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Filename: 20200405_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 5, 2020
1631 lines.

Alex Jones talks about conspiracy theories related to Planned Parenthood, vaccines, and COVID-19. He accuses Bill Gates of promoting race hygiene eugenics and medical enforcement of vaccines for the public, criticizes mainstream media for not supporting hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for COVID-19, and expresses concerns about autism cases due to vaccines causing autoimmune developments in children. He also warns against 5G technology and government tracking through DNA data collection via antibody tests and nasal swabs for COVID-19. Jones discusses the importance of high-quality supplements like Ultra 12's Methylcobalamin and Vitamin D3 for immunity, encourages prayer, seeking God's face, repentance, political activity, raising awareness, boosting immune systems with high-quality food, and durable food suppliers.

We are live, ladies and gentlemen, on this April 5th Sunday transmission with 211 days out.
More and more of us think the election will be cancelled.
Because the PSYOP of PSYOPs has been launched.
It's now official.
The United Nations has released guidelines written by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that no one will be allowed to leave their homes or go back to work under the new worldwide martial law.
Until you've been forcibly inoculated.
We warned you it was coming.
And of course, all these major forced vaccines have been linked directly to sterilization.
The live virus is ready in the injection for you and your family.
And they're coming.
You are witnessing Blitzkrieg.
AI takeover.
Lightning war.
The virus is the heavily scripted pretext to roll out the next quote advancement in civilization.
The post-industrial, post-human world.
You are in grave danger.
You are being attacked.
You are being targeted.
The veil has been lifted.
The New World Order is now coming for you and your family.
You need to research State Department memorandum 200.
You need to research the Club of Rome, limits to population and growth.
You need to research Rockefeller Foundation plan, lockstep and others.
This is an emergency warning.
There is a robot AI takeover already prepared and already in full swing.
This is 21st century warfare, but humanity can resist it.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas, the U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
This is happening.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt to overcome subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
And now when the
A megaton hits us of the total takeover.
We try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration global social score complete command and control system.
It is the virtual reality AI power.
We're good to go.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children and is against these wars.
And so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction!
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and it's being used against you!
Only your full understanding of this TE will break you free from this paradigm!
I have given you the transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jones... Tell everyone you know to tune in.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are... As bad as things are with now more than half the world population under martial law being directed by the UN, there is a massive awakening happening.
To the tyranny of Big Pharma and the medical mafia, and the forced inoculations, and the UN admitting that vaccines are killing people and they've covered it up.
And everywhere I go, I am just mobbed by folks on the street now, even in leftist Austin, who used to attack me just a few years ago saying, you were right about 5G.
5G's killing us.
I looked it up.
It's causing cancer.
It destroys immunity.
It says that it makes it easier for viruses to attack.
People are really starting to wake up and they know they're under attack at a spiritual and subconscious cellular level.
So now, my friends, educate everyone you know.
They're ready to listen.
They're ready to learn.
They're ready to take action.
I'm Alex Jones and this is the InfoWar.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It is now official.
Last Monday, seven days ago, Fauci leading up the response to the COVID-19 engineered common cold.
But it is weaponized, there's no doubt.
Came out and said, I've played the clip probably 15 times, but I'm gonna play it again today.
It's all over the news.
And he said, I talked to all the world health leaders on the phone last night for hours.
And we've decided that the only answer is inoculation.
And so we'll never go back to normal until no one ever dies from COVID-19 and no one ever spreads it.
Now, the magnitude of that statement.
Then, we saw that mirrored by other leaders and world leaders.
Now, we know who calls the shots.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has put hundreds of billions of dollars of their money and other billionaires' money that's tax-exempt into their companies.
And then they take billions off the top every year.
It's tax-exempt.
It's not philanthropy, it's a tax scam.
And they pump it into media and propaganda and the UN and the NIH and Harvard and all of it.
And Jeffrey Epstein headed up large parts of their operations.
That's on record.
So don't forget that.
And studying history, I went right down from Sir Thomas Malthus to Sir Francis Galton,
Right through to the Eugenics Board's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Cold Springs Harbor, Adolf Hitler.
I mean, it's in history books that Bill Gates' father was in high-level secret organizations in the Army and then ran Planned Parenthood and worked directly with the operatives out of IBM.
When Thomas Watson died, his entire fortune was put in a trust, pledged for racial superiority and eugenics and depopulation.
He won the highest award given by Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, above Hitler.
Look it up.
These men are not Nazis.
These men created the Nazis.
These men created the first computers for studying the secrets of our DNA, which Galton envisioned as a double helix in 1857.
This is in mainline history books during a seance.
Folks, you can't make this up.
They are occult practitioners.
You can actually go look up his cousin, you may have heard of him, Charles Darwin, and his theory of a species.
He also came up with the theory during a hallucination.
These some bad dudes.
Now look at Dalton.
God help us.
You talk about magicians.
You talk about high-powered evils.
These guys are it, baby.
He created the entire modern sciences.
Eugenics, biometrics, computers, double helix, DNA.
That's Watson.
The wrong Watson.
You need to pull up IBM's Watson.
The crew just search engines, what I say, so sometimes they get it wrong, which is okay.
Now, let's just continue here, ladies and gentlemen.
Just type in Thomas Watson, Adolf Hitler.
You'll get that.
You'll get a picture of them together.
Now, let me just make the announcement to you all.
Eight, nine weeks ago, nine weeks ago now, we told you that they'll go off the China model.
There'll be drones watching you.
They'll say you have to have apps on your phones, a forced inoculation to go back to work and have jobs.
They'll say it's a two-week spring break you're going to have.
It'll really be months and months and months designed to destroy the economy, consolidate power, bring in a medical tyranny.
And it's the World Health Organization, you notice, that when Trump says something, they go, oh, we're fact-checking the president.
We're blocking him on Google.
We're blocking the president of Brazil.
The World Health Organization says that's not true.
The U.N.
is the authority.
And the UN came out and said, a week and a half ago, we want forced inoculations or the antibodies for COVID-19 before you can travel or have a job.
And then they're going to roll out the apps and the blood test for you to prove you can leave your house, that you have the COVID-19 antibody.
Problem is, we're going to get to that in a moment.
Is that most people will never come in contact with it, so the idea is you've got to have a pathogen, have a virus, have a potential disease-causing thing in you, and have the antibodies for it, or you can't have a job.
It's like saying you've got to have antibodies for HIV, or antibodies for hepatitis, or you can't have a job.
What about a cult?
And so, boom, it started getting announced two days ago.
The UK, Italy, Texas, Governor Abbott being led around by the nose, saying, well, the first people that can go back to work are those that have the antibody.
Well, our own Savannah Hernandez interviewed a medical doctor running one of the drive-up clinics, and he said, listen, we keep getting false positives about 40% of the time for regular cold viruses.
There's no way to tell these tests aren't accurate.
Well, that's already in the news.
But you see, Corona is the most common virus out there that people believe to make you sick, that some scientists believe.
It's the common cold.
Most of them are harmless.
So the tests keep coming up for regular Corona on top of it.
When this one is genetically engineered.
So think about that.
When, oh, you hear, oh, if you have the antibody and they're saying now you'll have a passport, it'll be on your passport.
Imagine they wanted to make it secret years ago that if you had a disease and of course we have HIPAA and all these laws that your medical records are secret but now if you've had COVID-19 it'll be on your passport and now they're saying folks are gonna wear badges in Europe and the UK and here showing you have antibodies so you'll have a badge on and then it'll be the new and oh it's a new fashion thing.
Now, again, I'm not joking about any of this.
I have all the articles right here.
Immunity passports could speed up return to work after COVID-19, Lennon Guardian.
Overhead shot, please.
So I want you to understand that while I talk about all this, while we get into all this, I'm not joking around.
Coronavirus, UK says 3.5 million antibody tests coming in days, and then you learn you've had the common cold in your life.
Well, we've all had it.
So see, everyone they're testing, and I've got medical doctors coming on the show about this, everyone they're testing who dies of cancer or lung problems or other diseases, or they're old, they have a heart attack, they're telling them, you died of COVID-19.
To create more hysteria, but then also in the future, they're going to say, anybody that's ever had the common cold, oh, you're a COVID-19 too.
But then they're going to say, well, to make sure, they're already doing this.
We got a vaccine.
They're making you beg for it first.
Bill and Melinda Gates already patented it a few years ago.
They've already got it ready.
Citizens, look it up.
They're going to roll it out and say, you've got to have this shot and you've got to have the antibodies or you can't work or leave your house.
And it's all being announced.
David Knight broke, a month ago, COVID-19 tracking bracelets and a Bill of Money Gates MIT plan to put a digital tattoo that takes five minutes for a needle to stitch nanotech chips into you that can't be seen with the naked eye but under a blacklight that have your medical records on them that they scan on.
You can't cut it out because it's now in your flesh.
A digital DNA mark.
I remember I knew a preacher in Austin 25 years ago who was putting on Patriot events.
And I went to dinner with him one time.
And he said, you know, you gave that speech at the church event about the microchip.
He goes, listen, God gave me a vision.
It's going to be a DNA tattoo on the left arm.
And I was like, OK.
But, you know, back then I was a Christian.
But I was like, I look back on the stuff that guy said.
I want to find where that fellow is.
I mean, it all came true.
He like moved to another state.
But regardless, it's here, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're all rolling it out.
It's all systematic.
It's all pre-planned.
And the virus is a bio weapon released on purpose to create fear.
This is how they take us down.
It's how they get all our freedom.
And by the way, taking all the shots is only going to make you sicker.
So remember that.
They want you dead.
One, a huge development just took place on the police state Newell or doomsday clock.
Walmart has announced as of yesterday that no one can buy non-GMO heirloom seeds or other seeds that produce more fruits and vegetables.
Communist regimes especially always block farmers getting planting seed.
Because they want to control people.
