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Filename: 20200825_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2020
3237 lines.

"The Alex Jones Show covers various topics including Ultimate Fish Oil supplements, political tensions surrounding US elections, potential consequences of Joe Biden's COVID policies, ongoing social unrest in America, the role of powerful families in undermining the US success, the globalist agenda and their plan for an international order centered around communist China, Jeffrey Epstein's connections to powerful individuals, and the need for women hosts on their show. The show also promotes Proto-Gro superfood for plants, 8-pack Power Stack product, and a new turmeric extract supplement."

It's Monday, August 24th.
The year is 2020.
This is live election coverage of the kickoff of the RNC with President Trump.
This is Election Countdown 2020 as we take back America.
And now, your host, Deanna Lorraine.
Welcome to 2020 Election Countdown Taking Back America on InfoWars.
This is a special news show and I'm hosting.
I'm Deanna Lorraine and I'm so excited to be here because we are literally at the front lines of the fight here in InfoWars of the most important election in the history of America.
I know people always say that and they say, oh, you know, this is a little bit dramatic, but it's not dramatic.
This is literally the fight between our freedom and our future of America as we know it, or a America that is taken over by the Marxist globalists and everything that you see right now with masks, mandated vaccines, a ripped up constitution and Marxism.
That's going to be our new normal if we don't fight back to take back America.
So I'm excited to be here tonight right on the front lines at InfoWars for Taking Back America.
And you're going to want to be here five nights a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, up until the election countdown.
Hang out here with us on InfoWars for the latest breaking news and all of your election coverage that you won't be able to get anywhere else.
So first, we obviously have the RNC that has kicked off today, and I'm thankful that it doesn't seem to be anything like the horrible clown show that was the DNC last week.
And we're going to just show a little bit of the highlights of President Trump's speech from earlier today.
It's actually starting out with a little bit of a bang, more enthusiasm, and actual real supporters and not fake paid actors.
So let's roll over to some of the highlights from Trump's speech today.
Our country will never be a socialist country.
They will take your guns away as sure as you're standing or sitting there.
They will take your guns away.
Either that or obliterate the Second Amendment.
Every Republican is sworn to protecting your pre-existing conditions.
It's very important.
You won't hear that.
You won't hear that from the fake news.
We passed Right to Try.
We passed VA Accountability and VA Choice.
They want to raise your taxes.
You know, all my life I've heard as a politician you like to lower taxes, right?
This is the only election where somebody said, we're going to raise your taxes.
They're going to raise your taxes, quadruple your taxes.
They're going to raise your regulations, make it impossible to build a highway.
We've accomplished more during the first three and a half years of this administration than any president in the history of the country.
I wanted to start the broadcast today with some highlights of last night.
Just an incredible job with the new kickoff of Election Countdown, but let's go back to it.
Women, college students, bad students, good students, everybody.
If you had a diploma, if you didn't have a diploma, it didn't matter, you were doing well.
We put NASA back in action.
NASA had grass growing through its runways.
I'm demanding, actually, a list.
Let Biden put up a list of the judges he's going to appoint, that he'll take them out like I did.
I had 25, and we're gonna take it out of that list.
And we're gonna be announcing a list over the next couple of weeks with the judges that we had, plus we might add a few more, so you know exactly where we stand.
The radical left will demand that he appoints super radical left
Wild, crazy justices going into the Supreme Court.
Your American dream will be dead if that happens.
It'll be dead.
Nobody's done more for the historically black colleges and universities than Donald Trump.
They came and they said, we can't believe it.
Obama didn't even try.
Criminal justice reform, opportunity zones.
We are going to fully fund law enforcement and hire more police.
George Washington could come back from the dead, and he could choose as his VP candidate, the late, great Abraham Lincoln.
And you're not going to win the state of Texas if you have no oil, no guns, and no religion.
I don't think so.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You're incredible warriors.
You have incredible strength.
You have unbelievable intelligence and patience.
It's a combination of both.
This is the most important election in the history of our country.
Our country will never be a socialist country.
You hear that?
That's the march of the United Nations.
We're good to go.
New phobias on everyone to bring in their planetary regime, directed by the WHO, with vaccines that actually change your DNA and make you owned by Microsoft.
It's a final frontier.
It's the year 2020.
It's not coming.
It's here.
And submission is blood in the water.
Right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.
But again, let's just get out there and mobilize, organize, and not let the president deter anybody from voting.
And again, support the postal system, which is election central.
They're doing everything they can.
Suppress the vote.
With your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there.
Diminish the role of the postal system in all of this.
It's really actually shameful.
Enemies of the state.
Enemies of the state.
And she says that they're going to contest the elections coming up?
And she says that
They're going to have the states secede and have their own inauguration.
Remember she said that over a month ago, and now that's the official talking point.
But 69 days out, they are plunging us towards the total collapse of the United States.
All the major financial publications are calling for the end of the dollar.
That will put almost everyone in this country, including rich people,
into a hellish position of total bankruptcy.
It'll make the Great Depression of the 1920s look like, in the 1930s, heaven on earth.
It'll be Zimbabwe-level collapse, Weimar Republic Germany collapse, probably worse with how decadent and evil a lot of the population is, but the globalist billionaires, they're offshore invested in China and in new currencies.
So you're actually seeing the skeletal puppet
That is Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of them.
Mad Maxine.
They're actually trying to carry out the destruction of the country.
The collapse of the industries, the collapse of local government.
Because this is a takeover.
And now Trump has put up what's being censored on Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Apple.
The President himself.
And so Brian Stelter, who has no viewers and is
Totally unselfaware person came out and said they're going to fact check Trump's lies in live time.
Well, CNN quote did that because they said, oh, Trump's going to be positive, he said, but he's not.
That's a lie.
Trump said overwhelmingly positive, certainly positive compared to Democrats.
Then they go into other things saying everything he's saying is a lie because
President Trump saying Democrats want to keep the economy shut down to kick him out of office.
Democrats have been all over the place admitting that.
Before COVID, they said they wanted a plunging economy to get rid of Trump.
China's open for business.
The EU is now, but we're not.
And they push all the fake numbers and all the hyped up COVID and all the people that died of other things to be able to carry that out.
So here is just part of CNN breaking in
To the president at the RNC.
This has never been done before.
And people asked him, they said, hey, why aren't you doing it to Democrats on Twitter?
And they said, well, the Democrats aren't lying.
Notice they said Trump wants to overthrow the country.
Trump wants to end the nation.
He's an enemy of the state, not of the people.
Because they see themselves as the bureaucracy and as the international order that is supplanting the American people.
Trump says, power goes from Washington back to the people.
We're taking power back from the UN back to the people.
They say, no, no, no.
The UN is in charge of COVID.
The UN is in charge of our police.
The UN is in charge of the global currency.
They're now announcing that.
It's here.
For the new world order to come in, America has to disappear.
And they are attempting to push us under the waves right now.
It's a simple referendum.
Are you for prosperity and freedom and your country?
Or are you for its destruction?
And now you notice all the points we've made about America fighting for its life and America fighting against globalists that are trying to end the country is now mainstream.
And I've said this a thousand times and I'll say it again.
If Trump wants to ever win, you can't have half measures with the New World Order.
You can't have half measures where you, oh, they hate Trump more than they love America.
They don't want the country to exist.
And now Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and the president and the mainline Republicans get this is an existential threat.
The globalists want to break up the country, take it into bankruptcy to make everyone sell off their property for pennies on the dollar.
They want a design collapse.
We are being taken down.
This is the greatest threat in our history.
This is it.
This is war.
You better get chills up your spine or we're going to lose.
But guess what?
Two minutes to midnight, 69 days out, America's getting it.
And Trump, in his speeches twice yesterday, blew them away that they don't want the country to exist and that they're the damn enemy and that they are pushing COVID to keep things locked down and it only kills old people and it's hyped up.
And he just hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
And hit him!
Hit him in the jaw!
Hit him in the nose!
Hit him in the gut!
Hit him in the ribs!
Hit him in the kidneys!
Knock him down!
Knock him dead politically!
Pussyfootin' around being scared of CNN and scared of MSNBC and scared of... That idiot on Fox!
Being scared of them gives them the power!
They have no power!
They work for a rotten, corrupt, collapsing system!
It's us or them!
They're the enemy.
Yeah, it's radical to say a TRICOM-funded system took over the Democratic Party, international debt, and Hollywood, but they did.
With a bunch of horrible globalist controllers allied with it, all of them are going to take us over, lock us in our houses, take our guns, take our children, run our lives, or we turn the tables against them and take it all back.
There's no this way or halfway.
It's all the way or no way.
And hallelujah, what I'm seeing is the stuff of victory, and I smell globalist death rows.
So here's CNN cutting into the president's main speech live.
Here it is.
You've been listening to the President speak at the Republican Convention, moments after being formally nominated for President by the party.
After vowing to have a positive convention, the President goes negative in its first moments.
He started off falsely attacking mail-in voting.
He's continuing to attack mail-in voting, and as his Postmaster General testifies, that the attacks are, quote, unhelpful.
That's his own postmaster general.
He also criticized the media for airing the postmaster's hearing instead of his roll call.
He falsely accused Democrats of wanting to shut down the country to hurt the economy and somehow help them at the ballot box.
Unclear how angering the entire country by shutting down would help them in the ballot box.
He attacked North Carolina's governor for putting limits on crowds during a convention.
Here now, John King, Dana Bash, Ryan Nobles is in Charlotte.
John King, I mean, this was very similar.
I mean, it is sort of all the most recent greatest hits and false statements by the president.
And I imagine what we're going to hear a lot this week from the president, who clearly wants to be out front every single day.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can feel the energy in the air.
These desperate scumbags have lost control of your minds.
They've lost control.
They're traitors.
They're enemies.
And Anderson Cooper's family's been perched on top of this country for 150 years, sucking it dry.
They were Anglophiles that tried to bring us back to the British Empire.
They are the filth of the earth.
They hate you.
They've always hated this country.
They want to destroy it.
We are in a fight for our lives.
So wake up out of your trances.
Come on!
Wake up and wake others up!
Snap out of it!
The Democratic Party is openly calling for the end of the nation.
They're absolute trash.
Are you gonna let them win?
We have right on our side.
We have the truth.
We have history.
All we have to do is rally the people now.
Tell everyone you know to tune into the live streams and local stations.
Do it!
Stay with us!
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It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app and every company that are on Apple and on Droids don't just track your location, but your surfing history, where you go, who you talk to, your relationships, and they all share the data with each other of what you're doing on the apps as well,
I think so.
I've talked to the EMS and I've talked to medical doctors, and what makes you nauseated, it's not just the smell of piss.
What we call the smell of bum piss, it has that sweet nauseating smell.
I wouldn't say sweet.
Well it does, it has a sweet, sweet stench that makes me want to throw up like rotten meat.
It is, it is the crap of dust mites.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We are here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Now we've launched a new weeknight show from 7 to 9 p.m.
We'll go later when there's bigger news, obviously.
And it is light on commercials, heavy on analysis, guest calls, you name it.
To the election, take America back, 2020.
Now, I'm going to go to special report right now.
And then when we come back, I'm going to get into all the news and the fact that the deep state 100% is making its move on this country.
And that we need to understand that that fact is happening and that only a huge awakening can stop the total collapse.
And we need to let the globalists that are behind this know we're going to hold them responsible.
We're going to hold the traitor media responsible and communist China responsible.
They've been busy trying to intimidate us, trying to threaten us, trying to shut up our free speech.
We just need to let the world know this is a simple takedown of the country.
And that's why they're teaching everyone to hate the nation.
It's not some radicals on the far extreme of the left that are out saying, F Jesus, burning Bibles, burning down churches, shooting police in the back of the head, calling for collapse of civilization.
This is the main line of what the Democrats are.
I have lived in Austin since high school.
I'm from Dallas.
And I've watched the left turn from pro-free speech, anti-war people, to foaming at the mouth, psychotic, devil-worshipping zombies.
I mean, that's their main operating system.
So I'll cover it all in a bunch of the highlights of the RNC and why Pelosi's coming out saying that Trump's an enemy of the state.
Because they legitimately think they're the legitimate state, that it's their country and they own it.
He's trying to take that away from them.
This is a serious tug-of-war over the fate and future of the nation.
And that's why they're fighting like the devil.
But I'm glad that John Bowne put together this report, a boil down of one of my larger rants about Biden's COVID policies would eliminate millions of people.
I want to play that special report here in just a moment.
And then I'm going to come back and talk about how they're going to hit us, what they're going to do, and then what it's going to look like if Trump wins versus what it's going to look like if Trump loses.
So that's all coming up here in just a moment.
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But I would get your food in before the election because if Trump wins, it's going to be crazy.
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But now is the time to get firearms and ammunition.
They're selling out everywhere.
But get the water filtration, the food at InfoWarsTore.com.
Here is the report.
Breaking it down.
Mandatory mask wearing.
That's what real leadership looks like.
We should all be wearing a mask for the next three months.
Biden says he would kill 10 million people if recommended by scientists.
Now, I've been running headlines like that the last few months, just hoping the New York Times or Media Matters or somebody bites into it, attacks it.
Of course they don't.
Where's USA Today's fact checker on this?
They're nowhere.
And it's not about Alex Jones being right.
It's about simple math.
But now the World Food Programme analysis shows also, due to the coronavirus, that an additional 130 million people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020.
That's a total of 265 million people.
This is after a food distribution organised by an opposition leader led to a stampede.
The World Food Programme says 20% of the continent's population are already undernourished.
And now, the reliance on imported food and widespread poverty, made worse by COVID-19 measures, could prove deadly.
Definitely, this hunger of staying at home will kill people.
Because let me tell you,
Most of my people, they don't eat.
UN food chief warns famine of biblical proportions looms for humanity due to COVID-19 that normally 10 million starve to death a year that they predict 18 million will starve to death this year.
There's another one, Fox News.
UN warns coronavirus fallout will lead to the next pandemic, global starvation.
Yeah, it's not coronavirus doing it, it's the panic and the hysteria.
8 million extra dead people.
When Corona hasn't even killed a million worldwide with fudge numbers.
States get money and the locales get money for every Corona death.
All set up by the UN.
I have no reason to doubt the fatality numbers that we're using in the state of Washington right now.
The problem is you got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto.
And it's just disgusting what they're trying to say of all these crazy deep state malarkey who are kind of suggest that this is not a problem in our state.
I find that hard to accept with the number of dead in our state.
Virginia plans mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for all residents.
You presumably still are the Commissioner of Health when a vaccine is made available to the public.
Do you intend on mandating it?
Uh, yes.
A new poll suggests more than one in three Americans aren't interested in getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Dr. Oliver says in the case of the coronavirus, public health should take precedent over choice.
He shouldn't actually be the one person to make a decision for all of Virginians.
Joe Biden!
Use the deaths of people without other things is covered.
He's the one that has first told us don't wear masks, now wear masks.
We're supposed to with Fauci and the United Nations tell us no matter if it's a death sentence for the third world and a poverty sentence for us in the first world.
I would shut country down again if recommended by scientists.
So what does that translate to?
He would kill
An additional 8 million people the UN projects will starve to death this year and millions more after that to save a few hundred thousand who are obese, have diabetes, are super old and don't take care of themselves.
The average death age is 85.
All right, folks, I have settled down now.
I had to go off air for a while because I was about to blow up, but I'm under control now.
Stay with us.
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The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid.
Now, inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
I know this sounds insane, but if you read the writings of the Globalist, it's all on record.
You have been warned.
You have been given the information to say no to this plan.
This is the end of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is the alien takeover of Earth.
Attention, attention, attention to anyone that still wants to live in a free country.
The New World Order, CHICOM, Globalist Syndicate is making its move to implode the dollar and thrust the United States into a civil war by contesting the election.
They are openly wargaming this at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.
Nancy Pelosi and others have gone on television and said they will contest the election.
Trump is going.
They will hold a separate inauguration for Biden and Kamala Harris.
And then anyone challenging that will be called a racist.
They will then trigger race riots and violence they've already beta tested around the country.
We are not living in normal times.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The New World Order's in trouble!
You've found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Yes, it looks like we're in trouble.
But it's only because we've engaged the enemy.
And they're burning down.
And their whole world government's in trouble!
The seeds of their destruction have now grown up into giant trees and are bearing fruit.
And the beginning of their fall has begun, as foretold by John the Revelator.
But it's gonna be rough first, because we deserve to pay for what we've done.
The angel of death will not pass over those of you that worship Satan.
