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Filename: 20190910_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 10, 2019
3245 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses censorship by tech giants, immigration policy, Planned Parenthood's eugenicist views on brown babies, and promoting InfoWars products for their expansion plans in 2020. He also mentions Banned.Video as a platform for sharing banned videos from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

They do not know God.
They know destruction.
And they go about like a lion, roaring, seeing who they might devour.
Who will bow to them?
Who will give them authority?
Who will let them tell you that there are no mothers and fathers?
But regardless, a baby, when I first learned about this 30 years ago, before I even got on air,
And I saw the documentaries and I saw the court cases back when it was underground and on AXS TV and I was going out and protesting in abortion clinics with Catholic charities and Protestant charities and they were showing underground footage and actual footage of partial birth abortions and things that just blew me away.
That they were harvesting the organs and that they were taking the nine-month-old and eight-month-old babies from mothers who were poor.
They would drug them up at Planned Parenthood and other facilities.
They would tell them, oh, yes, you had the abortion.
Or, oh, the baby died.
They would keep the baby alive, take it, actually put it in a soundproof box, put it in a van and drive it to a facility where they would generally just go ahead and butcher it and sell the parts for organ donation, you name it.
So if we alter a process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this.
I mean that's, it's all just a matter of line items.
What would you expect for
Now the thing is, I don't do induction, so my technique is a dis-articulation technique.
Um, so there would have to be, you know, we'd have to kind of talk about, like, exactly what it is that you're needing.
Right, right.
Because... Breach position is great.
Because part of the issue is, it's not, it's just, it's not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact.
I've got to worry about my staff and people's feelings about me coming out looking like a baby.
We have a group purchasing program through our membership and I'm just thinking about how we have biodisposal companies that work with us.
So it seems like this would be a really great option to be able to offer members as well.
On the topic, on the fetal tissue side of it, you know, it'd be helpful for us to understand volume-wise.
I mean, realistically, if we were to do an agreement with you guys, you know, what do we think you could get?
I mean, what do you feel like you could get?
Yeah, on specifically liver tissue, because that's such an area of demand for us.
Right, so liver and what about intact fetal tissue?
You have to understand the left is not the moral high ground bleeding hearts.
They are the eugenicists.
Whether it's Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger and all of it, they are the party of the KKK.
They are the party of depopulation.
They are the party of killing the brown babies, as Bernie Sanders said last week in that CNN town hall to quote, save the earth.
And if you don't have empathy for those that can't defend themselves, I assure you, you don't have any care about your own self, your own family, and you're going to end up reaping what you sow.
What comes around goes around.
Call it karma, if you will.
It's universal.
And you obviously don't have a connection to God, or you would be feeling the presence and the power, and you would be fearing God.
Fearing being out of alignment.
All right.
Bolton, the Warhawk was just fired minutes ago.
It's top story on drugsreport.com.
There's so much massive news.
We'll break it all down on the other side of this quick break in T-minus.
60 Seconds.
Meanwhile, Soros has praised Trump on his handling of Huawei.
It's all coming up in T-minus 60 seconds.
Please spread the live links.
The live transmission is live.
Banned.video is the answer to censorship.
Banned.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are still available.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, September 10th, 2019.
Just one day from the anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001.
We'll be covering that, obviously, in great detail.
What really happened tomorrow.
Pop engineers and major scientific groups have come out and said that Building 7 was blown up with bombs inside the building.
We'll be covering that tomorrow.
This just in, via tweet from 45.
I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House.
I disagree strongly with many of his suggestions and as did others in the administration.
And the President goes on to say, therefore I ask John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning.
I thank John very much for his service.
I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.
You know, Trump is far from perfect, but when it comes to pulling us out of Syria, that Obama and Hillary started, for Al Qaeda and ISIS, and cutting back the troops massively in Afghanistan,
And for all of the other things that have been going on with Trump, trying to get us out of these no-win wars that aren't for U.S.
interests, he's done an amazing job.
And doing research on this whole kettle of fish that has been, the Taliban invited to Camp David, and then did Trump cancel it, or did somebody else cancel it?
The word is that Mr. Bolton likes to leak stuff to the press, and that is why he is out.
The man is a neocon, the man is a warmonger, the man has serious issues, and I respected the president enough that I've not made a huge issue out of it because the president overall has had good policies and obviously wasn't listening to Bolton, who would have us in World War III if he could.
And there's a headline about it.
John Bolton got caught leaking to the press years ago.
And he's been caught doing it currently.
So as usual, Zero Hedge, seems to always even be a step ahead of me on most issues, has got the scoop for you right there.
I heard that last night from one of my White House sources.
So we're going to be going over all that.
Speaking of White House sources,
There's a big story up on Infowars.com that we're going to be plowing into by Paul Joseph Watson when we start the next segment, and that is that President Trump is finally set to take action against big tech censorship.
Now, he's been saying he's going to do it, and we know that the Attorney General worked in consultation with
All 50 state attorney generals to launch their antitrust probe so it wouldn't work against the federal one that the president said a month ago is coming and is going to be very tough, close quote.
And so I would give Trump, you know, an overall an A plus in his effort and in his rhetoric.
I'd give him a B when it comes to implementing things.
I know he's being blocked, but if he goes after big tech in a meaningful way in their election meddling,
This is very exciting and very good news.
So we're going to be looking at all of those huge developments coming up in the next segment.
Also, DrudgeReport.com is linked to a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Investigation finds Trump administration hasn't built any new sections of a wall.
Yes, we need to hold Trump's feet to fire on this, but he's been trying to implement it.
Can't do what he's doing with all the illegals.
Federal judge reinstates order blocking Trump's immigration policy nationwide despite higher court ruling.
We've got the lower courts in rebellion against the higher courts.
It's judicial activism on steroids.
So, whereas I want to hold Trump's butt to the fire, I don't want to lose perspective here and not realize the Democrats are a group of out-of-control maniacs, bum-rushing the border, trying to plunge the whole thing.
So we're going to be looking at that in great detail today.
Also, just more sickening communist China worship.
You've seen the Washington Post say, we need Xi to crush Trump and save America.
We've seen Antifa say that China's going to save us.
This is really something we see, sycophantic behavior.
Well, the New York Times has come out and praised mass murdering Mao as, quote, one of history's greatest revolutionary figures.
AP came out and said last week that the dictator
of Zimbabwe, ladies and gentlemen, that the dictator of Zimbabwe did a great job and was a great leader and a hero.
That was the headline from last week.
But if you go back to the New York Times, back in the 70s, they were just showing that on screen, David Rockefeller wrote a op-ed when Mao died, praising him and communism and saying we should adopt China's system.
So that's in the article by Paul Joseph Watson on NewsWorks.com and Infoworks.com.
We're going to go over that in great detail as well.
Continuing also, Congressman Ratcliffe says the DOJ is going to have to indict Andrew McCabe.
We're going to be getting to that.
The NRA sued San Francisco for declaring them a terrorist organization.
One American News Network has sued
Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for saying they are Russian agents.
People believe that when you say it.
It's very, very dangerous.
It's not true.
So good for One American News Network for doing that.
And meanwhile, NPR has come out nationally.
They figured they have no credibility, no viewers, because while they're lying, they sent a whole 34 minute report on mind control run by the US government and Ewing Cameron and Gottlieb and Jolly and West and kidnapping women and children and men and electro-shocking them until they don't know who they are and creating mind control assassins.
That came out yesterday.
We're going to be playing some of that today.
And meanwhile, Google, again, admits they've been listening to you for years, so you better watch what you're saying.
All 50 states have come out with their antitrust moves.
And again, that'll tie into Trump and the action he says he's about to take.
That exclusive information on the other side.
And we'll also look at the new Apple iPhone, all the better to spy on you and track everything you do.
And then Moody's downgrades Ford to junk status on Weak Outlook.
And we've got all these different globalist organizations and all these different globalist groups that in all these rating agencies are downgrading America.
The private Federal Reserve is downgrading America, saying Trump's going to fail, trying to kill the economy.
And they are public enemy number one.
We're way stronger than China.
We're in a much better position than almost any other country in the world.
They know that.
And so they're trying to cheerlead to kill our economy ahead of the election.
And it is extremely dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to be looking at all of those angles as well on the other side of this quick break.
First, ladies and gentlemen, I want to remind listeners that we are listener-supported.
And thank you all for keeping us operating.
But we're trying to expand into 2020, not contract as they've wished.
And without your support, it's not going to be able to happen.
So we've already launched Firepower and Will Johnson, two more hours a night.
We're going to have 7 to 9.
We're going to have a lot of other shows we're carrying and producing.
A lot of weekend podcasts and things that have been a year or so behind because of all the attacks.
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Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Alex, God bless you.
Go ahead.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, you've got your diamonds And you've got your pretty clothes And the chauffeur drives your car You let everybody know But don't play with me Cause you're playing with fire
Welcome back to the InfoWar, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to hit this huge piece of news.
I make a lot of phone calls these days to talk to sources I have in Washington D.C.
to try to really find out where things are going and what's happening.
And we know that Trump has tried to recruit a lot of people out of the swamp and he hopes that they get religion.
He hopes they find Jesus in the nomenclature of, he hopes that they have the light bulb go off over their head and don't want to start giant wars that bankrupt the country and don't promote freedom or free enterprise across the world and only make us hate it.
And John Bolton is now gone.
I again was told yesterday that he was leaking information about the Taliban meeting
And that Trump now knows that he's the one that was leaking stuff on North Korea and the Kim Jong-un meetings to sabotage that.
And lo and behold, Zero Hedge must have the very same high-level sources I have because they have an article out about it today.
So here I thought I was giving you an exclusive and Zero Hedge has already got it.
So there you go.
I'm not pulling this stuff out of rabbit's hats.
Did John Bolton get caught leaking to the press?
Well, it's well known that he's one of the big leakers.
This has been going on earlier this year, last year.
It's been going on ever since he replaced McMaster, but moving right along.
That's the info, is that Trump now knows who's leaking because, in some cases, only Bolton is in the room, and then the stuff ends up at the New York Times a day later.
Because Bolton serves the globalists.
That's a very positive thing.
And it adds to what I was told by a source inside the White House.
And then I was talking to a high-powered lawyer who works for the Republican Party last night.
And he confirmed that Trump is cracking the web and does want big action against big tech.
But my source was concerned that antitrust takes too long.
It's not the way to go.
It's the violation of privacy laws that's criminal.
And working with China, as Peter Thiel has pointed out, that's the real way to bring these organizations to heel and to not meddle in elections.
I mean, Russia's told Google, do not do push notifications with this upcoming election for the three days of the election.
Or we'll arrest your ass, your representatives.
Because they only do push notifications, like Professor Robert Epstein has pointed out, to Democrats, to their voters.
So if Trump doesn't take action, he's either a moron or he's made a deal with him.
And it's not good when you got Soros praising him.
But maybe they figured out how to praise Trump to hurt Trump.
Remember I told Politico like five years ago, whenever Rand Paul got elected to the Senate, they said, how did he do it?
You know, how did he deal with you despite all the demonization?
I said, there's a populism happening.
The only way to defeat Rand Paul was if you endorsed him.
The fact that the establishment hated him got him in.
And as long as he doesn't try to be an establishment person, he'll be popular.
Well, Rand Paul for a while tried to be establishment and was super unpopular.
Then he got back to being who he originally was.
He's very loved now.
So here's the big enchilada that I'm going to cover.
Report Trump set to take action on big tech censorship.
Now, he gets distracted by things.
And who can blame him?
We're not in his position.
And they know how to hide papers and change the subject, and he'll order the Kennedy stuff declassified, and then they refuse to do it.
It takes three months, and when they release it, it's only a small part of it.
Because he's ordering a bureaucracy to do stuff.
I've only got like 110 crew members, okay?
I mean, we're a self-contained deal.
Our own warehouse, our own shipping, our own legal, our own accounting, our own customer service, our own camera people, editors, engineers, everything.
And if one of these crews didn't want to do what I told them, they could really sabotage this place.
Just like that.
I couldn't, wouldn't have any way to stop them unless I fired all of them.
I said we have a great crew that puts up with my jackass a lot of the time.
But you imagine having millions of people under you.
I'm not trying to apologize for Trump.
I'm just getting into the fact that they brag, they run circles around him, because he's in the swamp.
But this is directly from multiple high-level sources.
Report Trump set to take action on big tech censorship.
The Trump administration is reportedly about to take direct action against big tech giants for their censorship of conservatives and election meddling.
Last month, the report of the Trump executive order directed at the likes of Facebook, Google, and Twitter was in the works.
According to our sources, an announcement could be right around the corner.
It was told two weeks to a month, maybe sooner.
Facebook and Google lawyers are extremely concerned about any potential executive action, but hope to hold it back until after the 2020 election, when they hope Democrats would regain control of the White House and crush any investigations or new powers.
A potential end run around Big Tech's monopoly could involve Trump's targeting them for espionage for working with Communist China, as well as criminal charges for flagrantly violating privacy laws.
Trump is reportedly impatient and wants action yesterday, was the quote that says now.
In recent weeks,
Trump was repeatedly drawn attention to the work of Dr. Robert Epstein, who has documented that big tech's bias and algorithmic manipulation can shift millions of votes on Election Day.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also recently met with U.S.
Attorney General William Barr.
Texas is leading and coordinating with Barr and with the states to discuss a range of options, including antitrust action and criminal action.
And it goes on from there.
And I can tell you that Trump is screaming at people.
Screaming at them.
Which, believe me, that goes on behind the scenes at the White House.
A lot of screaming.
He looks very composed and very together out in public, but behind the scenes, Mr. Volcano, he's either super slick and nice and friendly, or he starts screaming at people and telling them they're idiots and they're morons and they're incompetent, and that's what Trump does.
I don't know.
And he knows that deep down you're right, but he's being pushed the other way.
If he already really knows you're right instinctively, but he's waiting or he's listening to others, you've got to be right and you've got to be aggressive.
And I mean people that slap Trump around quite a bit are the ones that actually get closest to him.
I'm not going to say Roger Stone's ever done that as his wingman for 40-something years, but Roger's told me, he goes, hey, when you talk to him, be like a regular guy and don't kiss his ass.
He hates it.
He wants you to talk straight to him.
And I've done that with Trump, and he's listened.
So I think what Grudge is doing and Tucker Carlson and others are doing, getting on Trump, is the right thing, and I think we should do it, too.
But that doesn't mean we hate him or try to destroy him.
We're trying to help him.
We're trying to help ourselves, too.
We'll be back with more of this on the other side.
There's a lot more to this.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There's a battle going on, a war, to decide the future of humanity.
And it's happening right now.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I intend to open the phones in the second hour, and then constitutional lawyer, good friend of mine, very informed fellow, Robert Barnes, is going to be in studio with us to cover the waterfront, the big tech suits.
What's happening with the 50 states taking action with antitrust against big tech.
Trump set to take action, we're told, finally.
And so much more today.
So I'll start giving the numbers out towards the end of the hour to get all of you on the transmission here on this live Tuesday worldwide broadcast.
Let me plow back into what I was just covering.
Let me do this.
Then I'm going to get into the border situation and what's happening in Europe with Turkey
Already imploding Europe's borders and holding Europe hostage if they don't give in to demands.
Actual terrorism!
Of course, it's the EU directing these migrant hordes against their own populations.
And now they're learning the migrant hordes and the nations they were partnered with to do it are now stabbing them in the back.
No honor amongst thieves.
That's coming up next segment.
With the video and more, and Africans burning and murdering each other en masse.
And then Africans saying it's xenophobic to burn black people, only burn white people.
