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Filename: 20190816_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 16, 2019
3226 lines.

This video features Alex Jones discussing mainstream media's support for Antifa and CNN's left- leaning commentary, an incident involving a CNN analyst's bodyguard brandishing what appeared to be a weapon, and how InfoWars operates independently without relying on corporate donors or foreign funding. He calls for humanity to stand against powerful groups like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Greg Coppola, a senior Google engineer, will join him later in the show to discuss the danger posed by big tech companies to election systems. The segment also covers topics such as whistleblowers revealing their experiences working for technology companies, free speech being attacked, an experimental program by Bill Gates to release lead-contaminated dust into the atmosphere, entrepreneurship in Taiwan, and people exercising their rights under law while supporting InfoWars against globalist control.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live.
I'm back in studio on this Friday, August 16th global transmission.
Here's part of a key report we're going to kick off with.
And the main transmission begins in T-minus five and a half minutes.
Dealing with CNN's horrendous, America-hating, Antifa-loving personalities.
They support Antifa, a communist organization that openly targets Americans with violence.
The theme here is, I'm Donald Trump and I'll protect you from the scary black people.
Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization and this is just part of the same story of LeBron James and Don Lemon and Maxine Waters and the NFL players, UCLA basketball players.
This is about
Black versus white.
We need to call it what it is.
This is organized premeditated political violence.
How fast we turned from Sarah Huckabee Sanders being denied from a restaurant to now the left excusing violence on behalf of a journalist no less.
Democracy dies in darkness until it's a conservative journalist.
Their rhetoric fuels violent attacks on immigration officials, like the one carried out by Willem van Spronsen in July, and the recent shootings at ICE offices in San Antonio, Texas, after leftists targeted ICE employees in Florida with threats against their children.
Do you know where all your children live?
Throughout the country?
John Bolton, you have kids in the a**.
You have kids in the a**.
We know everything about you and you won't just be seeing us here.
Who are they?
This is CNN, the most trusted name in news.
Do you remember when Anderson Cooper actually reported on events rather than vomited out rhetoric that creates them?
Whites will not be the majority.
I mean, that's, it's an exciting transformation of the country.
It's an exciting evolution and, you know, progress of our country in many different ways.
But at least Cooper was known for his reporting out in the field.
Anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are known for their menacing of society.
Cuomo, who recently lost his demeanor on a man that referred to him as Fredo.
I can handle things!
I'm smart!
I'm like everybody says!
Like dumb, I'm smart, and I want respect!
Meanwhile, Don Lemon is embroiled in a lawsuit alleging, as the New York Post writes, a former Hamptons bartender says that Don Lemon assaulted him after the CNN host disgustingly fondled himself at a local watering hole.
As alleged in his complaint, Heiss, 38, told the Post, Don gets up, walks around the bar, comes up right up to me, and puts his hand down his board shorts.
He rubs himself aggressively.
Lemon then shoved his index and middle finger in the plaintiff's mustache and under the plaintiff's nose, according to Heiss' suit.
And he kept saying, P or D, P or D. He said it three or four times.
I'm like, whoa, man.
What the hell?
Add to CNN's slippery slope, CNN political analyst April Ryan's bodyguard brandished what appears to be a weapon while throwing out a videographer that had permission to film her speaking event.
You don't get out of here right now!
Get out!
Get the kid out of my face!
Don't you dare touch my camera!
And you're not an ideological opponent of Ms.
When I left the house that day, I was a fan of hers.
I was looking forward to seeing her remarks and maybe learning a thing or two since she's been a journalist longer than I have.
So the press attacked freedom of the press, in your opinion.
This was an attack on our freedoms.
Yes, absolutely.
All in all, under the leadership of Jeff Zucker, CNN allows this arrogant behavior to fester in the leftist propaganda machine to spew its biased hyperbole to anyone in its gaze.
CNN's ratings have continued to plummet, down by 38%.
Folks, we'll be right back.
We're live.
Stay with us.
It's Friday.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
Just let me think.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors on systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
How did this happen?
We need cameras.
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends, welcome and thank you for joining us on this live Friday, August 16th, 2019 worldwide transmission.
Remember, the fact that we even exist and are here on air is in defiance to the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Jeffrey Epstein's of the world, the Bill and Melinda Gates's of the world, the Bill and Hillary's of the world.
Thanks to you and all our great affiliates and all the great supporters out there.
We are here on the air because of you and only because of you and the good Lord that of course controls this universe and all of creation and all dimensions.
This is going to be another incredible transmission today.
We have Greg Coppola who is a senior
Current Google engineer who's been put on administrative leave since about a month ago.
He went public about the danger to our election systems posed by Google and other big tech giants who are completely out of control.
He will be joining us in the second hour.
Then, Zach Voorhees has flown to New York to meet with
Colleagues at a major institution.
I'll just leave it at that.
And he is going to be trying to join us during a lunch break.
And he may even be joining us with some of those colleagues.
And the folks that he's working with are people like Professor Robert Epstein that testified to Congress three weeks ago on the fact that Google and Facebook are currently stealing the 2020 election.
So look for surprise guest
As well today.
I had some very interesting conversations with very interesting individuals last night with Mr. Voorhees late into the evening.
And let me tell you, he's only come out with part of what he knows, and he made the decision last night to come out with more.
I'm going to leave it at that and see how much he wants to talk about it.
In fact, I forgot to say this.
We should just get him and his colleagues on an airplane and whoever else wants to come when they leave New York to Austin, Texas, we should get them in studio next week.
Put them up in hotels, everything.
And so I was just texting with him right before I went on air.
In fact, there's so much big news happening.
Back when the New York Times still did some journalism, and the Washington Post still did some journalism, a journalist would spend a month working on one of the things we work on.
So we gotta move fast, and it means we make mistakes sometimes, but we've proven that nine times out of ten, we're dead on.
We're trying to tell the truth.
And here's the difference.
We're not trying to deceive like a lot of the corporate media out there.
Norm Pattis joins us at the bottom of the hour.
He's obviously a nationally known criminal and defense lawyer, First Amendment expert lawyer, helping us win against unbelievable odds against the fake Sandy Hook suits in Connecticut.
He was actually contacted by the ICE officer this morning, and he may end up representing him, but regardless, he's seen the videos of what happened in Rhode Island, the supposed ICE officer running a crowd over.
No, he pulls up around the corner, doesn't see him, stops.
They get around him, and he just simply bumps them at a quarter mile an hour, putting his car in gear.
They're calling it murder.
They're looking to charge him in Rhode Island.
He's been told.
So exclusive info on that.
We'll play the video.
And they just start celebrating.
They go, oh the truck, ICE murdered us!
And they go, I mean attempted murder!
So just the foaming at the mouth.
No, it's ICE facilities being shot up all over the country.
And being firebombed.
From Texas to Washington State.
So, this rhetoric is going into high gear.
Senator Rand Paul has talked about it.
That's coming up.
And then we have Mike Adams, we have Leo Zegami on the number two to the Pope, now facing trial on the procurement of hundreds of children for industrial-level sex rings for blackmail.
You may have heard of that before.
And we also have Jelan Maxwell, the MI6 spy, is all the evidence we've had, in a hamburger place, in an outburger, in California,
And the whole thing looks as staged as a $3 bill to me, reading a book about the life and death of CIA operatives.
So she's telling the world, somebody drops a dime, it's how the tabloids work, and then you show up and they do a impromptu photo of how she's a normal person just having a hamburger.
But she's telling the world, I'm an intelligence operative, you better leave me alone.
We're gonna go to break,
First, here is this key report of the media being complicit in the cover-up of all of this.
President Trump has reacted to Epstein's death in what is sadly a very unsurprising way.
He is spreading a conspiracy theory.
Tying the death of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in prison to the president's former political rivals, the Clintons.
The president retweeting a theory without evidence that implicates the Clintons in Epstein's death.
Let that sink in.
This would be like Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan claiming that LBJ had Kennedy killed.
Now, the President is helping to spread an outrageous false story about Epstein's death being tied to the Clintons.
Shortly after Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell, President Trump retweeted this video from a conservative commentator.
For some odd reason, people that have information on the Clintons end up dead.
And they usually die from suicide.
It's appalling.
I mean, there's no other way to put it.
You have the President of the United States retweeting an unfounded conspiracy theory with no evidence to back it up.
About a former president of the United States.
We have a president now whose Twitter feed is a chief source of disinformation.
This is another example of our president using this position of public trust to attack his political enemies with unfounded conspiracy theories.
Some extraordinary conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories.
Very untrustworthy and ridiculous, baseless conspiracy theories.
The President of the United States is pushing a dangerous and completely unfounded murder conspiracy theory about his predecessor.
But do you think it's dangerous?
What he's doing is dangerous.
Republican Marco Rubio agrees it's dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
Dangerously claiming that Epstein was murdered by the Clintons?
But there is no evidence at all to support the conspiracy theory the President is fueling.
Marco Rubio says there is evidence Russian bots are now pushing this new conspiracy theory online to further divide America.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
Hey, Alex.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public.
The approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80, but...
If they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the input war, and even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I'm asking listeners.
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back to this live Friday edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let's talk about the latest laughing stock that the supposed mainstream media has tried to turn Donald Trump into.
Why he was a laughing stock that would never win the presidency and then he was a laughing stock that would never be able to get the economy above a 3% growth rate and he did.
He was a laughing stock on so many fronts.
Well, they said that he couldn't keep the Senate in 2018.
He's been the laughingstock on hundreds of points, but in every case, Trump in the end, and the American people end up winning.
In fact, even Stephen Colbert came out last night and said he doesn't want to be part of the resistance.
In fact, he's never been part of it, and Trump's winning.
The American people are singing the propaganda.
Well, the latest laughingstock, ladies and gentlemen, is that Trump wants to purchase, or look into purchasing, the biggest island in the world with an estimated 10 trillion dollars of oil and gas on it.
Oh, you'd never want to buy that for a few billion bucks.
It's population is only a few hundred thousand max.
Almost no one lives there.
The Inuit population started moving there in the last 800 years.
That's the Eskimo folks from North America.
And if you're a TV viewer, you can see Greenland there on the screen.
Why Danish politicians scoff at Trump's reported wish to buy Greenland.
It must be April Fool's Day.
But you see, Greenland is autonomous.
Yes, the Vikings had some small settlements there.
But it's autonomous.
And the people of Greenland could vote, like Texas voted, to become part of the Union.
And it could become the 51st state.
You know,
Like Alaska, that other terrible, horrible purchase?
We bought that?
Oh, those were kooks back then!
They bought it for almost nothing, and it's worth more in long-term profit and fuel, natural resources, more than $40 trillion.
Is what it's estimated at.
Oh my goodness, what did another stupid American president buy it for?
Well, we're going to go ahead and break down all these other stupid, horrible purchases for TV and radio viewers right now because it is autonomous.
We could pay each person $15, $20 million and buy it and have a multi-thousand percent increase in profit and all the resources, the tourism, the development, which everything is going to be in the Arctic in the future.
The Arctic, ladies and gentlemen, it's in the Arctic region.
It borders the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
And it's tens of trillions, just the land.
It also gets 20 miles out, all the natural gas and oil, and all the fish, and all the goodies.
Man, don't you wish all those other dumb presidents wouldn't have bought stuff as well?
They were horrible.
Even the American flag looks horrible.
Actually, it's the coolest looking flag.
It's just, there's something about America.
We just, we're so stupid, right?
Everybody wants to move here.
So let's go through the history here.
Well, after we took from the King of England the original 13 colonies by force, by conquest, by ideas, well, then there was the Louisiana Purchase for $15 million, the equivalent of about $200 plus million today, and as you know, the Louisiana Purchase is worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.
What a horrible purchase!
What a horrible thing!
Uh, that president did, uh, back then.
Those were really bad people.
There was a Louisiana purchase.
Uh, there was, of course, the Red River Valley purchase.
Uh, again, just absolutely got it for nothing.
Then there was the Florida purchase for $5 million.
Oh my gosh, Florida for $5 million.
What another stupid, laughing stock, idiot president.
You know, who was president in 1819?
Oh my gosh.
Because that person was a really horrible person.
Oh my gosh, then there was the 1845 Texas annexation.
You don't want Texas and all that oil and all that land and all that power.
And I mean, that is just a horrible deal right there.
Absolutely horrible deal.
And they got that for nothing.
Another terrible, horrible decision.
I mean, Trump is a frickin' kook, man.
We're supposed to just roll over to globalism.
Multinational corporations buy up our countries and take control by fraud.
We're not supposed to take our money and make good purchases that will absolutely make us incredibly wealthy.
The average citizen gets a yearly paycheck from the government off the resources in Alaska.
And Trump's even proposing that for any U.S.
citizens that would move out of the inside baseball to Greenland.
We would then colonize it once it became a U.S.
territory, and then later it would become a state.
Oh, but who wants to even offer those folks that?
Because nobody else seems to be doing it.
Then there's the Oregon Treaty.
The Oregon Treaty established the boundary between Canada and the United States and the 49th parallel.
And again, that was for nothing.
And then there's Mexican cessation, where we got massive amounts of stuff, including California, who wants that, Utah, Arizona, all of that.
And that was taken, again, by force because Mexico couldn't even hold it from the Native Americans.
We can just continue here.
All these other horrible, horrible purchases.
The 1853 Gadsden Purchase from Mexico, $10 million.
And again, that gave U.S.
possession of the valley south of the Gila River and the land in which the United States and Arizona and New Mexico now reside.
So again,
Horrible, getting large parts of Arizona and New Mexico.
What a horrible deal for $10 million.
What a terrible deal.
What stupid, bad American presidents.
These American presidents absolutely just have to be stopped.
These are the worst people that actually bought all of this for almost nothing.
$15 million for half the country from Napoleon Bonaparte.
I gotta tell you, this Donald Trump is the scum of the earth.
He's an idiot.
He's a moron.
We should not try to buy the biggest island in the world worth over 20 trillion dollars in current rates.
Even though it's an indigenous population and they have autonomy and we could go in there and have a referendum and buy it from them for nothing and then they would get major investment and then major amounts of people moving there and then everybody will be trying to move to
Greenland 50 years after we buy it.
There'll be flotillas of people trying to break into the country.
There'll be huge migrant caravan ships.
We'll have to put fences up around Greenland once there's shopping malls and movie theaters and all sorts of giant greenhouse facilities growing food.
And then once we develop it and there's all these
You know, incredible mountain ski resorts and hot springs.
I mean, Greenland is incredible.
Greenland is magic.
Maybe we can show that New York Times photo of Greenland.
It looks like where Santa Claus lives or something.
And part of the year, warm air comes up for six months out of the year, and the southern areas are very, very nice.
Oh, but again, it's autonomous.
We could buy it.
So everyone just laugh at Donald Trump.
You'll never be president.
You'll never get anything done.
You'll never win.
America's never been great.
It'll never be that great.
You know, let's not forget the Alaska purchase from the Russians.
Oh, I forgot to get to that one.
I'm sorry.
How much did we...
How much did we buy Alaska from the Russians?
Because there's all these other ones, and I've only got 42 seconds left to go over these.
The Baker Island Purchase, Guam, Johnston Atoll, Alaska, 7.2 million?
7.2 million from the Russians in 1867.
There's a whole bunch of other pages of horrible, stupid, evil purchases by other dirty Americans that believed in manifest destiny and to expand with our renaissance and our superior ideas and to build an amazing place everyone would want to come to, which we did.
But now folks want to conquer us.
They want to take us over.
So here you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the truth.
At Infowars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Now share this video to the ignorant masses.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
And welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this Live Friday Global Transmission.
Coming up, the latest on Jeffrey Epstein.
Man, two big Google whistleblowers.
Engineers are joining us with more unbelievable, over-the-top information.
As the House of Cards on election meddling, spying on the population, total information awareness comes out.
We'll be breaking that all down as well, and so much more.
But I saw this video last night and this morning.
And now I was talking to Norm Pattis, who is obviously one of the top constitutional criminal First Amendment lawyers in the country.
You see him all over the news every day.
Some of the biggest cases, including some of mine.
And I was talking about another matter.
He said, man, I'm looking at representing this fellow.
We're not sure yet, but I've talked to him.
I've watched the video.
And it just doesn't show what they're saying.
This ice captain pulls up to the facility where this Antifa-type crowd is there, chanting.
And he does pull up quick at first.
He's not expecting him.
He comes around the corner.
He stops.
It's one that looks like about seven, eight miles an hour.
And then they surround him and are beating on his window, screaming things.
So it looks like he moves forward maybe a half a foot, maybe putting it in gear.
You're not sure, but barely bumps him.
