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Filename: 20190818_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2019
1654 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones talks about a report on Infowars.com regarding congressional testimonies admitting to MKUltra and programming of sex slaves and assassins. He mentions his prior knowledge about Jeffrey Epstein's involvement in eugenics and transhumanism, which was all part of a cult now proven with video evidence. Jones also discusses growing human organs inside cows and monkeys, which he predicted 25 years ago based on medical reports at the time. He mentions only 29% of Americans believe Epstein committed suicide while CNN claims that belief is due to racism. Next, Jones addresses the New York Times leaking audio and text planning a race war to bring down Trump as part of the Deep State's efforts to collapse the US economy. He calls these people organized criminals on foreign payrolls guilty of treason. Jones then promotes InfoWars life products such as AM Wake Up and Work Packet and PM Rest and Recover Pack. Jones also mentions a report from congressional hearings in 1977 revealing sex slave mind control programs to blackmail high-powered men or assign them sex operatives as assassins. He discusses how psychopaths hold significant positions of power due to their lack of normal feelings and willingness to do anything. Alex Jones is upset that people have been labeled "white supremacists", as he claims they are just everyday people who support Trump and nationalism. He also believes there is an organized attempt to divide the country by inciting a race war. He specifically mentions the New York Times, which has reported on white supremacy in America, saying that they are the ones dividing people and labeling innocent people as racists. Jones further criticizes far-left activists who attack conservatives and nationalists wearing masks, trying to destroy their First Amendment rights and say that it is unsafe for them to walk on American streets. He also critiques Ilhan Omar for saying Israel doesn't have the right to exist while staying silent about other countries with worse human rights records. Lastly, he says that people are being distracted from the real issues - like Communist China taking over America - by the scapegoating of Jews. In this passage, the narrator discusses various topics such as election meddling, the hacking of the Republic, financial support for InfoWarsstore.com, the collapse of the globalist house of cards, the civil war, borders being broken, sovereignty being challenged, the vulnerability of the system, electric power and grocery stores, the importance of storable foods and water purification, the banning of U.S. farming goods by China, increased support for the president in a trade war, the human spirit, freedom, spreading links to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, censorship, Nazi Germany level oppression, racketeering, cartels, Congressional testimony revealing a pedophile blackmail network, the Unabomber being in MKUltra, children being kidnapped and put into mind control by the government, the connection between the Unabomber and Congressional testimony, the powerful report on Epstein as just one piece of a bigger issue, and trauma-based mind control. The speaker describes their experience with Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, stating that both are bisexual and participated in homosexual activities. They also mention claims from child victims who testified that they were tortured and kept in cages as part of radiation and mind control experiments. The speaker discusses being a subject in these experiments and the abuse they endured, as well as their involvement in entrapment schemes with high-ranking government officials. They express frustration with the lack of help for victims of these experiments and provide information on how to access further research on the topic. They also mention an independent network called InfoWars that provides freedom of press and speech, and encourage listeners to support it through purchasing products from their store. Finally, they discuss Congressional testimony revealing a pedophile blackmail network involving powerful individuals, and mention the abuse experienced by child victims in these experiments. This monologue discusses the criminal activities of child victimization, human trafficking, and pedophile rings, which are linked to powerful individuals in government, academia, Hollywood, and other high- profile institutions. The speaker highlights the need for transparency and accountability from these institutions, as well as public awareness about the reality of these crimes. The monologue also addresses the globalist agenda and the manipulation of information and perception through media and propaganda. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and confronting these issues to protect children and challenge the corrupt system that perpetuates them. The broadcast begins by advertising various deals on health supplements, toothpaste, and other products. It then transitions into discussing the Epstein case, accusing CNN of propagating disinformation and attacking President Trump for spreading conspiracy theories about the Clintons' involvement in Epstein's death. Alex Jones argues that Trump is under immense pressure from the globalists and cultural forces attempting to undermine his presidency, and that the president has every right to express his suspicions without being attacked by the media. The broadcast concludes with an endorsement of President Trump as a true alpha male committed to human destiny and empowering others. In this segment, Alex Jones talks about how humans have an instinctual power that is often overlooked. He gives an example of a time when he was able to perfectly throw a dart at a can without trying, showing that sometimes not trying can lead to better results. He also discusses the successes of humanity and how it has always been humans who have envisioned and built great things. Jones then talks about recent events where Antifa attacked Proud Boys and other Trump supporters in Portland, Oregon. He criticizes the media for portraying Antifa as the victims when they were the ones attacking innocent people. Finally, Jones thanks his audience for supporting him and Infowars. In this segment, Alex Jones discusses the financial aspect of the InfoWars store, emphasizing on the popularity of their Ultimate Krill Oil product. He encourages listeners to sign up for the InfoWars Store newsletter to receive daily deals and exclusive offers. Jones then moves on to talk about the recent developments in the ongoing trade war between the US and China, expressing support for American farmers who have been affected by the Chinese ban on US farming goods. He urges his audience to stand united against intimidation from the left-wing forces. Jones then shifts focus to the controversy surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's death and the ongoing investigation into his connections with high-profile individuals like Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. He cites a forensic pathologist's opinion that Epstein's fractures are indicative of homicide, and mentions that only 29% of Americans believe he committed suicide. Jones also discusses the lack of cooperation from prison guards involved in Epstein's case, and speculates on potential involvement of high-level officials like Attorney General Bob Barr. Jones brings up his recent interview with Joe Biggs, a former Infowars.com reporter, who reported on the recent Proud Boys rally in Portland, Oregon. Jones commends the group for planting the American flag and exposing Antifa's violent actions during the event. He highlights their success in drawing attention to

Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And it's Sunday, August 18th, 2019.
We're live in studio, as we are every Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
right after David Knight hosts the David Knight Show.
to 3 p.m.
8 a.m.
Central, 11th floor of the War Room, 3 p.m.
And there will be some new shows launched September 1st, so let's leave it at that.
I'm really trying to zen out right now and be as calm as I can.
Because quite frankly, I know that I'm more effective at getting the truth out when I am calm.
And I'm actually pretty calm in my daily life.
But when I read all this news information and I get up on air, there's a real sense of urgency and a real sense to hit it all.
There's a report up on Infowars.com
And NewsWars.com that really deserves to go viral if you care about children.
A lot of people ask me, how did I know about Jeffrey Epstein 10 years ago or longer?
And how did I know the specifics of how he was into eugenics and transhumanism?
Well, they all are.
It's a cult.
And people thought I must have some secret sources.
Greg Reese, one of our great researchers, one of our reporters, investigative journalist, came to me last week and he said, did you know about congressional testimonies with video admitting MKUltra and programs of programming sex slaves and assassins?
And I said, yeah, I knew Dr. Ewing Cameron and Jolene West ran those programs.
There's even been History Channel shows.
I knew there was congressional reports and even a report put out in 95
By the Inspector General admitting that the government ran these programs.
But I know there was video.
Well, you know, C-SPAN has archived everything going back 30 years now.
And folks went in and dug it out.
This is Congress interviewing children that are, we're now young adults, who confirmed
That they were government sex slaves and being trained to be assassins.
And the government knows it.
It's declassified.
And they're in the committee rooms.
There's hours of this.
The report's only eight and a half minutes long.
But later this week, we've got to do a special broadcast or something in air.
I mean, there's like six hours of this.
And these are confirmed foster children and people that were grabbed out of government homes and shipped to Canada and the U.S.
to government facilities.
It's one thing to read it declassified in 77.
These videos, these films from 77 in the Frank Church Committee hearings.
It's another thing to see these people.
So I've got a lot of incredible news here.
I've got them growing human organs inside cows and inside monkeys.
I told you that 25 years ago.
Because it was in medical reports then, it just wasn't popular knowledge.
It wasn't pop culture.
Your new heart could be made in China.
Grown in a monkey.
Grown in a cow.
Just there it is, see?
Oh, Jeffrey Epstein.
All these forensic pathologists and experts say, no, you can only do this by somebody breaking your neck.
Or if he was professionally hung, which didn't happen, he was killed.
Only 29% of Americans believe Epstein committed suicide.
But don't worry, CNN says that's because they're racist.
Seriously, that's the new thing.
They say that Trump needs to shut up.
You don't really hear about it in the news because nobody cares when Muslims blow people up, but Islamic State claims bombing that killed 63.
How about Islamic extremism?
And the big news.
The big, big, big news will hit first, on the other side of this 60-second break.
The New York Times leaked audio, leaked text, openly planning to trigger race war to bring down Trump as Deep State pushes collapse of U.S.
These people are organized criminals on foreign payrolls.
They're all guilty of treason.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
It is Sunday, August 18, 2019.
