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Filename: 20200401_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 1, 2020
3225 lines.

In his monologue, Alex Jones discusses his beliefs about the Coronavirus pandemic, claiming it's a bioweapon created by communist China and globalists as an attack against America. He talks about four receptor delivery systems in the virus that attack different parts of the body and how the virus keeps coming back. Jones criticizes Democrats for trying to block medicine from reaching people and calls them psychotic filth. The Alex Jones Show also discusses the possible origins of COVID-19, its connection with Nazi biological warfare work, and the likelihood of it being a purposeful release from China's Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory. The show highlights authorities' lack of transparency in handling the pandemic and criticizes the use of Chinese statistics in modeling the virus's spread. Additionally, Dr. Eddie Fatakhov provides insights on preventing or reducing COVID-19 severity by taking supplements, maintaining a humidifier, and reducing stress while promoting various products for survival.

Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is April Fool's Day.
And we've got the April Fool's virus out there in full effect.
No, it's a real bioweapon.
It's probably going to kill... I think Mike Adams' original analysis is pretty good.
He's saying 80,000, 90,000.
We had the flu kill 80,000 in 2018.
We have a total lockdown of society and the stock market plunging, which it is right now.
No, we didn't.
But President Trump's getting out ahead of it so that the globalists can't use the crisis to bring in their own civil emergency.
Dow's down 700 points right now.
And so he's trying to be in control of it so that they don't bring in total lockdowns of every city, absolute bonafide martial law.
At first, the globalists played it very slickly nine weeks ago.
They covered up the severity.
The Democrats said, open the borders, let folks fly in from China.
Even in late February, Nancy Pelosi and others were saying it.
In San Francisco, de Blasio was saying in New York,
Trump said, well, we actually should, you know, control some of this, at least to save some lives, like people flying in from Italy, or people flying in from China.
Russia closed its borders, China closed its borders, but would let people leave to actually give everybody the disease.
I mean, it's all scripted.
And then they went, oh no, you're not allowed to block Chinese coming in from China.
And then, on a dime, about March 1st,
A month ago, they flipped and said it's all Trump's fault.
America's a crap hole.
It's the American virus.
It's going to have the most cases.
Because we're going to have the most testing.
So they run the hoax that we're not testing.
We're not testing.
More testing.
The whole world combined.
Hundreds of times the testing of China.
China stopped testing two weeks ago.
On record.
So this is a real virus and it is man-made.
It's got four different receptor delivery systems to attack four different parts of the body and the consensus at the Senate Intelligence and the Pentagon and again people that are a part of the pro-American camp there is that this is a globalist attack by the deep state through communist China because America was
Taking over the New World Order and Americanizing it, 1776 worldwide, a plan that I have put forward, a thesis, and it's just a common sense flow that was already the American Century, the American Millennium, was already the Renaissance going into overdrive at the end of World War II, but it all got hijacked by the eugenicist scientific dictatorship that Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address in 1961.
He said the
We got a speech only 21 minutes long.
He says the scientific elite are in control of the military industrial complex and are establishing a tyranny over all thought, all science, and all industry and are the great threat.
That's because they proposed to him what they had already set up that's beyond the Manhattan Project.
So, that's the competing systems.
A pro-human future, a liberty future, an authoritarian, anti-human, robot future.
The globalists lust after robots that will follow all their orders, cutting humans out of the equation and making us obsolete.
Like the obsolete man.
That is the entire Malthusian slash
Eugenics operation.
And so we're going to be laying it all out today.
But Mike Adams projections so far are tracking with several thousand deaths in New York.
They believe it'll end up in about a thousand deaths a day in the United States by late April.
And the problem is the virus keeps coming back.
It's a soft kill weapon.
So here's the thing they don't want you to know.
And the Democrats are trying to block and they're failing.
The deep state's failing.
They have fought like the devil to tell you there is no treatment and there is no hope and that if you get it, you're just basically dead.
Get ready for a ventilator.
Not telling
Hydroxychloroquine was illegal, are now begging for it.
And the FDA says, yeah, they have massive success.
90 plus percent, as I said, brought off their own reports.
I was reading major news out of Europe, mainline news, that now they've just capitulated.
The Democrats are failing in blocking the medicine to the people, but it shows they are psychotic filth of the highest order.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, on this Wednesday, April 1st, 2020, global transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
The news sites are InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Band.Video.
Then Paul Watson has his great site, Summit.News.
Okay, let me tell you what's coming up today and I certainly hope you stay with us for the entire transmission.
Mike Adams is with us at the bottom of the hour.
His numbers are tracking to be in the sweet spot right on for what we're going to probably see here in the next two or three months.
We're looking at 80 to 90,000 dead by July.
We have reinfection popping back up in Taiwan and Hong Kong, evidence mounting that it's just absolutely man-made consensus forming in the intelligence community here in the United States, the Patriot side, that it is a QICOM attack.
And we are definitely seeing the leftist, globalist arms trying to exacerbate the fear, trying to have the longest lockdown they can.
They called for 18 months first.
They went, oh, let's be conservative.
It's a psychological tactic.
Ask for some huge thing, you know, give you a mile.
And then they cut you back to a half mile.
And all they wanted was an inch.
Oh, we want 18 months.
Oh no, just a shutdown through the election.
And then we'll turn it back on next fall when Corona comes back and we're gonna have Corona every year now and that's just the way it is.
Corona is the most common family of common cold.
And if you read bioweapons literature, they always said the best thing would be a highly communicable cold virus that you piggyback
I think?
They have been able for decades to produce a common cold that kills the majority of people that come in contact with it.
They have the mousepox sequencing that they gave out 20 years ago.
There was a big international debate about why were universities publishing the sequencing for mousepox, that if you engineered it for humans quite easily, even a level 3 facility could do it, a private company could do it.
It kills about 97-98% of people that would get it.
They're also working on Airborne Ebola.
The head of the UT Biology Department at the time, Dr. Francis Bianca, he came out and he talked about, in some of my film Endgame, how he hoped that Airborne Ebola would come soon to end world population and kill at least 90% of people.
And he's in the film and he was given awards for saying that by major international academies, including royalty.
And of course you have Prince Philip saying he wants to come back as a virus to kill the majority of humanity and you've got Bill and Melinda Gates and Ted Turner and others part of that big international group that's in the Wall Street Journal and how they're heroes for setting up a world government to have a plan to reduce our population and it's the best thing to do for the earth.
But now Bill Gates is all over the news as prescient.
I don't know.
You will be habituated and you will be prepared and you will live like this the rest of your life with drones controlling you and apps on your phone telling you where you can go and what you can do and only essential stuff.
That's what children have been taught for about 15 years in England in their textbooks and in little videos that are online.
Look up Megaopolis UK on YouTube and you'll see their own videos.
Children are shown in the future.
The computer tells you what's essential travel, what's not.
You get meat once a year on your birthday.
And robots control everything.
So the children are being shown this, that this is your new life.
This is what it's going to be like.
And we're all just being told this is it.
This is the extinction rebellion, carbon neutral world.
And if you're not essential, the bioethics boards will tell you, we'll let you keep living if you agree to be sterilized.
And then, oh, we'll let you keep living if you agree to all these inoculations.
And then, of course, that kills you.
So when you get your universal income, that comes with all the controls.
None of this is my opinion.
This is the official State Department Memorandum 200, Club of Rome, Davos, CFR statements out of all of them.
Now, when I was saying this 26 years ago, folks were like, oh, that's crazy, because it was in academic reports and UN reports.
That was it.
I mean the U.N.
said back in 1992 at the big Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit for Agenda 21.
Now they've gotten that.
They're now Agenda 2030.
They said, we're going to bring in total world government, and we're going to bring back human sacrifice like the pagans had to reduce population, we're going to tear up the families, we're not going to have single parent or double parent homes, single family dwelling facilities, we're going to ban fireplaces, we're going to ban individual farming, we're going to only have giant factory farms, total control, and we're going to phase out humans.
Well, that's now all public.
But that's on the UN website.
Just like they said, we're gonna get rid of freedom, we're gonna lower the borders in Europe, bring in 450 million people to take over, and 650 million to take over the United States.
Look up replacement migration.
It'll be on the UN's website.
But Sacha Baron Cohen says, you talk about it, you should be arrested and put in prison.
He says it does not exist, and that it's on the official UN website.
And that's our plan.
And you've got all these clips of them.
I mean, these are dangerous, evil people.
They're going to tell you what they're going to do, how they're going to slowly poison you, how they're going to kill you and your family.
And if you talk bad to Sacha Baron Cohen, who looks like a psychotic vampire, I mean, you know, I mean, he doesn't look like a child molester.
He looks like Count Dracula.
Brian Stilter looks like a child molester.
And, you know, the cover of the book fits it.
I mean, we're dealing with a guy that wants to suck your rights out and put you in a prison camp.
And he's got the full power of the ADL behind him.
This is it, folks.
And if you want to be a slave, you're about to get front row seats to it.
Or you can point out you understand what's happened.
But it's two camps.
They're false camps.
Either it's a fake virus and a total hoax and nothing's going on and it's all a giant lie, or it's the end of the world.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's a real bio-weapon, but they know the trajectory of it.
And they've got other strains.
They're obviously, the Chai Com's been caught sneaking them in.
The FBI warned it back six months ago, three months ago, that the Chai Com's have been sneaking in more deadlier versions to the U.S.
Chai Com's are celebrating on TV.
That's devastating our economy.
They're saying, but we're strong.
We're reopened.
Ha, ha, ha.
Our communist system defeated America.
While our own media and our own corporations work with them to choreograph all the fear and make sure we stay locked down when the Chai Com's aren't.
So Trump tried to introduce the idea.
I think?
And it's very, very sophisticated, but when you pull back from it, it's all pre-programmed, so we knew exactly what would happen.
Here, let's hear from the President.
Prepare for hard days ahead, as many as 250,000 dead by the middle of July.
Mike Adams projected 250,000 dead by the middle of July.
We're at war with a deadly virus.
Success in this fight will require the full, absolute measure of our collective strength, love, and devotion.
Very important.
Each of us has the power.
Through our own choices and actions to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us.
That's why we really have to do what we all know is right.
I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead.
We're going to go through a very tough two weeks and then hopefully
As the experts are predicting, as I think a lot of us are predicting after having studied it so hard, we're going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel.
But this is going to be a very painful, very, very painful two weeks.
And the stock market's almost down 800 points right now.
And a lot of people go, oh, the stock market, Wall Street, who cares?
It's tied to the entire economy.
And when it starts tanking, they're going to demand bigger bailouts.
And then that creates more inflation down the road.
But the depressionary thing's happening so fast right now that all the stimulus may not even be able to stop it.
And that's why Jim Acosta praised Trump last night when he said, OK, we got to stay closed two more weeks.
They went good.
Because then it'll set the precedent that when he opens it in a month to stop total depression, it's all his fault.
They're setting the trap.
But Trump knows the trap.
It was a trap.
Though if he didn't respond, they blame every death on him.
So he's riding the tiger.
We're all riding the tiger together.
And I'm in Simpawtico with the president.
I understand what he's doing.
It's the only path he's got right now.
Pray, ladies and gentlemen, for a global awakening.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
When you study the last hundred and twenty years,
It's really been the era of the rise of communism.
But, as with all things, on the surface what communism appears to be, a movement of the people and the intelligentsia and the professors to empower populations, it's completely the opposite.
And that's a known fact in the practitioners of it.
It is an elitist aristocracy
It is a system of creating a new class structure.
And in 1917, British intelligence funded over 100,000 former Russians, people from Russia, to invade and overthrow the Tsars at the end of World War I.
When their people were starving to death because they just lost millions in a fight with the Germans in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
And the Spanish flu was beginning to rage through the world population.
Yes, a plague also came with the Red Terror.
And then the very same globalist in 1949 killed
operatives and Army officers who were following their orders from the United States and the Globalist Shadow Organization, this all came out in the history books, of the CIA, no more than around two years at the time, tracked down and murdered hundreds of Army officers fighting with Chiang Kai-shek in China
And the CIA sabotaged the hundreds of thousands of rifles and weapons by removing the firing pins and by removing the explosives out of the hand grenades after the ships launched from San Diego and Long Beach to China.
That's just little snippets of history.
And you know, I was always read this from the John Birch Society and saw in congressional hearings when I was a kid.
I heard people talking about it.
And then I saw it on Discovery Channel like 22 years ago.
I was watching History Channel, and they had the old, former section chief of the CIA bragging, yeah, a lot of us thought Mao was going to really help China, and so, working with the Rockefeller Foundation, this guy looked like a mummy on there, he goes, and we've helped him kick Chiang Kai-shek out, and we thought Congress, you know, didn't understand how great Mao was going to be for China, and he was great.
And so we kick Chiang Kai-shek out.
And I'm sitting there on History Channel watching them talk about this.
So Mao Zedong could kill 80-something million people himself?
So when we talk about China and how we're at war with China, let's get one thing straight.
We, the American people, saved China from the Japanese in World War II.
World War II started because we had U.S.
troops under private contracts with the British.
Flying Tigers, but a lot more than that.
People like E. Howard Hunt.
He was a sniper there years before World War II even began.
That's the real character they built Mission Impossible off of.
He's the guy that ran the Operation Kilkenny in Dallas.
A little bit of background history.
But they were there.
And it was supposedly to kick the Japanese out and build China up as a capitalist nation.
Can you imagine China as a capitalist nation?
A free nation?
No, no, no, no, no.
So the intelligentsia and the people that ran the CIA at the top put Mao Zedong into power so they could hobble China and control it and then build it up and later
By the 70s, launch it to take over the planet in the future and be the model.
And now it is.
That's where they perfect the human cloning, and the chimeras, and the surveillance, and the death camps, and the Apple factories, and the drones controlling people, and robots, combat robots now armed on the streets, and mobile execution vans.
No judge, no jury, no trial, no jail cell.
You're just picked up, you're gone.
Your organs flown out to Europe or Japan to be put in somebody.
So China's a big spare parts, human body parts, auto parts store.
It's everything.
It's the wild, wild west.
So, why do I get a little history lesson here before we get into what's currently happening?
This is a globalist, deep state, scripted, choreographed, propagandized, programmed, rollout with drills, disease X, UN, 201, event 201, all the TV shows, all the scripting.
The left saying it's not dangerous, so it would incubate, spread, China closes its borders, but lets flights still come in the US.
The left says go out, have fun, they know damn well what they're doing.
Suddenly Democrat politicians are hiding everywhere a month ago.
Then they say Trump doesn't respond.
They hit the economy, their main target, which they admit it was their main target.
And now they're going to say every death is Trump's fault.
We know that, but a couple thousand deaths now in New York.
This is going to end up being a really, really bad flu.
It is a weaponized cold virus.
It does have four delivery systems.
It does attack the lungs, the heart, the testicles.
It's everything the globalists said they wanted, and the way the big corporations followed the communist regime, the way the corrupt EU followed it, the way the corporations locked down first, the Democrats locked down their cities first, and said, Trump, you must!
To stampede the public into the new way of life, the new way of life, the post-human world where you work from home because you're being made obsolete.
This is all the carbon neutral, extinction rebellion, UN-admitted revolution!
To drive you off the land, to drive you out of your job, to kill your economy so you're not the happy fat proles that are out there not wanting the revolution.
They gotta make it so horrible and destroy it so they can be the saviors even while they destroy and enslave you.
And that's why that's the plot for V for Vendetta.
That's why it's the plot of X-Files.
That's why it's the plot of The Simpsons.
The exact plots of what's going on.
People say, well, why is it all these shows and movies?
Because it's in the Rockefeller Foundation reports.
It's in the Club of Rome reports.
It's in them all.
It's on record.
What is the John Birch Society?
I'm not even part of it, but everything I ever saw them write or do turned out to be accurate.
John Birch was an army officer.
The Chi-Coms captured him.
Our government knew.
They tortured him to death.
He didn't give up any of his secrets.
But he represented hundreds of Americans tortured.
And the Army is corrupt and has its problems, like any big old institution, but it saw the CIA do that and already knew it was globalist.
And there's been a fight between the Army and the CIA ever since.
That's why the CIA has the robot army.
The 10,000 Predator drones alone.
And that's why it runs all those operations, because the CIA is just the biggest intelligence agency.