And they go, oh, homicide, you just murdered.
I mean, almost murdered.
And then now they're talking about indicting him at the state level there in Rhode Island for attempted
Manslaughter, murder or something.
Norm Pattis will give you the inside scoop on this.
But the headlines aren't right from Fox News and even Daily Caller.
We have linked up on Infowars.com.
Captain at Rhode Island detention facility drives truck into line of ICE protesters.
Well, I guess we could call bumping somebody, yes.
ICE protest turns chaotic after truck plows through crowd.
Pepper spray used.
They surround him.
They're beating on his vehicle.
And it goes on from there.
Meanwhile, we've had ICE facilities shot up.
It came within two inches of one of the officers in San Antonio.
Two different buildings hit in the last couple days.
And we have ICE facility attacked in Washington.
But I guess that's just part of the resistance.
Here's a minute clip shot by the demonstrators who obviously are trying to provocateur a situation like this and finally have it.
And it sounds like the woman's having an orgasm.
Listen to this.
Kids, kids, parents, parents.
Thank you for being with us.
Thank you for staying with us.
My God, we have a truck.
The whole world is watching.
The whole world is watching.
Please share this feed.
We just had someone commit.
Try to commit manslaughter.
We're here at the wide detention facility.
And again, there's several of those clips.
We're going to play some more coming up towards the end.
But you can hear her say, you've just seen attempted murder.
Well, first she says, oh, it's a murder.
And then she says, oh, no, it's attempted murder.
So they're just hoping and pleading that this can be as bad as possible.
There's a bunch of clips.
They're in the Daily Caller article linked up on Infowars.com, shot by the demonstrators.
And on there they say, never again with Stars of David, and they say, we're fighting Nazis.
These people literally believe they're fighting Nazis.
When people are trying to pour into the country, a lot of them have criminal records.
If they pour in, they have criminal records and they have children, we deport them.
Everybody does that.
Norm Pattis joins us to give us the inside baseball on this.
Norm, thanks for coming on.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
So yesterday, Tom Woodward is the officer.
He is a captain at the Wyatt Federal Detention Facility.
It is the holding facility for pretrial detainees at the federal level in Connecticut and Rhode Island and some of Massachusetts.
It also holds some people who have been convicted of federal crimes, and it also serves as a nice detention center.
For some months now, protesters have been out trying to persuade the facility, which is a private prison, not to honor its contract with the government to take ICE detainees.
At one point, the board concluded, yeah, okay, we won't do it.
Bondholders then sued, saying a contract's a contract, honor the deal, so they have detainees.
Months, several months ago, 19 protesters were arrested for creating a public disturbance by depriving people of access to the facility, and the case has become kind of a political hot potato.
As I see the videotape, Woodworth is reporting for duty and he sees people blocking the entrance to the facility and he approaches the car at an alarming rate of speed and then breaks.
And these folks panicked, acting as though they were sitting in the street and didn't expect to see a car coming.
They then jump up and his car is swarmed, and he is berated and called an effing piece of feces, but you know, with the S-word, and so forth.
I've watched the videotapes.
We didn't know whether we were going to be retained to represent him.
It looks like we're not going to be.
But, you know, I watched the videotapes a number of times last night because I intended, if I was going to represent him, to come out swinging this morning.
I'm still come out swinging anyhow without the client.
I just don't see the assault there.
Now the press reports that five people went to the hospital.
A 64 year old man had a fractured leg and some internal injuries.
Somebody else had minor injuries and three people were injured by the pepper spray that officers used thereafter.
Candidly, I don't see anybody getting hit by the car, and I don't know how that individual was injured, if he was injured when the crowd swarmed on him and their desire to climb over the car.
But what I do know is as a Connecticut resident, I depend on that federal facility and the officers in it for a number of ways.
I have clients who are in there, and the guards protect them.
And guards aren't permitted to say, I couldn't get to work today because there were protesters outside.
Now the protesters stated objective is to shut the facility down.
Should they just let everybody in it go?
Some people are, you know, I get paid to keep people out of prison and generally view prison as a bad idea.
But there are some people who belong there because they're dangerous to society.
That's what Thomas Woodworth was trying to do.
Now, these people are entitled, the protesters, to be as dramatic as they want to be and to liken our immigration policies to Nazi Germany.
But when they do so, they trivialize the Holocaust.
And I say to them, shame on you!
Get real, put both feet in the 21st century, and take your heads out of your pity-partying heinies.
Because this is a real crisis in this country that we need to face with mature public policy debates.
I will respect and defend their right to protest.
I will respect and defend their right to speak out about a matter of public concern.
I will defend and protect their right to picket.
But when a guy's trying to go to work and his car gets swarmed,
He's not a Nazi.
This isn't Nazi Germany.
Don't trivialize the Holocaust and stop making fools of yourself.
If you've got political points to make, make them, but don't do so at the expense of public order.
And if you do, at least have the courage that Henry David Thoreau or Martin Luther King had and understand what civil disobedience is.
When you break the law, you pay a price.
That's what civil disobedience is.
You challenge a law and agree to be incarcerated to demonstrate... Well, I mean, what's on top of it is every country on earth is being assaulted by collapsing third-world populations, and they've got the military on the border of Brazil and places like Venezuela because millions are trying to pour across.
Thousands are starving a day just in Venezuela alone, and now the UN's forming Venezuelan
It's anarchy.
Caravans coming up here and we're supposed to just give everybody stuff free.
Third of the time, they're adults with kids that aren't their kids.
Of course we've got to ship them back.
I mean, this is insane.
The Senate report, Norm, as you know, the Washington Post report on it said tens of thousands of children unaccompanied, thousands in sex slavery, hundreds dead.
But these people say never again.
These are death camps.
That's insane.
They are not death camps.
You talk about defamation, that's dangerous.
You talk about inciting riots.
They know what they're doing.
Oh, absolutely.
They were chanting before, no justice, no peace.
Well, is it any wonder there wasn't peace on the streets?
You know, and the whole world is watching.
Yeah, we're watching and we're wondering, what the hell's the matter with you kids or you people?
I mean, I wish Woodworth the best.
Yesterday, his truck was impounded by Rhode Island law enforcement authorities.
Governor Raimondo has already turned on him, absent an investigation.
I suspect she's trying to become the Beto O'Rourke of New England.
And I wish you'd keep your Beto to yourself down there.
So the word is they're planning to crucify this guy.
That's right.
Thank you, Norm.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And they will become the Big Tech oligarchs
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
Without your support, we won't be here.
And I couldn't thank you all enough for the fact that you've kept us in the game.
I mean, I want to stay in this game.
I want to take the globalist on.
Total transparency is our whole operation.
If I bring in $35 million, half of that's the cost of the products, because we don't mark stuff up that much.
I don't care if I'm not making money, but you need to buy the products.
We got fish oil.
We got coffee.
We got turmeric.
We got great toothpaste.
We've got great things like DNA Force Plus.
But Ultimate Krill Oil has been sold out for four months.
For whatever reason, this became the most popular fish oil.
It's totally full of the bottle.
And it is the strongest, purest krill oil.
And it cost us three times more because we have it put through the expensive laboratory process to remove mercury.
Any type of krill oil you get that doesn't give you fish burps, which I don't like, but gives you all the great benefits, isn't real.
It's been boiled, it's been ruined, it's been homogenized.
This is not real.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest quality krill oil you're gonna find anywhere.
Real krill oil, folks, is red.
It's not yellow.
It's not milky.
This is nothing but krill oil.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I think one of the things, Frank Fuglisi, is that this president has always, from anyone who is around him, Anthony Scaramucci knows this as well as anybody else, demanded this blind loyalty, right?
I say it, it must be so, or even if you don't think it's so, you don't criticize me for it.
Well, this is why it's so important to look through the lens of radicalization when you look at this president, and then apply counter-radicalization techniques, because you're right.
Attacking his followers is going to be counterproductive.
He demands that loyalty, and they are loyal.
So if you call Trump followers racist en masse, they simply coalesce around each other and become even more defensive and protective of the leader.
Just as they would in, say, a terrorist organization, to compare to the radicalization.
That's Frank Figliosi, former deputy director of the FBI under Obama.
If you believe in America, if you believe in freedom, if you believe in the family, if you believe in the Second Amendment, if you believe in defending our borders, if you want to purchase land that you can buy to make your country wealthier and larger and stronger,
Well, you're a bad person.
That's why I love them making fun of Trump trying to buy Greenland, the largest island in the world, over $20 trillion of discovered oil and gas.
And we could go in there and buy it from the indigenous population that's autonomous from Denmark.
Even under a bidding war, $200 billion would be chicken feed.
All that's on it now is a bunch of shacks.
Couple hundred thousand people.
And that's seasonal.
The Inuits didn't even start living there until the Vikings built settlements 700 years ago.
Not even the Eskimos could settle it.
Until Leif Erikson and the rest of the crew showed up.
And trailblazed it.
And now it just sits there.
Waiting for multinational corporations to come in and get it for nothing.
And Trump's an idiot.
Trump's a terrorist.
Kind of like that purchase of Alaska for $7.2 million in 1867.
Terrible idea.
It's worth tens of trillions now.
Midway Islands.
Got that for free.
Terrible idea.
Hawaiian Islands.
That was the worst.
We don't want those.
It was terrible.
Dumb America.
Philippine Islands.
Terrible idea.
Purchased a bunch of that from Spain.
Puerto Rico.
Terrible idea.
Terrible idea.
American Samoa.
Terrible idea.
Wake Island.
Terrible idea.
Panama Canal Zone that we then built the Panama Canal.
Terrible idea!
Just terrible!
Virgin Islands, Kingsman Reef, this is just the modern stuff.
The worst one is $15 million for the entire Midwest down in Louisiana, Mississippi.
How many states is that down today?
What, like 12 states?
I mean, 12 states?
I mean, that is the worst idea I ever heard of.
Louisiana Purchase.
Yep, Trump's an idiot.
He's a bad guy.
Well, you just heard the former Deputy Director of the FBI.
He said the Trump supporters are like terrorists.
Last week, he said Trump lowered the flags to half-staff to heil Hitler.
Because he knows leftists will actually believe that.
Yes, he ordered them lowered on a certain date and brought back up on another to salute Hitler because it was 8-8.
You know, not many people know that a very small group of prisoners, like the number 88, because it's the number of the alphabet, it kind of becomes a schizophrenic thing that H is 8, and so H H 8 8.
Don't tell Drew Pearson that, or anybody else that's got the jersey 88.
You know, the only football jersey I ever think I wore as an adult
Because I like Drew Pearson because he had a good attitude and was a Christian and wasn't a corrupt guy.
And I actually had a Drew Pearson 88 jersey.
I didn't know it was for Hitler.
Did you know it was for Hitler?
I didn't know the Dallas Cowboys were so avowed Hitlerian.
You know, Jay Z, the admitted former crack dealer, now met with the head of the NFL this week, and he's going to head up the
Justice Warrior section of the FBI.
Yeah, if 44% of the NFL's profits are down, 40% of their viewers, if that doesn't make you want to get into SJW more, Social Justice Warrior, well then, nothing will.
I mean, I would not be involved with the NFL in any way.
I refuse to watch any games.
I refuse to wear any of their apparel.
I found an old pair of Nike tennis shoes that I've had for like 10 years.
in the trash because I am not going to be associated with anything to do with SJWs or globalism or any of it.
It's truly disgusting.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I wanted to get into
Maxwell, the reported procurer of young girls, the female handler for the sex operatives, her dad a famous MI6 spy, she did a staged photo op with a book about the life and death of CIA operatives.
She's telling the world what she's doing.
She's just a regular person that served her country.
It's all a big message that if you mess with me, I'll release info.
Well, see how good that worked out for Jeffrey, sweetheart?
You know, he had dead man switches.
But see, the establishment thinks Google can hide all that if it comes out.
Because, you know, Google's actively suppressing anything about Jeffrey Epstein or the Clintons.
Imagine, all those Google employees signed on
Unless they speak out to supporting pedophiles.
But not the folks we have coming on today!
No, we've got a big Google whistleblower who's so far only done a taped interview with Project Veritas.
Greg Koppel is a senior engineer put on administrative leave.
He's going to be joining us.
And then, Zach Voorhees is scheduled to be trying to get in on the line as well.
He's in a very important meeting in New York City.
With some professors and scientists, some of the folks you've been seeing testify to Congress.
I'm not at liberty to talk about it yet, but this is a big, big deal.
And the levy has broken.
In fact, we should probably come in with the levy breaks from Led Zeppelin when he joins us at 6 after.
But first, let me just remind folks of this.
We're only here because of you.
In the last two weeks, the Democratic Party has filed two more lawsuits on me for Sandy Hook because they believe that the Court of Appeals is going to throw their lawsuits out coming up in September, just like the Supreme Court is looking over the shoulder of the kangaroo operations in Connecticut against me.
Unheard of.
During the suit, the Supreme Court came in and took the case as a public interest and is looking at it, saying that my rights are being violated.
Your rights are being violated.
They're trying to end the First Amendment by misrepresenting things.
Here's KXCN right here.
Additional lawsuit filed against Alex Jones by Sandy Hook parents last week.
Another one this week.
And they've amended and pulled most of the stuff out of their suit that I never said or didn't do.
That's not going to fly very well with the Appeals Court or the Supreme Court of Texas or the Supreme Court.
So they know those suits are in deep trouble.
If it doesn't get thrown out by the Appeals Court, you know the First Amendment's basically dead.
At least at that level.
But they've gotten the wins that it's going to be thrown out.
And so, oh, don't worry, here's more suits.
Well, it doesn't work that way.
You don't file when one suit fails another one in the same cause.
So, it's all about face-saving.
It's all about desperation.
It'll be all over the news again.
Oh, he's sued.
He's going down.
We're not going down unless you let us go down.
And so, you've been really coming through.
We're trying to expand.
You're seeing that.
We're trying to fight harder, but it takes a lot of cold, hard cash to do it.
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But a lot of stuff, like the water filters and some of the other supplements, are on the verge of selling out or did sell out.
So we pulled those.
So it's not a store-wide 50-60% off, but 80% of what was on sale is still on sale.
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And just hundreds of other items are 56% off, store-bought free shipping and double patriot points.
And you're funding the second American Revolution worldwide and winning.
But don't let them take us down.
Your prayers, your word of mouth, and your financial support is critical.
So I salute you, and I humbly thank you and ask you for more support.
We'll be back with our number two statement.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
It's all of our birthright.
And I'll say this.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our Republic.
Our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
And please remember, without your financial support, we wouldn't have withstood this withering storm of censorship, attacks, and lies.
We have the new World Awakens Mega Sale Globalist House of Cards Collapsing End of Summer Super Sale.
It's the big, giant, 50-60% off, store-wide free shipping, double pay for your points, but only on 50-something items, not
Not on every item, because a bunch of these are very close to selling out.
Whether it's Ultimate Krill Oil, Body's Turmeric, Brain Force Plus, Knockout Sleep Aid, Turbo Force, 8-Pack Power Stack, it's all 50-60% off, and your purchases make it all possible here.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back in full wars dot com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face, all over, not just the US, but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
The rats are leaving the sinking ship.
As it comes out, the Democratic Party particularly has been running giant blackmail rings using underage women and children.
And at the deeper levels of the rat hole, human sacrifice.
It's all coming, I don't know.
Jeffrey Epstein thought he was building a super race of humans, that they were going to merge with machines and be gods.
That's an illusional cult of these devil worshippers, believing that they're going to cheat God's judgment day.
They're going to cheat justice by immortality.
And we all need to be fed into the mouth of the New World Order, though, before their God gives them redemption.
Stephen Colbert won't get redemption.
None of them will.
And I love how Stephen Colbert, who's been one of the most vicious hacks, reading off teleprompters, scripted garbage, posing as a newsman, posing as a comedian, when really, he's a disinformation officer.
So here he is now saying he's not part of the resistance.
Is this an attempt to tap the brakes?
Here it is.
There are many people who have already destroyed themselves because they've so gone after Trump that they themselves, it blows back up.
They've gone down to his level.
I'm not going against him.
I am not the resistance.
I said this I think the first night after
He was elected, I think it was the next day, because there were like, remember there were like, the next day, a little too late, there were marches in all the streets.
People were like, wait, no, we care!
Like, a day after it mattered.
And I think what I said at the top of the monologue was like, this is not the resistance.
A day after it mattered because we didn't get Hillary Clinton, this monster war criminal, with all of her horrible past and all the terrible things she's done.
This was supposed to be your goddess, and then now there's the little CIA lackey, the heir to one of the biggest fortunes in the world, Anderson Cooper, who puts out the most vicious lies 24-7, and they're now pretending like, oh, we were never the resistance, because they're failing.