On this live transmission, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And those of you that have found this broadcast on local TV stations, radio stations, or who are watching somewhere on the internet, like InfoWars.com, you have done it in defiance of Hollywood, and the Chi-Coms, and the globalists, and the deep state.
They tell you you're not supposed to listen to this show.
And they can't wait until their A.I.
is wired into everything.
They think they're going to be able to stop you from being able to find this in the near future.
The congressional hearings a month ago where Google and others promised Senator Blumenthal that they'd have me completely off the internet soon.
They were working on it.
And now Facebook's announcing with its WhatsApp, they're going to go in and read what you're doing and, well, ban you off that if they say you're using the wrong gender pronouns.
To quote Tucker Carlson, these people aren't frightening or anything.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to air a report that is eight and a half minutes long, that is beyond critical to get out.
It's on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, just went up about an hour ago.
We're going to air it here, and then give you the rest of the story.
But it's congressional hearings in 1977.
This is something I've never seen.
I just read the transcripts of young people that were in admitted
Sex slave mind control programs to corrupt and blackmail high-powered men, but also to be assigned to them as sex operatives if they need to be assassinated.
This isn't conjecture.
This isn't speculation.
This is admitted.
People keep asking, how'd you know about the blackmail rings?
How'd you know about the... Because this is how
Secret societies have operated for thousands of years.
They're just cults of power.
They're gangs.
The homeless people in California and all over are now forming themselves into gangs and getting more and more aggressive.
So from the lowest IQ to the highest IQ, people form themselves into groups.
And we face predatory psychopathic groups.
You know, you can go look at the studies that are legion, that are very accurate.
We've all seen it manifested with our own two eyes.
But statistically, you might have a psychopath, and it's generally genetic, but some can be artificially created through trauma.
That's what this is all about.
And maybe one psychopath out of 500.
A sociopath out of 20.
This modern culture is producing more sociopaths.
Those have genetic tendencies, but it's nature and nurture.
But when you look at CEO positions, or military commanding positions, there are a lot of accurate estimates and studies that have been done that at least a third of the people are high-functioning, high-IQ psychopaths.
Just type in psychopaths in leadership, psychopaths as CEOs.
Because they don't have the normal feelings we have and they're willing to do anything.
Now a low-level psychopath wants to grab your daughter out of the backyard and torture her to death for fun.
A high-powered one would set up an intelligence agency and test people incrementally until compartmentalized groups had it with men in white lab coats for doing it.
And for their country, they abuse the five-year-old and three-year-old children to create multiple personalities they can program.
It's for the country.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's not for the country.
It's for the globalist system.
So, I know all this is horrifying, and we don't want this to be the way it is, but it is the way it is.
Every culture from ancient Asia
To Africa, to Latin America, to the Druids of Europe, would go through cycles where they would get a psychotic priest class in place.
Some priest class created aquifers and built buildings and medicine and science and said empower women, empower everyone.
That's the Renaissance.
That's Christians, real Christians.
Christ energy.
But in those other systems, it's men that understand how humans work and they use the fact that they've got gathered ancestral knowledge that's been stored to then use it against everyone else.
And there's a predator class above us that sees us as animals that feed on us.
And this predator class develops in every culture and tells its inner workings that everyone else is an animal, everyone else is trash,
Reportedly, Epstein's Madam Pimp that would round up young children for torture, you name it, it's all coming out.
People say, well, you're treating these little girls really bad, you're hurting them.
She'd say, they're trash.
They're not even human.
So at the bottom of the hour, we're going to play that special report.
And you can deny to yourself this exists, but it's already admitted.
And I can tell you incontrovertibly,
Trump is actively opposing this satanic network and is actively going after them.
And we've seen a more than tenfold increase in arrest of pedophiles and their cohorts.
And you've seen the top deputy Pope, number two to the Pope, you know, indicted, running hundreds of small boys, some of them ended up dead.
The Border Patrol stopping the kids pouring across before Obama would say, just let them into charities, don't find out their names.
A bunch of them ended up dead.
Thousands in sex abuse, we know of.
This is a giant, vampiric, feeding frenzy that's going on.
And Trump is opposing it, and that's why you see the incredible freakouts.
That's why you see all of the meltdowns taking place.
And the average leftist has now received the spirit.
They have now gotten the average leftist knows all of this and likes it.
Because they're seeking out your power.
And they have delusions of grandeur.
And they have been promised power over the earth and over others.
And they believe that when Hillary came in, and others came into power globally, that it would be their great time to rule.
But instead, they're not being given all this power that they're seeking.
See, they never had any innate power or connection to God, or they had a connection, they lost it.
And so they're seeking to overthrow creation itself, because there's not a place for them in that order.
It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Now, we'll get to it next segment, our top story.
I mentioned it earlier.
When I read the transcripts Friday, when they broke, it's what I already knew.
And it's what was already in the WikiLeaks.
But it's the head of the New York Times in a 74-minute speech to hundreds of top New York Times operatives.
And he says, we're going to shift off Russia, the public doesn't buy it, and we're going to go to race.
We've already bid on that, but they're going, if you thought there was race baiting and race war garbage before, and they admit, he says, to remove Trump.
He says, this will remove him.
So, Trump lashes out at New York Times, claims it's going on a racism witch hunt, says the Hill.
No, there's no claiming it.
Netflix, movies, shows, everywhere is white people are inherently bad.
Apologize if you're white.
It is just incredible.
And the head of the New York Times tells his people, he goes, listen, just screaming racism at them doesn't do enough.
You've got to write elaborate stories about it.
And you've got to edit what Trump says.
I mean, he talks about this and he says, and I apologize that we ran his quote saying we need to decry racism and unify as a country.
He goes, we caught it, we took it down, we agree.
Nothing positive can be said about Trump.
But he says we can't sucker the public.
I mean, I've got the whole transcript right here.
Dr. McIntosh, please.
I've got the whole transcript right here.
It's up on Infowars.com.
And it's just mind-blowing.
So we'll hit it all on the other side.
New York Times chief outlines coverage shift from Trump Russia to Trump racism.
So they're going into high gear.
With the Divide and Conquer leaked audio, New York Times executive editor tells staff to ditch Russia collusion lies, start focusing on Trump's racism.
When it's the left invoking race and making it all about race, this is sick.
This is evil.
And it shows you how crazy 2020 is going to get.
So, strap yourselves in.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover-Ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, evil people have gotten together throughout history and organized
Criminal orders, systems of predatory evil, where they test their admittance, their minions, their pawns, in how ruthless and evil they can be.
The best way to test that out is getting them to abuse little innocent children.
If you get somebody to do that, you can get them to do anything.
Override their humanity, their soul, their spirit, and their journey to the dark side will be complete.
And we sit there and we look at the New York Times, and we look at all CNN, MSNBC, and they're just up there.
This is a white supremacist.
When he lowered flags because of the shooting in El Paso, it was the Heil Hitler.
And you're just like, this doesn't make sense.
It's targeting the dumbest people in the country.
And it's also creating hysteria.
Where people think that if they don't jump on board with whatever the Democrats say, they're going to be called racist.
That's the new religion.
That's the system of bullying that these people are inducting everyone into.
Now, Trump came out and lashed out at the New York Times, claiming it's going on a racism witch hunt now that the Russiagate has failed.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
That's not what he claims.
That's what they say.
I came in here yesterday and did a special report.
This was such a big deal.
Again, anybody can pull up the transcript.
They haven't released the audio.
But Slate Magazine is who got it.
And you read the transcript, it is unbelievable.
The head of the New York Times says to the employees, look, Russia didn't work.
He came up flat-footed.
These are quotes.
We're pivoting to race to remove him from office.
They're the ones bringing up race.
They're the ones lying.
They're the ones dividing.
They're the ones doing all of this.
And then they've got the nerve to act like it's Trump when he's done nothing but prison reform to get black people out of jail and tried to bring factories to the inner city.
It's amazing.
But it's beyond a racism witch hunt.
They're trying to invoke a civil war.
A month before the election, Hillary was in trouble.
And it came out in WikiLeaks.
She was talking to top professors on her email saying, we need to accelerate the culture war.
And the culture war is men against women, women against men, black against white, old against young.
It just means divide and conquer.
It's how you control a population.
I know our audience gets this, but the average leftist really believes they're storming the beaches of Normandy when they go out and hit somebody in the head that has an American flag.
Or the incredible videos we're going to play next hour when Joe Biggs, who led the Patriot March successfully in Portland yesterday, joins us.
And they're attacking little girls!
They're attacking old men!
They're pulling down American flags!
They're attacking people with hammers!
In their cars!
Because they believe they're fighting Nazis.
But really, the people fighting the Nazis are 98% white,
They're very low IQ, they're drug addicts, or they're government, or university employees, out wearing masks, the bad guys, trying to destroy the First Amendment, and say that conservatives and nationalists and pro-Trump supporters, you can't walk down American streets, you're going to be attacked.
