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Filename: 20200610_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 10, 2020
3200 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the censorship of conservative voices on social media platforms, the ongoing protests in Seattle, and the upcoming presidential election. He also discusses the globalist agenda and its potential consequences. In another segment, he criticizes a puppet-based show on CNN that he believes is attempting to put viewers into a trance. The main focus of the discussion is Erin Marie Olszewski, a military nurse who worked undercover at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York during the COVID-19 pandemic. She documented cases where patients were labeled as COVID-19 positive even when their tests came back negative multiple times. These patients were then placed on ventilators, which can be dangerous and potentially fatal."

Ladies and gentlemen, it's 145 days out from the 2020 election, and the globalist forces are throwing everything they've got at us.
So strap yourselves in, it's going to be an insane time.
We are going to be broadcasting for the next four hours worldwide, and this is just one hell of a transmission.
We have a special guest in studio.
A neocon coup plot against President Trump has been discovered.
We'll exclusively lay it out and so much more here today.
But first, this video report was up on YouTube less than two hours on a separate channel and was taken down for community guidelines violations.
Instagram is banning FBI statistics as well because they're covering up the giant truth that destroys their lies.
Here is the report exclusively at Banned.Video.
Black Lives Matter is a lie.
There is no genocide of young, innocent black men.
In 2019, there were only 10 cases in which unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by the police.
In 5 out of 10 cases, an officer was attacked just before the shooting.
And in 2 of the remaining 4, the officer was criminally charged.
Where is the injustice?
Also in 2019, there were 25 unarmed white Americans who were fatally shot by the police.
According to FBI statistics, even though African Americans make up only 13% of the population, they commit over 50% of all murder in America.
Blacks kill 10 times the amount of whites as whites kill blacks.
And a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
Black Lives Matter has been a lie since its very beginning.
In 2013, the movement began on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
But the case against Zimmerman was a lie.
The prosecution had used an imposter as a fake witness, who they claimed wrote the only piece of criminal evidence they had, a letter that the fake witness admitted under oath to not writing.
Founded by known communists and fueled with millions of dollars from George Soros, Black Lives Matter organized riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Chicago and began recruiting an army of haters hiding beneath the guise of social justice.
The entire foundation of Black Lives Matter is an obvious lie.
And yet, the lie sells.
It sells because communities have been broken by government programs such as LBJ's War on Poverty that incentivize... Alright, this full report is on Band.Video and we're going to be airing it in full coming up at the bottom of the hour on all of our radio and TV stations.
Let's put the article up.
There it is.
YouTube deletes video exposing FBI stats on black crime.
And here we have the Community Guidelines announcement that, well, the communist community, complaining, doesn't like your video, Black Lives Matter is a globalist Trojan horse, and so that's a strike against you.
So that's how the system operates.
You show FBI numbers,
You show it's incredibly rare for a police officer to shoot and kill an unarmed black person?
And, well, you're banned.
But I'm going to add an addendum to this where the fact there is a genocide against black babies by the left and Planned Parenthood, the same group that funds Black Lives Matter through Soros.
By the way, all over the United States, American flags are now being grabbed and burned off homes.
That's CBS News.
This is the operating system of the left.
They are cancer.
And they're attempting their takeover right now, so that's all coming up today.
Also, we have a really great researcher who's got a lot of sources inside the Republican National Committee.
Most of this is public information already, but we're going to have some exclusive information at the bottom of the second hour with Richard Reeves in the studio.
We have discovered the neocon coup plan.
They are officially going to be launching soon to not have Trump get the
Nomination coming up in Jacksonville.
It looks like they're going to move it for North Carolina.
That's all coming up as well with 1-4-5 out.
Scrap yourselves in it because it's going to be one hell of a rough ride.
And by the way, there are no spectators.
It's finally here.
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145 days, 145 rotations of the earth as we spin around the sun until the historic election where the forces of globalism are throwing everything they have at our president and at the American people to shut down the economy, bankrupt the nation, under siege, under terrorism, until we finally bow and get on our knees to their globalist agenda.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Coming up, when I start the next hour, we've done an investigation into this old 70-year-old man that supposedly got pushed over by the police for no reason, and that Trump's been questioning as a type of false flag.
We've gone to the raw footage, looked at it very, very closely, and we'll give you our findings coming up at the start of the next hour.
Richard Reeves will be joining us in studio.
He's been at the delegate level, worked the Republican Party for many, many years.
First person ever told me that Trump would run for president.
I think so.
Well, he was telling me that months ago, he was on air months ago, saying that now they're officially beginning the groundwork to do it and they can do it if people aren't aware procedurally how to block it.
The person that blocked it last time was, of course, Mr. Manafort.
He was rewarded with prison time and is now on house arrest, like I guess so many other people in blue states and blue cities, but he's out of prison serving out the remainder of his term.
At home.
Anyone that helped get Trump elected at a high level has been persecuted, has been targeted, because the globalists know we are the seeds of their corrupt system's downfall.
But it does not make it any more fun to be their target, but the fruit of the labor and the torture is certainly sweet.
And so in the endgame we win, the New World Order loses.
So that's all coming up.
Quite a transmission lined up for you today.
We have several other guests we'll be telling you about, and Jon Ravaport's gonna be on, and he is really fired up in the fourth hour.
Let me do this first, though.
When we come back,
The transparency of the deep state saying they wanted to crash the economy to punish the American people for supporting President Trump is incredible.
And now they admit that's the plan and they're hoping to keep the economy suppressed.
And they're hoping that even if the economy stays suppressed, we're going to blame Trump.
They treat us like we're completely stupid.
I keep projecting my intelligence onto the public, hoping that a lot of folks out there are savvy.
Some folks are smarter than me, quite a few aren't.
I'm not pleased by that.
The globalists are very happy that there's so many dumb people.
They can rule over them, but if we're ever going to defeat this system, we've got to get people informed and engaged and believing it's important to not be a chump.
That said, Fauci says, oh, COVID-19 is the worst thing on earth, and that we've got a spike in cases as more testing goes out, and that we've got to just keep the economy shut permanently.
No one points out that he set up the lab.
Nobody points out that he and Bill Gates have their fingers all over it.
Nobody points out they're calling all the regular deaths COVID-19.
Nobody points out they're making massive amounts of money off this.
It's insane.
And so we have to keep beating the drum on COVID-19 to push back that hoax.
That's why they launched this whole race riot garbage as the next part of their offensive to distract from the power grab that was the COVID-19 fraud.
So that's coming up.
Los Angeles homicide rose 250%.
Shooting 56% during protest week.
And of course, many of the deaths were black, but they won't personalize any of those folks that died.
It's all about the evil white people.
As 22 trillion stock rally now hinges on rapid economic recovery, mainstream media like Yahoo Finance promotes the crash of the dollar.
They say it's coming, it's all over.
Dr. Fauci calls coronavirus his worst nightmare and says pandemic is far from over.
As many as 25,000 U.S.
stores may close in 2020, mostly in malls.
Here's a big one.
Food shortages loom with outbreaks at 60 U.S.
The looming bank collapse that's out of the Atlantic.
That's the big banks taking over all your local banks.
So much more we're going to be breaking down on that front and how they're trying to torpedo the president when we come back.
But the first thing I want to hit is this.
I've been telling listeners for four or five months you need to get storable food, not because of coronavirus, but because of the lockdown and the economy that they were going to have, which they had, which is still ongoing.
Blue states and blue cities have no intention of ever reopening.
Even if they get back in full power, they want you suppressed.
They want you bankrupted.
They want to totally implode everything to buy it all up for pennies on the dollar.
And they get huge federal bailouts, which they steal.
That's why they mismanage things by design.
They're not mismanaging it, they are skimming things down to the bone.
Well, this is out of MSM in Bloomberg.
More food shortages loom with outbreaks at 60 U.S.
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh, they did testing.
Everybody's asymptomatic.
They had plants with thousands of people tested.
No one is sick.
But they'll say, oh, 350 people or 600 people.
Oh, you've seen the stories.
They've got COVID-19.
We've got to close.
And lawyers are putting up billboards outside the meatpacking plant saying, did you have COVID?
Call us.
Did they make you work?
Make you work?
What does it even mean?
And now, the food shortages are beginning, and the food prices are going up, and the meat quality isn't good, because we've been sabotaged.
And if the globalists are successful shutting the economy off, and we have a prolonged oppression, Katie,
Bar the door.
That's why I've been saying to listeners, even after the COVID hoax was proven to be one, that the aftershocks of it and the ongoing strangulation of the West is only going to intensify.
That's why, while you still have time, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, maybe this turns around.
We have a soft crash landing, but it goes from there as the best scenario into just road warrior total collapse.
Because the instincts of the globalists are, they can't stop undermining
And stealing and robbing and because they just they love doing it even though they're having to build armored fortresses in Hawaii and in New Zealand and other areas and they believe that they destroyed everything and it's all going to collapse.
They believe they're going to sit out there while it all collapses from a distance.
This is a planned implosion.
That's why it's so vital to expose them during the collapse so that they don't come out on top in the end.
This is a long war.
As they say, Dr. Strangelove, Mr. President, we cannot allow a mine shaft gap.
Now, I want to tell listeners about this.
I was talking to my patron supplier, Great Suppliers, and I was talking to them last week, and they said, well, we're really down to two weeks on most deliveries now.
And I said, I'm going to tell people that.
They said, well, some specialty foods and things, it's still six weeks.
And so I talked to the owner, I talked to the CEO yesterday, today.
My crew did.
They said, fine.
You can now say four weeks on average for storable food.
It's the highest quality.
They've got it.
They've got four plants in the U.S.
depending on what you order, depending on how fast you get it.
But really, the average is like three weeks.
They just said say four under promise that were delivered.
The Rave Reviews, 5-Star Reviews at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have their whole catalog.
They're in our back end.
It goes right in the queue where your order comes in.
They take the orders.
And use this little rest we have, caught in the current, to come up to the service, get some air before you get sucked back down.
I personally am ordering more storable food.
I personally have gotten a place out in the country, which I never did.
We have family land in East Texas.
But I never actually moved out and got a place in the middle of the countryside.
I've done that now.
I'm putting a trailer on it.
You know, and a water well, and some solar panels, because it's bad, folks.
And I have to now start going into defense posture.
80% offense, but I've always been 100% offense, trying to fully, you know, stop the Globalists.
And we've given them a good run, and I think down the road they'll be defeated.
But we're going to still go down the hard road now.
There were a lot worse roads we'd probably go down, but we've mitigated some of this, but it's still gonna be bad in my view.
You need to get high-quality, storable food.
It's something you need.
We have high-quality, ready to get out to you, and it supports the broadcast.
The 360 wins, so please take care of your storable foods needs at infowarestore.com and get your orders in now, so you get it, so you have it.
It's in great containers, high-quality, lasts 25 years.
Get it while you can, because if you think things are about to let up, you ain't seen nothing yet.
They just sent more U.S.
aircraft carriers out of the South China Sea as everything goes into overdrive.
A lot of craziness is unfolding.
Strap yourselves in.
We'll be right back.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
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It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
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It's 33% off out of the gates.
It was a listener's idea asking for us to come up with a spray bottle that had us talk to the scientists and developers and come up with a system that aerosolizes it and delivers it to the body in a new, and in some ways, even better way.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Mainstream media, Big Brother, The New World Order, 5G, forced inoculations, pedophile story time.
Well, so do I. I'm Alex Jones, coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
You want answers?
Alright, if you're a radio listener, you're listening.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see on screen
Something David Knight, taking off today at the dentist, just like I was doing yesterday for part of the day, tweeted this out this morning.
Imagine being shown this photo in 2019 with no explanation.
And if you're a radio listener, it is Nancy Pelosi and the guy that thinks that Guam and islands float behind him.
Behind her, and then you've got Chuckie Schumer, the intelligence agencies have seven ways from Sunday to get the president, and they're all up there wearing their COVID mask with their Kwanzaa scarves, acting powerful.
This is what it's like to live in a giant cult.
And the big mega banks, the big mega tech companies that work with all these authoritarian countries, they're just used to winning.
And they're used to having people that are compliant and subservient and that go along with them.
And right now, you're being told kneel.
You're being told wear a mask.
You're being told ignore all the statistics that COVID-19 was a total hoax.
You're being told
That it's now Trump's fault when they were the ones saying two years ago, and a year ago, and six months ago, in December, breathlessly, Bill Maher, we've got to have a depression, we've got to smash the economy to teach this guy.
And I'm like, do they think we're that dumb that if they smash the economy somehow, if they dynamite the bridge, that the Trump train's going down?
When we reach the river, they dynamite it like Wile E. Coyote?
And then we blame Trump, the conductor, because the train goes into the river?
I guess they think that.
And I keep projecting my intelligence onto people.
I was sitting there this weekend out on this little farm I bought outside town, and I was sitting there looking at a cow that leases the property, the owner of the cow, and it looked kind of smart sitting there looking at me, but I knew it wasn't smart, it was very stupid, and I was projecting my thoughts onto the cow.
And so much of the time the public, you try to tell them things and they think you're showing off because you know something or it's like weird, it's like an idiocracy set in the future 200 years where the IQ average is about 70.
And so just an average person in the future that is in suspended animation wakes up as the smartest person in the world.
We're not waiting to get there 200 years.
We're here.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are again attacking
The Lincoln Memorial, they're attacking the Black Civil War Soldier Memorial for the North.
They're attacking the British Prime Minister that had England go to war with a bunch of countries to end slavery.
And they are totally ignorant, but it doesn't matter because the media is on their side, and Tucker Carlson's been pointing all of that out.
That's coming up next segment.
But what I wanted to hit now was how they're going after the president.
Look at these headlines.
Politico, breathlessly, White House goes quiet on coronavirus as outbreak spikes again across the U.S.
We've done more testing than all countries combined.
And these companies are told by their lawyers, by their insurance companies, do the right thing, test for COVID.
And then they test, and almost all the tests are fraudulent with false positives.
If you've had the flu or a cold the last 10 years,
And then, oh my gosh, the whole company needs to shut down, and you've got to self-quarantine, and oh, we've got to, and they're testing meatpacking plants.
And in some cases, half the people have COVID-19, and they don't!
And then, there's the headline!
300-plus test positive at cargo plant!
All asymptomatic!
Because they don't have it!
But Bill Gates' Chinese-controlled firm churned out tens of millions of tests before the FDA shut it down.
Because it's a fraud.
The whole thing is run by the people that control him.
Systematic, organized, orchestrated, choreographed crime.
Every time the Democrats sue me, they always want, we want the secret documents, we want the battle plan, we want the doctrine, we want who gives you orders.
I'm not like you!
I'm smart, I'm informed, I'm into information, I remember all this stuff.
There's nobody giving me orders, dumbasses.
I give the orders.
And that's what you followers don't understand.
I'm not talking to the audience of activists who aren't followers.
I mean the establishment types.
You are all slaves.
You follow globalist orders.
You think I'm following orders from some man.
I'm following orders from God.
That's who I bow to.
In the middle of the night.
In the still of the night.
In the place of the Most High.
Not you.
You do not have the spirit of enlightenment.
You have none of it.
And we have to stop looking at the globals that are powerful.
They're amazing.
They're just fallen criminals, like cancer, willing to go against God's law.
That's why they're in control of the planet.
Because Satan's been given control of the planet.
They're ugly, they're stupid, they're mindless.
The leadership of the New World Order.
And what do they want?
They want the innocence.
That's what these demons feed upon.
That's their quarry.
That's their target.
And no amount of groveling or submitting to them will ever make them happy.
It'll only make them want more, more, more.
The White House now knows it's a total fraud, that he wasn't watching his flank, the medical tyranny.
Foul chief for Bill Gates.
Bill Gates acted like he was Trump's friend, sidled up to him.
And now they're saying, oh, we can't reopen, just like we said.
Oh, no, Governor Newsom says still can't go to the beach.
Oh, no, sorry, we're, oh, by the way, I learned a bunch of other Democrat states are sending old people.
To their deaths by sending people with the flu or pneumonia, calling it COVID, into them so they get that higher death number still.
Because it was peaking three weeks ago.
That, oh, they're killing old people.
Oh, they're criminals.
Something should be done.
Oh, it's all a hoax.
Oh, and then there's always something wrong with the cops.
Millions of police, 350 million Americans.
They took that Floyd case.
Hyped it up, drove it, the media energized it to distract from everything else that's going on.
Look at this headline out of Variety.
The country is doomed!
Abandon ship.
Hear that?
They want to kill your confidence.
And they go on to say it's Trump's fault America's going down.
Trump's 2020 path gets trickier with TAG as recession president.
Oh, that's right, it's all Trump's fault.
Everything is President Trump's fault.
Trump may compare himself to Nixon in 68, but he really resembles Wallace.
Trump brings back his 2016 veterans as his campaign makes an aggressive turn.
And yes, talk about a war on logic, NPR, CNN, they're all attacking Trump for saying he's going to have his rallies as dangerous, as murderous, as criminal, as illegal, as need to be blocked and stopped and call the police!
Oh, but it's so good to go out and burn things and attack people in their cars.
