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Filename: 20191029_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 29, 2019
3615 lines.

Alex Jones hosts InfoWars, a show that delves into various topics including spirituality, gender identity, race, tax debt settlements, Real Red Pill vitamin supplements, fluoride in water, criminalizing speech that hurts people's feelings, iodine for human health, and Hollywood's connections to secret societies. He also takes calls from listeners discussing conspiracy theories, political correctness, gun control, voter fraud, and media control.

Gavin McInnes is back with his all-new online network, FreeSpeech.TV.
Gavin McInnes, Joe Biggs, Miley Yiannopoulos, and Soph, all at FreeSpeech.TV.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, October 29th, 2019 worldwide broadcast.
And if you're not feeling a sense of urgency about what's happening in the world, you're blind, you're not paying attention.
The future of humanity is on the edge, and humanity is barely winning this race against the anti-human globalists by just a few inches, by a nose right now.
DrudgeReport.com has the headline that Republicans fear a 2020 wipeout, and there is an article
From Axios that breaks it down.
So we'll put DrugsReport.com on screen, please.
The GOP nightmare scenario, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to be going over all of that.
We also now learn it's an army officer who heard Trump's Ukraine call reported concerns, but there's a recording of it and there's a transcript.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what the media is claiming.
Who knows if that's even true.
Because now we're told the whistleblower won't be testifying and they've been having these hearings that no one shows up at.
So that's all coming up today as well.
We're going to have open phones.
But the first thing I want to get to...
Is there is an invasion, there is a movement worldwide of sexualizing children.
And when elementary schools try to have events for free speech saying, don't sexualize our children, very aggressive people show up and have to be arrested.
And that ties in with, oh, drag queen accidentally flashes their genitals at children.
There's no accidental, this is going on, they're following a script.
Here's Will Johnson in Austin, Texas last night.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Why I've been directly involved in this battle professionally for almost a year.
Today, I am speaking as a father of three young children.
Ashton Cameron, 27, a black transgender woman who was fatally shot in Prince George County.
Claire Legato, 21, a black transgender woman who was fatally shot in Cleveland.
Malaysia Booker, 23, a black trans woman fatally shot in Dallas.
Michelle Tamika, 40, a black trans woman.
So imagine a 300 pound man wearing a red wig
He wants to charge in an elementary school that's having to have a demonstration by parents saying, do not sexualize our children, do not let men in dresses have contact with them.
Many of them convicted child molesters.
And the police dragged this man off.
And he charges back in repeatedly until he gets arrested and then begins squealing.
We've got to get near your children or black trans men are going to be killed.
Help us!
Give us access to your children or we're all dead!
And there's all these videos of them coming to the city councils and saying, we're here to groom your children.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Oh, it's so beautiful.
Oh, it's so good.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
And a man has been convicted of killing a mother and two little girls.
But it's OK, the media says, because he's trans.
He went in the house, raped and tortured him to death.
We're going to tell you about that, but not this individual in Austin.
This is a story out of Connecticut.
It's all coming up.
Just howling, screaming big fat men with red wigs saying, I'm a woman!
Give me access to those kids!
Give me those children!
I'm a woman!
I need your children!
Across the space-time continuum, the demon force is trying to punch through into our dimension.
Will you stand against them?
We have strong disagreement on policy grounds, and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident he won't get indicted.
Word is the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand I will...
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal.
We're going to bring you to justice, and we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us, and we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Banned.Video!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, the forces of hell are being released upon what's left of Christendom in the West.
Once we got rid of our Christian values, it was like opening a door underwater to a submarine.
The bulkheads are flooded and the worst of the worst have been turned loose.
NAMBLA has long sought to have access to children in schools.
They want to emancipate children as young as three years old to have sex with them.
And they thought, how do we get past the taboo of men?
Getting near your children, you know, they try to get them out of the backyard, they try to get them at the park, they try to get them at the mall, they try to get them out of their bedrooms at night, climb through the windows, put the knife through their throats.
How do they, the demons driving these people, grabbing these meat buckets, how do they, usually a pot-bellied, you know, type male, how do they do that?
Well, they just dress them up like clowns so their identities are protected and then call the clown, call the clown a woman.
These are men in disguises doing this and they've launched a full-out assault and they're following a script.
You'll see the same report in Australia that you see it in the United States or England or Germany on the same day and they're all networking and operating in unison.
And it's all funded by the big universities, funded by the big art displays, funded by taxpayers.
They're taking into schools, remember in Denver, and the elementary, and the parents aren't told that a drag queen, a transvestite, a man, is coming to speak with her children on career day and tell second, third, fourth, fifth graders that they should grow up and work in adult entertainment, and then the children sit on their laps
Unannounced to parents, and then the man, dressed as a woman, sits on a table and then moves across the table and spreads their legs to the children.
And we're putting together a compilation, since this broke this morning, of them doing these exact moves.
The next move is to ride them horsey.
Ride them horsey.
And it's the exact same move.
They sit on the table, they spread their legs like it's a woman inviting a man to come in and have sex with them.
And it's a ritual.
They are sexually marking your children.
And we've got videos of them saying, we're coming, we have them.
It's beautiful.
You won't stop us, you sick, evil people.
We're going to have love with your children.
We're going to get them.
We're going to groom them.
They're ours now.
And then, in the ritual, when the Stockholm Syndrome women bring their children to them at events, they sit the women on their laps, the women put the babies on their laps, and then the men go, and the children recoil, and they go, and then that's a further demonic ritual, the demon manifest, marking its territory for future slaughter.
Now, that is what this is.
They're going to slaughter their innocents.
And in the satanic rituals that are conducted that have now been declassified by the FBI this week, Epoch Times is reporting on it.
FBI releases information on finders of secretive group accused of child sex abuse.
No accusation.
We have the giant file.
It's in my office.
I'll get it during the break.
I had Ted Gunnarsson on 25 years ago exposing all of this and how they work and how they're operating.
Now, they have to get you to give up on your spirit and your discernment.
They have to bathe you in corruption.
So the new thing is sex with animals, sex with snakes, sex with rodents, torturing animals, and sex with bugs, centipedes, spiders.
And so there's a giant new massive rollout hitting every channel, just it's everywhere today.
Al Jazeera says not wanting to eat insects is racist.
Texas Art Museum encourages children to eat bugs.
Cheshire Home Invasion Killer tells podcast he's transgendered.
He's getting his transgender in prison.
It's all cute, it's all funny.
Yeah, you get those houses easier sometimes.
You know the Big Bad Wolf?
What's the Big Bad Wolf do?
He dresses up like Grandma!
My, what big teeth you have!
My, what big eyes you have!
All the better to see you with, my dear!
Gee, Grandma, what big nose you have!
All the better to smell you with, my dear!
Grandma, what big teeth you have.
All the better to eat you with, my dear.
And in Spain, and in Portugal, and in Germany, and in Sweden, and in Italy, and in Denmark, no one knows where Little Red Riding came from, but they found over thousand-year-old engravings.
In Germany, and Spain, of Little Red Riding Hood, and people told their children from age two, when you're walking through the forest, there are men that dress up like women.
And they will kill you.
So even if someone's dressed like a woman in the woods, run!
If you don't know them, run for your lives!
They'll kill you!
They will.
From Transylvania to Austin, Texas, they are with us.
And they are amongst our children.
And they are powering up for their big move.
Sex with bugs.
Sex with pigs.
Sex with your children.
Grooming them!
Loving it!
It's liberal!
It's good!
Full article, Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com.
Vice shows fetish of people who incorporate bugs into their sex lives.
Oh, they incorporate them!
That's like dossier or whistleblower.
It's a fancy word.
Here, let's stick earthworms in our butt.
That's like the big tampon maker says, oh, men have periods too, and they instruct you in instructional videos how to stick a tampon up your rear.
You're like, that's complete mental illness.
You will accept mental illness.
You will let men, convicted pedophiles, come to your school unannounced, and your children will ride on their crotches.
And we're going to keep babies alive?
We going to keep them comfortable?
And we're gonna take their goods, as they're never gonna have a life, and they're never gonna have nothing, and we're gonna take Alex Jones off the air, and we're gonna have Hillary Clinton's law firm sue him into oblivion and piss all over the grave of the First Amendment, so none of you can oppose what we're gonna do to your children, because we love the children.
Even though they want to kill as many of them as they can,
Oh, it's not a baby, it's a fetus!
And now, it's not a baby after it's born!
It's time for... PETO'S!
So, we'll show you all on TV viewers, radio listeners, we'll break it down, livefeedinfowards.com, forward slash show, we'll show you... The people spreading their legs.
In front of your children.
Oh, and now they don't have any underwear on.
Oh, I'm sorry, they're women.
They don't have any panties on.
How do you like a bunch of sick men?
A lot of them convicted child molesters, child rapists.
Two of them in Houston alone running drag queen story time.
Of course, when they're out on the town doing their... One of them does a vampire kick dominatrix.
And says he's a vampire.
Of course he is.
Little piggy vampire.
Little piggy.
There's no makeup on there.
It's just when he gets around your kids, there's full war paint.
Oh, no, no.
Big red smile.
Big demon eyes.
We came!
Come on, Georgie.
Come right on over here.
I got your boat.
Stick your hand down in here, Georgie.
You reach out to me, Georgie.
Because God has a hedge of protection, but if they can get the kids up close to him, have the kids somehow get used to it, then the child can be beguiled.
Mother Big Bad Wolf, hug the wolf.
Hug it good.
Soon they'll shop on the flesh of children, openly.
They already have all the feminist groups, you know, the placentas, the goblins, the women rubbing blood on themselves.
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It is now an admitted fact.
Fluoride added to the water has caused tens of millions of Americans to be brain damaged and to have infertility and low IQs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live, and I was working on some other big projects this morning, so I didn't do a lot of preparation for the show.
Did a lot of preparation last night and early this morning, and I hadn't seen the article.
That's Tom Packard's great outfit.
He co-hosts, obviously, with Will Johnson, weeknights, Firepower, 7 to 9.
And it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
All the clips we've got are where they purposely spread their legs in front of the children.
These are men dressed as women spreading their legs to children.
Men's bare bodies in front of the children.
So sick.
And I can show you the men come to these events with glitter on their genitals.
And it's so over the top.
It's Emperor's New Clothes.
It's so crazy when at a children's event a man shows up with a
Like six inch slong with glitter.
We can show you here in Austin and the children pose with a naked man.
You know, you've seen when women go out, they just put paint on themselves at, let's say, a party beach.
Well, that's a party beach and that's men and women consenting adults.
If a woman did that at a regular family beach, people walk over and the police would walk over and say, hey, this is a family beach.
But when it's a man, oh my gosh!
A man dressed like a woman with no background check.
For TV viewers, go ahead and just scroll in the background, the latest one, and then some of the others we've caught on tape.
So it hit me like a ton of bricks, all the sickening examples of this and just how disgusting it is and how they're just, again, just searing our conscience, just throwing in our face for what's coming next.
My God, an organized worldwide operation and children sticking money in their
You want to see that?
Because I don't want to see it.
But I can show you men with glitter.
With little children.
In public.
You want me to show you that?
You want me to show you all the little kids twerking at the quote gay pride parades?
Five, six year olds shaking their asses while big fat men drool over it?
And by the way, we've had TV stations call up and say, you know, we think this is too hardcore, we love your show, but can you not show this?
Hey, I get it.
Adult shows, news programs, shouldn't be showing this.
But they're showing children!
It's in public schools!
I can pull up Detroit, Michigan, Denver, Colorado, Austin, Texas, where unannounced you drop your child off at public school.
In elementary school, and these people come in and your children sit on their laps while they talk about shaking their booties and do all this sexually provocative stuff.
I mean, it is disgusting.
You know, people talk about JonBenet Ramsey and how these children events are pedophilic.
Yeah, some of that stuff gets creepy.
There's some of that definitely going on in fashion shows for kids, but it's a minority of it, but it's still creepy.
But with this stuff, it is 100%.
100% sick and evil.
And it's why they wanted us off the air.
They said, you stop talking about radical Islam, you stop talking about the sexualization of children, and we'll leave you on the air.
Well, guess what?
You can put a gun to my head, I'm not gonna back down.
You people are sick.
It's like George Soros said to 60 Minutes, well, if I wouldn't have helped round up the Jews, somebody else would.
A totally sociopathic view.
Well, if I don't turn the kids over to the pedophiles, somebody else will.
Imagine that attitude!
So I might as well oversee it!
Hell, might as well get into it, huh George?
These people are evil.
So I'm going to go to break, and I'm going to come back and get into the sex with bugs, and I want to explain something.
I know that's something you probably never thought of until I started seeing them promoted, and I never thought of that.
This is all over the news.
This is on CNN that's broadcast in the public schools.
You know, public schools nationwide, almost to a school, showing first period a 10-minute CNN brainwashing video.
Look at these headlines.
Al Jazeera, not wanting to eat insects is racist.
Texas Art Museum encourages children to eat bugs.
We're going to play these clips.
Vice has got a big report on how wonderful it is to have sex with bugs.
Yeah, diseases nobody's ever gotten before can now get that.
I mean, this is dangerous.
They're telling you how to have sex with all sorts of animals.
The weirder the animal, the better for these people.
You know, I learned about a Hollywood party once, where they were having sex with animals.
A very prominent person, they told me about it.
And you know, I have had nightmares about it.
And now, you don't need to actually hear about it from somebody, you get to see it on the news, how great it is!
Oh, you haven't had sex with a centipede or earthworms?
How about with an armadillo?
Yeah, it turns out I was reading some people are catching leprosy because they're having sex with armadillos.
They're like, where the hell does that come from?
It doesn't come from this planet, I can tell you.
It's just a broadcast.
It's a spirit, a psychic broadcast to kill ourselves and be evil.
That's what Satan is.
The whole universe is filled with life.
Filled with entities.
And everybody knows it.
Every ancient culture knew it.
And there's some really bad stuff in the universe.
And if you tune into it, really bad stuff happens.
And if enough people tune into it, it can take over your civilization.
And it always does the same thing.
Kills and tortures children.
Tortures and kills children.
It's vampiric.
That's what it wants.
So, you know, you see something like a Bram Stoker's Dracula, you know, out of the book, and Dracula's bringing babies to his brides to drink their blood.
Well, that's what Satanists do.
They have orgies while they torture babies to death, and that's a fact.
That's history.
It's what goes on, and it's going on right under your nose, and it's getting ready to go public, ladies and gentlemen, and it's coming for you and your family.
And it's winding up its Satanist operatives in Texas and in Ohio to go up and shoot places up.
These are all Antifa.
These are all devil worshippers.
Go to an Antifa event and they are Satanists.
They are all into not having any sunshine on their skin.
They are all into blood and death and killing babies and they will tell you they worship Satan.
You think, oh, well, they just said that to shock me.
No, we've infiltrated their groups.
They are the most sickening, evil, bad people you can imagine.
They are disciples and slaves of Satan.
And that's what we're fighting.
It's a spiritual battle, period.
And now, all over the world, children are put in front of bizarre, meth-head looking men, many of them sex crime individuals, convicted sex criminals,
And they do this, and now there's new videos out of the little boy.
They were going to cut his testicles off.
And then the father got the videos out.
He's now gagged.
Where the little boy's like, Daddy, I don't want to do it.
Mommy says I have to.
And the governor had to get involved and gave his testicles a reprieve.
This was three days ago.
His testicles were given a reprieve on Friday.
That's America, folks.
Where children have to be given governor's reprieves, not from the electric chair, not from lethal injection, not from the gas chamber, but from psycho moms who are pediatricians that want to, you know, write books or whatever about it, and get all this power, and literally just take that scalp, and just shake that scalp in the air, destroy that manhood!
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Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against a wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Glastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because it's the good halogen and increases fertility and lifespan and intelligence and everything else.
So again, learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have all the documents and articles linked.
And then get good iodine for yourself because the globalists are fighting to make sure you don't.
Again, get iodine at InfoWareStore.com.
InfoWars presents Alex Jones.
In August of 2019, JAMA, or the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most prestigious, came out and said, oh my gosh, just a little bit of fluoride in the water causes lowered IQs, massive infertility, and a lot of babies die in the womb, and it causes cancer.
That was just one of thousands of studies admitting this.
You know, it's illegal to have even one part per billion in the water in places like California unless it's part of adding fluoride.
And then they have a waiver and can add thousands of deadly chemicals to your water because the liberals love you and they want to sexualize your children.
So whatever you do, drink lots of fluoride and don't get the thing that counters iodine at Infowarsstore.com.
Drink fluoride.
Drink fluoride and die!
Drink fluoride, dirty Americans, and roll over!
Do not visit InfoWarsTore.com and get high quality iodine to counter it.
Roll over and die, dirty Americans!
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
It's just that simple.
X3 is the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types because some people need all three types to absorb.
Others like
The Pure Atomic Iodine.
Get both.
They're both great for you.
Whichever one you like, use that and give the other to family or friends.
Bottom line, iodine is essential.
That's why I harp on it.
The globalists want you to be deficient in it for a lot of reasons.
Lower IQ makes you sluggish.
You don't live as long.
It's simple.
Get your high-quality iodine at InfoWarstore.com and help fund the InfoWars.
We've got a huge sale running right now, but it's about to end.
It's the Iodine Challenge.
Both types of iodine with selenium for 60% off together.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, I'm sitting here getting ready for the broadcast and last night I took home a copy
...of the FBI report that got released a few days ago about the Finders, an organization that turned out in the late 1980s, early 1990s, that was a CIA leftist cutout running out of a CIA building in D.C.
This came out even in mainstream news, with kidnapped children and even killing them for snuff films.
So it's Jeffrey Epstein stuff.
Again, Jeffrey Epstein is just a manager above that.
He gets people into the first level, sex with underage girls, and then they tell you to get in the real club, you gotta kill little kids.
And that's what they do.
So, I was reading last night at home, and I also had another copy in my office.
I printed two copies of this yesterday.
I was reading, after everybody went to bed, probably a hundred pages of this, and I only got partway through it.
And it's just devil worshippers all over the country taking over small towns, ritually abusing children, programming them, creating multiple personalities, having the children recruit more children, schools, elementary schools with
Satanic temples underneath them.
The FBI went in, confirmed it, found the temples, found the pentagrams.
It's all right here.
That's what Trump's releasing.
Think they're a little bit pissed?
There's a tenfold plus increase the amount of pedophiles and actual pedophiles with kidnapped children in cages being busted.
You'll hear about it.
400 plus busted here, 300 there, 500 here, 200 there, 20 here, 70 here.