And so people that wear American flags and go into these cities like Portland, or cities like San Francisco,
You get to experience what it's like to be Alex Jones.
You get to experience what it's like to be Donald Trump when they try to attack you, when they try to kill you, and you see how insane and vicious.
So now when I walk downtown in Austin, Texas, taken over by rejects from California, they don't drive by and say, F you, you're going to prison, Russian agent.
We've caught that on tape many times.
Or they walk right up and say it.
Now they go, F you Nazi, die!
I'm going to kill you!
We kill Nazis!
This is mind control.
When the so-called authorities, the mainstream media, sit up there in the New York Times and tells you Nazis are everywhere.
It's like WMDs in Iraq.
Or the Salem Witch Trials.
It doesn't exist.
It's not real.
Tucker Carlson is absolutely right.
Almost every ragtag white supremacist group, it turns out, is run by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
They have a new director at the ADL.
They got rid of Abe Foxman a few years ago, who said everyone was a racist, and they were losing lawsuits, they were getting caught breaking into police departments.
They have a new director.
They've kind of backed off that.
I haven't seen the ADL doing that kind of stuff lately, but the Southern Poverty Law Center is worse than the ADL ever was.
And they just run around just making stuff up, just like all the Democrats that have been caught staging racial attacks on themselves, not to small it.
And now Tlaib has come out and it turns out was offered entry into Israel, but said I'm coming to protest and call for your destruction.
So they said we have a law against that if you're an outsider coming to say overthrow the country.
So no, you can't come in.
She didn't want to see her grandmother.
It was all made up.
Another stunt.
Oh, hey, Tlaib, they won't let one Palestinian into Saudi Arabia.
They won't let one Jew into Saudi Arabia.
Oh, but you don't care about that.
It's all about how Israel's bad, and that's the litmus test, and, oh, that's the little fetish.
If you, oh, attack Israel, then you're on the inside crew, and you're cool on the far right and the far left that really meet.
In fact, I was never even pro-Israel.
I wasn't against Israel.
But all the bullying and all the lies that I work for Israel... Well, I am pro-Israel.
Because the people that hate Israel act like it's one monolithic group.
And it's bad, it doesn't have a right to exist.
Just like we're told America doesn't have a right to exist.
And as apartheid-esque, needs to be overthrown.
Yeah, Israel's got problems.
It's got a bunch of different parties.
They kill each other, just like we do.
Again, this litmus test with a bunch of people who came to this country, like Ilhan Omar, when she can't even go back to her own country, she'd be killed, where they still have slavery, and then she says Israel doesn't have a right to exist!
But then she never bitches about Saudi Arabia, or all these other countries that are doing things a thousand times worse than what Israel's done?
I mean, like, oh, Israel sometimes puts people in pressure moves to make them talk.
Okay, that's wrong.
Saudi Arabia cuts your head off if you're gay.
Oh, but not a word out of her.
And all I'm saying is, Communist China's got a billion and a half people.
It's taken over our government.
It owns Hollywood.
It owns the debt.
You go all over the left to spam stuff.
It's Alex Jones is covering up for the Jews.
China's not a threat.
It's the Jews.
Really, is it the Jews invading Hong Kong right now?
My issue is, is that it's a cop-out.
It's mental illness.
People have no political understanding.
They just go, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews!
And meanwhile, yeah, it's leftist Jews calling for the overthrow of Israel and for my arrest!
Oh, no, no, no!
And all these right-wingers and left-wingers play to the tune of self-hating leftist Jews.
It's sick.
It's upside-down world.
Completely insane.
And I'm not going to be part of the delusions.
They're trying to cause a race war right now, the globalist are.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our Republic.
Our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
And please remember, without your financial support, we wouldn't have withstood this withering storm of censorship, attacks, and lies.
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As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We are live broadcasting worldwide.
Now, next hour, I'm going to get into the transcripts of what the head of the New York Times said about we're going to cause a race war, we're going to overthrow Trump using race.
We already know all this, but it's so damn dangerous.
All these TV shows and movies about killing Trump supporters because they're all Nazis.
They're trying to trigger a civil war, not just a race war.
It's very, very dangerous, as the president has said.
Now, this is a eight and a half minute report.
If you're already a listener, you can see it and share it at InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com.
It isn't as blacklisted, and you can still share it on Twitter and Facebook.
Share it via your email, via your text message, whatever you do, word of mouth.
Congressional testimony from Clinton era reveals pedophile blackmail network.
Now understand, Bill Clinton did a press conference with the government's report admitting it happened, and then this video has congressional testimony.
Of children that were kidnapped and then put into mind control by the government.
Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was in MKUltra.
Most of these people are mind-controlled, programmed to be assassins, mass shooters.
And this report has it from C-SPAN.
Do you understand, ladies and gentlemen?
So you want to know the rest of the story on Epstein?
He was only one piece of it.
Here is the powerful report that will only get past the censors if you spread it.
So you've got your mission.
Take action, InfoWarriors!
I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out here tonight to arm yourselves with knowledge about a tool that's being covertly used to usher in what Adolf Hitler and George Bush termed New World Order, and that's mind control.
A new world order.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
Trauma-based mind control can be traced back for millennia.
But we can find its research in modern times in the Tavistock Institute of London and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Germany.
The Nazis were studying occult families engaged in multi-generational sexual abuse of children.
They found that abused children were receptive to external mind control and could develop enhanced physical abilities such as photographic memory, physical stamina, and up to 44 times visual acuity.
They were raising children in laboratories to create a super race of humans.
Operation Paperclip was a secret program where the U.S.
imported more than 1,600 Nazi scientists after World War II, some of whom went on to continue their work in trauma-based mind control.
This information first made its way into the public on August 3rd, 1977, during Congressional hearings into the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control program.
It is interesting to note that Dr. Louis Jolion-West, a leading expert in the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, was also the lead psychiatrist for Jack Ruby, Patty Hearst,
Sirhan Sirhan and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
In 1988, CIA agent Mark Phillips rescued Kathy O'Brien from the MKUltra program.
They provided documented testimony for the U.S.
House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.
But for reasons of national security, she was not able to address the Congressional Committee.
So she became a whistleblower.
I was born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan, to a multi-generational incest-based family.
This means my father was sexually abused as a child, my mother was sexually abused as a child, and they were sexually abusing me.
The sexual abuse that I was enduring was so horrific that I developed dissociative identity disorder.
It certainly was incomprehensible.
There was no place for it in my mind to deal with such horror.
Therefore, I developed a compartment in my brain, a little area behind amnesic barriers that was actually the neuron pathway shutting down in my brain in order to compartmentalize the memory of abuse so that the rest of my mind could function normally as though nothing had happened.
This criminal faction of our government was so interested in
Dissociative identity disordered persons, they knew that any child that was subjected to child pornography had to have endured trauma so horrible that they had to be suffering from that disorder.
Therefore, this criminal faction of our government
Whistleblower Bryce Taylor has made very similar claims.
Kathy O'Brien claimed that her handler, former Klansman and Senator Robert Byrd, was in complete control of her, and directed her to have sex with powerful members of society and politics, including Bill and Hillary Clinton.
It was my experience that Bill Clinton is bisexual, leaning far more towards the homosexual end.
All I've ever seen him involved in was the homosexual activity.
Um, with very limited experience with him myself, whereas my experience was much more prevalent with Hillary Clinton, because Hillary is also bisexual, leaning more towards the homosexual end, and it was she who accessed my sex programming.
To fulfill her perversions.
In 1995, President Bill Clinton's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experimentation included testimonies from Congress from child victims involved in trauma-based mind control, who claimed they were tortured and kept in cages when they were small children.
I was a subject in radiation as well as mind control and drug experiments performed by a man I knew as Dr. Green.
His objective was to gain control of my mind and train me to be a spy assassin.
I was in what looked like a laboratory and there seemed to be other children.
I was strapped down, naked, spread eagle, on a table, on my back.
Dr. Green moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children.
He often tied me down in a cage which was near his office.
And claimed they were used to sexually blackmail powerful politicians when they were only nine years old.
I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy.
All for the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing,
Verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused seven-year-old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief.
The saddest part is I know for a fact that I was not alone.
There were countless other children in my same situation and there was no one to help us.
I was sent to a lodge in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men.
I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves and it was Richard Helms, who was Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb,
Uh, Captain George White, Morris Allen, who all planned on killing as many high government agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible.
I was used to entrap many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera.
Okay, let's fade this down.
We've got to go to break.
I want to come back and finish with this.
I want to explain something.
Greg Reach did a great job.
He found congressional testimony video of this, but I want to add something.
It's in the report that Bill Clinton obnoxiously gets up and admits and apologizes for, when clearly he's been involved in all this.