It got all the funding to get rid of naval intelligence and army intelligence and all the rest of it, and get all the funding to then control and corral that and get its people in.
But as soon as the military realizes that, it's checkmate, and now Trump's bringing his people into the CIA, and that's why there's a giant civil war, because we're that close to taking the government back.
We're on the march!
The Empire's on the run!
But the fight is now intensifying!
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Alex Jones here with some good news.
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And I'm here to tell you, I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
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I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people!
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Keep fighting, Alex, you're the gladiator.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over good?
Stop rollin' downhill like a snowball in a car hill.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
You know, the kleptocrats, the psychotics, sociopaths, think that those of us that believe in something, that stand for something, are idiots.
They think Machiavellian manipulation is the key.
But notice it's the societies that are based on justice and freedom, and at least shoot for that, that go the highest and the best, and where people are empowered.
It's the places where everybody gets Machiavelli that turn into the Middle East.
Tommy's China.
We're going to go to Mike Adams in a moment.
He's hosting the fourth hour.
I want to show you these articles.
FDA approves use of Trump-supported drug to fight coronavirus as positive results emerge.
It already did in Europe.
Man with Coronavirus 19, COVID-19, says hydroxychloroquine saved him, along with Z-Pak.
That's Fox News.
New Jersey doctor gives update on use of hydroxychloroquine.
Governor Whitmer, who said she'd arrest doctors that gave it out last week, reverses course on coronavirus drugs, is now asking feds for hydroxychloroquine and
Chloroquine itself.
An FDA breakthrough treatment.
Oh, and here's Zinc at the NIH saying it's antiviral.
That's the NIH.
Just type in Zinc, and it just says it's antiviral and essential to fighting off viruses.
It just all says it right here.
But, oh!
CNN, ABC News, all of them attack me and say, you shut your filthy American mouth!
You don't say hydroxychloroquine in all these studies is 90 plus percent effective.
You don't say zinc is key.
I don't care if they have a medical doctor on.
They can't say it.
There is no hope.
Because we're going to talk about some scary stuff here.
But these people are failing.
Look at Media Matters.
Last week they're the ones that got us banned off the Google Ads we've now learned.
Look at this right here.
It says right here, Jones promotes hydroxychloroquine.
And it says I'm a fraud.
Oh, sorry, approved two days later.
Imagine the evil of George Soros betting against the economy and trying to drive it down.
These other globalists.
And then when we talk about it, they turn that around into snake oil.
When I'm even sell hydroxychloroquine, it's a drug.
But what did I tell you two weeks ago?
Doctors, it's now coming out, before it was approved, were giving people quinine, which is what they put in the drug.
That's why it's called a tonic.
Again, none of these are 100% a cure or any of this.
No one ever said that, but it's like, if you don't have vitamin C, you die.
If you don't have zinc, you die.
And that's how crazy these globalists have gotten.
But they're failing.
Notice now, despite that, people are learning.
Just as Mike Adams said when he was on a few days ago, he said, the good news is,
Trump just promotes Z-Pak and hydroxychloroquine and zinc, like the medical doctors are saying all over the world.
China, Europe, Mexico, everywhere.
Incredible recovery rates, but think of it.
The doctors we've had some on are trying to get it, and the FDA is blocking it.
It's all being hoarded by government and corporations.
It's insane.
We're going to go to Mike Adams here, naturalnews.com, alexjones, then fullwords.com.
But remember, and never forget how wicked the Democrats are, that Governor Cuomo and all these other governors said in the last two weeks, we'll take your license or arrest you.
They were banning tweets of Laura Ingraham and Balasaro this week because he said hydroxychloroquine is 90 plus percent effective in studies.
That's in the damn news!
A president can't read a news article out of Europe?
So, how big tech is censoring during this is a whole other story.
But the reason Mike Adams joins us, he'll get into solutions a lot, I know, in the fourth hour that he's hosting, is Trump coming out.
And let's just play that clip again as we go to Mike Adams here.
Trump says prepare for hard days ahead.
Here's what the president had to say.
We're at war with a deadly virus.
Success in this fight will require the full, absolute measure of our collective strength, love and devotion.
Very important.
Each of us has the power, through our own choices and actions, to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us.
That's why we really have to do what we all know is right.
I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead.
We're going to go through a very tough two weeks.
And then hopefully, as the experts are predicting, as I think a lot of us are predicting after having studied it so hard, we're going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel.
But this is going to be a very painful,
Very, very painful to witness.
Well, they're following the mathematics of where this goes, and my projections are currently between 45,000 and 90,000 deaths by the end of July.
The White House is currently estimating 100,000 to 240,000.
But look, Alex, the solution is right in front of us.
The solution, I am convinced now, is more masks.
More zinc for everybody, vitamin D3, and more testing.
I believe with those four elements in place, I mean nationwide emergency production of zinc, and give it out for free to everybody, flood the country with zinc, with proper recommendations for proper dosing, I think we could get America back to work by the end of April.
I think we could end the lockdowns.
And if we don't do this... Well that's the problem is they don't teach, as you know, medical doctors with degrees.
More than a few weeks on nutrition.
I've talked to a lot of nutritionists.
I'm getting different numbers.
But I've talked to a few medical doctors and they tell me they're looking into it too.
But a lot of doctors are saying 250 milligrams if you already have it daily, which over time could be toxic for the kidneys.
That's what they say.
A lot of other people say, well maybe take 50 to 100 milligrams a day.
What are you doing?
I'm just doing 25 milligrams a day and eating healthy foods.
And I think that's all you need, really.
I mean, maybe people who are deficient could take more, but most people are getting almost zero.
And so there's a chronic zinc deficiency in our population.
And I think, really, this COVID-19 disease is really a chronic zinc deficiency disease that is exploited by a virus, which otherwise would not be very harmful to people.
If they had sufficient levels of zinc and vitamin D3, which also protects the respiratory system against tuberculosis, for example.
So, this is really, if Trump does not tell America to turn to nutrition here, we're going to have lockdowns, and then the lockdowns will end, and then we'll have a second wave of lockdowns, and then a third wave of lockdowns, all the way up to the vaccine, and then what if the vaccine fails?
Because it's the wrong strain.
We're going to end up getting murdered.
Our country, our economy is going to get murdered.
Our people are going to die by the hundreds of thousands if we wait on Big Pharma to rescue us with a failed vaccine.
We need to use what we have right now, which includes hydroxychloroquine and zinc and vitamin D3 and masks.
And by the way, Mike, notice how hysterical the mainstream media has been for three weeks attacking presidents, Fox News hosts, myself, you, everybody.
If we just go, oh look, because folks that don't know, I have the zinc right here from the NIH.
It says if you don't have it, you'll die.
It says it has for cell function, and it says it's the most critical for your health and autoimmune to stop viruses.
It says it on the damn NIH!
But then Media Matters and Soros are literally going after anyone that says zinc.
These people are monsters!
And the CDC wants more people to die.
That's very clear.
The CDC continues to say that masks don't work.
And the WHO says masks don't work.
Look, masks do work, but masks by themselves are not quite enough.
You need a population that's got better nutrition.
You need to solve about two key nutritional deficiencies in the population.
Then you could end the lockdown.
Everybody could get back to work.
Folks, it's called essential.
You don't have zinc, you die in about four or five months.
Okay, I'll look the numbers up.
Same thing with vitamin C. It's called scurvy.
Okay, and scurvy's made a comeback because some people don't get any real vitamin C. Mike Adams is our guest, naturalnews.com.
He'll be covering all this in detail, without me interrupting, in the fourth hour today.
Believe me, you want to tune into that.
And we're going to look at this.
But more and more, the medical doctors out there are going, yeah, people are zinc deficient, vitamin D deficient.
And folks, you don't need to spend anything on that.
The sun's out.
Go out and get sun.
But I remember, remember, uh, Obama's chief strategist famously said, we should outlaw those saying you need sun.
He's a space alien or something and wants us all dead.
Remember that?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, right now, is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists, with the chi-coms and others, are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free-fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence in the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago.
And their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
I just want to finish by saying your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
You'll be looking at me in a year and a year or two years.
Let's give me a little bit of a time to run things.
But a year into office, you'll be saying, wow, I remember that interview.
He said he was going to do it and he did a great job.
You'll be very proud of our country.
Four years ago.
Then billionaire businessman Donald Trump pledged himself to Infowars and our audience that he would not let us down, that he would take the globalists on, and that we would be very pleased with what he did.
We are pleased with President Trump.
He has proven that he's the real deal.
Yes, we should meet the virus head-on.
Yes, we should save as many people as possible, but not at the expense of our hard-fought liberties and freedoms.
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Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction, and that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm going to give Mike Adams the floor for the rest of this segment and the next, but I'm just going to put this out there for everybody.
What I'm personally doing to boost my body's defenses is I'm getting sunlight, I'm drinking twice as much water, I'm being positive.
And I'm just, studies show this, I'm having feelings of love and contentment, and just trying to not let this panic me, because studies show that can make you lower your immune system.
I'm doing moderate exercise, really intense exercise, can lower your immune system.
This is not just a common cold, it's souped up, it reinfects, it targets the testicles, it's a Chycom Globulus weapon.
It's not a super weapon that kills 10, 20 percent, they've got those.
But it's definitely an economic weapon, and it's going to kill some real people to scare folks.
I personally am taking DNA Force Plus with PQQ and CoQ10 and a lot of other great things to clean out your mitochondrial DNA and so much more.
Just look up PQQ, CoQ10 and ours is a great formula.
It's 50% off.
I said I wasn't going to do 50% off this year because we can't do it.
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Also, we've already sold out of X2.
It'll be a while till we get more in.
X3 is excellent.
Three types of great iodine.
This is better for some folks than others.
It's what I personally take.
I love it.
The two ounce bottle
We've got it up for maybe two weeks.
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It's 60% off because I want you to get it.
It's got to sell out before we get more.
We're putting it in order today.
It'll be 8 to 12 weeks before we get more.
It'll be sold out for six weeks, okay?
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Look into iodine.
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We also have Prostagard, only a few thousand bottles.
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It's got a big dose of zinc, 137% of daily allowance.
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You know, it's like coffee gets you jacked up.
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It's about to sell out.
And we also have our Super Silver Skin Creams in three ounces and in one ounces.
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And it's all available at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's all 40 to 60 percent off and the purchase funds are operation.
And Storable Food is back.
They're now able to take your order, get it out to you.
They had to pause for two weeks to make sure they had enough food, enough time to get the older orders out.
But Storable Food is back at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
So, Mike Adams, you go ahead, my friend, and take over for the rest of the eight minutes we have in the segment.
Well, as we were talking, the number of so-called confirmed infections, although we know that the real number is much, much higher, in the United States just went over 200,000.
It probably means there's well over a million people infected in the United States.
But I don't really even look at the infection numbers anymore because they're wishy-washy.
I look at the deaths, and the deaths in the United States is 4,400 today.
And I remember about a month ago when I was on the show here with Alex talking about, hey, by April 5th, we would have 580 deaths.
And by May, we would have 10,000 deaths.
And I remember all the insane reactions I got from people.
Oh, that's doom and gloom.
How dare you talk about 580 deaths in April?
And here we are at 4,400.
So I admit my models were way off.
They were way too low.
Way too low.
In fact, the numbers are just blowing through the projections that I put out, which were considered doom and gloom at the day they were put out.
But the good news is, again, we've got solutions.
We know what works.
And right now, in my opinion, President Trump should be putting out an urgent message under emergency powers to say, let's do clinical trials of everything that we can think of.
Let's do clinical trials of every vitamin, every mineral, every herb, every Chinese medicine solution, every pharmaceutical.
Anything that even from the world of big pharma or natural medicine.
Let's try everything.
What have we got to lose here?
The economy is cratering.
Hundreds of thousands of people might die in the United States.
Globalists might use this as a reason to attack America at its weakest time.
What have we got to lose?
We're spending trillions of dollars on bailouts.
Why don't we spend a few hundred million dollars on clinical trials to find out what works?
I don't think that we're dying just from coronavirus alone.
I don't think COVID-19 is just really the virus alone.
I think it's also a disease of ignorance.
Ignorance of minerals and nutrition and natural solutions that really work.
And by the way, I say this when I'm talking about zinc.
I don't even have any zinc to sell.
I'm not selling zinc.
I don't know if Infowars has zinc in their store.
Maybe they have zinc as a minor ingredient in a multivitamin mineral formula.
I don't even know.
I'm just telling you, zinc is, I believe, zinc is the key to getting America back to work.
Which can save the economy, save the upcoming elections, so we can have elections, so we can have a free society.
We need to end the lockdowns even from a liberty point of view.
But we need to embrace nutrition, which means we need knowledge.
And we have to end the Big Pharma stranglehold over our systems.
Big Pharma runs the media.
Big Pharma runs Washington, D.C., our lawmakers.
Big Pharma runs the medical schools and the doctors and the universities.
And they want this to be as bad as possible so that they can position the drug companies and the vaccine companies as the saviors in the end.
They want this to get as bad as possible, have as much suffering and death as possible.
And that's why they're publicly fighting to even block medical doctors from old cheap drugs that work great, like hydroxychloroquine.
But the good news is they failed to suppress that treatment.
And remember, the reason they hate hydroxychloroquine is because it's a generic drug that's off patent.
Well, that's right.
So they can't make billions off of that drug.
Anybody can manufacture that drug.
You could manufacture it, Alex.
You could literally make the drug yourself.
Think about that versus the six trillion dollars worth of bailouts, bailout money, and that might not even be the end of it.
We're talking about maybe ten trillion dollars in bailout money is coming.
What's that going to do?
And Mike, if we ask ourselves how can all these major publications like the New Yorker, New York Times, Washington Post, come out and say how dare Trump promote hydroxychloroquine when Fauci said
Hey, I would prescribe this to patients two weeks ago.
He was quoting the NIH head scientist.
They're just giving talking points.
Attack this because Big Pharma owns and controls them and Big Tech has merged with Big Pharma.
So the people writing this stuff need to realize how evil they are and how bad karmically it is.
Having children especially, I don't want to do bad stuff anyways, but I really, no stuff comes back on me when I do things that aren't good, even by accident.
Folks being part of trying to suppress zinc and Z-Pak and hydroxychloroquine and sunlight and fish oil, vitamin D, I mean, that's really villainous.
Oh, it's incredibly evil, and Big Pharma is a death industry.
They don't have patients, they don't have revenues, unless people suffer and are on the path to dying.
And they want mass death, and they want mass hysteria and mass suffering, so that they can get more money for a vaccine, which may or may not work.
I saw an article on Lou Rockwell by Bill Sardi, estimating that the vaccine itself may kill 100,000 Americans.
Just based on data we already have about drugs.
Oh, yeah.
In fact, guys, give me that article.
I saw an article a month ago by a major virologist, a headline, you know, be careful, the vaccine will probably kill more people than the actual.
And we had that with the swine flu shot in the 70s.
That's that's right.
And and even not long ago, I think it was the H5N1 vaccine caused permanent brain damage.
And there were all kinds of all kinds of money paid out by the UK government to people who were damaged by that vaccine.
Remember all the people that died, like in the Czech Republic and stuff, they had like thousands die when they gave them that shot.
Yeah, the vaccine could be very dangerous.
It probably won't work because the mutation rate is so high.
But we know, like you said, from the NIH, zinc interferes with what's called the RNA transcriptase function of viral replication in the body.
Zinc blocks that.
And so we have a zinc-deficient population.
And you know why so many of these young triathletes and really active people are dying from this coronavirus?
It's because they're missing zinc, because they sweat it out.
The more you exercise, the more you sweat.
Yeah, you have to replenish the minerals, especially if you're sweating a lot, if you're exercising a lot.
You are probably mineral deficient.
They are the catalyst for all the enzymatic reactions in your body.
Protein synthesis, everything else, immune system function.
If you don't have minerals, you're not even firing on all cylinders.
That's why this is crucial.
And by the way, I'm hosting the fourth hour today.
I'm going to be breaking more of this down.
They're also talking about the food shortages that are coming, the economic implications of all of this, and also, again, how we solve this public health issue without giving up our liberties.
And see, at first, Alex, I know I was pretty aggressive about, let's lock things down right now to stop the spread.
But since then, we've learned so much about what can work.