Mao did this as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is communist blueprint.
Seeds are absolutely essential for people to grow their own food, but they don't want you to be self-sufficient.
We have the widest selection you're going to find out there of non-GMO heirloom seeds from eight different companies.
Fruit trees, everything.
Get them while you can.
We have a huge selection, but we're going to sell out quickly.
Get these seeds that could plant for thousands of years.
Creating new seeds while you still can.
This is a gigantic, sickening, evil development, but we can take action by farming and gardening now.
This ad will only run for a couple days because it's about to sell out.
I noticed, hey, we had a lot of Prostagard.
People love it.
We've got a lot of it.
Why is it suddenly almost sold out?
And I went, oh my gosh, it's an incredible formula, not just for the prostate, the salt palmetto that's on record for helping that.
It's got everything, vitamin D, a big dose of that, a big dose of zinc, a big dose of selenium, copper, chromium, and a bunch of other stuff.
This is the perfect formula for what's going on right now, and it's about to sell out at InfoWarsTore.com, and I want you to have it, so that after all this craziness passes, it becomes a normal regimen in your life, because it's something, in my view, you need every day.
Get it right now, Prostagard, at InfoWarsTore.com, and whatever you do, please warn others that Mother Nature has given us a lot of things that really help boost our overall health and wellness.
We knew early on that COVID-19 was an engineered bioweapon.
But again, people say, oh, then it must be the most deadly thing ever.
It does currently kill people.
But if you're going to release a bioweapon for fear of bankrupting an economy and cause panic...
And to run folks off the edge of a cliff in a giant artificial stampede, you want to know the real trajectory.
Kill a bunch of old people, kill people that are deficient, kill people that are already sick, get rid of folks the globalists don't even want anyways, but scare everybody else you want to control into submission.
And that's what's going on.
So people get confused by the paradox.
You say it's a real virus, you say it's serious, but you say don't panic and don't shut the economy down.
Because if you do that, they're going to keep releasing bioweapons over and over again because it works so well on the public.
Most people are starting to wake up, but we have to understand that pressure is being put on Trump to basically keep the economy shut for another six months to a year.
We'll be in a depression long before then.
We've got to go back to work.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
So last segment, if you tuned in, I was talking about Thomas Watson of IBM giving his whole fortune to eugenics and to Nazism and getting the highest award.
Just type in Thomas Watson IBM Hitler.
Let's click on the
News article in the New York Times.
Click on that one for me right there.
Thomas J. Watson receives the highest award from Adolf Hitler.
That's 1937.
Here, let's go back and look at some photos of him with Adolf Hitler.
What you need to know is he put all his money into a trust he owned, IBM, and he pledged that he would bring in the world government to carry out the extermination and forced inoculation of the useless eaters.
But then the problem was that they busted up IBM after that so that it couldn't be a monopoly.
Well, they just created a bunch of other computer companies.
One of them is Microsoft and one of Watson's officers or his dad had worked for one of Watson's top people.
Was then put in charge of major operations.
So that's where Bill Gates comes from.
That's why he does it.
It's his dad's behind it, everything.
Bill Gates did nothing, basically.
Now, let's continue.
I mean, he is extremely evil and extremely smart.
But when it came to the master plan, Microsoft is IBM.
The whole story about, oh, Microsoft, you know, wanted the software.
IBM just wanted to sell the computers.
They were so dumb.
But also helped because of the, you know, antitrust.
So that's how that happened.
And I tell you the history to understand it, that
That's who these people are.
So now you see Bill Gates saying, my dad ran Planned Parenthood, I'm for depopulation, we should kill the old people, we need to reduce the human population.
You have to understand what's really going on.
There it is, biometricupdate.com.
ID2020 partners to launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines.
And of course, who invented the term biometrics?
Francis Galton, the father of it all.
The mastermind.
Who ran secret breeding programs for the British government.
That produced Aldous and Julian Huxley as their best program.
By the way,
How do I know all this?
Because they wrote about it.
They think you're stupid.
Remember, before he died in 62, he wrote the book Brave New World Revisited while he was dying and actually went to Berkeley and gave a speech.
I've got thousands of articles to cover here, folks, literally.
But I'm just going back to this because this is everything.
And he said, my book published in 32 is not science fiction.
It is a futurist projection of the world we want to build by 2020.
And his contemporaries talked about diet injections and injunctions controlling you and making you dumb and stupid.
So all these vaccines are Trojan horse piggybacked with sterilants and with systems that lower IQ.
And again, wild out science are in 74, the year I was born,
Wrote a 1,100-page textbook, PhD level, that was adopted as the science plan of the US by Henry Kissinger years later.
That's John P. Holdren.
Memorandum 200.
I mean, you need to know, folks, this is the bona fides.
Not some shadowy, you know, occultic, gnostic crap where they don't give you anything and it's all, oh, secretly this, secretly that.
It's all hiding in plain view.
And you have to understand that if we have any future or any chance to get out of this, when I'm telling you these things, you can look up Operation Lockstep and the Rockefellers.
You can look up Memorandum 200.
You can look up Memorandum 201 that they executed in October of last year, the release of COVID-19 and Bill and Melinda Gates running that operation.
You don't think Bill and Melinda Gates run all these TV shows attacking me by name that they finance because I'm just up here saying stuff isn't true.
Now, I'll tell you, the public is pretty dumbed down, is pretty lazy, and doesn't care that they're doing this.
So, Gates' argument is you deserve to die.
Maybe Bill Gates is right.
I'm not going to go join him because I've got fear in person, but I get it.
Let me show you another Watson.
He headed up Cold Springs Harbor in New York with the financing of Thomas Watson.
Please show the other Watson.
I wouldn't pull up during the break, please.
Or I can go to the control room if you'd like.
And it's the Nobel winner, the discoverer of DNA.
There he is.
James Watson, biography.
Co-discoverer of DNA double helix.
Says that blacks are sub-human.
And says we should just get rid of all of the other folks.
And look, I'm not frustrated, but I went in there during the break and I pulled up another article on him with the quotes about black people.
Can we put that on screen?
Okay, no big deal.
No problem.
We'll add it in post, folks.
We'll add it in post.
But the point is, is that... There it is!
James, black people are stupid.
So, he's telling you that all these people are genetically inferior and this is who the left is protecting and promoting and telling you that Bill Gates is the best man since sliced bread when he fully in writings and interviews on PBS, in my film Endgame, says he endorses race hygiene eugenics.
And he wants to get rid of old people and give speeches.
I could play the clips for death panels.
But now he's really worried about old people and he wants you to take a shot and the medical enforcement of this where you have an app on your phone to prove you've had the vaccine.
Oh, they don't have ready for you yet, even though they do have it ready.
They're going to make you beg for it and then roll it out.
And now all the governments are saying, oh, it's closer than we thought.
And you know, if you haven't gotten it during the COVID outbreak, you need to get the vaccine.
Now you'll have the antibodies.
They don't say you got to have a vaccine to have the antibody to be able to be able to leave your home again.
You just have to have the antibody.
But most people aren't going to have that exact antibody.
And so they're now going to make you get an injection and they're saying that and Gates was on CBS.
I played it Friday.
I played it Saturday.
He said that.
He said you'll have to have a vaccine before people can go out in public or go to sporting events again.
And you know, the Dallas Mavericks and Mark Cuban will be there, you know, with the thermometers and the checks to make sure you've got your pass.
Oh, you don't have COVID and there'll be another virus and another virus and another virus.
But you know, why is there not a vaccine for the common cold?
Remember they taught this when I was like in eighth grade.
They said because there's thousands of versions of coronaviruses and you have to have the exact mutation just like the flu.
But they don't care they've got vaccines for you even though it doesn't help you and in fact lowers immunity.
In fact, just type in any search engine, studies show taking the flu shot lowers your immunity the next year to flu.
That's major Canadian, US and UK studies.
But see, they all know that.
But because you don't care about this, they're going to hurt you and they're going to sterilize you because they created Hitler.
When the globalists and the mainstream media and the big box stores zig, we zag, they've all been raising prices on high-quality nutraceuticals and supplements because people are doing their own research and grabbing them off the shelves.
Well, guess what?
We've cut the prices on our best-selling products massively, and despite the fact that our iodine's selling out, X2 just did, X3's going to 60% off.
That's right, folks, even though it's about to sell out.
I think?
50% off right now at InfowarsStore.com and a bunch of other best-selling items are as well.
So get your X3 before it sells out.
60% off.
Get your Real Red Pill Plus.
50% off.
Get Living Defense.
DNA Force.
50% off at InfowarsStore.com.
40% off.
Listen, there's a show from PBS called It's Okay To Be Smart.
So everyone who's been smart and has been put down for it and persecuted, it's okay to finally be smart.
That's right, there's not two sexes.
And families are bad, and the right thing to do is to sterilize your son so he doesn't become an evil warmonger.
I mean, a lot of feminists are saying we should have the government pass laws that mail embryos that count.
But what's better and more reformed and more humanitarian is just to convince them, when they're five years old, to have their testicles chopped off.
And again, global warming's real.
We've got to pay Lord Rothschild all of our money.
And the pandemic's all real.
We've got to be locked up in our houses.
We've got to use the language at the universities.
We're not a culture or anything.
Oh, no.
We're good people.
No, we're not.
We're good people that went to these corporate systems that didn't brainwash us.
No, no.
They enlightened us how to censor and how to rule and how to control.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I want to explain something here.
I don't like picking fights with the Globalist Chief Science Officer Bill Gates.
The guy's super dangerous, super smart, super dedicated.
And you could argue that if people put up with this, what I'm telling you, he's on record.
And you don't do anything, you deserve it.
But I'm letting Bill Gates and the Globalists know something.
You're not stopping me going out in public and living and having jobs and taking your damn forced inoculation when I knew that forced Gardasil you did to the girls in Mexico was going to attack their ovaries from the studies, and it does, and it's a steroil.
