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Filename: 20201016_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 16, 2020
3148 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics and current events in these videos. He believes that Big Tech companies have too much power and are suppressing important information. He criticizes Joe Biden, Bill Gates, and globalists for their alleged involvement in corruption and attempts to control society. He encourages listeners to support independent media outlets and stand up against censorship. Other guests on his show discuss issues such as transgender rights and the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall theme of these videos is fighting against perceived threats to American values by powerful entities.

It's Friday, October 16th, and the year is 2020.
We're 96 days out from the inauguration, 17 days out from all hell breaking loose, when the Chai Combat Deep State is going to openly say that Trump loses the election, they're going to contest it.
When he counter-contests, they're going to say that's dictatorship, and trigger nationwide riots, a run on the banks, the dollar, and a race war.
Now that's their plan.
Will they be able to carry it out?
They've already gotten away with so many other crimes and other coup attempts.
So, because they didn't get in trouble, they've only upped the ante.
I've never seen such incredible coverage, though, in even major publications concerning big tech, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others working in concert.
To suppress the Hunter Biden Burisma emails, which they are confirming are real.
They're not denying it.
The FBI confirms they had an investigation that went nowhere.
So the information was given to Giuliani by the man that got the derelict laptop because Hunter, such a drug addict, never came back and got it.
This isn't the first time he left laptops in rental cars.
Wouldn't return rental cars, would leave his baggage everywhere because he would get so bombed out of his brain.
That's why he was kicked out of the Navy for being a co-kid.
And so now the fourth largest paper by circulation in the U.S.
is still being censored even though Jack Dorsey came out and said, oh, it's a mistake.
Every time there's pushback they say it's a mistake.
And we see no action.
We see talk from Senator Cruz.
We see talk from Congressman Jordan.
We see talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk from Senator Josh Hawley.
He's starting to do a little bit.
But it's more than just Section 230.
This is election meddling.
This is organized racketeering.
The big tech working together to suppress with a pre-produced list is the essence of civil rights violation.
Is the essence of tyranny.
So they can be shut down a hundred different ways.
Then Big Tech's worked with Communist China.
And committed espionage.
And Apple's transferred the code keys to all the iPhones and Apple devices to Communist China.
There's a thousand ways to skin this corrupt cat.
But they won't even get the knives out.
And so politically, they have no gravitas or respect with Big Tech, who gets on their belly to Communist China and others, because at the heart, they're America-hating, rich authoritarian scum that have disdain for flyover country.
This is going to be one hell of a transmission.
I was reading these emails, the new ones that came out yesterday, on air with Deanna Lorraine and Owen Schroeder last night, and I couldn't believe them.
I mean, remember when Schiff and the committee
Read a fake transcript of Trump going, I give you this money and then you give me this.
Or you give me money and then I do this.
It's in the emails that are public where they say, I give you the 30 million to start with and then a percentage of the company, 50%, and then you tell US regulators to leave us alone and to say Burisma isn't corrupt.
I mean, it is the most open
And shut I've ever seen.
But excuse me, excuse me, what did Biden say on the CFR two years ago?
And when this came out two years ago, and then again a year ago, Facebook and Twitter would block this video you're about to see right now.
I remember going over convincing our team, or others too, convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
I went over, I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said they were walking out to the press conference.
I said, no, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority.
You're not the president.
The president said it.
I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting the billion.
I'm going to be leaving here.
I think it was, what, six hours?
I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Got fired.
Now, the news is focused in on a Trump ad that got the Trump campaign site, election meddling, shut down that has clips in it of Biden saying similar things.
But they've been blocking that.
There's three Trump ads with Biden.
I've seen them blocked.
So they're protecting criminals and violating an election.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing... Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with liars!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground!
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
Wow, 17 days out from the election, 96 from the inauguration.
It's Friday, October 16th.
The year is 2020.
And big tech.
Is surveilling everyone's private text messages and private emails and suppressing even private communications now and watching what you do and they've hired 200,000 Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL trained hardcore leftist to be inside Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple controlling and watching your every move?
And accessing the Google Assistant, and the Alexa Assistant, and all the other assistants, and actually compiling the data and putting it into databases.
Remember the ADL back in the early 1990s actually got convicted of breaking into, what was it, the San Francisco Police Department and stealing files on conservatives.
Well, they don't need to do that now, they just hit a button.
Sacha Baron Cohen just hits one button.
He's got a terminal, I'm told.
All of them do.
And he just goes in right into your phone, right into your laptop, right into your assistant, right into your smart TV while you're having sex with your wife.
That's the power of big tech.
That's the power of the breakaway civilization.
By the way, everything I just told you, I told you 20 years before it was known.
Now it's in the news that the employees listen to you.
And their favorite thing is they like to watch little children naked.
That's why they get caught and they can't help themselves now.
They'll talk over the Google Assistant, over the Alexa, the ones that have cameras, and they'll say, take your clothes off or I'm gonna murder you.
Show me your naked sister's private parts or I'm gonna kill you.
Just remember who Big Tech is.
An army of scum.
An army of Satanists.
An army of pedophiles.
An army of trash.
Now, telling Congress, go to hell, we'll censor the President, we'll censor his campaign, you will not even show C-SPAN clips of Joe Biden saying, I ordered them to fire this prosecutor who was investigating my son, or I'll take a billion dollars away, and son of a bitch, within one hour it was done.
Oh, but the Republicans are going to have an emergency hearing 17 days out, and talk about
Section 230.
This isn't Section 230.
This isn't them violating the fact that they said they're not a publisher.
Then they go in and censor.
Violating their utility status.
It's racketeering!
When they all get together and they admit they have meetings and get together and they decide what they're going to do and how they're going to control your life and how they're going to surveil you.
They're watching you to then be able to come in and block what you do.
And now people are going, whoa, it's not just Alex Jones, it's everybody?
So let's play one of the Trump ads that got the Trump campaign site shut down.
And let's remember what I told you three months ago, a month ago, a month ago, and last week.
You don't turn a light switch off instantly with tyranny.
That would get people's attention if suddenly the lights go off.
That might wake the cattle up.
But if the lights slowly turned down over three months, because starting about three years ago, four years ago when Hillary lost, they started really shadow banning, controlling, testing out their systems.
But see, in the last four years, about 50% of the net was closed.
Now in the last couple months, 90% has now been closed.
It's accelerating.
Until I told you, members of Congress, the judiciary committees, the courts, police departments, the president,
Intelligence agencies, they all have to bow to the technocrats that now decide what can be seen on the platforms and what can't ahead of, I would say, within three days of the election, so 14 days from now, you will have 99.9% total freezing of 100 million people's accounts in America.
All of you.
You won't be able to private message anybody on Facebook.
You'll post something but no one will see it.
You won't be able to go anywhere.
You won't be able to send people emails.
They're testing this ahead of activating their terror squads that Antifa's just the cover for, and burning down buildings and blowing up police departments, plunging the dollar, plunging the stock market, and saying President Trump must be removed
Or you're not going to remove the pain.
What did Big Mike say?
And what have all the Democrats been saying in their speeches?
What did Obama call Michael in all those speeches?
His loving husband.
What did Big Mike, the NFL linebacker, have to say?
He said, it's going to get a lot worse if you elect Trump.
We're going to hurt you really bad.
You think we've hurt you so far?
And of course, when you give in to them, they only hurt you worse.
It's what psychotic criminals do.
And as soon as you recognize that these are willful, hardcore, selfish, drug addict, devil-worshipping monsters who absolutely love to dominate you and your family, you have no hope.
But as soon as you admit that to yourself, you've got more than hope.
You've got a fighting chance.
Now let's talk about this.
InfoWars has it.
New York Post has it.
Zero Hedge has it.
Gateway Pundit has it.
It came out yesterday afternoon.
More emails, as Rudolph Giuliani said, of the next five days.
We're now into day number three today.
He'd dribble them out.
More is going to come out, probably in the next hour.
We'll be here covering it.
Myself, Owen Schroer, David Knight, the rest of the crew.
Y'all are in tonight.
And you gotta go read the emails.
And they admit these are real emails.
And the FBI had this and did nothing.
And it's the head of Arisma talking to Hunter, and he's like, well, I won't take 50% like my dad does.
And he goes on to say, well, the deliverables are, it goes on and on, we want you to ultimately propose to close down for any cases, pursuits against our company and the people being criminally investigated.
And then it says right here, you need to shut down the criminal investigations.
You can go read the actual email, scroll down.
So, so, that's what's going on here.
You can go read this for yourself, but remember, not on Twitter, not on YouTube, not on Google, not on Facebook, they won't let you see any of this.
Because you're a criminal, you're an American scumbag, you're flyover filth.
And of course they've got all the shiny objects of him with hookers and him smoking crack and him, you know, and Hunter's pee-pee.
All of that's a side issue, okay?
I don't care about Hunter's ding-dong.
I care about the fact that this little maggot criminal got billions for his father and his brothers.
Billions from China.
And hundreds of millions, conservatively, for these pigs that are known to have foreign bank accounts, you name it.
So let's go out to break.
With one of the ads that has been banned.
And this got, again, the Trump official election website shut down.
And they're just testing.
Like a parrot tests the perch with its beak before it gets on it.
And every time they test, with flying colors, Congress and the President, everyone just groveled.
Oh, I mean, they may verbally say this is wrong,
But see, they expect you to cry while they're raping you, while Hunter and his dad are raping the living snot out of America, stealing our republic, selling us out of the shycoms.
They think it's funny.
They think it's cute, because you never actually do anything to these thug, arrogant, white-shoe boy gangsters, who are nobodies.
Stuffed suits, totally out of control, child-molesting filth.
It's well known Joe Biden's a child molester.
And that reportedly child porn's on the computer as well.
And I just hope Giuliani releases it all.
It's time for war with these people and their satanic order of filth.
So here's the ad that the President's been banned for.
And think about that.
I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses.
I did anything wrong.
And I didn't realize he was on the board until after it was
After he'd been on the board and at the same time he has come forward and said it was a mistake on his part to be on the board.
I don't know what he was doing.
I know he was on the board.
I found out he was on the board after he was on the board and that was it.
The fact is I was unaware of his investments until those occurred and I've never discussed what my son's business with him because I didn't want any conflict.
I don't discuss business with my son.
I didn't know that was the case.
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business.
I've never discussed my business or their business, my sons or daughters, and I've never discussed them.
But the emails all show the opposite and what happened shows the opposite.
See, Hillary was supposed to get elected.
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives.
And implement absolute authoritarianism.
So, again, to everybody out there, if you love your children, like my daughter that just woke up here, and if you care about yourselves in any future, you need to get awake, you need to understand this information, you need to warn others, okay?
It's a life and death situation.
You notice that over and over again, the United Nations, our supposed controllers and bosses, the great arbiter of truth that no one's allowed to disagree with, has come out and said nothing can treat or prevent COVID-19.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's a total lie.
We're good to go.
For saying that there's hope and that people should have their vitamins and their minerals.
Well now Fauci's been forced to come out and admit that you need vitamin D3 and C. He should have also added zinc.
Because the NIH website says you die without zinc.
But it's good news that he's being pressured now to admit the reality because so many doctors and nurses and experts in nutrition have been exposing the fact that he's not been warning the public to get their vitamins.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back!
Countdown 17 days.
96 to the inauguration.
Battle for the Republic is now.
I want to be clear with viewers that just tuned in.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
When I tell you that Bill Gates is a master psychotic criminal, cut from the same cloth as Adolf Adolph Hitler, and when I tell you that Joe Biden is a psychotic, criminal, child molester, just piece of garbage, the evidence is overwhelming.
And when I tell you these people are a collection of lying filth that love to desecrate and destroy society, it's all on record.
Joe Biden last night, we'll cue this up, said that I will get a federal law passed lowering the age of consent to the age of 8 so that boys can have their testicles chopped off.
Well, you don't have age of consent until 18 because you can fool young people to do stupid things, even more than adults.
That's why you don't have eight-year-olds in porno movies.
It'd be better to have an eight-year-old in a porno movie, which would be horrible, having sex, than to cut their balls off, to mutilate them, to scalp them of their manhood.
But if you can gaslight and convince an autistic young boy, there's a lot more of them today, isn't there?
Used to be one in 35,000, now it's one in 58 here in the U.S.
South Korea's even worse.
And they convince them, aren't you pretty?
You've got ponytails now.
You really want to be a girl?
You've got to prove it.
Go in for your surgery.
And they have the highest rate of committing suicide.
You name it.
This is how they target our men with medical experiments.
You know about Tuskegee.
You know about radiating the foster kids.
You know about all the secret 7th day Adventist testing on their own people.
Or maybe you don't.
There's a shadow evil group.
So that's just one thing when I say Biden's a child molester.
He wants to have taxpayer-paid surgeons chop millions of boys' balls off.
That's worse than being somebody with him just wanting to smell kids and telling eight-year-old girls, you make me horny.
That's disgusting and criminal.
But he wants to mutilate them.
He doesn't just want to stick his filthy you-know-what in them.
Oh, let me keep going for a couple of hours for you?
Maybe I will.
Maybe we'll just cancel guests, and I'll just go over every point with these people.
I could go for days!
Communist China has 3 million Uyghurs in forced labor death camps, 1 million Christians, and 1 million Buddhists.
They say, they say, they kill up to 600 of the men a day at one camp, and China defends it.
They sell the organs and advertise the organs for international sale.
They blow up churches.
They break up families.
They have mobile execution vans, dozens of them in every major city, so they take you from your prison facility for your religious beliefs, and they take you and chop your organs out on the way to the airplane to ensure freshness.
Joe Biden thinks it's great and says China should direct every facet of our lives.
Want to see the clip?
And it goes on and on and on.
So when I say they're scum, when I say they're devil worshippers,
When I say they are trash, I mean there's no way to even quantify it.
Because there's too much evidence.
That's who these people are.
That's how they operate.
That's their endgame.
That's their goal.
And they thought they'd gotten away with it.
They thought America was done.
They thought they were invincible and now they're finding out different.
So they are election meddling, mass censoring, mass surveilling, and the Republican leadership on average are not bad men.
But they are addled by their normalcy bias that they grew up in a free country and with respectful people that like to go eat good dinners and go play golf and see their grandkids.
You old men are a bigger threat than these Satanists.
Because you won't wake up and go to war!
You cowardly, dumb, trash!
Or you're worried about, oh, they know about your mistress, or they know about something you did that was halfway corrupt 20 years ago.
People don't care.
We want war against the globalists.
If you're not selling out the Chinese, and if you're not screwing little kids in the ass, excuse my French, delay that,
Then, we're not gonna send your ass to prison.
You will get amnesty.
You will get...
To be able to come in and get a pardon.
But we want war against these devil worshippers now.
We want them arrested.
We want them dealt with now.
You fear those Satanists?
You'd better fear them triggering a civil war in which all of you will be consumed in fire!
So let me tell you what we've got coming up today.
We got Trump forcefully calls for end of section 230.
That's not enough, and that's too slow.
And emergency hearings aren't enough.
If you had an international group, which we do, openly manipulating the election and bragging about it, you need SWAT team raids.
You need to get the files!
But see, you don't do that, because you're up against CHICOMS, who are hard as nails, and you're not.
You're a bunch of old, stupid lawyers!
You're a bunch of jerks!
They got all your draft deferments during Vietnam, and the rest of you.
And so you sit there, thinking you're still in your little candy-ass world, and you let big tech dictate the lockdown, and the UN dictate you wear your little diaper mask, and you go through all the social distancing, and you play along with the cowardly, dumbed-down minions around you.
And now we're in this position.
Sorry, let me just get back to this.
I have some really good news.
I'm going to go get seated at my desk, because I tend to rant when I'm standing up.
I'm going to go over all the good news, the ugly news, and the bad news on the other side of this break, and where all this is really going.
But the time is action.
The time for action has passed.
It's the time for serious action.
Now let me tell you about this briefly, then we're going to go to break.
We brought in less money so far in the month of October this year in our election year than we brought in last year.
And I know why that is.
It's because they've already shut down almost all the internet.
Almost no one can communicate right now.
They're devastating everyone.
Almost every conservative outlet's going bankrupt and doesn't even know what hit them because we've got idiot morons running Congress that allowed this to happen.
But we're still in attack formation.
We still have giant audiences.
But when it comes to us actually getting capital with the depression that's already here, we're not getting what we need to continue on into the future.
And we can't allow that to happen.
I've got great products you already need.
Look at these.
This just came in a month ago.
My dad developed it with top developers.
It's Dr. Jones Naturals.
Cabochil 500mg and 250mg.
And ladies and gentlemen, if you haven't read about these babies,
If you don't know about these babies, I tell you then, it's just crazy.
It's absolutely nuts.
If you don't know what kava does in this proprietary blend, it is known to be used by the Samoans and, you know, by the folks that founded Hawaii and all the rest of it, as their most sacred herb, which they said the supreme ruler, creator of the universe gave them.
I think?
Before I take some knockout, I take this and just it absolutely makes me not want to tear people's heads off.
And it's good, clean, focused relaxation.
It's 50% off, free shipping, double Patriot points.
But if you get, if you get COVID chill,
Regular and extra string together, it's 60% off in the combo at InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
And we've got the big sale, InfoWars Total Blowout Sale, of the 60% off free shipping, ProPedro Points, that has to end on Monday.
