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Filename: 20200410_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 10, 2020
3066 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses his views on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society. He promotes natural remedies such as vitamin D3 and zinc to boost one's immune system and encourages listeners to take action against globalist agendas while warning them about potential consequences of martial law, food shortages, and loss of civil liberties during the pandemic. Jones also discusses hydroxychloroquine, 5G technology, the dangers of vaccines, and the importance of individual discernment, encouraging listeners to take action in their lives, stay informed, and maintain a balanced brain function." KEYWORDS: COVID-19 pandemic, globalist agenda, natural remedies, vitamin D3, zinc, martial law, civil liberties, hydroxychloroquine, 5G technology, vaccines, discernment, action, informed public.

Somehow this ominous music just isn't ominous enough.
Well, yesterday...
I went pretty wild on air.
Because you're supposed to get upset and get out of your comfort zone when things like this are going on.
Wrath of God, End of the World, Marvel of the Beast type stuff, all of it actually now unfolding for real.
And run by psychotic pedophile occultists.
Then established a Medical World Government Society headed up by David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Hope for Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, and Honchoed is the manager by Jeffrey Epstein.
And because we've been at the tip of the spear,
As loyal humans, loyal to life, liberty, and freedom, I have Bill Gates and a consortium of others who signed on with Bloomberg and the DNC to run these giant operations against Infowars to shut us down and to order federal bureaucrats to somehow put me in jail or they themselves will lose their jobs.
That doesn't make me want to back down.
That makes me want to fight even harder.
But it really makes me sad that our country is this corrupt.
But there's something very heartening.
In fact, you guys pulled it out of yesterday's stack.
On Bill Gates' Twitter, on his Instagram, 99% of people say, we know you're a monster.
And we hate your stinking guts.
And we know that you run all the big institutes and the big foundations and that you are a anti-human exterminist.
And that everybody is just everywhere digging into him and how he funds Fauci and Bricks and her daughter and Fauci's family and just they're all work for him.
And the world is saying, who is this creepy little dude?
That's been mainly behind the scenes, except when he talks about killing old people and sterilizing people and how much he loves getting rid of black people.
But now he's here telling you to stay in your house and that your Bill of Rights and Constitution is all gone.
So they may get me.
And I told you that last week.
I mean, I was told that if I don't stop, that they will put me in prison.
They don't want to kill me because that'd turn me into a martyr.
But they said, you're going to shut up right now and you're going to behave like a good boy.
Or we're going to have you indicted, and you can now see that all over the news.
Well, guess what?
I aborted a lot of my children when I was younger, and I repented of it, and I swore before God that I was going to fight for life on this planet if I could be forgiven.
And so I don't care what you do to me.
In fact, I'm going to fight you ten times harder now.
By the way, you know what COVID-19 is.
He named it.
They had a tabletop exercise five months ago.
It is Certificate of Vaccination ID.
And Fauci has now announced that they are going to have a medical ID by next year if you're able to leave your home.
That is total martial law.
No more medical privacy.
Just absolute takeover.
By the way, when I tell you that they had a consortium of billionaires put money into an account, they pay the media when they attack me.
They get paid.
Gage plays all these shows.
Pays to be on them.
That's on record.
Look it up.
He has entertainment shows he funds where he's the hero as well.
Like The Good Doctor.
And Pandemic.
I had to sign non-disclosures about this.
In D.C.
You have to understand.
We've been in meetings in D.C.
With, let's just say, some of the richest people in the world, one of which did not opt in to this consortium.
That's how I know about it, okay?
And I had to sign that on disclosure.
I'm not going to violate that, but that's how we know all this, okay?
So I want you to know, I'm standing up.
I need your support and your prayers, though.
Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact, but national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity covered it,
I think so.
Appleway saying that we were putting out fake cures for staining hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and CPAC, when all we were doing was reporting what medical journals were saying.
Big Pharma and The Globalist want you sick and dead, and they don't want you to boost your immune system.
Screw them!
We're coming down to the wire now, folks.
Overnight, all the hard-fought liberties are gone.
And the Mark of the Beast was announced.
That's just who we told you would do the announcement.
Closest thing to the Antichrist on this planet is Bill Gates.
He should be so easy to beat.
Creepy, evil, medical officer of the New World Order.
Who vacations with Jeffrey Epstein.
Doesn't even have a bachelor's degree.
Runs around policing everyone on the internet and having the media attack the president when he says zinc, the doctors say, really helps you not get COVID-19 or vitamin D3 or vitamin K. Here's Politico.
Just printed this off about 10 minutes ago.
And look at the ad right here at the top of Politico.
What is our winter sun?
And my point is, is that when we do it, we're the evil, evil people.
But when they do, it's good.
But, I've even seen articles where they're now having the FDA go after people that say, take vitamin D3 to boost your immunity.
When that's on the NIH website.
Because folks, the establishment does not want the people healthy.
They do not want you to know that most of the time that you get colds or the flu, you are debilitated and you have major deficiencies.
And that's what makes me so angry about this is that these guys are completely transparent what they're doing.
But look what Fauci says right here.
Fauci, coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are being discussed.
Now I told you nine weeks ago that as this rolled out, monkey see, monkey do, they'd have the leftist cities and counties locked down, set the precedent, say the president, if he doesn't lock everything down, is causing all the death.
But then when he does lock it down and we have a Great Depression, which is probably going to happen now regardless, we've gone too long, over a month, that's going to be his fault.
And now the Democrats are proposing
Canceling the election and moving it back a year, but then COVID is going to hit the next year.
And then they're going to call for a Congressional Emergency Commission and a board that rules because Trump isn't legitimate because they had to cancel the election.
And they think by then they would have exhausted him and found a way to get rid of him.
They don't want him vindicated by a second election in 206 days, and they're not going to let it happen.
Unless Trump boldly acts to shut them down by just exposing that they work for the Communist Chinese with a globalist consortium against this country and they're not Americans, they are globalist.
The good news is you see the Pentagon and the Republican leadership coming out and saying China is running the Democratic Party.
Most of the senators have Chinese spies working in their offices as part of agreements with them to be paid off.
You ever wonder why Reddit attacks the president and attachers?
Truly, China bought it.
They didn't invest $100 million, another $500 million.
They bought it.
They run it.
The military of China actually moderates it now.
And if you go on there, they call for Trump's arrest, my arrest.
This is outrageous.
Of the big eight Hollywood movie houses,
COVID-19, ladies and gentlemen, is the certificate of vaccination ID program being carried out against humans on this planet.
And once they get you to take that card, that's a global UN
Run system that will then track everything you do in live time.
One of my friends wears one of those rings so he knows what his heart rate is over the day, how much he does.
It's synced to a computer.
And he got a message saying, hey, we're going to start reporting everybody and their temperatures on this ring to the COVID-19 task force.
I don't
Anti-human takeover, a revolution against civilization and society.
And all the fools that think you're going to go along with this have to understand you're being taken from a free system into a real dystopic future that's already here.
The future is not coming, it's here.
And as you notice, it's moving very, very quickly.
So Fauci comes out on the clip next segment and he says, yeah, we're discussing having this ID that means you've had the vaccines to show that you have immunity.
Now, remember, I told you nine, 10 weeks ago, this will be the plan.
You'll have apps on your phones.
You'll have to have a vaccine and it's going to be big corporations and it's going to be grocery stores.
And it's going to be the airlines, the corporations that carry this out, and they're going to say, if you don't have the ID, it's digital, you can put it on your phone, or then in a tattoo, inject it into you.
They've now announced officially, that's the plan.
Because there'll be problems with the IDs getting stolen, of course.
And all this has been war-gamed out and prepared.
I remember reading Washtec 23 years ago when they put out that
Weekly Tech Magazine, The Washington Post did.
And in it, they had a CIA futurist from the Pentagon, and they said, we're promoting body piercings and tattoos because by the year 2020, we got to find that article, we want to roll out an implantable medical ID chip for everyone's security.
They're following an exact evil plan.
A lot of soldiers got microchips.
20 plus years ago, they were told it was national security.
I have, he's out now, he's been 35 years in the army, a cousin who told me about a meeting of officers in Texas.
And he said, no, you tell people I told you that, but just don't say my name.
I talked about it a month later.
Didn't even say it was my cousin.
They called him in because they already had everything under AI surveillance then.
And said, you're not gonna get promoted as much because you did that.
Keep your mouth shut.
So, let's understand we've never been in Kansas.
We're on planet Earth, ladies and gentlemen.
And we're certainly not in Kansas anymore.
And I signed a non-disclosure agreement about a year and a half ago up in D.C.
To go ahead and meet with a certain political party.
And it was long meetings.
Multiple days.
I don't care what they have to say.
You see what's going on right now, don't you?
They have a consortium of billionaires.
They don't just kiddy up to attack me.
They do it to a lot of folks, but I'm one of their main targets.
I mean, I'm literally like second only to Trump.
And there's USA Today.
You will get chipped eventually.
See, they're just getting you ready.
That was last year, a couple years ago.
You know, they told me, they said, you either come out against the Second Amendment and against Trump and don't talk about the Islamic invasion.
Oh, and don't get into, you know, don't criticize the sexualization of kids or we will put your ass in prison.
And they said, or you can come work for us and we want to give you a lot of money.
And you know what I told them?
I said, you're going to burn in hell.
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That's right.
Across Europe, across the UK and the United States, humans are beginning to attack 5G and other cell tower systems.
It's on record that these systems cause massive increases of cancer.
They're bombarding us with a weapon system and they're surveilling us.
Now, I'm not encouraging people to go out and burn these things down or destroy them.
But what I'm saying is this, when you attack people with electromagnetic radiation and with microwaves, and when the public sees the effects, when they put them on top schools and they have huge cancer clusters,
The globalists are going to have major pushback, and now Google is banning anybody that criticizes 5G in any way.
They have truly proven that they are the definition of anti-human evil, and they've thrown in with the Chai-coms, who support absolute tyranny on levels never before seen.
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Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
I'm Alex Donald Jones.
All right, I have all this huge breaking news, and so much important information, and some really informative guests coming up as well.
And I want to respond to the latest attacks of the press against him because there are attacks on all of us.
But I want to just go back to something yesterday that got me really physically angry.
And it was the stack of news that... They just go off to drudge, the crew goes to a bunch of other sites, just prints me everything and I just go through it.
And without even trying to find articles about it, it was AP, Reuters, you name it, going, yeah, a billion extra people went into poverty.
They estimate 2 million will starve to death now who are at the subsistence level in the next year.
And they're just a little paragraph about 2 million they estimate will die.
There's not going to be Fauci up there saying we can't allow this to happen.
There's not going to be anybody caring about people starving to death all over the world, in Latin America, Africa, Asia.
Horrible deaths.
Dying from disease because you're debilitated, because you're malnourished, because you don't have the essential vitamins and minerals and tricellumens.
And it's just like an afterthought.
It's funny.
Everybody's wearing their masks, everybody's getting into lining up and queuing and enforcing on each other for a hundred thousand dead globally when the flu kills millions every year.
The idea that, oh, when you get a cold now, that's what the coronavirus is, and it's definitely a souped up cold, that they've got a vaccine for you.
They're making you beg for it first, though.
That when it shows up every year now, we just are locked down.
And I told you months ago, I said, they're going to announce that, oh, it's a year and a half.
Oh, now it's just going to be forever.
This is the new normal.
No more public gatherings.
No more anything.
I mean, this is martial law.
All the preparations.
And then with it is the medical tyranny.
Global government's just the beginning.
Once they have total tyranny, they can force the inoculations, the GMO, the 5G on you, and that's the plan.
And you can't go out, and you can't fly on a plane, you can't have a job, you can't go to the grocery store, because the corporations aren't gonna let you.
They showed you who has the power.
See, libertarians, pure libertarians are like, oh, and the state will wither away, like Marx said, and the corporations and the people's will, well then it'll be a total global democracy.
No, it's the opposite.
You're a human resource that's seen as garbage to be thrown out, negative value, and they're building a system to phase you out.
But to make you more pliable, they dumb you down.
They spiritually get you to shine on to being selfish.
And once you're selfish and don't care about other people, your brain turns off and you don't care about yourself anymore and you become these dull things we see everywhere that the globalists hate and want to kill.
But they help put you into that state so that you don't even really have a soul anymore when they kill you.
It's a process.
Again, the spider first bites you and stuns you, then ties you up, and then slowly lets your juices dissolve, puts its foot on you, its leg,
Little hairy foot, and when he hears the last beats in the heart, right when the spirit leaves, plunges the fangs in ritualistically.
So right at the moment of death, there's a eight-eyed spider sitting on top of you.
And that's what this is.
So right now, it's walking up, and it's got our feet kind of in the way.
And then you'll be safe.
You're like, those look like fangs.
Mark of the Beast.
Total control.
No, don't listen to those that say that.
Ah, liberal.
And it just slips them in and then pumps a little in.
See, that feels better now.
Go to sleep.
And you, oh, I'll just do what they say.
I won't follow.
I'll go along with it.
And then you wake up and you're tied up.
And there's this burning feeling now.
And it comes over and says, my pretty, now you're tied up.
I'm dissolving what you were.
I'm rendering you down to nothing.
And I'm going to suck you dry forever.
And I'm going to take you with me to hell.
You think death will free you?
No, you're going to be
I love you to have children!
Only so we can bring in new innocents and torture them!
Remember they passed a law seven years ago in Washington State and in Oregon where they now are threatening to drug babies in utero.
The psychiatrists are saying, oh genetically we think you might be mentally ill.
That's eugenics.
We're gonna start drugging.
Babies in utero with Prozac, which causes total brain damage and everything else.
See, now the spiders want to get fangs in the womb through the placenta.
So the spider goes through your mouth, into your stomach, into your bloodstream, and its fangs lovingly get into your baby now.
See, all of it is about your slow, agonizing destruction, and breaking your will, and making you beg, and just no hope!
The spiders drink!
Pure, absolute abandonment and terror and no hope and just children shivering in the cold waiting for the dungeon door to open for the spiders to come and torture them some more.
It's all about sucking the darkest, most twisted energy off the planet.
And up there are the top generals, the Fauci's.
Openly crazed, openly psychotic, openly evil.
Involved in every evil you can imagine.
A ghoul-like creature.
And serving Gates, another little ghoul, another little demon elf.
All scurrying around for their master.
Tie them down, lock them up, stun them, corrupt them, poison them, and prepare for the mass bloodletting.
More blood, more death, more evil.
And the ultimate crime is to go outside, enjoy the sun, and be with your children.
The ultimate crime is to be in the woods, away from the electromagnetic poison.
The artificial, the ultimate crime is to be healthy and strong and vibrant because they don't like that at all.
They want your essence and they want to drink it off.
Because reveling in innocence and destroying innocence and torturing innocence is their God, their spirit, their soul, their religion.
And while you're mesmerized watching your Netflix and your children are mesmerized watching their Netflix, they are slowly being put into a trance so that as their very essence is torn out of them, they are not
Even aware of whatever hit them while these demons of hell revel in your eternal annihilation, pulling you directly down into a vortex of unknown agony for eternity.
But I say that they will be destroyed!
And that the spirit of Jesus Christ is now entering the planet at a level never foreseen.
And our testing will be painful!
But soon we will be with God forever!
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We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice.
Seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the cashless society, it's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
It's about what's coming in the future where the elections may be canceled.
With the globalist trying to implode the economy, this is just the beginning of the crisis, not the middle and not the end.
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And please be Paul Revere's and spread the word.
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Each Wednesday morning, I was just in a local Austin business that was basically empty, and there were three motorcycle police in there.
And I said, what do you think of this whole coronavirus thing?
And they're like, ah, it looks like it's a hoax.
