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Filename: 20190809_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 9, 2019
3605 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including politics, media manipulation, health issues, and product promotions. He talks about President Trump's recent press conference addressing various subjects, and brings attention to the dangers of mental health medications. Jones also criticizes Hollywood and Democrats for attempting to divide Americans along racial lines, promotes Ted Nugent's website as a source of truth, and supports gun control laws with provisions for citizens carrying guns to protect themselves. He discusses InfoWars' specials on storable food and products available at InfowarsStore.com, updates on the Jeffrey Epstein case, and warns listeners about potential false flag operations. The speaker shares personal experiences, promotes various supplements and products, and urges support for InfoWars through product purchases and sharing articles and videos.

Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, President Trump's done a lot of newsworthy, important press conferences.
They did one out in 100 degree temperature.
In the middle of that Virginia swamp they call the District of Columbia.
And it just ended about 30 minutes ago.
And I don't ever play press conferences from start to finish.
It's 35 minutes long.
We're going to air the whole thing.
And I'm going to try to get it all in in the first hour.
It was a window into heaven.
It was a window into hell.
It was the best of times.
It was the worst of times.
Said, I will take strong action, that's a quote, against big tech censorship.
And then he segued and he said, and Hollywood.
What they're doing trying to cause a race war is horrible.
Every show you turn on is just, white people are literal demons.
And a man walked into a Walmart,
And said, I want a gun to kill 200 people.
And they said, why?
And he said, because I saw a white nationalist, a guy that looked like a white nationalist, you know, a ball-headed guy, buying a gun.
And it's a white guy saying it, all hysterical, because these people believe Netflix.
I mean, I can't watch any show about the past, the current, fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, horror,
Where just every householder, Nazis, every white person is a horrible person.
It's total crap.
And it's getting crazier and crazier.
That's somebody else at a big Walmart scare right there.
This is a total hysteria that's being started.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Going after Big Tech for sure.
Beating the hell out of the Chi-Coms.
They're ready to capitulate.
I think that cashmere thing really freaked them out.
To have their water supply cut off.
And food supply.
And just everything else.
We've got to play the whole press conference.
But of course, right in the middle of it was the, you know what, the punchbowl.
Of President Trump saying, oh, we've got to do something about mental health.
We've got to stop these people.
We've also got to get rid of these laws that protected them.
And that really reminded me, though, of the shooter in Parkland had said he was going to kill people for years.
He was known as a school shooter.
And he would aim his hand at people and have toy guns and say, I'm going to kill you, all the time.
Because that's what he got attention as.
He'd been in and out of all these foster homes.
His family recently died, his real parents.
But because he had a last name Cruz, even though he was Anglo background, he was given, under the Florida law that passed six years ago, authorization to commit crime.
Attempted, what was it, arson, uh, truck, uh, vandalism.
He would just run around, going, they're coming to take me away, ha-ho, hee-hee!
And then, it happens, and the police stand down.
And the school, the kids coming out said, yeah, we always said he's the school shooter.
But she said, it's funny, because I heard other gunshots and things going off, and he walked by and he said, it's not me.
But just ignore all that.
Obvious person drugged out of his mind on SSRIs that all came out and then both these guys in Texas and the situation in the Midwest are Antifa and I've been predicting that they are basically broadcasting out to Antifa now like this individual that showed up at Walmart and said
I'm gonna kill 200 people to make a political point to get the guns.
They're figuring it out.
The left's going to go do mass shootings.
The globalists won't even have to stage it.
They just tell their people, hey, the way we beat the Trump folks is stage attacks.
And then the left goes out and carries out the false flags.
You see, they've habituated it down to the local level.
Kind of like at the chicken place, the left tried to frame me.
They were just regular people.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
We're good.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Anticlub, ladies and gentlemen.
Hit both of the facilities this Saturday.
It's all come out.
And you're seeing almost no media coverage of that.
And now crazy leftists are storming into Walmarts saying they're going to kill 200 people to make a point about gun control so they can finally get the guns so they can, quote, finally do something to stop Trump.
Florida man asked Walmart employee for anything that would kill 200 people because then we can finally get the guns.
Carry out the mass murders to blame it on Trump.
They're externalizing the hierarchy.
The Antifa individual for sure in Ohio was a devil worshiper.
Saturday, I shot a report.
Before that was even known.
And I said, you can take one look at the style of the glasses, his eyes.
He is a devil worshipper Antifa.
I'm telling you, man, they all look just alike.
And of course, it came out the next day.
Devil worshipper Antifa attended Antifa rallies and wanted to kill Trump supporters.
And wanted and dreamed of caging
And torturing and raping women?
Oh, and they've now found some of his literature, guess what?
Children, though.
What do demons want?
To rape and kill women and children.
What do demons want?
Demons want powerful good men disarmed so they can rule over them.
And he said, I will be with Lucifer soon.
I will commit the sacrifices.
Hail Satan.
Hail Lucifer.
We're showing his writings, his drawings.
Everyone knew this and was scared of him.
And nothing was done.
So, you want more laws, there's already laws in the books, if you say,
I'm going to go kill Trump supporters.
I'm going to go kill police.
I'm going to go kill fascists.
That's how they dehumanize us.
And you got those crazy, spoiled, rotten mama's boy eyes because daddy wasn't around to slap you upside the head when you acted like a punk.
Spoiled, rotten, little demons.
Oh, and it's now turning out he was seeing psychologists and others who were taking care of it all.
You want to bet money he was on SSRIs?
It'll always come out later.
Always does.
And the other one!
They're trying to cover up his background.
But it's got all the same tell-tale signs.
He went and turned himself in to the police.
And he was a Democrat.
And he was for Obama, and he was for Hillary, and they went on his social media, and they changed it to Republican, and that's admitted!
We don't know what's going on in Texas, except he dressed, acted, and looked like Antifa, and then said he was a Democrat, and then went and supposedly killed people, and then went and turned himself in to the police to get our guns!
And then Trump says,
Very clearly.
Well, I understand the slippery slope and why the NRA and others are worried.
But he said, we've got to get it to where these local laws, like the one in Florida that allowed him to do that, are changed.
You need to change laws where if someone's committing crimes and saying they're going to kill people, they go to jail.
But that's not mental health.
It's mental health putting everybody on the drugs, causing all this, handing out the mass murder-suicide pills like they're candy.
As the mass shootings and the suicides go straight up,
We're told more, more, more.
Let's get the psychologists and psychiatrists as the priest class who just take your guns when they want.
No, when you're saying, I'm in Antifa and I'm going to kill people, you get your guns taken away.
You're in a terrorist organization and Antifa just killed 10 people.
In the heartland of this country and you don't hear a damn word about it in the news.
I'm going to play all of Trump's press conference coming up.
And yes, there's more and more reports and more and more articles that if you smoke the new marijuana, the super strong, 50 times stronger than it used to be or more, and you take SSRIs with it, it puts you into a state beyond LSD, more like PCP.
And if you're a radio listener, we're putting articles on screen.
This is admitted.
And by the way, people thought it was a joke in my custody battle.
When they said, do you smoke marijuana?
And I said, maybe once a year to test the strength of it.
And they all laughed at that and thought that that was just completely made up.
When I maybe smoke marijuana once a year and I ate a cookie that Joey Diaz gave me at a UFC match with Joe Rogan and couldn't get out of the chair for five hours.
And I literally did it to see how strong the stuff is.
I was hallucinating.
So yes, I'm scared of it.
And man, the pot, I spoke a few times in high school, would make you want to just sit around and eat Blue Bell ice cream.
I didn't like that either.
What I took a liking to was cigars and whiskey at about 12.
First time I tried them, I'm like, damn, this is good.
Oh yeah, my dad had pipe cigars.
He was gone.
I'd go sneak them.
Anyways, the point is, oh, the liquor cabinet got raided.
Marijuana is now causing massive schizophrenia.
I have had beloved crew members, who are friends of mine, that even went to my Thanksgivings, become schizophrenic and believe that space aliens are in the building and that we are reptiles.
That David Knight was a reptile.
That's David Knight saying that, not me.
It's spiritual.
It's interdimensional.
So, you got a bunch of people on Prozac-type drugs, smoking hallucinogen weapons-grade marijuana.
I smoked some of this marijuana about eight years ago with the fellow that went crazy, God bless him.
And again, I couldn't get out of the chair for about an hour.
I took one big hit.
One hit.
250 pound man, I couldn't get out of a chair.
That's why we're in a whole other ballgame.
That's why Soros wanted marijuana released.
Why they weaponized it.
It's already been genetically engineered, folks.
And it's not your grandfather's or your father's or your mother's marijuana.
It is a weapon.
And it permanently rewires the brain and makes you highly suggestible and is extremely dangerous.
Does it have a lot of medical usage?
It's a powerful drug!
Alright, I'm going to get to the Trump press conference.
You're damn right it does!
He's crossing the Rubicon on this gun thing.
He knows that the Democrats are just going to ask for the kitchen sink and then they'll get nothing.
But it's still not good to go along with the lie and Trump is involved in a
Deception, which I don't want, he was very straightforward, but he knows full well, background checks weren't going to do this, and he knows that all these cases, people knew they had spoiled, rotten, in-cell, little tough guy devil worshippers on their hands, who were seeing psychologists and psychiatrists, and who love Satan.
That's it!
You want to profile them, they're called Satanists.
Every stinking one of them gets on their knees to the devil.
They're white,
Loner, pissed off, devil worshippers who are in Antifa and want to hurt Trump and America and the Christian movement.
They want abortion.
They want infanticide.
They want euthanasia.
They want more suicide, like Bill Maher said.
He said, I want more suicide.
He hates his fellow humans.
I want more death.
Pro-Satan leftist.
So, that was the bad part of the speech, and we're gonna get to it.
He says he's going after Big Tech.
He said, I'm going to take strong action, and then he got into Hollywood trying to cause a race war.
Trump is hitting on all cylinders, and there's no doubt.
We're in the zeitgeist.
The White House is tuned in.
intelligence agents are tuned in.
The U.S.
We are simpatico right now, and we're taking back America and the world.
The human life force wave is being released.
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Full power!
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Go straight at them!
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so Houston, it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag.
Particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag.
And particularly when it says on the back
Right there, ladies and gentlemen, America's Back InfoWars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm glad that the folks that are running the show decided to play some Ted Nugent.
Because, I was thinking last night, I need to call him.
I need to get him on the show.
Hit his producer up and say, please pop in sometime next week.
Because we need to get him on, and get his view, NRA board member, on what Trump is doing.
I mean, I know his view.
Trump knows how to sound like he's being reasonable with them, and then they come back and say, we want all the guns, confiscate everything, and then nothing happens, he takes the wind out of their sails.
But I know Trump's body language pretty good, and he does want them to go after people that actually have mental health problems, and have the records be enforced where that actually happens.
But the left has versions of the bills,
That if a woman tells her neighbor, hey, my husband's beating me, he's coming back tonight, he says he's going to kill me, can I borrow your gun?
Well, you lose the gun for just saying that you want to protect yourself.
Under the law, Pelosi has already introduced.
So I know what Trump's doing.
He's playing with fire.
It's dangerous.
But I get it.
I don't support it because I'm not playing politics.
I'm just not in that groove of being able to play games like that with the Democrats, but I understand what Trump's doing.
I've got to start getting to this, because Joe Biggs is going to be in studio here with us, totally deplatformed, going to confront Antifa in a peaceful way, coming up in just a few weeks.
We've also got Mark Rondazzo, a constitutional lawyer, joining us.
He sued to get some of the documents in the Epstein case.
They got the treasure trove today, getting no attention, and it exonerates Trump, but also exposes a whole bunch of people that are going to be really, really scared.
Some people at CNN and places like that, yeah.
So no wonder they've been trying to pin this on Trump and the American people.
They are really concerned.
So they're going to get a first look at those documents coming up when he joins us in the third hour.
Part of the third hour, he's got to take his kids to a school enrollment thing.
It's funny, so do I today.
So I've got a lot of stuff going on, a lot unfolding, a lot happening.
Let me just start with this.
Let's just start with Joe Biden and compare this doddering, out of his mind, individual that sounds like he's got sawdust in his mouth.
I mean, he's clearly had another stroke or two.
I don't wish harm on anybody.
Where we don't need to confuse, you know, truth with the facts.
Truth is more important than facts.
And you think, that sounds insane.
No, that's the real Freudian slip.
Where we're going to call lies the truth, and then those lies transmitted into truth by alchemy will now become something that trumps facts.
Simply incredible.
And it's just going to be more entertaining and more bizarre.
And Trump said the guy is out of his mind.
The guy has lost his mind.
He's not playing with a full deck.
Joe Biden is a joke, but I hope he's a nominee.
And remember, I was saying this months ago.
He's had another stroke.
I don't think he'll make it.
He's been shooting his mouth off in front of Secret Service of, damn it, why am I doing this?
But they're keeping him in.
And it's just going to be a bigger and bigger train wreck while the media tries to cover all this up and act like he's great.
Remember, they banned me off Facebook and Instagram using my name because a video got posted saying Joe Biden appears to have had another stroke.
Well, I mean, he's the guy cannot talk now.
A year ago, he was well-spoken.
I mean, modern science can't fix that yet.
Man, when you have a stroke in the speech centers of your brain, buddy, it's bye-bye!
And it's getting worse.
He can't complete a sentence.
And they're trying to sell us this lie, thinking that they'll just tell us that everything's fine!
It's the Emperor's New Clothes.
You cannot have something more emblematic than this.
Everybody knows who Donald Trump is.
Even his supporters know who he is.
We gotta let them know who we are.
We choose unity over division.
We choose science over fiction.
We choose truth over facts.
So folks, if you're interested, join me.
I could use the help.
I mean, that is simply incredible.
Now, I'm not going to interrupt much of this Trump speech, even though it's so powerful, this press conference, but we could spend four hours on this and just analyze each piece.
We learned that China's capitulating or trying to.
We learned, which I already could see in the tea leaves, we learned that, I mean, I think it's just best we play this, that he is going to take strong action.
He says, I am going to take strong action on big tech.
And he goes, oh, and Hollywood.
I'm calling them in here.
I'm having a meeting.
What they're doing with the race war stuff is very dangerous.
So Trump is hitting on all cylinders right now and it's scaring the hell out of them.
Now we're going to go to break.
This next long segment, I'm coming right back with the beginning of this Trump speech, and then Joe Biggs is coming up in studio, as I said, and then Mark Randazzo.
You could not have a more jam-packed broadcast today.
Believe me, you're not going to want to miss this information.
Just this information on Epstein has me actually hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack.
And I want to explain, folks, I didn't have anxiety attacks
When I was 12 years old going out to confront the bully at the schoolyard, or speaking to a crowd of people.
The reason I'm having an anxiety attack is, this country is on the edge of explosions.
And the left is going to trigger sleeper cells, Islamic terror groups, MS-13, you name it, to try to create so much hysteria and blame America for these deaths that these devil worshippers are carrying out.
Isn't it perfect?
Devil worshippers are carrying out these attacks.
The guy in Parkland was a devil worshipper.
The guy in Ohio was a devil worshipper.
They're all... Harrison Kleibol, devil worshippers!
The guy that shot up last year down by Galveston, devil worshipper, devil worshippers, devil worshippers!
Gee, you mean devil worshippers like to do horrible things?
In the service of getting the guns!
Don't believe it's Satan yet?
They literally force Satan are killing innocent people.
They're not going and attacking Democrats.
And I'm not saying they should.
They're not going and attacking abortion clinics.
They're not going and fighting bad guys.
No, no.
Who have a bunch of guns that can defend themselves.
They go and kill families at Walmart on a Saturday.
Because they're robots of an evil spirit.
It's real.
And I took one look at him Saturday and I said, and I went on air, shot a report, I said, Devil Worshipper Antifa!
Turned out, Devil Worshipper Antifa!
It's not hard to guess, 98% of these are the trench coat mafia, the black, the goth, the devil, Satan.
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I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
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And I want to expand in the face of the globals, not contract.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us again on this August 9th, 2019 worldwide broadcast.
Now, I said I'm gonna go to the President's incredible press conference and the amazing things he said that he is going to take strong action against tech censorship soon, that Joe Biden isn't playing with a full deck and has lost his mind.
It just went on and on that China is trying to capitulate right now, but we're not going to work with Huawei because it's a Chai Com run that Hollywood's trying to cause a race war.
I told my producer, hey, send an email to Ted Nugent, NRA board member, great patriot, to get his take on the situation.
He's got everybody so upset, he just said, boom, I'll call in in five minutes.
And that was about four minutes ago.
So we're waiting for that call from the good old Motor City madman.
And then we will get to all of Trump's press conference one way or the other.
Again, we've got Joe Biggs going to be in studio, ladies and gentlemen, and so much more that we're going to be getting to here today.
First, replacing clips.
I want to go ahead and I want to get to this report.
That 5G is the future, but it's not really here yet.
CNN, and remember that they admit this stuff is causing cancer.
So here is that report.
So this is an actual 5G cell site location here in the East Village.
You can see that the 5G site is sort of a small rectangle on top of a longer vertical rectangle and there are other 4G sites around it.
The 5G T-Mobile site allows sort of this high band millimeter wave to kind of cast a spectrum down and you're able to access these higher speeds if you're in the vicinity around it.
So what is 5G anyway?
It's the next generation, or G, of cellular service.