And the man in Colorado that just pulled up to a four-way stop?
Weird white lawyer shot him in the head?
He's in life support, probably gonna die.
But you'll never know his name.
Because he's not one of the special people the media's gonna hype up and talk about.
They won't talk about the homicide soaring 250% since this whole kill the police thing started.
Except for all who needs the police.
Oh, but you do need them to enforce illegal lockdowns and face masks and you can't go to the beach.
But we should still disband them.
Double think.
2 plus 2 equals 100.
Total mental illness.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
There is now no longer any doubt that the UN global government is out in the open and it's using COVID-19 to reveal itself and take full control giving us all planetary ID numbers that will be used to track and trace and control our every movement.
The censorship that we started seeing after Trump won three and a half years ago is up.
A billion percent?
I mean, it's just everyone's being censored.
Everything's being blocked.
Every old movie, TV show, books, films, everything's being digitally erased and burned.
We're going to be covering that coming up next segment with Greg Reese in studio again.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, The News Sites.
Still standing, but they're coming after all the independent sites.
NewsWars.com, Band.Video, InfoWars.com.
It is so precious when you decide to share the articles and the videos.
It is so precious when you realize you are the power and that you're taking action is absolutely everything.
It's not just some little side thing.
You getting excited, you deciding to speak out as an individual, you deciding to spread the word of the modern Paul Revere changes everything.
And Big Tech is going after all the big server companies.
They're buying them up.
Microsoft has bought tens of thousands of companies.
Google has bought thousands of companies.
Apple's buying thousands.
Twitter's buying hundreds.
And they're buying up all the payment processors and all the server companies and all the software companies.
And they're going in now and blacklisting organizations and groups, including the Republican Party, and saying, you're not allowed to operate.
I have stacks of news.
We'll cover next segment.
And then in the third dimension, on the ground, Antifa is going up to cars of white people on highways and roads, and if you don't bow and plead and worship them, you are physically being attacked.
That's what's going on.
And then after they climb up and try to kill you, they call the police and say you attacked them.
The mainstream media praised it when they climbed up on our armored vehicle with a rock hammer, a spike hammer, and began bashing out the expensive windows and saying, why do you need an armored truck?
Because I knew this was coming.
I said last year when I got it, there's going to be riots.
We're going to need to have these at the RNC and DNC.
And no contrary to the media, I did not buy the vehicle for $700,000.
I bought it for $245,000.
It's been well worth it the advertising to get the word out and to go to events and take over the media with our message.
But I got it for security.
Because we need to be able to go in and show what's happening and not be denied to get into those areas.
There's a less expensive armored vehicle that's used that's got almost as much protection.
It's about $150,000.
It's about 20 years old.
But we're looking to get another one right now because we don't have enough for our crew to be able to get in and get out of these places.
It's very dangerous.
The police won't help you.
It's the lawlessness, the anarchy that they bring in to destabilize the nation.
And it's an exercise of raw power by the mob that the globalists control.
Here's Tucker Carlson last night talking about how the mainstream media directs this and calls this peaceful.
The press isn't simply covering the riots, meanwhile, but assisting the riots.
At the New York Times, the most recent Pulitzer Prize winner, 2020 winner, Nicole Hannah-Jones, said that words you thought you knew the meaning of now have completely different meanings.
Violence, for example, when she supports it, isn't really violence.
Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man's neck until all of the life is leached out of his body.
Destroying property which can be replaced is not violence.
And to put those things, to use the exact same language to describe those two things, I think really, it's not moral.
Well thank you Bozo the Clown for telling us that.
There are at least 20 police officers dead the last three weeks.
No one knows their names.
We've said some of their names.
Michael Dorn, David Dorn.
Another man just got stopped two days ago in Colorado.
Shot in the head for no reason.
The media says he deserves it.
The Antifa lawyer that did it is proud of it.
Smiling and he just shot him in the head.
By the way, he's on live support.
He's white.
Word is they may unplug him.
But we'll never hear his name.
He doesn't have any value because he's white.
He deserves to get shot in the head.
And we try to put the statistics out that it's 10 to 1 black on white crime, but the media is encouraging it's getting worse.
Well, it's deleted off Instagram, off YouTube, because it's so credible.
And the system can't stand it.
So all these nameless people are being killed.
It's the left that always wants more police, the left that wants all the thought police.
They don't want to get rid of the police.
They want to control them.
And that's when it becomes a police state.
It's the SJWs want in those uniforms.
That's why they're having to relax the standards so you can be obese, so you can be on drugs.
And now you literally have transgendered, bald-headed, pink-haired, bozo-the-clown men who are police officers.
Who are jacked up on so many hormones and so many drugs, they don't know what planet they're on.
Because our acquiescence, our going along with all this spoiled, rotten behavior, us paying for 30 years for millions of sex changes, us letting pedophiles have access to our kids in the schools, the name of diversity, has green-lit all this.
So there's a report up at Band.Video, the article's up on Infowars.com, I suggest you share it, it's going viral now.
White supremacist attacks hero Antifa in Austin, Texas.
Or the alternate headline is Alex Jones joins Antifa attacks Nazis.
This is satire for the media.
I'm not going to eat my neighbors either.
This is how Antifa acts.
The media says they're heroes when they attack people.
So we have our own platform despite all their attacks.
So we can still put stuff out and you can still share it.
So take action and share the video right now from Band.Video or Infowars.com.
Here it is.
There's a car right there!
It's Hitler!
Get him!
Get him!
A lot of people told me over the years that I was wrong.
They told me everything was the way to go.
Well, I gotta tell you, lately I've been watching what's happening out there, and the heroes of Antifa have been getting run over by cars, and shot and everything else.
And so right now, I'm here to tell you I pledge myself to Antifa and George Floyd!
Alex Jones is joining Antifa, so there's no black people here right now.
I want you to bow to me or you're racist.
That's not enough!
Get on your stomachs!
I want you to pledge allegiance to George Soros and Hillary Clinton right now.
Listen here.
So, I'm going out there in the street and the road and the first car we see is a Nazi fascist.
If they stop, they're a well-trained Nazi fascist.
If they try to drive through us, they're a Nazi fascist.
Regardless, we attack!
We jump on the hood of the car and then we're heroes and we call the police like our brethren are doing all over the world right now.
We're not like thugs or terrorists indiscriminately attacking people.
No, we're just indiscriminately attacking people's cars!
I'm gonna ask you for All-Star.
Alex Jones joins next.
Now let's go out and find the first terrorist we can when we block the road.
Death to Nazis!
That means anybody we find!
Leave no survivors!
Our brethren are shooting people in the head in other areas being called heroes.
We're not going to do that.
We're going to throw ourselves in their vehicles and say they attacked us.
Are you ready to be Jesse Spalding?
There's a car right there!
Get him!
It's Hitler!
Get him!
Alright, the exciting conclusion is at Bandot Video.
Stay with us.
It's finally here.
Introducing the new Survival Shield X2 Spray.
Available now for 33% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Listeners have been asking us for months to develop an iodine spray made with our exclusive Deep Earth Crystal Nascent Iodine.
Our proprietary new Aerodyne technology allows us to harness the full power of ancient iodine crystals from 7,000 feet below the Earth's surface into the ultimate spray formula.
Iodine is an essential mineral that helps support thyroid health, healthy metabolism, and healthy cognitive function.
Get the new Survival Shield X2 Spray for 33% off intro pricing at InfoWarsTore.com.
That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarsTore.com.
Globalists have gotten away with their Russiagate hoax, their Ukraine hoax, their COVID-19 hoax, and now it's the
Race riot hoax of 2020.
We've got to ask ourselves what's coming next.
Well, I can tell you it's going to be a bunch of big old fat mass shootings to create even a bigger race war.
It's going to be economic collapse, China invading Taiwan, Hong Kong, you name it.
The globalists are attacking on every front.
That's why now
More than ever, we have to realize they tried to censor InfoWars off the air because they knew that when they launched this whole situation, they didn't want the people's voice to still be on air.
But thanks to you and our crew, we are still on air.
So let's boost that transmission like the Batman signal now more than ever.
InfoWars.com LIVE!
One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast, and I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
You had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have it, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
The people of the world have awakened to globalism and so populist movements are throwing the globalists out of their countries.
That's why the New World Order is instituting race war and division and telling the people that rebellion is about overthrowing your local police and government and destroying essential services.
This is an attempt to have society collapse, and the globalists, as they've done in the third world, will come in and pick up the pieces.
He must stand against the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU, openly saying, defund the police.
The police have a lot of problems.
We all have a lot of problems.
But this is our government and our local constabulary.
And believe me, once the globalists have overthrown this country,
They are going to put in a real police state where you have no due process or freedom.
The globalists believe communist China is the model of the world.
And they are orchestrating this entire thing.
The people helping them are collaborators and are idiots and must be opposed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So, big tech now with AI systems is on record saying that they're not going to allow any FBI statistics on Google, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram to be shown.
It was an article a few days ago about this on Infowars.com.
Instagram censors FBI crime stats as hate speech.
Well, it just happened this morning.
It went live on YouTube on his own personal channel, Greg Reese, who, again, we hired because of his great camera work.
He's had a YouTube channel for many years.
YouTube deletes video exposing FBI stats on black crime.
It's posted on VanDot Video.
But why is this so important?
Look at the massive increase in censorship happening.
No more blacklist and slaves.
Microsoft developer rekindles call to make coding politically correct.
A blacklist goes back to when you take black marker and you scratch out something.
Everybody knows that.
When I show an email, somebody sent me all blackout, because it's white paper, their name.
Whiteout's another way to do it for typewriters.
Because you're going to type over it.
It's a thing of function.
It's like saying, get rid of your black jacket.
It's mean to black people.
It's like mentally ill people seeing ghosts in the walls.
But the system wants this, so you're not educated, informed, and into knowledge.
They want you superstitious and scared of all knowledge.
Marian Webster agrees to change definition of racism after woman complains she wants to say everything's racism.
They say, we agree.
It's whatever you say.
So first they get the West that first stood up against what you call racism, Christianity did that, to say we don't want racism and now they can define whatever they want as racism and white it out, black it out, erase it, pull it down, memory hole it.
Blogging platform Bam's Rider for listing corporations that defunded rioters, that funded rioters.
That defended rioters.
So blogging platform bans rioter for listing corporations that defended rioters and funded rioters.
And Medium said, you're not allowed to show who's pushing Black Lives Matter or who's pushing Antifa or gun control.
They call that targeted harassment because they're really all bullying us, harassing us, controlling us, surveilling us.
No, no, no.
And when we just say, hey, here's who's oppressing us.
Oh, no, you can't do that.
HBO removes Gone with the Wind, a racing first black woman to win an Oscar.
They're going to re-release it with subtitles saying how it's bad and how it's evil.
Because, oh, after the Civil War, the black woman stays there with the people at the plantation.
Doesn't matter if that's historically true 90% of the time.
It's a way to take over all art, control all art, dominate all art, just like the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany did it.
London councillor, member of the City Council, petitions to remove Churchill mural.
So this is what it's all about, is total power over the human mind.
And Greg Reese is here.
We're going to play this report on a bunch of TV and radio stations, and hopefully you'll share it at Band.Video.
But look at where we are.
Little oases, little islands that are still allowed to function and tell the truth.
And once we're taken off air, they hope, then they can steal our identities and say in our names whatever they want, Greg.
It's happening so quickly right now and what I'm noticing is this split is now becoming more pure on both sides.
One side wants the truth and is just looking for truth and what we're seeing with the other side at this point because it's so blatant is what I'm seeing at least is people are revealing that they don't really care about the truth.
They're revealing that all that has just been talk.
How many Democrats have said, I don't care if he cooks children, I don't care if he rapes women, I want Joe Biden!
All they care about is their own personal rage and anger, and they're not concerned.
Yeah, they're followers, they're mad at the system, and then they're following directives of the core of the establishment.
They claim they're anti-establishment, but leftists are the most establishment lapdogs ever.
And, like, every multinational corporation is backing them up.
So, I mean, how do they possibly think they are in some type of revolution?
In a military sense, they have a thousand tanks, a thousand planes, a million troops, and we've got a peace shooter.
And they're like, you're the establishment, we're gonna get you!
And it's like, whoa, watching these followers line up to do this is frightening for them.
And I've even heard people that I used to think were reasonable basically try to convince me that this is good.
The only price you have to pay is you have to go against Whitey.
But other than that, the whole world can get in on this and it's a world revolution so long as you denounce Whitey, which is insane.
But I've heard people try to sell this to me as if that's reasonable.
But it's mainly white people.
Yeah, this is a Marxist-Leninist class war by the ultra-rich trying to destroy their only competition, the latter out of poverty, the middle class.
They're killing the American system right now, in front of us.
It's all about a lockdown, a straitjacket, a mask over our mouths, bowing.
It's all cult programming.
Now the left goes, damn right we're censoring you, damn right we won't.
The ADL said just a few months ago, we want Alex Jones banned, and we want people that don't do what we say at Big Tech arrested, and we, the ADL, will decide what can be seen.
You must go through us first as a filter.
The biggest power grab in human history.
You know, after the whole fiasco with the homeless gentleman in Austin, Texas, with the riots, I started getting a lot more lefties attacking me on Twitter, and so I engaged a little bit and I followed one of them, and right in his bio,
It said, uh, I want off of this rock.
And it was a bit more harsh than that.
And I mean, that just kind of, and I challenged him on that.
And he doubled down on it.
So basically, these are people that are just miserable.
They hate their lives.
They want it to end.
And they just want to bring the whole thing down with them.
That's right.
Let's go to your report that can only be seen here and only spread by you, Paul Reveres.
Here is Black Lives Matter is a New World Order globalist Trojan horse.
Black Lives Matter is a lie.
There is no genocide of young, innocent black men.
In 2019, there were only 10 cases in which unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by the police.
In 5 out of 10 cases, an officer was attacked just before the shooting.
And in 2 of the remaining 4, the officer was criminally charged.
Where is the injustice?
Also in 2019, there were 25 unarmed white Americans who were fatally shot by the police.
According to FBI statistics, even though African Americans... I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I went to this 15 seconds late, so when we come back at 6 after next hour, Greg, you stay with me.
We're gonna play this report there.
And again...
This is an exercise in resistance.
Total AI surveillance control over all the major platforms is here.
They're coming out with global IDs, tested in China to track everywhere you go.
If you're not a good globalist, they're saying they're going to defund you.
They're going to block you from commerce.
People say, well, I better go along with it.
No, you better resist it.
Don't act like the French.
When the Germans invaded in World War II, folks.
It's only going to get worse for you the longer you grovel and give in.
These are post-human exterminists.
These are globalists that believe we're a weak species.
They believe they're supermen.
And they believe they're making their move to power grab the whole future.
And the fact that you acquiesce, they believe, at a social Darwin level, gives them the right and the deed to do it.
You know, the system we have isn't perfect.
No one says it is.
But at this point, our system is like a lifeboat.
In an emer... I mean, and we're all... The system coming in overrides everything.
And it's using the spoiled bratness of our system.
And how open and free it is compared to what you're about to get.
I mean, it's true though, it's a paradox.
This much freedom, on average, made us decadent, slob-like, and weak.
And so now apex predators like Bill Gates come in, and it's just crazy to watch the weakest people all piled up and ready to attack anybody that's got a car nicer than theirs, or who's white, led by weird, crazy, mentally ill white people.
I mean, it's just insane.
It's like no dystopic novel, no science fiction movie could describe something this freakish.
No, absolutely not.
And it's only going to get more freakish.
I think it needs to get more freakish.
A lot of people have been around the office, have been talking.
There's a concern that Trump has enacted and done anything.
But I'm starting to think that if we want to actually clean things up to the level that we want to clean them up, then people need to wake up out of this luxuriant laziness.
But see, that's the paradox.
The left thinks collapse it and we'll wake up out of the nightmare, except they are the nightmare.
So they want us to wake up out of our dream to the nightmare that's them.
When we wake up, it's bye bye to them, not us.
You think you're safe in your armored fortresses, globalists?
Think again, scumbag!
Do you see the paradox, though?
Yes, absolutely.
And then someone pointed out, I believe it was Harrison Smith this morning, pointed out that if people didn't wake up during these riots when cities were burning down, if people just stayed home then, what makes anyone think that there's going to be some kind of... Oh, that was the other point.
I was talking to a police officer, a friend of mine this morning, and he was arguing with other APD officers on Facebook about our video.
Going, oh, nobody got hurt in Austin.
Jones is making stuff up, where I did the joke where I'm anti-fun, I'm attacking this person.
What do you mean?
We caught it on tape multiple times!
Blocking roads, beating up white people.
Our cameras caught it multiple times!
What the hell are you talking about?
Things have gone- That's the Austin- A lot of the Austin cops folks love it, because they're followers, and so they're getting into hating themselves.
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Gregory, stay there.
We're going to come back next hour.
We're going to play a report and one more commentary.
Then we've got a big coup against Trump news coming up.
Aerodyne technology delivery system.
The first of its kind.
Pure, nascent, atomic iodine that can be delivered through a spray bottle.
The next level of innovation of X2 is here.
