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Filename: 20190903_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 3, 2019
3122 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as internet censorship, conspiracy theories, gun control, addiction treatment, and fluoride in toothpaste. He promotes several products including Super Silver Skin Cream, Super Mel Vitality, DNA Force Plus, and Banned.Video. Other speakers in the conversation touch upon issues like concealed carry reciprocity for gun rights and a 30-day program provided by National Treatment Advisors to help individuals with addiction problems. The hosts also discuss topics such as Tulsi Gabbard suing Google for $50 million, weather manipulation in natural disasters like Hurricane Dorian, and the controversy surrounding Greg Reese's report on adrenochrome and its removal by YouTube due to alleged discrimination against Satanists.

Ladies and gentlemen,
It's September 3rd, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're gonna be live here for the next four hours.
Then you've got the War Room.
Black sunshine.
I like that term.
We're shining light on the black projects.
The secret projects of the establishment that would rather have the general population behave like a bunch of over-entertained
Brain damaged zombies on their way to historical, cultural, biological oblivion.
But I don't want that.
And I know how the universe works.
Those of us that are aware of how the universe works will be doomed
to something akin to hell if we do not try to help people achieve real consciousness.
That's just the law of the universe, and all these fools that see the childlike nature of the general public and use it against them are not going to cross the River Jordan, I can assure you.
But they're cut off from God, so the globalists don't understand that.
Here's what's going to happen.
Whenever I have something that is of the utmost importance, I wouldn't call it choking
But I would call it a form of over-preparing.
I set my alarm clock for 5 a.m.
this morning, and I got up again at 5.15, got to the desk drinking coffee, and reviewed a lot of documents, a lot of legislation that's passed, a lot of defense spending, a lot of intelligence agency spending.
And so I put together four or five big stacks here of exhibits.
And I tend to, when I put these exhibits together, wait till later in the show to get to them, just because it's so daunting that I'm really going to try to give my best analysis and my best oratory skills here to tell you the absolute truth.
And the problem is there's so much data that I tend to get caught up showing you the proof instead of just telling you what's going on and then talking about the action we need to take and then pointing you in an article that has all the links to it and all the admissions.
Now, I'm gonna be very clear here.
There's one of three things going on with Trump.
And we're gonna lay these out when we come back.
I'm gonna get to it now.
There's one of three things going on here.
One of three things.
Either the president is truly a troglodyte and doesn't understand what's going on in his administration, like they say.
Or he's working for the bad guys and knows full well what's happening.
Or he believes that he's got to head off other big problems first before he addresses this for some reason that escapes me.
But I'm not going to issue an ultimatum to the president.
The president has already issued an ultimatum to himself.
And so there's that line from a rock song, I forget who said it, but how can we sleep while our beds are burning?
I mean, that's really what's going on here.
So let me direct all TV viewers and radio listeners and the simulcast to DrudgeReport.com.
We'll put that on screen, please.
And right in the middle column,
Right there in the middle column, third article down, fourth article down, new FCC bid to get drudge.
They actually say get drudge.
And that ties to the article linked below it from InfoWars.com, update Pentagon to fight
Go back to stretch, please.
Pentagon to fight.
Viral internet content, close quote.
So, I'm going to explain exactly why this is so huge when we come back.
Please stay with us.
It's been a year since InfoWars and our other channels were completely banned off of YouTube.
We had over 5 billion views when we got banned, and we're credited with getting Donald Trump elected because we were able to punch through and reach the grassroots.
Now as we enter the 2020 election cycle, it's more important than ever that there be a place where the censors are unable to block the signal.
And it's now here.
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Devastating globalist lies.
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Are we seeing the earth?
You good?
Are we seeing the earth now?
I'm your host Alex Jones, and this will be a very important broadcast like they all are, but this one I'm particularly prepared for.
And all of this news and information before me, before you, ties together to a very clear picture of where the planet and our species is right now.
And it's my main goal to have a discussion about our species, about our past, about our present, about our future, and to try to get you involved in caring about your own destiny and wanting to affect the larger battle space of the future human destiny or the great mission.
Now, let me begin up front that if we don't have free speech, if we don't have First Amendment, if we can be penalized and persecuted for what we say, then we are living in a true authoritarian regime.
And if you look at reports from Discovery Channel, CNN, MSNBC, from even five, six years ago, they were critical of things in China and North Korea and other areas, calling it authoritarianism, calling it oppression, calling it lies.
But now,
You tune in, and they're promoting persecution, violence against nationalists, against conservatives, against Christians, and others.
They have converted to pure authoritarianism, and we know that.
And we know why.
They're working for a large international cartel of large corporations and banks, allied with the Communist Chinese and the EU, along with Hollywood that they own, dominating and controlling the Western world, sucking out our treasure, our energy.
And transferring it to their globalist breakaway civilization, a new feudalist system separate from the general population.
Now that basic statement complete.
I am now going to address the President directly and I have no doubt this will end up getting in front of the President or he will be briefed on it because I know he's requested that.
Let me also direct all TV and radio listeners to DrudgeReport.com, four stories down in the middle column.
But just as important as the fourth story down in the middle column is the story above it.
The FCC is holding a symposium.
The goal of it is directly to censor the internet and to put artificial intelligence in charge of it and to end free speech as we know it.
They specifically say
That drudge is the target.
Now, think about that.
They are specifically saying that there is a new bid to quote, get drudge.
They don't even hide it.
Of course, I'm mentioned as well.
Why is that?
Because if what we're saying gets out, it's over for them.
That's why they've got to misrepresent us.
It's why they've got to lie about us.
We're just loyal Americans.
This broadcast, our listeners, it's what we do.
Now, DrudgeReport.com is linked.
This is a participation sport.
We're not spectators here.
You're in the arena, ladies and gentlemen.
In the article, Pentagon launches new program to fight viral internet content.
They say viral.
See, the establishment's just mad at anything they don't control.
It's not Russian, it's not racist, it's dangerous to the establishment and they want it shut down.
And the two articles go together like a horse and carriage.
That's why they're right next to each other on DrugsReport.com.
And so what I'm going to do is, I'm going to start at next segment.
My direct message
To the President and everybody else, but just let me make this announcement before I plunge into all the admissions, all the quotes, all the statements from them in press releases.
The neocons and the Democrats openly have a foundation that takes money from 20 foreign countries that then is given CIA and Defense Department money, $2 billion, when Obama left.
Most of it's already run out.
To pay journalists to lie about yours truly and President Trump.
Now, by the way, this is all admitted.
I'm going to show you when their own statements in congressional hearings.
Like, this is incredible.
Yeah, out of one side of their mouth, they go on the national news and say, no one's censoring any nationalists or conservatives or Christians or gun owners or veterans groups.
Then out of the other side of their mouth, they have dozens of hearings.
We've played you the clips here.
And the head of YouTube, you know, on a stage saying, yeah, everybody wanted us to ban Alex Jones, so we banned him.
But they go before Congress in one hearing and say to the Republicans, we've never censored anybody, we've never fixed a search result, we've never done anything.
We've never breathed oxygen.
Then they go into the intelligence and the armed services committees and they openly talk about how with foreign governments,
20 governments at least have ganged up on the American people.
The Germans.
The British.
The Swedish government.
The Saudi Arabian government.
I'm gonna read you from their own documents.
So you talk about foreign collusion, you talk about election meddling, and so there's President Trump talking about Google censorship and Facebook censorship?
It's beyond that.
And they say in the quotes in congressional testimony that we're going to read to you, and find the videos as well, we've played them, that anything that is not establishment talking points, these are quotes, or anything not approved by these committees will not be allowed on air.
And then they've got other quotes here that are just so astounding, they make my head spin, but we're going to go over.
All of this, where they have quotes in here, where they say the CIA and the Atlantic Council's main mission is to prevent the foment of discord.
That's Rolling Stone, by the way.
Quoting that from the congressional testimony.
Now, you understand, that's saying anything they think can upset somebody.
Like, hey, that's who O'Rourke said he's coming for your guns, he will confiscate all semi-autos.
Oh, that's fomenting.
Hey, Hillary fell down in New York City, had a convulsion.
Alex Jones is right.
Oh, that's fomenting!
Telling somebody, hey, we got delicious cheeseburgers and ice-cold Coca-Colas on sale for $2 over here at the local restaurant, that's fomenting.
And you read it, and who do they say?
Matt Grudge, Alex Jones.
So cryptic, so evil, so disgusting.
And that's because Drudge is the biggest thing out there other than any other news outlet directing raw traffic and then in full force talks to the grassroots of the nation.
And because we're loyal Americans that are also loyal to our own common sense and free market and want to live in a quasi-free country, we must be silenced because you can't buy me and you can obviously see you can't buy Drudge.
You can't buy Tucker Carlson.
I know the inside baseball on that.
They threatened to fire him, you name it.
He won't shut up or back down.
Her name was Sean Hannity.
You may disagree with this on a point or two, but we're not backing down.
We're not selling out.
But I gotta ask the President something.
Do you know that there's $2 billion in government right now and 20 foreign governments funding to make sure you lose the election and Google's on record admitting it and they're meeting with the FCC to do it and threatening the families of the conservative members of the FCC?
I know people on the FCC.
Oh yeah, I know FCC board members.
Yeah, I've had hour-long discussions.
Oh, you didn't know that, did you?
Yeah, the last two years.
Their children get death-threatened at work.
At school.
Yeah, it's serious.
Oh, you saw what happened to Scalise.
Gotta happen to your kids, you don't get in line and help us get rid of Trump.
So you wonder why Trump's doing so much good and proving he's the real deal, but he can't get Washington to do one-tenth of what he wants.
It's because they're threatening to kill everybody.
You understand now?
Now, if you want to live under something like that, you want to buckle and get bullied, it's only going to get worse.
I know what to do to a bully!
I'm gonna jump on top of them politically and I'm gonna grab them by the ears.
And I'm gonna ram their head in the concrete until blood comes out of their eyes.
Politically, non-violently.
They wanna try to intimidate me?
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fracked.
And I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BodyEase, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
Well, you're right.
All of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel in the body.
You take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
With these products I take, when I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the most censored, demonized, lied-about show in the world, for good reason.
We do our research, we take action, we mobilize humanity, and we win, ladies and gentlemen.
We know that we can defeat tyranny if good men and women get informed and take action.
And we're doing it now.
Alright, let's get right into it, ladies and gentlemen.
Sure, we all know that there's massive censorship against conservatives and against nationalists and against patriots and against people that just want to be sovereign and run their own lives and that love America.
And we know that the American system threatens the globalist system that has been manifest in communist China.
That's what they'd like to do here and it's what they are setting up here, the global social score system where
Now they're in Yahoo and Bloomberg Finance going, well it's true all the big tech heads for a decade have been in a race to listen and record everything you do and they've all got big databanks of what you said so you better watch your mouth.
And Facebook came out three months ago and they said don't use Alex Jones's name and they said we'll ban you off Facebook for anything you said in the past and watch out
We've got blackmail on all of America.
They actually said that.
Go look it up.
And Facebook came out today and said what YouTube said.
We're experimenting with getting rid of the likes.
Because, you know, when Obama gives a speech now, maybe a thousand people watch it on YouTube, even though they put it on the front, and it'll get thousands of dislikes to maybe five likes.
Same thing when they put up all this anti-American, anti-God, anti-family stuff on Netflix.
They'll get half a star out of five stars for all these sick shows.
And so they go, oh, we're just getting rid of stars on those shows.
So see, they're censoring it down to the level of consumer groups now are being shut down on Facebook and Twitter because they have, they allow people to vote on whether they like to deodorant or a hairdryer or a drug they took.
Well, we can't have you say your daughter took a Gardasil shot and died, or took a Gardasil shot and got cancer, or had a convulsion.
They're silencing everyone.
They brought the web in, made it all where we could vote on things, share what we liked, it was open, it was free to a great extent, and now they're pulling the rug out from under us.
They got us addicted.
When they invented the concept of the internet in 1962,
It's called the Intergalactic Communications System.
It wasn't built by DARPA to survive a nuclear war.
That was propaganda later put out.
The mainline history is it was designed, the idea, by a psychiatrist working with DARPA who wanted to track propaganda and how it affected you to then try to harness mass movements
And be able to predict the future once everyone had a handheld computer that they believed you would then go interface with terminals for downloads and uploads.
Now they just do it wireless.
I can show you 1970s and 80s TV shows about it.
PBS programs with futurists about how they planned it in the 60s.
It's designed to enslave you from the beginning.
We took it away from them to a great extent, so now they're accelerating their original plan that wasn't supposed to be here for another 10 years.
But they're going for it all now.
It's all over the news.
Samsung, and Apple, and Sharp, and Google, and Twitter, and Amazon, and every major company!
More than 50!
Are competing to listen and watch you and sell the data to big data crunching firms and the National Security Agency.
They could never get away with that.
But if they got you to opt in to YouTube and Google and Alphabet and Facebook and Twitter and all the rest, then you don't read the 20, 30 pages.
When it gives you a software update, it tells you they're watching and listening.
But now, you see, they get you addicted first, and now Google and Amazon use smart speakers for surveillance.
Top tech investor says, Yahoo, Bloomberg, all over the place.
This weekend, it was the top story starting Friday.
It's time to tell you now.
Remember, InfoWars telling you 20 years ago?
It was decided at that point that I was endangering infrastructure.
And the Pentagon was sent to have a meeting with the local radio station, despite the fact they had the number one ratings.
And I was getting national news attention.
They fired me.
They gave me a few months.
They said, no more talk about all these things.
Like the microphone in the scientific Atlantic cable box that the engineer came and broke open for me and showed me.
With the blueprints saying microphone.
Long before you're using voice print, you see.
But see, that was back then, you weren't supposed to know.
Oh, there'd never be a microphone or camera back then, but now, you've been slowly conditioned to accept it.
So I've got hundreds of articles here I'm gonna go over, but first, when we come back, I'm already starting to get into it, my direct message to the President himself, because just Google and Facebook are where 70%
I got the numbers, I'll show you, of where people in the United States get their news.
70% get their news solely from Google and Facebook.
Now Trump, who watches TV, still thinks the Internet's like some junior Bush league, you know, lowest level minor league.
It's not.
It's the big leagues.
And it controls everything that the people can see and do.
And then the fact that Trump hasn't acted.
They're so arrogant now, they're blocking all these political people's Twitters and Facebooks, including the leader of the Senate.
And Democrats that aren't establishment.
Like the good Congresswoman from Hawaii.
And still nothing's done.
And so now the FCC
Announces that they're having a symposium to, quote, shut down anything viral and Matt Drudge.
These are quotes.
I'm sorry.
Get Drudge.
We gonna get ya.
And why shouldn't they be?
They chastise people in Congress every month.
I see a video going, Alex Jones is still online.
We want him shut down.
We're working on it, sir.
Senator Blumenthal's like, good, get it done quicker.
And they're doing it to everybody now.
Down to Facebook announcing that they're experimenting getting rid of likes because they don't like the fact that you can tell people as a human what you like.
