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Filename: 20200802_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 2, 2020
1524 lines.

A transmission on August 2nd will address the globalist attack on America and humanity's awakening resistance against it. The UN is pushing for forced inoculations as a requirement for travel or employment, while the federal government funds major universities to brainwash people into accepting deadly COVID-19 vaccines. Big Pharma will be exempt from vaccine liability claims, while the UK government warns that the public may overthrow them if they continue with lockdowns. Churches in many areas are closed for Antifa rioters, and gym owners in New Jersey broke into their businesses to let customers in, violating coronavirus orders. Protestors gather worldwide against globalist child-kidnapping pedophile rings in England, Germany, and the US. Alex Jones displays home defense items and emphasizes self-defense against those trying to harm you. Authorities advise not to call the police if raped, stating that rape is now good. In Minneapolis, police tell residents to surrender to criminals, not to be armed at home or in their car, and not to argue or fight with them. Alex Jones advises listeners to arm themselves and stand against these tyrannical attempts to take control of the Republic. The InfoWars Store is selling "Super Male Vitality," a formula designed to increase male vitality, energy, and overall wellness. The Attorney General of Minnesota has been accused of raping or assaulting four women and argues that if someone is a victim of sexual assault and the assailant has fled, one should call a counselor rather than the police. Alex Jones discusses how the globalists are using the current crisis to push their agenda forward, including creating a post-human world where humans are obsolete and can be replaced by machines. Big tech companies are stealing people's data for their own gain, and the globalists are consolidating power through governmental acts and tax programs. Jones emphasizes the need for humanity to unite against the tyranny and expose the fraud of COVID-19 to stop this takeover. The speaker discusses a high- quality energy powder designed by one of the top guys in the country, highlighting how billionaires like Bill Gates are taking advantage of the pandemic to increase their wealth and consolidate power. The UN is officially announcing plans for forced inoculations and has set up university studies on how to brainwash the public into accepting it. Alex Jones discusses a DNA vaccine that affects cells inside the body, causing health issues and deaths with cover-ups by authorities. He warns against a violent reign of terror planned

America and the rest of the free world is under massive globalist attack, but humanity is awakening and speaking out and resisting.
The battle is joined.
Thank you for joining us on this August 2nd, Sunday, worldwide live transmission.
I'm coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, in defiance of globalist attempts to shut us off so that we would not be on air during this critical time.
It's now official the United Nations is pushing global forced inoculations to be able to travel or have a job.
That is as close as about six months away.
We'll show you other statements.
Also, the federal government is public about financing major universities
In brainwash training with focus groups how to mislead people and pressure them into taking the deadly COVID-19 vaccine that doesn't even protect you from COVID-19.
That's all coming up.
Red flags soar as Big Pharma will be exempt from COVID-19 vaccine liability claims.
Meanwhile, the UK government warns that the public is going to overthrow the government if they continue
That's their internal study show, and that's documented here.
The lockdowns.
Christians beat Newsom in his own game.
500 people just show up on the beach for church services.
Because the churches are closed in many areas, but not the Antifa rioters.
They're good, Newsom says.
As well as Cuomo.
Meanwhile, Atlas Gym owners in New Jersey break into their own business to let in customers.
Again, violating New Jersey's coronavirus orders.
And the same thing is happening in Germany.
The same thing is happening all over Europe.
And the UK people are refusing to submit to all of this.
So that is the answer to their 1984 is 1776.
The news gets even more incredible.
And even more amazing, all over the world, all over Europe and the United States, big crowds of people, hundreds and hundreds, come out and protest the globalist, child-kidnapping, pedophile rings.
It's happening in England, it's happening in Germany, it's happening in the United States, in places like Salt Lake City, in places like Arizona and Austin, Texas.
It's happening.
They're saying children's lives matter as we come together, not based on what color we are, but based on our spirit that has free will and is able to connect to the same creator.
It is all coming up.
And then something even crazier.
Why do I have a home defense shotgun right here?
12 gauge.
Why do I have a nine millimeter
Glock right here.
Rose, because that's the answer to people trying to hurt you in your car, your home, and kill you.
Your answer is when they come armed and point a weapon at you is to shoot them in the chest until they're on the ground and you're safe.
Because officially, officially in Illinois, in Minnesota, in California, and other areas,
Attorney Generals, Mayors and Police Chiefs are now saying, do not call the police if you're raped.
These are public statements, these are videos.
Rape is now good.
Liberal, say let men rape you.
You're understanding now where they're going.
Because these are Islamists.
Mayor Lightfoot Chicago has a 139% increase in murder.
And then this giant enchilada.
It's on their local news.
It's in the Minneapolis-St.
Paul paper, but here it is on Infowars.com.
Minneapolis police tell residents to surrender to criminals.
These are quotes.
Be prepared to get robbed.
These are quotes.
Do not argue or fight with a criminal.
Do as they say.
Do not be armed in your home or car.
Submit to them.
The police aren't going to arrest them now.
They're being disbanded.
And their answer is submit.
Well, you're not a police officer, you're not an American, you are a gilded Stockholm Syndrome globalist who wants crime to explode everywhere for a fall of the country, and then you're gonna take over and set up permanent martial law.
You know what you New World Order globalists are planning.
You know you're trying to encourage this and the criminals to go wild.
I predict people aren't gonna follow the Garbage Lepus rules, and a bunch of these attempted carjackers are gonna die.
We'll be right back, it's Sunday Live, stay with us.
I have never been so concerned about what's going on.
This is all martial law prepping, martial law training, and now they have activated the most criminal elements of the deep state, and Pelosi is bragging they're going to remove the President illegally with COG.
You cannot remove the President with COG.
You can't remove the President, 25th Amendment or impeachment, but they're saying they're going to do it.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are putting this in every newspaper in the country and legitimizing the fact that if he contests the election in any way, when they say by default they are,
They're going to pull this.
This is maximum, maximum alert.
This is emergency alert.
Yes, they've censored the Patriots off most of the internet, but Banned.Video is still there.
The radio show is still there.
And yes, we're getting about five times the traffic we were getting before the ban to the actual sites.
But we need to get this message to other people outside of our audience.
So tell everyone now about the martial law plan and the plan to get rid of Trump.
It's all posted at Banned.Video.
Please, we can defeat these people.
If you take action, you are the answer.
Please, please, please.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are live, we are broadcasting worldwide on this Sunday, August 2nd.
2020 transmission.
92 days out from our fate, destiny.
The Global is trying to take full control of the Republic.
Well, if you're a TV viewer and not a radio listener, you probably noticed that I have a 12-gauge home defense shotgun right here.
And I also have a 9mm Glock to my left.
Now, the shotgun's for your house.
Or for your car, depending on your state laws.
If you don't want to kill your neighbors, you want to have double-locked buckshot, so it kills the perpetrator, but doesn't go through, you know, too far, travel too far.
Because after about 100 yards, it becomes a lot less lethal and doesn't have the penetrating power.
Up close, nothing will blow somebody into pieces like 20 rounds of basically .22 ammunition.
I guess this is what comes out of a buckshot, if my memory serves right.
The little 9mm handgun here, this is good for your house, but also good for your car.
And, you know, if you've got organized communists and criminals like that, and there's a more organized attack on you, well, we've got other things, battle rifles to deal with that, and we've got 50 cals, just in case they ever get the armored vehicles like we have.
We're prepared, because we understand the globalist threat, and that they have their way, they're going to bring us into a hot civil war, and then literally shin their Maoist brigades in, and try to kill us.
That's the real world, and people used to hear me talk about that, and they thought I was going too far, but now folks understand that we're not going too far, and they can really see the attempts at destabilizing things and overthrowing things.
Let me read to you some headlines.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison says he doesn't want police officers responding to rape calls.
He has been accused many times of raping women.
And of other criminal activity.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, he said that on video, that's not a, taking out of context.
Lori Lightfoot sees Chicago 139% increase in murder in just the last two months.
Think about that.
Now, look at this headline, and this is on Infowars.com.
This is not a joke, this is an actual
Email sent out to everyone that had signed up in the last 20 years to the police email system to get alerts.
Minneapolis Police tell residents to surrender to criminals and be prepared to get robbed.
Do not argue or fight with the criminal who, as they say, reads the police email.
That is on Infowars.com with a direct post to the email and the police department site where it actually says it.
Nowhere does it say, have a firearm.
Nowhere does it tell you to have a taser.
Nowhere does it tell you to have a stun gun.
Nowhere does it tell you to have bear spray.
Or a legal knife.
You need to learn how to bend over properly.
Now this is what we talk about, being psychological Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness, and the Overton window being moved to the point where we totally submit to tyranny and being oppressed.
And the psychological war chiefs that run things are testing us to see what we'll put up with and what we'll do and what we'll go along with.
The answer to this is to say, no, I'm not submitting.
Amazon and Walmart and Piggly Wiggly are essential, but your coffee shop, your store, is not.
And half the small businesses in America have shuttered their doors so far.
Many never
To reopen, there's an incredible video posted on Infowars.com, Donald Trump's also tweeted it, our president, of 40 million Americans out of work and the Jeff Bezos profits go straight up.
Well, that's what the Club of Rome and Bilderberg Group and Davos have all talked about.
In the new robot takeover, they build a system where humans are obsolete.
And they just say, oh, because we're not building a future for you.
Well, why would we let people build a future that isn't pro-human?
They claim it's good for the earth and all this crap.
