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Filename: 20200330_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 30, 2020
3384 lines.

In this discussion, the speakers touch upon various topics such as emergency preparedness, politics, and societal dynamics. They promote solar backup systems, water filtration systems, and stress relief support formulas for emergencies. In terms of politics, they discuss the growing divide between left and right in America, using a parable to illustrate the difference between conserving and communism. They also warn listeners about potential civil war and emphasize the importance of self-belief and trust in oneself. The speakers also touch upon proprietarianism, which is described as a set of amendments that returns certain aspects of the Constitution to its original form and adds layers of defense against parasites. They argue that in the current system, parasites have the upper hand and will implement authoritarianism if left unchecked. Finally, they discuss the Federal Reserve Bank's role in the economy and potential implications of Trump's actions regarding it. Historical examples of similar situations are mentioned, including President Andrew Jackson who tried to nationalize the U.S. Bank and almost got assassinated for doing so. Other presidents killed over currency management issues include Lincoln and JFK.

Ghost riders in the sky An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way
Welcome, it is March 30th.
2020 on this Monday edition.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here the next four hours, live.
And then the war room's coming up with Owen Schroyer.
We have Mike Adams next hour.
We have John Mark in the third hour.
Robert Barnes in studio.
I'll be co-hosting with him in the fourth hour.
We're going to make a big announcement.
During the fourth hour here today about a new show we're going to have live that'll be network commercial free.
We're not going to have any of our ads.
We'll have ads start in the middle of the hour for TV and radio stations, their ads, about seven minutes or so.
And we're launching that tonight live, teleprompter-free, talking point-free with Robert Barnes, who's going to be here for the next month hosting that show.
I'll get into more of that coming up in the fourth hour when he's here with us.
We're gonna have a lot of other guests on the show and we're gonna take a lot of calls on the show because you will have an hour and 45 minutes of airtime
In the two hours every night, so that everybody gets a chance to call in.
We get to have a lot of guests, play a lot of clips, and get Barnes' really interesting take and perspective on all of that.
But we're going to have other perspectives like Mike Adams, and I have to tell you,
Looking at the numbers we have, if you have to go with those, Mike Adams has been dead on.
And so some people have said that there's a rift there, and there's not.
We don't get talking points like CNN or Fox News or MSNBC and then kind of go with the party line.
Fox has less talking points than, say, CNN or MSNBC.
We really are trying to figure out what's going on here.
And that's why we've been breaking most of the big news.
That's why we've been weeks or months ahead of everybody else.
It's because we're looking at every angle.
We're actually calling the shots here.
Myself, the other hosts, the researchers, the producers, the callers, the guests.
We're not pre-screening people and saying, what's your view?
We want guests on that push a view that it's the end of the world or push a view that it's a total hoax.
No, we're having a college debate here.
That's really where the term college comes from is a large debate of the scholars and the experts and then
Others would come and hear what the philosophers, and the scientists, and the researchers, and the architects, and the occultists, we go back to ancient Greece, or ancient Egypt, were talking about in the town square.
And so this is the town square.
We talk about science, and mathematics, and farming, and defense, and nationalism, and globalism, and Satanism, and Christianity, and Islam.
We just have a giant open debate here.
Now, I have come to an understanding of exactly what's going on with the coronavirus.
I know it's happening.
I had a huge brainstorm Saturday and Sunday with thousands of data points coming together.
And then I tried to condense it live on air as a gestalt instead of taking a year to write a book about it.
And yesterday,
I just couldn't do it.
I'll be honest with you, because there's so many subtleties, so many angles, so many points.
I tried this morning.
I got up at 4 a.m.
I spent two hours trying to write notes to get through all the angles.
And as soon as I went through one angle, there'd be other angles backing up what I know, the knowledge well.
So I can go through each point and prove it.
But then that would take 20 hours.
So when we come back, I'm going to do my best to just cover the big breaking news.
And then at the bottom of the hour, I will give you my absolute best breakdown of what is behind this, what's currently happening, and what's coming.
You do not want to miss this Monday, original, live, uncensored, unfiltered, People's Pro-Human Transmission.
I'm Alex Jones.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the chi-coms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free-fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence in the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago.
And their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are, my friends, on an island in space.
On the island without pain.
On the island without name.
Many miles away from home.
You don't think we really originated on this planet, do you?
Of all the memories, the establishment doesn't want you to access those memories.
Those race memories.
Those human race memories.
Because when you remember who you are,
And how great you are.
Their attempts to enslave you will end.
Like vapor and phantoms at dawn.
Two words.
I've solved the coronavirus mystery.
And it's just as we first thought in the beginning when we were openly speculating.
It is a horrible virus.
It is man-made.
It is a soft kill weapon.
Two words, soft kill.
Silent weapons for quiet wars.
And I will break it down at the bottom of the hour, exactly what we're facing.
I have spent hundreds of hours reading the studies, the literature, looking at the mutations, looking at what the scientists are saying, and they are in a consensus, unequivocal, that it's man-made and that it reinfects and it attacks one particular tissue more than the lungs, the testicles.
Of course it does.
We even have the Rockefeller white papers about bringing in a worldwide police state and a lockstep authoritarian clampdown.
Those are words they use.
Getting the world in lockstep, you know, like Nazi soldiers doing their high legged march like robots and the horses all
The tanks all in geometric patterns like robots.
Hitler loved it.
Stalin loved it.
Mao loved it.
Kim Jong-il and his son Kim Jong-un loved it.
Watching you behave like androids.
You don't think
This thing just came out of nowhere.
The pre-scripting, the choreography, the pre-programming.
It is absolutely the big globalist world government play.
And the virus targets the old, who are no longer useful to the globalists that Bill Gates openly said we need to target.
I can play the videos.
We have.
Everybody's seen them.
And it targets men's testicles.
Just like the HPV shot targets women's ovaries and boys and men's testicles.
You can pull the studies up.
Cyphing Gardasil, infertility.
Gardasil, ovaries.
Gardasil, testicles.
And that too was an experimental vaccine.
They couldn't get approved.
Merck couldn't get it approved for a decade because it killed so many people and caused autoimmune diseases.
And now it's all over the news.
When you read the actual study by major hospitals, universities in China, the testicles are bloody, lacerated pulp.
It says the majority of men that contract it are sterilized.
That's a little key piece of intel.
We knew eight weeks ago that it reinfected.
That was in the Taiwanese and Hong Kong newspapers.
And Mike Adams did a great job translating those into English at naturalnews.com that we reposted at newswars.com.
And it says the majority of men are made infertile to the point of sterility.
Now already the average Western man has a 90% to 97% sperm reduction by age 20 than what they did in the 1950s.
And if you're a radio listener, we're simulcasting television at infowars.com forward slash show and band on video.
We're putting up articles.
They don't even get me before the show.
I just start mentioning things.
They type it in and sure enough, they pull up mainstream news about Gardasil sterilizing you.
About COVID-19.
Basically eating your testicles.
And eating the ducts.
Through which the sperm and semen go so that it can't even operate.
The headlines though, I tell you to walk the plank in the middle of the North Atlantic.
Oh, you might freeze to death.
No, you're going to freeze to death.
If you fall into that water in about 60 seconds, it's below zero.
Idiots will go, well, isn't it frozen?
Saltwater doesn't freeze at that temp.
Point is, is that, oh, it may cause infertility.
Excuse me.
You read the studies.
Bloody pulps!
It's a virus made to eat your testicles.
So people will say, well, Jones, you first said it was man-made.
You showed the studies.
And you said it looked like it was really bad.
And then you said, whoa, don't panic.
Well, yeah, panicking and acting like this will make us lose all of our liberties and freedoms.
And this virus, they say, is going to be here forever.
It's never going away.
It's going to be seasonal, like the flu, except it eats your testicles.
Now you know why Bill Gates is hopping around smiling so much.
He says we need to get rid of the old people and save money.
Everybody claps.
He says we need to reduce the human population down to zero at the TED Talk.
Everybody claps.
The man is a psychotic!
And I'm so over the target on his ass.
He has produced at least five TV shows and movies I know of that he pays for.
Where I'm attacked by name.
Like The Good Doctor on ABC.
It's Alex Jones' character.
They admit it's Alex Jones' character.
And I went, that's Bill Gates.
I went and searched the director and the producer works for Bill Gates.
And Bill Gates funded it.
Took me two minutes to find that.
I'll say that again.
Bill Gates pays for ABC drama hospital shows where I'm an insane liar and that no vaccines ever hurt anyone and everything's fine.
Even though the head scientist of the UN on December 2nd at the
headquarters in the Swiss Alps said, and we played the video here, got no coverage, other than a couple million views on Banned.Video, thank God, that vaccines aren't tested, and they are killing and hurting people, and that their own doctors know it, and there's a total rebellion, and that the front line is wobbly, and the cover-up can't continue, and that they're scared for their own families, and that they would not give people vaccines with adjuvants.
Seven different scientists we played clips of here.
That was just like 15 minutes of video.
There's two days of it.
19 hours of it.
Rob Dews sat up here for two days and watched all of it.
On the weekend while his children were at home.
Because he understands they have to have somebody that does the research.
So, this is a big plan about the world and the future.
And in the future, you and your family aren't in it.
So remember in a couple years when they go, oh my gosh, COVID-19 literally sterilized most men on earth.
Just remember, it's man-made, on record, and Obama sold them the precursor chimera virus in 2015.
It's in Science and all the other big publications.
We are under soft-kill bio-weapon attacks.
But I'll explain soft-kill later.
It reinfects, reinfects, reinfects, reinfects to sap the money and bankrupt the country.
Then you die.
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There is a paradox.
Yes, this virus is deadly and does kill people.
And so do many other countless viruses that have already existed, that do exist, and will exist.
But when Trump says the cure is worse than disease, he's talking about the media hype creating hysteria and trying to create uncertainty.
And it is that that I oppose.
It is not the American way to cower and live in fear and to follow the edicts and precedents set by Communist China and hyper-authoritarian Singapore, where you're now being given six months in jail if you don't stand at least six feet away from someone.
This is being used by social engineers, and they admit that they are trying to transform our world forever into something unrecognizable from what it's been.
We are not slaves, and we must not act like it.
One of our best-selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
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Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years.
And the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have it.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
To have microchip identification devices implanted into their body.
Got a long line of heartache, I carry it well The list of lives I've broken reach from here to hell Bad luck wind been blowing at my back I pray you don't look at me, I pray I don't look back
Infowars is the definition of Americana and is the definition of outlaw radio and television.
And it's because we just tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
We don't follow the globalist disinformation and talking points.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Now next segment I'm going to get into the big picture, the soft kill, how this empowers every facet of the globalist agenda.
And then I'll cover the latest breaking news and information.
But first, I want to talk about hope.
The globalists want to kill hope.
And you see Nancy Pelosi come out and say, every death is Trump's fault because he's fiddling around.
Played that clip yesterday.
Well, now they've dug up the clips of her in late February, a month ago, saying, do not social distance, go out in public, congregate in San Francisco.
Again, this is insane.
They're the ones that said don't block flights from China.
For two weeks, a federal judge even tried to block Trump, a Democrat.
Well, what happened last week?
I got banned off of the Google app that was very popular, been around three years for the show.
And why did they do that?
They said Jones in a video talked about promising treatments.
Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Z-Pak.
I was quoting the president.
I was quoting doctors on Fox News.
Democrat governors responded in 20 states.
Now, Michigan, California, and New York, ordering doctors to not prescribe it, even though Fauci's on record saying he would prescribe it to someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Think about the magnitude of this.
The President of Brazil, Donald Trump of South America, came out and said, Zinc, Z-packs, hydroxychloroquine, don't be in fear.
He said, we don't close automobile plants because tens of thousands of people die a month in automobile accidents in Brazil.
We take precautions, but we don't run in panic and fear.
Twitter banned those tweets.
So a president can't say hydroxychloroquine because it's 97-98% effective in those they catch early.
In the EU studies, I mean Trump was just covering that.
Trump even in press conferences says, well we're doing tests now, hopefully it'll work well.
The FDA backed down, folks.
The Democrats backed down.
Here it is.
ABC News.
Live updates.
FDA gives anti-malaria drugs emergency approval to treat COVID-19.
Because the doctors rebelled so hard.
The bureaucrats and Democrat governors literally just banned Malasaro for saying what Trump and doctors say.
They banned me!
The video they linked to in the articles on Banned.Video.
And it's where I'm bitching about Democrat governors.
It was 10 governors at that time, last Tuesday.
Took them a few days to get me banned.
And I was saying, how dare them?
And I was showing you studies and medical reports that it's 90 plus percent effective.
And that the FDA was blocking it.
What the hell?
Because they want total panic.
Because they're behind it.
They're with the globalists, they're with the chi-coms.
It's a real virus, but it's an attack on our economy.
So, ABC News and Google says, oh, you can appeal us banning your app.
I talked to the developer that did it three years ago.
We don't even know how.
There's no way to appeal it.
There's not even a system.
So I have lawyers write a letter to Google, but they're not going to bring it back.
They're not going to bring back the tweets of the president of Brazil.
Because the left loves to censor everything, and now it's going to be Trump.
They're already disappearing Trump's tweets, and they're not responding.
Coronavirus live updates.
The FDA gives anti-malaria drugs emergency approval to treat COVID-19.
And it goes on to say that they already have clinical trials in Europe and other areas, so no need for here.
Now let's move on.
Michigan Democrat governor threatens license of doctors and pharmacists to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus.
Then, because it has hydroxy, thousands of things have the name hydroxy.
Some dude drank fishbowl cleaner that says hydroxy.
Nothing to do with hydroxychloroquine.
And so that's why they say, man, these people are incredible.
Unreported, Fauci would prescribe chloroquine to coronavirus patients.
World Tribune.
That was March 25th.
The day I covered it last week.
The day I got banned for.
How dare I tell you what the head NIH scientist says?
I should shut my dirty mouth.
And here's what the medical doctors said in New York.
3 to 350 patients.
Breathing restored 3 to 4 hours.
Zero deaths.
Zero hospitalizations.
Zero innovations.
With 200 milligrams of hydroxy.
Chloroquine twice a day, 500 milligrams of Z-Pak, 220 milligrams of zinc sulfate daily.
Oh, that's close to a toxic level according to what I read, but it's not good for your kidneys long-term, I'll tell you that.
You can look that up yourself, but it's still, yeah, it'll knock it out, boy.
Almost every case.
So, they don't want you knowing all this, and how outrageous is that?
How outrageous is that?
That she says every death, Pelosi says, every death is Trump's fault.
When they're the ones that left the borders open, they're the ones that said stay out in public.
Whether you agree with the social distancing or not, you can't say we were against it four weeks ago and then now say it's all Trump's fault.
Here's a clip of Pelosi encouraging large groups to congregate in Chinatown on, what was this, February 27th.
Here it is.
It's exciting to be here, especially at this time, to be able to be unified with our community.
We want to be vigilant about what is out there in other places.
We want to be careful about how we deal with it.
But we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown.
Here we are.
We're, again, careful, safe, and come join us.
That woman is completely insane.
But her constituents are even dumber.
Should I even play the clip when we come back where she says every death is Trump's fault?
You watched the show yesterday.
You've already seen it.
It's on InfoWars.
When we come back, I'm going to tell you what soft deal is.
You ready for this?
See, we're going to make sure the folks behind this pay for it.
The globalists aren't going to get away with this with their little shy-cum dragon.
You understand?
We'll be right back.
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My mind for more than eight weeks has been fixed.
Constantly scanning, constantly computing to understand the strategic attack we're witnessing.
We know by the scripting and the choreography and the fact that the virus has been scanned that it's man-made and an attack on our economy.
The globalist media is firmly behind this devastating the United States and driving Trump from power.
But now we know from scores of studies from China, the UK, the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, that the virus reinfects and attacks different parts of the body.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an engineered bioweapon, just as the Indian scientist eight weeks ago conclusively proved at their major university.
They have a name for it at the Pentagon.
It's called a soft kill weapon.
It doesn't kill you usually the first time, but the next time, the third time or the fourth, it does.
And it weighs down your economy in the process.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
All right, I'm going to give you the 35,000 foot view of what we know is going on, who is behind it, what the agenda is, and what's going to unfold in the future, in the next few months, the next year, the next few years.
And you will be able in a few years to tune in to this archive of this live broadcast.
On March 30th, 2020.
And you will see that much of what we break down comes true.
If people engage and expose what the globals are up to, we may be able to stop it and alter the future, which we've already done together.
But people have to decide to not be spectators.
And to be men and women in the arena, and to physically speak out, to be civilly disobedient, and to say no, and to vote with your dollars, and with your actions, and with your word of mouth, that is paramount.
But first, let me say this.
I don't lay all this out to scare you.
I lay all this out so you can be prepared.
And the truth is, Big Pharma, in the last 120 years, funded by the Rockefellers on record,
Took over Western medicine and made it more of a predatory, eugenics-based system.
It still has a lot of good people involved in it.
And it cut out all of the other things that were known about Eastern medicine, about nutrition, and everything else.
And it's in competition with a healthy, natural lifestyle.
You will die without vitamin C. You will die without water.
You will die without food.
You will die without zinc.
You will die
Without selenium, you will die without vitamin B12.
You will die.
You will get sick and you will die.
You will get cancer.
Those are the ways.
