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Filename: 20190905_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 5, 2019
3343 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including health products like Supermelo Vitality available on infowarstore.com, global affairs involving the DeVos family and population control measures by elites. He emphasizes supporting InfoWars through merchandise purchases and the camaraderie within the community. Jones also addresses potential dangers of increased gun control measures, warning that they may be used to target law-abiding citizens.

I mean, there's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently... Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
If you took your six month old baby and dropped it on its head on purpose, you would lose that child if you were seen doing it.
And you should.
If you're wondering why it's like a zombie apocalypse out there, and why there's mental illness everywhere, and why people seem so incredibly stupid, it's because the Soviets, the communists, the proto-globalists that took over, had work camps.
And they put hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water and lots of other stuff to test it on the people in the gulags.
I went to H-E-B this morning, the crew did, walked right in and it says H-E-B baby fluoride water.
Let's zoom right in on that.
And notice it shows you the target.
It's kind of like buying a box of 30-odd-6 rifle shells, rifle rounds, and on the cover is a deer.
And there's a little crosshair on the side of the deer.
Oh, I mean, oh baby!
It's time to kill brain cells!
So much more fun to take our time.
And then it's bye-bye brain, and you've got a good automaton.
Tomorrow's news.
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them muted.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
I tend to say this a couple times a week now.
20 years ago I didn't, but it's really true.
We have reached what I could call a quickening.
Everything's starting to come out.
The eugenics, the plan for world government, the plan for depopulation, the plan to end humanity as we know it, the fact that the ruling establishment or a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths who
Get entrance into the club by abusing children sexually?
Yeah, truth is stranger than fiction, and denying it has gotten in the position we're in, but there's no way that all the censorship and all the control is ever
We're going to put the New World Order back together again.
I mean, I was just reading all the studies admitting fluoride causes massive brain damage in children.
They still, in most of the major brands, put a huge dose in the formula.
And you wonder, are IQs so low?
It's all on purpose.
And by the way, they admit, Obama's science says they did it to make us stupid.
Yeah, these are bad people.
It's been a year since InfoWars and our other channels were completely banned off of YouTube.
We had over 5 billion views when we got banned, and we're credited with getting Donald Trump elected because we were able to punch through and reach the grassroots.
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I'm 1776.
You're a white male!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
That flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones!
It's September 5th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
It's always a struggle these days to say what the top story is.
15 years ago, 20 years ago, 25 years ago, it was always evident what your top story was.
But now, I just really can't say.
Probably Bernie Sanders and other candidates on a CNN climate change, that means depopulation forum, on CNN last night, saying we need to abort people to depopulate the planet to save the Earth.
The message that humans are inherently bad.
Now that's really what goes on at the Rockefeller
and Carnegie Endowments and through the Albert Einstein Institute, who its main division on population control was run by Jeffrey Epstein for Bill and Melinda Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, and of course, a lot of other folks, like Oprah Winfrey.
So when you see him up there,
Talking about depopulation and all the rest of it, we're going to play that clip next segment.
Remember that there's a larger agenda behind this, not just depopulation, but the post-human era.
And that has been the plan of the eugenicists since 1850.
Six when it was adopted by the British Crown as their world policy and then was finalized and publicly put out in 1962 as the post-human era via the merger of human and machine via cybernetic symbiosis.
And I read to you from DARPA documents from ARPA in 1962 from the director.
Saying the post-human world, the merger of man and machine, and of course the eradication of homo sapien.
It will be the new homo sapien, or homo sapien new age is how it translates out of the Latin.
Are they new age human?
But first it must transcend us mere mortals.
So whether you believe they'll ever actually implement this or not, they're in control and they've basically already built 90% of it.
So our main mission is building a pro-human future and a lot of you understand that and I appreciate that.
You share the information and it's all available to anybody.
I'm not the person that first discovered this.
I'm just popularizing it.
Thanks to Matt Drudge.
We got, last time I checked, late last night, a million and a half visitors to our top-linked story.
We had 5,000 plus visitors a second coming on during the show.
A lot of people have never visited InfoWars.com yesterday, thanks to Drudge, top-linking the story about Trump administration considering social credit score system to determine who can buy a gun.
And I had Tom Papert in here who writes for Big League Politics, runs some TV stations and things, and he's got some other sites as well, and he's hooked in with the Republican Party.
And he was getting calls yesterday saying, is Jones right?
Is this real?
And Papert said, it links to the Washington Post and the White Paper.
It's completely real.
And Ivanka Trump has made statements about it.
They want all the little computers in your house, all the smart devices, all the Alexa's, all the Google Assist.
Give all the data over to HARPA, being set up by DARPA, and the individuals that actually run HARPA, that's already actually operational in a beta test, both of the directors worked at the National Institutes of Health at the highest level for, you guessed it, Barack Hussein Obama?
Oh, and it gets better, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Trump's a delegator, and just because he's shown interest in this, and just because Ivanka's pushing it, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
Just like they wanted him to do the red flag laws and get rid of due process, and now he's totally against it because Trump got educated about being taken to the woodshed.
And I don't take any pleasure in that, but we all had to do that, didn't we?
Well, it's back again.
And this thing is so draconian, it'll make your head spin.
So we have Tom Papert, who's a smart cookie, with us in the second hour.
Mike Adams pops in on the Bernie Sanders eugenics push.
Robert Barnes is with us at the bottom of the hour to hit some pee intel.
We are going to be filing lawsuits next week.
We've been a few weeks behind, but next week we're going to be filing some very important lawsuits in defense of America and free speech.
So we'll have a first look at that.
And Freeway Rick Ross, who is the largest ever admitted government narcotics trafficker for the Central Intelligence Agency, will be in studio
Okay, here's what else we've got coming up for you.
And it's a lot.
We have South Africans setting fire to other African migrants in a wave of xenophobic attacks.
No, it's called tribalism.
And they know how Africa works in the rest of the world before Christianity, where any outside group you let it get big enough will enslave you.
That's how Africa works.
So the Africans killing the other Africans understand how the ball bounces.
So we're going to be explaining that.
I'm not defending it.
This is just what goes on.
If you're not from South Africa and you're black, particularly, you get set on fire.
But somehow Trevor Noah found a way to blame white people.
I've got that video as well.
No, there's been a 14 times increase in South Africa since apartheid was ended.
I'm not defending apartheid, but it's like chopping your arm off so you shoot yourself in the head five times.
Apartheid is chopping your arm off.
The Communist running things always goes bad.
I mean, it never goes well.
So we'll be looking at that.
Also, we're going to be looking at the latest Epstein information.
That's the biggest information yet, other than him mysteriously committing Arkansas there.
So, so much more coming up today.
But as we go to break, I want to just remind listeners.
We are only here because of your tutelage, because of your patronage, because of your support, and I salute and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Ooh, yeah.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
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I'm good.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday, from 11am to 3pm, I'm here live, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Before I go live every day, David Knight kicks it all off, 8am to 11am, with the David Knight Show.
Informative, hard-hitting.
Extremely well vetted and documented.
Owen Troyer, always on fire!
3 p.m.
We're going to have some big announcements on Friday about some new shows that we're going to be carrying.
We're not just going to produce shows, we're going to be carrying some new shows that are already out there and established.
A lot of big things.
We will be, because I've been behind for a while, 20 hours live a day very, very soon.
We've been gearing up.
We've been expanding.
I've been spending every bit of money coming in to launch into 2020 to give the globalists as hard a run for their money as we possibly can.
Okay, so let's get back to brass tacks.
The world operating system of the megacorporations in the last really 50, 60 years has been about planetary government to carry out forced depopulation.
Now remember, Hitler died at the end of World War II in the Berlin bunker under the Reichstag, or the Reich's Chancellery actually.
But his ideas lived on, but Hitler didn't get his ideas
From the Nazi Party.
Hitler was funded by British Intelligence, the National Socialist Workers Party, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was funded by the Rockefeller family, and it was funded by IBM.
Now that's all Pulitzer Prize winning, New York Times number one bestselling books, and that's the history.
I don't just believe those books, I've gone and read the source documents.
I am someone of a World War II file.
I've read over, let's not exaggerate, 300 books probably or more, and encyclopedias on World War II.
When you read it, it's all right there in Order of the Deathshead and Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and all these famous books that Hitler wanted to carry out worldwide eugenics.
But it gave it a bad name.
Hitler gave it a bad name, in their words.
So the World Eugenics Society, headed up by Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian, became the World Transhumanist Society.
So when you're in Hollywood or you're around billionaire hedge fund people in, say, New York,
Or Paris or London or Tokyo, you're not in the club unless you are a transhumanist, posthumanist, who believes you're going to live forever and be God.
Now, they can't outright kill us right away, except with wars and famine.
And HIV obviously was a race-specific bioweapon.
Whites can still get it, but it's very, very hard.
They have cures for it.
That's why Magic Johnson, all those folks are still alive.
It's well known.
And my dad even told me this back when the thing was raging in the mid-1980s.
He said, son, that's a bioweapon.
Wives don't have the receptors for the system that attacks the T-lymphocytes.
I didn't roll my eyes, but it all later came out.
I said, how do you know that, dad?
And he just said, well, I read some medical journals.
Truth was, he was in Dallas talking to a lot of folks that worked for the government.
And it was an open secret.
Now, let's just continue, ladies and gentlemen.
This has all been beta tested.
It's a soft kill.
So fluoride in your water, lowering your IQ, lowering your fertility.
That doesn't kill you right away until you die of cancer, but it makes you statistically not able to have as many children.
So it does kill people in the billions, technically.
In the aggregate.
And so Sanders knocked for comments linking abortion to population control.
Well that's what Margaret Sanger is!
That's what Planned Parenthood is!
That's why like New York State, 77% of blacks never got born.
National average is like 40%.
But Black Lives Matter is funded by the very same institutions that are aborting the blacks.
They want blacks to hate police, hate white people so that there's a racial division in the country, pushed by leftists, and then of course they never look under their noses at how they're being exterminated.
Billionaires try to shrink world population, report says.
Associated Press.
Oh, this is from 2009 with Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates in New York.
Sanders under fire for remarks on population control.
Abortion and population control are important parts of addressing climate change.
Get rid of the humans!
And of course, Bernie tells the crying baby to keep it down.
Let's play this little meme piece where Sanders did say, keep that baby quiet!
He's a super rude jerk, mean to all his employees, known to be hateful, known to not tip.
This has come out in the news recently, but I've been told people close to him.
He ripped off and bankrupted a college, stole the money, gave jobs to his whole family.
He's a dirty criminal who never had a paycheck till he was 40.
But he has a right to rule you, and he will!
So, uh, here he is, uh, again.
Quiet that baby down!
Now, you know, we can joke about that all day, but here's what he really thinks about babies.
Here it is.
Now remember, all these globalists have gone to TED Talk.
And Bill Gates releases mosquitoes and he goes, here's the answer to our population.
Mosquitoes to reduce population.
He lets mosquitoes loose.
He's showing him what he's already really doing.
He's involved in releasing sperm mole mosquitoes in Florida.
See, first he does it on a stage.
Then he does it in real life.
He's involved in the weather weapons.
It's all declassified.
Just like they're listening to you with devices in your house.
Just like the fluoride brain damages you.
And so they know exactly what they're doing.
In that same talk, he said, we've got to reduce the CO2.
It's going to kill the Earth.
It's what plants breathe.
Super trace gas.
We need more of it.
It used to be hundreds of times higher in our ancient past.
We need it.
But instead, he says, we need to get rid of it.
But humans also put it off.
So we've got to reduce that number down.
And he shows the human number at zero.
And the TED Talk group giggles and laughs because they're all leftist, eugenicist types.
Who, again, don't care about life.
They're here as the rulers.
They're here as the post-human group.
They've been let in on the club.
You understand that?
And see, now they're externalizing the method.
So here's Bernie Sanders and his hate letter to humanity.
Here it is.
This has more than doubled in the past 50 years.
The planet cannot sustain this growth.
I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it's crucial to face.
Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact.
Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?
Well, Marthy, the answer is yes.
And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions.
And the Mexico City Agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd.
So I think, especially in poor countries around the world, where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies.
And where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have.
Something I very, very strongly support.
Now that sounds reasonable until you understand they're pumping glyphosate and fluoride out and wrote books decades ago admitting they're doing it to dumb us down and reduce population.
And they're specifically targeting high IQ populations, who they see as competition to them, and then trying to balloon lower IQ populations.
Andrew Yang isn't from communist China, but he might as well be.
He hopes to shape our system to curb meat consumption.
They're going to take everything away from you.
They're going to track everything you do.
That now vegans are suing neighbors that cook barbecue outside.
It's all about a post-human world.
All teaching you to hate yourselves.
Stay with us.
We're going to hit a key topic when we come back.
Did I really just lose a Sandy Hook lawsuit?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Bernie Sanders came out and said a worldwide population reduction, particularly in brown people countries.
Isn't that interesting?
Yes, the eugenicists, the left, Margaret Sanger, all funded by the
Rockefellers, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, all funded by the Rockefellers who literally created the Nazi ideology.
That's in mainline history books.
Naturalnews.com has an excellent article.
We've posted it in full to Infowars.com, so hit refresh.
Bernie Sanders announces support for global eugenics.
And depopulation calls on accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color.
And that's the Democratic Party constantly telling you about how Nazis are hiding under every single bed.
Find out the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
Coming up next hour, we're going to have Tom Papert of Big League Politics.
He also runs some TV stations that carry our transmission.
Very smart talk show host.
He dug into who's behind this move by Trump.
Really, it's by Ivanka.
They're trying to sneak it past him to create digital red flag bureaucracies run by the National Institutes of Health and DARPA, calling it HARPA.
Where psychiatrists and big tech create an algorithm, a profile of you, and then take your guns for these micro-psychotic tell-tale signs they claim.
That's just a bunch of phony propaganda.
So we're going to be talking about that with Tom Papert.
Yes, this is really happening.
Digital red flag laws.
And then Mike Adams is going to get into the eugenics.
With us, Freeway Rick Ross is going to be in studio.
He is the biggest busted cocaine dealer in U.S.
history and publicly worked for the Central Intelligence Agency.
Gary Webb, of course, was killed right before his new book was going to come out and vindicate all of that.
He'll be in studio in the third hour today.
Now, joining us is constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
And he's also a defense lawyer.
He's also a civil rights lawyer.
And I wanted to get him on today.
I know when listeners hear about Sandy Hook, your eyes glaze over.
So do mine.
But this latest escapade with Sandy Hook disinformation is illustrative of how the corporate media lies en masse towards a certain aim.
So, if I could show the viewers a close shot of this please.
Another twist in the Sandy Hook family's defamation case against Alex Jones.
That's the Washington Post two months ago.
Got no coverage.
You have to specifically search the headline to even find it.
It's buried.
But there was a special interest case where the Supreme Court came in of Connecticut, took over the case before it ever even went to trial, years before it was going to trial, which is incredibly rare.
Saying that there were anomalies to how I was being treated.
We'll let Barnes, who's an expert on this, describe how important this is.
Notice, you don't see how we're winning there and how they're trying to railroad us, but it's so bad that even Supreme Courts are coming in, not after the case, but before.
Very rare.
But then look at this.
Alex Jones seeks $100,000 from Sandy Hook families.
Daily Beast.
None of that's true.
I waive attorney's fees, but now they keep filing more and more suits on top of them for no reason, so we're not going to be able to do that.
Alex Jones seeks $100 from Sandy Hook families.
Totally not true.
They're the ones suing me.
Father of Sandy Hook victims wins defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones.
The Associated Press, it says I wrote a book with James Fetzer I've never read.
I'm not in the book.
I mean, I read it after I learned I supposedly wrote it.
I never lost a suit.
But everybody's running around saying, I've lost.
Because they know they're going to end up losing in the end.