Fear not of he who kills the body, but he who can kill the soul!
All right, let's get into it right now.
Nancy Pelosi is letting you know the score.
It's a war by the deep state globalist system that is absolutely, totally, and completely allied
With all the different criminal entities on the planet that want to loot and control and bring the United States to heel.
We're the big slick gunfighter that's won a hundred battles.
We're the castle on the hill the barbarians want to loot.
They want our head mounted to the wall.
And because of our weakness and our corruption we were so close to being taken over from within.
But right at the last minute we got a president in
A night on the field to try to rally the troops and now we have the New World Order in check.
But they have us in check as well.
So the next moves are critical on who is going to go into checkmate.
That's why Obama says this is the most important election in history.
He's telling the truth for a change.
That's why Trump's saying it.
Telling the truth as he always does.
Because it's here, ladies and gentlemen, destiny.
So Pelosi is on MSNBC, Microsoft NBC, and she's telling you that he's an enemy of the state.
80 million ballots randomly sent out, dumped everywhere, to engage in total fraud to gum up the system so that it's so clouded, who really won, it will be contested.
They say they will contest.
They know there's a landslide against them.
They know they're going to lose.
Trump will probably win the popular vote.
That's what all the internal polls show you.
I told you this time, four years ago, Trump was going to win.
And I've got my ear to the ground now.
He's going to win even bigger.
So what are they going to do when Trump wins?
They're going to say he didn't win.
And they're going to have multiple states secede, led by California and New York, saying they're the real America.
And if they can't get the military to remove Trump, which they say they want him to, Atlantic Monthly CFR, that's the official plan, they're going to have their new country in all the blue cities and states and inaugurate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
And they'll have the whole media and the chi-coms and a lot of Wall Street on their side.
Now, will they be able to carry this out?
They almost carried out the Russia fraud in the attempted coup and the Ukraine coup.
This is much bigger, much more grand, a real secession, a real civil war.
This is 500 times more dangerous than what they already tried.
And that's what I've been saying and harping on.
You let these crazy traitors, hired and put in power because they're empty nobodies that the globalists can control, you let these toddling morons play
This level of information war, and this level of civil war, and this level of asymmetric warfare, it's like having a monkey with a lobotomy with a live flamethrower inside a munitions factory.
It's going to blow up spectacularly.
And if the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and the Gateses of the world, if they think they're going to get away with what they're trying to do to the United States, it's going to cause a new world war.
It's going to engulf the whole planet.
This is insanity at a level never seen.
They would put the United States into a breakup?
Running a communist playbook run by mega billionaires?
When we have all these nuclear weapons and super weapons and attack space aircraft and all this other stuff, this is insane.
But they're battling over control of that because they want to dominate the planet.
And Pelosi and all of them are on so many drugs, it'll make your head spin.
So we'll talk more in the next segment about what's going to happen and what they're going to pull and what we've got to do.
But this is such a dangerous point that
I just have to pinch myself.
It's so dangerous.
She says Republicans are enemies.
And that the military should be used against us.
Even though they hate the military and hate the police.
But if they get control of government, a lot of them will follow orders.
And then, folks, you know what will happen next.
We're going to be forced to defend ourselves.
And it won't be antifa that the police and military are up against.
It'll be the veterans.
And nobody's going to be able to stop the American people.
So no matter how many jets Pelosi has fueled up on the tarmac, she'll never escape justice.
So here's what this monster, this front person, this ringwraith, this creature, uh, this... It the clown tentacle had to say.
Thank you.
And again, support the postal system which is election central.
They're doing everything they can.
Suppress the vote with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there.
Diminish the role of the postal system in all of this.
It's really actually shameful.
Enemies of the state.
Enemies of the state when they're sending out 80 million fake ballots just to gum everything up and create total devastation.
Now what's got them so mad?
Well, Trump's saying Americanism, not globalism.
Remember, they told us Antifa's good, they're good people, they love America.
You know, when they're not guillotining flags, or burning Bibles, or chanting F Jesus, or burning down churches.
I mean, these people are the scum of the earth.
And that's what leftist policies have created.
And they're now turning them loose on us.
Here's Trump's latest campaign ad, America First Trump campaign ad.
It's like high noon to vampires.
Here it is.
For too long, Washington flourished, politicians prospered, the establishment protected itself.
But not the citizens of our country.
Their victories have not been your victories.
Their triumphs have not been your triumphs.
That all changes starting right here and right now.
From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
It's going to be only America first.
Buy American and hire American.
No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
We will not dare.
Our country will thrive and prosper again.
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.
We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement.
We will bring back our jobs.
We will bring back our borders.
We will bring back our wealth.
And we will bring back our dreams.
We will face challenges.
We will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.
Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.
This moment is your moment.
It belongs to you.
And that's what the Democrats are upset about.
When we come back, we have the antifa.
They're not guillotining American flags or burning down churches or going to neighborhoods threatening people and shooting people in the head.
They're now chanting F Jesus.
I'm telling you, their operating system is Satan worship.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones.
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13 different pills filled with super nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and more that you take in the morning in one pack and at night.
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This has changed my life and so many other people's lives.
Now here's the problem.
Some of the patented ingredients that are in APEC Power Stack because of the shutdown and the lockdown
We're good to go.
The social engineers bet on you not having a memory, more than anything.
They also bet, as they constantly talk about it in their own words, that you will adapt to being a slave, that you will learn incrementally to submit.
So think about and remember the phases of the Fauci fraud.
Remember that everything he said has been a premeditated lie.
They lied about where it came from, they lied about person-to-person, the UN covered it all up, then exaggerated the death rate at 4% when it's actually 0.032 now and dropping.
Then they set the test up to count almost all false positives, they put the names of people that died of other diseases in the COVID column, they only said there'd be a 15-day lockdown, now we're six months later, now they say it's permanent.
You gotta wear masks forever and forced inoculations are coming and they're gonna track everywhere you go and what you do.
The global social credit score and the UN is the boss.
Anybody questioning it is censored off the internet, loses their job.
That's called 21st century tyranny.
That's called world government takeover.
Constantly, whether it's the New York Times, The Washington Post, or Howard Stern, you name it, they come out and they attack InfoWars saying, Jones claims civil war is coming, and financial collapse, and planetary lockdowns using viruses, and he tells people they should get off the grid and get prepared and have storable food if they can.
And now everything I've warned people about is coming true, because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents, like lockstep.
This is the corporate planetary takeover.
So yes, I stand by what I said 10 years ago, what I said a year ago, and what I said last week more than ever.
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I'm going to say something right now that is one of the most important things I've ever said.
So please listen very, very carefully.
Donald Trump is not the reason they released COVID or had the lockdown.
They already have this plan, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Bill and Melinda Gates.
It is beyond critical.
It is life and death for you and your family to understand, no matter where you live on the planet, that this is a worldwide, world government takeover, on record, that is never going to end.
The United Nations has admitted that.
First it's a month, then it's six months, then they say, okay, it's two years.
They're now saying two years.
They're now saying you'll never go back to normal,
No more gatherings, no more anything.
Constant forced inoculations that they admit don't even work.
And the way they say they work, they change your DNA.
This is the culling of the planet.
This is the beginning of the straitjacket being put on you before you're slowly tortured to death and killed.
Do you understand?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And yes, I'm Alex Jones.
Very blessed and honored to be here.
Thanks for keeping us in the fight.
I want to be clear about that.
The New World Order control freaks relish censoring everyone, including the President and you.
And they count on your apathy to win like big fat spiders sitting on your chest.
But when you get excited and you get activated about freedom, when you spread the word, when you take action, it changes the world.
And you've already seen that.
So remember, however you're listening on local AM and FM stations, global shortwave, satellite, local TV, or band.video, InfoWars.com.
Tell folks how to tune in.
Let's say you've got a local radio station you're listening to.
Tell folks about the station.
But people outside the listening area, tell them about InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And say, hey, you heard of that site?
It's demonized?
Boy, there's going to be stuff on there you're not going to see anywhere else.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Find out what you're not supposed to see.
See the secret.
See the verboten.
And all you'll find is the documents and common sense and how Bill Gates with the Rockefeller Foundation engineered this whole thing.
And us laying out exactly what would happen, what would unfold and how to stop them.
So next hour, I'll get to, I already got to it some.
Head of Allie Alexander joining us with a lot of big news.
Great political analyst.
And he was good four years ago when I first started having him on.
He's really, what knows what he's doing now.
I learned a lot from him.
He's popping in.
We got some other great guests coming up.
But the first 15 minutes of the next hour, I'm going to get into what they're going to pull on Trump.
If they lose, which they're going to, versus if they were able to cheat so bad that Trump loses, then if he contests, you're back in the same spot.
And they've set the table.
They've got it all pre-programmed and ready.
You can see them setting it all up, as Trump said yesterday.
And so Trump and my language mirror each other most of the time because we're just realist folks that know what we're talking about.
Just like you see the same thing.
You tune in here because you already see what I'm saying for yourself.
And then I give you intel, you don't have, you give me intel, the guests give us intel.
We're just people that want a good future and don't want to be lied to.
And I'm fighting as hard as I can politically and culturally to not have this go into a real bloody civil war.
And I just hope if it really kicks off, like I warned you, don't go down and fight Antifa.
That's a decoy.
Remember who did it.
If you're in a war, you don't go after the privates.
You go after the leadership of the New World Order.
They're the ones saying we're the enemy, they're gonna get us, they're gonna kill us.
They're the outside funded power.
I'm saying the military, the police, everybody, you're going to have to choose a side very, very soon if we don't fix this peacefully.
I just suggest we fix it peacefully.
And I'm not going to lead any, you know, operations or anything.
That's not, that's not my hat I wear.
I'm just a realist here laying out where we are.
All right.
See, my brain's already thinking about, well, what are you going to do, Jones?
And I'm like, whoa, that's a whole nother wing of the brain.
And is it ready and sitting there waiting like a 400-ton monster slobbering with 18-foot-long teeth, dripping acid?
But that's the monster in all of us, isn't it?
And we just want to keep it tied up, break only in case of war.
Well, war cometh, releases the goblin.
So let me hit this notion.
You have the individual that started all the latest rioting in Wisconsin.
And when I read about this guy the other day, even worse come out.
He didn't die.
Jacob Blake.
His neighbors called him on him.
He's got sex assault charges, underage sex charges, all these drug charges.
I mean, a rap sheet 80 feet long, even before he became an adult.
They don't even have a bunch of stuff secret.
And so they call the cops and there's all these angles of him beating up the cops and then chasing him around.
I would never want that job.
And then everybody that called the cops on them is screaming and yelling at them!
So, that's the reason to go burn down churches and car dealerships?
And to run up and aim guns at police and aim guns at journalists?
Go ahead and roll it.
Mom, get back!
You have to get back!
Now, let's look at another shooting where these officers died, and talk about that.
This is the shooting of the PGPD officers, and this was something that's getting almost no attention nationwide in McCannicksburg, Pennsylvania, when the suspects in the robbery call, people called the cops that they were robbed by these guys, and then the police officers, three of them get shot, here it is.
And you don't hear about the cops.
You don't hear about what happened to them.
Three officers shot at suspects.
Retreated a car opening doors on same day as
The attack and the situation with the police in Wisconsin.
And I've read the police died.
I guess they were injured.
That's good news.
Injured three officers.
Oh, there was another report of other officers shot dead.
Oh, sorry, I got this mixed up with another one.
I'll get to you after the break.
Meanwhile, our militia tries to stop looters and rioters in Kenosha.
We have that video on Infowars.com.
A Ben Warren article, very, very important.
We have Black Lives Matter agitators harass a white couple for refusing to raise their fist.
Well, at least they didn't shoot them in the head like folks at checkpoints.
And it goes on and on and on.
And then we've got all this other footage of people running up to journalists and putting revolvers to their heads.
Do we have this bleep?
Can we play that?
Let's go ahead and roll that.
Whoa, that's right, man.
Whoa, that's right, man.
That's right.
So imagine trying to go out there and people are aiming guns at you.
Well, we have the armored vehicle is trying to go to a scene of a burning car dealership and burning apartment buildings.
And the media is like, oh, they're agitating in their armored vehicle and the people are blocking them with assault rifles.
Someone's blocking you with assault rifles illegally.
If the police were randomly blocking things for no reason and doing it, I'd say fire them.
I'd say they're tyrants.
It's not the police doing it.
It's these lunatics.
And this is what our country has turned into.
This is all by design.
As I told you, they've been ratcheting up and building it up ahead of the election.
They tried to kick all this off during the midterms.
And this is what the Atlantic Council and the CFR and all these people have been pushing.
And so I'm saying they should be held responsible for what they've done.
You know, a federal court upheld the Anti-Riot Act.
But they said Trump and the federal police can't arrest someone commanding folks to burn things down, which is conspiracy.
But in Charlottesville, two people that came that were part of the demonstration, they're to blame for the woman that got killed, so they're going to jail.
So the Democrats are going to pick and choose how they enforce these laws.
It's what they do, ladies and gentlemen.
So it's a very serious situation.
We're going to go on a break, and I'm going to come back and really try to be as judicious as I can and boil down exactly what is going to unfold, the different scenarios.
But it will be one of three scenarios, but they're all basically the same scenario, unless things are stopped.
If we just sit here and let the crime syndicate Democrats, funded by a consortium of evil, run their operation, then
They're going to carry this out, and once they're in control, if we don't stop them, I'll break down what it's going to look like, and the next plays they're going to pull.
But it's going to be long, it's going to be hard, and it's going to be nasty, nasty, nasty.
But we can stop it.
You are the modern Paul Reveres.
Tell everyone you know to tune in now.
Tell everyone you know to say, hey, pssh, Band.Video, and send them to the live link page of the show, the Alex Jones tab.
All my videos plus the live feed, or InfoWars.com forward slash show, or NewsWars.com forward slash show, that doesn't get censored, that link as much, it goes to InfoWars.
And we've got links to the live show and stuff on Paul's site, Summit.News, that's a good site to send out.
Just please do that.
And please remember, we're going to have to end it coming up this weekend.
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This is such a historic time.
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If you don't spread the word, Paul Revere will be right back.
How do you contest an election in the year 2020?
Well, you trigger race riots and you tell the blue states and blue cities, when you're the Speaker of the House, that you are legitimately now the President.
That's what she said on CBS News.
And then you're going to have those blue states secede.
Yes, that's officially called a civil war, ladies and gentlemen.
And the Democrats are backed by the EU, Hollywood, the Chi-Coms, and the whole globalist
This is treason with a capital T. And our federal government is so paralyzed with cowards they won't even stand up against it and do anything, even though our president has been exposing it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
There's a very important video on InfoWars.com that deserves to be seen.
Maximo Alvarez knocks it out of the park.
A Cuban immigrant to America.
The full speech is long.
Everyone needs to watch it.
Everyone needs to see it.
When we come back from break, I'm going to lay out the big globalist master plan on how to stop it.
We'll play a few clips here.
Incredible times we live in, but here's what Maximo had to say.
Through hard work and determination,
President Trump knows that the American story was written by people just like you and I, who love our country and take risks to build a future for our families and neighbors.
I may be a Cuban-born, but I am 100% American.
This is the greatest country in the world.
And I said this before.
If I gave away everything that I have today, it would not equal 1% of what I was given when I came to this great country of ours.
The gift of freedom.
Right now, it is up to us to decide our fate and to choose freedom over oppression.
President Trump is fighting the forces of anarchy and communism.
And I know he will continue to do just that.
The full speech is on InfoWars.com, the full article by Don Salazar.
I hope you share it.
Again, I just keep going, share, share, share.
You've done it.
You're the core.
The globalists hate you.
They wanted this network off the air because of you.
They don't want you having a focal point of guests and articles and videos and analysis as a launch pad, a launch base, a fire base to get the word out.
We're going to go to break after the special report, and we're going to come back, and I'm going to lay it all out, do the best job I can.
I hope you, again, take this letter when it's posted to Bandot Video and share it.
But we got pedo groomers from hell, folks, out in the open.
So remember, this is all out in the open now, what you're about to see.
This is their religion, destroying innocents.
This is the reality.
Here it is.
This is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal, is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.
The woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Stardom Young, right?
Breaking news, we have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
Shake your butt!
Shake em, shake em, shake em, shake em, shake em!
What alternate universe is this?
What planet did I wake up in?
What has this world come to?
Some people consider it provocative.
It's not inappropriate.
Family programming.
Love it.
There is now a push to normalize pedophilia.
This is going to be marketed to children.
