travesty, that the Supreme Court would allow Pennsylvania to count ballots three days after Election Day.
This is terrible.
Michigan has already announced that they're not going to announce on election night.
They're going to steal this thing.
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, that was our popular... Let me just add this.
The Supreme Court is part of the fix.
John Roberts is compromised.
We all know that there was some thing about how he illegally adopted his kids.
It's very possible that he was the one on the Epstein flight logs, John Roberts.
And he's compromised.
Everybody knows he's compromised.
Brendan and Clapper have him in their pocket.
So Supreme Court is worthless.
They're against us.
They're not going to vote with us in a contested election.
I think it's pretty clear.
So here's the deal.
Because the Bushies are against us.
Roberts is a Bushie.
The Bushies are on the side of the deep state.
Republican and Democrat doesn't matter anymore.
It's the deep state against the people.
So what are we going to do?
There are constitutional ways we can activate state legislatures in the overtime period.
The fact of the matter is, though, Joe Biden might not get a security clearance if he's the president-elect of the United States.
I mean, the Chinese could destroy this country if Joe Biden becomes president.
No, you're totally right, but that's a great way to put it.
The Democrats are putting us into fake overtime, literal sudden death overtime.
They're going to activate riots.
They're going to activate race war.
They've said they are.
It's just, why do we sit here?
Again, the Justice Department lets them engage in organized crime, election meddling.
It's just insane.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part.
Actual malice or South African reconciliation brainwashing.
The left is announcing that we're going to all be made to go to these courts for supporting Trump and have to say we're bad or our bank accounts are taken.
I mean, they're making their move, man.
Yep, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
They're going to do that after the election for all Trump supporters.
It's the most despicable thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
This Trump movement has always been pure.
You're showing Tucker Carlson there.
He's a great guy.
I worked for him.
I worked for Bannon.
We figured out that the forgotten Americans in the Midwest needed a hero, needed a champion.
Donald Trump has always been that guy bringing the jobs back and everything else.
The globalists freaked out and declared World War III as soon as he got into office.
And so, you know, we're not we're not just gonna we're not just gonna surrender.
Oh, well, they took America.
Get out of here.
This is our country.
All right.
So are you getting at the fact because all the Democrats say they're going to persecute us, not just Keith Olbermann, Robert Reich, all of them.
They're going to put us in camps.
They're going to imprison us.
They're going to enslave us.
Little Connie dreams.
Are you, because obviously Trump is going to win in a landslide, but you're saying because of fraud and because of the blue states and the media and the Supreme Court, they still control pretty much.
I mean, that it looks like, you know, they may actually throw Trump out and then come after us.
We have to start getting ready for that.
No, that's their plan.
That's their plan.
And they will constantly beat it into people's heads that because of these ballot harvesting, because of the mail-in ballots, that Trump has somehow lost the election.
He's not accepting the results.
They're already planning this.
He's not allowed to contest when they're the contesters.
Yes, they're literally the rebels.
They're the Confederates.
They're the ones who are declaring war on the stability of this country.
And so, you know, we need to have a real conversation about, are there counties out there that are willing to secede from the country if that happens?
No, I agree.
I was talking to Steve Pchenik, who's overthrown like eight governments just the other day.
And he said, look, we have to be serious here.
We have to start actually talking about
Okay, and Trump should be having meetings about this because he's facing an organized crime syndicate.
Hillary and Podesta-Sebring have states to cede fraudulently, break the country up.
Well, he should just play clips of that and say we're not standing for that.
And explain that.
We've got to get out a front of this now.
It's starting to happen.
I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in a FEMA camp getting jabbed in the face with the butt of a rifle by these idiots because of these criminal loser idiot Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Weinstein, Robert Reich, you know, whatever, Anthony Fauci, Anthony Weiner.
These people are terrible.
Literally all a bunch of pervert pedophile midgets that have dreams of them whipping our ass in a FEMA camp.
Ain't going to happen, scumbag!
Yes, I can reveal on the show Nancy Pelosi rented office space to a group that was led by a pedophile named Dr. William Ayers who was terrorizing children, everybody knew it, in San Mateo, California and it was a child welfare group and they helped rig the family courts and the whole CPS system in California to take kids away to do collectivist child rearing.
That's the next thing that they want after they put everybody in a mask, collectivist child rearing by the state.
This has all been laid out in their totalitarian dystopian fantasies.
So we need to be serious right now.
We can't just sit around and watch Fox and think that these idiots like Ben Shapiro, these subversives, are going to save us.
Or these idiots who have been saying, you know, for four years that Obama is going to go to jail on Fox and whipping people.
Oh, it's all going to work out.
It's not going to work out unless we come together.
This is the new Continental Congress.
We're the new founding fathers.
People have to get aggressive.
Yeah, well, I mean, he's not on our side.
He has his own agenda, and I don't know if people can understand what the globalist agenda is, but it's in both parties.
He's a despicable, despicable person.
He's an elitist.
Yeah, of course.
And look, I don't need to be ashamed of anything.
Our people, the American people, built this country.
The American middle class and working class built this country, and we're not going to give it up.
Well, yeah, exactly.
What you're saying is, hey, we got Trump in, and you couldn't do anything about it, Gloveless.
You kill him or whatever, we don't give up, and then you want to start pushing and getting violent, well, you just start the fight, and I'll be your Huckleberry.
Five more minutes with you, then a bunch of calls.
All these callers are straight ahead.
Tyler, Marshall, Jones, and Paul Horton.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Don't add my fun.
I'm 46 and I'm not putting up with a takeover of this country.
I'm not scared of you, brother.
I'm just scared that I'm not going to measure up to as much damage to you as I can.
Sweet-talking people done ran me out of town.
Turn the battleship around.
Give me back my books.
I do not sing the blues.
I don't feel sorry for myself.
All right, Patrick, I think this song says it all.
In closing, history's here.
It's epic.
We need to pray for Trump.
He's so damn real.
It's an incredible time to be alive, brother.
What else you want to add to folks out there?
In recent decades, we have been under the rule of criminal morons, the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, the Ghislaine Maxwells of the world, the Mossad blackmail operation, these disgusting pedophiles, Joe Biden's friends, the credit card companies, everybody selling out America to China and to the rest of the world.
They molest little kids.
They do satanic rituals.
They think that Aleister Crowley's magic rituals are, you know, they worship Lucifer and want to have a one-world satanic government.
It's disgusting.
I'm glad you raised that, Ghislaine Maxwell, the real pimp that ran Epstein.
They're morons.
Oh, she doesn't get to suppress her customer list.
Ha ha, burning hell, witch.
Tell us about that.
I know you've been at the tip of the spear on that, Patrick.
Yeah, that was a good win.
And look, we got Keith Raniere from Nexium coming up sentencing on October 27th.
So the satanic, pedophilic elites are getting desperate.
We, thanks to the great Rudy Giuliani, have the Hunter Biden laptop.
These are just despicable people.
And we've all had enough of them.
I think everybody from all walks of life has had enough of them.
This is not natural.
They're not the establishment.
Calling them the establishment gives them too much credit.
These are scum that want to, quote, be the elite, but they could have been the elite by being good people.
They're a counterfeit elite.
Real elites sacrifice themselves.
Real elites build civilizations.
Real elites are good.
They lead by example.
These people lead by evil and corruption and pedophilia and Satanism.
Yes, good people built America and then it has been broken and destroyed by parasitic globalist elites, disgusting Satanists who think that they're descended from some kind of pyramid culture dating back to the Nephilim fallen angels bloodline.
They're insane.
They're sickos.
They're not smart.
Harry Potter is about the extent of the education of most of the young leftists nowadays.
Oh, I agree!
And they literally think at that level, and it's only because we're asleep, they think they're winning the battle.
When we wake up, they realize, oh, they were never in the fight.
We were asleep.
None of these people are actually winning.
They're going to be exterminated as useful idiots as soon as the communists take power, and it's all just mental insanity.
It's a collective nervous breakdown.
Communists never leave the left scum that brings them into power.
First people they kill is them.
The useful idiots will be the first to go.
So listen, if we're responsible people here, as we are, and we're going to uphold Western civilization, we need to defeat these people.
There's no coexisting with these people.
We are going to win this election.
We're going to save stable civil society peacefully.
And if not,
If they do manage to steal this, then we need to have serious conversations about having a different country separate from that.
We're talking about real civil disobedience at this point.
We better start getting serious and no overt violence, no targeting people.
But we're talking about serious civil disobedience.
A peaceful idea of, listen, we're not going to live under your laws because you're subversive.
Can we just stop complying with any of it?
We need to have a real conversation about not coexisting with these people anymore.
And we have to wake up as many of the Normie conservatives and the Fox viewers as possible in the next couple of weeks.
And I think this Hunter Biden laptop and a lot of other things that we're going to see about the pedophilic elites, I think that will wake people up.
You know what?
Do one more minute with us.
We're going to calls because I want to know what's on that laptop from sources and what you've heard.
I know you have a lot of connections.
Back in 60 seconds, Patrick Cowley.
Amazing site.
We're at Infowars.com.
Whatever you do, share those links.
In fiction, supervillains are known as supervillains because they have gigantic, huge, global plans that are incredibly well thought out and incredibly complex.
