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Filename: 20200409_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 9, 2020
3177 lines.

In The Alex Jones Show, topics related to COVID-19 and its implications are discussed, including forced inoculations, hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, the dangers of 5G technology, and resistance against evil influences. An interview with David Icke covers theories about viruses being produced by mammals and animals to expel toxins, marking of the beast, and world government control through plantable chips. A segment on QAnon conspiracy theory features Uyghur activist Arslan Hidayat, who shares experiences of oppression by the Chinese government in East Turkestan (Chinese-occupied Xinjiang) and urges people to use social media for awareness and action against these actions.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, April 9th, the year is 2020.
We now have a crystal clear picture of exactly what's happening with the coronavirus and the global power grab and who is driving it.
This is from the Associated Press this morning from Governor Cuomo.
When will things go back to the way they were?
I don't think it's about going back.
I don't think it's ever going back.
Martial law forever, medical tyranny, and Bill and Melinda Gates have officially announced forced inoculations, breaking, breaking, forced inoculations to buy and sell and to leave your home.
The New World Order is now taking the mask off, is now throwing absolute tyranny in our face.
At the moment, in most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
The Anti-Covid-19 Volunteer Toronto Task Force.
Please maintain a social distance of at least six feet.
Again, please maintain social distance.
Please help stop the spread of this virus.
Reduce the death toll and save lives.
For your own safety and your family's safety, please maintain
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please remember to wash your hands often, stay home if you are sick, and practice good social separation of at least six feet when possible.
Loitering inside or outside of the store is strictly prohibited.
Thank you for choosing Walmart.
If you've observed recurring violations of the Safer at Home Order, please continue to let us know at coronavirus.lacity.org slash businessviolation.
You know the old expression about snitches.
Well, in this case, snitches get rewards.
We want to thank you for turning folks in and making sure we are all safe.
Recently, the county's public health officer issued an order expanding on the stay-at-home order given by Governor Newsom.
Among other things, this new order prohibits public and private gatherings of any size and requires all persons to wear coverings over their faces.
This is a valid order and enforceable by fine, imprisonment, or both.
The dystopia is real.
Its goals are your death.
This is the New World Order.
This is everything Impor has ever said, vindicated in royal thrush.
Spade on top of spade.
It's just as bad as I thought.
But to foresee something, see all the preparation, the eager globalists to really kick off the mass culling, it's one thing.
To watch it beta tested is horrific.
Millions did.
Nameless, never personalized.
Now they tell you to personalize each death.
Even though the World Health Organization itself
Admits that tens of millions starve to death a year, and that half a billion more people could starve to death in just the next few years because of the slowdown.
But those are billions that die so that thousands can live.
Yeah, that's a liberal.
But really, it's just old-fashioned eugenics.
Personalize the thousands, hundreds of millions die.
Globalist fuzzy map.
And I want to fight this and turn it around, that we will not have awakening and justice until we stop exterminating the unborn, and hell, the ones they're keeping alive after they're born and harvesting.
Just like the governor said, we keep them comfortable.
You heard the U.N.
say when they take your kids out of your family because they're not vaccinated?
We're going to do it very dignified, just like they keep those babies alive and suck their blood out.
Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact, but national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity covered it,
I don't know.
Appleway saying that we were putting out fake cures for staining hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and CPAC, when all we were doing was reporting what medical journals were saying.
Big Pharma and the globalists want you sick and dead, and they don't want you to boost your immune system.
Screw them!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the front lines of the global emergency transmission attempting to warn humanity before it's too late on the globalist plan for total absolute depopulation and the rise of their silicon AI gods.
That at least is the satanic delusion the technocrats who oversee the technocracy openly say they're following.
Over the
Two plus decades we've been on air.
Many times I've asked listeners, what would you call the Globals?
A death cult?
But really the best term for these kleptocrats, these Decepticons, is not elite.
Not even Alpha Maggot.
It's cancer.
It's a mutation.
Cancer in the body is a sin.
It's not following the code.
It rebels and for the time takes over but kills the host itself because it doesn't have a consciousness.
It only has a will to vandalize and overwrite.
And so really the best definition of this new world order is the cult.
The death cult.
That's who they are, it's what they like to do.
They've got all their reasons and excuses on the surface where they're protecting the earth and culling the overgrowth of the herd, trimming and pruning the trees, but they're poisoning the very roots of the tree itself and creating thickening fruit.
They're vandalizing the tree while they themselves eat at its heart.
So that it collapses into ruin and this planet never enters its real potential.
Which is a seed drifting through the universe set to create incredible waves of life and construction and consciousness.
But so many seeds float down from their creator
Into the darkness of this time-space ocean and are devoured or fall in infertile soil and die forgotten.
Their potential never even imagined consciously.
But we have entered the next phase.
We have seen the potentiality.
And we see those that stand at the gate, the portal of our ascension.
Greedily wishing to suppress the potential so that it be all theirs.
And in their lust and attempt to hoard the light and to block it out from us, they destroy themselves.
At the very same time, they attempt to tie us down and destroy us.
But they will only make us plunge through
The wall of fear they've created to suppress us, and staring into that abyss, we will not find destruction, but we will find Valhalla!
I am very frustrated, in a pregnant way.
In that the enemy's operations are so legion and so transparent and so open at this point that it really falls to the people to face the reality of what's staring them in the face
And to do something about it and to have respect for yourselves and to realize that that animating contest of liberty is what consciousness is all about and that it's not work.
That it is empowerment.
It is fulfillment.
It is exhilaration.
It is ecstasy.
I am in ecstasy.
Understanding the New World Order and what is beyond it, and escaping it.
I've already escaped it, spiritually.
But there is a nagging, bloody black hook in my soul, in my love for humanity, and seeing how many people are caught in this web of spiritual death.
And so, my ecstasy with God becomes a torture, because I know the truth, and I know what is available to everyone, but they are mesmerized and caught in a trance, and you're watching them, like in The Little Mermaid with Ursula.
About to sell her soul and her voice, and you see all the little souls tied down, shuttered, shadows of themselves, wraiths, begging her and screaming at her, but they don't have voices telling her, don't do it!
Don't make the deal!
There isn't a deal!
It's a fraud!
But she doesn't listen.
I didn't sell out, but I've been down in the grotto.
I've seen what they do to people that sell out.
The minute God is removed,
And the minute the Holy Spirit is gone and the devil knows he has you, then you find out you're a slave and you better go out and enslave as many people as you can for that spirit or it will destroy you and tie you down and torture you at that point.
And that's why these evil people are so driven to get children, and so driven to hurt innocents, and so driven to dominate knowledge, because they are captured.
You watch that footage of that man dressed in a vampire outfit, which they call a drag queen.
Everything's deception upon deception.
Vampire men in clown outfits coming to your children.
And she's simulating the murder, the vampire man of the baby and drinking the blood.
All these men and women are looking on like this is something powerful and this is something good.
And then you see the externalization of the Satanism all over Comedy Central, all over Viacom, all over HBO, all over Netflix with force-fed
Talking heads telling you, I killed my baby girl.
She had a future.
And I sat there with my boyfriend and we waited until I was eight months pregnant, because it turned us on to have that power to chop her up and to take her future.
These are quotes.
Would you like me to play the videos?
You've heard them, you've seen them.
Remember that that's not a person doing that.
That is the worst stuff in the universe jacked into people's consciousness who turned it over just like they turned a television set to a certain channel.
Well, I'm not tuned into that channel.
And I only show you that channel because that's the channel they're putting you and your family on.
So you shouldn't worry what the system will do to you for standing up against it.
You should worry about the lights going out.
And you turning God out of your spectrum.
Because God will remove the universe from you if you ask for it.
And you will be in a black hole.
Your soul.
Like that.
The minute you make that decision, the thief, the murderer, they're on the cross, one of them doesn't believe, the other does.
Christ says, today you'll be with me in paradise, meaning you made the spiritual choice, you repented, at the last minute you can still make the choice.
But when the Holy Spirit was there, the man on the cross made the decision, and instantly was there.
But see, you make the decision to join Satan, even though you know God's real, you feel the Holy Spirit, you see the future, and you say, I want to go with this.
I want to rape babies.
I want to drink blood.
I want to kill the planet.
Killing a child is a symbol of killing the future.
Everything is about making you hate yourself.
Everything is about making you turn off your life force.
Everything in this system is about teaching you that you're non-essential.
And that you're the problem.
So you'll, like it's a polite, nice thing to do, just all do whatever you say.
I'll stand down.
I'll starve.
They're using your goodness, but it's twisted, and the next it's, we'll help us kill babies.
We'll help us do that.
We'll help us give vaccines to sterilized folks.
It's for the greater good.
They can't handle it.
They don't know.
We're saving the earth right now.
And then you join Satan, believing you're doing good.
TNTL, straight ahead.
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I think so.
Special Quarantine Reports 2.
Go to survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
As predicted, the human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
The LA Times, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine all reported years ago that major studies show 5G caused increased cancer in rats.
It's a fact.
5G is just a later generation of systems that are on record for more than 70 years to cause cancer.
They rub the DNA molecules together.
They are microwaves.
Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G.
Even if you don't connect it to coronavirus, they're banning it.
But the studies do show that 5G lowers your immunity to viruses, period.
There are peer-reviewed journals.
We're showing these documents on air, and the globalists can go to hell.
The human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Nine years ago, Brian Rose, who was a very successful banker in New York and the city of London, got sick of what he was doing and wanted to try to empower humanity.
So he started London Real.
And I've been aware of it three or four years.
It's got millions of viewers a week.
Very successful, very eclectic, very classically liberal in the old-fashioned sense that it's open-minded and speaks to all different groups and really tries to unify humanity around debate and discussion.
So I'm a fan of it.
And I love the David Icke interviews on there.
I don't agree with everything David Icke says, but the guy means what he's saying, and a lot of things he's talked about have come true.
So, three days ago...
They started streaming an interview that they'd done with David Icke two and a half hours long, and it went super viral in a few hours, and YouTube banned it.
They came out and said, well, we banned it because you said 5G creates COVID-19.
No, Icke said it lowers your immunity to viruses.
And I can show you BBC articles, in fact I will, right here, where
They've said that ten years ago, five years ago, a year ago.
That's in the studies that's done.
It's also linked to cancer.
I can show you the LA Times.
I can show you Wired Magazine.
I can show you the studies.
So when you're watching this, understand that what Ike's saying is backed up by a lot of research, but maybe it's not true.
Still, he has a right to say it, doesn't he?
London Real and Mr. Rose and Mr. Icke aren't being censored because they're lying to people.
They're being censored because humanity's resonating with what they say.
And to blame David Icke or myself, as they've been doing in the news, for all these 5G towers getting burned down is fraud.
I'm not saying burn these down, neither is David.
We're simply saying studies show they're linked to cancer.
And people are then taking action, because big tech has been censoring them, so now they're fighting in the third dimension.
So, I interviewed Mr. Rose today for several hours.
It's powerful.
It's posted at Man.Video.
But he told the world, please host this yourself, so people can see it.
It's had 3 million views in the last day since they posted it on their site, but bandwidth costs are hammering them.
Believe me, I know.
So I've agreed to post it in full here at Band.Video.
And so I hope you watch it, I hope you research it, and then I hope you share it, and I hope you go over and visit London Real.
And support what they're doing and support InfoWars what we're doing because we're building independent pro-human media outlets that will challenge big tech and big media censorship at a time that is beyond critical.
So here is the two plus hour unedited feed that was live of London Real including the intro where they're not even sure they're live yet.
So you see the full thing in context.
Very important interview, very powerful and that's why
Big Brother tried to ban it, but thanks to you and the support of Band Off Video, it lives on.
So download it, and share it, and repost it while you still can.
This is Loved and Real.
I am Brian Rose.
My guest today is... Alright, folks.
I wanted to just show you the intro to what's on Band.Video to obviously pique your interest and go watch it.
And even though I disagree with some of what David says on virus theory overall, 100%.
I've shown you all the mainstream articles, AP, Reuters, the studies, Wired Magazine, 5G does cause cancer in all these major studies, but big wireless is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in propaganda so you don't know about it.
That was two years ago.
Now the propaganda is working.
I mean, even mainstream publications just say, there are no studies.
It's all made up.
It's totally good for you.
You can find hundreds of thousands of articles going back 30 plus years on the internet.
Literally hundreds of thousands of them about the studies about cell phone radiation and other systems giving you cancer.
I mean, it's not debated.
They have skull and crossbones on the towers saying, get back.
This emits radiation that's harmful to life.
With the skull and crossbones.
I remember being like three years old saying, dad, why is there a skull on this bottle?
He goes, that's because there's poison in there, son.
20 years, that's from 99.
Immune system attacked by mobile phones.
Big studies.
But the BBC today says you don't question that.
But I agree with about 95% of what I said in that interview.
But why is this important?
They banned it, and then they misrepresented what's in it.
I saw studies 25 years ago in prestigious journals that
Five minutes holding a cell phone up your head, raised the temperature of the entire brain, they did electrodes, one degree.
And right through the skull, very, very thin right there at the temple, he was raising it up to five degrees.
Look at the studies, five degrees.
You know, people are living in denial.
There used to be videos on YouTube where folks would put bleach or poison on a bunch of sushi and worms would come out.
And people thought it was fake.
No, it's real.
That's just another example of how people are in denial about things they can't see.
You're looking at a piece of sushi, you don't see the quarter-inch worm in there.
You see an apple.
I remember being a little kid, going to go make stories, and we're in an apple orchard on my dad's ranch, his parents' ranch at the time.
We're picking apples, and my dad goes, oh, that's not a good one, see that hole?
There's a worm in there, eating it.
And I go, I don't see a worm.
My dad took a knife out, sliced it in half, and there was that worm.
Boy, I thought he was cool.
Because, you know, you're three years old, you don't, you don't, you don't see the worm, you don't believe an apple has a worm in it.
Well, folks, this is invisible radiation, but it's killing us.
And when Woody Harrelson came out and spoke out against it, they said, oh, crazy Woody Harrelson.
He says it's making the virus.
No, he put out a study.
He tweeted a study.
But notice, they never showed you what he actually said.
They just misrepresented what Woody Harrelson said.
They misrepresented what I said.
They misrepresented what David Icke said.
As for David, there are major scientific theories that most viruses are produced by mammals or animals, and that they are a way to sloughing off toxins, and the mitochondria gets rid of it by producing it.
And so you find diseased or poisoned folks, and then you find high levels of viruses.
Well, evidence is overwhelming.
It's the other way around.
When you're run down, then viruses are able to attack you.
And yes, humans do shuffle off and slough off viruses, but
Anybody knows, can tell you, you have sex with somebody with herpes, you get the herpes virus.
It goes into your skin, it starts replicating, you get lesions.
So, but it's okay that David's wrong in part about one theory he's putting out.
There are a lot of medical doctors that disagree.
Maybe you say I'm wrong.
He's doing it in good faith.
And they're lying about 5G causing cancer.
So, why are you censoring him?
Even if he was lying, let us judge.
Full videos at band.video.
You know, I've got news so big that I don't even know how to get to it.
It's official.
We talked about it a few weeks ago.
David Knight broke it.
It was just a month ago.
It's official.
They've announced Mark of the Beast, World Government, and plantable chips starting next year.
Yeah, and they're just announcing it like it's no big deal.
We'll tell you about it when we come back.
Stay with us.
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It's Wednesday morning.
I was just in a local Austin business that was basically empty and there were three motorcycle police in there.
And I said, what do you think of this whole coronavirus thing?
They're like, ah, it looks like it's a hoax.
And I said, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The way it's been handled is a hoax.
Taking everybody that dies who happens to test positive, even though they die of a heart attack or cancer or diabetes, as dying from coronavirus is the big one.
And then, of course, they're also classifying everybody that tests positive for coronavirus period, not just COVID-19, as having it.
So they're upping the number of cases, they're upping the number of deaths, but still more people died this week and last week than died from the coronavirus from suicide.
So if anything, it's causing divorces and suicide and stir craziness and basic insanity and a giant power grab with Big Pharma preparing a forced inoculation, which they even admit will not protect you from next year's mutation of the coronavirus.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide.
And I'm going to have to go to rebroadcast.
I can't do the show at this point.
And this is not a dramatic thing.
This news is too important.
And I'm not just going to sit here and rattle this off to people.
I have to go get prepared in my office.
I have to get some clips.
I have to do some things.
And I may be back.
I might be back tomorrow.
I don't know at this point.
So let me tell you what we're going to air here.
And then I'm going to show you
The proof that what they're doing will kill billions of people and that they admit it.