These are just super villains, ladies and gentlemen, that use psychology to control you.
But the minute you become aware of that and understand that the ultra-rich are the ones pushing communism and socialism for you, because they're exempt from it offshore, and the wage disparity and earning disparity has gone where the top 10% had half the wealth 30 years ago.
Now it's the top one-tenth of 1%, not the 1%.
But less than 100 people actually, it's a tiny fraction, have more than half the wealth in the world.
So they teach you, Bezos and Buffett and all of them are always, we need to raise taxes on rich people.
They call that someone making $150,000 a year.
Because they're exempt from it and siphon off in government programs and kickbacks.
Bezos got $32 billion of the stimulus money.
Most small businesses couldn't even ever get on the computer to log on, it wouldn't let them in.
Some people tried thousands of times, and of course the government offices are closed, so you can't go complain.
This is all a designed, giant fraud.
Trump's figured it out, he's trying to turn things back on, they're not letting him.
But imagine Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison says he doesn't want police officers responding to rape calls.
He said that in a TV interview.
In fact, this came out earlier in the week.
I never played the clip.
Guys, find that clip.
I saw it earlier this week, last week.
Because it dovetails with the Minnesota police saying, Minneapolis police, surrender to criminals and be prepared to get robbed.
Do not argue or fight with a criminal.
Reads the email from the police chief.
Think about that.
Meanwhile, this is in Fox News as of last night.
We broke it here at InfoWars with the original report.
Austin police warn of armed rioters planning to access buildings.
Reports armed gun trucks.
They did try all that.
They had gun trucks, but the police shadowed them and said, if you raise your firearms, prepare to die.
And so Antifa pissed down their leg and scurried back off in the darkness.
But meanwhile in Portland, Oregon, leftists burned Bibles, U.S.
flags in front of federal courthouses.
That's right.
All that video of them.
Meanwhile, police rescued pig from Portland leftists who were planning to behead it in front of the police station.
He's selling some really nice people.
Aren't they?
But we're in the Stockholm Syndrome.
We submit to it because they roll this Communist-Globalist takeover in the shell, in the packaging, that it's about empowering minorities.
And we've got the UN saying we're going to have replacement migration, 200 million into France alone, 600 million to the US, and they're going to teach the people that aren't white, when they come in, that whiteness is bad, and the West is bad, and Christianity is bad, and organize them politically around race.
Well, they beg and fight to get in here close to the white devils.
But again, it's the globalists manipulating all this.
Who are the paramilitary forces marching in the streets in the UK?
Well, they are the African Liberation Movement.
The African Emancipation Group demanding that unlimited amounts of people be allowed to be brought in and have everything free.
That's what George Soros is funding, why he funds the Zodiac boats and the debit cards for everybody to get in.
And they're in the UK, and they're pissed, and they are attacking police, and they are God, and you better give them something.
This is the class warfare.
Could we bring in all the people from the third world and get along with them if they adopted Christianity and adopted the Western culture?
If they're filled full of Western hate and filled full of New World Order George Soros crap, we will be destroyed.
And we are being destroyed.
And it's all the little white professor minders
We're good to go.
We have to end the July sale today.
I have a couple of new specials we're going to launch tomorrow, but the free shipping will end tomorrow.
I've got to up the price on the privacy pocket because we're just not making enough money on it at $19.95 to be able to, these are great units, to be able to run the operation.
I don't know.
Survival Shield X2, X3, Lung Cleanse, Ultra 12, DNA Force Plus, Winter Sun Plus, Chill Force, Super Female Vitality, Biodrisk Selenium, and XtendoWise will stay on sale at 50% off, but not free shipping.
We just have done the accounting and it didn't bring enough revenue.
Thank you all for your support.
These are great products you already need.
Take action now.
That's how we defeat the globalists.
And spread the word about the live broadcast.
Huge news straight ahead.
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A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
Large groups of human movements and activities, but even predict what individuals would do.
And then once you could predict what individuals were going to be doing, you could add stimuli through the AI systems, through the computers, through digital billboards, through face scanning, through the social credit score to control people and make them act like you wanted to.
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up.
It was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
There are only a few days left to take advantage of the biggest InfoWars sale of 2020 so far.
It is Christmas in July, and July ends this Friday.
The longest we can run it is a few extra days until Sunday, because we are selling out of almost all of our best-selling products, and the supply chain is breaking down with many of our manufacturers, and so a lot of the reorders are held up months.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here's the Attorney General of Minnesota, a globalist, communist on record, who at least four women have accused of raping or assaulting them.
And it's okay though, because he's got brown skin, so it's all right if he goes on TV and says abolish the police.
And now says if somebody rapes you, don't call the police.
Call a counselor.
Here it is.
If you're a woman who's been a victim of a sexual assault and the assailant has ran away, wouldn't you rather talk to somebody who is trained in helping you deal with what you're dealing with, as opposed to somebody whose main training is that they know how to use a firearm, right?
And of course he loves Antifa as well.
So let's explain.
The police do not have a responsibility to protect us and they can't.
That's in the law.
The police have a job that once a crime is committed we hire them to bring the criminal, because we have evidence, to a magistrate and a court and then they can be indicted so they can have a jury trial.
And if you let people rape and murder, the rapist will commit 10, 20, 30 times the crime.
Especially, you know, in the wild, wild west in a town, you'd have a lot of raping and killing.
Contrary to the Hollywood movies, actually very low crime rates in most areas.
They had some crime zones.
You'd have a street where it was prostitution and gambling and drinking, and you might have somebody shot there every weekend.
But you'd have five or six other streets where nothing ever happened.
You know, in towns like Dodge or something, they had like 20,000, 30,000, 100,000 people in it, depending on what year.
But the idea of, like, the Westerners where there's shoot-'em-ups every week, that's not true.
In fact, shoot-'em-ups were famous and got written about in newspapers when they did happen because they were so rare.
Big ones, like the OK Corral.
That's like five or six people getting shot.
Big deal, compared to the numbers we see today in Chicago and other areas.
If you don't have the right to defend yourself, though, crime becomes insane, like the French Revolution.
The French didn't have a right to keep and bear arms and protect themselves, only the nobility did.
And so, when criminals took over government, they estimate crime went up in France probably 30,000 percentage points.
Went from being very rare to just blood in the streets, hundreds of thousands being killed every month, charnel house, devil worship, child molestation, human sacrificing.
That's who ran the French Revolution, were devil worshippers.
The Jacobins, look it up, the left-hand path.
And then communism, and then Antifa, on record, comes out of that.
So you wonder why they're devil worshipping and burning Bibles and killing animals and sacrifices in the streets and erecting
Statues to Satan!
Because we've seen this movie before, and those of us that know history are fascinated by it, we want to learn more, we know what's going to happen next, because we've read history.
When history does what?
It repeats.
If it does anything.
And now we're facing the very same thing.
I mean, some days in France it was estimated that 5,000 people would have their heads chopped off in one day.
And it was mainly just people that even commoners that shot their mouths off to the devil worshippers.
But let's just stop for a moment.
This is Stockholm Syndrome.
If you just call the counselor, well...
They're going to call the police, maybe.
But see, the police are saying they're not going to respond anymore in Minneapolis and other areas, so they're actually not going to respond.
And they'll just tell you it's okay, whoever this is that raped you, and now he'll come back and do it again.
You know what?
I'd tell a woman, if somebody came and raped you, I'd say call the police, prosecute them.
And I said, go to a local gun shop that's highly rated, and buy a $300, $400 revolver, because it's very easy to use, and you're not going to have a problem as a first-time gun owner.
And you go to the shooting range with somebody that sells it to you, and take a couple lessons, and you'll load it up and shoot it and go, my God, this is, you know, easier than brushing my teeth.
Women are just as good at shots as men, statistically.
In fact, a lot of times better.
I mean, my wife's not even a big gun person.
She shoots as good as I do with MP5, Remington 700s, shotguns.
I mean, she'll be at 100 yards shooting through the same hole with my M4.
Same hole.
Oh, women shouldn't have that.
Oh, little lady, you can't handle that.
A woman should have a revolver until they get good with it, and then get yourself a regular handgun that has a few other functions to it.
And they want you to be helpless, though.
You think about the evil.
Of all over the country, Democrats who have armed guards, you know, in Minneapolis now, they have a huge multi-million dollar budget for private security as they cut back the police force for the city council.
Their own private royal guard!
They've got 24-hour guards at their dirty, filthy communist houses while they defund the police for everybody else and the crime rate jumps over 150% in Minneapolis alone.
130-plus percent in Chicago.
That's more than double.
Think about these people.
And Ilhan Omar, we'll play a clip of her in a moment, this monster saved from Somalia, where her slave trade family, by the way, was being destroyed by another tribe.
She came here two years before Mogadishu and Black Hawk Down and she attacks the men of the army in speeches that say they were killers and horrible and bad, literally trying to get food delivered to people under attack and being killed by the other main tribe.
The scum of the earth!
You save this monster.
You take this viper, this scorpion to your breast and it stings you.
She wants you to have Stockholm Syndrome.
It's where you learn to submit to your abusers and learn helplessness.
Look up what it is.
We'll talk more about it when we come back, but I got a bunch of COVID-19 news, a bunch of pedophile ring news, a bunch of the latest on Bill Clinton and the Epstein Island, caught red-handed there and trying to deny it.