But they don't care.
They want to declare I've lost to scare everyone.
See, it's all about perception.
And so I've even seen talks that I know, I was in a video yesterday, just so happy going, I told you, he lost his appeal of his trial in Texas.
He's going bankrupt.
None of that.
Was true.
I've not gone to trial on any of this.
Clearly it's been filed in Democrat-controlled areas to railroad me.
It's so obvious that the Supreme Court of Connecticut got involved.
I mean, this is amazing, but it does make me wonder, what are they going to do next?
Here's yesterday, all over the newspapers, in the paper locally today.
Jones loses Texas appeal in ongoing lawsuit with Sandy Huckfather.
Didn't lose an appeal.
We'll explain that in a moment.
Here's another one.
It's all over the New York Times, everywhere.
Alex Jones loses.
Alex Jones loses.
I have to pay all costs, they claim.
Well, then I read it all, talked to lawyers yesterday, and that wasn't the case.
So Robert Barnes joins us to, again, illustrate how if they can't actually assassinate my character and destroy us in the real world, thanks to your support,
Your prayers, they'll just announce I'm dead, like saying Mark Twain's dead when he's not.
To say, oh look, he's a loser, we're winning, they're losing.
America was never great, it'll never be that great.
Barnes, you're the expert on why they're doing this.
We're going to counteract this next week.
We're not going to announce that yet, but the suits will be filed next week.
We're ready to announce that's happening, just not specifics until you're in studio next week.
But you've got the floor of the segment next.
Was I accurate in what I laid out there?
Because you're the expert.
Yeah, no doubt about it.
I mean, there were several different components that were misrelaid in the press and that they knew that they were misrelaid in the press by some partisan members of the press, like Huffington Post and others.
And so, for example, what happened in the appeal case was the question was whether or not the appeal should be heard before the trial court hearing or after the trial court hearing due to some unique timeline issues under Texas law.
If we did not file the appeal, then we could have waived our arguments for an appeal.
So we had to raise it, and when the appeals court said, no, we're going to send it back to the trial court, let's have the trial court have the hearing first, and then we'll have a hearing on the merits.
No merits decision has ever been issued by any appeals court in this matter.
So the relaying it as a lost appeal, as if it was a lost appeal on the merits, and saying a bunch of costs were due that were not going to be due, just appellate costs or very small costs that you pay.
So that was entirely misinterpreted and misrelaid by the media and the press.
There was some discussion of discovery that was misrelaid and misinterpreted by the press.
There's no question that the most significant development to date in all of the Sandy Hook related cases was the Connecticut Supreme Court taking that extraordinary action to get involved and to intervene in the case and to say we really need to look at this and see what and usually that's like a one in a 10,000 proposition.
So all kinds of people request the Connecticut Supreme Court to get involved in cases prior to a hearing, prior to trial, and it's because it relates to a new First Amendment issue.
All of the cases concern the First Amendment.
Whether the First Amendment has a safe space exception that allows people to sue someone if they feel emotionally upset by the nature of their speech, even if no specifically false statement was made about them as an individual.
That's one of the critical issues that's paramount and pervades the Sandy Hook cases constitutionally.
But the one the Connecticut Supreme Court took up is whether or not a court can effectively censor or use its power in the judicial system to censor someone's out-of-courtroom speech, because that's effectively what took place there.
In fact, the U.S.
Supreme Court many decades ago said that that cannot happen.
A famous case out of California involving Harry Bridges in a labor union case where Bridges said a lot of very controversial things about the court hearing.
Basically, Bridges said he wasn't going to obey the labor union, wasn't going to obey the injunction and a bunch of other conduct like that.
Supreme Court said that's protected speech under the First Amendment and no court can issue contempt or any other form of sanction or discipline for someone's politically protected speech.
And the U.S.
So I think all of these, it's extraordinary that these cases, the real legacy of these cases, despite the political attempt to use them to tar and feather your reputation, to try to de-platform you, to try to scare off audiences from supporting you,
That's their political objective of the press and some of the politicians that have propagated the case.
But the lasting legal legacy of this case will be the protection of the First Amendment and what it means for the free press and free speech.
As I told CNN yesterday, the key issue in this case is whether press and speech will remain free in the United States.
Because if some of the legal theories being pursued are permitted or allowed, then press will no longer be free and speech will no longer be free in the United States.
So these cases will establish the true scope of the First Amendment and will probably be the most seminal, foundational, fundamental First Amendment cases in the country for decades to come.
And by the way, you're not just saying that.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, Rolling Stone, they all say, we're ending the First Amendment using Jones.
We don't need it anymore.
It's bad.
They're not even denying that they're ending free speech in America and trying to use a straw man they built of me.
I want to get into some other big geopolitical issues, get your take on some things, but I want to briefly get back to AP, who we're looking at suing, refuses to retract this story.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to have Tom Pafferton here, who's done the research.
We're going to be getting into
The Obama operatives inside this DARPA-slash-HARPA system they're setting up, where the medical tyranny is dialed into all your tech, all the audio, all the video from your smart devices that aren't listening to you.
It's not even bombshell anymore.
It's like, yeah, they're listening to us.
And yeah, you have nothing to hide.
It doesn't matter.
They're going to make stuff up.
It's a tyranny.
They're the bad guys.
We're going to get constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes' take on that in a moment before that guest joins us and several other big issues.
During the break we were talking, he wants to chime in on Bernie Sanders and the eugenicists at Planned Parenthood.
But first, this headline out of AP.
We are filing some suits next week.
We're not going to announce those quite yet.
I can tell you AP is in the running.
We've got six or seven on the table written up.
We're just, last minute, going to be talking in the next few days about what we're going to do.
Bob's going to get here.
He'll be here Monday, and we're going to make those decisions in the next few days, by the middle of next week.
But I can tell you, AP's in the running here, saying, I lost a lawsuit for saying nobody died, even though that's free speech, for a book I wrote called Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, that my name's not on, that a professor wrote, and the article's not even about me, but they stand by it.
It has a publishing number.
I'm not in the book.
I'm not on the book.
And they just laughed at Barnes when he's called him.
He's written them letters.
The Wall Street Journal republished it.
And people walk by me and say, aha, you lost.
It's creating like a self-fulfilling prophecy, they think, for juries in the future.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what this is, but here it is.
Father of Sandy Hook victim wins defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones.
It hurt my feelings.
I got sent a clip last night of a talk show host I helped years ago, nothing but nice to, just in sublime pleasure, going, Jones lost his appeal.
Jones lost this.
He's going under.
And these are even conservatives, I guess, get brownie points with YouTube doing this.
But it's so sick, and it's not even true, Robert.
So what's the psychology behind this?
I think the press is so used to lying and libeling about you that they just do it routinely and regularly.
I mean, they just sort of went nuts with it this summer with a wide range of lies and libels by everybody from the Young Turks, the New York Times, prominent individuals, the Associated Press, MarketWatch.
So you had a wide range of individuals and institutions who were so accustomed to getting away with lying and libeling people on the political right, and particularly you and President Trump, probably more so than anybody, the combination of the two of you, have been the targets of more lies and libels than almost anybody, fake news stories, that they don't think there's going to be any consequence to it.
I mean, that was part of the reason that started the Free America Law Center in order to support these kind of cases.
Brought the Covington cases, because even though they may be difficult cases in certain contexts, there needed to be at least an effort at meaningful remedy.
And so what you're seeing is, I mean, there was, I mean, there was the white shoe boy that they, they deliberately misconstrued as Jew boy.
There was a false statements about that you set things to set child porn to Sandy Hook families.
It's completely false.
So there was a wide range of lies and libels that even people that are critics on social media and other places were shocked
By the scale and the scope of the lies and libels.
And my point at the time was, this should raise questions for everybody about what else has been said that's a lie and a libel.
Because there have been a lot of false statements out there about you, probably more so than any other member of the press in the country, or in the world, really.
And that's because they feel threatened by the success of InfoWars, the ability of the audience to stay committed to InfoWars, to continue to support InfoWars,
I think that was something they thought never would happen.
So they just kept escalating the lie.
Well, that's right.
They hate the activist bulldog audience.
And I'm not kissing the audience's butt.
Folks, you guys deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Information Award, not me.
You're the ones that have literally done it all with our supporters, this great crew.
So let me ask you this, Robert.
Why do you think they got in the position to lie this crazily and to do these things?
Because all it's doing, at many levels, and it's hurt us in some ways, it has caused damage, but it damages them as well along the way.
Yeah, they're willing to risk their own reputation.
It's sort of a different variation of what they did against President Trump.
They're willing to completely destroy and wreck their own reputations as a desperate effort to destroy an individual that they considered the biggest threat to their control of the established narrative.
So, and they've been the gatekeepers of established narrative for so long, for really a century or so, at least a half a century since the 1950s.
They've been able to control what people hear, and by doing so, control what people think and what people feel permitted to say.
And so they've been shocked that someone like President Trump could succeed, shocked that the InfoWars audience could make President Trump a real possibility, and shocked by the power that InfoWars audience was able to fuel the most independent press network in the world of this scale and scope.
And so it's like anybody that's in trouble, they reach to desperate measures, even ones that risk their own reputations, to do so.
And that's really who they are and what they're about.
Let's bring this up.
I also have gotten the calls from people going, oh, your lawyer Barnes, the Covington case got thrown out.
No, you, when that got filed, said, watch, this $500 million is going to get thrown out.
I'm going to wait and see how the courts respond.
I've got a year.
And then I'm going to file them, which you're obviously about to do.
And actually probably win.
You've got like an 89% win rate or settlement rate.
I mean, you really are one of the ace lawyers out there out of millions and millions of lawyers.
It's just a fact.
And that's why so many Democrats and operatives want you out of the cases where you represent us.
They just go crazy.
And the way you've called all my cases and the way you've predicted what was going to happen or how the Texas Supreme Court just ruled so that we can open up our operations next week.
I mean, you've really been uncannily able to predict all this, so you might want to set the record straight.
Your Covington Kid cases have not yet been filed and have not been thrown out.
They have not been thrown out at all.
We did file them at the beginning of August.
So we sued everybody, including Senator Elizabeth Warren.
And I was thinking you've got more coming too.
Sorry, I misspoke.
Oh yeah, no problem.
In fact, what was interesting was Senator Warren's response.
So she tried to drag the whole case into federal court.
And her argument is that once she's elected to, once anyone is elected to Congress, they have a license to lie and libel anyone in the world.
Even if it has nothing to do with their community.
She claimed an immunity that has never been granted to any elected politician in America.
Don't they only have a quasi-immunity on the floor?
What you have is you have the Speech and Immunities Clause of the U.S.
Constitution, and there's a statutory version of that, which has only ever been applied to either statements made on the floor, which by the way, there are specific rules that govern what you can say on the floor.
That's why those rules exist, is to prevent them from using the floor, their internal rules, from using the floor.
That's why you're not allowed to disparage or defame because you're violating the immunity.
You're violating the internal rules of the House and the Senate so you don't abuse the Speech and Immunities Clause protection.
And the only other place it's been extended to is press conferences and things like that about what happened before the committee.
But in every other context, congressmen and senators have been held liable and responsible when they went out and lied and libeled about private citizens.
So she's trying to open up an imperial form of immunity.
One that would basically say, hey, if you're a liberal, get elected to the Senate.
It would be like this.
It would say, oh, now I got elected to the House, or I get elected to the Senate.
Now, because I'm another senator, I can lie about my ex-wife.
I can lie about my neighbor down the street.
I can lie about my... I can say I can call my neighbor a murderer.
I can lie about my taxes.
I can just lie across the board, destroy people's reputations, because somehow that's a privilege of an elected politician.
And it's not.
They have to do it within their official duties as an official representative of the government.
Then they're given immunity to protect the scope of their speech, but that is not a green light to lie and libel a bunch of kids from Covington, Kentucky that had nothing to do with the senator from Massachusetts.
Robert, we've got to go to break.
I want to come back and get into Bernie Sanders and his abort brown people statement.
He actually said that.
We played it earlier.
That's coming up.
And then we've got Tom Papert in studio.
Yes, Trump has people proposing gun confiscation right now.
So we'll go back to Robert here in just a moment.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And we are back live with Constance Roy and Robert Barnes.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
So, I'm not going to play the clip because of time constraints.
We played it 30 minutes ago.
It's all over the news.
Top grudge report story.
What could top Biden's eye-bleeding suddenly during the debate, not being able to talk?
Well, Bernie, Hitler, Sanders saying, let's abort the brown people, let's accelerate that.
Yeah, that's Trump, that's the white supremacist.
No, it's Sanders that's the elitist, that's what it is.
Sanders works for the folks that created Hitler.
What do you make of this behavior, this coming out of the closet by the eugenicists that we're seeing, not just by him but by Yang and others?
Well, my first experience with that was as a scholarship student at Yale.
I, along with Justice Breyer's daughter and some other people, formed a debate society, and one of the debate issues was about Planned Parenthood.
So we had some of the higher-ranking people from Planned Parenthood there, and part of it was they did a speaking presentation for 45 minutes, and then there was a dinner afterwards with professors, academics, and students, and I was seated next to the main Planned Parenthood individual.
And early on in the conversation, he turned to me and said, well, you understand the importance of this?
Have you looked at where the population is expanding?
And I remember being shocked at multiple levels, one at the moral horror of such a comment and what he means and intended, but what was even worse was that he expected and anticipated that just because I was a student at Yale, not knowing my background, that I would be completely acceptable to this notion.
That he could just broach it at a dinner conversation with someone he had just met that evening to say, hey, you know, our real objective, our real goal here is to control populations in poor countries, particularly minority populations.
So it's an incredible admission by Bernie to immediately jump to that.
I mean, he could have said a lot of things about population control.
Uh, that were different than what he said.
Instead, it was, let's use government money and pay people around the world to make sure they abort their babies, particularly in those countries with big population issues, which are overwhelmingly the countries that are being targeted are African countries and countries of brown and black people in Latin America and Africa.
So if Trump had said that, it would have been news for a year.
So the extraordinary degree to which the purported Democratic candidate for the presidency is endorsing a eugenics agenda that would have government funding and government coercion behind it to people all around the world who are not even part of the United States is a frightening and terrifying prospect of the ideas that are coming back to the fore again.
You know, I was going to air this gun control boil-down intro when we come back, so we have time to get Tom Papert seated in here, but this is only a 60-second break.
We got a break here in a few minutes.
I want you to hold over so you gotta go soon.
But I want you to have the floor for like five minutes when we come back to specifically speak to what was one of the top stories on the web yesterday.
Thanks to Drugs Report making it the top story for 10 hours on the site.
We had over a million plus original visitors just to InfoWars just off that link, which is so refreshing because I'm not against Trump and I'm not even against Ivanka and Jared, but they go to dinner with big tech.
They're hanging out with them.
This proposal we're going to expose next segment.
That Obama was actually pushing, that they tried to get Trump before to have the National Institutes of Health and the CDC hooked him with DARPA, the thing called HARPA, and they're going to be in?
Your smart devices watching you, listening to you.
They admit.
So the coming out of, hey, these personal assistants and iPhones and Apple Watches are watching and listening to you.
Just amazing that that's now out in the open.
And then the idea that extrajudicially, they're calling them, you know, these psycho signs that aren't even overt calls for violence, but high blood pressure, anger in your voice, and that it's a psychological credit score is what it is.
And then your guns will be taken outside of law
This will trigger a civil war.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a global architecture being established to have big tech merge with governments, with old media as the thought police, soldiers in the street,
Censoring and controlling and monitoring everything you say and do and then if you don't play ball, you can't leave your house, you can't get on a bus, you can't buy a car, you can't have a job, you can't get on a train or an airplane.
That's coming here.
They've already announced it.
Global cashless society run by Facebook.