Talk about tyranny!
Someone in a prison can, through the bars, up or down their fingers.
Or can boo if they don't get their lunch or dinner.
But you won't have the rights of a prisoner in a maximum security prison!
And these arrogant technocrats believe they've already broken away from humanity and we're in the post-human world!
Their Reich will not last a thousand years, it will not last a hundred years, it will not last twenty years.
When they establish their world government, it will last one year!
And four million people will be killed during that period, so saith the Lord!
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This is Paul Judson for What's Up with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe.
Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett in the American heartland.
And from Austin, Texas, a team of reporters and crew ready to be dispatched wherever the story is going down.
We are not done winning, and with your support, we will keep winning.
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Banned.video is the answer to censorship.
Banned.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are still available.
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Freedom of speech has a home.
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America and the world is fighting back against tyranny at Band.Video.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're here live every Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I come back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
We kick off the live shows here every weekday morning with a powerful transmission with David Knight, The David Knight Show.
Of course, after I go off at 3 p.m.
Central, Owen Troyer knocking out of the park with The War Room and new shows to be announced just here in the next four or five days.
So get ready for that.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
So I've kind of set the table the last couple segments with some of the history, the basic facts.
There is an arms race, you could say, for who will control the technocracy, what company can get its robot in your house that spies on you and tracks you and sells data on you.
And which robot can get you to use it as an assistant to buy the products directly from that robot?
That's what Amazon's whole model is.
This isn't on the plastic bags they give you at Whole Foods.
It's owned by Amazon.
Hey, when you eat avocados, tell Alexa, Alexa, I need avocados.
That's all part of the Alexa training.
But Alexa's training you.
And it's come out what I told you years ago.
All these companies, going back to Google Assist five years ago, are listening and are watching and are selling your data.
And of course, people are listening.
It's incredibly valuable.
They're recording everything in live time.
Transcripts are created.
Then they simply search keywords.
I control F. That was 20 years ago, 30 years ago, then I say technology with these systems.
Now, AI tells them which areas to look at.
It's all highlighted.
And then they wish to hear the actual audio.
I've talked to people that work there at Amazon and Google.
You just click on the word at the point it starts playing the audio from that point.
And a lot of these have video now.
A lot of these assistants.
So they click it and it's all there on the timeline.
And then they report on bugs, glitches, problems.
And so here's my message to the President.
Mr. President, I understand that the architecture of the world is a technocracy.
I understand that 50 years ago it was decided to build this.
I understand that everything's wired into it.
I understand now it's a race between us and the Chinese and a few corporations for who will have the most powerful AI.
That is a trap, and I'll use the Lord of the Rings analogy, the allegory, but we have mainline historical ones.
You've got the rings handed out that have all these powers to the men, to the dwarves, to the elves.
But, of course, in the dark, one ring is forged to rule them.
And in the darkness, bind them.
And all of these things have backdoors.
All of these things are older technologies that are already obsolete that were given.
And there's way more advanced systems that are admitted to, and many that aren't admitted to, that are taking place and going on.
It's like I told you 25 years ago about human-animal clones.
That was in the literature.
It was going on.
And it said 20 years before.
So that's 45 years ago, MIT admits human-animal clones in the test tube.
Obviously, they put them inside cows and gestated them and grew them, and that's now admitted as well.
Everything's 30, 40 years advanced.
And as the singularity accelerates, I call it a cascade of singularities, sub-singularities, but I do believe in the singularity.
Not in this dimension, but higher dimensions.
It'll take a lot longer than they're saying.
But there will be chain reaction singularities that cause major disruptions.
And the globalists are actually engineering the system to be disruptive, and to create a post-human world, and during the resource cutoff period, and during humans becoming obsolete period, and during humans becoming so decadent and slob-like, like the movie WALL-E, laying around those that are in the establishment system, there will be a lot of humans that actually want the exterminist system, and to have the plague that is humanity removed, because we're going to be turned into a plague before we're removed.
That's the alchemy, is to get us to accept a fallen state, a fallen nature, to fall even further, so that it's metaphysically justice when we are destroyed.
Tricking us to commit sins against the planet, sins against the innocent, sins against ourselves.
These are rituals to remove the protection.
And once the protection is removed, it's over.
I think it's important to set the basis of this up.
I'm not cliffhangering here for my message to the President, but I think I officially need to do that and then cut that out and have it sent to the White House when we come back from break because I want to specifically get into the main message here.
But let me just give you a prelude or an hors d'oeuvre of it.
It's very simple, but it's not being talked about.
The government is running the censorship.
It's beyond censorship.
It's total information control.
And it's a consortium of think tanks, foreign governments, the United Nations, quarterbacked by the State Department.
And by the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Brothers endowments.
And I've got all of it here, I'm going to show you.
And so for Trump to sit up there and say, yeah, Google's out of control, Facebook's out of control, Twitter's out of control, that's nothing.
They are ending the complete architecture of the internet.
They are coming after everyone that has independent sites.
They are announcing plans that have already passed laws in Europe to ban memes.
That's just cave drawings.
Basic human communication.
Because they're removing language, but still there's the most ancient form of communication, cave drawings or hieroglyphs.
This is such an alien attack, ladies and gentlemen.
If you look at the profile of it and everything, I don't look for flying saucers.
I don't look for little green men.
Whatever you want to call this, this is how you kill a species.
This is how you dumb them down, turn them against themselves, kill their fertility, destroy their will to build, and turn us against ourselves.
It's just, it's the devil!
The off-world fallen one, here to kill, steal, and destroy.
Here to stop us from our launch phase.
We're vast approaching.
I'll hit it when we come back, and I'll get into the specifics.
But if you go to DrugsReport.com, it's right in the middle column.
Put that up on screen, please.
And you can go to that article.
That's Paul Joseph Watson's article.
Pentagon launches new program to fight viral Internet content.
DARPA declares war on memes.
Now, why is this article so important?
When you scroll down, there is a video.
That is a feed of the live show.
And that's how we reach new people.
And you see the write-up under it, Alex Jones is live, right now, breaking down Clinton-Obama networks, still inside U.S.
intelligence agencies, pushing Internet censorship and a complete takeover
of the web, the establishment of total information awareness and total information control.
That is what the Pentagon calls it.
And they see nationalists and patriots who want to control our country as disruptive and as illegal.
Now, it's not the Pentagon itself that's bad, but it's the people in control of it.
And Trump is not in control of the Pentagon.
The globalists are in control at the top.
And Trump's ideas are right.
He's steering us in the right direction.
But it's not fast enough.
And this is such a serious time to be alive.
So please go to DrugsReport.com or Infowars.com or Newswars.com.
The power of we the people.
The power of you sharing that live link, in fact the newswars.com link, let's put that on screen, newswars.com, doesn't get as censored by the bots, doesn't get as blocked by the bots, still can get out easier on Twitter and Facebook, still can be shared on emails and things where if you're Google email they read your email and block stuff now.
This is all such a violation of your rights.
This is just rubbing your nose in it.
Pentagon launches new program to fight viral internet content.
And they admit that's what it is.
So claiming it's to fight the Russians, it's really to fight the American people wanting their country back and not wanting to turn their guns in.
So I have to tell you that when I come back I'm going to speak directly to Trump and I'm going to get into the specifics of this and run through it as quickly and as focused as I can, but it really is outrageous that
This is total draconian authoritarianism.
Absolute surveillance of everything you do.
Listening to you in your house.
Tracking you.
Selling the data.
Putting fake information on your computers.
Loading it with malware.
Doing whatever they want.
By Big Tech.
And now, so arrogant, they're going to meet with the FCC at a meeting we'll cover when we come back.
Openly on how to end free speech as we know it.
Trump must take action.
But regardless, we the people and the states must take action.
This is the architecture of the internet was designed for total control.
We must reverse that course.
It's been a year since InfoWars and our other channels were completely banned off of YouTube.
We had over 5 million views when we got banned, and we're credited with getting Donald Trump elected because we were able to punch through and reach the grassroots.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones on this Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 broadcast.
Here's my message to President Trump and the people of America and the world.
It's recognized that in the last decade, the decision was made to not oppose authoritarianism anymore.
And the United States, particularly under Barack Obama's tutelage, flooded the most radical elements of Islam, transferred basically all of our secrets, including the Office of Personnel hack, to China.
Our weapons systems, everything.
Because it was supposed to be the Chinese New Century, as the Council on Foreign Relations and others had said.
Good little globalists that had maneuvered America for 50 years towards imperial collapse, on which the ashes of which world government would be built, an anti-human technocracy.
So, addressing the President, Mr. President, if you're not being given these briefings about how the world really works, they're lying to you, but I know you're a man of the world and
Old school, man of the world, you understand these things.
So, one of three things is going on.
You're either extremely evil, and are here as a placeholder, because they knew there'd be a rebellion, if Hillary tried to do all this, and you're just acting like you're resisting this total takeover.
I don't think that's the case, because of the evidence.
Trump's doing a lot of good stuff, and they hate his guts, and they're freaking out.
Or, you're completely ignorant about how the technocracy works, how the internet works, how telecommunications work, and what's been built, and what's actually unfolding, and what's been designed.
Or, you are trying to defeat the Chinese globalist up front, and then the funding will dry up to the entire architecture, and you believe that's the way to beat it, is keep the economy going, and defeat the Chai Comps.
I think it's a mix of two and three.
Trump knows the Internet's important, but it takes real study of the Defense Department, of the CIA, of the tax-free foundations, and of these systems, to know what they're doing.
But once you know what they're doing, it is outrageously obvious.
So here's the message to you, Mr. President.
This is not an ultimatum that I'm not going to support you.
If you don't do the right thing, you are basically killing yourself politically, and us along with you, if you don't take action.
Because the government, the rogue government, the Clinton and Obama embeds, as you call them, the technical name is a stay-behind network, or the resistance.
They call themselves the resistance, like you're Hitler, they're the French resistance.
I call our movement against the globalists the resistance, because we're trying to get our country back.
They have to usurp the proper term from us because they really are the establishment.
Obviously, you're not the establishment.
It's why 93% of news reports about you are negative.
So we have this collection of globalists on foreign payroll.
I'm going to show evidence of that in a moment.
Not just China, but 19 other countries involved in congressional hearings saying they're going to shut down the grassroots and the populist movement and the nationalist movement and the NRA and Matt Drudge and Alex Jones.
We're all named.
Then they go to other committees and lie and say there is no censorship.
This is total information control.
It's like the phone book telling 99% of people in the town they can't put an ad in it.
Whether it's legal or not, no one would put up with that crap.
But it's not legal because they keep saying, oh, we don't want any government involvement in the internet.
The government built the internet with corporations, DARPA did, and it's now been transferred to the UN via Obama.
And you're sitting by, Mr. President, while Mitch McConnell's Twitter is shut down for no reason, and while you can't run campaign ads saying, join us at the Trump 2020 campaign website if you're a strong woman.
We want strong women.
You quote, misgendered.
What does that even mean?
They can call anything they want selectively bad to shut it down.
That's what this is, authoritarianism, and you know that.
So the fact that we're here and this is going on is a joke.
Obama signed the Countering Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
Billions of dollars went into it.
Hundreds and hundreds of millions per project.
We've been covering it since 2016 when Obama signed it in the Defense Authorization Act.
A lot of the money ran out earlier this year.
That's why you saw the big layoffs in leftist media.
They're just censorship wolf packs.
And so I have to sit here and watch this going on as one of the top Democrats in the FCC announces this symposium put on by the FCC to, quote, get drudge and get the conservatives, like Google executives said, their head operative over censorship said, to make sure Trump doesn't get reelected.
And we sit here while this goes on.
And we have the CIA and the FBI and the NSA and at least 15 other agencies and the Atlantic Council running it.
Just like Hillary had a second set of servers and a second set of emails, they have a private group plugged in with national security clearances.
That's why Clapper didn't want his taken.
And then notice they didn't take it when you ordered it taken.
The son of a bastard still has it.
Because that's how they're criminally running this whole damn thing.
And we put on screen the articles, we show you the legislation, we show you the laws.
Oh, the government's not supposed to get involved, the fake libertarian think tanks say.
Because some of their board members are on the Atlantic Council.
How sick that a private group, getting funded by 20 foreign countries, has more power than the President or Congress, and they have such disrespect for Mitch McConnell, and all these
Guys that can barely check their email.
I mean, Mitch McConnell can barely wipe his ass, okay?
I don't mean that mean.
He's just an old fuddy-duddy.
And they're all just rolling over.
Well, guess what?
I'm not rolling over.
So listen, Trump, you can roll over all you want all day long.
This is the easiest thing to fix in the world.
You talk about election meddling.
You talk about manipulation.
You talk about discrimination.
You talk about illegal spying.
You talk about how the Comey and all them were illegally spying on you and leaking and lying about it.
This is a private group, the Atlantic Council, in congressional hearings bragging how they're spying on everybody, in everybody's email, in everybody's YouTube account, in everybody's Facebook, and they trained 100,000 people at the Southern Poverty Law Center over the last three years to then put them into every major corporation including
Credit card companies to oversee what you're buying and doing, literally putting Commissar political officers in everywhere.
Facebook's hired over a thousand former members of the Stasi.
Google's moving into the former Stasi headquarters in East Germany.
They're arresting people by the thousands every week in Europe for their political speech.
You get arrested in Scotland for saying Islam is questionable.
This isn't tyranny, this is tyranny on steroids.
So the articles on DrudgeReport.com where the Pentagon launches a new program to fight viral internet content.
They say polarizing viral content.
Well we need to polarize and say the right to keep and bear arms is not negotiable.
See, these new words, polarizing, not hate.
See, once you get people agreeing to ban hate, well that's the thing you defined it as.
Well now it's polarizing and viral.
This is how the big corporations, Hollywood falling apart, the media falling apart, with no viewers.
Their answers just sabotage everybody else doing it.
And it says the Pentagon is going to be involved domestically.
Obama, by the way, legalized it.
I'm going to show you where Obama got this legalized.
Well, it needs to be made illegal.
So see, Obama set up his own private government before he left, put the Atlantic Council in charge, gave them two billion bucks.
I mean, you think Bruce Ohr giving his wife a half million bucks to help cook up the dossiers big and the 37 million they paid their friends and family to put the fake dossier?
You think that 37 million's it?
It's billions, baby.
And they all get little secret agent cards, and they all get to get into your computer, get into your phone.
They all have back doors.
They're the super class.
And now they're in the news telling you, yeah, we're listening to everything you do and watching you, so watch your mouth.
If the NSA did that, they'd be strung up.
But when Google and Apple do it, well, we better kiss their butt or we'll be banned like Alex Jones.
So when we come back, I'm going to read to you from the Atlantic Council, from congressional testimony, from their statements, how they're watching you, how they're listening to you, how they're controlling you, and how they're about to ban everything, including likes on YouTube and Facebook, because they at the Atlantic Council
Don't want you to be able to say you like something because you like freedom, you like guns, you like America, you like Trump, you like Alex Jones, you like Matt Drudge, you like freedom, you like Tucker Carlson.
