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Filename: 20200415_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 15, 2020
3444 lines.

The podcast discusses the significance of resisting tyranny during the COVID-19 pandemic and recommends ten films depicting acts of resistance, including Jojo Rabbit, A Man for All Seasons, Hoaxed, The Patriot, Casablanca, A Hidden Life, For Greater Glory, The Lives of Others, Red Dawn, and a short film titled Sing a Little Louder.

It's Wednesday, April 15th, the year is 2020.
This would normally be the day that we think about paying the private, run-for-profit, Federal Reserve, our income taxes.
That's who we make it payable to.
But now we're learning about even deeper slavery.
We're being told by the alliance, the alliance of evil,
The Democrat-run blue states on the west and east coast that they're holding America hostage and that we won't be reopening basically ever.
And that now the medical tyranny of Bill and Melinda Gates and the very organizations that help transfer the weaponized COVID-19 to the CHICOMs are now our masters.
We're supposed to just disconnect from the facts and reality and do whatever they say.
Despite the fact that these are the very groups that had the projections of 5, 10, 15, 20 times the number of people dying that have died.
And that, of course, is despite Communist China.
Openly coming out today and saying we've been open for over a month.
Everything's fine We're open for business, but America isn't so come invest with us remember how President Trump got elected in 2016 and suddenly the stock market exploded and when he actually got into office and exploded more because people then knew that the artificial constraints of
On America, we're going to be removed.
The artificial tariffs, the regulatory controls, we're going to be removed that had made it prohibitive to invest and to build in the United States.
Trump took the ball and chain off our leg.
He began to take the handcuffs off of us.
And together, we defeated the deep state's attacks to unseat the president.
But now they've launched their big attack.
In fact, they were always planning to release
We're good to go.
President Trump must act now.
Trump must act now to level the American people and explain that there's an axis of evil between the Democrats, the Deep State, the Communist Chinese, and the big megacorporations.
That's who they are.
The former CIA director.
I think?
We're good to go.
And so the president must come out and go after the WHO, as he's doing, who tried to block him and others from stopping Chinese from flying in the United States, even up until late February.
He's got to level the American people that the Democratic Party is a criminal organization
Literally working with multinational corporations and the communist Chinese to hijack and bring down the United States.
And yes, that's horrific.
That's crazy.
That's horrible.
But that's the truth.
And that's what will stop them.
Only the truth.
I was on air over and over and over and over again, telling you for months that they were holding the country hostage.
They were running a blockade, a civil war, economic terrorism, and that when Trump tries to reopen the economy, they would
Do exactly this, word for word, but they've now done.
How do I know this?
Because I know they're an enemy army, and this is 21st century warfare.
Owen Schroeder is about to take over.
I'll be back in studio later.
I'm dealing with emergency developments.
Whatever you do, spread the word about this live transmission.
You are our only hope.
Please, please, this is so real.
There isn't time to play games anymore.
I know this is horrific.
I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth.
We'll be right back.
When one studies history and human nature, you learn very quickly that rugged individualism, and people that think for themselves, build free societies, innovate, do amazing things, but those that love to grovel, those that love to be subservient, those that love to comply, and think that it's a virtue, they create stagnation, corruption, tyranny, and then finally collapse.
And the world is now being tested.
And we're seeing lots of dutiful individuals who've complied and submitted their whole lives believing if they just submit now in a bigger way, somehow they'll create a heavenly future.
But the technocrats running the global system are oppressive and anti-human.
And are psychotic.
And are building an anti-human future.
Submission to them is like tying a big boulder on your neck and throwing it into the ocean.
It's Wednesday, April 15th.
The year is 2020 and we are 200 days out from the election, which they're now openly talking about suspending.
And America is in the greatest threat its entire 250 year history.
We are facing a constellation, a combination of globalist new world order forces from across the world.
Their main base is communist China.
The major universities, the blue cities, the blue states, the America-hating universities, and of course Hollywood, and the brainwashing media, all against the American people, now in an alliance to bring us into total depression, to shut down the ports, and trigger a physical civil war.
The food is weeks, if not
Days from running out in many areas.
Food banks have already run out.
Truck drivers are reporting that they can't even get into most facilities or warehouses to get food because no one's there or there is no food.
We have been artificially put into this crisis.
Major meat packing plants are being told by insurance companies that if they have one employee that has COVID-19, they have to shut the whole plant down for two weeks.
It's very hard to restart an economy this big once you've stalled it out.
It's like a nuclear reactor.
And the globalists know exactly what they're doing.
They beguiled and seduced everyone early on.
Two months ago, they said, oh, in a few weeks, we'll just close for two weeks.
It'll be like an extended spring break.
And you'll all have your taxes forgiven until the middle of the summer.
And you'll all get nice, big, juicy checks.
And everything's going to be OK.
And then we'll just turn back on after a few weeks.
And we'll save two million people.
And then, as the numbers came in, that the numbers of debt were way, way, way, way, way, way lower than they'd said.
I said, that doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It's because we locked everything down that there wasn't a big problem.
And so now we can never reopen the economy.
We're going to have to cycle on and off, not just for this virus, but for the flu and for anything else that ever pops up.
But yes, communist China, they're now back open for business.
And so America, you might have won a trade war, but that was only a battle.
We're going to win the war of hysteria.
We're good to go.
This is going to cause more deaths in the economy as things break down into the future.
And yes, it's just a point of view, but we're having a debate.
This isn't a point of view or a debate.
The globalists cooked us up.
They launched it.
They hyped it.
And they have praised Xi Jinping and China while putting the United States down.
And they're openly working with cohorts in this alliance of evil to hold the country hostage.
And if anybody puts up with this,
Where it goes along with it, you are signing on to a permanent martial law shutdown.
This is the carbon tax they could never get.
This is what it's designed to do.
And if you think it's going to be bad here, it's going to starve to death over a billion people with a global depression in the next decade, according to Lord Monction's numbers, which by the way,
I believe are very, very conservative.
The numbers are coming in that at least 2 million extra people are going to starve to death in the next few months due to this in the third world.
So a depression here is a death sentence there.
And already civil unrest is building.
Again, as I said, you don't need me to rattle off all the examples of food shortages that have already started.
And how many things aren't available?
And China holding us hostage, producing over 70% of our medicines.
We have been strategically positioned and manipulated into this corner for this takedown.
And Hillary was supposed to be in power during the globalist takedown as America was brought to its knees, but instead we got Trump in so we have a fighting chance.
But the average American must square with the fact that not being aggressive and not getting the word out and not starting to buck this garbage and propaganda and all these little rituals, all these little systems of submission,
It's going to make this permanent.
And again, there's a paradox.
There's some truth that if you wore a mask all the time and goggles and change gloves after every interaction and wash your hands a hundred times a day, that less people will die from the flu and cold every year.
That's just a fact.
But the flip side is everyone would be a prisoner and life as we know on this planet would be over.
And so you'd have billions that starve to death because civilization would fall apart.
We're being turned right now into the bubble people.
We're being put into our bubbles, into our little pods.
And right on time, Microsoft is coming out with all their VR and saying, get ready for the new world where you never leave your house.
And where you have to have authorization from a government Google, Apple run app to even leave or have a job.
And they say who is essential and who isn't.
Again, we've been maneuvered.
End of this spider's web.
Remember, oh, you don't need industry, you don't need jobs, you don't need farming, robots will do it.
It'll be a service economy and tourism and it'll all be happy.
We were all lulled into that false sense of security.
I wasn't.
Because the globalist white paper said, in the 70s and 80s and 90s, that once they got us dependent, once they got the supply chain strung out, that's what globalism is, is getting control of the nation states.
So they're not self-sufficient.
They could then use wars, migrant floods, and disease X. Probably a respiratory type illness is what the UN said.
Two, roll out this new AI control grid corporate takeover and create total authoritarianism, forced inoculations and implantable microchips under the skin.
That's what the Rockefeller Foundation said 10 years ago in lockstep and other reports.
And now it's all here.
It's a plan.
It's an operation.
So we have to square up with how much trouble we're in.
It's like if you're with your family going to the grocery store at say nine at night and you forgot something on your way back from church on a Wednesday night and you're walking back out to your truck or your car and two thugs walk up and pull knives on you and say, give us everything you got.
And then one of them says, oh, your wife looks good.
Why don't you come on over here with me, baby?
It's at that point you've got to decide to explode, rip the knife out of the guy's hand and stab it right into his throat.
And that's the type of real events that have happened to a lot of folks listening out there.
Or you can let them rape your wife, you know, tie you up and take you with your kids and kill you or take you to your house and rob you.
And that's what happens.
No, somebody comes up to me, pulls a gun or a knife, I'm going to savagely attack them.
Just what I'm going to do.
Now, if you let them get away with this and tie your wife up and tie you up with your kids, they're going to take you to your house.
They're going to make you give the codes to your safes and everything.
They're going to steal everything.
And then you're going to be lucky if they just rape your wife and daughters in front of you.
That's the allegory, the analogy.
But they're probably going to go ahead and shoot them in the back of the head after they're done raping them.
You know, you read about the saffron all the time.
And then they're going to kill you while you cry.
But you know what?
I'm going to die fighting.
I am going to snatch that knife or that gun, and by the way, I've done this before, from them and I'm going to pistol whip their head in, politically.
You understand that?
And I did one time buying alcohol when I was a teenager.
I have a guy try to rob me and I beat his head in with a nut.
The point is, I'm not going to get into it.
I'm not bowing down to these scum, and I'm not up here acting tough either, using these allegories and stories.
Those are the parables.
Those are the parallels.
And that's where you are.
And that's where I am.
You better understand you're under attack.
Your family's under attack.
The Democratic Party is a terrorist organization working with foreign governments to destroy you and your family.
You're under lockdown.
You're under martial law.
And it's just going to get worse the more you submit to it.
And your president's trying to fight it, and nobody's standing with him.
Well, I'm standing with them.
And I'm gonna tell you one more thing, too.
Everybody better get provisions, firearms, and ammunition.
You better get storable food.
We've got storable food back in stock, available again.
Almost no one else has it.
They're now ready to ship within five to six weeks.
And it's not the virus, folks.
It's the martial law.
It's the economy lockdown.
It's the New World Order and get your products at InfoWarshaw.com and fund us because we're under attack at levels you couldn't imagine and it's symbiotic.
You need the Vitamin D3 Winter Sun with Vitamin K. You need the Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
You need the Real Red Pill.
You need these products right now and your supporting us keeps us in the war like you can't even imagine.
At some point I'll be able to let you know what's going on behind the scenes but we are under attack.
Not because we're victims, but because we're targets.
Because we're victorious.
Because we're taking action.
Because we're winning.
Because we're not backing down.
We're so close to turning the tide.
America and the world's waking up to this hoax.
They're waking up to the fact that it's a giant takeover.
And they're understanding what's happening.
But it's a fight between those of us that aren't domesticated and are self-sufficient, and those that want to be slaves.
Get aggressive.
Get loud.
Civil disobedience.
Do whatever you have to.
Now is the fight.
And get your storable foods available again at m4store.com.
It's being packaged.
We have the food.
It's being shipped out.
Others are lying to you.
We have the food.
We have the supplements ready to ship out the day after you order them.
Others don't.
The books, the films, the t-shirts.
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Maybe not tomorrow.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are live inside the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
We have more from Alex Jones coming up.
In the next segment, I'm going to lay out for you, in totality, what the real agenda behind the coronavirus panic-demic is.
Now, you probably already know all this, but just like I did yesterday, tying all the knots together with the Chinese Communists, the Democrat Party, American academia, and American media, we're going to do that same exercise today coming up in the next segment.
Just showing you
The real agenda behind coronavirus and how, hey, you can be afraid of a virus all day long.
You can be afraid of a flu all day long.
You can be afraid of cancer all day long.
You can be afraid that a dog will bite you in the park all day long.
You can be afraid of whatever you want.
That's perfectly fine.
Maybe it's legitimate.
Maybe it's paranoia.
But if we're not weighing our fears, if we're not measuring our fears, it's like, hey, I'm afraid I could get a hangnail.
Should I chop my arm off?
Well, that's one way to avoid getting a hangnail, just chop all your arms off, chop all your fingers off.
But does that make sense?
Of course not.
But we're getting to that level here.
And folks, I'm just going to be perfectly transparent with you.
How do I tie this together?
Look, I'm still a big supporter of President Donald Trump.
And the reality is...
The complete shutdown and takeover of America and all the agendas that the deep state globalists had are all being rolled out under Donald Trump's nose.
Now, it was already by design.
That was already going to happen.
It was just supposed to be Hillary.
So it was already going to happen no matter what.
How Trump deals with it will end up being his legacy.
But we can't ignore that this is happening right now.
So again, I want to be clear, I'm not coming on here today to attack the President, but I am telling you this, all of this is happening under his watch, and I've never had more people frustrated, angry, and even, I don't know what the word is, I mean, totally enraged that President Donald Trump is allowing this to happen.
And then mad at me.
For not calling the president out for it, and then making the fair point that, hey, if Obama was doing this, you'd be saying he's the treasonous traitor and so forth.
I don't think it's that simple.
But let's try to put all this aside for a second.
I had a Blackpill moment this morning.
And I'm still kind of in this black pill moment, to be honest with you folks.
Because the hard reality that we have to face, I think right now, before we can really come out of this, we have to face the hardest truth first.
Folks, this country is a joke, okay?
I'm not trying to insult you.
I'm not trying to hurt morale or demoralize you or
Make you depressed.
But folks, we're a joke.
And so I could start at one level and say, look at how we've been totally cucked by the flu.
Hey, we had a bunch of flu survivors at the White House yesterday.
I could do that.
No, that's like low IQ stuff, quite frankly, folks.
And that's what's so sad about this.
No, this country is a complete joke because of
Federal bureaucracies and alphabet agencies like NASA, the CIA, the FBI, they're a joke.
What does NASA do for us besides take our money?
What does the CIA and the FBI do for us?
Hey, there's great men and women inside the CIA and FBI.
They've done a lot of good stuff, but let's talk overall.
We have sex trafficking happening on a massive industrial scale.
It's used to blackmail people.
We have pedophile networks hiding in plain sight.
That's also used to blackmail people.
We have a cover-up of known bioweapons and bioweapons transfers and bioweapons labs.
We have kidnapping.
We've got open treason.
And what do you get?
You get nothing.
You get shut down.
You get told to shelter in place and wear a mask, while the sex trafficking, the pedophiles, the treason, the bioweapons, that all goes on, that all continues.
You get nothing, no investigations, no names, no arrests, no trials, no public hearings, zero, zilch, nada.
But you better wear your mask!
You better wear your gloves!
You better be in self-quarantine because, see, you are the enemy!
And again, this is why it's a joke, folks.
Shut down the FBI, shut down the CIA, shut down NASA, shut it all down.
If I'm not allowed to be a free citizen, then you don't get to exist.
That's nice.
We defunded the World Health Organization.
We pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Thank God.
We got out of the Paris Climate Accord.
That's a nice start.
That's a nice start.
But that's like, you know, if you have a tick or a leech on your body, yeah, you rip it off.
Like, duh!
Oh, I got a tick sucking my blood.
Oh, I got a leech sucking my blood.
Pull it off.
Common sense.
That's easy stuff.
Then you got other stuff you got to deal with, like diseases and cancer.
How do you get rid of that stuff?
Well, folks, that's what we're dealing with here.
And I'm not talking about the coronavirus.
CIA, FBI, NSA, NASA, they still get to operate criminally.
We get shut down.
We get no investigation into known pedophile networks hiding in plain sight.
We get no open investigation into known industrial level sex trafficking networks used to blackmail our politicians.
We don't get a full-scale media investigation and questioning of Dennis Hastert and his friends and the Podestas and their art.
And the Clintons in Haiti and in Puerto Rico.
We get nothing!
Except a shutdown and our freedoms removed.
We're a joke, guys.
We're a joke.
And so we better recognize how far we've fallen and how pathetic we've become.
And face this hardest truth fact?
Face the hardest truth first?
Or we're gonna continue this stupid little merry-go-round pony ride called the coronavirus?
I'm done with it.
I'm done.
Now we've got protests happening nationwide we're going to cover and I'm going to come back and I'm going to lay out for you everything you already know, but I'm just going to smack you in the face with it.
You want to know the truth about the coronavirus?
It has nothing to do with the disease.
It has everything to do with taking your freedom and ending America permanently.
That's what this is about.
President Trump better step up or America is done.
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Oh, hi!
I'm a liberal professor here, yeah.
We're bringing in InfoWars with a message to stop the extremism.
Sure, it's true, the science publication five years ago and public documents that Obama and Fauci transferred COVID-19 to China.
But you know what?
There's too many people like the Pope said.
This is to be popular, Elon.
Teach capitalism a lesson.
You literally say he's a thief.
That sexy devil.
Did he?
And look at your media.
It's so lapdog.
It's supporting the takedown of America and celebrating it.
Because you put up with it.
That's right.
And you're gonna keep taking it and taking it and taking it.
And remember, pedophile story time's gonna happen too.
And you don't have any free speech either.
So drink your fluoride and die, stupid Americans.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Folks, a ton of important news coming up.
Operation Gridlock in Michigan, breaking news.
I've got a protest coming up this weekend, but here's what I have to do for you in nine minutes.
Eloquently, focusedly, diligently lay out for you the real agenda that coronavirus is enacting right now.
Again, you already know this.
InfoWars has put out the documentaries on this for decades ago, but it's important in this time space to lay it out in triplicate so that you can see it for what it is smacking you square in the nose.
