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Filename: 20200708_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 8, 2020
3078 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses his belief that Governor Abbott's mask mandate is part of a United Nations agenda with the help of the World Health Organisation. He criticizes Texas for joining in on this fraud and not taking a stand against it despite evidence provided by former Congressman Ron Paul. Jones also accuses the media and Democrats of spreading misinformation about COVID-19 to cause an economic depression and blame it on President Trump. Jones further discusses how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been found to be giving people polio, cancer viruses, and female hormones through their vaccines. He promotes Survival Shield X2 Spray, a new iodine spray made with Deep Earth Crystal Nascent Iodine. The speaker laments the dismantling of Western civilization and its replacement by something "infinitely evil": a plan to render people obsolete, brainless, and servile so that they can be killed off. He urges listeners to regain control over governments, reverse the technocracy plan, and deal with the globalist leadership. Lastly, Jones discusses how certain companies control corporate America and are responsible for the acceptance of lockdowns without resistance. He highlights the role of Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley in initiating the pandemic through a series of major events. The speaker also notes that COVID-19 is mainly targeting old people to inflate case and death numbers, and advises listeners to stock up on essentials due to global instability.

This is what I had to say to the governor last Friday, and I just got word that they're going to be announcing the lockdown of Texas again by Friday.
The tale's straight ahead, but first, this.
It's with a sad heart that I'm out here today to protest Governor Abbott and his quote, mandatory mask ordinance that is right out of the UN, right out of the WHO, right out of Governor Newsom in California.
It's such a fraud.
Trump tweeted today the truth that deaths are way down, but cases are way up because they're counting people that don't have it as having it.
So instead of me just bullhorning him, I brought a bunch of mainstream news articles on record.
For the governor and for you, and we've confirmed from sources the governor is inside right now, so let's go.
Governor Abbott, you know that COVID-19 and the response to it is a hoax.
President Trump has tweeted that the deaths are way down but the cases are way up because seven Democrat states have been joined by Texas
Counting people who have not been tested as having COVID-19.
If one person has it, you count 15 more as having it for those numbers.
That is called a fraud!
Atlantic Monthly, the establishment mouthpiece.
How could the CDC make that mistake?
It goes on to say they use people that have COVID-19 antibodies to say they're infected, even though the antibody test says anyone who's ever had a coronavirus in that family, most people are positive.
That's the Liberal Atlantic Monthly!
Want states to count probable COVID-19 cases and deaths and muster doing it.
That was three weeks ago.
All the other states but a few Democrats in you said it was a fraud and quit doing it.
You make up numbers fraudulently and you go along with the fraud instead of being like President Trump and exposing it.
Why have you betrayed us?
Medical doctor.
Former Congressman Ron Paul, who you're a protégé of, you claim, came out a week ago with the medical evidence.
The media is lying about the second wave.
Dr. Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, mass-urged COVID-19 residents due to ridiculous number of false positives.
Texas Hospital CEO, COVID inpatient care misrepresented level of alarm
A hoax!
A lie!
A fraud!
New COVID-19 definitions by state could raise cases counts in Collin County, and it did!
Several thousand percent!
Why are you joining the Democrats in this fraud when no other Republican is?
The CDC is screwing up how the COVID-19 testing numbers, even Gizmodo gets it right with false positives.
Why Virginia will no longer include antibody results in COVID-19 tests.
And then it goes on to say only Texas and a few other Democrat states are doing it.
Why are you lying to Texas?
But it's all documented that the state knows are the new definition
All people that they suspect of having it have it.
So suspected cases are now cases.
Alright, the full video is on Bandot Video.
The reason I wanted to play this, even though we first aired it this weekend, is they're following a formula.
That's how we were able to tell you that they wouldn't just shut down for 15 days, they'd shut down basically permanently.
We told you that Silicon Valley, big corporations and blue states would lead the way, shutting things down in an act of sedition, an act of war, an act of blockading the president and the country itself in an economic civil war.
And then they would blame that ensuing depression on the president.
They've done just that.
And I said that they would release the pressure during the summer for maybe a month or two, and then reapply the pressure fully right through the election.
Because you know how they operate.
Well, they're following exactly that.
So the word is the mayor of Austin is going to announce, stay in your homes again this Friday.
And then other cities are going to pressure the governor to do it, and Abbott will probably get on his knees to him.
That's what he does.
The 4th of July 2020 special has gone into high gear.
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So I want to thank you all this July 4th coming up for standing with us.
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We could not have done this without you.
I thank you for your continued prayer, your focus, and your support.
Again, I salute you all.
It's Wednesday, July 8th.
The year is 2020.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We are 117 days out from the historic election.
Strap yourselves in.
Well, this July 4th, Colin Kaepernick came out and said, do not stand for the flag, period.
It's racist and evil.
Basically, get rid of America.
And now you notice we're hearing that from Ilhan Omar, we're hearing that from all these other top Democrats, because that's what the big mega-corporations want.
They want to get rid of the country.
They're exacerbating racial tensions that they have fanned the flames of, as the pretext to say scrap the country, bankrupt it, so foreign corporations can come in and literally enslave the people at levels never foreseen.
Remember, Happy Fourth of July, everyone!
I hope everybody has a blessed day.
That was Kaepernick, nine years ago.
But now... Now, ladies and gentlemen, he says...
Black people have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized and terrorized by America for centuries and are expecting to join your commemoration of independence while you enslave our ancestors.
We reject your celebration of white supremacy and look forward to liberation for all.
But let's hear from Ilhan Omar.
You know, she's running all sorts of criminal operations, been caught in all sorts of scams, but that's okay.
Her little tribe, what was a famous slaving tribe, that was their business, not really gold sales or other things, was getting run out of Somalia.
By the other warring tribes.
And so two years before the 1993 Mogadishu Black Hawk Down fiasco, where the U.S.
was there trying to get U.N.
food aid to the Somalis, just one warlord was stealing it all on record.
They were begging for help.
She got out with her family when that very tribe was trying to kill them.
That very clan, they're actually called clans in Somalia, similar name as what the Scots have, and
She came out, of course, a few days ago and attacked the U.S.
military for being in Somalia then, and said they were bad and murdered thousands of innocent people.
Now you understand, they literally saved her ass, brought her here, she never had a real job, she's been on welfare her whole life, and then run tax scams after that.
Just got caught funneling masses of cash to what her third or fourth husband, 800 plus thousand dollars of campaign money.
But it's okay because, you know, America's bad.
We save her.
The very military that saves her brings her here.
She gets everything taken care of and now she hates the country so much.
And here she is with all the other big Democrats calling for the overthrow of the nation.
It's so fashionable.
It's so rebel.
It's so chic when all the big corporations are lined up against the country.
Those of us trying to keep the republic are the renegades.
We're the rebels.
You're the establishment lady.
Yeah, there's a photo of Kaepernick with his Ferrari or Lamborghini or whatever it is.
That's before he got paid by the corporations to play the black radical.
And that's all this is.
It's sick.
It's transparent.
But here's Ilhan yesterday about, just dismantle the country itself.
Here it is.
As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit,
Without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality.
So we cannot stop at criminal justice system.
We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.
By the way, Somalia was the hub of African slavery for over 2,000 years, being sold around the Middle East and what's Europe today?
Central Europe, the Romans, all of that.
I mean, basically her ancestors invented slavery.
I mean, in that area, okay?
She comes here running from it, sucks millions off everybody, and then pitches and complains.
But listen, step aside, ladies and gentlemen.
After passing the Amazon tax, Seattle City Councilwoman Kasham Sawant went on an unhinged rant.
She threatened to seize control of the Fortune 500 and overthrow the racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.
When really it's crony globalist capitalists allied with China that are financing her to build up this thing to destroy the country itself so they can buy it up cheaper.
She doesn't ever tell you about 2 million, 3 million Muslims in camps.
Because all she cares about is overthrowing the nation because we have radical Islam allied with the globalists and they know exactly what they're doing using class and racial and religious warfare.
Here she is on Seattle television.
I have a message for Jeff Bezos and his class.
If you attempt again to overturn the Amazon tax, working people will go all out in the thousands to defeat you.
And we will not stop there.
Because you see, we are fighting for far more than this tax.
We are preparing the ground for a different kind of society.
And if you, Jeff Bezos, want to drive that process forward by lashing out against us in our modest demands, then so be it.
Because we are coming for you and your rotten system.
We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state.
We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy and equality.
A socialist world.
Thank you.
A socialist world.
Really, it's a communist world.
And really, the minute the commies take over, no more free stuff, no more welfare.
You get put in a work brigade.
If you run your mouth, they shoot you in the back of the head.
But remember, almost every megacorporation, the entire Fortune 100 is funding this.
They're behind this whole thing.
They write the laws.
Their money's offshore.
They're international.
And then you have people like this woman.
Up there running her mouth about how she's going to be violent and how she's going to do all this and how we need to redistribute the wealth and all the rest of it.
Just like you heard Ilhan Omar.
Oh yeah, I bet Ilhan Omar really redistributes wealth to people.
I bet she's a big tipper.
I bet she's really a nice person.
No, she's known to be a monster.
And the studies show liberals and leftists and socialists and communists steal at six to nine times the rate
They have way higher crime rates, they virtue signal, they lie, they infight because they don't produce anything.
They sit around and bitch and complain and produce more little babies that want some free stuff.
And by that I don't mean physical babies, I mean people that sit around under their control being milked by them while they stoke that person's anger at the general system
That has actually been hijacked and has allowed them to be domesticated and put in this position.
This is all in the white papers.
It's all the scientific reports, and this is how you overthrow a system like America.
You degrade the culture, you degrade the morals, you make people decadent, and then they don't want to work anymore, and then you create divisions along cultural, racial, religious, ethnic lines.
And that is the playbook of divide and conquer out of the textbook, and that's what they're doing, and people should wake up to the nightmare and stop appeasing it.
The corporations appeasing it are out of their minds.
The individuals appeasing it
Many of these corporate leaders don't even know how all this works.
They just know, get in line, bow down to political correctness.
They just took hundreds of words out of Scrabble.
Words like blowjob, anything someone might be offended by.
And they go, it's okay to get rid of this many words.
We can re-educate ourselves, they actually say that in the article, to not use these words.
But it's going to be more words next and more and more and more.
There's never enough.
It's about the globalists and their minions are the arbiters, the high priest, the portal through which everything must go.
The mind controllers, the cult leaders, the authoritarians, this isn't democracy, this isn't freedom.
Look at the fruits of Big Tech and the Democrats and all of them.
Deindustrialization, Main Street shutdown, small town shutdown, family shutdown, drug-addled populations everywhere, division, collapse, and all the big banks are tax-exempt.
All the big Amazons have their money offshore.
You notice these people never call for Amazon to lose its tax exemptions and systems where it pays basically no taxes.
What they want is more money.
They go, just give us money.
Yeah, give money.
Give money to women and minorities as if, again, a new form of discrimination is good.
Because the globalists are there running the whole show, pre-programming a list of demands.
That actually put them in more power and make the people more dependent on those central governments that the big tech companies have actually financed and put in charge.
But there is a reckoning coming.
Just happened on Tuesday morning driving into work about to break the big Roger Stone news and the big COVID-19 hoax news.
And I met a
Red light at the corner of Brody and 290.
And an old Mercedes pulls up next to me.
And a Hispanic man and two white women start flipping me off.
And I thought they recognized who I was.
So I rolled down my window and I said, what, COVID-19's a hoax?
And they're going, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U.
And I said, is that your IQ?
One finger?
So they put up two fingers.
I said, oh, it's 11.
And I was like, do you know who I am?
They're like shaking their heads.
They go, wear your mask!
Wear your mask!
And they're pointing at the mask.
So I guess Joy Behar, when she says she goes around and does this with her husband, this is a thing, man.
Their cult is going crazy.
They're control freaks.
They're attacking language, borders, everything.
Because they all bet on leftist garbage and it hasn't delivered to them.
So they're totally going completely insane.
This is crazy.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news, today.
The 4th of July, 2020.
We are here, and despite all the globalist attacks, you the viewers and listeners of this transmission have supported us by prayer, by word of mouth, and by buying the products, and you have done all of this.
So when you look at the huge effect InfoWars has had, I want you to understand that it's because of what you have done
We're good to go.
50% off for the 4th of July.
We're running the special.
I want to encourage you to get these products because they have enriched my life so much.
I know they'll enrich your life.
And regardless, it's a total 360 win because it funds the MFOR.
The only way we fail is when you don't take action.
I don't need to tell you that.
You already took action.
And I salute and thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I don't know.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, and I am scanning the scene of the city tonight, looking for the globalists to start up a fight!
All right!
Thank you again for joining us.
The globalist mission is to seek and destroy our free republic.
And so we're going to give them the fight they're looking for in the info war.
We're going to overpower them.
I was just thinking during the break about what I should cover next, not because of lack of news.
It's so incredible.
Let me just tell you a few of the things that are coming up right now.
I've thought long and hard since I learned about this on Saturday.
I confirmed it was true on Saturday.
And then I made some more phone calls and then some more big events happened and
I'm usually very decisive.
I don't know if it's the best to talk about this right now.
Let me put it to you this way.
I mean, I know what's going on.
But is it good for me to announce this?
Because I don't know why the White House hasn't announced this.
And so should I try to get on the phone?
Because I want to talk to the White House, I can get people to call me back.
And I just don't have time to play games and do it.
Here's the problem.
It's such a big issue.
I respect the White House.
And I respect people that are working hard to fix things.
But then
I know the different angles of it, and I think it's important to talk about what's going on so the public knows.
But no one knows about this yet, and I feel bad not telling you.
So, I'm really preoccupied with this one issue right now, to the point of not being able to do the show.
I gotta really think about it.
Should I break this information down?
Maybe I'll wait another day.
Okay, I'm done talking about that at least for now.
Hell, I might just talk about it next segment, I don't know.
It's some good news.
Let's just say this.
If you thought we were going 200 miles an hour in a collision course with a globalist a week ago, we were.
We're going 5,000 miles an hour now, okay?
And let me tell you, Trump's definitely for real.
Definitely for real.
There's also all the Ghislaine Maxwell news with a big member of the German-Dutch royal family, which is what the Windsors are, Prince Andrew's cousin, saying, oh no, Ghislaine bragged about the blackmail of him having sex with underage girls.
And she's got a big dossier with all these videos.
Well, I mean, that's known that Epstein had all that.
We're asking, is it true?
It's already true.
So yeah, this was a seismic event.
Her getting arrested on Friday.
The Iranian side's getting blown up on Saturday.
You know, I really study the New World Order and study how they operate.
But then when it's actually happening, I'm like behind the curve.
I'm like ahead of the curve before stuff happens.
But then once it's happening, I get behind the curve.
Because you understand that physically the planets aligned on Saturday, it won't happen again for a very long time.
Next time will be 2161, 140 years from now.
I was out on the lake with friends on Saturday and I was like, what the hell's going on?
We're all out there.
We're like, did somebody spike the beer with LSD or something?
We're like, what the hell?
We were all, and then everybody at the office, I was talking, they're like, yeah, man, I'm having really weird dreams.
I can't sleep.
Cause they're going to be aligned like this for almost a month.
They went right into their main alignment on Saturday, on July 4th.
And... Woo!
I mean, because I come on air Sunday on Monday, and I go, man, I'm telling you, the tipping point's here, I got the download, we're winning, and all this good stuff's about to happen.
I can't put my finger on it, and meanwhile it's a giant planetary alignment, and that's when, you know, the Romans would go to war, that's when big decisions would get made, I mean, that's when all the cultures, because they didn't know what it was, they just knew it was important and something was happening.
And electromagnetically, it does something.
So, I've got that to talk about, I can talk about it for four hours.
And notice what's all happening during this alignment.
All hell's breaking loose.
So there's a saying in big corporate deals and a saying in religious circles, everybody knows about it, it's called, we don't make decisions until the planets align.
Well that's a figurative but also a literal statement.
So in the next month or so, we're still gonna be in that alignment.
Now the closest alignment happened July 4th.
And again, I physically had only had a few beers.
And I was like, wow!
Everybody's like, yeah, what's going on?
Moon beams?
We weren't thinking that there was all the planets right lined up with the moon and us.
And it was just crazy!
I'm sure you felt it.
I'm sure you have been experiencing it.
Because the last two nights, I always sleep really good.
I told my wife this morning, I'm like, what is going on, man?
I cannot sleep.
I'm having the craziest dreams.
She goes, I am too.
So is our three-year-old daughter.
What in the hell is going on?
People are having anxiety.
And it's just going down, folks.
It's going down right now.
And you're going to see those events, too.
All hell is breaking loose right now.
Because I'm not into astrology.
I am into astronomy.
But astrology is kind of the ancients trying to understand what they were feeling.
I mean, the police will tell you a crime goes up triple during a full moon.
That's why they call people lunatics.
People go crazy when there's a full moon.
It's not just more light at night.
Well, what's that doing?
It's electromagnetic.
They can register it.
