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Filename: 20200514_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 14, 2020
3268 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including politics, health, vaccines, COVID-19, lockdowns, media manipulation, separation of families due to COVID-19 measures, and the role of judges in legal cases. He criticizes various organizations and individuals such as Democrats, Bill Gates, World Health Organization, Lancet, National Institutes of Health, President Obama, FBI, New York Times, and Bertha Henry for their alleged roles in manipulating or controlling events or information. Jones promotes Infowars Life products throughout his recordings.

It's Thursday, May 14th, the year is 2020.
We're 1-7-2 out on the election and the Democrats are openly trying to either cancel it or have mail-in ballots or their mass fraud.
This is the main attack.
Now I told you three weeks ago from internal sources that Trump was going to turn against Fauci, realizing he's a total fraud.
We put out a report last weekend that went viral pointing out that Trump has now sidelined Fauci for fraud.
And now Trump is beginning, through surrogate, to destroy Fauci, who is the Bill and Melinda Gates frontman.
Here is President Trump opening up on Fauci, the fraudster.
Senator Fauci yesterday was a little cautious on reopening the economy too soon.
Do you share his concerns?
About reopening what?
Reopening the economy too soon in some states.
Look, he wants to play all sides of the equation.
I think we're going to have a tremendous fourth quarter.
I think we're going to have a transitional third quarter.
And I think we're going to have a phenomenal next year.
I feel that we are going to have a country that's ready to absolutely have one of its best years next year, with all of the stimulus and all of the fact that it's a pent up demand like I haven't seen.
And you see it right now.
These two really professional, good
Governors that do such a you know work so hard.
I know both of them very well one happens to be a Democrat Okay, but we've worked together, and I think we've worked together very well And one you would expect me to say that but it happens to be true.
Okay, really good job, too But we've worked very very well together They want to get their states open some governors and some
Perhaps partisans, maybe for election reasons, don't want to have their states open.
And then some shouldn't open them quite yet.
You know, they're not ready.
They went through a lot and they're not quite ready.
But no, we're opening our country.
People want it open.
The schools are going to be open.
I was seeing the other day, Purdue, great school, great college, university.
And Purdue is opening and others are opening and they're all announcing it.
These are young people.
These are students, young students.
They're in great shape.
They're in great shape.
Now, will you have an incident?
One out of a million?
One out of 500?
Will something happen, perhaps?
But, you know, you can be driving to school and some bad things can happen, too.
So, no, we're going to open our country.
We want it open.
When you say Dr. Fauci is playing both sides, are you suggesting that the advice... Well, I was surprised.
I was surprised by his answer, actually, because, you know, it's just...
To me it's not an acceptable answer.
Now let's go ahead and play Fauci, now the guy that says we should never shake hands again.
That was said by him.
Here he is yesterday in his Senate testimony saying that oh we can't open the schools up in the fall and the UN now says it's never going to end.
It's just never going to end.
They say that COVID's never going away and we just, we'll never open up again.
We'll all just starve to death.
That's coming up next segment.
Even though every virologist will tell you that viruses burn themselves out.
But see, this one isn't going to because they're going to count every death forever.
Shark attack, car wreck, shotgun wound, drowned, cancer, flu.
Every death is now COVID forever.
This is the medical dictatorship.
This is the UN, now our authority, telling us which end is up.
This is the takeover.
Here's Dr. Fraud.
Of knowing the landscape of infection with regard to testing.
And as Admiral Giroir said, it would depend on the dynamics of the outbreak in the region where the school is.
But I did not mean to imply at all any relationship between the availability of a vaccine and treatment and our ability to go back to school.
You're quite correct.
Thank you.
And what I heard from Admiral Giroir was that you're ramping up current technologies.
You are hopeful for Dr. Collins' Shark Tank and the National Institutes of Health.
But in any event, you would expect to have the capacity in the fall of 40 to 50 million tests a month.
And that ought to be adequate for the principal of a middle school or even the chancellor of a campus.
All right.
So there they are.
Can't open up in the fall.
Everyone must be tested.
The government must test you now for a virus and they give you the vaccine.
As I record this announcement, there's only one week left in the biggest sale yet of 2020.
Right now, in May, until our Christmas sale comes up.
All of our best-selling supplements are 30 to 60% off at infowarestore.com.
Let me just hone in on one of the products.
DNA Force Plus.
It's got high-quality PQQ, CoQ10, and a bunch of other natural ingredients that are known to supercharge the effects of that.
Learn what PQQ
And Coach, you can do for you, no matter how old you are, no matter what color you are, no matter where you live in the world, it works the same on everybody.
It's known to be able to regrow nerves.
It's designed so that your telomeres last longer.
Doesn't make them grow, makes them shrink slower, which is basically the same thing.
DNA Force Plus is 50% off for a limited time at InfoWarsTore.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are 172 days out from the historic election.
I'm your host Alex Jones and we are going to cover so much incredible news and information today.
Now, let me go ahead and lay the news and information out that we're going to be going over today.
Yesterday, I spent about 30 minutes on public plans from Lancet, the National Institutes of Health, and the United Nations World Health Organization's own website.
Saying they have developed vaccines to sterilize men and women.
And then I showed you articles and reports where they admitted that the UN tested it on unwitting subjects in Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
Everybody knows about secret testing, secret sterilization, but I showed folks MPR, the London Guardian, admitting it.
That was all 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years ago they were admitting this.
Now Big Pharma has such control over social media, big tech and the news that there's a total clampdown and a shutdown on what's really going on.
But we have all the old articles and we have the studies and it's all still on the United Nations website.
So they're going to have a big problem coming out with these vaccines that whistleblowers inside Big Pharma have now exposed are planning to add HCG to the vaccines.
And when you take HCG with another pathogen and with an antigen,
That causes an autoimmune response, the body that has an autoimmune response to HCG.
That's only one of more than 20 admitted UN-tested sterilant vaccines.
But the HCG is the main one because it works real good.
And it also screws the women up really, really, really bad.
So these trials have been going on since 1985.
And again, they did it secretly in India, in Peru, in Mexico, and it killed a lot of the women too.
Because when your body starts attacking your ovaries, you have a big old autoimmune response and your body thinks your ovaries are the enemy.
Boy, I bet that don't feel too good, does it?
I mean, women already start bouncing off the walls when they go into estrus.
Can you imagine what it's like having your body eat your ovaries?
It's not just women that get to enjoy this.
Hey, but don't worry.
Men have got their ovaries on the outside called huevos.
And it just so happens these new vaccines just so happen to attack your testicles as well.
Oh, and so does COVID-19.
But only if you're completely run down and don't have zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin A. You've got to have all those or the cells can't protect themselves.
There was a big study out yesterday that all scientists say vitamin D3 basically renders cells invincible.
The WHO comes out and says, shut up!
Don't tell the public that.
A bunch of scientists came out and said mouthwash is good as a frontline, you know, defense to kill the virus once it gets to the mouth to make it stop replicating.
And they're like, the UN came down and said, don't you dare say that!
There's no hope!
The only hope is a vaccine!
Because they want the president to test you before you can go back to work or live and to get in your body.
And it's in the New York Times today.
There's a big article at newswars.com and infowars.com by Paul Joseph Watson breaking it down.
And they bemoan the fact that there's all these popular websites and all these people coming out and
Saying that the vaccine might hurt you and that a sped up vaccine might cause damage and that that shouldn't be allowed.
The New York Times says anyone, including medical doctors, warning that a vaccine, especially a rushed vaccine, has histories of hurting people.
Well, they called for anyone saying that to be banned in the New York Times article.
Of course, they got a problem.
Bill Gates said 700,000 people will get sick and or die.
With the numbers he's got, if they inject everybody on Earth with the COVID-19 vaccine they've already got, by the way.
Bill and Melinda Gates patented it two years ago.
It's a chimera coronavirus tested at the damn Wuhan lab by Fauci.
But of course, the very people involved in all of it, running it, they're now the ones in control of our lives.
And so let's just pull back here and get the 35,000 foot view.
The WHO is funded by a consortium of big pharma.
And it has established world government, where whether you're in Brazil, or the United States, or the UK, or Russia, or Japan, or China, the WHO is the boss.
And they set the policy, and they set the standards, and they tell us when we can go back to work, and where we can live.
They have a name for that.
It's called global government.
And of course, it's a medical tyranny world government.
Because if the UN showed up with troops, you would say it was illegitimate.
But if they show up in white lab coats with trillions of dollars of backing behind them, well then, you know it's a big problem.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been kicked out of more than 10 countries after they were caught running secret sterilization programs.
And I've got an entire stack right here where I'm going to go over that.
From, again, mainstream news.
But no reporting on it in five years.
Big Pharma came in and bought up the media, and there is just dead radio silence on this now.
Because now, old Billy Boy and the big robber baron Eugenics Money behind him is making their move.
So, world government is here.
And it's tyrannical, and it wants the precedent to put things in your body.
The New York Times bemoans that
Upwards of half the people they talk to say they're not going to take the shot over their dead body and it's just terrible and this has got to be silenced.
There's all these Instagram stars, all these young people, all these former Democrats are coming out against the forced inoculation and they're posting disinfo.
And then you see what they're posting.
They're linking to medical doctors.
They're linking to vaccine inserts.
They're linking to sterilization reports.
They're linking to reports on Gardasil killing women that take it.
And they now think they're going to come and forcibly do this.
And the New York Times goes further.
They say, we need to start with medical passports, which is what Bill Gates has called for, that you can't get on an airplane if you haven't had the COVID-19.
And they go on to admit there's going to be mutations.
So you're going to need a new COVID shot every year.
But of course it's not going to protect you.
It's not going to be the right mutation.
There are hundreds of COVID-19 mutations right now.
And yeah, if you're run down and you're 85 and you smoke cigarettes most of your life and drink Jack Daniels all day, your body doesn't have defenses and the common cold will kill you.
But why is COVID man-made?
So they can own it.
And when we expose the New York Times saying, make them have the shot, make them have an ID, or Israel says we're going to make every child starting next year, they're proposing an implantable microchip.
But then they'll have the New York Times saying, oh, yeah, we're going to make everybody take vaccines to travel.
That'll, you know, lend credence to their plan that it's forced inoculations, but it's still a conspiracy theory.
So we're coming to do exactly what you would imagine in a nightmare, Mark of the Beast scenario.
And so the people worrying about all this were right, but they're still bad.
You understand?
Yes, it lends credence to them that we're authoritarians and that this is going to be forced.
But it's the right thing to do, so let's do it.
So it's here.
Total authoritarianism because they think you're weak, they think you're stupid, they're making their move on you.
You're not weak, you're not stupid.
Because one thing I gotta tell you, The Awakening is ultra massive and huge right now.
It is just so huge and so exciting.
But people should be waking up because this is a takeover.
And now everybody I talk to is like, you're right, Alex.
The Democrats in Deep State are holding the cities and states hostage to kill the economy.
It's criminal.
Yeah, exactly.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is one of our best-selling products.
It wasn't always that way.
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It's also got amino acids that are known to help you absorb more of this into your body.
And that's really important for folks that are older because a lot of people don't absorb vitamins and minerals in pill form.
Thank you.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
InfoWars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
Now, next segment I'm going to get into this in more detail, but let me just set the table with this.
Airline group sees virus hurting travel for at least five years.
immunologist warns of dark winter if virus rebound.
Says don't ever reopen.
Danish Health Chief says more coronavirus waves very unlikely because the virus has already burned itself out.
But see, they don't care.
They're going to call every death, again, car wreck, shark attack, electrocution, cancer, COVID-19.
That's why it never ends.
Exclusive second more deadly wave of coronavirus to hit Europe this winter.
Yahoo News.
DC extends stay-at-home order to June 8th.
The notes did it again and again.
White House buried CDC plan warning against any summer vacation travel to avoid second wave of infections!
Remember it was flatten the curve?
Now they're in search of a curve because it's, depending on the model, 50 times lower, 40 times lower, 30 times lower, 10 times lower as they keep adjusting the model.
So it's this little bump along the bottom.
But they zoom in on that molehill and say it's just massive.
There's been 130 deaths in Dallas!
And then you realize that there's six million people up there.
Three million in Dallas alone.
So they keep doing that, announcing, oh my gosh, there were five in Wuhan!
Five cases!
Meanwhile, millions of people are dying every week, folks, of other things.
And I know you know this, but this is all a perception manipulation.
And I've harped on this because it's so important.
When Jaws came out in 1972, for several years, they saw upwards of a 60%.
You can pull this up online, there's actual news clippings.
You just type in, beaches saw less tourism after Jaws.
They had to put billboards up and radio ads and say there's only maybe 10 great white attacks a year worldwide.
It's very rare.
It's safe.
Come back to the beach.
All because people... Now that is super rare.
That's like getting struck by lightning twice in your lifetime.
Getting bit by a great white shark.
I mean, it's very rare.
They gotta think you're a seal.
They usually grab you, spit you out, because you don't taste good.
Yeah, shark phobia.
The memory of jaws continues to scare swimmers away from the ocean.
National Post, Canada.
So, this is real though.
I mean, pneumonia, respiratory illnesses in the United States kill about 100,000 people a year.
It's much worse than the flu.
And they've never been able to come up with a vaccine for it.
It just doesn't work.
There's too many viruses.
You've got to get the cut of the jib exactly right for a vaccine to work.
It's got to be dead on.
And then it does work.
If you don't have an autoimmune response, you get really, really sick.
If you're not allergic to it.
Because the adjuvant is creating an allergic response.
The heck, like, oh, I don't know why your kid swole up and couldn't breathe and had a seizure.
They know damn well what's going on.
It's on the insert.
It says it.
There's a talk show host that attacks me in Austin all the time.
He went and got a flu shot a few years ago, and his arms and legs became numb.
The doctor told him, yeah, you have Guillain-Barré.
That didn't get to the point where he couldn't breathe.
But for a year, his hands and feet were numb.
Couldn't feel them.
He still talks trash about me almost every day I'm told about it.
Dale Dudley on 93.7 FM, because that's what keeps him employed by the leftists that own it.
And it's just sad.
He tells people, go out and get your vaccines, because that's what he's told to do, even though he got sick from it.
You talk about not being able to help people.
But look, I'm digressing.
I'm going to get into this when we come back, and actually go over the articles themselves.
Let me just throw this in here real fast.
This is really, really important.
My sales pitches are always, honestly, what's going on.
So when I tell you something's selling out, it means it's really selling out.
When I tell you something is at 50% off, it's 50% off.
When I tell you something's 70% off, it's 70% off.
8-Pack Power Stack, I thought, would be our new super product.
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And this was very expensive for us to make.
This is the highest quality.
Each box of this is very expensive for us to make.
There are other ones out there where you can get a box of this stuff for, you know, five bucks.
Instead, it cost us, what, like $25 a box.
And then you've got all the other expenses, the warehouse, the crew, all of it.
So when I tell you I'm selling this at cost, it's at cost.
It's 70% off.
And it's the sleeper product now.
Since I put it on Mega Sale, we went from having a lot of it because they double ordered it to, for whatever reason, a mistake was made.
They ordered twice as much as I said to order.
Now we've sold it down to about 30% of the stock we have.
I don't know if I'm going to reorder this again because it was so expensive to make.
But if you want something for your husband, your wife, your mom, your dad, especially the elderly, you know, for your mom and your dad, where they won't forget to take it, you've got the A-M-Pak, you've got the P-M-Pak, and it's got 13 different capsules of the highest quality.
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You need to go read about AMPM Stack.
This is the best skill we've got.
And I was talking to the sales guys yesterday and they said, yeah, we're down to about 30% of this.
Do you want to reorder it?
And I said, I don't know if I'm going to reorder it, but I'm going to sell it for another week or so at 70% off.
Then we're going to go to 60% off.
So we at least make like 10 bucks and can fund ourselves in the future.
But this is at cost.
In fact, you factor in everything.
This is below cost.
But if you want to experience A.M.
8-Pack Power Stack, take it in the morning, throw it in your lunchbox, you'll take it in the afternoon, the evening.
It's got fish oil for A.M.
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This is really an amazing product.
And what is it?
Five of the pills are proprietary, really souped up special things we came up with.
So this is one of my ideas.
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And now, you know, people are getting it.
So if you want the AMPM stack, 8-pack power stack, it is available at infowarestore.com or by calling toll free, 888-253-3139.
And we've also got all the best sellers, 30 to 60% off right now.
These sales will have to end by Monday, because a bunch of these are about to sell out.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off.
Survival Zodiacs 2, 50% off.
Lexapur Breeze, $100 off retail.
Supermoto Vitality, 35% off.
Emirates Essentials Hand Sanitizer Combo, 50% off.
Infowars Life Vanilla Coconut Protein Bars, 40% off.
8-Pack Power Stack, 70% off.
X3 Triiodine, 60% off.
DNA Force Plus, that's really special.
DNA Force Plus, look into that.
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Living Defense Plus, that is amazing.
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Limited Edition Infowars Face Mask, $9.95.
Vazo Beats, 40% off.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
That's close to selling out.
That's 50% off.
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And Storable Foods, now available again in the last 25 years at Infowarstore.com.
All right, I'm done plugging.
That funds our operation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Now we're going to come back and get into the medical planetary dictatorship that they now admit is never going to end until we end it.
This is the planetary dictatorship.
InfoWars has become a symbol, an emblem, of not just American freedom, but worldwide maverick spirit.
It's not just myself or the host at InfoWars, or the researchers, or the journalists.
It's you, the listeners, the activists, the people on the front lines in the arena.
And it's the amazing guests and individuals that we interviewed
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
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It's Tuesday morning as I record this important announcement at my kitchen table to the listeners and viewers of InfoWars.
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They're amazing products, and they also fund the InfoWar, which makes them even more amazing.
Ultimate Krill Oil, highest quality you're going to find, incredible benefits.
