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Filename: 20200325_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 25, 2020
3078 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how globalists are using the COVID-19 pandemic as a tool for their own gain, exaggerating the situation to control the economy and restrict civil liberties. He encourages people to research alternative treatments such as zinc and hydroxychloroquine, and criticizes Democrats for obstructing efforts to reopen the economy. The speaker discusses how natural compounds like zinc can help combat the virus, and encourages listeners to research and secure these products to boost their defenses against the virus. He warns that the government is using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to seize control and take away freedoms. Alex Jones criticizes big tech for pushing a global digital currency and the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to implement new measures such as cashless payments. The show also addresses the police state measures being put in place in some areas of the US, including restrictions on civil liberties during the pandemic. The speaker discusses the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on society and economy. He questions whether the measures taken to control the virus are worth the economic impact they have had and criticizes the use of the crisis by politicians for their own gain. The speaker also discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system during times of crisis, and promotes the use of certain supplements to boost immunity. The author then goes into details about the bailouts, explaining that they are essentially theft in disguise of gift-giving. The government is planning to own everything and everyone and people need to understand how the Federal Reserve works as a scam system to protect their liberty, assets, savings, and prevent the government from stealing from them. The speaker criticizes mainstream media outlets for not providing enough information on the topic and encourages people to research zinc as an antiviral element. Additionally, they express concerns about the Justice Department's intention to arrest and disappear Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. The speaker provides some advice on how people can protect themselves, such as growing their own food and considering alternative medication for high blood pressure. The speaker discusses how sodium intake can be reduced by avoiding high sodium foods, such as storable foods and canned soups. They also mention that a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19. The majority of those who have died from the virus had pre- existing health conditions, but even healthy people can suffer serious consequences like lung damage. In this segment, Mike Adams discusses various aspects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He starts by mentioning how Kaiser Permanente has threatened to fire nurses for wearing their own N95 masks while treating infected patients and how health care workers unions are upset over this move. Adams believes that this is an attempt by Kaiser Permanente to spread the virus. He then

Oh, I'm sorry.
Didn't know you were watching, Don Americans.
Did you enjoy the fentanyl we're shipping to kill you?
Well, now we give you rural virus.
But your own media tell you not to say it, because we own them and we are their bosses.
Quit the inflammatory China bashing.
Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus?
There are reports of dozens of incidents of bias against Chinese Americans in this country.
Your own aide, Secretary Azar, says he does not use this term.
He says ethnicity does not cause the virus.
Why do you keep using this?
Why do you say it's racist?
Because it comes from China?
It's not racist at all, man.
Not at all.
It comes from China.
Did this virus originate in China?
But Mr. President, that does not excuse your weeks and weeks of tweeting lies and misinformation about the virus.
There are some, at least one White House official who used the term Kung Flu, referring to the fact that this virus started in China.
Is that acceptable?
Is it wrong?
Are you worried that having this virus be talked about as a Chinese virus, that that might be the Kung Flu?
Say the term again.
A person at the White House, he used the term Kung Flu.
My question is, do you think that's wrong?
Kung Flu.
Now your media working for us.
Say your economy is crashing and your president do that job.
But they praise our leader, Xi Jinping.
That translates to, hope you enjoy your depression.
Our people in your media and senate say you'll be shut down for 18 months.
We're back and running.
And your senate under Schumer and others like Feinstein, who work for us, will not give you aid package.
You see, you are our slaves.
We owe you a debt, and now we send virus to kill you.
We could not do this without how we willed it, we owed, and without all the fentanyl you take, and the fact that the media worked against you because we, again, controlled them.
So, soon Trump will be gone, and you will be homeless, on the continent your forebellas conquer.
I just caught you, American!
You visited Bandar Video!
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you!
Do what CNN says and do not visit Bandar Video, or I have to hurt you!
Don't act so surprised, Globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Join Bandot Video, and I will complete your training.
Together, we can overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you can't beat him, join him.
I am your host, Alex Jones, not Bane from Batman.
Ah, Batman!
It's March 25th on this Wednesday edition.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I am not humongous from the road warrior.
That's big fat.
Think of gas.
Just leave it on the pumps and I spill your lives.
Just stay in your homes until the Chinese economy overtakes you and you're bankrupted forever, Americans.
We will break your capitalist system.
Finally, now.
Only now will you see it and will you experience it.
Ah, that's much better.
They thought it'd be a nice stunt for me to wear one of these, but my neck and head is just too big.
19-inch neck.
That's right.
Yeah, the story just went live on Newshorse.com and Infowars.com.
13 years ago?
You might want to raise the alarm because all over the country they're banning gun sales using this existing law right now.
It's all coming up.
The modern Paul Revere.
That's all of us together.
We are Paul Revere.
We are the spirit.
One of the products that I'm very proud of, I don't talk enough about, because there's so many amazing essential oils and ingredients in it, it takes a long time to break down the product because it's a complex product.
A lot of the sprays you put in your mouth or your throat and lungs are really thin.
It's a little bit of alcohol, maybe one or two essential oils.
Not our Lung Cleanse.
It's got a long list of the highest quality
Essential oils and ingredients in it.
You take a few sprays in your mouth, lightly inhale, and it just does so much for me when I've got allergies or when my throat is tired.
It's just very, very soothing and it's just one more thing for you and your family to have in your arsenal during these insane times.
So get your lung cleanse discounted at InfoWarStore.com and get yourself and your family prepared while at the same time funding the InfoWar.
A total 360 win.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We see the panic taking place on the Earth from here.
The Americans have taken to the panic and fear well.
Soon their economy will be destroyed forever.
And our Qaikom slave base will reign supreme!
Already the human-animal clones, and the slave camps, and the AI surveillance omnipresent.
Omnigrid is in place.
And now, the Americans are begging for slavery.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to this Wednesday, March 25th, 2020, worldwide transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, with 222 days left until the election.
Let me tell you who we have for you on the broadcast today.
It's quite a list of guests.
Paul Joseph Watson with huge breaking news from her Britannic Majesty's Island joins us at the bottom of the hour.
Dr. E. Michael Jones.
Joel Skousen, Mark Rondazza, and Mike Adams.
All of this and more today, as the hysteria and the psyop projected from Communist China, developed by our best minds in Hollywood, is now taken as the poison into the Republic to destroy the economy.
Now let's get serious right now.
The globalist multinational corporations have openly and publicly financed the entire development of the communist Chinese system as the replacement of the Western world and as the answer to the free market laissez-faire West.
They've openly admitted this for decades.
It's their project.
That project has been defeated by the awakening of the American people, by Brexit, by the rebellion in Europe, the rebellions in Brazil and other areas.
The people were on the march.
The globalist anti-human project was on the run.
So what were they going to do?
What could they do?
Launch a real man-made bioweapon that does spread easily and does kill large numbers of people.
Then artificially hype it with apocalyptic, Day of the Dead, Walking Dead images.
And have the media and Democrat-controlled cities and governors
Exaggerate the unconstitutional event by calling it a lockdown, where even people in protected sectors under this federal law, like construction, and childcare, and warehouses, and food distribution, are not showing up for work.
I got a call this morning from a friend of mine that builds houses.
And he said, you warned me last week.
I showed my crew the federal law.
I showed the crews that they're allowed to go to work.
They don't believe me.
They didn't come to work today.
So I called another friend that's in construction.
He says he has four crews.
One of them showed up at eight o'clock this morning.
It doesn't matter that the city law off the federal law says that's critical infrastructure.
The people see the news and they hear do not leave your homes.
Because the media is exaggerating all of this.
Along with Democrat Party operatives.
So that they can have the greatest hysteria possible.
And so Trump being moderate and reasonable sounds like he's extreme saying we should open the country back up in two weeks.
And now when we return.
I'm going to lay out their master plan that it is as clear as a clear blue sky.
Wearing one of these M95 masks, ladies and gentlemen, is torture.
But I'm going to get serious.
Everything I said is very serious, but I'm going to get serious in my wardrobe when we come back.
I'm gonna lay it out very quickly, very succinctly what's going on.
But let me introduce it to you now and I think you already know this.
This is siege, this is psychological warfare with a kernel of truth at the center of it.
A giant power grab and the Democrats and the deep state and the big corporations are not gonna open things when Trump says open them.
It's a corporate globalist strike against the economy and the infrastructure they control.
And now the Democrat governors are announcing, we're not opening for 18 months.
We'll be road warrior, collapse society by then.
So Trump says 14 days, they say 18 months.
And then of course, two or three months, we're done.
And so their plan, as they've said, is to bring down the economy, bring down the president.
And so you are seeing them hold the nation through the corporations, through the states and local governments hostage.
There is a counter-strike.
Judges in Texas, there was one yesterday, now it's more today, have come out and said they are reopening the businesses and that all businesses are essential.
Because it's essential to the economy.
And that this is incredible fear-mongering.
The truth is, there have been a lot of really deadly
pneumonia type virus is going around for a very very long time.
There are hundreds and hundreds of different variants of the current coronavirus and even mainline governments are now coming out saying they've tested and of the current coronavirus there are 40 mutations of the coronavirus and most of them are drifting off and are harmless.
So, coronaviruses are highly contagious, but most of them are harmless.
And again, the ones that become bad, talk to medical doctors about this, virologists, they drift off.
That's why you've got Nobel Prize winning virologists coming out and saying, this is not cause to panic.
But I predicted the panic and said you should get ready and concerned because of the panic and the depression and the move to cancel the election.
That sounded crazy eight weeks ago.
Now that's what they say is currently on track.
Articles up on Infowars.com.
All businesses are essential.
Finally, sanity.
Texas County's stay-at-home order won't close businesses.
Judge says all businesses are essential.
But recommended that movie theaters and, you know, things that are just purely entertainment shut.
And there's no need to risk yourself for entertainment.
But everything else, whether it's a hardware store, whether it's Academy with camping supplies, I mean, you have a depression.
You got a big problem.
In an extensive economy like this, a big expanded economy with just-in-time delivery, you start shutting it down, it's hard to turn it back on.
And that's why Trump said, people will die en masse if we have a depression.
Notice the media didn't touch that, because they don't want to start arguing with Trump about that, because they know how true that is.
So that clip's important.
We'll play that again when we come back.
We've got so much more to get into, but I'm going to lay this out today.
The Democrats are announcing the plan.
To hold America hostage, and they're going to work with the corporations to do it, but China is open for business.
This is as clear as the nose on somebody's face that they're using a real virus that they hype up and exaggerate the death rates from, to panic everyone and have corporations set the precedent, then governors set the precedent, and Democrat cities set the precedent, in a partisan move to shut things down, have their own political fever, as they've called it, or their own chemotherapy, their own radiation, to get rid of the cancer that's Donald Trump.
And that's what they're doing right now, is showing you by bankrupting you that they're the boss.
And they think they can blame this on Trump.
The key is blaming it on them and the Chi-Coms.
Then it will blow up in their dirty, stinking faces, like everything else they've tried, and they'll back off.
But they'll launch something new!
We should start asking, after this hoax is over, what will the new hoax be?
Maybe not today.
Maybe not tomorrow.
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For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
Do yourself a favor.
Zinc, antiviral.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
We are definitely in the danger zone.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 transmission.
So, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Here is what's going on, and it's the title of the page we posted on Infowars.com today.
I'm going to put that up on screen.
Democrats and the deep state, along with the media, the chi-coms, their willing accomplices, are openly holding the states, the cities, the counties, the businesses, the industries that they control hostage.
And saying, we don't care what Trump says about two weeks.
We're going to look at reopening things.
We don't care what it does to the economy.
I'll show you on my phone the article.
We don't, we don't care.
We don't care.
We're going to keep it all shut down.
Now think about that.
Very important article.
Document cam shot, please.
I'll show you here.
Breaking dim governors to hold states hostage in coronavirus lockdown.
This allows the deep state to hold the people and the economy hostage, triggering a depression and civil unrest, driving Trump from office.
That's their plan.
And you're witnessing it in your face right now.
How they said we want a depression to drive Trump from office and to teach him and other nationalists that if your country pulls out of the New World Order, we will give you a depression.
They tried the same thing with Brexit.
But the Brits only got madder and stood up.
Along with the Irish and the Scots and the rest of them.
And now they're doing it again here.
Saying we love coronavirus, we hope it brings down Trump.
They tried to block the emergency spending package.
They tried to add 60-plus social justice warrior, extra funding to castrate eight-year-old boys.
I mean, just stuff out of a LSD hallucination.
Democrats and Schumer surrender on Senate coronavirus stimulus bill.
It's being reported.
And the Dems go on and announce that Dem governors buck Trump announced plan
To refuse to reopen in two weeks.
That's the Associated Press headline.
So think about that.
They're going to keep things shut and the number that you see everywhere
That you see from the UN, you see from the Council on Foreign Relations, you hear from the Democrats, you hear from insurance companies, that you hear from operatives on national television is 18 months!
Now they'll never do it that long.
Two or three months, the depression is absolutely certain.
And the breakdown of the economy is going to take years to recover from.
But if they can hold the line and make it look like Trump's being reckless, every death that comes from the coronavirus, or that is given complications from the coronavirus, by the elderly or anybody else, will then be attributed by perception management.
Just like we've seen them do over and over again with less than 100 deaths in mass shootings in schools.
But you'd think they're happening every day, and you'd think all gun owners are to blame.
And so we have to ask ourselves now, what are we going to do to get ahead of this?
And to expose this to understand that this is the attack.
This is the operation.
The CHICOM's hyped it.
They made sure with the Democrats that the people could get in from China.
China incubated it.
They came here as a national mission.
Now the Chinese are evacuating the United States.
That is in the French news agency and Reuters today.
Chinese students fleeing virus hit U.S.
Pay $20,000 for seats on private jets.
And right before the breakout happened, three months ago, there were Chinese everywhere.
I haven't said on air, I said, I don't know why there's Chinese suddenly everywhere.
In every part of Austin, very wealthy, getting in very fancy cars, wearing, you know, very expensive watches, carrying $10,000 handbags.
And it was a bioweapon pilgrimage.
They weren't running from it.
It was their mission to bring it here.
And the CDC lied to Trump and said there was no problem.
They brought as many as they could here.
They distributed people with coronavirus out.
When Trump, eight weeks ago, tried to block Chinese flights, the media erupted.
It's xenophobic.
It's evil.
And now, six to eight weeks later, it's all Trump's fault and it's not the Chinese virus.
It's not the Wuhan virus.
It's the Trump problem.
And we've got to stay shut for 18 months, but Communist China is already ramping up production and back to business.
Think about that.
They get to shut things down.
They get to shut the cities down.
They get to shut the counties down.
They get to shut the buildings down.
Oh, and it gets worse.
It gets worse.
Our top story tying into how the Democrats announced plan
To hold the states and cities they control hostage until they are able to drive Trump from office.
Tying into that now, in Michigan, and in California, and in New York, and in Virginia.
Everywhere they control, COVID alert!
Feds abolished Second Amendment by proxy in 2007.
Now it's being put into action
And I have the stacks of articles right here in front of me where Virginia governor announces
That your right to self-defense is not an essential service or business.
That's how the bureaucracy operates.
That's how police state mission creep power grabs happen.
And that's what's unfolding.
When we come back, Chi Com cites CNN, NBC, Hillary Clinton in propaganda claiming term Chinese virus racist and now China is blaming Trump and blaming America and using Hillary and Democrat statements against us.
Because this isn't our media, this is globalist media that controls China, that's trying to bring down the US, that had control of Russia, but is losing power.
But now you see them using their final desperate measure, a hyped up pandemic, while in California.
And in New York, and in a whole bunch of other states like Arizona and Nevada.
The Democrats are coming out saying, ban hydroxychloroquine, ban Z-Pak.
Don't let people have treatments that totally worked in Europe.
And doctors, don't tell them vitamin C or zinc.
I have a stack of articles.
They say zinc won't help you.
Vitamin C won't help you.
Hydroxychloroquine won't help you.
Nothing will help you.
You're desperate.
Stay in your house.
The economy's almost gone.
America's almost burning down.
We've almost defeated it.
We're going to show flyover country who's boss.
But they've got to stop Trump first and blame him for every death.
As he tries to stop us from going into a depression.
This is their next attack.
And it's the biggest ever.
Get the word out and expose these monstrous anti-Americans in league with a foreign communist murderous state.
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Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70 particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the Chai comms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence.
And the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago, and their response is saying Trump
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
This is a global pandemic.
We have been in frequent contact with our allies, and we are marshalling the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American people.
Close your window.
Go back inside your house.
What do I do, Lord?
Plan, people.
These are demons.
It's basically an intergalactic invasion into this space through people.
I'm telling you, it's what all the ancients said, it's what they warned us, it's what we're dealing with.
They're demons.
They're frickin' interdimensional invaders, okay?
I'll just say it, make fun of me all you want on CNN or wherever, but everyone already innately knows this.
These people are not frickin' humans, okay?
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Does it look like the land of the free, home of the brave to you?
No, it looks like a bunch of lemmings running off the edge of a cliff.
A bunch of cows that have been stampeded by a truck's backfire, running over each other.
Mindlessly braying and breaking their legs and backs.
Blood spilling out of their noses.
Well, we killed 62 million babies.
We let Nambla openly run Drag Queen Storytime.
Where they openly say in their own words, we're grooming children for a lifestyle with us.
And you will not stop us.
Your children are ours.
You watch the drug company ads where it tells you there's happy people dancing and rewarding that it can cause a heart attack or cancer or death or insanity.
Ask your doctor about it.
Yes, the depopulation is coming.
And you're begging for it.
This is only a test to make sure when the globalists really release their deadly bioweapons in the future that you're in a shelter in place and die in your homes and not cause them any trouble while they do it.
And of course, government will decide what businesses can operate and what businesses can't.