And then you never hear about it again.
You think the courts are upset?
Why do you think liberal leftist judges are just disregarding First Amendment now, disregarding everything, just going after all of Trump's supporters?
Because most of them have sex with children, okay?
These are devil worshippers!
They're in a club.
How do you think they took over the Catholic Church?
3,000 plus priests?
The state police own report in Pennsylvania confessed 3,000 plus that they had sex with children in satanic rituals.
In Pennsylvania alone.
And the state said, we can't prosecute 3,000 people.
Because the priest all said, by the way, we did it for these people.
There's a satanic group above us, and they name names.
And that's in the Pennsylvania News!
And it just shuts down.
Who do you think the Pope is, ladies and gentlemen?
He took over the Catholic Church 100% now, at the top.
And they're taking over all the major churches, all the major colleges, with pedophile rings.
It's how they do it.
First, they get you to have sex with an underage hooker.
Then they blackmail you, or they send you child porn, and they go, oh, oh, we know about the child porn, but we won't put you in jail if you work with us.
And most people are so, well, it's not mine, but okay, well, here's what you need to do.
That's who we're up against.
The evil of the evil of the evil of the evil of the evil.
You see, evil exists.
And Thomas Jefferson was once asked, what is the level of tyranny at which tyrants will stop?
And he said, it is the level at which you resist them.
There is no bottom.
Bottomless pit.
The Bible talks about the evil running to and fro, evil men inventing new evil.
They invent evil.
They invent, hey, let's, let's have sex with, let's, let's, let's rape possums!
Let's cram earthworms up our rear end.
I mean, I'm about to play you mainstream newscasters worshipping it.
Oh, sex with worms, the latest craze, aren't you into it?
You're like, what?
People go, oh, they're just trying to get attention.
No, they're not.
There is a scientific plan.
You think any of this is by accident?
It's all standardized.
They standardized the phones by federal law.
In 96, by 2000, all phones had back doors and GPS tracking.
And it was a worldwide agreement.
Everything is standardized, worldwide planned.
And worldwide, convicted pedophiles are marching out in clown paint, and women are bringing them, like they would bring their children to bail, or to Moloch, to be thrown on the fires.
And they bring them to them, and the women get high as a kite, and go, because the thing of putting your kid on the lap of a monster, the women get a thrill out of it!
Because they're lost.
They're leaderless.
And they were taught, you know, their dad spoiled them, they're spoiled.
And so they go out and find a man that'll abuse them.
But what's better?
Find a man who'll hurt their child.
These are demons.
We're gonna go to break.
I need to play the special report.
It's critical.
And then we're gonna come back and I'm gonna, they're putting a compilation of the drag queens spreading their legs, the kids now, everywhere.
And the children riding them.
It's happening.
Now they're gonna start having sex with them in public.
Stay with us.
Hey Steve, how you doing?
Hey Alex, oh my God.
Long time listener, first time caller.
Alex, I gotta tell you man, I don't care what anybody has ever said about you.
You have re-appealed more human beings than anybody on planet Earth and God bless you.
Everything you stand for, everything you've done.
You are the best, man.
I mean, it's the absolute truth.
And when I heard you today with this live call, and you encouraged people to call in, I said, that's it, man.
I'm just going to break down.
I got to tell you, look, in January 2016, I went in the hospital.
I went in the VA hospital out here in Boise, and I was in there until June.
And one of the only things that got me through that ordeal was listening to InfoWars
Every day for three hours a day and I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm gonna get me some of that freaking living defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me, I got it, I hid it from the nurses, I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life, it saved my life.
Alex Jones and InfoWars saved my life.
Listen man, if there's any veteran out there, I don't care if you've traveled, anybody's traveled overseas, you absolutely owe it to yourself to get two bottles of that living defense.
Steve called in and was talking about, if he just joined us, how he was
In the VA, really sick, nothing was working.
You got a bottle of Living Defense.
It doesn't just flush out the big parasites, it's designed to go after all the microscopic ones.
And folks, this I thought would be our best-selling product.
I mean, it sold some, but this is the strongest, best, natural, herbal compound that'll flush your guts out.
Okay, then we've got the MycoZX that gets out the Candida, the mold, the yeast.
If people take probiotics, that's great.
You know, the good bacteria, because as you get older, a lot of the good bacteria are flushed out.
You take antibiotics, it kills them all.
There's other toxic bacteria, you know, that push out the good bacteria.
So it's good to have things that are fermented.
Or things that have a lot of natural bacteria, like yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles.
Those are all great sources, naturally.
But nothing works good like a good probiotic.
But you gotta have the other thing, like a MycoZx that flushes out the yeast, the mold, the candida.
But then to go after parasites, well that's living defense.
And so this is the best you're gonna find out there that's over-the-counter.
And if you go places, I don't want to be gross, but if you go places like Cuba, I've been told by everybody that goes there, the most beautiful woman you'd ever imagine, but they're begging for dewormer because the government won't produce it or sell it and people can't get it.
And so people are taking dewormer.
People go there with the dewormer and people just don't do anything for it.
You know, case of cigars, women or whatever, just for the dewormer.
Pretty gross, right?
That's how it is in communist countries.
Well, there's all sorts of stuff out there that the medical system won't tell you about, and so we're not competing with their death traps and what they're doing.
We're just saying, living defense.
Well, Alex, I'm telling you, every listener out there should order a couple bottles of this, because everybody's got parasites, whether you think you don't or not.
If you've ever eaten any kind of seafood, anything like that, obviously you do.
Forget about it.
You're riddled with parasites, and I don't know of a better product.
And I've done a lot of research.
Since I had this miraculous turnaround in my health, I started looking into it, and there's no better product out there.
We're not making this up.
It's like our information's game-changing.
We have strong disagreement on policy grounds, and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident he won't get indicted.
Word is the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand I will
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal!
We're going to bring you to justice, and we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us, and we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Ban.Video!
Please listen to this information because it can save your life, and it can save the life of others.
There couldn't be more critical information for your physical body.
God's more important when it comes to your soul, but this is most important when it comes to your body.
If people didn't know that you put motor oil in a car's oil container to lube the engine, they might be able to be conned and think you put salt water in it.
But it would seize up the engine pretty much instantly.
Well, if they put fluoride in the human body, it causes cancer, dumbs us down, and destroys fertility.
If you put the good halogen in the body, high-quality iodine, it's like putting good, high-quality motor oil in the car that's supposed to run on it.
It's that simple.
Find out about the Iodine Conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com and find out what the globalists hope that you do not research this information.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever you do, research Iodine Deficiency.
It's the key to everything.
And then, go and take advantage of the 60% off combo with our two different types of high quality Iodine and BioTruth Selenium at InfoWarsTore.com today.
But, as you know, there's been a long-term look at, look-see, and it looks like it's becoming very serious, from what I'm hearing.
Investigate the investigators.
Whether it's Strzok and Page, whether it's Fopper, and whether it's Comey, and all of these people.
Because terrible things went on for our country.
You just heard the President.
The investigation is criminal, it's very serious, and what is about to come out is going to shock the world.
And InfoWars was there before it all happened, telling you it was coming, if we just continue to expose these criminals.
And we'll be there while it unfolds.
And we'll be there, thanks to your support, when the enemy strikes back.
This is an ongoing battle, and your support is now more critical than ever.
I leave it all up to the people that are working with the Attorney General, who I don't know.
But I will say this, I think you'll see things that nobody would have believed.
This was the worst hoax in the history of our country.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm gonna get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me, I got it, I hid it from the nurses, I started taking it, man, that stuff changed my life, it saved my life.
If there's any veteran out there, I don't care if you've traveled overseas, you absolutely owe it to yourself to get two bottles of that Living Defense.
It's true folks, we don't sell anything unless it's the highest quality and Living Defense is over the top good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Imagine 20 years ago if we told you that powerful millionaires were financing organizations chanting at every major university and marching to the streets saying no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
Imagine universities set up banning
Costume parties because they may hurt someone's feelings and big national polls and studies out where 60% of Millennials say arrest people for any politically incorrect speech.
And where every major Democrat candidate says they want armed gun confiscation that will trigger a violent civil war.
And that governors would be passing laws in places like New York and Virginia to keep babies alive after they're born until they line up all the organ purchases that are about to happen.
And then, quote, gay pride parades from coast to coast.
And in Europe, with small children, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, twerking and shaking their butts while men look on drooling with erections in their pants.
Look at that.
If you're a TV viewer, sorry, I have to show it.
That's America, 2019.
And the left came out and defended it and said, kids can handle kink!
The New York Times, Salon,
Huffington Post, all have attacked me for criticizing the great gift they're giving our children as they groom them, in their own words, for pedophilia.
What do you read in the Bible?
What do you read in history books?
Every time society is about to fall, evil arises and men dressed like clowns come for your children.
Send in the clowns!
You know, in ancient Egypt there were satanic sects that killed children and they dressed with red curly hair and white skin and great white shark red open mouths.
That's where the clown comes from.
That's why you know to fear the clown deep down.
How many horror movies are there now where the devil worshipers dress like clowns?
They have open satanic rituals now at churches that allow it to happen and everyone dresses like clowns, demon clowns.
They're flaunting it in your face, ladies and gentlemen.
What's it the clown do?
He takes the energy of children.
What's Stephen King's new movie coming out?
Doctor Sleep.
The sequel to The Shining.
There's vampires, but they don't live forever.
They just take the essence of children while they torture them to death in incredibly excruciating pain.
They're flaunting it all in your face.
Their religion, who they are, what they're doing.
And psychic adults pick up on the cries and the anguish of the children being tortured to death.
As they cry out to God in the universe, save me, help me.
And those of us that are dialed into it have to feel it all.
And everybody's dialed into it.
That's why you're scared.
That's why you think something's wrong.
Something's got to be done.
Oh, it's Al-Qaeda!
That's why you're scared.
Oh, it's the mean white supremacist everywhere!
The white supremacist everywhere!
Because you're picking up on the evil right next to you.
Coming at you through the national news.
Coming at you through the schools.
Through all of it.
And all these servants that are just whipped up into it.
I know a lot of adults.
We have children in private school, public school, you name it, and they send their children to parties, and my children are older now, they go to parties that you think would be normal, and they come home and they go, Dad, they call me and they go, I don't want to be at this party anymore.
And I go, why?
And they go, all they're talking about is assuming gender, and weird sex stuff, and everything, and the parents are all weird, and it's because California, the worst of California, has moved to Austin.
And without me even bringing it up, I have other parents that I know going, man,
You know, my daughters come home and they're like, you know, 11 years old and they go, why are these girls all saying they're lesbians and why are the teachers encouraging and why is it all about sex?
We're not supposed to be into sex at 11.
The little girls all know.
They're like, I don't want to go to this school anymore.
I don't want to go to this party anymore.
Because it's everywhere.
It's making its move, ladies and gentlemen, on the children.
You can feel it, you can see it, and there's all these people dialing into it and submitting to it.
Even though they're not conscious of it, it's a spirit.
It's a trance they're in.
It's a psychic attack.
And they want to put you into a trance where you're just not really thinking about it, so it slowly, incrementally builds up till you're gone.
Call it an exorcism, call it whatever you want.
You need to think about God and your will and God's will and say, get away from me.
You're not part of this.
I'm not going to be with this evil.
I want these evil spirits away from me.
That's what all this is.
You have to put up your bubble for God's strength of the spirit that you are protected, your children are protected, and you're not of this world.
You're not of this system.
There's no way to stand against it without God.
Now, Rob Dewey just threw together a short compilation.
This isn't even the worst stuff, okay?
This is what's happening to small children in the streets of America and on TV and small children talking about taking ketamine, a gang-rape drug, with convicted murderers on TV.
You cannot make this up.
These aren't just convicted child rapists.
Some of them are murderers that chopped other men up.
Here's the report.
Here's the compilation.
We are grooming the new generation of Americans to be fully embracing of diversity and inclusivity.
Imagine if you went to a topless bar.
I haven't been to one in many years.
The last one I went to was Joe Rogan.
Imagine going to a topless bar and there's 5 year old girls dancing or 10 year old girls.
You'd call the police for kicking ass.
For those little boys, it's okay.
That's it.
Are you nervous?
Do you want to touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.
Michael likes to twerk.
Now does anybody in this room know how to twerk?
Turn around and shake your butt!
Shake them, shake them, shake them, shake them, shake them!
It was a first for this branch of the public library too.
The hips on the drag queen go swish swish swish.
You're very lucky you don't see this.
You're crouched down into this sort of position here so your bum's sticking out.
Don't be taking this all in.
And then you just move your bum up and down like that and that's twerking.
A lot of the core values of being a drag queen, love, acceptance, joy, laughter, self-expression, are values that we want to instill in our kids.
So I think it's really important that we bring this program and we spread the joy of just spreading love.
These kids commit suicide at record rates.
It's our fault.
Not the parents, not the sickos.
Everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This is put out in the New York Times, like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?!
Alright, now, let's play this short clip of the little boy that just got a reprieve by the governor to not have his testicles chopped off, James Younger.
Here he is, his father's been gagged, but here he is saying, Daddy, I don't want to be a girl.
Here it is.
We are grooming the...
I am James.
I am a boy.
But then the mother gets in to say, I want to be a girl, because I like girls.
And they go, oh, don't worry, my sweetie.
We'll take care of those for you.
Very sick.
Very evil.
Oh, but it's so wonderful.
You're not supposed to criticize it in any way.
We're going to go to break.
Come back in the second hour.
Open the phones up throughout the transmission today on this subject and so many others.
Just God help these children because this is what you're seeing in public.
You know what's going on.
We know.
Satanists are taking over towns, schools, institutions all over the country.
FBI 200 plus page report naming the towns run by Satanists with the police departments under their control, raping your children.
We'll be right back.
Now what I'm about to say is incredibly obvious and I'm not talking down to any of the viewers or any of the listeners.
I'm just stating the facts.
I own a chainsaw.
I've had it since I was in college.
And it's a great good old chainsaw and I've used it probably 500 times.
But a few times I've forgotten to oil it and it seizes up really quick and I feel like an idiot for not oiling it.
Now imagine if somebody told me to put
Let's say superglue in the oil container on it.
It would seize up forever.
But only an evil person would do that.
Well, fluoride's like putting superglue in a chainsaw.
It's gonna make it seize up.
And that's why they put it in the water.
And they admit they're doing it to hurt you and your family.
Yes, they're really evil.
Iodine is like putting oil in the chainsaw to help with the gasoline lubrication.
It's that simple.
I know you understand this, but let's warn other people before it's too late.
It's part of the iodine conspiracy.
Find out more at Infowarsstore.com and take action.
Action against the globalists.
Carbon's everywhere on this planet!
It's almost like we're carbon-based lifeforms!
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
It's just that simple.
X3 is the deep-earth crystal iodine and two other types because some people need all three types to absorb.
Others like
The Pure Atomic Iodine.
Get both.
They're both great for you.
Whichever one you like, use that and give the other to family or friends.
Bottom line, iodine is essential.
That's why I harp on it.
The globalists want you to be deficient in it for a lot of reasons.
Lower IQ, makes you sluggish, you don't live as long.
It's simple.
Get your high-quality iodine at Infowarsstore.com and help fund the InfoWar.
We've got a huge sale running right now, but it's about to end.
It's the iodine challenge.
Both types of iodine with selenium for 60% off together.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I came in here ready to cover the GOP's nightmare scenario, which we have to look at or Trump could lose if we're overconfident.
And I don't just say this because Matt Drudge links to my articles.
I mean, I say it because I know why.
I mean, I was going to shoot a video last week.
I just never got around to it.
Or the type of videos that Drudge links to is where I'm like, how dare you say red flag, lost Trump.
Whoever's telling you this is a liar.
If you do this, you're destroying yourself.
Or why aren't you fighting the censorship?
Why aren't you standing up for Assange?
Why are you committing political suicide, not making these key moves?
He's doing a lot of great stuff.
But if you have a fire maybe 100 days out of the year in your fireplace, and then one of those days you take coals out and throw them across the room, you're gonna burn the house down.
Doesn't matter the other 99 days, you have the fire properly going here.
And so, you know, Drudge is right to publish or to link to these reports.
And a lot of people, I get calls probably 10 times a day, text messages, you know, what about Drudge?
What about Drudge?
And it's this huge hysteria out there.
About, you know, he's linking to stuff from the enemy.
Well, if I saw people trying to come rob my house, and I'm looking out the front window and I see the robbers getting out of their van with crowbars and masks, I'm not going to get mad at my eyeballs for showing me that.
I'm going to get my shotgun out.
And so I see it as the same thing.
When I come out and say, stop the censorship, free Assange,
Back off on the gun control.
It's because Trump's moved the right direction on a lot of those since we did that.
And Drudge linked to that because that's hardcore.
And that makes sense.
And so Drudge is speaking through what he links to.
And linking to hardcore stuff like, you better back off on the red flags.
You better leave our due process alone.
Hey, you better go after the censorship, buddy.
We really care about you, Trump.
So if I disagree with something that Drudge is saying or doing, I mean, I'm just automatic.
I'll say what I really think.
I have been super critical of the President.
Hell, I would imagine I've probably influenced Drudge.
Drudge says I've influenced him.
And I appreciate some of his nice statements he's put out in the past.
I'm one of the best shows out there.
But we need to be upset.
There's massive election fraud.
Trump barely won three years ago because of a giant landslide, and he barely won because of the fraud.
Remember, I'm the guy that told you he was going to win and laid out the facts in the real polls.
Well, I'm looking at the numbers and he is very, very popular.
More popular than he was three years ago.
But there is unbelievable fraud being pulled out right now.
And people being registered in the names of dead folks.
That's been proven by the lawsuits, by Judicial Watch and others.
And so, if you think they had their act together to rig stuff three years ago, man, they are, this is the big assault.
So people better.
And I'll tell you, because Paul Watson, even before Drudge started really, you know, getting more critical of how much trouble Trump could be in, because it's true,
Watson goes and hangs out, some with the, you know, high-level, mid-level Republicans, you name it.
Some of these big events, weddings, things like that in D.C.
and Virginia.
And he was just like, it's disgusting.
The people are nice, but the Trump worship, and Trump can do no wrong, and we're invincible, and the Trump dynasty's gonna reign for a hundred years.
Man, that's the stuff that has S.S.
Titanic written on the side of it.
I mean, that is just not good.
Not good.
Not good.
Not good.
Not good.
Not good.
Not good.
Not good.
People are like, hey, they admit they want to take our guns.
Wow, that means we're going to be able to stop them now.
No, that means they're getting ready to make their move.