Bill Gates will be like, well, we got too many people.
Mexico's doubling every 20 years.
That's what we're talking about here, ladies and gentlemen, is sterilization.
So when you see these big liberal philanthropists out there, and you see the left buying into it, Hispanic Americans, Black Americans, Whites, you name it, don't you know that real eugenicists, those are the folks that created the Nazis, the Nazis were just an offshoot, a bad son, a bad son is a little baby tree under a big tree that's part of the same tree, that created all that on record.
And imagine how crazy it is knowing all this information that this is the big enchilada.
This is everything.
I got a couple calls today by super famous people and I'm not bragging.
I'm saying super famous people.
I mean, just you name it.
Rock stars, movie stars, huge national talk show host.
Knowing, well, I thought you were wrong, but you really are right.
And I'm like, okay, great.
We'll do something about it.
Oh, I'm afraid to.
So it means nothing to me until those people do something.
And I told them.
I said to one of them, I said, I don't really want to talk to you until you just come on the show.
Or until you come out and do something.
Because trying to hold on to what you got is going to lose everything.
America had everything because we would fight and we weren't pushed around.
You look at America now on average and we're soft and we're lazy and we're stupid and we're evil.
And if you'll put up with 62 million aborted babies, you'll do anything.
We're going to Patrick Howley, who writes for Epoch Times, who is amazing.
That's the best newspaper in the world.
They're just incredible.
And of course, also another great site that Papert heads up, and that is nationalfile.com and the great work they're doing.
And he's done a big story breaking down the fact that
Fauci and others that you see up there on that stage every night have big money ties to Bill Gates.
Fauci got $100 million in just one grant from Bill Gates.
So I'll explain something.
Bill Gates is running the show.
And his wife in Germany six years ago got up in a speech and said, the people claiming we're sterilizing people with the vaccines, you're going to get people killed.
And she goes on to say, maybe even yourselves.
That was a transcript.
It's a threat.
And believe me, I know who's financing the lawsuits.
I know who's after us.
My God, again, Bill Gates, if you don't know, like The Good Doctor and all these shows are paid for by him where they attack me, they say it's meant to attack me.
He finances documentaries where they name me.
And he's behind it all because he knows I'm on his ass.
Well, I mean, come on, dude.
You said everybody's dumb, so they don't know about your eugenics, so they deserve it.
Survival of the fittest.
Your social Darwinism?
Well then, don't we have a right to warn them?
So again, ladies and gentlemen, look at the look on Bill Gates' face in this photo.
We can pull it up from nationalfall.com.
That'd be great.
Maybe the color photo.
Fauci and both have big money ties to Bill Gates and conflicts of interest.
This is information you need to know.
I'm going to stop there.
And just break down the fact that this is the real world, and if you just joined us, Texas is announcing, the UK is announcing, Italy, that you'll have to be forcibly inoculated to have a job or leave your home, and that's coercion.
You'll have to have the antibodies to leave, either have had it or go get an inoculation, because, oh, you might hurt one person, and we can't allow that.
Since when?
When the vaccines are approved, they don't even protect you most of the time.
So this is evil, ladies and gentlemen.
So joining us is Patrick Howley of Howley Reporter on Twitter.
Let's just get right into it.
Bill Gates and who he really is and how much stuff he's financing, because you can't turn around at the UN, the World Health Organization, Harvard.
One of your big expertises is Epstein.
Gates caught running his operation.
What the hell's going on here?
Well, Alex, thank you for having me.
I have been briefed by insiders about what's really going on here.
And what's really going on is a proxy war that's playing out between President Donald Trump and Bill Gates.
And I'm sorry to have to report to the president that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx are stooges for Bill Gates.
They are part of his confederacy of dunces that are trying to carry out the sinister agenda upon the world.
I have shown the world this information.
I put out photographs.
We're good to go.
And you know what?
President Donald Trump threw a wrench into all of this because he discovered hydroxychloroquine, a very cheap anti-malarial drug that has been around for years.
And now we have people fighting hydroxychloroquine.
How prescient that today on Fox News, on the quizzling Chris Wallace's show, he had the nerve to have Bill Gates on and also the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, who tried to shut down chloroquine in her state.
She restricted it, just like Andrew Cuomo.
And I'd like to know if Andrew Cuomo's brother, Chris Cuomo, who says he's having hallucinations, I don't know how that's any different than his usual content on CNN, I want to know if he's on chloroquine.
What kind of drugs are he on?
What kind of drugs are the elites getting that the people are not getting?
Because right now, all over the place, the media, on behalf of the chi-coms and the Democrats, are trying to shut down any possible treatment while President Trump races against the clock.
And you can go to National File and you can see all of these links between Fauci and Gates.
Fauci is on the board of, he's on the leadership council of the Decade of Vaccines collaboration with the Gates Foundation.
Meeting after meeting with Gates, photographed with Pelosi, with Hillary.
Gates, meanwhile, giving $100 million through his foundation to an AIDS project with Fauci's agency.
Fauci, in September, is going to be speaking at the World Vaccine Congress in D.C.
with representatives from WHO, the CDC, FDA, Merck, Pfizer.
It's a big private sector slash public sector conspiracy here.
And he loved chloroquine when Obama was president and we had a MERS coronavirus outbreak, but now all of a sudden he doesn't like it so much.
He's pushing a nationwide stay-at-home order.
And I refuse, Alex, as a longtime listener of you and as a reporter, to watch our freedom get taken away and tyranny imposed on us by this little Napoleon complex man and this scarf lady, Deborah Birx, who was appointed by Obama.
By the way, let's just be clear for radio listeners who are putting all this on screen.
Fauci got a $100 million grant a few years ago.
They work together very closely in eugenics.
They're carrying this out.
Fauci was involved in the whole AIDS, HIV cover-up.
And this is not just about money and the billions and billions and billions for big pharma and the vaccine that they already own.
Have the ingredients for it.
They have the virus already ready.
They can put it in a solution now.
They're making you beg for it and take all your rights first and have you clamor so it's not obvious what they're doing.
But these monsters want the president to forcibly put this into our body.
That's what this is about.
It's about putting all this nanotech, all this engineered garbage into our body.
They want the power to do secret experiments on us.
The very same criminal secret science group into the army and other groups that Bill Gates' father was involved in.
Secret experimentation.
Yes, that's right.
And we, the people, deserve to know if there's going to be aborted fetus DNA in this vaccine.
And this vaccine, by the way, is being tested in Africa.
These people want to lecture us about racism.
They are testing this on the people of Africa, on poor black people, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
These are sick people, and this is a sick agenda at work.
Bill Gates is doing medical experiments on black people.
Well, of course he is.
There's all these photos of him and his dad with black kids like they love him.
Give me a break.
Absolutely right.
And Dr. Deborah Birx's hands are dirty, too.
She's on the board of the Global Fund, which has received over $2 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
So, Scarf Lady, who should be watching Desperate Housewives with her girlfriends, drinking mimosas in Martha's Vineyard.
She's just as dirty as the rest of them.
She used a Bill Gates-funded model, which has proven to be totally inaccurate.
She's botching this, and I'm not going to watch my president, Donald J. Trump, get led astray by these clowns and these fuzzers.
That's right.
They're setting him up.
He's caught them red-handed.
We'll be right back.
I've never seen Patrick Halle this fired up.
Stay with us.
He is pissed.
I'm Alex Jones.
As bad as things are with now more than half the world population under martial law being directed by the UN, there is a massive awakening happening to the tyranny of big pharma and the medical mafia and the forced inoculations and the UN admitting that vaccines are killing people and they've covered it up.
And everywhere I go, I am just mobbed by folks on the street now, even in leftist Austin, who used to attack me just a few years ago saying, you were right about 5G.
5G's killing us.
I looked it up.
It's causing cancer.
It destroys immunity.
It says that it makes it easier for viruses to attack.
People are really starting to wake up and they know they're under attack at a spiritual and subconscious cellular level.
So now, my friends, educate everyone you know.
They're ready to listen.
They're ready to learn.
They're ready to take action.
I'm Alex Jones and this is the InfoWar.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement.
We are selling out of all of our high quality iodine products at InfoWarsTore.com.
The Super Blue Toothpaste that has it along with the Nano Silver and of course the Tea Tree Oil.
That is selling out.
Still 50% off.
Already sold out of the Super Silver Toothpaste.
Survival Shield X3 in 2 ounce bottles.
It'll be sold out within 2 weeks.
Already sold out of the X2.
But despite that, I'm going to sell it out at 60% off.
Never offered this for that because I want you to see how amazing
We're good to go.
InfoWars Life is bringing you a breakthrough in modern medicine.
Introducing Pollen Block.
We have found an extraordinary new, natural way to alleviate seasonal distress symptoms, including promoting clear nasal and sinus passageways, eye comfort, and respiratory function.
In the 1960s, researchers in France noticed that people who ate certain quail eggs experienced less seasonal immune and inflammatory responses.
They began studying this effect in published trials, and decades later, we now have the fruit of this research, a fast-acting, chewable tablet that helps alleviate seasonal distress symptoms.
It's incontrovertible.
Humanity is dying.
Every metric, every gauge we have shows that we're living shorter lives, we are diseased, our IQs are plunging, and we're ugly.
We're falling apart.
Big Pharma and the entire loveless operation is a kill grid.
And the studies are clear.
The average person is in a dreamlike state, a near dreamlike daydream.
World program of the flicker rates of the televisions and all the screens.
We are in a trance.
And now they're turning up the power of the ambient electromagnetic radiation, which again, all the studies conclusively show cause massive cancer and destroy your immune system and push viruses across the cell membrane.
We are being murdered.
And I've got to tell you, it's very sophisticated and looks non-human.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have award-winning investigative journalist of the Epoch Times and NationalFall.com Patrick Cowley with us today.