I mean, the wheels are coming off the New World Order, but imagine being a monster, a communist, globalist monster who's never had a real job in her life, who siphoned off millions of dollars to all these different husbands she's got.
And who says this country sucked when it scooped her up out of the most hellish country in Africa, probably the world, where they have sex slavery for women and their main system is still slavery and piracy and we save her and we elect her and she attacks us!
Listen to this monster.
Never stop saying, not only do we need to disinvest foreign police, but we need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.
The Minneapolis Police Department is rotten, to the root.
And so when we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer and we allow for something beautiful to rise.
Oh, like Somalia?
And that reimagining allows us to figure out what public safety looks like for us.
That means her in charge of the police.
You talk about frightening.
You talk about delusional, crazy people.
All funded by Gates, the UN, replacement migration.
This is just a nightmare scenario, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
We'll get more into this later.
I've got to get into the huge news.
Gates got caught with the federal government running a brainwashing camp where they're testing how to brainwash people to take COVID-19 shots and then become contact tracers once they've joined the cult.
Oh, yeah.
Wait till you see this.
We'll be right back.
The BBC is state-run media in the UK and they've come out with a detailed article that's linked on Infowars.com saying you will have to have forced inoculations multiple times a year to be able to travel.
Robots will scan you when you land.
You will have a digital tattoo under your skin.
To be able to enter the country, but it's going to be so easy and so cool and so fun.
The Microsoft website now officially has announced the digital tattoo.
We exposed this six months ago, now Bill Gates was funding it, and they had hundreds of news articles attacking us saying it wasn't true.
This is a tactic they use.
First, they announce it.
We say it's a bad idea.
We didn't do it.
They say, that's crazy.
They introduce the idea to you.
Then they come back and announce it again, thinking you have no memory.
This is a criminal takeover.
This is the line in the sand.
We must say no.
We must expose the fraud of COVID-19 that this entire house of evil is built on.
I'm Alex Jones.
Never surrender to tyranny.
The people are awakening.
They're taking control of their own environment.
Cell phones are an amazing tool.
Really, they're a supercomputer that's hand-held.
But big tech, large corporations, hackers, governments, foreign governments, the chi-coms especially, are using this to steal your data, to share your data, to be able to rig markets when they're able to scoop up billions of people's data.
They can actually predict on record what's going to happen in mass movements.
Cutting them out of that data stream absolutely devastates their AI takeover.
In their own words, they admit it.
So, I've been selling privacy pouches and locket pockets and things like that for more than a decade.
And now the units have gotten really lightweight.
They're Faraday cages.
They just look like a cloth envelope.
They work absolutely great.
And it just gives you that security to have power over your data and power over your identity.
Where the hell did this water come from?
Where did it come from?
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Other systems just don't compare.
The reasons that the globalists launch this planetary lockdown.
The number one reason is it serves everyone of their purposes.
We've gone over
Those purposes many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are non-essential as we begin to witness automation computers and robots take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some advancement that we just fell into.
It's been pre-planned, organized, globally, and it's extremely predatory.
And through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations, the central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power.
This is the truest form of technocracy fascism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Sunday transmission.
So, you've got major globalist corporations that have been able to buy control of the planet because they control the fiat currency that is being released out to everybody.
And so they can condition and control other corporations and other companies
Because if they don't follow the political and socio-economic and cultural edicts of the ruling globalists, then they will have their money cut off and they will be punished.
And so that's why you see the corporations and the NFL and the NBA and all of it lockstep in anti-Americanism, but saying communist China with millions in death camps is great.
Because they're not liberals, they're authoritarians hiding their fascism, their communism, their dehumanization under neoliberal packaging.
And Jay Dyer, who's a great author and researcher, hosted an hour of the show last week.
I didn't have time to watch it until this morning I watched it.
And I knew a lot of the stuff he was covering from previous books that The Globalist had put out, Zygmunt Brzezinski and many others.
But he was reading books by the head of the Davos Group, passages about
We'll use a global crisis, probably a virus, to lock down the whole economy and train people to go to a post-human economy.
And then once humans are obsolete, we can just sterilize everybody and, you know, the human species is bad and merge with machines.
But just to see the head of the Davos Group saying that...
When I already knew that was their plan.
And then to see the Wall Street Journal a month ago, Dreaming of the Post-Human Future, Dreaming of a World Without Humans, NBC headline, on the top of the website, the front page of the Wall Street Journal, the front page of NBC News, Dreaming of the End of Humanity, The Post-Human World, and the book Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab.
I've got to read it because
He was reading quotes of it.
And it's the same stuff I've heard over and over again, but he was being absolutely direct about, it's our job to save the planet and get rid of all humans.
I mean, you might as well have aliens land and talk like this.
And you're reading the public Bilderberg group and what they want to do, they do.
And so we're looking at the Minneapolis police saying, we can't protect you, submit to criminals, hand everything over.
And we look at the Minnesota Attorney General saying, if you get raped, don't call the police.
And you go, this doesn't make sense.
Because they're taking everything away.
They're getting you used to outrage.
Satanic idols put up at your churches.
Your churches are closed.
But the communists can rampage and attack the police.
It's not that the old system's perfect, it's that it's pro-human and we built it.
The globalists might as well be aliens, folks.
They're so anti-human.
And what they're building is just absolute pure evil.
So I'm not helpless.
You know, I've told my wife, I've told the crew.
I've said, sometimes if you're in an emergency, you can only order something from Amazon.
You can do it.
But I said, you can almost always find it somewhere else for the same price or a little bit more.
And I said, you understand Amazon's a strategically developed global operation to destroy even Walmart, not just mom and pops, and consolidate total power and control.
Like Apple is the symbol of an apple being bitten, you know, in the Garden of Eden.
Well, their symbol is a devil tail.
Buy their fruits that you will know them.
And see, it's Stockholm Syndrome to love it and think it's your friend and to go along with it, when all it's doing is creating a post-human world.
And that's why we're taught to hate ourselves.
It's why we're taught that America sucks.
It's why you're taught that humans are bad.
So an evil group of people will have you just basically commit cultural suicide and stand down so they rule you, so they can get rid of you.
They're saying the future doesn't need us in Wired Magazine.
And how the elite planned to get rid of us 21 years ago, and I made a big deal out of that.
Bill Joy, owner of Sun Microsystems, went to a meeting of billionaires, the top of tech, and he said, after a two-day summit, we decided we're going to kill everybody.
We're going to set up a world government, have robots take over, self-driving cars, poison everybody, and then wipe your asses out.
Because we're not going to let you just party on some mythical cruise ship.
That's one of his quotes in an interview.
And then they made the movie WALL-E, where all these fat creatures living on galactic cruise ships.
They're like, that's not happening.
You're dead.
Well, guess what?
I look at Eric Schmidt and Sundar Pichai and Bill Gates and Fauci, and I say, you know what?
You're saying I'm not essential?
You're saying I need to die?
How about you walk the plank first?
And of course these are lying criminals that get up there and get in our face because they're part of the selfish eugenics class and they're the worst people on earth.
They're the ones that need to go first!
Put your money where your mouth is.
You designed the whole world to make us WALL-E creatures where everything's delivered to us and where we can lay down if we've got enough money.
Everybody else is made obsolete and is fighting for their lives.
Then there's a collapse of civilizations, a giant human civil war directed by AI as they destroy our infrastructure and make it where who's left has to sign on with the globalists to wipe out everybody just to save themselves!
I've got the psychology figured out and then I read their books and they say that.
They're going to put us into a position, those of us that are productive and are successful, of having to serve the New World Order and help wipe all you out.
Now I've told you I'm not going to be part of that.
And I could have already joined them.
They tried to get me to join the Kissinger Group.
On record.
But you are being killed.
And I've signed on to not be with these people because they're so creepy and they're obviously the losers.
But those of you out there joking about this show that thinks it's entertainment, you're fools.
And you better go read what the elite are saying.
Because what they said they'd do 40 years ago is in place.
And what they said they'd do 20 years ago is almost in place.
And they're accelerating their program.
President Trump tweeted this out.
He said he actually agrees with this too much.
Income disparity.
Changes must be made soon.
Trump is trying to fix the income disparity.
Under liberal globalism, again, we've gone to the income disparity being
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times worse than it was.
It's thousands of times.
It's insane.
We did the math one time.
It's like 0.000000000024 have 70% of the wealth through fraud.
It's not 1%.
And they don't want you to even have an economy!
It's got 80%.
And they say they want a post-human economy, while they fund, oh, we love the brown people, oh, white people are bad.
All they're doing is getting rid of the West and high incomes and a middle class so that the third world doesn't aspire to that.
They've got to dynamite the first world so that the third world doesn't aspire to it, while the globalists build armored breakaway city-state fortresses that they live in that they're going to direct their robot exterminations of us from.
And I'm not going to sit here and be part of it!
I declare war on them!
And humanity is coming through, and we, one day, black, brown, white, of every color, with red blood, we'll sit around that table together, after we've defeated the globalists, and after we've repented for our evil, and we will move forward with incredible technology and life extension and strength.
They will pay!
And systems built and designed to make us competitive, but altruistic and chivalrous and open and strong.
And we will all rise together!
But the idea that, oh, somebody can't rise more at a sport, or in music, or something, that that hurts you, you've got to be lowered to make them higher, that's the most satanic thought ever.
They promise, oh, computers will make everything fair and choose what job you've got and what you'll do.
All of it is a lie.
They're delivering you poverty and death and destruction.