That's coming up next segment, and the left's hailing it.
They're saying, yes, kill the white people in Africa.
Don't kill other people of your own blood.
Human blood.
We project onto the third world that they're better than us, that they're loving and they're sweet and they're not tribal and they're not racist.
And there's a reason we call these third world countries barbarous.
The truth is, historically, they're just as barbarous, or more than us.
It was Christianity that got us to stop doing that to a certain extent.
We've thrown that out.
So now we see the barbarism exploding.
That's coming up next segment.
But again, this report on Infowars.com and Newswars.com is critical to get out because Trump says he's taking action.
He says it's going to be very strong action.
That was a month ago.
They're holding him up.
It's like Bolton was holding him up.
Bolton was wanting all these wars.
He's now out.
Kept leaking stuff to mess up our peace deals with North Korea.
You name it.
And now he's out.
Well, report!
Trump set to take action on Big Tech censorship.
Announcement could be within days or weeks.
Meanwhile, Texas leads charge against Google and massive antitrust probe.
Texas Attorney General, frequent guest of the show over the years, Ken Paxton.
Met with the Attorney General to coordinate two weeks ago.
We told you that.
I told you before they even announced the first meetings a few months ago in Omaha that they were going to meet with the Republican Attorney Generals.
Then it was with all the Attorney Generals.
Just proving again how good our sources are.
They wanted to get the states in line because if they file other suits, that could mess up the federal.
But now it's all being coordinated.
Very good news.
Here's the London Guardian.
The great breakup of big tech is finally beginning, but now the left's coming in to want to have their control exerted.
Google faces new antitrust probe by 50 attorney generals.
Tolerating ourselves to death with Google and China.
Another big article out.
Talk about how we are.
Putting up with China, putting up with Google, putting up with Apple and all of their tyranny.
Are we crazy people?
And the answer is, well, so far it's crept up on us.
But now people are waking up and going, wait a minute, the EU and the UN are regulating it?
Communist China is regulating Apple and Google?
And inside their computer systems in the state of China is merged with it?
That's announcements by Google.
That's not me saying that.
That's just beyond insane.
That's really the problem now with this show, is that it's very almost hallucinogenic.
You ever find out something really crazy or something really weird and you kind of get dizzy?
Like having the cover of the Washington Post say, Google's listening, it's always been listening, totally illegally, criminally, beyond 1984, and that's the headline.
And I'm looking at that, and it's like, an NPR says the CIA kidnapped thousands of women and children, and men, and brainwashed them, and turned them into assassins?
Now we've always known that, but NPR would say that wasn't true, now they're saying it's all true!
CIA's secret quest for mind control, torture, LSD, and prisoner-in-chief.
And then it just goes on and on.
The New York Times comes out and says, we're gonna turn all your children into drag queens, and we're gonna make them the new rock stars, and we worship them, and men throw money at them, and it's pedophilic, and we love it.
There's an article out yesterday on that.
I mean, that's the level that we've gotten to
Because the globalists know we're exposing them.
They know their whole system's coming down.
And so, what can they do?
What can they do?
They can just try to suddenly
Normalize it.
They show Desmond is amazing.
Let's show that poor little victim.
He's 11 now.
He's been doing it since he was 8 years old.
His parents don't have jobs.
He goes to gay bars that are now pedo bars and dances half naked and men stick money in there.
And then he goes on TV with a convicted murderer that chopped up his boyfriend with an axe and a saw.
Who started the club kids movement about underage boys at gay clubs having sex.
And they parade them around like a Roman standard.
Or like pygmies cut your head off and parade around with your head on a stick.
They parade around with the kids.
And now, oh!
In major newspapers, like the Wichita, Kansas Eagle.
They're like, oh, local parents, when they take the kids on the field trip in elementary school to the library to sit on the lap of drag queens, they want background checks done.
That's homophobic.
We're not going to do background checks, is the question.
They won't even do background checks when the law says everybody else at the library has to have it.
You see?
And it turns out a large portion are convicted pedos.
Of course they are.
The two running, the Houston one, were both convicted child rapists.
One raped a six-year-old brutally, another an eight-year-old, and they, yes, they probably bust one out of ten pedos for each victim.
So, they'll victimize ten people before they get caught.
If you believe the statistics, these two had raped eighteen other children before they got caught.
And they have events where young children shake their asses.
In front of men, women, and children.
You watch these old ladies licking their lips and like rubbing themselves on the chairs.
Women are like getting off, men are getting off on little kids and it's, and their tongues come out like snakes.
And then now there's new videos of the kids get on top of the men.
They have erections and they ride them and everyone giggles and laughs.
It's very satanic.
It's very nasty.
It's very, it's very evil.
If you're a new listener and don't believe this, I understand why.
Let me start telling you what's coming up next, because there's just too much news here.
I'm going to... I'm going to finish up on Big Tech's conundrum, and who the players are battling for control of it, so we can navigate through this better and actually get some good results, in my view.
I'm going to do that briefly.
Then I'm going to hit
How the borders are open and how the wall has been blocked for Trump to build most of it.
They've shored up some areas.
And then we're going to look at what's happening in Europe and Turkey holding Europe hostage.
This is a big deal because this is the model of globalism.
And if the public's aware of this and if Congress is aware of this and if we mainline and normalize understanding this is a military attack, we can beat it very easily.
We've just got to wake up and then we're in that process.
And then they're going to have a new blood test.
This is mainstream news, and if the blood test comes back a certain way, they're going to take your guns.
No, it's not drugs!
No, no, no, wait.
Wait, wait, they're going to have a blood test to decide for red flags.
This is huge news next hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, on your mind.
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man.
You win some, you lose some, and you're the same to me.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
As we broadcast worldwide, I am your host, Alex Jones.
Next hour, I'm going to open the phones up, and I'm going to get into this critical report that I have right here in my stack.
There's going to be a forced blood test.
That's right.
On certain people in America.
And then, if the blood test says you've got a certain thing, they're going to take your guns.
Now that's in the Wall Street Journal, hidden in plain view.
Remember, my specialty is telling you what they're really saying in an article, because I have the backstory.
Six after next hour, I'm going to cover this.
And I'm not building suspense on purpose.
I've noticed if I just come out of there and go, oh, here's the court transcripts.
They admit they're keeping babies alive and selling their beating hearts to Stanford University.
Like, yeah, big deal.
If I build it up, then people care.
But it is huge, and it's the next level of this whole red flag thing.
I'll give you a little bit of a hint.
And it's bad news.
But just remember, just because Trump's being advised on something, like Bolton wanted to start World War 4, doesn't mean Trump's going to do it.
But we've got to stay in there, on his butt, and be the loyal opposition, so that Trump does the right thing.
That said, I've got a stack of news here on what the Democrats have been saying and doing.
They've gone from hiding their socialist and communist views to being public about it, and then now they're admitting they're into population control, aborting brown babies.
I mean, it's just... They've always been a bunch of mentally ill academics and rich robber barons financing the academics on power trips.
That's what Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein and all this is.
And they've just gone crazy.
And if you've ever been around one of these billionaires,
I know a few nice billionaires, but most of them are neurotic control freaks who just want to run everybody's lives.
And you give them this technocracy to try to do it, they are going to screw the planet up in a massive way.
Because even if you have a good emperor, he doesn't see through his bureaucracy what he's doing way down at the low level.
And how his decisions are being misinterpreted or manipulated or changed and then turning into something horrible.
Or how one decision that means well goes through a bunch of other lenses and then ends up breaking a bunch of things that were working to carry out the one thing you think is good.
There's a lot to complex civilization.
And all of this complexity and all of the computers and all of it is leading us to not live as long, to be more alone, to be very unhappy.
That's just a fact.
And it's because the way it's being implemented is fundamentally meant to automate humanity and flatten out humanity where everything can be pre-programmed and controlled.
And turning us into robots
Is a recipe for disaster and dystopia and a demonic de-evolution that will decimate our potential.
Now, again, I have so much news, I can't even cover it right now.
Why did I say I was going to cover it when I came back?
There's just too much here.
Is the New York Times endorsing Mao Zedong as a savior?
Or maybe Robert Mugabe last week?
I just don't know anymore.
I'm in the twilight zone.
But am I really?
David Rockefeller in 73 endorsed Mao and said his great leap forward and calls for revolution that killed 80 million people under him.
It's another 25 million.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, 25 million since then.
I just, it just makes my head spin.
We're going to get to all of that as well.
But right now, let's get to how we're being held hostage.
Investigation finds Trump administration hasn't built any new sections of wall.
Well, this is awkward, Paul Joseph Watson says.
And the article's linked up on Infowars.com.
But when you read, they want 500 miles by the end of the year.
They got 160-something built.
But the Border Patrol asked that they build it on the areas that were already damaged and basically non-existent, which were in the most critical areas up against major cities.
And so Trump is criticized for, quote, not building any new wall.
But that's like saying, well, you put new tires on the car that were about to blow out, but you didn't add more wheels on it.
Those tires were blown out, so we had to fix those tires.
Trump has tried to get the money to build the wall.
He's getting some of it from the Pentagon.
And the Democrats and the judges are violating it at every level.
And they're having to deal with eminent domain issues.
We're not a dictatorship.
But I get why Paul and the Daily Caller and everybody are being critical here.
Because the truth is, he's not getting his signature issue done.
But 160-something miles in the critical areas,
Is what percentage of 2,200 and something miles?
That's how long the Texas border from Texas to California is?
All I know is the Democrats want the wall completely gone.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
So I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
I can hand culture all day and say that Trump's doing a terrible job, but really, is he?
There's another article, again from Daily Caller, breaks it down.
Here's the latest update on the construction of Trump's border wall.
And it goes through it all.
Meanwhile, this is out of the News Trust.
credits Mexico, Reuters, Central America for sharp drop in border arrest.
And it's down massively.
64,000 people were detained and turned back over in August alone.
That's down 56% from July.
So when Trump says Mexico's doing a great job, first he said six months ago you're doing a horrible job, I'm gonna put tariffs on you.
And then Mexico put 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 30,000 troops down on their southern border.
You have the images of hordes of people from Africa, from Congo, where they had 2,000 die from Ebola in the last few months, showing up, trying to beat up the Mexican federal police.
I mean, that's crazy.
UN built conduits by plane into Guatemala.
Hundreds of thousands a month from Africa coming to get their free goodies in America.
That's insane!
That's untenable!
It's crazy!
Here's another story.
Federal judge reinstates order blocking Trump's immigration policy nationwide despite higher court rulings.
So what the media did is, a year ago they said there's no crisis at the border, there's no
Caravans, that was a total lie, and that Trump was crazy before the election.
Then once the election happened, they said, okay, it is a crisis, Trump caused it, when it was actually the UN funding it and running it.
And then now, Trump gets Mexico to cut back 50 plus percent of what's coming through, put a tourniquet around our leg, and they go, oh look, he says Mexico's doing a great job, but look, there's floods of people coming in, and they show year old footage!
It makes you love Trump.
It makes you want to defend Trump because all they do is lie.
It's like saying he had the Air Force stop at his airport and at his resort golf course in Scotland to make money.
Meanwhile the Air Force decided to land at that airport that Trump doesn't own.
Then the Air Force officers decided to stay at the hotel because it's one place hippies won't spit on them.
I stay at Trump Hotel in DC because
I'll shake a lot of hands at another hotel, but in many, I'll be basically thrown out of it.
I'll be harassed.
I'll be screamed at.
My food will be spit in.
I got to hide out in the conservative ghetto over at the Trump Hotel.
I'm being sarcastic.
It's very, very nice.
But Maxine Waters says don't let them go to gas stations, don't let them go out to eat, don't let them be in shopping malls.
I mean, and then conservatives try to go to his hotel.
Like Trump said, they've got great taste.
It is a very nice hotel.
I've been to quite a few of them.
And they're the bad guys.
But I mean, they're the ones that told us we got to hide from them.
Here's Maxine Waters.
Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up.
And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd.
And you push back on them.
And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.
All right, we're going to go to break and start the next hour.
I'm going to get into the clips where they're burning African migrants that come to South Africa, and it's the blacks doing it, but I found CNN saying whites are doing it.
In apartheid, former apartheid South Africa, migrants are being burned and killed dozens a day.
And I watched the whole report.
They never say it's black on black.
Well we're going to show you this coming up and the racist South Africans saying only kill whites, they deserve it.
Just to show you the brainwashing going on to the left.
Coming up and then your phone calls next hour.
Call a free number to join us.
First time callers on any of these issues.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I'm watching the midterms, then you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You bought
You bought a truck!
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Kidnapped children, a third of the kids with them are just kidnapped from Mexican and Guatemalan villages because Border Patrol's told just let them in if they've got a kid.
They did DNA testing, a third of the kids were kidnapped.
The kids would tell them in Spanish, I live in this village, my mommy, my mommy, haven't seen her in two weeks.
Some of the kids are brought back over and over again over the border and then sold back over as another ticket in.
They find little babies just dead thrown in the bushes.
But that's all local Texas news, local Arizona news.
You never see it on the national news because they're covering it up.
That's why they censor InfoWars.
Or they don't want us on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube.
Because we'll show you Jon Stewart saying none of it exists.
And then we'll just show you hours of new footage of it happening.
And the conservatives get mad at Trump.
And say, do something about it.
Well, Trump needed to do something about election fraud.
That's how the Democrats got the House.
On record, they stole that election, almost stole the Senate.
Then they had Velazey Ford get up there and lie on television about being assaulted.
Now her lawyer admits it was all done for Roe v. Wade.
They're a pack of criminals, in my view.
And so, yeah, hold Trump's peaceifier, I agree.
But remember, these Democrats are out of control.
I've got Bloomberg and AP saying they could have Texas go blue by next year.
Because the Democrats have collapsed California and now all the yuppies are moving here like locusts that just ate California.
And now they're gonna destroy Texas.
Big Bloomberg article yesterday on that.
And the average Texan I know is driving around in their F-150.
I know I am.
California was as conservative as we are in 1980, Jack.
By 2024, we're done.
They've got the numbers.
It's over.
Unless all conservatives get up off their asses, and I'm talking about my family, man.
I've got some great family that still have farms and ranches in the whole nine yards.
They're just like, it'll never happen.
I want to slap them across the table.
I want to jump on them, because if they got involved, if they put their money into fighting this crap, we wouldn't be here.
But you know what?
They could turn coal up their ass into diamonds.
The only thing they give their money to is Walmart.
That hates this country.
I'm telling you, all over East Texas, man, there's wealthy, well-to-do people.
They've got helicopters.
I know people who've got helicopters.
They own parts of huge tech companies.
And they go to the Kentucky Derby every year, and they wear their big hats.
Well, they've got a hundred... I'm talking about my family.
I know people who have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank.
They're all just secure, and they could turn diamonds in.
The crap.
That's what they've done.
They're just crapping all over the country.
You make me sick.
All you stupid so-called Republicans.
You're gonna destroy this country.
You're the enemy.
I can't stand you.
In fact, I won't even be around my family anymore.
If you don't take action to save this country, then damn you to hell!
All of you!
Be right back.
This is Paul Joseph Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now into hour number two.
Constitutional lawyer and a good talk show host, Robert Barnes, is going to be in studio with us right at the shotgun in the third hour.
Paul Joseph Watson, always loaded for bear, is going to be here during the fourth hour today, broadcasting worldwide.
Okay, let's get right into it.
I want to open the phones up for first-time callers in this hour.
Specifically, you can talk about whatever you want after you answer my question, but specifically, what do you think about the fact that the 50 state attorney generals led by Texas are filing suit in antitrust investigations of Big Tech?
I say great.