It's going to sexualize children.
It's going to tell girls they can be boys, boys they can be girls.
And it's the same kids that they just forced to watch the Cardi B softcore porn video.
And so this is just a big demonic exercise.
It would make me feel liberated.
Right here on her privates.
And if you push those, she makes these sounds.
Now does anybody in this room know how to twerk?
I couldn't even get through one episode of Big Mouth.
I mean, it's literally children having the raunchiest, most disgusting sex, sexually oriented conversation.
Meow, meow, who's got the cream?
Me, I've got the cream.
It will never be okay, as much as Hollywood wants it to be.
Under MKUltra, they experimented on children.
We were even taught this in psychophysiology program, that if you get to a child between ages one and six, or one or eight, especially with sexual abuse or sexual trauma,
You will split their personality and they will be imprinted the rest of their life and many times that results in split personalities and disassociative behavior and other things.
And that's why it takes critical thinking.
The people have got to look at this stuff critically and see what they're being fed so they can cross that psychological line that they just refuse to see it when it's right in front of them.
People that blow the whistle on elite pedophiles tend to have accidents.
We are grooming the new generation of Americans to be fully embracing of diversity and inclusivity.
And that means bowing to them.
The inchworm effect.
Successive approximation.
First they tell you only stay in your house for 15 days so the hospitals can stay empty.
That was all a fraud.
Then wear a mask for a month.
Here we are six months later.
Then they start making people at colleges and at big corporations wear wristbands showing that they've been, quote, contact traced and tested for COVID.
Then comes the apps.
On your phones and the global social credit score now being rolled out by Virginia, California, and others.
It's not coming, it's here.
And then the inoculations, if you ever want to leave your house, which amounts to forced inoculations.
This is the medical tyranny takeover.
These are not classic vaccines that have their own problems.
These are DNA vaccines that change your DNA and are having massive, serious side effects.
This is about depopulation.
Bill Gates admits that.
This is an emergency.
Resist or die.
The New World Order is here.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, at the end of World War II, the United States dominated the planet.
By 1955, we had about 53% of the world's wealth.
We had the biggest middle class on the planet, bigger than all middle classes pretty much combined.
But then corrupt corporations came in with the Rockefellers and others.
They all brag about it.
This is all on record.
The Rockefellers, the Carnegie, the Ford Foundation.
And they set up the program of complete and general disarmament and incrementally break up the country, divide the country to push liberation theology that would make racism against whites a new religion by minorities.
This is the cold-blooded establishment
Not wanting brown people to go, oh, I want an American system for South Africa, or for Libya, or for Venezuela, or for Japan.
Of course, Japan got the American system.
Look how successful they are now.
So, our system, and this was in the British newspapers, it was in the Russian newspapers, if you go back 220 years ago, there are front page Times of London articles called, we must stop the American system.
We can't compete with it, our mercantile system of licensing, our centralized systems can't compete.
Now, Germany ended up being almost as powerful as the US, with only 40 million people in it by World War I, because they had such good scientists.
So then the full-page ads in the British newspapers were, we've got to stop the German system, the German problem.
Type in, British newspapers, the German problem.
You'll get the old articles.
It was the top news.
And it wasn't the...
It wasn't the British people that were doing all this.
It was the empire of these powerful families that was competing with America and competing with the Germans and the Russians to a lesser extent.
You saw how the British Royalty and others actually funded the Bolsheviks to go in and take out their cousins, the Tsars, and set up that nightmare.
So that was, you know, the British intelligence helped do that.
So this is very nasty people, folks.
Very, very Machiavelli, very evil.
But then after
Really, World War II, it was cemented.
The United States merged with the British Empire for World War II.
And that's called the special relationship today.
So, let's get down to brass tacks.
The Brits paid for all this.
They're great people.
The UK is under this new world order.
It's been colonized by the third world populations, the globalists themselves colonized.
You're saying, you're supposed to tell us about the Democrats' plan.
Well, here's the deal.
America now is supposed to be folded into this international order that the British Empire model set up, and at the center of that is to be communist China, and the United States and the UK are to now be
Dissolved, basically.
Well, there are certain elements in the U.S.
and in the U.K.
that are saying, hey, why don't we just not do that?
So it's the E.U., the CHICOMS, Hollywood, the left, this international system, the big corporations that have agreed upon this Rockefeller plan, Rockefeller Rothschild plan.
They all write books about it, white papers, Chinese century, all of it.
It'll be a worldwide authoritarian system, and it will fully erase Western values.
So there's a fight inside the establishment about, well, why should the CHICOMs run it all?
We want to run it all.
Plus, we don't want to have one-child policies and do all this stuff.
So, there's a fight in the establishment.
And Pelosi and all these people are just bought and paid for henchmen.
They carry out the operations they're supposed to.
Demoralize the nation, bankrupt it, shut it down.
All that's public now.
Give you worthless college degrees.
Get you into debt.
They're now out in the open because
Take your guns.
This is the collapse point.
It was already supposed to happen under Hillary Clinton and fold us into the world government.
Because you can't have an open, free society with guns and private property and families and swimming pools and churches and all this because they can't compete with that under an authoritarian system.
They say it's bad for the earth while the globals fly around on their jumbo jets.
So they want a post-human world.
This is the end of freedom, the end of largesse, the end of all of it.
Because a lot of folks don't care about freedom.
Well, how about caring about food?
You're not going to do well in the New World Order.
99.9% of people will have less under this.
This isn't an attack by the 1%.
This is an attack by, we did the math once, of how the, you know, only a few hundred people have 80 plus percent of the wealth, and it came out to .000000000042.
And that's just a guesstimation, you know, with the numbers we have.
So it's this tiny group, doesn't want air travel for you, doesn't want you eating beef, doesn't want you going to the church you want, doesn't want you raising your kids the way you want, because they want your kids sterilized.
They want a post-human world.
So here's what's going to happen.
There's a plan the globalists are following.
Trump they see as a speed hump, as something that slows them down, as tar.
That's their own description of it.
Now, if we can use Trump to get full control of the U.S.
and England and Brazil and a few other areas, we can really build a global alliance for a pro-human future.
And that's what we're promoting here.
And I know as their evil plan comes into fruition, people won't be laughing anymore.
They'll be listening to what I said.
Notice, they have.
How many thousands of times for people who have been listening 20 years or longer than I say,
I'll say all this now, you'll laugh, but then later we'll have total credibility, and everything we said will be dug up and looked at as gospel, because it is, because what I'm saying will happen, because the globalists are on track to do it, and only once we wake up will it slow down and then stop.
So we've slowed them down, so they're having what they call an evolutionary jump point, where they're locking it all down, forcing us onto the new system with the COVID right now.
So here's what's gonna happen.
Trump is going to win in a landslide.
They've put out 80 million ballots at least that are just floating around on purpose to gum up the post office, shut everything down.
They then claim Trump was sabotaging and taking mailboxes away and wouldn't give them the money they needed to count the votes to legitimize the narrative when it all messes up that Trump did it.
When the post office didn't want the money, they didn't need the $25 billion, Obama signed the order to remove a lot of the mailboxes you see around town.
You know, the old-fashioned big blue heavy ones.
They go videotape that happening here or there, say, oh look, Trump's doing it.
That was a hoax.
Election night happens.
They have engaged in so much fraud and electronic fraud and illegals voting and dead people voting that Trump narrowly loses.
Trump then challenges the fraud, as he rightfully should, has the evidence.
They call him illegitimate, begin seceding, have their own inauguration.
They said they will.
The more apt, the more probable scenario, because the landslide is so big, the revulsion Americans have is so big, to Russiagate and the other coups, is that Trump wins in a landslide, there's a ton of fraud, but he still barely wins.
They then say, okay, he didn't win the popular vote, we secede as well.
Or he wins the popular vote, they will still
Say that he shut down the post office and that he didn't give him the funds and so the votes didn't get counted and so he's illegitimate yet again, even if he officially wins.
All three scenarios, you're going to have contention, you're going to have a challenge.
They win, it's a fraud.
Trump has to challenge.
Trump wins the Electoral College but not the popular vote.
They challenge.
Trump wins overwhelmingly, resoundingly.
They've gummed it up so bad with all the fraud and all the textbook crime and all the 80 million fake ballots and all the rest of it and the rioting and the disasters and the COVID and the idiocy that they challenge that as well and they intend to run this scenario one way or another.
Now we better ask ourselves, we better ask political analyst Ali Alexander, we better ask everybody what we should be doing 69 days out now, every day, to counter their false narrative.
Because they say Trump will have the countervailing talking point, that there was fraud when he loses.
They're all over the place.
The whole mail-in ballot thing's a fraud.
If he challenges, the military must remove him.
But even if they don't, we will break away and form the real America.
Won't matter if he has his inauguration, we'll have ours.
This is coming out of Pelosi's mouth.
They're preparing their whacked-out followers for this.
An Atlantic Monthly.
The New York Times say, if you don't elect Biden, we're going to burn America down even worse.
So they're terrorists on top of it, saying we're going to burn and kill and do all this if you don't bow to us.
The classic definition of terrorism.
So let's talk about, when we come back, what happens in any of these scenarios if we don't stop them, and what they'll do if they're able to get rid of Trump, and what they've got planned for you and your family.
Believe me.
I'm not going to tell you this to scare you.
I'm going to tell you what I know.
I don't believe.
I know their playbook.
I know what they'll do.
I think you figured out, folks.
I'm not blowing steam here.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
When the corrupt establishment began pushing Joe Biden two years ago, they knew he had serious cognitive problems.
He has always been an empty suit that does what he's told by the globalists and their allied crime syndicates.
Kamala Harris is even worse and does whatever she's told.
She's bought and paid for by Silicon Valley, the Chai comms and others.
So she has been chosen because she's part
African, and now anyone that criticizes her will be called a racist and evil, and she is now above reproach.
Ladies and gentlemen, we must expose this monster for who she is.
We must expose the fact that she wanted minimum sentences for black people three times longer than white people, and that the woman is a monster.
Kamala Harris will end up being our president if they're able to steal the election.
And she is a 110% New World Order puppet.
Now more than ever, we must expose this monster.
We must expose the globalists.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You can feel the energy!
All of our regular guests that are doing a great job have been on fire.
But the guests that were already on fire have been fire on fire!
One of those is Allie Alexander, great political analyst.
We're good to go.
The rioting, the looting, the breakdown of society, what he thinks the left's going to do next, how they intend to challenge the election, no matter what angle you go with, they're saying they are.
And the fact that once they get in control, they've said they're going to bring America to its knees.
They're going to bankrupt things.
They're going to keep the lockdown going indefinitely.
I think Trump's wrong from their own writings.
This is a U.N.
level event.
This is bigger than Trump.
Sure, they've exacerbated it, made it political because of Trump.
They were planning this at the U.N.
level for a global lockdown, a global drill, according to Lockstep, for more than 20 years.
Lockstep talks about how they were preparing these things 20 years ago, and Lockstep came out 10 years ago, the Rockefeller Report.
I get all these calls on air and off air going, show us the Rockefeller Report.
Folks, just type in Rockefeller Foundation Report Lockstep.
I mean, you can find it in 10 seconds.
I mean, the crew, we're not... I sit here and talk about this stuff on the air and the crew just types in what I'm saying and they pull it up.
So, anybody can look this up.
I know it sounds crazy that there's an admitted plan to bring in a global police state and lock us down and shut down the industrial society and get rid of non-essential jobs and make us dependent on robots so they can then dictate that we be sterilized to have money put on our credit systems in the future.
Tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership?
I mean, these are quotes, ladies and gentlemen.
We're showing it on TV right now.
I get radio listeners just think, man, this guy says some wild stuff.
So Allie Alexander joins us for the balance of the hour.
We're also going to get into the Q movement, which has a lot of good people in it, but I've said it would be used as a wedge in the Republican Party coming up in the campaign, because they can have people posing as good Q, if you believe that there's a good Q running and all, and there's a lot of psyops going on, and so how do we salvage good stuff from the Q movement?
I agree with the Congressman.
Gozer, who came out and said, no, there is child trafficking, there is Satanism at the heart of the Democratic Party worldwide and other groups, and it's wrong to have Kevin McCarthy poo-pooing it and then attacking Q itself, which has become a huge movement and in the base.
So I want to like Q. I want people involved in Q to realize it's very esoteric, very cloudy, and so it's dangerous.
So we'll talk about all that, what he thinks Trump should do, and so much more.
I want to just say this, Ali, and then I'll hand things over to you.
Do you not agree with me that we've said Trump needs to take the gloves off and say Democrats work for the shy comms, they hate America, they're anti-free speech, they will destroy you, they want to bankrupt you.
That's not rhetoric demonizing the enemy, that's who they are!
And their radicalism, they've hoped, is so radical Trump won't ever critique it because that sounds radical and that's really where they run this psy-op when as if you really just double down on who they are and what they've done, it's over!
And if we just stop caring what mainstream media says when we attack the Democrats for who they are, they're done.
It's the Emperor's New Clothes.
Ali Alexander.
I think that's a great political strategy.
Call them out for who they are.
Let's look at major cities like New York in the 80s and the 90s.
When there is a crime wave, when there is riots, when there happens to be suburban flight,
Republicans are put into office by Democrats, Independents, and Republicans because we're willing to call a spade a spade.
Donald Trump was the only Republican of the 17 who talked about highways and crime.
Those are issues that affect everyday Americans.
If Donald Trump goes ahead and says, you know, I'm the President of the United States, but this hasn't been my administration, this isn't Trump's America, and my second term will really be my first term, if you'll give me a mandate, I think the American people will give it to him.
I think that people are terrified.
They're terrified in Wisconsin.
In Minneapolis.
They're terrified in San Francisco, Seattle, and Los Angeles.
And this is a uniting message that we can take to stop this, you know, color revolution, struggle session, whatever you want to call it that's happening on the progressive Marxist left.
Folks will ask, why are they doing it?
It'll blow up in their face.
Well, it worked in Ukraine when Soros ran it six years ago.
It worked in the Middle East.
I mean, this same group of internationalists have done this around the world, and it works, what, about 80% of the time?
And they're not going to get in trouble for doing it, so why not try?
Yeah, people need to remember these aren't people after an immediate end.
These are people who are trying to incite and engulf us into controversy.
It will never be the first thing.
It'll never be the second thing.
It'll never be the third thing.
It's about the fourth or the fifth thing that divides America into two sides that they start bickering over, any country really, and they start bickering over and then you're engulfed in a civil war, a conflict, and it becomes their revolution.
They destabilize the country.
This is why George Soros gaslights and funds these groups, so that he can destabilize the dollar, he can make a ton of money on it, and remake America in his image.
I mean, they've done it everywhere.
They did it with the Great Leap Forward in Mao's China, they did it in Ukraine, as you say, they've done it in Russia, and they plan to do it here in America.
They tried in the 20s, they tried in the 60s, and here they are again, 100 years from their original attempt with us.
That's right, and on the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in 2017, Soros and all these guys bought full-page ads saying, we're going to do it here.
Next July 4th, we're going to overthrow Trump.
And I went, look, full-page ads, and CNN went, Jones is lying, saying Soros is funding an overthrow of the country.
It's bizarre gaslighting.
Like, why would they buy full-page ads and say it, the New York Times, but then say, I made it up?
I don't even understand that.
It's completely, I think it's kind of,
It's kind of disarming.
It just sounds too fictional to be true.
But then we think, well, who owns Hollywood?
Who owns the media?
It's these people.
They've been signaling to us.
They've been programming us with these movies like The Purge and all these other things that, hey, this is what we want you to do, young people.
They've been doing it with video games.
And I get a lot of blowback when people tell me, oh, Ali, you can't blame video games for the youth violence.
And I'm like, you absolutely can.
All of this stuff is impressions in a child's head.
And it's to normalize violence.
It's to normalize political violence.
Well, that's right.
I mean, in the old days, my old friend Joe Ruggen would say, oh, come on, Alex.
You know, it's not making people be shooters.
The fact is, the military developed video games with first-person shooting back in the 60s and 70s because they wanted to have instinctive shooting because people wouldn't kill somebody up close, and it's a killing simulator.
We're not saying ban them.
We're just saying be honest about what they are.
They are combat simulators.
Right, and we do this with cigarettes, right?
These cigarettes have giant labels on it.
I think that social media, if they're gonna hijack your dopamine and hijack your serotonin, or video games are gonna do this, they should also come with giant disclaimers that you can't skip through.
