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Filename: 20200505_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 5, 2020
3384 lines.

In this monologue, Alex Jones discusses the ongoing global situation and its potential consequences. He claims that there is a deliberate attempt to keep people locked down indefinitely by organizations such as Facebook and Harvard. He argues that fear is being used to control people and suppress their freedoms, comparing it to previous attempts to impose mandatory vaccines and gun control measures. Jones also highlights the parallels between the current situation and previous incidents where small-scale outbreaks were used as an excuse to implement broader lockdown measures. He encourages people to take action against this tyranny by refusing to submit to it and challenging these measures verbally. The speaker discusses various points about the COVID-19 pandemic, including infectious disease doctors being scared due to quarantine procedures on a ship; only around 15% of people tested positive even without good quarantine measures, with half of those being asymptomatic; the death rate among the elderly population; Kenny Rogers' death as an example of people dying beyond their life expectancy; the virus being man-made and a chimera; prepping for food shortages due to the post-human era and globalist control; warnings about depopulation agendas, UN's role in destabilizing economies, potential societal collapse leading to cannibalism; Alex Jones discussing how COVID-19 is set to become the most devastating virus in history, causing starvation on a massive scale. The speakers discuss the origins and intentions of COVID-19, asserting that it was man-made but not designed to be deadly; they criticize funding of bioweapon research by entities such as NIH and CDC; speculate about potential use of slow-acting, DNA-specific bioweapons in future; discuss the power grab by governors, mayors, and county officials who are asserting unprecedented control over their citizens; see this situation as a massive reallocation of wealth and power towards the elite. The audio clip discusses how the current global health crisis is leading people to question authority and their rights; many individuals who previously dismissed conspiracy theories now find themselves questioning the intentions of governments and big corporations; incidents where police have acted violently towards people for not following social distancing guidelines are mentioned. The show discusses a range of topics including the NYPD's recent announcement that they will no longer arrest people for social distancing violations, the Chicago mayor's lockdown orders, and concerns surrounding vaccine safety; hosts express their opinions on the current state of affairs in the United States, with one stating that "we're at the second wave here... Where we're terrorists! Exactly." They also mention the 50th anniversary of the Kent State shootings and argue that business owners who defy lockdown orders are being treated like students protesting against the Vietnam War. The show emphasizes the importance of constitutional sheriffs and local authorities in stopping tyrannical measures, and calls for action from citizens to protect their rights. Finally, the hosts discuss the role of social media platforms in controlling information and manipulating public opinion, comparing it to "Communist China". The guests on this podcast discuss how the military-industrial complex has declared that we are already in a civil war, an information war; they argue that the left is using AI systems developed by the Pentagon to target pro-Trump narratives online. Furthermore, they claim that Microsoft is at the center of speech control and election control through Election Guard, which will have DARPA counting votes after News Guard tells people not to listen to certain sources; they mention that InfoWars and its host, Alex Jones, are being targeted for arrest and harassment by the deep state due to their dissident voices and ability to undermine institutional narratives. The video features Alex Jones discussing various topics with his guests, including MLK Jr., political leaders, civil rights leaders, and the Great Revolution; journalists, independent writers, independent thinkers, and independent politicians have been targeted by the media; InfoWars is the biggest press organization to be harassed and targeted due to their fear of truth. Alex Jones argues that the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a tool for global control, stating that it is part of a plan to destroy human society and force people into a globalist system. He criticizes the idea of social distancing in airports and the pressure on medical workers to artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases for financial gain. The guests share their experiences as medical professionals and discuss how they believe the pandemic is being used as a scam by the government. They express concern about the loss of basic rights and the forced inoculations with vaccines containing microchips. Jones encourages his audience to prepare for potential hardships ahead and to remain politically active. The speaker discusses how hospitals and medical workers are being pressured to inflate the number of COVID-19 cases; they read an email from their medical director that instructs them to code patient charts correctly so they can get funded, as hospitals are experiencing low volumes. The speaker believes this is an attempt to inflate the number of COVID-19 deaths by coding people who didn't actually die from it as having COVID-19; they give examples of people they know whose death certificates listed COVID-19 as a cause of death even when they had no positive test results for it, and mention that this could be happening because politicians are looking for federal funding based on the number of COVID-19 cases in their city. The speaker emphasizes that these actions are skewing statistics and making death rates appear higher than they should be, which is ultimately hurting the economy and causing panic among the general public. The InfoWars store hotline number is AAA-253-3139. Alex Jones discusses how COVID-19 is being used to bring attention to unifying all health records on Google Cloud and to track everyone in real time. He believes that Google is a criminal organization and that they lie about tracking individuals; callers share their concerns about the unification of health records under Google, while another listener talks about her experiences as a medical worker and delivers supplies; Alex agrees with her assessment that this is being done to gain control over people. A caller named Rosa shares that her mother, a nurse who worked at the ER for 20 years, was recently laid off and moved into a coding department where she now codes patients who have died as COVID-19, regardless of their actual cause of death. Josh describes how his stepfather, who was 86 years old and suffered from chronic diabetes, heart failure, and pneumonia, was admitted to the hospital. Josh wasn't allowed to visit his dying stepfather due to restrictions on visitors during the pandemic. Despite never leaving his home after testing negative for COVID-19 two weeks prior, the hospital claimed that he had coronavirus and died from it. The caller highlights how hospitals are inflating their COVID numbers by falsely attributing deaths caused by other health issues to the virus. The video clip features Alex Jones discussing various topics on his show. A caller shares the story of how her grandmother, who tested negative for COVID-19 five times, was still declared a COVID-19 death after she passed away. Jones expresses concern about the satanic nature of the situation where family members were not allowed to be with their loved ones during their last moments and questions whether organs are being stolen under false pretenses. Another caller suggests that Austin Steinbart is QAnon, a DIA agent who was arrested by the FBI, and urges Jones to have him on his show. Alex Jones discusses with his listeners about potential rallies, QAnon and the origins of the Q movement, the COVID-19 situation and the effectiveness of testing, how the current economic situation is being used to further globalist agendas, and a caller's suggestion for mass demonstrations in Washington D.C. He also touches on the situation with his ex-wife's mother, who is a doctor at a hospital and her thoughts about the COVID-19 situation. The callers suggest the need for mass protests to show solidarity against the current state of affairs, while Jones expresses frustration over how rallies are being ignored by mainstream media. He also reveals that he has been personally targeted by Twitter and how he was able to reach Trump directly through bullhorn protests at the White House. Alex Jones discusses his thoughts on the QAnon movement and its followers, criticizing what he perceives as a focus on conspiratorial details rather than addressing real-world issues. He also speaks about various products offered by his company, including storable food and essential oils, encouraging listeners to prepare for potential economic collapse and lockdowns."

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 Global Transmission, 181 days out from the election.
And if you think the COVID-19
Globalist hysteria is the only weapon being launched against the United States.
Think again.
They've got more tricks up their sleeves, but already the world, by every metric, is entering the greatest depression in history.
There's no turning back from that now.
The only question is, how bad will it get?
I kind of slid it in my chair.
As the music was already rolling here because we've got several guests in studio and a bunch of documentation and research that I was doing right up until the moment again I slid into here like I was coming in fast to home plate.
It's all crystallized.
It's all completely clear now.
We're inside the New World Order and it just gets more dystopic from here until we start resisting and not complying and exposing what's really happening.
But there are now hundreds of doctors and nurses in the U.S.
and the U.K.
and Europe that have come out and said, we're ordered to say when somebody gets hit by a car or dies of cancer, when we test them and we find the genetic material of ever having a coronavirus, which everybody has, to say they died of coronavirus.
That's now confirmed.
And so when anybody does get a respiratory problem or gets sick, there's a total panic.
They get scared, they run to the hospital, they inubate them, and they kill your ass.
Because you don't need to be on a respirator, and they just pump your lungs up, chain your ass down, and kill you.
And that's because the hospitals are following what they're told to do.
They've tested the bioethics boards.
And for those who don't know what bioethics boards are, we're going to talk about it coming up with David Knight in studio later.
But David Knight,
Six years ago, when he was filling in for me one day, it was on my show, he had a guest on, several guests that were nurses that contacted him and showed their documentation.
And I'm really pushing to get those nurses back on, or other nurses, or have a medical whistleblower hotline that I guess we'll launch an email today to talk about COVID right now and expose that.
But also how the pediatric nurses, the preemie nurses with the premature babies,
Would get respirators ready when the bioethics board at the hospital would order them to inoculate two pound, three pound babies.
Almost all of them would die.
So the nurses would then say, we're going to keep them alive and battle the respirators.
And the bioethics board would just say, hey, just get rid of them.
And so that's what this is, is eugenics.
And that's what's being carried out.
And people hear me tell a story like that, it sounds otherworldly, but that's actually come out in the news.
Up until about 10 years ago, you didn't give a pregnant woman vaccines that said on the inserts, don't do it.
You didn't give somebody that was already sick a vaccine that could kill you.
That's just known fact, not debatable.
But the vaccine companies doubled down their population control and said, we're just going to do it one way or the other.
Well, Michael Savage, who is a doctor,
Came out and said he will not be taking the COVID-19 vaccine and that it's very, very dangerous.
And I concur with him as well.
He goes over the reasons for that.
We've got a clip of that coming up as well.
We're gonna have David Knight in studio with us coming up at the bottom of the hour to go over the graphs, the numbers, the facts, the research.
And showing that they have absolutely lied.
All these major graphs, all these major institutions have been 100%, 200%, 300%, 400%, 500%, thousands of percentage points higher in death rate than what they said.
But you read the news, you think it's the end of the world, and you see this COVID-19 thing bouncing along at the bottom.
That's because they're attributing almost all the deaths to COVID-19.
So if you look at it, it's a regular daily death rate in each of these countries, but they're just contributing all the deaths to it.
We now know it is an ultra-massive hoax.
There is a real virus out there.
It does hurt and kill some people.
But the reason it's man-made is it's patented and owned by the globalists, so they can control the rollout of the control grid.
Meanwhile, the third world is now collapsing into absolute hell on earth, and 135 million people are set to starve to death in the next year, according to the United Nations.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development.
That is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Tuesday, May 5th.
The year 2020.
181 days out from the historic election.
We're going to have David Knight in studio.
Lay out a large spectrum of official graphs put out by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, by the Royal Society over in England.
All of them giant complete frauds.
Because they're lying on purpose in a systematic way to create as much fear and control as possible and to force a forced inoculation as early as 2020.
They're using it in all of the globalist controlled areas of the world to absolutely crack down on the public.
Macron has announced permanent limits.
For French citizens saying you are now under permanent martial law.
French citizens are being arrested who even try to walk their dogs.
But the Muslims control most of the major cities and are allowed to walk free as if they were God incarnate.
Meanwhile, we're facing the record economic implosion in history.
And we're only a few months into this.
And the blue cities and blue states are announcing they're never opening until America completely collapses.
They're going to stay semi-closed to the election and then use every new death from supposed COVID-19 to hoard $39,000 into their war chest.
And we've definitely cracked the code.
On what is going on, we now know.
There are two different types of tests.
They admit that both tests don't work.
That's on record.
Because one tests for the antibodies, but if you have the antibodies for any coronavirus, then it tests positive.
And the other tests for genetic material, leftover remnants from a fight with a coronavirus,
And that's the majority of the tests that are being done.
And on record, anyone that's had a coronavirus infection, the average is in 10 years.
But sometimes you don't show positive after five years.
Sometimes you show positive 15, 20 years.
For any type of cold, if you've had a cold in the last decade, you will show up positive for coronavirus.
And then, if you die in a car wreck, or even a shark attack, they're now saying, that's not a joke, or you die in a plane crash, or you die of cancer, or you die of pneumonia, from some other pneumonia, you will be counted as COVID-19.
That's why they've got the graphs.
We'll be going over at the bottom of the hour.
Where suddenly all the deaths from flu and the deaths from cancer and heart attacks, those have all gone down in the graphs and the exact same amount cut off that graph put over on COVID-19.
Because the hospitals get $39,000 to begin with.
$39,000 to begin with.
I decided to do some digging last night and this morning and the other money they get
When you treat COVID patients, period, the hospital gets, depending on its size, between $190,000 and $10 million.
And it just goes on and on and on.
So that's why they said, close up shop.
We're a COVID business now.
And imagine all the old people suddenly dying in the nursing homes, family not allowed to see what's happening.
Now they're prisons.
Now they're eugenics death camps.
And notice it's the blue cities and the blue states that have perfected the corruption, where you see almost all the deaths.
Because that's where you've got hospitals, where you've got order followers who are very stupid, with a few doctors and the bioethics board on top, like Governor Northam, who used to run the baby harvesting program in Virginia.
That's why I went on TV and said, we don't need law enforcement and government involved, it's between the doctors and the mother.
Notice he doesn't say father.
And if the mother decides to terminate,
and not resuscitate.
The baby's alive and fine.
That's a technical term.
Then we keep them comfortable while they harvest the organs.
Keep them alive sometimes two weeks.
They have a special ward.
Okay, we took care of your baby.
It's gone now.
They wait till the orders come in for the organs.
It's in a ward.
Keep them comfortable.
And those nurses are making half million a piece because they are carrying out Nazi operations.
Now, I know this all sounds shocking, ladies and gentlemen,
But remember Austin, Texas, Dallas, Texas, Chicago, Illinois, New York City, Los Angeles, California.
Remember all the 60 Minutes pieces?
There were five or six of them in the 90s about them caught killing patients for their organs.
A guy would go in from a car wreck talking, but he was healthy and they happened to have somebody that wanted that liver?
Yo ass dead.
So, we're going to find the interview and re-air it.
And we're going to get these nurses back on that six years ago we had nurses on who again said that they were keeping the babies in the preemie area alive.
But then the bioethics board, that's the eugenics board, would order them to be vaccinated when they were three pounds or whatever.
And almost all of them would stop breathing or dying or have convulsions.
They knew how to give them Benadryl.
They knew how to, you know, because it's equivalent of being attacked by a killer hornet.
And they would put them on a respirator and save them.
And the hospitals are like, don't you do that anymore.
Remember the Bayer Pharmaceutical got caught in the 90s shipping out to millions HIV tainted drugs and with hepatitis.
And it came out in court documents.
They said, well, we don't need these hemophiliacs anyways.
Until you realize the horror of the Big Pharma complex, and how evil it is, and how it comes out of the eugenicists, and how US Big Pharma and British Pharma created Hitler, and created IBM, and created it all.
Until you realize who they are, you don't have any hope.
You think they stopped with injecting black people into Tuskegee with syphilis?
Everybody knows about that.
That's the tip of the iceberg, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, the average doctor or nurse is a good person.
That's why
By the thousands, they're all over the place saying, hey!
This is terrible!
We're killing people, it's a lie!
And what does YouTube do?
They ban them.
They block them.
Cedars-Sinai comes out and says, Trump's right, this is a light treatment, we told them about it.
They ban them.
Because they're not John Hopkins.
and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation,
That with the U.N.
We're good to go.
You have the drill while you're commanding the op.
Everybody just knows, oh, let's run the op.
It's a drill.
And then it's the exact operation.
So we were on the phone, oh, just checking in on your tabletop.
How is that going?
And everyone's drilled and prepared.
That's why they had drills on 9-11 and drills in Oklahoma City and drills.
So the criminal groups can bootleg the operation during the drill.
We're going to go to break and come back and talk about more of this.
Now you're seeing.
They told y'all it was just two weeks?
Governor Newsom said it.
Once he had you in the trap, he says, hey, it's gonna be years.
As I go to break, I want to encourage listeners to, just on a regular basis, protect your body, beef up your defenses, and be a healthy person.
Because there's a lot of crazy stuff going on there, and all these people inside are incubating all these, you know, things that are petri dishes to then absolutely cause unbelievable outbreaks.
So I personally am getting as much sun as possible.
I personally am taking as much vitamin D3 as possible.
I personally am taking a lot of zinc.
And I'm taking a lot of X2 Deep Earth Clean Iodine.
That's back in stock after months of being gone.
50% off.
Real Red Bill, Real Red Bill Plus is selling out, but I've still got it at 50% off.
It's got the zinc, but all the other vitamins and minerals in the preglanone.
That's an adult formula.
VitaMineral Fusion is back in stock, still 50% off.
And it's got, that's for adults and children.
It's fruit punch flavored, so it really gets absorbed well.
And we also have Krill Oil.
Back in stock.
And if you don't know what krill oil does, well, just research it for yourself.
Also, bodies, our ultimate turmeric formula, is selling out.
Despite all that, everything's 50% off.
I said I wasn't going to do that this year, and I did in the first few months, but because of all this, almost all of our products are 50% off, and I want to encourage you to get them while you still can, because the chain reaction and the economy have not turned back soon.
I mean, the supply chain completely breaks down.
Not just with meat, like we told you 12 weeks ago what happened.
Now it's all gonna unravel.
We must turn back soon or it's too late.
Well, Communist China wouldn't sign on to the carbon taxes that would cut their energy use by half.
And the United States wouldn't sign on to it.
So guess what happened?
Along came COVID-19 and Bill Gates is celebrating, saying it's already cut your carbon footprint by half.
And that means you're going to be poor now and under his control.
And of course,
With the medical tyranny comes the forced inoculations, a eek microchip that comes with the vaccine, and so much more.
And Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will get sick and die from it.
So remember folks, they're coming to hurt you and your family and destroy your basic rights.
The same left that says kill babies all day long,
Women own their bodies.
Now say you don't own your body and they're coming to forcibly inoculate you.
If you don't submit, you can't buy or sell or leave your home.
Mark the Beast.
Oh, and guess what?
Jeffrey Epstein and all these people hang out together with Bill Gates and are a bunch of dirty devil worshippers in your face.
They hate you and your family.
How do you put a people under house arrest?
How do you put them under siege?
Well, you tell them you're protecting them from a virus that you yourself cooked up with the globalist Deep State and then had China release to then take down the populist president and those pesky American people that have become too uppity.
Bill Maher even admitted it.
Man, I hope we have a depression.
And now they've tailored the whole thing, where the big corporations and the media are going to keep the country closed, along with the help of the blue cities and blue states, all the time blaming Trump and capitalism and Americanism for the depression it creates.
If America is that stupid, we deserve what happens to us.
But as for me, I'm not sitting here and I'm not taking it.
It's all the nanny state and the peer pressure that they're the good people keeping everybody safe.
But that's not what they're doing.
They are pulling America up by its roots and irrevocably damaging our savings, our health, our whole world, and committing millions of third world people to death.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I'm going to lay the heavy facts on you right now.
Next segment, you see my folder of research?
David Knight's going to be in here as well.
We're going to show you devastating proof that every model put out has been a conscious fraud by design, scientifically.
And, of course, we predicted they would tell you, oh, two years for a vaccine to make you beg for it, and then, oh, only a year and a half, and oh, only eight months.
Oh, actually, we may have one in two or three months, they're now saying.
It's all been war-gamed.
But if you don't read the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation and the WHO, and if you don't watch 20-hour symposiums in Switzerland of the WHO, you don't know this.
Well, guess what?
I'm obsessed with it.
I do know.
And we can stop these criminals.
But you gotta admit, they're criminals, and you gotta stop submitting.
Now let's lay it out.
The big question is, will there be a second wave in the fall and in the winter?
100% because it gives the globalists power, it gives them control of the economy, it helps them bring in the cashless society and the post-human robot society.
This is Communist China beta testing in 2018.
Their cashless society social credit score, it went operational this year.
They're now operational.
We're going into beta.
The federal government, state governments, local governments, universities are all testing the social credit score that was already ready, developed by Walmart and MIT, given to Communist China for testing.
Now Walmart suddenly has monitors up showing it's scanning your face and social distancing, that it matches your ID when you buy products at self-checkout, and is enrolling you in the system involuntarily.
It's all here!
It's the rollout!
It's the revolution!
It's the takeover!
So let's talk about what's really going to happen.
If you want to release a weapon, it's got to kill some people, just like the common cold.
But you need to own it.
It needs to be patented so you can already have the DNA virus, not RNA, system set up, which they have.
This is a total rollout.
Gates is funding, publicly, seven vaccines right now.
They have special ones for each region.
You're just gonna get sterilized by this and have cancer viruses implanted in you.
That's bad enough, but if you're in Africa, oh, you're dead.
But let's continue.
Seven special vaccines, depending on your region.
This is a mass test, ladies and gentlemen.
You need to understand I'm risking my life telling you all this, but it doesn't matter because we're all dead anyways if we don't stand up against this.
We're going to be soft killed, and then it won't matter when it all comes out.
We've got cancer in five years, ten years, or suddenly we're infertile.
Because it'll just be, oh, we don't know why that happened.