And I said, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The way it's been handled is a hoax.
Taking everybody that dies who happens to test positive, even though they die of a heart attack or cancer or diabetes, as dying from coronavirus is the big one,
And then, of course, they're also classifying everybody that tests positive for coronavirus, period, not just COVID-19, as having it.
So they're upping the number of cases, they're upping the number of deaths, but still more people died this week and last week than died from the coronavirus from suicide.
So if anything, it's causing divorces and suicide and stir craziness and basic insanity and a giant power grab with Big Pharma preparing a forced inoculation, which they even admit will not protect you from next year's mutation of the coronavirus.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It is!
Friday, April 10th.
The year is 2020.
We're 206 days out from this incredibly important election.
But they're now talking about canceling.
Unless Trump lets people without any IDs mail in their ballots.
The Democrats will have months and months to fix the election.
Just like they did in 2018.
The globalists are counter-striking right now.
But, you see, half the population's submitting, going along with all this, roughly.
But a lot of it's through peer pressure.
They hate it as well.
But as they get good at all the new little rules that are given to us every week, phased in, and we're patted on the head and told we're heroes,
More and more people are seeing through it and there is a mass awakening exploding right now.
Especially when the mainstream media and federal regulators and others are out openly telling the president, you don't have a medical degree, you don't tell them hydroxychloroquine, you don't tell them zinc protects the cells, even though NIH website says it.
And the President even kind of gets sheepish and says, okay, well, we'll look at the study.
They come in proven right.
Of course, he already had a bunch of studies.
They know hydroxychloroquine works great if you have zinc.
And now all these medical doctors are treating thousands of patients, in some cases a piece.
Others, hundreds, they're on ABC News, they're on CBS News, but they're never on national news.
But there's a human relationship, you see.
The local news knows those doctors.
They have them on all the time.
Their kids go to them.
They know they've got people they're treating.
They call them up, come on doctor, tell us what's happening.
Okay, well 100% of people we give zinc with hydroxychloroquine get better.
You can get really sick if you take hydroxychloroquine by yourself.
Because it can mess up things if you don't have zinc.
I don't need to be a medical doctor to know that, but here's the thing.
Bill Gates
He doesn't even have a bachelor's degree.
And I'm not one of these guys that, you know, worships education and all this stuff.
If you go, you're already smart.
You learn some things from it.
You learn how the connections operate.
That's really what you're going to school for.
And then you can be successful.
But Gates didn't go to college.
Because his mother was heading up IBM.
And they had a faster path for him.
But the point is, they have Google banned me off the app last week saying I gave out false corona information and they linked to a Media Matters video.
George Soros is the boss.
Where I talked about hydroxychloroquine and zinc and how the president was right.
And I talked about quinine that now medical doctors are on TV saying, absolutely.
Is something that really boosts your immune system and blocks the virus.
Doesn't mean it's a cure.
I'm not selling this.
Medical doctors are saying it.
It's working.
So why on earth would they not want you to know that?
And what type of country are we that you're not even supposed to be able to talk about it?
Now, I've had Dr. Shiva Adhira on probably 30, 40 times for the political stuff.
He's been involved in a lot of great work in Massachusetts.
But, I got him on yesterday.
And I'm always having one about politics.
I was almost forgetting he's a PhD, MIT, runs a big complex, as you call it, natural biotech company.
He's invented a lot of stuff.
I mean, he's a prestigious guy himself, but actually because he was already doing it when he was a teenager, inventing the term email.
On record, look it up, Encyclopedia Britannica.
And so I'm going to go over all the things he's done as a award-winning scientist.
And all the things he's invented in his big companies.
And his International Center of Integrative Systems.
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I just wanted him to get on to lay out next segment.
We'll hold him up a little bit over the next hour if we can.
Why they're trying to suppress people protecting themselves.
Obviously because they want to push the vaccine.
They want to hire death toll to create this phobia and this fear.
How we fight back against the system that the EU already put in place where they basically banned vitamins and minerals of any good dosage.
So we're going to go to the guest right now, Dr. Shiva.
But I want to ask him in the time we have, the five minutes left in this segment, to give us a big 35,000 foot overview on COVID-19, what's happened, the national ID card they're announcing to be able to travel, Gates wants the microchip.
People don't understand he's literally involved in everything, financing and controlling it.
Alex, what's happening is two phenomenon are occurring in parallel, right?
The forces of evil and darkness and also the forces of light where people are getting educated, but fundamentally this entire process
Was engineered by the front man.
You know, they use a front man, this guy Fauci, but behind him is three major foundations.
The Gates Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation, and the Clinton Global Initiative, all which are pro-vaccine and all support the Sustainable Development Goals, which paints a very utopian picture of where the future can go.
And you should go look at it.
It's called SDG 3.
But foundational to achieving SDG 3, in their view, which is backed by the United Nations, the WHO, the CDC,
And by the way, the Chinese Communist Party is that we must immunize everyone on the planet.
In fact, the front page of it says, no one left behind.
So that's like the big, big goal here.
In order to execute on that goal, you have to create massive amounts of fear.
You have to bring people into alignment.
And this thing that we're witnessing right here was was architected.
It was extremely well planned.
And as what we're seeing right now is literally the country is split into two.
One group of people who are falling in line, typically the educated elites and some of the people who are just bringing in on fear, brought in on fear.
And then the other set of people are awakening to a lot of the videos that we've been putting up, what you've been putting up and saying, wait a minute.
You know, the immune system is not some weakling.
We live in a, you know, a complete world of germs.
Germs are not what kill us, but it's a compromised immune system.
And getting that fundamental out there, getting the fundamental true science, not the fake science promoted by Bill Gates, as you said, this guy actually never really invented anything.
You know, I actually created the first email system, not just a term.
Bill Gates actually stole or bought DOS from someone else, and this very nice family flipped it for him.
So, as you said, he has no education in the biological sciences.
Yet, because he's part of the global elite, his entire goal is to create a factory of all of us.
We're all automatons serving this global elite.
And the model of using fear and fake science, which is basically to say,
That the germs are what kill us, which is absolutely not true.
We'd all be dead by now.
The reality is it's a weakened and dysfunctional immune system caused by dirty air, dirty water, dirty food.
Maybe some genetics but pre-existing conditions or people's immune systems are compromised.
And instead of discussing immune health, instead of talking about the things that we can use to boost immune health,
What they want to talk about is flattening the curve, social distancing.
By the way, I just gave a talk yesterday, Alex.
Social distancing, as we know, social isolation.
A wonderful paper came out talking about how when we isolate ourselves, that we actually hurt our immune systems.
It's called loneliness is a molecule, but fundamentally talking about that when we isolate people like we're doing that the doctors, I mean, my grandmother, my dad's mom kept him so clean and and so.
Absolutely not in the dirt.
That the nanny and the doctor said, you've got to get him in the dirt.
He's not thriving.
And they did got him in the dirt and his black nanny gave him Hindu tea.
It was actually chicken crap, you know, and tea cooked up so he got really healthy because he didn't have an immune system because it had never been challenged.
They know all this and Gates wants to take over the whole human environment and make us these weaklings that have to live then with the drugs and things they give us.
And when in truth we're this big colony organism,
That our electrochemical soul sits in, they've now proven it, and we're this incredible badass fortress.
These little germs and things are pisshands compared to us.
If we have a good immune system, one of my favorite things is swimming in swamps.
Studies show that just absolutely boosts your immunity.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel the Republican and Democrat conventions, maybe cancel the election a year like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
No, they need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want us to spend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Three words.
Do yourself a favor.
Since the invention and deployment of radar during World War II, scientists have noted increased cancers and other health problems with those who were close to the devices.
That's where they're really high-powered.
If you're a quarter mile from a cell tower, there's not any real high-powered radiation hitting you.
But if you're a couple hundred feet away,
They got fences around them with skull and crossbones on them for a reason.
It says it can hurt you.
So now with 5G that's even stronger, these systems are literally above the streets, just 20 or 30 feet from people's heads, from their genitals, from their bodies.
People are burning them down and attacking them all over the world now.
I'm saying don't do that.
Use information warfare.
Use the truth to expose it and sue local governments and others until they remove them.
That's the way to deal with this, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action in the information war.
But I gotta tell you, I can't blame the people that are doing it because they're under assault.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I know why people would tune into the broadcast over the years and think, this guy's crazy.
And I remember, we would go to Methodist churches, Baptist churches, but we would also go to evangelical churches because those evangelical preachers lived in our neighborhood that my parents were friends with.
And I remember they'd have visiting preachers come.
And so they ran the gamut.
Some were con men.
Some were really, you know, Holy Spirit type folks.
But I remember some of the old guys would come and they would lay out world government computers and microchips to track everything.
And then they're going to have a thing called the Internet.
And it's these systems and they're going to totally control everybody.
There's going to be medical tyranny.
There's going to be a vaccine they inject into you.
And it's going to have the proof that you've had all these other medicines and vaccines they're going to make you take and it's going to be a medical tyranny.
And I'm like eight years old hearing stuff like this from the beast computer in Brussels.
And then there was a thing called Texas Best Seminars.
We had to find out the guy's name.
He was like a lay preacher.
We were at dinner one time because I wouldn't get a speech there.
And he was like, I'm like, yeah, I'll have a microchip to track us in a casual society.
He goes, no, it'll be a digital vaccine that's nanotech.
I never heard that term even back then.
And it'll track you everywhere.
And if you haven't gone through all the medical tyranny they want, you won't be able to buy or sell or leave your house.
And, you know, you're hearing these guys saying they're having visions about this, and you're rolling your eyes.
I was too.
Okay, well, no need to worry about visions anymore.
We're here, and this is happening.
And just lay people are freaking out about what's going on, and then they go research, and they found out about zinc and vitamin D and all this, and the media is trying to block it.
How evil is that?
So this is science with Dr. Shiva Idure with us from MIT, runs big companies, a lot of top medical research, and he is a world-renowned systems scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur.
And again, he did invent the
Not just the term email.
So the time we have in like the next eight minutes or so, I'm gonna try to shut up.
Get into why you think they're blocking it.
I mean, we know why, but I want your take.
And where you see all this going in this attempt to take vitamins and minerals away from people is, I see it making everybody go crazy about vitamins and minerals that weren't before.
I mean, I see this really backfiring.
Go through your view on that and then the actual stuff you covered yesterday about what is essential and how our bodies work and how people can protect themselves more.
So Alex, you know, what I want to cover very quickly is that as a system scientist, you know, I try to connect the dots, right?
That's what system science is about.
It's about the ankle bones connected to the foot bone.
So you can use that principle to see that the immune system is a complex system.
But you can also use it just very briefly to understand the interconnection between freedom, truth and health.
Now, I'm running for U.S.
Senate, as I've talked about before, Alex, and the entire campaign for many years, even before I got into politics, was always about truth, freedom and health.
And what do I mean by that?
What we're witnessing right now is that when you suppress freedom,
I'm good.
And from fake science, they can create fake problems, Alex, and fake solutions.
How dangerous is it to say that the president can't talk about zinc or hydroxychloroquine?
Anybody can say whatever they want.
Doesn't mean it's all right or true.
That's how we have... And then in science, it's always changing.
We're always learning more.
You're supposed to be able to challenge global warming, big man-made.
You're supposed to be able to challenge the vaccine, but you're not supposed to.
So the fundamental issue here is, Alex, they start with suppressing freedom.
So when you go to academia, you know, which I've been in and out, did four degrees at MIT, my PhD is in biological engineering.
One of the features is that what we have in academia now is the oldest profession.
These guys are pay to play.
And if you actually look at the biological sciences, 50% of the funding that the NIH puts out is in biological sciences.
Guess who, guess who controls a lot of that?
People like Francis Collins at the NIH and people like Fauci.
They've been in there for four or five decades.
They're insiders.
So if you're a scientist at MIT, Harvard today, you know, I happen to have been successful, made money, I have my own center, so I don't owe anything to MIT.
It's a mafia, it's a cult, and you've been inside it, not part of it.
It's a complete cabal.
So you say anything against Fauci, your university is not going to receive funding.
You're never going to get tenure.
So we've created a bunch of lemmings in academia.
So anyone thinks that we should listen to them needs to take a step back and realize these guys are pay to play.
They're about scientific consensus.
They'll actually believe the sun goes around the earth.
Forget, you know, we know that story with Galileo.
But fundamentally, these guys are creating fake science.
And by the way, this farewell address, who did Eisenhower in 61 warn of?
Not the Russians.
He said we have a technological elite taking control of academia and sciences and they are the main threat.
So the scientific establishment really was evolving at that time.
It was the consolidation of power, basically the consolidation of, quote unquote, who determines what truth is, who determines what innovation is.
So those group control can create fake problems and fake solutions.
You know, infectious diseases, viruses are going to kill all of us.
Based on that, you need vaccines and therefore the goals to control our health.
Fake problems, fake solutions.
You control our health.
Now you create weak human beings who can't fight for freedom.
So that's sort of the system of truth, freedom, and health.
So when we're running in Massachusetts, Alex, we have a huge groundswell of amazing volunteers who come out.
We're close to collecting all of our signatures.
They stopped us, as you talk about the electioneering control, they've stopped us from collecting signatures.
That's why the page that you showed up, everyone listening, Alex, everyone, we must win in Massachusetts because Massachusetts is the epicenter of the deep state.
And what I'm talking about here is here's a mecca of medicine, Harvard Medical School, the mecca of technology.
So by winning here, it's going to be like taking a stake and stabbing it right in the deep state.
So what we need, Alex, is what your audience needs to understand is everyone should go to Shiva for Senate, scroll down, and if they're in Massachusetts... Oh yeah, and people think Rand Paul is amazing.
He would just be like a hydrogen bomb in the deep state.
That's what we need.
We need a hydrogen bomb because a guy like me is like everyone else, a working class guy who earned his way.
And so if you scroll down there, you'll see that people should go in there and fill out a form and we will mail you the nomination paper so you can sign and send in.
The Democratic establishment and the GOP establishment, three lawyers are running against me, Alex.
All total scumbags.
That's what we got to win.
But getting back to the immune system, this
Establishment of suppressing freedom has created this notion that the immune system is some weakling, that the virus is some animal that comes and eats your tissues.
In fact, most MDs, unfortunately, because of the big pharma medical education, they don't know jack about the immune system.
I'm sorry, they just don't.
Oh, they admit that they don't even spend a week on the immune system or even half a day on vaccines, but let's just pull back for a moment.
Just like they teach us we're all racist and we're all victims, the government's got to divide us to keep us safe from each other.
It's the same thing with telling us we're all victims and we're all weak and we're all going to die once we have big pharma.
They're literally teaching us how to be victims and how it's heroic to be a jellyfish.
Exactly, so that's the bottom line.
We are weak people when the reality is that they weaken us through their Big Ag Monsanto, through their genetic engineering foods.
They weaken us with dirty air, dirty water, dirty food.
Well, doctor, as you know, I keep interrupting something you're saying so true.
If you just type in, flu vaccine lowers immunity next year.
And there's all these articles admitting that they never guessed the right mutation and it lowers your immunity to the flu the next year.
So what you just said, it's totally true!
And the other thing that's true, Alex, is look at their solution.
This idiot Fauci, OK, who's basically the front man for pharma.
Isolate yourself, quarantine yourself.
Don't get any sun.
Let's look at that.
There are infinite number of papers, landmark studies, which show when you isolate people,
Isolate people.
You create a detrimental situation that's worse than obesity, worse than heart disease, worse than smoking.
You basically down-regulate genes, which create antiviral activity, and you up-regulate genes, which create inflammatory response.
So think about that.
You're basically destroying the immune system by social isolation.
Then you tell people don't get out in the sun.
UVB radiation, vitamin D.