And if I'd have told you a year ago, back in October of 2019, that a powerful billionaire
You tell me that's crazy.
You tell me that's a dystopia.
You tell me that's some type of science fiction comic book.
But in reality, it really did happen.
His name is Bill Gates, and he's the head of a major eugenics consortium that his father and mother set up more than 60 years ago.
And we're living in this world Bill Gates has built.
Until we start saying no, we are Bill Gates's property.
It's time to expose Bill Gates.
Alright, Patrick Calley of the National Files with us for a few more minutes when we're right to your calls.
Patrick, did Alex Jones here be joining this station to make me say my name?
He just, every intro, we're on a bunch of radio stations, so I hate just saying my name constantly, but that's part of the rules for ratings.
We do it, so we do it.
But listeners know why I say Alex Jones at the start of every segment.
It's hard to pair it, but I understand why the stations want it, we do it.
And they get top ratings, so we stay on the stations and get expanded in the face of censorship.
It's beautiful.
But Patrick, Hunter Biden got kicked out of the Navy for cocaine.
These emails are real.
Giuliani's had them for over a month.
They called up the people in the emails.
They got copies from the other side.
He's all explained that.
They haven't denied it's real.
Giuliani's trying to get him to deny it, so he's caught red-handed.
They just have surrogates, you know, Clapper and Brennan with 48 of their other, 47 of their other minions, come out and say it's all fake, with no proof.
They won't do that.
They admit the articles.
Oh, we have no proof.
We're just saying it is.
This is real.
And according to the Chinese dissidents that broke this almost a month ago, before it even came out,
And others.
And Giuliani said yes, it shows what looks like underage girls being brutalized and tortured.
And this is him being compromised in China.
He's got this on his laptop.
He leaves it there.
He won't pick it up.
His lawyers have confirmed it.
This is so huge.
I mean, I don't see how, even with the censorship and the cover-up, how they cover this up from your intel.
Because I know you've got a lot of sources.
You've been right at the tip of the spear, just like we have, and in some cases ahead of it.
As you know, I cover a lot of subjects.
I mean, you've been really kicking ass.
What's really on this damn laptop, and what else do you think Giuliani's about to bring out?
Well, I know Rudy Giuliani.
I know people who have seen the contents of the laptop.
They believe that it is one of the most disturbing things that they've ever seen in their entire lives.
Rudy Giuliani is a man of his word, and the people need to know about the disgusting, disgusting things that the elites do.
I have been covering Hunter Biden for the last five years, ever since I broke his Ashley Madison account and he tried to blame it on the Russians.
These people are just, they're total frauds.
They're total charlatans.
And the people need to know about this.
And so, you know, I have been urging all of the information to be released, and it needs to be released, and the people will finally see it.
And they will see... When they say disturbing, are those reports accurate?
There's Giuliani with the Chinese dissident that broke this almost a month ago.
I think one day shy of a month ago, three weeks before it came out.
I mean, he says it's torturing Chinese children.
Brutal pedophilia and torture.
Is that what you've heard?
That is my understanding, yes.
And obviously the Chinese are willing to sacrifice their own little kids in their country in order to blackmail Americans.
Joe Biden cannot be the President of the United States.
There's no way that it can happen.
They had the flesh parties, the flesh dinners.
What was the term in China?
The New York Times even reports, until the 80s, they would cook children up in big pots at Communist Party meetings.
Uh, as part of getting their people to do anything.
I mean, the Chinese communists cook children in pots as part of a ritual.
Yeah, I mean, look, Joe Biden has the scoop on this.
Guys, Google Chinese communist flesh banquets.
You can't make this up.
Sorry, go ahead.
Joe Biden's a disgusting human being.
His group that he raises money for, the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, which Hunter's involved with, it's run by Hunter's ex-wife, Kathleen.
And they just, they hang around the bathrooms.
I busted them.
And what they do is they try to get boys in divorce cases.
They insert themselves, court-appointed lawyers in child custody cases and try to get boys into prostitution and, you know, that kind of life.
So it's disgusting.
It's human trafficking all over the place.
We know with the Clintons.
Now, they managed to keep Anthony Weiner's laptop, the full contents of that, from coming out and threw Weiner under the bus.
This time, there's nobody to throw under the bus.
Hunter Biden can't be thrown under the bus because he's inextricably linked with Joe Biden himself.
And so, the Democrats have a real big problem on their hands, but all the information needs to come out now.
If the information all comes out now, we can save this country.
And I was able to find it.
Here's Business Insider.
Flesh banquets of China's Cultural Revolution remain unspoken 50 years.
They said ritualistically they would kill small children and cook them in bowls to test if the party members, as young as 10, would follow orders.
French News Agency, Breitbart, all of it.
Cooking children in bowls.
And so Hunter has gone over there and literally reportedly raped little kids and beaten them and done horrible things to show to the commies he's a good demon.
Well, you know, cannibalism is a big part of the rituals that these people do.
Cannibalism is part of the whole satanic, awful, ridiculous thing that they do.
And again, those of us that aren't into that, we want a six-pack of Mordello and a steak.
To us, it's like, he doesn't sound real because we're not into it.
But there's a lot of people in the establishment that are into this because it's about their selfishness and how it's about them.
And they feel good ruining a child's life and killing them.
That makes them feel big to kill a kid.
Yep, that's the energy that they feed off of.
That's the demonic energy that they feed off of.
It's like, I just ruined some three-year-old's whole life!
I just, we raped them, we tortured them, we drank their blood, we had sex in their blood in a Black Sabbath.
That's what those are, folks.
And to them, that's victory.
That's, boy, they're really strong.
They're willing to go against their own conscience.
And a lot of these Satanists admit they don't want to kill kids.
They don't even want to do it.
But they do it to have power.
This is sick!
Yes, I mean, look, Fauci is putting an entire generation of kids in masks.
They will remember the rest of their life, the fear, the horror of having to wear a mask over this scandemic.
And, you know, meanwhile, Fauci is taking off his mask and smirking at the reporters.
They are getting pleasure and joy out of torturing us.
They really do.
And they're getting pleasure out of millions getting maimed from the vaccines.
Look, these idiots should never have been mainstreamed.
You know, we have this split-screen culture.
Is the left good, right?
Or is the right?
The left should never have been invited into the correct conversation because they're subversives and they're sick people and this should never have been allowed.
Liberals were Thomas Jefferson.
The left is a satanic Jacobin Illuminati cult on record that did the French Revolution.
How did they become the liberals?
We literally have the most vile, vampiric, Satan murder cult now runs the Democrats and is like legitimized because they're the other wing.
No, they're not the other wing.
They're not two parties disagreeing on policy in our republic.
They are a group of murderous control freaks.
Yeah, and the Republicans are going down as the right tendency from Stalin, Russia.
They're controlled opposition.
They're totally surrendering.
They're clueless.
They don't know what's going on, with the exception of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's the only one who is putting up any kind of resistance to these people.
So, you know, this needs to end.
We all know that Joe gropes kids.
He gropes kids in public.
That's how above the game these people think they are, that Joe Biden can hit on
We're good.
Say that it's Russians.
They don't deny it's real Hunter Biden.
They go, well, if the Russians got it, which there's no evidence, then it's okay.
What if Hunter was, what if Hunter like blew up a sports stadium with a hundred pound bomb?
Well, if the Russians videotaped it, would it be their fault?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
All right, Patrick Howley, what a time to be alive.
Thank you so much and God bless.
Thank you, Alex.
Yes, hi.
Hi Alex, I just wanted to say that we love you, we watch you every day, we listen, we follow you in every way, and God bless us all for sure.
We love you too.
I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Sorry, I was talking a lot.
Anyways, I just wanted to get to kind of just the point, and you know, going back to the criminal activity and everything that we've witnessed almost on a daily basis now.
You know, my fiance Cody called yesterday and spoke with Owen, you know, a little bit about this.
But, you know, my thoughts are, you know, once Biden, you know, loses and all this, and we do defeat Trump in every way, you know, I'm all about, you know, equality and making sure, you know, people do get the justice and the punishment they deserve.
So, I mean, do you see it, you know, like Biden and Sun and the people that are, you know,
Here's what's going to happen.
They're going to fight even harder, but their power is going to be diminished, and their people that have been hanging on to government for four years are going to know they're losing.
So I think spectacularly good things are going to happen if Trump's re-elected.
The problem is the global depression with a lockdown of COVID is already killing the world economy.
And so until that's repudiated, they have a chance of bringing down the world economy and the U.S.
So that's got to be ended.
If Trump can end the COVID lockdown and end the COVID hysteria and the Chicken Little Syndrome, then we can actually turn things around.
If he can't, World Depression.
What do you think?
I definitely agree, but do you actually see Biden's son actually getting prosecuted for the crimes he's been committed that we're witnessing as well?
I think he must be.
The problem is they've got blackmail material on the Republicans, not on Trump.
And so that's the conundrum.
But they keep using their criminal power to keep launching attacks, so it's got to be done.
They've got to prosecute them, let them release their dirt, but the chips fall where they may.
It's time to bang heads here, folks.
It's taken me two and a half years.
To finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives.
And implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves in any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Let's go to Gordon in Hawaii, still under martial law lockdown, even though the flu kills hundreds of times what COVID does.
