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Filename: 20200715_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 15, 2020
2914 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses a variety of topics related to politics, society, and the COVID-19 pandemic. He criticizes the hypocrisy of labeling others as racists while promoting anti- white and anti-Jewish ideologies. He also highlights contrasts between rhetoric and peaceful interactions during Black Lives Matter protests. Jones discusses CDC guidelines, the use of public schools for indoctrination with Marxist and Leninist ideologies, and globalist organizations such as the UN. He addresses topics such as energy drinks, tyranny, false accusations against white people during protests, media coverage, and the potential consequences of remote learning in the school system. Finally, he criticizes secret restrictions imposed by governors and urges President Trump to reopen the economy without any restrictions.

Socialism is nothing but communism during Halloween.
It's not such a thing as socialism.
America has always been the most socialist country in the world.
We're definitely the most generous.
Look at the people in this table.
Look at our backgrounds.
Just think that in 1961,
As a 13-year-old.
By myself.
On my way to Spain.
I wasn't even coming here.
I arrived in this great country.
And almost 60 years later, I'm sitting next to the President of the United States.
Talking about the American Dream.
The only country in the world.
No other country in the world.
That you can start a business from the trunk of your car.
And within a very few years with hard work, commitment, and all the core values that we learn from this very culture of ours, we can become very important to our future.
We can become those people who make the next generation better than the one before.
This is the only country?
Why do you think you had to close the borders?
Because everybody in the world wants to come over here.
Nobody's ever forced to come over here.
We come over here, in my case, because my parents chose that I would not be indoctrinated by the communist country, by the totalitarian country.
But the totalitarian regime, they don't educate children.
Absolutely not.
And this is something that we need to understand.
What is happening in our backyard today, I experienced as an 11-year-old.
I remember vividly
All the promises that a guy named Castro gave on how 99% of the people swallowed the pill.
It took many years later, after I read somebody named Saul Alinsky, that I realized that all those people were nothing but useful idiots.
I remember how he promised to the farmers, to the Guajiros, that you're gonna own the land.
I remember all the promises that we hear today about free education and free healthcare and free land.
And my God, no freedom.
But he never said that until after he was in power, got rid of all the police, got rid of all the military.
Been there for the last 60 years, I'm counting.
And he destroyed each and everyone who helped him.
I'm gonna leave you with one last thing.
Never forget about my dad, who only had a 6th grade education, but I think he was the greatest philosopher I ever met.
He used to tell us how lucky he was because he was able to come from Spain to Cuba.
And then he came from Cuba to United States.
And he saw me graduate from college, and that was the biggest prize he ever had.
And he said, Don't lose this place because you're not going to be as lucky as me.
Because if you lose this place, you have no place to go.
So with that, please keep that in mind.
And please, people, explain that to our young people who are demonstrating out there.
Don't be useful idiots.
Whether you believe in evolution in the modern theory or not, the globalist controllers do, and they constantly write about and talk about how they want to create a global crisis or a group of crises that force humans to, quote, evolve in a new, better way.
Now, when you study how they actually want you to evolve, if you believe in that,
It is to stop having children emerge with silicon bodies and a post-human future.
Talk about psychotic.
Talk about creepy.
Talk about crazy.
But they need an event like COVID-19 to teach a mammal to wear some covering over its nose, over its breathing tubes, to set the precedent for the forced inoculations, for the GMO, for the 5G, and for all the things that they admit will end our humanity as we know it.
That's why this is so evil.
Their whole agenda for a cashless society, global government, UN control, getting us all into debt, getting rid of local government.
Think about all the facets of it.
The censorship, the surveillance.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'm standing in this briefing room right now.
There is no government official here, but I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
They came in peace.
Maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news.
Maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
This is CNN.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
You're thick.
Just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sattler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen,
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subjecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowars.
Welcome my friends, welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this live, Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 transmission with 110 days out for the most important election in world history.
A referendum between a pro-human future and an anti-human future.
President Trump has come out in the Big Town Hall article saying the most dangerous thing facing his re-election is election fraud and he is 100% on target.
But into that is the election meddling and the massive big tech censorship that is also going on.
We'll be looking at that today.
Also, the Marxist-Leninist brainwashing that goes on in the colleges and in the popular culture has now hit boil.
And you have Nick Gannon, I guess, whose claim to fame was being married to a pop star, coming out, putting out a standard anti-white, anti-Jew creed, which you see in the left.
And that's what's so crazy about the left is, they'll call me a Nazi, and I'm not anti-Israel or anti-Jew, but then their basic tenets are that Jews are the most evil group out there.
It's very oxymoronical.
We're going to be playing that clip coming up.
He's lost his job now.
You know, I don't think he should lose his job.
I mean, if people tune into it and want to hear his BS, he has a right to his podcast.
People subscribe to it.
I have a right to say he's wrong.
I mean, don't let a racist black person speak for all the black people.
And don't let a racist white person speak for all the white people.
Let them speak, though.
We're big boys.
We can handle it.
But no, see, they then called
Mainline philosophers that are well-spoken and pro-human, like Stefan Molyneux, a white supremacist, because the ADL said it, ban him.
The left knows what it's doing.
It's a sophisticated dialectic.
We're going to break it down.
And then this new footage has got everybody blown away.
Black Lives Matter, mainly white people, go into a bar that's about half black, half white, like any big bar restaurant in Dallas.
Everybody getting along great.
Come in there and start a fight.
It's mainly white people screaming Black Lives Matter at black people.
They're like, hey man, we're off work.
We're in here eating hamburgers and drinking beer.
Leave us alone.
And boy, it gets crazy from there on out.
Because that's their job, is to go start a riot.
We got the documents three years ago from Alexander Soros' operation.
It's racketeering.
It's criminal.
She goes, this doesn't make sense.
If they can get some white people to get up and kick some white people's asses that come scream at them and push them at their dinner table, they're going to say they're white supremacists.
That's what they do.
They can jump in front of your car.
It doesn't matter if it's white people, you get out and kick their ass, they're gonna say that you're a white supremacist.
That's all they want, is to say whites ran somebody over, whites attacked somebody.
So you got all these college girls with their Daisy Dukes on, and, you know, they're all in their war paint, they should be out on a date or something, or out, you know, for a jog, but instead of out having fun, they're out there with a bunch of Marxists literally screaming at black people that black lives matter.
Because the idiot followers of this are so stupid, they're just ordered to attack and they go attack.
It's amazing.
Just like they go into churches and get in people's faces and go into a Catholic church and start screaming at somebody and it's a black woman carrying out the rosary.
And they scream at her!
Because they're idiots!
They're crazy people!
And that's what communists are.
They're a bunch of moron college students, promised that they're about to take over America and be given some big powerful position.
They're idiots.
Just like that President's Council meeting he had with the victims of communism, talking about the crisis in Venezuela, and the man that escaped Cuba when he was 11, laying that out.
And that's not what that man's saying, that's the truth.
But you have to go through it first before you know what it's like.
Well, people are getting a big fat taste of it, but first.
There's a big UN report out, and it's accurate, that the world population is going to plunge by almost half within 50 years.
It's going to cause a massive crisis.
You say, well, that's 50 years.
50 years goes by like that.
We're going to explain their larger plan out of this.
Also, our own Savannah Hernandez was on Fox News.
And I kind of had to discover that for myself, because anything we do, we think of as small and not important.
But it's important.
She's doing a great job.
We're going to talk about that and play that.
It's posted on InfoWars.com.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in the hospital.
God bless her soul.
And then we're also going to get to the big, fat enchilada when we return.
Look, I've been saying for a long time COVID-19 is a giant, sophisticated takeover hoax, a psyop.
I mean, there's a real virus at the heart of it, but it's real powers.
It spreads really fast to infect everybody, so everybody can be suspect and the bad guy.
And it's synthetic, so Bill Gates and the UN and the WHO can own it.
And that's now all confirmed.
But now it's really come out.
There's five new prestigious studies proving what we can look at the numbers and tell you.
You can look at the numbers and tell yourself.
It's got five times the death rate, five times lower the death rate than the flu.
And that's, most of that's with fake numbers, people that died of something else.
So you take those numbers out, it's just very hard to die from COVID-19.
You gotta be super old, a bunch of other conditions, no vitamins or minerals, and then it'll kill you deader than a hammer.
Of course, the wind can blow and kill you if you don't have that.
People don't usually die of starvation, they die of complications from malnutrition.
And a lot of Americans are malnourished, they eat crap all day.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Much of the United States bureaucracy, all of Hollywood, and most of our media is under international banking control.
The United Nations was set up by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers on record to carry out this operation.
Now, under the guise of medical security, they're bringing us medical tyranny.
That we see much of the federal government, the Democrats, the Republicans, all saying, except for Trump and a few people, that we need a nationwide force mask mandate to make everyone wear a mask.
Even though just months ago we had the Surgeon General and others say, don't wear a mask, it's all a fraud.
Now they say you must wear a mask.
It's a sign of slavery.
It's a sign of submission.
I know you as listeners understand that.
We need sheriffs and county commissioners and city councils and others to stand up and say,
We are sanctuary cities for reality and for state and local sovereignty against the globalists.
This isn't the federal government taking over, it's the UN through the federal government and we as American citizens must say no.
The reasons that the globalists launch this planetary lockdown, the number one reason is it serves every one of their purposes.
We've gone over those purposes many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are non-essential, as we begin to witness automation computers and robots take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some advancement that we just fell into.
It's been pre-planned, organized, globally.
It's extremely predatory and through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations the central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power.
This is the truest form of technocracy fascism.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And we are back live.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
I'm going to get to the big COVID-19 news next time because I'm having an earpiece problem.
I'm not trying to bait you here to like build suspense up or anything, but I have to go to rebroadcast for a while here.
And then I am going to come back and hit the biggest news ever on COVID-19 and really the way forward and really exciting positive developments.
I think so.
New York on to the Florida governor because they know their listeners are totally pissed, totally turning against them and aren't buying the BS.
So a lot of big stuff's happening.
We'll cover it coming up next time.
We got some really good special reports I was already going to air that we need to go over.
Number 10 on the list is the coronavirus shell game.
And it breaks down how this shell game hoax is really starting to come down around itself.
And we also have the next clip I'm going to play.
At least part of it, the Trump dictator hoax.
Here are those reports.
I came to U.S.
is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID-19.
If I tell it in Hong Kong, the moment I start to tell it, I will be despaired and killed.
No one can hear me.
So for this purpose,
I would like to go to the U.S.
and tell the truth of the origins of COVID-19 to the world, to let people understand how terrible, how dangerous it is.
This is nothing about politics.
This is a thing about whether all the humans in the world can survive.
What are your sources telling you about Chinese covering up the virus?
Starting to have, uh, Jesse, uh, doctors, actually people associated with the Hong Kong lab and people associated with Wuhan, people associated with their entire biomedical and bioweapons, uh, uh, defense industry start to defect and start to get information.
There's a massive whistleblower campaign in China right now.
Our worst analysis of the enemy's operation is now confirmed to be exactly their attack profile.
I have a giant stack, though, of even mainstream news and government announcements of them covering their patoots, their arses, their rear ends, their gluteus maximuses, by admitting
That it's all basically a complex John Hopkins metric.
And who ran Event 201, and the lockstep drill, and all of it, it's John Hopkins.
John Hopkins, Bill & Melinda Gates, Rockefeller Foundation.
It's public that they give you the numbers, they decide how the states crunch the numbers, everyone bows down and follows it.
You're a TV viewer, look on screen.
You just type into Google, and Google puts out the number from John Hopkins, same thing the UN puts out.
Number of new COVID cases, and it says all-time record high.
62,000 new cases right there as of today.
Now that's many, many, many, many, many times what the so-called previous record was.
Now, let's pull up on the same site from John Hopkins the numbers on the number of dying every day.
From their peak of 3,000-something with fake numbers to 729.
You know how many people die per day on the globe?
151,000 conservatively.
A large portion of that here in the United States.
Somebody die a year?
60 million is what's specced out for this year.
The numbers vary.
They can go show you a video of one person getting run over by a car and you feel empathy and you care and you have sympathy.
But if you pull back and saw a million die, would you care?
Because the UN admits millions have already starved to death during the lockdown worldwide.
130 plus million are on the verge of starving.
With 30 plus million in the queue to starve right now, but nobody's going to humanize them unless it's the UN who engineered this collapse, sucking money off those individuals and keeping it for themselves.
Using those they're killing to get good people to give money so they can siphon it off as they always do.
And forgive me for speaking bluntly, but I'd like to lay out for you very clearly what the world is facing at this very moment.
At the same time, while we're dealing with COVID-19 pandemic, we're also on the brink of a hunger pandemic.
In my conversations with world leaders over the past many months, before the coronavirus even became an issue, I was saying that 2020 would be facing the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II.
But those are the facts!
Everything Fauci and the NIH and the UN told us, and the CHOCOMS told us, was a lie.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I am your host, Alex Jones, on this live Wednesday transmission.
I will be opening the phones up for the entire second hour today.
And then Joel Skousen, one of the smartest guys I know, is going to give us his view on the election with 110 days out and how Trump can actually get some real advisors around him and not be sabotaged by the election fraud and the next attempted coup that the deep state is preparing for him.
That is all coming up today.
Briefly, just to get this out of the way, I was going to have the new product here, which is super strong activated charcoal toothpaste and activated charcoal mouthwash.
And this has been over a year in development, and we've got it all in the warehouse, and there's one more test.
Certificate of authenticity that a separate lab does before we sell it.
And for some reason, that's been held up.
Didn't fail it.
Just with the COVID thing, everything's behind.
Everything's dragging.
Nine products we can't get in now.
Three products now that we can't get, period.
It was two.
I mean, the country's breaking down.
The world's breaking down.
So I was going to have this as our new sale and our new product.
We're not going to have it.
Maybe we won't have it next week.
Who knows?
But we're working on it because I'm really excited about it.
But I was saying, well, what do we do as a sale that everybody loves sales?
He said, well, last year you did Christmas in July at the end of July, and it was very popular.
Store-bought free shipping.
Didn't have double Patriot points, but we do.
We've extended the big sale.
I think?
It's amazing.
It's got all the known compounds that are good for that.
People love it.
50% off.
There are comparable brands that we basically clone that are $80, then they discount them at $60.
We have it at like $40 and discounted it, you know, $19.95.
Rainforest Plus, 50% off.
Turbo Force, really 10 hours of clean energy, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, nascent iodine spray, 50% off.
Survival Shield X3, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off.
Vitamin Refusion, 50% off.
Bodies, Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 50% off.
Ultra 12, 50% off.
Vasobe, 50% off.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off.
Winter Sun Plus, take it under the tongue to boost everything with the vitamin K and the rest of it, 50% off.
Living Defense, that's so good to flush out your guts and get rid of those unwanted visitors, 50% off.
Chill Force, amazing, 50% off.
Super Fimo Vitality, never do this, 50% off.
Biofree Selenium, 50% off.
ExtenderWise, 50% off.
Lexapur Breeze, at cost $149.
It goes on and on and on.
Take advantage of it now.
Storewide free shipping.
It is.
Christmas comes in July.
Stay with us.
Ultra 12 is already our overall number one bestseller.
Ultra 12 is twice as strong as Secret 12 for an even lower price because I signed a huge multi-year contract to guarantee to buy a ton of it.
And my bet ended up to be successful so far.
Folks are ordering it in mass.
They're getting great responses.
They're giving us incredible reviews because we know what vitamin B12 of this type does, taken under the tongue, where it's more absorbable.
It supports healthy nerve and brain cells, helps make DNA, help the body produce more energy, help produce healthy blood cells, essential for proper nervous system function, and so much more.
You can take all the energy drinks and they won't do anything if you don't have the basics already in your body.
Like vitamin B12.
Whether you're old, whether you're young, whether you're black, whether you're white, whether you live in Japan or the United States, Ultra 12 is the best vitamin B12 you're going to find out there.
It's uber absorbable and it's 50% off right now at mfullerslife.com.
Just during the break, I went and got a delicious cup.
My second cup of the day.
It's really strong.
I shouldn't do this.
Because all work and no play makes Jack a really aggressive boy.
And the coffee has to.
But mmm.
Wake Up America Coffee.
Everybody loves.
Highest rated.