Facebook says,
What words you can say and what words you can't.
We're leaping into tyranny.
There's a revolution against human rights and freedoms.
We're told it's a post-human world.
Now, I said that if Trump openly supports this, as the Washington Post says he's going to, that I will call for his impeachment.
Because there's no lesser of two evils when you do this.
Now, the Washington Post lies a lot.
So I researched it and I found out Trump is best buddies with the man proposing this.
And the people that actually have already set up this division of DARPA, that they now want to get fully funded, are Obama and Hillary minions.
And it's the medicalization of everything, just like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany first used psychologists and psychiatrists to carry out the first euthanasia, the first exterminations.
And so it's a red flag law, with no law, carried out by a bureaucracy in a giant powergram.
And forced inoculations, and forced drugging.
This is how classical tyrannies unfold, now it has a high-tech overlay.
So the story went viral.
Trump administration considering social credit score system to determine who can buy a gun.
Daily Caller reported on it, our same analysis.
Countless others did, but a lot of people couldn't believe this.
Tom Papert, talk show host researcher, he has looked into the roots of it and found even more shocking info.
He'll be in studio in just a few minutes, but constitutional lawyer and, of course, chief counsel for InfoWars, Robert Barnes, your take on this, just from the judicial perspective of saying this consortium of big tech and government, a merger of the NSA and big tech,
Which already happened really a coming out of it.
How would you describe this this nightmare scenario?
Well, there's no question that for a long time it has been suspected and there's a wide range of evidence for it from various sources That the reason why big tech got support and subsidies and various forms of protection from government was for the purposes of this kind of surveillance operation this kind of spying and this kind of censorship this kind of control and
It's most evident in the Chinese social credit model system that they've announced and are utilizing, but there's no question that it was intended for Europe, the United States, and other countries as well.
It's extraordinary power.
It was supposed to be power to the ordinary person to be able to get their voice heard across a broader platform, but in fact it was always used and intended by some aspects of the government and big tech to be able to control, censor, shame, and surveil people, often without their notice or knowledge.
There's no question that the red flag laws have been almost all precarious.
So there are ways to do a constitutional red flag law.
You limit it to solely to the same standard you would have for involuntary institutionalization of someone who's mentally ill.
It's a very high standard, clear and convincing evidence of proof.
You have a full right to a hearing.
You have a full right to evidence, a full right to presentation.
Because they know that would be rarely used against only the worst potential risks.
Any other red flag law invites this kind of big tech, big government collusion to surveil, spy on, censor, and control people's behavior.
And it really runs afoul that the idea that's being proposed to the President, that is being proposed by various political purported allies, but are really adversaries of the President, is an idea that would offend the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, and the Fifth Amendment.
And not just the Second Amendment, because it would infringe on First Amendment rights, because it would effectively punish speech.
It would also clearly and evidently infringe on Second Amendment rights.
The right to bear arms is necessary to protect all other rights, including the right of self-defense, including the right of self-defense against potential government incorrect behavior, bad behavior.
But also, importantly, the Fourth Amendment.
The Fourth Amendment basically enshrines a right to privacy, a right against the government in particular, intruding and invading that privacy.
And the Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to due process.
And of course, the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a jury trial about any significant issue of property or liberty.
So when you end with the Seventh Amendment...
6th Amendment right to counsel, 7th Amendment right to a jury trial.
So you look at it, all of those rights are being violated by this proposed law.
This proposed law would deny people, would punish people for their speech, deprive people of the right of self-defense under the 2nd Amendment, would invade their privacy under the 4th Amendment without probable cause of any criminal behavior, would deny them their due process under the 5th Amendment, deprive them of access to a counsel by the way the proceedings work under the 6th Amendment, and deprive them of their jury trial rights under the 7th Amendment.
It would be the most constitutionally offensive proposal in this context in the history of the country.
We should not be using the Chinese social credit model system for anything in the United States.
We should be resisting it at every single level.
And this proposal goes right to the core of those fundamental freedoms, including and using the right of self-defense as the proxy
I think so.
I think so.
As far as I've seen, it's 24 to 50 plus times it's used to stop crime or save someone versus it being used in a crime.
But it never, as you said, gets reported in the news, even when it's filed with police or the FBI.
So they estimate that it could be two, three times higher.
We never hear about it.
Exactly, and if you look at it, what are they really trying to do?
Not only to strip you of your self-defense abilities from potential government oppression, but really it's more nefarious than that, because what it really does is it forces you to be dependent upon the government for your own protection.
Protection of your liberty, protection of your property, because the only people that are allowed to have guns is the state, is the government itself.
And everybody knows the criminals will get the guns.
They've got them in every country that has them.
Social psychology score.
It is the architecture of tyranny.
It is the big threat in our lifetimes and forward and it is the central issue.
So I salute you and this audience and the crew and Matt Drudge is on fire for exposing it.
This is such an important time to be alive.
We're gonna be in studio next week to really launch some major lawsuits and a counteroffensive and do so many great things.
You're doing so much of your work for me at cost.
We salute you and I think people should become members at your amazing organization.
Again, tell people about the
Any new organization.
It's Free America Law Center.
Anyone can find it at www.freeamericalawcenter.com.
For $17.76 a month, so they can become a member.
They just want to donate, they can do that too.
But what we give them is, first of all, they are going to be supporting the most important litigation in the country.
This doesn't go to legal fees.
This goes to court costs, witness fees, service fees, all of those other incidental costs that right now we're paying out of our own pocket.
I already have the lawyers lined up.
Lawyers to bring great cases to equalize the equation.
Because the left has effectively monopolized public interest law in this country.
So the left has taken over the ACLU entirely to where they're not defending anybody on the right anymore.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has been a political hack organization for forever.
We need a counterpart to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
An antidote to the liberal bias of the ACLU.
The liberal profession as a whole has been able to, it leans, the legal profession leans liberal overwhelmingly.
So that creates a problem where the left has almost a monopoly on what's happening in public interest law about First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment, Seventh Amendment, fundamental constitutional rights and liberties.
And those who become members, we're providing direct benefits too.
So we're providing a Q&A podcast with lawyers and experts, providing free books every month that helps them become self-educated about fundamental constitutional rights and liberties.
And they'll be supporting the most important litigation in the country to protect free speech, to protect a free press, to protect this First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendment.
Well, I know I'm getting super excited, and you're the guy to do it, and you've already filed some suits, but next week the real offensive begins.
So again, for Radio Lister, slowly tell people that address as we prepare to take action, and tell people how they can, again, can hopefully spread that URL to others.
It's the word of mouth that's king.
Tell people the URL one more time.
FreeAmericaLawCenter.com FreeAmericaLawCenter.com
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
50 billion unstoppable lives!
And radio!
Tom Pappas at studio with us.
Coming to the next hour, the true Ricky Ross is going to be here with us in the studio.
Biggest CIA drug dealer ever.
Tom Pappert created a Facebook page, God Emperor, with hundreds of millions of views.
Fall in college to vote to support Trump without being singled out by the university's administration.
And of course,
It was one of the top sites during the campaign.
He also manages a TV station, syndicated talk show host.
He's that real G.E.
Trump on Twitter, Facebook.com forward slash God Emperor Trump official.
The station he's got up in Wichita carries our show and it's number one in the market after just a year and a half.
We're very excited about that.
It's like we're number one on cloud TV.
We're number one everywhere we're not banned.
That's why we've got to be banned everywhere because we're number one.
Because freedom is popular.
Thanks to you spreading the word, audience.
You're number one.
That's no brag.
That's just a fact.
Tom Papert, I like when we went to dinner last night, you described it.
You started getting all these calls yesterday because you've got some big websites out there and write for Big League Politics.
Cohen, is this true that Trump's got this extra judiciary thing that Ivanka's proposing?
I dug into the Washington Post article.
I don't just believe the Washington Post usually.
What they're saying is true.
Now, did Trump really act favorably?
Does he really support it?
We don't know that.
But one of his best friends is the guy proposing it.
Ivanka's on record supporting it.
So why don't you, in your own words, describe
I don't know.
It's like taking care of your kid for 10 years and one day shooting him in the head with a shotgun.
It kind of ruins everything else before.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
And look, we're 24 hours into this being a firestorm, no tweets from Trump, no statements saying, oh no, we're not going to do this.
So Tom Papert first, how do you describe this?
And then let's get into who's actually honchoing this thing that DARPA's already cooked up.
Well, Alex, the number one thing is this is worse than anything Hillary Clinton could have done.
Because if we add President Hillary Clinton, God forbid, the Republicans would have been unified in their opposition to this type of thing.
This is worse than China.
It's social credit on steroids.
Because in China, you don't have Alexa listening to every word you say.
You don't have a Fitbit.
I don't know how many would-be mass killers say, Alexa, how do I kill 50 people in one sitting?
It doesn't work that way.
So they're going to use this to monitor mental health.
This all comes from that side of the former administration, the Obama administration, the Clinton administration.
It comes from people who are big on quote-unquote mental health.
And we all know how the Soviets handled mental health.
If you are a dissident, if you are against the government, you are mentally insane and you must be taken to the gulag.
So they're going to do that to first take our guns.
Second, it is literally one of the top people who is behind pharmaceutical companies who is running this thing.
The guy's name is Herb Partiz.
He's on the board of HARPA and he's been labeled the king of forming psycho-pharma brunch groups.
So if you say anything bad about the government, they're going to take your guns away.
They're going to get you on psychotropic drugs.
Which are causing them almost all the mass shootings.
So the people actually guilty of it
Who've created this mentally ill culture, now they've got their answer.
We're going to surveil all of you and make you take drugs, and then outside of law...
Because they described this HARPA board with DARPA, and big tech, and psychiatrists, liberals will literally, outside of law, take all your guns.
That's exactly what the plan is here.
And what's sick is, you know how this was pitched to President Trump.
The idea is here, oh, this will respect the Second Amendment.
We're just going to go after the crazy people.
We'll take the guns away from the people.
They'll serve.
They say they're going to kill somebody on the internet.
The computers will see it, but when you read the actual proposal, it's a way to roll out the total surveillance that's already happening, and to get the left to support it, believing it's only for guns.
It's for everything, people!
That's exactly right.
It will stamp down on any form of dissidence toward not just the Trump administration.
Leftists should be up in outroar right now.
We used to care about the Constitution.
The left used to care about privacy.
In fact, nominally, they still do.
When the left hits big tech, it is 100% about privacy.
But let's go in, if it's alright with you, Alex, some of the people who are involved in this organization.
Of course, the Suzanne Wright Foundation.
Its founder, Bob Wright, he was the former vice chair of General Electric and the CEO of NBCUniversal, who paid
Trump for 10 years on The Apprentice.
That's exactly right.
Worse than that, founder of Autism Speaks, which of course is saying to stick your kids with every vaccine there is in existence.
And then cover up what's causing it.
Exactly, exactly.
He wants to lead the opposition.
And naturally, as CEO of NBC, it's no surprise this guy donated money to, you name a Democrat, he probably donated, including to one Chuck Schumer.
And it gets worse than that.
It gets much worse.
Dick Gephardt, who served as the Democrat House Majority Leader from 89 to 95, then Minority Leader until 2003.
This guy is involved and he almost was our last Vice President.
If it wasn't for sleepy Joe Biden with his poor eye, I hope he has a full recovery.
If it wasn't for Joe Biden, this guy would have been our Vice President.
He is now going to be taking the guns away.
Mike Stebbins is on the Harper website listed as the former assistant director for biotechnology at the White House under the Obama administration.
He also worked as a research fellow for Democrat Senator Harry Reid.
And of course we talked about her part as the guy who's going to say, oh you tweeted at 2 a.m.
saying that you love the Constitution.
Here, have a box of Prozac.
You need to take seven of these a day.
These are the people who are going to determine
Who gets gun rights?
So let's be clear.
You're getting calls yesterday from all your big writers.
A lot of them are Breitbart, you name it.
You run some big sites.
And they're like, is this really true?
And you're like, read it.
It's all admitted.
Ivanka's at the meetings.
I've got a whole stack of them at it pushing it.
And then one of Trump's best friends is the guy that runs the foundation pushing it.
And it's already in place with all these Obama people lobbying to get the funding and then merge it with DARPA, the NSA, and all these agencies.
A public merger of big tech and the intelligence agencies to literally now have them watching and reading everything we do under law and then using it outside of judicial due process.
This is the total end of America.
It's outrageous and it's run by a bunch of Obama and Hillary people.
Now you know why we're so freaked out at Trump, folks.
And a lot of conservatives can't believe this is happening.
No, it's happening.
It's real.
That's exactly right.
And as you said, I was getting phone calls from my partners, from my writers, saying this is top-linked on Drudge.
I can't believe this is happening.
Is this just Drudge trying to turn people against Trump?
Why would Drudge do such a thing?
This makes no sense.
So then we look into your article, and of course the first people to get this are the Washington Post, which is how you know it comes directly from the deep state.
We were going to the Washington Post article and then it's very easy to do this type of research.
You look up who is the Suzanne Wright Foundation?
Who is the founder?
Who is involved with it?
What are these people's history?
And it turns out this is completely Democrat.
This is completely leftist.
They are all part of the sick cabal that we call the deep state.
Now it's one thing that I was pointing out yesterday that didn't quite make it into the article, but you have been predicting this.
For your entire career.
These people are instituting, they're creating this technology that is meant to monitor- And they're making themselves the kings of the dark crystal.
They're making themselves the masters of the entire control grid, where they're above the law, they spy on everything, they set the algorithm to say you're mentally ill, so you disappear, and Ivanka is sneaking up, trying to get her dad to pass this.
My lord!
We'll be right back.
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This is Paul Joseph Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, The Washington Post has come out and said that Trump is supporting
A global social credit score with big tech spying on you with DARPA, an agency already being set up called HARPA run by Obama and Clinton high-level officials to use the medical tyranny system to come in outside of law with a psychological and social credit score and take your guns or bar you from having a gun.
Now obviously it's a trial balloon.
Trump's going to end up shooting this down.
Trump's a good guy.
But this is some of the stuff going on with Ivanka, who's never shot a gun in her life.
Freaks out if she breaks the nail.
I'm sorry, she's domesticated, you know, billionaire rich girl from New York.
His sons aren't.
They're against this.
Eric and Don Jr.
But this is a nightmare situation and we've learned and we just listed them.
All these top Democrats from Obama mainly and some from Hillary are running the whole thing.
So your headline, I mean how do you make it bombshell enough?
Obama officials are running the Trump administration's push.
For anti-gun social credit score?
I mean, it's even worse than that!
I don't know how you describe this.
We'll talk to Mike Adams in a moment and get his expert take on how you describe something this bad.
It's like trying to describe...
The House burning down or something, and with kids in it.
I mean, you gotta see it to know what it's like.
You don't want to see it.
So this is out of control.
We're going to Mike Adams in a moment on this and more.
And then his big article on Bernie Sanders endorsing the accelerated, targeted aborting of brown people's children worldwide.
But Tom Papert, syndicated talk show host, writes for BigLeaguePolitics.com, has some of your own big news sites.
You were going over this.
How do you describe this?
We need to get horrified.
Some people are like, hey, don't criticize Trump, the Dems will win.
We're the ones that put Trump in, and if we don't stay on him,
The establishment's going to sell him a bill of goods.
We're doing God's work here.
I know most of the audience gets that and knows that, but we need to be very aggressive right now.
Go ahead.
You're completely right, Alex, because this is, by and large, the worst thing that's come out of the Trump administration, if it were to be put into place.
Already, the Trump administration
I am a big supporter of President Trump, but when he is wrong, he is completely and totally wrong.
And this is the most sickening thing you've seen in your life.
If a Democrat tried to do this, you would have insurrection.
You would have violence in the streets.
And I abhor violence, which is why I want this to be ended.