It's bouncing different waves of the sun at the earth.
The moon blocks the sun's radiation.
We're all tuned to it.
I mean, it's constant flux.
That's why studies show cell towers affect insects and rats and humans.
They're putting out waves.
You can't see them, but they're there.
You can have a particle beam you can't see.
You walk in front of it, it'll kill you.
You know, you go to Houston to get cancer treatment.
They got a four-story building that's this big cyclotron that shoots electrons into your cancer.
They aim it wrong or turn it up a little too much, it'll burn a hole in you and kill you.
A lot of times it did.
My dad's uncle, they cooked him.
I think so.
But we've got to reach out and call on God to give us the transmission.
And that's called the Holy Spirit.
Now, I'm going to get into this more later.
There's a bunch of news.
Let's just get into temporal stuff we can document.
Let's talk about the next big lockdown.
We told you it was coming.
It was always planned.
How they're going to roll it out to make it look reasonable.
Oh, first, we're only going to close part of the businesses.
And oh, yeah, stay in your house now.
That's coming in Texas as well.
We'll tell you all about it.
And it's coming out what we told you.
Bill and Melinda Gates and the NIH and Fauci own the vaccines.
And they've already got government liability protections for a previous deal.
Oh, and the Chinese communists are going to make money off the COVID-19 vaccines too.
So, they're coming for you.
They're coming for me.
What are we going to do about it?
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
I told you this five months ago, and now it's official.
The lockdown is directed by the United Nations and is permanent.
The psychological war chiefs that developed the COVID-19 mind control hoax knew that once they got the public for several months to wear masks and social distance, they would be able to permanently turn it on and off at any time they want by putting handcuffs on someone.
And then add new demands that people take forced inoculations, that they have contact tracing on their phones, and that every aspect of our lives be controlled.
This is all complete and total preparation for world government, forced inoculation, and complete enslavement of the human population.
This is medical tyranny.
This is the Bill and Melinda Gates U.N.
This is the end of civilization as you know it.
Living in denial only empowers the enemy.
If you want to break free from this trance, there's not much time.
Warn everyone you know that it's a giant hoax.
Show them the numbers.
Show them the facts.
And explain that it's the end of the world as we know it if we don't wake up and resist.
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That is back in stock.
Survival Silk X2.
Makes it iodine spray.
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And so much more.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
And we're going to really lay out some important information here for everybody right now.
I really again cannot describe to everyone how real all of this is and how the evil social engineering we're witnessing is only going to get more intense.
The longer we sit here idly by and think
The type of issues we cover here on this broadcast are just another political view or some other system of ideas, an ocean of ideas.
We are approaching this from the best knowledge there is about how things actually work and the hidden mysteries of the universe and who the globalists are and what they're planning and what they plan to do.
And so much of this is hidden in plain view.
And there's a reason
It's all hidden in plain view.
Because if they try to hide it and it comes out, people realize it's criminal and something's done.
But if they can mislabel what they're doing, and then roll it right out in the open, well then when people are harmed, they can get away with it just saying, oh, that's a side effect.
So everyone should be really, really concerned right now.
Over the fact that Bill Gates has gone on TV, and so have others, and told you that, oh, you're going to have a lot of people that are going to be made to take inoculations, and a lot of people are going to get hurt, and a lot of people are going to die, because we're going to have to make a really strong vaccine.
He says with a psychotic look in his eyes, he starts giggling and laughing, and that governments are going to have to indemnify him.
He's saying, I'm coming and I'm gonna hurt you, and you're gonna pay taxpayer money for people that figured out I soft killed them.
I was in there about 30 minutes before we went live today in the break room, and there was a U.S.
Senator Republican on, forget his name, maybe you guys can back it up,
It's from a Western state.
I only watched like a minute of it.
I was getting some coffee and he's going, oh, it's safe and effective warp speed.
Oh, there's no problems in the trials.
It's going to be so good.
You know, the FDA will only give you something that has no side effects.
Like we got to find that clip.
It's so amazing because if you actually read what is in the fine print, it says this is going to kill your ass.
This is going to hurt people.
It's just crazy.
And meanwhile, there's at least 20 different vaccines being messed with right now.
At least 10 of them, Bill Gates and the NIH are involved in, and most of them are partially owned by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they're subsidiaries, or both the NIH and Fauci's involved in almost all of them.
So simultaneously, what they do is they go, it's totally safe, no one's going to get hurt, we're accelerating trials by skipping animal trials, the senator actually said that.
And then they've got other articles out admitting that they've skipped trials and that isn't safe.
And then they've got other articles out admitting we're going to hurt you, but it's something we've got to do.
So let me go over some of these headlines here.
officially withdraws from World Health Organization.
That's certainly good news.
Trump said he'd do it a month ago.
He's done it because they work with the globalists.
They're the ones running the bureaucracy.
They're the ones that are being used to try to take this country over.
The NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine that Fauci's also involved in, Axios.
New docs!
NIH owns half of key patent for coronavirus COVID vaccine.
We actually told you this months ago, but here it is back in the news now.
Tomorrow's news today on fullwars.com.
Meanwhile, every day there's a new article attacking yours truly and others for talking bad about Bill Gates, and they're written at like a fourth grade level.
Like, oh, you don't want to read this, it's really stupid, but here it is.
Yeah, these crazy conspiracy people make it up that he's involved and that he makes money off vaccines or that he wants to put...
Chips in the vaccines.
It's all official.
MIT's on record.
But this is the games they play.
They go, yeah, they say this project of Gates does this, but it doesn't.
They'll talk about a separate project when we're talking about another project.
So they play apples and oranges games.
Listen how snarky this is.
This is out of Forbes.
Bill Gates was a trending topic over the weekend.
You don't want to know why.
Conspiracy theories are intended to sway public opinion and reinforce cultural fears.
You just defined reality for us?
You mean asking questions is?
They exist because there's some kind of legit.
The fear is real, even if the facts are a bit sketchy.
As with most urban legends, there probably was a baby alligator in the sewer at one point, although you probably won't ever see one.
And it goes on from there.
NASA moon landings were definitely cloaked in secrecy, and you could argue that the public had a right to know more details, but we really did go to the moon.
I interviewed Buzz Aldrin once.
Trust me, he was there.
I mean, what does all that have to do with Bill Gates on Lair News Hour?
On PBS, on CNN, I mean, in the 90s and the 2000s saying, I believe we have to depopulate Africa.
I believe we have to get rid of people.
I believe we've got to reduce the human population.
I believe we've got to, I mean, and then vaccine trials, he's run all over the world that he gets caught killing people.
Imagine being Forbes.
Oh, this is, there's no evidence of this.
Meanwhile, I saw a U.S.
Senator, one of those new Republican ones, I forget the name, just, again, like an hour ago, on Fox, saying, oh, it's totally safe, it's totally wonderful, it's totally good, oh, the FDA won't approve it unless it's absolutely wonderful, and now they are accelerating it.
Meanwhile, look at this headline, brain problems linked to even mild virus infections.
That's out of Yahoo News, a French news agency.
Of course, you know, a lot of these live trial vaccines actually give you a lot of vaccine and they attack the brain.
You have inflammation.
That's why the baby will have a convulsion and die or become mentally retarded or autistic.
And there's a cocktail of things that are increasing.
If you look before the COVID-19 rollout, that's just a cover for much of other projects.
There are all these headlines about, yeah, people are having strokes at like 15 and 20 now, and IQs are plunging, and people are having neurological disorders, and people are becoming paralyzed, and just... Then you go read about all the electromagnetic radiation we're putting out, and 5G, and you look at the maps of where it's happening, it is there, and there are studies showing 5G in trials was causing oxygen deprivation, skin cancer,
All sorts of problems in the brain, including brain cancer.
Even the other cell phone radiations do that.
That's a fact.
Thousands of studies.
So see, now, oh, there's going to be lots of brain damage and lots more cancer.
And see, it's all COVID-19 now.
And we know that they used HIV in Africa as the cover for why hundreds of millions of Africans died in the last 30 years.
It's like, boy, that African age is a lot stronger.
It wasn't just that HIV was tailored to go after black people.
Northern Europeans don't even have the receptor sites for it.
Very hard for Northern Europeans to get it.
That's on record.
That's not debated.
So there was an original HIV rolled out of BioWeb, but it was a test.
But it was the cover for a cocktail of other things that went on in Africa through the vaccines.
And as soon as African presidents banned those vaccines, suddenly their people stopped getting sick.
And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been caught giving people polio by the millions, giving people cancer viruses by the millions, and adding female hormone to a vaccine to cause sterilization in women.
And that's all a fact!
And now, as Bill Gates always said, there's no reason the third world should be the only ones that get to enjoy this.
He's going to bring it to you.
So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to get Parkinson's and Lou Gehrig's and just hundreds of others.
Just get ready to die.
Get ready to die, because Bill Gates says he wants you dead.
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2020 is a very special year to the globalists, to the occultists, to those that are into esoteric mysticism.
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world, and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air, and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil, and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
And I want to salute you all, and thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July once a year mega sale is here and we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
But BODY is our ultimate tumeric formula.
This is a tumeric extract, one of the strongest ones out there.
It's so good for your body, so good for your joints, so good for your cells.
It is now back in stock, sold out for over 3 months and it is at 50% off.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
Waging war on corruption.
I am your host, Alex Jones, on this Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 transmission, 117 days out from the election.
And coming up next hour, I hope the phone's up, and we have mainline news now saying we're in a civil war.
And the left saying they want to overthrow the government, members of Congress, you name it.
And Goldman Sachs says that they believe the election may be delayed or suspended.
It's definitely, they believe, going to be fought.
And if Trump can test it in any way, he's a dictator.
That's the talking points being put out.
Now, where did you hear all this three years ago?
And we're putting together a little video compilation for later in the show.
Where the Young Turks and ABC News and the New York Times all made fun of me two years ago when we were showing Soros battle plans that fell into our hands.
About how they were going to foment race war in America.
And how they were going to plunge the economy.
And how they were going to burn cities and blame black people.
And because that was the equivalent of Death Star plans, they ridiculed it and attacked it and said it didn't exist.
And said I just made it up.
And then they would always have articles saying, oh, another six months passed, no civil war yet.
So that people wouldn't listen to me, and so Congress wouldn't listen to me, so that we couldn't get ahead of this.
Because if we were out ahead of this, and people knew their plan, we'd know what we were being hit by.
But as usual, we're playing defense here, trying to get folks up to speed.
Wow, that's coming up next hour.
But I want to hit something really important as well after we cover that.
All over the world, people are storming their government buildings.
When new lockdowns are announced.
We've got that video and information coming up for you next hour as well.
Serbs storm parliament after virus lockdown announced AP.
That's just some of what we're going to be covering along with your phone calls next hour.
They did find Steve Daines from Congress on Fox that I told you about.
And we'll play that here in a moment as well, where he's telling you how safe and effective and wonderful the trials are of these vaccines, even though it's coming out that people that were spokespersons for it, that took it, almost died and got paralyzed and are still paralyzed.
But that's okay, because Bill Gates is wearing a pink sweater.
So, let me hit this though right now.
And this all ties together, so please pay attention.
officially withdraws from World Health Organization.
Now that's Trump delivering in spades.
We pay for the majority of it.
China is in control of it.
They had a known Chinese spy running it before, so is the current individual.
They got caught covering up COVID-19, lying about it.
They're involved with Bill Gates, they're involved with Fauci running the lab.
And now Trump's done what he said he would do, and he's completely withdrawn from it.
You know what that means?
You understand that under the UN treaty, we have to accept each office by treaty vote or not accept it, and then accept subsequent policies that the UN tries to get the member states to ratify.
But the United Nations set up by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds on record, and they paid for it publicly, has authoritarians on their boards and is antithetically opposed to any society of free systems.
So when you see Trump pull us out of UNESCO, when you see Trump pull us out of the migrant treaty, the refugee treaty, when you see him pull us out of the WHO,
He is, at the executive level, breaking with this organization that we're operating under, in most cases with treaties we never ratified.
He's being our president.
And he really deserves our support for this.
These are bold moves.
Now, let's dovetail that, okay?
Big Kit Daniels article that's so important.
All these are important, but this is really important.
Wants to obliterate suburbs with radical housing plan that bans single-family homes.
Now, it actually says that in the plan.
This is a law that Obama got attached five years ago to congressional funding, but they never implemented all of it.
But it's been implemented in places like Austin, Texas, New York, and Seattle, and it's hellish.
They now have regulations in Austin that you cannot put a gate up or a fence up around your property.
That's an example.
And now it's going to ban the construction of single-parent or single-family dwellings.
But that's bigger than that.
This headline is a great headline, but it could also read, Biden vows to fully federalize suburbs
Germany has this in place.
Japan's put their, everyone's putting this in place.
This is the, remember I told you 15 years ago, Germany passed laws that you can't construct a single family homes.
That's the law now.
They don't build new ones there.
San Francisco's stopping doing it.
And they're building coffin apartments.
Bloomberg, Bezos, and others.
And who pushes it?
To bring in third world populations, drive down wages, and then you think you've got a palace if you've got a thousand square foot apartment.
Better than that 250 square foot one.
This is how you devolve society.
Gotta go read the article for yourself.
Of course there's an article here, fact check, by truth or fiction.
President Obama's plan to diversify the suburbs.
Mostly true.
Administration using housing departments in order to diversify neighborhoods.
It goes on to say, how do you diversify?
Saying, oh, families are bad.
And what's Black Lives Matter core issue?
Get rid of the nuclear family because, you know, you're, what is it, 16 times more likely to end up in prison or jail, four times more likely to commit suicide, six times more likely to end up being a drug addict.
That's a good policy, isn't it?
See, it goes back to Magna Carta that a man's home is his castle and it begins with that property ownership and that having your own space.
A slave does not get their own place, okay?
Oh, but it's so liberal!
Black Lives Matter!
I've got to be for that!
Black men don't need their testicles or their penises.
They said a trans black male is the most important thing.
That's Black Lives Matter.
We've got to chop black men's genitals off, and we've got to make sure that nobody has a single family dwelling.
I mean, here it is!
You want to live in a cult, folks?
The cult already tells you you can't go outside your house.
The cult already tells you to wear a mask over your face.
The cult already tells you they're coming to enforce inoculations.
See how just like that, the trap shuts and you're inside it?
It's going to get crazier from here on out, folks, because we have become jellyfish.
And of course, you know they're not just wanting to chop the black people's ding-a-lings off.
They're coming for everybody.
Read Brave New World.
His brother set up UNESCO.
That's how Aldous Huxley knew about it, because of Julian Huxley.
He wrote in Brave New World Revisited Nonfiction that they would have it by the year 2020 to remove boys' testicles at birth.
Their main mission is to chop your balls off!
Because as Tony Montana said, the only thing that gives orders in this world is balls!
And if they can literally emasculate and poison and domicile down, they've won!
And that's why lesbian couples that go out and have their man-hating programming, I'm not saying all lesbians, I mean the shaved head ones, go and literally adopt little boys so they can chop their balls off because it's a victory, it's a celebration, it's a cult, it's child molestation, it's devil worship, institutionalized, medical experiments, mainly targeting little boys!
And you see it on the news as the most beautiful thing since sliced bread.
I'm going to break.
Please tell folks to tune in if you want to defeat the enemy.
We're going to override them.
July 4 specials will have to end this weekend.
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Extended through the weekend and then that's it.
Survival Shield X3, 50% off.
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Vitamin Refusion, 50% off.
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DNA Force.
All this has been sold out.
Winter Sun.
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It's essential.
That's super high quality.
They're all amazing.
Bodies hold a turmeric formula.
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And if you think things are going to let up, you need to get high quality, affordable food.
It ships within three to four weeks now.
Get it in because this will be the calm before the storm.
You think this storm is big right now?
It's going to get even crazier.
Get ready.
I believe in you.
I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm betting on you.
I think you're going to get ready and take action.
The 4th of July 2020 special has gone into high gear.
We have 50% off Bodhi's really strong extractive turmeric formula.
Sold out for months.
That's back in stock.
DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the Tokyo 10.
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That's back in stock for yourself.
Winter Sun's been sold out for over three months.
It's back in stock.
Pure, high-quality vitamin D3, taken under the tongue, greater absorption, so good for your whole body, so essential.
That's back in stock.
Ultra 12, super high-quality B12, again, taken under the tongue.
That is back in stock.
Survival Silk X2, niacin iodine spray, 33% off, and so much more.
So I want to thank you all this July 4th coming up for standing with us.
I want to invite you to take advantage of these great deals and great products that enrich yourself and your family's life and also fund Hardcore Truth.
Again, take action.
Big 4th of July sales right now at FullWorksShore.com.
We could not have done this without you.
I thank you for your continued prayer, your focus and your support.
Again, I salute you all.
We were told by the United Nations, we were told by the CDC and Fauci that two plus million Americans would die, that millions of Europeans would die if we did not do exactly as they said.
And it turned out it was all frauds.
The models...
We're good.