They're being coordinated by the attorney general.
Trump, reportedly, is imminently about to take action.
What do you think that action should be?
That's one of the big topics.
I also want to ask you, what do you think about only 165 miles of border wall being built, and it being built where existing wall was, but with Swiss cheese?
Well, that's what the Border Patrol asked for, but I think there should be more.
And Trump's getting all these billions from the Pentagon.
But again, isn't it really the Democrats that are blocking that?
Let's see it.
Because all his conservatives, including you name it, and Coulter, are getting mad at the President.
Is it really the president dropping the ball?
I just want to make sure that the heat goes on who's actually behind it.
And also when I get into the New York Times came out in a big report and they tweeted Praise for Mao Zedong as one of history's greatest revolutionary figures.
They also praised Robert Mugabe who killed tens of thousands of whites, ran millions off, killed millions of black people, devalued their currency to one one billionth of what it was worth.
I think it was worse than that like 125 billion or something.
It was like 25 billion to one.
It was even worse than Weimar Germany.
Why does the left love leftist dictators?
And again, they're showing you the article at the bottom of Paul's story.
Uh, where, um, they praised it back in 1973.
What I really want to show folks is the top story.
Document cam, shot please.
These folks watching are going to get confused.
We did that last hour.
They're going to go, well that's 1973, the New York Times praising him.
We put that in the article to show you David Rockefeller praising and saying this is the model he wants for America to show this isn't something new.
But there is a new
Article right here, New York Times praises mass murdering Mao as one of history's great revolutionary figures.
Forced to delete tweet after backlash.
We're going to be getting to all of that.
John Bolton is out.
How good is that news?
The war monger.
The guy we know that was leaking to sabotage the peace deals with North Korea.
The guy leaking trying to get us into all of these giant wars with Iran and didn't want us out of Syria.
Didn't want us out of Afghanistan.
That's one of Trump's biggest pluses.
He's trying to get us out of these countries.
Shame on the left not supporting him for that.
Shame on you, left.
Toll free number to join us.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's a number you can call in on.
So that we can have you on the show.
First-time callers.
And I still make you sit on hold a long time, as we get 20 calls at a time.
But I'm getting better about it, so we'll go right to your calls on any of those big, giant subjects.
And this subject as well, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a big tech story, but it deals with another type of big tech.
No, it's not Google, it's not Apple, though they're getting into that business.
And Facebook's getting into the health business as well.
Remember this headline yesterday?
Google is always listening.
Now it's watching, too, with the Nest Hub Max.
No, it's not that story.
Apps may tell Facebook about the last time you had sex, Daddy Finds.
No, it's not that story.
It's this story out of the Wall Street Journal.
We're going to get into the rest of the story on it, as Paul Harvey would say.
Blood tests could help identify troops suffering from PTSD.
Now, we've seen a bunch of companies come and go that claim they can tell you if you're prone to cancer or when you're going to get cancer with a blood test.
And just like 100 years ago, they came out with lie detectors.
A few decades later, the FBI was... A decade later, the 20s was founded.
And it was a fraud.
I mean, it would give you some indicator if somebody was upset about a certain question so you could bluff them into admitting that they'd lied.
It was a good con artist tool, but not accurate to even 80% and easy to get false positives.
So a lot of innocent people went to their deaths because of it.
Well, we don't need those!
We've just got all these so-called diagnostic systems where one machine or one computer tells you magically, pie in the sky.
You know, psychology is only 200 years old, developed in Germany.
Because the Prussians wanted to learn how to make their soldiers act like automatons, was the word they used.
The old Greek term before they had robots, they had automatons.
They already had the idea of a programmed human that didn't have a brain and could be basically told what to do and would carry it out like a mindless drone.
So the Germans...
In the military district of Prussia, the most dominant in the kingdom of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they wanted robot men.
They wanted automatons.
And so they created psychology.
And then people came along like Sigmund Freud, obsessed with his poo-poo, and then had whole systems obsessed with genitals and poo-poo, and that other people were obsessed with God being dead, or life and death, or others were obsessed with staring into the abyss.
And Carl Jung was obsessed with archetypes and pre-programs in our brain, which is very accurate.
So they were projections onto things that already existed and named real things going on, but that acted like they had invented them.
As if bipolar really is a thing, or schizophrenic really is a thing.
It's a whole bunch of things.
Are they poisoned?
Are they genetically inbred?
Are they really being influenced by something?
Is it a spirit?
Is it a dimensional program?
Why are the archetypes so strong, even beyond what's in our genetics?
There's an interface.
And they all know this, and so psychology, psychiatry, became a tool of oppression.
Well, now they've got all these diagnostic robots and machines that tell you things.
And they keep coming out with these, and the companies make tens of billions in the stock market, and then quietly they collapse because they're frauds.
Because any real expert will tell you, there's a lot of
Mitigating things, schools of thoughts, overlaying systems.
Real experts will usually tell you, I don't know or it depends on it.
There's other facets that tie into it, not just here it is.
So first off, they name it post-traumatic stress disorder.
And certainly some people get in enough fights and enough things that their brain re-gears to crises and they get very aggressive very quickly.
And people can get shell-shocked, they can get traumatized.
But to say they've got a blood test for PTSD that a company has, and then they say, well, if you've got PTSD, you shouldn't be in the military or you shouldn't be able to own a gun.
And now if you want to be politically targeted, well they go in for the diagnostic machine, they preset it so that when they do the test, which is a fraud to begin with in my view, now they can take your guns.
And that's actually what, if you read through the HARPA program, through DARPA, being set up by two former Obama administration officials and pitched to Trump by Ivanka, they say with blood tests and brain scans and diagnostics and
Fitbits, and iPhones, and iWatches, and Droids, and Google Assist, and Google Nest, and Alexa, Amazon, that they're listening and will know microaggressions, and anger, and voice, and put into a scoring for a psychological social score to decide whether or not you can own a gun, or what your insurance is going to be.
Why would anyone let a multinational corporation's ally with China have devices
Listening and watching you in your home.
Well, now it's our troops first who are held captive and who we're told don't have rights, which they do.
If a vaccine or something's experimental, the military can't force you to have it.
And courts have ruled that.
But they lie to the troops, tell them to do it.
And then they experiment on them with anthrax shots that kill a bunch, you name it.
Anthrax can live 20,000 years in the ground.
You can't microwave it or radiate it and get rid of it.
There's no way to attenuate it.
I had medical doctors on for the Pentagon back in the 90s and back in the 2000s.
They did two rounds and killed tens of thousands of troops, including officers that took it.
Because anthrax is a microscopic plant family spore that basically can only be killed if you dissect it.
And it's microscopic.
You have to cut it in half.
It's a zombie cell.
I haven't gotten there yet though.
Understand, I'm going to get to this article in your calls.
They're saying that if we say with a blood test that you've got PTSD because there's certain chemicals in the body associated with people that have been in high-stress situations, then we're going to take your guns.
When anybody will tell you, anybody that's been through a lot of crises and a lot of trauma, who didn't become victims but overcame it, became even stronger, but do have those chemicals in your body of accelerated aggression.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
They're only words!
You can't be afraid of words that speak the truth.
Even if it's an unpleasant truth, like the fact that there's a bigot and a racist in every living room on every street corner in this country.
I don't like words that hide the truth.
I don't like words that conceal reality.
I don't like euphemisms or euphemistic language.
And American English is loaded with euphemisms.
Because Americans have a lot of trouble dealing with reality.
Americans have trouble facing the truth.
So they invent the kind of a soft language to protect themselves from it.
And it gets worse with every generation.
For some reason, it just keeps getting worse.
I'll give you an example of that.
There's a condition in combat.
Most people know about it.
It's when a fighting person's nervous system has been stressed to its absolute peak and maximum.
Can't take any more input.
The nervous system has either snapped or is about to snap.
In the First World War, that condition was called Shell Shock.
Simple, honest, direct language.
Two syllables.
Almost sounds like the guns themselves.
That was 70 years ago.
Then a whole generation went by, and the Second World War came along, and the very same combat condition was called battle fatigue.
Four syllables now.
Takes a little longer to say.
Doesn't seem to hurt as much.
Fatigue is a nicer word than shock.
Shell shock.
Battle fatigue.
Then we had the war in Korea in 1950.
Madison Avenue was riding high by that time.
And the very same combat condition was called operational exhaustion.
Hey, we're up to eight syllables now!
And the humanity has been squeezed completely out of the phrase.
It's totally sterile now.
Operational exhaustion.
Sounds like something that might happen to your car!
Then of course came the war in Vietnam, which has only been over for about 16 or 17 years, and thanks to the lies and deceit surrounding that war, I guess it's no surprise that the very same condition was called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Still eight syllables, but we've added a hyphen!
And the pain is completely buried under jargon.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
I'll betcha if we'd have still been calling it shell shock, some of those Vietnam veterans might have gotten the attention they needed at the time.
I'll betcha that.
I'll betcha that.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
But now, ladies and gentlemen, now we're in the position
Where if people have been hurt in combat or they've been traumatized, we're going to statistically say, take the veterans' guns.
It was Bill Clinton before he left office, took the guns from hundreds of thousands of veterans because they had PTSD but hadn't threatened anybody.
And again, PTSD, I think it's quantifiable, it's a whole group of syndromes and problems and people that are burnt out or hurt or who've been exhausted or who have short fuses.
Statistically, veterans commit very low numbers of crimes.
Statistically, the NRA members have never committed a mass shooting.
But they've been listed as terrorists by the government of San Francisco.
And the Democratic Party at the national level says they want the NRA banned.
They want the NRA to lose their credit cards and their ability to process money.
And I can tell you InfoWars is in the same position.
They've taken a bunch of our bank accounts.
They've taken a bunch of our merchant accounts.
We were down to one merchant account last year.
It would have had to shut down.
Now we've got some backups that have to pay a higher percentage on them.
Because G2 out of Boston, a financial group with ties to the CIA, said in reports, secret reports to banks we got copies of, that we have perfect credit.
The best you can get.
Financial credit.
As a company.
Free speech systems.
We have a hate designation, so on a scale of one to ten, we're an eight and a half in the area of drug dealers and foreign governments like Iran.
Invisible, secret sanctions on veterans.
On gun owners, on police officers.
Retired police officers are being targeted.
Anybody that will challenge a globalist takeover of this country.
Anybody they think is loyal to the United States of America and to their own hide.
Their own common sense.
Anybody that doesn't want AOC's Green Deal that will bankrupt the nation.
And Joe Biden trying to one-up all of it!
And saying, I'll get rid of all fossil fuels!
That's 80 plus, it's almost 81% if you look at the numbers nationwide.
80% of the energy is from oil, natural gas or coal.
Less than 20% is from hydroelectric and wind power and thermal.
From the earth.
And China is even more on fossil fuels than we are.
Of course, nuclear.
Don't forget that.
Now, what is it?
France is like 60% nuclear?
And they've always got leaks going on?
Something like 90% of reactors are leaking?
CBS News reports around the world?
Oh, but we can't have our fossil fuels that are so damn clean now.
We have, for 20 years, coal plants.
That nothing comes out of them but water vapor and carbon dioxide.
And they know you won't believe water's poisonous, so they said, oh, the toxic waste!
And Obama passed laws and regulations that carbon dioxide's a poison, and they put a tax on it, and they shut down more than 5,000 plants.
And your energy prices went up, didn't they?
Way up.
They doubled many areas.
And what did Biden say two days ago?
I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel.
But only for America.
Foreign enemies couldn't do anything close to that.
And it should make you mad.
And you know our number one victory in M4 is that we have earnest, we're upset, we're focused, and we're out of our comfort zones, and we're agitated, and we're waking other people up to get upset and do something about it!
Our ass is in the dirt, in the mud, up to its assholes, but we can get together, get pissed, and drag this car out with human power out of the mud.
We've got the power easily.
But we've got to have the will to take action.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with your phone calls and get into Bolton and why he resigned and the latest on InfoWars.com, Kit Daniels' report, Bolton resigns over leaks to the press in addition to war advocacy.
We're going to go to break.
But I want to tell listeners we're about to have to end the special on the latest product, Super Silver Skin Cream, that is less than half the price of the Super Silver Wound Gel, but they had to go through FDA approval for over-the-counter, the big national company that lets us private label.
We had the idea over a year ago to put out skin cream with hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, and other key things that are going to be good for the skin, with
The nano salt silver patented the best that's out there that's in hospitals, you name it.
But because you have to go through all the approval and stuff for over-the-counter and to be seen as a drug like the super silver wound gel that we also sell, we can sell it for less than half the price because it doesn't cost us $13, $14 a bottle.
It cost us, for the big tubes, $6, $7.
It costs for the little tubes, $3.
We're selling you the little tubes for $7 and change.
The big tubes for $14 and change.
Nobody can top this.
Little bottles of hyaluronic acid, so good for your skin.
Women buy it for $20, little bitty tubes.
I was asking my wife.
I went to Ulta last night to check it.
I forgot to bring the tubes on air to show you.
$20 for little tubes.
This has the hyaluronic acid soak up your skin, the best silver there is, and a bunch of vitamins.
And there's big old tubes over $14!
We gotta sell a lot to fund our operation.
Get in there.
I'm not metrosexual.
Get it.
I don't want to take care of my skin, dammit.
Oh, let's become metrosexual.
I'm joking.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, in literal defiance of globalist decrees and criminal members of the House and Senate, like Wyden and Blumenthal, demanding that we be removed from the Internet,
We are still on the air on hundreds of radio stations, hundreds of TV stations, and streaming to millions of people at infowars.com forward slash show.
Thanks to you and your support.
I salute you and I thank you, but always remember that they want us silenced so that we can't challenge their lives in the future because they know everything they're doing is coming out.
Our credibility is stratospheric and they can't stop it.
Thank you.
We're each other's hands.
All right, let's race through calls here.
John and Zach and Misty and Lori and Tad and Joshua and Casey and Matt.
And then that'll be it for calls, so nobody has to hold.
But I'm getting to everybody before Robert Barnes joins us in studio.
We're going to have open the phones up later this week for two hours to ask your legal questions of Barnes, who's also a historian.
And let me tell you, a smart guy, because a lot of people have more knowledge than I do on specific areas.
When it comes to large general knowledge, I have quite a bit of knowledge.
Sometimes I kind of flip facts around or get things wrong.
We all make mistakes.
But I shoot from the hip sometimes.
But Barr's a smart guy.
And we've got some big announcements.
We're going to file suit Thursday on some globalists.
Some other big lawsuits are coming next week.
And you can see people are fighting back.
The NRA's filed suit against San Francisco for listing them as a terrorist organization.
MSNBC's being sued by One American News for saying they're Russian agents.
You know what happens when the media says you're a Russian agent?
G2 out of Boston pushed you down as a Russian agent.
And you lose your job.
Of course, it's from the left that claimed McCarthy came after them.
McCarthy didn't do one-tenth of what they've done.
And they were actually communist.
On the Russian payroll!
These people make me sick.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me.
First time caller.
Been listening for about 18 months.
Who do you think will replace Bolton in the long run?
Well, we need Senator Paul in the Senate, but he's a really good international hand at things.
Seems really smart and level-headed and kind of augments Trump's worldview that is very close to mine geopolitically.
Who else do you think would be good?
I mean, who is there to draw from in the Pentagon who's not a neocon or a Democrat party hack?
Who comes to mind for you?
That's a great question.
That's the thing, I can't even think of anyone right now in the intelligence or even the executive office of the State Department that's not an absolute swamp rat.
You know, you've got somebody like Tony Schafer, wouldn't be who you, because they'd say he was only a colonel and too young.