They've gotta not let you see that you're popular and that you're not alone.
What a group of dirty crooks.
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Banned.video is the answer to censorship.
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Freedom of speech has a home.
It's called Banned.Video.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered, it's The Alex Jones Show.
Gentlemen, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I've got a message to America, a message to the world, a message to President Trump.
The corporations and governments of the world have decided to go pure authoritarian to maintain their control.
They've decided to end basically any way for individuals to communicate that's not censored, watched over, and controlled.
And we now have
The FCC and all the rest of them, when Trump came out and said, maybe I'll have the FCC make sure that big tech doesn't censor, so the FCC, and so the Federal Communications Commission came out, as well as the Federal Trade Commission and a bunch of others, they're all pushing it, they're all doing it, and said, we are going to start censoring the internet.
I know it's FEC, guys.
I understand that.
Do yourselves a favor and type in members of FCC call censoring the internet.
Okay, we'll do that.
I'll go to rebroadcast and do that.
Let me give you something to play here.
This is a really important report right here.
Let's go ahead and go to this report.
Um, because it needs to be seen.
Absolutely critical.
Where is the outrage over the opioid carnage?
I've got a big report on that too.
I'm glad I got reminded of that.
We'll be right back after this.
Stay with us.
The gunman in West Texas shooting identified as Seth Ator and this individual got pulled over by the police and then went crazy and began just indiscriminately shooting.
That's normally what you see with a Mexican drug cartel.
That's what they do when the cops pull them over, they start shooting at the cops, shooting everybody else, so everybody runs for cover.
Two days after the bust, Nogales Police Chief Jeffrey Kirkham says his department received an ominous message through an informant in Mexico.
That information was brought forward that the drug runners threw the cartels, that we were to look the other way when we're not working, when we're off duty, we're not in uniform, and that if we didn't, that our officers would be targeted.
Throughout metro Atlanta, DEA agents say Mexican drug cartels are hiding in plain sight.
Inside this closet, a shopping bag holds a quarter million dollars in cash.
Also seized six pounds of methamphetamine with a street value of another quarter million dollars.
We have 12,000 people a year that die from guns in the United States.
And what I do know is that around 9,000 of those are suicides.
So we've got quite a few people that are being killed in drive-by shootings, are being killed by murderers.
But still statistically, ladies and gentlemen,
Tens of thousands drowned.
Tens of thousands fall and hit their head in the bathroom and die.
And I pulled up the numbers here.
They're always four or five years behind on statistics.
But in 2016, 50-plus thousand people died from prescription opioids.
When opioid sales in Oklahoma began to skyrocket, the death toll from unintentional prescription drug-related overdoses mounted.
Leaving in its wake broken homes, families and communities.
The state estimates the opioid epidemic has killed some 6,000 Oklahomans in 19 years.
The former chairman and president of Purdue Pharma says under oath he does not know how much the family has made off the sale of OxyContin.
Purdue Pharma is best known as the developer of OxyContin.
The company is facing billions of dollars in potential liability for its role in the nation's opioid crisis.
Automobiles kill hundreds of thousands of people a year.
But again, they hype up mass shootings because it is scary to think you can go to the movie theater or go to the shopping mall and then some crazy person comes in and kills you.
But out of 300
I think?
Red flag!
Paul Johnson for Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Almost every federal agency has been turned against the First Amendment.
The government is running the takeover of the internet, not just here, but all over the world.
It's not Big Tech calling the shots, it's the Democrats.
And I'm going to show you the proof at the FCC, as well as the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, as well as the Federal Election Commission, the FEC.
I'm going to show you all those articles.
You're a TV viewer here in a moment.
But first, here's the big issue.
Trump was never in government, which is a plus.
But it's also a minus because he knows censorship's going on.
He's been shown that Google and Apple and Facebook are lying to Congress and lying to him, and he's mad about it.
And he said he's going to take major action.
But that's not what's happening.
Ladies and gentlemen, so here's some of the headlines.
unleashes military to fight fake news disinformation.
And it goes on to say viral memes, anything that sows discord, anything that gets people upset.
We're supposed to be upset about 60 million abortions it's almost up to now, and now keeping babies alive after they're born.
We're supposed to get upset about the homeless problem.
We're supposed to get upset about obesity and diabetes and breast cancer.
You're supposed to get upset about when your kids are doing bad in school.
But imagine saying you're not allowed to do that.
I'm gonna read you congressional testimony.
What the FCC's being told, what the FEC's being told, what all these groups are saying.
US unleashes military to fight fake news disinformation.
That's Yahoo News, Bloomberg.
And they go on to say that Mitch McConnell hasn't supported it because he's Moscow Mitch.
Moscow doesn't have 1% influence over this country.
Everybody knows it.
The Chai Comps.
But again, even Mitch McConnell is called a Russian agent in the biggest story this weekend they pushed.
Continuing this story on DrudgeReport.com.
Pentagon launches new program to fight viral internet content.
Anything that is
Influential, that the establishment doesn't control.
They're afraid of your influence.
All these old globalists thought you'd always love mainstream TV, mainstream newspapers.
You don't.
You don't trust them.
So now they're just saying, we'll get rid of everybody else.
Because Google...
And Facebook.
70% of people only get their news there.
Liberal FEC chairwoman targets online news she considers fraudulent.
Federal Election Commission.
Same thing the FCC was talking about a few years ago.
Restricting talk radio, making views on pro-life, guns, you name it.
Because, well, that's political!
We control that!
No, it's the First Amendment.
And it goes on.
They said they want to stop the Russian efforts in 2020.
You mean the populist effort to make America great again.
Here's another one from World Net Daily reporting on public affairs, the Washington Post article.
Obama used illegal propaganda on Americans, so they legalized it.
That's the headline.
Anybody can type it in.
Obama legalizes using propaganda on Americans inside the U.S.
That was six years ago.
And that's what this is now.
GOP freezes Twitter spending after McConnell account locked.
There it is.
NDA legalizes use of propaganda on U.S.
Business Insider.
This is what they're doing.
Tulsi Gabbard sues Google over post-debate suspension.
When she surged to number one, they just suspended her.
Not because she's a terrorist.
Not because she's a Nazi.
But again, even if you're a Nazi, you shouldn't have your speech taken because then anybody can be called a Nazi.
No, because she won the debate.
And you can't have that.
Google promises to stop lying because of Drudge Report Spotlight.
Remember 2013?
They had a Pentagon meeting.
Government promises.
Had a Freudian slip and said, Google, same thing, to stop lying because of Drudge Report Spotlight.
Facebook censorship alternative media just the beginning warns top neocon insider.
Infowars ran the story from Grayzone Project over a year ago.
And there it all is.
He said, oh, by next year, we're going to censor all conservatives, all nationalists, everybody.
You can watch the video.
Where he says he's going to censor everybody and that the neocons are in control of the Democrats.
And you saw this last week.
YouTube acts as anti-protest.
YouTube acts as anti-protest channels as U.S.
military, U.S.
Ministry of Truth, battles China over Hong Kong.
Now, I support Hong Kong independence, but the Pentagon supports it too, and so they went to YouTube and said, don't let
The channels that are against independence operate, delete them.
Again, proving right there, Mr. President, the government's in control of this.
And Hillary supports independence in Hong Kong.
Just gives her more power or whatever, not for the people.
But I support it because it's the right thing to do.
Just because Hillary and I agree every once in a while doesn't mean she's a good person.
But again, this is illustrative of how they censor whatever they want, whenever they want.
So it was decided in government
By these councils, by these groups, that I be censored.
I'm going to show you the proof.
Hell, all the congressional testimony, everybody's seen it.
I'm going to show you more in a moment.
Obama quietly signs the Counter Disinformation Propaganda Act into law.
Here it is.
This is what leaves all these Democrats and all these neocons with government positions and government paychecks.
And national security clearances to do this in the defense spending to stop Trump.
Isn't that incredible?
unleashes military to fight fake news, disinformation, Bloomberg.
You read the quotes, it says anything viral?
Anything they don't like.
Anything the establishment doesn't like.
And here's some of the other articles.
Fox News could be censored under new federal rules.
Experts warns.
Federal Communications Commission.
It's all these agencies.
Talking about FTC earlier and I was again mixing it in with talking to someone from the FCC.
Don't want to mix those two but they're all following the same policy because the globalists are in control of that whole operation.
Now let me move to the big enchilada.
I can read you the countlessinfowars.com articles with links and quotes.
I can read you the Endless Zero Hedge articles a year before Matt Taibbi wrote about it in three articles for Rolling Stone.
We reported it in 2016 and 2017.
He reported it in 2018.
August 13, 2018 and August 2nd, 2018, right when I was being completely banned.
Taibbi, censorship does not end well.
And he goes on to quote, with links, how the CIA and Homeland Security through the think tank, the Atlantic Council, and I had a Freudian failure brain fart.
I said 20 countries, I'm sorry.
It's more than 20 countries.
So two weeks ago, we learned about a new campaign against inauthentic content conducted by Facebook in consultation with Congress and the secretive think tank Atlantic Council, whose board includes an array of ex-CIA and Homeland Security officials who still have security clearances, in the name of crashing down on alleged Russian disinformation.
That's their cover.
For cracking down on the American people.
As part of the bizarre alliance of internet news distributors and quasi-government censors, the social network zapped 32 accounts and pages, including an ad for No Unite Right Anti-Fascist Counter Rally.
It goes on that they banned the Ron Paul Institute and AntiWar.com.
And Scott Horton, who's a smart guy but very mild.
Both the Jones situation and Facebook Atlantic Council deletions seem an effort to fulfill a request made last year by Senate Judiciary Committee.
Last October, Facebook, Google, and Twitter were asked by Hawaii Senator Mazie Izono to draw up a mission statement to prevent the foment of discord in the official Senate
Prevent the foment of discord.
The Democrats are saying, if you see them getting gas or in a mall or a restaurant, you get in their face.
Or CNN praised when Congressman Scalise got shot and said the guy wasn't a monster that did it.
I mean, I played clips last week where they said, flatten them, burn them down, destroy them.
Mainline host.
But they're saying, if we foment, saying this is dangerous, let's do something.
Oh, we need to be shut down by the CIA and a private consortium with Defense Department money.
This is the Achilles heel!
This is the jugular!
This is everything!
What they're doing is beyond Russiagate!
This is criminal!
And you're sitting there letting them do it!
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It's been a year since InfoWars and our other channels were completely banned off of YouTube.
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Now as we enter the 2020 election cycle, it's more important than ever that there be a place where the censors are unable to block the signal, and it's now here.
Banned.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are still available.
Watch your favorite content from media personalities banned by big tech.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
On the September 3rd, 2019, Tuesday broadcast, I have an emergency message to President Trump and the people of the world.
The Democrats now admit what the defense budget of 2017 stated.
Obama put $2 billion in that we know of.
There's obviously more.
To put Democrats and key never-Trumpers in positions of power in U.S.
intelligence agencies and in think tanks like the Atlantic Council to run a giant disinformation operation against the populist awakening and against the American people.
And now they admit they plan to steal the election from President Trump in 2020.
And they're running leftist intelligence operatives as Republicans and as Democrats everywhere to sabotage this and bring in gun confiscation as well.
This is totally illegal.
It's beyond authoritarian.
It's what happens in third world regimes.
And it's here.
And even Rolling Stone and others are reporting it all.
That the Atlantic Council and the CIA is running it.
And they're going to get rid of all human communication on the internet that isn't synthetic.
You won't be able to like YouTubes.
You won't be able to like Facebooks.
It's being announced.
Everything will be filtered.
Everything will be controlled because the establishment thought, oh we don't care about websites and people, they'll always believe the New York Times and CNN.
But because no one believes them anymore and they're fake polls, they have panicked and have decided to overturn the entire apple cart.
And if we allow this to happen, if we let them bring in Chinese Communist all-censorship, it'll be a new dark age in this nation.
They're arresting people all over Europe for criticizing Islam.
Or parents that don't want their children to be indoctrinated into homosexuality.
It's so dangerous!
The establishment has decided to go with pure authoritarianism.
And they say in the Senate report, anyone that tries to foment discord, they said, these groups must prevent the foment of discord.
And it's being announced by Bloomberg, the U.S.
unleashes military to fight fake news, disinformation, quote, anything that's viral.
So now populist loyal Americans are Russian agents and they're using intelligence agencies against us and Obama before he left office legalized domestic propaganda and domestic spying as if we're a foreign power by listing us all as Russians.
Well, they're the globalists on the payroll of the chi-coms opposing our president trying to restore our republic.
Here's a compilation of the last week and then some older clips showing you it's ongoing of Democrats saying we're going to kill Trump.
We're going to assault his supporters.
We're going to level them.
We're going to burn them down.
Trying to get their minions to attack us, and then when we say that's wrong, we should take our government back peacefully and restore the republic, they call that fomenting and censor us!
Even the Senate Majority Leader's been censored.
Trump ads that say we want strong women have been censored on Facebook!
And they're standing by it.
Because they don't respect the President.
Because they believe he doesn't understand what Obama did.
Or doesn't have the will to change it!
This is beyond Russiagate.
This is beyond spying illegally on Trump.
This is them using agencies on the American people in the free press!
Like China!
Here's this latest breakdown.
It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
That sentiment at the core of the coalition cannot be pried loose, and it cannot be negotiated with, and it cannot be appeased.
We have to level them.
Utterly confronted and destroyed.
That is the only way to break the coalition apart.
Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
You have to go out and beat these folks if they don't agree with you.
What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets.
And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store,
And a gasoline station!
You get up and you create a crowd!
What we should be doing is shunning these people.
Shunning, shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society.
They have shamed themselves too much.
The heart of the thing must be ripped out.
The darkness must be banished.
The people who feel moral revulsion at that display we saw last night must collectively mobilize in greater numbers than the chanters.
Up and down the ticket, federal, state, local offices.
The country has to repudiate this.
The press always asks me, don't I wish I were debating him?
No, I wish during high school I could take him behind the gym.
That's what I wish.
If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
That's so entertaining.
These are some sick people.
And then now they have the clip last week that Trump's killed more people than Hitler and Stalin.
They're trying to invoke a civil war.
They want our guns.
And now Biden has come out.
Now O'Rourke has come out and said, we'll play this next segment, that they're going to get our guns.
And they're not going to stop there.
All semi-autos.
They never do.
They want complete power over everybody.
So I just showed you
And we can play all the congressional hearings where they say, I want Alex Jones shut down.
The FEC, the FCC, all saying they want Matt Drudge shut down.
All he does is link to them.
Sometimes the majority of the traffic many weeks the New York Times get is from Drudge.
They don't like him existing.
They don't care.
They want the power.
They want the control.
They want to be able to shovel whatever lies they want at you, and right now,
Google and Facebook alone, 70% of people only get their news from them.
Look that number up.
They want 100%.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the good news.
America and the world is so awake now that no one believes anything mainstream news says.