Introducing Survival Shield X2 Spray.
The great part about the X2 Spray is it's great on the go.
When you've got it in the dropper, it's great at your house, it's great at work, but this is great for the car, it's great to keep with you, and again, it's also good for the throat and mouth to get the effects of iodine, not to just ingest it into the stomach.
We're really excited about it.
It's 33% off out of the gates.
It was listeners idea asking for us
Come on!
The panic that has been orchestrated by the global corporatist media and the chi-comps is going to now trigger a worldwide depression.
In fact, we're already into the worldwide depression and the death sentence for the third world.
But it's critical to understand that the longer the shutdown persists, the worse it's going to be.
A month of shutdown will destroy decades of wealth that's been built up in a complex economy.
That's why we've always said it's important to be a prepper and to be somewhat self-sufficient because the globalists want to make us all dependent so that we're under their control.
They've admitted all of this.
So remember, how does Infowars continue years and decades in many cases to be able to predict things before they happen?
Because we're following the globalist blueprint and their battle plan.
And yes, it's dystopic.
And yes, it's scary.
But denying it and letting them carry it out is a thousand times more scary.
It's time to stop the denial and realize what's really happening.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 transmission with 145 days left until the election.
Greg Reese will be with me next segment.
And then Richard Reeves is going to be in studio with really frightening information.
But knowing it's at the battle, that's coming up bottom of the hour today.
We're going to continue to look at all the censorship.
Of course.
Now, the big huge mega sale, the biggest sale of 2020 so far, we'll probably have some similar deals around Christmas, is gone.
We ran it for two weeks.
We sold out of our 60 top items or so, more than half of them.
All the other products aren't coming in for a few months.
We've still got a lot of the great products there.
And I've decided to own some of the top selling products that we still have in stock.
To have them continue at 60% off until they sell out.
Like X2, like X3, like Real Red Pill.
We're talking about 1,000 bottles or so of each one of these.
So, this ad will probably run for a week, and then those are going to be gone for a few months.
But, we've got some other exciting announcements.
It's finally here!
Introducing the new Survival Shield X2 spray, available for 33% off.
1995 intro pricing.
And this has got a great proprietary system that it's in, how it gets delivered.
It's different than X2.
It's the Deep Earth Crystals, but a different constitution of the way it mixes with the delivery product that's with it.
I'm really, really proud of Survival Shield X2.
Spray at InfowarsStore.com.
It's now here, and the reason I like it is you're able to carry it with you on the road.
The droppers are great under the tongue.
That's the best place to take it.
But then it can get messy.
It's not good with kids.
This is a smaller bottle.
It's the same amount of the bottle, but it's a little bit more snug.
It's got a little snub-nosed spray bottle, and it goes easier in your pocket.
It stays in your truck, stays in your van, stays in your car.
It's great in your office drawer.
It's just a great delivery system.
It's a new way to get Xtube.
And again, the solution it's in is different.
The scientist explained to me this aridine system, the way it aerosolizes, the way the molecules form with the iodine and the way it gets the liver different.
Just trust me, it's good.
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And my biggest problem is I tend to forget to take my X2.
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It's something that changes the entire body chemistry.
It's something that is so good for your thyroid, all your glands, your blood, your bones, your eyes, your brain, libido, everything.
And so for me, it's a better way to take it with me on the road, and another way for me to remember to take it, and it also aerosolizes into the back of the throat and into the palate instead of just going into the tongue, so it's a different way to take it.
Is it better?
In some ways, better.
Not as good in other ways.
It's apples and oranges, so get your Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWareStore.com today.
They're attacking us on cyberspace.
Their communist forces are trying to intimidate us in the third dimension.
We're kicking their butt with numbers and with information and with intellectual arguments when they attack us physically as well.
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Choose your own adventure, meet like-minded people, support the InfoWar, but I want to get all these t-shirts out there.
We haven't done this since the last time there was a campaign going for a general election four years ago.
We're doing it again.
All shirts at cost.
InfoWarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Greg Reese and the censored video with FBI crime statistics of Black Lives Matter, straight ahead.
Alright, stay with us.
We're living in insanely dangerous times.
And I've told folks going back three months ago, I'm not buying storable food because I'm worried about the COVID-19 virus.
I'm worried about the food shortages and the economic collapse.
And now it's admitted that a chain reaction has begun that's already caused food shortages and the collapse of farms and ranches across the United States.
And it's even worse in the third world.
So I hope Trump, with his initiatives, can clean this up and fix it.
But with the election fraud and the
I don't
Dependent on them, they do not want you to be self-sufficient.
Get your storable food at MFORSTORE.COM right now while you still can.
We've got big developments at NewsWars.com and Infowars.com.
Oprah Winfrey, who hangs out secretly with the Clintons and with Bill Gates, with Jeffrey Epstein, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and others, running their secret world government depopulation organization, has come out and said she's leading the ransom note for America.
The media will endorse the burning of the cities, the murder of police.
If you do not follow her list of demands, it's a Jamie White article on InfoWars.com.
Oprah leads BLM ransom summit with list of demands for America, joined by far-left Democrats like Stacey Abrams, Atlanta mayor.
And others.
Oprah is leading a two-day televised racial summit on behalf of Black Lives Matter to lay out the racial organization's list of demands, which is, by the way, don't have a traditional family, kill black babies.
Seriously, look it up.
Demands moving forward following almost two weeks of nationwide rioting over George Floyd's death.
Absolutely incredible.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Learn the rest of the story.
But just type into a search engine, until they probably change it, billionaires meet in secret to stop overpopulation.
And you'll get Wall Street Journal, New York Times, all of them, 15 years ago, 12 years ago, that Oprah's part of a group to set up world government to reduce the population of Africa.
You can also pull up the London Guardian, saying that's their goal.
We'll show you that here in just a moment.
But, Greg Reese, your piece, taken off YouTube for thought crime, and all you're showing is FBI statistics about what's really killing black people.
Yeah, and you know, I remember growing up, it was always kind of known, these numbers were always kind of known.
I grew up in a
In a very liberal town in Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, there was a very large black population there.
There was a lot of, it was a very integrated neighborhood, or I think that's the right, integrated neighborhood, I guess you could say.
And these numbers were always kind of known, but it was just sort of like unspoken because it was sort of understood that it was, you know, social, economic.
It was because of all these issues and problems growing up in the ghetto and stuff like that, having a rough time.
But now, when it's being used so blatantly, best-case scenario, it's sinister almost.
How it was felt.
I mean, the way it's being used, and the way that it seems it's being completely socially accepted... ...together and unite against Whitey.
It's just crazy.
And it's working on a lot of people.
And again, if anyone just wants to do this, there's literally London Guardian, AP, Reuters, New York Times, Wall Street Journal.
Billionaires meet in secret to discuss depopulation.
And you'll get Oprah Winfrey at the secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein.
So, she wants to kill black people, she admits that's her plan, so of course she's the face of Planned Parenthood, the real Nazis, the eugenicists that are now using the death of black people to push their total takeover agenda.
These are the same people that run the COVID-19 response, that put people with pneumonia and the flu in hospitals and in nursing homes to get a higher death rate.
These are monster Nazis.
Well, I remember after COVID, before the riots, I remember thinking, you'll know when things are about to get really hairy when a lot of these powerful people start disappearing from the surface, from the public view.
And I don't know if that's what's happened in the riots or not, but it certainly seems like all of this is just heavy, heavy distractions, keeping everyone completely disorientated in chaos while other plans are being rolled out.
The Guardian, the headline is, they're called the Good Club to save the world, to depopulate.
And the other headline is, Bill Gates is worried about African overpopulation, wants to help them depopulate.
So depopulating the black people's good, according to the liberals, but then the black people are all supposed to cry for George Floyd when the globalists ring the bell and tell him what to do.
Well, Alex, if it's called the good club, then doesn't that mean if you oppose it, then you're bad?
That's right.
We're in the bad club.
And that works.
That's Black Lives Matter.
Well, we're going to play the report right now.
That again, YouTube has taken down saying you violated community guidelines.
We have the screenshots of that on InfoWars.com.
YouTube deletes video exposing FBI stats on black crime.
Watch here.
Then we come back.
Trump vilifies elderly protester on his campaign struggles to relaunch.
We looked into this and why people are questioning what really happened.
Is Trump right?
Is it a false flag?
Somebody attacked all those Jewish cemeteries and blamed him.
Turned out it was a Jewish leftist.
Jussie Smollett stages stuff, so we've got to watch all this very carefully.
Your full reports at band.video.
Share it.
Here it is.
Black Lives Matter is a lie.
There is no genocide of young, innocent black men.
In 2019, there were only 10 cases in which unarmed African Americans were fatally shot by the police.
In 5 out of 10 cases, an officer was attacked just before the shooting.
And in 2 of the remaining 4, the officer was criminally charged.
Where is the injustice?
Also in 2019, there were 25 unarmed white Americans who were fatally shot by the police.
According to FBI statistics, even though African Americans make up only 13% of the population, they commit over 50% of all murder in America.
Blacks kill 10 times the amount of whites as whites kill blacks.
And a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
Black Lives Matter has been a lie since its very beginning.
In 2013, the movement began on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
But the case against Zimmerman was a lie.
The prosecution had used an imposter as a fake witness, who they claimed wrote the only piece of criminal evidence they had, a letter that the fake witness admitted under oath to not writing.
Founded by known communists and fueled with millions of dollars from George Soros, Black Lives Matter organized riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Chicago and began recruiting an army of haters hiding beneath the guise of social justice.
The entire foundation of Black Lives Matter is an obvious lie.
And yet, the lie sells.
It sells because communities have been broken by government programs such as LBJ's War on Poverty that incentivized single motherhood and got young people hooked on welfare handouts.
It sells because people worship their favorite celebrities like false idols and believe the media is a source of undisputed truth.
It sells because people are afraid of being called a racist even when they know it's a lie.
And it sells because many prefer their own rage over seeking the truth.
Following the COVID-19 shutdown, perhaps the most traumatizing time for any American alive, Black Lives Matter joined forces with Antifa and used a senseless murder as an excuse to wage war upon the American people.
Dragging innocent people from their cars, burning homes to the ground, looting everything in sight,
And demanding that white people bow before them and kiss their feet.
They are subjugating white people, parading them around in chains.
And demanding the dissolution of the police department.
What do you suppose is coming next?
Black Lives Matter is a dangerous cancer that is poisoning our already damaged society.
The mainstream media, our elected officials, world leaders, and practically every multinational corporation are all on board with BLM.
But the real problem is that we allow the lie to exist, when all we have to do is be brave, tell the truth, and seek justice.
In the end, we will get exactly what we deserve.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Tomorrow's news.
The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO, mainstream
I think so.
I think so.
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That's InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's a man going around taking names.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're about to break down the definition of AgiProp for you here today.
This is very, very important.
And this is how the globalists operate.
This is their game plan.
They go out and they create crises.
They create meltdowns.
To offer their solutions.
Now, last week, an old man in Buffalo, New York comes up to the police and is in their face and they bump him and he falls over when they barely touch him.
He comes over and starts touching the police.
One officer barely touches him with what looks like one pound of force and he just flies back.
Everybody knows when a kid's, you know,
Play in middle school, they're not very good actors.
Looks fake.
Well, then the video came out, and I've checked the raw footage we're about to show, and blood pours out of his ear, and you can see a tube leading up to it that's been... had makeup put over it, it looks like.
And then people actually went and found the stuntman gear that you wear on your back that actually goes up to the side of your ear to have a blood pact that then comes out.
I'm saying that's what it looks like.
Maybe it's real.
Maybe all this is just bizarre.
But regardless, Trump vilifies elderly protester as his campaign struggles to relaunch.
Buffalo protester shoved by police could be an anti-provocateur.
75-year-old Martin Garino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to break out the equipment.
OAN comes out with it.
He fell harder than he was pushed.
Was aiming scanner.
Could it be a setup?
Well, we've got the raw videos of him clearly before this, scanning the police equipment, which is an NFC hack.
There's big articles on that.
NFC, drive-by hack.
Look it up for yourself.
NFC exploit.
Be very, very careful what your smartphone gets near.
CNN money.
So he's got his phone going up in multiple videos, show it again for TV viewers, literally coming up to police and putting it up to their phones and attempting to touch them.
So another officer comes over while the guy's got his phone right up to him and barely pushes him back.
And he just falls over and then blood doesn't pour out of the back of his head.
Blood pours out of his ear that's got a weird, looks like makeup over tube going up.
Maybe he just got a weird looking vein that squiggles sideways like nothing I've ever seen.
Now let's go ahead.
And go to the first video.
This is One American News.
Old man.
Starts at one minute.
What Trump is referring to.
Here it is.
In addition, the 75-year-old who's been referred to as an agitator was supposedly using the technology to black out police communications.
That, however, didn't quite work, and many Buffalo police officers support their embattled colleagues.
And they were applauded by their colleagues as they left the courthouse.
Officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalsky pleaded not guilty.
The arrest of McCabe and Torgalsky and subsequent resignations by 57 of their fellow officers on the unit sparked concerns of public safety in the city.
Meanwhile, mainstream media failed to acknowledge the controversy and were continuing to push the narrative of so-called police brutality.
Okay, so Martin Gugino, if you blow up the video, it's the raw footage, has blood that starts pouring out of his ear, but not out of the back of his head.
And it looks just like that blood, and you can even see the earpiece there.
It looks just like the blood that you see in Hollywood films that looks so fake.
But you see him fall back, he literally, they barely touch him, he falls back.
You see him putting his phone up, everybody's scanning it.
This is just incredible, and I've had them try to set me up.
I've had Antifa, you've seen it, try to set me up everywhere.
Just last week they said we burned down a homeless camp, even though they're on video.
Mainstream News said we burned it down.
I wasn't even there.
Our crime was having a crew there to show them burning it.
And they start fights with me in restaurants, and then edit the tape to make it look like I'm attacking them, and the media goes with this.
So let's look at some of these articles right here.
Here he is with his line up his back.
And then he's got, if you zoom in, you can see what looks like a tube going up to his neck.
And there's similar systems like this that are used in Hollywood.
Here he is.
And the blood is, again, pouring out of his ear.
Just absolutely bizarre.
And again, there's other photos that show what looks like a tube up his neck that's got makeup on it.
Maybe he's just got interesting looking veins.
Oh, here he is on his phone inside the ambulance, but they say, you know, he's in critical condition.
All I know is he's out there in people's faces.
Here's another clip.
Old man agitating shows Martin being confronted by other protesters, black protesters.
One says, looks like he wants to get punched in the face.
Here's the video.
I was just crying over there.
It was a moment of silence.
What's going on here?
I was just crying.
Fill me in.
So what if somebody comes up to you over and over again, there's more video of this, and just keeps putting his phone up against your phone, up against your pants, up against your side.
What are you going to do?
You're going to push them off of you.
And he'd been out there all day, according to protesters, starting stuff with the police.
And they didn't want that.
They wanted to protest against police brutality.
They didn't want to cause a problem, but here's the agitator.
We need to look into this guy.
And, you know, research exactly what's going on.
And then, oop, he just, the minute they touch him, he's, oh, he flies back!
And then he hits his head.
And maybe he really did hit his head.
Maybe some, we can talk to a medical doctor.
I never knew, like, you hit your back of your head, there isn't blood there.
It just comes out the side of your ear.
And it comes out real thick, too.
What kind of a big artery there is inside the head that broke?
I mean, maybe he's an old guy.
Maybe that's what's happening.
On the way, he just had the phone in his hand and lets it go limp.
You know, we've seen the White Helmet stage stuff.
Chemical attacks.
We've seen Smollett stage stuff.
ABC stage attacks.
I mean, we've seen this over and over again.
And we all know it when we're in basketball and soccer and football with fake fouls where somebody doesn't really touch you, but you fall down.
Everybody knows about it.
You know fake when you see it.
And, you know, looks fake to me.
Kind of like when I'm at the mall and I see a big fat guy with a white beard and they say it's Santa Claus.
Hey, Santa Claus doesn't exist, so I know it's fake.
Plus, I can see it's a fake beard.
Again, I could be at a Haberdy's clothing store or a Haberdy's furniture store and they've got a bowl of fake fruit 50 yards away in a showroom of furniture.
Why don't I walk over and have a banana or an apple?
I can see it's fake.
I know it's fake.
You have a degree in plastic, son?
Well, no, I just know plastic when I see it.
So yeah, Trump's right again.
Just like he said the attacks on the Jewish centers were staged, because he had state police that told him, came out a month later, it was indeed staged.
So Trump is telling it like it is.
Maybe it's real.
You know, that plastic fruit looks pretty real these days.
Maybe I'm wrong.
We're all allowed to question Jussie Smollett and all these people, and we will continue to question them.
The people of the world have awakened to globalism and so populist movements are throwing the globalists out of their countries.
That's why the New World Order is instituting race war and division and telling the people that rebellion is about overthrowing your local police and government and destroying essential services.
This is an attempt to have society collapse, and the globalists, as they've done in the third world, will come in and pick up the pieces.
We must stand against the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU, openly saying, defund the police.