It's now come out.
He's like, you've got to know your government's going to take care of you.
We're sorry about this.
These people were confirmed to be in the program.
And so we're going to do a part two on this that should be done middle of week, because I even pulled it up myself last night because I remember all this research.
People ask how I know all this.
It's public.
Over 10,000 foster children were taken by Ewing Cameron, Dr. Ewing Cameron in Jolly and West.
This is declassified.
They've had history channel shows about it 20 years ago.
They don't put that on anymore.
But it's declassified.
That they would do electroshock, wipe out their memories and put them on drugs.
Put them six months with audio programming going in.
So they were totally new people with different personalities that you could put information into.
Then you could send them to the Soviet Union to infiltrate.
No one would know.
Someone knows the key word, it opens up the new personality.
The brain's an incredible computer.
And this is just a form of genetic organic cybernetics, but it's all based on trauma.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
Without your support, we won't be here.
And I couldn't thank you all enough for the fact that you've kept us in the game.
I mean, I want to stay in this game.
I want to take the gloveless on.
Total transparency is our whole operation.
If I bring in $35 million, half of that's the cost of the products, because we don't mark stuff up that much.
I don't care if I'm not making money, but you need to buy the products.
We got coffee, we got fish oil, we got turmeric, we got great toothpaste, we've got great things like DNA Force Plus, but Ultimate Krill Oil has been sold out for four months.
For whatever reason, this became the most popular fish oil.
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Because we have it put through the expensive laboratory process to remove mercury.
Any type of krill oil you get that doesn't give you fish burps, which I don't like, but gives you all the great benefits, isn't real.
It's been boiled, it's been ruined, it's been homogenized.
This is not real.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest quality krill oil you're gonna find anywhere.
Real krill oil, folks, is red.
It's not yellow, it's not milky.
This is nothing but krill oil.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, the report is up on InfoWars.com.
Congressional testimony from Clinton there reveals pedophile blackmail network.
Now, of course, that makes a lot more sense, doesn't it?
But Jeffrey Epstein, oh, he had all these famous scientists and famous foundation heads
And he was getting them to the Albert Einstein Institute, and then he was taking them to these big hotel-like compounds in New Mexico, and in New York, and all over the world, and in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, oh, it's all coming out, not just here, but in Europe.
And then you just heard the actual testimony of young women when they were children, age eight, programmed, drugged, electroshocked to service the heads of academia,
And the heads of government to compromise them for the criminal group that had taken over the Central Intelligence Agency.
So here's that video.
We all planned on filming as many high government agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible.
I was used to entrap many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera.
I was only nine years old.
I was only nine years old.
After the hearings, Bill Clinton began his speech with the NLP technique, the three-time convincer.
That at the very least, they could trust the United States government to tell the truth and to do the right things.
None of these efforts can succeed unless people believe that they can rely on their government to tell them the truth and to do the right thing.
And to all those who represent the families who have been involved in these incidents, let me say to you, I hope you feel that your government has kept its commitment to the American people to tell the truth and to do the right thing.
He offered an apology to the victims and financial compensation, but there was no investigation and no media coverage of the child victim testimony.
Jeffrey Epstein is nothing new.
Epstein was just a spoke in an ancient wheel.
Keith Raniere was running the same operation with the Nixxiom cult.
It runs through Hollywood, our government, pop culture, and our universities.
If we cannot change this, then the corruption we see in politics will never change.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
The truth is, I'd love to tell you that I'm some super rocket scientist.
I just made it my point of study to study the real history of the world, the real history of the U.S., and how these criminal networks operate.
And these criminal networks are operating all over the world because they're psychopaths.
And they can find an army of sociopaths that will serve them, and they're very emotionalists
They're very cold-blooded.
See, I'm very, very hot-blooded.
I really care.
I'm really upset by this.
Because if you let these people run things, we are, as a culture, dead.
And we are spiritual creatures, and that means these evil people are being put in charge by a very wicked force that formulaically tortures children, that formulaically corrupts others, and then externalizes its method.
Other stacks of news today.
They're down to five-year-olds now that strip dance at gay bars.
Well, they're pedophile bars.
They are human-animal clones all over the place.
It's all being announced.
Killing babies after they're born.
It's all just being thrown in our face to sear our conscience and to train us and prepare us to put up with even greater horrors.
And now we see groups of armed goons strutting around the United States and Europe, beating up people that have their nation's flags, and people that believe in sovereignty, and people that oppose the globalists.
And you openly have the Chinese government financing Hollywood, and financing the left, and financing, demoralizing our country with this vicious, poisonous venom.
That is their system and the average person is more lonely.
The average person has less friends.
The average person has a lower IQ.
I know so many people personally now that used to be smart who are like in a mesmerized state.
People are either getting more awake and more alive or they're becoming more and more under the spell.
And what is a spell?
An ancient name for a trench.
An ancient name for being hypnotized, being programmed.
Being under their sway.
Humanity is being taken out of its natural environment, not to empower it, but to destroy it.
And the globalists admit they want a one world government, transhumanist gods they're going to worship.
There's a post-human era.
We have to get rid of the humans before we transcend and become gods.
We're told this in Childhood's End, written in the 1950s by a luminous at MI6 and OSS high-level initiate.
And then you just move on from there.
They're telling you that everybody has to die before you merge and become gods.
And then when Epstein and the island and the fact that he had all the foundation heads, they were into eugenics and transhumanism and master races and breeding and underground bunkers.
Well, go watch Dr. Strangelove, 1964.
The CIA came to Stanley Kubrick and said, how do you know about Plan R?
And how do you know about the machine that gives them the orders when the radio frequencies hit it?
And Kubrick told him, I'm psychic.
He's a remote viewer.
I've seen.
And I'm not talking about the fake remote viewers out there.
I've talked to others.
I've talked to the family.
Kubrick was not going to the satanic rituals.
Kubrick was not seeing the, you know, nuclear attack plan scramblers.
He was literally envisioning it.
I was told that by his daughter.
And I already knew that from people at the Pentagon.
And he was so psychic that he just couldn't be around people anymore.
They went and hid in the countryside of England.
Because Kubrick picked up on everything else that everybody else was doing.
And they tried to recruit him, but they didn't get him.
Because Kubrick wouldn't be involved in the abuse of children.
And boy, did they come after him.
Because they wanted him to be on their team.
That's what The Shining's all about.
There's a hotel that's psychically possessed and
There's an old black man that doesn't even know this family, but he's having psychic inclinations.
He's got to go to that hotel and stop what's about to happen.
So everything Kubrick's telling you is what he experienced.
The truth is the globalists know there's this internet of the mind.
They know that psychic powers are real.
And they know that everybody has them to a certain extent.
And that's our connection to the spiritual.
God's real.
The devil's real.
The dimensions are all real.
And they want to get children when they're young, torture the hell out of them,
So they form multiple personalities that they can then program and control.
And that's only part of it, ladies and gentlemen.
And now these very same wicked, wicked globalists are trying to start a race war in this country.
And they're allied with Communist China that, again, will do any human cloning, any genetic manipulation.
Humanoids killing a hundred plus million of their own people.
The sky's the limit with these people.
They admire those who are totally wicked and devoid of any basic decency and that will do anything.
I suggest if you're watching and listening, you realize the enemy wants this off the air because we're telling you the truth.
And we're here for a reason.
There's not just evil in this universe, there's good as well.
You've got my full commitment that I'm the opposite of a psychopath.
I 100% feel all of this, and I can't stand it.
And I can see what the globalists are up to in my own eyes, my own political understanding, my own geopolitical research, my own historical grasp, my own street smarts, but there's another element to it.
I can see them.
I see their operations.
So while they're encased in their fortresses,
And they're trying to build an omnipresent grid to surveil us and know our dreams.
If we just know God, we already know all our dreams.
We're already on that stairway to enlightenment.
We're already touching God's foot.
And the enemy is enraged by that because they're cut off from God and they can't stand it.
So they want to grab children and rape them and torture them and turn them into little robot slaves.
But they may program the mind, they can't touch that soul.
We'll be back with hour number two of the Global Transmission.
Joe Biggs' triumphant with the great folks in Portland.
All the backstory on that.
Hour two.
You don't want to miss it.
Hillary hopes you do.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our Republic.
We're good to go.
Big, giant, 50-60% off, store-wide free shipping, double pay for your points, but only on 50-something items, not on every item, because a bunch of these are very close to selling out.
Whether it's Ultimate Krill Oil, Body's Turmeric, Brain Force Plus, Knockout Sleep Aid, HerboForce, 8-Pack Power Stack, it's all 50-60% off, and your purchases make it all possible here.
Oh, thanks.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on a toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil or the turmeric or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's okay.