From the choppest mountains.
It's beyond Mexican coffee.
Beyond Guatemalan coffee.
It's the best coffee in the world.
It's right on the border between the two countries.
In those rainforests.
Hand selected.
It's beyond organic.
Wild crafted.
Wake Up America Coffee.
People are blown away by how good it is.
Same stuff sold in Whole Foods under another name.
For $30.
For the same size container.
We've been selling it 10 years, never raised the price.
$19.95 for that big ol' bag.
99% reviews, 598 reviews, 4.9 stars on third-party sites.
Sign up for AutoShip, additional 10% off.
Get it at Auto Liberties.
Don't forget to get it each month or every two months.
You can click out to nine months whenever you want the new order coming in.
15 days to nine months.
Patriot Blend Medium Roast only has a 98% out of 814 reviews.
It's not as popular.
Anyways, it's all at InfoWarStore.com.
It's finally here.
Introducing the new Survival Shield X2 Spray.
Available now for 33% off at InfoWarStore.com.
Listeners have been asking us for months to develop an iodine spray made with our exclusive Deep Earth Crystal nascent iodine.
Our proprietary new Aerodyne technology allows us to harness the full power of ancient iodine crystals from 7,000 feet below the Earth's surface into the ultimate spray formula.
Iodine is an essential mineral that helps support thyroid health, healthy metabolism, and healthy cognitive function.
Get the new Survival Shield X2 Spray for 33% off intro pricing at InfoWarsTore.com.
That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing till they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies.
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends because they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me.
And I'm feeling really good, actually.
I feel like I'm on a rocket.
I'm not feeling mean.
You know, in the old days, if the papers lined up against you, people believed it.
But now, when the papers say you're the devil, you're Satan, you're the worst person on Earth,
We've never had more success than since the establishment came out and said I was Satan incarnate.
Sure they may have cut us back on social media reaching new people, but you override them and spread the word.
But when it comes to Congress and leaders in the United States or in Brazil or in the UK or in Germany or in Russia or in Japan or in South Africa or in
Nigeria or in Thailand or you name it.
People know this is the broadcast they're not supposed to tune into.
This is the broadcast that's evil.
This is the broadcast that's forbidden or verboten.
You know what's great?
The kind of social circles that don't want us?
We don't want you either!
Thanks for showing us who you were!
What it's all about!
People think I go through a lot.
Our founding fathers fought a military that had never been defeated.
With no military factories, no infrastructure, and they had over 70% of the public against them when the war started, and only about 3% were involved, or 4% in the war effort.
But they were focused, and at the end, of course, almost everybody flipped and said they were with the colonies and the new country.
So I'm sitting here, going through a lot, they try to set me up, they do a lot of bad things, they harass me, but
I'm doing it from an air-conditioned studio.
I'm a wimp compared to the guys that hauled those guns off Ticonderoga and towards Washington and those men for days in the freezing cold, marching through the night to take on the Hessians at Trenton.
Now I'm sure down the road it's going to get a little rougher and we'll get to try to measure up.
I don't want to.
But don't worry, you're all going to get to measure up.
Because the time of sitting around, the time of playing games is over.
We ran out the gas tank that our forebears put in there for us.
We've ran to the reserves.
We've hit the bottom.
And now it's going to be up to us.
I'll be honest with you, I kind of like it.
I don't like the evil, I don't like the devil worshippers, the pedophiles, the stuff they're doing, but all you candy asses, and I'm not talking to our audience, I'm talking to people tuning in that think this show's funny, you're going to wish you'd have done something earlier, when you had a chance.
Because now you're going to get to go through what Cubans went through, and Venezuelans went through, and Russians went through, and Chinese went through, and Koreans went through, and Americans went through before us.
You sit there living off other men's blood, sweat, and tears, and the women that gave everything they had to support their families, and you piss all over something that's a great idea, that's delivered more freedom than any other country in the world?
You are literally begging the fates to destroy you!
Let's hit it right now.
Here's the good news.
I go out in public, and I talk to basically everybody.
And folks are wearing the stupid mask, and they're more pissed than ever, and almost everyone I talk to says, I know it's a fraud, I know it's a scam.
They always say, less than the common flu.
But they say, what do you do?
And that's a good question.
When your leaders are bought off and paid off,
Well, you support the police and the sheriff saying we're not going to enforce this crap, and you just keep putting the info out to other people that aren't aware of how it's a scam, and you keep exposing it, and it's coming out.
You've got state reps and others all over the country going, wait a minute, not just Florida, but Texas and Arizona.
It's all the red states.
Have the globalist operatives in the hospitals running the UN model, that's who's in command, so they're able to run the fraud from a centralized position, saying that people that haven't even been tested have COVID-19 by some, quote, complex metric.
Complex metric means a magician's trick.
And again, I was watching Sky Television,
They're counting people that have cancer and heart disease as COVID-19 and they said, oh, a 30-year-old died and it turned out he had cancer.
He died of cancer, not COVID-19.
Oh, a one-year-old died.
Yeah, the baby had holes in its heart.
They tested the baby when it died and said it had COVID-19.
Papayas have COVID-19.
Dogs have it.
Goats have it.
Hell, Easter bunnies have it.
It's like Santa Claus, folks.
It doesn't exist, but childlike brains believe in it.
I mean, there's a real virus.
It's man-made, so the corporations can own it.
And so everybody gets infected with it, so you're all guilty.
And so they can save you with a vaccine.
They're marking you.
With a virus.
And they got a vaccine that isn't even a vaccine that goes in and reprograms your cells at the cellular level, taking control of the nucleus and the mitochondria.
That's called cancer, folks.
That's not putting something in your body and white blood cells, learn what it is, T-lymphocytes, and then go train the other cells to fight it.
That's learned immunity.
It's a real science.
It's got side effects.
And they like to Trojan horse stuff in the vaccine.
That's the problem.
They go, oh, you don't believe in science.
No, we know all about it.
It's like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
We know how it works.
It's also dangerous.
But now you've got the new vaccines that the stock market's up on, that aren't vaccines!
It goes in with basically a nanotech, that's even what Boris Johnson's calling it, because it's engineered virus, and it reprograms your damn cells!
You think that's safe?
That's so super advanced, no one's able to track the criminal activity of what it really does, because only the top corporations even know what's going on.
And that's where Jeffrey Epstein came in, blackmailing everybody, the top scientists, to make sure they didn't expose it.
That's why there's thousands of top virologists from all over the world murdered, chopped up, shot, killed, run over.
There's over a hundred of them killed in Texas.
A lot of times they torture them to death.
I read the police reports.
They go in these houses, barely gets any attention.
There's pentagrams carved in them, their intestines are hanging off the ceiling fans.
Virginia, Texas, you name it, they gut them.
They send Satanists to kill them.
Whacked out on all sorts of crazy drugs.
They activate these sleeper cells.
You know, Satanism is just a form of mind control.
You know that, right?
So, let me come back, because I want to really get into this with some detail.
The good news.
Let me show you these headlines first.
Coronavirus hospital data will now be sent to Trump administration instead of CDC.
Which of course they're getting it too.
He's going to check it.
Because they're adding 15 people to every person that has it.
And they're saying people that die of gunshot wounds.
Trump's getting ready to destroy Fauci.
As we recommended.
Don't just exposing how he's wrong.
Show his insider trading.
Show how he owns with Bill Gates big positions in the major vaccines.
How it's a conflict of interest.
Destroy him or we will be destroyed.
The White House is listening.
Public's disconnect from COVID-19 reality worries experts the hill.
Oh, you mean we're not buying into your hoax?
That's the CNN headline.
Trump delusional.
Americans delusional.
That's an inversion.
You are lying to us, asking us to be delusional.
Jake Tapper, stunner.
CNN hack slams Governor Cuomo for covering of late night after worst coronavirus numbers in nation and the world.
Why is CNN turning against him?
Because they know the propaganda isn't working.
Texas coronavirus numbers show COVID-19 less legal than the last two flu seasons.
Exclusive coronavirus study confirms, with the exception of New York and New Jersey where they kill you with intubation, overall mortality not much different than the bad flu season.
It's all coming up!
Today, Trump is taking control of the election fraud to stop it, and of the COVID fraud.
The only way out is offense, offense, offense!
The bad news is Western governments have totally let multinational big tech bring in communist Chinese style total net surveillance censorship with AI.
The good news is they had to do that to carry out this world government COVID takeover.
This planetary corporate reset that COVID covers for, because the truth is powerful and will defeat them and will smash them.
And the good news is there's still sites like band.video, newswars.com, infowars.com, paulwatsonsitesummit.news, and a lot of other great sites that are getting massive traffic thanks to you and your word of mouth that is king, that is queen, that is the master of our own
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a war on reality, a war on civilization, a war on our health, a war on our economy.
But being aware of it, and standing up to it, and speaking out against it, will defeat it.
So take action, or be slaves!
A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
I think so.
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up.
It was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate-level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
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Imagine telling someone just a year ago that in the middle of 2020, the Democrats as well as many Republican leaders will be calling for the United Nations WHO edict that all Americans wear masks, be a quote, federal order and mandate.
Totally unconstitutional, annihilating states' rights.
Think about that.
A woman can kill her baby.
We pay for illegal aliens healthcare.
But you've got to wear a mask for a virus that killed 20 plus times less than what they said, even if you believe the official story.
This is about the WHO, the globalists, testing their power.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
In other words, why are you turning off your targeting computer?
Because God gave you a better targeting computer than all these machines.
Your gut, your instincts, and your spirit.
Thanks for joining us today.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Okay, let's lay it out.
It is so positive that we told you a few months ago that Trump was looking to sideline Fauci and I told you he'd sideline Fauci.
And then about a week later, you saw that begin to happen.
Because the way you get through to Trump is the way Tucker Carlson gets through to him.
And I'm going to talk about this with Joel Scalzen today and get his advice because he pointed this out four years ago, before Trump was even elected, that Trump does not respond to groveling.
And he doesn't respond to people attacking him falsely.
But if he thinks you really have America's interest and his interest in you, he does not like you kissing his ass.
So that's why I didn't understand why they were so upset when I would talk to Trump.
Because I'd give him real data and I'd talk to him squarely.
I'd say, listen, sir, you're very important and we're blessed to have you.
For my future and your future and my children, I need you to just listen to me.
I don't need you to tell me.
Because, you know, he just calls people up and pats them on the head.
And I said, don't call me anymore unless you want to kick them out of Afghanistan and make sure we get the rare earth minerals.
I'm not there to act tough to the President.
I'm not there to act like I've got bravado.
It's not like that.
I'm a really nice person around women, children, other men.
I'm not trying to act powerful.
This is the most important person in the world, and we're under total attack, and if I get a chance to talk to Trump, I'm not going to sit there and play games.
And all of you should be the same way when you're at one of his rallies.
And by the way, that's why they want the rally stopped.
Not just because he gets attention.
Not just because of their coverage.
He has the Secret Service take everything people hand him.
And he has up to 10 boxes of it when he flies overseas or back to D.C.
and he looks at all of it.
He answers the switchboards in the middle of the night.
The guy's a maniac.
But it goes back to his dad and their buildings is they listen to the people.
And they respect that the most.
And it's not some kiss your ass thing either.
It's like they know ear to the ground, the street, the people is what matters.
They want to know what's going on.
Any successful business knows that.
Any successful president should be like that.
And so...
You've gotten the message of Trump, I've gotten the message to fire Fauci, and then to absolutely first sideline so he doesn't get power up front.
First diminish him, then politically destroy him, then fire him, then indict him.
And I can tell you that's the way this is going.
Because the whole house of cards has to come down.
Fauci is involved in insider trading, Fauci is involved with the vaccines, Fauci has the patents along with Bill Gates to most of the vaccines.
This is on record.
They set up the Wuhan lab.
They created the virus.
That's literally mainstream news.
We first told you about it.
And so these criminals aren't going to ever stop until they are on the defense.
We need them going backwards on their heels, not engaging us forwardly.
With 110 days left, Trump gets this and is taking the gloves off on censorship, the gloves off on election fraud, the gloves off on China, the gloves off on coronavirus hoax, the gloves off on every damn bit of it.
Because if he didn't go, okay, we're really worried, it's a terrible thing, the governors and the mayors and the blue states and the UN and the media were going to gang up, create the fake death numbers from regular deaths and pneumonia and flu, and say that he was bad.
So he had to at least take control of it.
And they figured out he took control of it, so they did the reclosing even quicker.
They were planning to do it.
In September, but because Trump was already reopening things and they saw them, the economy bounced back so fast they panicked and they put the clamps on too quick.
So again, Providence is on our side.
It's blowing up in their face.
And so when you see the reports out there that, oh, Trump won't let scientists and doctors look at this.
He took control of the numbers.
No, he's taking control of the raw numbers.
And as statisticians looking at it, because he knows they're counting for every one person with COVID-15 extra.
He knows that people go in who aren't even tested, but if they have the sniffles, they're counted as COVID.
This is official.
And so Trump is preparing to come out and totally discredit these monsters.
That's why he keeps the enemy closer, like, oh, vaccine, yeah, hope.
Oh, yeah, oh, Bill Gates has got that.
Oh, Bill, you're our buddy.
Before he drops the hammer on them, then you'll see all the stories about how insider trading, how they own the vaccines, how they covered up vaccine damage, how they covered up the vaccine trials.
Trump is letting them stick their hand down the rattlesnake hole.
And that's what this broadcast serves as a purpose, is the revelation of the method, how we're doing this.
And we are simpatico, I tell you, more and more it's just, that absolutely enrages the establishment.
Here's the news headlines.
Coronavirus hospital data will now be sent to Trump administration instead of CDC.
Now that's an MSM and CNN spin.
It's really just that he's going to be overseeing it now.
Not letting Fauci put out known fraud.
Public disconnect from COVID-19 reality worries experts.
Oh, really?
2.5 million dead, 2.2 million dead.
It's really 140,000.
Those are skewed numbers.
You're the disconnect.
You're the false positive test.
You're the ones counting people that died of gunshot wounds and cancer.
But again, oh, you are delusional, you're idiots.
And another thing is, there were some really bad pneumonias going around this year.
Last year.
This was the worst year since my uncles, two uncles and a cousin died at the same family ranch, three different houses, in a month.
There was no coverage of it.
The hospital did have body bags piled up in Palestine, Texas.
Same with town, Palestine.
Rednecks call it Palestine.
But when there's a real epidemic, you're not going to hear about it, boys and girls.
They're going to cover that up.
There are real pneumonias out there, and if you don't have zinc, vitamin D3, or C, you are defenseless.
If you got it, you're in like Flynn.
But you read this, oh the public are a bunch of idiots, they're not listening to the worst case spike ever!
Oh, without the deaths!
Because remember the UN told us it was a 4% death rate, and a 3.5% death rate, and a 3% death rate, and a 2% death rate, and a 1% death rate, and now it's way down there, three or four times less deadly than flu.
And that's with all the fake death numbers.
But again, it's a real virus to spread so you can be found guilty by contact tracers.
And then they can release new versions of the Chimaera virus that are deadly.
And now you're starting to see those announcements in China.
Oh yeah, this is a beta test.
To make sure you're going to stay locked down and won't get out of line when they release a real bioweapon.
That's why this whole project must fail if you want to still be living in five years.
And believe me, folks, I don't say stuff to shock you.
I say what I really believe and what I know!
So you better listen to me!
I want to keep living.
I want my children to keep living.
But I'm going to tell the globalists something.
You release the next big weapon and you really kill millions of people.
We know Bill Gates came out and said, oh, the bad one's coming, and this was just a drill.
Yeah, we called that.
Everybody saw me call that.
I know you.
I'm inside your head.
I got your number, buddy boy.
The people of the world are going to hold you responsible, so you better stop right now.
But just like Hitler, he didn't really want to set up a world government and all that.
He just wanted to kill people.
So while he was losing the war, he could have stopped killing people.
And probably won the war, he just accelerated the killing.
Because it was all just an exercise in killing.
The journey was the destination.
Continuing, Jake Tapper, stunner, CNN hack, slams Governor Cuomo for bragging and crowing on late night TV about how he did a great job, he did the worst job ever.
That's coming up.
Stunning, Texas coronavirus numbers show COVID-19 less lethal than the last two flu seasons with the state of Texas' own numbers.