But I bet Schafer, Trump should call Schafer, because he's dialed into the people that are pro-America, peace through strength, but at the same time don't want to start a world war and aren't psychotic.
I think Tony Schafer, Trump's people ought to contact him and see who he thinks in the officer corps or other areas would be good.
We could also get a civilian like Bolton.
The problem is most of those come out of
Harvard, Yale, or out of the Chicago Business School of Strauss, who believed Hitler was good, just, you know, was racist, so he didn't agree with that.
That's a great question.
I mean, how does Trump draw somebody good when there's almost no one?
Yeah, and the deputy they have behind him, who's going to be the acting director, is
Pretty much from the military-industrial conflicts, too.
He was President of Boeing.
What was your point on Bernie Sanders and the left praising dictators?
Did you see Bernie Sanders recently?
Said what you want about China, but they've done more than any other civilization to lift people out of poverty in the last 20 years or so.
I did see that quote and I meant to
Play that and forgot to tell the crew.
You guys find that clip from a few days ago where he said, that's when I saw it, he said, China has done more to lift people out of poverty than any other civilization.
That's exactly what David Rockefeller wrote in 73 when Mao died, praising it, saying the Great Leap Forward and everything was wonderful.
It killed 85 million people.
And then the New York Times praised it again.
The story's on Infowars.com, calling him one of history's greatest revolutionary figures.
Totally disgusting.
Thank you so much for the call.
Lori in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, thanks for calling.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
I'm good, thank you.
I was wondering, do you think that Donald Trump, President Donald Trump, is going to do anything about the red flag laws?
I can't believe Lindsey Graham is actually pushing for that.
Do you think he'll do anything?
Well, it starts destroying due process.
Some of these red flag laws are just more attention to people that actually make threats.
And so they're just passing a law to say follow the law.
Kind of like Congress is trying to pass the Born Alive Act.
There's already law saying don't kill a born baby.
They're trying to pass a law so seven states that have passed these laws on red flags will stop killing babies after they're born.
Some of the same seven states have passed the red flag laws that are very draconian and kill due process.
So yes,
We need to see that battled through the courts.
And the Supreme Court needs to overturn that.
And Trump certainly doesn't need to be signaling support for it.
He's reversed support for it once he found out what it was and that it wouldn't have saved anybody.
So that's good news.
But now they've repackaged it again as digital red flag surveillance through big tech to take guns.
So they're definitely pushing the end of due process.
Well that's good to hear.
It is good that Trump is, at least for now, saying he doesn't support us.
But it shows what they're pushing.
What do you think about Trump and his inability to get them to get him the funding he needs to actually build 2,000 miles of wall?
They've only built 160 miles.
They just got funding for another...
160 plus out of three plus billion dollars of Pentagon money.
I mean, I don't think you can really criticize Trump because he's got the courts in Congress blocking him and I think he's done what he could so far.
Yeah, exactly.
And if we, you know, if America would have had that money that Obama gave to Iran in the middle of the night when we were all sleeping, I mean, he would easily have the money for the wall.
Great point, Lori.
Thank you for the call.
You know, that's really it, is that we've seen trillions given in foreign aid in the last few decades, and then we can't have $20 billion to build the wall, that's what it's going to cost?
Trump says he's getting $20 billion to build it one way or the other.
Because a few years ago it was going to be $12 billion.
Now it's $20 billion.
Whatever, folks.
They're assaulting sovereignty.
The UN says we can't have a border.
We need it as a symbol of sovereignty.
And if you put the Army Corps of Engineers in there and declare a proper national emergency, a real one, you can do it.
It needs to be done.
Because when your border's being overrun, that's a national emergency in the Constitution.
And that's the executive branch and the military's mission is to secure that border.
And Trump's been trying to call them home from Afghanistan and places to build the damn thing.
We spend $90 billion a year for 18 years.
It's got to be 19 in Afghanistan.
It's a trillion dollars now.
A trillion dollars, but we can't get $20 billion for the damn wall.
Excuse my French.
Let's go to Misty in West Virginia.
Misty, thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, ma'am, I can.
Thanks for calling.
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So, thank you, thank you for your great product.
So, my question, in reference to the 50 state and territory launch, the massive joint probe into Google.
We know that Google's attorneys are extremely familiar with handling antitrust probes by now.
So, my question was, like, how did the Attorney General decide to initiate this sort of probe?
Like, all at one time?
I mean, because...
It just seems suspicious to me because this has been going on.
I think they publicly confirmed in July the Antitrust Division was digging into a widespread concern.
Misty, don't hang up because this is one of those times where I can absolutely answer your questions.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen, right here on The Alex Jones Show.
Well, you learn it here first.
We've been saying that Bolton was going to be out soon.
That he was the main suspect going back to last year and this year for sabotaging the peace deal with North Korea.
And that he's been the leaker on so many other things.
Trying to keep us in Afghanistan.
Trying to keep us in Syria.
And a lot of other messes that we've been in for almost 20 years.
Syria that Obama engineered and got us into on the side of Al Qaeda and ISIS.
A caller, we're going to go to her in a moment, Misty just brought up, why are all Attorney Generals doing it at once?
What's going on?
Well, I've got the answer to that with this whole antitrust situation that's so critical for all of our free speech, for not being spied on.
Breaking these companies up and getting them to behave in an Americana fashion, not a Chai Com fashion, is critical because that fight's going on over the heart and soul of it.
Imagine big tech and the infrastructure as a woman and you've got
China is
Randall Wilhite wrote the Texas Family Code the last decade or so, the last four or five legislatures every two years.
Certify, he codifies it all and his name is put on the family code.
You just pull up Texas Family Code, it says Randall B. Wilhite on there.
He's the top family law lawyer in Texas, really smart guy, very patriotic, very Christian.
He's a UT professor, good friend of mine.
And he's had to go to the UT sleep study.
He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, but for years he stayed up all night.
He used to be Racehorse Hanes' protégé.
He was as good a criminal lawyer at one time as Racehorse Hanes.
He just couldn't handle it anymore.
He said he got sick of it, this family law.
And he stayed up so many nights not sleeping that he got to where he can't sleep.
Nothing worked.
Not sleeping pills, none of it.
He took Knockout with valerian root, L-tryptophan, melatonin, and five other ingredients that are all natural, and he can start sleeping again.
Got a 91% review rate, 4.5 stars.
Now, this is all herbal, it's all natural.
Some batches are stronger than others.
Some batches, one pill knocks you on your butt, some batches, two do it.
But my wife's had trouble sleeping.
And after she probably was on it, because we've been together, I've been, you know, divorced five years.
I met her right after I was getting divorced, during the divorce.
I've been with her six years.
She's been taking it about four years.
And she said, about a year ago, she says it stopped working.
I said, well, it's a chemical thing.
And so if you're still drinking all this caffeine, doing all this stuff, yeah, it's chemical.
Gotta get off of it a while.
She went off in a few months, it works again.
But I'm telling you, I told Will Hite, again, about a year ago, and he said, yeah, it's still working pretty good, but why isn't it working as good?
And I said, well, you had chemical imbalances, obviously, and problems.
These chemicals flipped it back the other way, but whatever's going on in your body, you know, after a while it doesn't work anymore.
Everybody knows that about drugs, or in this case, Mother Nature.
But I said, start taking fish oil.
I don't
These products work together.
The krill oil, the fish oil.
Ours is the best, but any of it out there is good.
And things like knockout.
Nobody decided to put all eight known natural ingredients to make you sleep better.
From valerian root to L-tryptophan to melatonin in one bottle.
Uh, and again, you'll build a tolerance to it.
You know, it's true.
First time you take Knockout, you know, one pill, I was like, whoa, what the hell?
Six months later, I gotta take two.
Uh, but then I bring the fish oil in, a lot of nights don't even need the Knockout to get that dead sleep.
It's so refreshing, so delicious, where you don't want to get out of bed.
You know, when you've had bad sleep, it's easy to get out of bed.
So, I'm gonna quit plugging.
They're great products.
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Get an additional 10% off.
And never forget to support the broadcast.
Without you, we will be shut down.
With your help, we'll keep fighting through.
So, thank you.
Going back to Misty.
Misty, the Attorney General and Robert Barnes has been in on some of this as well.
He'll be in there next hour.
The Attorney General Barr, at Trump's behest, met with Ken Paxton, who's heading up the 50 Attorney Generals.
And so this is a coordinated effort through Trump, so that the states are doing it, so he can point and say, look, the states are doing it, that'll then augment a federal approach that we're told will be announced within two weeks to a month.
And there's a big article on Infowars.com, report Trump's set to take action on big tech censorship.
And it goes, now this better happen, because they've been sandbagging the president, blocking him.
But so, the state approaches are very good so far.
They're very serious.
People understand how bad these people are for business, how they're monopolies, how they've lied to Congress, how they're stealing elections, how they're sabotaging state elections.
So there's real will to do this, plus the EU and the CHICOMs are already regulating it.
And so by us not coming in with prohibitive regulations, saying don't regulate,
We let China come and run our system.
And that argument I put forward is the proper argument, is the truthful argument, I can tell you has affected Congress.
I had three separate law firms prepare documents, get them to the President in the last two years.
That was one of the last straws was when the Chief of Staff Kelly discovered that I had a top D.C.
law firm that's done work with the President, I'll leave it at that, send them a report that I paid for.
So, I'm not bragging, but let me tell you, we're on the job here.
We're fighting hard for our own future and your future.
So, I can see how all 50 together, and it looks weird, and you know, who knows, and could the states mess up the federal action?
I'm told by high-level sources that's not the case.
We'll certainly find out.
What do you think?
Well, that's why I asked you.
I don't know what to think anymore.
I think a lot of us who I guess have always kind of like fallen into that left-right paradigm ideology have found like this new hope that Trump may be the one that will make things, you know, will bring change.
But it's really disheartening.
You know, I live in West Virginia.
I just recently moved back a couple years ago, but I was born here.
Uh, third world living conditions here in this state.
We have communities
They have no running water and sewer running straight into the riverway.
No, I understand.
American infrastructure is shutting down while Chinese infrastructure explodes.
We were sold out.
Trump is trying to make a better deal.
He is trying to reverse it.
But he's been a day late and a dollar short because of the time he got in.
He is definitely the guy putting the foot in the door.
But it's really up to us.
God bless you and I appreciate your call.
You're absolutely right.
It's just devastating what's been done by design.
By the elites.
The average person in New York is great.
The average person in LA is great.
But the elites on the coastlines call us scum, call us idiots, bitter clingers, and they have shut our resources off to bring us under their control.
And now they admit, the Federal Reserve says, we'll bankrupt the economy to teach Trump.
And these Hollywood people say, we need a depression to teach these Midwesterners and these Texans.
While people from their states flee to us because we're in better position than they are!
Except for the elites and their hundred million dollar penthouses.
We need America to come together against the globalists and against these billionaires that don't pay taxes and then sell us Bernie Sanders telling us get rid of the middle class.
These people know what they're doing.
They're monsters!
All right, let's go to Matt in California.
Says he was at the border last week.
Saw the wall.
Your take on the wall.
The Border Patrol said we need these high traffic areas that are like Swiss cheese rebuilt.
That makes sense.
Like if the drawbridge is blown up and the main gate's blown off, and the King says to the troops, what do you need?
Fix the main gate first, then fix the other holes.
Doesn't that make sense?
Yeah, I mean, it looks great to me.
Everything I can see down there.
Miles and miles and miles down in TJ and all the way out east.
Big, big, nice wall.
And it's kind of crazy because I went down there for a vacation, actually, believe it or not.
Kind of fun down there.
And used to be that there was like a giant shanty town of like corrugated iron, staple together and just patch together with, you know, graffiti all over it.
And now, for whatever reason, it doesn't even appear that they're
They're graffitying it, because maybe they recognize that it actually looks better than what they had before, and it's kind of a nice situation.
What Trump should do is forget about buying Iceland.
He should buy Baja, man.
That place is sick.
It sure is nice.
Baja's amazing.
And expanding on that.
All the whales and stuff on the coast.
I've been there once.
It's beautiful.
We need Greenland because of all the natural gas, all the oil.
We could probably get a deal for nothing.
Eisenhower wanted to buy it.
So did Harry Truman.
And it's just absolutely critical.
And that's how we expanded our country, was buying it.
So they're like, Trump's crazy!
He says we ought to breathe oxygen!
Ho ho ho!
I mean, they just attack everything.
He does, but yeah, one reason they're not spray painting it is you use half as much resources and it slaps.
So it's basically like bars.
And so that's another reason that they're not graffitiing it is because the graffiti doesn't really show up as well.
Yeah, I got another thing.
I wonder if there's a way that we could make
President, you know how when you get a new phone, you port your contact over and you port your phone number over?
Is there a way that we could do that with social media?
Hold on.
Elaborate on this.
I want to hear this.
I want to hear this when we come back.
Because this sounds like an interesting idea.
And then, Robert Barnes is in the studio.
We'll talk to Casey, Joshua, Tad, and everybody else.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting frat.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
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We're good.
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With these products I take, I religiously remember to take them.
It makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, we get a lot of great ideas and a lot of amazing statements from our audience.
But what Matt just said in California really made a light bulb go off.
Above my head, because we're getting ready to file a lawsuit against Facebook.
And we know we probably won't even win it, but it builds a body of law.
You get more information.
You understand what's going on.
You're able to educate the public.
Some of these suits we think we're going to win.
Filing a couple this week, some next week.
We have to do it.
And it takes money, but the lawyers are doing it at cost.
But look at the phone companies.
Remember how they used to wouldn't let you have your phone number?
And they'd jack up the prices?
Over the years.
And then finally Congress passed a law saying port your phone number by law over.
Remember, iPhones particularly wouldn't let you transfer over to a Droid.
There's been lots of stuff like that.
But then laws got passed that no, you gotta let it move over.
At first only iPhones worked on AT&T.
Remember all that?
So they could gouge you.
Hoarding the number over, how about if Facebook laws are passed that they have to let you download your information and move it off, and they have to get rid of it?
Because they keep your data.
Again, my wife's tried to get rid of her Facebook, they won't do it.
You think you've deleted it, you still get messages saying, hey, a year ago this, two years ago that, enticing you to go log back in.
You're like, it's suddenly there.
Oh, they deleted it first!
And then think you forget and say,
Remember you with your boyfriend five years ago?
Remember you and you had that baby two years ago?
It was the day, and the AI is hitting you up, and then all of a sudden you're back on it.
It's like a drug dealer.
Hey, you've been off cocaine for a while, or heroin.
Want some more?
But imagine if Congress passed law saying, hey, as part of people opting in and posting all their photos and all their stuff, they have to have an option to download all their material and port it over and move it.
In whatever format they want, and then delete it.
Because we need laws that they'll get rid of it.
They've been abusing that.
We need consumer protection.
It's the balance.
I'm not an anarchist.
I'm a libertarian conservative.
Total freedom is anarchy and death and warlords.
And then of course, the other side is communism, command and control, nightmare system.
I want to be close to over here by anarchy, but you know.
Not over here, in communism.
But I want laws to protect my rights and enshrine my rights, not destroy my rights.
So that's a great idea.
And the more consumers talk about this, the more we debate big tech, the more we talk about how they're robbing us, how they're listening to us, how they're spying on us, the more it becomes main lines we can have a debate.
I've had, just a year ago, media attack me and go, Jones claims they're listening and watching you!
We're not laughing now, because they've got to normalize it.
Okay, we've been listening to you for years.
Big deal.
So that's a great idea, Matt.
Elaborate on that.
Yeah, well, I just think that, you know, with the precedent already set for the phone, you kind of get a good legal angle there.