Gordon in Hawaii on Joe Biden crime bill, Hunter, and the Deep State.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks for calling, brother.
And I just want to say I wish I was there with you in Hawaii.
What a great place, despite the martial law.
I wish you were here too, Alex.
You know, I kind of want to make a funny observation that I don't think anybody's talking about.
Joe Biden, you know, they put together this crime bill targeting blacks that smoke crack cocaine.
Then his son turns around and smokes crack, becomes a crackhead, and takes down the entire deep state.
That's like karma.
That's karma.
It's karma.
Yep, but it's a new definition of irony.
It's totally ironic.
And that's how God works.
You know, God's in control of all this.
Well, let's explain.
Blacks, if you smoke crack, you get three times more time in prison than having the same amount of powdered cocaine which whites use.
And Joe Biden called blacks predators and said they deserved it.
Then they put blacks that did cocaine in prison to turn them into predators.
See how that works?
You can put a white guy in prison, most of them turn into predators.
Totally racist.
You know, and that's a great point.
The Bidens and the Clintons put the blacks on crack with the CIA and Bush senior, and then they get brought down by crack.
Exactly right.
That's exactly right.
And you know, the funny thing about that is that people aren't looking at how ironic that is, that that is going to destroy all these elites.
The information that's going to come out is going to be just incredible.
Well, that's why they say the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Like, I'm not afraid to die.
I don't want to die because I know I have a spirit and I'll be with God, hopefully, if I'm true enough.
But I just, like, the longer I live, the more I learn how stuff works.
And I go like, man, you really have to start seeing how God works.
You're like, whoa, Satan doesn't have any power compared to God.
Exactly, exactly.
And this is what happens to these Democrats.
Every time they pull something, God turns around and it comes right back on them.
And so many of them are going to go to jail, I hope, if Bill Barr gets off his butt and does something.
Well, they're already totally discredited.
They're already cut off.
And what you're saying is so central, though.
Here's the thing, God is going to give us victory if we're there to receive the enlightenment and the spiritual electricity, is the way I describe it, the energy.
But he needs us believing and ready to receive it for it to complete the circuit.
Does that make sense?
If God doesn't have faithful, though, out there, God can't deliver the lightning bolts.
Does that make sense?
Well, people are so ready to accept God now.
They see what's going on.
And, you know, they've been to church, a lot of them, and they've heard all of these revelations, seminars, and it's all happening right now, right in front of them.
I'm seeing the biggest enlightenment, the biggest coming back to God I've ever seen.
I agree.
It's massive.
It is, and it's huge.
And, you know, the Democrats are not going to get away with this.
They're going to try to cheat.
And they're doing a good job of it, but it's not going to work.
Let me say this.
When I was younger, I could connect to God, but there was a force trying to block it, and I'd have to, like, get through it.
Now, it's just instant.
And other people I know, people aren't even looking for the Holy Spirit, just now feel it.
I mean, it's strong right now.
That's scaring the hell out of these devils, man.
They feel it, too.
Don't you know they're scared?
Well, look at the division now.
I mean, as soon as Trump got elected,
The evil got so much more evil, and the good got so much more good.
I have a problem with communication.
I live on this farm out here, and I literally don't talk to people for weeks at a time.
That sounds great.
No, it is great.
What do you grow on?
What do you grow on?
Well, no, I'm on the wet side.
I'm growing every fruit you can imagine.
Anything you can possibly eat and then I sell it or give it away.
Sounds great.
At the farmer's market.
I'm a farmer.
That's what I... My cells literally beg to just live on a farm and plant things and work outside.
I get high when I cut trees and plant things.
I'm like, oh yeah, that's supposed to do this.
I just get high.
Oh yeah.
Funny thing is, funny thing is I'm way out in the middle of the jungle but I've got fiber optic running on the telephone lines around here so I run around the property working in my garden and I've got my headphones on and I'm listening to you every day.
Well we love you brother, we appreciate you Gordon.
I gotta give these calls to nobody but you guys are awesome.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tyler in Iowa.
Thanks for holding Tyler.
Hey thanks for having me Mr. Jones.
I got two simple things I want to talk to you about.
You hear me?
Go ahead, brother.
Yeah, I do.
Alright, I want to talk about why is everyone going to a doctor, Mr. Fauci, who hasn't practiced medicine in 37 plus years?
And why is Bill Gates, not a doctor, running everything?
Good question.
But why is Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hillary not locked up yet?
Do I need to make a personal... Well, that's the call.
That's what Trump calls for.
It's what you want.
Every caller is like, lock them up.
Why aren't... Because evil.
Satan is in control of the planet, and he is protecting his people.
But we have to publicly, and spiritually, and culturally, and economically reject them.
Absolutely, absolutely.
I don't see people watching behind why they want a representative like Dr. Falkey or Bill Gates
To go for advice and he's the Lord Almighty himself.
Where is their logic behind this?
It's not.
It's upside down world and that's what cults want you to do is accept stuff that doesn't make sense.
Tyler, thank you.
Marshall in Arizona attended Trump rally last night.
What was your view on that, my friend?
I took my whole family down to the Trump rally.
I've got a beautiful interracial family.
I decked my kids and family out in all of the Infowarriors gear.
We wore our Trump swag.
And that was the thing that kind of upset me was when I went there I saw there were other Infowarriors.
But I noticed that they were hiding their InfoWars gear.
They were a little shy about it.
I think it's time for us InfoWarriors to come out of the closet and really expose ourselves.
A third of the folks in 2016 were wearing it.
Now because of the Sandy Hook, the demonization, they're scared to do it.
They kind of wear it, but that's okay.
It's alright.
That was the enemy plan, but I think there's a coming out now for InfoWars.
It's really beautiful, we're seeing.
Yeah, and we need to do that more because we just had a man who got his teeth punched out trying to save an InfoWarriors in full gear.
And, you know, we just really need to stand up for ourselves and not let ourselves be bullied and terrorized.
Well, that's why I always warn listeners.
I say, hey, you might get your lunch bought for you wearing InfoWarriors.
Or if you're an Olympus area, you might get hit in the head with a lead pipe.
I mean, this is war, folks.
This is serious.
Absolutely, and as for your other caller, Gordon, the Lord does work in mysterious ways.
How about this one?
The globalists go around and give thousands of children autism, and what does God do?
He weaponizes that autism against them.
You know, I've noticed how many of the autistic Asperger's children are actually fighting the globalists, like they spiritually know the globalists did it.
And you're right, they're almost all on our team.
Have you noticed that?
Yes, I have.
They know which side their bread is buttered on and that's the side of the Lord.
They know good from evil.
God bless you.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and Ultra 12 are now back in stock.
It's been sold out for months.
They're sold out because people know that high-quality B12 and a good mix of vitamins, minerals, especially zinc, boost your body's natural defenses and are critical to your immune system.
Well, both products are back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com, just two weeks out from the election, and we're offering them both at 50% off, free shipping, and triple Patriot points at your next order.
Also, if you sign up for auto-shipping, an additional 10% off.
That makes many of the things we're selling lost liters.
Now, we have had a big clearance sale going, so a lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of the other stuff is close to selling out, but some of our best sellers are still there, and some of them have actually come back into stock.
And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform and now they're doing it.
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos and the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
The future isn't coming, it's here.
And in the future, keeping your humanity, saving your soul, your integrity, your very essence is going to be your most valuable asset.
In fact, it's going to be your only asset.
The world being built by the technocrats and the trap they've now sprung with COVID-19 and the endless lockdown is the beginning of the process of taking us past domestication
And a total and complete dehumanization.
Human life will be impossible to be carried out in an original biological way by the year 2050.
This is their stated goal.
I'm sorry to have to report horrifying things like this to you, but only by facing the horror and not projecting your own decency onto the enemy, can we turn this around.
You must study their own writings, you must face the facts, and you must come to grips with it.
You're all being incrementally destroyed.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, I got a hundred questions for Leo Sagami.
And he is a best-selling author, researcher, predicted the current pope five years before he was put into power.
They talk about having rotating popes, a new council, predicted that they would push world government and all the rest of this garbage.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, here we are.
So, Leo Zegami.
Let me ask you here, as a guy that's actually been in the P2 log, actually in the real Illuminati, who got out of it and exposed it, the current state of the world, where we are, and who the players are and what the biggest stories are right now.
Hello Alex, hello everybody.
I would say that the biggest story at the moment is this preparation behind the scenes for this war, this invasion of Taiwan, which will automatically unleash a third world war.
And at the same time, we know that
China might unleash this invasion right in the moment of struggle here in American politics that we will witness in November.
Because, as we all know, there will be no winner.
There will be probably, on both sides, people claiming they have won and there will be chaos.
And this chaos will facilitate then China.
We have seen China even behind the civil unrest that we have witnessed in the last few months here in the United States of America.
So China wants to really play this card.
And then at the same time, we have other big things happening in Europe.
In Europe, we have the Vatican, which just saw the arrest of Cecilia Marrona, which was a collaborator
Yes, as we have prophesied a long time ago, Cardinal Pell might go back to the Vatican to save the day because they are involved in this big economic scandal.
And now we discover that basically Cicilia Marronia was connected with an intel group called the Hinckerman Group, which is a front, so the Vatican could actually finance jihadi groups with the money coming from Peter Spence.