As we know, vitamin D is an antimicrobial.
And then people can't go out shopping.
They're creating pod people.
And I've been interrupting a lot because you're just making such great points.
Stay there.
For the next three segments, if you can stay and we'll talk about the Senate thing, that's exciting too.
But you as a medical guy and the doctor, that's the guy that's amazing.
Politics isn't great when you get in the Senate, but when you get into this, it's so dead on.
And folks, you know, this is not just our opinion.
This is established known fact.
These people know what they're doing.
There is no vaccine for the common cold.
That is what COVID-19 is souped up.
We'll be right back.
But let me just put this out or we won't be here.
You see they're trying to shut us down.
Well, I
Go do your own research, what it does in the cells, the mitochondria, all of it, and then ask yourself, why aren't you getting a bottle of DNA Force Plus?
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I want you to get high quality iodine.
The triiodine is a major breakthrough.
You heard
This very doctor yesterday, Sheba, talked about how important the triiodine is.
Well, that's what another doctor told me.
That's why we came out with it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Research that.
Look into it for yourself.
Big Brother and the globalists don't want you to.
Oh, you probably want to spend some time researching CoQ10.
And then research DNA Force Plus and the types.
This is our best selling overall formula.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
To get into the body, get into the mechanisms, get into the studies, get into the facts.
This is known, okay?
It's like saying you need oxygen to live.
It's known.
You need food to live.
It has nutrients.
If you don't get the nutrients, if all you got was white bread and water, you'd die of the cold or flu in six months.
I mean, it's something that came by, you wouldn't even feel, you're dead.
That's why one way the British used to kill people in concentration camps, they actually invented them and used them against the Irish, used them against the Scots.
400 years ago versus the Scots.
Then they called them concentration camps by the middle of the 18th century.
The U.S.
Army adopted that with Native Americans.
I'm not bashing the British.
I mean, I've got a Welsh name, but what I'm getting at here is they wouldn't kill you.
They'd just put you out there and feed you bread and water.
And Andrew Jackson's mother and brother died in a British concentration camp.
What was it, South Carolina?
When he was 12.
That's why he didn't like the British too much.
The point is, that's how you kill somebody, is you just don't give them nutrients, and then they just die!
Doc, get into your campaign.
That is important.
Tell us about that.
Spend a few minutes on that.
We lost his audio.
Can we turn it on for him?
I can't tell what you said, Mike.
We're going to have to troubleshoot it, Doc.
We got a technical problem.
This happens more and more.
Gremlins have attacked the equipment.
Well, maybe he turned his mic off.
Oh, fantastic.
Hey, Doc, tell us about your Senate campaign.
Yeah, so one of the things I wanted to say is, you know, I grew up as an untouchable in India.
I don't know if you know India has a caste system.
In the 1960s, one of the political leaders in India realized that the so-called people the elite said were dumb to keep them down.
We're good to go.
Alex, and that is blowing away the establishment here because they don't want to talk about health.
They actually want to keep people weak.
So we have this huge growth of people, grassroots, lots of women, lots of mothers who don't want their kids to be, you know, forced vaccinated or coming to our movement.
Very different than the last campaign we ran against Elizabeth Warren.
But one of the key things we need to get on the ballot, Alex, and we've been getting signatures.
The other guys don't have a grassroots movement, so they're trying to shut us down from collecting signatures.
So we're going online, Alex.
So anyone from Massachusetts, anyone listening to your show right now, Alex, who knows people in Massachusetts, tell them to go to Shiva for Senate.
And we've created it.
We've used, you know, technology that I've created.
They just click a button as they go into, if you can show on the screen, you know, get a signature nomination form sent to you and we will mail them
The nomination form, they sign it with a self-addressed envelope, if you click right there, and then they can send it to us, and then we get a certified signature.
We made it really, really easy, Alex.
That's Sheba 4, the number 4, Senate.com.
Number4Senate.com and they literally go, and it's for Massachusetts residents or anyone listening, if you know your friends or family in Massachusetts, tell them to go there, fill it out.
We'll mail it to them.
It's quite expensive for us to get it out, but we make it easy with all the nonsense the fascist state of Massachusetts is doing to stop guys like me from getting on the ballot.
Meanwhile, they're making sure that Joe Kennedy's and the other guys, because they're paying for their nomination signatures.
But bottom line, bottom line, Alex, the opportunity in Massachusetts is to be the tip of the spear.
Well, bottom line, even if you don't win, most people that come from the grassroots have to run three or four times before they win.
You're all over TV.
You're all over everywhere bombing them with this information.
And these stations, TV stations and things, if they have the other candidates on, have to have you on.
You're a great guest and you're kicking ass.
And so keeping you in the field is another critical part of the resistance.
But I want you to go back to what you were talking about.
When we come back, we'll do two more segments on nutrition, and how they're using this as the total control arm of the globalists, and again, how elites throughout history actually called the slaves, the little people, because generationally they'd starve them.
That wasn't just in India, folks.
Every country, every nation had the untouchables.
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Dr. Shiva Idure is our guest.
He's an amazing MIT-trained scientist, does amazing research, has a lot of big successful companies.
I'm not going to go over all of his bio or industry awards and the commercial products that he's developed.
He's running for Senate in Massachusetts, really the heart of the Harvard globalist mafia.
But he just joined us.
He briefly got into India and the caste system.
And if you look at that, you've got this lower caste that, you know, handles, you know, things that are seen as unclean or whatever.
And that was how the establishment basically divided and conquered civilization.
So when the British showed up, it was very easy for them to take control because they also had their caste system.
And if you go back to ancient England or places like France, they actually, the nobles would call the little villagers the little people.
That's because they were always kept on very small pieces of property in the more oppressive feudal systems.
And if you had a dog, per se, herding the noble sheep, part of its paw would be cut off so it couldn't chase the king's deer.
You weren't even allowed to have a dog that could hunt.
And you weren't allowed to have a knife that had a point on it.
You would get a square knife.
And so they would keep people at starvation level.
You'd be executed in ancient England under the Norman.
If you got caught with a rabbit, you'd kill.
Because that's the king's land.
And so you're kept looking at all this game and all this food, and you're killed if you're caught eating it.
And you can read manuscripts of some of the more corrupt Novans saying, you know, we don't want to feed him too much, we don't want him to get up and eat, we want to control him.
Well, in India, that was a codified system, and he was bringing up, and he repeated, Dr. Shiva here, getting into this.
How in India they were calling the untouchables, you know, idiots because they were just wandering around like zombies.
Because why did the environmentalists not want us to have protein and want us to have meat and the rest of it?
Because it's known that when humans started eating that our heads got bigger, we got smarter, we got stronger, we became more like predators instead of prey.
And so somebody that's not getting protein acts like a dumb bunny rabbit instead of a tiger.
And I'm not knocking folks who are vegetarian, you just got to get a lot of beans and rice to get that.
But people that eat meat, it's a weapon system.
It's got hormones in it, it's got everything in it.
And it's how they control the untouchables was keeping them at zombie level.
Well, if you look at McDonald's that Bill Gates owns part of and Monsanto, they admit diet injections and junctions, as Bertrand Russell said.
We're good to go.
Funny Rabbit Seek Grass
They've caught the U.N.
with these approved formula programs.
All these millions of kids die!
It's not even enough protein for them.
They die!
So that is a system of untouchables.
So we'll do as many segments as we need to here, Doc, because you've got me really going here today.
I want to get into how people can defend their immune system and boost it, you know, with your whole MIT background, doctorate on that, and your major companies that study that.
But get into your own Indian American experience of that.
Yeah, so, look Alex, the bottom line is, the use of food, or the lack of giving food to people, and the nutrient density that you gave, was always, was a methodology of control, and people have always had to fight for health.
But some stations didn't carry that segment, so explain the caste system, that's fascinating, and how they weren't giving the untouchable food.
And we have a caste system here, but the caste system in India was on the top of it were the priesthood,
You know, what you would call the academics of today, right?
The Fauci's and the people who are always there, regardless of presidents come and going.
The next level was the Kings, right?
Today we call them politicians, presidents.
So you notice Fauci's always there, presidents come and go, and now he's advising Trump before he was advising Reagan.
The next level below that was the warriors, right?
Because the Kings unleashed the warriors to go fight.
And today we have the military.
And below that were the business folks, and below that were the Shudras.
The untouchables, who basically did all the low-level work.
So those people, as we just shared, were kept in very, very moderate conditions, very low conditions, so they would not rise up.
And what we have today is the same model here.
We want to diminish people's health, so we don't rise up and fight for our freedom, so we don't get the truth we deserve, and from truth we get freedom.
So they create this very horrible feedback process.
The reality is when you look at the immune system that we're talking about right now, we actively suppress people's immune systems.
And instead of addressing boosting them, which frankly they don't want to do, the goal is to use the people who have suppressed immune systems to drive them to more vaccines, more vaccines, more pharma drugs.
And the goal is to take most of humanity and take them to that process.
So from a scientific standpoint, Alex, my entire life, you know, the company I run called Cytosol,
That came out of my research at MIT.
We're actually able to model at the molecular level the mechanisms and actually prove why certain things work, irrespective of their fake science or them trying to discount it.
And we're actually helping people understand at the molecular level to put down these fake scientists.
And that's what I do.
So, for example, we talked about the power of vitamin D. Why is vitamin D powerful in this case?
Vitamin D really empowers us to enable the creation of
Yeah, absolutely.
We're good.
Why vitamin A?
Well, vitamin A, as you look at the molecular pathways, vitamin A gets created from your thyroid when you get all the great carotenoid foods, the rich greens, the dark green, green and purple foods, and your body makes vitamin A. And you know what that vitamin A does, Alex?
It creates beautiful scaffolds, beautiful cytokeratins.
So the viruses can't even protect, can come in.
That's number one.
You've talked about it.
You need both.
That's what supports the thyroid to make vitamin A.
Now, all of this that we're saying is not some BS, and what the real BS is bullshitting people that the immune system is weak, that the only way out of it is vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, and chemicals, chemicals, chemicals.
So, that's why they have a problem right now, Alex, because you're looking at a guy who's got four degrees from MIT's PhD in Biological Engineering, is a Fulbright Scholar, and I'm the guy who was invited by the National Science Foundation just four months ago to give the lecture on the modern immune system.
So, this is why we need to go boldly and expose Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, the Clintons, because what we're witnessing right here is a destruction of science.
And, Dr., you're on fire.
Let me stop you in the next segment.
I want to get into this.
You said this yesterday, that's why I wanted you back on and I hope you'll come on pretty much every day with Owen and other shows.
I know you've been coming on a lot and laying this out for people because you said they're losing.
Big Pharma, every statistic shows, is not trusted.
The doctors, as you said, even the UN's own videos, they say doctors are turning against us and the vaccines, they see what it's doing.
The head vaccine doctor at the World Health Organization, we already played that clip.
So when we come back, we'll get into all this with you, but I want people to understand something that
This is real.
And so here he is giving these lectures, and he's respected at MIT.
I mean, I don't just have guests on.
I've looked into him.
Everything he's saying is true.
This guy invented email, folks.
But there's a lot of people like him, too.
And they're pissed.
And they know that if they speak up, they'll be shut down.
This guy has his own company.
This guy's wealthy.
He is doing it because he understands that we're all going to be turned into this slave class.
And he's already broken out of that.
He wants us all to break out with him.
And this is about realizing they're trying to make us all slaves, trying to turn us all against each other, trying to make us all fight over what color we are.
While they are poisoning every damn one of us and don't want us to perform or be successful because Bill Gates is a coward and a little chicken-neck nobody.
He can't compete with hundreds of millions of people like Dr. Shiva, Adyaray or Alex Jones or you.
Those guys can't deal with us.
They know that they're suppressing everyone because every time they don't, they don't get to run the system the way they want to.
Well guess what, jerks?
You're not running anything anymore!
The people are!
The revolution is now!
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As predicted, the human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
The LA Times, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine all reported years ago that major studies show 5G caused increased cancer in rats.
It's a fact.
5G is just a later generation of systems that are on record for more than 70 years to cause cancer.
They rub the DNA molecules together.
They are microwaves.
Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G.
Even if you don't connect it to coronavirus, they're banning it.
But the studies do show that 5G lowers your immunity to viruses, period.
There are peer-reviewed journals.
We're showing these documents on air, and the globalists can go to hell.
The human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
We're not troglodytes afraid of technology.
We don't like technology with Trojan horse anti-human crap in it.
Listen to me very carefully.
We have confirmed that California is set within days or weeks to announce a total stay-at-home order and will shut down grocery stores and yes, even pharmacies, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what they're announcing to create total panic to try to trigger a depression to blame on Trump.
Then when Trump doesn't follow suit, they will blame every single death on President Trump.
This is a PSYOP using a real deadly virus.
This is super dangerous and everyone needs to get supplies in now.
The food chain is getting low as well, and you need to get the supplements, just to be safe, at InfoWarsStore.com and stock up, because who knows in the future if we'll even be able to operate.
We're ready to ship to you, though.
The day after you get your order in, it gets to you very, very quick.
InfoWars is an essential operation and it's still open.
You can also order storable food again, but take action now at InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
America and the world is in the middle of a globalist authoritarian takeover.
But I have to tell you, if you go to Bill Gates' Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, 99% of the comments are devastatingly vicious, and see right through him and what he's doing, and that people are now going and researching how he heads up these big tax-free foundations that literally funded Hitler.
And it's incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
And it's funny that Dr. Shiva Iyer-Rae, who's a very respected MIT-trained scientist and
Breaking all this down brings up India because if you look at Iran that means Aryan and that's some of the groups that went into that area and then took over parts of India and it was a caste system on how light-skinned you were and that's why Hitler chose to say we are the Aryans and that's the caste system over in India is the Aryans down that he was just talking about and that
Hitler got massive support in many of those areas in World War II, because this is the elitism of kings and the priest class, that they're the priest class, and you're below them.
It doesn't matter if you were in ancient Germany, or ancient England, or ancient China, or ancient India, or ancient Aztecs.
Same crap, folks!
It's these same priesthoods that do this over and over again, and they're not their guardians of humanity.
Every time they take over, they run things in the ground.
They always show up, take over, kill the golden age, ruin everything.
And they starve people.
And now they're starving us of sunshine, and family, and relationships.
And it's a very evil thing they're involved in, because they were losing control.
And this is their attempt to get control.
And they're saying, we want world government.
We want forced inoculations.
They're saying families are bad, groups together, spread things.
This is so alien, so anti-human.
I know, and you said this yesterday, I know you agree, I'm not putting words in your mouth, that this is a response to them losing control.
Can you elaborate on that and then talk about how we break out of this past system?
Yes, so look, if you go back six months before this coronavirus fear-mongering hit, what was going on?
You had massive protests in Hong Kong.
Even in Wuhan six months ago, in the place where this virus was supposedly first found, you had people protesting anti-pollution protests, Alex.
In France, remember all those protests?
Venezuela protests.
And then you had the election of two very big populist leaders, Donald Trump in the United States and Narendra Modi in India.
This event, the globalist never, the global elite never wanted to occur.
So you have massive growth, uprisings, anti-establishment uprisings.
That's what was taking place.
And in the United States... And don't forget Brazil, don't forget everywhere.
They admit the new world order is in trouble.
And in the United States, we had the rise of the anti-vax or medical freedom movement.
In New Jersey, when I got involved, I led one of the most militant protests saying, we need to go on the ground and build a movement.
Versus these so-called anti-vax leaders like Bobby Kennedy and this guy, Big Tree, who are telling people to negotiate with legislators.
So the globalists always stick their not-so-obvious establishment leaders, who are actually suppressing these movements.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's clear that Bobby Kennedy is loyal opposition.
He's leading.