They want a civil war.
My God, ladies and gentlemen, they're openly
Having children do strip teases down to their underwear in front of men with erections.
And the news is saying it's a good thing in the New York Times.
They're not doing that because they're playing games.
They're making their move.
They're making their move.
They're making their move.
Are you ready?
What are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do about it?
We'll talk about it when we come back in 60 seconds.
Please stay with us.
Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against a wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Blastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because it's the good halogen and increases fertility, and lifespan, and intelligence, and everything else.
So again, learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWareStore.com.
We have all the documents and articles linked.
And then get good iodine for yourself, because the globalists are fighting to make sure you don't.
Again, get iodine at InfoWareStore.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Satanism is about taking
The spiritual code of the universe and defiling it and twisting it and making it ugly.
When a bee flies up to a beautiful flower and collects that pollen,
That is a beautiful ritual that the creator of the universe designed.
A planet, an atmosphere, an ecosystem, and millions of generations of bees still living on and seeing the universe and experiencing all of that, and that's just the bees.
You think about men and women coming together.
The ancestral line of the woman, the ancestral line of the man,
Coming together and creating a new creature that can experience the universe, beauty, pain, exaltation, humiliation.
It's all a giant experience.
It's God's dream becoming consciousness and life throughout the universe and free will.
But because that exists, there is also those that will dial in to very, very bad things.
They can't create anything good.
They can only defile.
And so when women kill their babies, or when women kill their babies after they're born, or when women take their children to the trendy drag queen story time, it's incremental.
It's first the men dance for them, and then give them books about sexualizing them and telling them what their future's gonna be.
The parents probably haven't even done that, but a weird man they don't know in a clown outfit's doing it.
Next he shakes his butt the next time they come and talks about their booty, and you know, boys can be girls, girls can be boys.
Then he twerks and shakes his butt and the kids come up and give him dollar bills.
The next time he spreads his legs and he's wearing underwear.
Next he spreads his legs, his genitals are hanging out.
We showed this last hour.
All over the country.
The exact same ritual, the same dance.
They get on the table, they spread their legs.
They put the children in their laps.
The mothers lay them on their crotches.
It's a public exercise of power.
It's a ritual.
It is a defiling.
You know, you look at the classic satanic rituals, and I'm not going to go into them here on air, the compendium of them, but most people get into it because they think you're going to get to have sex with hot chicks or whatever.
That's just low level.
That's like chicken feed to get the chickens into the weasel dens.
The weasel can eat you.
But it's all about humiliating people, hurting people, and it's all about defiling God.
And it came out, the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania alone, this came out in the report last year, got almost no coverage, but it was in the mainstream news, 3,000 plus priests in the state police state report who had confessed to sex with children, mainly little boys, and that they would have black masses in the churches
On Friday nights and on Halloween and things like that, where they would gang-rape little boys, and then they would give them the sacrament.
This is my body, this is my blood, and in many cases they gave the little boys HIV.
So they didn't just rape them in the mouth and in the anus.
They would then give them a disease.
Why do you think Bill Clinton for 15 years knowingly shipped out Factor VIII blood product with HIV and hepatitis in it?
They knew it had it in it.
And the executives, it turned out, in their transcript said, good, there's too many hemophiliacs.
It was a blood ritual to hurt so many people.
The HIV was created, it was put in the hepatitis vaccines that was given to gay men in New York as a vector to spread it.
And they use these men that are their slaves today to spread this and to do all of this.
And this is the nature of evil.
These are rituals being conducted.
And so when Vice has shows about pedophilia being a great thing, they've done those, or sex with bugs,
It's all about defiling your body and all about doing things that don't help anybody or anything except hurt you.
And it's the openness of our free society to the extreme to bring down our free society.
And the high priests running this whole thing now tell us your children belong to us, your speech is ours, you will do as we say, your money is ours, your guns are ours.
They want absolute total power.
And then you see the people that are their low-level servants.
They're just like out of the archetype.
They are Grimer Wormtongues.
They are Renfields.
And what is Renfield in Bram Stoker's Dracula?
What does Renfield want?
He begs Count Dracula to be able to eat bugs?
And to be able to torture and kill rats.
And then he just handles the children for Dracula.
And that's what these are.
These are just minions that they send out.
So let's do this.
Let's just air these back to back.
I'm not going to air the whole things.
The whole things are on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Let's air part of the vice piece, sex with bugs.
That Al Jazeera says not wanting to eat insects is racist.
And then eat a bug.
At the School for Kids here in Texas, the museum, and Channel 12.
So they're telling you it's time to lower yourselves.
It's time to defile yourselves.
It's time to become a Renfield.
Here it is.
You can hear the mealworms, or superworms in this case, squirming around in there.
Ah, Renfield.
I'm actually going to take out a few for demonstration purposes.
Well, there's a couple of things that you can easily do with them.
First and foremost, these superworms are an interesting sensation.
Squirmy, they move a fair bit, and they have sharp feet for gripping.
So this is an archetype of raping.
Superworms also will bite.
I will put usually a bit of honey
Onto something that I, onto an area I want them to bite.
I know other people who use juice from cooking hot dogs in the microwave.
Then the earthworms.
Just like guys use white trucks.
Rinse these off.
It's all an allegory.
Now, talk about the earthworms.
They feel very unnatural and you can feel that contracting and expanding against the skin.
Oh, there's certainly a taboo in the kink community around a former Cephalia play.
I'm not a maggot, it's a maggot.
Listen to this guy.
It's all about how he has power over something, see?
Uh, and thus, her consent is important, which is one of a myriad of reasons why I would not have sex with my dog, other than not being interested in sex with dogs.
We were talking about anxiety earlier, and I wish y'all could feel my heart beating right now.
Oh no!
It's a five second rule.
This is all psychological warfare against you and your family.
Apparently these are flavored with text joy.
What you gonna give me for eating this?
I need more than a sticker.
You see that?
I need more.
Can I get a day off of work if I eat this?
It doesn't even taste crunchy.
It's not bad.
Try it.
Put it in your mouth.
I'll do it with you.
Let's do a cheers, okay?
Put it in your mouth.
It's all about getting access to your children.
What a local news...
Houston say, when the kids were recoiling, trying to run away from the men dressed as clowns, calling themselves drag queens, they said, gotta get them while they're young.
I don't know.
So the chutney's made out of ants?
These are actually really delicious.
To find out, my team and I headed to New York City to try tasting them for ourselves.
All three of us are in the frame.
Again, this is all about assaulting Western culture.
They want to put taxes on all the meat and ban it.
Well, they're right, but they're going to say it's racist if you don't do it.
They've all admitted it.
Stay with us.
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That's DanPilla.com.
Hello, here.
My name is Bethelmead.
I work for my father, Lucifer.
He doesn't like the fact that God gave you all families and children, and so we want to tell you something right now, Christian countries.
We took control of you over a hundred years ago.
We've been spiking your water with fluoride to lower your fertility.
We're good to go.
We have strong disagreement on policy grounds and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident he won't get indicted.
Word is the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand I will
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal!
We're going to bring you to justice, and we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us, and we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Ban.Video!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
He sat down in the front seat, he turned on the radio.
And them sad old songs coming out of them speakers was solid country gold.
Alright, we just spent an hour and 20 minutes on the full-out assault on America's children, the children of the world.
Men now flashing their genitals at children.
Children riding on men.
In public schools, elementary schools.
Gay bars.
But they're not gay bars, are they?
They're pedophile bars now.
And that's the tolerance of America.
And the very tolerant groups that run all this are now telling us we don't have any speech.
They're going to arrest us for our speech.
Well, we're going to exercise our speech, and we're going to take action.
We're going to come out of the trance and go, wait, this little 7-year-old boy is going to start chemicals to castrate him, and finally, at age 10, have his genitals cut off?
And there's video of the little boy saying he doesn't want it?
Even if he wanted it, that's mental illness.
That's, that's... If I wanted to cut my hand off, they'd put me in a mental institution.
They put Kanye West in one for two weeks because he... Put him in there for two weeks.
Two weeks.
Because he said he supported Trump.
But if a mother likes to get publicity, and showboat her kid around,
Well, then she can get parts of the body chopped off, the judge said.
But the governor got involved, and that judge ran for the hills.
Because see, they're like, hey, this one will get away.
But if you make too much of attention and make this boy a martyr, we're not going to get to millions.
We're going to get all those.
Let him go!
And their testicles are chopped off.
That's why they drug them up real good and make sure they commit suicide by about 18.
And the mission's completed.
And it's done so delicately and so carefully, my pretties.
Because all of this must be done very MPR voice.
Oh, it's so liberal!
You see, I show you their real soul, just the surface.
It gets much worse beneath there.
I really don't want to tune into it.
Do you?
But you can't avoid it anymore because you can turn on the news.
You can walk down the street.
You can't go anywhere without their offensive.
I was in San Diego a few months ago.
I was in a small town a few weeks ago outside Austin, and I walked into little breakfast coffee shops, two different times.
And there were big plastered signs for drag queen story time at the coffee shops, and images of men in satanic hit the clown war paint, and children sitting on their lap.
Just like a hunter mounts a moose head on the wall, it was smiling like a pig, and you know what?
Then you looked at little piggy weirdos behind the counter.
And of course, I don't eat food there.
I leave.
You think I want those dirty, filthy hands touching those eggs?
Oh, they want the eggs, alright.
Ladies and gentlemen,
You're facing bonafide Satanists.
They got a plan.
They got a general.
And they're coming for you.
And the question is, what are you going to do about it?
Because it isn't just something to, when you watch Fear Factor and they're eating donkey testicles or eating beetles, something gross to get ratings.
The people involved in it don't know what they're involved in at the time.
But if you read the CIA declassified documents of all of it, ugly architecture, ugly culture, ugliness, like the Joker movie, ugliness, ugliness, ugliness, so you give up on God.
When you can go out in the field and look at a tree and some birds and see a hawk land and you would have a connection to God.
Or you can go help somebody and have a connection to God, even in the ugliest place.
But instead, it's just all meant to make you feel sorry for yourself and just give up on life.
And then right at that point, here comes the devil along, offering you sanctuary.
Offering you shelter, but it's not shelter at all.
It's induction into life, isn't it?
Tragedy, like you thought.
Embrace evil.
Be part of the bad in the world.
Kill your mother.
Kill your children.
Kill yourself.
It's a comedy.
Be a joker.
But really, it's not a joker.
It's the mouth of a predator.
See how that works?
And then they celebrate his beautiful and cool and deep and powerful acting.
Oh, wow.
So big.
You think Joaquin Phoenix looks like a psycho killing people in that movie?
That's nothing like the real thing.
You think that guy looks scary?
You ought to see what those kids see when they're getting tortured for days, begging for their mommy.
And you better remember, all of you know it's true, and all of you know it's happening.
And if you don't take action and speak out against these people, and if you don't get involved, it's on you.
And you will stand before God.
And if you haven't resisted this, but all you did was glitter bug over at the church and act nice all day and act like you're a holy person, God is going to throw you out of your ash.
And you're going to be out in the cold with the group you bowed down to for eternity.
And if you want to be exiled with these people, then Katie, bar the door.
There's something wrong with you.
You know, they spend all this time telling us there's no devil, there's no evil in the universe.
But it's all around you, and that's what they serve.
None of these people are atheists, ladies and gentlemen.
They just don't want you to have night vision.
They're in the dark, and they don't want you to see them there.
They want to tell you there's nothing out there.
Because they are weak, and they want to take you down with them.
You're their prey.
When they're pathetic.
We'll be right back.
On this subject or any other subject you want to cover, 877-789-2539.
First time caller.
Stay with us.
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Hey Steve, how you doing?
Hey Alex!
Oh my God!
Long time listener, first time caller.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boyston.
I was in there until June.
And I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what?
I'm gonna get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritionals because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me.
I got it.
I hid it from the nurses.
I started taking it.
Man, that stuff changed my life.
It saved my life.
If there's any veteran out there, I don't care if you've traveled overseas, you absolutely owe it to yourself to get two bottles of that Living Defense.
It's true, folks.
We don't sell anything unless it's the highest quality.
And Living Defense is over-the-top good.
Please listen to this information because it can save your life and it can save the life of others.
There couldn't be more critical information for your physical body.
God's more important when it comes to your soul, but this is most important when it comes to your body.
If people didn't know
That you put motor oil in a car's oil container to lube the engine, they might be able to be conned and think you put salt water in it, but it would seize up the engine pretty much instantly.
Well, if they put fluoride in the human body, it causes cancer, dumbs us down, and destroys fertility.
If you put the good halogen in the body, high-quality iodine, it's like putting good, high-quality motor oil in the car that's supposed to run on it.
It's that simple.
Find out about the Iodine Conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com and find out what the globalists hope that you do not research this information.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever you do, research Iodine Deficiency.
It's the key to everything.
And then, go and take advantage of the 60% off combo with our two different types of high quality Iodine and Biotrustelenium at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Here are the facts.
Iodine raises IQ and across the board makes you more healthy in thousands of top studies including the American Medical Journal.
Every type of fluoride lowers IQ, massively increases cancer and destroys fertility.
That's the
And then once you've learned about it, protect yourself and your family.
The reason I'm so hot on this is the globalists put the fluoride in the water while making sure we don't get the iodine.
In China, they put the iodine in the water and ban the fluoride because they've already got their people under their control.
The globalists are targeting us here.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com.
Experience iodine and biotruth selenium that goes with it together.
And then once you see the great results,
Warn others.
This is the Achilles heel of the globalist.
It's a win-win situation.
The only way you lose is not taking action.
Take action now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Any story you want to talk about, anything you want to cover, anything I've talked about.
Got a lot of clips, a ton of news, and a special guest in studio coming up the fourth hour I'm hosting.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-ALEX.
On this Tuesday edition.
Let me read you a text message that a friend of mine in the media, whose name I will not say, sent me Saturday.
Sends me nice messages of the day.
Just for me, it's a great encouragement.
Message for the day.
Survival is victory.
Stay on the air and we win.
Arrange everything needed to stay online and keep broadcasting.
Your very existence means they can't monopolize the narrative.
You were born for the events unfolding over the next 13 months.
And I encourage that individual as well to stay on air and just keep fighting and how critical things are.
Obviously, I'm going to stay on air.
As long as you keep us on air.
But the enemy is just enraged that they haven't been able to destroy us.
And they have tried to plant child porn on us.
They have tried to destroy my family.
They tried to take my children.
They have done everything they can, but God is there as a hedge of protection.
So please keep praying for him for wars.
And whatever you do, realize the power that you have.
When you tell people about articles and videos that you send out from newswars.com or band.video or infowars.com.
Articles every day on every subject.
It's all there, whatever you think is most important.
Whether it's humor, whether it's hardcore news, or whether it's a special report, share them from band.video.
And David Knight's talked about this.
I've talked about this a lot, but we need to do it.
We're going to start every week.
He'll do one.
I'll do one.
A subject on the Federal Reserve or a kind of like Prager University informational videos.
And I've done a lot of those over the years.
That we're really going to go with that model more and set up things where it's just boom, boom, boom on the subjects, five minute videos.
The fundamentals of how things work and just go down the line.
And it's an understatement to say you're keeping us on air.
I mean, it's total.
And I got to tell you, I don't just want to stay on air.
I want to expand into 2020.
I want to do some really important things.
I want to put aircraft up with messages that will get massive attention around the country and will have a huge critical effect and will trigger others.
To do things in 2020 that are decisive that I haven't announced yet, but I don't have the money to do it.
And every time we start to go back into the black and I've got extra money, my sense of urgency goes away and then we go into the red again, literally.
In the past, I would always have extra money to work with, but the globalists have done a lot of stuff to try to stop us.
And I've, you know, I've helped a lot of people that I think are doing critical work with no strings attached.
A lot of groups, a lot of organizations, pretty much anybody you can think of that's prominent.
We've cut big checks too with no strings attached.
And I don't like not being able to do that anymore.
I don't like being able to take the extra profit we have and not do things because I, by the grace of God and discernment, basically everything we've ever tried or done has had a huge effect.
Some of it devastating to the globalists.
I mean, devastating.
And I'm a lot smarter and wiser than I was five years ago, ten years ago.
And to not have the capital to do the things I want to do is very frustrating.
So, I'm going to go to your calls and go to all this news, but I'm just going to make this very, very clear.
A caller called in Sunday and said, I have 61 Marines.
I've been in months at the VA.
I was dying.
I was going to die.
And boy, they said, no supplements, no supplements, which they had never taken.
And he got living defense.
And his gut problem went away and he's fine now.
He couldn't believe it.
Well, we just take stuff that, you know, people a thousand years ago in Europe and 5,000 years ago in China were taken to kill parasites in your gut, okay?
I wouldn't even advertise it as that.
It's just good to flush you out.
It's a lot of good herbs concentrated.
And you heard what the caller said.
And people bought, now, half of what we have left over.
But I'm not going to raise the price from $19.95, even though we barely make any money at that, because this is a high-quality phytocytical.
It's concentrated, there's no fillers, it's the real deal.
Look at that, 100% reviews of Living Defense.
And I was just telling my general manager, the guy that manages things for me, a good friend of mine, been here 15 years.
I was just telling him two weeks ago, I said, you know, I don't know if we'll have the money to reorder Living Defense next year because, you know, we ordered
10,000 bottles of it at the beginning of last year or this year.
We're looking at the next year and I said, we sold almost all of them at this point.
We got a few thousand bottles left.
And I don't have the money really to buy it into next year to have more for next year.
People love this because I've got to pay bills now with money I'd use to buy more stuff in the future.
And then just sure enough, that guy calls in and we've sold out most of it now.
But that's just an example of what I'm talking about here.
And I need people to think, hey, we need to go get t-shirts at m4store.com and spread the word and support the broadcast.
We need to go get the ball caps.
We need to go sign up for the coffee and sign up for the fish oil and the turmeric, things you're going to use all the time.
And for auto ship, additional 10% off, so you don't forget, because this is really critical to fund.
Plus, our coffees, right up there, are some of the best you're going to taste.
Different strokes for different folks, but everybody says, this is really delicious.
This is gourmet.
Because we don't market up even 100%.
Why is it so inexpensive?
Still the same price.
I've been selling it for 10 years.
They sell it under another name at Whole Foods and places for about $5 a pound on average more, sometimes $10 more a pound.
And I wanted to undercut them, so we make like six, seven bucks maximum on a pound of this stuff.
Never raised the price on it.
A lot of that's, I guess, my fault.
Problem is I've habituated everybody to only buy the product when it's a really good price.