And I'm going to show you the proof that they are openly announcing an implantable digital tattoo that you'll have to have that's sewn into your skin, that's invisible, that you'll have to prove you've taken all the vaccines and medical tyranny that they tracked you with to buy, sell, travel, or have a job.
The Mark of the Beast is official.
And I'm not being dramatic when I talk about all this and I just can't come on air when I'm not totally focused and talk about these issues.
I just can't do it.
So I have to go get ready for the show now.
And if I'm able to come back, I'll come back.
I may not come back today.
You know, this is a time of mourning for humanity.
This isn't business as usual.
This isn't, we're just doing a show talking about all this, and it's all cutesy that the New World Order is coming true.
So, oh, Alex, you've got so much credibility.
This is a time of great sorrow that they're actually making this move against us and announcing world government and forced inoculations.
And of course it won't be the little ship we all warned about forever.
It's going to be a digital tattoo sewn into you with nanotech officially being announced with the Pentagon being told to be ready to enforce it next year.
And all the big tech and all the big employers and the grocery stores are going to make you have it to buy and sell.
And they're going to peer pressure you and they're all going to come down at once just like Revelation says.
And they're on TV saying they love to drink the blood of children and kill babies, and worshipping Satan, and saying they're going to merge with AI gods.
I mean, this is horrible!
Also, when I get to this, I wanted the clip that I said was the most important ever.
About a month ago, Trump said, listen, you shut down the economy.
It's going to kill a lot more people than this virus.
And it's not the crew's fault.
They can't fight it.
They found all these other places where he says similar things about suicides up and it's going to kill the economy.
No, no, he said it's going to kill a lot of people.
I have all the documents and all the articles where they admit that now.
And then we've got Governor Cuomo saying that this is never going to end and that this is the new permanent.
This is it.
This is the takeover.
So I'm going to play the excellent piece that
Gregg Reese put together with myself on the history of the eugenicist and where they come from, the organizations.
We're going to air that piece and then I'm going to go to my office.
I'm going to get on a computer terminal.
I'm going to get that clip.
Get that clip!
Because I'm going to play that clip when I cover all this.
And then I'm going to get into the microchip.
This is big, folks.
You call everybody about this.
You make a big deal about it.
Okay, here's the Gregg Reese report.
Nearly 2400 years ago in ancient Greece, Plato discussed the importance of population control.
Aristotle advocated the use of abortion and infanticide.
In 1798, an essay on the principle of population was written by Thomas Malthus.
He outlined the idea of positive checks, which are diseases, wars, disasters, famines, and genocides.
Malthus believed that these things should be utilized to increase the death rate, and believed that human misery was an absolute necessary consequence.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species.
In it, Darwin only hinted at the implications of human populations, but his cousin, Sir Francis Galton, became obsessed with the idea.
In 1883, Galton published Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development, wherein he wrote that his intention is to touch on various topics more or less connected with that of the cultivation of race or, as we might call it,
With eugenic the term comes from the Greek word eugenics of noble birth.
In the early 20th century, eugenics became an academic discipline in universities.
Organizations were formed and funded to win public support.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and the Cold Spring Harbor Institute rejected the idea that all humans are born equal and began selling the idea of cultivating a new master race of noble bloodlines.
Planned Parenthood was formed in America by racial eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger.
President of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, established a special subsidiary in Poland called Watson Business Machines to assist in the Nazi invasion of Poland.
This business continued throughout the war, and IBM managed the entire operation from their headquarters in New York.
During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis quoted U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in their own defense.
They claimed that their eugenics program was being run from the United States.
The Nazis were rightly admonished for war crimes, but not Thomas Watson.
He went on to create the IBM World Trade Corporation and passed IBM on to his son.
His granddaughter ended up marrying Margaret Sanger's grandson.
Bill Gates' father worked on the board for Planned Parenthood, and his mother worked on the corporate board for IBM, who Bill partnered with to create Microsoft.
With no medical background, Bill Gates then went on to become the world's foremost pusher of vaccines and population control.
Do you think this is all coincidence?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds the WHO, the NIH, the CDC, and the UN.
And now he is saying that until we get mass vaccinations, we might never be able to gather in groups.
And which activities, like mass gatherings, may be, in a certain sense, more optional.
And so until you're widely vaccinated, those may not come back at all.
The president's coronavirus response team are all pushing the Bill Gates vaccination agenda.
Dr. Fauci is on the leadership council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In January of 2017, Anthony Fauci told a crowd at Georgetown University that there would be a surprise outbreak during the Trump presidency.
There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak.
Deborah Birx is a board member for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, which was founded by the Gates Foundation and known for millions of dollars of fraudulent misuse of funds.
In October of 2019, Bill Gates sponsored Event 201, a simulation that estimated 65 million people killed by coronavirus.
In November of 2019, the Peer Bright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, was granted European patent number EP3172319B1 for a coronavirus vaccine that may be used to treat humans.
Today, Dr. Fauci says the virus will keep coming back, and he says the ultimate game-changer will be a new vaccine.
In Australia, the Prime Minister is telling people the shutdown will last months, that it's the new normal, and that the only way out... And now, the governor and the AP of New York is saying it will never end.
It's a total power grab and plentiful microchips.
That's right.
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I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel
The Republican and Democrat conventions maybe cancel the election a year, like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want us to spend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
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Across Europe, across the UK and the United States, humans are beginning to attack 5G and other cell tower systems.
It's on record that these systems cause massive increases of cancer.
They're bombarding us with a weapon system and they're surveilling us.
Now, I'm not encouraging people to go out and burn these things down or destroy them.
But what I'm saying is this, when you attack people with electromagnetic radiation and with microwaves, and when the public sees the effects, when they put them on top schools and they have huge cancer clusters, the globalists are going to have major pushback.
And now Google is banning anybody that criticizes 5G in any way.
They have truly proven that they are the definition
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
So, if you go to themightydrugreport.com, right up there on the left-hand side, there's an excellent Ron Paul interview.
Resistance building to coronavirus house arrest orders.
It's about time.
Well, we need to get a very clear picture of what was going on.
It's exactly the worst-case scenario of the globalist takeover, their most deadly plan, their most
Their most successful potential operation.
I mean, if I was them, this is what I'd do.
It's exactly what we predicted down in the letter.
It's, it's, it's their game plan, medical tyranny, forced inoculation, digital implanted IDs to prove it.
But notice how we called a microchip.
Oh, it's a digital implanted ID.
And they're openly saying next year, they've got it all ready to roll out.
David and I broke this a month ago with an MIT whistleblower.
Now a month later, it's like a hundred years later, they're like, oh yeah, it's great, it's wonderful, I'll cover that at six after next hour.
From MIT and from Bill Gates saying it themselves.
People are like, why is this guy suddenly all over TV?
It's like he's president of the world.
I told you he's the chief science officer of the New World Order.
He runs the Carnegie, the Ford, the Rockefeller, all of the major
Depopulation foundations, the IBM money, it's all behind him.
And the cult, the globalist cult, is a depopulation cult, ladies and gentlemen.
So he's carrying out, for the owners of the planet that have stolen it, by fraud,
Their depopulation operation, where they get to play God.
And so, folks over the years are like, why do you harp on Bill Gates?
Well, why do you harp on Jeffrey Epstein?
Why do you say they got islands in the Caribbean?
Because it's well known.
And you're like, but why do they want to do this?
Because they're devil worshippers.
They like to kill people.
They do it on a mega scale, all official-like.
The Nazis were nothing but tinker toys to these people.
Training wheels.
Now, I want to get to some positive news on the Bill Gates front.
That's why they're getting rid of comments on every major news publication out there, because they're not news, they're propaganda.
And I want to show you this.
Google put out their Google Doodle, thanks custodians, sanitation workers battling coronavirus.
And promises them that soon robots will replace them, so they'll be safe.
Post-human errors here.
When you click on the Google Doodle, it shows thousands of articles about how wonderful Bill Gates is, and how wonderful Google is, because Bill Gates has run the whole show, and how they care about you and care about humans.
But Google helps suppress 3 million Uyghurs in China and forced labor camps and death camps.
Google helps surveil and control the Chinese people and us.
Google runs the censorship and works with Big Pharma and all the toxins and poisons.
And they're involved with the vaccine that Bill Gates is controlling, the sterilant.
Oh, but they're thanking you, the workers.
Even though they're building a post-human world.
They love you.
So, Bill Gates showing himself as a good little prisoner behind the glass.
Look, it's dangerous.
This is how you act.
Monkey see, monkey do.
In one of his armored fortresses.
Thank you, healthcare.
Oh, you're the good guys.
But who runs healthcare?
This guy does.
And we're gonna inject you and we got a microchip for you.
You can't shake hands.
You can't go out in public.
You're good little cowards.
You've passed the test.
Now we're gonna totally enslave you.
And then we'll hit you with a real bioweapon.
But you go to Bill Gates' Instagram comments and look!
Every comment, I mean, I sat through this morning, read like a hundred of them.
There might be some that are pro.
Says, we know you're behind it.
We know your dad ran Planned Parenthood.
We know you patented the vaccine.
You're a monster.
You're trash.
We're aware of you.
We know what you're doing.
There they all are.
There's a more powerful force behind Bill Gates who's controlling all of this.
Think deeper.
That's why they don't have these bots coming out that poses humans to outnumber us and say, no, no, no.
Someone should do a change.org, stop Bill Gates.
Bill Gates started the coronavirus.
That's what they're saying.
F you and your vaccine.
Get ready for a fight, Bill, because you won't win.
The people are waking up.
That's right.
And put 100% bots.
Ban us all.
We'll pass it on.
Word of mouth.
We know who you are.
You want to fight?
You're going to get one, scum.
You seem to be really enjoying all this microchipping, mass control, manipulation, 5G, mandatory vaccines, whatever happened to our human rights, freedom of speech, control over our own bodies, and the freedom to choose for ourselves.
People are woke.
You cannot hide from God's judgment.
He's coming.
More people are waking up, Billy.
Judgment awaits you.
He wants us in the bunker because he's in his bunker.
But you got a lot of sheep, folks.
I live by a golf course.
They've stopped the golfers on it.
And I go out there, and there are people walking on the sides of it.
And just to verse your signal, you'll be 30, 40 feet away, sitting there, overlooking the cliffs and the creek.
The people were going out of path.
They would go away from the path away from us and look at us.
It's all about just, oh, you're bad.
We're good.
We're virtue signalers.
Those people are robots.
They don't count.
This is all social engineering.
Now I'm going to play part of this because it's about.
Taking action.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com.
This is Brian Rose of London Real with the big censored David Icke interview talking about on the show yesterday and talking about courage and how it's contagious because this is the answer.
Here it is and we'll start the second hour.
Good morning everyone and greetings from London.
It's been one of the most unique weeks of my life.
I ain't gonna lie.
It's been off the chart crazy.
I mean to think that just three days ago everything was kind of normal.
I mean, there were articles written in Polish, in Portuguese, in Russian, and on the front page of the BBC, all talking about us.
And are what I guess is an act of protest.
I guess it's a claiming of our right to say what we want to say wherever it is.
In print, out of our mouths, or even on a digital platform.
And we just kind of assumed that would be okay.
And we found out real quick that it wasn't okay with some people.
And this whole quote-unquote fight ensued.
And I would have never guessed
That so many people would have been united and aligned over this one thing.
You know, we've had so many of our civil liberties slowly taken away from us over the years.
Our right to privacy, our right to be tracked, cameras everywhere here in London.
So, you know, who would have thought that not being able to speak your opinion on a digital platform would be
Such a problem for people and so refreshing to see that it is and that's what we've seen.
Just a rallying of support from around the world.
There's massive interest in this and you know it really capped off last night when I was on Alex Jones Info Wars.
You can say what you want about Alex, all right?
And he has been controversial in the papers, and I definitely don't agree with all the decisions that Alex has made.
Some of them are wrong, and I think he'd admit that as well, but the man is a legend.
He really is.
When it comes to independent media, it doesn't get much better.
All right, we're going to go to break, come back with the rest of this, and then I'm going to get into the big world government, Mark of the Beast, officially announced, okay?
Just a month ago, we told you about this.
It was secret.
Now it's public.
I mean, they're moving on every front.
The humanity is waking up.
We'll come back with this important point about
Courage is contagious.
And then we'll get to that report.
Then we'll also get into the proof that this is killing the economy globally and going to kill the poorest people on the earth.
Well, you talk about migrant surges.
Get ready for them.
This is the globalist war against humanity we predicted.
Another way for you to fight back is voting with your speech, voting with your word of mouth.
Please tell everybody about Banned.Video.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Spread it via word of mouth.
It's so critical.
Tell them.
Hear what's being said for yourself.
Not just what they misrepresent.
Which then they take out of context, but obviously I don't agree with everything I've ever said.
I've learned a lot over the years.
We're all not perfect here.
All of us have.
And we're trying to get closer to God.
And then also understand, just because they've overblown the virus and all the rest of that, thank God, the power grab is very real.
The attack on the economy is very real.
And all the other viruses and things are real.
And the flu is real.
And this virus does kill some people.
That's why you need
To take care of your body.
And the best ways to do that is eat good non-GMO food, drink a lot of pure, clean water, and get a high-quality multivitamin mineral with amino acids like Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, still 50% off.
Get your X3, X2 is sold out, X3 is excellent as well.
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It's going to sell out.
It's the right thing to do.
And we also have back in stock Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 50% off.
And of course, we also have the Vitamin D3 Winter Sun that's critical back in.
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And it funds this operation, a revolutionary experience.
Since the invention and deployment of radar during World War II, scientists have noted increased cancers and other health problems with those who were close to the devices.
That's where they're really high-powered.
If you're a quarter mile from a cell tower, there's not any real high-powered radiation hitting you.
But if you're a couple hundred feet away,
They got fences around them with skull and crossbones on them for a reason.
It says it can hurt you.
So, now with 5G that's even stronger, these systems are literally above the streets, just 20 or 30 feet from people's heads, from their genitals, from their bodies.
People are burning them down and attacking them all over the world now.
I'm saying don't do that.
Use information warfare.
Use the truth to expose it and sue local governments and others until they remove them.
That's the way to deal with this, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action in the information war.
But I gotta tell you, I can't blame the people that are doing it because they're under assault.
What's amazing about the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, is that even though it's 240 years old,
It's more pertinent and more powerful today than it's ever been.
We look at the huge AI takeover and total surveillance of our lives, and the tyranny that comes with it, the oppression, and it's all linked to not having due process and not having a Fourth Amendment against being illegally surveilled.
It's all predicated
On having no privacy.
If we simply embrace the Bill of Rights and Constitution and enforce that against big tech, they would never get away with this.
But because we're not enforcing our Bill of Rights and Constitution based in common sense, the bottom has fallen out and the sky is just the beginning.
It's certainly not the limit.
That's why we're rediscovering what made America great and what the Renaissance is all about.
True human empowerment.
It begins at InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You can feel it.
You can taste it.
You can see it.
You can face it.
I can feel my human will to survive supercharging.
But there's a dark side to that.
You feel that spirit.
You all feel it.
You say, oh, this is good.
I pull you out of the horizon.
It's only because you're awake.
Billions are in a trance.
We belong to God.
We belong to life.
We must break the trance.
We must defeat the transhumanist Satan.
We must ensure their destruction.
We must commit.
We must call down the power of God and say we are not afraid and throw ourselves against the enemy.
We finish up with this clip dealing with what is contagious.
When it comes to independent media, it doesn't get much better than Alex Jones.
It really doesn't.
He is OG gangster to the max.
I mean, he was really building his own newsroom and pumping out content, I mean, probably 20 years ago.
And I was talking to him off camera last night, and he was telling me a story of how, like, back in the day, you know, Joe Rogan, his good friend, was visiting him, and Joe started asking questions like, oh, how do you do this?
And where are the microphones?
I mean, you know, if Alex inspired Joe, Joe inspired me, then technically,
Alex Jones inspired me.
He's like two generations above.
And being on the show was just epic yesterday.
He runs like a radio show, like a TV show.
It's live and, you know, his assistant's in my ear and he's running these ads in between that sell his products to keep his whole empire going.
And he does it without digital programs.
He's been banned on YouTube, banned on Twitter, banned on Facebook, banned on everything.
And he was telling me off camera, he's like, Brian, he's like,
I'm bigger than ever now.
I'm bigger than ever.
Because people want to plug in.
They come to my website.
They come see me because they know they can't get at other places.
And I'm still doing what I'm doing.
And I was really impressed with him.
And he just blew me away.
He said, Brian, I watch your stuff all the time.
I'm on the treadmill.
I'm watching your interviews.
He said, I love your style.