I don't know how it can be overstated.
Your refrigerator will be spying on you.
Your smartwatch will be spying on you.
The thing that tells you how many steps you've taken...
They already are.
This is the bridge to get you to accept it.
Well, and it's the bridge between the private sector, all these companies that were founded with government support and with government money in many instances.
They will be given official carte blanche permission to share that data with the government.
I can only imagine what Jeff Bezos would do with that opportunity to share whatever comes into his Alexa.
With the federal government with the purpose of eradicating any type of patriotic behavior because that's what this is going to be used for.
It's never going to be about guns.
The guns is a total misdirection.
This is for social control and social engineering.
Imagine this.
You get a police officer coming to your door and they say, we know that you were up at 3 a.m.
last night watching an Alex Jones documentary.
You need to go to a mental health official right now.
We're going to get you on a drug and if you resist, we're already taking your guns.
If you resist, you're going to be arrested.
And the Democrats have been saying, burn down their houses, flatten them, put them all in mental institutions.
Trump needs to be put in a mental institution.
25th Amendment.
Mike Adams, I want to get into Bernie Sanders with you next segment.
You've written a very powerful article on nationalnews.com.
It's also up on infowars.com.
Bernie Sanders announced his support for global eugenics and the population call for accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color.
But your take on
Well it all comes down to who defines mental health.
And mental disorders are defined as being divergent from normalcy.
So it really depends on who defines normalcy.
Now, according to the radical leftist, normalcy is the chemical castration of children.
Normalcy is saying that men can get pregnant and have babies.
You know, normalcy is eugenics and depopulation and putting sterilization chemicals into the vaccines.
Drinking fluoride water, having lower IQs, not living as long, having... Normalcy is a post-human world.
Yeah, exactly.
So they're going to say, really, just as Tom mentioned, anyone who questions the authority of the establishment will be labeled as having a mental health disorder.
And with that label, you will be denied the right to purchase firearms.
I mean, this is a divine right.
No government can legitimately interfere with that right.
But you'll be denied the right to speak, the right to engage in contract, the right to earn money, the right to have a job.
I mean, this is the social scoring system, but under the guise of mental health.
Why do you think they've gone from denying this for decades, even though we watched them do it in other countries, to admitting it all?
I mean, I think they now know they're somewhat behind.
There's an awakening.
So they're just trying to normalize it all at once.
A, do you agree with that?
B, where do you think it goes?
How does this cookie crumble?
Well, I see this actually as a last-ditch desperate Hail Mary by the establishment that is losing control of the narrative globally because of the existence of the independent media, organizations like yours and many others that are questioning the official narratives, which are all lies.
You know, who believes CNN anymore?
You literally have to be brain-damaged to watch CNN and believe anything that they're saying.
Climate change town hall circus.
It was it was a joke.
It was a it was a parade of scientific illiteracy You have to be dumbed down to watch that so they're desperate They know that they're going to lose if we continue to push Alex and that's why it's critical that you Exist that your platform exists and that we continue to educate people uplift people and connect people about what's really happening and fight for humanity
I agree with you.
We're going to get into what happened with Bernie Sanders and others last night.
We come back for a few segments of Papert.
You're riding shotgun in the next hour.
Rick Ross is a little bit behind, driving down from Dallas.
He'll be in studio with us in the middle of the next hour.
But I agree with you.
The numbers show it.
The ratings show it.
The general public is showing it.
Just since this whole thing came out with Epstein, just since the fluoride studies, which you already had, we had decades ago, but now
I use this as a bellwether.
They'll have anti-Alex Jones videos on YouTube, and 95% of the comments, 90% are positive, even though the video's anti-Alex Jones.
Used to, it'd be 50-50 against me.
And I see that with other people.
And I see it on the street now, where I'm more popular than ever.
Maybe one out of 100 people, for every hand I shake, one out of 100 says F.U.
Russian agent.
Now the left doesn't even do that.
So I think there's been a collapse in confidence.
But like you said, the small minority of supporters that are kind of low-level minders, they know it's all bull too, but they're associated with the power structure, so they're trying to bully us and prop it up.
They don't realize that we were asleep before, we weren't bullied before, and that the bullying is only pissing us off.
Do you agree with those statements?
Well, absolutely, and I think also, by the way, the murder of Jeffrey Epstein was a big wake-up call, a big turning point for a lot of people.
They realized that everything is rigged, that Epstein, he had his fingers into every dark, you know, twisted corner of globalist society, and that those children were being trafficked and raped.
And probably, you know, other kind of weird, bizarre, demonic rituals were involved as well.
People are waking up.
Every time the establishment tries to cover up one of these big aha moments, the people actually go, wait a second, we're being lied to!
Everything is a lie!
Let's find out the truth, and that's why they're watching Infowars.
This is what's happening.
So, what happens next?
Well, if we can continue to press this issue, we're going to see at some point the collapse of CNN.
We're going to see the collapse of the left-wing media.
I think, in fact, if Trump will just release, and perhaps William Barr will release several of these key FISA warrant-related documents, that the collapse will be accelerated.
I see a future in the 2020s where CNN actually does not exist any longer because their credibility is so negative.
Who would watch them?
They will collapse.
They will be gone.
That's what I see coming.
Now, I think what they're trying to do with this, though, it's so obvious, they want to drug us.
And tell me if I'm wrong about this, Mike Adams, but they want to drug us, they want to mollify us, mollify us, they want to turn us into a bunch of happy little sheep again.
And I think that's why this push is happening now, and it's happening so, so heavily.
Because if they can get us back asleep, then maybe they can win.
Otherwise, I think you're totally right.
We'll talk about that because Mike Adams is one of the experts on that.
Then we'll get into Bernie Sanders and his outrageously racist statement that's being praised by the left and all the fake minority leaders out there.
Let's kill all those brown babies.
And it's like, yes, liberal!
Let's stop the Trump supporters.
They're secretly white supremacists.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here's Bernie Sanders last night during the hysterical climate change.
Remember, it was global freezing and global warming.
And of course it gets down to just get rid of humans.
It's not that GMO is bad.
It's not that genetic engineering is bad.
It's not that toxic waste dumping or overfishing or plastic dumping is bad.
It's taxed carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
And Bill Gates has the equation about how to get rid of all the humans.
That'll save the earth.
Well, here it is.
It's not just about birth control.
It's about accelerating abortion on brown people.
Here's Bernie Tandis.
Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years.
The planet cannot sustain this growth.
I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it's crucial to face.
Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact.
Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?
Well, Martin, the answer is yes.
And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions.
And the Mexico City Agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world,
And there's a Vanderbilt right there.
And where they can have the opportunity, through birth control, to control the number of kids they have.
Something I very, very strongly support.
But what's really going on is, in Africa and other areas, they don't give the women access to any type of assistance unless they get sterilized.
And you can argue, well, there are too many of these people.
No, we didn't industrialize it.
The globalists have... Mike Adams, you're an expert on this.
You really know how to lay it out.
What's really going on here?
Well, first of all, the question itself is loaded.
Remember that the questions are pre-approved by CNN.
And the question equates courage with murdering black babies all over the world, essentially.
So the question was, Bernie Sanders, would you be courageous enough to support the coordinated global funding of the mass murder and infanticide of babies of color?
That's essentially the realistic translation of that.
And he said, yes, sure.
He's all for it.
And what's really shocking about this is, again, it's out in the open.
You know, you and I have warned about this for many, many years.
There's a globalist depopulation agenda.
Well, now you can add to that that Bernie Sanders is promoting a global eugenics agenda, and he wants U.S.
taxpayers to pay for that eugenics program to snuff out the lives of both unborn and post-born babies of color all over the world.
And it makes you wonder, how can any person of color in the United States vote for a Democrat when their agenda is genocide?
It is the mass murder of babies of color, infants of color, born and unborn.
And the fact that this question is loaded, trying to equate this with courage, and then equate it with climate change.
So now you see the climate hoax is being pushed in order to promote depopulation and the mass genocide of humanity.
And this isn't new, Alex.
As I quoted in my story, the New York Times wrote an article back in 1969, where the science advisor to President Richard Nixon, Dr. Lee DuBridge, called for spiking food exports from the United States with covert sterilization chemicals, so that the food exported to third world countries and African nations and places of color, that food would cause massive infertility.
And by the way, that's also in the White House Science Czar under Obama, John P. Holdren's book, 1974 Ecoscience.
I actually have a copy of right here.
I'll grab it in a moment.
It's down here on the floor, but let's pull back.
I used to, my memory was good enough, but I've been through the wars now.
I used to know the name of the memorandum.
Guys, type in Henry Kissinger Presidential Memorandum on Depopulation.
1974, declassified 1991, and in it he says the same thing.
Ship our toxic waste to the third world and put stuff in the food to sterilize them.
So that was official policy.
He couldn't get Nixon to sign off on it, but that was a letter that he gave to Nixon proposing that.
So guys, type in.
Yeah, there it is, there it is.
National Security Study in SSM 200, 1974, December 10th.
I mean, wow!
Classified by Harry S. Blaney.
Look at that.
And folks, it's now declassified 1991 National Security Council.
We're not playing games, are we, Mike Adams?
No, Alex, and imagine, I mean, now global depopulation and eugenics of children of color is now the Democrat platform.
Could you imagine the outcry if President Trump were to say something as crazy as that?
If President Trump were to say, hey, we need to depopulate the world of black people.
Can you imagine what kind of hysteria would ensue across the media?
But when Bernie Sanders says it, it's all okay.
Let's talk third-dimensional chess here.
Let's talk third-dimensional chess.
Because I read the Royal Commission by His Royal Highness, the King of England, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, 49 published.
And they said, we're the predominant empire.
We can industrialize the third world and make them up to our standards, and then they'll only have two kids.
But if we let them bloom and have an overpopulation, we can exploit the population, then use it against the first world to lower everybody's standards and dominate the planet.
We're going to go with that.
So even if you believe the world's overpopulated, in some areas it is toxic, it is overpopulated the way the systems are, but they're suppressing new technologies.
Then they weaponize Third World, put them in refugee camps, brainwash them against the West, and then bring them in, weaponize.
So you see the master dialectic, the master plan that they're engaged in.
Yeah, and this master plan ultimately ends with the destruction of human civilization as we know it.
Let's not forget that some of these same globalists, like Bill Gates, is running Project Scopex, which would pollute the atmosphere to dim the sun, to block photosynthesis, and collapse global food webs and cause mass starvation all across the planet.
And again, Alex, these are all admitted!
Stop there, we're going to get a little bit more into this, because we've covered the chemtrailing, we've covered the aerosol, it's all declassified, now suddenly they admit we've been spraying in a global test, a Nobel Prize was won in 92 by scientists, it's added to jet fuel, where are we vindicated, Mike?
Where suddenly it's on the news, oh we are spraying for your safety, but it's still secret, but we're not vindicated.
No, it's crazy.
I mean, just think of this example.
CNN now says all hurricanes are man-made, but that it's a conspiracy theory to believe in weather control.
So, you know, even their own narratives contradict... And hurricanes are fault because cows fart, but when they go and spray it and use electromagnetic beams that are declassified to control them, which was certified in 1967, Stanford Research Institute, declassified 2004, Ben Livingston went public on my show, and it was all declassified, then we're the cooks.
Well, exactly.
And look, we've been vindicated again and again and again.
The truth is, the globalists are at war with humanity.
They want to mass murder humans, and they want to silence anyone who is speaking out in favor of humanity.
Mike, who are they working for?
Because you don't cover flying saucers.
I don't cover it either.
I go off real hard documents.
Bernie Sanders is endorsing National Security Memorandum 200 for global extermination of brown people.
Okay, we just showed it on screen.
It's public.
This is not fake, folks.
So, why are the elites so anti-human, and why are they running 100-year plans, and why are they so ahead of us?
Well, it depends on how many layers deep you want to go on this, Alex, but at simplest level, the globalists believe that they want to inherit the Earth by eliminating most of the human population so that they can have the planet for themselves, all automated with robot automation systems and exotic technology that they've been suppressing, but will use themselves once they eliminate what they call the so-called useless eaters of the world.
So, global depopulation and eugenics is out in the open now.
That is their plan.
And by the way, Democrats should be alarmed because it's the people in the cities that are going to be killed off the most by these plans.
The cities are where you can't survive.
You can't grow food.
All the inputs are artificial.
If you don't have electricity and food and fuel input into the cities, you know, imported, the cities collapse into mass death.
That's where the Democrats live, and yet they're supporting the very same globalists that are pushing these depopulation plans.
Mike, I should have you in studio sometime for like two hours, because you've really done your research as an engineer, best-selling author, you name it.
How you see the different scenarios, how it breaks down, because the globalists admit they're going to collapse nation-states, even collapse their world order.
That's just a cover story.
And go to high-tech city-states that are armored.
People are like, wait, that sounds like the Hunger Games.
Well, that's a mirror of the real plan.
They're externalizing the method, predictive programming.
But they admit it's going to be an advanced technology, breakaway civilization, the future is here, it's just not equally distributed, and then we'll all be outside of it.
Well, I want Bernie Sanders and the globalists and all of them to know, you guys are never going to get away with this.
We know of the plan now, so you're not going to be in your armored fortresses getting away with this.
Yeah, there's, you know, look, your audience knows more than any viewer of CNN or New York Times, and they know that humanity is under attack.
But this is a global-scale war against humanity and against the survivability or the sustainability of the human race.
So, we are under attack, there is a war, and you can only get the truth through the independent media with InfoWars leading the way.
That's the bottom line.
If you want to live, it's like what the Terminator said in that movie.
You want to live, come with me!
If you want to live, come with me.
If you want to live, stay tuned to InfoWars, because that's where you're going to get the truth about politics.
By the way, you don't say that like on a power drip or naturalnews.com or big league politics.
This is real!
We're showing you real memorandums to kill you!
They're putting fluoride in the water to lower your fertility and make you an idiot!
Come right back.
I want to talk about this and you're leaving in five minutes with me and Pat Bruner to break it all down.
Take calls.
Freeway Rick Ross coming in studio.
Stay well.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
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And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Tom Paffert writes for BigLeaguePolitics.com.
He also runs a TV station we're on, where we're number one in the ratings.
From nowhere, when I first got on there in that time slot.
Very excited about that.
We actually have our own channel.
And of course, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com.
What he said is, the globalists want to inherit the earth, survival of the fittest.
They believe they can dumb us down, make us only care about sports or whatever, that they will inherit the future.
They will dominate the future.
Mike, I agree with you that humanity is awakening.
I don't want to just get on some jagged bat bashing Trump.
But the fact of the Washington Post is trying to float the idea that Trump should do this and Trump should get behind these digital systems.
I'm not doing this to attack Trump.
I'm doing it to make sure that he's aware of these snakes around him and what they're trying to push.
Well, I know you were very careful in that coverage.
You did not accuse Trump of endorsing this idea.
And in fact, I think you're correct that he will resist this idea and he will oppose it.
Trump is
America's real last hope to defeat the deep state.
Trump isn't perfect.
None of us are.
But he is.
He's got his heart in the right place.
He loves America.
He wants to protect and defend America.
And he especially wants the deep state criminals and traitors to be exposed.
And I believe he wants them to go to prison and face criminal charges, which I hope that happens.
Oh, we know he's ordered them to declassify it and they never do what he says.
Yeah, well, exactly.
Well, the swamp is still too powerful and too embedded in the system.
And, you know, Tom, you know this as well, you've covered this, and by the way, I admire your work greatly.
You're doing great work.
But Trump is one guy, he's not a dictator, we don't want him to be a dictator, and so he's got to fight and navigate this swamp system that is so corrupt and so infiltrated with traitors that no one person
Could solve this in a single term.
Trump needs a second term.
Only then will we really have hope to get rid of this swamp at any meaningful level.
That's my assessment.
