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Filename: 20190827_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 27, 2019
3094 lines.

Alex Jones discusses deep fake technology, fake news, censorship, politics and various social issues in his radio show. He also talks about how media outlets are using this technology to manipulate audio recordings and create false narratives about individuals like Jordan Peterson. The show also covers trade wars, progressivism, feminism, masculinity, and other current political topics. The caller expresses support and appreciation for Alex Jones' work in spreading information. The segment talks about Epstein's death, Tucker Carlson's absence from his show, and the hopelessness that plagues many people nowadays. They also discuss mental health, personal development, and the importance of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

You found it!
The tip of the spear!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
And it's Tuesday, August 27th, 2019.
Thank you for joining us on this Live Tuesday Transmission.
Owen Schroer is going to be hosting most of the broadcast today.
He's going to have in studio the
An amazing, interesting guest that we had on yesterday, but they're going to get into a whole host of other issues that we didn't get to with Count Dankula yesterday.
We're also going to have some other surprise guests popping in.
Also, we're going to have my interview that I taped Sunday with Sargon of Akkad.
That's over an hour long.
Rob Dube kind of made it a mini documentary.
And added a lot of documentation to what I and Sargon were talking about.
So that's all coming up in the second hour as well.
And then Owen will be back in the third and into the fourth hour today with, again, Count Dankula.
Yesterday, I went to DrudgeReport.com and there was the headline, The Post-Human World.
And I clicked on the article, and it was NBC News, saying humans will soon be extinct.
And there's a plan to get rid of us.
Pretty amazing.
You'd think that would be our top story, because it's a sea, we told you so.
I got caught around the axle covering how the system is attempting to crash the economy and openly allying with the Communist Chinese against America and a whole host of other important issues.
But still, if you don't understand the transhumanist movement and where it came from, you don't understand the ruling class's ethos and their religion and where they're taking us.
If you know this, you know everything.
And you know why they're fomenting hatred of fellow man and promoting racism in the name of fighting racism and sexism and all the whole trans movement.
You can be a woman.
You can be a man.
A man can have a baby.
None of it's true.
Because they're getting you ready for the quote cyborgs.
And the great deception that comes with that that I'm going to break down on the other side of this break.
And there isn't a more important issue.
It ties into everything.
And then Owen will come in
I put it off a few months, so it's gotta happen.
Now, first I want to hit this, though, because it ties into the hate.
MSNBC guest, who's a Washington Post senior columnist, came out and said Dems must burn down conservatives with, quote, no survivors.
A scorched earth policy.
Not just remove Trump, but destroy conservative culture, destroy nationalist culture, tear it all out so we can never come back.
This is total authoritarianism, this is cultural genocide, and they're leading towards physical genocide.
But after all, they work for the establishment that are transhumanist, that are building a post-human era.
So let's go ahead and roll some of the chilling statements of this truly dangerous authoritarian.
This is an extreme administration that is dangerous.
If you are a Latino right now, you probably need to carry your birth certificate around.
I've known people that are carrying them because they're so scared that they're going to be scooped up and stolen.
But yet, it's fine.
Go and dance on TV.
It is incredible.
It is.
You know, I wrote a column way back when, I think it was around the time that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was denied service at the restaurant, that what we should be doing is shunning these people.
Shunning, shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation, that these people are not fit for polite society.
I think any institution, University of Virginia for example, for a bit, had a relationship with Mark Short, who is now back with the administration.
Absolutely abhorrent that any institution of higher learning, any news organization, or any entertainment organization that has a news outlet would hire these people.
I think it's
I also want to echo something that my friend EJ said.
It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
They have
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
We have to level them.
Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
They will take this as confirmation that, hey, it just pays to ride the waves.
Look at me, I've made it through.
And so up and down the ticket, federal, state, local offices, the country has to repudiate this.
It is not a normal administration.
And when these people say, oh, you can't criticize us, it will destroy our public service.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Tuesday, August 27th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I mentioned this some yesterday.
I said I'd get to it, but it's so important I'm going to hit it right up front, right now.
Go to drugsreport.com, you saw that headline.
Right there, bigger than Dallas.
The post-human era is here.
And it linked to an NBC featured story.
In the first paragraph it says, soon humans will be extinct.
What a fantastical statement.
Why, Hitler just said he wanted certain groups of humans to be extinct, and we're told he was the most evil man that ever lived on the face of the Earth.
Isn't that just amazing?
But when it's pushed by the transhumanists, James Lovelock, why, it's a beautiful thing.
It's a wonderful thing.
It's something that we need to embrace as saving the Earth.
And in this six-page article, they say it all.
Now, when I saw the headline at NBC, when I followed the link, I knew exactly what I was going to read word for word, because I've read it 5,000 times.
But back when I read it the first few dozen times, it was 25 years ago.
When I first got really politically engaged and involved on air, before I read a lot of history books and done a lot of research, and I read Brave New World, and I read 1984, and then I read non-fiction books by those authors explaining these are future predictions of what's going to happen if we don't change course.
Then I found out that the author of Brave New World
He wrote it in 1932, Aldous Huxley, that his brother was the head of the World Eugenics Society, and after World War II called it the World Transhumanist Society, and that much of their ideas had been adopted by Hitler.
And then it starts making a lot more sense.
And then you realize the British royal family has funded this, and IBM funded it, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has followed in those footsteps, and Warren Buffett.
This is the religion.
This is the club.
And you know, I've made films on this and I've covered this for 25 years.
But see, now it matters because now people see me lay out and predict basically everything.
And they've gone from this being in academic papers and in academic books that cost $50, $100, $200 a piece
And then a Reddit PhD and above level to it now being brought out into the pop culture and the front page of NBCNews.com.
And you read this, I pledge to you that tomorrow I'm going to come in and I'm going to dedicate at least the first couple hours to this.
I was not supposed to be here today, but I had to come in.
I'm getting a tooth worked on, a root canal, and I've put it off too long.
I've got to get that taken care of.
And so I'm going to get that done.
But tomorrow, Owen's coming in to take over.
We've got Sargon of Akkad going to be here with us in a very important interview and also Count Dankula is back in, so it's a big transmission today.
But I had to come in just to highlight here that this is the big enchilada.
And if you put the name Adolf Hitler on this, people would decry it and say it was the worst thing in the world, because it is.
But because they put, oh, the environmentalist, oh, he's such the famed James Lovelock, because they put it in that context, it's sold as a wonderful thing.
And then they go into, oh, and don't worry, you're ruling elite, your superhumans are already here.
And they're already geoengineering the Earth.
And the machines that have merged with humans may decide to kill you.
Or they may keep you around like a potted plant.
Well, that's like Ray Kurzweil saying, oh, once we're AI gods, we might destroy you, but we probably just see you as a bug.
So hope we don't step on you.
Now think about how this is the most selfish, arrogant, evil thing
That anyone could possibly ever imagine.
Think about that.
That they're saying, we don't even know where humans came from, from their perspective.
But they are going to chart for us the whole future of our supposed evolution.
And when they first started pitching this 100 years ago, it was how it was going to empower us.
But it was always designed to replace us.
Because since the time of the ancient Egyptians, the so-called elites have always wanted to cheat death.
But it was a fraud.
They would put all their wealth, all their power into being mummified, have their wives mummified, have their dogs, their cats mummified, have models of their ships and their litters and everything put in those tombs with them.
And it was all delusional.
And to this day, we get mummified, we get embalmed, we get buried, as if keeping this body around somehow holds the spirit.
It's blasphemy.
It's the original sin of not recognizing the spirit that's already in us, and the fact that this is just a rose colored darkly that we wear, an earth suit.
So they tell us that the post-human era is here, that we're all going to be gone soon.
I'm going to read some of these quotes here in a moment.
I've written a lot of notes here that I want to go over, but that'll be tomorrow.
And we're just supposed to sit here and take it.
And I know the whole history of these people.
I know where they started.
I know how they operate.
I know their modern configurations.
I knew as soon as I saw old James Lovelock's name, he was a horrible anti-human
Overpopulation, human exterminist pusher that he'd worked with, Julian Huxley.
I pulled up the books that they're in together.
Again, textbooks that cost $100.
And all the things they say, how they're going to put flora in the water to dumb us down and make us more manageable, how they're going to feed us poison GMO.
They're not saving the earth.
They believe they're gods and the earth has to be absorbed by them like an egg from which they then emerge from.
So remember, everything they're telling you is a lie.
They tell you that if you're an adherent to their religion, they tell you that if you accept their Luciferian religion, it's a Luciferian, right?
You read deeper into literature, they admit they follow Lucifer.
So did one of their other top priests, 2001 Space Odyssey author, Arthur C. Clarke.
He gave interviews and wrote essays and admitted it.
They traveled to Jupiter to meet Lucifer and ignite the new star, the Morning Star.
But expanding on that, the New York Times said, oh look, he's a kook, he's a transhumanist.
Jeffrey Epstein was just nobody, don't look into it.
Yeah, he was helping head up the Albert Einstein Institute.
And yeah, Bill Gates met with him, but won't talk about what
They were meeting about it.
So did the Royalty, and so did Warren Buffett, and so did Oprah Winfrey, and so did all the other top scientists in New York at these week-long meetings that they have several times a year.
And he would fly around the world to all these scientific institutions constantly because he was just a gopher of these people.
They're developing human cloning, new bodies for themselves.
It doesn't mean they've done it yet, but that's what they're doing.
They say David Rockefeller had seven heart transplants before he died.
At a hundred.
Or whatever it was.
Look at how long David Rockefeller was.
I think it was a hundred.
He did break the family record.
Nobody ever made it to a hundred and he did it.
So of course you're ultra-rich and corrupt and a sociopath.
All you care about is living forever.
And then no matter which group or organization it is throughout history, they're told you must enslave your people, you must transcend humanity to live forever, you must kill them.
And that's the Lucifer energy.
And you read this, this is a Luciferian manuscript and a death letter, a death order to you and your family, where they say, we're going to kill you.
NBC News.
You're dead.
So enjoy the 5G, drink that fluoride, take those vaccines, and say bye-bye.
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What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
It's to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I'm asking listeners.
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back to reality.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I want to explain something again.
I had read all this science fiction, but also history.
Isaac Asimov's foundation series, Frank Herbert's Dune.
I mean, I was a voracious reader.
But I'd read more history than science fiction.
And then I noticed that a lot of the science fiction was based on eugenics and Plato and Hitler and just a lot of things that actually happened.
And then I
Went to college and learned that it was all a bunch of anti-human, anti-American, anti-free market communism.
And then I decided to read what the actual controllers were writing and saying, the real social engineers.
And again, at governmental PhD level, it's all public.
Post-human world, eugenics.
To do it, we've got to sabotage the normal human system so that it's so unlivable, so failed, people will then beg for the new, quote, augmented or cyborg existence.
That was in 1978 Pentagon document that got declassified in 2000 to the Federation of American Scientists.
It got reclassified, but I put the classified document in my film, 9-11 Dissent to Tyranny.
And it describes humans born into tanks, and then the heat from our bodies powers the AI that then jacks into our brains for virtual reality for an AI human interface.
You're probably saying, wait a minute, I saw a 1999 film called The Matrix.
You see, this is an externalization of the method.
One hypothesis and model is that model.
Incomplete with aircraft that will be used to try to block the sun out in a war to kill the AI.
It's already war-gamed all that.
And so they'll have to send out hunter-killer robots to kill all the humans on the ground that are powered by humans.
And you're going, wait a minute, that's another one of the Matrix movies.
And that's actually in this NBC article, how they're chemtrailing you.
So you have to understand, since Francis Galton and since the Wedgwoods and the Huxleys and the Darwins all interbred for the British royal family to create what they believe is superhuman,
To try to envision the future.
They envision computers, biometrics, everything we have was channeled to them by entities from other dimensions.
Now you have to understand, this is not me saying this.
You notice they don't attack me for this in the news, because they know it's their religion.
They want me off the air because of this.
And so they breed people that have the proper electrochemical
Cells in their brain, just like birds can fly according to the magnetic lines, butterflies can fly from Mexico to Canada, lay their eggs, hatch, fly back off of magnetic control.
They bred humans to be able to inter-dimensionally interface with the entities that then sent them the messages to build all this.
Now again, you're getting the big secrets here.
They don't want you to know this.
They're rolling out what I told you 25 years ago about the planetary government, how they're going to exterminate you and your family.
That's because they're ready to start implementing this now.
They're getting ready to roll out this phase.
But I'm explaining to you why they're all doing this, because they really believe they're going to be given immortality when they're given the blueprints to merge with the AI.
So yes, you're on a planet, you're in a real science fiction movie.
Satan's real.
And tomorrow when I come in, I'm going to read this whole article and then go through exhibits showing you where they actually say it and where they do it.
But again, Darwin had visions where an entity told him about the origin of the species and how it would all work and they were all doing this.
Let me just read you a few paragraphs from here.
Cyborgs will replace humans and remake the world, James Lovelock says.
Now, cyborgs are humans merging with machine.
But again, the superclass, the real controllers, are only going to give 99.9% of people systems that totally control them, totally enslave them.
But just as above, so below, the globalists have been deceived, just like an Egyptian pharaoh, again believing if he spent 90% of his GDP on building giant pyramids and then mummifying himself, that he would somehow live forever.
And of course he was building this pyramid for a completely different reason than what he was told.
Little secrets I'll get to later.
But cyborgs will replace humans and remake the world.
James Lovelock says, for tens of thousands of years humans have reigned as our planet's only intelligent self-aware species.
You really think we're the only thing on the planet?
No, the Bible tells us a really bad dude with a whole legion
Hundreds of thousands of crew are on the planet.
Don't listen to it, though.
It just told you about the whole world government, the casual society, robots, nuclear weapons, it's all in there.
But the rise of intelligent machines means that could soon change.
Perhaps in our own lifetimes, not long after that, Homo sapiens could vanish from the Earth entirely.
So we're all dead, but oh, it's liberal because it goes into it to save the Earth.
We're gonna have to die.
And yes, like they've all told everybody, when you merge with a machine, your body has to die.
We can't have two of you running around.
But of course it's the ultimate con, just like the pharaohs, believing mummification made them live forever.
They could keep their body intact.
That's the jarring message of the new book by James Lovelock, the famed British environmentalist and futurist.
He's not famed by real scientists, but he's worshipped by the heights of science.
Because he brought out the Gaia hypothesis that the Earth itself has a spirit.
Remember Final Fantasy?
The Earth itself has a spirit that's under attack by the real devil, Jesus Christ.
And Lucifer is the feminine spirit.
This gets into all this twisted Kabbalah stuff that's not really out of Solomon's Temple, but a different deal.
Oh yeah, that's right there.
And then, Lucifer and the goddess must defeat the devil, Jehovah.
That's what they teach.
Jehovah is the devil.
Lucifer is the Christ.
You're going to say, Jesus is that.
It's all intermixed.
That's why the Bible has Jesus as the Morning Star and Lucifer as the Morning Star.
It's all coded.
And again, folks, this is what the establishment actually follows.
You need to know all this.
You need to understand all this.
But this isn't the sign of the feminine and of Lucifer.
This is the sign of the left-hand path.
