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Filename: 20200811_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 11, 2020
3092 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on InfoWars such as COVID-19 misinformation, YouTube censorship, Antifa attacks in Portland, arrests of black bloc communists in the US, and InfoWars' important news regarding the pandemic. He criticizes CNN and Big Tech for facilitating censorship while claiming to fight against misinformation. He accuses globalists of using COVID-19 to push their agenda and encourages listeners to support InfoWars with word of mouth and financial contributions. The show also discusses media outlets spreading false information and promoting propaganda, and the potential limitations to freedom of expression in Scotland due to their proposed hate crime bill.

We always have information overload here.
But today is particularly incredible.
The COVID-19 total lockdown, permanent mask, forced inoculation paradigm is here.
And every facet of it is a verifiable fraud.
We've discovered two giant lies that destroy the entire myth that no one is even reporting on.
And on top of it, our report that was posted at Greg Reese's channel on YouTube was censored, they said, by the United Nations.
So now, as Congress sits on their ass, our country itself is under UN control.
They were seeing their foot soldiers, which the Chinese used, Mao used, to really instill fear and make everyone know in China that not a single person was above the law, to attack institutions you thought were untouchable, whether it was the founders, and then it got to the saints.
It starts off with tearing down Catholic saint statues and desecrating churches, but before you know it, places like the Washington Post are attacking my neighborhood priest, Monsignor Pope.
And we're talking in L.A.
with Garcetti.
They're going to turn off the power.
They're saying they're going to have to go after parties?
They're going to go after churches and places that refuse to shut down.
Places like Harvest Rock that are suing the state of California and saying that they have a right to gather, a First Amendment right to gather, just like the protesters do.
It's a double standard completely.
It's a new system.
Portland's army of black bloc morons has continued its war on its enemy in the nation's elderly.
One woman stood in front of the mob and ordered them to stop trying to destroy the southeast Portland precinct.
After being smothered in paint, she continued to stand her ground.
Our black friends are dying!
You know what?
We died for you!
While another woman with a walker eventually extinguished a fire started by the mob in a trash can.
The group organized by the Youth Liberation Front reportedly came equipped with ties made out of rebar meant to pop police vehicle tires.
Several of the ties were thrown into the street and police vehicles ran them over causing damage to tires according to Portland Police.
Black Lives Matter!
We're gonna burn your building down!
Black Lives Matter!
And as Antifa cells move into neighborhoods and target the elderly as they did Andy Ngo's elderly parents and a woman they dubbed the Nazi Lady.
It is slowly dawning on at least some of these Soros tools that what awaits them after being bailed out by seditious lawyers isn't a communist utopia.
Instead, it's at least a five-year prison sentence or a severe beating by the locals.
All right, let's see it.
My white boys didn't know where he was going and broke my window in my truck.
This wasn't no wreckage.
This is a residential area.
This wasn't stores over here.
It's going bad.
The Antifa guys are being chased like crazy.
Told you you ate the place to be.
Those are Antifa guys running.
Antifa guys, they're getting...
Rico Agard Berry, who was released without bail after hurling an explosive device at the federal courthouse in Portland, was identified by his own President Trump-supporting grandma.
Berryhill is charged with felony arson and faces a minimum of five years in prison if convicted.
18-year-old Isaiah Mazza faces 30 years in prison.
Mazza was seen lighting a fuse on a cylindrical object and throwing it inside the courthouse through the broken window, authorities say.
The object exploded near federal agents exiting the building and injured both legs of a Deputy U.S.
At least 250 black bloc communist-loving idiots have been arrested nationwide.
Some will spend a decade in prison, while others will be free to come back for more stupidity.
John Bowne reporting.
The news and information I have in front of me is so powerful, so important, that I'm actually having an anxiety attack.
It's finally here.
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That's Survival Shield X2 spray at InfoWarStore.com.
It's Tuesday.
August 11th.
The year is 2020.
83 days out from the election.
And now every major establishment talking head, media outlet, bought and paid for by the chi-coms and the globalists, is telling us that President Trump is a dictator, that's illegitimate, that must be driven from office, and that all communications with any populist American organizations must be shut down.
They are now officially announcing a plan that when Joe Biden loses in a landslide, despite their election fraud, that they are going to have every blue state secede and have their own inauguration saying that he is indeed the president and completely dividing this country.
This is how foreign enemies can take down the United States, not with an outward military attack, but with a collapse from within.
And that is our top story.
Continuing, we'll be covering it coming up in the second hour.
We have a whistleblower from Facebook joining us.
Also, Roger Stone.
Has had Bill Gates come out and respond to him when Roger pointed out that the vaccine is untested and dangerous.
He'll be joining us to talk about that and the latest on the campaign season.
It's now the Civil War season.
And Laura Loomer in all the polls way ahead set to win the primary.
Many polls way ahead the Democrat challenger as well.
Now the telephone company isn't letting her call people or send text messages.
So big tech's now moved into big telecoms with election meddling.
This is true warfare.
We told you COVID-19 would be permanent.
A permanent lockdown.
Permanent mask.
Permanent forced inoculations.
The end of mom-and-pop stores.
A dystopic nightmare.
A worldwide depression.
Hundreds of millions starving to death.
And that it would never end.
Until we ended it.
Until we exposed the fraud.
Every level of it has been a lie and a deception.
I have three huge stories here, all of which we have broken, all of which InfoWars has discovered, all of which no one even knows about.
Now, it isn't about the credit, but I want listeners to understand, one of these stories would devastate the COVID hoax.
We have three of them.
Premeditated, lying by the United Nations and by the NIH.
Now I was up here this weekend working with Greg Reese and working with the rest of the Weekend Crew.
He's also here during the week.
I work seven days a week.
And he said, have you seen this Forbes article?
Why the who faked a pandemic from 2010?
And I said, holy Toledo, no, but I remember reading about that at the time.
And I go, have you seen this?
And he goes, no.
Faith in a quick test leads to an epidemic that wasn't, New York Times, 13 years ago.
Now he did a report on these with the WHO's own numbers and their own admissions that if you've had the flu or a cold or a bacterial infection, this is from the CDC, that it tests positive.
Bill Gates had to come out this weekend and respond to Roger Stone and say, okay, it's true, the tests are fake.
But it doesn't matter, we'll still keep you locked down forever over it.
Because notice, it's all about numbers of infected now, not about death.
And then you learn there's hundreds of stories, one every day, about, oh, this LGBT professor, she died of COVID.
Doesn't exist!
Being put out by PSYOP squads at Big Pharma.
Oh, this child fell and died in the bathtub.
They tell you he died of COVID.
Every day.
Gets even worse.
Our crew, Rob, that does the searches in there while I'm talking on air about subjects, he'll pull it up.
He went and read the article from Axios, 97,000 children test positive for COVID-19, the school's eye reopening.
He thought he might actually go to the report they're using.
From the National Hospital Association.
It gets its numbers from the CDC, Children's Hospital Association.
They're counting people and almost all of them are 24 years old!
Or 19!
So they're now counting, just like they count 30-year-old migrants, invaders, islamicist men, as children and put them in school, in middle school with your daughters, and German TV says, and after school shows, oh this is Inga, she's 14, she has her 18-year-old boyfriend now, they're getting married, he's from Syria, he's like a 30-year-old dude.
They're literally matchmaking your daughters with islamicists.
Because they promise them in the ads, come to Germany, you get women.
Come to Sweden, you get women.
And they're like, the women, grown-up women, are like, I don't want this deadbeat, you know, Islamistist.
Chop my head off, but they can give them a dumb 14-year-old.
A lot of them get tortured and killed.
My point is, is that this is the age of total deception, ladies and gentlemen.
But wait till I get to this, because here's the bigger enchilada.
Gregory's put his report out last night on his own personal channel.
I guess they haven't banned yet.
I'm sure Media Matters will do a big story about it and they'll get it banned.
He's had it before he worked here.
But it's always at ban.video, but he backs them up there.
Mainstream media and science expose COVID-19 as a hoax.
His source is the CDC website.
His source is the New York Times and Forbes.
And they said, here's the letter, here's them giving him a strike.
Video content restrictions.
YouTube doesn't allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of World Health Organization.
The United Nations.
And it goes on to say, as you know, community guidelines describe which content we allow and don't allow on YouTube.
The mainstream media and science exposed COVID-19 as a hoax was flagged to our review.
Upon review, we determined that it violates our guidelines.
We removed it from YouTube.
And it goes on.
So let that sink in.
Remember what the CEO, pull that up.
She said it on CNN and CBS.
CEO, Susan Wachowski,
Says, CEO of YouTube says, no one is allowed to disagree with the UN.
She says that.
She says, whatever the UN says, we follow.
Well, they said 2.5 million Americans would die.
They said we had to be locked down for 15 days because the hospitals would be full.
None of it was true.
They never intended to let us not be locked down.
In fact, their white papers said that.
They said, you'll never go back to life the way it was.
You'll never stop wearing masks and you'll never shake hands again.
And they're doing it based on a pandemic that is a hoax.
There's a real pneumonia.
It's about a quarter of the strength of the flu.
It spreads very easily and it gives high false positives.
But more importantly, Bill and Melinda Gates and Fauci already have that chimera patented with two major patents for humans, four more for animals that also say can be used in humans.
That's the ingredient for the vaccine.
That's the attenuated virus.
But it's not attenuated, it's live and it's a DNA virus.
It goes in and reprograms your DNA.
So there's a larger agenda here and it's about the vaccine they give you that's the real effect.
So they need to own the thing that they're then going to control.
And it's so diabolical.
So when we come back, we're going to play you the report that's at the Gregg Reese section at Band.Video.
Go to Band.Video.
Like, your lives depend on it, your freedom depends on it, and the world depends on it.
This is Engineering a Worldwide Collapse.
Click on the left-hand side, the three little lines.
Pulls down the menu of all the different people.
And in there, you'll find Gregg Reese.
And you click on that and you'll see his latest censored report.
The only place you can see it is band.video.
Mainstream media and science expose COVID-19 as a hoax.
It is all mainstream CDC, New York Times, Forbes, word for word what they say.
He shows that, but it's from 10 years ago.
The CDC is from right now.
So it doesn't, it's like Stalin having people airbrush out of photos of him.
And he had executed.
You're not allowed to remind people that this is 1984, Winston Smith, the memory hole.
Because it's all a lie.
And we're going to show you these news articles and show you when the UN staged a pandemic as a drill.
Ten years ago.
And Forbes reports on it.
And when they did it previous to that.
And how they used fake testing.
And then we're going to show you the CDC where they admit the test is fake.
But they just say, we allow it so it's okay.
It's all semantical games, and we need Congress and President Trump to act.
And he is appointing a new doctor above Fauci that knows this is all a hoax.
He's going to be exposing it.
But man, I tell you, the irrevocable damage to the global economy is already here.
It's the cover for their worldwide reset.
They're popping the bubble on purpose to bring down America.
States cracking down on social gatherings, says CNN, because Fauci says if we don't, we'll see further surges in coronavirus positives.
Because they're only ramping up the testing, and because the tests have been designed at the Wuhan lab, it turns out, to be completely fraudulent.
They cooked the whole thing up, offshore, in a communist dictatorship, with Fauci, Bill Gates, and the CHICOMS,
And now it's all over the news that indeed Bill Gates has developed digital tattoos under your skin, and so has Google, and they're deploying them at the airports next year, where you'll have to have it to be able to travel.
Oh, and then soon to leave your house or go in a grocery store, and the contact tracers work for Bill and Melinda Gates and the Clintons, and they're going to come to your house and make sure you're inoculated.
Yes, we're now inside the Mark of the Beast.
Resist or be enslaved.
America and the world should have never been closed.
It was all based on WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates, Fauci, NIH lies.
But now, here we are, already into August, and they're trying to keep our stores, our factories, our schools, our parks closed.
It is outrageous.
Well, we have launched a new big sale titled, Reopen America Back to School Special, 50 to 60% off.
All of our top sellers and double patriot points at InfoWarStore.com.
And despite the fact that our ultimate turmeric formula bodies is selling out, we still have it at 50% off, but for a limited time.
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Vazo Beets, amazing concentrated beet extract with all of its benefits, selling out, so 50% off.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
And your purchase funds the InfoWar, a true 360 win.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know you can see me now, here's a surprise.
This is a big deal.
This is our entire civilization being put under medical martial law to track and control you and force you to be inoculated and decide who's essential and who's not.
And it's all based on premeditated Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates, NIH, UN, CHICOM deployment.
Where they had the UN and China create hysteria, put out the fake numbers, create the fear, and launch this operation that they drilled for last October and November in Event 201 and Lockstep.
And remember, people really started getting concerned about this when the CEO of YouTube came out three or four months ago on TV and said, oh, if something doesn't agree with the WHO, it's the gold standard.
Then we don't allow it.
And then we saw hundreds of doctors and nurses and epidemiologists and virologists and scientists, prestigious ones, down to local clinic owners and medical doctors and emergency room doctors saying, Hey, I treated 400 people, 900 people.
They all got better with hydroxychloroquine and zinc.
Hey, I did this.
Hey, I did that.
And they go, sorry, UN says that's not allowed, and it's all fouchy with Rendezivir, that he had a fake study that said it made you 8% better, and then that was a lie.
Then they put out another fake study saying that hydroxychloroquine didn't help you, paid for by Bill Gates' foundation, they had to withdraw it, it was a fraud, and they use that still at the UN to say you can't prescribe hydroxychloroquine!
So they didn't come by land, they didn't come by sea in blue helmets.
They came through medical tyranny in white jackets.
And Trump's gotten us out of the WHO, but still the big U.S.
foundations and global foundations and European foundations run the U.N.
They created it.
So he cuts one head off the Hydra, and he's still there with Fauci and Gates and all the rest of it.
And Gates smiling with Fareed Zarkari on CNN.
Oh, we're never going to reopen American again.
And Gates goes, that's right.
And that's so happy.
It's like he just won $85 trillion.
I mean, inappropriate, sick, evil, celebrating in front of us.
So the report has 99,000 views, went up last night.
Mainstream media and science expose COVID-19 as a hoax.
And it does!
What's crazy is the actual science of the CDC website says this is the biggest false positive test ever.
Almost all of them are false positive.
Zinc inside your cells, you can't get it.
It actually says that on their website.
But you try to... We've had videos we put out where we read off the CDC website.
Well, there's actually real scientists putting this up.
They're not Fauci, the bureaucrat of 45 years.
And then that gets removed!
And they cite as the authority the United Nations that got caught covering up the Wuhan lab and covering up human transmission.
Remember all that?
And now our own doctors.
The Trumps had his tweets censored.
When he chose a press conference of 15 medical doctors in front of the Capitol.
In America, we can't have doctors having a press conference?
And now Laura Loomer has had her phone bank system shut down by the phone company.
They're saying she can't make phone calls or send text messages for her congressional campaign because she's in the lead.
My God!
It's beyond election meddling.
It's all happening because Congress won't act.
And so because they won't act regulatorily, the UN is now coming to the vacuum and is in charge of America.
Trump and Congress must act now with 83 days left.
Here is the report.
It's so powerful.
Share it.
This is what the UN says you can't hear.
And we had to set up our own network, our own infrastructure, just to be able to bring you this.
This is so precious.
And I'm just a quarterback with a ball.
I throw it.
You don't catch it and run, we lose.
I'm firing that ball out there, baby.
I need you to share this right now if you want to kick some global ass.
Here it is.
There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
In 2010, Forbes Magazine accurately reported on the WHO's fraudulent response to the swine flu.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe declared the false pandemic is one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.
By their own rules, a pandemic requires simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.
11 weeks into the outbreak, only 144 people died worldwide, and the WHO declared a pandemic.
Just one month before, they changed the rules.
You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths.
Now, there is some confusion here and I hope to clarify.
Having severe death has never been part of the W.H.O.
The W.H.O.
director, Dr. Margaret Chan, then went on to push left-wing politics, the redistribution of wealth for equity and social justice, and claimed that a welfare state is the savior of globalism.
Over 18 billion dollars was misallocated on this fake pandemic.
It's so concise.
It's five minutes that overturns the entire COVID-19 hoax from pillar to post with their own U.N.
statements, their own documents, their own admissions.
New York Times, Forbes Magazine, CDC.gov.
It's just so incredible.
And imagine, the UN says you can't have this.
We'll also, when we get back, show you the CEO of YouTube again saying that she takes orders and that if something disagrees with the UN, it's not allowed.
As if, if they were totally right all the time, we'd have a right to be wrong.
But they're liars!
So again, we wake up in this new world of big tech under UN control.
We've got to raise the alarm.
We can't let them just normalize all of this based on their frauds.
Separately, we have the Reopen America Back to School Special.
And what it is, is an extension of the other big sale, but I can't do the free shipping because we're bringing in funds, but not enough to run the operation.
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Whatever you do, spread the worms.
We're about to break the lie that is COVID-19.
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August 2020 is here.
It's less than 90 days out from the historic election.
The CHICOMS, the EU, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the blue states and blue cities are all battling to keep America shut down and to destroy free speech as well to ensure their final takeover of the United States by removing President Donald John Trump.
At InfoWars, we're fighting back harder than ever.
