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Filename: 20190724_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 24, 2019
3488 lines.

In his InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the ongoing hearings with Robert Mueller and the Democrats' attempts to impeach President Trump. He points out inconsistencies in their arguments and accuses them of trying to create a civil war within the US. Jones also mentions a whistleblower from Google who claims the company is manipulating elections, and addresses the growing divide between the Democratic party and the American people. The show covers various topics including historical significance of Texas, political bias in Google, decriminalizing illegal immigration, radicalization of the left, and potential consequences of these issues.

Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, spectacular, ladies and gentlemen, that's how I describe it.
Spectacular, bumbling, and fumbling.
The likes of which I've really never seen by Robert Mueller.
Handshaking, clearly early stages of dementia.
Bumbling throughout, and the Democrats all harping over McGahn and all of that twisted testimony, and it's just now wrapping up.
We're going to have the Congressman Johnson, who summed it up for Republicans I think best, coming up next segment.
We're going to have that here.
I think it sums it up best, but here's the bottom line.
The Democrats
The Democrats are hell-bent on a civil war in this country.
And all the dirt is on their side of the equation.
They think they can still selectively go after Trump and take him down.
And that because they still control parts of the Justice Department, that they'll be able to intimidate people into letting that one-sided outcome take place.
And that's not what the calculus and the math shows.
And it's not what the American people are going to put up with either.
Especially not by a party led by people like Ilhan Omar and AOC.
And that is who leads their party.
That is who the SJWs are.
That is what's being brewed and gestated and birthed out of these so-called universities that are nothing but militant cancerous polyps bursting forth with giant metastasization.
So we come back
We're going to have the closing comments by the Republican, Congressman Johnson, and then we're going to go right through the most powerful clips throughout this hour of Congressman Ratcliffe, Congressman Gohmert, Congressman Jordan, Congressman Gates, Congressman Buck, Congressman Biggs, and others.
The Democrats all read off the same piece of paper about obstruction and about Trump saying fire and then don't say fire.
He's the president.
He can fire anyone he wants in the Justice Department.
If Congress then thinks that was a bad political move, for a corruption point, they have an indictment in the House, a trial in the Senate.
But they don't have the votes for that, so they're not going forward with the constitutional remedy that they have.
They're not going forward with that because there's nothing there.
So they just continue to act like the president's a Russian agent and that he didn't really get elected because they're the ones trying to steal the last election.
They did steal the House in the midterm last year and they're intending to steal
The 2020 election, which they know Trump's going to win in a huge landslide.
They've been caught fixing all these polls against the president, fixing polls against other people, election fraud all over the country, millions and millions of people voting the names of dead people.
Now we have a Google engineer blows whistle.
On how they are stealing the election.
And this person's gone public.
A new Veritas bombshell.
It's all up on InfoWars.com.
And InfoWars.com also has a live show.
You can spread to others at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, July 24, 2019 global transmission.
And wow, what an incredible time to be alive.
The wheels have come off completely for the Democrats on so many fronts.
And we've got that exciting news throughout the next four hours for you, obviously, before the war room comes on with our own Owen Schroyer right here at the ATX Infowars News Center in Austin, Texas.
But wow,
The Democrats all read off the same script.
They brought up McGahn, Trump's lawyer, and, well, Trump said, fire him.
Well, maybe don't fire him.
And ooh, that's obstruction.
No, it's not, because they told the president he wasn't under criminal investigation.
Plus, the president controls the executive branch, so you can only remove the president via Congress and impeachment.
And they know all that.
But they think the public's ignorant, so they're playing along with no one's above the law.
That's all they had.
When the truth is, this is the mouse that roared versus the lion.
There's nothing there on Trump.
All the collusion with foreign governments is by the Democrats.
Hating America is their staple.
It's who they are.
And so, there was Mueller knowing that all the crimes were committed by his team.
That they were a rogue group set up by Rosenstein.
After Trump got elected, they'd have been operating in secret, and then once they got in, they set up a special counsel when Trump was smart and got rid of Comey as a way to remove Trump from office.
And that's what the emails say, that's what the text messages say, and they even paid their wives and husbands.
Millions of dollars to run the Threat Fusion GPS garbage.
So the crimes are so numerous and the lying to Congress and the perjury is just absolutely stunning.
And then Bill Barr is there to cover all this up and to make peace with Trump.
But the Democrats won't even follow the deal that they've made inside the DOJ with Trump.
That he won't prosecute them, he'll leave them alone and they just get out of the way and let us make America great again.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding.
And the Democrats are so politically blind and believe MSN that they're winning and believe all their fake polls that they're smoking their own dope and going over the edge of a cliff with Ilhan Omar and AOC and the rest of these harpies.
I've got legions of articles here.
ABC hides approval surge with voters, says Trump's in trouble.
Google engineer blows whistle.
We are going to just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on?
That's all coming up in about an hour and a half.
But it'll take an hour and a half to go through the most important areas of the testimony today.
And they're all so good.
I was going to start with Congressman
Johnson closing.
But let's just go to Congressman Ratcliffe laying out the fact that Mueller absolutely didn't even follow the special counsel rules or any of it and is a fraud.
Here it is.
Good morning, Director.
If you'll let me quickly summarize your opening statement this morning.
You said in Volume 1 on the issue of conspiracy, the Special Counsel determined that the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
And then in Volume 2, for reasons that you explained, the Special Counsel did not make a determination on whether there was an obstruction of justice crime committed by the President.
Is that fair?
Yes, sir.
Alright, now in explaining that special counsel did not make what you called a traditional prosecution or declination decision, the report on the bottom of page 2 of volume 2 reads as follows.
The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred.
Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
Now, uh, I read that correctly?
Now, your report, and today you said that at all times the special counsel team operated under, was guided by, and followed Justice Department policies and principles.
So, which DOJ policy or principle sets forth a legal standard that an investigated person is not exonerated if their innocence from criminal conduct is not conclusively determined?
Can you repeat the last part of that question?
Which DOJ policy or principle set forth a legal standard that an investigated person is not exonerated if their innocence from criminal conduct is not conclusively determined?
Where does that language come from, Director?
Where is the DOJ policy that says that?
Let me make it easier.
Can I ask you?
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Can you give me an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined?
I cannot, but this is a unique situation.
Okay, well, you can't.
Time is short.
I've got five minutes.
Let's just leave it at you can't find it because I'll tell you why.
It doesn't exist.
The special counsel's job, nowhere does it say that you were to conclusively determine Donald Trump's innocence or that the special counsel report should determine whether or not to exonerate him.
It's not in any of the documents, it's not in your appointment order, it's not in the special counsel regulations, it's not in the OLC opinions, it's not in the justice manual, and it's not in the principles of federal prosecution.
Nowhere do those words appear together because respectfully, respectfully, Director,
It was not the Special Counsel's job to conclusively determine Donald Trump's innocence or to exonerate him because the bedrock principle of our justice system is a presumption of innocence.
It exists for everyone.
Everyone is entitled to it, including sitting presidents.
And because there is a presumption of innocence, prosecutors never, ever need to conclusively determine it.
Now, Director, the Special Counsel applied
This inverted burden of proof that I can't find and you said doesn't exist anywhere in the department policies, and you used it to write a report.
And the very first line of your report, the very first line of your report says, as you read this morning, it authorizes the special counsel to provide the attorney general with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the special counsel.
That's the very first word of your report, right?
That's correct.
Here's the problem, Director.
The Special Counsel didn't do that.
On Volume 1, you did.
On Volume 2, with respect to potential obstruction of justice, the Special Counsel made neither a prosecution decision or a declination decision.
You made no decision.
You told us this morning and in your report that you made no determination.
So respectfully, Director, you didn't follow the Special Counsel regulations.
It clearly says
Write a confidential report about decisions reached.
Nowhere in here does it say, write a report about decisions that weren't reached.
You wrote 180 pages.
180 pages about decisions that weren't reached.
About potential crimes that weren't charged.
Or decided.
And respectfully, respectfully, by doing that, you managed to violate every principle and the most sacred
I think?
This report, that volume 2 of this report was not authorized under the law to be written.
It was written to a legal standard that does not exist at the Justice Department.
And it was written in violation of every DOJ principle about extra-prosecutorial commentary.
I agree with the chairman this morning when he said Donald Trump is not above the law.
He's not.
But he damn sure shouldn't be below the law, which is where volume 2 of this report puts him.
That's right, a total witch hunt, in their own words, in their own documents, designed to remove him from office.
30 plus people, all of them Democrats, except Robert Mueller.
And then he works for both sides of the deep state.
This is just an astounding, astonishing time to be alive.
And I'm not going to bore you with what the Democrats had to say.
I guess I'll play some of it, but it's all, they read off the same piece of paper.
McGahn, McGahn, McGahn, over and over again.
And sure, we all know the Russiagate thing's a fraud, but imagine how much time it stalled Trump trying to fix the country.
And how it lets the Democrats run around and call everybody Russian agents.
You know, they have congressional hearings all the time, we've played them here, where they say Alex Jones works for the Russians.
That's why we're running CIA operations on the internet to shut him down.
I am under attack by the Deep State, just like the President is.
These people are criminal terrorists.
There needs to be a racketeering investigation of these criminals now.
We'll be right back.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
Hey, Alex.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public.
The approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna get to the Mueller hearing.
We're gonna play the important parts, in my view.
That means none of the Democrats, because they just repeat the same thing like a bunch of satanic parrots.
But this right here, this other news coming up by the middle of the next hour, is really serious.
Yesterday we led with the fact that the Democrats and others are working with the CHICOMS, with the EU, to plunge the US economy.
They admit to hurt Trump and hurt the American people.
If that isn't treason, then I don't know what is.
And now, JP Morgan warns, dollar could lose status as world's dominant currency, and they basically encourage rating agencies to devalue the dollar.
When the Chinese currency is way over-inflated compared to ours, and ours is inflated too, and they're the ones racing to do it, putting us in this impossible position, and then JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, all these groups are cheerleading for the tri-comps.
Remember when the outgoing head of Goldman Sachs last year told Trump, you'll never stop China?
The American century's over!
I mean, these are nasty people.
I had Thomas Burnett on one time, about to go live.
He's one of these globalists that teaches, you know, get rid of America.
America is part of world government now.
And I had him on.
He thought I was Alex S. Jones of the Shorenstein Center.
John Harmon heard this.
It was back when he was producing the show, like 10 years ago.
John had him on the line with me.
He goes, I'm not coming on.
And I go, listen, we're going to defeat globalism.
He goes, you'll never beat us, you American.
And I was like, ooh.
He goes, that's right.
He'll never beat us.
He actually talked like a demon.
Like when Bilbo Baggins reaches for the ring in War of the Rings and he wants it away from Frodo and he goes, it's mine!
Give it to me!
He goes, you'll never beat us, you Americans.
And I was like, ooh, you admit it.
He goes, that's right.
You'll never stop us, you Alex Jones.
He was just, and I said, come on, you're afraid to come on.
He goes, ah, hung the phone up.
Literally going, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And now they're on TV!
America was never great, it'll never be great.
Oh, these Americans, they talk about America!
They're proud of America!
And then you got this right here.
That's coming up.
This is Google Info.
It's like, as big as the biggest thing ever that came out a month ago that we all forgot about already.
Undercover videos, internal documents pouring out.
The dam breaking, Google fixing everything, planning to steal the election openly, red-handed.
The president of the whole operations for Google and their censorship, their new projects initiatives, the director, the El Presidente saying it on video.
The money shot.
Now another big executive comes out and says they're stealing everything.
This time public.
The dam broke.
When the levy breaks, I have no place to stay.
Going down, going down now, down to Chicago.
I'm already digressing, I need to get to this next clip.
But that's just, it's a frenzy of news and information here.
All of it, more over the top than the last.
National Review, the Never Trumpers, the neocons.
The people that would control the conservative movement in America.
The people that would shut me up, or Matt Drudge up.
Not going to work, or Trump up.
National Review helped Jeffrey Epstein rehab his image after child solicitation conviction.
A slap on the wrist.
What a group of dirty old men, man.
They're afraid of full-grown women.
They want to creep around with your 12-year-old daughter.
Oh, speaking of creeping around, we had that creep on yesterday who was trolling everybody.
It was a big joke.
And evidence is mounting that those weren't fake tweets.
Those were his tweets.
And people are going to the Wayback Machines.
We've got an investigation going.
He came back on Owen Schroyer's show.
By the time I'd learned more and I went after him, that's coming up.
We're going to post the pull down of that to InfoWars.com.
In the next few hours, we're going to play that here.
It was just unbelievable.
This is the guy that tries to organize 12-year-old topless parties, and bring your daughters to the community pool, and then, but no parents allowed.
Bring your daughters topless to me, and parents don't come around.
That's 100% sexualization, and a spider building a big web and saying, flies, come land here, as it cleans its fangs.