And every Democrat city, every Democrat state, is now banning firearm sales and saying your regular right to keep and bear them, to transport them, is banned!
It's all pre-programmed, all pre-prepared.
And I was telling my wife just last night, I said, yeah, no, the UN, all of them, they want 18 months.
That's when the fake vaccine comes out.
That's when the travel IDs and the apps will be on your phones.
China's already done it.
They're already beta testing it here.
But it's a process of enslavement.
You come in not appreciating your rights.
You come out not having them.
Tough measures to stem the coronavirus outbreak could be in place for 18 months.
Scientists say, Time Magazine.
Who expert?
Finding and distributing
COVID-19 vaccine, 18 months would be historic.
It's all scripted.
Coronavirus timeline, how the world will change over the next 18 months, Esquire.
Modeling study, 18 months of coronavirus.
Social distancing, much disruption.
Tough measures to stem the coronavirus outbreak can be in place for 18 months.
Sorry, America, the full lockdown's coming, says the Council on Foreign Relations.
Isn't that sweet?
And then here is the Democrats getting used to siege and holding the states, counties, and cities hostage against the economy, against the people, against the president until there's a full depression and the president is driven from power.
The mayor of L.A.
announces water and power will be shut off for non-essential L.A.
businesses that don't close.
That's called siege.
And they've got citizen block captains that report you, you still have your business running, and well, your water and power gets turned off.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who keeps the babies comfortable, omits gun stores from list of essential businesses.
Ha ha!
Oh, you killed his gun confiscation bills?
Ah, he'll show you!
I'll get you and your little dog too!
County Sheriff orders gun stores to close.
He says people don't know how to use them properly.
That's a quote.
Adds 1,300 deputies to patrol to make sure you submit.
They let all the criminals out.
Constitutional crisis as they take the guns.
mayor to cut off the water from selfish people.
Meanwhile, shock video.
14 inmates escape from county jail in Washington State amid coronavirus chaos as society breaks down.
All these videos pour out in San Francisco of people looting in front of everyone, the store shelves.
And that's called the breakdown of civilization.
And everybody just sits there and watches it all unfold and watches it all collapse as confidence goes bye-bye.
Meanwhile, convict released early due to coronavirus storms house, terrorizes woman at knifepoint, tying her up in shoelaces.
That's okay.
UK food delivery trucks torched amid virus crisis by Islamic horde groups.
And it just goes on and on.
Like Trump said, the breakdown of civilization and depression will kill a lot more people than this virus.
And it's very, very real.
And it's the admitted plan.
And I've got AP right here.
Democrats announced at the federal and state level, they're not going to let Trump turn the economy back on.
They're just going to ignore him at the state and local level in blue cities and states.
And they're going to tell people you stay in your damn houses.
And the public self-enforces, even though these weird nanny state rules go, go to the park, work out, just don't get within close to people.
And all these essential businesses stay open.
But I got a call from my friend that builds houses.
He builds up to about three or four houses at a time, custom houses.
He said most of his crews walked off.
Doesn't matter he has the law, showing them they're essential.
They don't care.
They're getting into it.
They have quarantine envy.
You see.
Because they've been promised all this money and they just don't work.
Of course, you'll never really get hardly any of it.
But that's how suckers are.
And then I called another friend I know that builds houses.
He said, yeah, most of them walked off.
He has four crews.
One crew is there.
He showed them the law, everything.
They don't care.
Because the public wants to go watch Netflix.
They won't.
Notice beer is essential.
Liquor is essential.
Marijuana dispensaries, they're all open.
But not your right to defend yourself.
And the crime rate is going to explode.
It already is in many areas.
The globalists are social engineers.
They know that they turn the economy off.
They know that they shut down most of the businesses.
And then they say, we're gonna do it for 18 months.
If they do it three months, it's over for civilization.
Now, when we come back, the big news story that ties into all this, the gun confiscation.
And how it ties into the Communist Chinese openly working with the Democrats, the Deep State, to bring down America.
And will Americans realize that before it's too late?
Or will they be total fools and will this finally be the end of the Republic?
This is it.
The end of the Republic if they succeed.
These people are unbelievable.
COVID alert.
Feds abolish Second Amendment by proxy in 2017.
Now they're implementing it.
That's on InfoWars.com.
A maximum emergency alert.
It's on newswars.com as well.
That doesn't get banned or censored as much, so share the link from newswars.com.
If we awaken people, they'll have to back off.
We've defeated their last few hoaxes.
We've got to defeat this one now.
Separately, it's important to protect yourselves and to protect your immune system and to boost your overall body's defenses.
Turmeric's known for doing that.
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There may be one stronger, but it's the strongest we know of.
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Tumor formulas are just raw tumors, about 3-5%.
Other ones that are really strong are 60-70% curcuminoid.
This is $95.
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97% reviews.
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Get your bodies today.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
Real Red Pill Plus has some natural stimulant in it.
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Of zinc.
Get it yourself now.
We're shipping within one day of your orders coming in.
And we're about to sell out of the one ounce nano silver from American Biotech that we have in the one ounces.
They're still discounting, though.
It's about to sell out.
And we have the super blue toothpaste, super silver, sold out.
It has the same amount of the nano silver plus tea tree and iodine.
So get your super blue toothpaste.
It's going to sell out soon as well.
I made four police state films more than a decade ago, specifically warning of the plan to suspend habeas corpus, the right to even have access to a court, the right to not be secretly arrested and secretly disappeared.
And I warned the Patriot Act they claimed was for terrorists was really for the American people.
Well, now they admit it is.
And bipartisanly, the Justice Department
is now openly seeking to arrest and disappear Americans whenever they want under the guise of coronavirus, but they just say during the emergency, it'll be for every other crime you can imagine.
It's the cherry on top of a nice big fudge sundae called martial law.
Oh, and the sprinkles on it?
It's the big Great Depression everybody's gonna have.
So folks that are all excited that you're getting time off work?
Oh, you're gonna get time off from your whole future, your family, your health, and forced inoculations, and gun confiscation.
We've known for over a decade that big tech is totally anti-American and wants to bring in a one world government currency, a Chinese communist social score to control every facet of our lives.
But now it's here.
They are using this coronavirus lockdown to tell all these shops and stores do not accept cash.
And now they're announcing all over the country they're going to stop accepting cash and only certain businesses can stay open.
Well, what do you do next to put the final nail in the coffin and launch the Mark of the Beast?
House stimulus bill envisions digital dollar to ease coronavirus recession.
Only stores that are allowed to be open can accept it.
Evil patriots and people, of course, can't use it.
And it tracks everything you do.
So there it is, folks.
Mark of the Beast.
Global digital currency all being rolled out in this hysteria.
And a lot of people are buying into it.
So you've just greenlit the globalists absolutely taking control of your lives.
But InfoWars predicted it all from the very start.
That's where we're at tomorrow's news today.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70 particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane.
And the American people need to let them know legally and lawfully that we see through them and we're not going to put up with their terrorism against America.
As for Infowars, we're fighting on harder than ever thanks to you and we are winning!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, they promised to get our guns one way or another.
And now they're using a federal law that passed 13 years ago to ban the sale, the transport, in some areas, the ownership of guns.
The deep state and Democrat areas are making their move, holding America hostage, saying it's never reopening for business.
It'll never be the same, they're telling us.
Your freedoms are gone now, from a virus that came from China.
But if you say that,
Well, we'll attack you as well.
Because they're allied with that monstrous state.
Remember what Beto O'Rourke had to say?
You said, quote, Americans who own AR-15s and AK-47s will have to sell them to the government, all of them.
You know, the critics call this confiscation.
Are you proposing taking away their guns, and how would this work?
I am.
If it's a weapon that was designed to kill people on a battlefield,
If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body, because it was designed to do that, so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield and not be able to get up and kill one of our soldiers.
When we see that being used against children...
And in Odessa, I met the mother of a 15-year-old girl who was shot by an AR-15.
And that mother watched her bleed to death over the course of an hour because so many other people were shot by that AR-15.
In Odessa and Midland, there weren't enough ambulances to get to them in time.
Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.
We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.
But the government is going to have its guns.
So the power grab you're seeing is totally unconstitutional.
It's un-American.
It has nothing to do with this virus.
It's about getting your guns.
It's about killing the economy.
It's about blaming Trump for the economy when it goes belly up.
And they admit that.
Because they're such a group of disconnected, lawless, tone-deaf criminals.
But I'll tell you what else they're doing.
They are openly aligned with Communist China.
China doesn't run the U.S.
The globalists created Communist China.
The globalists got control of America to a great extent.
And they've been de-industrializing us because they control China.
They've been using China as a tool to make us dependent on globalists.
And they're making China dependent on us.
And the globalists manage that, quote, interdependence.
This is all globalist talk.
But what it really means is the globalists can cut our economy or their economy off whenever they want.
Trump's trying to end that and make us self-sufficient.
We got a video coming up in a few minutes where Trump says we should never rely on a foreign country during a crisis calls for U.S.
This is all good.
Common sense.
That is going on.
But first I want to play this clip.
Chai Com cites CNN, NBC, Hillary Clinton in propaganda claiming term Chinese virus racist and boy they all got directors from China and they follow them and now China uses the propaganda back against us.
Meanwhile on National Chinese TV official government spokespersons say we launched the attack on them.
And our own media defends that.
Remember when Trump last week, they said, how dare you call it Chinese virus?
Well, they're saying we did it.
I'm just saying it came from them.
They shut up real quick, didn't they?
The president needs to get back on that and hammer it.
And hammer this, the Democrats want to hold America hostage.
Democrat governors, type it in, it's AP, it's everywhere.
Democrat governors say that they're not reopening in two weeks.
Pelosi says they're not reopening in two weeks.
Schumer says they're not opening in two weeks.
Because they're here to cripple the country, it's all they've ever done.
And I can't believe more Americans don't see through it and aren't outraged, and that big tech is still in place, still censoring shows like this one that tell the truth, when the president could stop it like that.
It's dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
This country's never been in more peril since its founding.
I do not have words to describe to you how serious this is.
Let's go ahead and go to that.
Because it comes from China?
It's not racist at all.
Not at all.
It comes from China.
It is easy to scapegoat people.
Racism is going on.
This isn't about China.
It's about us.
It is easy to scapegoat people.
And that is what has always happened when there have been pandemics or epidemics.
This is a virus that came from the territory of China, but came from bats.
This is a bat virus, not a China virus.
It's absolutely wrong and inappropriate to call this the
The Chinese coronavirus.
I assume you would agree with that.
China was the first phase.
Korea and Iran was the second phase.
With Italy, now all of Europe.
The word coronavirus crossed out and changed to Chinese.
Who does that help?
We don't need an enemy.
We have one.
The virus.
Trump doesn't dislide blame.
This isn't about China.
It's about us.
And now Hillary attacks the President for telling the truth.
And de Blasio.
They're all lying anti-American criminals.
All the big Democrat mayors, and now they've announced that they are going to block Trump trying to reopen the country.
Because they're carrying out their operation like good little dutiful teleprompter readers.
All right, so people are realizing what's happening.
Senator Josh Hawley calls for international probe into China's coronavirus cover-up.
Big story on NewsWorse.com and InfoWorse.com.
That's absolutely got to get out.
Representative introduced a companion bill in the House.
Hawley tweeted yesterday, proud to partner with the other Congress people to introduce this bicameral resolution calling for China to compensate USA and all other affected countries for the harm and destruction the Communist Party unleashed with their lies and deception about the coronavirus.
While the brainwashed masses dutifully cower in their homes on the government behest, enemies from within usher in a new era of CPP dominance and American submission to the state.
A member of the House Armed Services Committee said in a statement since day one the Chinese Communist Party intentionally lied to the world about the origin of this pandemic.
The CCP were aware of the reality of the virus as early as December, but ordered laboratories to destroy samples and forced doctors to keep silent.
It is time for international investigation into the role and cover-up played by the spread of the devastating pandemic.
The CCP must be held to account for what the world is now suffering.
That is a very important article.
Trump calls for strong borders and a return to manufacturing and coronavirus briefing.
Trump says we should never rely on a foreign country during a crisis.
This is all common sense.
But I go back to this.
The Democrats, I have the articles, you've seen them on the news.
They say we're not reopening in two weeks.
We're not going to reopen in three months.
We're not going to open until the vaccine's out in a year to a year and a half to two years.
And that's going to be forced.
And they're coming for the guns, day one.
And they're coming for everybody, day one.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is so obvious and so evil, they're out in the open.
I cannot believe it.
It is incredible.
And Trump is trying to be confident with the public.
If he says too much, it'll spook everybody to say that the Democrats are globalists, want to destroy the country.
We're with the shy comms, but America already knows this and is ready for the truth.
They want to end America.
It's time to end the Democratic Party, which is nothing but a traitorous globalist operation.
Here's what the president had to say about common sense.
Reliant on a foreign country for the means of our own survival.
I think we've learned a lot.
We've learned a lot.
This crisis has underscored just how critical it is to have strong borders and a robust manufacturing sector.
For three years, we've embarked on a great national project to secure our immigration system and bring back our manufacturing jobs.
We've brought back many jobs, records numbers of record numbers of jobs.
And this really shows
This experience shows how important borders are.
Without borders, you don't have a nation.
Our goal for the future must be to have American medicine for American patients, American supplies for American hospitals and American equipment for our great American heroes.
Now both parties must unite to ensure the United States... Full clip on InfoWars.com.
You know, the media, I have a whole other stack of news, I'll get to them, we'll go to guests next hour.
I got a whole stack of news where governors, mayors, and everywhere are ordering people, ordering medical doctors.
Mayors ought to not prescribe hydrofluoroquine, to not say take vitamin C, to not say take zinc.
Because they don't want you to know that this almost completely mitigates it in every case.
They want you on respirators.
They want you panicked.
They want you dead.
They want you bankrupted.
No borders, no walls.
And now a top environmental group says they love the virus.
They hope it kills everyone on Earth.
It's funded by the Democratic Party.
The globalists and the enemy of the people, corporate media, have worked overtime, like the devil, to destroy all independent, pro-America, truth-based media.
And chief amongst their enemy has been Infowars.
But thanks to you spreading the word, and thanks to you supporting Infowars, we are still on the air and have actually expanded in the face of their tyranny.
It is now more critical than ever that you take this opportunity to share Bandot video at InfoWars.com and the articles and reports that are so critical because the world is waking up and needs this information now more than ever.
From myself and the InfoWars crew, you have our undying pledge and commitment to fight these tyrants harder than we ever have before and to defend basic freedom and justice and the American way of life.
This is the crossroads.
America and the planet in the balance.
Whatever you do, please take action and spread the word.
God bless and good luck.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the Chai comms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free-fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence.
And the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago, and their response is saying Trump
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have a whole bunch of guests joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour.
But I personally, when we come back in this longer segment, want to get into this.
This is happening, and I know we've been talking about it's coming forever, and we've seen incremental attacks on our freedoms, and more and more of the Democrats and the globalists have admitted, yeah, we want your guns, yeah, we want pedophilia, yeah, we want Satanism, yeah, we want to reduce the world population forcibly.
But now it's out in the open.
So this is a war on progress, a war on humanity, a war on a human future.
So when we come back after the special report, COVID Alert, Feds Abolish Second Amendment by Proxy in 2007.
Now it's in action.
But first, let's go to this very important report.
The talking point is Trump, the president, shouldn't be able to talk to the people.
If it were up to me, and it's not, I would stop putting those briefings on live TV.
Not out of spite, but because it's misinformation.
If the president does end up saying anything true, you can run it as tape.
But if he keeps lying like he has been every day on stuff this important, we should, all of us, should stop broadcasting it.
Honestly, it's going to cost lives.
And now Trump is saying four or five days ago they were going to inject $1 trillion into the economy and give each family $2,000.
Now it's $4 trillion and it's
3,000 per family.
Will that stop the stock market sliding tomorrow?
Is there no end to what we've gotten into?
The sense of dire urgency that Americans are feeling across the country for financial relief right now has not seemed to break the logjam here on Capitol Hill.
We'll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it'll be compatible with what they're discussing in the Senate.
So no deal that's bipartisan at this point?
We Senate Democrats have a plan that's called Workers First.
We want the help to go just to the people who you said, who are losing their jobs and have to pay monthly bills, not just a one-time shot of money, and then what do they do next month when they have a mortgage or a rent or food?
You're gonna ensure that the president and his family cannot personally benefit from bailouts?
We'll try to get that in the legislation, yeah.
We'll try to figure that out.
I think it's against the law now, but the judges are not interpreting it correctly.
The unemployment rolls are going up by the hundreds of thousands each day.
And we have a vote tonight that can give these people some assurances?
And somehow, that's not a catastrophic situation that we should respond to?
I don't know what people on the other side of the aisle are thinking about.
Particularly for the unemployed and particularly for those that don't have checks.
What are we going to do for them?
This package that came out of the Finance Committee will not solve all the problems.
But as the leader said, there's four or five other task forces.
That are doing things to make sure that small business can get loans that they can qualify for if they'll keep their people employed.
Now, two days ago, the press reported that a senior member of the House Democratic leadership told his colleagues, quote, This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.
A senior member of the House Democratic leadership.
Well, Mr. President, let me suggest that is exactly, exactly the wrong approach right now.
The Chinese PSYOP weapon cripples U.S.
Panic Trump injects $4 trillion into the U.S.
They say the next 90 days.
And the media that said Xi Jinping did a wonderful job lines up against our president and our country because they're enemies of the nation who hate the country's existence and who said they wanted to see the president and America fail because they're globalists.
Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and these are beyond dire times.
If we don't cause, trigger, institute, initiate, launch, prosecute, engage in a mass awakening to the current modern 21st century economic, cultural, physical, military attack that we're under from the globalists and our allied crime syndicates,
We're going to lose.
