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Filename: 20200521_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 21, 2020
3186 lines.

In this episode of the Alex Jones Show, he discusses Joe Rogan's move to Spotify and its potential impact on free speech and combating globalist agendas. He highlights how leftist media and tech companies have been censoring individuals, leading to high-profile figures like Rogan, Dave Rubin, and Elon Musk moving to Texas in search of a more open environment. Jones believes this shift could lead to a revolution against the globalists from within the leftist movement itself, resulting in a pro-human future. He also discusses the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the global economy, viewing it as a hoax designed to expose corruption and manipulate the public for political gain. Finally, he shares his experiences with Norma McCorvey, who became an anti-abortion activist after being the face of Roe v. Wade, and Father Frank Pavone's reflection on her journey of facing her wounds and doing the work of grief.

Alex Jones is funnier than Andy Kaufman's ever been.
Alex Jones is f***ing hilarious, often.
Did you see the whole that he's Bill Hicks?
That's not real.
I went down that route at all.
That's the silly s***.
I know, but there are videos.
But he had one thing we're talking about, like if it's between his family starving or eating his neighbor.
He's like, I'll eat your ass.
I thought... Come on.
Do you don't think there's an entertainment value in him saying he's going to eat his neighbor?
Stop my duster fire!
But there's something to that, like to stop that and ban that.
You're not stopping anyone from... You're not stopping anybody from anything bad by not having Alex do this entertaining thing about eating his neighbor.
You're not saving anybody.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, what are you doing?
Like, what is he doing that's so awful?
I don't know how to fix any of it.
It's entertaining.
Like, why is it only acceptable if you have some kind of entertainment?
Because there's so many rap videos that you could watch that I enjoy, but they're talking about shooting people and robbing people, and it's everywhere on YouTube!
It's so prevalent!
And somehow or another, that's okay.
Like, it's f***ing weird what's allowed and what's not allowed.
All right.
As any regular listener or viewer knows, I could care less about Hollywood.
In fact, I hate it.
I could care less about $100 million deals.
I could care less about Spotify stock being up $4 billion if it was just in the normal course of business.
But with all the huge news we've got and the fact that I'm supposed to be taken off the show to work on the Bill Gates documentary and take the kids hiking, I'm here at work.
I'm on air because of this.
Joe called me yesterday and we talked about 45 minutes and I've known him 22 years and he has never spilled his guts to me like he did and I mean there's been times when we both had like two bottles of liquor and been up for a day and a half in Vegas and we didn't spill guts like this so
This was over the top and the planets all aligned.
And he told me three months ago about the deal, but asked me not to talk about it until it was done.
And I said, Hey, I'm, you know, it's great what you're doing.
But then when he saw them ban all these medical doctors, prestigious doctors, hospital owners, Cedar Sinai, clinic owners that were coming out and exposing the COVID fraud.
And he saw the media put out the lies of Bill and Melinda Gates and all the fake models.
And then he saw people he knew demonetized, banned, blocked for having those doctors on.
He said, that's it.
Because he wasn't ready to do the deal.
He wasn't sure about it.
And he was on the razor's edge.
And then he did that.
Now, why is that so important?
This is bigger than Joe Rogan, the number one podcast in the world.
It's about free expression and it's about the dominoes falling.
And it's about the fact that Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, they're all moving to Austin.
And they're classical liberals, not leftist authoritarians, and they're trying to escape the left.
And with thought leaders like that, we could get the left to finally wake up to a great extent about what schmucks they are.
And so a revolution against the globalists from the leftist movement, and by liberals, is victory.
So, folks, you know you get next year's news today here, okay?
I knew Trump was going to win.
It was big when we had Trump on.
I wasn't nervous at all.
Not nervous when I talk to Trump on the phone.
Trump's important.
It's important.
This Joe Rogan thing is way bigger.
When I look at the tea leaves and the psychic imprint, you could say, makes me have not chills up the back, chills in my third eye.
I mean, I'm having chills right here right now.
I've never had that before.
This is a tremor in the force.
The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.
This is a big enchilada.
And I said, Joe, you sure you want me to go in there and say all this?
Because he's, he's, he's... I'm getting the big story because I'm in the story.
And this is a story about all of us when we come back.
We've got so much big news today, but believe me, you do not want to miss this transmission.
Tomorrow's news today for a pro-human future.
Joe is defecting to the Infowar.
That's right.
But I want you to get the Ultimate Krill Oil.
I want you to get Bazo Beats.
I want you to get DNA Force Plus.
I want you to experience X2.
I want you to get Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus.
They're all in stock right now and they're 30 to 60% off.
More than 20 items are 50% off right now.
But we're going to have to end the sale on most items in about a week because a lot of
I think so.
The dams are stable at this time.
We're just waiting for the water to crest.
We're assessing what damages we have and we have been assisting people with sheltering.
I thought I'd start the broadcast today with a horrible image of a major dam in Michigan built back when this country was still about building a pro-human future.
And now you see it collapsing.
Remember reading 20, 30, 40 years ago, leftist groups, Sierra Club, all of them, saying, we want to get rid of all the dams in America.
We want to get rid of fossil fuels too.
We want to get rid of all the smelting plants.
We want to get rid of all the farms because you're going to work in retail.
You're going to work in service industry.
And now as soon as they got the majority of people working in the service industry and America de-industrialized, oh, guess what?
Unless you're with a big Fortune 100 company, you are non-essential.
You are a slave.
You are obsolete.
You are under siege.
All right, let me do this.
Let me get into all the big news that's unfolding right now, and then the next two segments after that, I'm going to give you the exclusive on Joe Rogan and why it's such a big deal.
This is a lot bigger than the market cap of Spotify going up almost $5 billion in the last 48 hours since Rogan made the announcement.
From what, $30 billion to $35 billion?
This is a lot bigger than Joe getting a hundred and something million and believing that's just the beginning.
I don't care to hear about Rolling Stones go on tour again and make $200 million.
Who cares?
The reason this is important is it's a domino like in V for Vendetta being knocked over and I already saw this coming and I worked on this with Joe and I told Joe all this was coming.
I'm not taking credit because Joe's as smart as I am or smarter.
But Joe does care about his kids in America and the world and he thought I was exaggerating and now
He has drunk the Kool-Aid in a good way.
Or let's just say the antidote to the Kool-Aid.
And that's why I got so pissed at Joe a few years ago.
If you watch my last podcast with him, it's almost five hours long.
His podcast, he's finishing my sentences.
He's bringing in topics that he thinks I've presented too quickly or incorrectly and then really trying to help.
And he really thought he could meet with all the executives and all these big billionaires and convince them this was the wrong path.
And he worked very hard to get Infowars back platformed.
And instead they started messing with him.
And that doesn't work very well with Joe.
I've known Joe 22 years.
I know him very well.
You know, he and I don't drink as much as we used to.
I go a long time without drinking.
So does Joe.
And he doesn't smoke as much pot as he used to.
Back when I first knew him, he didn't smoke pot.
Actually, Eddie Bravo got him into it.
Don't Eddie like 20 years, good God.
So, this is a big deal.
It's about the globalist damn blocking freedom collapsing.
So, it's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's destiny.
And Joe told me about his plans, and I told him, I said, this is hardcore, man.
You really want me to tell people this?
He said, yeah, no, I want you to go on air and tell everybody this.
And so, Joe's always tried to stay politically neutral, and he tried to get along with the left, and they have acted like total monsters, and he's done with them.
He doesn't care what they do, he's coming after them.
So, that's what's exciting.
And he is right now moving to Austin and he's got a bunch of other big plans I'm not going to tell you about yet but you already see all these people that are out there like Elon Musk and Dave Rubin this week saying they're leaving LA and now Joe Rogan's leaving and it's a collapse not just of the people that went to LA to try to be famous coming like locusts to Texas but it's the inverse of that it's the intelligentsia
Rejecting the left and rejecting their ideology and leaving it like you leave Sodom and Gomorrah.
LA's going to totally collapse, New York's going to totally collapse, Trump just left New York last year.
And people are leaving the ideologies.
They are rejecting... I wouldn't call Joe a leftist, but he was a liberal libertarian and he now understands that
This stuff's real.
And he understands that the credibility of InfoWars is platinum right now.
And I don't say that from a perspective of a power trip.
It's the opposite.
It's a great responsibility and God has guided our steps and I've certainly had a lot of problems, but my heart's in the right place and I've meant well.
We've had about a 97% accuracy rate and now the world's really waking up to what we face.
It can look like we're losing everything, and all of a sudden, the table's turning.
It's the new world order.
It's just like Alan Keyes said when he was on a few weeks ago.
We gotta get him back on.
The enemies launch their attack, and at first it looks like they're winning, but we haven't counterstruck yet.
And evil always overruns you at first until you decide to fight, and then you turn the tide, or you are destroyed.
And when people wake up to the fact that, wait, the New World Order doesn't mean prosperity, the New World Order means unplantable chips, and my children being brainwashed, and not having speech, well, I'm gonna fight you!
And then they try to intimidate you, and they go after you, and that doesn't intimidate you, it pisses you off more.
And so they made a real mistake messing with people like Dave Rubin at his house.
He's not that big of a guy, but he's a well-spoken guy, and he's getting bigger.
The point is, or messing with Elon Musk, who then sarcastically went, oh yes, we'll all have brain chips now in the New World Order, and you're right, I'm joining your world government.
I'm like, he's bad now.
He was using reverse psychology on everybody.
Like, you're right, I want world government, and brain chips, and all the children.
Because Gates and Zuckerberg are all working on that quietly, getting ready to roll it out for real.
And so, Musk is like, oh, I just love world government now, and it's the end of humanity.
I used to think we could fight AI, but now I'm just going to submit to it.
And it was absolute satire.
People say, well, you know, do you really want to eat your neighbors?
That was satire too.
So people can smell the New World Order now.
And it's in your face.
It's not some hypothetical deal.
People are going, you know what?
I'm done with you.
And by the way, I'm going to fight your ass.
And so finally, men are beginning to find their testicles again and beginning to find their will and realizing fighting tyranny isn't heroic.
Fighting tyranny is survival.
When I swim down to the bottom of a 20-foot lake,
And I get to the bottom and I'm coming back to the top.
It's not heroic that I'm going up for air.
It's survival.
This is coming up for air.
Going under globalist control is like being held underwater.
And anybody that pretends that you're going to get ahead in this system, the CEOs and billionaires that run this are the most unhappy, enslaved people in the world.
They're all these power cults that mess with each other all day long.
It's nightmarish.
It's hellish.
The families are fake.
They are all racked with disease, racked with mental illness, racked with suicide.
The children of the establishment have the highest rates of mental illness and suicide.
They are cursed!
They are cursed!
And I knock on wood, and trust in Jesus, I am just blessed.
I have to go through some stuff, I have to get attacked, but it's all phony.
And as soon as I call the man behind the curtain, I'm just a little dog, as soon as I call it, it like, missed every time it disappears.
But these sorcerers have their illusions, and as soon as you don't worry about that and say,
It's like in nightmare dreams where, you know, people are stabbing you or killing you.
I used to have those a lot, 20, 30 years ago, and I finally just learned to just go, go ahead, stab me.
Be Christ-like.
And it all ends as soon as you just go, go ahead.
It doesn't matter anymore.
You don't fight demons in your sleep, you let Jesus do that.
But in the real world you fight them, or God will leave your presence.
And so people are now finding God.
I had a long... I can't get into that, sorry.
A certain well-known person talked to me about Jesus quite a bit the other day, and how much God has empowered them, and how they trust fully in God.
And so, a lot of good things are happening.
I'm talking about a major leader.
We're living in insanely dangerous times.
And I've told folks going back three months ago, I'm not buying storable food because I'm worried about the COVID-19 virus.
I'm worried about the food shortages and the economic collapse.
And now it's admitted that a chain reaction has begun that's already caused food shortages and the collapse of farms and ranches across the United States.
And it's even worse in the third world.
So I hope Trump, with his initiatives, can clean this up and fix it.
But with the election fraud and the
I don't
Dependent on them, they do not want you to be self-sufficient.
Get your storable food at InfoWareStore.com right now while you still can.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have that stuff, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide on this May 21st Thursday global transmission.
So, a lot of people see media as, I don't watch football so I don't care about NFL news, or I don't like golf so I don't watch the golf channel, or I don't like MTV videos or MTV shows, I'm an idiot 12-year-old, I don't watch that.
So hear about Joe Rogan.
Everybody's heard about Joe Rogan.
He's got about 15 million viewers a day on average with all those different videos that are out there that just keep building and reaching more people and it's just expanding and expanding to where he is the modern Johnny Carson.
There's not been something in 30 years that has that many viewers consistently that's a discussional talk that isn't scripted.
And so it's a big success.
And I know that Joe knows about the New World Order and knows about globalism and cares about it because back when
I first met him in 1998 and we got a chance to hang out quite a bit because he was dating a girl that lived in Houston.
I'll just leave it at that.
And I was friends with Kevin Booth that produced some of his shows.
So I got to know Joe and that's great and he just got bigger and bigger over the years and so did Infowars.
But then he's out in LA, he's married, he's got children.
And he just wants to have a happy life and he just wants to promote freedom, but he doesn't want to be political.
And so the world changes.
And then the censorship purge takes place.
And Joe quietly behind the scenes
One of the most powerful people in the media, period.
As important as Rush Limbaugh, but reaching a wide audience that isn't compartmentalized.
Reaching an audience that just isn't conservatives, or liberals, or Christians, or Muslims, or Satanists, or agnostics, or Hindus.
He's reaching that big, giant audience that isn't just one group.
That's the Holy Grail.
That's what Infowars has done as well.
But not like Joe's been able to do it.
Normally you have a conservative show that's 90% conservative listeners, or a liberal show that's 90% liberal listeners.
With Infowars, we're 50% Christian, hardcore, conservative, and then some libertarians, and then some folks that are trying to figure out what's going on, and people on certain topics, and then some leftists that tune in.
I mean, we're maverick in that sense, but not like Joe Rogan, where if you look at the demographics of his show, sure, the core is men, you know, 18 to 56 or so.
That's about 40% of his audience, but the rest is a wide spectrum in women, and you name it.
And so, the corporate system tried to court him, and the big CEOs tried to get him on board with the New World Order.
I know he went and had meetings with some of the, you know, big guys.
But once he found out they were bad news,
And I was going after him saying, you could change this.
You could be the big domino that fights the censorship.
How dare you?
I know you know the truth.
Joe went, actually, you're right, Alex.
I went down this road a little bit.
These people are bad news.
But I'm going to try to turn them around.
I'm going to try to talk sense into them.
And that was a year and a half ago.
Well, now he knows he can't talk sense into them.
And now they messed with him.
And they tried to dominate him.
And they tried to intimidate him.
And so now Joe understands what's going on and now he is super pissed off and super excited and super happy to really be himself.
And you notice what happened.
First podcast since he came out that he's going to Spotify.
He's still on all platforms until September.
What happened, ladies and gentlemen?
Joe Rogan, Obamagate is real and illegal!
Obama is a criminal!
Obama needs to go to prison!
The ink wasn't dry on him ready to leave YouTube and Apple and all these people that this happened.
He called me right after he taped this yesterday.
He felt so good about it.
And I felt good about it, too.
This is exciting.
Everybody else sells out that makes millions of dollars.
Stephen Colbert knows all this stuff.
He used to be a patriot, too.
Did you know that?
Stephen Colbert used to be a big Alex Jones fan.
Nobody knew that, did you?
I'm going to stop right there.
Joe used to work at Comedy Central.
Look at Stephen Colbert now.
He's got to sit there and worship Bill Gates on TV, and he got a bonus for that.
Did you know that?
Most of the people at Comedy Central hate the management and they tell us everything.
You think they like working with people like this?
These are sick, evil people.
And I was disgusted that Joe wasn't getting it a few years ago and was trying to go along with it.
But you see, they were in the stage of reaching out to Joe and trying to seduce him.
So that he wouldn't say no when the censorship began.
But then as soon as it became dominant, they started clamping down on him.
And they started banning doctors that were reading NIH information that COVID-19 wasn't even as bad as the flu.
And Joe went and talked to his personal doctor.
And Joe went and did research.
And he found it was true.
And he said, well this is all a big lie.
And so when push came to shove, it wasn't about the money, because I got newsflash for you.
The details of Joe's deal, he's making the same amount of money, folks.
He's making Spotify an extra $5 billion, $4.5 billion since this deal happened.
And it's a big success.
And that's great, because it's in his contract.
He has free speech.
But see, that's about making the industry know, if you block people's speech, you take the you out of YouTube.
You out of Facebook, if you take the people out of it, we will just exodus.
And as other companies see this, the investment will come in very quickly because the speed of scalability of technology.
And overnight, everyone is going to move to these other platforms.
And you'll see Alex Jones back on Spotify.
And you'll see everybody else.
And then you'll see the total collapse of Hollywood and the total collapse of the media establishment that's already happened.
Look at Hollywood going along with the lockdown to try to hurt Trump.
All it's done is killed the Blue Cities and killed the rotting edifice that was Hollywood.
It's self-destruction.
It's all they've got now.
They're trying to burn us down.
They're trying to blow our house down.
Our house is made out of brick, bro.
Your house is made out of straw.
You're blowing your own house down.
So you can huff and you can puff.
But you ain't doin' jack squat except blowin' your own feet off.
We're the competent, smart, aggressive people.
And you undominant weirdos all got together and thought, we'll finally be the alpha, and you went out and tried to enslave everyone with a high-tech wizard grid, thinking that would then make you a god, when all it did was make you the most hated person on Earth, Bill Gates.
That's all you did, buddy, was wake us up.
You thought you were kicking our ass the whole time, and all you were doing was summoning the Kraken.
So, this Joe Rogan thing's a big deal, and I talked to him a long time, I got a bunch of notes here.
I haven't gone over these yet, but when we come back, I'm gonna lay that out, then I'm gonna be done.
We'll get into all the news and Owen is going to come in here and do a great job.
He's got a whole broadcast lined up for you.
But I had to come in because this was so seismic.
Joe Rogan calling me and saying, I want you to be the one that tells everybody what I'm going to do because you were part of this story.
And I want folks to know that I'm not backing down.
That's what makes free societies.
That's the essence of victory.
That is the beginning of the collapse of the New World Order.
Now it's official.
The United Nations came out yesterday and said the COVID emergency will last five years.
And the UK government said you must all carry cell phones outside or you'll be arrested because we have to track your social distancing.
And you're only allowed to have a list of 10 people that you visit.
And if you go outside that list of 10, you'll be permanently detained.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the New World Order, where they let the criminals out of jail, the rapists, the child molesters, the murderers, and where you are now non-essential and a prisoner.
From the beginning of my research, it was clear the globalists are an authoritarian, anti-human group.
They have to put this electronic straitjacket on us before they carry out their endgame, which is global depopulation.
So you see, submitting to them is death.