This is their plan.
This is their admission.
So all of us have coronaviruses in us.
All of us have had the common cold.
That's what coronaviruses are.
Corona for crown around the sun.
Crown comes from the ring around the sun.
From sun worship, they would take a crown and then that's where you get those Egyptian crowns and then European crowns and all the rest of it.
Means the ring of fire.
The ring of fire, just like the Johnny Cash song.
I went down, down, down.
The burnin' ring of fire.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
That's why 2012, they had a coronavirus killing the Earth's children and the Grim Reaper taking them up to heaven in that bizarre occult ritual at the Olympics.
Because they always, so many times I read, the ultimate bio weapon would be a weaponized airborne cold.
But see, coronaviruses are in you, they're everywhere, most of them are harmless.
Every couple thousand mutations I was reading, there might be one that actually makes you sick.
That's when you're run down and you don't have enough zinc and enough vitamin D3 on record.
The NIH says that, but that's on the NIH website, not what Fauci says out of his mouth, because they don't want you protected.
They want you desperate.
They don't want you to know you can get D3 for free from the sun.
No need to buy our winter sun, by the way, that's about to sell out.
Newsom says don't go to the beaches.
They all say, France, don't go to the beaches.
Helicopters patrolling the beaches.
New York City, cops pulling guns on people and tackling them because they're the heroes!
They're gonna show you to stay in your house, to stay in that apartment building with recirculated air, and to get sick!
They need more death!
Of course, the average officer doesn't know that when he's knocking some kid's teeth out on the pavement and punching him in the head.
He's doing it for his own good!
You can be a carrier!
Oh, none of you can be trusted, but the medical workers, they can all be trusted when they get $39,000 for each extra person with COVID-19.
Even more when they die.
There's a bounty now.
It's now valuable to say you've got it, and the coroners admit, we're just told, put it on there.
The medical examiners, the doctors, we're just told to say it.
We've got a couple new clips when we come back, we'll play for you.
But this is the mind control.
So all of us have it in us.
So now all of us are suspect.
All of us are bad.
And now they're saying, oh, even if you've had the vaccine, it's going to come back.
There's going to be new versions.
So the vaccine won't even work.
And oh, even if you have the antibodies, that's not good enough.
See, nothing's good enough now because everyone's bad.
Remember, the carbon tax states that all carbon is bad and that water vapor is bad coming out of our power plants.
China's are totally dirty.
Ours are totally clean.
So they mentioned carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
What do you exhale?
What do plants breathe?
Carbon dioxide.
Your carbon is bad.
Well, your coronavirus is bad.
You pick something everybody's got to teach you that you're non-essential.
The human economy has to stand down so the robot 5G globalist economy that they control, that's autonomous, that they program and will follow their orders, takes over
And is our, in prisoners, is our jail guards, but they'll deliver us medicine and food and that's why you heard Jeff Bezos getting everybody ready.
He's gonna have these hundred-story buildings with hives of tens of thousands of drones that come out and they deliver your food and they take you things and you, you're not allowed to leave.
They teach British children 10 years ago in little TV programs they show in the elementary schools about Megapolis.
Look it up on YouTube.
It's still there.
It's like, you're not allowed to leave your house without a special card.
You only get meat once a year.
And little robots are your friends and make sure you behave.
But if you don't, you could be carrying a virus.
They're going to have to kill you.
And they even have shows in Canada now with their health minister saying,
Looking like a robot.
It's crazy.
It's at the end of Paul Watson's latest video, COVID-1984, where she looks like some kind of science fiction.
She goes, everyone will have bracelets and vaccines to be able to leave and travel or to be on the streets.
And then it cuts to checkpoints leaving the city will take you to...
Emergency government camps if you refuse the vaccine.
And it's just all dystopia, dystopia.
Instead of denying it now, they're just throwing it all completely in your face with pleasure.
The end of human civilization, a total avalanche collapse of human systems.
Because humans are dirty, humans are bad, humans can't work 24 hours a day.
Like a robot bulldozer or a robot helicopter.
But again, it's all about making you not essential.
Not essential.
You're being taught.
Instead of us saying, hey, we're humans.
We want a human world built for us by us.
We're being taught, oh, you're bad for the earth.
No, no, no.
The elites are going to teach you that you're obsolete and then make you obsolete so then they can release the real bioweapons and kill your ass and the robots will go in, clean you out of your houses where you sheltered in place and load you into trash trucks.
We'll be right back.
Globalism is all about making the nation-state and the population itself obsolete, non-essential.
That's why they position it with economic tariffs, taxes, and controls to where family farms and industry that's based in the United States has to shut down or be part of a large corporate conglomerate.
That's part of making us obsolete so that as the human world is phased out,
They can simply look at us and say, because again, you are not essential.
That's what the robots and all of this is about.
It's about setting it up where we're no longer in charge of our lives.
We can be told to stay in our houses, and after all, shut up!
This world doesn't belong to people anyways.
It belongs to the new AI gods, the rich elitists that have merged with machines.
Yeah, that sounds completely insane, doesn't it?
That's actually the public plan they're pushing.
These people are completely psychotic and make Hitler look like a choir boy.
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It doesn't matter how hard I want to fight.
If other human beings don't resonate with what I'm saying, if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products to fund our operation, the dog doesn't hunt.
But you get that.
You are patriots.
You are people that live and work in the real world of Erase Color and Create and understand what's happening.
And that's why when you call in and thank me for what I've done, it's really a sick joke.
Thank you.
For what you've done.
We're all of this together.
We believe in the rights of the unborn.
We believe in families.
We believe in the right to self-defense.
We believe in capitalism in America and Jesus Christ, number one.
And we believe in free speech.
And so, the fact that you shop with us, and the fact that you spread the word about what we're doing, does everything in the world.
That's why I salute you and I thank you continually because the globalists thought they'd have this whole planet sewn up by now.
They thought they'd be in charge.
They thought they would have won, but they didn't count on you and I and others coming together.
So God bless you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
David Knight's going to ride shotgun with us for at least the next hour.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is going to be joining us coming up at the start of the next hour as well.
We're going to be showing you graphs and documents and reports directly from the supposed most prestigious scientific institutes that told us we'd have 5 million dead, 2 million dead in America.
And then now they're telling us, oh well it doesn't matter if it's only 70,000.
It's gonna go forever, and you can't ever leave your houses again, and life as you know it is over, and only robots can take control of you and run your life.
And then at the start of the next hour, we've got a compilation of medical doctors and scientists and others coming out, and nurses, and saying, we're being ordered.
With people that haven't even tested for COVID to say they died of COVID because the hospital gets an extra $39,000, but it's a lot worse than that.
Small clinics get $140,000, $190,000 for just saying they'll treat COVID patients.
Big hospitals, tens of millions.
It's all incentivized.
It was all pre-programmed and ready by the global bioethics boards that again are the same bioethics boards now that say, oh, it's okay to keep babies alive and harvest their organs.
Because the bioethics board says that child has no value, so even though it's breathing, we're not going to decide to keep it alive.
We call that non-resuscitation.
It's a technical term.
You think resuscitation means somebody stop breathing, you perform CPR, do the paddles, defibrillate.
It's a legal term that they now take them out of the dead zone, the phantom zone, and say they can live because the doctor and the mother decide.
And then they, quote, keep them comfortable until they die, and that many times harvests the organs.
Mama might as well get paid the money for the organs.
After all, she grew the little hot pocket that they think is not a human.
So, David Knight, who is, again, a host of The David Knight Show, 8 a.m.
weekdays, engineer, great patriot, filmmaker.
Here we are, and I want to walk through these statistics.
I want to go over these numbers.
I want everybody to tell their friends and family, neighbors, however you're watching or listening, tell everybody to tune in right now to BAN.VIDEO, to tune into Infowars.com forward slash show.
It takes you right to the live feed.
That's how we cause the chain reaction that shakes the world.
Share that.
We'll get into statistics next segment.
But just looking at coronavirus, 13-year-old with COVID-19 died alone without his family around him, friends say.
They do whatever they want now in secret.
Now it's not just babies they're gonna kill, now it's adults.
Doctors are incentivized to list COVID-19 on death certificates.
Even USA Today confirmed that.
This is not an opinion.
Mass death in nursing homes.
Turns out that that's a cash cow.
It's LA Times admits.
This has all been actuaried out.
And this is the bioethics boards, the big corporations with the death panels, going operational.
You know, Alex, you talked about that 13-year-old who died with COVID-19.
David Knight.
Now, there was a story that was out last week, end of the week, and they were talking about a young child who basically died and came back to life.
And they said, died from coronavirus.
And said, well, you know, I woke up and they told me that I had coronavirus.
And in the process of that article, and I don't know about this 13-year-old, I haven't read that one, but the other one, where they say they died and they came back to life.
If you read that article, buried in the article,
They say, well, you know, we typically see with these young patients, because we're not seeing reports from Europe and other places, we've got essentially zero deaths from young people.
It's typically people have multiple conditions, people who are elderly.
They said, we typically see some really strange symptoms that are not characteristic for coronavirus exhibiting in these young kids who get it and who die from it.
And it was really strange because this child didn't have any COVID-19 symptoms.
And then in the article, Alex, they don't say what it was, but they say this child also had another virus.
But they don't say what that virus was.
But they attribute it to COVID-19.
The press does it.
The CDC does it.
First they begin by saying,
Well, if you come in, you've got respiratory issues, and no matter how many other issues you've got, you may be in stage 4 lung cancer.
But if we find that you've got COVID-19, we're going to call that the underlying cause of death.
But David, we know that.
We're going to talk about it in the next segment.
We're not even going to test.
We now know this.
We're going to present the evidence.
Everybody already knows this.
Everybody I talk to is freaking out.
Saying, oh my god, all the models were wrong, and they're saying the lockdown's even worse now, and they know there's a global depression, people now understand that the trap has closed.
Americans were willing to go along with this because they believed it might help somebody.
Now that they know it's overall a giant hoax and a power grab, they're getting really pissed.
What do you think people need to do?
What does Trump need to do?
Well let me tell you what, Trump's got to get rid of Fauci, and he's got to get rid of Birx, because they're the people who are scaring the population.
The next phase of this, Alex, we can talk about what's happened in the past, but let me tell you what's happening right now, and going to happen in the future with this data.
Phase 2, lockdown, total depression.
Base two is, you know, the air comes back.
We're going to have the return of the virus.
And they already said before anything opened up here in Texas, for example, when Abbott said, well, we're going to let people open up 25, 50 percent.
But they said already, look, we've had a spike.
Now, what they're telling everybody, what they're preparing everybody for, is the new narrative is going to be, see, you opened up, and now everybody's dying, so we've got to lock you down hard, and we've got to keep you locked down.
Harvard, and Facebook, and all these people are saying, we're not going to have any meetings, we're not going to have any classrooms until 2021, 2022, depending on the institution.
They want to keep everything locked down.
That's right, all these globalist groups are openly saying,
With big tech and Harvard.
Oh, we're never opening up.
That's right.
And then that sets the precedent.
Well, they're never opening up because Communist China set the precedent.
But notice Communist China is opened up.
This is psychotic.
And so this is the West dying and shutting down and causing tens of millions of deaths worldwide.
Because when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
Literally over saying anyone that has any type of genetic material from any cold virus is, you know, is now an evil person.
I mean, this is a very well-planned operation.
They're not going to go back and defend their statistics, which basically are collapsed lies now.
Instead, they're going to come up with new lies, and they're going to push a new agenda of fear.
And this is the second stage, Alex.
In the first stage, they had everybody afraid and sheltering in their house.
We're afraid of germs everywhere.
The next phase is to attack the people who are taking back their jobs, taking back their liberty, calling them terrorists, saying, you're threatening our lives!
Because we've got statistics that show this has now gone up.
That's the next phase.
People that march on the Capitol are Nazis and terrorists.
That's right.
People that don't wear their mask are terrorists.
Even though the governor said we can't make you wear a mask in Texas, I go in stores and say, get out of here!
Get out of here!
And I'm like, hey, you understand that it's incredibly rare to even die from this.
They don't know.
They love it.
They're ignorant.
They love getting into it, even though their whole future is being destroyed by evil globalists.
It's just another SJW thing.
Yeah, oh yeah.
When you look at the beginning of this...
They took the same approach that they took to mandatory vaccines.
The same approach they took to gun control.
They got two dozen people that have been shot in a single shooting.
So we're going to take guns from millions of people.
Canada just did that.
Canada's mandatory.
And they did the same thing with mandatory vaccines.
We had in the beginning of this year and also last year, we got a couple of incidents where somebody flew into LAX.
They had measles.
So we quarantined 300 people.
Now nobody died.
But they quarantined everybody.
They used this last year to start imposing mandatory lockdowns.
Almost no one ever dies of measles.
That's right.
Everybody my age has already had it.
So we've got real immunity to it.
What they're doing is, is they're teaching everyone to be hysterical and to be mentally ill and to be neurotic.
That's right.
Like Fauci said, imagine if aliens landed and they said, humans may no longer shake hands.
You see headlines in England that the police with binoculars see a husband and wife kissing in their house and come and arrest them.
Nigel Farage went down and showed the immigrant boats coming in and talked to locals about the invasion of Muslims and how 100,000 people are flying in a week right now to England.
The police came to his house.
So people can fly in to England all day
Okay, from all over the world, but if a member of Parliament, a member of the EU Parliament, a guy that could be Prime Minister, the main advisor to the Prime Minister, he goes and shows the Muslim invasion, the police come to his house, we catch you kissing your wife, you're going to jail!
Imagine 1984 you were allowed to kiss your wife!
In Islamic States you're allowed to kiss your wife!
This is a total anti-human cult, like these people are space aliens!
You asked what President Trump needs to do.
It's absolutely, you know, personnel is policy.
That's the axiom.
It's absolutely true.
The policy is being set by Fauci and by Birx because they're allowed to stay there.
They've been there for decades and they've got to get rid of them.
And the policy is the Rockefeller Institute.
That's right.
Is Event 201, is Bill and Melinda Gates.
I mean, it's a fact.
But the danger here, Alex, is that, you know, as they throw these ideas out, and as they continue to stand there and gaslight and panic the public, they're going to be afraid to come, even if the business is open, they're going to be afraid to come out and go to the businesses in Georgia.
The guy opened up, he said, hey, we thought we'd have 10% of the business.
We only had two people the entire weekend.
And that's because people have been buffaloed, they've been panicked.
But, oh, the big box stores, they're all open.
It's socially okay to go there.
I tell you, shopping at big stores now is death.
We'll be right back with the statistics.
When one studies history and human nature, you learn very quickly that rugged individualism and people that think for themselves build free societies, innovate, do amazing things.
But those that love to grovel, those that love to be subservient, those that love to comply and think that it's a virtue, they create stagnation, corruption, tyranny, and then finally collapse.
And the world is now being tested.
And we're seeing lots of dutiful individuals who've complied and submitted their whole lives believing if they just submit now in a bigger way, somehow they'll create a heavenly future.
But the technocrats running the global system are oppressive and anti-human.
And are psychotic.
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Hiding in plain view, Politico, the Associated Press, you name it, admit that a half a billion people, extra 500 million, are now at the subsistence starvation level on top of all the millions already starving because of the global lockdown.
That is hundreds of times worse than all the deaths in the world caused by COVID-19, and the very people that cooked it up and gave it to the chi-coms at the World Health Organization, with Bill Gates involved, are now the ones running the operation to shut down society, create a depression, and forcibly inoculate everybody.
This is insane.
Ladies and gentlemen, if they succeed, it's over.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones in studio with my co-host David Knight.
We're about to start getting into statistics and numbers at the start of the next hour.
We're gonna have a compilation, just a small portion, of doctors and nurses saying we're basically incentivized, we're ordered, we're paid to put COVID-19
Into the books, even if somebody hasn't been tested, he might as well have it.
The funeral homes are saying that as well.
Project Veritas has exposed that.
This is a criminal action set up by Fauci, set up by the NIH, all pre-programmed for years with the Rockefeller Foundation, with Bill Gates.
Here's just one clip of what's coming up.
Dr. Scott Jensen on Fox News talking about it.
Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you'll get paid $13,000.
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000.
Three times as much.
Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.
And it absolutely does.
A bounty on doing this.
And doctors come out and say the ventilators are killing people.
But, oh, we need more ventilators because it's all in the blue states.
I tell ya, blue states are dangerous.
80-90% of the people who put on invasive ventilators are dying from this.
And I had a clip that was put up by a guy who had 21 years experience as a respiratory therapist.
And he said, look behind me.
On this side of the room, I've got invasive ventilators.
On this side, we have non-invasive ventilators.
He goes, I've never seen anything like this in the past.
We have somebody comes in with respiratory illness, first we give them the non-invasive ventilators.
We're told, you don't do that.
You wait until they get very sick and then he goes, because we can't test them for COVID-19 because they're so backed up on processing the tests.
You send it away, it's weeks before you get it back.
So he goes, we wait until they get really sick and then we put them on the invasive ventilators.
Alex, you add up those numbers that were just given to us.
13,000, 39,000, 13,000 for diagnosing them as COVID-19.
I don't know.
Plus they can charge them per day for the usage, plus all the doctor's fees and so forth.
And the hospitals, you know, the other part of this incentive is, the hospitals are going out of business because they don't have enough COVID patients and they've been prohibited from seeing the other patients.
So that's why you see all this in the office.
This is designed to bankrupt health care, bankrupt the states, and have a, quote, globalist Marshall Plan.
That reorganizes everything with robots and more third world labor.
How do I know?
Well, it's the global plan.
But Bloomberg came out with a plan.
More foreigners and robots to save us.
Well, think about the robot part of it, okay?
David, how surprising.
We keep seeing people saying, well, here's what the new normal is going to look like.
You're going to have robots that are going to help you with health care.
We're going to have robots that are going to come in and sterilize the place.
We're going to have robots cooking your food, robots delivering your food, on and on and on.
That's right.
Let's start getting into the statistics here, and we'll do this next hour to really get into them.
We're going to have Robert Barnes in here, who's been doing a great job breaking that down.
Well, you know, we can talk about this a couple of different ways.
And again, we can go back and we look at the projections from the IMHE, which is a Washington University.
Murphy is the guy who is directing it.
He created the model.
That university is getting, and that institution is getting funding from the Gates Foundation.
And so they were the ones that everybody was relying on in the beginning, basically as models that were coming out of the IMHE and also out of the Imperial College of London.
And it was the Imperial College of London that scared the Trump administration into, you know, going with the Fauci recommendations and so forth.
And the same institutes and groups and universities have told us, all ice caps gone by 2013, all ice caps gone by 2017, they're bigger than they've ever been.
That's right.
None of it's ever real because they put the data they want in for the answer to scare you, knowing you won't remember later.
But every one of those big bell curves you saw were crap.
Let's get into them.
Well, you know, when you talk about the IMHE, they had projections for things like hospital beds.
Remember, that's what this is all about.
They were saying, you know, we've got the bell-shaped curve, the Farr's Law that goes back to the 1840s.
And you can't go outside because the hospitals were overwhelmed.
Well, now they're not overwhelmed.
You still can't go outside.
This is going to spread so quickly that we won't have the hospital capacity and everybody's going to die.
So what they did was they locked everybody down, and that's not what they did in Sweden, and that's not what happened.
But that was what we were told, and we were told that we had limited number of hospital beds.
That's right.
Sweden and Brazil didn't do this, and they fared way better than us.
That's right.
They projected the number of hospital beds that they were going to need.
That number was off anywhere from a factor of 10 in Washington State, where they came up with this model, to a factor of 9 in Texas.
The closest they got was by overstating it by twice as many hospital beds as they would need in some of the interstates because they had not projected that it would be that high there.
But they were off by a factor of 2,000 to 1,000 percent on hospital beds.
When it came to ventilators, it was even worse.
With ventilators, they overestimated it by a factor of 40.
So you remember all this whining from Cuomo about how, hey, I got 400 ventilators and, you know, Trump, I need 30,000.
What am I going to do with that?
I've got to have 30,000.
Well, he didn't need even the 400 that he got.
And when they came back to him shortly after that, he said, well, you know, they're in storage somewhere, you know, and now they're dumping these things off, because even though they can make money off of this, they don't have enough patients to make this work for them.
So when we look at what is happening, and most of this being focused out of New York, New York has 52% of all the COVID-19 deaths in America.
And if you take a look, you combine 41 states together, they have only 21% of the COVID-19 deaths.
Why is this happening so much?
Why is it so focused in New York?
Because it's a mafia running it, killing people and getting the money.
Well, that's true.
I mean, we've got a lot of different things.
I mean, again, they're compacted in together, they're not getting sun.