And I was trying to be somewhat nice to get him to admit more on air.
But instead, it was all a big PR stunt, a facelift operation.
Well, if you think you were under investigation before, buddy boy, Mr. Little Man, then you really are under investigation now.
So you get ready.
InfoWars is going to be coming into your domain and is sending out our little feelers and our little tentacles right now.
And our tentacles have already found a lot of information.
So, you think you trolled us?
Think again, fat boy!
Now, let's get serious here.
When I come back, I'll play the clip.
The summation, I think, is one of the most powerful moments of the hearing that just ended 20 minutes ago.
And then there's so much more that we're going to be getting into here on air.
You realize in California,
They say that I'll be arrested for calling that fat man with pink lipstick
He is a man.
A man.
He is a man.
He is a man.
And we all try to show that we're not hateful and go, okay, you're a woman.
And it's like, okay!
Next, bring me your topless daughters!
Ha ha ha!
And all over the country and all over Canada, kids now come, because it's all run by the same people, and they ride horsey on men's genitals.
Big fat men have kids riding them, riding them, riding them, cowboy.
Hit them out, drive them in, move them out!
Raw HUD!
This ain't Rowdy Yates, ladies and gentlemen.
Man, I was watching old Rawhide episodes the other day.
It's so good.
So... It's a man, baby!
Dude look like a lady.
That's all coming up.
Infidel defilers.
They're all drowned in lakes of blood.
It's not a threat to anybody.
I like to quote Thoth of Doom.
It's from that great writing by, uh...
The great folks that wrote that.
I got a chance to meet the guy that wrote That's Daughter.
She's a very nice lady.
But I'll leave it at that.
A lot of stuff going on in D.C.
And, uh... Oliver Stone wrote that.
Conan the Barbarian.
Such a good movie.
Conan the Destroyer is a terrible, appalling movie.
All right, I'm going to get refocused when we come back.
And, uh, I was thinking about real women versus fat men and pink bubblegum lipstick and the obscenity of it all.
Bring me your children.
Show me you're open and not hateful of me.
While he rides around at Walmart in his little dart machine because he's too lazy to walk.
It's all about selfishness.
It's all about not respecting you and your children.
It's all about usurping the power of women.
My perverted sick men!
We'll be back with the destruction of Muller straight ahead.
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Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Now that's a two-edged sword.
Alex Jones, Airbag Live.
I chose to pull the shortest straw.
I chose to make history.
I chose to be demonized and probably destroyed in my time, but to change the world in the future for the better.
That's called leadership.
And you can make no mistake that Donald John Trump is trying to execute that same operation, and that's why he's so hated.
He's certainly not perfect, but almost every attack leveled on him.
And every false charge levied against him is patently false.
So when the mainstream media is up there telling you that Trump's the biggest liar the planet ever saw, and, oh look, we got a hundred containers of gumballs here, each gumball is a lie, it's all theater and stunt.
And look, I know you know that.
But weak-minded people buy into it, and that's why they're so crazed, because they believe a literal Hitler that has put children in cages and is killing them,
And making people drink out of toilets is in charge.
And every day, every minute, they're told it's an affront.
And they're told that this guy's bad and his supporters are bad.
And his supporters have got to be crushed.
They've got to be destroyed.
They've got to be hit in the head with steel pipes.
They've got to be shot at.
They've got to be firebombed.
Coming up next hour, I forgot these clips, Ted Cruz urges FBI to open RICO investigation into Antifa.
Hallelujah for that.
By the way, something on Ted Cruz that I want to get to later, maybe a message to Ted Cruz, because I ran into him, and I didn't know that last time I was in D.C., well, for the inauguration, last time I was there, I didn't know that I was literally, the condo I rented was next door to him.
So we come out, and out of the dark, because the light was off at the end of the hall,
Where our condos were at the end of the building.
Because we both had, I guess, corner three-bedroom condos.
I had my security people and stuff in there.
And out of the dark comes Ted Cruz looking like Count Dracula.
You know, that's his nickname.
But he literally glides out of the dark and goes, Alex Jones.
And I shot video of it.
And people seen it.
And we talked off-air as well.
And we had a talk.
And basically talked about burying the hatchet.
And then I'm always saying I'm going to send this message to Ted Cruz, but then I never get to it here on air.
So maybe later in the third hour, you guys remind me, we'll get that footage when I talk to Ted Cruz, and then we'll talk about the fact that he told the Washington Post that
I'm this terrible person but I still deserve my free speech because I said his dad killed Kennedy.
I didn't say your dad killed Kennedy.
I said your dad clearly worked for the CIA and lived in the area when it happened and was connected to the anti-communist groups and Trump talked about that.
That's Roger Stone said that.
And then Trump.
I covered it.
But see, oh, Alex Jones lied about my dad.
My dad almost sued him.
And that's not true.
So, I said I'd get to these clips, but I'm all over the map today, as you can see.
Let's go ahead and get to the opening of the beginning.
Of course.
Shows that Trump and others will go ahead and take the gloves off, which is already happening, and a bunch of their people are going to get indicted.
So that means the Democrats are going to war at an even greater level.
And that means, historically, they're going to try to assassinate the president.
So here's Representative Mike Johnson, the Republican, closing out the Mueller culmination of the witch hunt hearings today.
As the closer for the Republican side, I know you're glad to get to the close, I want to summarize the highlights of what we have heard and what we know.
You spent two years and nearly 30 million taxpayer dollars and unlimited resources to prepare a nearly 450 page report, which you described today as very thorough.
Millions of Americans today maintain genuine concerns about your work, in large part because of the infamous and widely publicized bias of your investigating team members, which we now know included 14 Democrats and zero Republicans.
Campaign finance reports later showed that team... Excuse me, it's my time.
That team of Democrat investigators you hired donated more than $60,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign and other Democratic candidates.
Your team also included Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which have been discussed today, and they had the lurid text messages that confirmed they openly mocked and hated Donald Trump and his supporters, and they vowed to take him out.
Mr Ratcliffe asked you earlier this morning, quote, can you give me an example other than Donald Trump, where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined, unquote.
You answered, I cannot.
Sir, that is unprecedented.
The President believed from the very beginning that you and your special counsel team had serious conflicts.
This is stated in the report and acknowledged by everybody.
And yet, President Trump cooperated fully with the investigation.
He knew he had done nothing wrong and he encouraged all witnesses to cooperate with the investigation and produced more than 1.4 million pages of information and allowed over 40 witnesses who were directly affiliated with the White House or his campaign.
By the way, hit pause.
Please back that up 20 seconds.
Think about this.
This is all true.
Trump gave over unprecedented emails.
All of the campaign emails.
Not just emails that they corresponded with people.
He gave them all.
I forget the number.
Like 30 million?
To be data-mined.
To be put into Democrat databases.
All this.
But okay.
The media said, if you don't give us everything, you're hiding it.
And then they would have stuff in the news like,
Wikileaks sent the code keys to Donald Trump Jr.
before Wikileaks, and then you get the date, it's a month after.
Everybody got those Wikileaks emails because they would send the email out, everyone would forward it with the code key to go and get the information off of their server.
But the media knew it was a month after that email had been sent out.
And they knew it had been sent to
Don Jr.
and that Don Jr.
hadn't even opened it!
That's just one little microcosm, one little factoid.
It's like, as soon as I get sued for Sandy Hook, I get sent Sandy Hook articles with hidden embedded code.
The code makes the child porn.
Then, the Democrats that work for Hillary, sue me, in discovery, demand any email that has the name Sandy Hook in it, and then computer scan it, and find the hidden child porn.
And then we start getting calls from the media.
Oh, it was being leaked.
It was being prepared.
That's why I exposed it.
And the national media ran the headline, Alex Jones sent child porn to Sandy Hook families.
Well, guess what?
It blew up in your face.
It failed.
Our support exploded after that.
Because people understand who the Democrats are and they know what they're up to.
And a lot of Democrats who aren't as evil as the people running the party have told me publicly and privately that they are leaving the party because of what they've seen done to Trump and done to me and done to countless others because they understand that it is a criminal mafia.
Let's go back to the Congressman.
The special counsel team had serious conflicts.
This is stated in the report and acknowledged by everybody.
And yet, President Trump cooperated fully with the investigation.
He knew he had done nothing wrong and he encouraged all witnesses to cooperate with the investigation and produced more than 1.4 million pages of information and allowed over 40 witnesses who were directly affiliated with the White House or his campaign.
Your report acknowledges on page 61, volume 2, that a volume of evidence exists of the president telling many people privately, quote, the president was concerned about the impact of the Russian investigation on his ability to govern and to address important foreign relations issues and even matters of national security.
And on page 174, volume 2, your report also acknowledges that the Supreme Court has held, quote, the President's removal powers are at their zenith with respect to principal officers, that is, officers who must be appointed by the President and who report to him directly.
The President's exclusive and illimitable power of removal of those principal officers furthers the President's ability to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed, unquote.
And that would even include the Attorney General.
Look, in spite of all of that,
Nothing ever happened to stop or impede your special counsel's investigation.
Nobody was fired by the president.
Nothing was curtailed.
And the investigation continued unencumbered.
That's right.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
The investigation is the crime.
They all committed crimes.
They all need to go to jail.
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Welcome back!
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Well, I tell you, the bullet hit the bone today.
I won't get up on air and say the Democrats are bleeding to death politically.
I don't see it happening.
I don't do the type of stuff they do where they just hype things up and hope they come true.
When I see blood and I smell blood, it's amazing.
There's blood on the streets.
It's up to my ankles, to quote Jim Morrison.
There's blood on the street.
It's up to my ankles.
These people have gone so far.
They've committed such massive crimes.
And that's why I'm particularly irritated today.
When I got into the office, I've been watching the hearing since it started.
While I was working out this morning and before that when I was having a little breakfast with my children.
With all four of my children.
Media says I don't have custody of my children.
I have full custody.
Just more hoaxes!
That's why I'll be out on the street and I'll have to walk by and go, F your family!
Because they'll see all my kids and my kids all look great and I'm happy and my great looking wife and everything and they just go, what?
F your family!
What a group of trash you are!
But anyways, the reason it gives me a headache is I was watching the testimony and I've got this clip.
It was like 9.30 or so I saw it.
So I'm going through all these clips trying to find the spot.
I think it was when he was talking to Biggs, Congressman Biggs.
And Mueller says he doesn't remember meeting with Rosenstein and Attorney General at the time, Jeff Sessions.
And he's obviously lying.
It's the worst lying.
His hands are shaking.
This was the day that Comey got fired.
And Mueller wanted the job.
It's all about the power structure.
Being in charge of the Justice Department so they can run the drugs and the cocaine and do whatever they want.
And of course, they know with Trump, it's not business as usual.
The US government's not going to traffic in narcotics.
That's another reason they're so pissed and all God's children and MS-13 and all of this.
They don't know what to do.
Because since the Poppy Bush days, they're shipping the drugs in.
There's a new sheriff in town.
This can't be allowed.
And so remember,
Comey told Trump, you're not under criminal investigation.
Of course, now we know they were running an illegal, secret criminal investigation of Trump and his associates, including yours truly.
And they use that investigation as the fake reason to say, take his bank ratings away, take his websites away, kick him off this, he's a Russian, he'll be arrested, Trump will be arrested.
And they use this giant bluff
To almost overthrow Trump in this country.
And that's why I'm so upset.
But we gotta find that clip.
Because I was sitting there watching it right when I was finishing my workout and it was so powerful.
Was asked, do you remember this meeting that day?
Remember that meeting?
Because they're all signed in meetings that are on record.
Of course he remembers meeting and trying to get the job.
Of course he remembers meeting and scheming with Rosenstein and with the Attorney General the day of and the day after when they decided to launch
The Special Counsel!
Because they didn't keep the old Deep State in!
Trump was kicking the Deep State out!
They got dirt on Sessions!
They told Sessions, we're gonna show you in that KKK outfit, buddy, 45 years ago, if you don't get down there and polish it!
Now get on your knees!
It's not about sex, Gary!
I don't mean to be graphic, but that's how it works with these bum lawyers, all arrogant up their percs like a bunch of vultures, hoping America can be sold off and cut up.
That's all they are is a bunch of corporate raiders.
They're a bunch of trash.
A bunch of sellouts.
And now they don't know what to do anymore.
Because everybody's been threatened into going along with them so far, believing they would get back in power.
Well, guess what?
You're not getting back in power.
We've just begun to dig your ass out.
I'm winning.
Trump's winning.
America's winning.
You're losing.
You're the losers.
It's emblematic that all their leaders, Mueller and Hillary and people like
The presumptive Democrat candidate Joe Biden can hardly talk.
Their hands are shaking.
They don't know what planet they're on because they're scared and they're cornered and they know there's criminal investigations and they know the fires of hell are lapping up at them like they're on a rotisserie spit.