Thanks for the support.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
So, in the last two segments, we showed you congressional testimony and a U.S.
government inspector general report, admitting that children were radiated, in some cases the death, you know, all about injecting black people with syphilis.
We're good to go.
But coming up, we're going to have Joe Biggs on after a really great success yesterday and a close look at Antifa and the crimes they committed and the fact that even AP had to admit that they were the violent ones.
The worm is turning very, very quickly.
But expanding on that, remember when the media tells you not to look at Epstein being murdered.
We just told you he would be hung in a cell probably 50 times.
People talk about their betting on it in Europe, in England.
Where it's legal to bet on anything.
But now, even though you've got forensic pathologists coming out saying, oh look, this is indicative of murder, even though you've got the stand down and new jail guards brought in and all the rest of it, why CNN and MSN and the rest of them are telling you, don't you dare think he got murdered.
This all smacks of desperation and a threat to those that they were
Afraid will speak out.
It's a message.
So here's part of that bulldown.
Trump has reacted to Epstein's death in what is sadly a very unsurprising way.
He is spreading a conspiracy theory.
Tying the death of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in prison to the president's former political rivals, the Clintons.
The president retweeting a theory without evidence that implicates the Clintons in Epstein's death.
Let that sink in.
This would be like Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan claiming that LBJ had Kennedy killed.
Now, the president is helping to spread an outrageous false story about Epstein's death being tied to the Clintons.
Shortly after Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell, President Trump retweeted this video from a conservative commentator.
For some odd reason, people that have information on the Clintons end up dead.
And they usually die from suicide.
It's appalling.
I mean, there's no other way to put it.
You have the President of the United States retweeting an unfounded conspiracy theory with no evidence to back it up.
About a former president of the United States.
We have a president now whose Twitter feed is a chief source of disinformation.
This is another example of our president using this position of public trust to attack his political enemies with unfounded conspiracy theories.
Some extraordinary conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Untrustworthy and ridiculous, baseless conspiracy theories.
The President of the United States is pushing a dangerous and completely unfounded murder conspiracy theory about his predecessor.
But do you think it's dangerous?
What he's doing is dangerous.
Republican Marco Rubio agrees it's dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
Dangerously claiming that Epstein was murdered by the Clintons?
But there is no evidence at all to support the conspiracy theory the president is fueling.
Marco Rubio says there is evidence Russian bots are now pushing this new conspiracy theory online to further divide Americans.
All three of us, if we tweeted stuff like this in this reckless fashion, we would likely lose our jobs.
Bathhouse Rubio totally compromised.
There's nothing wrong with the fact that, you know, he's been lighting the loafers.
It just shouldn't be compromised.
Coming up later, I'll get into this whole graphic we have of the Clinton body count.
But you heard CNN.
They said just there's nothing backing that up.
And then they didn't back that up.
We back it all up and no one is buying it, ladies and gentlemen.
So it's not even the Clinton body count.
The Clintons are just a tentacle.
You know, like, It the Clown's really just a tentacle of a big intergalactic vampiric spider, and It the Clown's just the tongue, like an anglerfish.
Oh, hi, I'm a clown!
Hey, how you doing, Georgie?
Ha ha ha!
That's the Clinton thing.
Oh, hiya!
Oh, I'm so liberal!
I love you!
Come closer, children!
They're gonna see a lot of stuff, clowns and balloons, and you'll float, too!
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
You know, Yoda once said, for the Jedi, there is time to eat as well.
And that's fiction.
And I'm here to tell you, as a patriot, there's time to celebrate our victories as well.
And we should do that more.
I want to just say something about Trump.
If you could imagine the cultural and the spiritual and the psychic attack he's under.
And how everyone around him, everyone that supports him, has been absolutely stalked, and lied about, and harassed, and demonized, and audited, and indicted, and killed, in some cases.
So I really sit back in this instant gratification culture, and I get mad at Trump sometimes, because I want to win.
My engine over revs, and I get mad at things he's done, because it wasn't exactly how I do it.
But the rage the globalists have for Trump, and they're pouring out of attacks and lies, and their internal emails that come out and all of it, it's real.
Trump is 100% for real.
Now Bengal Tiger, in the forest of northern areas of India, it's real too.
It just means he's his own man, he has his own vision, and he's pro-human.
He's pro-human.
He has that human destiny, he has that will, he wants to procreate, not just children, but success, and feels his destiny's tied to humanity because it is.
Any real man wants prosperity.
Any real man wants to empower others.
Anyone that's confident and strong and virile doesn't look at weak people and want to kill them.
You want to empower them!
Oh, Trump's totally real.
And he's got all the power, all the focus, all the psychic energy, all of the connectedness and the gut-level subconscious supercomputer that all these think tanks and all these collections of cowards and all these people who just run around and go with where the wind blows and those are the biggest paycheck comes from.
They fear him and that incredible Zen statement he made
I'm paraphrasing.
I'm trying to pull the quote up.
Trump said the deepest, most important thing I ever realized in my life was that my first impressions are best and that being shallow is the deepest thing in my life.
Now I'm butchering and paraphrasing.
Can you guys pull up Trump's quote on being shallow?
That's all the genetic memory.
That's all of the understanding.
That's all of the first approximation of your supercomputer is the best analysis it's got.
And then you're supposed to know that's the best analysis and then war game it and say, am I being deceived?
Are they projecting something?
But nine times out of 10, it's the gut that knows.
Let me give you an example of this.
I can sit there.
I'm gonna videotape this sometime.
I mean, I've shown you me shooting Coke cans at 500 yards and stuff.
I mean, I'm a really good shot.
But the point is, is that it's when I let go, I never miss.
When I try, I miss.
But I can sit there in my yard with a dart thing hanging on the tree, and I'll put cans of, you know, like LaCroix soda water up there, and I'll say, watch this, I'm not gonna try.
30 feet, hit the can.
I can try with 20 throws, focusing, can't hit the can.
I had Pat Riley over at the house last week and I said, watch this.
The cat's sitting in the yard over there 40 feet away.
I'm going to bounce this golf ball perfectly and hit the cat in the head.
Not being mean, I just, it has to be a live animal.
There's some kind of connection to like that hunting energy we had and the geometry and the calculations.
There's something about hunting that need to be live.
It didn't hurt the cat.
It kind of didn't hit the head.
It hit him in like the back, but that was one inch off.
And I bounced the ball perfectly, hit the cat.
I said, now let's get the darts.
And I was like, Obi-Wan Kenobi talking to Luke Skywalker, and I said, don't try to hit the can.
And as soon as he stopped trying, he hit the can.
I said, watch this, threw one time at the can.
Let's just say, Pat was impressed.
But I'm not telling you all that to impress you, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm telling you all that because the globalists know how powerful you are.
You've all got that power.
It's not some mitochondrial DNA force stuff from, you know, Hollywood.
They're just trying to create a cosmology that you already instinctively know about yourself, so that you believe they're giving you all the answers because you already had the answers.
Humans, thousands of years ago, envisioned flying machines.
We built them.
People 200 years ago envisioned DNA and computers.
We built them because we envisioned them.
That's why most of these globalists and people think, oh, we must have been seated here and given a program to do this.
How do we already know all this?
It's because we don't, we already are dialed in the whole universe.
I'm going to go to break, come back with Joe Biggs the rest of the hour, and I appreciate him joining us.
But I want to talk about some of the successes of humanity and then realize the losers that have seized control of the planet, they're yesterday's news very, very soon.
They're not going to stand in the way of humanity.
It's going to be rough.
It's going to be tough, but I'm telling you,
We're going to make it through this with God's help.
Now let me give you the good news.
We got a break.
Come back with Joe Biggs.
Your TV viewer, look at that photo.
That photo was up for today on DrudgeReport.com.
Can we go full screen with the HD of it?
And it looks like something that has that iconography of when they raise the flag, the Marines do over Iwo Jima.
And I'm not comparing what the Proud Boys and others did to that.
They wouldn't either.
But it has that same true Americana flair.
And I sat there because I have a Getty's account.
We pay for it.
And I spent about 30 minutes last night looking at hundreds of photos and they were all so iconic.
The people all were smiling, they were happy, they were black, they were Hispanic, they were white, they were old, they were young.
But let me tell you something, they were men.
And they had a camaraderie.
And a joyousness, even though they've been told by the Feds you're going to get arrested and by Portland Police we're going to come after you.
And they knew that there was three or four times all the meth-head government employees, scumbag professors waiting with poles and weapons and pepper spray and all of it.
But they knew they were just going to march in, plant the American flag, exercise their First Amendment in defiance of the tyrants.
And you look at that photo, they marched in there and they planted that flag in the middle of the park and let Antifa know
We stand for the First Amendment and you will not silence us, you bullies.
