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Filename: 20200908_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 8, 2020
3040 lines.

In a broadcast, Alex Jones discusses his belief that the election results will be contested due to a planned strategy using fake mail-in ballots. He predicts Trump will win with 313 electoral votes while stating that Democrats will delay the election for weeks or months. Additionally, he criticizes media outlets for spreading false narratives about President Trump, accusing them of being controlled by globalists. The show covers various topics including Black Lives Matter protests turning violent, support for President Trump, satanic destruction of civilization, coronavirus restrictions, and the dangers posed by powerful corporations and their agenda.

Dems vow not to accept election results if they lose.
Now remember, I've been telling you that for 14 months because it was floating around in their academic circles.
But what are they going to do when they contest it?
And what's going to happen?
And you know, I gave an interview the other day and I said my advice to Joe Biden, and I've told the campaign this, obviously, is do not concede under any circumstances because I believe the other side is going to cheat and sneak and try to do everything they can.
He's not going to leave if he moves.
And these people will stop at nothing.
And yes, the Russians helped them last time.
The Russians are helping them now.
And Putin likes to discredit democracy, ours or others, around the world.
And the president is being an accomplice in that, in what he is saying.
So in under 60 days, we'll have an election.
We will have the results.
And we want to have people know that they can vote and not have to risk their health in order to cast their vote.
We have classic voter suppression.
We have what happened in 2016, which is
Which is foreign interference.
We have a president who is trying to convince the American people not to believe in the integrity of our election system and compromise their belief that their vote might actually count.
These things are all at play.
And I am very realistic, Joe is very realistic about the fact that until we can win and get in and put some teeth back in the Voting Rights Act and bring back the public's confidence in the system,
That there will be many obstacles that people are intentionally placing in front of Americans' ability to vote.
But we will surpass and surmount and get around those obstacles.
Joe Biden can't talk.
His dementia is so clear now.
When he sees his wife here in a speech, he goes, that is my wife.
Her name, she's my, my wife, my wife, my, my, my wife.
I mean, this is later onset.
I'd set a scale of one to a hundred.
One's the beginning of realizing you're starting to have Alzheimer's to a hundred, being your total vegetable.
This is my little sister, Valerie, and I'm Jill's husband.
Oh no, this is, Valerie switched on me.
This is my wife, this is my sister.
They switched on me.
Welcome to Kingswood Community Center.
Actually, that's the one down I used to work.
It was a joke.
You didn't know where you were anyway.
It's great to be here.
And the FDA, you know, the Federal Drug Administration.
We're going to get the election results in about another week or so after this.
We gotta reassure, look, my message to everybody I talk to, the president put me in charge of getting out the
I forget the date.
Recovery money, which was 800 and... I don't know how to spell it.
It was 80... Do not have to buy in.
They do not have to buy in.
You just said that.
You just said that two minutes ago.
You just said two minutes ago that they would have to buy in.
You said they would have to buy in.
Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?
I mean, Biden's about a 65, a 70.
And once you go past that, I've had family that happens to, it's very sad.
I mean, in like a month, they're like an 80.
And then they're a 90, and then it kind of goes back to an 80.
And then they're in a coma for a week, and then they're kind of back to knowing who you are.
It's very, very sad, but I mean, this is who they're putting forward because he's a puppet and China openly owns most of Hollywood.
He's allowed to run all his propaganda on Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, attack America.
All the patriots are censored.
The president's censored on Twitter and everywhere else.
Facebook says it won't even take political ads starting in a few weeks from the Republicans, but they're going to say again after it was all debunked that, oh, we're going to contest it because
The Russians.
She says no matter what, if they lose, they're going to contest.
Now I told you that 14 months ago, because they first used the CIA operatives.
That they got into Congress and others to circulate at the CFR that we need to trigger COG.
We need to contest no matter what.
We need to have the states secede and put Biden in.
And even if Trump won't leave and the Pentagon sides with him, we'll have the blue cities and blue states and we will have our own inauguration.
Constantly, whether it's the New York Times, the Washington Post, or Howard Stern, you name it, they come out and they attack him full force saying, Jones claims civil war is coming, and financial collapse, and planetary lockdowns using viruses, and he tells people they should get off the grid and get prepared and have storable food if they can.
And now everything I've warned people about is coming true because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents like lockstep.
This is the Corporate Planetary Takeover.
So yes, I stand by what I said 10 years ago, what I said a year ago, and what I said last week more than ever.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are live on this Tuesday, September 8th, 2020 transmission 5-5.
We are 55 days out from
The historic election and all the computer models, all the internal polls, when the Democrats admit themselves, show that Trump wins big.
2020, you hear the election called here first, 55 days out.
And we're going to show you what I'm projecting.
There's not total election fraud of what the delegate spread is going to be, what we're going to see in the electoral college.
But there it is.
Trump wins 2020.
And if you go to Infowars.com, you can see the article that we've posted there that has the delegate projections with Trump next to Biden.
Trump 313, Biden 227.
That is a conservative estimate.
Most of the models actually show Trump getting more of the Electoral College votes and the electors than what you see there on screen.
They've now had Zuckerberg come out and join, monetarily, with 200 plus million, with Bloomberg's 300 million, to have Democrat Party strategy firms announce to everyone that Trump is going to look like he wins in a landslide, but that the new American way is to hold up the election weeks or months, and that then they will never have a serious outcome because it'll be impossible with the 80 million pretty much fake ballots that are designed to gum things up.
Now, I told you,
That was their strategy six months ago before they even announced this mail-in garbage.
And I said, you watch, they're going to use the code to do it.
Now they've done it.
And it's absolutely evil.
And 55 days out, Zuckerberg is, of course, we told you two weeks ago when internal documents started coming out that we broke here on air, that Zuckerberg was meeting with all the different executives at Facebook and preparing them
That they will not accept Trump coming out and saying that he won, and they will not let anyone on Facebook say, I think it's clear Trump won.
The Democrats will be allowed to say they've won, and that they are contesting the election.
And they will call it the Red Mirage, as they're now doing.
And now Zuckerberg has come out and told the media, you will get in line and you will say
That it's totally normal to not have the election results the night of, the next day, the first two weeks, the next couple months.
So the new normal is wearing a mask over your face, even though it's all a fraud.
The new normal is being tracked everywhere you go.
The new normal is pedophiles come to your local elementary school and your children bounce on their crotch in front of everyone.
The new normal is the mother and father are bad, the family's bad.
The new normal is
CPS comes and takes your kids if you don't put them on Ritalin and Prozac.
This is the New World Order normal.
We've got incredible developments on the COVID front, on the attack on the free press front, on the election front, and so much more.
And then we've got Trump doing an amazing job coming out and saying,
We're going to get our military completely out.
In fact, they should be gone by tomorrow.
And the Pentagon, the globalists that are in the Pentagon, not the troops, but the corrupt CFR-type generals, many of them are, not all of them, they're putting out hoax stories out of the normal hoax individual, Jeffrey Goldberg, who was the main WMD hoaxer.
Credited with being the main hoaxer saying that Trump hates the military and thinks they're scum when he actually fetishizes the rank-and-file military and always has since he was a young man.
Everybody knows that.
But he's been very public about useless, empty wars that just kill our people for globalist interests when we can walk in with economic power and have them eating out of the palm of our hand.
And by the way, we've spent over a trillion dollars in Afghanistan securing all the rare earth minerals for China that borders it.
And now China's going to have to come in and provide security and pay for all the roads, and it looks like they can't even do it.
And it looks like the Taliban is rejecting China and wants the United States companies to come in and do it and build roads.
See, China is giving their earth minerals and then we pay for the security.
Trump's not putting up with that.
The era of our surrender to the globalists is over, in Trump's words.
And so they spit it in the media.
It's everywhere.
Every channel this morning.
Can you believe Trump came out yesterday?
And can you believe he said that there's a bunch of warmongers at the Pentagon that just want to make money because they work for defense contractors and revolving doors?
He hates our generals.
He hates our troops.
He's saying, I don't like globalist generals that have sat back while we were sold out to China and the New World Order.
He doesn't like people that do one-sided deals and generals that sit on companies that sold us out to China.
And that the era of American surrender is over.
And that traitorship and garbage and treachery is going to be illegal in this country again.
Our generals have been trained by the CFR and the Globalist that America shouldn't even exist.
To the point of folks at the Army War College and other war colleges, like Professor Thomas Barnett, preach about the end of America and world government and how the U.S.
military Pentagon job is to shepherd us into the world government.
No it's not!
And it sure as hell not a world government dictated by communist China with its values.
Because the era of surrender is over!
37% approval rating in the Veterans Affairs hospitals before Trump.
Now almost 90%, 87%.
And he did it simple with bringing in outside doctors, bringing in contractors, and saying, if you don't get seen by a very quick date, you can go to any hospital or clinic of your choice.
Massively increasing the pay to the military.
Getting us out of these illegal
Endless 20-year wars.
Yeah, Trump's for real.
He's bringing in peace.
And they don't know.
He just got a deal between Serbia and the surrounding systems of Kosovo and the Balkans.
Hadn't been peace there in 30-something years.
And the globalists don't know what to do.
Obama and all of them supported Clinton when they bombed that region of the world with depleted uranium.
So here's President Trump laying it out in a very short clip, saying, oh yeah, a lot of the generals don't like me, but the military loves me.
He's absolutely right.
Here it is.
I'm not saying the military is in love with me.
The soldiers are.
The top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.
But we're getting out of the endless wars.
You know how we're doing.
You know what Trump did with incredible nuance?
The only industry we really had left at any massive scale was our weapons systems.
So he said, here's a massive defense increase for all you guys at the top that won't have money, plus it puts us in a dominant position, strength through peace, or peace through strength.
And he said, but we're not going to just pour blood into the sand and into the mountains of Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason so China can come in and get all the minerals and all the oil.
When he saw, he was against the first Iraq war, the second one especially, but when he saw that China and the EU and everybody gets all the oil and we get none of it, he said, no, no, no, there will be open bidding on that.
And guess what?
The Middle East wants to sell it to us.
You understand, we, they always say it was about oil.
No, it was about destroying sovereign countries and setting up the New World Order and kicking out Baathist parties that secured the borders with Europe so they could flood Europe with Islamic invasion.
The UN admits it in the Replacement Migration Plan.
That's why we went there.
Our troops thought, hey, we've been attacked, gotta fight radical Islam, Crusade 2.0.
And on its face, it seemed like a good thing, but it wasn't a good thing.
It was a lie, strategically, that can only be cooked up in the minds of people like Soros, who they admit is what James Bond villains are based on.
The last two James Bond movies were based on real stuff Soros tried to pull.
These are master villain, master criminals.
And as soon as we wake up to that, it's game over for them.
And by the way, I look at town hall, I look at red state, it's the truth about world government, COVID being a hoax, run by China to shut us down in the deep state, how it's a war against America, how the Democrats now work for the Chi-Coms.
It's all true!
And as soon as that's awakened to the average American, game over!
Game over!
And we're that close to beating them.
But they've got a plan to disrupt the election and now it's completely official.
We'll tell you what's coming up next with Zuckerberg commanding the media to say Trump lost.
Stay with us.
Humanity is being domesticated.
And we're not being domesticated to end war, as the Carnegie Endowment and the U.N.
That's for proletariat consumption.
When you read deeper into the transhumanist plan, it is the most megalomaniacal, psychotic thing you could ever imagine.
Not even in, again, a science fiction horror movie could you come close to what this is actually going to look like.
So remember, compliance with the mask, compliance with social distancing, compliance at the airports, all of this is training you for the post-human world.
We're all being taught that we're not essential.
We must get people like the governor of Texas to wake up and say no and reverse himself.
We've got to get Trump to go more on the offense.
Exposing COVID-19 is an overblown hoax.
Yes, it's a virus.
Yes, it kills people.
Maybe 1% as bad as the flu.
Not 10% as bad.
It's totally overblown, ladies and gentlemen, because it is the shoehorn to bring in the end of liberty and freedom as we know it.
This is going to come down to sight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is, you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
And you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping chauvinists.
This is not going to happen, so they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say, support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here, InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
Because that dam's going to come down!
And I need action!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it all crashes down, and you break your crown, and you put your finger, but there's no one around.
Just one, one thing, just to play the king.
But the castles crumble, and you're left with just a thing.
Where's your crown, king?
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Coming up, I've got a bunch of footage now of Black Lives Matter going into restaurants, smashing people's food, smashing windows, and then beating people up.
Groups of black people, now mainly, the white agitators have actually gotten some black mobs out, are now racially
Attacking white people.
Can you imagine if white people were marching into restaurants and attacking black people?
It's unbelievable.
But this is what George Soros has funded.
200 plus million just in the last two months to do this.
And the footage you're seeing is from last week.
There's new footage of them actually beating the people up in the restaurants.
That's coming up.
But let's get into this right now.
Look at these headlines.
Liberals and hawks accuse Trump of attack on military after he says Pentagon chiefs fight wars to keep arms dealers healthy.
And you look at the revolving door of these generals, many of them, and how some of them are making hundreds of millions of dollars, a lot of them are making millions of dollars a year, and they're buying weapons systems that don't work.
They are not just making money in the process, they're undermining our defense.
Here's what I talked about earlier.
China offers Taliban road network in exchange for peace.
That's what Trump has said.
We need to just offer them infrastructure, not military for China.
Trump accuses Democrats and fake news media of joining forces to spread lies.
Well, of course that's going on.
Democrat strategists create fake local news sites in key states to sway votes away from Trump.
That was last year.
They did it.
Hundreds of fake news sites to put out absolutely fake news.
So a lot of the stuff you see looks like a news site, totally fake, run by Democrats, while they accuse us of doing that.
And that brings us to this.
Americans need to accept election result could take weeks to be counted, and that's all from Hillary, all from Podesta, that they know they're going to lose in a landslide, they admit that.
That they're gonna call a red mirage, then have it contested, then burn the cities, then attack the stock market and the dollar, have a new more deadly COVID released, and we're off to the races.
We'll go to that clip in a moment.
Here's another article out of Bloomberg.
The left's plan to slip vote-swinging news into Facebook feeds.
And it's fake, but it's okay, because they're the good guys.
Just like Jeffrey Goldberg,
He said in the New York papers right before the Iraq war that were all these WMDs and now he says Trump doesn't like the military and doesn't want to visit military when Trump is visiting more military than almost any president in modern history.
You want to be honest, George W. Bush really liked the military and would cry and break down.
His dad's evil.
He had problems.
He was more of a puppet.
But you can see he broke down.
I mean, now he paints naked in the bathtub on Prozac, literally.
He had a breakdown.
And George W. lived in the hospitals with the troops.
I don't think anybody ever visited troops more than him, except maybe George Washington.
Of course, he was leading troops.
But I'd have to say, number three from history studying visiting troops?
It had to be Trump.
I mean, he visits a lot of troops.
But remember how they lied and said that he didn't visit Congressman Scalise in the hospital and he was there?
Remember they said he took down Martin Luther King's bust when there was just a media person standing in front of it?
I mean, this is what they do.
They lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie.
Then they lie some more.
But here is Zuckerberg, with 3.9 billion users or whatever it is, bigger than any country, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars himself and the company, hundreds of millions in for voting integrity, and what is that?
It's to educate people that the election will take weeks or months to decide, which is the exact Democrat strategy, to hold up the election and to not concede it.
But then they say if Trump doesn't concede,
Then he's a terrorist and the military should remove him.
Because they're saying what they're going to do about him.
And the military, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said, General Milley, we will not be part of this.
The military should not be involved in elections.
That's fascism, that's communism, that's illegal.
Bill Clinton still came out last week and said the military is going to remove Trump during the contested election.
So that's the plan.
And I told everybody we better get out and start exposing it before they announce it.
And now they've announced it in the last month.
And now they're getting operational and now they're preparing everyone and saying you won't be allowed to say
Hey, with 95% of the votes counted, if you add up the math, Trump won.
No, you must wait till they're all counted, because statistically, maybe 100% were really for Biden, which they will be.
The last ones.
But if Biden's losing by, say, 5, 6, 10 points, you do the math, you project Trump wins.
Oh no, you can't do that until every absentee is counted and it's all gummed up in the post office with dead cats and dead dogs and dead people and the wrong addresses and the huge fights.
And it's not even meant to steal it for him that way.
It's meant to hold up the election for civil unrest.
Just as I told you two years ago, just as I told you six months ago, just as I told you last week.
And I'm not telling you I told you so to go, oh, I told you so.
I'm just telling you, what are we going to do?
Because this is coming on like a freight train.
It's coming on like a hurricane.
Here is Zuckerberg carrying the Clinton-Bloomberg-Bill Gates water.
Remember, he's the direct attaché, the aide-de-camp, the protégé, and a business partner in the private foundation with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
He is the next General Raisson.
Here he is.
One of the things that I think we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people that there's nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted.
In fact, that might be important to make sure that this is a legitimate and fair election.
So we're going to do a bunch of different messaging around that just to make sure that people know that that's normal.
So if one of the candidates in any of the races claims victory before there's a consensus result, then we're going to add some informational context to that post directly saying that there's no consensus result yet.
I think that this is important because there is, unfortunately, I think,
If that were to happen, would Facebook be blamed in part?
Well, I can't speak to what other people would do, but I think we're trying to make sure that we do our part to make sure that none of this is organized on Facebook.
We want to make sure that none of that stuff is happening on our services.
But, you know, the country is very charged right now, so I think regardless of what we do, there's some chance that this happens across the country.
I just want to make sure that we do our part to not contribute to it.
Okay, so they're telling you that if Trump contests the election, which is his right, he should be removed as a tyrant, but they're telling you their plan is to contest no matter what because they know they're going to lose.
And they're telling you they're not going to let you go online and say you think Trump won.
Total mind control, in live time, total racketeering, total election meddling, totally illegal.
I think about how humble and good and decent both sets of my grandparents were.
And how good and strong the Americans I knew were, not just my grandparents.
And I look at us today, decadent, corrupt, slovenly.
And compared to them, all of us are wrecks.
But it's not really our fault.
It's not really their fault.
It's the fault of the way the universe works.
That with great liberty and freedom,
It produces incredible prosperity, and then the cycle goes into corruption, and then enslavement.
We're going into the enslavement phase right now, and America's fighting for its life.
So we need to fight for those that stood before us and would want to see this happen today, but more importantly, for our children and the future.
We've got to turn back now.
I know I say it all the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
I want to thank you, the listeners and viewers of this broadcast, and all the stations, and all the affiliates, and sponsors, and my family, and the crew, and just everybody out there.
The listeners and viewers have just said, this is such an epic struggle.
And we've all been proven dead on.
We've been proven we're right because we're being led by God.
We have a spirit.
And we're very humble about that.
This is not us.
This is God working through us.
But man, now it's so precious to stay on air.
I used to think, you know, maybe I'll wake a bunch of people up and I can kind of proceed into the...
Background because fighting this thing 18 hours a day is a little bit old but now With evil so out in the open and everything we've said being vindicated I never questioned what I was saying because I knew it was true But I I did question where they'd ever actually try to carry it all out Well now we know they're gonna carry it out and then some so we got a fight and I just really appreciate you We're in this together and praise God past the ammunition the info war again.