What's crazy is
Bill Gates's dad is a famous eugenicist and ran Planned Parenthood.
And Planned Parenthood was set up by Margaret Sanger that said blacks weren't humans.
We had to kill the weeds.
And they created Hitler.
And he goes around saying this in white papers.
And then, well, he's got a special vaccine for you.
He wants that fluoride in your water.
Speaking of Bill Gates, Gates admitted that he stopped President Trump
Setting up the Vaccine Safety Commission, even though Barron got damaged from a vaccine.
I mean, talk about a scourge.
We've gone from 1 in 35,000 with autism to 1 in 58.
You go out to a mall and like a third of the kids look like they're mentally retarded now.
And the vaccines are on record causing autoimmune developments in the brain, blood on the brain.
Turns out, Australia found shaking baby, wasn't shaking baby, it was blood on the brain from a convulsion.
Again, a baby could die from a bee sting, but you give them five or six big shots with pathogens and all that stuff, and that's not gonna kill them?
It's a allergic response.
A lot of peanuts have an allergy that didn't exist 50 years ago, and now it's massive, and thousands die a year from it.
Some years, over 2,000.
Some of them are as low as 500 now.
Because they actually have a vaccine they give you to slowly teach you to be able to handle the peanut.
But they gave it to you with another pathogen.
They used to grow the vaccines on peanuts.
Well, your body then had an autoimmune response to not just the virus, but the damn peanut!
Why do you think allergies are getting so bad?
In fact, guys, I meant to print the article out of the Canadian study.
Just type in, I had this last week.
I want to show the people.
I want to just say something.
I want to show them.
Studies show taking the flu vaccine doubles your chances of getting it the next year.
Another study only says 50%, so it's not 100%.
Just look.
Taking flu shot gives you a 50% increase.
Taking flu shot lowers your immunity.
Just give them that.
Okay, we're talking CDC, everything.
This is all admitted.
But here is...
Gates admitting that he stopped President Trump having a vaccine commission.
And I played you on the Saturday show I did yesterday, the UN clips of the head of the World Health Organization saying, we don't test vaccines, they're hurting people.
There's a cover-up in December of last year, four months ago.
But here is Gates.
The second time I saw him was the March after that.
So March 2017 in the White House.
In both of those two meetings, he asked me if vaccines weren't a bad thing.
Because he was considering a commission to look into ill effects of vaccines.
And somebody, his name is Robert Kennedy Jr., was advising him that vaccines were causing
By the way, again, for the common cold or the flu, you can't get learned immunity because it always is mutated.
That's why they always told you we can't have a vaccine for the common cold because it doesn't work.
It's a fraud.
Here's another clip.
We'll go to our guest.
This is Gates talking about what he tells the World Health Organization and others to do.
You've been in touch with leaders in Washington.
Have you talked with the president about this?
I've not talked directly to the president.
Our foundation is trying to be as helpful in a very constructive way as possible, and that's why I've talked to the head of the pharmaceutical companies.
We've talked to a lot of the agencies, including CDC and NIH, about how we work together on the vaccine and the drugs.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And you found out he's financing it all.
Going back to Patrick Howley.
They have, early on, tried to blame Trump for this, even though Trump's the one that blocked the Chinese flights.
Now the new talk is, you know, he acted late, it's his fault, and he wants to open the country, you know, he's a bad guy.
They say it'll peak at like 2,000, 3,000 dying a day.
But we now know anybody that tests positive for the common cold is corona, just not COVID-19.
So they're actually adding in everyone that has antibodies for the common cold who's dying in America to the list.
It's incredible.
Well that's right Alex, the World Health Organization put out this guidance and if you go to the CDC website you can see they are counting people as coronavirus deaths if it was quote caused or assumed to have caused so anybody could assume anything you could die from anything and meanwhile we have family members of people all over the country and all over the world right now coming out and correcting the mainstream media and saying no my father was not you know
We're good to go.
Joe Biden, the very guy who in 2005 asked John Roberts in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing, can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement?
There's actual discussion about that.
Now, I haven't seen anything in the King James Bible about vaccines, but I have seen something about the Mark of the Beast.
And I know that these people are drawing us into something very sinister here.
Look no further than Nancy Pelosi on February 24th.
And you can go and look at this in the mainstream media.
She had the press come to Chinatown with her and stand in solidarity with the people in Chinatown.
And she said, come join us.
Meanwhile, the virus was spreading.
This was being spread by these people.
This is a matter of public record.
And they are using the guise of racism and this terminology about how they're such great people, they're such moral people, to stand up to racism and xenophobia.
They are using wokeness as a weapon of war.
You've studied Bill Gates.
I mean, his dad.
All of it.
I mean, these guys are famous eugenicists that worked with this whole cult that just permeates science worldwide.
And the Chinese have accepted eugenics and they believe in one-child policies and exterminating people and killing 400 million female fetuses and all of this.
I mean, this is giant social engineering.
Absolutely, and this is the vision of David Rockefeller playing out.
And in the last few decades, we have been absolutely sold out by Rockefeller and his henchman, Henry Kissinger, because they realized that they could get child slaves over in China to manufacture everything, and now America is a sitting duck.
That's right.
Let's go further.
They know that giving China one-sided trade deals and building it up
Trump was ending that, bringing industry back.
They make almost all our drugs.
So now China has the virus, shuts down a few weeks, opens back up.
We're shut down for supposedly years.
China wins the trade war where the globalists have all invested.
So this is admittedly a globalist operation.
It's why the media praises Xi Jinping, but attacks Trump.
That's right.
And these government bureaucrats like Fauci and Birx, these are not people that President Trump handpicked.
These are people who have been entrenched in the government.
Birx was appointed by Obama to work on PEPFAR.
Fauci has been in the government longer than some of these people have been alive who are being affected by this right now.
These are entrenched government bureaucrats.
This is the deep state.
And this is a long time agenda.
And so President Donald Trump is trying to scale this back and thank God that we have a Republican in there who's looking at the stock market numbers saying, we need to get back to work.
We are going to race against the clock to try to get treatment here.
If we had a Democrat in there, this could very well be the one.
And we all know what we're talking about.
The one.
We've been wondering.
Is it going to be a fake alien invasion?
Are they going to bring out some kind of fast-moving cylindrical disk that they've used Hollywood to predictive program us to think it's an alien invasion and we have to cast off nationhood and form a one-world government if the aliens are going to embrace us?
Is it going to be climate change, this hoax that Greta Thunberg is pushing?
Or is it going to be a pandemic?
Now, this very well could have gone in a more dangerous direction, and we're not out of the woods yet, Alex, because many of us are still locked down by the government in our houses.
But President Donald Trump, thank God that we have a patriotic American in there who is hopefully not going to let the globalists drag this out.
If it was Biden, it would be, we need two more months.
We need two more months.
They would drag this out until Gates gets the vaccine, by which point the economy is destroyed.
I'm not going to let this happen to the American Republic.
Well, absolutely.
Please join us again this week.
Owen's hosting tomorrow.
I've got to take care of some things.
But I'll be back in the afternoon if you'd love to have me come on with him.
Patrick Howley, Howley Reporter on Twitter.
Thank you so much.
You're a freedom fighter, Alex.
Thank you.
Folks, we're going to start the second hour.
And if you thought this was big news this hour, we've got good news next hour.
You think that hydroxychloroquine that we've been talking about for eight, nine weeks is good?
Turns out, there's something even better.
And I did a bunch of research, talked to a bunch of medical doctors, did a lot of stuff, but I'm going to tell you about this.
And I'm not selling it, by the way.
And I almost don't want to announce this until I go out and get it for myself.
It's amazing.
Mike Adams is going to be on with us to talk about this, coming up.
What I am selling is just good, natural things you know are good for yourself.
We have a great multivitamin, the Real Red Pill.
I'm giving it 50% off right now, even though it's going to sell out very, very soon.
It's got zinc, it's got the selenium, it's got all the great stuff you need, and the preglanone that boosts your body's defenses.
And we have X3, the Deep Earth Crystal Pure Clean Iodine.
Alex Jones and the Resistance are still on air.
They're at Band Off Video and InfoWars.com.
News go to Infowars.com forward slash show and you'll find Alex Jones's broadcast live and you'll find Owen Schroer, The War Room, David Knight and so much more special broadcast films.
Emergency reports, it's all there.
And the globalists have worked around the clock to take them off air, but something's happening.
The public has been spreading the word that the forbidden truth lives.
At InfoWars.com, Ford's live show, and Bandai Video.
And it's growing exponentially.
And the attempts to censor are only backfiring.
But we can supercharge this right now.
If all of you listening realize, hey,
So you can override the corporate media, the establishment, all of them at this critical time and tell folks that the truth lives and is back on air at Infowars.com
I don't want to sit here and say, see, I told you so, so people say, oh, Alex Jones is so smart, oh, he's so great.
I could care less about that.
I want you to understand that back in mid-January, during the whole fake impeachment fiasco and the rest of it, I was pointing out that the big issue would be the next move, the next attack, if the Globals were going to launch.
They knew they needed to have the votes backed in.
And I said it would be an attack on the economy, because criminals love to brag.
And they were telegraphing the entire thing.
And now here we are, ladies and gentlemen, with our economy shut down for over a month, certain depression, if it continues for more than a month and a half or so, maybe even shorter.
Americans have failed the test.
They have gotten into the fear.
They've enjoyed not going into work.
It's been a new drama.
And the globalists are saying, hell, let's destroy their way of life forever.
Let's kill their confidence and give them a depression.
People better wake up now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And we are live on the Sunday transmission.
Gentlemen, Mike Adams is coming up with super positive news on the other side, but here's some of the highlights of Owen Schroer on Friday.