And he talks with his accent, I'm against Big Pharma, but the guy endorsed Hillary Clinton three times, who's vaccine queen.
And then he came here and endorsed Joe Kennedy, who wants to support vaccine mandates.
So that's what they do.
They have their controlled opposition, which is, the goal is to control people, but never let the movements unleash themselves, bottoms up, as though you need a Hollywood celebrity or you need some Botox people to control these movements.
Yeah, let's be clear.
This is 1943.
We've taken most of France.
We're about to go into Germany.
This is Zeb Dietrich and the Battle of the Bulge.
This is Hitler's final counteroffensive.
They're losing.
So what's fundamentally happening here... Alex, I'm right here.
So what's fundamentally happening here... Can you hear me?
Go ahead.
I can.
Yeah, Alex, what's fundamentally happening is we see the uprising of people, basically the little weasels like Bill Gates, the weasels like Zuckerberg, and the controlled opposition.
They're like, holy shit, this guy, a guy like Shiva is out there telling people to go on the ground.
And that's why we won in New Jersey.
We won in January 6th, 13th.
We stopped one of the vaccine bills.
Well, isn't it interesting, right after that, coronavirus fear-mongering comes out.
You suddenly see this explosive thing.
So what we're looking at,
We're good to go.
It started trending, and we have nearly 40, 50,000 people, Alex, if we show it, who've signed up for this.
Nearly 5% of those people, we nearly have 2,000 to 3,000 medical doctors.
If you scroll down, you'll see, we put up a little bit right there, you see 44,000 people have signed up, Alex.
Now, he has some of his fans trying to make him the sexiest man on People Magazine, and it's a ridiculous campaign to put him out there as a Hollywood celebrity.
They've only had, I think, 10,000 signatures, OK?
So what you're talking about is this group, which is interconnected with academia and Hollywood, is trying to unleash its fear to control us.
And they literally want to lock us up in our houses and Cuomo and others are saying it never goes back to normal.
You never have freedom again.
This is beyond Stalin, Hitler, or Mao.
This is ridiculous!
This is freaking crazy!
What's going on?
One of the things is, let's talk about right now how horrible what they're doing.
Let's take the people who are seriously immunocompromised and critically ill.
What are they doing to those people?
Well, their lungs are being filled up with fluid from the cytokine storm, which is a compromised immune system attacking itself.
Instead of giving those people high-dose IV vitamin C proven over and over and over again.
Well they admit even in the Wall Street Journal that people are dying like the Spanish flu from the autoimmune issue.
They don't need more air in their lungs.
They need to have some Benadryl basically.
I mean this is crazy.
Benadryl, vitamin C's, antiviral, high dose.
It has to be high dose.
We got to go to the 15, 20 milligram.
I'm not a MIT doctor like you are, but that's in the mainline history that the most deadly flus don't kill you with the virus.
It's the body's autoimmune response.
Like a bee sting.
And that that's what's doing this.
These people are just like somebody with a bee sting.
They can't breathe.
And then instead of like giving them Benadryl or vitamin C, they just go, Oh, we'll cram a ventilator down your throat.
And that ruins your lungs even worse.
Right, so what's really sick, and that's why I think people are getting this, because most people who work with their hands... You're not just saying this.
Doctors in New York that treat hundreds of patients are saying this.
They're seeing people get hypoxia.
They said, this looks like a guy got dropped on top of a mountain.
So the bottom line is, they don't know how to handle the critical care because it's about money making.
I know that if somebody's having an autoimmune response, you give them Benadryl and vitamin C. Why the hell don't these doctors know that?
Alex, that's a question, because their education is big pharma education.
These doctors have golden handcuffs.
They're basically victims of a medical biopharma educational model.
It's not about nutrition.
It's not about seeing the body as a system.
And we see all of the news that you only do what the World Health Organization says.
It tells you what to do.
And we have the videos of the World Health Organization saying
We've never studied vaccines.
We don't know what to do with any of this.
We're just told by Bill Gates what to do.
And Bill Gates is a psychotic eugenicist.
Listen, Dr. Shiva, you've got to come back.
We love you.
I'm going to get on this bandwagon.
I was going to say fire Fauci today and have an emergency message to the President, so I'm going to jump on that bandwagon.
He should be fired.
These guys should be indicted and thrown in jail for crimes against humanity.
And it's time we have a revolution in this country.
It's the only way forward.
I think Dr. Sheevan needs an InfoWars show.
He's amazing.
God bless you, brother.
We appreciate you.
All right, I'm gonna hit all the news when we come back.
And I got the gloveless breathing down my neck.
I'll tell you about that when we come back.
I'll be home with Jesus before they ever figure it out.
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The ultimate tyranny would be a nanny state that would not allow anyone to ever do anything that could possibly hurt them.
And that's the globalist plan.
And now, Mr. Fauci at the NIH, last night in a press conference, standing right next to the President, said, we're going to have a global lockdown, because he talked to world leaders, until not one more person is dying or one more person is infected.
The video is posted on InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, that sets the precedent where not one person can die from the flu.
Not one person can die from a cold.
Everyone will be surveilled in lifetime by their cell phones and apps and drones and an absolute straitjacket of pure medical tyranny.
And remember, it's Big Pharma that has all the Level 4 bioweapons labs that keeps leaking all these man-made viruses.
They're holding us all hostage.
Oh, and he talked about forced inoculations!
It's been sold out for more than four months, but our best-selling vitamin D3 and vitamin K formula is back in stock.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Oh, here she comes.
She's a free world wrecker.
Deep state, eugenesis, medical jarring attack.
We predicted the exact architecture of this globalist operation.
Because they pre-planned it all.
We watched them build it.
We warned the people.
And now you think things are bad?
This is only the beginning.
I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm trying to get you to move.
It's like your house is on fire.
You're in a trance and I'm your neighbor.
I see fire shooting out the top floor.
I look through and see it sitting on your couch in a trance.
I'm gonna go knock on the door.
If you don't get up, I'm gonna knock it down.
I'm gonna bang.
I'm gonna come in and say, hey, your house is on fire.
There's smoke pouring in here.
Where are your children?
There are too many people.
My children need to die.
Humans are bad.
Humans are bad.
That's what we're all taught.
So we've seen first the Hollywood actors and then the religious yogis of India have come out and just all the establishment and said humans are the problem.
We deserve COVID-19.
We're bad.
Well, here it is.
Pope says pandemic could be nature's revenge for ignoring climate change.
Not God's revenge.
Because he's an occultist.
He's a globalist.
He's a pedophile.
Ringleader and protector.
So that's just some of the news we've got.
But let me go ahead and respond to this because I know the Democratic Party and George Soros and all those other globalists to have their minions tuned in.
So let me go ahead and cover what they want me to cover.
Coming under attack personally does not upset me.
I mean one day if they grab me and put me in a straitjacket and take me out to a field and shoot me in the back of the head, I expect something like that because I've been in this fight so long and I committed to that a long time ago and my commitments are real.
Doesn't mean I enjoy those commitments.
I really enjoy them.
Because in this universe, that's the only currency that counts.
He's being real.
And doing what you say you're gonna do.
Doing the best job you can to be an honorable person.
And so that's why in all their attacks, in all their constructed frauds, they always say that I'm not for real, and I'm a scammer, and I'm a fraud, and I'm a fake, and I'm an actor, and all this stuff that everybody knows isn't true.
You see, the academics know the globalists have a plan to sterilize you through vaccines and give you cancer.
They just know they lose their jobs when they do that.
But still, I've had dinner with and camped out with and visited with a lot of famous academics that aren't like Dr. Shiva, who we had on earlier, who's a prestigious scientist.
He's willing to fight.
They just run.
But they told me all this.
They told me how right I was 20 years ago.
Well, I'm not going to just run to the countryside and hope I can live on a few more decades and get left alone.
I'm going to organize humans to fight this.
So let's cover the facts right here.
You saw Media Matters, George Soros, a month ago put an edited tape out, out of context, where I was talking about how the nano silver company we use has patented, FDA approved, over-the-counter sale of a wound gel
That's sold in all major stores and that we're private labeling.
American biotech labs.
And they edited that together falsely.
That's what they do.
To say that I said it cures coronavirus or treats it.
I never said that.
I said that if you put
A silver molecule of a certain type up against bacteria and viruses, that it attacks them.
That doesn't mean it gets into your lungs and saves you once something's already going on there.
And it wasn't the intent to say that.
But I believe, even the way the laws are written, it's unconstitutional.
If I want to say that, I should be able to say that.
But Big Pharma, with all their deadly vaccines and all their drugs and
A quarter million people, the CDC admits, much higher, die each year from drug overdoses that are prescribed or medical malpractice.
It's probably way higher.
I mean, I've got a lot of family died when they went in for a surgery and they died of an infection.
How many people you know like that?
And the vaccine makers have this multi-billion dollar fund every year that's secret since 1986 that pays out to the vaccine damage and they go on the news and say it's... So these guys are monsters.
And now they're trying to tell the president he can't promote zinc.
You keep your mouth shut.
You're the president.
Don't say what studies show.
Don't say what medical doctors say.
Shut up.
And he's like, yes, I'm sorry.
I mean, because it's the new medical tyranny.
We have to bow down to them because Bill and Melinda Gates fund them.
Bill and Melinda Gates are, you know, saying they openly want to kill the population.
So, I get this letter from the New York AG, and it says, if you are misrepresenting this as a case, that a few of your shows might have been interpreted as such, you shouldn't say this cures or treats it.
We go, well, we don't think it cures or treats it, and here's what we've said.
And we send them all the stuff.
They're like, oh, thanks a lot!
Thank you.
We're closing this case for now.
Then I see the Attorney General of New York saying, Jones is still saying he cures it all, and we're going to get him if he doesn't stop.
And I'm just like, a couple of weeks ago, let's until this is over.
Let's just stop selling this, even though it's in all the stores, because they keep misrepresenting.
And I don't want people thinking that we have the cure to something, because they're saying it through a straw man they built.
And so, yesterday morning we're writing a letter to the New York Attorney General saying, you know what, we're going to stop selling this because you keep saying that we're saying it cures things and we're asking you to stop misrepresenting us and saying that.
Email comes in from the FDA.
It's coordinating with the Soros-funded Attorney General there on record.
And they say, quit saying you have a drug that treats and cures things, which we didn't say.
And, by the way, take these YouTube videos down that aren't on my YouTube channel.
They don't even know how that works.
Some edited media matters.
How about Media Matters takes the video down?
It was so evil, the edited video.
Well, then how about Soros?
Oh, no, Soros leaves his up.
He's, you know, he's an actual Nazi collaborator, so he can do whatever he wants.
And so they run these headlines all over the country.
ABC News, everywhere.
Jones caught selling fake corona cures and scams.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones must stop selling fake coronavirus silver cures.
FDA says, where do I say a cure?
Where do I?
They just make this up.
Feds warn Alex Jones to stop hogging coronavirus scams.
Daily Beast, they first put it out.
FDA warns Alex Jones to stop promoting false coronavirus cures.
Where did I say that?
They just make that up.
The FDA doesn't say that either, in the letter.
FDA warns Alex Jones about misbranded coronavirus cures.
Did not say that.
And it goes on and on.
Thousands of articles, folks.
They republish them.
Think about the crime that the mainstream media commits.
When they sit there and say, we have a cure to something, we never said that.
You know, I'm stopping selling this while I prepare with lawyers to sue the media.
And I have to sue over this.
Because people can't say things in my name and then say I'm a fraudster.
I have to sue these groups.
Because I have to at least challenge it in court so that they're not misrepresenting me and lying like this.
But that's a whole other issue.
I'm going to show you when we come back that, I mean, I said this on air.
This ties in everybody.
I guess the FDA and others didn't listen.
We have the FDA approval letter right here for what we're selling.
Yeah, I'm going to show it to you when we come back.
This ad will only run for a couple days, because it's about to sell out.
I noticed, hey, we had a lot of Prostagard.
People love it, we've got a lot of it.
Why is it suddenly almost sold out?
And I went, oh my gosh, it's an incredible formula, not just for the prostate, the salt palmetto that's on record for helping that.
It's got everything, vitamin D, a big dose of that, a big dose of zinc, a big dose of selenium, copper, chromium, and a bunch of other stuff.
This is
The perfect formula for what's going on right now.
And it's about to sell out at InfoWarsStore.com.
And I want you to have it, so that after all this craziness passes, it becomes a normal regimen in your life.
Because this is something, in my view, you need every day.
Get it right now.
Prostagard at InfoWarsStore.com.
And whatever you do, please warn others that Mother Nature has given us a lot of things that really help boost our overall health and wellness.
Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact.
The national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, and Sean Hannity covered it,
We're good to go.
Appleway saying that we were putting out fake cures for saying hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and CPAC, when all we were doing was reporting what medical journals were saying.
Big Pharma and the Globalists want you sick and dead, and they don't want you to boost your immune system.
Screw them!
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel the Republican and Democrat conventions, maybe cancel the election a year like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics.
Go ahead and back it off a year and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
No, they need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want to suspend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
What's amazing about the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, is that even though it's 240 years old, it's more pertinent and more powerful today than it's ever been.
We look at the huge AI takeover and total surveillance of our lives, and the tyranny that comes with it, the oppression.
And it's all linked to not having due process and not having a Fourth Amendment against being illegally surveilled.
It's all predicated on having no privacy.
If we simply embrace the Bill of Rights and Constitution and enforce that against big tech, they would never get away with this.
But because we're not enforcing our Bill of Rights and Constitution based in common sense, the bottom has fallen out and the sky is just the beginning.
It's certainly not the limit.
That's why we're rediscovering what made America great and what the Renaissance is all about.
True human empowerment.
It begins at InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I want to open the phones up and get you a ton of news.
People being dragged from buses who are coughing.
Crowds attacking people as the divide and conquer, as the mind control works really good.
And I'm Alex Jones, your host.
So, another big national news story yesterday.
Alex Jones refuses to stop selling coronavirus fake cures.
Never said that.
They have no video.
None of it's true.
But they have the New York Attorney General, who might be a sock puppet of George Soros, but he put her in there on record.
She swore to take down Trump, all of it, saying, I order you to stop selling these cures, fake cures.
Well, then you actually get the letter that doesn't say that.
It says, well, these might be misconstrued, what you said here.
And there we go.
You're right.
We'll put a bigger disclaimer up and do this and that.
And then the FDA, who they're tattling to, filled with globalists.
They don't care about the fentanyl out of China or the fact that almost all the drugs out of China are tainted and poisonous.
That's all fine.
It's like Apple's got slave camps and three million Uyghurs and concentration camps.
Well, Tim Cook's gay, so that's all right.
I mean, like, oh, well, I mean, death camps are cool.
Just don't give anybody, you know, any antibacterial.
I mean, this is insane.
So why do you think I'd go on air and say the wound gel that this company has is sold over the counter all over the country and has an FDA letter that authorizes them to do so, okay?
So they went along with that.
That's why I went with a company that's got a bunch of these approvals and sells stuff to hospitals.
I'm like, let me get the best.
Let me get who's approved.
Because you go to Whole Foods, or Amazon, or Jeff Bezos, or any other major grocery store, it's everywhere.
CVS puts up their own line of silvers, and they've got approval.
So, I'm on air when they start attacking me about this, going, hey, I'm using one of the biggest firms in the U.S., the military buys it, hospitals buy it, I've got all the letters, and
They didn't turn around and say that I have a cure for this.
Didn't say that, but that's how they operate in the media.
So let's go over this.
Here's the letter from the FDA.
And they tell me, we may raid you, we may take you over, we may do all this, because, you know, Media Matters says so.
And then you go to Amazon.