Let's start off.
These are all the headlines, folks.
Coronavirus social distancing may be needed until 2022, according to Harvard researchers.
Yes, the same Harvard that had Charles Lieber working with known Chinese agents smuggling biomaterial to China illegally on planes.
He's now been charged with three Chinese nationals.
Yes, that Harvard.
But see, folks, it's not about 2022.
It's about forever.
Folks, they're never reopening this country.
Have you figured it out yet?
Have you figured that out yet?
They never planned on reopening.
Are you getting it yet?
Are you seeing it?
Two weeks!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Till May!
Oh, yeah!
This year!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, 2030!
Folks, they never planned on it.
And they know in about a week or two, it may already be crossing the threshold, folks.
We won't even have the ability to reopen.
There'll be no food and water.
The supply lines will be run dry.
They already know all that.
They never planned on reopening, folks.
I think America's starting to figure that out, aren't they?
So there's phase one.
Shut down America permanently.
Trump set to preside over record spending.
Deficits as coronavirus costs explode.
And then so they signed these stimulus bills, which is just one headline of an example of all the pork barreling.
Ruth Chris Steakhouse gets 20 million from coronavirus aid program.
That's just one ridiculous example.
You can go down a whole list.
And then the debate that's going on right now, is this the end of cash?
You know, because cash can carry disease and all this stuff.
So there's phase two.
Collapse the economy.
Hyperinflate the U.S.
Which would then mean the end of the American economy and the strength of the U.S.
And then, of course, the end of cash into the digital dollar, which they will dole out when they feel appropriate, but you'll only be able to use it at select retailers.
So there's phase two.
Kill the U.S.
dollar, bring in the digital dollar, and then you can only use it where they deem worthy or essential.
Amy Klobuchar, Trump votes by mail, why can't everyone else?
And there's phase three, end elections.
They may still have an election this year, they may still have an election in another four years.
But you see, it'll all be fake, it'll all be contrived, it'll all be with digital mail-in voting, where you have tens of millions of voters on the voter roll that never vote, the Democrats have that data, they then vote for them, and then that's it.
Now I say Democrats because that's the modern parlance and the modern example.
But it'll be any party.
It'll be anybody.
That's how they're rigging it now.
So that.
So end cash.
So first, shut down America permanently.
End the American dollar.
End the American elections.
Goes on.
Democrats introduce massive gun control legislation during coronavirus.
Phase four.
Disarm the American people.
In fact, I need to be taking notes on this.
So it's one.
Shut down USA permanently.
Two, end U.S.
economy and dollar.
Three, end U.S.
Four, disarm Americans.
Okay, stage five.
Would you give up health or location data to work?
Stage five, the total surveillance grid.
Okay, stage six, multiple medical workers lose custody of children during coronavirus outbreak.
Stage six, end U.S.
Unless, of course, you go in fully to the totalitarian edicts, then you're okay.
Dramatic brawl over social distancing breaks out in crowded supermarket.
Coronavirus, Chinese students battle rising tide of prejudice in US.
So stage seven, create infighting and then make Chinese people the victims.
Of course, the Chinese people have nothing to do with this.
They're just being used as pawns.
German lawyer who criticized lockdown arrested, taken to psych ward.
Phase 8!
Total social thought control.
Basically at the barrel of a gun, but you risk being arrested.
So that's Phase 8.
Total Social Thought Control.
Of course, you know, the censorship is in that Phase 2.
We were seeing all the censorship and everything happen.
In fact, it's right here.
UN to launch propaganda campaign combating virus misinformation.
So again, that's still Phase 8.
Total Social Control.
Total Thought Control.
And I guess this is part of it too.
An Anthony Fauci Protection Act to be introduced in Congress.
So again, that's total thought control, total social control.
And so, but what is Phase 9?
What is the endgame?
What is the total thing here?
Now, this may not be the best story, but it's one example.
I'll give you other examples.
Planned Parenthood board member.
Nothing is more essential than Planned Parenthood.
So Phase 9 is, assume total
Now what is that?
And that's the final phase.
It's all the phases combined.
You can only shop at X. You can only go out on the streets if you're essential.
You can only be operating in business if you're essential.
Bill Gates' Zoom gets rolled out in all the classrooms and all the businesses.
So now Zoom with Microsoft and Bill Gates is literally in every meeting you do.
And by the way, Zoom, also known as a Chinese spying instrument,
So there it is.
Your total corporate control.
Total government control.
That's the final phase of this.
You can only spend your money with them.
You can only communicate through them.
It's complete 100% total control.
And they've already ruled it all out.
United States shut down.
So let's go over this again, folks.
Here are the phases.
Shut down the USA.
They've done that.
End the US economy.
End the U.S.
dollar, they're in the middle of that.
End U.S.
elections, they're in the middle of that.
Disarm Americans, they're in the middle of that.
Total grid of surveillance, they're in the middle of that.
End the U.S.
family, they're in the middle of that.
Can't even read my handwriting here.
Let's see, which one was this next one here?
Oh yes, create infighting.
Make Chinese people the victims.
Seeing that happening.
Phase eight, total social and thought control.
They're in the middle of that.
They've been doing that.
And then phase nine, final phase, we can never get out of it, folks.
Assume total control.
Via the technocracy, via the corporatocracy, the corporate government.
This is the coronavirus agenda, ladies and gentlemen, and they're using the fear
They're putting the gun of fear to your head to roll it all out.
Basically saying, you're going to die, or you're going to live, but only if you accept our plan.
This is where we're at, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what we're dealing with.
There are nine phases, assuming total control over the entire planet,
And they already have the grid ready to go.
They got it all ready to go, folks.
Are we going to step into this prison willingly?
That's the trick.
And as soon as we do, we got the foot up.
The foot's about to hit the ground on the other side.
As soon as it does, the doors are locked.
It's game over.
We cannot enter this prison they're building for us out of fear, folks.
We must fight back.
It doesn't matter how hard I want to fight.
If other human beings don't resonate with what I'm saying, if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products to fund our operation, the dog doesn't hunt.
But you get that.
You are patriots.
You are people that live and work in the real world of a race, color, and creed that understand what's happening.
And that's why when you call in and thank me for what I've done, it's really a sick joke.
Thank you.
We're all in this together.
For what you've done.
We believe in the rights of the unborn.
We believe in families.
We believe in the right to self-defense.
We believe in capitalism in America and Jesus Christ, number one.
And we believe in free speech.
And so, the fact that you shop with us, and the fact that you spread the word about what we're doing, does everything in the world.
That's why I salute you and I thank you continually because the globalists thought they'd have this whole planet sewn up by now.
They thought they'd be in charge.
They thought they would have won, but they didn't count on you and I and others coming together.
So God bless you all.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel.
The Republican and Democrat conventions maybe cancel the election a year, like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want to suspend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Look at this Paul Joseph Watson article at InfoWars.com.
But remember, you can't share it from InfoWars.com.
Those links are banned by Facebook and others.
You've got to share it from NewsWars.com or PaulSidesSummit.News.
Whatever you do, share it.
UK hospital beds four times emptier than usual.
New Overspill Hospital.
May now never be used and he goes on to link to the HSS and other direct government links in the NHS National Health Service admitting that actually there isn't one-tenth of the cases they actually predicted
And because folks aren't going into the hospital to have elective surgeries like knee surgeries or ankle surgeries or hernia surgeries that aren't emergency surgeries, the hospitals are almost empty.
Go read the article on InfoWars.com.
That's right.
The government of the UK says
UK hospital beds four times emptier than usual.
And so that's why all over the United States, from Hawaii to New York, from Texas to California, from Michigan to Ohio, you see the reports.
Every state.
People see local news saying we're here at the hospital.
It's devastating.
People are on breathing machines everywhere.
There's lines.
And then you drive down there an hour later and there's no one there but the media standing with four or five people with masks on who are hospital staff told to create the hysteria.
So yes, they are staging hysteria in the media.
They've been directed by the corporations.
It's only four corporations that own over 95% of the media.
It's only five corporations that control over 90, what is it, 94 or 95%?
Again, same number.
Look it up for yourself, Big Tech, of all internet search and all internet traffic.
90 plus percent of all media controlled by five tech companies and by four media companies now in the West and in China it's even more consolidated and that's how they're able to put out these incredible
And again, we're not saying the virus isn't real, but the hoax that America can't ever reopen and Europe can't ever reopen.
There's going to be cycling every year now and you can't go back to your job until you've had the vaccine and it's not going to be out until next year and they decide what is essential and what isn't.
That's the power to totally blockade and lay siege against Main Street America and small town America and independent companies.
It's simply amazing.
Then we see police all over the country in leftist areas shutting down all the churches but letting the gay pride parades, all the rest of it, go forward.
They are loving every minute of this.
Attorney General Barr came out and said that churches are essential if other similar gatherings aren't banned.
Well, no, actually, it's the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion and prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Then it goes on to the freedom of the press and the freedom of assembly.
All of that is being eviscerated.
All of that is being devastated right now in front of our faces.
But getting back to the issue at hand, the fact that the hospitals are almost empty all over the United States, and the fact that the hospitals are almost empty across Europe, not just the UK,
And that they're telling us that they're overwhelmed is again all part of the theater directed by a handful of corporations and carried out by the dutiful employees at the hospitals who in between doing TikTok videos literally get hysterical and celebrate when they end up getting one COVID-19 vaccine.
A person in the building then they all go on Instagram and Facebook and whine and complain and talk about how it's the end of the world and how they've got to wear moon suits and how it's so scary.
I mean I'll just tell you point blank I've had some family who is a nurse and I'm just gonna leave it at that and I've gotten to sit there and read the text messages and the things being sent to us and it's oh my god it's incredible it's I've never been through so much stress in my life.
They brought in an old man that has it, and I had to wear a moon suit, and it's so scary, and it's like a nightmare movie and all this.
Meanwhile, they've had one case in this major city, in this major, biggest hospital there is, it's a VA hospital, and that's what's going on, and the old man lives.
So, again, ladies and gentlemen...
You see these cherry-picked articles where they will focus on a man and his wife both dying of it.
And then later you dig into it and it's not even true.
So there is massive, massive psychological warfare propaganda being carried out.
Oh, and by the way, there's a big Zero Hedge article
All right.
That it's strong, and that they're the place to invest in, and that business is closed in the United States and Europe.
Think about that.
The minute Trump got elected, the stock market went straight up.
Then when he got into office, it went straight up.
And then as he delivered on bringing a lot of jobs back, it went straight up.
And the globalists said, we're going to get rid of the prosperity.
That will make them hate Trump.
And now, the states, the leftist states, have formed a quote, alliance, you know, like Hitler and Mussolini in the Japanese World War II on Axis is Evil, and are saying, we're going to hold the economy hostage, we're going to block the ports, even trying to bring goods in, because we're going to quote, follow the science, of course, of
Fauci and the NIH that have been 100% wrong, exaggerating everything, who have the motive to get the power, the giant power grab run by Bill and Melinda Gates for forced inoculation, digital IDs, total citizen tracking, and then you go back and look at it, they have the exact grants to the very Wuhan Bioweapons Lab to weaponize coronavirus out of bats, putting it into dogs and pigs to try to make them sick, to then culture the virus.
This is all confirmed.
The very groups power grabbing.
We're good to go.
Think about the magnitude of that.
But Americans are servile.
Americans are dumbed down on average.
A lot of us are awake.
A lot of us have that hard-charging American spirit, independence.
But so many people like the gloves, even though they don't do anything unless you take them off after every interaction.
But that's how that works.
Gloves are worthless unless you take them off after every interaction.
The mask are basically worthless unless you're wearing goggles.
Again, those have to be taken off after every interaction.
It's all just basic medical facts, but see, that doesn't matter.
It's too much fun to get hysterical.
It's too much fun to go crazy and get into it and, oh, it's just a two weeks.
It's just an extended spring break.
Come on, Alex.
Get with the program.
I told you then, I said, we're never reopening.
It's never going back to the way it was because you aren't Americans anymore.
You don't stand up for yourselves.
And I'm not preaching to our amazing audience of activists in the arena who are incredible and the heart of the resistance and our main hope outside of God, who inspires that hope.
I'm talking to the new people that tune in and the globalists that tune in and the feds that tune in that think this is all funny and all cutesy and love the persecution of patriots and love the persecution of Trump supporters.
It's disgusting.
It's absolute classical tyranny with a high-tech overlay.
Then I see Trump, unable to control the Justice Department, unable to stop the incredible behind-the-scenes and public persecution of Trump supporters.
You know, folks ask why Matt Drudge has turned against Trump to a certain extent.
I think he wants to have his own identity.
And I want to have my own identity as well.
I have a lot of problems with Trump, but because the globals want to get rid of Trump so bad, I support the president and he does a great job on many fronts, but he needs to get aggressive and he needs to send a signal to his supporters that are being persecuted that he stands with them, like pardoning Julian Assange.
And standing up for the press and pardoning Roger Stones.
He doesn't just twist in the wind under incredible pressure.
I can tell you he was taking a toll on him.
And folks like me, I'm strong.
I'm never going to back down, folks.
Even though they targeted my family, you name it.
I can't get into it on air.
It's beyond a Hollywood movie right now.
I'm pretty tough.
God gave me the will to keep going, and your prayers, I can feel them.
But this is out of control.
Trump must just come out and say, we're at war with the Communist China, there's traitors in our government, it's the truth.
And say, are you with me?
Are you against me?
And we're not going to put up with this crap anymore.
Because they keep running these assaults, trying to take him down and take down his supporters.
And each assault gets more giant and more crazy.
So that's why this permanent shutdown is the final assault, because the states, the counties, the cities, the foreign governments, and the major banks aren't going to turn the economy back on.
This is their mutiny, this is their hijacking, this is their globalist strike, shutting down the economy, this is their blockade, this is their act of terrorism, and we're under corporate, globalist, Chi-Com-directed terror attack, with a bioweapon at the center of it, to create the fear and hysteria.
And that's it.
Only the truth will set us free.
Only the truth will break through all these lies.
Back to Owen Schroer and the live global transmission.
I'll be back this afternoon in studio.
Stay with us.
All right, folks.
So you just heard from Alex Jones.
Here's what we're going to do, because I've already pretty much said my piece.
I did leave out the medical tyranny phase of the phases that I covered earlier.
The medical tyranny is in there as well.
But I've already pretty much said my piece.
I got other news I can get to.
But I want to hear from you in this upcoming hour.
So I'm going to open up the phone lines.
What do you think?
We're in the phases right now to end America.
How do we respond?
The America that we've known and loved, the America that was the land of the free, home of the brave, is dying right now.
And everything our enemies are doing is about domesticating us, shutting us down, and making us dependent on them.
The food shortages have begun.
The depression is going to be long and very, very serious.
In fact, it's probably too late now to even turn back.
Trump tried to stop it.
But the mainstream media, working with the strike comms, blocked it.
That's why you and myself, everybody else, has to get prepared now.
Do not wait.
It's not about the virus.
It's about the economic chaos that's going to be unleashed in the next six months to a year.
Get your high-quality, storable foods at InfoWarsaw.com.
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The food supply is running out.
There are major shortages.
This is a globalist siege, a globalist lockdown, globalist terrorism.
But we the people, the patriots, have to be prepared.
We've already been proven right about prepping so far.
We'll get ready to be really proven right.
Get your storable foods now at m4warstore.com.
I'm not gonna sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes M4Wars has had.
If you're paying attention, you know we've done together.
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game and they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence human resistance.
So now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structures are to silence those of us that they can't.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that a long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the Paul Revere's you are.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are aggregating your phone calls right now.
We're going to be taking them for the next hour.
I want to, again, reiterate that I covered
In detail.
The phases we're in right now.
This is the real coronavirus agenda.
I'm gonna hit the rest of these headlines while we're getting your calls lined up.
Phase one.
Shut down the U.S.
You're seeing that.
Phase 2.
End the U.S.
End dollar.
You're seeing that.
End U.S.
Phase 3.
They're in the process of that.
Phase 4.
Disarm America.
You're seeing that.
Total grid of surveillance.
You're seeing that.
And really, I guess, Phase 6 would actually be the medical tyranny phase, which would actually be Phase 6.
But I forgot to mention earlier, but I'd say Phase 6 is the medical tyranny stage.
You're seeing that with the vaccines and everything.
And then,
Just to kind of really put an exclamation point on that, in Brazil, the Christ the Redeemer statue, which is one of the most beautiful, amazing things.
I was blessed enough to go there when I was in Brazil three years ago.
It really is incredible.
And there's a little church there too that's at the bottom of it that I prayed in too.
They're now putting a doctor's outfit over Christ the Redeemer.
Hey look, doctors are great.
Nurses are great.
These are great people.
But this is now a false idol effect.
Worshipping Western medicine.
Worshipping the medical industry.
Worshipping all of that instead of Jesus Christ.
So this, to me, is blasphemous.
For multiple reasons, but I'll leave it right there.
Anyway, that's just, again, the Phase 6 medical tyranny with the vaccines.
Phase 7 and the U.S.
Oh, you don't take your vaccine?
We're seeing that.
You lose your kids.
Oh, you caught coronavirus?
You lose your kids.
Phase 8, create infighting, make Chinese people the victims.
You're seeing that.
People are fighting each other over they're wearing a mask.
People are saying, oh, the poor Chinese are experiencing racism now.
Phase 9, total social and thought control.
You're seeing that as well.
You can't say things about the coronavirus without getting censored.