And so I've got to sell a ton of it.
Again, if I sell $40 million worth of product in a year, and I've done that before, I've got $20 million to run this place.
And with bandwidth and crew and legal and all things, that's not enough money, folks.
Again, I'm going to explain this.
Vice gets billions a year, and they're going bankrupt.
Vox gets $250 million a year from NBC and everybody.
They can't make money.
BuzzFeed gets $400 million a year.
They're going bankrupt.
Just give it to them.
Just give it.
That's not $400 million of sales and then they've got $200 million.
That's total money they get to spend.
So that's what I'm talking about here is InfoWars is one of the most important resistance points in the world.
The enemy says it, they know it, they can't stand it.
And I don't want to put on airs here and say we're really important.
We just are.
You're important.
And I care about staying in this game 110%.
So I see that excitement by the listeners because the caller calls in and tells you how great a product was for them.
Folks, the iodine will change your life.
It all will.
Turmeric's amazing.
Fish oil's amazing.
It's all there.
And I know a lot of you are buying the product, that's great, but for most of you that don't buy the product, you're just kind of sitting back like, oh yeah.
You understand, it's not just the product you're getting, it's what you're funding and what you're doing.
It's such a revolutionary act.
And so,
Please take action today at InfoWarsTore.com and get your living defense before it sells out.
I'm going to leave it at that price.
Get the new It's Okay to be Okay hat.
Get all the other big specials.
We've got Everything Must Go, 40-70% off store after shipping, double Patriot points.
It's all got to end very, very soon.
And thank you all for your support.
But now is the time to take action and to support our local affiliates as well and spread the word about them and become a sponsor of those guys.
That is critical as well.
Please stay with us.
Now what I'm about to say is incredibly obvious and I'm not talking down to any of the viewers or any of the listeners.
I'm just stating the facts.
I own a chainsaw.
I've had it since I was in college.
And it's a great good old chainsaw and I've used it probably 500 times.
But a few times I've forgotten to oil it and it seizes up really quick and I feel like an idiot for not oiling it.
Now imagine if somebody told me to put
Let's say superglue in the oil container on it, it would seize up forever.
But only an evil person would do that.
Well, fluoride's like putting superglue in a chainsaw.
It's gonna make it seize up.
And that's why they put it in the water.
And they admit they're doing it to hurt you and your family.
Yes, they're really evil.
Iodine is like putting oil in the chainsaw to help with the gasoline lubrication.
It's that simple.
I know you understand this, but let's warn other people before it's too late.
It's part of the iodine conspiracy.
Find out more at Infowarsstore.com and take action.
Action against the globalists.
Carbon's everywhere on this planet!
It's almost like we're carbon-based life forms!
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
It's just that simple.
X3 is the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types because some people need all three types to absorb.
Others like
The Pure Atomic Iodine.
Get both.
They're both great for you.
Whichever one you like, use that and give the other to family or friends.
Bottom line, iodine is essential.
That's why I harp on it.
The globalists want you to be deficient in it for a lot of reasons.
Lower IQ, makes you sluggish, you don't live as long.
It's simple.
Get your high-quality iodine at InfoWareStore.com and help fund the InfoWare.
We've got a huge sale running right now, but it's about to end.
It's the Iodine Challenge.
Both types of iodine with selenium for 60% off together.
We have strong disagreement on policy grounds, and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident he won't get indicted.
Word is the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand I will
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal.
We're going to bring you to justice.
And we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us.
And we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Ban.Video!
Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against the wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Glastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because it's the good halogen and increases fertility and lifespan and intelligence and everything else.
So again, learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have all the documents and articles linked.
And then get good iodine for yourself because the globalists are fighting to make sure you don't.
Again, get iodine at infomercialstore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna go right to your calls.
Brian and Jacob and Catherine and Jill, Paul, Johnny, Black Patriot, and many, many others that are
Patiently holding and falling into the broadcast.
I'm trying to move through these as quickly as I can in the order that the calls were received.
Now, I had a whole show ready and then I saw more videos of men dressed as women spreading their legs to children now with no underwear on and I had a convulsion on air which was real and people say it was some pretty riveting radio in the first hour.
I'm totally exhausted right now and totally pissed off.
Because this is unnatural, it's evil, it's out of control, and they know it is.
They're just getting us ready for it, and ganging up on us, and taking our free speech.
I have stacks of news where they're shutting down people's free speech.
Will Johnson went down to an elementary school yesterday.
In fact, I meant to call Will Johnson last night, this morning.
I was watching Firepower last night with he and Tom Papert, and I just didn't get around to it.
See if we can get Johnson in here.
Um, to co-host with myself and, uh, constitutional lawyer, famous lawyer, Norm Pattis, coming to the studio in the fourth hour.
See, because we're already going to be talking about all these serial killers and people who now call themselves transgender.
Maybe get him on the last 30 minutes with, uh, Pattis here with us, if he can do that.
But then there's all this other news.
I mean, there's just stacks of incredible stuff.
Uh, mainline media is questioning whether
Al-Baghdadi was killed.
I'm being sued for questioning public events and saying could it be staged and then the listeners don't believe something happened so we look at both angles.
But mainstream media can say they don't think that Trump killed Al-Baghdadi.
You know, as much as we've been lied to about some of the past, that's totally normal to question that.
I don't think Trump would do that.
That's not his style.
And he wouldn't want to have people having that over his head that they staged it.
With most stuff that you see with Trump, it's real.
And we know that guy was deep state and being protected by insiders in our government.
We know Trump didn't tell anybody, he's a select group, so he could kill him.
I believe he was killed.
But it's totally reasonable to be like the Russians and everybody else and not believing it because we've been lied to so much.
That's completely healthy and normal.
We've got that.
Where did you hear this three years ago when she lost?
And then where did you hear it ongoing since then from sources that she still runs the Democratic Party, runs the Democratic Party phone calls, conference calls, which is now confirmed, and that she tells folks she's still running?
Well, InfoWars.com, Steve Watson article.
Long-time Clinton adviser, Hillary is running.
Feels she was put on earth to be president.
Yeah, don't underestimate her evil, her mental illness, and how she still holds the purse strings.
She's suing me through these law firms that she runs publicly.
Once we shut down, I had a 2020.
And it goes on with Dick Morris talking about that.
People just can't believe she'd do it.
She's totally arrogant.
She's totally insane.
Now, she still may not, but she has every intention of doing it.
And that's why you see such a weak field and all the rest of it.
But she is telling people she is.
I mean, look at these headlines.
Look at what's happened to our country, how we're just abandoning our values that have protected us and made us who we are.
More than half of American students want wearing offensive Halloween costumes to be punished.
Paul Joseph Watson,
Out of control drag queen flashes crotch to kids at library story hour in Minnesota.
I love how they say what they are so we call them that.
You're a man in war paint dressed up like a woman showing your genitals to little girls.
They used to have a name for that that happened in the park.
You've served 10 years in prison.
But now, oh, it's art.
Look at this guy.
Cheshire Home Invasion Killer tells podcast host he's transgender in prison now.
I guess he'll get his weenie and stuff cut off at taxpayer expense.
Another sick ritual.
But let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's go to Jacob and then we'll go to other callers.
Jacob in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding your own here.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
Oh, okay.
I want to say God bless you guys for everything you've done on your show and what you're doing for America.
Well, God bless you, brother.
We've been following you since 2009.
If you've got your phone away from your face or something muffling it, can you talk right into your phone?
Hey, do me a favor.
Can you hear me better here?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
And anyway, it's just been a long time follower and you touched on a topic this morning.
What it is is a pedophile invasion with organized increments as they sexualize more and more.
The children now ride them.
The men now show their naked genitals to the children.
This is organized crime.
Yeah, you know, I've seen that video that you're showing when you're talking about it and it's just heartbreaking and just very upsetting and frustrating.
But I mean, it looks like a meth-head, crazy person on the side of the road spreading their legs to a kid.
But it's the media directing it and the organizations directing it because they're training us to accept hell on earth.
And you know, the other thing is I have a beef with Donald Trump.
What I say about this is
They have one of those transgender library times, one of the local public libraries here, and I emailed the church and I asked them if they were going to make a presence, you know, at this event for, you know, just to stand up against it.
And the email I got back was basically, no, we don't get involved with these types of things.
We just pray for it.
That's right.
We just hide.
We just hide.
God bless you, sir.
Well, Will Johnson,
went to an Austin event where at the elementary school the parents went and protested and a big fat guy with a wig on tries to physically stop them from their speech so he gets arrested.
I mean it's just and again Silicon Valley is run by this weird spirit of men dressed as women saying no one can criticize us, we're God, we're victims, do what we say, let us have access to your children right now.
We're going to groom them.
Get them to us!
We need them gone!
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
I'm not going to torture people by playing the audio right now, but I played it earlier.
It's on Infowars.com, a Band-On video.
Let's go to Catherine in Texas.
Catherine, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
It's good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
First of all, I want to thank you so much for your products.
My daughter would constantly get cavities, and I didn't understand why.
I finally was awoken to the fact that fluoride was causing her teeth to break down.
I started her on your toothpaste, the super blue toothpaste, the bubblegum flavor.
She loves it.
Not a cavity scent.
Well, that's amazing.
You know, the American Dental Association, seven years ago, began to say, don't brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste till age seven, because it causes dental fluorosis and chalking.
My dad, by the way, is a dentist.
And breakdown of the teeth.
And now, even children's toothpaste no longer has fluoride in it.
Most brands, because of all the lawsuits.
Totally true.
Causes infertility, brain damage in your children, and does not make the teeth stronger.
It's all a giant hoax.
All a huge lie.
It's sickening.
Also what's sickening is, um, hello, pedos dressing up as women, demon women, and talking to our children, slashing themselves?
What the hell?
Excuse my language, but what?
Oh, how dare you?
How dare you?
Well, I mean, what about when they're convicted child rapists, like the two guys that one raped an eight-year-old and a seven-year-old, and they were leading the whole thing, dressed up like It the Clown, with children riding horsey?
What's wrong with that?
It's disgusting.
It's absolutely gut-wrenching, disgusting, like, projectile.
You mean you don't want to have children ride horsey on convicted pedophiles' weenies?
Hell no, and that is why I homeschool my daughter.
Can you imagine how crazy it's going to get if they're already this out in the open?
I mean, they are making their move.
It's disgusting.
It's absolutely disgusting, and it just, it makes you, it makes you shake.
It makes you, it makes the spirit of God come in you so strong, and it makes you shake, and it makes you want to just... I know what it makes you want to do, I understand.
Let's put all that into information warfare, aggressively spreading the word.
Because again, they banned us everywhere except their own platform so people can't see the horror.
I mean, I showed video last hour, I don't know if you saw it, of men with nothing but glitter on their genitals, rubbing on small children in public, and children shaking their butts in front of grueling men with erections.
It was a gag.
On TV.
It was disgusting.
But you understand, this is Satanism.
If they can exercise it out in the open, they believe it gives them power.
It's absolutely sickening.
I agree completely.
God bless you.
And I'm sorry I gotta cover all this, folks.
I mean, believe me.
I just come in here and I just like, I knew it was coming next.
I even said this like a month ago.
I said, they're spreading their legs everywhere.
Next, there'll be no underwear.
And now they're doing it.
I told you.
I told you.
I told you.
They're coming for your children.
InfoWars presents Alex Jones.
In August of 2019, JAMA, or the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most prestigious, came out and said, oh my gosh, just a little bit of fluoride in the water causes lowered IQs, massive infertility, and a lot of babies die in the womb, and it causes cancer.
That was just one of thousands of studies admitting this.
You know, it's illegal to have even one part per billion in the water in places like California unless it's part of adding fluoride.
And then they have a waiver and can add thousands of deadly chemicals to your water because the liberals love you and they want to sexualize your children.
So whatever you do, drink lots of fluoride and don't get the thing that counters iodine at Infowarsstore.com.
Drink fluoride and die!
Drink fluoride, dirty Americans, and roll over!
Do not visit InfoWarsTore.com and get high quality iodine to counter it.
Roll over and die, dirty Americans!
It is now an admitted fact.
Fluoride added to the water has caused tens of millions of Americans to be brain damaged and to have infertility and low IQs.
And it doesn't matter if the Journal of American Medical Association comes out and says it's terrible.
Still, the city's put it in the water.
Because the ruling globalists want you and your family poisoned and stupid.
And they sure don't want you to know about the good allergen.
Iodine that absolutely increases IQ and fertility and makes life so wonderful and opens up your consciousness, your mind, everything.
Thank God!
Thank God!
I discovered this eight years ago.
Of course, the enemy knows all about it, and they hope you don't discover it.
They hope you just roll over and die.
So whatever you do, don't visit InfoWareStore.com and get 60% off right now on the Wake Up the World to the Iodine Conspiracy Combo.
60% off with X2 and X3 together with your bottle of BioTrue Selenium.
Whatever you do, don't go to InfoWarsTore.com.
Just give up, America.
Give up, Christians.
Drink your fluoride and die!
Give in to Satan!
Give in!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, folks.
We're going to play this special report.
When I come back after this quick break, we're going to do nothing but your phone calls throughout this hour.
Bam, bam, bam.
So please, everybody, stay right there.
But here's a report John Bowne filed that's very critical.
Baghdadi was being left alone by the globalists and others in that area of Syria.
Trump has stepped aside and had him destroyed.
Baghdadi has been on the run for many years, long before I took office.
But in my direction, as Commander-in-Chief of the United States, we obliterated his caliphate 100% in March of this year.
Today's events are another reminder that we will continue to pursue the remaining ISIS terrorists to their brutal end.
That also goes for other terrorist organizations.
He's ending what Obama and Hillary started.
They're on record creating ISIS with Saudi Arabia and launching those attacks.
Yes, we do need to go after Baghdadi and just like we went after bin Laden while you were doing Celebrity Apprentice and we brought him to justice.
But that's how Donald thinks, you know.
He always is looking for some... Chris, we don't gain anything.
My next guest claims that back in 2011 that the U.S.
military had a major chance to kill or capture al-Baghdadi, but the bureaucracy put in place by the Obama administration let him get away.
When the teams had actually located Baghdadi and pinpointed him to a house on the ground, by that time U.S.
troops had been told to get out of Iraq.
They had been told to leave.
And so typically a raid that would have occurred that same night by an assault force, a team of special forces guys going in there to extract a target,
From a compound they then had to essentially wait two weeks for the call to be made To allow these guys to go in and by that time he was gone Baghdadi doesn't stay anywhere for two weeks Trump Staged a coup operation inside Saudi Arabia last year and removed the ISIS al-qaeda backers and told Saudi Arabia if you do it again I'm going to kill the leader of Saudi Arabia.
We're going to remove you and they jumped
Yes, sir!
...has been relieved of his command.
That removes, at a stroke, the final obstacle to the Crown Prince having total control over the country.
Washington Post changes Al-Baghdadi obituary headline after calling ISIS leader, austere religious scholar.
What role did Russia play in the operation?
Why did Trump not inform Democratic leaders in Congress?
Why did he take a lot of credit to himself?
Specifically alluding to the idea that Baghdad's death was bigger than the death of Osama Bin Laden.
The reality is we've walked away from the Kurds.
Right at the time when they were giving us intelligence that apparently was key to this operational victory, according to them.
And what my sources are telling me is that takes the counter-terrorism pressure off ISIS, and that risks an ISIS resurgence.
And so this may be, as you said, an operational tactical victory, but strategically, Donald Trump has set the fight against ISIS back significantly.
What is your reaction to the death of al-Baghdadi?
Well, obviously, it's a major milestone, and it's one that we all should be welcoming, quite plainly.
But it doesn't mean that the fight against ISIS is over, and it doesn't mean that we can declare mission accomplished and just walk away.
Obama funded the Arab Spring.
Obama funded the attempted Islamic takeover through his cousin, Odinga.
In Kenya!
And then for the very Democrats and deep staters and globalists that overthrew Qaddafi, put Al-Qaeda in charge there, took the weapons, invaded Syria, bragged about it, destabilized the whole Middle East and North Africa, to turn around and say that Trump's gonna cause terror when the so-called terrorists say they're attacking us, and really that a lot of them are globalists handled, they're a bunch of cowards, because we're in the Middle East.
But the truth is, the globalists have been working with Saudi Arabia to turn the world over to radical Islam.
And Trump is actually fighting it.
He's not playing games.
And getting our military out of the Middle East is exactly what we need to do.
Then if they attack us, we blow the living hell out of them, ladies and gentlemen.
But we have to pivot to communist China.
That is the main area.
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
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Get both.
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Whichever one you like, use that and give the other to family or friends.
Bottom line, iodine is essential.
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We've got a huge sale running right now, but it's about to end.
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Both types of iodine with selenium for 60% off together.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Alexander Vidman and his twin brother.
They're from Ukraine.
Look at his background, big liberal, big democrat.
And he's one of the supposed people that heard Trump on the call say things were wrong.
Funny, there's all these witnesses in a transcript.
Trump would never do that.
So there you go.
That's what's going on there, and here's what
One of the president's former top lawyers under Bush, John, you had to say about it.
National security official, his name is Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman.
He's going to tell impeachment investigators tomorrow, in a statement that's been distributed to some media outlets, that he twice reported objections over Trump's call with Ukraine.
But get this, this is buried in the New York Times piece tonight, but I found it very interesting.
He's a decorated colonel, by the way, in the Iraq war, but because Colonel Vindman
Emigrated from Ukraine.
Along with his family when he was a child and is fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, Ukrainian officials sought advice from him about how to deal with Mr. Giuliani, though they typically communicated in English.
Now wait a second, John.
Here we have a U.S.
national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the President's interests, and usually they spoke in English.
Isn't that kind of an interesting angle on this story?
I find that astounding, and some people might call that espionage.
Folks, the whole New World Order system is espionage against the country.
Globalism is against our country existing.
When Trump said we're nationalists and we should be proud of America in his Houston speech last year, the national story for a week was that it was white supremism.
The nation existing is evil.
Let's go to your calls.
I'm going to go to them fast now.
No matter how good the calls are, I've got to get to the next person and move on from there.
Who's been holding the longest?
Is it Jill?
Is it Johnny?
Is it Paul?
Is it Black Patriot?
Is it Andrew?
Is it X, Dallas, Chip, Brian?
The longest holding person would be Paul, then we'll go to Black Patriot, Jay, and others.
Go ahead, Paul in Ohio.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, I love you.
You're a brother.
I pray for you and your organization.
I'm a longtime listener.
Never called in before, but I've been buying your products since you rolled out Silver Bullet and I take quite a few of them.