Seen that before?
Live long and prosper.
Most of the priests involved in it don't even know it.
I'm giving you the big secrets while they're desperate to get me off air right now.
And you read on, don't worry, the AI is gonna spray the atmosphere to save you, or maybe kill you, and the AI's gonna be dust that's everywhere.
And they're gonna load the AI onto rockets and shoot them into space so the AI takes over the universe and just, it becomes God.
So again, these people run things, they have the world government set up, they've been told, and they're all operating for centuries,
And back before that, but taking over the scientific systems, to build a world government to orderly move humans out and then move in something new that's not human.
And then there's the new class thing where people want to be in the country club, people want to have the Rolex, people want to have the trophy wife.
How about you get the new cool chip that Elon Musk is already promoting to you?
Because he's the guy that opposed it, but now he's the guy that's for it.
You can trust him.
But really, he was with it the whole time.
And now he's just further capitulating.
We'll hit a little bit more of this when we come back, but Owen Schroer's taking over.
Stay with us.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena and the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and the key to what I'm getting at here is this transhumanist movement came out of the eugenics movement, but the eugenics movement itself was just the power elite of the planet trying to study how to scientifically control populations and how to find the elixir of eternal life.
There were famous Spaniards
Who were given massive amounts of money by the Portuguese and by the Italian and by the Spanish governments to travel all over the Americas, not looking for gold, but looking for the fountain of youth.
Think about it, you're a king with giant palaces full of piles of gold and diamonds and rubies.
But you're dying.
You're old.
You want to live forever.
And so they would fantasize about building pyramids to live forever.
They would fantasize about founding the Fountain of Youth in Florida and cities of gold in Arizona and New Mexico.
It wasn't there.
But it was the fantasy.
And so via the fantasy, those explorers were able to explore by telling the king,
They were really going to find the fountain of youth.
Just like the priest class was able to manipulate the pharaoh to really make them the real rulers.
The priest class didn't intermarry.
The priest class wasn't deformed.
The priest class wasn't mentally retarded.
The pharaohs were.
The priest class was the real power.
Building these giant temples and systems with a secret aim.
With a secret master.
But with a fake power out front.
And so
We see history repeating itself.
So you read this article, and this is suddenly on Discovery Channel, History Channel, it's everywhere.
The world without humans.
The post-human world.
How it's going to be so great.
And then everything we're given, technology-wise, breaks up our families, lowers our IQs, gives us cancer, cheats us financially, tracks everything we're doing and everything we're up to.
But it's all a religion.
It's all a global system.
And whether it's
Christianity has been infiltrated and taken over, or modern Judaism has been taken over, or Islam, or the systems in Asia and China and communism.
None of the ancient teachings are taught anymore, but new twisted systems on top of them are.
You don't see the churches warning of the Mark of the Beast, or implantable microchips.
You don't hear people warning about that, no.
Because they want to keep their 501c3.
And Elon Musk just two years ago said, beware the AI gods.
I've been in meetings with the billionaires.
There's a plan for world government to exterminate you.
Suddenly, fires and explosions at his factories.
His stocks are down.
Soros makes a run at his company, almost brings it down, and then buys it up.
And then Elon Musk walks out onto the stage just a few weeks ago and says, next year, we're going to start taking orders.
For people that want to get wires plugged into their brains so they can become cyborgs.
But he said, don't worry, it won't take you over right away.
So 2020 is only four or five months away and they're launching with it to totally normalize it.
And in the future,
If you want to have a cell phone or you want to be able to have a job, you're going to have to have it.
They already have professions all over the world, from Sweden to Mexico, with capital populations, where to work at certain jobs, they make you have an implantable chip.
That's just the beginning of them getting inside your body.
I have nothing against men that want to think they're a woman and take hormones.
But I shouldn't have to pay for it.
But the whole transhumanist movement the Tavistock Institute admits was about getting you used to saying, okay, a man can be a woman.
A woman can be a man.
A man can have a baby.
None of that's true.
So you accept the humanoids that have four or five parents.
You accept the clones.
You accept the animal-human splices, which has all been being done for 50 years.
I learned about it 25, 26 years ago in MIT reports of clones 20, 30 years before.
The Nazis were cloning rabbits 75 years ago.
And so, that's the key to everything I cover.
There is a breakaway civilization that's siphoning off our energy, siphoning off our money, siphoning off our ingenuity, our spark that God gave us.
To build, for a group of people that want to be gods, a system to pretend they're God, when in truth it's the human development, made in the image of God, that's already manifested all this, and we are the incredible creature that's been poisoned and stunted and attacked, so that in our embryonic form, this system can come in and extract our knowledge and data for itself in an attempt to become a more advanced life form.
Satan is older than us, but described like a machine that has free will, and can't really create offspring.
It can only steal offspring, reprogram it for its systems.
We are the board.
Resistance is futile.
And the system just keeps telling you what it's doing to you.
So when the real thing hits you, you've seen Star Trek a hundred times.
You've seen all these movies.
You've seen Terminator.
You think it's fiction.
Your brain takes it not as a threat.
It is a threat.
5G can mind control you.
That's scientific American.
It's killing you.
So the Wall Street Journal comes out and says, oh, cities are pulling it out.
There's no evidence when all there is total evidence.
But the good news is, people know anecdotal evidence.
Everyone I know themselves has gotten deathly ill from a vaccine, or their family has.
Or they have someone autistic, or someone who died.
My mother was told back when she was on the UT Master Swim Team, she was winning gold medals and silver medals.
She was beating Olympic athletes.
Didn't start professionally swimming until she was 30 years old.
They told her when she was like 38, 39, take the flu shot on the UT team.
They took it.
A bunch of them got sick.
She almost died and she could never swim at that level again.
And so,
My uncle almost died from a tetanus shot.
They said it was the tetanus shot.
My grandmother got polio from the polio shot.
They told her!
Second round!
Well now, sports analysts, Trash Talk Flu Shot sports commentators Shannon Sharp and Skip Bayless revealed their skepticism of flu shots during a segment on Fox Sports.
And he says, I'm not getting the shot.
And the other guy says, yeah, I took the shot and I got sick.
He goes, yeah, me too.
Their humanity is coming out.
They could be fired for that, because their biggest sponsor is Big Pharma, setting a precedent to put something in your body with their whole history of secret experimentation.
So again, there's this whole breakaway civilization that's putting fluoride in our water, that's spraying the atmosphere, that is giving us GMO that they admit gives us cancer, that is frying us with all this Wi-Fi, and all of this solar radiation, and all of this artificial garbage.
All this microwave radiation.
And admitting they're doing it.
This is a post-human plan.
And they say it in NBC News.
Tomorrow, I'll read the whole thing.
And go over it.
Because this is the fount, the cause, where it's all coming from.
And again, they believe they're channeling Lucifer.
They believe they're in contact with off-world or interdimensional creatures.
That's why the media won't attack me on this and make jokes about it.
That's their damn religion.
And most people in the system know this now, and they're clamoring to be part of it.
Let me have the cyborg!
Let me be!
Let me get on the ship with the future!
Let me transcend!
Don't let me die!
Don't leave me here as a worm!
And it's all a trap.
None of them are going to ascend with this system.
They're going to fall.
They're going to go down a dimension, not up.
But they're, again, sociopaths.
They're predators.
So, oh, my God says I've got to get rid of the bad humans.
They actually say this in the article, to save Gaia, when they're actually killing the Earth.
Just a quick little sliver of truth about the vaccine.
A little glimmer of human resistance.
Think of what we could all do together.
How they're pulling down the smart towers.
They're spying and face scanning in Hong Kong.
Think of the seven and a half billion of us.
We could snap our fingers and remove these elites.
Remove the AI.
Remove all this.
But not once they make us totally dependent on it.
Not once none of us know how to garden.
Or fight.
Or do electrical work.
Not once we're all just inside addicted to the screens.
Then they got us.
We're being caught by this matrix right now.
Here are the two sports legends.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schroer and a lot more.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
We've had this in for two weeks.
I've been so busy, I haven't talked about it because I've been covering news.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my fellow humans.
Alex Jones here.
Owen Shorter's about to take over.
We really are trying to build a pro-human future.
We're trying to maintain the systems that make us strong, that make us passionate, that make us creative, that make us loving.
And the biggest point I didn't hit last segment that I'll cover more tomorrow is that love and love of humanity and respect for ourselves and love of God and that connection of God is an energizing force that will literally give you discernment.
The enemy has what the Bible called the mystery of evil.
They are literally programmed.
They have a spirit.
They work together.
They have a connection.
But we work together as well, and that's what this broadcast is all about.
So as folks go back to school, and as we hurdle towards the end of 2019, and as Elon Musk pushes brain chips and wires in our heads starting next year,
Humanity is starting to wake up.
Just like we played that Fox Sports piece where both hosts talk about how much vaccines hurt them.
They had that planned, folks.
They have moral issues.
And by that, they care.
They are having their conscience and their Holy Spirit touched.
And that is that wireless internet, that sixth sense, that God's able to communicate with us through.
And the enemy wants to block that.
But if you reach out to God,
God will open your heart, ladies and gentlemen.
It's real.
You're not going to find it in the phony churches.
You just got to call out to God and say, I want to be good.
I want to know the truth.
I want to know you.
Please show me the way.
It will happen.
In closing, your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support is all critical.
It's the trifecta.
Your word of mouth, your prayer, your financial support.
And that big special we've been running,
I think?
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All of that is what makes this operation possible.
They're working around the clock to shut us down still.
I'm not going to belabor you with all the latest attacks, but you know what's going on.
And a lot's going on behind the scenes, so just please stand with us, please pray for us, and please visit InfoWareStore.com.
And again, I want to thank all of you that have been visiting the store.
But remember, it's critical to sign up for AutoShip.
Additional 10% off, so you don't forget to support us each month, or every two months, every three months.
You make that decision, but please make that decision today.
Please take action.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWarsNewsWars.com on the ground in Hong Kong.
We are here at Victoria Park, right behind me to my right, which is where the epic photograph was just taken days ago of over a million Hong Kongers in protest.
They're saying 20% of the population.
And that's what we're here for on the ground reporting on.
It's been about 11 weeks of unrest since the extradition bill crisis that began in June.
And since then, there's been massive protests, just like all over the world.
There seems to be an awakening all over the world against globalism, against tyranny.
Just yesterday, a man was arrested at a border checkpoint in Lo Wu, Hong Kong, after a knife attack on three people at Lennon Wall in Sung Kwan O. And it left a journalist in critical condition.
Now, this is a very interesting story when you look at what's been happening in the past few weeks.
And the people here are very suspicious.
Of the police lately.
We're going to be doing some man on the streets while we're here.
But since we've been here, we've talked to everyone we've run into from the airport to the cab driver to people at the stores, people at the hotel.
And what we've been hearing is the same story.
Unlike in Western countries, where there seems to be a divide as to fake news and real news, it seems like everyone here has become very suspicious of the police.
Everyone here seems to be in support of the protesters.
And here's some of the stories that we've been getting that have led to this questioning of the police and suspicion of the Hong Kong police.
On July 21st, at a train station protest, there were six men detained and they were released.
They were all wearing white.
They were said to be members of the local triad
Organized crime organization and where they were using wooden poles and steel rods and targeting protesters Now they were arrested It was it was announced that they were members of organized crime and they were released and it was the releasing of these six men that really Started getting the attention of a lot of Hong Kongers and they were getting really upset with their police who up until now They've considered to be a very fair non-political police force
According to a news report, Low said that the going rate for an attack like Sunday's could be as much as 10 million Hong Kong dollars.
That's 1.28 million per attack.
Most of it would go to the triad leader.
The full Greg Reese report and more from Hong Kong can be found at InfoWars.com.
All of our news coverage can be found at InfoWars.com.
Of course, knowing that URL, knowing that website, knowing that link is imperative now because
As you know, anything Alex Jones, anything InfoWars ends up getting banned on just about 98% of social media.
But here we are, nonetheless, at InfoWars.com slash show, broadcasting live from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Now, coming up, we've got
The interview of, we've got more clips from Sargon of Arkad, we've got more clips from, or we're going to be having in studio live, Count Dankula.
So this is all coming up on the Alex Jones Show as well as some other news coverage.
So before we go to this break here in three minutes and really delve into Alex with Sargon of Akkad and then my in-studio guest Count Dankula, you had 30 women testifying today on the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking.
And it apparently got pretty heated.
Obviously the victims are upset.
The lawyers warned Epstein would be killed in prison.
He then was.
They lied, said it was suicide.
The judge allowed the witnesses to speak today despite the prosecutors trying to shut that down, but it ended up being very heated.
As you can imagine, the victims were upset that the federal government allowed Epstein to operate all of these years.
So it's not as much about us sitting here saying, well, we told you about Epstein years ago.
Infowars is tomorrow's news today.
Yes, that's true.
But the takeaway is that you have such shadowy, powerful forces with
You already know that.
For lack of a better word, abilities to pull off this murder of Jeffrey Epstein, have the media totally covered up, claim it was suicide, have to have multiple people on the inside part of this, people in the media part of this.
What shadow forces, what secret cabal has that much power?
Has that much influence?
And you see the names in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book with royalty and elite politicians.
And then today, you just had a top executive.
I forget the individual's name from the Motion Pictures Association of America.
Yeah, that's the go-between between Hollywood and Congress.
Yeah, top executive from the MPAA busted for child sex abuse.
So you've now had multiple Disney people get hit with charges of pedophilia.
You've had top Democrat staffers get caught with gigabytes of child porn.
You've got Clinton
Going on Epstein's Lolita pedophile jet to pedophile island.
You've got other names like George Nader.
It's all coming out.
It's all coming out.
But you know, the 30 women today were ignored by media.
We've had this in for two weeks.
I've been so busy, I haven't talked about it because I've been covering news.
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Robert Moritz, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies, and the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroeder sitting in right now.
We're about to be going back to Alex Jones with Sargon of Akkad.
And so you're not going to want to miss that.
But, you know, one of the major roles of InfoWars is to point out the elephant in the room
Crapping all over everything that nobody else wants to touch Now you can reach your own conclusions as to why we have to do that, but that's our role I'm not even seeing any media coverage today Just from monitoring mainstream news cable news everything.
I mean the drudge report has some stuff on it But for the most part this is going pretty much uncovered today I mean the New York Times did cover it, but it's not really getting much
Press attention.
What am I talking about?
30 women testifying today in front of a judge to the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein and the industrial level sex trafficking pedophile network that he was running.
I mean, this story is so crazy, folks.
You know, it came out that Epstein's butler
He took very, very detailed notes in his own little black book, if you will, on Epstein's behavior and practices and everything.
And when he brought that to the federal government, the butler ended up going to jail.
So Epstein is running around a total FBI informant protected by the federal government running an industrial level pedophile ring, sex orgy island, and all the crap that's going on.
That's all real.
That's on record.
That's not hearsay.
That's not he said, she said.
This is known.
This has been known.
This has been convicted charges against Epstein.
So, where's the media?
Now, let's recall.
You had a doddering, seeming like an MK Ultra victim just sucked on a helium balloon, Christine Blasey Ford.