You know, I think you're absolutely right.
And thank you, Mike.
I really appreciate that.
But, I mean, the real problem is, it's almost a repeat of what we saw with Ronald Reagan, where he starts out and he has good instincts and he makes good moves.
All of the patriots... Are they shooting?
Yeah, well, I'm sure they've tried to do the exact same thing to President Trump.
They've purged everybody they can from the administration who is a patriot.
You've got Stephen Miller and one or two people left.
I only hope that as we move closer you're seeing, it's almost like a singularity happening, Alex.
I used to say in six months everything, if people doubt you in six months you'll be proven completely right.
Well now it's about six days.
In the last month we had fluoride.
In the last month we had virtually every single thing.
Jeffrey Epstein, elite pedophile rings.
I mean this is all coming out.
More and more people are waking up.
This is a
The ammunition that President Trump needs to begin to take legal and lawful action against these people.
And I think you're right Mike, I think the last year and a half of this administration and then the next four years are going to be vital.
I think Trump needs to know that we the people are willing to defend him and defend this nation.
If the deep state moves on Trump,
We will move on the deep state in defense of our nation, in defense of the rule of law.
We don't initiate violence, but we are absolutely, we've taken an oath.
Many, many Americans, millions of Americans have taken an oath to defend this nation against its enemies.
So if they go after Trump, we'll go after them.
Trump needs to know we're on his side here.
Well, that's right.
And now, I mean, it's not just a talking point.
Anytime I turn on, it's like we're going to hurt Trump supporters, we're going to destroy him, we're going to bully him, we're going to put him in prison.
And at a certain point, that type of behavior, that type of talk, I'm not looking for a physical fight, but we're trying to fix this peacefully.
But we're not going to just sit here while they come and have their way with us.
And so this is a very dangerous time.
We better all work extra hard right now to peacefully fix this.
I think that that's the most important thing, that we do this legally, lawfully, politically.
I agree.
That's the way it has to happen.
I don't want to know what this world looks like if that can't happen.
But just last month, you had Antifa, and I believe it was in upstate New York, calling for death camps for conservatives.
So make no doubt, we're trying to do this peacefully.
We want to do this peacefully.
I abhor violence.
I despise violence.
They are calling for violence against us.
But they've whipped themselves into like a feeding frenzy, and it's only going to get worse.
But remember, Tom, too, that the left never operates in good faith.
The left never abides by the rules that they demand other people abide by.
The left despises the rule of law.
They have double standards for everything.
They are not operating in good faith.
So even when they say they want peace, they commit violence.
And let's be clear, they've written more articles where I've lost lawsuits that didn't even exist.
I mean, the levels of lies are just... NaturalNews.com, thank you so much.
That's where the truth is.
Mike Adams and Tom Pepper.
It feels so good to know there's so many good men and women out there.
That's our real wealth, is people that are willing to know the truth and stand up for it.
Banned.video is the answer to censorship.
Banned.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are still available.
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We're building it to be a place where banned memes are able to be posted, and where a growing list of freedom-loving contributors are able to have a home free from being shut down, free from being censored, free from being silenced by big tech, the chi-coms, the Hollywood scum, and the globalists.
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America and the world is fighting back against tyranny.
Well, you've got your diamonds And you've got your pretty clothes And the chauffeur drives your cars You let everybody know
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Tom Pappert's riding shotgun with us.
What I want to do is just read headlines here with Pappert and get his take on these.
And we're going to play some of these clips coming up next segment because this is all so wild what's unfolding.
Now, he's a syndicated talk show host, manages a TV station we're on.
And also has written for Big League Politics, but he was correcting me and I've seen the site.
I've visited it.
We've covered it.
We've linked to some of the stories.
I didn't even realize it was your site, Nationalphile.
So tell people about that.
So Nationalphile is our brand new website.
We've been going for just a few weeks now.
We've got some fantastic writers, some former guys at Breitbart, some former guys from Daily Caller.
We've got writers in South America.
We've got writers in Europe.
We have one guy who's top secret.
He is actually in China right now and he's going to be doing a documentary series for us from China over the next six, eight months.
And that's where we have this article.
Trump's new social credit gun control scheme is controlled by leftists.
It has all the information, all of the names, all of the documentation.
We cover a lot of things on there.
One of our big things is big tech.
Any big tech story.
Just yesterday, or earlier this week, we had an article about Jen Lowe, who is the Texas State Director of Latinos for Trump, banned from Facebook for daring to do an event associated with Infowars, daring to go to the street pride parade in Boston.
Totally purged from the platform.
This is a new, insane Lowe, where they're banning people who are amazing, wonderful Latinas.
From social networking, because they said something that they don't like.
So we're covering all this type of news.
We cover Jeffrey Epstein in-depth.
And it's going to be a good source for straight, hard-hitting commentary and straight news about what is happening right now.
Thank you, Alex, for letting me do the plug.
Fantastic name.
And you're like, hey, can I plug my site Nationalfile?
Like, that's yours.
You better.
Hey, whether it's nationalfile.com or memeworld.com, all these great sites, like Drug70 came here years ago.
Everybody's got to get back to websites, your own audio, your own video, your own platforms.
And people have to support those and promote those because that's how we counter them.
Now, let me go through some headlines here.
And then I'm going to go into them in detail.
Because it's just so crazy.
By the way, none of these are a joke.
This is a story by Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
There's actually video of this in the City Council.
Leftist council member says cleaning feces off Seattle streets with a power washer is racist.
They say there's feces and urine all around the city council and all over the streets.
I've been there, it's unbelievable.
But they say it will scare the homeless and others, like police spraying fire hoses on black people in the 50s and 60s.
So just like AOC said, cauliflower is racist because it's white.
She goes, don't grow cauliflower in New York, grow agave.
Well, that doesn't grow their good.
This is all just project onto everything.
Oh, you're going to clean poop up, it's racist.
That's crazy.
No, it's the whole language.
It's nothing but being offended.
Okay, here's another one.
Jesse Smollett lawyers, even if he did lie, police can blame for taking him seriously.
They actually say that in the filing.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Tucker Carlson, after destroying and degrading rural America, Walmart now wants to lecture him about guns.
We're going to play that report at the bottom of the hour.
Trump slams terrible London Maneer Khan, stay out of our business.
Something good Trump did, the administration just unbanned all those great light bulbs that have been banned.
And by the toxic mercury ones, give you a headache.
A vegan woman sued her neighbors for barbecuing.
With their backyard, USA Today saying it's deliberate.
Yes, that's where all this is going.
San Francisco's banned fireplaces.
But we'll get more to that.
But first this, because Limbaugh's right.
We've had like 40-something members of Congress the last three years and a Republican resigned.
Let me tell you why.
I've had, that I know of, five different private investigator groups, the New York Times, the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, you name it.
Private Eyes, hackers, sex ops trying to set me up.
People trying to set me up with drugs.
You know, Pulitzer Prize winners for the lady that brought down O'Reilly with fake news.
That woman, Han, showed a thing for over a year.
Intimidating, threatening people.
I mean, racketeering stuff by these media outlets, in my view.
And they couldn't get anything.
They couldn't make anything up.
They couldn't find anything.
So they paid off folks to say that I wear Hitler shoes.
And, uh, you know, I mean, I mean, just insane crap for ten grand.
That's what the Daily Mail did.
And then we had somebody who was actually in the meetings and recorded the lawyers going, we want you to say he's gay and hit on you.
They said, OK, well, he hit on me, but never actually hit on me, the guy said.
I never said anything to him, but he felt like it.
So, that's what you get paid money for.
And then, you know, they tried to say I sent child porn out.
No one believes it.
It's all lies.
Why the hell would I send child porn to the Sandy Hook families?
None of it's true.
So, Limbaugh's come out and said that Republicans are being blackmailed into retirement, and that Democrats are finding dirt.
And let me tell you, if they can't intimidate you, they start threatening your family.
And then they finance lawsuits against you.
You know what?
People say, oh, we better bow down.
No, we better fight back because these are criminals and they're out of control.
The danger is giving in.
The danger is sucking up.
The danger is bowing down.
All you can do is resist these terrorists because they are terrorists.
Tom Pepper.
You're completely right, and I think the ones who aren't being blackmailed are trying to get out of the system because they know that their goose is cooked.
But this is typical for what leftists do.
As you said, it's happened to you countless times at this point.
They are doing everything they can do to destroy you politically.
If you could just imagine, you're a hard target, Alex.
You've done nothing wrong in your entire life.
You live squeaky clean.
I know this.
I've written around with you.
This is absolute fact.
Think of all these Republicans.
Think of all the people who get caught in the airport bathroom.
Think of the money they take.
Think of how they brought down great people from the Reagan administration, where the Prime Minister of Japan, one of his cronies, gives you an envelope, you put it in a safe, and then they make the case that you sold out the United States for $1,000.
This is what these people do.
And I have no doubt that they're being pressured into retirement.
And I only hope this is our big opportunity.
President Trump needs to go back to campaigning for these people's replacements.
Get out the Trump folks.
Hell, they indicted, what, four people in Congress in California so they'd make the whole state go blue.
I mean, they got the gloves off, folks.
And you think bending over is going to make any better?
Start swinging politically.
That's right.
I mean, we have a president who, with all his flaws, he is a counterpuncher.
He fights back when they tried to get him for Billy Bush and the P word.
He fought back, he went fire and fury, and that is how we win.
That we can't bend over and take it from these people anymore.
That's what we've been doing since the 1960s, and it's time to fight back legally, lawfully, politically, using the media, using our- Well, America was asleep then.
It's awake now.
We're not intimidated, jerks.
They don't get it.
They still think it's the 1950s and they have their big three networks and they have the newspapers and they determine what is true and what Americans will know.
They still believe that.
They don't understand that even though you ban Alex Jones from Facebook, that does nothing, nothing to keep people from being awake.
And it creates the opportunity for people to find 5,000 new people who are saying the same exact thing.
It gets them out of those platforms.
And as long as people keep spreading the word, it outrages them, it crushes them, it infuriates them.
Your will against them, they want you silenced.
But when you support InfoWars, when you spread the links, when you talk about all the other great sites, like nationalfile.com, or memeworld.com, or Paul's site, that's summit.news, that crushes the enemy.
And I do have to say, Alex, I mean, I've been traveling since Saturday morning.
I was in the airport for 14 hours at one point.
This stuff is keeping me going.
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It's my dad's name for it.
Not the best name, but the product is, I'm not kidding, it's just, it's an unbelievable product.
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I'm putting a free bottle in it, so we're going to
Uh, be able to then reorder it and have it for next year.
But all these products, whether it's Ultimate Bone Broth or whether it's DNA Force Plus, we're selling out of it.
Won't have more until a few months into next year.
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This is Paul Judson for What's Some Weird Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe.
Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett in the American heartland.
And from Austin, Texas, a team of reporters and crew ready to be dispatched wherever the story is going down.
We are not done winning, and with your support, we will keep winning.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And again, it's amazing the camaraderie and what we've all, the listeners, the viewers, the affiliates, the sponsors, the crew.
We really are a family.
We really are.
People just want justice.
We just want a pro-human future.
And people are really now seeing how evil the globalists are.
And they're exactly what I said they were.
Because folks, this has all been documented and admitted for a long time.
So of course it sounded crazy.
If you look at elites throughout history, they always get in their own bubbles, and they have all these sycophants around them, and they go nuts.
Or if the kings or elites aren't crazy, other sycophants remove them, and that's how you get this concentration of evil.
No, you're exactly right about that.
And you were saying it last night, this is what empires look like when they're about to crumble.
And President Trump is the one thing that is attempting to keep that from happening.
They're rubbing it in our faces.
We had an article up, we broke this at nationalfile.com, that DeVos, as in the Trump administration, DeVos, her son heads a group that is doing drag syndrome, where they're doing Down Syndrome drag queens.
They're rubbing this filth in our face, normalizing, abusing not only children at this point, but those who have mental disabilities.
It is absolute and total insanity.
They're rubbing it in our face.
It is sick.
It is evil.
It's going to do one of two things.
It's going to destroy what's left of this country or it's going to wake everybody the hell up.
I was told by Ted Gunderson, who'd been the head of the L.A.
sector, that's one of the most, one of the top ten FBI positions in the country.
He said they love to have sex with Down Syndrome kids because then people don't believe them.
He talked about the devil worshippers, and of course it's all come out now.
And even they've had academics in England and Australia come out and say, listen, almost 30% of the quote trans kids are actually mentally retarded or autistic and the schools are telling them you're this.
And the argument is, well,
They're subhuman, we want them sterilized.
And really, this is getting people to opt in to be sterilized.
That's really all this is.
Which is absolutely horrifying and disgusting.
And meanwhile, as we were talking about with Mike Adams earlier, they're fueling population growth in areas of the world that cannot sustain it, and they are destroying it here in the United States with these people who are on the autism spectrum, which we know is not organic either.
I've got so much to hit here, but I want to get into what else is on your radar screen.
All I can say is we're in a historic moment and everything we do now echoes throughout eternity with a thousand times what it normally does historically.
And every expert agrees.
Everyone can feel it.
We're at a critical unfrozen point.
Even engineers, social engineers call it an unfreezing.
When they bring us into a revolutionary period so they can make all their big changes, we're able to go in and actually reverse that and actually move forward with our progressivism.
They call themselves progressive.
They progress like cancer.
You're absolutely right.
Well, the things that are on my radar right now in my hometown of Wichita, Kansas, there's currently an ongoing debate.
Now, Alex, I'm sure you've covered this, but I'm going to be at this thing.
So help me God to peacefully.
I want to document this peacefully, lawfully, etc.
They are now debating whether or not it is OK to have to do a background check of the drag queen story, our talent.
In other words, like here in Texas, they found multiple instances of them being child rapists.
Well, we're not allowed to find that out in Wichita because that might be homophobic.
So that's the next thing that I'm going to be doing in the 3D physical world.
So everybody else has got to have a background check, but no, they don't.
Big fat men in clown outfits that say, quote, we're here to groom your children.
That's right.
Can't tell us who they are, though.
Even though one of these guys is a convicted axe murderer on screen, chopped his boyfriend up, and he says, bring your kids to me, I'm going to corrupt them.
They have admitted that is our agenda.
We want to indoctrinate the next generation.
This is what comes out of their mouths.
This is not hyperbolic.
We're not making this up.
And again, this is a library where the people who work there have to pass a background check.
The people who go there have to pass a background check.
Is this in the news?
They're openly saying, don't make the drag queens, don't make the clown men that want to groom your children tell you who they are.
That's exactly right.
They're debating it.
It's in the Wichita Eagle.
Whether or not it's okay to do a background check on these people who are going to have contact with your children.
Come sit on my lap.
I'll tell you what you do.
You run their plates.
We followed some of them and got them busted.
Two of them in Houston got busted.
They know now.
All you do is, you just follow them, run their plates, and then all you gotta do is also...
You just, a lot of times they get on a bus.
And they get off in disguise.
When they're actually out at their events, you know, they dress up like women.
But this is clown demon outfits to scare the kids that get off on it.
But also covers like masked men.
It's hit the clown.
And then you just follow them and follow where they live and you still burn them.
Right, right.
And of course you do all that.
You're not talking about doing anything bad.
I want to be very clear here, Wichita Police Department.
We're not talking about doing anything... Oh, no, no, no, no.
You use PI firms that are licensed.
And so I'm telling you.
Get donations on your station, whatever.
Pay for some good P.I.s, and I guarantee you're going to net P.D.O.s.
They are P.D.O.s.
Oh, absolutely.
Who the hell else has this inclination?
I want to dress up like a woman.
I mean, Alex, could you imagine wearing a dress and reading to a three-year-old?
But it's all more and more.
Now they ride horsey.
The men get erections, and the little kids bounce up and down.