And they look over and I and Trump, the American people, and all of us are just slow basting them.
Put a little butter on top.
Put some pepper on there.
Maybe a little garlic.
You know how much Hillary likes garlic.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
As Von Bismarck once said, God loves children, drunks, and the United States of America.
And they all thought America was down for the count.
And now they're all showing us who they are and what they stand for.
And they are.
Let's go ahead.
They found the Biggs clip and I'm going to go back to Representative Mike Johnson when he was closing it out.
Here is Mueller clearly perjuring himself unless he's got full-on Alzheimer's, which I could kind of believe.
He had to have the never-Trumper lawyer that Trump hates so much sitting there telling him what to say.
Here it is.
Mr. Mueller, evidence suggests that on May 10, 2017 at approximately 7.45 a.m., six days before the DAG's Deputy Attorney General appointed you special counsel, Mr. Rosenstein called you and mentioned the appointment of a special counsel.
Not necessarily that you'd be appointed, but that you had a discussion of that.
Is that true?
May 10, 2017.
No, I don't have any knowledge of that occurring.
You don't have any knowledge or you don't recall?
I don't have any knowledge.
Evidence also suggests... I mean, given what I saw you do, are you questioning that?
Well, I just find it intriguing.
Let me just tell you that there's evidence that suggests that that phone call took place and that that's what was said.
So let's move to the next question.
Evidence suggests that also on May 12, 2017, five days before the DAG appointed you special counsel, you met with Mr. Rosenstein in person.
Did you discuss the appointment of special counsel then?
Not necessarily that you, but that there would be a special counsel.
I've gone into waters that...
Don't allow me to give you an answer to that particular question.
It relates to the internal discussions he would have in terms of indicting an individual.
It has nothing to do with indictment.
It has to do with special counsel and whether you discussed that with Mr. Rosenstein.
Evidence also suggests that on May 13th, four days before you were appointed special counsel, you met with former Attorney General Sessions and Rosenstein and you spoke about special counsel.
Do you remember that?
Not offhand, no.
And on May 16th, the day before you were appointed Special Counsel, you met with the President and Rod Rosenstein.
Do you remember having that meeting?
And discussion of the position of FBI Director took place.
Do you remember that?
And did you discuss at any time in that meeting Mr. Comey's termination?
Did you discuss at any time in that meeting the potential appointment of a special counsel?
Not necessarily you, but just in general terms?
I can't get into discussions on that.
How many times did you speak to Mr. Rosenthal before May 17th, which is the day you got appointed, regarding the appointment of a special counsel?
How many times prior to that did you discuss?
I can't tell you how many times.
Is that because you don't recall or are you just... I do not recall.
Thank you.
How many times did you speak with Mr. Comey about any investigations pertaining to Ruster prior to May 17, 2017?
Did you have any?
That's all perjury, folks.
And again, you think he's meeting all these times in the days leading up to this with the Attorney General and people about the fact that Trump's getting ready to fire Comey and can he be put in?
And that's even come out, those meetings happen.
He's saying, I have no memory of those meetings because that's where they hatched the plot to take their secret illegal investigations, already getting millions of dollars of FBI money paid to their families to go around the internet and cook up BS.
So their lazy, stupid husbands and wives could get half a million dollars, a million dollars apiece to just come up with BS!
That's what these criminals are up to.
It's amazing.
We're going to go to break.
He was doddering.
He looks like he's had a frontal lobotomy.
He's emblematic of a collapsing state.
And there's a funny Jack Posobiec tweet.
Imagine if Mueller took Brain Force.
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Yeah, Drudge says he's dazed and confused.
He really could have used some.
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I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, you need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
What an astounding hearing.
I want to get to more of it.
I've already played some clips.
I also want to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour to get your take on what you thought of the hearing if you watched it.
But quite frankly, it's very important because it derails their next plan to remove the president.
But the fact that they're still pushing it means the President's going to really put his claws into them, which is the right thing to do anyways.
That's what I've told the President all along, is it's never going to stop.
They can't help themselves.
They're not going to make a deal.
They're not going to get sent to the Alba like Napoleon got sent away.
They're not giving up ever.
So you might as well just not let them have a chance at your throat, Mr. President.
You need to go after them for all their criminal activity now.
And the President's going to do that now.
So the system is not happy.
And by the way, I'm not bragging about that, but every time I've talked to Trump, he's telling me, oh, you know, appreciate you keep working hard.
Great job, man.
I see your fans everywhere.
You know, you're the next Rush Limbaugh.
I'm like, Mr. President.
Let's cut away from all that, sir.
You're too important.
Well, I am very busy.
Well, I just talked to this world leader.
I understand, sir.
They're going to kill you if you don't stop them politically.
They're never going to stop.
They have little dick syndrome.
That's what I told him.
He starts laughing.
That's what this is, okay?
There's no making deals with these people.
They're going to get me, Mr. President, if they get you.
I need you to stay in office now.
This is a total war.
So this isn't me kissing your ass saying you got to go on the offense.
You've got to do it, sir.
Don't your instincts tell you that?
He's like, well, they do.
You think people talk to Trump like that?
No, nobody does that.
I've done the talking when I get a chance to talk to Trump.
Because he's got the power.
And I defended him and put myself in the arena and now they're trying to kill me.
So I need Trump to execute properly.
Now here's the closer, Congressman Mike Johnson.
Here it is.
And on page 174, volume 2, your report also acknowledges that the Supreme Court has held, quote, the President's removal powers are at their zenith with respect to principal officers, that is, officers who must be appointed by the President and who report to him directly.
The President's exclusive and illimitable power of removal of those principal officers furthers the President's ability to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed, unquote.
And that would even include the Attorney General.
Look, in spite of all of that,
Nothing ever happened to stop or impede your special counsel's investigation.
Nobody was fired by the president, nothing was curtailed, and the investigation continued unencumbered for 22 long months.
As you finally concluded in Volume 1, the evidence, quote, did not establish that the president was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference, unquote.
And the evidence, quote, did not establish that the president or those close to him were involved in any Russian conspiracies or had an unlawful relationship with any
I think?
But while the President's social media accounts might have influenced some in the media, or the opinion of some of the American people, none of those audiences were targets or witnesses in your investigation.
The President never affected anybody's testimony, he never demanded to end the investigation, or demanded that you be terminated, and he never misled Congress, the DOJ, or the Special Counsel.
Those, sir, are undisputed facts.
There will be a lot of discussion, I predict today, and great frustration throughout the country about the fact that you wouldn't answer any questions here about the origins of this whole charade, which was the infamous Christopher Steele dossier, now proven to be totally bogus, even though it is listed and specifically referenced in your report.
But as our hearing is concluding, we apparently will get no comment on that from you.
Mr. Mueller, there's one primary reason why you were called here today and by the Democrat majority of our committee.
Our colleagues on the other side of the aisle just want political cover.
They desperately wanted you today to tell them they should impeach the president.
But the one thing you have said very clearly today is that your report is complete and thorough and you completely agree with and stand by its recommendations and all of its content.
Is that right?
Mr. Mueller, one last important question.
Your report does not recommend impeachment, does it?
I'm not going to talk about recommendations.
It does not conclude that impeachment would be appropriate here.
Time to put that old boy out to pasture!
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Devastating globalist lies, exposing the mainstream media's propaganda machine.
Tirelessly waging war on corruption, from deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
We're into hour number two.
Your calls are coming up, bottom of the hour, and I got more news and it's just every day it gets more insane.
I'll be blitzing through news as well once we get to your calls.
I'm gonna give the number out now and I'm just asking listeners, first-time callers, that means if you ever called but didn't get on because our phone system can take a hundred calls at a time or whatever,
Or you've never been on before.
I want to hear from you about what you thought if you watched the hearings this morning and the media response and what you got from it.
A lot of people thought, oh, Mueller's acting like a nice old man.
No, the handshaking was real.
The blanking out, the not caring is somebody that goes in and out of gear.
Because most people have Alzheimer's in their family.
Most people dealt with it.
We all know what it looks like.
You've seen it.
And Mueller was going in and out of gear the entire time.
Because there were times when he was just on the horns.
When he was in trouble and he wouldn't defend himself and was just floundering around.
And he had that, you know, that old man look.
The look of no teeth, kind of not caring.
He was going in and out of gear.
And again, it's emblematic of Hillary and her seizures and falling down constantly.
And there's a new video out on Infowars.com.
It's from AmericanMirror.com.
Video, Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech, wonders, what am I doing?
Let's go to DrudgeReport.com.
Because drudge is so good at just boiling it all down to its essence, dazed and confused.
I was thinking this morning.
What should I call the broadcast?
You know, we always have a page we post every day that has the audio and video feeds in it.
Oddishinforwars.com forward slash show.
And we put that headline up there that this is a disaster for the Democrats.
This is a derailment.
That Mueller appeared to be not there.
And again, he would win an Oscar if it was fake.
I agree, it was so bad some of my crews were like, well he's doing that on purpose.
No, no he's not doing it on purpose.
He's going in and out of gear.
He'd be there, he wouldn't be there.
He'd be there, he wouldn't be there.
Most frustrating thing ever to talk to a grandparent or somebody who you've known your whole life who was fiery with their intellect and then you see them going in and out of gear.
And sometimes they say something really cool and they're there and it's amazing.
You see him go out of gear, and this is why they didn't want him to testify.
The Democrats thought this was going to be impeachment, and he's this godlike figure, and he's invincible, and he can't be stopped.
Our champion is 73 years old and is sharper than anybody I know.
With his instincts, his intellect, his analysis, his gestalt, thin slicing.
And then look at all their champions, bumbling, drooling, put out to pasture.
And scared.
You know, DrudgeReport.com, with that photo, we'll just put that behind us here.
You know, the whole Drudge Report headline for the next hour.
It's emblematic of this, as I keep saying.
Drudge didn't just pause some videos still to get that.
That look that Mueller has of
Who is someone that knows Trump caught them.
He withstood them.
He has all the evidence, all the dirt, all the intel, everything of the crimes they committed, the perjury to Congress and paying their families at Fusion GPS and just everything.
The FISA court two years ago.
Put out a report saying we found misconduct in info we were given to allow these warrants on Trump during the campaign and after, and we call for an investigation.
Zero coverage.
I get a call from William Benning, former head of the National Security Agency.
He actually ran it.
Not the political head.
The number two guy at NSA.
The guy that created all this stuff.
Literally, he's credited with, like, he's the mastermind, okay?
He's like a comic book... Who's the guy that, like, super smart in comic books and, like, knows things psychically or whatever?
Okay, well, that's basically the character he's based on, okay?
The guy's the big brain.
And... What did he say?
He said, no one's covered this.
This has been out for six months.
I got a call.
Did you know that the FISA court did a inspector general of the federal courts put a report out saying this is all a fraud and that it's all a scam and that the warrants were illegally obtained.
That's coffin nails to these people and ladies and gentlemen that's only one piece of it.
When I try to think of all the pieces it gives me a headache.
There are hundreds
Admiral Rogers came to Trump when he was President-Elect.
Sir, they're illegally spying on you.
Here's all the evidence.
There are patriots in the government who aren't going to be part of this crap.
And that's what I'm saying is the Democrats are done, folks.
They're done if we just move against them and Trump doesn't get bullied by them or the mainstream media.
We're going to go to break.
I'll play more of the clips when we come back.
Then I'll give the number out.
We'll take your calls.
But let me show you a nice little tweet here from Jack Posobiec, at Jack Posobiec on Twitter.
Imagine if Mueller took Brain Force, which is the best nootropic out there,
There are other brands that are $100 that aren't as good, because they don't put any product in it.
This has all the great stuff for healthy, clean, focus.
And I know Jack Pacific loves BrainForce, former Naval Intelligence, great patriot at One American News Network.
And so Rob Dewey retweeted him a little ad we did that's fun on BrainForce.
So here it is.
But get your BrainForce at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLive.com.
But something tells me no amount of BrainForce Plus
Uh, would ever get Robert Mueller, who's been a fixant man, a nobody.
Sure, he did some stuff in Vietnam, but after that, he's been nothing but a cover-up artist.
Here's the report.
I said one time, who's in charge here?
And I think the congressman's right about that fact.
Jerry, you want some?
Yeah, I got some.
Here, Jerry.
You look a little dehydrated, brother.
Take a drink.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
Well, it took a little longer on the floor than I had anticipated in the custody of the border.
Everyone started sending signals to US, Mexico, Canada.
This is what happens when the meth doesn't work anymore.
That's not the accurate... Some people call it NAFTA, some call it NAFTA.
These are the traders that sold us out of China.
And now it's hard to get rid of them?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I hope he can too.
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Full power!
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It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
How many times must I say I love you, baby?
Globalists see dumbed-down populations to feed on.
I see the seeds to the universe.
I see God's face.
I see victory.