Then they marched back, crossed the bridge to another state, and they went and had a barbecue and had a great time together.
And that's what it's all about.
It's having a good time at the same time and not letting the enemy grind us down or grind us down.
And even AP, I'll cover this when we come back, had to admit, okay,
The Proud Boys didn't attack anybody.
They were gentlemen.
The left attacked them.
And the left attacked anybody, the AP says, anybody that they thought might be a Trump supporter.
They just, anybody walking down to a grocery store with an American flag hat got punched in the face.
You think about that.
Gangs of thugs running around delusional, believing they're fighting the Nazis when they weren't black.
Like the Nazis.
They work for George Soros, the Nazi collaborator.
I've got all these videos coming up of them attacking little girls, chasing families down like wolves.
It's horrifying.
You watch orcs chasing down hobbits, you know, in a Lord of the Rings.
It's fiction.
But you still are on the hobbit's side.
This was really happening, ladies and gentlemen.
These people have no bottom.
They tasered
And threw bottles at a little girl, but the taser didn't go in.
And that's in the news!
Ten-year-old girls being tasered by the anti-fascist!
And then all the big news channels, other than AP, ABC, NBC, CNN, all saying, oh, oh the Nazis came and we were all non-violent and they attacked us.
They had signs up saying the Nazis are coming to kill you.
And then the people attacking.
We're attacking brown people, and white people, and black people.
There's a guy right there.
Hispanic fellow.
Pepper spray.
And the weird thing about Antifa is they're such cowards.
They always target people in wheelchairs or on crutches or children.
Imagine being so soulless that you have no form of God-fear.
And they're compelled to attack children instead of compelled to protect children because that's their ethos.
It's their engine.
It's their spirit.
They come to kill, steal, and destroy.
And if they can destroy the children, they believe they've destroyed the future.
But they are already failing.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to this live Sunday, August 18, 2019, Global Transmission.
You're watching on TV, you see this key infographic.
Clinton body count hasn't been updated with Jeffrey Epstein or thousands of others, but it's in the hundreds.
If you look at the really big lists that are out there.
Ah, but forensic pathologist says Epstein's fractures are the mark of murder.
Only 29% of Americans believe that he committed suicide.
Epstein prison guards not cooperating with the DOJ.
They were held again in a city-run facility.
CNN says Bob Barr.
Robert Barr.
They're saying the Attorney General is the guy that's got to be looked at.
I always say Bob Barr.
I want to go to our guest here.
I want to go to Joe Biggs.
And if you're a TV viewer, again, let's put full screen.
This iconic photo, beautiful old glory, designed by George Washington.
Sewed together by Betsy Ross, the great abolitionist, the top abolitionist in the country, against slavery.
That's why they say that it should be taken down, because it's for slavery, that Betsy Ross was a slaver.
The left hates her.
They hate Martin Luther King, because they were Republicans.
And later, the party that developed out of the Republicans came out of George Washington.
But as you can see right here, Thomas Jefferson founded the Democrats.
He was a pretty good guy.
You see this photo, it's just beautiful, and they achieved what their main mission was.
And Joe Biggs talked about that, the interview's up on Infowars.com, when he was, you know, fresh away from the area there in Portland, Oregon, at a nearby park.
And he joined us, and he joins us now for the Balance of the Hour.
Look at these headlines.
Antifa causes disturbances long after most Proud Boys leave Portland Rally.
And the Washington Examiner gets it right, but even AP reported that Antifa basically tore the town up after they left.
Antifa attacks a little girl and her father.
But Joe, you're saying you got what you wanted.
So again, Joe Biggs, a former Infowars.com reporter.
I'm very proud he went off on his own thing.
I encourage him to do it.
And he's got his own vision, which I agreed with, and now he's had a huge success.
I appreciate everybody holding while I covered that last segment.
But I would call this a big success.
You guys went in, you planted the flag, you had your stuff together, and even went crazy illustrating they are a terrorist group.
So Joe and crew, thanks for joining us.
Thank you very much.
We appreciate it, Alec.
Well, it's hilarious.
A lot of these headlines on videos and articles say Proud Boys clashed with Antifo.
There was no clashing at all.
We never clashed with them at all.
We met peacefully under a bridge right beside a fire station and everyone showed up on buses.
Then we marched, like we said we were going to do, out to the waterfront park.
We did the Iwo Jima style, you know, flag
We're good to go.
I'm saying that he fears for his life and I'm going to come over there and kill him yesterday.
So they just built up this entire hateful, fearful environment and we just kind of went in there like cool, calm, collected adults.
Did our thing and walked off and had one hell of a time as we sat back and watched the news.
We watched Antifa attack their own city, their own people, and it's proved the entire point of why we went there.
Is that they have a huge criminal element in Portland, and Ted Wheeler's not willing to do anything about it.
And these guys are running amok, destroying their own city, beating up little girls.
It's disgusting.
Beating up journalists, beating up old men.
And again, for TV viewers and radio listeners, introduce some of these other folks in the room, and we'll start getting their take on things as well, Joe.
All right, so we got Rufio Panman right here, the man.
Enrique Tarrio.
Brad Chadford in the back.
Yeah, she wanted to introduce herself, so I'm going to let her do it.
We got Joseph Oakman, Zach Scott.
A lot of these guys here helped us organize this.
I want to get all their takes on this when we come back, but I mean, Joe, this was really dangerous because these are terrorists you're up against.
You had the FBI tell you, visit your family and you tell you not to go.
And you weren't trying to stir up trouble.
You never were.
They're saying conservatives can't be on the streets of America.
Don't let any Trump supporter rest.
Members of Congress are pushing this.
Harass them.
You had to do this.
It's like the sheriff in a corrupt town in the old days saying, you know, we don't allow outsiders here.
Or like black folks going in and sitting at the lunch counter or at the front of the bus.
You did the same thing.
You had people telling you as Americans, as veterans, you're not welcome to march here.
So you had to do this and you did it successfully with your you-know-what together.
And then they acted like monsters, which is exactly what you plan to illustrate.
Yes, exactly.
The whole point was to bait them out of the shadows, have them out there in the light where the world could see, and they did it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
We cared of them, baited them out there, and they did it.
And none of us got hurt, none of us got arrested, and we had one hell of a time in Portland yesterday.
It was good.
I gotta tell you, yeah, none of your main group, but when a few folks tried to go home, that's when they caught them in parking lots and things.
Obviously, you've seen the shocking video of them beating up old men, taking their American flags away, attacking what looks like little girls.
I mean, this is shocking footage.
We're good to go.
I don't
We just showed the footage of them chasing him.
Yeah, there's the footage of them trying to pour in and the guy's fighting like three of them off.
It's just, it's totally un-American.
It's dangerous.
Yeah, it is.
But I mean, look, this is what we wanted the world to see, and the world got to see it on every channel, in every article, on every YouTube thing.
We expose Antifa for what they are.
We put an entire global spotlight on this problem.
And now it's up to President Donald Trump, man, to get this job done.
Label them a domestic terrorist organization.
Let's get these anti-masking laws.
We're good to go.
Well, we've got a bunch of these clips we're going to play next segment, and the mic's okay, but as long as you're up close, so as we talk to each person, Joe, they're going to need to probably get what you're at, or if you have an external mic, let's try to plug that baby in, because I want to talk to each and every one of these great people that I see there in the background.
I'm going to waltz that Rufio on.
He's awesome.
Everybody's awesome.
We'll play some of the clips of you guys in the past being attacked like Rufio, and then he knocks a couple of them out, and the media says that's wrong.
They're trying to hit Rufio.
With an extendable metal baton that you can kill people with.
He dodges it, knocks the guy out, and then he's the bad guy.
Yeah, there's one of the shots, but there's the one where they try to attack him with the baton.
And again, the American flag flapping in the background.
Hollywood could not come up with footage that is dramatic as this.
So we'll cover it all with Joe Biggs, who said, look, I'm sick of watching them attack all these people.
I'm going to go there a month ago.
He went there yesterday.
Close to 500, 600 people showed up.
They marched in, planted the American flag, and it has really exposed just how terrorist Antifa is and how they're anti-American.
And the shooter in Ohio was Antifa.
Evidence is mounting the shooter in Texas was Antifa.
The big next threat is them staging false flags.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our Republic.
Our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
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I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks in to people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us, or they'll shut us down, and the biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they were.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago, and we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
It's to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So despite all the threats of they were going to have guns, they were going to have ball bearings, they were going to kill them, they've already thrown concrete at people and steel clubs of police protect antifa.
But 500 plus patriots or more ended up showing up.
National news, the president tweeting, the police had to do their job, which they've been asking the mayor to do.
And Antifa then rioted once the Proud Boys and the Patriots left.
True cowards.