And then a lot of people are so invested in Facebook or YouTube or any other platform, it's like the amount of effort it would take you to actually join another one and actually have competition, let's say a new one
I'm stoked on that thing by the way.
Thanks for getting that going.
Anybody, go check that out.
Really great.
Can't wait till it fills up more and gets more people on there.
I mean right now it's Will Johnson, Paul Watson, myself.
I was shorter David.
We're going to be adding a lot more contributors on there very soon.
And it just works better than Infowars.com forward slash show.
Plus it's not censored as much.
And so on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, it's something you can share that they haven't put in the blacklist yet.
That's why it's exciting.
Yeah, it's really fun.
Everybody should go there.
It's very comfortable when you get on there.
You just see like a lot of the videos you're used to and you can't wait till it gets populated completely.
Anyway, so another thing is I think that a big, big blind spot is everybody's, you know, complaining about global warming and, you know, whether it is or doesn't happen or whatever.
I mean, if you really think we're going to make it that far with AI, we need to get as leaked out as the left does about AI.
Like we need a Paris Accord saying, look,
This is obviously, it's an arms race that we're all in and everybody's going for it.
And if we continue down the road, we're all going to die.
So why don't we all come to some kind of agreement?
Obviously, people are going to be cheating on us.
Hold on, stay there.
I'm years behind doing it.
I promise it's coming soon, just like Will Johnson's show launched a year late.
We are going, get his number, get his number.
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
We think.
Just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will swiftly be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen,
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
And that promo is probably seven years old.
And we are the resistance.
Now the left says they're the resistance.
No, we've barely got a president in.
Texas is set to turn blue, all the demographics show, with leftists fleeing California.
And we're barely alive.
We're starting to fight back.
We're at least awake.
But we woke up with a bunch of Lilliputians feeding off of us.
Constitutional lawyer, criminal lawyer, First Amendment lawyer, all the top ones in the country.
Robert Barnes is here with us in studio Thursday.
We're filing some major suits.
Next week there'll be more.
We'll have those announcements.
We'll have huge coverage election night with our crew on the ground.
I still haven't decided if I'm going to go or not.
In Houston, Texas, for the Democrat big debate.
We'll have live coverage of that at InfoWars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
We've had callers calling in.
They're confused, like when I called you yesterday and some others.
And I said, is it good, all 50 states?
I know Ken Paxton met with the Attorney General.
What's your inside baseball?
I know you go to a lot of these RNC events, talk to a lot of high-level folks.
And you basically repeated what my other source in the White House said, that no, Trump's saying take action.
Anti-trust is only part of it.
They're looking at espionage like Huawei, action against Google and Apple.
I mean, the gloves are really getting ready to come off in a lot of levels.
Tim Cook's been cozying up and ass-kissing.
I know Trump's mad at Twitter as well.
So kind of describe what's going on here and your take on this report on InfoWars.com.
Report, Trump's set to take action on big tech censorship.
We need to get this article out.
So Barnes, cover the waterfront on this because for those that don't know, you may not use Google, it doesn't matter.
70% of people only get their news from Google or from Facebook and they can skew that as we've documented, as Professor Robert Epstein has.
So clearly even The Guardian says that...
The reckoning's here, but will it be the left and the globalists that remake big tech even worse during this investigation?
Or will it turn out for the better?
What's currently happening?
Is it about to take place?
How does it unfold?
And then what would you do?
How would you prosecute this war to restore our elections and stop the spying and Google going, OK, we're listening to everything you do for years?
You know, they're kind of trying to normalize last minute, like when you open the door and the guy's on top, your wife.
Uh, you know, they're having sex, you can see it, and he kind of jumps off and says, oh, I'm just her guru, or, uh, you know, she was depressed, I'm helping her, I really respect you.
I mean, so, so, they're in the act of screwing us right now.
I mean, no doubt about that.
I mean, but what's been critical about all of this is that there's been a steady escalation of what's taking place.
So first, you know, Trump invited people into the White House.
Before that, he was even using the bully pulpit a little bit to try to get coercive action, but was unable to be successful in that regard because they were just too arrogant, too insolent, too so far beyond.
They're like a little kid that's never had consequence, never had punishment, never had discipline.
That's what big tech is, and they're often run by big little kids.
Think of spoiled, rotten 15-year-olds on LSD and amphetamines.
And someone who's been able to get away with everything they've ever done.
And they've never faced meaningful punishment, meaningful consequence to bad conduct.
And so he went from there, then he went to the personal meetings, then he went to threatening and leaking that they might do a federal action, then they actually did do federal action, then they talked about possibly state attorney generals maybe getting involved.
Then they had a meeting to get them involved.
Attorney General Barr then goes and attends that meeting, and then coordinates it, and then it escalates to everybody.
Why this is consequential?
Just think about it.
The way I look at it is, if I was general counsel for Google, or for Facebook, or for any of these organizations, these big tech institutions, how would I approach this?
And now the focus is there on all these crimes they're committing, the secret spying, the working with the CHICOMS.
The heat we've been putting on, and this show's been Central, so has RegReport.com, so has Tucker Carlson.
The heat you, the audience, has been putting on it is now, it's like Force 10 from Navarone, which is based on a composite of first stories.
They go blow up this dam in Serbia, okay, to flood the Nazis.
But when they first detonate the bomb, they don't see it collapse right away, and they start throwing fits.
And the guy that planted the bombs, or the expert, says, relax, give it a minute.
This is going to take time to cook a goose.
No doubt.
And they've already previewed what their problems are.
Because the earlier congressional investigations, the hearings that you attended up in D.C., what they did is they tended to obfuscate, they tended to obstruct, they tended to commit perjury.
They may have suborned perjury from other personnel, and they've done this repeatedly in the congressional hearings.
Well, how is that going to work when you have 50 different state criminal investigations, civil investigations, regulatory investigations, plus multiple agencies conducting multiple investigations at the federal level, and the Department of Justice engaged in a massive antitrust investigation?
Because each of these laws are different.
Each state has its own principles and policies, its own applicable laws.
It varies depending on which state is there.
You're subject to massive risk of massive exposure from all sides politically, from all angles legally, and the net effect of that is that you're put into a very protective position where you've already shown that what you tend to do is you tend to create more problems for yourself by obfuscating, obstructing, perjuring, lying, misleading, deceiving, which is precisely what they did
Throughout all the congressional hearings over the last three years.
So they got a tiger by the tail?
No doubt about it.
I mean, they should be in, there's going to be, their external face is going to be they're not worried, they're not afraid, they're not concerned.
They can't have any other external face.
But internally it's chaotic.
Because none of this was being predicted within the big... Well our Google whistleblowers tell us that.
They'll have major outages now and just don't care.
And they're reportedly so rich and so drugged out,
I mean, imagine, like, their lower-level owners are worth, like, $2 or $3 billion.
There's something like 50 people worth a billion dollars in Google.
Some of them are worth $50 billion, $80 billion.
And these people are in la-la land, man.
And they have been so insolent for so long, they did not get the message.
When Trump gave them chance after chance after chance after chance to correct their path.
And you have a lot of sources.
I mean, you don't brag about it, but you get around.
My White House source, because I was making some calls yesterday, said, no, Trump's screaming at people, attack, attack.
He understands.
He just doesn't want to look weak and too panicked about it in public.
Well, it's sort of a bifurcated issue.
One, there's a sort of national security question with big tech and how to sort of walk that line to preclude their effective collusion with China and the Chai comms.
And at the same time, to try to be effective at deterring their bad conduct without their using and leveraging their power to effectively cause serious problems for Trump.
And it's like cutting a diamond, too.
You've got this huge diamond that's very valuable.
If you cut it wrong, you could shatter the whole thing.
So there's all these different collateral risks and exposure he has.
The other problem is Big Tech has effectively bought off a lot of the leading Republican so-called conservative think tanks, many key politicians, as Tucker Carlson made reference to.
The Koch brothers.
Yeah, oh yeah, that's true now.
But you're looking like Senator Mike Lee made some interesting changes in policy.
So Trump is fighting, just like he's fighting the entire deep state, he's fighting a big tech, elusive big tech.
Well let's get your advice because you're a smart guy and I mean that.
Robert Barnes, one of the smartest on how he thinks Trump should act and what he thinks to be on.
We got some more calls to take too, and that Matt guy's still there.
He's smart.
Everything's coming out of him.
He's got some incredibly good ideas.
We'll go back to him.
I want him to be the host of the show with the callers, Matt.
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Paul Johnson for Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe.
Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett in the American heartland.
And from Austin, Texas, a team of reporters and crew ready to be dispatched wherever the story is going down.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's coming up in the fourth hour today.
Then there's the War Room.
Owen Schreier from 3 to 6 p.m.
And there's an hour break.
And then, boom, back on the InfoWars Network.
Bill Johnson at Firepower with Tom Papert.
Great show last night.
This Thursday, it'll be Firepower, but I'm going to be here hosting either in the studio with Will and Tom, or I'll be there in
Houston, I mean, I don't mind.
Once I get down there, I'll be like a pig, and you know what?
But, I mean, going down to that university with tens of thousands of Democrats walking around drooling, we went and covered the first debates out in Miami, and literally there was no one out there but like 50 people for climate change, wanting carbon taxes, and a couple hundred Trump supporters, and people coming out really upset, disheveled.
Barnes is going to be here Thursday with us as well.
Maybe I'll have him run the operation here from Austin, and I'll drive down to Houston.
But regardless, we're going to have crew down there, Millie Weaver and others.
But we were talking to Matt earlier.
We'll go back to Matt in California.
I'm going to start, and I said I'd do it a year ago, and then a month ago.
I never got around to it, but we're doing stuff now because I want to be 20 hours a day live by the time we get into 2020 here in just four months or less.
And that is a show I want to do on the weekend, where I'm there the first six or seven shows, or others are, and then the training wheels go off, and the callers, some of the coolest, best callers, host the show.
And then every couple weeks, you know, somebody else honchos it.
We've got three or four of a group of maybe 30, 40 callers that expands, who then, whenever they want, come in and co-host the show.
But three or four people that, you know, are always there to basically be the
You know, the chief cook and bottle washer, the person that kind of quarterbacks and coordinates the whole thing.
So I'm going to do it.
And I said I'd do it a few weeks ago and didn't.
But this Sunday, no, this Saturday, 2 to 4 p.m.
I'm going to come in with five or six of these callers, and we're going to host two hours on whatever subjects they want to go into, whatever they want to talk about.
Nobody's really ever done this.
We're going to do it.
And you were bringing up, Matt, some really great points.
You were saying, why can't we port over our social media by law, that they've got to save the data if they haven't, they've got to give it to us, and then erase it when we want, just like porting over a phone number to a SIM card.
Congress had to do that.
It just makes perfect sense.
It's your data.
And then they have to stop selling it.
But then you also brought up, I want Barnes to jump in on this, the fact that this global warming thing is a total fraud.
Paying carbon taxes does nothing, even if you believe the fraud, when hundreds of other nations are exempt.
It just de-industrializes us.
If the former vice president, the walking corpse Joe Biden says, I'll eliminate all fossil fuels.
Well, that's 80% of our energy.
And then China and others don't.
We go into the dark age.
We can't compete.
Well, but AI, the way it's being programmed by these Malthusian globalists, and I'll go back to you in a moment, Matt, is setting this up for a post-human world in their own words, so we would be madmen to continue down this road.
So we need to mobilize against globalist-programmed AI like the left's mobilized about the boogeyman of carbon dioxide.
Robert Barnes?
I mean, from the very beginning and the very inception, it's really been almost a hundred years of various climate change apocalyptic thought process.
Oh yeah, no doubt about it.
You have people like Bjorn Lundberg, who was originally a Greenpeace member on the left, from Europe, who once he actually, he saw an article that challenged many of his conventional assumptions about what he believed about the climate apocalypse theories that were being propagated.
And what he found is he in fact put his class together, because he was a professor,
To try to be able to discredit this article that was questioning his assumptions.
And in fact, what he found was just the opposite.
When you look at the evidence, the evidence completely contradicted the apocalyptic theory, and particularly the various extreme remedies, politicized remedies, that were being sought related to it.
So, I mean, Lumberg has written books, they've done documentaries.
Here you have a guy that's from the left, sort of like Robert Epstein on Google, who's also from the left, but is exposing Google from the left.
And he's talking about suing Hillary Clinton for defamation because of her attempts to destroy his reputation because of how impactful he has been.
You have the same equivalence of it with Bjorn Lundberg, who went and basically detailed how a lot of these strategies are designed to de-industrialize, either de-industrialize the West, or deprive poor countries of equal opportunities to develop on their own.
Oh, the same way the globalists have suppressed third world development, they're now doing it to the West as a form of dominance.
They admit that.
It's not like Epstein is making this up.
The Google's all been caught on video bragging how they rigged the search results and how they used push notifications and how they said the Republican Party's official ideology is Nazism on their front page.
That's election meddling and fraud and deceiving consumers.
And it's like a big rotten hog that needs to be shoveled into its political grave.
No doubt about it.
I mean, you look at what Robert Epstein documented and detailed, was that, in fact, the president, with a legitimate election without Google election meddling, would have not only won the electoral college vote landslide that he won, but would have won the popular, the quote-unquote popular vote.
Most Americans would have voted for him in terms of the popular vote.
That's right.
Depending on the skew, it was like 4 million, 8 million, 18 million, depending on how you looked at it, from just how they did push notifications and how they rigged search results.
I mean, the best example, whenever I'm on anywhere, I've been on Israeli TV, French TV, other places, and I want to give them an example of an ample demonstration of how extreme this algorithmic bias is.
All they have to do is go into, you know, go to Bing, go to DuckDuckGo, go to Google, search Alex Jones, and show the extraordinarily and extreme deviations between those.
Whereas Google, for a while, Google occasionally, when they feel political pressure, will back off of their manipulation.
All of a sudden, what shows up on Bing and DuckDuckGo shows up on Google.
But then immediately they go back to suppressing and repressing.
When one of millions of things that manipulate it gets caught, like Clinton body count just came back finally, accurately.
And again, you type in Alex Jones, you'd expect InfoWars, already a giant site, propagated around 20 plus years.
You would expect it to be the top link.
It's at the bottom of page 3.
Everywhere else it's at the very top.
It's rigged.
They are on video bragging.
Instead it's nothing but hate and lies for page after page.
I'm a Nazi.
I send child porn around.
Whatever the worst thing is, they say it.
But here's the difference.
People aren't buying it.
Well, exactly.
And that's where they're, that's sort of the threshold that they're at.
Just as Trump is sort of trying to go far enough to get big tech in line without doing things that further endanger national security or his own political effectiveness.
And the same way big tech has been trying to go far enough, just like big media, how can they use their gatekeeping power?
In their case, Google has become the replacement gatekeeper by their control of searches, often done through monopolistic means and illicit methods.
And that's what's now under investigation by all the state attorney generals in the United States Department of Justice.
But they've done, to what degree can they go that far without causing a backlash?
Without people realizing and recognizing what's taking place, what's transpiring, to where they are as discredited as institutional media is today.
That's right.
And I understand Trump's slow approach, but they're right now.
We've got to act, because here's the problem, I'm going to break, come back with the calls.
Matt, please stay there.
Because Google is doing what criminals do when they're cornered.
Instead of backing off, suing for peace, they're just peddling the metal, racing to get Hillary's protege or whoever she knights.
Elizabeth Warren in there.
Hillary's still so delusional, she's still thinking about jumping in while she's campaigning and traveling around.
I told you folks, and now it's in the news, Biden's a placeholder.