So your word of mouth and your prayer is key for the transmission.
Also, your financial support is absolutely critical, and we make it easy to support us with high-quality, game-changing products at InfoWarsTore.com.
We've launched a new sale, Reopen America Back-to-School Special.
50-60% off all of our top sellers and double patriot points at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get your Chill Force, Winter Sun Plus, DNA Force Plus, Ultra 12,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Yeah, we're under Elon control.
I can face it.
I know you can, too.
You can hear it.
We're getting near it.
Oh, yeah.
We're gonna break the globe.
We don't have any choice.
We defeated tyranny before.
Our ancestors did.
We defeated the slave masters before.
We'll beat them again!
Make no mistake, we're going into bondage right now.
If it doesn't make every cell in your body surge with energy to resist it, there's something wrong with you.
It's time to wake up!
It's time to decide that you're not going to adapt to being a slave, but we're going to throw this thing off together.
With our kinship, we go to the future!
We're not gonna let these tyrants steal the future from us.
We're gonna let this attack energize us to rise to the occasion.
Alright, here is the CEO, Susan Wachowski, on CNN.
There's a bunch of these clips with Humpty Dumpty.
Ryan Stelter!
The worst gas lighter on the planet.
There's some conservatives who say the sky is blue.
Everyone knows that it's purple at high noon.
There's no liberal media.
There's nothing but conservative media, and we need to shut them down.
That was two days ago.
I'll get to that later.
I mean, this is a person that lives to try to lie to you, and he's the worst liar ever with 100,000 viewers.
But when he says censor something, and his little minion, Oliver Darcy, says it, it happens because they speak for the establishment.
So here he is interviewing her and she's talking about, oh, we only go off the WHO, and if you disagree with that, it's gone.
Here it is.
But then we also talk about removing information that is problematic.
Of course, anything that is medically unsubstantiated, so people saying like, take vitamin C, take turmeric, those will cure you.
Those are the examples of things that would be a violation of our policy.
Anything that would go against World Health Organization recommendations would be a violation of our policy, and so remove is another really important part of our policy.
Our policy, our policy.
Remember a couple years ago she's up on the stage with another one of the CEOs and they go, I don't like Alex Jones, my son's been watching him.
She goes, don't worry, he'll be gone soon.
This is who's watching you and listening to you with the Google assistants and the Alexa assistants with Amazon and you just bring it in your house to publicly listen to you?
I mean the cell phone's already been listening to you.
I told you that 20 years ago.
Unless you've got it turned off.
Now they're just doing it.
But it's okay, because Google helps run death camps in China.
Along with Apple and Nike.
We like Coppernag.
So it's all this non-threatening facade, this non-threatening cover.
And now, that was back on April 19th.
When she gave that little interview on Patriots Day.
Now here we are, four months later.
And hundreds of doctors, hundreds of scientists, Cedar Sinai, put out a video that had been out for months that Trump talked about putting light in the lungs, and they got their video banned.
Oh no!
The UN says not a top research hospital!
Think about that.
There's not much further to go other than not letting us use text messages or phones.
And now Laura Loomer is in the lead to win the Republican primary and to beat the Democrat in the general election.
So now she's not allowed to use a telephone.
They turned her telephone service off.
She's joining us today.
They're like, oh, we don't allow hate.
Sorry, your campaign system can't send text messages to people.
That's the plan.
It's here.
And Congress sits there and goes, we don't regulate the internet.
No, no.
Section 230.
And so now the CHICOMS and the UN do, because by the vacuum of us having a prohibitive law, like the Second Amendment or the First Amendment says, you can't take guns and you can't censor speech.
It's a law that protects, not a law that inhibits.
But by their lack of action,
They have put us under corporate U.N.
Here's the Gregory's report.
There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
In 2010, Forbes magazine accurately reported on the WHO's fraudulent response to the swine flu.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe declared the false pandemic is one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.
By their own rules, a pandemic requires simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.
11 weeks into the outbreak, only 144 people died worldwide, and the WHO declared a pandemic.
Just one month before, they changed the rules.
You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths.
And when questioned, they claimed the old rule never existed.
Now, there is some confusion here and I hope to clarify.
Having severe death has never been part of the W.H.O.
The W.H.O.
director, Dr. Margaret Chan, then went on to push left-wing politics, the redistribution of wealth for equity and social justice, and claimed that a welfare state is the savior of globalism.
Over 18 billion dollars was misallocated on this fake pandemic.
In 2005, Dr. Peter Doshi published a paper entitled, Are U.S.
Flu Death Figures More PR Than Science?
Drawing upon data from the CDC.
The CDC bundles together influenza and pneumonia and counts them together.
Which is strange, because according to their own data, there are far more deaths caused by pneumonia than the flu.
For example,
Out of the 62,000 pneumonia and influenza deaths from 2001, only 18 cases were lab-confirmed influenza.
From 1979 to 2002, there were an average of 58 influenza deaths per year.
In 2004, CDC Director Glenn Nowak gave a presentation wherein he called upon the media to state concern and alarm, predict dire outcomes, and urge influenza vaccination.
The Flu Protection Act of 2005 required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct public influenza awareness campaigns preceding every flu season.
Sales of the flu vaccine began skyrocketing, bringing in billions of dollars to the manufacturers.
All for something that kills, on average, less than 100 people a year.
In 2007, the New York Times published an article entitled, Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't.
It explains how the same PCR tests being used now for COVID-19 misdiagnosed over 100 healthcare workers in New Hampshire and rang the bell for a whooping cough epidemic that turned out to just be the common cold.
The PCR tests were never meant to detect a specific virus.
And yet, they are being used today to detect COVID-19.
The CDC even admits that the PCR test will detect any viral infection as COVID-19, including the common cold.
The current data from the CDC on COVID-19 shows the same fakery that we have seen so far.
Just as the CDC falsely counted pneumonia deaths as influenza deaths in the past, they are now counting both pneumonia and influenza as COVID-19.
You can see it clearly in the CDC's own data.
Beginning in the end of March, right after the shutdown began in the U.S., pneumonia and influenza deaths dropped to zero, just as COVID deaths began to surge.
COVID-19 is a quantifiable hoax.
After years of unchecked Big Pharma fraud, we are witnessing their greatest swindle yet.
And the amount of people wearing the mask only illustrates how effective their scam is.
The full report is at BAN.VIDEO.
We'll be right back with all the documents.
The reasons that the globalists launched this planetary lockdown.
The number one reason is it serves every one of their purposes.
We've gone over those purposes.
Many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are non-essential as we begin to witness automation computers and robots take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some advancement that we just fell into.
It's been pre-planned, organized globally, and it's extremely predatory.
And through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations, the central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power.
This is the truest form of technocracy fascism.
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that all new cell phones would track your GPS location.
I read from the federal law and listeners couldn't believe me because that was un-American.
Now the media admits that almost every app and every company that are on Apple and on droids don't just track your location but your surfing history, where you go, who you talk to, your relationships, and they all share the data with each other of what you're doing on the apps as well, including having apps to
We're good to go.
Talk to the EMS, talk to the medical doctors, and what makes you nauseated, it's not just the smell of piss.
We call the smell of bum piss.
It has this sweet nauseating smell.
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A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
I think?
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up.
It was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He rode a blazing saddle.
He wore a shining star.
His job's war for battle.
To the bad men... Alright folks, if you don't decide to take action as citizens and warn others,
These tyrants, these scientific technocrats, these medical dictators are going to take over our lives.
And you can see that now.
Publicly they said six months ago, just 15 days, so the hospitals aren't going to be overwhelmed and then we'll take the lockdown off.
And I'm like, no, then they say they're going to go to mask and then contact tracing and then inoculation to fly on an airplane or have a job.
And now that's all been announced last month.
People are like, how did you know?
Jones, he just... And there's nothing more frustrating than getting credit, like I'm a psychic on all this, when it's a formula, it's a fraud, it's a lie, it's a rollout, it's a takeover.
And Congress sits up there and twiddles their thumbs and asks, is there censorship going on?
What on the world?
There's total control.
Ryan Stelter, a year ago, last summer, when Facebook did their expanded ban saying you can only say bad things about Alex Jones, they said you must make a negative disparaging comment if you say his name or you will be penalized or suspended or expelled.
That's a cult.
In fact, hey, you don't talk about somebody, but if you say their name, it's negative.
That was... Mainstream News said that.
That was their official statement.
That was a year ago.
That was last August.
It's been a year now.
On the second phase of the banning.
And then I remember Brian Stelter...
And Oliver Darcy, who run the censorship stuff through CNN and Nexus and with Big Tech, because they're told what to say, they went, next we need to control them with their text messages.
We're seeing if he's got WhatsApp on his phone.
And they went and looked through Apple and went and said, well, he doesn't have it.
They were in my phone and came out on CNN the next week and said, well, we checked.
He doesn't have it.
They have assistants in your house listening to you.
That's the power of the technocracy.
Your search data, where you go, what you do.
Big tech all shares it.
Thousands of companies share it.
And CNN isn't a media company.
They're attack dogs that spy on you.
And I told everybody, they're like, Jones, how are you handling this?
And I said, you're next.
I'm just the beta test.
And now you see, it's the president.
It's Laura Loomer.
And this is what they do.
And they create a psychological algorithm about what porn you visit, what you said to your wife while you're having sex, what she says, what you do.
It's all being recorded and they admit it's being recorded and put in a psychological database.
You wouldn't tell your psychologist this stuff.
You wouldn't tell your wife or husband this stuff, but you'll put something in your house that Big Tech admits is listening to you.
That's the only difference between these home assistants and your cell phone, is they have been doing it forever, but now they're just telling.
So if you don't want somebody else in the room during that banking meeting or during that prayer meeting or when you're having sex with your wife or whatever, remember, if you're not going to have the neighbor Mel at the end of your bed or on the nightstand, you know, why not just have your neighbor and their wife over and just have sex in front of them?
Because you're having sex in front of all the big tech companies.
And now they say, instantly, when Gregory's video went up, it said, sorry, not allowed.
You criticize the official COVID story, which is an admitted fraud.
It's Swiss cheese of lies.
In fact, it's not even Swiss cheese of lies.
With Swiss cheese, you've got about half of its actual cheese.
The rest is holes.
There's nothing there.
And so, oh, sorry, Gregory, sorry.
You said that
The virus is overblown and you showed the New York Times and the CDC website.
That's not allowed because they're not the UN.
How does that just happen and it's all over the news they're doing it and we just sit here and put up with it?
The headline, Main Street Media and Science Exposed COVID-19 as a Hoax.
We need to probably change the headline.
See the COVID-19 hoax video censored by YouTube.
We'll repost it at the front page of InfoWars with all the information, because it's a big, big deal.
It needs 10 million views, folks.
Our best video has 5 million views at Band.Video, and that's great.
I pay for the bandwidth and everything else, but you pay for it supporting us.
But I really want one with 10 million views.
And that's up to you.
And I'm not bitching at you, but man, don't you want to save the country?
The future of the world?
Millions starving to death right now around the world?
Don't you want to stop the permanent mask wearing?
Don't you want to stop the forced inoculations?
And CNN and BBC reporting?
Oh, you're going to get a digital tattoo so you can get on an airplane?
They're all announcing it, and then we go, hey, that's a bad idea.
Bill Gates funded that.
Here's the head of MIT saying it.
Oh no, Bill Gates shouldn't do anything.
You're fake news.
That's not allowed.
It's outrageous.
They censor videos of Bill Gates saying they're going to do it to you five years ago.
If I put out videos of him saying we need to kill old people, we need to kill all the babies, and they'll censor that.
Because he shot his mouth off for years about how he wanted to depopulate us.
And now people are taking him at his word.
They're like, you're my doctor, but you're not a doctor.
And the UN's my doctor, but doctors can't have speech in America, prestigious ones.
It's not coming, it's here.
We're deep inside of it now, ladies and gentlemen.
So let's go over some of these articles.
Why the WHO faked a pandemic.
Forbes Magazine 10 years ago,
Michael Femento, and it goes all over how they staged a whole fake deal with the Rockefeller Foundation and the CDC and Fauci to see how the public will respond.
And what did Gates say three months ago on Colbert?
He said, this is really just a drill.
The real attack's coming from terrorists.
It'll be much worse.
This is a drill.
This is a lockdown drill to see how you'll behave.
And if you grovel and behave, they're going to release something far worse.
I mean, go watch it for yourself.
Probably play it 20 times.
I'm not going to play it again.
It's in a film we're making, but there it is on the screen of your TV mirror.
Saying it's a drill.
But the public, here's the key, the public is so one-dimensional now that it's just, hey, wear a mask, save people, be a hero.
They don't think, well wait, nobody's really dying from this, they're lying about it, and wait, they admit it's not going to be permanent and it's about me submitting that I'm bad and not seeing on people's faces and killing humanity and separating us from each other and if I submit to this,
It's people trying to think one-dimensional, not, well, who's behind this?
Well, what's the end game?
And why are they lying so much as you know?
I'm a hero.
I've decided I'm a hero.
And when I wear this mask, I'm a hero.
No, you've shown yourself to be someone submitting to peer pressure and someone buying into propaganda.
Here's another one.
Faith in a quick test leads to epidemic that wasn't.
New York Times, 13 years ago.
Don't read the article for yourself.
Big article, how they use tests, where basically, if you ever had a bacterial infection, it says you had the flu.
It's the same test, folks.
Again, CDC.
2019 Novel Coronavirus Real-Time RT-PRC Diagnostic Panel.
This is the official CDC.
And it says on page three, do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses, false positives.
They admit most of the tests are false.
And Gates has had to admit, okay, yeah, most of the tests are false.
Yeah, because they put them out.
They wrote the parameters to create the maximum fear.
That's why you've got, oh, tens of millions of Americans have it.
Oh, yeah, but why is the death rate?
Let me show you this right now.
Fact check.
CDC estimates COVID-19 death rate at around 0.26.
But then they had to confirm it later.
And here's the numbers.
Here's the numbers.
In Texas.
In Texas, it's incredibly low, ladies and gentlemen. 0.32.
Oh, let's look at German.
New German study finds coronavirus mortality rate at 0.37.
This is from the German government.
But see, we're not allowed to show you this on YouTube.
I can't show you USA Today or Gateway Pundit or Infowars because it's not the UN.
Even though the UN admits that, it doesn't matter.
They say you don't need one death to call it a pandemic.
Like I said,
It's just unbelievable.
And it's just going to get worse.
And now we're already six, eight months into this.
Everything locked down and people are just getting used to it.
We've got an even bigger fraud I haven't gotten into yet on COVID-19.
It's an exclusive.
Coming up, new COVID hoax.
Feds counting adults as children to boost numbers of children infected to create fear.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Stay with us.
America and the world should have never been closed.
It was all based on WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates, Fauci, NIH lies.
But now, here we are, already into August, and they're trying to keep our stores, our factories, our schools
Our parks closed.
It is outrageous.
Well, we have launched a new big sale titled Reopen America Back-to-School Special.
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Imagine telling someone just a year ago that in the middle of 2020, the Democrats, as well as many Republican leaders, will be calling for the United Nations WHO edict that all Americans wear masks, be a quote, federal order and mandate.
Totally unconstitutional, annihilating states' rights.
Think about that.
A woman can kill her baby.
We pay for illegal aliens healthcare.
But you've got to wear a mask for a virus that killed 20 plus times less than what they said, even if you believe the official story.
This is about the WHO, the globalists, testing their power.
Through the media over the federal government to set policy in the United States.
This is our punishment for not going with the carbon taxes and the Paris Accord and all of it.
And by the way, they admit that.
They say now your carbon's down one way or another, you stupid Americans.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
CNN took a quick break from its usual programming, encouraging looting and pointless mask-wearing outside, to take some jabs at this channel.
When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left tearing down Trump?
There really isn't.
That's a really good point.
Nobody criticizes Trump in the media.
And I think what we need more of, people attacking Trump.
Turns out the people who work over at the Cable News Network don't watch it.
They watch this channel full-time.
So we dug up some clips for their edification.
It is what it is, Mr. President.
It's a pandemic, and you are who you are.
You don't give a damn.
The MAGA hat carries a certain connotation that provokes a conditioned reaction from many people, especially from marginalized people.
The word cult has been popping up more and more.
You say the president is using mind control, but how is that provable?
He does not practice humanity.
He does not practice decency.
He does not love mercy.
He is intentionally unkind.
He is mean to opponents.
Are you listening?
The president of the United States is a fraud and a conman.
He's human garbage and he practices mind control!
So does Greg Gutfeld, by the way.
He practices mind control, that's why the Gre- I don't owe to be this dumb.
When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left, tearing down Trump?
There really isn't.
And, you know, what I would say, it's really a diet of this type of information that a lot of these voters are getting.
So wait, there's no anti-Trump network?
Wow, even CNN admits nobody watches CNN.
But look, even if you despise Trump, you gotta admit, this deception dares you to laugh in its face.
There isn't an anti-Trump media company?
Hell, there might be two dozen with CNN leading the hair-on-fire pack.
The only reason every Trump book goes to number one is because it has two cable networks doing its PR.
Which explains why two recent massive surveys say media is overwhelmingly biased and cannot be trusted.