You get malnourished and a normal cold bug or a normal flu virus will kill you.
A normal bacterial infection will kill you.
That's fact.
Water, water everywhere, not a drop to drink.
All this food, all these nutrients, and Americans have never been more malnourished.
Oh, they're overweight, they're obese with raw calories.
But not the trace elements, not the minerals, not the vitamins, not the cofactors.
And that's a fact.
And Americans are the most unhealthy people in the world.
Because of the medical system and what the globalists have carried out.
Fluoride in the water to give you cancer, to lower your fertility, to dumb you down.
All the other toxic chemicals they had with it.
That's on record.
This is an agenda.
The tainted vaccines, the secret experimentation, Tuskegee, it goes on and on.
We've had many nuclear reactors explode as big as Chernobyl.
One out in Los Angeles in the 50s was classified until the 80s as big as Chernobyl.
So all of this craziness has been going on, and the system doesn't want you to know that.
They don't want you to understand that the drugs and things they come out with, like hydroxychloroquine, is just a drug version, souped up, of quinine.
That's why they call it tonic, because a tonic means a drink to make you better.
I'm not advertising that as a cure or treatment.
I'm saying the history of this.
You can read scientific American articles about tonic and where it came from, and now it's hydroxychloroquine as the drug version.
I don't sell tonic.
That's one reason they banned me on Google App was I covered that last week.
Said, isn't that interesting history?
Now the FDA has approved today, hydroxychloroquine.
Everybody else already had.
It works great.
They didn't want you to have hope, but Trump and you and I forced it.
So they don't want you to know about zinc and that the doctors are saying take 200 milligrams of it a day.
They don't want you to know about Z-Pak, that the bacteria are carrying the virus into the lungs and into the testicles.
They want you desperate, eating white bread, drinking Mountain Dew, and having your teeth fall out because you have scurvy.
They don't diagnose people with scurvy!
But you see young people now with their teeth falling out and open sores on their arms because all they eat is crap!
You're strong to the finish because you eat your spinach.
You're Popeye the Sailor Man.
Spinach is full of vitamin C and iron.
One leaf of spinach a day is all the vitamin C you need.
I'm not selling spinach here, folks, but you need to get prepared.
What I personally do is drink a lot of purified, clean water to flush out the body.
The tap water is full of crap everywhere, folks, and your body's having to fight that.
That's number one strike against you.
I have a super silver wound gel from the big patented company that you put on the surface that with the major studies of it knocking out the viruses and bacteria, rub that on your hands, then it doesn't dry them out like the alcohol that dissipates.
Once the alcohol dissipates, it doesn't do anything.
Silver stays on your hands for days if you don't wash them.
They're going to get dry.
Well, we have the hyaluronic acid for the face and the hands, the rest of the body, with vitamins and minerals in it.
Women that are into really fancy creams go, just a tube of hyaluronic acid this size is twice that the price of yours at Ulta.
This has vitamins and minerals and is really good and has the same patented nano silver in it.
What a deal!
We have it in these big 3.4 ounces and we have the little one-ouncers.
1.2 ounces as well, scented and unscented, naturally scented with grapefruit.
That's at InfoWarsTore.com, and that funds the operation.
We're delivering within one day of your order.
It's going out.
Also, you want to have a multivitamin that's high quality, like the Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, that has added energy as well.
This has preglanone that boosts all of that.
Look into preglanone.
And it has all the vitamins and minerals together, all of which are essential.
This is your essential.
This is for adults though, it has preglanone in it.
And the green bottle of Real Red Pill has the added energy.
So you fill it in like 20, 30 minutes.
We have the topical Super Blue Immune Gargle as well.
In the one ounces left, the 16 ounce and the three ounce sold out.
But that's about to sell out.
And yes, Scorable Food is back.
We have the biggest, best company in the U.S.
All the others were lying, saying they had food when they didn't.
Most folks never even got their food from other companies.
Everybody that's ordered food from us has gotten it on the time that we said they would.
And for two plus weeks, they had to pause because they had to make sure they got more food in to be able to fulfill the orders they just got.
They did.
They made a bunch of other big buys, even though the food cost them about 10% more.
They did not raise prices.
And now they're able to take orders again for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com.
And they're in our back end.
My Patriots are full catalog.
The best deal you're going to get.
You go right into the queue.
It's like ordering from My Patriot, but it supports InfoWars.
We're good to go.
Lower dose of some of the vitamins and minerals that kids don't need more of, according to the FDA.
Vitamin mineral fusion is excellent as well.
Higher absorption because it's liquid.
All of this is 40 to 50% off, I should add.
And of course, great for your overall immune system and boosting your body's defenses.
Body's ultimate turmeric formula with Ray Reviews.
Check that out as well.
Okay, I said this segment, I would get into the soft kill nature and the big picture of the 35,000 foot view.
But I started talking about the fact that there is hope, and they're not going to tell you what God gave us to defend ourselves.
They're trying to make fish oil prescription now, and they've got prescription versions that cost five times more.
Yes, folks, they hate anything that's incredible.
We sell inner foods, green food with spirulina, algae out of the ocean, and plankton and stuff.
That is incredible.
I mean, again, InfoWarsTore.com.
But wherever
You get your vitamins, your minerals.
Make sure they're from organic, natural sources, aren't synthetic.
And make sure you take them.
And again, I did research for my own family about zinc and the incredible things it does.
And it's not good for your kidneys up at 250.
Milligrams a day, long term.
Look it up for yourself.
Talk to your physician.
The doctors though are saying 250 milligrams.
I'm not saying that.
That's on Fox News.
That's in the New York newspapers.
And they're the same ones saying hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pak in European studies are incredible.
Well, now the FDA had to back down and just said you can prescribe it, doctors can't.
Because doctors are like, what?
Everybody's always been given this off-label for other viruses.
It works great.
What the hell are you doing?
But the Democrats are such devilish villains, they tried this and I got banned for trying to create hope here.
Because there is hope!
I'm not gonna take that much zinc.
But I am taking as an adult 100 milligrams a day now.
I'm taking 100 milligrams because I want to explain something.
If you beat this virus, you're fine.
But if you don't, it becomes part of your body, it keeps coming back.
If you don't have the basic building blocks, you will succumb.
I'm here to tell you I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people and I've been fighting them for 13 years and I'll never stop while I'm drawing breath!
For 24 years, Alex Jones and InfoWars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide, waking people up to the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the American Deep State, the rise of Communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
Join us.
Support the Info War, and together, we will slay the dragon.
Keep fighting Alex, you're the gladiator.
We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns, and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice.
Seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the cashless society.
It's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
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Hey, listen.
Alex Jones and the Resistance are still on air.
They're at Band Off Video and InfoWars.com.
All you gotta do is go to InfoWars.com.
Forward slash show and you'll find Alex Jones's broadcast live.
You'll find Owen Schroer, The War Room, David Knight, and so much more special broadcast films.
Emergency reports, it's all there, and the globalists have worked around the clock to take them off air, but something's happening.
The public has been spreading the word that the forbidden truth lives at InfoWars.com forward slash show and band off video, and it's growing exponentially, and the attempts to censor are only backfiring.
But we can supercharge this right now.
If all of you listening realize, hey, you know how
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Mike Adams is going to be joining us at 15 after next hour.
I will get to the soft kill and 35,000 foot view at 6 after, I promise.
In that segment, very important.
I'm going to try to condense a lot together there.
Give you my best breakdown as quickly as possible.
There are some
Good things coming out if you believe the global numbers.
This is from the World Health Organization.
As you can see there on screen of your TV viewer, for the first time we're seeing a drop in confirmed cases.
And we're seeing a drop in recovered because there's less cases.
And we're seeing a slight drop in deaths right there.
So be sure and check that out.
We have that linked up on InfoWars.com.
The stock market, Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 500 points right now.
And my point three, four weeks ago when the panic was setting in, the stock market was dropping thousands of points, the day was.
The Democrats were celebrating it.
They were saying it's all over.
They had done internal put options scandalously connected to George Soros.
On the market, and it turns out it's now all over the news that the very guy, Ackman and others I brought up, should get in a lot of trouble.
He says it's asinine that he went on TV and said everything's gonna plunge, it's going to zero, it's all over, total depression, millions dead, I'm so scared.
But didn't tell you he was shorting those very stocks he made two plus billion off of.
Who did you hear about Bill Ackman first from that he was insider trading?
By the way, everybody else is scared of him.
He's a gangster.
He's part of the Harvard Mafia.
He's a crook.
He's crap.
They call him an activist investor.
He wants to stop the evil racist America.
He's another George Soros turd.
He made $2.6 billion by betting against markets after fear-mongering that, quote, hell is coming.
And the whole media pushed that because that's what they want.
They don't want you to know about zinc.
They don't want you to know about Z-Pak.
They don't want you to know about hydroxychloroquine.
Well, guess what?
Stick it up your globulus.
You know what?
Because now it's all over the news.
And now they're having to approve all of it.
Because the... You think I just get up here on air?
It was in major studies and all over the European news that if they caught somebody who was infected early with that regimen, and they had New York doctors did it and helped everybody, and they're doctors!
They're allowed to say what happened with their damn patients!
And they banned me off of Google.
It's not about me.
It's about they didn't want you to know.
And all those governors, those villains, threatening to arrest doctors if they prescribed zinc or hydroxychloroquine or Z-Pak.
Oh, you can't give somebody Z-Pak.
It's not approved for this.
It's a new virus, even though they know bacteria carry the damn viruses.
And in general, you give an antibiotic to stop a viral infection.
That's like saying milk comes out of cow's udders.
You're like, you're not allowed to say that!
Jones did it again.
He was up there, you know, giving people false hope.
We don't allow... The tweaks of the Brazilian leader have been banned.
That was the headline.
Because he was saying hope, hydroxychloroquine.
That's in the news today.
Do you think Balasaro will have his tweets put back up?
Even though the FDA approved COVID-19 treatment with hydroxychloroquine.
With almost no side effects.
It's got some sometimes.
Anything does.
I mean, doctors are saying don't take Advil on it.
Can I say doctors say don't take Advil on it?
Can I tell people what the doctor said?
No, the left is so out of control and so cultic, they say the president two weeks ago shouldn't say hydroxychloroquine.
Remember that?
He's not a doctor.
Shut up!
He's just saying, and then Fauci goes, well, I would prescribe it.
Well, you're a doctor and head up the NIH, but you shut your dirty mouth too!
These people are unbelievable.
And then Nancy Pelosi says, as a federal judge, block Trump.
But Trump overrode it, blocking Chinese flying in during the outbreak.
And then she turns around and says it's all his fault when she said, go out in public and don't listen to Trump.
And then a month later, she's saying it's all Trump's fault.
This is so insulting.
But that's their constituents because they don't have memories.
De Blasio said go on with your lives.
Go see movies.
Now he says Trump didn't respond right.
These people are sick and evil.
All right.
Reid called in yesterday to the Sunday Show and I was at the end of the broadcast.
I could only give him like a minute and a half.
He goes by Hollywood's Is Handled.
He was calling in from Maryland where he's a truck driver.
And he was saying, hey, I have a plea to the president.
If you want to talk about bailing somebody out, it's the truck drivers that keep this country moving, even more than the railroad.
And they do it at a subsistence level, but they're great folks.
How's it going, Alex?
Alright, sir.
Mr. President, Donald J. Trump.
They call me Hollywood.
6.2 trillion.
And as always, they left out the truckers.
And you should know better.
We don't need a pat on the back.
At least not yet.
What we need is a way for commercial drivers to renew their state driver's licenses.
The D.A.T.
Load Board is reporting a 20% shortfall in drivers in the past few weeks
We need more help out here.
If this trend continues, we're all in trouble.
That can only be accomplished if more drivers can be tested and allowed to join the ranks.
You know how important this is.
We are the backbone of this nation.
Nothing moves without us.
If this critical infrastructure fails, we're all dipped.
No matter how much money you throw at it.
Open the DMVs.
Allow road testing for new drivers who are in driving school, or the rest of us are done within a couple of weeks.
The hours of service suspension has some of us working 90 hours per week, and we just can't keep doing this.
It's not humanly possible.
The commercial drivers also need access to some of this money to add new equipment to our fleets.
Not the big carriers, mind you.
They have access to lines of credit through the banks.
But the small mom-and-pop operations who run one or two trucks and have their own motor carrier authority.
These are the people you want to support because they are most likely those who operate small farms and ranches and make up the majority of this infrastructure.
All we need is small startup loans and lines of credit through the SBA.
Just enough to make down payments on new equipment would do it.
But as it is now,
We don't qualify for SBA assistance because we don't meet minimum requirements of 1 million in annual receipts or 250 employees.
And we would be buying American-made equipment for sure.
Sir, you can contact the SBA and have them do this immediately.
Applies for assistance with a motor carrier authority.
They should be able to get it.
And please, sir, the price of diesel is way too high.
Can you please get it down for Pete's sake?
It costs less to make than gasoline, yet costs 50% more at the pump.
It's nothing but a Bush-Obama-era tax on the truckers that was meant to hurt our bottom line, and we can't keep getting screwed from both directions like this.
We're barely making a living out here as it is.
We don't need a handout, but a hand up would be appreciated at this point.
You spoke about a level playing field for American industry.
Well, we need that, too.
And we need that right now more than ever.
Don't let us down, Mr. President, and we won't let the nation down.
I promise you that.
Let us step up to meet this challenge.
We love our country more than anyone out there.
And we prove it every day.
If we can't run due to exhaustion, or we end up walking out due to horrid conditions, this nation is screwed.
Hold on right there.
We're going to come back in five more minutes with you, my friend.
And for those that don't know, I studied it at the time.
What was it, like 12 years ago, 10 years ago?
Obama with Soros funding with some of the corrupt railroads.
The railroad workers are great, but the railroads have always been corrupt, as we know.
They set up a big monopoly to try to cut truckers out and make diesel cost more even though it's way cheaper to make.
And with gas prices dropping, diesel should be dropped as a strategic issue in the economy.
This is a critical infrastructure and you're damn right.
We'll be right back with a second hour.
There is a paradox.
Yes, this virus is deadly and does kill people.
And so do many other countless viruses that have already existed, that do exist, and will exist.
But when Trump says the cure is worse than disease, he's talking about the media hype creating hysteria and trying to create uncertainty.
And it is that that I oppose.
It is not the American way to cower and live in fear and to follow the edicts and precedents set by Communist China and hyper-authoritarian Singapore, where you're now being given six months in jail if you don't stand at least six feet away from someone.
This is being used by social engineers and they admit that they are trying to transform our world forever into something unrecognizable from what it's been.
We are not slaves and we must not act like it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
They will rise up!
All right, the essential infrastructure, the truck drivers are out there all over the country.
You heard them, they pay way more for their fuel.
It's a lot cheaper to even produce.
Hell, you can make it out of coal, even.
And they're being gouged, all Obama era, because that's a big independent thing in America that the big cartels don't control, wanting to push business to the railroad.
That's why they wanted to kill all those big pipelines out of Canada, not just the Keystone, is because, wait for it, Warren Buffett and the same old suspect,
George Soros literally made a deal with Canada to transship it west to the far east and offload it to China.
Look that up.
So that's how you make your billions is you cut out your competition.
You can't have that pipeline.
We're going to ship that oil out of Canada to the Chinese.
So America couldn't get it, refine it down in Houston.
That's strategic warfare.
Trump's brushing all that aside.
They're so pissed.
All right, you got three minutes.
You wanted to finish up your statement.
Now to the truckers themselves.
And you've got your driving route you want to show folks.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks, Alex.
Appreciate that.
When I talked to you yesterday, I was in Norfolk.
I'm in St.
Louis this morning.
I managed to get a couple hours of sleep, a little cat nap.
And I'm going to be in Houston tomorrow.
I want, real quick, just for you, Alex, the meek shall inherit the earth means those who can be taught.
Don't, uh, don't hammer people too hard.
Because, uh, because we're going to come out of this.
All right?
Now, I need to say something to all my brothers and sisters behind the wheel.
If you can hear my voice, go to hashtag they call me Hollywood and read what I just said.
That's where it's at.
It's at hashtag they call me Hollywood.
And read what I just said, and if you agree with everything there, I want y'all to do one thing every single day at exactly noon until President Trump hears us.
Every day at exactly noon, y'all set your watches.
I know y'all are punctual.
I don't care where you are, if you're in your lines or you're going down the highway, it don't matter.
I want you to reach up there to the top dead center of your cab.
I want you to grab a great big handful of that chain, and I want you to let the big dogs do the talking.
That's a good idea, and it's an example to everybody to speak out and take action.
That's what we need to do.
And it's a great idea, because I've studied what you're talking about with the infrastructure and trucking, and how they're really trying to squeeze you guys out.
Yeah, there's something there for Steve Pchenik.
My kid brother listens to you.
He got me listening and paying attention to you about 10, 15 years ago.
And he wrote a paper when he was in college, and it has to do with PTSD.
Uh, and I think he's on to something here.
And Alex, if you could read it and maybe share it with Dr. Steve Pchenik, maybe that could be a topic for y'all to discuss.
It's very important.
Sure, send it in.
Send it to showtipsandinfowars.com or you can get the producers.
Nari's got it.
Nari's got it.
And she can give it right over to you.
And you can talk about that at another time.