Uh, yeah, uh, Brett Kavanaugh and five of his friends gang-raped me at a party.
I don't know when, or where, or who I was at the time, but it was Kavanaugh and he can't be on the Supreme Court because he raped me.
I know it was him.
So that's totally fraudulent, but it gets all the media attention.
Every cable news network covering it.
Highlights across primetime news, international news, everything.
Christine Blasey Ford, who sounds like she just sucked down a whole helium balloon, and doesn't even seem all there, kind of a mental fop,
That's the biggest story ever.
A bunch of hearsay, nonsense, nothing on record, all politically motivated.
Total fake news.
But it gets all the attention, right?
Now you have 30 women!
Testifying against a convicted sex trafficker, a convicted pedophile running industrial level pedophile sex networks, and no media coverage.
Nothing on cable news.
Nothing on Fox.
Nothing on CNN.
Nothing on MSNBC.
Nothing on all the alphabet news agencies.
Christine Blasey Ford?
Uh, Brett Kavanaugh raped me at a party.
Everyone covers it.
Total fake news.
Real news, industrial level pedophile networks, industrial level sex trafficking, convicted charges, 30 women testifying in court, in front of a judge, and what do you get?
And if that isn't the absolute state
Of the American media.
If that isn't the absolute state of the American media, I don't know what is.
Christine Blasey Ford, a helium balloon in a wig, gets all the press attention.
30 women testifying against a convicted pedophile sex trafficker, and the news won't even mention it.
Because Epstein had top Democrats and elites on his list.
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Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
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Thanks for the support.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Sargon Akkad, also known as Carl, has millions and millions of followers on YouTube and other platforms.
He's also been deplatformed some places.
And he's with us right now, in studio, to just talk about the world, the place it's in right now, and where he thinks these revolutions of populism versus, what would you call it, globalism are going.
Thanks for coming to the studio with us.
My pleasure, thanks for having me.
Been a fan of your work for a while.
Thank you, same.
So, first off, your handle, Sargon, where does that name come from?
It comes from a Middle Eastern emperor.
I didn't think anything was ever going to come of anything when I first started uploading videos to YouTube, and so I just used it because it was the tags that I used when I was playing video games online.
Completely inauspicious, no thought put into it whatsoever.
And if I could go back and redo it, I'd just use my real name.
Well, it's good to have you here with us.
Thank you.
You were on yesterday, did a great job with Owen Schroyer, covered some of the big breaking news, but commercial-free here right now.
What do you want to get into today?
What's front and center for you?
Um, well at the moment I'm doing a part two to the Jeffrey Epstein video I just did.
These are taking quite a lot of time because there's a lot of stuff happening and a lot of strange information coming out about the whole case.
The fact that he had broken bones in his
throat that were broken in such a way that is to indicate that was most likely strangling rather than choking on a paper thin bit of sheet from his bunk bed that that's particularly interesting to me because and especially this is his cellmate was moved out of the cell the day before he died and all of this it's it's all very very suspect
But we're hearing from the new Attorney General that, oh, it probably was suicide.
I mean, I find that very, very suspicious when Epstein told people that the previous cellmate had tried to basically kill him.
He told people that he feared for his life.
And then to just have the media say it's a conspiracy theory out of the gates to question it, that just doesn't hold water.
Yeah, I mean, I don't think they have much room to call people conspiracy theorists after the whole Russia thing, but I agree.
There is definitely something to this, and there is definitely... It's definitely easier for them if it just goes away.
Where do you at a gut level, and I know you're not a guy that even theorizes, you just go with the facts, that you pride yourself on that, eloquently so, but I mean, gut level, if you had to just dead reckon, where is this going?
I mean, I see it as another bellwether of the collapse of confidence in the system.
I think that, I mean, personally, if I would speculate or hypothesize, I would suggest that Epstein was using his particular interest in sex trafficking young girls in order to create a very deep network of connections with very powerful and high-profile people, including people like Matt Groening from The Simpsons and things like this.
I mean, I don't know why he was doing it, but it seems that that's the sort of thing that he was facilitating.
Well, I happen to know what he was doing.
I mean, he was heading up as one of the main promoters of this Eugenics Institute that was set up by the Rockefellers and others inside the Albert Einstein Institute.
And a lot of this, I covered it 10-12 years ago when it came out on ABC News, letting guard him, that he was in there quarterbacking and organizing these meetings that were, quote, creating an alternative world government for depopulation.
Behind closed doors on this New York campus, a secret gathering of some of the world's most powerful people.
Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Winfrey.
Together with others at the meeting, including George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, they're worth more than 125 billion dollars.
That much money, that much power around one table, it begs the question, what were they doing?
What were they scheming?
I haven't been able to find anything about that, but there was a report that he apparently wished to seed the human race with his genes.
Which is particularly strange.
Well, after we're off air today, and since this isn't live, I may just add it in post, we have the articles out of the Guardian, ABC News, you name it, where the group that he was one of the main heads of was organizing an alternate world government and a plan for depopulation.
Bill and Melinda Gates went.
A bunch of other people went.
Oprah Winfrey.
Well, the population control is something that they are concerned about because of climate change, isn't it?
They think that this is... and they're not wrong either.
It's creating climate change as far as they're concerned.
But this is not in Western countries.
Western countries are on form with this sort of thing because we're actually concerned about it.
But places like China and India just don't care.
And there's no way that we can compel them to care about the amount of pollutants they're putting out to the atmosphere.
I watched just last night an old, like three, four-year-old documentary by RT Documentaries that was showing shipwrecking in India and how these people are treated worse than slaves 500 years ago and how they're paid $3 a day, no health care, no nothing.
It was just nightmarish.
Yeah, that's the neoliberal corporate consensus for you.
It's okay to exploit these people in foreign countries as long as Nike gets to produce shoes at ridiculously cheap prices that Colin Kaepernick can get offended over.
How did we, as a nation, it seems, stop caring about slave labor or goods being produced by slaves, and then embrace communist China and not care about total surveillance grids?
I mean, it just seems like
During the Obama era, there seemed to be a point when we went off a cliff where we just didn't even pay lip service to basic Western values anymore.
It's quite wild, isn't it?
Because after Edward Snowden and the rest showed that we were having everything surveilled, everyone just carried on as if it wasn't happening.
I mean, it's still going on and no one complains.
It just is normal now.
It's just part of reality that everything you say on the internet or via phones or anything.
I mean like Facebook the other day was revealed to be transcribing, paying contractors to transcribe voice calls made over Facebook.
Well, Paul Watson and I in 2005 found corporate perspectives put out by Google to shareholders that they were listening over microphones and sending it back to corporate headquarters and then designing advertising programs for people.
But we were called conspiracy theorists even though we had
The question is what do you think happens next?
Um, I mean, the least scary option is that this is just a marketing ploy.
Because one of the things that people notice, and you see a lot of people talking about it, go in front of your Alexa or something and start talking about something that you've never mentioned before.
Some weird foreign product or something like that.
And you'll see it in your Facebook recommendations or the adverts, you know, the tailored advertising.
So, there definitely is something going on there.
Oh, they admit they're doing that!
Well yeah, but hopefully it's just for advertising.
Hopefully it's just to try and get money out of you.
That's the least nefarious thing that they could be doing.
Well sure, that's just the Trojan Horse itself, but it's all really about total power, total surveillance.
And that's why Facebook's now saying, whatever you do,
Even outside of Facebook, we're monitoring it and we will affect your social credit score if you don't behave and do what we want for even stuff you did in the past that we may later change and say is now politically incorrect.
Well, yeah, that's what happened to me with Patreon.
I wasn't using Patreon when I was arguing with Nazis, incidentally, and that was what got me banned from Patreon.
So, yeah, they're laying claim to your behaviour off of their platforms, which is rather terrifying.
You brought up Epstein first and then I kind of took you down a rabbit trail.
What else on your radar screen?
What would you say your core issues are that made you so successful and so famous online and so loved by a lot of people and then made the left jealous of you?
I mean, is it because you were able to convince the left because I wouldn't call you a right winger?
How would you describe yourself and what are your main tenets?
I'm an English liberal, so I guess you'd call me a centrist over here.
I think that the right has some things that are correct and the left has some things that are correct.
But the problem is at the moment, the right has committed to its republican values, but the left has failed to acknowledge that these are worthy values and have actually decided that radical left-wing values, socialism and communism, are actually more morally
More morally superior.
And so they've shifted dramatically to the left.
There's lots of studies and data that show this.
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It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now you've got this chasm in American politics, but politics across the English-speaking world, where the right and the left, the right is still using the original sort of classically liberal values that our countries are founded on, whereas the left has decided that no, they're a revolutionary force.
They don't agree with the right-wing values.
In fact, they are white supremacy, they are racist, and that's because they don't produce the exact equal outcome that the left is looking for.
We're going to play this clip right now and when we come back I'll get your response to it.
This is CNN over the weekend saying that Donald Trump has killed more people than Hitler, Stalin and other dictators combined.
Here it is.
Well I think that medicalizing politics has three very dire consequences.
The first is that it stigmatizes the mentally ill.
I've known thousands of patients, almost all of them have been well behaved, well mannered, good people.
Trump is none of these.
Lumping the mentally ill with Trump is a terrible insult to the mentally ill and they have enough problems in stigma as it is.
The second issue is that calling Trump crazy hides the fact that we're crazy for having elected him, and even crazier for allowing his crazy policies to persist.
Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century.
He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.
He needs to be contained, but he needs to be contained by attacking his policies, not his person.
Now, the full clip's five minutes long.
It's up on Infowars.com if you'd like to go watch it.
They didn't challenge him.
They let him continue to go on with a statement that is, talk about insane, it is the biggest lie yet I've seen from mainstream media.
And now it's obviously only going to be a new milestone on the frontier, a new record to be broken, obviously.
Hitler killed more than 20 million people.
Stalin, tens of millions.
Lenin, tens of millions.
The Chinese government itself says over 100 million people died during the last 70 years of what they've been doing in their experiment.
How do you respond to a statement like that?
And where do you think that means we're going?
It's idiotic.
It's really idiotic.
Donald Trump doesn't have an agenda to kill millions of people.
I don't think he's going to do it accidentally.
And I find it very interesting how he begins with, oh, we shouldn't, what was it, medicalise, or something like that, our politics or our news.
And then goes on to do exactly that.
Bring Donald Trump's mental health into question.
Which seems really irresponsible to me, because I'm sure that psychologists say that you've got to have a one-on-one, at least some sort of one-on-one time with the person.
It's called the Goldwater Rule.
Right, there we go.
And so for him to then...
If you lose your license for it.
They're saying that we're Nazis and that we're invoking war and civil war and death, but they're saying that we are that, and weak-minded people are going to then respond as if they're fighting Hitler, and it's going to bring the very thing they say they're fighting.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, it's a deliberate kind of radicalization.
I don't know how much they're self-aware about this, but the leftists are radicalizing, and they are consciously aware that they're doing it, I think.
I think that they have come to the point where they've delegitimized right-wing morality, and the right-wing worldview, to the point where they just see nothing legitimate in it, and all good is with them, and all bad is with you.
Well, that was my next question, but I interrupted it with another.
The radicalization, you read the WikiLeaks from Hillary, they said we've got to have more culture war, that's the answer.
Clearly all the race baiting and all the sexist demonization and all of this culture war, divide and conquer, hasn't worked so they're going to keep upping it, but I mean, at what point
Do they have to stop?
Because at a certain point they're going to foment so much violence, at a certain point it's going to get out of hand, and clearly that's where they're pushing, but it hasn't worked so far.
So where do you think it's going?
I don't really want to speculate for fear of pushing the cart further down the tracks.
It's not good.
It's not good to declare half of the population to be the enemy, to declare them to be racist, to declare them to be white supremacists.
There should be some compassion for your fellow countrymen.
I mean, if you don't agree on at least something about your nation, then how can you continue to be a nation?
This is the real problem.
I mean, the open border stuff, I find most pernicious.
Because if you go back to the 90s, listen to Bill Clinton building a wall and Obama deporting immigrants, illegal immigrants.
That's normal.
And let's be clear, we've got Obama just four years ago, Sam.
It's not even long!
We got anti-Pelosi five years ago!
Yeah, the radicalization of the left has happened really, really quickly because the resistance to the arguments that they were making has just collapsed in left-wing politics and so they're just shooting as far left as they can now.
The Republicans are staying fairly moderate because...
The Democrats have never excised the radical leftists from their own party.
The Republicans do not let the Nazis in.
They do not let the Richard Spencers in.
They actually reject it actively.
Whereas the leftists at this point are just embracing the communists and embracing the socialists.
And they've even embraced MS-13 earlier this year.
Nancy Pelosi saying, oh no, they're all God's children.
Did she?
Oh yeah, she would not condemn MS-13.
She wouldn't condemn MS-13?
Yeah, she said we're all God's children.
Well, I mean, I suppose that's true.
I suppose in a way even MS-13 are God's children.
But what I'm saying is, it proves your point that it's just a coalition of lawless crazies.
I mean, look at Antifa!
It is wild, yeah.
And Antifa get an amazing amount of coverage and defense from the media as well.
And the argument is always, well, Antifa haven't killed anyone.
Well, honestly, I think that's generally because the leftists are just less proficient.
I think that when they're hitting people and, you know, attacking them, trying to blow up ICE facilities and things like that, I don't think it's a lack of intent that's the problem.
I think it's a lack of proficiency.
That leads us to my next question.
Why do you think the left all over the world, not just here, is following the same playbook of lying and violence and stirring people up and bullying?
And A, why are they doing it?
I think you just answered it.
They're desperate.
But B,
Don't they know historically that that will actually harden people against them?
They think that the end justifies the means, and they think that the people who failed before them were just doing it wrong, and that they'll do it better.
Jordan Peterson actually really nails it.
You know, you are not competent enough to enact a system that is as all-controlling as it needs to be to achieve your dream, because they do have a utopian goal in mind, and it's
I mean, centralizing an entire country, an entire economy, the entire civilization, it's such an arrogant thing to want to do.
Because even if you had computers that could do it, the humans won't be able to program it or control it, and then it removes us from the decision-making process, which will only make us more domesticated.
Well yeah, but even then, why should we agree with it?
You know, that why should we?
And it is, as you say, you are actually giving up your freedom, your liberty, by allowing that to happen.
I don't agree.
I think that I should be able to own property.
I think that it's not the domain of someone else to take that property off of me, and I don't see why I should give that up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What is your view of the whole situation happening right now in Hong Kong?
I'm very worried about what's going to happen in Hong Kong.
I'm sure that... I'm sure the protesters... There has been occasion where the protesters have done something that's maybe on the wrong side of the law, like cutting down...
The monitoring, the facial recognition cameras and things like this.
You could argue that this is illegal.
Well, I suppose technically it is.
But the consequences from the Chinese government are going to be a lot worse than anything the protesters have done or will have been able to justify from what the protesters have done.
Frankly, I wouldn't trust the Chinese government at all.
Well, I agree with that statement 100%, and I want to just clarify for viewers, because I've made a study of history because it's so interesting, not so I can sit around and show off, you know, having a general understanding of a wide range of things.