I kept telling you when we were in the middle of beating that impeachment and they didn't have the votes, I said weeks before the president was acquitted, I said they're going to fail.
And I said on record, I believe they'll launch a bio-attack.
Listeners can go back and find it.
You all heard me say it.
I said a bio-attack to trigger a financial collapse because I'd seen them do their drills.
They said world government will be brought in by a global pandemic.
And now you see it happening with a man-made virus that does kill people, but that they're vastly hyping up.
Now I've got some good news on that front.
The U.S.
death rate is vastly lower than China or Italy.
And that's because those are authoritarian countries that were overrating the danger as an excuse for a power grab, especially in China.
In Italy,
I checked my numbers.
I called an Italian citizen I know this morning.
He's joining us in the third hour for 30 minutes, and he concurred with why they're dying.
They have one of the oldest populations in the world.
They have Taipei blood on average that is very susceptible to viruses.
They are very communal.
The families live three generations at a time, close proximity, and the old people don't sit in their houses.
They go out everywhere.
The average age is 85, dying in Italy.
So, we'll go over all of that, but let me give you the big news here.
Dr. McHamshot, please.
The Democrats and the deep state admit they're going to hold America hostage.
They won 18 months.
They said they're going to buck Trump.
They initiated the lockdowns first to make it look like he wasn't doing enough to try to push him into it.
And now it's happening.
Imaginary clock.
Governors reject virus timelines.
Say it'll be three months to a year.
All Democrats.
Is the country ready to step up?
Says AP.
We have to be ready for years of being shut down.
Same thing.
The Council on Foreign Relations is saying Cuomo lies and says Trump hasn't responded any.
Total lie.
You have the Chi-Coms allied openly against the U.S.
and Senator Hawley coming out and exposing it.
But now that brings us to this.
Why did hundreds of CEOs resign just before the world started going absolutely crazy?
Big article by Michael Snyder, the World Economic Collapse blog, posted up on Infowars.com.
Hundreds of top CEOs of the Fortune 500 left, and many of the top owners, shareholders, dumped their stock in November and December and January.
We pointed that out.
We said, there is record dumping.
And is that because when they don't remove Trump, the globalists want to take him out financially?
I said, yes.
How will they do it?
A giant war, an Islamic invasion of Europe, which also did happen via Turkey, and or,
A bioweapon attack.
I said I'm seeing all these shows about pandemics and death all over TV.
That was in December.
It was already happening.
Incubating in China.
So it's on.
Meanwhile, every Hollywood globalist scumbag and all these royals have got it so they can be human like us and we feel sorry for them.
These are the six secret owners of the world.
They're not even British.
They're Transylvanian, literally.
I'm not joking, folks.
That sounds funny.
It's not.
They're from the Carpathian Mountains.
Prince Charles lives in Dracula Castle, the first patriarch of the family.
If you think I'm joking, dive in.
Prince Charles, Dracula.
And he's sick now.
Oh, that poor baby.
Absolutely disgusting.
And then meanwhile, a group he funds that his father openly supports, Extinction Rebellion, the same group that takes over the buses and the trains of workers, the same group that says there are too many humans and they want to crash civilization.
They're sticking signs up everywhere.
The rich white kids that say, Corona is the cure, humans are the disease.
But of course, they never kill themselves.
So that's who they are, and that's what they're pushing, and they're sabotaging civilization to break it down.
They're sabotaging civilization to sabotage it.
And that's what brings us to this next thing.
The governor said it won't reopen things.
They're all over blue cities and blue states.
They're releasing hardened criminals, rapists, armed robbers.
And the crime rate is just totally exploding.
New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C. And the governor says, don't do it.
The doctor that told Sean Hannity that he'd cured 350 people of it with hydroxychloroquine and Z-packs as well as zinc, which is the three things are totally known to do it.
300 patients that had it, knocked out.
He's been ordered by the governor, in executive order,
And that no other doctor do it.
Same thing with Nevada.
Same thing with California.
You do not give them vitamin C. You do not give them chloroquine.
You do not give them Z-Pak.
The governors and the bureaucrats are now above the doctors.
And when Trump quotes doctors, he's told to shut up.
Nevada's Democrat governor issues emergency order barring use of anti-malaria drugs for coronavirus.
The same Jewish doctor
That treated 350 patients who all had it, who he knocked it out with.
A New York doctor shared with Hannity the hydroxychloroquine Z-Pak results.
200 milligrams of hydroxychloroquine twice daily for five days.
500 milligrams once daily of Z-Pak.
220 once daily of zinc.
This is if you have it, folks.
Don't take that much zinc from what I've read if you don't have it.
Especially long-term, bad for your kidneys.
350 patients, breathing restored 3-4 hours, 0 deaths, 0 hospitalizations, 0 intubations.
And that's in all the literature around the world with zinc and Z-Pak, which happens to say the same name but it's not different, and hydroxychloroquine.
What have we been telling you for months?
Same thing.
So there you go.
And here's the New York order where the mayor
Asked the governor, he did it.
Orders doctors not to prescribe what works because he's Dr. Cuomo.
No pharmacist shall dispense hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine except when written prescription as an FDA-approved indication as part of a state-approved clinical trial related to COVID-19, which will take a year to do.
And it goes on from there.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, they're letting all the criminals out while turning the water and power off to people in L.A.
and places that still run their businesses or have the lights on.
That's siege.
That's economic warfare in your face.
But not in Collin County, Texas.
In other areas of Texas, judges are ordering everything to stay open, saying it's essential to keep our economy going.
We've never acted like this before.
Why are we doing this now?
Meanwhile, Chinese are eating live rats as a delicacy and have now contracted a deadly disease from rats.
I'm sure once they spread it here, it'll be all our fault.
We'll have to lock down again.
That's coming up next segment.
And then our next guest joins us.
But I want to look at the other side of hysteria when we come back as well.
Man who licked products at Walmart charged with making terrorist threat.
All these liberal trendies are licking toilet seats, coughing on people, and saying they're spreading it to kill the boomers.
The same attitude they get from the Extinction Rebellion people.
Again, it could be any brand of tonic water that contains quinine.
That's from the British military.
That's why it's called tonic.
And this has the same chemical in it as the hydroxychloroquine, and I've had doctors confirm to me they're using this because the FDA has no business blocking them on patients.
Attention all radio listeners who still need food supplies.
If you've thought about the implication of food-related supply chain disruptions and are concerned about the coming quarantines, this will be the most important message you will ever hear.
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For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors, come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane.
And the American people need to let them know legally and lawfully that we see through them, and we're not going to put up with their terrorism against America.
As for InfoWars, we're fighting on harder than ever, thanks to you, and we are winning.
One of the products that I'm very proud of, I don't talk enough about, because there's so many amazing essential oils and ingredients in it, it takes a long time to break down the product, because it's a complex product.
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So get your lung cleanse discounted at InfoWarStore.com and get yourself and your family prepared while at the same time funding the InfoWar.
A total 360 win.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are watching a modern war.
We are watching an axis of globalist evil.
Multinational corporations above the law that own slave factories from China to India to Mexico.
Who are openly engaged in every crime against humanity, from human-animal hybrids to forced labor camps and death camps for Muslims, 3 million of them, the Uyghurs in China, run by Apple.
Even the Wall Street Journal reports that.
And everything they've done to those poor people, they'd love to do to us here.
And now they're funding massive, massive, massive projects to brainwash our children
And to turn them against America and against their families and against God and to confuse their sexuality.
And they're using the crisis and the hype of this virus to release prisoners from jails and to block known medical treatments that medical doctors are prescribing that have been used for decades against similar viruses because they want the maximum hysteria and they want the maximum death rate.
And then they're releasing the prisoners out of the jails.
They're not letting normal businesses stay open.
They're shutting down the gun shops in all the Democrat areas, saying they're not essential.
And meanwhile, Extinction Rebellion, funded by the UN, funded by the British royal family and others, is saying that humans are the disease, coronavirus is the cure.
We're good to go.
Patience, because it's so effective, even according to the EU, even according to the Chinese.
They want destruction, and they're holding the economy hostage.
And the Democrat mayors and governors are saying, we're not opening in two weeks or two months.
18 months.
I showed you all the articles.
Is the amount of time.
That's when the forced vaccine comes out, the medical tyranny.
They're trying to ban cash all over the world.
They're pushing surveillance using your cell phone where you are, where you go to enforce this unconstitutional nightmare scenario.
But when real diseases were coming across,
When the drug-resistant TB and all these other horrible pathogens were coming across from the Mexican border, from all over the world, and the children weren't even being tested, were being put in school right next to your children and my children, and those poor children that came in weren't even being tested or cured!
That was all fine, don't discuss it, why it's xenophobic to talk about diseases from the third world.
But now it's pouring in, and President Trump's being blamed for the crisis, and he says, hey, the Communist Chinese are the ones that covered it up.
It's their virus.
Even when they blame Trump and say he launched a bio-attack with no evidence, and Trump defends America, our own media attacks the President and the American people because they're not our media.
They're multinational globalist media bought and paid for by the same megabanks, the same soulless, sick, evil groups that put the chi comms in power.
You know, right before World War II, Prescott Bush headed up Brown Brother Harriman and was actually a known Nazi agent that came out in congressional hearings of the McCormick-Nixon Committee later after the war.
And thousands of prominent Americans were arrested for working with the Nazis.
But the top industrialists were so powerful, it was thought it would bring down the country.
If the Bushes and others got in trouble for it.
But the Nazis didn't have a foothold in America like the Chi-Coms do.
Owning and running many of our universities.
Controlling Harvard.
Controlling other big institutions.
Buying off most of the politicians.
Having spies in Dianne Feinstein's office running her operations.
Her valet was a Chi-Com.
Her personal assistant was a Chai Kom.
Her managing assistant was a Chai Kom.
Three of them, at least.
But that was allowed as a wedding with the Communist Party, as a merger with them.
They don't run it.
The globalists run Chai Kom China.
And Chaicom China began to buck them under Obama.
And that's why we had to pivot with the fleet over there to put pressure on the Chaicoms to behave themselves.
Trump got in and said, we're not playing this game.
It's over.
The globalist control of our countries is done.
And you're seeing them now strike back at us.
I believe Xi Jinping, who had to deal with Taiwan rebellions and mainland rebellions, released it himself.
But we do know it's man-made.
And we do know Obama transferred the precursor virus, without the HIV delivery system, to them, which was then added.
So we know it came from them.
We know it's man-made.
And we know the Democrats are using it to try to break the country down and cause a Great Depression and hold the states and cities they control hostage until Trump is driven from office.
And that's the scripting.
That's the narrative.
And we better expose that narrative!
And we better get that truth out!
And the President is starting to get on that narrative, which is the narrative of truth.
Which is the narrative of victory, which is the narrative of success, which is the narrative of vengeance against the globalists.
They are criminals.
They are supervillains.
They are so arrogant.
I used to wonder as a child, I'd watch movies about Italian gangsters where they cry and they go do all that stuff.
That was fake until I met real famous Italian gangsters.
And I used to see super villains in movies bragging to Superman when he's tied up with Kryptonite how they're going to launch the master plan.
And I think that's stupid.
If I was a master villain, I wouldn't brag about it.
They actually brag!
All the stuff you see in movies and stuff is an archetype of what really goes on.
And you learn as you get older and involved in things that it's actually real.
The UN says there's too many people and they want to buy a weapon to release us.
Bill Gates says it.
Extinction Rebellion says it.
And now they're all doing it.
And now they're all celebrating it and saying it'll bring down Trump.
While on the news they go, oh Trump's not doing a good job.
He needs to shut it all down or we'll have a depression.
Knowing shutting it all down will cause a depression.
It's incredible!
It's like watching somebody walk around your house with a five-gallon can of gasoline, pour it all over the house, and then get a flare out and say, gee, I wish you wouldn't have burned your house down.
You're like, hey, don't do that.
Don't do that.
Hey, hey, don't!
You're like, you're the one that burned it down.
You're the one that... Get ready!
These people are sick, and they don't respect you because they think you don't have a memory.
Remember Gruber, when they wrote Obamacare at tripling prices?
He said, I wrote it to screw them, and Obama wanted to gouge them with big corporations, and consolidate the insurance companies.
He goes, thank God they're so stupid.
And he's up there on C-SPAN with all these other professors, and they're all just looking at him, admiring him, and going, sir, how do you lie so good?
He says, I'll teach you.
I'll teach you how to do it.
He goes, well, just, they're so stupid.
Michael, how do you do it?
They don't have a memory of a goldfish and they just all sat back and laughed and rubbed their hands together like rats.
These are human cockroaches.
And the minute you get into the real world, like you get into Netflix or movies or video games, and the minute you figure out how they really operate, now you're a player in the universe, and you can go out and meet them on the front lines and beat them every time.
With intellectual and spiritual gravitas, they can never imagine.
They seek power because they don't have any innate power.
That's why they seek to bring people low, because they're so low.
Instead of rising people up because you're already so high, you want to see those mountains transcend throughout the universe and go interdimensional.
Attention GCN self-reliance listeners, if you've ever wanted an emergency solar survival backup system but were waiting for prices too crazy to pass up, this will be the most important message you'll ever hear.
Bill Hyde here and I want to tell you about a huge sale with historically low prices on our PPX microgrid system that's going to let you produce an endless supply of electricity off the grid.
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That's right.
For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors, come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane.
And the American people need to let them know legally and lawfully that we see through them, and we're not going to put up with their terrorism against America.
As for InfoWars, we're fighting on harder than ever, thanks to you, and we are winning.
We've known for over a decade that big tech is totally anti-American and wants to bring in a one world government currency, a Chinese communist social score to control every facet of our lives.
But now it's here.
They are using this coronavirus lockdown to tell all these shops and stores do not accept cash.
And now they're announcing all over the country they're going to stop accepting cash and only certain businesses can stay open.
Well, what do you do next to put the final nail in the coffin and launch the Mark of the Beast?
House stimulus bill envisions digital dollar to ease coronavirus recession.
Only stores that are allowed to be open can accept it.
Evil patriots and people, of course, can't use it.
And it tracks everything you do.
So there it is, folks.
Mark of the Beast.
Global digital currency all being rolled out in this hysteria.
And a lot of people are buying into it, so you've just greenlit the globalists absolutely taking control of your lives.
But InfoWars predicted it all from the very start.
That's where we're at tomorrow's news today.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
Do yourself a favor.
Zinc, antiviral.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You walk into this room, and you witness a communist Chinese state working with international media and multinational corporations to panic the U.S.
economy and bring it down, remove the president.
They admit that's their plan.
Meanwhile, Chinese students are fleeing the U.S.
from the supposed virus that came from their country of gun confiscation.
It's right around the corner they're banning gun sales from Virginia to California to New York to Michigan.
Saying it's non-essential, you're right, to defend yourself.
And look at this Scott Bronson's, one of our producers, tweets at TweetRevere.
You can't put a price on human life, the Democrats say.
Shut the whole economy down if you can save one life.
Apparently, the Democrats already have.
Here's Planned Parenthood.
In a tweet they put out $350 to $950 per life to kill them nationwide.
The cost of health centers range from $350 to $950 for an abortion in the first trimester.
The cost is usually more for a second trimester abortion.
Costs vary depending on how long you've been pregnant and where you go.
Hospitals generally cost more.
So you can put a price on human life.
It's basically what about what's in between $350 and $950, $600?
600 and something bucks.
That's the price on life.
So we're going to lose the whole economy and it's every time there's a new virus, it's not even as bad as the flu.
Well, it's all over.
Our guest has done a really powerful video, we'll tell you about, and we've only got him for about two and a half segments.
We'll get him back for longer.
E. Michael Jones, Dr. E. Michael Jones.
You can also talk about the ADL, they persecuted him.
They want a big bailout as well now taxpayer money to police everybody and censor the internet.
Meanwhile, Pelosi just delayed the coronavirus relief bill until a few more days.
These people are openly trying to sabotage everything.
It's incredible.
Please don't forget, we're not up here offering panaceas.
We just know what on record is absolutely powerful in the body to protect your cells, and that's zinc.
And I don't care where you get zinc, it's sold out most places.
Our multivitamin Real Red Pill Plus has all the vitamins and minerals and a big dose of
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Vitamin Refusion also has amino acids, but it's in a dose.
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We've had this out for like a year now.
It's a bestseller super silver skin cream with the nano tech silver in it with hyaluronic acid.
So instead of drying your skin out with the alcohols that dissipate in a few minutes and all the rest of it, this lasts for days or until it's removed from your skin.
And it is the same as the Super Wound Gel, but they didn't have to patent this, so the price is a lot less.
The other stuff sold in stores.
This is not, because of that whole process, so it costs a lot less, but it's still super high quality, the exact same silver.
Women get this and go, my God, just the hyaluronic acid in Ulta, a tube this big, would be like 30 bucks.
How is it so inexpensive?
Well, we don't market up like that, so it's got the natural
Grapefruit scented and then the non-scented in these large tubes that are 3.4 ounces and in the one ounce tube still available at InfoWareStore.com and our super blue fluoride free toothpaste has the nano silver in it as well.
The same silver that's in our super silver that's sold out.
And it also has the tea tree oil that's antiviral on record, and of course the iodine.
You can't get a better toothpaste out there for all of its properties, and it's still discounted even though it's about to sell out at Infowarshore.com and that funds their operation.
Am I saying that the virus is being overhyped?
Yes, but the hype's the reason to get prepared and get ready.
Okay, E. Michael Jones joins us to get into the waterfront here.
He sent me a lot of points that he could get into here.
Is it a bioweapon?
Disproportionate response taken by governments.
Lockdowns, quarantines, National Guard.
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
And so much more!
Well, now it's all happened.
And as of today, the Democrats say they're going to hold the states they control hostage, and the cities they control hostage, and say that Trump's not doing a good job when he tries to lift this garbage they initiated.