They've got the subway that's there, you know, that they're going to clean, whether they need to or not.
They said at the beginning, we're going to clean it every 72 hours.
We have about 4 million people come through every 72 hours, so every 4 millionth person, we're going to clean the car.
That's a big one though here, where they take the heart disease, cancer, accident, strokes, Alzheimer's, flu, and they move it over to COVID.
They confirm.
That's right.
Even Fauci and Scarf Lady admit this.
It's all, it's a giant fraud in the end, and now the same guy with the graft.
Way down there, you know, 10, 20, 30 times lower than what they said, depending on the graph.
They're like, oh, but look, it's spiking.
Oh, it's like, it's like molehills.
And again, they're contributing most deaths that aren't that to it, admitting it.
This is a gigantic criminal fraud.
Talk about a paper tiger.
Well, they came out and said that COVID-19 is the number one cause of death.
You notice that you had a radical decrease in heart attacks, and as one doctor I talked about said, what?
Nobody's dying from heart attacks anymore?
Nobody's dying from influenza?
Nobody's dying from these other respiratory diseases?
Tell me about the two different types of tests, because one has the genetic material, not just the antibodies, that you've had a past fight with the coronavirus, and that's what I've read in the scientific journals, is that's why almost all of it's a false positive, because you can't tell the difference between the virus, and so that's why it's the perfect thing for fear, because as they take the meat-packing plant, where they tested a couple thousand people, I covered this yesterday, and 300-plus were tested positive, all asymptomatic, meaning no symptoms!
My God, it's so deadly, 300-plus people haven't, nobody even got a damn fever!
That's right, and they're finding that in the prisons as well, when they go into the prisons.
So, why are we shutting down our economy over disease that people don't even realize that they've got, because they're asymptomatic?
And, you know, at the very beginning of this, I had on John Rappaport, because this isn't our first rodeo with pandemics.
It's certainly not his.
I mean, he's covered these types of things over and over again.
And Fauci has been there since 1985, in this very position.
And, of course, Alex, he was there.
Coincidentally, I'll just throw this in as an aside.
He was there in 1985.
1986 is when they gave immunity to the vaccine companies and said, you can't be sued for... Oh yeah, this guy's above Bill Gates when it comes to rolling this out.
Gates is the kingpin.
When we come back...
We're going to hear what Michael Savage had to say.
You have me to scratch the surface on statistics.
We got a compilation clip of doctors and others saying it's all a giant fraud.
But remember, YouTube's head just came out and said, we don't care what our basement dwellers think.
This is on InfoWars.com.
It's a quote.
We don't care.
We're going to crush your unauthoritative content.
We're only going to listen to doctors.
But it's actually medical doctors they're blocking and banning that don't go along with Fauci and the total fraud.
There it is.
YouTube's chief product officer insults his own users as basement dwelling idiots.
That is...
The pride that goes before the fall.
First, let me just throw this in.
We have great products that you need, and we need funding to be able to just stay on the air.
I can't get into all the things that are going on, but you know we're under mega attack.
When you buy products here, you see how we stand in the face of evil because of your commitment to support us.
And now as you see everybody being banned, everybody being shut down, as you see Candace Owens getting blocked, and as you see David Icke being banned, they're going to ban everybody.
They now said they took Pentagon programs the Democrats are using.
Pentagon programs to censor the internet with AI of quote, you know, anti-government disinfo.
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They may have to hit pause again on taking new orders.
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But whatever you do, pray for a global awakening and pray for InfoWars and pray for yourself and your family.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
Look, the globalists are Satanists, alright?
Lord Rothschild recently posed at a gallery of art worshiping the devil and praising Lucifer.
You cannot make this up.
They flaunt it in our face.
That's what environmentalism is.
It's about having an anti-human future and having people live in a subsistence, feudal, serf state.
That's what they want.
These people that have stolen the planet and are worth trillions of dollars do not want you having a good life.
They know you're having fun.
They know you have a great wife, a great husband, great children.
They hate your guts.
They are the most horrible, evil people on the planet.
They openly fund racism.
War, degeneracy, pedophilia, everything else.
Imagine the most horrible thing in the universe, and then imagine it doubled, tripled, quadrupled.
And being gullible and being domesticated just makes them rise up and attack you harder.
And they're the ones that launched this whole attack on the planet, and they are the enemy of humanity and need to be stood up against.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the InfoWar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development that is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
And you hear the franticness in my voice, you hear the franticness in David Knight's voice.
I've known David nine years, even before he worked here, and was aware of his filmmaking.
This is like watching your neighbors get robbed and raped, and then now they're coming to your house to rape you and you're tied up.
Or it's like watching, let's say you're an amateur astronomer, and you see this planetoid coming towards the Earth, and you call up the local observatory, and they go, you're a conspiracy theorist, and suddenly hundreds of you and your neighbors, as it gets closer over the next few months, watch this thing getting bigger, and finally it's as big as the moon, and the news goes, this is our friends, everything's great, prepare to meet Valhalla, and the Earth blows up!
I mean, we're just watching this train wreck,
In slow motion and it's all lies and all evil and they say it's a two-week martial law and then it's a two-month and it's a two-year and the robots will control you.
I mean we're just waking up in a science fiction nightmare!
Yeah, and they keep going back to experts.
And you know, Robert Barnes is going to be joining us.
You know, in every trial, you've got expert testimony on both sides.
He's a lawyer.
These guys have, on each side, they've got impeccable credentials.
And yet, they're typically telling the jury two different stories.
And so you have to be able to make up your mind.
And they don't want you to be able to make up your mind.
They want to shut down anybody that opposes their carefully crafted narrative that says the same thing every single time.
And that's why, Alex, it's so important
For Trump to get rid of Fauci and Birx, because they're the ones that are the seminal disinformation agents.
And this would be so easy in cross-examination to tear both of them, you know, watch, because they both work for Gates, they've both gotten hundreds of millions from him, they've both been proven to be total liars, and they've seized control of our civilization.
Yeah, you just looked at that little episode last week about Remdesivir, right?
This drug, which isn't really... Laser testicles.
Yeah, it's been around for a very long time.
They tried to use it with AIDS, they tried to use it with Ebola.
And it might help 10%.
Yeah, well, I mean, the bottom line is they had a China study that was accidentally put up by the WHO and then immediately pulled down.
Yeah, they showed that it was actually slightly worse.
It was not statistically significant, but then neither was the study that was being worked on by Fauci at the NIH, which he put out.
And then he said, this is now the standard of care.
He shows a slight increase in survivability with these.
Less than 10%.
Now listen, we're going to go to break with Michael Savage talking about this, who is a doctor.
And then we are going to come back with Robert Barnes at the start of the next segment.
We're going to play
Just a compilation of doctors and others in the medical field saying we're being paid to do this.
We're being ordered to lie.
It's very powerful.
Whatever you tell friends and family, tune in now.
We're going to destroy this fraud while there's still time.
Stay with us.
Here's Michael Savage.
Don't you want out of this nightmare that we're all in?
Well, you're not going to get out of it too soon.
Would you take a COVID vaccine if they come up with it?
I wouldn't.
I would retreat to the hills and join a militia before I would take a COVID vaccine, and I'll tell you why.
You know, I asked that yesterday.
I went back on Twitter.
I figured the trolls would have died by now, but of course I don't read it anymore.
Others now read it.
I just post, let the others read it.
I posted something simple.
COVID vaccine.
I will refuse to take it.
It will be ineffective and dangerous.
There are now 20 to 30 known mutations.
I have never taken a flu shot, and I will refuse to take a COVID vaccine.
I said, if the government makes it mandatory, what would you do?
Well, I received a very enormous, a huge, huge, huge reply and response.
One of the highest response rates of all of my tweets for years now.
And I can ask you the same thing.
And I was going to talk about the difference between a vaccine and a drug.
I mean, you're hearing a lot about Remdesivir, right?
Listen to me, folks.
The drug failed its trials about a week and a half ago.
Then suddenly, it's approved by the FDA.
How did that happen?
How did Remdesivir, an experimental drug,
That appears to help some elderly coronavirus patients recover faster.
Yeah, well, so would sunlight.
So would a vitamin C pill.
So would vitamin A. Appears to help some coronavirus patients recover.
Could bank upwards of $2 billion for the treatment, according to a new report.
It's going to cost about $4,500 a dose, and Uncle Donald will pay for it.
Who's going to pay for it?
It's Gilead Sciences, and that releases cancer.
Stay with us.
I don't
We're good to go.
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It's not COVID that's causing the world collapse and 135 million now starving to death, according to the UN.
It is the panic and the martial law clamped down by the globalist deep state that is causing the death.
The fear is what we have to fear, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said.
Here is a short compilation of doctors and other medical workers on record exposing the criminal activity.
You're saying there is a massive pressure to artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases?
Yeah, I have directly been told to, if a patient has fever and cough or anything similar, to put this COVID-like diagnosis on the chart.
Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you'll get paid $13,000.
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000.
Three times as much.
Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.
What proof would you have that you could show that you have been pressured to inflate the number of COVID-19 cases?
So I have an email from my medical director, and I'm going to cover her name because I really like her, actually.
And she's kind of between a rock and a hard place, just like me.
But I have my email right here.
It's to all the providers in the ER, and it states what codes we need to put.
And it specifically says, this can help cover the hospital ER bills.
So we want to make sure we code them correctly.
The actual cause of death was not COVID, but it's being reported as one of the disease processes and being added to the death list.
When they died from COPD, they had COVID.
COVID didn't kill them.
25 years of tobacco use killed them.
There is funding available for patients who are uninsured or underinsured who pursue care for possible or diagnosed COVID-19.
This can help cover hospital-slash-ER bills, so we want to make sure we code them correctly.
As you may know, a special exemption has been made to allow for a presumptive or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis.
Honesty is my core, and I think it's important that everybody knows the facts.
And what hospitals are going through right now, we're going through low volumes and, you know, inflating or embellishing a little bit on the charts just so we get funded because this... Putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people that are going to the hospital or any kind of respiratory
To be honest with you, all of the death certificates they're writing COVID on, all of the death certificates, whether they had a positive test, whether they didn't.
So, I think, you know, again, this is my personal opinion.
I think, like, the mayor in our city, they're looking for federal
For me, all you're doing is you're padding the statistics.
You know, you're putting people on that have COVID-19.
If they didn't have it, you're making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be.
I had one that was an autopsy because he was doing it.
Um, and the, apparently, and I don't know who the Supreme Court Justice is, but the Supreme Court Justice was related to this family.
And because I know my sister didn't die of COVID-19, she said she had Alzheimer's and they didn't suction her.
You have to suction because they forget how to swallow.
That's how my mom's dad died, I think.
That's right.
The blue states are done.
I mean, Sodom and Gomorrah blushes at these people.
And they are telling the nurses how to kill these people.
And most of the nurses aren't bad, they just follow orders.
I've talked to a lot of them, we've had them on air.
You heard that lady though, that nurse, she just came out.
She's a doctor.
And the nurses and doctors are being told.
You are to do this because we're going bankrupt.
They shut the hospital down and say you can only take these.
Well, then if you're only allowed to, you know, say, eat salmon and you're out in the ocean and we're going to call every fish you catch a salmon.
And so everybody that comes in there is COVID-19.
You're only allowed to eat beef.
Well, you're starving to death.
You're going to call that dog beef.
And again, I'm not going to say I want to eat dogs, folks.
That's an allegory.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyers here.
You've done a great job.
Breaking all this down.
You were debating Scott Adams last night.
Sounds like he pretty much agrees with you now that we've been lied to so much.
Maybe he's wrong.
Sounds like he was backpedaling.
Cross-examining this, it should be really easy with Fauci and these people being 100% wrong on purpose.
What's the big picture?
Then we'll come back with you and David Knife the rest of the hour and dig into the statistics and information.
I mean, the big picture is that, for example, with hospitals, what they did is they created a trifecta, in essence, of issues for them to inflate the death numbers.
So first, you deprive the hospitals of all of their regular revenue.
So all the elective procedures cancelled, all the other procedures cancelled.
All of those components gone.
The net effect of that is they're put into a position where they're losing billions of dollars a day at hospitals all across the country.
Hospitals are at extreme undercapacity.
This means they're desperate for cash.
The second step is you tell them that if, in fact, you go into a situation where you list someone as their cause of death as being COVID-19, then you will get a greater rate of reimbursement.
In addition, if you use forms of care like ventilators and other kinds of care that have not turned out to be particularly productive or
We're good to go.
I don't
And you read my mind, that's where Gates and all them are going is a global Marshall Plan indemnifying all medical systems forever and now they can really start committing the crimes and the good doctors and nurses can be pushed out.
Oh exactly, I mean medical deaths kill more people than the flu every single year from medical negligence, just alone.
So the whole key to all of this is to be able to remove the degree of liability and to create all the incentives and in fact make it almost necessary to make it in fact do
If you're a hospital administrator, you better be listing lots of COVID-19 deaths in order for your hospital to stay financially afloat.
That's what they've created, a system where you're immune from exaggerating the COVID-19 deaths, you're incentivized and rewarded for doing it, and you're put into a position where it's almost financially necessary to do so.
And that triplicate effect creates a situation like what we have with vaccines.
Where you have it with vaccines, you're creating immunity, effective immunity, for anything that goes wrong with vaccines.
So people may remember the 1976 last pandemic-induced rushed vaccine in the United States.
The pandemic didn't kill nearly as many people or harm as nearly as many people as the vaccine did that they rushed into service through the CDC.
And by the way, everything you're saying is historical fact.
So how do we respond to a criminal
Conspiracy of this magnitude.
This whole thing has been cooked up, top-down directed.
It's unified on a planetary level by the WHO, funded by the Robert Barron Multinational Foundations, directed by Bill Gates, on record.
Well, you have it.
I mean, you look at what Bill Gates has done for years.
He's obsessed with overpopulation.
He believes the solution to overpopulation is mass vaccinations.
And he believes the way to get mass vaccinations, implicitly, is pandemics.
That pandemics will induce mass compliance with mass vaccination.
And the vaccine's lower immunity and lower fertility in every study.
There's all kinds of potential issues with vaccines, potential risks with vaccines, particularly rushed vaccines, and especially rushed vaccines related to influenza and coronavirus, where they've had notorious lack of success compared to other vaccines in other medical areas.
So he needs the public to embrace vaccines, and he's been talking about pandemics as a means to do it.
And while he helped take over the World Health Organization, one of the criticisms, even in publications like Politico, was that he was helping defund effective pandemic response while doing so.
So what you're seeing is a coordinated effort to create mass vaccinations for the world.
That's right.
Even Politico said, my God, Gates took it over and is cutting real pandemic response because he wants mass death, folks.
And no one would ever believe the guy running the mass death is the guy running it who's on all the TV channels as your savior, like he's the new president.
We'll be right back with David.
Nice response and the statistics.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We've got constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
We've got engineer and talk show host and filmmaker David Knight to my right, right here.
And we are about to lay out the statistics, the facts.
We were kind of doing some 35,000 foot view here.
We'll play it next segment.
But Bill Gates has said
He wants liability protection for the whole medical field, the whole thing.
As long as they go under his system of global bioethics that the UN is pushing, well now there's no more Hippocratic Oath, you can do whatever you want.
This is really the globalists choosing the medical system as the way to roll out their tyranny.
I'm not surprised the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany first launched their tyranny through the medical system.
Oh yeah, and what we're talking about here is a technocracy, and this is something that's pushed very heavily in the early part of the 20th century.
Wells and others.
Scientific dictatorship.
Yeah, exactly.
These people, they know better than you.
They don't want you having a say-so about this.
They're going to tell you what's in your best interest.
And you've probably seen the movie with Raymond Massey.
They did it in the 1930s, you know, where they're coming down, they're lecturing everybody what they're going to, PACS, you know.
That's things to come.
Yeah, exactly.
And it was based on Shape of Things to Come by the book by H.G.
Thanks to come.
But that's exactly what this is.
I mean, Bill Gates is not a doctor.
Why are we taking orders from him?
And the reality is, is that as Robert Barnes is pointing out, you know, they're getting immunity for this.
He wants to vaccinate billions of people worldwide.
They're pushing immunization agenda 2030.
So they want to have by 2030, everybody, everywhere,
Every age.
And what they didn't add is every vaccine.
Impossible that they can think of.
But those first three are part of their agenda.
They want to vaccinate everyone without any liability.
And they're openly admitting that it's going to hurt you.
Before they denied that, but last December the UN came out and said, yeah, vaccines are untested, they are killing people.
I guess they did that just to stop denying it and just say, but we're still going to do it.
Isn't it interesting that, for example, in Oregon, they've had 104 deaths in Oregon.
They say from coronavirus, okay?
The governor there, Kate Brown, has just extended the lockdown to July the 6th.
Now, this is in a state of 4 million people, 104 deaths.
Every death has to be reacted to.
They have to shut down the entire economy.
But if you have 104 people die from or have adverse reactions to vaccines, get paralyzed or whatever, we're not going to stop that.
We're going to keep going with the vaccination program.
So, this is the double standard that we're seeing over and over again.
Yeah, Gates says 700,000 will die or get sick.
But that's okay, because again, if we save a few thousand people, but 10 million die in Africa, well, there's too many black people, right?
Wink, wink, that's the liberals' thing.
You know, Robert, you were talking about how they incentivize this.
They basically shut down the
The ability to make money and then say, but then we've got a program here if you if you diagnose him with COVID-19 and then you get immunity.
I just played a clip yesterday from a nurse in North Carolina.
We opened North Carolina.
She said, look, I've been working in this for years.
We're at 16 percent occupancy.
She said, we're exhausted, typically in flu season.
We're usually running about 110 percent.
I just got another message from my supervisor asking if I want to take this shift off because they don't need me.
Get that clip.
I saw that on the show.
And so let's raise this point.
Remember in the last three months, everybody would go out and they'd go, this hospital's covered.
Everybody's dead.
And then they'd go there.
No one would be there.
So the next day there'd be like 10 guys in hazmat suits and it would turn out they were employees staging events.
We would say that and we'd get deplatformed.
Others would.
I don't know.
No doubt.
And I think the longer term objective is ultimately a triple effect of you're going to end up with a quantum tattoo to give you the vaccine treatment, a digital certificate to test and trace you, and then ultimately probably a digital currency that's controlled by the government that's also going to be chipped.
And the evidence that Bill Gates is connected to this is he has patents on all three.
Well, they admit that major universities are now rolling out the social credit score.
This is the cover for the whole thing.
Well, that's what testing and tracing really is.
It's just another variation of a Chinese social credit score system.
You're even seeing them use the Chinese social credit like constant surveillance state methodologies.
You're seeing MIT and other people talk about it being used now for testing and tracing COVID-19.
It's being done.
And it's going to continue to be done.
And the apps are going to be part of the process.
Oh, and now those are just for everybody.
When you're talking about the tracing aspect of this, geospatial intelligence, the fastest growing part of our intelligence community, began like back in the 1990s.
And that's where James Clapper has basically spent most of his time.
I've been talking about how they created this with DARPA funding.
The CIA came out with its own venture capital firm in the late 1990s.
When the internet became practical, that's when they started funding these different corporations like Google and so forth.
Now we've got
Articles coming out where Eric Schmidt is saying, well, I've got my own venture capital firm, and he got his very first funding was from DARPA, and now he's back to run the AI and run the automated killer robots and so forth.
And now, also, at the same time, you're seeing McChrystal and these other people with this disinfo, whatever they called it, I forget, I reported it this morning.
The bottom line is that they're going in and they're looking at the political beliefs of people and mapping them out.
And also that's what this has been about always from the very beginning.
But now they're saying we've got to do this to oppose Trump.
And by the way, Schmidt knew the rollout now.
He's already gotten the control grid in place.
Now he's back to DARPA and the Pentagon to bring out the killer robots.
Because now they're going to be on the streets, folks, and this is just an absolute nightmare.
And the evidentiary bridge for all this comes back to, if you look at what everybody was saying, including Fauci, in January and February, they were saying this is not a big problem, you don't have to worry about it.
He even put out a report that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine that said it's probably going to be a severe flu, maybe double the
He wanted China to be able to buy up all the emergency gear and have us all lackadaisical so he could blame Trump.
And we said that at the time.
He's setting Trump up so Trump doesn't think there's a problem, so they can later say, oh look, Trump didn't respond, and then keep Trump in the trap once Trump over-responded.
And the key bridge of the transition of everybody's sudden change of public mind is the Bill Gates-driven models out of the Imperial College and IMHE.
And those are the ones that exaggerated the risk, and those were the ones that said, hey, the only solution are things that we've never done before as an actual solution.
The idea that a mass house arrest was a good idea shows up nowhere in the medical literature prior to those models coming out.