So now they're telling you, we're not part of the army that failed.
By the way, the American people taking back control of our country,
The American people are trying to take back control of big tech that's openly trying to manipulate the elections and bragging that they can throw it to whoever they want.
That's the real resistance.
Globalism's the trillion pound gorilla.
It's the big elephant in the room.
It's what's taking over the planet.
It's what's authoritarian.
China has killed over 100 million of their people.
China has 2 million Uyghurs in Mongolia who are Muslims in forced labor camps.
That's all real.
Trump's not doing that.
I'm not doing that.
America's not doing that.
But we're taught to hate ourselves.
We're demoralized.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to be joined by the highest level whistleblower yet.
He's done an interview with Project Veritas.
He's going to join us live.
Greg Koppel has a lot of courage.
It's very, very important that everybody realize that they should share this live link, whether you're listening on local radio or local TV.
I think?
Viewers and listeners when Drudge links to one of those links and when you decide to share the link to InfoWars.com forward slash show Or you decide to share the link on the front page of InfoWars.
It's amazing now Facebook and Twitter will try to block you That's why we have News Wars.
It's not as blocked yet.
It's getting on all the blacklist you go to NewsWars.com and see today's live show and Then you can send out that link
And I think you can see, folks, that we're making a difference together.
And that's what's so exciting about all of this.
On the other side, we're joined by Greg Coppola.
And then later, Zach Voorhees is on yesterday.
He's in New York meeting with a bunch of professors and people about this.
He's going to try to get in as well.
I got a plug for the Patriot points I get.
Oh, thanks.
I've gotten $180 so far this year, and I feel like I'm stealing from you.
I buy so much in the store because, I mean, I don't want to give that money to Walmart.
I don't want to give that money to people who are going to donate it to causes I don't believe in, so I'd rather give that money to you.
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The products that I do receive have changed my life.
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My son used to get these little sore throats, and he puts X2 in water and drinks it, and it gets rid of his sore throats.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on my toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil, or the turmeric, or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's okay.
Thanks for the support.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Greg Coppola is a senior software engineer at Google currently.
Who has been placed on administrative leave 24 hours after publicly suggesting the company is politically biased.
The man said the sky is blue, grass is green.
Project Veritas released an interview with him, we're going to play about two minutes of here in a moment, where he exposed Google's dishonest methods and practices, among which are political bias, boosting and de-boosting of search results for specific websites.
Perjury of Google CEO Sundar Pichai to Congress and other questionable practices.
I want to play a short two-minute clip of what he said a few weeks ago on Project Veritas.
Seems like a lifetime has passed since then.
We'll get updates, what he thinks of Zach Voorhees and all these huge, incredible developments that are unfolding.
But here's a few minutes from that first big step he took that's now had so many other engineers go public or leak information.
Here it is.
My name's Greg Coppola.
I'm a senior software engineer.
I work on artificial intelligence and the Google Assistant.
Yeah, I mean, overall, um, I'm very concerned to see big tech and the big media merge, basically, with the political party, uh, with the Democrat Party.
I have a PhD.
I have five years of experience at Google, and I just know how algorithms are.
Um, they don't write themselves.
We write them to do what we want them to do.
I look at Search, and I look at Google News,
And I see what it's doing, and I see Google executives go to Congress and say that it's not manipulated, it's not political, and I'm just so sure that's not true.
I think as the election started to ramp up, the angle that the Democrats and the media took was that anyone who liked Donald Trump was a racist, even a Nazi, and that got picked up everywhere.
Well, I think we're just at a really, you know, important point in human history.
I think for a while we had tech that was politically neutral.
Now we have tech that really, first of all, is taking sides in a political contest, which I think, you know, anytime you have big corporate power merging with political parties can be dangerous.
And I think more generally we have to just decide now that we kind of are seeing tech
Use its power to manipulate people.
It's a time to decide, you know, do we run the technology?
Does the technology run us?
I really don't buy the idea that big tech is politically neutral and I think we need to start incorporating that into whatever strategy we use to have a democracy going forward.
Are we going to continue to have elections that mean anything?
Are we going to continue to think for ourselves or are we going to just let
The biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on.
So why did you decide to come to Project Veritas?
You guys have done a lot of good reporting on a variety of topics.
I do think it's a credible news organization.
They may be able to stop one man, but they can't stop all of us.
Be brave.
Do something.
What a hero, Greg Coppola, a senior engineer making a lot of money, but seeing them put their finger on the scale of this country's electoral process and so much more and going public.
So Greg, you're really the expert.
I've got a lot of questions here, but I'd like to give you the floor for the rest of the hour to really, you're a very well-spoken person.
So is Zach Voorhees.
I'm really just impressed by the caliber of people that Google had working for him and the fact that you've also been standing up.
So thanks for joining us.
Thanks, nice to be here.
I just want to clarify one thing, obviously I don't speak, I'm not here speaking for Google, I'm just speaking for myself.
Absolutely, you've been suspended since you went public and you're speaking as a private citizen.
That's right.
All right.
Well, thanks for coming on with us, Greg.
You're at Coppola underscore Gregory on Twitter for now, like all of us or some of us that have already been taken off.
But everybody hanging on to this whole gulag by their other fingertips.
I mean, it's interesting on the Twitter thing.
I mean, I got nine thousand followers in the first two hours and I haven't had any more followers.
Even after I went on Tucker Carlson, even after the President Trump retweeted me.
So I think they're getting maybe cute.
But I think that's one of the problems is we don't have transparency.
I don't know.
So it's kind of just like he said.
Oh, my son went on Twitter a month ago.
He got 10,000 in, like you said, two hours.
And then it stopped there.
Even though he's had videos with a half million views and everybody's saying they're trying to follow him, they're just not able to.
Yeah, right.
I mean, honestly, being able to go viral is almost like a human right in the 21st century, so I think we really need transparency around why certain things can trend and why certain things can't.
Well, I want to give you the floor because you're saying some powerful stuff, but that's true.
It's so human to be able to vote like a restaurant that's good.
We all go to it.
Music is great.
We all hear it.
It becomes popular.
So they're saying, no, if what you're saying is popular, but we don't agree with it, we're not going to let you be in the marketplace of ideas.
Take Joe Rogan's podcast.
He admits that they even shadow banned it.
But it's had something like 50 million views on all the platforms.
It's bigger than Elon Musk, by over 10 million.
It's the biggest podcast he's ever done.
But because it's the biggest thing he ever did, it's too dangerous to ever basically probably have me on again.
So again, being most popular now and being what humans agree with, that's now verboten.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
I mean, the thing I would really stress is like Twitter is not a very complicated piece of software.
I guess so.
Anyone could start a Twitter, at least a small scale one.
So, you know, I don't understand how we got into a situation where it's like we act like Twitter is the only way to make a microblogging service.
I mean, like if you just do, I was doing introduction to Ruby on Rails the other day, and like lesson three is creating a microblogging service.
So anyone can really start one.
And I don't understand why
We're in this situation where it seems like Twitter can decide what trends.
Well, you know the problem.
Twitter, Facebook and Google buy and Apple buy everything up.
Yeah, I mean, I think another one of the problems they have is like if there is a competitor that wants to be independent, then various media.
Uh, you know, outfits are going to say they're Nazis, they're white supremacists, they're involved in shootings and stuff like that.
Yeah, exactly.
Sure, if Gab's got 15 million people on it, and they've got 50 Nazis on there, most of them are Southern Poverty Law Center, posing as Nazis.
Oh, well, you can't have Gab now, it can't have servers, because they're all Nazis.
But meanwhile, somebody can do the Christchurch shooting on Facebook, that's okay.
I mean, they could use anything.
Yeah, Facebook.
They could use Coca-Cola.
It doesn't matter.
Nobody talks about those companies in the same way.
But somehow, when it's alternative media companies, it's like, yeah, it's got to be shut down.
Everyone's got to be shut down.
Now, listen, I want to talk about you, because you're a senior engineer.
You're still at Google, but you've been put on administrative leave.
So we're going to break in a few minutes, but tell us what you want to cover today, because you're the expert.
You're the insider.
Well, the big thing to me is that they haven't covered Zach's leaks yesterday.
I mean, they didn't cover me.
You know, you can sort of look.
I've done some analyses where you just sort of look at what are the sites that Google thinks is credible.
We've learned it's all about handpicking who's credible from Zach's leaks.
And all these people that are credible have not discussed my interview, which was trending on a lot of different publications, but even worse,
Is Zach, because, you know, you could argue with me, well it's just his opinion, what does he know?
I mean, I predicted exactly, like, Zach's leaks were, I guess I could have found them myself, Zach and I have different temperaments, I didn't find them, but what I predicted was more or less exactly what he released.
Sure, what you were seeing organically from the inside but not digging, I mean, you could see the results and you could guess how they were doing it, but he was there chronicling it as he saw it unfold.
The thing about me is I've just implemented so many algorithms, I've been coding for so long, and I've been doing ranking at PhD or industrial level for 10 years.
So I just know what the toolbox is, so I just know how things are done.
But someone else who isn't an expert could say, well, it's just some guy.
But then Zach, he's basically like the Ed Snowden almost of the Google thing.
He's almost the Ed Snowden of industry rather than government.
You know, he leaked everything, and the New York Times hasn't even told their readers yet.
CNN hasn't told their readers.
So I just, I'm a little spooked by the whole thing.
It's almost like, what are they trying to do?
Are they going to try to make sure no one knows until 2020?
How's that going to work?
I mean, I don't know.
Like, they're basically proving the point that we're kind of saying there's this system of censorship, and then it's like people are trying to leave Google, or at least not leave, but um... Well, stay there.
Stay there, Greg, because we're going to come back.
I mean, this is incredible.
You know who is watching is the White House and the Pentagon, so don't worry.
Google can think they're going to block everybody else from seeing this or hearing it.
The White House is watching live right now, sir.
And so is Matt Grudge and many others.
We'll be right back.
So is Tucker Carlson.
They're watching right now.
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Insider raises alarm on Google AI project in China.
That's off the Zach Voorhees interview yesterday.
Google already stealing 2020 election.
Insider reveals how Google took down Jordan Peterson.
Mother of all Google whistleblower exposes Google criminal plan to control all information.
Whistleblower explains how Google purposely broke its search engine and then let third-party actors in.
I already saw the Southern Poverty Law Center and all these other outfits.
Media matters.
CNN already knew all my internal stuff.
They knew how much money I was making.
They knew who local geo-engineered sponsors were that I'd sold that weren't available nationwide.
They later admitted, no, they were given access to my account.
Talk about raping!
So that's all coming up and Jack Voorhees is coming on as well.
Greg Koppel is very excited about that.
Greg, I'm going to shut up right now because I've got all these points and all these things I want to ask.
But I want to just give you the floor to talk about why you went public, what's happened since, you've got the floor right now.
Tell us what you want to impart to folks.
You're a major whistleblower, the most senior person to go public, so break it down.
OK, well, I would say in terms of why I went public, I just I think that there is a bias in a lot of these products, including Google.
And so I think that it should be transparent.
I actually not that big into regulation so much, but I think if Google's angle wants to be like sort of like have an angle the way that The New York Times has an angle, like that's fine.
I just think
Everyone should be transparent about it.
And I'm, I definitely, I think that people believe that, um, when they're getting, when they're say they're on Google, uh, Google News, they think that somehow an algorithm has determined that, that, um, that this is like, uh, true information.
So for example, like if you log on there and you search for Donald Trump and it's Trump's a racist, Trump's a racist, Trump's a racist, Trump's a homophobe, something like that.
They think a lot of people seem to have the impression that, uh, somehow some kind of,
Advanced algorithm finds this out.
And it just, you know, my suspicion was that it was really being set by hand and I think to some extent that was known.
I mean, it was probably already known by a lot of people.
But if there was any ambiguity, Zach's dump yesterday, which
You know, I'm not endorsing every single thing that was released, but I would definitely say there was a lot of important stuff where it's very clear that the notion of trusted sources is completely set by people.
And I also, I've done some analyses of like what the, from like a user's perspective, what the sources are.
I mean, everyone kind of knows, but I sent your producers a link to techwatch.live, but you can basically see what they are and
You know, the top ones, let's say, are CNN, USA Today, Politico, HuffPost, New York Times.
So, to say that those are the most trusted sources and that it's politically neutral, I mean, I don't understand what notion of the word politically... Yeah, so there you go.
So, this is, if you search for the word Donald Trump on Google News, you'll see that this is the percentage of time each website is used.
So, this is the top 15 websites.
And, obviously, whatever algorithm Google has run, they think that CNN is vastly the most credible, which
I mean, for half the country, that's like a, that's basically just all you need to know right there.
But, um, yeah, I mean, CNN fixed the debates for Hillary.
That's admitted.
Yeah, it's hard to really find a hoax that they aren't involved in.
Um, and also, even if you just look at the nature of that distribution, aside from just who the top sources are, um, it's called a power law distribution or 80 20 or rich get richer distribution.
It basically just means that, you know, 80% of the
We're good to go.
A server that doesn't have cookies and doesn't have an account?
So this is to be like, if you just, if they don't know anything about you, I mean, I think, that's I think what this experiment is saying.
Sure, I mean, if I want to look up a restaurant and they didn't like me, they can put cockroaches in as the top search.
It's very simple.
I mean, I have to go to Bing now or other search engines to even find out new news about myself, because they just hand-picked the worst news, and stuff from six months ago is just stuck at the top of Google.
It's done very ham-fistedly.
Yeah, I think searching for, like say you in particular, really shows how manual the process must be.
Like on Bing, you type in Alex Jones or InfoWars, it's the top thing.
You do it on Google, I'm like the third or fourth page.
My sites are.
My sites are.
So InfoWars or NewsWars is like page three or four, but there's three or four pages just negative lies.
But used to I was at the top because that's me.
People are searching for me.
They can at least hear what I'm really saying.
I mean, to some extent, I think that the pressure to do things like this has even been in public, right?
People say you have to demote Alex Jones or you have to demote the Russian bots.
And so, I mean, I think actually
You know, all these tech companies, because of their power, are probably just in a tough spot where, you know, everyone's kind of, everyone wants to have more influence over tech companies.
I mean, you know, every business, every political party, every candidate, everyone's trying to get more influence over tech companies.
So yeah, I think it is a hard problem.
I mean, they probably, maybe they responded to one interest group, and now other interest groups are really upset.
So, you know, I don't really know.
But I mean, ideally, if there was like a lot of competition, you know, maybe it wouldn't even be an issue.
All I know is this.
You know, the top story for like a month was that I lost a lawsuit for writing a book about Sandy Hook.
I never wrote the book.
I'm not in the book.
And I called AP, had lawyers send letters.
They go, we don't care if you didn't write the book.
It stays up.
And Google and Twitter and Facebook all made it the top story.
Yahoo did for a whole day.
And so this is completely weaponized.
I mean, I've experienced the fact that they have hired all these Democratic Party people to actually work at Google and actually run this.
Yeah, that's interesting.
I mean, for the most part, I was just engaged in, you know, building natural language understanding, and there was really no political angle one way or the other.
And so, I'm only kind of, you know, learning about this indirectly.
No, no, I understand.
So, but according to Zach and others, and I saw this happen in real time, as soon as Hillary lost, that's when all this ramped up.
Something like that.
Yeah, maybe even a little before, but...
Yeah, I kind of, you know, I kind of just intuitively felt it was around, yeah, 2016 type of time that, that the things changed and they became, uh, there was a lot more talk about, um, a lot of political issues and including the, um, identity politics.
We're going to go to break, but I'm sure you saw the video with the Google execs the day after Hillary lost.
And they're like, we're not going to let this happen again.
And then other Google execs, Project Veritas got video.
They said, well, we're not going to let the Trump thing happen again.
I mean, that's pretty smoking gun.
Yeah, I mean, it was interesting.
It's like, you know, we're sad that Hillary lost.
I mean, you know, there's no one on stage that's happy that Hillary lost.
You know, how is that neutral?
Well, you got a lot of courage.
Greg Coppola suspended at Google.
He still works there, but he's suspended right now.
For just saying, hey, I want to have integrity in elections.
I want them to be transparent that they're biased against Republicans.
They keep lying.
But they won't do it.
We'll ask them about perjury before Congress when we come back.
And Zach Voorhees joins us again.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got incredible breaking news.
There was a car fire down on I-35 today.
Let's go to that dramatic footage.
All of that stuff is just part of life.
It's sad.
People die in car wrecks.
People get cancer.
Airplanes crash.