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Take action now, make your life better, and fund the InfoWar at InfoWarStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I intend to open the phones up in the second and third hour today.
And then, Jason Jones, filmmaker, talk show host, will be hosting the fourth hour.
How many Africans and Asian kids will leftists starve just to beat Donald Trump?
The New Yorker, The Nation, and The United Nations all warn that the lockdown is threatening and already causing famine and already starving hundreds of thousands to death a day.
Those are real numbers.
But it's not as sexy as having Stephen Colbert and Hillary Clinton tell you that you're a hero when you stay locked up and you don't go out.
When the first world collapses, the third world dies.
Let me go ahead and cover this, because so many people have been bringing it up to me.
I have been sent this article at least five times today.
And that's good, but let me show the listeners this.
New study suggests vitamin D is linked to COVID-19 mortality.
How a common vitamin could become pivotal.
And it goes on with these giant world studies, hundreds of them, conclusively showing that everyone dying of COVID-19 has a vitamin D deficiency.
Now, I have literally had members of Congress over the phone ask me, hey Alex, I hear you're promoting zinc and vitamin D, does that really work?
And I'm just like, you can find out in five seconds, Congressman.
People don't even know the most basic stuff.
You die without it.
And that's what frustrates me, is that I'm not that smart, and I know all this stuff.
I mean, even my dad is a doctor, and my mom is extremely smart.
And going back two, three months ago, when my mother wouldn't leave the house over all this, and she's a smart lady,
I had to go over there and I said, mom, here's some zinc tablets and some vitamin D. She goes, oh, I take a multivitamin.
I said, listen, you need three or four times daily allowance of zinc to protect your cells during this if you think it's real.
And you need three or four times vitamin D. She goes, oh, how do you know that?
I pulled up articles for her on her iPad.
She's like, oh, OK.
But I mean, does my mother think I'm making this up?
I mean, what the hell?
I guess because I'm confident people think it's all just an act or something.
Look, I know most of the audience is smarter than I am and you know all this stuff.
I've had my own personal family law lawyer who's a great guy.
When I was in his office three months ago, he was scared to death for his family and he takes care of his old parents.
And he had me six feet away from him.
And I looked at him and I said, listen, if you have vitamin D3 and you have
In the studies, it's almost impossible for you to get this.
It's a deficiency is what causes it.
And I finally convinced him of it.
And it took me 30 minutes.
It's a deficiency.
And I'm not just here pulling this out of the sky.
The people perish for lack of knowledge.
And I've had friends and I've had family look me right in the eyes, including the lawyer.
And he goes, but the WHO says there's no treatment or no cure.
And I looked at him and I said, you know what scurvy is?
He goes, yeah, it's real good enough vitamin C.
You die.
I said, oh yeah, why is vitamin C called essential?
Because you gotta have it to live.
And I said, listen, you don't need to be a medical doctor to know you need water, you need oxygen, and every vitamin and mineral that is essential means you die without it.
You die.
And what in the world is the United Nations doing telling us
That vitamin D and zinc and vitamin C are worthless.
They have the FBI SWAT teaming medical doctors that prescribe vitamin C to their patients.
And they say there's no known treatment or cure.
What the hell does that mean?
Yes, if you've already gotten sick because you don't have enough vitamin C or other key component of your body, and you've already got it, you're probably dead.
But does it matter?
We have a right to go to doctors and they have a right to give us vitamin C that you can buy at Whole Foods!
But again, the criminal UN, since when do they command the FBI?
And again, these FBI agents are just being ordered to do this, but they've got these holier-than-thou ones out there like, we stopped this doctor, this scammer in there, he was giving them vitamin C, and that's not allowed!
So, they got studies out of Sweden, you name it, writers, you go read this article.
Huge studies with tens of thousands of people, and they found everyone that died.
Had a vitamin D deficiency.
Oh, but Fauci says getting sunlight's not good.
See, because you don't need to go buy vitamin D. You can just go get 30 minutes of sun a couple days a week.
Indirect sun.
Year-round at the Equator.
But, in our clients,
Six months out of the year, and you're as good as pumpkin pie.
And you know what?
I know I'm up here saying a lot of really simple stuff.
The regular audience is like, Jones, get to some new breaking stuff.
We all know this.
You, you know what's going on.
I'm talking to new listeners driving down the road listening to this on almost 200 radio stations we're on, and they literally think, because the news says that you don't need vitamin C, you don't need D3, you don't need zinc.
They think that's made up.
People really think vitamins are a scam, folks.
I have people that have Harvard degrees look me right in the eye and they go, tell me the truth.
Are your supplements a scam?
I mean, is that just, is that just a sugar pill?
And I'm just looking, I'm going,
What the hell, what do you, who do you think I am?
But again, what's a scam is the vaccines.
There's almost no vaccine that works because they never can match it up to the reputation.
And that, remember Bill Gates came out a month ago and he said, yeah, most vaccines don't work now.
We need to make them even stronger, but we're going to have side effects when you make them stronger.
See, they know they can't cover this up anymore.
They're the scammers.
They're the people projecting.
You exercise.
You drink clean water.
You get all your vitamins and minerals.
You pray.
Studies show that.
You have a dog.
You add all that together, you live 20 years longer than the average person.
Yeah, having a dog makes you live longer.
And by the way, it's not just that they're sweet and they're loving and you take care of them like they're a baby.
It's like having a child.
That's part of it.
The other equation is the buffer of all the bacteria and viruses they have aren't exactly like yours, so they can't really get you sick.
Because most species can't get each other sick with most pathogens, but it creates a biological buffer.
So having a dog in your house is like a probiotic.
It's evened out with cats because they've got a brain parasite that infests about a billion people that evens out cats, because if the cat has that and you get it, then it could be a real problem.
But cats are still good for you overall to have as well, but not like a dog.
And these are just the things that are known.
Like doctors used to tell old couples, like when the husband or wife died, hey, why don't you get a dog?
Because they knew that when the husband or wife dies,
And the other person's like 75?
They'll usually die in a few months if they don't get a dog.
This is all known, ladies and gentlemen.
But the WHO, I'm sure will hear this and say, there's no proof that dogs are good for you.
And there's no proof praying is good for you, even though all the studies say it.
Because they want you alone and desperate and only believing them.
A cult telling you that we can't open schools up in the fall.
A cult saying never shake hands again.
A cult putting kids in bubbles in China.
Actual blow-up bubbles.
Teaching us that we're all bad and we're ugly and we're evil.
And now the UN's announced, oh, COVID-19's never going to end.
We'll cover that and play all the clips and more when we come back, and I'll give the number out.
First-time callers in the first round today.
Open phones in the second and third hour.
Hell, let's just give the number out now.
If you're calling international and can't call 1-800 numbers in some countries, in the country access code, 519... I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development that is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it.
Personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
Smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
I don't have to tell you that we are in the most important point in human history.
The globalists have taken the gloves off and they've taken the mask off.
And they're like, yeah, you're taking implantable chips.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we're into world government.
Yeah, you're obsolete.
You are non-essential.
We are shutting your ass down.
Yeah, we told you don't be farmers and don't be ranchers and don't work in industry anymore.
You're going to be the service economy.
And now the globalists are telling you that there's no more service economy and you're obsolete.
So you better bow down to them and get your universal pittance income so they can dictate your life.
The handcuffs are going on right now.
We have to resist and say no to the New World Order.
And that takes you understanding you were right.
And understanding I was right.
And getting in people's faces and raising the alarm now while you still can.
Now is the time for action.
Now is the time for you to shine.
And be the Paul Revere's you know you are.
I don't like coming to you every day on the radio and TV stations that you watch and listen to a song and telling you all these horrible things.
But you notice almost everything we've talked about horrible has come true.
We were warning everybody to try to stop it.
It's like telling somebody if you got a pool, put a fence around it if you have little kids.
Because even if they're good swimmers, they can hit their head and drown.
People don't listen, they go out and their kid's dead in the pool.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the death of the third world and the collapse of the first world.
And this is 21st century warfare carried out by the globalists, and they admit they've orchestrated it.
They admit it's, quote, good to save the Earth, and they're teaching us to be more frugal, and they want to make us poor so they can dictate our surrender to this post-human technocracy.
I know all this sounds insane when I was talking about it 25 years ago, but now it's public because it's their operations manual.
I wish this wasn't the case, but there really are evil psychopaths in control of most major institutions and we've got to stop them.
I don't
That it had an antihistamine effect and people saw their allergies and seasonal discomfort not way, way down.
Well, now this is available in the United States.
It's proprietary.
It has rave reviews.
It's a product that I never even really promote, but that people keep reordering and has become a bestseller.
We're very close to selling out Pollen Block right now.
It'll take eight weeks to get more in.
But despite that, I'm going to sell it at 50% off until it sells out.
So for those of you that have never ordered it and been on the fence, have seasonal discomfort, experience Pollen Block for yourself right now at infowarestore.com for 50% off.
Pollen Block.
I want people that haven't tried it to try it for themselves.
So it's the lowest price ever, even though it's selling out.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
In constant sorrow, is there
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
All right, let's just turn the music off, okay?
I'm gonna go to rebroadcast for a while.
I'm gonna reset and come back and do the show.
And this isn't some dramatic thing.
There's just too much going on behind the scenes here for me to continue at this point.
Let me see what I'm gonna air.
I'm gonna start the next hour.
I'm gonna get refocused and ready.
Because I was about to come in and tell you something just incredibly important.
There was a message to the President I was going to give, and I just got distracted.
I might just block out that window over there in the control room, because there's just so much going on in there, and I'm not mad at the crew, it just continues to distract me.
Damn it, man!
I got serious stuff to cover here, this is serious business!
Everything we fought and built, everything our ancestors stood for is being erased right in front of us.
This is going to be decades of devastation.
And these evil criminals are carrying this out and laughing about it!
And the public is so dumb!
They don't know you die without vitamin C!
And most of the illnesses are from people not even being aware of this.
It's the TV, it's the culture, it's the attention span, it's just fried everybody's brain, including mine.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
We're going to go to Derek, and Glenn, and Linda, and Casey, and Jim, and everybody else.
And I said I was going to do this yesterday and I didn't do it.
And I said I was going to do it last week, and I didn't do it.
And I was just about to go ahead and do it.
Because it's a very important message to the President, and it's a very important message to everybody to understand what's going on.
Because I know what's going on with Trump, and if Trump would simply understand this, we could turn all of this around.
In fact, Joel Skousen is very intelligent.
I don't need to tell you that.
We should get him back on.
And I should have this discussion for a full hour with him.
In fact, I've said Skousen needs to fly here.
He doesn't care about the money, but I'll pay for his jet fuel.
He's a pilot.
Get his ass here.
Because he understood this like three years ago, and I was still enamored with Trump, and didn't understand it.
Now, I 100% know that what Skousen said is true, directly from Trump's advisors.
And I respect the President, and he means well, and he's a smart guy in many ways.
But Skousen put his finger directly on it.
Trump doesn't know how all these agencies and things work.
He's good on his feet, he has good instincts, but...
He doesn't know the building blocks of all this.
And I talk to people that work with the President daily, and they tell me, they go, Jones, he has no idea that Fauci is a globalist.
He has no idea about Bill.
He thinks Bill Gates is his friend, because Bill Gates tells him he's his friend.
So yeah, I got stuff to the President on Fauci.
And let me explain something.
You think I feel good that I'm the one getting files together for the president and having law firms prepare stuff for him?
And then I get they want to kill me over this.
Because I'm not the only smart person.
Everybody else knows it.
But if you tell him what's going on, they come after you.
That's why they went after Flynn.
And so I realize it's important to talk to the audience and get you active and to get you taking action.
You know, we probably need to give people some context.
We're going to put this photo up.
That's a Bill Gates senior with David Rockefeller and a bunch of others at a World Eugenics meeting.
You can see Anderson Coopers.
All those damn foundation people.
That's them right there.
Anthony Fauci and all of them sneaking around.
Oh, God, just get them off the screen.
Let me tell you something, folks.
We have them 100% dead to rights, open and shut case.
They can all be indicted and sent to supermax prisons for what they've done, okay?
And now they're dropping the hammer coming with forced inoculations, the New York Times says next year.
We told you that!
And big tech is spying on everyone, and Trump needs to stop it.
Let's just go to this report.
I got to take a break.
I may just end the show today because our head's not in the game today.
Let's go ahead and go to this special report.
Let's go ahead and go to Joe Biden caught lying three times in one interview about General Flynn investigation.
And of course, the unmasking documents have come out that he was on the list and lied about it all over the news and a bunch of criminals.
Here it is.
On May 13, 2020, Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson received a declassified document from the Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grinnell.
The document provided a list of identities of officials who had submitted requests to the NSA to unmask certain names, which led to the reopening of the Michael Flynn case.
While some of the names are still blacked out on this three-page memo, some of the names of interest are Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power.
And then little did I know that my own country and my own president would, in effect, create and inhabit his own upside-down land, right?
Where Trump's tweets, which I, you know, have the misfortune like many others of reading most days, remind me so much
Of course.
that we had available to us and put it in one report that the President could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration and while we're at it, declassify as much as we possibly could to make it public and that's what we did.
Director of the CIA, John O'Brennan.
People are innocent until alleged to be involved in some type of criminal activity.
Director of the FBI, James Comey.
With respect to Barr's comments, I really don't know what he's talking about when he talks about spying on the campaign, and so I can't really react substantively.
When I hear that kind of language used, it's concerning because
The FBI and the Department of Justice conduct court-ordered electronic surveillance.
I have never thought of that as spying.
And on the third page, Dennis McDonough, who was the Chief of Staff of President Obama at the time.
Do you have any knowledge of what the content of the call was?
I don't.
Are you concerned at all that it was, don't worry about these sanctions, we will undo them when we get into office?
I'm not going to get into any particular concerns, but I do think that the content matters and we'll see what that, how that shakes out.
And Vice President Joe Biden.
Now here's a clip of Joe Biden lying three different times when asked about what he knew about the Michael Flynn investigation.
I do want to ask you about Michael Flynn, the former National Security Advisor to President Trump, and the move by the Justice Department last week to dismiss the case against him for lying to the FBI.
The President said yesterday that that move is justified because President Obama targeted Flynn.
He called it, quote, the biggest political crime in U.S.
Your former Senate colleague Charles Grassley has added that Flynn was entrapped and asked on the Senate floor, what did Obama and Biden know?
When did they know it?
So what did you know about those moves to investigate
Michael Flynn, and was there anything improper done?
I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one.
Number two, this is all about diversion.
I do want to press that.
You say you didn't know anything about it, but you were reported to be at a January 5th, 2017 meeting where you and the president were briefed on the FBI's plan to question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian ambassador, Kislyak.
No, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted.
I'm sorry.
I was aware that there was, that they asked for an investigation.
But that's all I know about it, and I don't think anything else.
Was the Justice Department right to drop those charges against Michael Flynn?
Well, based on a couple thousand, I guess, I saw a headline yesterday, I guess, a couple thousand former, or it was a couple hundred, I'm not sure, a whole lot of former Justice Department people said the Attorney General should step down.
I have been absolutely stunned by the way in which he has not conducted the office properly.
But, look, I don't know the detail of where we are right now.
My point is a simple one.
Focus on what's in front of us.
You have plenty of time to investigate this issue.
I think there's nothing there, there.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friends, the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because it was only the mirage of safety.
Movies, and partying, and living like children.
Ever growing up, ever caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God, they were brought into captivity.
Because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies.
And then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
Infowars has decided to fight for freedom.
And Infowars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
I'm cutting this ad on May 10th, 2020.
And within a week or so, many of the best-selling items that we're selling at InfoWareStore.com will no longer be at 50% off.
In fact, last year I said I can't get 50% off anymore because our markup just isn't enough for us to be able to get enough profit to operate this operation.
But I want you to get the Ultimate Krill Oil.
I want you to get Vazo Beats.
I want you to get DNA Force Plus.
I want you to experience X2.
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They're all in stock right now and they're 30 to 60% off.
More than 20 items are 50% off right now, but we're going to have to end the sale on most items in about a week, because a lot of the products are getting close to selling out, like Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Bazzo Beats.
So take action, be healthier, boost your body's natural defenses, and fund the InfoWar.
Get these great products at InfoWarStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Organization recommended forcibly removing family members from their homes and putting them in quarantine.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Queen Elizabeth seemed to be echoing this idea to the UK.
It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made in 1940, helped by my sister.
We as children spoke from here at Windsor to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety.
Today, once again, many will feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones.
But now as in, we know deep down that it is the right thing to do.
Bill Gates has been pushing the idea of tracking people with digital tattoos.
And Microsoft was recently granted patent number 060606 for a cryptocurrency surveillance system connected to the human body.
Now enter HR6666.
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19 and related activities such as contact tracing through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences and for other purposes.
On May 1st of 2020, Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush introduced H.R.
This act is essentially setting up a nationwide contact tracing and quarantine program run by Big Pharma.
Section 2 COVID-19 testing and contact tracing using mobile health units will allow Bill Gates loyalist Alex Azar and the CDC to fund eligible entities to conduct tests, trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals and to support the quarantine of these contacts via mobile health units.
Who are the eligible entities qualified to receive this funding?
Health centers, non-profit organizations, high schools, and anyone else that Alex Azar deems eligible.
The amount of taxpayer dollars being asked for to trace the public and force quarantines is $100 billion for 2020 alone.
And whatever may be necessary as long as the emergency period continues.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
All right, I'm going to take your phone calls for the next two hours and go through all the news that's breaking and unfolding.
And if I seem nasty and angry, it has nothing to do with the crew.
The fact that the New World Order is actually doing all this and they've now announced a permanent lockdown.
We knew that was coming.
It just means this is war.
And it means they're not going to back down.
They're not going to stop.
I am torn.
By what we should do.
And I do know that a lot of important people take stock in what we say.
So that adds to the stress of this.
And I don't want to say I'm cracking under the pressure.