They're also taking people to psych wards.
They have introduced a protection, an Anthony Fauci Protection Act to Congress.
You can't say anything bad about Fauci.
And then phase 10, assume total control.
You can only spend money with their people.
You can only shop with their people.
You can only do what they say if you follow the certain guidelines.
Take the vaccine from their people.
Ride on their transit.
This is the 10 phases to bring down America and we enter a period of human global enslavement.
Now what do you choose to do with that information?
Is up to you.
But again, folks, on the back end of it, we're such a pathetic joke.
We've been usurped, and we get nothing from our usurpers.
The FBI, the CIA, NASA, the NSA, the federal government, they've usurped all of our powers and abilities of self-government, and what have they given us?
I shouldn't say nothing because people will say, but the FBI, look, there's good people, they've done things, okay?
I shouldn't say nothing.
But what have we done about the traitors?
What have we done about the treason?
What have we done about the child sex networks?
What have we done about the industrial level sex trafficking with Epstein?
What have we done about the blackmail?
What have we done about the fake wars?
What have we done about the lies of the JFK assassination and the Gulf of Tonkin and others?
What have we done?
What has the CIA done?
What has the FBI done?
What has any of these groups done other than actually
Cement these false narratives into our history.
And these are the groups that are supposed to protect and lead us?
That we've usurped all of our powers of self-government?
Given up to them?
Look up Ted Gunderson.
Here's what I'm going to say, because I have a weird feeling.
Because folks, there's phases.
of awakenings.
They're like micro phases right now during this major phase.
And Trump has been a phase.
9-11's been a phase.
Pizzagate's been a phase.
Q has been a phase.
This coronavirus is the biggest phase yet.
And we haven't realized it yet.
But this is the biggest awakening phase happening right now.
And I don't know what comes of it.
I'm just seeing it happening right now.
And it's explosive.
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Folks, I'm really not sure how to properly cover this.
But, we're in the middle of the next phase of the Great Awakening right now.
And it really hasn't set in yet because it's kind of such a mystery flavor.
Unlike what we've seen that has been really in a narrow hallway.
In a specific development, whether it's 9-11, or Trump being elected, or other minor events like the Boston Marathon bombing, or Waco, or whether it's Trump getting elected, or the WikiLeaks, or QAnon, or Pizzagate.
These are all minor, small, focused phases on a specific issue in a larger awakening that's happening right now in America.
But the coronavirus awakening has really just begun.
And it's bigger than all of them.
I would say realistically, if you're trying to measure it, the biggest would probably be Trump, 9-11.
And I mean, I'd say those two are probably the top that I've seen in my lifetime.
As far as just big, as far as, you know, numbers of people are concerned, being a part of it.
And like kind of the first one was like the golf and talking with the Vietnam War in the modern history sense.
But this coronavirus awakening that we are just starting to scratch the surface of is immeasurable, folks.
Because what it's going to do is it's going to send people down the path of all the past awakenings.
And it's going to be like a tsunami of red pills.
And I don't know how the country's going to respond in the middle of this, but it's, and I'm not meaning this in a violent way, but it is explosive.
I mean, it's waiting to tick off.
And so all these people that are now seeing this coronavirus pandemic and the shutdown and their lives are being infected, and they're wondering what the hell is going on, they're looking at everything else now.
They're looking at the WikiLeaks, they're looking at the QAnon, they're looking at the Pizzagate, they're looking at the 9-11, they're looking at the Gulf of Tonkin, they're looking at the JFK assassination, and their eyes are beaming.
They're beaming, and there's an energy.
Everybody knows the red pill energy.
It's not one energy, it's a lot of energies, like a wave, but it is an energy.
It is a force.
And I'm thinking that we're about to see this awakening happen.
Now, we're in the middle of the attack on America, unlike we've ever seen.
This is the permanent plan to shut down America forever and create the worldwide corporate government surveillance grid forced vaccination agenda in the next 10 years.
They have to kill America first.
It's a slow process.
They're in the middle of this, folks.
They never meant to reopen the economy after coronavirus.
But now you're seeing protests in Michigan with Operation Gridlock.
We're monitoring that.
It's wild.
Thousands, if not tens of thousands out.
They're calling for the recall of their governor, who's obviously a Democrat operative, probably a Chinese operative as well.
Almost 300,000 signatures in a week for her to be recalled.
And we're just looking at some of these images.
I have a protest coming up Saturday at the state capitol.
You can't close America Rally.
I don't like calling it a protest because it's not a protest.
It's a standing up for yourself exhibition.
It's a workout.
It's an exercise.
You can't close America this Saturday at noon at the Texas State Capitol.
I hope you can make it.
There's also one tomorrow.
I had nothing to do with the one tomorrow.
I got the information.
It's in front of the governor's mansion at noon tomorrow.
I will be there.
So I'll be a part of that, too.
I didn't organize that.
I am trying to organize and rally, though, Saturday at noon at the state capitol, which is just catty corner to the governor's mansion.
So it's really the same area.
But ours is gonna be at the Texas State Capitol Steps.
The one tomorrow is at the Governor's Mansion.
I'll be at that too.
But I will be there Saturday as well.
Hope to see you there.
Now, again folks, I'm gonna be taking your calls this entire hour.
I'm not, I tell you what's on my mind.
Specifically, I like to be personal when I tell you about the products at Infowarsstore.com.
I talk about the things that I use.
The air filters, the water filters, the shower heads, the supplements.
But, you know, just like I doubled up on my emergency food supply from InfoWareStore.com at the beginning of this, I'm thinking about doubling up again.
Because I don't know how much longer you're going to be able to order storable food.
And if America doesn't have a serious, like, lightning strike awakening here soon, we're really in for some rough times, folks.
The supply lines are really deteriorated and there's no signs of them opening back up.
Now, I could re-air the entire three-hour war room I did, which I normally host on Banned Out Video, for three hours, where we took calls from truckers and freight and logistics people, which I was already getting intel on.
I'm from the Midwest.
It's the hub of this, where they're already saying, yeah, Owen, we got about a week, maybe two, maybe a month at most.
And then it's just like, we don't know.
We've never seen anything like this.
There's nothing to be shipped.
Nobody's placing orders.
You know, they don't know what's going on.
Except that, yeah, when you go to the store in a month, there might not be anything other than the fake bacon.
Like, you know, the vegan bacon or whatever that nobody wants.
The black bean burger.
So, plan accordingly, folks, but we still are taking orders of an emergency food.
At InfoWareStore.com, we're one of the few places left that can actually deliver on your purchases.
So this isn't like a fear-mongering thing.
I'm telling you what I'm thinking.
I'm telling you what's going on in my head.
I'm telling you what I'm processing.
And that's, even though I've already got emergency food supplies, I mean plenty for myself, it's like I still just want to maybe double down just because it's smart.
And again, InfoWareStore.com, one of the last places to get emergency storable food supplies.
Okay, let's start on the phone lines now and then we're really going to commit the rest of this hour before my guest Deanna Lorraine joins me, who was, of course, retweeted by President Trump with the fire Fauci hashtag.
She got all kinds of hate for that.
How dare she want to fire a total failure, a total fraud to America.
Well, let's go out to the phone lines now and start with Kenny.
Kenny in Ohio.
Go ahead.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
How are you doing, Owen?
How are you doing today?
Thank you.
Yeah, personally, man, I appreciate what you've done, you know, filling in for Alex and being what you did at the, you know, telling that Nadler and all that good stuff, man.
I really appreciate it.
You're doing great work.
Thank you.
My point is, I think we're done.
That's just the way things are going right now.
I just, I don't see it coming back where we want it to be.
I just think that we're, we're in a spot right now that's really bad and I don't think you're going to flick it back on.
I don't.
Well there's no doubt they don't plan on putting it back on, but see this is the catch 22 if you want to call it that.
They can't tell us what to do.
It's like the whole notion that they can tell you to close your business or wear a mask.
I mean what are they going to say next?
You have to wear a butt plug to stop AIDS.
I mean, so it's just like, no!
And another thing that I'm looking at, I don't think anybody's mentioned it yet, is like
With all the climate change and stuff like that, now that people are in their house, they're not using as much fossil fuels.
You know what, Kenny, I'm so glad you said that.
This is one of those things that rattles around in my mind that I always forget to say.
You are 100% right, folks.
They're going to start rolling out stories saying, look at the CO2 emissions down.
Look, we can see this.
We can see the sky.
Oh my gosh, this is total proof.
You don't need to leave your home.
We need to stop.
Dude, you are 100% spot on.
It's almost a guarantee within a month they're going to start re-pushing the Green New Deal.
Maybe not.
They may wait, but it is in their agenda.
It is in their playbook.
110% to re-roll out the Green New Deal using the shutdown during coronavirus as the reason to doing so.
The crew is already finding the stories where they're beginning this narrative.
That's what they're going to do.
That's what they're already going to do right now.
And everything could be futuristic, like everybody was seeing back in the 90s.
With these... Wall-E.
And in fact, honestly, you know...
Yeah, now that I'm thinking about it, Kenny, that is actually probably the backup plan here.
Because the coronavirus panacdemic is failing, really.
It's been totally exposed.
The lies of the media, the hospital war zones, fake news, all of that's been totally exposed.
I don't think so.
The next bullet, the next gun to your head is gonna say, you're killing the Earth, and if we don't stop killing the Earth, we're all gonna die from global warming or super tornadoes or whatever the hell it is.
There's no doubt that's their fallback plan after coronavirus expires.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Info Wars can now offer high-quality, storable food again.
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It doesn't matter how hard I want to fight.
If other human beings don't resonate with what I'm saying, if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products to fund our operation, the dog doesn't hunt.
But you get that.
You are patriots.
You are people that live and work in the real world of a race, color, and creed that understand what's happening.
And that's why when you call in and thank me for what I've done, it's really a sick joke.
Thank you!
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Folks, what more do you need to see besides Bill Gates calling for forced vaccinations worldwide and then legal protection in case it kills you?
Microsoft using Zoom to now operate all classrooms across the world that is a Chinese spy tool.
Microsoft unveiling the next new art spectacular, trying to cement known Satan worshipper, Satan Queen Priestess Marina Abramovich into history forever as the first ever, the groundbreaker, a known witch.
You know, I don't know what I can call these people.
This is a family-friendly audience here.
We're on television and radio.
But I mean, these are demon... They're damn demons, man!
Like, I don't know what else to say to you!
They roll out Marina Abramovich again.
This is a demon, folks!
A demon!
What else do I have to say to you?
And now the World Health Organization has just announced the One World Concert!
And they put out a graphic of a devil!
They're not even hiding it anymore.
And it's like, I just laugh.
At these pathetic people.
I feel bad even saying that because we're all in this together, folks.
We're all human.
We need to lift each other up.
But I mean, my God, these people are so pathetic.
They get offended over me because I tell someone to shove a mask up their ass.
It's like, hey, buddy, in case you haven't noticed, they're trying to force us with vaccinations and microchips.
And they're putting known devil worshippers in for your children to see.
And they're having drag queen pedophile story time like, oh, yeah, but oh, how dare Schroyer say shove a mask up your ass?
It's like, wow, you're a freaking joke, dude!
But guys, see if you can find the tweet from World Health Organization.
I just retweeted.
One World!
The World Health Organization is having a One World concert and all the artists are going to be dressed up as Satan!
We've been hoaxed again, folks.
We've been hoaxed again.
I have no fears.
You're not going to scare me.
Well, but what about the people getting sick?
What about the death numbers, Troyer?
How dare you say that?
I don't give a damn!
There's your little Satan performance.
Don't worry!
The World Health Organization and global citizens announce One World Together at Home!
Brought to you by Satan!
And if you want to be a really good citizen of the world, you will offer up your youngest child as food to Lady Gaga.
And you should be so happy if Marina Abramovich would cook that little leg.
That's part of her spirit cooking for the Podestas to eat.
Oh, you think it's all a joke?
Oh, you wait.
Oh, I pray to God.
I pray to God.
Someone gets a hold of Anthony Weiner's laptop and makes it public.
Do you have any idea what's on that laptop, folks?
Look, I talked about it and I hate being redundant, but folks, I'm telling you, the New York Police Department and FBI that have seen it, there's a civil war happening here.
Half of them want the world to see it.
The other half don't want anybody to see it, folks.
I mean, yeah.
Why do you think Sidney Powell came out the other day, who's representing General Flynn, and said, yeah, if the world ever saw what's on Anthony Weiner's laptop, everything would change?
Folks, it's worse than Jeffrey Epstein.
Let me go back to your calls, because, I mean, I just... Let's go to Don in Michigan.
Go ahead, Don, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Greetings and salutations, InfoWarriors.
Um, I wanted to address the nature of the enemy that we're directly confronting right now, or actually just kind of running away and hiding from at the moment.
We're dealing with a Chinese regime that has used infanticide against all of their girls.
They've got an entire generation of fighting age men chomping at the bit for conquest.
They then release a bio weapon that permanently damages your heart, your lungs, kidneys, and testicles.
Rendering men basically impotent and shells of their former selves.
If this is true, think of it from a military standpoint.
Well, I'm glad you said that.
I'm not trying to cut you off here because I'm going to let you continue, but I'm really glad you said that because I want to hammer that home.
Look, I'm seeing all these stories about coronavirus just like you are.
I don't believe any of them at face value.
So I'm glad you said that if it's true, which leads us to a whole other discussion.
If we know all this,
And by the way, you've got Tom Cotton calling it out as a Chinese bioweapon.
You've got Josh Hawley basically kind of echoing that, but not so many words.
And so if we know that, and that's why we did this, well, we deserve to know that truth.
We deserve to know that we've been attacked by China.
We deserve to know that this is all going on.
So maybe it's true and they're covering it up.
Maybe it's not true and they're building the hype.
So I'm glad you just kind of laid that out there in that fashion.
Go on though.
Also, take note of this.
We have an entire carrier fleet infected with this disease at the moment.
I haven't heard of a single case of a Chinese Red Army soldier being affected.
I was reading a story out of China that was basically laughing at the United States.
Like, ha ha, your navy is done for, we just went back into the Taiwan coast, we went back into the Chinese sea, Beijing is fine, Shanghai is fine, there's no outbreak here, ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.
And then they run stories.
Wall Street Journal, coronavirus death toll in Europe likely far higher than first reported.
What about China?
What is going on in China?
It's like everybody's so afraid of China.
Does China have everybody by the balls?
Well, apparently they do.
Look at how America has just rolled over to them.
I live near Lansing, Michigan, East Lansing where MSU is.
It's completely overrun with Chinese party members.
They've built luxury
Condos for them.
They have an art museum called Broad Art Museum, which is an ode to Satan and an ode to China.
We're dealing with people, listen, every town has a restaurant named New China.
They're flaunting it in your face and they have been for years.
This has all been part of the plan.
They go into a city, a Democratic run city, and make it rain.
They suddenly own
Like most of the real estate in America.
I mean, this is a crisis that people aren't willing to face.
And see, here's the difficult thing that we have to navigate knowing this.
The whole entire New World Order agenda was to be brought forth after a world war with China.
That would devastate the Chinese population, much to the Chinese Communist Party's liking.
And it would hurt the U.S.'
's population, but then they could rig that narrative however they want and create the New World Order just like they did after World War II.
So now the difficult thing that they can't pull that off with Hillary like they wanted
How do we navigate these waters with Trump so that we can actually have a real war, a real world war that gets rid of the Chai Com agents, gets rid of the deep state globalists, the sex traffickers, the pedophiles, the robber barons and all of that, and frees the Chinese people?
Yeah, we have a chance to be liberators, there's no doubt about it.
And not from an offensive invasion standpoint, but from a defensive and a moral high ground.
We need to project American power, but we need to do it in a way that the world can get behind, not the way that the military-industrial complex... And that's another challenge for Trump to try to fix, with all the dirty deeds of the CIA and the FBI over the years.
That's why, just shut them all down, man.
I mean, just shut them all down.
I'm done.
Attention GCN self-reliance listeners, if you've ever wanted an emergency solar survival backup system, but were waiting for prices too crazy to pass up, this will be the most important message you'll ever hear.
Bill Hyde here and I want to tell you about a huge sale with historically low prices
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That's right.
The superpower that I have is that I tell you what I really think, even if it ends up hurting me short term.
I believe in God, and I believe in the long run, it'll end up being better for myself and everybody else in this world we live together in.
I understand what comes around and goes around.
You reap what you sow, and I live that.
And I fundamentally, at a cellular level, understand it.
Now, if I would have hyped up the virus was going to kill three, four
We're good.
Because I knew it was the right thing to do during a crisis to make sure people were incentivized to up their body's defenses.
But now I'm telling you, with the economic crisis going on, get your storable food now.
Oh, hi!
I'm a liberal professor here, yeah.
We're bringing info wars and a message to stop the extremism.
Sure, it's true, the science publication five years ago and public documents that Obama and Fauci transferred COVID-19 to China.
But you know what?
There's too many people, like the pub said, and this is to depopulate you and teach capitalism a lesson.
You didn't really think you'd defeat Xi Jinping, that sexy devil, did you?
And look at your media, it's so lapdog.
It's supporting the takedown of America and celebrating it.
Because you put up with it, that's right.
And you're gonna keep taking it and taking it and taking it.
And remember, pedophile story time's gonna happen too!
You don't have any free speech either, so drink your fluoride and die, stupid Americans!
One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast, and I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Getting out of control.
When are we going to wake up?
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, maybe it's good we're more civilized and tolerant.
Maybe it's not.