So that's another important news of the day, as well as earlier this month, the Pope coming out with his Third Encyclical, which basically criticizes capitalism, and it's a Marxist manifesto for this upcoming One World Religion.
They just had in the Emirates another gathering for organizing this One World Religion, which is putting together already
Thank you.
And they will not listen to anything we have to say regarding what has been discovered in this computer, in which we see that the son of Joe Biden has to even give a percentage of his salary to his father, in a mail to his daughter.
Hunter Biden writes, well, I will not ask from you the same kind of money my father asked from me.
You know, he has to give a cut.
And we have seen that in some of the males, actually, the percentage for his father is well defined.
And then there is a connection with Taiwan.
There is a connection with Taiwan and with somebody who is also connected with the skull and bones.
This 57-year-old businessman who for 10 years has functioned as a public relation for the Biden family is called Michael Lynn.
He graduated in Shenzhen University in Taiwan, but then he went for a master's degree at Yale University in Connecticut, where we have, of course, the legendary Skull and Bones, connected to... And that's where the Psycoms go to Yale and Harvard.
Xi Jinping has his daughter secretly right now at Harvard.
We're revealing that.
To become globalist double agents.
The Chinese are marrying the New World Order, the takeover of the U.S.
It's not like they run us.
It's not like we run them.
It's the criminal globalists are merging us.
Absolutely, Alex.
And Michael Lynn actually worked not only for Joe Biden, but for a series of politicians here in the United States of America connected to the skull and bones, worked to put them in contact with the Chinese Communist Party and with all their shady businesses.
So quantify this for me.
Who are the major global players?
How is it going for the New World Order?
How is Trump doing?
Trump is doing well, but if he loses, he will recandidate himself in 2024.
But this means that we will have four years of literally of hell, in which Joe Biden and his Kamala will dismantle everything that Trump has ever done.
And in the meantime... And then people will really see how true it is and want Trump back, and he'll become a perpetual candidate.
I agree with you, I agree with...
With Steve Bannon.
That's what Trump is, I know, planning to launch his own TV network and totally counter and come back in.
He's not giving up.
But at the same time, we have the danger of civil arrest on a large scale that might become a civil war here in the United States of America, like we said already last year that this might happen.
We have George Soros, of course, that has financed all these groups.
We have China also behind Black Lives Matter.
But, of course, the mainstream media doesn't say anything about all this.
So if Trump gets re-elected, hopefully with a landslide, and so it's impossible at that point to contest it, well, I would suggest Trump starts to arrest a few people, starting with the Bidens, and then we have, of course, the Clintons.
We have to investigate Barack Obama.
All these people have endangered the national security of the United States.
Because even if they're able to kill Trump, even if they're able to steal this election, as they say they're trying to do, they're going to contest it and try to cause a civil war and secession of states.
This is insane.
The public's awake to the new world order.
Bolsonaro and you've got the Brexit.
I mean, clearly now all these big topics are out in the open.
So even if they try to launch everything they've got to stop Trump, it looks like they're going to lose in the long term because of the awakening we're seeing.
Yes, we have a big awakening.
We have seen it in the almost weekly protests in London, but they're making it really difficult for Brexit to happen, even if it's already in process.
I just heard that there is a
Still some problems for going for this Brexit because they are trying to sabotage Boris Johnson in every way possible.
And of course, they use once again this virus as an excuse for all of their wrongdoings.
And then we had in France just the other day a professor beheaded because he simply showed the comic strips from Charlie Hebdo regarding Mohammed.
This teacher was beheaded and at that point France, that has been tolerating a lot from the Muslim community, is finally going on the offensive.
So even Macron had to move his sorry ass, Mondialist ass, to do something about it.
So things might change now in France because they're really cracking down on these terrorist cells that are all over France.
The World Economy, about the COVID shutdown, about your view on that, about where that's going when we come back.
Don't forget, listeners, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Banned.Video, they banned the term Banned.Video, as many have pointed out.
The head of Twitter says, oh, we don't ban URLs, we're going to stop that.
People say, well, what about Banned.Video?
Well, we have a URL that gets around that.
That's the same site, same videos.
That's how you bypass them.
So keep sharing.
You're doing a great job.
We'll be right back with the finals.
A couple of segments with Leo Zegami and then Paul Joseph Watson from London, England is ready to roar.
He's taking over.
Stay with us.
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It is now back in stock.
Both of those are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Black Friday comes in October.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma and had done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of the money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info.
And even censored major news publications and even censored the President.
But when the President and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly Jack of Twitter said he didn't know what had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, rapid caring, is the way to stop it.
Groveling to it and letting big tech lie to us and run over us is the way to make these tyrants continue to go absolutely crazy.
Remember, they support Communist China and its death camps.
What will they do to us?
Yes, well we now know.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out and says he's going to take action once re-elected against Big Tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leo Zagami with us and Owen Schroer.
And Owen Schroyer will be hosting, coming up in about an hour from now, three hours of the war room ahead of election countdown with himself, Yann LeRae, Harrison Smith and others.
And we have the coverage of the town hall and the rigged debate the next two nights, live coverage of that.
Remember Big Tech, The Globalist, The Oligarchs, The Chinese Slave Camps.
Hope you don't share those links.
They hope you don't realize how important you are.
And we're going to talk to Owen about what he's got coming up in a moment.
But Leo Zagami and Owen, I'm going to play this for you.
I don't know.
And they're doing all these rituals, and then we see all these powerful organizations admitting they're into rituals, and now they're into Satanism, and now their operating system of good versus evil is really coming out in the open.
Here's the video, and we'll get former Illuminati insider Leo Zagami's take on it.
Here it is.
None of these people have a job calling on us.
Some type of thuggy thing out of India.
The Temple of Doom, Raiders of Lost Ark.
All a bunch of drama students that couldn't get jobs.
And then this is what they do all day.
Run around bitching about America.
When Communist China, they'd be put in a death camp.
Which I don't support.
So Leo Zagami, what the hell's wrong with these people?
Studying the occult, being involved in it before you got out of it.
What is the draw to these people?
Well, the occult has been taken over by the left for a long time in this country.
And so we have now Satanists openly supporting the Democratic Party.
And we have terrible things that are happening, aside from what you have shown.
I agree.
It's not just these idiots doing theater.
Churches are being burned in Brazil.
They're being burned in England.
They're being attacked here.
And the leftist preachers are saying, oh good, burn us, it's liberal, burn us.
They're tearing down crosses.
They're saying, oh, it's mental illness.
They're burning down Notre Dame, trying to cover it up, but Islam takes credit.
I mean, what is this attack on churches if this isn't an open demonic attack?
Is anti-Christianity manifesting itself openly and publicly?
They are the party of Satan nowadays.
I'm sorry to say that there is no way a Christian can support in their right mind the Democratic Party at these elections.
Everything that they promote, everything they represent is anti-Christian in essence.
Let's remember that while Notre Dame was going on fire, there was Michelle Obama sipping her champagne on the river next to it.
That's right.
That's on record that while Notre Dame burned, she drank champagne to it.
What about the big cardinal in the U.S.
that says it's a war against good and evil, between Satan and God, and that Trump's on the side of God?
What about that cardinal?
Is he good?
Well, Archbishop Vigano is a bit of a maverick today.
Actually, he's living under protection, hidden somewhere, because the Vatican wants to kill him.
I mean, they can't kick him out because he was the diplomat for the Vatican for many years here in the U.S., but now Viganò is a minority in a church which is taken over by progressive forces.
You have to understand that the Chinese Communist Party gives $2 billion a year to the Vatican.
And that's why the Pope recently didn't even receive Mike Pompeo, and that's why the Vatican renewed their deal with Communist China, even after some Catholic priests were actually tortured and crosses were removed from the church.
By the way, folks don't know that going back to the Portuguese and Spanish runners, 500
600 years ago, it was the Jesuits, not the Catholic Church that got control of China.
So to a great extent, the Jesuits put Mao Zedong in power.
People don't know that.
Yeah, in 1540, when they founded the Jesuits, the actual founder, Ignazio Loyola, sent his disciples to Asia, and Matteo Ricci was sent to China, and he became actually involved with the emperor over there.
And from that moment onwards, the Jesuits really built up their trust with the Chinese,
And they're part of Chinese history.
I mean, there is a shrine to Matteo Ricci in Beijing, which is unheard of in a communist country.
But there is a Jesuit saint who actually has a shrine in communist China.
And now we have the Jesuit Pope saying, doesn't want to hear about Christian roots in Europe.
Capitalism is bad.
One world religion.
But I see most Catholics I know, Owen Schroyer, about both you guys.
Owen, what is your view and your take on this?
And what do you got coming up today on your three hour transmission?
Well, I think it's just the average, you know, leftist in the street just getting more deranged, more dark, sinister cries for attention, just wanting, there's a desire to be further from God, further from righteousness, further from wholesomeness.
So I think that's what you're seeing with these just strange things that we see in the street.
I mean, they happened in Austin over this weekend, too.
They weren't quite
I guess that was burning hearts or eating hearts apparently and I guess that's some ritual.
Whatever that craziness was.
It was just, you know, liberal women show up half naked with kids around them and chant how they want to, you know, I won't say it.
We have videos we can't show of pro-lifers with photos of dead babies and the liberal women come up and start humping the dead baby.