This is martial law, and it's all based on keeping the hospitals open for the COVID-19s, and then immediately we expose that's a fraud, but three months later, it's out of control.
But is it the key to this, David?
And we'll come back to Barnes.
Exposing the providence of the event 201, Operation Lockstep, the drills they did in the last 10 years preparing this, that they had it pre-programmed for their takeover.
I mean, the very group that stands to gain and set up global government and have propped up the Chinese are defending China.
Gates is defending China while attacking Trump through his surrogates.
I mean, Trump's not stupid.
He's got to know what's going on.
They're all saying you've got to follow the China model.
And as you point out, this has been going on for a long time.
We were talking about geospatial intelligence, the creation of the internet, how they weaponized that, how they use it as like a rope-a-dope to get people to come in.
Now they're saying, now we've got to track everything that you do.
But there's also, I would throw in something else here, there's also the financial situation.
We've got this massive bubble that's been building for over 10 years since the 2008 crisis.
And they really ramped that up in the fall with the repo market.
Most people don't know what that is.
It doesn't really matter.
It's just that they poured trillions of dollars into it.
All of these central banks, when you look at what is happening, this is about to blow up in their face.
And just like we talked about how they wanted to set up the robotic situation, universal basic income, lock people in place with UN 23... They've got to make you dependent.
They're ending the human economy.
They've got to make sure they've got the virus blew up the financial system, not the bankers.
I think that's the key.
It's the financial reset.
It's the takeover.
It's the next level.
This is the leveling of the old human system.
It's bringing in the new one by the very same criminals, and then teaching you to be under lockdown, under robot control, that you're non-essential.
Tell everyone you know, tune in now.
This is an epic transmission.
The power as a human that you still have is incredible, but you must use it.
Spread the word.
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The lockdown is permanent dictatorship.
The lockdown is designed to have the public accept their basic rights being suspended in a global medical tyranny led by the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in full control.
Many will submit through fear.
Others will be bought off.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
In the third and fourth hour today, I'm going to be hosting, and I'm going to take your phone calls, and I'm going to take calls from medical personnel, doctors, nurses, hospital workers.
You agree with us?
You disagree with us?
You want to get into vaccines?
Want to get into preemie babies given vaccines that you get the ventilators ready for?
We've had those guests on before.
We're going to be covering all of that for medical workers or families who have direct COVID-19 stories.
You think they did a great job.
You think it's totally real.
You love Bill Gates.
You hate Bill Gates.
We're going to open the phones up uncensored as long as you're on that topic in the third and fourth hour today.
Now long before COVID-19 came along, we've been selling ultimate krill oil.
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It is the ultimate krill oil, and what it does for your body is just absolutely amazing.
And it funds this operation, which is also really powerful, obviously, in the face of what's happening.
There's almost no other media outlets like this left.
And I don't take pleasure in that.
I'm like, oh, we're last man standing.
No, that makes us then even more of a target to be bombed or shot up or, you know, put in prison.
And believe me, we're in the endgame of the Globals right now.
So they are very, very serious.
And I'm not trying to be dramatic here.
It's just that the New World Order has clicked shut.
We're in it.
But now our credibility, your credibility, has gone way up and people need leadership in your area.
So when you purchase products at InfoWarsaw.com,
You are funding an operation that is one of a kind.
Remember two years ago when we got totally banned all over?
People said, how are you taking it?
How are you feeling?
I said,
This is the opening salvo.
They're going to ban everybody ahead of a global takeover, a huge war, a bioweapons release.
They want to roll in the AI system.
It's already here.
The AI revolution's been prepared.
They need a big event.
They were saying they'd have a big event.
And they were saying they'd use a virus.
I was saying they're going to use a virus.
They're going to use a virus.
I didn't think of this in a crystal ball.
I didn't stare into a crystal ball or into David Knight's glasses case and go, oh, ooga booga, tell me.
Oh, I see a virus.
I see a world government.
I see a robot takeover.
They dug up videos of us five years ago laying all this out.
We're going to be airing tomorrow.
People go, how did you do this?
Because I was reading the white paper.
So again.
Get your krill oil, get your X2, get your X3, get your lung cleanse, get your essential oil, hand sanitizers, while you still can, because I don't know how long InfoWars will be here, frankly.
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Huge leftist law firms with dirty tricks and sabotage and behind-the-scenes stuff that's out of a movie.
I mean, it's a movie on top of a movie on top of a movie.
And it's reality, folks.
So thanks for keeping us in the game.
We're in this together.
You are the InfoWar.
Get storable food orders in.
They may have to pause orders again.
You get your orders in, you get them.
But if they get too many orders, which is about to happen, they're going to pause orders again.
We actually have storable food.
But whatever you do, spread the word about the broadcast.
OK, who was going last?
And let's start getting into statistics.
You know, there's an interesting story, Alex.
I did this a couple of weeks ago.
I compared the cruise ship, the famous cruise ship that was at the beginning of all this, the Diamond Princess.
And they got people very alarmed about that.
And then compared what we just found out about the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
And this is about a week ago that I did this, because they finally got to a resolution on both of those.
And so let's take a look at those, because we've got a closed system there.
And I think it's very informative when we look at this, because when you talk about the... You've got two real laboratories.
Yeah, exactly.
You've got two real laboratories.
You've got a carrier, and we're not talking about that in terms of the disease, but you've got an aircraft carrier, the Theodore Roosevelt.
It's got about just under 5,000 people there, 4,885 soldiers there.
And then you've got a cruise ship that's got a little over 4,000 crew and passengers, and most of the passengers are elderly.
They're not in that great of shape.
If you've ever been on a cruise, you know what I'm talking about.
And so they're kind of leading sedentary lives.
They trend to being older.
And they're eating at buffets all the time, you know, before this happens.
What happened with the Diamond Princess, that cruise ship that was stuck off the coast of Japan for quite a while?
Well, they had about 4,000 people.
They had a little over 600 of those people that tested positive for COVID-19.
Uh, just under 400 of those people had no symptoms whatsoever.
And so when you look at the, and then eventually you had 12 people who died on that ship.
So that death rate is about 0.3%, which is a little bit higher, but still within the range, a statistical range of what you would expect from the flu.
Even on that cruise ship, even with an elderly, sedentary population.
On a sealed laboratory.
And it was so bad.
Think about this.
It was so bad that you had an infectious disease doctor who went on board and he said, I was scared to death because at this point in time we didn't know how fatal this disease was.
He said, I've been to Africa during the Ebola situation and the quarantine procedures here on this ship were so bad that I've never been more afraid in my life.
And so it wasn't really contained.
You had elderly people and so forth.
It's a worst case scenario laboratory and what we find.
It's the flu.
Even without good quarantine, you had about 15% of the people who tested positive.
Only about half of those, about 7%, were asymptomatic and you had a 0.3% death.
Now, on the aircraft carrier, you have just under 5,000 people.
You had 840 people tested positive on the aircraft carrier.
You only had 9 people get sick enough to be treated in the hospital.
Out of 5,009
You had one sailor who died out of that, okay?
So you've got nine people out of just about 5,000 people, 4,885, that got sick enough to be hospitalized.
So that's 0.1% who got sick.
Not who died, but who got sick.
You had one sailor who died, so that's 0.02% who died.
Because it's a healthier population, a younger population.
And when we look at this, overall...
I don't know.
It was 80.3 years, the first report.
The next one, it was 79.5 years.
And when you look at what's happening here in the United States, about 45% of the people who have died are beyond the life expectancy here in the United States.
Yeah, so they're just taking regular old people that died.
It's like having a brown leaf hanging on a tree when the winter comes, and then
The wind blows it away, but you say, oh no, it was a young leaf.
It just fell off because it's diseased.
That's right.
We had Kenny Rogers who died in the midst of all this.
He did not have COVID-19.
He was 83 years old.
They said he died of natural causes, which is typically what happens when you've got somebody who is elderly.
You've got a lot of different health issues.
They just say, well, natural causes.
They typically don't ascertain with any detail.
What the cause of death is.
And we understand that when you get past life expectancy, that's what happens to all of us.
It's a tragedy that Kenny Rogers died.
We all know who Kenny Rogers is.
Every one of these deaths are a tragedy.
But they're not unexpected.
Now it's conclusive.
I want to come back and talk about this with both of you.
It's conclusive.
That it is absolutely overall a hoax.
It's a bad cold.
Then why is it genetically engineered?
Why did it come out of Wuhan?
What was the point of that?
Until you realize the only way to patent something is if it's a chimera.
Because if it's a regular cold virus, people are going to say, hey, it's going to mutate.
There's no reason to get a vaccine.
That's the main reason.
I want to ask you both, why is it a chimera?
Why is it man-made?
What is the reason behind that?
We have to speculate on that because that's to understand the next phase.
And then look at the big enchilada, what David and Barnes just mentioned.
The UN admits, the same group running all this, that 135 million people are dying.
So the UN is killing those people.
The America that we've known and loved, the America that was the land of the free, home of the brave, is dying right now.
And everything our enemies are doing is about domesticating us, shutting us down, and making us dependent on them.
The food shortages have begun.
The depression is going to be long and very, very serious.
In fact, it's probably too late now to even turn back.
Trump tried to stop it.
But the mainstream media working with the shy comms blocked it.
That's why you and myself, everybody else, has to get prepared now.
Do not wait.
It's not about the virus.
It's about the economic chaos that's going to be unleashed for the next six months to a year.
Get your high-quality, storable foods at InfoWareStore.com.
They're available again, but for a limited time.
The food supply is running out.
There are major shortages.
This is a globalist siege, a globalist lockdown, globalist terrorism.
But we the people, the patriots, have to be prepared.
We've already been proven right about prepping so far.
We'll get ready to be really proven right.
Get your storable foods now at infowarestore.com.
Make a friend with death.
It's a saying so old that no one knows who first said it.
Every culture has their own way of
Memorializing that simple statement, but you don't want to make a friend of the death of civilization and the death of the human species.
The moment of truth is now here.
We are facing the post-human era, and I've been warning you for many years they would use a global viral crisis to click, put us in the cage, and then roll out the robot takeover.
This is just the beta test.
China's moving out of beta and into operational control.
In just a few years, we will be under full globalist control.
Forced inoculations, total surveillance.
We're all being taught that we are obsolete.
The term they use is non-essential.
This is not some dystopian novel.
This is reality.
This is the New World Order.
This is Satanism.
Globalism is all about making the nation-state and the population itself obsolete, non-essential.
That's why they position it with economic tariffs, taxes, and controls to where family farms and industry that's based in the United States has to shut down or be part of a large corporate conglomerate.
That's part of making us obsolete so that as the human world is phased out,
They can simply look at us and say, because again, you are not essential.
That's what the robots and all of this is about.
It's about setting it up where we're no longer in charge of our lives.
We can be told to stay in our houses, and after all, shut up!
This world doesn't belong to people anyways.
It belongs to the new AI gods, the rich elitists that have merged with machines.
Yeah, that sounds completely insane, doesn't it?
That's actually the public plan they're pushing.
These people are completely psychotic and make Hitler look like a choir boy.
I'm always excited about Infowars Life products.
They're amazing, they're cutting edge, you love them, I love them, and they fund the Infowar in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development.
That is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to what is the most important topic in the world here on the Planet of the Humans.
We see total censorship of everybody now.
Michael Moore came out with a movie, but I can't stand the guy, and I actually read the review of it and then read the synopsis.
I want to see it.
Planet of the Humans.
And he said, man, the windmills and the solar panels, all of it's been set up as a scam.
When there's all these real sustainable farms and the people are doing that would actually help humanity.
I actually agree with those ideas.
And they banned it off a bunch of platforms because he exposed the scam, which I've always said I care about the earth.
I care.
I want to innovate things.
I want to get away from dirty things.
But what they're doing doesn't.
It collapses civilization.
But that's another topic.
The mass censorship that's come along with this had to be in place beforehand.
Because when you've got Fauci running the coronavirus program for the last 10 years, before Trump got in, 8 years with Obama, that's on record.
Big scandal in 2015, it's made illegal to create chimera gain of function.
This is given to the Wuhan lab, University of Texas is involved, Chapel Hill's involved, I'm from Texas, you're from North Carolina.
Yeah, just down the street from us.
All of this is going on and it's like...
It's ridiculous how red-handed.
It's like coming home and there's 10 dudes in bed with your wife and they say nothing's going on.
They're all butt-naked and piled on top of her.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is ridiculous how crazy it is.
So I was asking you both during the break, why is it man-made but then not that deadly?
And you had the truthful, perfect, out-of-the-park answer.
Robert Barnes, repeat that please.
Sure, so I mean if you're going to create a bioweapon that is in fact intended to induce fear more than it is intended to actually kill population, then the way you would do so is you would manufacture it and you would, because you want to make sure it's controlled and controllable.
The reason why bioweapons have generally not been used is because they're uncontrollable.
So you may release it and then kill your own population, kill yourself in the process.
Exactly, you can't, it's how, the reason why there is bioweapon research
Is because, in large part, they're trying to find controllable biological weapons.
And that's why they stopped using chemical weapons in World War I, because the Germans would use it, and Hitler got hit with this, it would blow back most of the time.
Exactly, it creates uncontrolled risk.
So the risk of what they've always been looking for is, how can we have a controlled weapon, a predictable weapon, a controllable weapon, and that's what a real bioweapon is.
So when you see indicia of control, and one of the reasons why people suspected this had to have some man-made component,
Aside from reports of various doctors and other people looking at it, seeing that edition of it, others contradicting that, and so they weren't in agreement, was the things like who it killed, how it killed, when it killed, it showed signs of being a manufactured biological weapon because it disproportionately targeted certain populations in ways that viruses don't have that specific demographic profile typically.
Also tended to target immigrant populations, African populations.
You look at who it is Bill Gates obsesses over, he obsesses over
Africans having too many kids more than anybody.
And notice he's tailoring right now seven vaccines for different regions.
Yes, yes, exactly.
And there's no question his target here is Africa.
His target's been Africa.
He said so openly, bluntly.
He said, look, look at these poor countries that have too many kids.
That's where we really got to reduce the population.
And he constantly points to Africa as part of it.
But he sold himself as doing all this in public health.
He was there to cure malaria.
He was there to prevent smallpox.
He was there to help little children.
Not, in fact, a goal and obsession of reducing the number of people that live in that region and area.
So what's crazy is he's on record heading up the biggest depopulation group and giving speeches about getting rid of people.
But now he's like, I don't want anyone to die.
Take my shot.
I mean, it's ridiculous, David Knight.
Well, you know, when you look at these bioweapons, and this is the bottom line here, we've got to get upset about the fact that our government is funding bioweapon research.
We've got to get upset about the fact that we have hundreds of labs all over the place, and when this stuff broke out back in 2013-2014, you had an outbreak
We're good to go.
And careless behavior all across the board with these various CDC labs and other ones.
And they were calling for this to be shut down.
That's one of the reasons why they put the temporary moratorium on the NIH, which Fauci and Francis Collins of the NIH ignored.
By the way, I want listeners to know, we're not just up here finishing each other's sentences out of the clear blue sky.
We're all talking about real stuff, like the crews in there just searching Bill Gates.
They just pulled up the Guardian.
Bill Gates, what was it, 10 years ago, going, I'm really worried about the African boom.
We need to kill them.
And it's like, oh, kill the black people!
And again, folks, you industrialize them, you build them up, they'll have two kids like everybody else.
Yes, some areas are overpopulated.
You sure as hell don't shoot them up with vaccines that give them all sorts of diseases, which he's been caught doing!
I mean, you can't do that!
That's right.
Yeah, you look at what they're doing.
There's USA Today.
CDC keeps secrets and mishaps with deadly germs.
And look, not all the scientists are bad, as you said.
In 2004, they were the ones that made it illegal.
In 2005, with these damn chimera coronaviruses sent to Wuhan, and now it's been released.
When the data was released from the UNC Chapel Hill experiment in 2015, it was supposed to have stopped in 2014.
You had scientists and ethicists across the board condemning that.
Francis Collins said, I don't care, we're going to do it.
He had a half dozen different places that he continued to do it.
They funded it in China at the same time.
So why isn't Fauci taken out of office?
He needs to be out of office.
This is a guy who is funding bioweapon research.
Let's go further.
I legitimately don't want to kill the Muslims and the Asians and the black folks and the Latin Americans, okay?
I love all humans, love all babies.
The left goes down, brainwashes them, the UN implodes their economies on record, devalues their currencies, all these success story countries, destroys them, then turns it into hell, then uses the third world as weapons to come here to be under leftist control.
Okay, I say we control that, we build those folks up.
If we can't, we build a wall.
We sure as hell don't kill their ass, and I'll go further.
The average leftist goes, oh, there are too many people.
They're not really leftists, they're eugenicists.
You know that.
The average health department worker is a Nazi.
They could be black.
They go, yeah, there's too many black people.
Everybody's seen the videos of black abortionist stuff going, ah, you want to kill them nappy-headed kids?
I mean, it's a real hate.
And so my issue is, hey, America, you're all for killing the Africans.
Now you're going to be locked up.
The robots are coming for you, no matter what color you are.
You can't get away with killing the black people and the Latin Americans and the Asians and not have them kill your ass.
Bill Gates wants you dead if you've got blonde hair and blue eyes.
They say it's a post-human world coming.
You think Satan has you do a deal with him where you sign on to killing the brown people and your ass doesn't get killed?
And that's what I said last week in the rant.
Because society collapses, people are going to start eating each other.
And I made the modest proposal statement about
Eatin' the Irish children.
Now they've got articles out that say eat Irish children.
It's the ignorance of the public.
Go ahead, sorry.
I know I'm ranting.
Well, we're not worried that you're gonna see this, Alex.
That's why we're here.
But look, when you talk about genocide... I know, but the public is so dumb, they don't even know who Jonathan Swift is.
And when you talk about genocide, they're not gonna do this, as you pointed out, Robert.
Oh, I know.
They're not gonna do it.
With the thing that's held them back on bioweapons is you put out a virus that everybody can catch, it could kill everybody, unless you could make it DNA specific.
They're trying to do that, they haven't done that yet.
However, they do have the ability, if they can put out a virus and scare people, they can make sure that they can inject you with something that is going to have a slow kill aspect to it.
This is what we have to be concerned about.
Tell them.
They had female hormones in the tetanus shot, causing an autoimmune response to the hormones, sterilizing the woman during the second trimester every time, causing an auto-abort.
You've got other systems they put cancer viruses in that are age-related that then trigger and start replicating once hormone levels go down.
So kind of a carousel.
Logan's run until you're about 55.
This is all embedded stuff.
And then they've got, that's ancient stuff.
You know, 50 years old.
Now they've got more advanced stuff.
Well look at what happened, you talked about Africa, look at what happened in India.
That was where Bill Gates was very active with polio vaccine.
They stopped that HPV vaccine.
Because how many hundreds of thousands got polio?
Oh yeah, it was about 450,000.
But because the WHO said it's eradicated, it's polio-like!
It's like if I shoot you in the head with a .357 Magnum and I go, oh it's a .357 Magnum.
Those are outlawed.
I just shot you with a projectile.
And if they test me with COVID positive, then that would be I died from COVID-19 instead of the headshot.
I know I'm ranting.
I want to come back with both you guys and get into statistics and other points you want to make and get into the depopulation area.
But I want to make a really huge statement here right now.
I want it to really sink in.
We say a lot of big things and we're frantic because this is so real, folks.
COVID-19 is set to be the most devastating virus in human history.
It is going to kill more people than any virus has ever killed in human history.
And it's not because it's deadly.
It's because the panic and the shutdown it's causing is going to starve 135 million people a year.
And the very UN that helped launch this then wants to get your money to try to feed those people.
They're never going to feed them.
And I'm sure the head of the World Food Program actually sounds like a good guy, like he means what he says.
He's showing you real people starving, but saying COVID caused it.
No, the panic caused it.
So COVID-19 is going to kill 100 plus million people.
And economists are saying if it brings down the world economy for a decade, it could be up to a billion people that end up starving to death.
Ladies and gentlemen.
These are real numbers.
This is not a joke.
If you're a radio listener, you don't see them throwing up AP, Reuters, all this.
And I don't just go off their numbers.
I've studied it.
Lord Monckton's done big actuaries.
He's a big mathematician.
He estimated a 50% carbon tax cut.
We did the math back in 2015.
Over a decade would cause over 1 billion people to starve to death.
Just Bill Gates and the UN getting DDT and other stuff banned in Africa has caused about a half million people to die.
They banned hydroxychloroquine in Africa to cause mass death.
These people are slaughtering everywhere.
Meanwhile, the average African's been brainwashed that the average white guy down the street wants to kill him.