They're still testing record numbers of people, creating hysteria and saying the number's spiking and why it'll be 200,000 dead by the election, and it's all Trump's fault.
And now, oh, China had 40 cases in one city, we've got a lockdown again, everything's over.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the new world order teaching us to be total prisoners.
Either we expose the COVID hoax, or we're all permanently enslaved by it.
Your choice.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I almost never air reports twice in a row, or two days in a row, but it's so important I'm doing it again.
It's a Band-Odd video.
I'm begging you for yourself and your family and my family, we're in this together, to go get the video and share it.
Then I'm gonna come back with incredible intel on the next rollout of the COVID hoax, the forced inoculations.
But here it is.
Worldwide population being tortured into deep state PSYOP.
Here it is.
This report is based on Amazing Polly's recent video, Is This Torture?
In her video, Polly examines Amnesty International's 1973 report on torture and how it seems to reflect the current response to COVID-19.
According to Amnesty International's report, torture is the systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain in any form by one person on another in order to accomplish the purpose of the former against the will of the latter.
The report then uses Biedermann's chart of coercion to describe the technique.
Psychologist Albert Biederman studied communist Chinese tactics known as DDD, Debility, Dependency and Dread.
The CIA has been trained to use Debility, Dependency and Dread.
And according to their 1983 Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, many psychologists consider the threat of inducing debility to be more effective than debility itself.
With DDD, the debilitated victim becomes dependent upon the torturer and develops a strong fear of anything vague or unknown.
Biderman's chart of coercion lays out the design of DDD.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Number one, isolation.
We see this with quarantines and social distancing and the prohibition of crowds and large gatherings.
Number two, monopolization of perception.
Corporate mainstream media has monopolized all of pop culture and those on social media who challenge the mainstream narrative are censored.
Also listed is restricted movement and monotonous food.
Number three, induced debilitation and exhaustion.
Gym closures, church closures, losing your job, school closings, and wearing masks all day long increase stress and provokes exhaustion and debilitation.
Number four, threats.
We are threatened that our own children may be taken away from our homes, and that experimental forced vaccines are coming.
We are told that more will die if we restart America.
And we are threatened with tracking chips, contact tracing, and a new normal.
Number five, occasional indulgences.
Here we find fluctuations of interrogators' attitudes, such as BLM protests are good, Trump rallies are bad.
Walmart is okay, but small businesses are not.
The torturer will provide occasional indulgences, such as rewards for partial compliance.
If you just wear a mask, someday we can return to normal.
Number six.
Demonstrating omnipotence and omniscience.
Shutting down the entire global economy was a pretty good demonstration of omnipotence.
Huge fines and jail for people not wearing a mask.
We see the omniscience with Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and other official experts.
Number seven is degradation.
Being called non-essential or a science denier.
Being treated as ignorant fools and called names by celebrities for not complying.
Number 8.
Enforcing Trivial Demands.
This final step develops habits of compliance.
Enforcement of minute rules such as standing six feet apart, following arrows, and showing support for violent BLM protests.
Also, according to the report on torture, many victims become ill as a result of coercion.
And more than half the illnesses listed in the report can be easily diagnosed as COVID-19 according to CDC guidelines.
Do you really think that this is all a coincidence?
Or are the people of the world being subjected to an advanced form of torture, coercion, and mining?
Customers are saying what I was privately saying to the crew last night.
We may have just broken not just the biggest story in InfoWars history, but one of the biggest stories, period.
The state of Texas confirms that the CDC and NIH have created a system where anyone that has a sore throat or a runny nose or who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 is then added into the database as having a case.
It's in the NIH documents.
It's at the state level.
We confirmed it in Texas.
We're now confirming it's in other states.
This is beyond the other smoking guns, of them putting people that die of gunshot wounds and stuff in the COVID column and the false positive test.
That's all huge.
This is beyond that.
Mega criminal activity.
And we've got these Emory County Commission videos where they're just freaking out over it, saying, what in the world is this?
The full video is posted at man.video.
Get it out and expose the hoax.
You know, M4 Wars inspired this song.
Guys on record.
Then, years later, those type of folks wouldn't even talk them forward.
Because, whether it's this band, or whether it's Muse, or whether it's any of them, they get record company pressure put on them.
And then, they decide to not be patriots.
They decide to be more mainline, so the angel of political death passes over them.
But then, in the end, you lose everything.
You lose...
Your whole civilization, your whole society, because men, as soon as they run in to pressure for saying what's right, retract what they said and apologize for what they said.
And you notice, they usually get not rewarded now, but they get destroyed because the system wants to scare others.
And now we're told that we have to give up
The language itself, that the language itself, all of it's bad.
And that mathematics is bad.
And you say, that's crazy, that doesn't make sense.
In 1984, O'Brien is torturing Winston, who was a top propagandist in the Ministry of Deception, known as the Ministry of Truth.
And he's being tortured.
And it's a fine work of literary, historical fiction, you could call it.
A potential science fiction future of Stalin or the Communists had taken over the West.
And George Orwell, real name Eric Blair, he had been inside the Communist Party, inside the Fabian Socialists, at the highest levels.
He was a Winston Smith type.
In fact, Winston Smith was an allegory for himself.
And he tells him, he says, Winston, you know, we're going to
Abolish mathematics.
And he goes, I know what you're thinking.
We won't be able to navigate a submarine or a ship or an aircraft.
Oh, we'll still have mathematics.
But just when we say it doesn't exist, it won't.
When we say 2 plus 2 equals 5, it will.
When we say it doesn't exist, it will.
And when we say it equals 4, you will also understand it at that point.
You will believe whatever we tell you with double think.
At that moment.
And Crimestop.
Now, he was heavily involved at the highest levels in the plan.
And he said, I'm not going to be part of this.
In fact, he's what Antifa claims they've modeled themselves after.
Abraham Lincoln Brigades from the United States and others from the UK that went into the Spanish Civil War and fought the Nazis
In the first skirmishes before World War II, in a large war.
There are a lot of romantics that believed in Ernest Hemingway, you know, wrote for Who the Bell Tolls.
But Orwell's heavily wounded Blair, and I go into an hour-long discussion, I read all his essays, all his work, all his line arts, I read all about him.
And he said communism's evil, he said it's bad.
And he said it's just another satanic cult that wants to battle other satanic cults and that they really just do it for the power to have a bootstomp on the human face forever.
It's about trampling and being trampled upon.
It's about a society that becomes more ugly, not more beautiful.
And you see everything the left pushes and what they produce and who the Jacobins were in the French Revolution.
That's what he was part of at the highest levels of the real Illuminati, folks.
So when you see professors in the Seattle schools and mainline stuff, I remember hearing talk show host 15 years ago say, the Democrats in the UN want to say math's racist.
I went and looked it up, it was true.
But at that point, that was hypothetical.
Now it's being done everywhere and children are being taught that even knowing math is bad.
And now with the testing nationwide, they're stopping SATs and all of this.
It's all ending.
They're shutting the schools down.
Everything's going to be dumbed down online curriculum.
And we're going into the AI takeover.
There's not going to be movie theaters.
You're not going to go to the beach.
It's all over!
Now, I'm going to explain this next segment, but I wanted to preface it with this.
How are they following everything George Orwell wrote about in a fictional dystopia?
Envisioning the world in 1984.
When he wrote the book in 1948.
And then died very quickly after.
And believe me, it wasn't tuberculosis that killed him.
He wrote the book in hiding.
Because he got to the highest levels and they said, Blair, we worship Satan.
And we're going to kill people.
We're going to hurt people.
We're going to end the family.
We're going to end beauty.
We're going to end literature.
We're going to end music.
And we're going to finally end humans even having sex because we're going to end pleasure.
And the few humans we keep around will just be scientific toys that we play God over because we want to rule everything and smash everything and rip its face off.
And see, until you come to that point and read right to 1984 and then look at the news and see what Democrats stand for, then you understand who Gavin Newsom is and who Hillary Clinton are.
And that's why they've openly come out.
Antifa in the UK officially said last week, slavery is freedom.
War is peace.
Ignorance is strength.
Remember Hillary Clinton said her favorite book is 1984.
And the joke was, oh, because it's an owner's manual?
And it is.
So, if you read what Huxley wrote in 61, before he died, in his tell-all, Brave New World Revisited, he said, I really disagree with Orwell.
It's not going to be the system he envisions.
It'll be 20% that and 80% my book.
Because we're going to drug you and entertain you and corral you until humans don't exist anymore and are just a commodity that we, the ruling elite, will decide to produce even if we think maybe there's something that needs to be produced.
And he believed through genetic engineering they would create the Superman, not computers, but he says, I may be wrong, maybe computers will make us God, and so that's a competing track.
This is the whole world!
This is how the whole thing works!
And if people sit there in any way and deny it, they're fools.
I have had members of Congress, and top lawyers, and people ask me, hey, is that stuff you sell real, or is it placebo?
And I look at them and I go, you die without vitamin D3.
You know what essential means, right?
But they live in such a world of ignorance and fraud that they literally, people with multiple degrees, do not know that you need vitamin C or you die.
They do not know you need vitamin D3.
They do not know you need iodine.
They literally tune into this show and, because that's a common thing I get, and go, is that real what you sell?
I don't know.
Is 2 plus 2 equal 4?
I guess it doesn't.
It's like asking somebody, do you need water in the desert to live?
I guess not.
I guess you just suspend it and say it doesn't.
Not in your world.
Because they all live in such a fictitious BS lawyer world.
And they've been around crap and empty people so long they don't even know the truth when it's looking right at them and now they're teaching that chess is racist.
And 2 plus 2 equals 4 is racist.
Because they're obliterating knowledge and obliterating common sense and logic because they want to be able to rule over everyone.
And you see we're here now, aren't we?
Where the governor comes out and goes, you know it's true the death numbers are exaggerated 99% and it's true that most people that say they have COVID don't have it, but we're still just going to lock everything down.
Because that's what makes us feel good about ourselves.
You know it causes degradation, death, and collapse of society.
Because he's just joining with the people.
He goes, the people are so dumbed down and everything, I'll just go along with the globalists and we'll just shut Texas down again and it'll just never end.
Because the CDC pats him on the head.
You notice Trump's come out and said the CDC's wrong and trying to exaggerate and they've been caught lying.
They've been caught lying 25 times the death rate.
It was lower.
Then most people that died of something else they say is COVID.
It's all on record!
But see, two plus two can equal five sometimes, right?
They can suspend gravity if they want.
They wave their little magic delusional wands.
That's right.
Just happened on Tuesday morning driving into work about to break the big Roger Stone news and the big COVID-19 hoax news and I met a
Red light at the corner of Brody and 290.
And an old Mercedes pulls up next to me.
And a Hispanic man and two white women start flipping me off.
And I thought they recognized who I was.
So I rolled down my window and I said, what, COVID-19's a hoax?
And they were going, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U.
And I said, is that your IQ?
One finger?
So they put up two fingers.
I said, oh, it's 11.
And I was like, you know who I am?
They're like shaking their heads.
They go, wear your mask!
Wear your mask!
And they're pointing at the mask.
So I guess Joy Behar, when she says she goes around and does this with her husband, this is a thing, man.
Their cult is going crazy.
They're control freaks.
They're attacking language, borders, everything.
Because they all bet on leftist garbage that it hasn't delivered to them.
So they're totally going completely insane.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news, today.
Pure, high-quality vitamin D3.
Take it under the tongue.
Greater absorption.
So good for your whole body.
So essential.
That's back in stock.
Ultra 12.
Super high-quality B12.
Again, take it under the tongue.
That is back in stock.
Survival Shield X2.
Nacin Iodine Spray.
33% off.
And so much more.
So I want to thank you all for this July 4th coming up, for standing with us, and I want to invite you to take advantage of these great deals and great products that enrich yourself and your family's life and also fund Hardcore Truth.
Again, take action.
Big 4th of July sales right now at InfoWareStore.com.
We could not have done this without you.
I thank you for your continued prayer, your focus, and your support.
Again, I salute you all.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm not trying to scare people into submission.
I'm trying to wake you up and get you into action, realizing party's over, submission and compliance equals death.
It's very simple.
Let me try to tie it all together and give you a big picture right now.
And again, I want listeners to understand something.
I could spend 20 hours going over each little piece of this summation and documenting it in their own words, every statement.
This is not conjecture.
There is a giant long-term planetary corporate directive developed inside the British Empire starting in about the 1850s, adopted as a world government plan at the end of World War II.
But already in place around much of the world.
Hitler was not fighting against the main plan directive.
He wanted control of the plan and to direct it differently.
To strategically only wipe out certain groups.
The globalist plan is to finally have a post-human world.
Which sounds insane, it is insane.
Hitler did not want to kill everyone.
Hitler was a very bad person.
Compared to these people, less insane.
Totally insane.
Compared to these people?
These are total exterminists.
But when you look at the Wall Street Journal, looking forward to a post-human world, it's like, oh!
Oh, and it talks about how wonderful it'll be when we're gone, we're bad people.
But as long as you kill everyone, it's good.
Like the head of the UT Botany Department was a eugenicist.
He was Jewish.
And my dad was one of the highest test score folks in high school, so in high school he was already at UT and planned to.
And Professor Spear, you know, called him into his office.
My dad used to go over to his house and eat lunch and stuff too.
And he said, David, you know, the Nazis were bad because they were only targeting certain people, but you've got to know eugenics is good and, you know, we're just going to have to carry it out against everyone, and as long as it's against everyone, it's fair.
No, it's bad if Hitler's doing it to certain groups, and it's bad if
The globalists won't do it to everybody.
So, this is the culture.
This is who the globalists are.
And the communist Chinese are eugenicists.
And Russia's been under the whole eugenic system.
Not now, they're getting out of it.
But the United States has been part of it.
And the average president is just a front man who isn't even really aware of that.
They're worried about military and the economy and, oh, leave the science stuff to the science people.
But Trump is learning very quickly.
That it's the scientific technological elite that are where the bad guys are hiding.
So did Eisenhower in his farewell address in 61.
Who did he say was the enemy?
He said a technological elite is already in control and are taking control of the military industrial complex.
So you must beware the military industrial complex and you must decentralize it.
Because the threat exists and will persist of the takeover.
So, that's where this is.
This is so diabolical.
There's always been large groups in government and corporate America that don't want to do this.
But they don't really pass on their ideas.
They give us a few speeches, write a book, and they're compartmentalized with people that are good.
They make hard decisions.
They send out, you know,
Death warrants.
I mean, they do a lot of stuff you'd think of as, you know, pretty gangster, but they're not trying to get rid of humans or bring in a scientific dictatorship.
They're always told, we're fighting the Russians or the Chinese that are developing that.
And so we've got to develop something bigger and better to counter them.
When at the Carnegie and UN level, it's all being threaded together.
So when we talk about eugenics or any of this, that's only one
I think?
It doesn't just check off every box of authoritarianism.
Bringing in the casual society, the forced inoculations, the lockdowns, the telecommuting so they can control you, making humans obsolete, bringing robots in to do all the jobs, lowering our immune system, making us have to live artificially off of the big tech, big pharma complex.
But it's fundamentally about lowering the population.
It's fundamentally about introducing things into our bodies that will irrevocably genetically alter who we are.
And make us so rotting and so diseased and so sick, we'll be obsolete.
There'll be so many autistic and mentally retarded and sick people, we're going to have to start euthanizing everybody, and it'll be so bad they won't be able to hide it anymore.
And so you'll be tricked to sign on to it, just like when the third world collapses because of the economy collapsing by design.
It would cause a giant wave into the West, and then the UN will oversee those migrant waves coming in for the problem they created.
I told you that six months ago, now it's here.
Because they've gone through every aspect of their plan and how they need to get us off the human system, get us off the free market, get us off the renaissance system, and put us on to this plan.
So they've built the parallel tracks, they've transferred the wealth into their system, they've done the public down, they've got their infrastructure in,
And now they want to artificially jump the train completely over off the tracks.
And when you switch tracks, you're no longer on this track anymore.
You understand?
You're no longer going on vacation.
You're no longer going to the beach.
You're no longer getting good medicine.
You're no longer getting taught 2 plus 2 equals 4.
You're no longer able to have a car.
Unless you submit to the next wave of control, take the shot, agree to live in a dormitory house where your families or with other families and where the state oversees you through AI technology.
Facebook's all announcing this.
And then, okay, you'll get a job.
You'll get a cash card.
You'll be able to go out and have drinks and have a steak once a week.
And then next, oh, it's a little less and a little less and a little less, but it will accelerate within the next 10 years to where you are in a
Overall, gray prison suit, literally your children are gone, you've got cancer, and you're having to sign an agreement to skip treatment and just be euthanized, and you'll get to go to a nice pleasure zone city for a week before they kill you.
This is all the plan!
It's all been prepared!
Everything's gonna happen!
They're gonna kill you and your family, they're gonna kill everybody.
And I'm just gonna ask you, do you really want to live like this?
I mean, is this really what you want to do?