I love being scooped by Gateway Pundit.
They hired a Ph.D.
statistician, so did we.
I've got Joe Hoft on yesterday saying, oh, he's like, yeah, we got a Ph.D.
We're about to release it.
Texas numbers, New York, New Jersey numbers have literally got a statistician in Texas hired doing it right now.
And I was glad to be scooped.
They just did it to show the same numbers.
It's way, way, way weaker than the flu.
And remember, they're adding everybody that died of something else to that and snaking tubes down your throat and blowing your lungs out.
Here's another one, exclusive.
Coronavirus study confirms, with exception in New York, New Jersey, overall mortality not much different than bad flu season.
And again, that's using fake numbers because they used dead from other stuff added.
But meanwhile, Modera, which the NIH and Fauci own the patent on for the vaccine, look it up.
Shares jump as much as 16% of her company says its coronavirus vaccine trial produced robust immune response.
Oh, people had a really bad immune response, but now you're telling us that doesn't even protect us from it.
See, everything's upside down world.
An experimental COVID-19 vaccine being pushed through development will require more than one injection.
Oh, how wonderful.
Meanwhile, the left has all these ridiculous coronavirus demands that are political before they let people reopen the states.
It was always about a communist takeover and now they admit it is.
Stay with us, our number two Shred Head.
Americans have had freedom for so long, and most Americans were born into such docile times compared to the rest of history, that we really have a blind spot for tyranny.
We don't appreciate the American way, truth, justice, due process, the right to self-defense, private property, because we've had it so long, and we just think that's how the rest of the world is.
Ladies and gentlemen, the renaissance, the social contract that's 500 years old to try to build up humanity and try to believe in humanity and try to empower the weak as well as the strong is something the West invented and that's what made our modern world.
That's now been hijacked by the technocrats, by the globalists who say humans are ugly and bad for the earth and we need to be culled and dumped down and put into subgroups that the elites dominate, manipulate and command if we're even lucky enough to stay alive.
And that's what COVID-19 is.
A global UN revolution against free humanity, against your family, against prosperity, and against your future.
If you don't stand up and fight, you deserve what you get.
So I was taking care of an errand this morning, and I wasn't even close to downtown, but I was parked on a little side street going to this business.
When I came back out, I saw what looked like two Asian folks, probably Chinese, walking down the sidewalk about 50 yards up ahead of me.
And here I am parked in a truck with the windows up, and the woman stops and points at me.
So they stop, and they wait while I'm inside my truck.
Truck started, and they sit there and stretch.
She keeps pointing.
And they put their hands out like they're waiting for me.
To go, because I'm not wearing a mask inside my car.
And so then I just sat there, so they acted angry and walked past me.
I almost shot a video of it on my phone, but everybody sees this stuff happening everywhere.
This is mental illness.
People are pulling guns on folks that aren't wearing masks.
This is all cult programming.
This is all about submitting.
We cannot submit to this UN brainwashing.
It's all a giant fraud.
We must expose the fraud or become slaves to it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Speaking of New York, New York's Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to be on something of a victory tour congratulating the state and himself for defeating the virus, even selling this poster which shows his state getting over the mountain by bringing down the curve during the 111 days of hell, as the governor put it.
The poster includes references to his daughters and a boyfriend, little inside jokes.
There are
No illustrations, however, of the more than 32,000 dead New Yorkers, the highest death toll by far of any state.
No rendering on that poster of criticism that Governor Cuomo ignored warnings.
No depiction of the study that he could have saved thousands of lives had he and Mayor de Blasio acted sooner.
No painting there on the poster of his since-rescinded order that nursing homes take all infected patients in.
Here's what Governor Cuomo had to say yesterday.
What we went through and what we did was historic.
Because we did tame the beast.
We did turn the corner.
We did plateau that mountain.
We did.
And then we came down the other side.
And they will be talking about what we did for decades to come.
Here to discuss this and more is CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
And Sanjay, look, I know a lot of New Yorkers are happy that the infection numbers are down.
And, you know, we all hope that they stay down.
But let's be clear, this is revisionism.
And a lot of the crowing, and Governor Cuomo going on late night, is offending a lot of New Yorkers, given the fact that this is the highest death toll of any state, more than 32,000 dead.
The next closest is New Jersey with 17,000.
Are people going to be talking about what Governor Cuomo did for decades to come in the way he hopes?
Unfortunately, I don't think so, Jake.
That's right, because you'll never defeat the virus.
The UN will inject you, it'll never go away.
This is an invisible enemy that you just can't stop.
And it keeps surprising us because it's a load of bull.
So you see them criticizing Cuomo, but not for the right reason.
Cuomo dared to try to create hope.
Cuomo tried to say,
Oh, we're having, you know, nine times less deaths than we did.
Because the doctors now know that intubating somebody that has an autoimmune response kills them.
People are now taking zinc.
They're now taking nidroxychloroquine.
So you're having trouble killing people.
And the folks aren't letting you send sick people to nursing homes to kill more folks.
So, because we stopped the mass murder, and because Cuomo stopped the mass murder, he's now gonna be thrown to the bus by Sanjay Gupta and Jake Tapper, who have Bill Gates on.
And grovel to him when Bill Gates says, it's never ending.
Remember Fareed Zakaria said, this will never end.
And Gates goes, that's right.
We never reopen.
We never go to baseball games.
We never shake hands again, Fauci said.
What a cult!
And it's all based on 2.5 million dead, when it's 140,000 dead, most of those fake numbers, people that doubt about the stuff.
But we won't call these frauds out.
So now conservatives are like, man, Jake Tapper really handed it to Cuomo like it's political.
Like, how dare him attack DeSantis?
He's had more deaths.
The whole thing's a giant fraud.
And CNN wants to keep it going.
This is a big book.
You know, the last six, seven months is only a couple pages.
I mean, this goes on for decades, see?
And by the way, first they were saying, oh, it's just 15 days.
I said, it'll be years.
Then they go, it'll be months.
I said, it'll be decades.
And now they're like, humans can't even live in this environment.
We've got to merge the machines and get rid of our bodies.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, humans are obsolete.
Kill all the humans.
You're like, that sounds insane.
They are insane.
They are insane.
They are crazy.
They're coming to take me away.
Aho hee hee.
I mean, you know, I know I tell you this stuff and it sounds crazy.
Like I told you 20 years ago, Pentagon planned to have us grow in pods and live in virtual reality to stop war.
That sounds crazy.
Now it's on the news.
I didn't come up with any of this.
Hollywood used to call me and say, well, you write movies for us.
You're the greatest writer ever.
I didn't write any of this.
I'm chronicling it.
I'm telling you what's going on.
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It's Alex Jones.
We are now into the second hour.
110 days out from this incredibly important election.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I want to take your phone calls this hour.
For first-time callers, for long-time callers, people that disagree, go to the head of the line.
I normally just go in the order your calls are received.
Doesn't matter if you're male, female, old, young, doesn't matter.
Order they are received, but today,
If you disagree, you'll go to the head of the line, though most people then cheat and say they disagree and are sarcastic.
Those are always entertaining calls.
I myself kind of do the alter ego stuff and the media goes, look, Jones once said this.
Yeah, it's called a joke.
877-789-Alex-877-789-2539 on this Worldwide Wednesday Transmission.
It may be a day late and a dollar short, but Trump is now making the right moves.
And I just, it's a godsend.
There's not just evil in the universe, there's good in the universe.
And Trump is taking control of the COVID-19 hoax, preparing to savage Fauci.
The Rockefeller Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And he's a liar and he's been wrong on purpose, purposely, fraudulently on every front.
And so, I'm very blessed to still be alive and to still be on air in this position.
Thanks to you supporting us and spreading the word that we can all still be on air at this critical time.
We were supposed to already be off air.
And every day I'm alive is a good day, but I tell you, they could kill me tomorrow and I would do it all over again because it's been amazing knowing you all.
It's been amazing going this far and having this big an effect.
And everything else from here on out is gravy for me personally.
I just want you to know, I love humanity.
I genuinely love people.
White people, brown people, pink people, black people.
I can see your soul when you love God.
Now, when you love the enemy, I don't like you.
You can be black, you can be white, I can see you.
I can see how you walk, how your eyes look, who you are.
Everybody knows that it's that first approximation.
They say women's intuition, we all have it.
And you want to hurt me, you want to hurt humanity?
I'll kill you.
It's not some macho statement here.
I'm saying I'm ready to die.
And it's not some big fancy thing.
I'm some big hero to do this.
Oh, thank you so much.
Thank you for loving God.
Thank you for not choosing death.
Thank you for wanting to have a future.
Do not thank me for wanting oxygen.
Do not thank me for wanting to not be part of the Satanist operation.
It's selfish to want to be with God.
I'm sorry, it's true!
But these Satanists have been cut off from God.
They have no idea what God's like.
They have no idea what discernment's like.
And getting so much discernment, and so much power, that you don't even want it!
It's like it says in Revelation, that those, you know, the White Throne Judgment, the saints in front of God, and God's giving them these crowns of authority, and they're just throwing them back, like, this is ridiculous!
Crowns of power for doing the, wanting to be with you?
It's like you ain't eaten in three days, there's the most delicious buffet you've ever had, with big old goblets of iced tea and everything, and you're like, they're like, God's like, here, here, and you're like, God's like, thank you for being here.
Thank me for being here?
I make that point, folks, because people really think it's extraordinary to stand up to evil.
It's all a psychic thing.
One time I was in East Texas on a ranch, hog hunting.
It was raining.
It was during the summer.
I was walking around in shorts, camo shirt, sandals, and I had an AK-47.
And I wanted to shoot some hogs, because there's no season on those.
And a big old Mexican red wolf came out.
That's what they're called.
It looks like black, but it's got long red hair too.
It's a really cool looking wolf.
Came out.
I don't know.
Through those bushes and I don't like rolled over and certainly it would have come and literally torn my throat out.
But obviously it knew I was the alpha predator.
I had a weapon.
I wasn't scared.
I was swinging that gun around.
I couldn't help it.
I had thought I wouldn't kill a beautiful wolf like that.
They're they're they're not even they're super endangered in Texas.
I couldn't help it.
It's another predator.
I was swinging that gun around taking it off safety and by the time I put that gun on target.
He was gone, the bushes were like this.
Beautiful wolf looking right at me.
Couldn't help it, just gone.
Like, just going, wow!
And I'm like, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da
And I was getting off of it in the afternoon and saw that mountain lion and couldn't bring myself to kill it.
But it was gone just as fast as I saw it.
But look, I said I'd go to your phone calls.
I need to go to them.
I need to hit the Black Lives Matter notice here.
The point is coyotes in history have never attacked humans.
Now they're eating people or attacking people in Canada and the U.S.
because people see them and fall down and start screaming.
You've seen the Karens, like, where a black guy walks by, you know, at Central Park and makes a joke so the woman goes, you do that with a wolf, you're going to get eaten.
And so I guess the parable of what I'm saying is groveling
To anybody that's a predator, a white guy, a black guy that's a criminal, whatever, a wolf, a coyote, makes them respond.
Like anybody will tell you, if dogs come running, you're walking your dog or you're out with your baby on a stroller, and dogs come running out of some garage at you, you don't run from the dogs.
If you run from the dogs, they will instinctively chase you down and attack you.
You run towards them, they will run away.
Even grizzly bears in most cases, if you're confident and stand your ground, will run away.
But most people think, in culture, running away is the way from Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or the left, or any of these bullies.
Or the Black Widows, you know, from Any Which Way But Loose is a good archetype of that.
Running away from this stuff got us in this position.
Why don't you start not running away, and feel how high you are, and how strong you feel, and how good it is.
And even if you're getting your ass beat, at least you weren't a sheep.
Oh, this is good.
This is a Judas goat.
You see that one marked blue, not to kill?
And all the red ones?
Are marked for death?
I didn't even know they had footage of a Judas goat.
Wow, they got footage of this.
See all those marked red?
They're about to get killed.
But then the blue ones are the older leaders that go down.
Look, it goes down, it's trained, and leads the others.
Wow, I didn't know they had footage of this.
I've actually seen this done, again, in East Texas.
Every year they have Judas Coates, Judas Sheep that lead them in for sharing.
Their hooves getting trimmed, but also sometimes getting butchered.
I'm going to stop babbling.
I'm going to be a good boy now.
I'm going to come back.
I'm going to hit this huge Black Lives Matter invading.
Imagine you're a bunch of white people screaming Black Lives Matter.
You go in a restaurant, it's half black people in Dallas.
You start screaming at them and starting fights.
But we've got the footage, and we've got the footage of Nick Cannon saying white people are true savages, sub-humans.
I mean, man, this is the left for you folks.
You talk about scum, we'll be right back.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Because an all-seeing, all-loving computer that doesn't discriminate is going to decide who gets what resources, who gets what jobs.
But in reality, it's building a post-human world so that you can be made obsolete, domesticated, dumbed down, drugged, distracted, atomized, and then slowly killed.
This is the brave new world.
It's the post-human world.
It's the dreaming of the post-human world that Wired Magazine and the Wall Street Journal all tell us about.
Oh, now they tell us our smartphones don't just track our every move.
They're monitoring our psychology and sending it back to a corporate database globally.
You see, the bear trap closed on our lead now, and the vampire walked out of the bushes and is explaining to us how he's slowly going to bleed us
Whether you believe in evolution in the modern theory or not, the globalist controllers do, and they constantly write about and talk about how they want to create a global crisis or a group of crises that force humans to, quote, evolve in a new, better way.
Now, when you study how they actually want you to evolve, if you believe in that,
It is to stop having children emerge with silicon bodies and a post-human future.
Talk about psychotic.
Talk about creepy.
Talk about crazy.
But they need an event like COVID-19 to teach a mammal to wear some covering over its nose, over its breathing tubes, to set the precedent for the forced inoculations, for the GMO, for the 5G, and for all the things that they admit will end our humanity as we know it.
That's why this is so evil.
Their whole agenda for a cashless society, global government, UN control, getting us all into debt, getting rid of local government.
Think about all the facets of it.
The censorship, the surveillance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Existing because the American people, the people of the world have supported us.
We are the people's voice, pro-human future, on fire!
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I want to thank the listeners.
I want to thank the viewers.
I want to thank the TV stations, the radio stations, the crew, the people that pray for us.
You don't call in and thank me, I thank you!
You need to look in the mirror and realize the future destiny of this planet and your personal destiny stands on what you do now!
Alright, let's go to your phone calls here.
I want to hit a few videos before we do that.
This video has really pissed people off like nothing else I've seen.
There's been hundreds of these videos.
We've played them the last three years, four years.
Of mainly white people, nothing against white people, but it is, just being honest, mainly weirdo white professor types that are Marxist-Leninist, screaming at just randomly blocking cars, shooting people in the head, running around like maniacs, telling Owen Schroeder famously, you know, you're an effing white male!
And it's a white dude telling him, you don't have speech!
Shut up, white male!
I mean, how racist is that?
You're black, you don't have speech.
You're white, you don't have speech.
What is this?
So now Black Lives Matter mob invades Dallas restaurant, tries to start a riot, but that's in the documents.
So they go in a restaurant, they're almost all white, they got a few black people with them that are like Marxist leaders of it, and they're screaming at black people trying to eat dinner.
And they walk right over to tables of black people and scream at them!
Because what they're really attacking is just everybody.
You got about us!
Here's that video.
What's up, Instagram?
So, I'm out here, downtown Dallas, trying to have a peaceful evening, and we've got these f***ing recards behind me.
Look at this.
Look at this.
The majority, majority white people in this crowd that want to feel good about these cards.
Look at this.
They want to feel good about themselves.
So they're out here ruining an otherwise peaceful evening with their BL.
No, I'll show you.
Look at it.
I'll show you.
Look at this.
Majority white people out here acting a fool because they want to feel like they're important.
Look at this.
Look at the racial makeup of this.
Think about what the purpose of this would be.
Remember that
Opal Tometi and Patrice Cullors are the founders of this organization.
And they are admitting on camera that they are trained Marxists.
All they care about is anarchy and social unrest.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Again, majority white crowd.
Because they want to feel like they belong to something.
This is, this is the real problem that we have.
I was enjoying my evening until these people came out here.
Look at this.
Hit pause.