And so this is a bum rush.
And so they're not acting rationally.
They are being basically flogged by the deep state, flogged by the Democrats, that, hey, you better do what we say or else.
No doubt.
In fact, what they're doing, really, is they and China, together, are putting all of their eggs in the 2020 basket.
China's trying to buy time in dealing with Trump, hoping that they can unveil a new candidate and a new result in the 2020 election.
Big Tech is trying to do the same thing.
And look at those traders!
It's people who do the fundamentally those who are aligned with big tech and China are not aligned with American values or the United States of America period.
That's it.
I mean folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back and thank you for tuning in.
I want to be a trillion percent clear here.
There are nations run by vicious fascist communists.
African nations where the dictator has 200 Lamborghinis and helicopters and cat scans and everybody's starving around them.
I mean, this is going on all over the place.
And these are barbarous globalists, the chi-coms, you name it, the EU dictator, Juncker, who want to dominate us and who are ruthless.
And so, make no mistake, Trump's trying to restore our country.
He's trying to restore our basic freedoms.
And it appalls me there isn't more support for our country.
And the Washington Post has headlines about how Xi needs to crush Trump.
And how the Federal Reserve says they're going to crush our recovery.
And all these fake numbers out about Fords going under and America is going to go bankrupt.
You're finding out who's on the CHICOM payroll, ladies and gentlemen.
We're in a way better position than China.
We're winning this trade war.
Are we perfect with our debt and stuff?
Absolutely not.
But we're the best house in a bad neighborhood.
And humanity's gone through a lot.
But the fact that people don't have an instinct to defend their country, when it's got a lot to defend, and we finally got a president who understands we've been de-industrialized by design, is disgusting.
I know you care and I salute you, but I don't just get up here and say this.
If you don't spread the word about the local radio stations and TV stations, if you don't spread the word about how people can tune in, I'm going to tell the story, we're going to go to Barnes & DePauw's.
But this morning, after the children went to school,
My wife wanted to go for a walk.
There's a golf course by our neighborhood, and there's a park by the other neighborhood.
So we walked down by the golf course and down to the park, and a guy pulls up on a red Cushman, and he goes, I'm Robert.
I'm a Vietnam veteran, Alex.
I haven't been able to listen to you for about over a year.
He goes, how'd you used to watch?
Oh, YouTube and on Apple.
And I said, yeah.
And they told you I'm off air.
Do you remember Infowars.com?
He goes, oh, I just figured they said you're off the air, Infowars.com.
My wife's like, wow, you get that everywhere you go.
And then we go down to the park, and a woman's got two little kids with her.
Like a two-year-old, like a four-year-old.
And she goes, oh, my husband used to love you.
I wish you were still on air.
Sorry they took you off.
See, people still believe media.
You're smart.
You know we're still on air.
You're conscious.
But other people hear, I'm off the air.
Leftists walk over and go, F, you scumbag.
You're going to prison next.
Glad you're off the air.
You've seen it on video.
Sometimes we catch it on video.
Or why do you think AP ran the headline a few months ago that I lost a Sandy Hook suit for a book I wrote I never wrote?
It's to think I'm a loser!
Don't support him, he's a loser!
They do all of this like you're not paying attention.
And so I'm telling you, we're going to put out bumper stickers.
I'm going to get them designed today.
We're going to put them free in every order.
Even if I go bankrupt, I'm going to put like 50 in every order.
Alex Jones is still on air.
Where Alex Jones lives.
Because they've made us the focal point.
To see the mind control, literally, when I was in D.C.
with my security, they were like, every other person says, they love you, wish you were still on air.
Groups of high school kids would run up, and, oh, Alex Jones, we love you, wish you were still on air, because they saw me on Instagram and Facebook and YouTube in their feeds, because we were popular.
That's how the algorithm works.
Whatever's popular gets more popular.
They killed all that.
They banned us everywhere, because they know we were getting hundreds of millions of views most weeks.
So, yes, the hardcore audience is still here.
We're still on air.
And we're still reaching millions, but it's just millions.
It's not billions.
We've got to cause the chain reaction.
Like, I am Spartacus.
I'm Spartacus.
So, and I know it sounds simple, Robert Barnes, but it's fundamental.
How would you quantify this?
Well, the degree to which they are trying to sort of deperson you, unperson you, which is sort of used to be a science fiction trope, which has now become sort of a practical everyday social media reality.
I was talking to somebody the other day that said, by the way, you know, you're not even allowed to use the name Alex Jones on Facebook or Instagram in any positive way.
And they were shocked by it.
And they were like, well, that's fine.
I'm going to start doing that every single day.
And they're not necessarily even a big fan.
They were just deeply offended by the idea of big tech trying to dictate to them who they could talk about, who they could think about, who they could write about.
And they're doing it!
Caitlin Bennett had a photo from a year before with InfoWars on.
They blurred the InfoWars and said, do it again, you're banned.
It's Stalinist techniques where people would just vanish from his public photos.
It's the same dynamic.
And the goal is to try to get out of mind, out of time, out of speak, out of thought, by just creating it through a censorship machine that's manipulative and deceptive at its core.
It's one of the biggest areas where big tech
I think?
But at least late is better than never, and that's why he's accelerating action now, because he realizes their whole endgame was just to buy time, then get to 2020, manipulate 2020 to get the outcome they want, and then they don't have to worry about this anymore.
And that's why we harp on it, because if we don't have real communications, people aren't going to know that they're teaching six-year-olds, and I'm not joking, in library books, in public schools now, to go with men at parks to the bathroom and have sex with them.
Now obviously they're not going to get away with that if we're on air to expose it.
Or they're keeping babies alive and selling their organs, which is now confirmed.
They've indicted people in Texas and California that undercover shot the video.
They deserve Pulitzer Prizes.
Oh, no doubt about that.
I mean, the degree of distortion and perversion where they're trying to normalize behavior that none of us... I mean, men competing in women's sports pretending to be women?
This was a Monty Python joke just three decades ago.
I mean, and now you have where they're trying to normalize behavior that we all know is wrong.
In other words, the whole argument about gay marriage was, hey, don't worry, this is just on parts of the sort of moderate left, was this was only about protecting individual rights.
This was not about trying to make everything abnormal normal.
But what happened is as soon as the Supreme Court stepped in, and whenever the Supreme Court steps in and does something that democracy doesn't yet support, that doesn't have popular support from the public, it tends to get this kind of action and reaction.
And what happened was the hardcore crazy left took it as a green light.
Oh, OK, if that's OK, now everything should be OK.
And they took it to an extreme that's never been popular or socially supported.
And the truth is, there's a large portion of the so-called left that's into children.
There are people who are transgressive at core.
In other words, their transgression in certain aspects of politics doesn't reflect an independent belief in civil rights.
I mean, when you watch these drag queen story times and these events where the men dress like women in a topless bar...
There's old women, there's always the little pot-bellied types, and they're all licking their lips and rubbing their crotches.
I mean, this is pedo on parade, man.
This is sick.
It's trying to normalize very disturbing behavior.
And the, I mean, to the degree that we're trying to teach five and six-year-olds that they should change their gender identity, that, I mean, we're taking what used to be... Couldn't be more abusive.
What used to be properly previously diagnosed as a mental disorder, and it was just because certain kinds of gay behavior may have been mislabeled and oppressed, doesn't mean every form of behavior out there now should be normalized.
That's what people always warn, the bestiality, the pedophilia, now it's all being pushed.
Matt, I'm going to start this show, I promise, unless there's a family emergency.
I'm coming in this Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m.
Thank you.
It sounds fantastic.
It's amazing.
I'm getting chills.
I have something to say to everybody who's listening.
If you're listening to this broadcast, then you are already on the list.
Your social credit score will already be shattered if it goes in play.
At this point in the game, you have only one option, and that is to fight and to win.
Well, we're all pretty much screwed.
I have an idea, one more idea for people.
You have your Facebook, you have your Google account.
You don't want to lose all your information.
I feel the same way.
I understand that.
What you can do is you can go find one of your old cell phones, do a factory reset on it,
And go, using Wi-Fi, open a new Google account, remember your password, open a new Facebook, open a new Instagram, and then share all of these things out there, and go and make a bunch of friends.
All right, we'll talk to you, we'll talk to you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
George Strait bringing us in.
didn't come up with that music.
Or didn't produce.
It's fine, Texan.
If you leave me... We're gonna go to Casey, Joshua, and Tad.
I appreciate you guys holding still.
I'm gonna go to you in a moment.
Robert Barzo, there's a lot on your radar screen.
You're gonna be co-hosting with me tomorrow.
You're gonna be popping in on the other shows and a whole host of issues.
David Knight in the morning.
Owen, the new firepower with Bill Johnson and
Tom Pappert, weeknight 7 to 9pm.
We're going to have a show, a special hour-long countdown show that's going to start soon from 6 to 7.
And we're going to end up having shows that go right up to midnight very, very soon by the start of next year, maybe even sooner.
Band.video is the new place to find everything.
And it's not blackballed by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and all those guys yet.
So you can share Band.Video a lot easier and get the word out and not have them penalize you.
But whatever you do, take action by word of mouth.
It's a human fight against AI.
But you wanted to get into...
The National Security Advisor, Bolton, being removed.
Our intel, Daniel, for the story is that he's been the leaker, sabotaging North Korea, the pull out of Afghanistan.
He's a big World War IV type guy.
You're very pleased by that.
I see that as another very positive sign.
Oh, no doubt about it.
And to some degree, the way that all played out, it's almost as if the president brought Bolton in for reasons other than actually advising him.
It was more like Trump trying to get a clean read on what some of the deep state pro-war institutional players were up to, and that Bolton was sort of a good proxy to get what their opinions really are, what their strategies really are, what their methodologies really are.
Because it doesn't seem like Bolton really ever influenced him.
He just got to see how their modus operandi operated.
So I think ultimately that was really the objective of Bolton.
I don't think it was really to actually have Bolton be a reliable person.
And now that he's got that intel, he can dump him, jettison him, and move along with his own agenda.
Who do you think should replace him?
It needs to be, ideally, I would like him to go back to a Gorka type or someone that has populist, nationalist, realistic, realpolitik instincts in that space.
To give him practical, strategic advice that is consistent with and consonant to his values and the values that got him elected of the American people.
Well, it's also in the Constitution that when the country's under attack, the military's on the border.
Our northern and southern borders should be crawling like a hill of ants, not spread out in 180 military bases.
I mean, when I tell people, I said, if you go back and look at the Roman Empire and see the different places that they had outposts, by comparison, we are at that stage.
And yet professors like Paul Kennedy, when I was at Yale, talk about that is usually the sign of the decline of a society, not the rise of a society, when it is taking its most important valued resource, which is its own people, and spreading them out throughout the world to defend everyone else.
And then finally, when the Germans decided to invade, their armies were spread everywhere and Rome fell.
And that's ultimately, and we put ourselves at the risk of the same thing.
It's time to bring a lot of folks home and take care of our own borders more than everyone else's borders.
It's time to rebuild the infrastructure of the heartland.
No doubt about that.
And the heartland means outside any big mega-rotting city.
You've got the real heartland in Northern California, you've got the real heartland in Missouri, you've got the real heartland in Georgia and Alabama and West Virginia and Florida and Texas and all over, where all the infrastructure, all the money from the left goes to their blue cities, and it's all siphoned off
And of course the left is stealing elections all over the country.
That's why we never get rid of them.
They're just a group of criminals.
And I think they've really shown their hand.
No doubt about it.
And you see to a certain degree the way they've allowed and the way Obama administration allowed the opioid epidemic to ravage the heartland of the country.
Places that built the country.
You look at Bruce Springsteen's song Youngstown.
He's talking about a worker who helped fuel and protect the country and win the world wars.
Who helped fuel the entire economic industrial revolution.
Now those folks are told they're all really Nazis so they just commit suicide.
Let's expand on that and go to these calls.
The system knows that.
This is literally Chai Com funded poison.
Hollywood poison to make us roll over and die so we can be conquered.
And the average person will be destroyed by this if they're successful.
We're in the final phases of collapse.
And so Trump recognizes 25 tons of fentanyl caught two weeks ago could kill 2,606,000,000 people.
That's more than everyone on earth.
A time and a half over, literally.
I mean, so Trump is trying to get our military out of these places.
He is trying to stop the CHICOMs hitting us with their reverse opium war.
And so he's doing so much good, except he's not aggressive enough, and hopefully we're about to see that.
And I think
The left's learning how to attack Trump, though, and I smell it and I figured it out.
We're going to talk about it in the next segment.
Is George Soros really supporting Trump?
We'll talk about that in a moment.
But first, let's go to Casey, then Joshua, and Ted.
Thanks for holding Casey for Mississippi.
You're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Thank you.
What I'd like to talk about today is what I think we need is a constitutionally and very strict, on that note, based task force to clear out the bad apples that are in the various agencies and networks that we have operating in our country right now.
You know, somebody like Bill Benny,
Who understands the promise software, the Pegasus malware.
And I think what we need to be able to do is to have this task force operate outside of the establishment chain of command.
Something like the Untouchables, if you will.
Well, that's what they did to clean up some of the third world countries, is they create a special military unit that the President and the Attorney General support, who then goes and roots out the corruption.
That's one of the only models that works.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I think that that is probably the only way, and it could be our last shot, because these agencies have really run amok.
I think it's no coincidence that we're talking the day before the anniversary of 9-11.
Much of the good factions within the agencies were kind of pushed aside on that day and the subsequent days that followed.
That's right, the deep state used that to really take over.
Yeah, absolutely.
So what I think is we need somebody to quarterback this situation, someone that understands the
The technology aspect, you know, where all of this blackmail and different things came from.
That's a great idea.
Please get William Benny back on, producers, as soon as possible to give us his ideas on all of this.
Great point.
Anything else, Casey?
I just had one more thing.
Yes, sir.
You know, the one thing that I noticed with this climate, the global warming, climate change, that stuff, is when... I know this is kind of a hot-button topic, but when we see a lot of the chemtrails in the sky and things of that sort, it tends to create a hot pocket.
And so the days that follow after heavy chemtrailing, it tends to be hotter.
So, you know, you look at your... Exactly.
They tell you it's to reflect the radiation, but really it's going through and staying and heating up.
You're absolutely right.
Exactly, Alex.
Thank you so much for elaborating on that point.
I appreciate you, brother.
Be well.
Take care.
No, thank you.
These callers are amazing.
I wish I could talk to you for an hour.
They admit now that the Rockefellers and others are funding the Department of Energy geoengineering.
They're actually trying to heat up the Pacific Ocean and stuff to create disasters.
We know it's going on, but if you talk about it, it's like you're crazy.
Well, to me, I mean, the degree of things they've admitted just within the last month has been extraordinary.
Where you had the establishment press recognize and admit the issues with fluoridation in the water, which they've been denying and mocking for the better part of half a century.
Where you have the establishment press recognizing what the CIA has been doing for so long, repeatedly, routinely, and regularly.
It's just one thing after another after another.
It's like they know a ton more is about to come out, so they're trying to just get it all out there now.
I mean, one of the popular trending aspects on social media over the past several weeks has just been variations of news links to establishment press stories saying Alex Jones was right.
When they realize that the public has already come to accept it or come to recognize it, or the evidence will be so overwhelming, they try to concede it and act as if they're the ones to blame.
Yeah, Forbes called another journalist I know, a big one, I haven't called him back, and said, no, we just met with Google executives, Alex Jones is being brought back.
But then that's like, the head of it goes, oh everybody can come back, and then they banned us again.
I don't know what's, it's like there's multiple groups in Google.