It's very, it's very odd behavior.
I mean, you just have to almost be in awe of it and it's insanity.
But Alex, coming up today on The War Room, we're going to be looking at this new claim that the Department of Justice has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google saying it's long overdue.
The Republicans are behind it.
We'll see if there's any seriousness behind that.
But you know, Alex, I think, you know, something kind of just hit me last night and it's really just incredible that this is the case.
I mean, we're guilty of it too, but the media in this country is ignoring perhaps the biggest bombshell in news history.
I mean, we literally have a 50-year congressional vice president involved in our government, 50 years, five decades, this man, Joe Biden, running for president, and we literally have him compromised by at least five to 10 different countries, including the number one enemy of the United States, Communist China.
I mean, literally, we're talking about a compromised
And it's on record that these are real emails.
They've called and copied the emails from those that received them.
It's all on record.
Payoffs from Ukraine, Ukraine saying, in the investigation for the money, quid pro quo, open and shut cases, China buying them off, him raping little girls, and the whole media works in unison to cover it up.
I mean, that is unbelievable.
It's really stunning.
I don't know how else to really phrase it.
I don't even think it needs much of a complex framing here.
It's pretty simple.
This is the biggest news story ever, and the media's not even covering it.
A triple, quadruple, quintuple, octuple- Well, they think we're going to forget about it.
I don't see this working.
Owen, I want to ask you that in a moment, but Leo Zegami, I see this level of censorship blowing up in their face.
A lot of behind-the-scenes stuff's happening, I'm going to leave it at that.
I can tell you, this has gone too far for a lot of people.
A lot of people that are establishment, who aren't evil, but they kind of play along.
They've decided not to play along now, Leo.
Well, I've just exposed a few days ago on my website in an article the role of a sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree in Romania, who is basically working with another guy called Luciano Despoio, who is also a Freemason entrepreneur, in sabotaging the election of Donald J. Trump using hackers that pretend to be Russian hackers.
I think?
Play a double game, play a very tricky kind of way of doing things.
So then people will accuse Trump of colluding with Russia, when it's actually Russia who is working behind the scenes with the Bidens.
For example, we have the mayor of Moscow, the wife who got a lot of money to hunter Biden.
So we have a link with Russia, China and other
Both of you stay there.
Five more minutes and Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Please don't forget we're listener supported.
We've got this big Black Friday comes in October sale.
Triple Patriot points.
10% off if you sign up for auto ship.
50 to 60% off.
We got Vitamineral Fusion back in stock selling out quick.
So good for your immune system and Ultra 12 and DNA Force Plus.
Infowarsstore.com that funds the operation.
Plus their great products and we have the new X2 Spray selling out.
As I taped this announcement, we were exactly 14 days out from the election.
And the globalist-controlled Democrats know that America has woken up to them and turned against them.
The whole planet is in a huge populist realignment.
And so they've openly said, we need to go to pure authoritarianism, not just censorship, but physically attacking and arresting
Anyone that doesn't submit to our agenda.
And they're on record saying that once they remove Trump, they are going to persecute Trump's base and going to try to prosecute us and put us all in prison.
This is what all the old Clinton-eesers are saying.
It's what the Obama-bots are saying.
It's what Keith Oberman's saying.
It's what Nancy Pelosi's saying.
This is their stated criminal authoritarian intent.
And they intend to keep the lockdowns going forever and forced inoculations.
Trump is trying to end the lockdowns and is saying vaccines will be voluntary.
Donald Trump or die.
You've got to get Trump in.
Everybody get out there and vote and tell your family to vote now.
With two weeks left until the historic election, we're launching the biggest sale of the year that tops some already amazing sales.
It's Black Friday, comes in October special, something we did last year that was very, very popular.
We did it for the whole month last year.
We can only do it for 11 days till the end of the month because stocks are low and a lot of our best-selling products.
But two things that came back in and that we're now announcing at 50% off
We're good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, final segment before Paul Joseph Watson from England takes over.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Owen Troyer.
Other points, other questions you've got for Leo Zegami, a frequent guest on The War Room, weekdays 3 to 6 p.m.
in defiance of tyranny.
You're coming up in one hour live.
Points you'd like to ask, points you'd like to make.
Leo, how you doing friend?
I'm curious if over there at leozegami.com if you guys are going to be tracking the Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein testimony.
They're saying they're going to unseal that.
Leo, what do you expect to come out of that?
Well, I've been talking about also these latest connections that Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates had with the European Council.
And it's a big story, really, because it connects also with the United Nations.
And as we know, Gilead Maxwell was often guested at the United Nations.
I'm glad you brought that up because I meant to start the show with that.
Literally a communist malice program.
Leo, tell folks about that.
Well, I mean, the original Truth and Reconciliation Commission was in Africa.
It was something to do with... South Africa?
Yeah, now in Congo and then it was actually the meetings were in South Africa.
But they are calling for this commission because they will use this Truth and Reconciliation Commission to persecute us.
That's the actual entity they will use to persecute all of us.
So I really hope that Biden doesn't get elected, but if he gets elected, it will become increasingly like communist China and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will become a really big reality and a dangerous one for us.
You know what?
This is so important.
I'm going to come in tonight and co-host with Yann LeRoy on Election Countdown.
Leo, if you can come on for 30 minutes, we should focus on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which is where they have these big televised deals and demonize people that have folks come burn your house down, because this is a big deal.
Can you come on at, say, 8 o'clock Central tonight?
Sure, sure.
No problem.
I'll be here.
I'm co-hosting with Yama Rain tonight, 7 to 9.
I'll be here tomorrow night.
They're going to have the town hall.
The night after that, they're going to be having the actual debates.
Leo Zegami, what do you make of how they're rigging the debate?
How the commission's foreign run?
How they're not going to follow foreign affairs?
How the lady that runs the debate's anti-Trump?
This is crazy.
Having the control of the mute button, like we said the other day with Owen on his show, is going to be a nightmare for both the candidates, but especially for Trump, because I think if they mute Biden even for the whole time, he will probably not even notice.
But it will be definitely controversial, and I would like to see what comes out of it the day after.
Well let's just say this, we're not living in boring times right now.
So I'll see Leo Zegami tonight, hour two of the election countdown.
I'll be here with DeAnna Lorraine.
Thank you so much.
Owen Schroeder comes up in one hour.
Owen, tell us what you got coming up.
Well again we'll be monitoring the situation with Google being sued by the Department of Justice.
The Maxwell Epstein testimony to be unsealed.
I interviewed Renee Kruger who is from South Africa today about the latest string of attacks against the white farmers out there.
It's just getting worse but again you know Alex I'm just I really want to emphasize to people
Because the news is completely ignoring the biggest bombshell news story of the year, maybe of our time.
A compromised politician by at least five, at minimum, five different countries.
A man who is running his son around the world.
And you know, the more you look into this, you wonder how much Hunter was even willingly doing this versus his dad was telling him to do it, taking 50% of the cut.
I mean, that's basically a pimp!
I mean, he's pimping his son out there like he's some sort of political hooker or something for favors.
I mean, it's really just sick.
And the media's ignoring it.
A totally compromised candidate.
I mean, literally, a Chinese agent, Romania's got deals, Moscow.
I mean, it's unbelievable and the media won't even cover it.
They've been selling America out.
They've been pimping us.
But America's awakening.
The world's awakening.
If America's captured by the globalists, we're in deep trouble.
Everybody around the world, tell folks about Bandai Video, about 2020ElectionsCenter.com, about InfoWars.com, and about all these shows we're doing.
Thank you, Leo Zegami, LeoZegami.com.
Thank you to everybody.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over straight ahead.
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out from the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond king.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together, it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make life work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
Transmitting worldwide, from the Summit.News studios in the United Kingdom, you are listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
You don't need to be a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to know that everything is rigged.
Media narrative is rigged.
Debates are rigged.
Social media is rigged.
The election is... Oh, you can't say that because social media is rigged and they'll ban you if you say that.
But what have we witnessed over the past week?
We've witnessed the most intensive acceleration of social media censorship and media narrative censorship than perhaps ever before in recorded history.
The quickening of how fast this has moved has been absolutely incredible.
Of course, first they came for Alex Jones.
People said it's going to stop at Alex Jones.
Then they came for hate speech.
Then they came for other people.
Now they're coming for major newspapers.
Last time I checked, this may have changed in the past few hours or so, but the New York Post was still locked out of its own Twitter account, okay?
This is not Infowars, this is not some far-right extremist organisation as they always claim we are.
This is the New York Post!
We have White House officials censored, locked out of their accounts for questioning the efficacy of masks despite the fact that
Numerous epidemiologists, scientific experts in numerous different countries have said basically the same thing.
Everything's rigged.
Everything's censored.
We warned you about it two plus years ago.
We told you exactly how it would unfold and where it would go, and that is precisely what has happened.
Once again, we were right.
So we know what's being censored.
What's not being censored?
That's an interesting question to ask.
What is still allowed on these social media platforms in terms of freedom of speech, freedom of expression?
Well, we have another example of that today in this article which I literally posted about 20 minutes ago, headline.
Instagram refuses to remove black art image showing severed heads of white people and their explanation as to why they don't remove this, despite removing of course vast quantities of other content on a routine basis, well it's just people's right to express themselves differently.