Look at this.
You literally have what Martin Luther King, back in the 1960s, talked about black people with white people being together and being happy.
And it's happening.
And here comes a Nazi collaborator group, literally from a Nazi, that said it was happy making to round up Jews.
Soros with crazy people literally screaming at a crowd half black and half white eating dinner.
And the tables are like black and white people together having dinner and that's what they're pissed about, folks.
And people see right through it.
But there's enough idiots that they can get to go along with this.
But notice this man knows who runs it.
He knows they're Marxists.
And he knows their main mission is having black men cut their balls off!
The group that says they love black people wants black men's balls cut off!
I'm gonna explain that.
I know everybody gets this.
Like, when someone wants your balls cut off, they don't just want you dead, they want your people dead.
I don't want anybody's balls chopped off.
And that's what this whole New World Order medical experience... And you're like, this is insane.
It is insane.
That's the thing about cults.
And they want us to accept this.
Let's continue what happened in Dallas yesterday.
We've got, look at this.
Look at this.
We've got little kids right here and they're cursing like it's no big deal.
Yeah, they come over to your table.
Like, this is ridiculous.
They don't really care.
They don't really care.
All they want to do is come out here and act a fool.
Look at them.
Look at them!
These are the same ones.
These are the same ones who, if they were to get apprehended by the police, they'd be the first ones to come out here and scream like there's some form of discrimination.
Because they're the ones out here who are fomenting this discord.
They're fomenting this unrest.
All they care about right now is creating a scene.
That's why I want you to see this right now.
And now they're coming into the restaurant.
She's cursing.
We got little kids out here.
She's still cursing.
This is the face.
This is the face.
Look, look, it's our next home restaurant too I read that.
I'm saying, will you please stop it?
That's the entire problem with this right now.
They're out here right now trying to act a fool.
That's all they want to do.
That's all they want to do.
That's all they want to do.
Here we go.
Here we go.
See, here we go.
Here it is.
Here it is.
Here it is.
Look at this.
Crazy black lady attacking black people that are at the restaurant.
And then they get upset when someone actually speaks up.
It's like, yeah, you can't come in the restaurant and assault people.
See, we got more people coming right now.
That's all they want to do.
See, I can't be around this.
That's all they want to do.
This is not what we should be doing.
This is not how we should react.
This is not how we should be carrying ourselves.
Look at this.
Little white dude over here right now with his finger up in the air.
Thinking he's doing something.
Look at this.
I was trying to have
Hit pause.
Can you imagine you randomly go find a restaurant that obviously is run by black people and that half the people there are black and you run and tell them F you and start pushing them.
I mean, no one could even imagine like, there's a restaurant, whether they were Mexican, white, black, I'm gonna run in there and start, I mean, I'm a tough guy, okay?
I'd be scared to do that.
I mean, I'd be scared to just walk into a restaurant and say, I'm gonna beat your ass!
And start shoving people!
I mean, you'll get your ass blown off doing that!
But that's the type of crazy Asian provocateurs they brought in.
Because you know if somebody had pulled a gun and shot those folks, they'd say, white supremacist kills, black lives matter.
Wouldn't matter if it was a black guy shooting them, like the black Somali running over people blocking the highway.
They don't care!
Alright, your calls are coming up.
I'm going to come back and go right to your calls after I play Nick Cannon who says white people are true savages.
You hear this and you go, this is ridiculous.
This is what's being taught by George Soros.
People say, well, George Soros is an idiot.
He's not going to win.
George Soros has overthrown 24 countries that I know of on record.
He brags about it.
So let me tell you something.
He thinks he's gonna win!
So everybody just sits here, it's like saying the New England Patriots three years ago had already won like five Super Bowls or whatever it was.
You're like, oh the Patriots think they're gonna win!
He keeps winning because we keep laying down.
So you can sit there and go, this is preposterous, this doesn't make sense.
Okay, well if you sit there and buy into that, we're gonna lose, folks.
He brags that he's funding all of this.
All of it.
And he loves it.
A big, fat, blood-sucking Nazi.
The real deal.
George, damn him to hell's sorrows.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
I feel fine.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I don't feel fine.
This entire takeover has been battle-planned, blueprinted, war-gamed, field-martialed by the psychological war chiefs at the United Nations and the Fortune 100.
This is the post-human takeover.
The noose gets tighter when you comply, not looser.
The entire COVID-19 operation is a hoax.
Now they admit that quote death numbers are dropping because those are fake, where they count people that died of something else.
But it's all about how many cases there are.
And now they're saying most of the population will get it.
And then no one can go outside ever again.
It's totally insane.
It's a fraud.
It's all a lie.
The reasons that the globalists launch this planetary lockdown.
The number one reason is it serves every one of their purposes.
We've gone over those purposes many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are non-essential, as we begin to witness automation computers and robots take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some
Advancement that we just fell into it's been pre-planned organized Globally and it's extremely predatory and through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations The central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power This is the truest form of technocracy fascism
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I want to finish up with just a few more minutes.
I mean, there's 20 minutes of this, but I want to finish up with just a little bit more of
A restaurant that's got black waiters, managers, importantly part black owned.
It's half black people eating there in the middle of Dallas, but Dallas is a black city.
As much as Detroit or Baltimore, Maryland or D.C.
And a bunch of white people show up screaming and yelling and starting fights with a few black people with them.
I'm surprised they didn't get hurt, man.
I grew up in Dallas.
People must have learned a lot of restraint up there, because if you look at somebody wrong in Dallas, whether they can be black or white, you're going to get in a fight.
At least when I was growing up there in the 80s and 90s.
So, they're trying to provocateur something.
And then we've got this other clip, and we'll go to your calls of Nick Cannon coming out and spewing all this racist garbage.
But this is what's been mainlined, and I'll show you some examples of that in a moment.
But here's a little bit more from Dallas.
Enjoying my evening until these people showed up.
And now they've ruined a peaceful evening.
We had live music out here.
They're ruining this evening just because
Someone actually spoke up for themselves.
This guy.
Now they're throwing s***.
Look at this.
Now they're throwing s***.
Here we go.
Dallas Police is out here.
Dallas Police.
Now Dallas Police has to be out here doing this.
Because these people can't behave.
Look at what they're doing.
Look at this.
This is Marxism.
Cultural Marxism.
To a T.
They did not come out here to be heard.
They came out here to create a scene.
You've got to realize what this really is and call it out for what it really is.
This is not the answer.
Out here at this restaurant tonight, we had plenty of white people, plenty of black people out here, all having a good time.
And they came out here to create this scene.
Let's hit pause.
Paul Joseph Watson wrote a great article about this, but it's not even accurate.
Black Lives Matter mob invades Dallas restaurant, tries to start riot.
If you're a TV viewer, you see this.
You have people physically attacking white and black managers that are trying to stop them attacking people at their tables.
The real headline is, Black Lives Matter, Soros Fund of Black Lives Matter, physically attacks innocent people at restaurants.
That's what happened.
We're still going.
And by the way, since when do you assault cops and not get arrested?
I mean, this is out of control, man.
Now we got tear gas coming out.
Now we got tear gas coming out.
Now they're throwing stuff.
Tear gas is coming.
They brought this on this entire establishment.
They brought this on the entire establishment because they cannot behave and they can't learn how to express themselves like adults.
This was purposeful.
Remember, we were all out here just enjoying a peaceful dinner, right?
They came out here and they started this mess.
I want you to see this firsthand because I guarantee you in the news you will hear about some sort of violent demonstration.
You will hear about this.
So was that your guess?
I think it was your guess, yeah.
You will hear about this.
You have to, you have to, I understand.
I love you.
I understand, love you too.
But no, so they came out here with a purpose.
And look at this.
All these tables were full before.
And later they cleared this entire restaurant because they could not behave and handle themselves appropriately.
Now they're throwing stuff.
This is, this is the anarchy that they want.
This is what they continue to do.
Listen to it.
Now we're breaking windows.
I just wanted to share that with y'all because this literally just developed right behind me.
And y'all have a right to see what the real agenda is.
Because right here, this is people of all races, all nationalities out here having a good time.
And these people came out here and they created a scene.
They've created this chaos.
That's what they want.
And now they've ruined this evening, essentially, because they cannot express themselves like actual adults.
All they care about right now is creating this manufactured outrage, this chaos, because their rationale is, if we are upset,
No one else can enjoy any peace whatsoever.
That's right.
We're going to come harass you and dominate you until you bow to us.
All right, let me play this final clip.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
But this is, again, the ultra-rich funding this weird Nazi collaborator, George Soros, and the fact they can find enough idiots to go out and do this because they know the national media is never going to show you this footage.
They're going to say, oh, a white supremacist killed some black people when they finally get somebody to fight back.
That's all they care about is getting that Charlottesville moment.
That's all they're looking for.
That's all they care about.
Alright, let's shift gears and go to your calls.
Nick Cannon, I guess he was married to Mariah Carey or whatever, canned off of his podcast after anti-Semitic slurs and anti-white filth.
Here is part of what he had to say, but then I'm going to show you mainstream news articles where they're saying the exact same thing.
This guy ought to be the editor of the New York Times.
Here he is.
Then let's go to what it really is then.
When we talk about the power of melanated people.
When we talk about who we really are as guys and understanding that our melanin is so power and it connects us in a way that the reason why they fear black, the reason why they fear is because the lack that they have of it.
So then when you see what Dr. Francis C. Wesleyan talked about is that
Fear in that, that, that, uh, generic annihilation.
When you have a person that has, has the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin, that they know that they will be annihilated.
So therefore, however, they got the power, they, they, they have the lack of compassion.
Melanin comes with compassion.
Melanin comes with soul that we call it.
We call it soul.
We soul brothers and sisters.
That's the melanin that connects it.
So the people that don't have it have are,
Are a little... and I'm gonna say this carefully... are a little less...
And where the term actually comes from, because I'm bringing it all the way back around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion, or when they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus, when they didn't have the power of the sun, that the sun then started to deteriorate them, so then they're acting out of
They're acting out of low self-esteem.
Okay, so that's enough.
It goes to the Jews and all the rest of it.
I mean, here's the deal.
This is more mind control.
But this is what's taught on the colleges, so this is what you should expect for total division.
Because this is how the big mega banks that literally have three million Muslims in slave camps in China.
But you don't hear LeBron James or this guy talk about it.
They use our open, free society.
To talk crap about everything and say that white people are inherently bad because of lack of pigment in their skin.
That's race theory.
That's right out of the Nazis.
Let me show you a few articles that dovetail with this.
Instagram censors user for objecting to mute white people sticker.
Calls criticism hate speech.
So all over Instagram, they're promoting mute white people.
Don't listen to white people.
White people are bad.
And if you criticize it, you get banned.
Here's another one.
Leading art curator resigns after allegedly saying he'd definitely still continue to collect white artists.
Because there's big calls in San Francisco that white artists inherently are bad.
This is a total cult.
This is not run by black people, folks.
This is run by Soros, creating racial division in the country.
And it's absolute evil.
We're gonna go to break.
And we're going to go to callers in Michigan and New York and Florida, Ohio, Canada, California, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Denmark, and many others.
We'll talk to Johnny in Denmark first, when we come back.
Briefly, we've extended storewide free shipping and double pay for your points because we're not ready to launch the new toothpaste yet.
And that's great.
We're just keeping the sale going.
It's Christmas in July and a bunch of items that were not available anymore have come back in and they are 50% off.
As well, so the sale gets even bigger.
Rain Force Plus, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off.
Lung Close, 50% off.
Vitamineral Fusion, and it goes on.
Bodies, you name it, and that funds our operation.
Got some new t-shirts in, as well.
That evil American Eagle, the left now claims is a Nazi symbol.
We've got those shirts available, as well.
Funding the operation is a true act of rebellion against tyranny.
I've been on air 26 years.
Starting about 24 years ago, I began to get calls from major Hollywood directors, producers, actors.
They wanted to meet with me and they said, what is your formal education?
And I said, well, really nothing but a few years of college.
They said, well, how are you one of the best science fiction or cultural writers we've ever heard?
The stuff you come up with is just unbelievable.
We'd like you to be in movies.
We'd like you to write with us.
We'd like you to do voiceovers.
You're just a renaissance man.
And folks know I was in some movies and Harry Shearer made statements like that and a lot of others.
I'm not bragging.
And I kept explaining to them.
I said, do you understand?
I didn't come up with any of this.
I'm reading globalist MIT white papers and futurist documents.
And they would just laugh at me and say, oh, no way.
Then I would give them the documents.
They would get very, very scared the next time I saw them in a few months and say, man, you're right, this is just topic.
Folks, I didn't make any of this up, okay?
It's real, it's real.
The bad news is Western governments have totally let multinational big tech bring in communist Chinese style, total net surveillance, censorship with AI.
The good news is they had to do that to carry out this world government COVID takeover.
This planetary corporate reset that COVID covers for, because the truth is powerful and will defeat them and will smash them.
And the good news is there's still sites like band.video, newswars.com, infowars.com, paulwatsonsite, summit.news, and a lot of other great sites that are getting massive traffic thanks to you and your word of mouth that is king, that is queen, that is the master of our own
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a war on reality, a war on civilization, a war on our health, a war on our economy.
But being aware of it, and standing up to it, and speaking out against it, will defeat it.
So take action, or be slaves!
I know what we'll do to make them conform to our cult.
We'll all tell them to wear masks or they're gonna die, and then we'll release the pressure for a while, then bring it back and squeeze it harder, and release it again, and we'll be the virtue signalers.
We'll be the angels, even though our lord and master, Bill Gates, helped fund the whole COVID-19.
Don't Sedukey me!
That's right.
That's the code word for Bill Gates' operation he carries out with his good little buddy, Dr. Fauci, in the Surgeon Cult.
As you know, for girls, there's five different types of villains they secretly desire in the romance novels.
One of them's the vampire, the werewolf, the billionaire,
And, and who else?
Oh, that's right.
There's the surgeon, and then there's one other one.
And it's so much fun to be ruled over by these psychotic psychopaths.
And it's so good to know that they're our masters and are coming to rape us with their inoculations.
Psychopaths are so hot.
Oh, yeah.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We've got some amazing callers here.
Let's just try to move through them quickly here.
Johnny in Denmark, you disagree.
You say Trump is completely anti-New World Order, anti-Q, whatever that means.
Explain that to me.
Okay, what I actually said was that you were asking for disagreements.
I actually disagree that Trump is deficiently active.
I don't think so.
I don't know.
Yeah, only over four, but also has a, you know, pathetically short attention span.
You know, as you mentioned repeatedly, there was a recent study done that in some significant sense Americans have a shorter attention span than goldfish now.
And so he's timing a lot of these things, and I understand the frustration of wanting him to do something, but if you look at it carefully, he actually is doing things.
Brother, I totally agree with you that Trump is a godsend and is taking power away from Fauci and exposing China and I agree and it's easy to be Monday morning quarterbacks.
I hear you.
I appreciate your call, Johnny.
All right, let's go to James in Florida.
James, go ahead.
Great to be here.
I just want to say
The book 1984 is really starting to creep me the fuck out, I'm sorry for cussing, the more I read about it.
So, in the book it says that like they're trying to dumb you down and like people don't even know what words mean.
No one knows what socialism means.
Socialism just means whatever the government wants.
Cops are socialism.
You should look up 2020 police brutality.
Nothing but cops beating people, cops beating people.
I believe in the New World Order.
Every conspiracy theory you say.
I'm a left-winger who used to like Bernie, but I think he's a government shill.
All that.
But 2020 police brutality.
They're locking up people, and then they're taking away the right to have a bond.
They passed trans rights, and then the government can take your blood without a warrant.
Yeah, no, they create all these fake rights, and your basic rights are taken.
And again, I'm not growling to police.
We need to change the laws of the legislature.
I'm just saying attacking police all day, who are given the laws to enforce, is not the right place to attack.
You attack the legislature.
Does that make sense?
Well, yes, I completely understand that, but like Ronald Reagan said... No, I'm just saying, if you attack police all day,
That's like if your electricity goes off and you go beat up the repair guy putting electricity in.
It's the electricity company.
So all I'm saying is we have to go... It's like TSA.
Why are we mad at TSA running checkpoints, groping kids when the borders are open?
Congress should know that's a fraud.
Congress should change the law.