I love how you put the time in.
I wish I could do that.
He said, I got all these interruptions here.
I wish I could really sit down for a long form.
He's like, I played your episode with David Icke with my wife.
We watched the whole thing.
I know David.
I love David.
I respect David.
And he's like,
You know, I really appreciate you.
I mean, it was just crazy, you know, you don't think people are noticing what you do, especially someone at that level.
And it was it was it was cool to hear.
And and I'm going to keep talking, Alex.
I might go back next week and just give him an update on what's happening with the situation.
But it was pretty incredible.
And he said one thing on the show.
He said, Brian,
What you're doing takes a lot of courage.
And I don't know if that's true, but let's say it's true.
And he said, the good thing about courage is it's infectious.
When people see it, they have courage.
And then when other people see that, they have courage.
And pretty soon, we've got an army of people moving into the fear, this illusion out there of control, which doesn't really exist.
You know, it's a few people out there that literally have half
We're good.
I guess that's what we're kind of making people feel around the world.
And I'm getting so many messages from people at high levels from my past.
This is like, this is your life, Brian Rose.
I'm getting people I haven't talked to in 10 years ago, 20 years, saying, hey, keep up the good fight.
We're behind you, Brian.
You need anything?
What do you need?
I got people that will hide me out places.
I got people that will send me private jets.
I got all sorts of people, people that are copying all my content and locking it up.
I mean, there's like,
All sorts of help out there I have if we need it.
And that's a beautiful thing.
And so what I want to leave you with today is courage is infectious.
And if you show courage today in any aspect of your life, people will come with you and people will come with you.
And I mean, look, folks, let's be honest.
This is the time to do it.
You know, if we don't all kind of get our shizzle together on this planet for a variety of reasons,
It's not looking good.
And so we got to go back to the basics.
We've been talking here on London Real last week.
I was talking about the Daily Five, how to survive and thrive in these times of crisis.
Yeah, we got caught up in this whole crazy YouTube banning thing.
But let's get back to the basics.
You know, this is still about every day building the best version of yourself, you know, transforming yourself.
And that means doing the hard internal work.
And we can point at the boogeyman out there.
And, you know, I don't know, is that the globalist, according to Alex?
And I love that term, by the way.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement.
We are selling out of all of our high quality iodine products at InfoWarsTore.com.
The super blue toothpaste that has it, along with the nano silver and of course, the tea tree oil.
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It'll be sold out within two weeks.
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We have 160, almost 160 million jobs in this country now.
The most ever, by far.
By far the most ever.
The number of jobs, almost 160 million.
So we can't turn that off and think it's going to be wonderful.
There will be tremendous repercussions.
There will be a tremendous death from that.
You know, you're talking about death.
Probably more death from that than anything that we're talking about with respect to the virus.
I wonder who they're looking to.
Coming up, at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to present you the numbers from the World Health Organization, the UN and UNICEF, since they're our bosses.
But those aren't real numbers, very accurate when it comes to the number of people dying currently from the shutdown is in the millions.
The millions.
But here, let's put up on screen, when we do that at the bottom of the hour, the number of deaths worldwide.
But Stalin said one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
One person gets eaten by a great white shark off San Diego, and for up to a year, half the folks don't go in the water.
Even though people die in San Diego every day in automobile accidents, and the real sharks are metal.
Millions die a year from hunger.
Wait till I give you those numbers, bottom of the hour.
189 million people have died from hunger since 1990, conservatively.
7 million died during the Great Depression from malnutrition.
All the articles where they admit it.
Half a billion more people face poverty due to virus.
AP, including millions facing starvation.
But that's okay, it's fun to wear the mask and get scared and everyone works together.
They take your common sense of working together and hey, let's wear a mask.
Hey, let's not go out.
You're a good person.
You're not a coward.
You're doing it because you've been taught that's how you help.
But they didn't tell you that for the 35,000 that die every year of the flu here because they know it doesn't stop it.
They know the virologists understand that the faster you get a new flu, the more it burns through people and the faster you get herd immunity.
I'm going to play you the former head scientist at the Rockefeller University on this coming up.
Bottom of the hour.
You know, we don't just sit here and make this stuff up.
And even though the Rockefellers are bad news, they've got all the smart people working for them so they can control them with grants, but a lot of them are getting pissed and quitting and going public.
So things have got to get really, really bad before humanity wakes up, don't they?
Everybody virtues signals they want to save people.
But if you really want to be racist, and you really don't like brown people, then you should support this shutdown.
Because it's going to kill hundreds of millions of them.
See, a real exterminist doesn't wear a KKK outfit.
That's usually run by the ADL on record.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, they run most of the groups.
I mean, they're run by them.
And they go out and find a million people just for news ops to scare everybody.
That's come out.
But see, the real eugenicists, well, they're the liberals.
They fund Black Lives Matter.
So that they send out racist, horrible, evil black people to do horrible things, kill cops, to then demonize all the black people.
I mean, this is really elementary stuff going on.
And if you think God is going to recognize you, if you're involved in killing babies of any color, or if you get off on killing brown people,
God does not recognize you.
Doesn't matter if they dumbed down and turned the brown people into raving racist lunatics.
They've been programmed.
And if we're going to transcend the New World Order, we're going to have to understand that and stop playing into it and get the scam.
But if we don't get the scam, it's only going to get worse.
Does that mean I like, in my life, growing up in Dallas and running into racist black people that physically attacked me or said horrible things, and then I hear later how I'm racist because I'm white?
I get that level of the reality, just like if you're black and had racist whites do something to you.
You know that's real, but it doesn't matter.
The thing above it
Is manipulating us to end humans as we know it.
So yeah, being tribal is very real for all of our existence.
We were around tribes that look like us.
Whites were killing whites, blacks were killing blacks, Asians were killing Asians.
That's why statistically the Asians kill each other a lot more and hate each other a lot more because they have old beefs, epigenetic memories.
It's not just that blacks live close to blacks that they 10 to 1 kill each other over whites.
Whites kill whites!
Because there's an epigenetic memory proven in instincts of killing people that look like you because that's who you've been killing.
You're getting into sophisticated scientific psychology here, but it's real science, folks.
But now that the world got like this, now we're killing each other in mass groups.
And it is race against race.
I mean, I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
And I mean, black people would just start beating the hell out of each other for no reason.
And I wouldn't know what was going on.
And then sometimes, you know, black folks would attack me.
But the point was, is that because there's a genetic memory doing that, there's an instinct
When black dudes get around a bunch of other black dudes, there's such a tribal memory of when a bunch of black dudes show up you don't know, they're coming to kill your ass.
You better start killing.
Well, it's the same thing with Europeans.
That's why we're warlike.
Because our bodies remember killing to live.
And the globalists know all of this, and they're manipulating it.
But once you're aware of that, you can transcend it and understand what your instincts are, and then use your instincts for what you want.
They will reward you, they will empower you, you will feel good, you will live longer, you're doing your mission.
But you have to choose the instincts and nurture the ones that are good and useful now, not the ones that aren't useful.
You control your environment.
You are an advanced species.
And the globalists are saying we're going to control the environment to protect ourselves, wear masks, don't shake hands.
And at one level, that's true.
It's terrible.
35,000 die from the flu, tens of thousands from the cold every year who are run down and malnourished.
But the idea that they're locking us all up and doing all this to protect us is a fraud.
The very people doing it admit it's about permanent martial law and implantable digital nanotech beyond the chip.
It's all official now.
I'm going to cover next segment.
To buy and sell, to have a job and leave your house.
And it's now here.
They're doing it.
And Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett, and Ted Turner, and the Australian Prime Minister, and the UN, and Governor Cuomo are all saying it's never ending, it's permanent, this is the new normal.
Cuomo said that today, Associated Press, in a speech.
In fact, did you guys see the video?
This is not the new normal.
This is the new enslavement.
But they're normalizing.
Suddenly, it's a whole new world.
That's how revolutions happen.
That's how military attacks happen.
That's how blitzkriegs happen.
Armies rarely declare war.
They line up on your border.
They send their spies in, and you see it all of a sudden, and there's chatter.
You feel it, and all of a sudden, the cannons open up.
And all of a sudden, your sentries get stabbed in the neck.
And that, notice the media is getting shot off, people are getting shot down, everybody's getting intimidated.
And all of a sudden, boom, it hits.
You see China, the domino falls.
Everybody's in lockstep, boom.
It's called lockstep in the Rockefeller plan.
Lockstep, marching straight into hell.
So, you're about to see the third world completely brought down.
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Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact, but national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity covered it,
I don't know.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I did not watch Fox News last night and I was unaware of this and I was just about to cover this topic.
I've been building it up for an hour and 20 minutes and then during the break I see it on InfoWars.com and it just hit me like a ton of bricks and I read the transcripts on InfoWars.com
With what the Attorney General is saying, AG Barr, very concerned over Bill Gates' digital vaccine certificate, calls lockdown measures draconian, wants it gone by May.
Well, that's the best thing we've seen from Barr yet.
People say, well, he's been part of the deep state.
Well, is that a suicide pact?
I mean, this has got to get turned around, man.
They're going full Hitler.
But 2.0, I mean this is Hitler 2.0 with bells and whistles and clown horns.
I mean this is, if this, if the stuff going on was in a science fiction book 20 years ago predicting it in 2020, you'd say this is ridiculous.
But of course it was all predicted on this show because these crazies were proposing it and I went and looked into them and they run everything!
So the fact that you see Trump pushing back saying this will kill a lot of people and the fact that this is Big Brother is very, very, very good.
So there it is, ladies and gentlemen.
AG Barr very concerned over Bill Gates' digital vaccine certificates, calls lockdown measures draconian once gone by May.
I'm very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty, Barr said.
You know, in fact, just get the Laura Ingraham interview.
I'm going to air it when we come back.
I'm just going to air the whole thing.
This is too huge.
Hey, you don't need me to say it.
You now have the Attorney General saying it.
I came on the air today.
And I've done some research last night on it.
I was already going to cover it.
And then Daria, the lead producer called me, or I called her back last night at like nine.
And she said, listen, you really need to cover the digital certificate because in that is, they always have one thing that's bad enough, a certificate to travel and leave your house and have a job showing you've had all the stuff that Bill Gates and the UN says you've got to take.
It's not just COVID-19 vaccine.
Hidden right in it is, oh, by the way, don't worry, nobody can see it.
It takes about five minutes, a needle injects a bunch of nanotech beads in you, a whole bunch of chips that drift around in your body.
And they scan it.
And they've got bars they put in your thing with needles.
I mean, this is, it's like a, it's like a cattle tag in your damn ear.
It gets even crazier than I thought it would be at this point.
It's just a sudden leap.
That's how tyranny works.
It's a leap.
And globalists are obsessed with leaps.
With their whole evolutionary leap.
Well, this is a leap down a black hole to hell.
And see, what's happening is everybody heard me talk about white papers in the UN and Club of Rome and CFR and Rockefeller, Carnegie.
And I'd show you Memorandum 200, you know, calling for killing 5 billion people and I'd
Well, still, that's academic.
Well, this isn't academic.
It's like getting a brochure about skydiving.
You're like, oh, I could drive 20 minutes over here.
I'll jump with an instructor, and they'll pull the cord, and it's safer than driving.
OK, sounds pretty good.
But it's one thing to read a brochure.
Another thing to get in the car, go there, sign up, and now you're in the airplane, and the door opens up.
But we've now been shoved out the door!
But this isn't skydiving!
This is world government forced inoculations!
Total tracking and microchips sewn into our skin!
You're not just gonna pluck it out!
They're gonna inject your body with it.
Imagine if Martians landed and they said, we've got the cures to cancer and everything, just take this shot with these nanobots that protect you.
We'd go, we don't trust your ass.
Hell no!
But instead, it's Bill Gates up there who says he wants to kill most people, the Earth's overpopulated, but now he's like, oh, I'm going to inject you with a shot and I'm going to track you.
What the hell?
And I'm so pissed, man, when I'm... A couple days before that, I was at the park.
Took my almost three-year-old daughter to the park.
And I'm sitting there.
And they've got yellow tape all around the park.
I forgot to cover that, so there's pictures of that.
So she's running around, climbing on some other stuff, and there's joggers and people and bike riders stopping.
And they're, like, looking at us like we're bad and going around us even further.
Fifty feet's long enough, just even more for it.
Because they love it.
They have the spirit.
They're all programmed.
Hey, you go take your chips from Bill Gates.
You take all your vaccines.
You go have Parkinson's and you crawl in a hole and die.
Not me, man.
And everybody I know is the same way right now.
That's why they're boarding up all the shops and getting ready for civil unrest.
Because they're going to keep this going as long as they can.
And Trump understands it and is trying to turn the economy back on.
Because if he didn't shut some things down, they'd say every death was his fault.
Because we're so weak, we all got into the fear.
And even the unknown, I mean, I knew it was a globalist scam, but still, I'm like, well, we better, you know, double check here.
And all of a sudden, we are completely down the total rattle.
All of a sudden.
So like I said,
I don't know.
I don't feel like I should be on air right now.
You know, that's really what it is.
This is so huge.
My body is saying, why are you on air?
You should be marching.
To attack people.
I'm not calling for that.
That's epigenetic.
They've got it all set up where we're the bad guys and we defend ourselves.
If you burn down a cell tower, you know they're hitting you with magnetic radiation, and all the studies give you cancer, and they're surveilling you, and they didn't ask you, and they've come into your community and they're forcing it on you.
It's lowering your immunity, and they're banning you if you criticize it.
They're sticking an electronic ball gag in your mouth.
They're raping us!
So you've got every right, as the Declaration of Independence says, to form an army and to march up there and remove their ass, but the society is so demonic and so weak and so uninformed right now, you'd end up, if you overthrew the corrupt government, you'd get assassinated and a worse group would come in.
We have to re-teach the Bill of Rights and Constitution and rugged individualism and we have to activate locally and enforce justice.
So if you're not gonna get in the info war now, with whatever stunt you gotta pull that's legal and lawful to warn people to take action, you're never gonna fight physically if you have to.
But I'll say this as a red-blooded human, I've not seen anything as pretty as those 5G towers burning.
I mean, it's like the symbolism of fireworks.
The 4th of July symbolizes bombs raining down.
On the 4th.
And in the morning, the flag was still there.
They were there all night getting hit by, what was it, 20-something ships, and it was still there in the morning.
And the flag had holes all shot through it, but it was still there, even sexier, with all those scars.
Well, I gotta tell you.
I got a big ol' John Hardon lookin' at that.
And I'm not telling you to go out and do that.
I'm just telling you as a man, it's good to see some action, isn't it?
Let me tell you something.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
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Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G.
Even if you don't connect it to coronavirus, they're banning it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The Republic of Free Humanity.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
All right.
I'm going to get into Bill Gates and his nightmare plan.
And I didn't know that the Attorney General was on Laura Ingraham last night.
I didn't know.
He said that it's horribly evil and very draconian.
He said we're going to have travel certificates and implanted digital injections that show we've had the vaccine.
I mean, this is just a total takeover.
The worst possible revelations manifest by evil eugenicist psychotic who's running the whole operation with the Chycox.
But oh, the Chinese do it.
We better do it.
A month ago, David Knight got an MIT email.
Whistleblower sent us documents about a digital tattoo, about a travel certificate to buy and sell, and people said this there's no way this is real.
And then a week later Singapore announced that
Travel passes and the forced inoculations that were going to be put in place.
And the Australian Prime Minister a week ago said, we're going to have a lockdown until the vaccine's there and leave your house.
You'll have to have the vaccine.
And Bill Gates went on television last week and said the same thing.
And now he's saying it again.
It wasn't just Bill Gates.
No, he's the front man for the big foundations that openly are pushing this, like the Rockefeller, Carnegie and the foundation set up by IBM.
We're good to go.
Most of the government's involved.
And I said, if Trump doesn't block this, then it doesn't matter.
He's let them censor.
He's let them track.
Now they're in people's private messages, blocking messages you can send.
Facebook and others are.
Is there no end to this?
And I was so upset this morning, literally.
That I couldn't hardly do the show.
I said, I can't believe this isn't a bigger deal.
You heard me last hour.
I said, I don't know if I can do the show.
And I wasn't throwing a fit.
I'm like, just ashamed of humanity.
And then all of a sudden I hit refresh on InfoWars.com.
And I, it was on Laura Ingraham last night, 13 minute interview, where Barr says, this is absolutely evil.
We've got to block it.
This is crazy.
We've got to end the lockdown.
We've got to stop this.
And we've got embedded corporations that want power in other groups, and it's the Democrats and it's the blue cities that want to keep things locked down to hold the economy hostage.