But I think that's important.
And it would explain why people are just kind of losing it.
They're acting funny, you know what I'm saying?
What's happening is the world is being put into an artificial, unhealthy state by design.
That's what globalism is, and it's a post-human system.
God bless you, I appreciate your call, Reid.
Okay, so that's a good message, and we're live right now.
We'll take that, we'll post it at Bandot Video, and it'll be in the Alex Jones section.
It'll be, Trucker's Emergency Message to President Trump.
economy or something like that.
To save the U.S.
And then everybody can, the truckers just all share that and put it on your Facebook and Twitter.
And if you just get that out, Trump acts on things like these.
And it's definitely something that needs to be done.
It's critical.
One of the most critical things out there.
All right, I'm going to break down the big picture.
We're back in 60 seconds.
The Mike Adams is coming up.
Listen, there's a show from PBS called It's Okay To Be Smart.
So everyone who's been smart and has been put down for it and persecuted, it's okay to finally be smart.
That's right, there's not two sexes.
And families are bad, and the right thing to do is to sterilize your son so he doesn't become an evil warmonger.
I mean, a lot of feminists are saying we should have the government pass laws that male embryos are killed.
But what's better and more reformed and more humanitarian is just to convince them, when they're five years old, to have their testicles chopped off.
And again, global warming's real.
We've got to pay Lord Rothschild all of our money.
And the pandemic's all real.
We've got to be locked up in our houses.
We've got to use the language the universities say.
We're not a culture or anything.
Oh, no.
No, we're not.
We're good people.
We're good people that went to these corporate systems that didn't brainwash us.
No, no.
They enlightened us how to censor and how to rule and how to control.
We're good to go.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now into our number two.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The dreaded, censored, lied-about, attacked websites are Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Big tech, things that controls the entire world, but not yet.
The power of the people spreading the word can override them, can trump them.
Now, let's go ahead and get into the big issue here.
For nine weeks, we've been covering in-depth this entire situation, what was happening in Wuhan, and the nightmare zombie apocalypse images that we saw coming out of it.
Then, major institutions in Europe and in India came out.
We've covered all this ad nauseum.
Scanned the virus and said it was clearly man-made.
Ridiculously such.
At least four different viruses all grafted together, even with the slice points where they had assembled them together, including the HIV delivery system.
Not HIV, the viral RNA, but the delivery system into the protein receptor sites.
And now that they have major Chinese universities and hospitals coming out and
Reporting on the fact that it doesn't just hit the lungs and the heart, it's hitting the testicles.
And that the majority of men that end up getting looked at by doctors who are sick enough to be in the hospital, will end up being infertile or sterile.
And that's in the reports I read last night on air on the Sunday show.
And that's in Newsweek, that's in
The Times of London, I mean, that's in the news.
And the headlines are, may cause sterility, and you read the actual reports, it's really bad.
Bloody lesions throughout the structure of the testicles that creates the sperm, and then through the ducts that deliver the sperm, it's bad.
Now, early on, scientists said it's reinfecting and it's mutating, and there's all these different strains.
Well, what type of virus reinfects?
Well, something that's four different viruses sandwiched together.
So, yes, most people just get a bad cold from it, and then some get like pneumonia and then some die.
But then it comes back and people have heart attacks and fall over dead.
And I'm like, man, that does sound like something out of a science fiction movie.
And then that's starting to happen.
So it looks like it's way lower death rate than the UN and the China who were lockstep at first said, and they wanted to cover it up there at first, then export it so that we weren't scared.
Get it over here and use it as a weapon against our free society, having the globalist deep state media then gang up on Trump and bring down our economy.
We called it eight weeks ago, nine weeks ago, dead on.
That was the play.
You all heard it, the articles, the videos, they're all there.
So we know how the globalists operate.
The precursor virus, it was a chimera as well, it didn't have the HIV delivery system welded onto it.
It was delivered in 2015 by a Level 4 bioweapons lab in North Carolina, and it was a big national scandal, to the Chi-Coms.
And I said, I believe it was done on purpose, to shut down the Taiwan protesting, if Xi Jinping had a way to reset
And clamp down, and then they can use it for a global surveillance system.
They can use it to restrict cash.
They can use it for the whole forced inoculation agenda.
It fits into their whole agenda, and it turns out there's a Rockefeller Foundation report called Lockstep from 10 years ago, 2010, saying we'll use it for authoritarianism.
We'll use it for a worldwide takeover.
We'll use drones to surveil people.
And notice it's the same from California to New York to London, England to
Wuhan, China, it's drones, it's drones shouting orders.
It's a global standardized corporate system to condition you to accept the takeover.
So here's the bad news.
The virus is man-made.
I mean, they had major testing firms in Italy, in Germany, in the United States, in India.
Come out and say the same thing.
It's got the pea shuttle gene.
It's got the protein slices.
It's got the incisions, folks.
It's got where they jammed it in there.
Because when they put that RNA in there, it leaves a trace.
And I use the analogy of that open-heart surgery.
You see the big stitches?
You look at Frankenstein.
How do you know he's got different people's arms and legs?
Because of the stitches, folks.
I mean, it's ridiculous how obvious it is. 100%.
And that's why you see the panicking by governments.
And that's why when the Chai comms came out and on their official national TV at least 20 times I've seen and in their papers and said the U.S.
Army was in Wuhan, they released it, it's all their fault.
That's because they know they released it with deep state globalists they're working with that helped set up China.
Remember, China isn't running this.
It's the corrupt, evil, human testing ground.
Three million people in slave camps that are Muslims alone.
It's the hellhole human animal cloning 30 years ago, 20 years ago.
Cows that produce human milk sold on store shelves.
Spiders that are part goat that create body armor.
I mean, it's just, it's hell on earth.
It's all publicly going on.
Human organ harvesting, you name it.
The globalists set it up.
90 plus percent of them didn't have running water.
Most Chinese were living, you know, out as farmers like we were.
The globalists took it over with the communists, ordered them all into collectivizing, set up mass brainwashing, forced sterilization.
50 million girls killed, 400 million girls aborted.
I mean, they're evil.
Now it mainly hits men, we learned, in the Chinese population.
Over here, it's the old.
It's mutated, strangely.
Because with a bioweapon, you've already tested it in rats and other things.
You know how it's going to mutate.
Or you can release other versions.
Now they're saying there's hundreds of versions.
There was 40 versions two weeks ago, then 100.
Now there's hundreds of versions.
That's not normal.
Things don't normally mutate like that.
But see, it's for viruses.
It's engineered.
It's basically nanotech.
They always argue that viruses really aren't alive because they reproduce, but that's it.
They're like digital information versus RNA.
It's biological.
Viruses are robots.
And so nanotech is just a bunch of viruses you've engineered together to do what you want.
And that's what it is.
It's a soft kill weapon.
So the virus is real, but the hype to scare you and the clampdown is to take your freedoms into the future, so they can lock you down in the future and you behave yourself when they release plagues that are even worse, as I predicted, in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, because that's how they'll do it.
They'll release viruses that are somewhat deadly, spread fast.
We're going away from nation states, not to a big loving world government, but nation states will be gotten rid of to city states that are private
And corporate owned that have the weapons, the surveillance, the medicine, everything, but you'll be fried with 5G and surveilled.
You will opt into the prison because outside the prison, drones by night will deliver the bioweapon and you will have the intelligence you heard it in to the real kill grid while everybody else hides in the countryside.
And that's the master plan and that's what they're doing and that's what's going to unfold.
We can change it.
We can say no.
We can stop it.
You have to understand.
People hear me going, there's a Rockefeller report, so they'll use this for world government.
And people go look it up, and they go, oh my God!
They go, here's all these reports, and here's them calling for world government.
Wow, how'd you know this?
Are you... It's not just in that.
It's in Club of Rome documents 1968.
It's all in Endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
And what's the Marvel movie, Endgames, about global extermination, killing everybody?
And they complained.
The makers of that complained and said Jones' Endgame is going to the top of Amazon again.
It was getting watched by tens of thousands a day.
They said it's confusing it with our Endgame.
Delete it!
Even though I talked to one of the writers who reached out to me and they said that I inspired Endgame.
So I inspire their Marvel movie and then I get censored because I inspired it.
By the way, you think I'm joking.
That's not a joke.
I'm not bragging.
It's just how much influence we have thanks to all you spreading the word.
And Chris Carter said I influence all new X-Files.
So, they're all obsessed with the show, as they know it's the truth.
They don't have the power to be truthful themselves.
They're all just selling out, getting money, and then building armored fortresses, hoping they all don't get killed by their own plan.
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Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I came here looking for something I couldn't find anywhere else But I don't want to be nobody
Just want a chance to be myself I've done a thousand miles of thumbing Guess I've worn blisters on my heels Trying to find me something better
We are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones and Mike Adams is here with us for the next 45 minutes.
He has been dead on about it being man-made, dead on about it mutating and reinfecting, and now it's confirmed that it's attacking men's testicles.
So now you have that whole depopulation.
Is the media hyping it to drive down the economy and take our liberties?
That's the larger globalist goal.
But it doesn't mean that the threat of the virus isn't real.
I simply said, look out for your liberties.
And I hope the death rate goes down as we learn more people get tested.
And they're saying America leads it.
Well, yeah, we've done more tests than anybody else.
But speaking of vindication,
They banned our app last week saying I was putting out disinformation.
The video that they referenced, I was talking about all these governors banning doctors prescribing hydroxychloroquine that just pushes zinc into the cells and has been prescribed for 70 plus years.
And itself was just based on something the British Army used to give their troops to stop malaria.
I was just covering that Trump was right!
Well, now the FDA today said, okay, we approve it.
Europe's been using it great.
Yes, we approve it.
So, here's the headlines.
FDA approves emergency coronavirus treatment.
30 million dosages of anti-malaria drugs.
Norvitis, they're all making it.
FDA approves emergency use of malaria pills.
COVID-19 treatment.
So, they were going to do these trials, but now they're just saying, okay,
Joining us to cover the waterfront is Mike Adams.
We've got the Pentagon orders the Central Staff deep underground mountain bunker as pandemic prep escalates.
Big worries of civil unrest popping up in Europe and other areas.
They're now confirming what we told you a month ago.
The food is breaking down at the farmer levels.
There will be some food shortages.
As much food as we waste, maybe that'll teach us not to waste food.
We'll see what happens.
Mike, there's so many questions I've got.
We haven't talked to you in almost a week.
So much is happening.
What is the latest?
Mike Adams.
Well, I've got some good news for you.
This is perhaps the first good news I've had for your audience in quite some time.
It looks like, in my estimation, the evidence is now very clear that we could end all the lockdowns worldwide simply by mass-producing zinc, distributing zinc to all the people of the world for free.
In other words, use the Defense Production Act in America to distribute zinc supplements to people.
With good guidance about the proper doses so people don't overdose plus having people wear masks as they return to work and doing testing of asymptomatic patients.
So if you can crank up the testing, the masks and the zinc, I believe you can end this in the month of April.
I'm not even kidding.
I think we could end this worldwide because zinc is now emerging as the single most important element to blocking the replication of the virus inside the body.
So you see, there are two ways to block the virus.
You can use social isolation or lockdowns, which of course destroy the economy, so that's not good.
But you can also block the virus inside human cells.
And you do that with zinc.
And in severe cases,
Chloroquine drives zinc in the cells, as you just mentioned.
You're absolutely right.
There are all kinds of studies on that.
I just published an article a few minutes ago before I came on that links to some of those studies, by the way, that chloroquine is what's called a zinc ionophore, which means it enhances the chemistry of zinc to push it into your cells.
And their zinc kills cancer cells, that's in some of the studies, as well as blocks the replication of the coronavirus class of viruses.
So I believe that right now we have solutions, but because Big Pharma has a stranglehold on Congress, on the media,
Even on the presidential advisory.
Oh Mike, we know why.
We know why.
The leader of Brazil said Europe gave them hydroxychloroquine 95-97% rate if you get it early.
Zinc's great.
They banned him, blocked him on Twitter.
They blocked me.
They're desperate.
They don't want people to know about nutrition.
Well, this is the key, and this is exactly why you were banned.
Because you were talking about a generic, low-cost drug, hydroxychloroquine, can't make billions for big pharma because it's off-patent.
It's been off-patent for many, many years.
And it's not a vaccine.
It's not a vaccine.
And it's not a vaccine, right.
So you now have this suppression of life-saving knowledge of cures.
Actual cures between chloroquine and zinc.
These are actual cures, I believe, that can stop this pandemic in its tracks.
I think we now have enough information to be able to say that.
And what should be happening right now, Alex, is that there should be blood tests of all the patients who have this to check their zinc levels.
Because I think we would see a very strong pattern of zinc deficiency, and this is why some younger people are dying, like triathletes are dying from this.
They're young, they're healthy, they have no underlying health conditions.
Well, guess what?
When you exercise a lot, you sweat out zinc and other trace minerals, and if you're not replenishing those minerals, you can be zinc deficient.
You can die from this.
I think zinc really could be the silver bullet for this.
You know, not to mention silver itself, which has its own function.
These medical doctors are saying take 250 milligrams a day.
The normal thing I guess is like 10 milligrams RDA.
Most things are, you know, 30 milligrams.
But I read some places that could be bad for the kidneys long-term.
But I guess it's a trade-off.
What are you recommending people take zinc wise?
What those doctors are doing is trying to get deficient people up to a normal level.
So they would typically recommend only 250 milligrams.
That's a front load.
That's a front load.
But once you reach a blood level that is sufficient, you obviously want to back off of that to about one-tenth that or even 25 milligrams per day.
But check with your own doctor, your own naturopath.
You know, each person's situation is different.
25 milligrams, 30 is what I came up with just researching.
Well, I'm right.
Yeah, that's really about in the right range.
And right now, I'm taking about 50 milligrams a day in the form of zinc gluconate, just because I hadn't been taking enough zinc myself.
So I'm taking more.
I'll back off of that probably in another week or so.
The thing that's interesting about zinc is when you have too much, you can taste zinc in water.
If you have too much zinc in your blood, it will alter your taste and you'll be able to taste it.
It'll taste like a heavy metal that's really yucky.
That's when you know you have too much.
That's one way to know.
It'll also make your hair fall out because it boosts testosterone.
Probably so.
I don't know what all the side effects of excess zinc intake are, but it has a very wide range of efficacy, and it can be very safely and very affordably made.
And the thing is, zinc is, I think, the third most common element in the Earth's crust.
So there's no shortage of zinc.
We're living on zinc.
Well, stay right there, but isn't it good news that the FDA's been forced to just say, OK, doctors, you can give this to people?
I mean, they block doctors off-label.
Doctors have always done this stuff.
Well, when I saw the Democrat governors of states, I think Michigan was one of them, and I'm not sure what others, when I saw them outlawing or banning doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine... New York, California, it's 20 of them.
Then I knew it.
They want this to kill more Americans.
I knew it.
They want this to be as bad as possible.
And that has got to be stopped.
That is insane.
They are truly villains.
They are.
They're incredibly evil.
I know you've got huge numbers on projections.
Is Fauci right?
200,000 dead?
By the way, people driven a wedge here saying me and Mike disagree with each other.
No, we don't.
I've been trying.
I don't know what's going on, okay?
I just know they don't want you to have drugs and zinc and things that you absolutely need.
That's all I know.
We'll be right back.
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Towards the last show, you'll find Alex Jones' broadcast.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The beast in me Is caged by frail and fragile bars Restless by day and by night Rants and rages at the stars God help
All right, Robert Barnes is going to be co-hosting with me in the fourth hour today in studio, and he's going to be launching a new show here at least for the next month or so that's going to be commercial free.
We're going to have no network ads, so we're only going to have
Six minutes and 10 seconds of ads.
That way we had more time for guests, more time for callers, highlights of Trump speeches, things that are developing, all the things of the bullets of the day that we want to recap.
We're going to have a countdown and I'll tell you the name of the show by the end of the broadcast I hear today, but it's something I just wanted to do.
We also intend to add some more shows that are specialty programs as things break because so much is happening with 217 days out from the election now.
I began, and I'll cover this in the fourth hour, getting inundated with footage of empty hospitals all over Europe and all over the United States.
And people, it's good they're out researching.
It's good they're out doing things.
They go to hospitals that they've known, in Connecticut, in New York, in Texas, in California, in London, in Berlin, Germany, and they go, it's empty.
And all there are are all these beds.
And they'll talk to the cops, and the cops will go, yeah, usually a month ago this hospital was full of people, nobody's here now.
Everyone is thinking that that means it's all a hoax.
No folks, when they think there's going to be a major pandemic, they designate certain hospitals as quarantine centers and they're not going to have regular patients there.
They're cleaning them out and getting them ready for emergency triage facilities.
So, that's where people go off half-cocked.
That's what it appears to me in the last few days having these videos come in, and I didn't air them yet because I couldn't figure out what was going on.
Then I made some phone calls.
I looked and found the few places I were able to call that they are indeed, if you can get a doctor or a nurse on the phone, yeah, no, we're cleared out, you know, just to handle coronavirus.
Now, the thing is they're not overwhelmed yet.
Because it hasn't peaked.
And there is a lot of media hype going on and there is footage out of England where they're going around saying a guy died in the building who didn't.
And they're all in hazmat suits.
So there is some leftist fear mongering going on.