That's exactly right.
And there's multiple groups in all of these political struggles that are taking place.
So you have a, you have the war you can see on the surface, and then you have the war behind the scenes, which is a hundred times more complicated and more intense than what it even appears to be on the surface.
And again, you can have all these factions, but it boils down to good and evil and the decisions we make every day, but also not being mentally lazy and studying how the world works.
Because once you learn how one piece works, you'll know how the next piece works.
And then it just becomes an addiction on how things work, folks.
And then you see people that don't know, and it's so sad because they have intellect, but they're experts on football or baseball or some side issue, but not on how the world's really working.
Epstein really revolutionized the frame of perspective.
The degree to which they realized that everything that you had been talking about for years, one of your quirky issues, it forecasted and previewed exactly what was going to happen with the Epstein story in a way the establishment press could not credibly tell.
And that led everybody to start asking questions about...
What else is true?
But obviously we knew a global blackmail ring by the deep state for sex ops over scientists and others is key to bringing down the enemy.
They use it to blackmail everyone.
We use it to bring them down.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Alex, God bless you.
Go ahead.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting frat.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BODY, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
We're good to go.
All of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel on the body.
You take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
With these products I take, I religiously remember to take them.
It makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
This is Paul Joseph Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We got Paul Watson about to take over.
A few calls I want to get to.
I'll elaborate on this tomorrow.
Maybe we'll do some of the war room today.
Soros coming out and supporting Trump saying he's doing a great job on Huawei.
Soros was heavily invested in China.
He now knows America's winning.
He knows China's in trouble.
So he's an opportunist running back over here.
And then his support of Trump...
They should look like, oh, look, he's with Soros now.
Just like, oh, Trump's going to do red flags with psychological stuff.
That's being proposed, but the Washington Post says he's for it, knowing it'll hurt him with his base.
We can see the comments on InfoWars, where they're in there attacking Trump constantly, not on real issues, but just on made-up ones.
Again, trying to undermine his base.
It's clearly going on.
Oh yeah, there's a wide range of that going on.
I really think they thought they would be able to take him out with the Mueller operation.
The 2018 House elections that they were able to get would basically destabilize Trump sufficiently that he would not be able to be effective.
So they've been surprised at how all of that has unfolded.
The Barr move turned out to be a very good and very effective move.
So across the board, the president has counterattacked.
He continues to escalate and accelerate against both China and big tech and big media.
They didn't think it would happen.
And so now they're resorting to these tactics and techniques and escalating their own tactics and techniques to try to be able to prevent his re-election because it is the greatest threat to the power of the CHICOMS and big tech and big media and deep state activities is Donald Trump.
We're in the middle of the Fourth World War.
It's economic, it's cultural, and we need everybody engaged.
Joshua, a minute and a half, and Ted, thanks for holding.
Joshua and Florida, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Thanks for holding, go ahead.
I'm going to have to disagree with you a little bit on this tech debate thing, because the biggest concern that we have every year, the Five Eyes meet.
In 2018, we have the New York Times post, Five Eyes Nations quietly demand government access to encrypted data.
You have Attorney General Barr, uh, this year at the end of July, um, talking about warrant proof encryption.
So if we give government access to the encryption keys, which we know with the NSA leaks and everything, we're, we're just going to have a China-like version.
Well, listen, Big Tech's already moved to China and I'm not saying give the government all the access to that stuff.
I think that's very dangerous.
I'm saying get Big Tech to stop acting like a government and to stop censoring.
Listen, give me your name and number.
I'll call you back as the first caller tomorrow if you disagree.
I want to flesh this out.
I don't think you actually disagree with me.
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying, Joshua.
Thank you.
We'll put Joshua on hold tomorrow.
We're going to take calls again.
If he's there or the next day, we'll get him front of the line.
Please don't forget, guys.
Tad in Texas, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I want to start by saying the price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is being ruled by evil men.
Okay, so in regards to Soros, we are capable of critical thinking.
We seek to reverse psychology like that.
That's one of the main differences between us and them.
Bolton, I mean, although he seems like a paper tiger, you know, good on paper, the guy obviously was just a war hawk.
We know that Trump basically, along with Mr. Barnstead, was basically just stealing them out.
That way we can go ahead and flush them down the drain.
Here's the problem with the neocons.
They sold us out to China with the Clintons and others.
They presided over the sellout of our borders, everything.
So they don't have any right to stand around and go, we're doing this for America.
They do it for power and multinational corporations, while America loses its real soft power and its economic engine.
I mean, they do it to be... there's sort of an elite agenda within the global empire that sees the interest of other countries and their own elite interest over the interest of the American people.
They want to dominate everybody else instead of work with them, and they want to dominate us.
They're just willed to power.
We're only going to get stronger, Alex, through all of this.
I myself, I've got a fire lit under my rear end.
We did screen the You Can't Watch This film here in San Antonio.
We did that.
Myself, MAGA Titan, Brandon from That's The Point.
Ted, I'm out of time.
Great job.
We love you.
Call me back, Ted.
Paul Watson takes over.
Spread the links.
Thank you, Robert Barnes.
Great job, crew.
Paul Watson.
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It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And everyone gets a virtue signal about how much they care about suicide and specifically male depression.
Of course, we know men in most Western countries are five times more likely to commit suicide than women.
When it comes to the actual victims of suicide in America, it's predominantly
Young men, young white men and rural white men in America, which of course the culture has taught their lives basically have no meaning whatsoever.
They're at fault for all history's sins.
So nobody cares about the real victims on the front line of this suicide epidemic which seems to be taking hold in America on World Suicide Prevention Day.
Mike Cernovich tweeted this yesterday.
Death rates from assault weapons are in the hundreds.
Suicide rates are in the tens of thousands.
Opioid overdoses are in the tens of thousands.
They don't want to save lives, they want to disarm the population for their Mao-Stalin-Pol Pot cultural revolutions.
Of course, New York Times came out yesterday and praised Mao.
The mass murder of 45 million people, so progressive.
But this brings us on to the topic of suicide rates in America.
There's a Zero Hedge article out today.
Suicide rates in rural America jump
Nearly half a million dead.
This is an epidemic that has been going on, spiking for at least the past five years.
Nobody really wants to talk about it.
You go on the World Suicide Prevention Day hashtag, nobody's talking about rural American men, especially.
But from 1999 to 2016, the suicide rate of Americans aged 25 to 64 jumped 41%.
The study found Americans living in rural communities had a 25% higher probability of taking their own life than those in cities.
The reasons behind that we'll get onto in a second, of course, primarily because they're underemployed.
That's why they voted for Trump, given that Trump's importing over a million legal immigrants a year seems to be at odds with that America First policy, which is driving some of this suicide epidemic.
From 1999 to 2016,
There were 453,577 suicides amongst Americans aged 25 to 64, with the most significant amount occurring after 2010 through 2016.
So the numbers, the most recent numbers they've got on this are from 2016.
It spiked after 2010.
This is a very recent phenomenon that we're seeing this spike.
About 350,000 of the deaths were male out of 453,000, so
Again, four-fifths almost a male, many were middle-aged adults.
I've done a video which went up about an hour ago called Degeneracy and it looks at
Binge drinking culture in the United Kingdom, but it also looks at alcohol abuse in America.
Of course, America doesn't really have, at least from the outside looking in, a huge binge drinking culture like we do in the United Kingdom, like we do in some other European countries.
I think probably only Russia outdoes the United Kingdom for sheer unbridled alcoholism.
But despite there being no binge drinking culture in America,
Mostly Americans will drink either very little or they're literally alcoholics.
There doesn't really seem to be much in between.
But about half of American women on current standards would be considered alcoholic.
Half of American women and more than 70% of men in the United States would be considered borderline or alcoholic.
And the sources for that are in the article.
That particular one is Psychology Today.
Then we have this rise of so-called deaths of despair, deaths from suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, which now kill more Americans than those who died during the Vietnam War or at the height of the crack epidemic.
Now there was a little skit in Dave Chappelle's recent Netflix special, which by the way, was mainly social justice stuff and it was kind of
Hinged on a lot of Black Lives Matter stuff.
It wasn't really right-wing or conservative.
It was somewhat politically incorrect when it came to LGBT.
But he made the joke that no one cared about black people during the height of the crack epidemic.
And they said, you know, just say no.
So he doesn't care about all these white people dying from opioid abuse.
And that seems to be a general pattern across the entire culture.
But deaths from despair have doubled.
From 22.7 deaths of despair per 100,000 Americans in the year 2000 to 45.8 per 100,000 Americans in 2017.
Just think about how much that has leapt in the past 19 years alone.
That eclipses all prior 20th century highs in terms of deaths of despair, despite the fact
That our quality of life is supposed to be greater than ever before.
You know, we've got so much more time on our hands, we've got mass entertainment in all its myriad of forms, but people are more depressed than ever before, it seems.
In fact, it's interesting, when you look at times of turmoil nationally and internationally, especially during wars, people are the least depressed during wars.
It seems to bring it home to them that
You know, as long as they've got their health, that is a primary thing.
It seems to concentrate, focus the mind on what really matters in life.
The less hardships you have, it seems to make people very lackadaisical.
But the US suicide rate in 2017 was 33% higher than 20 years ago.
Think of that.
That is huge!
33% higher!
The country's opioid epidemic claims 130 lives a day.
Again, all these stats are out of my recent video called Degeneracy, which is up on YouTube.
People still seem to be deliberately befuddled about what's causing most of this, but we know what's causing it.
One, the increased availability and addictiveness of drugs.
Some of that is caused by lax drug laws.
You see the epidemic of homelessness on the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco.
You see people shooting up in the streets.
As Dr. Drew Pinsky and others have said, that is primarily down to lax drug laws and drug laws not being enforced.
So all the crackheads congregate in the areas where they know they're not going to get harassed by police.
You also have that phenomenon with the opioid epidemic, where doctors are increasingly doling them out and there's no real control over it.
But again,
The problem in all this is many Conservatives seem to be completely on board with that.
Now of course weed is a different argument but now it seems to be expanding out to all drugs.
Let's legalise all drugs, let's make all drugs easy to get and not do anything about people who are caught dealing them or at least give them lesser sentences.
Of course there's a balance to that.
But a lot of this new breed of hedonistic Conservatives want to just legalise anything
They want everything to be a libertine paradise, but the knock-on effects are starting to be seen as disastrous.
Of course, you also have increasing secularization, less people going to church, dissolution of the family unit, dissolution of faith.
Conservatives have not been that hardcore in defending traditional institutions in America, have they?
How much ground have they ceded in the culture war?
It seems to be their speciality at this point.
So you've got those reasons.
Lax drug laws, declining birth rates, declining marriage rates, this new hedonistic lifestyle that even conservatives have capitulated to now.
This is all driving depression, because a lot of people in those communities, you know, if you don't have a solid family unit, you can't go to them to unload your burdens, to talk to them about your problems in life, about your depression.
You can't go to the church community to unload your burdens, because it just isn't there anymore.
It's been completely dissolved as society becomes more atomized.
And what exacerbates the atomization of society, the dissolution of community,
Is social media being proven to accelerate depression over and over again?
Yet again, many conservatives say, just keep letting them do what they want.
We can't have any regulation, my private company.
So again, when you go down the line, the dissolution of faith, the dissolution of church, the lax drug laws, the rampant monopoly behavior of social media companies, despite the fact that they're driving a great deal of this
Depression, suicide epidemic, especially amongst young people.
Conservatives take a completely hands-off approach and say they've ceded that battle.
They've lost.
That turf war in the culture war, and they're not going to say anything against it.
Case in point, National Review a couple of days ago, that bastion of conservatism, allegedly, tweeting that conservatives just need to watch more television!
That's the solution to everything.
We'll be back to talk about it more in the next segment.
We'll be back.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BODY's, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
We're good.
All of these things are known to be incredible, whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel on the body.
You take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
With these products I take, I religiously remember to take them.
It makes my life so much better, and then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
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Which again is selling out.
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InfoWarsLife.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
It is World Suicide Prevention Day, and most people seem to have forgotten about a group which is the main victim of this epidemic of suicide, which is Americans in rural America.
Quote here from the Zero Hedge article from Dr. Albert Wu of the John Hopkins Bloomberg Public School of Health.
Suicide is a growing American tragedy.
It's become a leading cause of death in the U.S.
and is a major public health problem.
Kills vastly more people than AR-13s or any firearm.
Yet the national debate is constantly about that.
Nobody's really talking about this.
It's not at the forefront of the national conversation.
There's a hashtag once a year.
Everybody moves on.
Everybody forgets about it.
Meanwhile, some of the reasons behind that
Are being ignored by social conservatives who have abandoned many social conservative policies, ceded ground in the culture war to the point where National Review is not telling its readers to, you know, lift weights, go to church, have babies.
They're telling their readers to watch more television.
That's literally what they wrote a couple of days ago.
Of course, we have rampant alcoholism.
In the United States.
But another factor driving the despair is of course stagnant paychecks, diminishing economic opportunities.
People voted for Trump to address that.
Doesn't seem to be working given the increasing suicide deaths of despair rates in America.
Then you have young people, millennials and Gen Z.
There was a poll out of the UK a few weeks ago which found that 89% of children and young adults, adolescents in the United Kingdom, felt they had no purpose whatsoever in their lives.
In the US, among Millennials, there's been a 47% increase in major depression since 2013.
So again, it seems a very recent phenomenon post-2010.
From 2007 to 2017, adults aged 18 to 34 saw a 69% increase in alcohol-related deaths, 108% increase in drug-related deaths, largely fueled by the opioid crisis, and a 35% increase in death by suicide.
So again, they've got many of the same problems.
Crippling student loan debt, unaffordable housing, and again, the disintegration of entire communities, whether that be families or religious communities, with whom they previously could have shared these burdens.
They no longer have those communities to rely on.
They're increasingly atomized in society more and more, and now you have this spate of
You know, school shooters, and that very much ties into the same growing problem.
There's also the problem of having too much spare time on our hands.
You know, the old adage, the devil will find work for idle hands to do.
We've got universal basic income coming, apparently being pushed by many in the Democratic Party.
We've got people pushing a 15 hour work week.
Is it really going to bring us more happiness to have more spare time to engage in the same kind of activities, staring at screens, staring at smartphones, which has driven and exacerbated much of this depression epidemic?
There's a quote from Slavoj Zizek over the weekend who said, quote, there is a possibility, a hope that we will work less, yet many stupid forms of amusement might fill our free time.
I still believe in work and creativity.
If we do not have enough things to do, even if we feel happy just sitting, watching films and drinking, it will be a very stupid existence.
It will soon get dire.
And again, many people are coming out of college and universities struggling to find conventional jobs because a lot of those conventional jobs are disappearing and they're having to go into the service industry again.
Not being able to make their paycheck, not being able to afford housing because they're just not making enough money.
They're having to get multiple jobs.
That's increasing depression as well.
Nobody's really talking about this.
Nobody's talking about the underlying factors, which is why it's going to increase.
They always bang on about, oh, we need people to talk about the depression more.
There's a stigma in society about talking about depression.
There's not a stigma in society if you're talking about depression amongst some people.
If you're talking about young white men or white men living in rural America, then yes, there is a stigma because there's a stigma attached to them by the entire culture.
Their concerns, their problems are seen as second-rate, are seen as tangential.
Because again, the wider culture blames them for all the ills in society and basically makes pariahs out of them.
So is it any surprise that they're descending more and more into these closed, atomized communities, especially on the internet amongst young men, where you do get
Radicalized loners, the incel types who lash out and commit violence because they think nobody is listening to them and because they think the culture is taking a giant dump on them on a day-to-day basis, which is exactly what is happening.