I'm in my 50s now, but I feel like I'm back in my 30s.
Been excellent.
Body user is amazing.
What I called in about was
I can't get this off my mind.
I've been thinking about a deep state Hail Mary.
And this would be a scenario where it doesn't really matter who, but let's say Elizabeth Warren is the candidate and she gets like an Andrew Yang as a VP.
So they go through those months of, you know, town halls and debating Trump.
We're good to go.
A MAGA hat-wearing patsy rushes the stage and maybe shoots it up, maybe blows it up, but literally takes out Warren Yang and your media star Rachel Maddow, maybe the transgender basketball star too, and now we have a national crisis.
But the left has no interest in
Delaying or postponing the election because they'll say that would make Trump a dictator.
And so in that last few days before voting day... They have a new emergency meeting of the DNC and Hillary is nominated.
Or I think Michelle.
Oh yes.
That way there's no vetting, there's no time for her to face any scrutiny, no one questioning after the great loss.
I bet money they've got scenarios like that on the blackboard.
I mean, that is exactly the type of crap they'd pull.
Yeah, and see, so there's Michelle, and you know she's popular, and you know there's people that are leaning to Trump, but would maybe vote for Michelle if she was the candidate.
And then she sweeps into office with an unprecedented mandate to go after because this guy, once they find out who he is, he's going to have an Alex Jones tattoo on his back.
And there was an AR-15 in the trunk of his car that's plastered with InfoWars stickers.
And they're going to have a mandate to pursue
You know, anybody right of mouth, shut down InfoWars, you know, really... And that's why we've got to come out immediately when they stage stuff like this, because we know they staged Texas and Ohio.
They were real shooters, but they were both Antifa, said they were going to do it, the police stood down in both cases, and it was carried out to blame gun owners.
I mean, they were both Antifa, and they successfully covered it up in Texas, they didn't in Ohio.
They called the police on him more than a dozen times.
He said, I'm a devil worshipper.
I'm gonna go kill a bunch of people.
We're gonna get, I mean, it's incredible.
Yes, exactly.
Well, that's definitely the type of scenario they pull.
Or they might just detonate a small nuke inside the Capitol.
They may shoot up the Republicans at a baseball game again.
Before they do something that elaborate, they may just kill President Trump, you know, claim that
Al Qaeda had a serviced air missile and somehow it got through the defenses and blew up the president's helicopter.
I mean, there's no... But I'm just telling you, they're wild-eyed, they're out of control.
Their pedophile rings are getting busted everywhere.
The FBI is releasing all this classified info about giant pedophile rings, the finders.
I mean, Trump is definitely the real deal.
And that has got the system in total panic.
But Trump needs to act decisively.
So that people know that he's in command with the indictments, and with antitrust, and election meddling against big tech, or is going to keep emboldening them.
He can't play games with them like, oh, he thinks he's going to win at the election.
They are going to make their move the next 13 months.
They're already doing it.
They're making their move on every front with Hail Marys, and I totally agree with you.
God bless you.
How do you think we stop it?
He's gone.
Great caller.
Let's go to Black Patriot in Alabama.
Thanks for calling, sir.
Hey Alex, just want to say love you to death.
It's an honor to talk to you.
I think you're in the top 200, 250 most important people in American history.
Maybe top 20, 25 in terms of journalism and I love your products.
I've been a listener since 2016 and I've sort of been a witness to your
Your evolutionary process and the way you market your products from a couple years ago to you being a little bit more laid back and confident in your ability to raise funds for the operation to now hearing the urgency in your voice and the sort of the franticness.
And I just wanted to propose an idea for all your listeners that we have a dollar drive
This Saturday, November 2nd, maybe you can post a link to your Subscribestar or a direct link to the donate button on your website and put it on the top of the InfoWars site and the InfoWars store site that all of your listeners, if they want to donate a dollar, they can just go to those sites and click the link and everybody who's listening, donate a dollar to Alex and his staff, November 2nd,
And, you know, so he can keep 100% of that.
You know, we need to be able to refill the reservoir.
I can hear the urgency in your voice, Alex.
And God only knows where we'd be at this point in history if you weren't here.
I mean, just look at where we're at now with you here.
So, you know, I can only imagine the things that would go unquestioned if we didn't have... Well, Black Patriot, don't hang up yet, but... I mean, let me just say this, and I appreciate your kind words, you're absolutely right.
The urgency is just all the politics, the enemy, the literal pedophile rings doing this stuff to kids out in the open, the Satanism.
It's just, it just, everything is urgent.
But yes, financial-wise, money can defeat these globalists if you keep them forced going, but with that, I mean... Let me come back and say something.
This is really important.
Please don't hang up, Black Patriot.
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If people didn't know that you put motor oil in a car's oil container to lube the engine,
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Well, if they put fluoride in the human body, it causes cancer, dumbs us down, and destroys fertility.
If you put the good halogen in the body, high-quality iodine, it's like putting good, high-quality motor oil in the car that's supposed to run on it.
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Find out about the Iodine Conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com and find out what the globalists hope that you do not research this information.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever you do, research Iodine Deficiency.
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And then go and take advantage of the 60% off combo with our two different types of high quality Iodine and Bio-True Selenium at InfoWarsTore.com today.
But, as you know, there's been a long-term look at, look-see, and it looks like it's becoming very serious, from what I'm hearing.
Investigate the investigators.
Whether it's Strzok and Page, whether it's Clapper, and whether it's Comey, and all of these people.
Because terrible things went on for our country.
You just heard the President.
The investigation is criminal, it's very serious, and what is about to come out is going to shock the world.
And InfoWars was there before it all happened, telling you it was coming, if we just continue to expose these criminals.
And we'll be there while it unfolds.
And we'll be there, thanks to your support, when the enemy strikes back.
This is an ongoing battle, and your support is now more critical than ever.
I leave it all up to the people that are working with the Attorney General, who I don't know.
But I will say this, I think you'll see things that nobody would have believed.
This was the worst hoax in the history of our country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.
The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
Gonna roll, roll, roll.
Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.
Alright, going back to Black Patriot, I'll use their callers as fast as I can.
Yes, there's a sense of urgency.
Three years ago, we were bringing in plenty of money.
Since then, you've seen them try to destroy us.
And I know our most critical work ever is coming now.
We've got amazing products that will make your life wonderful at InfoWarsTore.com.
So it's simple.
And I'm so busy, I don't have time to cut ads about all these products.
But just here's one real quick.
We are selling out of this for the year before we order more.
We probably won't order it for a few months into next year because it's something people take, again, in the fall and winter.
Immunol, beta-glucan and olive leaf, absolutely both known to boost your immunity massively and really good for your body.
That is a high-quality bottle of that, and a bottle of high-quality coital silver, silver bullet for $19.95.
I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that they sell the same stuff at Whole Foods for $25 all day long.
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And it just does so much good things, people.
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And while you're there, get one of our great t-shirts that helps spread the word.
Get an InfoWars.com t-shirt, or get a Space Force shirt, or get a ball cap.
But whatever you do, sign up for AutoShip.
You can cancel anytime for free, so you don't forget.
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Now, obviously, you're not gonna sign up for auto-ship or t-shirts or things like that, but things like turmeric, things like X2, X3, things like biotruth selenium.
And if you don't like something after a while, which really never happens, then just cancel it.
It's free, one click, your own account on there.
I'm gonna stop plugging, but yes, sir, we need to have some fundraisers.
Because 10 years ago, I would have fundraisers, Black Patriot, and we would raise a half million dollars at those.
But then everybody just got really about the product.
Now I have a fundraiser.
We'd be lucky if $100,000 comes in.
And that just...
Doesn't fund the operation that extra money.
So yes, I don't want to belabor this anymore.
It's just that you've seen him trying to shut us down all we've been through.
I'm not going to list it all.
We will have some events soon along those lines.
Like I said, we should have the night before Halloween event, you know, exposing the glove.
Let's go 24 hours tomorrow.
But we haven't ever been able to get a big enough crew because of attrition and things to ever even be able to do that a lot or have folks do a Saturday show.
I've got two crew members on Saturday.
I tend to come in every Saturday.
And I'm not complaining, I just need to spend time with my wife and children.
It's my wife's birthday, too.
So she's like, you're not working this Saturday, right?
I'm like, well, it's my birthday.
So there's a lot of things feed into this, but believe me, wild horses can't drag me away.
And you do hear the urgency of my voice on every front, because they're breathing down our throat.
If you support us, it's no problem.
But this is very serious, and I think about what they're doing to children right now, and then what they're going to do in the future, and I get angry.
I want to stay in the fight.
I want to be stronger than ever, and I'm in your hands.
But I'm going to stop plugging now.
I want to get to all these calls that are holding here.
Black Patriot, any other points?
Alex, I just want to say it's an honor to talk to you and to your listeners.
If you listen to Alex religiously, but you haven't bought any products, and you don't support the operation,
There's something distrusting about that.
There's a distrust that you have for Alex.
If this operation goes under, don't be out here acting like you provided support.
We need to pray for Alex.
We need to pray for his family and his staff.
We need to be able to provide reserves with capital.
We are in a civil war, and this is an information operation, and we need to be able to have Alex on air for as long as we can, so...
Uh, you know, if you do buy the products and you would like to continue to order the products, then every now and again, maybe you ought to give a donation because I love the products.
I've got, I've got the Silver Bullet.
I've got X2, X3.
I probably like X3 even better.
I've got the Selenium.
I've got bodies.
Um, I've got the Happys, the Vasso Beats.
Um, and it all works for me.
I've got the vitamin D. I love it.
I love it all.
And I don't ever want to see a day where you go off of air or where I'm unable to order these products.
So I'm going to give a donation.
I order from the store a lot and every time I do, I give a donation because the products are great and they're heavily discounted.
So I'm going to go ahead and give a donation.
You know, it won't be as much as I would like for it to be, but I'm going to donate because I'm not going to stand on the sideline and watch you go under as they attack you.
They're attacking the president.
They're attacking our movement.
I mean, you know, patriotism is here.
Americanism is back.
It's alive.
And they're attacking our traditional values and they're saying we're the twisted ones and we're the racist.
And if you're just going to sit on the sideline as all this goes down, then don't be out here acting like you provided support.
So Alex, I love you.
I'm going to continue to pray for you.
And thank you, sir.
Well, God bless you.
I appreciate that.
Our whole country's in trouble, and we've recognized it's in trouble, and we're trying to turn that around.
And to see the Federal Reserve try to crash the economy, to watch the left praise that, to watch them defend... I mean, I haven't even gotten to this because I don't want to go to your calls, but I've got NPR audio, the articles on Infowars.com, where they sycophantically, for five minutes, praise Al-Baghdadi.
And where they talk about how bad Trump is.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
It's totally bizarre, and it shows who these people are.
Okay, Joshua in Virginia.
Thanks for holding, Joshua.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I've been listening since 2016.
I wanted to say keep up the great work.
Thank you.
So I just wanted to, the reason I'm calling, I've noticed I have a lot of friends in the military, and I have a lot of friends in general who are kind of taking a liberal stance.
They're kind of like, well, we hate Trump, and we hate the left.
But the message I'm trying to get out to them
Is that right now it's a fact.
Donald Trump is the only thing that's keeping us from socialism.
And what a lot of them are upset about is Donald Trump and gun control.
So I was wondering if maybe you could kind of, you know, how could we tell, how could we get the message out to Donald Trump that we're not okay about banning bump stocks because that kind of creates a slippery slope.
You're right.
Trump really hurt himself with the bump stock.
And then, and then when he said, well, look at red flags, which he was advised to do, that was insane.
And that put a big chink in his armor.
And he's backed off that now and says they're not going to do it, but that doesn't get the coverage.
And so he got advised during the crisis of those shootings to go, OK, maybe we'll look at that just to dissipate criticism.
He should have gone after the gun grabbers, the gun confiscators.
He should have said, this is mental illness.
These guys are Antifa.
But he had bad advisors that told him to do that.
And he really screwed the pooch.
But like you said, he's light years better than Hillary.
He's doing so many other good things.
And I totally and absolutely agree with you.
Stay there, Joshua.
I want to get your take on what he should do.
But the big thing is urgency.
He's got the neocons.
He's got the chi-cons.
He's got the Democrats.
He's got all these people that want to sit on the fence.
Because they don't like pressure, acting like they don't like Trump.
They use excuses like that to not support him.
Those folks better stop it right now.
The Democrats are saying they're going to take all the guns.
All of them.
Door to door.
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The reason I'm so hot on this is the globalists put the fluoride in the water while making sure we don't get the iodine.
In China, they put the iodine in the water and ban the fluoride because they've already got their people under their control.
The globalists are targeting us here.
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Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against a wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Blastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because it's the good halogen and increases fertility and lifespan and intelligence and everything else.
So again, learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have all the documents and articles linked.
And then get good iodine for yourself because the globalists are fighting to make sure you don't.
Again, get iodine at InfoWareStore.com.
Hello, here.
My name is Bethelme.
I work for my father, Lucifer.
And he doesn't like the fact that God gave you all families and children, and so... We want to tell you something right now, Christian countries.
We took control of you over a hundred years ago.
We've been spiking your water with fluoride to lower your fertility and to hurt you.
And it's worked so well, but now because of liability, and because of people warning inside the government what's happening, the Journal of American Medical Association and others are admitting what we've done.
And it makes me so angry, so whatever you do, just stay in that haze, and drink fluoride and give it to your children.
And go visit InfoWarsTore.com and learn about the Iodine Conspiracy and get 60% off on X2 and X3 together with Bio-Prusalidium from the mustard seed.
Submit to us!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Host Alex Jones taking your phone calls right now.
And all hell's breaking loose.
And now we know all the fake whistleblowers are just a bunch of anti-Trump insiders.
Saying they heard things that never happened.
Big surprise.
We know they're gonna do more of it.
It's gonna get a lot worse.
The way I've seen them doctor stuff about myself in the news.
Where you think you know they lie, but when they do entire
I mean, here's an example.
There's a big article out today saying that I agreed to speak at Stanford College.
And that I then canceled it.
And they write the article like it's a true story.
And they know 90% of people only look at the headlines.
At the bottom they say it's satire.
And I went and looked it up, turns out that school paper doesn't do satire.
People are going, what is this?
It's fake news, what is this?
But it's like that stuff every day.
And so it's one thing to deal with lies, but to deal with completely fabricated things, they take your life over having to respond to the disinformation.
And then,
You don't even know what's true anymore because there's so much lying.
So when a president who's done a really good job doing what he said he'd do overall says they killed al-Baghdadi, nobody believes it because the enemies of the president are such liars.
But Trump would never go do something like that and say it was fake.
Because that's not how he operates.
A, but B, he knows the people around him can't be trusted.
If it was a PR thing to help us get out of that war and make us feel good, he can't trust them to pull something off like that.
That's not his style.
I wouldn't do it.
That's why they really fear Infowars getting the president.
They admit this in the news.
Internal documents came out that General Kelly said do not let him see Alex Jones or his articles or Paul Watson.
Keep it away because the president
Already knew what I was saying was true.
He clicks.
We're simpatico.
A lot alike.
And Trump's a lot like just average Americans.
Doesn't have an elitist attitude.
He's got a masculine attitude, a confident attitude, a manly attitude.
A straight shooting attitude.
So I don't think Trump would stage that.
But I mean, I see it all over the news saying it's fake with no evidence.
But that's good, because we shouldn't believe anything.
Not from Trump, but from these people.
See, they can't have their cake and eat it too.
Mainstream media is a joke, and they know they are.
But all they can do now is just disrupt with incredible lies and take our time up responding to them.
So more and more, I'm just not responding to the stuff every day.
I mean, literally, I get Google alerts and there's 20, 30, 40, 50 articles a day.
Sometimes it's syndicated in thousands of publications, you know, a big lie they'll put everywhere.
So just remember that.
They went and said that I lost a Sandy Hook lawsuit.
For a book called Nobody Died at Sandy Hook that I wasn't in, that I didn't read, that I'm not a part of, in the Associated Press and Wall Street Journal, and they used that to sure up G2 credit rating agency in Boston, because they know we're getting ready to sue, to put in the news, in my credit, that I lost a major judgment in a lawsuit, and none of it's true.
So that they can hurt my corporate credit rating in case I try to go borrow money.
And so they can take our merchant accounts away and take our good money transfer right away for credit card processing, which they did.
That cost us half a million dollars a year, basically.
Tripled the amount.
I mean, these people are evil, ladies and gentlemen.
And now they're doing that to the NRA.
You see, it's Alex Jones last year, now it's the NRA.
These people are coming for everything.
And a lot of folks, even the NRA kind of halfway rolled over and said, we don't want to be political now.
We don't want to be so close to Trump defending him.
You saw all those internal fights there.
The Globals infiltrated the NRA.
All hell broke loose.
I can't tell you the details of it.
I was sworn to secrecy.
The NRA is still a good organization.
But all their big political stuff that was hardcore, that was all terminated.
In a big internal fight inside of it.
Because they're using spies to go into organizations.
Actual espionage.
It's bad.
First they offer people that know me money, then they start digging into them and start threatening them.
And by the grace of God, only a few people have lied about me.
I'm pretty proud of the folks that have been around over the years, but you talk about Judas Iscariot, folks.
I mean, these people, these people are pure evil, okay?
Not part evil, they love it!
All right, I'm gonna shut up.
Joshua in Virginia.
You're right.
Trump coming out and saying, yeah, we'll look at red flags.
That's his tactic to try to take away from the gun grabbers.
And then so they'll come out and want everything and say, let's ban all the guns.
That's his tactic.
But I said I didn't like that tactic because people take him very literally.
And I think it hurt Trump.
How does he how does he rehabilitate that?
So, what I would do, definitely not before the election.
Under the assumption Trump takes 2020, what I would do is I would actually go the opposite route.
Go and further loosen gun laws.
Now that might sound a little bit crazy, but listen.
No, no, that's what Texas did.
That's what Texas has done.
Yeah, look at the Mexican drug cartel.
They've got 50 cal machine guns.
They've got grenade launchers.
Look at Chicago.
They've got rocket launchers and machine guns down there.
So at this point in time, all that's going to do is that's going to arm the good guys with the right material that they would need in case we, you know, we have something like the drug cartel.
And that gets us going in the right direction of getting rid of all the hoaxes and not putting up with the gun control issues.
The Democrat, every city they run is like, you know, as bad a crime rate as Mexico.
Absolutely, we should get on the offense, not be on the defense.
What else should President Trump do?
I mean, I agree.
He should call for national reciprocation, national concealed carry.