Amazon itself sells, and their merchants sell, hundreds of these, including dozens that are private-labeled and American Biotech Labs that calls it Immune Boost NanoCell.
But, see, Alex Jones can't do that.
H-E-B can, Piggly Wigglies can, Walgreens can, Walmart can, but when Alex Jones does it,
He actually goes on air and says, oh, let me show you the congressional record in the FDA letter.
And I guess that's what pisses them off.
Is that they attack me saying I'm making this up, that silver is an antibacterial, antiviral, that's a fact.
The Pentagon, before the Pentagon existed, the Department of War, back in the Civil War said that.
But the point is, even if I was wrong, don't I have free speech?
But again, they put in your mouth something.
I don't want my listeners thinking if they get an immune gargle or toothpaste from us that they can't get sick.
That's a load of crap.
I've been saying, according to medical doctors we have on, to boost your immunity and defend against this, vitamin D3 zinc.
Things like that.
But see, they just ignore that and just edit it together to misrepresent, because I'm the bad guy, because I'm exposing the forced inoculations, the world government, Bill Gates behind this, the fact that I'm going to put a biological chip into you now.
It's all being announced.
The fact that we have so much credibility, they want us off air.
They want us arrested.
So let me show you what's been sent to the FDA, what was sent to the New York Attorney General, because the law says if you've got science to back it up, well then you can make that claim.
I didn't even make the claim they sent.
But I said, here's what I said, I said point-blank range to quote.
It's in their letter.
Well, I mean if you put a virus in a fire at point-blank range, here's what I was saying, the problem is you can't get that in your lungs and things.
It's a topical and that's what it's for.
So let's go over it.
Here's Department of the Army, okay?
Saying they tested in 2007, did a great job.
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command.
Texas A&M talking about it, specifically says, anthrax, botulism, plagues, hospital strep, SARS.
And it says it here, Corona, not this particular mutation.
So I'm just like, oh, look, see, I've got you there, okay?
Now here's the actual letter.
FDA approves new prescription wound dressing gel.
Both the prescription and the over-the-counter.
Same company.
2009, November 17th.
Here's the 510K summary, okay?
This is the FDA letter.
This is one of the only companies that actually did this.
So they're like up here saying, I'm making claims I didn't make.
And they're saying that it's unapproved when almost no one even has something.
We're private labeling them.
And I have the letter I made them give us five years ago.
I'm like, OK, you got an FDA letter?
I want that.
Nobody else does that.
Jeff Bezos at Whole Foods doesn't do that when he's selling 30-something brands.
I just sent the crew there to get it.
Look at this!
CVS, H-E-B, Walmart!
That whole bag in there from Whole Foods!
It was almost all sold out.
By the way, that's CVS brand, folks.
Antimicrobial Silver Wound Gel.
I guess they need to get SWAT team today, right?
Microbial means viruses and bacteria.
This is what's insane about all this, but it doesn't matter.
Because the globalists are pissed that I actually care about people.
And that I'm promoting products that are great.
So they're gonna misrepresent and do that.
Let's continue.
Here's the 510K summary.
All notarized, everything else from the FDA.
Both the prescription and they're over the counter.
By the way, we don't sell this anymore.
I'm gonna sue all these people.
I'm doing what they want.
And I don't blame the FDA, it's the media.
It's BuzzFeed, it's the Washington Post, it's all of them lying about what I said and saying I just pulled this out of my ass when they saw the shows and saw me showing all this.
I have to!
They're trying to put me in prison, folks!
You think you'd want to know this, right?
And again, didn't say it cures coronavirus, didn't say it treats virus.
It says it kills bacteria and viruses.
And this is after the Pentagon tested it in the field, and after A&M did, 2014, six years ago.
Here's the Congressional Hearing, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, International Operations, Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, and you go to page 40-something, and it's the company I get this from.
They just private label it.
I've got the letter from them saying I can private label it and say that.
Right here.
Look at this.
Congressional record on what it does.
Oh, and the virus is by name.
Oh, I'm going to continue over here about some big university studies.
Here, let's show some of those.
And this is what they're saying.
I'm not saying this.
I mean, if this is some snake oil, man, this is some snake oil.
I mean, you open a bottle, the snakes jump out.
By the way, that's a joke.
You don't need snubs to fact check it.
Human Time Exposure Study of Oral Dose Commercial Silver Nanoparticles.
That's all these studies finding, according to studies, that these nanoparticles don't give you any silver toxicity, and that's how they got the FDA to approve it for sale.
And by the way, this company led the way since they got this approved.
CVS, Walmart, H-E-B, they've all got their own ones now.
And they're good products, by the way.
In fact, that's why I'm not even needed.
You win.
You know what?
I'm out of silver.
Mine's great.
You can get it everywhere.
We win.
Everybody's got it.
Everybody knows.
We've got the new antibiotic.
It's the ancient one.
It's helping people.
That's what matters.
I love it.
Yeah, we popularized it in the last 25 years.
Yeah, sure.
And we won, too.
So we're gonna win on every damn front.
I feel good that I can go down to any store I want now and I can get this for myself and my family.
But I'll get you what you want.
Okay, hey.
Not selling it anymore.
The bad man.
Say goodnight to the bad man.
And it just goes on.
Look at all these studies, folks.
Look at all these studies.
I mean, it's incredible.
And that's the ones the FDA looked at.
So, not for this current thing.
But we do fund ourselves with the products you buy.
Books, t-shirts, films.
All caps, and yeah, super high quality vitamin, mineral fusion.
Back in stock 50% off the Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, with the Preglanone as well.
Got a bunch of zinc in it, so good.
X3 that has the triiodine, all three types.
60% off during the crisis, even though it's going to sell out before we get more in a couple months.
We'll sell it in a week or so, but we don't get more for months.
I sell things that win.
I sell things people like.
You know, that's how relationships work.
You don't get married, you better love the woman.
I sell the truth.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Nearly 2400 years ago in ancient Greece, Plato discussed the importance of population control.
Aristotle advocated the use of abortion and infanticide.
In 1798, an essay on the principle of population was written by Thomas Malthus.
He outlined the idea of positive checks, which are diseases, wars, disasters, famines, and genocides.
Malthus believed that these things should be utilized to increase the death rate, and believed that human misery was an absolute necessary consequence.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species.
In it, Darwin only hinted at the implications of human populations, but his cousin, Sir Francis Galton, became obsessed with the idea.
In 1883, Galton published Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development, wherein he wrote that his intention is to touch on various topics more or less connected with that of the cultivation of race or, as we might call it,
With eugenic the term comes from the Greek word eugenics of noble birth.
In the early 20th century, eugenics became an academic discipline in universities.
Organizations were formed and funded to win public support.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and the Cold Spring Harbor Institute rejected the idea that all humans are born equal and began selling the idea of cultivating a new master race of noble bloodlines.
Planned Parenthood was formed in America by racial eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger.
President of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, established a special subsidiary in Poland called Watson Business Machines to assist in the Nazi invasion of Poland.
This business continued throughout the war, and IBM managed the entire operation from their headquarters in New York.
During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis quoted U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in their own defense.
They claimed that their eugenics program was being run from the United States.
The Nazis were rightly admonished for war crimes, but not Thomas Watson.
He went on to create the IBM World Trade Corporation and passed IBM on to his son.
His granddaughter ended up marrying Margaret Sanger's grandson.
Bill Gates' father worked on the board for Planned Parenthood, and his mother worked on the corporate board for IBM, who Bill partnered with to create Microsoft.
With no medical background, Bill Gates then went on to become the world's foremost pusher of vaccines and population control.
Do you think this is all coincidence?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds the WHO, the NIH, the CDC, and the UN.
And now he is saying that until we get mass vaccinations, we might never be able to gather in groups.
And which activities, like mass gatherings, may be, in a certain sense, more optional.
And so until you're widely vaccinated, those may not come back at all.
The president's coronavirus response team are all pushing the Bill Gates vaccination agenda.
Dr. Fauci is on the leadership council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In January of 2017, Anthony Fauci told a crowd at Georgetown University that there would be a surprise outbreak during the Trump presidency.
There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak.
Deborah Birx is a board member for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, which was founded by the Gates Foundation and known for millions of dollars of fraudulent misuse of funds.
In October of 2019, Bill Gates sponsored Event 201, a simulation that estimated 65 million people killed by coronavirus.
In November of 2019, the Peer Bright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, was granted European patent number EP3172319B1 for a coronavirus vaccine that may be used to treat humans.
Today, Dr. Fauci says the virus will keep coming back.
It's Wednesday morning.
I was just in a local Austin business.
It was basically empty.
There were three motorcycle police in there.
I said, what do you think of this whole coronavirus thing?
They're like, yeah, it looks like it's a hoax.
I said, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The way it's been handled is a hoax.
Taking everybody that dies who happens to test positive, even though they die of a heart attack or cancer or diabetes, as dying from coronavirus is the big one.
And then, of course, they're also classifying everybody that tests positive for coronavirus, period, not just COVID-19, as having it.
So they're upping the number of cases, they're upping the number of deaths, but still more people died this week and last week than died from the coronavirus from suicide.
So if anything, it's causing divorces and suicide and stir craziness and basic insanity and a giant power grab with Big Pharma preparing a forced inoculation, which they even admit will not protect you from next year's mutation of the coronavirus.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, you learned quite a bit by the enemy's attack profile.
And coming up next segment, I'm going to get to a bunch of clips of them demonizing Trump for hydroxychloroquine again.
And he's making money off of it.
It's a total hoax.
When meanwhile, nobody criticizes.
Stay home if you are sick and practice good social separation of at least six feet when possible.
Loitering inside or outside of the store is strictly prohibited.
Thank you for choosing Walmart.
What can we expect in the month of April?
My prediction?
Riots, looting, and a reckoning for the government.
China and Italy are ahead in quarantine repercussions.
In Palermo, Italy, Sicilian gangs are using social media to coordinate the ransacking of businesses.
Food and medicine supplies have been halted due to the bankruptcy of delivery services, and Italian officials are now concerned that the mafia may be preparing to add to the chaos.
It's hard to watch, but this is what desperation looks like.
This man in Apulia shouting at police that his family have no money.
While in Hubei, China, violent clashes erupted between two provincial police groups and the people of the area most affected by the coronavirus.
As the Washington Examiner reported, alleged video from the skirmish shows overturned police vehicles and large groups of people clad with face masks facing off against Chinese police who attempt to use riot shields to push back the crowd.
But back in America, just how long can Americans endure food shortages, unemployment, diminishing medical and law enforcement attention, and creeping Big Brother oppression?
Man, help me out, bro.
It doesn't work like that, bro.
Um, can anybody know a lawyer, bro?
Somebody see a lawyer?
It don't work like that, man!
This ain't right, man!
A Twitter post reveals a long line of cars due to food shortages in an area outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
In eastern Kentucky, many have taken to hunting and fishing as a primary food source because the supply of meat is growing scarce and mass hunger is setting in.
Meanwhile, the old style of bartering amongst neighbors is already becoming more commonplace.
This could also be a very positive development as communities become more self-sufficient or deadly as people turn against each other as domestic violence skyrockets.
As CBS in Sacramento, California reported, right now as we speak, one in five women are being assaulted right here in Sacramento County.
The quarantine puts most of the abusers in the home with the family more frequently than usual.
This according to Donna Brown, who's a domestic abuse counselor.
But if unemployment lingers on, people could get desperate.
As CNBC reported, economists at the Fed's St.
Louis district project total employment reductions of 47 million, which would translate to a 32.1% unemployment rate, according to a recent analysis of how bad things could get.
And as medical workers and law enforcement get sick,
The entire emergency response system faces gridlock.
This pandemic has had a dramatic impact for the NYPD.
Five members of the department have died and right now 1,400 more have tested positive.
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea says that he doesn't think the worst has yet to happen.
And if the government takes a let-them-eat-their-measly-$1,200-cake approach while flaunting millions to their pockets and those of their donors, and GPS surveillance and the imprisonment of average citizens increases, and the Bill of Rights takes a backseat to communist-style rule.
We're good.
An inept bureaucracy that has long thumbed its nose at its true boss, the American people, faces a reckoning they can't even see coming.
There will be rent strikes, worker strikes, emergency service strikes, police strikes, delivery strikes.
Chaos will marinate.
So it is incredibly important to make sure you are prepared right now.
But in the end, one way or another, we will have all learned to be better Americans.
John Bowne reporting.
Now, we know who calls the shots.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has put hundreds of billions of dollars of their money and other billionaires' money that's tax-exempt into their companies, and then they take billions off the top every year.
It's tax-exempt.
My own science advisor is Bill Gates, so I talk to him.
I call him.
I've talked to him the last few days about it, and he's bullish on the long-term outlook for a universal
We're good to go.
Secret organizations in the army and then ran Planned Parenthood and worked directly with the operatives out of IBM.
When Thomas Watson died, his entire fortune was put in a trust, pledged for racial superiority and eugenics and depopulation.
He won the highest award given by Adolf Hitler, the third Reich, above Hitler.
These men are not Nazis.
These men created the Nazis.
This is the bigger version of the eugenics record office at Cold Spring Harbor.
The building was built with money from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1927 when eugenics was generally thought to be a good thing.
And the German geneticists thought it was a good thing.
You know, had a proposed program of sterilization for a large number of genetic conditions.
But it wasn't voted in.
They couldn't get it through the German democracy at the time.
But the moment Hitler came into power, eugenics law was passed within a month, which
Prescribed sterilization for a large number of conditions, including for, say, being schizophrenic in a mental hospital.
So, very soon afterwards, they started a program of sterilization, which went on until the war started, with about 600,000 people sterilized.
It was a very thorough program, and they had records on all these people.
And the U.N.
came out and said, a week and a half ago, we want forced inoculations for the antibodies for COVID-19 before you can travel or have a job.
And then they're going to roll out the apps and the blood test for you to prove you can leave your house that you have the COVID-19 antibody.
Problem is, we're going to get to that in a moment.
is that most people will never come in contact with it.
So the idea is you've got to have a pathogen, have a virus, have a potential disease-causing thing in you, and have the antibodies for it, or you can't have a job.
It's like saying you've got to have antibodies for HIV, or antibodies for hepatitis, or you can't have a job.
What about a cult?
And so, boom, it started getting announced two days ago.
The UK, Italy, they're going to roll it out and say you've got to have this shot,
And you've got to have the antibodies or you can't work or leave your house.
That's all being announced.
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For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
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It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Over the past few weeks, we've heard a lot about the drug hydroxychloroquine.
It is called hydroxy... Chloroquine.
If you'd like.
Yes, try it if you like it.
And if you're worried about the side effects, just remember, Donald Trump is a doctor.
I'm not a doctor.
Okay, my mistake.
How do you calibrate being enthusiastic and not playing doctor?
Because I want people to live.
And I'm seeing people dying.
And I've seen people that are going to die without it.
We've got the treatment.
We're gonna cure it.
We're gonna... What?
He was making that stuff?
I feel good about it.
Turns out, actual doctors do not suggest taking hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 because there is no evidence yet to suggest it protects against the virus.
I don't think we can definitively say it works.
Not only was Fauci mocking President Trump for talking about it, but you had Governor Whitmer in Michigan threatening physicians, I'll take your license if you prescribe hydroxychloroquine.
And telling pharmacists, don't fill any prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine.
And while many on the left are using the coronavirus outbreak to attack President Trump, one Democrat state lawmaker is crediting him with saving her life.
If President Trump had not talked about this, it would not be something that's accessible for anyone to be able to get that right now.
Because I did have a difficult time even that day obtaining the medication because of an order that was put down in my state.
It saved my life.
I want to tell you about a 96-year-old man in Florida who said one night, I don't think I'm going to make it.
I feel very weak.
The end is coming.