The only way to stop them is to expose them, to hate their guts, and realize they are humanity's mortal enemy.
Wake up or die.
Feudalism in the ancient world, from Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, was the most common form of government.
You had a ruling class, the nobility, with a king and queen sitting on top of it, and the rest of the public were kept at a subsistence, starving level.
For control.
In fact, in most cultures, they called the peasants the little people because they were usually a foot or more shorter than the lords and ladies because they kept them, again, at a starving level.
They were so busy trying to survive, they would never try to challenge the entrenched elite.
Well, now all the big Google owners and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the Jeff Bezoses of the world, they're sitting back on their giant estates with their jet helicopters and private jets, living the life, laughing at you, shut down, going bankrupt in the third world, starving to death.
Their religion is power and control, and they are pressing that advantage against us.
We must break free from these monsters.
As I record this announcement, there's only one week left in the biggest sale yet of 2020.
We will not have this sale that's going on right now in May until our Christmas sale comes up.
All of our best-selling supplements are 30% to 60% off at infowarestore.com.
Let me just hone in on one of the products.
DNA Force Plus.
It's got high quality PQQ, CoQ10, and a bunch of other natural ingredients that are known to supercharge the effects of that.
Learn what PQQ and CoQ10 can do for you, no matter how old you are, no matter what color you are, no matter where you live in the world, it works the same on everybody.
It's known to be able to regrow nerves.
It's designed so that your telomeres last longer.
It doesn't make them grow, it makes them shrink.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I bet on humanity.
I bet on you.
I bet on my father, my mother, my wife, my children.
I bet on our ancestors.
Most importantly, I bet on God and a pro-human future.
And the left, in their authoritarian evil, has intimidated and lied about and bullied so many people that now they have awoken the sleeping giant.
And Joe Rogan, with the number one Western media platform in the world,
Reaching tens and tens of millions of new people every week, hundreds of millions every week with the old shows he's done that are all just exploding in popularity, has now taken the plunge and exclusively told yours truly as a message about where he's going next.
And this is a very exciting story because it's a pilgrim's progress.
And it's that first domino going down in the huge exodus of the Dave Rubins and the Elon Musk and the Joe Rogans leaving LA, turning their backs on Hollywood.
Hollywood thought they would collapse America.
All they've done is collapse themselves in their self-destructiveness.
So that's why this is so exciting.
You know, Joe's a smart guy and I respect him, but he just couldn't believe they were this evil and this bad.
But now seeing everything I told him about many years ago come true, he now
Has decided, not for the money, because he was already making that much money with what he was doing on all these other platforms, to leave so that he could have his free speech because they were blocking and delisting and demonetizing things that he said that were pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-family.
And when he would say that there are only two genders, they would go after him for that.
And so his contract says he can talk about whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and he's leaving YouTube on
September 1st.
And all those archives and all that material will be transferred over to Spotify, launching its new video platform with Joe Rogan.
And in the contract, 20 minutes a week, or 20 minutes per show, 20 minutes per show, this isn't even known yet, I'm telling you, just so I can tell you, of his content will allow it to be on other platforms like Apple and Google.
And if Google and them want to play hardball and want to totally kick him off now, he's happy to do that.
Because he said, you know, you're right.
A man with courage only dies once, but a man who's living on their knees dies a thousand times.
And he said, it's so un-American, Alex.
I can't get into all of it, but he said, you can tell people this, to have these bureaucrats and these techies and this cult call you up and tell you what you ought to do and what you ought to say and quietly threaten you.
When it's YouTube and you brought them all this money and all these other creators are being abused and squeezed by these bully nerds who have formed this cult of cowardice.
It has to come to an end.
And so it's going to be that exodus of people to not just places like Spotify.
Spotify gets, if it opens up as a little freer, it'll get big.
But it's going to be a lot of other platforms like Bandai Video.
And that's what all of this is about.
And so that's why it's so exciting.
So here are some of the notes.
I mean, you see Joe came out in his first podcast since this was announced.
The company's up almost $5 billion on the news.
Joe Rogan, Obamagate is real and illegal.
See, he's coming right after Obama.
Obama should be arrested.
Four billion as of this morning.
It's almost five billion up right now.
The globalists will attack the stock.
The point is, is that just like when Trump got elected, the stock market went up.
It meant America was open for business.
It means, hey, Spotify is going to have free speech.
Nobody else is.
You bet that place is going to have folks swinging from the chandeliers.
That's what America is all about, baby.
So we have the big exclusive article on Infowars.com.
Joe Rogan tells Alex Jones he's going to war against big tech censorship.
But the reason I'm excited is my old friend, by the actions of the globalists, by the actions of the lockdown and by the final actions, because he told me three months ago, he's like, I may not do this deal with Spotify.
Don't tell anybody.
But, you know, right now they will make major moves against us.
If we have anybody like you on and it's outrageous, I'm trying to get out of here.
And he said, you know, as soon as this happens, I'll let you know, and you can tell folks about it.
He always does.
And he kept his word on that.
Very stand-up guy.
And he laid out, again, some things I can talk about, some things I can't.
And it's everything you'd expect.
I mean, it's a bunch of crazy, drugged-out, billionaire lunatics that can spy on anybody they want, that have more control than the NSA, just playing total god against everybody.
And he was like, you know, I'm number one on all these platforms.
I'm just going to, I'm just going to stay like it is.
I'm not going to do the deal.
About a month ago.
And then he watched them ban all these epidemiologists and all these doctors and Cedars-Sinai's video about light therapy and he's just like, this is beyond the Soviet Union.
This is anti-human.
This isn't just anti-American, Alex.
This is real tyranny.
You're right.
You were right, Alex.
I can't believe there's people like this.
They have billions of dollars.
They want to screw everybody?
And they want to silence people like you, Alex, so they can then lie?
He goes, I've gone back and looked at what you really said, and it's what you said is not what they say you say.
So they silence you, and then they lie about you.
And it's the bullying.
And I'm like, you know, I'm sorry I got really mad at you a year and a half ago, and I went too far, and I apologize.
He goes, look, I get it.
You came at that attack because you were legitimately pissed, thinking I was with these people.
And I understand you were angry and under attack.
These people are in charge attacking for no reason.
So Joe's a really smart guy, and he, because I went too far in my attacks, and I've said that.
But I knew, just like I always know, that Joe was a key.
One of the big keys.
Let's say there's 7, 8, 9, 10 keys.
And I've already seen a lot of the keys.
We're halfway through the keys right now.
And I mean, Joe Rogan, I saw, was like this key of keys for what's about to unfold.
It's going to get rough, folks, but the exodus away from the thought police is beginning.
And that's something to be very, very excited about.
And so Joe is intending to move to Austin.
And so is everybody else he knows.
And for them, that's kind of like, oh, we're leaving this area.
At least it's kind of like halfway right wing, halfway left.
You know, it's kind of like they're training wheels.
And by the time Joe's done, he'll be in Montana or Wyoming in a right wing ranch.
I mean.
It's a process, but these folks now realize that I'm not crazy, the globalists are crazy, and the guy telling you about the globalists has been staring into the abyss so long, he's gone a little nuts.
I was talking to Joe, he goes, man, I get why you go crazy.
We heard him, it was in a podcast yesterday I was watching, he goes, I can't read anymore, I'm going crazy like Alex Jones.
Because it's not us, it's crazy.
Convicted pedophiles being given access with federal grants that Trump just killed to thousands of schools, many times unannounced, in Texas, in Colorado, in New Jersey, in California.
Convicted pedophiles come in and five-year-olds bounce on men's crotches.
I mean, you know, you're like, well, this is insane.
It is insane.
These people are insane.
Now, I don't have a $100 million deal with Spotify, and that's fine.
I have you, the people, getting great products.
But when we bring in $20 million, half that's the cost of the product.
So, you've done an incredible job buying the products.
You've done an incredible job funding this operation.
It's not a sales gimmick that I said the sale would end last Sunday, and then I extended it, and I've been so busy I haven't cut new ads, and we've almost sold out all the products.
So, I'm kind of like, what are we going to sell before more stuff comes in?
And a lot of the new orders are, you know, not coming for months because the warehouses are all shutting down.
But we have products still in stock.
A lot of it's selling out.
Biggest sale we've ever had since last Christmas is going.
Some of these items are the biggest sell, period.
70% off on 8-pack Power Stack.
That is at cost.
30 to 60% off all the other items.
X2, X3, Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Actually, that's sold out.
Pollen Block, that just sold out.
There's a bunch of other great items.
Ultimate Krill Oil, we've got that, but that's close to selling out.
D3, it's off the chart.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, about to sell out.
That's only 50% off.
It's got the zinc, the preglanone, everything.
My God, I'm almost scared to take all these vitamins and minerals.
They supercharge me so much.
I mean, it's psychotic.
I love it.
I'm so much more allowed when I was in my supposed prime at 21 years.
I think so.
It's incredible.
Everything in your body.
Your heart, your skin, your libido, your stamina, your dreams.
Take one of these before you go to sleep.
It's well-known.
Experience it for yourself.
X2, sold out for months.
Deep Earth Pure Crystal Iodine, back in stock, 50% off.
Vazo Beats, back in stock, 50% off.
Vitamineral Fusion, back in stock, 50% off.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, with all the vitamins and minerals and the preglanone.
That's close to selling out.
Both formulas, we're really close to selling out Real Red Pill Plus.
It's got some stimulant in it, natural caffeine.
That's close to selling out, 50% off still.
Well, InfowarsStore.com and we're already talking to our suppliers and some of them are saying we may not take orders in a few months.
I may not ever be able to get products again.
Things are collapsing so bad, folks.
This is total depression.
The infrastructure is going down.
Get the products while you still can.
InfoWars has become a symbol, an emblem, of not just American freedom, but worldwide Maverick spirit.
It's not just myself or the host at InfoWars, or the researchers, or the journalists.
It's you, the listeners, the activists, the people on the front lines, in the arena.
And it's the amazing guests and individuals that we interview that make InfoWars so special, because we're not putting a filter in front of free minds.
We're having an open discussion about the real state of the world, not the establishment talking points that are put out by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, and other globalists.
We're pushing for a pro-human future where we build a planet and beyond based on humans, for humans, by humans.
Not a world where the establishment, who hate themselves, project their hate onto us and decide we're going to have a post-human world.
I'm really excited to know that InfoWars has your support, and I want to thank you all for being pro-human and pro-God.
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I don't have to tell you that we are in the most important point in human history.
The globalists have taken the gloves off and they've taken the mask off.
And they're like, yeah, you're taking implantable chips.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we're into world government.
Yeah, you're obsolete.
You are non-essential.
We are shutting your ass down.
Yeah, we told you don't be farmers and don't be ranchers and don't work in industry anymore.
You're going to be the service economy.
And now the globalists are telling you that there's no more service economy and you're obsolete.
So you better bow down to them and get your universal pittance income so they can dictate your life.
The handcuffs are going on right now.
We have to resist and say no to the New World Order.
And that takes you understanding you were right.
And understanding I was right.
And getting in people's faces and raising the alarm now while you still can.
Now is the time for action.
Now is the time for you to shine.
And be the Paul Revere's you know you are.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The story of big tech, both big tech censorship, social media control, social control through the life story of the podcast and the video, the YouTube of Joe Rogan.
The whole pitch that Facebook, that YouTube, that Google, that Twitter made.
Twitter promised to be the free speech wing of the free speech party.
The pitch was that they would be outside the gated institutional narrative, to steal from Eric Weinstein's phrase.
That we would free up, finally, have free thought, real free speech, real free press, real free expression of free ideas, to have an engagement, to have a true dialogue across the ideological and intellectual spectrum.
We're good.
And we'll make sure your voice is heard throughout the world in a freer way than has ever been the case in the past.
In the same way that talk radio revolutionized populist politics in the 1920s and 1930s.
You can go back and look at the rise of people like Father Coughlin or Huey Long or other populist politicians that came in their same strain.
People like Big Jim Folsom or in my hometown, Bookie Turner, both in his radio and use of TV.
These were populist politicians that were able to get around the institutional control of the press.
Much in the same way, the Gutenberg press created the opportunity for Protestantism to even emerge against the state-oriented Catholic Church.
It allowed for independence of thought and freedom of thought and liberty of thought.
Joe Rogan was the perfect embodiment and expression of this.
Someone who's naturally conversant,
He's deeply curious and widely understands a wide range of information.
He's a natural conversationalist because he's conversant in so many topics and he's naturally curious and asks questions along those lines.
So he would allow people to engage and through his conversations engage in broader conversations that have often been shut out from the gated institutional narrative.
This was the promise of YouTube, the promise of Google, the promise of Facebook, the promise of Twitter.
Come and create on our platform and we'll promote you to the world.
We won't restrain you.
We'll monetize you.
We'll help make you financially sustainable and successful.
We're good to go.
The logic being this would allow for the maximum expression of freedom and liberty of ideas, going back to the original American tradition.
The American Revolution only occurred because people had higher degrees of literacy, and they used to sit around the old bars and taverns and read Thomas Paine's Ingenious Common Sense, written to a broad audience, not an elite audience.
That helped give people the information and self-education that empowered the American Revolution, that fueled it from its very original inception.
In fact, my great-great-great-grandfather was the Colonel Prescott who said, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
He was, in fact, the last rider on Paul Revere's ride.
All of that was possible because of what Thomas Paine was able to get out to the masses through independent free information for free thought and freedom of expression.
As a great intellectual said a long time ago, the state cannot close two great schools of learning, the archives of nature and the rights of man.
Thomas Paine wrote about both in educating people about the logic of how they should govern themselves and civil society be governed.
And in that same context,
This is where social media came in.
It was supposed to be the same expression.
And they had the perfect embodiment of someone who came from ordinary blue-collar roots, but had a broad range of life experience, and someone like Joe Rogan, who could bring a wide range of intellectual and ideological viewpoints to the public dialogue and debate.
And yet that was being limited and restrained by what they ultimately did.
So first, the promise and the pitch was come in.
And what they did is, please come in and we'll make you rich, we'll make you successful, we'll make you prominent.
And in the process, that made them rich.
That gave them effective monopolies because they were able to promise greater freedom and greater opportunity than their economic competitors, while they had immunity from liability from state torts and other actions that their competitors would normally have in the non-big tech space.
Once they achieved and attained that monopoly, and they saw the use of the technology for the truest freedom of expression of thoughts and ideas, didn't lead people just to the Barack Obamas of the world, but it led them to the Joe Rogans, the Alex Jones, the Donald Trumps of the world.
And that's what bothered them, that's what offended them, that's what upset them.
That's what led the gatekeepers of the gated institutional narrative to start to leverage their institutional influence with hit pieces in the New York Times and other publications.
That in turn fueled Democratic politicians staging congressional investigations for political and public relations purposes.
That, on top of people like George Soros starting to threaten to defund them unless they began to leverage their control, their monopolistic power over the public square, to begin to censor speech, to begin to suppress speech.
They had had a secret contract that no one fully realized or appreciated, that in exchange for giving away personal and private information, people would have access to these platforms.
That compromise, that contract, was never fully articulated or explicated to people at the time it was done.
But now they were unsatisfied with just that part of the bargain.
Now they had to become, too, part of the gatekeepers of the gated institutional narrative.
To keep out dissident and independent ideas.
To deny the very promise of the initial platforms themselves from coming into existence and staying in fruition.
That's why if you look up legal news on places like YouTube and Google, they'll direct you to someone like Legal Eagle.
A lawyer I've never heard of and nobody seems to know who gets millions of views for mediocre legal thoughts.
Whereas independent legal viewpoints are often suppressed, censored, or completely banned or blacklisted from social media.
They did this to Alex Jones after he made them substantial monies over time.
But the person who had probably made as much or more money than any individual
For places like Google, for places like YouTube, for places like Apple iTunes, was Joe Rogan.
This was a guy who was making them rich and making them successful more than anyone.
And yet, how did they treat someone who had made them so successful, who had made their platforms, who had helped facilitate those platforms becoming practical, effective, de facto monopolies in the technological dominance of the public square?
They responded by threatening copyright strikes on bogus grounds.
They responded by threatening censorship campaigns on bogus grounds.
They responded with public shaming campaigns, misinterpreting information about his past.
Misinterpreting just because he had had someone on his show that meant he shared all of the viewpoints of that individual.
Trying to basically defame him and destroy him in the public arena, often facilitating and enabling that.
So someone who had made all of them so successful,
They turned on, with ease, when it was no longer in their political self-interest to promote him, even though he had made them fabulously rich in the process.
And so finally it appears that he has decided to turn the corner.
He has decided to turn and resist in his own way.
Not only is the contract a contract that affords Joe Rogan the opportunity of what is loosely called F.U.
money in the practical world, basically affording him a degree of freedom and liberty and independence from that degree of control and suppression that people were done, but it's a way to walk away and to punish those who have tried to censor and suppress speech.
Much as Dave Rubin and the Rubin Report, which was also facilitating YouTube and Google's success, is increasingly creating his own independent separate brand and independent technology to get outside of the gated institutional narrative.
Joe Rogan's the biggest voice in that groom.
He is the guy that has made more money for YouTube and Google than any other individual, and now he's taking his bat and leaving the park and going to a different park altogether.
And instead, putting himself into a position where he can have complete economic freedom, where he can have complete political freedom, where he can have complete freedom of thought, where he can be able to voice and bring to the public a wide range of viewpoints, regardless of what the institutional gatekeepers want to have heard.
He basically has a platform and a microphone that is a megaphone for independent ideas for people to hear around the world.
That was the significance
Of Joe Rogan's move.
Even if you did not have the inside information that Alex Jones has from his long-standing relationship with Joe Rogan, just an independent observer could recognize not only the economic and monetary significance, literally a billion-dollar impact for Spotify, and by proportion a likely billion-dollar-plus loss for YouTube and Google and iTunes, but the broader statement that it makes.
What if more people follow in the path that Rogan is blazing out?
...resisting various forms of censorship and suppression by abandoning the gated institutional gatekeepers trying to control it.
What if more significant monetizing creators at YouTube that have money that go to Google, which has owned YouTube, or Twitter or Facebook?
Find other places and other platforms.
What if more people decide that they want to go to Spotify, because Spotify will be the free speech wing of the free speech party that Twitter promised to be, instead of Apple and iTunes?
Instead of Google Play?
Instead of the other formats that have tried to act in a form of suppressing and oppressing speech?
It has been the longest standing for those who believe in First Amendment thought.
It isn't simply because it's a constitutional right.
It isn't simply because our founding fathers and our families and our forefathers spent two centuries spreading us, willing to risk their blood, their life, their liberty in order to establish it.
It's because it is critical to the functioning of a good government.
It is essential to the functioning of a civil society.
Freedom of thought relates to freedom of speech because it all corresponds and correlates to what you hear.
It's not just about my right to speak.
It is about you, the audience's right, and our, the audience's right, to hear what we want to hear.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friend's the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because it was only the mirage of safety.