I mean, I think that's the way to go.
Because as you said, Mexico has a total prohibition on civilian ownership of firearms.
They have the highest crime rate in the world.
Well, maybe he shouldn't go on the offense after the election.
Maybe he should go on it now.
I mean, he's already going after crooked Democrats, trying to expose them.
I think now's the time to go on offense and show his support base.
Right exactly where he stands.
The same reason he got... Well I totally agree with you.
I've been saying Trump should come out and say these people are anti-fuck, they covered it up, they're mentally ill, they're devil worshippers keep doing this.
The answer is guns to stop these type of scumbags.
The idiot in Florida that killed all those people.
The FBI had been called three times, the police 44 times.
He was called the school shooter.
He went around saying he was going to kill people.
He was expelled from school when it happened.
My gosh, I mean that Cruz guy was a freaking demon!
But notice they had liberal law in Florida, and in Broward County, they were enforcing it, where if you had a name that wasn't an Anglo-Saxon surname, he had the name Cruz, even though he was white.
He was adopted by Hispanics, both his parents had recently died.
He was a white kid.
That he committed all these crimes, but he couldn't go to jail because they passed laws to try to rehabilitate so minorities don't go to jail.
He literally had a get out of jail free card.
Yeah, it's sick.
And I see all the time, you know, in Democratic, you know, poor income areas, their shootings are all the time.
No one has anything to say about that.
Well, remember, CNN is caught on tape by Veritas saying, we don't want to make it big because those are Democrat areas.
We only do it in Republican areas.
We only hype it up.
Right, right.
Because if there's 2,000 killed a year in Chicago on average, 95% of them black, black on black, they don't want to humanize that.
Because 2,000 dead there, well how's that look with 20-something dead at Walmart?
God bless you, great points.
Trump needs to go on the offense, offense, offense.
Major misstep with that tactic.
I just explained Trump's tactic and people got pissed at me.
I don't agree with it.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
InfoWars presents Alex Jones.
In August of 2019, JAMA, or the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most prestigious, came out and said, oh my gosh, just a little bit of fluoride in the water causes lowered IQs, massive infertility, and a lot of babies die in the womb, and it causes cancer.
That was just one of thousands of studies admitting this.
You know, it's illegal to have even one part per billion in the water in places like California unless it's part of adding fluoride.
And then they have a waiver and can add thousands of deadly chemicals to your water because the liberals love you and they want to sexualize your children.
So whatever you do, drink lots of fluoride and don't get the thing that counters iodine at Infowarsstore.com.
Drink fluoride.
Drink fluoride and die!
Drink fluoride, dirty Americans, and roll over!
Do not visit InfoWarsTore.com and get high quality iodine to counter it.
Roll over and die, dirty Americans!
We have strong disagreement on policy grounds, and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident he won't get indicted.
Word is the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand I will...
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal.
We're going to bring you to justice.
And we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us.
And we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Banned.Video!
Hey Steve, how you doing?
Hey Alex!
Oh my God!
Long time listener, first time caller.
Look, in January 2016, I went in a hospital.
I went in a VA hospital out here in Boise and I was in there until June.
And I kept hearing Dr. Group and all you guys talking about living defense.
Let me tell you something, man.
I had an internal digestive problem and I suffered with it for about five or six years and the doctors, they tried every test.
Nobody could figure out what it is.
And then every day when I kept hearing you and Dr. Group and those commercials, I said, you know what, I'm gonna get me some of that freaking Living Defense.
Now, I wasn't supposed to have any nutritions because they don't want you to have that stuff.
But I ordered it, had it shipped to me, I got it, I hid it from the nurses, I started taking it, man, that stuff changed my life, it saved my life.
If there's any veteran out there, I don't care if you've traveled, anybody's traveled overseas, you absolutely owe it to yourself to get two bottles of that Living Defense.
It's true, folks, we don't sell anything unless it's the highest quality, and Living Defense is over-the-top good.
Please listen to this information because it can save your life, and it can save the life of others.
There couldn't be more critical information for your physical body.
God's more important when it comes to your soul, but this is most important when it comes to your body.
If people didn't know that you put motor oil in a car's oil container to lube the engine, they might be able to be conned and think you put salt water in it, but it would seize up the engine pretty much instantly.
Well, if they put fluoride in the human body, it causes cancer, dumbs us down, and destroys fertility.
If you put the good halogen in the body, high-quality iodine, it's like putting good, high-quality motor oil in the car that's supposed to run on it.
It's that simple.
Find out about the iodine conspiracy at Infowarsstore.com, and find out what the globalists hope that you do not research this information.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever you do, research iodine deficiency.
It's the key to everything.
And then go and take advantage of the 60% off combo with our two different types of high quality iodine and bio-true selenium at InfoWareStore.com today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, I've got famous, and I, uh...
Globalist attorney, Norm Pattis, here to deal with us.
He's a famous criminal lawyer, first woman lawyer, a bunch of other stuff.
And he's down here in Austin visiting with us.
I wanted to get him in the studio.
It's about the massive attack on free speech and more.
We're also going to have Will Johnson joining us with the incredible footage he got last night here in Austin, where a big fat man wearing a red wig basically tried to disrupt a group of small children and their parents.
And the police had to arrest him.
He just keeps screaming, I'm transgendered.
You know, basically, I'm God.
Submit to me.
Give me access to your children.
What's up on Newshorse.com?
Will Johnson attends rally against radical sex-head.
And we're going to be getting to that as well.
But I want to just boom, boom, boom through these callers.
Jill, Eric, Johnny, John, Andrea, X, Dallas, Jake, Brian, and others.
I'm going to get to all of you right now.
Next up,
Who should we go to here first?
Let's go to Andre in Canada.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's Andrea from Montreal, Quebec.
Andrea, thank you.
Sorry, I read the name wrong.
That's okay.
I just wanted to thank you because I was wondering about you the other day and you passed through my mind.
And so I got onto InfoWars and I used to be backslid.
But because of the faith that you have, it just brought me right back to the Lord.
So I wanted to say thank you very much.
Well, thank you.
Listen, the churches are designed to turn you off from God.
They're the biggest concentration of evil you're gonna find on average.
And I'm just saying, all we gotta do is, like Christ said, call out to God.
God is all about free will, and then God will touch us.
And it's just a power.
And even the occultists will tell you, the name Jesus is what all these things flee from, and that's why they're trying to eradicate it, it's why they're persecuting it.
And look at the manifestation of evil openly coming after the children.
This is textbook biblical.
I know and it's disgusting and it's given me a newfound fire.
Of course I'm going to strengthen myself before.
I start speaking out and doing what I can down here in Canada, but thank you very much.
Thank you.
No, please.
Are you kidding?
I'm a very humble person just like you, and I've done wicked things, and I'm not... The thing is, we love God, and we don't want to be part of this energy force that is trying to take over.
It's energetic.
We just have to decide spiritually which side we're going to go with.
You cannot be in the middle.
You have to choose a side.
Yes, absolutely.
And I felt the calling to come back to God.
Well, that's wonderful news.
And it's all because of you, so thank you so much.
Oh, please.
It's because of the Holy Spirit.
It's not because of me.
No, but you know, your manliness and your fertitude helped a lot.
And I was in contact with you and listening to you like 18 years ago.
After that, there was a lot that went on in my life that caused me not to backslide, as you said, the church and everything, but I didn't lose my faith.
It was just... You lost your faith in the corrupt system.
Oh yeah.
Most of these churches are just filled with evil.
That's because the devil knows to get control of that.
Absolutely, because I was indefinitely studying the Bible, and I went to college, and I got right up to the master's degree, and I was seeing so much that was being twisted.
Well, I'll tell you what's happening is, I believe in God, I've had spiritual experiences, but
It's the world.
It's what's happening.
The microchips are being announced for the brain.
The attack on the children.
The world government's all being announced.
And as the spirit of evil comes in, it's Newtonian physics.
God designed this.
For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
Well, as evil comes in the world, God's spirit's coming in as well.
And so, energetically,
A lot of people fall away because energetically they weren't picking up on it.
Now you cannot miss it.
I mean now it's just, the psychic energy is just explosive right now.
Everybody can feel it, everybody can see it.
And that's why people that are serving the dark side are just becoming animated with wickedness because it's powerful, it's real, it's coming into the world right now.
It absolutely is, but I'm so pleased that the Lord called me back in.
Absolutely, because we can't control the psychic powers we all have.
Only the Holy Spirit can be asked in, and then God is in control.
Man is fallen.
We cannot control this level of power.
That's all it means to be fallen, is that we have not gotten anywhere near the level of being able to even imagine how advanced we already are.
We are incredible, but we are babies.
We're like babies with
Any matter weapons or something.
I mean, we can do anything.
Look what we've already built.
And we're babies.
We're not even out of the crib right now.
Look at what we've built.
Do you have any idea how powerful you are?
Sorry, go ahead and finish up.
No, no, I do.
I do.
I do understand how powerful we are because I've had many visions when I was before.
And then they started to pour in again.
That's because the evil's making its move.
I could talk to you for hours.
God bless you.
I gotta get to everybody.
Look, everybody's feeling it.
Please call again.
It's here, folks.
Let me tell you, the evil is scared.
Evil feels God.
That's why evil wants to get God out of the world, because evil feels that power, and it's like, whoa, it's pretty awesome.
Well, if you openly serve evil, it's frightening.
And so they want to declare they have power over God by doing the worst things they can, hurting children.
As just a total act of self-destruction to their own selves.
The devil wants to make sure they're destroyed.
The devil promises them, if you go out and make it all about yourself and hurt innocent people, you will be given power.
And you look at these people, they look like dead zombies.
They're not being given power.
That's the big con of this thing.
No one in their right mind would serve Satan.
I'm preaching, I'm sorry, I'm gonna go to your calls.
Jill in Georgia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello Alex.
I've been a long time listener since, well not long time, since 2015.
I enjoy your antics every day and shows like this are kind of hard to deal with.
Especially when you talk about the children and the declass on the Fonders and then the drag queen story time.
And all this satanic stuff in our face.
In our face.
Man, I know it's hard.
Hey, I know how you feel.
Everybody else feels like it.
And that's why we're going to work towards getting this fixed.
But I know it enrages you, doesn't it?
That's righteous anger.
You think, I don't want to cover it either.
And I'm sorry.
Believe me.
I don't want this going on either.
But you know what?
They're doing it to our kids, so we got to cover it.
You agree with me, right?
You had a call to us.
You said, we have to do something on us.
What can we do?
You know it's up to God to give you discernment in your area and I just think if you just go and you go organize reading stories to kids so you can just kind of watch what's going on at the library or maybe you go to church and teach Sunday school and while the little corrupt preacher is doing his thing you're talking to the kids.
Do what the left does but do it from a godly perspective.
Maybe you just go, you know, you see a veteran just died, and we'll just randomly go to the cemetery when the family's having the thing and just talk to them.
Or have a barbecue and talk to your neighbors.
Or go speak to the city council against gun control.
Or, you know, just, just, just, you never know.
Just go out.
And just ask God what you should do.
Maybe get in a car or go to D.C.
You're in, you know, Georgia.
Fly out to D.C., pick your congressman or senator or lady, and then go in and talk to them.
I'm telling you, once you just step out and ask God to guide you...
Well, it's like the devil has his fake magic.
Well, magic just is the crazy way the universe works.
You'll see more doors open and more... I've never gone out with a camera on a mission where wild stuff didn't happen.
And I'm always just guided without even thinking about it, right to whatever I need to catch.
I mean, literally, I've learned how to... Like, no one could find where Sundar Pichai was.
No one could find where Jack Dorsey was.
And everybody was running this way, running that way.
And I'm literally with all these, you know, vets that are with me, or good guys.
And they're like, let's follow our nose.
He's going to come out that way.
Let's go this way.
Now he's going that way.
And boom, we caught him.
And it's like, it's, it's, it's, you know, they make stupid movies about it, like Star Wars and the Force and all that, but really it's just the spirit.
And so if you just pray to God and ask what you're supposed to do, you don't have to do all of it, but together we'll defeat these people.
Does that make sense?
Everybody, everybody do their, their part.
Absolutely, and I've learned now, and I mean it's crazy though, that if I literally just clear my mind, like when I'm out in the field or doing something, I mean, I can just know what the enemy's gonna do before they do it.
It's crazy.
But that's the spirit, because he who's in us is bigger than he who's in the world.
Does that make sense?
Yes, indeed.
One more thing, when you were talking about you needed money, that money bomb you did, I guess it was a few months back,
It was awesome.
I could see how much people were giving and I think people were excited to give.
They could see how much it was increasing.
But I never saw a story about how much, you know, you were able to raise.
Well, we call it a money bomb.
We ended up selling, sold like $700,000 worth of product, but we discounted so much we made like $300,000, which sounds like a lot, just in all the stuff.
We're just the bandwidth.
Here's the deal.
We launched our own bandwidth and our own audio and video streams exclusively because we're banned everywhere.
And we've got five, ten times the traffic.
It's exponentially growing at Band.Video.
But then I literally, and we've gone out and found some of the cheapest bandwidth.
But imagine, we're paying millions and millions and millions just on bandwidth.
Millions on IT.
So, there's just, we have to have security now.
You know, here at the office.
Because, I'm not gonna get into why, but obviously there's a lot of new expenses.
But it's okay!
Thank you and God bless you, Jill.
We're gonna win together.
It is now an admitted fact.
Fluoride added to the water has caused tens of millions of Americans to be brain damaged and to have infertility and low IQs.
And it doesn't matter if the Journal of American Medical Association comes out and says it's terrible, still the cities put it in the water.
Because the ruling globalists want you and your family poisoned and stupid.
And they sure don't want you to know about the good allergen.
Iodine that absolutely increases IQ and fertility and makes life so wonderful and opens up your consciousness, your mind, everything.
Thank God!
I discovered this eight years ago.
Thank God!
Of course, the enemy knows all about it and they hope you don't discover it.
They hope you just roll over and die.
So whatever you do, don't visit InfoWareStore.com and get 60% off right now on the Wake Up the World to the Iodine Conspiracy Combo.
60% off with X2 and X3 together with your bottle of BioTrue Selenium.
Whatever you do, don't go to m4store.com.
Just give up, America.
Give up, Christians.
Drink your fluoride and die!
Give in to Satan!
Give in!
Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against the wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Blastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
I didn't notice we had a caller in Peru.
You know, when you call in from overseas, I tend to go to you first.
I tend to look at the number, how long you've been holding, so not where you're calling from.
So I apologize to John, who knows how much he spent holding for an hour.
John in Peru, where the U.S.
government for 30 years injected over 100,000 people with live syphilis, but we should trust them not to take the shots.
John in Peru.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi Alex, thank you so much.
My name is John Marshall.
I'm the great-great-great grandson of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
So, I called you and I've got some fireworks.
I truly believe this will be the most powerful call you've heard all year.
Well, lay it on me.
I'm all ears.
I've got three topics I'd like to discuss.
How to increase your product sales by at least 100%.
How to get seen by 10,000 to 20,000 liberals a day.
And number three, how to beat the censorship.
So I'm just going to start off with a quick one.
I noticed X2 is your number one selling product, and you've got a great marketing strategy.
You sell products that solve a problem.
Well, there's one problem that you haven't attacked yet, and that is tumors.
There is a site you should check out.
Just do a Google search.
31 powerful herbs and supplements for treating and preventing cancer naturally.
Well sir, here's how this works.
Obviously, there are a lot of things that are known to help people not get cancer, but then if you say, if someone takes this, it'll stop it, and then somebody dies, you've contributed to their death, and they come and arrest you for that.
I know they're suppressing how powerful turmeric is, and things like that.
So we just say, hey, turmeric's really good for anti-inflammatory.
Hey, fish oil's really good for your heart.
I mean, my gosh, it's psychoactive for me.
I mean, I took, like, three big juicy fish rolls last night and just had, like, you know, better than a trip on acid or something.
I mean, you know, joking around there, but the system is scared of what is in Mother Nature, and it doesn't want people to know.
I mean, my daughter came to me, my 11-year-old yesterday, and she said, Dad, we're in
Chemistry class and we're in science class and they had a study iodine on the periodic table and look my it's a tablet but it's a textbook says the number one cause of people having low IQs and the exact quote was it was intellectual disabilities is lack of iodine and two billion people on earth have lower IQs or mentally retarded
Currently from lack of iodine.
She said, yeah, that's exactly what you say, but I've seen the news, my daughter's seen the news, saying I'm a kook and that iodine's not good or whatever.
She was totally blown away that her textbook was still teaching science and the number one thing on the earth is iodine deficiency.
Of course I sell something that you need that's great, that also is amazing.
And we sell the best stuff that's out there.
X2 and X3 are apples and oranges, but they're both excellent.
And so, yeah, absolutely.
They keep saying, oh, cancer's way up because of bad genes.
Yeah, people have genes where if you don't have something you've got to have that's essential, then it will trigger and your body will mutate.
The cells will mutate to operate on fluoride and bromide and bromine and the cells will mutate and your liver will mutate and you will die because your cells will mutate so they keep living a little bit longer on what they've got.
And the system knows that.
They know that your body will move over to whatever it has to to keep operating.
And it will mutate at the cellular level.
But they won't tell people why cancer's off the chart.
They won't tell women why it's all happening.
They give you glyphosate, and they give you fluoride to grow the tumors, and then they take the iodine away to make sure your body absorbs it.
So you die!
So you die!
Yes, John, they're evil, aren't they?
Hold on, hold on.
I got the word Pat is coming here, but I'm going to go back to your call.
And we'll get to these other ones.
X and Dallas, Jake, Brian, Eric, we'll get to all of your wild cards.
It's going to be wild.
We're coming back on the other side.
Good Lord, ladies and gentlemen.
You notice most of the products, we don't even say what they do.
That's because I've got the FDA breathing down my neck and every other damn agency on the planet.
I've got the left running around thinking I don't pay taxes and they're gonna get me on that.
What, you think I'm a moron?
They'll break your legs you don't pay those phony taxes.
I am literally a Boy Scout.
We'll be right back.
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
It's just that simple.
X3 is the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types because some people need all three types to absorb.
Others like
The Pure Atomic Iodine.
Get both.
They're both great for you.
Whichever one you like, use that and give the other to family or friends.
Bottom line, iodine is essential.
That's why I harp on it.
The globalists want you to be deficient in it for a lot of reasons.
Lower IQ makes you sluggish.
You don't live as long.
It's simple.
Get your high-quality iodine at InfoWarsTore.com and help fund the InfoWars.