And we'll show you the numbers that as you get poor and as you lose your job, all of the liberal billionaires, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, all of them have made more money in the last year than they made in the last 20!
They are decimating everybody!
They are wrecking everything!
They are annihilating it!
And they're keeping you from all the technologies that our mind invented and that we developed.
Yeah, these people are not the noble humans that will be accepted by the gods of the plane of Elysium.
They're the opposite.
They've been chosen for another place.
If we want Elysium, we have to build it
And we have to support human development and be honest about the world and face the globalists eye to eye and say, we know who you are.
We know you want us to die.
We've got a better idea.
How about you die?
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Whether you believe in evolution in the modern theory or not, the globalist controllers do, and they constantly write about and talk about how they want to create a global crisis or a group of crises that force humans to, quote, evolve in a new, better way.
Now, when you study how they actually want you to evolve, if you believe in that,
It is to stop having children emerge with silicon bodies and a post-human future.
Talk about psychotic.
Talk about creepy.
Talk about crazy.
But they need an event like COVID-19 to teach a mammal to wear some covering over its nose, over its breathing tubes, to set the precedent for the forced inoculations, for the GMO, for the 5G, and for all the things that they admit will end our humanity as we know it.
That's why this is so evil.
Their whole agenda for a cashless society, global government, UN control, getting us all into debt, getting rid of local government.
Think about all the facets of it.
The censorship, the surveillance.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I sure can, sir.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
Thank you.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and two befores have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
Thank you for that, man.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better?
So that means a lot to me.
Thank you.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the cutting edge of reality.
The architects of this evil takeover, this hijacking of civilization, are so arrogant they publicly write books and white papers detailing every aspect of what we face.
And the good news is, we talked about this decades before it manifested, because it was behind the curtain.
And now that it's out in the open, people are going, wait a minute, they're going back 10 years ago, 20 years ago, a year ago, and going, Jones said exactly what they're now saying on the news.
And people are matching up all over the internet, word for word, what I said five years ago, 10 years ago, with things being said today by top globalist politicians.
They're going, how did Jones know this?
He's a prophet.
He's a clairvoyant.
Well, I do have the touch, and all of us do, but I am extremely psychic, but that's not what does this.
It's knowing what to research and understanding of the globalist are, and the richest people in the world are setting up a world government and building a world where they're going to tear out the infrastructure for humans, and they're saying we're parasites, we've got to be gotten rid of, and they're going to merge with machines, and now it's on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and NBC News.
What are we going to do?
And now they release the virus, and they shut the economy down, and they're coming with forced inoculations.
I am not a victim.
I am not going to grovel to my enslavers.
The famous Native American, I forget who said it, maybe you guys can search this and his name will come up, but I remember the saying.
It's that leadership is submitting to duty.
Leadership is submission to duty, not about the heights of power.
Because once you get real power, you find out there's a bunch of evil people want it.
And they're trying to get everybody to join them to carry out the evil operation.
And you're like, I don't even want this power.
I want to be around you people.
There it is.
Gordon Tatusi.
Leadership is about submission to duty, not elevation of power.
There you go.
And that's exactly the truest thing you'll ever hear.
It's about submission to duty.
It's not about elevation to power.
Let me tell you, the people that have elevated themselves and it's all about them, they're the most selfish, evil, creepy people you'd ever be around.
And that's the thing.
They can look at our fallen state and play like they're gods.
The Bible tells us we're fallen.
But the ones telling us we're fallen and to roll over and climb into our graves and dig our own graves are the very worst of us!
I will be born again by Christ in the Holy Spirit that's given me the discernment.
I know it's real.
And I know that Spirit makes me feel good and teaches me how to live and makes me strong, way stronger than you!
So despite the fact you've stolen all the money and have control over everything, you fear me!
Because you know I have the Spirit of Christ in me!
As many others do!
And you know I know who you are!
And you think by extinguishing our light, you will somehow then be God!
You will never be God!
Because you've not recognized real God and gotten on your knees!
Your attempts to destroy humanity?
Are you digging your graves?
We're not digging our own graves!
You're digging your graves!
Alright, let's get into it.
If you don't know what Stockholm Syndrome is, every time I print this stuff I want to read it.
I never get around to it, but... Let's just do this.
Here's a few minutes of the Business Insider Report.
It's on Infowars.com.
Trump tweeted it out.
With 40 million Americans filed for unemployment during the coronavirus scandemic, billionaires saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars.
And they're the ones financing race riots and crap, because it's a sick joke, rear-guard action for them.
Because once they get rid of your grassroots economy, you'll be dependent on them.
And that's what they want.
Domestication for extermination.
Not domestication to have peace.
They always say, oh, we gotta have world government to stop disruptive technologies and plagues getting out.
So they release the plague.
And they even say they'll do that.
Gates says, oh, this is just a drill.
Terrorists are gonna release the real one soon.
And he starts laughing.
Gates, if you think you're going to get away with releasing a bioweapon thing again, of course, Hitler just wanted to kill everybody, too.
He meant to lose, by the way.
He hated the German people and at the end said that.
That's what Hitler actually said.
So, see, Gates intends to probably die carrying this out.
You say to Gates, hey, you know, people are going to stand up to you.
Yeah, I know.
Not before I've killed all you, though, you see.
But he's to get you in order under his scientific dictatorship and the UN so that you'll be in his paradigm so he can control you as he takes us down.
Because he is a demonically controlled entity.
Not a human.
He's an avatar jacked in from the worst stuff in the galaxy.
Alright, let's go ahead and roll this enemy consolidating our economy and wrecking us, and as we go bankrupt, and as we lose our houses, and as our businesses shut down, their business is essential, and their business stays open!
They are essential!
We're not!
They live!
We sleep!
Here it is.
This is the unemployment rate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
And this is Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos's net worth during that same time span.
From March to June 2020, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos saw his wealth rise by an estimated $48 billion.
The founder of the video conferencing platform Zoom grew his nest egg by over $2.5 billion.
And former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's net worth increased by $15.7 billion.
These kinds of examples might lead you to think that when billionaires profit during a crisis, it's just a matter of right place, right time.
Well, that's not false, but it's not entirely true either.
Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson saw his wealth increase by $5 billion, while Elon Musk saw an increase of $17.2 billion.
When you add up the numbers, billionaires in the United States have increased their total net worth $637 billion during the COVID-19 pandemic so far.
At the same time, more than 40 million Americans filed for unemployment.
With tens of millions of Americans out of a paycheck and the stock market plummeting by 37% in March, how is it that the rich have continued getting richer?
This isn't the first time billionaires have seen gains, while a large portion of Americans were feeling losses.
When the housing bubble burst in 2007... So they walk through the fact that with trillions being thrown in the stock market by the Federal Reserve to prop it up, they're the ones that actually become the beneficiaries and get it.
But that's only part of it.
Their businesses are essential.
Your businesses aren't.
Particularly with Bezos and Apple and others.
Not so much with Musk.
I'm not defending Musk.
He had some of his factories shut down in California.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, your little restaurant isn't essential, but the big one is.
And it's about them telling you when you're essential and when you aren't.
It's incredibly dangerous.
All right, I'm going to start the next hour, and I'm going to get into the most important news yet that I haven't gotten into, and that's the forced inoculation news.
The UN, they're now officially saying exactly how they're going to carry all this out, and actually have set up university studies on how to brainwash the public.
They actually say how to manipulate us psychologically to go under all of this, and it's just the absolute line in the sand.
And then they admit, by the way, the vaccine hurts 100% of people that take it.
Well, I've never heard them be honest before.
20% have to be hospitalized.
Gates admits it.
And they're going to have indemnity from being hurt, and it doesn't even give you immunity for more than like a month.
So he says you've got to get five shots a year if you're an adult, two if you're a kid.
Folks, this is DNA vaccine.
They are jacking with your cells inside.
They're not teaching your cells how to kick somebody's ass.
You know, imagine if you could watch, like, a fight tape, because you're a boxer, and you can watch the guy you're about to fight watch his last ten fights.
That's kind of like your immune system gets a preview to watching fight tapes, or football, you know, clips of the team you're about to play.
I remember when I was playing football, wasn't that good in high school, but they'd make us sit there and watch the tapes of what the other team's going to do.
And so, that's what learned immunity is, and it still causes problems.
Because you're not really watching a tape.
You're actually out on the field.
When they inject that in you, you can actually get hurt.
So it's like another game.
They tell you they're playing you a fight tape.
They tell you they're playing you a football game tape.
But really, you're actually on the field.
So there's your analogy going from analogy to reality.
But now they go, oh no, we're gonna go in to your cell nuclei and we're going to make your cell produce a protein that blocks the receptor of this thing.
But we don't know what else it's gonna do.
And people are getting real sick.
Some are dying, and boy, they're covering it up, but imagine what the long-term effects are.
Yeah, well, this is sterilization.
They've been caught doing secret experimentation with vaccines before, and again, there's a certain point where they can't hide it anymore.
Don't forget, there's all these medical doctors, all these scientists, like the press conference they had this week that Bill Gates, who wasn't a doctor, he had it banned.
Fauci agreed on national news that it should have been banned.
Because doctors said we're having great results with hydroxychloroquine, which is what the studies show.
But Gates paid for a fake study to say it didn't work.
That study got removed, but it doesn't matter.
The UN uses that study to say that you can't have doctors on TV on their own press conference on Breitbart or InfoWars.
All those banned interviews are at Banned.Video.