Is this really what you stupid soft-trendies that have been domesticated want to live like?
Are you so stupid that you don't face the reality of the world being turned into a prison planet?
And everything we're being taught is by the communist Chinese how to be good little slaves.
Get ready.
And again, when the 5G and the chemicals are causing more brain damage and... Oh, the COVID ate your testicles!
Oh, the COVID ate your brain!
Oh, the COVID ate your lungs!
Meanwhile, they're going to roll out the new viruses and the real ones, they're going to test them on the general population because that's what mad scientists do.
They like to go to work and torture people.
They like to go to work and pull children's teeth out.
They like to go to work and strap people in and do brain surgery while they're conscious on them.
And then eat their brain with a teaspoon.
So, if you want to live like that, go ahead.
Keep laying down.
Keep laying down.
Keep laying down.
It's like going out to a field with wolves and cutting yourself and laying there and squealing like a dying rabbit.
If you're in a field like you're ready to fight those wolves, they don't mess with you.
But if you go in a field and roll around naked, squealing like a rabbit, they're going to come eat you.
And you love it!
And they are!
Because you want to die!
But I thank the listeners of this broadcast.
I'm not patting you on the head.
I'm like a person that's been thrown overboard who finds
A life raft to get on, or a piece of driftwood.
I am clinging to you.
So when you call the show and thank me, listen, I'm thanking you too.
We are in this together.
Now I try to bring you things that I know are amazing, that have helped me and my family, so you get a great response, you order again, I treat you like I want to be treated.
It's not a science, it's not a plan, it's just the way to do it, it's just common sense.
And if you get one product, it's BODYS.
Now our big 4th of July Super Sale is going right now through 4th of July and BODYS has been sold out for over three months.
It's now back in stock.
It is the strongest tumeric concentrate we could find out there.
It may be the strongest on the market.
Somebody might have one starting.
We don't know about it or we'd have it.
It is back in stock at 50% off.
I want to encourage you all to get BODYS Ultimate Tumeric Formula while you still can.
50% off for the 4th of July.
Find the info or at infomorestore.com.
I salute and thank you all.
The 4th of July 2020 special has gone into high gear.
We have 50% off Bodhi's really strong extractive turmeric formula.
Sold out for months.
That's back in stock.
DNA Force Plus with the BQQ, the Tokyo Ken.
So good for your cells.
So amazing.
That's back in stock for 50% off.
Winter Sun's been sold out for over three months.
It's back in stock.
Pure, high-quality vitamin D3.
Take it under the tongue.
Greater absorption.
So good for your whole body.
So essential.
That's back in stock.
Ultra 12.
Super high-quality B12.
Again, take it under the tongue.
That is back in stock.
Survival Silk X2.
Nacin Iodine spray.
33% off.
And so much more.
So I want to thank you all this July 4th coming up for standing with us.
I want to invite you to take advantage of these great deals and great products that enrich yourself and your family's life and also fund Hardcore Truth.
Again, take action.
Big 4th of July sales right now at FullWorksStore.com.
We could not have done this without you.
I thank you for your continued prayer, your focus, and your support.
Again, I salute you all.
Just during the break, I went and got a delicious cup.
My second cup of the day.
It's really strong.
I shouldn't do this.
Because all work and no play makes Jack a really aggressive boy.
And the coffee has to.
But mmm.
Wake Up America Coffee.
Everybody loves.
Highest rated.
From the choppest mountains.
It's beyond Mexican coffee.
Beyond Guatemalan coffee.
It's the best coffee in the world.
It's right on the border between the two countries.
In those rainforests.
Hand selected.
It's beyond organic.
Wake Up America Coffee.
Wild crafted.
People are blown away by how good it is.
Same stuff sold in Whole Foods under another name.
For $30.
For the same size container.
We've been selling it 10 years.
Never raised the price.
$19.95 for that big ol' bag.
99% reviews.
598 reviews.
4.9 stars on third-party sites.
Ship an additional 10% off.
Sign up for auto.
Get it at Auto Deliberties.
Don't forget to get it each month or every two months.
You can click out to nine months whenever you want the new order coming in.
15 days to nine months.
Patriot Blend Medium Roast only has a 98% out of 814 reviews.
It's not as popular.
Anyways, it's all at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The West is the best.
The West is the best.
But it's being dismantled.
And something infinitely evil has been put in its place.
A scientific deindustrialization plan to render us obsolete, brainless, servile, unable to take care of ourselves, so that we are truly obsolete, so that we have to be killed.
And as everyone complies, like good little
Domesticated sheep who wears their mask and lies into all the lies.
The technocrats, the communist Chinese, Bill and Melinda Gates, smile approvingly at you and say, you know, this vaccine's going to hurt you.
But it's going to be for the greater good, okay?
You want to be able to go outside again, right?
You want to go back to where it was, right?
But notice, the more you comply,
The more the noose tightens around your neck, the tighter the handcuffs get around your wrist, the tighter the rope around your ankles gets.
Now that you're tied up, well, we're going to have some fun with you.
Because we just really want to enslave you and hurt you and torture you.
You see, Winston, it's the process of torturing you and sucking your humanity out and using you up is what we're looking for.
We're psychos.
We just like to torture people.
We built all this to torture people, Winston.
You didn't know that?
So that's what it is.
Oh yeah, there's the Dutch police raid reveals soundproof torture chamber complete with a dentist chair.
AP, oh really?
What was that Epstein's house in New York?
Pull up the dentist chair.
Wasn't a dentist chair with the nice plastic up around it?
It's where they torture people.
And there's nothing more fun than torturing a little kid.
Nothing more liberal.
Bill Gates like to stay there.
Imagine you're looking through the plastic of the torture chair and you see a big painting of Bill Clinton on the wall in a blue dress wearing red high heels.
Oh, isn't that sweet?
Look at Hillary.
She's not the type of person that would be involved in anything bad.
Look at that sweet face.
Oh, so sweet.
So nice.
Such a nice young girl.
Her specialty was defending child kidnapper rapists.
Yeah, that's not the actual chair.
That's another one.
There's a torture chair in the house.
Let's just move on here into the rest of the story.
How are they gonna make you accept driverless cars?
How are they gonna make you
Except not being able to travel.
And the carbon taxes, and that you're bad, and again, carbon that you're made out of is evil.
Because the brainwashing wasn't working on enough people.
Well, you just say there's a deadly virus, you lock everybody down, and you teach them to work from home and become more obsolete.
And we've got to have driverless vehicles deliver the goods so there's no COVID.
There's not an evil human delivering it.
Because right now we're like, we're bad.
We wear a mask.
We cover our gloves.
We, you know, oh, we're pod people.
We're a bad thing.
When they come and deliver it, they spray off your box so you know it's safe and do all these little, all these little rituals.
And now, just like we're domesticated animals, all over the news, oh, the flashy cool in Seattle and Austin.
And of course, in other cool places like New York City, there's coffin apartments, 250 square feet of the big ones.
Some are even smaller, you barely fit in them.
And you pay way, way, way for square foot, what you would for something else, but it's okay, because it's so much fun when you talk about it.
It's so good for the earth.
And they're so proud of what you're doing, and you're just like a pig, a wild boar, where you put a cage out with some food in it, where it goes in to get the food, and the gate shuts, and you're captured.
And this is how ancients domesticated animals, they put up a little fence, they put food out, and the wild horses would come in, or the chickens would come in, or they'd kill a wolf and take its puppy, but you're being induced
Into your little hobbit hole now.
You're being, oh, it's so cool to get in the jail cell.
Meanwhile, Bill Gates and all of them have giant super yachts and multiple 55,000 square foot homes and Bill Gates will be behind his window for a photo shoot waving at you.
He goes, I'm staying in my home too.
I'm in a little window.
He cares about you.
And you know, there are a lot of people on the planet.
We do go through resources.
And if the public wants to be herded into extermination pens, and if you want to be all trendy, all led by trendy young women that are part of the team and doing what it takes for the Earth...
That'll be so drugged out and brainwashed by the time they're actually being euthanized that they'll love it when they're being euthanized by the euthanasia robot.
Because there's so many racist problems and so many bad things, you can't have police anymore go out and execute court orders and the law.
But the robots are almost ready and they'll come on a driverless car with a driverless team and they aren't racist.
They're robots.
They will execute the law and you can't say a damn thing about it.
That's why every form of human activity is being sabotaged.
Every form of human communication is being made to be evil and dirty and bad.
Because the globalists have all the rollouts, all the preparations, all the plans in place on record to totally replace you.
And at first, you know, the rich will still be up on their mansions on the hill and they'll still be looking down on people in their pod cities.
Austin's already built four of the big high-rises with coffin apartments, the average 250 square feet, to bring in third world labor, who will then also be signed up for welfare that will be skimmed out the top by the globalists.
Oh, it's a dystopia, all right, and we ain't in it.
So, we'll get the number out, we'll take your calls.
A lot of stuff to talk about.
Anything you want to discuss.
Trump pulling out of the WHO.
The technocracy, boom!
It's here.
Here's a Star Wars analogy.
If you don't see a Star Destroyer there in a minute, you're sitting there by the planet, all of a sudden, out of warp speed.
All of a sudden, there's 50 Star Destroyers.
That's what this is.
You're like, whoa!
Because those new movies are cheesy, but one of the ones I went and saw, I forget,
I mean, a few years ago it was half-decent.
When they got that battle, when they're at that planet.
It's the prequel, right before Episode 4.
And I guess they're, uh, you know, stealing the Death Star plans.
And then all of a sudden, the Imperial Fleet just shows up and there's a big fight.
I mean, that's exactly what this is like, folks.
It's all lined up, it's gone warp speed, and now it's... And it's attacking us.
And it's just going to wreck everything now.
And Trump's trying to stop a lot of it as best he can, but I'm not sure he gets the whole picture.
And this is just a fricking disaster.
I mean, it's just nightmarish to me.
Yeah, there it is.
That's the scene right there.
Yes, the whole thing, ladies and gentlemen, is a trap.
You know what, it's just when Darth Vader arrives.
I mean, that's the right movie.
What's the name of the movie?
I barely paid attention.
But, it's in the same scene, but later when the backup Imperials show up.
Rogue One, they're like, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.
I mean, that's what this is.
And, Darth Vader's a nice guy compared to these people.
In fact, you notice in the good writing of the first episode four, Darth Vader doesn't like the technological terrorists.
He knows they're bad.
See, like, Darth Vader's a good guy compared to these people.
This has all been set up to make you obsolete, to dehumanize you, to suck the life out of you, to dumb you down, to make you pathetic, to take your family away from you, and they admit it!
And I don't want to be part of it!
We have to get control of our governments.
We have to reverse the technocracy plan, the post-human plan.
And if governments won't do it, we have to start talking about
What we're going to do and who's going to step up and take one for the team.
I don't want to go there, but we can't just sit here and let these people do it.
The leadership of the globalist operation must be dealt with.
Be right back.
2020 is a very special year to the globalists, to the occultists, to those that are into esoteric mysticism.
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world, and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air, and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil, and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
And I want to salute you all, and thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July, once a year mega sale is here.
And we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
But BODY is our ultimate tumeric formula.
This is a tumeric extract, one of the strongest ones out there.
It's so good for your body, so good for your joints, so good for your cells.
It is now back in stock, sold out for over 3 months, and it is at 50% off.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock.
It's 50% off as well.
Check it all out at InfoWarsStore.com and remember your funding of our operation makes it all possible.
Plus, these are great things that God designed for you and your family's bodies.
Please take action.
I want you to understand that it's because of what you have done, and myself and the whole crew salute you on this July 4th, 2020.
We've got a lot of our best-selling products that were sold out, DNA Force+, Bodies, Ultra 12, and others that have been sold out for months, back in stock.
50% off for the 4th of July.
We're running the special.
I want to encourage you to get these products because they have enriched my life so much.
I know they'll enrich your life.
And regardless, it's a total 360 win because it funds the MFootwear.
The only way we fail is when you don't take action.
I don't need to tell you that.
You already took action.
And I salute and thank you.
As we enter the critical month of July, it is very important for listeners and viewers to understand that all of the major storable food companies have been sold out of food for months.
My Patriot Supply, our supplier, was out to an eight-week wait, not because they didn't have food, but because their four plants were backed up, packaging, and getting it out.
Now, they are at three to four weeks right now.
They've gotten over the hump.
Their other competitors are completely sold out or selling old garbage.
This is high quality food.
I would advise everyone to do what I'm doing and buy more storable food now before the next big hump comes.
Because if you think things are about to settle down, think again.
The world is only going to get more insane.
I've been telling you this for six months.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't have firearms and ammo and water filtration, you better get it.
If you don't have storable food, you better get it.
As men age, they often experience a slowdown in vitality, energy, and overall wellness.
And that's why we made one of our most popular formulas to date.
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So what are you waiting for?
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Never been a better time than right now.
Super Male Vitality at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, folks.
About to go to your phone calls right into the next hour.
Alex Jones here.
Got a lot of news I haven't hit yet.
A lot of it's breaking.
We'll get to it all.
We're doing a better job of it when we actually get to a lot of the news.
But right now I'm focusing on the technocracy because
COVID-19 equals killing old people.
COVID-19 equals forced inoculations.
COVID-19 equals world government.
COVID-19 equals driverless cars.
COVID-19 equals drones delivering you your food and water and making you dependent.
COVID-19 equals the post-human system.
And if you look at it from a Bill Gates perspective, it's an evolutionary jump to mass cull humans and then bring in the new silicon god.
This is what they say.
And so they're externalizing that method right now, and it's true.
To a certain extent, the industrialized world has created soft, stupid, lazy, jellyfish-like people, on average.
But it's the globalists greasing the skids to make the society collapse and fall apart in their own words.
Russia has dragged itself partly loose from this,
After being at the bottom of this with the globalist jellyfish for a while, and it's in terrible shape, but is trying to reverse their course.
Eastern Europe is doing it.
If you want to know who the heroes are, and the example that we should be leaving, it's Eastern Europe.
Because they've already been under a model of the globalist communist.
Dehumanization with the breakup of the family and the dumbing down and the poisoning and the forced inoculations and the leaking reactors and the ugly architecture.
That was a soft form though of this, but they know it when they see it.
We need to see China free.
We need to see the world free now.
And I tell you, I put my money where my mouth is.
I am making the exodus to as far away in the country as I can get, even though I have to commute in for this operation.
I'm not going to telecommute it.
They want to make us do that, because again, that will kill infrastructure.
You won't need roads, you won't need street sweepers, you won't need infrastructure.
They want to get rid of this huge, elaborate, quadrillion dollar infrastructure.
And then make the whole infrastructure go through the big tech straitjacket and gatekeepers.
This is, again, on every level, a massive banking wealth transfer, putting the public into debt.
All of it serves the globalist agenda.
They've been planning this for decades.
And I don't just say that.
You notice the dystopian movies, Brave New World, Soylent Green, all these, all now is actually how it works because they were pre-programming you.
The directors weren't, the actors didn't know, but the writers guilds, they were where the controllers were.
This is all public now.
And so that's why everybody seems so familiar with this.
You go to a local euthanasia center, it's just better for the earth.
Or that you live in a little coffin apartment, or that you don't get meat anymore, or that you don't have a car, and that the future's poor and ugly and bad, because they're doing it on purpose!
Because we'd already have Mars bases, Super Life Extension, because it's already there!
They don't want you to have it!
Oh, let me add one more thing.
There's this culture of marijuana's so cool, and it's the hip thing to do.
George Soros didn't fund
The legalization of marijuana because he likes you.
They looked at this decades ago and said, we can take marijuana, make it 100, 200 times stronger.
It will put people in a brainwashed, brain-damaged state where they don't want to do anything with their lives, the average person.
Some people can do it and not have these problems.
And they won't know how it makes them depressed.
They won't know how it rewires their brain.
And that's another way to stun the public.
Just like when you're gonna, you know, butcher a sheep or whatever, the trendy liberal way to do it is to stun it and electrocute it in the head before you slit its throat.
Well, they're just stunning you!
Like a scorpion coming over to sting a spider it's gonna eat before it has its meal.
And they admitted that.
So, just four years ago, it was a big joke, when I said George Soros had the marijuana weaponized.
I mean, that's just a figurehead of it, but he was involved.
Joe Rogan now, on his own show, goes, yeah, I have friends that are now schizophrenic, a lot of them, totally brain-dead, marijuana is so strong now it's ruined their lives, and it really is weaponized and it's causing mass mental illness.
Well, I knew 25 years ago in the literature that marijuana is connected to schizophrenia.
I know a bunch of people that were sane 15 years ago that are literally schizophrenic now.
Hurt my heart.
Had a friend, knew him 15 years.
He worked here.
Started smoking the vapes, marijuana.
He thought that myself and David Knight were reptilian aliens, folks, because he was smoking it.
So, everybody out there needs to understand that this stuff is not a joke, and it will brain damage you seriously!
32% of women are now on psychotropics.
They eat holes in your brain.