I'm short of breath.
I'm coughing.
I can't get up from the couch.
The next day, he was on hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics per his cardiologist.
He got up the next day.
He was fine.
This man is my father.
Why is any network running these press conferences where he keeps talking about
An unproven drug that might work for malaria, might work for lupus, doesn't work for this.
A lot of people would say, follow the money.
There's got to be some sort of financial tie to someone somewhere that has the president pushing this repeatedly.
Turns out he has a financial stake in the company that makes the drug.
Of course he does.
The press, honestly, is out of control.
The level of dishonesty is out of control.
If Trump is for it, they're against it.
Even if it might save American lives, what reactive children they are.
He's not, he's not, we don't want a drug pusher for president.
He's gotta stop.
Gene Robinson, you write in the Washington Post, the one word that proves why President Trump should not be president, what is it?
Experts say there isn't enough clinical data to show it's effective for coronavirus, and it has some serious side effects.
The terrible publicity this drug has received just relentlessly over the past three weeks.
This is a crackpot cure.
This is snake oil.
We've got the treatment.
We're gonna cure it.
Do you think that has made physicians hesitant to try it as a therapy?
No, I think physicians go with what works.
And goadal evidence straight from patients' mouths are attesting to its success.
And here's what I consider to be the secret weapon.
I don't think we can definitively say it works.
We'll add my name to those personal accounts because I am feeling better.
You guys saved my life.
I will now be dead.
If I could cover my face with my hands, I would.
You're prescribing it, and it is working for COVID-19 patients.
Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill, and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free.
And so, clinically, I am seeing a resolution.
All right, Dara McBrain.
Just posted that video minutes ago to NewsWars.com, Infowars.com, and Bandai Video.
But when I sit there, thank you for the coffee, when I sit there and I watch something like that, it doesn't make me laugh.
It makes me want to tear people's heads off.
Because they have all these studies on coronaviruses and SARS before with the damn hydroxychloroquine.
It's like saying penicillin's good if you've got a bacterial infection.
It's known.
And it's already live at InfoWars.com.
I got a hydroxychloroquine shovel.
Dr. Trump to the rescue.
So Trump tries to give people hope five weeks ago.
And he goes, hey, people that get it early, they're doing great.
And then he learns, oh, you gotta have zinc too.
He says that.
They go, shut up!
And again, I keep harping on this.
I've got hundreds of articles, incredible videos, huge breaking news from Fort Hood.
Just stuff that pisses me off, and I'm being honest.
It's manly to get mad, but it's also manly to be able to control yourself.
And I'm really trying.
The crew's great putting up with me.
But everybody I know, men and women, every race, color, and creed, are just like, we want to go to war.
That's why folks are burning down the cell towers.
And I'm not saying go out and do that.
You need to expose it politically.
You need to sue these jerks.
That costs way more than their stupid cell tower.
That technology's super cheap.
One of those damned... The tower costs 20 times what the stupid microwave oven... I mean, you know microwave ovens are cheap, folks.
That's all those are, is big-ass microwave ovens.
Hanging up there, cooking you and your babies.
Well, the studies only show a 35% increase in brain tumors.
So, I've got a lot to cover here.
And a lot to go over, but... People ask me how am I handling all this.
And it pisses me off.
We're all in this together.
That's why it's sick to ask me how I'm handling it.
Do you understand you're the target of this, folks?
I'm pro-human!
I'm not signing on with a bunch of creepy fellow humans that are out to screw over humanity and merge with machines and and because some dark force told them to.
I mean I'm not like jumping off cliffs either.
I mean this is you know for me this is a no-brainer.
And that's why I'll say this a trillion times before I die hopefully.
I've already said it probably 5,000 times.
It's sick
To call into the broadcast and tell me how great I am, and tell me the great job I'm doing, when all I'm doing is treading water in a sea of evil.
What, I want to live?
That's heroic?
What the hell are you talking about?
I love you to death.
I just want you to get your mind wrapped around the fact that this is hitting everybody.
The GMO, the vaccines, the fluoride water, the damn electromagnetic assault we're under.
And I just want to fight.
I want to win.
My cells do.
My cells are mad at me.
So you're calling and telling me I'm doing a great job and the drill sergeant is screaming at me to kill the globalist politically?
And so that's why I have to go off air sometimes now because I don't want to do that on air.
I don't want to blow up like that.
I just swear on the altar of God that we are going to destroy these people and they need to be destroyed.
These bullies.
These baby killers.
I can't wait.
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As predicted, the human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
The LA Times, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine all reported years ago that major studies show 5G caused increased cancer in rats.
It's a fact.
5G is just a later generation of systems that are on record for more than 70 years to cause cancer.
They rub the DNA molecules together.
They are microwaves.
Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G, even if you don't connect it to coronavirus.
They're banning it.
But the studies do show that 5G lowers your immunity to viruses, period.
They're peer-reviewed journals.
We're showing these documents on air, and the globalists can go to hell.
The human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
We're not troglodytes afraid of technology.
We don't like technology with Trojan horse anti-human crap in it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I said I'd take calls on this Friday edition, but it got lost in the wind.
We've got Dr. Nick Baggage taking over next hour.
And I look at the news coming in.
Every one of these stories certifies and confirms our worst nightmares.
We're deep inside the New World Order now.
But we're full-grown adults.
We're not some baby in the womb getting chopped up, getting our brains sucked out.
Maybe I should just read these headlines.
We have big breaking news out of Texas.
And I've got the crew posting on Infowars.com right now.
Do you like being held hostage?
That's the question I'm going to ask everybody because that's what this is.
And they've taken
The weaponized common cold.
And they added everybody else that dies of the common cold.
Everybody else that dies of the flu.
By the way, I looked it up.
In the last five weeks, no one has been added to the CDC number of people that died from the flu.
They normally you're just die of old age, you just say the flu did it.
They're all just boosting those numbers.
Because they said, if you don't let us have Marshall Watt, it'll be up here.
If you do let us have martial law, it'll be down about half, but in a sense, it's just this tiny little thing.
So they're just putting every death they can there.
Get it up, God!
Scare them, good Lord!
But it's not working!
But the companies are all making their employees do it.
I'm not gonna get into it, but... They had an air conditioning guy here doing air conditioning repair today.
I guess I am gonna get into it.
And he's on top of the roof with a face mask on.
And I asked him about it, and it's just the company told him to do it.
I get it, but see, it's like Halloween now is like year-round.
You just, everybody gets into it.
And like I told you, I go to the park, I go to the, they've shut down most of those around the world.
I go to the, they're totally closing them in Austin.
And I go to the park, and people will be like 20 feet, 30 feet, 50 feet away.
They'll just still, oh!
It's like a little fun, like being scared is cool.
Being hysterical is fun.
I've got Day of the Dead-level footage for ya.
I mean, I got it up one side and down the other, and I know you can all go see it.
Hell, your damn Twitter feed's full of it.
But just to watch humanity on its knees, begging and being so scared of their own shadow... Do you know that people that act like cowards... ...get enslaved?
If you go out in San Diego on a raft and you start cutting yourself and put your hand in the water, there might be only 20 shark attacks a year off that coast, but you're about to be one of them.
It's called blood in the water.
And all this behavior, you like to be scared?
You're going to be real scared.
But see, you're going to get those vaccines, and then all of a sudden you're going to feel lumps all over your body.
You're going to have lymphatic cancer.
That's what they give you.
And you're going to get, uh, blood cancer.
And, you just, you just, oh, oh, oh.
And it's the loving doctor, and, oh, I'm going to help you, oh, libido, oh.
And they're going to get you and take you in.
They're going to hit you with radiation and bug poison that's costing like 30 cents a package and charge you $1,000 per pill.
And you're going to crap everything out.
They're going to turn your immune system off.
And they're going to cut you up.
You'll maybe live five years longer.
And then they're going to die from the cancer that you get from the chemotherapy.
So, but it'll be okay though, because you'll be strong, and there'll be a run, you'll be there in your wheelchair, and the runner's like, oh, we're raising money for you, oh!
But they're never going to find out why they're doing it to you.
Oh, you're so brave.
You've got breast cancer, honey.
But a lot of brave women have fought it.
We're going to suck about 100 grand out of you.
They're not going to tell you that breast cancer didn't exist until toxins and glyphosates.
I mean, it was like super rare, but now it's like, I've got a cancer.
You've got a cancer.
Wouldn't you like to have cancer too?
And Bill Gates is a little satanic elf.
And Tim Cook's like, oh, oh.
So, they were in like uniforms with iron crosses and tanks attacking.
You'd fight them, but like, but because they're like, oh, hi, I'm Bill Gates.
Let's kill old people.
Oh, oh, and let's take shots.
Oh, I'm your boss now.
Oh, you know, I've got a microchip for you.
And here's what's sick about it.
Metaphysically, when we act like this, we let Gates take over and he then is the executor.
See, he understands metaphysically, because he gets off on it, that when you give him power over you and you let him play these games, he is then allowed to come in to judge you.
Because when you don't stand up for the babies they're killing, and you don't stand up for the kids they're pedophiling, and you don't stand up against all the other things that are happening to you, and the electromagnetic radiation and everything, God goes, well, I'm not gonna just let this happen to innocents and little kids.
I'm gonna let the devil kill all of you.
And God's like, here's the Holy Spirit, please stop, please stop, please, I don't want, okay, okay, all right, I'm not protecting you anymore.
Gate goes up.
Globalist rancor attacks.
And it's like clockwork.
So, I don't like Bill Gates, but the public going along with this, those of you that are, I'm not going to eat popcorn while you're dying of cancer, but I will eat popcorn when I'm dying of cancer because I deserve it.
But see, that pain and will, because God balances accounts out.
It's all mathematics.
And so, oh, I've got a lot more pain to atone for what I've done.
So I'm not a masochist either.
I don't like pain, but I really like pain.
Because I need to pay.
And all of you that try to escape pain, you're gonna pay way worse.
So let me just tell Bill Gates and all of them something.
Let me prophesy this, because God said it.
Nothing you've built will stay in place.
It'll all be overturned.
And Bill Gates will die an agonizing, slow death of his own doing.
When he gets heart transplants and brain fusions and he wanted to be himself, he'll be dead long before his body's gone.
Bill Gates is a walking toilet that demons take craps in.
And so we don't take pleasure in his destruction.
I mean, I'd say it's like stepping on a cockroach, but cockroaches serve a purpose.
So I could sit here all day and talk.
I just, I don't know what to say anymore.
Listen, all of you that like death and like killing babies and think it's all cute, you're going to get a front row seat to your own brain surgery.
And the people that are going to be conducting it are not very nice.
I'm just here saying, talk to signposts like, this way death, this way life.
And I'm just sitting there watching people go down this path and I'm like, okay.
Because I've been down that path.
I've seen where that goes.
And it's so horrible that I cannot believe that people think it's okay.
Or other people think it's heroic not to want to go down the road.
No, it's not heroic.
It's called having a soul.
Hell awaits, my friends.
Hell awaits.
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I'm here to tell you I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people and I've been fighting them for 13 years and I'll never stop while I'm drawing breath!
For 26 years, Alex Jones and Infowars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide, waking people up to the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the American Deep State, the rise of Communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
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Keep fighting out, you gladiator.
Since the invention and deployment of radar during World War II, scientists have noted increased cancers and other health problems with those who were close to the devices.
That's where they're really high-powered.
If you're a quarter mile from a cell tower, there's not any real high-powered radiation hitting you.
But if you're a couple hundred feet away,
They got fences around them with skull and crossbones on them for a reason.
It says it can hurt you.
So, now with 5G that's even stronger, these systems are literally above the streets, just 20 or 30 feet from people's heads, from their genitals, from their bodies.
People are burning them down and attacking them all over the world now.
I'm saying don't do that.
Use information warfare.
Use the truth to expose it and sue local governments and others until they remove them.
That's the way to deal with this, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action in the information war.
But I gotta tell you, I can't blame the people that are doing it because they're under assault.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel the Republican and Democrat conventions, maybe cancel the election a year like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want us to spend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and re-elect Trump 2020.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You keep saying you got something for me.
From the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You keep saying you got something for me.
But confess.
Mad scientist.
Because we don't block them from doing all the cloning and genetic engineering.
They go and they do it.
And then they try to take over.
Because we didn't stand in their way.
Shouldn't have been doing it.
Shouldn't have been messing where they were messing.
Okay, well, one of our crew members has a fellow we work with that's out of Fort Hood.
And he gave us a call about an hour ago and he said, yeah, they're on the news saying, do not leave the county and do not come into the county.
And I said, well, call the show and talk about it.
He said, well, just here's the news articles.
It's actually a TV news piece that we'll have for you coming up when Owen Schroeder does the war room.
Let's get that video.
But here it is.
Another Central Texas County issue stay-at-home order and it says it also bars non-residents from entering the county except for those people working in the county under the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's list of essential critical infrastructure services and those individuals seeking emergency medical treatment.
Now that's martial law.
But the media takes it one step further and is telling everybody, just don't go out, period.
And California is set to announce as soon as Trump tries to open the economy up, they're going to announce don't even leave your house for groceries.
To create total hysteria and to create civil unrest.
And civil unrest will tank the stock market so bad.
And that's the plan.
So, Texas counties declare martial law, take the leftist bait to kill the economy.
That's the headline that's going up on InfoWars.com right now.
Now, I've got hundreds of incredible stories, dozens of amazing videos.
But you know, I'm not just here to entertain people, and I know you're not here for that.
It's almost sick to air clips of America and all our hard-fought freedoms being slowly torn limb from limb.
It's gratuitous at a certain point.
So let me just state the basic facts.
All over the United States, God, they're playing with the clips now.
They are dragging people savagely
In Philadelphia and other areas, off of buses and physically attacking them in a virtue signal to show how they are fighting tyranny of the virus.
Yeah, let's just play this from the beginning.
Philadelphia man dragged off bus by police for not wearing face mask.
Meanwhile, the cop can't breathe through his face mask, so they've all got their noses out.
It's all virtue signaling.
Because they told everybody you're a hero if you wear a mask.
Well... Yeah, start it over.
Show the video.
They all called the police on him.
As if that protects anybody.
And again, this has got custody totally cut out.
The point is, is that they always knew the virus wasn't going to kill that many people.
But they knew to make it man-made to make the U.S.
government freak out and actually be scared of it.
And then, when it's
Doesn't kill a bunch of people.
They say, oh, the lockdown did that, but it's so way below.
Like they said, well, this is the graph.
Millions dead, two plus million dead, but only 200,000 died.
We do what we said, but it's actually way down here.
Let's put up the maps here of what the U.N., because they're our boss, you know, they tell us what's new.
Let's put the U.N., the U.N.
graph of how many have died in America.
Total deaths worldwide, 100,376.
And, you know, I felt really guilty last night.
I got home from work about 8 o'clock, and I went, oh, I didn't tell Marcos Morales, that was editing the live show down to pieces, the names of the videos.
And I went and looked at the names.
He had some good names.
I felt guilty because it was really a powerful piece we did at the start of the second hour, where I showed AP Reuters all of them saying 2 billion people are becoming poor, half a billion are becoming destitute, and they estimate 2 million of those will starve to death by the end of 2020.
That was the Associated Press saying that.
See, there's not the drama.
The media didn't say those two million, they're going to starve to death.
Little babies and mothers and fathers and old people.
There's nothing sexy about a mask or sashaying around all scared like, oh, you know, in our first world decadence.
Like two million, we're kind of like, yeah, just kill those brown people.
Two million, the UN say, are going to starve to death this year.
It's 189 million since 1990 in their own numbers.
Yeah, just an extra two.
But see, those two million dead need to die to save the earth.
And Fauci's not going to personalize them.