Attacking the TSA worker, they just get new workers.
You could run them off, they just get new ones.
I appreciate your call though, James.
Mikayla in Michigan, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, I'm like really new to this.
Hey, it's good to have you here.
What's on your mind?
I was just watching your podcast with Joe Rogan.
And I started doing research about what you said about like the guys using like psychedelics to like contact these like higher beings or whatever.
And like listening to your podcast today, I just been
I've been doing like a lot of research on all this stuff with the New World Order.
And what did you discover?
Like, I don't know where this is all going.
Like, um, I don't know if you've seen the video I teched out to, but like it kind of like hints at this New World Order where like, there's like a fall in government possibly and Christianity.
I just like, I'm trying to make sense of it all and see how it connects.
And I guess I just wanted to like,
Pick your brain.
I grew up Christian, and I fell out of that, and I had to, like, wonder what was going on with that kind of stuff, and then, like, experimenting with psychedelics, I got closer and closer.
Like, I'm just wondering, like, how this all connects, like, with the world, and then you mentioned, um, these elite people actually use DMT, and, like, how they use it to communicate with, like, evil beings?
Do you remember?
God gives us free will.
Evil beings try to attack free will.
And so it's very easy when you get this advanced knowledge to use it against people that don't have the knowledge.
That's interfering with free will.
And so the fact that you're overwhelmed by this is totally normal.
I mean, anybody's overwhelmed by this, unless you're God.
And so the big thing is anything that violates free will is bad.
And anything satanic will violate free will.
So the left goes, oh, we're liberal, we're for free speech, but we control all your free speech, and we want children, when they're innocent, to destroy their free will.
And so everything about this is destroying free will.
Jesus Christ is for free will.
Satan is against free will.
Satan claims he's giving you knowledge of good and evil.
You're being given the opposite.
So, I mean, it just starts from there.
You're not gonna get real Christ in these mainline churches.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, and like, I just had another question with like, because I'm, like, where I get conflicted or I'm trying to make sense of it all, it's like, so, with Trump being in, um... Here's the thing, Mikayla, you have to see it for yourself.
There's no way for me to tell you about it.
You gotta just pray to God to give you discernment.
Sounds like you're already partially there, and I can't tell you about this.
You either have it or you don't.
And everybody has it, but it's like God protects people.
Most people can't handle this.
Because if you tune into God, you're going to tune into the dark side too.
So you have to understand that.
You really want enlightenment?
Are you ready for it?
Because it's big.
And it's bad.
And it's heavy.
Does that make sense?
What does that mean for what's going on now?
Like, if we want enlightenment,
And with everything going on now, like...
And I don't have the answers.
God has the answers, and your connection to God has the answers, and I'm not some priest here telling you I have the answers.
I just know, I know the devil's real, I know God's real, and I know the enemy is after your free will.
That's what I know.
All right, we've got a bunch of other callers.
Carlos is a long-time caller, always informative.
Satan and the Antichrist.
Carlos in Canada, go ahead.
Jesus, what a coincidence!
Your previous caller addresses the issue precisely.
Alex, you once asked me, eschatologically, about what was the distinction between Satan and the Antichrist.
And listen, what essentially one has to keep in mind as a human being is that we have things happen to us which are in accordance with our nature in the universe, regardless of race or color, even for animals.
That which is in accordance with our nature is good for us.
We see a person that is dying of thirst in the desert, you give him a glass of water, that's a good deed.
However, if you also have the will-free will to understand that if you take a person and you give him, who's dying of thirst, 50 glasses of water continuously and you insist on drinking them, you are causing that person harm.
So, one deed is good and one deed which is not in accordance with one's nature is bad.
Our realization in the world that we can do good things and bad things, divide into the spiritual collective, that is, everything that is good in nature, in accordance with our nature, is good, and then we have the understanding, the collective understanding, that we are able to do things that are evil to other people, things that are not in accordance with their nature.
That realization is the spiritual reality we call Satan, the ability to do evil.
When we consider free will, as you said correctly, in the context of the Scriptures, there's this passage where Jesus Christ, the man, is thinking spiritual career and what he's going to be doing and how he's going to approach the issue of his mission to reveal to everybody, like your previous scholar wanted to understand,
You know, what is the reality of existence?
He says there's a spiritual life.
At that point, the temptation to take over the world appears.
And he says... That's right, stay there.
We'll come back in two minutes when Carlos is finishing up.
She calls and asks me the secret of the universe.
So I was taking care of an errand this morning, and I wasn't even close to downtown, but I was parked on a little side street going to this business.
When I came back out, I saw what looked like two Asian folks, probably Chinese, walking down the sidewalk about 50 yards up ahead of me.
And here I am parked a truck with the windows up, and the woman stops and points at me.
So they stop, and they wait while I'm inside my truck.
Truck started, and they sit there and stretch.
She keeps pointing.
And they put their hands out like they're waiting for me.
To go, because I'm not wearing a mask inside my car.
And so then I just sat there, so they acted angry and walked past me.
I almost shot a video of it on my phone, but everybody sees this stuff happening everywhere.
This is mental illness.
People are pulling guns on folks that aren't wearing masks.
This is all cult programming.
This is all about submitting.
We cannot submit to this UN brainwashing.
It's all a giant fraud.
We must expose the fraud or become slaves to it.
The Globalist launch this planetary lockdown.
The number one reason is it serves every one of their purposes.
We've gone over those purposes many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are not essential as we begin to witness automation computers and robots
Take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some advancement that we just fell into.
It's been pre-planned, organized, globally.
And it's extremely predatory.
And through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations, the central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power.
This is the truest form of technocracy fascism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Alright, Carlos in Canada, always a great caller.
Literally the next caller in line, woman calls in and says, what's the secret of the universe?
Well, the answer is free will and merging with God and following God's will.
It doesn't mean I've got the secret of the universe.
I can kind of look at it, but it doesn't mean I'm it.
So finish up, Carlos, the great points you're making.
Well, Satan is a spirit and he can't do anything to you.
Any more than a spirit, because they're not material, they're immaterial.
So when he, the temptation arises for Christ to say, well, why don't I take over the world?
He says, no.
And Satan disappears.
He says, get behind me, Satan.
He says, get behind me.
However, if that temptation should happen to another human being who does not reject it and says, OK, I'm talented, I have money.
Oh, I can run over the world.
Let's say, for example, a person like Bill Gates, okay?
He says, look, there's 7.2 billion people.
If I can convince these 7.2 billion people that they need to take a vaccine, and I can charge $2,400 with Redem Sivir, whom George Soros owns the company, Gilead, then we can make 7.2 billion people pay $2,400.
That's in the trillions.
So there is
And Fauci put out a fake study that it only helps you 8% more, but that's a lie.
It's ridiculous.
Is that not pure Satanism?
You come with a gun and say, say only black lives matter, and she says no.
It's like Christians being thrown into the Roman arena.
She literally says no, all lives matter, and they blow her head off.
I mean, how is that not, that is sensationally evil, and the whole media backs that up.
Sir, with all respect to the media and to all of those people that think that was a great deed, let me tell them something.
That's the act of a terrorist organization.
And if George Soros is running a terrorist organization, he should be put in padlocks the next dollar he gives it.
Because you know what?
That's not what people are protesting about.
Police brutality is real.
There's no debate about that.
Police should be corrected, and the government, and I hope the President does something about it.
But to burn churches has nothing to do with police brutality.
It's an evil agenda that's hijacked.
Where do you see this going?
Do you think Trump's getting more hardcore?
Gut level?
Starting to turn the corner?
Or do you still think he's in trouble?
I think the President of the United States is what the American people deserve now, providentially.
And if the people of the United States do not use the power of the ballot,
They will face the power of the bullet.
That's what happens, okay?
So, be smart, be safe, do what is in accordance with your nature, put your hand in your heart and say, it's the First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, when she says, bring the best out of children, that is the most powerful message that history can teach any nation.
Because when a nation brings the children to its full potential, that is a nation worth keeping.
But when a nation does not make the best potential of a human being, like your previous scholar, who questions, what about the universe?
What about goodness?
What about God?
And embraces immortality through free will, Alex.
Free will to choose God.
That is the biggest gift you can give to yourself for having been alive.
God bless you, my friend.
That's it.
I mean, Satanism is an attack on free will and choosing to go against God's law, which is victory.
I mean, God's law is just success, everything good, and it's just crazy that people choose not to go with God.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to host into the fourth hour, so we'll get to all the callers we want to hold.
If not, you can hang up and call back.
Joel Skousen, I'm trying to get into town to do a two-hour special on strategic relocation.
He's about to join us via Skype and get into the politics of the world right now, where we are, what he thinks is about to happen this election.
We'll talk about it all straight ahead, COVID-19 and more, with Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief.
The bad news is Western governments have totally let multinational big tech bring in communist Chinese style total net surveillance censorship with AI.
The good news is they had to do that to carry out this world government COVID takeover.
This planetary corporate reset that COVID covers for, because the truth is powerful and will defeat them and will smash them.
And the good news is there are still sites like band.video, newswars.com, infowars.com, paulwatsonsitesummit.news, and a lot of other great sites that are getting massive traffic thanks to you and your word of mouth that is king, that is queen, that is the master of our own
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a war on reality, a war on civilization, a war on our health, a war on our economy.
But being aware of it, and standing up to it, and speaking out against it, will defeat it.
So take action, or be slaves!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Joel Skousen runs worldaffairsbrief.com.
He's the editor there.
He was a Naval Marine Corps aviator to Vietnam.
His family's been at the forefront of exposing the globalists from the beginning, Cleon Skousen.
And I really respect his view because it's one of the most accurate views out there.
And I'm trying to get him to town soon.
I think he's agreed to do it, to come do two hours on my show, two hours on David Knight, two hours on Owen, or more, just about where to strategically relocate.
Because I personally
We're good.
And I've studied the country, so I know when I've studied his book and his film about this, that it's very accurate.
We made the film five, six years ago.
The book's five, six years old.
There's a new edition.
We'll show that to you, but we're not here to sell books.
We're here to understand that.
There's a system coming in that doesn't want families, that doesn't want free will, that wants to create a system so horrible, a false reality so horrible that children are born into something where they can't even differentiate and can be tricked into giving up their free will.
So, I didn't talk to Joel Skousen before he came on.
worldaffairsbrief.com and joelskousen.com about what he wants to cover up front.
But just the big picture, because he always talks about Trump is not a bad guy, but Trump doesn't have good advisors.
And it's totally true, it's been proven right, that he does understand conspiracy, he does understand the big issues, and that's his pitfall.
So do we advise the president?
Do we predict what's coming next?
You know, the big war with China, the election, election fraud, the biggest perils?
Joel Skousen sees the next eight minutes.
We're going to break.
Joel, you have the floor.
What do you want to hit first?
What do you want to impart to the audience first?
Well, first of all, let's talk about Donald Trump.
He, he does with his instinct, see some things.
He just reposted on Monday, a tweet, uh, uh, by another person saying that we're being lied to about the pandemic.
And that means that Trump has good instincts about that, but he doesn't have the backup information.
So the White House comes out and there's folks saying, oh, no, no, there's no disagreement with Fauci.
He's fine.
They're undermining the president because the president doesn't have anyone around him to feed him the facts that the tests are not accurate.
And that's what's driving this agenda is that everyone's testing positive.
Well, the death rate is plummeting.
So we know the tests aren't accurate.
We know that the tests pick up all types of coronaviruses, not just COVID-19.
And that anyone dying is because of chronic disease and immunodeficiency, virtually 100%.
Nobody who's healthy dies or even really gets very sick.
So it doesn't matter if he takes control of the testing, because still, they're going to engage in fraud.
Well, that's right.
I don't know how you take control of the testing.
The point is they falsified the test.
They don't have
A gold standard on a COVID-19 test would be a complete genetic breakdown, which would take a couple of weeks to do for every test.
That's what it would take to actually determine because there's so many refined little pieces of RNA.
When you take a common piece of RNA that's common in any coronavirus and then you amplify it with a PCR test, you know, sure you're going to have tons of false positives.
But there's, this needs to be outlawed.
There needs to be, Trump needs to say, you prove to this group of scientists that this test is valid and actually does pick up COVID-19 and only COVID-19, or we're going to stop the testing.
And we're going to, you know, declare this pandemic.
I'm going to start over.
You're perfectly right.
What is the blueprint?
You just said it.
Trump says, I want you to scientifically prove your fraudulent test.
It's been proven wrong and that will shut them down.
So give your advice right now.
Joel Skousen of World Affairs, brave to President Trump.
But President Trump needs to shut down this phony testing by, he can't arbitrarily do it.
He's got to have scientists, and there's plenty of them, who say this test is not valid.
And he needs to say, you prove that it's valid within, you know, five, 10 days, or I'm declaring this pandemic over.
And, you know, the great thing they could do, he's being too silent.
You know, a tweet just isn't going to do it.
He needs to come out and campaign very strongly that this is a phony pandemic.
This has been done not only to destroy the American economy, but also to destroy my re-election chances by making everyone dissatisfied with the country.
And if he starts to come out and fight this, there are a tremendous amount of people who already suspect that this is baloney.
People are resisting the mask mandate all over the United States.
Just totally unnecessary.
The masks don't work.
It's just hype.
And people are getting tired of it.
So Trump could become extremely popular.
No, I totally agree.
If he tackles this and exposes a fraud and exposes Fauci, he will win.
If he stays basically in the middle of this lukewarm, he's going to lose.
Exactly right, Alex, and he is staying middle because he's got advisors saying, oh, no, you can't counteract Dr. Fauci, who, by the way, in Italian means Jaws, plural.
Dr. Jaws is part of the Deep State.
He's making millions for his organization, himself personally, so is Bill Gates.
They're formulating an RNA vaccine, which is going to be very dangerous.
There's going to be a vaccine mandate eventually.
That's why it's so easy to destroy Fauci with the insider trading and the conflicts of interest.
I mean, Trump's got him.
Now, he's going to get a lot of backlash from the news media, you know, talking about conspiracy theories.
That's right.
I mean, they'll say, oh, all this has been debunked about Fauci.
That's why he's got to have the facts.
Trump, if he's wise, he better hire an advisor to know what's going on in the state who can get the facts for him.
Someone who can run and knows how to find the experts to get him the facts to back these things up.
If they attack Trump in the media and he's got the facts to back him up, he can destroy them.
But if they attack him and he doesn't have the facts to back up, they just say, oh, he's tweeting again, then it's going to be a problem for him.
So, you know, there's a lot of other things going on, but right now our biggest problem is going to be to re-elect Donald Trump.
Not because Donald Trump has really changed much.
He has slowed down the globalist agenda.
He's given them fits just because he keeps changing his mind, but they want him out of the way.
And I'll tell you, if Joe Biden gets in, we're going to have complete loss of free speech, gun rights.
We're going to have the Green New Deal shut down.
Talk about that.
What happens if Joe Biden gets in?
What are they planning?
Joe Biden is already talking about doing a climate change agenda.
He's talking about increasing anti-determination laws.
He's going to take Black Lives Matter.
It's not just about Black Lives Matter.
It's about shutting down your free speech and shutting down the free speech of CEOs and college professors everywhere.
I mean, there's just a vendetta on if anyone even
refuses to take a hostile point of view against Western culture.
You're racist.
They're just name-calling all over the place.
Someone needs to really stop it.
I mean, the censorship is incredible that's going on.
Well, that's it.
I mean, Western Christian civilization is antithetical to the satanic New World Order, so it must be attacked.
And all these CEOs think you capitulate, it goes away.
You capitulate, it's the end.
We need to stand for the cross, for Christ, for the West now.
How do we do that?
You know, it's really hard when they have all of the levers of power tied up.
I mean, they've got Google under their control, Amazon under control.
My book, Strategic Relocation, the fourth edition, just got taken down on July 3rd on Amazon.
They removed my listing, it was the only one up there, and they have refused to put it back up.
They keep giving me excuses, you know, saying, oh, it didn't have this technical, and I changed that.
It didn't have this, and I changed that.
And finally, they came out and said, we had to take it down
Without reason and said, you can get it back up by removing all inventory.
And what kind of an answer is that?
They're just messing with me.
It's like what happened to you years ago with YouTube, Alex.
And of course, they're attacking anything that's competent.