Only a few days left on that.
We'll be right back.
This is your last chance to get a pack power stack.
And I'm really bummed out about that.
It started out as a sleeper product, but the people that did order it loved it and started reordering it.
They spread the word and became one of our best sellers.
But because of the COVID supply chain breakdown,
Because there's 13 different formulas in a pack power stack, we are unable to secure it anymore.
This is the highest in AM-PM pack system you're going to find, where you take half the pills in the morning, half the tablets and pills and gel caps at night.
It's amazing.
I don't have time to go into everything that's in it, but this gets people to remember to take it.
And that's why it's having such a great effect, because the stuff in here is absolutely amazing.
So it's your last chance to get 8-Pack PowerStack at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's 60% off and free shipping.
That is at cost.
For all of you that already support InfoWars, we're passing these savings on to you, to your 8-Pack PowerStack now, or you still can, your last chance to get it, InfoWarsStore.com.
8-Pack PowerStack, 60% off and free shipping.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform and now they're doing it.
They're doing it to the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site with the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system?
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out and says he's going to take action once re-elected against Big Tech under these modern situations.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, you were sleeping.
They came and took it all away.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I tend to open the phones up throughout the entire four hours of the transmission.
I'll give that number out at the end of this segment.
We'll start taking your calls right through the whole show.
We do have the head of the Proud Boys, Enrique, joining us for a couple segments, but that's it.
Okay, I get really wound up on the TV side of this, syndicated radio and TV together.
Why not stand up?
It just gets my blood going.
What gets my blood really going is reading all these Burisma emails that if I was going to create a college course in criminology, say for people going to school to be in the FBI, or let's say Scotland Yard in the UK, or MI5 or something, I would
Have emails like this, like, okay, you get the 30 million and then you get half the money and then you make sure the prosecutors don't come after us and make sure we don't go to jail.
And then the dad, Joe Biden, the former vice president, goes on CFR TV, C-SPAN, from the CFR and says, I gave the order that if they didn't fire the prosecutor, that
We'd hold back a million dollars, and son of a bitch, they fired him.
I mean, this is the most cut and dry ridiculousness, but it's the mental illness of these people that they would sit there and brag like this in front of everyone, and then now it's the madness of King George.
It's the Emperor's New Clothes.
They are on television defending.
The Washington Post is saying there's no story here.
And the mainstream media is defending
They're suspending the president's official campaign website because they're posting this video and others and they're saying it's fake.
And Trump and all the Republicans are like, this is outrageous.
No, you letting them shut everybody else down is outrageous because you got to keep your Twitter or your Facebook when it was your viewers and your listeners, your supporters that were boosting it.
Let me liken it this way.
Trump can be the greatest piece of, let's say, Beethoven symphony music on a record.
But if you put the record on the record player, and put the needle on the record, and it's got electricity, but there's no chords going to speakers, do you hear what's on the record?
And the answer is, hell no!
And so I've watched Trump turned up to 10, or spinal tap, 11 four years ago.
And I've watched them turn the dial down to 1.
But they want to keep that 1 there because you think that's the universe.
Now, oh, we've still got some reach.
We've still got some comment.
Even though you've been reduced over 90% on record.
And then now, right to the election, they're going to turn it down to 0.
Because they don't want you to be able to challenge anything they do.
And it's a bunch of weird drug addict pedophile co-cads are like invincible and a bunch of drug addict big tech owners who are all incredibly corrupt and have been caught with like slaves in their basements and kidnapped women on jumbo jets.
And most of these big tech guys are on tons of drugs every day and they're all just completely out of their minds.
But no one can stop them.
No one can stand against them because it's a bunch of old
Crazy lawyers, scared of media, scared of internet, scared of their own shadow, bowing down to big tech.
And so now big tech is doing all of this unspeakably insane stuff in front of everyone and no one will do anything.
And that's how the globalists won, is they put a bunch of cowardly lawyers in.
They're the ones that banned the swimming pools being over three feet deep.
They're the ones that banned the diving boards, and the merry-go-rounds, and the shooting ranges, and now, oh, you can't leave your house, you might get a cold!
Oh, you can't go to court, you might get a cold!
Oh, now we're literally like... What about Chinese propaganda?
The emperors in China, going back over 4,000 years, would go through different dynasties, but the legalists
And the lawyers that control the Chinese crown, they would say, you're so godlike, you need to stay in your own private city where you're safe.
No one can look at a god.
And also, you don't need to feed yourself.
A god doesn't do that.
You also don't wipe your own ass.
Also, you don't walk yourself.
We've got to bound your feet and carry you at all times.
A god cannot touch the ground.
And so through Stockholm Syndrome, the royalty of China learned to have their feet mound.
They had two foot long fingernails.
They couldn't wipe their own asses.
And British royalty and French royalty learned about this from Marco Polo.
And so they said, well, we need to have our asses wiped.
And so that's where you get groom of the stool.
You're so royal, you can't dress yourself.
You can't wipe your own butt.
And so that's the other thing.
Oh, you're so special.
You're an eight-year-old boy.
We're going to chop your testicles off.
You saw Caitlyn Jenner.
He's got a big national TV show.
Of course, he didn't actually cut his off, but we're going to cut yours off because we're into that.
We're sick freaks.
So here's Joe Biden last night saying, I'll just change the laws.
He also came out and said, of course, we're going to pack the court.
You know, two days ago, oh, we're not doing that.
Oh, now, oh, we're packing it.
They're going for broke.
So Biden endorses chopping the balls off.
It's not transgenderism, it's the mutilization.
It's like saying, oh girls, you're not girls.
Let's cut your breasts off.
Oh, you're not a human.
Let's cut your nose off.
Oh, it's their freedom.
Oh, it's so cute.
The media will attack you if we don't let us get your son's testicles.
So, here's Joe Biden on his eyes on the prize.
Your autistic son's testicles.
Here it is.
How are you?
I'm good, thank you.
I'm the proud mom of two girls, eight and ten.
My youngest daughter is transgender.
The Trump administration has attacked the rights of transgender people, banning them from military service.
Weakening non-discrimination protections and even removing the word transgender from some government websites.
How will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S.
Well, flat out, just change the law.
Eliminate those executive orders, number one.
You may recall, I'm the guy who said... I was raised by a man who... I remember I was being dropped off.
My dad was a high school educated, well-read man who...
Was a really decent guy and I was being dropped off to get an application in the center of our city Wilmington, Delaware the corporate capital of the world at the time and these two men I'm getting out to get a an application to be a lifeguard in the african-american community because there was a big swimming pool complex and And these two men well-dressed leaned up and hugged one and I kissed one another I'm getting out of the car at the light and I turned to my dad and
My dad looked at me and said, Joey, it's simple.
They love each other.
The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, I decided I want to be transgender.
That's what I think I'd like to be.
It'll make my life a lot easier.
Chopping your testicles off is like love.
There should be zero discrimination.
And what's happening is... The whole thing isn't eugenics, it's the population agenda.
Women of color are being murdered.
They're being murdered.
There's this whole fiction, oh that trans black men, black women are being murdered.
All made up!
This is Black Lives Matter.
Look, she's smiling.
She's such a good mommy.
She'll get those testicles.
There is no reason to suggest
That there should be any right denied your daughter, or daughters, whichever, one or two, one, your daughter, that your other daughter has a right to be in damage.
Oh, you have one that was a boy that's now a girl.
And by the way... That they've confused, and they've done this to, and now they want the testicles, and it's just up there being all sycophantically... Just go ahead and kill the audio, thanks.
They're up there sycophantically just getting off on all of this and just salivating over this little boy who's not a biological woman, who they've confused, who sees it on the news, who her mommy now is going to give him what he wants.
It's self-harm, period.
And of course, 96% of transgender youth engage in self-harm.
These are victims of mind control.
These are people being mutilated, being attacked by Satanism out in the open and weird Stockholm Syndrome mothers that think it's the good thing to do because they're followers, because they're empty, because men have been taught to advocate their responsibility and stand down.
But there are some fighting back.
We'll tell you about them when we come back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Yesterday, the parent company of YouTube, Google, put out an email for the world to see.
And they bragged that 200,000 plus videos have been removed for criticizing Bill Gates, criticizing the UN, criticizing vaccines, criticizing the coming forced inoculation that's been announced, and the contact tracing apps on our phones to leave our houses.
Isn't that nice?
And they said, oh, no criticism of Bill Gates or vaccines or adverse reactions will be allowed.
And of course, they passed a law saying that when you get sick from the inoculations, they will have liability protection.
The perfect storm.
Oh, and of course, if you look at Alphabet, the parent company of Google, and of course, YouTube.
They just so happen to be heavily invested in hundreds of big pharma companies and over a dozen big vaccine makers, and they're invested with, you guessed it, Billy Boy Gates.
So the electronic straitjacket and gag is going on us right now.
I suggest we take action and Congress take action now.
There's only five days left in the InfoWars Total Blowout Mega Sale.
Five days left.
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A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma and had done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of the money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info, and even censored major news publications, and even censored the President.
But when the President and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly Jack of Twitter said he didn't know it had happened and it was wrong.
And that's the big life lesson here.
Standing up and saying no to organized crime, raffickering, is the way to stop it.
Groveling to it and letting big tech lie to us and run over us is the way to make these tyrants continue to go absolutely crazy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright folks, we are back live on this live Friday edition.
I intend to open the phones up.
Throughout the rest of the transmission, we have a few guests popping in.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-A-L-E-X.
First-time callers, long-time callers, you agree, you disagree, I want to get you on the air.
And yes, if you just tuned in, or you're already tuned in, I'm legitimately pissed off.
I mean, the left is gaslighting us to teach us mental illness.
To teach us 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4.
To tell us 2.5 million people were going to die, then to count all the people that died of something else and call it 200,000, and then say, oh, by the way, we're never going to reopen society, Bill Gates has said.
Our top Pentagon general came out and said, it's never ending, we've been told.
This is permanent martial law.
This is forced inoculation.
I've got those clips coming up next hour.
I've got Boris Johnson talking about forcibly implanting you with nanotech.
They're just doing it!
It's absolutely evil.
But you see, they know their agenda's in trouble, so why shouldn't they just flood you with everything and just see if you go into cognitive dissonance, if you go into learned helplessness, that you go into a catatonic fetal position and roll over to their crap.
And just because you see a bunch of followers doing it doesn't mean that you're in trouble.
You've got to be a leader and say this is wrong.
All right, let me tell you what we got here.
We've got the next tranche of Hunter Biden info set to come out in the next hour, so let's watch closely for that.
We have the last big one that came out last night where he openly says, you've got to read this for yourself,
It's emails that they confirm are theirs and they're sitting there talking.
They've not denied this.
And they say that, you know, high-ranking U.S.
officials to express their positive opinion of Burisma.
They go on to say, well, what we really want in the delivery of the goods is to have top Ukrainian officials told to shut down the prosecutor and to end the case.
And then we have Biden saying that.
This is direct
I give you $5, you give me a cheeseburger.
Or I pay you $50, you fill my gas tank up in my car.
I mean, this is, I pay you this, your government regulators don't do anything to me.
Then I can overcharge people.
This is textbook bribery.
And again, the bigger story is, mainstream news covers the whole thing up.
And then Stephanopoulos, last night,
Did not ask one time.
I mean, Owen Schroer was doing a great job.
He covered the Biden town hall that went longer than Trump's.
Notice they rigged it that way on ABC.
Trump was only on for an hour on NBC and the lady attack dogged him the entire time, made Chris Williams look like a fair and balanced person.
My God, I probably should just play that.
I mean, the Trump was on fire like a lion, surrounded by hyenas.
He was leaning forward.
He was hitting her, but he could never get on the offense about Hunter Biden and Burisma or any of it because she just kept interrupting and attacking, and she looked like a meth-head snapping turtle.
I mean, she had her mouth open.
The fangs were out.
We opened the phones up last night and DeAnna Lorraine was taking calls and all these women called in saying, my God, that woman's a bitch!
That woman is on PMS.
No, she's told, get in there and get him!
Because they're owned by the foreign banks that think America's done!
That's what Trump said in a speech earlier yesterday that he should have said to her.
He said, I can't believe we're at war with China.
We've got all these enemies politically attacking us.
They're doing all of this to us.
And I just can't believe the Democrats are even this bad.
I can't believe that they're even rooting against their own interest and the dollar and the future of their children, because that's exactly where I'm at.
I cannot believe how insane and how ridiculous all of this is.
It's just mind-blowing.
So the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
We just had to get somebody in there to take the calls, but now we do.
So if you've been calling, just call back 877-789-2539, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Now there's a lot of other good news to cover as well.
A lot of things I haven't gotten to yet.
We're gonna do that.
Man, just what a mess we're in.
We've been so asleep at the switch.
We've been so...
In a coma for so damn long that we don't even recognize the attempted takeover of our country by foreign, super nasty elements and groups.
We've inherited freedom so long that we are just spoiled, dumbed down, and stupid, and lackadaisical.
But that's it.
And a lot of it's because of the TV and the culture.
We're a country in a world of spectators now.
And we have to realize the people on the other side programming things are predators that enjoy hurting people and that we have to stop putting up with their garbage.
So let me just go to this right now.
This is very, very, very important.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I hope you share it.
The system's trying to censor it.
A whole nother group of prestigious doctors have come out.
International group of medical doctors called COVID-19 a hoax.
In that they're listing it as super deadly in a pandemic.
That part is a hoax.
And they say that it's a sham.
These are prestigious doctors headed up by the World Doctors Alliance.
You can see the full event at InfoWars.com.
Adon Salazar wrote about it.
But here is just part of what they had to say.
Hello, I'm Elke de Klerk from the Netherlands and I want to state that we do not have a medical pandemic or epidemic.
We also state that COVID-19 should not be on list A for any longer because we now know that it is a normal flu virus and the normal flu virus isn't on list A. So we are also starting a lawsuit to the state of the Netherlands
To bring this in with a large group of doctors and a really large group of nurses also because we have contact with 87,000 nurses that do not want the vaccine that is being prepared for us.
I want to state, if there is no pandemic, I am wondering why our kids are in schools with masks.
There's absolute constitutional rights and they cannot be infringed or infricted for any medical reason.
There's no reason for panic.
Also in the medical practice, there's no reason for panic.
The panic is created by these false positive PCR tests.
89% until 94% of those PCR tests are false positive.
They don't test for the COVID-19 and also the rest is false negative.
So we have to look at clinics.
We have to start looking at clinic.
Medical doctors have to stop looking at those tests.
That's very important.
Let's go back to the clinics and to the facts.
We have in the Netherlands now the regular press publishing
The news that the PCR test is not a correct test.
So I'm very happy about that.
So there's hope.
Thank you.
Statistics have come out that up until April 2020, there was zero deaths in Ireland.
These are the official statistics from the CSO, the Central Statistics Office.
The first death was in April.
And in the whole country in 2020, we have 98 deaths out of 5 million people.
So in Ireland, 30,000 people die every year, 10,000 from cardiovascular disease, 10,000 from cancer.
The 98 deaths in Ireland are preventable if they had been given prevention and treatment.
And we see now that probably there will be thousands more deaths in Ireland just from cancer and cardiovascular disease.
So let's explain that.
And we've had statisticians we've hired to go look at statistics put out by others.
They thought it was even worse than what was being said internationally.
That most of the deaths are people that already had a bunch of pre-existing conditions that died of something else or they died of not getting medical treatment and they just called it COVID-19 because the tests are designed to give false positives.
This is all designed to be an endless fraud that can never be fixed that just gives Bill Gates and the UN power.
And they admit that!
And so Trump's come out and called the governor of Michigan a dictator, and the media's fact-checking that, going, she's actually elected.
She's a dictator, the Supreme Court said in her actions.
They called it dictatorial, seizing power.
Hitler got elected, too, and he became a dictator.
But again, they play this fact-checking game.
Yes, Governor Whitmer would love to act like a dictator.
I'm going to break.
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I've got some really important and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election and they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep.
And we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies.
And we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
InfoWars is a archetypal classic example of free, independent, organic resistance against tyranny.
You built InfoWars.
You spread the word.
You prayed for us.
You bought the products.
You called in.
You made recommendations.
InfoWars is as much yours as it is mine.
And that's why the enemy is so upset that under the deplatforming, under all the DNC lawsuits, under all the attack, in many ways, we've become stronger.
With Band.Video, redesigned InfoWars, with all of our great crew,
With documentary films and 10 hours of live radio and TV a day.
We are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
So remember this arsenal of freedom is waiting for you to continue to spread the word about it and to continue for you to support because this is something we built together.
It's not just a national treasure.
It's a treasure worldwide against the tyrants and they know it and they can't stand it.
And as everything we talked about comes true, our credibility only goes up together.
So I salute you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Alright, I'm going to take your phone call, start the next segment.
We're waiting for the next big Burisma-Hunter-Biden drop.
But I mean, what's the point?
It's like you dig up ten bodies in somebody's basement, you find a hundred more.
They're getting the electric chair, politically.
So, let's go to some of Tucker Carlson, though, last night.
I mean, he did an excellent job the whole show.
I watched it after I watched her own shows last night.
But, I mean, the first five minutes of the show was out of the park.
Here it is.
But not everything you hear is untrue, and not every story is complex.