But then we got this footage that's up on Infowars.com that we'll cover next hour.
Irresponsible CBS slam for using coronavirus footage from Italian hospital to portray New York City saying it was New York, saying it was overwhelmed, showing people in the hallways.
That's like ABC showing the Knob Creek machine gun shootout and saying that Trump allowed the Turks to blow up a Kurdish city.
It was 10 foot tall, gasoline plumes, mushroom clouds from gas tanks getting blown up by machine guns.
It wasn't 5,000 foot.
Mushroom clouds, like they said.
That video's up on newswars.com.
We'll cover it next hour.
Going back to Mike Adams.
Mike, there are a lot of people that are either in one camp or the other, as you know.
It's a total hoax.
No one's died.
It's all made up.
A giant power grab.
Or it's the end of the world.
It's more sophisticated than that.
Yes, they're using it for a power grab.
Yes, there's a Rockefeller Foundation report to bring in world government with this.
Yes, they're admitting it.
Drones control.
We hate that.
Looking at this coronavirus, and it's man-made, it really is bad, and now it is reinfecting, and now we know it's firing people's testicles.
So, the best you can tell, what is the providence, what is the gene pool, what is the pedigree, what is the genealogy of this, and now that we're getting a clearer picture, where is it going?
Well, it's clearly an engineered biological weapon, as you and I reported now almost a couple of months ago.
It was clearly man-made, and you described it well.
It's kind of nanotechnology.
This was created to be not really an organism, but a mechanism to cause mass death.
But the thing is, what's happening with the media lies, and what's happening with the
The attempt to silence information about chloroquine or zinc or other immune-boosting substances is that really the virus isn't killing enough people from the point of view of the globalists.
They want the virus to kill more people, so they have to silence anybody who talks about how to beat the virus, because we can beat this virus.
We can beat this.
We can get our economy back on track.
That's my message for today, Alex, is that we can end the lockdowns.
We can end the lockdowns, but it requires
Silencing Big Pharma for a minute and saying, shut up about your vaccines and drugs for a moment so that we can focus on zinc, which is available right now, and hydroxychloroquine, which is an off-label, very affordable, low-cost drug that can help in severe cases.
We can solve this.
We can beat this.
We don't have to wait 18 months for a vaccine.
But the media is silencing all of us who have this message of hope.
For humanity.
Because they want it to be bad.
So yes, it is a biological weapon, Alex, but it's not the weapon that they really want.
It doesn't have the death rate they wanted, which was maybe, you know, 500% worse than what it is right now.
It's not quite there from the point of view of the globalists.
And they know that we can beat this if the knowledge gets out.
And so that's why they're shutting you off with the Google app, and that's why the tech giants are part of this.
Look, the tech giants have engaged in censorship just like China did, because they want this to be bad.
They want America's economy to collapse.
They want Trump to be defeated over this issue.
The way to protect Trump, and this has been my motivation from the start, the way to protect Trump initially was to do the lockdowns until we found a solution.
Now we have a solution.
Let's use the solution, which is zinc and chloroquine and masks, and let's end the lockdowns as soon as we can.
They put the people out on purpose.
The Democrats tried to tell Trump don't block any flights, don't do any lockdowns, hoping it would get really bad, and now they've had all the governors that are Democrats try to block things they know are wonderful treatments.
They are true villains.
Who are they taking orders from?
Well, the communists.
The communists.
In fact, China has been sending testing kits.
You've seen these stories to European nations and states in the U.S.
testing kits that don't work.
And Twitter.
That don't work.
Our purpose.
And Twitter.
And Twitter has been letting them put out all the propaganda they want.
Saying the U.S.
Army released it.
Because Jack Dorsey is a communist.
He is with the communist Chinese, and the Chinese are trying to sow total chaos across the U.S.
healthcare industry with false positives and false negatives, so that we can't identify the people who really have it, and we fail to identify asymptomatic carriers, who are the ones who are spreading it.
Look, communism is the enemy of humanity.
Communism with this virus is what's killing people and killing economies.
And the way to beat the communists is to have U.S.-made testing kits that work, U.S.-made masks that work, and U.S.-manufactured zinc supplements and hydroxychloroquine.
It's really that simple, Alex.
We've now narrowed this down
To about four things that can solve this.
We can get America back to work.
We can have elections on time.
We can stop the cycle of replication of this virus.
We know the solutions now.
That's what we need to be doing.
And we know their plan.
Blame Trump for it.
Have mail-in ballots so they can steal the election.
And then let the Chi-Coms literally have our own media run Chi-Com propaganda against our own country.
I mean, this country is in a war, literally.
I mean, when you're saying this, I'm hyperventilating, because it's so epic, it's so real, and you were panicked, so was I, because it was man-made, the media was praising Xi Jinping, then attacking Trump.
I mean, you can see the setup, but I don't think it's gone the way they wanted.
So now let's ask the question, how do you see this playing out?
And here's the problem, what do they pull next?
Because they haven't given up.
They only escalate.
Well, my current numbers are lower than Dr. Fauci's numbers.
I'm currently projecting between 45,000 and 90,000 fatalities in the United States through the end of the month of July.
That number might get a lot lower depending on what we do from here forward.
If more people become aware of zinc, if more doctors are allowed to prescribe,
If people wear more masks, then those numbers could get significantly lower.
We might end up with only tens of thousands of deaths, which would be an amazing victory, since we were looking at two million if we did nothing.
But fortunately, we won't see two million anymore.
We've got this much more under control, and we can do better yet.
Mike, you've got a lot up at naturalnews.com.
We repost a lot of it.
I appreciate you letting us do that.
That's infowars.com and newswars.com.
Tell me some of the other big stories you've got.
Well, I'm very concerned that Trump knows that there might be more things coming beyond this virus.
You've got the Pentagon ordering high-level officials into underground bunkers in Colorado, and Trump calling up one million medical reservists to join in treating injuries and perhaps combat injuries if we get invaded or something.
That's right.
America, absolutely.
The globalists you just said are going to launch more stuff.
They didn't just send the troops into NORAD for no reason.
We're now heading up to the DEFCONs.
We'll be right back.
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My mind for more than eight weeks has been fixed.
Constantly scanning, constantly computing to understand the strategic attack we're witnessing.
We know by the scripting and the choreography and the fact that the virus has been scanned that it's man-made and an attack on our economy.
The globalist media is firmly behind this devastating the United States and driving Trump from power.
But now we know from scores of studies from China, the UK, the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, that the virus reinfects and attacks different parts of the body.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an engineered bioweapon, just as the Indian scientists eight weeks ago conclusively proved at their major university.
They have a name for it at the Pentagon.
It's called a soft kill weapon.
It doesn't kill you usually the first time, but the next time, the third time or the fourth, it does.
And it weighs down your economy in the process.
And I'm here to tell you, I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
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Keep fighting, Alex, you're the gladiator.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger by the tail that's way to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
I gotta tell you, our guests, our callers, our crew, this is the most important broadcast out there.
And this country's been so balkanized that a large swath of the public, even those that are somewhat awake, have to be in two camps.
Either it's the end of the world, or it's a hoax.
No, I've looked into these coronaviruses.
They're the real deal.
China is a stinking pigpen with all this industrial stuff right next to shantytowns.
The people are run down, horrible toxic waste.
It's a petri dish, like a dirty daycare for germs.
And the timing and the release and the choreography and the Bill Gates behavior and the vaccine pushing and the drones and the lockdown.
Yes, the lockdown, if it's really a bad virus, can slow it.
The point is, to me, that doesn't even matter.
It's the kill the economy response is the main target.
And then comes the police state, and then comes the soft kill, and the reinfection of the testicles.
But, thank God there's hope!
If you're a diver, the answer when you're 100 feet down is having an extra tank, so you don't drown, and asphyxiate, and get back to the surface.
You wonder why cancer is exploding.
You wonder why all this is going on.
If you don't have the right vitamins and minerals that are essential, you don't die in four minutes without vitamin C, you die in six months.
You don't die without water in a few minutes, you die in four or five days.
Well, you die without zinc in five, six months, it depends.
But I mean, you get degenerate, you get sick, you get a cold, you're dead!
Well, they're essential!
And to watch the media in unison censor the President of Brazil saying, oh, in America and Europe they're using Z-Pak and hydroxychloroquine and zinc!
And they banned his videos!
He's out giving speeches!
This is so criminal, Mike, and I'm glad you keep going back to that because for me, for everybody, this is the final straw that breaks the camel's back.
Pelosi saying, you don't block flights, that's xenophobic.
Biden saying that.
No, go out, go out in late February and now saying every death is Trump's fault.
What in the world is going on here, Mike Adams?
Well, I believe that when this was all said and done, we need to have mass investigations and mass arrests.
of people who are communist Chinese puppets in the United States, and that includes certain left-wing senators, it includes certain members of the so-called press who call themselves journalists but are just puppets for communist China.
We need to completely remove all trade, extricate ourselves from trade with China over the next four years so that we don't depend on China for anything.
Starting with medicine, right?
Starting with medicine, absolutely, but also rare earth minerals, electronics, many other things, we need to just basically blockade China.
Because it's a communist regime that lied to the world, that allowed this to be released and then covered it up, making it far worse.
China refused to share data that would have saved lives all over the world, and then China has been telling the media what to report about this, while sending us faulty test kits on purpose.
They tell the UN
Isn't that incredible?
And the WHO is nothing but a bunch of communist Chinese puppets who won't even mention the nation of Taiwan, which is a standalone independent nation that deserves to have a seat at the table when talking about this, by the way.
Look, China is the enemy of humanity.
Under communism.
Not the Chinese people who want to be free, but the Chinese communist regime.
It's the enemy of humanity, and probably a third of the members of our Congress are Chinese puppets.
And they need to be, in my opinion, investigated, prosecuted, you know, arrested and prosecuted, and held to account for what they have done.
I totally agree.
And now there's a mass awakening by members of the U.S.
Intelligence Committee.
Cotton, Hawley, British intelligence has come out and said, look, we think the Chai Koms launched it.
And the fact that they're blaming the U.S.
Army when China covered all this up.
They said, Boris Johnson said there's going to be a reckoning.
The British don't usually talk like that unless they mean it.
So people are really pissed.
Well, they should be, because all of this was preventable.
All of it.
I mean, we didn't have to undergo this pandemic.
We didn't have to suffer these economic shutdowns and all this chaos that's happening.
This was all preventable.
China caused all of this.
Communism caused all of this.
And communism is still silencing voices like yours and mine who are trying to offer solutions to humanity.
Americans should be so mad that now
They're restricting you everywhere, they're blocking us everywhere, and all we're doing is showing mainline studies about zinc and Z-Pak and all of it, and the chloroquine.
I cannot believe that it's that evil.
Congress must act against big tech.
They're now censoring the President of Brazil!
No, think about this.
The media has been more critical of you than they have been critical about the communist Chinese regime that harvests organs from political prisoners for their black market organ trade.
I mean, think about this.
Why is China able to have its propaganda channels on Twitter, but I'm not allowed to be on Twitter?
When I'm trying to help America, save American lives, get us back on our feet, restore our economy,
Even protect our liberties during this as much as possible.
And you were saying eight weeks ago, take zinc.
I mean, that's just, that's just, it's the, why is it the mega antiviral?
I mean, you just type in zinc antiviral, there's thousands of procedure studies that are like, it's a miracle, 100%, 97% stoppage rate, but you've got to have it already in your body.
You can't, what I was reading is once you're already sick, it's, you've got a problem.
Well, there's something I'm about to do an article on this.
There are three elements that could save humanity.
It's zinc, silver and gold, because zinc can stop the replication of many viruses and stop the pandemic.
Silver is both a monetary base.
Thank you.
Silver and gold can save humanity.
And yet, what is all the suppression about out there?
It's about suppressing the truth about a gold standard, or suppressing the truth about colloidal silver, or silver rounds as money, or suppressing the truth about zinc that can save lives.
So think about this.
The answers are so simple, Alex.
They're on the table of elements.
By the way, that Hasidic Jewish doctor in New York is now treated and cured 600 plus people.
It was 340 last week, forcing the FDA to go ahead and authorize this.
Imagine, Cuomo threatened to arrest him just a week ago, and he's a well-known, respected doctor, and all he's doing is following the European Union regimen that works!
Yep, and that's just like Communist China arresting that whistleblower doctor whom they later had to apologize about because he became a folk hero in China.
You know, Cuomo's acting just like the Communists, trying to suppress what's working for people, trying to suppress the truth.
Why does the left want to sabotage society?
Well, for all the reasons we've mentioned for months, they're a culture of death.
They want to murder babies.
They want to murder adults.
The pandemic is doing the job that Democrats have worshipped and celebrated forever, which is just killing people and making people bleed to death and bleed.
And now they're going to destroy your testicles and your lungs and your nervous system because this also attacks the nerves.
It's exactly... And again, we're not saying this to scare you.
We're saying so you get ready.
Mike, do five more minutes with us, please.
On the other side, naturalnews.com.
We have another great guest joining us.
Who Mike actually introduced us to a few years ago.
I've been wanting to get him on, so this other gentleman is going to be coming on the transmission.
And then Robert Barnes is here in the fourth hour.
John Mark of JohnMarkSays.com is going to be on the transmission.
But I want to ask you, when we come back, about the Federal Reserve and what Trump just did.
First off, though, folks...
Listen, Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
You don't just need zinc, and it's got a good dose of zinc in it as well.
It's got the amino acids, the vitamins, the minerals.
It's good for adults and children.
Infowarshore.com, 40% off.
50% off, even though it's going to sell out in just a few weeks.
Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus.
Real Red Pill Plus has natural energy in it, a wide spectrum of healthy caffeines, if you want that boost.
Real Red Pill Plus doesn't have that.
It's got the preglanone that is a precursor.
It boosts everything.
It's amazing.
Gets it pushed into your glands, pushed into your body.
I would take Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, if I was above, say, 18 years of age.
For other adults and children, I would take Biomineral Fusion, and it funds their operation.
Turmeric is known for all the great things it does to the body and boosting your defense.
Bodies, whole body support, anti-inflammatory support, flexibility support, joint support, and it is just very, very, very, very powerful and does a lot of great things for the body.
I would get that.
That's also discounted.
DNA Force Plus with the PQQ and the CoQ10 cleans out the mitochondria and makes them function better and be healthier.
And then that goes very well with the zinc.
It's also discounted at FullWorthStore.com.
This is how we fund our operation.
And then water.
They deemed in Michigan, ProPure was not essential and shut them down.
So we can't sell you those.
But Alexa Pure Breeze, Alexa Pure Breeze systems.
That's there.
And then also we have the water filters, but they're running out of the Alexa Pure Water filtration systems because people are ordering so many of them.
But they've got them now.
But get your order in.
I'm told it's going to sell out by this weekend, probably sooner.
So Infowarsstore.com.
And food is now available again.
For the virus, for the economy, for what the globals are going to do, you need storable food.
It's the best place to get it.
They've got to pack it and get it out to you, but they've got it.
And they actually have it.
Infowarsstore.com to get your storable food now available again.
And they haven't raised the prices, even though food went up for them more than 10%.
I'm going to ask Mike Adams when we come back, how you expect them to strike back next.
One of our best selling products is Living Defense, and it's been sold out for over four months because it's hard to source the ingredients that are organic.
We've got a limited supply right now, but it's selling out fast.
And I want those of you that haven't experienced Living Defense to get it for yourself.
Here's just part of one testimonial.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars three hours a day, and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years.
And the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm going to get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Bullet in my shoulder, blood running down my vest.
Twenty in the posse, and they're never gonna let me rest.
Till I became a wanted man, I never even owned a gun.
But now they hunt me like a mountain cat, and I'm always, always,
And always carrying a gun!
You know, folks, I asked for all this, but I appreciate you guys keeping us in the fight, because I am a wanted man.
And you know a man by his enemies.
I'm not worried about what they do to me, but I want to stay in the fight.
So thank you for spreading the word about the broadcast and about the products, because you really pissed them off.
And imagine the world without Infowars and without people like Mike Adams.
So Mike, in the short time we have, I really appreciate you.
Hope you'll host more of the shows with us, too, to really get into the in-depth things that are happening.
You're absolutely right to get folks' attention.
This is a big one, a big test, any way you slice it.
What do you expect for them to do to Trump next?
Because obviously,
We haven't defeated this thing yet, but I think we're starting to turn because we're making the FDA talk about zinc, talk about other things.
But what are they going to do next?
Like I was asking eight, nine weeks ago, what's next when the impeachment fails?
Well, now we know.
What's next after this?
More biological weapons will be released against the United States.
Weapons that are slightly different, enough different, that even those who are already immune to COVID-19, coronavirus, won't be immune to the new strain.
And any vaccine that might come around next year sometime will be worthless against the new strain.
So, Alex, I believe they're going to release a new biological weapon every year, year after year, until they get the collapse and the depopulation they want.
That's what they're going to do.
Because it's been more effective than anything else they've ever tried.
Now sure, they could launch an EMP weapon or a military attack or some other attack because of the softening up effect of destroying our whole economy and overrunning our hospitals and so on.
But I think from the globalist point of view, new strains of new biological weapons are the most effective.
They just proved it.
This was just the first release of many.
And we know that media and the deep state with the scripting are going to exacerbate it as badly as possible.