And the mothers just start, the evil of it totally excites them.
Well, and they're giving tips.
They all have names like Sally Fishpants.
They all squat and talk about shaking their booties and spread their legs to the kids.
I mean, this is, this is, this is, they all hump and teach the kids how to hump.
Alex, one of the things I ask... This is the left.
That's right.
This is who they are.
And one of the things I ask myself is, how did we get here?
You know, we want to stop beating up the LGBTQ population.
Yes, I'm with you.
I do not want anybody to be beat up for who they are.
That's all, that's like super rare.
It's very, it never happens anymore.
Then you get to marriage, it's like, okay, that's not Christian, but whatever, we'll let you have it, I guess.
Now they're like, give us your kids.
That's right.
It's escalated in the span of, what, 50, 60 years to, give us your children, we're going to read to them, we're going to indoctrinate them, we're going to put them on chemical castration, and if you don't like it, then you hate the LGBT community.
Oh, there it is!
Drag Queen Backlash!
Wichita Eagle, Wichita Labyrinth of Men, sex offender checks on story readers.
Oh, oh, the poor babies!
They're the true people we need.
Are you going to take a camera crew?
Because I want to see this.
Oh absolutely.
When is this?
They do these every few months.
But when's the next one?
I think it's going to be shortly after I get back in this month.
So we're going to be filming it.
I'll probably be going live because I can still do that for now to Facebook and other social media.
And I want to go extremely low profile so they don't see me coming a mile away and get out the snipe.
It's so evil that you want to go see what men in clown outfits are doing with children.
Have you heard the new book published in the U.S.
by an Obama official?
Australia has been freaked out about it.
I can't even say on air, on TV stations, radio, what they, this is for kids.
And it's a book teaching children that if a man wants to have sex with you in a park, or get in a car with him, how much, it's kids stories, but it's written by
How great it was when they were six when the man had sex with them.
So it's giving children erotic fantasies on how to be kidnapped.
That is horrifying.
Oh, it's liberal!
It's so liberating to be tied up in the back of that van.
And I'm sure it's available online.
And to be taken to the house with the other kids in cages begging for money.
It's liberal though.
That is so disgusting.
You'll float too.
It's progressive.
Come on over here, Georgie.
It's our future.
And that, this is such a concerted effort.
You can't tell me this... Oh, it's all over the world.
It's a total attack pattern.
The only place they're not doing this are in third world nations, where again they're trying to... And what does the clown do?
It's a fallen intergalactic spider creature.
It's angler antennae, it's just a clown.
And it goes out to suck the energy of the fear from the children.
It's a psychic vampire.
And in reality, the devil worshippers are doing just that.
Stephen King knows of what he speaks, don't you Stephen?
Absolutely right.
Oh, I see, but he doesn't like the show.
And we're glad you don't, Mr. King.
Well, he's busy writing another book about a child who... So, you know, we don't need him.
Yeah, old Steven.
How you doing, Steven?
Hey, great job, Papert.
We really appreciate you.
Or should I say, how you doing, Mr. Lodge?
Thank you, sir.
Great job.
Thank you, Alex.
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I think?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Shunning these people.
Shunning, shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation.
That these people are not fit for polite society.
I'm gonna try to take everything away from you.
And I don't care what I find out.
Could be today, tomorrow, 15, 20 years from now.
If I find out, you're f***ing finished.
They don't get to escape accountability.
That's all of our job, to hold them accountable for the rest of their lives.
That's so entertaining.
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed in 1994.
It was supposed to educate the public about supplements.
Evil things like vitamin C and vitamin E and things even worse like vitamin B12.
Horrible things.
It was, of course, Big Pharma, the people that bring us Ritalin and Prozac and things like Luvox and deadly opiates like Hillbilly heroin, Oxycontin, that worked so hard to try to shut down burgeoning health food and vitamin stores across the country.
But thanks to people like Mel Gibson who took action in the ad you're about to see, America mobilized and we were able to retain some of our basic rights to be able to take vitamins and minerals and things from evil Mother Nature.
Hey, guys, gather.
It's only vitamins.
The federal government is actually considering classifying most vitamins and supplements as drugs.
And confiscated them and raiding their businesses or homes.
They tried it in the early 90s, they're trying it again.
Vitamin C, you know, like in oranges?
If you don't want to lose your vitamins, make the FDA stop.
Call the U.S.
Senate and tell them that you want to take your vitamins in peace.
If enough of us do that, it'll work.
There have been hundreds and hundreds of articles written in the last year demonizing myself, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro and others because we dare to sell high quality supplements.
Now it's okay when Whole Foods or grocery store chains sell basically the exact same things.
But when we do, it's evil and it's bad because we're patriots and we're nationalists.
But you see, they're really upset because they know that nootropics and other supplements sell because people are reporting they're getting great results.
Well, I've got a new evil to announce to the world that they can write hundreds of other articles about.
It's the sister, or you could say the brother, the kissing cousin of Brain Force Plus, our number one overall bestseller.
A nootropic that people absolutely love because we get the best, purest, high-quality ingredients that are tested and proven to blow people's expectations away.
Now, it gives you a lot of sustained focus energy without the crash, but a lot of people
Want a way that after they've been turbocharged for 10 hours with just two capsules to be able not to come down.
Let's just smooth out and be chill.
And that's why we're introducing what we know is going to be a massive bestseller, Chill Force.
I want to be clear, Chill Force is not like Knockout, meant to make you go to sleep.
It's simply meant to relax you, but still have clarity.
That's why a lot of people aren't just taking it after their day's over, they're taking it with things like Brain Force Plus and, of course, Turbo Force.
It's time to do what I did and take action with the Chill Force Challenge at InfoWarsLive.com.
Freeway Rick Ross has gotten to be a good friend of mine.
He's been on the show many times over the years, usually in studio.
And we're going to have him with us halfway to the next hour, then Matt Brackett takes over.
He just drove down to Dallas, got stuck in some traffic, but better late than never.
FreewayRickRoss.com, he's
One of the biggest cocaine kingpins ever busted in this country, and then it turned out he was working for the CIA.
That's all declassified.
That's all admitted.
And Gary Webb, who got shot twice in the back of the head with a shotgun, he had his new book coming out that was going to vindicate him.
Well, he got killed.
Well, the film came out a few years ago, and Kill the Messenger, and I actually got physically sick watching it, because I knew Gary Webb, and I knew how accurate the film was.
It blew me away.
Here's the trailer for Kill the Messenger.
You believe in conspiracy theories, Gary?
I don't believe in conspiracy theories.
Conspiracies, yes.
If I believe it, there's nothing theory about it.
Was the government aware that you were smuggling tons of cocaine into the United States?
Yes, the government knew.
This leads to very sensitive national security matters.
National security and crack cocaine, the same sentence.
Does that not sound strange to you?
I'm going to tell you the whole truth.
I'm going to introduce you to people you should talk to.
And then you will be faced with the most important decision of your life.
Oh yeah, what's that?
Deciding whether to share it or not.
One of the DEA's most wanted.
Brought in thousands of kilos of cocaine to the U.S.
every day.
For who?
For them.
The U.S.
Or with them.
Or at least while they were looking the other way.
L.A., New York, Atlantic.
I couldn't sell it fast enough to keep up with supply.
Fancy information you have there.
What you found here, Gary, is a monster.
You have no idea what you're getting into.
Do you really tell me that I should just walk away from this?
You'd be an idiot not to.
This story scares people.
I'm your big brother!
Well, it should!
Be careful.
There are ongoing operations you're in danger of exposing.
We know you were in Nicaragua.
Am I being followed?
I thought my job was to tell the public the truth, the facts, pretty or not.
And let the publishing of those facts make a difference in how people look at things, at themselves, at what they stand for.
We'd never threaten your children, Mr. Webb.
It's over.
What'd you say?
I'm not finished with it!
I'm not finished!
This is a true story.
Some stories are just too true to tell.
Kill the messenger.
And this thing goes so deep.
The real Rick Ross is here.
There was a big fat jail guard who basically stole his identity and then said he was the kingpin.
But Rick Ross is a really nice guy.
He can tell you how he got into it.
I'm sure you didn't know why he was the biggest coke dealer in the United States because the CIA was delivering it to him.
But it's good to see you again.
It's been about a year or two since you've been in here.
What are we going to hit on when we come back?
Because we never script any of this.
Well, some of the stuff that I'm doing now.
You know, we're just going to, um, you know, it's been about, it's been about two, three years since we, uh, last interviewed.
A lot's happening.
And for those that don't know, though, we'll recap your story as well.
Yeah, we can do that.
What was it like watching Kill the Messenger?
We can recap.
Because, you know, I'd interviewed you some, and I knew Gary pretty good.
We were to build a website together.
He'd been on the show a lot.
And then all of a sudden, he was executed.
And he was really excited before he died.
He had this big book coming out, because the book never came out, though.
I spoke to him about, uh, a month or two before he, uh, got killed or died.
Got Epstein'd?
Yeah, I don't know what happened.
And you know, I was also working at that time.
You know, Kevin Booth, a friend of mine, yours, me and him was doing a documentary called The Great White Hope.
And he's the one that told me the first time that Gary had gotten killed, or that he was dead, committed suicide.
I don't know which one.
Well, the police say two gunshots is pretty normal.
Shoot yourself twice in the head.
Yeah, that's what they had a doctor to say that.
If I ever get shot twice in the head, it wasn't me.
If I get shot once in the head, it wasn't me.
Rick, how do you feel?
And I was like, what do you mean?
And I was trying to figure out what you was getting at.
And you was like, you don't feel suicidal, do you?
And I was like, hell no.
I'm enjoying life.
Even though I'm in prison, I still like life.
And you was like, oh, I just wanted to check and make sure.
You know, we don't want nothing to happen to you in there.
Hey man, they're trying to kill me all the time.
We'll be right back with the real Rick Ross in studio.
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This is Paul Johnson for whatsomeweirdsummit.news and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
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Riding with Rick, the 21 keys of success.
Rick Ross, new book.
Find the book at FreewayRickRoss.com.
A lot of big films made about what happened to him.
A lot of big documentaries.
But I always like you to be able to hear it directly from the individual's mouth himself.
So we'll get more into things that are currently happening.
Fentanyl, the drug wars.
All of it with Rick Ross here.
But again, he was good friends with Gary Webb, who was an award-winning journalist, absolutely vindicated, who was executed, assassinated, because he had a book coming out vindicating everything he'd said.
They tried to assassinate his character, broke in his house, threatened him.
That was all on record.
He was so excited to get ready to come on the show.
His book was coming out in a month.
He'd sent me a CD with all his info to put up a website, and they killed him.
They even saw men climbing out of his house a month before he even moved because they kept breaking into his house.
A couple commandos spilling out and climbing down the side of the house.
And then his good friends came out and said, oh no, he committed suicide.
Those are the type of friends you don't need.
But Rick Ross is here with us.
Recap what happened to you.
I don't know.
My point is, Big Pharma, with all the hillbilly heroin and the maritalin for kids, I mean, really, they're the bigger drug dealers than you ever were.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, even like you were just saying now with the opioids addiction, you know, all the doctors who've been prescribing people, dentists who've been prescribing people opioids, and got us hooked on opioids right now, you know.
It's crazy, you know, the epidemic that we're going through right now, and it's worked in the cocaine epidemic.
Tell people briefly your story, how you got into it.
I remember you described it as suddenly, boom, you're a giant drug dealer.
Yeah, yeah.
I started off, when I started I knew absolutely nothing about cocaine.
One of my friends went to college and somebody introduced him to it.
He came from college.
We felt that he was doing well because he was playing on the college football team.
He was a star and He had all answers.
So when he told me that cocaine was gonna be the next biggest thing I believed it and I jumped right into it Full steam ahead.
I start off with 125 dollars Had days that I made as much as a million dollars a day for like two years and Days, I made as much as three million dollars
I mean, it's a situation where any kid in any ghetto, it's easy to be drawn into that environment.
You're talking about people who don't have food to eat, you know, don't have normal clothes.
And everybody wants to be somebody of significance.
You know, none of us want to be an outcast.
Plus Hollywood!
I didn't even think about that part.
Hollywood, when you talk about some of the movies, Superfly, Tequila Sunrise, Scarface, The Godfather, you know, you see people who come over to this country and they basically have nothing and then with the help of drugs, or the way they make it look like it's drugs, they
I mean, who doesn't want a part of that?
Well, changing consciousness is something humans have done from the very beginning, and coffee's a serious drug.
You know, if you take something like chill force or brain force, it's mother nature, and it's overall good for you, but make no mistake, it's something that alters consciousness, but when did you start discovering that
The reason you were being left alone and were dealing $15 million a week or whatever at some points of cocaine, that the CIA was using you as one of their street-level major capos in distribution.
Well, I didn't know that until after I got arrested, after Danilo Blandon set me up.
You know, Delano Blandon set me up.
So, once I got arrested and we started going through the trial, me and Alan Finster, he gets a call one day and he says this reporter says that he's following on informant.
So, first of all, we didn't know if he had the right informant.
You know, because there's a lot of informants.
And he started to describe this guy to me and he said, well, Gary Webb wants to come down and meet you in person into the prison.
And I was like, yeah.
Do you want to meet him?
So Gary came down and let me tell you, Gary was a very, very cool guy.
Somebody that you you feel comfortable being around, you know, not threatening, not not boastful, just, you know, a down to earth.
Gene wearing tennis shoe guy that he would make you feel comfortable.
You know, somebody that that you would trust.
And after we talked that first day, he came down maybe about four or five more times.
Gary didn't give me much information.
You know, the deal was when we talk on the phone that he was going to help me with with with my case and he had information for me.
But really what he did on those first interviews was just decipher what I had.
The information that I knew.
Why do you think they burned you?
Well, if I would have been out on the street, free, in this case hit the fan, I would have been more credible.
Because what they tried to do is they tried to make this story as if I created this story.
One of the things that Gary did with them is he said that I would have to have been really, really creative to create the paper trail that
We're good.
Iran-Contra, all this.
They had hearings confirming it all in the Congress.
I saw the paperwork.
I got a photo from the CIA themselves, and this is, I guess, this is kind of when I really, like, because I really didn't believe it either.
You know, I read in the newspaper when the paper came out, and I was like, no, not me.
With the CIA?
No way.
No way possible.
I'm a rebel.
You know, I was against the government.
You know, I didn't want to be with the government.
So then when the CIA themselves said that, yes, we knew these guys were selling drugs, but we didn't sanction it.
We didn't sanction them selling drugs, but we knew they were selling drugs and they were part of our army.
And we went to Attorney General to write a letter and ask her that we not have to report these guys selling drugs.
So when I saw that, it was kind of like, hold up now, if you go with your same conspiracy theory, you know, that I was in prison on because I never got caught with drugs.
Only thing that I got caught with was guys saying, oh well this day Rick had 10 keys, the other day I saw him, well a year ago I saw him sell 20 keys to this guy, I saw him sell 10 keys, I saw him with $50,000, I saw him with $100,000, and that's the kind of evidence that I was convicted on.
So my theory was is that if you went with that same type of evidence with this conspiracy for the Iran-Contra-Nicaragua connection, then these guys could have been convicted under those same circumstances.
So that was my theory.
So basically, to try to cover up the larger story, they claim you were the guy with the story and that you were just a drug dealer who concocted it.
That was the LA Times, you know.
Well, it turned out it was being run by the CIA.
Yeah, Gary.
Jesse Katz, you know, who was a friend of mine, had written stories before about me.
You know, they hired him to go against Gary Webb.
And, you know, you see in the documentary, he's in the documentary apologizing for what he did to Gary.
He felt that
He probably was one of the ones that drove a knife through Gary's heart by writing the story that he wrote.
And he had that new book coming out that never got published, proving he was right.