If only this delusional thinking were relegated to the silly world of politics or Brian Stelter's head.
But it's not.
The same people who deny this reality deny a lot of far uglier facts.
Rising murder rates, shootings, looting, property destruction, attacks on the elderly, killings by released felons, attacks on free speech, riots described as peaceful protests.
And remember how the media pretended that defunding the police was a reasonable ask?
For this to succeed, they had to bury reality.
Like Gallup's survey showing that over 80% of blacks and Hispanics want the same amount or more police.
Funny how the white anchors never bring that stuff up.
But in order for a left-wing view of the world to exist, you must pretend none of that other bad stuff exists.
Meaning the consequences of left-wing action and democratic leader inaction.
You can thank a media and the left working together to preserve their power.
But, I mean, there are no left-leaning networks or news.
Studies show 92 to 98 percent of coverage by the Pew Research Center and others are anti-Trump.
But you know what?
That's more gaslighting and mind control.
CNN's Stelter's right.
There's nobody out there on the left or on the anti-American manwagon.
And, of course, he's absolutely right as well, along with Congressman Nadler, that there are no such thing as Antifa.
I mean, he told us so.
Here it is.
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
Sir, there's videos everywhere online.
There's fires and riots.
They're throwing fireworks at federal officers.
DHS is there.
Look online.
It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.
So there you go.
What about Antifa?
And he said, that's a myth.
I mean, it just doesn't even exist.
It's just funded by Soros.
The Democrats running around burning everything down.
So that's what they call gaslighting, ladies and gentlemen.
Because Stelter has shows where he goes, there is no censorship of conservatives.
While he calls for it, but then separately, there is no liberal media.
These people are believing their own BS.
It's called being crazy.
They've officially gone nuts.
Because when you shovel BS, you become a shovel.
We are selling more privacy pockets a day than we were previously selling in a month because of the Clinton Foundation running the contact tracing, and admittedly with Google and Apple tracking all Americans on their phones, even if you hopped out of it or get rid of the apps.
People realize these criminal groups are surveilling you and selling your data and using it to control your life, sharing it with Antifa, sharing it with Black Lives Matter, sharing it with the deep state to oppress not just high-profile people, but the general public.
That's why folks are taking back control of their lives with these little Faraday cages.
That you can put your cell phones in that knock out the ability of the cell towers to ping it every few seconds and track your location.
This is the only way to have your privacy, and people are taking their privacy back, and it's very, very exciting.
They're at $19.95 apiece at InfoWarsTore.com.
We've ordered even more.
A huge shipment's coming in next week, so get yours now and be part of the movement to cut Big Brother off.
We are live!
It is Tuesday, August 11th, the year is 2020.
We are 83 days out from this historic election and I want to open the phones up starting really the next segment on the subject I raised yesterday and the subject I raised today so I politely ask listeners that are going to call to call in about
You take your view on the Democrats, now being in the New York Times, at the top Democrat strategy meeting, saying we're going to have the states secede, we're going to have our own inauguration and say Joe Biden is the president, and then the military will have to decide who they believe the real government is.
And they are running around saying the military will then remove Trump.
I mean, that's their next hoax!
And they haven't gotten in trouble for all the other Russiagate failures and Ukrainegate failures and
Grab the pussy gate, you know, all of them.
None of that's worked for them, and so, like criminals always do, they're doubling down.
How do we respond to that?
What does the President do?
And then the other big issue.
Our video, Man.Video, went up late last night, Gregg Reese.
It's got 100-something thousand views at Man.Video.
We get it banned last night on his YouTube channel saying, you have disagreed with the World Health Organization.
Here's the letter.
And that is not allowed.
And then all he did was source the WHO and other major publications with their actual numbers.
I mean, the whole thing is so documented, it's disgusting.
It's the U.N.
and the PR firms that count people that die of other things as COVID.
They're the ones that said 2.5 million and 2.2 million will be dead in the U.S.
alone, and 80 million, 100 million will be dead by now worldwide, and it's not even anywhere near that.
Let's put up the global death numbers.
Even when they're John Hopkins, Bill and Melinda Gates fake numbers, it's a fraction of that that we can punch up that world map.
But we see the societal change being driven by all this.
It's absolutely mind-blowing.
But I have a correction to make.
At the end of the last hour, I put out fake news.
And it was an accident, and I apologize.
And as is customary, when I do make a mistake, I correct it.
And as is the trend, about 98% of the time when I make a mistake, I downplay something.
I'm always being accused of exaggerating things, and when people actually go look into it, it's far worse.
I said three million are on the verge of starvation six months ago.
The UN said it's 133 million, and their numbers are accurate in that case because of the COVID shutdown, not because of COVID.
So I showed you a German study, new German study, finds coronavirus mortality rate at 0.37.
This is from back in April, it's dropped.
Remember, first it was going to be 5%, then 4%, then 3%, then 2%, then 1%, and then... This is from April.
10 times less than flawed WHO numbers that sent global community into panic.
So then I said, hey, pull me the Texas numbers.
This is from the Texas website. 0.032.
What is the death rate?
I'm not a mathematician.
I'm not good at math.
What is the death rate then if, for the cases they have, 0.032 die?
I mean, that is unbelievable.
And then you find out... I mean, according to that, it's hundreds of times not as bad as the flu.
Zoom in on that.
Let me put it on full screen too.
I mean, this is just mind-blowing.
So, I'm sorry.
I said 0.32.
I'm sorry.
It's a fraction of that.
How much smaller is 0.32 from 0.32?
Can somebody do the math in there?
What fraction of that is that?
Because that's some horrible fake news I put out.
God, I don't work for the UN.
I just told you that it's hundreds of times worse than it is.
I'm sorry.
I misread it.
It wasn't on purpose.
I admit it.
It's not 0.32.
It's 0.032.
But see, the death number is going straight down like a lead balloon, but the infection rate is going straight up.
Because I just showed you the CDC's own website.
If you had a bacterial infection, or the flu, or a cold in the last decade, on average, you are going to have the genetic material that you also had if you had COVID-19.
Oh, and I'm afraid COVID-19 does exist.
It's a fast-spreading
Coronavirus, it's a chimera that's got lots of new mutations and lots of surprises in it for you.
If you are, run down on zinc, vitamin D3 or C because any virus can take you down if you don't have that.
Oh, but the CEO of YouTube says there's a lie.
There are people on YouTube like Alex Jones.
They're attacking the National News by name, saying you need D3, you need Zinc, you need E, you need C. They say that's not true.
The WHO says you don't need that.
Ladies and gentlemen, on the back of the bottle or the cereal box, it says that it's essential.
And I know the audience knows this, but we have new listeners.
So it's a public service announcement.
Essential means you die without it.
Water, on average, is three days if you're out in the elements, ten days if you're inside, not moving around.
Oxygen is about four and a half minutes.
Some people can live longer.
Maybe the maximum is ten minutes or so.
That's why it's choking you, it's even quicker.
Oxygen is essential.
H2O, that hydrogen monoxide, is essential.
Salt is essential.
Without salt, you die.
Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin
See, all of it, you must have, or any virus or bacteria will kill you.
But you just heard last hour the CEO of YouTube say it's not true.
She calls it a cure.
Once you're run down and once you have a viral infection that's already eaten your lungs, or in the case of polio, eaten your nerve endings, you're screwed up.
You're probably going to die.
But if you
are healthy and your cells have what they need according to the NIH website.
That's why zinc is called essential.
You cannot have replication of coronaviruses in the cell nuclei if vitamin zinc is found.
Element zinc.
And then vitamin D3 and C. And again, this is like saying
If you throw a month old baby in the deep end of the pool, it's gonna sink to the bottom and drown.
I mean, I know I'm like going, two plus two equals four, and this is your fork, and this is your knife, and this is how you eat, but I've had lawyers, I've had FBI agents, I've had them all literally look me in the eyes, and they go, you're telling me I gotta have vitamin C. And I'm like, is this a joke?
You're like joking with me, right?
No, no, our guests come on, and they go, are these vitamins he sells real?
I mean, the public is so stupid now that that's why this is happening!
Absolutely insane.
Yeah, there's the NIH website.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement.
Zinc is also found in many coal lozenges and some over-the-counter drugs sold as coal remedies.
Zinc is involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolic system, is required for the catalytic activity, approximately 100 enzymes, 1.2, and it plays a role in immune function, 3, 4, that's little sources, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis,
That's cell division.
Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, adolescence, and is required for proper sense of taste and smell.
A daily intake of zinc is required to maintain a steady state because the body has no specialized zinc storage system.
And it just goes on if you don't have it, you die, okay?
So, you know, and I'm literally, literally talking to lawyers, FBI agents, and they're like, they're going, are you really serious?
And I'm like, I go, is this, I go, let me show you.
No, we don't want to see it.
I mean, there's like a demon curse where they can't get info.
They can't listen.
They just, I've got family won't listen to me.
I just, I can't handle it anymore.
It's insane.
They're lying to you!
They're frauds!
My God, wake up!
The people perish for lack of knowledge!
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August 2020 is here.
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Bandits only fired once.
They shot me in the chest.
They may have wounded me, but they'll never get the best of better men.
All right again.
I love this part.
I am a river gambler.
We don't have time to listen to that.
You know, I hate watching these globalist shysters rip people off and brainwash.
But until people decide to grow up and start being savvy, stop being sheeple, things are only going to get worse.
Okay, we can put this on screen.
This is a huge exclusive.
And it's not because even one of the producers or writers or researchers found it, but one of our computer switchers is a really smart guy.
He just decided when he saw this article the other day to go actually read the study.
And see, that's what you need to do.
He saw Axios, 97,000 children test positive for COVID-19 at schools eye-reopening.
Nobody's dying, not one of them.
All the stories they put out are fake kids.
A lot of them don't even exist.
You ought to ask, wow, why is mainstream news putting out fake kids or fake LGBT?
Because it's a psy-op.
They're going for broke, why not?
You tell a thousand lies, tell a million lies.
Putting back on screen, there's the new headline.
New COVID hoax.
Feds counting positive adults as children to boost fear in parents.
One state counting people up to 24 years old, the others 19.
The article's on Infowars.com.
You scroll down, it's got screenshots of it.
But hey, don't believe me, check it out for yourself.
This is from Children's Hospital Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the NIH.
Dr. Gamshot, please.
So they say, according to this, why, there's record numbers, and then it turns out 90 plus percent
And the data from 49 states that report, one I've been reporting, almost all of them are 17 and up, up to age 24.
Look at the map.
Yellow is 0 to 14.
Only Florida and Utah report anybody testing positive that's under 14.
Everywhere else is 17, 18, 19, 20, 24.
They're counting people up to 24 in Alabama.
Tennessee, they're counting people up to 20.
South Carolina, up to 20.
What's Texas doing?
Up to 19.
No, up to 20.
Does that anger you?
Yeah, Texas is at 19.
I misread that.
So, there you go.
Again, it's scam upon scam upon scam upon fraud.
Good Lord.
And Texas, remember, was saying a 2% death rate six months ago.
Totally made up.
Now it's 0.032.
But, I'll be walking down the hike and bike trail.
And they'll be 20 feet wide at certain points, 30 feet wide.
And you'll see women and men up against the wall with their masks.
I'm not wearing a mask.
I mean, these are lunatics!
But they're getting into it.
And now you've got a lawmaker in Tennessee calling for people to get jail time for attempted murder if you don't wear your damn mask.
By the way, the big approval, and they say it's the gold standard, the M95, only protects air coming in partially.
Not air going out.
It's just an opening.
That's what the valve's for.
Total fraud!
They want you tried for attempted murder.
Open the prisons up and put people not wearing a mask over their face in prison.
When the national death rate
That they're now reporting is a fraction of 1% and it's stacked with fraud.
And look, I know the mainline talk radio is spending all its time on Biden's a buffoon and Biden can't talk and Biden's a moron and, you know, they're gaslighting us and saying he's a rocket scientist and, oh look, he can ride a bike.
That's the big talking point.
I don't get Republican talking points.
We create the reality points that then they pick up if they want to win and save the country.
That's why you tune in here.
No, everything is COVID, COVID, COVID, because it's causing a worldwide depression.
The food chain's already breaking down.
We've got nine different manufacturers, and four of them can't deliver our stuff anymore, and they're breaking down.
It may just shut down.
Some of these companies have been around 40 years, most of them decades.
And we've got a bunch of big supply chain, a lot of different companies.
We don't just use one.
We've got over 50 products.
And that's why when you hear me advertise a product we have, it's in the warehouse.
Unless it's the storable food, then that's it.
Four other factories around the country and we're partnered with a company that does that, that has high quality and gets it to you and the people give us rave reviews for us.
We want to sell you stuff that you like and you appreciate us, we appreciate you.
It's just simple common sense.
You got a woman you love, you take care of her.
You got a man you love, you take care of him.
It's just a relationship is what we want.
Not some fly-by-night globalist BS where we get off on screwing somebody.
I'd rather blow my head off.
When I tell you there's breakdowns in the supply chain, I'm not just saying that.
It's not just in the news.
It's bad, and the food prices are going up.
And a lot of these companies are like, hey, we'll fulfill the order.
We want to pay you up front.
We usually used to pay like, you know, part up front.
They go, listen.
Our employees won't come in because one person had it.
And everybody's panicked.
Everybody just wants to get welfare now.
And the trucking companies aren't coming.
And everything's breaking down.
And it's the same over and over again.
And I've talked to other people in business.
I've talked to a guy who manages 40-something warehouses in South Carolina and around the country where furniture comes in and it's distributed around the country.
And he said that they had to shut down most of their facilities because if they get one case, the union freaks out, or the employees do, and they all want to go home, and no one's sick, but they're all scared.
Then they get tested, and a bunch of them have it, because it's a fake test, and they're all asymptomatic at the meatpacking plants, and the furniture plants, and they just leave!
Everything's falling apart, and it ain't coming back!
But everybody wants the virtue signal of wear their mask walking down the street.
Sometimes I get up at like 5 in the morning, and I go out to get
Donuts or breakfast tacos or whatever for the family.
And I mean I was out last week at 5.30 in the morning and I get the breakfast tacos and I'm driving back to the house and I see like a person every mile walking dogs with masks in the dark!
They're walking around in the dark with a damn mask on!
It's Cuckoo Bird, man!
And meanwhile...
The supply chain's breaking down.
The rest of the world's open for business.
They just did Kabuki theater.
But we're not.
Let me give you the number.
I want to talk about this.
I want to talk about their plan to overthrow Trump.
Their plan to have states secede.
It's now official.
I mean, we're talking real civil war.
We're just sitting here like sitting ducks, waiting to see what happens.
First time caller today.
We got a guest coming up at 1.
I gotta move him up behind here.
And then we gotta have Roger Stone and Laura Loomer on.
There's just so much going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to stop busy and complaining.
It's just, this has gotten so crazy.
We got a Facebook whistleblower on and I forgot we had on.
And so he was supposed to be on right now, but I said, I'm going to give him the number or else we'll do that.
If he has to reschedule, that's fine.
I'm sorry about that problem, but I just can't handle it anymore.
I mean, this is front and center martial law.
Human freedom.
The wild, wild West.
The Renaissance.
Human liberty.
The West built all the freedom, all the choices, all the empowerment we've seen.
The general population has been programmed that submission to tyranny brings them prosperity.
Because in the last 50 years, under psychotic globalist control, they have taught us by successive approximation to bow down and each time be given a reward, a treat,
That's like training wild pigs to come eat out of your hand and finally one day you lead them into the barn and close the door and butcher them.
We're now reaching that point in societal development where submission is death.
Where submission is
We're good.
Jesus has had their heads cut off all over the country, all over the Philippines, all over Europe.
Virgin Marys are getting torn down.
I mean, crosses are being torn down.
It's absolutely out of control, but people now understand that evil was always real.
It is spiritual, and it was just waiting to make its move, building beneath the surface, and now it's emerged.
That's why when I ask listeners and viewers for your prayer, I mean it.
I'm praying for America.
I'm praying for you.
And I know the power of prayer is real and God hears it.
We need to come together and pray for an even greater awakening.
Pray for Donald Trump to be protected.
Pray for him to win in a landslide and pray for the people under deception of the globalists to awaken and join us in liberty and freedom.
God bless you all.
Please pray for him for us as well.
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Where did it come from?
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Bring the purest, most refreshing water to your home by ordering the Alexa Pure Water Filtration System today from InfoWarStore.com.
Other systems just don't compare.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Syndicated Radio and TV.
The most banned, the most attacked, the most lied about platform on the planet because we stuttered the globalist on operations.
We know what we're talking about.
Their program will not succeed if this information gets out.
Again, thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday planetary transmission.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls Aaron, Manny, Mac.
Rob and Cooper here in just a moment.
Some of the other news.
Revolver exclusive.
Former DOD official linked to Biden calls for Alex Jones's assassination.
And then he falsely went with the news.
Trump just kicked him out of his administration.
He just falsely went with the news that was put out by Right Wing Watch, funded by Soros, that I called for offensively going out and killing looters and people.
No, I said if the communists were able to overthrow the cities like they did in Russia or China, and if they try to go around like Larry Grathwald exposed, and start rounding people up to kill us, or they come to your houses to kill you, like they now do, or they have checkpoints where they point guns at you that's now coming out every few hours, that you have a right to defend yourself.