Hong Kong, Taiwan, going back to World War II, and the British were there before, and China had all been divided, and then the Japanese invaded and killed probably 10 million, they estimate, Chinese, and then Mao Zedong, the communist, rises, and the left double-crosses the right wing here in the U.S.
and actually funds him, and then all the entrepreneur Chinese with Shanghai Shek run to Taiwan, run to Hong Kong.
So 70 years later, this year, is when Mao took over China.
I don't
Get rid of your representative democracy.
And so the people are there flying American flags saying, hey, we know you got independence from the British.
We want independence as well.
And I see it as very legitimate because they never voted.
To be part of communist China.
It's a dictatorship.
And so I don't want to stir them up.
I know that certain elements, even Hillary said, OK, we're with the democracy people.
And, you know, Hillary's, you know, see something to cut away from China now because she knows that's U.S.
But I'm not for regime change.
But this isn't regime change.
This is an autonomous free group of people who ran for their lives, their parents, their grandparents 70 years ago.
So I can only support what they're doing and their courage and the incredible
Incredible footage that Paul, watching from InfoWars, and the rest of our crew has gotten there, has just been just incredible.
I know I'm ranting, but... Oh no, I mean, no one voted to be part of Communist China.
That's the problem with it, isn't it?
So, I mean, I don't think there's anything good that's going to come of being given to China.
No one wants to be ruled by China.
No one wants to be part of that system.
It genuinely is Orwell's nightmare sprung to life.
And now the people of Hong Kong, who have, like you say, for the last 50 or so years, have had liberty in their country, are about to lose that because of a treaty that was signed.
Wasn't it like a 99-year lease or something like that?
That's right.
And by the way, we're getting old.
1949 to 2019?
That's a long time.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so they're about to lose that.
70 years.
They're about to lose that because of a treaty that was made before they were even born.
And through no fault of their own, and they don't appear to have any democratic means of resisting it.
It's really terrible, actually.
Well, like you said, if people think Tiananmen Square was bad, this is going to be explosive.
And like you said, they're amassing hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of armored vehicles, and showing drills on TV, saying they could invade in the next few weeks.
Yeah, I'm honestly really worried about what's going to happen.
I've been asking a lot of questions here, but the 20 minutes or so we have left, let's get into an issue that obviously affects everybody watching and listening to this, and that's censorship.
But I don't even call this censorship.
The documents we've gotten from Google and Facebook and others is it's total information management.
of what everybody can see.
And Eric Schmidt, the former head of Google, said, our future goal, he said this in 2013, 2014, is that you'll only get one search when you search something, the correct search that we decide you're supposed to get.
He said that on Charlie Rose, very... Really?
Yeah, it's very chilling.
And that's what horrifies me, is people think, oh, it's just Alex Jones, because I know I wasn't that important.
They chose me because they could demonize me, build a straw man, then when I got taken off the air,
People say, oh, that's just him, and then the precedent would be set, and the whole thing could collapse, and now the dominoes are all going down.
Well, that's the reason I'm here.
I mean, it was obviously unjust when you got tanked from absolutely every single platform in a matter of days.
And this, this was, it was obviously a coordinated...
An attack on your liberty, an attack on your free speech.
There's no question of it.
And if it can happen to you, it can happen to anyone.
You were the canary in the coal mine.
And then we're seeing it further and further.
I mean, like, Paul Joseph Watson got pulled off of Facebook and Instagram for an interview with Tommy Robinson from, like, three years ago, or something like this.
And then you get Stephen Crowder gets demonetized, his entire channel demonetized, just because
Some guy, Vox.com, didn't like him.
And it's like, that's not good enough.
That's not good enough.
YouTube even said that Crowder had done nothing wrong, but the Twitter mob put pressure on YouTube, and YouTube caved and said, well, we'll demonetize him.
And even then, that wasn't good enough.
Even then, they were still agitating to get his entire channel, his livelihood, taken away.
And that's the future that we're looking at, where YouTube caves to angry Twitter mobs.
That has to stop.
And expand on that, Facebook a few months ago, they added myself and Paul and a few others to that list, and they said they are the most banned, and you can only say their name or website if it's in a negative way to repudiate them.
And so they said, you can't even say their name or their website unless you're attacking them, so that's social engineering people to attack us.
Yeah, I'm probably going to get banned from Facebook for being on this.
So why did you do it?
Because I think it was the right thing to do.
I think it's wrong that you get... It appears to have been some kind of Silicon Valley collusion.
And we know that this goes on because Jack Conte blabbed in his interview with Dave Rubin that they do this.
And so you can essentially say, well, there is a cabal of people who are acting like a moral mafia who think that they get to be the ones who gatekeep who gets to speak and who doesn't.
And I don't think that's acceptable.
I think that has to change.
I mean, I'm actually on a Facebook watch list as well, because, and one of the things, and this was, again, just wonderful.
I had given a neutral representation of one of the Proud Boys, and that was considered to be favorable to the Proud Boys.
I was like, well, your very definition was, I gave them a neutral hearing, and you're calling that favorable coverage.
Then we can't even carry on, can we?
It's because they want to demonize the group, strawman them, and they don't want the real thing to be heard.
Well, I think it's more about parts and politics.
I think it's because we generally oppose the sort of radical left progressive consensus.
And they know it.
And they know that we've got a way of essentially undermining them by just speaking.
And if they can't win by speaking, they're going to have to win by force.
Because to them the ends justify the means.
You can hear this from like Tim Cook of Apple speaking.
How they've got an almost evangelical ethical agenda.
And you're so right.
Make no mistake.
That this is force, this is violence.
As Mao said, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Well, it's very violent to shut people out of the communication system.
It's very violent to do it in a concerted effort with a global social credit score where even the Chinese admit it's meant to starve you to death.
And make it where you can't walk two feet outside your door.
Those are quotes from the government.
If you don't submit to the behavior we want.
Well, even once you submit to that, now they can tighten the noose and make you submit to more and more and more.
So you have a lot of courage coming on the broadcast.
And I think it's fair to say, as I asked you this when I met you, I said, I'm a fan of yours.
I've asked you on for years.
You wouldn't come on.
Why is that?
And you explained it.
But then you said, but things have gotten so dark.
I've now got through the right thing, basically as a man, and stand up and say it's wrong because that's the moral thing to do.
Why don't you elaborate on what you said before you came on air?
No, no, that's exactly it.
I think that we can't play favorites now.
We can't, you know, turn up our noses just because we might not like personally what they say or the things they stand for.
I mean, this thing with the alt-right, the actual sort of far-right Nazi types, like, I've debated against all of them and I don't think any of them should be deplatformed.
It's better to have them in the daylight where we can see them and what they're saying and what they're doing.
So we can actually try and draw people away from their movement because if they're actually off somewhere else and we don't even know where they are, we don't know what they're saying, we don't know who they're talking to, we don't know how they're organising...
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise when terrible things happen.
It would be sensible for us to have these things in the light so we can say, look, this is how ridiculous they are.
And they can become fools.
And this actually happened in the UK as well.
So there was a very, very far-right party called the British National Party.
They were given a platform in 2011 on Question Time.
It's a big TV program in the UK.
And Nick Griffin was the leader of it.
Until then, he was kind of a shadowy figure.
Dark name.
Nobody really knew, you know.
But there was a kind of, ooh, an allure.
And then he went on Question Time and just got revealed to be the massive bigot that he was.
And it destroyed his party.
It destroyed them.
And that's what we need to do with essentially anything.
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I talk about this on the air and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were.
And I'd have doctors on
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified this election cycle.
There's a guy named Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
From InfoWars.
From InfoWars.
Alex Jones.
One of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
Alex Jones.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
Claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
The conspiracy du jour, Hillary Clinton is harboring a secret medical condition.
You just had to keep digging, didn't you, Alex?
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count stories.
That's according to website InfoWars.
And this really just is so disgusting.
The juice of these pickles is on you, Alex Jones.
It goes right from Alex Jones, and it shows up in Donald Trump's mouth.
Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.
The very fringe of the conspiracy movement, like Alex Jones, are being kind of incorporated into the campaign.
If Trump gets elected, he's gonna be Secretary of Defense.
I think that Alex Jones is a lunatic.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton's a rapist!
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
The New World Order sends its regards.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I don't mind people criticizing me.
That's why I wanted to say that on air.
But I don't want to split hairs, but the media will spin this.
To be clear, I really like what you say and do, and I understand that they can edit what I've said out of context.
If you do, you know, 30 hours of stuff a week, you're going to say some things, even when you're joking, that come off like a train wreck.
And certainly some of the things I've said are wrong or came out wrong with the years.
But I think what you were saying, honestly, was the caricature they created of you was so clownish.
The straw man that if I got involved with you that would taint me really trying to reach out to the intellectual class and successfully get them to come back to classical liberalism.
But now things have gotten so dark that it's time to throw my lot even in with the heretic because we're all the heretics now.
Yeah, there's no distinction being drawn.
I mean, this has been something that's been warned about for quite some time, but that's absolutely correct.
There is no distinction being drawn anymore.
You say that, you know, people can take you out of context and things like this.
Well, recently there was a website put up that was a deep, fake algorithm about Jordan Peterson that could very convincingly get him to apparently say whatever you wanted him to say.
Apparently it's a program because they've been putting my words in his mouth
And I saw this, and it was frightening.
The audio was him.
People were quite annoyed that Jordan Peterson was thinking about taking legal action, but in his position, I can see why he would be really upset by this and want to do something.
Megyn Kelly did that to me, but she took a real interview about her funding al-Qaeda and ISIS in the Middle East, and I said,
I don't know if she's really killing kids in basements, like they say, but I know that she's funded the groups that have gone and killed hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands of children, many of them raped to death, a little girl raped to death by a hundred men.
So I said Hillary Clinton is killing children.
She played that when she was still at Fox with the guy from the pizza place.
And said to him, what do you think of what he just said about you?
And of course the guy didn't know, but it was edited audio.
We have the video.
We put the raw video up and then showed how they'd edited it.
People flipped out, it got like 5 million views.
Here's the problem.
I'm off YouTube now.
So that's gone.
So now they're saying it again.
Think of the magnitude of that.
Control of information is a very important thing and you should be able to control the information that you put out.
So Megyn Kelly did a deep fake on me.
Well, no.
It wasn't done with a computer.
It was done by editing.
The term deepfake specifically means computer generated algorithm.
So we can't say that.
For that, it was just false editing.
It's just taking it out of context.
But isn't that an organic form of deepfake?
Well, yeah.
It's the same principle.
It's still a lie by omission.
Saying Trump said all Mexicans are criminals, he never said that.
He didn't say that, no.
It's still a lie.
It's still fake news, I mean, you know.
No, you're technically right, it's not a deep fake.
There's always different methods of creating fake news, and they're all pernicious.
Well, getting back to, like, say the Nazis.
It's come out in court that most of these Nazi groups, going back to Ellingham City in the mid-90s in Oklahoma, are actually run by the Southern Poverty Law Center, they're actually run by foundations.
Of the ten leaders, five of them at Charlottesville worked for Obama or Hillary the year before, and then suddenly they become Nazi leaders?
I mean, come on.
I don't know anything about that, but it is possible that they changed opinions and changed sides.
So I'm not going to rule it out, but I don't know anything about that.
Well, here's an example.
London Guardian reports that most of the Nazi attacks going on in the 90s and stuff, back when the Guardian was still real, were actually German secret police.
But they were staging false flags themselves.
Right, because you do get people like, there's a chap called Baked Alaska, who worked for BuzzFeed and was a leftist, and then joined the alt-right.
But the thing is, this harks back to a lot of what a lot of intellectuals were saying around the 1930s, is that there's not very much difference between a communist and a Nazi.
It's actually not a dramatic shift in ideology.
Well you're right, whenever I see, who's the guy that's the leader, and they said it's okay to punch a Nazi, and I don't agree with that, but what's his name?
I always forget his name.
Which one?
Richard Spencer?
Yeah, Richard Spencer.
He's basically a progressive, yeah.
I've seen interviews with him and he's like, I want National Socialism!
America sucks!
And he just sounds like a leftist.
Well, yeah, he wants, you know, universal health care and, you know, he doesn't want open borders, so I suppose that's one thing.
But yeah, in many ways he is very, very similar to a leftist.
I think he has actually called himself a progressive before.
In the interview I saw,
Yes, he's very daft.
Very posh.
Very soft.
I don't see how they were able to take you off some platforms already.
I think really it's down to efficacy.
I think if I had a platform of like five viewers or something, they wouldn't care.
I think it's the fact that I have a large audience.
But most importantly, I'm directly opposing progressivism as an ideology.
Because I think that is the root of the problems here.
Like the radical leftism that is slipped in under the guise of progressivism.
I think I'm quite effective at challenging this.
And I think that's the problem.
So, obviously, this is your day job now, but personally, when you started out and didn't know you'd get, you know, 50 million viewers a month or whatever, what were you doing then?
What made you get engaged?
What were you thinking this YouTube channel would do?
Honestly, I didn't have any plan for it whatsoever, which is why I ended up with the name Falcon of a Cat.
I was just... I'd been working for the government research councils in Britain.
And I lost that job for whatever reason, and I was unemployed and looking for other jobs, and I was just annoyed at the things I was seeing in the news.
And I thought, well, you know, I'd registered a YouTube account like three years prior just so I could follow some videos that I was interested in.
And so I thought, oh, I'll upload one and talk about the things I'm concerned about talking about.
And here we are.
That was that funny one you did about the humble, humble water filter emergency.
You're funny!
That wasn't my meme, I stole that.
But, man, when you did the gay frogs thing, I read through it and I was like, well, that's true.
That's actually a true thing.
The question wasn't whether it was turning the frogs gay, it was who was doing it and why.
And it was really corporate laziness, not like a government conspiracy.
But they're directly pushing to do this to young boys for depopulation.
Well, the radical left certainly are.
I don't know whether it's for depopulation, that's the thing.
Well, they're running around trying to chop young boys' balls off like, you know, the old-fashioned Native Americans wanted to have scalps.
Yes, yes.
The radical left actually do hate masculinity.
Let's talk about that some, because this war on masculinity, and it's not empowering women, what's behind it?
Where's it going?
Because the radical left has been... it's a feminist movement.
And they're very... they'll all call themselves feminists.
They're very open about it.
They think that masculinity is toxic.
They think it's the cause of the suffering that women have to endure.
And therefore the solution is to feminize men.
And that's actually not healthy for men.
It turns them... it turns them weird.
It makes them unhappy.
And also statistically...
Women really don't like that.
So all these women that have the liberal, beta-cuck husband, she's out having sex all day with the alpha males, and then meanwhile, now they even wear shirts that say, I'm a cuck.
That was at the recent Antifa protest in Portland.
He had a shirt that said, Bait a Cuck for Life.
That's unironically true.
There's actually clothing lies!
People thought it was a joke!
Yeah, but that is true.
That is absolutely true.
I mean, only 8% of America and roughly 9% of Britain are radical left-wing activists.
In my country, about 35% of people are actively opposed to feminism.
It's not that they're not feminists, it's that they oppose feminism.
There is a much broader section of the population that is opposed to this.
And part of it is, as you say, women are attracted to masculinity.
They do like masculine men.