Well, guess what?
Don't just go watch them yourself.
Go get a big list of them and send them to friends and family and say, here's the videos of the banned doctors you're not supposed to see.
Decide for yourself.
Hour 2 coming up.
The state's cracking down on social gatherings, says CNN, because Fauci says if we don't, we'll see further surges in coronavirus positives.
Because they're only ramping up the testing, and because the tests have been designed at the Wuhan lab, it turns out, to be completely fraudulent.
They cooked the whole thing up offshore in a communist dictatorship with Fauci, Bill Gates, and the CHICOMS,
A lot of you are probably already very familiar with these terms I'm about to introduce, but some folks aren't.
So, for those that aren't, here they are.
Activated charcoal.
And then another term, enamel safe.
Activated charcoal is the fastest growing type of toothpaste for a good reason.
It really, really works.
Well, we've come up with the best activated charcoal toothpaste with no fillers, the cleanest type, the highest quality, with a bunch of high quality essential oils and other ingredients known and documented to do amazing things for your oral hygiene and your overall health and your mouth.
It's so critical and it makes your teeth look really white and really, really clean and it's good for your gums.
But on top of that, it doesn't have any ingredients that are known to hurt enamel.
I've gone out before and gotten toothpaste that really made my teeth clean, but eroded enamel up the top.
So I got into really safe, healthy types of toothpaste, and that's what this is.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Next segment, I'm going to get into the deadly bioweapon inside the vaccines they're developing.
They can't even hide the fact it's going to make you sick, because it's going to kill you down the road.
This is life-saving information coming up.
Here's a powerful report.
Needs to be seen, here it is.
We don't gotta kill the Queens.
We'll make them kill themselves.
How's that?
Reign of Terror.
We learned six months ago how staffers within the Bernie Sanders campaign have been planning a violent reign of terror.
How they were planning an organized show of force in the destruction of property.
These people are motivated by fear.
And if we mobilize, and if we show, we make a show of force, and show that, like, hey, we're very strong, and we've put in work, and we're very powerful now, I think you'll have a good many people who are going to back down off, and who are going to be so afraid that they're going to back down off that position.
Just like a militant labor movement that's willing to, one, strike, and if necessary,
How they were planning to burn cities.
City's burned.
How they were organized with Antifa.
We don't want to scare people off.
So you kind of got to feel it out first before you get into the crazy stuff.
What kind of crazy stuff?
You know, we were talking about, you know, more extreme organizations and stuff like Antifa.
Tell me.
You know, you're talking about the Yellow Vests and all that.
But, you know, we're kind of keeping that in the background right now.
And that they were willing to murder.
What are we going to do with those people that resist the change?
Because that's a big deal.
Well, I'll tell you what.
In Cuba, what do they do to reactionaries?
They shot them on the beach.
Do you want to fight against the revolution?
You're gonna die for it, motherfucker.
Their reign of terror has arrived in the Black Lives Matter movement.
And their main target is every law-abiding citizen in America.
After weeks of unprecedented mayhem, we can clearly see their tactics.
They stop traffic unannounced on major freeways or thoroughfares, placing a burden upon thousands of random men and women across the nation just going about their business.
If anyone protests, asks for passage, or expresses anything other than submissive silence, they are attacked by the mob, dragged out of their cars, and beaten.
We have had several drivers shot at,
A 27-year-old defense attorney shot a driver in the head during a protest.
These are random men and women who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And after being dragged from their cars, beaten and shot at, they are accused of somehow attacking the protest.
The media supports this lie.
Mainstream outlets running outrageous headlines, suggesting that any random person who gets attacked by the mob had it coming.
And that the angry mob is morally superior to all of us.
This is us just trying to create a world filled with love and kill off the hate.
In Austin, Texas, according to his recent statement, Daniel Perry was driving for a rideshare company, unaware of any protest.
When he turned right onto Congress Avenue and encountered a group of protesters, several people started beating on his vehicle and an individual carrying a rifle, Garrett Foster, quickly approached the car and motioned with the rifle for Perry to lower his window.
He complied, thinking that Foster was the police, but when Foster began to raise his rifle towards him, Perry shot and fired.
Garrett Foster died that night of gunshot wounds.
Daniel Perry is a free man because this was self-defense.
Also in Austin, Texas, the city council wants to expedite the demolition of the APD headquarters.
They want to blow up the police headquarters as soon as possible.
And the mayor wants to take guns away from law-abiding Texans.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Been on air 26 years.
Starting about 24 years ago, I began to get calls from major Hollywood directors, producers, actors.
They wanted to meet with me and they said, what is your formal education?
And I said, well, really nothing but a few years of college.
They said, well,
How are you one of the best science fiction or cultural writers we've ever heard?
The stuff you come up with is just unbelievable.
We'd like you to be in movies.
We'd like you to write with us.
We'd like you to do voiceovers.
You're just a renaissance man.
Folks know I was in some movies and Harry Shearer makes statements like that and a lot of others.
I'm not bragging.
And I kept explaining to them.
I said, do you understand?
I didn't come up with any of this.
I'm reading globalist MIT white papers and futurist documents.
They would just laugh at me and say, oh, no way.
Then I would give them the documents.
They would get very, very scared.
The next time I saw them in a few months, I'd say, man, you're right.
This is dystopic.
Folks, I didn't make any of this up, OK?
It's real.
It's real.
This transmission is coming to you.
We've got it.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two on this August 2nd transmission.
I, again, don't have time to take calls today.
I want to take calls.
I intend to take a lot of calls during the week on my weekday transmission, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
You have David Knight, obviously, in the mornings here, doing a fabulous job from 8 a.m.
until I go live, then Owen Schroer,
We are with the War Room, and that is, of course, 3 to 6 p.m.
We're doing a lot of special live reports at night that go out on the radio and TV satellites and internet streams.
I came in yesterday and did two hours live with the crew from 3 to 5 p.m.
We had crew out until 1 a.m.
or 1.30 a.m.
this morning covering the insanity that unfolded here in Austin.
We have time in the last segment.
I'll show some of that footage.
They're still bleeping some of it.
There's so much cussing by Antifun BLM.
Let me right now get into this.
I understand if you're a new listener and you've heard about Infowars, you've heard of Steamin' Eyes, but you've decided to tune in and hear what all the hubbub's about, that a lot of this stuff doesn't sound real.
I understand.
I was the same way 30 years ago, 35 years ago, when my dad said, hey, you ought to read Zbigniew Brzezinski's book, The Technotronic Era.
When I was about 12,
And I was reading some World War II adult history.
He said, why don't you read this?
And you know, I didn't read that Brzezinski book for three or four years.
And then when I read it, I didn't understand a lot of it.
And later I read more of his books, but he said, we're setting up a world government.
We, the elites, control organized crime because we want to be in control of it.
We run the pedophile networks.
I remember asking my dad about that when I was like 16, 17, and he goes, yeah, they use it for blackmail and control.
I mean, none of this is new, ladies and gentlemen.
It's just gotten a lot worse.
Or maybe we just know more about it.
But now they're out in the open with the CEO of Microsoft writing the opening for Klaus Schwab that runs the Davos Group, saying, we're building a world with no humans, with zero carbon.
And humans are bad, and we're building an infrastructure to cut off the human economy, because carbon's poisonous, which it isn't.
Part of the life cycle on Earth.
But by doing that, they've set it where they take control, they tax it, they literally can engage in siege and kill you.
And now they say, we're cutting off the world economy.
We're keeping you in your homes, and it's for COVID.
Of course it's not.
COVID isn't killing millions of people from starvation.
The lockdown is.
COVID isn't causing the depression.
The lockdown is.
And they go, but it is helping the Earth lower the carbon footprint, and that's a good thing.
And Bill Gates says he's going to lower human carbon to zero, and the whole TED Talk crowd laughs.
Because they're in the club where you talk about killing almost everybody except you, the enlightened elites.
Oh, but we're not going to kill people based on race.
It'll be based on your decisions and how you behave and if you're a good globalist out of a social score.
And Schwab said that to it years ago in his book.
That they will decide at the global level what good behavior is and then you will be valued on whether you live or die according to that score.
And now let's see it.
Oh, we gotta kill Granny because we can hire 10 teachers.
They're getting rid of teachers and bringing in online.
You're all obsolete!
And when you decide that some other group, because they're poorer than you, or because they've got different color skin than you, or because they're young, or because they're brain damaged, or because they're old, that they don't have value, and that you're gonna get ahead because you cut them off and starve them to death, you've just been tricked into a zero-sum game.
The pie stays one side, they control the pie, and they... So notice on one hand they say, don't be competitive, get rid of the family, get rid of men being men, women being women, things that make us strong and territorial and not giving up our territory.
But on the other side they say, oh, but we gotta lower everybody's standard of living to make the poor happier, but that's actually gonna lower their standard.
Well, they're these ultra-billionaire, trillionaire people above the law who say they want to kill everybody, but they think you're so dumb you don't go read their white papers!
But now they think you're so dumb, they put it in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and NBC News that the post-human world's here and it's going to be so beautiful.
Looking forward to the end of humanity, COVID showed us we're just bad and broken.
We're pathetic and we've got to throw the towel in and give it up.
Sounds like some flying saucer lands and goes, you are pathetic and weak.
Those of you that serve me may live a few years.
Everyone else will die.
Now take this shot to be healthy.
You're like, to the alien ambassador, you go, you just said you want to kill me, but now you got a shot that saves me.