And I said defensively then, you know, take them out if they're trying to kill you.
So they don't show a video, they show edited quotes,
Of me saying, kill as many liberals as you can.
They'll probably take that quote out and say it.
That's not what I said.
But just, if you look at a picture of this fake, wannabe, you know, tough guy, who again was one of these people brought in by the deep state, Zachary Tyson Brown.
I mean, what a joke.
What an absolute joke.
He wants to be assassinated, like I'm a foreign terrorist.
An enemy combatant.
You know who the enemy combatants are?
It's the deep states saying they're going to have the states secede, they're going to overthrow Trump, and they've got the military ready to do it outside of impeachment and outside of law.
I mean, that's being put out in the New York Times now, at war game meetings.
And I'm saying, if they're able to do that, they're going to come for everybody else.
It's in the official Austin budget proposal.
In the budget proposal, to blow up the police department as a symbol of abolishing the police.
And I'm like, last weekend they had gunmen on rooftops, and gun trucks going around aiming guns at people, and I've got, roll some of the new video today we've got, and then we'll go to the calls of Indiana and
New York and Colorado, where people are just driving down the street, and people walk up in front of their truck.
Here it is.
You're just trying to pull out of the parking lot, and a bunch of weird, crazy, white people who sit there and walk up and aim, get in front of your car with guns.
And then the guy tries to get away.
They chase him and start saying, don't run me over.
They're trying to get in front of the vehicle.
Do we have this bleep?
Can we play the audio?
There's always so much cussing.
That's what leftists do.
They just go, F, F, F, F. And these people are bringing their kids with them.
Yeah, start it over.
Start it over at the beginning.
Imagine, they're in front of this guy's truck on the road.
He tries to go around them.
They stop him!
Oh, he's gonna try to run us over.
He's trying to get away from them.
So they run in front of him and go, he's trying to get us!
Black people, white people running, trying to get in front of the vehicle.
He's gonna hit us!
Look, they're all jumping in front of it.
They're like, you're not going through.
So the full video is that they're blocking the access road to the highway.
So he tries to go around them.
And they just keep getting in front of him and aiming guns at him.
Pure thuggery.
Just pure, absolute piracy.
Imagine if the cops did this.
That's just today's video.
And look, I'm sorry.
A group surrounds my car and points a gun at me.
I'm going to just like the army guy did in Austin.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Especially if I'm with my children.
And man, if you listen to the audio, they're like, oh no, don't run us over.
It's like that joke video I did a few months ago where we go and jump on the person's car.
That's what they really do.
It's what they're trained to do.
Yeah, there's the headline, local news, Indianapolis traffic blockers threaten motorists at gunpoint for trying to pass and call it self-defense.
God, these people, man.
And then they have this individual, deep state veteran, Zachary Tyson Brown, who's worked at the office, Secretary of Defense, as recently as last month, took to LinkedIn to call for me to be killed like a terrorist.
Tyson Brown shared a seemingly malicious threat with the entire world, but he couched it just the right way.
And then, again, he makes quotes that are his words, with only a few of my words edited in.
Notice, didn't he show the video?
Alex Jones told listeners last week that his predictions of war against the New World Order were coming true.
Notice none of this is quotes.
And that his listeners should try to overcome their fear of death and be ready to kill as many of them as possible.
That's a real quote.
I said if they take down the country, set up death camps, start rounding 50 million of us up as their official plan, we'll have to take the leadership of the communist dictatorship.
Abso-fricking-lutely I said that.
And then this guy pops up and says we need to kill Alex Jones.
So I guess he's saying he's part of this.
And he wants to kill me.
And I'm saying if they come to kill us, we gotta defend ourselves.
And he says I wanna kill Alex Jones.
See, he doesn't get chicken or the egg.
He doesn't get they're the ones doing all this.
Because, see, when they come and point a gun at you when you're driving down the road and try to stop your car, you're the bad guy, see?
In this person's world.
All right, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Ryan in California.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, we are the Resistance Band.
Am I allowed to ask you how you're doing because we don't have that much time?
I will tell you though, when it comes to the food chain and the trucking industry, my father-in-law is a truck driver here in California.
He is his own owner-operator truck driver.
So he gets to see a little bit more behind the scenes of what's going on.
Since January of this year, his company filed for bankruptcy saying there will be no more loads, there will be no more truck driving going on in the future.
So they already knew about it.
So he's kind of hit and miss.
Oh yeah, all the big corporations were already pre-positioned.
But that's why the price is going to go way up.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
And then all these people think, oh, I'm getting a few months of payroll.
I'm going to sit, no, there'll be no more job to come back to, but see how they got us to sell our birthright.
Just like with Cain and Abel.
Cain sold his birthright, an entire, you know, mountain area, the equivalent of, you know, billions of dollars today for a bowl of soup.
And people are literally selling the infrastructure that everybody built, that it's being shut down.
It'll take decades to come back for a few months of free goody goods.
Isn't that crazy?
That is crazy.
And I'll tell you what, Alex, over here in California, we have a big strong falling.
We're not wearing a mask or anything.
So we're trying to we're trying to resist just like everybody else.
But we need the numbers.
We need people in California to step up, not say that they're afraid that, you know, follow Trump or whoever.
We need people to step up, go out to the grocery stores, wear no mask, go out in public, wear no mask.
That's right.
We do normal.
We need the numbers because without that, if I go to the grocery store by myself or just with my family, then everybody turns on me and my family.
And they always say, oh, you're not protecting your kids.
And now it'll be, we gotta check your phone that you've had the vaccine, you've gotta have the app showing you have the vaccine.
We're being inducted into such evil right now.
They're gonna use the mob against us, so we have to start standing up to the mob.
You know, they always try to come over to me and get in my face, and then once I get back in theirs with facts, they back off.
So God bless you, I hear what you're saying.
But even if you can't get other people to do it, brother, you're going to have to do it yourself.
You're going to have to just educate and bring, like, a printout with facts, you know, that the COVID thing is killing less than 0.033.
I mean, unbelievable, folks.
Thank you so much.
Robin Kentucky, Mac, James, Aaron, Ivan, Cooper, Travis, Dave, Colin, we're getting all your calls.
And Roger Stone, Laura Loomer, and others are coming up.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, hello.
Can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Hey, Alex.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro, and it's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and two before us have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, there's a couple of us.
We're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank you
Well brother we put more in this than any other long-term high-quality energy powder there is.
So this this was designed on one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because obviously the political issues but we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it and we believe it is the best strongest but healthiest energy out there and you're saying that it's made your life better so that means a lot to me thank you to all your truck drivers we love you.
America and the world should have never been closed.
It was all based on WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates, Fauci, NIH lies.
But now, here we are, already into August, and they're trying to keep our stores, our factories, our schools,
Our parks closed.
It is outrageous.
Well, we have launched a new big sale titled Reopen America Back-to-School Special.
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But whatever you do, ladies and gentlemen, don't wait until a bigger crisis comes.
Don't wait until everybody panics.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The social contract has been broken.
The family is being destroyed.
Humans are being put into an artificial system where we'll be lab-grown even if our parents are allowed to breed.
It's the plan of the United Nations and UNESCO.
It's the plan of Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley.
It's the New World Order.
Brave New World is not a science fiction book.
It is a futurist publication in its own words.
Written in 1932, we're now living the beginning of the induction into this.
The pod people.
It's not aliens coming from a distant star system.
It's humans becoming psychotic and deciding to farm other humans and behaving like bloodthirsty Martians.
It's the facts.
And they're using terror to drive you into submission.
Compliance doesn't get you out of this.
Oh, you trust the police department, the fire department?
They want to get rid of that with all its problems and bring in something far worse.
But you keep trusting the globalists and the UN like
They're the local fire department, police department.
I'll assure you they're not.
They're evil.
And they work for the New World Order.
All right, let's race through your calls.
We have a lot of people right now.
Let's go ahead and go to Dave in North Carolina.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I want to throw in a quick plug real quick.
I'm a U.S.
Army veteran, and I deployed overseas.
And when I came home and got out, they put me on all kinds of drugs to deal with my PTSD and things like that.
And when I started listening to your show, I decided that I was going to try some of your supplements like BODY and Super Male Vitality.
And after taking those for a couple months, I just wanted you to know that I'm now off of those drugs that the VA wanted to pump me full of.
And it saved my life, honestly.
It saved my marriage.
So I just wanted to thank you and InfoWars for that.
Well, brother, I want to thank you.
Spend a little more time on that.
I mean, what happened when you started taking the products?
So with the bodies, I have terrible PTSD from serving over in Afghanistan.
And whenever I came home, you know, obviously you're in a war zone and 24 hours later, you're at home with family.
And so when you come home, your adrenaline still pumping and you're still thinking about all those things that got your adrenaline going and all the all the bad things from friends you lost.
And it's hard to deal with at times.
And I was so full of energy and
Honestly, sadness all the time.
Those are two bad things that veterans have to deal with and combine.
They're terrible.
And with the bodies, it helped me get so much rest.
I was able to calm down.
The super male vitality helped me lose weight.
I feel healthier.
I have a lot more energy.
I can spend time with my family instead of sleeping because all those
Drugs that the pharmaceutical industry pump is full of and it just really changed my life for the better.
Well, let's talk about that.
Everybody knows that turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and an anti-oxidant and just does incredible things.
That's why the enemy attacks it.
That's why the UN attacks it.
But it's absolutely documented.
They're trying to patent it and make drugs out of it.
But the biggest thing it does is it flips off a lot of inflammation switches.
Well, the glands we know under stress get super inflamed because they're pumping out a lot of adrenaline and a lot of other things.
And so what you talked about
Is people should research what turmeric does to ovaries, testicles, the adrenals, and the kidneys.
I mean, go look at it for yourself.
So what you discovered is what super strong turmeric concentrate does.
And wherever you get your turmeric, folks, great, get it.
But it has an amazing effect.
We have the liquid turmeric now, we have the concentrated bodies, powdered turmeric, and it really is an amazing product.
It's why they have thousands of five-star reviews.
People love it because it really
Does work.
Is it a panacea?
But my wife plays a lot of tennis and other sports.
Her hip really hurts and her elbow.
And she had surgery that didn't help on the elbow.
And she's like, oh, I don't want it.
She's like a couple years ago.
Oh, turmeric.
I already take turmeric.
It doesn't help very much.
She's taking these horse pills.
I said, take bodies.
She goes, why is this smaller but works better?
I said, your other one is probably 5% curcuminoid.
This is 95% concentrated.
So she now doesn't have to take the Tylenol and the other stuff because this works better for her.
So I mean, that's how real this is, brother.
So I'm glad I gave you some of the comfort because it comes through God.
It's not a panacea.
It works better for some people than others, but I'm really glad you had that response.
And just to add to that real quick, I also, I got out medically with a shoulder injury and a knee injury.
And the first surgery that they did was completely unsuccessful.
And they were talking about a second in August of this year.
It was actually supposed to happen next week.
But since then, you know, since I started taking these supplements, like you said, I just feel so much better.
I don't really think I need to go under the knife again.
So if anybody out there is hurting,
And really need to change their body and change their life.
InfoWars is where it's at.
And I really appreciate it.
Well, I appreciate you.
One more thing since we're on this.
DNA Force Plus has PQQ and CoQ10 that have been proven to regrow nerves, make telomeres last longer, and regenerate the mitochondrial DNA.
Now, here's the problem.
I was told this when we were developing it six years ago.
I had a finger that was cut off, so it was still partly numb.
I went on it, back pain hit in about two weeks, and the fingers started hurting because the nerves literally re-grew.
Now that's not in every case, but I got feeling back in my finger and in my back.
But when the nerves are turning back on, it hurts sometimes.
So don't think that, you know, even what God gave us doesn't have side effects.
This is some heavy stuff.
So God bless you, brother.
What was your take, Dave, on the Dems' division and sparking war?
Well, as a veteran, here's how I feel about them trying to divide and conquer.
Um, veterans and active duty military.
Most of us obviously can't speak for all of us, but most of us, when we take that oath, we take the oath to the Constitution and to protect this country.
And we don't take it to a party or to a person.
Um, people get it mixed up that they think that, you know, the, the military's there to just protect the president or Congress.
And that's not how it is.
We're there to protect the Constitution and that's what we'll do.
And I think right now, um, I think people are silent because they don't think
Or they don't believe that it's going to get as bad as we say it is or believe it is.
And it is, and people need to link up with people in their community as far as the militias go and learn how to survive out in the wilderness.
You know, find that property that's off the grid so you don't have to worry about the masses coming after your thing.
Absolutely, and people know that now because they are trying to make us domesticated.
God bless you, Dave.
Really great testimony for the products and I appreciate your support.
All right, let's go ahead now and take another call.
Let's talk to, who's been home the longest now?
That would be Rob in Kentucky.
Go ahead.
Rob, thanks for holding.
You there, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Hey, I listened to your show on Friday, and it was the one where Trump was talking about how he knows there's a lot of people coming against him.
Yeah, he said they're trying to take me out right now and they might be successful is what he said, basically.
Yeah, yeah.
He fired the bat signal.
I mean, people need to know the normalcy bias is over.
We're in it right now.
People need to know that.
Yes, sir.
But what I was going to say about it is,
I'm thinking after he said all that, then he went through with his executive orders and all the other things, the good things that we're starting to see this week, where he appointed a doctor, hopefully to combat Dr. Fauci and all that.
But I'm thinking if he can take that kind of action, especially with this COG and everything else coming about them gathering outside the White House, if he can take some more offensive action, I think it could help
Protect the presidency going forward.
The plan, people ask, how did I know three years ago it was the plan when I shot those videos saying they planned to create a race riot, surround the White House for months, finally try to burn it down, drive him out of office.
That's when Soros said it's the plan, and now you know they're setting it up.
I didn't know when they were going to do it, I just knew we got their secret documents.
I mean, that's why Soros funded suits against us, is we got these secret documents that should have him and his son indicted.
I mean, it's a criminal takeover plan.
One last thing on that.
I'm thinking that the mayor of Washington, D.C.
and all that obviously is going to let them gather and camp.
September, in the middle of September and everything, but he's got to somehow override that.
Well, yeah, because their aim is not to get a message across.
It's for siege and to quote, drive him from office.
So they can have their demonstration for five hours or whatever.
But when they say a bunch of communists are going to encamp around the White House, it's the provocateur violence.
So they have a pretext to riot.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I think Donald Trump, if you're listening, you really need to take
More offensive action against this because it's it's going to be the undoing of it all and then well look at the lunatic That showed up yesterday waving a gun around it everybody to get killed He didn't he got shot now the media saying that was too much force just waving a gun at the Secret Service Yeah, yeah, I just want to encourage everybody We're trying to do what the other caller said not wear a mask in the in the grocery stores even taking pictures and
With not wearing masks and encouraging people.
There are people who think it's ridiculous as you walk through the store and they're with you.
You just need to give them that bit of encouragement and stand and preach the gospel because Jesus is the answer.
And I just wanted to tell everyone that.
God bless you, brother.
Thank you, Rob.
All right, I'm going to jam in two calls next short segment.
I'm going to go to James and I'm going to go to Ivan.
And then we got a guest popping in who's a whistleblower on this U.N.
directing the Internet now, which is official.
Remember, Obama's gonna hand it over to the U.N.
All the big tech follows orders from the U.N.
I mean, that should stop last year.
It's illegal.
Americans have had freedom for so long, and most Americans were born into such docile times compared to the rest of history, that we really have a blind spot for tyranny.
We don't appreciate the American way, truth, justice, due process, the right to self-defense, private property, because we've had it so long, and we just think that's how the rest of the world is.
Ladies and gentlemen, the renaissance, the social contract that's 500 years old to try to build up humanity and try to believe in humanity and to try to empower the weak as well as the strong is something the West invented and that's what made our modern world.
That's now been hijacked by the technocrats, by the globalists who say humans are ugly and bad for the earth and we need to be culled and dumbed down and put into subgroups that the elites dominate, manipulate and command if we're even lucky enough to stay alive.
And that's what COVID-19 is.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
It is so incredible that we posted a video on YouTube last night on the sub channel.
With the UN, the CDC admitting that COVID is basically a hoax.
Yes, hello Alex, how you doing?
It's just, I mean, they're saying they're gonna have the states secede and have their own inauguration and have two presidents.
I'm alright.
That's a civil war.
I mean, that's in the New York Times.
We are in cuckoo land.
It's crazy.
I can't believe we're hearing this stuff, but it's like, I believe that they just want to, you know, tell the, they have all, the devs just want to tell them what they want to hear over the news and all these things.
And then it's been going on for the last four years.
Give them what they want to hear.
It's never going to happen.
I don't believe, I mean, you know, it's like,
Trump has major cojones going after these human traffickers and they're all, you know, squatting bricks.
I mean, it is really crazy.
Oh no, I agree.
I mean, for Trump being surrounded, he is kicking their ass.
Unbelievable, it really is.
Whether it's the silent majority or whatever, you see his rallies and it's like the people love their president.
I mean... Well, that's another reason they had COVID-19 is to shut down the rallies.
Oh, Sturgis is bad.