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Alright, let me lay this out for everybody.
I've got to go off air here for a few minutes to make some decisions about some things we're dealing with.
We're under attack right now at about 15 different levels.
And I want you to understand, this is globalist, fifth, sixth generational warfare.
This is how they bring down countries.
This is what they admit they're doing.
They're doing this to Trump.
They're doing this to his family.
They're doing this to everybody.
And it's just imagine an every layer attacking and then like fire ants will climb up your leg and then issue a pheromone and then they'll all attack at once.
It's the same thing.
It's local government coming after you.
It's state government coming after you.
It's the federal government coming after you.
It's the corporations coming after you.
It's the banks coming after you.
But here's the thing.
They're coming after you.
They're coming after you.
They've just got to go through me.
And they've got to go through President Trump.
But here's just one example of what's going on currently.
Massive, gigantic DDoS attack on InfoWarsTore.com.
The store is still working, it might be a little slow, but they're pounding that while they're attacking the website servers, and then doing a bunch of other dirty tricks behind the scenes to harass any companies in the chain of business.
So we're talking literal sabotage going on.
That's why I say we need to just sell out of everything.
I was up here this weekend and I made the decision not to say InfoWars final sale, question mark, super sale.
Because potentially, you know if the Democrats get in, they're just going to have me arrested and everything shut down.
I mean, that's their plan.
They're coming after you.
They're going to use COVID lockdowns as the cover.
They're already beta tested in Australia and Europe.
I mean, look, it's here.
Everything we warned about, it's all converging now.
And so I believe Trump's going to win.
I believe that it's backfired.
There's going to be a massive landslide.
Even if they do steal the election, it's going to blow up in their face.
But regardless, they say they're going to plunge the economy one way or the other after the election.
They say they're coming for your guns no matter what, and they're going to have private citizens do it.
I mean, just, I see 20, 30 headlines like this a day now.
Black Georgia man who stabbed stranger because he felt the need to find a white male to kill murders his white cellmate following his arrest.
This is the crazed, mad, demonic brainwashing for people that are susceptible to this that's happened.
And then I've got all these videos coming up next segment now of not just Black Lives Matter bashing windows out and overturning tables and smashing glass in people's face, but now beating white people for no reason!
This is racial attacks, and this is the Democratic Party.
This is what they've done.
This is the media.
This is what Maxine Waters and Michael Moore and all these criminals have called for, and this is just the beginning.
They're just slowly getting you used to that, coming to a checkpoint with antifa and they shoot you in the head.
Or Antifa stalking you and shooting you in the back and the media calling Antifa a hero.
Or them shooting cops or firebombing police and it's a good thing, according to the media, because they're just going to take over the police leadership and run off the good cops once they get in control and have nothing but bad cops.
And then we will be in a physical war.
So that's their plan.
And that's their bureaucracy.
And that's their mission.
And they know who they are.
And so people better decide.
Are they on America's side?
Or are they on the globalist side?
Because if you serve the globalists, you're going to be totally enslaved.
That's what's crazy is these people think they're getting ahead doing this.
They're not.
So I was already going to air these very important reports just to illustrate what I'm talking about.
And then we'll go to break.
I've got to go look at some numbers and make some decisions on what I'm going to do, because I am in charge of this operation.
And if I seem frustrated on air, it's because I'm doing 100 jobs.
I'm not complaining.
It's just that the quickening of the quickening of the quickening is here, the 55 days out.
And they're going to stage false flags on minorities to legitimize.
They've already got the minorities fired up and ready to kill whites, racially based, many of them.
Another minority of them to really cause a problem.
They've got enough whites wound up to do it.
And then now they stage a false flag against people of color and it's going to be a powder keg.
And I've tried to get out ahead of it.
Kanye West has tried to get ahead of it.
I think we have.
That's why you see triple the number of blacks in polls and they're going to vote Trump.
This is backfire.
But the globalists are like degenerate gamblers.
They don't give up.
They double down.
They triple down.
They quadruple down.
So I'm going to air
A little promo dealing with Civil War that's over two years old called Intro Civil War.
Then we're going to air another clip from July of 2018 where I laid out the plan of what they would do.
And then we'll play clip six, but the battle cry.
Then we'll come back and we'll get into all the news and have some special guests on today I haven't even told you about.
There's so much more to cover, but let's go ahead and go to these clips.
Good evening, everybody.
It may be time to declare war outright against the deep state and clear out the rot in the upper levels of the FBI and the Justice Department.
The media is rushing to slander and discredit those of us that are exposing this.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
There are new concerns that anti-Trump FBI officials formed even a secret society at the FBI to subvert the president after his election.
Stop there.
A secret society?
Secret meetings off-site of the Justice Department?
Secret societies?
You can't make this stuff up.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get in the back of you.
It's one giant incestuous circle of corruption.
Look, the CIA is a rogue agency.
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
We have to start getting ready for insurrection and civil war because they're really pushing it.
What are we going to do if they kill the President and then order their local governments and their local federal branches to come arrest thousands of resistance leaders?
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level alert.
This is a national emergency.
Important instructions will follow.
This is an emergency broadcast from FEMA.
In compliance with the United Nations, the Department of Homeland Security has declared martial law.
City officials have called for military help.
Planes and troops are expected to arrive within the next two hours.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Several years ago, in the podcast studio, predicting and breaking all of us down, yet again, and you see it coming true.
We can stop it if we're aware of it.
They have now been for over a year and a half trying to foment insurrection and civil war in this country, and have been trying to push the narrative that President Trump is somehow a Russian agent.
They have intensified their calls for him to be killed or for him to be removed under the 25th Amendment or under a military coup on MSNBC, CNN, and every other major channel.
I am afraid for my nation.
I'm afraid for my family.
I personally am not afraid myself.
I am afraid for the society that doesn't deserve President Trump.
Trump has put himself in the center of unprecedented attacks in history, unprecedented lies, unprecedented deception.
And they are now launching the ignition phase.
You can smell it.
You can see it.
They're admitting it to remove President Trump by this fall.
They are now back on television, not just at policy forums, but on mainline TV saying, overthrow him U.S.
They have all of their Democrat operatives, Alexandria, Cortez and others, we'll play this in a moment, saying, occupy federal buildings, occupy ICE, occupy the border, blow off the doors of the castle.
We have to occupy all of it.
We need to occupy every airport.
This is only two and a half years ago and people notice I have about five times the hair.
No, my hair is going great and it's falling out.
I mean, this is real, that's why.
Well, Mark Zuckerberg on paper two weeks ago put in hundreds of millions of dollars with Bloomberg to launch this Operation Red Mirage to contest the election when it's overwhelmingly clear that Trump has won on election night.
Now he's come out with a statement.
And told all the media in the United States that they better get behind saying that Trump basically lost.
They're not going to let Trump declare victory even though it's overwhelming.
They'll have 95% of the vote done on election night.
And even if you added all the other votes in against him, he'd be the winner.
They are going to steal this election.
They're preparing everyone.
You've seen all the scams they've already run.
Trump is surrounded by tyrants, but he has we, the people, and he has true media.
Not independent media, the real media.
So now more than ever, it's critical to share the live streams, the videos, the articles, and the information at InfoWars.com because the globalists fear it most because we were the first to expose their plan to contest the election and drag it out to keep the American people from re-electing President Trump.
The clock is ticking on the once free world.
And the free press is under attack more than ever.
I now see videos 10 or 15 times a day, without even trying to find them, of press being arrested in the United States, press being arrested in Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
And it's always the so-called liberal left, the defenders of speech, doing it.
They are the authoritarians, they work for the Chi-Com globalist combine, and they are working around the clock
to silence InfoWars.
Just as we were the group they started with three years ago, they test out everything new on us.
And a lot of it I can't get into on air at this point.
I'll be able to reveal this later, but I just want to make you all realize that your support, your word of mouth, your prayer is absolutely essential, and I thank you all for it.
But whatever you do, take advantage of the great products that support the InfoWar and make your life healthier and better at InfoWarsTore.com.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com today.
The mask is more than just a symbol of subservience, being a blind follower, not knowing facts and science.
It's a symbol that you have been turned into a subhuman.
And they tell you, you are not essential.
Remember, first they said no more industry, you'll be a service economy, and now they tell you service is not essential.
This has been the post-industrial world plan the whole time?
In Operation Lockstep and other documents, the
Rockefeller Foundation admits that this is how they're going to slowly teach you to be totally poor and under their control so you can finally be starved to death of nutrients and then killed with very, very weak bio-weapons that won't affect anyone that actually gets their RDA of vitamins and minerals.
And so that's the plan for you and your family.
Now I know you're tuned into this broadcast, you've checked this out for yourself, you know it's true, so let's start warning the sheep.
Let's start educating them now.
I just went and swam at the lake, and I walked around for 20 minutes educating people after I got out of the water.
It's that simple.
We must take action now, or be slaves forever.
This is life and death.
Ignorance does not equal bliss.
Ignorance equals slavery.
If you're ignorant, walking through a field at night, that there's a six-foot hole up ahead, you're gonna step in it and probably break your ankle.
Or maybe worse.
Well, it's the same thing happening to human civilization.
The industrialized age really empowered humanity in many respects, but also took us away from the land and made us very, very domesticated and very, very easy to manipulate.
And now corruption and predatory activity can hide behind that complexity.
Now, I know what's going on behind the complexity because I go read what the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation and the Davos Group and the Bilderberg Group and all their subsidiaries, like the Club of Rome, say.
So I know exactly what's going on.
Not because I'm even that cool or special a person, but I actually want to be empowered and informed because I'm a history buff.
I know that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
The globalists think you're stupid.
They laugh at you because you won't research their own admissions.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Banning people.
They're dictating the opinions that everyone on the platform is allowed to have.
I'm a conservative Jew, so I guess that makes me such a dangerous person.
Spreading articles.
Spreading videos.
Spreading links.
You're gonna get demonized.
You're gonna get attacked.
It's going to do something terrible like help Trump get re-elected.
That's really what all this is about.
...said that they deem our content and our brand unsafe.
It is the right to be, do, and say whatever you want.
It's about freedom of expression.
They're erasing everybody.
Young journalists and the left not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype.
They can say whatever they think, and I respect their constitutional right to do it, and I hope they respect my... No, they don't respect you.
They take your kindness for weakness.
You're next.
Alright folks, we are back live on this September 8th, Tuesday, live transmission.
Feels like a Monday, but it's a Tuesday after the Labor Day.
55 days out.
Let me show TV Viewer something.
I did a screenshot of it.
Try to go to InfoWareStore.com.
It says, checking your browser before accessing InfoWareStore.com.
This process is automatic.
Your browser will redirect you to requested content shortly.
Please allow up to five seconds, but it's such an attack, it took 10 seconds from Cloudflare, which is the number one company in the world for blocking this type of stuff.
Now, what's going on?
Well, they're not just hitting that.
I'm not going to get into all the stuff they're doing, but it is absolute 24-7 attacks.
I can tell you that in Trump hotels, they pull the fire alarms every night.
That's not a known thing.
I've stated them around the country and I've talked to the people involved with Trump.
They said, yeah, they pull the fire alarms every night.
Someone goes into them and pulls them every night.
It's that level of the chicken SH-T dimension.
And leftist neighbors call the police on you.
Leftist neighbors call the CPS on you.
Leftist neighbors stab your tires.
Leftist neighbors try to run you over.
They don't just throw coffee on you.
They don't just attack your kids at school.
They don't just... No.
They literally are an army of scum.
And... Coming up next hour, I'll get to it, because there's a bunch of clips.
But now, Black Lives Matter comes into restaurants and grabs your drink, and drinks your beer, and then beats you up.
In the mostly peaceful protest.
Fiery, but peaceful.
And it's so sad to see George Soros, a Nazi collaborator monster, that's overthrown all these countries using racial and religious separations.
He just accentuates those and plays them off against each other.
Spending over a billion dollars on Black Lives Matter in the last decade, or since eight years, whenever it started.
It's over a billion dollars now.
220 million just last month to finance groups.
I'm told thousands of dollars a day and they get bonuses if they're physical.
That's organized crime.
That's criminal activity.
That's coming up with all those clips.
There's so many of them.
We're collating them and bleeping them and getting them ready for you.
But let me just get into the facts here.
The globalists know they've got their credit reports.
They've got the banking numbers.
They've got all the stuff on me that we've only got three months operating capital.
If I sold everything I have, maybe four months.
And so they know that I've invested almost all the money in other operations, other people, other groups, just giving people money to be reporters and go out and fight the globalists.
As much as you see here at InfoWars, especially since it's de-platforming, we funded a lot of groups and a lot of organizations we never got credit for in exposing child kidnapping rings, exposing corruption, you name it.
20,000 here, 50,000 there, 100,000 there, they were doing a good job.
We've spent almost all the money.
And so I've always operated with have a month or two in reserve.
And then with the attacks, if they're able to take down our shopping carts and able to get rid of the few sponsors we have, they've already harassed most of them away.
We would then have to implode and not be as effective and straggle along if we were lucky.
But it's very simple.
While we still have a shopping cart that's first-rate and high-quality products, while you can still get them, if you just do your Christmas shopping now, if you just basically buy out all the products we've got, even though the supply chain's breaking down, even though we have a lot of stuff we can't even reorder because the companies can't even supply it, everything you order from us, we have in stock right now.
Storable food, water filtration, air filtration, shortwave radios, high-quality nutraceutical supplements, X2, TurboForce, BrainForce+, all of it is in stock and ready to ship to you within a day or two of your order coming in, ladies and gentlemen.
So again, infowarrestore.com.
Or 888-253-3139.
A lot has been written, a lot has been said about how the internet is a great way to provide information and share info, but it's also a place for cowards and bullies and big corporations to join together and abuse people en masse.
And we now, more than ever, clearly see
How all of this is being done and how they're monitoring your text messages, your emails, what you say, what you do, who you can talk to in live time.
And if you say, hey, I think Trump won the election the day of the election, the day after, they say you're not going to be allowed to say that.
And they're going to send your friends and family a message from them in your voice.
You're held hostage!
You're a captive!
And the answer to this isn't laying down to them.
The answer is getting angry and upset and realizing they're the enemy and spreading the word against them and supporting those that are telling the truth under the tip of the spear.
So, we have the new special Save Info Wars.
Save the Republic.
Save yourself.
I wasn't even going to go with this headline because I just don't like to...
Appear weak?
We're not weak.
We're strong because we told the truth.
We're strong because we did our research.
We're strong because we know the enemy operation.
But we are under the main enemy attack, so we need you to spread all the live feeds, all the articles, all the videos, tell people at local stations, and we need you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now more than ever, now more than ever, to buy products at InfoWarsStore.com.
So take action today, ladies and gentlemen.
Stock up on the items you may never be able to get again.
Get the InfoWars t-shirts.
We have, in this new special, all of the apparel is $17.76.
Some of the t-shirts cost us $5, some of the t-shirts cost us $14, and are, you know, designer.
All of it, the hoodies, the hats, everything, is $17.76 with free shipping.
That's us basically doing that at cost, just to get our inventory out, because we are that unsure of the future.
If we were a train, an old-fashioned steam train trying to get to a destination, and it's life or death, we're breaking up the furniture in the train, the chairs, everything, and throwing it into the engine because the coal's running down.
We're taking our jackets off and throwing it into the furnace.
We're taking our shoes off, getting ready to put them in the furnace, because we know it's neck and neck, and the enemy knows that.
They're pulling out the stops.
They've never gotten in trouble for what they do, so they're going to do even more!
But that's okay, because we're not going to back down.
We trust in God.
We've got that magic fifth element.
We've got the spirit, and we believe in God.
We have faith that if we have courage, and we don't back down, and we don't supplicate ourselves before
The God of this world and before Satan and before his minions, that God's going to come through.
Even if it isn't in our lifetimes, the ripples we send out are going to bounce into others and trigger the victories.
But I believe we'll have victory now in this phase of the fight.
But it doesn't matter.
We're doing what's right and that's the end of it.
Save InfoWars.
Save the Republic.
Save yourself.
Super special.
Up to 60% off.
Plus free shipping.
All shirts.
Plus free shipping.
Could be your last chance to get an InfoWars shirt from the source.
8-Pack PowerStack.
Selling out.
So 60% off.
8-Pack PowerStack and Survival Shield X2.
Free shipping.
60% off on the spray.
That's almost at cost.
And free shipping.
8-Pack PowerStack.
50% off.
Plus free shipping.
Survival Shield X2.
Back in stock.
Plus free shipping.
50% off.
Heart and Body Combo, Vaso Beach and Extendable Eyes, so good for you.
50% off, plus free shipping.
Nascent Iodine, Power Pack, Survival Shield X2 and X3, 50% off, plus free shipping.
Prostagard, back in stock with a big dose of high-quality zinc.
And, of course, the Saw Palmetto, so much more, so good for your body, your immune system.
$19.95, plus free shipping.
Ultimate Fish Oil, back in stock, $29.95.
That's like 40% off.
It's the highest quality you'll find.
Free shipping.
Alexa Pure Breeze.
Highest quality.
Air filtration system.
Plus free shipping.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
It's all there.
Free shipping.
And as long as we can stay on air and just sell out all the products, that will put us in the next year.
And the big fight going on, because they're going to have an extended election, lockdown, civil unrest, burning cities, attempted assassinations, false flags to be blamed on patriots.
Yours truly, President Trump, on you.
This is real 21st century warfare, the attempt at takedown and global government chai-combat takeover of your country and your family, and then they're going to bankrupt the economy, bring you to your knees, and they believe you're all going to grovel under an endless COVID system, where then Gates will release a real bioweapon, COVID-29.
We're good to go.
Big Tech is the global straitjacket of the New World Order.
It is the enforcement system, the surveillance system.
It's going to track everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you say, everything you basically think, and then reward or punish you for those behaviors.
And they're not liberals.
That's a complete and total cover.
They are monsters that love authoritarianism and are building towards a post-human world.
Their mission is to destroy indigenous communities, annihilate small towns, annihilate all human culture, and consolidate us all, isolate us all, and then carry out our orderly extermination.
This is their public master plan.
And COVID-19 is the cover for the rollout of this digital control system.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's only going to get worse from here.
When you see officials from Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, you are looking at people way more smart and way more evil than Hitler.
They want to murder you and your family.
You have been warned.
Under the Rockefeller lockstep plan from 2010, a planetary dictatorship will be established through medical tyranny.
And there will be different forms of dog training or compliance training like mask, social distancing.
They break all this down.
There's many other studies that governments around the world have conducted with the United Nations into this.
And it goes back to the Milgram and Stanford studies, where in college settings, they could get people to commit what they believe were murderous, criminal acts.
You've ordered to do so by an authority figure.
Well now, first they start with masks, then social distancing, then listing who comes to your business and not, then the tracking apps, then the forced inoculations, and the social credit score is rolled in for total control.