They don't tend to go for feminine men.
I don't know why I have to say that.
It seems obvious, doesn't it?
But that's the reality of it.
And you can see by the polling,
And yet the feminists are not happy about this.
But the whole drive behind all of it is down to equality.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
There's a huge awakening happening!
There's a giant explosive time here, but at the same time, they're also now going to pure lies, pure demonization, saying we run demonstrations we have nothing to do with, saying we terrorized Austin, had gun scares going, zero involvement, saying I hate black people, saying I'm a drug dealer, saying I'm a just you name it.
In mainstream news, in concerted efforts, hundreds of articles per day.
Per day.
Maddow was in over 300 on Monday.
Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Austin American States when I got calls about it.
People going, you think we had a moon landing?
You're not involved in the Boston bombing.
Folks, you're talking hardcore.
In the past, they would just kill me.
But because of the info war, that would make me a martyr.
Plus, like shark teeth, I've got rows of people ready to replace me, okay?
And so, instead they are murdering who I am right now.
They are killing who Alex Jones is.
And look, Jesse Ventura has his problems politically.
I don't agree with him on quite a bit of things, but he did get politically assassinated.
You know, with the whole Chris Kyle thing.
They could pull similar things on me.
This is all a sign we're having a huge effect.
They wouldn't be doing all of this if we weren't hitting the Zeitgeist.
And InfoWars is growing exponentially right now.
So I want to give you kind of the state of the InfoWars union here.
I don't know.
They're going to strike back a bunch of ways.
I'm going to be doing some special reports that go through how they're doing this, but the model, because of total totalitarianism in China, they admit this in Australia, the US, you name it, the model for internet censorship is going to be phased in, Chinese-style net censorship.
Net IDs, net taxes, three strikes and you're out, net rules.
But before they get to that, they're going to phase in, it started, starts this, next year, just, you know, ten days or so, or less, I guess, nine days.
In China, and they're already lining up with Facebook, Google, all of them agreeing with China, Microsoft, to implement these systems where China already does it, and then they beta test there and then bring it here.
And our story's on DrugsReport.com, we do a document cam over here.
And of course, Drudge gets how incredibly important this is.
We've been mentioning this for the last few months, but now it's hit critical mass because the Chinese have released the full details.
Everything you do, everything you do in China, from your credit score, to what you buy, to discount cards, to your internet records, to what you say on social networks, is integrated into an algorithm.
And if you criticize the government basically once,
You can't even buy or sell.
You can't get a hotel.
You can't travel.
I notice all this is being phased in here with the IRS saying, if we start auditing you or don't even start an investigation, you can't fly.
Internal checkpoints.
I mean, it's on, folks!
So, Europe's doing the same thing.
This is all being brought in.
It's being implemented.
I mean, this is classical tyranny.
It's here.
And again, the Supreme Court Justice told Drudge, next year, they're coming for you.
And then they have the heads of the FCC, and yeah, we're coming for your free speech, talk radio, internet, you name it.
I mean, because they can't beat us, folks.
They're flaming tyrants.
They're flaming crooks, annihilating our country, spying on us illegally, opening our borders, having the Border Patrol complete the smuggling process.
I mean, this is the globalist offensive.
This is the war against America.
And globally there's a world awakening.
So they know in algorithms, and they admit this, that revolutions are coming just because food prices in the third world have gone up past 50%.
They know at that point riots start.
They already have their operators ready to steer the revolutions into radical Al Qaeda, radical ISIS, radical al-Nusra, Saudi Arabian driven.
Same thing here.
They're going to have a big communist kill the cops, shoot the cops, burn the cities.
They're gonna let them do it, order the cops to stand down, and then say, cops, it's your fault, capitulate, go under U.N.
I mean, it's on, folks.
You are witnessing a real coup.
100% what I'm telling you is happening.
Now, I knew this was coming, but to see it actually happen is so bold, is so over the top, that I get why people just can't believe it.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
I think so.
We're good to go.
I mean, again, men can't have babies, but there's this mental illness where they go, oh look, this man's having a baby, but it's a woman that transitioned, said she was a man, still had a uterus, and then has a baby, and we're all supposed to just go along with the mental illness.
Yeah, and they've actually declassified transgenderism as a mental illness now.
It used to be that gender dysphoria was a mental illness, but they decided, well, if we recategorize it out of the category of mental illness, then it's not a mental illness.
Well, here's an example.
If I get depressed, which I'm not going to do, hypothetically, you start cutting my fingers off with a hatchet, they're going to put me in a mental institution.
But if I wanted to go and have my balls chopped off...
That would be very progressive.
And, you know, have my junk sliced up.
And that would be, oh beautiful!
Or the trans-abled people that want bleach poured in their eyes to be blind.
And then we've got to pay for them!
It's very progressive.
It's all about breaking down barriers, because all of these barriers are a form of oppression, you see?
Because if you can't become a woman, but you want to become a woman, then you're being oppressed.
Nature is oppressing you.
And if we can do something about that, we can philosophically change it, so trans women are women, we can physically change your body using... Surgeries that are not even...
They're experimental, and drugs that have not yet been tested.
I think it was Channel 4 or BBC, they put out a documentary about transgenderism in the UK, and in the documentary they just openly admitted that, yeah, these drugs have not been tested, but they just switched to the 16-year-old child who was taking the drugs, and they were like, yeah, I'm happy to do it, I'm going to do it anyway.
It's like, are we really allowing the government to get... Well, let's expand on that.
Just six, seven years ago, everybody laughed at South Park, where, you know, the guy wants to be a dolphin, but he's not really a dolphin.
Now it's LGBT everywhere.
They're saying no, sex with children is normal and the news is... Hang on a minute.
So not all of them are saying that.
Some of them are saying that, but...
Yeah, you are right.
So Salon.com published I think it was two or three articles from someone called a virtuous paedophile who is advocating that this was actually a sexual identity and there have been lots of academics who have said this is actually a natural sexual identity and not some kind of mental disease.
So there is a push towards normalization in that regard.
And if you look at pride parades now, they seem to be turning into fetish parades.
And they say, oh, little kids can handle it, and then they have books from Australia to the U.S.
in the library that teach six-year-olds how great oral sex is.
That's a pedophilic book.
Yeah, that is.
And that's actually something that happened, people.
And yeah, the slippery slope seems to be greased up and really, really, really long.
So in closing here...
Fascinating to have you on, and looking at all this, if you go back to the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot, or you go back to other fascistic communist movements, they would just go in, when Lenin took over, he'd go into the small towns and medium-sized cities and kill the doctors, kill the intellectuals, because even if they said, yeah, we support you, they still didn't trust them because they could be leaders, and they also killed off most of the Russian
We're good to go.
The fact that you could afford glasses meant they were going to kill you, and they killed up to a third of the population.
And so that's what I see this censorship as.
Anybody intellectual that's really changing minds, anybody that's really having an effect, whether they be conservative, Christian, liberal, whatever, if they're outside the main corporate system, they're going to be silenced, and even WhatsApp.
And all these text messaging things.
Just three months ago, when we got banned using my name on Facebook and Paul, they said, CNN went, we want to see if he's on WhatsApp.
We're looking at the accounts, so they're inside the stuff, so we can stop Jones from sending private messages.
So they want to go down to the level, like we always say, what's next?
AT&T listens to what I'm saying with AI and says I can't say it?
Facebook and all of them are already doing it and admitting
They're not just listening to you with the assistant inside your house, they are now listening to the messages you send, they are now reading what you say and not letting you do it in real time, and quote, having real humans flag it and watch it in real time in your phone.
So see, they're just light-yearing out, trying to go so far with the Overton window, that no matter how hard we battle back, they've so fundamentally overturned reality and civilization, that we're down a rat hole.
What I find really amazing about it is how transparent the political agenda is, because you'll see people like Susan Wojcicki going on certain YouTube channels to be interviewed by them, and not others, obviously.
And then you'll see people like yourself, and it's always, always of a particular bent.
You know, Gavin McInnes, you know, myself.
It's always people in a certain particular sphere who get deplatformed.
And then if you just think about it, murderers have Facebook accounts.
They don't get too platformed for being murderers.
They still have their Facebook accounts.
Pedophiles have Facebook accounts.
Terrorists... ISIS!
Yeah, ISIS have Facebook accounts.
It's like actual people who have done really terrible things actually have Facebook... But they're not thought criminals!
But they're not thought criminals.
So let me ask you this question.
What do you think government should do?
Because I don't believe in government involvement in things.
I'm a libertarian.
Except, except when you have corporations working in tandem as combines, like tech, bigger than most countries individually together, more powerful than probably even the US, and they are
Censoring people, they are manipulating the general info that the public can get, and they're abusing that power, and they have a monopoly section in law here, section 230, where they are seen as a utility, so they don't have liability.
What I want is a First Amendment that doesn't take rights, but enshrines them and guards them, and is a prohibition on the exact gang mentality control that we now see unfolding.
There is a very strong libertarian argument to not have the government be involved.
Because, you know, the argument goes something like, well, ten years ago Google was nothing, so, you know, and then, you know, where's MySpace, where are these other platforms now?
But I think that the, as you say, the Section 280 has been manipulated, not manipulated, taken advantage of for a political agenda.
And the scope of these companies has become so big
And they have been masquerading as platforms when really they are publishers.
It is kind of irresponsible for us to not do something because we are seeing the actual political disintegration of Western countries.
And it probably is because of social media.
I mean, Jack Dorsey looks like he's a monk.
He looks like he spends his time in the desert meditating on how he has screwed the West.
Because of Twitter?
I mean, and Twitter is ruining the political class.
Like the Daily Beast, one of these journalistic outlets, they actually, internal documents were leaked, where the CEOs of it were recommending that they stop using Twitter.
Just stop using Twitter.
Because it's doing damage to the mental health of the people on it.
It puts them in this war mode, where they're constantly fighting the enemy.
You know, you're the right wingers of the enemy.
We're the good guys.
So we're just in this constant war footing.
And it really is driving a wedge.
And people get radicalized on social media.
They know it.
And it's one of those things where if you're taking the opposition off, then you're going to get all one side.
And so you can't... And it's going to radicalize fast?
You can't help it.
And so I don't like to have to say, well, the government is going to have to do something.
But I think that revoking the Section 280 protections and making them publishers rather than platforms is probably the easiest, simplest, and least intrusive thing to do.
And remember two years ago, Jack Dorsey was quoted in a newspaper interview, he said, yeah, I said that, saying, I'm not one side, I mean, I'm not two-sided, I'm not fair.
We need to have war.
We need to crush these people.
You pull up the actual quote.
But it was very similar to that.
And there's a couple of Matt Taibbi articles about myself and the censorship.
A year ago, where he actually got it right, censorship does not end well was one, beware the slippery slope of Facebook censorship was the other.
And he exposes, and I'll say it again, a year after we did here, because we're the conspiracy theorists, that the Atlantic Council was already there, but it was a group of CIA and NSA high-level former directors and others.
When Obama left, he funded billions of dollars into a, quote, group to fight the Russians.
But then they just took that money and purposed it to go after myself and others to set the precedent.
And so Trump has a stay-behind network group, and it's all in here, the Atlantic Council, with people still in government and out of government that are operating mutinously against Trump.
He even gets the quotes together that we've played here on air of the Senators and Congressmen saying, I want all right-wingers off.
Banning Alex Jones isn't enough.
There's thousands of sites that are just as bad.
Senator Blumenthal, Wyden, Murphy.
They've said, getting rid of Jones is key to saving America.
These are quotes.
And so, these Matt Taibbi articles aren't Alex Jones.
I told you this before.
They are, Taibbi explaining, this is already the government, but a faction of the government is giving clearance, they believe, to Big Tech and giving them orders.
So this group was already giving them orders, okay?
Well, we don't even need to go to the government either.
The worst thing is, this can happen without government intervention.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWorks.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
As we saw with Steven Crowder and Carlos Maza of Vox, who's now left Vox, but it was Carlos's insistence that he didn't like Steven Crowder making jokes about him calling him a lispy queer.
Even though that guy calls himself a queer.
He does.
Yes, he does.
But Stephen Crowder was mocking him, and Carlos Maza didn't like that, and so he complained on Twitter to YouTube, and YouTube said, well, he hasn't actually broken the terms of service, and the Twitter mob got louder and angrier, and so they demonetized his entire platform.
Millions of subscribers.
He's got an entire team behind it that supports his entire business model, and they were like, no, we're going to demonetize it.
And that business model had been investing in Twitter and making it its hub for years.
And so it's a form of robbery that Twitter said, oh, you're not breaking the rules for all these years.
And then when a Twitter mob, a bunch of people with torches and pitchforks, when they come, you lose it all.
And that's another great example.
The New York Times leaked.
It's worse than that.
It's like now Crowder has to work for free.
Now he can't stop doing his job, and so now he has to work for free.
He doesn't have another platform to go to.
And it's all on the say of one of his political enemies.
It's not that he broke the rules.
He didn't.
And that's only phase one.
Because next they'll just destroy him completely unless his listeners support him and create their own base.
But let me bring this up.
That was the request, actually, that he was completely deplatformed.
But sorry, go on.
No, you're right.
And we'll close with this and let you finish.
Remember two weeks ago, the New York Times leaked information that came out that the head of the New York Times was telling people, hey, Twitter, you can't do what they say anymore.
There was a headline saying Trump says America must come together and he condemned white supremacism after the tragedy in El Paso.
And Twitter got mad about that, attacked the New York Times.
They got scared, pulled the headline down and began apologizing.
And he said, listen, we changed the headline within an hour.
You shouldn't give these mobs the power.
I agree it made him look too good.
We won't do that anymore.
We're going to shift from Russia to race.
But be slicker about it, and stop giving the outrage mobs all the power, because they're making you sound wild.
This is a 74-page transcript, or 74-minute, excuse me, but it's a long transcript, and I read the whole damn thing.
And he's trying to read between the lines so it's not obvious, but a few times it comes right out and says it.
Just calling him a Nazi isn't working.
We need to subtly destroy him with the race thing, but stop letting Twitter radicalize you to the point of where you sound like an idiot.
And it's so telling, just what you said about Twitter and this hysteria, which then produces the Four Horsemen, which are super unpopular and are destroying the Democratic Party.
They can't help themselves, so it's a black hole of hysteria.
That's true.
I like calling this squad the Four Horsemen.
That's the Four Horsewomen, I suppose.
That's really good.
But no, you're absolutely right.
The New York Times headline was Trump versus Trump.
That was exactly it.
Trump suggests unity against racism or something like this.
But the problem with that is obviously it dichotomizes Trump against racism and they're trying to include him in the definition of racism.
He is the racist in chief as far as they're concerned.
If they dichotomize him against racism, then that makes him look good.
But that was an accurate description of what he had done.
He had said, no, that white supremacy, neo-Nazis, it's all bad, we reject it completely.
And that wasn't good enough, because that completely undermines the Twitter mob's power to coerce.
My oldest daughter went to a football game.
She's 15.
And she has a lot of friends, and she's popular.
But she went from one school to another, and kids walked over and said, you're Alex Jones' daughter?
Why does he deny the Holocaust and hate Jewish?