Everybody knows that you take ecstasy too much, it'll eat holes in your brain.
It pulls chemicals out of one area of the blood and pushes it through the brain.
You know why?
But after that's been exhausted in the brain, it will pull other chemicals and will destroy tissues.
What do you think those things do?
They kill your fertility.
They give you cancer.
They eat your brain.
They put you in a dream state.
And you go to a Democrat event, and you look at those women, pale-skinned, super unhealthy, and you're like, what's wrong?
And if you can actually talk to them, they'll go, yeah, I am on actually five medications, you're not a racist?
And I've talked to some of these women, and they're like, yeah, it was a few years ago, and she's all happy and nice, but hey, Trump, he ruined my life!
And they have been taken and destroyed.
And so we can sit there and get mad at them and call them zombies.
They'll do that to all of us!
These are disturbed people!
And it's the pharmaceutical companies doing it.
And now, if you think they're bad, vaccines are nanotech.
Vaccines are re-engineering systems.
These aren't where you take a little virus that's a 10-year-old and learn how to beat it.
These are live nanocreations that go in and change the body.
COVID-19 is the cover for a whole class of flu viruses and cold viruses that they're going to be testing on us with carrier viruses that are in them.
So imagine these viruses as a mothership, but they've actually already been prepared.
These are synthetic viruses that then open up and release a new expression when another key event happens.
They love binary weapons.
That way, they can be exempt, even though they're going to get infected.
Everybody already has COVID-19.
And that's why they're finding it in sewer systems, not just from a year ago, but three years ago now.
That's why they're... because they've been putting it in you for a long time.
They just want to own it, so that now that you're going to be dying from other classes of them, they're the saviors with the vaccines that are going to save you.
Because they have to cover up what's hiding in plain view.
They run the Wuhan lab.
They run the whole system.
And guess what?
We're skipping animal testing.
We're going right to giving you this.
So I'm not trying to scare you folks.
I'm telling you what's going on.
I'm going to go to break, come back and talk about Prince Andrew and Maxwell and Liberals Brainwash, Globalist Takeover, AI Control Grid, Spiritual Reboot, COVID-19 Anti-Human Mask.
The LEP is organizing with their agenda.
Bill Gates, Globalist Councils, Kanye West running for president, saying he won't take the mark of the beast and attacking Bill Gates.
Go Kanye.
A lot of Kanye calls.
It's all coming up in hour number three, baby!
Please remember that this broadcast is the real deal.
I mean, I am not a hero.
I'd have to be a crazy person to sign on with these people.
And they tried to get me to sign on with them, by the way.
And I'm like, no, thank you.
Not hard enough to take money from you people.
You people are bad news.
So, this is about survival of not just your body, but your soul, folks.
But there's no deal you can make with this satanic system.
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Please, wherever you spread the word about the broadcast.
And please, face the truth of what I've said, because you're not going to have to wait very long now to see it's all true.
You already see almost everything I told you happened.
But let me tell you,
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, let's take a lot of your phone calls.
I have a special report we're gonna premiere at the bottom of the hour.
And a lot more here.
Alex Jones, again, back live.
We're on radio stations and TV stations.
They want me to say that every segment.
That's why I do it.
In the podcasting world, you don't announce yourself every segment.
We have to.
That's part of broadcasting.
But we're still on air, as we can leave plenty of platformers.
We had all those great affiliates still.
That's been the backbone, so please support them.
Carlos is a longtime caller, but I'm going to go to him first.
It's just open phones right now.
I'm going to go to Joe, Casey, Jeff, Hal, Ben, Alex, John, David, Marsha, and others.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Carlos from Canada.
Thank you, Alex.
Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew is one element, and the other element that is of import to Americans is the relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and past president Bill Clinton.
I'll start with Bill Clinton, because it's important that people don't just get drowned in the weeds of, you know, the pedophilia, which of course is very serious.
But the real operation was carried out
It was a triumvirate operation that was carried out with the idea of transferring technology to China, top-rated, well, secret military material that was transmitted to China.
And this was discovered in 1993 when James Woolsey, obviously no neocon, the director of the CIA, gave a report to President Bill Clinton in March of 1993.
President Clinton became president in 1993 in January, and the first intelligence report that was given to him, this is what James Woolsey said.
Israel was China's primary source of advanced defense technology, offering advanced military technologies that U.S.
and Western firms weren't willing to provide.
This isn't a report that you can find on the internet, it's a... Now remember, what happened to Woolsey?
What happened to Wolsey is that, well, he presented the material to President Clinton.
President Clinton threw a canary fit.
He was out to expose this whole leak of, because you see it was the Avi aircraft.
The United States has given Israel high technology, advanced technology.
Certainly, the promise programs and everything.
Israel was basically a...
And when President Clinton began to say, I'm going to do something about this, that's when Jeffrey Epstein, 1993, appeared in the White House.
The Secret Service reports reveal that he was a regular visitor.
And subsequently, all that was just quietly dealt with and just basically kept quiet.
The second aspect was that at the same time that President Clinton was going through this, for 10 years Prince Andrew was the UK commercial... You know what Carlos?
Everything you're saying is true because I remember this.
This is all mainstream news that you're saying.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
Start over with all of it again because that's really important.
You're absolutely right.
Looking at Epstein and the blackmail and the young girls used to set people up,
That was, again, to blackmail the people and to get them compromised.
But you're right, the big story is the transfer of all of the technologies to Communist China and others and the treason that was going on and how they were using the sex ops to blackmail the entire intellectual
Intelligentsia, the scientific intelligentsia, to get the bioweapons secrets, everything that we now see, and to create this incestuous relationship between the scientific elite in this country and these corrupt go-betweens.
So I think you're absolutely right.
Let's talk about that and get your, because you're a smart guy, get your take on what you think is going to come out of that next on the other side.
And then we're going to go to everybody else.
And then of course we've got
Always doing a great job, especially on this whole vaccine situation.
John Rappaport is coming up the fourth hour.
And then the War Room, Owen Schroer today.
And that is going to be 3 to 6 p.m.
Barnes is still doing his podcast.
We're posting it every day to band video.
He's doing a great job.
But we just need to hire more crew to be able to do the show consistently at night so that we're working on that.
Hopefully that show and others.
Why do I keep busting pins in my hand?
I never used to do this.
Now it's like, maybe it's just brand of pens?
Like every week I'm busting a pen now.
It never used to happen.
Used to be a once a year subject.
Now it's like constantly breaking pens.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
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That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWareStore.com.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, July 8th, global transmission.
I want to write back to your phone calls here.
We have a special report dealing with the Second American Civil War that will premiere at the bottom of the hour.
Carlos in Canada called in.
Alex, Ghislaine Maxwell was protected in the Justice Department of the United States.
You see, an operation like this
Run from, right from the Prime Minister's office of Israel, starting in 1992.
It was Shimon Peres' idea that this was to be a technology transfer.
And the Ghislaine Maxwell deal was protected through the State Department, the Justice Department.
There was a Segal Mendelker who was
You mean the U.S.
That's right.
And he would have a very, very short term.
Because he was intelligence, it was an operation that had to be protected.
The operation was directed directly from the Prime Minister's office of Israel.
And there was a... You see, Jeffrey Epstein didn't have the wherewithal, the money.
So they used what is called a cyanime.
This is information which, by the way, George Galloway was basically brought up in Parliament.
And Leslie Wexner was a saiyanim giving funds to Jeffrey Epstein, giving him the front so that he could be a gazillionaire.
The introductions were made initially by Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell's father.
And a very interesting point was that you once had a guest in your program.
When he was a child, he was brought to a boat and he was bled and his blood was used and apparently he was put in a little glass.
His heel was cut in this yacht, and this was given apparently, according to his report, to President Bill Clinton to drink.
Now, question is, that man, the owner of the ship, had big, big eyebrows, and he was a big, fat guy.
His name was Robert Maxwell.
And in the context of what they were doing, was basically bringing in people, they were getting them,
Compromised, filmed, and so on.
The material was then kept.
What you're talking about has been brought up by private detectives and state police in several states, and I remember that came out about a year ago, and some of the people involved in that got killed.
You also got nine of the twelve police that saw the Wiener laptop that ended up dead, so there's been a big murder operation to try to cover this up, and it's now coming to a head, and it's even mainstream news that Israel was
What happens now is that, you see, Prince Andrew was really, they weren't friendly to Prince Andrew.
They were using him as a useful idiot because he was an industrial commissioner throughout the whole period for 10 years, you know, of the UK.
And at this point, Prince Andrew was, you know, revealed internally because the MI6 was investigating why there were these material advantages that Israel was winning bids, etc, etc.
This material was being leaked and the industrial commissioner was, at that time, was Prince Andrew.
Prince Andrew was then revealed to the Parliament and he was removed.
The moment he was removed,
Jeffrey Epstein dropped him like a hotcake and they call him Sticky Andy because he kept trying to get back into the game.
Unfortunately, where this is all going to go, basically, is that you have to identify Leslie Wexner.
You have to see Alan Dershowitz's role in all this as a fixer.
You have to see it as an operation which was carried out to transfer technology to China.
The greatest danger and damage that has been done
Because this is a communist country, a communist nation.
Were it not a communist nation, a democracy, even like Russia, that would have been possibly workable.
But it isn't workable with a communist nation.
And the transfer of technology involved the giving of the high-speed processing, computing, high-speed chips that the Chinese didn't have.
For real-time processing.
From there to derive all the technology that today threatens the very existence of communications of the United States.
And hacking and so on.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
And then Obama accelerated the program and gave them the Office of Personnel Management hack to be able to compromise our entire global intelligence network.
And now we are in a fight against the deep state and the different power accesses in England, in Israel.
I'm not saying those countries are our enemies.
I'm saying there are groups within those countries that have penetrated our government
We're good to go.
At this point, where they're really going after the Clinton network and they're really going after big tech behind the scenes.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
And some big stuff went down on July 4th.
And I think it's a very positive thing that Ghislaine Maxwell is in there.
And I think that this just puts the Clintons and the globalists and the arms of Assad that are involved in this really in checkmate, because I'm not here to defend Israel.
I'm here to defend America.
I'm not here to defend England, but I do want to defend Western culture.
And I try to navigate all this while staying out of it and being a neutral citizen of America.
But if you look at it, you have what, Omer being caught and obviously running Epstein.
And then now you've got them trying to get rid of Netanyahu, but the Netanyahu's involved.
From your research experience, who are the factions in Israel?
And is Netanyahu involved in this?
Because it looks like they killed
The earlier Prime Minister that you mentioned was the one that triggered this whole deal, so why would the right-wing Israelis kill that guy if they were involved in this transfer?
Or do you think Netanyahu's involved in it?
Well, the situation is not easy, because it started with Robert Maxwell.
You see, during the war, Robert Maxwell, he took the name from a coffee can.
His name was Hawk.
But he took the name Maxwell from a coffee can.
No, no, he was a very successful guy from the bottom up, commando type, did a lot of big stuff in World War II, and then got brought into British intelligence, and the founding of Israel, and is buried on the Mount of Olives, and is a respected Israeli spy.
And that's where his daughter and where Jeffrey Epstein will be buried.
Because they, the three of them, are the highest, greatest contributors to the development of Israel from the secret operations.
They don't have stars in the wall like the CIA does for the great heroes.
They put people in the Garden of Olives, basically.
Basically the best place for heroes.
And these individuals transferred enormous amounts of technology
Now, that's what a country does.
I mean, you can't blame Israel for having... Sure, sure, but we're almost out of time.
We're talking about reality.
This is all well known.
Fauci's involved as well.
How is Bill Gates involved with Epstein?
Well, I don't want to go there today, another day, but the important thing is that President Trump has identified a problem, and that is that China made a deal with Israel that two ports facilities were not going to be administered
By China, basically in Israel, with the military facilities.
And at that point, President Trump said, what's going on?
What's going on here?
And I believe you will see that Secretary of State Pompeo has been telling the Israelis, get rid of these Chinese port facilities because they're no good.
And this is where there's a very quiet struggle going on.
And I believe that the Israeli government
Well, Israel better get on board with the United States and knock it off.
All right, thank you so much, Carlos.
Always an amazing caller.
Now, I can't spend 15 minutes with the next callers.
I know you're all just as smart and just as cool.
Carlos is a really smart guy, and I know who he is.
When we come back, we're going to take more of your phone calls.
We'll talk to Hal and others.
On the other side of this quick break, please stay with us.
And tell folks to tune in.
It's unfiltered.
It's the real deal.
It's pro-human, pro-America, pro-black, pro-white, pro-everybody.
As long as you're not a tyrant, we're on your side.
Our listeners are saying what I was privately saying to the crew last night.
We may have just broken not just the biggest story in InfoWars history, but one of the biggest stories, period.
The state of Texas confirms that the CDC and NIH have created a system where anyone that has a sore throat or a runny nose or who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 is then added into the database as having a case and is counted as a case of COVID-19.
It's in the NIH documents.
It's at the state level.
We confirmed it in Texas.
We're now confirming it's in other states.
This is beyond the other smoking guns of them putting people that die of gunshot wounds and stuff in the COVID column and the false positive test.
That's all huge.
This is beyond that.
Mega criminal activity.
And we've got these different county commission videos where they're just freaking out over it, saying, what in the world is this?
The full video is posted at Band.Video.
Get it out and expose the hoax.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and 2x4s have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank
Thank you for that, man.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better?
Thank you.
So that means a lot to me.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You lock the door, throw away the key.
There's someone in my head, but it's not me.
I'm giving you cloud blessings,
Remember Kanye West last year said, I'm not going all Alex Jones on you.
Then he went into the New World Order.
Well, he's gone all Alex Jones now.
Talking about the vaccine.
Now they're putting microchips in it.
Now they want to depopulate everybody and now it's the mark of the beast.
But if David talking about that, then how about AI control grids?
David in Dallas, Kanye West and COVID-19.
What do you make of his statements to a major newspaper?
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Hey, so I'm gonna make this quick.
Basically, what I want to know is, because the governors and all the states are basically controlling the mask mandates, essentially, and they're getting orders from the higher up.
But it's like, what is it going to take for them to let up on these policies?
Do they need to come out with a vaccine?
What exactly has to happen?
Because the way I'm seeing it,
Is that there is no end to this, you know, it's like they've they've got control, you know, they've taken control of people's minds, you know, they've got them scared.
Even the conservatives, you know, even the people that, you know, that mean well and stuff.
It's like, you know, let's talk about this because I mentioned all the different things that this COVID-19 takeover does.
The forced inoculations getting us in debt, the world government, the medical surveillance, the apps on the phones, compulsory tracking, how it's being globally directed by the UN, world government.
But the big one is telling us we're non-essential, dehumanizing us, and then saying what businesses can stay open?
Walmart can, but your little store can't.
And so, yeah, this is their whole New World Order agenda, and it's not just the states doing this.
It's blue states and blue cities, and then Texas is one of the only Republican states that sadly has bowed to this, and the governor knows exactly what he's doing.
And I think he thinks the public's so dumb that they'll blame every COVID-19 death on him if he doesn't start closing it down.
Which the word is, they're gonna have Austin, Houston, and others totally closed down.
And then the governor's going to file a suit by as early as Friday.
That's what he's currently, and that's from inside the governor's mansion.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean, that place is leaking like a sieve now because people do not like what the governor's doing.
I can tell you that.
The lieutenant governor doesn't like it.
Nobody likes it.
And he won't talk to the lieutenant governor.
He won't meet with anybody now.
He gets on the phone with the CDC.
That's Bill Gates, people.
Notice Trump saying the CDC's misguiding people and he's against the CDC.
It's the bureaucracy.
Trump can't fire the CDC right away.
But he can get us out of the UN that's helping direct it, so he did that.
I mean, we're at war.
Trump's the real deal.
This country's fighting for its life, brother.
And so your instinct is right, is that this is never meant to stop.
This is the clampdown.
This is the AI takeover.
Have you seen my film, Endgame?
Yeah, man.
I've seen it all.
I'm only 23 years old, man.
I'm young and like... Oh, no.
I'm not putting you down.
You're smart.
I'm saying share it with others.
How'd I make that 13 years ago and it's exactly coming true?
Because I'm not that smart.
They said what they were gonna do.
That's what's frustrating.
Let me expand on that real quick.
So like, the way I'm thinking is, I'm thinking about it as like some esoteric ritual.
And it's like, the way they have to implement these things is they have to, they have to get us to agree to it.
That's the final cherry.
You're absolutely right.
It's a medical cult.
It's a cult.
They're wearing masks like in a cult ritual.
They want us to wear them and smother ourselves and say we're bad and say we're failed.
We've got to go to them, the twin serpents, to get something in our body to be given the passcode to be able to live.
We have to have them put their metal genitals in our body and inject us with their concoction.
It's very evil, it's sinister at its core, and it's just... Oh, rapists will tell you most rapists don't rape women because they like the sex.
They like the power.
It has nothing to do with the sexes.
It's all about the power.
They all want to rape us.