And if Trump has a rally, it's bad.
Or a police rally is bad.
Oh, but the communists, those are good!
No, it's a total hoax or it's just BS.
It's fake.
It's just... All this stuff in the past we've had, I mean, whether you want to talk about AIDS, Hep C, or H1N1,
And now we're wearing these masks and things all year long.
It's like they already took a year away from us to wearing, you know.
House arrest.
Come on.
It's like the government can do this?
Give me a break.
Stuffed us, you know?
People are doing it because of peer pressure.
Everybody has to get a bullhorn, and once a week go out in front of a grocery store, a church, wherever, and say, it's okay to know the truth.
It's okay to expose that far less died than they said, and that most of it's fake numbers, and that they say the masks are permanent.
They want forced inoculations.
Take your mask off.
It's a lie.
Don't live in fear.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate your call, James.
Erin in Texas, thanks for calling.
Hi, Erin.
So, regarding the secession and everything, like the previous caller just said, I'm not sure that, you know, it may happen.
That may be too optimistic, but there's the possibility that it would just
It would just fall apart.
But see, having the blue states and blue cities, I said this months ago, shut down the economy and ignore Trump is an example of them taking power in a coup ahead of them seceding.
This is all a practice in secession from the central government.
You can see it.
You understand?
Yeah, and you know, it's discouraging.
I mean, I'm not being quiet about anything, and I just feel so frustrated.
Like, I'm beating my head against the wall with family, friends, just everyone.
Well, you need to explain to them that hundreds of millions are on the verge of starvation.
You can show them the UN's own admissions and that millions are already starved to death, basically.
Because they never say starved to death, they always die of a virus once they're debilitated.
And you need to explain that to them and say, you understand the dollar is going to die and we're going to be in a permanent depression because you went along with this.
They're using COVID as the reason to put us into a depression.
Does that make sense?
I mean, I'm telling them all this and I feel like
I mean, I don't know what more we can do other than, you know, BLM has TV commercials.
Do we need to start taking their tactics and putting out the truth on television and internet and radio and everything that... I mean, I'm calling local news and telling them to go, you know, do the research on ban.video because
I mean, they're hyping it up, and it's just insane.
It's absolutely insane, and they're censoring all these doctors and others.
You keep it up, Erin.
Thanks for holding.
We love you.
We appreciate you so much.
We have a special guest joining us, a Facebook whistleblower, and we've got Roger Stone popping in, but I will finish the calls as well for Roy, Joe, Ivan, and others.
Vicki Gibbs, 57-year-old lesbian preacher in Houston, went in with a cough, got intubated, and then died.
And as soon as I saw her face, as soon as I saw the report, I said, watch, it'll be intubation.
We know what's gonna happen.
It's a blue city.
Same story yet again.
And they say her heart gave out.
If you put somebody on a breathing tube of COVID-19 as a death sentence, it's on record.
Warn everyone you know before they go into the hospital and get killed.
Why are almost all the deaths happening in blue cities and blue states?
It's because they intubate them, putting a tube in their lungs, and COVID-19 is causing an autoimmune response.
And if you do that with oxygen, the doctors are on record saying it will kill you.
But, all these doctors in blue cities and blue states follow their orders.
And the minute I saw this report today, I knew what I would be reading.
Don't end up like Vicki Gibbs or everyone.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain.
Too much love drives a man insane.
You broke my will, but what a thrill.
Runnin' as great as great balls of fire.
We are living in such an incredible time and the Democrats have been preparing a succession of the states during a contested election.
And they've said if Trump argues with their contested view that the military needs to remove Trump and they've been canvassing the military to get him ready for that.
I told you that over a year ago.
Now it's all over the news.
Now they're in the New York Times saying
That they're going to secede and have their own inauguration with Joe Biden.
Nancy Pelosi said that a month ago.
Now it's official that they're wargaming that.
Sounds otherworldly, like a COVID lockdown or censorship or this.
Mainstream media and science expose COVID-19 as a hoax.
This video shows the UN, the CDC, the NIH, the New York Times and Forbes.
Saying they basically faked this pandemic and others, and it says you have disagreed with the WHO, you are censored.
That is to Greg Reese and his video.
It's posted at band.video right now.
Ryan Hartwig joins us.
I could talk this guy five hours, but we just got two segments.
He has been a Facebook project individual and bilingual content moderator.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
He's a big whistleblower and he has a lot to say about what we saw a few weeks ago.
Big tech whistleblowers urge lawmakers to tackle Silicon bias.
Please do something already.
And other reports on how big tech censoring not just here but places like Brazil.
So Ryan hitting all the highlights and with 83 days out and
Professor Epstein and others exposing how Google and others are already shaping the elections.
We now have Laura Loomer with her telecom not letting her campaign send out totally legal text messages to people that have signed up with her.
I mean, now the telecoms are censoring.
I mean, there seems to be no limit to this.
Thanks for joining us.
Yeah, thanks for having me, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here.
Yeah, the last couple of weeks and the last month have been very busy for me.
We see that Facebook and Twitter are banning people globally.
But yeah, just a quick recap.
I mean, two weeks ago, we had the congressional hearing in Congress with Big Tech.
We had the criminal referral from Matt Gaetz due to the investigation that myself and Project Veritas carried out.
And, you know, Zuckerberg,
Was in Congress two weeks ago.
Matt Gaetz mentioned my name in Congress in front of Mark Zuckerberg.
I should have said that up front.
Your investigation with Veritas helped trigger these big events.
They brought you up.
What is that like?
Yeah, it's been insane.
I think the media attention has been insane.
Yeah, like I feel honored that Matt Gaetz was able to mention my name in Congress.
And yeah, because of what I gave Matt Gaetz,
I gave Matt Gaetz about a lot of documentation that was not in the video release.
So, yeah, he has a lot of information that's not available to the public, and that's why he was able to submit that criminal... So to rephrase this, so we can, when we post this as a video, it'll be up front, we have Ryan Hartwig, the big whistleblower from Facebook, who gave the blueprint of the censorship and the fact that Congress has been receiving false testimony or perjury by big tech, and Congressman Matt Gaetz was able to use that information to blow Facebook and others out of the water.
So, just amazing job.
Thank you.
Yeah, and so that was very key.
And then so that same day that or the day after that Zuckerberg testified in Congress, three of us actually submitted a letter to Congress, me and two other whistleblowers, Zach Voorhees and Zachary McElroy.
And the media in Brazil really took a hold of my section of the letter because that same week, their Supreme Court actually banned at least 10
Conservative voices from Twitter and Facebook globally.
So that was huge in the news and you were seeing that there on the screen.
So these are the bad guys working with governments to silence people.
It's just unprecedented.
Yeah, it's incredible.
The president of Brazil's son, Bolsonaro's son, actually retweeted me the other day.
They're looking for allies in this fight against global censorship.
And they realize that it is a globalist movement to silence these voices.
Well, you're the expert.
How would you describe the landscape, the battlefield right now?
Um, I know some, I know that in a way we're winning the battle in a lot of ways, and that's why they're, they're so desperate with all the riots going on and the pushback from coronavirus.
So I think we are winning the battle overall, but there's a lot of battles that perhaps we're, we're, uh, we need some help on.
So in Brazil, we need help with the fight going on in Brazil.
I've also, you know, talked to people in Argentina, so,
I mean, there's some good news, but we have a lot of work to do.
Yeah, and I mean, they're so bold and blatant that the same journalist that helped me expose that censorship for Brazil, two of the Supreme Court justices actually knew that President Bolsonaro was being wiretapped by North Korea or China, and they did not tell the President.
So the corruption goes super high, it's at the highest levels in Brazil, and I imagine in other countries throughout the world.
And so many times, China is the muscle against the nation states.
Three years ago, when Trump was just getting in, Xi Jinping was in Davos, and there were headlines, Xi Jinping will help defeat America and the Nationalists, says Herman Von Ruppe, head of the EU.
And headlines like, Xi Jinping will crush America, in the Washington Post.
You know, Xi Jinping will destroy Trump and save America.
And it's like, wow, these people are sick.
Yeah, we see that they're targeting nationalists globally as well.
Any mention of a nationalist is kind of seen as something that's racist.
And they were shutting down nationalist groups on Facebook in Spain and Europe.
And in Brazil, what's really resonating right now is the fact that Facebook, and I've documented this, Facebook doesn't consider a fetus a human life.
An abortion is not a violent death for Facebook.
So that's
Something that really resonates with the Christians in Brazil.
And let's be clear, nothing against Chinese people, but it's the most homogeneous group on the planet except maybe Korea, genetically similar, and they're extremely racist against people that aren't of that group.
So the idea that
Us just having a nation existing is bad, that actually welds people together around the American ethos.
We're racist, Brazil's racist, when it's an incredibly open society, racially.
But then China, the most homogeneous country in the world, they're the good guys.
Yeah, and we see that Brazilians, the people I talk to, they recognize that China is a threat to their country, to their sovereignty as a country.
I mean, I'm sorry, this footage looks like
Yeah, it's true.
That's one of their main attacks is they try to label people who they disagree with as racist, for sure.
Well, all I'm saying is, nothing against people of their own group.
I think Israel has a right to exist, all this stuff.
But, I mean, I'm not against people that are of a certain group having a homeland.
But, I mean, they're the most populous population in the world.
I'm all for it.
They kill dissenters.
Genetically, they're the most similar people on Earth, except maybe Koreans.
And then they're going to, exactly, they're going to fund this race war narrative in America that we're bad.
They're using our diversity against us is what they're doing.
Yeah, and China's influence with Facebook, I mean, it can be seen now with the NBA, but, you know, people have been asking me, what's the influence with China with Mark Zuckerberg?
And we know there is an influence.
We know there's, you know, the money coming from China that's funding the DNC, that's funding all these leftist groups with the goal to destroy the United States.
You watch this footage.
This is not Episode 3.
This is not Episode 2 of Star Wars.
The Clone Wars.
This is not Obi-Wan Kenobi expecting the Emperor's new drones.
This is China, ladies and gentlemen.
There you go.
Almost identical.
Look at that.
Look at the look, everything.
That is programming right there.
How cultic is that, though?
I mean, imagine if some church had people acting like that.
You'd say, it's a damn cult.
Look at that.
That's a communist death cult right there.
I don't know yet.
So yeah, just wanted to get on the show, talk to you about that.
It's huge.
I think it's great that we're talking about this, you know, that we're making some progress in Congress.
I'm working on a book right now.
Hopefully I can release it before the election.
But this censorship, as I mentioned, it's global.
I've done interviews in Canada and Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina.
Well, let's talk about what leaders like Bolsonaro and Trump need to do.
One of the top experts out there.
We're so honored to have Ryan Hartwig on with us.
Stay with us.
We'll give you his websites and more on the other side.
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Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The article just went live on Infowars.com.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
Journalist claims America now a SH-T whole country.
Under Trump, because we have the most COVID cases, because they do 100 times more fake testing here.
It's all on record.
The CDC says almost all the tests are fake.
The death rate is now at 0.032 or lower.
But it's all about infection right now.
This is crazy.
China's over for business, but we aren't.
Here they are on MSNBC celebrating it.
It's just appalling and shocking, really, that we're in this position.
But this is where we are.
We are pariahs.
We are the asshole country that nobody wants people from.
That's what they say.
They say, and so is Brazil.
We're the worst.
Because Brazil and the U.S.
don't control our medical system.
The corporatists do.
And so they're telling us we're the worst when we're not.
It's all made up.
Major whistleblower Ryan Hartwig.
Find him at patreon.com forward slash real Ryan Hartwig, ryanhartwig.org.
So much of that committee meeting we saw last week was because of his work and Project Veritas' work and others.
We really owe him a debt of gratitude for going public.
But remember just a year or so ago they were denying censorship.
Now it's out in the open and the UN directs what Google and others do.
How does Congress counter this with only 83 days left?
Yeah, I mean it's gonna be a tough job for Congress to combat this.
In such a short period of time, we have a couple of congressmen who, you know, step forward who are fighting against it.
You know, Rep.
Matt Gaetz.
But we also saw in that hearing two weeks ago that Senator Brenner, Representative Brenner, thinks that, you know, there shouldn't be that you shouldn't be punished for having a successful company, referring to big tech.
So and we have that that released I'm sorry we had that leaked memo the night before for Mike Cernovich that gave those talking points from Jim Jordan.
And you know Sensenbrenner basically repeated those talking points allowing Big Tech to continue with their stranglehold on the Internet.
So, yeah, like I said, it's going to be a tough job for Congress to... Well, they're abusing their monopoly power.
And Gates, three years ago, was for censorship.
Now he's away.
Josh Hawley's doing a great job in the Senate.
We need direct action now, though, against this because, again, now because Congress isn't involved in protecting our rights, you know, a law doesn't take things away.
Senator Cotton.
It actually protects it if it's First Amendment, Second Amendment.
We need a protection.
We need it now.
Yeah, and the law states that
The powers that Congress gave, you know, Big Tech from the Section 230, they call it a good Samaritan law, and then they should be doing it in good faith.
They're clearly demonstrating they're not doing it in good faith.
And so we can maybe change some of the wording that is used in that law instead of, you know, the wording offense or some of the words are very vaguely and broadly
Interpreted by judges and courts?
So is that something we could do is maybe change a few words to get it?
It needs to be if it's not illegal and it's a third-party comment or posting on a sub page you don't remove it if it is not illegal.
I mean I mean I mean it's that simple and that's what the internet was like it's how it worked it made a huge successful now it's all selectively enforced.
Yeah, it's enforcement.
So I don't know how far these executive orders will take us.
I know there's some legislation introduced by Rep.
Paul Gosar of Arizona as well, as a way to limit basically what they're doing.
Because Facebook's taking advantage of it.
But what about, past the First Amendment issue and the prior restraint issue, they're surveilling you in live time with third-party groups giving them blacklists.
Like, way beyond what McCarthy ever imagined.
This is for real.
This is AI book-burning going on in live time, and it's surveilling people, violating their privacy right there.
And the monopoly practices of them buying up all the companies.
I mean, this is out of control.
Yeah, and Facebook even has a policy, it's called the Fire Brigade, where certain accounts are business accounts and cannot be deleted.
So they give certain protections to other, certain accounts, but obviously,
Josh Fowerstein or other large conservative accounts get deleted.
When you're an establishment person, you're immune from all the regular censorship.
You're essentially immune by, this says, shielded by fire brigade, this content is protected by a high-priority IPX check.
Pass the condoms to the appropriate queue.
So, I can't do anything with it.
I have to escalate it to the fire brigade, like the PR fire team.
So, certain accounts have that protection.
Obviously, none of those conservative accounts have that protection.
Well, that's how it works when, you know, when I was at YouTube with 5 billion views and they wanted to work with us, it was political.
Their normal complaints and things wouldn't do anything.
But then as soon as I didn't play ball and got with Trump, then it was just like, okay, you're done.
They couldn't figure out because I was against war and stuff.
Was I a liberal or was I a conservative?
But as soon as Trump came along, they're like, OK, you're done.
You're done.
And so they cherry picked a few things I'd said out of context to say, oh, his identity, Sandy Hook, which I barely ever talked about, he's attacking families right now.
We've got to take him off the Internet.
He's sending people there.
They have a front line piece two weeks ago.
Jones keeps attacking us.
He won't stop coming to our houses.
They show some crazy woman.
I don't know who she is.
She works for Jones.
He sent her.
I mean, it's like we got it.
So it's like this.
They claim I'm yelling fire in a theater, but they're the ones yelling it.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, no, and I was there when they created the new policy against making claims about crisis actors.
So they created a new policy just for David Hogg, where anybody making a claim about a crisis actor conspiracy
That gets deleted instantly.
By the way, they took my YouTube channel down at first saying I said Hogg was a crisis actor.
I never said that.
So that's what I'm saying.
The new thing is to say there's a policy and then say you violated it and I think that the Florida shooting happened.
So they say though that I say it didn't.
And once you're banned from a platform, they can say whatever they want.
You can't counter it.
So you see what I'm saying?
They ban you to steal your identity and then say you're saying things you didn't say.
Does that make sense?
Because you can't fight back.
There's no way to fight back.
And we see the clear example of this as well.
So I can call someone a Trump humper.
If I call Alex Jones a Trump humper on Facebook and he reports it, stays up.
But if I call
Alex Jones, a snowflake on Facebook.
It gets deleted.
And there's always new terms aren't allowed.
Listen, I know you've got a blueprint, the same blueprint you sent Congress.
Will you send us 20 talking points?
I don't usually do this, but you're the expert.
You've got files that you want to show, that you can't show.
If you would send us a whole list of what you wanted to put on screen to walk us through this as a moderator, to give us the inside view like you gave Gates, or as much as you can show, I'd love to have you back for a full hour to really drill into your expertise.
Because if I'm just up here,
Ask you questions, you know, it's kind of like you're throwing pearls before swine.
Not the audience, but, you know, myself, because I know you could really give us technically how they're perjuring themselves to Congress.
Yeah, I can try to get you some more documents, just kind of a thought process.
I'm saying we're going to do a PowerPoint for us, kind of live on air.
Now we're going to go here.
Now we're going to go there.
That way you'll have the floor and people can really get some value out of it.