Because let me tell you something.
People like Bill Gates and Marina Abramovich shouldn't even be allowed to step out in public in this country.
That's not a threat.
I'm just saying these people are trying to force vaccinate the world, worshiping Satan.
And we use them as spokesmen for our health?
We use them as spokesmen for our technology?
We should be wholeheartedly rejecting these scumbags.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, folks, I'm so infuriated right now.
I really just need to go to your calls, but more news is coming in.
Wall Street Journal reporting, possible Chinese nuclear testing is happening right now.
Oh, that's nice.
So China just shut down our Navy, and we docked the ship, and now China's moved into Taiwan, moved into the South China Sea, and now they're doing nuclear testing again.
By the way, doctors are now being fined for prescribing hydroxychloroquine that is known as an effective treatment.
And people are now, governments are now looking at ways to stop the social distancing loopholes, like you being on your private property, talking to your neighbor on their private property.
Not kidding you.
And we're putting up with this crap?
All right.
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
James in Indiana.
You are on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead, James.
Man, Owen, there's so much news coming out.
Houston, Texas, VA has given a veteran with stage four cancer a death sentence because of canceled appointments to coronavirus.
There's over 200 dead veterans across the VA throughout the country that need independent review because of the dozen homicides at West Virginia VA.
Austin, Texas, last year, a veteran committed suicide that came out.
The patient advocates in the VA will retaliate for speaking out.
Article badge of shame.
The government's war on veterans, Operation Vigilant Eagle, and was created to go after veterans that speak out against the government.
The Daily Caller also released the VA whistleblower hit list.
The Post Office is in a panic over the coronavirus, looking to go bust.
They're one of the biggest employers of veterans.
They waste millions of dollars because their lobbies are not separate from a lot of their warehouses, so they heat a lot of their warehouses, which is a simple fix.
If Trump would listen, get ahold of Senator Braun's office, he could take care of that.
The other thing that's coming out, they already screwed up the stimulus package.
A guy in Indiana got $8.2 million deposited into his account.
Lucky guy.
Senators are concerned over the FBI manipulation and 9-11 cases are coming out.
The FBI has canceled FOIA requests.
Oh yeah, it's the same thing, like the FBI can lie to us all day long, but if you lie to them, you're getting locked up, bud.
Totally illegal.
Anything else?
That's a powerful call.
Anything else, James?
No, that's it.
I just hope they help this veteran out of Houston, Texas.
I mean, they're giving him a death sentence and neglecting to carve out.
It's going to kill him.
It's going to be neglect.
And you know there's dozens if not hundreds of similar cases and you know we actually had someone call in who knew that veteran and I had so many calls in the war room the other day I wasn't able to get to it.
Maybe they can call into the war room today and get a hold of Harrison Smith or maybe even call in I know our lines are filled but I just can't even believe that we're sitting here taking it but I will say
People are getting their stimulus checks this week.
They began getting them.
And people are finally also getting their unemployment checks with back pay.
This is all being reported to me.
So it's kind of convenient, like right as we've kind of reached our fed up point with this, the money starts coming out.
You know, puts you back in the home, comfortable again.
Oh, how convenient.
Let's go to John in Oregon.
Go ahead, John.
Hey Owen.
Well, I was sitting here the other day listening to you guys and you mentioned the hospital ships, how like they are pretty much unused after all that.
And I'm so sorry for my daughter.
I gotta go because my daughter is throwing up a bit.
Sorry about that.
Alright, John, I just gotta jump.
I gotta jump.
Hold John if you can get her under control.
She's panicking right now because they're trying to steal her future.
I totally get it.
Let's go to Lyle in Idaho while John tries to appease his daughter there.
Go ahead, Lyle.
Hey, Owen.
God bless you, man.
I'm calling today just to kind of lay out our situation here, you know, with my family and stuff.
I really like Catherine Austin Fitts' comments here the other day about calling this a plandemic.
I think that really capsulizes it.
My wife works in the hospitality industry and I'm an oil field worker.
Overall, where we live in the part of the country we're in, we're pretty optimistic.
A couple of years back, we bought a harvest-dried freeze-dryer and got a garden going, got some chickens going this spring, so just kind of getting back to basics.
But in my opinion, this country is so openly divided.
Building any political bridges is really no longer an option, because when your mind is closed, your ears don't work.
No, you know what?
This is actually an excellent point here, because you've seen the left that is so hysterically anti-Trump, and this isn't even a Trump comment, it's just relevant to what Lyle is saying.
The left has become so hysterically and radically anti-Trump.
No matter what he does, it's bad.
No matter what happens, it's his fault.
They can't even get over that hurdle intellectually.
So there's no, it's like they're hopeless lost souls that have been so filled with hate that they're blinded.
So it's like, yeah, you're right.
How do we unite with these people that hate our guts, hate the president, hate America,
You can't even find common ground with them.
They're so filled with hate, they'd rather stab you in the heart till you die than find any common ground.
Well, and you know what's crazy is here, what it was yesterday, that the governors of New York and California openly say they won't cooperate with the federal government in reopening the economy in terms of like using their ports or whatever, you know, functionality and resources they have to get things rolling.
How is this not sedition?
I mean, to what degree do we have to, like, sit there and literally watch all of our constitutional rights usurped vis-a-vis this pandemic, and then have these people, not only individuals, like you pointed out just a minute ago, but literal city and state government
That just hate America.
Modern-day nomenclature.
Do you get it?
Are you hearing me?
Is this getting through to anybody?
Thank you for the call, Lyle.
Let's go to Chuck in California.
Chuck, self-government.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on, man?
Let me pull over so you can turn this thing off.
While I'm doing that, the cowardice of America is totally ridiculous right now.
You got people full packed that aren't on the freeway.
You got people that used to gang bang and used to beat each other up, but still remain scared to come out the house.
It is totally ridiculous.
And then you go to the FaceTard on Facebook.
Everybody's talking about Trump, but they're not talking about any solutions for our freedom being snatched out from us.
It's a tent-pole situation and we're the ones on the corner.
It's time to take the pumps off and start beating these people upside the head with it.
It's old.
It's tired.
It's burned out.
America is at power right now.
And like you said, they're cuffed.
They're sitting on the couch watching the other guy get busy.
And that's got to stop.
Yeah, and you know, there's so many, and you know, the other thing about that too is, like, Candace Owens is such, just unbelievable, Candace Owens.
I can't be more proud to see what Candace Owens is doing.
Because you have all these conservatives and people that are getting after her because she's fighting against this shutdown and, you know, saying, oh, she's bad.
And she just takes none of it.
She just swings right back.
See, even conservatives and patriots have become so cucked.
They won't even stand up against these ninnies and cowards that are telling you to be afraid and stay at home.
No, screw you, people, man!
Hey, look, if you want to stay at home and wear a mask and pretend you're Bane, fine, not me!
Ten weeks ago, I began to tell listeners that they needed to get high quality, sortable food.
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It's not predictions.
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So, going back more than eight weeks ago, all major storable food companies were sold out, except my Patriot Supply, because they're the biggest and we're pre-positioned.
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And the world is now being tested.
And we're seeing lots of dutiful individuals who've complied and submitted their whole lives believing if they just submit now in a bigger way, somehow they'll create a heavenly future.
But the technocrats running the global system are oppressive and anti-human and are psychotic and are building an anti-human future.
Submission to them is like tying a big boulder on your neck and throwing it into the ocean.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation, it's Owen Troyer!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, let's go right back out to your phone calls.
Let's go to Charles, calling in from Missouri.
Go ahead, Charles, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, how you doing, boss?
Anyways, first of all, I want to say hi.
Gotta love the DNA Force and all the products at Input Wars, man.
I take the 8-pack, I got the Turbo Force and all that jazz.
Well, thank you!
Hey man, I love every bit of it.
I work 14 hour days on average, five days a week.
I'm a truck driver.
And that's what keeps me going, man.
I'm telling you, since I've been driving a truck last two years, I've been running on turbo force.
Well, I don't know about turbo force, but I think turbo force for about a year.
Well, hell yeah, brother.
And truckers keep America running too.
So, you know, it's mutual.
And so, and other folks, look, I don't know what Charles wants to talk about today, but I'm telling you guys.
The people in the trucking industry know there's not much time left on this supply line at the current rate and everything's getting shut down.
Now, Charles, I didn't know you were a trucker, but you called in today.
What's on your mind?
Mainly, man, I just I'm telling you, I know this COVID shit.
We got to dump that.
No cussing.
No cussing.
I'm going to hold you on the line.
No cussing.
All right.
So mainly the whole problem is the fact that, you know, they were planning on doing this with Hillary.
They're planning on releasing this virus.
They're going to give China the role of control like they want it to.
And then, yeah, they're going to put us at war.
There is no offense buts about it.
I mean, it just happened too quick.
Now they're like, OK, China released this so we can get Trump out of office.
We've got to get him out of office.
We'll never get one world government.
We'll never be able to do this.
I mean, China's been building up massively on their male population for years.
This is all part of their plan.
It's just now they're using it against Trump.
And Trump, it's sad, but it don't seem like he realizes it.
Yeah, it's tough.
It's tough to get a measurement on Trump right now.
Because again, any other presidency, and this is going on, we're pointing fingers at the president, blaming the president.
I mean, that's fair analysis and criticism for people to make.
I'm not even going to deny it.
So we have to measure ourselves in our response to this as well.
We also have to realize that everything doesn't revolve around Trump.
And so we have to measure this for what it is and then act accordingly.
But, you know, let's say that Trump is the man we thought we elected and he's trying to navigate these waters.
So he's got to try to figure out how do I navigate this World War III plan with China, which is really just meant to enslave the world, and then make it a real war to free the people of China and to get China off the backs of the U.S.
Well, it's not just that, but I think one of the problems is, is Trump really needs us to prove that we're supporters, too.
And the problem is, Americans got lazy.
I'm telling you now, I'm gonna try to make it to Texas.
What'd you say, Saturday or Sunday?
I don't remember what day it was.
Saturday, Saturday, okay, yes, the You Can't Close America rally is Saturday, this Saturday, April 18th, noon, at the Texas State Capitol in downtown Austin, Texas.
Alright, truckers, every trucker out there, let's lock up Texas with trucks.
Lock it up.
Every trucker should be pulling into Texas on Saturday at noon.
What an unbelievable call there from Charles.
Look, I'd be so blessed and so happy if this thing got huge.
Like I said, I just announced this either Monday or Tuesday.
I think we'll have some numbers there.
But if we had big numbers, nationwide turnout, truckers, I mean, I'll have a live stream.
I'll have a microphone.
I'll talk to the truckers.
We'll talk to you that come out.
You know, tell us what you think.
So Charles makes a big request for truckers to come out here.
By the way, the Operation Gridlock right now is taking over Michigan.
They're protesting for the governor to be removed, patriots all over the streets, thousands of people out there.
Folks, this is about to go nationwide, and their little pat on the head with the stimulus check and the Chinese bucks, their little pat on the head with the unemployment, it's not going to stop us.
We're Americans, okay?
We're free, and we're going to fight for our freedom.
Charles, anything else?
Well, that's the same thing I'm going to say.
We're most definitely going to fight for our freedom.
That $1,200 or whatever they're giving out, I think it hit my account, but it's like a pee in the bucket, as we'll say.
It's nothing.
I make a lot more money than that.
I ain't worried about that $1,200.
I want my family out working again.
I want to be able to support my family.
And write.
Amen, Charles.
I hope I meet you this Saturday.
God bless you.
Thank you so much for that call to the truckers as well.
And folks, again, this Operation Gridlock in Michigan is going, like, supremely massive viral right now.
This is only going to spark more of these this week.
I mean, it's just...
We're all in this together, folks.
I'm telling you, massive awakening happening right now.
This is the unstoppable force needs to be a movable object.
Let's go to Greg in Florida.
Go ahead, Greg.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, how you doing, Owen?
All right.
Hey, wanted to just touch base on a couple of things.
One was the fellow that called in from Ohio talking about CO2 and this climate stuff.
I had a company.
It's called Laser Tech International.
And my chief scientist, his name was Alan Hill.
And Alan Hill developed and directed Star Wars during the Reagan administration.
And in fact, it even, you know, on the History Channel, they even had him on there once saying that's what really stopped the Cold War because, you know, they couldn't touch us with our Star Wars program.
My point being is this, we have patented technology on a laser system that we've used, you know, years ago for radon cones on the military fighter jets stripping.
And our laser system is patented technology that we use natural CO2 gas
I think so.
Uh, regulate and keep things on the cool side.
No, no, no.
This is actually such a key point because it's one of the biggest deceptions of all time right in front of your face.
You know, it's like the guy on the street corner doing three card Monty who takes your $20 every time.
And you're just like, what?
Like, how do you keep taking my money?
He's like, you're a genius.
No, it's rigged.
It's like that obvious.
It's like the Nubian Prince that says, just send me a million dollars and I'll give you a castle on the moon and ten trillion dollars.
I just need your advance first.
It's like, oh, oh, okay.
No, folks, look at China that has the most CO2 emissions and look at the reforestation that's happening in China because of it.
Like, have we forgotten basic science?
That plants do this thing called photosynthesis?
Creates oxygen?
They need carbon?
It's a joke!
And one thing Owen...
I'm good.
I tell you what, if I get a break here, I'm going to come down there and see you this weekend.
Well, God bless you.
You know, look, I'm not trying to make a big thing and push everybody to come this because people have their lives and they have to make decisions.
But there seems to be a lot of energy.
People are calling in from across the nation wanting to be a part of this.
Hell, you just got your twelve hundred dollar stimulus check.
Plug your gas tank.
Head on to Austin, Texas, this Saturday.
You can't close America rally at the Texas state capitol.
I will be there.
I'll have a microphone.
I'll talk to you.
Look, I'm not going to give up my freedom willingly here.
Like, what do you think this is?
Thank you for the call, Greg.
Let's go to Matt in Illinois.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hey, Owen.
It's Matt.
Howdy, Matt.
I'm calling out of Illinois.
Hey, Matt.
Hold on a second, Matt.
I got a bad connection with you.
I don't know if you're on speaker or in a bad area.
Can you try to fix that so I can hear what you're saying?
Let's try that again.
Can you hear me now?
Better, still a little, it's alright, it's better, I can hear ya.
Alright, hey, your rally in Texas is gonna be an eye-opener, because I'm in Illinois, I'm still fortunately working, the government, I guess, chooses that I'm essential, when every American is essential, if they choose to be.
Well no, that's what I'm saying, yeah, it's easy to deem someone else's business non-essential, like that's really easy, it's easy to deem someone else's non-essential.
It makes me think like all these businesses that are shut down, I don't even want to support them because they're falling into the whole thing.
And you know, I'm not a marketer or anything, but I think you guys should come out with a t-shirt that says, if you're sick, stay home.
If you're scared, stay home.
I mean, we want to work.
We want to be like, America is the greatest nation in the world.
And you know, I got three kids.
I'm 28 years old.
You know, I work my ass off.
What part of Illinois are you in, Matt?
I'm just outside of Chicago.
And I work for, you know, debatably the biggest park district in Illinois.
You know, I'm not going to name the name because I'm still... the board has still given me a paycheck, thank God.
I got my stimulus check.
Look, I gotta go to a break here, Matt.
But just hold because I want to ask you one more question.
We'll be right back.
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We knew early on that COVID-19 was an engineered bioweapon.
But again, people say, oh, then it must be the most deadly thing ever.
It does currently kill people, but if you're going to release a bioweapon for fear and to bankrupt an economy and cause panic, and to run folks off the edge of a cliff in a giant artificial stampede, you want to know the real trajectory.
Kill a bunch of old people, kill people that are deficient, kill people that are already sick, get rid of folks the globalists don't even want anyways, but scare everybody else you want to control into submission.
And that's what's going on.
So people get confused by the paradox of you say it's a real virus, you say it's serious, but you say don't panic and don't shut the economy down.
Because if you do that, they're going to keep releasing bioweapons over and over again because it works so well on the public.
Most people are starting to wake up, but we have to understand that pressure is being put on Trump to basically keep the economy shut for another six months to a year.
We'll be in a depression long before then.
We've got to go back to work.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I want to go back to Matt real quick.
Matt, what do you think is going to happen here?
We have massive rallies in North Carolina to reopen, massive rallies in Michigan to reopen.
This one that I'm hosting in Austin, Texas this weekend may be bigger than I expected.
I was just doing it as an exercise, I mean, just for myself to say, hey, here's what I'm doing.
So my grandchildren, should I be so fortunate to have them someday, will say, hey, what did you do?
And I'll say, I stood up.
I hosted rallies.
I organized people.
But you're saying it's going to be eye-opening.
What did you mean by that, Matt?
It's gonna be eye-opening because a lot of people are scared.
If you see the people trying to get a weapon right now, liberals.
They're scared and they're trying to get them and they're getting shut down and they're like, what do you mean I can't walk out with a gun right now?
Yeah, no, there's a process.
I mean, you want to bring in abortion, you want to bring all this, that's easy.
You can just go into a clinic, get an abortion, but going and buying a gun, there is a process.
And I think it's opening a lot of people's eyes that, you know what?
They're scared for their life and their liberty.
And this is America.
And I'm actually, you know, I'm still getting a paycheck.
I got my stimulus and all that, but I'm going to drive down to Austin, Texas, because
You know, that's the heart of America.
We are Americans.
People still need to realize that they are essential.
And look for Matt, that's going to be about a 17 hour drive up there from the Chicago area.