But if they do it for political reasons up front, they know people will block it, the courts will block it, so it's done under the guise of medical emergency, and of course all of that was a fraud as well.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Somebody decides to loot a Gucci, or a Macy's, or a Nike, because that makes sure that that person eats.
That makes sure that that person has clothes.
That's reparations.
That is reparations.
Anything they want to take, take it, because these businesses have insurance.
They're going to get their money back.
My people aren't getting anything.
It's the drug of choice for a generation of spoiled junkies hooked on the false narratives of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, and the black homicide suspect in Minneapolis that clearly shot himself.
You all did.
But the rush of looting expensive goods is too much to pass up.
No need to wait for all the facts to emerge.
Facts that easily crumble the Black Lives Matter battle cry, riddled with the discarded factor that kills black men at a higher rate.
The violent crime rate as it pertains to the percentages of the white and black population in the United States.
Being on the street in any American ghetto where the black-on-black crime is a bigger threat and a bigger problem in the black community than the police use of force.
So the fact that they continue to focus on this aberration that is the police use of force, it's an aberration.
Okay, they have more fear of that than you know coming across a gang member or being caught in a crossfire like Dwayne Wade's niece was in the city of Chicago pushing a baby stroller down the street for heaven's sakes with a baby in it and she took shots to the head from two black
Uh, long-time career criminals.
Black people are killed at a rate 2.8 times higher, and black people commit violent crime at a rate 2.8 times higher.
If cops kill a certain percentage of violent crime suspects, then clearly the more violent crime you commit, the more suspects will get killed.
If you commit 2.8 times more violent crime, you will have 2.8 times more deaths.
But the left doesn't want you to see the reality.
Coronavirus wasn't enough of a smokescreen for the Democrats.
Their seething hatred for America unleashed an army of brainwashed scum to decimate Main Street.
As the riots continue, over 750 police officers have been injured nationwide.
60 Secret Service agents and 40 U.S.
Park Police were also injured.
While at least 30 people have died as a result of the protests slash riots.
They prohibited us from getting on scene.
We had to force our way to make a clear path for the fire department.
Protesters intercepted that fire apparatus several blocks away with vehicles and blocked that fire department's access to the structure fire.
Inside that home was a child.
Officers were able to
The riots have cost the city of Portland, Oregon $23 million and rising.
In Chicago, high-end mag-mile retailers and mom-and-pop stores are looking at at least $20 million.
And the damage in Minneapolis is surpassing $500 million.
It appears to be just getting started.
Why do you support Trump?
Because he is for what's right for America.
And I love it.
This is my country, and I want it back.
John Bowne reporting.
I'm not going to lie to you.
I want to stay in the fight against Soros and Hillary and the New World Order.
And the only way I do is if you buy a lot of products at InfoWarshaw.com.
You gotta sell a lot of vitamins and a lot of minerals and a lot of fish oil and a lot of t-shirts and a lot of water filters to fund an operation to face the globalists and all the DNC lawsuits.
But they're so close to losing right now.
Plus, I go out, just like with Info, and I bring you the very best items, the very best products that I personally use and I love.
So, go to InfoWarsTore.com, check out the products, get some today, share them with friends, review them, and know that you cannot lose because you're fighting the Info War.
Let's fight the globalists.
Plus, these are great products, but I want to thank you.
I catch my breath.
I read about world government, I read about the New World Order, and I knew the people planning it were the richest, most powerful people on Earth.
I always thought, if we oppose it and we fight it, they won't get away with it.
And now... It's the year 2020.
And we are neck and neck with these globalists in this fight.
And they are out in the open, in the New York Times, the Financial Times of London.
The Wall Street Journal.
Dreaming of a post-human world.
We're a parasite.
COVID showed that.
We're fighting.
We're killing each other.
We're worthless.
We need to be replaced with machines.
And that's actually the religion of the selfish neo-Nazis that run Facebook, Twitter, Google, all of them.
When I say neo-Nazis, I don't mean they're a bunch of Germans.
I mean, people know what a Nazi is.
They believe in getting rid of people that they see as undesirable.
They believe they're the ubermensch
Which is the Superman!
That's why I've got thousands of articles the last few days I've scanned over.
Hundreds today, they're all incredible.
But why am I going back to an article from a few months ago?
Looking forward to the end of humanity.
COVID-19 has spotlighted the promise and peril of transhumanism.
The idea of using technology to overcome sickness, aging, and death.
Oh, yes, you're miserable in your house.
You know, there's an article that came out Saturday.
I forgot to tell the crew to print it for me.
Paul Watson did a story on it.
One of the main people that wrote articles about never leave your house again, COVID's going to kill 10 million people in the U.S.
alone, has now made $80 million off of their work-from-home, school-from-home software.
Well, Bill Gates and Apple and all of them, they made billions off theirs.
But it's not just about making the money.
Making the money is just the gravy on top.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's about telling you when you can leave, where you can go, what you can do.
In the next segment, I've got a bunch of COVID-19 news I'm going to cover.
Infowars is a canary in the coal mine.
And when I tell you that they know President Trump's going to win, I told you that six months ago.
But that they would contest the election, and when he didn't leave, even though they were engaged in fraud, they will activate their hordes to burn down the major cities, which they've already got out of deep freeze, warmed up and ready to activate.
So the answer is to counter with this.
Trump wins 2020.
He's projected in all the internal polls and all the strategists, even Bloomberg admits to win by a landslide.
And conservatively projecting, the lowest estimates that the Democrats have is that Trump wins by, and we'll put up that slide for folks, a huge 313 to 227 in the Electoral College.
That's the conservative low end.
Of course most people know this is a scam.
You think Soros trying to fund a race war?
You think the average black person buys this?
They're upset and ashamed of what's happening.
Just like the average white person is upset and ashamed of what our company's turned into.
That's why all the polls show, even the poll skewed against Trump, 33% increase in
Black support from 8% he got during the election.
No Republicans got above 12 since Ronald Reagan.
And the numbers are even more intense.
The numbers in Hispanics going for Trump is above 50 in many polls.
The system is in total panic mode.
If you average men and women together, it's 28%.
And that's in the lower polls.
So that's got them completely, absolutely panicked.
And so they are calling out all the stops.
So I put this graphic up last Thursday of a dam that's InfoWars, that's you, that's adults, men and women, old and young, black and white, doesn't matter, that know what's going on, against the communism, against the globalism, against the satanism, against the authoritarianism, against the tyranny,
That is already spilling over, already cracking through, already leaking in.
And I want to explain something.
Big Mike, Michelle Obama, has said...
If you don't elect us, things are going to get a lot worse.
I'll assure you, studying how globalists operate, they get control, they're going to destroy the dollar, make China the new dominant force, and destroy all of your pensions, all of your future, all of your jobs, and plunge us into a hot civil war, because here's what's scary.
Americans aren't going to put up with this.
And it is going to degenerate very, very quickly into a nightmare scenario.
So let's talk about this graphic.
The Hoover Dam.
Hundreds of billions of gallons of water on one side.
A globalist piss.
Infowars blocking it.
And you down here.
But here's the thing.
This is too simple an allegory.
An analogy.
A graphic.
Because we're all Infowars.
And we're all down at the bottom as you.
Think about that.
It's all of us holding it back.
I don't want to give InfoWars the credit.
InfoWars just symbolizes us speaking up, us taking action, us saying no.
And all of us, myself included, your children, our future, are down here.
And this force wants control of the future.
It wants to break through this and take control of everything in a horribly selfish way.
And I just showed you NBC News, and what they just pulled up in seconds, Wall Street Journal and other publications saying, humans are bad, we must get rid of all of them.
When I began to read Club of Rome and CFR documents from the 60s and 70s, in the 90s when I was a young man, early 90s,
And they were admitting how they would cut off resources, herd us into cities, break up the family, promote homosexualism...
Break up the family.
I'm not hating somebody because of what they do in their bedroom.
The point is it's pushed by them in the media, not because it's cool, but because it's destructive to the family and the culture and the society.
And now you see the pedophilia push and the transhumanism and the sterilization of millions of little boys worldwide now because it's cool to say they're a girl, but really they're sterilizing a little boy.
They're chemically destroying their testicles for good, and in many cases, that's not cool enough.
They're having them surgically removed.
And it was always the left that was for secret medical experiments and doing all of this.
Because the left is the evil group.
They are the organization that wants the power.
They are the organization that wants the control.
They are the group that's never done, never has enough power.
They want to play God.
They want to abolish reality.
There's the article I mentioned at the start of the segment.
Lockdown advocate who predicted 10 million dead in the U.S.
from coronavirus raised $80 million in fundraising for online learning course.
That's all they're doing!
And I've got articles I'll show you when we come back how universities across the country, we knew this was coming,
Are going, oh, there's just a little test you've got to take to make sure you don't have COVID.
It's online, but really it's an app you're downloading that the next day say, now you got to do this.
Now you got to do that.
Now we're going to track where you go and what you do.
We're going to decide what shops you can go to.
We're going to decide how late you can be out at night.
We're going to decide that you can't leave campus.
At least the Michigan University and some of the British universities two weeks ago admitted you'll be a prisoner.
The other universities are saying, oh, here's this app you've got to get for admission.
A COVID test, but then you learn, oh, by the way, every day there's something new you've got to do in that app to stay at the university, and it's spying on you.
It's your little minder.
And now you're in Tony Montana's Cuba, for real, but a high-tech version of it.
You're in Joseph Stalin's China.
You're in Adolf Hitler's Germany.
You're in Xi Jinping's China, for real!
Run by evil, big tech overlords that go to James Bond villain meetings like Bilderberg Group and Davos on top mountains and say Xi Jinping will crush America.
And Herman Von Ruppe, the heir of the entire Nazi fortune.
His family was going to be the kings of Europe under Hitler.
The literal prodigy of Adolf Alois Hitler says, we will defeat Trump, we will defeat America with Xi Jinping!
Thank God, though, of more and more Americans.
And more and more mainline people like Ted Carlson and Rush Limbaugh and Red State.
And Town Hall are like, it's all a Chi-Com globalist operation, the virus is almost completely fake, Bill Gates owns it, we've got to arrest him, it's a takeover, it's the end of society, we won't be able to leave our houses, they're making the money off the work at home, oh my god, it'll kill the infrastructure of the tax base and the way they build up the whole human system, it'll permanently collapse things, red alert, red alert, they want to depopulate us!
Now you got it, baby!
Now you know the horror.
Not to scare people.
But to face up to the battle and pull your sword in the info or whatever else is needed and plunge in.
I talk about all the horrible things that are happening, and I point out that the globalists are a eugenics death cult because it's true.
I don't say it to scare you.
A lot of people say, man, this show is dark.
Well, you've got to know you're dealing with evil if you're going to defeat it.
And if we just listen to the surface of what the NWO propagandists are saying, they have reasons to sell this garbage to the general public.
But if you just scratch the surface, they're so arrogant, they've all written detailed blueprints of this plan.
And more and more are being honest about it.
Because there comes a point where, as David Icke says, they have to stop hiding it and start selling it.
So we're at the point of the emergence now.
And it's coming out in the open.
And some people, under mass Stockholm Syndrome, are going to submit to any level of tyranny.
But others are going to fight.
This isn't like some old dictatorship that you could submit to it and join it and be okay.
This thing is post-human exterminism.
Research what that is.
Ever wondered why big tech acts in unison to create monopolies and are so incredibly anti-human?
Love to censor people.
Love to cover up for corrupt authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
Well, it's very simple.
The first computers ever created were created by Thomas Watson, the founder and owner of IBM, to carry out eugenics.
And they helped run the death camps in Nazi Germany.
That's what the tattoos were on the slaves' arms.
It would decide who lived and who died.
So from the beginning, it's been about creating monopolies, cornering markets, and making humans obsolete.
The same people brought us baby formula that doesn't have enough protein and fat in it to make your child's brain small.
The same people that said put babies in cribs separate from their mothers, that lowers IQs about 20 points on average as well.
These are hardcore eugenicists, survival of the fittest, social Darwinists, grow-up world
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
An AI computer can come up with that beautiful, soul-touching music.
An Italian composer in an orchestra did.
And long after he died, just a few months ago, his music, as long as humanity lives on, will live on forever.
But the technocrats, the globalists, the New World Order crowd,
They believe, their God, they believe that they will control the development of humanity forever.
I played it last hour.
I'm going to play the clip again right now.
Mark Zuckerberg, protege of the one, the only, Bill Gates, business partners, front man, came out.
And said, oh, we're not going to let Trump declare he's a victor even though it shows that that night, even though all the projections show a landslide.
We're going to hold it up.
The Democrats are saying that they are going to contest no matter what.
Now, I know you're a regular listener.
You go, my God, Alex, you say that every segment.
And I said it before anybody else did, because this is everything.
So what do we do to counter this?
We point out that a Democrat think tank funded by
Bloomberg and Zuckerberg came up with this, and the red mirage, and it's all a fraud.
And if we buy it, it's their mirage like everything else.
And we talk about how criminal it is to say you can't have your opinion that Trump won not the night of the election, not the day after, not two weeks after.
He's going to gaslight you and say you're not allowed to be engaged or involved.
That's election meddling.
But when the Democrats and the big tech companies and all the billions they're spending, when they do it, it's not just okay.
It's the way things are supposed to be.
So here's what Mr. Zuckerberg had to say about his plan to meddle in the election.
Now they plan to drive Trump from office because that's the plan.
Here it is.
One of the things that I think we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people that there's nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted.
In fact, that might be important to make sure that this is a legitimate and fair election.
So, we're going to do a bunch of different messaging around that, just to make sure that people know that that's normal.
So if one of the candidates in any of the races claims victory before there's a consensus result, then we're going to add some informational context to that post directly.
Yeah, hit pause.
The new normal.
We need to let people know it's normal now that elections go on for weeks and weeks after.
And that nobody can declare they won.
They're going to fact check and say it's not true.
So Al Gore said he won.
George W. Bush said they won.
They had to count the ballots.
They had to fight over it.
They'd have a Supreme Court rule on it.
But he's saying, oh, no, no, no, we don't go to the Supreme Court.
We just sit there and we have a consensus.
Meaning big tech and the media.
The same folks.
Will somebody run back there in the hallway right before you go into the other studio?
There's a Madam President Newsweek.
They printed up a quarter million copies of these and had them being delivered to the bookstores the day before.
And so they really got shellacked.
They got embarrassed.
Thank you very much.
And so this is what
You know, I ought to open this up.
I ought to tear this open.
This is an actual magazine.
That's actually Newsweek.
The magazine's inside there.
You can flip through it and see how she won that night and how she gave her acceptance speech.
None of it happened!
It's all fake news.
Yeah, there it is.
You can hear how she ran, how she won.
Can you see what she said in her victory speech?
How she's the first woman president and this giant PR operation of AI and big tech and the New World Order in Hollywood didn't work.
And now it's going to work even less.
Now it's blown up even worse.
All the intimidation, all the bullying.
Big tech's been shown that Zuckerberg isn't all powerful.
That he doesn't own and run everything.
And so they're going to throw everything to the wind and just say Trump lost, even when he won, and just contest it.
And the contention is the contention.
The contesting is the whole point for the Civil War.
So let's go over some of these headlines right now.
People actually get it now.
Red State.
Trillion dollar big tech companies will use China virus scam to take over America.
And this excellent article details how they ran the actuaries, the work from home, only they can operate.
The rest of the real economy dies.
How they're in league with China.
People now get this was all war gamed out.
GG Ping praises extraordinary and historic victory of Chinese socialism, World Health Organization in coronavirus battle.
And it was a big theater they put on and hyping up the deaths and showing all the end of the world scenarios and exporting their fear worldwide and having America shut down while they're up and operating completely months later.
Was a big victory.
He was losing the trade wars and all the one-sided deals, but the big state and deep state and the chai state and the Hollywood all ganged up on America, and now they're going to contest the election, and they're arrogant as usual.
Meanwhile, corrupt Oregon Democrat governor extends COVID safe emergency to November 3rd, Election Day, while rioters continue to ravage communities.
Everybody else gets arrested or given tickets so they leave their house or don't wear a mask, but not the precious rioters that are housed in government facilities.
Meanwhile, people always want to give good news, or they always want to show how COVID's 100 times less than the flu, or they're always downgrading it another 10 times, another 10 times.
How dangerous it is.
They're like, oh look, sunlight kills it.
Oh look, outdoors kills it.
They don't care.
They don't want a solution.
It's about power.
It's about the murder of common sense.
NPR even says researchers say fresh air can prevent aerosol transmission of the coronavirus.
But it doesn't matter.
Austin still tries to keep the parks closed.
I went down to Barton Springs again this weekend.
They had another sign up saying it was closed.
I tore it down.
American Airlines slammed for advocating employees wear BLM pins.
That means George Soros pins.
Does it mean black pins?
Sweden, close to victory over coronavirus, never had a lockdown or a mask because they just didn't play along with the fraud.
Horowitz, thousands of cases but zero hospitalizations in colleges.
Because it's fake tests, false positives.
But, oh my God, if you get a fever now, oh, you've got COVID, or, I know somebody that died.
Who are they?
Well, my 87-year-old grandmother that had cancer and liver failure.
They said it was COVID.
They were resuscitating her a year ago, but, you know.
I ran into this woman on the hiking bike trail.
She was wearing a mask, and I said, ma'am, I was talking to everybody.
My wife's used to it now.
Probably talked to 100 people.
I said, ma'am, just so you know, it's about 100 times less than the flu.
And, you know, she goes, why don't somebody die?
And I said, how old were they?
Well, really old.
See, they don't get, they like getting into the fear.
They like getting into the secret agent-ing, wearing their little mask-ing.
Australia riot police drag journalist to the ground, arrest him for covering anti-lockdown protests, then come to his house at night threatening him.
And that ties into other arrests going on.
And the university's now rolling out the COVID-19 contact tracing apps we told you about, but now they're actually on the phones.
We've got some video of that.
We'll show you that coming up.
And Ezra Levant, we'll talk about his reporter.
Who got arrested and then harassed in his home in Australia.
We have the reporter on, but it's the middle of the night there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It sounds over the top when I go on air, and I explain that the controllers of the planet want to carry out the extermination of the entire human population, except for a few of what they call their new transcendent silicon gods.
But that's really what they're now externalizing.
They're now taking what was in their textbooks and white papers 30 years ago, and actually openly announcing it everywhere.
They're going from beta to operational.
And think about all these major corporations.
They tell you humans are harmful.
They tell you humans are a parasite.
They tell you that we've all got to be gotten rid of.
And then they won't let people see their old folks in nursing homes and then ship in COVID to kill them.
That's all organizing as a beta test for larger operations.
And everything is a microcosm and a laboratory test of larger scalability of what they are now beginning to roll out.
Look at how they're banning medical doctors from promoting therapeutics that are absolutely essential to stop viral infections like COVID-19.
This is all absolute information control.
This is beyond 1984.
I know I say it all the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
I want to thank you, the listeners and viewers of this broadcast, and all the stations and all the affiliates and sponsors and my family and the crew and just everybody out there.
The listeners and viewers of this just said, this is such an epic struggle.
And we've all been proven dead on.