That's not an alien ambassador, that didn't happen.
Bill Gates is saying, I want to kill you, I want to abort you, I want to euthanize you, I want, I want, you're a useless eater, you're a piece of crap, you're a piece of garbage, you're a piece of slime.
Over and over and over and over and over and over again.
But then, oh, he's got a shot for you to keep you safe, which is going to make you sick.
Yeah, it's like in Mars Attacks where they're running around killing everybody, but they're saying, don't run, we are your friends.
You say, well, that's dumb.
Why have real militaries actually done that before, saying, don't run, we are your friends?
Because it makes enough people hesitate long enough in a combat situation, if they hear a tank saying in your own language, hey, we're here to help you, the war is over, you know, people will hesitate and they'll get killed.
Saving Private Ryan, which is a fictitious story, but it's based on real events.
It's kind of historical fiction, they call it.
But there's the German soldier and the American soldier fighting in this house, house-to-house combat, and they're fighting with their bayonets, trying to stab each other, and the German says, oh wait, I give up, I'm your friend!
And the American GI who has the initiative hesitates for just a minute, and the German rolls over on him and drives that knife right in his chest.
And that's all that is, just, don't run, we are your friends, you're like,
You know they're the enemy.
You know they're coming to kill you.
They've said they're doing it.
And you know why Bill Gates says, I want to reduce populations?
You know why he does all that?
Because he has to get all his adherents and all of his minions to think he's powerful if he can be up there at a TED Talk saying, we're going to kill grandma, we're going to kill you.
We're going to get rid of humans.
I love Planned Parenthood.
There's too many people.
Now it's time for the Great Reset to cut off the economy and stop the carbon footprint.
That's all this is.
It's bigger than Trump.
They're strangling the Western economy.
They always had a plan to strangle it.
They always had a plan to shut it down.
And when we implode, the third world dies.
100 plus million people starved to death the next year.
UN already says millions have already died.
But they don't humanize you and show you each child starving to death in Latin America and in Africa and many other areas.
No, they show you the one black guy being killed by a cop.
He didn't even know what he was doing.
He was trained by his department to do that.
I'm not defending it, but that one guy comes for the reason to burn down America and your own future because the media owned by billionaires that hate you said so because they want to stop Trump, one of the only billionaires that wants a service economy and believes in people because that's what he owns is golf courses and hotels and casinos and his whole world is geared towards hospitality.
He likes who he is.
He likes his hot wife.
He's projecting onto you that you're powerful, and that you're amazing, and that you're beautiful, and that you're going to do incredible things.
And he tells you that.
The whole left says, you suck, you're racist, America's bad, we can't wait to get rid of the humans, blah, blah, blah.
So we all feel crappy about ourselves and crawl into a grave they've dug for us.
But that's not our destiny.
And so Trump's got his issues, we all do, but at the end of the day, he loves empowering the average person.
He loves success, and he's into positive thinking, and he wants a pro-human future, and he doesn't jive with all these hunchback, pedophile, New World Order people that are going down.
You know, I'm gonna hit the vaccine news at the bottom of the hour, and I'm gonna hit all the big world government news and all of that then, but you know what I'm gonna hit when we come back?
I'm gonna hit the good news.
The Global Awakening and anti-pedophile rallies spontaneously popping up all over the world, and Bill Clinton caught red-handed at Epstein Island, and now the House of Cards is coming down.
The dominoes are in play, baby, and beautiful things are happening, so praise sweet Jesus!
We'll be right back.
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Imagine telling someone just a year ago that in the middle of 2020, the Democrats, as well as many Republican leaders, would be calling for the United Nations WHO edict that all Americans wear masks, be a quote, federal order and mandate.
Totally unconstitutional, annihilating states' rights.
Think about that.
A woman can kill her baby.
We pay for illegal aliens healthcare.
But you've got to wear a mask for a virus that killed 20 plus times less than what they said, even if you believe the official story.
This is about the WHO, the globalists, testing their power.
Through the media over the federal government to set policy in the United States This is our punishment for not going with the carbon taxes in the Paris Accord and all of it And by the way, they admit that they say now your carbons down one way or another you stupid Americans
There are only a few days left to take advantage of the biggest InfoWars sale of 2020 so far.
It is Christmas in July, and July ends this Friday.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got off the riverboat in New Orleans in the spring of 82.
I walked into a gambling house, as gamblers often do.
I had myself a drink, and I joined in a poker game.
The dealer was a woman, so I asked her for her name.
We are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Let's get into some of the good news that's unfolding.
The globalist social engineers want a global government, an anti-human future in their own worlds.
It's a total mega-maniacal power trip.
They want to control technology and build a system where the general public is obsolete, bare minimum.
That's stated, public.
Imagine if Hitler was saying in 1937, when I get control of Germany fully, I'm going to get control of Europe and I'm going to set up a European Union and then I'm going to take over the world and have ten regions, three super regions.
I'm going to put Edward VIII, King of England, over the EU, and then we're going to go in and economically take control of all these countries, and then we're going to taint vaccines and other drugs and food until it slowly poisons all of these non-white people, and then we're going to exterminate them.
Well, people would have really been against Hitler.
Here's the deal.
Hitler got all that from Margaret Sanger and the Rockefeller Foundation and Cold Springs Harbor, New York, on record.
It's all historical fact.
Just unbelievable volumes have been written of documents about it.
Hitler was just a spinoff that this very group put out, who they then built up and told he was going to be able to take over.
So it was a dialectic of his race-based extermination versus the globalist that wants to exterminate all the poor people.
And they created that dialectic in the Overton window, so Hitler looks extreme over here, so they don't look extreme.
And that's the Overton window.
If you don't know what the Overton window is, you need to research it.
So, instead of us going off communist systems that are class-based, oh, the rich are bad, they're evil always, let's get rid of them.
Well, that's the ultra-rich always financing that to get rid of middle class and other rich people they don't control, because they don't want innovation, they don't want competition, they want monopolies, they want consolidation.
That's what John D. Rockefeller the first said was, competition is a sin.
It's actually on an old film before he died in like 1901 or something going, competition.
Whenever the recording system came out, he's like, competition's a sin.
He's like handing dimes out to people.
They want monopolies.
And the ultimate monopoly is that humans have to be born in laboratories.
The ultimate monopoly is seeds don't produce seeds that grow plants anymore.
You've got to buy them from Monsanto every year, which they've had for 30 years.
That's their plan.
And we don't figure into it like the great George Carlin said.
And let's do Play the Mars Attacks intro next segment, guys, please.
Let's not forget.
And what they base their whole takeover plan on is memory.
Memory is the greatest form of intelligence.
And it's the great part about memory is that you can train it to be better.
And the crew's awesome.
And so much is happening and so much is going on.
I do it all the time.
The way phones train us and TVs train us and the culture trains us, there's lots of constant information coming at us.
So we forget the last thing we were going to do.
I do it more often than the crew does.
And if you look at what the globalists say, they brag and they go, everything we have hinges on the fact that they don't have a memory of how we lie to them, and how we cheat them, and how we've consolidated power over them.
And so we think moving minute to minute only addressing things as they come at us is somehow being oblivious.
It's powerful.
It's not.
Because the globalists have a long-term strategic goal.
They remember everything.
They go back and look over it.
They study it to have that angle over everyone.
That's why the attention span in 1970 was 30-something minutes.
It's less than 10 seconds today.
That's why Bill Gates and Steve Jobs would not let their children have phones or iPads when they first came out.
And you look at that child, they want that thing because it's programming them and it's fundamentally taking them away from you forever.
So you want to sit there and talk to your husband at dinner?
Hey, it's real easy to do it, but let me tell you, your child will never look at you in the eyes the same way.
And the deeper you let them go into this, I'll tell you, the biggest future businesses will be rehabilitation centers to hook people up to brain scans and show them what computers have done and to help people get out of this.
Because you think heroin's a drug, you think alcohol's a drug, it's nothing like the flicker rate and the way that they've designed the computers and the screens to trick your mind and manipulate your dopamine and all the big tech heads admit we make it as addictive and destructive to play on your weaknesses and control you and make you alone.
All of you are alone, and now you're locked in your house, and now you gotta wear a mask, and now you gotta fear other humans, but you don't fear that little computer in your hand that's your only gateway, your only window into the world.
And in that little distorted window, the Overton window, they can show you all this extremism of pedophiles convicted, in schools, bouncing kid on their knees, and police stations being blown up, and that those are the good guys, and all of this evil.
And Satanism, it's good and your child sees it through this little blinders, this little window of a controlled reality that the A.I., globalist, psychiatrist, psychologist are hammering your children through.
But let's go over the good news, Dr. Camshot, please.
Billionaire sex offender Epstein.
Once claimed he co-founded the Clinton Foundation.
Well, actually he didn't claim that, as Fox News says.
He was one of the co-founders of it.
And Clinton flew hundreds of times, not 24 times, not 28 times, not 40 times, hundreds of times on that aircraft and other aircrafts, and another known pedophile, Sheik, that they both flew on, and he's on the logs going to Epstein Island at least three times, and they have documentaries of the official grounds manager and others saying, I saw Bill Clinton in there.
I saw Prince Andrew in there!
But Bill Gates said he never went to France, to Epstein's home, or to his seven-story pervert base.
Turns out he would stay there for weeks on end.
And so would Bill Clinton, who decided he didn't have sex with that woman and who settled all those rape cases with women.