Alright, we're going to open the phones up next segment specifically for first-time callers in the first round or so on what you think about that hearing today and the whole train wreck of three years and Mueller bumbling around and saying he didn't remember meeting Rosenstein or the Attorney General in the days before when those meetings were public.
I mean, this was the bottom falling out.
And I don't think Republicans realize what just happened because I'm scanning the news and Drudge gets it says dazed and confused but
More than that, lying his ass off.
He didn't say, I don't recall, he said... I was not aware.
I was not aware.
You know, I don't have Alzheimer's, but my brain doesn't work as good as it used to, but Matt...
There's no teleprompter, but Matt popped in my ear and reminded me.
I was not aware.
I was not aware I met with these people over and over again in the huge shakeup in DC for the whole power structure.
What kind of?
I was not aware.
And maybe he's so senile he doesn't.
What do you think of that?
But here's the deal.
I've gotten a little bit better over the years, but I used to be really obnoxious 20 years ago about calls.
I was like, bam, bam, each person got like a minute.
And I'd get to hundreds of calls a show.
Now I, oh Alex, you're great, okay, you're great too.
So I rushed as dittos.
Because, hey, we love each other, we're awesome.
But I want to get to you, I want to get to the next person, I don't want folks holding.
So just get into what you thought, the bottom line, what you think is coming next.
Do you agree with me that this means that they're not going to give up, folks?
They're just going to go forward, even though the investigation is the evidence of the crimes.
And it's what they did, trying to overthrow an elected president.
And all this propaganda is the scandal of the century.
We're going to take your phone calls.
Let's get these clips though.
I'll never get to them.
There's so many.
I'll get to all these today one way or another.
We've only gotten to four of them so far.
Let's go ahead and go to Representative Louie Gohmert.
Pushes and pressures Mueller on whether anti-Trump bias existed.
That's like asking if the sky is blue at high noon.
Here it is.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Mueller, well, first, let me ask unanimous consent, Mr. Chairman, to submit this article, Robert Mueller Unmasked, for the record.
Without objection.
Now, Mr. Mueller, who wrote the nine-minute comments you read at your May 29th press conference?
I'm not going to get into that.
Okay, so that's what I thought.
You didn't write it.
A 2013 puff piece in the Washingtonian about Comey said basically, when Comey called, you'd drop everything you were doing.
It gave examples.
You're having dinner with your wife and daughter.
Comey calls, you drop everything and go.
The article quoted Comey as saying, if a train were coming down the track, and I quote, at least Bob Mueller will be standing on the tracks with me.
You and James Comey
Have been good friends or were good friends for many years, correct?
No, we were business associates.
We both started off in the Justice Department about this time.
You were good friends.
You can work together and not be friends, but you and Comey were friends.
We were friends.
That's my question.
Thank you for getting to the answer.
Now, before you were appointed as special counsel, had you talked to James Comey in the preceding six months?
When you were appointed as special counsel, was President Trump's firing of Comey something you anticipated investigating, potentially obstruction of justice?
Okay, internal deliberations in the Justice Department.
Actually, it goes to your credibility, and maybe you've been away from the courtroom for a while.
Credibility is always relevant.
It's always material, and that goes for you, too.
You're a witness before us.
Let me ask you, when you talked to President Trump the day before he appointed you, or you were appointed as special counsel, you were talking to him about the FBI director position again.
Did he mention the firing of James Comey?
Not as a candidate.
I was asked.
Did he mention the firing of James Comey in your discussion with him?
Cannot remember.
Cannot remember.
I don't believe so, but I'm not going to be... So you don't remember.
But if he did, you could have been a fact witness as to the President's comments and state of mind on firing James Comey.
I suppose that's possible.
Yeah, so most prosecutors want to make sure there's no appearance of impropriety.
But in your case, you hired a bunch of people that did not like the president.
Let me ask you, when did you first learn of Peter Strzok's animus toward Donald Trump?
In the summer of 2017.
You didn't know before he was hired?
I'm sorry?
You didn't know before he was hired for your team?
Uh, no what?
Alright, uh, when did you first learn of... When I did find out, I acted swiftly to have him reassigned elsewhere in the FBI.
Well, there's some discussion about how swift that was, but when did you learn of the ongoing affair he was having with Lisa Page?
About the same time I was struck.
Did you ever order anybody to investigate the deletion of all of their texts off of their government phones?
Once we found that Peter Strzok was an author of... Did you ever... May I finish?
Well, you're not answering my question.
Did you order an investigation into deletion and reformatting of their government phones?
No, there was an IG investigation ongoing.
Well listen, regarding collusion or conspiracy, you didn't find evidence of any agreement, I'm quoting you, among the Trump campaign officials and any Russia-linked individuals to interfere with our US election, correct?
You also note in the report that an element of any of those obstructions you referenced requires a corrupt state of mind, correct?
Corrupt intent, correct.
And if somebody knows they did not conspire with anybody from Russia to affect the election,
And they see the big Justice Department with people that hate that person coming after him.
And then a special counsel appointed who hires a dozen or more people that hate that person.
And he knows he's innocent.
He's not corruptly acting in order to see that justice is done.
What he's doing is not obstructing justice.
He is pursuing justice.
And the fact that you ran it out two years means you perpetuated injustice.
I take your question.
Gentlemen, time has expired.
The witness may answer the question.
That was beautiful.
I think that probably was an honest question.
Good old Texas.
Texas always comes through.
The bottom line of the glove was to take us down.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Imagine if somebody told you 20 years ago that in the future universities would be saying, don't use the term America or American, and that American flags would be seen as offensive, and that federal courts would be ruling that it's a hate symbol.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Viewers and listeners, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and we're under unprecedented evil attacks as you've seen.
But I wanted to take just a minute out here, from the bottom of my heart, to tell you how much it means to me that when you saw those lies against us last week, the worst things you can say about people, that you knew they were liars, you went and looked it up and found out the truth.
And so I feel very strong, and I feel God's hand on my shoulder, and I feel your love in my heart, and I want you to know that love is right back
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
The globalists hate free speech, and they hate empowering the people.
The entire dying dinosaur corporate media, CNN, MSNBC, bombard the public with anti-American, anti-family, anti-God, anti-gun messages.
People are sick of it.
Well, Subscribestar.com's exploding.
We have our own account at Subscribestar.com forward slash Alex Jones.
And six days a week, Monday through Friday, then on Sundays, I'll do the Sunday show, I'm going to take questions off Subscribestar, where you private message me, and I'm going to answer those questions on air, starting today.
So InfoWars.com is a great place to visit.
Subscribestar.com forward slash Alex Jones is the place to ask direct questions and I will answer them on air.
So be sure and join me during the weekday show to get your questions answered.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to tell you something right now, folks.
Gut level.
I was just during that break meditating, praying to God for answers.
Because I feel really good.
I see a lot of good things happening.
The veils being pulled away from the globalists are being shown as the anti-human, anti-God, anti-family people that resonate with the lie.
But I was thinking, what's really paramount here before we go to these calls for the rest of the broadcast and play some key clips and news?
And it was exactly what JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs and all the central banks are doing right now, because those private banks are the central banks, they own the private Federal Reserve.
They're saying the dollar is going to lose its World Reserve status, and that America's going down.
That's mainstream news today.
They've been beating that drum hard, but it's like,
Crescendo drum solo at this point.
I mean, it's got my ears bleeding.
And so, just like Bill Maher said, we're going to punish you for supporting America and supporting Trump.
We're going to teach you to hate him.
We're going to take food out of your mouth.
We're going to let your kids starve to death.
Remember him saying he wants the economy to crash.
Close quote.
That's people jumping out of windows.
That's losing the farm.
And that makes me so angry.
So let me tell you something.
The deep state's not giving up.
And I want everybody to know something.
If they're able to take the economy, they did it.
They think you're so stupid that you're going to blame America and Trump.
You know what?
America isn't stupid.
America was asleep.
And I just want to tell the globalists, I know some of you understand you're already beaten.
You're going to lose one way or another.
You're going to lose one way or another on your suicide mission against America.
And I don't want to go down this road, but I promise you, to Hillary Clinton's and Bill Maher's and the Barack Obama's of the world who were recruited by evil because they hate the spirit of this nation, you will be held accountable personally.
And just as the sun came up this morning, it's going to set this evening, you will be destroyed in this process.
Now, you're so turned over to evil, you don't care.
But maybe your minions around you will get off the sinking ship, because I really don't want to go down this road.
I'm committed.
I'll go down with the ship.
You know, I'm committed to my God.
You're committed to yours.
I understand it.
But for everybody else that's on the sidelines, you're not on the sidelines.
There's no spectators in the game of life.
And all the spectators that think they're going to play both sides, God said you were neither hot nor cold.
I spit you out of my mouth.
Stop trying to ride the fence, folks.
Stop trying to play in the middle of the highway.
That's where you get run over.
We're entering the age of purity.
We're entering an age of deciding what side you're on.
When I say purity.
Yeah, people have lived off the system and lived off our gravitas for a hundred plus years of decadence.
And you can play both sides and be corrupt and get away with it.
That's all coming to an end.
You're going to decide whether you want a brain chip or not.
You're going to decide, are you for pedophilia or not?
You're going to decide that you hate Jesus or not, because you're going to be made to make those decisions.
You're going to have to salute big fat men with pink lipstick in pools with your underage daughters.
Or you're going to be sent to prison.
You're going to submit to babies being killed after they're born.
And you're going to be told about it.
You're going to be shown it.
Because the system wants your soul.
It wants you to put up with it and make a decision, and you're being tested right now.
We'll go to break in five minutes, and we'll come back and go right to your calls.
But I want to play Representative Jim Jordan from this morning, also very powerful at the witch hunt that went off the rails event.
Here it is.
Director, the FBI interviewed Joseph Mifsud on February 10th, 2017.
In that interview, Mr. Mifsud lied.
You point this out on page 193, volume 1, Mifsud denied.
Mifsud also falsely stated.
In addition, Mifsud omitted.
Three times he lied to the FBI, yet you didn't charge him with the crime.
Excuse me, I'm sorry, did you say 193?
Volume 1, 193.
He lied three times, you pointed out in the report.
Why didn't you charge him with the crime?
I can't get into internal deliberations with regard to who would or would not be charged.
Let's remember this.
In 2016, the FBI did something they probably haven't done before.
They spied on two American citizens associated with a presidential campaign, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.
With Carter Page, they went to the FISA court.
They used the now famous dossier as part of the reason they were able to get the warrant and spy on Carter Page for a better part of a year.
With Mr. Papadopoulos, they didn't go to the court, they used human sources.
All kinds of, from about the moment Papadopoulos joins the Trump campaign, you got all these people all around the world starting to swirl around him.
Names like Halper, Downer, Mifsud, Thompson, meeting in Rome, London, all kinds of places.
The FBI even sent
Even sent a lady posing as somebody else, went by the name Azra Turk, even dispatched her to London to spy on Mr. Papadopoulos.
In one of these meetings, Mr. Papadopoulos is talking to a foreign diplomat.
And he tells the diplomat, Russians have dirt on Clinton.
That diplomat then contacts the FBI, and the FBI opens an investigation based on that fact.
You point this out on page one of the report.
July 31st, 2016, they open the investigation based on that piece of information.
Diplomat tells Papadopoulos, Russians have dirt, excuse me, Papadopoulos tells the diplomat, Russians have dirt on Clinton.
Diplomat tells the FBI,
What I'm wondering is, who told Papadopoulos?
I can't get into the evidentiary filing.
How'd he find out?
Yes, you can, because you wrote about it.
You gave us the answer.
Page 192 of the report, you tell us who told him.
Joseph Mifsud.
Joseph Mifsud's the guy who told Papadopoulos.
The mysterious professor who lives in Rome and London, works and teaches in two different universities.
This is the guy who told Papadopoulos.
He's the guy who starts it all.
And when the FBI interviews him, he lies three times, and yet you don't charge him with a crime.
You charge Rick Gates for false statements, you charge Paul Manafort for false statements, you charge Michael Cohen with false statements, you charge Michael Flynn, a three-star general, with false statements.
But the guy who puts the country through this whole saga, starts it all, for three years we've lived this now, he lies, and you guys don't charge him.
And I'm curious as to why.
Well, I can't get into it, and it's obvious, I think, that we can't get into charging decisions.
When the FBI interviewed him in February, FBI interviews him in February, when the special counsel's office interviewed Mifsud, did he lie to you guys, too?
Can't get into that.
Did you interview Mifsud?
Can't get into that.
Is Mifsud Western intelligence or Russian intelligence?
Can't get into that.
That's a lot of things you can't get into.
What's interesting, you can charge 13 Russians, no one's ever heard of, no one's ever seen, no one's ever going to hear of them, no one's ever going to see them.
You can charge them.
You can charge all kinds of people who are around the President with false statements.
But the guy who launches every, the guy who puts this whole story in motion, you can't charge him.
I think that's amazing.