So make sure you find me, Matt, so we can talk and you can get your thoughts out there, too.
Because I'm going to have a camera crew.
We'll have a bullhorn.
I mean, this is the whole deal.
I'm not getting shut down.
And if the cops want to come shut us down and tell us to wear masks, then we can flat out ask them.
And we've already got lawyers dealing with complaints.
I'll ask them, Officer, are we under martial law?
Is there an edict that you can come tell me to go home or wear a mask?
Where in the law does it say that?
Are we under martial law?
So let's confront this issue.
Again, this is Saturday.
You can't close America Rally.
This Saturday, noon to two, the Texas State Capitol.
I'll be there.
I hope you can be there.
Again, I did this just to say, hey, look, Texas is not scared.
I want to be able to say I fought.
But this is now becoming a national phenomenon.
And people all around the nation are ready to reopen this country.
And again,
It's to fight the fear, too.
Hey, look, I'm not afraid, okay?
You don't have to be afraid either.
Matt, thank you so much for the phone call.
I look forward to seeing you.
Let's go to Joseph in Colorado.
Go ahead, Joseph.
How you doing, Owen?
All right, thank you.
Good to hear from you, man.
I was just calling up about monetary policy.
It seems like we might have a tremendous opportunity here now that the Fed and the Treasury have started to merge.
Maybe we could use this as an opportunity to push forward a new type of, you know, not interest-based currency that actually has gold and silver again.
You know, there's a lot of theorizing about that.
There's a lot of chatter about that.
I mean, who really knows how that turns out?
Why do we get taxed if they can just print two trillion dollars?
It's a joke.
I mean, it's a joke.
They can bail out every industry they want, but we still pay taxes.
We still get hit with the burden of it.
I mean, what the hell is that?
Well, you know, they're lazy.
They don't understand the value of hard work, and really, America, etymologically speaking...
As I've discovered means work ruler.
So if you're not willing to work here in this country, then you're never really going to gain any traction.
And, you know, the joke's going to be on you then.
And, you know, I'm so glad you said that because we get attacked because of this mentality and this this American, I don't know, whatever you want to call it, mentality, I guess.
And look, you know, in some ways you can understand that, you know, we work ourselves and we work really hard.
But, you know, there's a lot of good things that come with that, too.
But I remember a friend of mine from Brazil.
Uh, asking me one day when I was in St.
Louis, because I was working like 18 hour days, like three different jobs.
And she just asked me, she was like, she was like, why are you always in a hurry?
It's like, why are you always working?
You're always in a hurry.
You're always working.
You're doing all these things.
Like why?
And, uh, my roommate just standing in the room pipes in and goes, cause this is America, bitch.
Damn right!
I want to be clear.
He wasn't being demeaning to this friend of mine.
It was all in good fun.
But like, yeah, like, hey, why are you having a rally in the middle of a global pandemic?
Hey, why do you have 100 guns?
Hey, why do you think you're free?
Because this is America, bitch!
Like, what do you think this is?
What do you think?
I mean, like, what happened to America?
When did we become such cowards?
It doesn't matter how hard I want to fight.
If other human beings don't resonate with what I'm saying, if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products to fund our operation, the dog doesn't hunt.
But you get that.
You are patriots.
You are people that live and work in the real world of a race, color, and creed that understand what's happening.
And that's why when you call in and thank me for what I've done, it's really a sick joke.
Thank you.
For what you've done.
We're all in this together.
We believe in the rights of the unborn.
We believe in families.
We believe in the right to self-defense.
We believe in capitalism in America and Jesus Christ, number one.
And we believe in free speech.
And so, the fact that you shop with us, and the fact that you spread the word about what we're doing, does everything in the world.
That's why I salute you and I thank you continually because the globalists thought they'd have this whole planet sewn up by now.
They thought they'd be in charge.
They thought they would have won, but they didn't count on you and I and others coming together.
So God bless you all.
Well, there's your CNN headline.
The United States and the world are going to have to endure social distancing until 2022.
Unless we can find a vaccine to save us, but then everybody's got to take it.
This is so incredibly transparent.
Meanwhile, the head of the Aleister Crowley Church, who is the new Microsoft spokeswoman, is pictured with Jacob Rothschild, the richest man in the world, and the head of the New World Order, according to many accounts, in front of a painting of Lucifer summoning his legions.
Just look at these people who've taken control of the planet through fraud, corruption, greed, evil, and their hatred of humanity, flaunting themselves.
But you know what?
When Microsoft...
Earlier this week came out with an ad featuring her.
It got unanimous thumbs down 99% and was pulled.
So America and the world is rejecting this type of filthy evil and garbage, but they control the megacorporations, they control the big banks, they control most governments, and they are going to try to starve you and your family to death right now until you submit and let them inject you
With a tainted vaccine.
They want you to acquiesce, be able to buy and sell to them for total control.
If you put up with it, it's the total destruction of you and your family.
But this is the reality.
This is what's happening.
And they just flaunt their satanism in front of everybody.
Well, everybody needs to understand they're the enemies.
And the system that they've established in their alliance with radical Islam and the whole new order system and communism must be recognized and must be rejected and must be defeated.
They are now gone from hiding their operations to flaunting their operations because they were winning by stealth.
You and I and Trump and others exposed them.
Now they're just out in the open selling their tyranny as if it's the only savior from total depression when they are triggering the depression itself.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, you just heard from Alex Jones.
We're now into the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Jason Jones is coming up to host the fourth hour.
Harrison Smith will be filling in for me today on The War Room with excellent guests breaking more of this down as well.
Deanna Lorraine is our guest now.
Yes, the Deanna Lorraine that flew the Pelosi for prison banner over San Francisco multiple times.
The Deanna Lorraine that was retweeted by President Trump with her hashtag Fire Fauci.
Deanna, I think it's gone beyond just Fire Fauci now at this point.
That's already caught headwind.
The new trend is reopen America.
Now, I don't like that narrative because that assumes that they can close us to begin with, which they can't.
Um, but as somebody that's, you know, started trends in your own right with the Pelosi for prison and the fire Fauci, what do you see happening now with Americans rising up, protesting at their capitals, saying it's time to reopen America?
How do you see this going, Deanna Lorraine?
Well, just to also top it off, I also started the hashtag film your hospital viral trend too.
And why that's important is because we are now having people that don't trust the media anymore.
We do not trust what we're being spoon-fed by the media and by the government anymore.
We just don't.
We don't trust the death rate that they're pitching to us.
We don't trust the measures that they're telling us to take, the extreme measures.
And it's kind of a nice thing because this film your hospital trend went worldwide.
People from all over the world were sending in their videos.
And you know, same with the fire Fauci trend.
People are realizing, they're waking up that this doesn't work.
In the blink of an eye, we've had our freedoms taken away from us.
We've been on basically a global house arrest, right?
We can't go to stores.
We can't go get food.
We can't go visit with friends.
I mean, what you were just saying, like, what, you know, how is this America?
This is not right.
When do we draw the line and say, no, this is not going to work anymore?
You know, you can say that it's a pandemic, but when do we say that we are not ready to give up these rights anymore just for the sake of a couple people's safety or health?
Of which these numbers seem to be so in flux anyways, they're not really proven.
I love your idea of the rally.
I totally want to be there for it.
Because I think more people need to step up.
So many people are in fear because of the media, because of the government saying so much that, you know, the death toll is astronomical.
And every day we see these pictures and videos of what looks like dead bodies in freezers.
And it's to scare us.
It's to absolutely scare us to believe that we have to do what they're telling us.
We have to stay inside.
And we have to draw the line at this point, I think, and I think, I hope that more people follow suit with you, with your rally.
Well, look, I'm not gonna lie.
I'm like going through this thing right now.
I'm like total Attitude Era, like, you know, shove it, like suck it.
Like, I'm just done.
Like, you're not gonna bully me, you're not gonna put me in fear.
Like, you know, come, come and take it.
It's like that old American mentality.
Like, we're tough, you want to make me a slave, you're gonna have to do it.
And there's going to be a fight.
It's like we've just given all of that up, saying, oh, you want to make me a slave?
All you have to do is make me afraid.
I don't know what it is.
That's it.
It's a terrorist.
It's a virus.
It's Trump.
I don't know.
Just make me afraid, and I'll give you everything.
I swear.
I know.
I have friends that they won't even get together with me.
Family won't because, you know, oh, we have to follow these guidelines.
I'm like, I'm healthy.
You're healthy.
What guidelines are you wanting to follow?
We're like sitting in someone's house.
I mean, it's so ridiculous that people are just so willing and able to hand over their freedoms because under the guise of this pandemic.
It's so scary how quickly we were able to be herded like cattle into an extreme situation.
You know, and again, at what point do we say, isn't this what guns are for?
Isn't this what our power, that we the people have, is supposed to be for, so that we can protest this kind of tyranny?
Now, I'm not saying that we need to, you know, rise up like tomorrow, but in my personal head, I'm giving it like a couple more weeks of a timeline, okay, before I go absolutely crazy.
Because I'm getting at that point right now, being quarantined and isolated in California, where there's literally nothing open, including the beach, is shut down.
I mean, it is ridiculous.
So in my head I've given it like till May 1st, but I like where you're going with the rally this weekend.
I like that you're starting things up and starting the conversation because I've heard talks that this is going to go on until July.
There's no plan on shutting this down.
Let's be clear.
They keep moving the goalposts, moving the end date.
The plan is to never reopen.
That's what it really is.
Until there's a vaccine, right?
Until there's a mandatory vaccine, and what Governor Newsom just said, until there's a vaccine and some sort of a tracking, monitoring system, right?
Where we can track everybody that's had these tests and vaccines.
Are you kidding me?
That's what I'm telling you right now.
Hey, you know what?
You want to come to me and tell me to take a vaccine?
You polish that vaccine, you twist it sideways, and you shove it up right in your candy ass, because I'm not taking no damn vaccine!
So, and I'm going to say my body, my choice.
That's what I'm going to tell them to have it right in their faces.
Oh, I love that.
Oh, by the way, how about this one?
Hey, if you really want to save millions of lives, I know one company you could shut down tomorrow and save millions of lives.
What's that?
Planned Parenthood!
I bet you could guess.
Planned Parenthood!
Again, you can expose the fraud of these people logically, intellectually, at every level.
But you know what is really, I think, worrisome, and I think a lot of people are really seeing this, is that our economy and country was shut down in the blink of an eye, folks.
Like, overnight.
I mean, if that doesn't show you how there are invisible strings manipulating everyday life here in our economy in America, I don't know what else will.
No, and it's scary how quickly we went along with it.
It's like the whole world just went along with this so fast, didn't really question.
I have a lot of conservative friends, too, that are just not questioning.
They're saying, oh yeah, it's so highly contagious, you know, I can't be near you without a gas mask.
It is absurd.
And then we have Bill Gates, who is touting a vaccine, and we've got Fauci, we've got Governor Newsom.
What do you make of Bill Gates getting 95% negative reviews, him and his wife, everything they've done in the last week, pushing their vaccine worldwide?
What do you make of them getting 95% negative reviews, but still shoving it in your face and still saying, nope, we run your life?
They have an agenda and they're going to force it on us no matter what.
I mean, this is part of their plan.
So in their minds, they're either going to delay it or it's going to happen now.
But they believe that this is going to be accomplished.
And that's what's scary.
And that's why we have to rise up.
Because as soon as we agree to something like that, something mandatory forced upon us, we are no longer free.
We are no longer Americans.
And we have to remember that.
And Bill Gates ain't put nothing in my body.
Well, he certainly thinks he does.
And then they say, hey,
Hey, if you don't take this vaccine, you can never be free again.
It's like, no, no, that is what it is.
It's give up your freedom or you can never be free.
Freedom is suspended until you give up your freedoms.
I don't even know how to say it eloquently.
It's all in your face.
I don't have to say anything.
It's like looking at a beautiful painting
Or, you know, just anything that's beautiful, like a sunset.
It's like, what do you even say?
You just see it.
You know it's majestic.
You know what it is.
Same thing with this.
You know this is tyranny.
You know this is corrupt.
You know this is Satanism.
You know what this is, folks.
We don't have to call it out.
We just have to reject it.
Reject it!
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Google and Facebook, as well as Apple, work closely with our organization, The Hiss Corps, to surveil your every movement with robot drones and other systems to ensure the safety of the public.
Of course it was I, twelve years ago, with Obama, who serves us well, and Fauci, who transferred the bioweapons to Communist China, so we could now release the weapon.
But without the loving liberal media, scaring you into submission, and the corporate press, worshiping corporations that shut down all access, as well as blue city governors and mayors, we would never have been able to give you the
How do you put a people under house arrest?
How do you put them under siege?
Well, you tell them you're protecting them from a virus that you yourself cooked up with the globalist Deep State and then had China release to then take down the populist president and those pesky American people that have become too uppity.
Bill Maher even admitted it.
Man, I hope we have a depression.
And now they've tailored the whole thing, where the big corporations and the media are going to keep the country closed, along with the help of the blue cities and blue states, all the time blaming Trump and capitalism and Americanism for the depression it creates.
If America is that stupid, we deserve what happens to us.
But as for me, I'm not sitting here and I'm not taking it.
It's all the nanny state and the peer pressure that they're the good people keeping everybody safe.
That's not what they're doing.
They are pulling America up by its roots and irrevocably damaging our savings, our health, our whole world, and committing millions of third world people to death.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Ladies and gentlemen, this could be your last opportunity to stand up for America.
So, uh, you know, you may want to act accordingly.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, uh, you got a loved one that you know may be their last hours, last days.
You know, you rush, you try to get to see them, say goodbye, hug them, kiss them, tell them you love them.
It's kind of where we're at in America right now, folks.
I mean, this is, you know, your last chance to fight for America.
So you can either choose not to or act accordingly.
Deanna Lorraine is with us.
Deanna, what do you, what do you think?
Let's get back into this, because again, this Saturday I am hosting, and it's already gotten bigger than I expected.
I didn't really think it would get that big.
But this Saturday we're hosting a You Can't Close America rally at the Austin, Texas State Capitol in downtown Austin, Texas at noon this Saturday, April 18th.
This is my response to seeing the protests in North Carolina, seeing the protests, the Operation Gridlock today shutting down Michigan.
This is how we can fight for America.
And, I mean, if nothing else, at least get the President to respond.
Because most of these rallies, I mean, it's all American flags, all Trump flags.
So these are Trump supporters signaling to the President, reopen, we got your back, we're not living in fear.
What do you make of that, Deanna Lorraine?
I mean, at this point, we could either be impotent about it and sit on our behinds and do nothing, or we can fight this.
Because this really is the ultimate power grab right now.
This is really the ultimate farce.
Whether coronavirus may or may not be real, I mean, you know, yes, it's a strand of the flu, right?
I'm not denying that people have died.
I'm not denying people have gotten ill from it.
But it's clearly something much bigger than that, right?
Because we've had flus every single year.
We had this wine flu as well that killed many thousands of more people, yet we never went on a global house arrest.
We never shut down the economy.
We never shut down stores and businesses and everything.
This just never happened.
So clearly it's a power grab.
Clearly they're trying to crash the economy and really, you know what you said,
Take our power away as we know it because Americans have become too outspoken and pesky.
And at this point, you know, we have to stand up for ourselves because I'm a little bit questioning Trump's
Decisions right now.
You know, I usually, I feel that he has good intuition.
I feel like he has good instincts and he surrounds himself with good people.
I also know that he likes to keep his friends close and his enemies closer, right?
But I obviously don't trust Fauci.
I don't trust Dr. Scarf.
I don't trust a lot of these people because they're, I believe, part of the deep state and they've served in previous administrations before.
They have ties to Obama.
They have ties to Bill Gates.
I don't trust their loyalty to President Trump's agenda and to us, the American people.
And they continuously inflate the numbers.
They continuously misrepresent what's really going on in the hospitals and out there, you know, with the numbers of people getting sick.
Obviously they're lying to us.
So are we going to let that lie continue to happen?
Or are we going to stand up for ourselves and tell Trump, look, we've got a timeline here.
I mean, if you don't reopen the country soon and get good people around you that truly care for us Americans, we may not elect you again in November.
I mean, we're going to get really, really angry and rightfully so, because like you said, this is
Our last chance.
I don't see any other time where, I mean, if this goes down, they're able to successfully pull the wool over our eyes with this and we just roll over and let it happen.
We're done-zo.
You know, let me respond to the two things you said, because it's clear.
Two things that you said and the importance of it.
One, we tend to focus on the numbers and that's fair when making this argument about the swine flu compared to the coronavirus.
And you can use the numbers and it all pans out.
Yeah, the swine flu was more deadlier.
Yeah, the swine flu had more people in hospitals.
There was never any overwhelming.
There was never any shutdown.
And that's a fair point.
It should open people's eyes.
I realize, listening to you and thinking, it's actually worse than that.
Because remember when we had the deadly Ebola outbreak in Africa?
Folks, there was never any shutdown.
They never canceled flights from Africa.
They were literally rounding people up from West Africa and bringing them into San Antonio with no quarantine process, no testing process.
I talked to the doctor.
She literally said, we don't know.
So where was the panic for that?
Luckily, there was no Ebola outbreak, thank God!
The point is, where was the panic?
Where was the shutdown?
None of it existed.
Ebola is 10 times deadlier, if not 100 times deadlier than the coronavirus.
And then, here's what people need to realize.
There's more outspoken people against Trump right now that were previously Trump supporters because of the shutdown than I've ever seen.
I'm getting heat for not going against Trump.