They get it.
They're saying it.
It's the truth.
We're starting to turn the corner.
Thank God.
And Drudge Reports got the Ron Paul interview up.
They're saying the same thing, that finally the resistance is building to coronavirus.
House arrest orders.
It's about time.
And again, there's a paradox.
If you knew there was a bomber,
That was gonna put a truck of C4 into a public school and kill a couple hundred kids.
You'd say send out helicopters, SWAT teams, do whatever you have to to stop it.
But if it's viruses you can't stop, it's part of life, mainly killing folks when it's time to go.
Do we lock everyone down forever because we can't allow people to die?
It's BS!
Yes, the deaths are real, but way overblown.
And yes, the nutrients almost make you invincible if you have them.
The problem is when you're 89 years old, your body doesn't absorb it anymore.
Your cells are old.
You can take a bunch of zinc.
You're not getting it into your cells.
Because the Bible says you live to 75 if you're really nice to your parents and are a good, clean person.
And boy, that's how long you live on average, 75.
The average men and women together, 75.
And so they go, we can't allow, like school shootings, we have to get rid of everybody's guns because there's about 100 kids a year dying when crazies go kill them.
We're like, well statistically this is very rare.
Shut up!
You don't care about the 100 kids.
Well, we're talking about 20, 30, 40,000 here.
This is real.
But it's zooming in on something and blowing it up to scare everybody.
So I was super upset and praying during the breaks.
I mean, I've just been going, God, why don't they care?
Why does it Trump?
And I almost came out against Trump this morning and I almost blew up.
And I said, no, I trust Trump.
He's good.
I said to make people pay attention, I think I'm going to smash this desk because I've been wanting to overturn it for a while.
He's not fake what I do, but I suppress my feelings.
So that if I was going to let myself turn the desk over, it wouldn't be like a rock star breaking up their guitar for attention.
It's that I want to do it.
I've suppressed it, so it's real when I do it, but I let myself.
I was going to smash the desk and smash the studio today, and then quit.
And for a while, just to say, this isn't normal.
Microchips, world government, forced inoculations, pedophiles running everything, dressed up in Count Dracula outfits.
And then I hit refresh.
It's only been up about 10 minutes.
And I hit refresh on N4.
And I didn't get mad at the program.
I'm like, get me that article!
Get me that article!
And they're like, what?
I was like, read the transcript.
That's good!
I mean, we gotta turn the corner sometime!
Holy hell!
God Almighty!
I mean...
Because here's the thing, I'm not a violent person, but I'm not gonna put up with this crap anymore, and I know you're not.
But they're gonna blow stuff up and blame it on us, watch.
When they start the forced chipping, and here's the thing, they're gonna have all these idiots, the Attorney General's gonna block it.
China's gonna do it, Europe's gonna do it, and they're gonna say, you wanna go to Europe, you get a damn chip.
It's really a nanotech system.
You take this digital mark that they track you with,
And it'll just be something like TSA we get sick of and we finally just do it.
God damn these people to hell.
And by the way, if I get a call from a Christian listener saying I did that in vain, I didn't use the Lord's name in vain.
Vain means you use God's name and don't appreciate it, respect it.
I want God to damn these people to hell.
I'm praying for justice!
I'm praying for God to intervene!
I mean, how much worse does it have to get?
From Kansas, to Texas, to New York, to Illinois, to Florida, they are in newspapers saying, we don't want convicted pedophiles to have their backgrounds ruined to do pedophile story time with the kids.
That's just pissing in our face, man.
Because we've become a nation of yes-men that just, yes, yes, yes, I comply.
Complying with your family helping to cook dinner or helping do chores is fun and good.
Complying with your own destruction is beyond cowardice.
It's aiding and abetting Satanism.
And so I got some news to all the cowards, not our audience, the cowards that tuned in, this is funny.
You are going to destroy yourselves.
And I promise you, the way this works historically, metaphysically, you will be the first destroyed.
In fact, what's sick in all of this is that those of us fighting evil are going to become more powerful, stronger under this pressure.
I don't have any enjoyment thinking about that.
I'm gonna have to watch in high def spiritual HD all of this crap manifested?
Look, there is a fallen off world consciousness that likes to destroy humans.
It's been beaten by us before.
And our more advanced level.
And it is here jacking us.
And we got the transmission from the creator how to beat it.
But the creator's like...
Rob Sussoff gives a transmission.
The Creator's there already.
But God is pure and says, you have free will made in my image the potential of a whole new universe in each one of you.
The sea of the universe.
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
I am not going to let you sit there and be wimps.
You're going to be tested by this creature.
You can call that sadistic if you want.
God wants you to make the right choice.
It's not.
You choose Satan, so you're getting dumped in a black hole.
We'll be right back.
The ultimate tyranny would be a nanny state that would not allow anyone to ever do anything that could possibly hurt them.
And that's the globalist plan.
And now, Mr. Fauci at the NIH, last night in a press conference, standing right next to the President, said...
We're going to have a global lockdown because he talked to world leaders until not one more person is dying or one more person is infected.
The video is posted on InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, that sets the precedent where not one person can die from the flu, not one person can die from a cold.
Everyone will be surveilled in live time by their cell phones and apps and drones and an absolute straitjacket of pure medical tyranny.
And remember, it's Big Pharma that has all the Level 4 bioweapons labs that keeps leaking all these man-made viruses.
They're holding us all hostage.
Oh, and he talked about forced inoculations.
It's Wednesday morning.
I was just in a local Austin business that was basically empty, and there were three motorcycle police in there.
And I said, what do you think of this whole coronavirus thing?
And they're like, eh, it looks like it's a hoax.
I said, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The way it's been handled is a hoax.
Taking everybody that dies who happens to test positive, even though they die of a heart attack or cancer or diabetes, as dying from coronavirus is the big one.
And then, of course, they're also classifying everybody that tests positive for coronavirus, period, not just COVID-19, as having it.
So they're upping the number of cases, they're upping the number of deaths, but still, more people died this week and last week than died from the coronavirus from suicide.
So if anything, it's causing divorces and suicide and stir craziness and basic insanity and a giant power grab with Big Pharma preparing a forced inoculation, which they even admit will not protect you from next year's mutation of the coronavirus.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel
The Republican and Democrat conventions maybe cancel the election a year like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want to suspend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The dragon.
And the dragon gave its power to the beast.
When the whore rode on the back of the beast, the nun could bind or sell, free or bond, lest she have the number.
Reckon the number of the beast, or it is the number of a man.
Its number is 666.
They are now executing order number 66.
And to have it being openly announced,
Providence would have it be broken a month ago.
And now, they started announcing in the last five days publicly, of course we have a digital chip sewn into your body.
Of course you'll have to have all the shots we tell you.
From the World Health Organization, you can't travel.
And even if governments try to block it, the UN is in command.
And suddenly in grocery store lines and lawyers' offices, people are quoting the World Health Organization to me like, I have been given the highest order above even God himself.
Communicates, dispatches.
From God.
But you know,
Oh my God.
We've put up with it all, so what do we deserve?
There it is, COVID-19 tracking bracelets and invisible tattoos to monitor America.
How long ago was that?
Was that a month ago?
I'm saying a month.
Scroll down for me, please.
That was actually March 17th.
So less than a month ago, almost a month ago, David Knight.
Oh, and the Soros media said, oh, insanity.
Oh, that's preposterous.
And then it's announced a week later, in Singapore, where they'll execute you for getting in a fist fight.
You drop a chewing gum wrapper on the ground, they give you 20 lashes with a cane pole.
If you'll all just comply with this, you'll have to comply with taking vaccines to sterilize you and then give you cancer, and Bill Gates brags about it.
In fact, he says if you won't do it, we'll just release mosquitoes on your ass.
How about some Zika babies?
So that's why I get so angry, ladies and gentlemen, is that our free economy, our human economy, our system is being
Destroyed in a scorched earth New World Order operation.
I said I'd get to this.
I'm behind.
I'll get it next hour.
I wasn't gonna take calls.
We got guests coming up.
Can't now.
Bottom of the hour.
You know I've got a whole bunch of clips of them calling for, you can't leave your house or travel without a digital passport showing that you've taken the forced inoculations and they've got a microchip that has all your personal data to make sure it's not forged.
I mean, we've got the clips, would you like to see them?
It's here.
That's just who I told you, Bill damn Gates.
And what's frustrating is you research it and it's worse and worse and worse.
The entire hierarchy of the CDC is on his payroll.
The UN is on his payroll.
And then you look at who paid him.
Rockefeller, Carnegie, IBM, all eugenicists.
He wants in your body.
Who's pushing 5G?
Who's pushing weather modification?
In fact, I shouldn't even joke around.
Those names are too kind for him.
He is a manifest hole into hell.
One grant he received.
There's so many.
I was researching it a few weeks ago because I knew he was working for Gates.
And I just kept finding the grants and I just kept finding new ones.
It appears there's hundreds of them.
I mean, Fauci is an egg laid by Bill Gates.
God help us.
And I mean that when I say it.
Oh, my Lord, help us, please.
Because you're not going to have to wait five, ten years now.
It's all here.
Oh, oh, and let me give you the next news flash.
Watching their activities and gauging over the years, you call it a hunch.
It's not a hunch.
It's thousands of data points, literally.
They're going to release other bioweapon every year now.
It's just going to be every year.
They're going to get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.
And within 10 years, if we keep bowing, they're going to release stuff that
Starts killing hundreds of millions every season.
I'd say by about 2035, they've got us down to about 500 million that Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and that other guy Jeffrey Epstein put out publicly 15 years ago.
Gosh, what creepy weirdos.
You know Bill Gates' house got caught with all that child porn, remember that?
But it doesn't happen.
50,000 images of it or something?
His personal assistant.
Oh, he said it was his on Bill Gates' home computer.
Thought he didn't get in trouble.
He's trading child porn out of the main house.
They got Texas honey hams, the spiral sliced hams, all caramelized, they're so delicious.
I'm going to pick them up for Thanksgiving or whatever.
I'm just salivating in the place where they're cutting them up over the counter and getting them ready.
And you actually get sandwiches there with cheese on them and lettuce and onions, so good.
I salivate when I see a big juicy ham dripping with cheese on luscious wheat bread with mustard on it.
I see my wife in a bikini, I start salivating.
When Bill Gates and these people see a little kid, they start salivating.
And stealing the energy by having sex with them is an hors d'oeuvre.
Torturing them to death is the main course.
But it's liberal, so it's okay.
Because Tim Cook's gay.
So, you know, do I even need to play these clips for you?
I guess I do.
Here's Bill Gates babbling on Facebook.
I mean, my God, on Instagram.
He's on everything.
He's doing hundreds of interviews every few days.
It's just his time.
And here he is saying he's got to have a digital passport to travel.
And then part of that is that, got it right here from his own press releases, a digital implanted chip.
Here it is.
And that whole voice is fake.
Behind the scenes, Bill Gates is like, I'm in command.
He literally, he goes, kill humans.
Literally, behind the scenes, people, Bill Gates is like, screw you, I'll get you.
I know people that know him.
Oh, I'm Bill Gates.
I'm a liberal.
Oh, take my shot.
It's not threatening.
Like Ursula Little Mermaid when she's swimming around.
Hello, sweetie.
There's his real face.
You see that?
He does it in spaceships.
All of a sudden, he'll just go like... That's cheating.
I will kill them.
He's a top general of Satan.
And Satan's just bullwhipping him.
Kill them now!
Slaughter them!
Master, I will destroy them!
That's Bill Gates' voice.
I'm empathic.
He put horns on him all day.
How about piles of dead babies?
How about a burn up destroyed earth?
That's what we ought to put next to Bill Gates.
Little pitchforks and horns don't do it justice.
All right, we're going to take a break.
And I'll give you the Attorney General talking about the Draco, the draconian Bill Gates, who, with the corporations and the blue cities, is coming with the microchips.
And the UN says they're going to take your kids from you.
Oh, it's all happening now.
Let's get ready to rumble!
The main event, ladies and gentlemen.
Satan and his armies of degenerate scum against the sleeping beauties that don't know they're fighting for their lives.
Hour number three.
It's two minutes away.
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Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to Infowars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have that stuff, but I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
We knew early on that COVID-19 was an engineered bioweapon.
But again, people say, oh, then it must be the most deadly thing ever.
It does currently kill people, but if you're going to release a bioweapon for fear into bankrupt an economy and cause panic, and to run folks off the edge of a cliff in a giant artificial stampede, you want to know the real trajectory.
Kill a bunch of old people, kill people that are deficient, kill people that are already sick, get rid of folks the globalists don't even want anyways, but scare everybody else you want to control into submission.
And that's what's going on.
So people get confused by the paradoxes.
You say it's a real virus, you say it's serious, but you say don't panic and don't shut the economy down.
Because if you do that, they're going to keep releasing bioweapons over and over again because it works so well on the public.
Most people are starting to wake up, but we have to understand that pressure is being put on Trump to basically keep the economy shut for another six months to a year.
We'll be in a depression long before then.
We've got to go back to work.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, I'm gonna air excerpts of the Attorney General's amazing interview with Laura Ingraham.
Thank God!
Somebody is upset about the open world government, Mark of the Beast, and pliable microchip implanting going on.
And I am going to get serious.
I've been serious.
I've been venting here because my energy levels is off the charts right now because
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
And we are all that standard, and I'm just like, white hot right now, man.
I mean, I'm just like, ready for war.
I mean, it's just, I've never felt like this.
I'll just leave it at that.
I mean, because we're in it.
I mean, this is spiritual, total takeover, Mark of the Beast, all being announced.
It's just unbelievable.
And you know, I've been freaking out on air because this is a normal response.
I mean, I'm not going to just sit up here and calmly, like everybody else does, just cover this, and just like, oh yeah, you know.
Here's part of the report, the full reports of the John Bowne section of Bandai Video.
It's China controls the World Health Organization.
I'm going to come back because I do need to create a good, clean record of this.
We'll get to just how bad the situation is and how we fight it when we come back.
Our own anti-American media has been praising China for its efforts toward the coronavirus debacle, but that's nothing new.
Adolf Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1938, as was Joseph Stalin in 1939.
The Chinese government's dominance of propaganda is as slick as it is nearly invisible.
This old iconic landmark is getting a new facelift, a bit of cosmetic surgery.
It's about to get a new name, all new upgrades and technologies, and an all new lease on life as we partner with one of China's most formidable consumer product companies, DCL.
China is fast overtaking the U.S.
as the biggest movie marketplace on Earth.
And Wanda's acquisition is the biggest move yet by a Chinese company into the U.S.
entertainment industry.
Now, the United States is by far the world's top funder of the World Health Organization.
We give the organization about 58 million dollars every year.
That's double what any other country donates, for some reason.
But for the organization's leaders, there's only one country that matters.
And it's not us.
It's China.
And as the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative plows a path for the globalist fever dream of a Chinese century, the pawns of the powerful have looked to the World Health Organization for professional, unwavering guidance throughout the coronavirus hysteria, many completely unaware of how locked in with China these organizations are.
Would the WHO consider Taiwan's membership?
I couldn't hear your question.
Okay, let me repeat the question.
Okay, let's move to another one then.
Honestly, they've got out of their way to say, oh, nothing to see here, and then praise China, and they're pretending the connection doesn't work.
Number one, we know that the WHO is a completely useless and corrupt body that has been completely taken over by Chinese Communist Party propagandists.
As The Federalist reported, China worked tirelessly behind the scenes in lobbying to ensure the election of World Health Organization Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus, who previously served in the government of the Marxist and violently repressive Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front.
This gruesome movement was responsible for gross human rights abuses such as torture, repression, and electoral fraud.
During his tenure as health minister,
Tedros was most known to have covered up three cholera outbreaks.
As the health minister, he decided to call it Mere Acute Ward 3 Diarrhea.
And people were like, diarrhea?
How can it be diarrhea when about 60,000 people were affected in 2006?
And not only that, he instructed his staff to avoid using the word cholera in their reports.
So why did China push so hard for Tedros?
Tedros' tenure is merely a part of a broader Chinese Communist Party strategy to take over international organizations to reshape the international system to accommodate its political and economic interests.
In service of this strategy, China has consistently sought to trade financial incentives for votes, offering bribes and canceling debt for countries that support them.
All of this noted by Assistant to U.S.
President Peter Navarro that the CCP has a broad strategy to gain control over 15 specialized agencies of the U.N.
China already leads four of the U.N.
specialized agencies while no other country leads more than one.
What's amazing about the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, is that even though it's 240 years old, it's more pertinent and more powerful today than it's ever been.
We look at the huge AI takeover and total surveillance of our lives, and the tyranny that comes with it, the oppression.