No one can handle pressure like this.
Not the president, not you, not me, not anybody.
That's why God's got to come into this.
That's why I said yesterday I'd commit my
Destiny into God's hands.
I mean, that's all you can do is quote the Psalms.
Because these people are absolutely evil and they're trying to create a worldwide depression.
They've done it.
And it's gonna only just get more horrible from here on out until we crush these people.
And that's what this is coming down to.
They have really crossed the line here.
The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO,
I don't know.
I think so.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Thousands and thousands of years of human history, everything our ancestors strove to do, battled to succeed, is now coming to this point now, with the globalist technocrats believing in a post-human era, that they've taken control of human evolution to not empower humanity, but to end humanity.
They must be met with total resistance and total commitment and the living God's standard must be born before us.
All right, let's lay it out.
The quickening of the quickening of the quickening is beginning and
You've got the General Flynn information coming out.
You've got Manafort getting released.
You've got Biden illegally unmasking and spying on candidate and then President Trump and then lying about it.
You've got Obama lying about it.
You've got Obama asking the FBI director to conceal this from the President-elect.
This is a coup!
And if you go back,
To 2017.
We were there in DC.
And we have our sources.
That explain that Trump was under massive counter-terrorism, counter-espionage investigation by crossfire hurricane.
And we specifically exposed who was behind it.
Not because we were the smartest guys in the room.
But because we had the courage to do it.
And if you'll remember, we laid it all out.
And early on, they were bragging in the New York Times when he was president-elect in December of 2016.
When the ink wasn't even dry on his victory, they were trying to block him being seated by delegates.
They said, we were wiretapping him.
We know he's a Russian agent.
And I remember talking to Roger Stone and others and
Watch her going.
Donald Trump doesn't even trust his own lawyers and his own people around him.
He would never work with a foreign power.
He's absolutely pro-America to a neurotic level.
And that's what you get with Trump.
Absolutely loyal.
He's lost billions of dollars being president.
Gone through hell.
He's the real deal.
The problem is he's a one-man show.
He takes everything in himself and then makes decisions off of his knowledge base and off his instincts and does not research the opposition.
And that's why he can have a Bill Gates saying, I'm your buddy, when Bill Gates is orchestrating the whole thing against America and Trump.
And now Trump knows that.
And now Trump knows that about Fauci.
He actually thought he could trust the military always to be faithful.
Because he puts them on a pedestal when a lot of them are globalists.
He thought medical people he could put on a pedestal.
Trump is very naive in ways.
And I don't just hear that, I know that.
We got in the information on Fauci and on Gates three weeks ago.
And you saw immediate action.
And that's why you notice that Kelly, when he was the Chief of Staff, it was in the news, his main job was, quote, keeping InfoWars away from the President.
Well, they got a problem now.
The President goes to InfoWars.
The President goes to Gateway Pundit.
And so anywhere the President goes comes under attack because they're simply trying to knock out places that Trump tunes into
And then he has the gut instinct that's accurate.
Of course, we do the real research.
And then Trump goes, yeah, that's it.
Like, you know, Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back when they go, they could be smugglers.
They go, could be rebels.
That's it.
The rebels are there.
That's what Trump's like.
And he's basically always right.
The problem is, though, he makes the decision right there in that moment.
And so that's why they're always trying to keep anybody real away from him.
Because he doesn't do the research.
But when he sees somebody that has the research and it clicks with his data set, he goes with it.
And that's why they're so scared.
So Trump's completely real, folks.
That's why the establishment is so horrified by him.
Because they have these big committee meetings and they check with all the special interests before they do anything.
And so the corruption, and it just sets in.
And now you see, and here's the big news, now you see
Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Obama, Michael Obama, all these people coming out and saying Trump did a bad job, Trump did a terrible job, because the minute Trump two weeks ago quietly sidelined Fauci and said, your models are all completely wrong, 50 times, 30 times higher than what they said, you're done.
No, we're not keeping things closed until the election.
It's going to kill hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
We're not doing it.
You got a chance to just sit down and shut up.
Fauci then went and rang the alarm.
And then you saw Gates and all them open up on him.
And I mean, I was sitting there filling in, you know, the president's advisors.
And I mean, I just said, I can't handle this anymore.
So I got on the phone.
I called a bunch of them three weeks ago.
I said, when you talk to the president, you got to get him this, you got to get him that.
And they did.
And then Trump said, really?
And by the way, these lawyers for the president, all these other people, and these big national talk show hosts, they don't know all this.
They're like, really, Bill Gates' dad was the Federal Reserve Board?
Really, he was the head of Planned Parenthood?
Really, Bill Gates says he hates Trump?
They didn't know all this.
I had to get it all for them.
Now, you saw Media Matters.
Obviously, they're hooked in with intelligence agencies and globalists, so they're not just listening to the show.
They're doing a lot more than that.
They had a big article a couple weeks ago saying, we need to get rid of Jones.
He's advising the president.
To go after Gates.
And they raised a full alarm about that.
And again, this shows how weak the globalists are.
That Alex Jones in Texas is willing to walk the tightrope because I'm committed to this.
And all these other men are scared to tell the President.
And I've got to call up famous people that are friends with the President and say, you care about your kids?
You better do something now.
You better tell Trump this.
His enemy is Gates.
His enemy is Fauci.
His enemy is the U.N.
They're a chi-com group.
I know the President already gets this, but he has to level with the public and say, choose America or choose them.
And by the way, they want to bankrupt you and destroy you.
America will choose Trump, but he's got to completely level.
And then, it happened.
Again, we influenced the President to make the right move.
And I only say that here on air so that you understand why we're in so much danger.
And I go back to this.
Limbaugh came out two days ago and said the Democrats want to destroy the economy to kill Trump.
To kill the movement.
We told you that three months ago.
Again, it's not that we're that smart.
We can't keep waiting until it's completely obvious.
We have to act now on all this.
We have their whole damn plan.
These people are completely evil.
We have their whole operation.
It's so easy to beat them!
And I know some guys high up in the CIA and stuff that are American patriots, they claim, they're like, well, Jones, you know, we need the dialectic of how bad they are so they know how good we are.
No, we don't need the dialectic of this giant Hydra cancer that has already damaged the whole planet and it's completely out of control.
Deal with it now!
Cut it out right now!
God Almighty!
We have been living by committee so long and passing the buck so long that the damn world is burning down because a bunch of spoiled brat globalist billionaires want to teach everyone that they can't be capitalist or they can't support Trump or Americans can't have guns or the left's all obsessed with our son's testicles.
The recklessness is letting them go on.
The inaction is action.
It's the worst type of action.
And they fear us because we are the detonator.
Of course I'm trying to detonate the destruction of these people.
Not because I want to step on them to feel big.
They have to be removed!
For our children's future!
These people aren't just corrupt real politic folks that want power.
They want power over life!
They want to wreck things!
They're devilish!
They're diabolical!
They are of Satan!
It took hundreds and hundreds of years of human civilization to build up the world economy to where it is.
Every economist is on record saying that as this economy has been shut down for two months, it is going to be a death sentence to the third world, and a horrible, nightmarish collapse for the first world, and that the general public is going to go into deep, deep debt to the mega banks.
They're not going to have medical ID cards, forced inoculations.
We are now in a giant dystopia.
But a lot of people are waking up, and there is a major backlash taking place against this tyranny, and we must all rediscover our Bill of Rights, rediscover our Constitution and our backbone, and start saying no to people who take this moral high ground and say, shut your business down, shut your life down, it'll save lives.
It's caused millions to already starve to death, tens of millions more.
So the cowards who went along with this with your virtue signaling, you have destroyed your lives and our lives.
As I record this announcement, there's only one week left in the biggest sale yet of 2020.
We will not have this sale that's going on right now in May until our Christmas sale comes up.
All of our best-selling supplements are 30 to 60% off at Infowarestore.com.
Let me just hone in on one of the products.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to your calls, Michael and Nathan and Bob and Robert and Derek and Rick and many others.
Next segment, call a free number to join us, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
First-time callers today on this live Thursday edition.
Now, you have powerful multinational corporations that put Communist China in place and have had one-sided trade deals to de-industrialize the West
And move our jobs there.
And they promised us, oh, we'll be a service economy now.
But now they say that's obsolete.
That that is non-essential.
So this is economic seeds.
This is control.
It's how authoritarians control people, is by controlling the economy.
Third world nations make the decision, in most cases, to keep people poor as a tool of control.
It's called serfdom.
It's called feudalism.
It's called being chattel.
America was the idea of stopping that.
Doesn't mean we were ever perfect about doing it, but we were the idea of stopping it.
And so now here we are with it coming out.
I have the documents right here.
I'll show them to you in a moment.
That Joe Biden and Obama ordered unmasking.
And the spying on General Flynn and President Trump when he was president-elect.
And now it's all come out that Obama lied.
And now Trump's saying he wants to call before Congress to answer for this.
But Trump needs to understand that Bill and Melinda Gates represent the big foundation money.
That Trump was never part of, and the real shadow globalist government that set up the UN, and they're making their move with this COVID-19, and that now that he's sidelining Fauci, and now that all this is coming out, he's got to come out and expose the fake test, and how they count all the regular deaths as COVID.
And he's got to fully destroy the lie, or they're going to keep the blue cities and states shut down, and cause a global depression that's going to be much worse than it already is.
And so only leveling with people will stop this.
And I've seen a lot of signs that Trump's starting to do that.
So this is an epic moment.
It's an incredibly dangerous moment.
The energy level, politically, spiritually, is just pegging right now.
It's an 11 with your spinal tap analogy.
So now is the time to be super aggressive.
Now is the time to be out front.
The good news is internal polls the White House did are mirrored by CNN internal polls.
That's why they're panicking.
Young people are totally turning to Trump.
Despite the fact we're banned everywhere, our traffic's five times what it was.
It's just exploding right now.
So that's another good indicator that they really miscalculated.
Yeah, they may have half the people wanting to be sheeple.
And thinking they're heroes for staying inside, but a large portion of folks for every race, color, and creed get the scam and they know what's going on.
So back in January of 2017, we exposed the president being spied on and CNN attacked us, showed a late night comedy.
And then about a year later, Roger Stone and I broke it all down.
Here's a part of that special report.
One thing that happens when you make as many wild, unproven claims as Trump does is that the people around you have to go to increasingly ridiculous lengths to try to defend those claims.
And this weekend we saw another example of that when White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway was asked if she had any proof for Trump's outlandish claim that Obama wiretapped him during the campaign and offered this bizarre answer.
How does he know that his phone was actually tapped?
Let me answer that globally.
He's the President of the United States.
He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not.
You know what?
Yeah, I'll agree with that.
Trump has intelligence that I definitely do not.
I agree.
Listen, people, one more time.
Trump's accusation is ridiculous and pathetic.
He's suggesting a U.S.
president enlisted a foreign intelligence service to spy on a political adversary.
That is an explosive charge.
This is a serious allegation.
This might be the most serious allegation any president has made against a previous president.
But this is a very serious allegation for a sitting president to make about his predecessor.
Trump tweeted, terrible, just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory.
Nothing found.
This is McCarthyism.
And the other one, how low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process?
This is Nixon Watergate, bad or sick guy.
He said Obama is either bad or sick.
Maybe he means from his compliments.
Sick guy.
Like, yeah, man, he's bad.
He's a bad guy.
The NSA's deputy director told the BBC it was... revealing a complete lack of understanding in how the relationship works.
And for their part, GCHQ called the accusations... And yet, rather than distancing himself from Spicer, Trump decided to back him up.
The craziest thing about Trump calling for an investigation without any evidence...
Zero evidence.
Trump has not produced a shred of evidence.
There was no evidence for Trump's claims?
The evidence did not come.
So where did Trump get his info?
From the CIA?
From the FBI?
Where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
Info Wars.
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on the kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing a
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory, both of which there's no evidence to support.
Major developments again tonight on the Deep State, spying on the Trump campaign.
James Clapper, Barack Obama's former Director of National Intelligence, is actually today saying it was a good thing that the Trump campaign had a spy for the FBI in their campaign during an election?
It turns out, according to new reports, the FBI may have had a spy in or interacting with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
A government spy in the campaign.
Remember when Trump was ridiculed by everyone when he said, you know, I was wiretapped?
He speaks in shorthand at Twitter, I was wiretapped, or whatever that tweet was.
He meant surveilled.
Yeah, he meant surveilled.
He was right.
He was absolutely right.
Judge Andrew Napolitano was the first one to call this.
Look, this has to be seen in context.
Not only did they use a phony, fabricated dossier as the underlying legal rationale
For the spying on the Republican candidate for president, using the power and the authority and the capability of the state to spy on one of the two major party candidates, an abuse of power, but now they infiltrated the Trump campaign with a FBI agent.
This makes Watergate look like small potatoes.
This is Watergate on steroids.
Remember the Nixon scandal?
It was about a third-rate burglary.
This is a deep state political hit job now spying on an opposition party campaign, FBI spies, during an election.
A human intelligence asset may have been inserted in your political rival's campaign?
I mean, how this isn't front page news on every newspaper across the globe is stunning.
We have a cabal of FBI agents who took it upon themselves
If that's the case, this is not America.
We don't have a constitution.
This is something you'd expect from the former Soviet Union, Venezuela.
I'm not saying this as a Republican or Conservative.
I find it frightening that the power of the federal government could be used in this manner in the middle of a political season with spurious or scant evidence.
All right, folks.
For TV viewers, here it is.
Office of Director of National Intelligence.
May 13, 2020.
They just released it, as you know.
And here it is.
Joe Biden all up spying and the White House spying on Trump.
So, yeah.
Next year's news today, you bet.
By the way, our source on all this was the former Director of Operations for the NSA, William Benny.
So, yeah, that's where we get this unfounded stuff.
The America that we've known and loved, the America that was the land of the free, home of the brave, is dying right now.
And everything our enemies are doing is about domesticating us, shutting us down, and making us dependent on them.
The food shortages have begun.
The depression is going to be long and very, very serious.
In fact, it's probably too late now to even turn back.
Trump tried to stop it.
But the mainstream media working with the shy comms blocked it.
That's why you and myself, everybody else, has to get prepared now.
Do not wait.
It's not about the virus.
It's about the economic chaos that's going to be unleashed in the next six months to a year.
Get your high-quality, storable foods at InfoWarsaw.com.
They're available again, but for a limited time.
The food supply is running out.
There are major shortages.
This is a globalist siege, a globalist lockdown, globalist terrorism.
But we the people, the patriots, have to be prepared.
We've already been proven right about prepping so far.
We'll get ready to be really proven right.
Get your storable foods now at infomorestore.com.
Make a friend with death.
It's a saying so old that no one knows who first said it.
Every culture has their own way of
Memorializing that simple statement, but you don't want to make a friend of the death of civilization and the death of the human species.
The moment of truth is now here.
We are facing the post-human era, and I've been warning you for many years that they would use a global viral crisis to click, put us in the cage, and then roll out the robot takeover.
This is just the beta test.
China's moving out of beta and into operational control.
In just a few years, we will be under full globalist control.
Forced inoculations, total surveillance.
We're all being taught that we are obsolete.
The term they use is non-essential.
This is not some dystopian novel.
This is reality.
This is the New World Order.
This is Satanism.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
InfoWars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Shortest straw.
Shortest straw has been pulled for you.
I pulled the shortest straw.
I'm glad I did.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna go to your phone calls throughout the rest of the transmission.
We have a special guest popping in, studio.
But look at this New York Times article.
They have a whole section called Information War now.
They have a whole section calling themselves the Resistance.
Get ready for Vaccine Information War.
My wife actually showed me this article this morning.
And then it goes on to say, not only are we going to censor everybody that says vaccines might hurt you, which is an admitted fact, we need to mobilize the left to crush the people that don't want vaccines.
They got another article going, oh, look at all these Instagram women.
All these young supermodels are turning against the vaccines and are now suddenly pro-Trump.
Yeah, one of them is Dara McRae's daughter.
And Darren didn't call up her and tell her to do this.
She wanted to talk about it to her millions of followers.
Now there it is, the New York Times panics.
After Instagram influencers with millions of followers start going down the rabbit hole and the things these women say in here.
I mean, I got up at like 6 a.m.
this morning.
I slept in.
That's late for me.
And I read this whole article and I was like, wait a minute.
There's Jeremy McBrain's daughter right there with her millions of followers, but keeps scrolling down.
And they're like, we need to ban these women.
Shut them up.
Now there's McBrain's daughter.
Anyways, the point is, is that when you read the stuff these women say, it's so powerful.
You know, I said I'd go to your calls, and I am going to go to the calls.
But guys, will you print me that article again?
I know it's here, but... You know what?
I'll hit that start of the next hour.
Just, no, no.
Here it is, here it is.
Read what one of these women said.
Because now they're going to bully the young models.
Who, by the way, have been pretty Democrat.
By the way, the word is from these ladies is... Yeah, there's McBrain's daughter right here.
The word is from these ladies is they're not gonna shut up now.
I remember when she was like a little girl.
Let me read what this one woman said here.
Here we go.
These women are all choosing life, by the way.
Look at this, Anna Wood.
I was able to take a screenshot of 1.24 million tweets before they deleted hashtag Obamagate.
And these women are like, hey, I was a liberal.
But now that you're trying to silence everyone, I'm not.
I'm pro-human.
You've got to read what these women are saying.
Because, look, we've got this hanging up in the office, this map of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and the Globalist Bilderberg meeting.
This is what supermodels are tweeting out now?
That's what I'm telling you.
We have all these stations calling up going, hey, we didn't used to carry your show.
Can we have it now in prime time?
We apologize.
We know you're right.
We thought you were crazy.
Hey, I know I sound crazy.
The truth is insane.
I don't blame folks that thought I was full of crap.
Because it's insane that you would actually have this going on.
This is what one of the women said.
This is what the New York Times says they want banned.
They're saying, shut her up.