I believe now we could end the lockdowns, we could restore all our liberties, and beat this coronavirus all at the same time.
And by the way, it came out on China TV five years ago that China was injecting their own population in trials with live coronavirus, trying to create a weapon.
They knew how to treat this all along.
So now we're getting a clear picture.
Yeah, and the solutions are right at hand.
Yeah, we are.
The question is, Trump is surrounded by big pharma people.
Will they let Trump even learn the truth about zinc?
That's the question.
Everybody's got to call the White House and send him the NIH link about zinc and viruses.
Send the President the NIH link.
Everybody should do it.
We'll post the full NIH article on zinc at InfoWars.com right now.
They'll probably tell us to take it down to the New York Times.
When the globalists and the mainstream media and the big box stores zig-we-zag, they've all been raising prices on high-quality nutraceuticals and supplements because people are doing their own research and grabbing them off the shelves.
Well, guess what?
We've cut the prices on our best-selling products massively, and despite the fact that our Ionine's selling out, X2 just did, X3's going to 60% off.
That's right, folks, even though it's about to sell out.
I don't think so.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, I told you eight weeks ago, the consensus by a lot of smart folks, including ourselves, Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law became World Government Treaty,
This is a Chycom bioweapon that they released on purpose that reinfection is a big problem, but it's designed to take out malnourished, the old and the sick.
And you see the media that works for the globalists, the Chycoms, publicly, and that's mainline information at the Pentagon, it's all over Fox News, that you don't even call it the Wuhan virus, that they don't want you to know that, hey, the cure for scurvy is vitamin C.
Or hey, if you don't get any sunlight, you're going to end up dying of a cold, you know, because no vitamin D. Bye bye!
And they just don't want you to know all this, and they're trying to bully everyone into not talking about it.
Well, guess what?
The globalists, these governors, these media organizations that are getting paid off to try to bully Americans, they're doing it everywhere, to not talk about D3, vitamin C, to not talk about
Well, I think that if we need a nationwide project, maybe call it Project Zinc or something, to get the word out about this, I don't think we even need a vaccine, even if it worked.
We don't even need a vaccine if we get zinc and vitamin D and masks out to everybody.
The vaccine becomes irrelevant at that point.
So, in fact, the way to beat the vaccine industry, Alex, is to get the word out about zinc and get America healthy and back to work again before the vaccine even comes into existence so they can't fudge the numbers and claim the vaccine caused the virus to go away like they did with polio.
It was all a lie.
You know, the vaccine didn't do anything.
The vaccine actually introduced more polio to the world.
And in fact, the number one cause of polio today is the polio vaccine.
They're going to do the same thing with coronavirus if we give them a chance.
So we've got to get the word out about zinc, vitamin D3, hydroxychloroquine, and masks.
Masks are the key.
From now on, anybody riding on public transportation for the next few years needs to wear a mask.
I know it's trouble, but look, there's going to be fashion masks coming out, there's going to be cool-looking masks, there's going to be bandana masks, all kinds of stuff.
It's just going to become like wearing shoes or wearing pants.
Everybody's going to be wearing masks.
And that will help stop the spread of this, despite what the CDC says.
Well, there's already so much particulate raining down from China through the jet stream.
There's already so much pollen and toxin now in our environment that I've thought about wearing a mask before just when I'm out hiking because of, well, I've done it before.
I feel great when I hike and I've literally, I've done this before, wore ski goggles.
Yeah, yeah, well...
The truth is the government's going to have to change what they've said about masks, because the Surgeon General, Adams, had said stop buying masks.
And so, because the government agencies had disinformation about masks, they're going to now have to reverse that and teach people no, masks are good, masks actually work.
Oh yeah, they've got Snopes saying you don't need masks, even though it's on record that that's what doctors wear and they're effective.
But Snopes is gone, they said no.
In fact, Snopes still says hydroxychloroquine's not good.
Well, you know, again, we're fighting the disinformation agents of the world, which are mostly run by big pharma and globalists.
Yeah, when you see something top-linked on Google now, folks, you can't trust it.
That means it's a lie.
Yeah, absolutely, and Big Tech, we've got to talk about that another time, but Big Tech is getting people killed because Big Tech's censorship of the things that work is at full scale right now.
Google and Facebook and YouTube and Twitter, Twitter is advocating Chinese propaganda while banning you and I from telling people about zinc.
Mike, please cover that first today when you do the fourth hour because I want to cut that out and do an article on it and really make a big... because you're right.
Big Pharma is merging with Big Tech and now Big Tech is literally complicit in pure evil.
They are.
Big Tech is getting people killed.
And Big Pharma is getting people killed.
And people are dying of ignorance and nutritional deficiencies.
And we're going to have our liberties taken away because we're all locked down like nutritionally deficient slaves under a system that tells us to beg for a vaccine that might never work in the first place.
And it's the left pushing to take everybody's supplements away.
True demonic monsters.
Look forward to the fourth hour.
Mike, I'll be watching.
I'll be listening.
We're going to take your calls covering a ton of news and something special.
Stay with us.
We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice and seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the castle of society.
It's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
We're good to go.
It's about what's
A policy of truth!
That's what I do!
I love it!
Never again!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, Neon Broadcasting Worldwide.
All right, let me tell you what's going down.
I want to take your phone call starting exactly when we go to the bottom of the hour and come back at breaking 33 after.
We're good to go.
I mean, because I respect you and I want to hear you and I don't want to have you on hold for an hour.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, or U.S.
Country Code 512-646-1776.
A lot of folks ask, why do you have a toll number?
Well, a lot of folks have internet phones that are free for them, basically, and they can't call 1-800 numbers, so we have that for you.
Country Code 512-646-1776.
877-789-ALEX and we'll get you up and on the air.
And it's free for all long-time callers, first-time callers, but you do get just one momento.
Uno momento.
This is something that I don't really get into very much because I see it overall as a tar baby.
But I've had a lot of time studying it.
And I know what it is.
And it doesn't mean the whole thing's bad.
But in the main, what it does is destructive in the end.
There are a lot of people I respect and like that are really into it.
Because it's a psyop.
And I notice it's something that the media attacks a little, but they don't censor it.
They don't block it.
I personally talked to the president.
I personally talked to a lot of other people in government, and I really do have amazing sources, but I have my own analysis that most of the time they tune in for.
But there's something about a fortune hunt.
There's something about a puzzle.
Well, they're in the back of the newspaper.
Billions a year sold in booklets of crosswords and the rest of it.
Because it makes people feel like they're in this magic intrigue.
So I always thought we'd just wake everybody up and we'd defeat the New World Order.
But you see, they've got ways to create their own LARPing cosmologies, live action roleplay.
And it just soaks up the energy and the immediacy of everything.
So someone you don't know who you are, you never talk to them, there's no proof, but you trust the plan.
And as one goes, we all go, and all this stuff you'd imagine in a cult, you'd be chanting.
The video's up at Bandot Video is the featured video, and it's also at InfoWars.com and NewsWorks.com.
And it's a very good report that Greg Reese has put together called Trust the Plan.
And just because people buy into it, they then think it's good.
Well, you're good.
And you can do some good, waking people up.
I've been ambivalent about, you know, the whole Q thing.
Because I know at its core, it's a psyop.
But we could take it over.
It's good to get people researching.
But if they research things that are proven, like... Disease X. Event 201.
Lockstep Rockefeller Project.
Shed Park Memorandum 200.
Club of Rome 1968.
Depopulation Agenda.
I mean, these are real things.
You can go to the library and read.
Read online.
You can read Ecoscience.
1974, John P. Holdren.
Plan for World Government Sterilization.
White House Science Czar.
35 years later.
37 years later.
I mean, that's all meat and potatoes.
I'll just get to it now, I said I'd do it next time, but I'm already, that's what I tend to do, I say I'm gonna get to something and then I'll get to it right then, then I'll get to all the other news, then your calls.
I've talked to people who I've known, and they come over real satisfied on the street, and they just go, oh yeah, Alex, sure, you're not at the Q level or whatever.
And I'm sitting there, knowing that what I write and what I say gets taken and put into President's speeches.
You know, the president calls my wife up and says, man, your husband's a real man.
He's got a lot of courage what he's going through.
The president personally told me, don't back down.
You're real.
I'm real.
Men like us know the truth, the destiny of America.
Press the attack.
And that's on record that Kelly freaked out that Trump and I were talking all the time and Stone and all the rest of it.
And I get contacts from the president.
Got one last week.
Had a top national talk show's call up and talk about the president and the analysis and what we're doing.
That's real!
And I run into cousins and people that just look all satisfied.
They go, oh Alex, you're...
I've seen a few videos where you'll see all these delusional, crazy looking people that go, I used to like Alex Jones, but now I'm with the President.
And I know Jones is an Israeli spy.
What the hell does that mean?
Trump is moving the U.S.
Embassy to Jerusalem, pro-Israel.
I'm not against Israel either.
But I've got some criticism of Israel.
And a lot of the leftist Jewish lobby attacks me, but that's another fake Qism.
Is that I work for Israel?
I am the most proud of the fact that I am totally independent and a maverick and have created the modern talking points that were adopted by the President and his speech writers as the relaunch of America.
So let me just explain something.
The reason you see me attacked everywhere, the reason they're suing me and trying to kill me and trying to set me up and somebody doxxed my house yesterday and called in a fake police report and all the rest of it?
Is because I'm Godzilla tearing up the New World Order.
Let me just explain how this is.
But see, I've never really said that to people.
It's a fact.
InfoWars is the New World Order executor.
Because we have the giant audience of Americans of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and love freedom.
And we've changed the world!
1776 worldwide!
Infiltrating Bohemian Grove!
Confronting the globalists!
Exposing the eugenics!
Exposing Jeffrey Epstein 14 years ago!
All the things we've done!
All the guests!
All the info!
All the information!
The fighting!
The battling!
And then to sit there and watch people who... My biggest problem with the Q people is it's always, you know,
Crazy's thinking they're on a secret mission with internet trolls manipulating them.
And a lot of it is just people doing it for the fun of manipulating folks.
And then it just becomes a big internet scam of mental illness to see who they can manipulate and control and all this.
And then a woman holds up a baby with Q on its back.
It's 60 yards away.
The president can't even see what's going on.
And they go, look, the Q is there.
He just signed on to it.
It's the total proof.
A sheriff's deputy has a Q on him.
And the sheriff's deputies are wanting to be part of an American revolution like Fight Club.
They're wanting to come and be in the club with the president.
And then the vice president, you know, is with a sheriff's deputy in Florida with a cue on his deal and the vice president deletes it.
Because they know and don't want to be part of it.
But then the President tweets my reporters and myself while they're telling him not to this year and last year.
People go, that means nothing when the President tweets you.
It means nothing when you have Robert Barnes on and messages the President and the President tweets that tweet and that show.
That's nothing.
Talking to the President, the President calling your wife up, telling her how great you are, none of that matters because I am not God Q, the master of the universe.
When I come back, I'll play the report on Trust the Plan.
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Listen, Alex Jones and the Resistance are still on air.
They're at Band Off Video and InfoWars.com.
All you gotta do is go to InfoWars.com, forward slash show, and you'll find Alex Jones's broadcast live, and you'll find Owen Schroer, The War Room, David Knight, and so much more special broadcasts, films.
Emergency reports, it's all there.
And the globalists have worked around the clock to take them off air, but something's happening.
The public has been spreading the word that the forbidden truth lives at InfoWars.com, Ford Slash Show, and Band Off Video.
And it's growing exponentially.
And the attempts to censor are only backfiring.
But we can supercharge this right now.
If all of you listening realize, hey, you
And I'm here to tell you, I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people, and I've been fighting them for 13 years, and I'll never stop while I'm drawing breath!
For 26 years, Alex Jones and Infowars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide, waking people up to the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the American Deep State, the rise of Communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
Join us, support the InfoWar, and together, we will slay the dragon.
Keep fighting, Alex.
You're the gladiator.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, we all know who started Q. Should I just tell all the Q heads?
We now take you live, crank it up, to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, I had the founder of Q at my house about two years ago, and I really should have hired him.
But for some reason I didn't.
And see, that's why it's very frustrating to me to see people out there believing all this Q stuff when I can, I mean, everybody already knows.
And it got hijacked within three days of him launching it.
And it started out just as some guys having some fun that were authorized to engage in PsyOps.
So it did start with people in the Trump campaign and people that worked in U.S.
You know, I'm just going to call him and I'm going to ask him to come on.
It's time this all get exposed.
I mean, I know respected people that are friends with the president who believe all this and then say something to the president and he just doesn't even know what to do.
He goes, oh, well, that's not really.
That's how crazy all this is.
And now it's been hijacked and turned into this authoritarianism.
And you've got all these famous new agers saying that the power is about to go off this week for three days.
And then the power will go off in one town like it always does.
They go, oh, Q just did a test.
And no matter how many times, don't trust the plan.
Robert Mueller is going to come out and arrest everybody.
Some guys started it that were inside the White House, that were on Air Force One.
And one of these guys, I can't figure out, he does a lot of great work, he's really smart.
He calls up one day and he goes, hey, what do you think Trump ought to tweet about you today?
And I said, I'll go ahead, just, I'd like him to tweet this.
And the president tweeted three things from InfoWars, and one of the things I asked for.
And I said, okay, well, why did you do that?
Obviously, the president said that.
He goes, well, yeah.
So, yeah, the founder of Q talks to the president.
It's true.
But it was taken away.
From them, within three days, and the very person who created it attacks it and gets attacked by it now and can't stand it.
And I guess that's why I irritate that individual.
My PSYOP is just butt naked, balls to the walls, we're on.
I mean, it's just, you know, pull swords, start hacking.
I don't got a shield, I got two swords.
And that's just what I do.
But I can see all this stuff, I see right through it, I see for miles and miles.
I see through flesh, I see through stone, I see through fog.
Because I live in truth.
And the more the brain gets addicted to truth, sometimes I'll try to tell a strategic lie for counterintelligence that's important to do, to just see if somebody's corrupt.
And I can't even say things now that, because I just, I get more and more, the more you tell the truth, the more it becomes addicting because the brain doesn't have to filter or manipulate.
You know, they say everybody lies and it's true.
You know, a woman says, does this dress look good?
You know they don't want to hear it looks bad.
Oh yeah, it looks great.
Because you learned with, you know, a lot of girlfriends being married that they don't really want to hear if it looks good.
They want it, you want to tell them they look good.
Because they're going to wear it if they want to.
But now I just go, yeah, I don't think it looks good.
Or I think it looks great.
Because I just am not going to lie to people.
I'm not going to lie about myself.
People go, why did you say that about yourself?
Years ago, I said, yeah, I paid for a lot of abortions.
Because I did.
And I repented.
And it was wrong.
And I believed the lies.
And I said, I'll never have another abortion again.
And then I was celibate for like three years.
Because I was so struck by God that I was a whore running around.
People pay for sex, but I was, you know, in terms of a whore dog, a guy that likes a lot of women.
And the more you get with women, the more they pick up on, the more women you get.
That's just the way it works.
But it's not a good thing.
It was very empty.
And it's bad.
And then I was celibate for a couple years.
And then the first woman I went out with, I got her pregnant just like that.
I can look at a woman and get her pregnant.
At least back then.
And not shooting blanks here.
And I have my son.
He's great.
17 years old now.
But I committed to not be part of that.
And I repented.
People go, why in the hell did you tell people that you've paid for abortions?
That's not a good thing.
Well, you know what?
It's a good thing to say I'm a sinner.
And I admit to it.
So see, my secret weapon is the truth.
And that's why they attack us constantly and say we're lying or we're scammers or we're this or that.
Because they can't stand the fact.
I mean, I know who started Q, the two guys.
I've forgotten more than most people ever know.
Why do you think the Pentagon, the CIA, the President tune in?
This is the Oracle, folks, the guests, the callers, myself, what we do.
This is unfiltered.
There's nothing else like this on Earth.
Almost everybody else couches what they're going to say, thinks about what they're going to say and how it'll affect them or others.
People are scared.
I'm not.
I'm scared of not executing my operation that is directed
At a spiritual level, by a very high agency, not of this world.
I am not directed by the scum in DC, or the scum in Los Angeles, or the scum in Beijing, or any of them.
I am directed by a pro-human mission.
And I am my own man.
And I want you to be your own man and your own women out there.