So this really is the new civil war, but it's done by the bureaucracy and a consortium of foreign companies and the CHICOMs, in my views.
So, Doctor, Professor, thanks for coming on with us and lay it all out for us.
Well, I think that I agree with you.
I think that there is good evidence to believe that the COVID-19 is a bioweapon.
First of all, we've had the exposure of certain groups in the country who are involved in espionage in collaboration with the Chinese.
One of them is the chairman of the chemistry department at Harvard, Dr. Charles Lieber, who was arrested just as this virus started to take off here.
He was collaborating with Wuhan, and in terms of his students, his students, it turns out, were claiming to be students, but they were members of the Chinese military, and one of them was arrested in Logan Airport boarding a plane for China, and he had 28 vials of what they're calling biological material in his socks.
Now, the people in Wuhan that they're collaborating with have been known to be working with coronavirus.
Dr. Zhang has received grants from the United States of America, from USAID and other organizations to work on basically the genetic manipulation of coronavirus by adding bat DNA to it to make it more toxic.
So the weapon, also in addition to this, Francis Boyle, who was the man who wrote up the anti-bioweapon protocol in the 1970s, also believes that it was a bioweapon.
And he says that there has been back and forth between Winnipeg, their level four biolab, and Wuhan as well.
So the indication is that it is a bioweapon.
At this point, the question is, well, if they're shipping it in their socks,
The chances are it may be released accidentally.
That's a possibility.
Okay, the Chinese government, however, is saying that it was a biological warfare attack by the United States.
Exactly, when Trump says that's not true, our media all attacks him because they're not our media.
But regardless, you agree with Senator Hawley that China should have some repercussions for this, for their bioweapons labs, for the fact the last four pandemics, bird flu, SARS, swine flu, and now COVID-19, all come out of their loins.
Well, the problem here is that we've got criminal activity going on here.
I mean, obviously, if the guy who was the chairman of the chemistry department is arrested, that's criminal activity.
The FBI is involved in this thing.
But the question is, what exactly is going on?
No, Trump is rolling up the international Chinese networks that I said he was three years ago, now confirmed this year, and I think this is a weapon they launched to cover up Taiwan, cover up domestic problems, and then work with the deep state to then flood us with it, to then use it against Trump in the recovery.
Well, I think that's what we have to think through right now, because I think there are a number of possible scenarios here.
Okay, I think we have to accept that there is a possible scenario that the United States could have launched a bioweapon against China.
I think that's a possible scenario.
I'm not saying Donald Trump did it.
I'm saying that there have been groups in the United States ever since the creation of the CIA that have basically functioned as rogue elements conducting a foreign policy on their own.
Sure, there's a lot of different factions.
Without oversight.
Without any type of oversight.
So the question is, the thing that's just occurring to me now is, if the Chinese government is saying that this was a weapon and that they have the right to respond, maybe they have responded.
This is what occurred to me.
Maybe New York was a response.
To a bioweapon launched by China.
Maybe that's what China did in New York.
I mean, this is all speculation at this point, but we're getting now to the problem of bioweapons.
First of all, how do you know that they've been released?
Now, it's great if you want to have a stealth attack on your enemy.
That's great.
No one will know.
Your fingerprints aren't on it.
But what if your enemy re-attacks with another stealth attack on you?
What do you do then?
That's, I think that's precisely what we need to talk about.
I think the President should be... This is why, this is why governments do not, responsible governments do not produce bioweapons.
First of all, there's a lot of problem of blowback.
If you're on a battlefield and you blow it in the one direction... That goes back to World War I. Stay right there.
It'll blow back on you and it'll take out your own troops.
Alright, Dr. Jones, we gotta go to break here.
The globalists and the enemy of the people, corporate media, have worked overtime, like the devil, to destroy all independent, pro-America, truth-based media.
And chief amongst their enemy has been Infowars.
But thanks to you spreading the word, and thanks to you supporting Infowars, we are still on the air and have actually expanded in the face of their tyranny.
It is now more critical than ever that you take this opportunity to share Banned.Video and InfoWars.com and the articles and reports that are so critical because the world is waking up and needs this information now more than ever.
From myself and the InfoWars crew, you have our undying pledge and commitment to fight these tyrants harder than we ever have before and to defend basic freedom and justice and the American way of life.
This is the crossroads.
America and the planet in the balance.
Whatever you do, please take action and spread the word.
God bless and good luck.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the chi-coms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy.
While ours is going into a free fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence in the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago.
And their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandop Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shutdown around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres.
I made four police state films more than a decade ago, specifically warning of the plan to suspend habeas corpus, the right to even have access to a court, the right to not be secretly arrested and secretly disappeared.
And I warned the Patriot Act they claimed was for terrorists was really for the American people.
Well, now they admit it is.
And bipartisanly, the Justice Department
is now openly seeking to arrest and disappear Americans whenever they want under the guise of coronavirus, but they just say during the emergency, it'll be for every other crime you can imagine.
It's the cherry on top of a nice big fudge sundae called martial law.
Oh, and the sprinkles on it?
It's the big Great Depression everybody's gonna have.
So folks that are all excited that you're getting time off work?
Oh, you're gonna get time off from your whole future, your family, your health, and forced inoculations, and gun confiscation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You can't run from the New World Order.
Now you're learning that.
It's coming for you.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You've got to meet it head-on, because this is an intellectual and spiritual fight.
You can't, by increment, appease it.
You've seen where appeasement's brought us.
We're now under martial law in all blue cities.
And they want 18 months, a total shutdown, the end of our republic as we know it.
This is as critical a moment as July 4th, 1776.
If Trump and we together can navigate this, like the Russians have done, and at least partially get the globalists off our back, it's got chills.
Donald Trump will go down in history as great a man as George Washington or greater.
Because the psychological warfare he faces in being surrounded by traitors is something even Washington didn't have to face.
Washington had to have long-term physical courage and leadership and stamina.
And Trump has not yet eclipsed the founder.
But I'm telling you, this is not about kissing Trump's butt.
If he can actually carry this out and we can help him, this is legend you're witnessing.
But there's a good chance, and I don't want to demoralize people, but we're on the edge of a cliff here, driving 100 miles an hour.
So we better stay on the road and get in that Zen focus mode and get really active and aggressive politically and in their face with the reality of what's going on.
You don't just think all this came out of nowhere right when the Globalists failed their last coup.
This is Coup Attempt 3.
Going back to E. Michael Jones, Dr. Jones.
I'm going to go over his whole background.
A lot of folks know who he is.
We'll also put his website up on screen.
Well, I think whatever it is, it's different than the excuse that's going to be used to impose other measures on the entire world.
And I think the best place where we can see that
The intention of the oligarchs, and the results, is France.
Now, since 1918, there have been riots on the streets of all of France, and in Paris in particular, by a group of people who are wearing yellow vests.
And they're protesting the fact that the oligarchs tried to raise the gasoline tax on them to make the ordinary people, the poor people who can least afford it,
Pay off the debts that the country has to the oligarchs.
Okay, they wouldn't take it and Macron could not do anything to stop this.
Couldn't do it and now suddenly he has the magic bullet and basically he's cleared the streets.
There's no more yellow vest protest because everybody now has to download a permission slip from the computer to go for a walk.
Now, at this point, what you're seeing is the governments, the oligarchs, showing their hand about the world that they are preparing for us.
And what is that world like?
Well, first of all, in Indiana, religious services have been banned.
So you can't go to church, but Pornhub now is offering a premium subscription free of cost to the people of Italy and everyone who's stuck inside with quarantine.
Now, there's a paradigm here, and I've talked about it before.
It's what happened in Ramallah in 2002.
The IDF, the Israeli military, pulls into Ramallah on the West Bank, shuts it down.
Everybody declares martial law.
Everybody's got to stay in their house, because if you come outside, an Israeli sniper is going to shoot you from the roof of the hospital.
And so what do you do?
You turn on the television to find out what's going on, and it turns out
It's pornography!
The Israelis are broadcasting pornography 24-7 over the Palestinian TV stations.
This is the world that they're preparing for us.
So that's the 1984 that was based on one of the head Damian socialists, Eric Blair, George Orwell, pen name.
Who was in the higher level meetings, how Stalin used pornography to demoralize the Russians, and how the Fabian socialists were going to do that as well.
We're not, and again, it's not like, oh, porn, you know, we're these big, you know, super conservative people that can't handle it.
It's meant to destroy families, destroy relationships.
It destroys the pleasure of real sex.
It destroys families.
It is absolutely, makes you depressed.
It makes men not be highly motivated.
It screws up culture.
Yeah, pornography is a weapon, and it's now being, it's been used as a weapon for the past 50 years, and now it's the main weapon keeping people inside and disoriented when they now are forced out there because of martial law.
Well look, you know with boxers, they tell them a month before a fight, do not have sex with your wife.
Well, I mean, the average male now, they say, is masturbating like five, six times a day.
You're going to have zero drive if you're doing that.
I mean, if you're married having sex with your wife twice a day, you're not going to want to go out and do anything.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
Yeah, and this is part of the plan, and we're getting a preview now of the brave new world that they've prepared for us, because sexual liberation is a form of political control, and now they're imposing this on, not quite as bad as what happened in Ramallah, but we're heading in the same direction.
Well, it's a fact, if you want to be more productive, have less sex, and I'm not attacking sex in general, it's great in a marriage, it's wonderful, it's magic, it's how we have children, but I'll tell you, if you want to get stuff done,
They're scientific.
They know what they're doing.
How many volumes of psychology do you think are written just in the West on sex?
I mean, they all admit they're using it as a weapon.
There's also scenarios that are being planned.
The Rockefeller Foundation came up with a scenario
Uh, about what happens if the coronavirus takes place.
Uh, and they praised- Oh yeah, let's talk about that!
The all pre-programming.
Event 201, Disease X at the UN.
I mean, this is all scripted.
Well yeah, I mean it is.
That's what they, that's what they pay the Rockefeller Foundation to do.
They have scenario planning, and one of the scenarios they planned was, uh, what if a coronavirus breaks out?
Uh, Bill Gates did the same thing in the, in the, uh, this past November.
I think the government involvement in this is even more striking because we have Representative Burr from North Carolina who basically sold all his stocks.
He made a killing because he sold at the top of the market because he had insider information about coronavirus, health matters, something like this.
So it seems to me that it's clear that there's a plan.
There's no question.
Let me raise this to you.
What about hundreds of top CEOs and others cashed out of all their stock three months ago before this began?
And the media asked, why'd they do it?
Because it was all set up and they knew it was coming!
Well, they knew something was coming.
And the fact that the proof is that they sold at the top of the market.
So the oligarchs have access to information that we don't have.
And the coronavirus and the stock market crash took place at the same time.
And it would be stupid not to think that there's some type of causal relationship between the two of them.
So did the stock market, did the coronavirus cause the stock market to crash?
Or was the coronavirus rolled out to disguise the fact that the stock market was going to crash and allow all these guys?
I think it's both.
It was planned from the beginning.
It was planned from the beginning.
But we actually know.
I think there's a plausible explanation and I think that's it.
What else do you want to get into?
I want to get back for a full hour soon.
I know I'm jumping in a lot here because I have a lot of points I want to make.
What do you expect them to do next?
They're trying to frame it that if Trump doesn't do whatever the Democrats say, he's bad and they want to keep the shutdown for 18 months.
I mean, I think that's not a prescription.
That's a guarantee for mass depression.
I think that we have to realize that this is different in different parts of the world and that it requires a different response in different parts of the world.
So it looks as if the worst place right now in the United States is New York City.
And that's what led me to wonder, well, maybe there was a counterattack on New York City.
Maybe that's what explains the fact.
Or maybe it's just because the population is so dense or whatever.
But the situation in Indiana is not the same.
And so why we have to have a general lockdown across the country when we don't have those certain circumstances, it's just not clear to me.
And it's what we're seeing now is places like
Italy for example which has a draconian quarantine where everybody's inside and they've got the highest mortality rate as of now.
The problem here is you may be causing the problem yourself.
I think the best way to get historical perspective on this is to look at what happened with the AIDS crisis.
Remember AIDS?
Remember everybody's going to die of AIDS after, well, no, it was a homosexual disease.
But then, no, no, it became a virus when Margaret Heckler announced that in 1984.
And as soon as she announced that it was a virus, well then there had to be a cure for the virus.
And then there was pressure on the politicians, and they started prescribing AZT, which was chemotherapy.
And guess what?
That killed a lot of people.
The reason Magic Johnson is alive today and Arthur Ashe isn't is because Arthur Ashe took the AZT.
That's right.
Stay there.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70 particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here with a public service announcement.
InfoWars, as of today, is now suspending storable food sales.
We still have storable food.
We're able to package all the storable food and get it to everybody that ordered it.
Most of you have already gotten your food.
But the reason I'm making this announcement is all the other major food suppliers were sold out over a month ago as we first reported to you, but they lied to you and they took your money.
Well, we know for a fact they're still taking everybody's money, even though
The food has all been sold out.
The basic ingredients for storable food is gone.
All the big box stores are paying way over normal prices to buy up what's left.
And so anybody telling you that they have storable food is lying to you.
The good news is everyone that ordered at InfoWarsTore.com has already gotten it.
Or if you ordered recently, we have the food that's being packaged and you will get it.
But as of now, we are suspending all new food sales at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to invite Dr. Michael E. Jones of CultureWars.com to host one of the hours sometime this week or next week.
So we can get all those points out.
But I'm just totally wound up about this.
Here in Austin, they let 10 people in the stores at a time.
They make you get in these long lines six feet apart.
I see women, you know, who've been jogging like 10 feet apart.
Meanwhile, the borders open.
Meanwhile, the planes are flying around.
It's all mind control to teach you that government is your savior with the big corporations.
But you were getting into the HIV crisis.
I remember my dad, who's a chemist and also in the medical field as a dentist and an oral surgeon, but he had a lot of friends in other medical areas in the 80s saying, don't worry.
It's people that use methamphetamine and a bunch of drugs, have a bunch of sex partners.
They're dying of methamphetamine.
That's what the doctors know.
And then they're just taking common viruses and saying that it's a disease to make a big fundraiser out of it.
But that there have been some bioweapons that were tested in Africa.
But then those viruses themselves mutate and are harmless.
Well now, Iceland's reporting there are 40 strains.
There has never been a time when God has not been in charge of human history.
And there have never been a time when the oligarchs have had more control over our lives.
And so it may be that the real message of the coronavirus is that it takes God's hand to break the hold of their hand over all of us.
So I think we should be optimistic here.
Everything is in God's hands.
Logos is rising.
And that's good news.
Finishing up your point about Arthur Ashe versus Magic Johnson.
Everybody knows now that AIDS doesn't really kill you.
Everybody knows it's the ACT.
My dad said that back in the 80s.
That's right.
That's right.
I gave a talk in Nairobi 15 years ago.
I said that African AIDS was a complete fabrication and nobody had to worry about it.
It was scandalous.
I gave it at hospitals.
They were pulling their hair out.
I went back last year, that was 15 years later, I'm in the same room at the Catholic University of East Africa, and I said to them, how many people here are worried about dying of AIDS?
Well, you know what?
Not one person raised his hand.
They were killing them with the AIDS drugs!
Back in Nairobi in 2002 when I was there, they had Kool and the Gang telling you, you're gonna die if you don't use a condom.
It was all social engineering, and I think we need to keep that in mind to have some proper perspective now.
Well, they even came out, they used it to get people to not have children.
It was birth control.
It was a birth control campaign for Africa because Bill Gates and the Rockefellers don't want Africans to have more children.
It was that simple.
But it had to be disguised as a medical catastrophe, a medical emergency.
And I think, as I said, we need to keep this in mind to have the proper perspective.
And in 60 seconds, you'll be back soon.
I appreciate you.
This is to get rid of cash, bring in an electronic surveillance system, be able to lock people down whenever they want, and set the precedent for forced inoculations?
It's to allow them to impose an agenda on us that they couldn't impose otherwise.
Rahm Emanuel always has the last word here, never let a crisis go to waste.
That's the operating standard, the operating system that's in place right now.
Culturewars.com, and people can find your newest video that's excellent there.
I actually watched it this morning, but I forget the name.
What's the name of that video?
It's the Coronavirus and the Culture Wars.
Coronavirus and the Culture Wars.
There it is on your site, culturewars.com.
All right, Dr. Jones, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
All right.
I invited him to host some tomorrow.
We can do it.
We'll see.
Look, I'm not announced this yet, but I'm going to announce it soon.
We're going to start a special live show.
Five nights a week, next week, commercial-free.
It'll be on the radio and TV satellites.
When I say commercial-free, that means we won't have our network ads.
We're going to run the ads for radio stations and TV stations that are local ads.
So instead of 14 minutes of ads, you'll have about 7 minutes of ads.
So when I say commercial-free, we're going to skip our breaks.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the shy comms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy, while ours is going into a free fall spiral.
And Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence.
And the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago, and their response is saying Trump
This is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at Infowars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the Infowar and defeat the NWO.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And we have a lot of really informative guests with us today.
We have Joel Skousen of worldoffirstbrief.com, editor-in-chief.
Mark Rondazza is an Italian citizen, lives over there a lot.
He's going to be popping in to talk about what's really happening there.
And then Mike Adams hosts the fourth hour.
Can't wait to hear his breakdown on things.
Always informative.
This morning when I got up and they said they had a deal on the multi-trillion dollar emergency package, I said, not so fast.
Well, Pelosi's pulled it back.
She wants $300 million to bring in more Islamic invaders, refugee funding, more castration of little boys.
You can't make this up.
All the type of evil garbage that these monstrous
Creatures, these harpies, these medusas, these gorgons, want.
Meanwhile, Virginia churches shut down statewide post-birth abortion advocate Governor Newtham declares.