Movies, and partying, and living like children.
Ever growing up, ever caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God,
They were brought into captivity because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies and then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
Infowars has decided to fight for freedom and Infowars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
The panic that has been orchestrated by the global corporatist media and the chi-coms is going to now trigger a worldwide depression.
In fact, we're already into the worldwide depression and the death sentence for the third world.
But it's critical to understand
That the longer the shutdown persists, the worse it's going to be.
A month of shutdown will destroy decades of wealth that's been built up in a complex economy.
That's why we've always said it's important to be a prepper and to be somewhat self-sufficient because the globalists want to make us all dependent so that we're under their control.
They've admitted all of this.
So remember, how does Infowars continue years and decades in many cases to be able to predict things before they happen?
Because we're following the globalist blueprint and their battle plan.
And yes, it's dystopic.
And yes, it's scary.
But denying it and letting them carry it out is a thousand times more scary.
It's time to stop the denial and realize what's really happening.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, guys, before I came in here, Alex saw me kind of upset.
He said, well, why are you so upset?
I said, well, I'm sick of living in a prison of lies, misinformation, and the mask wearing, and the hysteria.
But you know what, folks?
I have to come on air here and just do something.
It was all an act.
It's all been an act.
I don't even like being free.
But I have to come on air now and I have to tell you a real grave admission here today.
I am actually a serial murderer.
I've murdered 5 million, 6 million, 7 million.
I mean the number continues to go up because you see I've never worn a mask.
I've never social distanced.
I've taken about 10, 12, 13, 15 flights since the viral outbreak.
I've been and hosted in about 10 to 20 rallies.
And I'm going to be attending another rally this weekend at the Texas State Capitol at noon.
And so I'm going to kill about 20 million more probably.
So I'm coming on air and I'm now admitting it.
I am a coronavirus COVID-19 super spreader.
I've killed millions.
And so, if I were you, I would just stay away from me, clearly.
I mean, don't shake my hand.
Don't even come near me in public.
Probably don't even go to the rally this Saturday at the Texas State Capitol.
You know?
Probably, I mean, I wouldn't even be tuned into this broadcast right now.
Because let me tell you, this COVID-19 virus is so scientifically advanced,
It can get through this microphone, travel through the fiber optic cables down through this desk and into the soundboard.
Yeah, that's the live count of how many people I've killed.
Yeah guys, keep that live.
Keep that live.
But folks, this coronavirus is so smart now.
It can indeed travel electronically through this wire right here into the soundboard
That sound then goes out through other wires, carrying the coronavirus, sends out two satellites, that then get picked up by your local stations, and your internet feed, and then is broadcast to you.
But if you tune in, and you can hear the sound of my voice, I've just given you the coronavirus.
And you're dead!
So, I would start planning accordingly, you know?
Get your will straightened out, delete your internet browsing history,
Tell your friends, your family, you love them.
Because I'm murdering everybody with coronavirus.
That's what now I've decided to do.
I've decided to just come out and just, I'm just going to come clean, folks.
I was chosen by the Illuminati to be the super spreader of coronavirus.
That was my job.
And I've now completed my mission.
And so Alex, if you're wondering why I'm kind of, you know, droning around, it's because my mission is complete, Alex.
I spread the coronavirus.
You're all dead.
So, it doesn't matter if you shelter in place or social distance or wear a mask.
I already killed you deader than a hammer!
You've already got the COVID-19.
You're dead!
And here's the thing.
If you have any ancestors or children or you think that they're gonna live past this and survive, I'm already developing the COVID-20.
I've already got plans for COVID-21 and 22.
You'll never escape me.
I'm the super spreader.
You know how many hands I've shaken?
I coughed on an airplane.
I was sitting on an airplane, and I said, I have an itch on my nose.
If I scratch it, I'll pick up the coronavirus, and then I'll give it to the next person.
And you know what I did?
I scratched my nose.
I went like this, right there on the airplane.
And then I even dared to talk to the flight attendant.
I said, the flight attendant, would you like anything to drink?
She said, I'll take a water.
Just gave her Corona.
So there it is, ladies and gentlemen.
There's really nothing else to do or say.
Just accept that these are your final hours.
Accept that you're dead.
Accept that Coronavirus is your new king.
And just pray to Bill Gates that he can come up with a vaccine to save you.
But he can't.
He can't.
Because I'll come find you.
I'll come find you with my COVID-20 or 21, and I'll kill you with that.
So, I'm a mass murderer killing people with coronavirus, and I'm happy about it.
Now it's official.
The United Nations came out yesterday and said the COVID emergency will last five years.
And the UK government said you must all carry cell phones outside or you'll be arrested because we have to track your social distancing and you're only allowed to have a list of 10 people that you visit and if you go outside that list of 10 you'll be permanently detained.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the New World Order, where they let the criminals out of jail, the rapists, the child molesters, the murderers, and where you are now non-essential and a prisoner.
From the beginning of my research, it was clear the globalists are an authoritarian, anti-human group.
They have to put this electronic straitjacket on us before they carry out their endgame, which is global depopulation.
So you see, submitting to them is death.
The only way to stop them is to expose them, to hate their guts, and realize they are humanity's mortal enemy.
Wake up or die!
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Schroer.
So at this point you're probably asking yourself, how can Schroer spread the coronavirus to tens of millions of people, killing numerous amounts?
But how can he still survive?
How is he still alive to even be the super spreader?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you it's because of the supplements at InfoWarsStore.com.
Basically, it turned me into superhuman so that I can take a COVID-39 if I needed to.
I mean, I could take a COVID coronavirus infinity and probably still survive because of all the supplements at InfoWarsStore.com.
But that's how I'm able to be the super spreader.
Now, I have already been selected by the Illuminati to be the super spreader, so you'll never be able to do that.
So don't even think that that's in the cards for you.
But, if you want to try to be as healthy as me, then you can go to InfoWarsStore.com and you can take advantage of these supplement sales, like 50% off Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off Survival Shield X2.
This is the final day for this, by the way.
35% off Supermail Vitality, 50% off Emmerich's Essentials hand sanitizer.
Hold on, wait a second, what?
$100 off the Alexa Pure Breeze?
No, I can't market that.
The Alexa Pure Breeze, that filters your air that you breathe.
That's like, you know, if I come into your house and I cough and I get the corona spread into your house and the Alexa Pure Breeze sucks it in, then I just, that defeats my purpose.
I can't be having that.
But the Alex Spear Breeze is $100 off right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
DNA Force Plus, flagship, elite supplement.
50% off.
Living Defense Plus, the great probiotic, 50% off.
And, you know, we do have the InfoWars mask for sale right here.
It is at InfoWarsStore.com, but I'll find a way.
I'll find a way.
See, like, you're wearing your mask like this.
Do you wear it with the nose off or up?
I don't even know how to wear it properly.
I'm a super spreader, so I don't wear the mask.
But we do have the mask.
It's not going to stop me from spreading it to you, though.
VasoBeat, 40% off right now, the great beet supplement.
I mean, you can do the research about beets, folks.
It's very powerful, that supplement.
40% off.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, 50% off.
And if you want to know how I was able to infect
So many people with coronavirus in such a short period of time.
That's because I drink the TurboForce from InfoWarsStore.com.
So I can be spreading a viral disease 24 hours a day thanks to the supplement TurboForce at InfoWarsStore.com, which is currently 40% off.
And so there you go.
I was going to come on air today, and I've got these stacks of news, and I was going to get to all of it, but you know, I just figured, why hide it anymore?
Why hide it anymore?
This is who I really am.
I am the super spreader.
I was selected by the Chi-Coms and the Deep State and the Illuminati to be the super spreader.
This was the plan all along.
And now you know.
This is the big, I am the Illuminati super spreader.
Yes, there's the tally right there.
I can't even keep up now.
I mean, the people are dropping like flies thanks to my corona infection.
But I should be rewarded as a hero because I'm killing the parasite to Earth known as humans.
So I'm actually a deity in the sense that I am eliminating humanity, which is really a scourge upon this Earth, and so therefore, I'm a hero.
And so until that number gets to, what are we at, about 7 billion?
My job is not complete.
Actually, we may be over the population of Earth.
Doesn't matter!
I'll spread the coronavirus into the next galaxy!
See, there it is.
I just went next galaxy.
I just went intergalactic.
So I've now killed every human on Earth with my corona spread, and I'm now going intergalactic.
Can we get the intergalactic tally back up there, please?
Let's start it up.
All 7,000 dead immediately.
Just from coughing on the moon.
Because that's the thing, you know, the air is so thin in space.
When you cough in space, I mean, you've seen the graphics about when you cough at a grocery store and you spread corona, how that cough can go about 500 yards.
It can make left turns, it can make right turns, it can navigate, you know, aisles and counters and go over things and under things.
I mean, you've seen that.
Folks, in space, it's a thousand times that.
There's no gravity to weigh the corona down.
The air is thin, so it just glides smoothly.
It can reproduce like nothing.
So that's the real spread.
I mean, eliminating the humans on Earth?
Eh, that was phase one of the coronavirus.
Folks, they're gonna... See, you think you're gonna go to Mars and be safe on Mars?
I got a flight to Mars this weekend.
I'm gonna bury so many COVID-19s in the Mars dust.
You take a step on Mars, you're going to be bleeding out of your eyeballs from coronavirus.
So you're welcome.
And so here's what we're going to do today.
I'm going to open up the phone lines for you to call in and praise me and thank me for spreading coronavirus.
And so that number to call in and properly say, Owen Schroeder, thank you for super spreading corona and eliminating humanity.
That number is 877-789-2539.
And I don't want any other calls.
I mean, if you're not calling in to thank me for super-spreading coronavirus, then just don't even bother.
Because, folks, this virus is very serious.
I mean, like, the nerve of people not to just give up all of their freedoms.
I mean, seriously, like, as soon as you saw the first reports of coronavirus, you should have just slit your own throat.
You should have just stopped breathing.
You should have just chopped off your head.
You should have sacrificed your firstborn.
And so the fact that America is standing up to this coronavirus and people are not living in fear and people aren't buying the hoax and President Trump called it an artificial event.
Don't worry because the new app on your smartphone is recording all of this and it's sending me all this data.
And so I'm going to go to your house and lick your doorknob.
Now, you should be lucky it's me going to your house and licking your doorknob.
If it was some of these other people, they would put that doorknob where the sun don't shine.
That's how they like to spread it.
I'm not into that stuff.
I just like to cough on ya.
So, they caught on, though, here in Austin, and I'm now banned.
I'm not even allowed to go in a grocery store.
Because I don't wear a mask.
Because they know!
I've been caught!
I've been had!
I am the super spreader!
And I'm waiting for all of my due praise.
Now, it doesn't matter what the media tells you about this coronavirus, folks.
All that matters is that clearly it's going to kill you, clearly I have it, and clearly I'm a super spreader.
This whole notion of reopening or being free or having a business or living on planet Earth, you can just forget about all of it.
You can just forget about all of that.
Because it's over for you.
The coronavirus is here.
The coronavirus is now taking over planet Earth, soon planet Mars.
And then it will mutate and turn into a gaseous-like substance and take over Jupiter.
And then it will develop a ability to fight frostbite.
It'll head right to Pluto.
So I would just suggest just, you know, just probably kill yourself.
You don't want to see, you don't want to see what's coming with this coronavirus, folks.
I mean, they're kind of letting you know what's up.
You know, they're saying like six billion could be dead tomorrow because you're going to reopen your bar or go to the gym.
So, um,
I mean, all right, you know what?
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna actually, I'm gonna get serious here.
I'm gonna tell you guys the big exclusive.
Are you guys ready for this?
Is the crew ready for this?
Is any of the crew even left alive anymore?
I coughed on that board in there.
I coughed on one of the keyboards in there.
You should all be dead too.
It's probably why there's no camera switching right now.
I killed all the crew with my Corona.
All right, folks.
This is literally the biggest exclusive news that you're ever gonna hear in the history of your life.
Do you want to know what killed the dinosaurs?
It wasn't a meteor.
It wasn't a famine.
It was the coronavirus.
And now the coronavirus is back for revenge to kill you.
And I've been chosen by the Illuminati as the super spreader.
We're taking your thank yous to me on the other side.
We're living in insanely dangerous times.
And I told folks going back three months ago, I'm not buying storable food because I'm worried about the COVID-19 virus.
I'm worried about the food shortages and the economic collapse.
And now it's admitted that a chain reaction has begun that's already caused food shortages and the collapse of farms and ranches across the United States.
And it's even worse in the third world.
So I hope Trump, with his initiatives to clean this up and fix it, but with the election fraud and the
I think so.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's my coronavirus theme song.
It's the last song you'll ever hear.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I have one more admittance I need to make here before I take your phone calls.
Obviously thanking me for giving you the coronavirus.
By the way, the fact that you've actually called in means you've already got it.
Ha ha!
I rigged the phone lines with the corona.
You picked up the phone, you dialed, boom, you got coronavirus.
Where's my tally?
Where's my death count tally?
I need to know how many people are dying right now from me.
Because here's my final admission, folks.
I'm actually not even human.
I am COVID-19.
I am a coronavirus.
I am the final mutation stage.
I have mutated into a human appearance ooze.
But really, I'm just an amalgamation of coronaviruses.
Millions of them, ready to be spread.
And each one, custom-tuned, just for you.
Just for you.
That's how much I care.
I wanna make sure that when I kill you with coronavirus, it's a very personal thing.
And so, uh, you know.
You guys, uh, got about, uh,
I don't know, hours, maybe days if you're lucky to survive this coronavirus.
So I would be, you know, saying goodbye to your loved ones and... I mean, you could figure out a proper will, but whoever you would leave your money to or house to or property to, they're gonna be dead too anyway.
So I don't even worry about that.
But, uh...
No, folks, I have to be honest.
I mean, you've seen some of the conspiracy theories out there about Owen Schroyer.
Some people think I'm an FBI agent or a CIA agent.
Some people think I'm this other guy who changed his appearance.
Some people think I used to be married to this chick that I killed.
You know, some people think I'm actually an alien from the moon.
Folks, it's all fake news.
I'm actually a coronavirus mutated into a human-like structure simply to confuse and deceive you.
That's why I've been going to all these rallies.
That's why I've been shaking all these hands.
That's why I never wear a mask.
That's why I never wear gloves.
That's why I never social distance.
It's been me the whole time, folks.
And so you're welcome.
I'm putting you out of your misery.
And, you know, these doctors have it all wrong.
We've got all the news stories.
These doctors are saying six million more Americans will die if we reopen the economy.
You're already dead.
I've already super spread.
I've been to all the cities.
I've coughed on every phone booth.
I've coughed in every restaurant.
I've touched every piece of property.
So, uh, you know, quit fighting this and just take your coronavirus death.
Because I really don't want to have to come to your front door and lick your doorknob.
But I will if I have to, just to spread corona.
So ladies and gentlemen, there have been a lot of very important Alex Jones broadcasts over the years.
But you've now got the exclusive intel.
The coronavirus has now mutated into a human-like form.
The coronavirus is actually what killed the dinosaurs.
And yes, I, Owen Troyer, am actually an agent of the coronavirus mutation.
Kind of like the Terminator, except it's not like AI robots from the future.
It's just a coronavirus from the past that's now finally mutated into human form.
So, this is really great.
We have a bunch of callers ready to thank me for my contribution to mankind.
Uh, which as someone that's not even human, I'm just a virus.
I'm just a coronavirus.
It's really an honor to receive such high accolades from humans, uh, as a virus, COVID-19.
That's what I am.
So, uh, let's go to some of these people that are certainly about to die.
Just from being on the phone with me.
So, Jerry in Washington.
I think they say about the average lifespan of somebody that gets on the phone with me.
You got about an hour left after you get off the phone with me.
So, enjoy your last hour, Jerry.
Hey, Owen.
How are you doing?
Well, I'm just infecting the world with coronavirus.
Just killing all humans.
Just, you know, in every day.
Just every day in a life of virus.
I understand.
We want to thank you for this humor.
My wife and I, we've just been cracking up, rolling over on the floor.
Well, yeah, I mean, good, because life is a big joke, and, you know, your freedom is a big joke, and so, you know, the coronavirus is very, very real.
Well, you know the scripture states that God laughs, remember?
I hope that you spend the last hour of your life laughing, Jerry, because let me tell you something right now.
For you personally, here's what I'm gonna do for you, Jerry.
You seem like a real nice guy.
Here's what I'm gonna do.
Hold on.
I'm mutating a special coronavirus right now inside of me.
Hold up.
Alright, Jerry.
I just sent you a personal coronavirus through the microphone right to your phone.
It's going into your eardrum right now.
Okay, okay, Warren.
Now, I want to get a little, just a little serious here for a minute.
This coronavirus really is what we call Corona-lution.
They've removed it out of the dictionary, so most people will not be able to really understand this, but this is an Illuminati ceremonial that we are practicing here, especially wearing the mask, which I call it Mount Wide Shut.
Uh, so, um, for people to understand that to follow this, this, uh, stream of thought is real, will lead them to, truthfully, spiritual death.
The coronavirus can infect your spirit, too.
Oh, yes, certainly it can, and I tell you, it is something to go to the grocery store and not wear a mask.
I don't have to worry about social distancing because people run away from me.
Well, see, but you get it.
I mean, you know that the coronavirus has already killed you, so why wear a mask?
Exactly, you know, and it can't kill me again.
Seriously, I'm alive, but maybe physically I'm, like you said, I'm truthfully dead and I'm proud of it.
Well, Jerry, we're going to nickname that little coronavirus that I sent you through this microphone, we're going to call that the Jerry virus.
Specifically for you and your family, Jerry, you're welcome.
I love it.
Because you know, I mean, but Jerry, I mean, you saw Moderna, you know, they want to make you into a vaccine, a virus producer.
They literally want to do that with their nanotech.
And so I'm just simply the first rollout of this.
And it's been very successful.
Well, guess what?
I'm the second rollout of it.
See, this is why people in Washington need to be very afraid.
Cause Jerry now has the Jerry mutation of the coronavirus and he doesn't wear a mask.
So your best bet in Washington right now, I'd dig yourself a six foot hole in the ground and just crawl in it and die.
You know what?
In certain terms, that's what I've done.
I like really, uh, you know, instead of getting upset with people because of their stupidity and their ignorance of really, you know, what this whole, uh, kind of, uh,
Well, I mean, you can pray as much as you want, but this coronavirus can pray too.
I mean, you realize this coronavirus is so smart and mutated, it can get on its knees and pray as well.
But, Jerry, thank you so much for calling in today.
Let's go to Ramon in Texas.
Go ahead, Ramon.
Well, Ramon, it actually looks like we're up against the break, but I think you got 20 seconds.
You can thank me for killing you with coronavirus.
Go ahead.
Hey, man.
I appreciate it, dude.
You gave me the corona.
Dude, enjoy your afterlife.
I'll tell you what, Ramon.