Does that make sense?
Got it.
I'll work on that for you.
All right, brother, we're out of time.
In 45 seconds, what else do you want to impart to folks?
Ryan Hartwig, what do they visit to find your great work?
Yeah, so my blog is just ryanhartwig.org.
On my Twitter, my Twitter feed blew up when Brazil, I have like 15,000 followers now on Twitter.
But a real Ryan Hartwig and then ryanhartwig.org.
There's a GoFundMe as well.
But you can find all the links on my Twitter.
And I also have a Patreon.
So any help is appreciated.
And we need to celebrate whistleblowers so that more people do it.
Well, thanks for getting Congress to take action.
You were instrumental in that.
And thank God for Project Veritas.
Ryan Hartwig, thank you so much.
Thank you, Ryan.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, we'll be right back with Roger Stone and Laura Loomer.
She just got banned from being able to use text messages.
Yeah, that's right.
How dare you run for Congress?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, she's been there many times with myself, many times when I wasn't there.
Camped out in Congress, getting into the committee hearings, and exposing the fact that they were lying about the censorship.
Here's one of the most famous cases of Laura Loomer warning the American people about their birthright being stolen.
Because Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election, to sway the election.
I can't understand her.
What's she saying?
Officer, will you escort this young lady out, please?
And you've got the insane congressman speaking over the enemy, the American citizen, who's been censored off Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, bed and breakfasts, hotels, and the media just celebrates it.
Not since Nazi Germany have we seen people not allowed to buy and sell or travel or live.
People overuse the Nazi analogies, but big tech in their control is that.
Well now Comcast bans Laura Loomer from sending texts and emails to voters legally through her campaign site over the telecom because the Democrats she's running against ahead in many polls.
Is a heavy investor.
So now they're into your text messages.
They're into your telecom.
Imagine, oh well, they're a private company.
They're allowed to listen to you and control what you're doing and then block it.
Laura Loomer joins us.
Roger Stone's been on the road with her.
Also helping with her campaign.
Former Trump advisor.
He'll be popping in coming up as well.
So you're way ahead in all the polls against the Republican.
Unless there's total fraud, you're going to win in the primary.
You're ahead of the other guy.
Uh, the Democrat mini-polls, so they're really scared!
Laura Loomer, they're really scared!
Yeah, they definitely are.
And there was a lot of press about my campaign this week because I've officially raised over $1.1 million.
And I've managed to do that while being completely deplatformed.
Alex, my campaign is the only deplatformed campaign in the nation.
We can't use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or PayPal.
And we're raising more money than a lot of candidates who have access to those
And when I filed to run for Congress, people on the left and the right mocked me and said that I had no chance and that I wouldn't even win my primary.
Just like they laughed at Trump.
And I've raised way more than a dime, obviously.
I've raised over a million dollars.
And I'm set to win my primary on August 18th.
And so they're definitely launching attacks against me.
And yesterday, after I had received the endorsement from Congressman Matt Gaetz and Roger Stone,
After they spoke at the Palm Beach County Republican Lobster Fest event at the Trump International Jupiter.
There were a lot of news reports about this and I had sent out a text message with email copy because that's how I have to communicate with voters is through text message and email since I'm banned everywhere.
And that's how I do my fundraising.
So I send this text message in the link that has the email copy.
Briefly flashed and I posted a video of this on my YouTube channel so people can watch and see the evidence for themselves but it flashed and then there was
A notice that said that Comcast was blocking the site, so they're blocking lauraloomerforcongress.com, and they were blocking the donation page because they called it dangerous content, right?
And the good news, just breaking from Breitbart, you're here to fill us in, Comcast says it will fix technical glitch that halted Laura Loomer emails.
So they're blocking text messages and emails, but now because of the heat, they're having to back down for now.
That's a classic tactic.
Tell us about that.
I'm not saying that it's a technical glitch, but this is clearly very political on behalf of Comcast, right?
So Comcast has donated to my opponent, Lois Frankel, the Democrat I'm running against, and every single term that she's been in Congress, they've given her money.
There are tweets that I can send you as well, dating from 10 years ago, in which Comcast executives are thanking Lois Frankel, and Lois Frankel is thanking Comcast executives.
No, no, we get it.
They were blocking your emails and texts saying dangerous content.
You caught them red-handed.
It's the next level of censorship.
We need congressional investigations.
They're now in the telecoms, in the phone calls and the text messages, which CNN called for against both of us.
Last year, they mentioned our names.
They said, we need Laura Loomer and Alex Jones to not be able to use WhatsApp.
And they went and investigated whether we could use text messages.
I mean, that's the next level of this.
Yeah, definitely.
And if they're going to shut down your access to your internet service provider, what's going to stop them from shutting off your water and electricity?
They're actually already doing that in places like California, where you have Eric Garcetti, the mayor, telling people, if you have a party, or if you don't social distance, we're going to shut your electric and your water off.
Oh, wait!
These are totalitarian, communist practices that are being carried out by Democrats and their accomplices in the tech companies and the telecommunication companies.
And we already know that all of these executives with these companies are Democrat mega donors.
And there's no coincidence.
And then further digging today revealed that the Comcast regional office is actually located in the district where I'm running for Congress.
And so they can call it a technical glitch if they want, but this is very suspicious.
Oh, it's not a technical glitch to say you're dangerous content.
It's pre-programmed.
The new Brave New World is text messages and phone calls to block those.
And if Congress doesn't act, they're going to start doing it there.
Right, just like it was a technical issue and an accident when Facebook said it was okay for people to murder me and you because they labeled us dangerous individuals.
That's right, their official internal policy was violence and threats of murder or plans to do violence are illegal and we won't allow it unless it's against, and they said Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, and a list of like 20 other people.
Like, I mean, it's literally listed us.
They said, you're allowed to organize their murder.
Right, and so they constantly do this, and they call us dangerous.
And last time I checked, the executives of these companies, you know, they weren't the FBI.
We have due process in this country, or at least I thought we did.
I also thought we had free speech in this country.
I thought we had free and fair elections, but I guess that's out the door as well.
And it's really scary, and it should terrify every single American that these big tech companies, which control what you see, what you hear, and the flow of information, so much so that they are effectively censoring and silencing the President of the United States right now, and in the middle of his reelection campaign,
This is problematic.
We cannot allow for this to continue.
And I think it's an absolute abomination that members of Congress have allowed for this to continue.
We've been screaming about this for how many years now, Alex?
Over four since President Trump was elected?
Now they're censoring his tweets.
I want to talk about that, but since you mentioned it, new listeners, especially on the 100 plus radio stations we have and TV stations, they're thinking, okay, that's too much.
Folks, we're not joking.
Put it back on screen.
There's one article.
It was even in the Associated Press.
Facebook bans violent threats, except the violent threats against conservative Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Gabba Guinness, Milo, and others.
It actually says, we're not joking, that they're allowed to organize our murder officially on those sites.
And this is really problematic because it's defamation, right?
And then there's another level to this and it's judicial corruption.
And I know you've experienced this with your lawsuits, Alex, and so you can testify to this.
But when I filed these lawsuits and I filed a defamation lawsuit against Facebook when they labeled me dangerous and they said it was okay for people to kill me, you know, the judges never want to hear these cases.
And then they say, oh, you can't get discovery in the case.
And these judges are so corrupt.
Oftentimes, and there's no justice for people like you and I who are being silenced and having our lives threatened and digital fatwas placed on us.
But thank God the people love freedom and are backing us.
So as bad as it is, you're surging, InfoWars is surging, a lot of beautiful things are happening.
But let's talk about it for a minute.
What makes you tick?
What's made you, because I remember you, I've been the same way.
Two years ago you were crying on air, it was so bad, saying, help me, help me.
And people made fun of it, it was serious, it was real.
I've cried sometimes, I'm so sad about the country.
What made you get even stronger it seems and more hardcore?
Do you seem even more powerful than you were a few years ago?
Well, I realize that I was put on this planet for a purpose, right?
And we've had struggles and you and I have been subjected to extreme amounts of unfairness and it's really unjust what has happened to us.
But I have been placed on this planet because I can handle this and I have been able to endure the adversity that I've been subjected to so that I can fight a battle that others who maybe aren't as strong can't fight.
And so that's why I was inspired to run for Congress because I realized that if they can do this to people like you and I who have massive followings and they can get away with it, what are they going to start doing to the average American citizen?
And that's it.
They went after who has big audiences and who they're scared of because if they can get you and I, they can get the president.
And I don't want any other American citizen or any other person to be subjected to what I've been subjected to.
Stay there.
Laura Loomer is on fire and in the lead.
They're scared of her.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Laura Loomer is just
Like those other heroes of mine, like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who did the real studies and knew that it was an autoimmune response in the gut causing the chemical reaction in the brain.
Now there's hundreds of studies proving it.
You know, the Rockefeller Foundation, even Bill Melinda Gates are now admitting it and trying to buy up the patents on how to treat autism.
And he knew he was right 18 years ago when they tried to take his license and destroy him.
He didn't back down.
Now he's vindicated.
The guy that put up the fake stories has lost his job.
Well, Laura Loomer, they're scared of her.
So she's been through hell the last four years, but she's still here thanks to your support.
And we're still here thanks to your support.
I got to tell you folks, even with election fraud, she's going to have a landslide.
She's going to get in.
And I think Trump is as well.
That's why the Democrats, Laura, I'm sure you know now, even the New York Times admit,
That Pelosi and others are wargaming.
Contesting the election, having blue states secede and have their own inauguration.
They said it won't even be in D.C.
They're actually saying this publicly.
These people are insane.
Where do you think all this is going?
Well, look, the Democrats are clearly hell-bent on destroying this country, and they're never going to stop promoting anarchy.
They're never going to stop trying to destroy our country and burn our Constitution to the ground until President Trump is removed from office.
And when he's elected, they're still not going to accept the legitimacy of his re-election.
And, you know, I think that a lot of people are starting to wake up and see what is happening.
And there's a lot of moderate Democrats out there who are getting scared because people are starting to realize that America is becoming increasingly unsafe on a daily basis, thanks to the policies being promoted by Democrats.
The driving issue here on the campaign trail across the country and the driving theme of this election, you know, of 2020, the presidential re-elect, it's law and order.
Okay, the Democrats want absolute lawlessness in this country.
And you're either going to vote for President Trump and have law and order and be safe, or you're going to vote for Joe Biden and you're going to have absolute anarchy, communism, no police, increased crime, open borders, and pretty much end-stage America.
And by the way, if somebody said that 10 years ago, I'd say they were fear-mongering.
It's worse than you're saying.
The official City of Austin budget calls for blowing up the police department as a sign that we hate police.
Forget cutting down statues of Confederate generals.
They want to blow the police department up.
The mayor says that!
Yeah, well look, we know that these people want to incite violence.
They're violent people and they want us dead.
I mean, like we were just saying, these tech companies want us dead.
They signaled to people, their nearly 3 billion users, that it would be okay for people to kill us because they said so.
And they're doing that to conservatives.
And you see the videos from these riots that are being perpetuated by Antifa, domestic terrorists, and Black Lives Matter, you know, Marxists.
And they're beating people up in the street, okay?
They're throwing bike locks on people's heads, cracking people's skulls open.
People have died.
People have been shot.
You know, the Democrats are letting violent criminals and rapists out of prison who are going and killing people while they're trying to throw people like Roger Stone in jail.
Thank God President Trump granted him clemency.
But, you know, it's a completely backward society that we're living in right now, and you add on, you know, with the violence, the coronavirus lockdowns, and millions of people unemployed, and uncertainty with the economy, and people are very uneasy.
People feel very insecure and unstable.
How do they get?
No, I agree.
There's new videos every day.
Of people to go on frontage roads and highways and point guns at people and sometimes shoot them in the head and the media calls and then they chase the cars down trying to jump in front of them.
I mean, what the hell?
How do you get people to do this?
Well, it's the media, right?
It's the media telling people that it's okay by calling it a peaceful protest, and that's what they're doing.
If you go to church or you go to synagogue or you walk outside without a mask, you know, you're the worst thing in the world.
But if you're a rioter and you're calling to defend the police and you're destroying property, well, you know, they're glorifying these people.
And there's nothing to celebrate about this.
And I'm watching this footage.
This is not the Road Warrior fiction.
This is happening.
It is.
Yeah, and it's only getting worse, and the radical left is only becoming more brazen.
I mean, you saw what happened yesterday outside of the White House.
Who knows what the motive was, but, you know, it's scary.
Oh yeah, roll that footage if you can.
The guy just pulls out a handgun, says, I'm going to shoot you, and runs at him with it.
And then the media's like, oh, they're bad for shooting him.
Yeah, it's absolutely insane what we're seeing.
And look, they've been doing this, they've been amping this up, Alex, for many years now.
If you recall, when I stormed the stage of the Shakespeare play and people said, oh, you didn't need to do that.
So, you know, that was over the top.
Well, I was talking about the incitement of and the normalization of political violence against the right.
It started with people like Kathy Griffin having a severed head of President Trump replicating ISIS, okay?
Then you had this assassination porn play at Central Park.
Well, that's right.
They don't do the violence.
They put it out emblematically, hoping we might.
It's like this former DOD official called for me to be killed.
He's not going to kill me, this little cowardly punk, but he hopes somebody else does it.
Right, just like Rachel Maddow spreads conspiracy theories and lies every week, and then one of her crazy supporters at MSNBC went out and shot Steve Scalise, right?
So that's what they do.
And the New York Times advertised a week before, there's no security on the front page, they play baseball here every week.
Yeah, and you know what they're doing is they're trying to induce a form of psychosis into the masses, right?
And they're driving people crazy.
I'm talking about the mainstream media and the Democrats.
And they're keeping people pent up inside so people are agitated and they're trying to divide people and they're trying to make, you know, a bad situation worse by making people explode.
You know, it's having a devastating effect on our country.
It's very divided right now.
And it doesn't matter what President Trump does, they constantly blame him for everything.
Laura, how do we support your campaign?
Because if you get in, you won't just do a great job, you won't just call for hearings, you won't just have me testify, where you and I are at these testimonies.
They're talking about us, pointing at us, but we can't testify.
It's going to be such a game-changer if you get in.
What are you going to do if you get into Congress?
They admit you're winning in all the polls, not just in the primary, but also in the general election.
They're crapping their bridges right now.
What are you going to do if you get in, and how do we support you?
Yeah, well, thank you, Alex.
And, you know, look, I'm a fighter, okay?
I don't need to just say that I'm a fighter like other Republican candidates who make empty promises and then they get to D.C.
and they don't actually fight, right?
You're a fire-breathing tiger.
You do what you say you're going to do.
Yeah, I have a proven record of taking on the most radical members of the Democrat Party, right?
Whether it be Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, I put illegal aliens on Nancy Pelosi's lawn, handcuffed myself, called out Jack Dorsey in Congress, as you played earlier.
And when I get to Congress, you know, there needs to be more accountability.
And Congress needs to be shooken up.
And there needs to be more fighters.
I think that it's exhausting when people constantly hear, right, it's not just the do-nothing Democrats, it's also do-nothing Republicans, largely, who make promises and go on Fox News and they talk about fighting back, but then they ostracize and malign and sideline people like you and I, who actually are fighting back.
Because they're scared of real populism, that they're fakes, but you're the real deal.
So, how do people financially support you?
Well, they can go to lauralumorforcongress.com.
That's lauralumorforcongress.com, and that's where they can make a donation online, or they can send a check as well.
It's at the very... the address is at the bottom of... And I'm telling you, folks, I bet on losers just because it's good to get them out there getting the word out.
This is a winner.
If you don't bet on this horse, it's your fault if she loses.
I've already given $2,000.
As soon as she wins this primary, I'm going to donate the maximum.
This is absolutely a must-do.
Laura Loomer, lauraloomerforcongress.com.
Roger was supposed to be here.
He's a hard-working guy.
He got the times wrong.
Thursday night, we're going to do a special three-hour show, 7 to 10 Central.
Roger has agreed to do it.
Robert Barnes has agreed to do it.
You're going to be there.
It's going to be a special with Laura Loomer about retaking Congress and fighting censorship and election handicapping and so much more.
81 days from the election.
So Thursday night, we'll have that special live commercial free transmission on the radio and TV satellites and at band.video.infowars.com.
Thank you so much, Laura Lemmer.
Thanks so much for having me, Alex.
All right.
Thank you.
Paul Joseph Watson always does a great job.
He's about to host the fourth hour.
And so he's one of the other people that Facebook said that... Yeah, and then let's just be in touch.
So that's all coming up.
We're going to have that lined up, that big Thursday show.
I told you I'm going to... By the time I get a month from the election, which is so close, we'll be here seven days a week at night.
I've already asked the crew.
We tried to hire more people.
We've geared up some.
I'm like, hey, you know we're going to be on seven days a week at night.
So we're already gearing up for that.
We did the Barn Show for a while.
We're going to bring back some of that.
But we're going to be here seven days a week, the last few weeks of the election.
We're going to be here most weeknights, commercial free.
Taking your calls, covering the latest news, wargaming, what's going on, what's happening.
And it's your job to take those video feeds, those audio feeds and share them.
Because when you get excited and say, pssh, hey, they're fighting to take the country back, here's the truth, it's censored, tell others.