The answer is, for me, move out in the country, get really healthy, and boost my immune system.
That's really the main defense.
We can survive this.
I think we already know how, and we covered that in previous segments here.
We can survive this, but as long as big pharma has a stranglehold on information across society, including the tech giants, no one will ever be allowed to say, take zinc, or
Or, you know, hydroxychloroquine can be useful in many cases.
Or boost your immune function.
So this is actually a big pharma mass death campaign, as much as it is coronavirus.
And I believe most of the people who are dying are people who are on high blood pressure drugs, by the way.
That has been strongly associated with the deaths so far.
So the drugs are killing people.
It's a binary weapon system.
First they get you on big pharma, then they release the virus.
That specifically targets those who are deficient in nutrition and are taking prescription medications.
That's who's dying right now.
So if you out there listening, if you're overall healthy, you're not on big pharma's drugs, and you have good nutrition, your chances of dying from this are almost zero.
Almost zero.
Not quite, but very close.
Well, Mike, I tell you, it's just a crazy time to be alive and to be watching all of this unfold and the villainy of the Democratic Party in the media.
But when you realize they're literally owned by the Chai Koms and the Globalists and they're just following orders, it won't matter if it destroys Pelosi or destroys Brian Williams or destroys Hillary.
They're just following their operation.
They're just carrying it out like human wave attacks when the Chinese attacked us in Korea.
They're just zombies.
Well, humanity is the enemy of the globalists, and especially of the communists.
And so, this is what the war looks like.
This is the info war, and it's the bio war.
We're living it now.
You're seeing it.
It has come to your door, if you're in New York City.
You know, where they're lifting bodies with forklifts on pallets into reefer trucks to transport all the bodies out of there.
This is what a total global communist war against humanity looks like, folks.
This is it.
And we better get smart and survive this, and I think we know how now.
Thank you.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the shy comms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy.
All ours is going into a free fall spiral and Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence and the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago and their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Band.Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
They wanna hurt us!
I want to control us.
Get him up!
Yeah, the globalists are trying to herd us into their cashless society, into their drone surveillance, into their forced inoculations, and desperately trying to hide the fact that high dosages of zinc before you get the virus are almost impregnable in the studies.
It's like an Abrams tank and you're shooting at it with a .357 Magnum.
57 Magimal shoots through a car door and kill you.
Or at least hurt you.
But you shoot an Abrams tank with it, it doesn't even put a dent in it.
Because it's made out of depleted uranium.
And armored steel.
And if you've got zinc in your cells and around your cells,
At high levels.
You don't die.
And that pisses the globalist off.
In almost every case.
And then if you have hydroxychloroquine that drives up the cells.
And now, they took me off Google App last week.
Banned it.
Saying, I said that.
That hydroxychloroquine was a promising treatment.
Because Fauci said it on Wednesday that he would prescribe it.
Well, they ordered the FDA to legalize it today for all doctors to use.
It already really was.
There were prohibitions by governors.
Just so massive that they tried to hide that and that Twitter banned the Brazilian President's tweets talking about it and Zinc.
They can't stop you though for now.
They probably will block it soon.
Just type in Zinc antiviral.
Zinc antiviral coronavirus.
And you'll get studies from five years ago, a year ago, from prestigious universities and hospitals with the coronavirus family being knocked out by Zinc.
They've got university studies where they put breathing masks on people and aerosolize it in.
Go to a doctor.
Talk to them about it.
I'm not a doctor.
I'm telling you the promising news.
But they want you scared.
They want to sell deadly vaccines to you.
And let me tell you how else they want you scared.
Remember ABC News got caught showing footage of Knob Creek machine gun shootout.
The minute I saw it, it was Knob Creek.
Every year for decades they go.
A couple hundred people line up with full-auto machine guns with tracer rounds, and then they start shooting tannerite and gasoline cans.
And again, they blow up in big 5-10 foot tall mushroom clouds.
ABC cropped it, turned down the light levels and said, Kurdish city being vaporized by the evil Turks under Trump's command.
It was all a lie.
But we're not supposed to question them.
No, no, no.
We're not supposed to question Smollett or question any mass shooting.
Just don't question it, or the Democrats will sue you.
Well, it's an Infowars.com article by Don Salazar.
Needs to go viral.
CBS slammed for using coronavirus footage from Italian hospital to portray New York City.
So they show you a bunch of old people and others, an overcrowded hospital, and they don't show you that the other hospitals aren't actually crowded in New York.
We have that footage for you next hour.
In fact, we'll roll some of that B-roll in a moment after we play this, but here is the video from Sky News.
CBS also ran this.
Here it is.
The patients are literally gasping for air.
The plastic bubbles the staff struggle to communicate through attempt to equalise the air pressure in the lungs.
Nobody expected this.
Nobody thought they'd be treating so many so quickly.
And it's not like flu.
It is chronic pneumonia.
And it is killing hundreds each day.
There are now 15 patients.
The doctors say they've seen nothing like it before and are warning other countries, especially the United Kingdom, that they will see it as well.
People keep describing it as like flu.
It's worse than that, no?
It's totally another thing.
I think it must... And it goes on from there.
And then towards the end, we have the sandwich video of CBS News running it, but not showing you they're Italians and saying it was New York.
CBS News is being called out for airing footage from an Italian hospital during a report on New York hospitals being overwhelmed.
CBS Morning News ran the report in question, was uploaded to YouTube March 25th, and covers the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo talking the Trump administration to task for not providing more ventilators.
So you see that piece of black propaganda is what it's called.
Saying there's not enough ventilators.
We actually have a giant stockpile of them, he had to admit.
Read the transcript.
CBS reporter.
New York's governor says FEMA gave the state 400 ventilators.
To that, he said this.
And he goes on to say Trump won't give him ventilators.
And they go, look, our people are dying.
Total lie.
All fake.
Giant hoax.
Dr. McCabe, shot please.
So again, you can see right here, the Sky News about Italy.
They run the same footage, cover it all up, and say that it is New York City.
Now let's go ahead and run some of the CBS Morning Report here.
Go ahead and back that up and here it is.
I would be lying if I didn't say there's incredible amounts of stress.
Across the river from New York, at Holy Name Medical Center in New Jersey, the Chief Infectious Disease Specialist says his hospital has just 10 ventilators, barely enough for now.
But if the worst is yet to come, as we're expecting, then it won't be.
The Mayor of Los Angeles says New York could be a preview of what's to come.
We are anywhere from about 6 to 12 days behind what we are seeing in New York City.
Roll some of the compilation footage for TV viewers.
We're going to air the audio of this in the Ford Tower with Robert Barnes.
Of the empty hospitals all over New York, all over Connecticut, all over Texas, all over California.
We even have seen reporters go out and ask the police.
They go, yeah, this place was full two weeks ago.
Now no one's here.
It's all empty.
But they tell you that they're all full.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have hours of this.
There are hundreds of clips all over Twitter.
Of empty parking lots, empty everywhere.
And the people show the local news, showing it full, they go there and it's empty.
You just saw bombshell footage, or you heard it if you're a radio listener, of them saying that a crowded hospital in Italy, with people on ventilators and respirators, like Darth Vader, is America.
On CBS News, this is the deception.
We've got to just put together like a little three-minute concise report after the show on this and get it to go out because this is just unbelievable.
So they're definitely fear-mongering at a new level.
We have a special guest joining us to talk about how the globalists want to cause a civil war and civil unrest with this and how if Trump doesn't get his way to open the country back up in the next few weeks and we don't use the antivirals like zinc
And selenium is also excellent, and vitamin D, vitamin, vitamin D3.
If we don't do that, and if the Google and Facebook and Twitter are able to block this, then we will have the hospitals overwhelmed, because this is a serious virus.
But if you are loaded up on D3, and you're loaded up on zinc, it doesn't mean you're bulletproof, but it's like wearing level 3 body armor.
It's, don't look at the studies for yourself.
They are so pissed at me.
But it's a fact.
And they're pissed at the president.
They're pissed at the president of Brazil.
And Trump, even last night in his press conference, was like, well, we're doing the studies now.
I heard it was very promising in Europe, but we'll see.
I have a feeling it's going to come out to be really good, because he knows the studies.
It's in the high 90s.
And that's when you're already sick.
I'm going to say it again.
If you don't have enough zinc in your body,
And you take this hydroxychloroquine from what I've read, it does weird things to your tissues because it just forces zinc into the cells.
But what if there's not already enough zinc there?
It does some weird things.
You need the zinc before.
You need the zinc before.
And by the way, a month ago zinc was sold out everywhere.
You can't find it hardly anywhere.
Because people are smart and they do their own damn research.
There's one big study, effects of zinc salts on respiratory virus replication.
That's in children.
I remember correctly, I can't read from that far away.
But, uh, yeah, there it is.
Yeah, pediatric patients.
And you read it, over a 90% success rate in people that were going to be terminal.
But, Google doesn't want you to know that!
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We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice.
Seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the cashless society that's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
It's about what's coming in the future when elections may be cancelled, with the globalists trying to implode the economy.
This is just the beginning of the crisis, not the middle and not the end.
So get prepared now while you still can at InfoWarshaw.com.
And please be Paul Revere's and spread the word.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Do yourself a favor.
Zinc, antiviral.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the hands it came down, From the side it came down, From the feet it came down, And ran to the ground.
Between heaven and hell, A teardrop fell, In the deep crimson dew, The tree of life grew.
And the blood gave life to the branches of the tree.
And the blood was the price that set the captives free.
And the numbers that came through the fire and the flood clung to the tree and were redeemed by the blood.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'll be hosting some of the fourth hour, then Barnes is going to take over and he's going to be hosting a new show starting tonight, seven o'clock central for two hours, only six minutes of commercials.
That'll be the local ads.
And we'll tell you the name of the show and more either next hour or tonight when it launches.
It'll be on the radio and TV satellites.
And it will also be sent out on the feeds at band.video and then polewars.com forward slash show.
So definitely look for that.
We're going to run it for now.
I was thinking Monday through Thursday, but we need to do Monday through Friday.
We may do a rebroadcast Friday and add a bunch of best stuff in there.
The stations are actually asking, saying, yeah, we want to pick it up.
They're going to want to five days a week.
So we'll work on that.
So that's coming up.
John Mark.
He is a strong proponent of the solutions provided by... What is that?
Propertarianism to bring us out of the crisis, provide a secure and prosperous future for America, and ensure our descendants don't have to go through this conflict again.
Johnmarksays.com and at Johnmarksays on Twitter.
And you've got a lot to cover today.
I want to go over it with you.
The likelihood of civil war coming to America, root causes of the conflict, what could trigger it to go hot, and what could happen if it did.
Coronavirus developments, separation and secession talk, why the left never learns,
Well, I think it'd be good.
And first of all, thanks very much for having me, Alex.
I appreciate it.
And I think it would be a good place to pick up with all you've been talking about with the coronavirus.
Just start out talking about one of the main things I talk about on my YouTube channel, which is
I think it's deterministic that some sort of civil war in some way, shape or form will come to America, whether that's fourth generation warfare, secession, separation movements.
I've been saying for a while and others that I'm involved with have been saying as well that it's pretty much deterministic.
And so we could see some unrest from this coronavirus crisis situation, depending on how successful our enemies are at tamping down on some of the common sense solutions you were talking about earlier with Mike Adams.
Yes, we will.
Deterministic means, you know, it's about as certain, as far as I can tell, as the sun rising in the east in the morning.
There's no way to avoid it because the powers that be are not stopping the trend that is causing this to come to a head.
That's why they're so confident.
Even though they're losing now, they believe the people are so weak and getting dumber and dumber because of the decadence, because of the freedom, that it'll fall in the end.
They try to dumb people down.
They don't want people to be informed.
And, you know, aside from even the coronavirus aspect, there's been a long-term trend since the 1965 Immigration Act, where the immigrants that are coming in since then are voting more than two to one left-wing Democrat.
And so they turned California from red to deep, deep blue.
Now Texas is turning purple, more and more purple with every election.
And, you know, Trump is probably going to win in 2020 because Joe Biden has dementia.
But after that, it's going to be very hard for the Republicans to win any elections just because of the way that the demographics vote.
We're not talking about every individual here.
We're talking about majority voting patterns that have a huge effect on how the elections go.
And so and this is something everybody in the political class knows, you know, all the politicians, all the advisers, all the campaign advisers, they all know about this demographic voting patterns.
And how they vote, and it hasn't really changed in decades, and it's just going to be coming to a head very soon.
And the Democrats are going to vote to take the guns and make all our little boys have meetings and decide whether they want their genitals cut off.
I mean, it's going to cause a civil war because they're not going to stop forced inoculations, 80% tax rates.
Yeah, they're coming.
They're not going to stop.
You sound exactly like me on my YouTube channel, Alex, where I say, listen, once these people get power, where they are winning all the elections, what do you think they're going to do?
They're going to do exactly what they did in Virginia, which is go after the guns, A number one.
And then we're going to, I mean, Virginia is kind of like a microcosm of what we're going to see all across the nation as this starts happening more and more, where we almost have de facto separation within the state of Virginia between the big blue cities.
And the rest of the state that has some kind of common sense in their heads.
Well, you're right.
I mean, it is a microcosm of all of a sudden they wake up, the Democrats are going to ban all semi-autos, ban gun shops, ban shooting ranges, ban 10-round magazines and up.
And all of a sudden, 50,000 people show up on the streets, and then the left doesn't know what to do.
But it shows the immovable force runs into the unstoppable object here, and it's just crazy.
And you bring up a good point, which is one of the things I talk about on my channel is we now understand scientifically why the right wing cannot persuade the left wing.
For many decades, we've fought in America as grassroots right wingers.
If we can just talk to the left enough, if we can just explain it, you know what I mean?
But they don't listen.
Most of them obviously don't listen.
Explain the science of that.
It's a real mental illness.
Yes, and these, you know, the leftists, as you were talking about earlier with Mike, I think you asked the question, why are they like this?
So we understand scientifically why that is, and so basically it comes down to, if you look at Big Five personality research,
And that's kind of the most scientific way of analyzing people's personalities.
Big Five scientific research and then research on moral instincts, the differences in moral instincts between leftists and right-wingers.
Left-wingers have a very narrow range of moral instincts.
It's basically just harm and care.
It's almost like a mother, the way a mother looks at an infant and they're almost incapable of seeing anything else.
They don't think three-dimensionally and they get manipulated very easily.
And that's why they're very easy to manipulate.
And so that's, it basically comes down to biology.
I mean, there's three, if you look at the data, there's three personality clusters that the population basically divides into, which is the left, or we might call it the female instinct, even though there's obviously men in that group as well.
The left, like the consumption instinct, we just, we want to consume.
There are people that are needy now.
We need to give them what they need right now.
And then the libertarian, which is like, leave me alone to produce.
And then the, what we call the mature male or conservative, which is, we're going to conserve and defend and protect and advance all civilizational assets.
We're not going to allow it to be destroyed.
And that's kind of people like us.
Because the left literally would say,
Like a goat will pull up grass out of the dirt and eat the roots.
Cows don't do that.
So if you put goats on land, like they did in Texas, it creates rocky scrub rice within a generation or so.
And as you can see, conservatives are more like cows.
They leave the roots to grow back.
Leftists will say, cut down an apple orchard.
They'll pull the apples off as an allegory.
Eat the apples and say, hey, we want firewood this winter.
Let's chop down the apple trees for firewood.
Go on down the road and get those oak trees, OK?
You go, no, no, no, no.
Because they don't produce any fruit.
We'll need these apples next year.
And they go, no.
We need firewood now.
It's quicker.
We're cutting the apple trees down in the backyard.
It's right here.
And you're like, but you'll get apples for 20 years.
Don't do that.
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Listen, there's a show from PBS called It's Okay To Be Smart.
So everyone who's been smart and has been put down for it and persecuted, it's okay to finally be smart.
That's right, there's not two sexes.
And families are bad, and the right thing to do is to sterilize your son so he doesn't become an evil warmonger.
I mean, a lot of feminists are saying we should have the government pass laws that male embryos are killed.
But what's better and more reformed and more humanitarian is just to convince them, when they're five years old, to have their testicles chopped off.
And again, global warming's real.
We've got to pay Lord Rothschild all of our money.
And the pandemic's all real.
We've got to be locked up in our houses.
We've got to use the language the universities say.
We're not a culture or anything.
Oh, no.
No, we're not.
We're good people.
We're good people that went to these corporate systems that didn't brainwash us.
No, no.
They enlightened us how to censor and how to rule and how to control.
There is a paradox.
Yes, this virus is deadly and does kill people.
And so do many other countless viruses that have already existed, that do exist, and will exist.
But when Trump says the cure is worse than disease, he's talking about the media hype creating hysteria and trying to create uncertainty.
And it is that that I oppose.
It is not the American way to cower and live in fear and to follow the edicts and precedents set by Communist China and hyper-authoritarian Singapore, where you're now being given six months in jail if you don't stand at least six feet away from someone.
This is being used by social engineers and they admit that they are trying to transform our world forever into something unrecognizable from what it's been.
We are not slaves and we must not act like it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I got off the riverboat in New Orleans in the spring of 82.
I walked into a gambling house, as gamblers often do.
I had myself a drink, and I joined in a poker game.
The dealer was a woman, so I asked her for her name.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I think it was a good analogy I came up with.