I'm not certain I agree with your characterizations.
Well, I'm reading from your report.
Mifsud told Papadopoulos, Papadopoulos tells the diplomat, the diplomat tells the FBI, the FBI opens the investigation July 31st, 2016, and here we are three years later, July of 2019, the country's been put through this, and the central figure who launches it all?
Lies to us, and you guys don't hunt him down and interview him again, and you don't charge him with a crime.
Here's the good news.
The president was falsely accused of conspiracy.
The FBI does a 10-month investigation.
James Comey, when we deposed him a year ago, told us at that point they had nothing.
You do a 22-month investigation.
At the end of that 22 months, you find no conspiracy.
And what's the Democrats want to do?
They want to keep investigating.
They want to keep going.
Maybe a better course of action, maybe a better course of action is to figure out how the false accusations started.
Maybe it's to go back and actually figure out why Joseph Nipsey was lying to the FBI.
And here's the good news.
Here's the good news.
That's exactly what Bill Barr is doing.
And thank goodness for that.
That's exactly what the Attorney General and John Durham are doing.
They're going to find out why we went through this... That's the only part I don't agree with.
Did you see those lawyers behind Mueller, your TV viewer?
All of them are deep state.
And Barr is desperately trying to save their ass, but the Democrats won't stop attacking, forcing his hand.
Last night, I'm on Infowars.com, and I read, Chris Pratt criticized for t-shirt choice.
It is literally the shirt that I envisioned.
A Betsy Ross, but also another just classic American flag, all 50 stars, with the Gadsden snake superimposed over it.
And on the back, America's back, Infowars.com.
But what's better than just an American flag?
How about a don't tread on me under the flag?
Saying don't tread on the American flag.
It's a perfect combo.
So great minds think alike.
I mean, whoever designed that shirt, we'd already come up with the exact same, similar design.
It is the Don't Tread on Me American flag t-shirt inspired by the triggering of leftist of the shirt worn by Chris Pratt.
But it's a battle tattered flag like the one that flew over Fort Sumter.
And again, on the back, it says America's Back Infowars.com.
4,000 of these babies.
And that's it.
So we've got the Betsy Ross version and the American flag version at InfoWarsTore.com being printed in the USA right now.
We'll be right back!
The most banned broadcast in the world!
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Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to
I don't know.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Don't take it lying down.
We're not taking it lying down.
We're fighting back.
We're gonna win.
I'm telling you, believe in Jesus Christ.
Everything's gonna be alright.
Think about those children that are counting on us.
Wake up!
Pray the Lord your soul to keep.
Lord's Prayer, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, let's get into it.
I want to go to your phone calls.
And then, the Google News is so huge.
The central bank's trying to plunge the economy is so unbelievably important.
But, we've all been inflicted with, we didn't elect Trump, and we're all Russian agents.
For so long,
That it's important to just look at what a lie to train wreck this is.
We've been doing that and we're taking your calls on it.
I went to the shooting range a few weeks ago with Robert Barnes.
It was fun, shooting full auto.
I'm going to air that in the first 15 minutes of the fourth hour, then Mike Adams takes over.
Always does a great job.
And I've got to air at least a boil down.
This is 14 minutes.
I watched it this morning.
We boil it down.
It's also good though, so important, current senior Google engineer goes public on camera.
This is a guy making a million bucks a year, senior engineer, and he's risking his job and violating his non-disclosure to tell the truth about how Google is going to steal every future election and says they are.
And you're seeing this snowballing effect.
As more and more people come out, it becomes easier for others to come out.
That's what leadership is.
But I don't want to be sitting here in 10 years people saying, oh you were so right, oh you're such a hero and be invited to the White House by some future president.
I don't want that.
I want freedom for our children in the future and to secure the realm.
That's leadership.
So we have a chance to go to the stars and beyond.
I don't want Hollywood.
I don't want to be told how great I am in my time.
When you're told you're great in your time, when you're loved by the system, you're bad.
We're good to go.
Oh, Alex, it's so terrible, you know, what they do to you.
How are you handling them?
You must be really depressed.
And I say, no, I'm actually fighting for my life and your life.
And I've had such a big effect thanks to your support that we've changed the world.
And now they want to destroy us because we're effective.
And so really, I just want to win.
And I kind of overheat.
I get so passionate about defeating the globalists that I get upset.
I get angry.
With myself, my family, the crew sometimes.
Because I get pissed reading all this and watching all this and knowing this and thinking it should be easier to defeat this.
So if listeners want to support us, keep me in the game.
Keep this operation in the game.
And all the covert things we've got going and some new things that will be announced soon.
We've been about a year behind in projects because of the attacks.
So much stuff is on schedules.
Other things are behind.
There's a lot of stuff I can't tell you about, obviously with the platforming, but the enemy's got my phones tapped.
They know they are really pissed.
And trying to figure out how they can stop what we're doing, but let me tell you, the money you send us when you buy the products is working in a lot of great mysterious ways that I can't tell you.
Mysterious just means you don't know quite the plan, but somebody's got a plan and believe me, it's going on big time.
And I'm just, we're so close to launching a lot of this.
A lot of it's already been launched.
We've got dead man switches in everything.
And so,
This is a big mojo, big medicine type stuff.
And it's simple things, like the left doesn't want you to wear American flags.
They hate Betsy Ross flags.
They hate Don't Tread on Me flags.
We just combined them all three together.
And that's the new limited edition shirt that we've sold half of.
Probably got another week of it or so, and that flag will be gone forever.
And the Betsy Ross, These Colors Don't Run was so popular, it was limited edition.
We brought back another one that's similar, but a new limited edition as well.
We have one with 1776 Worldwide under it, and the Betsy Ross flag above it, across the chest, nice navy blue shirt.
We have another, these colors don't run, in blue and white, and on the back it says America's Back and fullwars.com.
So again, it's a new variant, new designs, and then we've got the, it's not really Chris Pratt inspired, I said our next flag's the Gadsden snake over the American flag, the Betsy Ross flag, and don't tread on me, it makes perfect sense with somebody else that already made it.
The Patriot-level Manhattan Project stuff.
And I know the enemy knows because some people involved have been threatened, so that's why I went ahead and started telling you two weeks ago that we've got
Five big projects, two of them are done, others are nearing completion, and there's other people running them, and the White House knows about a lot of it, and just, let's just say this, we're pressing the attack, as the President's told me to do.
I wouldn't need the President to tell me that, I'm pressing the attack regardless, because I didn't go through all this to give up, I'm not a loser, neither are you, so all I ask is,
Number one, pray for us.
That's the most powerful thing.
Number two, word of mouth.
Spread the word on your email, your text messages.
Word of mouth about InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones is still on air.
I see it all over YouTube now.
I'll be watching some other video about something else and it says, Alex Jones is still alive and he's at InfoWars.com for its last show.
And you see Senator Blumenthal going...
You released the monster.
It's a quote.
Now you've got to contain him.
We do not want him anywhere.
They're like, sir, other people upload him, other people interview him.
I want it stopped.
Sir, we have AI about to do it.
I mean, how outrageous is that?
So again, I don't talk about ourselves, but we're at the center of this fight.
So Kyle, Joshua, Jim, Carlos, Eli, David, Miguel, Julius, Joe, we will get to all of those calls at least.
And we will take your calls, but we have the DNA Force Plus.
It's 50% off.
It's amazing.
Just research it for yourself, please.
DNA Force Plus at mforcewear.com.
This reletality is amazing.
It's 50% off and a lot more, and that's how we fund this operation.
So please, I want to thank you all that have supported us.
I want to encourage those that haven't gotten involved to go check it out.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, sign up for auto-ship on things you're going to reorder, like coffee.
Get an additional 10% off.
Okay, let's do it right now.
Let's start with callers here.
I'm a day late to Dollar Short, but I'm getting to him.
Let's talk to Kyle in Iowa.
You're up front.
Welcome, sir.
How's it going, Alex?
I got my mind running about a million miles a minute, so I'm going to try and encapsulate it.
You're asking how I'm going?
Look, we're winning right now, but let me tell you, the enemy's got a vicious right uppercut, and I'm looking for that right now.
Go ahead.
Yeah, okay.
I had a point I want to call on.
I encapsulate that, but I also have a precautionary thing for people on the right and Trump on the back end.
I want to kind of piggyback that.
I don't know what I was going to say, but I think everything that's happening with the Russian collusion investigation, all this stuff, all this stuff, plus everything that's happening in social media, in the social sphere, I think it's
It's almost overtly ridiculous, and I think that's almost on purpose, and I think the reason for that is twofold.
First, I think the establishment wants to maybe gauge how effective their kind of programming is from the Prussian model of education and all these other aspects that they've... Sure, America's being given a choice.
Yeah, yeah.
So I think they want to see how effective they've been by running a lot of these
Rolling out 5G, rolling out brain chips, stuff like that?
Yeah, yeah, all of it, all of it.
Let me say this though, you're a smart, informed guy, so you kind of have a blind spot.
You think, oh, this is so over the top, this is meant to cause a right-wing revolution.
The left's done this all over the world and they've taken over with, hey, everything's going to be free and all this.
So you have to understand there's a dumbed-down groups of people that are buying all this.
So I think you underestimate the fact that raw,
Yeah, no, no.
I totally agree with that.
I think there's a lot of different moving parts to it.
I think you have the folks that are...
And so they're kind of a misfire.
They're kind of like, you know, in swimming or running, somebody jumps the line.
That's all they're doing is their false starting.
They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, they're not supposed to know we're gonna take their kids and their guns and, you know, let pedos rape their children.
And they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on, I want you to finish up what you think we're not talking about or what you think we're being diverted from.
I think that's an important question.
Kyle, stay there.
Back in two minutes with Joshua and everybody else.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is The Info War.
The globalists are hyper-competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life and make your own decisions gets in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, uh, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Trump is Godzilla wrecking ball with the goblins.
We're finishing up with Kyle in Iowa.
You're saying, what is the distraction for?
The Globalists are radicalizing their base.
They want a violent revolution.
And it's worked everywhere else, and so they're trying to execute it.
I've really looked into this, and Soros and others think they've got so much power, they've never been brought to heel.
That psychopaths always then begin to try to get caught at a subconscious level, because even though the spirit that's in them and their cerebral cortex is carrying out evil, their subconscious physical body wants to kill them.
George Soros wants to kill himself.
Alexander Soros wants to die.
I don't wish any harm upon them, other than supermax prison after they're convicted.
And so, RICO investigations have already begun, Ted Cruz is talking about it, of Antifascist Terror Group, but what about who funds them?
I have the documents, I'll show it next segment.
But you're saying, what is this distracting from?
You know, to look at people like Day of the Dead zombies believing there's concentration camps, that kids are drinking out of toilets, no one got in trouble for lying about that.
And so the next whopper is going to be bigger.
And so this is kind of going over the edge of a cliff, in my view, is what I see happening.
What do you think?
So I want to dial it back just really quick.
And like I said, because I think what I thought of after I called in, I think I have almost a more important point about... Sure.
I'm not screening your call.
So go ahead.
You're live on air.
No, no, no, no, no.
I wasn't accusing you of that.
So just to dial it back, whenever I think about or whenever I analyze
Um, what's kind of happening in the meta, if you will, um, of what's happening.
I was trying to think about it like, okay, you got, you got possibility A and why is this happening?
And then you got possibility B. So I agree with all the points you made.
That's just what I want to say.
Um, but I was trying to kind of think of like, okay, well, what if this is the, this is the case now to the distraction.
I think the important thing is, is, um, kind of like when you, um, are test smelling cologne and you got to smell the coffee beans to kind of reset your sense a little bit.
Um, they've been ratcheting up all this so much that I think, um, sometimes you got to kind of dial yourself back and say, kind of go back to square one and be like, what is it?
What are they trying to, what's their end game?
What are they trying to do?
And you've done a good job over the years of spelling, spelling that out you and, and, and some others of saying, Hey, this is what the elite establishment wants to do.
So we know they want a 1984 type control grid system.
Um, they, you know, they want to have.
We're only given limited systems that dehumanize us, instead really open up the full potential for everybody, and then folks can actually make the real decision about what they want to do, but not have a technocracy, meaning global technological dictatorship, directing the technological development.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, no, it makes absolute sense.
Everything they're doing, I think, is really just a distraction from them putting these things in place.
Because I saw a deal where they're implanting people with microchips, I think, in Australia.
I know they've been doing that for a while.
Companies are doing it everywhere.
Sweden says, free buses if you take chips.
I mean, come on, folks.
This is, this is all for total control.
Because if they can get you to take a chip, next you'll take a brain wiring, and it's, it's, it's just, you know, oh, we'll never have chips.
Now it's like, hell, we're gonna all have chips.
We're only gonna have wires in our brains.
I just spent two segments with that caller.
That's okay.
He's a great caller, but I've gotta move quicker.