He's not going to talk about how the economy's shutting down here.
You just deplete your bank account.
Gotta borrow money from your parents.
But for somebody in Africa or poor areas of Latin America or Asia, you don't get any food, you shrivel up, you die, and they just throw your ass in a crematorium.
But see, it doesn't matter because it's...
Just like men in Dracula outfits and the children come in crying and Fox News in Houston goes, gotta get them while they're young and they laugh as kids crying are put on the laps of pedophiles.
Because those talk show hosts know when they do that, they keep their job.
And their boss comes in and says, good job, Bob.
Good job, Bill.
Good job, Karen.
You're really toeing the line.
You're a team player.
You let a fat, convicted pedophile take a little girl crying with her sick, pedophile, worshipping mother.
They even ride horsey in the videos I've shown you and men with huge ding-dongs with glitter all over them you know just like just it's like little kids like do they come to me this is just nothing you won't put up with there's nothing you won't do all they shark out on your kids and it's because the dam collapsed
That's what the feds are like.
These criminals that interface in the program.
They go, you know, Jones, one day we'll get you in prison and we're going to have you killed in there.
So you're going to get raped in prison, Jones.
You think you're so tough.
You think if I'm in prison and somebody's raping me,
That you've beaten me.
You think that scares me?
I'm scared because I've seen where you're going.
I don't want to be with you for eternity.
Believe me.
Rape away, man.
They'll be real quick and real easy.
Because I've been in extreme pain.
And it's easy to deal with.
If it's the ticket to get away from you, then double down, baby.
God and and and the the fact that you lift your lips at salon and at HBO and promote pedophilia and that then you think I'm like you you think I'm scared of you
My instinct is to do really bad things to the globalists, but God has set the comforter in spite.
Son, don't you worry.
You can't imagine what these people are going to be put through because they chose it.
God doesn't torture these people.
God removes his protection.
But there's really no pleasure in knowing the eternities of agonizing torture they're going to go through.
Because that doesn't protect the innocents.
And so that's why we've got to do this now.
I don't tend to plug the products when we're under attack.
But that's how we stay in the fight.
Get products you need.
Energize the war.
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They began studying this effect in published trials, and decades later, we now have the fruit of this research, a fast-acting, chewable tablet that helps alleviate seasonal distress symptoms.
It's incontrovertible.
Humanity is dying.
Every metric, every gauge we have shows that we're living shorter lives, we are diseased, our IQs are plunging, and we're ugly.
We're falling apart.
Big Pharma and the entire loveless operation is a kill grid.
And the studies are clear.
The average person is in a dreamlike state, a near dreamlike daydream.
World program of the flicker rates of the televisions and all the screens.
We are in a trance.
And now they're turning up the power of the ambient electromagnetic radiation, which again, all the studies conclusively show cause massive cancer and destroy your immune system and push viruses across cell membrane.
We are being murdered.
And I'm going to tell you, it's very sophisticated and looks non-human.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When the levy breaks, the heads of God's little people have no place to stand.
And the hedge is going down.
It's going down.
It's going down now.
It's going to go down in Dallas.
It's going to go down in New York.
In Miami.
In Los Angeles.
In Albuquerque.
In Seattle.
In Omaha.
It's going down.
It's going down.
It's going down.
Just like those of us who are already jacked
Going down now.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Moments, because the decadence is over.
Now the fight is here.
If it keeps on raining, love is gonna break.
Listen to this.
It keeps on raining.
Keep killing babies, man.
God's love's gonna break.
The levee's gonna break.
That's right.
The levee breaks.
Now it's time to kill.
I'm not scared of that.
God, get high as a kite.
So easy.
Killing people's easier than putting your boots on, let me tell you.
What's hard is building a family and growing crops and working hard, being strong, being a good person.
But you know what?
That's what fulfills you.
Killing doesn't fulfill you.
It might fulfill you for five minutes.
But it's not going to fulfill your soul.
Like that big, cool drink of water, even in the Sahara Desert.
Running the course.
Defeating the evil.
That's going to fulfill us.
Dr. Nick Baggage is about to take over.
I can tell you this though, all I want to do is stay in this fight.
And I see so many good men and women of every race, color and creed who bleed red blood or are humans, who've been attacked by this and who've been made to where you don't realize your destiny and the spark of humanity you have and what it is you can do and your potential.
Donnie was right that in each of us is a seed of the universe, but you have to plant that seed, you have to water that seed, you have to commit to that, and you have to not care what slaves of the system say to you when they try to intimidate you and try to laugh at you and try to make you feel like you're failing.
That is the corrupt system dying.
Those attempts to oppress you and control you and lie to you is the system failing.
It knows we love each other.
It knows we're coming together.
It knows we have a fabulous world and things we can do that are so amazing.
We've just begun to discover our power and it doesn't want you to have that.
It wants to steal that and capture your soul and use it because it's not creative.
The spirit of the
New World Order is not creative.
It needs to capture you and make you beg it and plead so that you can even be on its platform and show your creativity and then it sits in judgment like a satanic American idol and tells you how good you are because you've served it and you bow to it when it couldn't produce one original thought in the universe.
Innovation and courage.
And the exercise of will and learning to be attacked and learning to not submit to that is what makes us grow.
Dr. Nick Baggett, your real trailblazer, is about to take over.
I hope you join me for the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m., and I hope you realize the only reason we're still on air is because of you.
And I really appreciate you keeping me in the fight.
From the bottom of my heart.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
I just want to stay in this fight.
What's amazing about the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, is that even though it's 240 years old,
It's more pertinent and more powerful today than it's ever been.
We look at the huge AI takeover and total surveillance of our lives.
And the tyranny that comes with it, the oppression.
And it's all linked to not having due process and not having a fourth amendment against being illegally surveilled.
It's all predicated on having no privacy.
If we simply embrace the Bill of Rights and Constitution and enforce that against big tech, they would never get away with this.
But because we're not enforcing our Bill of Rights and Constitution based in common sense, the bottom has fallen out and the sky is just the beginning.
It's certainly not the limit.
That's why we're rediscovering what made America great and what the Renaissance is all about.
True human empowerment.
It begins at InfoWars.com.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back.
You know, I appreciate the Friday afternoons, especially these days.
And, you know, I'm kind of picking up where Alex left off today, you know, talking about how fear is used.
And I know I harp on this a little bit.
Pardon the pun, for those that know my work.
But hey, think about this.
For the last several years, I've been talking about this as one of my main thrusts underlying my discussion of technology or politics or science or world affairs on any level.
It's because fear, as a driver, I know, is so, so destructive.
To ourselves and then what what comes of it beyond the initial response of lighter fight that gets our attention, which you know, I mean we hear about this and I know Mike Adams talked about this a little bit.
In terms of how that kicks in, and when you think about what we're facing today, courage is the currency of the 21st century.
Courage, fearlessness, recognizing what we are, who we are, and where we come from, allows us that.
In fact, it's like the free gift of that.
When you know that this dimension is very limited, you know, physical time and space as we occupy this body, this carrier with the soul, with the spirit.
This is what many don't recognize as fundamental.
So they become very fearful of the losses associated with that which they identify with.
Which fundamentally begins with the body.
You know, this carcass that we carry around, of which, if you're my age, in your 60s, you don't have one single solitary cell you were born with.
So I assure you, the physical form is an aspect, but it's not you.
You know?
Okay, when you're born, you come into this world, and everyone starts telling you what you are, and programming you
With what you are.
This is your parent's job.
We can call it programming, we can call it teaching, we can call it education.
We can give it a lot of words to give the same meaning.
And this is what's really important here is, what is the meaning of words when you hear the globalists talk?
And you listen carefully, not just to the words they say and what they represent, but the framework that they're hung on.
And it is, in fact, a framework of fear.
It requires fear to fuel their makers, because that's how they move the herd, how they get people to respond in mass the most rapidly.
There was a book, I reference it every once in a while, and I had to pull it again and look at it, and I didn't realize it was quite as old as it is, but it's from 1841.
You know, it tells you something about
We're good to go.
Things that later were proven to be nonsense.
And I'm not saying that this will be proven to be nonsense, necessarily.
But I can tell you that everybody interested in moving the herd has taken the opportunity to do so.
And so some want to cloak that under conspiracies or plans and some will deal with it otherwise.
But here's the reality of it all.
Everyone takes advantage of opportunity and crisis breeds, unfortunately, opportunity for both bad actors and good actors, I suppose, because everyone sees this as a time when big solutions are needed and maybe big solutions will happen and not incrementally.
But this is where you need to pay attention on the peripheral.
If you look at your daily newspaper, it's dominated by virus news, but everything else has been forgotten.
And if you remember just before this happened, we had California burning down, Australia burning down.
We had famine in the Middle East and North Africa because of locusts.
We had, you know, all these disasters.
We had World War III.
We're standing on the edge of World War III and all this is like forgotten.
Like it just disappeared, evaporated off the face of the earth?
No, we're not paying attention.
Pay attention!
One of the secrets of life, stay calm, pay attention, and use your peripheral vision, what's going on on the sidelines.
Because on the sidelines, often, is where the real action is.
I come from a political family, many of you know this, and often what happens in these events is every party looks for a way to push their agenda forward.
So you gotta pay attention, doesn't mean that it will be bad, doesn't mean that it will be good, but it means that we, as a democratic republic,
And those of us who recognize we are the government need to pay attention.
So pay attention.
You know, when I think about some of the dialogues that I've witnessed recently, you know, you talk about the mind control agenda, the idea of moving people, manipulating people with the ultimate in the propaganda machine, the technology that allows you to literally manipulate brain activity grossly and overtly.
From reading your thoughts in finer and finer detail,
From a distance, knowing whether you experience fear or joy or happiness at a given moment.
This can be deduced easily nowadays.
More complex thinking takes a little bit more computing power, a lot more computing power, but it is here and quickly arriving.
Okay, so this is the full side of what human nature can be.
Augmented humanity, if you will, is what we do.
Whether it's a paddle for a boat, that's augmented reality too, right?
I mean, because that's not us, it's using a tool.
But these tools that penetrate our minds, our consciousness, our awareness, these are either tools or they're the bullets to shoot us with.
Think about it this way, that same paddle that you're rowing that boat with, you can take it and beat someone to death with it, right?
So is it a paddle or is it a club?
Again, we're talking about words here.
What do words mean?
Words behind them is intention.
This is the important ingredient, ladies and gentlemen.
You've got to get through.
That's called discernment.
Screening through the words to get to the root of their intention so you can discern the spirit of the words and what is coming out of that living soul so you can interpret
Those words, in the context of your living experience.
And then you, as an independent living soul, get to make judgment, decisions, choices.
Those are what make you unique.
And the first choice is to maintain control of oneself.
And the second choice is to use that carrier, to use that self, to carry on a vision of truth.
That recognizes the divinity of every living soul.
That isn't there to destroy and tear up and rip apart, but to build, to recognize, to enlighten, to invigorate, to bring out of each of us the very best possibilities that we are.
That is the highest calling.
The recognition that the highest form of love is friendship,
And relationship, and the things that unite us and bring us together.
When two or more gather together, the resonance, the power involved in that, multiplies dramatically.
I was talking about this last week in the broadcast a little bit.
We even did a group prayer, if you will, talking about that in the context of quantum physics and how it really works.
So people who don't have a religious understanding can at least start to grasp that we are more than this carrier, and perhaps let go of a bit of fear and begin to seek, look, seek, and you shall find the truth of what it is that you need to know.
I believe that absolutely, but I believe that each of us is a powerful source of inspiration to everyone around us if we recognize it.
Even the simplest of things, mood,
We're good.
And today it went in a bit of a different direction, but I think an important thing for this hour, for this moment, for this time, is to recognize the potency of what we are, and not let these globalists tell us how insignificant we are, how we are dust at their feet, because we are not.
We are the tip of the spear, and you're in this war with us.
This is the InfoWars.
This is Dr. Nick Bate, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Vagic.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back.
You know, people always ask, you know, how can you be smiling at a time like this?
You know, and I can't help.
And I want to talk about that for just a second.
And really, kind of my approach to a lot of this is, first, I want to say, I'm really grateful.
I live in a state of gratefulness, if you will, for having the opportunity and really the privilege and responsibility
We're good.
Reading, studying, taking in information.
And I use a lot of different sources and one of them I want to mention because it goes back to my very, very beginnings 25 years ago.
And this one became one of the alternate news feeds.
I mean, people know about Zero Edge and they know about Drudge.
And of course, everyone who's listening knows about InfoWars.
But one of the other other news sources out there is Nexus News Feed, which is
Operated by Duncan Rhodes and it's an alternative news source.
It covers 15 or 16 areas, everything politics, weird esoteric stuff, you know, the brain, the latest stuff and mind effects.
I mean, it's like all the conspiracy stuff also, you know, so all those things before they become reality when they're still being titled conspiracy shows up there.
But it's a great news feed for general information.
Like everything, you know, look at each article because there are a lot of different sources there because it's an aggregator.
They're grabbing stuff from all over the world and shoving it into one place so people can get it in one place, like what Zero Hedge does with their news feeds and what.
Drudge does and what InfoWars does.
We gather data and make it available.
So, Nexus News Feed, I encourage you to take a look at that.
I'm plugging them instead of me this week.
I really appreciate what they've done for me and publicizing my work, like what InfoWars does for all of us.
And, you know, InfoWarsStore.com is the source that keeps us going, you know.
And I do this voluntarily, as a volunteer effort.
This is what I consider my public service work.
This work, because this is really fundamental to who we are, informing the public.
So I do this, I make my living elsewhere, which is great.
It allows me to do this.
But what it also is, is a big responsibility.
And the responsibility I don't take with a heavy heart.
I take it very deeply, but not in that sense of stress, but in a sense of gratitude and joy, because I know that an informed public
into a unit, and we don't let one dominate and the other be silent.
This is not how we were created.
And this is one of the secrets, ladies and gentlemen, of how New World Order structures use fear.
Because when you engage fear, what happens is the right side of the brain is engaged, and it shuts down a bit of the function of the logical, reasoning, rational side.
What you need is these two in harmony, so the emotional drives the intellect, rather than the other way around.
And this is important, because we're meant to be whole human beings, not fragmented by one side of the brain or the other.
So much of our education system, so much of what comes at us, is designed to trigger one side or the other, and to really separate us internally, okay?
Because when we're born, we have a very balanced system, more balanced than as we age, and as the layering of experience, or what we call education,
For programming, or whatever words you want to use again for those words that are important, for structuring what happens then.
And so as you layer it up, the brain separates in terms of where your focus is.
And what that does is fragment you as a human being and begin to break down what you are as a human being.
So part of the mission is, and you can read it, right?
Be as little children.
What does that really mean?
You know, you need to contemplate these words on the framework of what we now know.
And what we know is those word symbols from way in the past are valid.
They operate under rules and laws that we just didn't understand then, that we have a greater understanding now, but that does not make us all wise.
In fact, that's where we've got to really scrutinize.
You know, and really smart people
Sometimes get lost on the intellectual side and they lose their connection.
And that emotional side also connects the heart, what we call the heart, whatever that really means.
And it's the way we express ourselves in the world, how we create.
Why is creation so valued?
Because this is the essence of what we are as both created human beings and co-creators, as created human beings.
And what the physics shows us, if you look back on last week's segment, I want to reiterate all that.
And so this is all important structurally to be a prepared human being.
And right now, while we're all sitting at home with our wives, with our children, with the people that we care about, that we have a relationship with, our deepest relationships, we can reform those.
And at the same time, we can look within ourselves and sort of reset the clock, breaking sort of the veil
of the propaganda that surrounds us in our daily life.