We're gonna go to break and come back with the report.
Trust the plan.
The two people that created it and launched it, one a political operative, one government intelligence agency, had it hijacked within three days.
And they know that and both of them attack it and tell you it's crap.
But, again, it's like the father gives birth to something, one day it comes to take them.
Imagine being the creator of it, and watching it turn into Frankenstein's monster, and then come to get Dr. Frankenstein.
We're gonna go to break, and when we return, ladies and gentlemen...
We're going to get to this report, and we're going to talk about the real movements to change the world that you and I launched together.
It's transparent.
It's on fire and real.
Don't forget, we got storable food available again.
Get your orders in now, because I'm told they may pause orders again in a week or two, because they want to get your order in and get it out.
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They got the food.
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Listen, there's a show from PBS called It's Okay To Be Smart.
So everyone who's been smart and has been put down for it and persecuted, it's okay to finally be smart.
That's right, there's not two sexes.
And families are bad, and the right thing to do is to sterilize your son so he doesn't become an evil warmonger.
I mean, a lot of feminists are saying we should have the government pass laws that male embryos are killed.
But what's better and more reformed and more humanitarian is just to convince them, when they're five years old, to have their testicles chopped off.
And again, global warming's real.
We've got to pay Lord Rothschild all of our money.
And the pandemic's all real.
We've got to be locked up in our houses.
We've got to use the language the universities say.
We're not a culture or anything.
Oh, no.
No, we're not.
We're good people.
We're good people that went to these corporate systems that didn't brainwash us.
No, no.
They enlightened us how to censor and how to rule and how to control.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm here to promote ideology.
I'm here to promote ideas of freedom and justice.
I'm here to launch a frontal assault on the lies.
The operations of the globalists.
It's only the frontal assault that will win.
Everyone else believes that cloak and dagger is the way to go.
But they soon learn that the movements they launch are taken away from them.
And I can tell you the president is aware of who launched these operations.
Without being authorized to do it.
They were authorized to engage in counter-operations against globalists.
But when it was taken away from them very quickly, you notice that the President taps it down and does not promote it.
But people still go looking for the magic moment that they're finally not rebuffed by the Vice President or the President.
While our guests are openly promoted by the President.
And this show is openly promoted despite all the attacks and all of it.
Oh, that's nothing!
That's the prodigal son.
When you're given everything and it's right there in front of you, you don't want it.
You want the magic of the imagination and the 4chan boards.
You know, I'm going to call up the guys that created Cube.
And just see if they'll just want to come out about it.
They do nothing wrong.
They do people like Mystery.
They do have White House connections.
Thought that they could build this army of like fight club of Americans to take on the deep state.
But instead it became a way to stand down and be delusional.
And then do nothing.
And then we now know the globalists have totally taken control of it and they tell you that Alex Jones is the enemy.
And things like that.
Let's go ahead and go to the report and we'll go to your phone calls.
Trust the plan.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
Please spread it.
After the U.S.
federal government flexed their authoritarian muscle at Ruby Ridge in Waco, a new surging patriot movement was born, and the federal government began branding them all as extremists.
In 1995, a rental truck full of explosives was detonated in front of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, injuring over 600 people and taking 168 lives.
The official conclusion was that Timothy McVeigh decided to bomb the federal building as a response to Ruby Ridge and Waco, thereby blaming the horrible act on American patriots.
Timothy McVeigh claimed that the Army implanted a chip in his body.
Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson claims that McVeigh was visited in prison several times by Dr. Louis Jolion West, a leading psychiatrist in the CIA's mind control program, who was connected to assassins Jack Ruby and Sirhan Sirhan, and who conducted mind control research for the same company.
We're good.
Controlled opposition is a strategy in which an organic opposition movement is covertly subverted or recreated by the ruling power to serve as mass deception, social manipulation, and ultimately to discredit and destroy the actual opposition.
The suspicious evidence surrounding the bombing only caused the Patriot movement to grow bigger.
And the endless hours of suspect evidence surrounding 9-11 caused it to grow even more.
Movies and books about secret societies and satanic cults planning to usher in a new world order began spreading.
And for years, patriots worldwide speculated on how it would all come about.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
A new world order.
On October 28th of 2017, the first Q-Post appeared, claiming that Hillary Clinton would be arrested in two days.
And over the next few weeks, Q-Posts began telling the whole sordid story of how Luciferian elites have been planning on overthrowing America for decades.
The Q Post assured everyone that a Patriot Alliance led by President Trump is fighting them behind the scenes, repeating over and over again to enjoy the show and trust the plan.
This is now becoming the mainstream narrative.
Prominent New Age guru David Wilcock is telling his audience of millions that the Luciferian pedophile Illuminati cult is being taken down by the Alliance.
He claims there will be three days of darkness when TV and Internet is taken down by a looping government broadcast telling the world the truth of the Illuminati.
During this time, he says that thousands will be arrested worldwide.
Is this the truth?
Or is it something else?
The reaction to the coronavirus appears to be a very cunning New World Order takeover.
Globalist-run nations are suggesting that only extreme authoritarianism will save millions from dying.
Economies worldwide are being destroyed.
Civil rights are being stripped away.
Many of us who have been speculating for years how this will all go down are seeing it very clearly for what it is.
And the masses of people brainwashed by mainstream media are now joined by the masses of Q zealots and New Agers who religiously trust the plan without question.
Some are even suggesting that the naval hospitals in the New York Harbor are actually prisons that the alliance will fill with deep state criminals.
Will they cheer as innocent New York citizens are dragged from their homes and quarantined aboard these ships?
Interestingly, Q has claimed that Alex Jones and InfoWars, who have been warning people of the New World Order for 26 years, are controlled opposition.
And the Q zealots accept this as fact.
Will they cheer for the alliance if InfoWars is taken down for good?
And if they take down Alex Jones, who will be next?
Many people suggest that Q must be good because Q has revealed the evil conspiracy.
But the enemy is very cunning and clever, and a lie this big could best be sold with the art of paltering.
Paltering is the art of selling a lie by using the truth.
A 2017 Harvard study stated that paltering is effective because the use of active truthful statements is likely to both distort a target's beliefs and be very difficult to detect.
The best lie is the one that has the most truth in it.
The Q movement has become the new mainstream narrative.
Is it the Great Awakening?
Or is it the New World Order making its final move?
Maybe there is a global alliance of patriots taking down the Illuminati worldwide.
But who are they?
Who are these so-called patriots?
Who is to say this hidden army is not controlled opposition, posing as the American Patriot Movement?
A great final lie to trick us all into a deeper state of tyranny while they sacrifice pawns and reshuffle the deck for another round of their sick control game.
If it were truly a revolution of the people, why are the people encouraged to do nothing but enjoy the show and trust the plan?
If we are truly awake and enlightened, then we need to question everything.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Tomorrow's news.
And of course, something anonymous that then is wrong almost all the time, but then we have a liberty movement worldwide taking back governments, getting things done, and then it just takes credit for it and people make millions off all these apps that analyze the queue droppings.
When we're up here, real documents, real analysis, State Department memorandums, Rockefeller Foundations, Bill and Melinda Gates operations, names, Jeffrey Epstein, who they're doing, how they're doing it, you know, the WikiLeaks, the documents, and our reporters go to prison, we get sued, we get banned.
But the Q stuff is just force fed and attacks me constantly.
And then I know who launched it, and how it got hijacked.
And I just think it's important to get those guys on.
And I'm gonna reach out to them.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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Alex Jones here with some good news.
Two weeks ago we had to stop taking new storable food orders because the company that supplies us was backed up and was busy getting out the orders they had.
Now they've opened up two more factories.
They've bought a whole bunch more high-quality food.
They're packaging it right now and they're gonna be able to ship it out to you very soon.
So get your orders in.
Now every other major food manufacturer in the storable food area has been sold out for a long time.
Many of them are still telling you they got food.
They don't.
We do, but it takes time to package it and get it out to you.
The bad news is, hey, I hope the virus blows over.
But the globalists trying to cancel the election and the economy may go south.
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So a lot of you have gotten food from us.
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Now is the time to double down with as crazy as this world is.
If they're able to take Trump down, we are screwed.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, we've got a ton of breaking news, but I'm going to go to your phone calls the next three segments, and then Dr. Francis Boyle says he has huge breaking news, and I'm sure that means it's big.
He never says stuff like that, even though this news is always huge.
Joining us coming up 15 after next hour.
Nothing left for Americans.
Chinese woman brags about buying up supply of N95 masks.
There's all these victory videos of how they bought up everything while they told us everything was fine, how they're bringing us down.
Rush lambs, media for hysterical reporting coronavirus hospitalizations.
We're going to play that, start of the next hour.
Idaho first in nation to ban transports.
Yeah, it takes over women's sports.
Sign to discover missing link in black hole evolution.
NHS zinc fact sheet.
That's on Infowars.com where they say you got to have it for surviving and for cell health and for immunity.
Oh, really?
And so much more.
So, that's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Please spread it.
Right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Jeff in California.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Hey, before I make my cue comment, I just wanted to thank you guys real quick.
You red-polled me three years ago.
I've been watching the show, buying the products, and thanks to you guys, I was able to get way out ahead of this.
Way prepped and ready out here in California before everybody else.
We have a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases.
I bought my shotgun and was able to wait for 10 days and even get a day on the range just before the shutdown happened.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
Thank you.
And that's all thanks to you guys.
No, thanks to you, brother.
We're all in it together.
As far as Q goes, I think what everybody needs to remember is ostensibly Q
It's just a message board administrator.
It could be a group of 14-year-old zit-faced kids in a basement somewhere laughing at everybody, but Q is defined as a patriot
Yes, but I mean, we really know who launched it.
I mean, the dude that launched it calls up and says, what do you want Trump to tweet?
He wants to tweet some stuff tonight.
And then Trump tweets it.
So, I mean, these are real people.
I mean, I know who they are.
I'm just, they don't want me to tell you.
I'm calling them up today.
I'm done.
Or they just need to go ahead and come out with it.
They got the original 4chan codes.
They're the posters.
We have it.
And it got taken over.
Right, but the reality is, if you take that definition, they're a patriot with Q-level access, to say you're not part of that is ridiculous.
If anything, you're the real Q, and you have been for 24 years.
You're just not anonymous.
You're, like you said, you need to take this over.
You're the one that's doing all the real work here.
I don't want to take anything over.
I want to defeat the globalists, and I want to retire.
But we're going into this whole technocracy.
It's the future for my children.
It's your children, brother.
I'm going to be the next caller.
But Q is a healthy thing in getting people to research and do stuff.
I just never see Q people looking at COVID-19 being man-made and all the proof.
Event 201, and the Bill & Melinda Gates, Lockstep, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
I'm not giving you real stuff.
Superb Memorandum 200, all these other admissions, and then what they're doing, and the rollout.
It's like, it's all about fantasyland, and this is going to happen, and it's exciting, and you wait, and it doesn't happen 99% of the time.
And it's because it was set up to create a fight club deal, and to see if they can get people excited, and to be able to put articles out that Hillary's going down for Satanism, which is true, and Trump is trying, and there are good people in the government that are going after him, and that's all really happened, so that now even the co-founder of Wikipedia has come out and said, you know, ritual sex slavery's real, it's all gonna come out.
So there was a healthiness to it.
But it got hijacked by the very people that created it, and has now become a thing that gets people to not take action, because you're supposed to just not do anything.
So that's all I'm saying is, I said six months ago, I'm gonna put bumper stickers out that say, you put them on all the orders, that say, I am Q, InfoWars.com.
If all of you go out and say, hey, Q is gonna expose that hydroxychloroquine's really great, and they didn't want you to know, and make it about real stuff, it's awesome!
But it's not Dungeons and Dragons and live-action roleplay for everybody.
That's what I'm telling you.
And the people that created it are big Star Wars fans and live-action roleplay.
And they're real people, but they just know everybody works.
You know what?
I'll just expose it.
Okay, like I gave Joe Rogan a deadline.
I love Joe, he's a good guy.
I like these guys too.
I give them until next Tuesday.
To come out with it all, or I'm gonna expose it next Wednesday.
Seven days.
There you go.
And get all the documents, let's start firing it up, get it ready.
Okay, just watch, okay?
There's something real for you folks, that's not talk.
You know, about six months ago, I released that Obama ran torture facilities inside China with the Chinese government, and that Blackwater, XC at the time, now Frontier Services, ran these facilities.
That's like ultra-secret information.
No one reported it, no one cared.
You can send Obama to prison for that.
Total weaponization of evil.
And I just wanted Trump to know, when I was bringing up some other stuff, I wanted to get a message to the President that day.
So I just added, oh, let me create just something incredibly secret and just a little something for you.
You know, the army gave me, you know.
I don't know if folks have heard like Delta Force or any of that, but see, this is the real world right here.
This is not fantasy land!
And I risked my life doing this!
This isn't breadcrumbs and horseshit!
This is the real world!
All right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Bruce in Ohio, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Alex, thanks for holding up under all this pressure.
We all really appreciate that.
I appreciate you, brother.
No, I know I'm over the enemy target.
Brother, I'm not holding up.
I'm feeling great, so thank you.
Thank you.
Alex, it's no secret that China does not want President Trump to continue to be president, isn't that?
Would you agree with that?
What better successful way at stopping President Trump from holding successful rallies as he has done in the past?
Oh no, this helps them on every front.
It lets them do mail-in ballots, it shuts down the economy, it just covers every one of their little checkboxes.
Yes, the social distancing is creating a platform that's going to cause people to get a different impression of President Trump's successful rallies in the past, and also we have to stop the fear mongering
That's only going to create more economic despair and cause... Because the virus is going to do what it's going to do.
And if we all stick our toes between our legs now, they're like, oh, it'll come every year.
You've got to be locked down in the fall and spring.
Oh, but don't worry.
The drones will take care of you.
You ever wonder how they have robots take over?
It's obvious.
They're going to use robots and they are now.
Yes, and I believe that President Trump should, if he's not able to continue his rallies, I think he should go to the American people via television like President Reagan did back in the 80s.
I agree, he's got to do it every night.
He's got to, because now they're already starting to not cover his...
Already half the networks in NPR are not carrying his deals.
And so the order's going out, so he's gonna have to now start holding Oval Office events, fireside chats.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you, Bruce.
And listen, folks, love Q all day.
You become Q, and go out and do real stuff, and not fantasy land, and it'll be great.
But see, I notice it's like buying lottery tickets.
The more you buy them, the more you buy them.
Because you want to win.
It's like gambling.
Gamble on real issues.
Gamble on freedom.
And you won't lose.
Don't give up.
We don't want you to give up.
Okay, I really do agree.
Everyone should be on zinc so we don't have a second wave hitting us.
This economy is a time bomb.
If people look back, our deficit was climbing before the virus.
Trump is already talking about a second stimulus.
This is going to cost us a minimum of $5 trillion.
So all this printing is going to cause inflation, and then at the same time we're going to have higher taxes, because we cannot get ahead of a debt like this.
Even if the economy goes back to where it was, and it's not going to boom right away, people are going to hold on to their stimulus money, they're going to pay off their bills, and they're going to hold on to that money and not put it back into the economy.
And that is why Trump is talking already about a second stimulus.
Well, that's right.
And people go, oh, it's going to cause inflation.
I've looked at the numbers.
We're going into a depression.
He could create $50 trillion, and it might not happen, because they're killing the real economy.
And so this is an emergency.
We're under attack.
We're under globalist attack.
And it's just insane.
But there is a real fight.
There are good people in the government, corporations, and private life.
Look in the mirror.
And it's you.
You're the answer.
Anything else, Stephanie?
We just have to get back to work.
Everybody get on zinc, get back to work, because the financial time bomb is the real threat.
That's right, and vitamin D and vitamin C. One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast, and I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know you can see me.
I know you can see me, now here's a surprise.
I can see you.
I know that you have, cause there's magic in my eyes.
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles
And so can the people.
And we're all starting to open our eyes.
A little toad coming out of the mud.
Popping those gold eyes.
What about just the real Mel Energy is just straight on?
How about that for a change?
Like a foundation.
Like big old giant Redwoods.
You know what it stands for.
It ain't playing games.
It's just there.
That's what you put your trust in.
Not murky water.
You're going to jump off 100 foot rocks in Hawaii.