2G was more focused on text messaging.
3G was sort of the boom of apps.
4G introduced faster speed so it could handle Uber or FaceTime.
Now 5G is supposed to be 10 times as fast, and it'll be able to support self-driving cars, robotic surgeries, even toothbrushes that can tell you when you're sick.
T-Mobile's 5G network is only in a few cities for now, but it has an aggressive plan to roll out to the rest of the country by next year.
AT&T, CNN's parent company, is more focused on helping businesses.
And Verizon is all about speed.
But I quickly noticed staying on its 5G network was a challenge.
Sprint had the most seamless coverage, giving me a glimpse into what life with 5G can really look like.
But it also had slower speeds than some of the other providers.
You can see how close we are to the 5G cell site right there in the building above the Starbucks.
But I can't even get on the network.
I'm just only a couple hundred feet away.
Oh wait.
Okay, I got it.
We did a test on T-Mobile's 4G and 5G connections in the park.
The 5G network was significantly faster, but it didn't quite hit the high speeds I saw on other networks.
So I'm getting really great 5G service right here at the Starbucks, and the 5G cell site is right above me, but let's see what happens if I go inside.
And there we go.
Folks, 5G literally spies on everything you do.
Some people might think that they're already using 5G.
On my phone, actually, it says 5GE, which stands for 5G Evolution.
Why won't Trump let the Chinese government put this in here?
Because it can spy on you.
That's actually because you need one of these phones.
This is a Samsung 5G phone.
It costs $1,300.
There are other options on the market too.
LG has one that's almost $1,000.
That's still really expensive for a network that might not work that great for you.
And you might not even have access to it.
So the hype for 5G is high.
And for good reason.
There's so many different applications.
That's really going to change probably the way we live.
But for now,
Service is super spotty, it's really limited, it's expensive, and it's going to take so long for these companies to truly put the equipment in all the different buildings and the lampposts.
Don't worry, it's coming, just like death.
I just want to sit tight and wait for the grim reaper.
Well, you know what that means.
When you're at the mall and you hear Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, it means Christmas is close.
When you hear Stranglehold, it means Ted Nugent, the great defender of the Second Amendment, is here.
The only icon bigger than Charlton Haston, maybe.
A living legend joins us, and we wouldn't have the Second Amendment probably today if it wasn't for folks like the viewers and listeners of the show and Ted Nugent.
Uncle Ted, thanks for coming on.
My pleasure, Alex.
Happy Independence Day every damn day.
Well, what do you make of our friend in the White House and the current statements he's been making that has the NRA upset and has my listeners really getting angry?
Well, we're in strange and extreme times right now.
Probably the strangest and most extreme in our lifetime.
And I still stand with President Trump.
I think he's taken in a lot of information.
And as usual, in the political arena, a lot of that information is based on falsehoods and presumptuousness and lies.
So at this point, I would recommend patience and hope.
That we hope that the President will listen to sound minds and educated minds regarding the glaring, obvious, gun-free zone, self-inflicted slaughter dreams of the left.
I mean, all these mass slaughters take place
In Nancy Pelosi's dream.
She's got her dream.
The Democrats have their dream.
And it's called gun-free zones where evil can do whatever they damn well please because otherwise sheep and citizens have been forced into unarmed helplessness or at least tactical helplessness.
So, you know Alex, I have always supported
The real Second Amendment, which means an American citizen over the age of 18 not convicted of a felony gets to carry a gun in America.
And if we hadn't been dumbed down and brainwashed to abandon a tactical level of awareness,
These evildoers would have never made it to Step 1 or Round 2 in their gun-free slaughter.
So, I pray and I have faith that Donald Trump will listen to the people who know about firearms reality, ballistics, firepower, and the engineered recidivism and abandonment
I think?
Citizens and law enforcement must respond and utilize laws that are already in place to respond to clear and present threats against innocent lives, and we have failed to do so.
So, faith and patience is my recommendation at this time.
Ted, I'm just sitting here speechless.
I mean, Trump is going along with the idea that more laws would have stopped this when it's always Antifa, devil worshippers on SSRIs who were threatening to kill everybody, especially in the case of Ohio.
People begged for help and nothing was done.
Same thing happened, as you know, in Florida.
So it's just disgusting that they had laws because he was, quote, a minority.
Cruz wasn't a minority.
He was a white punk.
But because of that, he was allowed to commit crimes and threaten to kill people, and so more laws aren't going to do that.
They're going to target you and I. Yeah, well, I'm recommending to President Trump, and of course everybody I can get an ear on, and thank you for allowing me to do that once again, Alex, on your broadcast.
But we the people are really the most guilty party here because we have not raised adequate hell.
With our elected employees to fight against gun-free zones, fight against the abandonment of the Broward County Sheriff Department, ignoring 43 threats to kill fellow students in Parkland, and the FBI, the J. Edgar Hoover joke of ignoring three threats to the FBI at the Parkland incident.
So when you have people in
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to
I think?
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
I got a plug for the Patriot points I get.
I've gotten $180 so far this year and I feel like I'm stealing from you.
Oh, thanks.
I buy so much in the store because, I mean, I don't want to give that money to Walmart.
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Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on my toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil, or the turmeric, or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's okay.
Thanks for the support.
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
We're barely paying the bills here.
And I want to expand to the face of the globe.
Let's not contract.
I don't want them to win.
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It's all coming out.
Democrats aren't going to stop.
They're trying to cause a civil war right now.
They're starting to get some purchase.
Trying to start a fire?
They got some fire going.
All the physical attacks, shootings, bombings, ICE facilities getting attacked, dead people everywhere.
It's on, folks!
And if you think it's bad now, if they really get traction, it's gonna go insane.
So now, more than you've ever done.
For yourself, for me, for everybody.
Spread the word about this broadcast on your local station, radio, TV.
Tell folks about Infowars.com.
But that said, I wanna...
Fight hard, and I need you to buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I don't think so.
Ted Nugent judges for another segment and then I'm going to get to the incredible clips of President Trump's speech where he said that we're defeating the Qaikoms and that
Joe Biden's not playing with a full deck and is losing his mind, which is totally true.
And that he's going to crack down on all the incredible censorship and persecution of conservatives that's taking place.
All that great news, but giving in to the idea that more gun laws is going to help us when the Democrats admit their plan is to take our guns.
They want victim disarmament.
They want political power like Mao Zedong had, where only the state has the power.
Ted Nugent, where do you think this is going?
Why do you think Trump is saying this?
Is it just him trying to take wind out of their sails because they're going to come back and ask for the farm?
And then it shows that they're the ones that aren't reasonable?
What do you think?
Well, number one, again, Alex, I'm on tour right now and I meet with heroes of military and law enforcement.
Great American families every day.
I'll be getting on stage for my 6,734th rock out.
That means 6,734 meetings, backstage campfires with people who care, people in the asset column.
And I think we need to maintain focus on the big picture, and that is that thank God Almighty, Donald J. Trump is the president.
The alternative would be cultural suicide overnight.
So we do have the only guy that could possibly move forward with America First.
So do not lose focus on that.
Again, I recommend patience and faith.
I know that the president sometimes says things that are coarse and scares the hell out of everybody, but I believe that he's one of us.
I believe that he is a real American.
We the people representative.
I know he believes in the Constitution.
He has gone against political correctness and the political
Suicide that exists otherwise.
So I don't know exactly what decisions he's going to make, but Alex, you're obvious.
Truth, logic, and common sense dictates conclusively that we need fewer gun laws.
We need to eliminate 90% of the gun laws because the gun control laws that Nancy Pelosi and the left have implemented are the cause, the root,
I'm like you, I pray that he's going to do the right thing, but I have faith in this great man, and remember, the alternative to Donald J. Trump
I believe he will as well, and I've talked to a lot of folks in and around, high up in the NRA.
Have you ever heard any of them tell you that Trump basically comes out with something that sounds reasonable, just so they'll ask for the farm and really show their hand, and that's what they've done several times, and he's just basically playing them like a fiddle?
He is the ultimate strategist.
I have had blessed time with this great man and I work closely with his son Donald Trump Jr.
And believe me, Alex, you would think that the sons of Donald Trump brought up in a millionaire brainwashed epicenter of Manhattan would be leftist extremists.
I'm telling you, these guys are so down-to-earth.
They know ballistics.
They know firearms history.
They know the absolutism of the Second Amendment.
They know the terminology in the nomenclature.
These are gun guys.
Don and Eric Trump, these are real gun guys.
And who's got the ear of the President more than his sons?
I say nobody.
The NRA is going through tough times right now, but the same with the National Rifle Association.
We still have to be members.
We have to support it.
We're going to get past these... Oh, look, they've tried to send infiltrators in here.
I know they've done horrible things to you we won't even get into.
They've told incredible lies about you, incredible lies about me, and obviously inside the NRA, all sorts of attempted sabotage.
That's when people gotta support even more, is when these good institutions that have defended our blessed freedoms are under attack.
That's when we really gotta support.
Gun Owners of America, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, certainly every state firearms rights organization.
I gotta tell ya, the listeners that are not members of the NRA, Nancy Pelosi thanks you.
The listeners who are not members of their state firearms rights organizations,
I think?
The enemy thinks you're on their side, and you are!
That's the curse.
The enemy doesn't win, we lose when we're not engaged.
That's the battle cry for America first and real nationalism.
Not white nationalism, not gray nationalism, not black nationalism.
The United States of America first.
Stop and think, Alex.
Who is angry at President Trump's battle cry of America First?
I'll tell you who.
The enemies of America, which includes the entire damn Democrat Party.
Shame on them!
They, the Democrats, are the enemies of freedom.
The enemies of the Constitution and the enemies of America.
And if we don't vote Republican, if the Independents and Democrats who want freedom and America's the last best place, if you're not a member of the NRA, Nancy Pelosi and all her fellow freaks, they think you're on their side.
That's the curse of America.
And let's expand on that.
Let's spend a few minutes.
Trump coming up later.
I'm going to have the clip when we air the press conference.
Made the point that Hollywood aren't the elites.
Big Tech's not the elites.
They're the ones that are crushing the elites.
The real elite of media that's popular.
The real elite of rock and roll.
All the attempts they've done to block you and venues around the country.
All the attempts to bankrupt the cycling company because the owner is a Trump supporter.
All of their bullying.
All of their attempts at race war.
And Trump in his speech today brought up Hollywood.
And how they're trying, to every movie I tune into, or show on Netflix, white people are the devil, KKK's everywhere, white supremacists are everywhere, crazy people are coming in Walmart and saying they want to get guns and start shooting white people, and it's white people that are saying it, and so-called Hollywood stars are getting on their knees in front of the flag, saying, I'll never stand for it again, and they're saying that white people are inherently bad, that they're sorry they're white people.
I mean, these people have gone crazy.
What the hell are they doing?
Alex, stop and think about it for a minute.
Somebody write this down.
Who coined the phrase, make America white again?
Nancy Pelosi coined the phrase and then she just dishonestly and hatefully attributed it to our president.
Donald Trump has never uttered the words, make America white again.
They invoke the white supremism.
That's right.
They put all this out there and then say that we're doing it.
It's incredible.
It's absolutely incredible.
They call me a racist, but it's Don Lamon and everybody at MSNBC and CNN who use the term white nationalists.
I've never said that.
You've never said that.
Donald Trump has never said that.
These people will literally rob the bank and then claim that you did it.
The Democrats have lost their souls.
If you have a D after your name.
I don't believe in infanticide.
If you support the Democrats, you want to destroy the security of America by demanding open borders.
If you're a Democrat, you want to make America weak and stupid by giving them a guaranteed paycheck for no effort.
That makes you weak and stupid.
And Chad, here's what's even crazier.
You are a liability and that is the battle cry of the Democrats.
They think that mindless, soulless, stupid sheep will fall for that stuff.
And Alex, I'm afraid to say they're correct.
If you fall for that stuff, you are the enemy of America.
You should move to Venezuela as quickly as you can because they've already got the policies you believe in.
Shame on you!
Beautifully said.
Thank you for coming on on short notice in the aftermath of what's unfolding.
I think they're trying to create some more crises.
A big study came out admitting that the media hyping mass shootings is actually making these psychos go out and do it.
They're just hoping for more so they can then blame the American people and all the innocent folks out there.
TedNugent.com is the website.
Be sure and visit it.
Uncle Ted, thanks for spending time with us and thanks for defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights and our right to self-defense for my children and the rest of the children's future in this country.
You got it, Alex.
Freedom is not free.
I'm just a guitar player, but I fight for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American Dream every damn day.
I hope people will come to my Facebook, because truth, logic, and common sense reign supreme.
God bless America, man.
Thank you, Ted.
All right, folks, we're going to break.
I'm going to get to some of the press conference.
Then we're going to have Joe Biggs in here with us.
I got so excited watching this press conference.
You know, the background check thing and all that and the red flag was bad.
It's not going to happen, okay?
Unless they get another dozen or more of these mass shootings, which you know they're cooking up right now.
These are all Democrat jurisdictions and areas where they know who these guys are, and they just let them get ready.
The police stand down.
It's a nightmare, ladies and gentlemen.
But we're going to be covering all of it.
Please don't forget, we have a huge sale going right now in bulwarkstore.com.
You've been spreading the word.
You've been praying.
You've been supporting this transmission.
You've been buying products from us.
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InfoWarsLife.com takes you right to the site and you can find all the great products there and try them for yourself.
And again, sign up for auto-ship with an additional 10% off.
It is such a revolutionary act to keep this broadcast on air.
It is such a revolutionary act every time you put a bumper sticker on your car or paintinfowars.com on the side of your barn.
Every time you stand up to leftist bullies.
Every time you tell the truth.
Every time you keep this symbol of free speech and pro-human values alive.
The enemy comes one step closer to their system falling.
We have pushed them into overreaching and showing their hand.
And now we've got a fighting chance if we all take action of defeating the globalists.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
But please take advantage of the sale.
Last night, I'm on InfoWars.com, and I read Chris Pratt criticized for t-shirt choice.
It is literally the shirt that I envisioned.
A Betsy Ross, but also another just classic American flag, all 50 stars, with the Gadsden snake superimposed over it.
And on the back, America's back, InfoWars.com.
But what's better than just an American flag?
How about a don't tread on me under the flag?
Saying don't tread on the American flag.
It's a perfect combo.
So great minds think alike.
I mean, whoever designed that shirt, we'd already come up with the exact same similar design.
It is the Don't Tread on Me American flag t-shirt inspired by the triggering of leftist of the shirt worn by Chris Pratt.
But it's a battle tattered flag like the one that flew over Fort Sumter.
And again, on the back, it says America's Back Infowars.com.
4,000 of these babies and that's it.
So we've got the Betsy Ross version and the American flag version at InfoWarsTore.com being printed in the USA right now.
We'll be right back.
The most banned broadcast in the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
All right, let's just do this.
I've got Joe Biggs coming up.
Can't wait to have him in the studio.
We've got huge breaking news with Mark Rondazza with the biggest cache of info yet coming out on Jeffrey Epstein.
And I've had a mental overload again today because the quickenings here.
Everything is insane.
Trump saying, oh, I will.
I'm going to take strong action against big tech.
Oh, and Hollywood trying to cause a race war.
Very, very dangerous.
I mean, this is just solid platinum, folks.
This is like water in the desert.
This is so good.
And he's trying to create unity.
He's trying to bring people together.
And he is also trying to neutralize their claim that we've got to do something.
You can't do anything.
There's evil people.
Society's falling apart.
We need guns to protect ourselves from these devil-worshipping liberals.
Who are going to go out and kill more people to get our guns.
Because they want to dominate us.
Antifa wants the guns to kill Christians and kill conservatives.
And they know that if laws pass, they're going to be the government.
Now these little satanic drone robots are just kill, kill for Satan, kill for Satan.
You know, that's just kill, kill, kill for Satan.
That's what they go out and put the higher ups, the principalities above them pulling the strings.
That's what we're dealing with.
So I'm going to just get started with the press conference now.
It's 35 minutes long.
I watched most of it and had to leave to come into the office.
And it's just, I mean, the whole thing's amazing.
So here it is.
So we're doing very well with China.
We're talking to China.
We're not ready to make a deal.
But we'll see what happens.
But, you know, we've been hurt by China for 25-30 years.
Nobody's done anything about it.
And we have no choice but to do what we're doing.
It's working out very well, as you know.
We called them on manipulation, and they brought their numbers back.
And they brought them back rapidly, and they were able to do that because they manipulate.
So it's called monetary manipulation.
Not good.
But what happened and what's happening with China now, we have an open dialogue.
We'll see whether or not we keep our meeting in September.
If we do, that's fine.
If we don't, that's fine.
But it's time that somebody does what we're doing.
And I said the American taxpayer is not paying for it.
We had a big day in the stock market yesterday, but the American taxpayer is not paying for it.
What China's doing is by depressing their currency and by pouring tremendous amounts of money into their system, they're paying for it.
The prices have not gone up.
In fact, in some cases they've gone down.
Because the devaluation plus the money supply, the amount of money that they pour in, which is a form of manipulation,
Okay, let's stop right there.
I mean, that first two minutes...
You can talk about it all day.
The globalists set up a project to de-industrialize us.
They admitted it.
They bragged about it.
Oh, it's the end of the American century.
It's the new Chinese century, the millennium.
They've had a totally one-sided deal on every front from currency manipulation to no environmental standards to one-sided trade deals to stealing our intellectual properties.