We've been proven we're right because we're being led by God.
We have a spirit.
And we're very humble about that.
This is not us.
This is God working through us.
But man, now it's so precious to stay on air.
I used to think, you know, maybe I'll wake a bunch of people up and I can kind of proceed into the...
Background because fighting this thing 18 hours a day is a little bit old but now with evil so out in the open and everything we've said being vindicated I never questioned what I was saying because I knew it was true But I I did question where they'd ever actually try to carry it all out Well now we know they're gonna carry it out and then some so we got a fight and I just really appreciate you and we're in this together and praise God That's the ammunition the info war again.
Take action folks.
This is it
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app and every company that are on Apple and on Droids don't just track your location, but your surfing history, where you go, who you talk to, your relationships, and they all share the data with each other of what you're doing on the apps as well.
Including having apps turn on and listen to what you're saying, just like Siri or Alexa do, and including databases, transcripts of everything you say into those systems to be saved forever.
Your phone is spying on you and companies are generating secret surveillance scores based on information.
This is the Global Chinese Communist Social Credit Score.
Get your protection privacy pockets at InfoWarstore.com and cut Big Brother off dead in his filthy tracks.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Well, we are back live, broadcasting worldwide, and one of the smartest people I know, I can count him on ten fingers, he's one of those ten, is Ezra Levant.
And he's in my television feed, he's in my laptop feed, my iPad feed, my phone feed, because I watch Rebel Media every day.
And he's always doing so good, I don't even distract him getting him on, because, I mean, I tell my crew, who are great, I say, this is how we should do stuff right here.
Just like Project Veritas, you name it, he's right up there.
But this morning I had to call him, so he came on on short notice.
One of the people they're covering getting arrested for simply covering government corruption on a public sidewalk.
This other fellow that we've had on many times who does a great job in Australia, Avi.
Reporting he's showing the Melbourne lockdowns that we've been talking about and does nothing the police arrest him and then have to release him and then come to his house and threaten him This is just getting insane the articles on InfoWars.com There's a 24-minute video that shows all of it because the camera was going with audio When he's in the squad car and they admit that it was because of his political issues.
I mean, this is this is incredible footage Australia riot police drag journalist the ground arrest him for covering anti lockdown protests, but then
Come to his house.
They're almost all day.
He's asleep right now.
It's the middle of the night.
And so we're not getting him on.
We'll get him on soon.
But we've got Ezra Levant because another one of his reporters and he covered this other person being arrested.
And this seems like a real theme going on.
So Ezra, thanks for coming on with us.
Well, it's my pleasure, Alex.
Thanks for the kind words.
Look, there's a problem going on around the world, especially in countries that don't have the First Amendment, and that is journalists who tell the other side of the story, dissident journalists, alternative journalists.
Citizen journalists, they are being targeted not just by high-tech companies for censorship and de-platforming, but now actual police are targeting these contrarian voices.
And we've had that in Canada as recently as a few days ago.
And on Saturday, Avi Yamini, I love the guy, he just joined our company on Friday.
On Saturday, he goes to cover a lockdown protest, an anti-lockdown protest.
But he's there as a reporter, not as a protester.
He's filled out the permits.
You actually need a permit to leave your house in Melbourne, Australia.
He filled out the forms.
He went through the police checkpoint, which was insane.
But they saw him standing there.
One big cop went up, jabbed his finger into his chest and said, you have no purposeful reason for being here.
Five cops grab him, slam him into the ground and arrest him.
And they never explained why the camera was rolling on him.
He was standing.
No one was even 10 feet near to him.
He was doing what we say is speak to camera.
And I think that politicians around the world have used the excuse of the emergency of the health pandemic to flatten our civil liberties.
They said two weeks to flatten the curve.
Actually, they're flattening our civil liberties.
And I would say to my American friends,
Hold on to your First Amendment.
Hold on to your Second Amendment.
Because as someone who lives in a country without either of those, I can tell you, once you lose them, it's so hard to get them back.
Well, with Avi Yemini, if I'm pronouncing that right, we've had him on many times.
I mean, he's a very well-spoken, very polite, very nice guy.
He did a great job.
Same thing happened in Canada.
Get into the Canada story, and we'll roll some of that footage while you're talking of that whole saga there where the police are arresting a journalist on the sidewalk.
Yeah, I mean, just like in the U.S., there were all sorts of local mayors and what we call provincial premiers here who were locking down their cities.
So in a city called Brampton, Ontario, the local mayor closed the hockey arenas.
And you can imagine Canadians love their ice hockey.
Well, we got a tip that the mayor who shut down the hockey arenas was sneaking into one of those arenas for private hockey games with him and his buddies while he was telling the children of Brampton they were banned for health reasons.
So we went there and caught him red-handed.
He was so embarrassed by that.
Well, ever since he's been sending
Cops, and I don't mean one or two cops, I mean five squad cars to harass our reporter David Menzies, and on Wednesday last week we went to the arena to catch the mayor again.
We're standing on a public sidewalk, public property, doing public interest journalism, and I swear five police cars swarm in, arrest our reporter David Menzies, throw him in the back of a cop car, simply because the mayor
Doesn't like taking questions.
Yeah, it would be like Nancy Pelosi going back next week for a perm or something.
I mean, she was caught in that hair salon.
It was deeply embarrassing.
She tried to cover it up with legal threats.
But imagine if she went back again and again as flipping the bird to the public.
That's what this local mayor in Ontario is doing.
And so these days, Alex, to do our journalism, that's our main job.
Journalism, like you, we tell the other side of the story.
That's our motto.
But to do our journalism...
Inevitably, we wind up having to hire free speech lawyers to fight even for our right to do journalism.
We spend as much time fighting for the right to report as we do reporting in the first place.
And that's what I love about you, is you're always where it's the hardest.
In Syria, or in Iraq, or in areas in Germany where they arrest journalists, or in Australia now, or in where you live.
And for those that don't know, you had a big national conservative TV network.
You financed it yourself.
You know the top three ratings and they promptly shut you down because you don't have a First Amendment up there so you started your international rebel media and literally whether it's Tommy Robinson or I mean it's like you're reporters I don't know how you're so good at picking on I'm jealous I we reporters too but the way you you just go into harm's way everywhere yourself included is really admirable and I'm not trying to sit here and sugar you up man I just admire what you're doing but I gotta tell you
How the hell do you stay right in the crucible?
I mean, you'd think that mayor would be embarrassed that they closed the hockey ring, but he's in there with his buddies having private games every week.
He doesn't stop.
That's a great analogy.
Pelosi gets caught.
She has to stop.
Imagine if she called the police on people and she kept going back every week.
Yeah, you're so right.
By the way, the Sun News Network, that was not my own money, but I was a nightly TV host on it.
Sorry to get it wrong, I've always seen that you ran the big conservative network and it was yours, you finance.
Well, yeah, I didn't finance Sun News, but we did start Rebel News from scratch, and we've done it through crowdfunding.
And what do I mean by that?
We can't rely on big corporate advertisers because they would be pressured with a boycott from the hard left.
We're obviously not going to get big corporate sponsors because they're risk averse and I think at the end of the day we have to rely on the common sense of ordinary viewers and that's why
Our real risk is being de-platformed by the media companies and the payment processors.
Luckily, we're five and a half years along into it and we haven't been de-platformed.
We've been demonetized a bit, but that's the danger.
And I saw you were talking about Zuckerberg earlier.
When the entire world's communications, banking, intelligence system, your entire history is in the hand of five people.
Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc.
We don't really live in a free world anymore.
And by the way, the pandemic lockdown has doubled Jeff Bezos's net worth.
That's right.
And these mask laws that make it so unpleasant to go shopping.
Who loves that?
Amazon, which delivers you your stuff.
You don't even have to have the unpleasantness of meeting your neighbor.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, and I find it deeply troubling, but we have to report on it every day, and we have to fight for our right to report.
So thank you for shining a light on what we're doing.
We're going to come back with Avi Yamini and what happened to him, the actual video and audio, and what happened to your other reporter there in Canada, basically.
Did it happen on the same day or right around each other?
Three days apart.
Yeah, because I'm sitting there this morning at 5 a.m.
getting coffee, cooking some eggs, and I'm like, first I watch what happened to Avi, then I'm watching what happened to you guys, and I'm just like, this is insane.
It doesn't matter where you are.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, only way that gets out is you sharing it.
Just like RebelNews.com, and on Twitter, Ezra Levant.
Stay with us.
The key to defeating the New World Order and its corporate global government system is realizing that it is anti-human, authoritarian, and will make you poor, will make you sick, will absolutely enslave you and your family.
There's no reason to go along with it.
But the system uses political correctness and divide and conquer as the new religion to bully people into adherence to what the mega-corporations and super-states are pushing.
It is remnants of America and Christian groups around the world that are standing in the way of the global axis of evil.
The Satanists, Hollywood, the Chi-Coms, the EU, and much of the Muslim world have been fused into one global fascist system that is designed to bring in the AI technocracy that will then be the launch pad for the breakaway civilization the globalists have created that they call the transhumanist post-human world.
This is the reality.
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And now everything I've warned people about is coming true because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents like lockstep.
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I don't want to say I'm a prideful person.
I am a humble person overall.
I've not come off as aggressive and things because I'm under threat.
You're under threat.
And I'm fighting as hard as I possibly can.
And I appreciate your support and your prayers.
But I know I come off as obnoxious sometimes.
And I wish I did a better job.
So that's why when you call in thanking me all the time, it just kind of makes me feel pathetic because
I guess call it pride?
I don't like begging you all the time to try our products, or to donate, or to spread the word, or to pray for us.
I just know that's what keeps us on air.
And so I want to thank you.
It's put the cart before the horse to call it and thank me.
Listen, I'm committed to this just like you are.
So understand, you're my equal 110%.
And I just want to thank you all.
I want to thank our crew, our affiliates, everybody else, man.
I just want to stay in this fight.
It's so serious now.
Things are getting so clear now, that's why they want us off air, because all of our credibility is so high.
So let's just stay together, fight hard, spread the word, and pray to God to take us through this.
We're going to make it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, Michael Savage was on this show probably six months ago, and he said, Alex Jones, you're the gladiator.
Keep it up.
I don't tell this story to brag.
I tell the stories.
It's pretty cool.
You deserve to hear it.
And I haven't told this story ever.
But you know what I'm proud of?
I don't want to be famous around Hollywood.
I don't be famous around Bezos and all these billionaires.
They make me sick.
I wouldn't sell out to them for a billion dollars.
But to be known at the White House when Trump talks about me as the Texan
How's the Texan doing?
Tell the Texan good job.
Because being called a Texan, that old lore of strong and steadfast and also a little nickname I've got at the Pentagon.
It used to be a joke, they called me Captain America like 10 years ago.
But I have the nickname The Gladiator.
And that means a lot to me, to have a nickname like The Gladiator.
People know I don't give up, I don't stop fighting.
But I've got to tell you,
I mean, that's a real hero fighting for us right there, folks.
And so that's all I'm saying is, what is Hollywood gonna do, Ezra?
As almost no one likes them, everybody hates them, populists are heroes, Trump's a hero, Trump's ending these wars, peace through strength.
What are they going to do as they have actually, and we're not bragging, it's a real phenomenon, we're outlaw country, like Waylon Jennings and Christopher Stopperson and Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash, when their music got banned on the radio, it made them ten times bigger.
What are the establishment thinking that they ban us, it only makes us bigger?
Well, I think they're planning on a total ban, period.
What do you think their endgame is with all this censorship?
Because it's not about us saying, oh, I'm big, you're big, aren't we?
It's about thanking the listeners and viewers for keeping us in the fight and just how crazy the establishment is to try something like that.
I think some people
I think?
And to say, oh, you can oppose the status quo, but only by a few degrees.
For example, when you mentioned Trump, the fact he hasn't started any new wars, the fact that he's dialed back other wars, hasn't taken the bait in places like Syria.
That's not supposed to be one of the options.
You're supposed to have the welfare warfare state and both Republicans and Democrats love to go and fight.
So Trump is breaking the mold with both parties and I think that's outside the bandwidth of acceptable opinion.
I'm worried about that because for most people they're too busy living a real life
Working a job, starting a family, to pay extra special attention to the world.
Most people just glance at a headline here or there.
You and I have our volume knobs turned up to 10, paying close attention to things, but most people are just too busy... Exactly!
We live totally focused and other people don't.
Imagine if the public had the time to be focused.
Well, it's not just that.
If Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Twitter,
All silence the right-hand side of the bell curve of opinion, like you have that sort of distribution curve, right wing, left wing, and if both of the tails are cut off...
And you're only allowed to hear what's within one standard deviation of the medium.
You're never going to hear the dissident voices, the rebel voices.
No, I agree, but I believe that type of discordant behavior creates an oscillation that's going to actually create an explosion, historically.
That's what I was getting at.
What's going to happen with these levels of Soviet-level oppression of information?
It's not quite physical yet, but it's getting there, as you said.
I mean, this is Soviet-level.
I think the better comparison is China level.
I agree.
Because there they have a total connection, the social credit system that you've reported on.
Sure sure, China's the modern model.
You're absolutely well said, exactly.
China's a better example.
I don't
Uh, you know, an underground typewriter and bang out Thomas Daddard.
You could have secret meetings.
I don't know if there are any secrets in the year 2020.
China is the test case for America, Canada, Australia.
That's what's so terrifying.
That's my next point, is I have the, I don't want to get into what happened in Australia and what happened in Canada, but if you do an overhead shot guys, this is from
West Virginia University.
And they go, oh, it's just a test to make sure you don't have COVID.
But really, they give you an app, and then the app controls you and tracks everywhere you go.
And they admit, like these other universities, all over the United States, all over Europe, that you can't leave the campus for the semester.
It tells you where you can go, what you can do, and gives you political messages.
I mean, this is worse than 1984.
And even Red State gets it.
Trillion dollar big tech companies will use China virus scam to take over America.
This is it.
This is a social credit score takeover.
You're right.
You know, and most people, if the enemy came in storming ashore in the military uniform with guns, most Americans, Canadians, Brits, Australians would stand up and fight.
But what happens when the totalitarianism doesn't come from a bomber or a battleship, but comes in through your cell phone and through your friendly school board saying we now have
Masks or no school.
Vax or no school.
Tracking apps or no school.
Well, what if you're a working mom and you've got to send your kid to school?
So, it's through the soft totalitarianism that comes in with a friendly scold.
It's the Karen totalitarianism.
It doesn't look like Big Brother with a scowl.
It's a well-meaning public health official.
You're right.
And Don Jr.
said we should stop calling them Karens and start calling them Hillary's because that's really what they are.
So let me ask you this.
Go ahead.
No, you go ahead.
I mean, you're fighting tip of the spear.
What do we do?
We are.
Listeners are supporting us.
That's tip of the spear.
What else?
What does Trump do?
Well, Trump's the only one who can stop it.
That's why everyone from Soros to Zuckerberg to Xi Jinping wants to stop Trump.
It's actually
It's biblical in proportion.
It is.
How much is on his shoulders.
And John Vaught of Hollywood, one of the few people who's not afraid to challenge the Hollywood narrative, he speaks like Trump is a Greek hero.
And sometimes it comes across as over the top.
But it's actually true.
He's a Moses figure or a Hercules figure.
I mean, he's got this impossible task.
And yet he has held up and accomplished things despite a thousand people trying to pull him down.
I really think this is the most important election.
I've said this and I know people think it's over the top.
How this next American election goes is not only monumental for America, but it's actually more important here in Canada.
Yeah, it's incredible that so much turns on one man, but that's the age we're in.
It is right out of a Greek play or the Bible.
I agree, a Greek tragedy or the Bible, but that's what's crazy is, it is messianic that at this point we'd be given Trump and he really would be doing all of this.
This really shows us God's real, this is wild.
Yeah, it's incredible.
Well let me know if you want to talk about, I know we're almost out of time, Abiy Amini,
Yeah, it's worse than communist China now.
No search warrant needed to go into a home.
And police check stops on the road.
Australian military deployed in the streets.
And yet, this country that was such an amazing ally of America.
You know, Australia fought in both World Wars.
Fought in Korea.
It's a member of the Five Eyes intelligence community.
Like, Australia is a great ally.
That was my next question to you when we come back in five more minutes to play this clip.
But in 30 seconds, why has Australia gone so fascist or communist or authoritarian?
Because no one would stand up to say halt.
No one dared to oppose.
And so all the checks and balances, the so-called freedom fighters were too scared, Alex.
That's how it happened.
Well, your reporter Avi Yamini, he did it.
We'll cover the clip when we come back and then let Ezra Levant go.
But Ezra's got to come back more than every six months.
Just great work you're doing over at Rebel Media.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
55 days out from the election.
I am just blown away by how surreal this is and how much we in the Liberty Movement have been vindicated.
I mean, the New World Order ain't hidden now.
It's out in the open.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
It was a sleeper product.
It wasn't popular at first, but as people tried it, it's become one of our top five bestsellers.
I'm talking about the 8-pack Power Stack.
13 different pills filled with super nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and more that you take in the morning in one pack and at night.
It's available right now at $60.
We're sent off for a limited time when you get it with Survival Shield X2 that's now back in stock.
This has changed my life and so many other people's lives.
Now here's the problem.
Some of the patented ingredients that are in APEC Power Stack, because of the shutdown and the lockdown,
We're good to go.
Big Tech is the global straitjacket of the New World Order.
It is the enforcement system, the surveillance system.
It's going to track everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you say, everything you basically think, and then reward or punish you for those behaviors.
And they're not liberals.
That's a complete and total cover.
They are monsters that love authoritarianism and are building towards a post-human world.
Their mission is to destroy indigenous communities, annihilate small towns, annihilate all human culture, and consolidate us all, isolate us all, and then carry out our orderly extermination.
This is their public master plan.
And COVID-19 is the cover for the rollout of this digital control system.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's only going to get worse from here.
When you see officials from Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, you are looking at people way more smart and way more evil than Hitler.
They want to murder you and your family.
You have been warned.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913.
All right, final segment with Ezra Levent of Rebel Media.
We have another special guest joining us next segment.
Now, there's like 20-something minutes of this footage, but here's just a few minutes of...
Avi, you mean he being arrested?
I agree.
In Melbourne, and then they come to his house, and they're very cryptic in the middle of the night, and they're very threatening, and say, we'll be back tomorrow.
So this is just for him out there covering it.
They admit he did nothing wrong.
Here it is.
No arrest, no anything.
It was quite peaceful, until... They've got us!
Avi, they've got us!
They've got us!
They've got us!
Avi, they've got us!
I am media.
I'm media.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
My permit is in my pocket.
I'm fine.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
I'm fine.
I work for Rebel News.
I am lawfully here.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
My permit is in my pocket.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
I work for Rebel News.
I am lawfully here.
Can you grab that next to my mic?
They didn't care that he was lawfully there.
They knew he was lawfully there.
That's why they arrested him because there was nothing else they could do to stop him.
They let her admit it.
Now we're going to his house.
That night, after not being charged with any crime, not even being fined,
I got a visit in a clear attempt of intimidation.