They all said the same story.
He gets a woman in a room, usually like in a hat room or a closet right off from a big event.
He likes to rape women when there's a big
to do going on and he'll, he bites them on the lip to the point of them bleeding and then he rapes them and are they fighting?
He smacks them.
And that's who he, and look at Hillary.
I mean, she worked for pedophiles out of college defending high profile pedophiles that rape little girls.
Look at that shark demon face.
Look at that monster.
The people that are so evil around her, they like that attitude.
Look at this.
200 plus raised awareness of sex trafficking at Rally in Arizona Capital, AZFamily.com.
Way more than 200.
And they're out there exposing pedophile rings, Epstein, all of them.
It's all coming out.
People get it.
Hunter's rally in Salt Lake to end of human trafficking.
That is the secret currency of the globalists.
Rise up, rallies, raise awareness of evils of human trafficking.
WLOX, it's all over the news.
Epstein made teen girl have sex with Prince Andrew.
In blackmail bid, court documents report.
Met, police destroyed.
That's in London.
The night Prince Andrew allegedly had sex with a teenager in London.
This former Royal Protection Officer.
Bill Clinton denies visiting Epstein Island, even though we have the logs he was there, and the witnesses.
Not just the girls, but the manager of the place said, oh, I can see Bill Clinton right in there.
Oh, Bill Clinton never did anything wrong.
He never does anything wrong.
But it's all coming out.
The BBC is state-run media in the UK and they've come out with a detailed article that's linked on Infowars.com saying you will have to have forced inoculations multiple times a year to be able to travel.
Robots will scan you when you land.
You will have a digital tattoo under your skin.
To be able to enter the country, but it's going to be so easy and so cool and so fun.
The Microsoft website now officially has announced the digital tattoo.
We exposed this six months ago, now Bill Gates was funding it, and they had hundreds of news articles attacking us saying it wasn't true.
This is a tactic they use.
First, they announce it.
We say it's a bad idea.
They say, that's crazy.
We didn't do it.
They introduce the idea to you.
Then they come back and announce it again, thinking you have no memory.
This is a criminal takeover.
This is the line in the sand.
We must say no.
We must expose the fraud of COVID-19 that this entire house of evil is built on.
I'm Alex Jones.
Never surrender to tyranny.
I know what we'll do to make them conform to our cult.
We'll all tell them to wear masks or they're gonna die, and then we'll release the pressure for a while, then bring it back and squeeze it harder, and release it again, and we'll be the virtue signalers.
We'll be the angels, even though our lord and master Bill Gates helped fund the whole COVID-19.
Oh, don't sookie me!
That's right.
That's the code word for Bill Gates' operation he carries out with his good little buddy Dr. Fauci in The Surgeon Cult.
As you know, for girls, there's five different types of villains they secretly desire in the romance novels.
One of them's the vampire, the werewolf, the billionaire, and... and who else?
There's the surgeon, and then there's one other one.
Oh, that's right.
And it's so much fun to be ruled over by these psychotic psychopaths.
It's so good to know that they're our masters and are coming to rape us with their inoculations.
Psychopaths are so hot.
Oh, yeah.
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We're good to go.
Virgin Mary's are getting torn down.
I mean, crosses are being torn down.
It's absolutely out of control, but people now understand that evil was always real.
It is spiritual.
And it was just waiting to make its move, building beneath the surface, and now it's emerged.
That's why when I ask listeners and viewers for your prayer, I mean it.
I'm praying for America.
I'm praying for you.
And I know the power of prayer is real and God hears it.
We need to come together and pray for an even greater awakening.
Pray for Donald Trump to be protected.
Pray for him to win in a landslide.
And pray for the people under deception of the globalists to awaken and join us in liberty and freedom.
God bless you all.
Please pray for him for us as well.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
In fact, I want to thank the globalists for all the death threats and attacks and lawsuits and lies.
All that's done is give me a big kick in the ass to work harder and fight to make sure I carry out this mission.
You got a tiger by the tail.
And I'm just an archetype of the American people, of every race, color, and creed, who are one race, the human race.
And God's soul and energy, like breath, blows into our sails together.
We're on a ship together and we love each other.
We're gonna override your evil and we're gonna break your will, Satan.
By the way, I should have talked more about this.
This is in Hollywood, the CNN News Center, being stormed by protesters exposing the fact that they had Bill Gates on.
And Anderson Cooper's like, you're not connected to Epstein.
That's insane.
And Gates is like, I know.
You're just in the WikiLeaks.
You're just in a seven-story torture dungeon.
And you've been implicated in all the rest of it.
I mean, you know nothing about Epstein.
You can type in the headlines, Gates denies knowing Epstein, denies staying at his house,
Turns out he practically lives there when he's in New York!
It's disgusting!
And so, Cooper's up there attacking everybody, which is beautiful.
He's so disconnected from reality, he thinks he can lecture everyone, and tell them there's no pedophilia, there's no blackmail rings, there's no deep state, and that people don't go, oh my god, there is, you're such a liar.
So here's what happened in Hollywood.
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
Save the children!
By the way, I've changed my mind about QAnon.
And that's kind of like, change your mind about a restaurant because the food gets better.
I've been set up, I've been given disinfo before so I get paranoid.
I don't know how these honey traps work with disinfo, but I knew who set up Q. I knew it actually was out of the White House, not Trump, but one of the people.
And I knew who was pushing it.
And then they got out of control and some other groups were able to manipulate folks to put out disinfo.
And so the people involved in original Q asked me to, you know, come out against it.
But then I saw it becomes a big grassroots thing about real activism and became positive.
The global society was bad.
You know, it's about a month ago.
I go two months ago.
I said, you know, I like you now overall.
It's got some pitfalls because anybody composes it, but just be careful.
Overall, a lot of good people are involved.
It's taken off.
It's a way to anonymously do things.
And so as long as you're careful, I think it's good.
And I said, I predict it gets banned, which it's getting banned now.
So I never judged the average Q person while you're doing great work.
It's just,
To just believe random stuff instead of all the big meat potatoes sometimes.
It's like this, people say, do you like anonymous?
I've been asked that so many times by the press and citizens in the last 15 years or so, since the Guy Fawkes movie, Peter Vendetta, came out.
People started seeing that as a revolutionary symbol.
I'd say anybody can wear a mask.
A lot of people in Guy Fawkes masks are great.
Some are bad.
So I said anything anonymous, you got to be careful about.
That's all I'm saying.
But overall,
It's gotten the public involved, and it's gotten people out to be really angry and really engaged, and you see black, white, Hispanic, and Asian together saying, all God's children, free God's children, and you've got the media attacking them saying it doesn't exist and it isn't happening.
They didn't just have that Frontline piece against me this week.
They had a bunch of other PBS pieces that were produced.
I didn't have time to watch all of them, but I was sent seven or eight.
I watched two of them the last few days, and man, they're like, Jones is very evil.
He claims there's kidnapping rings tied to the government for blackmail.
And the comments are all on YouTube, just like, you're a scum, you're covering up.
I mean, but they just keep gaslighting and gaslighting and gaslighting and gaslighting, and
I think the main reason I started turning against Q early on was not just knowing that it had been taken away from people that started it, and it just kind of gotten decentralized, but some bad actors were there.
It was also that, you know, there were a few people that are mentally ill that I've been sending videos from, like, yeah, I used to be with Trump, I used to like him, but now I'm with, you know, Robert Mueller, and I'm now with, you know, you know, such and such, because, you know, they're really the good guys.
It doesn't matter.
When you get the general public to wake up, it's like a shooting driver.
They're going to wreck some cars.
They're going to have some problems.
That's just part of the muddling through it.
I think Q's overall is positive.
I'm just saying, be very careful.
Like Arlington Road, that movie's so accurate, how they lay out, how they set you up.
If somebody tells you, hey, that ship's really full of slave children, go attack it with a train, or go attack the Hoover Dam, that's globalist operatives posing as Q, manipulating you.
And please don't go out on secret missions to attack the Prime Minister of Canada's house, like that poor guy did, because that's how they run these operations.
So something like Q that's esoteric is very, very easy to be manipulated by the dark side.
But if it gets crowds out protesting pedophilia on the New World Order and global government and becomes overall a positive thing, I'm like, hey, it's becoming positive.
People are taking back control of it that are good, and now maybe folks in the White House are saying maybe Q can be useful.
But I mean, I'm in the real conversations with, like, Roger Stone and people at the White House and stuff, but this isn't like I'm just up here telling you all this.
They're attacking me in congressional hearings in Congress, folks.
They want me arrested.
I mean, I'm straight shooting you here.
All I'm saying is, we should not have any infighting in this movement of liberty, and maybe I'm guilty of that.
I just know the Q people started it with me, and so that's why I took the bait.
Well, I'm not doing it.
I love Q.
The general idea of awakening and standing up for children.
Does that mean the whole thing's perfect?
Everything needs to be looked at carefully.
Now folks, we have developed the last year plus what I believe is the very best activated charcoal toothpaste out there.
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You know, my dad's a dentist.
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Check it out.
He did it.
There are only a few days left to take advantage of the biggest InfoWars sale of 2020 so far.
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We're good.
I think?
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There are a lot of reasons to get an Alex Jones plastic mask at InfoWarsStore.com.
You can wear them out to political events.
You can trigger lib darts.
One of the biggest reasons is it's a great conversation starter at any costume party or at Halloween.