You want to jump off into that crystal clear water where you can see down to the bottom.
See those fish swimming.
You don't jump off that and do a muddy thing with a bunch of twigs sticking out.
You're going to break your legs.
You're going to break your neck.
Let's go ahead and take some calls.
Talk to Jenny in Ohio.
Jenny, thanks for holding her on the air.
Let me tell you a secret.
When you get into this as deep as I am, they're gonna set me up, put me in prison, and kill me if we don't win.
So believe me, don't thank me.
We're in a total war, ma'am.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, it's just everything you can imagine.
Thomas Jefferson was asked,
I remember, I think it was the Virginia Commonwealth, it was in a letter, and they said, what is the level to which tyranny would invent itself?
And he said, my dear fellows, it is the level that you will accept.
There's no end to the rapacious rapine of these psychotic minds, of these evil minds, of these wicked brains that just seek power over reality and to overthrow reality and twist it around in forms that make them feel good.
They're vandals.
They're vagabonds.
They're droogies.
They're dum-dums.
They're boobies.
And so, that's what they are.
They're French Revolution.
Overthrow reality.
Kill the family.
And so, yes, it's all announced.
World government.
End of the family.
Robots controlling you.
Forced sterilization.
Digital tattoos.
It's all official now, isn't it?
World government to save us.
Yeah, you know, I agree.
But you know, I'm the bad guy, Q says, because I was the first to expose it on a mass scale.
Don't trust me, because I'm all out here in the open.
Just trust that muddy water.
Just jump right on in.
Don't trust that crystal clear water.
You know, and just in relation to even 5G, you know, I was just thinking, you know, in combination with everything else that's going on.
If there is a relationship between 5G and the virus and or the vaccine, you know, is there anything?
Everyone comes to me on the street and the number one thing they say.
I'm going to hold you up because I've been interrupting.
I want you to bring that back when we come back.
That comes up and talks to me now.
I mean, it's everyone.
It's my wife.
It's my mother.
It's my dad.
I go to the grocery store.
When I say everyone, almost everyone that talks to me says, the 5G, it's what's killing us.
It's what activates it.
And I go, where'd you hear that?
They go, I didn't hear that.
I just know it.
And I'm like, well, there's actually big studies that it actually lowers the immunity massively and it helps viruses go across the cell barrier.
Just type in 5G lowers immunity.
Now all the fake stuff's pushed to the top.
Oh, it's loving.
Oh, it helps you.
No, no, you've got major studies that it gives you cancer, everything else.
It all does.
But absolutely, man, let's come back to that.
All of this, not having vitamins and minerals, not having sunlight, all of the genetic engineering going on, they're manufacturing the artificial world where it's impossible for us to even live and operate.
Just like before this all started in December, we kept putting up the image of the spaceman on Earth because he can't live in his own environment.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Jenny, some stations are just now joining us in Ohio.
Why don't you bring back up your point about 5G, medical tyranny, vaccines, and the virus.
Go ahead, Jenny.
Yeah, thank you so much.
So I was just concerned, you know, about the relationship that obviously 5G has to our immune system, and even just immune systems in general.
Oh, all the major rich people now are refusing to live in the cities and they're moving out to rural areas with no 5G, no 4G, and suddenly everybody just gets healthy.
So, you know, it's obviously, you know, a manufactured kind of illness there.
Ma'am, mainline studies say men having fertility problems should not have a cell phone in their pocket.
It rattles DNA.
It separates them.
It causes mutations, deformities, and kills sperm.
They had studies 20 years ago that a cell phone up against the head for five minutes raises the brain temperature one degree.
It's cooking your brain and Google hides all that now because they are scum of the earth.
Yeah, you're right.
You know, it's changed my life, you know, 100 percent and, you know, for the better.
And I was even thinking about how recently the federal, you know, they had a federal ruling that they weren't sure if vaccines did cause autism.
And I was thinking that, you know, some people maybe who can't
Well, ma'am, everybody's bringing this up that the GMO genetically drifts into human DNA.
The chemicals, all of it, is just frying the brain.
And then TV's mesmerize children, put them in a dream state.
So they begin to not be able to operate basically at a human level.
They're being turned into machines.
They're being given Asperger's as a name for it.
But you're absolutely right.
And the answer is realize it's killing us.
Everyone knows it's killing us.
It's being done by design.
God bless you.
People say that's a horrible view of things.
Let's just be positive.
It's a fact.
It's positive.
That if somebody starts mugging you and is beating the snot out of you, if you can't get away, just go ahead and open a can of whoop-ass and grab them by the neck, slam them on the ground, and bash their brains out!
Actually, if you try that, you probably could do it!
Well, we can do a lot of other stuff, too.
You just gotta decide to psychological warfare and get loud and get aggressive and just get active, and they're hiding their damn cell towers now and everything else because they're killing us with them.
It's a depopulation program.
And the globalists like Bill Gates are all living in the countryside now, and they'll jet into an area and jet out.
They're killing you and your family!
They love it!
Here's a microcosm.
I saw an MSNBC 8-minute piece about the prescient, it's on the sheet, maybe we'll also B-roll of it, the prescient Bill Gates and how he's telling Trump closed things for 10 weeks at least and how Bill Gates loves this and he's a genius that just loves humanity, not that he hangs out and runs secret eugenics operations or his dad ran Planned Parenthood or he wants to debunk all these admissions.
Or that he wants forced inoculations to depopulate in his own words.
Or he wants to kill old people.
I mean, all these are real things.
They don't tell you that his names on the network that was the MSNBC.
MS means Microsoft.
They run it.
They founded it.
They still have controlling interest in it.
Through the sub-companies.
Through his foundation.
He's a philanthropist.
Which means he doesn't pay taxes to leverage his war on you.
And by the way, his wife said five years ago in Germany, she said, the people saying we're running a plan to depopulate are going to get people killed.
And you're going to die.
It's a threat.
And he's now produced, just last year, six shows, five new shows that I've seen, one fiction attacking yours truly, and many of them by name.
Now, I'm not going, hey, look, Bill Gates is talking about me.
I'm saying, hey, I'm in the dragon's lair, and I might get eaten any moment, but I'm a winner.
Don't think if the dragon spits the bones out, or flame broils me, that I'm a loser.
I chose to do this, but let's do something here.
The dragon's got his eye right on me, and it's just like, you know what the devil looks like?
It's called Bill Gates.
Guaranteed, the Antichrist rises anytime soon, and he'll be right hand of the Antichrist.
Make no mistake.
The real deal.
That man will hurt you and is hurting you.
Chief Science Officer of the New World Order.
Let's talk about 5G there.
Michelle in Colorado, another 5G caller.
Go ahead.
Michael, I'm sorry, I'm waiting from a distance.
Go ahead.
No worries.
On a positive note, you know, I've listened to you for years, you know, and just the zinc and the vitamin C recommendations, you know, just a simple basic daily dose.
I own a small business, so I'm still out, you know, a service company, I'm still out and about taking care of emergencies, no heat calls, no hot water.
And, you know, just doing that, drinking a drink and a daily dose of vitamin C, I mean, I feel better now than I did before the virus.
But, you know, in step with what your last caller was saying, you know, I don't know.
It just kind of seems like they're going to use this to push the 5G, I mean, completely.
I mean, right now you've got it in the big cities and stuff.
I live in a small rural area.
And I just, uh, I think they're going to use it to push it out.
They're going to say that, you know, the, the old LTE system can't handle the load because everybody's at home.
So now we've got to push this whole 5G network.
Oh yeah, it's all about you working from home and then being made obsolete.
This, this is making us stay in our homes.
It's called being prisoners, but it's for our safety.
You know, and that's, yeah, it kind of goes into the next thing too that I was wanting to mention is
You know, if this really is what their plan is and this is the beginning of it.
Sir, it's all official.
They all admit this.
Sterilize you with 5G and then 6G.
Wuhan's already got 6G going in.
Lock you up in your houses whenever they want.
Get everybody desperate.
Get everybody scared of bio-attacks.
In the future, they'll be killing people for running past checkpoints just like in China and the media will worship it.
Yeah, wouldn't surprise me.
Well, like you said, they...
You know, as far as what they've started, they kind of already set up that, you know, they can't let up.
You know, we've had a small taste of what a crisis could look like, and if there was preppers before, if they let their finger up a little bit, you know, we're not going to get caught with our pants down again like that.
That's just going to make people prep even more.
You know, it's just kind of... Exactly!
This is it!
Life will never be the same.
They're telling you that.
We're now in the New World Order, in the AI takeover, in the robot genetic engineering clone world.
I mean, we're in 2020, baby.
And now that secret world they've been building under the surface...
No, I don't think they can do it with the U.S.
I think we're a lot stronger than that.
I don't
Aliens would arrive, you know, from outer space.
No, it came from a rift, you know, in the Earth's crust from another dimension.
That's what's going on.
And you can say it's some psychotic program in their brains.
Where did that come from?
All I'm telling you is they believe they're going to live forever.
They're all totally enslaved.
They're all on all sorts of weird drugs.
They're all doing crazy stuff to themselves.
And they believe, like the railroad going west, that Native Americans will just be killed or overrun or assimilated.
They just see this as we're taking over.
This is the next level.
And the plans they've been given by what they call the Clockwork Elves, they've actually built.
But we already had that divine understanding.
We're just given a twisted, satanic version.
I know this sounds all crazy.
It's not what I believe.
It's what they believe.
Thank you, Michael.
They're coming to kill you and your family.
They must kill you in a blood sacrifice, but torture you first slowly, suck everything out of you, and then take your soul to live forever.
Of course, they'll get nothing but hell.
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I just want to finish by saying your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
You'll be looking at me in a year and a year or two years.
Let's give me a little bit of a time to run things.
But a year into office, you'll be saying, wow, I remember that interview.
He said he was going to do it and he did a great job.
You'll be very proud of our country.
Four years ago.
Then billionaire businessman Donald Trump pledged himself to Infowars and our audience that he would not let us down, that he would take the globalist on and that we would be very pleased with what he did.
We are pleased with President Trump.
He has proven that he's the real deal and has taken the globalist on at a level never before seen.
But now they're striking back at President Trump and the people using the invisible weapon of fear, the coronavirus.
Yes, we should meet the virus head-on.
Yes, we should save as many people as possible.
But not at the expense of our hard-fought liberties and freedoms.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Do yourself a favor.
Zinc, antiviral.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm getting all these letters and calls from people that like the Q movement.
And there are people that are in the movement that are nice people that do good work and expose the globalists.
But I know who created it.
I know it got hijacked.
I know the creators of it don't like where it went.
And I guess in the future, I'll just reveal next week who those people are.
I mean, that's a fact.
So, I'm not saying people are bad.
Are into that type of thing.
But that's what the media always claims I am, like some foggy conspiracy theory.
When 95% of what we do here is have... President on people who, members of Congress, famous professors and lawyers that wrote the U.S.
biological weapons law, became the treaty, became the U.N.
We have famous nutritionists on.
We have medical doctors on.
We have activists.
I mean, we have callers.
We're real.
You know, I've been with the plan to relaunch America and retake our republic for the 26 years I've been on air.
They ran a promo the other day that said 24 years.
I haven't changed 27 or 26 years.
It's 1995.
No big deal.
I just want to get that accurate.
But, you know, here's Dr. Francis Boyle.
He's a big professor up in Illinois.
He has his PhD from Harvard, the same elite area that Henry Kissinger went through, but he was there to expose it.
He has represented world leaders at the Hague, presidents of countries.
But it's like, oh, who cares what he says?
There was something on 4chan.
And again, I'm not in competition with that.
It's the fascination of the Easter egg hunt.
Of winning the lottery ticket or whatever.
When we have all the documents.
We know what's going on.
We know now that the Pentagon's coming out and British intelligence and U.S.
intelligence is saying, looks like China did this on purpose.
They covered it up.
They got it over here.
The Democrats said stand down.
Now they're blaming Trump saying he did nothing.
And we know the virus has four different delivery systems and now attacks the testicles.
And that's all just brushed over.
Event 201, that's real.
The Rockefeller plan for worldwide tyranny.
Lockstep, that's real.
Memorandum 200, State Department.
Kissinger, that's real.
The Level 4 bioweapons labs all over, churning out this dangerous stuff that keeps leaking.
China admits a bunch of other times they released things they were working on that caused all the problems.
The SARS, the bird flu, the swine flu.
Now, COVID-19.
That's all real stuff here.
That's what the globalists want us off air.
So going to Dr. Francis Boyle, an author, researcher as well.
So much, you've got some big breaking news.
So please tell us just your view of the current landscape politically.
Do you think Trump's doing a good job?
What do you think of the Democrats that said...
Well, Alex, thank you very much.
And my best to your
Viewing audience, and I want to thank your viewers who send me very kind emails all the time.
Not just because they agree with me, but they appreciate my viewpoints.
Well, just to sum up, I'm sorry I didn't get to see the whole press conference yesterday because I was teaching from three to six.
I picked it up from there and then on the news media, and then I did see the press conference last week for Trump
And the existential problem, and I kid you not here, Alex, the existential problem here, Birx made it clear that they, people like Fauci, Azar, Redfield,
They are operating on the assumption that COVID is analogous to the flu, and of course it is not analogous to the flu.
This is an existentially dangerous biological warfare weapon that, from what I can see still,
leaked out of that BSL-4 facility in Wuhan, China that was their equivalent to our Fort Detrick.
That's why they were setting it up.
It was the first BSL-4.
They figured, well, the Americans have the Fort Detrick.
We're going to have our Wuhan.
That's where this came from.
And so the flu has nothing to do with this.
It's far more dangerous than the flu.
And far more infectious than the flu.
You'll note that even as of yesterday, Birx and the others, the CDC, were saying, well, you have to stay six feet away.
That is a flu guideline.
Now they're saying it's 21 feet.
It's spreading at 21 feet.
Well, I just read that on the news media yesterday that an MIT professor said it was about 27 feet.
I was not able, because I do all my teaching Monday, Tuesday, I was not able to evaluate that.
Right, but I've been saying all along, well, at least 12 feet, because it has gain of function.
That is a property that is very clear in that University of North Carolina, Wuhan BSL-4 article that you and I went through almost line by line.
Indeed, I could have spent another half hour explaining all the evils in
In that article, Alex, and I know we only had so much time, but it's clear it has gain of function.
Now, you know, based on previous studies, gain of function of biowarfare agents 7, 8, 9,
This could go more.
It seems like it goes a lot more.
Finally, as of yesterday, someone admitted it floats in the air.
That's right.
It travels in the air.
It has nothing to do with droplets.
And if you saw yesterday's press conference, Fauci, who's up those eyeballs in biological warfare work,
Yeah, that's not a scientific argument.
No, of course not.
It's just trying to discredit some professor at MIT, which I, you know, I haven't read the article.
But we know that something's going on with the virus.
What about how it now attacks the testicles?
I mean, they're learning more and more and it's like there's hundreds of mutations now?
Well, you know, I've read at least five or so.
But if you go back and read that original UNC, Wuhan BSL-4 article,
They have all sorts of things in there, including HIV.
It's right in there.
It just says, yeah, we used HIV.
And it's gain-of-function.
It's SARS-2 that has been weaponized.
We don't know.
We've already done this on other shows, but there's new audiences tuning in all the time, Professor, because people don't understand.
I don't
It's ridiculous, folks.
It's like going to the pool, and a woman's got gigantic breasts and huge scars.
You know, they're fake.
I mean, it is a flaming man-made virus.
It is like a giant red spotlight like they have in New York to scare people.
And they're not telling people that.
That we've just moved past that, and China's now blaming the U.S.
So it's kosher for them to do that, but not us to question it.
We'll do that with Dr. Boyle, straight ahead.
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My mind for more than eight weeks has been fixed.
Constantly scanning, constantly computing to understand the strategic attack we're witnessing.
We know by the scripting and the choreography and the fact that the virus has been scanned that it's man-made and an attack on our economy.
The globalist media is firmly behind this devastating the United States and driving Trump from power.
But now we know from scores of studies from China, the UK, the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, that the virus reinfects and attacks different parts of the body.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an engineered bioweapon, just as the Indian scientist eight weeks ago conclusively proved at their major university.
They have a name for it at the Pentagon.
It's called a soft kill weapon.
It doesn't kill you usually the first time.