The combination of March-April has been comparable to a bad acid trip that never ends.
After 24 years, my perception of reality has been shattered.
Work feels pointless.
Life feels pointless.
I feel dehumanized.
The people around me suddenly seem dull and brainwashed.
Because they're not tied into God, sweetheart.
Television has lost its appeal.
Yeah, exactly.
You're opening up the universe.
I fluctuate between hating myself for being so oblivious for 24 years, that's natural, that's healthy, and then wishing I'd never learned any of this in the first place.
I feel alone and almost psychotic to realize how much the world around me has been built on lies and me questioning my own sanity on a daily basis.
There's a reason most people choose to stay brainwashed.
Reality is awful when you realize who actually runs the world and how limited your freedom actually is.
There are some doors that can't be closed.
That's only phase one.
Fight back, you're going to be exhilarated.
But yeah, you're seeing how sinful you are.
I don't mean sin like you have sex or you drink a beer.
I mean, you've been going along with a program that's destroying you when the real program will empower you for a trillion generations.
And you're part of a bloodline.
You're part of a saga.
You're all your ancestors living now in you.
You will not betray them.
And they're pissed at you!
Of course they're pissed!
They demand victory!
And we're going to give it to them!
You look at these Satanists like Zuckerberg and Gates, they're pathetic.
They look like slaves because they are slaves.
All their money and all their power is nothing but a big weight around their neck.
These are the people that bowed to evil.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls.
But that's what we're dealing with here.
Get ready for the vaccine info war.
Yeah, they're coming.
The New York Times says if you don't take a shot, you don't have a job or fly on an airplane.
And the big tech companies are illegally spying on you with governments to see if you're social distancing.
And now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with the global initiative of the Clintons.
Chaired by Chelsea, has access to all this data from Big Tech, and is tracking you in real time, and creating a million person army of young, power-tripping leftists to come to your house and take your children from you, and it's already happening in Australia.
And you're like, well that'll cause a civil war.
That's the plan.
So, let's stop them now, politically, before they get the war they want.
Because they know, intellectually, we're beating them.
They know, spiritually, we're beating them.
So what do you do when you're losing a chess game?
You turn the table over and you're a jerk.
And that's what this whole thing is.
But as long as we expose that they're the ones that bankrupted the economy, they're the ones in the lockdown, they're the ones that lied about the COVID numbers, they're the ones that, as long as we expose them, no one wants to read their propaganda.
Brian Stelter puts out a tweet.
He gets like a hundred retweets.
Some random housewife telling the truth, puts it out, she gets five million.
Then they ban her.
Doesn't matter.
Then more people activate.
You cannot stop us all.
You will not stop us all.
We have a destiny.
We have a desire.
We have a will to live.
We will live.
And you're the ones that put us in a trance and made us weak.
We're breaking out of the trance.
We're strong and we're beautiful.
Our souls are beautiful.
I don't care what you physically look like.
If you love God and you love justice, you are beautiful.
And you are the seal of the universe.
And it's that realization that will make you blossom.
God's waiting.
God's not like Satan that comes up and sneaks around and tricks you out of your common sense and tricks you out of your will.
God's just right there saying, I'm knocking at the door, but you got to let me in.
I just, I'm totally truthful.
You gotta take my hand though, you gotta do it.
And you're gonna get attacked for this, but it's not gonna matter.
Once you electrically tie in to the Spirit, there's no more fear anymore.
There's sadness.
With great knowledge comes great sadness because you see people serving Satan and death and you wish they could see what you see.
You wish they could commune with you.
You wish you could save them, but you can't save them because they won't let their heart open up.
I'm going to go to break.
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Thank you.
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I was talking to my wife tonight and I was saying, our economy slowing down and shutting down is like shooting a deer and it runs 100 yards before it knows it's been shot and then it finally dies.
She said, well yeah, when I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, one time there was an argument in the street and another man shot another man in the head.
And the man that got shot in the head had blood pouring out a huge hole.
He was holding it.
He walked around gibbering, talking nonsense for about 60 seconds, and then just fell over dead.
Well, that's what's going to happen with our economy.
It is in cardiac arrest.
This has been done by design.
And the UN, the CHICOMS, the mainstream media orchestrated it, hyped it, and tried to keep the economy closed.
So remember, the depression that's coming and the third world collapse is all on the UN, on Bill and Melinda Gates, on Obama, on Hillary, on Biden, on the Democrats.
We tried to stop it, we tried to fight it, but you guys said you wanted to wreck America and the world, and now you've done it.
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Infowarsstore.com and we're already talking to our suppliers and some of them are saying we may not take orders in a few months.
I may not ever be able to get products again.
Things are collapsing so bad folks.
This is total depression.
The infrastructure is going down.
Get the products while you still can.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to your calls right now.
President Trump just came out and made another statement.
I was getting a cup of coffee, watched it as he came off Air Force One saying, the Democrats don't want to open the economy, it's political, it's about
Making me lose the election.
He's being attacked for that.
The Democrats admit that's what they're doing.
It's the globalists.
But it's deeper than that.
It's the chi-coms.
He has to go on the offense about the fake numbers, the fake testing, how they're counting all the dead as this.
If you look at the statistics, we're right at where you'd be normally for death each day.
From where we were last year.
The old people dying.
Nobody likes it.
It's the facts of life.
They just moved that over in the column.
And I know as listeners, you know that.
But if we don't get that out, we're going to have real death.
In the fourth hour, we break that down.
There's a big article on Infowars.com.
How many Asians, how many Africans have to starve to death for the left to defeat Trump?
I don't just go off polls because most of them are fake, but they have internal polls that are going on.
And I've been talking to folks that are involved in them.
When the Democrats came out in the last two weeks to blame Trump, it backfired.
Because everybody knows it came from China.
Everybody has now learned that Fauci's involved and Bill Gates is involved.
And the Internet's done its job.
Even with the censorship, people now know.
And they know Trump, it isn't his fault.
And now everybody's talking about all the people starving to death.
300,000 a day, the UN says.
Is that number accurate?
That's how many people are on this planet.
There's 7.5 billion folks.
There's normally about 100,000 starving to death every week or so.
It's 300,000 a day right now.
They get debilitated.
They get malnutrition.
You get a common cold.
You D-I-E.
And every leftist I've talked to is a sicko.
They're not.
They use race to control everybody.
When you get down to brass tacks, they'll tell you when you go to one of these abortion clinics to protest.
And I told you about this 20 years ago before there was video.
Now there's all these videos where you'll have an Asian or black doctor walk out and go, I can't even quote it or they'll take it out of context and say, I said it.
They'll come out and say, you know, nobody wants these black people.
What are you going to adopt them?
We need to get rid of these people.
I mean, you've seen this attitude.
Totally writing off people.
And that's what this is, folks.
That's what all this sick behavior is.
And for me, it's not some virtue signal to be against it.
I'm not into killing kids, man.
And I'm not signing on to it.
Because I'm not going to hell.
Oh, hell doesn't exist, Bill Gates.
Oh, there's no God.
Yeah, right.
Because you think you're God and you're playing God.
There is a God and you're going to burn for it, buddy.
I've seen hell.
Yeah, I'll leave it at that.
And it's the absence of God.
Truth is, God doesn't have to do anything to these evil people.
He just dumps them all in together.
Can you imagine being, for eternity, locked up with Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton?
I'll take a lake of fire over that any day.
But it's a burning, because they love death.
They want to burn up creation.
So the burning is them.
I mean, look how pathetic Stephen Colbert is.
What a sack of garbage he is.
What a fake, plastic piece of filth he is.
Big buddies with John and Tony Podesta.
A slimy sack of crap.
Look at his eyes.
He thinks he's so important.
Two sick fake demons talking about the collapse of society, giggling and laughing, because it's a joke on us.
Joke's on you, buddy.
You think you're going to get away with this without God?
Terry, do you metaphysically live from limb?
You're stupid.
So you keep having your fun and keep smiling, because you're not going to be smiling forever, Jack.
Rick in Florida, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for rolling.
Great to get through to you.
How are you?
I'm all right.
I'm pretty fired up.
I see you're talking about families, children being grabbed out of their homes.
Let's show footage around the world of them grabbing little kids away from their mothers because they dare go outside.
If you work at a big store, you're allowed to be outside.
But if you're just an average person, you stay in your house and you die!
This is exactly what I'm calling about.
Um, a couple of weeks ago, the world was shocked when we heard the WHO Director, Pedro, state that we need to go to work in the families and remove family members with dignity.
Now we have a Broward County, Florida Administrator.
Her name is Bertha Henry.
She's making the same statements.
Oh yeah, and now Bill and Melinda Gates with the Clinton Foundation, which Chelsea runs it, have a computer program with Apple and Google, where they just decide, they're now saying, if you were around someone with COVID, we're going to take your children.
So they want to get us used to the image of the police taking our children away.
And are the cops dumb enough to be part of this?
Looks like they are.
Well, some of them are.
Actually, I am a law enforcement officer, and I'm appalled.
By the way, I'm not kissing your ass.
On average, cops are more like the general public.
I was talking about Australia.
So what are you... A, you don't want to do that morally.
B, how dangerous is that when you start going out to take kids?
Well, what I'm calling about specifically is on Tuesday, the Broward County Council, they had a Zoom workshop.
And Bertha Henry, who's an unelected county administrator, she's the one
Not DeSantis.
She's the one who ordered our businesses closed.
She's the one who ordered us to wear masks.
She's the one who closed our beaches and closed our parks.
She's the one who collects $347,000 a year.
She made statements that we're going to start going into family homes and separate individuals and isolate them.
And, you know, Broward County is the most liberal
I don't need to tell you your job.
Do you realize how dangerous that is if you start going grabbing people's kids?
No, I know, but there are some police that will follow that order.
But I've sent you the video.
We need to get this video out.
The people in Broward County need to wake up and realize that their families... What email addresses did you send it to, sir?
And what was the subject?
The subject was... It said, um, COVID-19 contact tracing.
Broward County removing family members from homes.
And was that at Showtips?
We'll get it right now.
I sent it to Chips and I sent it to the whistleblower.
And we need to get this out.
It needs national attention.
No, I agree because they want the power, because it's the WHO that runs this, whether it's Japan, whether it's Australia, whether it's the U.S., they want contact tracing where bureaucrats in the Democratic Party call you and then are the non-governmental boss of the police and then order you who to go grab.
Can you imagine how rife for abuse that's going to be?
It's appalling.
I understand who runs this.
I understand that if HR 6666 passes, we'll have $100 billion a year for these corrupt bureaucrats like Bertha Henry.
She'll be paid off.
To carry this out.
To play God.
Stop this.
And again, anyone that's ever had a normal cold has the antibodies for COVID-19.
So it makes everybody suspect.
Isn't this a genius takeover plan?
I have friends who are nurses who work in the COVID wards here in Broward County Hospital.
And what they tell me is it's a complete and total hoax.
We've got a hospital here that there are three patients in there that came from nursing homes and they're not even sick.
They're not sick other than normal ailments that people in their 80s have had.
Sure, exactly.
Well, again, people are like, well, why would they choose something like a cold virus?
Because everybody's got it.
And so now everyone is suspect.
So every death they can say is that.
And they can throttle it up or throttle it down.
God bless you and I really appreciate you coming on the show.
Let's get Rick's name and number off record so maybe he can pop on with Robert Barnes tonight for the show he's doing and give his testimony because it's so important.
Thank you so much, sir, and thank you.
All right, I got to one caller.
I'm gonna come back in two minutes, and I'm gonna do two calls in that little segment, and we'll do five calls in the next one.
Rick, and Jeremy, and Glenn, and Michael, and Nathan, and Robert, and Derek.
We'll get to all of you, but that's what's so crazy, is I don't just believe that caller.
He sounds credible.
But, trust me, verify.
I already know it's all true!
And imagine, oh, Google said you were around somebody had COVID.
We're coming to take your kids away.
It's gonna start a civil war, folks.
We are 170 days out from the 2020 election.
It is a referendum of national sovereignty against globalism.
And Obama, Hillary, and the deep state have been caught attempting to overthrow President Trump's election, and they've been caught in two separate coup attempts against the President.
Now, they've been pushing COVID-19 to shut down the economy and create a depression, while China's already been open for business for more than a month.
This is an ongoing globalist attempt to punish the American people, wreck our economy, and hope that we won't recognize that it is they, the New World Order, that have orchestrated this and not President Trump.
They know their crimes are coming out.
They know the chickens are coming home to roost.
So now they're panicking and trying to steal the 2020 election with mail-in ballots based on keeping the public safe from COVID-19.
The entire COVID-19 system is a giant hoax and must be exposed if America has any hope.
So get out there and expose this fraud.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friend's the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety, the delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because there was only the mirage of safety.
Movies and partying and living like children.
Never growing up, never caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God,
They were brought into captivity because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies and then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
Compliance and going along with this system leads to absolute bondage.
Infowars has decided to fight for freedom.
Infowars has had great victory thanks to your support and your prayers.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What I hate is looking out and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.
What I hate is hitting roadblocks on a highway in my way.
Humanity has been asleep, but we're awakening.
And the technocrats that think they're so powerful are about to get their asses handed to them.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
You heard a police officer calling from Broward County.
Are you sure?
Chicago pledging allegiance to the New World Order.
That's coming up.
But let's go to your calls right now.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Michael in my hometown of Dallas.
Now under Democrat control.
Michael, what are you seeing up there in Big D?
All right.
Hey, what's going on?
Hey, I got some cluster bombs to throw out to you and the Infowars here.
Let me get these out.
I'll try to knock them off real fast so you can comment or ask questions or whatever.
But first one is, I know you're aware of Event 201, but in Section 7 on the website for Event 201, as well as on their YouTube channel, there's a YouTube called UN Chief on COVID-19 and misinformation.
Section 7 talks about the need to flood the media and the need for a public-private partnership to flood and overcome all the misinformation and disinformation so as to offset, you know, truth, basically, right?
Oh yeah, the New York Times is saying, you know, censor everyone, flood them, make the Americans submit, and they say the WHO is the boss, so we're under UN global government attack, but of course we're doing it under the medical banner.
Oh, the medical people, we can trust them.
Yeah, and I learned about that through Event 202.
You can look that up as well on YouTube.
It's a good thing.
The other thing is, I know you're familiar with, of course, the Rockefeller Foundation and all of its doings.
But right around the turn of the century, when they gave us the IRS and the Federal Reserve, they actually overtook the medical community and kind of hijacked that.
And if you look up, there was actually a battle between Louis Pasteur's germ theory and terrain theory.
There was an interview that David Icke helped make possible, because he talked to the gentleman who does London Real, and Andy Kaufman got on there.
There's really a lot to be discussed here, because it boils down to whether germs cause these things, or whether they come from within, right?
And so that really begs the question, what's really going on here?
Look up Stefan Lanka, S-T-E-F-A-N Lanka, A-L-A-N-K-A.
He's out of Germany, he's a doctor, and he won a German Supreme Court showing that measles virus does not exist.
He won a Supreme Court decision on this because somebody challenged him.
He threw down a gauntlet.
This is a big, long-standing, 100-year-plus misinformation campaign that viruses are coming from outside of us.
They come from within us.
So they'll look up terrain theory, and I'd be really interested in hearing your thoughts on that.
Well, I mean, all these different schools of thoughts always fight with each other, and some schools of thoughts have no validity, others have a mix of validity, some are, under deep study, end up being pretty much right.
Obviously, viruses come from within you, because the virus is going to the cells and program the mitochondria to mass-produce the virus.
And so, a compromised or diseased person
Is going to be easier for viruses to go into and replicate and turn your body into a factory.
It's an outside force coming in and programming it.
So there's truth in both those schools of thought.
I don't think one school of thought or the other is accurate.
Does that make sense?
Dig deeper, dig deeper because there's a microbiome and look up Royal Rife.
He was a scientist in the 30s.
I know all about it.
Frequencies and all that.
You know all about Royal Rife?
Yeah, I mean, and I know the frequencies affect our bodies.
There you go, there you go.
All right, brother, I appreciate your call.
Beautiful stuff.
All right.
Jeremy, CJ, Nathan, Glenn, Robert and Derek, your calls are T-minus 60 seconds away.
But whatever you do, don't tell folks to tune into the program.
We don't want to defeat the club.
Just keep info war secret.
The panic that has been orchestrated by the global corporatist media and the chi-coms is going to now trigger a worldwide depression.
In fact, we're already into the worldwide depression and the death sentence for the third world.
But it's critical to understand that the longer the shutdown persists, the worse it's going to be.
A month of shutdown will destroy decades of wealth that's been built up in a complex economy.
That's why we've always said it's important to be a prepper and to be somewhat self-sufficient because the globalists want to make us all dependent so that we're under their control.
They've admitted all of this.
So remember, how does InfoWars continue years and decades, in many cases, to be able to predict things before they happen?
Because we're following the globalist blueprint and their battle plan.
And yes, it's dystopic.
And yes, it's scary.
But denying it and letting them carry it out is a thousand times more scary.
It's time to stop the denial and realize what's really happening.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, if you ever wanted to see Terran here getting a front row seat to it, finding out which part of the country
Is Philamerica what parts aren't?
New York City!
Woman handcuffed by police for not fully wearing her mask.
Live media coverage of COVID-19 has been so bad, the clenched COVID fist of government.
Those are some of the stories up on Infowars.com.
We'll get to that video a little bit later, but...
Oh, you're a hero if you attack people.
You're a hero if you take people to jail.
You're a hero if you do all this.
But the airlines are open.
People are flying in from all over the world with the supposed COVID-19.
This is creating a hysteria, creating a mental illness because you do have deaths from the cold viruses and the flu viruses and the pneumonia viruses.
And now they're going to fetishize it and make every event a huge hysteria to lock down society and make us dysfunctional.
It's the sabotage of the human civilization, so we accept the driverless cars and the robots delivering our food.