Here's what I'm going to do.
We're going to take a little break here.
I'm going to gestate a personal virus for you during this break, and I'm going to send that to you when we come back.
So don't go anywhere, Ramon.
The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO, mainstream
I don't
We're good.
I was talking to my wife tonight and I was saying our economy slowing down and shutting down is like shooting a deer and it runs 100 yards before it knows it's been shot and then it finally dies.
She said, oh yeah, when I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, one time there was an argument in the street and another man shot another man in the head.
And the man that got shot in the head had blood pouring out a huge hole.
He was holding it and he walked around gibbering, talking nonsense for about 60 seconds, and then just fell over dead.
Well, that's what's going to happen with our economy.
It is in cardiac arrest.
This has been done by design, and the UN, the CHICOMS, the mainstream media,
Orchestrated it, hyped it, and tried to keep the economy closed.
So remember, the depression that's coming and the third world collapse is all on the UN, on Bill and Melinda Gates, on Obama, on Hillary, on Biden, on the Democrats.
We tried to stop it, we tried to fight it, but you guys said you wanted to wreck America and the world and now you've done it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, this is big.
This is so big you can't even measure it.
Your tiny human mind has no idea.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Okay, well actually, ladies and gentlemen, the reason why Alex Jones is out is because I killed him with coronavirus.
And so, they had to haul him out of here in an ambulance.
And then the ambulance crew died on the way out, too.
Crashed the ambulance into a gutter in the road.
It's great.
I mean, seriously, just give everything up, folks.
The coronavirus is here to kill you.
So you're done.
You don't have freedom.
You don't have a country.
You don't have anything.
Just give it all up, man.
And look, the crew running around here, they're a little on edge now.
They knew something was going on with me and now it's confirmed.
And they're kind of on edge.
Some of the crew came up to me, you know, trying to ingratiate themselves.
Saying, you know, let's start a, let's start a restaurant together here.
COVID themed.
Wants to sell, and I said, whoa, that's great.
We'll sell COVID, uh, coronavirus themed cupcakes.
He said, no, we'll sell COVID cakes.
So if any of you are lucky to survive this global pandemic, you can come on down to a restaurant I'm going to make and everything we're going to sell COVID hats and coronavirus style hats and we're going to make up burgers that look like the coronavirus and everything.
Oh, it's going to be great.
You're not allowed to wear a mask.
If you wear a mask, you're kicked out.
Hold on, I'm sensing that some of you listening right now are not infected by coronavirus yet.
I'm going to cough into this microphone and I'm going to help you out with that.
Alright, there you go.
Wait about 5-10 seconds, you'll catch that corona.
It can go through the microphone, through a satellite wave, frequency down into your home, kill you deader than a murder hornet.
Wow, what an incredible show today.
We've learned that the coronavirus killed the dinosaurs.
We've learned that I am actually a coronavirus.
I'm not even human.
I'm a mutated coronavirus, disguised as a human, sent to be a super spreader.
I'll be spreading the coronavirus at the Texas State Capitol in Austin here this Saturday at noon.
I'll be down there spreading it, super spreading it.
It's amazing, folks.
So you're welcome, and we're taking your calls thanking me because, you know,
You don't have a country anymore.
You're not free anymore.
The coronavirus is here.
Just hide in a hole.
Bury your head.
And just die!
That's your destiny!
Your destiny isn't to be free and have a lineage or prosperity or anything like that.
Your destiny is to die of coronavirus.
It always has been.
And I'm here to fulfill that destiny for you.
So the audience is thanking me.
And so I told Ramon I would gestate a virus personally for him.
I want to bring Ramon back right now.
And Ramon, this virus actually has to come out of my nose, so I'm going to briefly exhale my nose towards the microphone, and then it's going to go through the fiber-optic cables up to the satellite, down to the uplink, and then into your speaker system.
So here we go.
Alright, there you go, Ramon.
Personally for you, your own personal COVID strain.
You're welcome.
He's dead!
Oh, he's not dead yet.
Alright, he's back.
Oh, okay.
I thought I killed you that quick!
Hey, I appreciate it, man.
I can't wait to spread it.
Get out there and start spreading, Ramon!
What part of Texas are you in?
I'm in the Panhandle.
Oh yeah, you know what, we haven't had that good of a spread up there, so would you mind maybe going around coughing on some doorknobs and stuff?
Oh yeah, absolutely I will.
Thatta boy.
First thing I'm gonna do is sexually transmit it to my wife, get her to turn it into the Ramona virus.
Oh my god!
The corona is now mutating into the Ramona!
So we'll just have to see where it goes from there.
Wow, this is huge, folks.
This is unbelievable that this is happening.
So, this is going to be big.
So, if you're up on the Texas Panhandle, now you might, if you don't die of the Corona, you're probably going to die of the Ramona.
And Ramon, you're about to gestate that virus with your wife here in a minute.
Absolutely, you know I am.
Wow, you're a hero.
So are you, Owen.
I wouldn't be able to do it if it weren't for you.
Well, I know!
I mean, I told you, I gestated a personal virus for you.
You probably have contracted it at this point, so I think it's safe to spread that to your wife and to get that deadly spread going, Ramon.
Yeah, hopefully I'll die a little bit before her, that way I don't have to make a funeral call.
Well, actually, you know, now that I'm looking at the clock, I mean, you got like five minutes really to take advantage of this spread, Ramon, so you better get busy, okay?
Yeah, alright man.
Alright Ramone, thank you so much.
A hero.
Making sure that Texans get, if they don't get the Corona, they're gonna get the Ramona now.
I mean, that's taking a leap forward, folks.
I mean, you talk about landing on the moon and stuff like that.
Gestating your own virus to super spread?
I mean, that is the key.
Let's go to Hunter in Michigan.
Go ahead, Hunter.
You're on the air with a virus.
Destroyer to the Destroyer, how are you doing?
See, and that was always my nickname, but you didn't realize it was actually because I'm going to destroy you with a virus.
I got a good question for you.
Do you think Obama, do you think he's going to get indicted or no?
It doesn't matter!
Everyone's going to be dead of coronavirus!
Why do people... See, like, why... You know, I'm really bothered by this.
I'm really bothered by this because...
All these people are upset with all the crimes of Obama.
All these people are upset over the crimes of Biden.
All these people are upset their business was shut down.
Why does anybody care?
You're all dead from coronavirus anyway.
Nothing even matters.
Oh, I can't go see my baseball team, my hockey team.
You're dead!
It doesn't matter.
You're all dead.
So is Obama going to be indicted?
Is he a total criminal?
Did he commit treason?
It doesn't matter.
We're all dead from coronavirus.
Obama's got a foot in the grave.
He's got a special breed of coronavirus.
I gave him it a couple months ago.
My bad.
I forgot.
No, you know what though?
I understand because I'm just trying to ease your tensions here.
I understand you're trying to be like a real alive human and American and you're actually concerned about this stuff and you want to see results, but I'm here to ease your tensions.
That's what I'm here for.
Don't you understand?
Humans are too stressed out, okay?
I'm here to ease your stresses.
I'm just gonna kill ya.
I'm the coronavirus.
I'm here to kill ya.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
Can I get a cough though?
I haven't contracted it yet.
You haven't contracted it yet?
Alright, hold on.
I need to... Hunter's way up north in Michigan right now.
And the spread has not been going so good.
So I gotta give Hunter a real deep cough here.
That one's gonna get all the way up to Michigan for you, Hunter.
Yeah, suck that.
Oh yeah, suck that coronavirus into your lungs.
Yeah, engage in the death ritual.
See, don't you feel better now, Hunter?
Don't you feel better now, Hunter?
I do.
I'm going to go cough in everybody's faces now.
See, look at this.
Hunter called into the show, stressed about the treason of Obama, stressed about all the stuff going on.
Now he's contracted coronavirus.
He's going to die.
He's feeling a lot better.
You're welcome, Hunter.
Man, I don't know what I'd do without you, Owen.
I really appreciate it, man.
Well, I don't know what I'd do without me either, Hunter, but it won't matter because you're all going to die and I'll still be here, so that's the game plan.
All right, Hunter, thank you so much.
All right, Soup in Georgia.
Oh, I can get into Soup too, believe me.
Go ahead, Soup.
There you go, Soup.
Yeah, get that out there.
Yeah, actually, hold on.
Send me some of your COVID.
Hold on.
I need some of that.
I need some of that Soup COVID.
Send me some of that.
Oh, that's oh, that's the pure stuff.
Oh, yeah.
I wasn't sure if I've gotten it yet, but I'm absolutely sure it down there.
Oh, man.
That is some pure cut Corona right there.
Oh, man.
That's some of that.
That's some of that Chinese pure.
Straight out of Wuhan.
Dude, you got that, oh man.
See, let me tell you folks, when you get a coronavirus that fresh out of Wuhan, woo!
I mean, you're soaring now, Supe.
I'm getting like, endorphins are leaving me all the time.
I don't know what's going on.
But man, your scheme is like, most diabolical.
I'm gonna put you down like, you know, villain of the century for this one.
But in your whole scheme, man, could you tell me,
How did you leave the homeless out?
I figured there'd be like homeless on the streets just dead of corona, but you've gotten... but people who are walking around with masks and staying inside, those are the only people that's really dying!
Come on, dude!
No, you know what?
I have an answer for that, Sue.
I have an answer for that.
I'm gonna answer why I haven't infected the homeless just yet.
It took hundreds and hundreds of years of human civilization to build up the world economy to where it is.
Every economist is on record saying that as this economy has been shut down for two months, it is going to be a death sentence to the third world and a horrible, nightmarish collapse for the first world, and that the general public is going to go into deep, deep debt to the megabanks.
They're not going to have medical ID cards or sinoculations.
We are now in a giant dystopia.
But, a lot of people are waking up, and there is a major backlash taking place against this tyranny, and we must all rediscover our Bill of Rights, rediscover our Constitution and our backbone, and start saying no to people who take this moral high ground and say, shut your business down, shut your life down, it'll save lives.
It's caused millions to already starve to death, tens of millions more.
So the cowards who went along with this with your virtue signaling, you have destroyed your lives and our lives.
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I've hunted a lot of big game at long distances with high caliber rifles and when you shoot an elk at say 600 yards, even if you hit them right in the heart, they'll still run 50, 60, 70, maybe 100 yards.
They've got that adrenaline pumping through their arteries and through their veins, but all of a sudden they slow down, they realize what's happened, they fall over, and they die.
Then you go bag them and haul them back in.
Well, that's what's going to happen to the entire world now.
And that's what the economic numbers show.
Is that we've been shot right in the heart.
And for the first world, it's going to mean a long, horrible depression and a lot of death.
Well, for the third world, it's going to mean probably over 100 million dead, according to the UN, and I believe their numbers.
Because it's the very UN that's orchestrated this to depopulate the third world.
So to all the leftists that thought it was their revolution to get rid of Trump, you're a bunch of suckers and you bought into something bigger than what Hitler did.
The panic that has been orchestrated by the global corporatist media and the chi-coms is going to now trigger a worldwide depression.
In fact, we're already into the worldwide depression and the death sentence for the third world.
But it's critical to understand that the longer the shutdown persists, the worse it's going to be.
A month of shutdown will destroy decades of wealth that's been built up in a complex economy.
That's why we've always said it's important to be a prepper and to be somewhat self-sufficient because the globalists want to make us all dependent so that we're under their control.
They've admitted all of this.
So remember, how does Infowars continue years and decades in many cases to be able to predict things before they happen?
Because we're following the globalist blueprint and their battle plan.
And yes, it's dystopic.
And yes, it's scary.
But denying it and letting them carry it out is a thousand times more scary.
It's time to stop the denial and realize what's really happening.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, drop that beat.
DJ Corona in the house.
Gettin' freaky.
Drop that COVID.
19, 20, 21.
You're deader than a hammer for the age of one.
Fresh beats here from DJ COVID.
There it is.
That's when the beat drops.
That's when you catch the virus.
Now you start to bleed out of your eyes.
Start to bleed out uranus.
This is when they put you on a ventilator and you die dead in a hammer.
This is the part where you get added to the death count.
This is the part where we shut down your whole country and take all your freedoms.
And now you're all dead.
And this is the part where I take my COVID to intergalactic levels.
You know, a lot of people have been asking me,
A lot of people have been asking me, hey, does Governor Cuomo work for you?
Uh, duh.
Cuomo was the super spreader in the New York nursing homes.
Yeah, Cuomo killed tens of thousands of people with the coronavirus.
Cuomo works for me.
Hell yeah.
Oh, me and Cuomo are tight.
In fact, we were sitting.
Trust me.
At the lounge, when I gave him the COVID, and we were listening to this song right here.
Yeah, this is the official COVID-19 theme song for when I shared my COVID with Cuomo.
Alright, I could dance to this COVID beat all day.
I mean, DJ COVID, DJ Corona.
You know what, though?
I've been spreading a lot of the Corona with you here today over this microphone, and I want to continue to do some more, but I'm starting to get a little low on the Corona power bodies here.
Guys, can we have somebody order me some bat soup?
Is there anybody left back there that's not dead yet?
Could you guys order me some fresh bat soup?
This is Bat City, after all.
There we go.
That one smiled for the cameras there, as you can see.
So, uh, thank you guys.
I needed some bat soup.
I mean, there's a reason why Austin is called Bat City, folks.
There's a reason why I, Owen Schroer, am actually a coronavirus mutated into a human-like form in Austin, Texas, as the super spreader, because this is the Bat City.
You didn't know that, did you?
Yeah, Austin, Texas is the Bat City.
And so that is why I am the super spreader here in Bat City, Texas.
So thank you guys for that fresh bat soup.
I know somebody probably went right under the Congress bridge to get it.
Yeah, that guy's just eating some, like, eel or something like that.
No, that's not the good stuff.
You gotta get that fresh, fresh bat.
Yeah, the mice isn't gonna kill you, the frog isn't gonna kill you.
You gotta get that fresh bat.
It's the only thing that's gonna do it.
It's the only thing that's gonna do it.
Um, you know what?
Let's go ahead and do this right now.
We've had a lot of big revelations here, folks, and so...
Bill Gates has decided to join us on air today.
He's very proud of my work.
And, you know, I gotta be honest though, Bill, even though you had something to do with creating me and turning me into the Superspreader, I've kind of grown resentful of you.
And so I think I may come after you next, Bill.
But Bill Gates, you're now officially on the Alex Jones Show for the first time.
It's a monumentous occasion here.
So Bill, thank you for calling in.
Thank you.
Me and Mel, um, I have my pink sweater on, and I've got my Chinese boy, Wuhan, knitting you one.
Now, you look like a medium, you've got really nice shoulders, um, am I correct?
Well, Bill, I mean, I could be a medium, I could be a large, I mean, a guy like you- Shut up!
Shut up!
Sorry, sorry about that.
Oh, was Wuhan acting up?
He's humping my leg.
I don't know why.
Well, you know Bill, I didn't know if you wanted to tell people this, but did you tell people why you wear the pink sweater?
Because that attracts the COVID more?
That's right!
Pink is power, and COVID likes pink and power, so what a combo!
Alright Bill, now I've kind of, even though you helped create me, and you turned me into the super spreader,
I've grown a little bit resentful of you because you've forced this life upon me and I'm starting to question myself.
But here, can I just ask you, Bill, can I give you a special COVID-19 right now on air?
Oh, please, Nolan.
I've been waiting all day for you to ask me that.
Alright, now Bill, listen.
This one is special just for you, Bill, okay?
I know that this is the kind of stuff you like, and so there's a reason why this one is just for you.
Just for you.
But Bill, here's what I need you to do to make sure we really get this done correctly, okay?
I need you to put that phone right up to your mouth.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to get this special Corona, Bill?
Hit me, Daddy!
Oh no!
There it is, Bill.
Did he get that, guys?
Did he get that?
Did that go through?
I'm never gonna clean my phone, Owen.
You have the official and exclusive
You're welcome, Bill.
Flagellation Coronavirus Infection.
Thank you!
Oh, and... Oh, and... I have a... I have a... I have a... I have a gift for you, too, eventually.
I got a vaccine with your name on it, buddy.
Oh, that's awesome.
Oh, I'm gonna make it really pretty for you, too.
It'll be pink, so don't worry.
And it'll have plenty of me inside of it, right?
Oh, you know it.
Thanks a lot Owen!
I feel a lot better, Bill, after farting coronavirus into your mouth and you sucking my fart here on the Alex Jones Show.
I have to say, this has really been a conscious clearing moment for me, Bill.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir!
I love you!
Have a good day, everybody!
Take your vaccine!
So ladies and gentlemen, you need to mark this day down, okay?
May 21st, 2020, at approximately 12.50 p.m.
Central Standard Time, Bill Gates made his debut on the Alex Jones Show and sucked a fart.
I mean, you may have seen some pretty incredible things in your life.
You may have gotten married, you may have seen your kids get married, you may have had kids, you know, or seen your kids have your grandkids, and you know, those are all memorable things, but let me tell you something.
Witnessing Bill Gates suck a fart on the Alex Jones Show is the greatest thing you've ever witnessed in your life.
By far.
By far.
So, you're welcome.
I mean, we just continue to deliver today on the Alex Jones Show.
I mean, wow.
Alright, I gotta go back up to my friends in Michigan where we're spreading the coronavirus right now.
Jared has called in.
Jared, how is the spread up there in Michigan?
Are you guys dropping dead yet?
Well, thankfully, Owen, I will be dropping dead soon.
And I gotta say, you're not getting near enough honor or praise
No, you know, but you know what?
We don't do it for the praise.
We do it to kill all of humanity.
But you know what?
It is true.
I'm not getting near enough respect for being the coronavirus as I should.
And I would just like to do that.
I would just like to offer up more honor and praise to you, Owen, the Destroyer, for infecting me, in fact, by way of the ultimate krill oil.
Because, you know, I thought I wanted immunity, but no.
I wanted to be infected by the virus, and I know it was you, Owen, who infected that Ultimate Cruel Oil and the bodice he used.
You know, because I've had such a terrible cough, and I know it was you, man.
Hold on.
Wait, wait, wait.
You said you have a cough?
Yeah, don't hold out on me.
Come on, let me get some of that.
Yeah, I gotta get my cut here.
You must not have enough of the virus on your own, because I know it was you, I can feel it!
Well yeah, but you've got to understand, I mean, just like you may have like $10,000, but like, you know, 10% of that's the government's.
If you've got a cough, like 10% of that is mine, I've got to get that cut!
Well you're going to have to drink Corona Force in the morning, and take your Corona Dime, and intravenously take Super Corona Vitality, because that's the only way!
You're gonna have more of the virus to spread around, Owen.
And see, I can't wait until I finally pass away from this virus so I can come back and infect all the others.
I'll come back as a fish and I'll go into the fish oil and infect all the others with the ultimate fish oil and the ultimate grill oil.
And that'll just be the way that I end others, you know?