And Trump just said, look, you're effing us over is over.
But the Chi-Coms own our debt, own Hollywood, and are activating their people.
So think about how sensational that is.
That's why I'm physically in war mode all the time.
And I'm hard to be around now.
I apologize to the crew.
Because this is epic history.
See, I'm wired right.
And I know you as viewers and listeners are too.
You know how epic all this is.
That's two minutes of the 35 minutes.
It gets crazier.
It gets better.
And then he puts the curb in the punch bowl with the gun control.
But see, that's... So the Democrats come out and say, we want everything.
Which they're gonna do.
They're already doing it.
And they'll get nothing!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
They'll get nothing and like it, Spalding!
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Devastating globalist lies, exposing the mainstream media's propaganda machine.
Tirelessly waging war on corruption, from deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas.
Transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I have officially reached information overload.
Trump's 35-minute press conference was so incredible.
The things he said, if you know what you're listening to.
A lot of it was just straight up.
Joe Biden doesn't have a full deck.
He's out of his mind.
I can't believe he's going to be their nominee, but I'll beat him.
It's all true.
I will take strong action against big tech and Hollywood.
They're trying to cause a race war.
We're crushing China and their screw job against us.
America's dominating again.
I mean, this is all true.
Huawei's a Chicom operation.
We're not going to do business with them.
I mean, this is not authoritarian.
This is standing up for America.
This is strong.
This is so good.
We had Ted Nugent on last hour.
And he has faith in the president.
And I asked him, I said, have you talked to any high-level NRA people?
I think it's pretty obvious.
But it's not just Ted Nugent I've talked to.
I've talked to other people.
I'll leave it at that.
Someone very close to the President.
Well, you might even say the President.
But that's what's going on here, and Trump hasn't double-crossed us yet.
Still, though, ladies and gentlemen, the bump stock thing was done because it doesn't have a lobby, it's a piece of crap, but it still is a slippery slope, and that's the big blemish on Trump right now.
But on so many other fronts, he's really trying to rectify and right the ship.
Let's go back to the press conference.
And then we've got Joe Biggs coming up later on the broadcast.
We're looking at that right now.
We have a lot of these companies coming in a little while, as you know.
We're going to be very tough with them.
They're treating conservatives very unfairly.
Hollywood, I don't call them the elites.
I think the elites are people they go after in many cases.
But Hollywood is really terrible.
You talk about racist.
Hollywood is racist.
What they're doing with the kind of movies they're putting out
It's actually very dangerous for our country.
What Hollywood is doing is a tremendous disservice to our country.
We have now, in a little while, all of the heads of the biggest companies coming in, and we're going to talk to them.
They treat conservatives, Republicans totally different than they treat others.
And they can't do that.
And then we're going to come back with more on what he said about Hollywood, but let's go back to the press conference about three minutes in when he was finishing up saying that we're not going to put up with China's garbage.
Here it is.
I have a very good relationship.
I'll change it.
I have a great relationship with the NRA.
I have a lot of respect for the people at the NRA.
And I have already spoken to them on numerous occasions, numerous occasions.
And frankly, we need intelligent background checks.
Okay, this isn't a question of NRA, Republican or Democrat.
I will tell you, I spoke to
Mitch McConnell yesterday.
He's totally on board.
He said, I've been waiting for your call.
He is totally on board.
I spoke to senators that in some cases people are friends of mine, but pretty hardline senators, hardline.
And when I say that, I say that in a positive way.
Hardline on the Second Amendment.
And they understand we don't want insane people, mentally ill people, bad people, dangerous people.
We don't want
Guns in the hands of the wrong people.
I think that the Republicans are going to be great and lead the charge along with the Democrats.
I spoke yesterday to Nancy Pelosi.
We had a great talk.
I spoke to Chuck Schumer.
We had a great talk.
And Chuck Schumer in particular loves my China policy, as you probably know.
I said, I can't believe it, you actually like something that I'm doing.
He said, not like, love.
So Chuck Schumer, he's great on the China situation, which we are winning, and winning big.
And China wants to do something, but I'm not ready to do anything yet.
25 years of abuse, I'm not ready so fast.
So we'll see how that works out.
But on the background checks,
On background checks, we have tremendous support for really common sense, sensible, important background checks.
Time goes by.
I don't think I'm different, but I think the Senate is different.
I think other people in the House are different.
I think that people that maybe had their arm up a couple of years ago, maybe they feel differently.
I don't think I feel any differently.
I think with
A lot of success that we have.
I think I have a greater influence now over the Senate and over the House.
I think we can get something really good done.
I think we can have some really meaningful background checks.
We don't want people that are mentally ill, people that are sick.
We don't want them having guns.
Who does?
Well, we'll see where the NRA will be.
But we have to have meaningful background checks.
You know, in the case of, in both cases, it's possible they wouldn't have been caught.
But in the one case, we also have to talk about AIDS, because he did things that were very, very bad in Ohio, in Dayton.
He did some things that were really bad.
His school knew about it.
When he turned 18, everything was expunged.
We're going to have to get rid of that because you can't have that barrier.
If they would have had that barrier, they would have been able to see.
But because he was a minor, it was expunged.
We're going to have to get rid of that barrier.
I think a lot of really
Meaningful things on background checks will take place, including red flags, including a lot of other very, very important items.
And the Republicans are looking at it very seriously.
And I really believe that the NRA, I've spoken to them numerous times, they're really good people.
They're great patriots.
They love our country.
They love our country so much, and frankly, I really think they're going to get there also.
When you talked to Wayne LaPierre, you talked to him several times, did he warn you that background checks could cost you politically?
And did you say to him, forget politics, we have to do something now?
I had a good talk with Wayne, and I liked Wayne, and you know, as you know, they supported me very early.
Far earlier than anybody thought possible, especially me not being a politician.
And that support has paid off.
We now have two Supreme Court justices that are phenomenal, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
And I mean, they're phenomenal people.
And they're big believers in the Second Amendment, which Wayne is also, and which I am.
I mean, there's been no president that feels more strongly about the Second Amendment than I do.
We need meaningful background checks so that sick people don't get guns.
I think in the end, I think in the end, Wayne and the NRA will
Either be there or maybe we'll be a little bit more neutral.
And that would be okay, too.
Look, look, the NRA has over the years taken a very, very tough stance on everything.
And I understand it.
You know, it's a slippery slope.
They think you approve one thing and that leads to a lot of bad things.
I don't agree with that.
I think I think we could do meaningful, very meaningful background checks.
I want to see it happen.
I've got a lot of support, and I also have the support of other people on the other side.
And I think the Democrats and Republicans have a chance to really come together.
All right, we're going to come back with Joe Biggs in the studio.
We'll have more of these clips, but I'm going to play that bombshell clip again.
Did you hear that?
Hollywood is creating a race war.
Hollywood is racist.
I'm afraid, seriously, to go to movies now.
Because I don't want to go see a movie like Machete where white people are shooting pregnant Hispanic ladies in the stomach.
And it's not even true.
And then now almost every movie's like that.
I don't want to go hear about race all day when I see a movie and race wars.
Like we're all in a big brainwashing camp.
But that's what this is.
Big tech censorship.
And Hollywood trying to start a race war.
They're trying to tear our country apart while they censor us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Broadcasting worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones.
Joe Biggs, former employers reporter, off doing his own great work, banned from everywhere, getting lots of visits from the FBI.
We'll tell you about that in a moment because what's happening to Joe is what I call a Rosetta Stone or a skeleton key, a window into what's really happening.
Antifa's threatening to kill him, going to Mitch McConnell's house, threatening to kill him.
All this is happening, but Joe Biggs says he's going to go to Portland
Coming up in just a week and a half or so, and he's going to be peacefully there saying, we're going to march, we're not going to put up with these communists.
And boy, the FBI has been talking to his family, everybody that knows him.
We got a terrorist right here, folks.
The week after the FBI put that report out, saying the conspiracy theorists are the number one terrorist enemy, even though that's just asking questions.
So you can see where all this is going.
But first, President Trump.
You know, 35 minute news conference, we've already aired about half of it, just incredible statements.
I want to air later where he said that Joe Biden didn't play with a full deck, which is totally true.
Just riveting, important stuff.
But here he is saying we're going to be very strong, act very strong against big tech censorship, but also Hollywood and how they're racist, creating a race war.
And again, Trump knows how to dumb the language down for the average person, but they're trying to cause a race war.
Hollywood's owned by China.
They own like 67% of it.
That's a number I saw just a week ago, even in the Wall Street Journal.
And now they're having Senate reports and Intelligence Committee reports where they're saying, I covered this on Monday, it was huge.
If I don't get the video for that congressional testimony, folks, that is so critical.
That's a whole special we should do.
Admitting that they've infiltrated the media, the colleges, and are trying to overthrow the country.
This is insane!
When you turn on Netflix, it's Chai Com weaponized leftist venom!
Most of the stuff China produces here is banned in China.
There it is, House Intelligence Committee holds open hearing on China's digital authoritarianism.
And they did find the video.
They did post it with the article.
Good job, guys.
That was just August 7th.
So the testimony is there.
Great job, Kit Daniels and crew, finding that.
So there it is.
I mean, go see it for yourself.
I just read the transcript.
It said, hey guys, post the video.
So they did do that.
So that's...
On our bucket list to air as well.
But here's the president saying that he's taking the gloves off.
And when he says, I'm taking action, before it's like, well, we're looking at it.
We're asking him to stop.
You know, we may have to do something.
He says, no, we're taking strong action.
Hip, hip, hooray, because Trump does what he says he's doing, or he certainly tries it.
Here it is.
We're looking at that right now.
We have a lot of these companies coming in a little while, as you know.
We're going to be very tough with them.
They're treating conservatives very unfairly.
Hollywood, I don't call them the elites.
I think the elites are people they go after in many cases.
But Hollywood is really terrible.
You talk about racists.
Hollywood is racist.
What they're doing with the kind of movies they're putting out
It's actually very dangerous for our country.
What Hollywood is doing is a tremendous disservice to our country.
We have now, in a little while, all of the heads of the biggest companies coming in, and we're going to talk to them.
They treat conservatives, Republicans totally different than they treat others.
And they can't do that.
Netflix has two shows out right now.
That we've been so busy, we've mentioned, had articles about, but haven't even covered, even though it's riveting tyranny.
Where white people are inherently evil and are taken and hunted like animals because they're Trump supporters by white people.
So it's the loving liberal white is teaching the minority how to kill the evil white.
And now people are running into Walmart saying, I'm going to kill white people.
Give me weapons to kill 200.
And they're white people.
And people are showing up in body armor with assault rifles, as they call them.
And this is hysteria, Joe Biggs.
They've created hysteria.
Good to have you here with us.
Rod Shotgun will listen in the next hour.
We've got a huge guest joining us on the Epstein situation, the lawyer that helped get all these new documents that came out today.
But we'll get into your huge story that ties into all this.
And it's kind of an on-the-ground view of this, which is the most important.
It's one thing to hear about it all, but to be on the ground like we are,
But we'll get to that next segment.
What would you call this period of time we're in right now?
It's a very dark time.
I mean, it's really a fight of good versus evil.
And evil is kind of, you know, making this big rise.
And it's up to us, you know, as good people, you know, as patriots, as Christians, as hardworking Americans, to stand up and face this stuff.
And it's really hard to do that a lot of times when you're getting deplatformed and all that, but you know,
You rise above it, and you go out there, and you look that evil in the eye, and you face him, and you know what?
Hey, I'm not afraid of you, I'm not gonna back down, and I'm still gonna sit here and show up and stand for what I believe in.
And we'll talk about it in the next segment, but the FBI is now, the leftist FBI, is harassing your family, employers, people you sold houses to.
I mean, they're letting you know, you leave Antifa alone, you evil American.
Well, they told me yesterday, they said if something happens, that's on you.
If something happens at this event, it's on you.
Like, they're pinning this on me, and I haven't done anything.
Meanwhile... The police stand down, we'll talk about it next segment, but the police stand down in Portland, let them attack everybody, you just say, hey, as a proud American, I'm gonna walk up there and hold my chest high, and my chin high, and then the FBI tells YOU to stop.
Pretty much.
And it was just, you know, it was anti-flag, and Ohio killed those 10 people.
It's insane.
Is that on you, Joe?
Is that your fault?
I'm a white, Christian male.
I'm able-bodied, so yes, it is my fault.
I'm evil.
I'm a fascist, apparently.
And, you know, it's okay because you look on social media or whatever, I don't look at it anymore because I can't see it anymore, but people show me screenshots, hey, we're going to kill fascists, Portland's going to be a bloodbath.
But none of these people are being questioned.
None of these people have their accounts taken down.
Hey, we're going to get slingshots and put ball bearings in them and aim for Joe Biggs' eyes.
That's like a firearm.
We're going to mix compounds and throw it in their face.
But nothing's happening to them.
I'm the one that's being harassed non-stop by all these law enforcement officials.
And it's hard to trust because you see how deeply embedded Antifa is in so much that it's hard to even trust some of these people when they ask you, what are you going to be doing on the day of the event?
Where are you going to be moving?
How are you going to do this?
Because it's turned out there are FBI agents that are Antifa.
Yeah, it's frightening, because you don't even know you can trust them.
And this is a group that says they want to kill police.
They openly say it.
They even put out flyers that say that they were going to siege or assault El Paso, and it shows pictures of them shooting down at ICE agents and dogs and border patrols.
Yeah, killing them.
Because they're killing them.
Who pulls the blood?
American flag on fire.
But I say I'm coming for Antifa, and yeah, I am coming for Antifa.
I'm coming to expose him.
I'm coming to shine a light on it.
That's what you said.
I'm going to go march and we're going to exercise the First Amendment, and if they attack us, we're going to fight back.
But that seat, under the left, fighting back is the greatest crime.
Yeah, I just have to go in.
I was thinking it'd be funny if I just go in handcuffed.
Hey, Joe!
Take it!
I mean, I got him slapping the face.
You need to take it.
If I'm Antifa, I'm allowed to do whatever I want.
I think I'm just going to go in.
I'm just going to go into Portland with handcuffs on, or a straight jacket.
Because I can't do anything.
If I do anything, I'm screwed.
Like, they're already painting everything on me.
So, I might as well just go with a straightjacket.
That way I can... Well, that's because Antifa are their little babies.
I mean, you saw what they did.
And Twitter allowed it all up.
Going, Mitch McConnell's calling him a murderer.
We're going to kill you.
We're going to stab you with a butcher knife.
And then Twitter leaves all that up.
And when Mitch McConnell tried to respond, they froze his account.
You talk about, that's the leader of the Senate.
And they stand by it.
They're telling the head of the... What about arrogance?
Oh, so I saw Mitch McConnell on Fox News this morning.
He said they're gonna break up Big Tech.
You guys are arrogant, man.
Big Tech is dumb.
We'll be right back with Joe Biggs.
Stay with us.
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farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
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Riders on the storm.
Riders on the storm.
Again, I'm not complaining, but this is like torture in a way.
But it's a good torture.
But it's a bad torture.
I've got so much riveting, incredible news that I don't even know where to start that just shows how the wheels are coming off.
We're getting this video right now.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's on Newswars.com.
I just saw it during the break.
It's incredible.
Joe Biden, as the President said, is not playing with a full deck.
We're going to get that clip, too.
He said that in a speech this morning.
And you're not kidding, he's not playing with a full deck.
The new video is on Infowars.com.
Video Joe Biden forcefully grabs young woman during Iowa State Fair.
Presidential frontrunner was asked, how many genders are there?
And he forcefully grabs her and flips out.
So that video is up on Infowars.com right now.
This is what I'm getting at.
You know Trump's got intel, opposition research on Biden.
You know Trump's got information.
Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
These people are on the Chai Com Payroll.
Biden is.
So you know, Trump's legally and lawfully getting everything on Biden.
Biden's had strokes again, many strokes at least.
Small ones.
He doesn't know what planet he's on a good portion of the time.
He is melting down in live time.
He is melting down in live time.
And so it's going to get weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder.
So coming up next segment, we're going to have that clip of Trump at the press conference today.
Joe Biden says it twice, does not have a full deck, is out of his mind.
We're going to get into your case and your story because it's so amazing.
It's the heart of Antifa.
But there's no reason to play this video anymore.
Everyone's seen it.
Finally, Fox News is covering it today.
Where they go to Mitch McConnell's house and are saying, we're going to stab you to death, we're going to kill you, die.
And they're all around his house and now they're a host on MSNBC.
I even forgot to tell the folks about this clip saying, we need to have pitchforks and torches and go to the Trump event in the Hamptons today and basically burn down the event.
So the Democrats are saying, we want violence.
Biden's saying, I want a physical war.
There's so many of these clips now, I can't even think of them all.
They're daily now.
And then they're telling us that we're white supremacists and we're causing violence, and then both these guys have Antifa backgrounds, one of them's a Satanist, and then we're getting blamed, Joe Biggs.
And they're white.
It's the funniest thing in the world.
There are white people going around calling other people white supremacists, and there are literally a large group of white people telling people how to think, how to vote, what to say, and then they're the ones that get to determine who's racist and not.
Well, that's really what it is.
Everybody's bad but me is what they're saying.
Democrats can never take responsibility for anything.
It's always just push it on someone else.
It's not me.
Well that's why I'm Information Overlord.