Why, if coronavirus is so contagious, and the CDC is now saying you have to wear a mask in public because of coronavirus, why then do they have to take a swab, jam it three inches into your skull,
To test for coronavirus, if that's what's going on.
Because if you can just cough and it's like the most contagious thing in the world, why can't you just get a saliva test or a spit test or even just a throat swab like you do for strep?
No, they have to literally jam a stick into your head just to violate you.
But like you were saying too, apparently this can be spread through coughing, it's airborne, it can live on surfaces for several hours.
We've seen all these studies that are coming out saying that it's so highly infectious.
And again too, I went up and I said, hey well I'm a part of an essential service, let's better better safe than sorry, would it be possible for me to get tested today?
And what I was thinking about as well is
That medical facility was empty.
They said that they had tests at the facility and that they had more coming.
So if I was exhibiting symptoms, if I was a part of an essential service, why can't they give me one test if this is really something that's so deadly, so infectious, that it's going to be spread so easily?
So again, this is just the media really hyping up all of these symptoms of the coronavirus, how it spreads.
If you do take a step back, you will realize that this is a big test to see how
How submissive Americans are going to be, how much they're going to give the government.
And of course, we're giving them the inch and they're definitely going to take the mile.
And we've seen that with the stimulus bill they've passed, with the fact that they're lying to us about coronavirus cases now, with the fact that they're lying to us about what's going on in hospitals, what's going on with supplies, with the fact that we don't even know how this virus is spread, the fact that our own media is covering for China.
It's ridiculous.
This story came out today from CNN.
How do we know a four-year-old is behind?
Behind what?
This is a child who's supposed to be spending his time playing.
Playing is learning at four years old, right?
So that bothers me when schools label children as behind, especially when they are that young.
So whatever you do, you're going to be doing better than an established school that is already labeling a child as behind.
The brain is a
It is a learning machine.
And so we have to remember that that a lot of the things that we're doing at home are it's a learning environment.
If you make it a learning environment, right?
So there's just going to keep learning and learning and learning.
The pressure is on because the superiority in which these people handle themselves when in fact, they don't even know what they're talking about.
I'm sure a lot of these kids who are attacking me have been fed the lie that conservatism is synonymous with racism and bigotry.
That just isn't true.
It's about economic opportunity.
It's about limited government.
It's about personal responsibility.
They've never heard that because they've been indoctrinated into believing that conservatism, again, is synonymous with white supremacy.
As a black man, I would never support white supremacy.
I would never support anything that oppresses my community, and so I want them to see that.
That blackness doesn't have to make you liberal.
Blackness doesn't have to make you a Democrat.
We shouldn't allow the color of our skin to dictate our politics, because that is the same type of slavery, only mental, that the people, that our community, that the bad
I won't be doing it personally.
It's a recommendation, okay?
This is so encouraging that President Trump has come out and said, no, I'm not wearing a mask.
It's not mandatory.
It's a choice.
We're not Communist China.
This is all about making all of us suspects.
It's all about the big globalist AI rollout with the Communist Chinese, the EU, the big universities, the big blue cities, the blue states, taking their client-servant population and showing them groveling to the drones and groveling to the tyranny and women being shot at checkpoints and telling us that's the American way and now we do what Communist China does and we do what the authoritarian EU does.
And Trump is saying no.
We'll be back.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
If you are a radio listener, you are picking this up on a local AM and FM station, or an audio stream or a podcast later.
If you're a TV viewer, you notice that I have a very nice H&K German firearm right here.
It's been out about 30 years, but it's the gold standard still of a 9mm submachine gun.
I love these, and I've got a lot of 9mm submachine guns.
I guess I've got 5 of them, 6 of them.
And I've got 5.56, you know, smaller rifles and things, and I've got .308, and I've got .338 Lapua, and I've got .50 Cals, and I've got it all.
But this is probably my favorite gun because I can hit bullseye pretty much all the time at 50 to 100 yards without even trying with this.
Without a magnified scope.
And it's amazing.
But you know, I use this for defense.
I've got a concealed carry, but this is, this is what I've got in my car.
And it's because it's super accurate.
For not just defending myself, but if I see bank robbers or people robbing somebody 50 yards away, I can shoot them right in the eye.
And then it's not too high power of a round, it won't go through their head most of the time, it hurts them on the other side.
That's why I like it.
For the house, I got a 12-gauge shotgun with, like, number seven bird shots that'll go over the walls and kill the family.
But why am I showing you this right now?
This is a weapon, and it can be used for good or bad.
And those of us that talk about the science of things and say, hey, vaccines have been proven dangerous.
They've been given liability protection.
They've got all sorts of contaminants in them.
They go, oh, you just don't like science.
No, that's not the case.
I played Friday and on the special Saturday show, I did a four minute compilation of the U.N.
in December.
The head U.N.
scientist saying vaccines are hurting people.
We've covered it up.
We're doing no testing.
We just get it from Bill and Melinda Gates.
They run the whole thing worldwide.
They say a doctor might get half a day in medical school on vaccines.
They said we're having autoimmune responses from the adjuvants.
It's causing brain damage, just like a bee sting, but way worse.
I mean, hell, kids eat a peanut, they die.
What about five or six injections in a newborn?
Come on, folks.
We know what's going on.
Well, now they announced it.
I like Governor Abbott.
I think they manipulated him.
I saw what he put out.
The UK said it.
Italy came out and said it.
They're trying to get Trump to do it.
Saying you're going to have to be tested, blood tested, that you have the antibodies for COVID-19 before you can go back to work.
That's why last Monday, Fauci said, no one can go back to normal until we have a vaccine and until there's no one sick or no one dying.
That's impossible.
The common cold kills millions every year.
And coronavirus is the most common virus for colds.
That's why there was never a vaccine for the common cold.
Because there's too many mutations and they can never guess it.
It's gonna be the exact mutation, folks.
Just like flu.
I showed you articles last hour.
Look it up for yourself.
How flu vaccine lowers your immunity the next year.
How they never guess the right year.
These are facts!
This is a giant fraud.
And instead of backing off of it, they're doubling down.
But Mike Adams is here to talk about that for the next three segments.
And to get into some major league things.
But the reason I have the gun out here is,
A gun I know can defend me.
And if a vaccine can be proven to be safe and effective, which they lie about, then I would take it as well.
But they lie about it.
But when they inject little kids and others with these vaccines, and they have secret vaccine damage funds, that's admitted that they exist.
Billions a year paid out, and then they tell you nobody ever got hurt by a vaccine.
They're damn liars.
It's like saying nobody died in a car wreck.
So that's like shooting a little kid with an MP5.
It's a weapon.
And it's depopulation.
And Mike Adams is exposed how they're putting whole human genomes down to vaccines.
Vaccines means something they're injecting into you.
So he's here to talk about that next segment, but good news right now.
And I saw this three, four days ago, and I saw the studies, and I meant to cover it, and I'm glad Mike today, I texted him an article, he called me, I called him back.
He said, hey, I've looked into this.
He spent weeks, I guess he knew about it, looking into it.
Now it's been picked up by Tucker Carlson and Breitbart's covering it.
So this is something I'm a little late to the party on.
Very excited about this.
This is even better, according to the studies, than hydroxychloroquine.
Which they didn't want you to know was good, which they now admit is good overall.
Has a few problems, but vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc are critical.
We'll talk about that, but this is a big story at NaturalNews.com.
It's also at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Please spread it, whatever you do.
We're in an information war.
How about fighting for lives?
This is what we do.
Single dose of common agricultural drug found to essentially eliminate all viral material of COVID-19 within 48 hours.
So going into this right now is Mike Adams.
This is really exciting news, Mike.
It's really great news.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
And I want to be clear, I think the fastest way to defeat the globalists is to defeat the coronavirus.
Because if they can keep this thing circulating, then they can eventually push for mandatory vaccines.
The way we cut off their vaccine agenda is to beat this thing without even taking much time at all.
We can beat it, I believe, with these kinds of, you know, off-label prescription drugs, or off-patent, excuse me, prescription drugs, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, IV therapy, and so on.
This story is about ivermectin.
Which is an agricultural drug.
You can buy it here in Texas.
You can buy it at tractor supply retail stores.
I have some.
Every cattle rancher has this.
It's a deworming drug.
And it's available over the counter.
It's very inexpensive.
By the way, when you told me this...
I remember the large animal that I worked for that did major in vitro fertilization.
I worked for him off and on for five years, Jess Adkins.
I remember him saying, oh, you're getting sick, take dewormer.
I remember him drinking dewormer 30 years ago, bro.
Well, it's been around for a long time and the medicinal effects have been known for a very long time.
Just to be clear, we're not recommending this for human consumption at the moment.
Let's be clear.
I'm just saying what I've witnessed.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, people do take it.
I've had people text me and say they took it, they ate it.
You can buy it as an apple-flavored paste for horses, and some people have eaten it and they say it tastes really nasty, but it works for them.
Again, I'm not recommending it for anybody until we know more, but this has been published in Antiviral Research, which is a peer-reviewed
Mike, what's it do?
Well, this study talks about that.
There's a specific mechanism that blocks the replication of the virus in vitro.
In this case, it was tested in vitro, not yet in human clinical trials, but that should be next.
We should be talking about this.
It eliminated virtually all viral material in 48 hours.
In just 24 hours, it eliminated 93% of viral material.
So you know how we've seen these doctors, especially one out of New York City with
Hydroxychloroquine and zinc has been able to see patients recover in six hours, for example.
Well, this might work if the hydroxychloroquine doesn't work for a patient.
This is another avenue.
By the way, the media acts like they don't want any hope that it's evil to have things off-label.
That's what always happens with some new disease.
It's almost always some old drug that's the answer.
Well, the media has been promoting off-label use of all kinds of drugs for many, many, many years.
That's nothing new to them.
What are they changing their story now?
Well, yeah, take Rogaine.
That was for, what, 30 years until the 90s.