But when you've got organized information technology systems that are the total revolution of the human future, and we're already interfacing with it, it's taking us over, and then you've got a political class
That is in control of that, allied with Communist China, and it's openly trying to use that technology to control what people think and do, and then walling off whole masses of people, and dehumanizing them, and not letting them communicate, and giving them Communist Chinese social scores.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, that is authoritarianism.
That's what that is, and that is extremely dangerous.
And it's not just the authoritarianism of the deadly poisonous Hitlerian type, or the North Korean nightmare type, or the Venezuelan mismanaged you to death type.
It's the organized AI type.
Authoritarian mega-corporation meets AI.
Sounds like end of the world, end of humanity.
Oh, but the transhumanists say it's the post-human revolution, because humans are parasites on the earth.
And then you get why Jeffrey Epstein was into eugenics and the uber-mention and all the same crap, which allows these people to believe they're building a better world, a better future, a better club, but as George Carlin said, we're not in it.
So Zach Voorhees,
I thought made history yesterday.
It was totally blacked out, except for DreadsReport.com and viewers and listeners of this show, which is millions of people.
But we're talking to Greg Coppola, who is a senior engineer, highly respected, put on leave when he went public a month ago on Project Veritas.
And he's saying he thinks that Zach Voorhees is the Ed Snowden of whistleblowers so far.
I certainly thought it with the documents he put out that are incredibly damning that we'll put on screen for TV viewers that Project Veritas has, that we've linked to.
So we're going to ride shotgun here together.
Before we go to Zach, you were describing him, Greg Coppola, on Twitter at Coppola underscore Gregory, as the Ed Snowden.
I would agree, but you're the guy, the engineer, the senior guy, you know, that's got the 35,000 foot view.
So I want you guys to kind of have a discussion here, maybe for the first time, I don't know, the next two segments, please don't talk to me or I'll interrupt.
But elaborate on why you would talk about why this is so important.
Well, I mean, the big takeaway for me was that everything is really, it's all about, like, sources that are picked by hand and based on relationships.
That was my big takeaway from facts.
And also certain topics that were considered fringe, you know, like climate change is a hoax, that's a fringe idea, which is very interesting because, like, climate change is actually a collection of questions, so I don't understand how
You know, doubting any one of them is a hoax.
There's also, you know, issues like Pizzagate.
I mean, the, you know, they sort of said that the Epstein, you know, the talk about Epstein in 2016, like that was considered, you know, a fringe topic and now it's like he's been, you know, arrested and now he's dead.
So, I mean, is that still a fringe topic and who's deciding these fringe topics?
But my main takeaway is like, it's all, it's all set by hand.
I mean, they have people decide who's credible and that's a radical break from what it used to be, which was that the algorithm
Um, could find a needle in a haystack and basically without really anyone's bias getting involved.
So you guys right now, and that's why I had Owen do the interview yesterday, so I wouldn't interrupt.
It's just your climate change point.
I could talk for an hour.
I mean, I love talking to scientists.
You get it.
Everyone knows climate change is real.
It's constantly happening.
That's the only constant is change.
But they're saying, oh, you question what we're saying about the change.
You're not allowed to have input.
You're supposed to just go with what we say.
100% agreement.
There's no 100% agreement in any science.
But I'm going to stop there for the hour.
I think we should have Greg Coppola here with
Our next guest is joining us, Zach Voorhees at Perpetual Maniac on Twitter.
You guys have a discussion here, meeting each other, talking to each other.
Go ahead.
Hey Zach, what's up?
Hey Greg, how you doing?
Yeah, good.
I'm happy to join you guys for the show today.
Sorry, I think there's a delay.
I want to say that it's a pleasure to come back on the show with you, Alex.
You were the first one outside of my environmental high school class in high school to point out that the frogs were turning gay.
And it was really funny that everyone attacked you for that when, you know, anyone who's taken a serious environmental science class knows that
Some of the byproducts from plastic are estrogen mimickers and they really are turning the frogs gay.
So, you know, I think that there's like a phase change that's happening right now where a lot of the things that people thought were conspiracy theories and wasn't really happening, it's like it's coming out.
And, you know, the society that I'm hoping to create is one where we have a free exchange of ideas that come out and that nothing, you know, that everything can be questioned and that there's nothing that's like off
And that's the scary thing of what Google's trying to do is it's trying to make things off-limits to talk about.
So you're calling for classical liberalism.
So you gentlemen are giving a co-speech here together.
Take over, because I really want to hear what you think is most central.
He's saying you're the new Snowden of big tech.
I totally agree.
This is huge.
Well, thank you.
I'm honored to have that label.
You know, that's why we're here.
It's like, I grew up in the 90s and I had this concept that you judge someone by, you know, the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
And I thought that was a really great way to, you know, to operate.
It's kind of a civic nationalism, like we're all Americans.
And somehow the left got deranged and they started abandoning that classical liberalism and getting in towards this concept of judging people by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character.
And so, uh, these are the, you know, these, these authoritarians are the type, these segregationists are the type that I've been, you know, um, fighting against my whole life.
And now it's on the left.
So, you know, we gotta, we gotta start addressing that as a problem.
That's a heavy statement, but totally true.
Go ahead, Greg.
I was going to say, I mean, I actually think that, uh, you know, there's a lot of abstract issues, but the concrete one that got me the most upset was this way that they call people racists.
Um, you know, it doesn't matter, you know, if you have interracial friends, you could have an interracial marriage and interracial children doesn't matter.
They just use it as a tactic.
And then, you know, the governor of Virginia is wearing blackface posing with the KKK.
That's fine.
But everyone else needs to be shut down.
And I just think of all the concrete things that are the worst thing about this system, the way that you can just
Call someone a Nazi, or call someone a racist, and one side gets to do it to the other side, whether it's politics, whether it's newspapers, or whatever.
Like, they've set up a system where a Republican... I mean, a Democrat can call a Republican a racist, and that makes sense to everybody.
Oh yeah, they call Donald Trump racist all the time.
I mean, that's one of the analyses I did.
You know, these are like, the newspaper says...
Donald Trump is a racist.
It's not even like a candidate is saying it.
So it's just this idea that they're using the notion of a racist to control people is the concrete issue that has me most upset also.
And it's the media... Go ahead, Zach.
It's the media that's invoking racism and creating it.
Yeah, I agree.
Like, the New York Times is the most racist news publication in America right now.
They're constantly, you know,
Pushing a narrative that it's that the problem with America is white people and that everything that Trump says should be interpreted under like this extreme dog whistle and they take what his words then they like reimagine what his state of mind is and then they push that as if it's objective fact and you know like I understand that Trump is you know really polarizing and that he says a lot of things that are on his mind that make people unhappy but
Anyone going to the Twitter feed and looking at what Donald Trump is posting and then looking at like the New York Times is posting and you know it's what the New York Times is posting is is like pre-World War II Germany.
It's insane.
When we come back, then let's get into other points you want to make, other whistleblowers that are getting ready to come forward, how you think Big Tech's going to respond, how you think Congress should respond, the obvious perjury with Zach Voorhees on Twitter at Perpetual Maniac and Greg Coppola, Coppola underscore Gregory.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When it all crashes down, and you break your crown, and you put your faith above this new order,
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And I had the crew all around me during the break and people came over from the other side of the office and they said, this is history.
We've got two Google engineers that have the courage to go public.
The first one and the second one.
Others have just leaked stuff.
And they're there together interfacing for the first time live on an alternative system that Google and Facebook and Twitter and Apple didn't want to exist.
They knew it would threaten them in the future if it was here to challenge their information dominance.
So remember...
It's not about credit, it's about celebrating what we've got left.
DrudgeReport.com, NewsWars.com, InfoWars.com.
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That's why listeners and viewers buying products, going to the store, getting things you already need at InfoWarsTore.com is the reason this is happening.
All right.
Alternate dimensions, we're not exaggerating with 200 plus radio stations and over 100 cable and TV stations that we conservatively have over a million real people an hour tuning in.
Now I've had peaks before, they censored us where it was 10 times, that doesn't matter.
It's who's tuning in.
Thought leaders, the White House, other governments.
And so I want to, you guys are sitting here saying a 15 after, I am officially going to try to stick a, you know,
Sock in my mouth.
And I want you guys to go through the perjury, what you think should come next, other key points, and really just give people the data dump of the gestalt of where we are and why this is so important.
People say, oh, just use something other than Google.
Yeah, that'd be great.
But they have 90 plus percent, as you know, of what's already happening, as you said, Greg.
That people just look at what's at the top as God.
And so if you go there and they say the Republican Party's affiliation in California is the Nazi Party, and that happened for over a month, people believe that.
So we've just given so much power over to this.
So you guys have the floor, both of you.
Zach Voorhees on Twitter at Perpetual Maniac, Greg Coppola on Twitter for now, at Coppola underscore Gregory.
What do you think's coming next?
Why did you go public?
Obviously more whistleblowers are coming.
This is an amazing watershed moment, so go ahead and
You can take over.
Can I take the lead on this?
So you mentioned that Google listed the Republican Party of California as listing them as having a Nazi ideology.
And I have some insider information on exactly what happened.
It's not actually included in the Project Veritas disclosure, but what I can say about that is
What happened is that Wikipedia had this information and Wikipedia was vandalized and then Google was using Wikipedia as its source of truth database.
It's listed as one of its source of truth databases.
And so this information got ingested under the ideology tag and then the algorithm that generates the front page of Google search
You know, it would generate that bit of information as if it were true.
And so as a result of this leak and the Republicans being slandered as, you know, Nazis, there was this outcry and Google decided that, wow, there's so much vandalism in Wikipedia under this ideology tag that they decided to just ban it from all of Google search.
I'll jump in here, but this is also a bombshell I want to get Mr. Coppola's take, but that's what you experience is...
AP put out that I lost a lawsuit.
They used that to take my banking credit ratings again that I had just gotten back, proving the other one was a fraud.
I never wrote the book.
I didn't lose a lawsuit.
They don't care, because they know if you can get a thought leader, or as you say, a trusted source like AP, to say something that isn't true, that is then taken like a conviction, a false conviction, and then passed on.
This is so dangerous.
Yeah, it is.
Go ahead, Greg.
I'm sorry, I'm on a delay.
Yeah, I guess, what was I going to say?
I'm just going to come back to the racism thing and how I did this kind of two-week study where I was looking at the different results you get for Donald Trump and I found like, you know, they're calling him a racist all the time and you can just, it's all on GitHub.
And I was just thinking about like playing that back, you know, three years and how that's what's been going on for three or four years.
And just walking around New York and you can just kind of see it's like it just kind of, you know, I never actually did a formal study of it.
And until I did, I was like, yeah, I mean, this is why New York has been the way it has been for probably four years is because people just, you know, tech is giving like would the New York Times have any credibility at this point?
Like if it wasn't promoted by tech, would you know, when people are at home, they don't
Want to watch CNN.
So the fact that it continues to be Google's most trusted resource is sort of what keeps this whole thing alive.
I think if you hadn't had tech, you wouldn't have had all this racial division.
I mean, let's just say it.
Let's just say it.
There's more racial division in this country than probably in the 60s.
And let's just say it.
They're fomenting the idea that white people are bad.
It's mainly white people leading it.
And there's just massive attacks increasing and incredible division that didn't exist before.
This has been such a nasty snake bite that big tech and media have done, basically.
And in my experience, like, well, I mean, I guess everyone knows this, but like,
People who live within the cocoon of what big tech likes, they learn about the people who liked Donald Trump.
I mean, not to make this partisan, but this is what's been the big issue lately.
They learn about the people who like Donald Trump from the New York Times and from PBS, who then say they're white supremacists.
They like David Duke and this type of stuff that really makes no sense.
And you know, for example, in 2016, I would go
Because I was interested in Donald Trump, I thought it would be good for the economy.
So I would go to some of these meetups where people were meeting, and, you know, it's like a few blocks from the New York Times, and half the people there are not even white.
They're Asians, they're Hispanic, they're black, they're Jews.
You know, everybody's there.
It's just a couple blocks from the New York Times.
They know.
They know that it's not white supremacist, but they still say it every day.
Yeah, it's people that want prosperity and a future and who want all these secret technologies released and all the medical stuff released.
You go to a Trump event, man, it's cool people of every color who really want a future.
And also, I mean, you know, it's complicated how to measure, but I would say the economy is better under Trump than under Obama.
So that's the reason right there.
I mean, anyone who's, you know,
Financial situation is better.
They have a reason why it's not racism.
And then you see the Federal Reserve trying to ruin that recovery.
Yeah, and there's just such a discipline of the people who, like say, work in tech.
They kind of know.
That, like, I think some people say that tech workers are liberal, so that produces a liberal product.
There's also the other direction, which is, I think, people just observe what the tech products are doing.
They hear the CEO saying, these products are neutral.
So then they have to, really, if you want to be in good standing, you want to be loyal, and you want to protect your family's financial future.
You play along with the delusion.
Yeah, you should learn, like, if what's coming out of Google News is that Donald Trump's a racist, well, that must be neutral somehow, so then he must be a racist.
And I think that the direction of tech workers learning from the tech products is something that most people don't talk about.
Oh, you're saying the tech workers are amongst the most brainwashed?
Yes, that's what people have to understand, is that they're some of the most brainwashed, and also there is a pattern of education to make sure that people
Understand that they're fundamentally racist.
Google had this test called the Implicit Association Test, which was discredited, and they eventually terminated the project.
But every year, employees would sign up for this IAT test, Implicit Association Test, and the test would tell you how racist you are by figuring out your response times to certain questions that were asked.
Wow, then they can just program the test however they want to then make you feel guilty so you submit to the fact that you're a thought criminal.
And the thing is, is that once people realize, oh, I'm a bad person, then they, they seek like an atonement, uh, through, you know, doing something that's like anti-racist.
Which means submitting to their agenda that has nothing to do with it.
You can counteract that.
Oh, the Chi-Coms have two million, uh, ethnic workers in a, in forced labor and they're killing them.
Oh, don't say that because that, that just short circuits the whole conundrum.
Let me raise this.
Actually, it's very interesting, um, sort of people who are kind of in this leftist motif of thinking, if you say something that they haven't heard or that doesn't fit with, you know, because they're so used to hearing the New York Times characterize their opponents, that if you say something that doesn't make sense, it's almost like they just don't even register it.
I've, I've witnessed this, like, you know, they get in a rut of the same chance.
So you're telling them, they're like, what is that space alien talk?
Also, I'm for free markets and universal basic income.
To them, socialism means that the government is providing the services.
If you just talk about universal basic income, they just can't process the thought.
Let's just give someone a check rather than a service.
Why do you want to help them?
Let's talk about that when we come back and talk about the perjury and talk about how they're targeting minorities.
Wait until you see these secret documents.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, history's happening right now with Greg Coppola, the highest level engineer from Google Republic, and then Zach Voorhees, who I was saying, a lot of people were saying, that Voorhees is the Ed Snowden of leaks from big tech.
He is.
And Greg Coppola certified that.
So this is a short segment, long segment coming up, gentlemen.
Let's get into the perjury, though.
When you see Sundar Pichai go and say, we've never manipulated any search.
Well, everybody knows you can pay to have stuff manipulated.
You can put ads on it, that they did it in the WikiLeaks for Hillary.
So just the lies.
You talked about this, Greg Kobolev, and I don't want to get Zach's take on it, but one of the big places you really got him angry at you was saying, look, they're perjuring themselves to Congress.
I know.
Well, even a lay person knows they're doing that, but give us some specifics.
Well, I mean, I'm not a mind reader, I'm not a lawyer.
I don't know about perjury.
I'm just saying it's not true.
Well, tell us what's a lie.
Perjury is a lie.
So the thing is, like, there's this real emphasis on trusted partners, you know, and those trusted partners, you know, if you look at them, you take the top 20, you know, they're they're just slight variations on the same theme.
I mean, they're they're basically, you know, everything that's going to come out of Google News is from like a certain
You know, circle.
It's a circle, I was about to say circle jerk.
It's a certain, within a Venn diagram, there's a certain, you know, I don't want to say, you know, it's 20% of possible thought or something like that.
You know, it's not the whole range.
And, you know, the natural conclusion that everybody's left.
So the default is they're picking what you get.
So to claim to Congress, we haven't fixed results is just a ridiculous lie.
It's like saying, you know, we're politically neutral, but our most trusted sources are HuffPost, Politico, and the New York Times.
But it's, you know, we're not taking political sides.
I mean, I don't even know what that means.
It's just beyond Whopper-level lies.
Yeah, I would say, yeah, there's no way you could call it politically neutral.
I mean, there's no way... I mean, here's the thing, right?
Like, you've got the CEO of Google, and he's telling Congress, we don't use blacklists.