I even forgot to tell the producers this morning.
I'm watching Fox News and they've got Congressman Scalise on.
And they're just playing an MSNBC clip where the host is saying it's time to get pitchforks and torches and go physically attack the Trump event.
I mean, but oh, I guarantee the FBI is not going to talk to him.
They're going to come talk to you.
Oh, yeah, I've gotten I've gotten threats.
I even sent it to him where they're saying they want to burn down my house.
Like, oh, yeah, I guess Joe won't be in his Florida house on August 17th.
He'll be in Portland.
And then everyone's like, oh, maybe we should go out there and burn it down.
You know, but that's OK.
That's fine.
When those kind of comments are being made on social media, that's OK.
You know, let's not do anything about that.
Let's worry about old Joe Biggs out here, because he he says he's going after Antifa.
Yeah, I would expose the hell out of you freaking commie bastards.
They're flipping out.
And they're frightened.
I mean, they're literally scared.
Ted Wheeler, my phone's blowing up right now.
The mayor of Portland just did like a press release talking about my event.
And they're just, they're scared.
They're out of their minds.
They think that we're going to come out here and create all this mass havoc.
We've done nothing from the get-go.
But what they're hoping is this is another Charlottesville.
Yeah, that's exactly what they want.
They want the headlines.
They want those clips.
They want to be able to use that again.
By the way, all you did is what?
Joey Gibson and others have done.
When Antifa comes out and attacks conservative rallies, Christian marches, then those guys would go out, and you've been part of that, and I've done some of that here as well, and we just go out and cover it because Antifa's trying to stop people having free speech.
We're not the ones initiating it.
We're just exercising our rights, because if you don't exercise them, you lose them.
Like black folks in the 50s or 60s saying, I'm going to go vote, and then people trying to keep them from voting.
That's another form of speech.
The Associated Press called me yesterday.
I've done nothing but interviews like 10 times a day.
And this lady from the Associated Press called me yesterday.
She's like, but you said that you told Antifa and one of your periscopes that they should be watching over their shoulders everywhere they go.
I said, well, so did Nancy Pelosi and so did Maxine Waters.
They said that Trump supporters should look over their back and they shouldn't feel safe when they go out in public.
I said I don't want Antifa, which is a domestic terrorist organization, to feel safe.
There should be anti-masking laws.
They should look over their shoulder every time they think of donning that mask and going out and committing acts of violence.
They should look over their shoulder because they're the ones doing wrong.
We just want to expose that.
Well, I guess AP didn't quote that.
Oh, no.
Man, I've talked to the New York Times and stuff.
They will make up quotes.
Oh, they say I'm a renowned Florida radio talk show host.
I'm like, I've never even done talk radio in Florida.
I was like, this is what I point at people.
I say, this is how fake it is.
I was like, they just make things up.
Oh, they said that I wrote a book about Sandy Hook called Sandy Hook.
No one died at Sandy Hook.
And then I lost a lawsuit about it.
And I've never read the book.
I'm not in the book.
It's Professor Fetzer's on the cover.
And when I had lawyers, like real lawyers, call AP and they said, we stand by that it's your book.
So we're filing suit.
I've got to pull the trigger next week.
We're looking to sue AP.
Because they told me, we've written letters, everything.
They go, no, you wrote this book and you lost the suit.
And I'm just like, you don't know.
We don't care.
They get to create the truth.
Well, it's like somebody sends coded child porn.
It's in code.
It's not even on the page.
It's hidden in the code.
You know, like Al-Qaeda would send codes on a piece of paper that says one thing, but there's code in it.
So somebody, right when we got sued last year, sends us stuff with Sandy Hook in the title with hidden coded child porn, supposedly.
Then we get subpoenaed by these Democrat lawyers, they scan it, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars scanning it for hidden code, find the hidden code magically.
And then, I've sent child porn to the Sandy Hook family.
How would you even know to look for that?
Well, I mean, again, obviously, everybody sees through it.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Oh, by the way, guys, we were gonna have to lay some people off.
We were behind financially until you did that.
When they pulled that, and it was in every newspaper that I sent child porn to children, and then people went and looked and found out none of it was true, support went up massively.
We're still not doing great, but, I mean, that...
My point is, Joe, they're going too far.
They just keep pushing and pushing and pushing.
But there's still no outcry, though, from the public.
I mean, look at Laura Loomer being banned.
You, me, Milo, Gavin.
And no one says anything.
And then it's going to be them.
They don't care.
Oh, 200 million accounts that were following Facebook and Twitter meme sites.
There were all sorts of funny stuff, but also a lot of Trump stuff.
They all just got deleted a few weeks ago.
Well, Trump finally got upset about that.
Because again, not letting people follow something is not letting them see something.
So everybody keeps thinking about who's being deleted.
Well, what about the people that were following that?
They were fans.
200 plus million followers, not allowed to see what they wanted to see.
That's like coming into your house and saying, give me the remote control, Joe.
You can't see what you want to see.
That's fundamentally evil.
It's amazing what they're doing and what they're getting away with, and you're still not seeing people in the streets yelling and screaming.
I mean, you would think that there'd be mass anger.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
The reason they picked me, first they demonized me for a year with major artillery.
Then, when they banned me, they knew others would try to hide, hoping they wouldn't be next.
It's that process, like schools of fish.
And so once, you spoke out, others did, but once most people ran for the hills, they went good.
Now it's Mitch McConnell getting banned on Twitter.
See, it's a test.
What will you schmucks put up with at the leadership of the Republican Party?
What won't you put up with, dumbasses?
Listen to Matt Drudge.
Listen to Tucker Carlson.
Listen to me.
We've been right.
If you want to bet on your future, if you want to bet on Americana, if you want to bet on not being run by the shycoms, with Senate and House hearings now on how they literally fund the Democrats and MSM and CNN, the Chinese government does.
It's all coming out.
Democrats aren't going to stop.
They're trying to cause a civil war right now.
They're starting to get some purchase.
Trying to start a fire?
They got some fire going.
All the physical attacks, shootings, bombings, ICE facilities getting attacked, dead people everywhere.
It's on, folks.
If you think it's bad now, if they really get traction, it's going to go insane.
So now, more than you've ever done, for yourself, for me, for everybody, spread the word about this broadcast on your local station, radio, TV.
Tell folks about InfoWorks.com forward slash show.
With that said, I want to fight hard, and I need you to buy the products at InfoWorksStore.com.
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George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want to virtue-signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face, all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you, audience, for your support.
Thank you to this crew for the great job they do.
The best crew I've ever worked with.
They're amazing.
We have right at shotgun with us Joe Biggs right into the next hour.
Mark Randazza was traveling and dealing with some family stuff, but his big lawyer does some work for us.
He was involved in lawsuits to bring out the Epstein stuff.
They got the treasure trove of documents that totally absolves Trump
But just absolutely devastates a bunch of leftists.
And so that story's up on Infowars.com.
Big exclusive Epstein news at Infowars.com.
Somebody reprint me the Infowars.com article, thanks.
So he's gonna be popping in with us as well.
Let me just take some time out to remind listeners that without your support, we won't be here.
I couldn't thank you all enough for the fact that you've kept us in the game.
I mean, I want to stay in this game.
I want to take the Globalist on.
I don't want to.
Don't comb my hair in the bathroom on break.
That's how I do it, folks.
I just do it here on air.
No makeup, no nothing around here, but then I'm like sitting here on air, looking at my hair sticking up, got to fix it.
Total transparency is our whole operation.
And I want to file some lawsuits.
In fact, I've said I'm going to do it, so I'm going to do it.
And Robert Barnes is doing it at cost.
I've got Norm Pattis ready to do it at cost.
I've got some other law firms ready, and we are writing reports up and advising the President.
I'm not trying to brag about that, but we've been sending information to the President, and the folks, our contacts, have said, that's good, please send more.
And our contacts are like, hey, what do you want the President to tweet about InfoWars?
So we're obviously, to the dread of the globalists, have major contacts there, because our listeners, you are the base of the Trump operation, so you get the credit.
But I'm literally in here during the break with the accountants coming in here saying, OK, you ready to pay the initial amounts of money for these lawsuits?
And the research has been done for them, just for the law clerks and people.
And it's still at cost.
You know, we're talking $20,000 a pop.
It was $20,000 to file my Supreme Court brief, even though they said they would hear my case out of Connecticut, and may neutralize the case while it's even beginning.
That's like 1 in 5,000.
And we're probably going to win that.
That was $20,000, and that was at cost.
They had over 10 lawyers involved in that.
Some of the best legal work, reportedly, that some folks have ever seen.
I'm going to leave it at that.
But there's just a lot of... Wars cost money, and I'm going to explain this.
Vox, this is this globalist-funded, NBC-controlled system, only has a few hundred employees.
They get $250 million a year, and that means million.
If I bring in $35 million, half of that's the cost of the products, because we don't mark stuff up that much.
And then there's all the employees and fees and fines and paying all our own stuff and legal, and I don't care if I'm not making money.
Nuts put away for winter.
This squirrel didn't keep very many nuts behind.
But used to, I kept five or six nuts.
Most squirrels will keep a hundred nuts.
But I had five or six nuts because I wanted to put every bit of energy into this.
Folks, I don't have any more nuts left, except one's for my legs.
And it's just, I can't tell you how great it is what you've done, but you need to buy the products.
We got coffee, we got fish oil, we got turmeric, we got great toothpaste, we've got great things like DNA Force Plus.
We have the Banniversary Sale, but here's what we're really excited about.
We're going to go back to Joe Biggs.
Now, he's been totally, he had his website, bank accounts, this guy's, we built him for us.
He's had it all taken away.
People, well, we better stay away from that.
No, you're next!
Ultimate Krill Oil has been sold out for four months.
For whatever reason, this became the most popular fish oil.
We have fish oil, children's fish oil, and Ultimate Krill Oil.
It's totally full of the bottle, and it is the strongest, purest fish oil, Krill Oil, and it cost us three times more because we have it put through the expensive laboratory process to remove mercury.
Now, Krill are already a little bitty, so there's not a lot of mercury in them, but the point is,
Any type of krill oil you get that doesn't give you fish burps, which I don't like, but gives you all the great benefits, isn't real.
It's been boiled, it's been ruined, it's been homogenized.
This has not been.
We went to one of the top firms in the world that private labels fish oil and krill oil, and we said, we want the best you make, period.
And they're like, well, this is medical stuff that's sold in medical clinics for $100 a bottle.
So when we're normally selling it for 50 bucks, it's a good deal, because those places are marking them up three times.
But when it's discounted right now, 50% off, despite the fact that it's been sold out... Give me a document cam shot real quick, please.
I want to show people this krill oil, because it's just, it's literally... I'm strong enough, Biggs.
You're a big, strong man.
You've got to open this for me, see?
See that?
Looks like the pickle jar can't even open.
But Hillary could.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the highest quality krill oil you're going to find anywhere.
That's what my doctor keeps telling me I need to start taking.
Oh yeah, that's what they... The drug companies are trying to patent it so that no one else can sell it.
This is thermonuclear right here.
It's red.
Real krill oil, folks, is red.
It's not yellow.
It's not milky.
This is nothing but krill oil.
And let me tell you, this stuff... Oh my God.
You want to have some dreams?
What does your doctor tell you?
Well, I'm going to start taking a human growth hormone replacement for some of the injuries I have.
And that's one of the things that the doctor wants to prescribe me or give me, is to start taking stuff like that because that would help with the testosterone in my body and all that stuff when I'm working out and help with my tendons.
Exactly, because even if you take the growth hormone, if you don't have this, you don't have the building blocks to use it.
And by the way, I'm not hyping this, folks.
This is the best krill oil we could find.
This is the best.
I can't even just look at that.
It's supposed to be red, folks, because that's the essence of the krill.
I mean, there's probably like a hundred krill going into each one of these.
So you want it, you got it, it's back in stock.
I'm going to stop talking about it.
And again, I'm not going to call this a drug because drugs are a ripoff of what God made.
You take
Two of these before you go to bed at night.
And I would do it with your dinner if you don't want to get fish burps.
Because, again, they've got the fish oil and stuff.
Oh, this doesn't have the fish flavor.
Because they boiled the hell out of it.
It isn't there anymore, folks.
You've got to deal with the fish burps.
This stuff's powerful.
Just look at that.
I mean, that is... I don't know if the camera can pick up... Guys, can the camera... I just dropped something on the ground.
Can the camera pick up just how pretty those are?
I'm ranting.
I don't know.
Joe Biggs, I apologize for running over to you.
You're here with us.
Tell folks about your deplatforming.
But before we get into that, but also what's coming up in Portland, the date, and why they're so scared of this.
Well, the deplatforming happened when we kind of started going after Antifa.
We saw the attack on Andy Ngo and the other two guys that were out there at that event in Portland.
And a lot of, like me, and a lot of other people in America, you know, we got mad, you know, and kind of
I called a bunch of my friends.
I said, we need to do something about this.
And I got with Enrique Terrio, the head of the Proud Boys.
And he goes, yeah, I think it's a good idea.
Let's go back to Portland.
Let's do an event.
And let's bring awareness, national attention to Antifa.
And he goes, we just got to come up with a name for it.
And I said, well, let's do End Domestic Terrorism.
You know, so we decided right here on the phone call, we put it together, and ever since then, it has been a rollercoaster.
You know, Twitter took me down, Facebook, Instagram, everything.
You know, it's websites going down, you know.
Oh, I remember when I saw you said, we're going to go have a march and stand up to them.
We're not going to attack them, or they attack us, we'll fight back.
And I said, bitches banned, because you don't touch those little babies.
It's amazing how much they protect those guys, and they allow them to get away with so much stuff.
And you sit here and you look, I go back and I'm looking at the things I said, and I go, some of them could be a little inflammatory, a little heated, because I was emotional.
You know, like most people, I turned on TV, I'm watching Fox News or whatever, and I see this guy by himself being outnumbered and kicked and beaten on the ground, and then the next day you find out the guy's got a brain bleed.
And I'm sitting here going, this is my country.
Why is this happening here?
And no one's doing anything.
Law enforcement's sitting there.
Ted Wheeler, the mayor, is like, well, you know, sorry.
You know, so at some point in time, we have to face it.
We have to bring awareness to it.
We have to say something.
Well, see, Antifa's supposed to ignite everyone else for an uprising.
They want to overthrow the government.
And a lot of the parts of the government are leftist.
They want a position in that government.
See, that's the kind of lottery ticket the left thinks they're going to get.
Let me tell the left, you successfully kick off a civil war, all you're going to get is six feet under.
And that's not a threat, it's a promise.
If we have a communist civil war in this country, you are guaranteed to be going to the bottom of the Davy Jones locker.
Because the devil and the deep blue sea are two different things.
We'll be right back.
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroyer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
We're barely paying the bills here.
And I want to expand in the face of the globalists, not contract.
I don't want them to win.
So listen, you've got this guarantee from me.
We sell enough product, we'll have less ads and less plugs.
And we'll expand and really give the globalists enough of their money.
But we've got products you already really need, like DNA Force Plus, X2.
These will change your life.
Go check out the turmeric products.
Check out the water filtration, air filtration.
Check it all out.
Whatever you do, take action and know.
Be part of the Second American Revolution.
Be part of crushing the globalists.
You can get great products at the same time.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Infowarslife.com is the supplements.
Take action now and fund the Infowar for your own future.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Ten.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else, like Domino's, would fall.
The way to fight back
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, Joe Biggs is riding a shotgun with us.
Mark Rondazza just has huge news.
And... It's one reason I'm so overwhelmed.
And that press conference today was so incredible with the President.
And I've got so many other clips I haven't gotten to.
And then there's all this other news.
It's just insane, but... Gigantic Jeffrey Epstein news.
They've got multiple lawsuits out.
Mark Rondazza and journalist Mike Cernovich.
And so they just got the treasure trove of documents, and it completely exonerates the President.
In fact, guys, I had that article that Kit Daniels brought me, and I'm having trouble finding it.
Will you guys reprint that for me and bring it back in?
Thank you.
It's on fullworks.com.
And you're going to get some exclusive information here with Mark Rondazzo as well.
But again, Epstein accuser Trump didn't partake in any sex with us, and he never flirted with me.
Though the media has been saying that Trump supposedly had sex with this person.
Trump is a control freak.
He would never.
I know the inside baseball on Trump, and I'm not going to put it out here, but I know a lot of stuff people don't know from Roger Stone, but also others.
And Roger never steered me wrong.
Trump had to get over the anxiety of shaking people's hands.
Not that he doesn't like people, he loves them, but he's a germ freak.
So he had to literally make himself get used to it, now he doesn't care.
But he doesn't just have sex with women on the third or fourth date.
That's why so much of that Stormy Daniels thing isn't even true either.
I mean, Trump, like, literally wants, like, STD tests.
He would only do it when he was not married.
When he wasn't married, he was out with women every day.
He loves women.
But the idea that he'd be in Russia being pissed on is not true, Joe.
But I mean, it's in the news, so it has to be true.
I mean, I'm also a Florida talk show radio host.
I mean, it is.
I mean, they could create whatever they want, whatever narrative they want, whatever truth.
And that's why it's funny.
I keep hearing this term used all the time, your truth, your truth.
That's what Biden said!
Yeah, have you heard that?
He said, our truth trumps facts.
Yeah, and they're all saying that.