We've got a huge sale running right now, but it's about to end.
It's the Iodine Challenge.
Both types of iodine with selenium for 60% off together.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you, Jonathan.
Well, I've been directly involved in this battle professionally for almost a year.
Today, I am speaking as a father of three young children in AISD.
Malaysia Booker, 23, a black trans woman fatally shot in Dallas!
Michelle Tameka, 40, a black trans woman... Why are you defending Obama?
Why are you defending Obama?
Why are you defending Obama?
Why are you defending Obama?
Go ahead.
Keep going.
Thank you.
What am I doing?
That is wrong!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Black trans lives matter!
Again, this is an elementary school event with a fat man with a red wig on, screaming at women and children and men who do not want this guy talking to their children at school.
You see, if you try to creep around kids at the park, you get arrested, but not if you come to the school and demand equal rights.
And then read off a list of black men who were transvestite prostitutes shot and killed in places like Chicago by other black men, and then you blame a bunch of elementary students that you don't have access to, to quote, groom them?
My life matters!
My life matters!
My life matters!
Guys, get that Robb Dew compilation ready from earlier today.
I'm gonna play that for Norm Pattis right now.
You got to turn Norm's mic on.
They want to change everything.
They want to destroy everything that is good.
So this is where we are right now.
You have these people that are completely nasty.
You see this demonic demon?
He can't even control himself.
He has to keep walking around.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Jesus loves everybody.
Jesus doesn't want people like this to be turned into a reprobate mind.
He doesn't want them to be lost.
He doesn't want them to be disgusting.
He doesn't want them to turn themselves over to perverted actions.
We cannot allow these demons to win.
It's not going to end.
It's only going to get worse.
My name is Will Johnson.
Will Johnson is coming in towards the end of the hour.
He hosts his own show.
7 o'clock Central.
With the great Tom Pappert of nationalfile.com.
Okay, now Norm Pattis is a leading criminal, defense, divorce lawyer, but mainly number First Amendment.
You've probably seen him all over the news for years with big cases.
He does people like F. Lee Bailey, you name it.
And he was here.
He flew in to talk about some other things we're up to in our ongoing battles with the deep state to stay on air.
This morning, I said, what do you want to come on about?
And I figured it'd be all these attacks on the First Amendment and the rest of it.
He goes, well, let's talk about Cheshire home invasion killer, who's a transgender.
And the mother got killed with two little girls.
So I guess, let's do a document cam shot of this young lady here, a man with a beard.
So this is the type of stuff going on.
We've got new video out.
Out of control, drag queen flashes crotch to kids at Library Story in Minnesota.
And we also have photos that stations have complained about.
And listen, stations, I've been on air 25 years, and we are not a show that shows bad things.
I remember being about 10 years old watching PBS showing documentaries and it showed naked kids running down the street with napalm, burning their skin off.
Now, how at 7 o'clock at night at the dinner time, how are they showing kids with napalm?
Walter Cronkite showed those kids naked with their skin burned off.
Little boys and little girls.
Now, why could they show that and it wasn't X-rated?
Because it was documentary.
And later, I learned about that being in the media.
So, I don't show this with pleasure.
In fact, some of it I'm...
It's so horrible that I'm not going to show it.
We've got stuff even worse than we've showed today of men with large genitalia.
And people say, what's the point?
It's large.
I mean, it's hanging out, OK?
With glitter on it, hugging and kissing little kids at public events.
The mothers bring them to it, like you bring your kid to a spider.
And it's all just sick, Munchausen by proxy, Stockholm syndrome, whatever you want to call it.
And the stations, we're in a lot of TV stations, and cable, they call and they go, listen.
This happens every time, it's full of relations.
Phones ring and they go, listen, can you not show that?
We're getting a lot of complaints from the community here.
They're doing it in the elementary schools without asking parents in many cases.
I've shown the newscast.
I've been...
Drag queens go to Denver Elementary without parental consent, and the kids sit on their laps.
Yes, I know men dressed like women spreading their legs in front of kids is bad.
We blurred it out.
The little kids are looking at their genitalia!
So you think you're pissed off?
You're supposed to get pissed seeing that.
You're supposed to not want to see it because it's not happening.
And as soon as it's not happening, I won't show it respectfully to the stations.
What the hell do you want me to do?
I've got four children, three of them daughters, one of them's two and a half.
You know what I want to do when I see stuff like that?
You know what I want to do with an ice pick, don't you?
But we're going to beat them politically.
Norm Pattis, it's good to have you here.
What do you think of this crap?
I'm stunned by it.
I mean, I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the news.
I was looking at some of these clips and my jaw dropped as it did when I saw the Cheshire home invasion piece.
Stephen Hayes was convicted for the rape, murder and homicide and arson death of a mother and two children.
They beat the father, not quite to death.
He was sentenced to death.
Connecticut revoked the death penalty.
He's been on death row or doing life since 2007.
At one point he converted to Orthodox Judaism, and now he wants to convert to being a woman.
And I've got to pay for this?
I mean, at what point do we say, you know, what you were born is what you are?
Look at all the discussions about the gender war and the trans phenomena.
Well, let's humanize who these people were he killed.
I mean, tell folks what they did to them.
Well, Dr. Pettit was a popular physician.
His wife, I don't know a whole lot about her, he had two daughters, 11 and I believe 17.
And Mr. Hayes and Mr. Komersarjevsky targeted them.
They saw the Mercedes that Jennifer drove and the next night they went to the home.
They held people hostage.
They took her to the bank to take $15,000 out.
Then they set the house on fire after raping the wife and daughters.
Dr. Pettit was asleep on the back porch.
They beat him half to death with a baseball bat.
He stumbled out of the house.
So it was this horrible crime that has occurred in Connecticut in my lifetime.
And there was really no doubt about the defendants.
Well, I mean, why don't we have taxpayer-funded execution for him instead of paying to cut his huevos off?
Well, I'm not a fan of the death penalty.
I was relieved to see it repealed.
But, candidly, the notion that this guy serving six life terms plus 130 years needs to have his gender changed at taxpayer expense makes me wonder when we've got people out there that aren't getting the necessary... Well, it's like Elizabeth Warren, exactly.
Like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie.
They want to pay for criminals to have their genitals cut off.
What type of upside-down sicko... People go, oh, that's just a fringe thing.
No, that's the Democrat religion now.
Well, let's get philosophic about it.
Let's talk about the identity wars going on.
We say that race and gender are social constructs.
They're not really real.
People can be what they want to be.
This is what comes of taking that thinking too far.
You are what you were born to be.
And if you want to be feminine as a man, be feminine as a man.
But the notion that you've got to get it cut off, reassigned, changed around, that doesn't make any sense to me.
And what's more, we're doing it with kids!
I read a fascinating book that I talked about last time I was on, I believe it was last week, on Skype by a guy named Murray out of Britain.
Um, about our confusion about identity.
We say that identity isn't real, um, but yet, or that it's socially constructed, and we let little kids, six and seven years old, decide that they want to get their gender reassigned, and physicians are willing to do this?
What happens when they wake up at 12 and decide they want to go back?
Well, it's total, it's total abuse.
It's total abuse, and that's why they drug them all up, too, and most of them commit suicide.
It's unbelievable.
Phone calls coming up.
Norm Pattis here.
Will Johnson, who went down and faced these crazies.
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It is now an admitted fact.
Fluoride added to the water has caused tens of millions of Americans to be brain damaged and to have infertility and low IQs.
And it doesn't matter if the Journal of American Medical Association comes out and says it's terrible, still the city's put it in the water.
Because the ruling globalists want you and your family poisoned and stupid.
And they sure don't
I don't know.
But as you know, there's been a long-term
Look at, look see, and it looks like it's becoming very serious from what I'm hearing.
Investigate the investigators.
Whether it's Strzok and Page, whether it's Clapper and whether it's Comey and all of these people.
Because terrible things went on for our country.
You just heard the President.
The investigation is criminal, it's very serious, and what is about to come out is going to shock the world.
And InfoWars was there before it all happened, telling you it was coming, if we just continue to expose these criminals.
And we'll be there while it unfolds.
And we'll be there, thanks to your support, when the enemy strikes back.
This is an ongoing battle, and your support is now more critical than ever.
I leave it all up to the people that are working with the Attorney General, who I don't know.
But I will say this, I think you'll see things that nobody would have believed.
This was the worst hoax in the history of our country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Everything is proceeding as the globalists didn't want it to.
We're going to your phone calls here right now with Norm Pattis.
We're getting into the First Amendment and more with him in the next segment.
Major polls out.
More than half of American students want wearing Halloween costumes to be punished.
Many by jail time.
Big studies out.
60% of millennials want jail time for anything that's politically correct.
That's coming up.
Just briefly.
We had one caller Sunday call in and go, it's incredible.
I was in the VA at 61.
They said I was going to die.
And I heard you guys talking about living defense that flushes out the guts and goes after the parasites, both tiny and large.
He took it, just one of the ingredients, and this is black walnut.
And he says he's great now.
Well, that's what it's designed for.
And I'm not saying it's in lieu of medical treatment.
I'm not saying any of that.
I'm saying what God gave us in the medicine chest is incredible.
100% reviews.
Check it out, infowarestore.com.
And we were going to sell out of it this year.
It looks like it's going to sell out this week.
But I'm going to keep it at $19.95.
There's a lot of other big specials right now that are about to end.
We've got the Everything Must Go, 40 to 70% off storewide.
Double Patriot Points and storewide free shipping.
That's going to end this weekend.
So whether it's turmeric or whether it's the great Wake Up America coffee or whatever it is, take advantage of those big sales.
Because at the level, we're selling a ton of product, but
We don't have big markups on these, especially when it's 50% off.
Some of these we make mistakes, like the skin cream was 50% off.
That was below cost.
And no wonder it sold out in a couple days.
We have the little tubes at 25% off.
You know, then we make a few bucks on each one of those.
So, thank you all for your patronage, but it's a great high-tech shopping cart.
A lot of folks use it.
We have great service.
It's not overnight like Amazon.
You know, you get all the gun control with the rest of it.
It's just you get a few days generally, but sign up for auto shipping additional 10% off.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Norm Pattis, a famous lawyer here, riding shotgun with us today.
What do you make of this?
I think we've descended to the politics of pathos.
We all want to feel special.
We all want to feel cherished.
And the result is anybody who has anything to say that hurts somebody's feelings is regarded as a criminal.
I find it very dangerous.
I'm told that there's legislation pending in perhaps Massachusetts, or at least one lawmaker, who wants to make the W word with a B. I know you've got family viewers on.
A crime to assert?
Well, a bitch is just the name of a female dog, and it can be used defensively, but that's the way the world works.
But, you know, when it's used offensively, it's a crime?
Fair enough.
Or we talked last week in Connecticut about ridiculing people, and some Yukon students being criminalized for that.
I talked to the prosecutor, in fact, since I spoke to you.
I called him up, I know him.
I don't want to use his name here.
I said, did you really sign a warrant for those kids?
He said he did.
I said, well, what happened?
He said, here's what happened.
Three boys were out one night, college kids, playing a game.
I guess it's a drinking game.
You pick an offensive word and you say it.
And then the next guy has to say it louder and it goes louder and louder.
The person who backs down in the end has to take a drink.
So they were talking about a certain portion of the male anatomy, the third leg as it were.
Uh, when that word ran out of, uh, they ran out of time with that word, they switched to the N-word.
So they're walking through a park, and somebody started to film when they were hollering penis.
Um, because they thought it was funny.
Uh, when they switched to the N-word, that person suddenly became enraged and upset.
And they were saying, you know, nigger, louder and louder and louder.
That person then sent the video to her mother, who called the NAACP, created a storm, and had the kids arrested for ridiculing people.
No one was ridiculed.
That's the real, but the law's wrong.
It's unconstitutional and it's a danger to everyone.
I'm glad we got the inside scoop now.
What was funny is, you know, I looked at the law and I'm thinking, when did they pass that?
It has to be brand new.
I've been practicing law for so long I can't remember how long it is.
It's been on the books apparently since 2008.
So we did some research to see whether anybody had ever challenged that law in the Connecticut Supreme Court as a violation of the First Amendment right to speak.
No one has.
So I was hoping one of those young men would have called our office to represent them.
They haven't, so we're not.
But the next time somebody gets charged under that statute on my watch, we're on our way to the Supreme Court getting that thing declared unconstitutional.
Well, mystery of the men arrested for offensive word in Connecticut now solved with Norm Padish.
We've got to put a little three-minute video out because that's that's pretty interesting and incredibly dangerous.
I had heard the story that that's what happened and I didn't believe it.
I've known the prosecutor forever and you know when he called I was incredulous.
Have you actually prosecuted people under that statute before?
He says, well, yeah, I have.
And nobody's ever challenged that unconstitutional.
Wow, it just shows we have to stand up against it.
Amazing, Norm.
X in Dallas, you're on the air, X. Thanks for holding.
Oh, well, I just want to say I'm black and I'm not offended one bit by that last piece.
You know, the liberals would like to take what Norm Pattis said and go, oh my God, he just said it.
Let me move on from there.
Thank you for that, by the way.
I went to Hollywood.
I went to Hollywood and I'm from Texas and they told me, you know, first thing they told me was you need to act more black.
I didn't understand that this was before Trump.
Then they told me when I got to Hollywood, after they took me to a dispensary at 18 years old, they said, well, one of the guys at the label introduced me to said, you need to hang out with this guy while we're here in Hollywood.
He said, you can call me Mephisto for short, which everybody knows is short for Mephistopheles.
So if you think the Satanism is fake, you're wrong.
I don't know.
When people think Alex Jones is lying about Kanye West listening to the show, not only does Kanye West listen to the show, he repeats what Alex says in live interviews.
And this wasn't on the Big Boy interview, this was on another interview done by a British guy.
So you can have your crew look that up and get some more footage.
Oh, I know he tunes in.
We've talked to his folks and the security didn't want him to come here.
So they started saying, was your security going to give us problems?
We hear there's snipers on the roof.
You know, we're like, oh yeah, we got snipers and they're, you know, and then they go, oh, and like freaked out.
So that wasn't Kanye.
That's his security people keeping him from coming on the show.
But hopefully he'll come on soon.
Oh, he has to.
He has to.
So I've got to ask, did you act, I mean, what would it, what did it mean to you when they said you don't act black enough?
Were you insulted by that?
And was it a white guy that told you you didn't do that?
It was, it was a white woman who was the wife of the record label owner who, who came up to me and said this to me.
Did you ask her what that meant?
Well, this was okay.
So keep in mind, this was before Trump.
And in my mind, I'm half white, I'm half black.
I thought I was a liberal when this happened.
When that happened, I was like, wait, what?
And so then I started hearing Alex Jones talk about social engineering and I'm like, okay, well, I get it.
So they want me to paint a picture because I'm not stupid.
You know what I mean?
They want me to sag the pants.
They want me to say, you know, they want me to act a certain way, and to me it was just, it was like... Why do you think in about 1987 suddenly all the heavy metal and rock bands started doing gangster rap?
I've talked to top famous musicians, you've seen some of them here on the show, and they said, no, behind the scenes they were told by Viacom that owned MTV, back when it was powerful, you will do gangster rap or you're not going to be on air anymore.
We're getting rid of rock and roll, we're bringing in gangster rap, and they literally
Didn't just get black kids, but everybody into it, to then prime them for prison.
So you talk about a pipeline to prison, that was all part of the Clinton crime bill that came later.
All of that was literally just to tell black folks, your culture is gangbanging, murder and death, when that was not the culture.
That's shocking.
I still, if you had it to do all over again, I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but if you had it to do all over again, what would you say to that record producer's wife today if she said you didn't act black enough?
I just said the same thing I said to her back then, and you're not beating that horse, because this is something I've been wanting to call into InfoWars for a long time now.
But I told her, I said, I said, well, that's the end of this.
And whenever, whenever we got back from Hollywood, I told him, I said, I don't want to do this anymore.
Hey, X, I'm going to get to Jake, Brian, Eric, and John too, but stay there.
I want you to finish up with metastopheles.
That's what they tell you in Hollywood.
Hey, you got to get down with Satan first.
Bob Dylan has told people that.
Hey, we're going to get Will Johnson here too.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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We have strong disagreement on policy grounds and I hope there's diversity in policy here.
I don't care what your views are.
I hope you articulate them and defend them and listen and debate them.
That's important.
But we have something in common.
We have a set of values that are at the core of this country that hold this place together.
Clinton deep state bag man Comey thinks it's funny that he was the leaker and that he lied to Congress and the world.
He thinks committing crimes are funny and he thinks if he acts confident, he won't get indicted.
Word is, the criminal investigation is honing in on him.
From my new home in New Zealand, I will...
Oh, and now suddenly he's talking about moving to New Zealand.
Not so fast, criminal!
We're going to bring you to justice, and we're going to bring Hillary to justice as well.
Because if we don't, you criminals will continue to strike back at your enemy.
But the American people know how much you hate us, and we're fighting back at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Ban.Video!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The globalists' great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, Will Johnson's here with us, riding shotgun, telling you what's coming up on his show.
Tom Papert, Firepower, 7 o'clock Central here at Bandon Video, InfoWars.com, the radio and TV satellites for fine stations out there to pick it up.
A lot of them are.
And of course, one of my great counselors is here as well, famous lawyer Norm Pattis.
We're going to finish up these 5 or 6 calls, Eric John, ex-Dallas.
Jack and Brian before we end this transmission.
But here's a little bit of a large man with a reddish blonde wig charging around in front of men, women, and children trying to stop their free speech getting arrested in Austin last night.
Here it is.
Bigger than all three police combined
So, Will Johnson's here to tell us exactly where this was and what happened.
I mean, this is happening everywhere.
Now, it's coming in the schools, not just the libraries, where these men come.
We played the clubs.
They say, we're going to groom your children.
You're not going to stop us.
Now, there's video on InfoWars.com of where they spread their legs with no underwear on in front of the children, and the liberals all clap.
It's a lot of fun to introduce your children to these nice people that really want to get close to your children.
So, again, Will Johnson, thanks for popping in with us.
What in the hell is going on?
What happened here?
So, I went to this event yesterday thinking that we're just going to get some good information about how they're trying to prevent the school district or these liberals from teaching children about homosexual sex.
You know, that's what I was going there to cover.
Shouldn't we teach them about sex, period?
Yeah, I mean, it should be up to the parents.
I mean, if somebody walks up to your kid in a park and wants to talk to them about sex, we call them a pedo.
Yeah, exactly.
But it should be up to the parents to teach them about sex and, you know, how the parents want to go along.