And it's all linked to not having due process and not having a Fourth Amendment against being illegally surveilled.
It's all predicated on having no privacy.
If we simply embrace the Bill of Rights and Constitution and enforce that against big tech, they would never get away with this.
But because we're not enforcing our Bill of Rights and Constitution based in common sense, the bottom has fallen out and the sky is just the beginning.
It's certainly not the limit.
That's why we're rediscovering what made America great and what the Renaissance is all about.
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It begins at InfoWars.com.
But a digital certificate to show who has recovered, or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine, of people who've received it.
That's his answer on a Reddit Ask Me Anything.
They had a little forum.
I'd be a little concerned about that.
And the tracking of people and so forth.
Generally, especially going forward over a long period of time.
These are inalienable rights.
There are a lot of Americans today who are mourning those who've lost their lives in this horrible virus, who also say, the government doesn't have this right to take our rights away.
Even when the experts are saying this is a horrible time for us, health-wise.
And they're very worried.
Increasingly worried, I think, as time goes on.
But they've been very patient as well.
Yeah, I think they have been patient and I think we have to be very careful to make sure this is, you know, that the draconian measures that are being adopted are fully justified and they're not alternative ways of protecting people.
And I think, you know, when this period of time, at the end of April, expires, I think we have to allow people to adapt more than we have.
Saying the rule of law still applies during a pandemic.
The rule of law, I mean our inalienable rights, the law of the land, I mean this, it all...
It still exists, and we don't want to set a precedent where every time experts declare a crisis, and it's scary, and a lot of people are going to die, that we just lose our ability to function as a government and the executive branch.
I mean, I know you're the executive branch now, but where we don't have that whole-of-government real approach to safeguard the liberties of the American people.
Well, one of the things that I think the President has done very well here is to use the strength of a federal system where certain decisions should be made in Washington, perhaps, but also allowing each state to adapt to the situation that confronts it and make their own choices.
And that's a form of protecting liberty.
The federal system is a form of protecting liberty.
Protecting liberty, to have the government closest to the people make those decisions.
So I think we do have that protection.
You're right in the general sense that there is a power for the government to take extraordinary steps in genuine emergencies.
That obviously creates a slippery slope.
What do you call an emergency?
And I am concerned that we not get into the business of declaring everything an emergency and then using these kinds of sweeping extraordinary steps.
Oh, this isn't the Slippery Slope.
We've fallen off the Slippery Slope and into a vat of tyranny.
The good news is, if you go to Bill Gates' Instagram or his Facebook or his Twitter, no one, and I've spent, during the breaks, a lot of time reading hundreds of these, no one likes him.
They say, you're a eugenicist, your dad ran Planned Parenthood, you say you want to kill the old people, now you care, you're behind the vaccine, you're behind it all, you piece of garbage, we're gonna get you.
Piss up a rope, you chicken neck Nazi!
And again, what would a Nazi do?
He'd stir up everybody racially to hate each other.
He'd have the leftist media persecute whites for no reason.
So we would say, okay.
We're against the brown people.
Now that doesn't mean you're like a leftist and then do whatever the globalists say because they represent the brown people and
Just open the borders up and let everybody have free stuff and go bankrupt?
No, but you understand the manipulation.
And it came out in the WikiLeaks, Hillary talking to the head psychiatrist of a university.
And they say, we're losing control.
All we can do now is culture war.
And Hillary's assistant goes, well, she wants to talk to you today about how we expand that culture war.
Culture war is the code word for race war.
We have the Soros documents on how they tried to cause a race war with Obama and the Trayvon Martin stuff and they picked cases where cops killed people pulling guns on them so that it would
Look to white people like it was black people being unreasonable when there are obviously cases of black folks being screwed over.
This is all psych warfare, folks.
And it's not like you can look at it and see what they're doing.
We keep getting the documents because good people on the inside leak them.
One Antifa professor went to jail.
We're good to go.
Because, you know, Jesse Smollett just claims white dudes are attacking him in the middle of the night and makes up all this stuff.
The Soros people do it for real, folks.
You know, I want to go through all these clips, but we've reached Twilight Zone level here, haven't we?
We're in the year 2020.
They're freaking out about Bill Gates wanting you to have a digital ID to travel, but that's not, that's not what he's saying.
It's a hundred times worse.
Let me show you the articles from Bill Gates' statements.
Now there's Fox News.
Eventually we'll have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or tested recently or when we have a vaccine has received it.
What is England?
What has Italy?
What is Australia?
What has China?
And what has Texas?
The governor got sucked into it.
I think the governor is a good guy, from what I know.
But, him going, oh yeah, you'll have to have antibodies before you go back to work.
That means a vaccine, or that you had it.
And again, it's a weaponized common cold.
It does kill a lot of people.
But, I'm gonna play you the next segment.
The former head Rockefeller scientist,
I mean, I looked him up, I mean, this guy's, I've read his name before, this guy's like in the top ten virologists in the world.
It's just hands down, he's king daddy, okay?
And he says, actually, locking everybody up like this creates mutations and things that are more deadly.
And you want to get a bad virus out as much as possible because it always mutates off.
But that's what my dad was always telling me.
But you know, it's my dad.
He's a chemist, he's a doctor, stuff like that.
But okay, dad, I know you've read the literature, but it's really true, folks.
And so we're getting to that as well.
This is the worst scenario.
Them locking everybody down like this, now that we get more science on it, is going to make this thing continue on next year.
Which they're now saying, this is the new normal.
Cuomo's in AP saying, it's never ending.
He says, this is, it's never-ending.
Of course they get all this power!
Politicians, corrupt governments, corrupt corporations, of course they are having a orgasm!
You got that clip?
But here it is, Bill Gates calls for digital certificate to identify who received COVID-19.
And there's all these videos and all these statements, and it's exactly what we broke a month ago.
Or three and a half weeks ago at David Knight.
Bill Gates, MIT developed new ID tattoo for checking for vaccines.
And really, that's just a cover story.
It's a thing to track everything you do.
Here's the company, MIT, an invisible quantum dot tattoo.
Oh, they don't call it a chip or mark.
It's a quantum dot.
Well, then it's got to be good.
I mean, if it's a quantum dot...
Instead of calling it 357 Magnum, you walk up with your 357 Magnum.
This is not a 357 Magnum.
This is a quantum launch carrier system.
And I'm going to put into you a transformative beacon.
And they shoot you in the head with a 357 Magnum and blow your brains out.
But it's okay because it's a quantum level beacon.
Or a hatchet.
Or here, just a knife.
Where'd my knife go?
You know, you just walk up and go, this isn't a knife, it's a love stick!
Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal!
See how that works?
And you read this, and it's like, oh, here it is.
For people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries, it's always developing countries, keeping track of who and which vaccination and when has been the tough task.
That's why they started last year, remember, in Austin and Florida, microchipping homeless.
They're beta testing.
Who was doing it?
The UN.
But researchers from MIT might have a solution.
They always act like, oh, they might have it.
You have to beg for it.
You don't just get it.
They've created an ink that can safely embed the skin alongside a vaccine itself.
And it's only visible using special smartphone camera app and filter.
In other words, they found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in the patient's skin rather than document it electronically on paper.
And the low-risk tracking system.
What's low-risk?
Oh, wow!
Could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records.
And it goes on letting you have your digital passport.
So, your medical Margaret the Beefs is ready and Bill Gates, who says he wants to kill everybody, runs it!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm about to show you incredible information that could save hundreds of millions of people in the next few years, literally.
But you're not going to see the mainstream media drama queen about all of this.
I have
All the articles right here, where even the UN admits that this lockdown has put half a million people on the edge of starvation, with a hundred plus million people that have died just in the last 20 years.
From starvation.
So I'm going to say that again.
You're not going to have CNN cameras.
You're not going to have a big hype.
You'll have some UNICEF saying, give the UN money.
We'll feed Africans when they're the ones cut the food off.
Or people in the Middle East and other areas.
But it's the Africans that are getting the main brunt of this.
And have you been taught there's too many people?
And you're like, great, you go over there and you personally shoot those little black kids in the head yourself.
I'm sick of all these chicken-neck leftists presiding over this, you know damn well what you're doing.
You think the globalists are going to kill all these black people and they're not going to kill your dumb ass?
They're just going to shoot you up with a vaccine that gives you cancer, you dumb idiot.
And I'm talking to people that go along with the system.
And by the way, that's why the World Health Organization is full of a bunch of black Africans that lead their people right out of the slaughter, like the head of the World Health Organization.
What a communist monster.
What a boot-licking scumbag of the chi-coms.
These are all Hitlers, man.
Modern day, right in front of you.
But if Hitler was black, you'd see, oh, black people are perfect.
I mean, there's no way this black man's hurting black people.
He talks all day about fighting racism.
One loving starvation at a time.
So here's a little compilation of Trump last month talking about, you cut the economy off, it'll cause mass death, and I'm going to show you what's currently happening.
We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.
We're not going to let the cure be worse than the problem.
At the end of the 15-day period, we'll make a decision as to which way we want to go, where we want to go, the timing.
And essentially, we're referring to the timing of the opening.
Essentially the opening of our country.
Our country is not supposed to be, you know, it's not built to shut down.
Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy.
They don't want to be locked into a house or an apartment or some space.
It's not for our country.
We're not built that way.
And I said, you know, I don't want the cure to be worse than the problem itself.
The problem being obviously the problem.
And, you know, you can destroy a country this way by closing it down, where it literally goes from being the most prosperous... I mean, we had the best economy in the history of our country three weeks ago.
And then all of a sudden we're supposed to shut it down.
And then we're supposed to pay people not to go to work.
We never had that.
We used to pay people to go to work.
You have tremendous responsibility.
We have jobs, we have people get tremendous anxiety and depression, and you have suicides over things like this.
When you have terrible economies, you have death probably, and I mean definitely, would be in far greater numbers than the numbers that we're talking about with regard to the virus.
So we have an obligation, we have a double obligation.
This was a medical problem.
We are not going to let it turn into a long-lasting financial problem.
It started out as a purely medical problem and it's not going to go beyond that.
We're just not going to allow that to happen.
This could be a much bigger problem.
This could create a much bigger problem than the problem that you start off with.
Now, other nations are going to have to do what they're going to do, but they'll probably do something very similar.
But in our case, much more so than anyone else, because of the magnitude of our economy, the tremendous size of what we've built and what we have and the jobs involved,
You know, you have 160, almost 160 million jobs in this country now, the most ever by far, by far the most ever.
The number of jobs, almost 160 million.
So we can't turn that off and think it's going to be wonderful.
There'll be tremendous repercussions.
There will be a tremendous death from that death.
You know, you're talking about death, probably more death from that than anything that we're talking about with respect to the virus.
So there's Trump in the last month predicting everything, and here is now today.
Associated Press.
Half a billion more people face poverty due to virus, and of this, lowest 10% of people on the planet.
Almost a billion people, 800 plus million.
Most of them live at a subsistence level, spending the vast majority of their money on food.
Many of them make less than a dollar a day, and it goes on to say that there'll probably be several million extra people starved to death.
But that's okay.
Here, let's look who's going to be starving to death here.
It's okay.
We can't have a 90-year-old person test positive for COVID-19 and die as a cancer, because they admit they put every death in there.
She's got to die.
Because millions, they say about two million, will probably die.
You can look it up.
Got the articles right here.
But what's two million children?
I mean, come on.
It's fun to wear the mask and get scared and, you know, social distance and everything.
I understand.
Hey, just be, at least send troops to shoot her in the head then.
I mean, don't make her starve to death and have vultures eat her.
I mean, you know.
Jones' goal for killing black babies.
No, that's the left.
I'm being sarcastic.
How the CDC and the FDA wrecked the economy.
Big article right there from Reason.
Yeah, I mean, you mean Bill Gates and the globalists that run China.
They did this as economic war.
Bill Gates, again, calling for your digital certificate and your digital vaccine.
With the vaccine, you get nanochips put in you just so you're allowed to travel.
Isn't that just incredibly special?
And then, oh,
Where's my statistics?
I had them here.
It's reported by the U.N.
that 191 million people, here it is, that's one statistic, here's another, since 1989, according to the U.N., 189 million people since 1990, that's 30 years, died of starvation.
7 million during the Great Depression in the U.S.
Let's see.
They don't count because they weren't all chic wearing the mask.
So there they are right there, folks.
There they are right there.
189 million.
Let's put up the map if we can.
How many have died worldwide from COVID-19, which the CDC admits and BRICS admits they count every death from cancer, heart attacks, car wreck.
If you test positive COVID, COVID did it.
So that's way exaggerated.
It's the total takeover.
It's here.
The microchips, everything.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't, because of flu viruses, cold viruses, everything else, boost your overall defenses.
And long before this ever happened, I was saying it, vitamin D3, our winter sun, back in stock, 50% off.
I was saying for a better life, better exuberance, energy, stamina, libido, clean iodine, we've got the best.
X3 is still in stock.
X2 sold out.
X3 is selling out quickly.
60% off despite the fact we're selling out of it.
Total deaths worldwide, 91,783.
Total death starvation a year increased.
It's over 10 million a year.
Well over 10.
It's like 50 million.
Extra 2 million, they're saying, from this.
The economy's shut down.
But that's 2 million starving to death in Africa and in the Middle East and areas of Asia and areas of Latin America.
Don't worry about them.
Because that's what this is.
Cut off the world economy, starve all those brown people to death.
But it doesn't matter if Tim Cook owns slave factories, he's gay.
And that's all that matters.
Tim Cook is gay.
Tim Cook is God.
If you're trying to quit drinking or doing too many drugs, listen to me.
You don't know me and we'll never meet.
I had a problem like you once.
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You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
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Zinc, antiviral.
We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice and seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the cashless society, it's all being announced.
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And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
It's about what's coming in the future with elections may be cancelled, with the globalists trying to implode the economy.
This is just the beginning of the crisis.
Not the middle and not the end.
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Get it right now, Prostagard, at InfoWarsStore.com, and whatever you do, please warn others that Mother Nature has given us a lot of things that really help boost our overall health and wellness.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Zithromycin and Zinc.
They say Zinc.
We should add Zinc.
Now, it all has to be recommended by doctors, physicians.
But they say Zinc.
I want to throw that out there because that's where they seem to be having the best result.
So you add the Zinc and the Zithromycin.
And it's been... We've had a lot of good stories.
A lot of good stories.
And we have...
Alright, we want to cut in here.
There's two things the President has said in the last 15 minutes that we think is worth trying to explain or fact-check here.
One was on a medical recommendation that the President was making about the use of zinc.
And if you were confused...
That's why we have Dr. Gupta here, hopefully to at least clear up that confusion.
Obviously, it's continuing with the President's belief on using this one therapeutic.
Dr. Gupta, explain best you could understand what the President was talking about when it came to zinc.
Thanks Chuck, good to see you.
Let's stop right there.
I don't know.
Let's go to the next clip.
I don't know.
Everybody knows, and if you go to the NIH and type in zinc, it says essential for cellular activity, essential for immunity, essential for protecting cells from viruses.
Then it goes on to say zinc deficiency is one of the leading causes of viral infection, illness and death.
Go read it!
But they are literally making it a leftist sacrament now.
Because I'll give it to liberals.
Liberals I knew 30 years ago, 20 years ago.
They were the ones at Whole Foods before, you know, Bezos owned it.
That were like, I mean, I remember like, a former Olympic swimmer.
That I used to see down at Barton Springs when I was from like a mile, this guy was from like three miles, like a rocket ship at like 70.
And he had big jugs when I was in college of water, but it was like orange.
And I said, what is it?
He goes, it's iodine.
It's a secret to everything.
And I mean, I was like, you're a fricking, but I should have listened to him.
He was like a 25 Phelps or something at 70 years old.
He must have moved or something.
I didn't see him after that.
It was decades later that Dr. Grubbs was like, I don't answer to everything.
Then I looked it up and it was true.
Two plus billion people have mental disabilities.
The UN says, if you listen to them, and from lack of iodine.
But, here they are, and we're going to our guest, who wanted to come on about this, that's why I'm playing this now, who's a doctor, inventor, by the way of email, on record.
Trump would leave this out the last month, but the French studies and the U.S.
studies and all these medical doctors were saying hydro systems of the chloroquine is the gun.
The zinc is the bullet.
And if a gun doesn't have bullets, it's as worthless as tits on a board, as we say here in Texas.
And so, now the President finally comes out and says this after all these medical doctors are everywhere saying that they're treating people with 100% recovery, and the media attacks him because they don't want you having hope.
It's Bill Gates and his microchip and all of it.