Listen, Cory Booker says it, Kamala Harris, they all keep saying it.
That's cult programming!
When they tell you, don't worry about facts, it's your truth.
Yeah, what's your story?
Believe all women, it's your truth that you're speaking.
So I can just completely make up a story, and that's my truth.
And since it's my truth, therefore it shall be true.
Since he mentions that, guys, can you cue up Biden?
We'll play that in a minute.
Okay, here's Biden.
Nobody knows who Donald Trump is.
Even the supporters know who he is.
We gotta let them know who we are.
We choose unity over division.
We choose science over fiction.
We choose truth over facts.
If you're interested, join me.
I could use the help.
We've got to add to this in post because we're live right now, but just when we put this clip out, can we edit it down to two minutes and maybe put Wile E. Coyote when he runs out?
And he figures it out and he goes and drops.
But yeah, you gotta listen.
Listen to these guys carefully.
I've noticed a lot of them been saying that.
They all say your truth.
Oprah's even saying it now.
Oprah's been saying it on some of her stuff.
She goes, you know, we just have to believe your truth.
It's your story.
It's your truth.
That's magical thinking.
Well, your truth doesn't... You don't get your truth and I don't get your truth.
Your truth doesn't exist for us.
So, and I don't want to do this, but if I got up and smashed, say, this bottle over your head, and I said, I didn't hit you, Joe.
It's my truth.
But that's what the left does now.
They're like all calling for violence.
And then they say we're calling for violence and we're not.
Just do it after the Portland rally.
I still need to go do that.
I don't want to.
It's a figure of speech.
I know.
I just keep wanting to make the analogy of, like, I punch you in the arm and go, and you punch me back and go, hey, you just assaulted me.
That's what the left always does.
Like, can you see where they hit somebody and they get punched back and they call the cops?
That's what I was telling the FBI yesterday.
I said, it's amazing how, like, nothing's getting done.
I said, they'll literally go in and hit somebody and then run away and say that they were assaulted.
Well, it's, it's the, it's your truth, not mine.
They were trying to kill us in D.C.
They were attacking our cab with batons.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, Mark Vandazza has only got two segments with us because he's got a lot of important work to get to.
But after he leaves us, if we have time, I'm going to air premiere some of the audio of his closing arguments on this.
One of the top First Amendment lawyers out there, and his Skype's been going in and out, so we're getting him back on.
Right now, if not, excuse me, I'm on the phone.
Jeffrey Epstein, large tranche of files released in the Maxwell suit.
That was a reported British intelligence pimp that was working with Epstein.
There's a big article up on Infowars.com how this totally
This is just the first news in the Guardian.
This is just the first information that we're trying to process.
They just got this yesterday.
So Mark Randazza, who is a lawyer that did this with Mike Cernovich, joins us now to explain how big this is, but also what else is about to come out.
Because I know this tronch, you were telling me this morning, is just 50 times bigger than everything else you've gotten.
It's just tons of material.
So Mark, thanks for joining us.
Yeah, it's my pleasure.
Looks like you're in a nice spot.
Where are you?
I'm in an undisclosed location in New England.
All right, brother.
Well, get into this.
This is huge.
Maybe do the backstory of you and Cernovich's lawsuits, why you did it.
Well, what was going on is there was a civil suit between Ms.
Giuffre, who's claimed that Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
I don't know.
All of the court documents were sealed.
The summary judgment documents were sealed.
And that's just not permissible under the First Amendment or under the common law.
Those courts don't belong to the parties.
Those courts belong to us.
So we get to see, when a judge is making a decision, what they're basing that decision on.
For some reason, this judge let the parties decide for themselves what was going to be public and what wasn't going to be public.
And that's simply improper.
So, uh, Michael retained me to intervene in the case, as, with him as a member of the media, saying, hey, it's about time we take a look.
Now, what we found really strange was, this is going on in the New York Times' backyard.
In fact, none of the mainstream press was anywhere to be seen until...
You know, Mark, as nice as your background is, it comes in and out.
I think it's a Skype issue.
We're going to call you on the phone right now.
You'll be back in two minutes with us.
This is such a big deal here because we keep hearing Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, but there's nothing there.
If there was anything there, I would not be supporting Trump.
All you have is the Clintons and all these other Hollywood people and CNN.
That's insane.
I have a kid, so, you know, that just infuriates me to even think of how a human being could even think
Yeah, but if I say I want to kick that guy in the head who did something like that, then I'm the bad guy.
Then the FBI's going to come knocking on my door.
Let's let Timmy and little Ismerelda stay over there and play.
He's 50 and she's 12.
But you're bad if you say that you want to kick that guy in the head.
What do you think of this whole rollout of pro-pedophilia stuff from Vice and from the New York Times and just from basically hundreds of publications everywhere are just saying it's wonderful?
I remember when I first started working here, we used to kind of joke that it was going to be LGBT, what, P or whatever.
They're going to put in pedophilia at some point in time, and they're going to try to normalize it.
And here, you literally get on drudge, or you get on something, and they're pushing it on all these publications.
The Drag Queen Storytime.
All this stuff, ooh it's okay, love is ageless, and all this stuff, no it's not!
Yet if your kid wants to date a 45 year old and they're 10, it's okay, it's up to them.
Totally sick.
We've got Mark Randazzo, constitutional lawyer back, filed this suit, and then now you've got even more information, so what's in this new tranche of information?
Look, I haven't even begun going through it yet, but I have seen at least one party that's gone through it.
Zero Hedge had a story on it saying that the claims that some of the press has been pushing that Trump was involved seem to be debunked by this document drop.
That's at least one bit of information that's come out.
There's also an accusation in there.
Remember, none of this stuff is proven.
A lot of this is just accusations that Mr. Frey made.
Maybe they're true, maybe they're not, but about members of the British Royal Family.
So there is a lot to go through there, and I don't want to do it a disservice by digesting it right now.
But what I will say is, it's a great day for the First Amendment.
When a previously sealed case, something that was trying, you know, where the parties in the court, I really don't understand what anybody, I understand why the parties wanted to do it.
I mean, the parties really would prefer, in most cases, to do things out of the sight of the public.
So, I can't really blame them for wanting to do that.
I do think that the court made a grave error when it acquiesced to their wishes.
And I'm really happy that the Second Circuit has finally said, enough's enough.
We're not putting up with this anymore.
Let the people see what's going on.
Because the best way to show that you have a free and open court system is to invite the public in to see for themselves.
Well, I'm just really excited to see all of this because a lot of times people will use non-disclosures or they'll use sealed cases to then make stuff up behind that curtain.
And so some had said, well...
Sernovich and Randazza, they're acting in the media like they sued Epstein to get documents that have now kind of triggered a big firestorm of news, but they just were suing to get documents from another suit.
Well, there's different ways to scan a cat.
I mean, it doesn't matter how you get the documents to find out the truth, it just matters that you get the documents.
I don't understand how that becomes the story out there.
But this would never, this is not the kind of thing that an independent journalist like Mike Cernovich or even you at any point in the past, in the near past, this would never have happened when you had a responsible and involved mainstream media that you could trust.
This just never would happen.
You're right, but they've created a vacuum where investigative journalism, ever since ABC won the pink slime suit, mainstream media just ended investigative journalism.
Uh, you know, for the most part, I mean, I wouldn't say that about the Miami Herald at this point.
The Miami Herald showed up and did its job.
No, exactly.
There's still a few of those.
I mean, hell, the L.A.
Times, the New York Times even, you know, 10 years ago admitted that the FBI was cooking up most of the fake terror things.
Now they wouldn't do any of that.
Yeah, I mean, the New York Times was asleep at the switch on this, and I think was willingly complicit in keeping it under wraps.
I don't know.
You know, we can certainly speculate, but I just can't.
When I went to journalism school and I learned that the New York Times was really the, you know, it was the paper of record.
These were the ones who came out and fought for the Pentagon Papers.
You know, that legacy is dead.
Because when you don't even see the New York Times showing up for a case like this in their own backyard.
Oh, that's another angle.
Do one more segment with us.
Because there's no coverage of this, hardly.
I mean, you're breaking bombshell information.
And sure, The Guardian did a story.
I mean, there's some stuff.
This should be one of the top stories in the country.
One would think.
One would think.
But not today.
Well, you didn't implicate Trump.
Because if you made up that it was in the documents that Trump raped this girl, you'd be on every channel.
Joe Biggs, you jump in and give us your take on this.
Let's come back.
You've experienced mainstream media lying.
Constitutional lawyer Mark Randazza is here.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted, over 240 years ago, that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another flashing chance at bliss.
Well, I'm just completely blown away today by President Trump coming out saying he's going to take strong action
against Big Tech soon, and Hollywood trying to cause a race war.
That was beautiful.
Because I'm all for the First Amendment, and these companies have their quote, right to do things, but not have fake terms of service, not lie about how they're censoring women.
We have all the executives saying and doing it.
Mark Randazzo, I want to get back into this huge...
Release and it's this lawsuit and this huge data dump you just got into the Epstein case that's so big.
But before we do that, what do you make of Trump coming out this morning saying, no, he's decided he's going to take strong action against big tech?
I know it's still on the drawing board and they're debating hotly which plan they're going to go with.
I know you helped write up some reports.
I got another major D.C.
firm to write up reports.
I had a Texas firm write up reports.
I had a Los Angeles firm write up reports.
We got those to the President.
Matt Drudge got our emergency report to Trump to take action.
I'm not trying to take credit, but the fact is Trump's responsive to his base is what's interesting, and not to lobbyists.
That's what's so amazing and why they're so scared of him.
But what do you make of this move now, and what are you hoping Trump does?
What's the most constitutional, smart avenue to rein in the election meddling of big tech and their stomping on our free speech areas?
You know, first off, I'd say it's about time.
He's been in office for nearly three years now, and it's nice to see this finally happening.
I think constitutionally, he could certainly, by executive order, say that
No government agencies should be doing business with companies that do not respect freedom of expression as a neutral platform.
He can't command that they let people on.
If Twitter wants to kick somebody off and you can't just say, well, I'm by executive order, I'm going to make you let them back on.
But what he can say is all the government agencies that have Twitter accounts should cancel them today.
He can say that he is not going to... I mean, a big move for him would be for him to get off Twitter and move to a competing platform.
Well, I think it's a hint whenever his son came out and promoted Gab yesterday.
Well, maybe that's what's going to happen.
That would be a great move.
You know, use the power of the free market to destroy these market players who have decided that they're just going to wield power like petty little apparatchiks.
You make great points.
I wrote those same notes.
He could forbid the government working with him, declare them like Huawei, a national security risk.
Google and Apple have moved to China.
That would devastate him right there.
I know he doesn't want to hurt the stock market in the process, but you know, it's kind of like if you don't do this surgery, you're going to die anyways.
And that's what Trump said.
You know, it's too bad, but we just got to act.
So that's what we've gotten to.
Why would they ban Mitch McConnell speaking out against people at his house saying we're going to stab you to death, but leave the people saying we're going to murder you
Uh, and calling him murder turtle.
Leave them up, but take him down.
Are they asking for it?
I mean, is Twitter crazy?
No, it's, look, the problem is these companies, you know, it isn't always top down.
I don't know that, you know, Jack Dorsey or Mark Zuckerberg really care one way or the other.
They might, but you also have... No, no, I agree.
They've been, there's mutiny.
They've been hijacked by SJWs.
Yeah, you've got this army of little punks that work for these corporations that are the ones making the ground-level decisions.
And nobody's really getting them under control.
But another thing that I really think that the White House could do is go over to the Department of Justice
Grab whoever's working in the antitrust division and tell them, do your job or find another job.
Because the antitrust division should be going through Silicon Valley, should be walking through the 650 area code with a death scythe cutting these companies apart.
You're looking now, you see that WhatsApp,
Bought by Facebook is going to start looking at all those messages and deciding if they're going to ban you from WhatsApp for private messages and logging private messages.
If you're using WhatsApp for anything that you don't want, you know, some nose ring, purple haired jackass looking at and deciding that they're going to publish, well, you're on the wrong platform.
And imagine the control freak power grab where they can't even control themselves when the head of the Senate
They decide who they want to win.
And then they warp the language of their rules in order to let the person win who they want to win.
Like I said, remember Oliver Darcy said a few months ago, he goes, well we want to get Alex Ban on WhatsApp, we're checking to see if he's on.
That's a private message that Facebook bought up the company.
I'm not on there, we learned.
But they're literally trying to stop me from sending a message.
And I said, folks, and then as you said, you sent me the message last week, it was in the news.
Thanks for alerting me to that.
They're now admitting they're going to be reading with AI but with also
The NSA did that, they'd be arrested.
They would, but, you know, they let them get away with it, and antitrust is allowing these companies to consolidate at such a rate that, you know, you really have three or four companies controlling all new media, and you can't have that.
So I really hope
That, uh, you know, if whoever's at the Antitrust Division doesn't want to do their job, that Trump, you know, tells them, get out and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, and brings in somebody who knows what they're doing and who's willing to do the job.
Amazing, Mark.
I know you've got to take care of your daughters that you've got right now, but just in closing, come back soon when you're able to go through these.
How many pages of documents from this huge Epstein lawsuit victory you just had at the major court of appeals?
And what can we be expecting?
When can we learn more?
Well, you know, right now, as far as I've seen, the best source for who's gone through it so far is Zero Hedge.
You know, you go to CNN and you search for Epstein, there hasn't been a story since, you know, since August 7th.
But, you know, somebody puts out a tweet claiming something and they'll have that up as breaking news.
So, your guess is as good as mine.
I think the marketplace is open right now for
Should be.
You know, it may be nothing, but it may be a treasure trove of information about some very powerful and wealthy people who wanted to keep their affairs silent.
And not today.
Well, good job.
All I can say is that that court artist is one of the best I've ever seen.
That judge's eyes right there.
That's like that's like Rembrandt level and that they really capture you there.
That's awesome.
Yeah, she sure made me look good.
Oh man, that's awesome.
Alright Mark, please join us as soon as you can dig through all this.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
Be safe.
You too.
Have a great day.
We've got some exclusive court audio we'll get to, but Joe Dixon's here too, so stay with us.
Attention GCN self-reliance listeners, if you've ever wanted an emergency solar survival backup system, but were waiting for prices too crazy to pass up, this will be the most important message you'll ever hear.
Bill Hyde here and I want to tell you about a huge sale with historically low prices on our PPX microgrid system that's going to let you produce an
I think?
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
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I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know folks, I'm tempted, I'll probably do it, to come in here this weekend and just do like a three or four hour commercial free special show to air all of Trump's 35-minute press conference and analyze each piece of it.
But also the Senate and House Intelligence Committees have had meetings about how China is not just controlling Hollywood but financing all these race war movies.
When I get up here and I say the Chinese government is running Hollywood, that's why you turn it on, and you think America's the worst place in the world.
That's a foreign power doing that.
So Hollywood has the power as Americans to finance whatever movie they want.
And they want to put that type of crap out, they can't.
But if a foreign government's funding it, it's called treason, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, I was the first person 15, 16 years ago, gosh time flies,
to talk
Deplatformed even worse than I have.
We're going to go to our next guest.
You're riding a shotgun with us, but this all ties together.
We're going to be talking to Jim Baker here, who ran Illinois for Trump and wants to warn about some of these bad leftist forces and the Koch brothers that I always get accused of being funded by.
The Koch brothers gave more money to the Clintons than they ever gave to the Republicans.
I mean, it's just all a bunch of bull.
Just recapping how folks can find you, what you're doing in Portland coming up, I mean, what it's like to witness all of this censorship that's happening.
Really, the only way you can find me now is just to Google my name and you're going to find articles everywhere.
I mean, that's about the only way you can see what I'm doing.
And then guys like you, let me come on your show.
Gavin McGinnis will have me on his and other places, you know, but that's really about it.
I mean, I have no other way to speak to people.
You know what's most frustrating to me?
Every day, and I love the listeners, but it's like Chinese water torture.
Over and over again, the drop, drop, drop, drop, drop on your forehead.
I'll be at the store.
I'll be at the grocery store.
I'll go with a friend of their church.
I'll be walking down the street.
They go, Oh, take pictures.
Oh, we loved you.
We used to watch you all the time on YouTube or we used to listen on iTunes on a podcast.
And are you going to get back on air?
And I always ask the question, like, what was the last show you heard?
Well, it was all about
You know what I mean?
And he doesn't have a place anywhere to respond to it.
At least when they lie about me, I have millions of my listeners I get to reach to, but the only way I get out around the lie is when you...
Speak out when you take action.
I've been banned on PayPal.
Show us Heath.
Oh, the head of Visa said we're not gonna ban gun purchases right now.
I'm like, oh, he's so nice.
Everyone else is.
The NRA's now the new target.
This is the mark of the beast, folks.
Whether you believe in God or the devil or not, the devil believes in you.
And this system's real.
And bringing up Jim Baker.
Jim Baker called into the show.
I was aware of some of the work he'd done.
He's a political operative and historian, we should get on as a guest about that, who served in various roles in a number of campaigns during 2016 primaries and caucuses.
He served as President Trump's State Director for Kansas, Colorado, and Illinois.
And he was there witnessing all the dirty tricks of Ted Cruz, who I still like, but man, he got dirty when the cards were down.
So, not going to turn my back on him.
He witnessed the Koch brothers and these globalist interests that are in there, so he can give you a bird's-eye view.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Sorry I moved you back 30 minutes.