But the next time, or the third time or the fourth, it does.
And it weighs down your economy in the process.
There is a paradox.
Yes, this virus is deadly and does kill people.
And so do many other countless viruses that have already existed, that do exist, and will exist.
But when Trump says the cure is worse than disease, he's talking about the media hype creating hysteria and trying to create uncertainty.
And it is that that I oppose.
It is not the American way to cower and live in fear and to follow the edicts and precedents set by Communist China and hyper-authoritarian Singapore, where you're now being given six months in jail if you don't stand at least six feet away from someone.
This is being used by social engineers and they admit that they are trying to transform our world forever into something unrecognizable from what it's been.
We are not slaves and we must not act like it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I am not Machiavelli in my actions.
My actions are very straightforward.
I've always been that way.
Classic Americana trait.
And I talk about myself because we've lost that trait to a great extent.
But you've got to be able to also think Machiavelli to stop those that are engaged in those type of subterfuges.
And China has written a book on that.
So have some of the corrupt elites in the West.
The Dr. Francis Boyle, he's always been a straight shooter as well.
And he's the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law that became the world law.
Most of it, he's represented world presidents, world leaders on the world stage.
So he's a big dog in all this.
He's got a lot of integrity.
And we can't go back over the old stuff.
Anybody that wants to look up that it's man-made, it's there.
China began to come out and say they thought the Army did it.
Well, we war-gamed that, you know, six, seven, eight weeks ago with Dr. Boyle here on air.
And he honed it down, and others did, to know it came out of Wuhan.
Yes, the precursor was sold by Obama, 2015.
We've already gone over that, but the audience keeps asking.
There's new people every minute that tune in.
And if you could just spend some time as an expert, there's a lot of context as well, looking at the virus and where you think it's going because it does reinfect.
Yes, it's great to have zinc and vitamin D and things to bolster your defenses.
That's great.
But the point is, is that at the time it came out,
At the end of the trade war, the Chai Khans had lost, and the globalists want to get rid of Trump.
I know you're saying, why would they release it when it's obviously man-made?
Well, he gets to crack down on Taiwan.
Xi Jinping does.
He gets to crack down on his own people.
Then it gets into the U.S.
It takes down our free society, kills our markets.
Why would they want to do that?
Well, we're in a war.
So, I don't disagree with you because we're not 100% sure, but I know
That British intelligence, U.S.
intelligence, the Senate Intelligence Committee, they're starting to move towards the consensus they think Xi Jinping or other bad actors did do this on purpose.
I know you're a professor, a guy that just gets into what you can prove, but gut level, what do you think is really going on here?
Well, Alex, again, I believe it was a leak.
There have been leaks at the Chinese biological warfare labs before.
And I still believe it was a leak.
If someone could give me solid evidence that the Chinese shot themselves in the foot this way, I'd take a look at it.
But even our own Fort Detrick, which is supposed to be the gold standard of BSL-4s, leaks.
I mean, it leaked, I think, as late as last summer.
All these labs leak.
That's why, if you look at the
A documentary film, Anthrax War, by Nadler and Cohn.
I go through all this and at the end of it I just say, this is a catastrophe waiting to happen because all these biowarfare labs, BSL-3, BSL-4, extremely dangerous, they leak, and even if they're not done deliberately, at some point
There's going to be a catastrophic leak.
You're exactly correct, Alex.
I blew the whistle on that anthrax.
Shortly after the New York Times published the technology, it was a trillion spores per gram.
It floated through the air just like COVID is doing.
So that was very clear it could have only come out of a U.S.
government biological weapons laboratory.
I said that to Fox News on the stairs of
Harvard Divinity School just before going in there to chair a workshop on biological weapons.
Then I sent it to a Washington DC radio station.
Then I sent it to the BBC.
The whole world heard me.
And then I was silenced.
No one ever talked to me again about biology.
By the way, when you were on like five, six weeks ago, you said it had gain-of-function and was in the air.
You were one of the first to say that.
That's on record.
Now, ABC says there's a big study out confirming that.
So how did you know that?
That's very clear in the UNC
So that was gain of function, as you said, five years ago.
I condemn all this gain of function work.
And indeed, a lot of other scientists did.
And Obama paused it for a period of time.
There was sort of a fake phony looking into it while the pause was going on.
And then Obama reauthorized it to go all over again, and indeed this UNC study
Makes that very clear at the end that they paused it because, you know, Obama ordered it to be paused.
So what do you make of all the Western intelligence agencies, pretty much all of them saying the word reckoning, starting with the Senate Intelligence Committee two weeks ago, now British Intelligence last week, saying you're to blame, you're going to be a pariah, we're going to get you.
You don't usually hear Tim Downing Street talk like that.
I mean, I'm not an anglophile.
I don't like a lot of stuff they do, but they don't usually shoot their mouth off unless they're really gonna do something.
What do you make of that?
Well, I haven't seen that report, but Alex, you're right.
In my opinion, I believe the CIA, the National Security Agency, and U.S.
military intelligence knew right away that this was an offensive biological warfare agent.
That came out of that Wuhan BSL-4.
Indeed, Tony Fauci knew it right away.
All he had to do was call it up on his computer to find that UNC contract because he funded it.
NIAID, his organization, funded this along with NIH and FDA.
So one of the guys responsible in the chain, of course, is running the response so he can cover it up properly.
Well, that's the point here, Alex.
I don't know what these people told President Trump or Vice President Trump.
You warned him seven weeks ago here that Fauci would stab him in the back.
That's all he's done.
Well, that's right, it's not just Fauci, it's the Redfield there, CDC, they've been up to their eyeballs in Nazi biological warfare work, going back to the Reagan administration, this Bregoire, he's been- And you call it Nazi because they were really the first to officially, right, the Japanese did too, have offensive biological weapons programs, and we took over the program in Operation Paperclip.
Right, and what happened is President Roosevelt had intelligence that the Nazis were, you know, developing biological weapons.
So, if I remember correctly, he asked the National Academy of Science if we could do it too.
They said yes.
So, then he ordered Merck to do it, and we did develop biological weapons, but we decided we were only going to use them if Hitler and the Nazis used them.
And then after the war, we made a deal with these Japanese biowarfare scientists that if they turn everything that they use, they did use them against the Chinese, that if we turned everything, all their products and research and went to work for us, they wouldn't be prosecuted.
But to get back to my point, I think that all these people knew very soon after this leak,
You're saying it's not just a power grab, they are legitimately scared?
Right, and they've been trying to cover it up ever since.
It could be they've been lying to President Trump and Vice President Pence.
I noticed today on the wire service, Vice President Pence said the CDC didn't tell him what was going on here.
I wouldn't believe anything the CDC told me.
Well, by the way, I'm not just sitting there
I don't know.
Right, and what they're worried about is that, you know, my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 provided for life imprisonment for everyone involved in this.
And they know that because after I got my statute adopted... Hold on!
Get into your law and we'll come back to Erode.
That's law.
When we come back, we'll talk about what's coming next.
Stay with us.
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But we can supercharge this right now.
If all of you listening realize, hey,
We're good.
We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
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This is just the beginning of the crisis.
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So get prepared now while you still can at InfoMarshal.com and please be Paul Ramirez and spread the word.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Dr. Francis Boyle, professor, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law that became, most of it, into the world law.
Here it is right here for TV viewers.
Public Law 101-298-May 22nd, 1990.
I think so.
Well, uh, you know,
I, just for your viewers, many of your viewers asked me about the U.S.
Army being over there.
And we've discussed this before, Alex.
Correlation is not causation.
And so far, I have not seen a direct chain of causation there.
That's right.
We have a city of 11 million or 12 million people.
So if I'm in New York City, when somebody gets murdered, it doesn't mean I murdered somebody.
I think that's correct.
And people keep sending me things to look at and comment on, but I haven't seen that yet.
What I have seen is this University of North Carolina,
BSL 4 article that we've gone through.
It's all right in there.
There is a direct chain of causation.
And, you know, as a lawyer and a law professor, we learn in our evidence courses that we have to take the bar exam.
There's a big difference between circumstantial evidence and direct evidence.
Well, Dr. Boyle, there's ridiculous evidence this comes out of China.
The Level 4 lab is there.
It's the only one they have, they admit.
Surely there's others.
And then you've got all their horrible ways that they handle things, very sloppy.
They have a history of leaking things.
I mean, yes, at a professorly or law enforcement view, that is the prime suspect with the evidence you have.
But couldn't it be a purposeful release?
Well, Alex, I haven't seen that evidence yet between you and me.
You have to understand, Alex, the people working on this COVID over in that Wuhan BSL-4 were wearing moon suits, okay?
That's what they wear in BSL-4.
You've seen those in the movie.
That's how dangerous it is.
It's existentially dangerous.
And my estimate was, it's still my analysis, they were reserving it, if necessary, to launch a biological warfare attack against us, just like, you know, we have our own biological weapons.
That's what I believe the purpose was there.
There's no legitimate scientific... Sure, you're right.
Almost every time, like with the Russians, anthrax got out on their own people on the Chemkaka Peninsula, but also you've got the famous cases where the Nazi scientists were at Plum Island, and it's pretty much settled, even mainline science, correct me if I'm wrong, that deer swam the few miles over from Plum Island to New York and Connecticut, and that's why you have Lyme disease, which is basically tick-borne syphilis.
Right, and that's also why I have West Nile Disease.
I mean, how does West Nile Disease get over here in the United States?
It's because Plum Island was working on it and there is a very long history
of the Department of Agriculture there in charge of research, development, testing of biological warfare.
Why are these mad scientists doing this?
Are they like pyromaniacs who like to burn houses down?
Because, as you said years ago, look out with Bill Gates and these mosquitoes.
They released them, they created Zika, now the mosquitoes are mutating and killing a bunch of people.
Oh, it messed up and kills people.
I mean, it's just so obvious it's a eugenics operation.
Certainly that Zika was.
Those were biowarfare mosquitoes probably coming out of Fort Collins, a special U.S.
government lab at Fort Collins.
And it does appear Zika was targeted to reduce the number of brown people down there in Latin America, right?
That those are the ones primarily... And we have State Department Memorandum 200 where Kissinger said that was the plan.
Tell folks about that.
Yes, and you can read that.
I think you put it up there on the screen, and you had mentioned Machiavelli.
Well, as I said, I deliberately went through the exact same, yeah, there you go, terrible picture of a little baby.
I deliberately went through that exact same PhD program at Harvard,
That produced Kissinger before me.
Well, to get that Ph.D.
there in the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Department of Government for my exams and final oral exam, I had to know Machiavelli backward and forward, upside down, in my sleep, and by rote.
That's what you have to do to get through there.
A fellow teacher there, Stanley Hoffman, he was my PhD supervisor.
He started out teaching at Harvard with Kissinger, so he's known him forever.
He's no longer with us, but he just said Kissinger is a quintessential Machiavelli.
He doesn't have a principal bone in his body.
That's exactly correct, Alex.
And all the people trained, certainly, at that program, that's exactly the way they get trained to think.
Otherwise, you don't get a Ph.D.
from Harvard in specializing in political science.
Now, you said you infiltrated them.
Did they just get high scores and let you do that very rare program?
Or, I mean, did they get mad later when they learned that you'd infiltrated them?
Well, Alex, when I was 17, I was so appalled by the Vietnam War that I just decided I would get the most elite education I possibly could and turn it against the people running the American Empire.
Sure, but usually at that level they vet somebody before they... I mean, they didn't poke around and like...
And like, see if you were a sociopath before they let you do it, because most people that get to that level, I know some of those people, they had to lie to get through there, to actually learn the secrets.
No, I didn't lie.
I was just top of my class at the University of Chicago, graduated in three years, won a Sigma Xi award.
Sure, and again, that's the perfect Chicago business school neocon feeder to Harvard, exactly.
Well, that's exactly correct.
And I went to school with all the neocons at the University of Chicago.
So they just figured peer pressure would bring you along.
They figured you were in the bunch.
I guess they did.
I guess they figured eventually at the end of the day, all the brainwashing and the... I told all three of my sons, I said, look,
With three degrees from Harvard, I could have had all the power, all the money, all the fame I wanted.
And instead, I've just decided to make the world a better place.
Well, yeah, most people don't, but there really is a Harvard mafia.
I mean, if you look at the most elite school in the world, it's all just about you're a fellow traveler with these people.
It's just crazy.
Obama was behind me.
Romney was my section mate.
Pompeo was behind me.
They all went to Harvard.
That's why they go, it's the power and the money.
Hey, even President Xi, since we're talking about China, his daughter goes to Harvard.
She studies there under a pseudonym.
So, you know, there you are.
What can I say?
But to get back to our current dilemma,
Since everyone surrounding Trump and Pence, you know, Trump and Pence are experts on this, so I have no idea what they're telling Trump and Pence.
They have to rely on their advisors so far.
But it is big, as you said earlier, that Pence has come out and said, hey, CDC didn't tell us this stuff.
He very well could be traveling the truth.
That's right.
You know, Pence was governor of Indiana right next to me.
He's not my type of guy.
But I'm not imputing his integrity here.
And that's probably what happened.
These people know they face life in prison for what they did here.
It undermined law.
If it ever comes out, what happened?
And so they have no alternative but to cover all this up right from the get go.
And unfortunately, we, the American people, I mean, all of us are in the same boat here.
We're suffering because they will not level with us so that we understand the dimensions of what we are facing.
And indeed, they are giving us guidelines
and operating and lying to us and saying, well, it's analogous to the flu.
We can't be treating this like the flu.
Indeed, even Burke said last week, she said, well, these models we're coming up with are pretty much based on the flu.
Well, that's ridiculous because even this figure of 100 to 200,000 dead, whatever this model is, if it's based on the flu, is totally worthless.
Completely worthless.
We could be talking those British computer models came up with 2.2 million.
That sounds more reasonable to me than a CTC.
So what that means is that's accurate that the Chinese massively covered up this.
Of course they did!
You know, and I get, I regret to say there's all sorts of people who accept the PRC propaganda, and China has said this.
As a matter of fact, if you're reading the accounts of the model today, I didn't get a chance, I was teaching, but I read the account, they say, well, it's based on statistics coming out of China.
How can you rely on anything coming out of the Congress?
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Listen, there's a show from PBS called It's Okay to be Smart.
So everyone who's been smart and has been put down for it and persecuted, it's okay to finally be smart.
That's right, there's not two sexes.
And families are bad, and the right thing to do is to sterilize your son so he doesn't become an evil warmonger.
I mean, a lot of feminists are saying we should have the government pass laws that male embryos are killed.
But what's better and more reformed and more humanitarian is just to convince them, when they're five years old, to have their testicles chopped off.
And again, global warming's real.
We've got to pay Lord Rothschild all of our money.
And the pandemic's all real.
We've got to be locked up in our houses.
We've got to use the language the universities say.
We're not a culture or anything.
Oh, no.
No, we're not.
We're good people.
We're good people that went to these corporate systems that didn't brainwash us.
No, no.
They enlightened us how to censor and how to rule and how to control.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're good to go.
All right, next segment, I'm going to play a couple of important reports, then hand the baton to Mike Adams of Natural News.
Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor, expert on the whole globalist system, is here.
He's involved with the highest levels of international affairs, you name it.
And since he mentioned we're getting everything from China, how do they run the World Health Organization?
Even the Vice Premier of Japan, this is a short clip, had this to say last night, the full video, it's on InfoWars.com.
He says you should be renamed the Chinese Health Organization.
Here it is.
Although the details are murky, the WHO's previous Director General was a Chinese national, and at the time, there were complaints all around.
And now, at least, the petition has gathered 300,000 signatures, or rather, 500,000 signatures.
People think the World Health Organization should change its name.
It shouldn't be called the WHO.
It should be renamed the CHO.
This appeal is truly resonating with the people.
The Japanese official took issue with former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, charging her with inadequate accountability.
He said the current Director-General was no better for giving in to China's spin about the coronavirus.
Early on, if the W.H.O.
had not insisted to the world that China had no pneumonia epidemic, then everybody would have taken precautions.
The W.H.O., which is a global organization, does not even include Taiwan.
And then precisely because Taiwan is not a member of the W.H.O., it becomes a world leader in fighting the epidemic.
Then, after that statement is made, the C.C.P.
jumps out to correct it.