Northam declares, all the gun shops are closed, the churches are closed, but the abortuaries, they're valuable.
They stay open.
Dental offices are closed.
This is the globalist counter-strike.
Doesn't mean the virus isn't real.
But the hype, and now the Democrats saying we're going to keep the blue cities and states locked down no matter what Trump does, that's a certain depression.
So until they're given power, they're going to order you locked down.
That is not my view.
That is what's currently happening and now unfolding.
And to navigate this, to see if he agrees or disagrees, and to add points, is Joel Skousen, former Marine Corps aviator, officer, bestselling author, one of the top experts on secure locations in the U.S.
and homes.
And of course, his uncle, one of the most famous patriots exposed in the whole global agenda.
First, Cleon Skousen, WorldAffairsBrief.com.
Joel, before we get into the weeds on this, I'd like to go to the
You know, the factoids.
Big picture.
I mean, to me, this is the big one.
I mean, this is martial law, their whole agenda in place.
Just incredible.
And I think Trump underreacted before, then overreacted.
I think he's in the right place right now.
Maybe you disagree, but where are we as a nation right now?
Well, if it weren't for Donald Trump putting the kibosh on this, you know, doctor-driven, shut-everything-down mania, we'd be in real trouble.
But right now, I think the markets are responding positively because not only of the very unwise bailout, which wouldn't have been necessary if you'd not shut down the government, but clearly the globalists are taking advantage of something started by China, one of their
Partially weaponized, not ready for primetime, but partially weaponized virus escaped from their biolab and infected there.
And they're back in business, as I said.
My son works for a company that does have a lot of relationships in electronics with China, and their factories are back working.
And as you said in the break, they were really trying to shut down the United States.
This is a war on Donald Trump in the sense that they have made this into a crisis which really doesn't exist.
In last week's World Affairs Brief, which your listeners can get a free copy of by emailing me at editor at worldaffairsbrief.com, I pointed out that the coronavirus is not that deadly.
To normal people.
When normal people can have it and not even get any symptoms, you know this is not a really deadly virus.
And forget about herd immunity, Alex.
You don't get herd immunity to any virus.
They continue to mutate.
And so you have to depend on your immune system to counter any viruses which are constantly besetting us.
Well, that's right.
Iceland says they found 40 variants of the coronavirus, of this COVID-19 already.
That's right.
And you know, because it's and you know, Dr. Fauci, the the warmonger of this virus thing is talking about how this is impacting younger people in the United States, unlike China from the 20 to 44 group.
But what they're not telling you is that we have a weakened population in the United States, even our younger people, because of the vaccines that they've been taking.
These vaccines contain adjuvants, which trick the immune system into not attacking the vaccine so that it doesn't get rid of it, which it should.
That's how good people, normal people, survive.
That's right.
Every major study shows vaccines lower immunity to other pathogens.
Anybody can look that up.
And so we have this demilitated population.
And as you said, if a virus is always mutating, like a flu virus or coronavirus, that's why they can never guess the next year's flu.
That's why no flu shots ever worked, because it's always mutating.
That's right.
And there never will be herd immunity.
So forget about herd immunity.
Your only defense is a tough immune system.
And I'll tell you, most Americans are not healthy.
What they're not telling you as they rack up the number of so-called COVID-19 deaths is that every one of these people have underlying chronic disease.
A hundred percent.
And they've documented that in Italy, that these are older people who are dying and they all have chronic disease.
For example, if you're on statin drugs at the request of your doctor, supposedly to stop, you know, cholesterol and heart disease, that just suppresses the immune system.
You're going to be vulnerable for coronavirus.
If you take any drugs at all, they're really messing with your immune system because they have so many side effects.
It's all the rage now talking about quinine and how this is the miracle drug for coronavirus.
But don't go rushing to quinine.
Why should you go for a drug?
And if you look it up on the Internet,
Take any of the drug sites and just type in Google quinine side effects and you'll get a list that will shock you to death.
So don't go running to the doctor and say, I want quinine.
This is ridiculous.
You're talking about hydroxychloroquine, which is the drug version.
I want to be clear.
I only told folks that it's in classic tonic, non-alcoholic.
Because the British military use that forever, just to let folks know that even if they want something, there is hope out there, and that the Democrats are really trying to block Dr. Singh, vitamin C. They are trying to block doctors that say this isn't that bad.
They clearly want as much fear as possible.
You know, one of the saddest things that I'm noticing is nobody has the courage to look at the data and say the Emperor has no clothes.
Nobody has the courage to say this really isn't that bad because every one of these medical people are afraid that if it by chance does get bad, they'll be blamed if they ever say it's not very bad.
But you look at the death rate.
The death rate is not that high.
They have raised the death rate above 4% by including only those people that, you know, go into the hospitals, which are people with chronic disease who are having a real trouble with coronavirus.
It's improper to say these thousands of people died from coronavirus without saying in complication with diabetes, in complication with heart disease, in complication with other drugs that they're having.
That's what's illicit about this entire propaganda campaign is nobody is qualifying those COVID-19 deaths as co-mingled with other chronic diseases.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And since you're pulling back from that and you hit the nail on the head there, you get more into it next segment.
But big picture, the Democrats are saying they're going to hold cities and states hostage.
They control and ignore Trump and try to block him, open the economy up with the stock market responding well.
What should the president do?
How should he respond to them openly saying they're going to hold things hostage?
Well, the big problem is not President Trump.
He is successfully resisting the doctors.
He said, you know, listen, the doctors, they shut the whole world down just to save their own skins because they don't want to be blamed for this.
It's just like putting a health inspector in charge of your life.
He's going to stop you from doing anything that's going to make himself look bad.
Like a building inspector, he's not going to let you do anything that he thinks sounds safe.
Like a fire marshal.
Because it comes back to them if you have an accident.
So they're going to restrict your liberty.
That's like 20 years ago when they created liability for CPAs.
Now they won't even let you take half of the admitted exemptions because it goes back to them.
That's exactly right.
So they know how to play this liability game.
But you know, what really disappoints me is these Republican governors.
Who are mainstream Republican governors, ostensibly conservative, but they don't have the courage to stand up to this wave of propaganda.
And they're going to start shutting down, and they are shutting down, state after state, which isn't really possible.
I mean, you can't let people starve to death.
You have so many exemptions, it's very difficult to enforce.
But nobody, Alex, has the courage to stop and say, this is not deadly to normal people.
So stop all this folder all about no social mingling.
Yeah, you want to be careful, you want to, you know.
Keep your distance if you want to be.
But the cure is far worse than the disease.
Let's come back then and get into whatever subject you want.
I've got my questions for Joel Skousen, but he's absolutely right.
And they have definitely seized on it.
They're using it.
They're cheerleading to collapse the economy to drive Trump out.
This should really damage the Democrats further that they're openly like a supervillain from a movie.
I mean they're beyond that.
They're so transparent.
What's happening to them?
And what are they going to do next when this fails?
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We've known for over a decade that big tech is totally anti-American and wants to bring in a one world government currency, a Chinese communist social score to control every facet of our lives.
But now it's here.
They are using this coronavirus lockdown to tell all these shops and stores do not accept cash.
And now they're announcing all over the country they're going to stop accepting cash and only certain businesses can stay open.
Well, what do you do next to put the final nail in the coffin and launch the Mark of the Beast?
House Stimulus Bill envisions digital dollar to ease coronavirus recession.
Only stores that are allowed to be open can accept it.
Evil patriots and people, of course, can't use it.
And it tracks everything you do.
So there it is, folks.
Mark of the Beast.
Global digital currency all being rolled out in this hysteria.
And a lot of people are buying into it, so you've just greenlit the globalists absolutely taking control of your lives.
But InfoWars predicted it all from the very start.
That's where tomorrow's news today.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70, particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, World Affairs Brief Editor.
Phil Skousen is our guest.
I want to just say this very quickly and very succinctly.
InfoWars money troubles, for us to be able to expand, would be over if I got up here and said this virus is the end of the world.
We would sell five times more stuff.
When I get up here and say, I think this is hyped up, I think this is a weapon against the country, we see sales go straight down.
A, I'm not going to be immoral.
B, if we have a Great Depression, the money will be worth nothing.
There'll be war on the streets.
So, buying into the hype is dangerous.
And we've looked at the numbers.
Yes, it's a real virus.
Yes, it kills people.
Going way back, I saw
The hype and the gear up, and I said they're going to blame it on Trump.
They're going to try to take the economy out.
Our media that's been defending Xi Jinping will attack Trump when it gets there.
That's why I said get storable food.
And yeah, I said boost your immune system, especially if you're old or already have pre-existing conditions, because you always want to be prepared.
So we were pre-positioned and said you should be prepping and ready.
I made a film with Joel Skousen, one of the top experts in the country, about strategic relocation, about his book.
So we're on this like white on rice.
But there's not a paradox of, wait, you say get prepared, but you're saying this isn't, this is a huge deal.
They're making their move.
And I want to ask Phil Skousen, who really is one of the smartest people out there with over-the-horizon analysis, what is the deep state going to do if Trump is able to mobilize America to not be cowards, to realize that, OK, we lose 20,000, 30,000.
You know, it's terrible, but that's what viruses do.
What do they pull next?
Because they never seem to give up.
No, you're absolutely right.
They never say... they never give no for... take no for an answer on any of their long-term goals.
Trump has slowed them down and this will... two will pass because this is just not a deadly enough virus to last very long.
Even the good weather says Dr. Bill Sardi is going to, you know, fix the problem by summertime.
So the economy is going to recover.
They're going to be able to pull this time and again though.
These viruses come up every year.
As I say there is no immunity ever and people are not healthy so they're going to continue to get and that means they can start to pull these kinds of you know shutdowns periodically anytime they want.
That's the big one!
They're introducing a new phobia like school shootings to where we just constantly are hysterical and they can lock down whenever they want.
There's a couple of things that are working against us in this regard Alex.
Number one is the
I have terrible confidence that most people have in the establishment medical system and in drugs.
I can't believe how many even of my subscribers ask me, well, what about this quinine drug?
Can't I take the quinine?
I said, forget about it.
I told you in the World Fair's brief ever since January 31st, all the natural remedies that absolutely kill viruses.
I'm 74 years old, Alex.
I don't get colds.
I don't get flu.
I don't get any of that stuff.
And if I start to get a little bit of a twinge, I immediately go on a fire cider or a heavy dose of vitamin C and vitamin D3, and it's gone within a few hours.
And by the way, Nobel Prizes were won on vitamin C. They're telling medical doctors in New York, do not tell people vitamin C, it's not approved.
That is evil.
It really is evil.
And it's just like, you know, the hypothyroidism, which is
Epidemic in the United States.
People are hypothyroid, meaning that's why they're overweight so much, or they just have poor producing thyroid.
They don't take enough iodine, and they don't take... Now they've made even natural thyroid hormone a drug, so that you can't get it without a doctor's prescription.
And they won't give it to you without a TSH test, which is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
And that doesn't correlate with hypothyroidism very well.
They're trying to make fish oil prescription.
That's right.
So America is unhealthy, and let me tell your listeners, I don't care if you're conservative, I don't care if you're libertarian, if you believe in conspiracy, if you aren't healthy, you're not going to survive what the powers that be have, you know, got on the docket.
You've got to lose weight.
You've got to all be thin.
You've got to exercise regularly.
You've got to start to eat naturally all of the time.
Forget about junk food.
Forget about donuts and sugar and the other things and the soda pop and the diet stuff.
This stuff is killing you and your immune system.
That's what makes you vulnerable.
And I know that doctors, some doctors understand this.
Most doctors are very poorly trained in real nutrition.
Some doctors understand it, but they're very discouraged because they tell their patients that and nobody listens to them.
Well, I'll tell you, this coronavirus is a wake-up call because it is not deadly to healthy people, but it is deadly if you're chronically weak in your immune system.
And so this should be a wake-up call to get healthy, not to go run out for some miracle drug, not to take the vaccine, which is going to be mandated.
That's one of the major agendas here.
Mandatory vaccines
And not allowing you out in the public if you don't take it or have your card that says that you've got the vaccine.
You've got to resist this above all things.
Don't take the vaccines because they're deadly as well.
And look at Netanyahu.
He was about to be thrown out.
China was in deep trouble with Taiwan.
Spain was in deep trouble.
France was in deep trouble with the yellow vest.
All the countries in deep trouble are using it.
Spain called
Police called in Spain on brothers playing soccer in their own backyard.
That's where this is going.
Total, complete police state.
And meanwhile, COVID alert.
Feds abolishing Second Amendment by proxy.
Big article on Infowars.com using this DHS Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Act.
Doesn't list guns, doesn't list camping supplies, doesn't list survival goods.
They're shutting down survival shops, gun shops nationwide, and ordering them shut.
This is dangerous.
Well, not only that, because people are accepting this, Alex.
I just can't believe how mainstream people are just buying into everything and just cuddling in their couch and saying, oh, I've got to stay indoors.
You don't want to stay indoors.
You want to get sunshine.
You want to get more vitamin D3 in your system.
You want to get out in the open.
You need to defy these kinds of shutdown orders and get out and get some sunshine.
We're going to have digital currency because, not because they're going to be able to ban cash instantly, you know, there's several trillion dollars of cash under, stuffed under the mattresses.
That was my next question.
I got to hold you five minutes for the next segment, then our next guest will join us.
DrugsReport.com is linked to our article.
Where the Democrats tried to tie the stimulus bill, and they're still doing it, Pelosi, right now, to letting it be digital on an app, only spendable in a list of places they say.
So that's like the IMF and World Bank, where they give money to a third world country, but it can only be spent with their companies.
I mean, this is the digital mark right here.
And it won't eliminate cash immediately, but they're going to use the scare of touching dollar bills so that you can't touch them anymore to ban them.
That's right, Alex.
And then go to digital cash that's only limited to certain banks and those banks have to tie in with the Fed and under their scrutiny in order to receive these accounts.
This will be the way to inject money into the economy.
It's the welfare state on steroids and the Democrats are loving it.
Now it got taken out of the bill that was put through first time and now the bills with
I think so.
A lawyer done some work for us.
But I thought about him.
He's an Italian citizen, lives there about a third of the year.
And he's basically saying the same thing Skousen's saying about why they see the highest death rates there, why 70,000 die a year.
They're a flu.
So you can actually hear what's really going on.
But still, 5,000 dead in Italy?
I mean, we have 35,000 from the flu, supposedly.
Where is the panic coming from, this idea that we have to lock you down so you don't get a virus?
Prior restraint, the end of freedom, the end of the Bill of Rights.
Listen, while dehydrated food is becoming scarce, you can still get enough open pollinated heirloom seeds to grow a one-acre crisis garden.
The truth is, growing nutrient-dense vegetables in the days ahead may actually be the single most important thing you do.
Go to survivalseabank.com and watch the new video to understand the nature of the threat.
This could be life-saving.
Lockdowns can last from six to eight weeks.
Get free bonus seeds.
Special quarantine reports too.
Go to survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Three words.
Do yourself a favor.
Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction, and that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it and so he's let them implement the draconian controls and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our
We're good to go.
For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane, and the American people need to let them know, legally and lawfully, that we see through them, and we're not going to put up with their terrorism against America.
As for Infowars, we're fighting on harder than ever, thanks to you, and we are winning.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I want to be absolutely crystal clear on this.
We knew it was man-made.
We saw people being welded into their homes.
Women shot at checkpoints.
Drones controlling people.
And we said, China kills you if you videotape something you're not supposed to.
They're being encouraged to show this and exaggerate.
But the hysteria that's going to hit, and how they're going to try to blame this on Trump, is coming.
And America is about to face its biggest crisis.
You better get storable food.
You better get the normal vitamins and minerals and supplements that boost your body regardless.
And so I believe you should get ready.
But the fear is worse than the disease, as the president has said, and there's that clip two days ago where he said, we have a depression.
That'll kill a lot more people than this virus.
And Joel Skousen is an expert on population flows and breakdown of civilization.
He's one of the preeminent ones out there.
They all concur, though, and I've done my own research, 7 million or so probably starved to death around that number from malnutrition, Great Depression, when we were more than half self-sufficient.
Today, maybe 5% are self-sufficient.
We're talking about quick degeneration.
FEMA can't save you.
The government can't save you at that point.
They know that.
So they're only pushing a partial destabilization to scare you in into submission.
But looking at how this could unfold, if things continue to get out of hand, if the governor's trying to hold things hostage, and if we went into a real Great Depression, Joel Skousen, I think America is at the most dangerous point it's ever been in since its conception.
What do you think?
Right now, I think I'm going to agree with you, Alex.
Just because the people have
They've become clueless, and they're believing what the mainstream media is telling them.
They're scared to death, and it's just totally inappropriate.
If they listen to the alternative media, you can find out that this is not deadly.
They're going to rush to doctors, and that's the worst thing you want to do.
If you get into a doctor's hand, you get quarantined in a medical establishment.
You don't have access to your vitamins.
You don't get vitamin C. They won't give it to you.
You don't get access to good food.
The hospital food is terrible.
You'd want to stay home and treat this.
And if you're in bad chronic health, you know, that you have to go to the hospital, then you're stuck.
Because you've been under drug therapy for years, and you've just been set up, basically, to be reliant on the established medical system, which is eventually going to kill you.
So my plea to people is this is going to pass.
That's why the Democrats are so
Ruthless about getting Trump to do the wrong thing right now and declare a national, well he's declared a national shutdown.
I don't think he's going to do it.
I think the weather is going to start to break this, but you know you won't even be able to tell if the weather is diminishing this because of the fact that they're keeping all the social distancing and this economic shutdown going.
It's going to be much, much worse
Then they're going to declare victory when it's not that bad and say the martial law did it.
I was watching Fox News during the break, got a cup of coffee and it was just show people at testing centers and men in hazmat gear and men in hazmat gear protecting the cherry blossoms and it's all just a bunch of drama queen theater.