At the heart of the growing Biden-Ukraine scandal, for example, is a very straightforward question.
Did Joe Biden subvert American foreign policy in order to enrich his own family?
In 2015, Joe Biden was the sitting Vice President of the United States.
Included in his portfolio were U.S.
relations with the nation of Ukraine.
So at that moment, Vice President Joe Biden had more influence over the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian economy than any other person on the globe outside of Eastern Europe.
Biden's younger son, Hunter, knew that.
He hoped to get rich from his father's influence.
Emails published yesterday by the New York Post, documents apparently taken directly from Hunter Biden's own laptop, tell some of that story.
Tonight, we'd like to bring you some more detail.
We have another batch of emails, some exclusive to the show.
We believe they also came from Hunter Biden's laptop.
We can't prove that they did.
We haven't examined that computer.
But every detail that we could check, including Hunter Biden's personal email address at the time, suggests they are authentic.
As we told you last night, if these emails are fake, this is the most complex and sophisticated hoax in history.
It almost seems beyond human capacity.
The Biden campaign clearly believes these emails are real.
They have not said otherwise.
We sent the body of them to Hunter Biden's attorney and never heard back.
So with that in mind, here's what we have learned.
On November 2nd, 2015, at 4.30 in the afternoon, a Burisma executive called Vadim Pozharsky emailed Hunter Biden and his business partner, Devin Archer.
The purpose of the email, Pozharsky explains, is to, quote, be on the same page about our final goals, including, but not limited to, a concrete course of action.
So what did Burisma want exactly?
Well, good PR for starters.
The executive wanted, quote, high-ranking U.S.
officials to express their, quote, positive opinion of Burisma.
And then he wanted the administration to act on Burisma's behalf.
Quote, the scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and or former U.S.
policymakers to Ukraine in November, aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signals and message of support to Burisma.
The goal, the executive explained, was to quote, close down any cases slash pursuits against the head of Burisma in Ukraine.
So that couldn't be clearer, what they wanted.
Burisma wanted Hunter Biden's father to get their company out of legal trouble with the Ukrainian government.
And that's exactly what happened.
One month later to the day, on December 2nd, 2015,
Hunter Biden received a notice from a Washington PR firm called Blue Star Strategies.
Blue Star Strategies apparently had been hired to lobby the administration on Ukraine.
This show has exclusively obtained that email.
Hello all, it began.
This morning the White House hosted a conference call regarding the Vice President's upcoming trip to Ukraine.
Attached is a memo from the Blue Star Strategies team with the minutes of the call, which outlined the trip's agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S.
policy toward Ukraine.
End quote.
So here you have a PR firm involved in an official White House foreign policy call.
How could that happen?
Good question.
But it worked.
Days later, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and did exactly what his son wanted.
The vice president gave a speech slamming the very Ukrainian law enforcement official who was tormenting Burisma, the exact guy.
If Ukrainian government doesn't fire its top prosecutor, a man called Viktor Shokin, Biden explained, the administration will withhold a billion dollars in American aid.
Now, Ukraine is a poor country, so they had no choice but to obey.
Biden's bullying worked.
He bragged about it later.
I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against a state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said they were walking out to the press conference and I said, we're not going to give you the billion dollar.
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out from the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got, and not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond can.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump, when you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
When I grow up, I want to be a rock star!
When I grow up, I want to defeat the satanic pedophiles!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance, 17 days from the election.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alright, look.
I had some guests today.
I cleared the decks.
I appreciate the guests understanding that.
Henrique of the Proud Boys is still popping in because that's pertinent and happening now in election-based.
But I really want to take your calls and I want to air part of this international press conference of top scientists and doctors getting into the fact that no one died in Ireland of COVID-19.
77 died in Australia of COVID-19.
Until they brought in the comorbidities.
This is powerful information.
I'm going to air that in the last two segments.
Hours of it from the press conference.
We're going to load up to Bandai Video because they're taking this video down all over the place.
But believe me, it's powerful.
And we've got big tech announcing that you will not be allowed to criticize the vaccine or even say you don't want it.
An official letter put out by Google and Google says they met with Facebook and others.
That's the rule.
You don't say you're even allowed to refuse.
Because Big Pharma says it's for your best interest to take it, and so criticizing it could be harmful.
Yes, let's cut all the little boys' genitals off.
Let's do all of that.
That's what Biden said last night.
Oh, he'll legalize eight-year-olds being able to make the decision when they're convinced by their psychotic government minders and crazy parents to have their testicles cut off.
Later, after we take some calls, I'm going to get into Biden.
On forced inoculation.
Biden on saying Trump sent jobs overseas.
That's right, that's upside down world.
Biden won't defund the police even though he says he will and supports him.
Biden, I may pack the court, he now has reversed himself, admits he will.
And now he won't ban fracking even though he said, I guarantee you, I won't just ban fracking, I will end, I will abolish, I will ban fossil fuels.
This is like a king flip-flopper.
No one's ever done more than him.
He goes on to say Trump's peace deals and troop withdrawals barely deserve credit.
I guess starting all those wars gets you a peace prize.
And the transgender thing about, uh, let eight-year-olds be convinced to do whatever they want.
Hell, now they're letting 8-year-olds in Europe decide they want to commit suicide!
Everything's so sick with these people.
Why not?
Steve, Jeff, Johnny, Enzo, Greg, George, Dustin, Reggie, Deshaun, Duncan, Scott, we're going to all your calls.
Deshaun in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, look, this is the point, bro.
We in the Civil War, period.
And what you're seeing on this plate is they brung the blacks from the Democrat side out.
That's the ones out there riding.
The real blacks with the Republicans, we kicking back waiting for y'all to make the move.
To arrest these people.
And what it is, is the police is with these people.
They are with these corrupt governors, and they're with the mayors too, and they're causing us to be scared, and they're harassing us.
That's actually, I know a lot of current high-level police and others, and they say that about at least 70% of the cops are actually with the deep state.
Right, and the point is, when the shutdown came and we started rising at the capitals, the police started going against us.
They started lining up, started pushing us off the capitol buildings.
But then when the riots came, they just acted like they didn't know what to do.
Any conservatives or any nationalist stuff gets attacked, black or white, but anything that's pro-communist gets protected.
That's right.
Right, and the thing is, Alex, like I said, Trump has to sign his will.
I'm good.
Well, you're absolutely right that the Democrat, and they're mainly white people, and they are involved with the Klan, are literally above the law.
I mean, why would Biden brag that he did this payoff for a billion dollars?
I mean, why does he do that?
I know a lot of people are scared with the mask on, but this is about to save people that's going to revolt when they really know what's going on.
So they might think it's cool to be putting these masks on the people, but once they wake up in real life, this is how many people with the mask on?
This is going to be how many people are going to revolt against them.
That's the scary part about this thing.
They're asking for it.
And like I said, they're out in the open.
Nobody arresting Newsom.
Nobody arresting Cuomo.
They're killing people and nobody even cares!
Brother, I care.
I'm physically sick, and I try to pray to God to not get upset and not be a jerk to the crew, because I'm usually... I am physically sick.
I punched a couple of holes in the wall this morning.
I mean, I'm pissed.
I know what you're talking about.
I hear you, man.
I'm black and you as white as me.
I'm black.
And like I said, we connected together, bro.
I don't know how we connected.
I don't even know how we're on the same vibe.
But I've been thinking about the same thing before I even met you.
And it's like we connected some way.
All the people... That's because we're connected to God, brother.
That's what's happening.
We're dialed into the same spirit.
And that's how you'll be thinking the same thing I'm thinking at 10 o'clock tonight, brother.
And I absolutely hear what you're saying.
You're absolutely right.
And I love you and I appreciate you.
It just makes me so sick.
It's like Trump yesterday, and the crew's doing great.
I should have told them yesterday to save it.
They're overwhelmed.
But Trump was giving a live speech, and they said, hey, you want to go to Trump?
And I said, yeah, go to it.
And he said, he goes, I can't believe how evil the system is.
He goes, it's much worse than I thought.
And he said, I can't believe people put up with this.
I mean, we're literally in league with communist China that's killed five times what Hitler did.
They admit.
And then you wonder if Big Tech's good when they're in bed with them.
No, they're bad.
And you know, beyond it being a white thing, it's a good old boy thing.
Let me tell you about these lawyers and these rich people.
They get in these groups, they don't care if you're black or you're Indian or you're white.
It's all about they're in the club and you ain't in it.
And they want to shut other people out of success and that's why they're jerks.
Because a really successful person wants to build everybody up.
Not these people, man.
They like holding people down.
They like making people poor.
It makes them feel good about themselves.
And we just have to direct our rage in a good way and change this together.
We're going to do it.
All right, who's been holding the next longest here?
I guess that'd be Steve in Florida.
Steve, go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
Hey, I wanted to lead into what I'm going to say by jogging your memory.
I was made aware of you by Tex Meyers way back in 1999, so I've been listening to you for 21 years, when he did that documentary on Night Stalkers over America, and he interviewed you, so that's how I got aware of you.
And I want to say you and I have been cut from the same cloth because the thing is that when I listen to you and everything, the way you express yourself, it's like I'm listening to and watching myself.
Because, you know, here's the thing.
I don't have to defend Alex Jones.
You're a big boy.
You can take care of yourself.
But I want to defend what you stand for, and that is truth.
And I've told people, you know, that don't understand and think you're extreme and you're crazy and all this stuff.
When Hillary Clinton names Alex Jones by name during her campaign as an enemy,
That tells me that Alex Jones is hitting the target because she is the most evil woman in the history of this country.
Now, that being said, here's what I want to say.
I called Owen's War Room yesterday.
I am really frustrated with this whole situation.
This coronavirus is the biggest psyop in the history of the world.
It is.
America has been prepped for this for about a century, not coincidentally, about the same length of time since the Bolsheviks set their sights on America when they conquered Russia and then the Far East.
Yeah, they've been teaching us to be afraid of microbes in our own shadow and make us a bunch of wimps.
That's been their plan.
Right, and so here's the thing.
I'm looking at all these people in America, and yeah, there's a lot of people awake and aware politically who are supporting Trump, but I'm seeing a lot of people who aren't drug users, they're not, you know, the in-the-hood BLM types and all that, they're just average working Americans, but they're going along with this coronavirus scandemic
They're out there wearing their masks.
I mean, I was at a four-race event this weekend in Lakeland, Florida, and it was outdoors in this park, and all these people were out there wearing their masks.
And then a friend of mine whose house I stayed at in the afternoon between races, his wife comes out and says, oh, make sure you got your mask on before you go in.
I know, because it's a virtue signal, and it's how they're good and you're not.
The COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's all.
Then it's two months, then it's six months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers,
This is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI, and all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant, your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it?
Come on folks, let's reject this.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Enrique Dario, the head of the Proud Boys.
It's going to be popping in, but I'll continue to pause into the third hour and part of this big press conference.
It's at InfoWars.com with a bunch of top scientists and doctors exposing the fact that COVID-19 and the way they've rolled it out is a giant power grab hoax.
So the good news is the world is awakening very, very quickly.
Briefly, I'm going to go back to your phone calls.
Please do not forget we are Lister Supported and I'm very thankful for all of your financial support.
We sell products.
That's how we fund this operation.
We only have today, tomorrow, and Sunday, and we've got to end the InfoWars total blowout, triple Patriot points, up to 60% off, free shipping, RainForce Plus, final run.
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Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off free shipping.
That's an incredible deal.
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Experience it.
Check that out.
Survival Shilled X2, nice and ionized spray.
33% off free shipping.
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ExtendoWise, final run, even though it's been a bestseller, can't get it anymore.
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Knockout, the great SleepAid, 50% off free shipping.
TurboForce, 10-hour clean energy, 50% off free shipping.
All t-shirts, $17.76, free shipping.
All SRL products.
I worked with a local lab to come up with these.
There's a separate outside group.
Never really promoted them like I should.
They're top of the line.
60% off free shipping.
New Nacent Iodine Spray for countertops and hard surfaces.
50% off free shipping.
Very, very strong.
Very, very serious.
I want to thank you all for your ongoing support.
Just think about us, think about how you're the folks keeping us on air, and please take action.
Okay, let's jam in at least three calls in this segment.
Let's go to George in South Carolina.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Can you hear me, Alex?
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I'm just wanting to call and ask a question.
These Hunter Biden emails that just came out.
Don't you think if Hunter Biden's last name was Trump, that he would already be in jail?
Well, I think you just answered your own question.
They did the whole impeachment because they knew Trump had opposition research on this, and they knew damn well that they had his emails.
And reportedly, this is from good sources, not just 8chan's leadership, who are some good people, but my other sources tell me that there is child sex trafficking.
And folks, I don't say this lightly.
Of course, you've seen in the news that they talk about sex trafficking of Ukrainian women, as young as 16.
Folks, we're talking about children, brother.
So absolutely, if Trump was anywhere near this, he'd be in prison right now.
But because it's Hunter Biden, he's above the law.
I've also seen, as you're talking about the sex trafficking, I've seen an article last night, One American News, that a couple of their reporters looked at the hard drive that Rudy Giuliani has, and they're saying that they've seen
Sexual pictures of Hunter Biden.
Yes, and that's confirmed.
It's confirmed that it's him having sex with prostitutes, but those are full grown women and crack pipes.
I've seen all that.
That stuff's come out.
There's stuff much worse.
But the thing is, it's not just that they like to have sex with kids.
It's big money in it.
And so, Ukraine is a crossroads of all of that to fly these kidnapped kids out.
And so, Hunter Biden, it's going to come out, folks.
Hunter Biden and his dad are child molesters.
Just get ready.
And what do you think about the Senate?
Do you think they need to take the 230 protections away from social media?
Because I think they do.
Beyond 230, it's organized crime racketeering going on.
Yes, sir.
I agree.
They are colluding together to election metal.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call, George.
And by the way, folks, I can back up everything I've said, and I have said it before, but I don't just say that to sound dramatic.
That's who these people are, okay?
Joe Biden says he wants eight-year-olds under federal law to make the choice to have their testicles chopped off.
That's not having sex with a little boy, which is bad enough.
That's chopping their balls off.
They want to mutilate children.
It's a ritual to them.
These people are sick.
They want to play God.
Enzo in Michigan, thanks for holding Enzo.
Alex, love the show.
I've been a supporter.
Would you rather have me product plug first or bring up my talking point?
Whatever you want, you're in command now.
Alright, I got a lot of your products.
They're amazing.
The one that I was most surprised with was the charcoal toothpaste and mouthwash.
It's excellent.
And I just want the listeners to know, obviously I'm not, like, this is my first time calling in.
I use a bunch of the products.
I got the air filter, the water filter.
You wouldn't believe the difference in taste.
I mean, I'm sure you know, but a lot of people who don't have it.
Um, so by the product, they're amazing guys.
And I'm not, you know, I, uh, I've, I've been in the fitness industry.
I am into this sort of thing.
So I'm not just blowing smoke up here.
You know what?
My talking points, basically I'm really concerned.
The town hall was obviously ridiculous.
You would think white supremacy is the biggest problem in the world right now.
Like there's all these cells of normal people who go to their jobs every day.
Then they come home and they put their hoods on.
It's ridiculous.
Oh yeah, that lady, that Savannah lady, just over and over, white supremacist, white supremacist, I mean, I was watching it last night when DeAnna Lorraine was covering it, and it was like a cartoon of biasness.
It was just, it was over the top, like, she was like a piranha, just attacking.
Yeah, and so I'm thinking four years from now, whether or not Trump wins on November 3rd or four years from now, we're going to be in trouble, especially
You know they're not just going to give up, but the last two things I wanted to really quickly talk about, you know, I know a bunch of police officers.
I train Submission Grappling and MMA, and a lot of these guys, they're coming in to classes, they know literally nothing about hand-to-hand combat, and I talk to a lot of them, and I think it's funny because, you know, their bosses are telling them they basically need to be social workers now, MMA fighters, legal experts, firearm experts,
It's ridiculous.
And anyone who knows anything about combat sports can tell you it is extremely difficult to hold down a grown man or to be able to, you know, have to fight someone like that when you have all that equipment.
I mean, if somebody's pissed and wants to fight you, you're in for a fight until you really hurt them bad.
And these cops are not prepared for this.
So all these people on the left and, you know, Joe Biden, all you just shoot them in the leg.
They don't know what they're talking about.
So that's the last point.
I love your show and God bless you.
God bless you, sir.
You know, the psychologists have been in control of the U.S.
for almost 100 years and they screwed it up.
But they themselves statistically commit more suicide or more mentally ill than anybody.
And so that's why we're in this position, is that we're run by a bunch of crazy, mad scientists.
Yeah, I mean, there's Joe Biden with a grand cyclops of the KKK, whatever the hell that means, Robert Byrd.
And the point is, is that if Trump was eulogizing KKK leaders, he'd be in big trouble.
He has nothing to do with the KKK.
And they just keep asking him for the millionth time, do you disavow the KKK?
And it's just the same crap they do over and over again.
It's like, I went downtown this weekend.
I don't
The UN admits that the lockdown has caused 2 million Africans to starve to death and at least 500,000 Latin Americans and Asians.
And the collapse will hurt us here.
It's time to end it.
They're like, shut you effing racist!
I mean, it's all they've got is tribalism.