Jared, you are a fighting hero.
I'm telling you what, man.
All inspired by you, the Destroyer.
Because see,
That is the only way we can infect others, is to be infected.
Jared, you've said it all.
And to follow up a Bill Gates call like that, it can't get much better.
So, Jared, I'm going to leave you with a parting gift here.
It's just a little, tiny, little corona.
Not a big one, you already got your own, but little... Right.
There's just a little special corona there for you, Jared.
You spread that to your friends up there in Michigan.
Folks, big news coming up on the other side.
Don't miss it.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
InfoWars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friends, the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because there was only the mirage of safety.
Movies, and partying, and living like children.
Never growing up, never caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God, they were brought into captivity.
Because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies.
And then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
InfoWars has decided to fight for freedom.
InfoWars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Actually, that's fake news, folks.
Alex Jones is dead from the coronavirus.
I killed him with it.
By the way, in case you didn't know, this is not Owen Schroer.
I mean, it is Owen Schroer, but it's not Owen Schroer.
We've been breaking this news today, folks.
I am actually a coronavirus mutation.
I'm not even human.
I'm just a coronavirus mutation in human disguise, sent as a super spreader to end humanity.
And so far, we've done pretty good.
We could do a little better, though, quite frankly.
We're not getting those death numbers that we were wanting.
We were hoping for.
I mean, you saw the media.
They were wanting, you know, millions dead.
And that was the plan.
And it's just not really working.
And so we're going to have to soup up.
I'm gonna have to soup up a new special coronavirus here and spread it this weekend in Austin, Texas.
This Saturday at a rally that's happening at the Capitol at noon.
So I'll be sure to infect all those people.
They'll be dead within a week.
They'll probably infect their mothers and, you know, fathers and children and such and we'll keep spreading this virus.
Don't worry folks, you know, because everybody wants to know.
They're going around in their lives, they're like, wait a second, I gave up all my freedoms, I gave up my business, I gave up everything for this so-called deadly virus that doesn't even exist?
And nobody's really getting affected?
There's no real, it's all been a big hoax?
No, folks, no, no, no, no, don't worry.
We're gonna, no, we're gonna make sure this thing kills all of you.
Don't worry.
We're gonna make sure we deliver on our promise to kill all of you with coronavirus.
So, uh, this is the coronavirus, uh, Corona, Coroan Schreuer here, uh, filling in for Alex Jones because, uh, I infected him with Corona, and, uh, in a fit of, uh, confusion, he drove off and, uh, just rammed his car into a ditch.
Because he was coughing so hard from the coronavirus that, uh, I gave him.
It was a special one for Alex Jones.
You know, Alex gets his own special little COVID.
COVID Jones.
So, um... He had a good run, though, but coronavirus will ultimately get all of us, so... Uh, you know, just play your part, folks.
Let's go to James in California.
You know, James...
I feel like I really need to send a special mutation of the corona to you.
Really, really contagious one, because it's not really, we're not really getting the outbreak in California.
We do have the total tyranny lockdown.
That's been a success, but we don't have really the spread.
So before you start talking, James, I gotta send you a real special mutation of the COVID that's the most contagious one I've made yet.
So hold on one second.
All right, James.
So you just got the most contagion COVID I've ever made.
So get out there and start spreading, James.
Well, I've been spreading.
I already have it.
I don't know if you gave me a different version or a mutated version or what, but I sure do appreciate it.
Yeah, well, I just wanted to make sure you got this new updated version so that you could really be a super spreader now.
That's good.
I just want to commend you for your determination and fortitude on spreading, you know, taking out humanity with the virus.
Well, I mean, somebody's got to do it, James.
I mean, you've been seeing the news.
You've been seeing Fauci.
You've been seeing these people.
They keep saying, you know, millions dead, millions dead, millions dead.
Well, millions aren't dying.
Somebody's got to kill those people.
Right, I agree.
And also, I gotta thank you for not stopping there, but going out into the universe, the solar system and beyond.
Well, I mean, what am I gonna do?
After I killed humanity, I can't just stop.
There's no retiring for a coronavirus.
Right, but I wouldn't have never thought you would have went that far, but that's great.
I'm glad you did.
Is it possible?
I mean, we ran out of corona here.
We had a real big shortage.
Yeah, no, I know.
I know.
That's why I just gave you the super contagious version.
Would you like, do you want me to just send you another package that's just kind of just a lot of Corona, just in a package?
Would you like that?
Alright, hold on, hold on.
Sure, that, yeah.
Let me just, let me just send you a whole package of Corona that you can just unleash in your city.
Alright, now you take that box of Corona and just go down to a local city hall or, you know, a mall or something and just start spreading, James.
Just start spreading that Corona.
We haven't had the spread in California like we need.
You be the hero, James.
As I record this announcement, there's only one week left in the biggest sale yet of 2020.
We will not have this sale that's going on right now in May until our Christmas sale comes up.
All of our best-selling supplements are 30 to 60% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Let me just hone in on one of the products.
DNA Force Plus.
It's got high quality PQQ, CoQ10, and a bunch of other natural ingredients that are known to supercharge the effects of that.
Learn what PQQ and CoQ10 can do for you, no matter how old you are, no matter what color you are, no matter where you live in the world, it works the same on everybody.
It's known to be able to regrow nerves.
It's designed so that your telomeres last longer.
It doesn't make them grow, it makes them shrink.
Slow, which is basically the same thing.
DNA Force Plus is 50% off for a limited time at InfoWarsTore.com.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Wow, we have accomplished a lot since I came out as a coronavirus.
We've infected Alex Jones.
He went crazy, drove into a ditch.
We had Bill Gates call in.
We're getting those death counts up.
We gave you the breaking news that it was coronavirus that killed the dinosaurs.
We let you know we're going to space, but we're about to break even more news here, folks.
So, as you know, the President likes to tune into this broadcast.
The President likes to know what InfoWars is up to.
So, the President has been listening today.
And while he couldn't get in on the phone lines, because the phone lines are stacked up, the President tried to call in, couldn't.
Instead, put out an official press statement just moments ago, specifically in response to everything we've done here on the Alex Jones Show today.
And so here is President Trump's message, press release message, in response to everything we have broken here on the Alex Jones Show today.
The launch?
The rocket launch?
I'm thinking about going, that'll be next week, to the rocket launch.
I hope you're all going to join me.
I'd like to put you on the rocket and get rid of you for a while.
Okay, thank you very much.
Oh, you're putting me in the rocket, Trump.
Oh, you're putting me in the rocket, Trump, and I am going to be infecting the entire Milky Way galaxy.
So as you can see, Trump is on board.
Trump's ready to send me off in a rocket and get me starting to infect the rest of the Milky Way galaxy.
And then from there on, I mean, who knows where we go from there?
Me and the Ramona virus may end up having a new super baby, the Corona Ramona.
I mean, so, the possibilities are endless.
But it's nice to see that the President is on board and wants to send me into space to really start spreading this thing intergalactically.
Yeah, and that'll be you looking up at the stars wishing you had died from coronavirus.
Just looking at the devastation to the galaxy and how you weren't a part of it.
But don't worry, I'll leave some corona behind for you.
I'll leave you at least a 12-pack of Corona behind, and you can at least catch some Corona and hope that you can die from it.
But you know what?
Here's what I'll do.
I didn't want to say this today, because it kind of goes against what I'm doing here, but I have to tell you this, folks.
They actually have found the cure for Coronavirus.
I'm not kidding about this.
And so, I'm actually going to be the first to break this here in the media.
This is not a joke, folks.
And obviously, I didn't want to tell you this because of, you know, what we've been doing here so far in the Alex Jones Show today, but I'm going to go ahead and let the cat out of the bag.
There is a known cure 100% of the time for the coronavirus.
And that cure is, you just fly directly into the sun.
And you just don't stop.
You don't stop.
You just keep going into the sun until that coronavirus is gone.
And that's the cure.
Works 100% of the time.
100% of the time.
Just fly directly into the sun and 100% of the time it kills that coronavirus.
So there you go.
I let the cat out of the bag.
I let... Trump knows it.
Trump knows it's the sun.
He's saying, oh, I got corona?
Blast me off to the sun.
I'm telling you, folks.
So, uh, look.
You know, they talk about zinc working and, you know, the supplements at InfoWareStore.com have zinc in them and stuff, but folks, it's just fly directly into the sun.
Don't go get your health supplements at InfoWareStore.com that are 50% off right now, like DNA Force Plus and the bodies and everything else that's on sale.
Don't try to be a healthy human.
Don't build up your immune system.
Don't live a healthy lifestyle.
Do not get the supplements at InfoWareStore.com.
Do not get DNA Force Plus for 50% off.
It's the last thing you want to do.
Don't go get Ultimate Krill Oil for 50% off at InfoWareStore.com, the best krill oil on the market.
Don't get an Alexa Pure Breeze air filter for your home to make sure the air in your home is pure and clean.
You want some of that COVID air in your home.
You put an Alexa Pure Breeze air filter system in your home, how are you going to get coronavirus?
It's $100 off.
I'd rather have 100 coronaviruses.
Living defense, probiotic, 50% off.
I mean, you can't have that.
The Real Red Pill, the Real Red Pill Plus, 50% off.
I even think that one has zinc in it.
I may have a bottle right here.
Let me see here.
My God!
It does!
Here's the Real Red Pill Plus with zinc in it, 50% off at InfoWarshaw.com.
You do not want this!
I mean, this is the last thing you want right here.
And especially me, as a coronavirus, I don't want you taking this!
I don't want you having zinc in your cells!
The nerve of InfoWarsStore.com to sell health supplements at a discounted price.
Well, that's why I had to infect Alex Jones.
He was doing way too much good for humanity.
He had to die.
He had a good run.
And then he ran right into a ditch.
Once he caught the corona.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, so we now know it.
Trump's ready to send me to outer space to spread the coronavirus.
And he's also aware that the only cure, the only known cure, and it works 100% of the time, folks, this is not a joke.
Known cure, 100% of the time, success rate, just fly directly into the sun, just don't stop until you hit the surface.
All right, let's go back out to the corona lines here and go to Mike in Florida.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hey Owen, I just wanted to call, man, and thank you for everything you're doing.
I'm actually, right now I'm in Florida, but I'm actually on my way in an ambulance right now on my way to New York to be put on a ventilator, man.
I just really want to thank you for what you're doing.
Oh my gosh!
Wait a second, you're about to be an interstate spreader?
I'm calling from all over the EMTs here.
You know, they've stopped and got gas.
I'm licking the gas handles, man.
I'm spreading all over the place.
You know, I was on hold for a little bit, so, um, you know, uh, the COVID's going all through me.
I'm dying.
But, uh, good thing I'm on my way up to, uh, New York, uh, so Kumo can get his, uh, $39,000, uh, for putting me on a ventilator and blowing my lungs apart.
You're a hero, Mike.
I'm getting a little emotional here.
Just the dedication that you've shown, the willingness to spread, I mean,
I just can't thank you enough, Mike.
Thank you so much, Mike.
Thank you.
You're welcome, man.
You're welcome.
I'm going to send you something special, Mike.
I'm sorry, folks.
This is so emotional.
When I hear Mike call in, he talks about being a super spreader and flying on airplanes with coronavirus and letting Cuomo attach him to a ventilator so he could just kill him deader than a hammer and collect a couple thousand bucks for it.
I mean, that's the kind of dedication that's going to save humanity.
Mike, thank you so much.
I'm giving you a special coronavirus right now.
It can only come out of a tear.
So, let me just... I'm gonna have one tear land on the microphone, okay?
Don't hang up, Mike.
I'm gonna have one tear land on the microphone and it's just gonna go straight to you, buddy.
There it is, Mike.
Oh my gosh.
Mike, take that special coronavirus and spread it in New York, friend.
Onward and upward.
Just to let everyone know, I'm 195, we're in South Carolina right now, so if you're in South Carolina, you're all dead.
That a boy, Mike.
That a boy, Mike!
That's the kind of, that's a true American right there.
That is an American patriot.
Let's go to Marcus in Texas.
I don't know how you can, I don't know how you can live up to Mike, Marcus, but go ahead.
Oh man, we've been friends for a long time, Owen.
So you know I've been in the operations with you.
You know, I've been a double agent myself.
But, you know, you're the commander.
What do you think info comms have been, folks?
Listen, the only cure to the coronavirus is wrapping yourself in the American flag.
And you've heard that.
If you have heard that, you know that's science.
That's real.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You can't be telling people about that.
No, but guess what?
Guess what we did?
We've hired the leftists to burn the American flag, you see?
And this was a long time ago.
See, I knew I could trust Marcus to come around.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, okay.
So we've been burning these American flags.
You're like, this is crazy, this is crazy.
No, it's not!
How are we gonna kill people?
We burn the American flags.
It's the only cure.
You wrap yourself in it.
You can't do that if they're burnt.
Well, Marcus, your work as a super-spreader has, for the most part, not been recognized.
So I want to recognize Marcus right now for being a super-spreader here in Texas.
And then coming up with the genius idea.
Folks, I mean, screw suicide.
Wrap yourself in an American flag.
Just head down to Portland, Oregon or something.
The leftists will set you on fire.
You'll be dead in a hammer in five minutes.
The lockdown is permanent dictatorship.
The lockdown is designed to have the public accept their basic rights being suspended and a global medical tyranny led by the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in full control.
Many will submit through fear.
Others will be bought off.
But in the end, the globalists admit they're building a post-human world.
And now that we're inside the cage, it's going to move.
We're good to go.
I don't like coming to you every day on the radio and TV stations that you watch and listen to a song and telling you all these horrible things.
But you notice almost everything we've talked about horrible has come true.
We were warning everybody to try to stop it.
It's like telling somebody if you got a pool, put a fence around it if you have little kids.
Because even if they're good swimmers, they can hit their head and drown.
People don't listen, they go out and their kid's dead in the pool.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the death of the third world and the collapse of the first world.
And this is 21st century warfare carried out by the globalists, and they admit they've orchestrated it.
They admit it's, quote, good to save the Earth, and they're teaching us to be more frugal, and they want to make us poor so they can dictate our surrender to this post-human technocracy.
I know all this sounds insane when I was talking about it 25 years ago, but now it's public because it's their operations manual.
I wish this wasn't the case, but there really are evil psychopaths in control of most major institutions and we've got to stop them.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Ed Schroer.
That was a weird liner.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, Coronavirus back live with you, hosting the Alex Jones Show, killing millions.
And millions!
Soon to be billions of pathetic human scum.
You're welcome.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I may look human, but that is simply the latest mutation of the coronavirus.
I'm actually the super spreader.
If you've been listening, you're aware of that.
Now, gotta call her on the line, Chubbs, here in Pennsylvania.
With a name like Chubbs, you must be a big fatty.
You probably already got the coronavirus.
How are you still alive?
Oh, Supreme Spreader.
The most virtuous of signalers.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I have received your blessing about an hour ago, and it's just marinating in my body, and I love it.
I mean, that is resilient.
I'm surprised you're still alive.
I'm surprised we didn't go to Chubbs in Pennsylvania with a dead corpse on the other end of that line.
I am fighting the death so that it can become more powerful.
So even a stronger mutation from Chubbs?
I'm trying to hold off.
I want it.
I just want that mutation to just get that little extra.
With a committed member of the COVID-19 super spread community like Chubbs here, Chubbs, what is your plan to be a super spreader before this thing makes you a corpse?
I'm gonna go straight to Walmart.
I'm just gonna lick all the ice cream.
I'm just gonna
Pop them open, I'm going to lick them, I'm going to close them again.
That's one way to do it.
Yep, absolutely.
You know, it's getting hot outside, so people, they're going to eat more ice cream.
That's true!
Chubbs is a thinking man.
You know, Chubbs, I'll be honest.
Chubbs, I mean, it pains me a little to kill you.
It pains me a little to kill you, but I know that you're ready to take that fall for the coronavirus to save planet Earth.
Well Chubbs, if I can, let's just pretend like coronavirus isn't going to kill everybody.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, alright.
Let's just pretend that the sky is blue too.
I have a theory about, kind of like the universe, I've kind of been working on it since I was a kid, that kind of makes sense to me now.
Now, the Book of Revelations, I think, is a prophecy
Because back in the day, whenever an advanced civilization came down and talked to people, prophets, and told them what they had gone through and about what we have to go through, and the reason why they knew is because they went through the same thing, because the Book of Revelations is a test for an advanced species to see if they're ready to join the universal community of advanced civilizations.
And I think
That's the key to the Book of Revelations.
It's every advanced civilization has to go through Revelations to be proven to join with the other advanced civilizations.
Well, and that's why I, the coronavirus, am here to kill you before you can complete and pass the test.
That way people know what we're fighting to stop that from happening, obviously.
We don't want to, come on now, we don't want to become an advanced civilization, right?
No, we would much rather die, you know that.
Of course.
By the way, you know, all this intellectual talk with Chubbs, you know, I might as well break some more news here for the audience.
This is going to be tough to swallow, Chubbs, but just bear with me here.
Now, people probably have heard about the new trend of the Earth being flat.
So now there's a big debate.
Is the Earth flat?
Is it round?
Is it a hologram?
All this other stuff.
Folks, I hate to break it to you.
The Earth is actually just one big coronavirus.
That's it.
I knew it.
Yeah, and so that's why ultimately it was our destiny to get coronavirus and die.
So Chubbs, I'm going to send you off with a little special corona there so that you can start spreading at the Walmarts and everything in Pennsylvania.
That one's for you, Chubbs.
Thank you.
You're welcome, Chubbs.
Now get out there and get to work spreading that deadly virus.
Because folks, we need your help.
I mean, you saw all the models, you saw all the predictions.
It's not coming true.
We need your help, folks.
None of Fauci's predictions, none of Bill Gates' models, none of them have come true at all.
We're desperate.
We desperately need your help to spread this virus to make it a real thing.
Because I...
I mean, if this virus doesn't kill all of us, I mean, what does that do to the media?
We can't have that.
We've got to protect the media, man.
So, I mean, that's some serious tasking there.
All right, let's go to Alexander in Texas.
Certainly, if you don't have the coronavirus, you will soon, Alexander.
I mean, we're coming for you.
If I go a different route, even though I make the money, I'm wasting time, you know?
So that's why I can't do it.
If it was like another time, you know, I'll go to New Mexico.
Right now, I need to go to Florida.
Oh, you're thinking about taking the special cor- extra special corona to Mexico.
Best thing we can do right now, let me get, drive up to, um, to Chicago so I can drop off the tires for Vinny, and then I'll just wait in Chicago for the next Florida load.
Or you know what you could do?
I mean if you really wanted to be effective and you wind up in the Gulf of Mexico, is just head up north to Minnesota, when you're finished spreading in Chicago, head up north to Minnesota, and then
Or, well, you can choose where you want to start, what state, but hop in one of those states, just start floating down the river until you get to the Mississippi, and then I would just float down the Mississippi.