This is part of humanity becoming kept slaves.
This is The Takeover.
Let's go to Glenn in Kansas.
Glenn, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
We all know that one of the greatest tools of the enemy is the media.
The pandemic scam would never have been possible without the media enabling that.
They enable the attacks on Trump.
They hide the vaccine damage.
So we need a bunch of strategies to take action against them.
I know that's what you do every day, but I'm just emphasizing none of these problems are possible without what they do.
And it's all monkey see, monkey do.
Oh, wear the mask.
And even ads on Fox News show the people doing the ads from their homes.
It's just all like, oh, we're heroes.
We're doing it to stop the increase, to cut the number down.
And it's all made up.
And now they tell us it's never going to end.
No, we're not.
We're never going to go back to school.
We're never going to.
We can't ever leave our houses again.
What an insane power grab.
Glenn, I appreciate your call.
Anything else?
All right, there he goes.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Derek in Oklahoma, which we call North Texas.
You're on the air, Derek.
Well, I am a fellow Texan, sir.
Yeah, if you're not angry, something's wrong with you.
You're not bleeding red, white and blue.
I want to know why Trump don't open this back up, but you said he was naive.
I'm thinking he's either incompetent or he's controlled opposition.
He's violated his oath of office by taking our steps, stomping on our rocks.
Well, he has said he wants to totally reopen, but what does he do with the states, the counties, and the cities ignore him?
Well, all these mayors and governors and him himself, if they violate the Constitution, according to the Constitution, they should be removed from office immediately.
Well, actually, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin told the Milwaukee mayor and others that you can't do a lockdown because it is unconstitutional to say you're all prisoners.
This is all just color of law intimidation.
Well, Trump's the most powerful man on the Earth.
He can change it.
He can stop all this.
He can go tell Fauci and Gates and all of them to go pound sand.
No, I agree.
I'm not defending Trump, but I'm telling you, he did just sideline Fauci.
And then look at Gates and all them attacking, and Fauci attacking Trump.
So, I mean, I hear what you're saying.
What do you think Trump should do?
He should reopen this sucker up and get us back to, he should just honor his oath to the Constitution.
None of this would be happening.
Well said.
Thank you, sir.
in Michigan, where they've got big demonstrations going on today that the governor threatened police with.
What ended up happening up there?
Says you're military active army on COVID-19.
What's your take for Michigan, C.J.?
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Appreciate it.
Long-time listener, first-time caller over 10 years.
I was actually up on the steps of that Capitol waving that green stripe, blue stripe flag if you've seen it on all the channel news for the first time on the gridlock.
I did just want to call and say,
To help crowdsource, you know, it's a culture war.
You talk about it, it's really what it is.
We try to get everybody above us to do these things, but you know, it is up to us at the end of the day.
So, just in sharing your information, I actually, to get people to even listen to it, you know, all these people around me, very smart people, they might lean this way or that way, but you know, if you go to your phone and you kind of just save the video, screen record,
Just take a little grid option and I'll take the logo out of it, just a little bit.
You know, the Vaccine Summit, the leader, you know, the health, food health program there.
I mean, all of them, the doctors and just share the information that way.
And I just get such a big response from it because unfortunately, people, if they choose not to believe something, even though it's, you know, valid in your face information, they'll just forget it.
But yeah, we're still up here in Michigan fighting the good fight.
I appreciate it.
I joined the Army out of the Good Fort in Houston there, San Antonio.
Lived in Austin for quite a few years, so appreciate everything you're doing.
Worked in those same film studios, so we got a lot of people that just need to keep sharing this information, and it's up to us at the end of the day, so.
Anything you can do to get people, intelligent people that don't want to believe to see the information.
That's just a little tidbit that I've been actually able to sway some.
What you're saying is action is victory, compliance is death.
Everybody just needs to be heard, get out, spread articles, spread videos.
I was talking to some of the crew.
They've been sent 10 times or more the last day.
A clip where I said a week ago, Trump has sidelined Fauci for fraud.
Well, they're all doing it through instant messengers and through Facebook messengers.
They won't let you post it on Facebook, but the instant messengers is what got Bolsonaro elected despite censorship in Brazil.
So people are finding ways to get around all this right now, and people are very hungry for the truth.
CJ, thank you so much.
God bless you, sir.
Okay, let's take another phone call here.
Who's up next?
Let's talk to Nathan in Michigan.
Another caller from Michigan.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
I'm all right, man.
Crazy times.
Three things I want to say, and then I got a question for you at the end.
So, first thing, I had a teacher, I'm in school at Henry Ford for biotechnology, so I had a professor that actually worked at the Wuhan lab, and you know, of course, he said,
Oh no, it came from a bat.
Of course he gave me a look like, you really think I'm going to tell you what really happened?
So I actually took it upon myself to go and interview the hospitals in this area.
And when I went to go upload it, it only let me on Facebook upload Garden City Hospital, which supposedly they have COVID patients there.
But I went to the two other ones, and I went to, one was closed, and I got a video of a woman there saying, we're completely closed, there ain't a single patient here with COVID or anything else for that matter.
And I got an interview with another hospital that, you know, the guy basically said, we're getting our hours cut, we're below capacity, there's nothing going on here.
So I want to expose that.
And then another thing I did is on April 30th, I was in the Capitol at Lansing there, here in Michigan.
And, you know, they had some cute people out there and everything else.
And I actually had some of your stickers and I left them with a sticker.
I left one on the ground by this guy had a cue stand set up there.
So I left on the ground and kind of a secretive way for him to find the little sticker that says IMQinfoWars.com.
So, uh, that was fun.
But, uh...
And all you're doing is bankrupting the economy, so we all go into debt, the bankers take over.
It's a very simple equation.
Oh, you want prosperity?
We'll punish you.
We'll show you.
All right, more calls straight ahead on the other side.
We're going to go to Kosti and Robert and Skyler and Jim and Jeremy and Mark and others straight ahead on the other side.
And then Robert Barnes on the huge developments in the Flynn case, the deep state coup against the president and more.
He'll be in studio coming up to talk about that.
And then Owen Schroer takes over with the War Room at 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I've hunted a lot of big game at long distances with high caliber rifles, and when you shoot an elk at say 600 yards, even if you hit them right in the heart, they'll still run 50, 60, 70, maybe 100 yards.
They've got that adrenaline pumping through their arteries and through their veins, but all of a sudden they slow down, they realize what's happened, they fall over, and they die.
Then you go back them and haul them back in.
Well, that's what's going to happen to the entire world now.
And that's what the economic numbers show, is that we've been shot right in the heart.
And for the first world, it's going to mean a long, horrible depression and a lot of death.
Well, for the third world, it's going to mean probably over 100 million dead, according to the UN, and I believe their numbers.
Because it's the very UN that's orchestrated this to depopulate the third world.
So to all the leftists that thought it was their revolution to get rid of Trump, you're a bunch of suckers and you bought into something bigger than what Hitler did.
One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast.
And I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimony.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have it, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I hid it from the nurses.
I got it.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Freedom Command Central, it's the Alex Jones Show!
Look, it really is common sense.
When we give up on common sense values, we become slaves.
This is the way it works.
And the globalist corporate system just wants domesticated people, so you're out of the way, so they control you.
They don't want innovators.
They don't want independent people.
They don't want a middle class.
That's all it is.
And so, they're like, oh, you're not going along with our New World Order.
We'll just bankrupt the whole world economy.
They will say that every death
From the common cold is the end of the world!
And create this fear!
And sycophantically tell you how you're heroes because you go along with it.
But as Mark Twain said, a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.
And the truth's putting its pants on right now.
And this whole hoax is imploding faster than you can say lickety-split.
In California, active military, Coast Guard on COVID-19 and vaccines.
What's your take on this whole globalist power grab?
Well, Alex, I think it's a little bit, you know, conceited of them the way they're going about everything.
At the same time, you know, it's scary for me because, you know, being active military, they pump you full of every vaccine they have.
You know, it's kind of, you know, been on my mind a lot, you know, starting to listen to you.
You know, just in the past six months or so.
I mean, my dad's been listening to you forever, but, you know, I don't know how I would go about, you know, denying that vaccine if I could even deny it.
Because, you know... Well, let me tell you, if it's experimental, they're not even allowed to give it to the military.
But the military isn't usually aware of that, so they use military as guinea pigs.
So it's wrong, but the military bucked the anthrax shots and they had to stop giving them.
Yeah, they, you know...
That's what's scary because the military, you know, you have this group of people who have no choice but to be tested on to an extent.
I know back in the 70s and 80s they were doing mind control stuff for the Air Force and all sorts of other crazy things.
You know, what's to say they're not going to, you know, the first wave of these vaccines tested out on the military?
Oh, I think you're absolutely right.
And again, I'm not even defending the government itself.
The government's we the people.
You have compartmentalized groups that carry out these crimes.
They've been caught engaged in these crimes, and that's why good people have to say no to stuff that's unconstitutional.
Because just because you waived some of your rights during the military, you don't sign up to be a guinea pig for unapproved drugs.
The law is they cannot give you experimental vaccines.
Yeah, it's just you have to have those people who are strong-willed enough and God-fearing people to say no.
You gotta have officers that throw it in the trash and say you took a shot.
It's time to stop complying.
The damn things don't protect you.
Believe me, the officers aren't taking those vaccines, brother.
No, no, no.
It's gonna be the lower enlisted, and unfortunately that's what I am.
Oh yeah, they squirt it in the trash.
They tell the nurse you bumped up that in the trash can.
They're not taking that stuff.
Not as if I took it.
But, you know, another thing that I was saying, you know, the Coast Guard itself has been, you know,
Doing a lot of publicity, you know, our Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard, you know, the highest-ranking enlisted person, posting pictures on Facebook of him going and getting his blood taken for this antibody stuff.
And it's, you know, trying to, you know, propagate it out there as, this is a good thing, guys, go do it.
And it's just, everybody's falling into the trap.
And it's sad to see.
Well, we've got the statistics.
That this doesn't kill as many people as the flu does.
So it's a giant hoax.
And it's meant to shut down the economy.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call, sir.
All right, let's take another one here.
Let's talk to Skyler in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks.
Yeah, I called in to talk about Obama and the breakthrough in General Flynn's case, and thanks to your reporting and everything, we know all roads lead to Obama and his cabal of crooks going after the Trump presidency, but this information is like a needle in a haystack right now.
I wanted to touch on that and also have another point about the topic of Obama.
Yeah, you're on air, brother.
Lay it on us.
All right, well, I'll tell you, I sort of had a divine intervention moment when I was watching Obama's speech at the media dinner there, where his last words were, Obama out, and he had his mic drop moment.
I thought that was suspicious, so I did a little research and thought, does Obama out translate to anything else?
And it does.
It translates to, the king is dead, in Sudanese and Yoruba.
And at the time, I was listening to a gospel song that was singing, the king is alive, and I think Jesus is king and is alive in our faith.
And enough said, right?
However, as I was researching this, I also found out that Obama translates directly to inhale death in Sudanese and Somali.
What do you think about that?
Obama is a demon.
He is a horrible, sickening, filthy person.
And we know that he is.
I mean, so yeah, like his first big speech was in Cairo to launch the Islamic attack on the West.
He got caught funding the Muslim Brotherhood out of Kenya.
Absolute God-hating, America-hating piece of trash.
Yeah, well, I think what's going on here is that the enemy has enabled and kind of created a huge rhythmic drift cycle.
And people are caught in it right now with the economy being shut down.
Oh, well, the average leftist even knows now it's about getting rid of Trump.
It's a little, oh, we're all getting our money.
Like all these big leftist universities are giving their students money back and they're giving the employees raises.
But then the average person with a business tries to go get the money, you can't ever get it.
So this is a giant wealth transfer by the deep state.
I know why Trump tried to prop it up.
He believed, you know, he was trying to keep the economy going, but he's been screwed at every level.
And it's a giant mess, Skylar.
God bless you.
Appreciate the call.
Jim in Dallas, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Hey, who's been screwed is the American people by these.
Power abusing government bureaucrats.
And just the way President Trump can create the Space Force, because he owns the Administrative Division, he can do whatever he wants, he should create a Bureau of Government Oversight, where their only job would be to protect citizens from these abuses of power like with the FISA stuff.
I agree.
Instead of the FBI, there's a government bureau that goes after government bureaucrats.
Yes, sir.
Boy, they wouldn't want that, would they?
No, they wouldn't, but he can do it tomorrow.
All he has to do is say, uh, Justice Department, or, or, he could use the JAG Corps in the military.
Um, I'm assigning you this, put 10 percent, or 50 percent of your budget in, and he needs no approval of Congress to do this.
This is why it works.
No, you're right.
That's how presidents have created all these bureaucracies.
How about he gets rid of a few of the bureaucracies, too?
That'd be good, too.
This is to protect the citizens from those employees that we can't vote for.
They're there, and unfortunately that law that they passed that makes it impossible, basically, to fire people in the administrative branch.
Administrative, whatever.
They stay in place and they can abuse the power, just like the IRS abuses, right?
Or other systems like Schaefer-Cox that have had their rights ripped away because of these guys.
The Flynn case is the time to do it.
What do you make of the judge in the Flynn case saying she may still put him in jail, or he may still put him in jail?
I mean, the judge has never even had the power to do that.
This is like totally rogue government here.
It is, and the only way to remove a guy like that is the impeachment process.
Congress needs to get off their butt and start doing their oversight job and removing the judges like this guy.
No, I agree, because they've created another branch of government with these judges.
Great points, Jim.
Thank you.
Alright, speaking of that, Robert Barnes is going to be here.
We'll continue with your calls as well.
We're going to talk to him.
And then in the fourth hour, we have a special guest.
Host taking over.
Jason Jones has a bunch of big people joining him as well.
We're not supposed to be on the air.
We're supposed to be shut down, but thanks to you we're still on air.
Feudalism in the ancient world from Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, was the most common form of government.
You had a ruling class, the nobility, the king and queen sitting on top of it, and the rest of the public were kept at a subsistence, starving level.
For control.
In fact, in most cultures, they called the peasants the little people because they were usually a foot or more shorter than the lords and ladies because they kept them, again, at a starving level.
They were so busy trying to survive, they would never try to challenge the entrenched elite.
Well, now all the big Google owners and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, the Jeff Bezoses of the world, they're sitting back on their giant estates with their jet helicopters and private jets, living the life, laughing at you, shut down, going bankrupt in the third world, starving to death.
Their religion is power and control, and they are pressing that advantage against us.
We must break free from these monsters.
The lockdown is permanent dictatorship.
The lockdown is designed to have the public accept their basic rights being suspended in a global medical tyranny led by the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in full control.
Many will submit through fear.
Others will be bought off.
But in the end, the globalists admit they're building
A post-human world.
And now that we're inside the cage, it's going to move very, very quickly into its endgame.
Submission to this is a form of living death and committing the next generation and our own generation to a living hell that cannot be imagined until you're actually experiencing this.
This is your dignity, your soul, your future being poured inside out.
This is a
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We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We have constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes here with us, and I will continue with a few of your calls in the next segment as well.
Then Roger Stone's personal lawyer is going to be on with us to talk about the whole General Flynn, Paul Manafort situation.
But Robert Barnes is here.
He's doing the specialty show we've been doing the last few months, 7 to 9 p.m.
American Countdown.
A lot of radio and TV stations are picking up, and that is obviously there for everybody at Infowars.com, Ford's last show and Band.video.
These videos going back years ago of mainstream news saying there is no spying on the president, even when it came out they were.
These are not aging well and now we have the unclassified Office of the Director of National Intelligence came out two days ago or yesterday, May 13th.
And it says right here that indeed Joe Biden and others were spying directly on candidate and then elected and then President Trump.
And then they lied to Congress.
Comey and others said Trump was not the subject, even though James Comey's right there.
This is from the FISA court.
This is unmasking Joseph R. Biden.
This is this makes breaking into the psychiatrist of the Democrat candidate look tame in comparison.
This is this is
Lightning in a bottle.
What do you call this?
I mean, it's Nixon's plumbers on steroids.
I mean, basically, apparently Richard Nixon's only great mistake was not weaponizing the NSA rather than using, rather than trying to outsource it to ordinary plumbers.
He wouldn't have needed to break in.
He could have just had the NSA spy on every conversation that took place.
Frank Churchill formed the church.
But he knew it was so illegal he had to do it separately.
Yeah, exactly.
The arrogance of doing it through the agency.
That's what's extraordinary about this.
I know.
For all of Nixon's problems, Nixon never weaponized the government itself against his opponents.
The argument was that he tried to cover it up after the fact.
But he wasn't using the FBI to go after his political adversaries or the IRS to go after his political adversaries.
Because he knew that was too dangerous.
Exactly, he considered that to be something that may be happening in the regular course of events, but not something any president should do.
So he had more respect against abuse of power than Barack Obama did.
Obama clearly weaponized everything.
It's now clear what the combination of the ODNI's revelations were, is that not only did you have this massive unmasking, and that's just fine, that's the only other way to put it, they promised to
What it means is they're illegally spying on everybody, but oh, we don't unmask, so we're not surveilling.
You're being watched, but we're not taking the blinders off.
That was the whole pretext.
The whole pretext was, don't worry about this, we're not going to misuse and abuse this power.
This power went in because the church committee found the NSA and the CIA and the FBI illicitly spying on the guys they were spying foreign conversations, they were spying on American conversations.
And they created the whole Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA,
To prevent that from happening.
And said, okay, we will never look at any American's conversation, and if we are, it will only be unintentional or incidental.
We will not be deliberately unmasking their identity, which is the same thing as full-blown spying on that person.
So now they targeted their political enemy.
They tried to infiltrate.
They ran these two big impeachment scams.
They've been caught in a major crime.
Oh, it's an expansive crime.
Because not only were they going through and spying on him, and they were spying on him before he was even conversing with people.
They were spying on him the day after Trump got elected.