And my daughter just said, you know, you're just believing fake news and walked off.
But that's the level of the brainwashing.
Yeah, yeah.
So, how do people find you?
How do they find your work if they weren't already a listener or viewer?
And have you moved to build your own website to back everything up?
Because as Matt Drudge said in the studio four years ago, this was all coming.
He said, we've got to decentralize.
I am working on decentralizing.
There is Alt Tech.
Which exists now.
So there are platforms like Bitshoot, Telegram, Gab.ai, which I have a presence on all of those.
And they're very easy to find.
You can just search Sargon of Akkad and I'll be the first results.
Just like I used to be on Google before my MEP campaign.
I was the first result on Google if you typed in Sargon of Akkad.
I'd usurped the position of the historical one.
But now you can't actually find my YouTube channel or videos that way.
You have to type in Sargon of Akkad YouTube specifically.
To be able to find my channel.
And then when you go on YouTube, you have to actually go to my channel to find my videos.
You can't actually get the videos up if you just do a search.
A lot of the videos people post of me doing interviews, they're not even listed now when somebody else puts them up.
That's right.
Think about how, again, how dangerous that is that whether it's InfoWars.com or Breitbart.com or DrudgeReport.com.
I used to search stuff on Drudge on Google and I was trying to search his newsfeed the other day because he tweeted out some very interesting stuff and I had to dig around and so
If you search Alex Jones, it's three pages down at the bottom.
It used to be at the top.
Oh yeah.
Three pages until you find me, what I'm actually saying.
Yeah, same here.
They manipulate their search results.
And you can see this, anyway, go to a search engine like DuckDuckGo, and search in Hillary Clinton, and then just see what the recommended fill-in and the search is, and then do the same on Google and see what comes up.
You'll see the difference.
It's just so amazing.
And then they get before Congress and they say, we've never manipulated one search result in our history, then all their internal documents admit they're doing it.
Yeah, they are.
Absolutely, they are.
There are loads of whistleblowers, there's loads of Project Veritas videos catching them and, you know, saying they did it.
Mike Cernovich will ship a document about me, where Google hired a third-party contractor to attack my name, spam people to drive my name down.
I can believe it.
I can absolutely believe it.
I mean, one of the things that we saw on Twitter the other day, after the death of Jeffrey Epstein, was the trending hashtag, Clinton body count.
And lo and behold, that disappeared within a few hours, and a different one replaced it, Trump body count.
And if you search for it, you could find accounts where they were just spamming, bots spamming tweets with Trump body count, Trump body count.
He's filling the tweet, in a chain of tweets just to get... Don't they get that once people see that they wake up?
We're going to go get dinner.
The crew's been here late.
This has been an amazing interview, but I got to say this.
Gut level, I think they've miscalculated.
I think this is going to really absolutely overturn the left.
I think it's going to destroy the corporate globalism.
I think there's going to be a new system that comes out of this.
I think it's going to be very, very dangerous.
It's going to be a very tumultuous time.
But at a gut level, I think classical liberalism is going to come back in in the near future.
And I think it's going to be populist and nationalist.
Well, let's hope so.
I don't even want to think about the future.
I just want to think about what's right in front of my face because, my God, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.
It's been a really wild few years.
We've just got to keep doing what we're doing.
We must have some effect, and we must be doing something right, otherwise they wouldn't pay any attention to us.
Alright, good to have you here, glad you came to the United States, and let's go get something to eat!
Alright folks, that's it for this
Extended transmission.
We taped this, but I'm gonna add a lot of documents and articles and clips to it, obviously, that you just saw.
But this guy's great, and I'm glad that he came in here to cavort with the Central Texas Command Center, where you find the original patient zero of modern heretics.
We're very proud to be that.
So thank you all for your views and for all your support.
Without you, we would not be here.
Tomorrow's news, today.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted, over 240 years ago, that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the Communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago, and we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president,
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
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It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake, it's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The high court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alex Jones, everyone else like Davos would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
You can't watch this!
The movie available now at InfowarsStore.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well... I'm happy to announce...
I am now officially tied with Beto O'Rourke for the Democrat presidential nomination at 0%.
So Beto and I both pulling at 0% right now, but Beto is still in the race.
And if he's not doing a weird video where he is having dental work done, or failing to fix a flat tire, or his dog looks like an abuse victim, or he's shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth,
Now he's trying to cook a burger even though he says climate change is going to end the world in 10 years and you can't eat cows.
He's going to cook a cow.
And by the way, he's going to use a metal spatula on a nonstick pan.
You don't do that.
But here's Beto cooking a burger in his latest publicity stunt, PanderFest 2020, and Alex Jones responding to the Beto burger.
Well, the chosen one, Beto O'Rourke, was supposedly the guy that was going to beat Donald Trump.
But really, he was just one more plastic, wooden, phony person that the establishment tried to give superstar status to, even though he didn't have one ounce of charisma in him.
He's just like their whole New World Order system.
Everything about it is sicky-sweet, packaged, and full of hype.
But because it's coming from soulless parasites, it never really has a connection to us.
It falls on deaf ears.
Only the dumbest, willful slaves that serve the Democratic Party's lies, that believe they're gonna get all this free goodies from socialism and globalism, buy into it.
But as soon as Beto falls, they've just moved on
The next supposed savior.
But his latest event, trying to look human, trying to look like a regular person, really blew up in his face, bigger than anything.
It went viral in a way he certainly is not happy about.
Post began to point out, as he sat there and supposedly grilled hamburgers, that he wasn't grilling them, he was cooking them on a no-stick pan on a regular stovetop, and that the cheese wasn't properly melted.
And he did it in a very, you know, bizarre, halting, strange way.
Clearly not comfortable in his element, never done it before.
But that's not the issue.
It's that he puts it on an English muffin, and
He begins to pant and say, look, that's not at all like he's a space alien that's visited the planet for the first time and is going through a human custom of hamburgers.
But he's not a space alien.
He's not a robot.
He is a social climber.
He is clearly a sociopath, probably a psychopath, that does these little so-called human rituals to try to trick you so he can get up close to you.
All he's ever done is study how to manipulate because he's so disingenuous.
He is a hollow man.
So we'll play the audio for you, show you some of the tweets.
You can laugh at these, but it's really, really serious because not just in Texas, but anywhere, a real burger is not cooked on a stovetop on a no-stick pan.
It's flame-broiled.
Everybody knows that.
Or it's cooked over charcoal or over gas.
You know, you melt the cheese.
You know, you don't ever put beef or anything else on an English muffin.
The way it's all crumpled just looks like he's escaped from a lunatic asylum.
But the so-called superclass isn't really a superclass.
They've been put there by the real powerful institutional wealth that's completely removed from humanity.
To just be their rearguard action while they develop their breakaway civilization.
So that's food for thought.
Back to Owen Schroer and his special guest right here at InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, look.
Apparently Beto needs four different nonstick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin.
With two slices of broccoli or two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human.
Everything that Beto's been up to.
But you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers.
And it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
You may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot, probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo, and so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli, and he's flatulating more than a cow on the other side of a fence that AOC is standing on crying.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
It's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com, it's got the probiotics, it's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So, whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
Beto, still campaigning, though polling at 0% because, well, he's making money.
And that's what the whole thing has been about from the beginning.
At an event this week, he was asked about late-term abortions, and here is what Beto had to say.
And someone asked you specifically about third trimester abortions and you said that it's a decision left up to the mother.
So my question is this.
I was born September 8th, 1989 and I want to know if you think on September 7th, 1989 my life had no value.
Of course I don't think that and of course I'm glad that you're here.
But you referenced my answer in Ohio and it remains the same.
This is a decision that neither you nor I nor the United States government should be making.
That's a decision for the woman to make.
We want her to have
The best possible access to care and to a medical provider, and I'll tell you the consequence of this attack on women's right to choose.
And I listened to you and I heard your question, I'm answering it.
And the attack on Roe v. Wade, which we thought was the settled law of the land, and lest we had any illusion
That the achievements that we've made are protected forever or that progress is inevitable.
That has been shattered right now and I want to tell you some of the consequences of this.
In my home state of Texas, thanks to these trap laws that make it harder for providers to offer the full spectrum of reproductive care.
More than a quarter of our family planning clinics have closed.
And it has made us one of the epicenters of this maternal mortality crisis because not only can you not get safe legal access to an abortion, you cannot get access to a cervical cancer screening, or a family planning provider, or an estate that refused to expand Medicaid, any provider at all, and we are losing the lives of women.
It's an interesting paradigm that the left has currently when it comes to the value of life.
It seems that the value of a life
If a woman wants to have an abortion the day before the baby is born, that life doesn't have as much value because the political leverage is saying that the woman has that right.
So that's just inside the mind of the average Democrat.
So instead of having a real conversation on abortion and what should be legal, what shouldn't, we have Democrats just looking for leverage for votes and having no real idea or concept of the value of life.
Thomas Jefferson predicted, over 240 years ago, that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago, and we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president,
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
I've got some extremely important news to cover here.
That could be a landmark decision when it comes to big pharmaceutical companies manufacturing copious mass amounts of pills and then because the agenda is to sell them, that becomes the number one priority and not consumer safety.
And so,
A decision has been made today in Oklahoma.
An Oklahoma judge has just ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $572 million when it comes to their role in the opioid epidemic that has hit Oklahoma.
Now, in Oklahoma alone, I believe,
It's either in Oklahoma alone or just across the United States.
There are 1,500 pending cases that are similar that have already been filed in court.
I know that these expand to at least 48 states right now in the United States of America.
Other drug corporations are going to be looked into when it comes to this.
And you're going to start seeing massive fines, I think, being doled out.
But how do we know that these fines are even fair if we don't know how much these companies are profiting off the sale of opioids?
Half a billion dollars might just be a drop in the bucket.
But this is a landmark decision that could be used against other big pharmaceutical manufacturers in the near future.
And so
How is this going to be reported, though, when you have all of these mass shootings and the guns get demonized, but it turns out every mass shooter was also on some sort of pharmaceutical drug, either an SSRI or even an opioid.
But I forget the numbers.
The CDC came out two or three years ago.
Opioids, painkiller prescription drugs, are responsible for more deaths in the United States than heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, crystal meth, combined.
And these are legally sold to you.
But then the other things get demonized, which sure, fine, nobody should go out and waste their life away shooting heroin on the street, but do we not now look at these opioids and say, well, maybe it's not heroin, but there are some serious negative side effects that can be life-altering and you can never come back?
Here's some of the numbers from the CDC.
They even say opioids are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths.
But how many public service announcements do you see on television about opioids?
Not many, if any at all.
How many advertisements do you see for the big pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and distribute the opioids?
Well, well.
They're pretty much paying the salaries of most of these television news hosts.
What am I talking about?
Well, if you tune in to any cable news program or just news program in general, the odds are likely during a commercial break you're going to see an ad for a pharmaceutical pill.
They are paying millions and millions of dollars.
To get those advertisements in front of their potential consumers.
But then what happens?
You'll also see an ad saying, marijuana's bad for you.
Well, I'm not gonna comment on the positive or negative effects of marijuana, but it's not killing you like the opioids are.
And while it is now becoming a billion dollar industry that it's been legalized in some states, it's nowhere near
The industrial giant that big pharmaceutical is.
And by the way, you don't even take into account... I'll tell you, I'm somebody that never... When I was in high school, I played sports, and I tried a painkiller one time, and it made me vomit.
I never tried them again.
Never was into pills, so...
I mean, even when I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was in high school, I didn't even want to take the painkillers then.
I just recently had some dental work done.
They gave me a bunch of painkillers again.
They're sitting in my cabinet.
I didn't even take one.
But nobody thinks about what happens, what do people do with those pharmaceutical pills?
Well, a lot of it ends up as chemical runoff and gets into the food supply and gets into the water supply.
Most people don't know about, I think it's the CDC that runs it, they do a unused drug grab, basically, where you can return your unused pharmaceutical pills to be properly disposed of.
Most people don't even know that that goes on.
They end up flushing them, throwing them in the garbage, whatever you want to say.
And so that just leads to more
Problems in the environment, but nobody wants to talk about that why because again big pharmaceutical companies are paying Essentially for the salaries of all these news hosts It's the DEA.
Thank you DEA allows return of unused medications to pharmacies But who's actually taking advantage of that?
It's very low number But guns get demonized and
Street drugs get demonized.
I'm not even saying whether it's fair or not.
I'm just saying, why don't these companies get demonized to the same extent?
The answer is, they pay for the news.
It's a pretty simple formula.
Let me just give an example.
Again, I'm just giving an example.
I'm not even saying that this is actually happening.
But let's say that you're about to host a Fox News show.
Let's say Sean Hannity's about to host a Fox News show.
Number one rated show on cable news and he wants to cover about how every mass shooter is linked to SSRI drugs.
And he's got stories in front of him.
Producer comes over.
The higher-ups come over and they say, sorry, Sean.
You can't cover that.
He says, well, why not?
Well, we're gonna run 10 pharmaceutical ads
Many of which produce the pills that you're going to be negatively covering during your show today.
So that's just not very self-serving.
You see how that works?
And my guess is that, again, I'm just using this as an example.
I'm not saying this happens to Hannity or directly at Fox News, but my guess is that host with their million-dollar contract is probably going to say, OK.
But you see, that's why InfoWars
There's not a million-dollar contract for me at InfoWars because we don't take million-dollar ad buys from big pharmaceutical companies.
We're not bought and paid for.
We're bought and paid for by the audience independently through grassroots movements supporting us at InfoWarsStore.com.
So that's the difference.
That's why I can come on here and tell you that Johnson & Johnson, one of the biggest pharmaceutical manufacturers, has just been told to pay half a billion dollars in fines for an opioid lawsuit, which is just going to be the beginning.
This is just going to be the beginning.
But really, and this is kind of really advanced stuff,
That somebody needs to do a very detailed report on from inside the pharmaceutical industry or from inside the insurance industry because I don't know how these big pharmaceutical companies are getting away with this but
Essentially what happens is they manufacture these pills and then the end user ends up buying a bottle of pills for like a dollar or two dollars.
But that's just to make them seem cheap and easily available.
It's really costing the end user thousands of dollars.
They just don't see it because it's all going through insurance.
So Big Pharmaceutical manufactures all these pills.
They have to distribute them.
They pay for the TV advertisements.
Insurance companies then pay for it, which you're forced to pay for.
And so then you're like, oh wow, I'm getting a cheap drug for a dollar.
You're already paying for it through mandatory insurance, hand over fist, and then you're not allowed to talk about it on TV News.
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Oh, thanks.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high-quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on the toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil, or the turmeric, or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's okay.
Thanks for the support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
So here's the problem when government mandates you to buy something or patronize an industry.
The industry or
The company that you're forced to patronize gets so big, so fat, so out of control, everybody wants to get their hands in that market to enrich themselves.
And they know that the government is going to mandate that the population are forced to have this service or insurance, for this example.
And so what happens?
Drug manufacturers, drug distributors, and the insurance companies all end up working together trying to get a piece of that pie.
And so, yeah, they make it seem like you're getting a cheap drug when you go to the counter to pick up your prescription, but you've already paid for it hand over fist with all the mandated insurance.