Even though most of it's true.
There was a shark attack here, a car crash there, this was the temperature today.
Where the lies are is political areas.
That's where, where you've seen some press conference where a 15-year-old guy's like, my mom didn't believe in vaccines but I did and they're great.
Turns out that guy worked for a PR firm.
Of course he did.
Just like the girl saying she was there and saw the babies thrown out of the incubators in Iraq in 1990.
None of it was true.
You know phony stuff when you see it.
Remember Hillary Clinton had that town hall and I said that was fake?
The media attacked me.
A month later?
Turned out it was all fake, all hired actors.
I know 70 millimeter digital.
Basically looked like 70 millimeter.
I know actors when I see them.
You know actors when you see them.
And they're so pissed that we see through them, aren't they?
They're so angry that we don't buy their bull anymore.
So there's my message to the President.
The story is top-linked, or was top-linked, it's moved down to the middle, on dredgereport.com.
And as soon as the live show's over today, I'll repost in there the first hour or so of the show, where I lay all this out.
Because it's there.
And it's the truth.
And if Trump doesn't do anything,
You know, let me do this.
I have a lot of other news coming up on the gun grabbing and with China and with some incredible fentanyl news that I guarantee you haven't heard this information.
It's totally true and it's insane beyond anything I've ever think I've seen.
That's coming up too this hour.
But what do you think Trump should do?
What are you going to do?
How angry are you about Google and all them moving to China and now trying to set that up here and then lying to Congress and then spying on everything you do?
And it's all over the news.
They're listening to you and watching you in your house.
Why are they putting that on the front of the Washington Post and Yahoo?
Because they're just going ubiquitous.
It's now here.
These people are sick, and then there's something special in the third hour.
I'm not at liberty to tell you yet, but I'm going to get to it in the third hour.
Something special.
And then we're also going to have Paul Joseph Watson, always informative, always hard-hitting, hosting the fourth hour of the day.
And then the War Room with Owen Schroyer after that.
Whatever you do, share the link.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Baby, I'm gonna teach you what love's all about tonight.
Trust me, honey, everything's gonna be alright.
Just do like I do, there ain't nothin' to it.
It's gotta be 15, 20 stacks of news here.
Each one more important than the next.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 stacks of news.
22 stacks of news, some of these stacks have five articles, some of them have like 20 articles.
And they're all incredibly illustrative of everything I've told you.
Human-animal clones, every major device watching, listening to you, fed into AI, setting up a post-human world, tracking you as its enemy, figuring out how to destroy you and your family, just all of it admitted.
Mainstream news saying it will kill you, you're obsolete, roll over in the ditch and die.
Imagine if spaceships flew up and
We're broadcasting that.
You'd freak out.
You'd say, we're going to resist.
We'll fight the last person.
But none of you just hear it forever.
Humans suck.
Humans are bad.
OK, we keep babies alive after they're born.
We keep them comfortable.
Get them goody goods.
They're just easing us into the trance.
The trance, ladies and gentlemen, so that we just sink into that hot water, slit our wrists, and just, you know, as you slit your wrist,
Water that's like 98.9, you don't even feel it really, you just die.
They just got us like the frog in the pot and they're slitting our wrists lovingly, liberally.
How about some 5G?
How about some more MSG?
How about some aspartame?
How about some glyphosate?
How about some GMO?
How about some screen time?
How about some Prozac?
How about some Ritalin?
How about some weaponized marijuana?
How about 25,000 tons of fentanyl?
We did the math, enough to kill 10 billion people if they took enough dose to kill you.
Caught being shipped to the U.S.
by China.
The opium war is in reverse.
Hitting their enemy with everything they've got.
That's coming up next hour.
But I specifically just spent half of the transmission
With the message that the Democratic Party, along with some neocon never-Trumpers, are in control of a government stay-behind group that they now are openly announcing in Bloomberg and AP that Trump's a Russian agent and Mitch McConnell's Moscow Mitch, those are quotes, and that they're not going to let them win again.
Totally discredited, a total lie, they're the foreign power, and then admits, in the article, that the Atlantic Council, with all these people with security clearances, is funded by at least 20 foreign governments, including the Chinese Communist.
Let me say that again.
Qatar and Saudi Arabia and China fund the Atlantic Council with national security clearances interface with $2 billion to steal the election in 2020.
And Rolling Stones reporting on it.
And nobody cares.
And then people that bleed red, white, and blue.
We're the traitors.
Oh, sure we are.
And the Federal Elections Commission and the Federal Communications Commission have the Democrat board members having all these events, calling for shutting up and quote, getting Matt Drudge.
Think about that.
So I thought I would specifically open the phones up on two big issues.
The Democrats' open announcement that they're going to get your guns, and they're coming for them, all semi-autos to start with, and register all the others.
You know where that leads?
Beto O'Rourke can't get that sickening rat-like smile off his psychotic face.
Stumbling Joe Biden.
What do you think about that, and how do we take action to educate people about it?
It's super rare to die in a mass shooting.
And that all the studies show that they are up since the 1990s because the media hypes them, a direct correlation to major studies.
So how do we get the message across that it's MSM's fault, overall, and that almost all these individuals are on psychotropic drugs, which on the insert says can cause mass murder?
How do we get Trump and the NRA on the offense instead of on the defense?
That's one question.
And then number two, what do you think about Senate hearings?
I just read your testimony.
Even out of Rolling Stone has the quotes.
Anyone that, what's the exact quote, foments discord or makes people uncomfortable.
Think about that.
Taibbi, censorship is not in well.
And I'm only reading that because it's a year and a half after we reported on it.
He reported on it.
And it's right there for you that the Chinese fund the CIA and Saudi Arabia to shut us up?
Do we have any instincts?
Do we have any tribalism?
Do we have any nationalism?
Are we territorial?
Because I'm going to tell you how this world works.
I'm not taking anything from anybody.
But let me tell you, you try to take something from me, I'm going to come after you.
You can have anything you want, but you better not take it from me.
And they teach us to all roll over, and they teach us all to lay down.
And I'll tell you, I go out in public, I look at the public, they're soft.
And I'm soft compared to what people used to be like.
But I look at the helplessness of this nation, and what we've turned into after 70 years glued to the television set.
And I ask myself, how do we get out of this?
First, it's a spiritual decision to be motivated and to care about something and be purpose-driven.
All the numbers, all the studies show it.
People that only care about themselves are incredibly unhappy people.
But if you care about something bigger, you're electrified.
The problem is the globalists care about evil.
They're mission-driven to dominate and take over.
Those of us that aren't evil are driven just to be left alone and have our own lives.
We can't do that.
We have to get into the positions of power to decentralize the power and cut off these globalist tentacles.
So I want to give the number out.
On those issues.
How do we get Trump and Congress to act?
The whole architecture of the internet spying and listening to you and watching you.
It's the NSA gone public.
Getting you to opt in.
It's not like when you throw a fishing line out with a topwater bait, and you reel it over and a bass comes up and hits it.
It's more like a fish trap, where the opening is bigger on the outside but then gets smaller by the time the fish goes in.
It's scared to go back out because it saw how little the hole was, and see, it never leaves, so you scoop it up.
And so, it's like roach motels.
Roaches go in, they don't go out.
Got some nice bait, smells kind of good, you go in, your legs get stuck to it.
Because he wants a roach to run straight forward, doesn't back up.
Ever seen a roach run backwards?
No, it always runs forward or sideways.
Forward locomotion.
So he goes in, his feet sting, he goes, oh!
And then you run forward, oh!
And now you're completely, oh!
See how that works?
But you're not a roach, you're a human, you can figure out what they're doing.
That'll just, well, we better kiss Google's ass, they'll let us do what we want once we do it, no?
Then they start tightening the noose around your neck.
We're gonna go to break, come back, play some of these clips, they're coming out of your guns.
Oh, remember when that was a conspiracy theory?
It's always been their goal.
And they say if there's one more shooting, we gotta take all the guns.
Well, there's always gonna be one more shooting.
Even once they take all the guns.
Sweden has total gun ban.
They have hand grenade, machine gun deaths almost every day, because the Muslims are shipping them in!
You want to live like they do in Chicago Southside?
No, I don't want to live like that.
So get on the offense, point out the drugs they're doing it, the culture's doing it, and almost all these people are devil worshippers.
This guy in, uh, looks like in Odessa, wasn't he?
He just threw a big fit.
He even called the police before he did it.
It's selfishness.
It's evil.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
At InfoWars Live, we always try to bring you game-changing products.
Now, we've already been promoting and selling Super Silver Wound Gel for over a year.
It's a bestseller.
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One is naturally scented with grapefruit essential oils.
The other is unscented.
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It's got coconut oil and so much more.
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Of course!
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David Nye or Owen Schroer or Paul Watson banned videos.
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Freedom of speech has a home.
It's called Banned.Video.
America and the world is fighting back against tyranny.
It's been a year since InfoWars and our other channels were completely banned off of YouTube.
We had over 5 million views when we got banned, and we're credited with getting Donald Trump elected because we were able to punch through and reach the grassroots.
Now as we enter the 2020 election cycle, it's more important than ever that there be a place where the censors are unable to block the signal.
And it's now here.
Banned.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are still available.
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Paul Johnson for Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe.
Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
Millie Weaver and Kaitlin Bennett in the American heartland.
And from Austin, Texas, a team of reporters and crew ready to be dispatched wherever the story is going down.
We are not done winning, and with your support, we will keep winning.
We have to keep winning!
We have to win more!
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You have gone to Infowarsstore.com and gotten books and films, supplements and t-shirts, and water filtration, air filtration, and things you need!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back.
Thanks for joining us here on the Promoting Transmission.
Let me just remind listeners that we've got four days left if you want to get a free bottle of Carnivore enzyme.
In the 90 count that you get free with a bottle of DNA Force Plus, it's the nicest, best enzyme that you're gonna find.
You guys get your mic open.
That you're gonna
All right, it's all right.
I just got to open mic.
It's all right.
We'll start over here in just a minute.
Anyways, okay, so continuing, ladies and gentlemen.
Carnivore is a digestive enzyme, and carnivore is something that goes like a horse in carriage with other probiotics.
But most people think of a probiotic as just good bacteria, like you would find in a regular probiotic.
But there are key enzymes that help break down protein and fat, and that help you absorb it and get the benefits of it, but also help break it down in your stomach and in your intestines.
And the 90 count
Carnivore cost us $17.80 something cents.
He said $17.87.
Why then am I giving you a free bottle of that when it sells well?
It's because I want people that haven't experienced it to see how amazing it is along with the probiotic.
And if you take it with MycoZx, that's the third leg of the stool.
Pun intended, I guess.
Because there's the candida, the yeast, the mold, especially if you've taken antibiotics,
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And so, with a good probiotic, like Floral Eye from InfoWareStore.com, and MycoZX, that is also a big seller, if you take it with a carnivore, it will just do amazing things.
And so you can get a free bottle of it with DNA Force Plus.
Again, that's DNA Force Plus, which has the PQQ, the CoQ10, it's our flagship product.
They sell similar formulas to this for $300 in health clinics, and that's because most of those
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Okay, I'm done plugging for the hour.
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Again, because it's beyond critical.
So they're coming for our guns.
They've had cover stories in the New York Times saying we're going to take the firearms, we're going to repeal the Second Amendment.
That's the goal.
Register the guns and then confiscate all the guns down to single shots, just like South Side Chicago.
That's the plan to dominate and control us.
It has nothing to do with human life.
It's all about a monopoly of power, as the UN has said.
But Trump, who was saying maybe he's for background checks,
Expanded background checks, which we already have, and red flag laws that violate due process.
He had the fear of God put into him by his constituents and by you, and the common sense that, hey, these wouldn't have stopped these guys.
They all said they were going to kill people, and nothing was done, as usual.
So what's going on there?
So there you have it.
I mean, the Democrats are all over the news saying, kill Trump, kill his supporters, burn down their houses, level them.
And they're not having their guns taken.
I mean, I think if somebody says, we're going to kill you, you should get a terroristic threat charge.
But that's not happening.
It's the Democrats that are hyping this.
I just played a clip earlier.
So here is Trump finally getting it right.
Stronger background checks would not stop attacks.
So good for Trump.
Here it is.
Well, I've been speaking to him.
I've been speaking to a lot of senators.
We've been speaking to a lot of House members, a lot of Republicans, a lot of Democrats and people want to do something.
So we're going to see this really hasn't changed anything.
We're doing a package and we'll see what it all how it comes about.
It's coming about right now.
And a lot of people are talking about it.
And that's irrespective of what happened
Yesterday in Texas.
Looking at a lot of different things.
We're looking at a lot of different bills, ideas, concepts.
It's been going on for a long while.
Background checks.
I will say that for the most part, sadly, if you look at the last four or five going back even five or six or seven years, for the most part, as strong as you make your background checks, they would not have stopped any of it.
So it's a big problem.
It's a mental problem.
It's a big problem.
Now, there's been a bunch of statements by Beto O'Rourke when he's not smirking and giggling like Eddie Haskell.
And he's up there.
We can't allow this to happen one more time.
It's so simple.
Let's just take all the AK-47s, which these aren't AK-47s.
That's a full-auto Russian variant.
These are semi-autos.
And let's take all the AR-15s.
Well, when he says that, he means all semi-auto down to your hunting rifle, which they've done everywhere else in the world.
They have a way they do this, a formula.
So that's why we can't, quote, compromise, because it isn't a compromise.
They want our guns.
Beto wants your guns.
Here he is.
How do you address the fear that the government is going to take away this assault rifle?
You can't even wipe that grin off his face.
So I want to be really clear that that's exactly what we're going to do.
Americans who own AR-15s, AK-47s, will have to sell them to the government.
We're not going to allow them to stay on our streets, to show up in our communities, to be used against us in our synagogues, our churches, our mosques, our Walmarts, our public places.
Oh, our mosque, like in the Middle East where guns are all outlawed but the citizens all have them and kill each other with them all day at rates way above ours?
When we come back, Jay Johnson, formerly of Homeland Security, he says he thinks they're going to get the guns this time.
So in case you didn't hear, the New York Times, Washington Post, they've all run headlines.
Time to repeal the Second Amendment.
They're always like, we can't allow one more!
And then when there's another one, they go, see, we told you!
A maximum of 150-something people die a year in these mass shootings.
It's still too many, but again, thousands die from baseball bats, tens of thousands from cars.
Everybody knows this.
Because they're planning a takeover.
The Democrats have told you.
They're going to crush Republicans.
They're going to crush conservatives.
They're going to put you in FEMA camps.
They're going to take your children.
They've said they're going to make you pay.
But they don't want to face armed citizens.
Antifa don't.
So they want your guns first.
Never turn your guns in.
Get more guns and train to protect yourself.
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Secure yours at InfoWarsStore.com today or InfoWarsLife.com.
Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fragged.
And I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BodyEase, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
Well, you're right!
You're right that all of these things are known to be incredible.
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With these products I take, when I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, folks.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Phone calls are coming up next segment.