The police have a lot of problems.
We all have a lot of problems.
But this is our government and our local constabulary.
And believe me, once the globalists have overthrown this country,
They're going to put in a real police state where you have no due process or freedom.
The globalists believe Communist China is the model of the world.
And they are orchestrating this entire thing.
The people helping them are collaborators and are idiots and must be opposed.
It's finally here.
Introducing the new Survival Shield X2 Spray.
Available now for 33% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Listeners have been asking us for months to develop an iodine spray made with our exclusive Deep Earth Crystal Nascent Iodine.
Our proprietary new Aerodyne technology allows us to harness the full power of ancient iodine crystals from 7,000 feet below the Earth's surface into the ultimate spray formula.
Iodine is an essential mineral that helps support thyroid health, healthy metabolism, and healthy cognitive function.
Get the new Survival Shield X2 Spray for 33% off intro pricing at InfoWarStore.com.
That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarStore.com.
Feudalism in the ancient world, from Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, was the most common form of government.
You had a ruling class, the nobility, with a king and queen sitting on top of it, and the rest of the public were kept at a subsistence, starving level, for control.
In fact, in most cultures, they called the peasants the little people because they were usually a foot or more shorter than the lords and ladies because they kept them, again, at a starving level.
They were so busy trying to survive, they would never try to challenge the entrenched elite.
Well, now all the big Google owners and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the Jeff Bezoses of the world, they're sitting back on their giant estates with their jet helicopters and private jets, living the life, laughing at you, shut down, going bankrupt in the third world, starving to death.
Their religion is power and control, and they are pressing that advantage against us.
We must break free from these monsters.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
How many times must I tell you, baby?
Well, that makes me want Trump even more.
This is the guy that lied to us about WNBs.
This is the guy that lied to us about the My Lai Massacre.
This is a guy that is literally a stuffed shirt, fake general, paper tiger.
And now you've got Mitt Romney.
You've got George W. Bush, all of them saying they're endorsing the weirdo, globalist, kleptocrat Joe Biden, who's just a placeholder for whoever they're planning to slide in at the DNC coming up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Richard Reeves is a good friend of mine.
He's the first guy that told me Trump was going to run for president long before he did.
He was dead right about that.
He's been a delegate to the RNC.
He's been on the inside of it and predicted how they try to take the delegates and then how they try to not let him be seated as president.
And so he's here now to lay out what he told me months ago.
He said they're going to try to take the nomination at the RNC.
They're going to have a bunch of events and a bunch of protests as the cover for it.
Well, now Mitt Romney and the neocons are starting to actually go in that direction and the Republican Party national chair.
That controls the purse for the Republican organizations on campus.
That is saying they're not endorsing Trump.
So the entire Republican establishment, if you think they were after Trump four years ago, get ready now.
And there are procedures where they think, legally and lawfully, they can block it.
Remember George Will said in an op-ed four years ago, we don't care what the general public wants or what Republican Party people want.
We don't care about that.
We don't care.
We in the Republican Party will decide who the nominee will be.
Well, they failed.
Then Trump brought the economy back.
We brought it back.
They brought in the COVID hoax, now the riot hoax that they're all coming in, the Republicans against Trump on, saying it's all his fault when they're the authors of it.
It's totally transparent and they're hoping that we don't have a memory.
So here in the next few segments, Richard Reeves is joining us to lay out the strategy of how they plan to have this coup, this bloodless coup, I guess the fourth coup against President Trump, this next attempted coup.
Well, that's exactly what we've seen, Alex, is next attempted coup after another.
It's totally attack, attack, attack, and so the RNC is another Achilles heel coming up.
The convention schedules have been totally upended by the Wuhan.
The Wuhan has upended all the convention schedules.
We should have, here in Texas, we should have already wrapped up our state convention.
That didn't happen.
We haven't even had our senatorial district
There's a lot of reasons they did COVID, the medical tyranny, the global ID, the UN, but the big one is mail-in ballots, email ballots, and then upending the normal process for Democrats and Republicans to be able to shoehorn whoever they want in over Biden and to pull hanky-panky right now with Trump.
Totally, well it just makes sense.
We've been talking about the potentiality of Joe Biden just being a placeholder nomination in the Democrat Party.
It just makes sense that they would be angling at the Republican convention as well.
And the danger is right now, since the Wuhan did upend all of the convention schedules, then a lot of people think it's a foregone conclusion that Trump will get the nomination at the RNC.
But that could not be, that potentially could not be the case because
The Mitt Romney wing, the Bush wing, the McCain wing, the Lindsey Graham wing still exists in the Republican Party.
And last week, when Trump went out to the church and held up that Bible, you know, you had a lot of senators that would not back up Donald Trump when that happened.
Yeah, the President can't show support for God.
Well, he's a human being.
Everything he does, they say, is evil.
He can do no right.
It's like I heard one talk show host say one time that if Donald Trump walked on water, they would say, oh look, Donald Trump can't swim.
It's like, he can do nothing right.
So, Donald Trump, that's just it.
That's where you're at.
They're always going to criticize you.
He was showing respect for God and holding it above his head, like creatures do.
This is the law.
He was saying, this is it.
They said it was a disrespect.
This is the law, and also, as we saw, the mainstream media, worldwide and nationwide, focused on the little bit of police roughing up the crowd in Lafayette Square, in Lafayette Park.
But meanwhile, all over the country, you know, they don't talk about that hardly at all.
That, oh, look at the tyranny.
To me, the George... Well, the church is getting burned, but here's the deal.
They're afraid of Trump.
Really embracing God and he's gone to the pro-life events.
No, the president did that.
They're afraid of him activating his base.
He needs to really have more prayer rallies.
He needs to fully, you know, say that he's accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The system's so scared of that.
It's the right thing to do.
I know Trump's a Christian.
I know folks that know him privately.
I know behind the scenes Roger Stone stuff.
I mean, Billy Graham Jr., you know, really did.
Franklin Graham really did have a come to Jesus moment with Roger.
Because there are no atheists and foxholes.
You're either a devil worshiper or you're with God.
Right, and I wish Trump would openly do that, plus become the educator-in-chief.
So it's like, you know, you mentioned Roger Stone a little while ago.
Roger Stone, we heard about the judicial malfeasance going on on this show on InfoWars back, I guess it was about two years ago when you were talking about it, when the case was going on, when they were selecting the jury, when it was going on.
Well, it didn't really hit the mainstream in a big way until Donald Trump talks about it.
You know, and it's like, this show is powerful, this is actually the most important audience on the whole planet, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak.
No, please, I told you when you come on not to thank me.
Well, I'm thinking... You broke that rule.
No one does anything I want around here, I swear to God.
Hey, hey, Richard, it's not about me.
It's about the audience of activists taking action.
So yes, but yes, this is an influential broadcast because it doesn't have a filter, the globalists don't control it, and they're scared of what we do here.
But let's get into how they're planning to go after Trump, okay?
Okay, well it's real simple.
Since the convention schedule's been upended,
The potentiality for the McCain wing, the Romney wing of still out there delegates and Democrats, or Republicans, are going to try to take all of these delegate positions in the upcoming conventions.
And then they're going to balk and say, because of conscience, I will not nominate him.
They already tried it last time.
You told me they would.
I didn't believe it would happen.
So they're going to do it now.
Well, they've got that opportunity.
So what does Trump do?
Well, it's not what Trump does, it's what we do.
It's what we do.
The Infowarriors showed up, I believe, in about a 50%
Minority, majority, faction.
They were right.
The Democrats admit this in Rolling Stone, NAP.
They hate us because not just the half of the t-shirts outside were wearing Infowars at the RNC.
They know that we were the group over the top that actually cared and came and got the delegate positions.
That's the reason Trump got in.
In 2016... That's not me.
That's the listeners that took action.
That's why it's important that it's about them.
It's the listeners.
It's about the listeners.
That begs the question.
I knew you were going to say it's not about Trump, it's about us.
This is about the listeners.
This is about the listeners.
See, it's not just about telling them they're important.
They're everything!
Right, right.
It's like we can't go canoeing and they're in water.
You're the damn lake.
You're it.
You're the whole enchilada, baby.
That's why it's obscene to thank me.
I'm just one more drop in the river, baby.
You guys are it.
If you don't show up to these upcoming conventions in your county, state, district, wherever you're located, from coast to coast, this is a nationwide thing, the territories, show up at the territories, InfoWarriors, you need to call your county GOP chairman and ask him, if you're not involved in the convention process already, you need to ask him, how do I get involved, and don't take no for an answer.
Tell him you love Ronald Reagan, you liked George Bush, you liked, you know,
Yeah, I mean, look, we're in a war.
Tell them you love Mitt Romney and hate Trump.
We'll push you right to the top.
Well... Find out if they're a pro... I never used to... We shouldn't lie, but my God, this is a war.
I mean, and it's all I'm telling you is, if it's a pro-Trump guy, be honest with him, but I wouldn't be overly how you hate Mitt Romney, how you hate Hillary.
Just say, I really want Hillary to win, and they'll put you right to the top.
Well, I would be very cautious about that, because they... A big, sarcastic Richard.
They genuinely do not like Hillary.
No, I... It's a joke!
I got you, I got you.
Don't lie, folks.
I got you, I got you.
Anyway, just, hey.
Take, you know, be contemplative about your approach.
How about that?
And then go after them.
Call them up.
Don't take no for an answer.
Find other precinct chairs in your county to meet with and discuss with, and they'll help mentor you.
Bottom line is, we need a majority.
We need 50, 60, 70% majority InfoWarriors at the RNC.
Let's talk about the logistics of that, because this is how you win wars, folks.
It's boots on the ground, it's in the guts, it's in the machinery.
It's not all sexy, unless you think defeat is sexy.
No, it's super sexy.
It doesn't look sexy, but once you get in between the sheets here, it's Marilyn Monroe, baby.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development that is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
Smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
I think?
You know, great at work, but this is great for the car, it's great to keep with you, and again, it's also good for the throat and mouth to get the effects of iodine, not to just ingest it into the stomach.
We're really excited about it.
It's 33% off out of the gates.
It was a listener's idea asking for us to come up with a spray bottle that had us talk to the scientists and developers and come up with a system that aerosolizes it and delivers it to the body in a new, and in some ways, even better way.
Get your Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine Spray now at 33% off at InfoWarsTore.com and experience the power of aerosolized X2 Nascent Iodine for yourself.
Globalists have gotten away with their Russiagate hoax, their Ukraine hoax, their COVID-19 hoax, and now it's the
Race riot hoax of 2020.
We've got to ask ourselves what's coming next.
Well, I can tell you it's going to be a bunch of big old fat mass shootings to create even a bigger race war.
It's going to be economic collapse, China invading Taiwan, Hong Kong, you name it.
The globalists are attacking on every front.
That's why now
More than ever, we have to realize they tried to censor InfoWars off the air because they knew that when they launched this whole situation that they didn't want the people's voice to still be on air.
But thanks to you and our crew, we are still on air.
So let's boost that transmission like the Batman signal now more than ever.
InfoWars.com LIVE!
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Thank you.
I sure can, sir.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and two before us have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank
Thank you for that, man.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better.
So that means a lot to me.
Thank you.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, June 10, 2020, and Richard Reeves is dead on when it comes to politics.
And with the many years he's been involved as a Republican delegate and what he's witnessed and what he's seen.
And is it worse than it was four years ago with neocons and rhinos and leftist infiltrators?
Or is it better?
And they're announcing they're planning to try to take the nomination from Trump and they tried it before, but Manafort stopped it.
We stopped it.
You saw what they did to Manafort over that.
We're going to talk about that all in a moment, but briefly, the last time I did this was four years ago, right around this time to make sure a lot of our t-shirts got out there.
We sold our t-shirts at cost.
We sold the Hillary for Prison shirts for $5.
That's what they cost us.
The XXXX ones are like $6.
And then some of the small ones are like $3.50.
But on average, they're $5 a piece.
We've got a lot of designer shirts.
Some cost us $15 a piece.
A lot of them are about $12.
They're the real soft, nice fabric, you know, made in America.
That costs more.
So we've got a lot of stuff made in America as well.
It's your choice.
Other stuff made in Latin America.
We avoid the Chinese stuff at all costs.
There's a lot of toxic dyes and stuff from there, obviously, and it doesn't help the people.
But all t-shirts are $9.95, and on average, that is cost.
Some shirts cost $5, some shirts cost $15, but $9.95 is the dead reckoning average.
Some shirts we only got a few hundred of, some we got a few thousand of.
Infowarsstore.com, go to the t-shirts, whether it's an Infowars shirt, a Space Force shirt, a 5G Kill shirt, a Mass Murderers Agree Gun Control Work shirt,
We are going to sell out of everything, and I think it'll only take a few weeks to do this.
People really responded last time, and at the RNC and DNC, there was a sea of InfoWars shirts.
So get them at cost at InfoWarsStore.com.
I would say it supports the broadcast, but really just supports the truth, because we're not making money off that.
But it does trigger leftists who think they control the universe and who love to censor.
When I'm out riding around in Austin in the armored vehicle, and the leftists are throwing bottles and metal poles at us and attacking us with hammers.
They go, you're off Twitter and Facebook!
They just celebrate it, but they're so pissed that we've still got InfoWars.com and all these radio stations that are so precious.
So please support those local radio stations as well, and don't take it for granted the position that you've built, what we've got here in this fight.
Also, Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine is now available in a spray bottle, and it's a new formulation that some of the experts think's even better delivery in the solution it's in.
Learn about
The delivery system at InfoWareStore.com.
We're about to sell out of the regular X2.
This is in, and it is $19.95, 33% off, and that supports the broadcast as well.
And high-quality, swearable foods are available now more than ever you need in the last 25 years for all the uncertainty.
Have that checkbox checked and support the broadcast.
Now four weeks on average for delivery.
It's really like three weeks, but they said, say, four weeks.
But they've gotten caught up.
Four factories in the U.S., high quality.
You need to have affordable food with the economy and the globalists and all the rest of the things that are happening.
You need to be self-sufficient.
That's a great way to do it.
So, Infowars.com.
All right, Richard Reeves, former InfoWars reporter, good friend of mine of, I don't know, like 19 years now.
Just get to the facts.
What they're saying they're going to do, what the neocons are going to try, what the Never Trumpers are going to do ahead of the RNC, and what the people can do right now to ensure that they can't steal the nomination.
Well, it's pretty simple.
The people that are out there, they're still in the old Mitt Romney, Bush.
McCain wing are going to try to attempt to flood all of these conventions upcoming.
The Senate's Oral District Conventions, State Conventions, ultimately get themselves to the RNC and if they can get a majority faction of McCain, Bush,
Romney delegates at the RNC, there is a good possibility that they will overthrow that nomination of Trump and they will trot in somebody else.
And one of the big red flag warnings was, as you know earlier in this interview, you were showing that interview where you had Colin Powell being interviewed by Jake the Snake Tapper.
on State of the Union, and I happened to hear the audio on that program this past Sunday, and one of the clues was, is Tapper reminds us all, oh, by the way, you came in third in the 2016 presidential election.
Alex, did you know Colin Powell came in third, actually?
In the Electoral College, he had three Republican electors switch to Colin Powell.
So he actually... And that was Nancy Pelosi's daughter that was honchoing that.
It was, yeah.
And so, I mean, there you are.
So you have a lot of troublemakers all over.
We've got to be a little bit concerned about the Republicans.
Reince Priebus was the Republican National Chairman in 2016.
Right now, I still believe that the lady's related to Mitt Romney, Rona McDaniel.
I think she's related to Mitt Romney.
That's right.
So they've got all their little people in place.
Potentially, yeah.
Potentially she can overtake.
Oh, they're going to take a shot at the President because they never get held accountable.
And she can't do it by herself, though, because it's those delegates.
They gotta count the delegates.
They gotta deal with the delegates.
We need delegates.
We need info warriors.
That's why they tried to sell, oh, no one can be there.
It'll be virtual.
That would be easier to steal.
Explain that.
Well, then that's just it.
Who the heck knows who's even in attendance there when it's all virtual?
I mean, you know, they can now... You don't hear the real yay or nay.
You don't hear the up or down.
Right, right.
And even then, electronically, you could be hitting, you know, the yes button or the no button, and it translates, you know, via the magic of the internet.
So, how does somebody listening in Dallas, or listening in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or listening in Buffalo, New York, or Jacksonville, Florida...
What do they do?
Okay, it's very simple.
Get on the internet and search for the GOP party's internet presence, website, etc.
in your county.
It has to be in your county, wherever you're located.
Some places have parishes like Louisiana has a parish.
Now let's be clear, even if you're in a totally blue state, it doesn't matter because this is about the primary.
You need to be more involved in the blue areas, right?
Because that's where they really run the scams.
Well, the Democrats have their own problems, okay?
Regardless if it's a blue... There's always a Republican party pretty much in every county.
There's always a Democrat party in every county.
But I interrupt to go back to how they do it.
It's easy, just go do it, folks.
Right, right.
Find your GOP party's website, Facebook, etc.
Contact the chairman of that county or parish or district that's
It covers your area where you live.
Simple as that.