People are unmasking his identification for a string of conversations.
And it's not just people at the NSA or the FBI who are doing it.
People at the Justice Department.
Oh, they were treating Trump's phone lines like a $3 whore.
Yes, wide open for business.
And it was the entire nature of the structure in which they were doing it.
And then they misled people.
Samantha Power misled people.
Joe Biden misled people.
And of course, Susan Rice, who was the first one to get caught doing this, she initially said she had no idea what this unmasking allegations were about.
Turns out she was completely complicit, of course, all the way through.
But the reason why she wrote that CYA email on January 20th,
That said, hey, by the way, on January 5th, Barack Obama held a special meeting in the Oval Office about General Flynn and about what we were up to.
They all said, hey, they said that a year ago.
Brennan said it clapper.
We were ordered by the President to do this.
So they, they see why it ain't back then.
And while the media denied they ever spied, they admitted they did.
And what they did is they tried to come up with a pretext.
Like, for example, it was a meeting where he brings everybody together and he says, whatever you do, do everything lawfully.
Well, if your goal is to do things lawfully, you don't need the FBI director there.
You don't need the Justice Department there.
If you're saying, I don't want anything... It's also come out Obama told Comey, don't tell Trump.
Well, in that conversation... Which is even more criminal.
What happened was he was telling him, he said his pretext for not disclosing information was, hey, by the way, we're going to be basically trying to target this guy, but don't worry, we'll all be on the up and up.
But by the way, because we're targeting him, don't tell the Trump administration critical intelligence.
Keep all of this information from him and keep other information from him so he doesn't know what the full score is.
Okay, so folks, folks, now the cover-up failed.
It's come out now.
What, where does it go next?
I mean, what does Trump need to do to press the attack?
Well, I mean, it's clear he's going to have to because the counterattack was last week Obama comes out and lets his conversation leak saying, by the way, we need to stop the General Flynn case from unraveling right in front of our eyes.
And the judges instantly, by the way, you told Kit like two weeks ago for an article he wrote.
And you predicted the judge would do this contempt move.
And what's happened is it's bifurcated.
So first Obama leaks it, then two days later an ex-judge writes a piece in the Washington Post saying, hey, by the way, maybe you could appoint an independent counsel to look into other potential issues and miscarriages.
So now judges are making their own laws.
Because, and guess who is?
The guy, the ex-judge, who wrote that Washington Post piece?
Yesterday, Judge Sullivan appoints him for the precise role he campaigned for in the Washington Post.
This is extraordinary.
And to give people an idea, even Professor Turley noted, no one has ever seen a federal district court judge do this.
This is not happening.
This is a power grab.
Complete power grab.
It's, hey, if you think you're going to get out of this situation, you're not.
I'm going to find every pretext, every... Well, explain how that works.
If prosecutors drop under U.S.
law or under common law, it's done.
How does a judge go, no, since when is the judge the prosecutor?
They're supposedly the neutral arbiter.
Well, it gives you a frightening sense of what federal judges think.
So that judge who wrote the opinion, that gave, that planted the idea in Sullivan's head.
This is a coordinated campaign.
Obama gets his conversation leaked, we gotta stop this.
Two days later, key Obama allies, ex-judges, writing pieces in the Washington Post, giving the roadmap that Sullivan follows, because a little secret, Sullivan's not the brightest judge in the world.
And then Sullivan follows that script to a tee.
Now, in fact, what the judge wrote in the Washington Post piece, who's now been appointed as a MECI independent prosecutor, effectively, by the federal district court, Judge Sullivan, is, oh, you can judge for... But how do you even do that when the prosecutors drop it?
It's an old theory, which is that if it would be a miscarriage of justice to allow the case to be dismissed, you can refuse to dismiss.
But the D.C.
Circuit is clear.
That's only when the government is playing games and they're trying to re-prosecute someone.
Doesn't that usually go to the appeal level?
Oh yeah, without doubt.
He has no authority to deny the government's request in this case.
The only time a judge can deny the request is if the prosecutor is actually trying to hurt the defendant by game-playing the system and bringing new charges in lieu of the current one.
Sure, because a judge can only do this if they caught the prosecutor being given a bag of cash at the parking lot, but then that would still get bumped right to appeal.
Yeah, correct.
The executive branch has complete discretion.
So they cannot, the D.C.
Circuit decision... So this is the court trying to be...
The executive branch.
He's trying to usurp the executive branch's power and saying he's going to find it wherever he can.
That's why he's talking about inherent authority, which I've always found sort of bogus.
Inherent authority is something that's necessary authority for authority you're specifically given.
Federal courts otherwise do not have broad... Yeah, you don't have inherent authority unless you have the inherent authority.
And he's going around saying, I have inherent authority to pretend to be president.
It's like saying, if I have a house I own, I could order it demolished.
You know, it's crazy.
It's my house.
But if I don't own the house, it's my neighbor's house, I can go, inherent authority, I demolish your house.
It's got to be incidental to a power that already exists.
But yeah, the most shocking, I think Judge Sullivan already knows he cannot deny the government's motion.
So is this just a political stunt?
No, it's the second move.
It's the contempt move.
That was always his card to play, was to claim that, hey, you know what?
General Flynn previously pled, so any attempt to reverse it, I'm now going to call contempt of court, criminal contempt of court, criminal perjury, and I'm going to use my power.
Politicized judges want to go after someone.
But doesn't Flynn just argue that he was pressured and it was a misunderstanding?
It is, but that becomes a jury defense.
In other words, the judge issues the charge against him and then he has to defend himself to the jury to say, look, and this is what's frightening about it.
So the answer is Congress should impeach this judge.
I think, be given what the judge did, yes.
And the reason is bigger and broader than General Flynn.
Two things should happen.
One, President Trump should quit waiting for the justice system to do justice.
Go ahead and pardon General Flynn.
Show him.
Pardon Roger Stone.
Pardon all of it.
The scam is over.
The game is over.
End that part of it in reverse course and start going after the people who did bad.
Yeah, why doesn't Trump just exercise his power?
It's long overdue.
I think he's been told just to wait for the justice system to work.
That's going to take way, way too long in this case.
We'll be back with Robert Barnes.
I'm Alex Jones.
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But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO, mainstream corporate media.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
I knew too much.
Damn, do I know too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Yeah, it makes me crazy.
Robert Barnes is here, and as an audience, we know you know too much, too.
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Going back to constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
What do you call this political time we're in?
Because judges have never acted like this.
The Democrats have never.
I mean, they're just crazy.
And they just keep doubling down and never giving up.
And now they admit they're trying to blow up the economy.
Uh, to stop Trump, but the polls are showing that it's actually having the opposite effect.
But I'm concerned, what are they going to do now?
Steal nukes and set them off?
I mean, putting, what I'm saying is, it's a dereliction of duty if we the people and the President and others just keep letting them escalate their temper tantrum.
I mean, the way I equated it recently is they're acting like they're the ATF at Waco in 1993.
No doubt.
That's the kind of mindset mentality, a sort of power-intoxicated group of people who do not believe there's any real meaningful restraint or restriction on their course of conduct.
Because the more power I get, the more concerned I am when I misuse it.
Because you've got a huge hammer, you better watch out.
They get more power, they go crazy.
It's always had the reverse effect.
It's had the effect of increasing their desire for more power, and to show off that power.
I mean, the ATF started the Waco the way they did, then they finished it with everybody burned out and a bunch of kids dead, and what was their first objective?
To raise the ATF flag over the compound.
So it's a certain mentality that's a diseased mentality, an infectious mindset that puts people at risk on a daily basis.
Yeah, they weren't thinking about the PR effect.
They're like, let's just burn it down and piss on it.
And show the world we're boss, we're the ones, we're in charge, we're in control.
It's people often who have a, like they did a psychological study of Nazis and they looked at their diaries from World War I and they found certain psychological commonalities in their language and in their internal note-taking that reflected a deep inner insecurity that led to this need for this external power.
And you're seeing the same thing with a lot of these... Because they lost the war.
They lost the war and there are people who go all the way going back where it felt so inadequate that they had a need for this armor of extreme behavior in order to feel confident in the world.
Well, you're right.
I've read those writings.
They were obsessed with losing.
Yeah, they called it Red Nurses, White Nurses.
And it was this, they had certain unique obsessions that predicted you could, if you just knew their diaries, forecast which ones would become Nazis and which ones would not.
Just looking at the World War I soldier diaries.
The same dynamic is here, is you have this psychological sense of inadequacy by these people who seek power.
But why don't they ever, when they get their act, they keep losing, losing, losing, but they keep doubling down?
Because they need the power to survive, I think, at a core psychological level.
And so when their power is threatened is when they go more and more crazy.
Because if they're acting reasonable, if they're acting rational, they would recognize it's not in their own interest to expose the system the way they are.
Well, let's move past them.
Bill Barr is starting to impress me.
He's doing more and more good.
Trump, though, at a certain point, if I'm letting a pit bull run around and bite kids in my backyard, at a certain point it's my fault.
So they have to stop them.
He's got to take action.
I mean, I guess today there was talk where he did an interview where instead of using his power to shut down these illicit investigations, people are pitching him the idea of using the military to go out and do vaccines next year.
So this is not, that's not a good idea.
He needs to start exercising his own power.
Ignore a lot of bad advice.
You'll be powerful if you make people take shots.
We'll be nice to you.
He's got to ignore all of that.
They've already given him tons of bad advice.
They told him to play out the Mueller thing and all that did was lead to unnecessary harassment, investigation and bogus prosecution.
That's what I'm saying is they keep escalating the hoaxes until I'm wondering if we survive COVID-19, what's the new, what's the new thing they're going to pull?
I mean, they're going to keep trying everything they can, and if it fails, they'll try something else.
That's clear.
That's why the president has to start to push back.
Playing nice, playing ball, has not worked at all.
It's time for him to instead start to assert the presidential power he inherently has.
I'm not a Pinochet guy.
I don't want leftists to get helicopter rides, but they're trying to give us helicopter rides.
Oh, no doubt about it.
And so at a certain point I'm like... Well, the power of the pardon is an incredible power to totally re-script justice.
And why is he intimidated by that?
I think people told him, oh, you'll be perceived as being political if you do it.
Enough's enough.
All of these cases are political.
These are absurd actions.
When you have left-leaning professors like Jonathan Turley say he's never seen anything like this in his life, and not only that, it threatens to cover up prosecutorial misconduct and police abuse all across the country, because most of the people who raise that are people who have been criminally accused.
Many of them have pledged.
And by the way, I'm not in some exercise defending the police in every aspect.
Like the general public, they have problems.
The police are the ones that don't like this plan to go grab people's kids and do forced inoculation.
Well, look what happened.
Because that's a damn suicide mission.
Well, look what happened to the Seattle cop.
The Seattle cop went forward, said, hey, my boss said we're going to apply the Constitution.
That's our only oath, not to the governor.
Now he's been put on administrative leave and they're threatening termination to him.
Just because he said he was going to uphold the Constitution.
So the public should rally behind him and make him mayor.
Oh, yes, of course.
And there needs to be more public rallying in order to show the President the right path.
This is an extraordinary abuse of power by Judge Sullivan.
This is a dangerous, precarious misuse and abuse of power that threatens the rights of people all across America.
Well, let me hear your prediction, because everything they do fails, but they keep attacking.
What's the next escalation?
I mean, so many of these things are completely unprecedented and unparalleled.
But my guess is you're going to start to see more judges try to unilaterally claim power they don't have.
Aside from prosecutors in random offices trying to target Trump associates and affiliates for whatever other reason they can come up with.
You're going to see judges, if he lets Judge Sullivan get away with this, other judges are going to say, hey, I'm just going to claim inherent power to investigate over here, look at this person over there, or attack this person here.
That's the problem.
That's the risk.
That's why he has to push back now.
That's why he has to draw the line now and say, pass this line, go no further, in order to protect the rights of all Americans.
But it is like a bad teenager throwing a fit.
Yes, yes.
And how do you handle that?
You send them to their room.
You don't say, well, let's see how this works out.
You don't say, hey, let's see what happens over the next hour.
You say, I'm taking the car keys.
Yeah, exactly.
You've got to be able to remove that person's power to continue to cause harm and send a public message.
And if Republicans have any guts at all, they need to do two things.
One, look at impeaching some of these rogue judges.
But also, I mean, if it was good enough for the president, it's good enough for judges who act in the arms.
They'd have to have raw guts not to fight this.
They better go on the offense to show the out-of-control deep state that we're not going to be appeasing this or trying to hide out and hope you don't get hit.
Let me just tell Republican leaders something.
I know most of you are smart.
A lot of you aren't.
Being attacked by the New World Order is a good thing.
You need to stop worrying about being attacked.
You want to be attacked.
Oh, absolutely.
And in fact, you need to welcome it, invite it, and then counterattack as necessary.
But what's happening is people are simply not asserting the power that they have.
People in the Senate are not asserting the power they have.
The President hasn't asserted the power that he has.
It's good to see Attorney General Barr start to assert power, but this was an obvious case.
This was an obvious instance of abuse of the Flynn prosecution.
It needs to go further.
And that's why the President could send a message by not only pardoning General Flynn, but use it as an opportunity to pardon Roger Stone, who's on the clock to go to prison within days or weeks.
Well, I'll say this, and when we got another lawyer popping in, he'll be with us, then the other host takes over, Jason Jones.
This whole thing is insane and it just gets weirder and crazier and the Democrats think they're going to shut the economy down and blame Trump.
No one is buying this.
So, but I don't say that in a confidence way.
It's actually scary that they're so stupid and they think they're going to get away with this.
I mean, this is crazy town, ladies and gentlemen, and it's what Americans being asleep has allowed to grow at the universities and the media because these people are in their own bubble.
And they have no idea what's really going on.
We'll be right back with hour number four.
Stay with us and spread those limelights.
This is the end, my friends.
My only friend's the end.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Of everything that stands, the end.
The safety.
The delusion.
It's all over, ladies and gentlemen.
Because there was only the mirage of safety.
Movies, and partying, and living like children.
Ever growing up, ever caring about other people.
This delivered us into the hands of tyranny.
Just like the history books show us, just like the Bible states.
Every time Israel became corrupt and evil and turned away from God, they were brought into captivity.
Because their people sold out to special interests and were infiltrated by spies.
And then they were enslaved.
We are repeating that again today.
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We're pushing for a pro-human future where we build a planet and beyond based on humans, for humans, by humans.
Not a world where the establishment, who hate themselves, project their hate onto us and decide we're going to have a post-human world.
I'm really excited to know that InfoWars has your support, and I want to thank you all for being pro-human and pro-God.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I never claimed to be a rocket scientist.
Welcome back here to the Alex Jones Show with Robert Barnes, Roger Stone's personal lawyer, Tyler Nixon.
But I do know how to read political tea leaves, and the power grab by the leftists and the deep state and the chi-com operators, and their desperateness is only going to backfire.
In the short term, who knows what havoc they can wreak.
I'm not lionizing Bill Barr.
I think he understands that we have a real anti-American system here that threatens all the institutions, good, bad, and ugly, and that if they don't turn this back now, the whole system loses credibility.
So it's kind of that moment of truth.
Tyler Nixon watching this with Rogers, supposed to report to jail.
Manafort ordered release, another political prisoner.
General Flynn, the judge, being an executive tyrant.
Threatening all of this in law as a constitutional lawyer.
What is your approximation of what's happening?
Oh, it's absolutely unprecedented.
I was just shocked.
At Judge Sullivan's accent, I mean, this is impeachable material in my opinion.
It resembles, frankly, what Amy Berman Jackson did in many ways in Roger's case.
I gotta tell you what, it reflects the level, the depth of the swamp in Washington that our federal judiciary has reached this low in the DC District Court.
Is it humorous or is it desperation?
You know, it's funny you say that.
I literally wrote on my pad here, desperation.
I think it is desperation.
I think the jig is up.
I think they've run this hoax on the American public for four years, as long as they could.
And they've run out of the ability to cover it up.
No, I agree with you.
I think it's desperation.
So, tell us the flavor and the smell of the desperation.
Why are they desperate?
Well, because they're Lord High Emperor, and boy King Obama is at the center of it all, and always has been.
He's always been the man in charge.
And what a weird cult around him and Hillary.
Like, they literally think, they give godlike powers to these people.
No, and the psychophantic, you know, just the quality of people around them is just, it's chilling.
It literally is like a cult.
You know, and even this judge, Sullivan, I don't know what, you know, it seems to me he is just desperate.
To frame, to see General Flynn go down the river, and I think ultimately it is because they want these convictions, they want it to criminalize, they want the ability to criminalize as they did with Roger Stone.
Anybody who's opposed them, and particularly the key allies, the key people.
You'll note that General Flynn was fired by Obama and became a heavy critic of the administration, I guess around 2015 or so.
And I think even Obama had told, or tried to tell Trump, or tried to tell someone, keep your eye on this guy, I guess, within his administration.
So they kept tabs on Flynn, and then when he became a key ally and a key supporter of President Trump while Trump was a candidate, I think that really sent shockwaves through Obama's people, and they realized that they're in trouble because, you know, Flynn is... Oh yeah, listen to that tape of Obama last week.
That's the first time... He sounds scared, Barnes.
Oh, I mean, yes.
Well, that's evident by the mere fact that he's even talking about this, period.
He's an ex-president.
There's no reason for him to be talking about it.
There used to be a protocol not to mention anything that happens in your successor for at least one term, if not two terms.
But there's no reason for him to be talking about the Flynn case at all.
So for the fact that not only he's talking about it, but having people leak his conversations concerning it and having it tape recorded in order for that to happen.
That was meant to have the judges attack him.
The goal was to let everybody know Obama considers this so bad that everybody needs to exercise whatever power they have.
That's why Comey sent the tweet saying, just keep fighting.
Yes, exactly.
Comey did it.
But it's like the Germans when the Russians had turned the tide.