They don't want competent information out there.
Well, that's right.
I mean, it's it's a war of information.
They know that if people get the right information, most Americans are still good people.
The violent Black Lives Matter minority is still a very small minority, but it's growing because of the public education system.
Oh, it's being sabotaged.
Stay there.
Joel Scalz is our guest.
It is the establishment.
It is the man.
Black Lives Matter is not the underdog.
It is not the rebel.
It is Satan's army literally masquerading as
A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate, control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
I think so.
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up.
It was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate-level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, Joel Skelson of WorldAffairsBrief.com, Editor-in-Chief, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And Joel's a smart guy.
He's studied this politically, economically, militarily, but also from a spiritual perspective, which I think is dead on.
The more I researched, the more I got into it, and what he's talking about is actually what's happening.
I'm going to throw you a wild card here.
So let's look at this.
From the perspective of God versus Satan on this planet in free will, this test we're part of, what is Satan planning to do to America?
And what does Donald Trump need to know to counter that?
Satan, you know, we're getting a front row seat to what Satan is doing.
He's got a core of people who I believe there is revelatory control of a core of hierarchy of the globalist conspiracy.
And they in turn control a lot of impressive dark side figures within the administration, what we call the deep state.
The deep state is not running things, they take orders from higher up.
But it's interesting that
Satan uses a great deal of yesmanship from people so that a lot of many, many millions of people who are involved in Black Lives Matter and other things don't know about the conspiracy that's ultimately running the show, but they're yes men.
For example, the COVID-19 phony pandemic could not have been done without an excessive and false honor towards the medical profession.
And so the education and media establishment has built up doctors over the year as the gold standard of something that we should always listen to.
And so even though this does not look evil on its own, now it's being used for evil purposes.
So it's very, very important.
Yeah, we know historically that authoritarian regimes use medical systems to push tyranny because it's trusted.
That's right.
And it shouldn't be trusted.
The medical system is very authoritarian.
The reason that doctors are going along with what's happening, even though they know and have their suspicions, I just consulted with one in Oklahoma this past week.
Oh, the state senator in Minnesota is under investigation to be fired because he said it's overhyped and showed the numbers.
That's exactly right.
And every doctor knows if they do not follow the CDC guidelines on this stuff, they're going to have their license revoked.
So it's all about licensing and control.
And the legislature has turned over their powers of control over the medical system to state licensing boards.
And so they're completely independent.
And that's under NIH and that's under WHO.
So that's how we get the U.N.
That's right.
So there's a hierarchical system.
Of course, I've said long ago, you know, the propaganda that our children get in public schools is finally coming home to roost.
It's been over for a long time.
It's just so much visible to people because now when the media comes out in favor of this phony Black Lives Matter and destroy Western civilization, call everyone a racist, including Christopher Columbus and Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
So many of the public-educated and college-educated people who have been indoctrinated are suddenly on board and we say, what happened?
Well, it's been going on for dozens of years.
It started when I was in high school in the 1960s, when we had Marxist and Leninist professors starting to pump this thing into the schools.
And you said this 20 years ago, they'd go after Washington and the flag, that they want that.
That's right.
That's right.
Now, there's a misconception among many people commenting on the Internet, Alex, about this being a resurgence of communism, because there's a lot of Marxists and communists involved in the Black Lives Matter movement.
But this is true.
But they have to remember that these are the globalists, like George Soros, who are funding these things.
And they have long, ever since the beginning of the last century, they have been funding communism to break down the social order, so that they can come in with an alternative solution that people wouldn't accept, going from free market to the semi-socialism of globalism.
Is that communism brings down the capitalist system, but it's not the system, it just brings it down to bring in the globalist system?
That's right.
Who comes in with a more moderate form, it's still socialism, but they tell you, you own it, you're still free, you still have fundamental rights.
There's all kinds of exceptions.
Both to regulate, just like the EU Constitution.
You've got the right of free speech.
You've got the right of private property.
And those exceptions are when the society needs it.
It's just incredibly deceptive.
And so, this is a very serious
Satanic agenda.
What Donald Trump needs to know is that he's got to learn to fight openly.
He doesn't have to mention Satan necessarily, but he's got to fight openly.
No, but I agree.
He has to call it out as a Chai Com globalist plot.
He has to hit it head on.
That's what has power.
That's right.
And he has to also, for example, defund the left.
One of the ways that he could do that is to get the IRS to investigate the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and Democracy Alliance.
Those are the two major 501c3 organizations that are funding terror, domestic terror in the United States.
And that's illegal.
But they do it with a very sophisticated money laundering system.
For example, Democracy Alliance will give grants to Black Lives Matter Foundation, which is not a 501c3 organization.
Not a charitable organization.
Explain this fraud, because I talked to the FBI, they don't even understand this.
I know your uncle is a famous FBI agent who exposed this.
Explain how we bring them down, cutting their money off.
Well, we have to... 501c3 charitable organizations are not allowed to give money to non-charitable purposes.
They're not allowed, let alone domestic or violent groups and things.
And so what they do is they have, for example, the Black Lives Foundation.
They give them a certain amount of money and they tell Black Lives, you give to some of our charitable foundations so that we can excuse giving money to you.
Then you use what's left over to fund Black Lives Matter and the violence.
And believe me, they are funding this stuff.
They are paying protesters.
For example, there was a major manager of a Marriott Hotel, an international hotel change, who said two weeks after the shutdown, when the hotel was nearly empty, suddenly a lot of people started coming into the street paying cash.
These are for $200 and $300 a night rooms.
And they were a lower class individual.
They came in and the rooms of the hotel staff started talking about all the drug paraphernalia, the needles, the feces on the floor, the food that was dumped on the floor.
It was just
Crash, crash after crash.
These people of course would never be able to afford a hotel like this.
This went on for two or three weeks and finally the staff at the Marriott started to call the police on these people.
Once the police started coming, a lot of them started to clear out.
But finally,
The Marriott staff put two and two together because the BLM protests started at the same time these people arrived in the hotel.
These were paid protesters and that's why they were all paying with cash.
And they're a low-class type of individual.
They have no principles.
They don't care about Black Lives Matter.
These people are criminals, druggies, and
People who don't like American society.
That's why they beat up women and children, they shoot people at red lights, and the media says it's good.
That's what's crazy, is the media set the precedent to kill innocent people and it's a good thing.
Yes, and you know, governors have even said everyone's got to wear a mask, but Black Lives Matter protesters are exempt from that.
I mean, here, the people who are creating the violence and the protests, in the phony name of Black Lives Matter, are being exempted from these things.
So let me ask you this.
More advice to the President when we come back from the final segment, and we're going to get you in the studio to talk about strategic relocation, because, I mean, we have to think about the collapse of civilization, and the biggest thing we can do is just remove ourselves from this, and I've never
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Whether Trump wins or loses.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Hey, Alex.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro.
It's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
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There's a couple of us.
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We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank you for that, man.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
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But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better?
So that means a lot to me.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Joel Skousen of worldfirstbrief.com is our guest here.
He'll be in studio with us.
Not this week, not next week, but the week after.
We're looking forward to that.
As negative as things are,
Watching all this unfold, I have to tell you that people on the street, callers, everybody now know it's a spiritual battle.
And so I see us going from this last few decades of people being spiritually asleep, kind of living on our laurels, to a great awakening.
So I don't want to be overly positive.
If you disagree, Joel, I respect you telling me I'm wrong in your view.
But I just think there's a huge awakening happening, and this whole anti-Christ system and everything is about suppressing that.
So, can you speak to any good news you have, or the period in history you think we're in right now?
Yes, I can, Alex.
First of all, I think that it is a small minority that is awakening, and permanently so, and realizing finally, yes, this is a conspiracy, this is not justified.
But unfortunately, the mainstream of America is buying into this COVID-19 because it's wall-to-wall propaganda, especially focused on conservative states who really, they've always wanted to subvert those.
But here's some really good news.
There are millions of parents who are deciding to homeschool now rather than send their kids back to school with masks.
This has really backfired, hasn't it?
It really has.
This is probably one of the most important things to drive people out of the public schools.
Why should we send people to public schools when they're going to have to wear masks?
They don't have any social interaction.
They don't have anything.
Unfortunately, the states are trying to put a block on that.
They're trying everything they can to stop people from leaving the public school system.
The Homeschool Legal Defense Fund, which is the most important lobby in the United States that needs your support, is fighting and emailing constantly state officials and school board officials telling them it's illegal to stop parents from leaving.
They're trying to do it.
They want it both ways.
They want to control and destroy the economy.
They want to keep people under these control agendas, but they don't want them to leave.
Can you imagine the cult, too, of making them wear masks and stay six feet apart?
I mean, this is cult brainwashing.
Yeah, it really is.
Now, the important thing to remember is that there's also another thing that's driving this positive that's happening.
There is a wave of people, Alex, that are leaving the cities.
They are realizing... That's why you're coming.
That's why you're coming in two weeks.
I feel a drive that I've never felt beyond like getting married, having children.
I've never felt the drive to go farm and go to the country.
I literally, it's, it's, I've never felt the pressure like this.
Well, that's right.
I mean, I'm in rural central Utah.
We don't have any restrictions whatsoever.
Life is normal and a lot of people are realizing that the only place there are restrictions are in high-density populations.
So what is that drive I'm spiritually feeling?
What is that?
Well, I think it's, you know, the Lord knows that
He's going to have to let Satan win, because, win this battle to a certain extent.
I'm not talking about the remnant, he'll save a remnant, but... Win the battle, he's going to lose the war, but Satan has to win the battle.
That's right.
He's got to win the battle, because people don't deserve to keep their liberty when they've been dumbed down, and they haven't been listening to conscience.
They're buying junk food, they're eating lousy, they're not healthy.
So why is my conscience telling me, get out of the city now, like ordering me?
But because everyone who's got a sensitive conscience is getting a message from the Lord to get prepared or get out of the big cities, get out of the way.
There's only one way to avoid the surveillance trap, and that's to get out of the big cities where all the cameras and all the sensors are.
And there's just no other way to escape.
But for the sake of one's children, people need to get out of the public schools.
I don't care what it costs you.
Do not... Oh, who cares about the new car and the big house?
It means nothing.
Freedom is everything.
That's why you're here.
That's why you're here in two weeks.
Where should I move then?
Well, you know, moving is a very complex decision because it has to do with how far you got to travel to work, which is going to limit your abilities.
It's got to, you know, your
It's it's a matter of population density.
One of the things that I generally recommend is people need to get about an hour's drive away from the major cities.
That's too far for people to walk.
So the bare minimum is get outside the big city.
That's the first thing.
That's right.
And then you've got to get into places where you can put a basement in.
You can't have high security construction and concealed safe rooms without a basement type.
So you want to be in basement capable area and you want to be in some place where you can grow because there's going to be famine after this war is coming.
I know we haven't been talking about war because of this phony COVID crisis, which is.
Oh, but look at China.
It's heating up.
That's right.
It is heating up.
And China, this is 100 percent.
Prediction on my part, there is no room for error.
There will be a war with Russia and China.
And so don't let
I'm 46 years old, and I've certainly learned to follow my gut.
My gut is 100%.
Get to the mountains, grow stuff, get ready, get your family.
I mean, it hammers me now.
We're like every second, it's like, get out, get out, get out, get out.
I mean, it's a thousand times what it was five years ago.
I mean, it's like an order.
Get out now.
Leave now.
I've got doctors who are clients who realize that this vaccine is going to mandate it.
They're not going to take it.
Their medical license is going to be on the line.
They're talking about how do I consolidate my finances, get out of debt and get out of town before this happens.
So it's about to be a major separation.
Well, that's right.
I mean, this is one of the purposes.
If the Lord's going to bring down retribution on the wicked and the evil, He's got to separate out the people.
These cities are about to probably get nuked!
That's why God's like, get out of them!
And if they're not nuked, because the nuclear first strike will fall on military targets only, but still there's going to be a lot of fallout.
There's going to be an EMP strike, which precedes that.
That's going to bring down all the markets, all the internet.
You can't order anything.
If cash is already gone, you're going to be out.
So that's the order to get out of Sodom and Gomorrah.
It's like, get out now.
That's right.
Because as inconvenient it may be to relocate now,
It's going to be infinitely worse if you try to do it during war.
It's going to be infinitely worse if you wait two years, if they keep this possible.
And so we're going to talk about that on January, on July 28th, when I come into town and I hope everybody puts that on their schedule.
I also want to mention that we talked, I talked about the funding of Black Lives Matter through the illegal use of 501c3 organizations.
This week's World Affairs Brief
Talks about that and gives all the evidence of how they do that funding and that's what President Trump needs to say.
By the way, they're run by Weathermen people.
They're run by terrorists.
Former Black Panthers, former Weathermen, former domestic terrorists that are running these organizations.
But Donald Trump needs to know that he's got to put a special prosecutor into the IRS who will do his bidding and make sure they do a proper investigation.
Otherwise the IRS is full of liberals who are going to come back and say, oh, there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.
But people can get a free sample copy of that Friday's World Affairs Brief if they simply email me at editor at
WorldAffairsBrief.com and I'll be happy to send you that issue.
All right, in closing, what does Trump need to do right now?
I think he should just openly go after Fauci for insider trading and connections to the vaccines.
Well, but the first thing he needs to do is get somebody on board who can help him get the facts.
You can't run against this battle with the media just on instinct.
You can't do it, Donald.
You've got to get
If you've got any contacts with the White House, and I know they're going to try to block you from getting the President, but you've got to get someone inside.
Oh no, Trump definitely listens, believe me.
That's why they try to block everything.
That we can talk to, that we can direct, that can help get the proper information to Donald Trump.
And especially, he needs to know about all of the deep state activities funding terror so that he doesn't get sniffed into.
You know, Joel, I should have you in next week.
I'm out.
Thank you, Alex.
Folks, we're down to the quickening right now.
I mean, you better know that, I mean, my instincts are just get out of here and quit this show right now.
Because war is coming, ladies and gentlemen.
You know what?
My children have no future if we don't win this, so I'm going to stay in position until the end.
Stay with us.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
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Other systems just don't compare.
Americans have had freedom for so long, and most Americans were born into such docile times compared to the rest of history, that we really have a blind spot for tyranny.
We don't appreciate the American way, truth, justice, due process, the right to self-defense, private property, because we've had it so long, and we just think that's how the rest of the world is.
Ladies and gentlemen, the renaissance, the social contract that's 500 years old to try to build up humanity and try to believe in humanity and try to empower the weak as well as the strong is something the West invented and that's what made our modern world.
That's now been hijacked by the technocrats, by the globalists who say humans are ugly and bad for the Earth and we need to be culled and dumbed down and put into subgroups that the elites dominate, manipulate and command if we're even lucky enough to stay alive.
And that's what COVID-19 is.
A global UN revolution against free humanity, against your family, against prosperity, and against your future.
If you don't stand up and fight, you deserve what you get.
Much of the United States bureaucracy, all of Hollywood, and most of our media is under international banking control.
The United Nations was set up by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers on record to carry out this operation.
Now, under the guise of medical security, they're bringing us medical tyranny.
That we see much of the federal government, the Democrats, the Republicans, all saying, except for Trump and a few people, that we need a nationwide force mask mandate to make everyone wear a mask.
Even though just months ago we had the Surgeon General and others say, don't wear a mask, it's all a fraud.
Now they say you must.
Wear a mask.
It's a sign of slavery.
It's a sign of submission.
I know you as listeners understand that.
We need sheriffs and county commissioners and city councils and others to stand up and say, we are sanctuary cities for reality and for state and local sovereignty against the globalists.
This isn't the federal government taking over.
It's the UN through the federal government.
And we as American citizens must say no.
I know what we'll do to make them conform to our cult.
We'll all tell them to wear masks or they're gonna die, and then we'll release the pressure for a while, and then bring it back and squeeze it harder, and release it again, and we'll be the virtue signalers.
We'll be the angels, even though our lord and master Bill Gates helped fund the whole COVID-19.
Don't sadookie me!
That's right.
That's the code word for Bill Gates' operation he carries out with his good little buddy, Dr. Fauci, in the surgeon cult.
As you know, for girls, there's five different types of villains they secretly desire in the romance novels.
One of them's the vampire, the werewolf, the billionaire,
And who else?