People need to be very, very aware, and you know, it's perfect that you just said that, Alex, because it proves you're a historian.
The normal person, even the educated person today, doesn't even think that, oh, all video games have always been first-person shooters.
That's not true.
That's absolutely not true.
And so when they made it more of a first-person game, it did simulate violence.
And let's see, there's more school shootings.
There's more mass shootings.
There's all kinds of randomized acts of violence.
There are people who want to go out with manifestos and great acts that get covered in the media.
This is our new norm.
Almost every mass shooter
...is the same M.O.
in-cell video game had on serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
So, when you take a psychotropic drug on top of a combat simulator, statistically, there's a small percentage that'll go out and kill people.
We're not saying the general person's bad at playing it, but those certain people, it triggers them to do it.
Allie Alexanders, get on.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com.
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Now, it was one thing three months ago to say that all the different riots and street battles and looting and burning were peaceful.
But now that you've seen the thousands of videos online, and they even admitted on the news, the burning apartment buildings, the burning police stations, the burning federal courthouses, the people being shot at, leftist communist militia checkpoints all over the country in the head,
And all the racial attacks on white people because the media says whites are inherently evil.
You'd think now that mainstream media, enemies of the people, as President Trump names them, would stop lying.
But no!
Just last night, CBS News describes the riots in Wisconsin, in Kenosha, as peaceful.
Let's begin with what is happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
It is so disturbing and so upsetting and it keeps happening.
This follows Sunday's shooting of a black man by police, shot seven times in the back.
A second day of peaceful protest, which is what the Black Lives Matter is really about.
A peaceful protest gave way to clashes overnight.
Police used tear gas and multiple vehicles were burned.
Ali, I've seen the numbers.
Between 14 and 20 innocent black men a year are adjudicated to have been shot wrongly by police.
We know there's some bad cops.
But in almost all these cases, black people call the cops.
It happens.
The guy had all these convictions, rape, underage sex assault, all these crimes.
He's running around beating the police.
It's on video.
He gets shot.
And he's still alive.
Meanwhile, three cops get shot.
Nobody even cares about that in Pennsylvania.
What's really going on here?
I mean, the media selectively knows what they're doing.
They zoom in on this, but ignore the, what, 20-something murders a day?
Most of them black folks in Chicago.
Yeah, I mean, I think that we're watching the death throes of cable news and then we'll eventually watch the death throes of broadcast television.
So I think this is kind of their last hurrah.
Everyone knows they're lying.
They know that they're lying.
But all that they're doing is producing propaganda clips to incite people to take the streets in these riots.
And that's all that they're doing.
I've never seen, uh, I'm just really trying to think about it, you know, 20 years on the internet since I was 14, and I don't think I've ever seen such a justified shooting in my entire career, or in my entire, you know, time on the internet.
And so, um, you know, this was a bad guy who did a bad thing, and the cops did the last thing they ever wanted to do.
And you and I both know, you know, you know, you gotta empty the mag.
And, um, and, uh, they, they didn't.
You know, you know, seven bullets sounds like a lot.
Um, but, you know, uh, but it's not.
Well, what happens is, the guy's fighting him.
He's reportedly had weapons or something.
The point is, you can see the fight, the scuffle.
In the second you start shooting a gun, the guy spins around and gets shot in the back, just like the guy at the Wendy's, which I'm sad he's dead, but he's attacking him with a taser, and then finally they shoot, and he turns as they shoot, and it's like, oh, shot in the back again!
And all I'm saying is, don't call the cops!
I mean, these people call the cops on this guy, and then they get freaked out when the guy gets shot.
Yeah, and Alex, you know, you're libertarian leaning.
I'm a supporter of criminal justice reform.
It's not like we're shilling for the police state or the cops all the time.
But it's very clear that the worst guys are being highlighted by the media.
And, you know, I think that that's a chance to take our argument to the left.
And to the middle class left, these people who think that they're, you know, building some high society.
Hey look, your utopia is not working out.
You've aligned yourselves with the feral left, the progressive left, the Marxist left, and they're going to kill you.
I think
Oh, that's a great idea.
Trump should go to these zones.
Well, that's what I said when they tried to knock him out of California.
People said, oh, don't go to California.
They're not going to vote for you.
Go there and show how out of control they are.
And Trump should go there with the burning buildings in the background.
You know, this happened during Ronald Reagan, what the Carter campaign didn't realize, and then the Mondale campaign didn't realize, is that Ronald Reagan would have these giant American flags behind him, and now it's a field inside of politics called Advance.
And they're the people who set up all the staging, all of the visuals, and, you know,
It's kind of stupid because we Republican operatives, we always want to tell our secrets after, you know, we do a victory lap and then the media finds out and then the left copies us.
And so that's what you saw Bill Clinton do.
Prior to that, you know, Democrats, you know, they may have been a little patriotic, but they didn't really get the Hollywood level production that Reagan got.
And so I think that we again need to reinvent the visuals.
If the media is going to put Trump on TV and say bad things,
What is the viewer watching who has the news on mute?
Or what are they subconsciously seeing?
And they should see a desecrated church, a burnt parking lot, or riots, and this guy, Donald Trump, should be the guardian of Western civilization.
And I just think that that contrast would give him a landslide.
He can't, he can't, you know, I think I can use this word, he can't pussyfoot with it.
You know, he needs to just leave.
No, I totally agree with you.
He's got to take it head on because they hope what they're doing again is so radical that we don't call it what it is because that sounds radical.
There's footage on Infowars.com, just dozens of videos an hour going up.
Video, Kenosha man punched by a rioter for trying to protect his business from being looted.
They're trying to set it on fire.
He has a fire extinguisher.
He shoots it at him.
So they stop breaking the windows out and they beat him.
Hey dude, you should have been there with a riot shotgun.
Okay, I mean seriously that's how you defend your businesses is with a shotgun But let's go ahead and roll the footage of him being knocked out another racial attack And then people want to rob the business, but they want businesses in the area hmm
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Remember the black police sergeant shot in the chest trying to defend a pawn shop?
Yeah, I mean, here's the problem, Alex.
This is what keeps me up at night, is these people exist.
We're good to go.
And, you know, we should find the clips.
Out of D.C., they have a struggle session.
If you don't raise a fist of solidarity, now they harass you.
There's no Anthony Fauci saying, hey, you gotta stay six feet away from them.
No, no, no, no.
The media is endorsing these struggle sessions.
They want people to raise this fist in solidarity.
And this is a Marxist fist.
This is to say, hey, the lesbian, the gay, the black, the other minority, the other minority, we are only strong together.
And that's what the fist means.
And, you know, they just want to overthrow America.
And it sounds like fiction, but we're watching it take place on video.
And now the Satanists are emerging out of their rat holes and are now leaders of Antifa.
This is just unbelievably biblical.
It's unbelievably biblical.
I mean, that's absolutely right.
We're watching people put hexes on people.
They have Twitter hashtags and Facebook groups.
They're not hiding anymore, Alex.
This used to kind of be, you know, the quiet thing that people whispered about.
But the Marxists, the progressive left, Antifa, Democrats and Satanists are all working together and media is providing them with sexy propaganda tools, you know.
I'll tell you who told him to do it.
Remember Maxine Waters said, go to their houses, go to the gas station.
When they're at the mall, you get in their face.
We'll be right back with Ali Alexander to talk about the election.
What do you think is going to happen when they challenge it, when Trump wins?
Stay with us.
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You hear that?
That's the march of the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Coming with their battle plan psychological warfare operation with the forced inoculations and the permanent lockdown of civilization and society.
They're outlawing people being able to get colds or the flu.
They're creating artificial phobias for normal death that takes place.
They're not even promising to have a cure to it all.
They're just inflicting
New phobias on everyone to bring in their planetary regime directed by the WHO with vaccines that actually change your DNA and make you owned by Microsoft.
It's a final frontier.
It's the year 2020.
It's not coming.
It's here.
And submission is blood in the water.
I'm going to say something right now.
That is one of the most important things I've ever said, so please listen very, very carefully.
Donald Trump is not the reason they released COVID or had the lockdown.
They already had this plan, the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates.
It is beyond critical.
It is life and death for you and your family to understand, no matter where you live on the planet, that this is a worldwide, world government takeover, on record, that it's never going to end.
The United Nations has admitted that.
First it's a month, then it's six months, then they say, okay, it's two years.
They're now saying two years.
They're now saying you'll never go back to normal.
No more gatherings, no more anything.
Constant forced inoculations that they admit don't even work.
And the way they say they work, they change your DNA.
This is the culling of the planet.
This is the beginning of the straitjacket being put on you before you're slowly tortured to death and killed.
Do you understand?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
Time is on our side, as the left's out in the open.
They're always able to take over covertly, but once they emerge, a lot of the times they get defeated.
They're going to contest the election.
Trump's going to win it.
They're going to try to steal it.
They're going to try to secede.
It's going to be crazy.
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Welcome back to Ali Alexander.
Let's get into the Cube Movement, its providence, where it came from.
I mean, I can tell listeners that high-level White House people did not like it two years ago.
I can tell you people in U.S.
intelligence did not like it.
I can tell you people told me that it was a disinfo op to later divide the Liberty Movement and be able to inject disinfo into real stories like the pedophilia scandals to then discredit them all.
I think so.
Where people really go down the rabbit hole and there's all these priests of the Q movement and it's all very, very esoteric.
You want to trust things that are out in the open.
I'm not in competition with Q. I hope it does well.
There's been a fight over it.
I know that when Pence got photoed with deputies that were into it, it means the deputies are good.
They hate the New World Order.
They had that tweet taken down.
So now when people hold up Q stuff or whatever, Trump's like, OK, yeah, Trump's trying to be positive, ladies and gentlemen.
So you're good if you're in the Q thing.
I'm just saying if someone says they're a secret agent and drive your train into the harbor, don't do it.
Or don't try to go blow up the Hoover Dam because Q told you to.
They're using it as an interface, just like Anonymous has a lot of good people, but bad guys can wear Guy Fawkes masks.
And just be aware that they're going to try to drive a wedge.
And now you notice they're taking some of the things that, you know, supposedly the Q Lord said about Israel and attacking Trump.
And all the rest of it.
So Ali Alexander has a nuanced understanding of this.
Give us your view on the whole Q movement and salvaging it, because a lot of good people are involved in it.
But at the same time, it becomes a priesthood that then territorializes info and says, Jones, you never exposed the Federal Reserve, the New World Order, the child kidnapping rings, Bohemian Grove.
You know, Q snuck in there.
And you know, Q is above the president.
Q is the master.
Trump is Q. And then you have Arizona representative
Paul Goeser coming out saying, no, the leader of the House, Republicans, McCarthy's wrong.
Child trafficking and the deep state are real.
So again, I want to defend Q because Q's saying a lot of real things.
You're saying a lot of real things.
But then it's a perfect place to set people up.
And so now you see the dialectic taking place.
Explain it to him, Alan.
You know, you know, I'm relatively a normie, you know, not so much anymore.
But but but I've spent most of my career as a normie.
Alex, you pioneered the investigation into some of these issues, issues that people just thought, oh, that's too much.
You know, that's too fictional to be true.
And so it's kind of like a black church.
Someone shows up 10 minutes late and then sits at the front of the front pew.
And that's how I look at the Q movement.
A lot of people who love these causes and love this country and want to investigate things, but they don't want to do the due diligence and they don't want to do the research of the work of the people who have come before.
Guys, I lost Ali's audio.
All right, can the crew talk to me real quick?
Okay, all right.
Massive legal operation.
I know the Biden campaign is working on that.
We have to have poll workers, and I urge people who are able to be a poll worker.
We have to have our own teams of people to counter the force of intimidation that the Republicans and Trump are going to put outside polling places.
This is a big organizational challenge, but at least we know more about what they're going to do.
And, you know, Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out.
And eventually, I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch.
Joe Biden's entire economic platform seems designed to crush the working man and woman.
Beijing Biden is so weak on China that the intelligence community recently assessed that the Chinese Communist Party favors Biden.
Joe Biden and the radical left are now coming for our freedom of speech.
They want to bully us into submission.
If they get their way, it will no longer be the silent majority.
It will be the silenced majority.
Now the Republican Party is the home of free speech.
The place where anyone from any background can speak their mind.
And may the best ideas win.
People of faith are under attack.
You're not allowed to go to church.
But mass chaos in the streets gets a pass.
It's almost like this election is shaping up to be church, work, and school versus rioting, looting, and vandalism.
What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace, and if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that too.
But we cannot lose sight of the fact that our police are American heroes.
They deserve our deepest appreciation.
All right, folks, we're back.
Occasionally, we have a board problem.
We thought it was the Skype, but I lost audio, not just Ali Alexander.
So I'm going to push our next great guest back 15 minutes, because what he's saying was very nuanced, very smart about all this.
And I want to explain how dangerous and destructive this is.
When you allow something esoteric that has a leader, but you don't know who they are, like Cobra Commander,
And then it can set you up very easily.
We need accountability.
We need to know where we're going.
We need radar.
We need navigation.
So our next guest is great, but I want Allie Alexander, as long as it takes, to start over and finish up what you were saying about this, because they've now blown this huge deal.
Where they then go, oh, see, you know, there's underground bases and when you hear earthquakes, that's them blowing up the bases with the millions of kids and releasing them.
That's cartoon Avengers stuff.
Are there underground areas with breeders, with kids that get sacrificed?
John of God?
Do they use underground tunnels to hide kids?
Did Ted Gunnarson expose that on my show 26 years ago, FBI agent?
So we're going to talk all about that.
And then for rebroadcast, or for, not for rebroadcast, we post this to Bandot Video, we can cut that Cattywampus jackknife breakdown, because the crew's great, but I'm not getting audio, he's not getting audio, and I'm just sitting there, nobody's talking to me, so I had to go off the air there.
But we're going to go to break, we're going to come back with Ali Alexander for two more segments, then we have our next guest.
He was a really great guy and I really enjoyed being on his show on Blaze TV.
He's also a great country music singer.
Chad Prather is going to be on the show.
And we're going to talk about the election.
We're going to talk about the world.
We're going to talk about everything that's unfolding.
And then John Rappaport is coming up as well.
But remember, no one has built a truly independent operation like this except InfoWars that really gets what's happening with the New World Order.
The fact that Glenn Beck didn't like Trump and was more mainline
I didn't like that, but now that he's got it, and his network's got it, and they understand what's going on, I'm all for the Blaze.
I'm all for Rush Limbaugh.
I'm all for Sean Hannity.
I'm all for Tucker Carlson, because they're like InfoWars now, and Media Matters, and CNN, they get that right.
It's not because they're copying what I say.
Once you have the worldview of understanding the globalists, and once you dial into that, and once you understand it, then you get the whole entire thing and it suddenly makes total sense.
And that's why top generals listen to me.
It's why the president listens.
Because we've really studied history and the whole wide spectrum analysis of the program to then understand it from the globalists' perspective.
You've got to see it from their perspective long-term to understand why they're doing it.
If you don't have that, you don't understand it.
Allie Alexander is our guest.
Back with 50 more minutes and our special guest.
Stay with us.
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You can really break civilizations down into two types.
Predatory and non-predatory.
Or oppressive, conquest-based, or renaissance-based.
And of course, different types of civilizations and countries and political systems of history, at the present, are mixes of the two.
But with globalism, it is a post-human ideology.
So it's scientifically geared to be oppressive, and the rationale is social Darwinism, that the ruling class are elites, and because they're in power, they have a right to rule over you, poison you, dumb you down, sterilize you, and kill you.
So all the people wearing masks like outside at the park and stuff are living in a total hoax and think their act of submission is an act of working for the common good in a collective.
It's a sign that you're a slave who will take the forced inoculations.
The federal government and Yale are studying the forced inoculations right now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Ali Alexander, we had a little technical difficulty on the board, which never really happens.
And so we got cut off there.
Not the fault of you, the crew, or anybody.
Just fate here.
Start over.
You were really getting into how this is so important.
I want the Q movement to be good.
I want it to be based in fact.
I want it to be based on all the real information about global child sex trafficking so we can stop it.
But I've noticed with a lot of folks, they don't want when it's proven and real and right there and you can show who's doing it.
But if it's like there's a secret battle under the earth and all this.
But as the general public wasn't aware of all this, I guess as these simpletons become aware, a lot of them, they're going to go through this process of being childlike at first.
What do you think?
Yeah, I mean, there's being red-pilled or based, and then there's being a normie.
I think that I've spent most of my career and most of my life as a normie.