I'm still holding out hope that Trump is the president we elected and I hope that he will take care of these things like they need to be taken care of.
But at the same aspect though, if I'm not doing anything, how can I want Trump to do anything?
But my point is this, if you're not a healthy skeptic of President Trump, if you're not watching this and being a healthy skeptic and asking these questions, then you're just not living in reality.
And so we need to be able to have these healthy debates and question ourselves and question, you know, who we can trust and who we can't.
Again, this isn't a knock of Trump.
I still like Trump.
I still support the Trump.
He still has my vote for 2020.
But the point is, if we're so blinded in blind support for any individual, then we'll lose everything.
And we as a nation, we have trust issues, like a relationship that has cheated on us many times.
I mean, we have trust issues with presidents.
We have trust issues with actors in the government, and rightfully so.
So I love Trump.
I trust him very much.
And you know, at this point, he has my vote for sure.
You know, he also has to start making some different decisions, I think, right now.
And I think, I see a difference, I don't know about you, but in the last couple days, you know, he seems to be bringing in the fire and fury at the press conferences and not taking any BS, and showing up with a different tone.
And he's coming up with a different, you know, coronavirus task force.
So I I believe he's got some aces up his sleeve.
I believe that, you know, he's usually three steps ahead.
And I think that plan is going to be coming into fruition right now.
I think he's going to expose a lot of these lies.
You know, again, you know, just it's it's just insane how these
News outlets keep saying how overwhelmed the hospitals are, and it's like, I haven't seen this craziness since 9-11, but I see countless doctors and nurses saying they haven't worked for weeks, they've been furloughed, laid off, or told to stay home because the hospitals are too dead, they're too quiet, and they're too empty.
So we're just, we've just had enough of the fake news, we've had enough of the lies, and we do want to trust Trump, but we gotta trust, but verify.
And it's our freedom at stake.
Of course we should be questioning things right now.
It's the right thing to do, it's the American thing to do.
Well, I actually kind of go against that line of thinking now.
Trust but verify.
I don't trust anything.
I just verify.
And then I trust.
It's verify, then trust.
That's my new thing.
But, you know, to point out what you said a couple weeks ago, though...
I saw the same thing that you're seeing, which was Trump beginning to twist the narrative.
The Russia leaks were coming out, the hoax exposed, Spygate exposed, all that exposed.
Then the Trump was attacking the media.
He made some moves behind the scenes.
The Surgeon General got rid of Bill Gates' vaccination models.
So there are signs that Trump is starting to go around.
I don't know how much he's measured, but it's time for this trend to continue.
He needs to continue to hit the fake media, he needs to start hammering Fauci, and he needs to fire Fauci.
I would fire Fauci right in front of all the cameras.
I'm not even kidding you.
I'm not even kidding you.
I would do it in the middle of a coronavirus task force briefing, point out all his flaws, point out how the economy has sunk because of him, and then give him the old apprentice, you're fired.
You're fired, Fauci!
You're damn fired!
And Dr. Fake, Dr. Scars, you're fired too!
Get the hell out of here!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Deanna Lorraine is with me, Owen Schroeder, here on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be going to your calls with Deanna here.
Just a moment.
I want to just point out a couple of news stories going on right now.
Florida man commits murder a day after being released from jail.
In the coronavirus jail releases.
Isn't that nice?
And then you have this whole notion where Trump said he has total authority over coronavirus response.
People are saying, oh, he's becoming a tyrant, a dictate.
I don't view it that way.
I think what he's saying is he has all the cards and he has America's support.
And so therefore, he has total authority.
But that debate is ongoing.
Then you have Elizabeth Warren has endorsed Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, of course, taking swipes at President Trump saying, Biden handled the swine flu so well with me.
Hey, listen, you treasonous jerk.
The swine flu outbreak was worse than the coronavirus outbreak.
But I was asking the crew this.
I'm wondering, what is the law, or is there a law, if you've been the President of the United States, can you then be the Vice President after that?
Because if that is legal, Obama's gonna do it.
That's my prediction now.
Deanna Lorraine is with us.
Let's go back out to your phone calls.
Let's go to J.K.
in Washington.
Go ahead, J.K.
Yes, hello.
Yeah, great show.
So I got a couple things, but the first one I want to say is there's a lot of the sayings of the left that they don't own that can be used for these purposes.
So anytime they talk about the vaccine or whatever, it should be my body, my choice.
That's what I say.
We turn it against them.
Yeah, we need to keep that in mind.
My body, my choice, whatever it is, whatever they're trying to force in us, so specifically vaccines.
But I'm in the D.C.
area, and when you talk about things, usually I'm right there.
So I'm looking at National Institutes of Health right now.
I'm looking at NIH.
I used to ride my bike there.
So it's sad that, you know, what they're doing, but I know all about it.
The other thing, as I wanted to say, do the rally on Saturday, but because the country is going to continue to try to keep it shut, every Saturday from 12 to 2, all around the country, people should go to a state house, and maybe on Sundays, and then you'll cover everybody.
But it needs to be 100% non-violent, although we're allowed to defend ourselves.
If they put violence on us, then that's another story.
Totally quiet and just the numbers.
And people can visit with each other, enjoy it, but don't have to push anything.
And here's the other key about that too, JK.
If you start getting Americans involved, everything starts to become clearer.
They become master builders.
So like, Americans will come out, they'll come to this rally, they'll see all the people there, they'll see all the energy to reopen America, and then they'll be like, wow, this is so exciting!
I'm gonna watch this on the nightly news!
And then it'll get no coverage.
And then they'll be like, well, what the hell?
So, I mean, talk about that angle of it, Deanna Lorraine, as somebody who's been in the arena.
I mean, most people just getting into the arena for the first time is an awakening process to how real this all is.
You know, and people need social proof.
You know, people need to see that it's okay that other people are doing it too.
You know, if every single person follows these guidelines that are ridiculous, then yeah, we could easily be herded into a lockdown for the next 18 months.
But if a couple people are so rebellious that they jump out and say, look, we're okay.
We're going to be okay.
We need to have a rally to protest this and to reopen America and send a strong signal, then more people are going to do it.
It's going to catch on.
And it's going to be something I think that's going to be really positive because we realize that there are lies being said to us, we're not buying it anymore, and we're more powerful than the deep state is trying to tell us that we are.
Everything that the left says is opposite day anyways.
I mean, if they love Fauci and Fauci's a hero, we should know that he's deep state.
If they are promoting and glorifying vaccines, and they're hating on the hydroxychloroquine, saying it's a deadly thing, we know right there which is the winner, right?
Which is the thing to- Oh, you know, and I hate this too!
That's another- look, hydroxychloroquine is obviously not for everyone, folks.
Yeah, and of course these people, these Democrats that are so concerned about death, could be saving thousands of lives every day if they just shut down Planned Parenthood.
But they don't want to talk about that.
They don't want to discuss it.
And what is good, if there's any positive that could come from this, is the exposure of their lives.
I'm seeing actually a lot of liberals and kind of moderate Democrats
They're coming to me lately and saying, you know what?
Some of the things you've been saying might actually be right.
And they're spending their quarantine time researching, reading, because this does not sit well with them.
It doesn't sit right.
They feel like they're being lied to.
It doesn't make sense to them.
So they're researching now more than ever, and they're starting to wake up and learn from themselves that, you know what?
I think we've been lied to, and this isn't right.
Yeah, by the way, Democrat Vernon Jones in Georgia just said he's abandoning the Democrat Party.
This is a representative, by the way, saying he's leaving the Democrat Party.
So people are leaving the Democrat Party.
You saw the Democrat in Michigan who could have died because of the Michigan governor banning hydroxychloroquine.
So I mean, and you know what, I realized something too.
If the left is the death cult that we know that they are with abortion and everything,
Of course they want to shut down the economy.
Because, folks, it's not about saving your life from the coronavirus.
They don't care about that.
It's about ending America.
That's what it's about.
It's about killing America.
That's why they love this shutdown so much.
All right, let's take another call here with Deanna Lorraine on the line.
Dusty in California.
Go ahead, Dusty.
Hey, Evan and Deanna.
I was out walking my dog earlier this morning and I ran into a neighbor who's kind of a lefty.
And she was actually mentioning what your other caller this morning talked about with the healing the earth kind of thing.
So it's becoming a thing for sure, but we could actually use that and turn it against them, exposing the chemtrails, exposing what's going on.
So we could use this narrative that they're pushing actually against them.
But you know, if they really want to push that too, it should be shoved right back in their face.
Then you stay inside!
I'm a free human being.
That is given to me by God.
So if you want to live in fear, if you want to stay home and save the planet, go ahead.
That's on you.
Deanna Lorraine, your final comments.
No, exactly.
It's just, you know, I'm happy if one thing is positive too, that President Trump cut off funding to the WHO.
It would be nice if he cut off totally funding to Planned Parenthood as well.
It's a positive, I guess, that parents are homeschooling their kids now, so we can see some positives in this.
But ultimately, this is scary and this is dangerous, and we should see that our freedoms are being totally walked on right now.
And we are in a state of high alert, and we should be.
Shouldn't just be sitting on our couches.
We need to be fighting for America.
And, you know, I'm again, I'm giving it a little bit of a mental deadline for a couple more weeks from now.
I'm going to hope Trump has our best interests at heart.
But we need to know when that point is, when we have to rise up and say, no, you know, we're going to fight this and we're not going to take any mandatory vaccine.
We're not going to have some tracking system in us, some tracking device, just so that we can go and gather socially again, like Governor Newsom said.
We're not going to do these things because that is not America.
And we know if this happens, we can never get it back.
You know, it's irreparable.
And China loves this.
Democrats love it because they want power and control over the we the people.
They're not shedding a tear over this.
They want this to happen.
They're excited about it.
They're talking about mail-in voting because they want to cheat the election again.
All of these things are a plus for them.
And for everyone out there, I just want to always ask you, who benefits?
Who gains from a mandatory vaccine?
Who gains from a crashing economy?
Who gains from mail-in voting?
It's not for us.
Deanna Lorraine, thank you so much for joining us today.
Very well said.
Of course, the Firefousy hashtag that you helped go viral.
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I'm not going to sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off.
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The power structures are going to silence those of us that they can't.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
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The left and their globalist controllers openly warned us last year, you keep supporting Trump and not letting China de-industrialize you, we're going to kill the economy and do it all at once.
The whole time they were setting us up for their plan.
Now they're angry so they've used the COVID-19 virus that Fauci publicly transferred.
We're good.
America's dead.
Yeah, China was supposed to win the trade war, but since they didn't, working with the Deep State, they just launched a bioweapon attack at Obama and Fauci cooked up.
And now Fauci's your god.
Doesn't matter if he's all over the newsage during the whole attack.
He is the boss.
He is the king.
Do not leave your house American trash.
It's over.
America's over.
Your children are your guns and your money belonged to us.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
My final segment before Jason Jones takes over, and then I'll be back tomorrow hosting The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, my normal showtime.
Remember, folks, this Saturday, this Saturday at noon at the Texas State Capitol in downtown Austin, Texas, the You Can't Close America rally.
It's happening this Saturday.
You're seeing these happen nationwide, North Carolina, Michigan.
More are coming.
We're launching the big one this Saturday.
I hope you can make it out.
Take the time.
Take the drive.
Let's rally together and let's fight for our freedoms here.
You can't close America Rally this Saturday, noon to 2 p.m.
at the Texas State Capitol in downtown Austin, Texas.
But folks, folks, I've just had the ultimate realization during the break.
It cannot be refuted.
It cannot be denied.
Did you know that nearly or more
We'll just say a quarter million people die every year due to medical malpractice in hospitals?
Did you know that?
Did you know that?
That's right!
Medical malpractice or medical mistakes in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States of America.
So ladies and gentlemen, we can only do one thing and one thing only!
Shut down all hospitals!
We must shut all hospitals!
We must save a quarter million lives a year of people who die in hospitals due to medical mistakes!
We cannot allow this to happen!
Of course, that's absurd.
That's the logic they use, so why not go with it full-on and total?
Because it's ridiculous, that's why.
But hey!
Let's just let them rule out this illogical, unfounded, ridiculous shutdown of America so that we can just close America permanently and just call it freedom.
Let's just do that.
That sounds better, doesn't it?
I'm joking, of course.
That's why we're hosting the rally this weekend.
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
I hope you can make it.
Jim, in Connecticut.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hey, Owen.
Nice job, kid.
But anyways, here's a little idea for your little rally that you're gonna do at the state capitol.
Why not have everyone sing, like, uh, you know, My Country, Tis of Thee, or some of those songs?
Well, I mean, we can do anything once we all get there.
Or even, uh, have a read of the Declaration of Independence and bring us the Capitol.
Well, I'll definitely be bringing my pocket Constitution if, uh, if an officer of the law tries to tell me I need to go home and wear a mask.
I'll cite the First Amendment, and I'll say, Sir, are we under martial law?
Because it would kind of be a PR nightmare if they're arresting people while they're singing the Pledge of Allegiance or hanging those pictures on.
Oh yeah, you mean like when they arrested me when I had tape over my mouth in the Capitol building?
Yeah, something like that.
Yeah, and you notice how people didn't want to cover that.
And look, I'm gonna be honest with you folks.
See, I don't want to... How do I say this?
I just have to be fully honest with you.
The reason why conservative news outlets don't cover events like that, folks, is because it embarrasses them.
Because they don't have any balls.
They don't have any courage.
They pretend to fight for your rights and the Constitution of America.
They really don't care.
They're in it for money.
And they know if they show the protests that Infowars hosts, or they credit Infowars with the news we break, then they ultimately are deemed worthless.
Because at the end of the day, they really are.
And so that's just...
That's just kind of an antidote there.
But Jim, thank you so much for the call.
You know, I will say this, though.
President Trump says that sports will play a role in the reopening of the economy.
Now, look, I understand the whole bread and circus thing and sports are just entertainment.
But let me say something.
Remember, remember the role sports played after 9-11.
And remember how important they were.
Lee Greenwood singing, proud to be an American, in Yankee Stadium.
Remember the goosebumps, the chills.
Remember Sammy Sosa running out onto Wrigley Field, waving the American flag to a raucous roar of applause.
Remember all the American flags.
They put the flags on the hats.
They put the flags on the jerseys.
This isn't about making sports a thing.
This is about patriotism, and coming together, and having pride in America again, and celebrating America again, and just coming together, not living in fear.
So it's interesting Trump would say that.
Let's go to Gary in Vermont.
Go ahead, Gary.
Hi, Owen.
Long time, I'm a fan, long time listener of all of NPR's.
Thank you.
Yes, and I want to make a point.
I have a few points.
It's just so much, but it's hard to get it down in 30-second sound bites.
But it's like, what is holding all this together?
You know, in my eyes, you know, first you have, you know, almost a month ago, a lot of the boards of health around the world, departments, you know, declared this not a, you know, high-consequence infectious disease, you know, just before, a few days before Boris Johnson, you know,
Got quarantined and then tested positive.
You got these test kits, you know, that even the inventor, the developer, you know, who made them available to the public in 1984, you know what I mean, said these are not to be able to diagnose infectious diseases, you know.
The only thing it does, and it won't tell you how much of this particular virus that you have, you know.
This is just a reconfirm, like a lot of stuff that all of us, we already know,
Well, I'm not really sure your overall point.
Let me say something and then see if you can clarify here.
They literally tell you this is the most contagious COVID virus ever, and you know, it can get through masks, it can travel 20 feet, it can fly, it can go through walls!
I mean, it's the magical coronavirus, right?
But then they have to put a three-inch swab up your nose?
To do a test?
They can't do a saliva test?
By the way, they admit, as the caller said, most of the tests are inaccurate.
They won't even give you a test half the time?
So it's just like, none of it even adds up if you're trying to think logically.
But Gary, I wasn't sure what your point was.
Try to make it clear for me here.
To my knowledge, they were using the PCR test kit, the RT-PCR testing kit, which all it does is
Pretty much amplify the genetic materials that are within a person.
And by the way, it just tests to see if you have the COVID virus.
It doesn't test for the specific strain.
I guarantee you the average human microbiome probably just has that virus in it.
It's just ridiculous.
Gary, thank you so much for the call.
Bob in Minnesota.
Bob in Minnesota.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
I like your show and everything and I buy the products.
You know, with the Rothschild family, I'm really curious.
Alex mentioned one time he thought there was a civil war within the family.
And I know you just mentioned Jacob Rothschild and I've heard of Lady Rothschild.
My question is, I wonder if half their family is anti-American and in collusion with the deep state, which it sounds like Jeffrey Epstein, etc.
What about the other half of their family?
Are they the ones that are perhaps defending Israel and are for nationalism?
I'd like to know more.
They obviously spend tons of money to keep their names out of the news.
I did hear 10 or 12 years ago one of them committed suicide.
Some banker in Washington or New York.
Here's all I can say to that.
Obviously that is mostly done in the shadows and so as far as public information or access, there's almost none.
From people that know people inside these families, and for me it's like two degrees of separation, just to be clear.
But there are civil wars within some of these elite, world elite families, no doubt, but
They're so used to living in secrecy and it's so just part of their lifestyle that you'll probably never even hear about it.
And who knows if there's any real gravitas or effectiveness to it anyway.
Bob, thank you for the call.
Let's squeeze one more caller in.
Dominic in Ohio.
Dominic, I'm sorry, but you got 40 seconds.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, thanks for having me on First Time Caller.