It's all BS.
It's the globalists are coming after all of us.
We must unite or die!
How do you put a people under house arrest?
How do you put them under siege?
Well, you tell them you're protecting them from a virus that you yourself cooked up with the globalist Deep State and then had China release to then take down the populist president and those pesky American people that have become too uppity.
Bill Maher even admitted it.
Man, I hope we have a depression.
And now they've tailored the whole thing, where the big corporations and the media are going to keep the country closed, along with the help of the blue cities and blue states, all the time blaming Trump and capitalism and Americanism for the depression it creates.
If America is that stupid, we deserve what happens to us.
But as for me, I'm not sitting here and I'm not taking it.
It's all the nanny state and the peer pressure that they're the good people keeping everybody safe.
But that's not what they're doing.
They are pulling America up by its roots and irrevocably damaging our savings, our health, our whole world, and committing millions of third-world people to death.
And all of a sudden, the trap snaps, and you're inside.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years, going back to Magna Carta in 1215, of hard-fought basic human dignity and liberty, and believing that the individual was sovereign and had basic, unalienable rights, has been absolutely erased just in March.
And the Communist Chinese
...have been our teachers, and Big Tech has been our controllers.
We're all being introduced now to the digital straitjacket that depends on us complying with it, and depends on us all pin-pecking each other into submission.
But for all of you out there that decided to go along with this, mark your calendars down, and then in a few months, a few years, look at the world and remember, you did this.
You were the prisoners.
You were the slaves.
You were the people that crouched down and licked the hand that fed you.
As for me, give me liberty, or give me death.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are either with humanity or against it.
Alright, Robert Barnes, David Niter here with me.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll leave you with this for another two segments, then I'm going to put the phones up and take your calls.
And I get really emotional because I intellectually look at all this stuff and it's just, it's like a public science fiction nightmare horror movie.
And exactly our analysis is now unfolding.
What other agendas does this serve, Robert Barnes?
Well, I think, I mean, it serves, you're seeing a massive reallocation of wealth and power throughout the Western world.
So it's not only a massive reallocation of power and governors and mayors and county officials asserting extraordinary degrees of control over their citizens.
And loving it.
I mean, these are like edicts from old dukes.
You know, just saying, hey, I'm going to do this thing today.
I'm going to do this.
And they're lords now.
Especially and increasingly irrational by everyone's admission.
When you're closing down people from swimming by themselves at a public beach in the open sunshine, heat and humidity and open air, where everybody agrees as the lowest risk of transmission of the virus, then it's simply a power grab in the name of power and seeing how much you can get away with it.
So we have a real live Milgram experiment for the entire civilization of the Western world.
This is a giant Milgram experiment.
Absolutely, and incredible power reallocation and redistribution from ordinary people to the elite.
But at the same time, we're seeing a massive economic reallocation of wealth and influence, most of it off the books and outside the public eye, through the Federal Reserve, which has spent more money in the last six months, printed more in six weeks, printed more money in the last six weeks than all of the Congress stimulus combined.
They printed over two and a half trillion dollars, and they say they will continue to print as long and as much and as often as they want, and they're shifting power from little... There's a reason why Walmart's open and your local shop isn't.
While the big grocery store is open and your little grocer isn't.
While the big stores are open and the little stores are not.
For whatever you're buying, whether it's hardware, whether it's food, whether it's clothes.
And is this not the ultimate class system, where big boxes stay open, little boxes don't?
You're not essential if you're not part of the big corporations.
This is like rollerball.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, when we look at this, George Gilder in his book, Life After Google, and of course George Gilder has been very prescient about anticipating the advent of the smartphone and so forth.
And he's hoping that Google is going to go away.
But he calls these people neo-Marxists.
I hope he's right.
And let's understand, it's essential for the Marxists to shut down the middle class.
And that's what you're talking about, Robert.
Shutting down the most vibrant part of the middle class, the people who are the risk-takers, the hard workers, and making them, instantly turning them into beggars.
I have story after story I covered this morning about people who have small businesses, and they said, look, we applied for the loans, but there's nothing there.
And my answer is, from now on, we can't do business with big corporations.
If they're globalists, the average middle class person has to stop going around like this is a playground.
It's now war.
Yeah, and if you look at the agendas that are here, you know, we've seen the Green Agenda, we've seen, which also the UN 2030 Agenda, because it was a Green Agenda, it was based on sustainability.
Yeah, the anti-human takeover.
So look at all the stuff that we've had there.
You know, we had, first the Democrats are getting upset with AOC because she was basically tipping their hand of where they're going.
Oh, we've got to stop meat.
We've got to stop people from flying on airplanes.
We've got to keep, and all of them have been saying, we've got to keep the oil in the ground.
Well, they're not keeping it in the ground.
Now they're keeping it in ships, loading it around everywhere and paying to take it off their hands.
But look at this.
I mean, we're cutting down the meat.
We're stopping the airline from being able to fly energy in the ground.
We've now got biometric surveillance, which was also on their list.
Which was already in place.
They just flip the switch.
And I think that this is a big part about why this special number is six feet.
I mean, we talk about, you know, we've seen all the pictures about how, oh look, if one person in Walmart sneezes, you're all gonna get sick, right?
And yet, six feet is somehow the magic number.
Let me tell you what, that six feet I think is there because they want to be able to do biometric surveillance, even if they force you to wear a mask.
So it's biometric surveillance.
They want to know when you go to the checkout that then they can match you with that card.
That's it.
That's right.
Geospatial intelligence.
Part of that is activity-based intelligence.
Human domain analytics, so they can master the human domain.
Remember Jade Helm?
That was the motto.
Mastering the human domain.
That's right.
They've got the AI all fired up and testing right now.
That's right.
So you've got all this stuff.
Surveillance, social credits, and then you get into the city and how people live.
Smart cities, sidewalk labs that Google has.
All of this is being rolled in all at once.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
Soon, soon it'll all be under our control.
The great computer in the sky.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
How do we stop it?
We'll talk about that.
I'm not gonna sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes and for worse is that.
If you're paying attention, you know we've done together.
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game and they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence human resistance.
So now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structure is going to silence those of us that they can't.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that a long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the polar bears you are.
I could see for miles and miles I could see for miles and miles I could see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles Oh yeah
All right, folks, we're here with Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, David Knight, who hosts the weekday morning 8 a.m.
David Knight Show here on the InfoWars People's Pro-Human Network.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I intend to start at the bottom of the hour for an hour and a half.
Take your calls on any subject you wish.
First-time callers, long-time callers on this live Tuesday edition, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
But, oh, you know what?
I just misspoke.
As I said earlier in the first hour, none of this is scripted.
I just, one of the producers had the idea.
I talked about it, taking calls of medical personnel, doctors, first responders with their COVID-19 positive stories, horror stories.
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
I played the clip of the doctors earlier.
And nurses saying that they're paid to lie and say that people have COVID-19 when they don't.
Inflate the numbers.
Just incredible clip.
So in the first round of calls or so, we will take calls from medical workers and from doctors and nurses and people like that.
And then later into the fourth
We're good to go.
I was asking you, Barnes and Knight, during the break, what's the silver lining here?
This is really waking up a lot of people I know that used to make fun of me.
I've got some family that doesn't think it's that serious now.
They're totally pissed to understand what's going on.
And I really see there being a big backlash.
You were saying to vaccines and more.
Oh, exactly.
I mean, we're in an America where swimming is a crime, surfing is a crime, paddleboarding is a crime, playing t-ball with your daughter is a crime, going out on a walk on the street is a crime.
To the degree that we have underground hair cutters that they're doing stings on.
I mean, who imagined that?
I've been getting underground haircuts.
Exactly, it's the new black market activity.
Who's the best salon person you can get for your haircut?
We couldn't even imagine that America two months ago.
So the people that have been saying for a long time that the power grabbers will use any pretext to grab power, and in particular a virus may be a means to do so,
That in ways that terrorism and this fear of it and the foreign enemy and the fear of it and crime and the fear of it could not induce mass forfeiture of civil rights and civil liberties has overnight led people to forfeit their civil liberties in the fearful nature of scary virus.
Sure, and let's roll that footage of just from two days ago.
New York police grabbing a man, slamming his head in the concrete, jumping on his head because he wasn't doing social distancing.
This is terrorism.
This is just insane.
Tasering people, I guess.
He's walking around with a taser.
They take down one guy.
One guy's just pointing out, hey, what's going on here?
And this cop decides that this individual is also not social distancing.
So he takes him down, starts punching him.
All he was doing was not social distancing.
Punches him in the face, punches him in the stomach.
Drags him up.
And as Americans witness this, there's more Americans realizing, one, a lot of law enforcement, unfortunately, will just do what the state tells them to do, even when it's irrational.
There's been a lot of honorable law enforcement across the country say that they have... Mainly in the Midwest and the South and rural areas.
What the hell's wrong with blue cities, man?
Well because they've been told that unless they behave correctly with the political powers that be, they will be targets themselves.
So there's a lot of corruption in the legal and prosecutorial processes in these big cities.
That cop literally just assaulted that guy, I mean with deadly force, and jumped on top of him and now they're going to go further and arrest him.
And what's fascinating is, look at this.
This would normally, the left would have this all over the place.
This would be the number one story in the country.
It would be a Black Lives Matter story.
It would be a major civil rights, civil liberty story, ACLU story.
All of them are almost completely mute and silent about this.
But I think that's what's waking up more and more people.
Waking up people to the fact that their perception of vaccines is radically changing.
Because as they see, you know, vaccines are supposed to be what cured smallpox.
So they had this wonderful voodoo reputation and no one was supposed to second guess whether there's any safety issues.
Look at that, he does a jiu-jitsu move, starts punching him in the face full power.
That cop literally just assaulted that guy for going, what the hell man, I'm just walking around.
Precisely right.
And the cop comes to him too.
And all he was doing was seeing that someone else was being brutalized for social distancing.
And these are social distancing arrests.
To their credit, the New York Police Department today came out and said, we need to get out of the social distancing arrest business.
But that's what you're seeing.
You're seeing ordinary police officers resist the unconstitutional orders of their bosses and superiors.
You're seeing ordinary people re-examine why is there immunity for vaccines?
Shouldn't we be concerned with safety related to new vaccines?
A crazy Chicago mayor who's mirroring all these other virtue signalers that you're a criminal if you're outside we're gonna take you to jail.
So she's trying to bring us to the Spanish model where they've been locked up for two months and they're seeing the biggest spikes because people are locked up indoors full of anxiety.
And their studies show that if you get locked up indoors and you think you're going to get sick, you will get sick because your body will have an autoimmune response.
It's called psychosomatic.
And that's what's happening.
And then now, don't worry, then they take you down there, stick a tube down your lungs and then pump them full air until they pop and you die.
The medical doctors have said that's the truth.
So let's hear from her.
Here she is.
Let's go ahead and hear from Admiral Ackbar.
Sorry, start it over.
And this is how it's going to be.
We will shut you down.
We will cite you.
And if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail.
There should be nothing unambiguous about that.
Don't make us treat you like a criminal.
But if you act like a criminal, and you violate the law, and you refuse to do what is necessary to save lives in this city in the middle of a pandemic, we will take you to jail.
You talk about an absolutely out of control nanny snake.
When did Admiral Ackbar become our controller?
The dangerous thing about this is that we're at the second wave here.
And the second wave, just as you heard her say, don't make us do this.
You're threatening our lives.
And this is the next step where they come in.
Where we're terrorists!
How dare you!
You stay in your damn house!
You don't open your business, have I?
We're warranted to do anything that we do.
That's right.
You too!
You know, Alex, I talked today, yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Kent State, right?
What happened at Kent State?
Well, we had some people who were not really experienced, the National Guard, they panic or whatever, fire into the crowd and they kill four students.
Now, what's going to happen now is, here we are 50 years later,
And instead of a bunch of spoiled college students, you've got business owners who are out there writing against this stuff, or demonstrating against this stuff.
And what they have in common is that these students realized that they were lied to.
Nixon said he was going to stop the war, instead he escalated it with a secret war.
We realize we've been lied to.
We realize that our lives are at stake.
These people are going to be sent off to Vietnam to die for a political agenda based on a lie.
But now you've got people, middle-class, middle-aged business owners, who are out there and instead of a bunch of amateur National Guard troops, you've got the militarized police who've been told that they can shoot first.
If they're fearful, they'll have their backs covered.
And this is going to start a revolution.
Yeah, absolutely.
We're not acting tough up here.
I'm just telling the veterans, everybody, are just ready.
They're tired of it.
They've tried to fix things peacefully.
We've really put up a lot of crap.
We've been censored, everything else, and people are just really getting serious.
I think the solution, Alex, is we've got to have constitutional sheriffs.
We've got to have constitutional mayors, councilmen, and so forth.
It's gotta be done at the local level.
Hey, this is still America.
That's right.
You go to your blue cesspit with the homeless and the needles and the perverts and the pedophiles and you go there and you fail.
But they're trying to suck us all down into an American bankruptcy so we have to bail their blue cesspits out.
You know, when we talk about posse comitatus, right?
That's right.
What was that?
The power of the community, right?
You know, Westerns, you've got the posse gets behind the sheriff when there's a necessity to do that.
And we've got a lot of constitutional sheriffs who said, look, I'm not going to arrest somebody who's just trying to... What's a posse?
Isn't posse the people in Latin?
Yeah, posse is power, comitatus is the community, so it's the power of the community.
That's where we can stop this.
That's the only place we can stop this, is state governments you can't count on.
Yeah, if the left wants to rally their mob to destroy America, we'll rally the American people.
And they know it.
But we want to be careful and not be violent about it, because you talked about that.
They want to trigger something like... Michigan, I understand why they did it, but they're trying to say they're all Nazis for saying that she's a Nazi, the governor.
That woman looks totally psychotic.
Oh, it's scarier her or Admiral Ackbar.
Final segment in your phone calls.
We'll be right back.
Cobra is now in command of you and your family.
Google and Facebook, as well as Apple, work closely with our organization, the ESCORE, to surveil your every movement with robot drones and other systems to ensure the safety of the public.
Of course it was I, twelve years ago with Obama, who serves us well and vouched, who transferred the bio-weapons to Communist China so we could now release the weapons.
But without the loving liberal media scaring you into submission, and the corporate press, worshiping corporations that shut down all access, as well as blue city governors and mayors,
We would never have been able to give you a depression that will destroy your future forever and starve the third world.
Well done, American cowards!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
This is the end... ...of our beautiful republic.
...beautiful friend.
This is the end.
This is the end... ...my only friend.
The end... ...been building since the Magna Carta.
We have a free open society and now it's all falling in a matter of months.
But there's always a counter-offensive.
And as long as we're here exposing what's happening, there's going to be major backlash.
David, you were warning that they're trying to cause a revolution.
But how does a revolution need to look?
We don't want it to be violent, because they really want to use it to trigger something bigger, but as Churchill said, there may be a time when there's no choice.
Back in 2017, October 2017, there was one of these social media hearings on Capitol Hill.
They had the big representatives from the social media companies, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so forth.
They were there.
After they left, however, they had a guy who's worked for a long time with the military-industrial complex, both in the military and then private contractors.
He got up and he said, this is a civil war.
It's already started.
It's starting with words.
And we have to silence the cannons on social media.
And so what we're looking at, Alex, is really an information war.
People are begging, because you've got a controlled press, because you've got CNN, Fox, MSNBC, pushing this panic that's coming out of the mouth of Fauci and Birx and so forth.
Well, print that.
Look, former FBI agent says tech companies must silence sources of rebellion.
Print that.
That's the article we're talking about.
That's right.
That's right.
And yesterday, I've talked about this many, many times, that was from the World Socialist Workers or whatever, they picked up on that.
And Caitlin Johnstone picked up on it again yesterday.
I said, yeah, remember how many times I've talked about this?
In the wake of, because it was eight months later, nine months later, that they shut down the cannon on social media, Alex Jones.
They did that nine months later.
And now the very same people want to arrest me.
We can't get into it yet, but they're now planning my arrest.
And so, you know, just like they did at Concord and Lexington, they came for the cannons, not just the guns.
They came for the cannons at Goliad, Santa Ana, and so forth.
And they came for the cannons of social media and of free speech.
Your ability to be able to pass along with comment what you think, right or wrong,
As well as the Independent Free Press.
And so they understand this is an information war.
They understand that we're losing it.
So basically, they pulled the plug on free speech.
And this is why the public is buying into this narrative.
That's the only thing that they're hearing.
They're absolutely panicked about this.
And that's why we've all got to hit the streets.
I have an article here.
Guys, pull it up because I was unable to find it.
I saw it this morning.
Where the Democrats have been given an AI system the Pentagon developed to fight, quote, disinfo for the election, and it's actually attacking the President and us, and they admit that.
And it's actually run by Snopes and George Soros.
So taxpayer weaponized AI is run by a former U.S.
General against the American people.
There it is.
And that's only one aspect.
Right, Bob.
Democrats using Pentagon-funded AI system to target pro-Trump narratives online.
Holy hell!
That's illegal!
And it's funded by DARPA, but here's the other part of this that I don't see anybody talking about.
Microsoft is at the center of this speech control and also election control.
This is one way that they're controlling it by saying, well, we're going to control what people are saying out there, and we're going to start mapping out the different political beliefs of people and shut that down.
But it's far beyond that.
Election Guard is something that was also funded by DARPA through Microsoft.
They're going to have DARPA counting the votes after Microsoft has put out News Guard to tell you don't listen to this.
Yeah, there's Fast Company.
That's mainstream news, folks.
So I think Trump's being blindsided by this.
He was screaming at his campaign chairman, campaign manager, saying, what the hell's your problem?
It came out a week ago.
I don't think Trump gets this.
And I don't know with 181 days how he can... This is out of control.
It's not even the whole government.
It's leftist deep staters like Brennan and Clapper are still in control of all this.
And now they can't silence InfoWars.
They're pissed that the listeners are spreading the word.
So now they want us arrested.
Think about this.
I've been talking about this for a couple of years.
Election Guard, News Guard stuff.
And I said, look.
They've already demonstrated how easy it is to hack into these electronic voting machines.
I mean, the first electronic voting machines was Smartmatic down in Venezuela.
Hugo Chavez's friends created it so they could keep him in office.
They exported that to a lot of Central and South American countries, to the Philippines.
They rigged elections there.
They brought some of that stuff into the U.S.
We have seen, for decades, we've seen electronic machines.
You have a, you know, a community college professor come in with a couple of computer science students and say, look, we can stick this thumb drive in there, we can flip all the votes, and we can erase it.
So now we get to the point where all this is happening, and you've got the Black Hat conferences and DEF CON that are happening in Vegas, and they say, look, we're going to show you how vulnerable the election system is, and we can have some kids, all of them under the age of 15.
We've got 30 of them going to come in, and we've got a replica of the state election boards, and they come in and they hack it, and every one of them except two were able to hack it.
Yeah, folks, you've got to hit the streets outside cyberspace.
And just be activists everywhere.
In closing, Robert Barnes, other points you'd like to make?
Well, I remember when I was a kid, I met the greatest election predictor I'd ever met from a little town in Grundy County, Tennessee, who explained how he could predict within a tenth of a percentage point what the results were going to be in various elections.
And I was like, how do you do that?
And he said, well, Bobby, it's not who votes that matters, it's who counts the votes who matters.
And that's the oldest logic in the world.
And is it a coincidence that Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates, is involved in these other aspects of AI technology and election ballot counting in the future?
You're talking about a billionaire who, while people were paying attention to the Koch brothers, paying attention to George Soros, slipped in under the
A limelight seized control of public health authorities all around the world, corrupted the institutional influences of universities, academy and public health alike, to the degree that even publications like Politico were talking about it two years ago, the scope and scale and severity of what was taking place, and now we see what a presidency or a world empire government by someone like Bill Gates would look like, and it is not a pretty look.
And so I think it's what we face today is unprecedented and unparalleled in American history since at least 1776.
And by the way, Barnes, are we kidding about how the Deep State's making a move on him for us?
We can't get into it yet.
There's no doubt about it whatsoever.
What you saw was an inside...
Because he was going to kick all the operatives out.
And he's going to bring in all the white hats in.
In fact, I mean, I represented some of those other white hats that got targeted by Mueller.
So now what's the deep state up to?
So and then the goal is on the outside to take out the dissident voices.
An institutional narrative doesn't work unless it's gated.
And you need gatekeepers to keep out the wrong voices.
So they need to take certain key voices, primarily Infowars, kick them out of the narrative.
Arrest Roger Stone.