And they know it's not even true.
It's like a power word to them.
Because when they say it to us, we go, oh no, it's not true.
I'm not part of it.
It's disgusting.
All right, we've got the head of the Proud Boys coming up.
I've got some really important and quite frankly bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
I mean, CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up with the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert, censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, but most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionCenter.com is a clone of the site with the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, since he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech in each modern situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that.
Oh, that really upsets them, oh yeah.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Seventeen days.
17 days until the real war starts.
Enrique Tarrio got involved with the Proud Boys just a few years ago to defend their free speech.
He wasn't even a member of it.
But a well-spoken guy of courage ended up being propelled to the leadership of it.
What a good, wholesome organization that supports every American's right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
That is open to black, white, Hispanic, old, young, gay, straight.
That's what scared the establishment is men saying we're proud to be men and we're proud of America.
So I wanted to get him on because I've seen national news stories that he's doing these interviews with an info or sticker on his computer.
They're like, oh, he's with the devil and all the rest of it.
All the censorship of the President and the President saying, you know, stand down, which obviously we agree.
Let's not go out and have fights.
The Proud Boys have always not started fights.
But I guess the President's saying don't go out when Andy was burning things.
Don't give them the fight they're looking for.
So I wanted to get him on.
I saw that he did a great interview last week with Owen Schroer.
I was in my office watching it.
So Enrique, we salute the great work you're doing.
You're in rare company where you know you're doing the right thing.
You're being demonized, you're being lied about, but you're telling the truth.
And I think overall, you're winning.
Proud Boys, I know, is exploding.
So thank you for coming on with us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Thank you for having me on.
And as you said, I'm a big supporter of the show.
My laptop is actually right on me.
And I got all my InfoWars stuff right here.
Always listen to your show.
Always look to you for inspiration.
But yes, we have been propelled.
The Proud Boys have always stood back.
And have always stood by.
We've always stood by the president since day one, and we're not going to stop doing that, Alex.
I think you know that by now.
I haven't told Trump once.
I said, listen, they're trying to drive a wedge between us.
If you ever need to say something I said is wrong, go ahead and do it.
He said, no, I'm not going to do that.
He goes, I know how they operate.
He goes, you know how they operate.
We understand.
We're on the same team.
He just said, continue.
Fight as hard as you can.
But obviously, they try to drive a wedge when Trump wasn't.
But once Trump got informed about Proud Boys, he's obviously supportive.
But regardless of that,
Um, your view on the climate, what the left's saying, how they're claiming they're going to contest the election, how they're going to launch violence, and then the FBI says the real threat is white supremacists?
I mean, if there were white supremacists out killing people, I would be decrying it.
I don't see that happening.
I see a bunch of leftists killing people, including members of the Patriot Prayer Group.
Yeah, I agree with that.
And then to touch back on that white supremacist thing, the first interview that I did after the debate, after our mention in the debate, I said these words and I kind of caught myself and I said that there's many other white supremacist groups that Biden could have used to demonize the right.
And then when I really thought about it, I couldn't think about white supremacist groups that are a threat.
You know, most of them, most of those people with those views, they don't leave their mom's basement.
So I think there was a critical error on Biden's part by using the Proud Boys as a white supremacist group or a militia, which we're not.
We're just a regular group of guys that love America.
And we've always, there's no name more synonymous in America withstanding against these Antifa terrorists or these BLM terrorists.
Then Proud Boys.
And that's why he said the name.
And again, on your show, I'd love to thank Joe Biden for raising awareness on who we actually are.
We don't care what race you are.
We don't care what religion you are.
We don't care what your cultural background is.
If you love America.
And the crazy part is that I got to say that you were born a man.
I don't
We're allowed to celebrate it.
We're allowed to share it.
It's kinship.
It's who we are.
And if you look at how they want to use a prison model of Hispanics, blacks and whites and Asians, all divided, all against each other.
That's the race model of the Democrats.
But imagine in a prison where you're proud to be men.
No one's in a gang anymore.
Well, imagine America as that.
That really threatens men coming together and being proud to be men.
Yeah, and I agree.
And the video that you have that you're showing right now.
These Antifa terrorists came to Gavin McInnes' comedy show at the New York Metropolitan Republican Club and the group of gentlemen that you're seeing right now are Proud Boys and they're throwing, that's a glass bottle of urine that's being thrown and our guys reacted with lightning speed.
They were followed to their cars after the event.
NYPD decided not to arrest anybody because it was
It was a scuffle.
As we're talking, there's probably a scuffle in New York right now, but my guys, for defending themselves, they're getting
Alright, I wasn't sure if that was my audio or if that was your audio, Henry Kim.
Your audio just cut out for just a second.
Because I use a wireless headset as well, so sometimes it cuts out.
People always ask if I'm getting orders and messages, and no, the answer is no.
But I do have a wireless headset, and so sometimes when things cut out, I'm like, is that me cutting out or is that them cutting out?
Those look like AWACS.
Seriously, fly over.
There's like scrambling helicopters or something.
You'll hear all this weird audio that comes back.
You got cut off mid-sentence about what happened to these guys who were stalked.
They shut down a venue.
You got another venue.
Gavin McGinnis spoke.
And then these guys fall into their car, attack them, get their ass kicked, and then later the Democrats come back under de Blasio, charge them, and put them in prison.
And they're doing four years in prison.
So even, let's say, let's say I have a bias and let's say I'm completely wrong and the Proud Boys attacked Antifa, which isn't the truth, but let's say I have never seen, for a scuffle, people get four years in prison for doing this.
It's unprecedented.
Maybe you get probation?
Yeah, that's about it.
But they got four years in prison.
It was right before the midterm election.
They needed a boogeyman.
Jobs, not mobs was trending.
I don't know if you remember that saying, but they used us as political cannon fodder like Joe Biden is trying to do in the 2020 election because he is desperate.
He is desperate.
He knows that there's nobody that's going out to vote for Joe Biden.
There's people that are voting against Trump, and that is not enough.
Well, that was my next question for you.
Well, your sky's breaking up again.
Is why do you think?
We have videos of these Biden events nationwide.
Almost no one shows up.
Sometimes zero.
Zero percent of people show up at these events.
So how is Biden claiming he's going to have a landslide just like Hillary four years ago claimed she had this 97 percent chance of winning?
I didn't see that.
What do you think should happen on Election Day, Enrique?
Well, Skype is an incredible technology, but sometimes it doesn't work, especially since Facebook, or was it Microsoft, bought it.
And since then, it has not been very, very reliable.
We're going to go to Bright, come back, get his view on where that's going, and then in the next hour, we're going to go to Lauren, Jeff, Johnny, Philly.
Phil, Greg, Dustin, Duncan, Scott, and many, many others.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539.
Now listen, we've got a new product that we are launching that I'm really, really proud of, and this product's been in for about a month.
And my dad's been selling on his website, drjonesatnaturals.com, because we've diversified here to try to get around deplatforming and stay on air and all the rest of it.
So I asked my dad a few years ago, I said, Dad, can you help?
Can you go start a shopping cart?
Can you go out with your own line of products?
Can you become my sponsor?
Well, he partnered
With my brother-in-law, who has a degree from A&M, actually in nutraceuticals and supplements and FDA, and he's a chemist.
He's actually got a couple degrees.
And so they came out with the strongest products you can imagine at drjonesnaturals.com.
But they're all sold at m4store.com as well.
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I don't
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It's amazing.
It's next level.
500 and 250 milligrams at Infowarstore.com.
We'll be right back.
It was 30 months ago that InfoWars, and of course yours truly Alex Jones, was banned on more than 60 major platforms in one day.
Led by the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, who helps China run giant death camps.
Always just let that be in the back of your mind when we talk about these monsters and where they're taking us.
They have no bottom.
And people said, Jones, how are you taking it?
And I said, I'm taking it just fine.
They're coming for you next.
This is a technocracy.
They're merging with big pharma.
They're taking over the media.
This is a digital psychological dictatorship in their own words.
This is a planetary takeover.
They're then going to start locking us in our houses using supposed plague threats.
That's so the wireless system can come into place with the driverless cars and the robot takeover.
How'd I know all this would happen?
Because they've been saying they're going to do it.
There's only five days left in the Info Wars Total Blowout Mega Sale.
Five days left.
I want to thank you all for your support because things are so unstable and so crazy and the supply chains are breaking down.
I made the decision a month ago to sell out of our inventory and then to readjust and even see if we're going to be able to continue on in the future with this model of funding our operations by selling high quality supplements and other products.
And thanks to your support, we've gotten in enough money to reorder most of the best sellers.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
We still have a lot of our best-selling items available, but they're selling out very, very quickly.
We still have 30% to 60% off free shipping.
And the big thing, triple Patreon points.
That's 15% off on your next order.
If you sign up for auto shipping, additional 10% off.
So some of these deals are so good, we lose money on the products.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground!
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Enrique Carrillo's back with us for another segment, then right to your calls in the third hour.
Everybody be patient.
I want to talk to Lauren, Duncan, Scott, everybody that's holding.
I'll tell you his website, though, because they get banned on Twitter, Facebook.
They're even more banned than InfoWars.
The system is so scared of men coming together and promoting Americana and unifying the races.
That's what they do.
That's actually their goal around America, that they try to bankrupt them.
And that's why when you fund InfoWars or you fund our guests, you're funding the second American Revolution.
This is so real.
They got some awesome shirts, Stealth, Common Killer.
You name it, and that is 1776.shop.
Amazing products there that Enrique has that, again, help fund everything they're doing, so be sure and check it out today.
Okay, Enrique, in closing, in the 10 minutes we have, I could ask a thousand questions, but I've got this one, and you've got the floor.
Before your Skype cuts out, who knows what's going on.
Not our fault, not your fault, it just happens.
It's like Star Trek, we communicate with each other over TV, and who knows, it would even work.
Big victories, Burisma, Hunter Biden, rigged debates, people see through it, real grassroots numbers show, Trump landslide, they're going to challenge it.
So much other good stuff's happening.
So we should be positive at the same time, but just what do you think about the current climate and what else is on your radar screen?
What do you want to impart to folks?
I think the Proud Boys, I get to ask this question often, like, oh, what's the new direction for the Proud Boys?
And the truth is, we have no new direction.
We're going to use the same formula that we've always used.
If we see something, we'll do something about it.
Other than that, the guys are going to stay at the bar, raising their kids, raising their families, and just hanging out.
As far as this current climate, we're seeing things heat up into this election.
We're seeing them claw at everything that they could, from calling us white supremacists, to defending Hunter Biden, to where now we're seeing tech censorship with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, dropping anything that has to do with this New York Post story.
A newspaper that's been around since 1813 and they're silencing anybody that has something to do.
This is a real story.
This isn't a conspiracy theory.
This isn't fake news.
This is a real story.
This is voter suppression.
This is Jack Dorsey trying to manipulate the election.
They said the 2016 election was manipulated by the Russians with $25,000 in Facebook ads.
If Facebook was such a powerful tool to manipulate elections, then all three, both of them, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, have the power to sway an election.
And we're seeing it in real time.
And it is scary in America.
I know libertarians say, oh, well, find your own platform.
No, what we need to do is we need to stand tall.
These social media giants need to be regulated.
They need to be regulated the right way.
And and because it's it's the future.
The future is digital.
All everything that's campaign fundraising, that's I ran for Congress.
You had me on when I was running for Congress.
And the reason why I dropped out of the race, Alex, is is they stopped me from raising money.
I couldn't raise money.
I couldn't use the 18 credit card processors in the United States that process for political candidates.
All of them dropped me and it's not because of anything else but who I am and what I do and what my guys do.
And my guys are not going to ever apologize and I'm not going to apologize for anything that we do.
So we're currently building our own systems.
Our website is self ran on our servers.
Our connections, our credit card processors, our security.
What's the best site for the Proud Boys?
Because people are going back to sites now.
They get it.
Like, oh, we better go to InfoWars.
We better go to NewsWars.
We better go to Band.Video.
What's the official Proud Boys website?
So in order, whether you want to get some information on Proud Boys, our events and our membership, or if you just want to join, you can go to ProudBoysUSA.com and that'll show you like news on where we're going to be next and how to join.
And as you can see, we have Max and John right there, front page, which they're very important to us.
They got four years in prison, Alex, and it breaks my heart that
Like this family's been separated by a tyrannical governor for a re-election bid.
And they call him a white supremacist and his wife's black.
I mean, that's how sick these people are.
Yeah, and they call me white supremacist and it's crazy.
Obviously, your viewers can see I'm extremely brown and they don't care.
They'll print white supremacist on the headline and just put my picture on it.
They don't care.
They'll start with social media, then they'll go with your financials, right?
Credit card processor, banking, they closed my bank account.
Oh, that's happened to all of us.
People need to understand, this is organized, organized crime.
So they talk about Section 230, it's beyond Section 230.
It's all this big tech that works with foreign dictators.
Literally trying to punish and suppress any American that stands up.
This is a takeover and Congress sits there like a bunch of idiots putting up with it.
Now they've got emergency hearings coming up because they blocked the House Judiciary Committee.
Yeah, exactly, idiots.
You need to wake up, man.
These people are out of control.
They haven't done anything.
You know, they keep crying, these conservatives.
And I'm calling out both sides right now.
I agree.
These Republicans in Congress have said, oh, well, we're going to do something about tax censorship.
And there was a sign-up sheet somewhere.
And we haven't seen anything.
We haven't seen anything.
We got Laura Loomer that's running in the 21st Congressional District.
She has absolutely no social media.
She's doing great.
If she had social media, there would be no doubt in my mind that Laura Loomer, it would be Congresswoman Laura Loomer, or it would be Congresswoman Tara Young.
100% she'd be winning.
I mean, she already may win now, but I agree, it's such suppression.
Like you said, $25,000 for the Russians, supposedly won.
Total made-up crap.
They're spending billions to flood everything.
No one's buying it.
They're panicking.
That's the good news is, despite everything they're doing, like last night, that woman so over-the-top attacked Trump, it made all these women that were actually liberals support Trump.
It was so ridiculous!
It doesn't stop.
And it doesn't stop with the President.
The Democrats want to kill us, and the only thing that's stopping them
Is the President and people like us, this little dream team that we have, InfoWars, Laura, Milo, people that have been silenced, people that have been outspoken supporters of this President, and if the President or us weren't in the way... By the way, we're not just saying that.
The enemy has algorithms.
Anyone they're suppressing is someone winning.
So when you see something suppressed, listeners, I know you get this, that's who you support.
Yes, amen, amen.
And Alex, we're like I said before, in the beginning of the show, we're going to keep fighting.
We're not going to change the formula.
There's a reason why we became the number one talking point in the first presidential debate of 2020.
Even bigger, a bigger issue than COVID, even bigger issue than global warming.
It's because they desperately need the boogeyman.
They need to point fingers because their side has been burning down cities.
The Democratic Party has been burning down cities and murdering people on the streets for the past four and a half years and we're tired of it.
We're tired of it and we're not going to take it.
And let's expand.
And the one thing they fear is men.
Nothing against women, but it's men that win wars.
And men have been on the sidelines.
It's pathetic.
But a bunch of men coming together saying, we love America, we're proud to be American.
That scares the hell out of them.
It does.
It does.
It's crazy that it takes that to scare them.
It's not.
I've used Twitter since 2006.
I've never been banned for anything that I've said.
But the moment that
I became a proud boy.
That's when my Twitter, all my accounts were cancelled.
Yeah, because they're scared of men organizing a stand-up for themselves.
They're scared.
They better be.
At this point, Alex, I'm going for high score.
The more things that they ban me off, the more I learn.
Every time they ban me on something, we build a new platform.
We're working on a new credit card processor platform that's going to be offering credit card processing.
Our own banks, our own everything, and that's how we're going to beat them.
That's the thing.
They want to shun us and discriminate against us and shut us down.
We just get stronger.
That's one of the big things that Malcolm X talked about, but also Louis Furcano I've interviewed.
I disagree with some things, but he's totally right.
If black folks want to be in power, have your own banks, your own restaurants, your own culture.
I'm not saying segregate totally, but I agree.
Corporate systems out to get you, make your own thing.
Don't give it your money.
Don't give it your energy.
With us too!
We're Americans.
These whole globalist institutions, you don't want me to do business with you?
How about I don't do business with you either?
And InfoWars, if there's anybody, you were the first that they came for.
You are the most dangerous person to them because you speak truth to power, Alex.
And I commend you.
It's amazing everything that you've done, even being banned off all these platforms, that you still have a voice, you still haven't changed.
You've been the same person always, and you inspire us.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Only way that dog hunts is you spread those links.
As you see the totals of your ship come into play, folks, you now realize now more than ever, it's your word of mouth that is king.
And I mean king.
We'll be right back.
Hour number three.
Stay with us.
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I've got some really important and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election and they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So your advice to President Trump, your personal advice to America, or just what you're thinking right now, Enrique, with 17 days, only 16 and a half days out.
I mean, this is for all the marbles.
What do you want to say?
I think the President should stay his course.
I think he's done a good job to date running the country.
I think now, when he wins re-election, because we know that nobody's actually going to go out to vote for Biden.
They're just going to go vote anti-Trump.
When he wins this re-election, we need the full strength of the 2016 candidate that we saw.
We need him to push the envelope.