If their name's on our list because they were processed for hindering, then yes, we were there.
This is secret police, folks.
So I was there as media.
And the world's seen exactly like the first 10 seconds of the arrest.
Which is not the whole video.
I've got everything from the moment that you guys let me into the rally, checked all my... Alright, I want to give Ezra some time.
We've only got a few minutes left, but it goes on decryptically, the full videos at Rebel Media and InfoWars.
Decryptly say, okay, we'll be back.
They went back to his house at night, no search warrant, to embarrass him and intimidate him in front of his kids.
That's China-style oppression in Australia, a free ally.
Is it Chinese influence moving in, controlling most of the mines, most of the industry, most of the logging now in Australia?
I mean, what the hell happened to Australia?
There is a lot of Chinese influence there and even more in New Zealand, but this is just police enjoying their new emergency powers.
Total abuse of power.
Very shameful.
Now we hear about how our cops are bad all day, but this is truly bad.
Yeah, and the head of this Australian state of Victoria is a pro-China sympathizer.
He signed a treaty with China that was illegal, the Belt and Road Initiative.
He's a bit of a tyrant, a bit of a socialist.
It's not China's influence, it's just...
A perfect storm of socialists in power, out of control, emergency powers, police who didn't like Avi because he was a dissident journalist, and going to a home at night.
I don't want to give the ending away here Alex, but I can assure you that Rebel News does not
Take it lightly when the police harass our journalists at home.
And let me say this, the police can expect a legal reaction from us.
Maybe when Avi was a citizen journalist and didn't have the resources on his own, he would have had to take this lying down.
But we go to the mat for our journalists when they are harassed, whether it's by Antifa or by rogue police.
And as God is my witness, we will push back and defend Avi's freedoms, and in so doing, maybe increase freedoms for all Australians.
That's another point you make and he makes.
The mainstream media won't even defend you guys or anybody else.
It's pathetic.
He caught them undercover admitting what happened was wrong, but doing nothing on the news.
Ezra Levant, thank you so much for everything you do.
Thank you so much and Godspeed.
We'll talk to you soon.
There's a special guest coming up.
Stay with us.
The listeners and viewers of this just said this is such an epic struggle and we've all been proven dead on we've been proven we're right because we're being led by God we have a spirit and we're very humble about that this this is not us this is God working through us but man now it's so precious to stay on air I used to think you know maybe I'll wake a bunch of people up and I can kind of proceed into the
background because fighting this thing 18 hours a day is a little bit old but now with evil so out in the open and everything we've said being vindicated I never questioned what I was saying because I knew it was true but I I did question where they'd ever actually try to carry it all out well now we know they're gonna carry it out and then some so we got a fight and I just really appreciate you and we're in this together and praise God past the ammunition the info war again take action folks this is it
All right, I've seen some of his work, but a few weeks ago, I saw a film that had millions of views at the time.
It's even bigger now.
Michael Mann, the 25-minute breakdown, The Great Reset.
And a lot of it was information we already knew.
Some of it was info we didn't know, but when I looked it up, it was accurate.
I thought it was really powerful.
So you can see it at two and a half million views right there, The Great Reset.
Davos and the plot to cancel Trump.
You need to watch it.
You need to share it.
We're going to talk to him in a moment.
But here's the first few minutes of the film.
I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world that will disappear in 2020.
What if I told you that Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, George Soros, Prince Charles, and Cardinal Turkson were meeting in the mountains to plot a global new order to be established on the back of the COVID pandemic?
An outrageous movie plot?
Or is it absolutely true?
Donald Trump and the Davos Connection.
Tonight, from the Editor's Desk.
Hello again, ladies and gentlemen.
Michael Matt coming to you once again from the offices of the Renner newspaper.
Here's something you're not apt to hear on mainstream media.
Of the 18 million people in the world who've been infected with the coronavirus, 10.6 million have recovered.
This is according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.
In other words, the vast majority of COVID patients fully recover.
This doesn't even factor in that the millions who've contracted it recovered and didn't even know they had it.
Friends, we need to have a talk.
I mean, let's be really clear right from the outset.
COVID-19 is not a hoax, okay?
Worldwide, over 650,000 people, mostly elderly, have succumbed to it.
This is not a hoax.
Even with skewed death reporting, which we know is going on all over the place, this is a very serious virus.
But so was the H1N1, the swine flu of 2009, which claimed the lives of half a million people.
So was the Hong Kong flu of 1968, which claimed the lives of up to 4 million people.
Flu is a nasty business.
Now do you remember these previous epidemics, pandemics?
Probably not.
Because the media didn't freak us out over those.
The country wasn't shut down.
Healthy people were not quarantined.
Schools weren't closed.
Church services weren't cancelled.
Why not?
Because COVID is a thoroughly politicized virus.
And we're getting conflicting recommendations from the experts that get just a little more absurd every week.
Doctor, your colleague Dr. Fauci has suggested recently that goggles would work even better or in addition to.
You're talking about masks.
People have come around to the reality of that.
Are we going to look at more demands based on what Dr. Fauci has said?
Well, I've seen really great face shields, and I've seen them around the country.
You know, I've been out to 14 states, the administration sent me out, and I've gotten to see a lot of exciting face masks out there, and face masks that come from the bottom up, and I think that's really, I think people, the American people are innovative.
Those are actually pretty easy and straightforward to make.
Many universities and those who have printers are making face shields now, so
These 3D printers can really increase that production and I think others are making them.
And they can be decorated.
So Doctor, well, no one's really interested in decorations.
I want to know whether face shields or goggles is something we're going to hear next.
This isn't even funny.
I'm so glad to see the guys from Fox over there are openly mocking this woman.
I mean, people are losing their jobs.
They're losing their homes.
They're losing their mental health over this.
Their kids aren't going back to school.
They can't go to church.
And this delusional woman with the scarfs?
Thinks that we're gonna get a kick out of decorating our face shields?
This is day 170, I think, of the 15 days to slow the spread, Dr. Birx.
Do you have any idea of what the hell you're talking about?
And we're going to go over his whole background, but remnantnewspaper.com, on Twitter, Michael underscore J underscore Matt, YouTube, The Remnant Video.
And I really appreciate him coming on.
He did a great job breaking this down.
I wanted to get his view just on the world today and how we fight back against this.
The universities are bringing in the contact tracing, the apps.
To go to parks in Austin, they want your name and number.
They admit for apps that are coming.
This is big tech tracking us everywhere.
China's celebrating all this.
I mean, his view on where the world is today and who the different forces are that are battling each other.
Thanks for joining us, and great job with your work, sir.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Good to be here.
We've got about five, four minutes until break.
You've got the floor here.
Tell us about yourself, about the film, about the work you're doing.
Well, it's kind of interesting.
There's an overlap, I suppose, in our work here at the Remnant TV with what you've been doing for so many years.
I guess we might call it the reign of the Antichrist.
I mean, we've been thinking that the infiltration of the Catholic Church was significant to all this for many, many years.
Decades, in fact.
We've been believing and preaching and trying to raise awareness on this question.
And now it just seems like it's sort of melded into this whole New World Order.
It's all coming out in the open now.
The Great Reset is part of all of that.
The Green Movement, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
And what's really interesting is the connection, I think, between the so-called traditional Catholic fight.
What we've been trying to say for years is they infiltrated the Church, they had to get the Catholic Church out of the way.
Whatever you think of the Catholic Church, it was a moral authority for a couple of millennia.
So, they had to kind of break it down and fundamentally change it, which is what they're doing in the human element of the Catholic Church.
And I think that's something that might be interesting to some of your viewers and your listeners.
is the connection between all of this and the Catholic Church.
Lately it seems, with Pope Francis, almost like he's the chaplain of the New World Order.
You know, he's just in lockstep with Antonio Guterres, with the United Nations.
He has Jeffrey Sachs in and out of the Vatican constantly now.
And they're preaching the very same message.
They've moved away from us because, again, I think whether you're Catholic, Chris, it doesn't matter to this discussion.
They're no longer preaching the message of Christian morality or the idea of a soul and heaven and hell.
Not so much anymore.
Now it's about sustainable development.
Now it's green.
Now it's about the planet.
It's about Pachamama.
It's about our common home and all of this stuff.
And they're very at home now.
The folks in the Vatican are very at home with the folks in the United Nations, which for practicing Catholics is a problem because whether you like
The Church is teaching vis-a-vis abortion and things like that, contraception.
The reality is those teachings are still on the books in the Catholic Church, they're still in our catechisms, but the folks in charge, folks in the Vatican especially, are in a way deceiving the world, because they're pretending as though the Catholic Church has evolved and we don't care about those issues, those moral and spiritual issues anymore, and all we care about is our common home, and we're so woke and we're so ready to play ball with the UN.
It really is a deception.
It's a deception going on inside the Catholic Church.
They've moved away from the point and purpose of the Church.
They've moved away from the point and purpose of the Bible, in a sense.
If you think about, you know, heaven and hell, the four last things, which is what the Catholic Church is all about, well, they don't talk about that anymore.
They don't talk about sin anymore.
They don't talk about the afterlife.
Now it's just the common home and the environment.
Well, exactly, Michael.
Let's talk about that when we come back, because
There's always been a struggle between good and evil in any Christian organization.
Obviously, there's been good and bad in the Vatican, the Catholics, whatever, the good and bad in Protestants, whatever, but there's good and evil in this world.
Now, evil and good is out in the open.
World government's out in the open, and revelations is beginning to be fulfilled, and like you said, this new Pope is 180 degrees from
Pope John Paul II, who was anti-communist.
This guy's pro-communist.
He lives behind 100-foot walls, but we can't have walls.
I mean, this guy is the chaplain for the New World Order.
You've done a lot of special reports, a lot of films, a lot of docu-newspieces, but The Great Reset is their arrogance, where they're out in the open admitting their agenda, and it's just incredible.
The Great Reset, Nabos, and The Post posts
You know, American system, it's called the Great Reset, Davos, and the plot to cancel Trump, but I see it as the post-industrial world.
We'll come right back to Michael Matton on the other side here and lay this out very well spoken, very smart fellow.
I don't care if you're black, white, old, young, male, female, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, whatever.
If you want to live under Satan and the mark of the beast and the digital currency and the world government and the forced inoculations, then you're an idiot.
And we better just get back to God versus the devil, because that's all this ever has been, all that ever will be.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Humanity is being domesticated.
And we're not being domesticated to end war, as the Carnegie Endowment and the U.N.
That's for proletariat consumption.
When you read deeper into the transhumanist plan, it is the most megalomaniacal, psychotic thing you could ever imagine.
Not even in, again, a science fiction horror movie could you come close to what this is actually going to look like.
So remember, compliance with the mask, compliance with social distancing, compliance at the airports, all of this is training you for the post-human world.
We're all being taught that we're not essential.
We must get people like the governor of Texas to wake up and say no and reverse himself.
We've got to get Trump to go more on the offense, exposing COVID-19 as an overblown hoax.
Yes, it's a virus.
Yes, it kills people.
Maybe 1% as bad as the flu, not
10% is bad.
It's totally overblown, ladies and gentlemen, because it is the shoehorn to bring in the end of liberty and freedom as we know it.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And I, you know, it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, we now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, when I get down and I see the massive censorship against us, I just find all these amazing, interesting, smart people out there that are fighting back.
And that makes me realize that we're going to make it with God's help through all this.
I'm your host Alex Jones, Michael Matt.
I was familiar with his newspaper, seen a few of his videos, thought he has a nice voice, he's a well-spoken, smart guy.
But then I got hooked a couple weeks ago watching this video.
So I watched another 10 or so of his breakdowns, they're really excellent.
And it just makes me sleep at night better knowing he's out there.
Michael Matt, remnantnewspaper.com.
So getting back to what was it like for you to already be aware and already see this, and then to see this new Pope come in that's 180 degrees away from Christian or Catholic.
Canons are just basic Christianity, the Bible.
And then where do you think this is all going?
Because it's so obviously a post-human world.
It's causing mass starvation worldwide.
It's all based on fraud.
It's so incredible.
Because, I mean, I agree with you.
COVID is not a hoax.
It's a scam.
It is a virus that kills some old people that are debilitated.
Anybody will die from any virus that doesn't have essential vitamins, minerals.
But behind it is a much larger agenda.
I think people are finally getting that.
I think it's just really important for people to make that admission, which you've made and of course we try to make, because otherwise you get tripped up by people saying, well, you know, I have a friend whose grandmother died from this.
You guys are insensitive.
And the idea is not to be insensitive.
The idea is, yeah, people are dying from this, but you have to become aware of how they're exploiting this.
And you ask how, you know, what's it like for us as Catholics?
I've got to tell you, Alex, I mean, it's heartbreaking, because when I'm talking to you right now, I presume you're not a Catholic.
It's a scandal for me to have to sit here and say, you know what?
All the way to the top in our church, we have been infiltrated.
And they are on the same page now as the Sustainable Development Goals of Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki-moon.
That is so hard to say, Alex.
That's something I put off saying for a long time.
But we're to the point now where I think we're running out of time.
You know this.
So as you say, whether you're Protestant, you're Catholic, whatever you are,
We need to come together and say, if we don't come together now and put theological differences... I'm not saying go along to get along theologically, because I'll have a debate with you on theology anytime you want.
But right now, they want to shut religion down.
They want to shut us all down.
You know this.
They want to silence you.
They want to silence us.
They got people like the Southern Poverty Law Center.
You know, they're calling us racists and haters and all this stuff.
You know, the media, mainstream media, eats it up, takes the notes, you know, and broadcasts it as truth.
They are already, the noose is already tightening around our neck.
I know it's been tightening around your neck, obviously.
We have this sort of neo-Gestapo going on right now.
And when COVID came along, we really did learn something, how close we are right now.
And so, yeah, to answer your question, as far as the Vatican is concerned, we have begged the Vatican.
We've written open letters.
We have people like Cardinal Raymond Burke, you know, who's gone to Pope Francis'
Can you please explain some of these radical changes that you've got in mind for the Catholic Church?
He doesn't bother to answer, because the only people Francis seems to care about right now are the folks at the United Nations, are the mainstream media people, and transforming.
No answer!
So we're having a great reset right now in the Catholic Church.
And the Catholic Church, I think that's why guys like Jeffrey Sachs are always going in and out of the Vatican, because they need the moral authority of the Catholic Church.
They need the blessing and the absolution, if you will,
of the Catholic Church.
And right now, people need to realize this, they are getting it.
The Vatican is completely in bed with them, pardon the pun, or the expression.
So I think, yeah, I think it's really important for all of us to realize we need to go to work.
Whatever religion you are, you can't count on them anymore standing up for us, standing up for free speech, standing up for religious freedom anymore.
It's all withering, and it's all being worn away intentionally.
And of course, the way it is... All that's happening is they've got their AI control surveillance grid in place.
And they think they've done the public down.
And big tech and the big banks are making their move.
And whether it's the Vatican, or whether it's the Democratic Party, or the EU, or Hollywood, or the Chi-Coms, they're all bowing down to be part of this system.
Just like Revelations tells us.
I mean, it's happening.
And I don't think that, I think Orwell might have been wrong.
I don't think it's applicable to say resistance is futile at this point with respect to the Orwell quote, because look at the fear that they have for Donald Trump.
No, it's spiritual.
Resistance is victory.
Even if we get killed, God wants to see the resistance.
So it does make sense to speak out.
They want us not to speak out because we feel they're so big and so, uh, you know, so all powerful that there's no point in resisting them.
That's what they want.
You're right.
That's the thing they've been trying to destroy for a much longer time than just this whole COVID game.
They've been trying to take the spiritual element out of this, take God out of the schools, ban prayer in the schools for a long time.
And all of that's starting to come back to roost now in our society.
You see them burning the cities.
And nobody on the news, even on more conservative shows on Fox and whatnot, nobody seems to be bringing up the question.
Even if it's true that George Floyd was just absolutely murdered and the cops, every one of them, was premeditatedly doing this because they're all racist.
Even if it's true, what does it say about our society that it's now okay for us to go down and go out and burn our own cities down, burn our own neighborhoods down?
I would like to know if there's any historians out there who could set a precedent.
In the old days of history, you used to go burn
The other city, the other guy's city's down, when he were mad about something.
So the morality that is missing, that is conspicuous by its absence, that it's okay to beat people up, to burn down other people's property, because you perceive an injustice, because you think that there's racism.
Where does this lead?
What happens when we decide, well, I feel like there's racism in the other direction, I'm upset about that, I'm gonna go down and burn the rest of the city down.
I mean, we can really see chaos coming.
I don't know, Alex, I don't know if there are enough police to stop this, to police what's happening.
If something doesn't happen where we begin once again to police ourselves, if you want to call it the Christian moral code or whatever it is, stealing, lying, murder, these are horrible things in and of themselves.
These are sins, you know?
If we don't get back to that, I don't know what you think, but I'm not sure that we have enough police in the world to control this.
It's very simple.
It's very simple.
You've got megacorporations that have armored reservations that are protected and ready.
They want to take the rest of the stable world, make it all kill each other, to collapse so they can come buy it at the price of a dollar.
It's a very simple equation because these globalists believe Lucifer's God, or they don't believe in God, some of them.
And they think they're not going to pay.
There's been no retribution, they haven't gotten in trouble for all the wars they've done, all the genetic engineering, the human-animal clones, all these incredible sins against God's creation and against the people and against just common sense.
And so because they haven't been held accountable, like Hitler or Stalin or Mao, they're going to push and push and push until they get cut down.
Lack of accountability.
You could take it back to the changes that were made from when you and I were boys.
We were disciplined.
You know, the neighborhood dads aren't going to let you act like a complete, you know, anarchist and wreck things.
If I was being a jerk, the neighborhood dad would, like, grab me and drag me home, which only happened a few times.
But, I mean, it definitely went on.
Yeah, people weren't wimps.
Right, and that's all changed now.
So now there is no accountability.
So these modern progressive, even progressive discipline and child raising techniques are also part of the problem.
It's a huge problem.
Well, it's all designed to create collapse.
It's in their white papers.
They want collapse.
Yeah, yeah.
And then now you talk about the Great Reset.
I mean, the hubris, the arrogance.
And you've got Dr. Fauci out there.
He's obviously 100% with them on this whole thing.
That's why he's playing his games with the mask and not the mask.
Do this and don't... They're distracting us with all these silly little things about... Don't wear a mask when you have sex.
Right, right.
This is a distraction.
I'm convinced of it now.
What they want to do is they want to literally reset the entire world.
It's a distraction.
They didn't want to do it incrementally.
They wanted to do it at once.
They wanted a giant leap forward.
I totally agree.
That's what they admit.
And this is their big leap.
How do we counter it?
Trey Hill with Michael Madden, Alex Jones and fullwords.com.
Think about how humble and good and decent both sets of my grandparents were.
And how good and strong the Americans I knew were, not just my grandparents.
And I look at us today, decadent, corrupt, slovenly.
And compared to them, all of us are wrecks.
But it's not really our fault, so it's not really their fault.