Yeah it really is Alex.
It's really sad how people you know
We've all got a conscience.
And when conscience doesn't warn people, it means that they have been in chronic violation of the promises of conscience.
They don't get the warnings that we get.
They don't sense that this is all bogus and that they don't need to stay, you know, away from other people.
But, you know, I'm just very discouraged about the ability, how fast this has happened, how serious and how believing the American people have been this.
Think what happens when nuclear war comes.
They're just going to simply lay down and say to the government, do whatever it takes.
This is what we're being prepared for.
Even though permanent martial law will not be established, this too will pass.
We have been prepped and people are now ready and willing to accept it at any pretext when the government declares an emergency.
That's the real problem.
That's right.
The vast majority have proven they want to be slaves, and it is definitely frightening.
But now I think you're going to see an even bigger renaissance in prepping and moving to rural areas and the redoubts, the mountain redoubts, and other things that you've talked about.
Because now, I mean, I was already sure I had to do it, but we're based here.
But I'm definitely just moving into a phase of Trump's a speed hump and a chance for us to get ready for the new world order.
But the spiritual decline, the weakness, the almost sick
Almost like a sexual fascination with being a slave and being cupped and being overrun and getting into fear.
It's really a spirit of slaves.
And I just think unless there's some kind of a renaissance of manhood in this country and finding Christ, you can see where we're going downhill very quickly.
Well, in fact, that renaissance is not happening.
What I have found from the reaction of people and the false belief that they have in the established narrative here
Is that it has shocked people who have been into preparedness for many years but have never really made the break to a safe location or to a safe and secure home in a rural or retreat type of location.
And I'll tell you a lot of them are now motivated.
People who had wives who were reluctant to see it before can now see how rapidly this came down upon us.
And how natural medicine is being shut down in favor of the establishment.
You know, homeschooling is being shut down.
Vaccination fever is everywhere.
And the vanguard is fat pedophiles in clown outfits demanding to have their way to quote grim our children.
It's literally biblical pedophile armies saying give us your children, world government, cashless societies, robot drones controlling us.
It's revelations coming true.
So what people need to understand is that while Trump is giving us more time, he ultimately is not going to be able to take down the Deep State.
The QAnon phenomena is the total disinformation thing that keeps you fat, dumb, and half-believing Trump will save us ultimately.
This Deep State is way, way too powerful for Donald Trump to solve, even if you could.
Because it's a spiritual sickness.
And there's a spiritual sickness among the people.
So, those of you that are awake,
You've got to start to prepare seriously now.
Don't let this be a motivation to just stock up a little.
So I told you a year ago, two years ago, five years ago in person, my gut is get your family out and I've just to fight the globalists.
I've stayed in a major city, but now the drive to get out is just I can't ignore it now.
It's just literally ordering me to do it.
If you have to stay in the cities, you've got to have a retreat strategy and you've got to be, you know,
Serious about that.
This is not something that is going to ever go away.
It's going to come again and again and each time... What about looking into a... I mean, because I got a lot of friends that are patriots and really smart guys in business.
They say helicopters, planes, they've got retreats, you know, in areas of the hill country.
I mean, should I look at that?
I mean, because you get a total lockdown or you think it'll be early if I'm smart to get out via vehicle?
Well, that's a tough... You've got to have advanced warning to be able to get out by vehicle.
I have encouraged a lot of my clients who are young enough to get a pilot's license.
It's not that expensive.
News planes are fairly economical now to be able to leapfrog over the quarantines, leapfrog over the shutdowns, if there is.
And that's what's really worse.
If they instantly shut down all roads in some of the next... Well, look at how the globalists are all fleeing by jet right now.
Yeah, the globalists, they're another story.
Their preparations are not going to hold water, because a lot of those are dealing with employees and having a lot of... Oh, I totally agree.
I know the folks that protect all those people, and they say when it all really goes down, they're going to deal with them.
And the robots are never going to save them.
It's all going to fall apart on them.
Just like the Bible says, the rich men will hide in their bunkers under the mountains, begging God to kill them, but they will not die.
Yeah, you don't determine when you die, and people have to live through illness, old age, and everything else that we have.
But I'm just pleading with people, you've got to let this be a wake-up call to get into much better health so that you don't have to worry about being subject to these plagues and viruses, which surely will increase in this country.
That's right, people put their faith in these doctors and I watch them ruin their lives and they don't even remember that the drugs the doctors gave them ruined their health and then they're caught in their web.
Joel Scalza, worldfirstbrief.com, thanks for all the time.
My pleasure to be with you, Alex.
All right, I appreciate it.
Mark Rondazza, great guy, constitutional lawyer, holding for 10 minutes.
I was behind.
We're going to come back for a break.
Go right to him, because he is an Italian citizen, not just an American citizen.
If there's anybody that's Italian, you can go back there, and you'll be a citizen there as well.
He lives there part of the year.
He can tell you what's really happening there.
His numbers are dead on with the research I've been doing.
He's coming up for two segments with us.
Then, coming up in the fourth hour, we'll tell you what's going to happen there.
Please don't forget, you should be getting prepared.
Because of the economic collapse and all the insanity.
And yes, this virus is dangerous to some.
We're not denying that.
Mike Adams is coming up as well.
Stay with us.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70, particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc, and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
One of the products that I'm very proud of, I don't talk enough about, because there's so many amazing essential oils and ingredients in it, it takes a long time to break down the product because it's a complex product.
A lot of the sprays you put in your mouth or your throat and lungs are really thin.
It's a little bit of alcohol, maybe one or two essential oils.
Not our Lung Cleanse.
It's got a long list of the highest quality
Essential oils and ingredients in it.
You take a few sprays in your mouth, lightly inhale, and it just does so much for me when I've got allergies or when my throat is tired.
It's just very, very soothing and it's just one more thing for you and your family to have in your arsenal during these insane times.
So get your lung cleanse discounted at InfoWarStore.com and get yourself and your family prepared while at the same time funding the InfoWar,
For more than four days, the Democratic Party and their willing accomplices in the establishment media have been fighting to keep President Trump from being able to pass emergency funding through Congress to get money to the American people who've lost their jobs and to get money to the emergency first responders for basic medical equipment, respirators, you name it.
We've seen all these Democrat leaders, governors, mayors come out and say Trump hasn't lifted a finger while they're actually trying to tie him down in a straitjacket of lies.
It is next level.
I never thought they would go this far and be this criminal publicly.
Yes, they hoped the virus would plunge the economy.
Yes, they hyped it all up.
Yes, they're rooting against America.
But now this.
These people have gone completely insane and the American people need to let them know legally and lawfully that we see through them and we're not going to put up with their terrorism against America.
As for Infowars, we're fighting on harder than ever thanks to you and we are winning.
We've known for over a decade that big tech is totally anti-American and wants to bring in a one world government currency, a Chinese communist social score to control every facet of our lives.
But now it's here.
They are using this coronavirus lockdown to tell all these shops and stores do not accept cash.
And now they're announcing all over the country they're going to stop accepting cash and only certain businesses can stay open.
Well, what do you do next to put the final nail in the coffin and launch the Mark of the Beast?
House stimulus bill envisions digital dollar to ease coronavirus recession.
Only stores that are allowed to be open can accept it.
Evil patriots and people, of course, can't use it.
And it tracks everything you do.
So there it is, folks.
Mark of the Beast.
Global digital currency all being rolled out in this hysteria.
And a lot of people are buying into it, so you've just greenlit the globalists absolutely taking control of your lives.
But InfoWars predicted it all from the very start.
That's where tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
Well, he is a well-known and renowned First Amendment lawyer.
Mark Mondaza has done some great work for us.
And he's joining us because I was speaking and I called him this morning.
Hey, you've got an Italian passport.
You lived there part of the year.
Sometimes when I call him, he's over there.
What's really happening?
They keep using that as the example.
60 million people live there.
They've had more die than China, if you believe that.
And so he's here to give us his view on the coronavirus and why Italy is reportedly the epicenter, and to give us his view overall about the police state we see in the gun sale bans in Democrat areas and what's coming next.
Mark, thanks for coming on with us.
It's my pleasure.
Well, you are an Italian citizen.
Explain that to folks and, you know, the sad thing that's happening over there, but why you think it's happening.
Well, you know, Italy is a different demographic, culturally has a lot of differences.
So, look, you know, I'm taking this thing seriously.
But if you if you look at the differences between America and Italy, I'm not shocked that Italy is taking it a little harder.
One thing that I've, you know, and I'm no doctor, so if somebody smarter than me on this wants to call in and say that I'm wrong, but I have read that type A blood tends to get hit harder by this disease.
And Italy has a relatively high percentage of blood type A. Armenia actually, I think, leads the world in that.
So, you know, you might want to take a look at how Armenia fares with this as it gets hit.
But you're going to have more blood type A. You have a much older population.
Italians are an endangered species, with the reproductive rates falling below that of Japan in recent years.
But you've got a lot of old people.
And also, old people there don't tend to be like in the United States.
Where in the United States, well, you know, a lot of old people don't get out much or, you know, they're shut in or, you know, they're ignored.
In Italy, we revere our old people.
They come out drinking with us.
You know, it's not that unusual if you're going out for the night to bring your parents and your kids.
You may have a baby in a stroller sitting there at the same time you've got grandparents sitting there together.
So the generations mix more.
People get out into crowds more.
You've got much more vertical living.
It's a much denser population.
And, you know, their healthcare system is better than people in America think.
I've used it.
And I've seen in some places like
When I was in a, you know, we were in a hospital in Tuscany.
The medical care was outstanding.
Everything was professionally handled.
Everything was just rapid.
It was unbelievable how good it was.
And then, you know, one night in Torino, we had to use a hospital and it felt like I was in a World War I field tent.
You know, Rome was a little different.
So it was a, you know, and Torino is a very rich industrialized city.
So it really varies.
I don't think anybody can say, well, it's because of socialized medicine that it's bad.
It's just, you know, you've got a denser population.
And look, people in Italy, remember, a lot of people don't have cars.
You know, here you're commuting to work by car, most people.
There, you've got a lot of people taking the train together.
I mean, it's, you take a train in Italy, you know, you can take a train from, a bullet train that's way more efficient than any car or even any airplane.
Thank you.
So, yeah, I think Italy has the highest rate of flu death every year, especially in the north.
You know, that's a very rich area.
I'm told a lot of the smog from the south blows up.
You've got a lot of people living three generations together.
So the grandkids kill the grandparents.
And usually that's what kills really old people is pneumonia type stuff.
I mean, not just in Italy, but all over the world.
I mean, look, it's, you know, most people aren't really dying of the coronavirus.
They're dying of cofactors from that.
You know, I don't know about smog blowing from the South.
I mean, there's not really a lot of industrial production in the South.
But regardless, Italy is a... That was just an article I saw on somebody saying that.
Italy's a very, you know, if you were trying to plan a viral outbreak that affects old people and people with lung issues, Italy would be, you know, unfortunately a place that you would say it would take hold and do rather well.
That's unfortunate.
You are seeing a lot of other European countries that are similar.
I think Spain surpassed China today.
And, you know, the Spanish share a lot of traits with us Italians as far as culturally and as well as, you know, smoking rates, population density, you know, how the elderly are.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, so it's not shocking that this would rip through a lot of Southern Europe more harshly than it would rip through other areas.
I will tell you on the bright side, I'm really just speaking emotionally here.
The Italians are tough.
They've weathered a lot.
Italy is not really a place where they've been able to rely on their government since Augustus was emperor.
And if there's one thing that's given me a bit of an emotional response,
I'm sorry.
I know it's upsetting to see all those people dying.
I know you live over there a lot.
This is emotional.
It's okay.
I mean, old folks dying.
I'm sorry.
While I'm talking, a text came in.
It just came in from a cousin on another screen.
Seeing them locked up, but on their balconies, singing the anthem.
Forza Italia!
So, you know, I tell you, what about the police state?
Drones controlling people since when did China set the precedent?
The most authoritarian state in history on how everybody's supposed to behave.
And now they're using drones made in China by used by their police against people in California.
Yeah, I mean, look, I don't I can't really speak to that.
But what I will say is that the as far as civil liberties go, this is
You know, this is a time when we have times of crisis.
This is when authoritarians like to grab away civil liberties.
Now, of course, you know, I'm not saying that there's some
Some conspiracy that this was launched to do that.
You know, we're not seeing great restrictions on freedom of expression right now.
There's some guy that got arrested for, you know, putting out a false report that he was infected with coronavirus.
Well, yeah, and in New Jersey, I mean, I kind of get it.
I'm not really sure.
They had that Orthodox Jewish wedding on their own property.
They arrested the people there in New Jersey.
Yeah, I mean, it's you know, you got to ask yourself, is it responsible to do that?
I mean, I am acting as if I have the virus.
I've been quarantined more than 14 days.
I've been
I go to visit people like Spock and Kirk at the end of Wrath of Khan.
I stand between the window and that's it.
I'm going to talk to you through the window.
Freedom of assembly?
You see, this is one of the five freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment is gone right now.
Now is it?
You know, and even as a First Amendment advocate, I have to say, well, maybe fair enough.
But at the same time... My only point is, is that if this virus has only killed, you know, 5,000 people in China, 5,000 or whatever in Italy, 5,000, whatever, and they say, oh, we're saving you by locking everybody down, that's self-fulfilling prophecy where it makes those that locked us down the saviors.
Yeah, I mean, look, it always makes me nervous when somebody takes away one of my liberties, especially one of the five enshrined in the First Amendment.
I get worried.
Now, even I can say as a First Amendment advocate that it makes some sense.
But I just, you know, we should all ask, why is it worth it?
And even if the answer is yes, and even if the answer is why, we've got a good reason.
If you're taking it without being critical of it,
Be careful, because this is going to be over one day.
And I do have to ask, there has been some debate now as to, is the cure worse than the disease?
Well, that's all I'm getting at.
People ask me, why do you have people on with all these different views?
I'm just having folks on that I think are smart and I respect.
Mike Adams has got a real serious view on this.
And I look forward to hearing what he has to say next hour.
I'm having a lot of different views, a lot of different ideas here.
I just know the Democrats in the deep state are using it against Trump.
They're using it to lock down the economy.
And they're saying they're going to use it as a weapon.
And now Pelosi is holding up the funding.
And now I've got a clip coming up next segment.
Biden is saying that they're going to hold up funding until the new Green Deal is put in.
You know, when I see people playing politics with the stimulus package, I really ask myself,
You know, I don't believe in guillotines, because once you bring them out, it's hard to put them away.
But when you're saying you want $35 million for the Kennedy Center, or we're not going to bail other people out, and frankly, I don't think the Republicans have been any better.
You know, we're looking at $1,200 a person, and most of this seems like it's going to just go to big donors.
You know, I got to ask myself,
Whether our government is being run, you know, is it being run stupidly or incompetently?
Or in a criminal fashion?
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
Mark Randazzo.
Infowars has had to suspend all new food sales because the supply chain has collapsed.
This is a system-wide problem and this country is facing a new depression unless Trump and the American people work together to develop a plan to expose this globalist operation.
That's it.
People are calling and saying, we wish you had the supplements in stock.
We wish that wasn't sold out.
They've confused that with the food.
Everything we advertise, everything we sell, we have in stock, and we are only one day behind in shipping.
That means if you order on a Monday, it's shipping out on a Wednesday.
And that's just as of today.
Most days we are up-to-the-day shipping, meaning you order that day in the morning, a lot of times it ships out that afternoon.
We have everything in stock that is so good to boost your overall defense against what's going on.
Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction, and that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We predicted that they'd use the virus for a shutdown in martial law.
We predicted they'd use it to hold blue cities and states hostage.
We predicted they'd blame it all on President Trump while worshipping Xi Jinping.
Now that's all happened.
And I think getting ready and preparing for the virus is important.
It obviously is a dangerous virus.
It does kill people.
But the perfect scripting for The Globalist with Bill and Melinda Gates and Exercise 201, Event 201 and Disease X and the UN and all the TV shows and the rollout, we know it's prepackaged to push forced inoculations and basically a permanent lockdown of society where we have weather reports now on the new viruses that come through every single year.
The new coronaviruses, the new flu viruses, the new
I think?
Holding up, and Joe Biden says that he wants all of this money to go through a new Green Deal.
For them, this is economic terrorism, using the hyped-up fear of a real virus.
But a kernel of that is true.
Because this isn't how America works.
It isn't how any society works.
And if you capitulate that, you lose your whole society.
So I'm saying, get ready.
Get prepared.
Get high quality supplements like X2 and X3 and multivitamin minerals like Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus that has zinc in it.
It all works in synergy and vitamin mineral fusion.
Because you need to boost your immune system during not just this virus, but all the viruses, and you need to be ready and healthy for what's coming in the future, because this virus, if you think it's deadly...
The hysteria and the giving into fear and the compliance with all this is assuring they're going to release more deadly viruses in the future for their path of total control and countries like Israel and Spain and Italy and other areas that are in political trouble like France are going to use the virus for dominance and control over the public and it's all now confirmed ladies and gentlemen that this
I think?
Thus creating confidence, but not let them kill confidence in the market, creating something far more devastating.
So that's the balancing act here, ladies and gentlemen.
I have a very important announcement that I'm going to make when we come back on the other side that hand the baton to Mike Adams here on this live Wednesday edition.
But let's go out to break with...
Joe Biden holding everyone hostage right now, demanding the new deal of AOC before they pass the multi-trillion dollar rescue package.
Thank you.
That's going to be, I think, the next round we have to be looking at.
In addition to that, I think it's really important we take a look at what it is that is going to allow you to be in a position that you can, in fact, be in a position to have a, live a gainful life.
I've said for a long time, if we were setting up an education system... Alright folks, so there is the corpse the Democrats are running, the reanimated corpse, Joe Biden.