You've got to contact that GOP chairman, and you've got to ask him, how can I be involved in all of the upcoming convention process?
Even if you didn't vote in the primary, for instance in Texas, you can still participate in the Republican conventions if you do an oath of allegiance.
Basically, an oath of affiliation.
You can't participate in the Libertarian Party stuff, you can't participate in the Democrat stuff.
You can only participate in the Republican Party side of the convention process, and they're not going to allow you otherwise.
But anyway, even if you didn't vote in the primary, you're still eligible if you've not violated those rules.
And again, this is where the rubber meets the road.
It's like when the farmers are cutting down the corn and you let her eat it, you know, at the restaurant or at home.
This is where the work's getting done.
This is where the work's getting done.
This is where the sauce is being made.
You know, whatever cliche you want to come up with.
But it's so vital.
It's not sexy.
It's not exciting.
It's not... Except victory's really sexy.
But hey, yeah, do we want to get our country back?
That's where the excitement lies.
So each InfoWarrior
I think, you know, you just need to take it on like a part-time gig where you do six or eight hours a week, ten hours a week.
Oh yeah, all these patriots who are great people are like, once the UN takes over, I'll just shoot them.
This is the UN just took over with COVID-19.
We've got all the UN documents.
I'm going to cover it next hour with special guests.
Look, we don't want a shooting war, but believe me, if you're not going to go knock on doors, and if you're not going to go down to precincts, and if you're not going to go watch these politicos and get involved, you're never going to get in a war if we lose.
We don't want to lose.
We don't want a war.
Yeah, we'll win a physical war.
And I'm ready to participate in one if I have to.
But let's not go there.
If it gets to a shooting war, we lost.
And what breaks my heart is knowing that, Alex, we have the numbers.
I'll tell you what, to be honest with you, we have the numbers out there in the Infant Warriors to not only take over the Republican Party lock, stock and barrel, we have those numbers if they all knew what to do and what action to take.
We could have the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.
If you want to get rid of election fraud, we control both sides of the ballot then.
Both sides of the ballot could be under our control because all of these scoundrels that want to run for office, they come to the executive committee.
That's another point.
The Democrats could have a revival.
It could be taken over.
Exactly, yeah.
InfoWarriors, in great enough numbers, can take over the Democrat Party, too.
And by the way, Bernie Bros, you should get involved in your convention process, otherwise you're probably going to end up with Hillary as your candidate on the Democrats' side.
Oh, and they're now admittedly planning that.
Yeah, so we're going to have to watch for that.
That's just it.
People say, why would they run a corpse?
She looks healthy compared to Biden.
Yeah, and actually is able to make a little bit more sense than Biden.
Not much more, but some more.
Yeah, so that's the scary thing.
Okay, what are we going to see on the Democrat side?
How do you make a corpse look good?
We'll put a more rotten one up there.
Yeah, well, maybe that's it.
You know, Matt Drudge long ago, he said, you know, pretty soon we're going to have head in the jar, right?
So, you know, maybe that's Hillary or Biden.
I don't know.
He's more head in the jar than Hillary was.
Brain in the jar, yeah.
Yeah, brain in the jar.
It's like that old Saturday Night Live deal where Michael Corleone, Godfather 5 or whatever, they won't let him, they won't let me quit, the brain's in a jar.
Look, look at her!
This is, this is what we're up, we can't beat, it's like Revelation says, after Satan's caged, people say, this is who did all this?
I mean, that's pretty pathetic, Craig.
Well, the question is, has she hit her knees and her belly yet?
I don't know, has that happened yet?
And what about Pelosi?
You know, at least once- She's the one that got the law passed calling black men super predators.
Yeah, well, and Hillary helped on that, right.
But, you know, that one police chief set that new standard.
You gotta not just get on your knees, you gotta get on your belly.
Like a snake.
Yeah, so we want to see all these Democrat leaders not on your knees, not sufficient.
I want them to blow their brains out.
I'm not gonna do it.
I'd like them to shove a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger in my tail, it's plain to see.
Hey, the Hodge twins are coming up next.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas.
By the way, I gotta feed Soros little troll things.
I actually want Nancy Pelosi, like Lenin, to live under glass and never die.
And I don't want anything to happen to Biden because they're so ineffectual, they're such jokes.
I don't want them to shove guns in their mouths and commit suicide.
Even though they say there's too many of us and they want suicide, they want the VA to be so bad, and we got 50 troops committing suicide a day or whatever.
I want their ideas to be destroyed.
You know, bowing, lying down on their stomachs isn't enough.
When does it get to the point, Richard, where we're asked for human sacrifice to atone for how we're bad?
I mean, once you're on your knees, what else do you do?
Actually, we're there.
You know, you described actually on one of your shows recently that these vaccine programs are a form of human sacrifice.
So, we're there.
Of course, I wasn't really going to eat my neighbors, but you were saying during the break.
Bill Gates is basically eating us.
We're good to go.
President an opportunity to bring the First Amendment to the whole planet.
He can do it with the trade deals.
The First Amendment, the people are clamoring for First Amendment.
You got Hong Kong over there.
Potentially, you know, that could be our 51st state.
Hong Kong, those people are ready to be Americans.
By the way, US sends aircraft carrier as China makes moves in the Pacific.
China says they may invade Hong Kong and Taiwan.
I know.
And by the way, the Washington Post is like supporting that.
Well, sure they are.
The Bezos post, it's no surprise there.
You've got a lot of leftists supporting that.
It's just really upside down world.
Things have gone crazy, as your audience knows.
And we have, like I say, Donald Trump, you've got an opportunity.
Right now, you know, I told you in January
Of 2016, Alex, I was in Iowa, following the Trump campaign, and I told you, look, Trump's got two choices on this.
He's either going to be the best president ever, or the worst president ever.
And right now, I'm sorry, but he's tacking towards the worst side right now.
So he really needs to take big action.
He needs to become an educator and chief.
He was doing great at first, but now they've counterstruck to kill the economy.
He needs to be out there saying, you're the ones that launched the COVID hype.
You're the ones saying keep us locked down.
You're the ones that say everybody should riot, but we can't have a mega rally.
He needs to go on the offense.
He is, he needs to step up and be Educator-in-Chief.
He needs to be like Alex Jones firing off and bringing up, he can wake up the planet.
He can wake up the planet.
Donald Trump can wake up the planet.
Please do that.
So right now... He should be out there saying the Democrats, the party, the KKK, the minimum sentencing, the abort all the black babies, read Margaret Singer quotes.
He could destroy them.
Donald Trump, assume the role of Educator-in-Chief.
Assume the role of Educator-in-Chief.
Start the rallies back up.
Well, he's doing that.
But I think he knows now he's being set up with 145 days out.
Because I told you Trump was going to win, and he still has a chance to.
But let me tell you, they're lined up this time.
They're always lined up.
And, you know, do those rallies.
No social distancing.
You know, pretty much everybody should not wear a mask.
Make it optional on the mask.
You know, make it optional on the mask.
And your rundown of September 6th, it's a real pneumonia.
Do you believe the Democrats put, now I learned it's 10 states, I was saying 4, 4 they got attention, on purpose, COVID patients with nursing home people, that's a known death sentence, just to get the numbers up.
I mean, that is some evil people.
I know that's old news, but now it's confirmed they told doctors that the health department in New York threatened to arrest state board examiners that said don't do this.
Which, that brings up another point of frustration for me, is Trump has allowed these criminals to just continue and doing their nefarious activities.
It's just like you talked about with the murdering scum that's putting COVID-infecting patients in nursing homes.
Well, I'm frustrated, true, also because Trump has known about Antifa since the spring of 2016, when Antifa and other black bloc groups
Made them cancel Trump's Chicago event in 2016.
It turned out with you Leaks, Hillary and Soros were behind that.
Richard Reeves of InfoWars.
Thank you Richard, great points.
Alright, thanks Al.
Alright, I've been a fan of these guys for years.
The Hodge twins, the conservative twins on YouTube.
Join us to talk about what in the world is going on and how we turn this around.
Please stay with us.
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That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarStore.com.
Here are some of the latest headlines at InfoWars.com, the most banned website in the world.
This tells the truth.
Report, Antifa seeks armed volunteers to hold seized ground in Seattle.
What could go wrong?
Dome of the Wind hits number one on Amazon after HBO bans film.
Neocon Colin Powell says he will vote for Biden and has now put out new comments.
Check yourself, Negro!
Cornel West explodes on Leo Terrell during Hannity debate about defunding police.
I guess he's like Joe Biden.
He's like, if you don't do what I say, you're not black, you're not American, you're not anything.
This is getting absolutely insane.
But you know what?
I've decided before we go to our guest here, the Hodge twins here in just a moment, I have decided to join Antifa because they're the heroes.
When you randomly just attack somebody's vehicle.
So here's a little bit of footage of me joining Antifa in an initiation yesterday.
There's a car right there!
It's Hitler!
Get him!
Get him!
He hit me!
He hit me!
By the way, everyone's commenting that my t-shirt's too small.
That's the point, is I'm doing a comedy piece.
Alright, big fans of these guys for years, the Hodge Twins.
I want to plug their website, but they want you to go to their YouTube channel, Conservative Twins.
Gentlemen, you need no introduction here.
Great to have you on with us.
I know you've been on some of the other shows, but thanks for being here with us.
And, wow, where do you want to start with what's currently happening?
I mean, what would you call this period of time we're in right now?
It's identity politics.
This is what caused all of this.
And it's all been pushed on this lie that cops are hunting down black people on a daily basis.
Which is the biggest lie.
I mean, statistically speaking, a majority of our encounters with police officers is good, but the mainstream media is trying to push this idea that they're hunting down black folks and killing them in numbers that's not seen in other demographics of people.
Police brutality is a problem, but it happens across all walks of life, not just with black people.
Ever since President Trump got elected, they were saying how divisive he is.
I mean, when you look at mainstream media, they're all about divisiveness.
They have never been bringing America together.
And right now, unfortunately, you can see how everything's breaking out because of identity politics.
Do you think they're successful?
Where do you think this is all going?
Man, it's these damn globalists, they're trying to... Western civilization, they're trying to destroy us.
I think they're well on their way.
Because you got black people thinking that they're less than human, they're less than white people.
They believe in white privilege.
They believe cops out here are hunting us down.
That's all a lie.
Michael Meeks said this years ago, the media is the most powerful organization.
They can make the innocent,
Look guilty and make the guilty look innocent.
They did it with Trump.
They doing it with the police.
They're actually causing our society to crumble.
And they make Joe Biden like a saint.
I mean, it's pretty obvious when you see this man on camera that he's not a good person.
The things that he does, how he avoids people's personal space regardless of gender.
It just makes me sick because when you look at this man,
You can tell that this man is evil.
He's been in office for over 40 years.
He's did nothing.
And now they're trying to preach to the American people that it's all Trump's fault.
He's only been in office for three years.
These people have been in office for decades.
Well, I was about to say...
What Trump's gotten done has been incredible, and I wish he'd do more, but he's totally surrounded.
He's massively turned the economy on, massively increased funding to black colleges and all these other places to actually help people.
He's ending wars he said he would end.
He's getting conservative Supreme Court people in.
All I see is him fighting like hell to keep his promises.
And now the Democrats said, we want to plunge the economy.
And now they're like, oh, COVID-19, that they hyped up, plunge the economy.
And now they're blaming it on Trump.
They think we're so stupid, we don't have a memory.
Well, you guys have a memory.
I have a memory, but I got to tell you, a lot of Americans out there, it seems, don't have a memory.
And I'm really worried about Trump.
What are you gut-level things about to happen in this election in 145 days?
Man, it's really remarkable what this man has been able to accomplish since he went off, because the media, the government itself is after him.
I cannot see how this man is not re-elected.
I mean, everything he's done, regardless of some of the things he's said, nobody's perfect, but Trump has did some amazing things.
It's like literally half this country cannot think for themselves.
If he loses this next election, it's because of that.
We're good to go.
They go with whatever the media pushes.
And if he loses the election, that's why he will lose.
I totally agree.
Everything that they say is opinionated.
They form an opinion and they tell their audience what to think instead of to think.
What do you make of CNN and NPR saying Trump's bad to have rallies again, but all these other big mass rallies that are anti-Trump, anti-America are good.
Again, they're literally talking out of both sides of their mouth in front of us.
It's like a war on logic.
Yeah, it's no logic.
They told us with this COVID, stay home.
When this George Floyd thing happened, forget all about all that.
We need to riot.
We need to protest.
It's hypocrisy at its finest.
But it's weird to me that half the country, they can't see that.
Politics in this country is so tribalistic now.
People just stick with their side and they don't sit there and continue to be objective.
I agree.
I agree.
What do you make of Pelosi and them dressing up with with like some type of I guess Kenyan scarf which isn't Kenyan and then bowing and kneeling and then other people getting on their bellies.
I mean quite frankly I think this is very condescending.
I think this is really patronizing.
What do you think?
But that's what they've been doing for decades, Alex.
It works!
They've been telling black people that they're not American, that they're African-American.
And black people, they paint us as African-Americans.
They won't just call out and just tell us that we're Americans.
No, we're African-Americans.
We're less than American.
And then when they show up in these kente clothes, it is so patronizing.
It's right there in your face.
You know, and people don't see it.
Black people don't see it.
If I showed up at a Native American funeral wearing face paint and feathers... Exactly.
Disrespectful, but they do it in front of people.
I was about to say, they say it's a Halloween deal when I dress up and I'm just having fun as being a Greek or an Indian or something like that.
That's not meaning to be mad, so it's not bad in my view.
But if I showed up at a Native American funeral dressed up like a big chief, they go, hey dude, you're a little bit of a weirdo and you're acting like you're us, you're not.
We're showing up at a black funeral in blackface.
This is literally like when Hillary would be in Kentucky and she goes,
I mean, if I was in New York, I wouldn't put on a New York accent.
Or if I was in Alabama, I wouldn't put on a Southern drawl.
I don't get this fakeness.
Yeah, AOC, Hillary Clinton showing up with a bottle of hot sauce.
Joe Biden saying, if you don't vote for me, you're not black.
I mean, when are black people going to wake up?
This is so disgusting.
Exactly, I couldn't imagine showing up at, say, some Mexican people's house, and I go, hey, look, I got hot sauce.
I mean, what?
Who the hell thinks like that?
Hey, Alex, don't forget about the sombrero hat.
Man, I tell you, it's getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
When I show up at my friends' houses, I don't even think about what color they are.
I'm like, hey, where are we going to go eat?
I mean, again, Democrats, they put everything through a lens.
Why do they do that?
Identity politics.
Divide and conquer.
That's their whole motto.
If people wake up and stop looking at people, judging them based on the color of their skin, just by the content of their character, and who's got the best ideas.
America would be in a lot better position, but until that happens, unfortunately, people of color, minorities, they're going to continue to suffer.
With, quote, minorities, Trump is very, very popular compared to other Republicans.
Other Republicans are super boring weirdos.
I don't blame them.
So the polls show upwards of 40% of black males like Trump.
That's up from 10% previously.
Is that an accurate number from what you see just in general talking to folks when we come back?
And what other tricks does the deep state have up their sleeve trying to derail Trump?
And if Trump did lose, what will the Democrats do next?
Let's talk about worst case scenario when we come back.
We're living in insanely dangerous times.
And I've told folks going back three months ago, I'm not buying storable food because I'm worried about the COVID-19 virus.
I'm worried about the food shortages and the economic collapse.
And now it's admitted that a chain reaction has begun that's already caused food shortages and the collapse of farms and ranches across the United States.
And it's even worse in the third world.
So I hope Trump, with his initiatives, can clean this up and fix it.
But with the election fraud and the
I don't
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, hello.
Can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro, and it's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in that I'm a truck driver and two of the fours have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank you for that.
Well brother we put more in this than any other long-term high-quality energy powder there is So this this was designed on one of the top guys in the country He didn't want his name on it because obviously the political issues But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it And we believe it is the best strongest, but healthiest energy out there, and you're saying that it's made your life better So that means a lot to me.
Thank you to all your truck drivers.
We love you You're listening to the Alex Jones Show
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And it's the Hodge Twins.
Check them out on YouTube at Conservative Twins.
They've got almost 500,000 subscribers.
Hundreds of millions, if not billions of views.
Look at these new articles that just went live at newswars.com.
Antifa releases list of demands after capturing six blocks of downtown Seattle.
Demands include reparations, abolishing police, releasing violent criminals, and rent controls.
Man, they will destroy this country.
Their ideas... Their ideas have never worked anywhere.
I mean, they will actually destroy this country.
Yeah, just be one step closer because, you know, you look at all great nations, all great countries, all empires, they never fall outside of the country.
They always fall within.
And the Democrats, if they win this next election, they're just one step closer to destroying this country and trying to
But it works for the people that bring it in.
They sure get rich.
Oh, definitely.
Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, you have the elitists like Hollywood politicians, they're doing well, but the majority of America, they're going to suffer.
What do you make of, I think it's Trump's biggest failure, and he says he's going to do something now, but the censorship is now over everybody, everything.