While you are pioneering some of these issues and investigating some of these issues, there are a lot of people, normies like me, who say, oh, he's crazy.
Who even cares what he's saying?
And, you know, as we started investigating, we're like, oh, he's calling out the central planners.
Oh, he's calling out the Luciferians and the Satanists.
Oh, he's calling out the Marxists.
You know, what Alex Jones is saying is actually mostly accurate.
And I think that the QAnon community, most of the community, is good, red-blooded, patriotic Americans who are discovering that we do have oligarchs and that these people do need to be deposed.
I think that in some of the harm, and I agree with you, is that Q doesn't have any accountability mechanism.
And for Christians like you and I, people who have read Paul's letters to Timothy, we're like, well, then there's no corrective, you know, mechanism.
There's no ability to rebuke bad doctrine or bad thoughts.
There's no ability to question leadership or to raise yourself through the ranks and, you know, maybe be ordained.
So it's weird you have this church
Over in the in the Q community that is is very secular in nature but talks with a lot of religiosity.
And so I think that that is some of the harm there.
But yeah, I think that we both agree.
I think that most people would agree that a majority of the Q people
There are teachers, there are firefighters, there are cops, there are retired folks, and there are good people wanting to investigate bad issues.
But yeah, it's a little too esoteric.
And Alex, one of the frequent retorts that I get in with people on Twitter is like,
It's like, well, Q doesn't end up making predictions.
And it's like, well, that's strange because in 2017, Hillary Clinton was supposed to be arrested.
In 2017, Obama wasn't supposed to return from international waters.
There are a lot of things and what people need to understand is that Q has actually switched hands two or three different times.
And so we're looking at a different version of Q than we necessarily were three, you know, two years ago.
That's right.
First it's 4chan, then it's 8chan, and we just believe.
It's beyond the Oracle of Delphi, and they have these oracles in the ancient world, where you would go up, there's nitrous oxide coming out of the ground, women, mainly virgins, would get on it and have hallucinations and say what the gods told them.
But famously, they would pay somebody to get into the rocks and, you know, tell them that, oh, you're going to lose the war, and people would believe it.
This is literally like going to an oracle, a hole in a wall, and it's just telling you something, but then you're not supposed to question it, even though, as you said,
It's changed hands a bunch of times, and so people wake up, we do the work, wake up the New World Order, and then we're just like, step aside, like you said, the person comes, like in the black church, Bill Clinton, just walks to the front and says, I started this church.
Yeah, yeah, just to put that in here so that people aren't saying, oh, Alex Jones is talking about the black church.
I made a joke 10 minutes ago on the show and I said, you know, it's kind of like the black church.
You show up 10 minutes late and you sit in the front pew.
And I think that that's what we have a little bit in the Q community.
And what people like you and I have said, people who have built our careers in this, survived, you know, vicious media taxes, is like, hey,
If you have something good, you're still going to have these infiltrators.
And what we saw actually a month ago is one of the very, very popular Q people, his name is Educating Liberals, I don't want to throw him under the bus, but his name is Dylan Wheeler, was a very, very big Q person.
And now he's not only turned on Q, he's turned on Trump.
He says that Trump is a Freemason and a satanic pedophile.
People like you and I have warned that, hey, if you investigate some of these issues, you are going to get a little paranoid.
And so,
If you're not working with other people who have verifiable information or sources that you can vet, you're going to end up in the wrong place.
That's right.
Stay there.
We're going to come back in 60 seconds and finish up with this.
But I predicted this a year ago.
I said, I believe Q during the election will target Trump.
The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid.
Now, inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
I know this sounds insane, but if you read the writings of the Globalist, it's all on record.
You have been warned.
You have been given the information to say no to this plan.
This is the end of all life on Earth as we know it.
This is the alien takeover of Earth.
When I grow up, I want to be a rock star!
When I grow up, I want to be free.
And I'll take you on.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want to salute all the patriots that are pro-human because more than an American I'm a Christian and more than an American I'm pro-human.
But I love the American system.
It's the greatest example of human liberty.
We've had our problems, but it's under attack by the technocrats and the globalists because they want full control over humans to turn us into a globalist commodity.
Ali Alexander is a great political analyst and pundit.
Chad Prather, who's running for governor in Texas and a great talk show host and great comedian and great country music singer.
And he's with the Blaze TV.
He's going to be joining us.
But getting back into this Q thing, because people can find the tapes where I said,
This cute thing is so esoteric, so gnostic, so hidden.
Occult means you don't know where it came from, what it's doing.
It's all cloak and dagger.
It's mysterious.
You don't know its providence.
You don't know who its daddy and mommy are.
You don't know its roots.
You don't know where it's from.
Much less somebody just comes into town and wants to sell you something.
How about you can't even see him?
It's an invisible man.
And so it said all these things like,
They locked him up.
They're on prison ships.
This is two, three years ago.
Obama's going to jail.
It's all over for the New World Order.
On and on and on.
And none of that we're supposed to talk about.
You're an Israeli Mossad agent.
I talk about it.
I don't even talk about Israel.
I mean, the ADL says I must be silenced.
I'm not against Jews.
The ADL is a leftist group working against everybody's interests.
But yeah, I think Israel has a right to exist.
I don't think it should be turned over to the Islamists just to blow it up.
But Trump, he's good.
His daughter's husband, his son-in-law, is a Zionist, is Jewish.
Trump moves the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but that's okay.
He's battling Mossad, Q said.
This is the original Q that had a little Hitler mustache.
But then I'm not involved in Israel.
Never been there.
I'm the evil Jewish person.
Meanwhile, George Soros isn't a problem when he helped round up Jews.
So, I'm not attacking Q because that's the general public.
They bought into it.
It's their identity.
We exposed the New World Order.
That's the globalist operating system.
We won that war.
So then this counterfeit shows up to be all esoteric and lead the Pied Pipers.
You know, notice Julian Assange says it's a Pied Piper set up to put out disinfo to cloud WikiLeaks and other legitimate things.
Well, he's locked up in solitary confinement.
But see, I bet Q says he's actually free, isn't he?
You know, you don't know sometimes, but you know, I agree.
It's like we love the Great Awakening.
We love that the deep state is being challenged, but what is a greater risk than sleeping people?
Disinformation and misinformation and attacking our allies.
And, and that's what I find very strange too is, is that Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Mossad president.
And, uh, you know, after this administration, people are actually going to find out some of the things that, um,
Other agencies have done to protect this president, and I think that a lot of people are going to have to eat some crow.
But yeah, you've seen some people like this Dylann Willer character.
He's betrayed Q and betrayed the president.
You've seen other people who should remain nameless because they should be shamed, and they're trying to lead Q off into this other direction.
If it's a morale booster,
For the Trump re-election campaign, awesome.
If it's an investigation into pedophiles and Satanists and Luciferians and central planners, awesome.
If it is anything else, it ought to be questioned because the only infallible person who's ever been here on this earth is Jesus Christ.
Everybody else has made a mistake.
Every forecaster, every pundit, every analyst, every journalist.
And so I ask the Q people,
Where has Q been wrong?
Well, well, I don't know.
I'm like, well, you should know, and they should want to tell you when they're wrong, and they should want to correct the record when the record is wrong.
And what you see is that they're just engaged in tactics where, well, I'll put out these drops, and then the interpreters will interpret it, and I'll push that along, but if an interpreter's wrong, then I'll say, well, then that wasn't a part of a drop.
And it just becomes, you know, super- It almost sounds like how Islam does it.
We're good to go.
I don't need to go join a club to be an elitist.
I don't want to be a Q priest.
I built InfoWars for we the people.
It's not centralized.
It's not a cult.
You don't have to adhere to our code or take codes from us.
As one goes, we all go.
And then I just see constant infighting and constant attacks and constant grifters coming in and claiming they're with Q to run their own scams on the Q cult.
Why doesn't Q call out the scam artists and the grifters and the people counterfeiting Q that are within the Q community?
Why not take that corrective step?
I mean, Alex, you've had to kick people off your show before.
People who have posed as people who are seeking the truth come on your show, gaslight you and your audience and say, hey, I want nothing to do with you.
And so, you know, I think that we ought to remain skeptical because that's healthy.
That's adult.
And we should be pro-human.
And I like that.
I like some of the drops that are very, very pro-human.
But let's not pretend that this thing is infallible.
Let's be about, you know, Trump 2020.
Let's be about making America great again.
Let's be about American sovereignty.
But everything else deserves to be questioned.
And it ought to be put through a really, really rigorous vetting system.
And what we're seeing is that a lot of these people happen to be imploding and exploding here in the last leg of Trump's reelection.
And that's not a coincidence.
You predicted this.
I predicted this.
Other people predicted this.
And so we got to look for the bad elements that have infiltrated Q, because it's very easy to infiltrate Q. Very, very easy.
That's right.
I mean, it's like
Having your windows open, your front door open, I mean, this is just, it's just, it's designed for that.
And if PS can't admit that they got snookered on something, but because they were good, tens of millions came to it because they were good and it made it a lot better.
And the president almost started embracing it.
And I know the inside baseball folks and everybody involved.
So we want to embrace Q, but we can't have it if it's a schizophrenic
We just cannot have a weird, occultic thing where we go to an Oracle or Delphi and it tells us what to do.
Let's shift gears the last two minutes.
What are other big topics you got?
What do you think about the RNC?
Trump declaring the Democrats the enemy.
Pelosi declaring Republicans enemies of the state.
I mean, this rhetoric's really coming down to reality.
Who is the enemy of the state?
Who is the enemy of America?
Well, I think we know who they are.
Yeah, I think that the RNC is outperforming the DNC hands down.
I read an article today that said the RNC on its first night had four times the viewers than the DNC, and that was kind of the tempo that I got just from a couple of glances last night.
So the Republicans seem to have pulled the rabbit out of the hat.
I was really nervous about this whole virtual convention, but I think that we'll have a good night because Team Trump
I think?
This is really all an exercise on them stealing everything they can up front.
That's right.
They are losing intellectually worldwide.
We're not just putting
Perfume on a pig here.
We're winning, humanity's awakening, but now the enemy is going to fight back with their rearguard action, a scorched earth action, and it's just good to see, and I did see the ratings were way higher for the Republicans.
The Democrats were so empty, so plastic, even with fake actors as the audience.
I mean, they really just are, are, are, are nobodies because they, they have nothing inside of them.
Ali Alexander, thank you so much for the time.
People can find you at A-L-I on Twitter and so much more.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
See you tomorrow.
All right.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have got Chad Prather coming up.
He's running for governor.
What's going to Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden's cognitive ability or lack thereof and so much more.
He's a great guest.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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This is a maximum alert, a maximum alert.
As of taping this alert, we are 82 days out from the election.
As many of you know, in the last year, I've pointed out statements out of the Council on Foreign Relations and other globalist organs that they know Trump is going to win in a landslide.
So their strategy will be to contest the election if they fail to successfully steal it.
Then, they are openly now war-gaming.
This is in the New York Times.
Having Democrat states and cities secede from the Union, just like they've ignored Trump's policies on coronavirus and kept their areas locked down.
That is nothing but a dress rehearsal.
They are saying they're going to have their own separate inauguration, not in D.C.
They said in another city.
Pelosi has said this.
When they crown Biden and Kamala Harris.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the organized civil war.
This is their public criminal plan.
We should be praying.
We should be spreading the word.
We should be demanding Trump on the office to expose this criminal activity.
How do you contest an election in the year 2020?
Well, you trigger race riots and you tell the blue states and blue cities, when you're the Speaker of the House, that you are legitimately now the President.
That's what she said on CBS News.
And that you're going to have those blue states secede.
Yes, that's officially called a civil war, ladies and gentlemen.
And the Democrats are backed by the EU, Hollywood, the chi-coms, and the whole globalist system.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Chad Prather is our guest on YouTube, Chad Prather, P-R-A-T-H-E-R, and on Twitter.
Watch Chad, he's got a successful popular show, The Blaze TV, and more.
He's a successful national comedian, and of course, country and western, they got both types.
A great musician will play one of his music videos, you know, with the lockdown coming up next segment.
But thanks for coming on, my friend.
Great to have you here.
It was great being on your show.
Got a lot of great feedback.
Where do you want to start?
I mean, the RNC versus the DNC, Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Biden, this reanimated corpse.
Where do you want to go first?
Let's do that.
Let's start with the DNC and the RNC.
It's crazy, isn't it?
I'm kind of proud of Donald Trump coming out on day one and giving a speech.
What do you think about that, Alex?
I think that's a pretty good deal.
So much for tradition, right?
Well, I think he's the bigger draw, plus they're trying to strangle him getting on the news, so it's the exact right move to make.
And he declared war on them and said they're enemies of this country.
That's who they are.
Yeah, you and I have talked about it a little bit in the past about how he needs to cast a big, big vision right now, and I think this is a good opportunity to do it.
He's not a guy that's going to shy away at all from being in the spotlight or the limelight, so I'm thankful that he's doing it the way that he's doing it.
It's his RNC to control, and after watching the DNC, it's like a kid got
And Senators were cussing.
It looked like Access TV from the 1990s.
It really did.
It was F, F, F, F, F. I mean, you can't make it look any worse than what it did in the Billy Porter song with the Stephen Sills.
It's something that I just can't look away.
I felt like I was watching a Timothy Leary record in real life.
In fact, the only reason I could watch it is it was so bad because I'm in TV production and I could just see how horrible it was.
Why do you think they're so unprofessional in everything they do?
They wreck everything they touch.
They really do, and they think they're so displaced from reality that they don't see it.
Now, here are people who are connected to the media.
They're connected to Hollywood.
Anybody out there in any studio in Beverly Hills, in Hollywood,
They're connected to every celebrity out there, all of the production people, and that's what they came up with.
And who is she waving at?
Who is Kamala Harris?
She's waving at the delegates, right?
But then she turns around and she gives the big hand wave to the back of the room.
There's nobody there.
And so it's funny.
I got a big kick last night also, though.
I'll be fair.
I got a big kick out of Kim Guilfoyle screaming like she was at a rally.
For her speech, great speech, but my gosh, when you got an empty room there and you're screaming at the thing, I was sitting there thinking, I can't imagine what the household with Don Jr.
and Kim Guilfoyle must be like if they ever got into an argument with one another.
In fact, we'll have that clip next segment since you raised it, but absolutely, I predict a Trump landslide.
What are you thinking?
I think it's going to be huge.
I think it's going to be historic.
I think bigger than Reagan-Mondale.
I think this thing is going to be so big.
I think people are going to turn out.
I think that the mail-in ballot is going to be absolutely fraudulent.
I think it's going to be messed up.
You thought the 2000 election was a mess with dimple chads and hanging chads and swinging chads and bubble chads.
Indented chads and all of these chads that are out there.
Wait till you see what happens here.
You thought Iowa was a mess with the app.
Wait till you see this thing.
It's going to be a nightmare, Alex.
And so I think that conservatives are going to turn out in full force at the ballots.
I think you're going to see lines down the street, around the block, in the highway.
Nobody's going to be social distancing.
They're all going to be in there to cast a vote for Donald Trump.
It's going to be an absolute blowout.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows Joe Biden is not the candidate.
You've got Kamala Harris who obviously didn't poll even 2%.
She's the actual candidate that's in there.
But I don't know what tricks are up their sleeve.
Who knows what they're going to pull.
My next question is, they've got some big brains above them.
Is it that more and more they're in their own elitist bubbles and they really have zero self-awareness?
They have no clue.
It's absolutely entertaining to watch.
If it weren't so scary, they don't know.
You know, they come out, the phoniness is palpable, right?
Kamala gives her acceptance speech, and then Joe comes out on stage.
They give an eight-foot air hug, which just looks ridiculous.
They act like they haven't seen each other in months, and they just showed up at the family reunion.
Then Jill comes out.
I don't know if Joe can smell his sister on her or what the deal is.
And then Kamala's husband comes out, and that is phony and fake, and they look like they don't even like each other.
It's a weird, weird thing.
It's like, oh my God, look at this.
If I was a Hollywood producer trying to make a movie about fakeness, it would be super hard for Steven Spielberg to do it this well.
But they're so... And I'm not trying to harp on this.
It's just, it's frightening how fake they are.
Well, you can almost see the strings of the puppeteer.
You can almost see the strings.
If you stare hard enough, you can see that these people are being manipulated and controlled.
Somebody's got their hand up their ass.
I was about to say, they even move like puppets.
Not just Biden.
You can say, well, he's brain dead.
She moves like a puppet.
Yeah, no, it's so stiff.