Oh, that's right.
There's the surgeon, and then there's one other one.
And it's so much fun to be ruled over by these psychotic psychopaths.
And it's so good to know that they're our masters and are coming to rape us with their inoculations.
Psychopaths are so hot.
Oh, yeah.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Mother shot dead in St.
And then, the rest of the story.
As Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests continue to rage across the country, tensions are beginning to rise between these extreme groups and the average American who has grown tired of the endless destruction and chaos ravaging their city streets.
One of the most common ways we see people fighting back against Black Lives Matter is simply with the phrase, All Lives Matter.
Unfortunately, in our heightened political climate, this phrase, which has oftentimes been met with much controversy, has led to the shooting and ultimate death of 24-year-old mother, Jessica Whitaker.
Whitaker, who leaves behind a three-year-old son, was shot and killed in Indianapolis last week by Black Lives Matter members after uttering the phrase, All Lives Matter.
According to her fiancé, Jose Ramirez, he, Jessica, and two other friends were hanging out alongside the canal in Indianapolis when someone in their group allegedly used a slang version of the N-word.
The word then prompted a confrontation by a group of strangers who began shouting, Black Lives Matter, to which Jessica responded, All Lives Matter.
Tensions became heated when the BLM group brandished weapons, prompting Ramirez to do the same.
The groups then decided to work things out and ended up walking away after the initial confrontation.
However, just minutes after walking away, members of the BLM group opened fire on Jessica's group from a nearby bridge, resulting in her dying from a bullet wound to the head.
Jessica's sister shared that Jessica did not have a racist vote in her body, and since her murder, BLM and anti-police accounts have flooded the social media accounts of Jessica and her family to smear her name and justify her killing, calling her a racist and a white supremacist despite no evidence that she used any racial slur.
Her father also pointed out that this incident happened well over a week ago during the 4th of July weekend.
However, neither CNN nor Fox News, two of the news outlets that have been intent on sharing stories centered around race tensions, have reached out to cover the story, with the Gateway Pundit being first to bring light to the story on a national scale.
However, this isn't the first incident of black-on-white hate crime the media has refused to cover.
As racial tension continues to rise in America amid the George Floyd riots and protests, many members of the white community have fallen victim to being falsely accused of racism and have suffered greatly as a result.
Let's not forget this 50-year-old Macy's employee who was punched in the back of the head and beaten after two men alleged that he said the n-word.
He was on a phone call prior to the attack and recordings of the call vindicated him of the false allegations.
And surveillance footage also showed the suspect approaching the employee from behind and punching him in the head in an unprovoked attack, countering the fake story he laid out to the media.
If the roles had been reversed and a white man was beating a black man, it would be a national story for months.
But since that was not the case, the story quickly dissipated with prosecutors sharing there was not enough evidence to charge this incident as a hate crime.
Let's also take a look at this pregnant woman who was harassed and threatened at a Chipotle when a black teen alleged that the woman bumped into her.
She bumped into me when I was... So if she did something wrong, she needs to apologize.
This ignorant woman, this ignorant woman bumped into a 15-year-old.
And you're on camera.
You're feeling great.
Okay, well go ahead.
No, mom, she... I got this.
You're blocking me from getting on my phone, you dumbass bitch.
Her mother then decided to call the woman and her husband a racist,
Threatened and harassed them as they tried to drive away.
She then followed their car as they began backing up and slapped the vehicle.
Resulting in the woman brandishing her weapon in an attempt to finally get away.
Guess who was labeled a racist and has since been charged with a felonious assault?
That's right, the pregnant woman who was carelessly labeled a racist and then harassed, threatened, and bullied out of not leaving the area.
And finally, because we could really go on all day, let's not forget this young 12-year-old boy who was dancing on a sidewalk when a grown man jumped out of his car and punched him in the back of the head in an attempt to play what seems to be the knockout game.
A game centered around finding a white victim and trying to knock them out with one punch.
The man is being charged with two felony assaults, but no hate crime.
Would the outcome be the same if the races were reversed?
And more importantly, if none of those incidents of black-on-white threats and assaults are hate crimes, then why is this?
This couple simply painted over a Black Lives Matter slogan painted across their city and are being charged with a hate crime.
Similarly, a person hacked into a digital traffic sign and wrote All Lives Matter, prompting their police chief and mayor to issue a sincere apology to anyone who drove by the sign.
In Chicago, citizens changed the BLM slogan to read All Lives Matter, prompting news outlets to write about the defacing and vandalization of this great mural.
But punch, falsely accuse, threaten, and even kill a white person?
And you get off without the phrase hate crime even being uttered.
As we continue to see an immense rise in racial tensions across America, the media continues to paint any counter-protest to the BLM message as a hate crime, while simultaneously ignoring the countless attacks, and now murder, of those who try to unify the nation through the phrase, all lives matter.
This has been Savannah Hernandez with Action 7 News.
I regret very much what has happened about the flag.
The flag that people look at now is a flag that was carried during the demonstrations against civil rights.
It was carried by Ku Klux Klansmen and all that kind of thing.
And that's what it represents to a great many people.
And I don't wonder that they're feeling pain and wanting to take it down.
I understand perfectly well they do that.
But to my mind, they're misidentifying that flag.
That flag represents many good things.
And you have to translate yourself back into the time of secession to understand how some states should want to secede.
The Constitution has not been amended in 61 years.
This was the first amendment, the Emancipation Amendment.
It was the first amendment in 61 years of the Constitution.
And absolutely the first amendment that ever had anything to do with anybody's private property.
So, they saw this amendment coming.
Uh, they said, we don't want any part of this union, we want to get out of it.
And people who say slavery had nothing to do with the war, just as wrong as the people who say slavery had everything to do with the war.
That was a very complicated, civic thing.
Somebody once gave the best excuse for that war I've ever heard.
He said it was a war of one form of society against another form of society.
And because one of those forms of society included chattel slavery, and the other side didn't, except to a limited extent.
It's always been identified as a war over slavery.
Believe me, no soldier on either side gave a damn about the slaves.
They were fighting for other reasons entirely in their minds.
Southerners thought they were fighting the Second American Revolution.
No one thought they were fighting the whole union together.
And that held true throughout the whole war.
Except for some people who were absolute partisans on both sides.
Friars in South Carolina, and abolitionists in Massachusetts.
Southerners want to say, I'm fighting because you're down here.
If you want to invade my home, you've got me to fight.
Others say you're trying to tear the fabric of the Union, therefore you should be put down and not allowed to do what you claim you want to do.
It's a very complex subject and I'm sorry to see it degenerate into such things as identifying that flag as a symbol of racism.
It is not.
It was never intended as such.
Confederacy respected law above all things.
I'm standing in this briefing room right now.
There is no government official here.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
They came in peace.
Maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news.
Maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
This is CNN.
So I was taking care of an errand this morning, and I wasn't even close to downtown, but I was parked on a little side street going to this business.
When I came back out, I saw what looked like two Asian folks, probably Chinese, walking down the sidewalk about 50 yards up ahead of me.
And here I am parked a truck with the windows up, and the woman stops and points at me.
So they stop, and they wait while I'm inside my truck.
Truck started.
And they sit there and stretch.
She keeps pointing.
And they put their hands out like they're waiting for me.
To go, because I'm not wearing a mask inside my car.
And so then I just sat there, so they acted angry and walked past me.
I almost shot a video of it on my phone, but everybody sees this stuff happening everywhere.
This is mental illness.
People are pulling guns on folks that aren't wearing masks.
This is all cult programming.
This is all about submitting.
We cannot submit to this UN brainwashing.
It's all a giant fraud.
We must expose the fraud or become slaves to it.
A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
I think so.
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up.
It was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
We're here, we're here and we're live and this is the story.
The story keeps getting crazier as you no doubt understand.
Just listening to Alex there.
I remember back in 1987 I said the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world because they fly no political banner.
They say, we're healers.
That's it.
We're neutral.
We just want to help.
And then they tell their story very convincingly and they have tremendous access, of course, through media, which they've cultivated.
I'll talk about that in a minute.
And people sign on.
They salute, they bow down, they kneel, they enlist, they go for that story.
But then what happens eventually is what we're seeing now.
The medical cartel says, well, now you must do this because of this threat.
And it's never worked before, but now, thanks to the Chinese regime and Bill Gates and other players, it is working in terms of the lockdowns, which is, I will say for the hundredth time,
The whole point of the exercise and the destruction, the lockdowns, the shutdowns, the closing of businesses, the closing of schools, the ending of businesses and incomes and jobs, the engine of the country and the world comes to a stop in many respects.
That's the operation.
How do you sell it?
Well, you sell it medically.
That's how you sell it.
You think you're going to sell it by saying Karl Marx out loud?
Or Lenin out loud?
Or Hitler out loud?
Or Mao out loud?
Or Mussolini out loud?
Of course not.
You're going to sell it through, we're here to do good.
We are the Coronavirus Task Force.
Which, by the way, how did that whole thing start?
I've still not been able to find out.
I see stories about it.
One story, in fact, says the State Department was actually the founder, if you can believe that irrelevance.
How many people of Hillary were still there when that happened, if that happened?
Another story goes that once the coronavirus task force of the White House had been established, get this, Republican senators actually came to Trump and they said, we think the face of this task force should be Tony Fauci.
Republican senators.
Well, Tony's a good guy and he's got a lot of respect in the medical community.
He's been at NIH for, God knows, 50 years now, whatever it is.
He's your guy.
And so it came to pass.
Does anybody look at the background of this guy to see who he's connected to?
Like Bill Gates, for example?
Apparently not.
Apparently it's just, okay, Fauci's the guy.
Fauci's the man.
And so now we have this situation.
Behavior control, social credit score, must wear a mask, must have social distancing.
Even if this were a real epidemic, which it's not, it's totally fake right from the beginning, those measures would do nothing to stop it.
And yet, you've got
Billions of people saluting the medical cartel.
That's how powerful this cartel is.
In fact, after the break, it's a whole lot more.
Whether you believe in evolution in the modern theory or not, the globalist controllers do, and they constantly write about and talk about how they want to create a global crisis or a group of crises that force humans to, quote, evolve in a new, better way.
Now, when you study how they actually want you to evolve, if you believe in that,
It is to stop having children and merge with silicon bodies and a post-human future.
Talk about psychotic.
Talk about creepy.
Talk about crazy.
But they need an event like COVID-19 to teach a mammal to wear some covering over its nose, over its breathing tubes, to set the precedent for the forced inoculations, for the GMO, for the 5G, and for all the things that they admit will end our humanity as we know it.
That's why this is so evil.
Their whole agenda for a cashless society, global government, UN control, getting us all into debt, getting rid of local government.
Think about all the facets of it.
The censorship, the surveillance.
Girl, you caught me and I hurt real bad.
So let's talk now about the Florida Hustle.
As you know, and it's been posted at InfoWars and other places now, 22 labs in Florida reported on coronavirus testing 100% positive for COVID, which is of course completely insane, impossible, doesn't work, etc, etc.
This is how much they need to fake the numbers.
This is how much, how desperate they are to fake the case numbers, the death numbers, the whole thing.
Which tells you that what they're basically selling is a story.
Because if this really were some kind of virus, unlike anything we've ever seen,
That just cuts people down left and right all over the world and spreads beyond the possibility of any rational containment.
They wouldn't be needing to do this.
It would be completely irrelevant and absurd because the facts would be clear.
You would be seeing in your town or your city, wherever you live, dead bodies everywhere.
It wouldn't be, oh, we have to go into the hospital.
No, you'd just be seeing people crumpling and falling and dying everywhere, which is not the case.
Not even close.
So they have to inflate and invent and concoct and manufacture out of thin air these crazy case numbers so that they can sell the story about a virus.
That's what's actually going on.
But at the same time, I have to tell you, on a much more sinister level, what's happening in Florida is what intelligence agencies would call a limited hangout.
And that's where you admit to a mistake, or even a crime, in order to cover the much larger crime.
Because then everybody's satisfied.
You see, look at what happened in Florida, these idiots.
How could they possibly?
Some kind of, you know, a computer glitch.
We don't know what it was and the programming went crazy.
You're seeing on the screen other labs are doing the same thing, not just in Florida.
Concocting numbers.
It gives the public an opportunity to say, these people are incompetent and it's terrible and we have to fix the problem.
And then the CDC waltzes in and says, yes, indeed.
And we're investigating and we're going to fix this problem because we as CDC must get the numbers right.
Otherwise we can't give good advice to Tony Fauci and the crew as to what to do.
And then the public sits back and they say, OK, I'm glad that's out of the way.
I mean, yeah, there's incompetent people everywhere and they're crazy.
But, you know, all in all, this is OK.
This is correct.
No, it isn't.
The whole thing's a lie, you see.
But you always need a limited hangout.
Because the rubes and the yokels fall for the limited hangout, which is
The partial confession of a partial mistake or a crime in order to hide the much bigger crime, which is this is not about a virus at all.
Never was since the beginning.
It's all faked.
It's a story they're selling.
Tests make no sense whatsoever because they're testing for something.
That isn't there to begin with, but it can read as if something is there.
So all the numbers are meaningless.
Now we're getting to the heart of the crime from a medical level.
So once in a while there will be a scandal, it'll be exposed, etc, etc, etc.
And then everybody will say, okay, well, there are idiots everywhere.
And now, thank goodness,
Oh, this is all dealt with and handled.
No, it isn't.
Not whatsoever.
Not whatsoever.
Not in the slightest.
I've gone over the story maybe a hundred times of what happened in 2009 with the swine flu pandemic, in heavy quotes, because I've been at this for 30 years now, investigating fake epidemics.
And in 2009, the CDC itself was saying that there were thousands of cases, and eventually they said millions of cases of swine flu in America, when the truth was that almost all of the test samples from patients were coming back from labs with no sign of swine flu or any other kind of flu.
Now you begin to see the actual scope of the crime.
And so Cheryl Atkison, who was the star investigative reporter at CBS at the time, uncovered that whole story.
I interviewed her subsequently, and she laid it out to me.
How she actually exposed this, wrote an article, it was posted on the CBS News site, and then the whole thing was shut down.
Would not go any further.
No other major media outlets in the world, not just in the country, but the world, picked up on her story and ran with it.
And you're seeing that headline on the screen, which is the original article that she wrote for CBS in 2009.
Three weeks after that article, the CDC came out, decided to tell a much bigger lie, and said they estimated that at peak, swine flu
Infections in the United States were 22 million.
You know, what happened in the Florida hustle that I just described is nothing compared to that.
Now we're talking about a sensational crime.
Because essentially the whole swine flu epidemic was a hoax.
And yet people took
And we're injured very seriously by this swine flu vaccine, which Tony Fauci, by the way, at the time said was going to be very safe and effective.
He's the guy heading up the coronavirus task force.
And as you can see now.
The basically the medical cartel and the political left are desperate to shore up his reputation.
There are now massive tweets going on about, we stand by Fauci, the American Medical Association has come out in support of Fauci.
I've been writing articles nonstop about Fauci and Trump and how this was a marriage made in hell.
And it is.
It was, and it is, and it will be as long as it lasts.
And we're going to need to get into Trump, which I'm going to do in the next segment, because it's not enough to say, as some people do, well, what looks like every weak move that Trump is making is actually a deception.
It's really a strong move.
And we are all going to see it play out eventually when he does a complete turnabout
And you know, the world is saved.
Okay, there's a lot of people who seem to believe that.
But you see, eventually you can't keep saying off the top of your head that every weak move that a president is making is actually a strong move.
It just doesn't work.
You have to face what that president is doing head on.
And you have to say, whether you support him basically or you don't support him, that something different has to happen.
Because as the show is playing out now, it's incredible amounts of economic and human devastation that are occurring, that are not being covered by the press, not being highlighted by the press.
And because of that,
There is still this kind of fairy tale at work in this society that yes, you know, there's some shutdowns and we're trying to reopen the economy now and it's going to get better and that's not the true story at all.
Imagine telling someone just a year ago that in the middle of 2020, the Democrats, as well as many Republican leaders, will be calling for the United Nations WHO edict that all Americans wear masks, be a quote, federal order and mandate.
Totally unconstitutional, annihilating states' rights.
Think about that.
A woman can kill her baby.
We pay for illegal aliens healthcare.