I'm behind today.
We appreciate your time.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
That's all right.
Love your show.
Love your work, Joe Biggs.
We actually met, I think, in the Colorado State Capitol at that Stop the Steal rally we did to kind of work against that hijacking of the process they did in the Colorado caucus.
But yeah, so I started with Trump in Iowa.
I'm an Iowa resident.
I've worked in Iowa politics for a long time.
And, you know, we had a good team in Iowa and had things going pretty well.
It actually looked like we were going to win.
And then all of a sudden, about, I don't know, two, three weeks out from the actual caucus date, we got this flooding of AFP operatives.
So Americans for Prosperity, which would be the Koch brothers' main apparatus.
And I just remember the minute they got there, everything kind of changed, and we all kind of sensed that there might be tank in the operation a little bit.
I don't know if you remember, we had a debate scheduled, and as soon as they got there, they decided they weren't going to do this Fox News debate.
Which, yeah, we knew Megyn Kelly wasn't being fair, but at the end of the day, we knew that was really going to hurt our Iowa operation.
Not to mention that, but they just started cussing and drinking in the office, and we had these Midwestern sweet volunteers, and it just turned everybody off.
Anyway, so we lost Iowa.
I came in third place.
And then like I said, I went to Kansas.
I wasn't given any staff.
I wasn't given any office.
I ran out of a hotel suite in Topeka.
You could just tell once the AFP guys got in there that they were leaving us alone when it looked like Trump didn't have a chance.
But then once we actually got some momentum, yeah.
You could tell that they kind of jumped in.
And the reason you're important is you ended up heading up three major states.
I remember seeing you on the news.
I know who you are.
You're a real player in this and you're giving us the inside window to what happened.
You can give us a really good forecast on what's going to come.
So I basically retired after 2016.
I went into the private sector.
Just the hate and the vitriol and what some of the AFP people tried to do to me after I left the Trump campaign.
I actually went and ran an independent campaign up in upstate New York.
I just got more into, you know, studying the Bible and being with my family and just kind of cleansed my soul of politics.
But now seeing what's going on now with gun control and with this transgender stuff and the attacks on our kids, I just can't sit idly by.
The Lord's told me I needed to talk to you.
That's why I called in.
The other day.
But I mean, if you look at the Koch brothers, a lot of people consider them to be our version, the conservative version.
The Tucker's right.
They're not.
No, they're not.
And if you look, if you go to AFP's website, I think it's still up.
They have a petition for the Senate Judiciary Committee that says don't enact any antitrust laws against big tech.
I mean, their top guy, Jesse Blumenthal, I think his name is, who runs their tech and innovation wing.
At AFP, as said, there's no credible evidence of conservative censorship online.
Do you see that, Alex?
No, exactly.
So what you're saying is, the Koch brothers and this AFP are the enemy.
How do we stop them?
So what I want to say to President Trump, if I could talk to him directly, I would say, you're still hiring from the swamp.
So the way these AFP guys work, and almost every Republican operative,
Works on a campaign for a little while, and then the campaign's over, they win, they lose, whatever.
But in the off season, they go to work for AFP.
And as the Bible says in the book of James, a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways.
So these people have dual allegiances, or sometimes just an allegiance to the Koch brothers, and they're still working for Trump.
There's something like 44 Koch operatives in the Trump White House, or in the Trump administration.
So, for this re-election campaign, I tell Trump, if you want to hire somebody, hire people out of business.
You're a businessman, hire salespeople.
You don't need- Exactly!
And again, the Kochs didn't give any money to Trump.
And he doesn't know all this, he needs to throw their asses out.
They already said, two months ago, they said, in Breitbart, I think it was on InfoWars, a bunch of different places, they're supporting Democrats in 2020.
They're open borders.
There was a New York Times article like, the Koch brothers are really good and they're supporting Democrats now.
No, that's right.
If your listeners want to look up this Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft,
David Koch, I think, put in $500 million.
George Soros put in $500 million.
And they named an Iranian-American, who's very anti-Israel, loves Elon Omar, to run this Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
See how bombshell this is?
Stop right there.
And the numbers are all there.
I've seen this.
The Koch brothers were always Democrats.
They were the second biggest donor to the Clintons.
Edward Tyson.
And then they come in and control Republicans, and then the left always says, I work for the Koch brothers.
Absolute asinine lies.
And now they're teamed up, the Koch brothers with George Soros, to defeat Donald Trump, and Trump doesn't even know he's got people in the Oval Office sharpening knives for him.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
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We are 1776 worldwide.
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If you want to bet on your future, if you want to bet on Americana, if you want to bet on not being run by the shy comms, with Senate and House hearings now on how they literally fund the Democrats and MSM and CNN, the Chinese government does.
It's all coming out.
Democrats aren't going to stop.
They're trying to cause a civil war right now.
Like, they're starting to get some purchase.
Trying to start a fire?
They got some fire going.
All the physical attacks, shootings, bombings, ICE facilities getting attacked, dead people everywhere.
It's on, folks.
And if you think it's bad now, if they really get traction, it's gonna go insane.
So now, more than you've ever done, for yourself, for me, for everybody, spread the word about this broadcast on your local station, radio, TV.
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Oh, thanks.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
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But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on my toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil or the turmeric or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
Because if you're already getting 10% off because you're on auto ship, and then we're doing 50% off, and then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
But that's okay.
Thanks for the support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Human animal clones are openly being produced.
It's now all admitted.
Everything you do about all these homosexuals is being listened to and watched.
That was in the Associated Press yesterday.
World government is here.
And yes, the Boy Scouts of America now basically are run by pedophiles.
That's mainstream news.
I told you that 20 years ago.
This takeover is massive.
It's world government.
It's here.
But we can say no to it, and we can fight back.
Jim Baker, as a political operative historian...
And he headed up the Trump campaign as the state director for Kansas, Colorado, and Illinois.
That's huge.
Illinois is massive.
Kansas is massive.
Colorado, I'm going to tell you how important those are.
So he was there witnessing this.
And just during the break we were talking about it, looking it up.
Yeah, it's crazy how the Koch brothers
It was also their plants got raided.
Was it Mississippi or Louisiana?
I'm going from memory.
Yeah, there it is.
Those were their plants and all the illegals working at them.
And so they teach the illegals how to get on welfare so the Koch brothers can pay them only a little bit of money.
And that's taxpayer incentive.
But the Koch brothers then tell us how they're libertarians and how, you know, we should have government involvement, but really most their wealth is subsidized.
By poor people and illegals and by the fact that they train them.
Even Walmart does this, hands out paperwork saying, we only pay you this much so you can also go get welfare.
So that's pretty sick, isn't it Jim?
Yeah, and that's the Libra initiative, which is another arm kind of like AFP, where a lot of these Republican operatives work kind of in the off-season.
That's another arm that's for amnesty, against borders.
So President Trump has all these people close to his inner circle, some I would say probably are almost in his inner circle, that actively want him to fail.
I mean, they don't want anything on his agenda.
They want a Bush-type Republican, a John McCain-type Republican.
That's going to be free borders, globalists, North American Union, all the stuff that Trump doesn't want, they're actively working in the background to bring in.
And they're going to get rewarded by the Koch brothers if Trump's out of office.
If they tank his campaign, I guarantee you, they're going to get rewarded with jobs, money, you know, whatever you can imagine they'll have.
And I mean, at the end of the day, it's not only open borders, it's
Tech censorship.
I mean, last month they had the After Charlottesville Conference, which was sponsored by the Koch brothers, by the ADL, and by George Soros.
There was another one called something about the Tech Leadership Summit.
And they're openly partnering with Soros now.
So they're not hiding the fact that they're fake conservatives anymore.
They were fake conservatives.
They're liberal, globalist, open borders, you know, wolves in sheep's clothing.
And we have these operatives in the campaign right now.
So some of them are just useful idiots.
They're mercenaries, social climbers.
Right, but they're still programmed by handlers.
They gave me an AFP handler when I was in the campaign.
That's why I got fired from the campaign, because I wouldn't talk to them.
I talked to Paul Manafort and Roger Stone instead.
I mean, that's exactly why I left.
So at the end of the day,
Well, they can say what they want about Roger Stone.
He was all the way for Trump and he was secretly advising everybody.
And he said, no, they've got leftist and Koch brother operatives in there.
He was constantly on the phone saying, don't listen to that, do this.
I mean, Trump wouldn't have won if it wasn't for Stone and Manafort.
And notice that one's in jail, they're trying to put the other in jail.
Yeah, yeah, and that's part of the reason, of course, why I've been hesitant to speak out.
But like I said, I mean, the Lord put it on my heart that I can't stay silent anymore.
Describe what that was like, because I'm the same way.
I mean, I don't try to get, like, Bible thumper-y or whatever, because that's fake Christians.
They're talking about, oh, the Lord, how good they are.
I'm a wicked devil, but God is in control of me.
And you get laid upon me, like I've got to do this, and it's like I'm on fire, and I can only follow those orders.
I'm not a slave, I ask God for that, but man, it's something else though, and that fire comes down now, it's just like, it's so much power, quite frankly, I can't control it.
Yeah, and I mean, as a historian, I mean, you can even look back, and I looked at the Koch brothers, and I saw, every time you get into Globus, there's always Nazi ties, okay?
Oh, of course.
The patriarch of the Koch family, you can look it up, it's mainstream news.
He built the largest oil refinery in Hamburg in 1935.
Before that, he was working for Stalin.
Oh yeah, the Kochs made their money building the Nazi war machine.
Yeah, and the Soviet war machine, too, because the five years before that, under Donald Trump's five-year plan, they were working for him, too.
And listen, we'll have you back for a full hour, you're a great guy, but get back to God, what it's like when you just wanted to go write books and be a Christian and be with your family, you don't want to get in the swamp, but then what was it like when God, like, told you you're gonna get back in the fight?
And then you called in, you got on, you didn't ask to be a guest, I said, get him as a guest, that's how the Holy Spirit works.
The enemy has their own evil network, we have our own.
You know, it was a triggering event.
I mean, I'm sitting on the couch watching a cartoon with one of my daughters, and I can't remember what it was called, but it was just the most filthy, anti-Christian, almost pornographic cartoon on Netflix.
I think it was some kind of Japanese cartoon.
And then I started paying attention to how they're trying to get to the kids, get to the children.
And, you know, I got on my knees and I prayed, and I just realized that the Lord was telling me, I know it's been nice to, you know,
Study the Bible more and quit reading the news and spending more time with your family, but it's time to fight.
You have to pay attention to what's going on.
As Christ said, it's going to be just like it was in the days of Noah towards the end of times and that's where we're at.
Right, it's going to be worse in the days of Noah.
And if you look at anti-Diluvian history as well, I mean it's all getting repeated.
Child sacrifice.
Well, that's the ultimate, and it's killing that seed of potential that God's given us.
They're obsessed with the innocence.
Just like in Legend, a great movie, but it's like the devil wants to hurt the unicorn so he can then kill the virgin girl.
That's a child.
He wants to kill the potential of the universe.
Sorry, keep going.
No, so I mean, like I said, the anti-Diluvian world was child sacrifice.
It was confusing gender roles.
It was all kinds of things.
And as Paul says in the book of Romans chapter one, God gave them over to a reprobate mind because he'd given up on society.
And I feel like we got this reprieve, or the world got a reprieve with the election of Donald Trump, and I don't want to see it wasted.
I agree, but I have that same worldly thing where I just want to run off with my kids and my family to some rural area, pretend this isn't happening, but at a gut level I know ten years from now they're coming for me there.
We've got to stand, we've got to fight.
And it's not like we're even scared of the enemy, it's getting, I call it goblin guts.
You know, we've got to go in and fight them and just looking at them and dealing with them.
It's like having to focus on them, it's almost like a form of worship.
So it's very important that we're studying globalists to not hate them and get too into it, because I do it myself, where I get obsessed with how bad they are, and it's almost like they can, you just got to think about the children, we're here to protect children, we're here to fight this evil, we're here to get humans over the finish line to the next level, that's God's plan, but it is, it is hard, it is, because it's the, it's the, it's the focusing on them, it's very painful.
I mean, this is what I keep telling people, I mean, we're at this time right now,
In this country where people need to start standing up.
They need to start fighting back in a sense.
We need to be more vocal.
It's okay to be angry and pissed off at the way the direction of the country is going at times and with what's happening.
And it's OK voicing that, because that's going to motivate other people.
And when we get enough people pissed off and sick and tired of what's going on, we can start making some good changes.
Right now, there's too many people that are too complacent and too spineless, and they just sit back and go, well, you know, maybe it'll just happen.
Well, things don't just happen.
It takes men standing up and fighting for something they believe in.
That's how you get stuff done.
Well, and it's also the time we're in.
Now's the time of action, and Trump's the leader.
And he's not perfect, but he's who God literally has put in this position.
There's no doubt the enemy knows that they're so scared.
There's not just evil in the world, but I had so much great family, most of them are dead now, who are really strong, Christian, tough men, but they saw all this and just went and hid in the country.
And I'm not putting them down for that.
But there's so many great men listening right now, and great women, who just say, I can't handle it.
I've got to hide my kids.
They're going to get your children.
There's no backing out of this now.
There's no hiding.
I know the Bible says, run to the hills.
That's in that perspective when some enemy invades.
Running to the hills now is running to face the enemy.
You want to comment on that, Jim Beggar?
Yeah, I mean, Christ says that we're a remnant, so we're not going to be the majority anymore, especially in the end times.
But we have to protect the children.
The Lord says we have to protect those who can't protect themselves.
And of course, that's who the Satanists and the Globalists are going after.
They're going after the children.
They're going after the mentally handicapped.
I mean, that's the main people that they're trying to chemically castrate.
And God says, if you don't defend the children, I don't know you, it'd be better for you to tie a boulder to your neck and jump in the ocean.
Yeah, like Judas Iscariot.
I mean, he hung himself and then he fell down onto the rocks and he was gutted.
I mean, God doesn't respect anyone that does not, first of all, respect Him and respect the children that can't protect themselves.
I just feel such a conviction, and I think that's what you were saying as well, that we have to fight against this.
We have to use any gift that God's given us.
I know personally, I can see that you have the gift of discernment.
I think I have that gift as well, where if I can talk to somebody, I can tell if they're for real or not.
And that's like when I was in the Trump campaign, I talked to some of those people and I just saw snake eyes.
I said, you're a devil.
You don't believe in this.
No, other people were great.
They were true believers.
I appreciated their hard work.
But these professionals they brought in?
They didn't want Trump to win.
They wanted the same old status quo.
That's because they come from a system where they had to compromise to even get in the door.
And once you compromise, compromise, compromise, compromise, compromise, compromise, you get rewarded for it, but you're losing who you are the whole time.
I mean, how do you get them out?
It's easy.
It's easy for Trump.
It wouldn't be easy for someone who doesn't have his background, but he's a businessman.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Viewers and listeners, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and we're under unprecedented evil attacks as you've seen.
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And so I feel very strong, and I feel God's hand on my shoulder, and I feel your love in my heart, and I want you to know that love is right back
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, Joe Biggs is riding shotgun with us for another 15 minutes and then we've got good old Nick Baggage taking over.
Boy, he sure exposed all this stuff 25 years ago.
Joe Biggs, what do you expect to happen when you go to the whole Antifa event?
Again, where the police stand down in Florida, they say it's their town.
You've had the FBI visit you, call you, visit your family, harass you, that you're just going to go dare exercise free speech.
It's amazing.
I mean, you even have the chief of police out there, chief outlaw.
She's saying don't come here.
I mean, look, I fought for this country.
Portland's my city.
Austin's my city.
All these cities are my city.
It's America.
I should be able to go anywhere I want and have a rally.
And I should be, people should praise the fact that people are standing up in mass numbers against a group of mass, you know, terrorists running around and assaulting and beating people up.
Doxing them, getting their lives ruined.
I mean, it's not just your right, it's your duty.
Yes, you have to.
I mean, that's what people need to be doing.
You should wake up with that fire in your gut like many of us have and be out here.
And you don't have to go to all these events.
I understand people have kids.
You've got jobs.
You can't always commit to go do things like this.
But there's other ways to help.
There's other ways to do things as well.
And that's just sharing stuff like this and content and getting it out there and helping spread what it is we're all doing.
Make your point, but next.
What do you think gut level is going to happen?
I think they don't want you to come because they don't want to look like wimps and they have to back down.
What I think they're trying to do right now is intimidate us to not come.
They're trying their best, you know.
And a lot of people are worried.
I mean, we're seeing a lot of stuff on Twitter being posted, getting screenshots daily throughout the day of different, very viable threats.
And I've sent in that stuff to the FBI and the PD there.
I've had long conversations with them.
The FBI sent me a text, I forgot to tell you earlier.
They will be meeting me at the airport as soon as I land in Portland.
They have an area that they're going to close off.
Or they will sit down with Enrique and I, with the Portland PD, and question us about this event.
And it's really concerning to me that they're so concerned with Enrique and I. You know, any event I've ever held, there has been zero violence.
We've had nothing like that.
Even my last event with Enrique was in D.C.
We let William Lamont Jenkins, he's one of the- I got a question to you after you went down into the- El Paso.
They're just really scared of you, Joe.
You know, we had Darryl Lamont Jenkins.
He's one of the prominent... I mean, you killed a few guys in combat.
You got a lot of awards.