Now can you imagine if a white supremacist far-right extremist Instagram account, if they were able to get on there in the first place,
They posted an image of two white people holding the heads, the severed heads, the decapitated, blood dripping, gut dripping, gory heads of two black people.
Would Instagram respond by saying, oh that's just their freedom of expression?
No, they'd ban it in an instant and they'd ban the people behind posting it.
Now we can talk about hypocrisy until we're blue in the face.
But of course, until Republicans take actual action, rather than sending strongly worded letters to these social media companies, it's never going to change and their monopolies are going to grow ever bigger and bigger.
Maybe with the big anti-trust thing today that's going to change, but we've been looking for it for the past two years, not much has happened.
That needle hasn't moved very far on the dial.
And now social media giant Instagram
which routinely removes offensive content, some of which I'm going to go on to specify, has refused to remove a black art image depicting the severed heads of white people, arguing that, quote, people may express themselves differently.
The image was posted by an account called Support Black Art, which from what I can tell is an extension of some, you know, Black Lives Matter outfit.
And features two obese black women, because of course Instagram is big behind the promotion of obesity because it's really healthy and doesn't cause debilitating, deathly illnesses.
Two obese black women.
Carrying the severed heads of a white man and a white woman.
And then people will come back and say, Oh, Triggered Snowflake, what?
You don't want art?
You want art censored?
No, it's about the hypocrisy.
It's about the two-tier standard.
I don't care.
But for all I care, you can post gore or whatever you want on Instagram.
But if they allow that, they have to allow everything.
Of course they don't, which I'm going to get on to.
After the image was reported to the Facebook-owned company,
Which refuses to respond to lawsuits for a year, because that's just how it operates and there's nothing you can do about it.
The company responded by saying the sick artwork didn't violate their community guidelines.
Well, of course it didn't.
In explaining its decision not to remove the image, Instagram stated, quote, Because Instagram is a global community, or a globalist community, we understand that people may express themselves differently.
So, this is obviously, in these hyper-tense, hyper-driven, hyper-volatile times, an image posted which is flagrantly a form of racism, as you can tell.
It's literally supporting black empowerment by showing these two fat women carrying the severed heads of white people.
Kind of a narrative going on there, not very well veiled, not very well hidden.
But according to Instagram, people may just express themselves differently.
Now, of course, as I said before, if it was reversed, if there was a picture of two severed heads of black people being carried by two white people, even in an artistic depiction, that would be removed within hours.
And as we've highlighted numerous times in the past, Instagram's hypocrisy when it comes to censorship is rampant.
So they allow
The glorification, the celebration of decapitating white people, which is basically what this artwork represents, which is completely fine by me.
I don't support censoring it.
But again, if that's your policy to censor offensive content, kind of a two-tier standard going on here.
Interesting to know what Instagram does censor and has censored over recent times and over the course of the past year.
Because earlier this month we had another article
Pointing out how Instagram had announced that it would be banning all QAnon accounts due to their alleged promotion of real-world harm.
No actual evidence of that, but they all got banned, as they all got banned on Facebook, as they all got banned on YouTube.
Again, this bedwetting over QAnon, which we've seen amongst the left, amongst the social media giants, is
Very much that.
Very much a hysterical moral panic.
And even if you think it's a bunch of BS, which I do, it should be allowed on the platform.
This is what we warned about.
This is what Facebook did.
What they moved towards after they banned Alex Jones, they moved towards banning ideas.
They're not banning hate speech, they're not just banning people, they're banning ideas.
And when those conglomerates, when those companies own the vast majority of global communication, that's a problem because then it gets into communist Chinese style social credit score controls and that has actual real world harm, which I'm going to get onto.
But we're asking the question, what does Instagram ban, what does Instagram allow?
Well, just last month, they refused to ban ISIS accounts that were literally on their platform celebrating 9-11, celebrating videos of the planes slamming into the Twin Towers, arguing with the exact same justification that we saw in this case, that glorifying terrorist attacks was a form of alternative expression.
Then again, if you had somebody on the right glorifying, for example, what Dylan Roof did when he massacred a bunch of black people, chances are that wouldn't be classified in the same bracket.
Just saying, just suggesting.
Last month, we also highlighted how Instagram was promoting images of obese people in the name of body positivity, despite the fact that it leads to horrific illnesses and early death.
They really care about you, while refusing to accept healthy eating ads which include photos that show people with well-toned bodies.
Yes, you can't post a dietary supplement ad on Facebook-owned Instagram now that shows people with well-toned bodies because, as they said in their justification at the time, it may hurt people's feelings.
So if it hurts people's feelings it has to go, but you can literally post the severed heads of white people
Whose feelings are hurt?
Who cares?
Last year, Instagram started fact-checking memes and removing them, including obvious satire, such as a meme that said Hillary Clinton had killed Jeffrey Epstein.
Obviously, the only memes affected by that policy were, quote, right-wing memes.
They removed photos of people doing the OK hand sign, claiming it was a form of hate speech.
They allowed Islamic jihadists to support terrorism, as we previously stated, but then removed photographs of people at gun ranges saying that that was a violation of their dangerous organization guidelines.
They also removed a photo of Caitlin Bennett for basically wearing an improbable station.
So that's all banned.
You're allowed to go on there.
The COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers,
This is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI.
And all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant, your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
I've got some really important and, quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high-level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden's able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Now here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep.
And we understand that the globalists are our mortal enemies.
And we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
Talk about how everything's freaked, particularly in the context of social media with Instagram refusing to remove the photo.
Severed heads of white people.
If you go to a gun range and you post a picture of yourself firing the gun, legally and lawfully, they'll remove that because it promotes violence.
Oh, but if you're a literal ISIS terrorist celebrating glorifying the attacks of 9-11, that's just free expression, dude!
That's fine!
We have Wikipedia, which apparently is this great authoritative source for all facts and news.
No, it isn't.
It's a left-wing blog.
The same people who control Wikipedia, control Twitter, control Instagram, control Facebook.
It's all the same mindset.
And in the context of these Hunter Biden emails, we have this headline out of Zero Hedge.
Wikipedia editors back Biden's stifled dissent.
Says after the New York Post published damning emails proving that Joe Biden was involved in Son Hunter's business with Burisma before he threatened the government of Ukraine if they didn't fire their chief prosecutor during an active investigation of the energy giant.
A war has broken out behind the scenes at Wikipedia.
Where activist editors claim, and that's what they all are, it's a closed group, it's a solid wall of far-left activist editors that not only change the facts, gloss over the facts, polish the facts, twist the facts in terms of current events but also historical events, now they're on there claiming with no evidence that the Ukraine scandal has been quote debunked.
Now bear in mind,
Wikipedia literally has a profile page of me.
Last time I checked, which says that I'm a, quote, political extremist.
I've never advocated any form of extremism, never advocated any form of violence, but it's up there, and it looks like it's up there for good!
It's been there, and it still is there as we can see right now.
It's been there since July.
You see, the funny thing about Wikipedia is,
When you try to contact Wikipedia to have them retract, amend and correct, and obviously clearly libel a statement like that, which leads to real world harm consequences, like bank accounts deplatforming you if you're applying for a mortgage, if you're applying to rent a house, buy a house, whatever.
These companies, these financial institutions, sometimes they do their background research.
Sometimes they do their credit checks.
Now, as we've seen in the UK over the past few weeks, just as we saw in America for the past two years with Chase Bank and others, people are not only being deplatformed from social media, from YouTube, Twitter, whatever, they're being deplatformed from being able to transact in the real world.
Oh, but cancel culture doesn't exist!
The AC activists, as we show in this BuzzFeed News article, literally tried to lobby Mastercard to cut off payments to the quote, far-right.
Who's the far-right?
Anyone who disagrees with them.
Oh, so how do you pay your bills?
How do you pay your rent?
How do you pay your mortgage?
How do you buy things without a credit card in this cashless society?
Well, you can't.
You'll be homeless.
You'll be out on the street.
You'll be not just cancelled on social media.
Your life will be cancelled.
Oh, but cancel culture doesn't exist.
Doesn't exist!
So Wikipedia, if you actually try to find out how to contact them legally,
Whether directly, individually, or through lawyers, the Wikipedia organization doesn't exist!
Apparently, there's no organization that controls Wikipedia.
It's an entity that has no controlling force or organization behind it.
The only people who control Wikipedia are the editors of Wikipedia.
And then if you try to get in contact with the editors of Wikipedia, or if you try to take, or threaten, cease and desist legal action against the editors of Wikipedia, then Wikipedia, the organisation, which also doesn't exist apparently, comes in and defends the people who edit Wikipedia, and basically they've never lost a case.
So they could literally put up there that I was a child molester and I could do absolutely nothing about it.
Oh, but they've got sources, you see.
They've got sources to say that I'm a political extremist.
Who's their source?
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook.
Right, so that your source is people who work for a company with the exact same mindset as you.
Your source is basically yourself.
It's really impressive how they've rigged this game, isn't it?
So they can literally say anything they like about you and claim that they've got multiple sources to prove it.
Also, who are the sources?
Impartial, independent organizations?
It's basically themselves.
We're the source.
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are the source.
We say you're a dangerous individual.
Then you're a dangerous individual for life.