It's the fault of the way the universe works that with great liberty and freedom produces incredible prosperity and then the cycle goes into corruption and then enslavement.
We're going into the enslavement phase right now and America's fighting for its life.
So we need to fight for those that stood before us and would want to see this happen today but more importantly for our children and the future.
We've got to turn back now.
The mask is more than just a symbol of subservience, being a blind follower, not knowing facts and science.
It's a symbol that you have been turned into a subhuman.
And they tell you, you are not essential.
Remember, first they said no more industry, you'll be a service economy, and now they tell you service to me is not essential.
This has been the post-industrial world plan the whole time?
Then Operation Lockstep and other documents feed.
Rockefeller Foundation admits that this is how they're going to slowly teach you to be totally poor and under their control so you can finally be starved to death of nutrients and then killed with very, very weak bio-weapons that won't affect anyone that actually gets their RDA of vitamins and minerals.
And so that's the plan for you and your family.
Now I know you're tuned in to this broadcast, you've checked this out for yourself, you know it's true.
So, let's start warning the sheep.
Let's start educating them now.
I just went and swam at the lake and I walked around for 20 minutes educating people after I got out of the water.
It's that simple.
We must take action now or be slaves forever.
This is life and death.
Ignorance does not equal bliss.
Ignorance equals slavery.
If you're ignorant, walking through a field at night, that there's a six-foot hole up ahead, you're gonna step in it and probably break your ankle.
Or maybe worse.
Well, it's the same thing happening to human civilization.
The industrialized age really empowered humanity in many respects, but also took us away from the land and made us very, very domesticated and very, very easy to manipulate.
And now corruption and predatory activity can hide behind that complexity.
Now, I know what's going on behind the complexity because I go read what the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation and the Davos Group and the Bilderberg Group and all their subsidiaries, like the Club of Rome, say.
So I know exactly what's going on.
Not because I'm even that cool or special a person, but I actually want to be empowered and informed because I'm a history buff.
I know that those that don't know history are going to repeat it.
The globalists think you're stupid.
They laugh at you because you won't research their own admissions.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Look, it's not rocket science.
Good and evil are real things in the universe.
And we're becoming evil.
And the biggest part of that is, we are becoming disconnected from reality, disconnected from the Earth, disconnected from just normal activity and normal life.
We're going to go back to our guest here in a minute, Michael Matt of remnantnewspaper.com.
I didn't plug last hour.
I should have.
I'm our own biggest enemy.
You know the DMC filed over 50 lawsuits on us.
You know I've gotten 43 dismissed and we're very close to defeating the others on appeals.
Before it ever even goes to their fake trials and their rigged events.
That's taking millions and millions of dollars to do that because they would shut us down in the process and do all sorts of harassing things.
They're really pissed.
So we're under DDoS attack, hack attacks today.
They've got PIs running around threatening my family.
They've got dirty tricks going on around the clock.
They've got groups and organizations openly saying they want to kill me.
I'm not a victim.
I'm an overcomer.
But if you want to bet your money on a place fighting hard to change the world and having all these other great voices on and boosting them, this is the mothership.
We got a big special going on 1776 for all apparel.
Some shirts cost me $5, some shirts cost me $13, $14, and free shipping.
So this is basically at cost to sell out all the shirts, to sell them all out, because I'll be honest with you, I don't know how long we're going to be here with what's going on and with what's unfolding.
I mean, I really don't know anymore with how crazy the world's gotten and with what's unfolding and the behind the scenes stuff as well.
And I see all this Q stuff about everything's fine.
Trust the plan.
We're winning.
Q people are wonderful.
Okay, great.
All I know is, is that they're going to flood the election with fake ballots.
They're going to try to overthrow Trump.
I told you that first.
It's not about, oh, I told you, aren't I cool?
I'm not in a beauty contest with the Q people.
I'm not giving you esoteric stuff that Hillary's going to be arrested in 2017 and there's prison ships with kids on them.
We're covering the real stuff, the real issues, and we know it's neck and neck.
It's so incredibly close.
In fact, I was going to plug here one of the new specials, but I guess I, uh,
I got lost in my stack here.
There's just so much going on.
There's just so much unfolding.
Will you guys reprint me today's new special about the Save Info Wars, Save Yourself, Save the Republic special, because for whatever reason, that's not in my stack here, but it's 50 to 60% off.
Here it is.
I found it right here.
50 to 60% off.
And that's all shirts, all apparel, 1776.
Let me just, show me an overhead shot on this if you can do that.
Okay, just show this for folks, that'd be great.
Save Info Wars, save the Republic, save yourselves.
Super special, 60% off, plus free shipping.
All shirts available, 1776 and other apparel, free shipping.
8-pack power stack, 60% off plus free shipping.
X2 back in stock, 50% off, plus free shipping.
Find out about the good halogen.
Alexa Pure Breeze, four-stage ion filter.
Other leading competitors are like $400, $500.
This is $149.
That's almost at cost.
They make like $30 on it.
Ultimate Krill Oil back in stock, selling out fast.
That's free shipping as well.
And that's what funds us and keeps us on air.
And they're trying to take our banking accounts.
They have taken a lot of them away, as you know.
And we're barely here on air.
But thanks to you, we're still on air.
And I just trust in God.
But know that now is the crucible.
Going back to the man that heads up Remnant TV and the Remnant newspaper, going back to Michael Matt, what would you call, from your own research, this period in history?
Because I call it the quickening, the acceleration.
What would you call this time?
Well, it's interesting from a theological point of view, and I'm not a biblical scholar, but it does seem to fit the bill for some sort of an apocalypse.
It is an apocalypse, absolutely.
Is it the apocalypse?
Well, that remains to be seen.
The way that it's been classically described, or the term that's been used classically in Catholic teaching is the rise of the Antichrist, the reign of the Antichrist.
And when you see the Christophobia that's out there right now, that's not very difficult.
To entertain us a possibility.
And I would say that things are happening now that fit the bill.
I don't know how closely your viewers follow what's going on in the Catholic Church, but I really like what you just said in one of your commercials.
Don't count on Trump winning here.
Because we just live through, in the Catholic Church, something that's unprecedented in history.
Somehow they got rid of the Pope, Alex.
They got rid of Pope Benedict XVI, and what was he doing?
He was trying to turn the Catholic Church just a little bit back.
You might say he was trying to make the Catholic Church Catholic again.
And look what happened to him.
We still don't know.
It's a mystery that we'll probably take to our historians.
We'll probably disappear again.
They got rid of him.
They brought in this globalist and his election was unbelievably quick.
And, you know, they're, they're, they're capable of doing things.
They're embedded everywhere.
So I think the idea of, you know, just saying, Oh, Trump's going to win for sure.
Don't count on that, man.
I don't think they're going to leave it up to the people this time around.
And now we got this, this additional scandal.
of a guy who claims to be a Catholic, Joe Biden, who is not Catholic in any sense of the word.
Lou Holtz just said he's Catholic in name only.
And what happens to Coach Lou Holtz?
His own university throws him under the bus for saying that.
Coach Lou Holtz was absolutely right.
Joe Biden is not Catholic.
If you're a Catholic and you're watching Alex Jones, please understand you cannot vote for Joe Biden.
You cannot vote for Joe Biden and claim to be a faithful Catholic.
Well, what about hearing Christian groups and also Catholic groups?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, that's just it.
Objective truth is gone, Alex.
And there's a walking example of that in Joe Biden.
You just make up the truth as you go along.
Well, Jesus said you judge a tree by its fruits.
Almost everybody I've known that's been a Catholic has been a really nice, hard-working, good person.
I'm just a Christian.
I just love God.
So I'm a Protestant.
I'm a Catholic.
I'm a whatever.
I just love God.
And I don't see Catholics as bad people.
I see them as people I know that are fighting the New World Order.
In fact, I'd say there's an over...
Over-representation of people that I know fighting the New World Order, fighting, you know, who are Catholic, but then I see an over-representation of powerful Catholics being for the New World Order, then I also see Catholics that are fighting the New World Order who are these Cardinals, too.
So it seems to be a big civil war inside the Catholic Church.
Oh my gosh, absolutely.
And I absolutely agree with you.
There's a huge resurgence of authentic conservative Catholicism.
Orthodox Catholicism is coming back.
You see examples of that, the return of the old Latin Mass, and the return of the old nuns actually dressing like nuns, and priests dressing like priests.
There's a huge resurgence in Catholicism.
I'm the biggest fan of the Catholic Church that there is.
I believe it's going to come back, and it's going to fight harder than ever.
It was, in fact, under Benedict, and they got rid of him.
So I think that what the problem is with Catholics is this idea, well, whatever Father says, we must obey because that's the way the Church works.
And in normal times, that is the way the Church works.
These are not normal times.
You can't necessarily
Obey Cardinal Cupich, or Cardinal Mahoney, or some of these prelates that are extremely left-wing, progressive, and now even globalist.
And so it's a shame, it's a sad thing that Catholics are waking up to this, to the crisis in our own Church, but thank God they are waking up, and there's a huge movement now of people that want to come back and take the Catholic Church back from these people, and that is the Civil War, as you say, the war that's going on in the Church right now.
And Catholics need to get involved with that and need to understand.
I mean, look at Joe Biden.
He's not Catholic, yet he gets to be.
Look at Nancy Pelosi.
She's not Catholic, yet she says she is.
A lot of the most powerful bad guys in politics right now are dysfunctional, disoriented Catholics who are no longer... I agree.
So let me ask you this question.
We've got a minute here before.
Regardless, let's just have good people take the Catholic Church back over.
How does that happen, and what is the fight?
Because it's become, every Catholic I know hates this new Pope, says he's the antichrist or the devil's helper.
I mean, a bunch of Catholics work here, a lot of Catholic friends, they hate him everywhere.
So, I mean, it used to be like Catholics defending themselves from problems they had, now it's the Catholics attacking the Pope.
This is not obviously a Pope, he's an imposter, so where does this go?
Well, I think that there's a sort of a protection for the Church that comes right from God Himself, because we believe God founded our Church.
So all you really have to do as a Catholic is say, OK, what is Francis saying?
And what is on the books?
Because the Church actually can't change her doctrines.
The great deception is, with this thing called neocatholicism, is that the Church has changed on homosexuality and on abortion.
We've become progressive.
We're all like Joe Biden.
But all they have to do, all anyone has to do, is say, what is the Catholic Church?
Infallibly still teach about these moral issues especially and you'll find a contradiction between what the men... Well, we know that the globalists didn't like the Catholic Church so they took it over the pedophile rings and they blackmailed their way into control and now it's all falling and the Snoop pubs best buddy just got busted running the whole operation.
That's how the Snoop pub got in.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
And you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping chauvinists.
This is not going to happen, so they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here, InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's going to come down!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
The clock is ticking on the once free world.
And the free press is under attack more than ever.
I now see videos 10 or 15 times a day, without even trying to find them, of press being arrested in the United States, press being arrested in Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
And it's always the so-called liberal left, the defenders of speech, doing it.
They are the authoritarians, they work for the Chai Com Globalist Combine, and they are working around the clock
To silence InfoWars.
Just as we were the group they started with three years ago, they test out everything new on us.
And a lot of it I can't get into on air at this point.
I'll be able to reveal this later.
But I just want to make you all realize that your support, your word of mouth, your prayer is absolutely essential.
And I thank you all for it.
But whatever you do, take advantage of the great products that support the InfoWars and make your life healthier and better at InfoWarsStore.com.
Please go to InfoWarsStore.com today.
I'm not going to lie to you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, final segment in the third hour.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over from her Britannic Majesty's London, England, coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Remember, this entire broadcast is here in defiance of tyranny, only here because of your support.
Your word of mouth, so remember that in the fight.
You're not just critical, you are the key to everything.
Well, I want to have you back up, Michael, Matt, to talk about this further, but just in the main, other topics you want to cover, other points you want to make, you can free flow here and have the floor.
If you answer this question for me, you talk about how the Bible says there's many antichrists, antichrist spirit, but there's a final antichrist.
No one can deny this is Mark of the Beast, world government, one world religion stuff we're dealing with now.
How can people not wake up as crazy as it's getting and how fast it's moving?
Just gut level, what do you expect to see in this election and just other points you'd like to make?
Well, you know, probably along with you, we were pretty lonely when it came to being opposed to the Iraq invasion, for example.
We were pretty lonely over at Remnant TV when it came to supporting Donald Trump, who certainly is no daily communicant traditional Catholic, you know?
So I think it's interesting to point to now look at who's on the Trump train.
There are so many people.
It's almost getting hard to find another Trumper in a way compared to the way it used to be.
So I would think that that's a great sign because Donald Trump
And I'm sure you as a Christian, you agree.
We're not saying he's the second coming of Jesus Christ.
We're not saying he's a prophet or he's Daniel or he's Charlemagne.
We're saying that this is a businessman, it's a capitalist, who's looking at the globalists, who obviously want to completely reform, restart, reimagine every part of your life, from education, to getting together with your family, to business.
That's what the Reset is, Davos, is all about, is having business now, worldwide, nobody gets to opt out of this, agree to a green solution to the COVID crisis, which of course they're exploiting.
So Donald Trump, he's the businessman, he's the American first guy,
We're good to go.
We're good.
That's what I think the good news is.
They're looking at Trump and they're saying, this guy could wreck everything.
That's why they needed COVID.
They needed to shut everything down so they have the restart go into like warp speed.
I don't believe that Donald Trump, for example, is going to mandate that we all take vaccines.
I really don't.
I think that's another metric that he's knocking down.
Could even be a placebo vaccine, whatever.
Oh, he definitely tricked them to now come out against the vaccine and reverse psychology.
So I think that Trump, you really can trust him to be what he is.
I don't think you should trust him to be the most perfect Christian anyone's ever seen.
He's the enemy of the globalists and their operation.
He's exactly who God chose for this moment.
And we all need to get behind him and say, if nothing else, we know what Biden's going to do.
We know how in bed with the globalists he is.
He's going to for sure mandate the stupid masks.
He's going to mandate the vaccines and everything else.
Did you see the official Chinese newspaper came out and endorsed Biden and said his worldview runs parallel to Beijing's?
Oh my gosh, you know?
And we're not going to support Trump because we don't like his tweets and we think he's a little mean sometimes.
This is crazy, friends.
We need to vote for this guy.
People like the fact that he's authentic.
No, no.
He said he'd get us out of these wars.
He's done it.
Now the Pentagon goes, he hates the military because he cares about troops dying.
That's an oxymoron.
It's insane.
It's insane.
So I think we need to recognize Trump for what he is.
We can get behind this guy because he is America first.
He wants the economy strong.
And if America is allowed to get strong, we don't know what four, five, six years are going to look like.
The New World Order is going to be set back.
That's why guys like Soros are so terrified, because he's not going to live much longer.
And he knows that if Trump gets four more years, it's possible America will be too strong for them to crush America.
And therefore, they will have the impasse of America to their agenda will be in place.
It's very simple.
I totally agree.
We need to support Trump.
And they're arrogant on the one side, believing they can defeat America, but Americans are arrogant thinking America can't be defeated.
I mean, I really think we're 55-45 winning right now.
We're barely winning.
I don't say that to disparage people.
I say because we need to fight now, speak out now, be involved now.
Pray now.
Oh my gosh, yeah, because that's assuming they even leave it up to us.
We know they're going to cheat.
We know they're going to come up with dead people voting, or whatever they're going to do, the mail-in vote.
Well, their tactic is, they're going to, they say they're going to lose, and they're going to contest it forever.
And that's the official plan.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Could be putting Pelosi in in January, or who knows what's going to happen.
All the more so then.
We need to make sure we do whatever we possibly can because the only way this might work is if there's a landslide in Trump's favor.
People with early voting should be taking their grandma, your neighbors, knocking on doors.
That's right.
People you know, taking them to vote.
You should be going to vote.
Everybody should be poll watching.
We should be all active right now.
And you know, Trump has taken a lot of risks.
Look how deep he's diving on things like the pro-life movement.
He doesn't have to go as deep as he is.
No, no.
No residents marched with pro-life.
He did it.
Right, he doesn't have to have Kayleigh talk about Margaret Sanger and eugenics and all of that at the RNC, but, you know, that's what they're doing.
They're trying to show us they're going to stand with us.
Trump's showing he's betting on us.
He's betting on us.
Yeah, absolutely.
And that's a great turn of events for all of us.
That's just a turn of events that we haven't seen.
Let's look down a very dangerous, dark, stinky path, Michael, Matt, in the last two minutes we have.
What happens if Trump loses or they're able to steal it?
My gosh, it's going to get bad.
Right, and again, I think we should be bracing for that.
Honestly, I really do, because I don't think that they're going to do everything they possibly can to not leave it up to us this time.
I saw Hillary saying they'll use the military, and she had this weird twinkle in her eye, like very confident last week.
No, this is going to be ugly.
The good news is, and the reason we need to stay on the battlefield here, is because you and I, I'm a traditional Catholic, you're Alex Jones, you're not even a Catholic.
We're having these conversations.
We need to unite the clans right now.
Not theologically, maybe we can't, but if we worship God, we understand the importance of religion, we understand the importance of America.
We need to come together, put some of those differences, because we're all at war.
Put those differences aside.
I don't want to have a debate about the Catholic Church and teaching on... I think Americans have already done that, Michael.
It's time to make that real.
Yeah, exactly.
Go out there and fight and see what's going to happen.
And again, to console ourselves, we're not going to go away.
If Biden wins, we have a stronger army right now.
Folks like yourself, Tucker Carlson, oh my gosh, you know, where did he come from all of a sudden?
That's millions and millions of people that are going to be in full-on resistance mode against Biden-Harris if that happens.
And of course, Biden's just a tool.
I think Biden
They want him to be pointless and useless.
I think he is a monument to the U.S.
Presidency that they're going to tear down in 2021.
I totally agree.
They want him to be weak and addled.
And like them, just like with the Vatican, have a committee or something.
They don't want a president anymore.
They don't want a pope anymore.
They just want a committee.
From a political point of view, it makes no sense to run this man.
So why are they doing it?
I think because they need a tool and they need to demonstrate
The destruction of the presidency, just like they're doing in Rome right now, they're demonstrating the destruction of the Vatican, of the papacy, in the same way.
And I think that's the plan.
They're getting rid of all the old institutions, and it's one thing to try to take them over.
If they can level them, they see that as real power.
Brace for Biden win, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the war.
Either way, it doesn't mean it's the end of the war.
We keep fighting.
Either way, they lose.
God's with us.
God's on our side.
Who can be against us?
Michael Matton, 30 seconds.
What's the new production you got coming out?
What's the latest thing you're going to be covering?
We're going to talk about this idea that I touched on a little bit at the beginning of the show with you.
This idea that when you take morality out of a society, there are simply not enough police.
So we want to use that idea that we really have lost the sense.
If I feel like you've aggrieved me, I have the right to beat you up now, to burn down your house, to intimidate your family.
Where did this come from?
What is happening to our nation?
It's very satanic and it destroys civilization.
Only a moral people can be free.
Alright, thank you sir.
We appreciate your work.
Please come back with us again soon.
Keep up the great work.
I think so.