But if you want to know who the left fears most,
It's red-blooded Americans who may have different skin color, but love liberty and are proud of this country.
And there's nothing wrong with being proud of this nation.
They're trying to demoralize us and make us hate ourselves.
It's not.
That don't work.
New York Times documents coming out two days ago that they plan to cause a race war.
We already knew this, but it's all there, 74 minutes, the whole transcript, saying Russiagate didn't work, let's go with race war.
And so now we're looking at a snapshot of how to counter these people, how to not let them control the narrative.
No one is more protected than Antifa by media and by stay-behind groups and embedded groups in the government.
So the White House is watching right now, obviously.
Joe Biggs, this segment and the next, I want to give you the floor to Traffic Cop, some of these great folks that are, you know, over there, these great Americans.
So start introducing us to some of these people.
All right, so I got with me right here, Rufio Panman.
You guys all know him from a lot of these videos.
Out in the streets where he's been protesting in Portland against Antifa.
What was your thoughts of yesterday?
What happened and all that?
Well, overall, I thought it was really encouraging to see everybody come out regardless of all the threats and all the scare tactics, fear tactics they were putting out there.
You could tell the mayor was really trying hard when he put out all those arrests for prior rallies that had happened there.
Yeah, I mean, it was really interesting too.
To see Mayor Ted Wheeler come out yesterday evening too, and just frightened.
I mean, he's like, this cost us $2 million, and we didn't get any bloodshed.
It seemed like Ted Wheeler wanted there to be blood, and he wanted us to be the ones that were arrested, when all it was was Antifa showing their actual true colors.
They're the ones that got arrested.
They're the ones- And you wouldn't have had to be there if they didn't tell the world there's no free speech in Portland.
Yeah, Ted Wheeler says, I don't want Joe Biggs back in Portland ever.
Well, guess what?
If you don't do your job, I'm coming back again.
And again.
And again.
And we'll continue to do it, Ted Wheeler, until you aren't elected again or until you actually do something about Antifa.
Even the reporter, Mr. No, caught dozens of assaults once you guys left.
They would follow people back to their cars.
But what about what we don't see?
We always know that we only see like 1% on camera of what really happened.
What else went on, Rufio and Joe Beggs, that we didn't see?
Um, well, shoot.
I mean, I mean, one of the iconic things, I guess, would be that bridge.
You know, that bridge always gets closed down for these events.
They said that's the first time they've ever opened up that lane and allowed someone to cross over it on foot.
They said that was a
A pretty big moment.
Even the police and a lot of the other professional photographers that cover these events in Portland, they said it's never been done before.
And I guarantee you that's because we cooperated with the police.
We kind of scared them a bit, throwing them a really weird route that Enrique came up with.
They thought we were going to have all these crazy routes going through these Antifa parks.
Um, but we didn't.
We came out there and let them know that we were just, you know, screwing around with them.
What do you make of these cowards as soon as you left following a few people to their cars?
Watching them attack that little girl and they tase her but it doesn't go in.
I mean, those guys need to be charged with attempted murder.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, these guys came out with tons of weapons.
The police came to our side and made sure that we only had flagpoles made with PVC pipe.
So I'm curious as to what happened on that side.
Did police not go through there and disarm them?
Well, obviously not.
You know, we're the ones that are compliant.
We're the ones that have to be disarmed.
Yet these guys, you know, run around like rabid animals and they're allowed to bring in hammers, bear mace and all this stuff and really hurt people.
Well, you guys have incredible restraint.
I mean, I go back to Rufio, they're trying to kill him with metal batons and stuff, and then he's the bad guy.
Whatever ended up happening to Joey Gibson, I know he got arrested for no reason.
He was released, he was actually at the rally with us, having a good time as well with his crew.
Like I said, you know, we're used to dealing with a lot of these extremists, and because, you know, we had a good group of people and the cops actually were trying to do their job, at least on our side, during our rally, you know, we didn't have to deal with any of that.
We got to enjoy ourselves and really just focus on the match.
Oh man, I gotta say, you guys pulled off 100%, but I think all glory goes to God.
I know you guys prayed, right Joe, before the event?
Before, and right once we got into the field before we planted the flag.
They had another prayer, you know, and everyone took a knee.
We got down there, you know, and really thank God for this opportunity for this worldwide stage, you know, and it was it was truly a blessing.
You know, I've been nervous for days just with the weight of all this, you know, you hear all this stuff, mass arrests, you know, everyone's saying, don't come here.
We're going to kill you, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, and as the organizer, like, that's a lot on me because I mean, if someone gets hurt, that's something I'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life.
And I was just like, please, God, you know, like, let us go in here.
Let's do what we gotta do.
Let's get out.
No one gets hurt.
No one gets in trouble.
And let's send a message.
I mean, I couldn't ask for a better event, a better group of patriots beside me, behind me, helping me out.
And we did it.
I mean, this has just been an amazing time.
It's beautiful.
Okay, let's bring Henrique in here.
I'm not supposed to say Henrique, I can barely speak even Texan.
But I've had this guy on the show before, he's awesome.
Enrique, if I'm saying it now right.
Am I saying it right or are you going to punch me in the face?
I did say it right, so you guys are telling me to say it different.
You're awesome being here with us.
Give us your take on what you saw.
I think one of the biggest reasons for our success coming into Saturday
Um, is we went with an approach of the Saturdays for the boys.
Uh, we went with, uh, smiles on our faces and love in our hearts.
Um, and we couldn't, I couldn't have done this.
All of us couldn't have done this without the six organizers that put this together.
Joe, Oak, Rufio, Mateo, and a big shout out to Jacob Engels.
He couldn't be with us, uh, this weekend cause he was working with Mr. Stone, but he helped us big time on the media front.
Um, we've been planning this for two months.
Getting it together, planning every single detail, every single deviation.
It's been very fluid, moving with what the law enforcement's been saying and all that.
Ken Ray, what was it like though, you see these iconic photographs and things, but you really see a spirit of brotherhood and humanity there, and how loving and open and strong you guys are.
I'm sorry, you look at Antifa, they look like somebody threw a bunch of you-know-what up against the wall.
Yeah, and that's the biggest reason why our brotherhood is so successful.
We're really tight-knit.
We work together.
We talk to each other every day.
And going back to that, the planning phase was so amazing because we have such a good relationship, such a tightly wound relationship.
And we think of our guys first.
I mean, we do events like every other day.
We're almost at this point like brothers and sisters.
I mean, we're a family.
In the past 60 days, I've been home probably about five days in a row.
And we just continue to do this and we plan this very well.
We were in communication with the Portland PD.
That relationship was great up until like two days before the event.
That relationship went sour, not because of the Portland PD, but what we saw was a difference in communication between what the PD was telling us and what Ted Wheeler was putting out.
And we caught wind of
An attempt on, like, mass arrests on our side so we couldn't put a risk on our guys.
So we went in there.
We took a knee as soon as we got in.
We were in prayer.
We prayed for Antifa.
We prayed for Portland PD.
We prayed for our guys.
We planted our flag and we were gone.
That's it.
It was just the exercise of, you don't own this.
This belongs to the American people.
This is America and you're not going to do this.
Beautiful, Henry K.
And again, folks, this has to be a special thing to march into a leftist city today.
Believe me, if you're not publicly known, you're lucky.
When you're a Trump supporter, and they know who you are, they spit in your food, they attack you, they come after your children, and they're just such horrible people.
But we have to go challenge them, to draw them out, to expose them to the world.
They're not the good guys, folks.
They're the bad guys.
They work for the globalists, the chi-cons, and others.
But their time is here.
They're being brought down right now.
Stay with us.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
Hey, Alex.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
Without your support, we won't be here.
And I couldn't thank you all enough for the fact that you've kept us in the game.
I mean, I want to stay in this game.
I want to take the globalist on.
Total transparency is our whole operation.
If I bring in $35 million, half of that's the cost of the products, because we don't mark stuff up that much.
I don't care if I'm not making money, but you need to buy the products.
We got coffee.
We got fish oil.
We got turmeric.
We got great toothpaste.
We've got great things like DNA Force Plus.
But Ultimate Krill Oil has been sold out for four months.
For whatever reason, this became the most popular fish oil.
It's totally full of the bottle, and it is the strongest, purest krill oil, and it cost us three times more because we have it put through the expensive laboratory process to remove mercury.
Any type of krill oil you get that doesn't give you fish burps, which I don't like, but gives you all the great benefits, isn't real.
It's been boiled, it's been ruined, it's been homogenized.
This has not been.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest quality krill oil you're gonna find anywhere.
Real krill oil, folks, is red.
It's not yellow.
It's not milky.
This is nothing but krill oil.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We really are here in defiance of the globalists.
I remember when I got totally banned off the internet like a year ago.
I felt so good seeing Joe Bigs going viral.