I mean, they're going to lose.
The question is how bad is it going to get?
Yeah, the endgame, it doesn't appear, they appear to be like low-level criminals who are one-step thinkers, not two-step thinkers.
That's the reason why they end up caught.
I mean, the people that are caught criminals have low IQ tests for that reason.
They're the ones who got caught for a reason.
It's the same logic.
They appear to be thinking, how do we just stop the General Flynn case from unraveling in front of our eyes?
Not, how do our actions expose what we're doing even worse than if we had done nothing at all?
So I think they're missing the broader picture in the larger strategic perspective.
They're exposing to the world who they are.
Not only did they unmask Flynn, they unmasked themselves in the way that they are based.
Well, exactly.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds with Tyler Nixon.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Tyler Nixon, one of Robert Jones' personal lawyers, good friend of his, is here with us, responding to Flynn and the judge saying, I don't care if the Justice Department drops charges, I'm going to continue on.
So, to both of you, you're both lawyers, both prominent lawyers.
I'm not a lawyer, but I thought judges weren't prosecutors.
I thought they were supposedly these neutral arbiters.
What the hell's going on here, Tyler Nixon?
Oh, I mean, it's...
I can't.
It's so unprecedented.
I'm almost speechless in terms of responding, you know, in any rational way with regard to the law.
I know that under Rule 42, criminal contempt proceedings, there are two types of trials or two types of ways you can bring a criminal contempt charge.
But how does a judge bring a new criminal case?
The damn government just dropped the case.
How does the judge invent the case?
The only thing... Well, I think... That's like an inquisitor.
Robert put his finger on it.
Sorry, go ahead.
He's going to use contempt.
He's going to use the ability of him because Flynn's guilty plea was in his presence.
So if there was contempt that occurred out of his presence, he would have to appoint a prosecutor and it would have to be a jury trial.
But that was a forced contempt, a forced thing to arrest his son.
So it was done a due rest.
So the crime is by the state.
Yeah, well, unfortunately... Why would a judge want to bring that out in front of a damn jury?
Go ahead, Robert.
Well, just the whole nature of it in terms of what the judge is doing is extraordinary.
I mean, contempt is supposed to be when you need control of your courtroom, somebody's going crazy, somebody's doing what Bobby Seale did in the 1968 trial.
Sure, it's not the whole prosecutional point.
Yeah, exactly.
It's not intended for that separate role.
In fact, Congress changed the statute to require jury trials even in cases of criminal contempt in federal court, even if the sentence is six months or less, because they were worried about judges abusing this power.
Yeah, and I mean, I think you have, you know, this entire thing, the corruption that has been exposed, and you said it before we went to the break, Alex, you know, they're exposing, or perhaps you did, Bob, they're exposing themselves in this process because they're so desperate to cover it up, they cannot, I mean, they've gotten sort of ahead of their skis, they can't think how this looks, they're trying to keep the thing together, but it's, you know, big giant pieces, chunks of it are falling off and exposing what went on, and it's going right to the top.
And then they double down and do something even more tyrannical.
Exactly, I mean they're exposing the system at an unbelievable level.
Go ahead, sorry Kyle.
Which, absolutely, which in a sense I think is as agonizing as it's been, certainly for Roger Stone, certainly for General Flynn.
I would hope if President Trump, who needs to act now, he needs to move quickly, and he needs to empower Barr, whatever is necessary.
First of all, again, the pardons need to be issued.
General Flynn, Roger Stone, immediately.
And frankly, Paul Manafort and anybody else who's been sucked up into this, who I'm glad to see he was finally released from custody or at least to home confinement.
And let's get on with it.
I mean, if this
Is permitted to stand if Durham, Barr, and these guys give a pass to what we've already seen just in terms of the unmasking alone.
If they let these people get away with this, I really fear for the future of the Republic.
I mean, on a fundamental level.
Because this is a coup.
They've been caught in a coup.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
You're seeing the degree to which, the next time anybody tells you that judges don't pay attention to the court or public opinion in the press, just point to this case.
Because that was revealed when Sullivan reacted.
When Sullivan did what he did at the first Flynn sentencing hearing, where he accused him falsely of treason, which was an insane allegation, then came back right after the break and said he misspoke, I was pointing out to people, how did he know that that had become controversial within that lunch break?
Unless he was monitoring in live time social media commentary about himself.
Well, it shows how dumb the judge is.
Yeah, the judge is not... Judge Sullivan is not known... Sullivan's like, you're a Russian spy!
He wasn't even charged with Russia!
And I would note the same thing happened in the Stone case.
Amy Berman Jackson was clearly reading media reports.
She was making comments throughout the trial and throughout the proceedings before the trial as well that indicated that she was reading, you know, left-wing media reports and buying into this whole notion of Roger Stone as the villain, Roger Stone is already guilty, let's just get this over with, Roger Stone's evil.
Uh, you know, all the way down to this, uh, this bogus, um, uh, uh, what they use, the crosshair issue, whatever, on the photo that was, uh, that the prosecutor admitted, by the way, one of the prosecutors admitted that the government knew was not an attempt to threaten the judge or was not in any way an attempt to intimidate the court.
We're good.
So let's look at this politically though, the time we have left, gentlemen.
This is not going well for them, so how does Congress impeach these people, or what does Trump do?
He needs to just exercise the power and say, I tried to let the courts do it, you're political whores, pardoned.
Why is he scared of that?
Because he's been told it, the same reason he was told to go along with the lockdowns.
Hey, if you don't do it, millions of people are going to die, and that's going to be on you.
The pardon pitch is, oh, if you pardon anybody, they're going to say it's corruption.
Because look at what happened last time.
When he fires James Comey, he gets subject to years of investigation.
So that's the same pitch.
The lesson he should have learned was letting go of General Flynn was the mistake.
That was where the mistake started.
Letting go of Comey was not the mistake.
That never would have blown up had he not let go of General Flynn earlier.
Now he needs to learn the same lesson.
Everybody around him is giving him bad advice.
These are bureaucrats that are in control of the government.
And they just don't want Trump bringing a new crew in.
As long as he tells the American people in the speech that, they're done.
Just go out and say, this is nonsense, this is absurd.
Even liberal law professors are saying they've never seen this happen.
To make sure we protect the integrity of the justice system, which is what this judge is doing.
He's not just threatening that in the General Flynn case, he's threatening anyone from coming forward with government dishonesty.
And I'll tell you why they're doing it.
They've never been punished, so why shouldn't they try to?
That's exactly right.
Notice who also was the one who sold, sealed General Flynn's fate within the administration, Vice President Pence.
That tells you a lot about where he says he's willing to welcome him back.
But, you know, thanks for nothing, Mr. Vice President.
I think, you know, he needs to be looked at with a wary eye.
I would like to real quick before, you know, Bob, your show is amazing.
I commend it to everybody and congratulations.
And Alex is a coup.
Having this amazing counselor and constitutionalist in the InfoWars fold and it's must-watch every night.
I mean, I literally have to DVR Tucker.
Oh, I mean, I just think that, you know, this could be, in the end, something good in exposing all this, and maybe we can finally sweep it away.
But if it does, and it is allowed to stand, it will be a cancer that's been building up since the Clintons came to Washington, D.C., that will literally destroy our justice system, the rule of law, and fray this constitutional republic to such an extent, I don't know if we can survive.
No, I agree with you.
So let me ask you this, Tyler Nixon.
How's Roger doing?
And yeah, we hear any day he can be sent to prison.
They're letting child molesters out, but he's got to go to prison.
Yeah, I spoke to Roger this morning.
He sounded better than ever.
I think he's got his chops back.
You know, the gag order being lifted.
He knows he can really fight now and he can push back.
And I think he's got amazing appeal grounds.
I mean, I think this judge was totally out of control in his case, was an autocratic, just, you know, was intent on absolutely railroading Roger and had prejudged the case.
And moreover, I think we're pretty confident that the president is going to do the right thing.
I just don't know what he's waiting on.
How many days away is Roger from going to prison?
Well, okay, what they've given him is a 30-day reprieve, at which time they will revisit the issue.
So we're coming up, I guess, about maybe 10 days to two weeks.
I can't imagine.
I think it's going to be one of these every 30 days they decide not to take him in.
I cannot see if they're releasing Paul Manafort that Roger would ever see a day behind bars unless they decide to initiate some sort of home confinement situation.
But you never know.
I mean, the deep state's tentacles run deep.
They might just want to have him perp-walked and see.
Whatever the case, the President should never let... I mean, if they move to take Roger into custody in any way, that's when he needs to pardon him.
He cannot see him dating behind bars.
All right, Tyler Nixon, how do folks follow you on Twitter?
At Tyler P. Nixon.
All right, and Barnes, you're at Barnes Law?
Yeah, Barnes underscore Law.
I'm still there temporarily.
You should get Tyler on your show tonight or next week or whatever.
7 to 9 p.m.
Central, you've got the show that Barnes has been doing, which is American Countdown.
Thank you, Tyler, for the time.
Thank you, gentlemen.
All right, Jason Jones is about to take over.
30 seconds, closing comment.
Our justice system has been unmasked in the same way that General Flynn was unmasked.
And in order for the president to take meaningful action, what we need is not mandatory masks for people around the world just to go out and enjoy their lives.
What we need is the unmasking of the criminal justice process that has been so corrupted that the presidential pardon is needed now more than ever.
It's why the founders put it there.
It's time for the president to remind people that he's the president, nobody else.
We need the mask to come off, not the mask to go on.
That's right.
We need the unmasking of the criminality that's taking place within the Justice Department in order to free up the rest of civil society and our civil justice system to purge the illicit activities that the deep state has been doing.
Well, one thing's for sure.
Things aren't boring.
Jason Jones takes over.
I'm Alex Jones.
The superpower that I have is that I tell you what I really think, even if it ends up hurting me short term.
I believe in God, and I believe in the long run, it'll end up being better for myself and everybody else in this world we live together in.
I understand what comes around, goes around, you reap what you sow, and I live that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Aloha people of the planet Earth.
This is Jason Jones filling in on hour four for the one, the only Alex Jones and we are running against the wind.
You know, I'm a filmmaker and when you make a film, you write a script, all movies, they have one word that sums up the film.
The theme of every film you've ever watched is one word.
And so I thought when I'm doing this show, I need to boil each
Episode down, the privilege of guest hosting the show, down to one word.
And the one word for today's show is unity.
There's a cliche, you can't lead a horse to water, but you can salt the oats.
And our oats, America, are being salted for division.
They can't divide us, but they can salt the oats, and they are doing it in every way.
And another cliche, a buddy of mine said to me,
I said to a buddy of mine, I get nervous doing the Alex Jones Show.
I don't get nervous doing my own show.
I said, but this is like a buddy gives you the keys to his Ferrari and says, go for a ride.
This is valuable airtime.
He said, well, Ferraris are meant to be driven fast.
Just drive fast.
And I thought, OK.
Well, I want to drive fast today for you, so I brought on two guests.
They're people I admire.
I've been looking up to for years.
Kevin and Keith Hodge, the Hodge twins, the conservative twins.
Do we got you guys on the air?
Oh, yeah.
Thanks for having us.
Oh, yeah.
Well hey guys, I met you at a wrap party.
I was shooting a film in Washington D.C.
I was in the Trump Hotel eating dates wrapped with bacon.
Did you guys try the dates wrapped with bacon by the way?
Never tried that.
I love bacon though.
So I'm sitting there eating a date wrapped with bacon.
How the world has changed.
In the Trump Hotel in Washington D.C.
And there I see my hero, one of my heroes.
And then I see both my heroes.
I have been following you guys since you were making weightlifting videos.
And you're just two courageous guys.
And as soon as this Ahmed Aubrey story broke, I wanted to hear what you had to say about it.
And you said you were going to offend everybody.
And maybe you did, but they had to be pretty small-souled.
I thought what you said made a lot of sense.
I see this story as being our oats as Americans are being salted to create division.
Yep, definitely.
Yeah, from the moment this story broke, they said Ahmaud Arbery was a jogger just shot running through a neighborhood.
I was like, common sense told me from initially when I heard that, I said, that doesn't sound right.
Nobody just gets gunned down jogging through that neighborhood.
It's always more to the story, especially when you look at anything posted by the media.
You got to double check everything they say because, you know,
Every side has the story that they want to paint, so I knew there was more to it than that.
Yeah, and everybody's got an agenda.
Media, they've forgotten what their whole role is.
It's to tell the facts about the case, and you're supposed to take from what they say and make your own determination.
Now, the media, whenever they report any story, they have an agenda.
They want to manipulate how they want you to think.
Yeah, they frame it.
They frame it to meet their agenda.
All right, go ahead.
Oh, okay.
So, from the video, when I first started researching this story, I said, you know, I'm just going to be objective.
I'm not going to play this race game.
I'm not going to take a Mott's side.
I'm not going to take the McMichael side.
Yeah, I'm going to just take the side of facts, evidence, and that's how I'm going to choose to face this story.
So, initially, when he said he was just jogging through the neighborhood, in the video,
When I initially saw him, all I saw him was walking.
You see him walking for about maybe 15 seconds, he stops, he looks around, and then you see him sprint into the house.
From that, I'm like, nobody behaves that way.
First things first, he wasn't jogging.
I saw him walking.
The only time I saw him jogging initially was when he sprinted in somebody's house.
And no normal jogger doesn't go out and walk and stop and turn and look around and sprint in somebody's house without their permission.
From the initial, when I saw the video, I don't see an open house sign.
I don't see a house for sale.
I don't see him meeting the owner.
All I see is the deceased person walk up to the house, stop, look around, and run in the house, which looks very suspicious.
And from my experience, I mean, I had never worked in law enforcement, but we used to work retail security law enforcement.
I've made over a thousand arrests.
I've made some burglar arrests.
I've even made some strong-arm robbery arrests.
As a private citizen?
Yeah, as a private citizen.
So, from the moment he walks into the house, I mean, we don't have all the footage.
From what I heard, it's about three minutes when he was inside the house.
The McMichaels jump on the 9-1-1 and they say, hey, somebody just went in his house.
This has been an ongoing problem.
He catches light of that and he takes off running.
Well, you know what?
I like your point there that everyone comes with an agenda.
If you see that story break and you're like, I sure hope that guy was a robber, you're a racist.
If you're like, I sure hope he was jogging, you're a racist.
If you're like, I sure hope
We get to the truth and there's justice, that's right where you should be, right?
But so many people, they want him to be a jogger, or they want him to be a burglar.
But what I want is justice.
I like how you said it, you guys have a concealed carry permit, like you carry a gun.
It's foolishness to go brandishing your gun for a jaywalker or even someone who just broke into your house.
We don't know what this is, look.
You said in your video you've never seen black people jog.
I live in the west side of Hawaii.
I only see black people when they're jogging.
They jog here, but the reality is I've snooped around construction sites and what kind of tractor is this?
What are they doing over here?
We don't know the case.
We really don't know.
It's just heartbreak.
And it's foolishness on all parts.
And we should just want justice, thoughtfulness, and people are eager, right?
Ooh, more evidence for my agenda.
Michael's gave chase to the young man.
I mean, personally, we wouldn't have gave chase.
I mean, we have concealed weapons permit.
We got guns.
And we just do it.
We have guns to preserve lives.
Somebody tries to hurt me or my family physically, I can defend myself.
Or if I see somebody out in town, maybe getting assaulted or raped or whatever, that's when I will pull my gun out.
I'm not using my gun to play Rambo and chase after somebody that was trespassing or may have committed burglary.
Because I know for a fact,
If I try to make a citizen's arrest, because I've done it hundreds of times, if things go wrong and now I'm possibly fighting over my gun, now I've got to end this dude's life over what?
I mean, I'm not going to put myself in position.
First, we would have just called the cops, maybe followed them until the cops caught up and got the guy, but I'm not making a citizen's arrest or something like that.
Gregory McMichael, he's not ordinary citizen, he's a retired cop.
And it's his neighborhood.
It's not my right to tell him what he can and can't do, only the Constitution does that.
Right, and the law.
And I mean, we could sit back and say he's a vigilante, he shouldn't approach him, but that's his right as a U.S.
citizen in the United States of America.
If you see somebody commit a crime and your president is a citizen, you have every right to try to arrest that person.
Yeah, now, I don't know.
In Georgia, I think you cannot claim self-defense if you are the aggressor.
So, I mean, I don't know what the law is going to say, and I just want there to be justice.
I was a hoodlum as a kid.
I was arrested a lot.
I did a lot of bad things, and there are a lot of times in my life I could have been shot.
If someone had shot me, they'd have been in the right.
So, I don't know what this case is.
We're going to be coming back in
In 20 seconds to talk to you more about this because there's the personal tragedy of what happened to all the families in the neighborhoods involved and then there's a broader tragedy of how this is being used to divide the most united beautiful country in the history of the world.
I'm here with
Kevin to Keith Hodge, right back.
I don't have to tell you that we are in the most important point in human history.
The globalists have taken the gloves off and they've taken the mask off and they're like, yeah, you're taking implantable chips.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we're into world government.
Yeah, you're obsolete.
You are non-essential.
We are shutting your ass down.
Yeah, we told you don't be farmers and don't be ranchers and don't work in industry anymore.
You're going to be the service economy.
And now the globalists are telling you that there's no more service economy and you're obsolete.
So you better bow down to them and get your universal pittance income so they can dictate your life.
The handcuffs are going on right now.
We have to resist and say no to the New World Order.
And that takes you understanding you were right.
And understanding I was right.
And getting in people's faces and raising the alarm now while you still can.
Now is the time for action.
Now is the time for you to shine.
And be the Paul Revere's you know you are.
What InfoWars has been able to do, thanks to your support and your prayers and your word of mouth, has been nothing short of historic and truly epic.
This is the battle for the future of humanity.
And now, open world government is being established with an endgame to depopulate the planet.
Now, the internal operations of the globalists are being externalized.