I'll never get to Joshua, Jim, Carlos, Eli, and so many others on the other side.
So, bam, bam, bam, we're back in 60 seconds.
Remember them.
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We're not machines.
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They're counting on you, not realizing the power you have.
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Well, I was summoned from Montgomery.
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He said it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, let's go boom boom boom for your calls.
What do you think of the testimony today?
I thought it was off the rails.
Mueller looked like he was having basically Alzheimer's.
He was lying about public events that are known to have occurred.
It was a fiasco.
It's not what the Democrats were hoping for, but they're going to declare victory like they always do.
But how are they going to sucker punch us?
Well, they want to try to implode the economy and still the election with Google and Facebook manipulating.
Mr. Jones, it's a pleasure.
At first, I've got to say, I use the X2, the X3.
The Ultra 12s, I love them all, make me feel incredible.
What I saw there today, from the little snippets I saw, that man is definitely withdrawing from something.
I think when Trump shut down this child sex trafficking, as much as he has, all of them look like they're going through withdrawals.
Nadler, Cuomo, Pelosi, I think they're just trying to distract us from, like you said,
If Google decides... By the way, what you just said sounds fantastical, but if you study adrenochrome, which is a real drug, and Google admits it's real, that the royal families and others have been caught... I was told this 20 years ago, it came out in the Jimmy Savelle story, that they would go in and get the pituitary glands of children at the morgue, and he would bring them to Prince Charles.
And so, yes, these people are obsessed with eating children's pituitary glands.
And it's funny you say that, because Hillary and all of them aren't in the power structure anymore, but they want unaccompanied kids who they admit are being kidnapped and killed.
We know there's organ harvesting going on as well, and they want babies to be kept alive and all the rest of it.
And it's just, we have to say that's in the realm of possibility, because that's literally who these people are.
So, I mean, is that what you're saying?
Yeah, well, being up here in Jersey, I mean, I'm out of South Carolina, and I'm up here working with a friend of mine.
And the people up here, there are some very smart ones, and then there are people that are just completely overtly dumb.
I mean, I got a driver that works with me, and he's got no teeth, and he swears that fluoride's good for your teeth.
I said, but you have no teeth, and it's in your water at your house.
How is it good for your teeth?
I mean, they just don't get it.
And I think, you know, there's a saying, every day we wake up and we fall further from the grace of God.
I think you're right, man.
We've got to get back to the roots here and get back to God and country.
Oh, it's crazy.
The closer you get to God, and I'm not saying I'm on some holy man or on a high horse, but the closer you get to God, the more knowledge you get, the more understanding.
I mean, the intelligence level, it's just the piercing understanding.
And then you go around people that serve evil.
They're stupid.
They're like robots and they just sputter around like demons.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Jim in Colorado.
Jim, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling on this amazing day.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm good, brother.
Well, first off, let me say what Gerald Cilente said on the last part of your show yesterday almost brought tears to my eyes because I identify with that totally.
I'm not for the Republicans any more than I'm against the Democrats.
I think the whole thing is rotten from the top to the bottom.
And I'm extremely disappointed in Trump, extremely disappointed in the man.
He promised he was going to have Hillary arrested.
If you're not going to have her arrested, who are you going to go after?
There's just overwhelming evidence of not only criminality, but treason.
The Bush Administration.
My God, if you're not going to have those people arrested for war crimes, who are you going to go after?
No, but you understand the argument is that he's up there in D.C.
with all these scumbag lawyers and all these establishment people that sold the country out, and if Trump tries to go after them all, they'll really sabotage the government of the country.
My argument is they're already doing it, might as well do it, but the Justice Department is so full at the top,
Of sycophantic yes-men and just a bunch of people that are in love with themselves.
All the white shoe boys, white shoe boys, not white Jew boys like the news said, white shoe boys who literally are so arrogant and so stupid and so insulated.
Uh, and so insular that they don't know what they're doing.
I mean, I just, Trump can't get the funding for the border wall.
He, he got emergency funding and the border patrol said, fix the areas that are already broken.
That's the main point.
He did what they want.
Oh, Trump didn't build any wall or, you know, Trump, look, I'm mad at Trump about not going after vaccines.
5G, super bad news from a surveillance and health perspective.
He is pulling us out of Afghanistan, pulls out of Syria, trying to make peace deals with North Korea.
Two good Supreme Court justices compared to what Hillary would have done.
Massive amounts of new jobs.
I mean, he's definitely rooting for America.
So I just don't get, like... I mean, I run my own company.
I've got an amazing crew.
Best crew I've ever had.
Okay, but it takes time to get stuff done.
We have problems.
Stuff gets messed up.
And they're not working against me.
If they were working against me, we would be shut down in a week, okay?
Trump has people working against him.
I don't know how the hell he is supposed to magically do all this.
I'm just being reality-based.
Can I make a suggestion?
Yes, sir.
Me and my father have had this exact conversation that you and I have gone through, and my dad said the same thing you did.
He said he's afraid of triggering a civil war, or he can't get the support for what he needs to do.
But let me tell you this.
There's still a lot of good Christian right-wing people in this country who believe.
I'm not talking about Republicans.
I'm talking about right-wing people.
No, I know.
There's a war we're going to win, but about 20 million people are going to die.
Are you ready for that?
Any day for 20 million people to show up with their Second Amendment right arms in their hands and start this country anew.
Because if we don't, we're going to be on the short end of the stick when it's done.
Jim, I agree.
And we're going down that road right now.
That's what's coming, Alex.
And he knows that.
He knows that.
He's not a stupid man.
I've watched the guy for a long time.
No, Trump does know that.
Let me tell you something.
Trump's ready to call out the military and everything.
He just has to make sure the people are with him.
He wants to try to fix this the right way.
Believe me, Trump's not giving up.
Let me tell you, there's a good chance they're going to kill him.
You know that, right?
Well, if he's really against them, then yes.
But in my view, this thing is all an elaborate bruise.
I mean... Listen, you heard the last caller hinting at that.
You think this real conniption fit?
Let me tell you.
I've been attacked before Trump got in.
The attacks have been a hundred times worse.
Let me tell you, Trump's taken power from them.
Now, maybe he's some other group and could be bad.
My gut doesn't say that, but let me tell you, he's taken the power away from the deep state that hijacked this country and sold us out of the CHICOMS.
Let me tell you something, they are legitimately getting their asses removed right now.
That's why they're so pissed, brother.
So we can sit back here and watch Trump up there.
And then wonder why we're not being, you know, delivered out of this quicker.
He's just the president.
He's not a dictator.
And they have created so many snot-nosed, America-hating pills in this country that really believe all this crap.
That's why they hand out Play-Doh and coloring books at colleges.
I saw a constitution!
They go, come in here!
And they have little tables that are a foot high and full-grown adults sit there and play with Play-Doh.
A third of our country plays with Play-Doh and lives off mommy and daddy's money.
So you're probably a hard-working guy as a family.
You just are disconnected from that so you don't realize how many blobs there are.
Do you have any idea how many blobs there are, Jim?
Oh Alex, I'm very well educated.
I've lived all over the world.
I now live up in deep in the mountains because I know what's coming.
I no longer live around large populations.
So, I understand how bad you think this is.
Believe me, buddy.
I've got the escape pods warming up right now.
But I'm going to stay on this ship myself and get the family out.
Because we've got to have rear-guard actions if this thing goes sideways.
I just want all the snot-nosed people out there to know something, too, and I think this show's funny.
You've lived in a free country a long time, you've pissed all over it, and you have no idea what you're opening the door for.
I appreciate your calls.
Do you have anything else you want to add?
You just hung up.
Just spent a whole other segment with two callers.
I've got to move quicker because I've got a bunch of clubs I've got to get to and I promise to get to these.
Eli in Kentucky and Carlos and David and Miguel and Julius and Joe, your calls are coming up.
You don't think I don't want to be on 100 Acres?
We're 50 miles from a town with my woman, my kids, the dogs and me.
Oh my God.
I just have dreams about a Bronco and my deer rifle and a garden and just getting out of all this.
But we can't do it because they'll hunt us down there.
We built civilization to defeat tyranny.
And we're going to continue it and we're going off world.
The next level will be achieved.
Hold fast.
We're going to win.
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Oh, thanks.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody to where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on my toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing like the fish oil or the turmeric or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
But listen, when people get the Patriot points, a lot of times it makes things a loss later.
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And then you do something like that, where you have Patriot points, we lose money.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
That's what's happening.
The globalists were in power and they were airing a bunch of lawyers that were selling America off like they were a butcher shop.
But now they're getting orders and there's less and less people there that believe them.
That's why these tyrants now look like deflated, popped, blown out tires that are in pieces on the side of the road.
We're getting stronger.
They're getting weaker.
But you can't let them demoralize you.
Their full nastiness, their full celebration of killing already born babies and having sex with your children and devil worship is meant to make you give up.
I've told this story probably 30 times now and I haven't really told the entire story.
I was invited to the Sundance Film Festival and I told my crew exactly what it was and I sent a representative
And he said, oh my God, it's exactly what we were talking about.
They're openly saying, these are meetings at dinner.
They're not even hiding this.
Our job is to demoralize and to shock people and just make them get overwhelmed until they give up.
And to just be the worst we can.
That's why it's all pedophilia, devil worship, because they're getting us to basically capitulate.
It's not working.
I had this one group of filmmakers, famous filmmakers here, and they were telling me all this stuff, and I said, you've been sent here by the power structure, and they're going to tell you, once you think I'm going to do this film deal with you, that this is your list of things to do.
They later came back and said, you're right, we were given a list of things to do exactly what you said, and I said, yeah, so go ahead and leave now.
I've already been down this road over and over and over and over and over again.
The globalists run the same place because they've worked.
But what worked back then isn't going to work now in this new system.
It's not the new age that the new agers tell you about.
It's the real new age, folks.
And the dogs that hunted in the past aren't going to be hunting in the future.
Their system's over.
They're just now figuring it out.
This is all the bluster of a rearguard action.
So I'm not trying to get in... I'll be honest, if I was invited to the White House, I probably would not have gone.
And I've already had the White House reach out to see if I want to go, and I'm like, really?
What's the point?
What's the whole PR point of that?
I'm the outlier.
I'm the dark horse.
So are you.
That's what America's always been.
We built new worlds, new cities, new countries, new systems.
We're not back at the imperial throne rooms.
It's great to have Trump there to try to direct the defeat of the globalists from that, but the real power is you.
Who was it?
Charlie Chaplin said, I wouldn't be part of any club that would have me.
All right.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Let's talk to Eli in the great state of Kentucky.
Eli, you're on the air.
Thanks, Alex.
Awesome to be on air with you today.
I'm a first-time caller.
It's crazy, man.
I just want to let you know that out here in the rural state of Kentucky, this is Trump country.
We appreciate everything that you do every day.
Fifty years from now, when the history books are rewritten, you will be right next to President Donald Trump as one of the main voices
We're good to go.
Destroyed globalism.
One man has taken down an entire system.
And they're losing everywhere else as well.
It's true.
If you look across the world, populism is in a resurgence.
I mean... So what do you say to the last callers?
I'm not mad at them, and I get their frustration.
I get obsessed with this too, because I'm waiting around having to look at, you know, pedophiles and devil worshippers all day, but I gotta warn people, so I gotta look at them.
I feel sorry for cops and the FBI that have to, like, you know, go to the crime scenes.
I just couldn't do it.
It's like that Border Patrol head said, I've been in the trailers with the dead kids and the steak and the father holding their baby.
Don't you tell me, AOC, I'm killing kids, you damn liar!
Because he's saving people, and so I understand what that's like.
But I just, I know the frustration though, it should be so easy to beat this.
Choosing goodness should be so much easier.
But you hear the callers thinking, oh, Trump's pulling a fast one.
No, folks.
He makes mistakes, he's not perfect.
This is real.
There's not just evil in the world.
Trump doesn't have a hard-on for America, and he wants to be president.
Those are two cardinal sins.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, absolutely.
And I think it's something else that you point out, is Trump is alone.
I mean, he is surrounded by remnants
From the globalist regime that are still around him trying to sabotage anything that he wants to do.
Oh, I've got a crew that loves me and I'm a jerk a lot because I get frustrated and I apologize to them.
If I had those, I'm not, I'm 45 man and I could not put up with enemies all around me.
They've had a few infiltrators and they drove me crazy.
Some of them were family, I found out later.
Could you imagine having traitors around you who are lying about what you say and lying about what you do, but using classified info to make part of it real?
Could you imagine?
I mean, I'm not trying to kiss Trump's ass, it's incredible!
73 years old, surrounded by all those hyenas, and the lion is in there getting most of his agenda done, and he's replacing the Federal Reserve with patriots?
They are scrapping their drawers.
And I just want to thank you, brother, for being a true American patriot because if anybody else had came up against all the attacks from the media and the slurs and the lies and the attacks that you actually have against you, any other person would have probably gave up by now.