As our routines are broken, it provides also this opportunity for self-reflection, change, recognitions, that we can then talk to our family, engage those that are important to us, so that we can then, coming out of this, we are the warriors.
But we're coming out of our training opportunities because now we can focus a little bit.
If we can just let go of the fear long enough to cultivate who we individually are, to begin to recognize and go back to our root of who we are, so we can reclaim that root and express ourselves as created living beings in what we do each day individually and recognizing a couple of things.
Faith is a simple thing.
It's acting on what you know to be right and true.
What you absolutely can believe in.
It's as simple as that.
And here's where people get confused.
You know, they go,
I can't have faith to do this or that because it's too big.
Well, don't do that!
That's not faith, that's hope.
You can have hope, but then you do what you can do, which is faith.
You know, teaching is part of what happens on InfoWars.
It's not just information, but we're trying to provide a context for what do we do with it, you know, in a sensible way, so we just don't get more jacked up like everybody else.
No, we gotta
Jack into ourselves a little bit and disconnect a little bit from the electronic gulag that we're all in, whether we recognize it or not.
You're in it.
You're in that gulag already because of the way the system has imprisoned us, not just in our homes, which metaphorically you can have the walls broken down.
But as long as every move you make, every step you take, every breath you take and everything you do and every movement and everyone you're close to and every time you cross paths with an electronic device, it's recorded and
This is the pulse reality.
This is the Antichrist.
We're in the 21st century.
Time to wake up.
America, this is the InfoWars.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
And welcome back!
And you know, when I think about all this, you know, is it matters, you know, it matters what we do.
It matters every day.
And every one of us is significant, whether we know it or not.
Let me tell you something about that, because everyone thinks, you know, I was talking to a friend of mine.
And he's a great artist.
He's really well known artist.
I'm talking to him on the phone and he goes, well, Nick, he goes, I can't believe I can just talk to you on the phone.
And I said, you know, I'm just like you.
And people forget this.
You know, they they hold some of us because we're out in front a little bit in this weird kind of place that makes me at least really uncomfortable, you know, because here's what I know.
I get to do this.
But what I know is it's not what I'm doing that matters.
It's what you're doing that matters.
What Alex was saying before.
And this is the fundamental thing that unites the entire team at InfoWars.
Because at the end of the day, it's about empowering you.
You see?
Because if you're not empowered, then none of this matters.
If you guys don't
Act on what you know to be right and true.
And I'm not saying, please, please, no violent acts, because that isn't going to get us there.
It's just going to perpetuate the same problems and give people an excuse to lock it down tighter.
So we have to do it a different way.
And that's the challenge of the 21st century.
That's our challenge.
And people ask me in terms of the spiritual side of my life.
Everyone's waiting for me to declare who I am in terms of my religious background.
And you know what?
I'm not going to do it for you.
You can't tell by the fruits of who I am who I am and what I'm doing.
You never will.
And I'm not going to do that any more than Thomas Jefferson did.
You ever read the Jefferson Bible?
I recommend it.
What he did is just take all the highlighted portions of what Christ said, and that was his sort of condensed version of what was important to remember.
And I like that approach, quite frankly.
And this was a man who declared religious freedom as fundamental to who we are.
And why did he do that?
Because people evolve, learn.
And I'm not talking about evolving like from an ape.
I'm talking about individually.
When we're born, we begin to learn and we have to discern.
And sometimes in our life, we have to come to a decision point about what we believe, what's real.
And I came to mind a long time ago, and those that know me know.
And here's what I know about that.
It's tough if you've got to really work an overdrive brain to get there, but when you do, it's a powerful thing.
And I believe in the inspired word.
And if you were listening to the last couple of sections, I came into this show with an idea of what I was going to do and didn't go that way.
It happens a lot.
Because I know what that is.
To express yourself through that
Way when the Holy Spirit descends on you and gives you those words in that moment, you just got to do it.
And it happens a lot with the other hosts as well.
We think we got to plan for the day and it just kind of gets sidelined.
And so, you know, that's part of it.
But why I bring all this up is because I want to emphasize something.
And I've used this example often, where you could be walking down the street, maybe not so much anymore, maybe walking on the other side of the street from someone, and, you know, you acknowledge them.
And you know what?
That's happening a lot more as I walked around my neighborhood here in Alaska.
People are acknowledging each other.
Boy, isn't that a change?
Wouldn't that be nice to keep that change?
Where we can look into each other's eyes and see who's in there, you know, see beyond the shell and see a little bit of perhaps ourselves and the creation that we are in that other human being and maybe change the way that we run our game plan in terms of our lives in the future.
I think that's perhaps the greatest thing that may come out of this shared trauma of having our economy crunch.
And the New World Order jerking us around.
And so I want to shift a bit as I get into the rest of this segment into the next one, and talk about some of the things on a material, physical plane we're dealing with right now.
Because that's hurting a lot of people right now.
And unemployment is projected to go to as high as 32%.
This is 7% more than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
We have no comprehension of this because there aren't very many people alive who remember the 1930s and what led up to it.
And what led up to it is the Roaring Twenties, or you could call it what we've been doing for the last 10 years in terms of the economy.
But it's a false economy.
It's based on the firehose approach of everybody's retirement money, 401ks, everything raw, traditionals, shoved into this firehose pointed at the stock market.
There's no place else to point it for the average person.
So what happens?
It's going to overheat every 10 to 12 years and be overfueled because it'll be overpriced because too much money is going in there.
And so then the globalists have a plan.
And anytime the opportunity
It presents itself, they've already put all their chips in place and so they just rake off all that productive wealth that everybody has created and steal it from you.
In these crashes of markets that are based on false money, false companies, false values, false fake everything, fake politics, fake news, fake
world around us, being engineered to push us around and move us around.
And this is what this pause in all of our lives might give us an opportunity to reflect on a little bit in terms of how we re-engage the world coming out of this with a little more vigor, a little more attention, and perhaps a little more focus and maybe a little more depth of humanity in all of this.
Because here's what also happens to politicians coming from three generations of politicians and statesmen, and there's a difference.
I can tell you, looking at the landscape,
They'll listen when the pitchforks are out.
And I'm not talking the violence of that.
Metaphorically, when the public pays attention and start to pull levers differently, things change.
And one of the things that every one of us can do, talking about pulling levers, because I know the next thing that comes up is, oh, they rigged the elections.
Paper ballots.
We use paper ballots.
I'm not talking punch holes.
Paper ink and paper ink, not pencils.
Ink and paper so you can recount.
Some things should never, ever, ever be automated and the voting booth is one of them.
And the tabulation of votes is one of them.
This is the only way we're going to have free and fair elections ever.
Sorry, I don't have a cough button.
But it is.
It's the only way.
When you look at it across the platforms of what's going on right now, fear is being injected.
Now, what is a big sideline agenda?
One that's been talked about on the broadcast by others, and I want to mention it again, digital currency.
And the whole thought of it was trying to slip it in, you know, under this last bill.
But the other place where it shows up,
Is the Bank of International Settlements.
Now, this is a consortium of 60 countries, 600 top banks in the world that sort of push policy.
And what they're pushing right now is this electronic currency for our own safety, of course.
And if you believe that, I've got a few bridges for sale in San Francisco.
But the point of the matter is, it's BS.
And we all know it's BS.
It's about control and manipulation.
Now, they're not the only group.
Now, you've got the U.N.
Calling for a global digital currency and everyone can join up and buy into this currency.
No way, ladies and gentlemen.
This is dangerous territory for the world and they're using this.
This will track everything you do.
This will create a false economy that's based on you signing up and being chipped and being controlled and being manipulated because you'll be talking about identification being bad and they can't prove it's you and you'll hear every manner of excuse for your own safety to strip away the last remnant of your humanity in the Gulag, the electronic concentration camp that we're sitting in.
And we've been boiled slowly like a frog in a pot.
The world is changing, ladies and gentlemen.
Be part of the change.
Be the tip of the sphere.
This is Dr. Nick Peggage.
Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact, but national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity covered it,
We're good to go.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel
The Republican and Democrat conventions maybe cancel the election a year, like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want us to spend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
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People are doing their own research and they're getting living defense at 40% off at FortWorthShore.com.
And we've got our great super blue toothpaste, the best seller for five years, with the nano silver, the tea tree, and the iodine.
It's selling out, still 50% off.
And the iodine's selling out, the X3, it's 60% off, because I want you to experience how amazing it is.
As predicted, the human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
The LA Times, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine all reported years ago that major studies show 5G caused increased cancer in rats.
It's a fact.
5G is just a later generation of systems that are on record for more than 70 years to cause cancer.
They rub the DNA molecules together.
They are microwaves.
Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G, even if you don't connect it to coronavirus.
They're banning it.
But the studies do show that 5G lowers your immunity to viruses, period.
There are peer-reviewed journals.
We're showing these documents on air, and the globalists can go to hell.
The human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
We're not troglodytes afraid of technology.
We don't like technology with Trojan horse anti-human crap in it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Venkich.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back, and I appreciate everyone on this Friday afternoon in Moe to the World and approaching the high noon hour here in Anchorage, Alaska, where I'm broadcasting today.
I want to thank everyone, too, out there in Austin on the team that keeps all this going and makes us look good no matter where we are in the world.
I appreciate those guys, and you can help them, too, by stepping up and looking at InfoWarsStore.com.
Take a look at that.
And support this network.
You know, you can look at my website, EarthPulse.com, but there's nothing for sale there.
I shut all that down.
My books and videos are only available in hard copy.
Through the InfoWars store.
So go there, check it out.
But if you want information, go to my website.
There's a lot of free stuff there.
A lot of information.
If there's stuff that I'm talking about that you want me to talk more about, send me an email at info at EarthPulse.com and I'll give it good consideration.
I want to switch up a little bit and try to get to what I was going to talk about today a little bit.
I was going to talk about oil because it's a big thing in our state, in our region, and it affects a lot of aspects of our economy.
And we're hearing a lot about the Russians and Saudis coming to some agreement to reduce, along with OPEC, OPEC Plus, which includes those that aren't members but participate in their meetings, reducing oil production by 10 million barrels a day, which has excited the market, except for one thing.
We're good to go.
Over supply, you have a on the production side, even with a 10 billion barrel a day cut.
It's not enough.
It's not going to make the difference, except in a very short perceptual time.
And what I mean by that is, again, talking about emotion and how people react.
People react.
Markets will react.
And then the brain will kick back in, and they will analyze the data, and they will go, oh, bad idea.
But the globalists already analyzed the data.
If you're watching CNN, Bloomberg, Fox News, you're too late.
You're about a month too late, or a year too late, or 10 years too late in some cases, as those of us who look at the alternative news feeds know.
So when you get the benefit of the Alex Jones and the all of the guys that work here in terms of production, you get the benefit of hundreds and hundreds of hours of condensation
To get information.
And then we challenge everyone, of course, to go look it up.
Go verify the sources.
Go look it up.
And if you've got a contrarian view, we want to hear it.
If it's backed up by real information, not just some emotional litter thrown around like garbage on the side of your house.
You know, this is junk.
You know, stick to what you know.
You know, during the break, I was talking to one of the guys in the control room.
We were talking about, you know, how does all this go, you know, and the effort is what's important.
I talked about intention and effort and, you know, as human beings, we're going to make mistakes.
We're going to screw it up.
But if your intentions are good, even in the screw ups, if you learn from them and you and you change, you change your choices.
The universe, God uses that anyway, makes it all work.
If your intention is to do the right thing and you do the wrong thing, fix it.
Take responsibility, fix it and move on.
You know, God doesn't burn you any more than you would
Or your two-year-old making a mistake and fix it and move on.
That's how God sees us.
At least that's what I believe.
Like, we're the two-year-old.
And we are.
I don't care how smart we are.
We're the two-year-old.
But our intention matters, our heart matters, and what we do matters.
And every single step each of us take matters.
You may be the one waving at the person across the street, as I started to say in the last segment.
And that person maybe was on their way to blow their brains out.
They were so depressed.
But you express some human emotion their way.
Connected to your intellect with an intention to say and mean it.
I know you.
You're a person.
You know that little thing that maybe diverted that person from killing themselves and maybe that's the person that cures cancer or does something really remarkable in life.
And then who's more responsible?
The guy who waved hello?
That diverted him from his path?
Or the one who made the cure?
I say they were equal in the Creator's universe of God.
They were equal.
They acted on what they knew to be right and true within their capacity, within their faith of knowing.
And they did something.
We all get to do that.
And what ripple in the pond we create, we do not know.
And we will not know until we make the leap to the other side.
And then we'll get the picture, maybe.
You know?
And you'll find out what you did that you didn't even know you did because you held that intention.
You held your heart clean.
You tried.
You made effort.
You corrected.
You self-corrected.
You self-navigated.
Your traumas you converted into the gold, into the scar tissue, the things that armored you for the next steps in life.
This is what it all boils down to, is it's the armoring of who we are.
And I was talking to the guys in the control room helping us today, you know, and I was talking about this in the context of, you know, it all looks so chaotic, right?
I mean, we look at it all and we see chaos, it's just craziness.
But if you can step back far enough, in science they'll teach you about fractals, these things that actually show pattern out of chaos.
You know, if you get far enough back, you can see the whole pattern.
I believe God sees the whole pattern.
Think about that.
So we see a bit, or we're lost in the fractal, or what we think is a hurricane, and we get lost in it.
Center of the storm.
You know, this is where the creation intends us to be, is in the center of the storm, as part of the creation process.
All of us, not some of us shoved off to be drones being replaced by robots.
Every single living soul has equal potential.
This is a big thing we talk a lot about in Footloose.
All the hosts talk about potential.
What can we do?
You can do that which you believe you can do and step into it and know that's faith.
And then you can hope for a bigger thing down the road.
That's hope.
Start to think about the word symbols.
Start to think about what you're hearing.
And then start to think about how does that resonate, connect with you on the intention level.
Do you feel it?
Do you know it?
That's called discernment.
Start to use it.
Use your discernment in analyzing the words.
Are they moving you emotionally, herding you along?
Are they challenging your intellect?
Are they bringing the intellect and the emotion together into one form that changes you, and then changes those around you, and then changes the world?
Because that's the answer.
It's not the herd mentality, it's individual sovereignty.
This is the opposite, you see, ladies and gentlemen, of what globalists are trying to drive us into, into this sense of squishy collectivism.
You know, where groupthink dominates everything.
Nobody will make a decision without a committee action.
This is not what we are.
We act on what we believe to be right and true.
We act in the spirit of creation, of God, of what we understand God to be.
Accept people where they are.
Think of what Christ did in his life.
Met people where they were.
Didn't judge them at that moment at all.
That was for another day.
Meet people where they are.
Recognize that people don't come to their realities randomly.
They do it by combining either their intellect or their emotion.
And talk, communicate, reach into each other and listen carefully to what constructs someone else's thought.
And then that will help you understand them as a human being and perhaps change the way you think.
Or perhaps you'll discover the missing links in the conversation where you can then inform and educate each other.
This is the change that I'm hoping for that comes out of this trauma that we're experiencing together in this day, in this age, in this century.
What I hope reships us, sets a new foundation in order as we battle what I call clearly that consciousness of the Antichrist, of that that destroys, that takes, that sucks the humanity out of each of us.
It's time to recognize that we are not that.
It is time to recognize that these things, these tools that are being misused against us need to be reclaimed in this century.
They need to be reoriented and the cameras turned in a different direction.
They need to be turned into the banks, into the governments, into the think tanks that would like to direct and tell us how to live.
That take away our individuality, that take away the essence of what we are as created souls.
It's time to reclaim our birthright as living, created beings, express our intention in the world, and change the world.
Change ourselves, change those around us, by informing, not dominating, not controlling, not manipulating.
This is the InfoWar, and you are the tip of the spear.