You were Staff Sergeant.
But they particularly, your file, they really are scared of you for some reason.
I don't know why.
I'm a very nice guy.
I like to ride my motorcycle and go surfing.
And I enjoy a frosty beer every now and then.
You know, why do you think it is, though?
Because, you know, because these people are so used to people backing down to being bullied.
And I've got that fight and that urge, you know, like,
That's why our flag is the way it is on our uniform, because it shows us running into battle.
It takes certain people to run into where the guns, you know, shots are being fired, instead of running away from it, you know?
And there's people like us out there that exist, and when we see something bad happening, we see wrong being done, and we see innocent people being hurt, we want to go help them.
We wake up with that fire to go, hey, I don't want this to happen to you.
We want to.
When Andy Noah was attacked, I tweeted out and said, man, I want to pull security for you.
I was like, I'm never going to let someone attack you again.
I said, if that's the last thing I can ever do, you know, and then that's when it started getting attention.
That's when we decided to put on the rally and do all this.
I don't want to see people get hurt.
That's it.
Why am I a bad guy for that?
That I don't want to see people have an attitude thrown in their face.
They don't want you to trigger other Americans.
Stand up for free speech.
Mitch McConnell said it's wrong to come threaten to kill me at my house.
Twitter banned him.
They froze his account.
Because standing up to them is evil.
Honestly, being banned on social media is one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me.
It's freed up so much time.
I have less stress.
I'm happier.
You know, but they think they won.
They think that they got it.
I had people... When you're first banned from Twitter, it's like you're a ghost.
They're bragging.
You can see everything in the timeline for a while.
Yeah, for a few weeks, they let you see it.
Yeah, and you can see everyone talking crap about you or whatever they're saying, gloating, like, oh, I'm the guy that did this.
I bet he's at home crying right now.
I'm like, no, actually, I don't even care.
I was like, I got on my Harley, went and rode up and down the beach.
Then I saw that there was waves.
I went back, got my truck, went surfing.
I'm having a blast.
I mean, I love it, but I still...
And paying attention to what's going on, and I still have that fire in that drawer.
Well, exactly.
You don't want to be in the fight all the time.
They make you do it.
They think, like, taking you out of it, it's totally different.
Yeah, they're not going to take me out.
I mean, they want to try.
And that's one of the threats we're getting.
I think something's going to happen, but it's not going to be from Ariane, I'll tell you that.
We're going to do one more segment with you, then Dr. Nick Vegas takes over.
I want to play a bunch of clips, like Trump saying that Joe Biden is out of his mind.
That's all coming up straight ahead.
The only way those sites get out is you.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change, and they will become the Big Tech oligarchs
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Man, Joe Biggs, a former InfoWars reporter, good friend of mine.
You're with us.
He said a month and a half ago, I'm going to go out and have a free speech rally in Portland like Joey Gibson does.
And he got de-platformed everywhere.
Now the FBI is calling him, visiting him, visiting his family.
It's crazy.
You were just telling me during the break, they're going to meet you at the airport.
But tell the rest of the story.
You said, does Antifa talk to you?
They go, no, they won't talk to us.
Yeah, well, you know, I've been very forthcoming.
Even after when the two attacks happened, the two shootings, they'll pass on the day one.
I even looked at my guys, my leadership guys, and I said, hey, I think this is a great time for us to go ahead and like try to tone down everything.
Let's reach out to the police there.
We've seen that they kind of they're making some statements there.
They seem really nervous.
I said, maybe, you know, let's reach out to these guys and have a dialogue.
The mayor.
So we reached out.
We're just going to sit out there and have our rally and be very cool, calm, and collective and peaceful.
I said, you guys do your job.
Separate them from us.
I said, we won't go antagonize them.
Don't let them antagonize us.
I said, we'll only do anything in self-defense.
I said, no one's bringing weapons.
We've made that time and time again, clearly.
It's been on our event page and it's been there.
And I said, you know, we're reaching out to you.
Are you guys being reached out to by Antifa members?
Are they telling you, hey, we're not coming with intent to do violence or anything like that?
Because they're openly online admitting that they're going to come, use slingshots with metal ball bearings to take our eyes out, to mix chemical compounds.
There's a threat of an IED, apparently.
All these different things.
One person says, an Antifa person says, August 17th in Portland is going to be extremely deadly.
But I'm getting called.
Because you're sick of hearing their threats.
You're saying, I'm going to show up.
Because you can't just let people run around.
If not, they're going to spread like cancer.
They're going to be everywhere.
That's their plan.
Look at how Joaquin Castro yesterday said, quote, I want to scare Republicans.
I want people to be scared to support Trump.
I want them to think twice.
I said the same thing about Antifa.
Think twice, you son of a bitch!
You want to threaten me about what I can do politically, you un-American piece of filth?
That's fighting words there, man.
You want to intimidate me?
I'll intimidate you, you piece of crap!
He's telling me he wants me to bow to him and get on my knees!
That is so un-American!
These people are sick!
That's why I'm so pissed!
God, it makes me angry!
Can you imagine if I announced I was coming to your event?
Can you what?
What would happen if I announced I was coming?
I don't even want to stir this stuff up, but I agree.
You've got to go do these things.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I just... Maybe I should come to Portland.
Just because they're trying to tell people they shouldn't be there.
It's going to be a heated, heated, heated event.
Well, can you imagine if I'm there?
I know.
See, and here's the funny thing.
They're counter-protesting.
Oh, here's another thing I forgot to tell you, too.
The counter-protesters are supposed to all dress up in these funny things, these funny costumes to make fun of the fascists.
And that's going to weird us out.
That's their counter-protest.
Well, no, because they're always in black attire.
He's not supposed to be a counter-matter.
Now they're putting out flyers openly all over the Antifa pages saying August 17th.
Don your MAGA gear, dress like them, and carry out attacks.
See, that's what I picked up, because I know, I said this, I said Saturday, I was wrong, I said it about the other guy.
It was Sunday morning that I was like, look at this guy's picture, he looks like a devil works for Andy.
Well, it turns out the Ohio shooter was.
They're getting smart, man.
They want to hurt us.
Remember the reports, they were meeting overseas with ISIS and stuff like that.
The thing is you're saying though, is that they're going to dress up like us and do stuff.
Yeah, that's a tactic that people like that use overseas.
Explain that.
Well, think about this.
So, like, when I was an Afghanistan, we would have people dressed up like Afghan National Police or the Afghan Army, and they would walk up to a compound and then blow themselves up with a suicide vest.
You know, and you'd sit there and go, oh, hey, you know, because you'd see the uniform and like, oh, that's a friendly.
Hey, come on over here to our group.
And you're getting launched through the air, you know.
That's one of the frightening things to me.
So we saw that poster, I sent it to the FBI, I sent it to the local PD, and they're like, oh, cool, thanks.
I'm like, are you going to take this seriously?
Well, it's just like all these mass shooters.
The guy in Ohio said, I'm going to kill everybody.
But the FBI guy, he goes, he goes, if something happens, you know, this is going to be on you.
Well, OK, so if a leftist Antifa guy dresses up in MAGA stuff and starts acting like an asshole and, you know, doing Nazi salutes and then starts sucker punching people, that's on me?
Well, that's what I said.
Smollett wasn't smart.
He didn't hire real people to at least attack him and actually break his own nose.
He wasn't committed.
I said, they're going to start.
Because when I was in Losing Shroud Chicken, they kept coming over the table saying, I'm going to kill you, you're going to die.
And they were waiting when I tried to walk out.
They positioned themselves, so I blew up at them.
The way they edited the video to say that I attacked them, the way the left all worked together, they're all false flaggers now.
Even at the low level, they're saying, hey, go out and commit crimes like this guy that came into Walmart.
He said, well, I'm a liberal, I'm going to take the guns, but I'm going to kill 200 people so we finally take them.
They've now converted down to the low level that they're going to do false flags without even orders.
This is a damn evil group of people, folks.
I mean, I don't know how you deal with something.
They're just so deceptive.
That's why we have a ton of camera crews coming to sit there and keep an eye.
But again, they'll try to delete all those so the truth doesn't get out.
I just need it for court if it comes down to that point.
No, I agree, but the El Paso guy, the El Paso killer, reportedly, he was a big Democrat.
They covered up his record.
That's confirmed.
I mean, it's just, that's the new level, folks.
The left is going to stage events.
They've already announced it.
They caught a guy in Walmart.
They're saying they may indict him.
Oh yeah, I saw that, yeah.
Another guy showed up at Walmart, too, in battle gear to create hysteria.
So, the left are all failed
Basically actors.
Most of them have degrees.
I'm not saying you're bad.
Rob Dewey has a degree in stage, theater, and costumes.
He's a great editor and a smart guy.
He runs half his operation.
But he'll tell you, most of the people are frothing, and so they're actors.
So their power, they think, is expressing that because they couldn't get on Netflix in the real world.
Well, my buddies told me about the attack in El Paso.
My immediate thought was, there's a lot of attention on El Paso right now.
You've got Brian Colfage out there, you've got Steve Bannon, and they're doing that whole portion of the wall right across from the park where I used to live.
And that's the area I used to cross all the time and do videos.
Which the airfield's named after your grandpa.
So, they're putting a wall right there, and I know Steve Bannon's out there, Brian Colfage, all these other, like, prominent right-wing people right now that are helping with this whole border stuff.
They've been out there having all these events.
I personally thought maybe they got wind that Bannon or Colfage was in a Walmart, and that guy went in to take them out because they don't want to do that.
They want to send a message because a week prior, Antifa came out and saying that they're going to siege El Paso and go after these people at the border.
That was my initial thought.
Well, they were saying we're coming down there to kill everybody.
Well, why would this kid drive from Dallas to go there?
Like, why that?
The whole thing smells.
I said I'd play some clips, though.
Here is Trump talking about Joe Biden doesn't know what planet he's on, which is true, which again is emblematic of the fact that the establishment's in power.
Because we haven't gotten the country back yet.
We're still the resistance, but we've got partial power back.
They are just crazy.
Here it is.
Joe is not playing with a full deck.
He made that comment.
I said, whoa, I saw it because I was on something.
I had a television.
I saw his comment.
Joe Biden is not playing with a full deck.
This is not somebody you can have as your president.
But if he got the nomination, I'd be thrilled.
I mean, Joe Biden can hardly talk at this point.
It's funny how they're going after Obama, but using Biden as a bad guy.
You know, have you seen all these debates?
Like, they're attacking everything Obama did, and they're making Biden the boogie guy.
He's like, well, you knew all these bad things were happening.
You knew they had kids in cages.
Why didn't you do something?
So they're really going after Obama?
Well, they eat their own.
There's no honor among thieves.
Oh, no.
And that's the thing, is they just are wide open.
I'm going to say it again.
The Senate and House Intelligence Committees finally had hearings last week.
I learned about it Monday, where they go, this many billions and that billion to fund culture.
And notice Trump's now saying it.
The Chinese government's funding this race war stuff, man.
Because they look at our weakness, they go, what's our strength, our diversity?
We'll make that the issue, and then Hollywood will take money.
I told you, they wanted me to go to Sundance, so I sent a crew member.
And they thought it was like an invite for us to sell out.
And I said, listen, I can't deal with these people.
You go.
It was the power structure trying to offer me a movie deal to sell out.
I can't say who, but it was big.
So I sent our guy in, like they think we're so dumb.
And they're in these meetings going, our job is to wreck society and be as venomous as possible and create a collapse.
And we're like, oh, very interesting.
They let us into the meeting.
Hey, great job Biggs.
We're going to do some more with you as well on the next show if you can stay.
Joe Biggs is awesome.
We'll be right back with Dr. Nick Beggins.
I've got some final comments.
Joe, great to see you, brother.
Gotta be honored you've been so banned.
Thanks, brother.
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We're good.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Troyer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
We're barely paying the bills here.
And I want to expand in the face of the globalists, not contract.
I don't want them to win.
So listen, you've got this guarantee from me.
We sell enough product, we'll have less ads and less plugs.
And we'll expand and really give the globalists enough of their money.
But we've got products you already really need, like DNA Force Plus, X2.
These will change your life.
Go check out the turmeric products.
Check out the water filtration, air filtration.
Whatever you do, take action and know.
Check it all out.
Be part of the Second American Revolution.
Be part of crushing the globalists.
You can get great products at the same time.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Infowarslife.com is the supplements.
Take action now and fund the Infowar for your own future.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, one of my favorite guests, Dr. Dick Baggett, a great patriot who lost his dad, he never talks about it, for the fight for land rights in Alaska, and his brother's been a U.S.
I'd say the whole family, he's the most important because he absolutely forecast everything we're seeing happen now in books he wrote 20, 25 years ago.
So he's taken over and I appreciate him being here and I'm sorry we're getting him on late, just briefly, or he won't be here.
When you finance what we're doing, you're not just funding the second American revolution.
You're changing world destiny.
And there's so much fake stuff out there in a million different voices, and I understand that.
But we really are in the zeitgeist, and we try to make it easy to get good products at the same time.
But I can just tell you point blank, you cannot invest in a place better
than Infowars for human liberty and a pro-human future.
And I'm not a complainer.
In fact, I don't even think about all the things they've done to me.
I can't even sit down with a piece of paper and write down all the things they've done to us, because I don't even want to give it attention.
I want to think about the future, but I've made all the cuts, I've done all the tricks, I've pulled out all the stops, and we're not funded by any sugar daddies, we're funded by you.
We've been sold out for three, four months of the best krill oil out there.
And people looked this up and found out how good it was.
All natural krill oil that's had any mercury that's in it taken out.
These are now back in stock, 50% off out of the gates.
We're going to have to end this big special, 56% off.
Storewide free shipping and double Patriot points.
But I don't want to spend my time trying to get money in here.
Anybody that knows how the world works knows that honest made money is a lot harder to get than this, you know, globalist money.
And, you know, quite frankly, things that are offered off record, I'll never talk about because that's a journalistic thing, but I've been offered big money probably seven, eight times over the years.
And the offers have gotten quite large.
It's like, we're going to kill you or you take this.
And so, you know, it's gotten to that point again.
They're like, really, we're going to kill you.
So just, you know.
It's fine, you know what, because I can't sign on to this thing that wants to sexualize kids and everybody gets fried by 5G and we all die of cancer.
I mean, it's really easy not to sell out to you.
But I just want the listeners to know, I don't want to just not say yes to these guys and bow down and just stand up to them and get killed.
I want to win.
So, as much as I'm willing to die to fight these people, and that's not talk at this point.
Everybody knows we're not trying to play child porn on us, folks.
I can't tell you what's happening behind the scenes.
It confirms how evil they are, okay?
The guy that's taking over, his daddy got killed in an airplane, just because he wanted people to have their own land in Alaska.
And everything we've got is because people are willing to die.
I'm willing to die, but I'm not willing to lose.
Here's the thing.
So just spread the word about the show.
Pray for us and buy the products.
Dr. Nick Begich, we love you.
Go ahead and take over, my friend, with your great website and all you do there, of course, with Earth Pulse and all the work.
We'll put your website on screen, brother.
Hey, Alex.
It's always great to be supporting you guys.
You know, this thing is...
It is a battle, you know, and we have to take the risks that we're driven to take.
And you know, I've never felt fear, and I know you haven't either, in 25 years of doing this together.
I've never felt fear, because when you know that you're following the course that the Creator has set out for you, man, it's like the fearlessness of it.
It's the joy of it.
It's the engagement of it.
And are you not joining your father when you do this?
I mean, like, joining in his strength?
I do.
You know, and I think about it.
You know, I lost 50 friends in the last 10 or 12 years.
Good friends.
And I think about them.
I think about my dad.
I think about how much they contributed to my life and my frame of reference.
And actually, the ideas, the thought, the energy of all that flows through me in the same way it does with everyone they touch.
Because that's the nature of the human spirit.
That's the nature of the consciousness that we are connected to.
That's why we are making a difference.
And that's why, fearlessly, we get up and do what we do every day.
And it's a joy to do it.
It's a calling.
I mean, I can't think of a better place to be than to be talking about the things that are fundamental to who we are as human beings.
And I know you personally, I know you have a lot of spiritual strength.
How do you deal with the overpowering, the overdrive?
I get in these positions where I've got so much energy now, and so much dialed in.
I'm not bragging, but I can't handle it.
You know, I think that it's a matter of how do you channel your internal force, you know, and what I learned for me, my gift is my voice, what I do with my voice and how I use my voice.
And so I channel all that energy in to what comes through me.
And what people feel when I speak is exactly that.
And it's intended.
I mean, I want
People to know that it's not just a bunch of ideas, but those ideas have a foundation and values, and those values have a foundation in the essence of what we are.
And that's my hope, is that if we can stimulate that remembrance of what we are, then we win this war.
Because then we have the foundation under which we can take on any adversity.
That's right, the enemy is obsessed with telling us how much we suck, and how we're bad, when it's not true.
We're amazing.
It is not true, and it is the biggest lie of all.
You know, when I think about what we are as created human beings, in the image and likeness of God, what does that mean exactly?
And I talk about this on this program from time to time.
That is the highest thing in creation.
And so we have this idea that somehow self-condemnation continually is somehow good.
And I consider that almost blasphemous.
The idea of condemning our own soul, our own spirit.
We can recognize our weaknesses.
We can recognize our failings.
But those are the points where we learn from that.
We're like a father with a child when your two-year-old does something.