I just said, the bigger he gets, the more they're gonna fry him.
And I'm not bragging.
Matt Drudge came here four years ago and said, you better build your own stuff, your own infrastructure, you're gonna be taken off.
And I remember calling Joe going, you gotta get your own website, you gotta get your own thing.
And I was like, man, I'm really busy doing all these rallies and stuff, but they got him.
And I'm not, see, I told you so.
But it's scary now that one of the few places Joe Biggs and these great people can be heard, so they can't be lied about, is here on the show.
That's why Infowars is so special.
I've done an hour and 50 minutes of broadcast, and I haven't plugged one time.
I'm just going to leave it at this.
We've got a big super sale, end of summer, super sale running right now, one of the biggest ever.
It's got to end very soon, m4restore.com.
Take advantage of it if you want to support the broadcast, but I just want to thank everybody.
It's a World Awakens mega sale as the house of globalist cards collapses.
Going back to Joe Biggs and a few of these other folks, I want to get in here.
Joe, this really is big.
Because they were going to try to make it violent, they were going to try to derail it, they were going to demonize you no matter what you did.
And out of all the possible outcomes, when even the Associated Press admitted it was pretty much non-violent except for the left, and then Antifa tore the city up after you went, I don't see how you got an outcome this good.
I said go ahead with it because it's the right thing to do.
Uh, and I'm glad you did.
And your folks are great, but you got to be thanking your lucky stars.
But I think it's when you put God on the deed and you didn't do it out of an arrogant thing.
You're like, Hey God, please help us.
God doesn't want to be a loser.
And I think it's those prayers and the viewers and listeners prayers that, that, that, that, that took us across.
But let me tell you, this was a dangerous maneuver.
It was the right maneuver.
And, uh, it's, it's just a very beautiful thing that happened.
I mean, look at that shot behind you.
That's one of the most iconic photos ever.
That's just going to be amazing right there.
I mean, that just encompasses everything that we did.
I mean, that looks like total victory right there.
That's what it was.
We left out of there with our heads held high, brothers and sisters.
Well, you invoked God and then you had the American flag.
They fear so much.
It's not as powerful as God, but it's been God inspired.
It's another powerful symbol.
And he should frame it and put it in his office.
Yeah, you guys got to get that framed.
I'll give a donation to whoever has that flag.
I want to frame that sucker.
Because it takes on real energy.
So tell me who this, I'm going to be politically correct, who is this beautiful young lady here?
This is my little sister right here, Adriana.
That's your little sister?
Yeah, so she runs demandfreespeech.org and she actually does a lot of the events that I go to and speak at as well.
She did the one back in D.C.
and then we have another one coming up in Miami, right?
September 28th.
You know, tell us about what you thought yesterday.
All right.
You know, yesterday, honestly, I felt was a big victory for our side.
You know, being a woman, a small woman coming in, working with these men who defend our country, who are considered terrorists in our country, because that's what the left wants.
That's what these people want.
They want these men, these men who work for a living, who support their family, who do the right thing as chauvinists, respect their constitution.
They are the terrorists of our country.
So what we did yesterday,
Turned the cold cheek, walked away, and they came towards us and they started domestically abusing their city and abusing people that they shouldn't be touching.
You know, that 10-year-old daughter.
She was maced.
She was tasered.
I mean, come on now.
It's sad that a lot of people have to go in there and provoke things.
But what we see out there is domestic terrorism and this needs to stop.
And that's why we do events like this.
We go.
We want to be loud.
We need to make things grassroots-ly heard.
And if we don't, nothing's going to get changed.
So that's what we're out here doing.
You know, demandfreespeech.org.
You know, we're going to be in Miami, Laura Loomer running for Congress.
We need to grassroots-ly get our people into Congress to get these laws moving.
No, I totally agree, but let me just raise this, and I'm not trying to be cosmetic here, but like Trump goes off looks, and you can be a little old man or whatever, it's the energy that you project.
You look at Angela, they look like vampire meth head demons.
And then you see all the patriots.
I mean, it's like Trump always says, central casting, God, look how good looking these people are.
I mean, it's statistically true, conservatives and nationals and patriots, they could be black, they could be Hispanic, they could be white, they could be anybody.
I'm not saying I'm Mr. Movie Star, but compared to the leftist I am, why are they so ugly?
I mean, what's wrong with them?
Look at these beautiful faces in here.
You know, seriously, Alex, honestly, you're not wrong.
They really do have a different complexion towards them.
I think it is because their demeanor and how they live their lives.
It's evil.
We are in a spiritual war.
You know, this is a huge spiritual war in our country, like you've been reporting for many years.
This is what's happening.
It's already begun.
And we are the ones that are forefronting this, and we are not scared to make sure that people understand what we are here for.
You know, the 1A.
And by the way, notice Antifa will never talk to a camera.
I've been to a hundred events, you've been to a hundred or more.
They'll never talk.
They can't talk!
I get a conservative or a Christian on, it's like eloquent oratory like a volcano.
It's total night and day.
Anytime you see a member of Antifa trying to think for themselves and speak, you always see that one arm come and grab that person and pull them back into what they call the black block or whatever.
And that guy disappears because you're not allowed to think for yourself.
They just want drones.
They want people who are going to stand there in masks.
Beat drums, spit like llamas, and swing clubs at people.
That's it.
And spout communist slogans.
I want to get you all back on this week.
You're amazing.
Let's talk to Joe Oakman here.
I was seeing him.
I would say he's a midget because he's eight feet tall.
Joe Oakman, give us your take.
You were saying you're being doxxed.
Others are being doxxed.
These are terrorists that go to the Senate leader's house.
They go to Tucker Carlson's house.
They've been to other people's houses, but I'm not going to mention it for security reasons because we don't want to let them know they've been to my house.
They've been to a bunch of Alex Jones's houses.
There's like 10 Alex Jones's in town.
I get calls saying, there's people banging on my door.
What do I do?
And I'm like, well, I'm over here with Blackwater.
So, but I mean, that's how crazy this has gotten.
What have you gone through?
I mean, you're not a victim, but these are terrorists.
Tell us what's happened, Joe.
Alex, first of all, thank you for having us on and giving voice to what we're trying to do here.
So thank you very much for the large audience.
So thank you.
Me, personally, since yesterday, overnight, in a weird way, I've kind of become Antifa's biggest... biggest... I don't know.
I don't mean biggest.
They've got some sort of weird crush on me.
It's flattering, but at the same time, knowing what they do, it's dangerous.
I'm not the only one, though.
Anybody that gets put in front of a camera and voices their opinion for free speech and in support of this country, they become their enemy.
I just happen to be a very big target at the moment, but that's not going to deter myself or any of the gentlemen.
I mean, if you're a hunchback, green-skinned devil worshipper, you know, like a six-foot-seven, you know, good-looking guy, whether white or black, whatever, they're scared of that.
I mean, imagine, you've got what they want.
You're an American.
You're well-spoken.
You're good-looking.
You've got courage.
They're meth-heads that work for George Soros.
So, of course they hate you.
Actually, it's funny you say that.
30-second story.
When I was there at the event last night after our march was over, while Juan Enrique was being a superstar on CNN, I was approached by a self-described Antifa member, and we had a conversation.
It was actually surprisingly calm, but he made comments about, look at you, your appearance.
You're comfortable in your masculinity.
You take care of yourself, blah, blah, blah.
And I said, yeah, is there something wrong with that?
He said, well, kind of.
You have this weird approach.
Everyone thinks you're violent.
I said, because I
Respect myself and my friends?
Why am I violent?
Let's just say it.
The left is the left-hand path.
They're satanic.
They don't have the power.
They want us to stand down because, let's just say it, we already have the power.
We built the country.
We built the world.
They all want to come take it.
It's a spiritual issue.
Alex, it's not just myself or the gentleman in this room.
It's not just every Proud Boy chapter in this country from California to Florida to Michigan.
It's every red-blooded American man and woman in this country that loves their country.
It's in your blood and it motivates you to be better.
And that's why they tell us America sucks because it doesn't suck.
They want to conquer it.
No, here's the best part about the United States.
You mentioned that Iwo Jima moment.
That's a great segue to the military.
You have two veterans here, three veterans here, I'm sorry.
You can't conquer this country by bringing ships to our shores, but you sure can try to poison it by injecting a virus into it.
And that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to inject a virus of hate into this country.
And overturn it from within.
You're not going to come to our shores with any ships, but you might be able to do that.
I think what we did yesterday was plant our flag in that soil and say, no, that virus isn't coming here.
The United States will be defended against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And I can't think of a better way to end the broadcast.
We salute you all.
Great job.
Retransmission coming up.
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Great job guys.
We salute you.
Great job to the crew and the listeners.
I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our republic.
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