And so then the drug companies know that, so they manufacture as many drugs as possible, knowing they can push them out, knowing they can give doctors kickbacks, knowing that they can lie about the side effects, or at least not be fully transparent about what they know.
In this latest case with Johnson & Johnson, they say that the company was not fully honest about the risk of addiction.
And so, this Johnson & Johnsonist case is just going to be a mile marker and I think the first domino to fall as in 48 different states, I believe it is now, with other companies being looked at like Purdue, Teva, distributors like McKesson Corp and Cardinal Health,
See, they're all just part of a corrupt drug system, big pharmaceutical system, that has so much money systematically going to it through government mandates that they're just trying to get their hands on as much of it as possible.
So maybe this is finally going to stop because people are finally aware of it, people are seeing the negative side effects of
The big pharmaceutical company drugs, specifically the opioid epidemic, which is now responsible for more deaths in the United States than heroin and meth and cocaine and marijuana, all the street drugs combined.
Opioids, number one.
But hey, it's like the same thing.
Hey, it's okay that opioids are the number one cause of death through drugs because it's government mandated, baby.
It's all good.
The government said it's okay, so no worries.
But no, oh, that illegal drug, like marijuana, that you just maybe smoke and veg out in your parents' basement playing video games, that's the big crime.
That guy that sold it to you, that's the guy that needs to get brought down.
Not the billions and billions of dollars Big Pharmaceutical is raking in every year with the most deadly drugs out there, mandated through government insurance.
No, no, no, no, no.
You gotta stop that guy from selling that plant that grows out of the ground.
That's the problem.
Of course, that's just one example, but that's how the story goes.
But I think that the story is not going to go that way much longer.
And by the way, you notice something too.
Again, it's like, where is the logical thinking here amongst the public?
We have more drugs out there, pharmaceutical drugs out there, than ever before.
I mean, you can get prescribed anything.
For anything.
You got anxiety.
You got a weird thought in your head.
Everything prescription, prescription, prescription.
But notice, mental health is getting worse.
General health is getting worse.
So as big pharmaceutical companies get bigger and bigger and bigger and more distributed to the average citizen, notice that the health is getting worse.
So health goes down, big pharmaceutical goes up.
I think Americans are finally starting to see the picture and the lawsuits are coming.
Robert Moritz, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And they'll become the big tech oligarchs, the equivalent to the big trusts of the 19th century, who ran American politics and ran American economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
The Infowars audience is the fuel that flames the light of liberty across the world.
To make real the actions of independent free speech, to make real the original promise of an independent free press, real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shake people's thoughts.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
And I'm joined by Count Dankula in studio now for the remainder of The Alex Jones Show.
We've got an hour left and we're going to open up the phone lines right now.
Any questions you have for Count Dankula, we will take your calls for our guest, who is staying in town in Austin.
And we got a lot more content coming out with him.
Jeffrey Epstein is dead.
His victims still deserve justice.
This had to come out today, guys.
I don't know why this... Sometimes printing is weird.
They put wrong dates on here.
Anyway, the point is, as we were saying yesterday, this Epstein story seems to kind of transcend the lines of politics, the two-party partisan politics that everybody's been divided on.
People want the truth about Epstein's pedophile island, and they want these victims to have justice.
This was one of the few things that's happened in the last few years that actually unified everyone regardless of their political persuasion.
Everyone was united in this and no one's buying for a second that he committed suicide.
I'm not buying it.
Yeah, there's just no possible way and all the informed people are saying so.
In fact,
Justice Department's Inspector General is still trying to investigate the quote-unquote circumstances of Mr. Epstein's death in federal custody.
Yeah, we both agreed either they switched him out, faked his death, put him in witness protection, or somehow, some way, some shadow powerful group was able to get people from inside and outside to just cover the whole thing up and kill him.
Yeah, exactly.
And it was done to protect other people that were connected to Epstein.
They knew their fat was about to go in the fryer.
So they wanted rid of him.
And a lot of people want to blame the Clintons.
I'm not saying that... I mean, the Clinton body count is a real thing.
All the weird coincidences with all the suicides of people they know.
I don't think I have one friend that's committed suicide.
So the Clintons have 20, but...
This story, to me, we cannot let it go away.
And I just don't see enough energy coming from the Trump administration.
Because to me, I mean, who pulls this off, right?
Who has the means?
Who has the whereabouts, the power, the will?
To be able to murder this guy in front of everyone's face in a max security prison and then have the media say, oh it was suicide, don't ask any questions.
Like seriously, people need to know, who has that kind of power?
What is this shadow government that's able to pull this off?
I have absolutely no idea.
I just know it was... There was people that had a huge invested interest on getting him out of the picture, shutting him up.
There was people that absolutely wanted him gone, and the fact that he was taken off, even though it was, I think it was three weeks beforehand he attempted suicide, and then just three weeks later, three days before it actually happened, I think he was taken off Suicide Watch.
That, that stinks.
That, that absolutely stinks.
And here's the thing too, even if he's taken off Suicide Watch,
I mean, you would think somebody inside of this jail has enough brains to say, hey, this is still a guy that people want dead?
This is still a guy who is going to be in a very important piece of a major investigation into a huge industrial sex trafficking pedophile ring.
Let's keep an eye on this individual.
Cameras all go out.
Every camera in the building goes out apparently now.
Every security guard on site sleeping.
I mean, it's just like, who buys that?
One of the things as well, don't quote me on this, but I believe I read somewhere that one of the lawyers who was representing Epstein's victims actually came out and says, I believe he's going to be killed.
Oh yeah, that was about a month before the death too.
They said, yeah, people are... Well, I mean, in his black book you've got multiple royalties, you've got... I mean, in fact, Leo Zegami went through the little black book that got released
We're good to go.
This is the thing, everyone sort of made fun of the whole idea, didn't they, where they say, oh, you know, the elite, Peter Phil rings and stuff like that.
You know, you get Peter Phil rings on every single level.
Just because someone is rich doesn't mean that they're not going to be that way inclined.
So I don't understand why so many people were scoffing at the idea.
I mean, we had an extreme case as well.
You obviously heard about Jimmy Savile.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, we had something like that and it turns out there was even people who were like kids TV presenters that were kind of connected to that as well.
We had like Rolf Harris and all that and these are the type of people that people would usually scoff and laugh at the idea of you accusing them of that but then it all came out unfortunately after Savile died that all of it was true.
So I don't understand why people are scoffing at it yet.
Almost every year now we have a new scandal involving powerful people being involved in paedophile rings.
It's almost like it's so nasty.
It's almost like it's so...
Harmful to just humanity that people just want to deny it.
You know, it's like denying you have cancer or something.
I'm more annoyed for the girls, Epstein's victims, because they are not going to get justice and a lot of them possibly wouldn't have been victims if the police had intervened sooner.
If the police had actually done their job and intervened sooner, then the victim list would not be anywhere near as big.
And look at the lack of coverage from the mainstream media.
I mean, they made a big deal out of a helium balloon head, Christine Blasey Ford, making up stories about Judge Kavanaugh.
Literally, it was like a whole week or two.
Total mainstream media focus and real victims with a convicted pedophile don't get a minute of TV coverage today.
Yeah, they're not interested in speaking to them because they're not interested in what they have to say.
This is the funny thing is Epstein would probably be considered the original Me Too movement because you were getting underage girls coming out all the time.
All the time, accusing this man of, he molested me, I was underage, I was pressured into sex.
Nobody done anything about it.
Now, whenever there's a modern Me Too, you know, if it involves, you know, some great big Hollywood person, or some other actor, you know, the media are all over it.
The media wants to always talk to these victims, you know, her voice should be heard, and that's what you hear all the time.
But when it comes to Epstein's victims, that apparently doesn't apply anymore, and they're not interested in speaking to them.
That's weird.
And Harvey Weinstein's case is getting delayed.
It looks like he may even get out of all those charges.
You just had the Motion Pictures Association of America, one of their top executives, I forget his name, he just got charged with child sex abuse.
So I mean, it continues to come out of Hollywood.
But again, it's like,
I'm just confused because the media doesn't want to touch it unless somehow they can put the name Trump in there.
Like, that's the only time they want to touch it is if they can somehow get Trump in there.
But if it's outside of Trump, like, oh no, Epstein's victims, eh, if we can't blame Trump, we're not interested.
Oh, the Motion Pictures of America Association that just got accused of child sex abuse, I don't know, we don't want to do that.
Harvey Weinstein looks like he may even get let off, well, let's forget about that too, but we'll find something on Trump eventually.
Yeah, you're right.
The only time that they're interested is, remember when there was pictures of Epstein and Trump together and everyone was, that was the pictures that were all over the media.
You know, and under the ones of all the other people he was with, like the Clintons and all that as well, and I think Trump dissociated himself from them a long time ago.
I don't know the exact story.
Did Trump not kick him out of one of his clubs?
Kicked him out of the club, did multiple interviews talking about how he liked underage women, did another interview saying he thinks the Clintons are going to go down for their connections to Epstein too.
I think one of the biggest unanswered questions is...
What the hell was that painting?
The Bill Clinton painting?
Yeah, what was that about?
So, the blue dress is... there's some debate.
Here's what I figured out.
The blue dress is either literally a dress that Hillary Clinton wore, that I guess he wore as a joke, or maybe it's kind of like a nuanced reference to the dress Monica Lewinsky was wearing.
And then the red high heels is apparently a symbolism of pedophilia.
I didn't know that.
But let's forget the symbolism.
Why would Epstein even have a portrait of Bill Clinton in a dress to begin with?
Like, what the hell is that?
I don't know.
It's something that I would do to one of my friends if I was just being funny.
But see when there's all this Peter Phil ring stuff in front of him.
I don't know, man.
That just makes it a hundred times weirder.
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What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced, gag order.
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...is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
The human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, the Me Too movement was great until they had to stop it at Jeffrey Epstein.
But that's just how the media works.
They're a bunch of frauds.
We're about to take your phone calls.
We've got lines open.
Count Dankula in studio with us.
Any questions you have for our guests?
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All right.
We've got callers on the line.
We've got plenty to talk about.
If you have any questions for our in-studio guest, Count Dankula, now is the time.
Let's start with Lana calling in from Utah.
Go ahead, Lana.
Good morning, Owen and Count.
I'd like to welcome him to the country, and thanks for being on for us.
I have a couple of comments.
First of all, I do love all the supplements.
We use pretty much everything you have.
I can't wait to get the movie.
So we... I want to put a plug in for that.
And then I have two comments.
First of all, the UN is meeting in Salt Lake City this week.
They're meeting right now.
I don't know.
We've had military aircraft flying overhead.
Some of them... Yeah, you know what, Lana?
I'm sorry to cut you off, but this is actually important.
I want the crew to try to pull up the story.
This is actually, I believe, I believe it's the biggest domestic UN meeting ever on U.S.
I believe this is the biggest UN meeting ever on U.S.
We didn't get much warning about it either.
It wasn't really even reported until late last week.
So, what are people, you're calling in from Utah, are you in Salt Lake?
I am in Salt Lake.
What are people saying about the UN invading you guys there?
You know, I haven't really talked to anyone about it.
Nobody really knew until, like I said, late last week.
And they were doing military functions and things like that to protect the UN from the people, but I don't know that really anybody knew about it until very late last week, so if anybody even could
Yeah, and okay, so there it is.
It's the first time it's been in Utah.
I guess it was the first time they've ever left New York.
I'm not sure of the significance of this.
And it's just, you know, there's so much going on right now.
Things tend to fall through the cracks.
I mean, why is the UN having this meeting?
Why does the UN have to be here?
Who is the UN?
I mean, what is this loyalty that we have to the UN?
I mean, what do people in the UK think about the UN?
I mean, it's pretty much, for the most part, I think people in America don't like the UN.
What about in Scotland and the UK?
We don't even really give it a second thought.
Like, if you ask the average person in the street, they probably wouldn't even be able to tell you what they think the UN does.
Like, really, it's not a big thing over there.
I think that's how little of an effect it actually has.
No one really cares where I'm from.
Some of them don't even know what it actually is.
So it's mostly just kind of ignorance?
Just, what is the UN?
Oh, it's just kind of a thing?
Yeah, just kind of, meh.
That's probably the response you would get.
So, Lana, I mean, I guess it's on day two now.
I believe they have one more day of the conferences.
So people in Salt Lake City are just kind of shocked they didn't even know it was coming?
Well, that's how it was for me.
I'm not sure about others around me, but yeah, I think so.
And you're saying you're seeing what kind of military, you're saying drills or like, what are you saying?
No, we saw military aircraft flying over on Saturday, several planes.
Some of them were not United States planes either.
It didn't appear to me, but we were out in our hot tub and we found flying over.
Well, we've got it right here, the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference.
You know what?
Here's an idea for the UN.
Just get lost.
How about that?
Thanks for the call, Lana.
Let's go to Josh in Connecticut.
Go ahead, Josh.
How you doing, Count Owen?
Good, thank you.
I'm calling, Reverend, so I bought a bunch of them Space Force shirts.
I'm so glad you called in on this, Josh, because you're so right.
I actually was wearing... They love it!
They do!
Everyone loves the Space Force t-shirt.
Guys, pull it up.
I wore my Space Force t-shirt.
I was on vacation last week.
I was back home in St.
You're 100% right, Josh.
You wear the Space Force t-shirt out, everybody loves it.
I don't know what it is about that design or the colors, but everybody loves it.
I got more compliments wearing that t-shirt out than like any other t-shirt I've ever worn.
But yeah, that's the funny thing is I had a couple liberals tell me they liked the shirt and asked me where I got it.
I said Info Wars.
They literally had like a chronic breakdown!
That's fantastic.
That's brilliant.
Isn't that hilarious?
But it's like, it's like, oh, hey, I like something.
And you're like, oh, cool.
Here's what I got.
Oh, I don't like it anymore.
No, you did like it, though.
You separate the art from the artist, don't you?
They can't.
No, they can't.
They can't do it anymore, which is too bad.
I mean, it's like, I mean, I can't stand
Who was it?
Was it Robert De Niro?
That he was like, Trump's a, he's a punk, he's a, he's a bitch, he's a mutt, he's a dog, like all these insults.
Well, there's still some films that I like that Robert De Niro's a good actor.
But sorry, Josh.
Yeah, the Space Force t-shirt, InfoWarsTore.com, very popular.
One more thing.
Um, Beto was changing a tire on, it was a V8 truck.
I love my truck, but those guys don't want trucks.
So what's he doing driving a V8 truck?
Yeah, yeah, oh my gosh!
What is Beto doing?
He's against climate change.
He's driving around a big V8 truck.
He's eating cheeseburgers.
How about that fraud?
I have seen that, yeah.
That was a... In fact, AOC even got caught eating burgers as well after going on her big rant about climate change.
And he was eating pizza too?
I mean, how many cows had to fart to make that pizza?
I'm noticing a lot of hypocrisy coming from them.
You know, oh, let's save the climate while I drive everywhere in my big truck and fly on private jets.
In this case, oh, let's help the poor people while I live in a multi-million dollar mansion.
I don't get it.
Love Trump's hate.