Amazing, you too.
Alright, that's Michael and Matt, RemnantNewspaper.com.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over.
I want to thank Ezra Levant for coming on as well.
I want to thank the great crew.
So much more to cover tonight.
7 to 9.
Deanna Lorraine and others host the new election countdown.
7 to 9 with 55 days out.
And boy, when you get excited as an audience and share the links to that live show or tell folks what the local station you're listening to, it gets millions of views.
It's about 300,000 views a night without that, but that's okay.
Regular show gets millions of views.
It's been here 20-something years.
The new show's doing great.
It's also all posted at election countdown section at band.video.
You can't share that link.
That's banned on Twitter.
You can share 2020.
So be sure and share that link tonight.
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Thanks for joining us.
Well, Mark Zuckerberg on paper two weeks ago put in hundreds of millions of dollars with Bloomberg to launch this Operation Red Mirage to contest the election when it's overwhelmingly clear that Trump has won on election night.
Now he's come out with a statement and told all the media in the United States that they better get behind saying that Trump basically lost, that they're not going to let him win.
Trump declared victory, even though it's overwhelming.
They'll have 95% of the vote done on election night, and even if you added all the other votes in against him, he'd be the winner.
They are going to steal this election.
They're preparing everyone.
You've seen all the scams they've already run.
Trump is surrounded by tyrants, but he has we the people, and he has true media.
Not independent media, the real media.
So now more than ever, it's critical to share the live streams, the videos, the articles, and the information at InfoWars.com.
Because the globalists fear it most because we were the first to expose their plan to contest the election and drag it out to keep the American people from re-electing President Trump.
Under the Rockefeller lockstep plan from 2010, a planetary dictatorship will be established through medical tyranny.
And there will be different forms of dog training or compliance training like masks, social distancing.
They break all this down.
There's many other studies that governments around the world have conducted with the United Nations into this.
And it goes back to the Milgram and Stanford studies, where in college settings, they could get people to commit what they believe were murderous, criminal acts.
You've ordered to do so by an authority figure.
Well now, first they start with masks, then social distancing, then listing who comes to your business and not, then the tracking apps, then the forced inoculations, and the social credit score is rolled in for total control.
But then they do it for political reasons up front, they know people will block it, the courts will block it, so it's done under the guise of medical emergency, and of course all of that was a fraud as well.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What do you wanna do with your life?
I wanna rock!
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious s***.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
Those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun control laws.
I happen to know this from personal experience.
I can end this guy, Jack, tomorrow.
All you gotta do is arm all your pests.
I don't think that you should look back and whine and bellyache or try to hold somebody else guilty for everything you did.
Where's the peace?
Alright, what is the Trilateral Commission?
An organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
You see, what they're really up to is a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country.
To work to erase national boundaries and create an international community.
And, in time, bring about a one world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots.
As Oliver North's public battle over government secrets and the illegal supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras is waged in Washington, Congressional investigators in recent months have tried to learn if Mena, Arkansas was an illegal staging area for shipping guns to the U.S.-backed Contra rebels.
It all begins in 1982, when this man, Adler Berryman Seal, showed up in Mena, Arkansas.
He used to smuggle drugs.
Then he got caught and he became one of the government's most valuable informants in the war against cocaine.
But last night in Louisiana, Barry Seale's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
17-year-old Kevin Ives and 16-year-old Don Henry were struck by a train.
The medical examiner has said that the boys were asleep and drugged with marijuana.
The parents, however, disputed that claim.
The boys were killed because they had stumbled upon a large shipment of drugs dropped from an airplane.
Tears in the fabric indicate that Don had been stabbed before he was run over by the train.
In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changes the ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide.
I'm scared of these people.
I'm very scared of them.
How do you think the crack drug gets into the country?
We don't own any planes.
We don't own no ships.
We are not the people who are flying and floating that shit in here.
I will tell you, Director Deutch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.
The men who are working for the CIA's army were responsible for bringing all that cocaine into Los Angeles that sparked the crack epidemic.
My boss goes on a fishing trip with George Bush and when they come back they say the ends justify the means.
Sir, the Republicans are trying to blame you for the existence of a small air base at Mena, Arkansas.
This base was set up by George Bush and Oliver North and the CIA to help the Iran-controvers
And they brought in plane load after plane load of cocaine there for sale in the United States.
And then they took the money and bought weapons and took them back to the Congress, all of which was illegal, as you know, under the Bowling Act.
But tell me, did they tell you that this had to be in existence because of national security?
We had nothing, zero, to do with it.
And everybody who's ever looked into it knows that.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms.
These allegations are false.
You are the one they called President?
I am.
Kneel before Zod.
Kneel before Zod!
You are not the President.
No one who leads so many could possibly kneel so quickly.
I'm the man they're protecting.
I'm the president.
I know I say it all the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
I want to thank you, the listeners and viewers of this broadcast, and all the stations, and all the affiliates, and sponsors, and my family, and the crew, and just everybody out there.
To the listeners and viewers, as I just said,
This is such an epic struggle.
And we've all been proven dead on.
We've been proven we're right because we're being led by God.
We have a spirit.
And we're very humble about that.
This is not us.
This is God working through us.
But, man, now it's so precious to stay on air.
I used to think, you know, maybe I'll wake a bunch of people up and I can kind of proceed into the...
background because fighting this thing 18 hours a day gets a little bit old but now with evil so out in the open and everything we've said being vindicated I never questioned what I was saying because I knew it was true but I I did question where they'd ever actually try to carry it all out well now we know they're gonna carry it out and then some so we got a fight and I just really appreciate you and we're in this together and praise God past the ammunition the info war again take action folks this is it
Transmitting worldwide from the Summit.News studios in the United Kingdom, you are listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are live from Spain on this 9... 8, sorry, September 2020.
Spain, of course, had one of the most draconian coronavirus lockdowns in Europe, if not the most draconian.
That is until Melbourne, Australia came along and we're going to play the arrest video of Avi Yemini and talk about that here in a second.
But I'll start with this headline.
And bearing in mind that in Spain, mask wearing is mandatory, not just when you go into a store, it's everywhere.
Everywhere on the streets and everyone is complaining.
To the degree that when I go hiking up the mountain here, nearby where I live, people are hiking up mountains wearing face masks.
Something that's far more likely to cause, especially older people, to have seizures, to have heart attacks, to have asthma attacks.
They're wearing masks hiking up a mountain!
What level of absurdity are we going to have to experience before any of this gets rolled back?
Well, much more in Spain, given this headline.
Locals ordered off beach by police helicopter loudspeaker.
Now we knew already that they'd been using surveillance drones on Spanish beaches to ensure social distancing compliance by basically attaching loudspeakers to surveillance drones by tracking vehicles around the area.
Well now they're just straight up using helicopters.
I mean it's not like there are migrants pouring onto Spanish beaches literally every day.
And we've seen the videos of that.
Then just bypassing any kind of interference, bypassing authorities and just running off into the town.
In fact, that happened in Alicante back, I think it was about a year ago.
They just ran off into the town.
They caught some of them and told the local student population, oh, by the way, we're kicking you out to house these migrants who, by the way, have got some kind of virus.
And then they housed them in this student dorm facility.
And kicked half of the students out.
Well, now video footage shows a Spanish police helicopter hovering low above a beach, ordering families via a loudspeaker to leave due to coronavirus rules.
This happened during a patrol of the coastline on Palma Beach and Calvia Beach on Mallorca, which is one of Spain's Balearic Islands, happened on Saturday.
And you can see the video here.
The helicopter hovers at a height of, what, 50 feet?
Above families, above people trying to enjoy themselves on the beach, respondents on social media expressed their fury.
You don't see a lot of this fury out in the streets, although I have noticed from local media reports that people are becoming increasingly irate about bars, nightclubs, restaurants being shut down here in Spain.
One respondent on social media said, quote, we are in the police and oppressive state without realising it, monitoring the population with helicopters,
Instead of monitoring the drain of our borders, or the real criminals, we are left with a precious dictatorship.
Another one called it Total State Control, Extreme Authoritarian Government.
The authorities came back with a response, although they failed to identify the substance of any of those complaints.
And said this, the diffusion of messages using megaphones from vehicles and helicopters at beaches and parks is being carried out daily.
Said a statement by the Civil Guard, they're very proud of it.
This is happening to make sure the new rules established by the Balearic Islands Regional Government regarding the new timetables are adhered to.
So they failed to address any of the actual concerns of the population.
Basically just said, we're the government, this is what we're going to do.
As we've previously highlighted, some Spanish police officers also appear to enjoy beating people for not wearing their masks properly.
Yes, that is a speciality of the Spanish police here, who of course
Don't seem to mess around.
You see scenes out of London, scenes out of towns in the UK where people have giant street parties.
The police turn up and the people engaged in these parties just pretend to be doing high jumps, star jumps, pretend to be exercising.
They laugh in the police's face and basically nothing happens.
Different story in Spain where a lot of the police carry weapons.
They're well armed.
They're well in shape, unlike our friends over in the UK.
And people comply.
In fact, during the height of the lockdown in Spain, it was illegal to visit a supermarket that was further away from where you lived.
You had to visit the immediately closed supermarket.
You couldn't even drive with your husband or wife.
You had to drive one per vehicle to go to the supermarket.
And now Spain's socialist government is cracking down even further.
Of course, we've highlighted before the innumerable boat migrants that arrive on a regular basis and just run away and disappear into the population.
Not so much enforcement when it comes to that, but if you're on the beach with your family enjoying the sunshine, you'll get a helicopter hovering at 50 feet, barking orders at you, telling you to go home.
But Spain is rivaled probably only by Australia,
Which I've been talking about for the past month solid.
Headline, Australia riot police drag journalist to the ground arrest him for covering anti-lockdown protests.
This is Avi Yemeni of Rebel News.
Had full accreditation, had all the press permits.
They let him into the anti-lockdown protest.
And then we have the video right now of what happened next.
Let's roll it.
So there's been numerous, quite intense, heavy-handed arrests here today.
We walked around for, there was probably a good two hours.
Well, there was no arrest, no anything.
It was quite peaceful until... I'm just going to stop here for a second.
As you can see, I was just doing my job.
There was no one even around me.
The bloke marched up to me while I was doing a piece to camera.
You can actually hear me laugh because I seriously thought he was joking.
If you watched my content before, you'll know that sometimes cops walk up to me and banter a little bit.
You know, I guess they like my work, or they appreciate it, or they find it funny, or they see my sense of humour and they join in.
But I quickly realised that this power-hungry commander was not bantering.
No arrests, no anything.
It was quite peaceful, until... This guy here is not here for any purpose or reason.
He's under arrest.
This guy here is going to be placed under arrest right now.
I am media.
I'm media.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
My permit is in my pocket.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
I work for Rebel News.
I am lawfully here.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
My permit is in my pocket.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
I've got my permit in my pocket.
I work for Rebel News.
I am lawfully here.
Can you grab that?
And that's my mic over there.
And can you give it to my staff?
Can you grab the mic and the microphone?
At this point, police forcibly take me away with my hands still cuffed behind my back like I'm some sort of violent criminal, but what they didn't realise is I was still mic'd up and was recording everything they were about to say.
Now if you watch the full video of that, which is in the article that I mentioned, riot police drag journalists to the ground, arrest them for covering anti-lockdown protests,
He goes to the protest, he drives to the protest, the police stop him.
There was no footage of them stopping other Australian media, compliant media.
They stopped them for about 5-10 minutes, asked them repeatedly for permits, finally let them into the protest and the police know who Avi Yemini is because he goes to all these events.
So then they later claimed
That Yemeni had got in front of the police lines and that he was obstructing officers and that he was, quote, hindering police operations by being in the way of the officers.
Of course, as you see on the tape there, no evidence of that whatsoever.
They just walk straight up to him, the police commander, point him out and basically say, you need to arrest this guy.
Despite the fact that he's filled in all the permits, he has every right to be there as media.
But should we really be surprised?
We've covered what's been happening in Melbourne, Australia for the past month plus.
They've given themselves the power to literally remove children from the custody of parents.
They've given themselves the power to arrest people in their own homes, as we saw with the pregnant woman in front of their children, for posting on Facebook about anti-lockdown protests.
They've given themselves the power to enter homes without a warrant and perform coronavirus spot checks.
Australia, specifically Melbourne, has fallen to COVID tyranny.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
I talk about all the horrible things that are happening, and I point out that the globalists are a eugenics death cult because it's true.
I don't say it to scare you.
A lot of people say, man, this show is dark.
Well, you've got to know you're dealing with evil if you're going to defeat it.
And if we just listen to the surface of what the NWO propagandists are saying, they have reasons to sell this garbage to the general public.
But if you just scratch the surface, they're so arrogant, they've all written detailed blueprints of this plan.
And more and more are being honest about it.
Because there comes a point where, as David Icke says, they have to stop hiding it and start selling it.
So we're at the point of the emergence now.
And it's coming out in the open.
And some people, under mass Stockholm Syndrome, are going to submit to any level of tyranny.
But others are going to fight.
This isn't like some old dictatorship that you could submit to it and join it and be okay.
This thing is post-human exterminism.
Research what that is.
Big Tech is the global straitjacket of the New World Order.
It is the enforcement system, the surveillance system.
It's going to track everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you say, everything you basically think, and then reward or punish you for those behaviors.
And they're not liberals.
That's a complete and total cover.
They are monsters that love authoritarianism and are building towards a post-human world.
Their mission is to destroy indigenous communities, annihilate small towns, annihilate all human culture, and consolidate us all, isolate us all, and then carry out our orderly extermination.
This is their public master plan, and COVID-19 is the cover for the rollout of this digital control system.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's only going to get worse from here.
When you see officials from Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, you are looking at people way more smart and way more evil than Hitler.
They want to murder you and your family.
You have been warned.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
Let's stick with coronavirus news now because we have the media in the United Kingdom hyperventilating fear-mongering and the fear of God into people about this supposed second wave.
If you look at the actual statistics of deaths and hospitalizations, which they never do, that tells the true story.
Toby Young tweeted this earlier.
According to Office of National Statistics, number of deaths in England and Wales leading up to 28th of August, that's week 35, was 9.6% above five-year average, but rise was not driven by COVID-19.
Of course, in similar case to the US, they list COVID as the reason for death, even if the person's got numerous other comorbidities.
It continues
To say deaths mentioned in COVID-19 fell by 26.8% from week 34.
So who's dying?
Non-COVID patients the NHS refuses to treat.
And of course he's talking about the
Tens of thousands of cancer victims who could not get treatment at the height of the COVID pandemic because we were told by the Prime Minister that hospitals had to be reserved for COVID-19.
That again put the fear of God into people.
They refused to go into hospital for treatment, either because they were scared of overwhelming the NHS or they were scared of catching coronavirus.
Now thousands of people, tens of thousands in the aggregate, are going to die from cancer alone.
Excess deaths I'm talking about because of this giant overreaction for Covid-19.
So every single night on the British media we have this drumbeat of propaganda.
Second wave's coming, second wave's coming, second wave's coming.
Basically up to the point now where they're saying the second wave's here.
They're testing double the amount of people.
Obviously way more people are going to test positive.
Most of these people are either young, they're asymptomatic, or only mildly symptomatic.
You look at the hospitalisation numbers, you look at the death numbers, they've all completely flatlined.
Those are the numbers we should be looking at.
But every single night, and it's not just in the United Kingdom, it's everywhere, it's pushing this hyperventilating hysteria.
To the point where
You know, I'm here with my parents and they watch television, they watch mainstream news, which I avoid when I'm at home, but it's not just on the news.
They have light-hearted, frilly current affairs programs where they're running repeated segments about people who are literally terrified of being outside, literally terrified about being around other people.
In one case last night,
They ran a narrative, a story on two young people.
They were both under the age of 30.
They're basically impossible to have serious complications from coronavirus anyway.
Remember, children under the age of 15 in the United Kingdom are more likely to die from falling over when they're putting on their pants than they are from coronavirus.
I think we've had four or five.
Children in the United Kingdom die of coronavirus.
They all had other serious illnesses.
So not a single healthy child has died of it in this entire stretch.
And yet on the BBC, they're running segments almost every night of young people who are absolutely terrified and living in mortal fear of being outside.
It's absolutely ridiculous, and you can see how they're doing it, because people have started to ignore the constant drumbeat of hysteria on the news.
They're sliding it into the current affairs programs, despite the fact that deaths have flatlined, hospitalizations have flatlined.
And in Sweden,
They got it right, because of course they went for herd immunity.
They didn't overreact.
They trusted their population to abide by sensible measures.
They didn't lock the country down.
They didn't ruin their economy.
And as a result, their GDP is far less impacted than every other European country.
And they're going to recover out of it way quicker and already are than every other European country.
Sweden, close to victory over coronavirus, never had a lockdown or a mask mandate.
Because the rest of Europe and the world remains in the grip of draconian rules and the threat of new lockdowns, which they do locally now basically every day in the UK, and they're talking about reducing the number of people you're allowed to see in your home.
And people comply with all this, by the way.
The vast majority of people comply with it.
The polls show they want even more draconian lockdowns.
They've been terrified to such a degree that I put out a story a couple weeks ago which looked at a study
into how many people Americans and Brits had thought had died from coronavirus.
In the United States, people on average think 30 million people have been killed by coronavirus.
That's 225 times the actual figure.
In the United Kingdom, people believe that coronavirus has killed 5 million people.
It's actually killed, I think it's still under 50,000.
Literally 100 times less.
This is how far people have been terrified.
But in Sweden, they got one thing right.
And now the country has one of the lowest infection rates on the planet.
And it's difficult not to admire how it's handled it the past year with no strict lockdown, no compulsory face mask rules.
Corriere della Sera, the Italian newspaper, reported, quote, Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one.
And the epidemiologist over there, Dr. Anders Tegnell, said, quote, what we are seeing now is the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually.
Now they're the safest country in Europe, basically.
And this was the same guy who previously warned that encouraging people to wear face masks is very dangerous because it gives a false sense of security, but it does not effectively stem the spread of the virus.
A face mask does not stop 97% of particles going through it.
It's completely, at best, irrelevant, or at worst, as we've seen, a tool of control, a tool of social conditioning across Europe and, of course, the United States.
Another headline on a similar theme.
Lockdown advocate who predicted 10 million dead in US from coronavirus raises $80 million in fundraising for online learning course.
Gee, some kind of connection there.
This was the author of a viral pro-lockdown Medium post.
And by viral, I mean it got 40 million views back in March, right before all the lockdowns happened.
It was called Coronavirus, Why You Must Act Now.
Celebrities, giant corporations, everybody jumped on this opinion piece by this basically entrepreneur who cashed in on it.
It got translated into 40 different languages.
And in this piece, he waxed lyrical about how health workers would break down and die because they had too many people to treat, how the corridors of hospitals would be overflowing, how doctors and nurses would be forced to make a decision between who they gave the oxygen mask, allowing people to die.
And he said 10 million people would die in the United States unless they had an immediate lockdown.
Well, it turns out that this guy's made quite the hay out of this.