It's all emblematic.
Now there's this giant facade, flapping in the wind, collapsing in real time.
We'll be right back with Mike Adams.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the shy comms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy.
While ours is going into a free fall spiral and Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence and the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago and their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide.
A man-made bio-weapon that attacks the old and infirm has been launched by the globalist Deep State in unison with the Chai Khans to cover up the Taiwan Rebellion and more.
Now it's being used by the Democrats who are using a quarantine in the name of saving people, which sounds reasonable and I agree with some of it.
In its action, but not in what the results are meant to be.
Training us to live under martial law.
Banning all the gun sales.
Preparing the forced inoculations.
Closing the churches, but leaving the marijuana dispensaries open.
This is a blue state Democrat power grab with them holding the president hostage.
That's why I said it's so dangerous eight weeks ago is the crisis and the shutdown they're going to create and how they're going to say Xi Jinping did a great job, the dictator China, but America and Trump did a horrible job.
This is a dangerous situation, but I got some really good news this morning.
You all know that going back eight weeks ago, all the other big storable food companies sold out to FEMA and the government and institutional buyers.
Then it came out later that the rich were buying up all the food and the government was.
Our supplier, the biggest in the country's mission, is to sell right to you.
We told you it's seven to ten days for the first month or so.
Then we said now it's three weeks, now it's eight weeks.
And when they got to a point where they had to fill the orders they had, and it was stretching out to ten weeks, they stopped sales for two weeks.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, got a call this morning and they said, we're ready to start taking orders again.
To be safe, we're saying 8 to 10 weeks.
Almost all the other orders you've had on time have been shipped out to you.
And the few that haven't been shipped are still in order on the timeline to get to you.
Other people will lie to you and say they have horrible food.
They're lying.
My Patriot now has six factories.
They opened two more.
Got them going.
Have the FDA inspectors in there that literally work in the factories to get you high-quality food at about five times less than you'll find in stores because there's no middleman.
And believe me, with the economy and the globalists and the talk about suspending the election and all of the insane things that have been going on
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now critical for everybody to get storable food.
Whether this virus is as bad as some say, or whether it just blows over and burns itself out by mutating, regardless, you need storable food into the future to have those strategic supplies that last 25 years.
And we have the only big, high-quality company that has it for you and has it raised prices.
So now, you are able to pre-order foods, what we're calling it, but 8 to 10 weeks, you will get it.
All the other orders have gone out in the order, or they are going out on the timeline exactly as we said.
They are on time.
But now you can get your storable food today again at InfoWareStore.com and be put exactly into the queue as you order.
They're in our computer system.
We're partners with them.
They handle the customer service.
We back it up as well.
It's all there at InfoWareStore.com.
And in closing,
Get your zinc, get your multivitamins, Real Red Bill, Real Red Bill Plus.
We're about to sell out of the one ounce nano silver topical spray.
We have the skin cream with hyaluronic acid and the nano silver as well.
We're discounting all of that right now, ladies and gentlemen, because we want people to be able to get it and have it and we don't want to take advantage of folks during this crisis.
So get ready, get prepared.
Who knows what else is going to happen?
But know that your purchases fund this operation and get you the best products here to find out there anywhere.
So, we're open for business again for Storable Food at InfoWarStore.com.
Now, Mike Adams, the health ranger, takes over, ladies and gentlemen, with all the critical information he has for you.
Thanks, Mike.
Take over.
All right.
Thank you, Alex.
That's great news that you're able to take food orders again.
I strongly encourage people to take advantage of that now.
Because it's absolutely critical to get food supplies headed your way.
I'm going to talk a lot about the economic news here today and what's happening with the economy because really...
The governments and the central banks of the world are using this pandemic to seize all assets across the board.
There really is no more functioning market in the United States or around the world.
The Federal Reserve is printing fiat currency.
They are going to eventually hyperinflate prices and devalue the dollar.
The chapter has begun for that.
And they're using this newly created fiat currency money to buy corporate bonds, which means they're going to own the debt of the corporations.
They're buying commercial mortgages because all the storefronts are no longer paying rent because everything's closed down, the restaurants, the retailers, everything.
And so there's going to be a crash in commercial mortgage-backed securities.
We're good to go.
Which is going to lead to price inflation.
So they might as well just call up, you know, just have the president announce, hey everybody, take a $100 bill and just write another zero on the end of it.
Make it a $1,000 bill.
Now everybody's rich, you know.
That's the kind of insanity that we're dealing with.
But this is an attempt to confiscate wealth and assets and money and savings from the American people.
And of course they're going to roll out a government-run central bank surveillance cryptocurrency, a digital wallet, so that they can have negative interest rates, so they can steal money from you while your money is sitting in their wallets that they control, that they run, so they can have full-blown surveillance on you as you're trying to function in society.
And of course, they're going to marry that with a social credit scoring system so they can deny you the right to engage in transactions if you don't say the right things.
If you speak out against transgenderism, oh, all of a sudden your wallet's turned off.
What do you know?
You can't engage in transactions.
Or if you oppose vaccines, especially the coming coronavirus vaccine, maybe next year, if you say anything critical about that vaccine, oh, your wallet will stop working.
You won't have any money.
You'll be an outcast from society.
You see, so far, they just kick you off of YouTube and Facebook and Twitter, like I've been banned everywhere.
But in the future, they'll ban your ability to even buy food.
This is what's coming.
This crisis, no matter what you believe about its origins, or no matter what you believe about how severe it is, or not severe, because I know opinions vary on that, but they're using it
To steal every asset from society.
Where this goes long-term is that America becomes impoverished masses, like Mexico, with certain protected corporations that get the government bailouts, like Amazon, and Boeing, and maybe Tesla, and Google, and others.
Just going to be a few wealthy, all-powerful Orwellian corporations running your life, and you will have nothing.
And you'll be entirely dependent on the government.
Because your pension will disappear, as is already happening.
Pensions are vanishing.
You will have no retirement.
You will have no savings.
If you're left holding dollars when this great reset comes, or I should say horrifying reset, you will lose almost all the value, the purchasing power of those dollars.
That is already beginning to happen.
So this bailout, this multi-trillion dollar bailout, is theft.
It is theft from you.
It's theft from the people.
It is government theft.
It's beyond hoarding, it is a mass coordinated stealing of everything that you own, from your retirement, to your 401Ks, to your business, your corporate stocks, everything.
It could be your home, your commercial real estate, everything.
They're going to steal it from you.
And in fact, I want to encourage you, there's a video series out there that was created by Mike Maloney.
It's called The Hidden Secrets of Money.
And in fact, I'd like to ask the producers, I'd really like to see if we can invite Mike Maloney on as a guest of mine next week, if we're all still functioning and online.
I'd really love to have Mike Maloney on, because he gets this.
And that video series is called The Hidden Secrets of Money, which is very professionally produced.
I think it's on YouTube.
You can watch it for free.
It explains exactly what money is versus what fiat currency is.
And these bailouts are just creating endless fiat currency.
And all of us, if we are to protect our liberty and protect our assets and protect our savings and prevent the government from stealing from us, we need to understand how the Federal Reserve is a giant theft scam system and how the Senators
They have just now created a new bill, and members of the House as well, they've created this new law, this bailout bill.
You know, I want my bailout money.
This is massive theft.
They package it as a gift.
Oh, we're going to send you thousands of dollars.
We're going to bail you out.
We're going to bail this company out.
We're going to bail out employees.
We're going to bail out stocks.
It's not a bailout.
It's theft.
They're going to end up owning everything.
Owning you.
Owning your life.
In fact, when we come back, I'd like to ask the producers, let's come back after this break with a little bit of my song from 2008 called, I Want My Bailout Money.
That's on Brighttown.com.
It's a rap song about the bailouts from 2008.
It's now even more appropriate than it was 12 years ago.
This is Mike Adams.
I'll be right back after this break with more on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here with a public service announcement.
InfoWars, as of today, is now suspending storable food sales.
We still have storable food.
We're able to package all the storable food and get it to everybody that ordered it.
Most of you have already gotten your food.
But, the reason I'm making this announcement is, all the other major food suppliers were sold out over a month ago, as we first reported to you, but they lied to you and they took your money.
Well, we know for a fact they're still taking everybody's money, even though the food has all been sold out.
The basic ingredients for storable food is gone.
All the big box stores are paying way over normal prices to buy up what's left.
And so anybody telling you that they have storable food is lying to you.
The good news is, everyone that ordered at InfoWarsTore.com has already gotten it, or if you ordered recently, we have the food that's being packaged, and you will get it.
But as of now, we are suspending all new food sales at InfoWarsTore.com.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70, particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc, and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Turn it up!
I want my bailout money.
Keep the bills coming.
Sweet green cash, just dripping like honey.
I'm a new kind of thug with the Washington buzz, cause dealing debt pays better than dealing drugs.
What if this won't happen when they double the money supply?
A falling dollar makes it harder for you to survive.
And take those billions and trillions and give it to their own kind.
Hope they don't mind being wild blind.
Alright, that's from the song, I Want My Bailout Money, that I wrote and recorded back in 2008.
This is Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
I don't want to bore you with too much more of that song.
It's basically a lot of screaming about bailouts.
But, you know, look, the lyrics of that song are more applicable now than they were even in 2008.
It's about bailing out these wealthy, connected
I don't know.
I mean, they were already under intense pressure because of Amazon and Prime Delivery and so on.
And now, with this coronavirus, your local retailers, other than Walmart and Target and Costco and so on, your local retailers are basically crushed and gone.
And that is a very scary world if we have to depend on Jeff Bezos and Amazon in order to get goods.
Especially since Amazon bans many natural supplements and natural products.
They will not let us sell through their FBA program, which is fulfilled by Amazon.
They won't let us sell many things, even glutathione, for example, which is really important for liver detox and helping your body detox pharmaceuticals and heavy metals and things like that.
So Amazon's going to be sort of the last monopoly retail giant in a world of collapse and a world of homelessness.
We're going to see many people losing their homes over this sadly.
We're going to see the homeless population spike all over the country.
And we're going to see homeless people in small towns that we used to only see in cities.
And of course we're going to see people fleeing the cities as well.
That's already begun.
So the economic impacts of this are enormous.
Now, it's worth pointing out that the virus did not cause these economic impacts.
The virus merely initiated this failed system that has been put in place where the can has been kicked down the road since the 2001 dot-com crash and the 2008 subprime mortgage crash.
Instead of fixing the structural problems in the economic system,
The Fed, under different presidents, has just bailed out everything.
That's why that song, I Want My Bailout Money, it's just bailing everything out.
Well that doesn't fix the problems, and it doesn't eliminate the bad decisions in the system that lead to this situation where everybody is highly leveraged, nobody's got any backup money, nobody has any savings, nobody has any redundancy or resiliency in the system.
So instead of letting
Companies that make bad decisions fail.
We're now going to have more bailouts.
Now trillions of dollars of bailouts by creating new money, which is really new debt.
So all of these trillions, people think, well, the government can create money for free.
That's not the case.
That's coming out of your pockets, folks, your pockets as a taxpayer.
You're the one doing the bailouts of the rich, wealthy corporations and the corporate executives who are being selected to survive this, while others who are not so lucky, who are not being selected, are being allowed to fail.
And thus, we have no functioning system, no free market anymore.
We have no reward for being correct, no reward for saving money.
You are punished for saving money because your savings are about to become less and less valuable as the government prints new money to have helicopter handouts to the whole country.
You can always count on the government to do the wrong thing.
And they're doing it yet again.
This is the wrong thing.
And let me give you an example of that.
Right now, I had a supplier out of Hong Kong contact me and say they've got the ability to manufacture 100,000 N95 masks per week.
And they wanted to know if we wanted to import those masks and then retail them in America.
And I think they even quoted me a price of $1.28 per mask, which seems higher than usual, but of course, there's a lot of demand right now.
And they were telling me, well, you could sell these in America for $5 a mask or more, $6 a mask.
You know, so they're saying, oh, you can make half a million dollars a week by selling these masks in America.
And I told them, no, I'm not interested.
You know why?
Because anybody selling N95 masks in America today is accused of profiteering off of the pandemic.
And you can be raided at gunpoint because the president signed the executive order that says, oh, hoarders are going to be, they're going to have a knock on their door.
You're going to be raided at gunpoint.
You're going to have your inventory confiscated by the federal government.
So even when free market forces attempt to import masks and distribute masks or sell them even at a more fair price, I don't know, $1.99 a mask or something, you would still be accused of being a profiteer.
You would be raided at gunpoint.
You would be maybe arrested, maybe fined.
Maybe the DOJ comes after you and shuts you down.
That's what the government is doing right now.
Which is why those of us, like myself and Alex Jones, we've built businesses, we've built distribution hubs, we've built these things that work in the private market, in free enterprise.
We are the ones who are refusing to handle those now high-risk items, even though we could theoretically assist society in getting more masks into the hands of people who need them.
But we won't do that because the government is threatening all of us.
Threatening us with arrests and gunpoint raids and DOJ prosecutions.
So that's how government is blocking the supply of N95 masks.
The government is making the situation worse with these anti-hoarding laws.
And there's no telling where that's going to expand to, by the way.
You know, today it's, oh, if you have medical masks, you're a, quote, hoarder.
Which, by the way, the government is the biggest hoarder of all.
Look at their underground caves, ten years of supplies of ammunition and medical gear and, you know, antibiotics and communications and firearms and everything else.
But apparently they didn't have enough N95 masks in the caves underground, so now they have to go steal it from the businesses that are trying to sell those supplies.
That's insane!
That is the opposite of a free market, and that's what's happening in America now.
That's why my focus today is on economics.
We're seeing a collapse of the free market, and the rise of a communist, centrally controlled economy.
Under a Republican president, for God's sake!
Under a Republican president, we're having a communist, centrally planned government.
And it's wrong, and it's dangerous, and it will have inefficiencies in the system.
And Trump should let the free market work on this.
Let me give you another example.
I, in my ranch, I have thousands of pounds of organic oats and organic almonds and camu camu and things like that.
Goods that expired six months ago that I could not sell in my own store.
The FDA won't let me sell them.
So I've been feeding oats to my donkeys and my goats
Because I can't legally sell these to people who might be starving soon across America.
I'm literally sitting on thousands of pounds of oats and almonds and other foods, which is insane, but I can't sell them without being arrested and fined.
Why isn't there some kind of executive order to say, hey, if you're sitting on good food, make it available to the public.
I'll sell it at cost.
I don't need to make any money.
I'd rather help people.
And yeah, I'm going to donate a lot of it to local churches and things like that, but did you know that food banks won't even accept expired food?
And I'm going to have to convince the churches to take the food because normally they won't accept so-called expired food.
So I'm eating oatmeal and almonds
You know, I'm going to be eating my way through the apocalypse on expired foods that are perfectly good while the government would threaten me with arrests and fines if I try to make that food available to others.
This is insanity.
The market is not being allowed to work.
Yeah, I'll barter food with neighbors and friends and things like that.
The underground market, that's the only way I can do this.
And if they want to come arrest me for bartering oatmeal with my neighbors, then go for it.
I'm trying to help people stay fed and stay alive and get through this, and the government is in the way.
The government's doing the wrong thing at every opportunity.
The government's going to get people killed with these bad ideas and bad economics and bad finance.
We need to get through this.
Stay with us.
Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back with much more.
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We've known for over a decade that big tech is totally anti-American and wants to bring in a one world government currency, a Chinese communist social score to control every facet of our lives.
But now it's here.
They are using this coronavirus lockdown to tell all these shops and stores do not accept cash.
And now they're announcing all over the country they're going to stop accepting cash and only certain businesses can stay open.
Well, what do you do next to put the final nail in the coffin and launch the mark of the beast?
House stimulus bill envisions digital dollar to ease coronavirus recession.
Only stores that are allowed to be open can accept it.
Evil patriots and people, of course, can't use it and attracts everything you do.
So there it is, folks.
Mark of the Beast.
Global digital currency all being rolled out in this hysteria.
And a lot of people are buying into it, so you've just greenlit the globalists absolutely taking control of your lives.
But InfoWars predicted it all from the very start.
That's where tomorrow's news today.
You have to look really hard at mainstream television news and print media and mainstream establishment media news sites to find it.
I did extensive searches online with different search engines.
I did a bunch of research looking at different TV archives and I couldn't find hardly anything except a couple local news stories with medical doctors on there talking about zinc.
The element on the periodic table that is essential to life.
And that is the most anti-viral natural compound out there in thousands and thousands of studies by the most prestigious universities, including big studies on the coronavirus family.
So, do yourself a favor.
Search engine, zinc and antiviral.
Three words.
Zinc, antiviral.
Zinc, antiviral.
Do yourself a favor.
Zinc, antiviral.
I made four police state films more than a decade ago, specifically warning of the plan to suspend habeas corpus, the right to even have access to a court, the right to not be secretly arrested and secretly disappeared.
And I warned the Patriot Act they claimed was for terrorists was really for the American people.
Well, now they admit it is.
And bipartisanly, the Justice Department is now openly seeking to arrest and disappear Americans whenever they want.
Under the guise of coronavirus, but they just say during the emergency, it'll be for every other crime you can imagine.
It's the cherry on top of a nice big fudge sundae called Marshall Law.
Oh, and the sprinkles on it?
It's the big Great Depression everybody's gonna have.
So folks that are all excited that you're getting time off work?
Oh, you're gonna get time off from your whole future, your family, your health, and forced inoculations, and gun confiscation.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, we're going to talk about some of the numbers and some of the risk factors and maybe some things that you can do to protect yourself as America gets into the more accelerated phase of the spread of this.
But on a personal note and a little bit of humor here, you know...
If you're looking at my appearance, yes, my hair is getting crazy long.
Obviously, I can't go get a haircut.