I just wanted to say, Trump just hit the Achilles heel by cutting WHO funding, and now we need to tell him to finish these hacks off by indicting Fauci, investigating Bill Gates right now.
Because I can tell you right now, CDC has been lying about this transmission for sure, because I work at FedEx, and if it spreads through breathing or whatever, they have
They've been saying, which is a complete lie, everyone would have it.
Everyone would have it.
And everyone probably does have it.
That's the point.
It's like a 0.002% death rate or whatever.
A 98% survival rate and everyone's going crazy.
And that's with the numbers we know.
Dominic, thank you so much for the call.
Folks, that's with the numbers we know.
Millions of people that have been tested probably have it too.
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Was it only four months ago that I warned President Trump and the American people that Kovra would never stand for you resisting our deal?
We're good to go.
We're about time.
At the turn of over a million people every three weeks.
Cobra thanks you for what you've done.
Continue the lockdowns while I depopulate the planet.
Hail Cobra!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All pirates yes they rob I
Aloha, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones, and I want to thank the producer.
How does she know how much I love Bob Marley?
And it is a privilege to be here and talk to this audience.
I'm the host of the Jason Jones Show.
It's a little podcast, but thanks to Alex and his audience, you just pushed me into the top 200 on Chartable last week.
So thank you very much for that, and yes, for giving away a free copy of my book at movietomovement.com, The Race to Save Our Century, for Alex's audience.
Now, as I'm looking out at you, I know there are three types of people on InfoWars right now.
First group, there's the InfoWarriors.
The Info Warriors are those of you who are tuned in to Info Wars, Alex Jones, night and day, day in and day out, week after week, some of you for almost two decades or more.
You're the Info Warriors.
And then there's people like, I must confess me.
And I call myself an Info Reservist.
What's an Info Reservist?
I don't watch cable news.
I stay focused on what I'm working on, the topics I'm writing on as a writer, as an author.
And I try to avoid the cable news, but when I see an overwhelming narrative on something very important, like a bogus regime change war or something else, and I'm not buying it, the first place I go is InfoWars.com.
And there's a lot of you like that.
There's a lot of you that are here now that you weren't here six weeks ago.
We're InfoReservists.
And now there's a third group, and those are what I would call potential recruits.
And a lot of you are Gen Z.
And you know this isn't kosher.
You know the hyperbole, the fear-mongering, the robbing you of your civil liberties.
There's more to it than we're being told.
And that's why you're here.
So here's what I want to say to you Info Warriors.
Thank you for holding the line.
Info Reservists, if there was ever a time to be called to duty, you are now called to duty.
And those of you that are the potential recruits, I remember when I was a 17-year-old boy and I was going to join the Army, I went to the recruiter's office.
My palms were sweaty.
I was nervous.
I knew if I walked through that door and signed that paper, everything would change.
And I did.
And life became a great adventure.
We all get the call to adventure in our life.
I'm a filmmaker, so in a screenplay, they're all broken down into three parts.
Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, or the ordinary world, the special world, and the ordinary world.
All the excitement happens in the special world in Act 2.
The hero is the person in Act 1 who sees a great injustice, experiences it, or sees it happen to someone else.
Most people who experience those injustices will look away, they'll unplug the phone,
The hero is the person that answers that call to adventure.
And everything big and grand and beautiful and frightening happens in Act 2.
Then you go back to the ordinary world, where order is restored, peace is restored, justice is given.
One of my favorite lines in any novel and film, and it's in both, is what Frodo says to Samwise after they've saved the Shire.
He says, we've saved the Shire, Sam, but not for us.
Frodo knew he wasn't going there.
And who loves the Shire more than anyone?
No one wants to leave the Shire.
No one wants to go on the call to adventure.
Oh, this producer's amazing.
No, everyone wants to refuse the call.
No one more than the hero, because the hero loves the Shire more than anyone.
The hero loves their Republic, their family, their neighborhood more than anyone.
But that's why they leave.
That's why they answer the call.
So I want to thank you Info Warriors and Info Reservists and those of you who are thinking about signing the papers.
Now is the time to defend our civil liberties.
We're going to have three great guests.
Stephen Harriot is a columnist, who with his wife, who was due three days ago, is organizing a Free Wisconsin Make the Bill of Rights Essential Again event at his state capitol in Wisconsin.
Then we're going to have Tim Gordon, author of Rules for Retrogrades.
And it's the conservative answer to Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals.
Then at the end of the show, we're going to have Tiana from Left the Left Show with her Gen Z perspective in a segment I'm calling OK Zoomer.
And then I'm going to give you my top 10 films for the lockdown.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Aloha to all you info warriors from the west side of Oahu.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones.
My guest, my next guest is Stephen Herriot.
He's a writer, and he used to have a YouTube show that was one of my favorite shows.
I heard him and his wife, who was due three days ago now, I believe it is, they're organizing a rally at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, of all places, talk about behind enemy lines, to make the Constitution great again, to free Wisconsin.
Stephen Herriot, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Hey Jason, so good to be on.
Thank you for having me.
Brother, the police state is taking advantage of this coronavirus.
Totalitarians, illiberals around the world are taking advantage of corona to seize our civil liberties.
You sent me some examples today.
A priest in northern Italy reports that he isn't allowed to give last rites to dying parishioners.
A police department in the UK publicly warned, if you think that by going for a picnic in a rural location no one will find you, we will find you.
Police will pop out of the shadows.
My own mayor, the mayor of Honolulu, Kurt Caldwell, yesterday said, if you don't wear masks, it's going to be mandatory to wear masks.
He was asked by a reporter, well what are
How are you going to enforce that?
He knew that he couldn't enforce that legally.
He said, at a press conference, I would hope there would be mob justice.
Mob justice.
The mayor of Honolulu and the state of Aloha is calling for mob justice.
We have Dyrte saying, shoot people in the streets.
A police department tweets, protesting the First Amendment is not essential.
Did Stephen hear you?
This is unbelievable.
It is unbelievable.
I love that you mentioned mass, what do you call it?
Mob justice, right?
Is that what the mayor said?
I didn't mention it.
That's what the mayor of Honolulu calls for.
And it's funny because you know what that reminds me of is that's how communist revolutions take over.
Statism can be people, mobs of people.
That can be how it all starts, you know?
People snitching on each other.
They call it the rise of Karenism.
Karen being the woman who calls the police unnecessarily.
Oh, I love Gen Z, by the way.
We're doing a segment at the end of the show called OK Zoomer.
Gen Z, I don't want to go on a tirade.
They're very special.
And they're on to something.
And I'm going to talk to Tiana about that later.
The rise of Karenism.
Karens are little tyrants, is what they are.
So you... Go ahead.
You're a writer, you're a producer.
Your wife was due, is it three days ago now?
That's right, our little daughter Genevieve.
I've been calling her the General.
I think she's going to be a great leader, but she needs me to pave the way first.
So we see people all across the country standing up for their Constitution, standing up for each one of those Bill of Rights.
It's a beautiful thing to see and it's growing every day.
Now you have every excuse in the world not to go down to the State Capitol, not to organize an event.
Did you get your wife's permission?
Did she order you to do this?
Did you decide to do this together?
How in the middle of all of this?
And what is your mother like?
So for me, the last straw was Sunday, Easter Sunday.
I'm with my in-laws, right?
So Grandma is visiting with her grandson, my son, Judge, and we're all hanging out together.
And then the local Fitchburg Police Department issued a statement on social media
Hey, FYI, you're not allowed to visit one another unless you belong to the same legal residence.
Not allowed.
You can't, even if you know each other, uh, and, and you know that you've been isolated or whatever.
In other words, the police are making this call.
It's not up to you.
You're not competent to make decisions prudentially about your own, your own, your own family, your own free communities, uh, welfare.
And, uh, it's up to us to make sure that you don't hurt each other.
So you're not allowed to.
And you know, I responded on social media right away.
I just said, come and get us.
Because what they're doing is illegal, right?
This is a direct violation of our constitutional, civil, constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties.
So that was the last straw.
And I said, you know what, honey, we're going to get up and go to the Capitol.
I said, anyone can come with me if you'd like.
I didn't give them enough notice.
So not much of a turnout.
And we didn't get over the
The limit of 10 or more, which the governor says you can't gather in larger groups than 10.
But we did go there.
We read the resurrection narrative in honor of our Lord on Resurrection Sunday.
And then I determined we got to do this again.
But I was really proud of my wife.
She came with me and my unborn daughter is practically falling out of her at this point.
This is very late.
Well, you know, I like how you said they're the law.
We're not the revolutionaries.
These governors are the rebels, and they know they're breaking the law.
For example, Cuomo said, I'm stealing your ventilators, sue me.
Well, he knows it's illegal.
That's why he's saying, sue me.
But yet then he, when the president says he's going to exert authority over Cuomo, he throws a temper tantrum and says, what about the constitution?
I'll sue you.
I mean, these little petty tyrants, we've got 50 of these petty tyrants that are dictating who's essential.
You know, in Wisconsin now,
You cannot do window visits to the elderly?
Is this true?
They rescinded it thanks to an outcry from sane people.
But yeah, there was an effort to say, no, you can't even go and wave at your grandmother in the nursing home through a sealed window.
Because that's a little too dangerous.
A little too much freedom.
Too dangerous.
For people around the world, Wisconsin, I guess, thank God, because those of us who complain, who are obnoxious, who are maladjusted, Martin Luther King
Did a great speech where he said, I'm maladjusted.
People keep saying, Martin's maladjusted.
He's, I am maladjusted to a society so incredibly well adjusted to tyranny, to injustice.
If those of us who are, will not adjust to the new normal, which is never going to be the new normal, they need to get that out of their mind right now.
If it wasn't for those of you who squeaked, you would not now be able to, in Wisconsin, go wave to your grandmother through the window.
And they claim to be the ones defending the vulnerable.
Yet our vulnerable are dying alone.
They're living alone.
They don't even want them to have visitors.
And we're going to talk at the end of the show about these masks.
And Pierre Manet, the great French political philosopher on the face and the person and why he had a great argument on why the burqa denies everything about Western civilization and you could ban it without, it doesn't have anything to do with religion, but the Western vision of the human person.
And now we've got this new Orwellian version of the burqa that we're going to cover all of our faces with t-shirts and scarves.
You're not even allowed to use an N95 mask because the peasants, I guess, that have them laying around are supposed to pretend they don't own them.
Because of a shortage caused by hysteria created by our mass media.
Steven, did I lose your brother?
Well, we lost Steven, but this is what we need.
Those of you around the world, especially those of you in the United States of America,
We are not the lawbreakers.
Governors are the lawbreakers.
We are not the radicals or the revolutionaries.
We're just Americans who want to run our businesses.
We want to go to church.
We want to play baseball in the park with our children.
We want to go visit our grandmother at the old folks home.
And these radical Bolshevik revolutionaries
Never talk about the Constitution.
They say science is our guide.
Science is their guide.
They don't know the biological beginning of the human person.
They taught me, and if you're my age, they taught you until you were in 8th, 9th, 10th grade that the world was freezing over because of the U.S.
missile program.
And then we were going to all die from global warming.
And now COVID-19 can only be cured by setting the Constitution on fire.
Stephen, did we get you back, brother?
Yes, sir.
So how can people in Wisconsin join you?
We've got less than a minute.
Yeah, okay, well they can join me.
First of all, find me on social media or even email me directly.
I am at s.satreid at candidworldreport.com.
As in, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
As Jefferson said before complaining, issuing his complaints against the Crown.
So ask Harriet at candidworldreport.com.
Feel free to contact me directly or find me on social media and I'll sign you up to our list.
We've got an email list going and we're going to have a big turnout.
And yeah, I think it's really important that we tell our governor, you're not our governor in the sense you're not our ruler.
The word ruler doesn't appear in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
You know, we are the rulers of our own
Well, being in our own community and we will take care of ourselves and don't need you to make sure of it with your own dictates.
You know, when I was a young man, I always would hear my grandfather say, every man is the king of his own castle.
When you would be nosy or complaining about somebody else's doing in their home, he'd say he's the king of his castle.
We need to remember that we're the kings and queens of our castles.
Stephen Herriot, thank you for standing up.
We're sovereign.
Love your Twitter.
A lot of what you tweet, I say around my friends, they think I'm smart.
We have another break!
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The superpower that I have is that I tell you what I really think, even if it ends up hurting me short term.
I believe in God, and I believe in the long run, it'll end up being better for myself and everybody else in this world we live together in.
I understand what comes around, goes around, you reap what you sow, and I live that.
And I fundamentally, at a cellular level, understand it.
But now I'm telling you, with the economic crisis going on, get your storable food now.
How do you put people under house arrest?
How do you put them under siege?
Well, you tell them you're protecting them from a virus that you yourself cooked up with the globalist Deep State and then had China release, to then take down the populist president and those pesky American people that have become too uppity.
Bill Maher even admitted it.
Man, I hope we have a depression.
And now they've tailored the whole thing with the big corporations and the media are going to keep the country closed along with the help of the blue states and blue states all the time blaming Trump and capitalism and Americanism for the depression it creates.
If America is that stupid, we deserve what happens to us.
But as for me, I'm not sitting here and I'm not taking it.
It's all the nanny state and the peer pressure that they're the good people keeping everybody safe.
That's not what they're doing.
They are pulling America up by its roots and irrevocably damaging our savings, our health, our whole world, and committing millions of third world people to death.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones.
And our next guest, we're going to get him on the line, is Tim Gordon.
And he has a great new book called Rules for Retrogrades.
I read this book two nights ago.
It's a conservative answer for Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
And I was a little concerned and curious because Saul Alinsky was an amoral sociopath who dedicated his book, that book, to Lucifer.
And I had friends that worked in the White House under Reagan, and they told me when they came into the White House to take office over from Carter, they were shocked that they found boxes and boxes of rules for radicals that they would give to the new staffers that worked in the Carter administration.
Really something unbelievable.
So I'm thinking rules for retrogrades.
I guess I'm a retrograde if we're if we're fighting
Those who are following the rules for radicals.
But the one rule that really captured me was, and I tweeted this at the President, never let your judgment be rushed or altered because of an emergency.
All serious policy initiatives deserve thought and vetting.
And of course, in a political community like ours that's free in a constitutional republic,
That decision needs to be discussed openly, honestly, thoughtfully, and clearly.
And while we're waiting for Tim to get on the line, I want to address something I talked about last week.
My first time on Alex and then again last week.
And that is Q. When I came out and said that I can't even look at Q. I'm not even going to read these Q drops or read anything anyone has to say about it.
For two very simple reasons.
And the reasons I gave were number one, it's Gnostic.
It's coming from an anonymous source.
They use ambiguous language.
It can be interpreted multiple ways.
And you cannot verify or deny it.
Reason number one.
Reason number two is they say things about real people that cannot be verified.
And that's calumny.
And I don't want to say something about somebody I don't know to be true.
I got inundated, people saying the nastiest things to me, because they care so much about preserving our constitutional republic and our way of life, that that excuses them for just being vile reprobates themselves and how they communicate to another human being who's being honest with them.
Well, the one thing I was getting sent to me, and I wasn't using his name, but I'm going to use his name now.
I'm getting all these emails about Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey, and that they were arrested, and you're going to see any day now that they're being held in secret jails.
Well, of course, now Tom Hanks just did Saturday Night Live.
And then cute people send me emails saying, that's not really Tom Hanks.
That's Tom Hanks's brother, or that's a body double.
And I expect when it's, they can't, they cannot deny it's Tom Hanks.
The next, the next Q drop is going to be Tom Hanks is actually Q's partner.
They had to lie to you because he was a secret agent rounding up the bag.
I mean, this is so crazy guys.
And you need to stop sharing this.
You need to, it's just, unless you admit, like I have friends that admit, and on the Jason Jones Show, I interviewed Q advocates.
And I was, you can go listen to it.
They kind of admitted by the end of the show, it's entertaining.
They do it because it's intriguing and it's entertaining.
Read an Agatha Christie novel.
Hey Jason, I'm here.
Oh, are you there, Tim?
Okay, tell him to get right here.
Do something productive.
Organize a protest.
Read Rules for Retrogrades.
Tim Gordon, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you so much, brother.
Great to be here.
Honored to be on.
Well, you know, you were on my show yesterday and I mentioned that I was guest hosting this, and by your excitement, and I could tell you were such a big InfoWars fan and Alex Jones fan, I thought I had to get you on here to talk about your book.
First of all, before we get to the rules, can you define what a retrograde is for us?
Yeah, thank you very much.
A retrograde is the hourly man, the needed man, the man for the present.
He is a Christian who's not a coward, a conservative who's not a coward,
One who's willing to go to the mat, even, I say, the grave.
For far too long, we've been used to Ned Flanders' characterization of Christians, and that ain't it.
Ned Flanders' characterizations of conservatives, that ain't it.
He's willing to be honest with you, and also to do a little bit of counter-infiltration, because the radicals at the P.S.
Stolenski organized a kind of storming of our institution.
News, entertainment, media.
The Academy, and we need to take them back, and this is the Rulebook of 40 Rules, how to do so to become a retrograde, a midnight lead man.
Well, these institutions are now being used to enslave us.
The mass media has literally imprisoned people in fear.
Good people are snitching on their neighbors.
People that lack fortitude and courage are cowering in their houses and they're doing whatever they're told because the institutions have locked them, have chained them.
Now, 40 rules is a lot.
I have ADHD.
I'm like, this is a lot of rules.
And I read earlier, one of your rules that I, you know, we've got three minutes of these 40 rules.