But on top of that, they admit that wearing these masks does absolutely nothing to protect you from COVID-19 or anything else.
It's total virtue signaling to show that you're prepared for the forced inoculations and contact tracing of their openly.
I'm good.
It's just as useless as the stupid cloth mask that you're wearing.
And the M95 mask only controls what's coming in, not what's going out.
So they quote, spread COVID-19.
They don't protect from it.
So again, it's a great way to throw it back in these control freak spaces.
You buy one for $9.95, you get four more free.
They're at cost.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to, well, the Alex Jones Show.
This is a war on for your mind.
You know, if I sound really positive, it's because I saw a lot of good things happen this weekend that I won't have time to get into today.
We'll probably cover it tomorrow.
But the police finally ended their stand down.
In Austin, Texas, just like they've ended it in Seattle and Portland, at least partially.
They had gun trucks, we have the videos, they're on Infowars.com, driving around with guys in the back with guns, and the police started telling them on loudspeakers that were following them, they said, with the Antifa scum, but they're not protesters, they're terrorists taking control of the roads.
The cops acted like that for no reason, I didn't say they're terrorists.
The cops were telling them, hey, you lift that gun up again, you're gonna be arrested, you plundered us, we're gonna respond, and guess what?
Little commie dumbasses.
Basically threw a fit after a while and left.
Because let me tell you, this was a beta-cuck parade, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember the guy that got killed last weekend?
He's like, these people are all pussies!
I'm gonna go out and intimidate them!
He'd been out all week, the police were told to stand down.
Coming up, the people were doing a four-year deal to get it.
Aiming guns at him in front of the city council.
Look, I'm not looking for trouble.
You walk up to me and aim a gun at me, I'm going to reach for my glove compartment, and you're going to get a bullet right between your chest.
Well, that's what he got.
I mean, do you know how many dangerous people there are that have owned businesses, or owned liquor stores, or been bouncers, or been in the military, or former police, that are not even PTSD?
It's not even PTSD.
You see somebody, they look like they're in camo uniform, he thought it was a cop, he rolls the window down, everybody's beating his car, and the guy raises a gun, and the guy shoots him!
I mean, that's how real people operate, and you're dead!
The guy that killed you, the army sergeant, wasn't LARPing, son!
He took you for real, like he is!
Like, if he starts aiming a gun at you, you're probably about to die!
Well, you ain't wanted him, so you died!
I take no pleasure in that.
But it does show all you meth-heads,
And all you drug addict devil whispers that you want to go out and you think dominate us because you think we're weak and we're scared.
No, you've taken our.
Refraint for weakness, because we don't want to become anything like you, because when people like me or many others start killing, we really start killing people.
And so you seem to know, son, that we're not coming after you.
We're coming after your bosses.
And that's why the globalists who've taken our kindness for weakness, our restraint for weakness, need to know.
And I can see they're scared now.
Bill Gates is scared.
Fauci's scared.
Democrats are scared.
You better be scared.
Because here's the thing.
The House of Cards is coming out.
We're willing to die.
I'd rather fix this than have it happen.
But if you think threatening us with jail or death or little death squad scares us,
First thing, one of your death squads makes a move on me or any of the leadership of the Liberty Movement.
The first time you do that, I don't have to give orders on air.
Nobody does.
It's open season on you.
You've all been targeted, lazed, ready, watched, prepared.
You're going to be delivered dirt nap so fast, it's going to make your head spin.
But hey, here's the problem.
I know.
Even when the Russians were closing in from the East and the Americans and the British from the West, Hitler still thought he could win.
And I'll give him that.
And so you just haven't figured it out yet.
All right, let me hit this other news.
I said I'd cover this, but I just get so sick of the COVID, even though it's the total takeover.
But the good news is all over the world people are rebelling.
They're saying no.
They're going to church.
They're going everywhere.
And if the churches are wimps and bought off, they go to the beach or they go to the park.
And the cops aren't going along with it either.
They know what's happening.
They want to intimidate the people to bow down.
They want the cops to bow down.
They want all of our institutions to bow down so they can become the institutions.
And then you've really got a police state.
I mean, if the globalists can control the police, as you think the Justice Department's been bad?
They only had partial control of it.
Then it's a real war, and then I'll be telling you the police are your enemy.
By the way, the police know that.
They want to make the police start a fight with us, so the good ones all know they gotta make the jump.
But the good news is the police see through it.
And the way the globalists have radicalized the police by educating them about the New World Order is beautiful.
I mean, you couldn't have done a better job taking police who already knew what was going on and really letting them know, we have nothing to lose here.
You're not going to lose your pension.
We're going to lose the whole country.
You're going to lose your children, your life.
And there's nothing like having nothing to lose.
Like Janis Joplin said, freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
You ain't got nothing if you ain't free.
You ain't got nothing if you ain't free.
All you globalists try to threaten us and intimidate us because you think we're like you are.
You think when you threaten us and attack us and take things away from us it makes us want to bow down and get scared of you?
No, it just makes us figure out that when we take our shot that it's for sure and that we get your ass.
Because we're not like your candy-ass meth-head devil-worshippers that can't find their ass with both hands.
We know what we're doing!
We're competent!
And we know you're trying to replace us with your crazy-ass New World Order!
And I'm telling you, it's going on the ash heap of history for sure!
It is a full moon tonight, isn't it?
Look at this!
Federal government and Yale are holding clinical trials on how to best, quote, persuade Americans to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
And I should have started the show with this, but I'll do it tomorrow.
It's a GatewayPundit.com article.
It's also up on Infowars.com.
The federal government and Yale are currently holding clinical trials on how to best to persuade Americans into taking the Fauci-Gates COVID-19 vaccine.
Out of the 15 ways to do it, they're finding guilt message, embarrassment message, anger message, and trust in science messages are the best.
Trust in science, safe and effective, 100% get sick and it doesn't protect you.
That's the reality.
Guilt message, oh, other people are gonna get sick if you don't take it.
Embarrassment message, oh, you haven't had it, you don't have the app on your phone, you don't have it, you don't have it, you can't come into Walmart.
You can't order anything on Amazon, you don't have it!
Gotta make sure our drivers are safe.
Anger message!
They're hurting kids!
This kid died of it because you didn't dig it!
Trust in the science.
You got all these trendy millennials that think they get ahead because they bow down, but let me tell you, the general public sees right through it.
Meanwhile, red flags soar.
As Big Pharma will be exempt from COVID-19 vaccine liability study.
You need to go read the Satel article at Infowars.com and get it out.
Because they're admitting it's hurting people and killing people and making 100% sick, 20% go to the hospital.
And they've never had a vaccine that hurts people like this.
Because it's not even a normal vaccine!
It isn't your body learning how to beat something.
It goes into your cells and repro- They're like, yeah, people are getting really sick taking this!
Meanwhile, the UN says it never is going to end, that COVID is the new way of life.
It's going to be lengthy, years and years, because they're going to count every cause of death as it.
It's a chimera.
You can't even get rid of it.
It mutates.
Who the hell knows?
It's a cover for a bunch of stuff they're going to do to us.
Remember who did it to you?
Bill Gates sent too many people, and now he's got a shot for you.
Bill Gates says he wants to kill the majority of humans on Earth, but he wants to save you with a shot.
Wisconsin orders mandatory face masks.
Some sheriffs refuse to enforce.
The answer is saying no and confronting people when they try to guilt you that you're not being a hero.
They're these little compliant sheep.
Leadership is about saying no.
I love going to the grocery store.
And having arguments with people.
I'm not combative.
I'm not submitting.
I get stronger.
I get stronger.
I get stronger.
I suddenly have energy.
I have a jump in my step.
I'm getting the food.
I'm going out the parking lot.
I'm confronting people.
I'm going home and cooking.
I'm busy.
I'm alive.
I'm not bowing down.
I'm not run by them.
They don't control me.
I'm not their slave.
See how it works?
Ohio abandons his address in Corkland Bay at Republic Outrage, stands as a governor.
All these doctors say it's good.
Bill Gates said to the doctor, the studies say it's good.
You shut up!
You don't have a ban on this in Ohio!
You murdering criminal!
The whole House of Cards is going down!
Tucker Carlson did a whole hour on Fauci and how he's a fraud and a liar Friday night.
It's posted on InfoWars.com.
Let me tell you, he's going right after the New World Order's president.
Fauci's like Bill Gates' right-hand man, and Tucker Carlson should be saluted for the courage he's got at that level to do what he did.
Here's what he had to say.
Fauci is 79.
But maybe if he had, like, 22-year-old kids who are trying to make their way in this world, in an economy that is headed down the tubes, thanks largely to his recommendations, he would feel differently.
It's not merely an inconvenience when your economy collapses.
It's the end of the American dream.
That's not a small thing.
Maybe it's worth it.
Maybe it's not.
But if it is,
Then you probably shouldn't take a pass on the question, are protests and riots okay?
Unless you're a total fraud.
Like, a complete fraud.
That's right, he says you shouldn't, protests are good, but you can't open your church or your business.
Unless you're Walmart.
It's all a takeover, they all rigged it, and everybody's finding out about how they ran the Wuhan lab, and how Bill Gates and him did it, and how they get all this money, and how both Gates and him own the vaccine companies, they own the patents on them.
Oh yeah, I agree with...
Bill Bigtree, you're both the enemy, everybody hates you, and you're going to prison, Fauci, you little demonic maggot!
You criminal piece of trash!