Then you're a political extremist, as we see here with the Board of Trustees who sit on every single social media company.
The ones that the Biden campaign has now hired in the final few weeks of the campaign, as we'll get on to.
So their sources each other.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, woke employees say that you're a dangerous individual, that you're a political extremist.
That then goes on your Wikipedia page.
That's then a stain on you for life.
Then banks, corporations, financial institutions, landlords, whoever, credit card companies, they look at that and they say, well, you know, we don't want to give a bank account to a political extremist.
We don't want to rent a house to a political extremist, so we're just not going to do that and you're going to be out on the street.
That's happened to people
In my country, and it's happened to several people in the United States, what is that?
It's the social credit score.
It's the communist Chinese system, where if somebody gets on the internet and in China criticizes the government, well suddenly they're not allowed to buy a plane ticket.
Suddenly they're not allowed to get on a train to visit their family, because they've violated the sacred norms of the social credit system.
And it's even more chilling than that, of course, because in China,
The people who you're affiliated with, your friends, their social credit score is negatively impacted by your behavior.
So not only are you going to get deplatformed from having a bank account, from being able to rent a house, from being able to start a business, so your friends, so then your friends are going to disavow you, so then you're literally homeless on the street with no money, no bank account, no friends.
Very impressive system that they've set up, isn't it?
I mean, Orwell, this would have been a pipe dream for Orwell or Aldous Huxley.
But now, according to Wikipedia, the Hunter Biden scandal is debunked.
Because they say it is.
And they cite Twitter, which also said it was.
Of course, we had the Biden campaign official a few days ago said, well, this has proven to be debunked.
Well, because Twitter said so.
Alright, yeah, but the overwhelming vast majority of people employed with Twitter are far-leftist Democrats.
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
Says, any dissent challenging the debunked status has been repeatedly dismissed.
This is on Wikipedia.
And changes by editors writing that the Ukraine scandal is an open issue have been reverted to debunked and the authors admonished.
I mean, I'm shocked that there are even some authors left on Wikipedia that get to dissent against that impenetrable wall of wokeism.
It says, as RT notes, in recent days Wikipedia editors have been engaged in regular spats about the inclusion of the word debunked.
But the people who always win are the woke crowd.
They always get their way because they have the majority and they have the power.
Welcome to the Way.
Summit.News will be right back.
I've got some bad news for you, then I've got some really bad news, then I've got some good news.
The bad news is, even if Trump gets re-elected, they're going to still trigger attempts at martial law, medical lockdowns, race riots, and a depression.
That's the globalists.
They're trying to bring America to our knees.
Now, if Trump doesn't get elected, they're still planning to bring us to our knees and really try to break our will and bring us into a super intense depression, total control, and like Australia's already doing, rounding up and arresting people that criticize what the left are doing.
That's the really bad news.
The good news is, this has triggered people out of their sleep all over the world, and the resistance is mounting, and the globalists are panicking.
So, bottom line, we're in the fight, we're starting to win, but it's serious.
So, pray to God for a global awakening.
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And because of your support, we've had the money to reorder and get the other things that have actually sold out, so those should be back in stock as well soon.
Thank you so much for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Obviously, we're critical of the fight, and you've helped win the war against the Globals so far.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
I mean, CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up to the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app and every company that are on Apple's
Apple and Androids.
Don't just track your location, but your surfing history, where you go, who you talk to, your relationships, and they all share the data with each other of what you're doing on the apps as well, including having apps turn on and listen to what you're saying, just like Siri or Alexa do, and then putting databases, transcripts of everything you say into those systems to be saved forever.
Your phone is spying on you and companies are generating secret surveillance scores based on information.
This is the Global Chinese Communist Social Credit Score.
Get your protection privacy pockets at Infowarsstore.com and cut Big Brother off dead in his filthy tracks.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from London, England, it's Paul Joseph Watson with Summit.News.
So we're going to switch gears now and start talking about coronavirus and the multitude of lockdowns that have expanded over the United Kingdom over the past week or so.
Of course, now it's not a lockdown.
It's a circuit breaker, OK?
It's just for a few weeks.
You'll just be under house arrest for another few weeks.
It's fine.
Stop complaining about it.
They've changed the language because they know the resistance against lockdown, and this is especially evident in the polls, is definitely growing.
A couple of months ago, three months ago, if you looked at the polls in the United Kingdom, for example,
Still the clear majority of people not only supported the existing lockdown measures, but supported making them even more draconian.
That has started to shift over the past couple of weeks.
So now, instead of changing the actual policy and reacting to public opinion, to public sympathies,
They've just changed the name of the lockdown.
It's not a lockdown.
It's a circuit breaker.
It's just going to be for a few weeks.
Then again, maybe not.
Maybe it's going to be for six weeks, as it is in Ireland.
Of course, back at the start of the pandemic lockdown in March, we were told here in the United Kingdom by our esteemed Prime Minister Boris Johnson that we just had to do this to protect the NHS.
Of course, the vast majority of people supported it and thought maybe it would go until the end of April, maybe into May and then it would be over and we'd all move on with our lives.
No, there's no getting over it.
It's here forever because it's such a bounty for mass surveillance and mass imposition and evisceration of our liberties.
But again, at the start they told us just, you know,
Maybe four weeks, maybe five weeks to protect the NHS.
Of course, the NHS was fine.
All the NHS hospitals were empty.
They closed down the Nightingale hospitals, the extra hospitals that they built to supposedly deal with this overflow of COVID patients.
And the end result, as you saw, was a bunch of nurses.
And this was the same in the United States of America.
Wasting their time doing TikTok dancing videos.
And yes, those TikTok dancing videos have started to return.
Because, of course, now people are once again being completely terrified into going back into the hospitals, into not getting their cancer screenings, their treatment for other serious diseases.
A lot of those people are literally dying right now.
A lot of people, a lot of esteemed experts like the German Health Minister have said repeatedly, the lockdown itself will kill more people than Covid.
Doesn't matter.
Oh, but the government really cares about you.
No, they don't.
No, they don't.
And what's even more offensive about this?
Oh, by the way, those TikTok nurse dancing videos, they kind of peaked.
I think it was in maybe April, late April, May, earlier this year.
They kind of peaked.
You know, they all got their social media clout because they were so busy dealing with all the COVID patients.
They literally had the time to choreograph and arrange all these dancers and do them over and over again for social media clout.
It kind of ended when a bunch of friends, parents, sons and daughters of actual cancer victims came out and said, our son, our daughter, our dad, our mother can't get cancer treatment because you've cancelled their appointment because the hospitals are supposedly overflowing and in dire threat of becoming in an emergency situation where there's literally people dying in the corridors.
Didn't happen.
Didn't happen.
And they were all doing TikTok dances, but then when the actual relatives, friends and relatives of cancer victims came out and said, what the hell are you doing?
Then it kind of subsided.
Well, now it's back.
There was a big video, a big viral video yesterday of a doctor in India doing a similar dance.
And now that we've been convinced, or many, a great portion of the population has been convinced that now we have a second wave,
Even though the hospitals for this time of year are at the exact same occupancy or even below they were in October last year, now we've been convinced of that.
Now we're going to get more TikTok dancing videos.
Because people aren't going to hospital because they're either afraid or their appointments have been cancelled and they're all dying in vast numbers.
But your government really cares about you.
Mask virtue signaller Gary Lineker caught breaking mask rules.
Now if you don't know who Gary Lineker is, he's one of the most insufferable woke celebrity idiots who resides in the United Kingdom.
This is the guy who repeatedly campaigned for refugees to be brought into the United Kingdom, despite the fact that
When he claimed that, he claimed they were child refugees, even though photographs of these refugees clearly made out that they were literally, like, 40 years old.
Doesn't matter.
This is one of the guys who campaigned for that, bearing in mind, of course, which I'm going to get onto with the Manchester bombing, which is still going through court right now.
The Manchester bomber was literally a refugee brought into the United Kingdom by the government and by the Royal Navy, went on to blow himself up and injure, maim or kill 800 people, most of them kids.
Refugees welcome.
We had the Paris massacre attack.
Basically, all of the Paris massacre jihadists came into Europe via that same refugee wave, supported by the likes of Lily Allen, by the likes of Gary Lineker.
But he stood up for his beliefs a few months ago by coming out and claiming that he will take in a refugee.
After he was challenged multiple times, he said, yes, I'm going to take in a refugee.
I'm going to house a refugee because he loves diversity so much he lives in what is
The least diverse area of London, it's called Bonds, it's 90 plus percent white.
Now London is very diverse, let's put it that way, and even the quote nice areas don't really get above 90 percent white.
But Gary Lineker chose to live in an area of London which is probably one of, it's probably in the top three of the whitest areas in London, but he loves diversity so much
That he's put his money where his mouth is and he's taking in a refugee.
Of course, that was a few months ago and it hasn't happened yet, and I wonder if it will, and I doubt if it will.
But to give you another example of his rampant hypocrisy, this came out just yesterday.
So Gary Lineker put out several tweets over the course of the lockdown period, including one in April.
Where he said, quote, How can there be any debate about whether we should be wearing a mask?
Even if it's only a 1% chance of making you safer.
Even if it's only a 1% chance of stopping you giving it to someone else.
Even if it only saves one life!
If it just saves one life!