It says Taiwan is a region, not a country.
Aso had once said that Taiwan, in various ways, is a country that shares common values with Japan.
He's regarded as a member of the pro-Taiwan camp in Japanese politics.
Amid the pandemic, he's turned to China with a critical eye, questioning its claim that the virus was contained and insisting on using the term Wuhan virus.
Okay, so the three minutes we have left, we'll appreciate your time.
Why is China the person that's the boss, the organization that tells us what to do?
Well they, you know, the WHO has been, you know, it's an Orwellian organization that they're out there to promote world health.
They aren't.
This even goes back to the beginning of the AIDS crisis when the London Sunday Times years ago
Put out a report just saying AIDS began because the WHO decided to test out an experimental retrovirus on black people in Africa.
So, you know, the WHO is in the pocket and cahoots with the drug industry and with the biological warfare industry.
Indeed, this Wuhan BSL-4
Their Fort Detrick is a specially designated WHO research center.
It would be exactly like the WHO saying, oh, we're going to designate Fort Detrick as our research center.
That's exactly what they did there with that Wuhan PSL-4.
You can't believe anything coming out of the WHO.
You know, the CDC is working in cahoots with the WHO.
But to get back to this point about
Them knowing they are in trouble here.
You've heard of synthetic biology.
That was bought and paid for and set up by the Pentagon's DARPA.
The whole thing.
It was all paid for and seeded by them.
Okay, and there's a lot of money in synthetic biology.
So, they had a conference, the first conference ever of the synthetic biologists.
And they produced a report.
So I sat down there and I read through it.
And what was their one of their first recommendations was to repudiate my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
Because my WADA specifically covered
Synthetic biology, that's why.
And they knew that if my statute remained on the books, it would be used against them for life imprisonment.
So, again, these people know exactly what they are doing.
They are not stupid people.
And they're lying, and they are covering up
They're running bioweapons programs under the name of defense, transferring around the world for plausible deniability.
In the end, they get giant power grabs and billions of dollars.
Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
Thank you so much.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the Chai Koms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free-fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence.
And the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago, and their response is saying Trump
is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Look, the evidence is overwhelming.
This is a transfer to China by the deep state by Obama so they can later release it.
This is the takedown of the nationalist movement in our economy.
The virus does kill people.
It does reinfect, but they're not telling you the answer.
And that's boosting your immunity.
They'll tell you on the news that vitamin C isn't even needed.
It's like saying oxygen is.
If you don't have these things, common cold will kill your ass.
And Mike Adams has been really right about the fact that Americans are amongst the most unhealthy people on the planet.
The good news is the Democrats in deep states attempt to suppress these facts, especially with the approved drug for 70-something years, hydroxychloroquine, that for hundreds of years was given to British troops before that under another name.
Push the zinc into the cells, it is massively effective.
They do not want that out, but now the FDA had to approve it, and it's all coming out and being admitted and creating hope.
But still, the folks there are not really aware of that in many areas, like New York hardest hit, and it's gonna get bad.
I mean, this is not a total hoax.
It's a real weapon at the center of it.
We've said that day one, and China did cover up how severe it was.
Look at this video we're gonna air.
I'm gonna go to Mike Adams.
FBI raids, New York man hoarding N95 masks.
Here's the video.
It's just box after box filling up a U-Haul moving truck.
And this is the type of stuff that people did.
But since when is buying up a bunch of stuff, or maybe he already sells them, and then selling them a crime?
Was he prostituting?
Is that even a crime?
So this is under the supposed emergencies.
What's going to come next?
What's the next?
You know, crime leaving your house, six months in jail for not social distancing.
Now they say it's 21 feet, 27 feet.
Same Democrats that said let people fly in from China, that Trump was wrong to try to close those flights.
Make no mistake, there's a power grab going on in the whole agenda of work from home and get rid of the automobile and have self-driving robots because they're not going to get sick.
This is a takeover.
And it just goes on and on as they load the whole back of the truck.
With the M95 mask.
Footage shows a dozen FBI agents carrying boxes labeled M95 into a truck.
Several Orthodox Jews look on in Brooklyn.
Pelosi wants revamped green infrastructure spending bill.
Now still in the spending bill.
Coronavirus could cause damage to man's testicles.
Wuhan doctor warns.
You know, we've been covering this for four or five days, so now it's in the mainstream news.
There's that report out of the Daily Mail.
They want to get rid of the population.
And of course it does.
Of course, now it's in military news.
They knew about it in December, covered it up.
We told you that eight weeks ago.
So it's all unfolding.
Trump warns of Iran's sneak attack on U.S.
and Iraq.
There's all sorts of attacks going on in Saudi Arabia.
We're in a war with Saudi Arabia now more and more.
Trump asked them to cut production.
They wouldn't.
So Trump's going to ramp up production and then dump it in the Strategic Oil Reserve.
These are the times big wars start.
I'm telling you folks, when I say get storable food, it's for the possibility of them canceling the election.
What are the globals going to launch next?
Civil unrest.
Not just this virus.
Well, we got storable food again.
They had to pause it for two weeks because they had to make sure they had enough food for the orders they had.
Now they got a bunch more food, high quality, and two extra factories.
Other folks tell you they have storable food.
It's just not true.
From what we've seen, we have it at InfoWarsTore.com, and it's high quality.
Get your order in now so you get it before they have to hit a pause again.
They may do that in a week or two, they're telling me.
InfoWarsTore.com, storable food available again.
It's not just zinc that's key to your body's defenses.
I was showing folks the NIH report on zinc and how it's needed for immunity and the cell function.
These are facts.
But it's the entire body that needs all of the things that are in the real red pill, the real red pill, plus not just the healthy dose of zinc, but everything else that goes with it.
We have DNA Force Plus with PQQ and CoQ10 and so much more.
It's just for a healthy, good body.
Vitamin D3 is in our fish oil.
Winter Sun's back in in a week.
It's been sold out for three months.
High quality vitamin D3.
But wherever you get it, get your vitamin D3.
Get your vitamin C. Get your zinc.
And this is what doctors are on the news, Shane.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you to know that without oxygen, you die.
Without water, you die.
And if you're eating empty food that doesn't have things that your body must have that are essential, essential means oxygen, water, vitamin C, like iodine.
We sold out of X2.
People said, well, why do you have X3?
Some people, from the research, it has a deeper crystal, but also two different other types of high-quality iodine, sodium iodine and potassium iodine, for a better upload with some people.
This was going to sell out in about two, three weeks.
It was at 40% off.
I said, let's go 60% off.
Even though I said last year, I'm not going to do that anymore, because there's hardly any market.
I just, it feels right.
I'd give it away if I could to be doing this right now.
So get this research, what iodine does for your body, what it does for your defenses, infowarrestore.com or 888-253-3139.
We're having big victories in that they didn't want doctors in Trump to tell you about hydroxychloroquine.
They have articles saying, I am a scammer promoting hydroxychloroquine.
I don't sell that.
It's a drug.
But it pushes zinc into the cells.
These people are evil, man.
And so, again, InfoWarstore.com.
Turmeric's great.
We have the strongest turmeric you're going to find out there with 95% curcuminoid.
We have Vazobeats.
It's so good for your cardiovascular, your whole body, your lungs.
It has the nitrous oxide in it.
It's a beet concentrate, Vazobeats.
It's all 40 to 60% off.
Yesterday, I was meeting, they said, yeah, we got about two weeks of this left in the two ounce bottle, maybe about four or five days left in the one ounce month, maybe two months till we get more X2 because things are slowing down in these companies.
Well, what's happening?
And I said, boom, go 60% off.
So, there you go.
So, InfoWarshore.com.
All right, we're going to turn this over to Mike Adams with all the crazy stuff that's happening and what's unfolding, and I really appreciate him.
And then the war room's coming up 3 o'clock Central.
And now, covering the law, covering the police state angle of this.
Not the virus, but how it's being power grabbed, and how they're closing churches but having the gay pride parades.
And all the rest of it will be, of course, American Countdown with Robert Barnes.
It's almost commercial-free.
We just have local breaks for TV and radio stations.
So it's like 6 minutes, 10 seconds of ads to the 14 minutes of ads.
And so that specialty transmission will run a month or two, maybe longer, with him in studio.
It's 7 to 9, Central Band-Odd Video, Infowars.com.
And now taking over from Central Texas as well, from his remote location where he's been self-quarantining for a month, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It's good to join you.
I've got a lot coming up here, including a special guest that I just made arrangements to join us for the first time.
He's an expert in prevention and also is knowledgeable about ultraviolet or far UV light and solutions that we can use to sterilize surfaces on Navy vessels and hospitals and schools and public transportation.
You know, we need to focus on solutions here.
How do we get out of the lockdowns?
How do we rebuild our economy?
How do we stop the deaths?
How do we stop the virus replicating?
And we've talked about that a lot today already in terms of hydrochloroquine and zinc and vitamin D3, but there are other things that we can be doing.
And with all this bailout money going to corporations that are basically ripping off taxpayers, many of them these big mega corporations where their CEOs are just pocketing cash, why aren't we directing some money
Thank you.
And everybody could get their zinc levels up, and that's how we end the lockdowns.
I want to be clear.
You know, I called for the lockdowns very early.
Should have been earlier, actually.
We wouldn't have been seeing this many deaths.
But I also am calling for ending the lockdowns in a rational, informed way, which means masks and zinc and D3.
We know how to beat this.
For the most part, we can beat this.
And of course, elderly can continue to stay home and self-isolate, but
You know, a healthy 45-year-old who's got plenty of zinc, who's wearing a mask, they don't need to be restricted from contributing to the economy.
We know how to get their levels up of zinc and D3 and other things, and get them back into the workforce.
And I believe that is the victory path for President Trump on this.
Don't wait for the vaccine industry to have the whole country collapse and have mass death and then a second wave of lockdowns in the fall.
Don't wait for Big Pharma because they're strangling this country.
They're stealing from us.
They're just looting America and using mass death and suffering in order to do that.
Don't wait for those.
Instead, get America back to work now, today, with nutrition and wearing masks and enhanced testing to find the asymptomatic carriers so that we can break the chain of the replication of this virus.
So I've got a special interview coming up right after this break and much more straight ahead.
This is Mike Adams here for the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this break.
Stay with us.
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And the iodine's selling out, the X3, it's 60% off, because I want you to experience how amazing it is.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Mike Adams!
Alright, we are continuing here on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams.
I've got the helm here for the rest of the hour.
In this segment, we've got a really
important interview for you with Dr. Ed Fatikoff, who is an internist.
He works in integrative medicine.
He's got a lot of information for us about nutrition, as well as using light to destroy this virus.
And how come nobody's talking about these solutions?
You know, in the mainstream media, everybody's just talking about, oh, wait for the vaccine and wait for the drug.
And until then, everybody stayed locked down while the economy crashes and and people die from, you know, suicides and
Domestic violence and everything else.
All these insanities that are now emerging across America.
But what if we could end all of that?
In weeks, and get America back to work using nutrition, and using preventive measures, and using light.
That's what we have to offer here.
Anybody from the Trump administration, listen up.
This is a solution that can help America get back to work, restore the economy, restore the elections, and put America back on the path where it belongs, which is productivity, and health, and longevity.
So joining me today is Dr. Ed Fatikoff.
To talk about all of these subjects, Dr. Eddie or Dr. Fadikoff, how do you prefer?
I refer to you and welcome to the show, by the way.
Thank you so much for having me.
Dr. Eddie, Dr. Fadikoff, whatever's easier.
Okay, alright, Dr. Eddie then.
Look, we just met today.
This is an urgent situation.
You know about this light technology, far UV technology that may be extremely helpful in sterilizing surfaces and transportation vessels and so on.
Why don't you start with a little bit about that and then I'll ask you more about your background later on.
But start with the big news today.
How can light kill this virus?
So we know that traditional germicidal UVC light that they use in the hospitals, that shiny blue light, purple light that they use that cleans and sterilizes the room, can be used to disinfect this.
And that's how we're disinfecting the rooms in the hospitals right now with patients that have the coronavirus.
What Far UBC Germicidal White is different from this technology.
This is a new innovative technology by a company named Sterile Ray.
They have a unique patent on a different wavelength, 222 nanometer wavelength, that's actually safe in humans and does not penetrate the skin.
So this is a game changer in the sense that now you can put these devices on low overhead fixtures and buses and airports and public schools and doctor's offices and public transit.
And if we did that, we wouldn't be having such a pandemic in New York City, because most of it is caused by the public transport system.
Because people are touching... Okay, really good point.
Let me interrupt here just for a second.
For those watching, as a full disclaimer, I don't have any involvement in the sterile rate company.
I have no financial interest.
And I think you don't either, right?
You're not a partner with the company or anything like that.
Is that correct?
I found it because I wanted something in my office to protect my patients so they can feel reassured when they come into the office.
I'm doing everything I can to keep them safe during this COVID-19.
So do you use this technology in your office right now?
Do you have one of these?
Or are they out of stock everywhere?
Well, funny you mention that.
Disney got my last ones, so I'm getting mine tomorrow morning.
And I'll be up and running in the office.
You just place them around the office and they just sterilize the virus as it's blowing past in the air?
And what do you do?
Or how does it work?
So basically, if I put it in an exam room, like a traditional exam room at a doctor's office, I put the light up, I would turn it on, and in about less than three to five minutes, the whole room will be sterilized, right?
From the computer, to the keyboard, to the mouse, to the liquid that's in there, to the surfaces, to the air.
Yes, absolutely.
Well, that's my next question, because we know that UV light can be damaging to the eyes, at least at certain intensities.
I think the intensity is what matters, and the eyeball functions as an amplifier of light intensity.
That's kind of how the eyes work.
But why is this technology not harmful to the naked eye?
That's a question I have.
So when they did the studies out of Columbia University, what they realized is that, in vivo and in vitro studies, what they realized is that it does not penetrate the first layer of the skin, the dead cells of the skin, given the biological wavelength, the 222 wavelength.
That specific wavelength does not penetrate human skin or mammalian skin by that way.
So it can be your dog, your cat, any type of species out there.
Thank you.
Okay, so 222 nanometers.
I think green lasers are known to be harmful to the eye, but they're at, what, 560 nanometers or something like that?
And red lasers can be harmful at certain intensities, but this is not a laser.
It's not a coherent, focused beam of light.
It's actually omnipresent, just diffused light all around the room, correct?
Yeah, it's a focused light where it doesn't penetrate the skin, and that's what makes it so safe in front of humans, but bad for bacteria and bad for viruses.
So do you think, I mean, what can the government do right now?
All right.
That's interesting.
Could the FDA have emergency approval of this kind of technology to treat surfaces and sterilize surfaces?
Is that what the company should be asking for?
Or what should the government do to help get this out?
So I think that the biggest thing we're having right now in the talk, you know, kind of on TV and radio and what people are concerned about, I'm concerned about, because you know, I work in the hospital and I take care of COVID patients, is that
Thank you so much.
Given the fact that technology can kill all surfaces, they can probably re-sterilize N95 masks, regular masks, gowns, PPEs.
So that's something they can implement today to help while there's a shortage.
That's how we can use it today.
They can also put low-level light fixtures, which you'd have to keep on for 10 minutes.
It's not as
Penetrating you keep it on longer and that would actually disinfect the whole public transit system in New York City and maybe they can have this up tomorrow in a week and that way people won't be afraid to take the train or if we're saying we're gonna open up the economy even if it's in a month or two weeks from now people are still gonna be afraid to ride the trains and be right afraid to do the public transport people are gonna just
And what about military readiness?
Because we've got our battleships or aircraft carriers, excuse me, right now with many sailors who are infected.
Submarines are likely to suffer from this.
It may be happening right now.
The Pentagon, of course, isn't telling us because it's a national security secret.
This could be used on submarines, you know, airplanes, commercial air flights, where passengers no doubt got infected on commercial air flights before that really the whole industry kind of shut down.
But shouldn't this be, or something like this, shouldn't it be used on airplanes as well?
Boeing actually, the 737 MAX, had part of this technology in their laboratories, their restrooms, so it would disinfect
The whole restroom and the water filtration system.
So that was actually part of the rollout with the 737 Max for some of them.
So that technology was going to be used up until last year.
So that's how I see it.
If you could put this all over the airplanes, inside the airplanes and reassure the public, hey, we've disinfected this whole thing within a matter of seconds to minutes.