Here's ABC News LA.
Because local news still isn't totally controlled.
They get the propaganda they repeat, but they have their own little segments.
And, hey, we know this medical doctor.
He's got a big practice.
He comes on all the time.
We respect him.
Doctor, what's working for you?
100% recovery zinc with hydroxychloroquine.
But if you take hydroxychloroquine by itself, it can kill you.
And the doctors explain, because you don't have zinc, and it causes a chemical imbalance, you've got to have the zinc.
But zinc by itself as a preventative.
Once you've got it, yeah, you're in trouble, but it's the preventative.
And that's what they're saying.
They literally have had attorney generals contact us over this.
They've literally had George Soros come after us saying, stop it.
How am I supposed to not tell people this?
And now they're saying medical doctors can't tell you.
Now they're saying the president can't tell you.
We're going to go to Dr. Shiva Iyeray, one of our favorite guests here in a moment.
We'll do a little bit of the next hour before our next guest takes over.
Got a big raft of big guests.
But here's that clip off ABC News they don't want you to see.
Okay, real quick, we have a little bit of time left.
I do want to ask you about hydroxychloroquine.
The president was pushing it pretty strong again yesterday.
You said you have prescribed this.
I want to talk to you about the effects you're seeing and what it might do for people who take it normally outside of coronavirus and a possible shortage of medicine for them.
What we're finding clinically with our patients is that it really only works in conjunction with zinc.
So the hydroxychloroquine opens a zinc channel, zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of the cellular machinery.
So it has to be used in conjunction with zinc.
We are seeing some clinical responses in that regard.
There are people that take it regularly for other disease processes.
We have to be cautious and mindful that we don't prescribe it for patients who have COVID that are well.
It really should be reserved for people that are really sick in the hospital or at home very sick that need that medication.
Otherwise, we're going to blow through our supply for the patients that take it regularly for other disease processes.
But what you're saying is you're prescribing it and it is working for COVID-19 patients?
Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill, and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free.
And so, clinically, I am seeing a resolution.
That mirrors what we saw in the French study and some of the other studies worldwide.
And that's exactly what I've said and Trump has said, and I was banned off Google App for it.
Why would these people try to block that?
Dr. Shiva Idarai, thanks for joining us.
I know you've been at the tip of the spear exposing this.
We'll get it out and protect ourselves, but why is Big Pharma trying to block this?
I mean, they're really showing themselves to be villains, telling the President, don't tell people about zinc?
What do you think's happening, doctor?
Well, well look, Alex, you know,
About two weeks ago, on March 23rd, I wrote a letter to the President which really laid out a methodology for really addressing this without completely destroying the economy.
I said we need to balance immune health,
With economic health, and that came out, Alex, because a very senior person around the administration contacted me out of nowhere, and he said, look, we as economists are being told to backfill in economic policy with health policy leading it.
And I said, look, Fauci is practicing fake science.
Thank you.
A much more robust view of the immune system, which includes, you know, the microbiome, the virome, the innate, the adaptive, the interferon, a much more complex system.
And what I shared was, at the fundamental level, it's not the virus or these bacteria, these pathogens that harm us.
What actually harms us is an overreactive immune system.
It's our own body.
When you shut down, you know, you have, let's say, six cylinders, the innate and the adaptive, the macrophages and the T-cells.
But if those get shut down, for example, by a high sugar diet, the cytokine storm takes over and we attack our own bodies.
In the case of Ebola, for example, we start attacking the endothelial cells and you start bleeding out.
In the case of this, we attack our own epithelial cells and we fill the lungs with, you know, fluid and that's what's taking place.
So just like the Spanish flu, it's the autoimmune response.
It's the autoimmune response.
And the fundamental thing here, Alex, is think about it.
None of these freaking guys are talking about that.
Fauci, what is his big establishment goal with his buddies at the Gates Foundation, at the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation?
Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.
And they're teeing this up.
To fear monger.
So next year, this time, all of us, we can't get our driver ID, right?
You got to get your driver license.
Where's your vaccine card?
That's that one trajectory.
But no one is talking about some very central things.
And how do we get both of this working?
So in that letter to the president, I said, look,
Let's take the COVID-19 people and give them high-dose vitamin DNA, and we can talk about that.
Let's take the people who are critically ill.
And by the way, 80-90% of the people who are critically ill, they put them on these stupid ventilators, and they're literally asphyxiating them.
And that's why they want more ventilators, because they know the left wants to kill as many as possible to boost the number.
They have hypoxia.
Yeah, and the hospital administrators make money on that.
The hospitals, the people selling this make money.
But the fundamental reason is you have a cytokine storm taking place in the lungs.
You put these ventilators in, and there's beautiful papers written showing this, that you actually further destroy the lungs.
Simple solution.
By the way, you were saying this two weeks ago in your letter to the President.
I know you were with Owen.
I should have had you on that.
Now medical doctors are coming out saying, we're killing people with these ventilators.
They're having an autoimmune response.
Stay there, Dr. Shiva.
Adhiray, inventor of e-mail, he's on record, he's an inventor of it, is with us right now and he owns a medical company, a bunch of stuff he's doing.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Listen to me very carefully.
We have confirmed that California is set, within days or weeks, to announce a total stay-at-home order, and will shut down grocery stores, and yes, even pharmacies, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what they're announcing to create total panic, to try to trigger a depression to blame on Trump.
Then, when Trump doesn't follow suit, they will blame every single death on President Trump.
This is a PSYOP using a real deadly virus.
This is super dangerous and everyone needs to get supplies in now.
The food chain is getting low as well and you need to get the supplements just to be safe at InfoWareStore.com and stock up because who knows in the future if we'll even be able to operate.
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But take action now at InfoWarsStore.com.
As predicted, the human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
The LA Times, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine all reported years ago that major studies show 5G caused increased cancer in rats.
It's a fact.
5G is just a later generation of systems that are on record for more than 70 years to cause cancer.
They rub the DNA molecules together.
They are microwaves.
Well now, YouTube has admitted to the BBC and others that they're banning anyone criticizing 5G, even if you don't connect it to coronavirus.
They're banning it.
But the studies do show that 5G lowers your immunity to viruses, period.
There are peer-reviewed journals.
We're showing these documents on air, and the globalists can go to hell.
The human rebellion against globalist machines has begun.
We're not troglodytes afraid of technology.
We don't like technology with Trojan Horse anti-human crap in it.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump and the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel
The Republican and Democrat conventions maybe cancel the election a year, like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics, go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want to suspend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and reelect Trump 2020.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Can you believe how Twilight Zone this is?
Barr, very concerned for Bill Gates, digital vaccine certificates, calls lockdown measures draconian, wants them gone.
And then Bill Gates wants you to take a digital ink that's microchips, that's nanotech, to prove you've been vaccinated to buy or sell or travel.
That's not coming.
That's proposed, folks.
Dr. Shiva, IDRA, is our guest.
He owns a major medical company.
There's a lot of research.
Inventor of the term email.
Original email protocols.
And he's here with us now.
You're making great points.
You sent a great letter to the President.
I want you to get back into that letter and common sense.
The doctors are backing you up, saying this is an autoimmune deal.
People like the Spanish Flu are having a huge event.
What they need is something to calm that down, to kill that.
And then meanwhile, the media tries to stop.
Oh, doctors, don't give them a drug that stops inflammation.
Oh, don't take turmeric.
Oh, don't take vitamin D3.
Oh, don't take zinc.
Don't do any of this.
There's no hope.
Wait for the vaccine.
Alex, I think what I want to share with your audience, because, you know, there's a huge reach you have, and I've been sharing this directly.
First of all, I think let's go to the first point is that the immune system is not some weakling.
You know, we live around, we have about 380 trillion viruses.
We have around 60 trillion bacteria within us.
We're a walking germ factory, you know, and we have all of this stuff around us.
So first of all, people need to get away from this fear mongering, which is what the Fauci's and the elites want us to do.
So we give away all of our rights.
That's the first thing.
The other thing we need to understand is,
Let's start with some very basic principles that if you are consuming proper amounts of vitamin D and vitamin A, you modulate these extraordinary reactions that take place in your body.
One of the things, Alex, that people don't understand with vitamin D3, we get it from the sun, but vitamin D3 is like the gun.
And through a series of chemical reactions, your body produces these very powerful chemicals called
That's right.
This is something central.
So in the letter to the president, I said, first of all, if you take those people who are COVID-19 or people who are immunocompromised, you give them very high dosage, around 400,000 I use a vitamin A, which I'll come to, and 50,000 I use a vitamin D. And this is, by the way, well written in the literature.
It's not something I'm making up, you know, 80,000 papers written on vitamin D.
So, vitamin D is an antimicrobial.
That's why when the sun comes, that's why all these cultures respect the sun, because it literally blows up, you know, disrupts the cell membranes of viruses, bacteria, etc.
Yeah, that's why the ancient Germans, as you know, brought evergreens in, because they could live in the winter.
They thought it was magic.
They knew everybody got sick and died in the winter in the caves, but when the sun came out, everybody got well.
So the thing is, what you have Fauci and these guys doing is, first of all, they projected ridiculous numbers of how many were going to die.
Now they're cooking the books, throwing everything under COVID-19.
They want to say that flattening the curve and social distancing is what was going to solve it in June.
It's going to be really vitamin D.
The second issue is vitamin A. By the way, what I just shared with you, vitamin D, 99% of MDs, unfortunately, because of their big pharma education, have no idea what cathelicedens are.
By the way, I showed a few months ago the UN report on vaccines.
They don't learn this.
They admitted they don't study nutrition, what vaccines do, anything.
They don't study any of that.
That's part of the big pharma medical education.
They're sort of in golden handcuffs.
They're victims.
The other thing is vitamin A. Well, what is vitamin A?
Just like vitamin D comes from the sun, a natural source, vitamin A, if the thyroid is working right, you have proper iodine and proper iodide, it's working right, we take these beautiful, dark, grief-leafy vegetables and fruits, and our body creates vitamin A. But what does vitamin A do?
In addition to being an amazing hormone, which modulates those immune reactions... So imagine bringing up A.
Because I want to get back to A. You're right, I've missed that.
I've seen that literature.
You mentioned A. Why is, you mentioned C. Why is zinc so key?
You're talking about other stuff right now.
Well, zinc inhibits these viral replication processes, OK?
And zinc, as you said, is essential if you're going to take the hydroxychloroquine.
And I want to talk about that.
But let me just finish with vitamin A. The reason vitamin A, again, it's not taught in medical schools, people really don't talk about is vitamin A is extremely important because it builds cytokeratin.
It literally builds walls around our cells.
So if you think about it from a prophylactic standpoint,
You stopped the viruses from even impinging on coming on the cell surface.
First of all, the virus has got to learn to come.
I mean, it's got to come in.
So the vitamin A, bilici, cytokeratin, essentially little walls around all cells.
There's some beautiful pictures which I've shared in one of my videos.
If it makes it through, then the virus then has to get in through the AC to receptor, which is covered 19.
And then when it goes in, you have vitamin D literally knocking it out.
Now, the point is, vitamin D and A are supporting you prophylactic prophylactically, an amazing way because a they're stopping the virus from coming in through vitamin A and vitamin D is an antimicrobial, particularly high dosage.
Let's talk about hydrochloric hydroxy
Now, it's been out there, but we have to understand that it is a pharmaceutical alternative.
The Fauci's of the world want to go vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.
But the hydroxychloroquine, you know, there's still these sharks around there which want to still figure out a way to pharma to get in.
It has some very powerful beneficial properties, no doubt.
It stops glycosylation.
So when that virus tries to land and connect to that ACE2 receptor, Alex, it inhibits glycosylation because glycosylation needs to take place so the virus can even get in.
So that's very good.
If it gets in, hydroxychloroquine is also very valuable for stopping the RNA replication for the virus transport.
So can't get out.
And furthermore, it also helps modulate the cytokine storm.
But as you just brought out, it's not that effective without zinc.
Zinc is extremely important.
By and unto itself, hydroxychloroquine has nearly 61 different side effects.
OK, so as people are starting to, you know, let's say a hospital worker believes they were exposed to someone or you think you got exposed to someone, the thesis is that you give the hydroxychloroquine a head to protect them.
My point is, okay, that's one solution.
The other thing is, none of these guys are talking about vitamin D and vitamin A. Okay?
I'm not a doctor like you, but reading the literature, if you take hydroxychloroquine and zinc isn't there, it's going to push other chemicals and things and cause side effects.
That's what doctors are saying.
You've got to have high levels of zinc.
They debate this.
Some say
A hundred milligrams, some say 250, but it can't hurt kidneys.
No one, I've talked to like five or six medical doctors, will give me a straight answer, doctor, on how much zinc per pound.
Let's take away 200 pounds, how much zinc would you take to front load so you don't get sick?
If you are sick, what do you take?
Yeah, so the issue is, you know, when you get to around 90 milligrams for a human being, right, for a typical adult, you're getting to a very, very high dosage point.
But the point is, the hydroxychloroquine solution, I'm not going to attack it hard, but it does have side effects.
The alternative prophylactic... So you're saying up front, if you have vitamin D3, if you have vitamin A and vitamin C, you're in like Flynn.
You're, exactly, you're protected.
Think about you're wearing armor around you.
So let me ask this next question.
How do you want to give people a solution?
The audience knows this, and I'm glad you here are breaking it down so eloquently, and I'm glad the White House is listening to you and others.
Let me ask this question.
What do you make of the media attacking the President, anybody that says this?
Well, look, the number look, what's happening, Alex, is big pharma.
You know, my company Cytosol, it's a technology to model molecular pathways.
We help figure out how to understand how medicines work faster, cheaper and faster.
The reason that we created that obviously was in the natural products where we had hoped
That these pharma companies would want to eliminate toxicity.
The reality is pharma companies, everyone needs to listen to this carefully, are going out of business.
Their pharmaceutical drug compounds, year over year, they put more and more money into R&D, and even the FDA is not allowing it out because of the toxicity.
And supplements are going straight up.
And supplements, $240 billion industry in functional foods.
Because that's the natural thing God gave us, the earth gave us, Mother Nature, versus their BS.
Versus their BS, and the problem is they see this movement of people moving to want to take care of the lives, decentralize it.
And that's why they're coming in, you're gonna take shots, we're gonna ban everything, you gotta do what we say, because this is their death throes.
I agree.
It's top-down medicine, so their only alternative is vaccines.
Why vaccines?
Because, A, they don't need to go through the same string of... Hold on, do five more minutes with us, and this is so important.
You've been on politics, you're great there, but you're really good on this.
Join me tomorrow if you can.
I'll do five more minutes with you in a second.
By the way, folks...
I've been selling vitamin D3 and PQQ and CoQ10 and DNA Force for years.
So I'm not promoting this now because of this.
I'm not saying it's a treatment.
Any of this, if you already have this stuff and your body's run down, I'm saying it's what your body needs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, people always give out the letters.
This guy's been on probably 30 times.
He's a PhD, MIT.
I didn't do that.
He's in all the microbiology, but integrates it with biomechanical and with the nanotech and all of it.
He'll be back with us tomorrow if he can do it early in the show to get into solutions.
Dr. Shiva Idara is with us.
We got four minutes and 15-20 seconds left, sir.
To me, I mean, everything you're saying we know is established medicine.
I mean, even MD doctors.
But now they're trying to literally say, they banned me off of Google App last week.
And they put the video up and said, look, he says zinc helps, and vitamin D helps, and vitamin C. I was just reading studies.
So this is next level.
They say they're all about science.
Why in the hell would they not want us to have this?
What you were saying, as the numbers show, Big Pharma's dying.
Yeah, so Alex, one of the interesting things, just as a side note on that, in 2015, the 11th Circuit Court ruled, this is an important point, you may want to talk to your lawyers at some point, that the FTC must consider, they can't, you can't support claims if you can show mechanisms of action, right?
How a particular thing affects some particular claim.
Oh, I had the Attorney General's Office of
New York, not the Attorney General himself, but their office goes, actually, we're supposed to ask for your science now.
And I'm like, are you serious?
They're like, yeah, we want the science.
And they said, OK, once we gave them the science.
Well, one of the things is the technology that I created out of my PhD work at MIT, Alex.
Sorry about that.
Cytosolvent literally helps us understand the molecular mechanisms of action.
So we help a lot of people want to do great products, actually find natural products, actually find the mechanisms of action.
And that creates, by law, a way that you can defend claims.
But separate from that, getting back to the coronavirus,
The important piece here is that vitamin A and D, the D which creates cathelicidins, which literally support antimicrobial effects of vitamin A, which builds cytokeratins.