I mean, think about how many states you could infect.
I mean, you could infect Illinois, Missouri.
I know, I know, but you know what, do you think I should start driving up to Chicago now just to wait?
I'll wait at New York, because I've got a better time.
Because from your feeling, you will not get the load.
One hundred fifty percent.
Oh, okay, okay.
You know, just hop on an old log, just cough your way up and down the Mississippi River.
I mean, just really spread that stuff.
Especially in Illinois, because they desperately need a spread in Illinois where Pritzker is, you know, forcing them to shelter in place and you can't go to church or to anything in Illinois.
So he's desperate for a breakout.
So he needs a breakout.
So I would go to Illinois and really start spreading Alexander, but you're a true patriot.
Alright, I think we've got time for one more call here before
The break.
So let's go to Bob calling in from Nebraska.
Go ahead, Bob.
Bob, are you there?
Bob's dead.
No Bob.
Bob died of the coronavirus waiting to get on air.
It's not a much better way to go out, though.
So congrats, Bob.
Bob gave his life.
In service to coronavirus, and he died in line for the Alex Jones Show from coronavirus.
We'll never forget you, Bob.
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Now it's official.
The United Nations came out yesterday and said the COVID emergency will last five years.
And the UK government said you must all carry cell phones outside or you'll be arrested because we have to track your social distancing and you're only allowed to have a list of 10 people that you visit and if you go outside that list of 10 you'll be permanently detained.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the New World Order, where they let the criminals out of jail, the rapists, the child molesters, the murderers, and where you are now non-essential and a prisoner.
From the beginning of my research, it was clear the globalists are an authoritarian, anti-human group.
They have to put this electronic straitjacket on us before they carry out their endgame, which is global depopulation.
So you see, submitting to them is death.
The only way to stop them is to expose them, to hate their guts, and realize they are humanity's mortal enemy.
Wake up or die.
We're good to go.
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
COVID-19 likes to rock, too.
Just because, you know, you're not allowed to go to a rock show or, you know, play guitar and the drums with your friends doesn't mean we can't still listen and die together.
That's a noble death, to die of the coronavirus.
So, I mean, everybody wants the hero's death.
I mean, I forget how it went.
In the movie 300 when the soldiers were looking at King Leonidas saying how much of an honor it was to die by his side.
Well, that's nothing compared to the honor of dying from coronavirus.
That's like the ultimate ticket.
So you're welcome.
I've given you the ultimate ticket.
I've given you the ultimate death certificate of corona and you're welcome.
And so now it's so it's so great now too because
You could die from anything.
I mean, you could stick your head in a guillotine and they'll lop your head off and you'll still die from coronavirus.
It doesn't even matter.
So that's what's up.
You're welcome for that.
So here's the thing.
All right.
We have been, you know, having some fun today.
And honestly, I didn't even plan on doing any of that.
It's just like, literally, Alex was like, what the hell's wrong with you, Owen?
And I was just like, I'm sick of this lockdown crap, Alex.
He's like, it's okay, we're winning, we got this coming up.
And it just kind of turned into like a little joking thing we were doing right before I went on air, and then it just kind of like carried on to the last two hours or so, and the callers all kind of had fun with it too.
But there is some serious news, but here's what I'm going to do.
Because we got callers on the line.
And I'm going to go to your calls, and we do have some other news I want to cover.
But I have a bunch of serious news that I'm going to cover in the first two segments of the War Room coming up at 3 o'clock.
I'm going to hand over the reins of the Alex Jones Show to Jason Jones at 2.
And then I'm going to come back and host the first two segments of the War Room, just to be serious about all this news.
And then Savannah Hernandez is going to take over, and she's got great guests coming up as well.
So I will take some of your calls.
And I will cover this, but just real quick, did you guys find that video I was talking about with Mika and Trump?
Because I want to tie this all together.
Okay, perfect.
Something weird is going on with Donald Trump, Joe Scarborough, and Mika Brzezinski.
Now, if you recall, Scarborough and Brzezinski were actually kind of friends with Donald Trump before.
They had a place at Mar-a-Lago and they used to hang out there and so there's all this weird history between the three of them and maybe in some weird way the dead intern in Joe Scarborough's locked closet has something to do with this too.
But before we go to the latest Mika Brzezinski news, I want to add this flavor to it so that you can really taste it.
So this is an older video, a compilation of I think two or three videos from long ago with Mika Brzezinski and Donald Trump.
And I guess the only way we could date these guys is to find out when Donald Trump spoke at CPAC before he was president, what year that was.
That's the year this video is from.
So, of course, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are married now.
I think Trump hit it first.
I think Mika still has a little thing for Trump.
But let me just play this video, add this flavor, and then give you the latest news.
Here was Mika Brzezinski and Donald Trump, um, I would guess probably about 10 years ago, live on television, before Joe and Mika got married.
So here's Trump with all the ladies.
Listen to this.
Alright, this isn't... Okay, here we go.
Alright, no, no, no.
Pull this video.
This isn't it.
This is my fault.
This is it.
That's part of it.
Hold on.
Does she go on and talk now?
Stop it right there.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I haven't seen that video with the music and stuff.
Let's just go to the part where she starts talking.
So just start back at the part where she's stroking Donald Trump's hair.
So for radio listeners, this is Mika Brzezinski stroking Donald Trump's hair on the television set of her show.
So let's just start it there.
So there he is stroking Donald's hair.
Smiling, loving.
Touches his face.
Clearly spreads corona.
So here's Trump.
Did you go to sleep last night?
Well, I, yeah, uh, well, I got woken up.
By what?
Well, you know, just, well, Donald wanted me to say the CPAC speech.
I was skeptical, but I pulled it up on the internet.
Pretty good!
Pretty good!
Joining us on the phone right now, Donald Trump.
Good morning, Donald.
Mika, what do you mean, pretty good?
You know you loved it.
Trump, you're naughty.
Who would you pay more here, Donald?
Just curious.
With you, Jo, I'd absolutely pay you more.
I would pay you much more, Jo.
I would pay Mika so much more your head would spin.
Donald, do you have a TV?
Are you watching us right now?
Yes, I am.
I always watch you.
Only because of you.
Alright, folks, look.
I'm going to tell you something right now.
I'm very well-knowledged and well-versed in psychology, okay?
So, clearly, Donald Trump and Mika Brzezinski have a history.
Now, I'm not saying Trump hit it first, but Trump hit it first.
And so, imagine going from, like, alpha male Donald Trump to, like, total cuck, glasses, nerd, geek, Joe Scarborough.
You know that sits in Joe's crawl every day.
And so we're just playing that video that's just like three or four different public encounters with Trump and Brzezinski, where clearly Brzezinski has a thing for Trump.
I mean, I'm not even making a big statement.
All of the ladies have a thing for Trump.
He's powerful.
He's a billionaire.
He's got that alpha dog mentality.
The ladies love that stuff.
Everybody knows that.
And so Mika is clearly really into that.
Her personality is somebody who's really into the power and the money.
And so she really likes Trump.
And you can tell.
You can hear it in her voice.
You can see it when she strokes his hair.
You can see it when she's touching her own hair and touching her face and blushing when they're on the phone together.
You can hear the way Trump is flirting with her.
So clearly there's something there.
Clearly, there's something there.
She lifts up her leg.
Folks, these are all, like, Psychology 101 tells for romance and sex, okay?
So, clearly, there's some history there.
And we've just laid it all out, but what is going on now?
Well, Mika Brzezinski, two days ago, requested a meeting with Twitter
Because she wants President Trump's Twitter account shut down and banned.
And so she's continued this crusade.
And now, I guess she's actually got her meeting with Jack Dorsey.
Now folks, I'll be honest with you.
I don't really like to, I mean, I like to tell you why I have certain insights.
Folks, Jack Dorsey is from St.
Let's just say I know some of his family.
And, um, let's just say there could potentially be a lot of blackmail there.
Now, I don't know Jack Dorsey, but I know people he's been around.
I kind of know enough about him to kind of be able to assume some things, but I won't do that here.
I don't want to do that.
Plus, I'll be honest, I'm kind of...
Archaic in the sense that I still have this pride for St.
He's from St.
I don't want to throw him under the bus.
But is Jack Dorsey going to meet with Mika Brzezinski?
And then what is Mika Brzezinski going to do to persuade Jack to take Trump's account off Twitter?
Think about that.
But how did Mika Brzezinski go from fawning over Donald Trump 10 years ago to now wanting him banned off of Twitter?
Trump has never changed, folks.
The only thing that changed was he became president.
So what is up with this?
I'm telling you, there is a weird, weird triangle between
Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, and Donald Trump.
And when you think about who Mika Brzezinski's dad is, it even gets more interesting.
When you think about the fact that Joe Scarborough had a dead intern turn up in his closet that he kept locked, it makes it even more interesting, doesn't it?
But how interesting would it be if Mika Brzezinski gets a meeting with Jack Dorsey and then Dorsey actually cancels Trump's account?
I wonder, how do you think Mika Brzezinski would do that?
I mean, you've heard it before.
Mika Brzezinski not only sucks, but he loves it.
We are 170 days out from the 2020 election.
It is a referendum of national sovereignty against localism.
And Obama, Hillary, and the Deep State have been caught attempting to overthrow President Trump's election, and they've been caught in two separate coup attempts against the President.
Now, they've been pushing COVID-19 to shut down the economy and create a depression, while China's already been open for business for more than a month.
This is an ongoing globalist attempt to punish the American people, wreck our economy, and hope that we won't recognize that it is they, the New World Order, that have orchestrated this and not President Trump.
They know their crimes are coming out.
They know the chickens are coming home to roost.
So now they're panicking and trying to steal the 2020 election with mail-in ballots based on keeping the public safe from COVID-19.
The entire COVID-19 system is a giant hoax and must be exposed if America has any hope.
So get out there and expose this fraud.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing.
They're cutting edge.
You love them, I love them.
And they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development that is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality and aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
I don't have to tell you that we are in the most important point in human history.
The globalists have taken the gloves off and they've taken the mask off.
And they're like, yeah, you're taking implantable chips.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we're into world government.
Yeah, you're obsolete.
You are non-essential.
We are shutting your ass down.
Yeah, we told you don't be farmers and don't be ranchers and don't work in industry anymore.
You're going to be the service economy.
And now the globalists are telling you that there's no more service economy and you're obsolete.
So you better bow down to them and get your universal pittance income so they can dictate your life.
The handcuffs are going on right now.
We have to resist and say no to the New World Order.
And that takes you understanding you were right.
And understanding I was right.
And getting in people's faces and raising the alarm now while you still can.
Now is the time for action.
Now is the time for you to shine.
And be the Paul Revere's you know you are.
InfoWars has become a symbol, an emblem, of not just American freedom, but worldwide Maverick spirit.
It's not just myself or the hosts at InfoWars, or the researchers, or the journalists.
It's you, the listeners, the activists, the people on the front lines in the arena.
And it's the amazing guests and individuals that we interview.
They make InfoWars so special because we're not putting a filter in front of free minds.
We're having an open discussion about the real state of the world, not the establishment talking points that are put out by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, and other globalists.
We're pushing for a pro-human future where we build a planet and beyond based on humans, for humans, by humans.
Not a world where the establishment, who hate themselves, project their hate onto us and decide we're going to have a post-human world.
I'm really excited to know that InfoWars has your support and I want to thank you all for being pro-human and pro-God.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the coronavirus is now your daddy.
Or is Bill Gates your daddy?
Or is Anthony Fauci your daddy?
Or is it a combo of all three?
Or maybe they're all three the same person.
But so now, as you can see here, when you fly on the airplane, ladies and gentlemen, you gotta wear that mask and submit to Bill Gates.
And this is just phase one.
I mean, you should be lucky to wear a mask on a plane, because this is phase one.
Phase two is, well, now we're gonna inject you with something before you can fly.
Or you'll have to go to the doctor and get injected to get your little document, your little health document, so then you can fly.
And it doesn't matter that the whole thing's been a lie, it doesn't matter that the whole thing has been a hoax, it doesn't matter that it's about on the same level as a flu virus.
No, none of that matters, because Bill Gates said so, and Fauci said so, and so this is the new world order, and
You need to take your microchip, and you need to take your vaccine, and you need to submit to tyranny to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
It's total fake news, and we all know it.
And really, folks, that is the most incredible part of this, isn't it?
And, you know, it's funny, because I wasn't even talking to Alex today.
He was on the show, and he could just sense, I guess, kind of my current state of frustration.
And he was like, what's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with you?
And I'm like, I'm like yelling at him.
I'm like, Alex, I'm sick of this crap, man.
I'm sick of this crap.
And he's like, oh, calm down.
We're running on stuff.
And so we kind of got into it and it just became a joke that ended up becoming an on-air joke for an hour and a half.
It's like the only way I can deal with it.
It's like, I can either come on here and scream and shout and yell, or I can come on here and just do total humor.
And the latter is probably much healthier.
But folks, submit to Bill Gates, and if you're going to fly, wear your mask.
So, be sure to submit to Bill Gates, and submit to the New World Order, and be a good pawn of the New World Order, and just wear your mask.
Because this is what it means to be free, to live in total fear.
And to live under total tyranny.
That's what being free means.
You didn't know that?
Well, something's wrong with you.
You need to be re-edumacated.
So we're gonna send you to the re-edumacation camp, and we're gonna tell you how bad it is to be free.
But seriously, for me, it's like... I either go to a really dark place, and people know what that looks like on air, or I have to go completely to the opposite side of the spectrum and just do total humor about the whole thing.
Because this is what it comes down to, folks.
We've been lied to.
We all know it.
Why are we going along with it?
And that's what's so sick about this to me.
That's what angers me so much about this.
That's what has me... I was actually talking to Savannah Hernandez about this and she put it perfectly.
She said, it's like Groundhog Day.
It's like Groundhog Day.
You wake up every day and it's the same thing.
And no matter what you do,
You still wake up in the same day, with the same song playing on the radio, with the same person knocking on your door, with the same news telling you it's breaking.
It's Groundhog's Day.
And if you've been listening, you know, I've cancelled like six or seven straight vacations, and part of it is really I just need to get out of this and really just disappear for a while, like Alex said he was gonna do this week.
Literally never even left the studio.
I think he slept here last night.
And so, uh, it's just, it's just, it's just frustrating, folks.
And I don't know why my personality drives me this way.
It's just, I'm, I'm, I'm so fed up with this coronavirus crap.
I, I literally either go insane and start breaking things and, which Alex literally was like, he's literally, we're literally standing in that hallway and he's like, pick something, break it.
He's like, here, throw this through a wall.
And, uh, that's when we just started going down the humor aspect of it.
But, um, it's just such, it's just so pathetic, folks.
And I know that the general audience knows this, and I know that the general audience probably isn't wearing masks and isn't living in fear and doesn't want to get a vaccine, but it's just the gaslighting of the media.
It's the lies of the media.
It's the corruption of the Fauci's and the Gates and these Democrat governors like Wichner.
And so it's just like Groundhog Day.
And so every day you wake up,
Just like Bill Murray, it doesn't matter that I've already lived Groundhog Day 500 times.
It doesn't matter that I know literally every detail of this day.
It doesn't matter I know exactly the song on the radio.
It doesn't matter I know exactly when someone's going to knock on my door.
It doesn't matter exactly when that potted plant is going to fall off the ledge.
I've already seen it.
I already know all of it.
That's what this is like.
It's like we've already done it.
We've been through this day 500,000 times.
But we just keep waking up in Groundhog Day.
And so I guess, you know, just like Bill Murray's character in the movie, you've got to find a way to relieve some stress and to change things up a bit.
Otherwise, you end up going crazy.
But that's it.
That's the story.
That's the headline.
Same thing every day.
Coronavirus is a lie.
It's a hoax.
It's never been about a virus, folks.
It's always been about politics.
It's always been about control.
It's always been about money.
It's all it's ever been about.
And to sit here and act like it's been anything different than that is pathetic.
And so that's why I get frustrated with Trump, because he's doing it too, but I understand he's got to make his measurements as the president.
But you tune into the media all day long, and you go to your local store, and everybody's bought in.
But you know,
Here's the real thing, and I'm going to take a couple more of these callers before Jason Jones takes over, and then I'm going to host the first two segments of the War Room and actually get into the news that I wanted to cover today.
Here's what's really been exposed.
We don't live in a free country, folks.
There's no such thing as a free market in America anymore.
There is no private industry.
Because you go to your local chiropractor or your local restaurant or bar or masseuse or hairstylist or any of this stuff, and they're not buying into it.
They know it's all fake.
But what?
They still have to wear a mask.
They still have to check your temperature.
They still have to go through all this stuff.
Because they're owned by the government, folks.
And the government says we will take your license and put you out of business if you do not abide.
That's not a free country.
That's not a free market.
That's not private industry.
And so if there's anything to be learned from it that we're not talking about, that's it right there.
And so you want a revolution, folks?
Tear up your business license.
Burn it.
Make it a ceremony.
Don't put on a mask.
And then when they come and threaten to shut you down, tell them to F off.
There's your revolution right there, folks.
That's the revolution that's waiting.
I don't know if it'll happen, but there you go.
All right.
Let me squeeze in a phone call here.
Let's go to, let's go to Michael in Ohio.
Go ahead, Michael.
Uh, hey Ona.
Thank you for everything that you've been doing.
Um, I wanted to talk about, uh,
Kind of like an awakening that's happening.
This thing has backfired, and I'll explain how.
I work for an auto manufacturer in Marysville, Ohio, and me and a couple of my buddies at Listen, we've been talking about this for a long time, and since we've come back to work, people are like, oh my god, you guys are
You guys are right.
Did you hear about Bill Gates?
And it's kind of like... Well, and you know, the other thing too is like people are like fighting the New World Order without even getting it just by not wearing a mask.
Like, I have friends that aren't even political and they know I'm political, but like they send me a picture of them in the store without a mask and they're like, yeah, I'm fighting the New World Order.
I'm like, well, that's like phase one, buddy, but hey, welcome to the team.
It's crazy because people are listening now.
I mean, we're shouting and, you know, what did you hear about that?
On the news, what was that?
And we're shouting it across the break room.
InfoWars.com and just telling people.
We're screaming it at people and I mean people are actually listening to us now.
It's like a big relief and at the same time it's like it's scary because people are actually awake to what's going on.
But if I could give a shout out to all my buddies here at work that have been fighting this with me.
My buddy Tom, Nico, Trevor, and Joe.
You know, we have fought so hard.
And people are actually listening.
I mean, people are coming up to us on break and asking about this.
They want to know what's actually going on.
I mean, just keep telling them, go to InfoWars.com.
I can't give you all of the information, you know?
Well, and that's the pressure, too.
And believe me, I'm not complaining.
But, you know, that's kind of the pressure, too.
It's like where, believe me, I need to take time off.
So does Alex Jones.
He can't do it, folks.
He literally cannot do it.