You forgive it immediately and you teach.
You learn.
You nurture and you learn through the mistakes that we make and through the victories that we have.
The Creator treats us no differently.
So self-condemnation
Um, is blasphemy.
We need to recognize what we are, we need to improve who we are, and we need to see the divinity in each person that we meet.
And by the way, just in closing, I want to have you take over what you're saying so true, Dr. McBaggish, is that Christ literally was saying, you're empowered, you're free, as long as you choose good and love God, you don't have to keep beating yourself over the head, the devil's an accuser, telling you you're fallen and bad, I know you're fallen, but
That is a lie.
And you know, it's a battle of...
Let's do it!
And yet, we're intact.
Because the real form of who we are is the essence that we are.
That we project through this physical form with all of its limits and all of its restraints.
And what the Earth does is try to drag us into full identity with form, forgetting the spiritual nature that is the core of who we are.
This is why this is so fundamental.
We start with our core, we work outward, and we change the world.
That's right.
We are not flesh, we are spirit.
That is exactly it, and if we start to function that way, we are fearless in what we do because eternal life is really that, and this is a grain of sand on the beach of existence.
This time on Earth.
That's right, and the enemy has bet on temporal power on this Earth that's why they're so upset.
Because we're winning!
We're waking up, and people are recognizing the truth.
That's right.
Dr. Nick Baggage, stay there.
Stay with us.
He's on fire.
Dr. Nick Baggage with EarthPulse.
Day, midnight, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
Don't forget, War Room, coming up in T-minus 30 minutes.
Stay with us.
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I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
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They have side effects.
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Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who actually worked for a living, that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls to support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners,
Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 Worldwide.
Last night, I'm on Infowars.com, and I read Chris Pratt criticized for t-shirt choice.
It is literally the shirt that I envisioned.
A Betsy Ross, but also another just classic American flag, all 50 stars, with the Gadsden snake superimposed over it.
And on the back, America's back, Infowars.com.
But what's better than just an American flag?
Don't tread on me.
Under the flag.
Don't tread on the American flag.
So great minds think alike.
It's a perfect combo.
I mean, whoever designed that shirt, we'd already come up with the exact same, similar design.
It is the Don't Tread on Me American Flag T-shirt, inspired by the triggering of leftists of the shirt worn by Chris Pratt.
But it's a battle-tattered flag, like the one that flew over Fort Sumter.
And again, on the back, it says, America's Back Infowars.com.
4,000 of these babies and that's it.
So we've got the Betsy Ross version and the American flag version at InfoWarsTore.com being printed in the USA right now.
We'll be right back.
The most banned broadcast in the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Venkich.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to InfoWars.
I still appreciate being here today, and it's good to be with everyone.
And it was nice to be with Alex for a few minutes at the beginning of this broadcast this Friday.
And, you know, Alex is so right about a lot of this, you know.
And, you know, when I think back on what happened with Dad, and it's been in my mind lately for a variety of reasons.
I was in Juneau yesterday shooting a segment
Or actually, the Travel Channel, interestingly enough.
They're doing some things on Alaska.
And they flew me down there for the day.
And, you know, talking to these guys about sort of the remoteness, you know, and I asked them, I said, did you get out to remote Alaska?
And they said, oh, yeah, we got down to Kenai, which is kind of funny, actually, if you live here, because it's on the road system and it definitely is not the wilderness.
I suppose you might feel that way if you come from Great Britain, which is where these guys were from.
But as I thought about flying into Juneau, which is the route my dad took when he disappeared, and I always think about him and Congressman Boggs when I make that flight.
And I was thinking a lot about what's happened in Alaska, what's happened in our country, quite frankly.
With the Democratic Party, and what's happened there, would be a big disappointment, I think, to my dad.
He was a more conservative Democrat, as many used to be.
I mean, there used to be Southern Democrats with a different view of the world.
My dad had more of an affinity in that direction, but he did care about people a great deal, Indigenous people in particular, and had a passion for the poor, because he grew up poor.
You know, immigration is a big deal, too.
You know, my dad was a first generation.
I'm a second generation.
My grandparents came in the front door on my dad's side in the early 1900s.
On my mom's side, they came in the front door in the 1880s.
And, you know, I know how hard my grandparents worked.
You know, I knew them.
I knew all four of my grandparents.
And they lived into their 90s.
And when I think about
How's it going?
Anyway, most of us have a heritage that I'm speaking about where our families did come at.
Indigenous were here.
I'm sure they had a different view of immigrants than we do, probably similar to the one we have today.
But nonetheless, we are where we are.
You know, and I think about the tenor of the country, you know, the discussion of reparations.
Come on.
You know, I mean, do I deserve reparations because 2,000 years ago the Romans came into Croatia and wiped out my family?
You know, come on, at what point do we recognize that what has happened in the past is certainly to be learned from?
But there is a timeline, you know, and no one's living today that was a slave in America.
But there are people living today, indigenous people living today, that remember what it's like to be abused.
You know, in Alaska, Americans, Native Americans, until the 1920s, couldn't become American citizens.
Now think about it.
We bought Alaska in 1867, the Treaty of Secession from Russia.
Russians were allowed three years to either go back to Russia or they were automatically American citizens.
They didn't have to speak English.
They didn't have to read or write English.
But Native Americans had to read and write English.
They had to have two white people testify that they could read and write English.
And then they had to renounce their religion and renounce their language.
And at the time, and up until the 1960s, we took these Native children, five years old, took them out of their homes and sent them off to boarding schools.
This happened here.
My friends, people I know, this happened to them.
Now imagine you being jerked out of your house at five years old.
Grown into a school and beaten every time you spoke the only language that you knew.
This is American Indians.
These are indigenous peoples of Alaska, and this is what happened here.
Civil rights in Alaska, one of the first states to engage civil rights because of Peratovich, a Native American woman here, in the 1940s took that issue on, was brave enough, courageous enough.
Some of the first civil rights law in Alaska as a state, my dad was involved in the 1960s.
You know, we care about people.
And we do care about immigrants.
We just want it to be on a foundation of law and order because that's what our country is, in fact, based on.
And in that immigration wave, it wasn't about bringing your country here.
It was about coming here and adopting to our way of life.
The same way when I travel to other countries, I accept the rules and way of life.
I don't complain about their cultures or how they function.
If I have complaints, then I don't go.
You know, I recognize the differences around the world and appreciate those differences.
And I acknowledge when I travel to places that I have to conform.
Some places I don't go.
I don't travel in the Middle East.
I'm not willing to.
Because it's too risky for me.
There's a lot of places I don't go.
There's other places.
I've been in war zones.
I don't have a problem with that on the nature of the war, but I've been in a lot of places.
And when I think about all of it, and I think about what's possible, this is what encourages me, is the possibilities of change are so immense when people recognize the power of what we are individually.
And that's what I was alluding to and speaking to with Alex in the last segment.
Is this is where we begin to reshape and reform the world around us when we first change the way we see it and then begin acting accordingly with the faith and confidence of a created human being that knows what you are, that knows who you are, and has the ability to engage.
And so we all can do that.
And what I say to people is do what you believe you can do and be successful at.
That's the step of faith.
Knowing and believing and trying.
Not succeeding all the time, but trying all the time.
And when you fail, learn from the failure.
Don't be so self-condemning.
Learn from the failure.
Grow from the failure.
And that is where the best, that's where the best of our lives come from, is in the trauma of our experiences.
And I spoke about my father's disappearance.
At 14 years old, he disappears off the face of the earth.
And you want to talk about trauma?
I had one older sibling.
She was
Four younger siblings down to four years old.
My mother was in her mid-30s.
Six of us.
Six children.
My dad disappeared.
That's trauma.
Let me tell you what happened from that trauma for me.
It was the most important transformative event in my life.
Let me say that again.
My dad's death and disappearance was the most important transformative event in my life.
Because it changed me fundamentally.
It made me question deeply what this world was really about.
What my dad couldn't do in life, he did by that act of death.
Because I became a very serious 14-year-old, and anyone who knew me then will tell you that.
I gave up childhood from my perspective deliberately at that moment and decided I could
Be empowered.
I could make a difference.
I could take the example of my father and recognize what an individual could do.
And he passed away at 40, having achieved more than most people do at 80.
And, you know, I think that's an example for all of us.
He grew up poor.
It wasn't about money.
It was about integrity, ideas and service.
This is the foundation of good government.
Ideas, service, conversation, respect, accountability.
These are the things of good government.
What we're seeing is polarization, tribalism, and the worst of the worst.
The separation division along racial lines being amplified by the left.
This is not the country that any of us want to see built.
This is a country that has always accepted people on their face for who they are and what they're willing to do.
We're a country of immigrants, for sure.
But please, let's recognize the law.
Let's build a foundation.
Let's recognize what we can do together in the world and do it.
But also recognize the cultural and sovereign differences and their boundaries.
Because the world cannot change overnight and it won't.
It's a timeline, and we're in that timeline.
We've been predicting what's happening.
The technocracy is here.
We're going to get more into that in the next segments.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We're with InfoWars.
And really, the InfoWars, we're all in it together.
Let's fight this war and let's win it.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We'll be right back after these messages.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Before I started working at InfoWars I was not only a fan of Alex Jones and InfoWars.com but also the products at InfoWarsStore.com and there's one product that's offered at InfoWarsStore.com that is the elite of the supplements and that's DNA Force Plus.
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Because it is an elite supplement.
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George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America-hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face, all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroyer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
We're barely paying the bills here.
And I want to expand in the face of the globalists, not contract.
I don't want them to win.
So listen, you've got this guarantee from me.
We sell enough product, we'll have less ads and less plugs.
And we'll expand and really give the globalists a run for their money.
But we've got products you already really need, like DNA Force Plus, X2.
These will change your life.
Go check out the turmeric products.
Check out the water filtration, air filtration.
Whatever you do, take action and know.
Check it all out.
Be part of the second American revolution.
Be part of crushing the globalists.
You get great products at the same time.
InfoWarsStore.com is the umbrella site.
InfoWarsLife.com is the supplements.
Take action now and fund the InfoWars for your own future.
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InfoWarsLife.com takes you right to the site and you can find all the great products there and try them for yourself.
And again, sign up for auto-ship with an additional 10% off.
It is such a revolutionary act to keep this broadcast on air.
It is such a revolutionary act.
Every time you put a bumper sticker on your car, or paintinfowars.com on the side of your barn, every time you stand up to leftist bullies, every time you tell the truth, every time you keep this symbol of free speech and pro-human values alive, the enemy comes one step closer to their system falling.
We have pushed them into overreaching and showing their hand.
And now we've got a fighting chance if we all take action of defeating the globalists.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
But please take advantage of the sale.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back to InfoWars and this is Friday, August 9th, 2019.
And I'm so pleased to be here again today.
I want to remind people to take a look at the InfoWarsStore.com.
That's how this network is supported.
That's where you join with us in doing this work, no matter where you are, no matter what you do.
When you support us in that way, you support yourself.
These are healthy products.
They're the best in the world.
Absolutely the best in the world.
So take a look.
You know, I'm going to be gone next week, next Friday.
I'm leaving Monday for the bush.
There's no electronic communications.
Where I'm going are pretty limited.
I might get a ridgeline and be able to get a call out occasionally.
But actually, it's kind of a great place.
It's 800 acres out in the Wrangell-St.
Elias National Park.
Pretty remote.
Alaska, you know, I was thinking about a lot of this before the show, you know, what do I really want to touch on today?
And we started talking about
Sort of the human spirit and really I'm going to fold in on that and I've abandoned what I was going to do because I think that is foundational and I was in a conversation recently.
About the idea of slavery, right?
And it got me to think about, sort of, where did all this begin?
You know, in the beginning of the country there were two sources of labor, really.
There was indentured servitude.
These are poor people, whites and others, just poor people coming from Europe that had no money.
So what they would do is someone would pay for their passage.
They would come into the United States and then for seven years they were essentially a slave.
They called them in
Thank you for having me.
But that's how people came into the United States.
The other way was on slave ships, and we know the history of that and the horror of that.
But if you go back in time even further, go back a couple thousand years to the time of the Greeks, and they were the same.
There were a couple kinds of slaves.
You know, there were slaves that were captured and that were, you know, put in chains or sent into the arena.
And then there were what they called wage slaves.
Now, that's where that word comes from, wage slaves.
These are people who worked for wages.
They got paid a little bit of money, but they didn't own anything, you know, per se.
They didn't have those four factors of economic production.
They had only one, and it was labor.
They didn't have capital equipment, things that built things.
They didn't have land and natural resources.
They maybe weren't entrepreneurs, but they certainly had labor, and they exchanged their labor, and that's how they participated in the economy.
And as a medium of exchange, they gave them coins, and so they were wage slaves.
But because labor was so connected to your physical form, your humanity, that in the United States, after the Civil War, there were attempts to create income tax.
But that was considered slavery, right?
To tax the labor of a human soul?
Come on!
That's slavery.
That's how it was viewed.
And so what happened is, this all went to the U.S.
Supreme Court, and the U.S.
Supreme Court said, yeah, that's right, you can't do this.
And so we had to actually amend the United States Constitution in order to get an income tax that created a class of people now, authentically, wage slaves.
So that's who we are today.
We're wage slaves for the Federal Reserve System using their fiat money as our medium of exchange as we go to our cubicles every day and are the drones for the New World Order.
This has not changed since King George.
The only difference is a modern technocracy to administer it.
This is the difference of the 21st century, is we have a technocracy.
One that I predicted 25 years ago would emerge on the planet.
We have it here today.
And this wasn't predicted by some esoteric means.
It was by review of the literature.
Hundreds of thousands of bits of information were culled.
A hundred thousand documents read.
I read them.
Twenty thousand thrown into my archives at one point.
You know, it was a distillation of a lot of knowledge that leads one to clear conclusions.
You know, the facts take us places.
And that's what I saw all those years ago.
When I think about where we are today within this technocracy and what's happening,
The idea of keeping people in this constant state of agitation, whether it's the media throwing the standard ads on bad breath, body odor, drugs that are gonna kill you if they don't kill you, you know?
I mean, all of this fear-mongering through the media, whether it's the news broadcast or the commercial.
So everyone functions on sort of this low-level anxiety.
This is not what the highest creation in creation
It was meant to be!
Some worms suffering in the ground?
No, that's not us!
You know, we have to take back who we are.
And I would say this, in all of your prayers, ask for grace, for goodness sake.
Because the shortest route to change, as a matter of fact, is trauma.
You know, the verse, spare the rod, spoil the child?
God does that to us too.
You know, the rod is the trauma of life.
The Rod is the challenges we face.
It's not to hurt us, it's to teach us.
It's not to damage us, it's to raise us up into who we are and what we can be.
We're not wage slaves, we're created human beings.
We are not meant to be under the ground at the feet of some elite group that somehow outrank us.
We share the same rank in the universe.
All of us.
We engage the universe differently, all of us.
We are the cells in the body, each critical to the function of the body, no matter which cell it is.
That is who we are.
The church is not some building full of hypocrites.
It's not the money changers at the temple.
The temple is the human body that holds our spirit.
From which we create the world around us.
We are co-creators with the Creator and we need to create deliberately, with intention, with our full engagement and emotion if we're going to change the way things are.
And not, and not in violence, not as the Antifa crowd, hidden, masks, violent act against the human soul.
No matter whether you agree with that soul or not, this is fundamentally wrong.
I hope whatever happens in Portland next week when I'm in the Bush's basement, I hope people recognize that to stand up and believe in something is fundamentally our right and to disagree is our right.
The idea of silencing speech is so un-American.
The opposite is what is required.
It's simple if you don't agree with someone.
You change the channel.
You turn down the volume.
You draw your attention elsewhere.
You don't turn off your opposition and put your head in the sand.
That is not how you do it.
You know, sometimes the mainstream is wrong.
You know, in the early 1960s, 97% of scientists believed that the Earth changed gradually over time.
And then someone said, hey, what about continental drift?
Maybe there's this theory.
And 97% of the scientists said the guy was wrong.
They just chastised him.
Sounds a lot like climate science today, doesn't it?
Science isn't a poll.
Science is facts.
And the facts are pointing us in lots of different directions in the world today.
And the media and politicians think that science is a political issue.
And that it can be shaped and massaged by focus groups and spin.
Like, genders can be created out of thin air.
You know, the stuff that's going on in the mainstream today creates confusion, anger and division.
The opposite of what we need in this country now.
We need recognition of truth, we need open debate and vigorous debate.
We're at the point
We are at the 11th hour.
We are at the point of trauma where we are going to learn the greatest lessons of this life.
We are at the two minutes to midnight deadline for us to wake up, recognize what we are, and begin to act accordingly.
And this isn't in anger, and this isn't in violence, this is with the pure confidence that by the grace of God go we.
Change the world.
Change ourselves.
Change the people around us by recognizing
The need to be, to exist within this earth, to be good stewards to this planet and to want to know.
That's a tough challenge.
You know, that's the biggest challenge of all that started in Genesis, that challenge.
And here we are at the beginning of the end of the age, the beginning of a new age, a different age.
And we're going to mind, rise from our minds and our souls and our spirits to take it all back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich and you've been listening to The Info Wars, changing the way we see the world.
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Democrats aren't going to stop.
They're trying to cause a civil war right now.
They're starting to get some purchase.
Trying to start a fire?
They got some fire going.
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It's on, folks.
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