But what they're wanting to do is indoctrinate the children that homosexuality acts are something that everyone should be embracing.
So I was at this event thinking that, hey, this is just going to be information, we're going to get information, and I'm going to be able to relay it to everyone so they can see that we have people in Austin, Texas trying to prevent this perversion from taking over the school district.
Well, as a result, we got people to show up that start acting crazy because they didn't want people to have their voices heard.
Not only were they censoring their freedom of speech, they want to make sure that no one can hear their message.
And you talk about the bottom of the barrel zombies, and I'm not disagreeing with you, but when we say
When we say that the homosexual sex, quite honestly, the quote gay people, you don't see down there, you know, they're like running companies and stuff or whatever.
This is worse.
This is pedos wanting access and then pedo camp followers on the left that believe it's cool.
And we can play the clips where they say we're grooming your children and these very groups, a lot of them are convicted pedophiles.
Yeah, you know, I'm thinking that who's going to protest against protecting children?
That's what I'm thinking.
Who's going to protest against protecting children?
And the school's going to teach the kids that they're really another gender so they can take them away from the parents and chop the huevos off.
But here it is.
So they're going to have videos, pictures, documentation on how to actually have the anal sex.
So to teach the little boys how to get with other little boys and how to have... And if people don't believe that...
Boy Scouts of America is going bankrupt because three years ago at the Jamboree they hand out even to seven-year-olds condoms and then the pedophiles just rape them in mass at the Boy Scouts of America.
They did the same thing in California.
So I'm living in California thinking I'm with the Texas.
Okay, I'm gonna be away from all of that.
I don't have to worry about the children.
But here it is in Austin, Texas.
They just passed it yesterday.
It says Texas School District mandates teaching
Kids have to have anal sex.
And California just passed this.
Yes, California had already done it a while ago.
And they're saying parents can't opt out.
Yeah, I was getting ready to say that.
You beat me to it.
Parents can't opt out on providing... Now, let's be clear.
We're talking about elementary students.
I remember Jocelyn Elders, when she was Surgeon General, she said, reach down and touch them.
Help them masturbate.
That's her voice.
So this is an old, creepy woman who wants to put her hands on your daughters' and your sons' private parts.
But it's okay because they're liberal.
Yeah, so yesterday when we were at the event, the LGBTQ plus P community showed up and want to... Oh, the P showed up?
Oh, the P, yeah.
It was primarily the P. I guess I don't get out enough.
What's the P stand for?
The pedophile.
Originally it came out as pedophile, but then they changed it to pansexual because a lot of people in the community were arguing it.
Yeah, so they changed it to pansexual because it was too evasive, right?
It was too much in our face, you know, right there.
So now they changed it to pansexual.
And you've got a 50-minute report at Bandot Video and at your site, firepowernews.com.
Yes, yes.
Let's get Norm's take on this, then I want to take some calls.
I'm speechless.
I mean, you know, I'm speechless.
You want me to show you photos of men with no clothes on in Austin with small children in public?
Start rolling it.
We're going to teach children how to have anal sex in school.
First graders.
First graders.
No, no, no.
You can't be serious.
That's pedophilia.
This is the world.
These people mean business, bro.
Yeah, this is the world we live in.
In first grade, we're going to teach people about sex.
Well, they gotta confuse them early on.
Mainly in England, half the autistic kids are caught with a pedophile now.
You've seen this regulation with your own eyes?
I'm sorry Alex, I'm not calling you a liar.
ABC News, put it up!
They've already done it in California, now it's here in Texas, of all places.
Hey guys, start rolling Rob News Report without audio.
And again, Bureau of Discretion advised, this is what is going on in Austin with small children.
Start rolling the news report we played in the first hour, guys.
Okay, so the main reason why they're doing it, they're giving an excuse like this.
Go ahead.
By the way, those guys on screen say we're here to groom your children, they're ours.
Sorry, go ahead.
They're saying they want to indoctrinate the children.
This is in elementary school.
It's right here on screen.
So the children will have, uh, will be safe.
That's how they're saying it.
Safe from what?
So they will have, they will be safe.
That's exactly how they're pushing.
Now watch, they start spreading their legs in front of little kids right here.
You think I'm joking?
I know.
When somebody first sees this, they can't believe it.
This guy says we're grooming your children, you can't stop us.
And he goes and does, he spreads his legs for little kids.
Now you're going to see children riding men with erect genitals through their pants in a moment.
And then you're going to see men naked, except glitters on their genitals, hugging little children.
And this is becoming the norm, which is really insane.
And then you want us to show the new thing that's on national TV?
HBO is teaching how to have sex with earthworms.
You're not messing with me, are you?
Keep going.
No, I'm not joking.
This is the world we live in.
Why are you against sex with earthworms?
I guess I'm just not species sensitive enough.
Call me a speciesist, you know?
Well, yeah, you're very bigoted of you.
Well, no, they're raping them, but they say it's okay.
You see that?
Now, we're blurring this for people right now.
So disgusting.
This is in an elementary school?
And libraries.
And public libraries.
And then parents are taking their children so they can... And in some cases, they don't tell the parents.
He has a poor kid.
It's crazy.
No wonder she looks confused.
Watch this.
Spreading their legs to him.
This is the spreading the legs part.
And then they have the kids clapping to him.
And some videos they show even the kids taking and putting money.
So let me see if I get this right.
If you wear the wrong Halloween costume, you can be targeted for prosecution.
But if you're a guy and you dress up as a chick and you writhe in my child's face, that's okay?
Yeah, yeah.
How do we distinguish between what's prohibited and what's prohibited?
Hey guys, show eight-year-olds twerking with men with erections behind them.
No, come on.
This is public.
No, no, no.
And the media said, hey, kids like kink, too.
Major media praised this right here.
That's an eight-year-old boy.
And then watch this guy with the erection comes over behind him.
This is terrible.
This is terrible.
I mean, I don't know where to have a little kid, a little boy out here twerking, and he only has on shorts, and he's grown men.
This is liberal.
And by the way, a bunch of newspapers said this is good.
Good for what?
Well because it said, it said headline, kids like kink too.
Look, I mean, we're all here because of sex.
We're all, you know, if sex is a sin, we're all circumstantial evidence of other people's crime.
Yeah, but children aren't supposed to be involved in it until they're older because they're not even thinking about it.
That's exactly right.
You know, my kids are all grown.
I guess I should be thankful.
I should be worried about my grandchildren.
You go to school, I don't want you coming home.
Well, that's why we're showing this.
We're going to come back with calls, I promise.
I wanted to cover this.
I promise.
X, Jake, Brian, Eric, John, I'm getting to you.
I will get to all five of those callers.
We're not playing a game.
If you're a radio listener, you're lucky you didn't have to see this.
But remember, while you're busy about your life, they want your children.
They're hunting your children.
Folks ask me, Alex, why do you have two different types of iodine?
Well, that's because different types of physiologies, different types of metabolic systems in people will like different formulas.
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Again, I'm not talking down to the InfoWars audience, but I've been banging my head against a wall for a long time on this, and I'm talking about fluoride, and I'm talking about iodine.
Now, if you have a boat, a motorboat, let's say an old Glastron boat, and you want to take it on the lake, you've got to have a lake to put it in.
If you're a human being, you've got to have oxygen to live.
Okay, it's the same thing.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, the bad halogen is fluoride.
That's why, in every western nation, they put it in the water.
They're going to teach us Christians to lay down and die.
The Chai Kams don't put it in the water.
They'd execute you if you did that.
They put iodine in the water because it's the good halogen and increases fertility and lifespan and intelligence and everything else.
So again, learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have all the documents and articles linked.
And then get good iodine for yourself because the globalists are fighting to make sure you don't.
Again, get iodine at InfoWareStore.com.
InfoWars presents Alex Jones.
In August of 2019, JAMA, or the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most prestigious, came out and said, oh my gosh, just a little bit of fluoride in the water causes lowered IQs, massive infertility, and a lot of babies die in the womb, and it causes cancer.
That was just one of thousands of studies admitting this.
You know, it's illegal to have even one part per billion in the water in places like California unless it's part of adding fluoride.
And then they have a waiver and can add thousands of deadly chemicals to your water because the liberals love you and they want to sexualize your children.
So whatever you do, drink lots of fluoride and don't get the thing that counters iodine at Infowarsstore.com.
Drink fluoride.
Drink fluoride and die!
Drink fluoride, dirty Americans, and roll over!
Do not visit InfoWarsStore.com and get high poly iodine to counter it.
Roll over and die, dirty Americans!
Now what I'm about to say is incredibly obvious and I'm not talking down to any of the viewers or any of the listeners.
I'm just stating the facts.
I own a chainsaw.
I've had it since I was in college and it's a great good old chainsaw and I've used it probably 500 times.
But a few times I've forgotten to oil it and it seizes up really quick and I feel like an idiot for not oiling it.
Now imagine if somebody told me to put
Let's say superglue in the oil container on it.
It would seize up forever.
But only an evil person would do that.
Well, fluoride's like putting superglue in a chainsaw.
It's gonna make it seize up.
And that's why they put it in the water.
And they admit they're doing it to hurt you and your family.
Yes, they're really evil.
Iodine is like putting oil in the chainsaw to help with the gasoline lubrication.
It's that simple.
I know you understand this, but let's warn other people before it's too late.
It's part of the iodine conspiracy.
Find out more at Infowarsstore.com and take action against the globalists.
Carbon's everywhere on this planet!
It's almost like we're carbon-based lifeforms!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're now only 13 months out from the most important elections in human history.
I'm your host Alex Jones, riding shotgun with me is of course Will Johnson from Firepower, weeknight, 7 o'clock central, band on video, Infowars.com, syndicated out on the radio and TV satellites, all of those fine affiliates out there picking it up.
And, of course, Norm Pettis, constitutional lawyer.
He'll be on The War Room coming up in about 12 minutes with Owen Schroyer at Infowars.com, Ford's last show, and Bandai Video.
Remember, these scumbags want to silence us so they can roll out their takeover, but it's not going to happen.
We are here as the modern Paul Revere, broadcasting worldwide and ringing the alarm.
We're promoting a pro-human future against the technocracy.
All right, X in Dallas, finishing up with you.
You were saying when you went out there for a music career,
The record label told you to basically try to act like a thug, is what they meant.
Very racist, you were saying.
And that you need to get down with metastopheles, which of course is the name of the devil in the Faustian riddle, where you need to sell your soul.
Describe that for us.
Well, right.
The first day they said, hey, we got a guy named, I'm not going to say his name, but we got a guy who's a friend of the label who's going to show you around Hollywood.
I went over to his house.
Long story short, he said, you know, you can call me Mephisto for short.
And I said, well, that's I don't know who that is.
And he said, look up, look up Mephisto.
I looked it up.
It was Mephistopheles.
Later on that night, he asked me to pray to Satan.
And I was just kind of like, ha ha ha, this is funny.
But then.
So so I finished I finished the album up and whenever we were done with the album, I got back to I got back to Texas and I told him, you know what, I'm done with this.
I don't want to do this anymore.
And just so people know, I'm a real person.
You can go look up the album.
If you want me to name the album, I'll name it.
Sure, go ahead.
It's called Halfway Across the Stars.
And it's by Chester Rushing.
And um...
If you look at...
That's why Hollywood's... Listen, you live by skull and bones there, so you're pretty close to one of the little satanic temples.
And believe me, it looks like it.
I mean, it's a secret, you know, Yale's oldest secret society and arguably one of its most prestigious.
It has a building located just off downtown.
Nobody ever gets to go in it, but one day they left the door open and I wanted to sneak in.
Oh, the tomb!
You stuck at the tomb?
Well, I didn't quite get in.
The gate was ajar.
The door was open.
And I thought, well, if the door's open, I should go and check and make sure everything's OK.
And about the time I got to the door, an armed guy came out and said, you can't come in.
Now, I didn't smell garlic.
I didn't see a cloven hoof.
The music from the exorcist wasn't playing.
But it was creepy.
Well, I know what goes on there, because Charlotte Isserby's dad was in it.
And he, he, he, she released the info to Anthony Sutton and the church committees.
And so we know exactly what goes on.
Well, there is a lot of recruitment that goes on in there to secrets.
I mean, it's a secret society, and you, you pledge to keep those secrets forever, and you... But we do know, though, they channel...
Well, you know, that's where I listen to you and I respect you, but I'm tone-deaf to spiritual realities.
I believe in grace and the power of redemption, but in terms of evil, I see its consequences.
I don't see the spirits.
What I'm telling you is, it's on record that they do rituals.
I know they have rituals.
Have you ever seen The Good Shepherd?
Yeah, I have.
It was produced by Robert De Niro.
It's got Ned Damon in it.
But that's based on a true story, and the rituals where they're in the big vats of feces, that's real.
And they get in coffins and are reborn, have a spirit come into them.
I said it before on this show, just moments ago, I'll say it again, I don't get out enough.
How do you know all this?
Well, this is right down the street from you, brother.
It is, but I guess I'm not awake.
I guess I need to get woke, right?
Yeah, well, you can say InfoWars is actually woke.
You're like Kanye West at Alex Jones level, man.
No, I hear you.
But, I mean, seriously, though, that's not... Let me tell you something.
This stuff's real, okay?
Let's take a few more calls here.
Who's been holding the longest?
I appreciate Brian in Iowa.
You're a trooper.
Brian's been holding so long.
Make sure we get his name and address.
Send him a free t-shirt.
Brian, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Norm, if you want to be woke up, take X2 with some brain force.
It'll defibrillate your brain.
That sounds good.
And you've really been holding since the 2016 election?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead, Brian.
Pretty much.
Pretty much.
So, Tim Pool did a video on Katie Hale stepping down.
And he kind of tied it into Ilhan Omar saying that since Nancy Pelosi was saying that it was a good thing that she had stepped down, why isn't she putting the pressure on Ilhan Omar to do the same?
Because they essentially have done the same thing.
Yeah, Katie Hill's in trouble for, I guess, having some swinging parties or whatever.
And now Ilhan Omar, I mean, that woman is not just doing that.
She's engaged in fake marriages, all sorts of fraud.
Well, they're afraid they're going to lose support from the Muslim community if they start going after Ilhan Omar that way.
She gets a pass.
She gets a piece of pass.
She can be as nasty as she wants to be.
It infuriates me because I got a brother-in-law that lives up there, and he's blind to it, and his sister's blind to it, and... Well, that's just political correctness.
You know, it's confirmed now, even Fox News has covered it, that there are gangs of anti-white Somalis going around attacking, beating, even killing people, and the media's covering it up.
That's wrong!
There were gangs of white people going around killing black folks.
That's horrible, too!
But that's what the liberal media has created, this atmosphere where people say whites are so evil now that they're getting racially attacked all over the nation.
How do you cover a lot of that will on firepower?
I talk about that all the time and I want to address that issue all the time because you know back in the day they used to attack black people and this was the Democrats and now the year 2019 about to be 2020 they're attacking white people.
They're ruling they want to put white people on the street and hold them down with fire hose dogs on them the same way the Democrats did in the past they're wanting to do it today.
They're definitely trying to create racial division, and it hasn't worked so far, but they're sure as hell trying.
You're right.
Thank you, Brian.
Great points.
Okay, who's up next here?
Let's go to Jake in California.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Ah, Blong Alex Jones!
You wake up my whole family.
You a bad American.
Ah, Fenton on here.
Ah, LeBron James.
Hey Alex, um, oh my gosh, it's so amazing to talk to you.
You have no idea.
It's amazing talking to you, brother.
Yeah, if there's anybody in the world I could just meet, it wouldn't be any celebrity or any world leader, it would be you.
Well, brother, you're meeting me right now and I'm honored to talk to you as well.
Okay, um, actually, Brian, if you really want to be woke, ask Alex what he really saw
When he broke into Bohemian Grove and if he saw a human sacrifice.
Oh yeah, yeah Norm.
Brian was last caller, but I'm sure you've heard of Bohemian Grove.
I have, I have.
I mean it's mainly a gateway into the occult, but the practitioners take it real serious.
Everybody else is like, what the hell's going on?
But it's a simulated Faustian human sacrifice of a child.
I hate to sound naive, I like to think... I got footage of it!
I'd like to see that, because I mean, look, I'm not saying you're a liar.
It's not my style.
But if that's what people get into and get off on, I mean, it's an important thing to tell us about it.
There it is right there on screen.
I remember seeing that.
That's why they want me off YouTube and all that, so we can't show people this stuff.
Two people in the black robes?
Look at the high priest.
Did you take this film?
Yeah, I did.
Yeah, they are burning the child in effigy.
I don't think they're killing a real child, but... Yeah, no, I hear you, but I mean, it's the thought that counts, right?
It's the intent that counts.
Jake, I gotta jump.
I apologize.
Call me again.
Love you.
Okay, real quick.
You say Canada is the wet dream of the globalists.
John in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hey, man.
How's it going?
I'm gonna be really quick here.
But, uh, you look at what's going on right now up here.
We just had all the stops pulled out in this last election with Justin Trudeau.
Uh, yeah, there's been voter fraud.
There's been, uh, total ownership of the media.
This is setting the stage for what you guys are gonna go through in 2020.
Oh yeah, they arrest pastors that read from the Bible in Canada.
Yeah, now, now, Alex, you gotta, you gotta listen to this, okay?
You gotta pull out all the stops.
If you actually look at us, we're USA Minor, okay?
You gotta think in their little regions, right?
You gotta think globally.
We're part of the U.S.
They're gonna take everything they've used here and learn, and they're gonna double and triple it on you guys.
I agree.
Okay, man.
You have a good day, and thank you very much.
God bless you for holding your real trooper.
Eric in Arkansas.
We got to everybody.
Eric, take us out of here.
Tell Gunner.
Alright, okay.
Big time fan.
First time caller.
Uh, three key points.
I wanna get it.
And, uh, one of them is the U.N.
gun agenda.
It probably fits into
The other agenda is 30, 2030.
But uh, alright, can you tell me the first time when they started taking guns away from people in America?
It started in the 60s, right?
You hear me?
Well, they took them from black folks at the end of the Civil War.
That's when the NRA was founded to stop that, but yeah.
1960s, they started where no felons can't have firearms.
So when did that start?
That started in the early 60s, right?
It was a UN-funded agenda.
It was all brought on.
7277, you're absolutely right.
I'm out of time.
Get his number.
Listen, coming up, Norm Padish is going to be on the War Room with Owen Schroer and then Firepower Tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars.com.
And please, keep spreading the word about the broadcast.
Great job, crew.
Thank you all so much.