And you look at that interaction between Harris and her husband and how stiff that is.
There's no sense of romantic.
There's no sense.
You know, I mean, there's you would come out and you would think there would be some not just congeniality, but there would be some intimacy there.
And it just doesn't exist.
So I watch this and I'm amazed that anybody could be so brain dead and brainwashed as to think that this is reality, that these people actually give two cents for your opinion.
Quite honestly, Alex, I don't think they would pee in your ear if your brain was on fire.
I think they care.
So in 70 days, the day after the election, 69 days out, I think we're going to see burning cities worse than we've seen.
I think it's going to be worse than the last six months combined.
And I mean, Pelosi said they intend to have their own inauguration.
They're going to contest it.
They're trying to sell the idea of states succeeding.
And people say, well, that's crazy.
Well, they've always gotten away with each try.
They fail.
But their hoax, their attempted coup gets bigger.
What do you think they're going to pull?
I think everything that you're watching right now on the news, for instance, Kenosha, that Kenosha did not start out as even a protest.
It went straight to riot.
So now the expectation is not a, quote, peaceful protest, which I'm glad the media calls it a peaceful protest, because otherwise I'd be confused about what burning and looting and murders look like.
But this is destruction of private property from the get-go, this right from the start.
So the more we get used to seeing this over the next two months, the easier it's going to be for people to stomach it after this election.
Because I foresee the ludicrousness of this thing, Alex, is going to be so big that
It's going to be such a landslide unless and less fraudulently the cheating happens.
The landslide is going to be so big that then it's going to be amazing to watch them contest this, but we've already seen how brainwashed they are.
They will not accept reality.
So this get used to this folks.
The only thing that I say to it in these final moments here this segment is that you better be prepared because these folks are going to wander into the wrong neighborhood.
And it's going to get very ugly, and I'm not advocating for violence in that, but I promise you these folks are making a mistake.
Chad Prather, you just hit my next point.
We'll come back and talk about it.
The plan is to get citizens clashing.
They hope for a black mob to go into a white neighborhood, but they haven't gotten that yet.
It's mainly whites pied pipering blacks to do the violence.
Leftists, antifa leading it, but that's what they're hoping for.
That's just what's happening.
And some more images of maybe a cop misses when he gets shot at, shoots a kid, and that's what they're looking for.
We'll talk about
The incredible next 70 days with our guests, Chad Prather.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
Remember, you're Modern Paul Reveres.
Only way this gets out is you tell them, folks, about the local stations you're listening to and share the links.
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And now everything I've warned people about is coming true because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents like lockstep.
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It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app and every company that are on Apple and on Droids don't just track your location, but your surfing history, where you go, who you talk to, your relationships, and they all share the data with each other of what you're doing on the apps as well,
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And the UN said yesterday, we don't need vaccine nationalism.
You will take it in every country under UN control, and corporations will enforce that.
You won't be able to fly or have business if you don't submit to us.
This is world government takeover.
And they're using, of course, the virus to do it, not blue helmets coming to take your guns.
They first politically and medically take over.
Chad Prather is here with us.
I should also announce he's running for Governor of Texas.
And I know with a heavy heart, because I wanted to believe in Governor Abbott, who's done a lot of good things, but man, he is really singing to the tune of Bill Gates and Fauci and Governor Newsom.
I know people that are very close to him, the Lieutenant Governor, they're shocked by him.
Well, at the end of the day, Alex, I'm shocked, too.
I was proud of Governor Abbott for a long time.
I was thankful for his voice.
I was thankful for what he did.
I was thankful for the positions that he took.
And I will tell you,
Uh, this is very disappointing.
I, you know, when a guy comes out and says, we're going to, I encourage you to wear masks when you're at home, even if you're out in your backyard.
This is nonsense.
And so I was at Rushmore with Trump back in July and he came out with the mask mandate.
I took to Twitter and said, that's it.
I'm a guy who never wanted to run for public office.
I had no intention and reluctantly as a candidate, I said, I want, I'm going to run for governor of Texas.
I had no idea the support was going to be
As big as it is, but people came out in droves because they're sick of it, Alex.
They're absolutely insane.
Someone said Texas is not the Texas that most Texans think it is.
They're comparing Texas now saying we need to be more like South Dakota.
They don't have South Dakota toast.
They don't put South Dakota flags on a bikini.
We don't make waffle irons in the shape of South Dakota.
We do that for Texas.
We are Texas by God.
And so for Texas to be compared to these other states and say we need to be more like them, that our governor needs to be more like Christine Noem.
No, we need to be leading the way.
So goes Texas.
So goes the rest of the nation.
And we are in shambles right now when it comes to personal liberty.
Okay, I'm voting for you.
You sold me.
I will take that endorsement.
I will take that endorsement, Alex Jones.
And I'll tell you this, I don't want to bring myself up, but it's a bellwether.
I covered stuff that I had research on.
The media would misrepresent things I've covered.
I've gotten things wrong before, but not on purpose.
And I've grown a lot and learned a lot.
But they've tried to make all Republicans run for me.
Well, that doesn't hurt our audience.
Our audience knows what's going on.
But when Republicans embrace what we're doing,
They get elected because it's grassroots, it's populist, I'm just a regular guy like everybody else that's done the research, and the fact that you aren't scared to come on the show is another big endorsement for you, but also more and more all these other big shows that were scared to have me on, they're having me on because people realize
This is mainline info, and they can try to distract away from the sex rings and the child kidnapping and all of it, but that's really a bedrock of Hollywood and the left, and you've had the courage on your own show, I've watched some of the episodes before, to expose Jeffrey Epstein and this whole thing, that the media tries to poo-poo, but they can't poo-poo it, it's real!
Your take on that?
It's real, and they've known it's real.
They've known it's real for a long, long time.
All these guys that have sat in the Oval Office, they knew it was real, but it took Donald Trump getting elected for that finally to get exposed.
You know, these guys have these billionaire clubs down there in these resort communities.
Jeffrey Epstein is having his parties.
Donald Trump shows up and says, nope, something's not right here.
We need to get the hell out, and that's exactly what he did.
And now Trump's in office and suddenly Jeffrey Epstein rises to the top.
And the thing about Jeffrey Epstein, let's talk about this for a second, because not only is that tied to the pedophilia ring and the island and the Lolita Express, but let's go to New Mexico for a second.
Let's talk about the eugenics.
Let's talk about the things that were happening there.
His relationship with Harvard, his relationship with MIT, his relationship with Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation.
Him trying to create basically a whole generation of little Jeffrey Epsteins by bringing in virgins that he could impregnate and create a whole community of little Epsteins.
He wanted his head, he wanted his penis cryogenically frozen in case they could bring him back from the dead.
He wanted his semen saved, he wanted all these things.
So you get into that and then you look at what's going on with coronavirus and the things that are there.
There are so many cogs in this wheel, so many things at play right here that people just want to gloss over and they don't want to look at it.
This should have been exposed back in the 90s.
This should have been exposed in the 2000s.
And now?
We have this going on.
Finally, with a guy like Donald Trump in office, we're starting.
I tell people all the time when I'm on stage doing comedy shows, think of what in the hell you wouldn't know if Hillary Clinton had got elected.
The things you wouldn't know.
We would think that the Justice Department, we would think that the FBI, that the CIA was nonpartisan.
That they didn't pick a side.
We know that's not true now.
We know the things that are being covered up.
We know the things that are being hidden.
And I love you, Alex.
And I'll say it publicly.
I'll tell you that.
I'll say it on my show over and over again.
And I say that not to kiss up to you, but to say this.
And we saw this over and over again when we aired that episode with you on here, on this show, The Chad Prather Show.
There were so many people who came out and said, I can't believe you're talking to Alex Jones.
You've got to be careful.
And how many people came in behind that in social media threads and said, yeah, but how many times has the man been right?
And we're exactly in agreement with that.
How many times has Alex Jones been right?
You stood in the gap.
You've exposed so many things.
You've admitted yourself.
You've been wrong on things.
I've admitted that I've been wrong.
I've said over and over again, I would love for a politician, Joe Biden says, hey, ever since March 1st, I've got the Biden plan.
We're going to roll this thing out.
We're going to defeat this pandemic.
What the hell is the Biden plan?
I want somebody to stand up sometime and say, well, I don't know.
I don't know what in the world's going on, but we're in this together and we got to figure it out.
Well exactly, and they demonize InfoWars to create a bellwether to then make Republicans run from their base and common sense.
People should run towards what the Democrats are attacking and celebrate people that have told the truth.
And so that's why InfoWars is a testament to our audience keeping us on air because it's been hard, it's been rough, but now...
That all this stuff's coming out.
We're really getting stronger than ever.
It's actually pretty scary.
What do you think the deep state's going to do as more and more of their crimes come out and as their coups against Trump have failed?
I mean, even if they somehow killed Trump, God forbid, or got him out, there's an irrevocable awakening going on right now that I don't see they can reverse.
Yeah, you could call it red pill or whatever you want, whatever terminology, but people are starting to wake up.
And the reason is because they've been sweeping things under the rug for so long, the rug can only take so much crap.
And now people are having to step over the rug.
The rug is becoming the elephant in the room, quite literally.
People can't...
They're looking at these things, everything from... And they've gotten blatant with it, like we talked about with the riots.
You're Robert Francis O'Rourke, who says, hell yeah, we're coming for your AR-15.
Gun confiscation, mask mandates, all of these things that are being spoken openly.
They're not even hiding the agenda anymore.
Why do you think they've gone deep?
It's not deep state, it's shallow at this point.
It's all being brought to the surface.
And we're being conditioned, as Americans, to simply believe what we hear.
And it goes all the way back.
Okay, so you take these protesters, quote-unquote protesters, these rioters, they're getting in your face.
These are people who have never been truly punched in the mouth, right?
Because what did we have for years and years?
We had anti-bullying campaigns because if you stood up for yourself, you were being a bully.
Now you have people who are in these restaurants, they're protesting people and badgering people and bullying people because they won't lift their hand in solidarity with a movement.
And they're saying, you know, white silence is violence and all of these things.
They're bullying these people.
These are people who have not been punched in the mouth.
I grew up in the woods.
Some people are from the hood.
I'm from the woods, man.
We had a whole different ethic.
Whenever it was time to, you know, my father told me, you don't start the fight, but by God, you better finish it.
And that's the way we've moved so far away from that.
We've failed to quite honestly discipline our children.
But that's it.
It's the left that says everybody's bullies, but statistically they're the biggest bullies ever.
They're the most vicious.
And then they come up and point guns at people in Austin.
An army sergeant kills them dead.
Rightfully so.
I mean, they're LARPing is what they're doing.
They're live-action role-playing, and they're going to get hurt.
Our friend Elijah Schaefer that hosts Slightly Offensive here on our network, he comes out and he says, you know, he's up in Kenosha right now, had a gun put in his face last night, you know.
At some point in time, they're going to put the gun in the wrong face and it's going to be real because you're not, you can come for the AR-15s, you can come for all you want to come for, but I promise you, you're not leaving with them.
You're not leaving with them.
This is again, by God, Texas.
And there's some, there's some neighborhoods out there that
Yeah, I always say the hills have eyes, Alex.
Stay right there.
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The social engineers bet on you not having a memory, more than anything.
They also bet, as they constantly talk about it in their own words, that you will adapt to being a slave, that you will learn incrementally to submit.
So think about and remember the phases of the Fauci fraud.
Remember that everything he said has been a premeditated lie.
They lied about where it came from.
They lied about person-to-person.
The UN covered it all up, then exaggerated the death rate at 4% when it's actually 0.032 now and dropping.
Then they set the test up to count almost all false positives.
They put the names of people that died of other diseases in the COVID column.
They only said there'd be a 15-day lockdown.
Now we're six months later.
Now they say it's permanent.
You gotta wear masks forever and forced inoculations are coming and they're gonna track everywhere you go and what you do.
The global social credit score and the UN is the boss.
Anybody questioning it is censored off the internet, loses their job.
That's called 21st century tyranny.
That's called world government takeover.
The inchworm effect.
Successive approximation.
First they tell you only stay in your house for 15 days so the hospitals can stay empty.
That was all a fraud.
Then wear a mask for a month.
Here we are six months later.
Then they start making people at colleges and at big corporations wear wristbands showing that they've been, quote, contact traced and tested for COVID.
Then comes the apps on your phones and the global social credit score now being rolled out by Virginia, California, and others.
It's not coming, it's here.
And then the inoculations, if you ever want to leave your house, which amounts to forced inoculations.
This is the medical tyranny takeover.
These are not classic vaccines that have their own problems.
These are DNA vaccines that change your DNA and are having massive, serious side effects.
Guaranteed, this is about depopulation.
Bill Gates admits that.
This is an emergency.
Resist or die.
The New World Order is here.
Attention, attention, attention to anyone that still wants to live in a free country.
The New World Order, CHICOM Globalist Syndicate, is making its move to implode the dollar and thrust the United States into a civil war by contesting the election.
They are openly wargaming this at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.
Nancy Pelosi and others have gone on television and said they will contest the election.
Trump is going.
They will hold a separate inauguration for Biden and Kamala Harris.
And then anyone challenging that will be called a racist.
They will then trigger race riots and violence they've already beta tested around the country.
We are not living in normal times.
When these type of things happen in history, people are usually caught flat-footed because they can't believe they're living in such a criminal era.
We are.
We are living in the period where this criminal globalist syndicate that's been feeding on America is being exposed and removed.
Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the country.
Spread the word now, Paul Reveres!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's our final segment with Chad Prather.
I'm Alex Jones.
And the only way the word gets out is when you take action.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are in epic, epic, epic, epic times.
Trump's not exaggerating when he says most important election in U.S.
history is do or die.
And so it's not a pat on the head when I thank you for your support.
It's not a pat on the head when I ask you to spread the word about this broadcast and other broadcasts telling the truth.
It is an absolute imperative.
You get excited.
You take action.
You put a billboard up on your property.
You fly an airplane, plug in a website.
You go to city council.
You call Washington.
You call talk radio.
You go knock on 20 doors.
You throw a block party and you cook hamburgers for everybody and invite them over to talk about Trump.
We're good to go.
We have to eventuate ourselves to InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, but I feel good hearing a well-spoken, smart, super-informed guy.
I'm on a talk show host that goes, oh, that's competition.
I'm looking for all these folks that have been around a while but are getting more prominent to be so successful.
The truth, I become obsolete.
That's what I want.
I want to become obsolete.
I want there to be so many Americans that wake up and freedom is so popular that we reverse all this tyranny and launch into the future.
That's what I'm looking for.
Exterminating the left politically, intellectually, culturally, spiritually.
A renaissance against them.
We need a total collapse of them because they're a parasite, a cancer.
They want to bring us down to conquer us.
Well, they must be eradicated like the damn Nazis.
They started the fight.
We're going to finish it.
You were saying the hills have eyes.
Well, now the hills that have eyes got arms and legs and they got a will and it's time to see them take action.
We're good.
And find the origination of the voice.
And when we find that, we're going to hear the truth.
We're going to understand liberty.
Once again, when we use technology, his perfect example was the DNC.
It looked like garbage.
They're not in control.
They're not even that creative.
They are parodying themselves.
They are caricatures of themselves.
You look at that and compare it to the RNC and just the sheer quality of it.
I'm telling you, we have the opportunity to build the platforms ourselves and take
To the streets with our voices, the cyber streets, everything else, because we are at war.
At the end of the day, you know, we entered into 20 years ago, we entered into this age of postmodernism.
Postmodernism is something that people can't even really define, but where you start creating your own realities.
And we started creating these culture wars.
And when I say we, I mean, as Americans in total, started creating these culture wars, started putting our voices out there on both sides.
And someone along the way dictated to us that the left was right, the left was compassionate, that the left was the sane ones, and they prove over and over again the insanity.
Somebody said to me about running for governor, I said, I want to keep Texas great.
They said, you want to keep Texas red.
And I said, you couldn't be any closer to the truth because redder is better.
And I believe in having the debate.
I don't believe in going on the defensive.
I think we take the debate to them.
We start the conversation.
We finish the conversation.
We are the ones who control the narrative.
We thought that meet the media in Hollywood.
Hollywood can't even make a movie right now, Alex, because people can't go to the cinema.
We have the authority.
We have the power.
They're making these major multimillion dollar pictures that they can't even put out at the theater anymore.
So they shut the whole thing down.
You know why?
Because this thing that's dictating to us, they can't even go to work.
Because they don't have an audience.
Who's the audience?