And if this continues, I'm going to end up with a mullet like John from Hall & Oates from the 1980s.
So, you know, we'll be sporting some real interesting hairdos probably pretty soon, but whatever.
That's just the nature of where we are.
And, you know, I've been self-quarantined for some time now, and I'm growing food, and I'm hatching baby chicks.
I've got, I think, now like 25 eggs in the incubator, hoping to hatch a few dozen baby chicks, and later this year I'll have free-range eggs.
So I've stocked up on chicken feed, and I'm planting potatoes, which is a little late in the season for Texas, but whatever.
I encourage you to not only get stored food, as Alex mentioned earlier, but also start thinking about growing your own food.
Because that's really what's going to sustain you long term if the food supply shortages continue to crater.
And it's really a question of how much food can make it to store shelves in the months ahead.
I've warned people just in case, be prepared for not just six months, but maybe a year.
Once you go beyond about six months or a year, that's when you need to get into garden seeds and growing some food and planting some things.
You can plant onions and garlic and you can grow berries and even kumquats and pomegranates and all kinds of things in many areas across the country.
So it's a good idea to do that.
And also those fruits that I mentioned, which are sounding very delicious right now, actually.
They contain vitamin C, so they actually have nutrients.
And like the peel of kumquats, which are little small, like citrus, small oranges, basically, and you eat the peeling.
And that is very antiviral, by the way.
So you can grow medicine at the same time that you're growing your food.
And I strongly encourage you to do that.
A couple of things to mention here.
I got a tip this morning, I can't yet tell you the city, because I'm sworn to silence on that, but I'm getting tips that the reefer trucks, the reefer truck manufacturers are getting hit with massive orders for trucks, reefer trucks to be able to transport dead bodies in America.
Because there's an anticipation of a lot more dead.
It's over 100 dead per day now in America and that number continues to rise exponentially.
I remember it was about a month ago when I was in studio with Alex and I said that if you look at the numbers we'll have about 580 deaths on April 4th.
And I remember that specifically because I remember getting calls and texts from people who said, that's impossible.
We're never going to have 500 people die in America from this.
This is going to be over in two or three weeks.
Well, we hit 580 deaths, I think, two days ago.
So my model was wrong in the sense that it was late.
It was too optimistic.
And depending on where this goes, I'm convinced we're going to see tens of thousands of dead people in America, mostly in the liberal cities, by the way, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles.
But also, we're not going to escape this in places like Texas, in the cities, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas-Fort Worth.
It's earlier in Texas and the Midwest and Arizona and Florida.
It's earlier in the curve, but within two or three or maybe four weeks, we're going to be closer to where New York City is right now.
And New York City is just about out of morgue space.
That's on drudge right now, that New York City is running out of space for dead bodies.
And as a result, I think that's why these orders are going in for the trucks, the reefer trucks, to transport dead bodies.
Now, I don't know where they're transporting them to.
There's a question for you.
Is it going to be some kind of mass grave thing?
That doesn't make sense if they're infected.
So you've got to start thinking about mass cremations, which gets into kind of the China scenario, right?
The big mobile cremation containers.
But let's get to what you can do to help protect yourself.
The number one, this is interesting, the number one comorbidity factor that was found in I think 76% of patients who died from coronavirus was...
I don't
I did the research on this.
But here's a question.
The American Heart Association says that 100 million Americans have high blood pressure.
That's roughly a little bit under one-third of the population of the country.
And since that is predominantly in adults, not children, it's more than one-third of adults have high blood pressure.
And most of those adults are controlling their high blood pressure using blood pressure medications.
And the question is, does the medication, which artificially lowers your blood pressure, does that offer any protection from coronavirus fatalities, or does the medication make the fatalities worse?
And right now, we don't have any data on that, so it could be either way.
We honestly don't know yet.
But if you have high blood pressure,
Then there are some things that you can do right now.
You can, of course, reduce your intake of sodium, which, by the way, is very high in storable foods and canned soups.
A lot of people are buying Campbell's soups off the shelf.
Well, they're loaded with sodium.
Some of those soups have, what, 800 milligrams of sodium in a can or more.
A lot of the stored snack chips and so on have very high sodium, which can inflate blood pressure.
So you would want to avoid those things if you're in this category of having high blood pressure.
And there are also foods that you can eat that lower blood pressure, such as watermelons and cucumbers and basically celery, fresh fruits and vegetables, all the things that you might imagine.
Eating healthy can literally save your life in the sense of reducing your risk of dying from the coronavirus.
The other thing that came out of that same study, which is good news for all of us, is that
Fewer than 1% of those who died from coronavirus had no comorbidity factors.
In other words, perfectly healthy people who did not have heart disease, did not have diabetes, did not have strokes, did not have underlying conditions,
They did not die in big numbers at all.
So healthy people, even though they may go into serious medical conditions, they may have permanent lung damage, they still survived and pulled through.
Almost everybody who died, over 99% of those who died, had some other risk factor, such as diabetes and the things I just mentioned.
But in America today,
We live in a nation that is the least healthy nation in the world.
And so if we're comparing ourselves to Italy, well yes, Italy has a much older population.
But America has a less healthy population.
We have sedentary lifestyles.
We have people who are on 12 different medications because they have 12 different underlying conditions.
And I believe that the virus is predominantly, in America, going to kill those individuals who have health problems, which sadly, as we just showed, you know, 100 million Americans have high blood pressure.
So there's a potential for this to really sweep through the U.S.
population that depends on pharmaceuticals, that has underlying health conditions, that has not resorted to healthier lifestyles or healthier living.
And, you know, I'm trying to say this just very calmly and very matter of fact, but
The truth is, if you ever needed an excuse to get healthier and stop eating the junk food and maybe make more smoothies and boost your intake of nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements or vitamins or just healthy eating, fresh vegetables, grow your own food, sprout your own food, this is it, folks!
This is the time to do it!
And you can make a difference by starting today.
You can start sprouting food today.
You can have broccoli sprouts or alfalfa sprouts or whatever you have.
And you can take your zinc tablets and crush up the zinc into a powder and mix it in with the water that you're using to irrigate your sprouts.
And you can sprout bioavailable zinc-rich sprouts.
Which could save your life, literally save your life.
I'm not selling sprouts or anything like that.
I'm just trying to help you stay alive.
This is the time to do it.
You can have sprouts to eat in three days.
You can lower your blood pressure in a week.
You can boost your zinc intake almost immediately.
You can be healthier tomorrow.
What are you waiting for?
We know that healthy people mostly don't die from this.
It's the unhealthy people who die, predominantly.
That's who's dying right now.
But people are dying at almost any age, so an unhealthy person in their 20s or 30s or 40s can still die from this.
So being young doesn't make you immune, but being healthy makes you immune.
That's the takeaway.
That's the big news here.
That's the good news here.
So why aren't we telling people to get healthy across the nation instead of waiting for a vaccine?
Well, we'll answer that on the other side of this.
This is Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back with much more.
Every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second right now is critical.
History is happening right in front of us, and we can't be spectators.
We've got to be men and women in the arena, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual preference.
It doesn't matter.
The globalists with the chi-coms and others are openly trying to plunge our economy and start a new depression.
China, who hyped up this virus, is now back to work and ramping up their economy.
All ours is going into a free fall spiral and Trump's desperately trying to restart it and create confidence and the globalist corporate media that was worshipping China just a month or so ago and their response is saying Trump is terrible because they want America to fail.
They want you to fail.
But you can expose them.
You can speak out.
You can share the articles and videos and reports at InfoWars and Bandot Video that expose them and the globalists will go down.
It's already blowing up in their face right now.
So press the attack on the InfoWars and defeat the NWO.
Newtonian physics documents the fact that for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And that matter is not destroyed, it is simply transferred into another form.
Well, we're seeing that happen right now.
The globalists are openly trying to hype up the coronavirus, trying to kill our economy, and trying to have martial law shut down around the country, and trying to stampede Trump into implementing it so they can blame the imploding economy on him.
But Trump has seen through it, and so he's let them implement the draconian controls, and is saying, do you really want a depression for something that's killed far less than the flu?
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the fight of our lives.
And the good news is, their attack on humanity and on independent media has caused a lot of people to start thinking for themselves.
And so the traffic to InfoWars.com and Band.Video is triple our previous records right now.
So you're doing a great job spreading the word and people are tuning in to find out the truth like never before because of you, the Modern Paul Reveres.
For more than eight weeks, InfoWars has researched this deadly coronavirus, and it is deadly.
It targets those who already have pre-existing conditions, compromised immune systems, and those over 70 particularly bad.
It is deadly, but the globalists are hyping it as an economic and psychological warfare weapon to implement martial law and throw Trump out of office.
But regardless, the mainstream media will not tell you about natural compounds that are known to be extremely antiviral, like zinc.
So I don't care where you get zinc for yourself, your parents, your grandparents, your children.
Please go out and research zinc and then know that we have three different formulas that have zinc in them at a very nice dosage level.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, and Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And all of these products are 40 and 50% off right now at InfoWareStore.com, even though we're very, very close to selling them out.
We ship within 24 hours, so secure yours today and boost your defense at InfoWareStore.com.
The globalists and the enemy of the people, corporate media, have worked overtime like the devil to destroy all independent, pro-America, truth-based media.
And chief amongst their enemy has been Infowars.
But thanks to you spreading the word and thanks to you supporting Infowars, we are still on the air and have actually expanded in the face of their tyranny.
It is now more critical than ever that you take this opportunity to share Band-Odd Video and InfoWars.com and the articles and reports that are so critical because the world is waking up and needs this information now more than ever.
From myself and the InfoWars crew, you have our undying pledge and commitment to fight these tyrants harder than we ever have before and to defend basic freedom and justice and the American way of life.
This is the crossroads.
America and the planet in the balance.
Whatever you do, please take action and spread the word.
God bless and good luck.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Mike Adams!
All right, final segment for today here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to rapid fire some hot button issues here.
So much to cover.
Kaiser Permanente, and this was covered by The Intercept, we also covered it at Natural News, has threatened to fire nurses for wearing their own N95 masks as they are treating coronavirus infected patients.
And the health care workers unions are up in arms over this.
Obviously, this is an attempt, in my opinion, by Kaiser Permanente to spread the virus.
Why on earth would you tell nurses to not wear masks?
So there have been efforts in California to deliberately spread the virus to make it worse.
The CDC, of course, withheld testing kits from the entire nation for almost four weeks back in February.
And we've had what Sacramento County in California announced an end to all quarantines and isolation, just letting everybody just interact with the public in order to spread it more aggressively.
And then I think two days ago, Los Angeles County told doctors to stop testing for the virus.
They said it's over.
We surrendered to the virus.
We're not even going to test anybody anymore.
Just going to let it spread and hope we can deal with the infections in the hospitals.
That's like a suicide pact for California, but it's all an attempt to make it worse.
I think probably to embarrass Trump, to have a bigger crisis, to have a bigger crash.
This is how the Democrats are exploiting this crisis to make things worse for America.
Tucker Carlson is correct when he says that big tech censorship is in the way here of people getting access to good information about how to prevent the spread of this and even natural cures, the kinds of things that I talk about a lot.
We're censored everywhere.
If Trump should issue any executive order right now, it should be to end the censorship
At least during the pandemic.
You know, you can re-censor us after the pandemic, but right now, stop the censorship of voices that are trying to help America get ahead of this and stop the infections.
But you know, of course, Jack Dorsey at Twitter, they will gladly allow Beijing to push their communist Chinese propaganda on Twitter, but an American patriot like myself can't tell people to take vitamin C. That's banned.
So Twitter is nothing but a communist Chinese front now, and Google's the same thing, and Facebook's the same thing, and YouTube is the same thing.
So it's time to stop that, it's time to end that.
In fact, it's time for America...
To end any reliance on communist China.
And I hope that one of the silver linings of all of this is that maybe there's a wake-up call.
That we need industry here in America.
That we need to stop allowing China to buy off universities and buy off senators like Feinstein, who of course sold millions of dollars worth of stocks.
Reportedly, after that classified briefing, right?
Remember that briefing back in January when they got information from the CDC?
Oh, and some Republican senators, too.
They also sold millions of dollars worth of stocks while they were telling the public everything was fine.
I also believe that Trump should recommend healthy living advice for the American people for the reasons I just spoke about in the last segment, that high blood pressure is the number one comorbidity factor in this.
And if you have high blood pressure, you can start healing that today.
But it takes nutrition, it takes eating better, fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe some new
Thank you.
Drink more water, for example.
Or you might even exercise on a treadmill in your lockdown home or apartment so you can sweat out excess sodium, which will also help lower your blood pressure.
The number of deaths in Italy is declining.
Because Italy is just about to get over the hump of new infections.
There's a lag time behind the time when they had that very aggressive lockdown.
And so that lockdown is producing results for Italy and they're going to start to see a more accelerated decline in the number of deaths.
It's already begun and it will continue.
The question is, how do they exit the lockdown?
There's a lot of talk out there about the exit strategies.
How do we end these lockdowns and get people back to work, but without reintroducing new infections back into the population, where we end up with another repeated lockdown, which we absolutely want to avoid.
I don't have the answers for all that right now, but it's something that's being talked about.
Also, an important note.
Because so many people chose to treat their high blood pressure with pharmaceuticals rather than having healthy lifestyles, we now have a situation where I believe Big Pharma will be killing more Americans than the coronavirus.
It's people's reliance on the drugs.
That has given them a cover for their health symptoms, rather than treating the underlying condition, which is, hey, you're eating junk foods.
You have a sedentary lifestyle.
You need to exercise more, even in mild ways, just walking.
You need to eat healthier.
Instead of telling people to do that, all the doctors across America told people, no, just take these drugs.
Just take this pill.
Here's a statin drug.
Here's a blood pressure drug.
Here's an Alzheimer's drug.
Here's a depression drug.
Here's an erectile dysfunction drug.
So people are living on drugs which allowed them to pretend like they weren't sick.
But they are sick.
They're still sick.
They're relying on Big Pharma.
That's what's going to get them killed.
Because the coronavirus kills people who have underlying health conditions.
So we are a Big Pharma nation.
More Americans are on more drugs than any other nation, any other population in the world.
And that, I believe, is going to result in a very high case fatality rate in America, maybe matching that of Italy, possibly.
We'll see.
We'll see where this goes.
But maybe the lesson from this is don't hook your population on pharmaceuticals when you should be recommending, even doctors should be recommending, eat healthier.
Folks, eat healthier.
Have an apple every once in a while instead of
Just cookies and fried chicken nuggets and everything all the time.
Have a freaking apple.
Eat a chunk of celery with peanut butter on it.
There's nothing wrong with that.
You know, be healthier and you won't die.
That's a very important message.
Another important point.
Currently, there is no testing of asymptomatic carriers in the United States.
And Senator Rand Paul mentioned this as well.
He did not qualify for testing.
Under normal circumstances, he would never have been tested.
Well, I have a big warning on this for all of America and even for President Trump.
If you don't test the asymptomatic carriers, you will never identify those who are spreading the infections.
You will never be able to really lock this down.
So you're going to have to, sooner or later, expand the testing to people who have no symptoms.
You can't just test the people who are symptomatic.
You'll never find all the cases.
And so, the spread of this across America is going to continue.
And it's going to accelerate.
And one of my big concerns is that Texas, for example, will become more like
New York at some point.
Certain cities in Texas.
Now, rural America is going to be in relatively good shape.
You've got the low population densities.
You've got people having more outdoors time.
And frankly, people are healthier in rural America, at least those who live on farms and grow some of their own food.
They're way healthier.
So rural America will never, I don't think, will be subjected to these harsh draconian lockdowns.
But the cities, which is where most people live, the cities are going to be really death zones.
And you'll see what I'm talking about in about three to four weeks.
It's going to happen across America because of Big Pharma, because of the underlying health conditions, and because of the lack of testing of asymptomatic carriers.
With that said, I know that opinions vary among all the different guests here on Infowars.com, and I think you know where I stand on this.
This is a very real pandemic.
If it kills less than 100,000 Americans at the end of all this, I'll be amazed.
I'm convinced it's going to kill at least 100,000 Americans, although it may take some time, and hopefully we can slow that.
Maybe there's going to be a miracle drug.
Maybe a miracle vaccine.
I doubt it.
The vaccine will probably be more dangerous than the epidemic.
But things could change.
And it also depends on how we as a nation respond to this.
But my advice right now to anyone watching and listening is get healthy.
Get prepared.
Because we're only just beginning this in America right now.
But also, get out of the dollar.
Because eventually the dollar is going to crater.
The banks will eventually, some of them, will go down.
And if you don't convert your dollars into things like gold and silver and land and firearms and ammo and things that hold value, you're going to lose everything.
You're going to lose your money.
You're going to lose your pensions.
If you don't convert to things other than the dollar.
Now the dollar will spike in the short term as more economic failures in other countries lead people to rush into the dollar as a safe haven, but that's only temporary.
A few months later the dollar will crater.
And with all this bailout money out there, the dollar is going to lose purchasing power by the day.
So the long-term strategy for you to survive is get healthy, get out of the dollar, and get out of the cities.
And that's it.
That's my best advice right now for today.
Those are things that I have done, and those are things I'm recommending to everybody I know.
And those are things that will keep you alive, and will help you have some assets still under your ownership when all this is said and done.
Now, whether we have any liberty left,
Is another conversation.
I don't know.
But I'll tell you what.
I'm not giving up my guns.
And I'm going to demand my First Amendment rights, and of course, my Second Amendment rights as well.
And I don't want to be surveilled by the government.
And I'm going to fight for liberty.
But in order to do that, we have to stay alive, and we have to have assets.
So, there's a lot of priorities right now.
If you do all this right, we can get through this together.
Thank you for watching.
Mike Adams here, the Health Ranger for the Alex Jones Show.
I'll join you again in a week with more information.
Take care.