Don't get in your car.
Relinquish your right to mobility.
Don't drive anywhere.
Don't get on a plane.
If it just saves one life.
Because there are car crashes.
Let's ban driving.
So he's a big proponent of mask wearing and has been since the very start of this pandemic.
He tweeted again in July.
This seems to be the most obvious thing in the world.
Can't understand why anyone would object to wearing a mask.
Painless gesture to ensure you don't spread the virus.
He said again on July 14th.
Why would anyone object to wearing a mask in a shop?
Not exactly a hardship.
What a country of snowflakes we've become.
Then he said again, in another tweet, So he's literally said four or five times on Twitter, probably elsewhere as well, How dare you not wear a mask?
And specifically, how dare you not wear a mask in a shop?
Well, guess what Mr. Virtue Signaller-in-Chief Gary Lineker got caught doing just a few days ago here in the United Kingdom?
In Barnes, his very diverse, ethnically varying area where he lives, he got caught, wait for it, not wearing a mask.
Well, imagine my shock.
And this is after, which I forgot to mention here, he literally took a photograph of himself out in the same area, outside the same shop, back in April, I believe it was.
Yeah, 8th of April.
This Marks and Spencer supermarket, where he's literally... And this, by the way, was before mask-wearing was becoming commonplace.
I mean, the vast majority of people don't wear masks outside in the UK, because it's not yet the law.
It probably will be.
But this was way before basically anyone was wearing a mask in the UK, at least outside.
And he said, I'm taking no chances.
He wore the mask.
He virtue-signaled.
Now, months and months later, he's going into Marks and Spencer once again and not wearing a mask.
One rule for him.
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The system,
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Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back for the final segment.
I'm going to move on to talk about what's going on in the courts here in London.
I think I'm going to speak to the Manchester Arena bombing case.
This happened back in May 2017.
An Islamist extremist suicide bomber blew himself up after an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena.
More than 800 people were wounded, 23 people died, many of those victims were children.
And what continues to be revealed with the inquest into this tragedy, into this horrific attack, is the fact that this bomber, Salman Abdi, who by the way is brought in by the Royal Navy as a refugee, hashtag refugees welcome,
As a result of government policy, as a result of the disastrous intervention, military intervention, by Barack Obama and David Cameron into Libya to overthrow a secular leader in Colonel Gaddafi and put into power Islamist radicals.
What another great idea that was!
What continues to come out in the aftermath and during the inquest is the fact that this suicide bomber could have been stopped.
We have a headline here out of the Daily Mail.
Could have been stopped, by the way, if political correctness didn't exist.
Seems to be a common thread throughout this inquest.
Police officer who received a bravery award after Manchester Arena attack took a two-hour lunch break to buy a kebab.
Missed suicide bomber and admits she would probably have asked what was in his rucksack.
So this suicide bomber, 22-year-old refugee, Salman Abdi, hashtag refugees welcome,
was walking through the Manchester Arena, walked from the train station which is located near the arena, with a massive bag, sweating profusely, nervous, at some point reportedly praying to Allah, nobody thought to ask him what he was up to.
Although actually they did and then they reported it to security and police who did absolutely nothing.
A police officer patrolling Manchester Arena went on an unacceptable two-hour break to buy a kebab.
On the day of suicide bomber Salman Abadi's attack, an inquiry has heard.
British transport police officer Jessica Bullough admitted to the inquiry that she would probably have asked Abadi what was in his rucksack had he... had she seen him.
She didn't see him because she decided to leave the area for two hours to go and get a kebab.
It was very important at the time.
And then she was given a bravery award.
She was off patrol for two hours and nine minutes, during which she drove half an hour to buy a kebab with a colleague.
She broke down in tears as she spoke about how she had struggled to cope in the arena following the explosion.
So again, many, many missed opportunities.
Last week, the inquiry was told about 30 minutes before the explosion.
Security worker Julie Merchant, checking for merchandise bootleggers, the briefly drawn PC blows attention, this same woman who decided to go for a kebab for two hours, to a quote, praying crank on the upstairs level of the foyer.
So this guy's got a huge backpack, he's anxious, he's nervous, he's sweating, he's praying to Allah.
Oh, totally not out of place.
An Ariana Grande concert.
Miss Merchant said she did not think the man was a bomber,
Okay, but thought it worth mentioning as he had secreted himself away in an area he should not have been.
She told the inquiry, I just thought it was worth mentioning.
So this guy's got a massive bomb in his backpack, he's praying to Allah, he's in an area of the building where he's not supposed to be, and this woman says that it was, you know, nothing, nothing worth mentioning.
She says it
Even though I was not suspicious of him.
How on earth are you not suspicious of a Middle Eastern man with a huge backpack, praying to Allah, trying to get into a massive arena filled with thousands of people?
So the police officer who was told this decided to go for a kebab and then she was given a bravery award.
Also related to this, Sky News reports Manchester Arena attack father confronted dodgy-looking bomber minutes before blast.
The father described how he confronted the Manchester Arena bomber as he hid behind a wall with his bomb waiting to launch his attack.
Chris Wilde and his wife Julie Whitley exchanged a look as they walked around Salman Abedi, who was sitting with his back against a raised platform outside of Arena doors with his rucksack beside him.
Miss Whiteley said she believed he looked dodgy.
And Mr. Wilde went back to talk to him before reporting him to security while they waited in the foyer for their 14-year-old daughter and friend.
What did he tell security?
Well, he told them that Mr. Aberdee, the jihadist terrorist, had a big rucksack and it was full.
Adding, I just thought it was strange.
It's a kid's concert.
And if that was a merchandiser, why wouldn't he be selling his things there?
Now, he reported this
As the story continues, and is buried in the depth of the story, he reported this to a security guard called Mohammed Agar.
Hmm, interesting.
He shared the suspicions with colleague Kyle Lawler, but Mr. Lawler claims he could not get through to his control on the radio.
He said there was nothing Mr. Mohammed Agar could have done, adding, in no way do I blame him because the guy was already in there.
However, after the bombing Mr Wilde told police I felt I was being fobbed off.
Which means, in British parlance, ignored, dismissed.
So multiple people, and by the way I highlighted this immediately after the attack happened three years ago,
In a video in which a woman was interviewed by Sky News and she also reported another woman.
By the way, there were several individuals acting very suspiciously right before this bombing, not just the suicide bomber himself.
Potentially involved in a wider plot, but that hasn't come out yet.
There was another woman who told Sky News that she saw a woman acting suspiciously, fidgeting with her bag,
She told security, and guess what?
Guess what Mr. Mohammed's security did?
He did nothing.
So she was looking in the right direction of where the explosion actually happened, and smirking to herself all night, adding that the suspect spoke with a foreign accent.
The eyewitness, who reported this to Mr. Mohammed's security, said she was lectured by security for making the suspect feel uncomfortable.
The suspect then disappeared minutes before the concert finished.
Then the bomb went off and everybody died.
But again, numerous instances of attendees at this concert trying to alert security to the fact that there's this shifty, dodgy-looking Middle Eastern guy with a huge backpack, sweating, nervous, anxious, praying to Allah.
When they reported it, they were told basically to shut up.
Probably some of them were
Poll to stop being racist.
22 people died.
And we move on.
Meanwhile, we had the beheading by another member of the Religion of Peace in Paris a few days ago.
This is out of RT.
Mosque says it regrets sharing video aimed at the beheaded teacher.
French Interior Minister wants it to be closed.
The French mosque has expressed regret.
For sharing a video that is believed to have provoked the gruesome murder of a history and geography teacher, the country's interior ministers demanded it closed down.
If you don't know about this, basically what happened was a teacher in a French school in Paris showed his class images of the Prophet Muhammad, specifically cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, while he was giving a lesson on freedom of speech.
Because we had the Charlie Hebdo attack back in 2015, which was based around the same premise.
He was then outed amongst all these local mosques.
Members of these mosques tried to incite a hate mob against him, minimally to get him fired, and ultimately, in the case of what happened, to get him beheaded.
Hopefully that wasn't their original intention, but one of the Islamic extremists who seemed to be quite plentiful in Paris, given that there's literally an attack there every other week, found this call to action and decided to behead the teacher for the sin of showing a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad to his class in school.
Now if you remember back to 2015 with Charlie Hebdo,
The reaction to that, on one level, was just J'ai Sui Charlie and the big marches in the streets and many world leaders gathering, supporting, endorsing freedom of speech.
That would never happen now.
That would totally not happen now.
But the other reaction to it, specifically from the Pope, the Catholic Pope, supposed defender of faith, was, well, maybe they just deserved it.
And this same explanation is coming out once again.
Flashback article, 2015 BBC, Pope Francis.
Curse my mother, expect a punch.
Pope Francis has defended the right to freedom of expression.
No he didn't, he did the opposite.
But has said it was wrong to provoke others by insulting their religion.
He said, he told journalists on the papal plane his assistant could expect a punch if he cursed his mother.
But basically the Pope came out and said, well if you insult a religion, surely you deserve to get massacred in cold blood by a bunch of Islamists.
That set the standard.
It will happen again in Paris.
And it will continue to happen unless stricter action is taken.
Wrap it up for this hour.
Coming up next, Ballroom Video Insider Outback tomorrow.
Back here, Summit.News.