We need him to be the president that we need because he has to remember that when he leaves office, it's going to be tough to find somebody with the energy of Donald J. Trump.
So he needs to bring all that firepower in and make sure that there's somebody right behind him that is pushing this new campaign.
Because the Republican Party, after you, Mr. President,
Has changed.
We've re-energized.
It's not the same party that it was in 2008 and 2012 when I was involved.
You know, we were on oxygen support.
We're on life support.
This has been a populist takeover.
That's the most important.
God, I would think of just the election.
You're right, Enrique.
We've got to make sure the populist pro-American force absolutely takes the Republicans over and moves to get Democrats to reform and change their party.
Yes, because we've moved, the Democrats figured this out back in the 60s and 70s, that if they take over academia and they take over media, they got the keys to the future.
And they've been doing this for a long time, so it's time for the Republicans to fight back.
It's time to just say no.
And I think he's leading this charge.
He's started this movement and I think that these four years he has to he has to propel this movement.
And that's why they're so pissed.
The keys of the future.
That's a great novel name or great future of the universe name.
Keys of the future and the universe.
Literally, it's all now, and conservatives, nationalists, populists, traditionalists were asleep.
So the left thought they had total power.
Now they're so pissed because we're awake, and they see their power slipping away.
That's what I see.
This is a rabbit hole.
I have people that weren't right-wingers, they weren't Republicans before, they weren't even, they were apolitical.
And they see the strides that the president has taken, they see the strides that
The silent majority is silent no more.
Don't they see he's surrounded?
Isn't it the ganging up they see?
Yeah, no, not only that, it's so they call themselves the resistance.
The left calls themselves the resistance.
And that's the furthest thing from the truth.
There's nothing counterculture about going exactly the direction that mainstream media is telling you to go.
There's nothing counterculture about going the same way that Hollywood is telling you to go.
We are the resistance, Alex.
And I think that the leader of this resistance right now is the president.
And I encourage him.
To continue doing what he's doing, and I encourage him to mash that gas come November 5th.
I agree.
He's got to floor it come January 20th.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, as soon as he wins, that's it.
It's President Trump.
Inauguration day for the President will be November 5th.
That's when he's actually going to start.
Then he has four years.
They've obstructed him for four years.
He's not even been President yet.
Yeah, we might have to do that where we get President Trump in 2024 again because of that impeachment debacle.
But, you know, I'd like to tell him that the Proud Boys love him.
We'll never ask him for anything.
We will be here.
We're always... His words we're taking out of context, but I'll use his own words right now.
The Proud Boys will be standing back and standing by for this country, and we will never falter.
All right, beautiful.
Enrique, you're a smart guy, man.
That's why I ask those questions.
Wow, I'm blown away.
We appreciate you.
We love you.
How do people find the Proud Boys officially again?
OK, so you could go to ProudBoysUSA.com.
You could go to 1776.shop to buy our gear.
And then on Parlor is the only thing that you'll find us on.
And it's called, it's at the Proud Boys on Parlor.
And you can find me personally at Noble.
Who's that pretty girl right there?
You need to pull her into the shot.
Just for real quick, get her in here.
Come here, quick, quick.
Get her in here real fast, come on.
All right, we love you.
God bless you.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos of the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
I got it one piece at a time.
And it didn't cost me a dime.
I'll be honest with listeners.
I'm ready to beat your ass, boy.
Feel strong I've ever felt in 47 years.
Feel so strong.
One day I devised myself a plan that should be the envy of most any man.
I'd sneak it out of there in the lunchbox in my hand.
I know you're feeling the same way right now.
Now getting caught meant getting fired, but I figured I'd... Alright, let's talk about it right now.
I'm going to take a bunch of your phone calls.
You don't need to thank me.
I'm not going to thank you.
I want to give it to the next person.
And I really appreciate you all, but I want to say something to John, the boom operator.
Hair Wolf just said to me earlier, he said, Alex, you ought to be in a better mood.
Said about 30 minutes ago.
Because we've had a lot of good stuff happen this week.
And you're right.
But let me tell you something.
Last night, when I saw those Hunter Biden emails, I was in my office reading them.
I got tears in my eyes because sacks of garbage like that shouldn't be this close to beating us.
Goddamn cocaine addict!
Little piece of crap!
Running sex rings and kidnapping kids!
And we can't stop him?
Damn his father to hell and damn him to hell!
See, that's why I'm frustrated because I'm not really telling you what I really think here on air.
You think when I learned the new levels, I already knew this?
You already knew it.
And it's us, we're the problem.
How do we have sacks of garbage ruling over us?
I'm going to your calls.
But I mean, I'm reading the actual emails.
We're like, I'm giving you 30 million and you get half the billion dollars, but you got to cover up this and you got to end this investigation and fire the prosecutor.
And then his dad flies there the next day and fires him and then goes on TV and brags about it.
There's not a jury in the world.
Wouldn't convict him just like that.
But see, that's the devil.
The devil puts these little sacks of garbage over us, like Hoff, Richard and Haas, and all these.
Look at these lawyers!
Because we've put up with them.
They have no respect for us.
They have no respect for you.
They have no respect for anyone.
Yeah, that's the one from yesterday.
The new one says... I covered it first hour.
It says, you will cover this up and fire the prosecutor and you will get the money.
But see, that's why Hayden goes on TV and Brennan and says, we're gonna...
Oh yeah, now it's breaking.
Hunter Biden's hard drive revealed underage obsessions.
Child porn investigator assigned.
That just broke at Infowars.com.
Because they want to rob innocents.
All right, I'm going to stop right there.
Let's go to your calls.
Who's been on the longest?
Greg in Florida.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Man, I tell you, we're just itching.
I mean, I'm on fire.
I mean, we're in a crazy time.
How are you doing?
Brother, great.
I called a couple times in the past.
I was the guy that mentioned the secure, the, uh, the banks last week, the you and Owen.
Anyways, I called you a few times.
I just want to give you a quick plug here.
Uh, I'm a former pro athlete, the vaso beats, uh, and that iodine and the B12 great products.
But I want to mention to you, this Bill Gates guy, the guy's been thrown out of a dozen countries around the world and yet we have the George Soros's of the world or whoever's putting the money behind this guy to direct it, letting this guy feed off us.
And it's just, it's just incredible that the United States of America has this garbage and
You know, these clowns parade around.
I mean, here's a guy who didn't even finish college, and he's telling people what to do with their lives.
You just said it so beautifully, that's what Trump, that's what I just said a minute ago, that's what Trump said yesterday.
He's like, it's like Bill Gates has been thrown out of India, and a bunch of other countries, Tanzania, Kenya, Pakistan, it's over a dozen countries, putting cancer viruses in vaccines, putting steroids in vaccines, putting polio in vaccines, it's even the Associated Press, and then he just launches this giant attack with China out of Wuhan, and shuts everything down and then tells us,
We're never going back to work, and we all wear masks because he says so, and everything collapses.
It's ridiculous!
Trump just needs to send the Green Berets in on that son of a bitch!
I mean, I'm sick of it!
And wipe out all these clowns.
I mean, enough's enough. 1776.
You know, come on, bring it back if we have to.
I don't want to see it happen.
It's not that hard.
I don't want violence.
But I mean, they're coming with deadly vaccines.
They're cutting the world economy off.
They're starving people en masse.
We have... Here's why I'm so pissed.
I feel responsible right now for not doing more.
I actually, for the first time in my modern life, when I was younger I was more evil so I felt guilty then.
I've had no feelings of guilt or conscience in like a decade.
Because I'm doing the right thing.
I feel guilty, brother, that I'm not doing enough, Greg.
I think that's what you're saying.
Alex, I tell you what.
I don't want to say you can only do so much because I'm a guy that I don't believe the sky is the limit.
I go beyond that in everything I do.
And I know you're the same way, and you have a drive in you that is one-of-a-kind.
And, you know, yeah, you could only do so much.
Just like President Trump.
I mean, Christ, he's surrounded by these swamp people, and now we're finally... And they all lie to him and say they'll do what he says.
He signs executive orders, and they run and hide it and hope he forgets about it.
That's treason!
And then we have the media, they're controlling the media.
I'm glad you played a clip yesterday from that movie, V for Vendetta.
When the guy said in that movie, I watched that movie 15 times over the years, when the guy said it started when they took God out of the country, godlessness.
And you know what?
And that's true because if we never had Christianity in the world, we would not have laws.
Okay, they're trying to make this a lawless society and that's what we're up against.
Well, I agree.
They want selectively enforced laws.
Greg, great call.
All right, let's take another call here.
God bless you.
Let's talk to, up next is Jeff in Canada, then Lauren in Connecticut.
Jeff, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, it seems to me that Trump last night did okay in the debates, but he got put back on his heels by that woman.
Well, I mean, when someone interrupts you every five seconds... I mean, look, let's say you're trying to talk, right?
Go ahead, Jeff.
Try to talk, Jeff.
Oh, yeah, Jeff, you're a white supremacist.
Oh, yeah, Jeff, what'd you do with your tax returns?
Oh, yeah, Jeff, what'd you do about that thing?
People lied about that.
Oh, yeah, what'd you do, Jeff?
You sold out to Iran.
Oh, yeah, Jeff, you're the one that did... I mean, she wouldn't shut the hell up!
Yeah, I know he should have walked off the stage or threatened to, you know, to put her in her place.
But anyway, did you see her smiling like a demon?
Yeah, she was.
It was it was totally orchestrated.
It's sad to see it the way it's at.
But, you know, what Trump needs to do in 17 days is he needs to, you know, do an alpha move right now.
And I think he needs to gain the narrative and he needs to, like Buchenek said,
Really get the titanium spine and kick it into overdrive.
And do something.
I would say... Listen, I'm going to hold you over.
I don't want to cut you off, Jeff, but here's the problem.
You heard the last caller.
I think you agree with him.
He's got a bunch of lying double dealers around him.
He doesn't know who's... Like if he went to the army and said, these are all Chinese agents.
We have the proof they're Chinese agents.
We're going to... Because what's he normally... George Washington would just arrest these people.
But he can't do that because he's surrounded by scum.
So what does he do?
He needs to, even if he's got Twitter now, I think he needs to push Twitter over the edge and tweet something like, you know, we're going to arrest people that are caught in
I agree.
And they're getting ready to suppress anyone exposing voter fraud in 17 days.
How do we affect the battle space now that Congress finally gets that big tech is moving against them?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Don't hang up.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionCenter.com is a clone of the site, the exact same links, the exact same videos, where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system,
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out.
He says he's going to take action once re-elected against Big Tech.
I mean, he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets him.
Oh, yeah.
I've got some really important, and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, during normal times, people need to
Type things up.
Well, right now, I can't even explain.
I know you already get it better than I do, or at least as good as I get it.
This is crazy time.
We're living in history right now.
And the level of censorship and oppression and disinfo is just wild because the enemy is weak.
Jeff and Kennedy, we're making some really good points.
You got cut off on the break.
Finish your points.
Thanks for holding.
Well, Alex, uh, you know, if I was Trump, I would, I would hit those two things, the voter fraud and then the communications aspect.
And I would hit them as hard as I could.
Total offense, total attack.
And what I would do, if I was Trump, I would make an executive order saying, anybody caught in voter fraud gets five years in jail.
Just want to let you know, FYI, put it out there for Twitter.
Let the media completely spin their minds on it.
It's indefensible.
He should put it out there and then he should put out... Kind of like when he said...
And if he puts that out ahead of time, he'll create a wave of awareness
You got it.
And if it comes down to they buck it up, then he's got some ammo in the tank.
But he's got to hit the big tech.
I would push Twitter over the edge if I was Trump.
I would pump the Hunter Biden stuff out accurately, but keep pumping it out until they shut him down.
And then I would use the emergency communications network
God Almighty.
Thank you, Jeff.
The callers are so smart.
We love you.
Let me just write down what Jeff just said for those that may not know.
Most of you probably know.
In the fifties, they put in the EAS emergency alert system in all UHF, VHF, AM and FM radio stations.
FM didn't come around in the sixties, but all communications was wired into a local station that got a federal transmission, either by radio, satellite or ground cable of an emergency feed.
Obama put that in the control of big tech twelve years ago.
Okay, so early on in his, right when he got in, I guess it was about 12 years ago he got in, yeah.
And so, one of the first things he did,
Like 2009, this is 11 years ago, 12 years ago, was to do that.
And so they've got controlled communications.
And so now, incrementally, big tech shutting everything down, and they're using the precept that, oh, Russians hacked us, we're under attack, we're responding to a foreign attack.
That's how they give orders to the CIA and NSA and the COG, Continental Government, to do this.
They're the foreign power actually attacking the country for China using these internal systems.
And here's the deal.
Trump doesn't study this the way I've done, the way some of you've done.
And so, like I said, three years ago, I got him a document.
I got him Reuters that China was bragging that they controlled Apple.
There was a huge firestorm over that.
Because he didn't even know that because there's a lot of stuff happening.
But the good news is when he got the info, he did the right thing.
And so right now we have total censorship going on and them censoring this Biden thing finally showed these dumb lawyers and these arrogant people just how out of control big tech is.
And so Jack Dorsey crapped his breeches and went, oh, it's an accident.
But notice Google and Facebook didn't.
Because they think they can beat the FBI and Congress.
And I'm not a fan of Congress.
I'm not a fan of the FBI.
At least they're American institutions.
At least they might be selfish about their own power and might not want to be China and big tech's bitch.
But they don't.
They'd rather pick little targets, American people to intimidate, gun owners to harass.
So it's a disaster.
It's an absolute disaster that when the country is faced with a giant foreign onslaught, all Trump's got to do is say, we're under foreign attack, as the caller just said, as Jeff just said, we're under foreign attack, rally for America.
And Trump's starting to do that because that's what's happening.
And that's what's so crazy.
Like Trump said yesterday, he goes, I can't believe
This is an easier to beat.
I mean, I want you to be prosperous.
I want free market.
I want you to do well.
I'm your president.
We're under foreign attack.
They want to end the dollar.
They want to screw you over.
They want to charge you four times what the damn drugs cost.
And you don't even want it.
That's... I mean, I go back to Christ under Pontius Pilate.
And Pontius Pilate goes, oh, it's the...
Jewish holiday coming up.
We can actually let them choose who to free.
Hey, free Jesus!
They go, oh, we don't free him.
He says, well, you must free someone.
So there's a convicted murderer, rapist, criminal, Barabbas.
And they said, give us Barabbas.
And Pilate said, you want Barabbas?
And they said, yes, give us Barabbas.
And that's what this is.
This is America choosing to give up its birthright.
This is America choosing to be enslaved.
This is America choosing to be destroyed.
This is America choosing to have the dollar taken and all your pension funds be worthless.
And Biden's like salivating.
I was a kid and I saw gay men kissing and it's love and we're gonna get your eight-year-olds balls and it's like
All he wants is a satanic pervert, his spiritual cachet with his god Satan.
So all he's looking for is to sacrifice kids, and if he can get widespread castration going on little boys, Satan counts that as like, in a video game, you know, you've got like the highest level score, where you get like 500 points, well chopping a kid's balls off is like 400.
And so, all he wants is to chop little boys' balls off.
Like, in his head, that's all that's... And George Soros is, it's like, kill kids, kill kids.
Like, well, we're aborting kids, sir.
We're not keeping them alive and getting them to work.
We're chopping their testicles off.
Well, that's not good enough.
Get them on Ritalin.
Get them on Prozac.
Just kill kids, kill kids, kill kids.
Gotta realize, in their world, it's like, not have a great life, have great kids, have great grandchildren, build a better universe, love God, commune with nature that God gave us.
No, it's kill kids, cut their balls off.
It's like an order, like kill kids, kill kids, kill kids, kill kids, kill men, kill men, kill men, kill men, kill the family, kill, kill, kill the family.
And the order just keeps going, kill the family, kill the family.
And everything they do is like these gibbering, weird, crone creatures come crawling up out of the pit,
They're like, we want your son's balls.
And I'm not trying to be gross there.
That's what, because that's the future.
That's human will and men and women coming together and making the next group of people.
That's magic.
That's powerful.
You think Bill Gates likes you being able to choose a woman or choose a man?
You think Bill Gates likes any of that?
He's a robot that wants to patent life and teach you to hate yourself and destroy you.
And Johnny!
And everybody else, when I come back, I'm going to shut up.
Duncan, Scott, you name it.
I'm going to all your calls, I promise.
In fact, I'm going to take every one of these calls for the hour ends, so please stay with us.
I'm very honored to be here, but when you understand that these aren't people, these are demons.
You're like, why do these demons want to kill us?
It's an invasion force.
It's not of this world.
The Bible tells us it's a fallen spirit.
And once you figure that out, it's like, oh, okay.
There's a wireless network.
I get it.
They're in it.
They're trying to get us to kill each other.
And everything makes sense.
You accept Christ?
The devil has no power?
They burn in hell.
There's only five days left in the Infowars total blowout mega sale.
Five days left.
I want to thank you all for your support because things are so unstable and so crazy and the supply chains are breaking down.
I made the decision a month ago to sell out of our inventory and then to readjust and even see if we're going to be able to continue on in the future with this model of funding our operations by selling high quality supplements and other products.