We're down to the third hour.
I've only scratched the surface, but your calls are coming up.
So, if you just tuned in, Joe Biden says it's time to repeal the Second Amendment, time to take all the semi-autos.
We should probably pull up that clip.
They haven't aired it in a couple of years.
Where Joe Biden and all these Democrats, when they were running for president back in 2008, they say, no one wants your guns.
No one wants your guns.
And they say it's totally made up.
No one's taking your semi-automatic rifle, your shotgun, your handgun.
It's all Republican lies.
And then of course, in their internal Handgun Control Incorporated and Bloomberg Group, it's all, we're going to take all guns.
All guns.
They even want to ban hunting, where you can't even have it at a hunting lodge with a hunting master, and it's all locked up on the range.
They follow a formula.
And here's the former head of Homeland Security, G.E.
Johnson, saying he thinks it might be different this time.
Here it is.
Congress is coming back.
The gun issue.
Jay Johnson, you've dealt with the gun issue in different ways as Department of Homeland Security.
You know the politics of this town.
Fifty-one people died in the month of August.
On the very last day of the month, we get that reminder in case anybody was letting El Paso and Dayton fade.
Chuck, to me it feels like this time it might be different.
I feel as though, my sense is that public opinion and congressional opinion are moving in the direction of doing some things consistent with the Second Amendment.
This is a uniquely American problem and it requires a national solution.
No it's not.
And particularly now that we're back in an election cycle, Republicans, it seems to me, are going to want to be able to be in a position to say they have done something on this.
And the timing of this latest tragedy, just as Congress is coming back into town, suggests also there'll be a certain amount of momentum this time.
And so my hope is that we'll finally, finally get something done on this issue.
We have massive mental illness taking place.
We're becoming a demonic nation.
We kill babies after they're born.
And they all sit up there with hushed voices like they care so much, and their little NPR-trained voices.
They're whispering, oh, 54 people this month dead.
Shot by firearms.
54 people out of 350, 60 million if we count all the illegal aliens.
Hundreds of thousands dead in Mexico.
Thousands died in the last month in Mexico.
It's worse than it's ever been.
Thousands are being machined down to death by drug cartels and the public's all disarmed.
Thousands looking up versus 54.
But Jay Johnson thinks you're a moron because the media knows how to hype something up
If this table was the deaths in America in the last month, then a third of the table is cancer, another third of the table is heart attacks, and then Parkinson's, and car wrecks, and drowning, and lightning strikes, and being beat over the head and stabbed, and then over on the corner of the table, 54 in a month.
Little corner of the table.
But they focus in with an electron microscope.
You ever seen an electron microscope?
Like a scan of, say, copper?
It looks like mountains.
Or a scan?
It's like, what?
Is that a whole world?
No, you're looking at a micron of a micron.
And yeah, if you got shot dead at that movie theater, it's terrible.
It's kind of like, if you're out of work, it's a depression.
If your neighbor's out of work, it's a recession.
I'm not wishing this on anybody, but it's like shark attacks.
I was reading where Cape Cod had almost no one in the water this year because a couple shark attacks.
I guarantee you there were hundreds of deaths up and down that highway that just around there that year in automobiles.
But see, that's called common sense.
That's called reality.
They know how to do it.
I didn't get to this last clip, but we'll play it when we come back because it's a threat.
MSNBC says it's time to start going after NRA board members' businesses.
Yeah, we've already been experiencing the real tyranny of these bullies.
God help us if the people that staged the whole Kavanaugh-Balazi-Ford thing, and are shipping all the Islamics in, in front of the Arab Spring, God help us if they ever get our guns!
Thank God for the Founding Fathers!
Thank God for the Second Amendment!
Thank our lucky stars!
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I'm standing in this briefing room right now.
There is no government official here, but I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
But I'll say that the press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
The press is not the enemy of the people.
They came in peace.
Maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news.
Maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
We're not the enemy of the people.
This is CNN.
So, they're not the enemy of the people.
They're just all over the news saying, bully us, attack us, Antifa's good.
It's like radiation.
Somebody has cancer.
We need to be beaten.
Scalise needs to be shot.
Trump needs to die.
They need to level us.
They need to teach us to submit.
Trump's killed more than Hitler and Stalin.
Where's the 100 million dead or whatever?
By the way, just a little footnote.
I didn't cover this Sunday.
I meant to.
The Polish president
Had Germany there apologizing to him for killing six million Poles.
And by the way, they probably killed more than that.
I mean, Nazi Germany just attacked Poland for no reason.
And the president complained.
He said, all we ever hear about is Israel and Jews getting reparations.
We deserve it.
By the way, I think the Jews deserve reparations from Germany, and they've paid them for what they did.
They definitely targeted Hitler and targeted Jews.
That's a fact.
But man, Hitler killed 20 million Russians, 6 plus million Poles, and 22 million Germans died under Hitler.
Hitler was the worst thing ever hit Germany.
He was a megalomaniac.
There's this movement because the media is such liars and so corrupt to then think, oh, Hitler must have been good.
No, folks, not good.
Very bad.
And actually was manipulated by the West to do what he did.
But I was actually watching part of that ceremony after it had happened.
I think it happened on Friday, but I was reading about it on Saturday.
And I've just studied what happened to Poland.
Hitler attacked Poland first by staging a false flag attack on his own military bases in Operation Himmler at Gleiwitz.
And it just shows you how incredible history is and just how out of control things have gotten.
And you see the world lining up again along the same power axes.
It's just an amazing time to be alive.
I want to go to your phone calls on what's been unfolding and the fact that they are coming after our guns.
But speaking of CNN not being enemy of the people, mainstream news, corporate news, is calling to crash the economy, is supporting the private Federal Reserve, trying to block our recovery at China's behest.
This is treason!
And it's so outlandish, people can't even believe it's happening.
But we're winning, and Trump's winning overall, but just barely.
And that's what's so scary.
And now all this Internet censorship's coming in, that's being run by Democrats in government, and even the Rolling Stone magazine quotes them running the censorship!
Big Tech's being told to do this!
And they'll go to one hearing and they'll call for more censorship, and they'll go to another hearing and the Democrats all read off the
Prepared statement.
It's crazy.
Google's never censored anybody.
It's all lies.
And then the very same Democrat will go in another hearing and call for more censorship.
It's just this dual game and anybody could link up those clips.
We should do that.
Where they're saying there's no censorship, another committee hearing calling for it.
So what do we do about this?
What does Trump do about it?
Because if you want to talk about someplace Trump's dropped the ball miserably.
At his own extreme danger.
Let me tell you, they get the big guy, a lot of us are going to have to leave the United States.
The Democrats are going to put everybody in prison, and they've said they are.
In fact, here's a couple clips of them threatening people just recently.
Not that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
That sentiment at the core of the coalition cannot be pried loose, and it cannot be negotiated with, and it cannot be appeased.
We have to level them.
Utterly confronted and destroyed.
That is the only way to break the coalition apart.
Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
You have to go out and beat these folks if they don't agree with you.
What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets.
And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store,
What we should be doing is shunning these people.
Shunning, shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society.
They have shamed themselves too much.
The heart of the thing must be ripped out.
The darkness must be banished.
The people who feel moral revulsion at that display we saw last night must collectively mobilize in greater numbers than the chanters.
Up and down the ticket, federal, state, local offices.
The country has to repudiate this.
The press always asks me, don't I wish I were debating him?
No, I wish during high school I could take him behind the gym.
That's what I wish.
If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
That's so entertaining.
And that's only to scratch the surface.
We could cut in all the people threatening and harassing people at their homes.
I could cut in Wolf Blitzer saying, it's important to note, the man that shot Scalise and tried to kill the other Republicans, he wasn't a monster.
He was upset about what's happening in this country.
Remember that clip?
I mean...
Here's another clip and we'll go to your calls.
This is MSNBC saying Republicans are playing dirty pool with NRA board members.
Go after their businesses!
I think at this point it's up to the advocates on gun safety to really start playing tough, dirty pool with the NRA and start going after their board members.
We've seen it in boycotts on advertising.
I think it's meant to hold every single member of that board accountable in their hometowns and go after them and their businesses and call them out because
Nothing will get changed until basically you're one or two steps removed from someone who's been touched by an act of gun violence.
And we've seen one congressman get there, but unfortunately, I think until it hits a critical mass, we won't see it.
All right, so Donny Deutch over there on MSNBC last week, members, said
It's time to get dirty.
It's time to play dirty.
We know you've been playing dirty forever, bro.
It's why, thank God, dirtbags like you don't have full control of the country.
Every city you've got control of, though, is covered in feces, heroin needles, because the Democrats sell it to them.
The Democrats are a gang.
Whoever will pay them, they will follow the orders.
And America's power was that we were open.
It was also our weakness because they could then infiltrate us.
And this country was on its knees three years ago.
We're now on our feet.
We've got serious wounds.
But we're getting better fast.
And that's why they're pulling out every stop they got because their whole system is going down.
But it takes focus, it takes prayer, it takes commitment, it takes word of mouth.
Don't just think of yourself as a bit player in this.
You are the literal bloodstream, the brain, the eyes, the guts, the sinew, the bone, the will, the spirit.
You are the law.
You are the people.
We are the people.
And when you tell people about this live show, about InfoWars.com's live show,
Or newswars.com forward slash show, or band.video.
It's got David Knight's, my videos, all of them.
It's got that much other contributors.
That's a URL that isn't censored yet, so share it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
...developments in China as huge ships disgorge tens of thousands more troops into Hong Kong.
More bizarre zombie-like attacks where people just start eating the flesh out of other folks.
Used to be a big deal when it first happened in Miami back in 2012, now it's every day.
We've got Islamists just doing mass stabbings everywhere, so many reports I can't even cover them all.
There is just so much to get to, but I want to go to your phone calls right now.
In the last segment of this hour, Hollywood is involved in a revelation of the method, an externalization of the hierarchy, or what you call predictive programming.
Now, this particular piece we're going to air in the final segment, I think was done by people, though, that are on the good side.
There's no way this is preparing you for this.
This is something where they're warning you.
And it ties into Hunter S. Thompson.
I'm going to leave it at that.
This is a particular video that YouTube banned.
Part of this report's new, part of this is old.
YouTube said that it was discriminatory against Satanists.
That's ridiculous.
No, you don't talk about how it's wrong that they like to kill children.
That's a sacrament.
They're the protected group.
You're going to learn.
So that's coming up in the last segment of this hour before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
You'll want to stay with us.
Let's go to your calls.
The two big questions, if you just joined us.
I'm asking the listeners, what do we do about the Democrats saying, we're going to take all your guns, not just semi-auto, time to repeal the Second Amendment.
They're everywhere.
Time to get violent, time to intimidate us, time to, I mean, this is getting crazy.
As if it's our fault that psychos kill people with a car, or a knife, or a car, or a baseball bat.
It doesn't matter what it is.
It's the bad person.
When Islamists stab people constantly, do we blame butcher knives?
No, of course we don't.
Or, you've got butcher knives in your home.
How long will we put up with this?
That another 10 people got stabbed in France yesterday at one stop, and another 20 other places.
You know, a bunch of deaths and you damn chefs in France that own these big butcher knives.
How much will you put up with your own guilty bloods on your hands?
We had another Islamic run over 50 people or 100 people or 200 people.
Remember that?
On Christmas.
How dare you drive trucks?
It's all your fault, you big, long-haul, 18-wheeler drivers!
We've got to get on the offense.
How do we do that?
And then what do you think about the Democrats admitting they're working with government groups to censor everybody, and then it's government orders to censor, and it's even in Rolling Stone magazine that the Democrats are the ones running the censoring, and it's government ordered, and Trump still won't do anything!
Brandon, Steve, Judy, Chase, Pam, Ken, Jerome, Vlad, Alex, Brad, we're going to everybody before we end this transmission.
Vlad in Washington, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Yeah, hi, Mr. Jones.
I actually wanted to talk about the illegal actions that the Dems are doing.
But before I get into that, I find it kind of funny that you mentioned the 18-wheel drivers, because I'm actually a long-haul driver myself.
I have been since 2010.
And it's just kind of hilarious, because...
Sometimes in Europe, you know, a Muslim will grab an 18-wheeler, he'll run over a bunch of people, and they'll say, oh, should we ban 18-wheelers?
No, you don't ban something because one individual that's a lunatic did something.
Same thing for the guns.
You don't ban them because some lunatic did something horrible.
And again... What I'm trying to get into... Sure, I mean, even though mass shootings are up, no one can lie,
They didn't exist until Harrison Klebold, basically, and the media hyping it.
Studies show it's triggering crazies to think of it as an option.
The media knows exactly what they're doing.
Well, that's why they keep covering all these mass shootings, because they want copycats.
And they want this to keep happening over and over, so then they can come out and say, we need to ban guns, and they're the ones that are hyping the entire problem.
That's what I'm trying to say.
In my opinion, Trump, he seems to be baiting the Dems all the time.
I mean, as an example, with Millennia running around talking about expanded background checks, Trump's not going to sign it.
He didn't sign a lot of the other anti-gun garbage that's been going around.
I think what he's doing is more of a long game.
In my opinion, this is the Patriots' phase of evidence gathering against YouTube, Facebook, Alphabet, Comey with the entire Kill Republicans agenda with the Kill Trump thing going on all over social media with actual politicians and certain mainstream media even talking about that we need to get rid of Trump, we need to get rid of Republicans, we can never stop, we have to basically plow them down and get rid of them everywhere.
In my opinion, this is basically the Patriots gathering evidence.
Of all these traitors that are committing crimes and committing treason publicly, and they're documenting everything in the background.
You think about the tens of thousands of field indictments that are currently on the books as of right now.
There's tens of thousands of them if you go look at it right now.
I mean, long story short, in my opinion, I think we need to trust Trump.
I don't agree with 100% of everything he does, but the vast majority of it, in my opinion, I just say trust Trump.
Well, Vlad, I run into a lot of people I respect that like the whole Q thing, and so, you know,
I'm not going to sit here and attack the whole Q thing.
I just know this.
I actually have talked to two NRA board members, okay?
And they told me exactly what you just said, that Trump literally said, look, I'll tell them we'll do what you want, then they'll call for total confiscation and get nothing.
I still don't like that type of manipulation, but I get what Trump's doing.
And now I told you that he was going to come out and say, no, we're not doing it.
It doesn't protect anybody.
It wouldn't have saved anybody.
And he did exactly that last week and again this weekend and again yesterday.
So you're absolutely correct.
But that's not from Q.
That is directly from NRA board members.
I mean, you understand that Ted Nugent's on the NRA board, right?
I'm not gonna say he told me that, but I asked Ted on air when he was on a few weeks ago.
I said, is this true?
Have you heard this from other members?
And he said, yes.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Okay, let's go to another ring-a-dingy here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chase in California.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex, thanks for taking my call so much.
And real quick, with that fluoride report that came out, make sure everybody gets their super blue toothpaste fluoride-free so you can brush your teeth with some freedom.