Give us one rule that you really want people to understand that's important in this crisis, and then how we can get you a book.
The first rule, we put it up front for a reason.
I co-wrote it with my brother.
He wrote it.
Always be on offense.
It's something that boxers know, football coaches know, chess grandmasters know, military generals know it.
We've been kind of lulled to sleep with the idea of defense winning championships.
That's how coaches motivate their defensive players to go get the score.
It's great, it's cute, but it's not true.
Offense is really what wins ballgames.
It doesn't matter, you can have the greatest defense in the NFL, but if you only have a possession time of five minutes for the entire game, you will lose.
Another way of putting it is, if football didn't have four down,
If it had 100 downs per possession, you're going to lose even with the greatest defense in the history of the NFL.
Conservatives have contended themselves with this platitude that defense wins championships, and we've contended ourselves with the pusillanimous defensive posture.
Boxers, when they're getting hit on, you know, close, you protect your ribs, and instead of that, what?
How did AJ lose that shocker fight last summer?
Because he was going up against a counterpuncher.
Rules for Retrogrades is a strategic tactical, strategic and tactical... Well, Tim... Tim, in your book, yeah, and Tim, you say in your book, you gotta win decisively.
Because if you don't win decisively, you lose.
And you talk about when Ted Cruz was challenged to a basketball match by that TV show host, I forget his name.
And Ted Cruz actually won, but the narrative is he lost, right?
Because he didn't win decisively.
In boxing, and in MMA, and you and I are both combat sports fans,
You know, they say never leave it to the judges.
And if you're a conservative, we never want to leave it to the judges, right?
We want to win by KO.
Otherwise, we're probably not going to win.
Judges have been created.
We were talking yesterday about creating their own tribe.
That's why the radicals, at the genius behest of Saul Alinsky, stormed the institutions because they created a narrative and they created their own tribe.
The judges are the American hearts and minds out there that have been baking for decades in this leftism, in anti-conservative media, entertainment and news, and in the academy.
So if you don't, indecisively, if you leave it to the judges, like a corrupt box, like Fury Wilder won,
You're going to get screwed.
You have to knock them out, and this book shows that.
But if you're Wilder, too, he knocked them out, and there's no disputing that.
All right, where's the best place for people to get your book?
Go to Amazon.com.
It's Rules for Retrogrades.
Rules for Retrogrades also on YouTube.
Rules for Retrogrades, my podcast, Timothy Gordon.
Right on, Tim.
Thank you so much, brother.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jason Jones.
And now I'm being joined by my favorite YouTuber from the great state of Hawaii, Tiana of The Left Fame.
You look wonderful.
You're just two years ago.
Two years ago, you'd have spit in my face, wouldn't you have?
I know, and you know what's also amazing?
We are separate now.
We are, I'm not in your beautiful, luxurious studio at Inkopolis.
We are, I think we have been succumbed by the coronavirus, you know, social distancing measures, right?
Know what it was?
No, that's not true.
I got emails that said, hey, we loved your show with Deanna.
But it looked just kind of weird, the two of you sitting there together.
And if they would have known what we were sitting on, it would have been even stranger.
Sorry, you asked me to be on, again, even though we're not together, to have this segment called OK Zoomer, right?
And I'm really excited to talk about this segment with you because... Can I preface it?
I want to preface it real quick.
I am the biggest fan of Zoomer.
My children are on TikTok.
And I see the jokes and the demand, the craving for American liberty and freedom of speech and freedom of expression that is erupting from your generation, Gen Z. So I wanted to do this segment with you, OK, Zoomer, because I want to know how you and your generation are handling the just taking away all your civil liberties.
Right, so I did some thinking yesterday, and you know, most people that are being brought on this show, they have an expertise in medicine, epidemiology, constitutional law, and what I wanted to bring to the show is that
I think I can identify with most Americans who, you know, were going to work just a month ago, who were going to school, who were living life, and now suddenly put in this really compromising position, and they don't know where to look.
Finally, finally, everyone is being brought down to the Zoomer level because we're getting all of our news from our phones, from our TVs, you know, from our favorite celebrities.
It's natural.
Like, what can we trust?
And what is going on?
So from my perspective, from someone who sits back and just sees how, you know, that's the social square right now is online on our feeds, right?
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it.
Right now, I see three kinds of people in this pandemic.
The first kind of person is the kids who
Sadly to say that most represent my demographic are those college kids that you saw partying out in Florida for spring break.
You know, they're cracking beers, they're shotgunning, you know, they just have no care in the world.
It's like a dangerous freedom.
So that's one part of the spectrum.
People who are just blowing this off.
And there's the other part of the spectrum where people, and sad to say, some of the people who I thought were champions for the Constitution,
Begging the government to close churches for, you know, Easter Sunday.
This past Sunday we saw it.
Do you agree that you see both of those things in, you know, online, Jason?
Yeah, you know, I do see online at least that sort of caricature of the Zoomers wanting their spring break.
But I think that's been swept away now.
And now we see, of course, I mean, my wife and I go for walks, revels.
I wear my cowboy hat, my tank top, have my little dog, and we just walk around and we're not wearing masks.
We see people wearing masks in their car, couples in their car with their mask.
And I'm like, oh, they're so feared.
Jason, we will, me and you will get to that part of the segment where we will talk about masks.
And how they're being forced upon us now, especially, you know, I went to Costco yesterday, and you have to wear a mask, but we'll talk about that a little bit sooner.
But I said, so I described two people so far, the people and I still know people that say, you know, the virus is the virus itself doesn't exist.
It's a hoax.
But then there's the third person.
And I think this segment really speaks to them.
It's the people who have a little bit of both of them.
Of course, we
We express our sympathy to those who have directly been affected by coronavirus.
They know the health impacts.
And then on the other hand, we see people who have lost their jobs, who are definitely going to be impacted by this economic crisis.
So my question is, if you don't know what's going on right now and you don't know who to trust, that's fine.
But the thing that I want to ask is where do we draw the line when it comes to the government protecting us for our safety when it's clearly, clearly overreaching for their power and crossing constitutional rights?
That's what my question is.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Go ahead, go ahead.
I was going to say, I just received a phone call.
I use an employment agency for my employees.
And I received a call from the employment agency saying that they were gonna give us a class if we wanted, it was available, they were gonna give us a class on how to wash our hands.
And I said, that's amazing.
Can you give us a class on how to brush our teeth too?
We really need to know how long should we brush.
I mean, this is so patronizing.
It's absolutely incredible, but I didn't mean to interrupt you.
No, no, no, don't worry about it.
But yeah, so if you don't know where this virus is going, I think as a collective, we need to figure out
Where this stops, where the government stops and where our liberties start, I think that, especially when we saw, you know, the church gatherings in, I forget what state it was, when they were in their car, Jason, if you remember, and the police were knocking on their windows and giving them citations while they were worshiping the Lord in their car, you know, and now we see that people are being forced to wear masks, right?
Even though you think that it might be something that, hey, because of all this fear that's going on in the media, whether you, you know, are going to be directly affected or not, you have core mobilities, everyone has to wear masks.
And I know Jason, you wanted to talk about how the masks were actually dehumanizing to people.
Yeah, well in Hawaii they passed a law, they just dictated you have to wear a mask, but not actually an effective mask.
You have to put a scarf or a t-shirt over your face.
Masks are for professionals.
So no N95 masks, but cover your face.
And there was a great
This is an essay written by Pierre Manet, a French philosopher, when he was defending the bans on burqas in France.
He said, this is not religious discrimination, but when you cover the face of a woman, you're denying her personality.
We as human beings, we communicate through our face.
There's a triangle from above your eyes to your mouth.
That's how you recognize somebody.
The mask covers that.
Also, there's a great book by Malcolm Gladwell called Blink.
How we communicate takes place in micro fractions of a second.
So, and you can't even perceive what you're understanding because of subtle changes in how we, our muscles and our face tense up and relax.
This is how we as human beings communicate, have empathy and understand each other.
So, a senseless
Dictate and covering your face with a t-shirt really does more harm than good.
And Tiana, so you're right.
I want you to stick around.
We have a minute left in this segment.
We can finish your point, but I'm going to do my top 10 movies to watch in the shutdown.
And you, as a Zoomer, told me yesterday that you never watched Red Dawn.
Red Dawn's on my list.
So maybe we can get your feedback on Red Dawn as well.
Yeah, so you gave me intense... Okay, go ahead.
Oh, go ahead.
Okay, after the break, after the break.
Okay, you know what?
I loved that movie so much, I wanted to talk about it.
Like, oh my gosh, I feel like I need to get a gun, but we can talk about it after the break, no worries.
Don't say that.
Yeah, no, so, yeah, so then we'll just, in this last minute, that's my concern, guys, with the mask.
And did you catch the governor, I mean, Mayor Caldwell's press conference on the masks?
No, I didn't.
It's against the law.
And he kept appealing to science, science, science.
It would be comforting, even if they didn't mean it, even if they were blowing sunshine in my direction.
It would be comforting if once, one of these governors mentioned the Constitution.
We got six seconds.
We're going to be right back, Tiana.
We're going to talk about the top 10 movies.
Watch during the shutdown.
See ya.
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So God bless you all.
It's staggering to realize that the real COVID target is not in plain view and nobody's pointed it out.
Even the UN that's hyping all this hysteria admits that half a million people have gone from extreme poverty to borderline starvation just in the last two months.
And that two million plus people will starve to death extra this year.
You know, I mentioned it to a colleague who cares, but they said,
In Africa, always starving?
That's the reality of what's happening when we fret over a few hundred thousand dead in the West.
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And nobody's putting that talking point out because that's reality.
Big Pharma and Big Tech are involved in a takeover.
They're using our phobias for control.
That's the bottom line.
Anybody who signs on to this is into vast death and global depopulation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the final segment of this hour.
We have Tiana back on to finish it up with us.
Tiana, do you want to give us that final zoomer point on how you are dealing with this?
Here's the final point that I want to make, and I just want to really, really push
Our frustration, Zoomers are so, so tired of being manipulated through the media.
We are so tired of being lied to.
And we're so tired of all the blatant lies that are always being pushed with an agenda.
We are the generation that has the most access, I would argue, to, you know, resources, stories that are published online.
It's supposed to be good for us, right?
But in reality, looking at this coronavirus epidemic,
It is just another flop in a lot of terms.
You know, we are already pushed with so many messages of how everyone's gonna die by climate change, that back in 2000, when the calendars ended, that's when the world was gonna end.
You know, the cow farts and so on and so forth.
I remember even net neutrality a few years ago.
The entire internet was gonna change.
So, please, we are fed up
We don't want to be manipulated anymore.
And knowing this is going on in the coronavirus epidemic, you can't blame us.
You can't blame us for being so frustrated.
There was a great movie by Dennis Prager called An Adam Carolla No Safe Spaces.
And I helped market the film.
And after marketing that film and watching it a hundred times, I realized it got one big thing wrong.
It said that your Zoomers are clamoring to stay in their safe space.
But the reality is pornography has been pouring in your phone since before you were in puberty and you were looking at it.
Your moral imagination was invaded.
You've been bullied since before puberty 24-7 on social media.
You've been lied to by the mainstream media.
You've been lied to by your politicians.
You were a radical leftist who became a conservative and I think
This obstacle, this stumbling block can become our stepping stone for your generation to take back what's theirs.
These civil liberties that are being trashed right now, being trashed by our governors who have no respect for the Constitution, no respect for the rule of law.
The only powers they're willing to fight for are those that they think are theirs.
And they are not at all interested in what we as sovereign citizens, how our state and our federal constitution protect us.
So Tiana, now I want to go over my top 10 movies for the lockdown.
I'm going to go from 10 to 1.
Now number 10 and number 1 I think are the movies people are most likely going to watch.
So, they're the ones I want you to watch first.
So, number one is Jojo Rabbit.
Oh, by the way, each of these films is about a hero who answers the call to resist tyranny.
So, have you seen Jojo Rabbit yet?
I haven't, but I'm glad I'm listening to this right with all your listeners.
So, Jojo Rabbit is my favorite film.
It's about a little boy
I'm not going to give away too many plot spoilers.
He's in the Hitler Youth, he's very weak, and his imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler.
It sounds absurd.
He discovers his mother is in the resistance, and he adores his mother.
And so there's this competition for the heart of this boy between imaginary Hitler, imagine how a brainwashed kid in the Hitler youth would see Hitler, Hitler my buddy, Hitler my pal.
And this Scarlett Johansson does a marvelous job playing the mother.
It's a comedy.
It's beautiful.
There are some heartbreaking scenes.
Jojo Rabbit and buried within the struggle for liberty.
There are flourishes of the post-war year freedom to come.
So it's a very hopeful film.
Jojo Rabbit, you must watch.
I'm going to go fast past some of these that I know you've probably already seen.
Number two, A Man for All Seasons.
I'm sorry, number 10, Jojo Rabbit.
Number nine, A Man for All Seasons.
Number eight, the only one I haven't seen but I had to put on the list because everyone's raving about it, Hoaxed.
Just banned by Amazon.
You can watch it on YouTube.
Number seven, The Patriot.
Number six, my movie, a short film on YouTube, Sing a Little Louder.
It's about the failure of the church to stand up to the Nazis in Germany.
Number five, you're going to go, what?
Trust me.
Watch it and see.
Casablanca is a film for this lockdown.
It's a beautiful film.
Of course, it's a Hollywood classic.
Number four, just released, A Hidden Life.
Like Alex Jones, Terrence Malick lives in Austin, Texas.
A Hidden Life is on a young, kind of a playboy, Austrian farmer who has a wife and children, but he refuses to say the loyalty oath to Hitler.
And he has to pay the ultimate price.
It's a true story.
A Hidden Life, one of the most beautiful films in Hollywood history.
Look at this trailer right here.
A must-see.
A hidden life.
Number three, For Greater Glory.
It's about how the Christians stood up to the Communists in the Cristeros War in Mexico.
For Greater Glory is a film I was also involved in putting the financing together to.
Huge cast.
Powerful film.
Applies for today.
Number two has to be on this list.
The Lives of Others.
The Lives of Others is about the Stasi and how neighbors and even lovers and friends snitching on each other.
We just had the mayor of L.A.
with a smirk say, you know what they say about snitches, but in this case, snitches get rewards.
Snitches always get rewards.
That's why people snitch.
Judas got his pieces of silver.
People get reduced sentencing.
You snitch to get a reward.
That's why everyone is snitched.
And of course, number one, and that's why I kept you on.
You're a Zoomer, just watched it for the first time.
Number one on the list.
Red Dawn, Wolverines.
What would the Wolverines do in this rebellion by our governors to rob us of our constitutional republic?
So Tiana, that's my top ten list.
Is there anything that I missed on this?
No, I'm surprised you didn't.
I'm surprised you didn't put the Netflix-sponsored Bill Gates epidemic movie that just released.
That's straight propaganda.
That's a must-watch, too.
So, tell me.
We've got just two minutes.
Tell me what you're, as a Zoomer, seeing Red Dawn for the first time.
Man, you know, I don't think
That people think that's possible, first of all.
I think that they just think it's a movie, but just like the teenagers in the movie.
Young people standing up or our country being taken over?
Our country being taken over, even the fact that, you know, war crimes of that extent happen in this world due to ideologies that they blatantly support on our college campuses, right?
You know, I see people, um,
With communism buttons walking around campus saying that, you know, death to capitalism.
So, watching this movie, I got really scared because I don't know if you remember in the beginning of the movie when they first started going out in the woods, there were two kids that were crying and saying, oh, I don't know if we can make it, let's just turn ourselves in, you know, it's safer that way.
I think that would be the majority of kids today.
You know, they don't know how to fight, they don't know how to fend for themselves.
The mayor of the city becomes the administrator for the communists, the Soviets.
It's so interesting if your generation says this couldn't be possible because my generation thought it was inevitable.
When I was in basic training, everything I shot at, threw a grenade at, or bayoneted had a hammer and sickle on it.
The war seemed inevitable.
The war seemed inevitable.
Did it inspire you?
I watched it with my kids and I could see them being set on fire.
Did it inspire you to say, look, I'm young and obviously this isn't a war.
Um, in that way, but it's going to take courage.
Would this inspire you to stand up and defend this great, beautiful constitutional republic that we have inherited?
Oh, for sure.
And I think that it reminds me that I don't want to wait till, you know, death is on my doorstep to act.
Watching this movie really makes me want to prepare myself, you know, and stop tyranny right where it is.
If you see it, put the fire out there because as soon as it spreads,
I don't know what's going to happen, you know, when people in power get into power.
Well, Tiana, thank you so much for joining us.
And on that note, that's the point.
Stop tyranny before it comes to a point where things turn very ugly.
When Hitler came to power in 1933, it was a long road from 1933 to the death camps.
It took almost a decade.
When the Soviets came to power in the Bolshevik Revolution, you didn't have gulags the next day.
You had terror pretty soon.
But to this totalitarian regime that we saw, it took some time.
We are blessed with a constitutional republic.
We have a lot of safeguards between us and these types of tyrannies.
We must not give an inch on our civil liberties.
Each and every one of us needs to answer this call to adventure, to defend our families, to defend our neighborhoods, not only from COVID-19, but from governors who are rebelling against these great
Our constitution and our great political traditions that have been structured to protect us from tyranny, to preserve our liberty, to create prosperity.
That's why us, a country of the peasants of the world, have come together to make the freest, wealthiest, most beautiful country ever.
Go to movietomovement.com, check out my movies, and get a free copy of my book.
Thank you, Alex!