By the way, I hate you, and I'm gonna beat the crap out of you because you like Trump.
But love Trump's hate, everybody!
Love Trump's hate!
We love peace and tolerance!
By the way, I'm gonna beat your ass because you like Trump!
Me too!
Me too!
Me too!
Hey, Jeffrey Epstein was sex trafficking 30 women.
Oh, I didn't see anything about that.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh my gosh!
I can't believe it!
The surveillance footage from outside Epstein's prison cell is just, it's just glitchy and it's just unusable.
Amazing, isn't it?
We just have, you know, all these security cameras, all these security guards, this max security jail cell, all this attention on this sex trafficker, and he just, he just offs himself.
Nobody knows, nobody knows anything, no, no camera footage, off suicide watch, inmate taken out of the cell, nothing to see here.
Disappointed, but not surprised.
Who are these people?
Seriously, who are these people that have so much power they can get away with this?
Alright, we are with Count Dankula.
We're taking your phone calls here on the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Let's just continue down the line here.
Let's go with Bill in Wisconsin.
Alright, Bill, go ahead.
Yeah, hello gentlemen.
I'm calling just because I'm done with Fox.
I would only watch them to watch Tucker.
I got sick of Hannity when he became a warmonger.
But then all of a sudden, Tucker mysteriously disappears for two weeks, and then I'm like, alright, he's back on, and then all of a sudden I tune in last night, and he's gone again for the next two days, and Brian Kilmeade's chilling in.
You know, look, I'm not gonna talk trash on Kilmeade, but he's, you know, he pretty much says whatever I think he thinks is gonna sell, because I hear him say things and I'm just like, wow.
I want to be careful here, because I don't want to get Tucker Carlson in trouble or say anything inaccurate, but the rumor is that they basically are kind of threatening Tucker right now.
And I guess Fox maybe doesn't like his coverage or advertisers don't like his show or something.
And so I've heard, again, I don't talk to Tucker Carlson, but I've heard that that has something to do with perhaps his show being in the balance because they don't like the powerful content he's putting out.
Yeah, I mean, I think that as well, but the kicker is
On Tucker Carlson's show last night with Brian Kilmeade, he had Dr. Mark Siegel on to rebut the JAMA fluoride report, and he, Dr. Mark Siegel, went on Tucker's show and said that fluoride isn't causing low IQ in babies, it's pregnant women with cavities that's causing it.
Well, I'm serious.
After I saw that, I was like, I can't believe it.
He knew he was lying when he said that.
You could just see it all.
But that's what I'm saying.
I've watched enough of this mainstream news to develop an understanding of the patterns.
Like, Brian Kilmeade, I think he just says whatever they want him to say.
He seems like just kind of an establishment guy.
He just wants to be on TV.
If he's told to say Trump colluded with Russia, he'll say it.
The same thing with Dr. Siegel, right?
You said?
Yeah, they seem to put him on Fox News whenever they need someone to be on there to go with the establishment line.
So, I mean, I don't know, because in the UK, I mean, you pretty much get CNN and the BBC and that's it, right?
I mean, there is no Fox News.
They got rid of that.
Sky News, which is owned by the same people that own Fox, is that broadcast anywhere outside of Britain?
No, but we've got our own version.
We've got sort of like Sky News UK, we get international news as well, but then we've got the BBC who are just state-owned and do whatever the state wants.
I don't trust the BBC at all.
They've been caught being sketchy far too many times.
Well, and Fox News, which is, you know, the conservative quote-unquote cable news program,
Again, they have to tow a certain line because these are guys that are making millions of dollars going on air, and that's because their advertisers pay top dollar to get into that market, and so they can't report on some things.
So maybe they can't even report the truth about fluoride because somewhere, somehow, an advertising deal they have would be negatively affected by it.
So we don't have those type of
Shackles holding us back from reporting here like I believe they have on Fox News.
Thanks for the call, Bill.
Let's go to Allison in Nevada.
Go ahead, Allison.
I love your show and I'm really glad that I finally got to be able to talk to you guys.
Sorry, I'm shy.
I would like to ask, there's so many hopeless people around me and stuff and it's like
And even now, there's like, the cyborgs are coming in and stuff, and I don't know how to bring back hope to people and stuff, because people are a lot more cynical these days, and I'm sorry.
It's called the black pill, basically.
Yeah, what do you think about that?
Because it's definitely a real phenomenon Allison is talking about.
Yeah, it's a form of just sort of political depression and apathy.
People just sort of get to the point where they go, oh, everything's going to be screwed up anyway, no matter what we do.
We should stop trying.
We should stop doing this.
We should stop doing that.
And you just end up falling into this pit of absolute despair and you just start losing faith in everything.
But I don't think that's a path that anybody should go down.
I mean, if you get enough people coming together and helping each other out, you can actually make a difference.
I mean, look,
Trump was anti-establishment, he wasn't chosen, he wasn't fought, and people actually managed to get him into the presidency because everybody came together and supported him.
People can make a change, just everybody has to work together on it and it's really important that you don't give up.
You know, as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, hope is a good thing and you should hold on to it.
Well, and I think too, Alison, I think too part of that phenomenon is that
People have really just lost control over their emotions, and they've lost control over their own psychological development.
And so, it's really easy to get angry, it's really easy to get frustrated.
We all feel these emotions.
Anxiety, but like...
These emotions get demonized and then it's like, it becomes, you're put in some basket case situation.
It's like, oh my gosh, I have anxiety.
Well, everyone has anxiety.
Like, you know what I'm saying?
But oh, I need a pill for this.
I need a pill for that.
So I feel like people are just, they're just losing control of their emotions.
They feel like they're losing control of their destiny.
Hey, I'm angry.
I have anxiety.
I'm frustrated with stuff that's going on, but I'm still in control enough.
I don't know.
Just, it comes down to the mental illness where people just have lost control over the ability to think for themselves and even control their own health or their own physical development.
People absolutely need to have more faith in themselves.
That's why, you know, everybody at some point in their life has looked down that black hole of absolute despair that it's just important that you don't fall in.
But even if you have fallen, you can climb back out.
Yeah, I agree with that totally.
I've been, yeah, I've been through some stuff.
I don't need to talk about it.
Don't worry about it.
I'm fine.
And also, can I ask you one more thing?
Um, okay.
Um, well, I was thinking about doing like more research and stuff and, oh, I'm sorry.
I need to get something.
I was thinking about doing more research and stuff, but, um, there's so much like,
Read a big book.
It could be just from a big, fat liar and stuff.
I'm sorry.
It takes a long time, just like anything else you want to do in life.
Thanks for the call, Allison.
Just like anything else you want to be a master of in life, it takes a long time to understand how to read news, consume news, and then apply news to other news that you're reading or covering.
It's just like anything else, like learning how to play the guitar.
Like, you can pick it up, you can learn how to play strings, maybe learn some songs, but you still maybe can't understand everything or write your own music until you learn how to do it better.
So really it just, I think, takes time.
I mean, I don't know, my news aggregation routine is probably as thorough as anybody else's out there.
I don't know what you do to kind of find news or figure out what's real in the world.
As many different sources as I can get my hands on, just to sort of, you know, you'll find that some things line up, some things don't.
You know, depending on where you read, you'll see that
Each place tries to sort of put its own spin on it, which is kind of, you know, if it's left-wing or right-wing, they'll try and... Right, which is what I'm saying.
So that's one of the things you learn from sources is, okay, I know that they're going to kind of spin it this way or they're going to spin it that way.
Yeah, exactly.
So just consume as many different sources as you possibly can.
And consuming all kinds of information is a good thing.
It was a good thing.
So that's what I would say, but I think you're on the right track, Allison.
Alright, last segment.
We'll take more of your calls.
Count Dankula in studio.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show, but have no fear.
The InfoWars live broadcastings continue at the War Room.
I usually host the War Room weekdays, 3 to 6 p.m.
But filling in for Alex today, we'll have a fill-in host, Harrison Smith, over there with some other great guests.
We're going to continue to take your phone calls now.
Let's go to Matt in California.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hey, Owen.
How's it going?
I just want to talk to you guys about Bohemian Grove, if you guys are going to do another, like, expose on them.
Well, it says you worked at Bohemian Grove here on the caller list.
Yeah, they hired me in 2018.
There's a lot of their books.
I don't know if you guys looked up their books.
You guys had one of their books uploaded on your website.
The Rails Around the Grove.
Have you looked at it?
I'm sorry, what was it?
The Rails Around the Bohemian Grove.
Rails Around the Grove?
Yeah, you guys had it uploaded on your website at one point.
Or some employee's website.
But, uh, it says the first trips were sponsored by the German
The Society Club.
And the club they're talking about is the Scaraffia Club.
It predates the Bohemian Club a little bit.
And if you look into the Scaraffia Club, you can see it's linked to Aleister Crowley and stuff like that.
Yeah, and the original Illuminati has German-Bavarian roots as well, so there may be a connection there.
And have you seen, you guys know that they have the mummy of Isis, right?
Well, look, you're going off into a lot of really deep stuff that I don't know if we can really get into here in eight minutes.
But, yeah, it's all out there.
We've got the books.
We still have that book at InfoWareStore.com, by the way.
Bohemian Grove, A Cult of Conspiracy.
Look, here's all I'm going to say.
Because, again, this is just really deep historical stuff that, I mean, we can't really dive into in a short segment.
But, basically, when you have elites
And this can be good or bad, but when you have elites that form secret societies or breakaway societies, and they have access to the levers of power and finances, they can do a lot of things behind the scenes that people will never know about.
But what I think most of it, from my understanding that still goes on to this day,
It's all about discovering the secrets to life that we're all wondering, and then keeping those secrets for themselves.
And then you become the Illuminati or the enlightened when translated.
So you're enlightened, you see the light, and the rest of the world is in darkness.
And so that's kind of the whole origins of the Illuminati cult.
Again, you can say it's for good or for bad, but that's what ends up happening.
Thanks for the call, Matt.
Let's go to Marty in Colorado.
Go ahead, Marty.
Oh, hi.
Can you hear me?
Well, a little cliché of me, but a long-time listener, first-time caller.
I wanted to talk about the Epstein case and kind of like channel my inner Nietzsche and talk about like the religious fabric of society that, you know, has allowed a lot of good things like the rise of the second Renaissance democracy, but also could lead to like this pervasion and pedophilia, like the Catholic Church being, I guess, the first one that comes to mind.
I'm just wondering, like, what your thoughts on that are?
Like, is that worth... Do we give blame where we should give blame to when it comes to the religious fabric society that allows for pedophilia?
Well, I think that it comes down to a human response, just like anything else.
Some people get off on the pedophilia stuff.
Other people get blackmailed into it.
I think that's all coming out with the Epstein thing.
So I'm not sure how deep you want to go into that, but...
Okay, yeah, I get it, yeah.
I was kind of poking at the point that, you know, the first thing when it comes to pedophilia, the first religion that comes to mind are, like, the Catholic Church or, you know, Islam, of course, but it seems to be all pervasive throughout all Western religions.
And, like, I'm wondering if the Western fabric society laid down by religion, Christianity, the Judeo-Christian religions,
Um, could lead to this pedophilia being so rampant and big when it comes up to the higher ups.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think it's mostly just a power thing, a blackmail thing.
I don't think the average person that's a Catholic or a Muslim, uh, thinks about, you know, children like that or anything like that.
So, of course.
Yeah, of course.
I'm just saying, I wonder what's that?
I don't, I don't think the elites really care about religion.
I don't think they really care.
They might possibly use it as a method of control.
Or something, but as far as religion goes, you know, most religions require you to have a bit of a moral compass in some sort of way.
These guys don't.
So yeah, yeah, it's like use religions for control or to create, you know, a podium for yourself to act self-righteous or, you know, higher, higher than that or something.
Yeah, but they don't personally, they don't actually care about the only thing they care about is power.
They use religion as a means to an end.
It's not something that they care about.
And but the crazy spin on that, too, is.
I mean, these people believe in something.
I mean, you know what I'm saying?
To do these rituals and to engage in this form of human control, they have to believe in something.
Whether that's the devil or just some spiritual anything that humans have the capacity to understand, they're trying to leverage that for their own personal gain.
Let's take another call.
Let's go to Mac in Colorado.
Go ahead, Mac.
Hey, how you doing, Owen?
Fine, thank you.
All righty, I got to talk about Epstein here.
So mainstream media is always spinning stuff, so I've got to spin on the Epstein story.
He's involved in a laboratory out in New Mexico, and some of the things I've seen are they were doing cloning experiments.
So what says that guard that nobody in the film
Wasn't a clone that they took in there.
They choked the clone.
He got in the guard uniform and walked right out of the cell.
Are you following this one?
Yeah, I've held this variation of the story.
The problem is with a...
The way cloning actually works right now is basically you start as a baby.
They can clone you.
So you can't just clone and be 50 years old or whatever?
Yeah, you can't just clone a 50 odd year old man.
Like, you could clone someone, but they literally start as a baby.
So unless they, you know, have developed the technology to fast forward the age.
As well, yeah.
I don't know.
There's actually been quite a few people in history that have wanted to do that.
One of them was a guy that I did a video on called Shoko Asahara.
He was the leader of a cult in Japan called Omshinrikyo and they had a sort of plan to trigger a nuclear war that would wipe out the entire world and the chosen ones would be all that's left and then they would restart society.
If you think humans are parasites then eliminate the parasite to save the host.
Of course if you don't believe that
This is all intelligent design created by God.
You would probably go down that path of thinking.
Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones?
Is this the one that... I think I've heard of these.
Is these the ones that advise future earthlings about what you should do in order to make sure society prospers?
Like keep the world global population under 500,000 or something like that?
It might be 500 million.
But yeah, it's basically like...
Maybe it's 500,000.
And nobody knows who or what they came from, they're just sitting out there, it's like a weird deal.
They've got similar things in Japan, where they've got old stones, some of them hundreds, I think in some cases thousands of years old.
Don't build your homes below this point, because they'll get wiped out by a tsunami.
That's something that they've done in Japan as well.
Did you know this, actually?
This was a story from the BBC a month ago,
But, and maybe you guys can find this, if not it's okay, they said 12, we have 12 years left to save the earth.
The BBC published a story last month saying we have 18 months now.
So we have 17 months left to live.
What do you plan on doing?
Probably taking out a bunch of credit cards and maxing them all out because, you know, I'm not going to need to pay them back, am I?
That's true.
Yeah, just max out all your credit cards.
I never thought about that.
You've got 17 months left, you'll never pay that down.
Won't need to pay it back.
Might as well just enjoy myself.
So, I mean, but that's the wonderful BBC, isn't it?
Great reporting they do over there, isn't it?
Oh, it's absolutely fantastic, yeah.
Count Dankula, where can people find your content?
Count Dankula on YouTube.
Count Dankula TV on Twitter.
Apologize in advance on my Twitter.
No, we're gonna, and we'll stay tuned to Count Dankula's Twitter and my Twitter because we're gonna be, I think we're gonna be having some fun tomorrow.
And the Owen Schroyer press release is officially available on MySubscribestar only for people on MySubscribestar.
Subscribestar.com slash Owen-Schroyer.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks to everybody for tuning in.
The War Room starts now.