The whole left thing is about raping your language, raping your children, raping your food with GMO, raping you with 5G, raping, raping, raping, raping.
That's it.
And then they teach feminists that all sex is rape, even though 99% of it isn't rape, and that men are inherently bad and all this crap.
Because then the highest levels of sex abuse are in lesbians.
It's all about rape, rape, rape, rape, rape.
Go ahead.
Yeah, man, it's an honor to talk with you.
I just have one more question.
What do you think about Kanye West?
Do you think that he's serious?
Do you think that it's all sort of like a facade?
No, it's not a facade.
He saw his wife and he saw her dad, and teaching kids to chop their balls off, that was too much for him, and he knows Black Lives Matter, wants to kill all the black people, and he's a wild man, and he's 100% real.
It doesn't mean he's not, you know, a bad guy at some level, so am I. But he wants to be with God, and he wants to be with Jesus, and he understands evil when he sees it, and he's making the right choice.
Now, does that mean he's still not an entrepreneur?
Does that mean he's still in the showboat?
That's why he's successful.
He's very talented.
Most Kanye West music, I listen to it.
Most rap I listen to, I don't like.
I mean, I like only the good stuff.
Like 2 Live Crew and stuff like that.
I'll stop now.
I'm too short.
The good stuff back in the past.
Good songs about booty, booty.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
Listen, God bless you and I appreciate your call.
I'm having a little too much fun here.
I know Kanye West was this close to coming on the show and his security people, who he's gotten control of now, basically were threatening to have him thrown in a mental institution again.
Remember when he first endorsed Trump, they threw him in a mental institution.
That was crazy.
And now he's saying, you know, I'm not with Trump.
What he's doing is he's hedging his bets so that he can inject issues out there.
But you notice when he did hedge his bets, he said though, I'm not taking your vaccine.
I'm not going along with your new world order.
I'm not going along with Bill Gates.
So he's just saying, Hey, I'm pulling back in case Trump doesn't do the right thing.
I don't think West is politically at this point.
Sophisticated enough to know if he's making the right decision.
I think he's way more sophisticated than I am at music or stuff like that or PR or whatever.
I'm just saying, this stuff's really complex.
This stuff, you have to have just masses of knowledge of every sector of it to be able to put it together and really make sure you know what you're talking about.
That's why a lot of times I can't even talk about some of the stuff I know because I'm still trying to figure out what it means.
That's enough of me babbling.
Hal in FEMA Region 3, you're on the air, sir.
Yeah, can you hear me?
Yes sir, thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, you know, another young caller in my 20s, I've called before.
When I first started listening, it's funny because I always was a student of history, but I said to myself about 2011, I said, you know what I can just tell is that there's an invisible empire out there.
So I went on to YouTube.
I think this was before even Google really got control of it.
I just typed
Invisible Empire and a documentary by Alex Jones came up and ever since then I've started by buying products like the Pro Pure Shower Filter and the Nation Iodine back when it was that blue color and it was still great then, still great now, but I really wanted to talk about the AI control grid that's not just coming, a lot of people think it's already here.
You're right, you're right.
The AI takeover's here.
We're just being phased over onto it, but it's 100% in place.
You're right.
When it comes down to the virus, I really think that the AI has been running the show for a while.
And all the things with Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein, they're all just setting up the AI grid for us.
And the AI just hasn't found its ideal host body that's the perfect terminator to download into before it admits that it's... Well, it's got to get us more domesticated first.
And we fight the AI by moving to the country, becoming self-sufficient, and creating communities that are ready to smash it.
But stay there.
I'm going to come back and talk about this briefly, then I'm going to premiere a special report and go back to your calls.
Don't hang up, Al.
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When I thank the listeners of this broadcast, I'm not patting you on the head.
I'm like a person that's been thrown overboard who finds a life raft to get on or a piece of driftwood.
I am clinging to you.
So when you call the show and thank me, listen, I'm thanking you too.
We are in this together.
Now I try to bring you things that I know are amazing that have helped me and my family.
So you get a great response, you order again, I treat you like I want to be treated.
It's not a science, it's not a plan, it's just the way to do it.
It's just common sense.
And if you get one product, it's bodies.
Now our big 4th of July Super Sale is going right now.
Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death and insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy mother f***ers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy, now we all on Steve Jobs phones.
They say Trump's crazy, they say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you afraid of losing your audience?
Wake up!
Wake up, Mr. West!
Wake up, culture!
Wake up!
Everybody think they so woke, but they following the rules of what woke's supposed to be.
Speaking of that, it's scientific fact that the masks don't protect you.
Not the expensive M95s, not the cloth of your face.
It's a fraud!
And Fauci's admitted that.
He says it's a sign of respect to them.
Look at this article.
Wounded veteran Israel Del Toro gets apology after being refused entry to
The commissary at the military base, he wasn't wearing a mask.
Of course, he famously got blown up and burned up and doesn't have any ears and can't wear a mask.
The commander of Peterson Air Force Base, I apologize, one of the nation's most well-known wounded warriors for being refused entry into the base.
By the way, it's federal and state law that if you have asthma or a medical condition, they can't ask you what it is under HIPAA, you say you have a condition.
But people are so ignorant now, police are beating people up and arresting them all over the country.
Because they're the heroes to save us from COVID-19.
I'm not against police in general.
I don't think police are bad in general, but police following illegal orders and acting like out-of-control thugs, virtue signaling, are.
And we're going to show you some of this video, then go back to the calls.
This lady, Beverly Betty, is there in Florida.
She's trying to go to the city council meeting, and this is what the police did to her.
Here it is.
No, no!
If you riot and loot it, they won't do nothing!
If it was Black Lives Matter protesting, they wouldn't do nothing!
What's that?
What's that?
If it was Black Lives Matter, they wouldn't do nothing!
Hey, what country is this?
Hey, what country is this, huh?
No rights?
That's what they do!
That's what they do!
Look, there's more people being arrested.
But you've got the black lady being arrested.
And again, if a white cop was doing that in Black Lives Matter, you'd never see the end of it.
Look at these black ladies getting arrested.
They know what's going on.
This is in Cape Coral.
Full videos on Infowars.com.
Arrested for no mask.
You're not getting a ticket, you're going to jail.
Oh, but if you're a prisoner for rape, we're going to let you out because of it.
They're going to come for you with the forced inoculations as early as December.
And they'll take your kids away.
They're now all over the news.
They're going to take your kids if you don't let us shoot them up.
And your kid will have a convulsion and die.
They'll love it!
Step back!
Get the phone out of my face!
Step back!
I see.
They've been given a green light.
If somebody's black, arrest them.
In fact, we saw the video in New York, you know, beating a black guy up.
Beat them up.
He's not wearing a mask.
Oh, it's okay.
Beat up a black guy all day long for no reason.
But if they're a drug dealer that's attacked the police or whatever, oh, well, then you gotta leave them alone.
That's who they are.
And it goes on the full videos on InfoWars.com.
I need to go through your calls here because I have this video.
I'm going to premiere as well.
But let's go back to Hal in FEMA Region 3.
Hal, look.
This is the Great Human Challenge.
We're always going to be challenged by this.
Revelations tells us this.
We're going to win in the end.
It's our spirit we have to worry about, but I would advise people to, you know, really as quickly as you can move to rural areas.
I want to get Joel Skousen on for like two hours.
He's a world expert on this, but we're to go in the U.S., we're to go in other parts of the country.
I sell a book called Strategic Relocation at InfoWars4.com, but it has a lot of great information.
But bare minimum, you need to get out of the big cities and get out of the suburbs because
They are designing them where they can implode them and take full control of you socially to make you comply.
That means turn your guns in, turn your kids over to them, medically let them do what they want to you.
This is their plan.
They're going to use mass compliance.
And then once we comply, they're going to release real viruses and say that people that didn't comply for the next vaccine caused it.
OK, I mean, these people are violently coming at you.
But Hitler came with tanks, so people fought him.
They come with vaccines.
Anything else?
Yeah, you said it, man.
That's exactly what I was going to ask you.
How exactly do they make InfoWars and the InfoWars listeners the terrorists in the end?
And I just want to say one thing real quick, and that's with the police.
What it's going to be is that, oh, the police are too dangerous and they're discriminant.
So we need to have robots with padded arms, you know, corral everybody and
Because they won't discriminate at least, you know, if they malfunction.
Managers at IBM, and they said to me, they said, no, we are all replacing ourselves, nothing against the Indian engineers, but it's true, with people that are paid 20% of what we are.
We've already been there for years replacing everybody else, and now we'll be let go in six months.
And they were let go, but they still worked for the six months they had.
Instead of unionizing the Indians or something, everybody gets more money.
The point is, is that, and then now the Indians that were trained years ago, they've been let go and new Indians are brought in.
It's this process.
of not building an economy, but using this to consolidate the economy.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you, Hal.
All right.
I got to get to more calls.
We got a guest coming up, and I want to play this report.
Let's go ahead and go to... She's about to go to Marcia, but she just hung up.
That's crazy.
I'm about to go to Swaley and hang up.
Let's go to Charles in Atlanta.
Charles, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
You're doing awesome.
Good job, man.
I'm trying, brother.
Go ahead.
I called you about a year ago, and you can look up the date or whatever, and I suggested that Trump should leave all these censorship platforms, the social media platforms that are censoring people, and then issue an executive order telling everybody that's currently working in the executive branch and all its agencies to get off the censorship platforms and, you know, kind of move to another place.
I remember when you called!
I just wanted to ask you, where do you think we'd be right now if he had actually done that?
We would be in a lot better place right now and they wouldn't have been so arrogant.
I can tell you behind the scenes they're not so arrogant now.
Yeah, well they're going to blow the election if they don't do something.
What else do you think Trump can do now?
Well, he can appoint a special counsel to start investigating voter fraud in all 50 states by force right now before they steal the election.
Stay there.
I'll hold over because this was my next subject and I'm glad somebody brought it up.
Because they're setting the precedent and setting the groundwork with the talking points that Trump's going to try to steal the election, when of course it's going to be them that do it.
Let's talk about that and how Trump counters it straight ahead with Charles.
We'll get to everybody else's holding as well.
Stay with us.
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Again, I salute you all.
Just happened on Tuesday morning driving into work about to break the big Roger Stone news and the big COVID-19 hoax news and I met a
Red light at the corner of Brody and 290.
And an old Mercedes pulls up next to me.
And a Hispanic man and two white women start flipping me off.
And I thought they recognized who I was.
So I rolled down my window and I said, what, COVID-19's a hoax?
And they were going, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U, F-U.
And I said, is that your IQ?
One finger?
So they put up two fingers.
I said, oh, it's 11.
And I was like, do you know who I am?
They're like shaking their heads.
They go, wear your mask!
Wear your mask!
And they're pointing at the mask.
So I guess Joy Behar, when she says she goes around and does this with her husband, this is a thing, man.
Their cult is going crazy.
They're control freaks.
They're attacking language, borders, everything.
Because they all bet on leftist garbage that it hasn't delivered to them.
So they're totally going completely insane.
This is crazy.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news, today.
Have created a system where anyone that has a sore throat or a runny nose Or who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 Is then added into the database as having a case
It's in the NIH documents.
It's at the state level.
We confirmed it in Texas.
We're now confirming it's in other states.
This is beyond the other smoking guns of them putting people that die of gunshot wounds and stuff in the COVID column and the false positive test.
That's all huge.
This is beyond that.
Mega criminal activity.
And we've got these different county commission videos where they're just freaking out over it, saying, what in the world is this?
The full video is posted at BandOnVideo.
Get it out and expose the hoax.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to host about 15 minutes the next hour of the John Rappaport's new article.
This went live at Infowars.com.
The three men who own corporate America.
Why do megacorporations accept the lockdowns?
Because they engineered them, my friends.
And I will, at six after premiere, the report on Civil War.
It's very important.
But I'm going to get to at least the next one, two, three, four, five, six calls that are everybody on hold.
I'll get to you.
I want to talk to you.
Now, the last caller holding over, Charles
Is bringing up the fact that Hillary and all these bigwigs in the globalist system are saying Trump's going to challenge the election and if he challenges it, that's illegitimate.
But they themselves obviously just challenged the last election and are still challenging it.
And they challenge his electors.
They've been challenging the whole system.
So here's CNBC.
Goldman Sachs warns delayed election results this November similar to Bush-Gore could rock the market.
So they're threatening to plunge the market if they don't get what they want, but it'll be Trump that keeps the market up because that means America is open for business and not now the stepping stool or footstool of communist China.
Continuing, Biden, Trump may try to steal election or not leave office, but then if Trump says they're trying to steal it with mail-in ballots and illegals and dead people voting, which they've been caught doing, oh, then it's crazy and insane.
So that's what's going to happen.
Biden says military would help oust Trump if he loses election, but refuses to leave.
I see more coup talk.
CFR has called for a military coup.
Hillary says she's not sure if he'll leave.
We might have to have the military.
Well, no.
I tell you.
Big tech doesn't respect our country, our government.
Our government has become like obsolete morons letting this happen.
And I'm a libertarian, little l.
But big tech and big corporations are bigger than the federal government.
Hundreds of times combined.
And they operate as governments.
And they're authoritarian governments.
And they hate America.
And they hate your family.
And so I will use the U.S.
government as a weapon against them.
That's what governments are for, is to guard you from other worse governments.
And believe me, what's left of the U.S.
government is a lot better than New World Order.
That's why they're dismantling it right now.
This is a consolidation, a takeover, Charles.
You say you think there's a setup for election fraud.
I think bears take dumps in the woods.
So what's the next phase?
What do you want to tell us?
The only thing I can think of, it should have been done two years, three years ago, but I mean, if he appoints a special counsel and just checks the voter rolls now, he can have Democrats watching too, but just get the voter rolls and then watch like a hawk all the way through the election so they can't do it.
And then be mindful of what Ted Cruz and that other Epstein guy said in that meeting where Google's going to manipulate the daylights out of it.
Well, they already are at every level, and the Democrats will call it election meddling or voter intimidation.
No, it's not.
I totally agree with you.
We need to say the Democrats are getting ready to try to steal it.
They've been caught, and this is what we're going to do to stop it.
Well, yeah, and then Veritas caught Facebook red-handed a couple weeks ago editing content.
I mean, they're, I mean, they got a bunch of, you know, skinny jean-wearing silicon soy boys sitting around cramming Cheetos up their tailpipe.
Well, there's been a...
We've noticed something inside Facebook and inside Google just since 4th of July, and it's a good trend.
Looks bad on the surface, but let me tell you, the Justice Department has subpoenaed all of them.
There's a criminal investigation going on, that's confirmed.
And there's a lot happening behind the scenes, but I think it's maybe too little too late, but God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, Charles.
Let's go ahead and talk to Casey in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, the breath is the spirit.
We all share the same breath.
The breath literally means spirit.
God breathed out through his nostrils and created the heavens and the earth.
Yeah, and that's the mark of God.
Anything that can breathe has God in it.
Anything that doesn't breathe, like the drones and stuff, is obviously not a product of God.
All colors are sharing the same breath.
And they're driving the breathing algorithm into a shallow breathing algorithm, so we manifest from a shallow place.
It's a fear pattern.
You know, every emotion has a breathing pattern that goes with it.
It's like a kidnapper puts their hand over your mouth to put you in that mode of fear.
And you know, um...
Yeah, definitely.
That's the creation pattern.
If you're operating from a fearful, sympathetic nervous system pattern, then you're going to operate from fear.
You're going to make your worst fears come true.
And that's why I feel like breathwork is really critical to control the nervous system and the endocrine system as these hoaxes and things go on.
And that's the thing about COVID, I feel like, is to block
That is what my good buddy this morning, he said, Alex, you don't need to work out.
He goes, you need to do an hour of breathing work and breathe from your diaphragm because you're so busy on air and fighting all the time that I breathe shallow now and that's how you die.
You're absolutely right.
Yes sir, and that's like you were saying about the stone age and everybody, weed being so trendy and everything, and weaponized, it's just the stone age, man.
And it has everything to do with the shift that we're going, like you said, you're not into astrology, you're more into astronomy.
But we're going into massive planetary shifts like you said, and there's going to be a big one on December 21st.
That's what they say.
You know, that's the beginning of the age of Aquarius, the true beginning.
And that's an air age.
And I feel like that, you know, the breath of God, the spirit, it'll be more energy in the air and more clarity.
And let me tell you, I don't get into mumbo jumbo.
I get into what works and what's real.
And I'm telling you this July 4th.
That planetary alignment, we were all high as kites just from it.
And still, days later, can't sleep.
Everybody I talk to can feel it.
I mean, can you feel it?
I guarantee these evil people are scared.
They feel it.
That's why they're trying to exercise power over us, hoping they can suppress us.
And like, that's what John the Baptist said.
That I baptize with water, but the one that's stronger than me, that I can't wear his sandals, that he baptizes with the Spirit.
And that's why, like you were saying, breath work.