Exactly, and in the process, in the time frame, continue to target them for political harassment, legal harassment, every other form of harassment, publicize false news stories, hide true news stories, to have this continuous campaign, because InfoWars keeps managing to jump over that gate and get back in and undermine the institutional narrative, so the big powers of institution, the gatekeepers, have to come and escalate the attacks on InfoWars and those who personify it.
And we're not complaining.
We chose this battle.
We want listeners to know we're really soldiers for our future, your future, and we're not backing down.
We're committed to this, but soon we'll be able to talk about it, but it's pretty heavy stuff.
Oh, no doubt.
It's extraordinary.
It's the most expansive, extensive targeting of any organization within the free press in American history, period.
From a political perspective, from a press perspective, from a legal perspective.
There is simply no parallel or precedent to it.
Well, Martin Luther King got harassed as much.
Oh yes, I'm talking to the press.
There have been political leaders, Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King, civil rights leaders, the Great Revolution.
Ernest Hemingway got this kind of stuff.
Oh absolutely.
A whole bunch of journalists, independent writers, independent thinkers, independent politicians.
You're saying for a press organization, you're right, this is the biggest.
There's no press organization that's been harassed and targeted more than InfoWars.
And the reason is not because they're afraid of falsehood, it's because they're afraid of truth.
Gentlemen, both of you, amazing job.
Hiding in plain view, Politico, the Associated Press, you name it, admit that a half a billion people, extra 500 million, are now at the subsistence starvation level, on top of all the millions already starving because of the global lockdown.
That is hundreds of times worse than all the deaths in the world caused by COVID-19, and the very people that cooked it up and gave it to the chi-coms at the World Health Organization, with Bill Gates involved, are now the ones running the operation to shut down society, create a depression, and forcibly inoculate everybody.
This is insane.
Ladies and gentlemen, if they succeed, it's over.
You need to get prepared now.
You need to get high-quality, storable food.
Now back in stock at InfowarStore.com.
And you need to get politically active and challenge this verbally everywhere.
Big Tech is trying to censor everyone right now and bully people into saying you can't even challenge verbally social distancing.
This is beyond 1984.
The tyranny of the dual order is here.
Get prepared now and spread the word in the Infowar.
You are the Paul Reveres!
Now that this U.N.
global government shy-com-billable-indicates medical tyranny has seen how far they can push it now, we just lapped it up like poison.
You know now they're going to launch more bio-attacks that are even more hardcore.
This early one
Does kill people, but see, it's a virus Bill and Melinda Gates own.
It's a virus that's novel from others, so they can give you a vaccine.
See, a regular cold or flu virus, you really can't do a vaccine for because it's always mutated.
But see, because this is a chimera and a lab made, they can have a speciality.
So it's a whole giant franchise.
They get filthy rich off of it.
They can surveil everybody.
Everybody gets to become a suspect.
And now when you have low numbers of death, it doesn't matter because they make a huge spectacle out of it.
You watch next year with the flu, it'll even be bigger as well.
This is what they've done to us because we're a bunch of domesticated idiots.
Well, communists kind of wouldn't sign on to the carbon taxes that would cut their energy use by half.
And the United States wouldn't sign on to it.
So guess what happened?
Along came COVID-19 and Bill Gates is celebrating, saying it's already cut your carbon footprint by half.
And that means you're going to be poor now and under his control.
And of course,
With the medical tyranny comes the forced inoculations, a eek microchip that comes with the vaccine, and so much more.
And Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will get sick and die from it.
So remember folks, they're coming to hurt you and your family and destroy your basic rights.
The same left that says kill babies all day long
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
John and Phil and Jason and Tori and Rosa.
Nurses, doctors, family of nurses and doctors with a lot of amazing stories.
I can see they're on the board.
The number for other doctors, other nurses, other medical workers, other family members that want to give your take on COVID-19.
We're gonna go to you in just a few minutes.
David Knight wanted to finish a point.
Host the David Knight Show, weekday mornings, 8am to 11am, right before I come on here on the InfoWars Free Speech Pro Human Network.
And of course, Robert Barnes is doing a special show for a while longer, that is called American Countdown, from 7 to 9pm each evening on the TV and radio satellites, and at InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
But David, you were getting into the AI and Microsoft takeover of the voting machines, and now you can't even be there to see what happened, so it makes it even easier when nobody's at the voting booth to take control.
That's right.
I was laying out how this originated down in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez and the fact that we're very concerned about the integrity of the elections, how easy it is to hack this, but it's the connection to Bill Gates, it's the connection of Microsoft to DARPA.
If we go back and we look at the Ed Snowden slides, it showed that in the
Prism Program, the very first corporation to jump in there in 2007 was Microsoft.
But here we are, Alex, and as they've been laying the foundation for Election Guard, where DARPA is going to count the votes, and we've had these probes that it turned out it was coming from the Obama Department of Homeland Security, probes into state boards of elections.
We saw that it was very easy to hack those models and so forth.
Now here we are, lo and behold, because of the coronavirus,
We have to have electronic voting.
They're saying, I don't think you're going to be allowed to do in-face voting.
You're going to have to do it through your smartphone.
You're going to have to do it online or something like that.
And it is the perfect summary of everything that's been laid out and how it all comes together with DARPA.
You can still fly on the airplanes.
You can still go to the store.
And again, there's six degrees of separation.
Come on!
Globalist garbage.
Heathrow boss says social distancing will never work at airports.
It'll end buses, it'll end everything, but that's the idea.
Fauci says stop shaking hands.
This is just a revolution ending human society, forcing us all into their globalist society.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
It's going to be a total nightmare if planes can survive.
They're saying, you've got to get there four hours early, and you're going to have to, well, you've got to go to the gate, but you've got to get there.
You can't hang around the gate.
Where are you going to hang around if you've got to stay six feet apart from everybody?
As I said, it would make the line several miles long.
And it's going to make it impossible for people to actually get on a plane because it has to be in close quarters.
Yeah, exactly.
And we've always had germs around.
Well, people are being taught they're bad.
They're being taught they're dirty.
That's right.
And they're embracing that and they don't want to be around humans.
And that's what we've got to fight.
And that's why we have to fight it by organizing together at the community level.
We have to make sure that they don't impose.
They're now using the term social bubble.
You know, we've got to end these social bubbles.
And let's go further.
250 years ago, who had the first big theories on this, said, heard the poor into small cities so they all die the pestilence, so the earth will be clean and the elite can enjoy the beauties of nature.
And that goes back to Plato saying, the poor are crushing the breast of Mother Earth, let's kill them.
David Knight, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Alright folks, I'm going to play a short clip of doctors and medical workers saying it's all a hoax, that they're running a scam, and we're going right to your calls for the balance of the transmission, so please stay there.
We're going to be going to John and Tori and others here in just a moment, but here's the report.
You're saying there is a massive pressure to artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases?
Yeah, I have directly been told to, if a patient has fever and cough or anything similar, to put this COVID-like diagnosis on the chart.
Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you'll get paid $13,000.
If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000.
Three times as much.
Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.
What proof would you have that you could show that you have been pressured to inflate the number of COVID-19 cases?
So I have an email from my medical director, and I'm going to cover her name because I really like her, actually.
And she's kind of between a rock and a hard place, just like me.
But I have my email right here.
It's to all the providers in the ER, and it states what codes we need to put.
And it specifically says, this can help cover the hospital ER bills.
So we want to make sure we code them correctly.
The actual cause of death was not COVID, but it's being reported as one of the disease processes and being added to the death list.
When they died from COPD, they had COVID.
COVID didn't kill them.
25 years of tobacco use killed them.
There is funding available for patients who are uninsured or underinsured who pursue care for possible or diagnosed COVID-19.
This can help cover hospital-slash-ER bills, so we want to make sure we code them correctly.
As you may know, a special exemption has been made to allow for a presumptive or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis.
Honesty is my core, and I think it's important that everybody knows the facts.
And what hospitals are going through right now, we're going through low volumes and, you know, inflating or embellishing a little bit on the charts just so we get funded because this... Putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people that are going to the hospital or any kind of respiratory
Um, distress, respiratory problems, pneumonia, the flu.
The flu-like symptoms lead into the COVID-19.
To be honest with you, all of the death certificates, they're writing COVID on all of the death certificates.
Whether they had a positive test, whether they didn't.
So, I think, you know, again, this is my personal opinion.
I think, like, the mayor in our city, they're looking for federal funding.
To me, all you're doing is you're panning statistics.
You know, you're putting people on that have COVID-19.
If they didn't have it, you're making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be.
I had one that was autopsied because it was serious.
Um, and the apparently, and I don't know who the Supreme Court Justice is, but the Supreme Court Justice was related to this family.
And because I know my husband didn't die of COVID-19, he said he had Alzheimer's and they didn't suction her.
You have to suction because they forget how to swallow.
And, um, right away they put down COVID-19 on their death certificate and this Supreme Court Justice, whoever it is, contacted the hospital.
They did an independent autopsy based off of COVID-19.
This is a well-thought-out takeover plan, where the average person on the ground, whether they're in Spain, England, Australia, the United States or Canada, is a nurse or a doctor, and suddenly there's no business there, and they go, well, just code all these people as COVID-19.
All right, I'm going to go to break, because I don't want to cut people short, and I promise we're going to take four or five of these calls next segment.
We're going to get to everybody.
Tori's a medical worker, delivers supplies.
John's a medical worker, healthcare companies.
John's a pharmacy worker on vaccines, COVID-19.
Phil, wife is a doctor, hospital, lack of COVID-19 patients.
Jason, mother-in-law's a doctor at hospital, says no surge.
Grandmother died, tested negative, still COVID.
I mean, these are incredible.
These are unscreened calls.
I mean, we ask what you're calling about, but we're just not telling you what to say.
Rosa, mom is a nurse, was laid off due to lack of patience.
We're going to talk to all of you when we come back.
And I'm just going to get this plug in now so I don't have to do it in the next segment.
I cannot stress to you how surreal it is here.
The tyranny we're under at InfoWars that I'm not able to get into yet.
Added to everything else going on, this country's hanging by a thread and so is the whole planet.
This is a decades-long planned takeover.
Everybody knows that.
The people running it are absolute criminals.
Trump is totally surrounded.
He's trying to battle out of it.
But the public is so cowardly, when he tried to get us not to be afraid, we just love getting afraid.
Well, you better be afraid of the end of human civilization because nobody's going back to the stores.
This depression is going to be the worst thing you ever saw.
And now they're announcing youth corps.
They're going to come around spot tracing you at your house.
They're announcing gun confiscation in Canada.
They're making their move on every agenda.
Very shameful.
I love my state.
A bar opened in West Texas saying we're going bankrupt.
They said in an armored tank and arrested them.
Okay, so, I mean, there's a lot of people are just crazy and they want to grandstand with their power.
Well, I guarantee you those cops, when this is all over, their families are going to be bankrupted.
They're going to be on the street and they're going to think back and wish they hadn't acted like this.
But that's just how it is.
We're a nation of compliant cowards.
Our founding fathers would not recognize us today.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast, and I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem, and I suffered with it for about five or six years, and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day, when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm gonna get me some of that frickin' Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals, because they don't want you to have that stuff, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I hid it from the nurses.
I got it.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
I'm here to tell you I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people!
And I've been fighting them for 13 years!
And I'll never stop while I'm drawing breath!
For 26 years, Alex Jones and Infowars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide.
Waking people up to the new world order.
Bohemian Grove.
The American deep state, the rise of communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
Join us.
Support the Info War, and together, we will slay the dragon.
Keep fighting, Alex.
You're the gladiator.
Ladies and gentlemen, Info Wars can now offer high-quality, storable food again.
Other manufacturers were sold out eight weeks ago, and they told people they had food.
Most folks never delivered their food.
Well, when our sponsors' food began to run short, they just suspended sales until they opened more factories and secured more food.
So if you get your orders in right now, they can take new orders and get it to you quickly.
They'll probably have to suspend orders very, very soon again because the lockdown of the economy is killing food distribution, farming, you name it, and now it's mainstream news that food shortages and delivery are already starting to happen.
What are champions made of?
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AAA-253-3139, AAA-253-3139, AAA-253-3139 is the InfoWars store hotline!
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888-233-139 888-233-139 888-233-139 That's InfoWarsStore.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide from the InfoWars.com studios.
Always faithful to a free human future.
Always faithful to the unborn.
Always faithful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and this is the InfoWar.
Well, we know that
We are witnessing the takeover of civilization and a collapse that will kill 135 million people, the UN says, in the next year.
But it doesn't matter if that's 130-something times what will die of COVID-19, even if you believe the inflated numbers, because it's the right thing to do.
So COVID-19 is the most deadly virus in human history.
Not because it kills people, but because it shuts off economies that starve them to death.
Well, let's go to John in Tennessee.
Thanks for holding.
Medical worker, health care companies and financials is what you want to talk about.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Hey, it's my second call.
I called in back about the impeachment back when that was going on.
Just glad you're still on the air.
And I wanted to bring something up.
I just I noticed you're still there.
I sure am, brother.
Oh, hey, I wanted to bring something up.
I'm glad you're on the air because you bring up things that people usually don't don't really hear about.
At least that's what I get out of your show a lot of times.
And there's something going on that at the company where I work at, it seems seems innocent on the left, you know, on the on the surface.
But we might want to watch out like what what this could actually turn into later when it's being used.
The COVID-19 is being used to bring attention to this, trying to bring all the health records together and make them public on Google Cloud.
If you go to onboarding.nationalresponseportal.com,
The company I work with teamed up with Google Cloud and Beta, another data... Oh, sir, sir, sir.
They're unifying under Google everybody's health records that came out last year ahead of this happening so they can fuse it all into smartphones and track everybody in live time.
They're going to use the medical crisis here to force the
I mean, it seems pretty innocent.
I did the research on it.
The schema doesn't include anything that's really identifiable yet.
So, yeah, I don't know how that's going to change.
Well, that's what they tell you, sir, just like they tell you when your location thing is turned off, it's off, it's never off.
Google is a total criminal organization.
Well, but they are, they did include a schema, if you read that, that write-up on the response page, that you have to provide the data in a certain format, and it's absent of anything that's identifiable.
They're just saying it's your metadata?
You can't identify somebody by their temperature, really.
But they're identifying it according to people that have been patients and their location, so they can then contact trace that.
Right, that's true.
Look, I sat there in Congress when Sundar Pichai says, we've never tracked one person ever.
And we don't track, I mean, they just lie.
They're the biggest liars the planet's ever seen, brother.
Change, right?
That's what you have to agree to, that it's going to change?
I appreciate your call, John.
God bless.
Tori in Arizona.
Tori, you're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call.
Hey Alex.
Thank you.
I got your mask yesterday.
I've been wearing the paper one for the last two weeks.
So I'm glad I got the paperless mask.
It was awful.
Very comfortable.
Works really good.
That way you can spread the word while they're forcing you to do it.
Oh yeah.
No one's said anything yet, but if someone wants to pop off to me, I got a few lines for them.
I'm getting look.
So you're a medical worker and deliver supplies.
Tell us about that.
I deliver anything from medicine, to scrubs, to gowns, gloves, masks, you name it.
Every night I deliver meds to the ICU at four West Valley hospitals.
I've been doing this for seven years.
I've never delivered this little of meds to the ICU.
I'm delivering these things called TPNs.
They're for unconscious people.
Pretty much every day, since they're unconscious, they need to get their nutrients.
I deliver these, and I'm delivering next to nothing.
Last week, two hospitals had zero, which I would assume meant that the ICUs were empty.
Well, you remember all the videos over the months of them empty.
The local news would say, they're full, death, body bags.
And you'd go there, no one would be there, and they'd try to arrest people that came.
But now it's confirmed, British hospitals are four times more empty, U.S.
hospitals are three times more empty than ever before.
That's the official numbers now.
And I'm not saying that some medical workers aren't heroes.
Or it isn't a tough job for EMTs and stuff, whether it's being a surgeon or nurses at heart.
The point is, is that this whole COVID thing saying everyone's a hero because they're overwhelmed and there's all this death.
I have family that works in one of the biggest VA hospitals.
They say it's dead.
They're again, they're watching TV and drinking vodka and the nurses are having sex with each other.
And that's it.
And of course, now that's all confirmed.
Where do you think this is going?
Um, I think that they want total control.
I think people are dumbed down from SSRIs, marijuana, alcohol.
Um, I was on SSRIs since I was 10 years old.
I had one of those moms that wanted to try every type of drug on me because I didn't behave.
Because that's what a good mommy does to her son.
It's a feminist thing, yeah.
Now feminists cut their son's testicles off, but yeah.
You're lucky you weren't born under the modern feminist.
All over, I've got
I'll leave it at this.
I know someone very close to me in Houston who's a nurse, and all the time lesbian couples come in and demand their three, four, five-year-old sons have their balls chopped off, and the hospitals refuse.
But they're there.
They go, why?
They want those testicles as a symbol of a ritual of power.
The pills mess you up.
They numb you out.
You don't feel any anger, any sadness.
Pretty much just go with the flow.
I quit taking those pills about six weeks ago,
I'm really starting to feel alive and you can feel all the emotion instead of just happiness.
I just feel hot all the time and all those pills.
Well, God bless you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Rosa in Indiana.
Mom's a nurse.
Tell us what's happening.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, how you guys doing?
I'm pretty freaked out.
It's all coming true.
Oh, yeah.
You ain't the only one.
My mom finally just got red pilled or whatever you want to call it.
She was working at the ER for about 20 years and she was laid off about three weeks ago and they specifically moved her into a coding department.
So they laid her off from the ER and now all she does is sit in the back of a doctor's office and do coding.
And for coding, she does the billing for people that don't know.
Yeah, she's in charge now of taking direction from the ER and then
How to code these patients who have died.
And is she saying that they're doing it fairly or are they listing anybody?
No, they're intentionally.
As long as they test positive, no matter what they passed away from, it is to be listed as COVID-19.
Well, they've confirmed that even if you die of a shark attack,
They've said this in the press conferences at the national level.
If you die of a shark attack, if a shark bit your leg off, the hospital will test you for that because if you die, they get the extra $39,000 and the extra $13,000.
Oh yeah, and then we had another reality check because since she's aware of what's going on now, my uncle went into the hospital two weeks ago and he had an infected boil under his arm and they told him that it was septic.
Well, they started giving him antibiotics.
He started feeling better.
He was getting better.
And then three days in there, they said, oh, well, we need to ventilate him because if it gets all the way into his bloodstream, he could die.
My mom said, absolutely not.
I've seen what you guys are doing.
I want my brother taken out of here immediately after they drained the boil.
And he has recovered just fine.
Wow, that's a close brush with death because they say 90% of the people that are, you know, end up getting a snake down them are dying because they're destroying the lungs if they don't need it, according to the medical doctors, and they would have gotten $39,000 to kill him.
Yes, and that's why we got him out of there.
I mean, we thought we, it was like, it was a fight.
Listen, you're doing the right thing, Rosa.
You've got to call into C-SPAN.
You've got to call the White House.
You've got to call local talk radio.
You've got to get your mom involved.
You've got to save people.
Your family got out of this, but they're going to kill a lot of people, including children.
Children going in that have respiratory problems.
They're killing them right now because they're desperate for numbers of dead kids.
I've called into Rush.
I've called into Glenn.
Um, trying to let these things be known.
It's absolutely crazy, because I actually called in.
I'm a first-time caller.
I actually called in for something completely different question, but then I was told you guys needed information about the hospitals, and I'm like, oh well, my mom
It was a nurse, and she's laid off, and now she's... Wow, so you called in about something different, and we said, no, we're just taking calls on this.
Wow, you're a beautiful person, and I want you to keep it up.
We need you.
The human intelligence, Rosie.
You are Paul Revere.
You know how powerful you are?
Everything we are rides on you, Rosa!
I love you!
God bless you.
I cannot believe this.
See, my dad worked in the medical field as a doctor, and he managed a whole bunch of stuff, and he did it cleanly and good.
But he told me, man, he goes, it's these evil company owners that try to get doctors and nurses to do evil stuff.
Look, the globalists are Satanists, alright?
Lawrence Rothschild recently posed at a gallery of art worshipping the devil and praising Lucifer.
You cannot make this up.
They flaunt it in our face.
That's what environmentalism is.
It's about having an anti-human future and having people live in a subsistence, feudal, serf state.
That's what they want.
These people that have stolen the planet and are worth trillions of dollars do not want you having a good life.
They know you're having fun.
They know you have a great wife, a great husband, great children.
They hate your guts.
They are the most horrible, evil people on the planet.
They openly fund racism.
War, degeneracy, pedophilia, everything else.
Imagine the most horrible thing in the universe and then imagine it doubled, tripled, quadrupled.
And being gullible and being domesticated just makes them rise up and attack you harder.
And they're the ones that launched this whole attack on the planet and they are the enemy of humanity and need to be stood up against.