And then the full-time engineers inside the company can just go on to MoMA, which is the internal search engine, and do a search for blacklists, and then have the blacklists show up.
And... They even call it a blacklist!
They actually called it a blacklist, and it was actually available to every single full-time employee in the company.
Please continue, because you're the Snowden of this.
These documents you released, Little Birdy's told me you have even more.
No, all of it was disclosed with Project Veritas, and it has to be that way for operational security.
No, no, I understand, but I mean, Little Birdy's told me you know other people that are getting ready to go public, though.
Yeah, I don't want to comment on that because it's ongoing.
But yeah, there's a lot of people that are upset about what's been happening.
And for them, they've been worried that if they come out and disclose these documents that
They'll be targeted by Google's ruthless machine, and I've talked to other people that have had their entire lives ruined.
Well, let's talk about that.
I mean, you guys, you are the real men.
I'm not kissing your ass.
Like, I don't care about sports guys.
I care about them.
Like, when I go to sleep at night, I'm thinking, man, those guys are really cool.
Well, you guys have put a lot on the line.
You've gone through a lot.
They sent cops to your house, didn't they, Zach?
Yeah, exactly.
And the thing is, is that in order for us all to have this conversation,
You know, about Google, we can't, you know, the whistleblowers can't be worried about what documents have or have not been released to the public that are sensitive, you know, and so I was able to find a, you know, a large cross-section of documents detailing the censorship machine and now we can talk about it without, everyone else can talk about it without violating their NDA.
Sure, you're just giving us the general operating manuals, not the fine minutiae that name names.
It's a little bit both actually.
And I actually want to take this moment to apologize to some people that were inadvertently leaked out.
That wasn't my intention.
That disclosure went in there and I want to apologize.
A little too much was released.
Well, here's the thing.
So many people never take action because they want to be perfect.
God judges the heart, my friend.
The big mainframe judges the heart.
Your intention has been good.
Yeah, my intentions were pure.
My intentions were America's security.
And so I don't regret anything that I've done.
Let's talk about Professor Robert Epstein.
When he said, let's talk about the election integrity and why you've been forced to do this with both these American heroes, Zach Voorhees, Greg Coppola.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com, the dreaded site.
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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, this interview is history-making.
Everybody says history this, history that.
No, it's history-making that we have this platform, it defines the establishment, that without YouTube, without Google,
The interview on our servers, our livestream servers, and the other videos yesterday, this morning, had 2.3 million views.
Now, sure, these interviews in the old days would have probably 5 million on YouTube.
But the point is, we built our own system, and people are using it, and folks are buying a product from us and stuff.
We can pay for the bandwidth, because the bills are big.
I'm always like, whoa, that video had 14 million views.
That bill's going to be big, but here we are building our own thing like Matt Drudge came here four years ago and warned us to do.
Greg Coppola on Twitter, Coppola underscore Gregory.
He shadowbanned because of what he did.
You've got to go to his actual Twitter to hear what he says.
You have to hand type it in.
Coppola underscore Gregory.
You've got Zach Voorhees, perpetual maniac, on Twitter as well.
Again, my son went on Twitter, his own site, not even InfoWars.
10,000 in two hours.
He's been on a few months, he's at 12,000 now.
It's the shadow ban.
It's not letting you compete.
It's not letting you on the field.
It's not competitive.
It's not American.
It's not pro-human.
If you take the term evolutionary, it's stunting that.
It's saying there's no survival of the fittest here.
We don't let you actually compete.
So gentlemen, I was mentioning before the break about
You were getting into how they target people on their race, how they know how a person swipes.
You've released all the documents, how they're spying on everybody.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
I don't want to get involved with corporations and control what they say and do.
But when they're bigger than governments and then let China and others create the regulations, because we won't, the First Amendment is a regulation saying you won't prohibit.
So we need that to be enforced instead of letting China and the EU come in because we won't pass laws saying no or enforce our laws.
How do we say no to the election meddling?
How do we say no to the working with foreign powers that Peter Thiel and you and others are exposing that Google's involved in?
Who wants to take that first?
Mr. Coppola or Mr. Voorhees?
Do you want to?
You know, I feel that, uh, you know, coming out has been a very interesting experience because what I realized is that Google can see pretty much every single thing that I do online, right?
Like there's, they can see what I do because I use Gmail.
They can see how I browse because I use Chrome.
You know, they, you know, uh,
It's really hard to get away.
Even when I want to write a document for notes, that is a Google Doc.
Like, I'm attached.
It's almost like part of my brain.
And for me, it's the getting rid of that.
I can Google fasting.
Like, I don't... I'm ditching Google in every single aspect of my life.
And it turns out that there's actually really great services out there.
Like, proton mail, in a lot of ways, is better than... So it's a process of, like, divorce.
I don't know if you can get to this yet, you and your colleague, who I really want.
And the Defense Department stuff, but... I mean, this has happened to me.
You're like, man, they're listening to the phone, they're reading what I say, because they're countering you in real time before you go public.
I mean, are you ready to go public with that?
Because they admit they're doing it, but this is warfare level stuff.
They've got a team of probably 50 people on you right now.
But that's an honor!
You can now probably lead some of them out of darkness.
Do you kind of see that priest position you're in now?
Um, you know what?
It's very hard to convince a true believer.
Um, they kind of have to see, like, they have to get targeted before they can, like, wake up.
Um, so, um, you know, as far as deprogramming, the true believers, I mean, they're gonna have to come and wake up, you know, on their own.
What I'm aiming for is I'm aiming for the people in America that understand what's going on, but they're being slandered by the establishment players as conspiracy theorists.
And, you know, in order to fix our elections, we have to fix middle America.
We have to, like, let them know that these big tech giants are hostile entities.
Um, and that they've got to start the process of moving off of those platforms.
And if we're not using Google to, you know, browse the web, if we're not using Google to actually... So you're preaching the Drudge Doctrine, because for 10 years he said, get out of the gulags, run, build your own thing, decentralize.
We have to get it off of the gulags, that's right.
I think that's a fair... Drudge, I think, deserves the credit.
I think Matt Drudge used to be known as the Drudge Doctrine.
Yeah, the Drudge Doctrine, and we have to make that personal.
Yeah, I just wanted to say, I mean, I don't know about regulation, but I would really emphasize the importance of free market solutions.
Anyone who believes in the free market in general, I think, and just as someone who builds ranking algorithms all the time, or has, you know, there's really a lot of personality that goes into a good algorithm.
And I don't think you can take somebody who doesn't want to make you a product and regulate them into making a product.
It's like, right now the products sort of don't have any personality as it is, and you're going to have the government start regulating them?
I mean, this is like, not anywhere near as good as just having competitors that can arrive... Now I had top lawyers call me and say, hey, Trump's about to take action.
I said, this draft's a nightmare.
You can't have government that knows how to deal with sick cuss words it bans, and have it understand algorithms?
This is insane.
Insane, yeah, you don't want it.
Sorry, go ahead.
You know, now if someone in Europe is going to see it, you've got to like read through the entire GDPR thing and comply with it.
I mean, GDPR is really a gift to big companies because they just have people sitting around, you know, on the payroll, like, all right, well, you look into the GDPR thing and they're probably never going to get busted for it anyway.
So, you know, I mean...
But getting into algorithms, all I know is, if something's popular, the old algorithm was, it gets promoted to people that already like that genre, so the algorithm just knows how to target people with what they want, giving them what they want, like a PKD wirehead, plugging them into the pleasure centers.
I mean, isn't that really it?
Well, I don't know what you're saying.
I mean, we want people to get what they want, I would think.
I'm just saying that, like, you can't take, you can't take a product, you can't, you know, if someone doesn't want to give one, you know, someone in your audience... Well, that's what I'm saying.
Isn't a good algorithm just giving people what they want?
Right, I mean, that's what, you know... Instead of force-feeding them.
That's not an algorithm, right?
Historically, there was a focus on the user, and that meant giving the user what they want, and I think that's sort of changed now to, like, making sure that the user doesn't think anything wrong, which is a completely different approach to having a company.
Wow, that was the heaviest thing I've heard in, like, a year.
And people are trying to throw this up.
They don't want this.
Yeah I mean I don't even really have a place now I can go and like definitely just like a news feed that would just send me stuff that I like like you know YouTube recommendations like I don't just I can't just browse YouTube recommendations I find stuff that I like you know I think um.
Oh you see it all now it's just force-fed go to sleep stuff.
Yeah but I mean really you know
A lot of these companies, I mean, search is a difficult thing.
I actually use DuckDuckGo first and then I use Google if that doesn't work.
But basically, you know, Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, these all started with small teams.
It's really important to remember that small teams, if there was no anti-competitive practices, I think they could make cool products very easily.
I'm not saying.
I think they're being propped up.
I think they're distorting the free market.
I think that when the free market is returned, that big tech will be tamed because they'll realize that if they're going to censor us, then we're going to censor them.
And that's what we're talking about.
I was going to say, half of America is really being kind of antagonized by tech parties.
They're not happy.
It's the same thing in every country.
So, shouldn't somebody be able to get rich off of this and just catering to these other people if, you know, there really was a free market?
Well, that's what's been said.
What if Trump or others got together and promoted a new startup?
Everyone would leave immediately.
That's the Achilles heel.
There's no bloody revolution.
There's no lawsuits.
There's no antitrust.
Just, okay, Google.
Okay, Apple.
F you.
Yeah, I think it's really interesting also, like, the campaign finance angle because it's like, you know, everything's a campaign finance violation, but then for Google and Facebook to be part of the Democrat Party, that's not even considered.
So, like, you know, what if Donald Trump had a social network that was actually making money and helped his campaign?
They'd probably shut that down.
But they don't.
But Facebook's allowed to just be part of it.
Well, let me be the first to offer you gentlemen together.
Once a week, whenever you want, a two hour show to say whatever the hell you want with no strings attached.
I mean, the listeners love this.
They love a real discussion.
They love to see behind the curtain that the real people that built these amazing systems that do such incredible things would have been turned against us.
I'll ask you in the break.
I understand.
You got to go.
Whether Zach or Greg can stay together, but this is history-making.
Two senior Google engineers at a whistle-blown, the first two, publicly coming together live on InfoWars.
If that isn't radioactive kryptonite to tyranny, I don't know what the hell is.
I hope you're sharing the live links right now, because history's happening.
We'll be back.
Attention GCN self-reliance listeners.
If you've ever wanted an emergency solar survival backup system but were waiting for prices too crazy to pass up, this will be the most important message you'll ever hear.
Bill Hyde here and I want to tell you about a huge sale with historically low prices on our PPX microgrid system that's going to let you produce an endless supply of electricity off the grid.
The clearance price is a result of the historic flooding we're having here, right on the east bank of the Mississippi.
Because of the flooding, we've had to move a lot of our inventory to a temporary location, and rather than move it back to the warehouse, we thought we'd offer the system at a price that might seem unbelievable if you didn't know the floodwater's backstory.
So here's what you should do right now.
Check out the PPX Microgrid system
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You hear that?
That's humanity's will powering up to resist the attempted takeover.
Nothing can stand in our way if we take action.
Final segment with these incredible guests.
Greg Coppola, Zach Voorhees.
Follow Zach at Twitter at perpetualmaniac.
Twitter for Mr. Coppola.
Coppola underscore Gregory.
And take pleasure in not getting his alerts.
Take pleasure in not getting his updates.
I get all of the Ben Shapiro updates.
I get all of the establishment Republican updates.
I get none of the updates of the good guys.
Because I, you know, obviously I have an account on Twitter and don't even really tweet, but I do it to follow stuff and have instant messaging.
You know I know it's all being surveilled.
And you just notice whoever's really good, you're not gonna just get fed to you.
You're gonna have to go find the good stuff.
Isn't that common sense in the way the universe works?
Like you just don't find the diamond.
You don't just find the best wife or the best husband.
You don't just find that four-leaf clover.
You gotta look around for the four-leaf clover.
When I was a kid, I used to love four-leaf clovers.
The clover would grow in Dallas.
I'd look for like an hour and I'd finally find a four-leaf clover.
That's kind of what it's like, you know, and it's the reawakening of humanity.
It's a magic moment.
So, Zach and Greg, here in closing, how do you expect big tech to strike back?
They've been very arrogant for 30 years, no one's regulated them, but now because China and the EU are coming in through that vacuum in regulating, Congress is going to take action, Trump's going to take action.
The danger is, and I'm not being elitist,
But these guys are all busy.
And most of them are 70 years old or older.
They mainly watch TV.
But now they know the Internet's big, but they still don't get it.
I'm worried big tech will do back doors like we're already seeing and give them regulatory powers that are even worse.
So we need to get guys like you in front of Congress, I think.
What's the plan of action?
Let's talk about plans of action with both of you.
Let's go to Greg Coppola first.
Greg, what's the plans of action here?
Well, I mean, first of all, I'm really curious when they're going to
I don't know.
I don't know.
Look, there's a bias.
We can see it.
Everything's set by hand.
It's nothing to do with computers at all.
Well, that's it.
You just said something... God, I love talking to you guys with 150 IQs.
Because, exactly, everybody's always the next dump, the next piece, the next... What do you need when you have them saying blacklist and they've lied to Congress and said there aren't with specific names, my names and others' names?
It's all right.
There we have them, smoking gun, bigger than Dallas, and it's there.
We've got, it's a pile of smoking guns as big as Mount Everest is what you're saying.
Yeah, I mean, I don't see what else anyone would really need at this point.
I mean, I'm sure there's interesting stuff, but it's time to just... No, it's like Monty Python when the knight that goes knit has had all his arms and legs cut off.
It's like, it's done.
No more getting obsessed with, like, target fixation.
Like, in World War II, you'd fly over a train and shoot.
It already blew up.
You'd still just keep shooting and fly into it.
We've already blown it up.
It's like we have the tools.
I think that's what he's saying, Zach.
Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like the meme where there's like a dog in the building and everything's on fire and he's just, you know, saying, oh, yeah, everything's fine.
You know, the American people have had a fire woken up in them.
And I think that they're really going to, you know, have a conversation with the representative.
And, you know, that representative is going to come back from recess and they're going to be energized.
To, you know, start working through what the solutions are.
And, you know, there's think tanks that have deeper knowledge in free trade.
You know, I'm a computer scientist.
I'm not an economist.
And, you know, we're going to have a period where we can all get together and figure out, you know, what needs to be done.
And, you know, even if there was another leak, like, I don't think it would even be news because this leak that I provided has been so comprehensive.
You know, people can find out if their favorite influencers have been blacklisted.
For example, I just wrote a Medium post describing how Luke Wadowski over at We Are Change, like, what
You know, the fact that he showed up in a blacklist and exactly what that means for him.
And we are changed as a journalistic liberal group that I helped launch that exposes George Bush for war crimes.
I mean, like you said, they're suppressing the left as well.
Any real leftists that are actually doing something real, they suppress them.
Yeah, you know, I was attacked by Antifa because I disrupted one of their events when they tried to take over Occupy Wall Street.
And, you know, they gave me death threats.
And it's really funny because I've done more against fascism than all of them combined.
Well, that's what I'm saying is, I'm a classical liberal.
These terms mean nothing.
I want truth.
Like Martin Luther King, like you said, man, I believe in that.
And they are going against that.
Why do you think they betrayed it?
You call it derangement, but it was programmed that way.
It's in the WikiLeaks.
The professor tells Hillary, we gotta go to culture war.
So, why are they betting on culture war?
Even worse than we've done.
Like, it's so horrible.
It's so racist.
Yeah, so, you know, the best... Can I answer this?
So, the best...
I don't
Uh, in a video that exists on the internet called Yuri Bezmenov.
Just search for him, you'll find it.
And he basically lays out these four steps for ideological subversion.
And it starts off with demoralization, and then it goes to destabilization, which is where we're at now.
And then there's a crisis period, which is, you know, you see a lot of these things that are happening in the news, and they're trying to force a crisis, especially with the Federal Reserve jacking up interest rates.
And then during that crisis that gives the revolutionaries the justification to take over, you know, subvert the Bill of Rights or whatever the Constitution that country has, and then the society goes to a new normal, and that's called normalization.
And that's in the Cloward and Piven plan and all of it.
You guys are amazing.
Greg Koppel, you were trying to jump in there.
Go ahead.
Well, I was going to say the social justice thing is a motif.
I don't think it's a genuine ideology.
But I mean, I think in terms of next steps, I think everyone should just, you know, conclude that what's happened, what they thought was happening is happening.
And, you know, that'll just create a market for new products.
And I just want to underline that, you know, a precocious child can create a new social network.
There's nothing really technically difficult about doing that.
Well, how does it feel to be in the vanguard of history?