It's critical for controlling the circulation, controlling the nervous system, going into the parasympathetic nervous system, so we can control our endorphins, and the release of them, because that's the whole adrenochrome and the adrenaline thing.
They're trying to keep people locked in a sympathetic nervous system, go to sleep in a sympathetic nervous system, so that they can be energy-vampired, or, you know, being raped for their energy.
Like you said, it's all about rape, Alex.
I know you're already aware of all this.
God bless you, my friend.
You're dead on target.
We're all coming together under God, and they know it, and they're scared.
Thank you so much for the call.
Amazing callers.
Up next, who's been on the longest now?
That would be Jeff in Canada.
Thanks for calling, Jeff.
And Ben, Alex, and John, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you, sir.
I've been a listener for about eight years.
Well, two and a half years ago, I had a prophetic dream about you that was in Technicolor imagery and whatnot.
I'm not going to share it on air, but I'm going to share what was
By the way, I had a discussion with Tim Fruge this morning about dreams the last few nights, and he said it's like cartoon Technicolor.
Get Fruge over here in the control room, see if he's here.
A bunch of his wife is having these big, vivid Technicolor dreams, like where the reds, blues, and yellows really pop.
Is that what you're talking about?
It was like absolutely electric, what I experienced.
This was two and a half years ago.
What'd you see?
I had about a dozen really profound what I would call God dreams in my life and this was the last one I had.
What'd you see?
Over the course of 25 years.
What did I see?
Well I'll tell ya, um, I'm a truck driver and I was sitting in a truck, I was sitting on the passenger side and um, I looked, I was, I kinda woke up as the truck was going down the road and I looked over because it was just like I came to and
There was nobody driving the truck except I could see this hand on the wheel and a hand on the door and the cruise control was on and we were going super fast and I looked and it was you and you were you had your hand on the door and a hand on the wheel but your body was out like out of the truck and you were steering at the same time and it was like looked super dangerous I reached over grabbed your wrist and I pulled you into the truck and then you grabbed the wheel and then and then I said to you
You know, we're on the journey, but we, there's still, no, you said to me, we're on the journey, but we still have a long ways to go.
And, and it was like driving through really dangerous, dicey times, like, uh, road conditions.
And, uh, and it was, I think the meaning of that dream is we have to, we have to come together and help each other.
I'll tell you what was, was, was going through me.
This has been my life's work.
Um, there's a kryptonite that can defeat the globalist.
And it was done 2,000 years ago with the cross of Christ.
And what the world is really experiencing now is the beginning birth pains of a spiritual reboot of the revelation of Jesus Christ, who He really is.
And all the perversion, all the twisted religious stuff is going to fall off.
And we're just going to see Christ plainly for who He is.
I just want to just declare out to the audience today, God loves you, and every single time you've missed the mark,
That's what sin means.
He dealt with at the cross of Christ.
He cut a covenant with his father with no human being was involved with.
And because of love, because we are loved, he made a way.
He is the door through this and into the real reality.
God bless you, brother.
Fourth Hour coming up.
More calls for it ahead.
The globalists want us domesticated.
They want us inside our homes, watching our televisions, and being controlled by our, quote, smartphones.
Everybody knows this.
It's their admitted goal.
We've had whistleblowers from Facebook, Twitter, and Google go public and say, at the highest levels, their job is to make you neurotic, destroy your mind, and take over your life.
And now the COVID hysteria is all about that.
I recently had a woman in the street while I was with my youngest daughter and my daughter walked close to her and she said, get away six feet and gave her a super ugly look.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is mental illness.
My daughter walking four feet from some old woman is not a crime.
The old woman's mental illness is the crime if we give in to it.
This is total and complete mind control.
We must expose the COVID hoax now.
They are going to continue to clamp down using this.
It's a U.N.
Bill Gates plan.
They've been proven to be criminal liars, and they must be defeated.
They must be exposed.
We need to get back to the land, back to self-sufficiency, and back to being prepared.
And the way to start, ladies and gentlemen, is having friends and family with a bug-out plan if there is a total collapse and water filtration and food to last you at least a few months.
And the food we have is very high quality.
It's in great containers that are great to be mobile.
They have wide selections, special diets, you name it.
It's the best price you're going to find.
You need to get the orders in now, in the lull before the storm.
I told you lockdown two was coming.
The new world order is making its move.
Whether Trump loses or wins, things are just going to get more crazy.
And this food lasts 25 years inside the containers.
So it's something you can hide, something you can bury, something you know is the ace in the hole for you and your family in the future.
And the little bit of profit that comes in funds the info war to continue to warn the people.
So you're also funding InfoWars, the most powerful Paul Revere organization in the world, and it's powered by you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Biden just came out and said the police are the enemy.
Just in general.
Then you're saying the government's the enemy.
The only government I see that's an enemy is your New World Order trying to overthrow our republic.
That clip's coming up.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's just getting wild, man.
Overnight, they want to pull down the statues of George Washington and Jesus Christ.
This is the Global's Takeover.
All right, up next is John in Chicago, then Alex and Ben.
John, thanks for calling.
John, it's an honor.
You're a living legend, and I've admired your work for so many years.
I've listened to you for probably the last 10 years.
I just want to let your listeners know that everything you've said in the last decade has come true, like, within, like, a 95% accuracy rate.
I wish it wouldn't have, brother.
It's pretty scary.
Well, yeah, because you do the work.
You do the research, and I can tell you that I have these arguments with people all the time.
I say, well, read this, read that.
I said, oh, that's not true, but we're not going to read that.
And the fact is that, you know, you do your homework.
And I just want to say how much I admire and respect your courage because... Well, sir, I admire and respect you because we're all in this together.
And then look, I just do this full time, so I'm able to do it.
That's how they get everybody just so busy that people don't have time to know what's happening.
Well, yeah, but I also think that people also, it's kind of like the Stockholm Syndrome, right?
People, you know, they fall into that malaise.
And, you know, it's interesting, you know, you brought up a protocol with COVID, the D3, the vitamin C,
And the zinc.
And I can tell you, I normally get seasonal allergies.
I started your protocol.
I live in Chicago, lots of pollen.
No allergies.
By the way, I just went off what the scientists and the studies say.
You notice Trump later came out and said D3C and zinc, because that's what the NIH website says that.
That's what's crazy.
They'll tell you in one spot in fine print, it's just a metaphysical law, but then they'll lie on the TV and say you don't need this.
Does that make sense?
It's doublespeak, right?
It's like, you know, what you find out if you read 1984 by Orwell, but I wanted to ask you something.
You made a really interesting comment on one of your shows a month or two ago about Bill Gates being on a council of 12 that essentially, you know, pulled the strings, right?
You said he was a science person on that night.
Yeah, no, it really is a council of... It rotates, it's unofficial, but it's a council of less than 15 people.
I know people that actually have, you know,
Are you able to name any of the other people on the council or is this something you can't do right now?
There's two Rothschilds on it, from what I've been told.
One of them is Evelyn Rothschild, the other is Lord Jacob Rothschild.
It's all just a bunch of old European royal bloodlines and other elitists, and it's pretty disgusting.
People are the Rothschilds who basically fund most of the so-called self-made billionaires, right?
Oh, absolutely.
Bill Gates, all these people are just frontmen.
A good friend of mine who lives on Cape Cod, who founded two banks, told me that they have a game for themselves.
They call it the Exclusive Group.
I tried Googling that.
I couldn't find a darn thing, but I'm sure you've heard that term before.
No, they've got lots of names and lots of stuff, but you look at them, they're a bunch of unhappy creeps.
I mean, think about Bill Gates constantly hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein.
I mean, how creepy is that?
I mean, would you want to hang around with these people?
I mean, I've been around some of these globalists at events just covering things, and you get a shiver up your spine because they're not in a good place.
They are so scared.
They are serving evil.
They are so far gone.
These people are nobodies.
It's important to remember that.
These are wraiths.
Yeah, and here's the thing about Donald Trump, and this is something that I'm sure you know very well.
I remember years ago when I was talking to Bill Clinton at a book signing, this was years ago, and I asked him, is there a book about the White House that you could recommend that would tell inside stuff?
And he was talking it before, that he talked about all sorts of stuff.
And then when I asked him that question, he gave me this look, like, dude, I'm not going to answer that question.
And I thought that was so revealing, right?
That he gave me this look, like there's no inside baseball book on the White House.
And I guess the whole thing is, is it not true that Trump is basically handcuffed?
Well, that's right.
I mean, he's definitely a rogue in there.
Two final calls, a special report straight ahead.
God bless you.
The 4th of July 2020 special has gone into high gear.
We have 50% off BODY's really strong extractive turmeric formula.
It's been sold out for months.
That's back in stock.
DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10, so good for your cells, so amazing.
That's back in stock for 50% off.
Winter Sun's been sold out for over three months.
It's back in stock.
Pure, high-quality vitamin D3.
Take it under the tongue.
Greater absorption.
So good for your whole body.
So essential.
That's back in stock.
Ultra 12.
Super high-quality B12.
Again, take it under the tongue.
That is back in stock.
Survival Shield X2.
Nacin Iodine Spray.
33% off.
And so much more.
So I want to thank you all this July 4th coming up for standing with us.
I want to invite you to take advantage of these great deals and great products that enrich yourself and your family's life and also fund Hardcore Truth.
Again, take action.
Big 4th of July sales right now at InfoWareStore.com.
We could not have done this without you.
I thank you for your continued prayer, your focus, and your support.
Again, I salute you all.
Alright, this video just went live on InfoWars.com.
It's not a hot mic.
It's him on NowThis, a horrible, loveless organization that lied about us massively.
He says the police have become the enemy, but don't worry, he'll take them over and then they'll be good again.
He also came up with a plan to abolish the suburbs and rural areas.
Calling single family homes racist.
I'm not kidding.
The family's bad.
That's Black Lives Matter.
Don't have a nuclear family.
That'll be so good for black people.
So good for anybody.
So horrible.
Here is Biden.
Get all the records and find out what they're doing.
That's why we're able to stop the stop and frisk in Camden, the stop and frisk in New York City and the rest, where the federal government has the right to go in and change systemically what's going on.
There's a whole range of things that we can do.
The idea of no-knock warrants for drug cases is bizarre.
We don't need that.
It just invites trouble.
That's how Breonna was killed.
There's a need for fundamental change in us being able to have transparency, be able to have access to the records of police when they have misconduct charges against them, to be able to know where they are so they can't go from one police department to the next.
That should be held in my administration.
That information will have to be made available to the Justice Department and held in a file so you'll be able to track this.
Hell, they probably don't need body armor either.
This is the guy that got the laws passed to give blacks longer sentences.
This is the guy that literally funded all of this.
And now he's going to tell you that he's going to have a database in the Justice Department run by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL.
They're going to just come in and take control of the police departments.
Lock up the SOBs.
Biden, the era of mass incarceration.
I mean, he quarterbacked it with Hillary.
But now he's the savior.
They've really been trying to push Civil War martial law.
They've been admitting they want to have an overthrow of America.
Now that's all over the news.
But remember the last few years when I was reading their documents and getting their reports and seeing them preparing it that, oh, the Young Turks, the New York Times, they all attacked me because they needed to not let us be Paul Revere's and get this information out.
But you learn what they really fear.
What they attack is what they are trying to shut down.
Here is the report where InfoWars is vindicated for predicting the second American Civil War that we've now entered.
Here it is.
The worst crisis actor in the world, Alex Jones, announced on July 1st that Democrats and globalists backed by George Soros plan to launch a civil war on the 4th of July.
I don't know, I missed it.
Were you guys part of that?
He said something obviously ridiculous that is obviously, absolutely not going to happen.
And none of his followers are really going to care or challenge it or question it.
They're not functioning on that same plane of reality, I think.
Now too many see the protests as the problem.
There's that.
No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets.
Persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice.
We are preparing the ground for a different kind of society.
And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.
We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.
This police state.
By the way, he used that Civil War thing as a way to sell merchandise.
Oh yeah.
Before the Civil War, that didn't actually happen.
And they predict something as significant, as monumentally important in American history as a second Civil War, and they get it 100% wrong, literally 72 hours after they predicted it.
And it doesn't lead a single one of you to stop watching him.
Not you, but his fans.
The election in 2016, and kind of like going up to it, a lot of people that you thought were normal turned out not to be.
And maybe this was, and I'm not saying, I'm not talking about Trump supporters, I'm just talking about people.
Alex Jones will say, God I feel just sick that I've said his name like twice now.
I don't care about him, but I do care about some of his viewers, especially the people that recently started.
Some of them maybe could be saved if somebody were to reach out to them and say that this is an insane scam artist that is trying to literally take, he's trying to take your money for his paleo bone broth super whatever it is that he sells.
I care about those people.
So we cannot stop at criminal justice system.
We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.
And yeah, he put up a video of him shooting like a machine gun or something.
These people, they desperately want to kill.
They want to kill people so bad, and they are looking for an excuse to when so and so says there's going to be a second civil war.
Okay, he's saying that.
He's not actually going to do anything.
He just wants to continue barking at a camera and making money and all of that.
But out of all of his supporters, some of whom are gun owners, some of whom believe that a civil war is about to begin, how confident are you that all of those people will wait until the libs start the second civil war?
What was the odds that one of his followers would decide, you know what?
If it's gonna happen, and my savior says it's gonna happen, maybe I should shoot the first shot.
We're lucky at this point that nothing actually happened, considering the size of his audience and the size of their insanity.
With your f***ing independence state, we need a revolution in order to overthrow this system, bring a whole new communist world into being that can actually ensure the rights of black and brown people.
And whether or not you f***ing agree, or if you still are caught up in this electoral politics bulls***,
Even if you are, even your hopes for a more progressive or liberal agenda are not going to happen while the second president of the Confederacy is in the White House.
Let's work together to tear that statue down.
This full report is going to go to Bandai Bedia in the next 10 minutes or so.
I hope you share it.
I hope you spread it.
You read all the articles making fun of me.
Oh, Jones claims the preparedness of the war.
You look at over 10, 20, 30, 40,000, whatever it was, the police I think estimated 20,000.
Pro-gun rally by thousands of Virginians peacefully.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young.
We know what's going on.
We all came together peacefully.
You guys aren't peaceful at all.
You're hateful.
You're violent.
We've got a Second Amendment to defend ourselves.
But guess what?
I bought an armored vehicle knowing to go cover you.
I'd have to have it because you physically attack us.
You then physically attack us and the news says I staged the attack on our own vehicle.
Because you're peaceful protesters.
Now what you are is idiots brainwashed by the colleges that are the establishment financed by the big banks.
You work for the establishment, not us.
The police are not the establishment.
They're the lowest level of local government.
And you're overthrowing it.
That's why you're trying to run them off the street so you can have a war with us.
You better be glad they're there to protect you from us.
Because if you get to fight with us, you won't.
We don't want to kill, but we know how to kill.
That's one thing the Young Turks got right.
We do know how to kill.
So don't you attack us.
You'll find out.
You'll find out, like the Japanese and the Nazis and other people.
Because we'll deal with you.
Look, I'm out of time.
I apologize to Ben and Alex.
I've got a jammed report coming up.
And I didn't even plug last hour.
If I don't, we'll go bankrupt.
And the enemy's trying to shut us down, as you can see.
When you share the articles and the videos, you override them.
You drive them into an absolute just frenzy of hatred.
But more importantly, you reach people out there that are ready to wake up and ready to share the knowledge with others to be part of that chain reaction.
The 4th of July mega sale will end this weekend.
We'll have to end it then.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points.
Survival Shield X3, 50% off, back in stock.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off, back in stock.
Vitamineral Fusion, 50% off, sold out for months, finally back in stock.
Bazo Beach, so good for your body, so good for your heart, 50% off.
Sold out for months, finally back in stock.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off.
Winter Sun with the vitamin K. That's so important all the time for your cells, all the time for your immunity, period.
But they want you, obviously, six, and I want you to know that.
That's why they attack it and call it snake oil to sell high-quality products.
Winter Sun, 50% off.
Ultra 12, high-quality, B12 out of the tongue, so you get better absorption, 50% off.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Experience it for yourself, for your joints, and your overall health, and your sleep, and your clarity.
The strongest we can find out there, concentrated turmeric.
50% off.
Storable Food is available within three to four weeks.
They've gotten over that big hump, gotten everything delivered.
They've got the food on hand.
It's high-quality, high-quality packaging, ready to get it to you.
But you need to get your orders in because, believe me, if you think, like I've said, things are going to cool off, it's only going to get crazier from here on out.
And one of the things you need to have is long-term Storable Food prepared for yourself and your family so you're not dependent on the system and it funds the InfoWare.
So take action, infowarestore.com.
Okay, John Rapport has been always on fire, but investigative journalist is really a flame-breathing dragon when it comes to the truth right now.
And he's got a very key report for you in the latest on the COVID part two lockdown coming up.
And then Owen Schroyer and the War Room, 3 p.m.
Central at BAN.VIDEO and on radio and TV satellites.
2020 is a very special year to the globe.
Thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July once a year mega sale is here and we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
But BODY is our ultimate turmeric formula.
This is a turmeric extract, one of the strongest ones out there.
It's so good for your body, so good for your joints, so good for your cells.
It is now back in stock.
Sold out for over 3 months and it is at 50% off.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock.
As men age, they often experience a slowdown in vitality, energy and overall wellness.
And that's why we made one of our most popular formulas to date.
Super Male Vitality!
Specifically designed to assist the body in regulating proper balance to create superior vitality in males.
Now look, this unique formula promotes your body's own natural responses and it contains no synthetic chemicals and no unwanted additives.
We're talking about ancient wisdom combined with modern technology.
Working together in perfect synchronicity to help you get the most out of this herb-packed formula.
So what are you waiting for?
Go to the InfoWars store.
Never been a better time than right now.
Super Male Vitality at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are The Resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Okay, we're here in the fourth hour.
Got some amazing news here.
I'm going to cover several subjects as well as I can in the time we've got.
Start off with this idea.
Let's say a person is working for a mega corporation, big corporation.
And when the lockdowns come along and the pronouncements and all of that about COVID, this employee wants to resist, make some kind of a public statement.
But then he looks up at the CEO of the corporation, he knows who he is, and he discovers, lo and behold, that the CEO is sitting on the board of a major, major hospital.
Board of Trustees.
What does that mean?
In real life terms, it means that the CEO is locked in to all kinds of people
With conventional medical reality, the public health agencies, the CDC, the NIH, etc., etc., and there is no way that this CEO of this company is going to permit any rebellion against that within his own company.
It's pretty clear, pretty obvious.
Now, using that as a kind of analogy,
You'll see an article that's up now at InfoWars.
I haven't posted it yet on NoMoreFakeNews.
Three men who control corporate America, who own corporate America.
I mean, this is based on an article at The Conversation.
Three men.
And I cite it there in my article.
It's a fantastic article.
Who are these three men?
Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, and Mortimer Buckley.
There you go.
This is an answer to the question, why haven't American corporate CEOs resisted all of this insanity and fakery having to do with COVID and lockdowns and the destruction of the economy?
These CEOs are supposed to be hard-charging men, ruthless pirates of old who do business, you know, no holds barred.
They just fold up their tents and they go for bailouts right away.
Talking airlines, hotels, etc., etc.
So let's look at these three men.
Larry Fink, Joseph Hooley, Mortimer Buckley.
Buckley is the CEO of the Vanguard Group.
Hooley is the CEO of State Street.
Fink is the CEO of BlackRock.
Now, you may not have heard of any of these companies, but these companies are investment funds.
They're financial services corporations.
They invest incredible amounts of money from people who give them money to invest.
Now, what else do we know about these three men?
Well, curiously enough, and very interestingly, Buckley is a board member of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
From 2011 to 2017, I'm reading now, he was a chairman of the hospital's board of trustees.
Cooley serves on the president's council of the Massachusetts
General Hospital, and Fink is the co-chair of the NYU Langone Medical Center Board of Trustees.
So, these three men who are CEOs of these key corporations, Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street, are all completely wired in to consensus medical reality.
Which means the pandemic, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the masks, the whole deal.
So let's look at these companies.
And now I am quoting from this article, fantastic article, in the Conversation of May 19th, 2017, called, These Three Firms Own Corporate America.
Together, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street have nearly $11 trillion in assets under management.
We found that the big three, those three companies taken together, have become the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States.
So, what about these 40%?
These would be 1,600 American firms,
Had a combined revenue of about $9.1 trillion in 2015, and employ more than 23.5 million people.
Continuing to quote from the article, in the S&P 500, the benchmark index of America's largest corporations,
The situation is even more extreme.
Together, the big three, State Street, BlackRock and State Street, BlackRock and Vanguard, are the three largest single shareholders in almost 90% of the S&P 500 firms, including Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, General Electric and Coca-Cola.
And you could include, yes, banks in that as well.
Getting the picture, folks?
Getting the picture?
What is undeniable is that these big three do exert the voting rights attached to these shares in these corporations.
Therefore, they have to be perceived as the de facto owners
So, read the article, it's quite fantastic, and it gives you an insight into why corporate America folded up
When the preposterous lockdowns, distancing masks, fake virus, fake pandemic was imposed because these three giant controlling corporations that own corporate America, the CEOs are totally wired into consensus medical reality.
All the social connections, the political connections, the hospital connections, etc., etc., all the way up and down the line.
This is quite amazing to behold, but it is nevertheless true.
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, owners of corporate America,
Locked into medical reality at the extreme, and therefore, since they are the majority shareholders of the major corporations in America, these corporations fold up as soon as the lockdowns are announced.
Back after the break.
Customers are saying what I was privately saying to the crew last night.
We may have just broken not just the biggest story in InfoWars history, but one of the biggest stories, period.
The state of Texas confirms that the CDC and NIH have created a system where anyone that has a sore throat or a runny nose or who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 is then added into the database as having
We're good to go.
Where the hell did this water come from?
Where did it come from?
Where did it come from?
Where did it come from?
Where did it come from?
We can't survive without pure, clean drinking water.
So make sure that it's always available to you with the Alexa Pure Water Filtration System.
This gravity-fed system filters through all the toxins and gets straight to clean, healthy, great-tasting water.
Mmm, yummy in my tummy.
Bring the purest, most refreshing water to your home by ordering the Alexa Pure Water Filtration System today from InfoWareStore.com.
Other systems, just don't compare.
The 4th of July 2020 special has gone into high gear.
We have 50% off.
BODY's really strong extractive turmeric formula.
Sold out for months.
That's back in stock.
DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the Tokyo 10.
So good for your cells.
So amazing.
That's back in stock.
50% off.
Winter Sun's been sold out for over three months.
It's back in stock.
Pure, high-quality vitamin D3.
Take it under the tongue.
Greater absorption.
So good for your whole body.
So essential.
That's back in stock.
Ultra 12.
Super high-quality B12.
Again, take it under the tongue.
That is back in stock.
Survival Silk X2.
Niacin Iodine Spray.
33% off.
And so much more.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So in the last segment, basically what I told you was three companies, monster companies, own corporate America.
Corporate America folded completely as soon as the lockdowns and the shutdown of the economy occurred.
These three companies are headed by three men who are totally and solidly wired into consensus medical reality.
Which means they would take a knee and bow down completely to Fauci, to Bill Gates, to conventional doctors, so-called medical experts, all liars, and simply say, shut down America.
It's as plain as the nose on your face.
It takes about three or four steps of thinking, which I went through in the last segment, traced it, Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street.
The owners, who they are, what boards they sit on.
This is the answer to the shutdown of corporate America when the economy was torpedoed.
These people are wired in together with each other.
They think a lot.
They think a lot on the same line.
They think alike.
They plan alike.
They act alike.
Okay, so let's get to it.
Three major events here that precipitated the whole fake pandemic.
And I keep hammering on these because in order for people to widely understand this, and you can send this segment, which will be on band video at Infowars, out to as many people as you want to.
The fakery started in China with the China unprecedented lockdown of 50 million people overnight.
For no medical reason.
I've explained why that's true on my website many, many, many times.
Basically, there was no evidence that these people in China were dying of anything new or different or a unique virus or anything besides horrendous air pollution in the cities of China.
Chinese regime locks down 50 million people, bang, and sends a pre-planned signal, that's the signal, to the CDC, the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, everybody and his brother in conventional medical and public health circles, that they can do it too.
China just broke the ice for the first time in human history.
There's been an overnight lockdown of that many people and now, quote, we can do it too.
We can do it too.
And they did.
And that was the primary signal to the rest of the medical world, especially the CDC and the World Health Organization, that they could do
What really amounts to a devastating economic attack and destruction of economies worldwide to usher in a new world order.
But of course, that was never announced.
So you had the Chinese lockdown.
All supported, by the way, immediately by the UN, by the World Health Organization.
They all took a knee to China.
The regime, I'm talking, and said, oh, you guys handled this in a fantastic way.
It's wonderful what you did.
You constrained the spread, etc.
Thank you.
This is the model, the Chinese model that we in the West must follow.
Bank, step two, Italy, lockdown.
But the real
Step two and the key second event in this whole charade, vicious charade, was Neil Ferguson at the Imperial College of London.
An abysmally failed computer predictor with a track record that I have quoted several times of one failure after another
For example, 2005, he predicts that bird flu will kill, could kill 200 million people.
The final official tally, several hundred.
He uses the same basic structure to predict in 2020 that 500,000 people will die in the UK and 2 million in the US from COVID-19.
These predictions are brought before Boris Johnson in the UK, Donald Trump in the US.
They fall for it like a ton of bricks.
I don't care what you think of Trump.
You love him.
You support him.
You hate him.
You don't.
Boris Johnson and Trump fell for it like a ton of bricks.
Right then, the whole thing could have been stopped because Trump was still saying, well, I'm not sure about this whole idea of a complete lockdown.
I mean, we've had very heavy flu seasons and nobody locked down anybody.
And Boris Johnson in the UK was saying, let's leave the country open.
Let's let people be exposed to the, quote, virus and gain natural immunity.
But with the Ferguson prognostication, everything turned around because the suckers bought it.
They didn't ask the key question, which was, what do we know about this dude, Neil Ferguson?
You know, if somebody comes to your house and says, we recommend that you lock down the entire house and never leave it.
The first thing is, who is we?
Who are you?
Whom do you represent?
Question was never thoroughly explored.
Never thoroughly explored.
Can you believe that crap?
Well, who is this guy Ferguson?
What's his track record?
I mean, if we're going to destroy the economy of the United States for several months,
And Great Britain and other countries are going to follow suit.
France, Germany, etc., etc., because of what we do.
I think we ought to know something about this guy, Neil Ferguson, at the Imperial College of London.
Who funds this guy?
Let's see.
Bill Gates.
10 million a year.
I see.
Bill Gates.
Now, he's the guy that wants to vaccinate everybody in the world, right?
And he doesn't want to end these lockdowns until everybody, until a vaccine is approved, right?
I see.
Oh, well, gee, what do you know about that?
None of that apparently happens.
Fauci apparently whispers in the ear of the president, two million deaths will be on your head, Mr. President, and the same thing happens
The third major key event in all of this is the killing of old people.
COVID-19 is the killing of old people.
And I'm going to describe that in detail on the other side of this break.
But basically, in order to fake and inflate the case numbers and the death numbers and present a horrible picture, they had to have a target.
And that target has been Old Pete.
Stay with us.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be back after the break.
The 4th of July, 2020.
We are here, and despite all the globalist attacks, you the viewers and listeners of this transmission have supported us by prayer, by word of mouth, and by buying the products, and you have done all of this.
So when you look at the huge effect InfoWars has had, I want you to understand that it's because of what you have done.
I think.
50% off for the 4th of July.
We're running a special.
I want to encourage you to get these products because they have enriched my life so much.
I know they'll enrich your life.
And regardless, it's a total 360 win because it funds the Infowar.
The only way we fail is when you don't take action.
I don't need to tell you that.
You already took action.
And I salute and thank you.
As we enter the critical month of July, it is very important for listeners and viewers to understand that all of the major storable food companies have been sold out of food for months.
My Patriot Supply, our supplier, was out to an eight-week wait, not because they didn't have food, but because their four plants were backed up, packaging, and getting it out.
Now, they are at three to four weeks right now.
They've gotten over the hump.
Their other competitors are completely sold out or selling old garbage.
This is high quality food.
I would advise everyone to do what I'm doing and buy more storable food now before the next big hump comes because if you think things are about to settle down, think again.
The world is only going to get more insane.
I've been telling you this for six months.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't have firearms and ammo and water filtration, you better get it.
If you don't have storable food, you better get it.
Go to infowarestore.com to take care of the water filtration and to take care of the storable foods.
Get your orders in now before the next big rush.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and two of the fours have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
Thank you for that, man.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better.
So that means a lot to me.
Thank you.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
2020 is a very special year to the globalists, to the occultists, to those that are into esoteric mysticism.
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
And I want to salute you all and thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July once a year mega sale is here and we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
But BODY is our ultimate tumeric formula.
This is a tumeric extract, one of the strongest ones out there.
It's so good for your body, so good for your joints, so good for your cells.
It is now back in stock, sold out for over 3 months and it is at 50% off.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock.
It's 50% off as well.
Check it all out at InfoWareStore.com and remember, your funding of our operation makes it all possible.
Plus, these are great things that God designed for you and your family's bodies.
Please take action.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Last segment here.
So in New York City, a study was done that showed that hospital patients over the age of 66 were put on breathing ventilators
Died at the rate of 97.2%.
That's killing people.
Any treatment that kills 97.2% of those who are put on it in a well-defined group, that's murder.
To continue with that treatment is murder.
Where's the investigation?
Where's the Attorney General of the State of New York, or the Governor of New York, or the Mayor of New York City, or any of these criminals who are saying, we have to get to the bottom of this, stop everything, something is very wrong here, there's so many people cooperating in this death machine, we've got to stop it.
No chance.
Not happening.
In order to inflate and fake case numbers and death numbers at an alarming rate, the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, CDC, all these people had to know and plan that some group of people were going to be sacrificed and called falsely COVID-19 deaths
In order to jack up these numbers and give the fake appearance of a pandemic to justify the lockdowns, the economic destruction and devastation.
I hope you're following me on all of this and you understand what's going on here.
Please, screw your brain in tight on this one, okay?
So, how is this accomplished?
First of all, take the long-term nursing homes and other facilities for housing elderly people on a long-term basis.
Look at Canada.
81% of all the so-called COVID deaths in Canada occur in nursing homes.
I've cited these statistics before.
There are estimates that half of all of the so-called COVID deaths in Europe have occurred in nursing homes.
That means the elderly again.
And these figures and percentages don't even begin to take into account elderly people who are dying not in nursing homes but in hospitals and at home alone.
So what is really killing these old people?
It ain't the virus.
The fake, undiscovered, unproven virus.
That's for sure.
Listen up.
All these old people, first of all, are suffering from long-term health conditions.
They've been treated for years, in some cases decades, with toxic medicine.
On top of all of that,
They are now terrified, and don't underestimate the power of that.
Have you ever felt terror?
Terrified by the prospect of being diagnosed with this COVID-19.
And then they are diagnosed with it.
Not on the basis of any real tests.
The tests are fake and useless, etc, etc.
But they're diagnosed.
And then, on top of all of that, they are cut off and isolated by edict, government edict, medical edict, from friends and family.
In hospitals, in nursing homes, their apartments, wherever.
And so, prematurely, they die.
And their deaths are registered and counted
That's the third key event in all of this murder and economic warfare.
If you were to subtract from the fake case numbers and death numbers, globally speaking, all the old people
Who have died prematurely in exactly the way that I just described.
And instead of calling them COVID-19 deaths, you swept all that off the table and instead looked at what was left over.
The fakery case number and death number fakery would be exposed five minutes.
But again, some group
Was designated to bear the burden of this economic, psychological, spiritual war against the people of planet Earth.
And that group was designated as old people who would be killed, essentially terrorized and terrified and isolated into death, not by a virus, but by a story about a virus.
That's what happened.
That's the key third event.
Chinese government lockdown.
The Neil Ferguson fakery predictions.
Killing of old.
In a nutshell, that's the story of the story.
That's the hideous reality that is being presented to you and me and everybody else.
To justify first wave, second wave, all of the above.
Fakery, fakery, fakery.
I've established and described several times, including in recent articles, that the so-called discovery of a new virus was a fraud.
The proper procedures were never followed for
Isolating, purifying, and discovering a new virus, much less a new deadly virus.
So the entire episode of pretended discovery of the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus was a fraud, completely, from the beginning.
And the so-called lab procedures that are going on in labs all over the world involving genetic sequencing are all based on a lie, which is, what sample are you starting out with in order to do this analysis?
Who says it's real?
Who says it's more than just an article of faith on your part?
And if all or many of the labs around the world are sharing that same starting sample, which could be a decaying piece of a virus, a whole decaying piece of a virus, or a whole decaying virus, both of which are completely irrelevant, random piece of genetic material from the body, cellular debris, exosomes, etc., etc., all of which are completely irrelevant,
But if the starting sample happened to be that, then all these labs would loudly proclaim that they had genetically sequenced the virus and discovered it.
And yes, it's deadly.
It's threatening the world and we must lock down the world.
But they never did anything truly real and authentic in their scientific procedure, as I've outlined and described many times.
They've never done a coherent large study using electron microscopes, the traditional way of discovering a new virus.
So, fake discovery, China lockdown for no reason, Neil Ferguson fraud, the killing of old people.
You have the story.
The story about a story about a virus that is not real, that has been launched on the global population to destroy the old world order, so to speak, and usher in a new fascist technocracy, which has been years and decades into planning World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, UN, et cetera, et cetera, to create
A brave new world in which everyone will be permanently constrained, restricted, calculated, locked down, surveilled, 24-7, fitted into a slot.
This, against this, we have the revolution.
See you next time.