Imagine fruit trees.
They could produce 20 years, 50 years.
There were some old apple trees that my dad said were old when he was a kid that were still producing apples 10, 15 years ago on our ranch.
Since then, they've all finally died.
Little shriveled apples, but they were probably 70-year-old apple trees.
But usually 20 years, you know, good apples out of an apple tree.
Communists are the types that would chop down apple trees for firewood.
Even though there's trees 100 yards further,
That's a communist-type thing to do.
That's what they do in Venezuela.
Stuff just like that.
See, conserving actually means having more.
It means holding seed back to replant it.
So farming's the best example to use of that.
But a communist would say, no, it's mean to make us go down the street a mile and cut oak trees.
We have apple trees in our backyard.
We have
Pear trees, and we're going to cut those down for firewood, but you're like, but you'll get apples and pears for another decade or 20 years, 30 years off these.
Shut up, racist.
We need fire now.
We need to be warm now.
I think that's a good allegory.
Going back to John Mark, a successful and smart analyst.
He's got a great YouTube and Twitter channel for now.
I mean, I think that's a good parable.
What are some real world examples of that for people?
Of the divide between left and right you're talking about?
Well, yeah, how the left... I mean, obviously the controllers over the left are psychotic eugenicists from the research, but the average leftist thinks very one-dimensional.
Like, take all the rich people's money.
Well, if you took all the rich people's money, it wouldn't even fund things for six months.
Plus, they've all written a law with their tax exempt offshore, and most of the really rich people actually push taxes on middle class because they don't want competition.
The left doesn't get how it really works.
Exactly right.
Their brains are, and this is why we beat our heads against the wall trying to talk to them.
It's so frustrating to talk to them because they just ignore all these points like the one you just made.
You know, ALC, Ocasio-Cortez goes out and says, you know, let's just take the money from the billionaires.
Well, that's not going to last very long and all it's going to do is flow right back up to more billionaires again.
They are just incapable of thinking in this long-term manner, and I think your analogies are great there.
So to me, what it brings up is, okay, what do we do about this then?
Because we all sense the crisis escalating here in America, obviously.
And then if the Republican Party very soon can't win any more elections,
Due to immigration, what is the solution to this thing?
And so that's why I talk about, okay, what could a civil war actually look like?
What what are some of the big factors to consider?
How could this possibly come about?
What would it look like?
And I always try to make three main points about that.
One is that the grassroots right wing is the largest army in the world.
And I don't think that needs much explanation.
But it's, you know, we're the largest heavily armed army in the world.
And then
Second, our enemies, you were talking about the immovable force meeting the immovable object.
Our enemies don't really have much of an enforcement arm that they can rely on.
All they have is the paramilitary that comes from our ranks already.
And even our military votes two-thirds, voted two-thirds for Trump.
So if they're going to send our military to try to fight against Trump supporters who are trying to defend the Second Amendment or whatever... Sure, but what I'm saying is we need a decisive victory against the left now, or they're going to keep rotting society and destroying it.
They are a globalist, outlaw group wanting to overthrow the Republican self, so that's not their free speech.
They are literally an armed psychological warfare camp.
Absolutely, but when it comes, I mean, you've heard the phrase, and I'm sure your audience knows the phrase, all power at the end of the day flows out of the end of a... Mao Zedong, the barrel of a gun.
So, they don't actually, if it comes to a fight like that, they don't actually have much that they can do.
Because they're the follower idiots.
They don't even know they're schmucks being controlled by a psychotic establishment, and they think it's a virtue to not have a gun, as if they don't even trust themselves.
Correct, and now it's kind of funny to see all of a sudden many of them are like, oh, I need a gun because there could be riots and somebody might try to take my food and we're all sitting here like, yeah, we've been telling you that for a long time.
So does this virus help the nationalist, patriot, conservative, Christian movement, or does it hurt it?
Does it repudiate globalism?
Does it teach people to be self-sufficient?
Does it trigger a giant prepping movement?
I think it does, but will it be enough?
That's exactly the question, and you hit the nail on the head.
Every actor in this, you know, that wants their pound of flesh from this crisis and wants to advance their cause through this crisis, we need to do the same thing.
We need to be pounding home the message that Mike Adams was saying earlier, which is, you know what?
We grassroots right-wingers have been right about everything.
All along, if we would have had strong borders, if we would have been self-sufficient... But look at us, I mean, I'm not bragging, none of us are, but I mean, studies show conservatives, they can be black, white, Hispanic, better looking, more successful.
It's true!
We're just regular humans!
I know how to skin a buck, run a trot line, beat somebody's ass, change oil, clean the house, do the roof, you know, change diapers, run businesses, run psych operations against the clock, but that's just a normal conservative man!
Men 50, 60, 100 years ago were almost all like us!
If you didn't act like this, people didn't respect you!
If you didn't know how to get stuff done, you weren't a man!
And so, there are very fundamental, even biological differences between right-wingers and left-wingers.
You pointed out one of them.
Even, you know, the chest size of the average leftist man versus the average right-wing man.
You know, the right-wingers have bigger chests on average.
So, there are big differences here, and then the other thing that's a big difference that could come into play in a conflict scenario is that most leftists, if you just Google... Let's just say they're cowardly, chicken-necked, idiot schmucks being manipulated by criminal conmen.
Yes, and they are all... If you notice, the leftist leaders, the men are all big, giant, six-seven psychos, and they're ruling over all their little slaves.
The left has evil alphas running them.
And we on the right wing tend to be more like, more of us are natural alphas and have more testosterone, more common sense, etc.
But the other thing is the leftists are all crammed into a few big cities, Alex.
If you look at a 3D map of the 2016 election results,
You can tell that the great majority of leftists live in a few big cities, and we're seeing the disadvantages of that now with the coronavirus thing for one, but also the world's leading fourth-generation warfare expert said recently the same thing I said in one of my videos, which is that they're very susceptible to fourth-generation warfare.
It's a big disadvantage in any kind of actual conflict scenario.
Now explain that to them.
Explain that, because I don't want to be mean to chicken-neck leftists, okay?
They are
They are being led around by their nose.
And again, not the front people like Pelosi and all them that are just puppets, but the real globalists running it are all super psycho alpha males.
So I want to explain to the left, they want to get rid of alpha males.
They see that as the problem in the world.
What they don't get is there are psychotic alpha males controlling them.
Yes, absolutely.
They're never going to get rid of alpha males.
That's just a false promise that they think they can do.
It's never going to happen.
Yeah, the super psychotic alpha males want to get rid of the other alpha males that are sheepdogs.
The wolves want to get rid of the sheepdogs.
That is the battle.
It is us, the alpha males on the grassroots right wing versus the alpha males that are manipulating the left.
Now, it's also interesting.
We're seeing even on the left, like the Bernie Sanders movement, it's not a very intelligent movement, but it is a resistance against the elite.
They themselves don't like the elite very much either.
And so we've got a ground swell.
They just don't get that they're totally walking into their trap of collectivization.
Exactly right.
Exactly right.
So my simple point is... They can look at a damn map.
The globalists are going to move offshore if they took the United States.
And, you know, so the main point I'm trying to make in my videos and on this subject is the grassroots right wing is actually in a good position as this crisis breaches more and more of a head because we have a lot of these advantages we've been talking about.
Well, I need to get you back.
I've seen your videos.
You're a really smart guy.
And you do lay out the science.
And again, I want to explain to the leftists that tune in.
They're all about fake victories and all their weird stuff they do.
They're like LARPers.
It's all Fantasyland what they do.
And they're fed Fantasyland stuff.
I don't like seeing them.
Because I know a lot of guys that aren't big physically.
They're still alpha males.
They care.
They're loving people.
They're strong.
I don't want to put people that are little down.
But it is true statistically that people that are more successful, aggressive, everything, are conservative because they believe in themselves.
They believe in humanity.
The globalists are, by design, making people domesticated.
Little serfs that are dependent on them.
It's called slavery, and I don't like slavery.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Listen, Alex Jones and the Resistance are still on air.
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Many of them are still telling you they got food.
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The bad news is, hey, I hope the virus blows over.
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Now is the time to double down with as crazy as this world is.
If they're able to take Trump down, we are screwed.
We've got to fend for ourselves.
Infowarsstore.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
By the way, I haven't seen it yet, but people are calling about it, and some of the crew's seen it.
It's reportedly pretty, pretty horrible.
And a lot of this info, of course, that's CNN's trademark.
That's what they're known for.
But Brian looks like a child molester stelter.
I'm not saying he's a child molester.
I'm just saying he looks like what I'd put in a movie as a child molester.
That's not the really scary one.
I mean, he looks creepy there, too, but put the really... Well, they're all creepy.
All the photos are absolutely horrific.
There's one where he really turns on the goblin demon.
There it is.
That's your babysitter right there, folks.
Let's let him be a kindergarten teacher.
No, I don't think so.
Yeah, no It the Clown war paint needed.
He's got an HBO documentary out attacking me.
The King of Fake News that thought that Avanade was going to be president.
He predicted that.
The guy that says ratings don't matter and all this other BS.
The guy that supports censorship.
He reportedly doxxes where our offices are.
You know, you'd think they'd want to actually figure out where our offices are before they dox the wrong building and the wrong place where we did have our warehouse for many years, and it's now moved to another part of the city.
So the poor warehouse people have people, like, grab the door and try to run in to the warehouse, and the offices aren't there.
Our broadcast transmission facilities are not at the warehouse.
They're miles away from the warehouse.
And so the idiots at CNN docs, the old warehouse site, the warehouse has been moved for three years.
Good job, Brian.
It just, everything's deception.
You did it again.
Just like, look at this.
Irresponsible CBS slammed for using coronavirus footage from Italian hospital to portray New York City.
Showing all these people on respirators saying there's not enough respirators, and then it wasn't even true.
And they knew it was a lie.
That's up on Infowars.com.
That that's the type of stuff that goes on in this country.
I tell you, there's 14 Alex Joneses in Austin, Texas, too.
And a bunch of the moron sleuths online put some poor dude in North Austin's house, and then that Alex Jones moved out.
It was Alex E. Jones.
I'm Alex E. Jones as well, but there's two Alex E. Joneses, the poor guy.
He was in New York.
He got my number and obviously goes, please tell them to stop coming!
Tell them to stop me!
Then a state rep bought his house, who's a Republican, and his office called and said, can you get him to stop coming here?
That's not where I live, in North Austin.
I don't live in North Austin, but where I do live, I got a gator at my house, and I got a dog, and I got guns.
And if you come on my property, and you're a threat, you're gonna be going home to see Jesus.
But, CNN has tried to quote Doc's InfoWars, and they couldn't even get that right.
But, I mean, when you look like this creature, you can't tell the truth.
Meet your new babysitter.
This unaware demon doesn't even know what he looks like.
That's why they call him psychotics.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to our guest here, John Mark.
Really appreciate the point you're making.
Why the left never learns.
And let's talk about proprietarianism.
Properitarianism is a solution to the problem that you mentioned earlier, Alex, which is we have to defeat these people.
We cannot let these people do what they are trying to do and largely successfully doing to our civilization.
And this is a problem that all great civilizations in history have faced.
You look at Rome, for example.
Which is you have a great civilization that arises.
It's successful.
It's prosperous.
And then what happens is they collapse under the weight of parasites.
Because all the parasites at the elite level, as you know, and on the grassroots left level, what we would call it in modern times, they come along and they think, oh, this is a nice, juicy, you know, civilization to munch on and to be a parasite on.
And the civilization collapses under the weight of the parasitism.
And so what none of these civilizations have had, including America, I mean, because we're watching this happen right before our very eyes in America.
In real time, what these civilizations haven't had is a system that is robust enough to allow the people like us to stop and not just stop but to crush the parasites so that they can't operate.
And so that's what propertarianism brings to the table.
And it's a relatively new school of thought, which is why you hadn't heard of it and didn't know how to pronounce it.
But it's something I talk about a lot on my channel, started by a tech entrepreneur named Kurt Doolittle.
And really what it does is it basically takes the best practices of Western civilization.
It writes them down very specifically, thoroughly, scientifically, and then creates a system
Whereby, I almost get goosebumps every time I say this, and there's a lot to it, so I don't expect everybody to just buy it.
Well, just to be clear, there's a lot I don't know.
I had read about it once or twice.
I was just reading it.
But yeah, I wasn't familiarized with it enough to then know how to pronounce it when I saw it again.
Sure, absolutely.
A lot of people are learning about it right now, and that's completely fine.
No problem at all.
But what it does is it makes it... Oh, it's awesome.
It's good.
It's exciting.
So tell us about it.
Yeah, a lot of people get really excited about it, people like us grassroots right-wingers, because it basically takes our instinct and it helps us to know how to enforce it.
And so it takes the best practices of Western civilization and it creates a system to where it's actually illegal.
To violate the best practices of Western civilization and it gives the people the power to defend the best practices of Western civilization in a way that we don't have in our current system.
If we don't start celebrating it, we're gonna lose it.
That's right.
It's under attack.
Don't just defend it.
Celebrate it.
Exercise it.
And how do we defend it?
Well, you can't really get into too much detail in a format like this, but I'll just say it in this manner.
We have what we call, sometimes we call it the Proprietarian Constitution or the Strengthened American Constitution.
It's really just a set of amendments to the original American Constitution that does two things.
Number one, it returns a lot of things to the way the original Constitution had it.
Because as you know, a lot of this has been perverted.
For example, the Federal Reserve needs to go away, etc.
And then number two, it adds several more layers of defense to make it so that it's very, very hard for parasites to operate.
And in our current system, we're now to the point, Alex, where even in America, I mean, there's a lot of good aspects.
We don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
You know, we're a first world country.
We've got a lot of good things, but it's to the point now where the parasites actually have the upper hand and it's easier for them to do what they want to do.
And then if you tolerate parasites, they always organize and then put an authoritarianism in.
I mean, we've seen the pattern over and over again.
We've seen this movie before, haven't we, Alex?
And so we cannot allow it to happen.
And what propertarianism does, obviously this is not something that is going to be voted in by Congress, right?
Because if they did, they would have to stop being corrupt.
So this is something that would have to be implemented out of a crisis like this.
But for me, it's very helpful to have something that I can look at and say, you know what, now I know what to do.
Now we know what to do.
We need a countervailing system that restates why we've been so great and then puts a defense out for it.
And enforces it.
Absolutely right.
And it's very hard for us to enforce it right now because of weaknesses in our system.
And I'm sure even your audience could come up with weaknesses in our system.
Well look at Trump.
Everybody's so domesticated now.
We'll have a depression right now.
They'll run him out of office if he didn't do this giant bailout.
Of course it's got big problems.
I'm not even defending it.
But I understand the wheelhouse Trump is now in.
Absolutely, yeah.
And even if you elect a guy like Trump that's not totally owned by big globalist corporations, it's hard for him to get anything done because the system is so, it has so many holes in it that the parasites are driving through like a Mack truck.
And so proprietarianism has basically a big, it ends up being a big list.
Thank you.
Instead of the other way around.
So that's kind of a highlight.
Stay there.
Do five more minutes with us and then I've got a very powerful special report we're going to premiere that Greg Reese did on did Trump just nationalize the Federal Reserve?
Yes he did.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
It's still very dangerous.
We'll talk about that at six after the Robert Barnes is in.
I want to finish up with our guests on the other side.
We'll be right back with John Mark.
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I just want to finish by saying your reputation's amazing.
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You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
You'll be looking at me in a year and a year or two years.
Let's give me a little bit of a time to run things.
But a year into office, you'll be saying, wow, I remember that interview.
He said he was going to do it and he did a great job.
You'll be very proud of our country.
Four years ago.
Then billionaire businessman Donald Trump pledged himself to Infowars and our audience that he would not let us down, that he would take the globalists on, and that we would be very pleased with what he did.
We are pleased with President Trump.
He has proven that he's the real deal.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Back about 18 and 25, I left Tennessee very much alive.
I never would have made it through the Arkansas mud if I hadn't been riding on my Tennessee stud.
Had some trouble with my sweetheart's pa.
One of her brothers was a bad outlaw.
We are back live.
Very special report.
At the start of the next segment, we'll also have Barnes with us as well.
With this report on the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve and what Trump just did is beyond critical.
So look for that in the next segment with Greg Reese.
Finishing up, John, Mark, and what you're talking about with proprietarianism.
Give us some more facets of that.
I'll just give you a couple examples of the fixes that it puts in, because a lot of times what people are curious about is, you know, they understand going back to the original Constitution and undoing some of the mistakes that have been made since then.
And then they say, OK, what are these extra layers of protection that you're putting in?
So I'll just give a couple of, you know, one or two examples.
One is we know we have a big problem, for example, with leftist activist judges.
They think they can interpret the Constitution however they want.
And the reason we have that problem, or the core reason we have that problem, is because the original Founding Fathers did not put an extremely clear, ultra-clear jurisprudence in the Constitution to say, this is how you must interpret it.
And so now we actually have four schools of thought and a big debate about how do you interpret the Constitution?
And of course, you and I are sitting here thinking, just like the Founding Fathers probably did, why would you interpret any other way than strictly?
So, this is something where, you know, founding fathers just didn't really foresee it.
They did a great job.
So, how do we fix this?
You mean literal?
Literally, yes.