That was a high blood pressure medicine.
Now they learned it grows hair.
Yeah, right.
The little blue pills were first researched as a heart drug and found out it gives men erections.
So, you know, they changed the use there as well.
So, you know, look, all kinds of drugs have many different uses because they work at the chemical, the biochemical cellular level.
And then, you know, that can have many different effects.
But this effect is that it blocks
The replication of this virus.
This was tested against the coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is what we have right now.
So this just adds to our treasure chest of possible treatments that are available right now.
Alex, we don't have to be under lockdown.
We don't have to be under lockdown.
Look, I'm an advocate of wearing masks in public transit and public places, but
Beyond that, what about the zinc, the vitamin D, the hydrochloroquine, and now ivermectin?
I think we can beat this.
I think we can get America back to work.
You're groveling, it's true.
You, nine weeks ago, charted everything that's come so far.
It's amazing.
And how they would try to suppress things that were known to treat this.
And they did it!
How evil!
Because they want us to take the vaccine.
And they've announced, through all these major governments, UK, Italy, Texas, sadly.
I like Governor Abbott, but he's really wrong on this.
That they want forced inoculations before we go back to work.
Ladies and gentlemen, a huge development just took place on the Police State New World Order Doomsday Clock.
Walmart has announced, as of yesterday, that no one can buy non-GMO heirloom seeds or other seeds that produce more fruits and vegetables.
Communist regimes, especially, always block farmers getting planting seed because they want to control people.
Mao did this as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is communist blueprint.
Seeds are absolutely essential for people to grow their own food, but they don't want you to be self-sufficient.
We have the widest selection you're going to find out there of non-GMO heirloom seeds from eight different companies.
Fruit trees, everything.
Get them all you can.
We have a huge selection, but we're going to sell out quickly.
Get these seeds that could plant for thousands of years, creating new seeds while you still can.
This is a gigantic, sickening, evil development, but we can take action by farming and gardening now.
Research that.
Look into it for yourself.
Big Brother and the globalists don't want you to.
Oh, you probably want to spend some time researching CoQ10.
And then research DNA Force Plus and the types.
This is our best-selling overall formula.
And I've told listeners at the end of last year that we can't sell products at 50% off anymore because there's not enough markup in them to fund our operations.
But because of what's happening and going on in the world right now, I really want everybody who hasn't used or tried or enjoyed the benefits of DNA Force Plus to have the
We knew early on that COVID-19 was an engineered bioweapon.
But again, people say, oh, then it must be the most deadly thing ever.
It does clearly kill people, but if you're going to release a bioweapon for fear to bankrupt an economy and cause panic, and to run folks off the edge of a cliff in a giant artificial stampede, you want to know the real trajectory.
Kill a bunch of old people, kill people that are deficient, kill people that are already sick, get rid of folks the globalists don't even want anyways, but scare everybody else you want to control into submission.
And that's what's going on.
So people get confused by the paradox.
You say it's a real virus, you say it's serious, but you say don't panic and don't shut the economy down.
Because if you do that, they're going to keep releasing bioweapons over and over again because it works so well on the public.
Most people are starting to wake up, but we have to understand that pressure is being put on Trump to basically keep the economy shut for another six months to a year.
We'll be in a depression long before then.
We've got to go back to work.
Do yourself a favor and fund the InfoWar at the same time.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and read about the ingredients of the highest quality like black walnut and others that are in this baby.
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And the Iodine's selling out, the X3, it's 60% off, because I want you to experience how amazing it is.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I can tell you this, Alex Jones here back live, that humanity is in a war with the scientific technocracy that is psychotic and that is very robotic and sociopathic.
And Mike Adams is our guest.
And the big tell for everybody I know,
Is when eight, nine weeks ago we saw in China and then in the EU and Italy like five, six weeks ago, they were getting 95, 97% rates with hydroxychloroquine.
It forces zinc into the cells artificially.
People have hallucinations on it.
It's one of the things that happens.
I've always remember reading about that, that even the old fashioned thing that's based on that's in tonic pushes that in the body.
And all it does is a medical form of quinine.
That's in tonic and then they demonized it and they said it wouldn't help and it was a lie and that and that and that it shouldn't be approved of course the FDA did approve it and then the way they say no zinc doesn't help you vitamin C doesn't help you and then we've talked to medical doctors on air from Louisiana to New York and there's the FDA used to approve doctors prescribing and it being paid for on insurance
Or they may prescribe it, period, D3, vitamin C, zinc.
They're not doing that now.
So this shows the medical tyranny wanting this to be as bad as possible.
For folks that don't know, and I'm not a doctor, you can go look at the studies.
They don't want you to even talk about this.
But if you have zinc in large amounts, it's very hard for these viruses, no matter what type they are, to get into the cells.
So that's why when you talk about this good news, a single dose of common anti-
Agricultural drug found to essentially eliminate all viral material.
That's a major study that you're linking to.
And people think, oh, well, they go, well, this is a new virus.
You can't say that.
No, no.
It's from the same family as coronavirus.
So a 357 Magnum, you know, shot into a pit bull's head will kill a pit bull.
Well, it'll kill a, you know, pit bull that's been mated with a Dalmatian.
I mean, you know, it's they play these games.
If cyanide kills all mammals,
It'll kill another mammal.
If it kills a cat, it'll kill a dog, it'll kill a human.
If this, in studies, kills all the other viruses, well, what will it do to Corona?
Why don't they want this talked about?
Why are they so scared?
Well, this study was done on this particular coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2, that is circulating now.
So this study was just published, and it was just conducted.
This is on the current virus, so anyone saying that it doesn't apply to the current virus hasn't read the study.
It actually does work.
It just needs to be studied more in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human trials.
But yet there's no funding for that, for the reasons that you mentioned.
See, Dr. Fauci is a Bill Gates puppet.
And Dr. Fauci is Trump's enemy.
In fact, Dr. Fauci has under oath lied to Congress about vaccines and he has covered up the truth that vaccines cause horrific side effects.
Dr. Fauci wants America to suffer and die until he can push a vaccine onto everybody in order to carry out... Oh, he's following a Bill Gates blueprint.
I read your article, I didn't read the study, and I saw it quoted where it says FDA approved drug
I'll be clear.
Inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2, which is this, in vitro.
So, I just want to be clear, they'll spin that to the public and say, oh, well, it doesn't affect this virus, playing on ignorance.
Right, right, of course.
But it really does apply to this virus, and again, why aren't these trials being done?
By the way, I really want to talk about 5G today as well, when we get a chance, because I believe that 5G is potentiating
The virus.
And a lot of people out there are talking about, well, they think it's just 5G and that there is no virus.
I don't think that's true.
I want to give you the whole next segment to do that, Mike.
I want to give you the whole next segment.
Let's talk about other things.
It's on record.
That they're treating it and having great success rates with hydroxychloroquine.
You've got this big study that's in a prestigious journal, antiviral research, FDA approved drug, ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.
And again, some are going to spin that and say, that's not COVID-19.
Explain, that's the original name is SARS-CoV-2, correct?
Yeah, that is the coronavirus.
That's the Wuhan coronavirus.
The original SARS, from however many years ago it was, is SARS-CoV-2.
I was reading comments, I was reading comments that that's why people don't get it that it's had a bunch of names, but the official original name is SARS-CoV-2.
That's right.
That is the Wuhan coronavirus, yes.
And now, of course, there have been, you know, mutations since then, there are various strains, but they all trace back their lineage to that original sample that was known as SARS-CoV-2, and it was named that.
And then, of course, the WHO, run by Communist China, is playing games with everybody to keep changing the name, and, oh, don't call it the Chinese virus, don't call it Wuhan, you know.
Because the WHO is run by communists, and if anything should happen from this, we should shut down the WHO.
We should defund it.
Trump should stop sending money to the UN until the WHO is just gutted.
Well, that was my next question.
The fact that we've been positioned with the WHO and the CHICOMS telling us how to handle that, since when is the most murderous state on earth telling us what to do?
And, I'm sure you saw this, the UN just put China on the big human rights board.
Yeah, no, that's totally insane.
There's no more horrific violator of human rights on this planet than China.
That's insane.
Or maybe North Korea would be in the running for that.
But China, on their large scale, is the worst.
They are the antithesis of human rights.
And in fact, it's China's actions on this, the cover-ups, the censorship, the disappearing of the whistleblowers, that really made this problem far worse.
And I think that's one of the reasons why Trump was initially behind the curve on this, because
For some reason he trusted some of the early numbers coming out of China.
He doesn't anymore.
But a lot of people trusted the early numbers and those numbers were lies.
And so China deceived the world and set the world back one, maybe two months in being able to respond to this at the same time.
You said that eight weeks ago.
That's not accepted truth.
The Pentagon thinks 43,000 to 46,000 dead in Wuhan alone from what they've seen with the urns.
Do you think that's accurate?
Yeah, very much so.
I think China downplayed it quite significantly.
And also remember, in January, China was buying up all of the personal protective equipment supplies in North America and Europe, everywhere around the world.
I know large retailers.
Yeah, Australia as well.
China was buying up all the supplies in order to make sure that the Western world did not have equipment to respond to this.
Look, this is a biological attack, Alex.
It's an act of war.
By the way, there's hundreds of videos now of women licking laptops at Best Buy and wiping their feet and men with the masks they're sending here and like laughing, we're gonna get you.
And I know you've got businesses in around China.
What the hell's going on there?
Well, our offices are located in Taiwan and Taiwan's done a really good job, you know, cracking down on this and kind of keeping it under control.
But China, I predicted this in early February, they would try to export the virus to infect as many other countries as possible so they could shift the blame away from China.
And that's exactly what's happened.
That's all this is.
They're just trying to make sure they can rewrite history and blame, you know, Trump instead of China.
Incompetent corrupt leader.
But what the hell with all these videos of Chinese trying to spread it?