And thanks to your support, we've gotten in enough money to reorder most of the best sellers.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
We still have a lot of our best-selling items available, but they're selling out very, very quickly.
We still have 30% to 60% off, free shipping, and the big thing, triple Patreon points.
That's 15% off on your next order.
If you sign up for auto-ship, the additional 10% off.
So some of these deals are so good, we lose money on the products.
But regardless, it gets money into our coffers in the short term to continue the fight.
Things are so critical right now with the election.
Be sure to visit the site, InfoWarsTore.com.
A major life lesson just took place last night.
The top story in the country was that Hunter Biden's laptop information had come out.
Him with hookers and shooting porno movies and crackpipes.
But the real news was how he had indeed been bought off by Burisma and had done so at the behest of his father, who was getting large parts of the money.
But you see, Twitter and Facebook and others totally censored the info and even censored major news publications and even censored the president.
But when the president and Congress said they were going to take action, suddenly Jack
The future isn't coming.
It's here.
And in the future, keeping your humanity, saving your soul, your integrity, your very essence is going to be your most valuable asset.
In fact, it's going to be your only asset.
The world being built by the technocrats and the trap they've now sprung with COVID-19 and the endless lockdown is the beginning of the process of taking us past domestication into total
Incomplete dehumanization.
Human life will be impossible to be carried out in an original biological way by the year 2050.
This is their stated goal.
I'm sorry to have to report horrifying things like this to you, but only by facing the horror and not projecting your own decency onto the enemy can we turn this around.
You must study their own writings, you must face the facts, and you must come to grips with it.
You're all being incrementally destroyed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hunter Byton, also known as Snaggletooth, has got an incredible case of metamorphosis.
As more photos begin to leak of the effects of serious crack cocaine use and methamphetamine use by the Vice President's demonic, pedophile, reportedly inclined, degenerate, crime-for-hell son.
There you go!
All right, let's go to your calls.
I'm gonna shut up.
We're gonna go to Lauren in Connecticut, in the great state of Connecticut, there by Skull and Bones and all those little friendly creatures.
Go ahead, Lauren, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's such an honor to talk to you.
Honor to talk to you.
Thanks for taking my call.
So I just, it's very scary to think about that this country can be taken over by suburban women's votes.
I am so scared because they are brainwashed by academia.
That is so, it's so obvious.
And just the media's total war on men, it's honestly disgusting.
I wish more women would stand up for themselves and, you know, reject this.
We don't have to just keep going and going forward with what... Well, I agree with you.
Like, if women were being attacked like this, which they are by the UN, I'd be against it.
An attack on men or women is an attack on the species.
But yeah, it's a total, absolute attack on the species.
Everything is an attack on just basic function of life.
It's so obvious.
The left-wing scum that's pushing all of this, they need to be held accountable.
The globalists, everyone that's involved.
Just from my perspective, I've noticed that guys that I've talked to or interacted with, they won't at first admit that they support Trump.
I have to ask them if they're a Trump supporter, and then I get sort of a wishy-washy response, and then I just cut them off and I say, I'm a Trump supporter, and then they're relieved.
Kirsten, how big do you think the secret Trump vote is going to be?
I really hope it's big.
I think it is, but I'm just scared that the Democrats are going to be up to this really scary thing with the voting, the mail-in voting.
It's not secure.
I love how they all, the women in the little pink hats, worship Soros.
A guy that said, the best time of my life was working for Hitler.
Quote, it was happy making time.
I felt exhilarated.
It's just like, if I said that, they'd hate me.
But like he says, they fetishize, fetishize evil.
What do you think is going on there?
I don't know.
I mean, they are into all this weird stuff with the spirit cooking and all that.
As far as George Soros goes, I mean, if it wasn't for you, the mainstream, sort of mainstream media would not ever even mention his name.
This, you have been pushing for years and years and years.
We are so lucky to have you in our corner.
Trump is- Lauren, I'm lucky to have you, but I will say it has been Infowars, our huge audience of activists.
You gotta be loud and clear, man.
First things first.
I'm a veteran.
Over 20 years in Canada.
We fought wars with the Americans.
You know?
Our both countries, we had a little quarantine, civil rivalry.
You know, we've got to have a little balance.
But for the most part, we kind of... Hey brother, your phone's breaking up.
Back off of it or get closer.
Just talk real low for me.
Go ahead.
You got me now?
I can hear you now.
Start over.
We fought wars.
Go ahead.
You know, we fought wars together.
We had some civil rivalry growing up.
But what I see in my country now breaks my heart.
I feel like a bloody traitor for saying this, but if Trump pulls this off, he's gonna say, he's gonna look at Canada, he's gonna look at Alberta, and Western provinces and say, you know what?
Trudeau doesn't like you.
We'll take you in.
You talked about Iceland before?
Canada's a better option.
No, I totally agree that we need 1776 worldwide.
Not the US taking over, but saying globalists have captured you, take your country back, and the power of Trump, Bolsonaro, and others.
Johnson has turned out to be a huge, huge disappointment.
That is a worldwide renaissance, a worldwide crusade against the globalists.
What do you think?
I'll tell you what, brother.
I'm trans.
I'm a transnationalist.
I want to be American because my Canadian country, who I've risked it all for, has basically decided it doesn't want me anymore.
I'm a firearms owner.
I believe in freedom.
Up here in Canada, we have the Plaid Army, PlaidArmy.com.
We have Jeremy McKenzie, a raging candidate, who's also a combat vet.
And he wants to talk to you.
Let's get him on as a guest.
Listen, Canada doesn't have to be the 51st state.
It can be the New America or the New Republic or America North.
That's what we need is people to embrace us because, hey, England's got problems, but what you've got in Canada came out of the Magna Carta, came out of all that.
We can certainly do it, brother.
We want to do that with you.
All right, let's talk to Duncan in Washington.
Duncan, thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
What you were just speaking about,
Leads into what I wanted to say and also following up to what Steve from Florida said about truth.
Abraham Lincoln said, we the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the court, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
And if you'll allow me the courtesy to set up the premise and the evidence that I can take you through some things.
So 1901, maybe your cracked staff can look this up.
Downs vs. Bidwell, Supreme Court decision.
Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan says two national governments exist.
One to be maintained under the Constitution with all its restrictions.
The other to be maintained by Congress outside and independent of that instrument.
Congress is a dog and pony show at this point.
Hollywood production run by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Evidence of that is with the New Deal.
FDR solidified it.
President Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial Congressional Congress.
They used an annotated constitution over 2000 pages.
I agree that they become more and more vestigial by their own actions and in code.
But anytime they want, they can fire back up the rightful rulership of we the people.
But no, I agree, it is now a ceremonial body.
So, so what is going on is President Trump, as the inspector, is waiting for we, the people, the rightful masters.
And that's what he said!
Trump has said a bunch.
You're damn right.
He said, listen, I need your help, America.
I'm trying to fix this, but I need you.
And we need to, we need to do it using the pattern set by our forefathers.
Use the pattern, patterns of commedia correspondence.
Establish the grand jury.
You could use your platform.
I've talked to you about this before, Alex.
Get the group of experts like Joel Skousen, Dr. Edward Viviera, Alan Keyes, Stuart Rhodes, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, John McManus, former president of the John Birch Society.
You had Catherine Austen Fitz on the other day.
Get experts on.
We can set this up and force Trump to put his hat on as the president of the Constitutional Republic.
And not the occupying criminal corporate de facto democracy that's using agency government to rule our lives.
We can do it.
We can get 3 million people together through your platform on air... Brother, I totally agree with you, but getting all those people together is like herding cats.
But I think the list you named, I think after the election, I will invite all those people to fly to Austin and we can have a debate and a discussion and how big that video gets is with you guys.
But if we build it, will they come?
I absolutely hear what you're saying.
Yeah, we can do it.
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
No brother, I totally get what you're saying.
The point is, can we even get the public to realize it?
All right.
Thank you, Duncan.
Scott, Philip, Philly.
Jonathan, your calls are just a few minutes away.
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And never give up the fight.
In fiction, supervillains are known as supervillains because they have gigantic, huge, global plans that are incredibly well thought out and incredibly complex.
And if I had told you a year ago, back in October of 2019, that a powerful billionaire
You tell me that's crazy.
You tell me that's a dystopia.
You tell me that's some type of science fiction comic book.
But in reality, it really did happen.
His name is Bill Gates, and he's the head of a major eugenics consortium that his father and mother set up more than 60 years ago.
And we're living in this world Bill Gates has built.
Until we start saying no, we are Bill Gates's property.
It's time to expose Bill Gates.
History is now.
History is taking place in front of us.
We are at the crossroads.
We are now only two weeks out from the most historic and important election in world history.
I've been saying that for over a year, but now people really understand I wasn't exaggerating.
This is so critical.
The New World Order wants to repudiate the nation-state.
They want to repudiate the idea of America.
They want to repudiate the idea of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and bring in their technocracy.
So they are.
Throwing everything they've got.
It's not just the American people, but the people of the world.
That's why your word of mouth is beyond gay.
It is paramount.
When you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, when you shoot your own video, or write your own article, or knock on your neighbor's door and talk to them, or call your friends and family and tell them to vote for Trump.
When you speak out against the system, when you do things that seem little,
Together, it adds up into giant things.
Many hands make light work.
History's happening now.
Take action now while you still can.
Please, for all of our futures.
The COVID rollout has been extremely well planned, very well thought out, and has been incrementally orchestrated.
First it's 15 days to keep the hospitals empty, that's a lot.
Then it's 2 months, then it's 6 months, then it's a year.
Now Bill Gates says 10 years.
And people are now saying, I like my mask, I like my face diaper, I like my binky.
And so, getting into the fear, getting into the hysteria, getting into all the exaggerated death numbers,
This is our new neurotic control freak society, overseen by robots, overseen by AI, and all of it is designed to make humans non-essential.
That's why out of the gates they tell us, you are non-essential.
You are non-essential.
Your company, your restaurant, your job, your profession is not essential.
This is so incredibly authoritarian, premeditated, and Bill Gates sits on top of it.
Come on, folks, let's reject this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
He said exactly one year ago tonight at a Democratic debate, he said, I would not get into court packing, I would not pack the court.
That's not what you're saying now.
Is the nomination of Judge Barrett reason enough to rethink your position?
What I wanted to do, George, you know if I had answered the question directly, then all the focus would be on, what's Biden going to do if he wins?
Instead of on, is it appropriate what is going on now?
And it should stay, this is the thing that the President loves to do, always take our eye off the ball.
What's at stake?
One of the things Pete has suggested is, and there's a number of constitutional scholars have suggested as well, that there are at least four or five options that are available to determine whether or not you can change the way in which the court lifetime appointment takes place, consistent, arguably, with the Constitution.
I have not been a fan of court packing, because I think it just generates what will happen.
Whoever wins, it just keeps moving in a way that is inconsistent with what is going to be manageable.
So you're still not a fan?
Well, I'm not a fan.
I'd then say it depends on how this turns out.
Not how he wins, but how it's handled.
How it's handled.
But there's a number of things that are going to be coming up, and there's going to be a lot of discussion about other alternatives as well.
Okay, I'm going to go to your calls right now.
I'll host a little bit in the next hour.
The guest host is taking over, then Owen Schroyer comes in.
The article's on Infowars.com.
It's a national false story.
Great folks we work with.
Report, Hunter Biden's hard drive revealed underage obsessions, FBI assigned child porn investigator.
Now, OAN is a very credible group.
They've seen the hard drive.
I talked to folks a while back and said child porn stuff's coming out on Biden.
I mean, I'm on the record saying that.
But why don't we queue up him sniffing on girls and kissing little girls and grabbing people's wives?
I mean, the dude is a pervert, man.
So we'll show that, start in the next hour, but that's breaking on Infowars.com.
I suggest you get that out.
Twitter hopes you don't go to Infowars.com and share this article.
Report, Hunter Biden's hard drive revealed underage obsessions, FBI assigned child porn investigator.
So, Hunter Biden under investigation for child porn for this report.
All right, Scott in Texas.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, how's everything going, man?
We're in one hell of a fight now, brother.
We're right in the middle of it right now.
How are you doing?
Yes, sir.
I'm just working some oil out here in West Texas.
I just wanted to talk about, there's something called the IPFS, and James Corbett of Corbett Report is talking about it, and it's like a secondary internet backup.
It uses blockchain technology, and I thought it might be good for fan.videos to get on that.
This way it's always backed up.
Briefly, that rings a bell.
Let me write that down.
It's the IPFS.
Say the name of it again.
Interplanetary File System.
And James Corbett of Corbett Report did a podcast about it.
No, I know who he is.
I'm a big fan of his.
I know they call the old internet the Intergalactic Communications System from 1962.
I've heard of this before, but tell me about it.
I mean, I just watched the podcast earlier today and I just instantly had to call you.
It's just using the same thing like Bitcoin, like a blockchain technology, and it's a peer-to-peer service.
So everyone has the same file.
This way, you know, the library of Alexandria 2.0 burns up, we still have a secondary internet basically.
Sure, like every time you visit some place you download it.
I mean, let me just say this.
What do you make of
Twitter and Facebook and Google openly censoring Republicans now.
I mean, they've really jumped the shark here.
But I think because Republicans have shown they're going to lay down, I think they're probably going to win.
Because Republicans are such cowardly idiots.
Yeah, if you never fight back, they're going to keep running you over until you finally say, that's enough.
And I mean, no one can blame them.
I mean, it's ridiculous that
We've been asleep for so long that they realized that and they just, they knew they can get away with it.
And no one on our side cared.
Well said, brother.
Appreciate your call, Scott.
All right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Philly in California.
Are you there, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Very pleased to talk to you, Philly.
It's an honor to even talk to you, man.
I've been watching you for the last 10 years.
I got inspired by you.
I've been going to college for almost 10 years.
You're the reason why I don't do radio.
I'm transferring pretty soon.
But the thing is, Alex, this year has been an absolute wake-up call for me.
And the thing is, I like the fact that you talk about being a warrior for truth, standing up for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I was just taking the knee for Christ, not the BLM and all this other stuff, but it's time for us to stand up as believers in Christ, and I got this scripture right here, and you were talking about principality is an evil.
I'm gonna, this is Ephesians 11, put the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For the wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
I'm inspired by you, brother.
This is a spiritual battle.
And our energy is real, our souls are real, and the enemy knows that.
So the enemy has that on us that the devil's greatest trick was he didn't exist.
But as soon as we realize God exists and the devil exists, we make that choice.
The devil no longer has any power.
And my dream is one day, man, to move to Texas because California is not my favorite.
And I just always wanted to work for you, do radio and do the podcast.
I even ended up making a podcast
On my college, you know what I called it?
I called, you know how I said warrior, be a warrior?
I call it Infowarriors, and what I would do the same thing, man, I would go on the air, I'd get your articles, I would... Brother, that's very inspiring.
Who knows if I'll be here in six months?
And I'm not saying that as a horrible, you know, negative thing.
I think we will be here in six months, but you do your own show.
We love you.
I can barely run my own life, and I really appreciate you, Billy.
Keep it up, brother.
We love you.
Don't stop.
We love you.
You're just as important as we are.
Don't ever think anything other than that.
That was Philly.
This is Phillip in Indiana.
Phillip, go ahead.
Welcome, sir.
Yes, Alex, you are the salt of the earth.
You're not sea salt.
Well, you're the salt of the earth, brother, and I'm honored to be here with you.
What's on your mind?
Well, what it is is you're not the salt of the earth.
You're not sea salt.
You're the salt of the earth.
You're the stuff that gunpowder is made out of.
And that's what we as listeners to this place is supposed to be.
Salt of the Earth, the things that make fires, build fires, and make hotter fires.
Well, explain that to folks, because God said we're supposed to be salt of the Earth.
So, what is salt of the Earth versus salt of the sea?
Explain that.
Well, that's what I mean.
The salt of the Earth is like saltpeter, and potassium chloride, potassium nitrate.
It's the things that make, um, what they did even in Jesus' day, made fire.
To start a fire, to keep a fire going, and to make it even hotter, so that they could make
They melted and made coins and swords.
They made things out of it.
And that's what he was saying in that passage of scripture, is that if you lose your fire, you're going to be trampled under the foot of men.
But if you're staying fiery, if you're staying afire, you're going to do something.
And this is the encouragement that Jesus gave to us as well, is to be afire in anything you're doing, because if you don't, you're going to get stepped on.
No, I agree with you.
If you're on fire, they can't stop you, can they?
So what do you think, Brother Philip, is about to happen?
Obviously, all these powerful forces are coming to a head right now.
The planets are aligning.
I know that there's a mighty God, and that He's always got a good plan.
And He can startle you with the way He does things.
And that's the thing you gotta know, is that he's always got, he's always, as you said, ten steps ahead of the end.
Well that's true, the enemy always operates like one or two steps, they don't seem to have depth of understanding.
But yes, but the biggest thing I felt before that God was saying to say to you is to know that you're the fault of the earth, the people who listen to you are the fault of the earth, and they're not
I totally agree.
God bless you and we love you Phillip.
I love that.
Salt of the earth.
I want to be salt of the earth.
I just, I want to be salt of the earth so bad.
Alright, we're going to go to break.
Talk to Jonathan in Utah.
And then I'm going to go ahead and turn things over to the next guest host that's here.
Then the weekend's coming up.