And then that's when he conveniently dies.
It's a real tragedy.
Well, we know that the CIA confirmed Gary's story.
I mean, now they didn't say, well, this particular agent or this particular president or this vice president or this general okayed it.
But they said that we as a whole knew that these guys were selling drugs.
And how it worked was to buy the weapons from the U.S.
clandestinely, they let them ship the drugs in and then have you and others sell them.
Well, what they needed, you know, Congress had outlawed them giving money to the Contras.
So what they needed is they needed a source where this money was coming from where Congress couldn't tell that the money was being given or was being raised.
So what
Better way to do it than to raise it on the black market.
I mean, go back to Iran-Contra and all of that.
Of course, it all later came out in Congress, not just in the 80s, but in the 90s.
And more of it's come out today.
And then we see China trying to ship in 25,000 tons, enough to kill 10 billion plus people with a lethal dose.
And this is just the way governments fight wars.
And so we need to talk about the fact that the black community was particularly a dumping site.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
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God bless you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, you're with us for 30 minutes, and let's get you back in sooner to talk about all these big issues and big news stories that are out there.
Let's do it.
I don't want to get into the type of stuff that, you know, is just the gossip column stuff, but I do
I'd like to talk about stuff where people have had their identities stolen.
And Rick Ross is not his name.
He's a jail guard.
He knew about your story.
It's admitted that he stole your identity.
And you brought this up the third or fourth time I interviewed you, one time in studio.
Because I guess you even get it, like, you're not the real Rick Ross.
It's this guy from his songs and what he says.
So it's not that you're putting that guy down.
I think it's important for you to spend a few minutes on the fact that you are Rick Ross.
My mom named me that.
Born here in Texas.
That's right.
My birth certificate says Rick Ross, so for everybody who don't know that, I didn't change my name.
I was born Rick Ross, and I made Rick Ross famous by going to court.
I wish he would have went to court and come in to the judge and said, oh, I'm Rick Ross, he's not Rick Ross, when I was going to court, but he didn't do that.
He was a jail guard.
The fake Rick Ross.
Yeah, yeah.
Jail guard.
What's his real name?
William Roberts.
But that's not the worst part.
You know, I got a judgment against me for $700,000 because I tried to sue to stop him from using my name and to stop Universal and Warner Brothers from using my name.
And then they went back with the court fees against you?
They made me pay the attorney fees.
I don't know how I lost the case, but... Well, you know.
You know how that goes when you're fighting with big corporations.
But how's old Rick Ross doing today?
The fake one.
I don't know.
I don't really keep up with him, you know.
I mean, he's still making fake music, you know, selling it to the kids, telling them what a great drug dealer he was and that you can go out and sell drugs and parlay that into a record career and live happily ever after.
What do you want to tell kids?
You travel the country.
I was going to say that up front, helping kids and keeping them away from drugs.
You're really reversing some of the things you could say that were bad.
Well, you know, selling drugs, you've really got two ends to that.
There's no rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
Use this set of handcuffs or the graveyard.
Very few people are able to get into the drug business, the black market, and come out on top.
You know, it's usually the other way around.
You usually come up dead or in jail for a really, really long time.
I was about to say, this is a short segment with a long one coming up.
You did probably thousands of big deals.
How did you stay alive?
Well, you know, usually when I did deals, I did deals with people that I could trust somewhat.
I mean, you know, you never know who's going to be the one to turn on you or anything like that because it was my next door neighbor who really
Collaborated the evidence to uh to convict me, but um You know you really got to be a good judgment of people you got to be a good judgment of character You got to always put yourself in a position to to win.
You know like you don't do deals in Places that you don't know about you know you don't allow for somebody to take you into the back of a big warehouse that you never been or in the back of a woods and do a deal you know I would do my deals in shopping center parking lots and
You know, where it was really visible and a lot of people would be around.
I mean, a lot of people don't like doing deals like that, but I felt more comfortable with, you know, doing it in public locations where if something went down, a lot of people would see what was going on.
Did you ever have somebody pull something on you?
I've been beat a lot.
But usually, you know, the way I did it is you wouldn't have to rob me because I would give it to you in your hand and then it was up to you to bring my money back or not.
You know, consignment is what they call it in the drug business.
Plus, if they were smart, they'd do it over and over again instead of just stealing it once.
Well, you figure, you know, you might make some money one time, but if you, you know, do it like I did for eight years, then you make a lot of money.
One time you make a little money, but if you can... I mean, it's... No, but in any business you run into people that would rather screw you one time, they just get off on it.
They just can't help it.
Yeah, yeah.
But in any business, it's better to be consistent and to do what you're supposed to do, and you'll have repeated business.
So there's even a layer of morals in drug dealing.
We'll be right back with the real Rick Ross.
I'm Alex Jones and I am the real Alex Jones.
Not Bill Hicks folks.
We'll be right back.
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Well, he, at the time, was the biggest kingpin drug dealer, cocaine dealer in America.
Frederick Ross, if you just missed it, he travels the country teaching kids, don't get into drug dealing, don't get into corruption.
But I just had one of the producers mentioning, Dave's Pulse is special.
He says that, hey, crack cocaine targeted black people, so I'm kind of glad the heroin epidemic's targeting white people.
Well, is that even true?
Plus, the average white person didn't know that, didn't support it.
It's the same big pharma.
Gee, a lot of that's Chinese control.
It's not about white people or black people, in my view, even though some of it was done from a racist perspective.
It's about big corporations exploiting people, and then they use low-level people to carry it out and then get the blame.
Maybe we can find that clip, but what do you think of Chappelle's making that statement?
With drugs, you can't just say that this is for blacks or this is for whites.
Now, in the crack epidemic, blacks were targeted by the police.
To get arrested.
Longer sentences.
And longer sentences, but whites use cocaine just as much or more than blacks did.
So that's definitely not a true statement.
Now, if he would have said that, well, they're arresting blacks more than they were arresting whites, that would have been a true statement.
But no, it's not.
And as for the heroin epidemic, if it's whites that are doing it now, it's not going to stay that way.
It's going to trickle down to the rest of society because that's just the way drugs work.
It may start with one person, but it's like a virus.
It has its way of getting introduced.
Well, I've been down to Skid Row in LA and it's, I'd say about half white, maybe like 40% black and maybe 10% Asian.
I mean, it's a lot of black folks on heroin down there.
Yeah, yeah.
It affects everybody.
I mean, it's an epidemic.
And when you're dealing with epidemics, I mean, you know, we have to try to get out of the black and white.
I agree.
What do you think of Trump trying to reverse the Democrat policies of the 90s with the long, when Hillary said blacks are super predators, gotta be brought to heel?
I don't know if you've ever seen that quote.
And then Trump is trying to reverse that right now.
See, the media won't even give him credit.
But that's why Kanye West went there and got him to do that.
Yeah, well I know Kim Kardashian has been working with him as well.
Matter of fact, TMZ had hit me up one day about her doing that.
She was getting lift rides for inmates, for people who were getting out of prison.
And they asked me how did I feel about it, and I thought it was a wonderful thing because when people get out of prison, you've been in prison 20, 30 years, most of your family is probably dead, you probably don't have any friends.
You don't have any resources, so any resources that we can give inmates to help them stay out of trouble, I think is a great thing.
Let me ask you this, not trying to get you in trouble with a Trump statement, but just wondering, what was your view of Trump before he ran for president, and then what the media turned him to once he did?
Well, I read a couple books on Trump when I was in prison.
I don't know, I felt, uh, I used his books, I used some of his techniques now, uh, but the way he's being portrayed on the news right now is, is, is, is villainary.
Villainary, that's a good word.
Well, they do it to me, I mean, they say I wrote a book about Sandy Hook and harassed families.
I never wrote a book about Sandy Hook.
They say I lost a suit.
That's AP.
That's not true!
None of it's true!
They say I lost an appeal yesterday.
I didn't.
They just lie.
I mean, I'm saying levels of lies, when you're experiencing it yourself, then you know how big it is.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
And a lot of times with us as people, we don't believe certain things until they absolutely affect us personally, you know.
We go along with it, but then when it affects our family personally is when we start to
Notice that it's not right.
Drug dealers, you know, like, you're not reformed even though you did 20, 30 years in prison, you're still not reformed, you're still a drug dealer.
But the kids are really going to listen to the drug, to the famous kingpin.
They want it, they want it, they want to know, you know, what happened, how did you get started, who, like, I just did a school in Kansas City last week, and I did a survey with the kids, you know, I just started asking them, you know, okay, can anybody in here tell me who
Let me introduce you to drugs first.
Because this was a school where all the kids had been on drugs before.
This was a drug school where kids had been suspended from school for using drugs and they started raising their hands and they were saying, oh my uncle turned me on, oh my dad.
It's usually family.
It's not some strange guy, you know, that's in the park, you know, wearing a hood, hiding out behind the benches, hey little kid, come here, let me introduce you.
It's usually family.
That's not how it happens.
I had to explain that to the teachers that most of these kids got hooked on drugs from somebody that they trusted, from somebody that they love.
And that's something that families need to know as well.
That your kid is not going to get hooked on drugs by some stranger.
It's going to be his uncle, his auntie, his big brother, his sister.
Just like with me.
The guy who introduced me to drugs was like my big brother.
He was that brother that I didn't have.
I looked up to him.
I thought that he was right.
I thought he knew what he was doing.
And he got me started.
Well, that's the way it is with so many things.
But think about Big Pharma.
They sell drugs that are worse than cocaine, as bad as heroin, and they're pushing it in schools, they're pushing it everywhere.
Something like 30% of women are antidepressants.
Those drugs say on the insert they eat holes in your brain.
They make your heart swell.
They lower your IQ.
They can cause you to become a mass murderer.
It says on the insert that almost every one of these crazy mass shooters is on it.
Well, those drugs dealers should be responsible.
They could be held responsible for those shootings.
I mean, technically, if they go with the conspiracy theory, because with the conspiracy theory, if I hand you the gun and you go out and do a shooting, I'm responsible.
So if I'm prescribing drugs, if I'm paying doctors,
That's what they do.
You know, they pay doctors to subscribe drugs to people.
The more drugs you subscribe people to, the bigger your bonus is going to be.
So, technically, they're...
I mean, if anybody's ever seen how beautiful these female drug reps are at these doctor's offices, and I'm telling you, let me tell you, those beautiful female drug reps, they're not just getting bonuses, they're having sex with the doctors.
Oh, exactly.
They sell enough.
So you get the rep, too, Lon.
I wouldn't be surprised because, I mean, at the end of the day is these people are strictly, they're like I was when I was selling drugs, you know, I was strictly dealing for the money.
I didn't care about human life, how it was going to affect anybody else, the only thing I really cared about was money.
Look, CBS News, Pfizer drug sales having sex with doctors.
Keep going, sorry.
So when you're in that state of mind where you don't really value people, you only value the money and you don't really care what happens to the people.
Man, that's so crazy.
We have to change that.
We have to change our, and we have to start with our kids to where, you know, now we value life and not just the buck.
I agree.
That's what I've said.
They're going to shut up about these mass shootings that are terrible but still statistically very, very rare compared to all these other things that kill you.
As soon as people start suing the drug makers of the drugs that most of these people are on that say they actually make you do it, that's when they're going to change the subject off the average gun owner and blame it.
In fact, I have a statistic here.
This is a big meme going viral.
10,874 people killed by drunk drivers in 2017.
And 403 by rifles.
Walmart stopped selling rifles, still sells alcohol.
That's real numbers.
Real numbers.
The numbers are always two years behind.
And so mass shootings might kill 150 people a year.
If you count gang-related, it's 300, 350.
Still terrible.
But 10,000 from drunk drivers.
We're not saying, you know, they shouldn't sell alcohol because some people are doing it responsibly.
It's the person, what they do with the alcohol that's at fault, not the alcohol.
Just like it's not the gun's fault.
Good point.
Good point.
I think we need to go on the offense against these drug makers because enough fentanyl to kill
Ten billion, six hundred and something million people got caught being shipped to the U.S.
Our politicians are on the take as well.
You know, they're getting paid by these big companies and they're going to make decisions to benefit the company.
We've got to start caring about each other again.
And like you said, the cigarette makers get caught putting hundreds of chemicals in that are drugs, that are more addictive than cocaine.
It's not tobacco, you're addicted to the chemicals they're adding to it.
And are they in trouble?
We need to look at all of this.
Final segment with the real Freeway Rick Ross, straight ahead.
We'll get into his book.
Riding with Rick, the 21 keys of success.
We'll be back on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
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We're good.
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Found in the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia, this root is considered a super adaptogen and is believed to help the body in the fight against emotional, mental, and physical stress.
It's time to do what I did and take action with the Chill Force Challenge at InfoWarsLive.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The wheels of his Mustang exploding on the highway like a slug from a forty-five.
True death.
Crank it up.
Alright, I'm gonna stop that.
The real Rick Ross is here, riding with Rick.
The 21 Keys of Success.
Sounds kind of like a Trumpian book.
I'm going to read this book.
Tell me about it.
Tell me about the book.
Well, the book was wrote about my first six months out of prison.
And, you know, getting out of prison, I didn't know nobody.
I didn't have any money.
You know, I was homeless for a couple months.
My mom had lost her house.
She took one of those
When those subprime loans out, you know she had a free, her house was free and clear when I went to prison and she went and borrowed a couple hundred grand and I think the broker took like $80,000 out of the loan right off the top.
And that's the real crux to have an old lady
And you take 40% of the loan as a brokerage fee and rip them off.
I mean, I would see like 10% as a rip-off of that poor old lady.
How the hell do guys do that?
And what really got her is that they started the loan off at $1,200 a month.
So she could afford that.
But it escalated.
It ballooned to $3,200 a month, which was totally out of her range.
When I got home, Alex, she didn't have food to eat because she was trying to pay the market.
Did you know it was Larry Summers and Bill Clinton who changed the laws for all that loan sharking?
No, I didn't know.
Now in places like Arkansas that had some of the strongest laws against payday loans and usury, they've gotten rid of all those laws.
Well, that's a good thing.
Because so many people lost their homes.
I mean... No, no, no.
And I'm saying they got rid of the laws protecting people.
Oh, they got rid of the laws protecting people?
Yeah, that was... I'm not trying to bash Bill Clinton.
It's just that super evil stuff came out of it.
Well, what it is, you just called it what it is.
You know, you call it what it is.
If it's a spade, it's a spade.
Who did it?
Who cares who did it?
You say who did it?
Man, I would be so afraid of God, because I know God's real.
If I was ripping off old ladies, I mean, I'm just, I mean, I just, these people are crazy doing that.
Man, do they have any idea how bad luck they're getting?
I mean, you're going to pay in this life.
You're going to pay after.
But some of the people, they already rich.
They got more money than sin.
I mean, they can't spend all the money they got already.
Why do they continue to take from the money?
Why don't you give all the old ladies the best deal and then you get them all at a little percentage?
Why would you want to screw them over?
I just, I don't understand that.
But it goes back to the business thing.
Yeah, it's crazy.
But that's how this book came about.
And my friend, Coley, who I had sent him these three books that I had read, my favorite three books, Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man in Babylon, and As a Man Think.
I don't
We start off with the number one, what we thought were the most important, which was being humble.
It's very important for us to be humble as people because when you're humble, people like you.
You know, they don't mind working with you, but when you're boastful, when you are overbearing, people have a resentment for you.
You know, they don't really want to be around you.
So we felt that being humble was the most important.
And if you're mentally humble, it doesn't cloud your judgment.
These guys that get on a power trip, I noticed they're not thinking too smart.
Right, right.
And you have to have an open mind.
Because if you don't have an open mind, you can't visualize the future.
You can't see what's coming.
And you wind up being stagnated.
That's how the book came about.
Give me some more principles.
I can't wait to read it.