Don't just share the link, say, hey, spread it!
We had to build our own infrastructure, Man.Video.
We had to do it all.
And you built it!
You bought the t-shirts, and the books, and the films, and the water filtration, the storable food, and the high-quality supplements.
You did it, baby!
When you call and thank me, I'm like, haha!
Thank you for keeping me in the fight!
My God!
I love you!
I thank you!
I appreciate you!
You are amazing!
So spread those links!
Imagine telling someone just a year ago that in the middle of 2020, the Democrats, as well as many Republican leaders, will be calling for the United Nations WHO edict that all Americans wear masks, be a quote, federal order and mandate.
Totally unconstitutional, annihilating states' rights.
Think about that.
A woman can kill her baby.
We pay for illegal aliens' healthcare.
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The track and trace everywhere you go they claim for COVID but of course it's really the Chinese communist social score rollout.
These people are sick, filthy criminals and they want total control over society with the official global ID system.
That's why it's called the Clinton Global Initiative.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And we are back live.
Paul Joseph Watson, who's visiting family in Spain, will be hosting the rest of the fourth hour.
I want to get to all your calls, but I'll try to get to as many as I can right now.
McQueen in Indiana.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey, sir.
How you doing today?
I'm honored to talk to you, brother.
Thank you.
Honors all mine.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
I'm a truck driver, so I stream as much as I can pretty much every day.
I had a really quick couple points.
I'll make it quick.
One, I have a Google Pixel phone.
That thing hates streaming your page, so I always have to go into developer options and edit running services so that it'll actually stream it.
It seems like they like to put little programs in there that slows down my bandwidth whenever I go on your page.
Oh, absolutely.
That's something I might want to look into.
The second thing is, I'm a truck driver, like I said.
I'm an owner-operator.
I had two points on that.
One, a lot of us aren't dealing with the threats and the possible harm that all these riots and stuff like that are posing to us.
I can tell you, I'm not an advocate for violence or anything like that, but a lot of us are starting to take matters into our own hands.
You know, bringing things that we can use to protect ourselves.
As you should!
That allows you to open carry states where you don't have to have a license.
So you can open carry as long as you're legally allowed to pertain a weapon.
That's another thing, I exercise my right in that too.
And the third thing is, if you ever have problems with shipment, if you go and buy a trailer, I'm sure you got a lot of truckers that are listeners that would love to help you out.
Oh, absolutely.
I'm just telling listeners there's breakdowns at the warehouses and breakdown because of the COVID hysteria.
They'll have a meatpacking plant where like a third of them test positive, but no one's sick, but they shut the plant down.
It's insane fear mongering.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then you had a trucker or someone who was related to a trucker earlier that called in and said that the companies have warehouses full of products.
That's true.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
They wouldn't even sell it to us.
I mean, we could see it, and then we go in their store directly, and they don't even have anything on the shelf, and the customer representative says, they don't have anything.
And it's like, wow, okay.
The big corporations are in on it, brother.
McQueen, God bless you.
Thank you for holding.
All right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's up next here?
Roy in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Alex, how are you?
Welcome, brother.
Go ahead.
Hey, I'm a first-time caller, long-time listener.
I'm from Colorado.
Thanks for taking my call.
It's an honor and a pleasure to be speaking with you.
It's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug a couple of your products I've been taking now for a while.
Survival Shield X2, DNA Force Plus, and BODYS.
They have all helped me tremendously with hip pain and just overall well-being.
I just wanted to thank you for those products.
I'm going to continue to buy those and stay in good health because
Yeah, and these times we definitely need things like that to keep us sane because it's turning into a crazy world.
But I want to get right to it.
I just want to praise you and the whole InfoWars team in Jesus' name and God bless you all.
I've been listening to you guys for years.
I listen to you most every day and I keep your team in my prayers.
Brother, just thank you for keeping us in the fight.
Because that's all I want to do is stay in the fight.
I think about how important the show is as everything we talked about comes true and as things get worse and worse.
I think about everybody else that's been silenced.
Thank you for helping us build this infrastructure.
Thank you for helping us build Bandai Video and the satellites and the radio and the crew thanks you because it's scary to see our popularity rise as we know the enemy wants to shut us down.
Can you imagine once they shut us down how bad it's going to get if they're successful?
And I hope that never happens.
Man, you and the entire network mean so much to believers in Christ and to the whole body of Christ.
And I can see him working miracles through you and your team and through your channel.
And it's touching millions of people.
It's not us.
Oh, you're right.
It's God.
That's another reason people shouldn't thank me.
It's literally God.
I feel pathetic and dirty, actually.
As much discernment and the Holy Ghost as I get, I feel dirty.
People are like, don't you feel powerful?
I feel like filthy.
I don't know how to describe it.
It's like, because you're close to God like that, and then you feel how sinful you are.
You know what I'm talking about?
I hear you.
I hear you, brother.
Loud and clear.
I feel the same way.
I just want to let you know that I think your channel is so great.
It's even helped me, I think, wake up and possibly even save some of my own family members, even my mom.
I'm so proud of her.
She went to the InfoWars store and she bought a year's supply of the storable food.
And I just went and helped her unload it, put it in her basement.
Brother, that's insurance you can eat.
I'm sorry to the other callers.
Call me back.
Paul Joseph Watson is taking over right now.
Catch as many of you as you could.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson's coming up.
I got one more thing to add.
Stay with us.
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That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarStore.com.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson's about to take over at T-minus two minutes.
But I just want listeners to understand something.
YouTube sent us a message saying your video, titled, See the Report Censored by YouTube Under UN Orders, is just a little sub-channel that Gregory says.
He posts them to Band.Video.
But they tell him in the letter that we have on InfoWars.com that the UN says you're not allowed to do that.
That's inside world government telling citizens what they can do through an AI platform.
So because Congress won't act, we're now under UN control.
And the video report shows Forbes and the New York Times and the CDC's own website saying that COVID's a hoax and that the tests are fake.
Doesn't mean some people don't die from it.
It's a cold bug.
And it was manufactured in a lab so Bill Gates and Fauci can own it and actually own it.
It's just insane.
But that video,
Needs to get tens of millions of views, not a million views.
I think it'll have a million views in a few days.
It'll have 200,000 by the time the show's over.
But it needs to get out.
People need to know, hey, the UN banned this video.
See the video the UN banned because it exposed the COVID hoax.
I'm going to change the name of the video to that.
I'm going to make it the featured video at Banned.Video.
And I just want to expose these monsters.
I mean, it's so crazy what's all come out.
And all the things they've done, and in Texas it's 0.032, the death rate.
I mean, and then if you try to show those rates or medical doctors, they ban them.
The war room comes up in about 50 minutes after I get off and Paul Watson gets off.
Good to be back and we are going to continue talking about the coronavirus because we have a situation in Melbourne, Australia and throughout Australia in general, at least part of it,
Where there is an unmitigated police state lockdown in response to yet another relatively mild outbreak of coronavirus.
But I'm going to preface that by talking about New Zealand.
Of course, a neighbouring country of Australia.
Headline, New Zealand goes into lockdown after just four new cases of coronavirus.
This is the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, who of course is a
Globalist darling, because she basically confiscated everybody's guns last year after the mosque attack.
She has ordered parts of New Zealand.
Now, bear in mind, New Zealand is a country that hasn't had not a death, but not a single coronavirus case in 102 days.
This is a country which throughout the entire pandemic, coronavirus has killed just 22 people.
I mean there are probably more deaths over that same period in New Zealand of people getting eaten by sharks, people getting bitten and dying from spiders or snakes or things like that.
22 people total have died in New Zealand over the course of the entire coronavirus pandemic.
Now they've ordered parts of the country, including Auckland, of course a major population capital, into lockdown.
After four people were infected with coronavirus.
Oh, and by the way, these four people are all from the same family.
ABC News Australia reports the infected people are from the same family in South Auckland.
Arden's response to four people from the same family being infected was to order a three-day
Level 3 lockdown of Auckland, while the rest of the country will go into a Level 2 lockdown.
Now, what does that mean under Level 3 in terms of Auckland?
Well, it means travel restrictions.
All travel into Auckland is suspended.
It means schools closing, bars closing, businesses closing, people being asked to stay at home.
Again, all because four people from one family, presumably in one home,
were infected with coronavirus.
The first people across the entire country of New Zealand to be infected after 102 days of zero cases.
Now somebody was posting or writing into the lockdownsceptics.org website, which featured this article, and they said, yeah, we have cases, all four of them!
Who'd have predicted that maintaining pristine isolation of New Zealand from the rest of the world couldn't be maintained forever?
Announced at 9pm tonight and enacted by midday tomorrow.
Precisely and exactly as bizarre and arbitrary as the recent flip-flops in UK policy.
Now we get on to Australia.
Because as I write in this article, if the Kiwis copy their close neighbours Australia, expect enforcement of the new lockdown measures to be draconian in nature.
Because since the start of last week, the state of Victoria in Australia, which includes the city of Melbourne,
Subjected to an 8pm to 5am curfew.
Now what's different about this curfew, this coronavirus lockdown in the state of Victoria in Australia, is that it's not being enforced by people in Walmart screeching at you for not wearing a mask.
You have no real powers of detainment, obviously.
It's not even being enforced by police who merely ask you to put on the mask, and then if you still refuse, issue you with a spot fine.
This is being enforced by outright police brutality.
And we had yet another example of that in Australia emerge yesterday.
Headline video shows police putting choke hold on woman for violating lockdown.
Again, this is in Melbourne, Australia.
And you can see the video for yourself.
It's embedded in this article.
By the way, I noticed that that video has just been deleted from Twitter.
So I'm going to have to go in and replace that video.
But another version of it is actually posted in the follow-up article which I did.
And it's actually a better video because it's closer.
Entitled, Reddit Leftists Celebrate Police Putting Woman in Chokehold for Not Wearing a Face Mask.
If you go to the original article, the denizens of Twitter Enforcement have deleted that video because apparently
It's causing a big stir in Australia.
Basically it shows a woman outside a clothing store being put in a chokehold by a male police officer, being wrestled to the ground while he maintains this chokehold.
Again, forcefully wrestled to the ground, grappled to the ground.
He then sits on her and it becomes clear from the exchange in the conversation
That she's being literally choke-holded and wrestled to the ground for not wearing a face mask in public.
You can see part of the video here.
And then if you take a look at the follow-up article which I did today, headline, Reddit leftists celebrate police putting woman in chokehold for not wearing a face mask.
Bearing in mind, these are the same people who for the past two and a half months have been either supporting or actively engaging in protests and riots
over the death of George Floyd because he was basically put in a chokehold, you can call it that.
He was asphyxiated, of course, the fact that he was high on fentanyl, had just committed fraud, was a career criminal.
You know, we put that to one side.
This woman who's not wearing a face mask, though, she deserves it.
Leftists on Reddit suddenly dropped all concerns about police brutality to celebrate a video of a woman in Australia being put in a chokehold by a cop because she wasn't wearing a face mask outside.
This video actually shows it up close, so it's worse than the one that came out yesterday.
However, many of the same leftists who have been decrying police brutality for the past two months plus, in some cases protesting and writing against it, apparently think police brutality is just fine when enforcing COVID-19 lockdowns.
So this video, which you're watching now, was proudly posted on a subreddit called Justice Served.
It has over 35,000 upvotes,
And is entitled, This is how the Australian Police will deal with you if you treat public health and safety directives as a threat to your masculinity or not-job conspiracy.
So you have respondents on this thread literally reacting with glee, with wanton abandon and glee, to this video of a woman screaming as she's manhandled by her throat to the ground by a police officer significantly taller, significantly bigger than her.
They don't care about police brutality,
They don't care about somebody being potentially choked to death.
In fact, they even say, oh, but she was able to talk while he had her hands around her neck, so that makes it okay.
Yeah, I seem to recall George Floyd saying, I can't breathe over and over again while the officer had his knee on Floyd's neck.
But then it was a totally different equation, obviously, because he was an African-American career criminal, high on fentanyl, who had just committed fraud.
So in that case it was bad, but because this woman wasn't wearing a mask, police brutality is good.
We'll be back on the other side, Summit.News.
The BBC is state-run media in the UK, and they've come out with a detailed article, it's linked on Infowars.com, saying, you will have to have forced inoculations multiple times a year,
To be able to travel.
Robots will scan you when you land.
You will have a digital tattoo under your skin to be able to enter the country.
But it's going to be so easy and so cool and so fun.
The Microsoft website now officially has announced the digital tattoo.
We exposed this six months ago.
Bill Gates was funding it and they had hundreds of news articles attacking and saying it wasn't true.
This is a tactic they use.
First, they announce it.
We say it's a bad idea.
They say, that's crazy.
We didn't do it.
They introduce the idea to you.
Then they come back and announce it again, thinking you have no memory.
This is a criminal takeover.
This is the line in the sand.
We must say no.
We must expose the fraud of COVID-19 that this entire house of evil is built on.
I'm Alex Jones.
Never surrender to tyranny.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to Summit.News with Paul Joseph Watson.
Well, the spectator has announced that Joe Biden has selected his running mate with an announcement possible today.
So we'll bring that news to you if it happens before the end of this hour.
Of course, hopefully for his sake, it's somebody who can string along two sentences and can actually talk.
A debate, because it's not looking too good for old Uncle Joe, as we get closer to the debates with the mainstream media, desperately trying to find any reason to get him out of those debates.
But we're continuing to talk about the coronavirus lockdown in Australia, where again, they had a cluster of cases.
Now, of course, it's mandatory to wear face masks everywhere, as it is here in Spain.
Of course, the fact that the normal surgical face mask that the vast majority of people are walking around in
Don't block out 97% of particles.
Doesn't really matter.
Doesn't really matter that experts in Sweden, which we're going to get on to basically now has zero COVID cases whatsoever after not locking down, which experts in the Netherlands say are completely pointless.
That is the law.
And if you defy the law in Melbourne, Australia, it's not just a fine, it's a literal chokehold in the case of this woman who was dragged to the ground.
And leftists are celebrating it.
The same leftists who for the past two months, as I said, were rioting in the streets and smashing store windows because George Floyd was choked to death, as they claim.
When it happens to this woman, because she committed the crime of not wearing a mask, and like George Floyd, she wasn't pointing guns at the stomachs of pregnant women.
Apparently that's okay.
She committed the crime of not wearing a mask.
She was manhandled, choked, wrestled to the ground.
The video of that is being celebrated by leftists on a subreddit called Justice Served.
35,000 upvotes in this big hailing, big celebration, big festivity over this woman screeching and screaming as she's dragged to the ground by the corona cop.
Some respondents put their comments after the video.
One of them said, quote, every anti-masker deserves this.
Stand your ground rules should apply to interactions with them as they are threats to others.
These are people, these are the kind of people I talk about who will literally leap out of the way if they see somebody walking towards them in the opposite direction.
That happens in Britain, I talked about it on last week's show.
These are the people who will literally throw hot coffee over people for not wearing a face mask.
They'll literally mace people in the face as we saw in California with that couple having a picnic for not wearing a face mask.
Another commenter responded to the video of the woman being choked by the Corona Cop, by saying, wish my country would enforce masks like this, maybe then we would not lead the world in Covid deaths.
Or as she put it, Covind deaths.
Another one said, oh, we need some of that energy here in the States.
So these same leftists who've been decrying police brutality, the George Floyd for the past two and a half months,
We've been saying that we need a fundamental revolution of society.
We need to defund police departments.
We need to kick out mayors.
These are the people now sitting the woman in the chokehold, consistent as ever.
Somebody responded with an ounce of sanity by saying, quote, people on here are saying the cop isn't choking her, if she's able to say she's being choked.
Pretty much the same as when people defended the George Floyd cops because they claimed if he can say he can't breathe, then he can breathe.
Of course, as you know from the body cam footage, George Floyd was saying, I can't breathe, before the officers even put their hands on him.
That was bad, but it's okay when a woman gets choked out for not wearing a mask in Australia.
And this is the police state.
If this is what they're doing with people who don't wear masks, what are they going to do to people who don't take the vaccine?
We had another story out of Australia last week.
A woman left with severe bruising after being arrested by police for being outside during lockdown again.
They're supposed to get fines, and in Australia I think they put the fines up to $5,000 on the spot fine.
But in many instances, as we've seen, the police are just bowling into them, dragging them to the ground, choking them, putting them in handcuffs.
They don't even attempt to fine them.
Are these women being belligerent?
The woman in the chokehold was kicking out.
But again, if that happened to an African-American career criminal, the left would decry it.
In this case, they celebrate.
We also have this article on the same subject out of Australia.
Melbourne coronavirus checkpoints to ensure workers allowed to leave their homes.
Now, of course, after the coronavirus lockdown was announced, the new lockdown was announced just about 10 days ago.
Eyewitness reports said that police officers and National Guard were literally outside residential tower blocks within minutes of authorities announcing this new lockdown in Melbourne in the state of Victoria.
Well now as part of its strict new lockdown law, authorities in Melbourne have set up highway checkpoints for which residents have their papers scrutinised to ensure they're allowed to leave their homes.
Now of course the state of Victoria announced a state of disaster
That's what they called it.