Both of you, I know you're just doing it.
It's the right thing to do.
Can you feel the energy?
Can you feel, can you feel it?
Yeah, I actually do.
I feel it, yeah.
Did you ever feel anything like that at Google?
I felt the complete opposite.
So both of you feel it, don't you?
Yeah, I felt that I was going in the wrong direction.
It's entirely reversed, right?
Like, the energy is opposite.
Like, in Google, I had this feeling that everything was going wrong, and now... Hold on, both of you gotta finish!
I wanna finish with one more comment about the spirit.
Because once you feel it, there's no going back.
Attention GCN self-reliance listeners, if you've ever wanted an emergency solar survival backup system but were waiting for prices too crazy to pass up, this will be the most important message you'll ever hear.
Bill Hyde here and I want to tell you about a huge sale with historically low prices on our PPX microgrid system that's going to let you produce an endless supply of electricity off the grid.
The clearance price is a result of the historic flooding we're having here right on the east bank of the Mississippi.
Because of the flooding, we've had to move a lot of our inventory to a temporary location, and rather than move it back to the warehouse, we thought we'd offer the system at a price that might seem unbelievable if you didn't know the floodwater's backstory.
So here's what you should do right now.
Check out the PPX Microgrid system
That's right.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this, it's all of our birthrights.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthrights stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling and it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside and they came through cyberspace.
Our Republic.
Our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
And please remember, without your financial support, we wouldn't have withstood this withering storm of censorship, attacks, and lies.
We have the new World Awakens Mega Sale Globalist House of Cards Collapsing End of Summer Super Sale.
It's the big, giant, 50-60% off, store-wide free shipping, double pay for your points, but only on 50-something items, not
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We discovered the wheel and fired.
We built the engines and the clocks and the dams and the spacecraft and the computers.
Humans are the author of our world, not technocrats telling us to forget our power and go to sleep so they can ascend to some silicon AI god.
Zach Voorhees is the Edward Snowden of whistleblowing inside big tech.
The bombshell broke with Project Veritas two days ago, exploded yesterday and now has gone supernova.
Greg Coppola helped lead the charge as the most senior engineer to go public.
So far, pointing out the elephant in the room.
Incredible lie.
So in closing, I want to ask both of you.
Starting out with Zach Voorhees, you talk about a weight off your soul.
That's the thing, is that when you serve evil, the yacht or the women don't, it's not pleasurable.
Now, if you serve good, you don't even want those things.
It's not that they're bad, it's just that they're nothing because you're tied into the cosmos, the universe, humanity.
And I haven't talked to you previously about this, but I've seen you speak to it.
Can you talk about, you got caught up on the break about,
What it's like to be even unconsciously serving evil, your subconscious is more powerful, it's the supercomputer, it knows you're part of something bad, versus when you get in line with the truth, what that transition was like.
Yeah, so it was about six years I was asleep within the company and then the last two years it was fully awake and that process started.
And once it started, you know, I remember the last thing thinking to myself, what else are they lying about?
And that was it.
You know, bam, like it just came.
And for two years, I was really, really, really suffering being inside of YouTube and Google because
Google owns YouTube, and seeing the company transform like this, there was actually a mass shooting at YouTube, and my co-worker had to, like, dodge out of the way to miss the bullets.
And I came down and saw that the shooter had shot themselves, and when everything happened, the reason that came out that this person had, you know, done this mass shooting is that they were demonetized.
I remember that, and we're not saying that was good what they did, but it was the dehumanization created the desperation.
These are people caught up in a digital gulag is what you're saying.
So what have you felt like, like you said, a weight was lifted off your soul.
What is the feeling like now?
You know, I felt really guilty about drawing a salary, and I tried to let people know that this was coming.
And now that I've released all of the information, I realize I'm not part of that evil, evil system anymore.
And it's very uplifting.
And I feel that I can, you know, make my maker, meet my maker at the very end.
And when he says, you came across evil, what did you do?
And I'll be able to like, look him right in the eye and said, I sacrificed everything to let the American people know.
Zach Voorhees, the super charismatic, smart Edward Snowden of Google.
Thank you so much, sir.
We salute you.
Please come back anytime.
Please come to town, both of you guys.
Thank you.
We salute you.
Greg Coppola, who helped start this Chain Reaction.
Your comment on your journey and, you know, you're suspended, they're coming after you, but you seem uplifted.
What is the process?
I saw you nodding when he was talking about feeling empowered.
Do you feel the same way?
Yeah, first of all, I'm not sure if I'm actually more senior than Zach, but yeah, I'm a very... Well, let's describe you as a senior long-term engineer on major algorithms.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
We could argue about who's more senior all day, but I would say that, yeah, I definitely believe in energy, karma, reincarnation, that kind of stuff.
So there is kind of like a karmic duty to
You know, I think when I was comfortably drawing my paycheck, I felt, you know, more comfortable, more certain.
Now I feel there's definitely a lot of uncertainty, but I feel more alert.
And obviously, yeah, I mean, just, you know, just the fact that I'm not anonymous kind of makes life a little more dangerous.
It's just kind of actually making me a little bit more awake.
Awake means alive?
Yeah, more alive, yeah.
Come down the path further, my friend.
It only gets better.
And the discernment that opens up, you talk about AI, God's AI, I'm not going to get into it on air, but it's getting really scary, actually.
I mean, I'm not going to talk about it on air, but people have to experience it for themselves, and it's amazing, it's incredible, and it's scary.
But the truth is scary, and the system knows this.
They're trying to create a system to shutter humanity so we don't realize our full potential.
But I think both of you are really smart men, and you're leaders, and you're heroes.
And so I want to salute you both.
Thanks for spending so much time with us today.
Thank you for everything you do, Alex.
Nice talking to you.
Thank you.
You guys want to exchange numbers or anything in there in the control room?
We're talking.
Yeah, I have his number anyway.
All right, we'll give each other.
Okay, thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
There's nothing wrong with yachts.
There's nothing wrong with beautiful women.
There's nothing wrong with a 900 horsepower car.
But let me tell you, it doesn't come close to promoting real human destiny and promoting a human future.
It's so rewarding to stand up against this force.
And so many people seem so enslaved, they have never tasted, they have never imagined communing with God, the higher level.
And if you just once ever touch it, you'll never want anything else again.
It's not like Christians, you talk about real Christians, not fake ones about, you know, I'm here alive, but I can't wait to be with the Lord.
I can't wait to give, they don't want to die.
I'm telling you folks, there's a whole new universe waiting for you, and something's happening here.
The enemy knew it was coming.
But we didn't believe their lies.
We held the course.
You held the course.
Leo Zagami's been holding for 39 minutes.
I apologize to him.
He's an amazing author, researcher, and one of the greatest trailblazers out there I know.
I used to read his stuff 15 years ago, and I thought, this guy's nuts.
Everything he said came true.
About two popes, and how to be this new pope, and he toured me around Rome, and now he's been run out of Italy, and he joins us now.
Leo, you've got big news about the Deputy Pub and the pedophilia and Epstein, but I can feel the energy right now, and I know evil's powerful, and they're gonna come back, but I feel like there's a great empowerment.
I feel very strong right now.
I feel the Holy Spirit very strong, not just in me personally at a baby level when the Holy Spirit touches you and you, but I feel it reaching out
And we're going to win.
What I know is we're going to win in the end.
It's going to be rough, but I can time warp mentally and see the future.
We're going to go to the stars.
And we're going to win.
We're going to go interdimensional.
We're going to win.
But what would you call this period we're in right now?
It's the power of prayer, Alex, that is putting together all of us sinful warriors against a clearly demonic force.
So it's this egregore that we are creating to oppose their own egregore, which means fourth form.
So we are definitely fighting an epic battle, which was prophesied by... But you said it, we're little g like God.
We can envision the future.
We're here together.
They don't want us to come together.
We're coming together envisioning a good future.
Yes, because when you get more than a person together and you start praying, you manifest things.
And that happens, especially if you use, then, the mighty name of Jesus, then it incentivates all this and makes it more powerful.
Why do they fear that name Jesus so much?
They really fear it.
Yes, because Jesus was the biggest, well, he was a manifestation of God and the biggest exorcist of all times.
It was him who actually started to exorcise these demonic forces and gave us the keys to exorcise them 2,000 years ago.
So it's very important that we follow his teachings to fight now.
So basically he kicked their ass up one side and down the other.
They fear him because he defeated them.
Yes, just mentioning his name and this legion of Satan just seems to go in a panic mode.
Like all these pedophiles are going in a panic mode.
They flee from the name of Christ.
They flee.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
They flee.
They do.
I've seen it.
They flee from the name.
No other name has any effect.
That's why no one has the power.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
He would have been a rabbi, but he changed the whole course of history.
He became a Christian.
Stay with us.
Thomas Jefferson predicted, over 240 years ago, that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the Communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago, and we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president,
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners.
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
Without your support, we won't be here.
And I couldn't thank you all enough for the fact that you've kept us in the game.
I mean, I want to stay in this game.
I want to take the globalist on.
Total transparency is our whole operation.
If I bring in $35 million, half of that's the cost of the products, because we don't mark stuff up that much.
I don't care if I'm not making money, but you need to buy the products.
We got coffee, we got fish oil, we got turmeric, we got great toothpaste, we've got great things like DNA Force Plus, but Ultimate Krill Oil has been sold out for four months.
For whatever reason, this became the most popular fish oil.
It's totally full of the bottle, and it is the strongest, purest krill oil, and it cost us three times more
Because we have it put through the expensive laboratory process to remove mercury.
Any type of krill oil you get that doesn't give you fish burps, which I don't like but gives you all the great benefits, isn't real.
It's been boiled, it's been ruined, it's been homogenized.
This is not real.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest quality krill oil you're gonna find anywhere.
Real krill oil, folks, is red.
It's not yellow, it's not milky.
This is nothing but krill oil.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One cannot describe it.
You have to see it.
It's like the Matrix.
And I'm here only offering the red pill, nothing else.
But if you take Jesus Christ,
There was no doubt that the house of Solomon and the house of King David before him was touched by God and the information given to them was definitely off-world.
But then Jesus decided to try to give that information to everybody and to empower humanity.
And so the system killed him.
But, you can be a Christian, you have to go out amongst the globalists, the left, and talk about America being great.
They recoil, they act like you've thrown holy water on Linda Blair and the exorcists, but you say Jesus, they run.
You say America, they fight you, they get upset, you say Jesus, they run.
And again, I grew up Christian and I was like, oh, is this really real?
And then you get around evil and you see the same stuff.
And you're like, well, something's going on.
What is this?
Well, God's not going to put us here on this planet and not give us a cheat sheet.
So what happened in the Middle East and what happened
is very very special you know we can focus on the big top cardinal right-hand man of the pope being a pedophile and being in the court coming out we can focus on Epstein we can focus on the Clintons but we know we know who the devils are now everybody knows they broke his neck they killed him and we'll talk about that with our guests a little bit in the next hour in the next House Talks over in Leo Zagami.
LeoZagami.com is here but Leo I want to talk about Jesus because
The enemy put all these fake devil worshippers on national TV to downgrade Christianity and act like idiots to make people turn against God.
But people see through that.
But there's something powerful in the name of Jesus Christ.
And I'm not going to get into my own personal life and things that have happened, but I've been through some things.
I've seen some things.
The enemy's thrown a lot of stuff at me.
And man, you say the name Jesus Christ and ask Jesus for help, it's like the Red Sea Sparks.
And it's like all these Oprah Winfrey people want the secret, and all these occultists do all this bad stuff to get power from the devil, but if you believe in Jesus Christ and call on Jesus Christ, He is so powerful, it's almost, I'm like ashamed to even call on that name, because it's so, I mean, can you speak about Jesus Christ?
Then we'll get into the big breaking news a little bit in the next hour.
Jesus has been really the force that has empowered the good side of American politics since 1935, when Abraham Avereid founded the Fellowship that, of course, then was followed by Douglas Coe, who did incredible work around the world in the name of Jesus, always.
So, the name of Jesus has opened many doors also for America.
Like you said earlier, if you talk about America, they might have an aggressive stand.
But at times, the diplomacy of the United States, the secret diplomacy, went through people that instead put in front the name of Jesus, like Douglas Coe.
So... Let's just say it.
The U.S.
intelligence agencies, before they got taken over, were all Christians.
Yes, and as I said, there has been a secretive, let's say very reserved Christian organization that has never really surfaced in the media, known as the Fellowship and also as the family, of course not related to the satanic family of Charles Manson, which has really worked
To make the name of Jesus powerful among Christian leaders, like you are showing, Ronald Reagan was a good friend of Douglas Coe, but many other powerful leaders.
At one point, Douglas Coe went even to Libya to talk with Muammar Gaddafi, who was completely furious with the United States because they killed one of his daughters.
And he managed to get those prisoners, which were of course responsible for the terrible...
Why do they fear Jesus so much?
Let's get to the latest breaking news on the pedophile rings.
Why is it that name they run from?
Because he is the image of somebody who has given us the key to fight that legion in his name.
Just the mention of Jesus' name includes fear in the enemy.
So that's it.
We have a great king who will come back and who will probably reign forever.
But, of course, now we have the remains of the satanic legion who are fighting off their
this war against us and they are at this moment of time, Alex, definitely
At a good point, because they have taken over Silicon Valley.
They have taken over the left-wing politics.
They are basically fighting us at every level, and we are a minority at the moment.
But I'm sure that in the next few years, people will come on our side, just as they have abandoned CNN for Infowars.
That is what's going to happen.
Well let's get into the latest in the pedophile ring.
Jeffrey Epstein, this G-Len Maxwell, all this coming out.
What does this signify?
I mean, I actually wanted to go to the In-N-Out Burger here in L.A.
because that's where she has been seen lately.
I mean, everybody's searching for Ms.
Maxwell, the madam, but apparently she's hanging out here in California.
Epstein himself, of course, has been murdered or suicided.
It's just even stupid to think that he could be really suicidal.
Other people have, of course, said, oh, he has just been substituted at the last minute by somebody else and sent in Israel.
Well, to prove that they are wrong, we should examine his infamous genitalia, his egg-shaped genitalia, which, of course, came out in his deposition ten years ago.
The fact that this genitalia was so particular was also demanded by the lawyers of all the victims who wanted to refer to the particularity of this penis to demonstrate that they had been a victim of this terrible molester, this pedophile who had a whole ring around the world with very influential people like Prince Andrew.
I actually made a prank call on the 13th of August to Buckingham Palace to one of the numbers listed on this black book of Epstein, and it was indeed his private number.
The day after, Prince Andrew, who was supposed to be in Balmoral, left, and apparently Sarah Ferguson,
And Sarah Ferguson was here in not far from where I am in the Mojave County in Arizona just a week ago with Tony Robbins and what they were doing is actually something we should discuss because it regards an incredible data project
The solar data project that they are putting there in the desert is something that resembles a little bit that transcendence movie with Johnny Depp.
So Sarah Ferguson talked with the Queen.
The Queen told her basically, bring away Prince Andrew because the situation is getting out of control.
And apparently Queen Elizabeth is really angry with her son for having exposed the royal family to this kind of situation.
So they are.
They are being brought off to Malaga with a private jet.
Both of them.
And now Prince Andrew is basically in hiding from even from his own mother who apparently is very angry with him.
And I can imagine.
How angry she is because, of course, the fact that this testimony of Epstein, who apparently witnessed him having sex with a minor, could throw the whole royal family in a crisis of unspeakable proportions.
How does that tie in to the cardinal you've been writing about, the right-hand man of the Pope?
Of course, Cardinal Pell.
We are waiting for his appeal on the 21st of August.
We know that the infamous Cardinal Pell was the number one tool in the Vatican, one of the most powerful ringleaders for these pedophiles.
And Cardinal Pell either will win this appeal and then will be sent off to one of the safety houses with a bunch of nuns, severed and revered by them,
Otherwise, I think that Cardinal Pell could be the next Epstein, and he could be suicided, because the moment in which Cardinal Pell... I was about to ask that.
Will he be the next Epstein?
Will Cardinal Pell be Epstein?
Because now Arkansas, Clinton side, Clinton death, now it's going to be Epstein.
Will Cardinal Pell be Epstein?
Well, if he doesn't win the appeal, and the Pope is trying to actually force in the Australian authorities so he can win this appeal and finally end up his life in this big mansion.
In the meantime, in Rome, a mural appeared next to the Vatican with the image of Satan grabbing from behind Cardinal Pell.
And everybody in Rome was shocked by this incredible mural that appeared in Via Gregorio VII.
So I am really interested in seeing what's going to happen on the 21st because, mark my words, if he's not winning the appeal, and so if he's not getting out of it, he's definitely going to be suicided.