To me, they're the two real powerful weapons that everyone should be using as a baseline, which can have equal or better than the hydroxychloroquine, particularly because there's not as much side side effects.
That's why I prescribed that.
We're good to go.
You need the other iodines to make sure it uploads, and that's why we have the potassium iodine.
Right, so you need both because that supports the carotenoids creating vitamin A. But one of the things that I think people should take away from today's talk, and we'll talk more tomorrow, is that we're actually freaking killing these people.
80% of the people gone ventilators are being basically, they're saying they're dead, okay?
And high-dose vitamin C, I just tweeted this out, Alex, that the president should pass an executive order
That people are critically ill, they should be given the high-dose therapeutic dose of high-dose IV.
It's very simple.
It actually works.
It stops the cytokine storm because what we're doing is the alveolus is filling up with fluid.
And think about it, it's so stupid, right?
You're filling up with fluid because of the cytokine storm and then you're sending more pressure in there.
Well, what the hell is that going to do?
Correct the lung tissue.
Yeah, you're going to further damage the alveolus.
And Cuomo's like, more, because he's being advised the globalists know they want to kill people.
Because they want a higher number.
They want to kill people, and so you're going, vaccines versus vitamins, ventilator versus vitamins.
Listen, I'm going to lead the show tomorrow with you.
If you can come on at 11 a.m., doctor, this is so important, you're totally right.
And we have medical doctors saying, go ahead.
We have a huge opportunity, Alex, to get the word out there.
Before I close, I want everyone to know, you know, I'm running for U.S.
We'll talk about it more.
We need to get on the ballot, the globalists here, the Democratic Party establishment.
Listen, listen, 1115 tomorrow.
Come on, do the ventilators, medical doctors agree with you?
Then get into how to defend, get into Senate, everything.
God bless you, my friend.
What's the best place for people to find you online, doctor?
What's that?
Best place to find you online.
vashiva.com or shivanumero4senate.com shiva4senate.com Jason Jones is a huge filmmaker.
He's the first person to expose these hospitals and things were empty.
He's about to host with big guests he's got lined up.
Something huge is happening all over the United States on ABC, CBS, NBC, on local Fox affiliates, but only local ones.
They're having medical doctors on who successfully treated their patients with 100% recovery rates with hydroxychloroquine, but you've got to have the zinc.
This is a known fact, but national news, other than Fox, will not carry it.
And when Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, and Sean Hannity covered it,
We're good to go.
Appleway saying that we were putting out fake cures for staining hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Z-Pak, when all we were doing was reporting what medical journals were saying.
Big Pharma and The Globalist want you sick and dead, and they don't want you to boost your immune system.
Screw them!
Welcome back to our Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Jones, guest hosting, and I brought my friends.
Hey, my name is Tiana Ellisara and I'm happy to be on here with you.
I have been a fan of Alex Jones for almost 30 years, going way back to when he was on public access and before you were born.
What year were you born?
Right around when you were born.
And so to be asked to guest host this week of all weeks, when I know all of us who follow Alex are paying attention this week, we're looking for answers this week.
And I didn't intend to start a Film Your Hospital movement.
I just wanted to go to our local Urgent Care and... Did you mention to them where we are right now?
Oh, we are in my home office on the west side of Oahu.
Oahu, which is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean within the Hawaiian chains.
So yes, we are getting hit by the coronavirus pandemic here as well.
So, we're the only two brave people enough to sit this close to each other.
To go on Alex Jones Show, because everyone else is, you know... I'm the only brave one.
Because I've been tested, and so you know I don't have it.
I don't know about you.
Okay, I guess that means... But tell them who you are.
So the reason I asked Tiana to be on is it's intimidating to do this show alone, and I think she's the best on-air personality, in front of the camera personality we have in Hawaii.
Tell them who you are.
I agree to disagree.
I'm just... I don't know.
I think I just bring a real opinion.
I don't know much, and I will say that right now.
I don't know much, but I will say what
I guess some of my peers will act like they know how to say.
If any of you try to maybe do a quick Google search like, why is she on this show?
Because you'll probably see that I was a big leftist around election season.
I used to lead anti-Trump rallies here in my state.
You name it, pro-abortion, pro-feminism off the wall charts.
I had the pink pussy mask.
You led the anti-Trump rallies in Hawaii.
Yeah, I led anti-Trump rallies and I just want to say that's why I was also excited to be on the show because people like Alex Jones and the information that I've been able to learn, it really is, you know,
Seeing a new light and learning the truth about what's going on.
And I actually was watching some of the old clips of Alex Jones yesterday just to kind of refresh my memory.
And he was saying, wow, I'm so tired of just the social manipulation from the media.
And that's where I came from.
And you admit that you were manipulated.
So when you watch the Left to Left show, she does a good job of admitting she was manipulated.
So the guests that I asked to be on the show today were people that have the answers to the questions I'm most interested in.
We have Matt Staver from the Liberty Council who's representing the pastor in Florida who kept his church open.
Because I'm not a constitutional scholar, but when you have de Blasio threatening to shut churches forever,
Cuomo using the National Guard to take ventilators from private hospitals, and now the World Health Organization saying they're going to come into our homes and take our family members.
Something I didn't even imagine.
Three days ago I made a video saying they went to the hospitals, they closed the churches, next they're going to come take our food.
I said that on Alex's show last week.
I would not have imagined they said they were going to come and take my children, take my wife.
Something I could never have imagined.
The World Health Organization said this.
That's why we're having Matt Saveron to see
How can this be constitutional?
It can't be.
And how can we defend ourselves?
We also have David Benham and the Benham brothers.
David Benham lost his reality show with his brother because of his family's commitment to their Christian values.
And he's been an outspoken advocate for life.
He was just arrested.
He was just arrested this past Saturday.
Yeah, in North Carolina for
Praying outside of an abortion clinic, supposedly because he was going against coronavirus orders in his state.
So we're going to talk to him about what's going on with that situation, what he feels about it.
And I can't wait to talk to him.
And we're also having on a gentleman named Arsalan.
Arslan lives in the Middle East.
Ethnically, he's a Uyghur, and their country was invaded by China in 1949, East Turkestan.
And China has been waging a relentless war of ethnic cleansing and genocide.
And right now, it may seem unbelievable to you if you haven't heard this before, there are 3 million Uyghur in concentration camps with all their DNA taken, and they're using them as farms for human organs.
Slave labor.
A lot of the brands and the products in the United States that we use, that we consume, you and I, are made by folks in these slave camps.
This gentleman, Arsalan, made a video going after social justice warriors in the West calling Trump a racist for referring to it as the China virus, when meanwhile China has 3 million ethnic Uyghur and other minorities, not to mention the persecution of Christians,
So we're going to have Arslan calling in all the way from where he's living now in the Middle East.
But the first thing I want to address, you are intrigued by Q. Yeah, I'm intrigued.
That's a good question.
So I'm neither full-blown going to every single drop every single day, but I do get the trickles onto my social media feeds every once in a while.
So, okay.
So I've been bombarded by Q advocates after expressing skepticism on Alex's show last week.
On this show last week,
And I want to present to all of you followers of Q, and to you, we've talked a lot about this.
Yeah, we've talked a lot about it.
Here are my simple concerns.
And on my podcast, The Jason Jones Show, yesterday I interviewed Q advocates on this, and they really couldn't answer it.
So, you know, contact me and I'll bring you on if you think you can answer these questions.
My number one problem is it's Gnostic.
And my second problem is that it encourages good people, friends of mine, to engage in calumny, saying horrible things about real people.
And so let me explain the first Gnosticism.
They use an anonymous source speaking with ambiguous language, opaque language, communicating statements that cannot be verified and it cannot be
You can't prove them or disprove them.
So that creates an opportunity for division.
So then they communicate in an ambiguous way from an anonymous source, facts, statements that cannot be verified or cannot be refuted, about real human beings.
And they'll say something about a person that's real and exists that's horrible.
That is calumny.
I wouldn't want an anonymous source communicating something about me in a way that you couldn't refute or deny.
You know, do you beat your wife, Jason, type of things, but much, much worse.
And then my third question for followers of Q is, you tell me to trust the plan.
What's the plan?
And how does Q benefit from sharing this information to us?
Because all of my friends who are following Q, I don't know what they're doing that's productive for any good.
I have friends right now that are feeding, here in Hawaii, you know about the Kupuna Project.
We've done 5,000 two-week supplies of food for folks who are
Homebound and elderly.
That's very productive.
We've got Matt Staver fighting for the Constitution.
We've got David Benham out in front of abortion clinics praying.
We have Arsalan making videos standing up for the President, standing up against the racist regime that is Communist China.
What does Q give me to defend my Constitution, to stand with the vulnerable in my community, to preserve the Constitution for my posterity, or to advance the dignity of the child in the womb of the Uyghur in East Turkestan?
Those are my questions.
Those are actually very valid.
I've never thought about it in that way.
I think most people who follow Q, I'll give you an example.
It's not kind of much an entertainment aspect, but usually when I watch videos, it's in the living room on my big TV with my auntie, like, oh, what's going on today?
If there are key followers here, you know which video series I'm talking about.
I was watching the Fall Cabal.
Basically what it is, you're asking, you know, what it, I just want to break it down for anyone who just wants to start at base, the baseline.
But before we even get to what they say, I want to know how it isn't, how can I trust it?
And why would I repeat it if it's talking about humans that are real, if I can't verify it?
So I think, um,
A common idea for everybody.
And I think this is the basis for what it is.
If you ask any normal everyday American, what is their opinion on the government?
Do you think it's corrupt?
10 out of 10 would say yes.
We know that these things exist.
And has something been done earlier to expose these things?
And how has that came out for those people?
Well, like, I mean, let's see.
There was Julian Assange doing the exact same thing that Q's doing now, but Alan opened with his name on it.
With his name on it.
You can verify it.
Yeah, and look where that ended up for him.
We're going to a break.
We'll talk more about this after the break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello everybody, or should I say aloha?
It is Jason Jones and Tiana Ilesara hosting for the Alex Jones Show.
All the way in Hawaii.
If you guys were here before the break, welcome back.
We were talking about Q and we're actually fighting during the break, fist fighting actually.
Not true.
Yeah, but you know we're going back and forth about
Whether to trust Q, whether not to trust Q, but the important thing is that we are having an open discussion about it.
We're able to joust ideas.
I wasn't being anonymous nor opaque in my language, and you can verify my statements.
That's true, and I was giving him cryptic code in order for him to understand what I was saying.
I didn't understand a word she was saying.
Yeah, so we do have a very important guest.
We're going to drop this conversation for a little bit because he is from
Well, he's calling us from the Middle East, so we want to go ahead and get him on as soon as we can.
Yeah, my organization, Movie to Movement, we produce films, but we also have a project called the Vulnerable People Project, where we leverage our influence in entertainment, in government, in politics, to stand to defend the vulnerable, from the child in the womb, to the Yazidi on Mount Sinjar, to the Christians in Iraq and Syria, to the Kurds, to the Nuba in Sudan.
And Jason?
And I always tell my friends that wherever I go, they go.
That I'm going to bring their voice into any room that I am.
And a community that I've been working with for several years now is the Uyghur.
The Uyghur, most of them live in Chinese-occupied East Turkestan, are suffering a democide and genocide like the world hasn't seen since the middle of the 20th century.
And a couple of weeks ago, I saw a viral video on Instagram of a young man who is a music teacher, who is not living in his home country,
But not just thinking about himself.
Every moment of his life, every second, is thinking about his family and his friends and his country that is being dominated and suffering from the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party.
So Arslan, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
You made a courageous video.
It went viral.
It's the first time I've seen you.
I don't know if you have other videos that have gone viral where you were defending President Trump.
You know, pointing out the hypocrisy of the Western media and the social justice warriors calling President Trump racist for referring it to the China virus when the Trump administration, Pence, Pompeo, and Ambassador Brownback have been the loudest voices in the world for the Uyghur and who are suffering the worst kind of racist oppression.
So, Arsalan, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you for having me, Jason.
When I was on Alex's show for the first time, just two weeks ago now, you messaged me and said, you could get me on the show.
And I said, I'll do my best.
I don't know.
And so I'm grateful to give you this opportunity to share with the world
The plight of the Uyghur and other people, and Christians and others living in occupied East Turkistan.
I still meet elected officials.
I meet political scientists, professors at universities, even some that I respect, that are completely ignorant of what is happening to the Uyghur.
Can you tell us what is happening?
And why is the world, why do so many people in the world not know?
Well, what's been happening to the Uyghurs has been going on for hundreds of years.
It's only recently since, you've probably seen on the news, the opening of the concentration camps, it's been hitting Western media because it's reminiscent of what happened during World War One, during what happened to the Jews.
So this is essentially Holocaust Part Two.
The only difference between Holocaust Part One
And this version of the Holocaust is that we are not being exterminated en masse in gas chambers.
That's pretty much the last step on China's mind.
Other than that, pretty much what happened to the Jews 70 or 80 years ago is what's happening to us.
From the making religion and culture abandoned from a sociocultural perspective, and then you've got the banning of all religions, not just Islam, Christianity, as you mentioned, Buddhism.
You have people being taken arbitrarily into these modern day concentration camps for the likeness of crimes, for practicing religion, for speaking your own language,
For simply being a Uyghur and identifying with the culture, women are being sterilized, people are being gang raped, regardless of gender.
Initially, when we had the males taken in, because most of the detainees are males, we've had 1.1 million Chinese official men
essentially occupy the homes of Uyghurs in order to surveil them so that they can assess their assess what's going on at home.
Are they practicing religion?
Are they speaking the Uyghur language?
Are they teaching their children Uyghur culture?
Are they abiding or worshipping Xi Jinping?
Because now you have a thing where you actually you are forced to place the photograph
Of just like in any Christian home or Islamic home, you would have certain things that you would put on your wall.
So for example, I've been to some of my friends who are Catholics and they would have the cross on their wall.
Or if you're Muslim, you would have certain things that you would hang on your wall.
Things like this, they are all banned.
And when these men do come in, they end up raping the women.
They end up, and not just women, raping children as well.
We have heard of situations where 12, 13, 14 year old girls
Yeah, actually what we have...
Arslan, we only have two more minutes left in your segment.
So, I wanted to make sure we got you on.
What can people do?
Now, the world is suffering because of the Communist Party of China.
This is the 30th anniversary this week of the most unusual genocide ever, where China rounded up every pregnant Uyghur woman they could find and in three days performed hundreds of abortions.
What China started doing to its own people and to occupied people like in East Turkistan, the world's suffering now.
What do you recommend for the rest of us to throw off the yoke of this bully of Asia, now bully of the world, the Communist Party, not the people of China, but the Communist Party of China?
Well, China spends so much money, close to a billion dollars, trying to save face.
They spend so much money on their, essentially what they, they're not considered state media, but they are essentially state media like the Global Times, CGTN, People's Daily, and they spend another around $500 million a year on what we call 50 cent social army media.
So it's upon us.
We have, we might be locked in our homes, but we all have a smartphone,
And we can all raise our concerns on social media, retweet, share any news on the matter.
And essentially, I see kind of this Chinese virus as a blessing in disguise, because we have been telling the people around the world, if you do not stop communist China now, this oppression will come to your doorsteps.
And in a way it has, because we have seen how China has dealt with the Chinese virus, keeping it a secret.
I'm trying to quiet down.
We have 30 seconds left.
Did you notice my friend Tianna is wearing a dopa?
I wear this all over town as a conversation starter.
And it's the traditional hat of the Uyghur.
How do people find you?
How do they follow you to hear your messages?
You're relentless.
You're relentless.
How do they follow you?
Yes, so you can find me on Twitter at at Arslan underscore Hidayat.
You can find me on my Facebook page.
Talk to East Turkistan.
It's the most popular Facebook page talking about the wiki issue.
And just keep up to date.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Jones with my good friend Tiana from Left to Left Show.
What's going on?
So we just had Arslan as our guest and we have another special guest.
It's just rolling, man.
I feel like we should have had more time and with this guest as well, I'm pretty sure it's going to be the same, but let's get right to it so we don't cut into any of his precious time.
Tell us about Matt Saver.
Well, Matt Saver serves as a senior pastor, founder, and chairman of Liberty Council.
He's a chairman of Liberty Council Action, Christians in Defense of Israel, Freedom Federation, Salt and Light Council, and National House of Hope, amongst a multitude of many other organizations.
Matt has
I think so.
And has argued two landmark cases that you know him for.
Yeah, he's actually an old friend and he's taking the lead in defending churches that when folks want to worship in community, which is our right that existed before our Constitution, it was given to us by God and is protected by the Constitution.