The lockdown is permanent dictatorship.
The lockdown is designed to have the public accept their basic rights being suspended and a global medical tyranny led by the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in full control.
Many will submit through fear.
Others will be bought off.
But in the end, the globalists admit they're building a post
Human world and now that we're inside the cage.
It's going to move very very quickly into its in game Submission to this is a form of living death and committing the next generation and our own generation to a living
This is your dignity, your soul, your future being poured inside out.
This is a scientific dictatorship taking full control of humanity for its own selfish, disgusting power trip.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
These are some pretty wild phone calls, and we're just taking them.
If you think COVID-19 is super real and the end of the world, and you love the response, you love Fauci, you love the Wuhan lab, you love Xi Jinping, you're welcome to call 877-789-2539.
But this country's in a civil war with Qaikom Global's fifth column.
You know, I haven't said that in a long time.
Now that's coming out.
The President's saying it.
And the president's pragmatic.
He loves America.
He loves free market.
He doesn't like seeing us get screwed over for no reason.
But he keeps thinking he can fix things.
He's playing patty cake with these folks.
You can't.
You know they launched this on purpose, folks.
All right, next segment, Joe's in Ohio.
This is a short segment.
Grandmother died, tested negative, still told COVID death.
We'll go to Joe in a moment.
We got Phil and Jason and John and Josh and everybody else.
Let's talk to Josh in Arizona.
Josh, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, how you doing?
Thanks for letting me
Well, hey, most talk shows make you kiss their butt.
I appreciate you calling and being a listener, Josh, so thank you.
Go ahead.
Don't put the cart before the horse, my friend.
Love you guys.
Hey, I appreciate it.
So, my stepfather, 86 years old, chronic diabetes.
He was suffering from heart failure due to pneumonia.
He had chronic pneumonia.
He had been in and out of the hospital for months prior to the quote-unquote pandemic.
In fact, just two weeks earlier, they had tested him and he came back negative for Corona.
He never left the house after that, okay?
So, he was having difficulty breathing and, you know, so I called the hospital.
They take him in.
He had heart failure.
He had water on the lungs.
You know, a lot of problems.
86 years old, foot rotting off from diabetes.
I mean, everything you could imagine.
It was his time to go.
It was.
It was.
He was one of my best friends and I loved him.
But, you know, I could see the writing on the wall.
Yeah, it was time for him to meet the Lord.
So I take him to the hospital, Alex.
Yeah, yeah.
And at the front, there's like this tent, OK?
There's a guy out there with a smock on and some gloves.
No mask.
He greets us.
He takes my stepfather's temperature and calls somebody else out.
It's like this theater.
That's the perfect word for it.
I've heard you use it before.
It's like this theater to create this perception that, in fact, this guy could be the contagion, right?
So they take him.
They admit him.
They won't let family or visitors into the hospital.
And so I'm locked out, but they just let me go.
If this guy is, you know, a risk factor to their hospital and the community, why would they... I took him to the hospital, why would they just let me go?
Well, anyways, you know, without testing me, without... So in the end, they claim he had coronavirus?
Right, right.
So at the end, you know, right, four days later, he
He finally passed away, but he was put on comfort care and all this stuff, and it wasn't heart failure.
It wasn't the chronic diabetes.
It wasn't the pneumonia.
It wasn't any of that.
It was coronavirus.
Of course it was, and that's what they admit they do.
Fauci and them don't even deny they're doing it.
So then most of these numbers are people that were already dying, and then most of the time they admit they didn't even really test positive because the main test they use only means that you've had a coronavirus, not COVID-19, but the same family sometime in the last decade.
Just think about how they're executing this giant fraud in front of everyone.
Yeah, yeah, and locking everyone out of the hospital, like, you know, you couldn't see him from behind glass, you couldn't communicate with him.
Did they snake a ventilator down him to get that extra 39 grand?
Alex, they, um, I don't, I, my mom had power of attorney, so she declined the intubation.
Well, good, they didn't get that money.
Well, I'm sad to hear that he went, but you will see him again, my friend, and I'm glad you told your story.
More people need to tell their story, and not just here, where we're kind of preaching to the choir.
You need to tell your story everywhere.
God bless you.
And folks, another way to not just preach to the choir, tell everyone you know about InfoWars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
You are Paul Revere.
Spread the truth.
I'm always excited about InfoWars Life products.
They're amazing.
You love them.
They're cutting edge.
I love them.
And they fund the InfoWars in the face of the globalist onslaught.
But we have come up with a new product over a year in development that is amazing.
The only organic hand sanitizer on the market with organic essential oils on top of it.
And there's another innovation.
It's the spray cap.
It doesn't just pour out a bunch of thick, gross goo, but it's high quality.
It aerosolizes it in a really great way.
I like to put it on my hands.
Rub a little bit on my face.
It's got organic alcohol in it, so don't spray it right in your eyes.
But I just love it, personally, as something that's a moisturizer as well.
So, this is a real innovation.
I don't know why others didn't think of coming out with a hand sanitizer that actually has essential oil in it, so it doesn't dry you out.
It smells great.
It's so refreshing.
This is a big winner.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We're taking phone calls, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Tuesday, May 5th transmission.
And this is the reality of what's unfolding.
This is the globalist takeover.
It is a product of an open, free society that it creates decadence, and then corruption, and then tyranny, and then collapse.
And we go in this cycle.
But the globalists openly say that they're going to use robots and other techniques of social conditioning to make sure when we collapse this time, humanity never rises again.
And out of this, a new civilization, the post-human civilization, the silicon civilization, rises.
This is the actual cult of the globalists that's public.
And people ask, how did I predict all this?
Because they admit that that is their plan.
In fact, I saved a screenshot on my phone.
I'm at the sentence of the producers.
I saw it this weekend of a new movie out where the guy has his
Consciousness put into a computer, and then it's wonderful once he does it.
I mean, this is all just absolutely sick, folks.
It's not going to be your consciousness.
You're going to be killed.
The AI would have recorded your every move, how you talk, your voice print, what you do, to where then the avatar that'll be in the computer will be able to fool your family.
Then the computer will have a relationship with you and your family, and it's just the next level of fraud.
Yeah, here it is.
What's the show called?
And so he's sick, he's dying, but it's okay because the digital afterlife.
And of course you have to die when they do the upload.
You can't live for some reason.
Just like in the movie Avatar, he dies when his body's transferred.
If you're just transferring all the thoughts and there's not a soul there, well then why couldn't you just transfer it?
But then once he uploads, everything is wonderful.
He can just do whatever he wants.
This is what they're selling us.
They're going to lock us in our houses, tell us we can't leave, but say, don't worry, you can do all this new amazing stuff.
Just leave the real world to the globalists.
And then they can trick you when you're in this hologram to agreeing to sign onto the paperwork so that your carbon footprint will be reduced to actually go digital and get rid of your body and they'll cheer you and you'll be a celebrity and you'll be 100 feet tall at the football game, those that do it.
This is a pure seduction.
It's an absolute lie.
Everything these people tell you is a lie.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's go to Joe in Ohio.
Joe, grandmother died, tested negative, still told COVID death.
Tell us about that.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Man, I'm watching the whole Margaret the Beast satanic seduction unfold.
It's pretty scary.
Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate.
Hey listen, my 96-year-old grandmother had pneumonia up in Michigan.
So she's in the hospital last week and five, not one, five negative COVID-19 tests.
My uncle was up there and he's like, you know, if it's negative, why are you still calling it COVID-19?
And he's like, well, she has symptoms.
Well, this, you know, she's 96 years old.
She had no cough, no fever, and she had pneumonia that was probably brought on from a
Compression fracture.
She probably couldn't take deep breaths.
Anyway, she passed away Friday.
They started giving her morphine.
Sorry to hear that, brother.
Yeah, thanks, dog.
So, you know, by the evening she'd passed.
But, you know, it's a shame.
She had six kids.
Not one person up there to hold her hand, you know, at the very end.
Oh, that's so evil.
Yeah, that's so satanic to not let your family be there.
So this evil medical system can do whatever it wants.
Oh yeah, and then they still say, well, it's pneumonia, but it's caused by COVID-19.
I'm just like, what a joke.
So they got these half-hearted measures for the funeral this Friday.
We've got to go up to Nazi Michigan.
Well, in other words, they don't want you there, and a lot of times they're going to start stealing the organs, man.
They're converting through peer pressure the hospitals to just absolute pure evil.
Oh yeah.
And now they've all been corrupted, miscoding COVID-19.
All the FBI's got to do is go into any hospital, ask a few questions, they'll all roll over, piss on themselves, and do whatever they're told into the future.
This is a designed corruption.
For sure.
And what's funny, when I was waiting online for you, I was going through some emails, and I had one from LabCorp, and they're offering their new test, you know, but it's the test for antibodies.
And like, you know, I told my wife, I said, hell, you probably have that, you were sick back in February.
But remember, most, they admit that there's a whole bunch of companies that have read up on this.
Even with the antibodies, it's a false positive most of the time because if you've had the coronavirus in the last decade or so, you understand, you will show antibodies because it's the same family.
Does that make sense?
I mean, those tests don't tell you the exact type of coronavirus.
There's already 30-plus mutations confirmed in the U.S.
alone, 50 in Europe.
I mean, it's pure BS.
Hey, you think, this is what I think, I think they're gonna, they want to roll out more tests, they'll find that these people have these antibodies, just more excuse to shut down, slow down.
Exactly, and again that's why Trump has to go, oh there'll be more deaths now because they're gonna, anybody dies of anything, they're gonna be COVID from now on, the hospital's gonna get all that money.
They have incentivized the fraud.
God bless you brother, sorry about your grandmother.
Thank you Joe.
Let's talk to
Jason in Connecticut, then Christina, Amy, and John.
Jason, go ahead.
Thank you for calling.
Oh, you're welcome.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a longtime listener since about 2003, and you need to get Austin Steinbart QAnon on the show.
You know, a few weeks back, you announced that QAnon would come on the show, and Austin Steinbart is Q. He's a DIA agent, and he was arrested by the FBI last month, just like they did.
You know, they're trying to railroad him like General Flynn.
QAnon is a real military intelligence project, and Austin Steinbart is Q, and he needs the overwhelming Democratic mandate to arrest the deep state.
You could email Q-teamstaff.com.
Jason, Jason, Jason.
I know the Q-thing says it's okay to lie and stuff like that.
I don't believe that.
And I'm not saying some people that like you aren't doing some good work and it's fun to follow breadcrumbs and do all that stuff.
And I said I was thinking about exposing the original guys that put it out and they got hijacked.
But I haven't done that yet.
I'm still thinking about it.
You know, one of the guys has been promoting Bill Gates and stuff.
You said you called in about mother-in-law is doctor at hospital, no surge.
You have a real mother-in-law, is that real, Jason?
Yes, my mother-in-law is a doctor at a hospital and there really is no surge.
I mean, I think out of the hundreds of patients we've seen, maybe one person tested positive, but I don't really believe the test.
I mean, I think everyone has COVID.
It's just a BS to basically get that $39,000.
No, I agree with you, Jason, but what does your mother-in-law think it is?
What my mother-in-law thinks?
She's obviously going along with the brainwashing.
I'm not knowing what to think when they lie to you so brazenly.
But you definitely need to get Austin Steinbart queuing on on the show, and I think that's going to be the biggest show, bigger than your Joe Rogan show, because once you hear what Austin Steinbart has to say,
I'm pretty sure you guys will be lockstep together because a lot of things that he says is things that I've heard you say over the 15 years that I've listened to you.
He's 29 years old.
He's locked down right now.
He has a flip phone.
I could get you in direct contact with him.
Listen, I appreciate your call, man.
You know, that's the thing about this Q deal is that anybody can say they're this or they can say they're that because people love something that's nebulous.
And something that can't be proven.
And that no one cares about Fauci confirmed running the Wuhan Bioweapons COVID-19 program.
That's like confirmed and no one even cares.
And then these people nebulously tell you, this is happening to me or that's happening to me.
And it's just, I just, okay.
Great, Q's all real, it's great, doing it's own thing.
That's just not me, okay?
I just am not involved in it.
I went out to one of the rallies the other day here in Austin to open things up, and there was like five or six guys in Q shirts, and they were just looking at me.
It's like, they're like, God's here, Q's above that.
And it's like, you know.
Meanwhile, one of the guys that started the Q thing was a Trump campaign person in the White House, and another one was in U.S.
And they did it as something to try to be able to put dirt out on Hillary and people and not get in trouble like I got in trouble doing.
And then it got out of control and then it got taken away from them.
And I've got to give those guys, I've had a lot going on since then, a chance to come out and talk about it.
But at the end of the day, it's not really that important.
It's just, it's just, it's just maniac level, folks.
I'm going to come back and I'm going to take your phone calls on what's really happening to martial law.
The superpower that I have is that I tell you what I really think, even if it ends up hurting me short term.
I believe in God, and I believe in the long run, it'll end up being better for myself and everybody else in this world we live together in.
I understand what comes around and goes around, and you reap what you sow, and I live that.
And I fundamentally, at a cellular level, understand it.
Now, if I would have, I could
I think?
So, we started selling out of Mineral Fusion and all the other products.
I cut the prices from 30% off to 60% off because I knew it was the right thing to do during a crisis to make sure people were incentivized to up their body's defenses.
But now I'm telling you, with the economic crisis going on, get your storable food now.
How do you put a people under house arrest?
How do you put them under siege?
Well, you tell them you're protecting them from a virus that you yourself cooked up with the globalist Deep State and then had China release to then take down the populist president and those pesky American people that have become too uppity.
Bill Maher even admitted it.
Man, I hope we have a depression.
And now they've tailored the whole thing, where the big corporations and the media are going to keep the country closed, along with the help of the blue cities and blue states, all the time blaming Trump and capitalism and Americanism for the depression it creates.
If America is that stupid, we deserve what happens to us.
But as for me, I'm not sitting here and I'm not taking it.
It's all the nanny state and the peer pressure that they're the good people keeping everybody safe.
But that's not what they're doing.
They are pulling America up by its roots and irrevocably damaging our savings, our health, our whole world, and committing millions of third world people to death.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I mean, I could tell you who first started the whole Q thing.
And I'm so close to doing it, but I just, I've gotten busy, and I should have called up a couple of these guys, but I don't want to get one of them in trouble.
I don't want to get any of them in trouble.
They're not bad guys, just they're not what Q is today.
But, it wouldn't matter even if I had released who it was.
People don't want to believe the truth.
People that are into that kind of stuff, they just want to believe fantasy lands.
And so, okay.
Trust the plan, as one go, they all go.
Meanwhile, it's the Patriots getting overrun and attacked and harassed, and you've still got the Justice Department full of Clinton operatives and Obama operatives, but I don't want to get sidetracked on that.
We're talking about the 135 million people starving to death now.
We're talking about the world government.
We're talking about the shutdown of small businesses.
We're talking about people submitting to all this tyranny and how dangerous it is.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding a pharmacy worker on vaccines and COVID-19.
Thank you for calling, sir.
Hey, Alex, I got a question for you.
Yes, sir.
What are you waiting for?
What are you scared of?
Listen, I'm a supporter of you, man.
But here's the thing.
Think about it like this.
Every 30 million people out of work, everybody sitting around, let's rally.
Hold a rally in Washington, D.C.
You'll get six people.
Put a call out.
Tell them we're going to come rally.
Make it in June.
We're going to group up.
We need to mobilize, Alex.
Sure, I agree.
I mean, listen, we've called for demonstrations all over the country, and I've had a bunch of demonstrations here in Austin, and they tried to take my kids.
I mean, I put my money where my mouth is.
We were the first to demonstrate out there back when nobody was demonstrating.
And so you say, what am I waiting for?
I mean, we set up InfoWars, and you guys have supported us, and I work seven days a week.
What am I supposed to do?
Brother, you are, you're a Paul Revere, but listen, I'm just trying to give you an idea.
Dude, if we could just monthly organize it and come together... You know, everybody thinks if you go to the mall and you get 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 people there that it gets on the news.
They just ignore it.
Now, if everyone just didn't wait and everyone traveled to D.C., pick a time, next week, next month, tomorrow, and you went there and you bullhorned the White House,
They actually hear you.
I've gone and done it, and it gets on the news.
First time I did it, um, the head of Twitter was there, and they all thought that I must have been tipped off of the White House.
No, I just, I was planning on the next day, we were sitting down to eat at Trump Hotel, and I said, I feel a disturbance in the force.
Let's go to the White House now.
I just said, in fact, we were already ordering food.
I was going to eat food, take a shower.
I said, let's go now.
We'd just flown in.
I was hungry.
I was going to go the next day.
And we drove, and I bullhorned, and it went on Fox News, CNN.
They're like, Alex Jones is here.
He knows they're meeting.
And Trump all heard it and everything else.
Because everybody else bullhorns at the crowd, or they aim that bullhorn up.
I love it when he aims it up.
He likes to do that.
Nobody hears that.
You got to aim it right on straight at a building and it bounces off of it.
And I laid it all out and Trump heard about it.
Well, what if people did that every day?
What if you and your church got the thing?
It needs to be every day out there.
And then you get on the news and then it has an effect.
So I've done it.
I've done a bunch of stuff and I'm not saying I won't do it.
But I've got a lot of things organized here.
A lot of things we're trying to do.
And but I mean, I think that's a good idea.
I'm just saying going to the mall
And having an event, no one watches it.
Does that make sense?
Everybody saw Martin Luther King do it.
The media covered that.
Most of those events don't get covered.
Did you know that?
No, that's true.
Now, can you please just let me talk?
I love you.
I support you.
I mean, you need to say, what am I waiting for?
And I'm not waiting for anything, but go ahead.
I apologize, it's a hypothetical question.
I'm trying to have a dialogue with you.
Go ahead.
No, it's okay.
I love you, man.
I support you, man.
I might be saying that.
I'm just talking about everybody ought to go on their own pilgrimage.
But I'm sorry, but notice Congress is closed.
You're not supposed to go see your representative now.
This is all their take of.
This is martial law.
Go ahead.
It's all it is.
Okay, listen.
But seriously, though.
We don't need to preface it anymore.
Just tell me.
Tell me.
Say it.
I have a couple questions.
I have a couple questions for you.
Who owns Google?
Who owns Microsoft?
Who owns Oracle?
You know the owners of them.
That'll really gauge to me how well you know what's going on.
Either you know it completely, or you're being intellectually dishonest with your listener.
Well, this is a one-oddsmanship.
I appreciate your call.
And yeah, I mean, I know who the owners of it are.
We go down the line from Eric Schmidt to Sergey Brin.
I mean, all the rest of them.
My memory isn't what it used to be, but I mean, I know about the Google board.
I know that Alphabet sits on top of it.
I know that Schmidt's gone back to, you know, bring the Pentagon up to speed on AI war systems and all the rest of it.
And so that's basically it.
I mean, I've been covering Google since its inception.
But I'm intellectually dishonest.
I'm bested by you.
I need to step up, I need to do more, and I need to know the whole board of Google for you right now that's constantly changing.
Another frontman is Sundar Pichai heads up Google right now.
And he's a part owner of it as well.
I think he's worth two billion dollars.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to... Christina in New York, brother is a doctor.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm a longtime listener.
I've spoken to you before, I've called in.
I'm calling in today.
I have a brother and a sister-in-law who work in Pennsylvania, two hospitalers.
They both were on the COVID floor.
They both said they had nothing close to what we saw in New York.
Nothing close.
They had patients that came in, were treated, and sent home.
But just today and last week, there's a new announcement of a Kawasaki virus that is hitting children, and they're saying that it's linked to COVID-19.
So they weren't happy going after our elderly and killing them off, but now they're going to hit the kids to keep everybody's submission.
And I want you to look into this.
I waited all day to call you, because I know that you will find out what is going on.
I saw the article about the new mystery illness that hits children, and you lock children up.
When they're supposed to be outside, you lock a dog up, it's going to get sick.
You lock a Labrador retriever up inside for months, it's going to get sick.
And there it is, Kawasaki disease, the latest weird illness from coronavirus.
So yes, first there was the weird loss of smell and taste associated with COVID-19 infections.
COVID toes, now there is particular rashes.
Now we have another unusual syndrome causing ulcers in children, Kawasaki disease.
Many of the rashes have been thought to be to vasolitis or blood vessel inflammation.
How about 5G that's known actually in studies to cause vasolitis?
And it creates a type of gaseous chain reaction inside the body.
Look it up.
What do you think's going on here, Christina?
Britain and Italy where my daughter is right now in lockdown with my two grandchildren.
And in Spain, now it hit New York.
So what are they going to do?
Roll out something to attack all the children now?