Brother, you're looking at this wrong.
You're looking at this wrong.
Once you're in this deep, there's no giving up anyways.
I'm fighting for my life, but you're the reason.
You're the audience that sees through it.
I'm not kissing your butt.
Without you, I'd be destroyed.
I'm literally in your hands.
You're the reason we're still fighting.
I can't give up.
I'm being fed into the wood chipper.
You're literally pulling me out of it every day with your prayers, your support.
Do you understand that though?
Eli, I don't want you to get this ass backwards.
You understand they're pissed about the show because it's a focal point for people like you to come together and to know you're not alone.
They want to demoralize you.
You understand that, right?
I mean, you can tell with, I mean, with the way Google suppresses you, the way you've been banned off Twitter.
I'll be honest.
I'd always known who you were and respected you, but I didn't really come on board with you, man, until they completely tried to silence you and that woke me up to realizing, hey, this man has a lot of points and a lot of truth.
And if you look back in history,
The regime always tries to suppress the one that speaks the truth.
Well, they're suppressing Trump.
They're shadow banning him.
They're all the same crap that I've been put through.
They just thought, oh, he's flamboyant.
He's this folk hero.
He's got a lot of warts.
Let's exaggerate it and tear him up.
They'll turn on him.
And then Jones will turn on Trump if we can get Trump to turn on him.
That's why last time I talked to Trump, I said, sir,
If you even need to turn on me, you can, but I don't care.
As long as you're doing the policies, I'm behind you.
And that's why the globals are so pissed, you see.
Because they're followers.
They would sell out in a minute because all they're looking for is a bigger swimming pool or a bigger helicopter.
Like, my helicopter isn't as nice as my neighbor's helicopters.
I know some of these real billionaires.
Who are globalists.
Over the years I've had meetings with them and around them.
Off-record stuff.
It wasn't corrupt.
I've met with them and I agree not to talk about it as long as they're not committing crime.
And they're literally obsessed with their silver T-set isn't the nicest or there's one better that Ward Rothschild has or their helicopter isn't the newest one but don't worry they're getting a new one.
And oh I'm sorry the private jet kind of there's a crack in the seat over here.
But, you know, just like you're on some $40 million jet and they're worried because there's a crack in the leather seat.
These people are crazy!
I do not want anything to do with people like that.
I'd love a private jet to go places, but I'm sure as hell not going to get mad because my neighbor's got a bigger one than me.
These people are crazy!
God bless you, Eli.
More calls straight ahead in a bunch of clubs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, we've been taking a lot of really amazing calls and I've got
I don't think that caller was wrong earlier when he said we're distracted by Trump.
It's not Trump that's distracting us, it's that
The big central banks, the private banks, are trying to crash the U.S.
economy, and they're admitting it right now.
And they're trying to take our world reserve currency away and change the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Now, I don't talk about violence and things to act tough.
And when I do it, it's either when I'm in an occasional rage, and I every once in a while do lose control.
That's not an act when I blow up on air.
It's a weakness, and I pray to God every day to control my temper, because it's my weakness.
But it's also all of our strength that we're real, right?
But the fact that they're trying to crash the economy, George Washington would get death warrants and he'd have people march in and they'd kill the heads of all those companies.
That's why George Washington was respected.
He didn't commit war crimes, but he got death warrants to kill people.
And he led from the front.
So, I'm just going to tell you something.
When banks that are out of our country have signed up with China and they're trying to plunge the economy to take your pension funds, your social security, your savings, your whole life, because they want to piss on our country because we were Christian?
Well, you're not walking on the fighting side of me, folks.
You're not walking on the... They're walking on the survival side of us.
So I don't want any violence against JPMorgan Chase, any of them, but I'll tell the President this.
Before they start a physical civil war with their methadone-infant people, we have a Pentagon, and we have the Marine Corps, and we have the Delta Force, and we have assassination teams to take out enemies extrajudicially.
And we're in an extrajudicial situation, and it'd be much, I know it's a very dangerous road to go down, but here's the problem.
They've put us in this position.
We didn't want to go this way.
We've tried to fix things peacefully.
We've tried to do it.
But now they're saying we're murdering children at the border and making them drink out of toilets.
I mean, they're inciting war.
And they've got a gun to our head.
And I'm not saying go give helicopter rides to the heads of Google and Facebook.
I'm just saying
That from a historical, mathematical, threat continuum spectrum, we've reached those points where if the President thought he had the leadership to carry it out, I think President Trump would do it.
And I know President Trump's had talks about it, if they try to kill him or start blowing stuff up, try to take the power grid out.
And you know anti-fund the Democrats are trying to take the power grid out, right?
And we've got the documents right here.
People always wonder, why do socialists and communists bring down civilizations?
It's what they do, they're satanic!
So, you got callers calling in, talking about, you know, uh, when's the shootin' start?
Shootin's already started, they're already firebombing ICE facilities, they're already shooting cops in the back all over the country, what do you think's going on?
And those things get played down even by Republicans because they're being advised, if you hype this, more is going to happen.
So, I'm not up here trying to general any type of physical uprising.
In fact, it's the opposite.
The problem is, they're not going to let us win peacefully.
And I think we all know that now.
I think that's really why we all have a sick feeling in our stomachs.
And so, we're all trying to ask ourselves, what the hell do we do here?
Because let me tell you something.
Bunch of leftists are running around burning stuff down.
It's going to be an empty feeling when you're looking at somebody in their black pajamas with their brains spread out in a pool of blood.
Big deal!
You just stomped on a turd.
Now, I get it.
It's like pulling teeth.
It's got to, you know, if it goes to that point, that's going to happen.
But I just want to make sure that we don't act like a bunch of bulls charging off at red capes here.
Because if the feces hits the oscillating fan blade,
It's every single corporate Democrat globalist leader that's going to be jumping.
If this stuff all kicks off, if you go to the private airports, you hear about the president's been killed.
You hear about police departments being attacked everywhere by communists.
If you go to the local private airfield, you're going to see black SUVs pulling up because they're going to go right when it starts.
And they're going to be flying out to New Zealand and Kauai, Hawaii and places like that and Luxembourg.
So you want real intel.
You gotta be up when it all happens and you gotta go to the local airfield and they'll all be pulling up and leaving.
Cause they're gonna sit it out while we all kill each other.
So, you wanna talk master plan military stuff?
You know, I could talk about it all day.
I've actually got a brain for that.
That's actually my specialty.
But the point is, is that we don't want to go into that position.
But yeah, we're in the middle of a foreign occupation of the media and the government.
We have a president trying to remove the cancer, because our own military and agencies are like, hey, we're corrupt, we're not perfect, but my God, we're not going to sell it to the shycomps.
From a power position, why would we just screw America over when we have all the cards?
Because it's metaphysical.
Because the globalists want us to go down for world government.
They want every little wimpy scumbag.
Let me tell you about the CIA or all these agencies.
You'll have little egghead nerds who are totally threatened by the military people.
That's why they love sending them off to die.
They talk crap about behind their backs.
They talk about how they're useful idiots, how they're cannon fodder, how they're stupid.
That's what Henry Kissinger said about the military.
Because they're threatened by it.
And that's what this whole exercise is.
But I'll tell you the good news.
I talked to a famous CIA commando just the other day.
And then another friend of mine ran into one of these guys we know on the hiking bike trail, and we're like, we thought you were off, you know, guarding Mr. Tedlingwench.
And he said, nah, I just can't handle it, even though the money's so big, I just can't be around these people.
And that was it.
It's like they can't even, let me explain something, they can't get anybody to protect them now.
People are like, $300,000 a year?
No, I'm not, they can't be around it.
And so what does that tell you?
They're a day late, a dollar short, on getting their little robots, and all their little, it's all fantasy.
None of it's gonna happen.
And of all these little meth-head, big tech guys, all hauling ass to New Zealand, when they're not over here telling us to take our brain chips, if they think their life's worth ten cents when a civil war starts, the first thing that's gonna happen is you're gonna get
Wire wrapped around your neck and you're going to black out and you're going to be dead.
And then everything in your facility is going to get jacked.
Because see, the people you're around don't want money.
They want victory for our species and they want you dead.
And you are dead.
You understand that?
You're already the walking dead.
You haven't figured it out yet.
You'll figure it out soon enough.
There are a lot of people on this planet that don't care about status or money.
We care about justice and our children.
And if you want to run your mouth and threaten us and talk about how you're going to kill us, it's you who are going to die!
You understand that?
We do the killing!
We do the hanging!
And the age of man isn't over!
The age of humanity has just begun!
So you can set your watch by that.
And you can bet your bottom dollar, all you little pisshands.
That want to destroy women, and destroy children, and destroy families, and destroy our strength?
You'll destroy nothing!
You've only come to test us!
You were a tool used by God!
And when we're done with you, you'll be thrown into the ash heap of history.
Not us!
You can guarantee everything that ever was, ever has been, and ever will be.
That God's real.
The devil's real.
The universe is real.
This planet orbiting that big sun glowing outside is real.
And the laws of nature are incontrovertible.
You're losers, globalists, and that's why you chose Satan.
And now, you're gonna burn in hell.
The globalists hate free speech, and they hate empowering the people.
The entire dying dinosaur corporate media, CNN, MSNBC, bombard the public with anti-American, anti-family, anti-God, anti-gun messages.
People are sick of them.
Well, Subscribestar.com's exploded.
We have our own account at Subscribestar.com forward slash Alex Jones.
And six days a week, Monday through Friday, then on Sundays, under the Sunday Show, I'm going to take questions off Subscribestar, where you private message me, and I'm going to answer those questions on air, starting today.
So, Infowars.com is a great place to visit.
Subscribestar.com forward slash Alex Jones is the place to ask direct questions and I will answer them on air.
So be sure and join me during the weekday show to get your questions answered.
I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're gonna kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Viewers and listeners, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
And we're under unprecedented evil attacks, as you've seen.
But I wanted to take just a minute out here, from the bottom of my heart, to tell you how much it means to me that when you saw those lies against us last week, the worst things you can say about people, that you knew they were liars.
You went and looked it up and found out the truth.
And so I feel very strong, and I feel God's hand on my shoulder, and I feel your love in my heart.
And I want you to know that love is right back
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When the evening sun goes down,
Willie Nelson.
He comes from the county right next to where my daddy comes from.
So many of my relatives look like Willie Nelson.
Little hobbit creatures.
Nice, sweet little Texans.
Good people.
Supports the Democrats, but he's 86.
Last time I had dinner with him six years ago, he wasn't really all there.
So remember that.
Come on, they got Charlton Heston to come out against the Second Amendment before he died?
With his wife on?
That wasn't Charlton Heston.
And that guy you see out there is not Willie Nelson.
So remember, folks, for who they were.
It's like my mom's dad had dementia and stuff before he died.
He had a couple heart attacks.
He was like a big baby, but that's not my grandfather.
Go to your phone calls here.
The good news is we're going to get to all of them.
The bad news is we're out of time.
We've got a bunch of clubs that are going to play and breaking news and big stuff on Google and more before Mike Adams comes on from naturalnews.com.
I'm just going to leave this very briefly and very simply.
The new Betsy Ross design, because that one was collector edition.
It sold out super quick.
People want it.
We've got a new collector's edition.
And we've got the Chris Pratt inspired shirt, which is the American flag with don't tread on me with a snake on it, which I had the same idea the week before.
That was the new shirt that week.
And then I saw him and they were protesting it.
And I was just like, wow, that's really kind of common sense.
Like combine don't tread on me under the American flag with a snake.
That's because saying don't tread on the flag, it's even more specific.
So and that will sell out at current sales rates by next week and then
That will be it for these designs, but that does help fund the operation.
We've got DNA Force back in stock.
It's 50% off right now.
We've also got Surmel Vitality 50% off.
Those are really great products.
You should try them.
Just believe me.
It funds the operation.
Just try them.
You can't lose.
And I only want to bring you the best stuff because I want it to work so you buy more of it.
People get great response on turmeric when the average turmeric is 3 to 5%.
We have the extract, 95% curcuminoid.
People are blown away by it.
And it costs us a lot more to do it, but why shouldn't I do that?
It's what my family takes.
That's what I take.
That said, most everybody loves the protein bars that are back in stock, but we went to the biggest maker of organic protein bars over a year ago trying to develop this, and they said, wait, you don't want any corn or you don't want any wheat in it?
Well, you need that because people don't want something that's like a big piece of toffee that's hard if there's no filler.
And I said, I want no fillers!
And they said, okay, it's half as much if you put the filler in.
And people like it because it breaks off.
And most people like it.
But I mean, it takes like 20 minutes to eat one of these.
And because there's no filler.
It's solid as, you know, it's thick.
Um, but we are going to come out with what's called traditional and they'll end up costing less.
Cause if you want it, I'm going to give you what you want.