Hey, you know, there's so many attacks coming out of the Second Amendment.
We got it from the corporate world today.
Walmart just announced that they're going to be banning all handgun ammunition sales.
We also get it from a historical attack.
You realize that they're waving red flags in our faces right now trying to take our guns?
Let's go back in history.
Mao Zedong waved a red flag and took some guns.
Stalin waved the red flag and took some guns.
And now we have these Democrats with Senate Bill 66 trying to ban assault weapons.
But the good news, Alex, is House Bill 38
Trying to get concealed carry reciprocity.
Listen, I want to get to that solution, getting on the offense and getting stuff repealed to properly defend ourselves.
That's the answer.
But you're right.
Every time the red flag of terror comes out under Lennon, under Stalin, under Mao, tens of millions die when they confiscate the guns.
You just made an incredibly good point.
When they took over in 1917, they ordered everybody that had guns to turn them in.
They then killed millions of people.
That is a great point.
So Alex, I don't see how this hasn't been seen before.
I've been trying to make the noise on my side, you know, I go live every night, and I talked about this very topic last night.
It's weird that you're bringing it up today, because yes, the Democrats, if you look on their legislative calendar, they have a number of bills they're trying to go at.
And just historically, I can't believe Americans don't see the red flag as a warning.
They're trying to disarm you, they're trying to murder tens of millions, and now... And I want to be clear, I want to be clear.
The Democrats have said they want violence, they've said they want to attack us, they've said they want to go after Christians.
This is an evil group.
And so absolutely, it's not hyperbole, it's not hype.
They're coming for your guns, they're coming for your children.
They are an evil group.
They are committed to evil.
And the answer is handgun reciprocity nationwide.
The answer is arming good people so that we stop these psychotics instantly.
Whether they're stabbing or using a truck or a gun, the answer is get people off the psychotropics that make them do this.
Outlaw psychotropics now!
Outlaw drugs that make people go psychotic.
Great point, Chase!
That's Chase in California.
I think his handle is chasethepatriot.
I've seen some of his videos, they're excellent.
Alright, Brandon, Steven, Judy, Pam, Ken, Jerome, Mike, Alex, Brad, you're all straight ahead.
But I got one question for you.
We're in a war.
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Secure yours at InfoWarsStore.com today, or InfoWarsLife.com.
I apologize for some weird Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong, where I'm joined by reporter Greg Reese for the next week.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
We have Dan Lyman covering InfoWars Europe, Paul Joseph Watson in the UK, Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett in the American heartland, and from Austin, Texas, a team of reporters and crew ready to be dispatched wherever the story is going down.
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I used to shoot up my vans in neon
So many things are the same.
Paul Joseph Watson's coming up at 6 after next hour.
And I'm so jam-packed, I'm taking a bunch of calls now, doing a special live report, and then I'm gonna get into an angle on the opioid crisis that has not been talked about.
Believe me, it's important.
Right now, let's move quickly from Pam to Brandon to all these amazing callers, we can get them all in.
Pam in California, on internet censorship and what you think Trump should do.
Thank you for spending time with us on Tuesday.
Alex, thank you for taking my call.
How are you doing today?
I'm pretty fired up.
I'm feeling pretty good.
I just had a question.
I think Trump is a good guy, but I did some research on Jared Kushner, and I saw that he's had some interest with George Soros with getting some loans from him, and that also he has interest in stocks for big tech, including Google.
Do you think that maybe he's advising Trump not to do anything about big tech, and that's why he's not doing anything?
I have had Steve Pachetti, you know, two years ago, three years ago, saying, hey, he's worried about Kushner because of loans from the Chinese and loans from Soros.
And of course, that's true.
And it's just kind of weird to buy an apartment building or an office building for two times what it's worth, you know, at 666 whatever.
But there's a lot of people hate Kushner.
They obsess over it all day long.
Trump has not taken action like he should on big tech yet.
I've seen articles where Kushner's been out with his wife, you know, with Google executives at dinner.
And yeah, I think it's a big problem.
And so I don't want to say Kushner's the culprit because I can't prove that.
You know, what I've tried to learn is
You know, we don't, at those levels, I'm not sure exactly who's doing what.
And listen, Soros has got his fingers in everything.
And so the fact that some of the companies he's been invested in, New York, have Soros connections or Chinese connections, the Chai-coms have their arm literally in everything, not just their fingers.
But I think that's something that should be looked at.
Well, thank you very much.
I appreciate everything that you do.
God bless you.
Thank you.
What do you think Trump should do?
You had a comment on that.
What Trump should do?
Well, I think that he should stop listening to Kushner and do what you're telling him to do and other people have told him to do.
Instead of listening to what he's telling them, if that's what he's doing.
Well, I know this.
I know this.
I've been threatened.
I've been harassed.
Most people I know that get threatened and get harassed kind of roll over to the globalists, at least partially.
And so if somebody isn't really tough, they shouldn't be in Trump's immediate circle.
I don't know if Kushner has been blackmailed or something, but his dad went to prison for stuff.
And, you know, the whole thing, the whole thing.
The whole thing smells, but there's a lot of stuff stinking up in D.C., so I'm not exactly sure what it is, but thank you.
I think it should be looked at.
Thank you, Pam.
Okay, up next, let's go ahead.
We're going to go to Judy and then Brandon.
Judy in Florida, thanks for calling today.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I was sort of coming at it from a different angle about this censorship, and this is just my thought process on something that may be happening.
It could be a form of blackmail.
And I'm going to tie this into Hurricane Dorian.
And this is just, it could be something real, it could be something that, even though I saw it on satellite imagery, being microwave imagery, it could or could not be reason for censorship.
But long story short, there is imagery of a directed energy that is coming from the West going
Southeast, underneath Dorian, as it's approaching the Bahamas.
And CNN, probably one of the only true things they said, is that it was going to sit over the Bahamas for about 36 hours.
And what my point is, is that they could have blackmailed the President saying, well, if you don't like play ball with us, we can take out, you know, several thousand people off the eastern seaboard.
We can take Fort Pierce.
And Palm Beach, where the second White House is, while we're at it.
What do you think?
And I said, well, weather weapons are admitted and they're declassified.
And I quoted former Secretary of Defense William Cohen about it in 1997 in Army Times and showed some articles.
But I said, but we don't know if this was.
Probably wasn't.
You know, it was the springtime.
It is Hurricane Alley.
Hurricane Alley runs all the way, you know, up from, you know, basically from Michigan right down to San Antonio, Texas.
That said, Trump was rumored as saying, why don't we just blow up this hurricane?
Then he did not.
He said it.
You can type in, Bill Gates looks to control hurricanes.
They have the technology to kill hurricanes, to strengthen hurricanes, to steer hurricanes.
Weather manipulation is real.
It's been real for 50 years.
It's really 60, 70 years.
It's a science now.
And so, this is a very unusual Category 5, now down to whatever, 4 or 3.
And it is weird how it sat over the Bahamas, and how strong the eye wall was.
The Stanford Research Institute and the Navy certified in 1967 that they could create hurricanes, kill hurricanes, steer hurricanes, weaken hurricanes.
I mean, I've had the father of weather weapons on, Ben Livingston.
He was like 90-something, I had him on to see if he was still alive.
He was the guy that first flew into typhoons at the end of World War II, first weather planes.
And that was all classified until 2002, and I got him on the show.
So there is weather underground.
Bill Gates takes on hurricanes.
So it's very legitimate to say that, very legitimate to question that.
And so I appreciate your call.
Really powerful subject you just brought up.
Let's talk to a caller in Portland and then to Brandon.
Alex in Portland, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you for taking my call, sir.
Yes, sir.
So I wanted to talk about some things that you've said and some things that we've seen about how everybody's kind of on the back pedal.
You know, the apology tours and things like that.
And I think it's, I think it's happening as, you know, normal people just as well, not necessarily just figureheads.
I try and wake people up and show people the links and all that sort of stuff.
And when I say, hey, the government's putting fluoride in the water to make you stupid.
And the top response that I've gotten to that is, oh, uh, doesn't surprise me.
Okay, well, it doesn't surprise you.
Does it bother you?
Do you have issue with it?
I've been thinking about it, and it's almost as if, you know, somebody's in a really, really bad domestic violence situation, and they're so far down the rabbit hole, they apologize to the abuser.
Oh yeah, I call it mass Stockholm Syndrome.
Trying to fight that every day, it's tough.
It's tough to do it to one person.
But you're right!
We went from them denying that fluoride's there to dumb us down, or that cell phones kill us, to like, okay, so what?
So, again, there's the helplessness, but just let them be helpless and move on.
The people that care.
It was 3% that won the Revolutionary War, 1% started it, when the Brits started it.
We're gonna do that again, brother.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
It's time for political action.
I'm sorry, I got so many calls, I'm gonna go to everybody.
Brandon in California, you're on the air, welcome.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I've been listening to you for like 10 years.
I'm a huge fan, man.
Love your products.
I'm a fan of you, brother.
We wouldn't be here without you and all the other people.
Well, basically I wanted to call and talk about big tech censorship.
And you know, Tulsi Gabbard right now, she's suing Google for like $50 million.
Why can't we like line her up with Zach, help out with the lawsuit, and then somehow
Get her connected with Trump.
They agree on what's most important for all of us, and it's like ending TPP, checking Silicon Valley, and ending the foreign wars, and the rest of it can be pillow talk between them two in the White House.
You know what I mean?
Well, that would be a powerful ticket.
You know, Trump would definitely win with that ticket.
I'm not trying to say get rid of Pence, but it's definitely an issue.
You're absolutely right about that, and it's just up to us.
It's up to us, because
Look, we can sit there and sue big tech all day, and that's important.
It's being run by the NSA.
They set it up.
That's why we can't get rid of it.
That's why Trump isn't moving against it, because the intelligence agencies are ignoring what Trump says.
And the establishment, they're just moving in on both of them.
Like, I read an NBC article about a month ago saying that Russian propagandists are putting Tulsi Gabbard up.
And immediately my first thought when I saw that was, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Yeah, but what's really going on is the Russians have nothing to do with it.
When you hear Russian, that means the American people.
I mean, she obviously won those debates.
That means you.
She's good looking.
She's smart.
She's not controlled.
She's a breath of fresh air.
And so they're telling you she's a Russian.
That's all it is, okay?
And these are the globalists that hate our country.
Now get ready.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us again on this Tuesday, Global Transmission, September 3rd, 2019.
Now, not much good comes out of Netflix and Hollywood.
They're being paid by the CHICOMS and others to demoralize the people of the West and get us to hate ourselves and give up on our life force and stop fighting back so we can be poisoned by the GMO, the tainted, laced, cancer virus-filled vaccines, the 5G, all of it.
But studying where the rumors and the legends of vampires came from, it came from certain percentage of people, very low percentage, are psychotics who actually lust after blood and the flesh of humans.
It's actually a listed mental illness.
And I've likened The Globalist to Skeksis, that early 1980s film with, you know, the big puppets or whatever.
And I didn't even know that Netflix had come back out with a prequel to it.
So we discover who the Skeksis are and what they're doing.
But when you watch this film, you have to understand that metaphorically, the establishment sucks our energy, our ideas out, and destroys our civilization.
But when you really study the establishment throughout history, it's been documented.
And it's in, of course, the Stanley Kubrick film, Clockwork Orange.
When they're at the milk bar, one of the drugs you can take is adrenochrome.
Then of course in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, he gets adrenochrome from a Satanist child molester through the guy's lawyer.
That's somebody's actual adrenal or the pituitary in the brain that basically orders the release of the hormones throughout the body.
And so this goes on and on and on.
And then if you look at the injection bottles for the single shot with the EpiPens, that drug is called adrenochrome.
And so if you read this, if you study this, if you look into this, you discover that the globalists are obsessed with blood transfusions of children.
I told you that 25 years ago.
Now they have companies that publicly do it.
And of course the Queen Mother reportedly got them every week and it made her live to 100 and something.
So, this is also metaphysical, it's metaphoric for the elite feeding on us, but there's something there that you need to look into and it's why they're obsessed with the youth.
So, Dark Crystal, Age of Resistance prequel, just premiered a few days ago.
Skeksis came to the planet Thrall, where all the creatures lived in harmony.
They tricked the keeper of the crystal to let them guard it and use it to achieve long life.
As the start of the thousand years have passed and the crystal is not working, so they must figure out a way to maintain everlasting life.
The Skeksis, looking for a new way to extend their life, figure out how to use the crystal to put out the essence.
They must use a young
Gentle Gefflings, which are children at heart, are innocent.
First they torture the Geffling by putting it in front of a crystal.
They then drain their essence, the adrenochrome, and then drink out the essence of rejuvenation.
Another Geffling sees this and runs, but the head scientist says, don't worry, no one will believe him.
No one will believe the fluoride is meant to dumb you down and hurt your fertility.
No one will believe the GMO is meant to give you cancer.
No one will believe the 3 and 5 and 4G is designed to kill you.
This is their religion.
But instead of physically sucking it out of you when they do evil...
They get invigorated and feel powerful because they're taking charge.
They're the boss.
They're the Satanist, willing to do these terrible things, including the physical drinking of blood of a tortured child, which is filled with the hormones and filled with the fear and the terror.
So it's all about feeding on the innocence.
Here's the archetype in your face from Hollywood.
I think you will be most impressed.
This had better work.
Of course, my Emperor.
You will see, I have solved all our problems.
Allow me, if you will, to introduce our honored guest.
Come out!
Don't be shy!
Oh, where's the child in?
Wait, what is that?
Where's the child in?
Have you no sense of propriety?
Continue, Spectacle.
Be welcome, Gelfling.
I require your assistance.
Isn't it lovely?
Look deep into it.
I feel... This is why they kill babies.
Don't fight.
He's alive.
You're literally taking their essence.
Your love!
Your spiritual essence.
Please, Mary, I know it's too heavy for you.
Give it your very best!
If you add the electrodes in her, the electrochemical sucks her soul, her energy.
You're done!
It's an average night at the Podestas.
Not in that dungeon he brags about.
Such a liberal.
They care about you so much.
That's how we think!
It is life after life!
But at least he's keeping her comfortable.
Final essence.
Last drop her soul.
Now that's the true life force.
I have drained the Gatling's essence.
This is the solution to our problem.
A new source of life.
Here, my Emperor, for you.
Drink, you must drink.
Yes, I am.
I feel... I feel... My water!
My water!
My water!
My water!
We're trying to get America back.
Power structure's upset.
I'm not going to have time to get to the whole earlier piece, where Gregory breaks his down, but we'll post it at InfoWars.com.
We will add it.
And again, they catch the gulfing and say, oh, no one will ever believe him when he escapes.
He goes and tries to warn people and no one believes him, of course.
Oh, no way, the good guardians of the crystal, the Skeksis, there's no way they're doing anything bad.
Why, they made the crystal, even though they didn't, no one knows where it came from.
But now they're the guardians, people have forgotten.
Just don't let your kids get close to the castle.