It's us.
We're the ones in control.
And then these videos where the so-called stars lecturers are like a comic book of fakeness, it turns into a huge internet comedy!
It does.
They're a parody of themselves.
They are quite literally a parody of themselves.
They are the least self-aware people on the planet.
Somebody who has had their ass kissed their entire adult lives and in many cases since they've been children.
They've never been told no.
They have no idea.
Of how they appear to the average person, you know, Donald Trump walked the he walked the construction sites, right?
He talked to these guys, these plumbers, these electricians, these contractors.
He talked to these people.
Here's a guy who's a billionaire who knows how to speak to the common man, the guy out there with a car on a lift.
In the middle of the Rust Belt, who's trying to keep his garage open.
Donald Trump speaks to that.
That doesn't make sense in this day and age.
But I'm telling you, common sense is not dead.
Complex thinking is on life support.
But people have got to come back to a place where thinking doesn't... It's a painful thing to do to think, right?
It's a painful thing to do.
It's a tough mental exercise.
But people have got to come back to that.
I want common sense for Texas.
I totally agree.
It's insane.
I mean, you look at these people, you look at the graphics, you look at the faces, the images, you look at the voices and listen to what they're saying, and it is pure insanity.
Let's put this picture back on screen for TV viewers.
I can't put this on Twitter or Facebook because I don't have one, but we're going to post this today, once the show's not live anymore, to Band.Video.
You'll be able to see, in the last few minutes of this hour, that's the
composite of photos of globalists.
And I'm telling you, they all look crazy like Charlie Manchin.
We're not trying to take a few crazy pictures here and there.
It's easy to find these.
What is wrong with these people?
They look like American psychos.
They really do.
This looks like an episode of America's Most Wanted.
It does.
Go back to the trial.
Go back to the hearing, the congressional hearing with Peter Straub.
And the smug, arrogant look on his little face.
He looked like a crocodile on PCP!
I can't even make those faces!
Like a snake!
Like a snapping turtle!
Here's a guy who just knew he was in control.
He knew that they couldn't touch him.
He could get out there and be smug, and he could be a smart-ass.
That's a cartoon character of arrogance!
Look at this guy.
Look at this guy.
There's zero humility in that face.
There's none.
Here's a guy who knows he's controlling the narrative.
He becomes untouchable.
And you look at it across the board, across the board, the smugness of it.
That right there, that's the effect of an anti-bullying campaign right there.
That's when you're afraid to stand up for yourself.
That's when you're afraid to punch somebody in the mouth.
This punk kid right here, he wouldn't have survived on my playground.
I can tell you that right now.
And people can call me a bully all they want to call.
They can say whatever.
But no, we stood up to guys like this because as you said earlier, these are the true bullies.
And we're not going to sit there and bow down to them anymore.
That's done.
That's over and done with.
I encourage every American, every true patriot out there that can hear my voice right now, I'm giving you permission.
We're not doing it.
You're right.
Well, what happens to me, famously in that chicken place with my wife, the guy walks over to our table, we're at the bar drinking margaritas and eating chicken, and says, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to get your kids, F you, trying to make me do something.
And I go, okay, there's a small Lucy chicken, there's a small thing inside.
Outside, I walk out, they're at the table, right by the door, filming me saying F off.
So I couldn't help it.
I went over and said, get up, I'll beat your ass, you're the one threatening me.
Of course, he wouldn't get up.
They edited the tape and said that I attacked them.
The Austin American Statesman, though, went there, talked to the waiters, because I said the second time he threatened me, I said, I want them thrown out of here, I'm going to beat their ass.
They're threatening me.
They caught him the third time doing it, told him stop.
So the statesman had to admit, down in the article, that they confirmed that that guy right there was coming.
Look at that look on him.
He looks like Strzok.
I mean, I'm not trying to say I'm gonna turn this guy around, but I have beat people to death a couple times.
I mean, this guy has no idea what he was up against, and he's an idiot!
Listen, you know, we go out, we do the comedy shows.
We are all over the nation, right?
We get the threats.
We get the violence.
We get the people who want to protest with the people that want to say things.
Most of them are exactly that guy right there.
They're weaklings with a big mouth.
They're keyboard warriors.
In most places, every now and then, we haven't even worried about hiring any extra security because it's all talk.
It's all talk, Alex.
And I've seen the videos of you being assaulted in the street.
People who want to make a name for themselves or get their face on television or whatever.
They always run away.
They always run away and they turn their backs to you and they walk off because at the end of the day, they don't have a true fight.
They don't have a true debate.
They don't have any logic.
They don't have any sense of self.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Yeah, no.
You know where the real world is, Alex?
I'm coming to Austin.
I'm going to come down.
I'm going to get with you.
We're going to have margaritas and fried chicken.
That's where the real world is.
We're going to solve the world's problems.
That's what's got to happen.
Absolutely, brother.
I really appreciate you.
Chad Prather at WatchChad and WatchChad.com.
Powerful 45 minutes.
Sorry I got you on late.
We had a technical thing that happened earlier.
We really appreciate it.
People can find your great show over at BlazeTV.
God bless you.
God bless you, brother.
Democrats are just going more and more left.
Many positive about socialism, liking it more than capitalism.
Many of the ideas we fought for that were considered radical are now mainstream.
The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party and Joe Biden is marching in lockstep with them.
Biden and the far left are promising to crush middle class families with trillions in new taxes.
If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.
Citizenship for 11 million undocumented folks.
I guarantee you.
We're gonna do fossil fuel.
In Joe Biden's America, the radical left get whatever they want, and you get to pay for it.
They've already taken over Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
Don't let them take over America.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, I'm going to hand the baton mid-segment to an amazing individual, John Rappaport, NoMoreFakeNews.com.
And we're going to be hitting some other news next segment.
I mean, the footage is pouring in to InfoWars.com.
So much of it is like dominating the site.
We have to just create a whole section that's just called Rioting Murder Death or Communist Uprising.
Former city councilman with Trump pitch down his yard.
Every day they're murdering somebody.
They've got a new TV show where Trump's a Russian villain.
I mean, it's just all fantasy time on Showtime.
Kenosha rioter shot in the face for coming in the wrong neighborhood.
I mean, it's just it's all going cattywampus.
It's all going haywire.
It's all going insane.
And it's an attempt to overthrow the country.
And like our last guest said, he did a great job.
Chad Prather.
These are people that got the participation trophies and never got in trouble for their bullying.
That's actually how this works because the left gets to bully and you don't get to stand up to them.
Because that's, you see in the news all the time, the person that fights back is who gets the book thrown at them.
In England, there's cases where people get robbed and raped and the husband gets loose and throws a guy through a window that dies.
Last time I heard he spent like 10 years in prison.
And I see these articles all the time.
Nigel Farage goes out, he could be the Prime Minister.
He's the guy behind Boris Johnson.
Super popular.
About to launch his own TV network, backed by Fox News.
And those folks, extremely powerful is the point.
A trailblazer.
And the police came to his house and said, well we might arrest you.
You went down to the English Channel and showed us bringing illegal alien Muslims in, military-age men by the boatload.
So you went out and showed them putting them in a hotel, now they're threatening to arrest him.
This is BS, man!
We're gonna get to that point here, we're already getting to that point.
Because once the left gets control of our police,
We're going to be living just like those individuals do in Europe.
Now you see the headline for the show today on Infowars.com and it says it all.
Trump is telling the truth.
Trump is leveling with the American people and explaining the Democrats are for a foreign force that wants to capture and implode the country to
Take control of everything.
That's what you do to get control for pennies on the dollar.
Trump levels the American people.
The Democratic Party is controlled by America's enemies.
Day 2 of coverage of the RNC as Trump takes off the gloves and rallies the American people to save the Republic.
Tune in and share the link.
And by the way, Deanna Lorraine last night
Hosted the first installment of the Election Countdown 2020 Take Back America.
The crew did a superlative job and they knocked it out of the park.
And I know that on the live streams we had about 120,000 people that tuned in.
As of this morning, the archive of it had an additional 30,000.
Okay, great.
It's great to talk to a football stadium and a half of people.
We need these videos, these live feeds, where she did such preparation.
The crew, and we have a small crew, we're taking people from every crew to do this for the election.
We're trying to hire more people, but there's a lot of training that goes on.
We have a great crew.
It deserves to be seen for nighttime audiences.
So, all the feeds, the network feed, the feed of my show, everything is commandeered 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern, 6 o'clock Mountain, 5 o'clock Pacific.
And we send out the show that only has four minutes of ads at the bottom of the hour, two at the top for radio and TV stations that want to carry us.
All of our ads are not there.
And so we're just running promos and special reports to take breaks.
But it is really powerful.
A lot of guests, a lot of callers.
Deanna Lorraine is going to be hosting three days a week.
Owen Schroer is going to be hosting.
I'm going to be hosting.
A lot of times we'll have multiple hosts.
Savannah Hernandez.
But I thought she did a great job by herself last night.
And everybody's really impressed.
You know, I've known about her a few years, saw her Skype interviews, things.
I said, if that woman had a crew, she's a life coach, a smart lady.
If she had a crew, she will knock it out of the park.
Better looking than most of the women on Fox, but that's not what matters.
She can look like an 80-year-old woman, and I'd have her as a host because she's smart.
And by the way, just between me and you in the fence post,
I'm trying to hire women.
Not just because I want that quotas.
I want to watch shows and hear from women.
I mean, I'm just going to be honest with you.
I like to hear their view.
And I like listening to men as well, but we need women here.
So if you keep us on the air and support us, we'll get women on all the shows.
I mean, Savannah got hired and she didn't want to be on air, but I made her get on air.
Look at her.
She's kicking ass.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Constantly, whether it's the New York Times, The Washington Post, or Howard Stern, you name it, they come out and they attack him full force saying, Jones claims civil war is coming, and financial collapse, and planetary lockdowns using viruses, and he tells people they should get off the grid and get prepared and have storable food if they can.
And now everything I've warned people about is coming true, because it was all in the Rockefeller Foundation documents, like lockstep.
This is the corporate planetary takeover.
So yes, I stand by what I said 10 years ago, what I said a year ago, and what I said last week more than ever.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
John Rappaport, there he is on screen.
Loaded as usual for victory against the tyrants.
NoMoreFakeNews.com takes over in just about four minutes.
This is life-saving information.
He's going to be covering the latest in the COVID-19 hoax and so much more.
Now listen, ladies and gentlemen, we are listener-supported, and I appreciate you, and I thank you, and you're amazing.
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So we have those at InfoWareStore.com.
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One to two weeks.
For it to ship.
Say you don't elect us, we're going to burn your cities down.
We're going to get you.
It's going to get a lot worse.
Atlantic Monthly said that too.
So you need to get your storable food, your water filtration.
Infowarstore.com is the place to get it.
Got a special on our great selection of shortwave radios and emergency radios.
15% off as well.
We have the charcoal activated toothpaste and mouthwash that doesn't have the fillers, doesn't have the garbage.
I think so.
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Those are two different ones of turmeric extract concentrate.
This is a turmeric concentrate.
They go together.
That is available.
Discounted as part of the introductory.
Every day, special sale.
We have 8-pack PowerStacks, Survival Shield X2, back in stock with so many others.
50-60% off with free shipping on those items.
So I'm done plugging.
That's what makes the world go round.
I was in there with accounting a few days ago and they said, listen, you need to do better plugs and plug.
Because you bring in enough money to find things and you stop bringing in enough money and
We need to probably bring on a few sponsors, Alex, so we can... See, during the breaks, you have sponsors, and they harass our sponsors away.
That's why we sell things ourselves.
That's why we sell you quality, so you like it, want to order it again.
Plus, that's the business angle.
I would just do that anyways, because I don't want the bad mojo of screwing anybody over.
All right, so much to get into.
I know he's going to cover it all right now.
While nationwide surge may be slowing, officials warn of troubling COVID-19 signs across the U.S.
It's not about deaths anymore.
It's about the numbers.
Van Morrison blasts COVID.
Pseudoscience calls for full capacity live music.
Wonder if he'll get banned because you're not allowed to criticize the false reality.
CNN interrupts Trump's speech, says he's a liar when he's not.
It's all coming up.
John Rathaport, No More Fake News, investigative journalist.
You are in command now, Admiral.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Here we are for our weekly confab and little cozy chat.
Featured this week will be a segment I like to call Idiots on Parade.
I looked at my notes and I thought, there's an idiot.
Wait a minute.
There's another one.
And, uh, started multiplying.
That's what idiots do.
They multiply.
But first a piece of good news from Germany.
640 Germans, doctors, epidemiologists, scientists, journalists, et cetera, et cetera.
Maybe up to a thousand by this time have formed.
Their own committee and they're calling it an extra parliamentary investigation of COVID-19.
In other words, what they're saying is the government is doing nothing positive.
It's completely negative.
The whole thing is a scam and we're going to prove it.
And we can't wait for the government.
So it's extra parliament because no political party
No group within the German government is doing anything to stop the insane economic wreckage and the lockdowns and so on and so forth coming from the scam.
So these people, many, many professionals in Germany are starting this group.
Should be one in the United States, which I have written about.
Decided why not call it the new coronavirus task force of a thousand doctors epidemiologists etc etc exposing the scam here as well.
Now I watched a little bit of the press conference from Germany and I was encouraged by them saying we're going to call in everybody who wants to come here and testify transparently
Openly, with no censorship, you can watch it online and see what they have to say.
This is unlike the government, of course, which makes all these insane decisions and criminal assaults on the population behind closed doors, and then launches out an attack, destroying lives, in order to bring us all into a brave new world.
So, kudos to
This committee in Germany, keep track of them, support them.
Those of you who are listening here, watching from Germany, definitely support this group.
Give them all the support you can, and let them overwhelm the government liars completely, because that's exactly what we need.
There they are.
Those of you watching, that's exactly the
Little press conference that I watched.
And they were saying, come to this room where we are.
We will put you on live.
You can testify.
OK, so that's the good news.
And now to the parade of idiots.
Let's see, I'm not sure we'll have enough time to cover Mark Woolbrain, I mean, Woolhouse before the break completely.
But he is a British epidemiologist who is attached to the government who has now come out and said that the lockdowns in the UK were a quote monumental mistake.
I know Infowars posted an article on this.
Monumental mistake that was done in a moment of panic
And we should never do it again.
A mistake is when you leave your shoes outside and it rains.
That's a mistake.
I don't care whether you put the word monumental or grave or unplanned.
Whatever you want in front of the word mistake.
This is no mistake.
This is a capital crime for which the government of the UK is prosecutable.
If such a thing existed, that's what would happen.
Because look at what they did.
They took the word of a failed criminal, Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, who made a prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK based on
Nothing, based on FORTRAN code, which, if you would enter the same data on the same computer several times, would give you different results.
This is admitted by the Imperial College Group and shut down England based on that.
So, we are at break.
We will be back more later.
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I'm going to say something right now that is one of the most important things I've ever said, so please listen very, very carefully.
Donald Trump is not the reason they released COVID or had the lockdown.
They already had this plan, the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates.
It is beyond critical.
It is life and death for you and your family to understand, no matter where you live on the planet, that this is a worldwide, world government takeover on record, that it's never going to end.
The United Nations has admitted that.
First it's a month, then it's six months, then they say, okay, it's two years.
They're now saying two years.
They're now saying you'll never go back to normal.
No more gatherings, no more anything.
Constant forced inoculations that they admit don't even work.
And the way they say they work, they change your DNA.
This is the culling of the planet.
This is the beginning of the straitjacket being put on you before you're slowly tortured to death and killed.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
These people have no concept of what a mistake means as opposed to a capital crime.
Or if they do, they're hiding that understanding naturally because they would be the ones hauled before a court and a jury and convicted and sentenced.
So one of the priceless comments he made was, we need to include more people in making these government decisions about how to handle pandemics and epidemics.
For example, we have to bring in more economists, as if these professional economists are really necessary in order to get an idea of the effect of the lockdowns on millions of people's lives.
This is a
Typical academics approach.
You know, they're like 6,000 miles away from what's actually happening.
They're still collecting a paycheck.
They're at home and they're saying, yes, in the future, we'll have to bring in more economists to really calculate the effects of the lockdown.
Well, try walking down the street and looking at boarded up stores and businesses and shops.
Go into people's apartments and watch them suffering and the abuse and the violence, et cetera, et cetera, from
The lack of jobs, the unemployment, the destruction, and then we'll brain, we'll house, you'll get an idea of what actually happened as a result of the government decision to lock down the country.