An 8pm to 5am curfew on residents.
And now the law is also being enforced by a series of checkpoints to determine if people have a legitimate reason to be travelling.
They're literally stopping people on the highway and asking them for work permits to see if they're able to go to their job.
Sydney Watson tweeted, my brother sent me this photo yesterday of a checkpoint he had to go through in Melbourne.
To make sure he had a work permit to leave his house.
Police and army there.
Literal army checkpoints, checking your papers, deciding whether you're free to go to work in the morning.
This is the corona tyranny that we've been warning about for months and months and months and it only seems to be getting worse.
She said he was stressing because his permit had an error on it and he didn't know what the consequences would be.
Well of course we had the story last week out of New York which also announced Covid checkpoints in an attempt to catch anyone who flouts their 14-day quarantine order.
Which is interesting because we have the same order here or back in the UK.
Of course I'm in Spain at the moment but when I do fly back to the UK, under the law I'm going to have to quarantine under de facto house arrest for two weeks
And you're not even allowed to leave your house to get shopping.
You have to have somebody else bring you shopping.
You're not even allowed outside to exercise.
Now in the UK, it was a little bit Benny Hill, a little bit rinky-dink, because when they started asking the government, how are you going to enforce this?
They basically said, oh, we're going to text message one in five people and ask them if they're quarantining.
And yeah, I'm sure everybody will comply with that.
But in Australia,
And in New York, they're not messing around.
Of course, de Blasio announced last week that he would have COVID checkpoints on major bridges at major areas around the country, checking the papers of anyone who had travelled into New York, because now if you travel into New York, even from within the United States, you have to quarantine, you have to put yourself under house arrest for 14 days minimum, and they're going to have checkpoints just like in Melbourne, trying to catch anyone flouting that.
Absolutely incredible.
And if all this was necessary, then maybe you could understand it to a certain degree.
If coronavirus was this earth-shattering pandemic.
Of course, we know from polls, which I talked about in my latest video, polls show that literally 9... Americans think that 9% of the American population has died from coronavirus.
They think 30 million Americans in the United States have died from coronavirus.
When you look at women,
They think 10% have died, so even more.
Similar figure in the UK, they think 7% of the UK population, which is 5 million people, have died from coronavirus.
The actual number is around 50,000.
Constant drumbeat of media hysteria has greased the skids.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Summit.News headquarters, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
Now you know for a fact what's coming next.
It's not just gonna be papers please for you to travel interstate, for you to travel job.
It's gonna be, do you have the vaccine?
Do you have the mark?
If you don't,
Not just a ban on international travel, they're going to ban interstate travel.
They're at least going to propose doing this to people who don't take the vaccine.
Of course, Vladimir Putin has come out today and said that Russia has a COVID-19 vaccine almost ready.
They're talking about shipping out 500 million doses a year across the world.
He says he's tested it or had it tested on his own daughter, who by the way had an adverse reaction, but she was fine after that apparently.
People aren't too happy with that.
Of course, the mainstream media, the political class, the vaunted health authorities don't like any discussion of an actual cure for coronavirus.
Whatever your take on the vaccine, I'm certainly not taking it.
They're very unhappy with Russia for saying that they've got a coronavirus vaccine ready.
And as far as what will happen to people who don't take it, we have this headline.
Doctor recommends children wear yellow badges if they haven't been vaccinated.
Now, I don't know what kind of stunt he was trying to pull.
We know the connotations of yellow badges.
This was Doctor... I think it was Doctor Mark Siegel who appeared on Tucker Carlson's show last night.
Suggested that children should wear yellow badges bearing the phrase, no hugs please if they have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Now that's interesting because of course we had mayors in Italy back in late February telling people in cities like Florence to literally go out in the streets and hug Chinese people to prove they weren't racist.
Because of course this was back during the time when people like Nancy Pelosi, people like de Blasio were saying go out in the streets of New York, go out in the streets of San Francisco and celebrate
The Chinese Lunar New Year!
By hugging Chinese people and mingling with thousands of them in the streets!
They soon changed their tune, didn't they?
Now we've got a doctor going on Fox News talking about kids being plastered with yellow stars or yellow badges.
Not much difference.
If they don't take the coronavirus, then what is all this in aid of?
It's in aid of a virus which in the UK
Killed less people than the 2017-2018 flu season.
And then we look to Sweden.
We've talked about it from the beginning.
The one thing that Sweden got right in the past three decades was they did not lock down.
They trusted their own population, unlike in Melbourne where they're choke-holding their population to the floor.
They trusted their own population to engage in these less severe social distancing measures.
And look what happened, we were proven right once again.
And by the way, I was wrong about this from the start.
Because I saw the threat of coronavirus, I saw people like de Blasio, people like Nancy Pelosi downplaying it, but as soon as it became politically advantageous, of course, they completely exaggerated it, exploited it for political grist.
But we have this headline, out of summit.news, in Sweden, where there was no lockdown, Covid cases and deaths have slowed to a trickle.
The death rate is lower than Spain, the UK and Italy, and their economy is in far better shape.
They haven't destroyed the future of their next generation.
Confounding claims by many that its open society approach to coronavirus would spectacularly backfire, which of course all the vaunted health experts said it would at the start.
Sweden, which didn't enforce any mandatory lockdown order, has seen its coronaviruses and deaths
Coronavirus cases and deaths slow to a trickle.
Back in March when Sweden announced that it would adopt a different approach than much of the rest of the world and aim for herd immunity, which of course was Boris Johnson's initial policy before he was stampeded and scaremongered into changing it to go for this global WHO lockdown policy, in Sweden
Public health experts and media commentators were aghast at the decision, warning that the country's hospitals would be overwhelmed with COVID victims.
Summing up the attitude towards Sweden's approach, Danish journalist Elisabeth Davidson said it was, quote, like watching a horror movie.
Fast forward five months and the horror show predicted by many has completely failed to materialize.
Again, this is the country that imposed no lockdown.
They kept the schools open.
They kept the restaurants open.
They kept the businesses open.
They did not mandate mask wearing.
And what happened?
While fears of a second wave of coronavirus continue to plague European countries that completely lock down and enforce draconian face mask rules, Sweden has recorded barely a trickle of COVID cases and deaths so far in August.
We have the numbers in this graph up on the screen from the article, of course, Newsweek reported on this last week as well.
In August, Sweden has registered just one death from the coronavirus.
One death alone.
The story is the same in hospitals.
COVID-19 is hardly registering as a blip on the radar.
Sweden has reported just four new COVID-19 patients in their ICUs in August.
Because, as I was talking about earlier in the show, New Zealand had four new cases and locked down massive areas of their country.
The month of July saw only 52 COVID-19 patients in ICUs.
Doesn't take a math whiz to come to the conclusion that the epidemic appears to have been wrapped up in Sweden for months.
Again, because they've partly achieved herd immunity.
Asserting that there is no evidence anywhere in the world that lockdowns or masks have stopped the spread of the virus.
Again, those masks everyone's wearing don't stop 97% of particles.
They're completely pointless.
Schachtel notes how public health experts
Disregarding hundreds of years of proven science on herd immunity, who might be responsible for the economic catastrophe which the world will now suffer.
A hundred million in extreme poverty, as I'm going to get onto in the next article.
But as Newsweek acknowledged last week, Sweden's COVID-19 death rate is lower than Spain, UK and Italy, countries which all imposed lockdowns.
In the case of Spain and Italy, draconian lockdowns.
Then you compare the GDP falls.
I think in the UK, we had a GDP drop of more than 20%.
Similar case in other European countries.
Sweden's GDP fall in the second quarter of 2020 is only 8.6%.
Of course, they were somewhat impacted by the rest of the world locking down.
But in comparison to other countries in the Eurozone, they've escaped relatively injury free in terms of ruining the economic prospects of their next generation.
So Sweden didn't lock down, didn't enforce any of this face mask tyranny.
They've come through the virus.
There's no second wave.
The hospitals are not overrun.
They've had one coronavirus death this month.
Absolutely incredible, given that all the same health experts at the start of this pandemic, or a little way into it at least, were literally predicting death on a scale of hundreds of thousands of people in Sweden.
They've had 5,000 total deaths.
And now they've basically got through the pandemic.
Their economy survived.
They have a trickle of cases.
Meanwhile, global lockdown's set to plunge 100 million into extreme poverty.
And of course, that's not even mentioning the 50,000 cancer deaths minimum in the United Kingdom.
Bearing in mind we've had around 50,000 corona deaths.
50,000 deaths of just cancer victims
That's excess cancer deaths because people didn't get the treatment they needed during that whole pandemic period over the past five months because they were either denied it because we said the hot they told us the hospitals were overloaded while all the nurses were rehearsing tick-tock dances for three months or because they were afraid to go into the hospitals because of this hysteria from the media that has resulted as I said before the break in
7 people in the UK believing 7% of the population is dead from coronavirus.
That's 5 million people.
It's actually been 50,000, a hundred times less.
Simply because of the hysteria put out by the media.
In the United States, people believe coronavirus has killed 30 million people.
It's killed, what, at last count, 165,000?
Yes, it's bad.
Is that terrible?
Would 85-90% of those people have died anyway because they were old and ill and infirm?
The total number of deaths as a result of global poverty, people being denied treatment, people being afraid to get treatment, people not getting treated for TB, will kill millions, millions more than coronavirus itself ever did.
August 2020 is here.
It's less than 90 days out from a historic election.
The Chi Coms, the EU, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the blue states and blue cities are all battling to keep America shut down and to destroy free speech as well to ensure their final takeover of the United States by removing President Donald John Trump.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
We're getting to a few final news stories here in the last segment.
First, I want to direct your attention to the Reopen America Back to School Specials available at InfoWarsStore.com.
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And it all goes to supporting this network, one of the lone voices standing out against this coronavirus hysteria.
As I said before the break, according to many experts now,
The hysteria will kill more people than the virus itself.
It's already killing people who can't get hospital treatment.
We now see the draconian lockdown in places like Melbourne, Australia.
And you can bet when the vaccine comes along, it's only going to get worse.
So please support us and get your own food insurance by getting the line of storable food at infowarsstore.com.
Now, the Mr Bean star, the British comedian Rowan Atkinson, has come out today and joined a growing backlash against the Scottish Government's proposed hate crime bill, amid fears it could limit freedom of expression.
Of course, Scotland is one of the most draconian countries in the Western world when it comes to restricting freedom of speech.
You saw what they did to Count Dankula, Marcus Meacham, with his quote, Nazi pug, and how they tried to put him in prison for that.
For a joke?
Well now a comedy legend has joined more than 20 prominent cultural figures in signing a letter which calls on Holyrood ministers to make significant changes to the new legislation.
So Rowan Atkinson is coming out in support of that because it could literally end comedy and on that very subject we now have this very insightful clip which was put out today, which I tweeted, called Comedians Against Comedy.
Let's take a look.
It's 2020.
The time for laughter is over.
See, a lot of people think that being a comedian is about getting laughs, writing jokes, or creating content.
But being a real comedian is about preventing others from getting laughs, writing naughty lists, and having content removed from platforms of all kinds.
We at Comedians Against Comedy represent a growing number of comedians who strive to remove all comedy that isn't in direct alignment with Dove Soap's publicity team.
Call us crazy, but we subscribe to the idea that being a comedian is about challenging the idea that comedians should be challenging ideas.
It's about making a category of comedy that we deem unacceptable and then lumping all of our peers into that category.
This is a window of acceptable thought.
The comedy we allow takes place here.
Real comedy is about supporting political agendas.
Propaganda, if you will.
I'm just writing a list of 20 fellow comedians I want to have excommunicated.
Preventing comedy from happening is no laughing matter.
That's why I study the greats.
Carlin, Chappelle, Burrs.
It's material for problematic topics I can cancel them for.
Sometimes you just have to put pen to pen, writing angry letters to comedy clubs about which comedians shouldn't perform there.
Stopping comedy has been a journey, you know?
I started cancelling open mic comics back in Buffalo, and now here I am, cancelling comics in the New York City club scene.
That's why he's one of the best cancelers in the business.
You're being too kind.
I'm just a hack club comic canceler.
This guy cancels clean.
I do tend to cancel clean comics.
There's nothing wrong with canceling road comics.
I just like to challenge myself.
Soup Nazi?
It's gotta be something, right?
I've done 37 late night sex and I have 1,500 Twitter followers.
Lately we've taken a shining to crowd work canceling.
Yeah, but we don't want to be seen just as crowd work cancelers.
We still cancel comics with punchlines too.
I think Chappelle might have said something problematic in his latest special.
We call that a cancel callback.
Today's the day the laughter died.
Oh, I just booked another festival.
And we encourage audience members to be part of the solution by watching comedy in bad faith.
Arms crossed, angry, even if it's your day off.
Laughter is the worst medicine.
You know what's more cathartic than laughter?
A venomous retweet.
They want me to do 20 minutes?
That's gonna be a problem.
Join us and a growing group of comedians who say no to laughter and no to comedy.
Time's up, comedy.
Time's up, comedy.
North Korea does comedy right.
Between me and you, he's a bit of a cancel thief.
He just retweets my cancels.
Now, of course, with the re-emergence of Black Lives Matter, you have entire comedy shows being wiped from the face of history from these online on-demand services.
We've had that in the UK, where they tried to do it to faulty towers.
There was enough of a backlash for that to come back.
But with Little Britain and other shows, they're being wiped from history altogether.
Again, thanks to Black Lives Matter, the Marxist organisation, literally founded by people who worship a cop-killing domestic terrorist fugitive,
Who's on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list.
And in fact, the salient upstanding member of the community that triggered the riots in Chicago a couple of nights ago.
By the way, that story disappeared quickly, didn't it?
You think of that story happening at any other time in recent American history before the last couple of years.
Hundreds of people rioting and looting in Chicago.
That would have been a top story for at least a week.
It's already disappeared.
Now we find out what prompted it.
This is out of Information Liberation.
Latrell Allen, meet the 20-year-old gangbanger whose shootout with police triggered mass looting in Chicago.
This was the venerated upstanding member of the community that many people
who would normally be sympathetic with BLM, cited as the reason for why they were shoplifting luxury items from department stores in downtown Chicago.
Well, it turns out the gangbanger who's alleged shootout with police in Englewood triggered mass looting in Chicago on Sunday night, has been identified as 20-year-old Atrell Allen, who was charged on Monday for attempted murder of police.
His rap sheet includes previous arrests for child endangerment, domestic battery and burglary, another upstanding member of the community.
Here's a story which, again, like the Chicago riots, will disappear overnight.
Not even that!
As far as I've seen, it's not even being reported on by the likes of CNN or MSNBC.
Can you imagine if a white person walked up to a five-year-old black kid in his backyard and shot him in the head for the crime of riding his bike on his property?
I mean, that would be George Floyd on steroids.
That would be George Floyd times a hundred.
It happened in North Carolina.
It's barely a news story.
National File reports.
Black man executes white child in broad daylight in North Carolina neighborhood.
A white five-year-old boy was shot in the head and killed in broad daylight in a North Carolina neighborhood after it was alleged that he had ridden his bike into a neighbor's yard.
Cannon Hinnon, five years old, was riding his bike with his sisters in a Wilson, North Carolina neighborhood on a summer's day outside his father's house when his young life was cut short.
According to family members, he rode his bike onto the neighbor's property, prompting Darius Sessoms
Another upstanding member of the community, 25 years old, to shoot him in the head at point-blank range.
His sisters, seven and eight, saw their brother get shot.
Can you imagine the abject horror of this?
On a Sunday afternoon, a five-year-old kid on his bike getting shot in the head.
And can you imagine if the roles were reversed, and what Black Lives Matter would have to say about this?
I mean, forget riots, there'd be outright civil war.
Says on Sunday, August 9th, a sweet soul named Cannon Hinnan was taken from this world over a senseless act.
One minute he's enjoying his life, the next it all ends because he rode in his neighbour's yard.
That story's going to disappear very quickly, isn't it?
Just like the woman on the bridge in Indianapolis who was shot also in the head for saying white lives matter.
Not even that, in fact, she said all lives matter.
And for that crime, she was shot in the head.
Again, barely made the news, was disappeared from the news within two days.
Meanwhile, Biden splashes mendacious gasoline on the riots.
He tweeted, it's been six years since Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson.
Reigniting a movement.
We must continue the work of tackling systemic racism and reforming policing.
Of course, Michael Brown never said, hands up, don't shoot.
The very foundation of the entire Black Lives Matter movement was a lie.
Michael Brown again was another career criminal.
Michael Brown charged Officer Darren Wilson and tried to grab his gun.
That's why he was shot dead.
Joe Biden, like a lot of things, seems to have forgotten about that.
Meanwhile, Seattle business owners who had their windows smashed by BLM say they still support BLM!
They had their windows smashed over and over again.
The business owners told Como News they were fed up after eight premises were targeted by vandals during another round of violent unrest last night on Seattle's First Hill.
And the quotations given to the news outlet say they're, you know, they're a little bit fed up with it, but black lives do matter.
So that gives them the right to trash our properties.
We now have 75 consecutive nights of rioting in Portland.
Will it ever end?
Gonna wrap it up.
Warham coming up next.
Breaking news at Summit.
News don't go away.