Wow, this is an incredible time to be alive.
I remember reading your books 15 years ago, hearing you on air and thinking, this is crazy.
Everything you've said has come true so far.
When we come back in a minute, I'm going to ask you where you think it's going next.
Please don't forget, TV viewers, the big sale ended because a bunch of stuff sold out.
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Without you, we're not here.
And believe me, the enemy's fighting harder than ever, but thanks to you, we're still on air.
Stay with us.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
...is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Oh, thanks.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on a toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil or the turmeric or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, then we're doing 50% off.
And then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's OK.
Thanks for the support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the antidote for fake news.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, Mike Adams taking over next segment.
I'm just being close right now.
We have the Google Blacklist saying InfoWars is the number one enemy shuttestown for major whistleblowers.
We had them on for an hour and a half.
We got Mike Adams taking over.
Leo Zegami's here, great author, leozegami.com.
Leo, what would you call this period of history we're in?
Because you talk about the globalists have Hollywood, they have the Democrats, but they're losing on every front.
They've got all the money they stole, but all that's just digital numbers.
I don't think things are going too well for them.
No, they're not going too well for anybody.
I mean, even the Vatican we have just talked about is trying to reform their Vatican Bank because hiding what they have been doing in the last few years is becoming increasingly difficult even for them.
So they want to clear up their house.
But of course, when it comes down to data and artificial intelligence, that Pegasus Group project, which I talked about earlier, which saw the involvement of Sarah Ferguson and Tony Robbins, should be something we should monitor, like all the projects that regard data.
Yeah, because data mining and knowing everything about our lives, it's very important for the enemy.
And of course, we have been given this social network so we could empower the enemy with that information.
It's been like our failure, but it's also been a possibility for us to transmit maybe our information through the social media.
So, you're bringing up Tommy Robinson.
What Tommy Robinson are you talking about?
Tony Robbins, I'm Tony Robbins.
Sorry, Tony Robbins.
He's involved in this new project which he presented a week ago with Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, which we find also in the Black Book of Jeffrey Epstein, and in this enormous new project which they are building close to Kingman, Arizona.
A project which basically is built with solar panels that help data.
An enormous data center built with solar panels.
An unprecedented data center which is heavily guarded.
Apparently, the whole facility is already guarded like it's some kind of Area 51.
So when I see that kind of security, I always question what they are doing.
Don't you think so, Alex?
Sure, sure.
I don't even know Tommy Robinson.
He's just an interesting wild card.
We'll look into that.
Alright, Leo, we've got two minutes left.
Any other points you want to make about what's happening in the world right now?
Yes, I want to make an important point regarding, of course, the Italian political crisis that we are living in the last few days, because after the visit of Nancy Pelosi in Italy, apparently this visit has triggered an internal crisis that might break this government of populist forces and bring, unfortunately, once again, the left-wing Democrats that are, of course...
They're trying to break your border for a North African invasion.
Yeah, well of course we have also Richard Gere who went on a boat and he encouraged this massive immigration.
But he doesn't want anybody to get on his private jet.
I loved how the president said, oh get on Richard Gere's private jet.
Yes, and we have just seen a photo of Richard Gere on a lavish yacht with his wife, you know, having a great time after this show that he did on the boat with the immigrants.
A boat with the immigrants that is now arriving on Italian soil because even Matteo Salvini
Well, Richard Gere thought there were a bunch of gerbils on board that boat.
Yeah, no, he thought they were a bunch of gerbils.
He heard like the boat had a bunch of gerbils.
He's like, well, I gotta get... He's like, let gerbils into Europe.
Alright, thank you.
Leo, we're out of time.
It's an invasion of gerbils.
The big giant tube right there, blew right past us.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face, all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
Alright, if you just joined us, I don't normally engage in jokes, but Richard Gere, I forgot to cover this last week.
He went out on a boat to North Africa and picked up a bunch of people to bring them into Europe.
And he just said, hey, you all need to come in here and get free stuff.
Now, he doesn't say get on my plane, come to L.A., live in my mansion.
There's photos of him out on this big yacht in the Mediterranean.
He's not bringing folks across on that.
No, he wants you
to bring people in immediately because Richard Gere was told that North Africa has the biggest gerbils you've ever seen and no seriously he thought he was rescuing ship loads of gerbils so
This is an incredible moment right now.
Richard Gere is attempting to give free access to gerbils to Europe, so he has a full supply of gerbils.
He doesn't want to pay for the gerbils, or the trebles.
That's a Star Trek analogy.
He doesn't want to pay for the trebles.
He wants you to pay for the trebles, but when he wants access to a gerbil, he's going to get it, ladies and gentlemen.
Or a nutria.
That's right, he's moved on to nutria.
He's moved on to New York rats that are up to three pounds.
So Richard Gere.
That's Marietta Gerbel, ladies and gentlemen.
He did it on board a boat in the Mediterranean.
It's like J.K.
Rowling got mad at Paul Watson.
She's like, open Europe to migrants, tens of millions, give them everything free, throw old people out of their old people housing, their Section 8, give it to them.
And then Paul goes, hey, you own mansions all over Europe and Tasmania and everywhere, take a few.
And she goes, oh, he's a Nazi, ban him.
My God.
Rowling, I guess, is the gerbil.
But J.K.
And the gateway to hell would be Richard Gere.
But let's get serious.
Mike Adams is about to take over.
Right now.
That's, of course, Richard Gerbil Gere.
The king of gerbils.
The master of gerbils.
Word of masters of the universe.
He's the masters of gerbils.
But before Mike Adams takes over,
Remember that we're not here without you, and that we have the biggest sale going since last Christmas.
We had to remove a few of the things as they sold out.
The World of Wagons Mega Sale, 56% off.
Top selling products, and free shipping, and of course, a lot more at InfoWareStore.com.
And seriously, we're in total war.
They're really pissed we still exist, but thanks to you, we are still here on air.
What about those two Google engineers for an hour and a half on air together exposing the total blueprint of lying to Congress and fixing the election and staging the algorithms and staging search results?
Mike, you're an engineer, you run nationalnews.com, you're a successful guy.
Hearing, I don't know if you heard those guys, but if you did or knew about it, that's history that just happened.
What do you make of that?
It's truly extraordinary, Alex.
I mean, they laid out the actual blueprint for the algorithms that are designed to have selective, politically motivated censorship in order to steal not just this next election, and they also stole the 2018 midterms, but every election
For the entire future of this country.
Google wants to control all information, which means all knowledge, all history.
And you've been saying that forever, but now here are the documents where they want total information control, and their minion Richard Gere, codename Lemmy Winks, is for it.
You know, this is making the case for criminal indictments, in my view, of Google executives.
There needs to be criminal charges leveled against them.
Because remember, Robert Mueller filed charges against some Russian company for, quote, defrauding the United States of America simply for running ads on Facebook.
Well, if that's a crime, Google has committed that crime a million times over.
And also, the CEO, P. Chai, I think is his name, lied before Congress.
I mean, you confronted him in Washington, D.C.
when he was lying to Congress, smearing you and censoring your ability to defend yourself and tell your side of the story.
So, it's over for Google if the law means anything.
They're lawless.
You just said it.
If Congress isn't totally paralyzed and idiotic, because even if they're not good guys, why would they give their power up?
The U.S.
has global dominance.
We have the best idea.
Why would they just hand it over?
It's satanic.
They literally want to shove America, like Lemmy Winks, up Richard Gere's ass.
I mean, I'm sorry, but that's really, it's the spiritual thing of, they want to dominate America for their own pleasure.
Well yeah, and of course they're pushing the LGBT indoctrination of children and all this cultural programming at the same time, massive child abuse, pedophilia, everything imaginable.
This is consistent with Google's warped, twisted, dark, satanic philosophy that now really determines their algorithms.
So it's not only us who are being censored, Alex, it's of course pro-Christian websites, pro-life websites,
And now they have the proof that there was a, quote, they call it a blacklist.
I mean, this is smoking gun.
How big a smoking gun whistleblower is Zach Voorhees?
Well, these guys who have stepped forward, they are heroes.
They are national heroes.
They have put their lives at risk.
You know, you saw how Google called the FBI and the police to try to threaten and intimidate one of the engineers.
Oh, I've already, they've already tried to take my kids.
I know what they've done to you.
It's not fun.
No, it's unreal.
We're being threatened right now with another lawsuit, by the way.
I tell you what, they can't silence us as long as we have the determination to tell the truth.
And as long as the audience supports naturalnews.com and infowars.com.
People need to get that we're barely making it right now.
I don't want to give the enemy any help.
I mean, it's all about the audience.
If the audience gets that they're trying to suppress this and supports this, nothing can stop human intelligence.
But if HUMET doesn't aid us, Mike, we're done.
Well, the audiences that watch us and listen to us, they know what's at stake.
And that's why they voluntarily choose to support you and my work as well.
They know that they're voting with their dollars and voting with their voices to support us because they know that everything is at stake.
It's a total war.
In a total war.
In a total war.
Look, if we don't win this, if Trump doesn't win, if our republic doesn't win,
People will find themselves waking up in a country where everything that you own and value will be destroyed.
Every business will be seized.
That's their plan.
Their plan is to take all wealth away so they control you.
We're trying to create wealth, folks.
That's the Christ energy.
We want wealth.
And they will kidnap your children if you don't submit to vaccinations.
The state will become the medical tyrants.
I mean, they already are in many places.
Understand that the economy will be, if the leftists are in charge, it'll be a centralized economy where they will steal every private business, they will steal private land, they will criminalize... They want to end competition because they are scum.
And it will all be sold in the name of equality.
When what it really is, is equal suffering or equal torture by an authoritarian regime.
And that's why defeating these people is absolutely the number one, it's got to be the top priority.
Let me throw this in, what your wife's from, Hong Kong or Taiwan, I forget which one, but Taiwan.
We're already at war with China right now.
I know, we are very concerned about that.
And of course, you know, we've got contacts in Taiwan as well, who are in touch with what's happening in China.
There's a lot of concern that China's military assault on the Hong Kong protesters could set off an escalation of both geopolitical war and economic events.
Because let's just say it, the Taiwanese and Hong Kong folks are going to fight.
Well, yeah, yeah.
Look, the Taiwan people, I call Taiwan the Texas of Asia.
Taiwan people are used to being free.
They're wonderful entrepreneurs.
They're very intelligent.
They're dedicated to freedom.
They have free elections.
But that's not China, you know?
And remember that it was my wife's family escaped the communists of mainland China, escaped to Taiwan around 1950.
Again, my wife is from people who escaped communist death camps.
So we know all about it.
And that's why we're fighting for freedom right now so much globally, not just in America, but also... But don't the communists know they take over Taiwan, their food's going to be poisoned, they're going to get stabbed in their beds.
I mean, this is not Tiananmen Square.
Well no, no it isn't and of course the United States will respond with strategic force and Japan may respond as well.
Don't forget there's a very long history of China and Japan in conflict and you know a lot of insane violations of human rights.
The point is that the fuse is lit.
Look, the fuse is lit everywhere.
What country can you think of that is stable right now?
What cultural situation is stable?
But you see, I know you know this, but speak it to your listeners, the globalists want to ignite mass chaos.
They want a civil war in the United States.
They want collapse everywhere else.
How do we counter that?
How do we stop it?
Straight ahead with Mike Adams.
He can do it together, folks.
We've shown that.
We've got to be focused.
We've got to pray to God.
Be right back.
Stay with us.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
The human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, bringing it in here.
Mike Adams joining you here for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
We're living in a whirlwind of chaos and deliberate attempt at destruction.
And in this hour here, I'm going to bring you some additional news that maybe you haven't heard about new efforts by Bill Gates to pollute the atmosphere with a new experimental program that releases lead-contaminated dust into the atmosphere.
I'm going to cover that.
But first, before I get to that and some other stories, my goodness, you know, the Dayton shooter was on antidepressants, right?
So Xanax was found in his blood.
I'm going to get to that as well.
Before I get to that,
I want to ask for your prayers of safety for all the patriots in Portland who are, it looks like they're going to be subjected to some kind of a massive
Maybe a false flag attack or violence.
Already in Portland, some of the Patriots are being subjected to unfair arrests and accusations.
It happened already today.
Things are heating up there for the rally.
Joe Biggs is on site and many other people.
I don't know.
Whose names it's okay for me to release so I'm not going to mention any names but there are a lot of people on site and they need your prayers for protection.
Understand that conservatives and patriots never initiate violence and we never call for initiating violence.
But we do assert the right to self-defense.
And so, if patriots are attacked in Portland, don't be surprised if someone asserts their right to defend themselves against a violent, potentially fatal assault by some lunatic left-wing Antifa terrorist.
I hope we don't see that happen.
I hope it's peaceful.
But we also know that the Portland police have been ordered to stand down before.
We know that the mayor of Portland appears to be an Antifa terrorist sympathizer.
So the situation could be quite dire.
So pray for everyone's safety there.
I mean, heck, even pray for the safety of the Antifa people, if you want.
Let's just have no bloodshed, okay?
Let's have no violence there.
Let's just let the patriots have their First Amendment right to speak.
That's absolutely crucial.
Another thing.
Last week, when I was on the show, I mentioned I was going to post a video showing exactly where to Dremel off an 80% lower receiver to prepare it for use in a Ghost Gunner machine.
So this is how you can make, you know, an AR-15 legally.
Always follow your local laws, of course.
But you can make this.
You have to use a Dremel tool and Dremel off anodized receivers to have six contact points
Where the Ghost Gunner can have that conductance, uh, uh, contact points, basically.
So, uh, I posted that video.
They're showing it now, if you're watching.
It's up on Brighteon.com.
I have not found anybody else anywhere on the internet who posted this video, so I made the video for you, so that you can buy anodized 80% lowers, and you can, uh, drill them out with the Ghost Gunner, and you can legally make your own firearms for self-defense.
Now, just as a note, again, follow local laws.
So if this is illegal for you to do, I think that machine is banned in New Jersey, then obviously don't use it in New Jersey.
I want you to always follow local laws.
I don't advocate violating the laws, but I also want to encourage you to exercise your rights under law.
I do.
And you have a right under the Constitution and under current federal law to manufacture your own firearm for your own personal use.
As long as you don't transfer it to someone else, you know, don't turn yourself into a gun dealer that's illegal.
You know, you need an FFL to do that.
You have to apply with ATF and all that.
Don't, don't definitely make an effort to make your own firearms because look, if Joe Biden becomes president, which probably won't happen, but if he did, he's already promised to essentially go door to door confiscating all your guns.
And red flag laws, in order for them to be enforced, they have to have a national gun registry.
So they are going to try to identify every person that owns a firearm, even firearms that you've already purchased before.
And they're going to try to come to your door and take those firearms.
And that is an illegal, tyrannical act.
That Joe Biden would theoretically attempt to carry out.
And I think that we have a duty to defend our rights.
I don't know about you, but I mean, I love America.
I love Texas.
And I'm going to defend this republic against lawless tyrants who are violating the Constitution.
And so guess what?
The Founding Fathers gave you some tools to get that accomplished.
And one tool is called the Second Amendment.
The other is called the First Amendment.
Both are under assault, but you should exercise both amendments to the fullest extent that is allowed under the law.
Again, keep it legal, never initiate violence, but always be willing to defend yourself.
Now, let's go to
The Dayton Mass Shooter, Connor Betts I think was his name, now being reported by Cincinnati.com, perhaps you've seen this news, it broke earlier, that his blood contained Xanax, so another antidepressant drug linked to another mass shooter.
How many times have we seen mass shooters on antidepressant drugs?
Seems like it's about, I mean this is just a general estimate, maybe it's 80 to 90 percent of mass shooters are on this class of drugs.
And he had other substances in his bloodstream as well, so maybe there were some combination effects kicking in.
But you know these antidepressants, these allow some people, because of their genetic predisposition to being unable to clear these drugs from their system, some people then become dissociated from reality.
And in some cases they feel like they're carrying out like a first-person shooter video game.
I'm not saying that video games cause this person to become a mass shooter.
I'm saying that perhaps the SSRI drugs did.
The mind-altering psychiatric drugs are linked to so many shootings.
Sometimes the shooter doesn't realize they're in the real world.
They think they're in a dream or an artificial construct like a video game.
And so they don't think that there's actually real consequences to them opening fire on someone.
And then I think in some cases they're shocked when they're actually shot or arrested because maybe they snap out of that, you know, hallucination, that psychiatric cloud.
And then they realize, oh my God, this was real.
They just shot somebody for real.
Didn't this guy shoot his own sister?
I think he did.
Why would you shoot your own sister?