What the?
And then, again, they're executive.
Xi Jinping doesn't like it.
He's encouraging this.
Well, yeah, again, it's the anti-American hatred that's been put in place because China, you know, the social engineering propaganda is what precedes war.
China is going to attack the United States in more ways than just this biological weapon.
I've been writing about that recently as well.
There are more attacks coming, Alex.
That's kind of the big news right now.
People better be ready.
This is going to get a lot worse from here forward.
We're at war with Communist China.
When is it time?
It's incontrovertible.
Humanity is dying.
Every metric, every gauge we have shows that we're living shorter lives.
We are diseased.
Our IQs are plunging and we're ugly.
We're falling apart.
Big Pharma and the entire loveless operation is a kill grid.
And the studies are clear.
The average person is in a dreamlike state.
A near dreamlike daydream world.
Program of the flicker rates of the televisions and all the screens.
We are in a trance.
And now they're turning up the power of the ambient electromagnetic radiation, which again, all the studies conclusively show, cause massive cancer and destroy your immune system and push viruses across cell membrane.
We are being murdered.
And I've got to tell you, it's very sophisticated and looks non-human.
My mind for more than eight weeks has been fixed.
Constantly scanning, constantly computing to understand the strategic attack we're witnessing.
We know by the scripting and the choreography and the fact that the virus has been scanned that it's man-made and an attack on our economy.
The globalist media is firmly behind this devastating the United States and driving Trump from power.
But now we know from scores of studies from China, the UK, the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, that the virus reinfects and attacks different parts of the body.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an engineered bioweapon, just as the Indian scientists eight weeks ago conclusively proved at their major university.
They have a name for it at the Pentagon.
It's called a soft kill weapon.
It doesn't kill you usually the first time.
But the next time, or the third time, or the fourth, it does.
And it weighs down your economy in the process.
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As bad as things are, with now more than half the world population under martial law being directed by the UN, there is a massive awakening happening.
The tyranny of big pharma and the medical mafia and the forced inoculations and the UN admitting that vaccines are killing people and they've covered it up.
And everywhere I go I am just mobbed by folks on the street now, even in leftist Austin, who used to attack me just a few years ago saying, you were right about 5G.
5G's killing us.
I looked it up.
It's causing cancer.
It destroys immunity.
It says that it makes it easier for viruses to attack.
People are really starting to wake up and they know they're under attack at a spiritual and subconscious cellular level.
So now, my friends, educate everyone you know.
They're ready to listen.
They're ready to learn.
They're ready to take action.
I'm Alex Jones and this is the InfoWar.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, let's talk 5G.
I did a whole show on this Friday.
Four hours.
And I showed Wired Magazine, LA Times, dozens of big, thick, prestigious studies that it massively increases cancer.
But bigger than that, it was it lowers immunity.
Again, 5G is another type of wireless.
It's super high power, but in limited areas.
It only goes so far.
Austin already has it on most of the major roads.
And they just did it.
And now we know they're putting it in schools and things during this lockdown.
That's been confirmed.
I show people the videos, the articles.
And it was the public noticed this and pointed it out.
So the public is white-hot angry right now, Mike Adams of nationalnews.com.
They are really understanding what's going on, but then they go a step further and say, no, the 5G creates the virus, and then the media discredits that when, no, it lowers immunity and exacerbates viruses being able to infect.
So it's true that if you get poisoned,
Well, I believe that
The 5G exposure does potentiate this virus and its ability to infect cells.
I think it's a very valid theory.
It's not a wild conspiracy theory of any kind.
In fact, it's quite real.
We know that 5G exposure, for example, causes what are called voltage-potentiated or voltage-gated ion channels in the cells.
It changes the porosity of the cell membrane and it allows things to be pushed into the cells that don't belong there.
In the context of a real virus that is very infectious and that is invading cells, the combination of 5G and the coronavirus biological weapon may be what we're seeing in certain cities that have 5G.
It's a microwave, so it rattles membranes and pushes things through.
And I'm showing footage in England.
More and more 5G towers are being burned down.
Well, there's a very known phenomenon called electroporosis.
If you pass a current through your body, even just with a simple battery, a 9-volt battery or something, it changes the porosity of the cell membranes inside your body, the membranes that are touched by that electricity moving through it.
That's a well-known process.
There are patents on that.
It's well-known.
I've known people back in college who would drink alcohol and they would get drunk
By having voltage pass through their fingers, they would hold battery leads and they would get extra voltage and it would make the alcohol like five times more effective.
They would actually get drunk due to the electroporosity.
I'm not kidding.
Because it's pushing it into the cells.
Yes, pushing the alcohol into the cells.
It makes you more drunk, more pregnant with less alcohol.
It's weakening the blood-brain barrier.
I mean, you know, it's a crazy college stunt.
Yeah, absolutely.
But that's what happens when you go to college with a bunch of science nerds, you know, like I did.
And they do crazy stuff involving science.
It's a real effect.
But the point is, today, today the virus is real.
So, I disagree with those who are saying there is no virus, the germ theory, you know, if they're saying that's not real.
I don't think they're up to speed.
I think it's a combination, Alex.
It's a combination of 5G targeting you with and creating that cell membrane porosity.
Well, I could defend 5G autoimmune.
It lowers your immunity.
They're not even debating that.
Well, right, right.
And you see what's happening in Ecuador recently?
You know I used to live there, and the city, Guayaquil, which is having the horrendous effects of the coronavirus right now.
I saw that video.
It's got 5G.
People are just falling down dead everywhere.
Yeah, and that's the only city in Ecuador with 5G in it.
So that's the epicenter of 5G, and that's the epicenter of the coronavirus deaths.
And the same is true almost all over the world.
Wuhan was the first city to put 5G in.
To be completely covered, yes, absolutely.
Now, this doesn't mean you can't get infected in a non-5G city.
It just means it's more difficult to get infected if you don't have this electroporation effect in your body.
Look, I think that
This is like the Roman Empire accidentally poisoning its citizens by having the aqueducts lined with lead.
They thought lead was safe, and that was part of their infrastructure.
Well, we have 5G towers that are blasting everybody with electromagnetic pollution.
And we're told it's safe, but I don't think it is safe.
I think this is almost a binary weapon system that combines these two factors and makes it extremely dangerous and extremely toxic.
Doesn't mean the virus isn't real, just means that it's potentiated.
Just like you said, it's potentiated by this electric, this voltage exposure which penetrates your skin.
And everybody knows that 5G sends a beam to you.
A targeted, focused beam that tracks you, follows you, goes to your phone and penetrates your body.
It's not an omni-signal that's beamed out everywhere.
It goes to you.
And that's why if you have a 5G device, you are being hit by this radiation.
You might be more vulnerable
to this coronavirus and we need more research on this to find out if that's what's happening, but of course that research will never be done.
You're showing video from Guayaquil in Ecuador.
Yeah, people just falling dead on the streets.
Dead bodies are just being wrapped in plastic.
You know, I've been to Guayaquil.
That's a major airport, it's a port.
What's really going on there?
This goes on and on.
Here, show the article here.
Yeah, it's... People are dying.
Speaking of blood draws, by the way, what Governor Abbott announced for Texas, you know, when they test your antibodies, they're going to track your DNA, too.
So this is also a way to just secretly steal everybody's DNA without permission.
Same thing with the nasal swabs.
When they get a little bit of virus on that nasal swab, that deep cavity swab, they're also getting your DNA.
So this is a way to create a DNA database of everybody.
That's why I'm not going to get tested.
I'm not going to get an antibody test.
I don't want the government having my DNA.
On some database.
And that's what this is.
Yeah, and that is a suicide pact for America.
I think Tucker Carlson was right.
That's a suicide mission for America.
Fauci says don't open the country until we have zero infections?
No, no, that would be the destruction of America.
Look, we have a plan, and the message to Trump or anybody near Trump is that
There is a way to get America back to work.
It involves masks.
I'm an advocate of wearing masks in public, in public transportation and so on.
I'm an advocate of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, and now looking at ivermectin with these, you know, five or six simple things.
We could reduce new infections by probably 99 percent.
We could break the cycle of this and we could get our economy rolling again.
We don't have to wait around and suffer and die and collapse waiting for a vaccine because Bill Gates wants to position vaccines as the hero of this horrible tragedy.
And himself as the hero.
Pulling back though, I saw the graphs today.
Some of the rise is lowering and so it's a hopefully, when do you think we had a crest start going down?
Well, I think the modeling is pretty good about mid-April is when we're going to peak here in the United States.
But remember, this is only the first wave, so we're still in lockdown.
What happens after they end the lockdown, but they don't recommend zinc and vitamin D and masks?
As you said a few days ago, literally, this is a disease of deficiency.
People go, what do you mean?
An essential vitamin or mineral, if you don't have it, you die, like oxygen or like food.
It just takes longer.
Yeah, why do you die from not having food?
Because you don't have the vitamins and minerals.
It's called malnutrition, and a common cold kills you.
And we're so unhealthy, it's just unbelievable.
All right, naturalnews.com.
Mike Adams, thank you so much.
When we come back, you're going to be gone, but you pointed this out to me in a Natural News article.
I looked it up.
A bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor, COVID-19, a condition of oxygen deprivation, not
We've got one minute.
Tell folks what's coming up with this because he points out that this, this is not pneumonia.
Very important story.
This emergency physician has noticed that the ventilators are causing the lung damage.
They're running the wrong methods that provide way too much pressure to the lungs because the dogma of the medical system is thinking that this is viral pneumonia.
It isn't viral pneumonia.
It's oxygen deprivation.
And that emergency physician knows exactly what he's talking about.
Lungs are being damaged by ventilators running the wrong methods.
That's the story.
And so what he's saying is they need a big higher oxygen mix.