We're gonna have Nick Baggage on Fridays.
Always a smart guy, loving guys, person who's been through a lot.
He'll be taking over.
Dr. Nick Baggage is straight ahead on the other side.
I'm just extremely honored to be here with you during this time.
Extremely honored.
History's happening now.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
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I've got some really important, and quite frankly, bad news for you.
We've confirmed from high level sources in our own research that if Joe Biden is able to steal the election, then they're going to really try to do it.
They're that crazy.
They intend to not just shut down Infowars, but have yours truly Alex Jones arrested.
Now here's the really bad news.
They're coming after everybody and they're coming after the economy and they want to totally gut it and punish Americans for supporting Donald Trump and repudiating Hollywood and all the trash.
But here's the really good news.
The really good news.
Humanity is awakening to this threat.
We're no longer asleep and we understand that the globals are our mortal enemies and we fundamentally understand that they're trying to end our nation and the free market and our Judeo-Christian roots forever.
That's why we must come together now as Americans of a race, color, and creed and repudiate the new world order and stand firm and vote for Donald Trump, but also the information war, support independent media that tells the truth, like InfoWars.com.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's Friday!
Kicking off hour number four.
I think Beckett's about to take over.
We're taking some final calls.
RNC says Twitter made illegal corporate contribution to Biden campaign.
They said they made an illegal corporate contribution to the Biden campaign.
I agree.
And we've got drive-by shooting targets elderly couple displaying the thin blue line flag.
That's coming up right now.
Jonathan in the great state of Utah, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, it's good to talk to you, Alex.
Are you there?
I am.
Okay, so a couple weeks ago I got a thing in the mail that said due to the current conditions related to COVID-19 pandemic that the county I live in, which is pretty big, there's about 355,000 people that live here, they said there won't be any in-person voting.
They said you have to just mail in a ballot and that's how you're going to cast your vote.
They said that there will only be one drive-thru option on November 3rd, on the voting day, and that that's only for people that didn't get a ballot or that have a disability that can't vote.
So, this is total stealing the vote from Trump.
Oh yeah, this is, he fixes in, and then if Trump challenges it, he's a dictator.
Right, and the crazy thing is that if this is happening here in my county, it's probably happening all over the country.
This is the way that they can harvest
Millions of votes away from Trump because people can't go in and vote in person.
They just have to, you know, hope their ballots get in there and don't end up in a ditch or shredded in the back of a truck or something.
So this is crazy.
Wow, so that's incredible news.
And are other counties in Utah doing that?
I've seen other reports from the country saying the same thing.
Uh, I don't know.
It's just the county that I'm in.
I mean, it says it even on their main website.
It says that you just have to vote by mail-in ballot, and there's only going to be one polling station open on voting day.
Is this not a great big tech power grab?
Oh, there's this virus.
Now the election's a mess.
It's incredible.
Everything they can consolidate power and blame on COVID they're doing, but this is insane how they're going to try to steal it from Trump.
Have you gone and spoken to the county commissioners or the city council?
But I guess you can't go there, that's shut down too, right?
That's all Zoom meetings do.
Yeah, and even on their website they say that you can only contact them by, you know, email or appointment only, so it's basically... Yeah, no, this is the perfect excuse for government to dig in, cut off resources, and play God.
I mean, this is just the perfect martial law scenario, and the average person's like, oh, I'll wear my mask, I'll never go outside again, I'm a good person, when it's a giant, shy, calm, globalist attack.
My God.
Well, I appreciate everything you do.
You have a lot of supporters that never get to talk to you or call in or anything, but you have a massive amount of people that you influence positively, so we truly appreciate everything you do.
Jonathan, I'm just here for you, and I want to thank you for putting up with me, because half the time I'm out of control.
We've got about a minute left.
What else do you want to tell folks?
One of the main things I've always thought about is we need to put pressure on
There's a lot of conservatives that have all this pent-up anger towards Trump.
They want Trump to fix everything.
But I think we need to put the pressure where it should go, like with Donald Dunker, you know, William Barr, who's not doing anything.
He has all the evidence, and he's not doing anything.
The people need to put the pressure on the people that are supposed to uphold the law.
Oh, and Trump's been doing that.
He's like, Barr, arrest him!
Right, but he won't do anything.
That's what I'm saying.
The pressure needs to go on these people like Barr.
I mean, if people went outside his house and protested and said, hey, William, what are you doing?
You need to uphold the law.
I mean, I think things would change a lot quicker if people did that to these kind of people.
Thank you very much, Jonathan.
Very well said.
We love you and we appreciate you.
All right.
I could play these newscasts, but I'm just going to hand it over to Dr. Nick Baggage to take over.
Drive-by shooting targets elderly couple for displaying thin blue line flag.
And the cops aren't perfect.
A lot of them don't go along with the system.
Just sick.
And then all this new Hunter Biden stuff coming out that the War Room's going to be covering.
New emails being dropped.
I mean, it just says the new ones from last night are like, hey, give us the money.
Cover up the corruption.
Have your dad fix it.
And then he comes out and announces, yeah, I told him, cover it up or I'll cut the billion dollars.
I mean, this is crazy.
Stay with us.
If you pay close attention to what Big Tech is actually saying, and more importantly, what they're actually doing, when they shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was a test to see if they could work in concert to totally suppress information.
Because they've also been on record saying, coming up on election day and thereafter, they're not going to let anyone but, quote, authoritative sources.
I mean, CNN, New York Times, what a joke.
Come out and say who the real winner is.
That way they can contest the election even though Trump's declared winner, hold everything up with the ballots, then cause a constitutional crisis, call for secession, and have the UN come in and declare the election for Biden.
This is what John Podesta and others are on record saying.
And so when you see them in concert censoring something like the Hunter Biden laptop story, that is a drill, that is a test to get all their systems ready, but also to condition the public that big tech works in unison to suppress speech and information.
This is election meddling 101.
This is illegal.
Alright, Dr. Nick Begich is about to take over.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, but look at this new headline at InfoWars.com from NationalFile.com.
New York Post refuses to publish 25,000 Hunter pics.
They have reports they include underage obsessions, child pornography.
And it gets into all of that and reportedly sex trafficking out of the Ukraine.
You've seen Biden grabbing little girls, all the weirdness.
This is a cult, ladies and gentlemen, and it's coming down.
OAN, One American News Network, has seen it and says that indeed it's basically child porn.
Dr. Nick Begich, bestselling author, researcher, takes over right now.
Full story at InfoWars.com.
Dr. Begich.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
It's always good to be here.
You know, today is the anniversary of the 48th anniversary of my father's disappearance, which takes us back to 1972.
And I'm going to use that as a backdrop for what's going on today.
Because we're dealing with really the same deep state that has been here for a very, very long time.
So to kind of put this a bit into perspective, you know, think back 1971.
In fact, there's a website that I looked at just before the program that I really want to encourage people to check out.
It's WTF.
Thank you for having me.
Because it was a major break, and those who can see it on the screen, the very first image talks about compensation from 1972 approximately to 2017 and productivity.
Productivity goes up 246%, compensation only goes up 115% over that period.
But without getting into all the minutiae within that site, I want to encourage people to go there because
There's a few things I want to point out that happened in 1971 that are extremely important.
That's when Henry Kissinger, for those that don't remember, and Richard Nixon opened up China.
China in those days, and if you go back to the historical images of China and Beijing, everybody was on bicycles.
Hardly any cars, any modernization.
Horses, you know, wagons, and bicycles.
And so that was 1971.
The closing of the gold window, for those that remember, and where we went to pure fiat for all practical purposes happened.
You know, when you start to look at Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski and the formation of the Trilateral Commission and some of the things that were coming out of that about that time, when you look at the forecast for the future coming out at that time, you look at the Democratic Convention
And the ad hoc Democrats, which were the radical arm at that time,
of the Democratic Party.
And this was at a time when there was a lot of civil unrest.
We were at the very end of the Vietnam War.
We were at the Cambodian war that was going on that Americans hadn't authorized was being revealed in the Pentagon Papers.
That was revealed by Mike Revell, who was a U.S.
Senator from Alaska at the time, the guy my dad had already determined that the next election was going to be running against.
A couple weeks before the second election of Richard Nixon, McGovern in deep trouble over Eagleton as running mate who had psychological issues which back then were like preemptive, that was it, end of the ticket.
A lot was going on.
You know, when you think about the FBI and the CIA at the time, it didn't come out for a number of years later, but at that time this is when they were doing the heaviest infiltration of domestic spying by the Central Intelligence Agency, programs being operated by the FBI undercover that later came out in the Church Committee hearings of 1973.
You know, there was a lot going on, you know.
Hale Boggs was calling as majority leader in the House for the resignation of J. Edgar Hoover for corruption, and blackmailing his colleagues, and extorting things from his colleagues.
You know, this was the state of 1971, the deep state fully in control, the Watergate break-ins occur, and all hell breaks loose, right?
And we get just the tip
of the iceberg and I want to talk about a little bit of that as we as we roll through because here's here's a sequence of events a lot of people don't consider.
Richard Nixon and Agnew get in deep trouble because then the campaign contribution system with big bags of money and envelopes you know being passed around Washington
Bribery and corruption on steroids, ladies and gentlemen.
So out goes Agnew.
The Vice President of the United States booted for corruption.
Just a little bit before that boot, he broke a tie in the U.S.
Senate, because the Vice President has the power of a tie in the U.S.
Senate over the Alaskan oil and gas pipeline.
They couldn't be settled without a Native Land Claims Settlement Act, something my father got done in his first year in the Congress.
But when you look at the whole chain of events, it was a reset and a lot of good people got taken out in that reset.
And we are at that reset point again.
And here we are at a point of transition.
So going back again to 71.
What else was going on?
The Warren Commission.
Boggs was on the Warren Commission.
He wanted that reopening.
He wanted another look.
Because it looked like maybe security agencies might have been a little more involved than people thought.
And he knew the corruption there.
He knew what was happening there.
He knew about the deep state.
And he wanted to do something about it.
And dad, you know, my dad brought him up here to campaign for him.
And here's an interesting series of events.
So, Hale Boggs had to catch a plane in Texas to make connections in D.C.
to come up here to Alaska.
And at that time, a young Democrat, according to Hale Boggs' wife's biography, called Washington threw a purple veil.
And in that biography, the person driving Hale Boggs to the airport
Was was a young Democrat.
And it was William Jefferson Clinton later become president of the United States.
And also he flew up.
He came up.
There were talk about a big scandal brewing in D.C.
No one really understood what that was all about.
They flew out on a plane the next morning for Juneau about a 750 mile trip and disappeared off the radar screen and were never heard or seen again.
I was 14 then.
I had five brothers and sisters, my mom was in her mid-30s, and now six kids to raise.
And what happened?
We found out years and years later that the FBI had telexes, communications from a confirmed source, a valid source, possessing surveillance technology for the U.S.
government, where they had located the plane, two people alive at the crash site,
Never recovered, never found.
Little backstory on Hale Boggs, his daughter, Cokie Roberts, many will remember from PBS, and she's now deceased.
Lindy Boggs went on to fill her husband's seat in the United States Congress, served there, I believe it was nine terms, and then went on as a U.S.
ambassador to the Vatican under the Clinton administration.
Interestingly enough, in terms of a big circle.
Going back to 1971, what happened?
Agnew resigns.
Ford is appointed.
Nixon resigns.
Ford steps up.
Rockefeller steps in, if you remember, as Vice President of the United States.
And then, and then Squeaky Fromm takes a shot.
One of the old Manson, brainwashed Manson girls takes a shot at Ford.
And a couple weeks later, someone else takes a shot.
And just think of what would have happened then.
Who would have been in charge?
It would have been the next player, right?
It would have been Rockefeller.
Think about it.
He would have been the President of the United States in 1972.
What a change we would have seen in the world.
Now, it didn't happen that way, but there were some other things.
Had Hale Boggs still been around, Agnew and Nixon would have been tossed.
Then it would have fallen to the Speaker of the House, who was Carl Elbert at the time, but the next Speaker was to be Boggs.
Boggs likely would have been the President of the United States in those early 70s, during that time of transition.
The last reset that didn't happen.
We'll be right back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
Pay attention to these very important messages.
You are the tip of the speaker.
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app
Turn on and listen to what you're saying, just like Siri or Alexa do, and then putting databases, transcripts of everything you say into those systems to be saved forever.
Your phone is spying on you and companies are generating secret surveillance scores based on information.
This is the Global Chinese Communist Social Credit Score.
Get your protection privacy pockets at InfoWareStore.com and cut Big Brother off dead in his filthy tracks.
You notice that over and over again, the United Nations, our supposed controllers and bosses, the great arbiter of truth that no one's allowed to disagree with, has come out and said, nothing can treat or prevent COVID-19.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's a total lie.
If you get a lot of sunlight, it's on record to produce a ton of vitamin D3, and it's almost impossible to get viral infections when you're getting plenty of vitamin D3, if you have zinc and vitamin C as well.
That's why people get the flus and these colds in the winter, because that's when vitamin D levels plunge.
Now, I've pointed this out, and the media has called me a scammer for saying that there's hope and that people should have their vitamins and their minerals.
Well, now Fauci's been forced to come out and admit that you need vitamin D3 and C. He should have also added zinc, because the NIH website says you die without zinc.
But it's good news that he's being pressured now to admit the reality because so many doctors and nurses and experts in nutrition have been exposing the fact that he's not been warning the public to get their vitamins.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Nick Vagich.
And welcome back.
You know, we need to remember right now, you know, we're headed into the playoffs, right?
I mean, this is the end of the tunnel for this election season, and it is really crazy out there, and it's going to get crazier, I know, because people like to cling to the power that they have from the deep state perspective.
This is a very disruptive period.
You know, I've often said, you know, my preferred company are disruptors, which is why I love Alex, you know, and I love what we do together.
All of us, all over the world, you know, that are doing our bit.
And I get to come in every Friday afternoon and say a few words, but remember this network needs your support, needs your help to keep in the game.
So check out the specials at the InfoWars store.
We're good to go.
Capable person, you need your mind, your body in coordination.
So take a look there.
Remember that supports us, supports the network.
You know, I want to get back into this period of time, you know, this sort of creepy early 70s period and the kind of demonstrations that were going on, you know, because I remember even as a young kid, you remember seeing the visual images are sort of emblazoned in your head.
They weren't the violent things that we see today at the level we see today.
Certainly, there was a lot of clashing because it
On inauguration, you know, in January of 73, the second inauguration of Richard Nixon, because he was still in the game, there were 9,000 demonstrators marching the opposite end of Pennsylvania Avenue to greet the parade that they arrested and put in JFK Stadium.
So it was a big deal.
They had them in JFK Stadium, the football stadium in D.C., because there was nowhere to put them.
And they had to let them all go afterwards because it was
You know, inadequate bathrooms, facilities, and it turned into a big, crazy event.
And so, again, you know, a different time, a different place, but the same forces underneath it trying to hang on to what happened.
Now, in 1971, when you look at what really happened as we came off of the gold standard, as we went into a free float,
Inflation hit unbelievable levels, double-digit inflation for America really rapidly and mortgage rates went off the charts.
I mean, mortgages were 10 and 12 percent interest rates.
People don't remember this, you know, and I do.
I remember all of this transition that happened.
The national debt exploded after that and continued on steroids even to this day.
The movement of money changed dramatically.
It went from a single person, income household, tradespeople, professionals.
You could envision a college for your kids.
You could envision a house.
You could envision that you would own.
And you could envision a car every few years.
You could envision a life like that.
What is that?
We've watched our dollar disintegrate in purchasing power.
We've watched our productivity explode off the charts, but that productivity is not a balancing act anymore.
You know, it's the 1% elites, the globalists, and I'm talking about globalists.
I'm not saying capitalism is bad.
I'm saying the opposite.
Capitalism is great.
It's a great system.
But it needs to be a level within the structures of government.
Because see, capitalism is an economic system.
Even the communist Chinese get that.
That's how come they're number two now when they were number zero as far as major powers in 1971.
What happened?
What happened in this 50 years?
49 years for the 49th state, Alaska.
Here's what happened.
We watched our industry get moved to the benefit of those globalists to China.
The best factories in the world built in China and the biggest military ever seen grow in China.
And why did that happen?
Because Americans weren't paying attention.
And we allowed our system to get hijacked in 1971.
And they're trying to hijack it again for 2021 for the 50 year anniversary of the last robbery that we all rode as we crashed in that train wreck of the early 70s.
And things started to disclose, right?
We heard all these disclosures.
We had the special committee investigate the CIA in the 1976 issue report.
And that resulted in the Freedom of Information Act.
Wow, we're all going to be safe now with the Freedom of Information Act.
Now we can look into government, see what they're doing.
But they forgot.
That now we contract it all out and the Freedom of Information Act doesn't apply.
The Act needs to be amended.
Every government contractor's records are open so we can see what's going on with our public money.
Our treasury has been looted.
Our national resources are being hijacked.
I've covered these stories in this network before and it's happening again if we allow it to.
You need to participate this year, of all years.
And after the election, it's going to be a little bit crazy, I can tell you, because there's no option right now in the way it's set up.
But remember this also.
Inauguration Day isn't until January.
Between November 3rd and January 20th, there is a lot of time to sort it out.