I don't understand.
Maybe there's some personal conflict going on there.
But look, there's something else about that shooting that is very important to recognize.
According to Cincinnati.com, two of the victims who were killed were actually shot by police on accident.
By accident.
The police, of course, did a great job of responding very rapidly to this shooter who was a radical left-wing liberal, you know, Elizabeth Warren supporter, all that stuff.
Bernie Sanders supporter.
It's not the fault of Bernie Sanders, I'm not saying that, but this guy was a radical leftist.
So police responded very quickly, which is admirable.
And they opened fire on this guy, and they shot him I think dozens of times, I don't have the exact number, but they opened fire on the guy.
Sadly, they hit two innocent bystanders.
Which tells you a couple of things.
Number one, you know, bullet control.
Even cops, I've talked about this before, even when they have good intentions,
Police officers, who I've trained with over the years in many scenarios, police officers, especially new ones, are among the least well-trained shooters.
You know, your average U.S.
Marine is way better trained, in fact well trained, as a shooter, as a rifleman, compared to your average police officer.
Police officers very frequently accidentally rain down fire upon innocent bystanders.
And we need to have a discussion about this.
I think we need more training for cops, frankly, who respond to these situations.
Anyway, we're going to go to a break.
I'll be back with more about Bill Gates and his chemtrails and maybe more thoughts about the shooting in Dayton.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Be right back.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners.
Whatever you do, spread those links, because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
The globalists are hyper-competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
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We're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
Alright, we're gonna get into Bill Gates' newest mad science experiment here.
You're gonna be blown away.
I mean, you know Bill Gates.
He has funded, well through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other things, he's funded a lot of
Rather bizarre depopulation technologies.
For example, years ago, he funded an ultrasonic scrotum blaster technology.
I'm not even making that up.
I mean, he didn't call it that, but it's an ultrasonic birth control device for men.
And what they do, I'm sorry to be graphic, but they kind of clamp your scrotum in a giant ultrasonic machine and it emits such a high energy frequency that it destroys your testes ability to even produce sperm.
For about six months.
Can you imagine that?
I mean, can you imagine if he combines that with, uh, you know, red flag laws or something like, oh, if you're a conservative, you have to go into the, the scrotum blaster machine or something.
You know, that's, that's kind of the dream of leftists.
It's, it's insane.
The kind of stuff they come up with.
Well now, oh, and by the way, notice that Bill Gates is targeting men, you know, because men are bad of course, but, but now,
Here's his newest one.
In conjunction with Harvard scientists, they've come up with a new project to pollute the entire planet.
It's called SCOPEX, and it means Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment.
Now, in this experiment, they take calcium carbonate, and they release it into the atmosphere to block the sun.
And this is supposed to stop global warming by blocking the sun.
Basically, it's mimicking a massive volcanic eruption.
Now, I don't know if you've read anything about the history of volcanoes, but there was a volcanic eruption, I think it was in the late 1700s or maybe the early 1800s, that caused so much dust to enter the atmosphere that it caused food crop failures for two years.
It was, I think, it was even recorded as like the summer without a sun.
Because if you put all this ash into the atmosphere, you kill the food crops and you cause famines.
You cause the collapse of civilization.
This is what Bill Gates is working on now.
Again, it's called ScopeX.
Now, here's something else very interesting that you can only get right here from the independent media.
Turns out, and you know I run a heavy metals laboratory.
I do a lot of research there.
I release results all the time.
Well, we've actually tested dozens of calcium carbonate products.
Calcium supplements in bulk form, powder form, capsule form, and so on.
Turns out that calcium is a natural attractor of lead, a toxic heavy metal.
It causes lowered IQs, by the way.
It causes brain damage and reproductive damage and cancer, all kinds of things.
We have found, I think on average, between two and about eight parts per million of lead in all the calcium carbonate we've ever tested.
Sort of cheap, low-grade, mined-out-of-the-ground, you know, calcium carbonate minerals.
This means that this Bill Gates project would be emitting not just calcium carbonate into the air, but lead.
So he would be polluting the skies with lead chemtrails.
So it's not just the aluminum and the barium and everything else that you're probably already familiar with.
We are talking lead, calcium, chemtrail.
Now, what would the effects be of this?
Well, number one, of course, you're going to have lead falling on all the croplands everywhere around the world because it's going to eventually drop out of the sky.
So you're going to have lead contamination of the entire global food supply.
And remember, one of the big side effects of lead
Ingestion is lower to IQs.
So this is not only a way to dim the sun, it's a way to dumb down the population through global lead poisoning that simply could not be avoided unless you grow food in a greenhouse, which is extraordinarily expensive.
This would drop lead on the rivers, the oceans, lakes, and ponds.
So there would be enhanced lead contamination of all the fish and seafood that you eat as well.
This is a Bill Gates special right here.
He's got it all figured out.
At the same time, the calcium carbonate falling out of the sky would alter the alkalinity of the soils that it falls on.
So now we're raising the pH of soils, which would deprive nutrients to plant roots, because plants need some acidity in order to be able to assimilate nutrients.
If you start messing with the pH of soils by raising the pH,
What you do is you cause plants to absorb fewer nutrients and minerals.
You cause many plants to be unable to produce as much food or as much medicine if they're herbal plants and so on.
Basically, you're killing off the plant-based ecosystem of the planet.
And at the same time as that, pay attention, this is astonishing, you're dimming the sun.
So you're shutting off photosynthesis or shutting it down.
Photosynthesis is what plants use to generate energy.
Without photosynthesis, you have no food crops.
You have no food web.
Every mammal on the planet, which includes you and I, would die if Bill Gates' plan is rolled out.
And that's his plan.
Remember, Bill Gates is the king of depopulation.
He wants to go down in history, I think, as the king of genocide.
He wants to kill a thousand times more people than Adolf Hitler ever imagined killing.
You know, he wants to kill six billion people.
Not six million, but six billion!
This is how he's going to do it.
And you can't escape it.
Because, of course, you're breathing the same air.
Everybody's sharing the same atmosphere.
If it's falling out of the sky all over the planet, it's going to fall on your lawn, your food crops, your garden, your local farm.
It's going to fall on grass that's eaten by cows that are dairy cows.
So it's going to be in the milk that you buy at the grocery store if you're drinking milk.
It's going to be in everything.
This is the Bill Gates plan.
This is the annihilation of humanity.
Again, shut down photosynthesis by dimming the sun.
Alter the alkalinity of the soils to reduce nutrient uptake by plants.
Add lead to everything to lower IQs and dumb down human population while you're also collapsing the global food supply.
I'm trying to say this with kind of a calm, scientific voice.
I probably should be screaming at the top of my lungs here, because this is the suicide plan for humanity.
It's part of it.
There are actually multiple layers to this plan.
But I'm trying to present this to you in the most calm, collected way possible, so that you understand the facts here.
The fact is that photosynthesis is the basis of all human civilization, all life, because humans
You need food.
And you can't grow food without photosynthesis.
And you don't have photosynthesis without sunlight and carbon dioxide.
What is the radical left at war with?
They're at war with the sun.
They think the sun is bad and they want to dim the sun.
They're also at war with carbon dioxide.
They say it's bad, right?
And they say they have to get rid of it.
Because, well, they say carbon is a pollutant.
Well, guess what?
You're made of carbon.
We're all made of carbon.
And plants use carbon for this purpose.
So, understand.
I'm really trying to drive this home with you.
That, number one, chemtrails are real.
The chemtrails are going to be altered to now release lead, a toxic heavy metal, along with calcium carbonate.
This is being run by Harvard scientists.
It's already funded by Bill Gates.
Again, the name of this is Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, SCOPEX.
They're going to be doing a pilot study right away.
With a few million dollars worth of flights, you know, airplanes loaded with this toxic dust that they're going to release.
And if that's successful, if they get enough money to do this, and that money will come from, you know, George Soros and Bill Gates and who knows who else, they're going to do this to the entire planet.
So people everywhere, people in third world countries who can barely get by because they can't grow enough food to feed themselves, they're going to starve to death and die, and that's part of the plan.
That is part of the plan of the globalists.
But it's not going to end with the third world starvation and mass death.
It's going to also include you in the United States or wherever you're watching this.
You have been slated for termination.
You have been deemed a useless eater by the globalists.
They want to eliminate you, and they have a means to do it, and they're running the experiments right now.
And then they're saying, you're crazy if you believe in chemtrails, while they're running chemtrails experiments to kill all life as we know it on this planet.
Think about that.
That's how insane reality has become.
So when Alex says we're at war with these globalists, understand, the globalists are at war with humanity.
They literally want you dead, en masse.
They want billions of us to be dead.
And they are rolling out a program to accomplish that.
And they're gonna survive in their underground caves for a period of time and then, they think, re-emerge back onto the planet.
With everybody else gone.
That's their plan.
Much more straight ahead.
Stay with us here.
Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks in to people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the Communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president,
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is reality.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthrights.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight.
We're all having our birthrights stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling.
And it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside.
And they came through cyberspace.
Our republic
Our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Mike Adams.
Very clear from the Google whistleblowers who went public that Google is now engaged in espionage against the United States of America.
That Google has become an enemy combatant in a war to destroy America.
This realization is just now hitting home to people all across America and even across the Trump administration.
I'm going to get to some more details about that.
But first, let me just underscore the importance of your financial support for InfoWars store.
Alex never asked me to plug anything.
I'm just here to say.
This network, it's crucial that this network survive.
And I know you're supporting InfoWarsTore.com.
I want you to know I support InfoWarsTore as well.
The products are really outstanding, very smartly formulated, and very clean.
We've tested many of them in our laboratory as well.
And I just got to say, you know, you have a choice of where you spend your money.
Why not invest it in this network that's fighting for your survival as a free citizen in a world where freedom is at risk of being destroyed at every moment?
You know, and the deals, the sales that are at Infowarsstore.com are really quite extraordinary.
So be sure to check that out.
Now, getting back to Google.
You know, Google's working for China, okay?
So Google is developing not only Orwellian surveillance systems to keep tabs on the citizens of China, they're really using China as a pilot program to roll out those exact same systems across the United States.
Now remember, Google is also working on AI.
So artificial intelligence is the ultimate weapon system to enslave and control humanity.
And Google is sharing key AI technology with China, according to some whistleblowers who have already spoken out, and some critics, like Peter Thiel, who has spoken out about this as well.
This is, you know, in World War II, a strategic resource was rubber and oil, okay?
You couldn't fight a war, a kinetic war, back in the 1940s, without rubber and oil.
Well, the wars of the future are going to be fought with AI.
AI weapon systems, AI technologies, cyber war.
So whoever controls AI will control the world.
Why is Google developing AI and handing it to China?
A communist nation, a bully nation that despises freedom, a nation that arrests peaceful Falun Gong members and has their organs harvested to sell them on the black market.
Why is Google supporting an organ-harvesting evil communist regime that's the enemy of freedom, the enemy of humanity, and the enemy of the United States?
The answer should be simple.
Because Google agrees with all those philosophies.
Google is a treasonous, murderous, criminal enterprise, in my opinion.
And Google has to be stopped.
Because look, they're working on drone technology.
Terminator systems, basically.
But flying Terminators, okay?
Flying Terminators combined with their location recognition systems.
If you're walking around with a Google phone, an Android phone, you have a location tracker on your back.
And once Google wants you dead, not just silenced, but actually dead, all they have to do is dispatch a suicide drone to explode near your phone.
Assuming that you will be near your phone because you're probably carrying it walking down the street.
So we're talking about an army of Google, Terminator, flying, you know, hunter-killer drones, which were sort of depicted back in the original Terminator movie from the 1980s, but these Terminator drones would be much smaller, just large enough to hold an explosive charge.
Google's already more powerful than any nation.
They're more dangerous than any nation.
Google's more dangerous than North Korea.
North Korea has nukes.
But North Korea doesn't control our history, our science, our medicine, our consciousness, and our elections.
Google controls all that by twisting and warping the information systems that it controls.
And Google's working on Terminator robots.
And they do want to kill people who are their political enemies.
And Google is run by cry-bully, snowflake, libtard leftists.
Who feel that they are attacked by opinions that differ with their worldview.
Libtard leftists who think that they have the right to murder anyone with whom they disagree.
This is what was openly talked about in the Berkeley student newspaper and student editorials calling for the killing of potential guests like Ann Coulter, for example.
She would suggest things that they don't want to hear.
We're talking about leftists that respect no life.
Obviously, they murder their own children, right?
They want to kill their own babies.
The most offensive thing to a leftist is not Donald Trump, but an infant born alive.
Yeah, they want to cut off the head of Trump, but they want to cut off the genitals of their own babies and transform them into transgenders.
That's how sick these people are.
These are the people running Google, and Facebook, and Twitter, and YouTube, and Snapchat, and Instagram, all of them.
They're all anti-human, pro-communist, pro-China, treasonous actors, enemies of the people, enemies of life, enemies of babies.
That's who they are.
And that's why they must be defeated.
Now, in defeating them, there's some potential good news.
Of course, we never advocate any kind of violence against these entities.
That's not the way we choose to solve problems.
Trump is going to put out an executive order that could be just key to this.
He's going to order, apparently, the FCC and the FTC to go after these companies in various ways.
That could be effective.
But I think Trump needs to arrest some of these CEOs for treason, for sharing secrets with our enemies, the Communist Chinese, and the violation of the human rights of all the American people who use their services.
In fact, I think, now this is just my opinion, I think Trump needs to seize the domain names of Google.com and Facebook.com and Twitter.com, YouTube.com.
Seize them temporarily.
Not for the government to run them, but just so that you force those people to come to the table and negotiate so that they will respect human rights, freedom of speech, and stop being enemies of America.
Give them back their domain names once they sign consent decrees that protects the First Amendment.
And national security, of course.
Other things like that.
Why not?
I mean, Obama would do it.
Obama would do anything to promote his cause, which is evil and twisted.
Why can't Trump use the power of government to promote national security and human rights?
Just temporarily.
I'm not saying the government should run these companies.
Just that we should force them to respect basic human liberties.
The individual liberties
That are described in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
It's time for Trump to get tough with these tech giants.
So he needs your support.
I'm asking you to call your senators, especially those of you in Missouri.
You have a great Senator Josh Hawley there who has really been spearheading a lot of this.
But call your senators.
Even Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has spoken out on this as well.
He's been really good on this issue.
Call your senators and tell them that you demand
Freedom of speech.
Be respected by the tech giants.
And if they don't respect freedom of speech, then they need to be shut down.
Or they need to be regulated out of existence because they do not abide by the rules of civil society.
Why should Google even be allowed to operate in America if they won't allow people to speak?
I mean, it's so outrageous.
It's anti-American.
It's anti-human rights.
And Google is working for the enemies of America.
They're working for the Communist Chinese.
And now that the algorithms have come out, and all the blacklist files, thanks to those whistleblowers who went public via Project Veritas, and Sarah Carter covered this as well, and of course, here on Infowars, had a lot of coverage.
Thanks to those American heroes, we now know the truth.
Google has done this deliberately.
Google lied to Congress.
Google has been deliberately blacklisting the most important independent media voices, the real press in America.
We are the free press.
We are the voices that actually matter, not the puppets on CNN who are given a script of what to say every day, and their voice is exactly the same as the voices on MSNBC and CBS and everywhere else.
They're all the same.
They're all reading scripts.
No one's reading a script here.
I mean, I've got a page of a couple of notes, a couple of bullet points here.
There's no teleprompter here.
There's never a teleprompter on InfoWars.
Nobody's reading a script.
We're giving it to you straight.
Telling it like it is.
And that's why they want to silence our voices.
But keep in mind that everything is at stake right now.
And these tech giants must be defeated.
They must be dismantled.
By the Trump administration or maybe by some other legal means.
This is crucial for the survival of human civilization.
It's essential for the survival of the United States of America.
If you want your children and grandchildren to have anything resembling freedom and liberty, then Google must be defeated.
And the CEOs and managers of these companies must be arrested, they must be charged with the crimes they've committed, and they must be prosecuted by the Trump administration and the DOJ.
Along with the deep state traders, by the way, who may be facing prosecution very soon.
We'll see what William Barr is up to, but from what I'm hearing,
There are some criminal charges coming down that are going to target those deep state traitors who tried to overthrow our country, tried to steal an election, tried to frame Donald Trump, and they failed, and they got caught, and they're going to go to prison.
Some of them are going to be put in a cell like Jeffrey Epstein.
Tell you what, they've got some things coming.
Stay tuned.
Owen Schroeder is coming up next with War Room.
This is Info Wars.
Mike Adams filling in today.
Thank you for watching.
God bless America.
Until next time.