They need to run a different method with lower pressure and just support the lungs absorbing oxygen, not take over the lungs by forcing them with higher pressure that causes tissue damage.
That's what he's saying.
We're going to play with the doctors, Sid.
I'm sure the left and media matters will say, do not play doctors.
Only George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, tells you what to do.
There is no hope.
Bill Gates loves you.
Take the vaccines.
Thank you, Mike.
I'm Alex Jones at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Tomorrow's news is today.
Please spread the live links.
I'm here to tell you I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people and I've been fighting them for 13 years and I'll never stop while I'm drawing breath!
For 26 years, Alex Jones and Infowars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide, waking people up to the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the American Deep State, the rise of Communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
Join us.
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Keep fighting Alex, you gladiator.
Development just took place on the Police State, New World Order, Doomsday Clock.
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We have a huge selection, but we're going to sell out quickly.
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The ultimate tyranny would be a nanny state that would not allow anyone to ever do anything that could possibly hurt them.
And that's the globalist plan.
And now, Mr. Fauci at the NIH, last night in a press conference, standing right next to the President, said, we're going to have a global lockdown, because he talked to world leaders, until not one more person is dying or one more person is infected.
The video is posted on InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, that sets the precedent where not one person can die from the flu, not one person can die from a cold.
Everyone will be surveilled in lifetime by their cell phones and apps and drones and an absolute straitjacket of pure medical tyranny.
And remember, it's Big Pharma that has all the Level 4 bioweapons labs that keeps leaking all these man-made viruses.
They're holding us all hostage.
Oh, and he talked about forced inoculations.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's not like other intelligent people don't know what we're talking about is accurate.
They decide to join with Sauron.
They decide to join with Satan.
They get scared.
Or they get flattered being offered to be part of the power structure.
But, you know, I've always been so high on life that every time I got around the Satanist, I felt cold and weak.
I didn't feel strong.
And so no matter how much danger I'm in or how much I'm being attacked, I've got this continual courage from God.
And the more I get attacked,
The smarter and greater my discernment gets, and God just goes, turn loose, I'm in control.
Just go with what I tell you.
It's not me, it's God.
And it's crazy.
And so I don't look forward to whatever they're gonna do to me, because it's pretty outrageous.
But for every door that closes, other doors open.
There's providence, it's a real thing.
So research providence, my friends, and don't be fearful of he who can kill the body.
Fear he who can kill the soul.
Now, this has been sold out for 14 weeks.
It was back in, I guess, November that it sold out, and then we got busy, didn't get the order in for a couple weeks.
It takes 12 weeks to get it in because it's organic, and it's super high-quality D3, and it's called Winter Sun.
People get sick in the winter because they're all cooped up inside, and they're not getting vitamin D3 that you get when your skin interacts with the sun.
This is what I take, it's what my children take, and if you look at all the research on what boosts your body's defenses, vitamin D3 is just as critical as zinc, just as critical as vitamin C, and it's something that isn't in almost all foods.
And with synthetic also, you don't absorb it.
This is organic, it's high quality,
And it is so good.
Winter sun.
Get the sun you need in the winter.
People taste it and go, that tastes like sweet.
What do you add?
They go, there's no sugar on this.
It just tastes sweet.
It's like Ultra 12 that's super high quality, Methylcobalamin, Vitamin B12.
It tastes like nothing you've ever tasted.
This is sweet and tastes pretty good.
Ultra 12 just tastes amazing.
It's like, I've never tasted anything that tastes this good.
It's natural, that's what it tastes like.
And your taste buds are like, ooh, I like this.
It's the artificial stuff that is mimicking what this does.
So again, Ultra 12 is good for your immune system.
Vitamin D3 is amazing.
They're all essential.
And these are the best you're gonna find out there.
And yes,
I didn't know
Really, it's gonna sell out long before you get another order in.
I said, I don't care.
50% off, because we're gonna lower prices during a crisis.
I promised you, last year, I said, never 50% off again, because people expect that, they only buy when I do that, and we don't have a bunch of markup in there, so 50% off, we can't fund the operation.
But then, I just said, you know what?
It's the right thing to do.
So, Vitamin D3, Winter Sun Plus,
Ultra-Vitamin D3.
I mean, it's amazing.
You need to research this.
Oh, and I forgot, it's plus because K helps with the absorbing of it, according to the scientists that we paid money to give us the analysis.
And so I'm always looking to make it better.
It's what's plus.
It now has vitamin K in it as well.
So, it's back in.
And look, wherever you get D3, get it.
Just make sure it's an organic form.
I might have a labor time on that, but just go out and research where you get D3 or where you get methylcobalamin, because if you get a synthetic B12, if you get a synthetic D, which a lot of these companies put out, well, no kidding, it's a $10 bottle of multivitamin.
Because it's like they make it out of crude oil.
It's not even real.
They manipulate crude oil, which you can change into so many things like plastic, chemicals, you name it.
They manipulate the molecules around and then go, oh, here, it's the same thing.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
It's not.
So, InfoWarsTore.com, go research it for yourself.
And yeah, that'll sell in a couple weeks at that rate.
It's fine.
And then in like 10 weeks, we'll get more in, because we put the new order in Friday for a double order of this, because people really get it now.
D3 sold out.
Zinc sold out everywhere.
People debate about how much zinc should you take.
I was taking 30 milligrams a day.
I talked to a lot of folks, and they said, no, you should take 100 during this virus.
But I'm not giving that advice.
Doctors are saying, if you have COVID-19,
250 milligrams.
That's toxic to your kidneys.
I looked that up.
I'm not a doctor.
I called the doctor back.
He said, well, that's true.
But he said, you know, this is so crazy.
Long term, it's bad for your kidneys.
I would go ahead and do this now just to be safe.
So I'm not giving medical advice.
They've got the George Soros groups breathing down my neck, all this.
They don't mean to tell you about hydroxychloroquine.
They don't mean to tell you about all these other studies because they're jerks, man.
They literally want you desperate, waiting on
Bill Gates to bring you the supposed answer to all of this.
Now, speaking of that, it's a story up on Infowars.com that Mike Adams put together.
Bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor, COVID-19, a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia.
And physician named Cameron Kyle Siddell goes through the fact that this is real, it's hurting a lot of people, and it's not helping them when they pump their lungs up.
It's helping them when they just get basic oxygen.
So here's what he had to say.
This is Dr. Cameron Kyle Seidel, ER and critical care doctor from New York City.
Nine days ago, I opened an intensive care unit to care for the sickest COVID positive patients in the city.
In these nine days, I have seen things I have never seen before.
In treating these patients, I have witnessed medical phenomenon that just don't make sense in the context of treating a disease that is supposed to be a viral pneumonia.
Nine days ago I presumed I was opening an intensive care unit to treat patients with a virus causing a pneumonia that was ravaging lungs across the world, starting out as something mild, a cough, a sore throat, and progressively increasing in severity
Until ultimately ending in something called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS.
This is the paradigm that every hospital in the country is working under.
This is the disease, ARDS, that every hospital is preparing to treat.
And this is the disease, ARDS, for which in the next two to six weeks, 100,000 Americans might be put on a ventilator.
And yet, everything I've seen in the last nine days, all the things that just don't make sense, the patients I'm seeing in front of me, the lungs I'm trying to improve, have led me to believe that COVID-19 is not this disease, and that we are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue.
In short, I believe we are treating the wrong disease and I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.
As New York City appears to be about 10 days ahead of the country, I feel compelled to get this information out.
COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see,
I think?
Take off their oxygen and quickly progress through a state of anxiety and emotional distress and eventually get blue in the face and while they look like patients absolutely on the brink of death, they do not look like patients dying of pneumonia.
I have never been a mountain climber and I do not know the conditions at base camp below the highest peaks in the world, but I suspect that the patients I'm seeing in front of me look most like
As if a person was dropped off on the top of Mount Everest without time to acclimate.
Like it's six after.
You need to hear it.
And that's what we're getting from other medical doctors.
But the globalists don't want you to hear this.
This is something big.
Now, the army under orders in the 60s released a bioweapon that killed a bunch of people on the New York subway.
I just showed Business Insider, PBS News, Democracy Now for TV viewers, radio listeners.
Army tested germ warfare on NYC subway by smashing light bulbs full of bacteria.
You need to understand this.
63, 66, 68, they all did it.
It was done everywhere.
This is the eugenicists.
It's not the army.
It's criminal groups using national security to do this.
So remember.
I believe a lot of this in New York is chemical attack.
They're blaming on biological.
That's why it's in clusters.
They're nerve gassing people in Italy.
They're nerve gassing them here.
Something big's going on.
God bless you all.
I'm under globalist attack.
Pray for me, and I'll try to stay in the fight.
But regardless, I'm a winner for telling the truth and standing for Jesus Christ, and so are you.
This crew's amazing.
I appreciate them all.
David Knight starts 8 a.m.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Then Owen Troyer, War Room, 3 p.m.
Central as well.
Spread those links.
Tell people the truth is being broadcast.
But you have to spread it.
This ad will only run for a couple days, because it's about to sell out.
I noticed, hey, we had a lot of Prostagard.
People love it, we've got a lot of it.
Why is it suddenly almost sold out?
And I went, oh my gosh, it's an incredible formula, not just for the prostate, but the salt palmetto that's on record for helping that.
It's got everything, vitamin D, a big dose of that, a big dose of zinc, a big dose of selenium, copper, chromium, and a bunch of other stuff.
This is the perfect formula for what's going on right now, and it's about to sell out.
InfoWarsTore.com, and I want you to have it so that after all this craziness passes, it becomes a normal regimen in your life, because it's something, in my view, you need every day.
Get it right now.
Prostagard at InfoWarsTore.com, and whatever you do, please warn others that Mother Nature has given us a lot of things that really help boost our overall health and wellness.
We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice.
Seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the cashless society.
It's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship durable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
It's about what's
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!