Now, let's go out to break here with part of Greg Reese's report that YouTube took down for discrimination.
Discriminates against Satanists.
I'm not kidding, here it is.
Adrenochrome first hit pop culture in 1971, when gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson wrote about it in his book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
He wrote that his lawyer, Oscar Acosta, was defending a Satanist who was charged with molesting a child.
The Satanist client paid his lawyer with adrenochrome.
And claimed the only source was the adrenaline glands from a living human body.
If you search Google for adrenochrome, the Google-supported result is from the Conspiracy Wiki, which suggests that it is all merely fantasy.
But just to the right, you will find that adrenochrome is real.
According to scientific research, adrenochrome is formed by the oxidation of its precursor, adrenaline.
Adrenaline is the active hormone from the adrenal medulla, otherwise known as epinephrine.
EpiPens are auto-injectors that contain synthetic adrenaline.
Alright folks, we're going to break.
Again, in post, I'll add all this and I'll add the part where they're saying no one will believe the Gelfling.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
There is an upper class of Morlocks.
We are the Eloys.
Wells told everybody in his fiction book, he wrote a non-fiction explaining, oh, this is really how the world works.
And so it's all just a repeat of that same archetype over and over again.
Remember, they want to shut us down so we can't warn the other Gelflings, the other Eloy.
We are warning everyone.
We will win together.
But remember, we've got big specials that are about to end.
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So, for yourself, for the show, for the planet, visit InfoWarsTore.com.
Our number four is right here.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting frat.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BodyEase, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
We're good to go.
All of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel in the body.
You take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
With these products I take, when I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
I apologize for what some weird Summit.News and Action7 News were here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Rees for the next week.
This is Greg Rees for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
Despite being the most banned broadcast in the free world, we continue to win because of our great, strong, loyal audience.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I was watching an NBC News report Sunday, and it was talking about 66 pounds of pure fentanyl was found in Virginia, and it was enough that you could kill 14 million people.
There were 14 million dosages that would cause an overdose and death.
That's what the doctors said.
I thought, wow, why is that a big national story?
Why is that a big national story?
Well, because it could kill 14 million people.
That's a pretty big deal, isn't it?
Then I thought about this story that got almost no news from the week before, where the Mexican Navy found 50 tons.
Or if you double the 25 tons, it'd be 50,000 pounds.
A fentanyl from China.
So here's your takeaway, ladies and gentlemen.
China was caught trying to ship in to the United States 25,000 tons of fentanyl that the DEA calculates
Is enough to give a overdose to 10 billion, 606 million plus people.
You heard that right.
China was caught last week in the act of trying to ship in 25,000 tons by the Mexican Navy of pure fentanyl, enough to kill
Everyone on the planet and then kill another three plus billion people again.
And you wonder why our country is.
In so much trouble.
China, in reverse of the opium wars, where the British shipped in opium to get everybody drugged out under their control a couple hundred years ago, is doing this to us.
You're executed in China if you get caught with any opium.
Well, this is a hundred times stronger than that.
Or more.
So, this is how China's assaulting us, and the leftist media attacks Trump, making this a big issue.
This is one of the number one killers in this country.
It's debilitating people, it's incredible.
So, we did the math, Scott and I, Sunday while we were up here, just shot this on my phone, and here is where we do the math.
I saw a press report where the DEA said 66 pounds of pure fentanyl captured in Virginia had been shipped in by China.
Was it?
It's enough to kill everybody in the world.
And Scott's better at math than I am.
Scott, tell us what we're looking at right here.
Alright, so if 66 pounds kills 14 million people, and they found 25 tons, that's 50,000 pounds.
50,000 pounds divided by 66 is 757.58.
That means 757.58 times 14 million that the 66 would kill equals 10.6 billion people.
There's only 7.5 billion people on the Earth.
So that's a ghost that will kill someone with an overdose enough to kill more people than there are on Earth.
Yes, quite a bit more.
That is pretty damn newsworthy.
China caught trying to ship in enough fentanyl to the United States to kill the entire planet.
Of course, it's going to be sold and doled out to people, but there'll be undoubtedly probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions of overdoses, as we're already seeing.
Amazing information, Scott.
On the flip side of that, that's what they... the 25 tons is what they found.
That's what they stopped.
That's what they stopped.
How much got through that they haven't stopped.
Jeez, it's incredible.
Alright, InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
That's China's secret weapon attacking the U.S.
with fentanyl.
Hundreds of times stronger than opium, way stronger than heroin.
Ladies and gentlemen, the only way that report gets out is when you share it.
It'll be posted within an hour to InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Band.video is the answer to censorship.
Band.video is the answer for libertarians, conservatives, nationalists, pro-gun, pro-life, pro-human individuals to have their own platform where videos banned by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are still available.
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Freedom of speech has a home.
It's called Band.Video.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over here in just a moment.
Some of the other stories up on InfoWars.com by Kellen McBreen, Internet Moc's Texas man who surrendered
AK-47 after mass shooting.
Law enforcement suggested he sell the weapon back to a gun shop.
Now, look at this article right here.
Just look at that article right there.
What is he saying?
He's saying that gun owners are to blame for what some other crazy person does.
And again, when somebody runs over somebody with a car, do we blame the car?
When somebody stabs somebody with a butcher knife, do we blame the butcher knife?
But this collective guilt idea, when mass shootings are more common now, but they're still extremely rare as a cause of death, the fact that they're projecting that onto all of us, we should be very, very resentful of that.
How dare you blame me for some Antifa scumbag in Ohio?
Or some Antifa lunatic in Texas.
I mean, this is crazy!
And we had all these knife attacks, and all these stabbing attacks, and another firebombing of an ICE facility, and a black guy shooting nine other black people at a football game.
No coverage of that!
Because it doesn't fit.
With this weird white supremacist narrative that, again, is meant to create racial division.
Meanwhile, I see these stories where the woman stabs a little kid in the face or the guy kills his sister and his niece and runs around raping and trying to attack the greenskeeper.
Man bites woman's lip saying he's the devil.
Leaves her with life-changing injuries.
Bit off part of her face.
That was in the UK.
Attacker bites off woman's lip at Notting Hill Carnival for no reason.
Meanwhile, nobody cares about the Communist Chinese putting millions in forced labor camps and death camps and babies being kept alive with their organs sold here in America.
It's only when they tell you to care are you supposed to care.
But as I reported earlier, enough fentanyl caught being tried to be shipped to the U.S.
to kill 10 billion, 600 plus million people.
That's more people than there are on the planet.
Oh, but Trump's wrong to care about that.
Are people more scared of fentanyl or shark attacks?
Because your instincts are scared of a big monster with teeth.
I get it.
Sharks might kill 50 people a year.
Great whites maybe tens the average.
50 shark deaths a year.
But everybody's scared.
Because they tell you to be scared.
And you all saw Jaws.
And so the media's dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun
That's all coming up today as well.
And don't forget, we've launched with myself and David Knight.
Paul Watson's videos are up there.
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Now, Paul Joseph Watson, for the next 50 minutes, takes over from his studios in London, England.
Paul Joseph Watson of Summit.News.
Yeah, we have the top story up on Summit.News right now.
Thanks, Alex.
Dave Chappelle's Politically Incorrect Comedy Special.
Hated by woke critics, loved by ordinary Americans.
Again, this illustrates that culture is, uh, politics, sorry, is downstream from culture.
The woke left is so paranoid about socially re-engineering society and they're so desperate to maintain that grip that anyone, any entertainer, any celebrity who dares stray outside the prison of acceptable thought and opinion is immediately bashed, defamed, shamed, deplatformed and they're trying to do it once again with Dave Chappelle.
It's interesting, a few months ago I attended a comedy show in London called Comedy Unleashed where they have
A smattering of people who are willing to offend their own audience, which of course is what comedy supposedly is to be all about.
That event has been smeared as a right-wing white supremacist space.
They literally sent, I'm talking about vice.com, you can probably pull up the article if you google my name, Vice and Comedy Unleashed.
They literally sent somebody to spy on the audience.
And to watch my reactions and other people's reactions who are in the audience to these edgy, non-politically correct jokes.
Now that's how paranoid they are about anybody imposing on their total domination and ring policing of free speech when it comes to entertainment and comedy.
And Dave Chappelle is the latest victim of this.
He's got a new Netflix special out, in which he goes after cancel culture, far-left activists and the MeToo movement.
As soon as this was released, Rotten Tomatoes put up a score of 0% in the reviews for this Netflix special.
Why are the reviews at 0% and now up to 17%?
Which includes a bunch of different critic reviews.
Well, it's because they don't allow the general public, the mass audience that is watching this special, to leave any comments or any reviews on their website.
So they've basically got a smattering of woke, progressive critics' reviews.
Only the authorised peanut gallery is able to express their opinion about this Netflix special on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's why it has a score of just 17%.
Now, what's interesting,
Is you go over to IMDb, where regular viewers are allowed to post their own reviews, and the same show that has just 17% on Rotten Tomatoes has 8.5 out of 10 on IMDb, because it's not just taking into account the critics' reviews, it's taking into account the general audience, the general public that is watching it.
And people who've seen the clips of this, seen the trailer, it's been very well received.
But again, this illustrates just the gigantic gulf
In this culture war between the woke progressive left, which runs the entertainment industry, and the general public.
They are now using reviews of movies, reviews of comedy specials, reviews of books, as weapons in the culture war to try and sink any dissident thought before it's even allowed to circulate.
Which is interesting actually, because it relates to another story, which I'm going to get into later, about how the Pentagon is literally developing a software system
To stop the spread of viral internet content, woke progressive reviewers in the entertainment industry are trying to do the same thing, by sabotaging these kind of daring comedy specials, these daring movies that dare challenge the consensus, by panning them right out of the gate and not allowing the general public to express their opinion.
Now Vox made a point of saying that this show, Dave Chappelle's new show, which is called Sticks and Stones,
makes a point of punching down, while the Daily Beast says his jokes are problematic.
But as I pointed out in this article, by cracking politically incorrect jokes, Chappelle isn't punching down, he's punching up!
These people run society.
They're trying to re-engineer society.
They're trying to determine who's allowed to have free speech, who's allowed to express what opinions.
They are the cultural institutions that run society.
Attacking them is always punching up.
Not that it even matters.
It's comedy.
You can joke about anything.
Joking about something doesn't mean you're endorsing it.
Joking about rape doesn't mean you endorse rape.
It's comedy.
It's free speech.
You don't have to watch it, turn it off if you don't want to watch it.
I go on to say, the woke left which controls the entertainment industry uses minority groups as human shields to denigrate, silence and shame anyone who dares challenge their onerous draconian attempt to police speech and restrict language by making fun of the sacred cow's progressive views to socially engineer society.
Chappelle is directly targeting hysterical hate mobs, backed by corporate power, who are trying to take over culture and turn comedy into a bland, sanitized borefest.
And they're so obsessed with that control, they're not even allowing the regular punters, the audience, to have a say on this new comedy special, because it would prove that it's loved by the masses, hated by the control freaks.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
We'll be back in FourWalls.com.
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Josh in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
Paul Watson was talking about the Dave Chappelle thing.
I saw last Friday, when this broke, the actual trailer that they said made him so mad, he threw in their little N-word founding father thing that wasn't true, where they say, hey, N-word, go write the Constitution, when it was Thomas Jefferson that wrote it, or at least the Declaration of Independence and a lot of the Constitution.
I thought, well, that's just him, I guess, giving them their red meat, their race war prerogative.
Then he goes into, well, here's the audio from the trailer that makes them so mad.
The next one's a little harder.
I wanna see if you can guess who it is I'm doing an impression of.
Alright, let me get into character.
You gotta guess who it is, though.
Okay, here it goes.
Uh, duh, hey, der, if you do anything wrong in your life, duh, and I find out about it, I'm gonna try and take everything away from you.
And I don't care what I find out.
Could be today, tomorrow, 15, 20 years from now, if I find out, you're fucking, duh, finished.
Who's that?
That's you!
That's what the audience sounds like to me.
That's why I don't be coming out doing comedy all the time, because y'all niggas is the worst motherfuckers I've ever tried to entertain in my fucking life!
I'm gonna stop right there, because the trailer I saw had the cuss words bleeped out, but that's the one we found real quick during the break.
The reason I play that is, he says there are these people ruining comedy that police everybody's speech and try to ruin their lives, and you're effing ruining the world.
For radio stations, we had to delay some of that, obviously.
There you see it, ladies and gentlemen.
And then now he gets a zero on Rotten Tomatoes, and they're all calling for his head and calling him a white supremacist.
It shows it's a cult of raw power going to dominate what everybody says and does.
See it all at summit.news and infowars.com.
Back to you, Paul Joseph Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, in the rest of the special, and this was covered by a bunch of outlets, he attacks Jussie Smollett, which obviously they weren't happy about.
He attacks the hashtag MeToo movement,
He also attacks the Alphabet people, the LGBT lobby, so they weren't happy about that.
And this is completely insidious.
This is all about controlling culture.
This is the same process we see in art, movies, literature.
If you know, as an upcoming artist, that you're going to offend the critics who are going to give your, you know, TV show, movie, book, whatever, 0% as soon as it gets off the ground, what are you going to do?
You're going to self-censor.
There are people who have already made it, people like Dave Chappelle, people like Quentin Tarantino, who don't need to cow to these leftist outrage mods because they've already had massive success.
Even still, Quentin Tarantino got some heat for not giving women enough dialogue in his most recent movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
So even the people who have established themselves, who are so big that they can't be dragged down in this cloud,
This red mist of offensive outrage cancel culture, they still attack them.
Differences are already established.
They can shake it off, as Dave Chappelle would probably shake this off, given that his special has got 8.51 IMDb from the people who actually watched it, because Americans are sick to death of being lectured about what they can laugh at, what they're allowed to find humorous.
But it's absolutely insidious that the left thinks they can
Prevent people, make people self-centred in the first place by creating this environment of ring-fencing of opinions and what people are allowed to find humorous, meanwhile replacing it with all this woke nonsense that isn't humorous at all.
Meanwhile, The Sun reports American airlines passengers shot as a traveller takes miniature horse on to fly.
That's right, some giant land whale has been pictured on an American Airlines flight
With a miniature horse, Evan Nowak said he noticed the animal which had been brought on board by a fellow traveler while flying on a service from Chicago to Omaha.
He posted the footage to Twitter, which showed the horse calmly sitting near the front of the plane in an ILC.
And again, this is the point.
The same people
Who need emotional support ponies to travel on airplanes to get through a basic day in their lives are also being given the power to control and socially re-engineer Western society.
These are the people being given jobs in all the top social media companies.
These are the people being given roles on hate and extremism advisory boards to determine who and who doesn't have free speech.
You see them multiplying everywhere.
And they literally have emotional support ponies on planes because they're that ridiculously fragile, they can't get through a flight without having an animal on board the airplane.
The person who posted the footage said, at this time we would like to begin boarding with any active duty military families travelling with children under the age of three, and horses!
Another passenger also sponsored the animal.