His name is, let me find it here, Thomas Puyo, because he's the vice president of growth for a company called Course Hero, an online learning platform that exploded in popularity since schools and universities were closed due to COVID-19.
So he was appointed vice president of this company in November 2018.
Coronavirus hits in early 2020.
He writes an article which gets 40 million views saying it's going to be Armageddon, 10 million Americans are going to die.
Oh, by the way, I've got this amazing new online learning platform which all these schools and universities and local councils now need to buy.
He's raised 80 million dollars out of it.
This was the same guy hyperventilating about coronavirus killing 10 million.
Don't go away.
It sounds over the top when I go on air.
And I explain that the controllers of the planet want to carry out the extermination of the entire human population.
Except for a few of what they call their new transcendent silicon gods.
But that's really what they're now externalizing.
They're now taking what was in their textbooks and white papers 30 years ago
And actually openly announcing it everywhere.
They're going from beta to operational.
And think about all these major corporations.
They tell you humans are harmful.
They tell you humans are a parasite.
They tell you that we've all got to be gotten rid of.
And then they won't let people see their old folks in nursing homes and then ship in COVID to kill them.
That's all organizing as a beta test for larger operations.
And everything is a microcosm and a laboratory test of larger scalability of what they are now beginning to roll out.
Look at how they're banning medical doctors from promoting therapeutics that are absolutely essential to stop viral infections like COVID-19.
This is all absolute information control.
This is beyond 1984.
Constantly, whether it's the New York Times, The Washington Post, or Howard Stern, you name it, they come out and they attack him full force, saying, Jones claims civil war is coming, and financial collapse, and planetary lockdowns using viruses, and he tells people they should get off the grid and get prepared and have storable food if they can.
And now everything I've warned people about is coming true, because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents, like lockstep.
This is the corporate planetary takeover.
So yes, I stand by what I said 10 years ago, what I said a year ago, and what I said last week more than ever.
Get your high-quality, storable foods at InfoWareStore.com.
That's one of the key check marks of the check boxes you've got to have checked off.
InfoWareStore.com, and their delivery is now
One to two weeks.
Get it before the next big rush comes.
Take action.
Get the best durable food at the best price now at InfoWareStore.com and it supports the InfoWare.
I don't want to say I'm a prideful person.
I am a humble person overall.
I come off as aggressive and things because I'm under threat.
You're under threat and I'm fighting as hard as I possibly can and I appreciate your support and your prayers.
But I know I come off as obnoxious sometimes and I wish I did a better job.
So that's why when you call in thanking me all the time, it just kind of makes you feel pathetic because
I guess call it pride?
I don't like begging you all the time to try our products, or to donate, or to spread the word, or to pray for us.
I just know that's what keeps us on air.
And so I want to thank you.
It's put the cart before the horse to call it and thank me.
Listen, I'm committed to this just like you are.
So understand, you're my equal 110%.
And I just want to thank you all.
I want to thank our crew, our affiliates, everybody else, man.
I just want to stay in this fight.
And it's so serious now.
Things are getting so clear now, that's why they want us off air, because all of our credibility is so high.
So let's just stay together, fight hard, spread the word, pray to God to take us through this, we're gonna make it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Summit.News headquarters, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, and President Trump has done some pretty interesting retweets over the past hour, talking about Joe Rogan's new Spotify show.
Of course, he moved his podcast over to Spotify.
And talking about Alex Jones, he retweeted an article from Outkick.com from back on September 1st, which says Spotify deleted all the Alex Jones appearances and other guests too from Joe Rogan's podcast archives.
Trump also retweeted a clip from the Joe Rogan podcast featuring Mike Tyson, so he's been on a bit of a Joe Rogan retweeting rampage recently, over the past couple of hours at least.
Now, of course, that was a big story last week.
Rogan apparently was accused of bucking to censorship, allowing Spotify to force him to delete sensitive episodes of his podcast, the vast majority of which featured, quote, right-wing or conservative guests, of course.
Turns out that this was a kind of back and forth between Rogan and Spotify.
Originally, he said he wanted those episodes to be left up on YouTube.
There was talk of Spotify making him
Selectively edit out clips from these controversial episodes but now it looks as if those original episodes that were deleted by Spotify or at least not uploaded are back on Spotify so that is a kind of victory
People were suggesting that they wouldn't get added back.
People were asking if they had been added back.
I just checked now and they have been added back.
And of course, Alex Jones is set to appear on Rogan's podcast in the near future.
So we'll see what kind of reaction Spotify has to that.
But Trump has been on a Rogan retweeting rampage over the past couple of hours.
Including an article from a week ago about how the Alex Jones appearance was initially deleted from Spotify's platform.
But now, as of five minutes ago, it is back on there.
I'm going to get into some news now about the refugee problem in the United Kingdom.
Of course, last week we had a record 400 boat migrants arrive on the shores of Dover in the United Kingdom, in the south coast of England.
A record number this year, a record number since 2019, I think there's been over 7,500 individual boat migrants wash up on shore since January 2019.
They get a
Border Control Taxi Service, they get free taxpayer-funded hotels, they get free food.
It's a massive problem.
Not only is it a pandemic risk if we're being told to be hysterical about coronavirus, yet these people are just pouring in.
It's also obviously a massive security risk, given that we've had multiple mass casualty terror attacks carried out by, quote, refugees.
And in fact, I've talked about this in a video which we're going to play now.
Where Gary Lineker, this big TV host celebrity in the United Kingdom, buckled to pressure and actually followed through, or at least he said he would follow through on his virtue signalling, by taking in, by housing one of these refugees.
As if that solves the problem of the industrial scale criminal people smuggling, trafficking of refugees.
It doesn't.
But he promised to take in one, so we're going to play this clip and come back and talk about it.
Here is the clip.
You've got refugees to thank for me.
Also, when you use the benefit of culinary diversity to promote mass immigration, another thought springs to mind.
But wait!
Lineker has BTFO'd the haters by promising to take a refugee into his own home.
Gary Lineker destroys mocking Tory MP with proof he's offering to house refugees.
When his statement was attacked by another Twitter user, who asked him, have you housed any yet Gary?
The former England striker replied, not yet.
Accompanied by a screenshot of an email from a refugee sheltering charity proving he had submitted an offer to host a guest.
And I'm sure that totally isn't a virtue signaling publicity stunt at all.
I'm sure Gary will follow in the footsteps of other celebrity lovies like Bob Geldof and Lily Allen.
Both of whom promised to take in a refugee and both of whom ended up doing... Well, let's hope Lineker follows through.
Unlike when he promised to attend that rally in support of refugees and failed to show up.
Maybe in housing a refugee, Gary is trying to increase the diversity of where he lives.
Because where he lives...
Not very diverse.
Esher is over 90% white.
That's whiter than England as a whole, which is saying a lot given it's located in the southeast.
Funny that.
One of the biggest proponents of multiculturalism chooses to live in one of the least multicultural areas of the country.
But at least Gary can taste true diversity by hopping across to his other house in Barnes.
Oh no, that's in one of the whitest areas of London too.
Seems like Gary's all for diversity, just not where he lives.
Britain wouldn't be Britain without refugees.
104 upvotes to 4,600 downvotes.
Almost like everyone thinks Gary's fooled.
Surely not.
YouGov poll.
42% see it as merely a publicity stunt compared to 27% who think it's a genuine act of kindness.
Wow, almost like everyone thinks Gary's full of s***.
How could anyone think that Gary's being anything other than righteously honest when he talks about the plight of refugees?
I mean, it's not like he denounced anyone who dared suggest that these refugees weren't children as hideously racist, right?
Oh yeah, he actually did do that.
And two-thirds of Calais refugee children turned out to be adults.
But aside from age, what type of refugee is Gary going to allow into his multi-bedroom Surrey mansion?
You have been selected to stay at Gary Lineker's house in his spare room.
I mean, as we've been told so many times, there are thousands of doctors and lawyers amongst them, so Gary's gonna be spoilt for choice.
As we know.
Refugees have always helped to keep our communities safe and make our society stronger.
That wasn't the conclusion of an exhaustive peer-reviewed study by academics at the University of Copenhagen seeking to answer whether continued immigration and corresponding growing ethnic diversity was having a positive impact on community cohesion.
The study found the opposite to be the case.
Studying existing literature and also carrying out a meta-analysis of 1001 estimates from 87 studies, the researchers concluded, quote,
And social trust across all studies.
But diversity's a strength!
Is the public really that stupid to believe that Lineker engaging in a woke gesture by housing a single refugee is in any way a rebuttal to the logistical question of what to do with hundreds of migrants, almost all of them young men, arriving on our shores illegally on a daily basis?
Safely ensconced within his multi-million pound luxury abode, and with a net worth of 28 million, the negative effects of mass immigration will never impact a pampered, privileged prima donna like Gary Lineker.
But when it comes to housing, welfare, security, identity, and social cohesion, the impact on working class Brits is real.
But according to Gary, they're all dense, bigoted Brexit gammon anyway, so who cares?
Now, we know that Gary Linek is a complete virtue-signalling hypocrite.
We know that his promise to take in a refugee is probably completely hot air.
Of course, Lily Allen, who is a singer in the UK, and Bob Geldof promised to do exactly the same thing five years ago, and both of them did absolutely nothing.
But it's not enough to point out their hypocrisy.
You have to point out why they're wrong.
His entire argument was that, oh, a French immigrant put fish and chips together 200 years ago.
Opened the first fish and chip shop in the UK.
Which, by the way, is highly disputed anyway.
So that means that we should just erase all borders, right?
And have an open border policy that allows in all these immigrants.
God knows where they're coming from.
God knows who they are.
The problem is, in many cases, with hindsight, it turns out that they're mass-murdering terrorists.
The majority of the Paris massacre terrorists came into Europe on the refugee wave by pretending to be refugees.
The vast majority of migrants in Cologne, Germany, who molested a thousand women on New Year's Eve 2015, were asylum seekers, refugees.
The guy who bombed the Manchester Arena, killing 22 people, injuring dozens more, many of them children, was a Bo refugee.
He was brought into the United Kingdom in 2014 by the Royal Navy from Libya as a refugee.
I could list a dozen or more more instances where these terrorist attacks are carried out by refugees or by terrorists who exploited the refugee wave.
That's why they're wrong.
It's not enough to point out the hypocrisy.
And I'm going to get more into that after the break because we've got new information on the bombing of the Manchester Arena.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
The key to defeating the New World Order and its corporate global government system is realizing that it is anti-human, authoritarian, and will make you poor, will make you sick, will absolutely enslave you and your family.
There's no reason to go along with it.
But the system uses political correctness and divide and conquer as the new religion to bully people into adherence to what the mega-corporations and super-states are pushing.
It is remnants of America and Christian groups around the world
That are standing in the way of the global axis of evil.
The Satanist, Hollywood, the Chi-Coms, the EU and much of the Muslim world have been fused into one global fascist system that is designed to bring in the AI technocracy that will then be the launch pad for the breakaway civilization the globals have created that they call the transhumanist post-human world.
This is the reality.
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I know I say it all the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
I want to thank you, the listeners and viewers of this broadcast, and all the stations, and all the affiliates, and sponsors, and my family, and the crew, and just everybody out there.
The listeners and viewers of this just said this is such an epic struggle and we've all been proven dead on we've been proven we're right because we're being led by God we have a spirit and we're very humble about that this this is not us this is God working through us but man now it's so precious to stay on air I used to think you know maybe I'll wake a bunch of people up and I can kind of proceed into the
Ignorance does not equal bliss.
Ignorance equals slavery.
If you're ignorant and walk through a field at night that there's a six-foot hole up ahead, you're gonna step in it and probably break your ankle.
Or maybe worse.
Well, it's the same thing happening to human civilization.
The industrialized age really empowered humanity in many respects, but also took us away from the land and made us very, very domesticated and very, very easy to manipulate.
And now corruption and predatory activity can hide behind that complexity.
Now, I know what's going on behind the complexity because I go read what the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation and the Davos Group and the Bilderberg Group and all their subsidiaries, like the Club of Rome, say.
So I know exactly what's going on.
Not because I'm even that cool or special a person, but I actually want to be empowered and informed because I'm a history buff.
I know that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
The globalists think you're stupid.
They laugh at you because you won't research their own admissions.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
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So Gary Linek has come out, this big pro-migrant celebrity, big virtue signaller.
Somebody challenged him.
They said, Gary, you've got numerous mansions, all of which are located in the whitest area of the UK.
Just by coincidence.
He loves diversity, just not where he lives.
They said, why don't you take in a refugee?
So Gary proudly responded with an email receipt from a refugee housing organisation that said they had visited his house, or a visit was planned to his house, they haven't even visited yet, signalling that he was willing to take in a refugee.
Now, forgive me for taking this with a pinch of salt, but Lily Allen said the same thing five years ago.
Bob Geldof said the same thing five years ago.
All these other celebrities said the same thing five years ago.
In fact, from memory, the only guy to actually follow through on it was, I think, George Clooney.
He housed, like, an actual doctor, I think it was.
They actually found one doctor amongst all these boat migrants.
And obviously, he would have been the most vetted migrant you've ever seen in your life.
Allowed him to live in probably a wing of one of his 20 mansions for a few months.
But you know, at least he followed through on it.
Gary, on the other hand, I've got doubts.
I've got big doubts, but we'll wait and see if it happens.
But of course, the overriding point is it's not enough just to call out their hypocrisy.
You have to detail why they're wrong.
Gary Lineker
Housing a single refugee, the most vetted refugee in history it will be, does not solve the industrial scale criminal people smuggling operation that has brought as many as 400 migrants, we have no idea who they are, to these shores on a sometimes daily basis.
Gary Lineker housing one refugee isn't going to solve that.
It's going to make him look good on Twitter for two minutes but it isn't going to solve the problem.
It isn't going to solve the problem
Of the impacts on society that this has.
Of the security impacts, the identity impacts, the social cohesion, which I mentioned in the video before the break.
Exhaustive study by the University of Copenhagen proved beyond doubt that no, diversity is not a strength.
It leads to more crime, more disorder, more social unease.
Then of course we have the terror attacks.
The majority of the Paris massacre terrorists came into Europe by pretending to be refugees.
The vast majority of migrants, North African migrants who molested and raped women in Cologne on New Year's Eve 2015, and by the way who are represented in proportionally far higher rape and violent crime statistics in every single European country, the vast majority are asylum seekers.
The guy who bombed the Manchester Arena
Killing and maiming dozens of children was a boat refugee brought into the United Kingdom by the Royal Navy.
These are the real issues beyond virtue signalling.
We have more information coming out about that bombing at the Oriana Grande concert back in May 2017.
Because this is... I've been harping on about this for the past three years.
Eyewitness told security guard Mohamed Agha about Manchester suicide bomber but was fobbed off.
We now have three separate eyewitness reports that people at the Manchester Arena, before this bomb was detonated, tried to tell police, tried to tell security, that the suicide bomber and one other potential accomplice were acting suspiciously, and in every case, nothing was done.
And in fact, in one case, they started shouting at the woman for reporting the person behaving suspiciously.
Again, this is another concrete example.
People say, oh, political correctness is just being nice to people.
No, it isn't.
It literally kills.
It literally kills, and it looks like it killed in this instance.
An eyewitness said he tried to warn a security guard named Mohamed Agha.
He's called Mohamed.
That's just a coincidence.
About the suspicious behavior of Manchester arena bomber Salman Abedi before the terrorist blew himself up
Killing 22 people, but was fobbed off.
I don't know if people understand that slang term in America, but it means basically ignored, belittled.
The concertgoer approached the suicide bomber shortly before the attack because he looked out of place.
And he actually approached the suicide bomber 17 minutes before the detonation and said, quote, it doesn't look very good, you know, you with a bag in a place like this.
What are you doing?
Terrorists responded, I'm waiting for somebody mate.
Have you got the time?
What time is it?
The eyewitness said he then approached a security guard called Mohammed Agha and was, quote, fobbed off, ignored, belittled.
The security guard told a colleague and basically they did absolutely nothing and the bomb went off.
So this has all come up in the inquest to the Manchester bombing which started this week and the lawyers are asking if this was ineptitude or what?
What happened?
But of course, back the days after the bombing happened, I cited another example, similar example of this.
There was a woman interviewed by Sky News in the days after the attack.
She revealed that she had reported a woman who was acting suspiciously, fidgeting with her bag to security.
But again, they did nothing.
You see the woman on screen right now.
She said, quote, she was looking in the direction of where the explosion actually happened and smirking to herself all night.
She said the suspect spoke with a foreign accent.
When she told the security guards about that, she was lectured by them for making the suspect feel uncomfortable.
Again, this is literally 15 minutes before a suicide bomber detonates his vest, kills dozens of kids.
So you have this suspect,
Bearing in mind one guy's approach to the actual suicide bomber said, why have you got a massive bag?
What are you doing?
Tell security.
They do nothing about it.
They ignore him.
You've got another woman telling security, this other person's fidgeting with their bag.
She keeps looking back to where the explosion happened.
She leaves minutes before the concert ends, before the explosion goes off.
She was not only ignored, she was shouted at for making the suspect feel uncomfortable.
Now we have another case.
Headline out of Breitbart.
Ariana Grande bombing victims murdered by political correctness.
Delling Poll.
He cites another case of this which has come out in this inquest.
Says a witness, Julie Merchant, approached BTB, British Transport Police, BTP.
Officer Jessica Bullough,
Around 32 minutes before the deadly bombing, to point out Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber.
Paul Greeney QC, said Miss Merchant cannot recall the details of the conversation with the officer, but that it was to do with, get this, praying and political correctness.
The officer cannot remember the conversation taking place.
So this terrorist is literally walking around with a giant backpack full of explosives.
He's praying.
People are seeing this.
They're saying, this guy's suspicious.
He's totally out of place at a pop concert for kids.
I really think you should do something about it.
They told security guards.
They told police.
Nothing was done.
17 minutes later, the bomb goes off.
Dozens of people, many of them children, maimed and murdered by a beau refugee who was rescued by the Royal Navy back in 2014.
And Gary Lineker has the nerve to say that we should just erase all border controls and accept 400 anonymous migrants from
Countries with close terror designations just washing up on shore every single day and just give them free hotels and then let them go about their business while we wait to process their asylum claims.
ISIS bragged!
They bragged in their own manifesto, in their own magazine debate.
They said it was easy.
We smuggled in the terrorists because you bent over backwards to allow in all these refugees.
We posed as refugees.
The Paris Massacre happened.
The London Bridge events happened, the Manchester bombing happened, numerous other terrorist incidents happened, and that's how they got it done.
And Gary Lineker has the nerve to say, oh look, I'm taking in a refugee, aren't I a good person?
Fish and chips were put together by a French guy who came into the country legally 200 years ago, therefore we should erase all border controls.
Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Absolutely incredible.
This is why political correctness is not just being nice to people.
This is why political correctness kills.
We've seen it time and time again, and we can't allow it to happen again, which is why we need to impose a complete erasure of our own borders.
Gonna wrap it up for the show.
Summit.News for all the breaking news coming up next.
Warren with Owen Troyer.