Because every day is another battle in the InfoWars.
I mean, this whole thing has backfired and all it took was everybody wearing a mask to turn on the news and actually see all the lies that are going on.
Well, and that's kind of the biggest, boldest thing about this is that even though it's been totally disproven that this coronavirus is that deadly, they just keep going along with it.
And yeah, there's no doubt Americans are awakening.
I mean, there's no doubt, but the question becomes,
What's the response?
So we all know the tyranny's here, we all see the New World Order, we all see the hoax of the coronavirus, but now what do we do about it?
What are we going to do about it?
Because right now we're just kind of going along with it, folks, and I'm... I'm not happy about it!
This is the end, my friends.
My only friend's the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because it was only the mirage of safety.
Movies, and partying, and living like children.
Ever growing up, ever caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God,
They were brought into captivity because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies and then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
Infowars has decided to fight for freedom.
Infowars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
Now it's official.
The United Nations came out yesterday and said the COVID emergency will last five years and the UK government said you must all carry cell phones outside or you'll be arrested because we have to track your social distancing and you're only allowed to have a list of 10 people that you visit and if you go outside that list of 10 you'll be permanently detained.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the New World Order, where they let the criminals out of jail, the rapists, the child molesters, the murderers, and where you are now non-essential and a prisoner.
From the beginning of my research, it was clear the globalists are an authoritarian, anti-human group.
They have to put this electronic straitjacket on us before they carry out their endgame, which is global depopulation.
So you see, submitting to them is death.
The only way to stop them is to expose them, to hate their guts, and realize they are humanity's mortal enemy.
Wake up or die.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm about to hand over the reins to Jason Jones, who, uh, salute to Jason Jones, one of the first people on the front lines of fighting this hoax pandemic, folks.
Uh, and now he's hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, so that's how that goes.
But, you know, I'm getting pictures and videos from my friends in Florida and Missouri.
They're all laughing at me.
They're going to bars and gyms and restaurants and beaches.
They're like, hey, I thought Texas was free!
I'm like, well, you know, you thought wrong.
But Texas is slowly reopening.
It's just a joke.
The whole thing's been such a fake.
I wanted to take one more call, though, before Jason took over, because there is a rally in Texas.
Actually, there's rallies all over the nation, folks.
And it's almost, like, overwhelming, because it's like everybody expects me to be at their rallies, and I can only be at one at a time.
And I'm, like, I was speaking in the last segment, but...
There is a rally this weekend in Austin, Saturday at the Capitol at noon.
So I will be there.
But there's rallies happening in California, New York, everywhere.
And I can't be a part of all of them, but I salute all the ralliers that... By the way, total proof that there's no damn spread.
110% total proof.
I don't know what else I can do.
I was literally telling Alex, I was like, Alex, I'll go eat dirt on the Capitol.
I'll go lick doorknobs.
I'll lick a doorknob at a hospital to prove this thing isn't real.
You couldn't get coronavirus if you tried.
But real quick, let me go to Ken in Nebraska who wants to talk about a rally.
Go ahead, Ken.
Yeah, we're having a freedom rally in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Capitol on D-Day to launch the counter assault to take our freedom back.
And we figured it'd be good if you come and spread the coronavirus so we could have resources to spread the whole thing.
Oh, yeah.
So, just one more time.
It's in Lincoln, Nebraska, coming up what time and where?
It'll be D-Day, starting 11 o'clock to 4 o'clock.
We're going to have Patriot Redfield music, a bunch of guest speakers.
Sheriff Mack's going to be there.
I'd like to invite anybody from the N-4's crew that's interested in coming.
Love to have you.
Yeah, maybe that's what we should turn these into.
We should just not turn them into reopen rallies, but spread coronavirus rallies, because then there would be no spread, and it would totally defeat the media propaganda.
I'm not even kidding you folks, you gotta understand, like, I mean, I can go diabolical with these people.
I just choose to stay straight and narrow because that's how you have the moral high ground and that's how you don't get caught with your hands tied.
But I mean, seriously, it's like, we could play propaganda games with these people all the time.
We just don't do it.
But Ken, thank you so much for the call.
I hope people can make it to Nebraska.
But seriously, Jason, I mean, think about it.
If we just branded rallies like, spread the coronavirus rally, and we just had dozens of them, and then there was no spread, what does the media do then?
Yeah, I don't know.
I think they'd, uh, they'd have a heart attack.
I think you might need to go diabolical with them.
Maybe try it, Owen.
Maybe that's what we do.
Maybe it's time to just fight fire with fire and just go full propaganda on their ass.
So, so, you know what?
So, fine.
This weekend.
Here we go.
Here's the live read.
This weekend, weekend, weekend.
Rally, rally, rally.
Austin, Texas.
It's time to spread, spread, spread the COVID-19.
Come on out to the Texas State Capitol building in Austin, Texas.
Come to the front steps and get
Your Coronavirus.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
We're looking for a super spread, a mega spread, a massive spread here in Austin, Texas.
We don't want things reopened, so we're going to have a massive spread rally in Austin, Texas this Saturday at the Texas State Capitol in Austin at 12
Oh, and if you bring your grandma, you don't have to pay cover charge.
Well, now they don't even let grandma leave the nursing home!
They got them like locked in like prisoners now!
Yeah, unless they have COVID, then Cuomo will send them back to the nursing home.
That's true!
Cuomo's like, wait a second, you got a person in your home that has COVID?
I'll tell you what, we'll fly that person first class New York taxpayer dime to a nursing home in New York so she can spread that virus.
All right, Jason Jones, what a... I'll tell you, Jason, you've had quite an adventure the last three, four months of your life.
So, uh, salute to you.
Jason Jones takes over the Alex Jones Show.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were like a cousin or something, too.
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All right, thank you, Sean.
Aloha, everybody.
Welcome to hour four of the Alex Jones Show, and I'm fired up for this hour.
I loved Alex wearing that non-threatening pink sweater, the camouflage, the predator Bill Gates, and now I know what I'm going for is Halloween.
I'm gonna take notes, I'm gonna put it in my calendar just so I don't forget, and I'm gonna hand out masks to everyone that's Halloween dressed up as Bill Gates.
I am fired up this week.
There it is.
I was watching InfoWars a couple of days ago and Alex was so excited to tell the story about how when Joe Rogan called him and announced that he was leaving YouTube and going to Spotify and how he has Alex Jones in his contract and he's going to be one of his first guests.
Maybe he even said his first guest.
And I thought, how do I get to be a part of this InfoWars thing?
Out of the blue, as Owen said, to get to be a part of your family.
And the reason why Joe Rogan called Alex Jones first is because Alex was the frog that they had to throw out of the water so they could bring it to a boil.
They couldn't get the water to boil as long as Alex Jones and Infowars was in the pot.
So they threw Alex Jones out, kicked some other folks out, they started bringing the water to a boil, and Joe Rogan saw what was going on.
But he's a jiu-jitsu guy, I wore the shirt for him.
And he's a jujitsu guy and he knows that when you're mounted by these tech giants, when you're mounted by YouTube, you got to wait for them to start hitting you in the face.
You have to wait for them to go for a submission, then you reverse the situation.
And what a reversal of fortunes this week for us.
This is big.
And as I was thinking about Alex Jones and Joe Rogan, I think they're not in the same place on the political spectrum as this audience.
Many of this audience is not in the same place in the political spectrum.
But what everyone here shares in common is a commitment to freedom.
We are part of different factions, different tribes.
We have different political philosophies.
But what we share in common is the idea that we're not going to use the power of the state to lord over others.
We're not going to threaten or coerce or spy or snitch on our neighbors because they don't agree with us.
Because we have prudential disagreements with them.
It's a battle between those who love freedom and tyranny.
Or as I would say, liberalism and illiberalism.
But that word liberals becomes so confused.
Traditionally it means liberal, means freedom.
It means the founding documents, the Declaration, the Constitution, those Federalist Papers.
And illiberalism is the belief against freedom.
So now in America we have the illiberal left and the illiberal right versus the liberal left and the liberal right.
People like Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones.
What's beautiful about this battle, as the battle lines are being drawn, is I prefer people who like freedom, who don't even agree with all of my little political beliefs and values.
I prefer them to people who share my values, my faith.
They want to lure it over other people.
They want to use the power of the state over other people.
So the way I see things going now is it's those who love freedom versus those who don't.
It's a beautiful, humane, gracious, magnanimous tribe versus pettiness, viciousness, cruelty, and statism.
So this has been a big week for the forces of freedom, as Alex would say.
Now, when you let me into a party,
The first thing I do is bring my ask if I can bring my friends and it's like, you know, you can't I'll sneak him in the back door.
So being privileged to have our for I have a lot of friends that have a lot of interesting things to say and so I got to bring him on with me and I
For the first half hour we have Taylor Marshall, who has one of my favorite podcasts in the world, and in the second half we're going to have Fr.
Frank Pavone talking about the FX documentary on Norma McCorvey.
But Taylor, you have a great course on the Book of Revelations, but this week you scared me.
You had me questioning myself, have I already taken the Mark of the Beast?
Have a lot of people watching InfoWars already taken the Mark of the Beast.
You did this powerful episode on your podcast on what is the Mark of the Beast, and by the time you were done, I think I might have already taken it.
Taylor, tell us, what is the Mark of the Beast?
Well, there's been this big run-up because, you know, Bill Gates talked about a national tracking system.
He even said a national tracking system like the one in South Korea.
And the Gates Foundation has been promoting this quantum dye dot technology, which can be used as sort of like an invisible tattoo that doctors can scan and get your medical history.
It's kind of scary.
They've talked about digital certificates.
Fauci's talked about certificates of immunity, immunity passports, all this.
And so people are talking about implants and they're talking about, could this be the mark of the beast?
And so I did a show on
The Mark of the Beast from the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, what it is and how it relates to probably the most famous verse in the Old Testament for Jews.
The most famous verse is Deuteronomy, Chapter 6, verses 4 through 8.
It's called the Shema.
All Jews learn this.
It's one of the first things they learn.
It's like their creed.
Hero Israel, the Lord God is one.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, with your soul, and with your whole strength.
Jesus Christ said this is the great commandment.
So, of course, we Christians know it as well.
But then he says, Moses says to the Jewish people, you shall take this and bind it upon your hand and upon your forehead.
That's what Moses says.
Put on your hand and put on your forehead.
You actually see Jews in Jerusalem, they take this verse and they wrap it on their right hand and they actually put it in a little box.
And they put it on their forehead, and you see him walking around.
I don't think that's what Moses literally meant.
But we see the same thing in the book of Revelation, where the mark of the beast is placed on the forehead and on the hand.
Now, it could be an implant, it could be a tattoo, it says 666.
You know, there's obviously 6 is the number of man, 6 is evil.
If you add up the name of Jesus Christ in Greek, you get 888.
Christ was raised in the eight days.
There's some interesting things there, but ultimately what Moses was telling the Jews is when you put God's Word on your forehead and your hand, what does that mean?
It's what you believe, it's what you think, and it's what you do with your hand.
That's what Moses is teaching.
He's saying, look, he's not saying, you know, tattoo this or implant this on your face or on your hand.
Moses is telling the Old Testament people
Take the Word of God and put it on your head, your forehead, and on your hand.
Your belief and your deeds.
What you think and what you do.
And ultimately, that's what the mark of the beast is.
Of course, it could be a transplant, it could be a tattoo, but the elites, those who want to enslave mankind, Satan himself, he's not so much concerned about a tattoo or an implant.
He wants the entire world to think like him.
And to do the deeds of darkness.
And so, ultimately, this sign that we see in the apocalypse is a mocking.
It's making fun of what Moses taught.
And it's saying, no, the beast is going to take the thoughts of Satan, put them on your forehead, put them in your mind, and the actions of Satan, and make your hand reach out and follow and do his deeds.
Yeah, so Taylor,
So Taylor, you and I and most people watching, I think very few people, if they were like, go to the Apple Store and get your 666 Mark of the Beast chip in your hand or in your forehead, you don't have to be a strong believer to say, you know what, that's a bridge too far.
But how many of us have allowed sinful thoughts, evil thoughts to penetrate our minds?
How many of us have been
Allured or inspired or instigated to do works of evil.
So as I was listening to your talk, I really thought that I have to do some real self-reflection and ask, do I have the Shema on my forehead and in my hand, or do I have the Mark of the Beast on my forehead and in my hand?
It says in Revelation that if you don't get this mark, you can't buy, you can't sell, you can't be part of society.
And again, it could be a tattoo or implant or chip, I'm not ruling that out.
But we've already seen, I mean Alex Jones and others are an example, if you don't think
The way that the elites and the super social media conglomerates want to think, you are kicked out.
You are demonetized, you are deplatformed, you lose everything.
And that's not even with a tattoo or a mark on your face or on your hand.
It is the principle that if you do not think like we do, you're gone.
And that's right there in Apocalypse 13.
Yeah, no, there it is.
And Taylor, when we get back, I want you to do another segment and talk to you about this.
I saw a meme that said they can remove my post on chloroquine from Facebook immediately, but they can't get rid of child pornography.
That should tell us something right there.
Stick around, Taylor Marshall.
We're living in insanely dangerous times.
And I told folks going back three months ago, I'm not buying storable food because I'm worried about the COVID-19 virus.
I'm worried about the food shortages and the economic collapse.
And now it's admitted that a chain reaction has begun that's already caused food shortages and the collapse of farms and ranches across the United States.
And it's even worse in the third world.
So I hope Trump, with his initiatives, can clean this up and fix it.
But with the election fraud and the
I don't
Dependent on them, they do not want you to be self-sufficient.
Get your storable food at mfortworthstore.com right now while you still can.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
Infowars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Taylor Marshall, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, Hour Four.
Alex just said as he was leading in, we have to fight the new world order or lose our souls.
And you are, you have one of the most influential Christian podcasts on YouTube.
When I asked you to come on to the Alex Jones Show the first time, I thought you might say no out of fear.
Because I know that when I tweet that watch me on Alex Jones, those tweets disappear.
When I mirror my appearances on InfoWars on my YouTube channel, they get removed.
Same thing with my posts on Facebook.
The reality is we are in a fight.
When I asked you to come on InfoWars the first time as a guy that makes his living off his YouTube channel, I have to imagine that's a big part of your income.
Was there fear?
Did you have fear that you would be targeted by these big tech companies?
All of us that are in this social media presentation, all of us doing this, we all know that our days are numbered.
I mean, if you're not saying the talking points of the Democratic Party, your days are numbered.
I mean, Alex Jones may have been the first domino to fall, but all of us are going to go.
So am I afraid?
No, I know it's inevitable.
Is it going to be this year or five years from now?
I don't know.
So no, I don't think I was afraid, or am afraid, but I do know that it will happen and I just accept it.
You just accept it.
And so there you are, you do the most wholesome kind of programming one could imagine, and you really live in fear that you're going to be deplatformed and demonetized.
You've worked for over a decade, I believe now, building your presence,
And meanwhile, the most vulgar types of child pornography can be found very easily through search engines like Google.
Doesn't that strike you as a little bizarre?
Yeah, it's a double standard.
Hunting down our videos, anything that has the word Corona in it, anything that has COVID in it, anything that has Joe Biden, I have seen is demonetized either during the show or within 20 minutes of finishing a broadcast.
They have already flagged it and demonetized it.
So their algorithms and their censorship is so strong.
And yet when it comes to something that's gravely immoral,
Child pornography.
They just shrug their shoulders like, well, what can we do?
We can't do anything about it.
So it's a complete double standard.
You know, you are a very serious practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Martial arts is a passion of mine and I will often watch the Gracie breakdown videos or look up for street fighting videos.
They're very easy to find.
You can find 19-year-old kids getting in a street fight in front of a bar.
Very easy to find, right?
My video of my confrontation, why the reason I'm even on the Alex Jones Show, when I filmed the Urgent Care Hawaii video, YouTube removed that video.
They removed the video of me being arrested at the State Capitol.
They removed my videos just appearing on this show talking about topics that aren't even controversial.
It's startling, isn't it?
You can go on YouTube, you can watch teenagers getting in fistfights, horrible fights.
And meanwhile, my little altercation, verbal sparring with the manager of Urgent Care Hawaii violated community standards.
Very strange.
This video, this video is removed from YouTube.
And this is as heated as it got.
But if two 19 year old boys who were out drinking and made a bad mistake and got in a fight and it was videotaped, YouTube would immediately remove it.
It would never remove that.
It'd be up there for years.
And then this video was also removed.
Anything Jason we put up that's pro-life,
That talks about abortion.
You have Frank Bavone coming on next hour.
He is just a superhero in the pro-life world.
Anything that I put up on that topic when we had, you know, the big controversy at the March for Life with those boys from the Kentucky school with the guy in the drum, the Native American, all that.
Anything related to those things, anything related to the Democratic Party.
All of those things get demonetized within, I would say, usually an hour, 12 hours usually is what we see.
And again, I mean, like you said, I'm kind of in the more wholesome, we're doing like, you know, theology and philosophy and history and these kind of things, and yet it is a weekly problem already.
I think it's even worse on Facebook, and then YouTube is also a big problem as well.
If you were a 19-year-old male exotic dancer at a club in San Francisco and you did a journal of your life on YouTube, would that be removed?
Well, they do have some decency standards, so I think it would depend what's in the video, but as I understand it, YouTube is geared more towards censoring political statements than it is about decency.
That's been my observation.
You're talking just basic, simple Christian theology, and every week you really have to worry about being demonetized and deplatformed.
It's really unbelievable.
I'd say every third video.
Every third video?
I mean, what you're talking about is what in the 1950s you would get at every church in America.
Of course, of course.
It's just not very controversial.
Saying things, you know, if you say the word abortion, the algorithm will get it.
LGBT, if you say that, man, you're going to get flagged really quick.
So, you know, people use code words and different words and all that to get around it.
But, I mean, YouTube's owned by Google, the biggest algorithm.
I mean, they got the biggest algorithm engineers and geeks working on that 24-7.
So, I mean, you can do what you think you can do, but they're going to be on top of us.
And they're getting better week by week on filtering these things.
Yeah, I didn't have a YouTube presence until I made that video and it accidentally went viral.
And I said, now I have this YouTube channel, lots of people subscribing.
YouTube wouldn't even know if I left.
If I'm like, I'm leaving, they'd go, we didn't know you were here.
But that being said, I'm going to talk to the band video folks and see if, I don't know if I can have a channel there and stop just, I'm inspired.
I'm just going to, I would like to, I personally would like to stop putting videos up at YouTube.
So guys like you, when they kick you out, we have a place where everyone can go and it's big and vibrant.
And because the folks who have followed Alex are the hardcores.
But the sad thing is that people who flitter around on the internet, it's hard to find those people now.
We all need to move.
We all need to move off of these platforms and go to places where there's freedom of expression, where you never, ever have to fear about being removed.
Well, I mean, speaking of Jiu-Jitsu, look at Joe Rogan.