All my family, a lot of them, I would even call them super conservative, if they just say something supporting the President, they get blocked on Twitter or Facebook.
They're blocking everything now.
They're censoring the President's tweets.
Yeah, I was reading the article yesterday and he's actually trying to bang the President of the United States from Twitter.
I mean, just when you think he couldn't get any crazier.
It just keeps getting dumber and dumber and dumber and it's like, it doesn't stop.
It's because these people who are in leadership positions as Democrats, they don't have any ideas.
They're not very smart people.
People on the left, they get voted in because they're gay.
Yeah, all the racism we experience is from blacks.
We get death threats.
Just because I don't agree with the leftist mob, with the leftist agenda, because I have strong conservative values, I'm called racial slurs, and they get a pass.
If a white man comes out and calls a black man the n-word, they're crucified.
But on the left, when they do it to us conservatives, it's okay.
What we need to do is, people like conservatives in general, we need to stop being so nice.
We need to wake up.
These people are every day, from the moment they wake up, what they gonna do to ruin our country.
People on the right, we need to wake up, we need to stand up, and we need to do something about it.
Or, just sit back and let this country get destroyed.
By the way, you're calling them evil and corrupt.
I know the listeners know this, but even I have been in the trenches for 20-something years.
When I go to these rallies now, Democrats didn't used to act this crazy.
And I'm not being mean to white people, but let's just say it.
It's like 90%
Crazy, wild-eyed white people screaming, F you, you're white, shut up, you're white, you can't speak, and they're white yelling this at you.
I've got hundreds of videos.
It's like, they're so cartoonish, and I don't know what happened to them.
I mean, I know you've got some rabid black people after you, but, I mean, I know you've been out to rallies and stuff.
These are some weird white people, too.
Another Skype froze right there.
As soon as it comes back, we'll talk to them about that.
And they mentioned what's wrong with the left as well.
I was sent by a very well-known talk show host, I'll leave it at that, a very interesting piece of information about an hour ago, and during the breaks I was reading it, Rolf Deegan on Twitter said, people vulnerable to depression are less likely to identify with mainstream right parties, less likely to vote for them, and less likely to place themselves on the right side of the ideological spectrum.
There's a big medical study that's been put out by a major medical journal, Depression and Politics
Almost blue.
And it just goes on to say it's almost completely blue.
Who's on the drugs?
Who's on the psychotropics?
Who is?
Having all these problems.
And I'm telling you folks, you go out, you get around Democrats, it is a lunatic asylum.
20 years ago, there were a lot of weirdos in Democratic circles, but most of them were anti-war, they were into health stuff, they were pretty smart about, you know, cell phones cause, you know, cancer.
I mean, they were, they were informed.
I don't know, are they all dead now?
Where'd they go?
Man, Soros bought up the left, and it is rabid, crazy people.
Let me tell you something.
We go out to any Democrat event and we have to use a fake, not a fake organization, but you know like an Action 7 or something else just so they don't try to kill our reporters.
And it's like a mental institution.
We've all seen mentally ill homeless people.
It's very sad.
A homeless corner bus stop is more sane than a Democrat event.
Then you get all these other people hyped up that are following it all, that just start beating the snot out of white people.
And I mean, if you had groups of white dudes blocking a road, beating up black people randomly, everyone would completely and totally freak out.
So, it's crazy.
And you read the Antifa documents that we got.
Hello, FBI.
Hello, everybody.
You should be investigating this for the plans for martial law in Baltimore in 2015.
It's white antifa saying we're trying to agitate the blacks to do something.
I would never think I'm going to go down to a black neighborhood and I'm going to try to manipulate them or pay them to go commit crimes so I can speak for them and say, look, the blacks are rising up.
But that's what the corporate media, that's what all these shows are doing, that's what they're pushing.
Again, our guest Skype broke down, it happens more and more.
Skype's now telling folks if your politics is wrong, you can't use it.
It's all part of the surveillance, I'm not saying that happened here, but as soon as we get the Twins back, we'll do that.
Really interesting fellows that do some great videos, the Hodge Twins, Conservative Twins is what it's called on YouTube.
Separately, we have $9.95, which on average is the average cost.
So instead of like saying, this shirt's $5, does it cost $5?
This shirt's $13, it's $13.
We just averaged it together, did the math.
It's around $9.95 or so, the average cost of a shirt.
So whether it's a designer shirt, or whether it's just a regular shirt with a great message, like Mass Murderers Agree Gun Control Works, or an InfoWars shirt, or a Designer Space Force shirt that goes cost like 10 bucks.
They're all $9.95, and they've all got InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com or Band.Video on them.
And you can choose your own adventure.
You wear an InfoWars shirt in the leftist area, they'll try to kill you.
You wear it in a conservative area, someone will probably buy you lunch, or you might meet your wife, or your husband, or whatever, your boyfriend, girlfriend.
I mean, it's really a way to meet people.
It's a way to wear your colors loud and proud.
The left wants to extinct this behavior, so now you gotta do it.
Because if you think Alex Jones pops out here on air, I now wear Space Force InfoWars shirts in restaurants all over Austin, because I'm not looking for trouble, but I'm not gonna pull my horns in.
Because usually I wouldn't wear one of my own shirts.
I kind of want to fly out of the radar.
I wear my shirts 9% of the time now.
My wife's like, you never wear button-up shirts.
You never wear... All I wear is Infowars.
She wears it now, too.
Because, you know, we're... You want to shut me up?
Good luck, leftist turds.
Not gonna happen.
Get your shirts across right now.
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The people of the world have awakened to globalism and so populist movements are throwing the globalists out of their countries.
That's why the New World Order is instituting race war and division and telling the people that rebellion is about overthrowing your local police and government and destroying essential services.
This is an attempt to have society collapse, and the globalists, as they've done in the third world, will come in and pick up the pieces.
We must stand against the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU, openly saying, defund the police.
The police have a lot of problems.
We all have a lot of problems.
But this is our government and our local vocabulary.
And believe me, once the globalists have overthrown this country,
They are going to put in a real police state where you have no due process or freedom.
The globalists believe communist China is the model of the world.
And they are orchestrating this entire thing.
The people helping them are collaborators and are idiots and must be opposed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, well it's our internet, ladies and gentlemen, that's been down a bunch of it.
It's internal, it's not Bill Gates doing it today.
But we are on the radio and TV satellites, this will all be archived.
Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We're not a hundred billion dollar company or a trillion dollar company like Apple or a seven hundred billion dollar company like Google.
We are all our own infrastructure.
Radio, TV, satellites, the feeds, the connections, all of it.
And we get attached to certain pieces of equipment around here.
A lot of weirdness, but we're going to continue to try to stay on air as long as we can.
Going back to our guest here today, I have a clip here that's up on InfoWars.com.
Check yourself.
Cornel West explodes on Leo Terrell during a candidate debate about defunding police.
This is all this bullying about people's views.
Here it is.
You know Sean, you ask Dr. Cornel West the type of questions you ask in a court of law, he won't answer because he's just giving you old talking points.
I'll speak to you Dr. Cornel West, black man to black man.
There's looting going on and you try to conflate protesting and police misconduct.
Shame on you!
And you're absolutely wrong!
You won't address the issue!
You will refuse to address the issue!
Because I'm talking to you!
You're not my brother!
You're not my brother!
You are hurting black people by acting in this position!
You are taking the wrong position!
No, my brother!
That's it!
That stuff plays out!
That plays out!
Do you?
Oh my gosh!
You have lost control!
You're a dinosaur!
You're an upright dinosaur!
You have lost it, sir!
I'm not part of your group!
I'm not part of your group!
You have lost it!
You are a dinosaur!
And you know what?
He's fighting the wrong people to come!
You are wrong, my friend.
No, I don't think so.
Because your position is so way off.
By the way, hit pause.
I love how Cornel West is wearing his mask in his house.
It's all like, I'm good, you're not good.
And the whole thing's a hoax.
They put all the regular deaths in the COVID-19 column.
It's all come out as a hoax.
Bill Gates' models were 23 times higher than what even happened.
Gentlemen, well, let's finish another minute of this and then get your take on Cornel West's meltdown.
Here it is.
I will not respect you!
You come out in the black disrespecting people!
You disrespect me, the gated brother of Florida!
Who do you think you are?
That does not work on me!
That does not work on me!
You keep saying that!
It's an old talkie point!
It's an old talkie point!
It's an old talkie point!
Leo, give me a second.
Guys, alright.
Everybody's mic'd out.
Hang on.
Guys, one at a time.
Cornel West, then we'll go to Leo.
Cornel, you're up.
Okay, I'll wait.
Thank you.
You know what?
You asked him a very simple question.
He won't say he's against defunding the police because you know what?
He's in favor of defunding the police.
I'm opposed to it.
And this man is a dinosaur.
We have to protect our community, our black community.
And you know what?
Professor West and I are on this program because we have education.
We have to improve education.
I love the term.
I call mainstream media dinosaur media.
I coined that term 20 years ago.
But this whole system is a dinosaur system.
What do you guys make of this freakout?
Defunding the police?
I mean, if anybody should be against defunding the police, it's black people.
Black people don't even realize that half the murders in this country is done, committed by 5% of the population.
That 5% of the population is black Americans.
That guy, this whole defund the police started with George Floyd's murder.
Do y'all realize what his record was?
That guy once robbed a pregnant woman and put a gun to her stomach.
I mean, nobody says anything until, unfortunately, just because this police officer is white, then the mainstream media wants to feed this lie to American people, especially the black community that you're being hunted down like animals, when that's not even the case.
And defunding the police department?
We need police.
Without a police department, you don't have a civil society.
Look what's happened over the last week.
We'll police.
244% increase in homicides since this happened.
What is it in LA?
It's crazy.
You want to get rid of the police?
I mean, they don't like what happened to Ahmaud Arbery.
Y'all say that's vigilante justice.
Statistically, I got an article here, the left is more often calling the police.
They want the police to arrest us if we're not wearing masks, but they want to defund them.
Again, there's no logic.
Sorry, it's a 250%.
I don't know why I said 244.
I think the actual number is 244, but I mean, look at that.
Yeah, it's no logic.
It's irrational.
And this guy, this professor, he's actually teaching kids, our future generation.
This man looks like he belongs in a mental asylum.
Defunding the police?
He looks like a madman.
He does.
He does look like a crazy Einstein.
That dude needs to be in a straitjacket in a room.
That's what he look like on Fox News.
Millions of people watch you and this is how you act?
Imagine how this guy acts behind closed doors in his own house.
Talking about when it's not on the record.
Mental case.
And this guy's in charge of our future.
But the black community, they look up to this guy.
By the way, I'm a big fan of Leo Terrell.
I've read his writings and heard some of his show, but he was kicking ass right there.
We need to get this guy on the air.
He was just knocking it out.
He said, listen, I don't belong to you just because I'm black and you're black.
You don't speak.
Like some white dude would tell me, you're white, so I speak for you.
And I speak for you and you speak for me.
That's how cults operate.
That's exactly it.
He's preaching black supremacy.
If white people can't do it, why can blacks do that?
It's the exact same logic.
Oh, you're not being white right now.
He's doing the exact same thing.
Oh, you're not being black.
You're not my brother right now.
He's preaching black supremacy.
You either believe in everything I say or you're not one of us.
Yeah, and you hit the nail on the head, Alex.
That's like a cult ideology.
Somebody else speaks for you.
No, I speak for myself.
I had family reach out to me, Alex.
Oh, what would your mom think?
Or what would your aunt think?
Because, like, I don't check in with my aunt and ask her permission who to marry or how to think or how to live my life.
I'm a grown man.
I think for myself.
Yeah, I'm the man I am because of my mama.
My mama told me to practice self-accountability.
If my mom was still alive today, she wouldn't be happy with any of this stuff.
But Alex, this is what is taught in black communities.
I'm an Uncle Tom, I'm a coon if I don't think like them.
Well, you take the police officer, David Dorn, that got shot and killed, a retired detective, a retired captain, and it came out in the news, well, he was a black guy protecting the business.
Turned out it was a black business he was protecting.
But who cares?
How is he and Uncle Tom, because he did well and was loved in the community and was a police captain, how is black people becoming the establishment bad?
That's becoming the system!
I mean, how the left teaches black people that you stay poor on welfare, and you never run anything, and if anybody ever gets in a position, they're a sellout.
Again, they're literally, as they say, trying to keep black people down.
Yeah, our school system, especially in the black inner urban neighborhoods, have failed black kids.
I mean, the reason why we study history is so we won't prevent it.
Thomas Jefferson said it years ago, if your government is big enough to give you something, they're big enough to take that away from you.
And people, black people, don't realize that big government...
It's not good.
It's just, it's just... It's not the answer.
It's not the answer.
The only way any person is going to live the American dream is through hard work, making great decisions, and practicing self-accountability.
Your failures, your failures cannot be blamed on the white man.
You need to look in the mirror.
Your fails cannot be blamed on something that happened 400 years ago.
People, black folks are actually walking around thinking they're slaves.
They keep going in the past.
We can't change the past, but you can change your future being self-accountable.
Well, it's not just black folks.
I know so many people that think being a victim is like they're royal or something.
Oh, something bad happened to me, so now you've got to take care of me and feel sorry for me.
I had all sorts of bad stuff happen to me.
And quite frankly, the fact that I survived it, I look back on those bad times and it's like they were good.
I'm not defending bad things happening, but Nietzsche said it, that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Yeah, bad things happen to everybody.
When bad stuff happens to you, take it as an opportunity to learn from it so it never happens again.
Instead, people like to victimize themselves, and they glorify it.
And they're doomed to keep repeating, making mistakes.
Gentlemen, I appreciate you coming on the broadcast.
Folks can find you on Twitter at Conservative Twins.
I want to come back and give you the floor on any topics you want to cover in the final segment of this hour.
Then, John Rappaport is ready to go.
I'm going to hit the psychological study on the left, being five times more depressed than conservatives.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
InfoWars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
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The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO,
And if Communist China shoots women at checkpoints and welds people into their houses and has robots controlling people, well then, gee, we've got to do that.
And on top of it, cities like San Antonio passed laws saying we'll arrest you if you say Chinese virus.
Well, now Cuomo in New York's calling it the European virus.
These people are out of control.
I don't know.
Globalists have gotten away with their Russiagate hoax, their Ukraine hoax, their COVID-19 hoax, and now it's the
Race riot hoax of 2020.
We've got to ask ourselves what's coming next.
Well, I can tell you it's going to be a bunch of big old fat mass shootings to create even a bigger race war.
It's going to be economic collapse, China invading Taiwan, Hong Kong, you name it.
The globalists are attacking on every front.
That's why now
More than ever, we have to realize they tried to censor InfoWars off the air because they knew that when they launched this whole situation that they didn't want the people's voice to still be on air.
But thanks to you and our crew, we are still on air.
So let's boost that transmission like the Batman signal now more than ever.
InfoWars.com lives!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here live.
I was just in the break room getting a glass of water, and there was Fauci saying, oh, COVID at 19 is far from over.
In fact, it's worse, because there's more tests go out they've been proving that are fraudulent, provided by Bill and Melinda Gates, who got shut down by the FDA, but not before tens of thousands of the tests went out, tens of millions.
They then say, oh, you're all positive.
Nobody's sick of this meatpacking plan, but we got to close it.
Sabotaging the entire economy.
Meanwhile, Elmo and his dad discuss why racism is a huge problem in our country in CNN Town Hall.
Now, oh, we don't believe lying CNN puppets of the new order, so now they give us actual
This is getting too insane.
The Hodge Twins find their great work at Conservative Twins on YouTube.
And gentlemen, fire up your website as well, because I mean, I'm all about promoting the big platforms.
People can find you, but it's also important to promote the actual websites so people can find you there in cyberspace.
Give folks the best website for you.
Yeah, you can follow us on Instagram.
We're the official Hodge Twins.
Yeah, we're on YouTube at The Hodge Twins.
No, that's Facebook.
Oh, YouTube, we're Conservative Twins.
All right, gentlemen, I could ask a lot of questions, but just in the time we have here, what else do you want to put front and center to the couple million folks that are watching?
Man, this is what we've seen over the last week or so has been a culmination of what the media has been pushing on the left for like the last couple of years.
Now those chickens are coming home to roost and they're getting what they want.
Our society is starting to crumble.
I don't want a lot of people to buy into this country's racist.
I mean, we've traveled all over this country.
We've traveled all over the world.
This is still the best country on this planet.
Do not feed into the lies that mainstream media is preaching to everybody that whites are against blacks.
Don't believe that.
The majority of people in the United States are good people, hard-working people, not racists.
Don't let a few bad apples destroy the entire bunch.
This is still the greatest country on this planet.
But we have to still continue to fight for this country because this country is under attack.
From within.
Our own politicians.
They're trying to take this country in the direction that other countries have taken in the past, and those countries have failed.
People are actually fleeing those countries to come here, but now we're trying to institute those same failed policies from other countries.
We need to stand up.
You need to believe in our country, capitalism.
Remember when that sad black lady in Florida
Got up and asked Obama for a free house and he said, we'll get it for you.
And then the Democrats never called her, but Republicans got together and got her the house to make a point.