I mean, it would take, you know,
80,000 particles, one eighth of a second.
I mean, you'd take five seconds to kill it.
Dr. Paddicoff, we got to go to break.
Stay with us, please.
I want to ask you about nutrition and zinc and vitamin C and vitamin D on the other side of this.
This is Mike Adams here.
We'll be back after this short break with more solutions to beat the coronavirus.
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We are selling out of all of our high quality iodine products at InfoWareStore.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Mike Adams.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up today, in the next segment, I'm going to talk about how World War is coming to America.
In other words, World War III may be coming to America, and this release of this biological weapon virus may just be the opening chapter of much more yet to come, and what we can do to prepare for that and help support our President and our nation in defending against that possibility.
But for this segment, we're continuing our interview with Dr. Eddie Fatikoff, who is
He's into nutrition, he treats patients, he understands the healing power of light, or how light can sanitize surfaces.
And we know that this coronavirus can survive on surfaces up to 17 days, according to some studies, and depending on the surface.
It doesn't survive on metals very long, but it can certainly survive on more porous surfaces, such as cardboard, for much longer.
Dr. Fabikov, let's get into nutrition.
And you see patients, you treat patients.
What are you recommending that people do as a general preventive measure right now to reduce their risk of either contracting the virus or enhancing their body's ability to stop the replication of the virus in their own tissues?
What are you recommending?
That's a great question.
I was actually doing a telemedicine patient.
He just wanted to know what natural things or preventative measures he could do to help with this virus keeping the immune system high.
So from all the studies that are kind of been doing around now and looking at the hot zones and whatnot, vitamin D is probably the biggest thing they should do.
Everybody should be on vitamin D minimum, at least 1250, higher, you know, just because of your position.
But definitely vitamin D is the biggest thing.
Number two, zinc.
Like you said, it's cheap, it's effective.
It's going to help build immune system.
Not only does it help build immune system, if you're male it increases testosterone and other functions of zinc in hair.
In addition, vitamin C. They're doing studies right now in Wuhan, China about high-dose IV vitamin C as a therapy for patients with COVID with pneumonia, right?
So kind of how we do in cancer patients as well.
So high-dose vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, probiotics, right?
People always forget about probiotics.
Probiotics are one of the biggest things I tell all my patients to take because that's your immune system right there.
Keep that good microbial fluoro.
In addition to the supplements, I recommend
My patients have a humidifier.
The virus hates humidity.
It hates 76 degrees or higher.
It hates relative humidity of 35 to 40 percent.
So you were saying the airborne and the surfaces, you can cut the contagion in half just by having the humidity at 35 percent relative humidity.
Is that right?
Yeah, things like that are just quick measures.
I mean, think about the instance if you're in a nursing home or if you're in the hospital, it's usually dry.
It's cold.
There's no humidity.
And so, of course, the virus in a nursing home can spread more rapidly.
And then what happens is this particle size that we talk about, right, for the virus, they go to the lower respiratory tract.
They cause a cytokine reaction, inflammatory reaction, the whole system gets overwhelmed, then you start getting fluid in the lungs, we call that ARDS, and that requires ventilation, mechanical ventilation, intubation.
Now, if you can have a better immune response and you can have humidity, then what we want to do is decrease the particles so they stay up in the neck and in the throat area.
By doing that,
You get a mild symptom and that's what they're seeing.
The people that get the mild symptoms when they're doing the cultures, the actual virus is staying up in the neck, just like the flu, longer.
So if it gets to the lower respiratory tract right away and you have no defenses, those are the people that you see that are young and healthy, boom, they need a ventilator right away.
They have no medical problems.
You know, they have sinus problems, they have asthma.
Those are the questions we need to ask because when they say that in the news, my question is,
Did he have a history of seasonal allergies?
Did he have runny, bleeding noses?
I mean, things that we don't know because they're not going to provide a medical history on the news.
So we don't know if it was a 40-year-old or a 20-year-old.
In your opinion, how long would it take a person to bring up their blood serum levels of things like vitamin D3 as well as zinc?
I mean, can that happen literally overnight or does it take a few days?
What's your take?
So, vitamin D, especially I treat integrative specialists, internists, but I also do weight loss.
They're really resistant, right?
So those patients who are overweight or obese need high doses of vitamin D and it takes actually a little bit longer to get the concentration.
In terms of zinc,
You know, the best way to get it in there is IV, right?
So, IV nutrition therapy.
But if you can't, the supplements, I usually recommend 80 milligrams or more.
You know, if you're somebody that's immunocompromised, you can take double that.
And it depends what form of zinc you take.
You take the gluconate, the citrate, the pecanolate, which seems more effective to increase absorption.
So, taking something is better than not doing anything, right?
If you're kind of cognizant and saying, I'm going to do something from my immune system, but also think about it like this, it's antioxidant, right?
Yes, absolutely!
You know something like 5-HTP or we talk about melatonin, things that can decrease stress, improve sleep, improve quality of life, all those things boost your immune system.
So the fact that you're young and healthy but you only sleep in two hours a night because you're anxious having panic attacks by the coronavirus, well that weakens and hampens your immune system.
So you're not doing yourself any good or any favors by not getting enough sleep or by having heightened anxiety during this time.
So you deal with a lot of patients who come to you for weight loss, correct?
People who are suffering from obesity.
Now, obesity, as I understand it, is a very strong comorbidity factor for case fatality rates related to coronavirus.
Is that because, in your view, is obesity often tied to the same kind of nutritional deficiencies that we're covering here that create vulnerability to the virus?
Or is there something else in parallel going on?
What's your take on the ties between obesity and COVID-19, in other words?
Well, obesity is a disease, and it was labeled disease in 2013.
So just like blood pressure, which increases mortality just as cardiovascular disease, obesity is a disease, and you can have a hampered immune response to it, a weaker immune system.
That's one.
Two, the types of diets and foods you eat in a person who's obese or morbidly obese, and the hormonal things, right?
So there's a lot of factors that go into place, but you're right.
And with obesity, you have what we call
Yeah, absolutely.
Anything you can do, it's a disease.
Obesity, just like blood pressure, just like any other condition that can lower your immune system, is a disease and you're at increased risk.
Is zinc supplementation and vitamin D supplementation those two of the key things that you start with obese patients to boost their nutrition and maybe reduce the inflammatory response?
I start my patients because they've done a lot of studies, whether it's fecal transplant studies or they've done studies on weight loss in probiotics, right?
So probiotics is the first thing I start because it'll help them lose weight and boost their immune system.
Second thing I start because I do integrated medicine is vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial.
That's why the sunlight helps, right?
So when people say, you look at the hot zones where the coronavirus is, the places where it's really hot and really humid, there's not as many cases reported.
And you could say,
Is it the population area?
I could say it relates to the sun.
Now, how is the sun beneficial in preventing coronavirus?
It's not the actual sun rays that people talk about.
It's the vitamin D that they're getting.
And all the studies coming out in terms of immunity for coronavirus, the biggest one thing you can do is vitamin D. That's probably the best evidence for the coronavirus is vitamin D you can do.
There are some medications that are investigational.
They're talking about interleukin-6 inhibitors.
And one thing that can naturally block the interleukin-6 that, you know, if you can't afford it or if it's not an option right now, and they've done studies, is curcumin, right?
So that's something that's a powerful anti-inflammatory that can't hurt, can only help, I think, in my opinion, based on the prelim studies.
Obviously, there's been no studies on curcumin and coronavirus, but it's something that can inhibit inflammation in patients.
Well, that's something that I take every day.
Give us, I understand you've authored a few books.
Give us a couple book titles or give us a website where people can find out more about your work.
And you're based in Georgia, is that correct?
Yep, Atlanta.
Okay, Atlanta.
Okay, so yeah, we've got about a minute left.
Give us a little bit of how people can find out about you.
Thank you so much.
It's www.drfatikoff.com or www.eddiefatikoff.com.
And that's F-A-T-A-K-H-O-V.
And then I have plenty of, you can download probably two of my books there for free.
My newest book, The Dr. Fadoff Simple Lifelong Solutions is right behind you.
And I basically just teach people how to live a healthy life, not a fad diet, not something that they're going to have to do, lose 20 pounds and get back on another diet.
It's more practicality.
And in the Doctors Clinic 30 program, we actually published that research, International General Obesity, and it's a proven program.
And I co-authored that with J.T.
Cooper, and that's the fourth edition.
That first one was published back in 2019.
Thank you, Dr. Fadikoff.
Sorry to cut you off there, but we're going to break.
I appreciate your time on the show.
You've got good advice for people.
Stay with us, folks.
We'll talk about World War III on the other side of this, but that was Dr. Fadikoff.
Stay with us.
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Oh, no.
No, we're not.
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No, no.
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DNA Force.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
So the game plan for the Democrats and the globalists is to continue these lockdowns for as long as they can get away with, leading to social unrest and mass uprisings, combined with food shortages nationwide and economic collapse.
And then that is their strategy to get rid of Trump.
And they are so far succeeding in that.
The only way that Trump can stop that effort to destroy America is to turn to the things that I have recommended here and many others, not just me, but, you know, I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but it really does come down to masks and zinc and vitamin D3 and testing everybody in order to identify the asymptomatic carriers.
With those things, we can end the lockdowns.
Now, I've
Disagreed with many of the economists-oriented individuals who over the last month or so kept demanding to just end the lockdowns anyway, even though they knew nothing about nutrition and they weren't talking about wearing masks and so on.
They just said, end the lockdowns, take the hit, you know, lose maybe 5% of the population.
We've got to get the economy running.
I think that is irrational and disastrous.
But the good news is we can end the lockdowns with these other solutions so that all of us can get what we want, which is getting the economy running again, plus protecting health and not having the mass casualties that we are starting to see right now.
You know, the number of deaths in America is about to go over a thousand per day.
And according to models released by the White House itself,
Where Trump is now, I mean his numbers are now worse than mine.
My numbers were considered horrific when I first released them in early March.
Now the White House's numbers are double my projections.
But they're projecting 2,200 deaths on April 15th, on that day alone.
Followed by a waning of the deaths after that.
Well, I'm here to tell you that, you know, these deaths don't ever have to be repeated again.
And many of them could be stopped from occurring right now if we turn to nutrition and these natural health solutions.
But the Democrats who run the media and Big Pharma is going to block all information about nutrition and prevention because they want vaccines to be your savior.
They want everybody to be lined up with mandatory vaccines with an RFID chip.
You know, Mark of the Beast.
You have to have a vaccine.
You know, this is the Bill Gates thing, right?
You have to have a vaccine document or proof biometrics on your body before you can board a plane or before you can ride in a taxi cab or enter a football stadium or anything like that.
And that's insane.
That's their goal.
That's part of this whole globalist goal is to enslave everybody, crush the economy, get everybody basically living on the government dole where the government pays you to stay at home and be a slave.
And that's kind of where the economy is right now for about a third, maybe even half of America.
It's insane.
And they accomplish it very, very quickly.
We don't need to have that happen.
We know the solutions.
And frankly, not to toot my own horn here, but
If President Trump would have listened to my information sooner here on Infowars.com, then he could have taken action sooner and we would have cut this thing off even earlier.
And I'm begging the President to listen to me now.
Do not, do not...
Keep people enslaved waiting for big pharma and the vaccine industry to save America.
That's never going to happen.
The solutions are available and abundant right now.
And they start with nutrition and wearing masks and testing everybody who goes back to work.
And it's that simple.
That's how we beat this thing.
That's how we all win again.
All right, now let's talk about World War III, because I am convinced that this deliberate release of this biological weapon, which was engineered in communist China based on early samples that were allowed to be sold to China under the Obama administration,
In other words, the earlier versions of this were being engineered in U.S.
universities that had a lot of communist infiltration.
Because of that, China was able to build this weapon, and then they released it, either accidentally or on purpose, one way or another.
You pick what scenario you believe.
We'll probably never know which way it happened, but we know it was engineered on purpose, and we know that the release was designed to eventually infect America.
They knew it would go global.
China covered it up to make sure it would go global while they continued their flights out of Wuhan and out of Beijing.
And they even pressured the WHO to tell nations of the world to not block flights from China.
That was part of the plan to spread the infection.
This is an act of warfare by Communist China, an act of war against the United States.
And now with our aircraft carriers, our sailors being infected, the military readiness of our nation now compromised by this virus, it is absolutely an act of war.
But this is just the opening salvo.
China has more in store for us.
And I'm going to bring your attention to three important facts.
I cover this in a story that I published this morning on Natural, or last night on Natural News.
Three important facts.
Number one, Mike Pompeo has now demanded that all American citizens return to America.
Because, well, something big is about to go down, and he probably doesn't want to have to negotiate for the release of American prisoners in China once this war breaks out.
Secondly, the Pentagon has ordered high-level staffers to go into the underground bunkers, the military complexes, 2,000 feet underground in Colorado.
We're talking about a NORAD order to put the high-level military commanders underground.
You don't do that for a virus, and you certainly don't do that for the flu.
You do that when you're expecting massive
Maybe thermonuclear warfare or something on that scale.
And the third thing is, last Friday, Trump's executive order which called up, reactivated one million military reservists who have battlefield medicine expertise.
So they're expecting mass casualties.
You don't need a million medics
Just because of what the coronavirus is doing in New York City.
You don't call up a million military reservists, which he did on Friday.
The executive order is at whitehouse.gov.
It's part of the executive order.
You only do that, plus what Mike Pompeo said, plus the Pentagon sending staffers underground into the bunkers at NORAD in Colorado.
You don't do those three things unless you're expecting war.
Big-time war.
War is coming to America, so if you thought that surviving this virus was the hardest thing you were going to have to go through this year, think again, folks.
You may have to suffer through some other kind of major attack.
I don't know if it's going to be a kinetic invasion, China actually landing troops in California, for example, or invading through the open border with Mexico.
We know that Chinese troops train a lot of the narcos in Mexico.
They are on the ground in Mexico right now with plans to invade the United States.
China has long talked about destroying the United States.
That's their top goal.
The communists hate America.
They could launch a cyber war.
They could launch a monetary war to sell off all U.S.
Treasury debt and announce a new gold-backed Chinese currency to try to
Destroy the dollar as the world reserve currency.
And the fact that the dollar is the world reserve currency is the only reason why we can essentially make all this new money for bailouts.
Because there's so much money in circulation in the dollar that we can survive that.
Without world reserve currency status, there's no way we could bail out anybody.
That would be over.
It would be Venezuela-level or Argentina-style hyperinflation in America, which may be coming anyway.
And by the way, Peter Schiff was right.
You know, Peter Schiff has been warning about this for years, and he's been absolutely correct this entire time.
We should probably get Peter Schiff on the show, maybe next week or something.
I'll reach out to him.
But look, I think the risk of war is very real.
And we should prepare for this.
You're going to be thanking yourself when those orders arrive, because the food shortages that are now appearing in the food distribution systems across the United States are unreal.
I mean, I'm hatching baby chicks.
I've got, I think, 40 eggs now in the incubator, and some of them are 10 days in or so.
I'm going to have baby chicks.
Social unrest if the Democrats get their way.
We're going to have food riots in America.
We already have armed robberies of old ladies walking out of the grocery store with groceries.
They're being robbed at gunpoint.
So yeah, you better have your concealed carry going.
You better have your gun skills ready to go.
You might have to defend yourself.
You might have to defend your nation against what's coming.
That's my message for today.
We know how to beat the virus.
You already know that now.
You know it's about zinc and vitamin D and reducing your stress and maybe hydroxychloroquine if you get into a severe situation.
But can we beat the globalists and the communists who are working to destroy this nation?
That's the bigger question because this is not going to be limited to just the virus.
There's much more coming.
Mark my words.
I was right about the coronavirus.
And I'm warning you, there's something much bigger coming.
And Trump, I think he's aware of that.
He's already taking action.
But the public is not aware.
And that's why a lot of people will be left totally unprepared when World War III potentially breaks out.
So, we can defend our country, but we better get ready.
You better be mentally ready for what's coming.
This is Mike Adams here, the Health Ranger.
NaturalNews.com is my website.
And thank you for joining us today here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer is coming up next at the War Room.
And I'll join you again in a week, if not sooner, with more updates.
Thank you for watching.
God bless America.