I mean, he's doing that right now.
That's going to be a major hit to YouTube and Google for their income.
I mean, the amount of views and traffic and the amount of time and minutes that Joe Rogan keeps people inside the YouTube universe, him just
Dropping the mic and leaving, that's a big deal.
Yeah, it is a big deal.
What's sad is I'm a big Joe Rogan fan and my passion is Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu, so I will watch Joe Rogan.
It will give me other videos that are suggested to watch.
And the problem is now everyone downstream of Joe Rogan, how many people have beautiful livelihoods because of Joe Rogan?
The censorship of Joe Rogan is now not only, it's going to hurt everyone below him, so hopefully these guys will be able to move somewhere too soon.
Because I found guys like David Goggins, right?
Or the Muay Thai guys, or the Gracie Breakdown videos.
All these videos I discovered through watching Joe Rogan, all these people are now going to suffer because of YouTube's illiberal censorship policies.
I agree.
How do people follow you, Taylor?
We got 10 seconds.
I want people to follow you.
Check me out.
YouTube is the main place.
My name is Dr. Taylor Marshall and I also have a book.
I was talking to my wife tonight and I was saying our economy slowing down and shutting down is like shooting a deer and it runs 100 yards before it knows it's been shot and then it finally dies.
She said, oh yeah, when I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, one time there was an argument in the street and another man shot another man in the head.
And the man that got shot in the head had blood pouring out of a huge hole.
He was holding it and he walked around gibbering, talking nonsense for about 60 seconds, and then just fell over dead.
Well, that's what's going to happen with our economy.
It is in cardiac arrest.
This has been done by design, and the UN, the CHICOMS, the mainstream media,
Orchestrated it, hyped it, and tried to keep the economy closed.
So remember, the depression that's coming and the third world collapse is all on the UN, on Bill and Melinda Gates, on Obama, on Hillary, on Biden, on the Democrats.
We tried to stop it, we tried to fight it, but you guys said you wanted to wreck America and the world and now you've done it.
Feudalism in the ancient world, from Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, was the most common form of government.
You had a ruling class, the nobility, with a king and queen sitting on top of it, and the rest of the public were kept at a subsistence, starving level.
For control.
In fact, in most cultures, they called the peasants the little people because they were usually a foot or more shorter than the lords and ladies because they kept them, again, at a starving level.
They were so busy trying to survive, they would never try to challenge the entrenched elite.
Well, now all the big Google owners and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the Jeff Bezoses of the world, they're sitting back on their giant estates with their jet helicopters and private jets, living the life, laughing at you, shut down, going bankrupt in the third world, starving to death.
Their religion is power and control, and they are pressing that advantage against us.
We must break free from these monsters.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, Hour Four.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones.
I'm the host of the Jason Jones Show.
And thanks to the Infowar audience, my show cracked the top 100.
We were 83 on Charitable last week.
Go check, we've had a big show, a big week of shows.
I had the Prime Minister in exile of East Turkestan, talking about the oppression of the Uyghur by the Chinese government.
I had the Assyrian Christian human rights activist, Jelena Taymurazi, talking about hunger and starvation that's going to impact
The Christian communities that just survived ISIS.
So thanks to the InfoWars audience, thanks to Alex Jones, my show is growing, doubling every week.
So visit the Jason Jones Show.
There are those days that we've had as individuals that we don't forget.
It's the day when you were a little kid, your mother woke you up to news your grandmother died, or the day someone, the police officer came to your house that that family member died in a car accident.
And then there are those days we remember as a country.
Two days were really hard for me.
I remember the morning my wife came into my room crying that my close friend Andrew Breitbart had died earlier that morning, or late that night actually, I think it was at 1am.
And when it's a friend that's a public personality, it's even harder to deal with sometimes.
And yesterday was one of those, or two days ago was one of those days for me.
A dear friend of mine, someone I loved, Norma McQuarrie, who happened to be the Roe of Roe vs. Wade, erupted into the media.
And I was just doing my work, working on a script for my next film, and I was just trying to ignore all these questions about Norma.
I didn't know where they were coming from.
And then when I grabbed my phone and looked, I realized there was a documentary that's coming out tomorrow on television where they claim that Norma McCorvey, the Roe of Roe versus Wade, who had a very public conversion to Christianity and the pro-life cause in the 90s, for a documentarian said that she faked her conversion for money.
The first thing I thought when I heard that is, of course she said it.
That's something Norma would say.
My second thought was, but it's not true.
And there was nobody that I know who was closer to Norma Corby than Father Frank Pavone, the founder of Priests for Life.
He was her spiritual director.
He brought her into the Catholic Church.
They were very close friends for two decades.
And I'm grateful for InfoWars to help me set the record straight for this FX documentary on who Norman McCorvey was, the Roe vs Wade.
Father Frank Pavone, welcome to InfoWars and the Alex Jones Show!
Wow, it's a joy to be here.
Thank you, Jason.
Always good to see you.
So, I want you to tell people about the, you know, when I talked to you yesterday, we both were like, of course Norma said this!
No doubt!
A lot of people were like, it must be edited video, or there's no way she would have said this.
But her close friends, our first thought was, Norma said that.
Can you explain that to the audience?
Yes, yes, yes.
You know, Norma was a very plain spoken, very blunt person.
And we, as you said, we came to know her pretty well over the course of 22 years.
And we learned that she was erratic.
She was deeply wounded.
And yet she was on a journey.
Her conversion was sincere.
And we know that because the pain, we saw the pain and we guided her through the pain.
We have guided through our ministry.
Hundreds of thousands of people who have suffered the wounds of abortion, either by having abortions, being involved in them in some way, or
Actually being people, doctors who performed the procedure and then repented.
Well, Norma was right in the midst of that kind of pain, that kind of psychological wound that we know very well.
We can see it from a mile away.
We're trained in this.
And Norma got to know not only people like myself who are clergy,
But also people like our team member, Dr. Teresa Burke, psychologist who founded Rachel's Vineyard, and Dr. Philip Ney, a psychiatrist who's an expert in abortion.
The circle of people Norma got to know when she joined our movement was filled with this kind of expertise.
But we weren't just looking at her as a case.
We were looking at her as a friend, as an ally.
And we helped her journey through that pain and that healing.
Things you cannot fake.
But like you said, Jason, you know, we, uh, the reason we're not surprised, we came to learn that we should never be surprised at anything that might come out of Norma's mouth.
Uh, she, and in fact, I can tell you this, I have, I have thousands of emails and texts, uh, back and forth with her from over the years.
I save everything.
And I actually have a text, several texts from some of the very days when she was taping that documentary.
She told me that they were paying.
They told me that they were paying.
She told me they were paying her to do it, first of all.
But secondly, you know, on the very day that she was doing the taping, one of the first days, which, by the way, was not on her deathbed.
It was in May of 2016.
She didn't die until February of 2017.
Um, but she told me on one of the very days that she was doing the taping, you know, I'm so frustrated with some of these pro-life people out here.
I'm not part of you guys anymore.
I'm not part of this movement anymore.
But I love you father and we're together, you know, it was like,
You experienced this very same thing.
She would get frustrated, when she would get depressed, when she would be anxious.
And during those days that she was doing this taping, she was very, very anxious for reasons that we can go into if we want.
But the point is, you know, we're not surprised at all.
And people should not at all think, oh my goodness, you mean this was all a big fraud?
The chances of that are absolutely zero.
We know her.
Yeah, no, Father.
She called me one day and yelled at me and called me a bunch of names.
And then the next day she called me and she said she loved me and she hoped I wasn't mad at her.
And I said, I wasn't mad at you when you were saying it, Norma.
And I'm one of those people, by the way.
If you cross me in some way or I take offense, I will promise blood oaths against you.
But then, you know, five minutes later, I'll call you and say you want to go shoot hoops.
And Norma had a personality kind of like mine.
Also, she was very complex.
As we all are, but she was also completely transparent.
So where a lot of us, we, you know, we show the world one thing that's consistent, but what's going on inside of us, we keep to ourselves.
Norma was someone who allowed you to see everything she was thinking and feeling as she was thinking and feeling it.
Even when she was on the side of the abortion movement, she wasn't as much on their side as people might think.
You may recall the story she herself told.
Gloria Allred put together a press conference in California to announce that this was the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade.
For a long time after the decision, she was anonymous.
Then she came out, right?
The night before the press conference,
She turns to Gloria and she says, by the way, you do know, right, that I think abortion is wrong.
Here's to Jane Roe, the big day, you know, and the other side is going to announce, you know, their star.
Oh, I think abortion is wrong.
And when she worked in the abortion clinics, the reason she didn't stay there too long and they kicked her out of several different abortion clinics where she worked, because she was talking the women out of their abortions.
This is before she came over to our side.
So people who want to say she was making it up or who would take
Her, even her saying that as gospel truth to redefine her own life, they simply don't know what they're talking about, and they don't know what she was like even before she came over.
Yeah, well Father, their big accusation is that she faked a conversion for money, and they document that over 22 years she made $500,000.
That's less money than you will make working at Taco Bell, not even full-time, over 22 years, correct?
Twenty-two years is a long time, that's right.
Look, this is so patently absurd.
It's like saying that because clergy receive a salary, they don't believe what they preach.
I mean, it's just like you can't even go there without deeply offending and insulting basic respect that is due to people and basic common sense.
Yeah, I guess the CEO of Planned Parenthood who makes over half a million dollars every single year, she must not really believe it.
She's just doing it for the money.
Maybe she's actually one of us, Father.
Maybe she's actually pro-life.
She just really loves money.
Yeah, she's believing in Planned Parenthood's agenda because they're paying her for it, you know?
I mean, this is so patently absurd.
But, you know, again, you know, the money is something...
We got about 10 seconds.
When you come back, I want you to tell us who Norma really was.
When you come back after the break.
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Get the products while you still can.
I've hunted a lot of big game at long distances with high caliber rifles and when you shoot an elk at say 600 yards, even if you hit them right in the heart, they'll still run 50, 60, 70, maybe 100 yards.
They've got that adrenaline pumping through their arteries and through their veins, but all of a sudden they slow down, they realize what's happened, they fall over, and they die.
Then you go bag them and haul them back in.
Well, that's what's going to happen to the entire world now.
And that's what the economic numbers show, is that we've been shot right in the heart.
And for the first world, it's going to mean a long, horrible depression and a lot of death.
Well, for the third world, it's going to mean probably over 100 million dead, according to the UN, and I believe their numbers.
Because it's the very UN that's orchestrated this to depopulate the third world.
So to all the leftists that thought it was their revolution to get rid of Trump, you're a bunch of suckers and you bought into something bigger than what Hitler did.
We are 170 days out from the 2020 election.
It is a referendum of national sovereignty against globalism.
And Obama, Hillary, and the Deep State have been caught attempting to overthrow President Trump's election, and they've been caught in two separate coup attempts against the President.
Now, they've been pushing COVID-19 to shut down the economy and create a depression, while China's already been open for business for more than a month.
This is an ongoing globalist attempt to punish the American people, wreck our economy, and hope that we won't recognize that it is they, the New World Order, that have orchestrated this and not President Trump.
They know their crimes are coming out.
They know the chickens are coming home to roost.
So now they're panicking and trying to steal the 2020 election with mail-in ballots based on keeping the public safe from COVID-19.
The entire COVID-19 system is a giant hoax and must be exposed if America has any hope.
So get out there and expose this fraud.
The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO, mainstream
And if Communist China shoots women at checkpoints and welds people into their houses and has robots controlling people, well then, gee, we've got to do that.
And on top of it, cities like San Antonio passed laws saying we'll arrest you if you say Chinese virus.
Well, now Cuomo in New York's calling it the European virus.
These people are out of control.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, our last segment here on Hour Four.
I'm Jason Jones, host of the Jason Jones Show, and my guest, Father Frank Pavone.
I'm so grateful for you to be here, Father Frank, because you were Norman McCorvey's close friend.
And the reality is, the InfoWars audience is larger than the FX audience that's going to watch this documentary.
So we're going to be able to tell more people the truth about Norman McCorvey and
Honestly, a better caliber of people, right?
This is the audience you want to talk to.
So, we're going to tell more people, and you know, a better class of people, the truth about Norma McCorvey.
So, I'm going to take this last segment, tell people who Norma really was.
This beautiful, soulful, deep, kind of like a female James Dean.
That's kind of how I saw her.
You know, can you tell people who Norma McCorvey was?
You know, Norma was someone who I don't think I ever had a conversation with her in which we didn't end up laughing.
She had a beautiful sense of humor.
She was able, even when she would call me in distress or some kind of problem or some kind of anxiety.
My goodness, it didn't take long for us to laugh because she saw the beauty in life and therefore she was able to see the tragedy of abortion.
She saw the beauty, for example, when a little child invited her to go to church.
These were the folks that moved in next door to her abortion facility where she was working.
From the folks of Operation Rescue.
And this little child invited her to go to church, and you know, and she thought to herself, how can I, how can I ignore, you know, the innocence, the simplicity of this request?
And, you know, what harm could it, could it do to me?
And then she was in church, and they made an altar call, and they said, you know, come up and receive Jesus.
And, you know, normally in typical fashion said, well, I'm gonna, I think I want to go up there.
But if I go up there, he better Jesus better be there when I when I go up there.
And so she had this this spirit of, you know, readiness to readiness to take a risk.
And did just utter sincerity, like I already explained in the last segment about how she would, you know, she would, she would, she working in the abortion facilities, selling abortions, but at the same time, she wanted to make sure those women knew exactly what that abortion was going to do to that, to that baby.
It was going to tear that child apart limb from limb.
She wanted to make sure they knew that.
So she was a woman who she hated insincerity and manipulation.
Thank you.
control her too much when helping her.
That's when she pushed back.
But so, so much fun.
I mean, Janet Morana, who works here at Preach for Life and heads up Silent No More, people sharing their stories about their abortions.
Well, you know, Norma wanted to share her story too.
And so Janet and she became friends and just, you know,
Norma would ask Janet, bring me some New York bagels when you come to visit me in Dallas.
She had this childlike simplicity.
I remember visiting at her house and she'd take me in the back and show me the religious statues in her yard that would help her to pray.
Uh, when she would sit at her, her living room table, uh, in those last years of her life.
And, uh, you know, she was no longer traveling and speaking.
You know, one of the things was that she was doing, she was making, uh, uh, rosaries for people, prayer beads for people and sending them, sending them out, out of the goodness of her heart.
Uh, there was no duplicity in this, uh, uh, in this woman.
Father, she had that kind of beautiful soulfulness that only immense pressure can create, right?
There was no peer group.
She couldn't have a support group.
She had the name of the most divisive Supreme Court decision in the United States attached to her for the rest of her life.
She never had an abortion.
But and sometimes she would wrestle with the idea that she had 50 million abortions on her shoulders because of the Roe v. Wade decision.
And I looked at the people who I admire most that are diverse, like Malcolm X or Muhammad Ali or Norma McCorvey or someone like Alex Jones.
Most of us don't know what it's like to suffer pain, to be the target of immense hate from every direction.
And that's something that Norma had.
And that's something that Norma had to wrestle with.
And so that's sort of
That is what produced that beautiful diamond, multifaceted, brilliant diamond that is Norman McQuarrie.
You know, she went out of her way.
I remember her calling Janet one day and saying, you know, my eyesight is not as great as it used to be.
Can you send me a Bible with larger print so that I can read it?
I mean, this is somebody who, you know, the cameras were off.
Nobody else was around.
We lived with her the quiet, private moments for over two decades.
This was a woman who took the initiative on her own to find the truth and to try to find some peace in her life.
And that's Janet and Norma and I at an event, and that was in New York, actually, when she came up to my anniversary celebration of my ordination to the priesthood.
She was at all kinds of personal events with us.
And, you know, she was somebody that, you know, as I said, we always laughed.
She could make you laugh when you were having a hard time, you know, as she often did with all of us when we would get together.
But, you know, the other thing about, you know, that, you know, you and I have not seen yet this documentary, but, you know, the thing about it is that she went through a process of healing
Uh, which was a very intensive journey of facing up to her own wounds and then doing the work of grief because that's what it is.
It's a labor of grief.
And what impressed me over those years was the courage.
You know, a lot of people will run away from those inner struggles that they've got to resolve or from those wounds that they need to heal.
She didn't run away from it.
She suffered it.
And again, she went above and beyond.
That's beautiful.
How would Norma be responding to all of this controversy?
She said, you know, what are they trying to do?
They're trying to, you know, redefine her.
I don't know that anything made her more angry than that.
And that's what that's what some of these folks apparently are trying to do.
We'll know more when we see the film.
But for someone to try to tell her story for her,
Oh no, that was a no-no with her.
And she'd be very, very angry.
And what she told us, I mean, I heard the words from her deathbed, not this guy that swooped in with a camera.
And she said to me, and she said to all of us who fight abortion, and she said to the young people too, some of her final messages that she gave me to pass on to the movement had to do with the youth.
And she said, you carry on with this task of ending abortion.
Don't you stop for anything.
That's what she said on The Last of Her Life, and nobody can tell us different from that.
You know, Father, I see this like from the Jewish scriptures, the wisdom of Solomon, that FX is taking our friend and they're putting her up there, hoping we cut her in half and that we fight over the way that these two women were fighting over this child.
But I say we're not going to fight over Norma McCorvey.
We're not going to cut her in half.
We're just going to tell the truth about what a beautiful, complex,
But friend, now you're experienced with this though because you also work closely with Elvita King, the Reverend Martin Luther King's niece, and they try to rewrite his opinion on abortion and Elvita's father's opinion on abortion.
So your organization has a long history of dealing with people's positions on abortion being rewritten.
Yeah, absolutely.
Alveda is a full-time member of our team, as you know, and she proclaims the civil rights movement of today is the pro-life movement.
She says there's no doubt that Martin Luther King would be marching with us for the equality, the non-violence, the protection, and the equal dignity of those children in the womb.
And somebody else whose journey I assisted in very intimately, of course, was our mutual friend Abby Johnson.
You know, I was very involved in that journey with her.
And there's a lot of people, there's countless people.
I knew Bernard Nathanson.
We got a minute left, Father, and so I want people to know how to reach you.
But before that, let's make a promise to each other.
If you die first, I promise I won't let them rewrite your position on abortion.
And don't let them rewrite my position on abortion if I die first.
Can we make that promise with each other?
We're going to make a pact.
That's right.
The oldest witness of the church from the second century, the Jewish communities of Rome and the Christian communities were saving children off exposure walls.
Infants that they were taking out for infanticide.
This is the longest public works of the church.
How do people follow you and get their churches involved in rescuing women and children from the violence of abortion?
We have 20 seconds.
Very simple.
That's our website.
We're a family of ministries.
Something there for everybody.
You don't have to be Catholic.
And follow me on social media, FRFrankPavone.
Father, thanks for your courage.
Thank you, InfoWars.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
Thanks to the producers.