But that is just sick to tell that woman we're going to help you.
She's living out of her car and they didn't even help her.
I mean, they just, whatever they do, it's for a vote.
It's not out of the goodness of their heart.
They're seeking power.
That's all they want.
As soon as that camera turns on, Alex, they start, they go into that little, little, little acting role they go into.
As soon as that camera turns off, it's like they cut it off.
They forget everything they just said.
And that's because the system recruits sociopaths.
Sociopaths are maybe one out of 50 people, folks, but
The studies show that sociopaths and psychopaths at the top of a government during its collapse.
And I think we're going into the collapse cycle.
As you said, I hope we can have a renaissance and come out of it.
What do you guys see long term?
Long term, Trump's got to get re-elected because, I mean, what they're pushing on the left, Biden has no backbone.
This guy's actually pushing policies.
He's never stood for his 40 years in office.
He's never stood for any of this stuff and now he's advocating for all this socialist crap, all these horrible ideas, because he has no backbone.
Trump's a true leader.
He's going to take this country in the right direction.
He needs to get re-elected.
I hate imagining him losing the election, what that would do.
I couldn't imagine it either, but sometimes, Alex, you do have to take two steps backwards before you can walk forwards.
Hopefully, we don't have to take those two steps backwards in the meantime.
We took those two steps backwards, Obama.
We're taking steps forward now.
No, I agree, but you talk about a backlash, though, if Biden got in, because look, here's the deal.
Maybe Trump's going too far with his prison reform, but there are people that have been in jail 30 years for one thing.
They need to get out.
I mean, I think some of it is too extreme, but here's Trump doing what liberals always said they wanted.
Biden's the guy with lock up all the black people, and then he's the one up there saying Trump wants to hurt the black people.
I mean, it's just not true.
It's just when you know the players, it's ridiculously fraudulent.
Yeah, it's like, how many times someone's going to tell you these lies?
Like, Mimi showed up at the, uh, the black church and told everybody they're going to put you back in chains.
And there's no pushback.
They believe everything this man says.
They, on the left, they preach that old white men are racist, but they sit back and listen to him.
Yeah, Joe Biden's an old white man.
There's nothing wrong with being old and white.
I'll tell you this, the average old white person is like a virtue signaling liberal who literally is on another planet.
I mean, it's just crazy.
I wouldn't call them liberal anymore, Alex.
They're far from liberal.
I wish they would bring liberals back.
These people are lefties.
I agree, you're right.
You're right.
In fact, PragerU has a great five-minute piece on the difference between a liberal and a lefty.
You guys, give me your definition in closing of a liberal versus a lefty.
A liberal is typically what a Republican is now.
Leftists, they're illogical.
They're irrational.
Their views are hypocritical.
Back in the day, just dumb stuff.
There's no such thing as gender.
Science has already proven this hundreds of years ago.
Typical liberal nowadays, they don't believe in anything a true liberal believes in, like Second Amendment, freedom of speech, everything.
Nowadays, they've stolen that term liberal and made it into something that it's not.
I totally agree.
Yeah, but they're not liberal anymore.
They're leftists.
They're illogical.
There's no reason whatsoever.
Never knew what you had until it's gone.
I wish the liberals would come back.
I agree.
Back that up, I love how that one senator with the white hair, I forget his name, he's got a leopard print face mask as well with his Kwanzaa outfit.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
I mean, look, I showed up at Blackfriend's house in like a
Like a Zulu outfit.
They'd be like, what the hell is this?
Be like, is this a joke?
They'd laugh about it, but I mean, if I showed up serious though and said, I like you, and I had like a black face on and I was in an African outfit, they'd like... This is crazy, man.
These people are crazy.
Why don't they know how that looks to the average person?
I mean, I was thinking maybe Nance was going to braid our hair.
I thought, what's the big guy's name?
Maybe he should have showed up in cornrows.
Jerry Nadler?
He doesn't, I don't think he knows what planet he's on, man.
Look how he's trying to put the mask on.
That was like, and this guy can't even put a face mask on.
This guy is a member of our government.
And then she can't even get back up.
She's leading this country and she doesn't know her own physical health.
If I get down right here, I'm not going to be able to get back up.
But she's leading this country?
I was about to say, nothing against her that she couldn't get up.
But if you can't get up, don't do that on camera.
But you know why she did that, Alex?
They thought they was going to edit that part out.
She knew she couldn't get back up.
They wanted those cameras to make them look good.
He's insane.
Normally, somebody who's a great host, John Rappaport's like, yeah, I don't care if I do the show or not, fourth hour.
He's like, I wanna do the fourth hour today!
John Rappaport is fired up.
He is ready to take over, but I've got to play Fauci.
And the crazy stuff he's doing in this report about Democrats being way more likely to be on psychotropics than being depressed.
We already know that, but they don't just look like mental patients for nothing.
They are mental patients.
And the mental illness is growing because it's been made fashionable to turn loose of your mind and go crazy.
So that's all coming up separately.
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Is available at InfoWarsTore.com and then that funds this infrastructure and everything we're doing and a lot of upgrades and a lot of things we're doing behind the scenes.
It takes a lot of money to run this operation so I want to thank you all.
We've got like, I learned, 10 year old switches for the internet.
That's $60,000.
They just reordered new switches earlier because it knocked us off the internet.
So that just, it takes money to run this.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We now have the X2 and spray bottles as well.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friend's the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen, because it was only the mirage of safety.
Movies and partying and living like children, never growing up, never caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states, every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God,
They were brought into captivity because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies and then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
Infowars has decided to fight for freedom.
Infowars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
I've hunted a lot of big game at long distances with high caliber rifles and when you shoot an elk at, say, 600 yards, even if you hit them right in the heart, they'll still run 50, 60, 70, maybe 100 yards.
They've got that adrenaline pumping through their arteries and through their veins, but all of a sudden they slow down, they realize what's happened, they fall over, and they die.
Then you go bag them and haul them back in.
Well, that's what's going to happen to the entire world now.
And that's what the economic numbers show.
Is that we've been shot right in the heart.
And for the first world, it's going to mean a long, horrible depression and a lot of death.
Well, for the third world, it's going to mean probably over 100 million dead, according to the UN, and I believe their numbers.
Because it's the very UN that's orchestrated this to depopulate the third world.
So to all the leftists that thought it was their revolution to get rid of Trump, you're a bunch of suckers and you bought into something bigger than what Hitler did.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Republic is live.
Operation Offworld initiated.
Brain boost completed.
Galactic orbit commencing.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, broadcasting worldwide.
I wanted to hit this because I've meant to do it for days.
When I get up here and I say the United Nations is running the riots, the UN is running our medicine, I don't just say that.
Treaties signed by George Herbert Walker Bush and others have us under UNESCO.
And even though Trump two years ago pulled us out of UNESCO and the UNESCO treaty, which is a great thing Trump did, it's like he's pulling us out of the WHO.
It's still being implemented through the agreements and bureaucracies, because Trump isn't a mastermind of studying how this works.
And I'm not blaming him.
He was running hundreds of properties and all this other stuff.
But we've done the study.
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, back at the time, this is 2015, announces the launch of the Strong Cities Network at United Nations General Assembly, justice.gov.
There's video of her saying the U.N.
will oversee our police and disarm them.
Obama administration and U.N.
announced global police force to fight extremism in the United States.
They already run our health care.
Launch a strong cities network to strengthen community resilience against violent extremism.
And you read it, it says they'll disarm the American people and the police and then have a UN paramilitary force that controls it all.
You need to go read this from yourself.
You need to understand what's really going on.
But we're going to go to break and come back with Fauci saying lockdown never ends, and then John Rappaport taking over.
But first, this is on Infowars.com.
Elmo and his dad discuss why racism is a huge problem in our country at CNN's town hall.
The new gimmick is, oh, you know the puppet politicians.
You don't like them or the puppet reporters reading teleprompters.
How about actual puppets now talking to you like you're five years old, trying to put you into a trance?
Here it is.
Daddy, Elmo doesn't understand.
What's happening?
Why are all these people together?
Oh, well, they're gathering together to protest.
Elmo doesn't understand.
What's a protest?
Oh, a protest is when people come together to show they are upset and disagree about something.
They want to make others aware of the problem.
This is more mind control.
They know the average baby boomer watches this as a kid now, so they're literally trying to put you in a trance like Mr. Rogers.
Yeah, I'm bringing this sign to the protest at the community center later.
I mean, look at this crap.
We could do something better than this in five minutes.
They are sad.
Oh, you know the main Elmo guy turned out was a pedophile.
You have every right to be Elmo.
People are upset.
Oh, Elmo, people being mean to you, Elmo.
We gonna put you in a Chinese death camp though, that liberal.
Oh, racism is when people treat- I love the white dude doing Elmo's dad's voice.
It's like, how you doing?
Never go full retard, like Tropic Thunder.
So, money on it.
The guy doing Elmo's dad's voice is a white dude.
Which is another form of blackface.
Which I say fine, have a white dude do a blackface voice, but like, you're like, Elmo, they're coming to get you, Elmo.
The white devil's Elmo.
Elmo, I got a shot for you, Elmo.
Bill Gates loves black people.
He says he wants to kill us, but just don't, just don't.
Just, just, you, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, she wants to love on you a little bit, Elmo.
She really love on the girls over at Epstein's Place.
It ain't just guys going to meet with the girls.
I mean, you know, Oprah Winfrey like a little girl here and there, a little friend.
Oh, oh.
Yes, even Elmo's against it!
Thank you for being my pedophile daddy!
I'm gonna take Prozac and commit suicide!
Is it pedophile drag queen time now for Elmo?
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That's InfoWarsTore.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So what you're all witnessing is classical brainwashing, classical cult programming.
And they're saying, oh great, the economy's screwed up by COVID.
That'll defeat Trump.
And oh, but don't open it back up, though, in the blue states and blue cities.
And Fauci, on the tip of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, says, oh, COVID's just beginning.
It's going to get much worse because...
We're sending out all the fraudulent tests that the FDA already shut down the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for, but millions are out there and they're showing COVID's everywhere.
No one's sick at the meatpacking plants, but if someone, if someone tests positive, you've got to shut the plant down.
Not close to over.
Oh, no!
Not even close to over.
It doesn't matter if the German Interior Ministry comes out and says it's all a fraud, or the Italian government comes out, or scientists here.
It's all dangerous!
No, no!
It's all over!
It's never ending!
You've got to wear a mask, unless you're out there protesting George Floyd.
And then meanwhile, YouTube, Facebook, all of them are censoring.
Any articles with FBI statistics showing that cops killing unarmed black men is like winning a lottery ticket, but in the bad way.
I mean, it's rarer than tits on a board.
It's not as rare as leprechauns or Santa Claus, because that doesn't exist, but it's entering Santa Claus area.
Which shows the police have just turned these areas over to lawlessness because of political correctness.
Which is why you've got record numbers of blacks killing each other.
It's very sad the left has paralyzed the police when there's no policing in black neighborhoods now, essentially.
So all that's going on.
So here's Fauci, the cult leader, the true Jim Jones, who says we should never shake hands again.
Shaking hands is over.
It's over.
They predicted COVID at 20 plus times the death rate.
The death rate's all fake numbers out of those that have already died of other things.
That's all admitted, but it doesn't matter!
Because Fauci gave us the AIDS fraud!
Here he is!
I wouldn't be surprised that members of the congregation that were there demonstrating could also be infected.
And many of them would then go back to where they were because not everyone was demonstrating in the city where they live.
They've come from the outside.
So it's the kind of things that we were concerned about.
And unfortunately, we're seeing it come true right now.
With that voice, who could be anybody else?
Of course, that was the nation's leading infectious disease expert.
That was Fauci telling you how it works.
China's been open for months, so has Sweden, so has many other areas.
The world leader's saying it's a hoax, but he says no going outside until there's a vaccine, even though everything he said was a fraud.
That's just the way it is.
Well, we're about to have a very important push and investigative journalist John Laboboy take over, but first I wanted to hit this.
The national talk show host who will go unnamed.
One of the biggest names out there.
There's only two guys that are really bigger than InfoWars, and they are.
One of them sent me this.
People vulnerable to depression are less likely to identify with mainstream right parties, less likely to vote for them, and less likely to place themselves on the right side of the ideological perspective.
That's Rolf Deegan in a big new study that's been put out.
by major universities, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, looking at the actual numbers, journals.sagepub.com, that you are many, many, many, many, many times more likely, according to dozens of studies, this is an aggregate breakdown, of being depressed or committing suicide if you are a leftist.
You're also higher rates of stealing, lying,
Virtue signaling, you're nine times more likely to say that you're going to give to charity, but actually don't.
So basically you're a fake, you're a fraud.
And now I've got reports here, an 80 plus percent increase in people taking psychotropic drugs during the COVID lockdown and massive increases in crime.
This is what you'd expect, getting the powder keg souped up and ready.
We're going to have John Ruppford of nomorefakenews.com take over.
Please don't forget that if we don't navigate this properly, we're going to have a supermassive global meltdown, collapse of the globalist, one of the use for depopulation.
We're going to have a major recession, depression regardless.
I would get storable food.
Now they're up to speed two weeks, four weeks, five weeks.
They said say four weeks.
It's actually less than that on average.
Highest quality storable footage.
Very low price.
Great packaging.
Infowarshore.com now available.
You should be getting prepared now.
Also, all Infowars apparel is at cost $9.95.
Some shirts cost $15.
Average shirt costs like $8 or $9, $10.
So it's $9.95.
Only did this four years ago during the last election.
All shirts at cost.
That's a limited time.
Because a lot of these are going to sell out very, very quickly.
Also, Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Iodine now in a high-quality spray bottle.
That's now available 33% off out of the gates.
And the lowest price ever on Alexa Pure Breeze four-stage ion filters.
They will never do this again.
They're actually selling it to us and we're making like 30 bucks.
They've taken their profit out, leading competitors like 500 bucks apiece.
Because same folks on my Patreon, same folks sell the Alexa Pure water filtration, which is the highest quality out there as well.
For whatever reason, people aren't buying air filtration during this crisis, which is so important for your house.
Each big room needs one, small house needs a couple of them, big house four or five of them.
I've got them in every area of this area.
It's ion filter, but it's the first stage you clean off every month.
This is $149.95.
And it's because they've got a warehouse full of them, and they're just giving us this deal.
Nobody else has this.
It retails $300.
Infowarshore.com, you cannot, this is at cost for them, they're selling it.
We make like $30.
Get those, limited supply, let's the pure breeze.
And I say warehouse, it's like one, they got three containers of them.
And he just wants to get them out of the warehouse.
So if you want air filtration, you can't beat this deal.
Infowarshore.com as well.
Okay, John Rappaport is ready to go, and for the next,
48 minutes.
He is in charge.
Thank you, Alex.
I give you a name.
I want you to remember the name.
I want you to write it down.
Think about it because that's what this rest of this hour is all about.
Erin Marie Olszewski.
Erin Marie Olszewski.
A military nurse working at the epicenter of the epicenter of the epicenter, which is supposed to be New York, Elmhurst Hospital, Queens, where we are told the most people are dying of COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID.
She's a hero.
She went undercover in the hospital with video camera.
With audio, talking to nurses, talking to doctors, and she was interviewed at length over an hour and ten minutes.
There she is on your screen.
We've got eight clips.
We're going to play them.
I'm going to talk about them.
This is a major, gigantic smoking gun on what is happening.
One piece of background.
July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Barbara Starfield,
Revered public health expert at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health published a review, Is U.S.
Health the Best in the World?
In it, she describes the following.
Every year in the U.S., medical treatment in hospitals, including errors and, what else would you call it, mistreatment, result in 119,000 deaths per year,
Added up per decade.
This does not even include deaths as a result of toxic meds or vaccines.
Mistreatment, errors, and hospitals.
We're going to be talking about one of these now.
Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, supposed to be the epicenter of the epicenter.
Play clip one.
I am pulling up their laboratory results.
So if you look here, you'll see COVID-19 Bio-Reference Lab.
Here are the test results.
As you can see, 5-1-2020 at 17-16, not detected.
The test for a second time, 5-4-2020 at 17-59, not detected.
So both of those are negative.
Scroll up to the top.
This is my patient.
They are on a vent and they are being called COVID-19 confirmed.
Droplet in contact and eye protection.
So this person is... Okay.
That's clip one.
You get it?
Labeling people, even the people who by their own test,
We've talked about that before.
Negative, negative.
Mark them COVID.
Stick them on a ventilator.
That procedure we will discuss.
Very, very dangerous.
It's called murder.
Be with you after the break.
The people of the world have awakened to globalism and so populist movements are throwing the globalists out of their countries.
That's why the New World Order is instituting race war and division and telling the people that rebellion is about overthrowing your local police and government and destroying essential services.
This is an attempt to have society collapse, and the globalists, as they've done in the third world, will come in and pick up the pieces.
We must stand against the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU openly saying, defund the police.
The police have a lot of problems.
We all have a lot of problems.
But this is our government and our local constabulary.
And believe me, once the globalists have overthrown this country,
They are going to put in a real police state where you have no due process or freedom.