And during that time, until that next inauguration, the one thing we know absolutely for sure
Is President Donald Trump will be President Donald Trump from November 3rd until the next president is sworn in, whoever that might be.
And I believe it will be Donald Trump.
But nonetheless, nonetheless, what the left has done, and we've seen some of the clips, we saw those clips from the guy in the DNC over there in Colorado talking about violence.
We saw, we've seen a lot of violence, and I think that needs to end for sure.
But I think we'll see some more, and that's unfortunate.
And it shouldn't happen in this country.
And this time, I do believe the federal authorities have to step in.
And this is going to create a really state of unrest because people don't understand if martial law gets declared, what does that really mean?
That means a suspension
Okay, this is a big thing.
Should that happen across the nation?
I don't think so.
If there's places where there is total chaos, you might have to impose it on a limited regional basis.
Are we going to allow chaos?
Are we going to watch our cities burn?
I don't think so.
This is not the America of the 21st century.
This is not the America of the Infowarrior.
This is not our vision for the future.
This is the left's vision.
And we need to be the tip of the spear.
This is the Infowarrior.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We'll be right back after these messages.
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8-pack PowerStack, 60% off and free shipping.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing... Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots!
Rampant violence and even homelessness.
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground.
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes!
Democrats, bringing chaos right to your front door!
It's taken me two and a half years to finally even be able to convince Congress and the rest of the world that we were only the initial target to set the precedent for coordinated big tech censorship.
Now the world finally understands it.
But we don't have two and a half years for the learning curve to take place this time.
Bill Gates and the UN are on record saying the lockdown is permanent.
It is a plan to lower carbon footprint.
It is a plan to make the world population poor.
It is a diabolical power grab.
It is a revolution against the industrial revolution.
They call it the post-industrial world.
And it's the excuse for them to take control every facet of our lives.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show, because there is a war on for your mind with Nick Begich.
And welcome back.
It's a pleasure to be here this Friday afternoon in most of the country, just a little bit before noon here in Anchorage, Alaska, where I'm based.
And man, you know, when I think about just all the stuff going on in the world,
On one level, I feel a really deep heaviness because I realize how many people are suffering at this moment, but more importantly, how many people are just in fear.
I mean, just shaking with fear.
For lots of different reasons.
For economic reasons, for job security reasons, for worrying about where you're going to live, how your housing is going to go, worrying about the state of the government, worrying about a lot of things.
Impossible to avoid it.
I mean, because it's all coming at us at once.
But we need to be equipped better because I think we are going to see some really rough period.
I just know it's here, just given the level of momentum, the amount of disclosures that are happening right now.
And I can tell you, you know, we're 17, 18 days from the finish line.
And depending on when you're listening to this broadcast, we're almost there.
And in this amount of time, almost three weeks is an eternity in politics, because politics can change on 10 minutes of bad news.
We just saw it with our mayor here in Anchorage.
I don't think so.
You know, and we were a democratic city, you know, and I believe that's over because it isn't working out well in Anchorage, Alaska, I can tell you.
And there's going to be a special election now for the mayor here to clean it up.
And I believe that's going to make a dramatic change, at least on the executive side of our local government.
But I believe that's what's going to be happening all over the country.
I think the backlash to what we're seeing
In the permissiveness, and it really started back with the ad hoc Democrats in 1971.
You know, back in the in the 70s, when these guys were raising all their stuff and they were introducing the liberal agenda, what became now the Democratic Party, they were the radicals.
I remember my dad coming back and just being extremely upset.
About what all was going on because my dad was a conservative, you know, he was a pro-life guy.
He was favored a hawkish approach to Vietnam when he went first went into Congress.
He changed his mind as he spent time there, but
You know, this is who he was.
He was conservative, you know, and there used to be a thing called conservative Democrats, but they don't exist anymore.
They went away, I don't know, 30, 35 years ago, something like this, when I quit being a Democrat and I switched over to the AIP at that time, Alaskan Independence Party, whose convention I'll be speaking at this Saturday, the Alaskan Independence Party's convention up there in Wasilla.
And, you know, when you think about
When you think about what's gone on since, unbelievable, you know, unbelievable.
And then, you know, when I think about political parties, I switched over to libertarian at one point.
I've been libertarian for a decade and I'm disappointed there.
I'm going to switch to undeclared next.
When I go to vote this time in person, when I go in person to do that, I'm going to also change my registration and I'm going undeclared.
And I'll tell you why.
I don't like either national party.
I don't like any of the national parties at all.
I don't.
Trump changed the Republican Party.
You go back and look at the Republican platform before Trump, and you look at what he did policy-wise, because that's what matters.
Policy matters.
And he got the policies changed and got the free traders in the Republican Party to start looking at this a little bit differently.
And protect America's interests by renegotiating the NAFTA agreements, Canada and Mexico's agreements with us, pushing on the Chinese, pushing on everybody on these trade agreements to get a better situation for Americans, because we've been sold out for way too long.
And it started with Richard Nixon, way, way back when, and Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and all the players that followed that were the handmaidens for the deep state.
These are the vile personalities that allow people to die in the wilderness, that use torture, blackmail, extortion as tools.
Tools for transformation.
These are the evil tools, ladies and gentlemen.
These are the manipulative tools that separate us from each other.
These are why we see the corruption in government.
You think you've seen the last of sexual scandals?
Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen.
If the Epstein tapes ever come out, that will unravel the sweater on steroids.
I don't know that it will.
I don't know who has those, where they disappeared to.
Man, this is my prayer today, and I ask everyone out there to join with me for just a moment, and that we ask God to reveal the truth in all of this.
The Epstein truth, the Trump truth, the Biden truth.
Let's ask God right now together in this moment, in the name of Christ, that we see the truth revealed before election day and that there be peace restored in this land and the clarification as disruptive as truth can be.
Let the trauma be short.
Let it be swift and let us be awakened to what is true and do it in the calm light of day.
That's my prayer with you today on this Friday afternoon because this is the only way.
What we are seeing right now is the corruption of hearts and minds through manipulation on steroids.
What I've talked about in the past, what I've spent 25 years researching in terms of technology, where it's taken us, how it's entrapped us into a virtual gulag that we're all walking around in, and now they're screwing down the doorways to our freedom, to our liberty, and to who we are as living souls in a fleshy body.
And are we going to let them do that?
I don't think so.
You need to vote.
You need to participate.
You need to get involved.
You need to start talking.
You need to rise up and do what you know to be right and true and act in a positive way, in a way that lifts your brothers and sisters up.
Take away from them that which they would stab you with.
The words of truth.
Speak your truth.
Be honorable.
Be respectful of someone else's.
But get out there and vote.
And I think the polls are dead wrong because I've told people, and I'll tell you also, forget the polls.
All they are is collections of more information about you to manipulate you, to steer you in different directions.
Don't play with the polls.
Here's how it screws them up and what's happened.
So many Trump supporters are not participating because we don't want to be harassed, right?
That's what I hear from Trump supporters.
I don't want them harassing me.
I don't want them beating me up.
I don't want them banging down my doorway.
These people are crazy.
I'm not telling them anything.
That's what a lot of people are doing right now.
And that's how it skews a poll.
Because here's how a poll works.
Before the poll is ever made, they have to grab the demographics.
So many old people, so many young people, so many women, so many men, so many black, so many Hispanic, blah, blah, blah.
Then they get a demographic.
And then they go out and randomly select that demographic and send out the questions.
But if certain groups don't participate, which has happened in the last election and four years ago and is happening now, and it's conservatives are not playing poll anymore.
We're not contributing data to your coffers so you can spend more propaganda at us.
We're not doing that anymore.
We're standing independent sovereign souls going into voting booths and casting a ballot.
And what we all need to fight for is the paper ballot being maintained.
No electronic ballots.
That should be a national movement.
Protect the integrity of the election process with paper.
It's the only thing that maintains our freedom.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We'll be right back.
Yesterday, the parent company of YouTube, Google, put out an email for the world to see.
And they bragged that 200,000 plus videos have been removed for criticizing Bill Gates, criticizing the UN, criticizing vaccines, criticizing the coming forced inoculation that's been announced, and the contact tracing apps on our phones to leave our houses.
Isn't that nice?
And they said, oh, no criticism of Bill Gates or vaccines or adverse reactions will be allowed.
And of course, they've passed a law saying that when you get sick from the inoculations, they will have liability protection.
The perfect storm.
Oh, and of course, if you look at Alphabet, the parent company of Google, and of course, YouTube.
They just so happen to be heavily invested in hundreds of big pharma companies and over a dozen big vaccine makers, and they're invested with, you guessed it, Billy Boy Gates.
So the electronic straitjacket and gag is going on us right now.
I suggest we take action and Congress take action now.
There's only five days left in the Infowars total blowout mega sale.
Five days left.
I want to thank you all for your support because things are so unstable and so crazy and the supply chains are breaking down.
I made the decision a month ago to sell out of our inventory and then to readjust and even see if we're going to be able to continue on in the future with this model of funding our operations by selling high quality supplements for their products.
Thanks for your support.
We've gotten in enough money to reorder most of the best sellers.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We still have a lot of our best-selling items available, but they're selling out very, very quickly.
We still have 30 to 60% off free shipping, and the big thing, triple Patreon points.
That's 15% off on your next order.
If you sign up for auto ship, the additional 10% off.
So some of these deals are so good, we lose money on the products, but regardless, it gets much
We're good.
Finally, the stagnant Republican establishment understands what Infowars understands, what our listeners understand, what Donald Trump understands.
We are in a digital civil war.
There are giant filters filtering out 99% of communication going on on every major tech platform, and now they're doing it
To the private apps.
They're doing it to text messages.
They're doing it to email.
This is mafia organized crime election meddling.
But finally, when they blocked Hunter Biden and the Burisma information and the Chinese information and the photos and the crack pipes and all the rest of it, it's been confirmed to be real.
Biden hasn't denied it.
Finally, Congress got pissed and said, this is out of control.
You've got to stop it now.
We're taking action.
Oh, and Jack Dorsey went, oh, it's a mistake.
It's an accident.
It's an accident.
But they keep pushing and pushing because no one ever calls their bluff.
Well, InfoWars is calling their bluff.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
Just type it in one time, and you've got it saved right there in your browser.
And then you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Apple platforms, and most importantly, via text message, email, or by word of mouth, because they have banned the links to ban.video.
But 2020ElectionsCenter.com is a clone of the site with the exact same links, the exact same videos where you can comment, you can share them, everything.
The system?
Trump is censoring because the power of the people overrode them four years ago.
Trump has finally figured this out, and says he's going to take action once re-elected against big tech.
And then he's moderating the situation.
Well, we know the president's overwhelmed right now, so we're going to sit here and cry because he has to take an action.
We the people are taking action now, and you can do it very, very easily by sharing 2020ElectionsCenter.com, 2020ElectionsCenter.com, and checking out the new, redesigned InfoWars.com and sharing that link.
Oh, that really upsets them.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Vegich.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back.
You know, thinking about just everything going into this election season on this 48th anniversary of my father and Majority Leader Hale Boggs' disappearance when dad was in the U.S.
House of Representatives.
You know, and my family's got three generations now of political activity.
You know, my brother Mark was a U.S.
Senator, unfortunately with the Democratic Party, but he's out now.
And my brother Tom, my younger brother Tom, is a state senator here in Alaska, running unopposed for his second term.
A term in our state legislature.
My uncle Joe was a representative in Minnesota for the Iron Range up in northern Minnesota for a number of years and mayor there.
You know, and you know, my grandfather coming over was an immigrant.
You know, my dad was first generation American.
My grandfather and grandmother came through the front door of Ellis Island and in the early 1900s and built built a life here.
And you know, and you know, when I think about
The backstory, and actually I wrote the backstory of my family when I visited my grandfather's birthplace a number of years ago with my eldest son.
And it was really a moving thing when I think about what it must have taken for my grandfather at 16 to just leave home and get on a ship after walking a couple hundred miles and come to a country he couldn't even speak the language in.
And that's how he started.
He worked underground in the mines.
My dad managed to get an education, a good one, in those days and went on and finished a four-year degree in two and went on to build a sterling career with nothing but a lot of hard work and commitment.
When I think about the dream he had for this nation and how he saw it, you know, because he lived it, was pretty profound.
As he traveled around Alaska and saw the real poverty, I mean, this is athelate-shunk steroids, still is.
You go to our villages and it's horrible what is in so many places and how people have to have to survive.
And it is about survival in a lot of our places.
And my dad identified with people he met because he grew up poor too.
He knew what that was all about.
And he knew how hard it was to find, you know, a way through, you know, to see a way through, to have a vision for yourself.
And it usually meant somebody else
Older shared a vision with you.
And, you know, that's kind of where I see us now as a nation.
You know, we have an opportunity to share a vision with another generation that's different than the vision that's being rolled out right now, because it's a dark one.
And none of us really care for it, because I believe firmly that we're not entering an era of shortage, but the opposite, an era of abundance.
I spoke a little bit about that last time I was on
I'll be speaking more about that in the coming weeks.
But when we start to look at the possibilities, and we recognize that 1% or less, a tenth of 1%, the elites,
Really like to keep what they have.
I get that.
I get that.
But the problem is, we're not on a level playing field anymore.
Too much of our dialogue is being manipulated.
Too much of who we are is being turned into a commodity.
And we're not for sale.
Each one of us is a sovereign soul.
And that sovereignty of our individual privacy needs to be protected within a 21st century environment, and it is not.
The opposite is happening.
There's a book, an old book.
I read it years and years ago and it was called Man the Manipulator.
You probably still find it somewhere.
And this book was a book that kind of contrasted the ideas of manipulation and persuasion.
And persuasion was based on the idea of delivering lots of facts and information and giving people the opportunity through those facts to see something maybe a little differently.
The other was
To limit the amount of information, to skew it in a certain way, to manipulate the data so they could push you a certain direction.
Now there's a real distinction here because one comes out of truth and one comes out of a lie.
And this is the contrast between the two styles.
Man, The Manipulator.
It's a book worth reading and it's still around.
It's up on the screen.
I know you can find it as a used book somewhere.
But these are, you know, and it's a weird memory I have because I'll remember things out of the blue that I've read 40 years ago, even as a kid.
And the reason that these things are important is that when you look at the education today,
It's a failure, all right?
Now we really know it because so many schools are shut down across the nation.
I know in our community they are.
And it's a failure, ladies and gentlemen, on so many different levels, on so many different ways, and a whole generation.
This generation right now living through this time, these young children, are being impacted in ways that we have not yet seen.
The unforeseen impact here is just now starting to be looked at and people realizing, oh, no, we may have created more damage than we thought here.
That's what happens when you mix politics and science and you get this mess that has collapsed everything and has created a void in reliable media.
The public, no matter who you are right now, the level of media has got to be next to the garbage dump of popularity in the polls in terms of being a place to go for accurate information.
It's not anymore.
It's designed to polarize, to divide, to do all the things that are contrary to what a freedom of press was intended for.
It was not intended to divide a nation.
It was intended to unite us with information so we could have a public debate that was vigorous and respectful so that we might create a nation together that would reflect a set of values that we held in common.
And now we see this disconnection of the media no longer seeing it as their role to inform and provide information
That persuades or informs the public debate.
Now it's all about manipulating the public debate.
Of media, of elites, of others, deciding what maybe is best for us.
This type of approach is so contrary.
Self-educated, formally educated, people who pay attention, you, every listener here,
You're an information warrior.
You gather information from all the sources.
Then you put that information out amongst your friends, one-on-one, one at a time, and that's how the world changes.
That's why we do this together.
That's why we're all in it together.
We're not waiting for the group to form.
We're already standing in it.
It's called the human race.
What a great place to be.
A group, we don't need any leaders because we have seven or eight billion of them roaming around the planet.
Each of us leads within our own sphere of influence if we assert ourselves within it.
What does that mean?
It means that we act on what we believe is right and true, and what we believe we can achieve, what we have confidence in, and we start taking those right steps, those correct steps, the ones we can win.
And then we win!
It's like that.
You have millions of people taking the right steps, not waiting for the lieutenant or the captain.
You're it.
Recognize what and who you are.
Step into your birthright as creating the image and likeness of God and begin acting accordingly.
Respect others.
Lift them up.
Help point out information.
Listen carefully to what's being said.
Gather as much knowledge as you can.
Pray for the wisdom to apply that knowledge in some meaningful way and perhaps you'll get it.
I believe you will.
Every single one of us is going to make a difference between now and Election Day.
And then, after, what are we going to contribute to the calm?
Is there a way?
Is there a way through?
And I would say earnestly pray for that way, because we need it now.
We need a calm now.
And the only thing that can reverse this at this point truly will be a miracle, because otherwise I don't see it.
I can't see it.
I can't see it.
I'm no prophet, but I can't see it.
And I know many are feeling the same way.
So lift each other in prayer in this next few weeks.
Ask God to intervene in this next few weeks.
And whatever your faith takes you, wherever your belief system takes you, pour your heart in it and join with the rest of us to know that there will be a change.
That there will be an awakening.
It's already going on.
Within every trauma, with every birth, there is huge pain.
But out the other end of that birth is a life, a breath, the breath of life, your breath as an information warrior, as an info warrior, as someone who believes in the possibility that God can intervene.
This has been Dr. Nick Peggich on this Friday afternoon.
Thanks for being here.