Nobody's going to be talking about any of that on the World Suicide Prevention Hashtag.
You can bet your bottom dollar apart from a select few people.
Report Trump set to take action on big tech censorship.
We had the promise of an executive order targeting big tech censorship a few weeks ago.
Now sources have told us that it could be right around the corner, but will it be too late?
We're already in the election cycle.
The algorithms are already set in place, although there was a story which we had up yesterday.
Clinton body count autocomplete suggestion returns to Google amid antitrust probes.
Google quietly fixed its auto-complete search suggestion function for users trying to find information regarding Clinton Body Count.
Remember, you went on Yahoo, you went on DuckDuckGo, you went on Bing, you type in Clinton Body and immediately Clinton Body Count comes up in the auto-complete suggestion.
Before, a couple of days ago at least, if you tried that on Google, Clinton Body Shop, an auto-repair shop, would come up as one of the first suggested links.
So they appear to be changing these little things selectively.
Meanwhile, you can still search for my name and YouTube, Paul Joseph Watson YouTube on Google, doesn't even come up on the Google search.
Despite the fact that it's a Google website, YouTube is owned by Google.
So they're burying conservative content deliberately via the algorithm.
And as Dr. Robert Epstein has documented time and time again, that on election days shifts millions and millions of votes.
Trump has tweeted about that.
Will he actually move forward with any executive action?
Rumors swirling that he's about to announce something.
But again, we'll believe it when we see it.
On a similar topic of believing it when you see it.
Investigation finds Trump administration hasn't built any new sections of the wall.
Of course, he promised a sea to shining sea wall during his election campaign.
This is why many people in the base are upset with the Trump administration and call to prime amongst them.
Because in terms of the wall, they're only replacing the shoddily constructed fence and other barriers that were put in under the George W. Bush administration.
Now, while that is a good thing,
Because these new structures that are replacing those fences and barriers, which are pathetic and ridiculous to be honest, they are 30 foot tall structures embedded in concrete.
It's going to be very difficult to get over them.
They're only replacing what was already there.
If you're talking about new border wall, which of course was the centerpiece of Trump's election promise, 400 to 500 miles of new border wall, none of it's happened.
The Daily Caller did an investigation and confirmed
None of it happened.
There is no new Linear Miles Wall, as they call it, apart from replacement of existing fences.
This is going to be a big problem going into 2020 if the Trump administration, the Border Patrol Agency, doesn't break ground on that new wall.
It's going to be a big upheaval for the base.
We'll be back with more.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News analysis reports.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We had a report yesterday, which was widely circulated by the media, about Jeffrey Epstein, or Bill Gates, working with Jeffrey Epstein to direct funds to MIT.
One of the spokespersons for MIT had to resign off the back of that report.
Secretly funneling money for God knows what projects to MIT.
Two million dollars was the total, at least the public total.
Working with Bill Gates, meeting with Bill Gates to funnel through that money, working to
Rebrand Jeffrey Epstein's image after he was convicted of soliciting a minor, let's not forget, trying to advise him on what he could put his money into.
Now we have this report out of truepundit.com which is based on private sources.
It's not being publicly, it's not being reported by the mainstream media at least.
Epstein did not die in his prison cell according to this source that has talked to truepundit.com.
Now we know that
The gods were supposedly asleep or off duty during the time of his suicide.
We know that his cellmate, who later feared for his life, was moved out of the cell the night before Epstein's supposed suicide.
We know that the security cameras just magically didn't pick up anything.
Well, now Jeffrey Epstein was removed from his prison cell to another part of the Metropolitan Correctional Center hours before his death.
Casting serious doubt about the narrative surrounding the paedophile's reported suicide, federal law enforcement sources said.
The shocking revelations, if true, shatter the Justice Department's narrative that Epstein hung himself in his cell with a prison bed sheet.
Remember, he had promised, weeks before his apparent suicide, to reveal the big names in return for a reduced prison sentence.
Of course, the most predictable thing ever happened, he ended up dead.
Now according to this source the FBI is investigating Epstein's death which now includes reports that Epstein was taken to a different part of the prison before MCC officials made a 911 call to the New York Fire Department.
Epstein may have been returned to his cell in a wheelchair shortly before that 911 call was made.
This is a quote from a federal law enforcement source who claims
There are reports he was in a wheelchair and slumped over coming back to his cell after approximately 5am.
They then called 911 at 6.40am.
The article asks, was Epstein unconscious at the time or even alive?
Where was he in the MCC?
Where is the surveillance camera footage?
If he wasn't in his cell to hang himself, how did he die?
Again, that is being reported by the True Pundit website, remains unconfirmed at this point.
But we'll continue to track it.
Meanwhile, global news in South Africa.
Attacks on foreign shops continue.
Twelve dead.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Two people have been killed in Johannesburg, police confirmed Monday.
Bringing to twelve the number of deaths since violence against foreign-owned shops erupted last month.
Bands of South Africans launched violent attacks against foreign-owned shops and stores, looting and burning the small businesses and attacking some of the shopkeepers.
Of course,
If this was white South Africans doing it to black migrants in South Africa or black South Africans themselves, it would be a global, horrifying news story.
It'd be at the top of every newspaper, every news website.
But because it's basically black-on-black violence, which we know the media doesn't care about, given what happens in Chicago every weekend,
It's at the back of the news agenda on a daily basis, despite the fact we have literally people setting other people on fire in the streets in South Africa.
We have this article, and there you see that horrifying footage, we had this article up on Summit News yesterday, protesters' solution to black-on-black violence in South Africa, kill whites instead.
Now just to explain why this all started,
A South African driver, this was a few weeks ago, was shot dead by a drug dealer who was a foreign national.
So then there's the wave of revenge attacks against...
Black migrants living in South Africa to the point where the Zambian Ministry of Transport and Communications told Zambian drivers not to travel through the country.
So you literally have governments telling their people not to visit South Africa because there is this wave of xenophobic violence.
This individual in Paris had a novel solution to the spate of black-on-black violence.
His solution was to kill white people instead.
Not just to stop killing people full stop, no.
He said, quote, If you want to do xenophobia right, start to kill white people, start to kill Chinese people, start to kill Asian people, don't kill your brother, don't kill your brother, we're all black.
That's what he said.
He was applauded by the people in the background.
He was congratulated by people in the live Facebook video feed.
Which is kind of ironic, because back, I think it was in 2017, Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show, when we had a similar spate of black-on-black violence in South Africa, said that the people carrying out the violence weren't to blame, the culture in the country wasn't to blame, what was to blame was white people and colonialism.
So, again, white people responsible for every sin that happens in the world, both historically and in the modern day.
Staying globally though, video Hong Kongers boo national anthem during World Cup qualifier against Iran.
Hong Kong fans booed their own national anthem and sang in protest against Beijing's rule as months of political unrest spilled onto the football pitch and a 2-0 World Cup qualifying defeat to Iran last night.
Ear-splitting booing all but drowned out March of the Volunteers, the anthem the Semi-Autonomous Territory shares with Mainland China at what was Hong Kong's first home game after a summer of upheaval.
They replaced that song with Glory to Hong Kong and repeatedly chanted Liberate Hong Kong, waved the black version of the territory's Bahuina flag, symbol of the protest that gripped the city for 14 weeks.
Of course, now after Lam, the executive in charge there in Hong Kong, obviously a puppet of Beijing,
said that she would withdraw the extradition bill.
The protesters have sworn not to stop protesting and demonstrating and rioting in some cases because they want their five demands met.
That is only one of the demands.
So the protests in Hong Kong are going to go on.
They're not going to end because I was there a couple of weeks ago and that's what all the protesters told me.
They will not give in.
They will not back down until all their demands are met.
Which leads us to this article out of Zero Hedge.
China vows to crush pro-democracy separatists Hong Kong warns against foreign influence.
Beijing warned on Monday that Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China and any form of secessionism, quote, will be crushed.
Now bear in mind you have the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Communist China.
Coming up on October 1st, Chinese culture is all about saving face and avoiding embarrassment.
They do not want demonstrators out on the streets of Hong Kong, which they consider to be part of China basically, on October 1st, embarrassing Beijing on their big day.
So we've had video, we've had reports of troop movements coming in,
Ships full of military gear and soldiers coming into Hong Kong as part of a routine troop movement.
But actually, many people speculate that they've moved in more troops and are ready to roll them out before that October 1st date.
Now, according to the China Daily newspaper, Sunday's pro-democracy rally proves that foreigners have been behind the protests.
Didn't meet too many foreigners organising the protests when I was there.
It was all Hong Kongers.
You had a few white people waving little banners or waving little flags during the peaceful protests, the linking of the arms, which of course was done to mirror the 1989 anti-Soviet rally in Europe.
You know, there were a few Westerners getting involved, getting the Instagram selfies.
When it comes to the hardcore protesters on the streets, going toe-to-toe with the riot police, getting tear-gassed, getting rubber-bulleted, they are not foreigners, they're all Hong Kong people.
They're waving Pepe banners, they're waving American flags, asking Trump to at least verbally speak out in defense of them.
Meanwhile, study the only place on earth more surveilled than London is Communist China.
They did a study of the most surveilled cities in the world.
Basically, I think it's eight out of the top ten are all in China.
168 surveillance cameras per 1,000 inhabitants in Chongqing, the top city.
Of course, that's going to massively increase when they put in the final touches of the social credit score.
And London is there in sixth place.
Not great company to be amongst the most surveillance-happy nation in the world in Communist China.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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Headline up on Summit News, Victor Orvan says, Native population decline is the sickness of Europe.
They did something really interesting, which we've talked about a couple of times.
In an effort to boost their population without the need for mass migration and boy were they at the front of that crisis back in 2015 before they closed their borders.
They're offering €30,600 to married couples who have three or more children.
Now, they're not sidling people in debt.
They're offering a loan.
They get the loan upon getting married.
The loan has to be repaid until the couple has three children.
Once they have three children, the debt is completely forgiven.
A lot of people would call that socialism.
A lot of people would call it Hungary doing what it has to do to maintain its own national culture, to maintain stable levels of population without the need for devastating amounts, destabilizing amounts of mass immigration.
Now Hungary's Populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said the sickness of Europe is the continent's native population decline as he urged for more incentives to encourage citizens to have children.
He warned that Europe's biggest problem was demographic suicide.
Quote, why is this the case?
It's most certainly not because of some sickness of Christian civilization.
After all, the number of Christians are rising around the world.
This is the sickness of Europe in general.
He said we must never accept population exchange because again, they were at the forefront of the immediate effects of the migrant crisis back in 2015.
Which, by the way, could be about to start up again in terms of the same numbers we saw back in 2015 because the Salvini government in Italy basically collapsed and the left-wing party formed an alliance with the populist Five Star Movement and they have indicated that they will open the borders once again.
They will allow the migrant boats to come in.
To what extent that will be political suicide, to what extent they'll rein it in, remains to be seen.
But we know for a fact
Salvini disincentivizing the boats coming in the first place literally saved half the amount of people who would have died.
You disincentivize the migrants coming because the people smugglers lie to them in the first place and say it's the land of milk and honey.
They literally put out pamphlets saying if you make it to Sweden you get free blonde Swedish girls to have sex with.
Like the blame here isn't really on the migrants who just want a better life.
The blame is on the NGOs who are in a criminal coordination with the people smugglers which actually causes the migrants to drown because again they pay $2,000 to get in a shoddy boat which can't carry the amount of people they cram on it and all these people tragically die and then who gets the blame?
Oh right wingers for wanting closed borders.
That closed border policy saved countless numbers of people.
That is not causing the drownings.
What's causing the drownings is the criminal NGO groups in concert with criminal people smugglers lying to these migrants and, by the way, creating a giant brain drain, a giant evacuation of
In many cases hard-working people who do want to start businesses in their own home countries.
So it's not only bad for the migrants, it's not only bad for the population of Europe, it's bad for the home countries of the migrants.
All the way around it's terrible.
And now in Sweden we have a 20% increase in rapes in Stockholm alone.
Because we've had the stats before, the government basically shut down reports on migrant links to crime.
Ethnicity back in 2005 but there were other independent studies, studies by major newspapers which found migrants vastly overrepresented in rape cases, in gang rape and in violent crime.
Well now an average of five rapes per day occurs in the Swedish capital while only five percent reported rapes results in a perpetrator being sentenced.
During the first half of 2019 Stockholm has seen a total of 1060 rapes.
Compared with 890 rapes in the same period last year, that is a 20% increase on last year alone.
Meanwhile, prominent Belgian MP calls for end of Islamic occupation, claims 25% of Antwerp is Muslim.
This is Philip de Winter, a prominent member of the right-wing party Vlaams Belang, who took a stage atop of Antwerp City Hall to deliver an important message to the city's residents.
He said,
This town hall's been around since 1565.
It was besieged, sat on fire, and has experienced countless revolutions, wars, and invasions of our city.
The city is occupied by the Romans, the Spaniards, the French, the Germans, and today by Islam, he stated.
Meanwhile in Turkey, and this is a similar situation in Morocco, you've now got the socialist government of Spain
Paying Morocco millions and millions of euros out of the public purse to buy off Morocco, to prevent Morocco sending these migrants into Spain.
So these countries, Turkey, Libya, Morocco, they're using the migrants as a weapon, as a tool of financial blackmail, saying if you don't pay up, we're going to send God knows how many more hundreds of thousands of migrants into Europe.
It's absolutely unconscionable.
Now Greek Prime Minister cautions Turkey's Erdogan
Against threatening Europeans with flood of migrants.
He's actually saying you need to stop doing that.
Greece's new Conservative Prime Minister has warned Turkey's Erdogan against threatening Europe with a new wave of migrants after the Turkish Prime Minister threatened last week to quote, open the gates and let millions of migrants flood into Europe.
This is a routine threat made by Erdogan.
It's now a threat being made by the Moroccan government.
This is what he said, our goal is for at least 1 million of our Syrian brothers to return to the safe zone we will form along our 450km border.
But he went on to say, this either happens or otherwise we have to open the gates.
So again, they're still pushing for Turkey to be a member of the EU, which will allow millions of Turkish citizens to move into European countries which don't share the same culture,
And he's threatening to open the gates and allow all these other refugees, refugees from Syria, refugees from Afghanistan who have made it into that region.
Amongst them, by the way, ISIS terrorists, which is how the Paris massacre happened, they stole IDs and claimed they were refugees when they were really there to cause carnage and slaughter.
So now Erdogan threatens to open the gates
Which could risk that very thing happening again.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, in the United States, New York Times praises mass murdering Mao as one of history's great revolutionary figures.
Of course, they had to walk it back and delete the tweet after a backlash.
The original tweet said Mao Zedong died on this day in 1976.
The Times said he began as an obscure peasant, died one of history's great revolutionary figures,
They failed to mention, of course, that he starved to death 45 million of his own people in the space of four years alone.
And that's not to mention the other historical executions, the torture, the gulags, the ruthless oppression of dissidents and political adversaries in China over that period.
New York Times had to walk it back and say, we deleted a previous tweet about Mao Zedong that lacked critical historical context.
Oh, and by the way, not the first time that they've effusively praised Chairman Mao in the pages of the New York Times.
As we've documented time and time again, back in August 1973, it was arch-globalist himself, David Rockefeller, who said, quote, in an op-ed called From a China Traveller, the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership
That is one of the most important and successful in human history.
That's right.
45 million people dead, minimum.
Some people say up to 80 million.
Dead, slaughtered, incarcerated as a result of that fantastic experiment now being praised once again by the New York Times.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Don't go away, we'll be back.