You have to study.
You have to be somebody who, once you find out whatever the field is that you're going into, you have to learn as much about it as you can.
One of the things that I found out about myself, and I didn't really understand that, but when I first started selling cocaine, I knew absolutely nothing about cocaine.
I didn't know what it looked like.
I didn't know what it smelled like.
I didn't know the color.
I was a novice.
That's a good rule.
You didn't get high on your own supply.
No, I didn't.
I didn't.
Well, they taught me that, though.
You know, I was taught by the people.
Don't take it.
Don't take it.
If you don't take it, you're going to be rich.
So I didn't take it.
And that's one of the other things that I learned about drugs, too, as well.
Most people who get involved with drugs don't get involved with drugs to become addicts.
Most of the people who get involved with drugs get in it for the money.
But they believe that their willpower is stronger than the drug.
You understand what I'm saying?
Oh, I understand.
That they can take it.
They play with fire.
And that's how most people be.
Well, that's like me now.
I just don't drink, period.
I've made a big deal about it on there, but I just don't drink.
That's why I joke around sometimes.
I mean, it's stupid.
I'm like, oh, I'm drunk.
But no, I mean, because I'll quit drinking and I'll start drinking.
Not a lot.
All of a sudden, I'm drinking a lot.
I just don't drink now.
You got to.
It's much easier.
Just zip.
Never again, it's over.
And people ask me that too about drugs.
They're like, okay, well, if I can control the drug, I say, no, you can't control the drug.
You have to quit.
And you never go back.
And if you go back, you didn't really quit, you only slowed down.
So it's a difference in slowing down and quitting.
And then it dominates your life with anything.
Alcohol's a drug, a deadly drug.
Your whole life's about you want it, you need it, you're not gonna have it, you're gonna have it.
And it's just like, no!
You're not in my life.
Right, right.
With anything.
I mean, it could be a woman, a man, if somebody is not... So you're right.
Alcohol's like an evil woman.
Or for a woman, it might be like an evil man.
Like, it's just great when it ain't in your life anymore.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, you have to just, like, leave it.
I mean, that's the way I had to do with cocaine, because
I loved selling cocaine.
I fell in love with it.
It didn't... Mine had got to the point where it wasn't about the money anymore.
The money wasn't my high anymore.
My high was selling a lot of drugs.
Being number one?
Being number one.
How much drugs can I sell?
How many kilos can I get rid of today?
How many kilos am I gonna be able to get rid of tomorrow?
And it wasn't about how much money was I making, because I didn't care.
You know, I had everything that I wanted, but I still had that
Intensity, that passion.
To do more.
I want to do more.
I want to do more tomorrow than I did yesterday.
I want to do more next week.
And you know, I want to be bigger next week than I am today.
And the CIA had all you needed.
And cheaper.
So they were like trying to sell you so much you couldn't even move it?
They're like, slow down.
Yeah, slow down.
And that's the way we have to approach our life like that.
We have to figure out what are the things in our life that are not doing us any good and we have to get rid of them.
You know, the police or their mom.
And the website's FreewayRickRoss.com.
Thanks for coming in, my friend.
Oh, you already know, man.
I ain't never gonna forget.
You know, I'm not one to forget my friends.
And what you did for me when you came down to the prison to check on me, I will never, ever in my life forget that.
Hey man, you were a big story and I wanted to expose CIA drug dealers.
You're badass.
Well, I appreciate that.
That's a lot of courage.
I appreciate that, you know, that what you did for me.
I appreciate you, Rick.
Hi, thank you.
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This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We're gonna get right to Matt Brackett, best-selling author, researcher, former Navy SEAL, and a really smart fella about what's happening in the world.
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Matt, thank you for letting
I'm not mad at him, but he was supposed to be here an hour before, so we had to push back.
I apologize if that happens sometimes.
Just briefly, what do you make of the pitch for the new health DARPA, HARPA?
Turns out Obama administration of people run it.
It's being pitched to Trump.
I don't think Trump's going to support it.
The Washington Post says he does because of Ivanka.
And I'm not trying to target Ivanka.
I just think she doesn't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of.
You've got Walmart's CEO adding insult to injury, not just not selling rifle ammo and handgun ammo, but now saying we should turn our semi-autos in.
You've got the former head of DHS, Jay Johnson, saying this time they're going to get our guns.
My God, this is out of control.
So your take on that?
You go ahead and take over, my friend.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, you know, Walmart really sticks in my throat.
Like in the last segment before we were, they were talking about Walmart.
You guys were talking about Walmart and they still sell booze.
You know, you can, you can waste yourself on vodka, you know, much more certainly than a brick of a .22 long rifle in your closet, which won't hurt anybody.
And the thing that really sticks with me with China and Walmart or Chinamart is that Walmart, which I think Tucker had a great episode on this, Walmart laid waste to mom and pop shops across America and replaced them with cheap stuff made in communist China.
Slave labor is not free trade.
There's something, a saying I heard or
Thank you.
Cheap goods made by virtual slave labor.
I mean, they have suicide nets around their factories.
Their factories have workers that are basically prisoners, where the dormitory, the dining hall, and the work floors are all in one building.
And you don't get out.
You know, that's your choice.
Your choice is starve or work in a prison factory.
And that's how Walmart has made its money.
And for them to take the high road over guns is just really disgusting to me.
Anyway, what I want to talk about today, and I know you're probably really sick of hearing about Hurricane Dorian.
It seems like it's been in the news forever, and it's still in the news because it's scraping along the Carolinas now.
But there's an ongoing tragedy in the northern Bahamas, which I know a lot about.
I've sailed there a bunch.
In the northern Bahamas,
This hurricane was a record setter.
It was going at 200 miles an hour for like two days.
The eye just going around and around and around.
The people that live there have described it as like a tsunami, a hurricane, and tornadoes that just didn't quit, on and on.
Now the video footage you're seeing now is the third largest city in the Bahamas, Marsh Harbor, on Great Abaco.
And this is the downtown district.
So all of the people, the 20,000 people that live on smaller islands around Marsh Harbor and in settlements on Great Abaco, this is where they would come to get their blue tarps, okay?
This is where they would come to get their bottled water.
The headquarters, the hub of the Abacos, is absolutely wrecked.
Everything you're seeing here was under a 20-foot storm surge, so it's all utterly annihilated.
The hardware stores, the supermarkets, they're gutted.
Even when you see homes that are still standing, their interiors are gutted.
So the homes that are standing are made out of cinder block or reinforced concrete.
So some of the walls might be up, but the interiors are gone.
There was a 20-foot, sort of like a tsunami, rolling back and forth as this eye went around and around.
Over the top of the Abacos and then continued across Grand Bahama, which is a big island with 50,000 people 90 miles from east to west.
And it just hovered over the eastern part of Grand Bahama for like a full day.
The eye just making rotation after rotation.
I've never seen destruction like this.
And not only is this like an appeal to see where you can, you know, go to donate to people that are sending over rescue emergency aid.
But this is also a lesson in human dynamics.
Now the sun is back out.
You know, it's 85 or 90 degrees there.
The sun is shining.
The weather is beautiful.
But the people have no water, no food, and only the clothes on their backs.
Their houses literally are empty.
The contents of their houses could be a mile away.
So everything is a grab bag.
Now, Marsh Harbor is a biracial place, maybe 50-50 black-white, and they're all Bahamians and they get along well, but there's a huge amount of social pressure where the wealthier people may live in slightly better houses further up the hill, perceived to having more supplies on hand.
And so the people with their lower, living at lower levels may have even less.
So there's reports of gunfire, looting, you know, social tension breaking out because you've taken a, it's like an experiment, like a nuclear blast went off, minus the radiation.
And absolutely nothing is working.
I would say 95% of the cars in the Abacos and on Grand Bahama are not working because they were underwater.
I mean, way underwater.
So you see very few vehicles even moving.
And this is, you know, there's no electricity and there won't be for weeks.
If you had a generator, it probably got ruined in this tidal surge tsunami
Series of tsunamis.
So this is like a social experiment.
What happens when people absolutely lose it all and in the midst of this, you know,
It's even taken three or four days just to get video like this out of the place.
And this is the hub of the Abacos, Marsh Harbor.
There are settlements and other islands like Manawar Cay, Treasure Cay, Hopetown, Elbow Cay, Guana Cay, where there are hundreds and a few thousand people living scattered all over the place.
And it's probably even worse in the rest of the islands around Marsh Harbor.
Nobody's even seen them yet.
So people are literally, as we speak, I guarantee you, they are starting to die of dehydration, especially children and older people, because everything that they've got, their survival supplies, it's all ruined.
Ruined or lost.
You know, this was a major marina with, like, you know, 50-, 60-foot sport fishing boats in normal times.
These buildings, these were, like, great restaurants, you know, great marinas.
They're just absolute... Look at that concrete block.
These aren't cheap buildings.
These aren't, you know, huts.
And it's level.
You know, the few buildings that are still standing, like that big pink building, you can see it's a very well-built building.
I'm sure they intend it to be hurricane-proof, but it's gutted.
When we come back, I'll move on to some other topics, but it rips me up seeing what's happening there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, just a little bit more on this Super Hurricane, Category 5, 200 MPH winds, Dorian.
In the Bahamas.
You know, then it came up the Florida coast and we're very fortunate it just stayed offshore.
Now it's scraping along the Carolinas and might do a lot of damage there, but I can promise you right now in the northern Bahamas, just particularly that northern tier, the Abacos and Grand Bahama, there are people who are dying because they have no insulin.
You know, the entire infrastructure of civilization was wrecked.
Just destroyed.
They don't have drinking water.
They don't have the very basics of life.
They have the clothes on their backs and a lot of instant PTSD from surviving with their chins just above water, you know, with waves coming from all directions for, you know, for actually a couple days.
So, please have some pity for these people and when you see legit charities that are going to help, that's fine.
The real thing is that there are people dying right now while we talk.
There are people trapped and there are people without any medicine, without any water.
And it's extremely dire.
That's why I'm wearing this.
I got this medallion.
It's actually a Wahoo fish.
I went to Virginia and there are the Wahoos, Cavaliers and the Wahoos.
So I was in Marsh Harbor and I saw this in a jewelry store and I picked it up.
But I guarantee you that jewelry store is gone.
Just a foundation.
The people that live there, that earned their living making jewelry, supported themselves, lived a great life in a really like a little paradise.
That's all gone.
And if those people are alive, they're homeless, virtually beggars today.
Waiting for, hopefully, Uncle Sam to come in, but it's going to take more than helicopters.
They can't even get aircraft in.
The runway near Freeport on Grand Bahama is out of commission.
The runway on Marsh Harbor is still underwater.
The runway on Treasure Cay, the road's cut off.
It can't get anywhere except Treasure Cay.
So, it's an extremely dire situation, and it's a lesson for all of us about how rapidly a major natural catastrophe, like a bad earthquake or a super hurricane, can just rip everything out that you're depending on, including your survival supplies.
And then what?
So, it brings up a need for an even deeper level of preparation.
You know, it's not enough to have stuff in a closet if the closet's going to be wrecked.
You know, by a natural disaster and the supplies there by lost.
So it makes me really think very deeply about what I need in terms of food, water, medicine, emergency supplies, much of which we can get it in the InfoWars store.
But once you've bought it, give a good thought to preparing a place for it that won't be destroyed in an event of a natural disaster or a fire, for example.
Nuff one, Dorian.
It's just, it's ripping me up watching those videos of the Abacos.
Just ripping me up.
Recently, this is like a week or two ago, a student, a 16-year-old student in Loveland, Colorado, posted pictures of a day at the range on social media.
I think Snapchat, something like that.
Not even shooting, just like pictures of the guns that he had shot.
And he was red flagged and basically, you know, kicked out of school for the time being.
I think he's back now.
But there is a program in Colorado, I don't know if it's in other places, called Safe to Tell with the number two.
It's basically a snitch hotline.
If you think one of your fellow students is a, you know, potential, you know, crazed shooter like the Odessa shooter,
And in this case, just the mere fact that you had photos taken of guns, legal guns, legal training at a legal range, was enough for the hysterics in that school to red flag this kid and get him booted.
This ties in, for example, with the Walmart story, where they're now putting a social stigma on guns.
Not vodka, not rock gut whiskey on the bottom shelf, but guns are now going to become a pariah item.
And if you enjoy shooting, if you own guns, you're going to be considered some kind of a subspecies that bears a lot of watching, because we're not quite sure when you might go off.
And when you tie it in with this HARPA deal, which is like DARPA for health, supposedly, they're going to use AI and social media and put us all under the remote control microscope to see which comrades are just a little bit too unreliable to own guns.
Bad, dangerous, evil laws are always sold to the public in the name of public safety.
In fact, during the French Revolution, the guys with the guillotines were called the Committee of Public Safety, literally.
That's who was the guillotine crews, the Committee of Public Safety.
But when they sell a new law, whether it's like asset forfeiture, oh, we're just going after Scarface and the big narco-terrorist kingpins,
They turn that, that's just the camel's nose inside of the tent.
And so they're going to sell, including selling to Trump, Ivanka and those losers, they're going to sell Trump on some form of red flag law.
And it doesn't matter how it's worded.
It doesn't matter what kind of guarantees there are.
It's just the camel's nose.
Eventually, there will be a Democratic, a Democrat president
And the structure of the red flag law that's passed now in 2019 or 2020 is going to just be enormously, vastly expanded to where if you're a white male heterosexual with guns, that's pretty much going to be enough to do it.
I mean, you think that I'm joking.
You think I'm using hyperbole.
Well, when I wrote my novels, you know, 10, 15 years ago, nobody could have ever foreseen something like, you know, secret police teams doing evil deeds like Fast and Furious.
But they did.
Nobody could have foreseen, you know, public libraries bringing in pedophile drag queens to, you know,
Play horsey with toddlers and small children, but they're doing it.
So people have to pretty much, you know, expand their horizon of the possible.
And when something sounds like hyperbole,
Like, you know, the red flag laws are going to be used to disarm conservatives.
Just think back ten years.
Would you have ever imagined that homosexual marriage, oh that's all we want, gays to be able to marry, would expand so quickly to transgenders winning female sports events, weightlifting, track, etc.
It sounds crazy, but here we are.
So it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination.
To extrapolate forward just a couple of years when there's a imagine a President Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.
They're going to use these these laws that are passed today in the midst of a hysteria.
To disarm their political enemies.
This is how it's always done.
You can go back to, you know, through the 20th century, every group that was a victim of genocide went through a period of scapegoating.
You know, and one of the tools that these oppressive dictators have used to not only scapegoat their enemies that are going to be designated for genocide,
But they use the tool of gun registration.
And they'll never say, gun registration is so that we can round up the guns from our political enemies and put them on boxcars.
That's never going to happen.
They always say, we need to know who has all the guns so that we can keep them out of the hands of irresponsible, you know, maniacs and criminals.
Which doesn't work because criminals, for example, are going to get guns illegally no matter what.
The next thing that we're going to see is a ban on private sales.
You're going to have to go to a federal firearms license dealer and do the paperwork.
This is only going to affect law-abiding citizens.
It won't change criminal behavior at all.
They're still going to buy cars out of the trunks of cars, like they always do.
But it's going to put conservatives, law-abiding people, into the position of either virtually registering all of their guns, because every transfer will have to be reported to the federal government.
And you know, no matter what they say, they keep those records forever.
Or you're going to still do private sales, but you're going to risk a felony sting, you know, some kind of a bust for a sting and be a felon and go to prison.
Hard time.
So this is the corner that we're being pushed into.
And I wrote an article for American Partisan today, basically called Dear Mr. Security Agent, please go see it.
It's about gun confiscation and who's going to be responsible for the gun confiscation is going to be the police.
They're going to have a big question to ask themselves when that time comes.
I'll see you next Thursday.