Then you'll know.
Then you'll understand.
Then you won't need to retreat and hide behind your friggin' academic credentials and pretend
That it's all a mystery that can only be solved by the greatest minds of the generation, etc., etc., etc.
This is not brain surgery.
This is very simple, direct assault on the population.
Okay, so let's get to, as you know, if you've been watching my segments here on InfoWars or reading my articles at NoMoreFakeNews,
I've been highly critical of the way Trump has handled COVID-19.
Come at him from several angles, spent a week writing dispatches and letters, published, trying to gain somebody's attention in the White House.
That the strategy was completely wrong from the beginning.
The whole thing was a gigantic hoax.
It was perpetrated with the intent of destroying the economy of America.
There was no science behind this, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So in my estimation, the only thing worse for the country than Trump is Biden.
That's my political position, if you will.
The only thing worse is Biden.
I've been paying as much attention as I can stand paying to a couple of interviews with him.
Yeah, there's that interview.
Everybody's being so correct with distancing and so on and so forth.
And his campaign ads.
Of course, he's talking about federal mandates to wear masks for everybody.
OK, that's part of the calculation that got into his campaign ad.
This is not just something that they thought of off the top of their heads.
His poll takers and projection people and all of the they made a calculation that they could sell this to the sheep.
Everybody has to wear a mask.
It has to be a federal mandate.
Second thing was.
He slipped this in talking, I believe, about children and said, if and when the parents go back to work.
If and when.
The parents go back to work.
I mean, get real.
Are you kidding me?
If and when?
So he has a new magical economy that runs on nothing, with no work, no business, no commerce, no trade, all locked down.
This is like a brilliant, magical model of an economy that nobody's ever heard of before, where nobody has to do anything.
Except stay home?
If and when?
And then, in the interview that was just put up on the screen for a second, what Biden is trying to sell is the idea we can't have different states with different opinions about lockdowns and reopening and even mask wearing and so on and so forth.
This is intolerable.
See, this is Trump's doing.
Whereas if I, Joe Biden, am elected, we're going to have a plan, an overall plan that will include the entire nation in how we come at COVID-19 and fight COVID-19.
And of course, for the sheep and the, in heavy quotes, liberals,
This sounds like exactly what they want to lap up by the gallon.
This kind of BS.
Yeah, we need a plan, a national plan.
Well, what does that actually mean?
Well, that means complete fascism.
That means tyranny to the 12th power from Washington, from the federal government.
That means eliminating all of the
Even partially dissident state governments that exist, South Dakota, somewhat in Utah, South Carolina, et cetera, et cetera.
No, no, no, no, no.
We can't have that under Biden.
We're going to have mandates emanating from the White House and from Congress with a plan that covers every human in the country, every state, every governor's office, the whole entire deal.
With a plan, as he put it, where every single vial of vaccine is going, to whom it's going, where it's going, to be injected, etc., etc., etc., etc.
That's what this guy, creature, is selling.
Make no bones and mistakes about it.
This is what
He wants, and more important, the people behind him and Kamala want.
This is what they're selling and aiming for.
And the supposed next president and vice president are the puppets that would front for this operation.
They would say, OK, we've had enough.
We're not going to do this Trump thing anymore.
We're not going to have this state doing that and this state doing this.
This cannot stand.
This will not stand.
It's impossible.
We don't want this kind of country anymore, and neither do the people.
They want an overall plan that involves everybody, where we will get together.
We're all in this and fight our way out of COVID-19.
This is like saying, we are the fascists.
We're coming.
Elect us and we will show you exactly the kind of slaves that you're going to become.
And you're going to love it because, face it, isn't this what you really want?
More after the break.
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And never give up the fight.
We're good.
They're coming with their battle plan, psychological warfare operation with the forced inoculations and the permanent lockdown of civilization and society.
They're outlawing people being able to get colds or the flu.
They're creating artificial phobias for normal death that takes place.
They're not even promising they have a cure to it all.
They're just inflicting new phobias on everyone to bring in their planetary regime directed by the WHO.
With vaccines that actually change your DNA and make you owned by Microsoft.
It's a final frontier.
It's the year 2020.
It's not coming.
It's here.
And submission is blood in the water.
When the corrupt establishment began pushing Joe Biden two years ago, they knew he had serious cognitive problems.
He has always been an empty suit that does what he's told by the globalists and their allied crime syndicates.
Kamala Harris is even worse and does whatever she's told.
She's bought and paid for by Silicon Valley, the Chi-Coms and others.
So she has been chosen because she's part
And now anyone that criticizes her will be called a racist and evil and she is now above reproach.
Ladies and gentlemen, we must expose this monster for who she is.
We must expose the fact that she wanted minimum sentences for black people three times longer than white people and that the woman is a monster.
Kamala Harris will end up being our president if they're able to steal the election.
And she is a 110% New World Order puppet.
Now more than ever, we must expose this monster.
We must expose the globalists.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before I get back to Biden, because I've got a few more things to say about him and Kamala, I just want to insert this little item.
77 people connected with the NFL National Football League.
Players, coaches, other staff members all tested positive for COVID-19, bang, last weekend.
Now they're saying they were all false positives.
77 tested positive.
Now the league is saying they're all false positive.
And they traced it to one lab in New Jersey.
No big surprise there.
The BioReference Lab, which seems to be a chain, and this was their lab in New Jersey.
Why did they all test positive?
Well, is this or was that the other thing?
It could be the big hood that they used
When they're running the PCR test and something I contaminate, a piece of a little virus, some other virus got in there or whatever, we don't know.
And it stayed there through all the 77 tests, I guess.
And they all turned, you know, they're cooking up all kinds of explanations as to how this occurred.
How did they even decide that they were false positives?
Because they ran the tests again, and they were all negative.
Did they run the test a third time?
No, I don't think so, because they might have ended up all positive the third time, because that's the kind of test we're dealing with here, as I've laid out time after time after time.
Worthless test.
But the point is,
Nobody would have been alerted to the possibility of false positive if you hadn't had 77 people all test positive at once from the NFL in one weekend from one lab.
If it had only been six people, seven people who were false positives, they would all be in quarantine right now and nobody would be asking any questions.
So how many times is that happening all over the world right now?
And I can tell you, the answer is countless, countless, countless times.
So when these governors and Joe Biden, especially, because he's going to be pushing this to the Hill.
Yes, we have a plan so that everybody in America gets tested.
Everybody gets contact traced.
Everybody gets vaccinated.
That means you.
That means you and you and you, and especially you.
That's what they've got planned for this puppet.
So back to Biden.
Let's expand this out and understand what the ramifications are.
In the same way that Biden and his controllers really don't want to have any states
opt out of a national fascist, tyrannical, New World Order plan for the population.
In the same way, globalists, Rockefeller-type globalists, Bill Gates, etc., etc., don't want any nations opting out of the world plan for tyranny, fascism to be enforced upon the entire global population, which means
Lockdowns, more lockdowns and more lockdowns.
Contact tracing, meaning they break in if necessary to interview you.
Testing for everybody.
Vaccine for everybody.
Change your DNA, cause autoimmune body attacks itself, etc, etc.
Plant nanoparticles in the vaccine.
Nobody is looking at what these nanoparticles actually contain, because we know there's all kinds of experiments underfoot to develop nanoparticles as sensors to be placed inside the body as the ultimate form of surveillance.
Not just from outside, but from inside.
On and on and on and on.
You want to look at a little test case?
Look at Melbourne.
In Australia, where cops now have the right to break into houses without a warrant to see what's going on.
If anybody is, quote, what?
I don't know.
How would they know?
Avoiding contact tracing?
How would they know since that's only recently started up?
Cops have, yeah, look at that.
Cops have been caught.
Smashing in windows of cars with people driving because the people don't want to answer cops questions about where they're going.
So cops smash in the windows of the cars.
So this is the Stasi, the KGB, the GRU, the Red Army coming to Melbourne, Australia.
Based on nothing.
Based on nothing whatsoever.
Even if you assume all of the friggin BS that is put out by the Australian government about deaths and case numbers and so on and so forth, which nobody in his right mind would believe, if you look at Melbourne and Victoria, where Melbourne is located, the numbers are extremely low.
So these people are complete fascists.
They are lunatics.
They like what they're doing.
They've been given the license to destroy lives and apparently this is what they've been waiting for.
What they should get is an all-out rebellion from the citizenry.
And there are even commentators in Australia
Who are mainstream that are beginning to say, this is insane.
What are you doing?
There is such a thing as the right to privacy, the right to go out at night alone, to walk in the woods without a mask alone.
What the hell is going on here?
This calls for, I mean, complete rebellion.
Constitutional rights, natural rights which precede any constitutional rights, are being completely destroyed in Melbourne.
And I've gotten additional reports from there about what has actually happened.
And it is complete insanity.
This is a test case.
This is a test run.
You can be sure because Australia has been used for this purpose in the past.
Captive audience.
Isolated population in certain respects.
Let's run a test.
Let's see what happens.
Many agencies from different countries are watching what is happening in Melbourne.
You can bet your bottom dollar on that.
And they are compiling data and looking and seeing how much resistance is there.
What kind of resistance is there?
Who is resisting?
Let's profile them.
Let's see.
Let's compile one report after another so that we can gain more information, so that we can do this on a wider basis.
We can crack down with violence and force, overt, overt, overt, wherever we want to, whenever we want to, all the way, when we're not getting enough compliance from the sheep.
That's what this is ultimately about.
What it's always been about.
And it's not just
It's happening to a few people over there.
It has nothing to do with us.
It has everything to do with us.
Everything to do with us.
I assure you, this is what is going on.
It's the strong-armed branch of the globalist plan.
That involves the lockdowns, the tyranny, the vaccination, the destruction of lives under the guise of saving lives that the sheep, so many of them, are still buying.
But not you.
More after the break.
Democrats are just going more and more left.
Many positive about socialism, liking it more than capitalism.
Many of the ideas we fought for that were considered radical are now mainstream.
The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party and Joe Biden is marching in lockstep with them.
Biden and the far left are promising to crush middle class families with trillions in new taxes.
If you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.
Promising amnesty and healthcare for 11 million illegal immigrants.
Citizenship for 11 million undocumented folks.
Promising to shut down energy exploration, killing jobs, and hurting America's economy.
I guarantee you.
In Joe Biden's America, the radical left get whatever they want and you get to pay for it.
They've already taken over Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.
Don't let them take over America.
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The New World Order is a planetary corporate plan for world government.
But world government is only the control grid now.
Inner members of the cult are told that they are going to transcend and become gods and attain immortality.
But the price for that is to carry out the orderly extermination of all carbon-based life forms.
That's why they say carbon is bad.
They are rewriting the entire genetic code of the planet.
They are playing God.
They believe they have been inspired by interdimensional entities that are giving them advanced technology to carry out this transformation.
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The year is 2020.
Following several decades of systematically weakening the social, moral, and financial resilience of the American people, the global cabal has launched a series of unimaginable terrors that have rocked the foundation of Western civilization and has fractured the population of a once united country along increasingly irreconcilable lines.
The nation finds herself on the precipice of all-out civil war, diving headlong towards economic ruin, and already suffocating under the dictatorship of biotechnocratic enslavement.
The final takedown order has been issued.
The direct attack has begun.
America's greatest trial, and the battle for her survival, is underway.
InfoWars Emergency Transmissions are now broadcasting live with night 7 to 9 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Election Countdown.
Taking America back on Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Last segment here, John Rathaport.
The Globalist Takeover.
What does that mean?
Well, for one thing, think about this.
Try to find one school in America, anywhere in America, high school, college, that teaches an in-depth course
I mean, you would think, since that is embedded in the original documents of the Republic, since a lot of bloodshed occurred in both America and in Europe for centuries in order to achieve this idea and to make it real,
That there would be some school somewhere in America, some college, some high school, that would say, yes, we spend a year, we have a course here.
It's called Freedom of the Individual.
And we teach it.
We teach the documents.
We have letters of the founders.
We have precedent historical.
We have how this idea
was fought for and evolved out of the mass of monarchy and the divine right of kings and so on and so forth.
And we also have participation by the students who have to make it clear as to how they approach this for themselves as individuals.
What does it mean to them?
Really, not just to parrot something,
But what does it mean for their future?
In other words, what are they going to do with that freedom?
What are they going to do with that individual freedom that they have?
They want to give it away?
Is that what they want to do?
They want to sacrifice it for a cause?
What cause?
For what reason?
All of these questions would come up
If one school dared to have a one-year in-depth course for real called Individual Freedom, I don't see it anywhere.
It's gone.
It's destroyed.
How did that happen?
You think it happened overnight?
You think it was just somebody said, okay, we've got 5,000 of these courses on Individual Freedom, so we have to wipe them?
It happened by degree, by degree.
Of course, we know some of the history of the Carnegie Foundation and so on, and their control of the education system.
And we have some brilliant writers on that history and so on.
Yes, yes, yes, indeed, indeed.
But it was a gradual takeover and a wiping out of anything from the educational system.
I mean, I'm 82 years old.
I went to elementary school in the 1940s.
I graduated from high school in 1955.
I graduated from college in 1960.
That's going back pretty far.
I was never given a chance, never heard about any school anywhere in any school that I attended or heard of, even then, that taught a course in individual freedom.
What does that mean?
That means
Indeed, you know, not just making this up.
That sinister forces have been at work in America and other nations for a long, long, long time to wipe out that idea and destroy it.
It's demonstrable.
It's a fact.
Because if they hadn't been working to destroy it, if the founding documents of this republic were really
The root of the blossoming tree of freedom, liberty, responsibility, power for the individual, etc, etc, etc.
We would still see it everywhere now in our institutions and we don't.
Because they've been taken over and infiltrated.
Whatever you want to call that.
And there isn't one word for it.
You could say communism, socialism, collectivism, fascism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc., globalism, etc., etc.
It's all of those things and more.
It's done with the knowledge that if the individual were in full possession of his senses and understood
At a deep level, what freedom meant to him.
For real.
Not just, you know, the jive.
For real.
And what he intended to do with it into the future.
We would have a completely different world.
And so what we're seeing now with this COVID covert op is a massive endgame, if you will.
Based on more than a hundred years of repression of individual freedom.
The wiping out of the concept itself as if it never existed.
As if it was always about the group.
It was always about the collective.
It was always about we're all in this together and all that BS.
As if
We recently somehow all came to our senses and understood that we had to bow down and kneel before some kind of agenda on behalf of the planet, whatever that means, whatever we're told that means.
And in the process, we have to just erase completely from our thoughts and ideas and mind and consciousness
And emotions, the sense that each one of us is free.
But that would be destructive to this overall agenda, and therefore we have to get rid of it.
And in the process of that, in comes this insane, criminal, scientifically baseless and vacuous, empty program.
Fake virus, fake tests, fake numbers, fake everything.
Destructive vaccine.
To put the lid on the population.
Thank you.
About one plan, one world, one governance, one protection, one security, one happiness, one sharing, one equality, one fairness, one social justice.
All of this sold to the yokels and rubes and Marx and the young especially, because they're not taught anything else.
They never learn anything else.
They're not responsible for anything else.
They don't have the energy for anything else.
They don't have the drive or the ambition for anything else.
It's not a culture anymore in which the individual can say, I'm proud not to be going along with the tide.
I'm proud not to be one of the mob, one of the sheep, one of the stupid.
One of the idiots, one of the sheep.
I'm proud to be making my own way in the world and giving it my complete dedication from this point on.
And if anybody can't deal with that, that's their problem.
It's not my problem.
Where is that culture?
Where is that?
It existed 60 years ago, I can tell you, because I lived in the middle of it.
It wasn't out front.
It wasn't promoted.
It's never promoted by the government and the authorities, but it existed.
That's this week's report.
Zoe's War.
Zoe's Freedom.
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I wouldn't say sweet.
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You can really break civilizations down into two types.
Predatory and non-predatory.
Or oppressive, conquest-based, or renaissance-based.
And of course, different types of civilizations and countries and political systems of history, at the present, are mixes of the two.
But with globalism, it is a post-human ideology.
So it's scientifically geared to be oppressive.
And the rationale is social Darwinism, that the ruling class are elites, and because they're in power, they have a right to rule over you, poison you, dumb you down, sterilize you, and kill you.
So all the people wearing masks like outside at the park and stuff are living in a total hoax and think their act of submission is an act of working for the common good in a collective.
It's a sign that you're a slave who will take the forced inoculations.
The federal government and Yale are studying the forced inoculations right now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.