The globalists believe communist China is the model of the world.
And they are orchestrating this entire thing.
The people helping them are collaborators and are idiots and must be opposed.
Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I sure can, sir.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
Thank you.
I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver and two before us have changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, a couple of us, we're all Hispanics, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.
We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank
Thank you for that, man.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it because, obviously, the political issues.
But we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better?
Thank you.
So that means a lot to me.
To all your truck drivers, we love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
We're back talking about a nurse, military nurse, undercover, Elmhurst Hospital.
Queens, New York, the epicenter of the epicenter, Erin Marie Olszewski.
Video camera in the hospital, undercover, for an extended period of time, not just once.
Audio in the hospital.
Basically, while being a nurse in this incredible scene there at the hospital, also being an investigative journalist.
Interviewed on video.
The video is up in several places now.
It's a banned video.
You've got to watch the whole thing.
An hour and 10 minutes.
I have been doing nothing but since last night.
So we established COVID patients in this hospital.
They come in even by conventional tests.
They test negative, negative, negative.
But they're coded as COVID-19.
What do you know about that?
That's what Erin documented, showed it in the first clip.
What happens then?
As she said, put on ventilators.
Put on ventilators.
This is very serious treatment.
Cuomo, the governor of New York State, of course, was screaming about the need for ventilators, ordered 30,000 ventilators.
What does he know about medicine, health, healing?
Zero, less than zero.
But of course, he's suddenly a medical professional and he knows everything, right?
He's also the person who said hydroxychloroquine should never be used, refused to allow it to be used, finally said, okay, in a desperate situation, you can use it, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
What's happening at this hospital?
Play clip two.
I compare this hospital to a third world country.
I've been in a third world country hospital in Iraq.
The Iraq hospital is better than this one.
And that says a lot.
I've been there.
I've had, I've been in both hospitals.
Play clip three.
There are good nurses that work there too.
Like I have,
Made good friends with a lot of the nurses that do work there.
There's good people, but they're outnumbered.
So what happens?
People come in, like this 37-year-old, and what was he complaining of or what was going on?
Respiratory distress.
He didn't have COVID either.
He did not have COVID.
And how do we know that?
I took care of him.
I have the same type of results from his chart as I do with my other patient.
It was like the day before intubation, he was fine on the air breather.
And now he's 37 years old and dead.
That's what I'm seeing.
Like all these negative tests.
And they're putting them on these fence.
It's murder.
It's murder.
They put people on these ventilators that have no reason in the world to be on the ventilators.
As you saw on the screen,
Young patient developed pneumonia.
That is a serious medical problem that is understood very well in the medical community to be a problem associated with ventilators.
So you don't use ventilators just casually, as they're obviously doing, by calling patients that test negative for COVID positive and putting them on the ventilators and killing them.
At the epicenter of the epicenter.
It's murder.
It's murder.
Does the governor know?
Does the president know?
Does the mayor of New York know?
Does anybody in New York really know what's going on at this hospital?
Does anybody in New York
Does an official physician really, really know what's going on at any of the hospitals in New York?
So, at this particular hospital in Elmhurst, they're generally serving the poor, black, Hispanic populations.
What about the elderly?
Another, quote, demographic
What about the elderly at this hospital and other hospitals in New York?
How are they dealing with them?
Getting a message here, Erin Marie Olszewski.
So imagine that you're a military nurse.
You serve tours in Iraq, as she has.
You come back to the States.
You're working, I think originally, Michigan
Florida, now up to New York.
Suddenly, you're in the middle of this dire, incredible situation that you recognize is like being, it's worse than the hospitals that you worked in in Iraq.
What are you going to do?
You're there.
You're going to walk away.
You're going to try to talk to people?
She does that, you'll see, if you watch the entire video.
She talks to a doctor in the hospital, engages him in dialogue.
His answers are quite revealing, and I would say typical and cold-blooded as to what to do, what can't be done, the attitude, and so on and so forth.
What does she decide to do, Erin Marie Olszewski?
She decides to expose everything that's going on and laying it out to the public.
And to any public officials that want to know what exactly is happening.
Play the next clip.
Because they're all scared.
Everybody's scared.
And everybody's scared to stick up for themselves.
And I've called a lot of doctors.
It's unethical to their face.
And they deserve it.
Calling doctors unethical to their face and they deserve it.
You would think that when there's this explosion of people dying in this one area of Queens, New York, that somebody is going to say, maybe we should look at the hospital.
Not just
What's happening out there before they get to the hospital?
How about we look at the hospital?
Why don't we go inside the hospital and find out what they're really doing to patients there?
That's what this nurse did.
That's what is happening.
She deserves every amount of support we can give her because she's put herself at great risk in many ways.
Be back after the break.
Don't go anywhere.
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That's Survival Shield X2 Spray at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, John Rappaport.
Okay, we're back here.
Fade that out.
We're talking about Erin Marie Olszewski, military nurse, Elmhurst Hospital, Queens, New York, who has gone undercover in the hospital with video, with audio, talking freely about everything that's going on in that hospital where people are being killed.
It's murder.
Play clip four.
They're all scared.
Everybody's scared.
And everybody's scared to stick up for themselves.
And I've called a lot of doctors unethical to their face.
And they deserve it.
Okay, go on to the next clip.
And we're, this is in the United States, and this hospital is treating low income, mostly, people.
And it almost makes me feel like
They think these people are disposable.
And they're not.
They're, they're, they're people.
You know, everybody, people are not disposable.
You know, especially, especially these, the ones that are struggling day in and day out, the hard workers, you know, like trying to,
It's all COVID.
Financial incentive to diagnose people with COVID.
Their own tests are negative.
They're diagnosed with COVID.
And again, what does that mean?
It isn't just a game they're playing to get money.
It is that because the insurance payouts, as I've described before, are considerably higher when you have a patient come into the hospital and is diagnosed as COVID.
We understand that.
We're talking about something a lot more serious than that for the patient, which is they're put on a train.
From the point of the diagnosis, in this hospital, onto ventilators.
Highly risky procedure.
It's not just, I'll put him on a vent.
The people that are working these things have to know exactly what they're doing.
Have to be doing it for exactly the right reason with the individual patient, if absolutely necessary.
This is not a one-size-fits-all.
As the nurse Erin describes here at some point in the video.
And as you'll see, because we're leading up to this, there will be a section here where it's much worse than just the ventilator.
There's more involved on this train to death and nowhere than just being put on a ventilator, which itself is dangerous enough.
Using the wrong protocol.
Too much pressure on the lungs.
Collapsing the lungs.
Destroying the patient's life.
Et cetera.
Pneumonia that leads to death.
Et cetera.
Et cetera.
From the ventilator.
But there's even more.
And I want to make sure that we get all this in.
So go to the next clip.
I guess the word traveled after this.
You mentioned earlier that this is a common occurrence where people come in able to speak and they just have low oxygen levels and then they're put on a vent.
So what's going on there?
Um, I don't know.
I honestly, I have no idea how they're assuming everybody is just the same.
There's no individuality anymore.
These residents, I think a lot of them are just stone cold.
You know, there's no emotion.
And they don't view people as people anymore.
And it's really sad.
Like, we came, I came a little bit later, you know, after the big rush, but there was still a lot of people coming in.
And a lot of us were just in shock.
Within the first couple days, you could see exactly what was going on.
My bigger problem with this whole scenario is when they intubate people who don't need it.
And it looks very clear to me that they're just pushing it.
You almost feel like you're literally living in the Twilight Zone.
Living in the Twilight Zone, intubating people that don't need it, meaning putting them on ventilators when they absolutely don't need it.
It's murder.
Who cares in New York?
Who really cares in New York?
Tell you something else, I've also, I believe, reported this
Another episode here on InfoWars.
A trusted emergency room doctor, not at this hospital, another hospital, said, one of the things that these doctors now don't realize is that many elderly people live with chronically low levels of oxygen.
Is it optimal?
Do they survive?
It's just what is happening to them
As they get older, as they get diagnosed, of course, with multiple conditions and are treated with toxic drugs, etc., etc., yes, they survive.
But they come to a hospital like this, which, as Aaron says, the residents there, they're not working like true professionals that are really competent and understand and experience what's going on.
So, what does low oxygen in a patient look like to them, in an elderly patient?
Put them on a ventilator.
Put them on a ventilator.
Put them on the train that leads to the ventilator, that leads to pneumonia, that leads to wrong protocol, that leads to too much pressure, that leads to collapsing of lungs, that leads to pneumonia, that leads to death.
Put them on that train, because he's an old or she's an old person,
Who has chronically low levels of oxygen but manages to survive year to year, decade to decade to decade.
But they don't recognize that.
They don't see that.
They don't know that.
They have no clue.
Who is educating these people?
Who is responsible for that?
And where are the investigations of all the hospitals in New York?
Dealing with all the people.
And what is really going on in these hospitals?
Not just in Elmhurst.
Play the next clip.
What killed him?
Was being... Did the vent kill him?
Oh, yes.
They're so sedated.
He had probably eight or nine drips.
It's all sedation.
It's all sedation and paralytics.
So you are asleep.
It is essentially like you're under, you know, you're in surgery, you know, and they put you under like that for a good month straight.
There's no way you can recover from something like that.
You're equally in debt if you do.
That's the key clip.
That's the key clip right there.
That's the one that needs to be expanded, elucidated, explained, stressed, laid out in full.
What she's talking about there is not just the fake COVID diagnosis leading on the train to the ventilator.
And she's not just talking about the patient being given a light muscle relaxer while on the ventilator.
Play that clip again.
What killed him?
Did the vent kill him?
Oh, yes.
They're so sedated.
He had probably eight or nine drips.
It's all sedation.
It's all sedation and paralytics.
So you are asleep.
It is essentially like you're under, you know, you're in surgery, you know, and they put you under like that for a good month straight.
There's no way you can recover from something like that.
You'll be brain dead if you do.
We'll explain that detail after the break.
Stay with us here on InfoWars.
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You know, great at work, but this is great for the car, it's great to keep with you, and again, it's also good for the throat and mouth to get the effects of iodine, not to just ingest it into the stomach.
We're really excited about it.
It's 33% off out of the gates.
It was a listener's idea asking for us to come up with a spray bottle that had us talk to the scientists and developers and come up with a system that aerosolizes it and delivers it to the body in a new, and in some ways, even better way.
Get your Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine Spray now at 33% off at Infowarsstore.com and experience the power of aerosolized X2 Nascent Iodine for yourself.
Globalists have gotten away with their Russiagate hoax, their Ukraine hoax, their COVID-19 hoax, and now it's the
Race riot hoax of 2020.
We've got to ask ourselves what's coming next.
Well, I can tell you it's going to be a bunch of big old fat mass shootings to create even a bigger race war.
It's going to be economic collapse, China invading Taiwan, Hong Kong, you name it.
The globalists are attacking on every front.
That's why now
More than ever, we have to realize they tried to censor InfoWars off the air because they knew when they launched this whole situation that they didn't want the people's voice to still be on air.
But thanks to you and our crew, we are still on air.
So let's boost that transmission like the Batman signal now more than ever.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
InfoWars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But, we have come up with a new product, over a year in development,
That is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality and aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
John Rappaport back here.
The last segment of this hour.
What you saw in the clip just before we took a break there was it's not just a ventilator.
It's a ventilator plus heavy, heavy, heavy sedatives.
She was talking about somebody who was on eight or nine different drugs.
They put you to sleep on the ventilator for a long period.
That's what she was saying.
You don't wake up.
How do you like that kind of death?
Somebody tests negative even on their own tests for COVID comes in the hospital.
Maybe has low oxygen level, whatever.
Oh, must put them on a ventilator.
Put them on the train to the ventilator.
To the effects that I've indicated earlier in the segment, pneumonia, etc., etc., wrong protocol, lung collapse, etc., whatever, sedative, massive sedation, the person never wakes up under a ventilator, sedated, isolated, no friends, no family permitted, dies.
If you were the mayor of New York, de Blasio, if you were the governor of New York, Cuomo, wouldn't you be interested in knowing how often that happens in your city and your state?
Wouldn't you be interested?
Wouldn't you demand that this be discussed and investigated and prosecuted?
Wouldn't you?
What about you reporters in New York?
Don't you think this is a story?
Don't you think you should be camping out in that hospital and at the governor's office and the mayor's office demanding for once in your life, demanding that you get answers, that you want to know what's happening and why this is happening on the train to death?
In the epicenter of the epicenter, don't you think that might be important enough to get up off your ass every day and do the job that you're supposed to be doing as a reporter and a journalist, much less a governor and a mayor, instead of harassing your own citizens and driving them to despair by insisting on massive lockdowns when lockdowns are absurd and counterproductive and you know it by now?
And you're lying through your teeth all the time, all day, all night.
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Governor, don't you think it's time to lay it out and speak the truth for once in your life?
Even if it involves admitting, admitting what you did when you insisted Como, there had to be 30,000 ventilators immediately put into New York.
When you said that hydroxychloroquine could not be used except in the very late stages and so on and so forth.
Or are you just going to sit there and let this all play out?
The endless amounts of economic destruction, the health destruction.
Play the next clip.
Are you guys doing, like, different sorts of, like, treatments?
Because I know, like... Nothing works.
They have... Yeah, but, I mean, there's, you know, they're coming out with different things... I know.
...that are in the testing phase.
It's the same thing they come with a flat one, and that's killing more people than it actually saves.
So that's one.
And he said that...
They don't work anyway.
And I told him, well, obviously, what you guys have going on here isn't working.
So what's the harm in trying?
I don't expect any of these people to survive.
90% of them will die.
I mean, it's just maintaining.
So I figured if it's assumed, they're going to die anyway.
Just try not throw a few.
Well, it's, you know, I don't know.
That's always an issue in medicine, whether they're dying anyway or not.
But if you could find a cure,
Well, there's no cure, so there's no antiviral therapy.
The only way to do it is a cure, but there's no antidote.
Or treatment, I should say.
You could treat it, but, you know, you have to have some scientific basis for whether these things are working or not.
If they're strong, everything gets done.
You could make them worse.
Worse than death?
Worse than death?
Well, we said 90% maybe, that 10% maybe.
Maybe they're true, I don't know.
Yeah, man.
But, I mean, if there's no basis for it working, I mean, you want to just try things just because.
I mean, I would.
I could save my life.
She says, I would try to save my life.
And you'll see when you watch the entire video at Band Video, she's talking about hydroxychloroquine plus zinc.
She's talking about
Injections are IV of high-dose vitamin C. She mentions this to the doctor, the study that was done.
He just passes it off of no concern.
What do we care?
And she's saying, well, why not try something if death is the alternative?
Don't you think a rational or sane doctor would say, well, yeah, let's try something.
Because we know the alternative is something called death.
But no.
Now, what difference does it make?
What use is it?
This is a doctor.
This is actually a healer of some kind.
Not any kind that I've ever known about.
It's actually a healer.
With that attitude?
Sounds very dangerous, in fact, to me.
Extremely dangerous.
Extremely dangerous.
You've got to watch the entire one hour, ten minute video.
Erin Marie Blaszewski, military nurse, been a nurse for many years, in the military, in civilian life, goes to the epicenter of the epicenter, and eventually, because she's horrified at what she's seen, decides to
Do something that very few people would do while still working there.
A camera in her glasses.
Day after day.
Gathering information.
And then having that interview.
And just laying it out there completely as to what's happening.
The whole story.
Not many people would do that.
Deserves every possible support that we can give.
It's just amazing.
Just amazing.
I don't know what else to say about it.
It's all laid out.
Where are the public health authorities in New York?
Instead of yammering about this and that, and you've got to wear the mask, and you have to keep the distance, and blah, blah, blah, blah.
When the health agencies themselves even admit, and mainstream people who are educated in that kind of science epidemiology readily say, this whole thing has been completely politicized.
Fauci is just a front man.
Why is he there being the spokesman for the epidemic?
Because he's on television.
That's why.
Because he wormed his way up to that position.
It has nothing to do with knowledge or science or credentials.
You know, some idiot like this interviews him and this idiot talks and everybody watches on television and suddenly, I love Fauci, isn't he wonderful?
He's the only guy that makes any sense.
Yeah, that's because you're deranged that you think he makes sense.
Instead of having somebody that actually makes sense, look up Scott Atlas, California.
He makes a degree of sense.
Look up the leaked German study out of the interior ministry that said the whole thing is a false alarm.
Even within the conventional picture of this whole epidemic,
With all of the focus being on the lockdown, which means the destruction of human life and destruction of economies, which is the purpose behind the whole thing to bring on the vaccine and to destroy economies and to create the new normal for everybody and never go back to the way it was.
There's murder happening in New York.
There is murder happening in New York Hospital.
Governor Cuomo, de Blasio, public health authorities.
Find it!
People are not going to be appointed by those idiots to do a real investigation.
You're going to have to do it yourself and find out what's really happening.
Watch the video.
Watch the whole thing.
I played eight clips here.
You've got a flavor of what this is about.
There's a lot more.
Thank you, Aaron.
Appreciate your work.
Stay well.
See you next time here on InfoWars.