Matt has been the one guy that's been standing out almost alone.
To me, I see a lot of conservative leaders
Quiet, or even turning their back on churches and the Constitution.
I'm Matt Staver, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you, it's good to be with you both.
Yeah, brother, first of all, thank you for standing up with our churches.
You know, as I'm seeing what's going on in Florida, we have de Blasio, a mayor of a city, saying he's going to close churches for eternity, mosques and synagogues for eternity, the dear worship and community.
We have the governor of New York, Cuomo, saying that he will use the National Guard, or he is using the National Guard, to take ventilators away from
Republican red counties, rural counties, to the City of New York, the Blue Democrat City of New York.
We had the World Health Organization now just yesterday come out and say that they will come into our homes, authorities will come into our homes, and take our family members.
We just had a gentleman, a Uyghur human rights activist, on telling us about the abuses that happened in China.
It doesn't sound like it's going to be much different soon here, but I thought we had the Constitution at what's going on.
Unfortunately, even some of my friends that I would think would think otherwise just seem to think that the Constitution evaporates in a time of crisis.
Well, we do.
My goodness, that's when you need the Constitution the most.
It doesn't evaporate.
The only difference that happens is you have a different interest of the government, but you don't wipe out the Constitution.
It's not, can I just worship shoulder to shoulder and pack them into a church like sardines and just ignore the health?
Or, the other hand, do I just shut down the churches because it's a health crisis?
No, you have to balance it.
For example, in Washington State, the state up until just recently did not even allow the pastors to drive to the church, a single individual, to drive to the church to do an online Easter service.
That just got amended, just got amended.
Now they're saying, well, at least you can drive ten people to the church and do an online service.
But they said, originally, when we were working with the pastors there just a few days ago, no, you can't do that.
Everyone has to stay home.
We are working with a pastor in Louisville, Kentucky.
The executive order there with the Democrat Governor Beshears allows shopping malls and libraries, and you can do that with no problem.
But the mayor of Louisville, Kentucky
Said, no parking lot churches for this coming Easter.
None at all.
Because he says, my goodness, you'd have all these people driving on the road.
Well, the same people can drive to the Home Depot and listen to the car radio or go to the shopping mall and listen to something on the radio.
No problem.
But if that shopping mall or the Home Depot changed its name to ABC Church, my goodness, it's off limits now.
We had just recently video of people in Greenville, Mississippi,
Given citations, police officers walking through the parking lot, knocking on the doors of the cars, giving them a $500 fine for sitting in their cars with the air recirculating, listening to the pastor preach from a distance away.
They're in their cars, and they cited them $500 for doing that.
I mean, we have a pastor in Virginia.
Who has a group of people he ministers to.
These are prostitutes and drug addicts that have turned their life around through the ministry of this church.
They had 16 people spread out in a sanctuary of 200 seats.
Very far spaced.
These people don't have driver's license.
They don't have cell phones.
They don't have internet.
They depend upon the church for food and spiritual support, and he got criminally charged.
He could face up to a year in prison, $2,500 in fines, because he had six people, six people over the Democrat governor Northam's 10-person limit.
On the other hand, there's some common sense that is happening.
Just yesterday,
Kansas changed the governor's restriction of 10 people.
The Kansas Attorney General issued a press statement saying that the 10-person limit to churches violates the state constitution, and so the Committee of Seven got together and just yesterday overruled the governor in Florida because of the case that we work on with the man who, the pastor who was arrested wrongfully.
And by the way, the sheriff literally lied and has put this man's life in danger.
He lied in terms of what he said and what happened.
It was absolutely false.
It's defamatory.
But as a result of that case, Governor DeSantis has declared churches, synagogues, and houses of worship as essential services and essential activity.
Texas has done something similar.
Indiana, something similar.
But we're seeing these
Unbelievable power grabs by governors and mayors with the stroke of a pen giving the old thumbs up or thumbs down as to whether you exist by one word, the word essential.
And unfortunately we have people saying that's okay.
Matt, so this is a problem.
I have, you know, Cuomo said sue me.
I don't know if this is legal.
If it's not, then sue me.
It's bothersome that these elected officials don't even seem to care it's constitutional.
So, should we not worry about these fines and these tickets?
Are these all going to be washed away when this panic is over?
My daughter was just cited for hiking with her cousin two miles up in a mountain, alone with her cousin.
In white.
I told her not to worry about it.
Save it for toilet paper.
There's no way this is going to stand.
Should we be confident that this is all going to be washed away in the courts?
You know, I don't know if you can be confident on that.
I think that we can be confident that many of these things are unconstitutional.
And unfortunately, these things are going to have to be represented and litigated.
We have a mom with her kids.
She's on the beach of Volusia County, Florida.
They're sitting in the water.
The kids want to make a sandcastle.
The police said you can walk on the beach, but you can't sit still.
The kids can't make a sandcastle.
I mean, how much more are we going to allow this kind of thing to happen?
And I know, having monitored about a thousand of these executive orders around the country, they change hour by hour.
They do an executive order and then they do a follow-up amendment.
Oops, we forgot something.
We have less than two minutes.
Tiana has a question for you.
And I want people who are planning to worship in community this Easter to know how to get a hold of you.
But quickly, your question, Tiana.
So there are specific instances where, you know, people are saying, you know, layman people who are just at home saying, oh, yeah, well, that makes sense.
Can you shed light on some of the instances that I've read about if it's constitutional or not?
In West Virginia, the governor on Tuesday acknowledged that his directive to have police monitor roads and check in on travelers coming from coronavirus hotspots.
So just like here in Hawaii, we're saying, you know, if people are flying in, is it constitutional that we stop them and make them turn back or test them or house them and, you know, police
Escorted ways?
I'm not too sure.
What's your take on that?
I think there's so much unconstitutionality going on right now because so many people, governors, mayors, they're operating as though there is no check and balance.
There is no constitution, and yet we still have it.
In fact, it's more important.
The scarier thing is, is that a lot of people think that it's okay.
That's the thing that's shocking to me.
You know, and when somebody says, well, my church can just flip off the lights and go online, fine.
But you're looking at it from your church.
So Matt, we've got 20 seconds.
Your organization is needed now more than ever, the Liberty Council.
How do pastors and others reach out to your organization for help?
They can go to lc.org or they can call 407-875-1776.
But lc.org is the easiest way.
It's Wednesday morning.
I was just in a local Austin business.
It was basically empty.
There were three motorcycle police in there.
And I said, what do you think of this whole coronavirus thing?
They're like, it looks like it's a hoax.
And I said, yeah, you're absolutely right.
The way it's been handled is a hoax.
Taking everybody that dies who happens to test positive, even though they die of a heart attack or cancer or diabetes, as dying from coronavirus is the big one,
And then, of course, they're also classifying everybody that tests positive for coronavirus, period, not just COVID-19, as having it.
So they're upping the number of cases, they're upping the number of deaths, but still more people died this week and last week than died from the coronavirus from suicide.
So if anything, it's causing divorces and suicide and stir craziness and basic insanity and a giant power grab, with Big Pharma preparing a forced inoculation, which they even admit will not protect you from next year's mutation of the coronavirus.
I don't need to remind you how four years ago I told you the polls against Trump were fake.
He was winning by a giant margin, but election fraud almost stole the election from Trump.
And the American people.
Well, now they're pushing the idea that, oh, cancel the Republican and Democrat conventions.
Maybe cancel the election a year, like the Olympics.
That's because they know Trump, in every internal scientific poll, is 20 points ahead of the brain-damaged Biden.
So they can say, sir, you look big like the Olympics.
Go ahead and back it off a year, and then you'll still win in a year after you fix the crisis.
They need more time to cook up an assassination, an economic collapse, a new virus.
Trump needs to say, no, in America, we keep elections on time, have the elections, win by a landslide, and not give the globalists what they want.
Hillary, Biden, they all want us to spend the election.
We shouldn't give them what they want.
We need to have a vote in America and re-elect Trump 2020.
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Since the invention and deployment of radar during World War II, scientists have noted increased cancers and other health problems with those who were close to the devices.
That's where they're really high-powered.
If you're a quarter mile from a cell tower, there's not any real high-powered radiation hitting you.
But if you're a couple hundred feet away,
They got fences around them with skull and crossbones on them for a reason.
It says it can hurt you.
So, now with 5G that's even stronger, these systems are literally above the streets, just 20 or 30 feet from people's heads, from their genitals, from their bodies.
People are burning them down and attacking them all over the world now.
I'm saying don't do that.
Use information warfare.
Use the truth to expose it and sue local governments and others until they remove them.
That's the way to deal with this, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action in the information war.
But I gotta tell you, I can't blame the people that are doing it because they're under assault.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello and aloha, everybody.
Welcome to the last segment of the Jason Jones- No!
Alex Jones Show!
Jones J- She does my podcast.
Alex Jones Show.
Well, as you've been hearing from my previous segments, it just sounds like a lot of confusion.
I'm very worried about what to do about this coronavirus, how to act, what to do next.
And actually, during our break, I found this book right here.
It's been highly, highly regarded by people like Patrick Buchanan, Ted Cruz, Governor Mike Huckabee, Abby Johnson.
I mean, everyone is reading this book, and I think it will show you what to do in times of great need.
How much do I owe you?
So this is my book, and the first person I wanted to get into is Alex Jones.
For Alex, really more obviously for his audience, because as an undergraduate,
Over 20 years ago, I was studying the genocides, democides, and total wars of the 20th century.
And I saw that we were going to see a repeat in the 21st.
So I wanted to know what ideologies were used to divide us and what principles could unite us.
And those five principles are simple.
The Imago Dei, that the person is made, the human person is made in the image of God and has an inviolable dignity.
Two, the transcendent moral order.
There's a law above the laws of man.
Three, subsidiarity.
The more distant an institution is away from you, the less influence it should have.
So your family, your church, your neighborhood, local and state government, the most influence.
The World Health Organization should have zero influence in your life, yet we are all on lockdown.
The humane economy, grounding our social order and the right to private property.
You're not taking my ventilator, my food, or my family out of my house.
And the fifth one, which is the most important one, solidarity.
Which means we share our strengths and our privileges.
We shoulder the burdens of the vulnerable.
And that principle was really introduced to the world tomorrow, on Easter.
This radical solidarity is that Christian principle where God becomes man.
That's the imago Dei, the image of God.
And that's where we get this Western understanding of human dignity, which is embedded in our Declaration of Independence, which the Constitution was written to protect.
Solidarity is the key principle.
I've been noticing on Twitter lately that everything trending is divisive.
It's really unusual, isn't it?
It is.
And is it an accident?
I don't think it's an accident.
So I'm offering my book free to any Alex Jones listener.
If you go to thegreatcampaign.org, a tax-deductible donation of $20, we will send you the book, which is $30, and we will cover the shipping.
Because you are the folks I most wanted to get this book to.
And I'm really thankful to Alex and his audience.
Yes, Tiana?
All right, so.
David's ready.
David is ready.
He's one of my heroes.
So we have our last
of the day.
His name is David Benham.
I just want to give a quick intro before we start.
How you introduced me to him was the Benham Brothers, as you can see on their website.
Both of them, both of them were professional baseball players.
Not only on top of that, I read, I was reading their entire bio yesterday.
They are entrepreneurs on steroids.
They take steroids?
They all can fit!
David, you need to call that lawyer we just had on.
If I took steroids, let's do it.
If I took steroids, I'd still be playing baseball.
Well, David, we want to thank you.
We've got six minutes left and your bio is huge, but you are a personal hero of mine.
And I'm not going to be on the Alex Jones Show without taking an opportunity to defend the most vulnerable human beings in our country, the child in the womb of their mothers, who are also vulnerable, and your family.
Your father, you and your brother, your whole family has been standing for life when it takes risk.
David, you were just arrested.
For doing something you've been doing since you were a baby.
Praying in front of an abortion clinic.
Believe it or not, it's my first arrest.
I couldn't believe it.
Yeah, I'm sipping coffee with my wife Saturday morning, and I get a phone call from my attorney that said, hey David, listen, there's a lot of police down at the abortion facility saying that they're going to arrest our sidewalk counselors.
Now, just pause for a second.
We have a Pro-Life public charity.
It's a 501c3.
It's well within the essential provisions of the state statute for COVID laws.
Not only that, are we an essential business,
But we've gone above board by saying we're going to do social distancing.
We only had three sidewalk counselors there.
They were 10 feet apart, hand sanitizer, the whole nine yards.
I show up, the police come right at me and said, you can't be here.
There's more than 10 people.
I'm like, what?
There are only 10 people here of police officers.
And so they said, and I went back and I said, we, I have a public, I'm the chairman of the board of a public charity, federally recognized public charity.
You can't tell me if this abortion facility is open, then our ministry is going to remain open and we're going above and beyond.
That's a brilliant point.
So your organization is founded to educate women on the reality of abortion, was approved by the IRS.
You were doing.
The work of your mission, which requires you to be in front of an abortion clinic.
So the abortionists that work inside, I guess that's essential, but people educating women going in from the outside is not essential.
That's a brilliant point.
Yeah, and the thing is, is here's what we're doing.
When those mothers come out, even after an abortion, we're the ones that are there following up with them.
We're the ones that are getting the medical assistance.
We're the ones plugging them into our life network and our mentor network and having families come alongside them, whether they choose life or not.
And over 5,000 mothers have chosen our services since 2010.
So when the COVID laws came out,
We are an accepted, approved charity that can actually administer these services.
But you know what?
It's viewpoint discrimination.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department, the City Attorney, the Mayor's Office and the Governor's Office targeted and they're continuing to target pro-life Christians.
They didn't just do it in Charlotte, they did it in Greensboro as well.
And so we are operating not only within our federally protected organization, we are operating even within the COVID laws and doing social distancing.
So this is clearly a breach of our rights.
You know, David, there's a principle that when you're in solidarity with the vulnerable, you become as vulnerable as they are.
But I see this as a stepping stone, this obstacle that was placed in front of you to stand up for life has become a stepping stone, just like you courageously walked away from a reality show career.
And it would have been lucrative and life-changing, but you would rather change the lives of one child at a time, one woman at a time, and you sacrificed that.
You've had a habit of sacrificing things.
We've got about a minute left with you.
Can you share with, do you have any questions for David?
No, I just was listening to his story.
I also wanted to note that
I thought, you know, these abortion clinics, they also say, oh, we want to care and we want to save lives by staying open, but they're doing the exact opposite by hoarding all of their medical supplies and taking lives instead.
Jesus tells us greater love has no one than this, that they lay their lives down for their friends.
Love is what motivates us.
It's not the narrative that the media puts out there that we hate women and all these other things.
It is love that motivates us and hopefully love that compels us to be a voice for the most vulnerable among us.
And David, you and your family have loved, and love requires cost.
If you love up until it costs and then walk away, you've never loved at all.
Thank you for living a life in solidarity with the most vulnerable in the world.
How do people follow you and work with you to defend life in their communities?
On all of our socials, it's Benham Brothers.
Benham Brothers.
They can go anywhere on the web.
Facebook, any socials.
Follow us there.
And we're moving this thing forward.
Senator Cruz has an online petition now, and it's blowing up.
People can sign that petition.
It's on our socials as well.
We need to stand for life.
Cecile Richards said pro-lifers are like gnats.
When you swat at them, we'll come back.
And they've given us a stumbling block.
You turned it into a stepping stone.
God bless you.
Thank you for standing for life, brother.
Thanks for having me.
God bless you guys, too.
Thank you.
When the producer told us this is going to go by so fast, I wanted four guests.
I feel like I didn't let you talk enough or the guests talk enough.
It's fine.
They have spoken for millions of people who need the voice right now during this pandemic.
The Benham Brothers.
The Benham Brothers.
So our mission is to defend the vulnerable.
So it was a privilege to bring on the Alex Jones Show.
Someone standing up for these churches and our right, a lawyer, to stand up with the Uyghur, to stand with the child in the womb.
You know, our mission statement is very simple, to love God, to love our neighbors.
The best way to show your love for God here, we know, is to stand in solidarity with the vulnerable.
How do we follow you after this?
Go on Instagram and Facebook, it's at Left the Left Show, or they have my YouTube up there.
I'm on every single social media, but yeah, stay connected and let's find truth together.
Yes, and you can follow me at TGC with Jason.
That's The Great Campaign with Jason.
TGC with Jason.
Also, if you go to thegreatcampaign.org, you can get your free copy of The Race to Save Our Century.
And I have a podcast, The Jason Jones Show, and you can listen to The Jason Jones Show on wherever you listen to podcasts.
I want to thank Alex Jones and his audience for courageously, with fortitude and discipline, defending freedom for decades.