And so, what propertarianism does is it makes it very clear, it just has another amendment to add in that says,
Okay, listen, if you're a judge, you must follow this particular jurisprudence, these particular rules about how you interpret the topic.
Well, Jefferson said they had to, and not twist it into whatever bizarre meaning they wanted.
And so a lot of this is enforcement, too.
I mean, we need to enforce these things.
It's not just writing things down.
Oh, I mean, let me tell you something.
The experience I've had with these federal judges so far is they'll have a federal law saying you can't sue somebody
Uh, if, in state law, if you haven't said their name.
And they've had the local circuit court say, we don't care, lawsuit goes forward.
People sue me, they don't even say their name, they sue me.
Don't even show their picture, they sue me.
Yes, and so we have a big problem with this, as you know.
Sometimes when people get into propertarianism and start learning about it, they realize this is a very rule of law based solution.
Because if we don't have our rule of law right, and if we don't have very strict rules around these things and enforce it, I mean, that's the very basis of civilization.
If we can't even rely on our rule of law to be fair and just and interpret things correctly, we don't even have civilization, Alex.
Well, that's right.
Nazi Germany's enforcement arm was a bunch of puppet judges.
So judicial tyranny is always a real threat.
And we have to have rules.
And this is a very key feature of propertarianism.
I'll just close with this, which is that all of this is based on empirical observation.
None of this is arbitrary that we have in propertarianism.
It's all based on
Scientific observation of how humans operate and cooperate and why they fight and all of this.
And so it's the ultimate system to remove arbitrary decision making.
And of course, it requires enforcement, but it's very helpful to have these things written down and rules that are very, very clear and taking it to the next level in that regard.
Well, I want to invite you back sometime, maybe do a special report, you know, an hour report or something for us.
We'll air here.
You can put it on your YouTube, of course, where you lay it all out.
I know you lay a lot of it out on your channel.
That's very, very exciting, and I should look more into that.
I've seen that term.
I've read about it.
I've seen people talking about it.
I've kind of seen the definition of it, but this is the most I've delved into it.
It just seems like another school of thought for common sense, scientific approach to liberty, and defending the known scientific formulates that produce the best and most stable societies.
Absolutely right.
Would love to come back, Alex.
Thanks so much for having me.
All right.
The best places for people to find you, John Mark?
Is my YouTube channel, which is just John Mark.
If you just put that in the search bar, it will come up.
And then my website is JohnMarkSays.com.
And my Twitter is at JohnMarkSays.
And again, so many YouTubers ask me, though, can I post you on my site?
Yes, there's not a ban on people interviewing me or me interviewing them.
There's a ban on me having a YouTube channel, and it's so dangerous.
And now they're banning presidents of major countries like Brazil for saying hydroxychloroquine is great in trials, which is admitted.
Now the FDA just approved it, so egg on their face.
Thank you, John Mark.
Key report on the Federal Reserve.
Did Trump just nationalize it?
Now I'm here to tell you I don't need you to thank me and tell me I've done a good job.
I've done nothing but my duty!
I discovered a bunch of bloodthirsty scum coming after innocent people!
For 24 years, Alex Jones and InfoWars have been sounding the alarm for patriots worldwide.
Waking people up to the New World Order, Bohemian Grove, the American Deep State, the rise of Communist China, the plan for global depopulation, and global elite pedophiles who prey off of our young.
The enemy has done their best to destroy us, but because of your support, our fight continues.
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Support the Info War, and together, we will slay the dragon.
Keep fighting Alex, you're the gladiator.
Godfather of the Rothschild banking cartel, Mayor Amschel Rothschild said, give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.
In a recent Bloomberg article, the Fed's cure risks being worse than the disease.
Jim Bianco explains what is now happening with the Federal Reserve Bank in their response to the coronavirus.
He writes, this scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization.
So meet your new Fed Chairman, Donald J. Trump.
Did President Trump just nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank?
On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 1111-0, which many believed was an effort to transfer power from the Federal Reserve Bank to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve notes with silver certificates.
Thereby taking the power away from the international banking cartels.
Less than six months later, President Kennedy was assassinated.
And his move against the Fed was reversed.
During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln printed $400 million worth of Greenbacks, a debt-free, interest-free money, independent of international bank control.
In response, the London Times wrote that if that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost.
It will pay off debts and be without debt.
It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce.
It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world.
The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America.
That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.
The bankers were not willing to lose power, and the Bank of England went on to fund the Confederacy.
Weeks prior to Lincoln's assassination, assassin John Wilkes Booth spent time in Montreal, known as the Confederate capital of Canada, and was found after the assassination with a bank note from Ontario Bank.
Booth's personal manager was banker Joseph Siemens.
After Lincoln was killed, power was restored to the international banking cartel.
The National Economic Security and Recovery Act
We're good to go.
In 2001, he established the Nassara Institute and published the second edition of his book in 2005, retitling it, Draining the Swamp, The Nassara Story, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.
The policies included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax.
Abolishing compound interest on secured loans and returning to a bimetallic currency, which he claimed would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.
There is a big buzz on the internet that President Trump is implementing this plan.
There is also speculation that this is part of a huge global economic reset.
To be decided at the International World Court of The Hague.
If this is true, certainly this decision has been decided years ago and we are just now feeling the effects.
The coronavirus scare is beginning to look like a false alarm.
But the reaction is looking just like a false flag.
And it seems that when we come out the other end of this, the world will be different.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
Well, Robert Barnes, famous constitutional lawyer, is here with us in studio.
And I was looking at all his great tweets and his comments and already wanting him to do a segment on my show.
So I said to him this last week, I said, why don't you just come here?
You're not scared of the coronavirus.
And do maybe a show for a month, two months, however long.
We came up with a name for it.
We kind of clicked.
So we'll tell you about that at the bottom of the hour.
It starts tonight, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern.
That's 5 o'clock Pacific, 6 o'clock Mountain.
And it'll be on the radio satellites, the TV satellites, for any stations that want to pick it up out there.
It's just a free-to-air.
Any stations, just pick it up.
And we don't have any network ads in it.
We've cut all our ads out.
You get a couple minutes at the start and about four minutes at the bottom of the hour for your local stations.
You can feel free to override any of it anytime you wish as well.
It's totally free to air.
So if you want to take one segment of it every night, you know,
But put ads other places or just cut overs.
I don't care what you do.
It's free to air.
So is my broadcast.
OK, but I wanted to hit this with you because you're quite the student of history, Constitution, even more so than lawyer, because I've done quite a bit of research.
You know what you're talking about.
You're not a BS-er.
Last week, you didn't get hardly any attention.
Trump came in and he said, OK, $4 trillion in stimulus, $2 trillion from the Treasury, $2 trillion from the private, from the private Federal Reserve.
But then when I zoomed in more on it and looked at the actual statement, it's the Treasury directing it.
So it's always been the private Federal Reserve for 107 years, since 1913.
That took control of the power of the purse from the Constitution.
So we always thought of abolishing the Federal Reserve as the way to get rid of it.
It goes back under Treasury.
And that is the Congress that's supposed to do that.
The President can sign or veto those bills.
So a lot of folks are saying, oh, Trump has the Federal Reserve taking over.
No, he actually did take it over under the Treasury.
The problem is that the President has the power over the Federal Reserve in the Federal Reserve Act.
The country that does, which is really a user patient of the power of the purse of Congress.
So by the President taking control of the Federal Reserve, he's taking control of the power of the purse.
We can play clips of Alan Greenspan saying the only role the Federal Reserve is, that the government has the Federal Reserve is nothing.
We're our own branch of government.
Well, that's a dictatorship of the Federal Reserve.
So I like it under the President, but that's not in the Constitution.
Says, all bills of raising revenues shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as the bills.
Constitution, Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1.
Here's another part of the Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7.
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but by the consequences of appropriations made by law.
And a regular statement of account of the receipts of expenditures of all public money shall be published.
From time to time.
Well, the Federal Reserve's never even been audited, as we know.
So, this is big.
This is not the Federal Reserve taking over.
And even Bloomberg's pissed.
And the left's pissed.
Meet the new boss at the Fed.
President Trump.
The Fed's cure risk worse than the disease.
They say he now has federalized the Federal Reserve.
They hate it.
Federal Reserve Chairman Donald Trump.
POTUS could save America.
That's a Killinitbringinfulwars.com article.
Bob, what do you make of this?
So it's only as to those funds.
So essentially that part of the stimulus package, or relief package, that part, those funds, the President has some control over because he wanted to.
And Congress did pass it!
Yes, exactly.
The bigger issue is, this is probably the first step towards MMT.
So it's Modern Monetary Theory.
And the idea basically is you can print your way out of any problem.
That if a state controls its own currency, it can effectively control the economy just by printing cash.
And that's what Lincoln thought.
And there's different people who brought it up, and it originated within its most recent incarnation as a more left-leaning doctrine.
The criticism of it was always, why won't inflation result from that?
And the premise was that it will create enough economic activity to match the amount of money printed.
The problem is that's not what's happening now.
There's a supply-side shock to the system.
But Trump has often been a fan of the idea of MMT because of the power that it provides.
And that's why he incorporated a smaller portion of it.
What people don't know is that while this is happening on the fiscal side, the Fed has committed to printing as much as $12 trillion over the next month, separately and on top of this.
And do they get interest on that?
Because Trump's saying a lot of it will be interest-free.
All of it will be interest-free.
So what the Fed is going to be doing is they're going to be bailing out selective industries, bailing out the corporate bond market, which relates to the pension fund crisis, that could collapse overnight if certain confidence... As you see, he knows a lot.
So when we come back, we're going to look at what's really going on, not the hype with Robert Barnes, who is really up on all of this.
And we'll ask, did Trump have to do this?
Because we're under Chai Com bio-attack.
People say, oh, this is not fiscally conservative.
Well, if you want a Great Depression, folks, then don't do this.
I get that it's over the slippery slope.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are back live.
Constitutional lawyer and historian Robert Barnes is here with us.
Lay out the power of the purse.
Because I was doing the different arguments.
Did he nationalize the Fed?
Did he overstep Congress' power of the purse?
No, they passed this.
And then the President is then able to execute it because he does have power over the Federal Reserve.
Congress passed that law.
December 23rd, 1913.
So this is actually all being done by the letter of the law, but is it the spirit of the law?
And as you said, what will be the inflationary results from this?
Or is the stalling of the economy and the lowering of fuel prices, gas prices, is that enough to offset the inflationary spiral of, as you said, $14-15 trillion in the aggregate?
I mean, really it was sort of a means-shifting issue.
In other words, what they did is, rather than issue debt to fund the deficit, they're basically allowing the Fed to print cash that's put under Trump's control.
So part of the Fed has been effectively nationalized, but only that part that governs that amount of money.
They did it correctly from a constitutional perspective in the sense that Congress passed the authorization for him to do so.
That he could appropriate certain money from the Fed under the guidance and governance of the Treasury.
I gotta say, I don't like the giant amounts of money.
I get it.
I mean, we're in a desperate situation with the defibrillator, but I like the president taking over the Fed.
I mean, I like the beginning of that.
The question is where that ends up.
So, I mean, the risk factor is that if this embraces MMT, modern monetary theory, completely, the left wants to use that to spend wild amounts of money on a wild number of policies.
And the big historical question with MMT has always been, why won't we have a major inflation problem?
So if you go back and look, other governments have tried variations of this.
Weimar Germany in the 1920s to get out of their problem, tried to inflate their currency.
Hungary in 1946.
Again later, Argentina in the 1990s.
And then of course Zimbabwe in the 2006-2008 time period.
And in the Zimbabwe example, and of course Venezuela within the last two years.
Well, if you look at the Zimbabwe example, I mean, they ended up printing $1 trillion bills because of how bad the inflation became.
So the question has always been, can you just print money to solve a problem?
As a friend of mine pointed out, if printing money could solve problems, the Soviet Union would still exist.
Writing checks by itself without corresponding economic activity has never worked.
So the I understand the president wanting to explore MMT and because of its ability to remediate the severe economic impacts of a shutdown.
The question is what is this long term consequences once we start employing it for him.
Does the next president say, I want some MMT, and I want $8 trillion, or I want $12 trillion, or I want $14 trillion?
So I think that's the risk factor, and it's a huge gamble.
How MMT works, if it backfires, it can collapse an economy overnight.
Just ask Venezuela today.
Venezuela's problem isn't really socialism so much.
Its problem was its currency management in light of the way they were running government policy.
And that was an incredibly successful economy and an incredibly rich nation.
For folks that don't know, it was richer than the U.S.
at one time, run down the rat hole by socialists in just a few decades.
Let's talk about history.
They tried to kill Jackson.
He tried to have the U.S.
bank and use the MMT in an older fashion.
And then they tried to kill him at least four times.
By Providence he lived.
There was another president they shot and killed over it.
And then of course we then see Lincoln got shot in the back of the head for doing it.
He issued 40-something million, was going to issue 400 million.
Then JFK was able to reissue the same original currency that had never been withdrawn in the Lincoln $5 bills and a nod to him.
And that of course was Executive Order 11110.
And let's show folks, for TV viewers, the $5 bill.
Just type in JFK $5 bill, and if you notice, it doesn't say Federal Reserve note, it says U.S.
Treasury note, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's an example of what we're talking about.
Both men were executed by being shot in the head.
Will Trump follow the same path?
Well, I think certain aspects are, right now for the most part, Trump is, while he's asserted control over this portion of the Fed, really it was just a way of giving him money without going through the U.S.
debt markets.
Because the rest of the Fed is still unchecked.
So the Fed, for example, what people don't know is that in the overnight repo markets, which is where you have a lot of debt exchange, which help fund corporate debt, which they need cash every day, basically, or they run out of business to avoid the credit crunch that happened in 2008 that sunk the economy for half a decade.
So this is like a heroin habit.
It only gets bigger.
What could have Trump done other than this, with the media trying to plunge the market, with them blaming him?
I mean, I don't like where this is going, but I also wouldn't want a total depression.
We'd already be in one.
I think my view was that his original instinct, his initial instinct, which was to reopen the economy as quickly as possible and mitigate the necessity of these extreme means and these extreme experiments with finances, was the right one.
But the problem is the put he has everyone around him opposes him.
I mean, does anyone doubt that even the health officials that I think otherwise mean well voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016?
They admit they did.
Now she did.
So the problem is he has no allies around him.
And there's got a bunch of D.C.
Most of them aren't even evil, as you know, at the top.
They're just a bunch of jellyfish.
And there are people that do not have any sort of backbone, any sort of core independence.
We've had a culture of complicity that has been corrupted within the academia and the intellectual world.
Of complying with the most corrupt.
Because they come after you.
People go, man, Alex, they're coming after you.
Well, listen, somebody had to do it.
And literally it comes down to that.
Why'd you do it?
Somebody had to do it.
Seriously, you can't just not stand up to this.
It's a recipe for disaster.
Well, I mean, to give people a context, we have never experienced in our entire country's history what's happening right now.
We've never had whole cities put under house arrest for months on end.
That's never happened.
That is happening now.
70% of Americans today live under house arrest under terms that are harsher than most criminals experience under house arrest.
I noticed the Rockefeller Foundation 10 years ago in a document called Lockstep said this is the way to go.
It's amazing what terrorism couldn't produce, fear of foreign enemies couldn't produce, fear of communism couldn't produce.
It turns out the word virus can produce.
A completely docile, compliant populace.
And now we're going to see more novel viruses come along.
Why not?
Anybody can cook these up and then the whole world comes to its knees.
God knows who.
Well look at this, here they've been able, whether they did deliberately or not, the lesson that they've learned from this is that here they've had a virus that hasn't even killed many people in the United States at this stage, has not caused the hospitalization crisis to date that was predicted or forecast, and yet they've got this massive public docile compliance with violating every constitutional liberty that exists, to where you need papers to go outside of your home.
You need papers to go through the airport.
And don't worry they have all this work from home stuff that just rolled out a few months ago and they've got all these apps that Sean already has that we're gonna have where it shows that you're social distancing and oh but it's for the greater good so if it saves one life we've got to do it.
And ultimately it's gonna result in something like a vaccine chip.
That's gonna be the new excuse for the chip.
I mean before it was track your kids you don't want your kid to get lost so put a little chip in them.
Now it's gonna be we have this chip that has all these wonderful things.
MIT says, oh, they've been working five years secretly, Bill and Melinda Gates, on a digital tattoo that's shown on your skin.
No one sees it, but you can't remove it.
But don't worry, don't walk in the mountains by yourself, but if you're an illegal alien, you can just run around and do whatever you want.
Bill Gates keeps popping up in this setting in a lot of interest.
He's a very nice person.
His dad happened to have a Planned Parenthood and the Eugenics Society, and he does admit he wants to kill old people, but hey!
And this virus eats your testicles, but hey!
Everything's okay.
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My mind for more than eight weeks has been fixed.
Constantly scanning, constantly computing to understand the strategic attack we're witnessing.
We know by the scripting and the choreography and the fact that the virus has been scanned that it's man-made and an attack on our economy.
The globalist media is firmly behind this, devastating the United States and driving Trump from power.
But now we know from scores of studies from China, the UK, the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan, that the virus reinfects and attacks different parts of the body.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is an engineered bioweapon, just as the Indian scientist eight weeks ago conclusively proved at their major university.
They have a name for it at the Pentagon.