Check in tweeting, there was a small horse in line at the airport today, I'm curious about it.
It was later revealed to be called Flirty and even had its own Twitter and Instagram account.
They wrote, Flirty and I took to the skies yesterday.
It was a great experience and I learned a lot.
Flirty was fantastic and handled it all like a pro.
So this...
Giant Land Whale literally has to travel with a horse because she's so fragile and can't get through a domestic flight.
These are the people who are taking over society.
These are the people being given power to decide what's offensive.
People who literally can't get through a day without having an emotional support pony.
What could possibly go wrong?
Prince Harry urges environmentally friendly travel after taking four private jet trips in just 11 days!
Do as we say, not as we do!
So once again, because of his idiotic, woke social justice wife, Meghan Markle, who is a complete insult to the royal family, he's up!
Lecturing everyone else about how to live their life environment in an environmentally friendly way.
Encouraging environmentally friendly travel after he personally took four private jet trips in the space of just 11 days.
During the event in Amsterdam, which was backed by giant corporations who were responsible for actually emitting the most CO2 as per usual.
He said, we can all do better and while no one is perfect, we all have a responsibility for our own individual impact.
He doesn't really seem to be that concerned about his own individual impact because last month him and his wife took four private jet trips in 11 days generating an estimated seven times the emissions per person compared to a commercial flight when flying home from Nice after visiting Elton John's 18 million dollar mansion.
But it's okay because they buy carbon offset subsidies which are then fed into all the little global corporations controlled by Rothschild and Rockefeller
Who run the entire scam.
Meanwhile, people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck are increasingly being hit with hidden taxes on carbon dioxide emissions.
But don't worry, because Prince Harry is contributing to the very same fund that he will eventually benefit from.
Before the trip to Elton John's $18 million mansion, which I'm sure was very urgent and crucial,
They travelled by private jet with Beta, generating 12.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide per person, an amount of pollution that would take 14 commercial flights to emit.
Prince Harry also attended a Google-organised event in Italy to discuss global warming.
Which, by the way, dozens of celebrities flew from Los Angeles to Italy
Spewing again, thousands of tons of carbon dioxide to lecture you on driving a car, to lecture you on taking too many baths, to lecture you on having a basic standard of living.
The Royal responded to criticism by claiming he had spent, quote, 99% of my life travelling the world by commercial, a dubious claim backed up by zero evidence.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live on the Alex Jones Show, Paul Powell.
Before I get into some more crucial news stories about the Pentagon now targeting viral internet content and memes,
Again, because it had the most influence in terms of electing Donald Trump in the 2016 election, they did studies which found that the most effective means came from the Donald and 4chan, that's why they're targeting them.
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Now, there's a story up on Summit News Headline.
Pentagon launches new program to fight viral internet content.
DARPA declares war on memes.
Now, we've focused on the studies before.
There was one out of University College London, which found that the most effective memes in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election largely originated in two places.
The Donald subreddit, of course, a couple of months ago got quarantined and locked down.
Limited functions.
And of course 4chan's poll, which is basically blind at this point for every mass shooting that happens.
So they found out that the most effectively spread memes which helped elect Donald Trump came from those two new websites.
Shock horror, Facebook subsequently announced it was developing new AI algorithms that can detect and ban quote offensive memes.
Of course in the EU we had the passage of
A bill that would potentially ban the upload of memes by declaring them to be copyright violations.
That passed.
It hasn't been enforced yet, but it could be about to.
Now we have the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, basically the Pentagon, seeking to create software with the capability to automatically detect, attribute, and characterize falsified multimodal media to defend against large-scale automated disinformation attacks.
Now what they won't tell you is that the largest fake news stories over the past two decades have come directly from the mainstream media, but don't worry because they won't be included in the targeting in this programme because they are
Trusted sources.
Just like YouTube buries independent content under a wall, a deluge of trusted sources, despite the fact those trusted sources have proven completely untrustworthy on massive giant issues politically over the past two decades, including, of course, the Russian collusion hoax, which never happened.
The only areas targeted will be independent media.
It's titled Semantic Forensics.
The program will run content through a myriad of algorithms to identify inconsistencies, and identify a story or a meme as inauthentic or fake.
The whole point of memes is that they're satire, not necessarily factually accurate.
They're only trying to ban them because they know the power that they have in waking people up, and because of course, the left is so petrified of offending everybody, they're permanently walking on eggshells, they're not very good at satire and humor anymore,
And the left can't meme.
So it's easier just to ban memes.
And this is basically the effect that this program will eventually have if it's rolled out.
They're doing a test run of about 5 million news stories and images, testing these algorithms to see if they can pick out so-called disinformation.
Of course, a completely vague and subjective term, just like fake news, which has come to mean any narrative that goes against the consensus.
Given the program doesn't take into account the fact that so-called trusted sources in the mainstream media have been responsible for some of the biggest fake news stories in modern history, such as Trump-Russia election collusion, the software will only succeed in eliminating dissident narratives.
This is what Helen Boyinski warned about the true intent of the program, which she claims is to, quote, stamp out dissent.
She says to hear them tell it, the Pentagon just wants to even the playing field.
And again, that's what we hear, with Twitter, with Facebook.
If you're resonating more, if you're on YouTube, getting millions of views, CNN's getting nothing, NBC's getting nothing, they just want to level the playing field by artificially boosting those accounts, those so-called trusted sources, and they're gonna do the same now, apparently, when it comes to memes.
She continues, the fake hunters pursuing the cause of truth in media, and the bad guys sowing discord,
One slowed down Nancy Pelosi's speech at a time.
So again, that Nancy Pelosi meme was intended as a piece of satire, the media took it seriously, and claimed it was a threat to democracy.
Just as they claimed that I had artificially doctored the Jim Acosta White House intern video when no such thing happened, they lied about it and stuck with that lie.
And claimed that it was a fake news story when it wasn't.
She continues,
Pentagon's targets aren't limited to deepfakes, the bogeyman of the month being used to justify this unprecedented military intrusion into social media or news realm, or fake news at all.
If the programme is successful after four years of trials, it will be expanded to target all quote malicious intent, a possibility that should send chills down the spine of any journalist who's ever disagreed
With the establishment narrative.
So basically they've run the studies over the past three years.
They found that memes were hugely influential in electing Donald Trump, in seizing control of the narrative from the establishment, from the mainstream media, just like Facebook.
The Pentagon is now getting involved in identifying and crushing, quote, viral content before it's even allowed to spread.
Another absolutely chilling imposition on freedom
Of the Internet.
Meanwhile, over in Hong Kong, China unloads troops and cargo into Hong Kong from giant ship amidst rumors of crackdown.
Of course, we've got this big date coming up of October 1st, which is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of Communist China.
Experts say China has to get in there and crush this growing protest movement, which is only getting more violent, which is only escalating.
Before that date, 1st of October,
To save face, to save Beijing embarrassment.
So now we have a story, because we covered this last week, where they claimed it was a routine rotation of troops.
China does have a garrison of troops within Hong Kong.
They claimed that the military vehicles rolling through the streets of Hong Kong were just part of that routine circulation, that routine rollout.
But now a ship arrived
It was carrying military vehicles.
It was carrying at least hundreds of troops.
It was a 140 meter long vehicle carrier.
It arrived on August 28.
And in images which were broadcast by CCTV, which is basically Chinese state media, they show packed troops, people's armed police troops, rolling out of this ship.
Now, why is that important?
Well, because as of last month, we know that those same troops
We're being housed in a sports stadium and they were training with military precision to crush dissent in Hong Kong.
So have those troops now actually be moved into Hong Kong proper.
We'll be back with more.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
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This is Paul Judson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong where I'm joined by reporter Greg Reese for the next week.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
Our recent trip to Hong Kong was a new achievement for InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show Live, and we had a story before the break about Chinese troops again unloading from the ship there into Hong Kong.
Coming off the ship, of course, we know that these troops were massing in nearby Shenzhen, which of course houses those troops.
They were practicing drills aimed around crushing dissent.
Now they've been transported from Hong Kong, from Shenzhen, sorry, to Hong Kong on the ship.
They're wondering whether this is a routine rotation of these troops.
Of course, in my video about Hong Kong, which I put out last week, we showed the actual footage from the Chinese PLA.
We showed in their intimidation tactics against the Hong Kong protesters, literally PLA troops training to gun them down.
They weren't backward in coming forward about their true intentions.
So now they're wondering whether these troops that have been offloaded from the ship are part of that force that is intended to go into Hong Kong and crush these protests, which again are only getting more severe, only escalating in their severity.
I was in Hong Kong, of course, last week.
And just to stress again, the protesters were absolutely adamant.
Everyone we spoke to, to a man, said that they will not stop until these five demands have been met.
And you'll see some of the footage today.
There's another headline up on Summit News.
Smart video shows Hong Kong protesters turning tear gas into harmless solid form.
Again, this goes to the point, these are not idiot Antifa chicken neck radicals starting fights with people because they're flying American flags.
In fact, many of the protesters in Hong Kong are flying American flags, they're waving Pepe banners.
These are smart young students, many of them chemistry students.
Someone joked about this video, which shows one of the protesters literally turning a CS gas grenade into its homeless solid form.
By grabbing it, placing it inside a liquid nitrogen canister, and pouring it out again in its solid form.
Somebody joked.
Imagine what they could do if they had degrees in sociology and gender studies.
Which of course is what the Antifa have degrees in.
So again, despite looking similar to the Antifa, these protesters are hardcore.
They have a true, authentic understanding of what they're fighting for, not a hysterical moral panic about non-existent Nazis taking over society, but against one of the most feared military regimes on the planet, which is massing in nearby Shenzhen and waiting to take over.
So now they're literally
Capturing CS Grenade gas canisters and turning them into their liquid form.
Showing you again, you know, how intelligent these young students really are.
Who, by the way, again and again said to us when we were there, that one of the main reasons they're protesting is against mass migration from mainland China.
This is something that the mainstream media refuses to report.
These are young kids, students, saying they are sick and tired of China abusing the system, sending migrants in as a kind of invasion force to subvert their society.
Because not only do they get access to benefits and jobs immediately, they can move straight there, buy property, do whatever they want, they also get immediate access to vote.
So of course they're going to vote in pro-Beijing politicians.
They're going to vote against the interests of the Hong Kong people.
So you've got a young student movement pointing out that mass migration is one of the main threats to their freedoms, to their way of life, to the cohesion of their society, which up until this point has been really good.
And so they're out on the streets and they're not going to give up.
They're also protesting against the social credit system we saw in Hong Kong last week
Protesters literally tearing down smart lamps, which they claim, the Hong Kong authorities claim, are there to just detect air quality.
They're actually there to use facial recognition tracking to identify these protests, according to some of them who we spoke to.
Now we have another story up on summit.news.
Social credit system facial recognition cameras monitor Chinese student behavior in class.
University in China has installed facial recognition cameras in classrooms that monitor students' behavior, such as nodding off or playing with their cell phones.
Now, there was a report that this had also been introduced into the United States already.
So we've got the exact same system being introduced into the West.
Just as we have the same social credit score system being introduced in terms of de-platforming and banning people from having bank accounts because of their political opinion.
Whatever communist China can do, corporations in the West, social justice warriors apparently want to do better.
Now China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province, is piloting the system in two classrooms and eventually plans to install it in every classroom.
So the system can access every student's personal information and monitor their behaviour in class, such as nodding off and playing with their mobile phones, according to Global Times, which again is a Communist Party mouthpiece.
The cameras also can record truancy, whether students are listening or not, how often they look up and down, and whether they leave early.
Students complain the system is an invasion of their privacy, but school officials insist the cameras aren't necessary to encourage discipline.
And of course, they're eventually going to be tied in to this social credit score, where people are rewarded or punished for how well behaved they've been.
Now bear in mind, this goes down to the level of literally punishing people for buying too much alcohol, for playing too many video games.
In another case, they actually stop people from going on dating websites.
If their social credit score was too low, it's literally something straight out of a Black Mirror episode.
Like, literally, there was an episode on this exact thing.
And of course, the Chinese government, as we reported last month, bragged about preventing 2.5 million, quote, discredited entities from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high-speed train tickets in the month of July alone.
So if you say something bad against the government,
In favour of the Hong Kong protesters, your ability to literally engage in basic commerce and travel is restricted, is withdrawn.
And that's exactly the same system the left and massive Silicon Valley corporations want to introduce into America.
Absolutely chilling, I'm sure you'll agree, which is why we support with vehemence the Hong Kong protesters.
On the subject of migration in Spain, migrants arrive in Spain by a boat scramble at Cliff Bay.
So we've seen videos like this over and over again in Spain.
Once they got a socialist government in, they basically rolled out the red carpet for the migrant wave to head into Spain via these NGO boats, which have routinely been caught conspiring with criminal people smugglers to bring these people into Europe.
Now, of course, the Salvini government in Italy has collapsed.
That migrant
Refugee route into Europe, into Northern Europe, eventually, is about to set up and start again.
So anyone who claims that this migrant crisis was finished, was done, was over, it's only just beginning.
A video out of Ibiza shows 16 Algerian migrants driving via a small boat before scrambling up a cliff face.
A stunned fisherman filmed the footage on Saturday morning close to the airport in Ibiza.
Again, it shows 16 migrants abandoning a small vessel and clambering up a cliff face before being arrested.
They had a total of 51 migrants who were arrested over the weekend after four boats arrived in Ibiza.
Again, this is a holiday destination.
The footage emphasises the completely porous nature of Europe's borders, despite many declaring the migrant crisis to be over.
They now have
Ten migrant ships, and this is another story, ten NGO ships now operating in the Med, as Italian leftists push for opening borders.
This is out of Breitbart.
Ten migrant transport NGO vessels are now operating in the Mediterranean, to the left when the Establishment Democrat Party looks to reopen Italy's ports.
So the Salvini-Lega government collapse in Italy,
And that led to the formation of a new coalition between the Populist Firestar Party and the Left Democratic Party, who have already indicated that Salvini's strict immigration policy, which by the way, has halved the number of migrant deaths, that's bad.
Actually saving people's lives, that's bad, by not incentivising them coming in the first place, that's terrible.
Now they're going to reopen the route.
This is going to lead to hundreds if not thousands of more deaths, and it's going to lead to some of the massive
If you go back to the video out of Ibiza, Spain, I actually
Showed the recent arrival of 150 migrants storming through Spain's Ceuta Enclave down on the border there with Morocco.
Didn't really resemble doctors and lawyers, those people streaming into Spain, did they?
There you go.
There are the doctors and lawyers streaming in.
There is the cultural enrichment, as emphasized by this story.
Afghans who stabbed two American tourists at Amsterdam train station.
They didn't travel to Holland.
To protect the Prophet Mohammed and kill unfair and cruel people.
That is the kind of cultural enrichment, diversity, that will be streaming into Europe once again, thanks to the collapse of Salvini's government in Italy.
Can't wait!
More Rumour Dough and Troyer coming up, breaking news at informants.com