You must decide which side you're on.
Living in denial, having mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness will only deliver you into misery, destruction, and finally, death.
And this is a spiritual death we're talking about, not just a physical death.
The delusions must end now.
Infowars was correct about it all, and we have come so far by exposing the enemy.
Most people that are aware of the New World Order decide to join it out of fear.
They are truly fools.
We must fight this, or lose our souls.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to Hour 4 of The Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Jones, host of the podcast, The Jason Jones Show, filmmaker.
I'm here with two of my heroes,
I think this is a true statement, guys.
You are the most influential twin brothers today on the planet Earth.
Is that true?
That's a true statement, right?
That sounds about right.
It's not saying much on Twitter.
It's on social media.
But it sounds nice.
No, but it's true.
And I want to say this about you guys.
It's true.
Like, I'm on to you.
First of all, I'm on to you.
You're like, we're going to be funny.
We're going to be winsome.
We're going to be self-deprecating.
But we are going to give the most real truth being spoken.
And you guys should be on ABC, NBC, CBS, primetime television.
I hope everyone subscribes to you.
And you speak real, level-headed, thought-out wisdom.
And you deliver it in the most incredible way.
Your timing, your humor is great.
But you take a lot of heat.
Like, you're the most winsome, charming guys on the planet.
And heat comes after you.
And you would think when you have a message of truth and honesty and unity, people would say, you're a great guy.
Everyone would love you.
Does it surprise you a little bit about how much heat you get?
Yeah, I mean, people want to hear the truth, but only when it makes them feel good.
When people hear truth that doesn't make them feel good, they don't want to hear it.
Yeah, like most people, especially on the left, I mean...
They've been taught to victimize themselves.
You know, especially in the urban neighborhoods and the black community.
I mean, from that video, I didn't even take a side.
We caught so much heat because we just wanted to pin out the facts.
I didn't want to play race into it.
I just wanted to talk evidence.
I wanted to talk facts.
I wanted to leave race out of it because race has nothing to do with anything.
Yeah, I mean, we got death threats, people wishing harm to our kids.
I mean, people want truth, but they don't want to hear it when it hurts them.
Like, we was on Fox News before.
We was a little bit too true.
You on there, so we haven't been on there since.
Yeah, you'll be paying the fox.
So, the truth finds its audience.
You know, the truth finds its audience, and you're knitting together a beautiful tribe.
And our tribe today, you know, our tribe today, the community of people sharing the truth, they are the most unique, diverse, diverse in the superficial ways.
People always say to me, your friends are sort of, no, no, not.
They're unique and beautiful and that they're charitable.
They respect other people's opinions.
They hear them out.
They're thoughtful.
And I think that's the tribe, the community that you're building, the building around your show.
So when you got heat, did you get heat from both sides on this video?
Because you weren't, you didn't give a pass to this father and son.
You said, yo, I mean, you implied they were knuckleheads, you know?
Yeah, a majority of the hate comments, unfortunately, a majority of the hate comments is from people on the left.
I mean, for the most part, Republicans and conservatives, they agree with, I would say, 90% of what we said, but a majority of the vitriol that we receive is from the left.
It's actually from
So, yeah, unfortunately.
I mean, I could show you my inbox in Facebook and YouTube and Twitter.
It's all African-Americans.
There's a couple of white people, but they have something like constructive to say.
They're not wishing harm to my family.
Right, right, right.
It's pretty sad, actually, because we actually came out conservative to help black people.
Yeah, I wanted to preach.
Before we even got into politics, our main goal on our YouTube channel was to make people laugh, and I wanted to share a different opinion.
The main reason why we came out as conservatives was because I wanted to show black folks, hey, just use a little self-accountability.
Don't worry about it.
You can't control racism.
If racism out there, but you can control your future.
You can control your actions.
You can do the right thing.
You can work hard and make great decisions.
I don't care how racist you think this country is, you will be successful.
But unfortunately, the left has taught black people how to victimize themselves and to welcome racism.
And they actually believe that a majority of white people are racist, which is totally not the case.
Because I've traveled, we've traveled all over the world, Australia.
A majority of our fans have always been white.
I don't see racism.
I don't remember the last time.
I've never met a white supremacist.
Can I tell you on that note?
I say, look, if white supremacists are out there, you think they'd have given me a call.
You know, you think they'd have given me a call.
Jason, hey, here's a membership card.
I've never gotten that call.
I'm six foot two, blind hair.
Like, if there's a group of them out there, and they're having parties, I'm not going!
Well, I'm a little offended I didn't get invited.
You know what I mean?
Listen, the last time Jason and I got called to N-Word is because I damn near killed this lady.
I almost ran off the road.
I kind of deserved it.
But I'm not seeing racism.
I don't see it.
I don't feel it.
I mean, they talk about how racist this country is.
I don't feel any of that.
None of it.
Why do you think people... Now, by the way, you guys are making a lot of converts because I'm from a neighborhood where most of my friends growing up were black.
I think you got to meet some of them that were with me at the Trump Hotel that I grew up with with this one friend.
And they were sort of... didn't know why I became so conservative.
And now they are all more conservative than me.
And they're waking up.
Have you noticed now there's finally this realization that the media
It is being used to sort of, um, like you quoted Malcolm X, uh, the most powerful instrument in the world.
Have you had people say, I hated you, I watched you because I was angry with you, and now I agree with you.
Thank you for your courage.
You get those messages?
Yeah, I mean, I get that from time to time from African-Americans.
Well, I like to call them black Americans.
There's no such thing as an African-American.
You wasn't born in Africa, but anyway.
A lot of people, they've been before.
I don't want to cut you off, but black people like to call themselves African-American.
I'm like, African is not a race.
I think our biggest impact has been with white liberals.
I mean, like that metaphor you used at the beginning of the show, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.
I mean, I can scream all day, but if they're not willing to listen, it's hard to convert people or make them see the light.
And unfortunately, a lot of black people in this country are biased because of that.
Our culture, it's in our music, it's in our TV shows, it's in the mainstream media.
When you have that system wrapped around black people, it's really difficult to get them to see the other side.
It really is.
That's a good point.
My wife is... I'm sorry, continue.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Like, when I first came across Ben Shapiro, I couldn't stand that guy.
Me neither.
The first time I came across Ben Shapiro was at that horrible school shooting.
He was on Piers Morgan.
And I was like, man, he was eating up Piers alive.
I'm like, Piers, say something.
Do something.
But then, you know, it put a bug in my ear.
And over time, I started listening.
I was like, everything Ben said in that video, everything these conservatives are saying, everything that Candace Owens is saying, all this stuff makes perfect sense.
It's just common sense.
Yeah, we used to be late to say it.
Yeah, I used to be liberal.
Yeah, I actually voted for Obama in his first term, but he was distraught.
It broke the camel's back.
He converted me to conservatism.
Was Obama, because us being small business owners, I had to pay for my own medical insurance.
Everything he said about Obamacare was a lie.
He drove my insurance rates through the roof, and on top of that, I lost coverage.
And that's my very first taste of socialism, and I didn't like it.
Because being a small business owner, what the left is preaching, it kills small businesses.
Yeah, and we saw how the left is destroyed for 40 years now.
Small businesses in the black communities.
It makes a lot of sense to me.
Guys, we only got 40 seconds left.
I want to make sure everyone here follows you guys.
Give us all the platforms where you're at and how people can follow you.
Yeah, sure.
On Instagram, it's Official Hogs Twins.
On Facebook, it's The Hogs Twins.
On YouTube, it's Conservative Twins.
And on Twitter, it's Hogs Twins.
Hope you can remember all that.
Now, hey guys, I got an idea for you.
I was looking, I wanted to follow your, I wanted to go see your guys' show, one of your live shows.
Now they've been canceled.
I think you just need to go do shows where America's open and open up America.
Yeah, it's time to open up America to us.
We got some characters that we like to... The panic that has been orchestrated by the global corporatist media and the chi-coms is going to now trigger a worldwide depression.
In fact, we're already into the worldwide depression and the death sentence for the third world.
But it's critical to understand that the longer the shutdown persists, the worse it's going to be.
A month of shutdown will destroy decades of wealth that's been built up in a complex economy.
That's why we've always said it's important to be a prepper and to be somewhat self-sufficient because the globalists want to make us all dependent so that we're under their control.
They've admitted all of this.
So remember, how does Infowars continue years and decades in many cases to be able to predict things before they happen?
Because we're following the globalist blueprint and their battle plan.
And yes, it's dystopic.
And yes, it's scary.
But denying it and letting them carry it out is a thousand times more scary.
It's time to stop the denial and realize what's really happening.
The United States is not Communist China.
We don't have 3 million people in concentration camps.
We don't blow up churches.
We don't kill political dissidents and sell their organs.
But all over the news, we see the UN, Bill and Melinda Gates, WHO, mainstream corporate media.
Raising Communist China for their response.
And if Communist China shoots women at checkpoints and welds people into their houses and has robots controlling people, well then, gee, we've got to do that.
And on top of it, cities like San Antonio passed laws saying we'll arrest you if you say Chinese virus.
Well, now Cuomo in New York's calling it the European virus.
These people are
Because we the people are aware of their criminal activities and are exposing them and their power grab.
The resistance lives at Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
Spread those links and jam it down the censors' throats and we'll be able to defeat their operation that much quicker.
I don't like coming to you every day on the radio and TV stations that you watch and listen to a song and telling you all these horrible things.
But you notice, almost everything we've talked about, horrible, has come true.
We were warning everybody to try to stop it.
It's like telling somebody if you got a pool, put a fence around it if you have little kids, because even if they're good swimmers, they can hit their head and drown.
People don't listen, they go out and their kid's dead in the pool.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the death of the third world and the collapse of the first world.
And this is 21st century warfare carried out by the globalists.
And they admit they've orchestrated it.
They admit it's, quote, good to save the earth.
And they're teaching us to be more frugal.
And they want to make us poor so they can dictate our surrender to this post-human technocracy.
I know all this sounds insane when I was talking about it 25 years ago, but now it's public because it's their operations manual.
I wish this wasn't the case, but there really are evil psychopaths in control of most major institutions and we've got to stop them.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host for the hour, Jason Jones, host of the podcast, The Jason Jones Show Filmmaker.
And by the way, I don't think I've ever promoted it yet.
My new film, Divided Hearts of America, will be in theaters, hopefully next fall, if there are theaters opening, which there should be, right?
I hope so.
I wanted today's show to be on the theme of an article that I published today.
How many people, how many Africans and Asians is the left willing to starve?
So Trump loses the election and I wanted to focus on hunger around the world.
But I called an audible at the last minute and I really wanted to focus.
On unity, this issue of global food security is very important to me, from the Horn of Africa, really now across Africa and Asia, into South America, and even here in Hawaii.
And I'm grateful for InfoWars.
Really, Alex has been talking about this for two decades, but really sounding the alarm as soon as the first COVID crisis, as soon as the COVID crisis began to erupt, InfoWars was the first place
To talk about the famine, a place that the world loves to call fake news.
Well, now The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Nation, the most left magazine you can find, is acknowledging that the real concern now, because of the COVID shutdown, is famine.
They're saying it's because of COVID.
No, it's because of the ham-fisted, thoughtless response to COVID.
In Uganda,
There hasn't been one death to COVID, but they're already suffering from famine.
So that's what I wanted to talk about, and I guess I kind of did.
But at the last minute, I thought, I'm seeing what's happening with Ahmaud Arbery.
And yesterday in Hawaii, a young Haole boy, Haole, Caucasian kid, 16 years old, in a beach full of people sitting down, was arrested by some police officers.
And there's concerns and thoughts that this could be racially motivated.
And I said, I see what's going on here.
You know, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't lead a horse to water, but you can salt the oats, right?
They can't divide us.
They can't make us ignoble.
They can't make us bigots.
They can't make us racists.
But boy, are they salting the oats.
They're really making it easy to draw on our base instincts.
Again, if you look at that Aubrey,
The Ahmaud Arbery case.
You have to check yourself.
If when you heard the story, did you think, man, I hope he really was breaking into that house and wasn't a jogger.
Or did you think, man, I really hope he was a jogger and these were two racists.
Then you've got to check yourself.
Why did you want, why did, why were you betting on a narrative?
What your first thought should have been is this is a horrible tragedy.
Families have been shattered.
A community has been shattered.
Now our nation is being divided.
I sure hope, your first thought should have been, I sure hope that they get to the bottom of this.
I sure hope that the media communicates the truth.
And I sure hope justice is served, whatever justice that is.
The big lie in our country has been that we've never been more divided.
That America's never been more divided.
Because of President Trump.
That was a lie until about 90 days ago.
But this COVID crisis, this shutdown, they have been really good at using this to truly divide us.
Before they were dividing us with rhetoric.
But now, these divisions are becoming real.
So I just want in this last five minutes, remind you of our history as a country.
First of all, you know, this is the new world.
And people came here from somewhere else and there were people here and there was conflict from the very beginning.
But do you know from the very beginning God winked at us when the Puritans sailed here.
They were sailing away from England.
They were Puritans.
They thought Anglican England was too Catholic and they wanted to be pure of any remnants of Catholicism.
And so they sailed away to find their New Jerusalem free of any remnants of Catholicism or Anglicanism.
But lo and behold, who is the first person they meet?
Can you imagine?
Well, did you know Squanto had been kidnapped, sold into slavery, then was redeemed by Augustinian Catholic monks.
He became a Catholic and then the monks sent, they gave him the money and sent him home.
His tribe was decimated by disease and a new tribe took him in.
It was Squanto, the only Catholic
In the New World and the whole Eastern Seaboard, this one Catholic who comes up and meets the Puritans and saves the Puritans' lives.
So, you have a First Nations person, you have a Catholic greeting Puritans, fleeing Catholicism.
To me, this is God winking at us, saying, leave your old prejudices in the Old World.
Leave your divisions in the old world.
Squanto not only saved the Puritans, but there was a peace treaty.
I believe it was 75 years.
The longest peace treaty that was ever held, I believe, between the First Nations and the colonists.
Now, it was a messy, ugly, brutal beginning.
Then slavery came in.
We didn't invent slavery.
The old world formed the new world.
But from the very beginning, even before we were a nation,
There were abolitionists and some of our founding fathers like George Mason and John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams were radically committed to abolition.
And there were there were slaves like James Armistead, the slave spy for Washington, who then was freed.
was really crucial in the founding of this republic.
The Hodge twins talked about African Americans.
The reality is, for most black Americans, they've been here longer than most of us and our ancestors.
If you're like me, if you're English, you're Irish, you're German, most of my ancestors didn't come until the late 19th century.
So, this idea of making people feel less American, we're not telling the stories of James Armistead, the slave spy who was probably the most important spy
In the history of our Republic.
Then the Catholics came in waves in the 19th century.
And there was division and there was real bigotry.
And they were fighting over a comma in the Ten Commandments in the public schools.
And that's how the Ten Commandments came.
And wave after wave of immigrants.
Then there were the anti-yellow laws.
My wife's parents came in 1949, Fling Mao.
They were Chinese.
Now, we are one country.
Now, most Americans, like the Hodgetwins said, they've never met anyone that was racist.
Now, we know there are people out there that hold to old bigotries.
And we know in times of crisis, what's buried comes out.
But the reality is, they were always here in the history of our country because they came from all the places we came from.
We brought that here with us.
But here is where we began to throw it off.
In the 20s and 30s, if an Irish, they have Catholic parishes in your neighborhood.
Catholic, I mean, Irish churches and Polish churches and Italian churches, all Catholic in the same part of Philly.
Why was that?
Because the Italians went to their church, the Italians, the Irish went to their church, the Polish people went to their church.
And if their kids intermarried, there was hell to pay.
It was a crisis.
It seems ridiculous to us today.
We need to be who we are.
We need to be the most united country in the world.
We are the most diverse country in the world.
We are the most united country in the world.
We are the most, this is the most beautiful political community that one could have ever hoped to live.
With all the problems, because we're not saints.
We weren't conceived before the fall.
We're 330 fallen human, 30 million fallen human beings.
I want to end with a story.
On my grandfather's deathbed,
I was 16 years old.
He was a World War II and Korean War vet.
I was never allowed to talk to him about the Korean War.
I could ask him about World War II, but never Korea.
But on his deathbed, and I was crying, he said, don't cry for me.
Cry for all those young boys who died.
And I said, in World War II, Grandpa, I was trained not to bring up Korea.
He said, no, I'm thinking of Korea right now.
I said, all those American boys, Grandpa, I'll think of them.
He said, he died, he didn't have families.
He goes, I'm not talking about the American boys.
I'm talking about all those Chinese and Korean boys that we killed.
And they were just sent by a dictator butcher into our guns.
Think of them too.
Little did my grandpa know that his posterity from now until the end of time, all of my descendants will be part Chinese.
And there was my grandpa, an old guy, born in the early 20th century, a big white guy, who on his deathbed was thinking of those boys that he had to fight as a young man.
That's who our country is made up of.
That's who our grandparents are.
That's who our friends and family and neighbors are, whatever their ethnicity.
Now, I want to thank you, first of all.
I had my little podcast until Alex had me on as a guest.
It was something I did in between making movies.
And then last week on Chartable, I was like, how did we get in the top 200 podcasts in the world?
That's strange.
Last week, or this week, we got an email from Chartable, number 83 podcasts in the world.
And I know that is for one reason.
That is Alex Jones has been so kind to let me guest host this hour and you guys are tuning in.
So I want to thank you for subscribing to the Jason Jones Show.
I'd ask that you give us five stars and write a little review.
And my goal when the shutdown happened was to amplify the mission, the message of my organization that makes movies, which is to defend the vulnerable from violence by promoting the incomparable beauty of the human person and inspiring solidarity for the weak.
And all of you info warriors out there, you are the vanguard of all of this.
So let's stay united, let's promote human dignity, and let's live in solidarity with the vulnerable.