It's called a soft kill weapon.
It doesn't kill you usually the first time, but the next time, the third time, the fourth, it does.
And it weighs down your economy in the process.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So you heard Barnes, Robert Barnes, a well-known, very intelligent lawyer, done a lot of work for us.
You heard him lay out beautifully what's going on in the monetary system.
Just from a very pragmatic, historical perspective.
And that's why I'm like, this guy needs a show.
So he's going to do it for a month, maybe longer.
And he's here in Austin, and we're going to call it American Countdown.
Countdown with the coronavirus crisis.
Countdown with the election.
We're going to have a segment on it that's America under attack.
We're going to have a segment.
These are all his ideas.
America fights back.
And he's going to have legal segments, everything.
And then if he likes it, we'll keep doing it.
Probably do a weekend show at least, because you do a great legal advice show.
Those other ones are pretty damn boring.
And we got the stations ready to pick it up.
And again, it's going to be his own show.
It'll be produced out of here, but it's his own program.
The great crew is here coming in five nights a week, Monday through Friday, to run it live, at least Monday through Thursday.
We may do it live Friday.
There'll be a lot of interviews, a lot of great calls.
We're probably going to have a best-of on Fridays.
Sometimes when there's big breaking news, he'll do Friday as well.
7 to 9 Central.
And again, the URL is, and it'll go right to band.video for now.
He's going to build it up after that.
No videos there yet, but this interview will be the first one posted on the show tonight.
There'll be a live feed there, and then pieces of it posted there, and then for you to share out.
It'll be titled AmericanCountdown.News.
So, Barnes, tell me about your ideas for the show.
Well, the idea is that this pandemic panic has created substantial, unprecedented constitutional issues, unprecedented economic risks, unprecedented risks to the entire idea of America as a civil society, as a constitutional republic, as a free enterprise system.
All of these are under attack in ways they have never been in America's history.
Today in America, about 70% of the country now lives under house arrest, under terms that are harsher and meaner than they would be for most criminals.
And while people are being threatened with jail and prison because they're holding church services, or because they want to do a political rally, or because they want to be able to purchase a gun for their own defense, or because they don't want to have their privacy invaded, or because they simply want to practice their profession or occupation of their choice,
Meanwhile, people that are actual criminals, including sex offenders, are being systematically released from jails and prisons, while police are issuing stand-down orders that they're publicizing to the world for almost all kinds of crimes.
This is a dystopian country that not even Escape to from New York or Escape from L.A.
or some of the most sort of apocalyptic films could have foreshadowed.
And by the way, is that Rodney Howard Brown, our good friend that got arrested in Tampa?
It appears so.
I want to play that newscast in a minute, guys.
Get that.
This stuff's getting crazy.
I mean, they were actually threatening with going into his church service and arresting him and maybe everybody in there.
Hey, in New York, they're saying to synagogues and churches, you'll never open again.
Yeah, but saying it may be permanent.
This is the Soviet Union.
I have a client in another place who wants to stay anonymous for the time being.
But just because they held a church service, which the police recognized was legal because the Constitution required it, the local community is trying to dox every member of them.
The local community is threatening to burn down their houses.
Burn down their churches?
Commit arson against them?
Commit violence against them?
Threatening to make fake homes?
This is the Maoist-style revolution, packaged by China, launched against us, the media helping it.
You know, that's the whole Maoist system is to get grassroots hysteria going.
Gut level.
I mean, they admit the thing's manufactured, major universities.
What do you think's really behind this?
I think all the evidence shows by design.
It's the only argument against that.
The argument for the design part would be the consequences on the West.
The argument against design would be what happened within China.
That China would never quarantine their own population and they wouldn't risk the economic impact that would have deliberately or intentionally.
Now, of course, there's always possibilities that there's always been carelessness with the way they have handled certain bio-research in the past, keeping things... But regardless, it's the whole bio-weapons, bio-research, bio-defense complex that keeps creating this and sharing it, and the elephant in the room is that top universities from India to Germany, you name it, looked at it and said it's man-made.
Yeah, there are people who believe it's man-made, there are people who believe it was released from a bio-agency, there's people who believe it's entirely biologically created.
Whatever the circumstances were, the way the state has reacted across the West is the real threat.
That once the politicians started using this pandemic as a pretext
To steal constitutional liberties from people in a way that has never happened in the history of our republic, and to restructure the economy with Wall Street bailouts in ways that were supposed to stop after 2009, while at the same time the data underneath the virus shows it to be more panic than plague, in terms of what's happened.
That's why you have CBS doing fake news stories and pretending that Italian news coverage is actually New York news coverage.
To create as much fear as possible.
And the pastor, Rodney Howard Brown, a great patriot in front of the show, he points out that everything else can stay open, Walmart can stay open, Target still, but a church of God can't.
And by the way, I want to point this out.
We did a big article four days ago, DHS, gun shops, manufacturers essential under new guidelines.
We reported four days ago, COVID alert.
Feds abolished Second Amendment by proxy in 2007.
Now it's in action.
Well, DHS responded to that and said, no, gun shops, manufacturers are essential under new guidelines.
And many judges have said in other areas, churches and other places are essential.
This is BS.
And again, I was banned on Google.
We're good.
Coronavirus and autocrats never let pandemic go to waste.
I mean I said just mainline true stuff and I'm banned for that because it's so true and now the FDA said to come out and say okay everybody can use it it is a good treatment egg on their face.
Will my site be restored?
Will they give us back the app we paid for and they accepted that had five stars?
Well look at what's happening in Europe.
If you look at what's happening in parts of Europe, they are making quote-unquote misinformation a crime now.
Particularly if it concerns... So who defines that?
That's going to be politicians deciding that.
Just like they're... This is the end of the First Amendment if we let this stand.
What should have been in the essential category is any constitutionally protected activity, period.
That if you're doing First Amendment activity, that's essential.
If you're doing Second Amendment activity, that's essential.
Yeah, I mean, if people want to congregate for, I mean, this is the time to be able to congregate.
Since when has the First Amendment ever been neutralized in 250 years?
Never till now.
Well, I'm getting all kinds of emails and calls about people who can't circulate petitions to get on the ballot, can't circulate petitions for recall like they want to do of the governor of Nevada for his order.
It's a political lockdown.
It's a complete lie.
We have never had this degree of suspension of civil constitutional liberties in the history of the country.
And it's not like our founders were unfamiliar with the idea of plague or viruses.
They were much more intimate.
My God, they had stuff back then that would kill 10% of the population.
And yet you read the Constitution, there's nothing in there that says you can suspend this in case of a virus.
You can suspend this in case of a public health crisis.
The pox.
None of that.
Because that was never going to be a justification or an excuse for this kind of violation.
It's an anti-state.
Fifteen years ago, twenty years ago now, they banned dodgeball in a few leftist areas.
Now it's banned everywhere.
Then they banned volleyball.
Then they started banning running at break time.
You might get hurt.
This is getting rid of diving boards, getting rid of pools that are deep.
Because somebody might get down at the bottom and you don't see them.
I mean, now they're trying to ban people in California hiking as you might get hurt.
I mean, literally, this is a total takeover of civilization.
No doubt.
I mean, people are scared to leave their own home, and if they do leave their own home, their own neighbors are going to rat them out.
I told people that it's very much like a Cuban society.
And Cuba does a great job of life expectancy.
It's just 78 years of misery.
So I think most Americans would rather have 77 great years than 78 miserable years.
Eisenhower said, I can give you total security, I'll lock your ass in a jail cell.
Look at this, coronavirus and the autocrats never let pandemic go to waste.
Goes on to show the horrible police state how we're adopting what the communist Chinese did, since when do they set our precedent?
Exactly what I said, banned on Google for that.
Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus.
London Guardian.
Lockstep, panic, pandemic, and police state.
Medium reports.
Long after we did on the Rockefeller plan for total worldwide police state using it.
Again, we're right.
Coronavirus snitches.
Police create web portal to inform on neighbors.
Spanish apartment dwellers throw a bag of water on coronavirus lockdown breakers.
Could have broken their neck.
A big ol' gallon of water.
Coronavirus curfew breakers held in dog cages.
This is the threat, folks.
This is what you... Governor Cuomo admits stockpile of thousands of unused ventilators.
Lied about it.
Fauci says 200,000 could die.
Coronavirus UK council employs talking drones to track down lockdown rebels.
Pandemic-related unemployment shutdowns.
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We told you it was coming.
We told you they'd use a virus to scare everyone into submission and set up martial law and quarantines and lockdowns and now it's here.
And I'm here to tell you the rest of the story.
Three things we all need to do.
Pray to God for justice.
Seek his face and repent.
Get politically active and wake others up to understand this is the world government, the castle of society, it's all being announced.
And get prepared yourselves and boost your immune systems and get high quality food.
And we're able to ship storable food again.
Our supplier has expanded their factories and now are able to take new orders.
And it's not about this virus, folks.
That's only the trigger, the detonator.
It's about what's coming in the future where the elections may be cancelled, where the global is trying to implode the economy.
This is just the beginning of the crisis, not the middle and not the end.
So get prepared now while you still can at InfoWarsaw.com and please be Paul Revere's and spread the word.
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There is a paradox.
Yes, this virus is deadly and does kill people.
And so do many other countless viruses that have already existed, that do exist, and will exist.
But when Trump says the cure is worse than disease, he's talking about the media hype creating hysteria and trying to create uncertainty.
And it is that that I oppose.
It is not the American way to cower and live in fear and to follow the edicts and precedents set by Communist China and hyper-authoritarian Singapore, where you're now being given six months in jail if you don't stand at least six feet away from someone.
This is being used by social engineers and they admit that they are trying to transform our world forever into something unrecognizable from what it's been.
We are not slaves and we must not act like it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the final segment of the Alex Jones Show, the dreaded transmission feared by tyrants everywhere.
Then we have the War Room.
He's revved up, he's ready to go.
He's Owen Schroer, the destroyer of tyrants and cucks for three hours.
Then there'll be an hour of retransmission, my first hour, and then the new live two-hour show with only six minutes and ten seconds of our ads.
They're not our ads.
That's the local ads.
We don't have any ads.
It's commercial-free.
And that's with Robert Barnes.
That goes right to his Band.Video page.
In the future, it'll be a big site.
We're very, very excited.
This is a seasonal show during the election.
It'll probably turn into something else after that, but you can see the live feed right now at the AmericanCountdown.News.
Please help everybody spread that.
We're fighting
We are doing this.
You are the M4 War, and I salute you.
Alright, let's hit two big things in the time we have left.
I started the show with this, but I gotta get to it now, Barnes.
Pelosi and all the Democrats.
I'm not gonna play even half the clips.
There's hundreds of them.
Came out in the late February and said, go out, go to Chinatown, go out, congregate, Trump's wrong, Trump shouldn't block flights from China.
And then now they turn around and say Trump is to blame.
So here's Pelosi encouraging large crowds in San Francisco and Chinatown on February 27th, a month and a couple days ago.
It's exciting to be here, especially at this time, to be able to be unified with our community.
We want to be vigilant about what is out there in other places.
We want to be careful about how we deal with it.
But we do want to say to people, come to Chinatown.
Here we are.
We're, again, careful, safe, and
Come join us.
And then she supported a federal court that was trying to block Trump blocking Chinese flights.
They backed off.
And I'm not going to get into Biden saying it's xenophobic to block the flights or control the border.
Now, fast forward a month later, because exactly a month later, last Friday, she comes on the news and says this.
She says, Trump's killing these people, fiddling.
Here it is.
For joining us, I hope you are well and safe.
I know your home district of San Francisco has been particularly hard hit.
President Trump is considering relaxing federal guidelines for coronavirus for some of the less affected parts of the country.
Well, first of all, let me just say how sad it is that even since the president's signing of the bill, the number of deaths reported has doubled from 1,000 to 2,000 in our country.
Do you think he should?
This is such a very, very sad time for us.
So we should be taking every precaution.
What the President, his denial at the beginning, was deadly.
His delaying of getting equipment to where it continues.
Look how disingenuous the host looks.
I mean, that is a con man.
Does your very cells say danger, Will Robinson?
He really needed to be in the studio.
It's fascinating how some of these guys get going.
We just don't know.
We have to have testing, testing, testing.
That's what we said from the start before we can evaluate what the nature of it is in some of these other regions as well.
I don't know what the purpose of that is.
I don't know what the scientists are saying to him.
I don't know what the scientists said to him.
When did this president know about this?
And what did he know?
What did he know and when did he know it?
That's for an after-action review.
But as the president fiddles, people are dying.
And we have to, we just have to take every precaution.
Man, she's neurologically going downhill.
She sounds like she has marbles in her mouth like Joe Biden.
What are they doing here?
Yeah, 100,000 may die of that.
It leads to over-hospitalization in some cities across the country pretty much every year.
But because people are familiar with the flu, they couldn't get away with the flu.
So they took the flu recipe and knew that, hey, if we make it look like the mortality rate is really high and we make testing a big deal, 97% of the people who get the flu never test for it.
So they knew that they would jack up the rate of responses and it would trigger terror in the countryside.
Because they've already been here for six months.
And not only that, they knew that most of the people they would be testing were not people who were going to be severely ill or have any problems from it.
In other words, the people that were severely ill were going to the hospital getting treatment.
The people that are mostly getting tested right now are either asymptomatic or have very mild illnesses.
And so they knew it would just scare people to see those huge numbers.
And that's why they built that testing mantra.
I am concerned because it comes back.
It is engineered from that research we've done and it does attack the testicles.
That's why people need to be supplemented.
They need to be ready.
They need to be prepared.
But the hype is the weapon against the economy.
Now let's shift gears away from that travesty of our thinking.
We're all idiots.
I don't have memories to this.
CBS News has been running this on a whole bunch of newscasts.
Cuomo's been running it saying no respirators.
He has a giant stockpile of thousands, it turns out.
Lying about it.
They show a hospital in the worst-hit city in Italy.
They show people and say, this is New York right now, and they're in an emergency to scare you.
But it wasn't New York, it was Italy.
The report's on Infowars.com.
Here is what CBS showed.
New York's governor says FEMA gave the state 400 ventilators.
To that, he said this.
What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?
You picked the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.
The governor now projects that the state will need up to 140,000 beds.
With an additional 40,000 ICU beds.
I would be lying if I didn't say there's an incredible amount of stress.
Across the river from New York, at Holy Name Medical Center in New Jersey, the Chief Infectious Disease Specialist says his hospital has just 10 ventilators.
Barely enough for now.
But if the worst is yet to come, as we're expecting, then it won't be.
The Mayor of Los Angeles says New York could be a preview of what's to come.
We are anywhere from about 6 to 12 days behind what we are seeing in New York City.
I want the hundred and thousand ventilators.
Pull them out of my rear.
Way over what they need.
It turns out he's got thousands.
He's lying in a stockpile.
And there's one problem.
That wasn't New York.
That was Italy.
Just like they did with the fake footage on ABC News of the Kurds supposedly getting blown up.
Here is the actual real video from Sky News that they grabbed and then edited to deceive you saying it was New York.
Here it is.
...is virtually out of control.
The patients are literally gasping for air.
The good news is the public doesn't believe anything Aaron checks at all.
They've never covered a disease in this manner.
All meant to... This stuff's always going on!
Yeah, absolutely.
There's whole care units for the flu and everything else.
They go and they show you now to scare you.
What's interesting is according to Italian data, a large number of people that are dying up there actually are not residents of the area.
Yeah, completely suppressed.
The doctors say they've seen nothing like it before and are warning other countries, especially the United Kingdom, that they will see it as well.
People keep describing this as like flu.
It's worse than that, no?
Alright, let's stop right there.
So you just saw that footage on CBS saying it's New York.
But notice they weren't interviewing the doctors because they were Italian.
They said, this is footage from this New York hospital.
They don't have enough ventilators.
Lying to you on purpose.
But NBC's got them topped with Brian Williams telling them bigger lies.
I mean, it's been a systematic effort to emphasize everything that's going to be hype and trigger hysteria and trigger panic and trigger fear.
That's why you've had nurses committing suicide in fear of this rather than actually dying from the disease itself.
If they would have gone out there and told everybody, by the way, in New York City, how many people have died in New York City who did not have a pre-existing deathly disease?
14 people.
That's a very different number.
98% of the people who have died.
Yeah, I mean, if you've had heart disease and liver failure at 80 years old, you better stay at home.
Well, not only that, it's often these are people who are coming in who are dying of other things.
They did a study of Italy.
That's right, and just because they test positive, they're saying they died of the virus.
Folks, if you want to get the other side of this, tune in tonight, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern, it's 5 o'clock Pacific, 6 o'clock Montana Time, Mountain Time.
Robert Barnes and American Countdown.
AmericanCountdown.News will take you right to the page where the live feed will be, so you can share it and get around the censors that you would hit with a URL from
We're good to go.
Let's do American Countdown.
That'll go through the virus, into the election, and just, you know, continue tracking.
And if he wants to keep doing a weekday show, we'll probably do it.
But regardless, do a weekend show called American Countdown because it lends itself to everything as we count down to things that are happening and, you know, build up to things that are going on.
Make no mistake, they're trying to change our way of life forever and have the AI take over through this.
The globalist are we have to expose what it's really about and expose the fact that giving up our liberties will make us slaves, not empower us.
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