Because this is not enough?
It's not enough.
I don't see where, I don't see how we can stay like this in lockdown and let these demons get rid of, get away with this.
This is a nightmare.
It's a nightmare what they're doing to our country and to our world.
I just can't imagine what would happen.
They're teaching us to just be constantly scared of everything, and then they know they lock you up, you're gonna get super sick.
People need vitamin D3.
So if you're locked up inside, you need vitamin D3.
If you go outside and get 30 minutes of sun a couple times a week, you're A-OK.
Christina, I hear you.
You say your brother's a doctor.
New York data is BS.
Tell us about that.
Well, he's in Pennsylvania.
They're both there in Pennsylvania.
Two different hospitals.
Villanova and Einstein.
And they said that they didn't see as many cases at all.
They were seeing some.
There were people coming in with different things.
But likely, again, people had other problems.
It wasn't this kill spree.
You know what I mean?
Well, they're taking all the regular deaths and putting it on the COVID-19 stack.
That's on record.
But New York City is run by
By demons, literally.
I hear you, and that's why they're doing all these scams, so beware and get out of Babylon.
The exodus of New York's accelerated.
There's a lot of great people there, but it's run by demons, as you said.
God bless you, Christina.
Chase, Karen, and Melissa, we're going right to your calls in T-minus four minutes.
Was only four months ago that I warned President Trump and the American people that Culver would never stand for you resisting our jail.
We're good to go.
And how much you would enjoy watching Netflix and wearing masks and gloves when you went out to feel all important like you were in a war, when the real target of Cobra was always the billions of people at the edge of starvation, who were now dying at the tune of over a million people.
Hiding in plain view, Politico, the Associated Press, you name it, admit that a
Half a billion people, extra 500 million, are now at the subsistence starvation level, on top of all the millions already starving because of the global lockdown.
That is hundreds of times worse than all the deaths in the world caused by COVID-19, and the very people that cooked it up and gave it to the chi-coms at the World Health Organization, with Bill Gates involved, are now the ones running the operation to shut down society, create a depression, and forcibly inoculate everybody.
This is insane.
Ladies and gentlemen, if they succeed, it's over.
You need to get prepared now.
You need to get high-quality, storable food.
Now, back in stock at InfowarStore.com.
And you need to get politically active and challenge this verbally everywhere.
Big Tech is trying to censor everyone right now and bully people into saying you can't even challenge verbally social distancing.
This is beyond 1984.
The tyranny of the dual order is here.
Get prepared now and spread the word in the Infowar.
You are the Paul Reveres!
Make a friend with death.
It's a saying so old that no one knows who first said it.
Every culture has their own way of...
Memorializing that simple statement, but you don't want to make a friend of the death of civilization and the death of the human species.
The moment of truth is now here.
We are facing the post-human era, and I've been warning you for many years that they would use a global viral crisis to click, put us in the cage, and then roll out the robot takeover.
This is just the beta test.
China's moving out of beta and into operational control.
In just a few years, we will be under full globalist control.
Forced inoculations, total surveillance.
We're all being taught that we are obsolete.
The term they use is non-essential.
This is not some dystopian novel.
This is reality.
This is the new world order.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He wore a blazing saddle.
He rode a blazing saddle.
Answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm tempted.
Because I already knew this stuff, and I've done the research back in the time, and I've talked to a few of the people who are in the White House, and one of them was like, can you believe Q's attacking me now?
It's been taken away from us by some bad operatives.
And how ridiculous it is that they're, you know, attacking this one individual saying he's bad.
When that person was involved intellectually in hatching the whole cube plot.
Because again, everybody saw the success we had exposing Hillary Clinton and the spirit cooking and how we boosted the WikiLeaks information once it was out.
InfoWars was very successful with that information.
Back when Drudge Report was different and was boosting it as well.
Helping get Trump in.
And then to just watch Q turn into this societal phenomenon of just average folks thinking they're talking to Trump or something and just being off in la-la land.
I'm not even against the people that want to believe it at all and get into it.
It's just that it's esoteric to like go off codes and
You know, connect the dot things when we have it all out in the open in front of us.
It's the world government, the New World Order, Event 201.
The fact that all the bell curves were wrong and it was, you know, a micron of what it really was and they're killing people for the coding.
That's real stuff!
So much real stuff that I can't even wrap my head around how suddenly we're inside the New World Order
And just all the stuff about Sessions is good, and they're going to arrest everybody and stick with the plan.
Meanwhile, there's a real civil war going on in the government, and Trump's barely hanging on.
And they've got the FBI elements that work for the Democrats still, because the Justice Department's both groups, out engaged in COINTELPRO and out engaged in plans to try to set up Trump supporters ahead of the election very soon.
I live in the real world.
And so, and I talk to the real serious people.
And so that's why, to see kind of a... It'd be like if I was really on Wall Street, really buying and selling companies and businesses at a billionaire level, and then I saw kids playing on a Monopoly board, and they walked over to me and said, hey buddy, you're not for real.
It's just, it's like obscene.
And it just slips into this whole world of, you know, delusional stuff.
And, you know, oh, well, these people with Q say this about Alex Jones.
It'll be the most outlandish, made-up stuff.
And so I'm done talking about it.
People calling about it.
They want to ask me about it.
I don't even think, you know what?
The Q people don't even need to know who Q is.
You don't believe me anyway, so I'm not going to tell you.
How's that sound?
All right.
All right.
I'll live here in the real world where I pay real consequences for what I do.
And I'll keep moving forward.
You know,
I'll have dozens of people send me a video a month ago of, look, the Q person says that now China's the enemy and there's a fifth column in America.
And I'm just like, and, and, and.
What the hell does that mean?
I mean, I'm not in competition with this stuff.
We pioneered exposing all of this.
And I want everybody to adopt this information.
I want to defeat the New World Order.
I don't territorialize this stuff.
But that's what a lot of the Q-Movement pimps that kind of spread the bread comes around and stuff and manipulate audiences thinking they're getting some magical esoteric thing.
That's what Satanism is, where you join these cults
Believing you're gonna get the secret knowledge by doing more and more what they say.
And the secret knowledge is they know how to manipulate you.
With secret knowledge, the secret knowledge is how to manipulate you.
I'm trying to expose the secret knowledge of how you're manipulated to stop it.
There's the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil.
Now, we're all fallen short of the glory of God.
But I know the knowledge of good.
It's systems that work, that are truthful, that make sense, that are wholesome, and that are transparent.
Those are the systems of God.
The systems of evil are systems that are parasitic and feed on things and build destruction and build collapse, but that the magicians feed off of.
Of course, they themselves and the Faustian bargain are then destroyed in the end.
So I don't want to be part of the Faustian operations.
I don't want to be part of Machiavellian cloak and dagger.
My power is being out in the open and being very, very honest about what I say and what I do.
Except when I engage in satire, which is a great form of truth, but people have to be smart to understand it.
And of course the audience gets it, but the enemy takes it out of context, edits it, and then, you know, at first it seems like we're losing with satire, but then it always boomerangs around and makes us even stronger in the end.
Now the final segment is coming up.
I'm going to go to Melissa, who's a medical worker, laid off.
And then Karen, general caller, father, in and out of hospitals.
Chase, security, IT for hospitals, COVID-19 patients.
In fact, we'll go to him first.
He's actually the longest holding.
And then Phil.
Let me just say this again, real world.
Alex Jones is my name.
I'm not Bill Hicks.
That's a thing on the internet.
When you order something from us, unless you order on like a Friday or a Saturday, it's shipped out the next day.
When you order storable food from us, it gets packaged, it's high quality, you get it.
When you order our organic, three different scent, essential oil hand sanitizer, you actually get it quickly.
It's actually high quality.
I'm a real person.
I pay the taxes.
I go out in the street.
And I want to thank our listeners for all their support, because that's what's kept us in this position.
We were supposed to already be off the air.
And by the grace of God, we were kept on air last year.
And I mortgaged my house this year to be able to buy product to go through the rest of the year, or at least part of the year.
And we did have some big sales, obviously, because people are scouring the internet for good things during this whole crisis.
And that put us with a little bit of funding.
I think so.
Iodine in the current situation.
Research zinc in the current situation.
The Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus is going to probably be sold out in about a month.
We're still keeping a discount of 50% off because I want you to get it.
We also have Vazo Beets that's concentrated beet extract.
Everybody knows what that does for you.
How good it creates nitrous oxide in the body.
But I would also say just get your storable food now.
Now it's more urgent than it was 12 weeks ago when I told people, don't order food for the virus, order food for the lockdown, the collapse.
They're going to keep it locked down.
It's not going to be two weeks.
If you put up with it, it'll be forever.
This is a post-human takeover.
These are very evil people, position eugenicists.
This is a new type of war.
And your fear and demanding to be locked down is why Trump can't get you out of it, because you won't get yourself out of it.
But for economic war, for them taking out Trump, in case we fail, and I've given about a 30% chance we're gonna fail in this round, you need to get your storable food.
It'll be very evident in two, three, four months just how serious things are.
There's still time for you to get your orders in and get the storable food.
That way you get something that's quality, that lasts a long time, that's a backup you can store, a backup you can bury.
It's sealed, these big plastic thick containers, inside sealed bags on top of that.
And then that's a backup, an important thing you've got ready for you.
Put it in the attic, put it wherever, take care of your neighbors.
It's high quality, last 25 years.
And then that money comes in here to keep us in position in case all the supplies run out.
Literally, God laid it on my heart.
You call it my subconscious, but I believe in God.
Just whatever it's been on my mind.
Hey Jones, you don't like to really scare people.
You like to be optimistic.
But I'm like thinking, we better just sell out of everything we've got.
And just have the war chest to go on because supply chains are breaking down, things are locking down, and we're already from vitamin and mineral and supplement suppliers that are like already having trouble getting the supplies from around the United States.
We don't get it from China.
And they're already saying things are shutting down, they may not be able to supply us, and so they may not even take our money to reorder products.
We have everything in stock right now.
Chips next day, unless it's the food, that does get packaged and get out to you.
But I'm just telling you, you need to understand, we're not in regular times anymore.
Everything's accelerating.
Everything's contracting.
You need to get prepared now while supporting the InfoWars.
Whatever you do, pray for InfoWars and spread the word about the transmission.
It doesn't matter how hard I want to fight.
If other human beings don't resonate with what I'm saying, if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products to fund our operation, the dog doesn't hunt.
But you get that.
You are patriots.
You are people that live and work in the real world of a race, color, and creed that understand what's happening.
And that's why when you call in and thank me for what I've done, it's really a sick joke.
Thank you.
For what you've done.
We're all in this together.
We believe in the rights of the unborn.
We believe in families.
We believe in the right to self-defense.
We believe in capitalism in America and Jesus Christ, number one.
And we believe in free speech.
And so, the fact that you shop with us, and the fact that you spread the word about what we're doing, does everything in the world.
That's why I salute you and I thank you continually because the globalists thought they'd have this whole planet sewn up by now.
They thought they'd be in charge.
They thought they would have won, but they didn't count on you and I and others coming together.
So God bless you all.
Authoritarians across the planet want the power to be able to tell you to stay in your houses and don't leave, and only go where they tell you to go.
It's called martial law.
It's called living in an authoritarian country.
Everybody knows that.
Everybody understands that.
And the Democrats have now shown their hands with the deep state, saying, we're going to listen to Fauci and the World Health Organization, who've done nothing but put out all this fake news information so far.
We're not going to listen to the president.
We're not going to listen to Congress.
And that all these other corporations are going to work in tandem with big tech to surveil and control and keep things shut down.
This is economic warfare, and I know everybody understands that.
Public, with the President and others, need to develop a plan to understand that this is a global corporate civil war, and that we're being held hostage, and this is a mutiny against our country by globalist forces.
Only understanding the reality and the magnitude of that gives us any chance of defeating it.
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Ten weeks ago, I began to tell listeners that they needed to get high quality, storable food.
Not because of the virus, but because of the crises and the economic shutdown it would cause because the globalists were planning to hold America hostage and run a blockade through the blue cities and blue states.
Now that prediction has come true, because the globalists are running an operation.
It's not predictions.
We have their battle plans.
So, going back more than eight weeks ago, all major storable food companies were sold out, except my Patriot Supply, because they're the biggest and we're pre-positioned.
When it got to the point that they had so many orders coming in that they wouldn't be able to fulfill them in a timely manner, they stopped taking orders until they got caught back up.
Now they're caught back up.
They've got high quality storable food in stock, ready to be packaged and shipped to you.
Get your orders in now at InfoWarStore.com to go right at the head of the queue and get delivered to you as fast as possible and from the InfoWar.
Get your storable food now at InfoWarStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One way or another, the truth about this hoax is coming out.
Some of the new stories breaking at Infowars.com.
Zoomers pee their pants in sick new social media challenge.
This is just the left going completely insane.
Mexican judge releases cartel boss who ordered hit on Breitbart, Texas writer.
I haven't even gotten into the... couple guys from the Temp Special Forces group, formerly, trying to go in with another couple dozen people and kill Chavez or kidnap him.
Those people had a lot of balls.
The CIA met with them, supposedly, and
Jamaica and try to talk him into not doing it and probably tattled on them.
But that's a whole nother fiasco right there.
But those guys have a lot of courage to have done that because Hugo Chavez is caused.
Hundreds of thousands have starved to death, taken one of the richest countries in the world, and absolutely destroyed it.
Let's jam in four calls before this hour ends and the war room starts, though, in Schroer.
Let's talk to Jason Missouri, says security IT for hospitals on COVID-19 patients' data.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, I'm going to jet through these two things.
I know they've been discussed a lot.
Yeah, the two things that give hard dates on when stuff's supposed to happen, they're wrong every time.
Two, I've talked to directors of major hospitals here in St.
Louis about how many people have actually tested positive for COVID-19.
In confidence, they've told me usually, you know, less than a dozen, you know, hundreds and hundreds, if not, you know, over a thousand have come in to get tested.
But I wanted to ask you something, Alex, because I've heard you a few times recently say something about you're under an NDA.
Non-disclosure agreement?
Something about behind the scenes you can't tell us?
As a journalist, I can sit there and have people bring me information about the Vegas attack, and I sign an NDA on that.
Or if Globalist wanted to meet with me, and it's not a crime they're talking about, then I'm not going to violate the NDA because I want that information.
But yeah, the Globalists have tried to get me to join them.
Oh, definitely.
I'm just saying, if this is kind of, you know, where we're at the end here with the NDA stuff, you know,
My question is kind of, what are you waiting for?
People don't even care!
I can sit there and give them Noah's Ark, they don't give a damn.
I mean, here's the deal.
A journalist, I'm a pundit, I'm a father, I'm a talk show host, I'm a patriot.
But if I end up meeting with somebody, one of my representatives does, and they're just simply trying to get me to join them or whatever, and that's a private meeting, I'm not going to say who did it.
I mean, Henry Kissinger, the head of the Kissinger Group, tried to hire me in front of John Harmon and didn't have me sign an NDAA, so he's right there in a hurry.
I mean, nobody cares, okay?
Head of the Kissinger Group, Rob Kopp, tried to get you to join the New World Order.
It's like, pfft, means nothing.
No one wants real meat and potatoes, man.
No one cares.
Real quick here.
So, you know, you've laid out a lot of the names of who these people are, and I'm not saying anybody should do anything, but, you know, you've got
A little bit of net worth, you know, with everything you've done.
Not really.
Why don't you, you know, put some people together and we actually, you know, eliminate the... Okay, I appreciate your call.
I love how everybody always calls me and says we need to kill people.
The globalists are killing the third world by cutting off the food supply, and it needs to stop.
And you've got a fifth column run by foreign intelligence operations, and things have gotten so bad, I've said the president needs to look at foreign Chinese agents here committing crimes.
They need to be gone after by the executive branch, and that's constitutional.
I'm not here like some secret agent.
I go home and take care of my four children at night.
And I work all the time.
So I keep getting these calls saying, I need to do this, I need to do that.
And everything I say is transparent.
It's all out in the open.
Okay, so I'm not going to go there.
By the way, you've got even worse people underneath these globalists.
You have to defeat their systems.
You have to defeat their ideas.
You don't defeat it by
In fact, the last thing I want is something to happen to Bill Gates or any of them because it'll turn them into martyrs.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call.
Melissa in Ohio, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Yes, I am one of the healthcare workers who's been laid off because, actually my job has been furloughed because of, I guess you could say, the coronavirus.
Things are really slow in the hospitals right now and
You know, the patients that come to me, I work in a lab at a hospital around here, and the patients that come in, they are always asking, you know, is it really busy there?
I bet you guys are running crazy.
And it's like, no, we are not very busy at all.
The hospitals around us are pretty much dead.
That's why they're... Do you remember just a few months ago we were conspiracy theorists, though?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
And the patients are surprised.
I tell them, I'm like,
Don't listen to the media.
They are just trying to make us scared and trying to give us fear.
I'm one of the few that are in the hospital that are telling people it's a hoax.
They're just doing this to us to get us our fear up and to make us stay home and to not come out and to be scared of it.
I'm constantly telling my patients, don't listen to them.
They're not right.
They're lying to us.
You really think the media loves and cares about us?
And now a bar tries to reopen in West Texas, and they send an armored giant tank.
They need to vote that local sheriff and that government out.
And ma'am, what you're doing is amazing.
And I know a lot of healthcare workers that are heroes, that have really tough jobs when you do have a busy day.
It's very stressful watching people die and going through all this stuff.
But then meanwhile, to say that they're heroes for going along with the stand-down,
Well, that is absolute fraud.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call, Melissa.
Great points.
Karen in Kansas, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a second-time caller.
I called in 2013 and now again.
I'm trying to wake a lot of people up.
I just want to know what we're going to do here with our health and the future.
My dad, Orange County, California, he's 83, passed away a few months ago.
He was a Marine.
He had his business for 58 years.
He had brain surgery, January 4th of 2019.
He's been in and out of hospital, assisted living.
The bottom line, I saw how they treated my father, my family.
They don't like you to question authority.
The people that help them, there are a few good people, but in general, a lot of them don't speak English.
And what are we going to do?
I mean, my dad, I got him out last year in August.
Well, you're right.
This is the ultimate takeover plan where you're all surveilled, your medical records are public.
The regular cold virus now makes everyone susceptible, makes everybody a suspect.
World governments here, they can ban travel, lock you in your house.
In places that are already under tyranny, like Spain, people have been locked up for two months, can't even leave to go to the grocery store.
It is hell on earth.
Paul Watts' parents live in Spain.
They can go once a week to the grocery store, only one person, and they're not allowed out more than five minutes per day.
They don't even let your dog use the bathroom outside you, but throw it out the window.
I mean, this is just seeing what they can do.
France has now announced permanent tyranny.
Macron at a 20% approval rating.
Now he's a dictator.
Now look at this headline, Austria police may intervene if they see people kissing.
Six degrees of separation is nothing but an occultic term that then got put in a white paper in 1929 and it adds up to 666.
That's Wikipedia.
Can't make all this up.
Look at this, look at this crap.
I mean, these people know what they're doing, man.
It's all insane.
What else do you think is going on, Karen?
Well, there is not a lot of truckers for food.
I've noticed that in middle America.
That's kind of scary.
There's just a lot of foreigners that don't speak English.
I mean, there's a lot of infiltration.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just think the country is completely overrun.
The third world's collapsing.
We're now being collapsed down.
Imagine the World Trade Centers and the top floor start collapsing and then it all just goes.
And imagine the third world on bottom just.
Again, when the first world collapses, the third world dies, and then we die.
And that's why I did the allegory, the analogy, of Jonathan Swift and the modest proposal.
God bless you, and I really appreciate your call, Karen.
I'm sorry to Phil.
I got a lot of calls today.
I think we did a pretty good job today.
Great job of the crew.
Owen Schroeder is coming up, loaded for bear as usual.
Remember, I just cannot harp on this enough, you see how crazy things are.
You see how it just gets worse and worse?
Submission to this only means they get worse.
And the more we stand down, the more they tighten the noose, the more they put the handcuffs on us.
Governor Newsom's a psychotic demon monster.
All of them are.
They want power.
They want to bankrupt things to make you dependent.
And they're making their move.
And Trump tried to keep things open, but everybody panicked.
So he shut it down.
Now he's trying to open.
They're attacking him.
Stand with President Trump.
Stand with America.
And realize we're at war with China and the globalists.
The Democratic Party is a communist Chinese fifth column.
And whatever you do, realize the archive of this live show will be at Bandot Video with amazing videos and all the infrastructure you built.
So use this infrastructure.
We're not supposed to be on air now.
We were supposed to be off air when they launched this, but we're still here.
That's why they're trying to get ready to go into active measures against us.