But you've got to wear a mask for a virus that killed 20 plus times less than what they said, even if you believe the official story.
This is about the WHO, the globalists, testing their power.
Through the media, over the federal government, to set policy in the United States.
This is our punishment for not going with the carbon taxes and the Paris Accord and all of it.
And by the way, they admit that.
They say, now your carbon's down one way or another, you stupid Americans.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Let's look at the education system.
All over the country, governors are deciding how they're going to cook this particular chicken as schools are supposed to reopen.
Now, as we all know, the public education system was already in a shambles.
So it's not like we're talking about saving paradise here.
But in a state like North Carolina, for example,
They've got a system which nobody can understand.
There's a plan A, a plan B, and a plan C. And the governor's saying, well, we might choose part of plan A and some of C, or if that doesn't work as we go, we might do B. And what they're basically talking about is how to maintain social distancing in schools, which they can't do because they don't have enough space.
You can't have 10 kids in a class with the school buildings the same size as they are now, so they're going to have split sessions.
Imagine what this is going to look like.
Some kids will go to school two days a week and then do online education at home three days a week.
Then the next week, those same kids will go to school three days and do online education at home two days.
So they'll split the school population in half.
That's kind of what they're looking at.
So this will be complete madness, because these kids are not going to be able to learn at home.
For a number of reasons, which we don't need to go into, but it's obvious.
The whole Gates, Bill Gates system of education through computer learning children is a farce.
It's ridiculous.
At the best, it's just simple mind control.
That's all.
It's teaching values and so forth, because a kid cannot learn by looking at a machine.
When his mind or her mind is not sufficiently already developed, you cannot sit there for hours, which is what these governors are talking about.
Oh yes, this is going to be a complete education system.
The kids are going to be sitting there for five or six hours at their computers doing online classes.
Sure they are.
Sure they're going to be absorbing all of this.
The feedback, the human contact, the teacher asking questions, the old-time teacher writing on the blackboard, asking kids, okay, so what's the answer?
Let's see it.
Let's see your work.
Okay, let's go over this now, this math problem.
Let's get the steps right here.
Engaging minds.
Showing kids that they can actually do something and succeed at it.
We're a human teacher and I'm talking from some experience because I used to teach school.
The teacher tells the student, you got it.
You did it.
That's right.
You learned the lesson.
You succeeded.
I taught you how to do this.
It was in your book, the same steps to the problem.
You figured it out.
I gave you an example.
You worked it out.
You got the right answer.
Very good.
Now the student feels a little jolt of pleasure, intellectual pleasure.
Hey, I have a mind.
I can think.
I have ability.
I'm capable.
Let's go on to the next thing because now I feel like maybe I can do that one too.
So things get a little bit harder.
You go over another example.
The teacher, you understand the process that I'm talking about here?
There's no replacement for that.
A machine doesn't do that.
I don't care how sophisticated the AI becomes.
It's still AI.
People still know the difference between a conversation with a human and a conversation with a piece of software.
And the intricacies of having a conversation with a human child in the process of learning
is something that a teacher hopefully figures out how to do successfully.
It's not something you can learn in school.
You go into the fire and you learn it on the job.
That's the way it works.
And when you can do it, you're a treasure as a teacher.
And students will love
Because they will say, well, maybe I'm not really applying mathematics these days.
I'm certainly not applying plane geometry to life every day.
But that course taught me how to think.
It taught me how to reason and do logic.
And I proved to myself that I could do it.
And with the teacher's help, I got over the hump.
That's worth something.
That's been lost for many children, tragically, already.
And now to take this a step further and destroy whatever fragment is left of that system of education in this country, public education,
is a complete catastrophe and it's on purpose.
Believe me, the entire COVID operation is on purpose.
To say to a child who is eight years old, now you're going to go to school two days a week and they're going to cram your head full of whatever they do.
As you're sitting six feet apart from every other student and thinking that you might catch a germ that could injure you or kill you,
Then you're going to come home for three days a week and you're going to sit in your room or in the kitchen in front of a computer and you're going to study five, six hours a day the other days of the week.
Absolutely insane and preposterous.
Never going to happen.
The whole system is going to crash.
Not just in North Carolina, as I've been talking about, but in New York, in California, in every single state that tries this, which is going to be, as far as I can see, every state, it's going to completely crash.
It's not going to work.
And so you're going to have kids who are now looking for something else.
Whatever that is, video games, a cause to believe in,
A way to annoy and irritate their parents 24-7.
Drugs, etc, etc.
More than now.
A lot more than now.
It's already bad enough, but it's nothing compared to what we're going to see.
And at a university level, or college level, where they're charging kids whatever, 40 grand a year?
To do what?
Take online classes?
Or do this split-scheduling type insanity?
And this is going to be an actual education?
Come on.
It's complete crap.
Never going to happen.
The destruction of the education system.
We'll be back.
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The reasons that the globalists launch this planetary lockdown.
The number one reason is it serves everyone of their purposes.
We've gone over
Those purposes many times here on air.
The cashless society, the surveillance system, global government, medical tyranny, forced inoculation.
But the most important facet is it teaches us that we are obsolete, that we are non-essential as we begin to witness automation computers and robots take over the jobs that people once had by design.
This isn't like it's some advancement that we just fell into.
It's been pre-planned, organized, globally, and it's extremely predatory.
And through governmental actuaries and tax programs and regulations, the central banks that control it all are able to pick the winners and the losers and consolidate power.
This is the truest form of technocracy fascism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
There's a couple more things here about education before we move on.
One is, the parents are going to change their tune very quickly.
There's a lot of these parents that are defending the distancing, the masks, the whole deal.
They're buying into the insanity completely.
But wait till they see what happens when their kids are at home two days a week and then three days a week.
And this happens for the entire school year.
And the governors are promising this is really going to be education now.
Yeah, we messed up last semester, maybe, but now this is really going to work.
And it isn't going to work.
It's going to be a complete disaster.
What are the parents going to do then?
They're going to change their tune.
They're going to begin to see how they've been hustled and conned, and how they've conned themselves by believing, basically, in the whole COVID scam to begin with.
And how they're buying into the insanity.
Watching on the screen during the break, you saw all these headlines about nursing homes.
I've gone on this before.
COVID-19 is killing old people.
That's what it is.
Because if you really subtract the deaths that are happening, forced premature early deaths of the elderly in the nursing homes, in other long-term
Facilities, in hospitals, in their lonely apartments, isolated from the outside, cut off, quarantined, terrified by the COVID diagnosis.
Already having had multiple long-term medical conditions, treated with a variety of toxic drugs, they die early.
They're counted as COVID deaths.
If you were to take all of that and move it aside and say this has nothing to do with a virus or any of that fakery in the COVID story.
It's just plain murder and killing.
The inflated fake case numbers of the so-called pandemic would be exposed in half an hour and everybody would see the truth and it would be over.
Oh, that's why the governors have to keep feeding these old people into nursing homes to up the kill rate, to up the premature death rate, to up the murder rate, to up the COVID case number rate.
I've quoted this before on the show here.
If you took people in New York City, age 65 and older,
Again, this is how they have to squeeze out the numbers.
If there was an actual virus that was sweeping through the land,
Killing people indiscriminately, left and right, and so on and so forth.
If that fantasy were actually real, none of this that I'm describing would be necessary at all.
Somebody like Tony Fauci could just get on television and say, look around you.
Bodies are falling everywhere.
Not the case.
Not happening.
Never was.
Isn't gonna.
Unless somebody decides to use a chemical weapon.
So now Trump and Fauci.
There comes a point when the courage of the person comes into question.
You could have acted sooner, Mr. Trump, a lot sooner, a lot more decisively, but every day that you let pass and didn't, it became harder to take a decisive action.
Isn't that really true, sir?
Doesn't that always happen to people in any walk of life?
The longer you retreat from the situation,
The harder it is to do anything about it, if you eventually decide to do something about it, such as get rid of Fauci.
I don't mean attempt to minimize his presence somewhat or anything like that.
I mean fire the man.
Get rid of him.
He's off the task force.
He isn't presenting data on television.
Yes, he has a civil service job still at the National Institutes of Health, and apparently that job is secure, but as far as informing the nation and giving the man complete access to the public on every major network, gone.
Could have happened right at the beginning.
When Trump saw the handwriting on the wall.
Assuming he saw it.
When Fauci came to him and other people of that ilk and said, we have a prediction out of England now that 2 million people will die in the U.S.
from COVID.
And you, Mr. President, if you don't follow all the lockdown recommendations, those deaths will be on your head.
If at that point he said, stop the music, now we have to investigate this whole situation.
We have to take another look at Fauci.
We have to take a look at this British guy, Neil Ferguson.
I've been through this several times on the show already.
We have to find out if this is real or fake.
And of course it's completely fake, as I've detailed many times.
The whole thing was a setup and a put-up job and a con and a hustle that resulted in the lockdowns in America and in England and other countries and the widespread fantastic economic destruction all over the planet.
The human destruction, the suicides, the murders, the alcoholism, the drug abuse, the violence in families, the splitting up of families, the bankruptcies of businesses,
The closing of businesses, the firing of people, the emptying out of bank accounts, all, all, all on and on.
The destruction of the education system.
Keep going, keep going, keep going on and on.
There was a point at which Trump could have said, Fauci, you've made a terrible mistake.
By trying to put two million deaths on my head, that will never happen.
Because the man who's predicting this is a charlatan and a fake.
And we've looked at his track record, which apparently you haven't.
And you try to foist this on me.
That's unforgivable.
You're done.
And then Trump would have gone before the nation and said that and backed it up with his own courage.
And by the way, would have had many highly credentialed doctors and scientists to back them up.
They're out there now.
They just can't get access to the degree that Fauci can.
That would have been Trump's moment to turn this whole thing around.
And because he didn't, because he couldn't, because he wouldn't, because he didn't see through it, whatever was the case, this is where we are now.
And there's more after the break.
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A lot of you have been listening for more than 20 years.
And if you go back to those shows, we laid out the AI takeover plan, the tracking of cell phones, how programmed master computers would manipulate control society, how they'd be able to not just predict,
We're good to go.
But when we cover that, the media would attack us and say we were making it up, it was a conspiracy theory, even though it was in the actual corporate-level blueprint documents.
Well, the next level of the blueprint documents explained to us that they are setting up this control system to make humans obsolete and phase us out.
And it's something about a thousand times crazier than what Hitler planned.
So we might want to dismantle the system now.
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Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem, and I suffered with it for about five or six years, and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day, when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm gonna get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions, because they don't want you to have that stuff, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
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Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
Under the mega-opulist technocracy plan, things are going to be so incredibly fair and wonderful because an all-seeing, all-loving computer that doesn't discriminate is going to decide who gets what resources, who gets what jobs.
But in reality, it's building a post-human world so that you can be made obsolete, domesticated, dumbed down, drugged, distracted, atomized, and then slowly killed.
This is the brave new world.
It's the post-human world.
It's the dreaming of the post-human world that Wired Magazine and the Wall Street Journal all tell us about.
Oh, now they tell us our smartphones don't just track our every move.
They're monitoring our psychology and sending it back to a corporate database globally.
You see, the bear trap closed on our leg now.
And the vampire walked out of the bushes and is explaining to us how he's slowly gonna bleed us and destroy us.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Last segment here.
So, of course, on the school situation, homeschooling is the answer.
Always was.
Thing is, parents have to be able to do it.
It's not like, ah, yeah, we'll homeschool a kid.
You gotta be able to do it.
You gotta have the plan, gotta implement the plan.
You've got to have homeschooling.
And everything that that entails, but it is worth the effort.
Believe me, if you can pull it off, it is definitely worth the effort because you can educate a child, which is priceless.
So this week at No More Fake News, I'm posting five articles that I wrote.
Called Dispatches from the War to Trump, specifically talking to the man, to the president.
And in several of those articles, what I'm saying is break posse comitatus.
I know the dangers.
They're huge.
Fundamentally, the danger of military dictatorship.
No question about it.
But look at the level of economic and human destruction that has already been taking place.
We have been invaded.
This is a war.
This is not something else.
This is a war.
And the country is losing.
It isn't just on the beachheads, on the shores.
It's throughout the entire country.
The invasion has already taken place to destroy the economy.
It's like, remember the stories about the neutron bomb?
This was a radiation device.
You would set it off.
Wipes out all the people, leaves the buildings standing.
That's the kind of war I'm talking about.
But it's being done through the economy, through the lockdowns, through psychological warfare, through robotizing the population with the masks and the distancing.
But I got to really press this home, people.
The economic destruction, just because you're not seeing it on the nightly news,
Or played up in huge terms everywhere you look does not mean it's not happening.
Where are the major television news coverages every night of New York City?
Desolate city of other major cities.
Where you go with a camera and you walk down the streets and there's nobody there.
And you go down into the subways and they're virtually empty.
And what's behind that?
You think what's behind that is just, oh well, there's a whole lot of IT middle-class workers at home doing their job.
Come on!
I don't have to tell you that that's just a fiction.
There's people starving to death, can't get work, on the verge of completely exploding, or they have exploded already, not from any virus, from the lockdowns, from the economic destruction.
So the war against the people is already in progress, President Trump, in case you haven't noticed.
Or in case you don't want to highlight that in your press conferences, which you should in great detail to show the American people what's happening, and then you should invade.
Using the Army or the FBI.
35,000 people work for the FBI.
They can all be empowered.
To go into states and force open the economy permanently all the way open with no restraint, no restriction whatsoever on the people, on their liberty, on their person, on their freedom to survive, to make a living, to exist, to be
Not crazy, but to be responsible citizens.
These governors are saying, yeah, we're reopening, reopening, reopening.
But guess what?
All of a sudden, as I said some time ago, they're going to be conditioned.
Oh yes, the restaurants you can only have half-masked or ten people.
You know, schools, all of this.
And everybody's got to wear a mask in public.
Force open the economies.
Override the governors.
Force the economy to open and business to resume.
Completely, openly, fully, with no restraint, no restriction, no distancing.
Forget it.
Restaurants packed.
Bars packed.
Sports arenas packed.
Forget it.
Do it.
Because, aside from the fake case numbers that they will try to pull, the effects will be nil.
And then everybody will see the whole thing was phony.
That's why they're so desperate to keep the iron claw in there, in your guts, because they're terrified that freedom is going to prove that this whole thing was fake to begin with.
Just the way it was in Canada with SARS.
When they said, oh, magically, after all the quarantining and the hysteria,
The whole thing went away, the virus went away, and the next week, The Rolling Stones played an outdoor concert with 500,000 people standing cheek-to-jowl outside, and nothing happened.
No untoward effect whatsoever.
Viruses don't just go away like that.
So if that virus had been at all harmful, you would have seen all kinds of people getting sick and nothing happened.
Same would be true here.
This is the point that I've been trying to make over and over and over again, 150 different friggin ways since the beginning.
If you ran a test that was real and said, OK, in Cincinnati, we're opening up everything.
And we're not going to stand for any fakery
With the tests about, oh, the asymptomatic and the thing and the PCR could be maybe a hundred new cases.
Nothing like that.
Are people actually getting sick or not when you open up Cincinnati?
And the answer would be, uh-uh, no, not happening to any greater degree than is already happening.
Just from the normal course of living from year to year.
And the whole thing would be exposed.
The war is already underway.
The country has been leveled.
And the president's duty is to counter attack.
Force open the economy.
Override the governors.
Then, if they want to go to the U.S.
Supreme Court, which they can, and yes, the U.S.
Supreme Court could decide to rush a case right there and hear it.
A dispute between the federal government and the states?
Let's hear it.
Let's have that case right out in the open.
Let's have all these dissident scientists with heavy credentials showing up to say Fauci essentially is a complete
Complete fraud.
Here's what distancing really does and doesn't do.
Here's what masks really do and don't do.
Here's the fakery of the tests and the inflated case numbers and the lying.
Lay it out for the Supreme Court and the public and the whole country to hear and understand completely in dee-dee-dee-dee-doo.
Let's have that case.
Bring it on, potato heads.
Bring it on, you college grads who think that because you took four science courses, you know anything about anything.
I stand by Fauci.
You don't even know what you're talking about.
You don't know who Fauci is.
You have no clue.
Counterattack Trump.
It's never too late.
See you next time.