I'm going to give it to you with filler.
So we've got a whole nother group coming out that'll say, uh, you know, uh, traditional.
Cause you know, I'm the boss around here.
So it's kind of weird.
Like I'm not going to listen to food experts.
No filler.
They're like, well, you know, filler is not just about lowering costs.
It'll be as hard as a rock without it.
I don't care.
I want it.
But so people actually more people like it than don't.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
But some don't.
They taste great.
But I'm like in the car eating when I'm like, it took me 20 minutes to eat this.
I can eat five hamburgers in that time.
So there's nothing like it out there, folks, because there's no filler in it.
Hey Alex, I love your show.
I just want to say that during the hearings, it reminded me of the John Kerry hearings where he just looks like
He looked like Frankenstein.
John Kerry looked like Frankenstein.
Like he had a thousand shots of Botox.
I don't know if they're having the gay sex rituals in coffins, begging for spiritual possession, or... you know, I mean, they look... Oh, they're all on drugs.
You look at Elon Musk, and that... when he was pushing a brain chip last week, and did you see him and his other... those were... they were sweating, their eyes were this big.
I mean, if the cop pulled you over, you'd be arrested.
It was like just... And remember, they're under lights.
They're under lights.
Yeah, I mean, they look haggard and just like, you know, I mean, every photo... Yeah, we're kicking the living hell out of him, brother.
Yeah, every photo of Mueller, he literally has this demonic grimace in his face.
You know, it's just, he literally looks so evil.
I mean, demon possessed.
Well, let me tell you the word on him.
You know, he ran Whitey Bulger.
That was his first job, was the Italian mob had gotten too powerful by the 70s and 80s.
They were pushing a lot of people around.
And they use the Irish Mafia to commit a bunch of murders.
That's what Mueller does.
He would do the killings himself, reportedly.
I mean, dude, he ran Epstein and the videoing screwing little girls as young as 10.
I remember I said that last year and they freaked out on me.
Now that's come out.
That dude's bad.
Just because he was a Marine?
A lot of folks join the military.
I'd say 5% because they're psychotic and want to be able to kill people.
Just because he got a Silver Star?
Okay, great.
The point is that he is a globalist through and through.
And you know, all this talk about the Civil War and everything, I think the best peaceful solution is we have to reject the globalist, unitary federal government, dissolve completely, and embrace a totally confederation system of total power to the states.
You know, all the infrastructure's already there.
We don't need the federal government.
They're just waging wars and it's just a giant welfare system.
And then every state can just enforce its own laws.
I agree.
Listen, I'm a federalist actually.
You know, we think of federalism as bad.
This current system is not federalism.
Federalism binds the federal government.
You have state senators.
The state elects the legislature.
The legislature appoints the U.S.
So you call that a confederate model, but really, real federalism is more confederate than even what Jefferson Davis came up with.
But I hear you, because here's the deal.
The federal government can be influenced by foreign powers.
What do you do, though, when foreign powers manipulate coalitions of states?
I mean, I just think that it's just, it's not going to be peaceful, and all the cronies are up, you know, at the top.
So, you know, if Trump's smart, he wouldn't send in the troops, you know, if a couple states seceded, right?
Yeah, I hear you.
We would definitely lose our bond rating then.
I appreciate your call.
Listen, we have powerful financial issues and powerful financial institutions that are trying to break the country up already.
And I'm a Federalist.
You know, I had family, and I'm not going to get into it, but
Highest levels of the Confederacy, okay?
And I know all about it.
Daughters of the Republic of Texas, whole nine yards.
There's statues all over the South of my ancestors.
But they got manipulated into that war.
And that's a whole other debate.
It doesn't mean Abraham Lincoln was good or the North was perfect, but British intelligence manipulated the South to do that.
They promised them ships, they promised them Western expansion, and then they double-crossed them and didn't deliver.
And left us high and dry.
And Sam Houston, the founder of Texas, was the governor at the time.
He'd been the president of Texas, but he was governor.
And they kicked him out of Houston.
And they ran him out of the state of Texas and almost killed him.
And he was an old, smart general.
He was what Davy Crockett wished he was.
A real badass.
He's what Arnold Schwarzenegger would dream about in movies.
Like 300 type stuff.
Andrew Jackson was a badass, but he wasn't the badass that Sam Houston was.
Like, Sam Houston would kill, like, 20, 30 people by himself in hand-to-hand combat.
I mean, we're talking a monster breaking people's necks, pulling arrows out of himself, the whole nine yards.
He was also super smart.
Texas was founded by an awesome guy, but Hollywood puts him down, a gambler, an alcoholic, all this b.s.
And he said the Civil War was wrong.
They've got five times the men.
They've got three times the weapons.
We're going to lose.
We're being set up by British intelligence.
And British intelligence hyped Texas up and hyped everybody else up into that stupid war.
And we basically never recovered from it.
Slavery was already basically done in the South.
It was a train wreck.
And British intelligence did that.
And I'm digressing, but it just makes me very, very angry.
And so, I've never been anti-government.
I believe in a limited federal government and limited state governments.
But, you have to understand folks, if we went back to the amendment in 1913, I'm so senile now.
17th Amendment?
16th Amendment?
Which one was it?
We got the IRS the same year, the Federal Reserve the same year, and we got it where U.S.
No longer were elected by the legislature.
The senators were recalled to the state.
They were officers of the state.
So you want confederate?
The idea of the states having the power, the truth was the states did have the power before.
And the federalist system did that.
But we think because the federal government's called the federal government, that the federalist system's bad.
No, the federalist system's good.
And we, listen, how about we debate that later?
How about we just get control of our country again?
That's what we need to do.
But hey, was the South badass?
Did they, you know, one man kill ten men on average?
Damn right!
But still got our ass set up.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public.
The approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
If they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are gonna continue.
We're gonna keep fighting in the Info War, and even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm taking your calls right now.
This has been on the longest here.
Joe in North Carolina, then David in Connecticut.
Joe, thanks for calling, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, thanks for everything you're doing.
Disregarding Mueller, it was completely sad to see
I don't know.
Old, old people that don't know what the hell they're doing.
Well, that's the thing.
The wheels are completely falling off.
And it was like Weekend at Bernie's where they're carrying the dead body around.
And it's just indicative that they can't believe they lost an election.
And the big thing is what callers have said.
Trump needs to take action.
Well, the Justice Department is filled with lawyers that lie to his face and then don't do anything.
We're moving fast now.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and take a call from David in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
Brother, good to talk to you live on this auspicious Wednesday.
Good word.
It's great to talk to you.
This whole investigation thing that went on today, it's like a snipe hunt.
Say that again?
It's like a snipe hunt.
It is like a snipe hunt.
No, Snipe.
You know, the fake bird in the woods.
Oh, a snipe where you tell somebody they're going to go out and catch this bird with a bag, but really they're being left in the woods.
I mean, I actually think that this guy's being set up.
And he doesn't realize that he's going to get shut down.
Well, I mean, listen, Mueller set up the group of Democrats that ran all this, and they were sure they were going to get rid of Trump, but it didn't go the way they wanted it to.
I appreciate your call.
Good points, David.
Thank you for holding.
Okay, let's talk to another caller here.
Carlos in Texas has been holding.
Carlos, welcome, sir.
How are you doing?
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I'm good, sir.
Thank you for joining us.
Well, I just gotta tell you that I agree with one of the previous scholars that you are going to be in the history books in the future.
You have done a lot for this country.
You have done a lot for us.
You woke me up back in 2012 when the whole Connie 2012 agenda came out, and I've been listening to you ever since.
I also want to plug some of your products.
The Survival Shield, Super Male Vitality, Alpha Power, Body Ease, DNA Force,
Superglue, all of them are great.
Which one gave you the best effects and tell us what happened?
Oh, I would say the DNA Force.
It's given me, it's between the DNA Force and the Supermail Vitality.
Yeah, they both work really well.
People, people love them.
What do you think comes next?
Because I think this was a train wreck.
I think it showed how ridiculous they are, but they're not going to give up.
What do you think is coming next?
Well, you know, this was just a confirmation that they got nothing left.
They're toasted.
They're done.
And I feel, you know, pretty sad for Mr. Miller.
He, something is going on with him.
I am a nurse.
So, definitely, he has a neurological deficit going on.
You know, maybe Alzheimer's, dementia, whatever.
But, as I was telling you, they got nothing left, and this was just a big distraction.
Big distraction from all their crimes.
From, you know, all the pedophilia that is going on, all of Hillary's crimes, Obama's crimes.
That's right.
Every major institution is getting taken over by pedophiles.
Because they get them in, they compromise, and they bring their own people in, and it's how they control them.
It's sick.
Thank you so much, Carlos.
We're out of time.
I took like 20 calls.
All right, listen.
We got more coming in, but I've got Mike Adams coming up, and I've got to get to all these reports, at least part of them.
The huge Google bombshells.
The pig with lipstick on we had on yesterday.
Some listeners were mad, even producers were mad that I wasn't meaner to him.
I agree, I should have been.
When I called back in on Owens, I was.
Stay with us, we'll be right back and we'll try to jam calls in.
That's coming up.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate governor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school, American, 1776-style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
So the corporate media is making hatred of a border existing a cultural icon.
They're selling ice piñatas all over the country.
We'll play video next segment of children beating up ice piñatas.
Antifa says kill ice.
They're firebombing their facilities.
When we let 90% of the people go, we just send people that are convicted murderers, criminals, rapists back.
It's just insane.
But I want to get to these reports because we have this goblin creature.
On the broadcast yesterday, I mean, they say you can't put lipstick on a pig, but they've successfully done it.
And so, this went viral yesterday, when I had this creature, I forget his name, what is, he goes by Jessica something, and this guy has open topless parties with 12 year old girls and says no parents allowed.
Wow, but you'd never send your daughter to be topless with some fat dude with pink lipstick or with some guy she might marry in 20 years.
You know, it's pedophilia.
But it's all out there to show how tolerant you are.
So I was trying to get him to say more what he was up to when he was on with me, but once he was on with Owen, I knew he was coming back up.
I shot a video that we aired and played for literally the pig with lipstick.
You talk about transgender, this is trans species.
It's a big fat pig with pink lipstick.
And again, the religion is don't say it's a man.
No, you're a biological man that wants a bunch of little girls to come be with you with their tops off.
And he defended it when he was on with me.
So here's the clip.
I don't want to sit here and buy into the cult mindset that a biological man can become a woman when you don't have a uterus.
You don't have the same blood type.
You don't have the same genetics.
All over the place, this entire movement of drag queen story time and the acceptance of transgenders.
It's got NAMBLA written all over it.
And it's all about targeting children.
It's all about recruiting them.
So you ask the question, it's Black Hole Dino, and why is this everywhere?
It's because it's Caitlyn Jenner.
It's the news.
I made a film, The Endgame 2.0, like 11 years ago.
And in it, we had professors and government documents on
Where they admitted that it was a plan to get people to not have children, and a plan to basically sabotage the family.
So it doesn't mean that the individual you've got on is very proud of what they're doing and believes they're a celebrity because they're involved in this themselves as a bad person, but the entire agenda is about eugenics, it's about depopulation, it's about targeting children when they're young and confusing their gender, and then removing parental control and saying, well, an eight-year-old in Canada or the UK wants
Hormone replacement that causes all sorts of health problems.
Let's not lie about it.
The highest rates of suicide, the highest rates of mental illness are in transgenders because they're the target of the transhuman eugenics movement of Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley.
And so, you know, that's the bottom line.
That's what's really going on here.
And they use people that have fallen into this because of their autism, their mental illness, whatever.
Jessica, your response?
In regards to transhumanism?
Or in regards to the government paying for... No, because there's a total targeting of children with this.
That's why it's popular.
That's why it's everywhere.
They're making it an option.
They're making it an issue.
It's incredibly abusive.
It's incredibly dark.
And everyone sees it.
Basically, you know, the one thing I want to state is it's not possible for anyone, even youth,
To go to the doctor, to go to one doctor and start hormones.
It's not possible.
Like even, even for myself and the question, children are being targeted and confused and parents are being told to step aside because the state wants to make sure we don't have children.
I don't agree with that at all.
Well, this is an AI globalist takeover and I predicted it before it was even launched.
I don't agree with that at all.
I would totally take that to court.
But I don't understand this.
So do you think kids should smoke cigarettes at age 12 and drink beer at age 12?
No, but if they want to transition to a different gender, it is... That's why we have parental consent, because people are not of the age to judge, because predators pull up in white vans and trick them.
This is predators in government wanting access to our children, period.
And you say, oh, I just want to take photos with girls in bathrooms and all this.
But I think you're here as part of an apology tour because you know folks are awake and you are very confident in what you're doing.
And so, I'm here to tell you that targeting children with anything, be it drugs or sex or anything, is stealing their innocence and is vampiric and is satanic.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke that demonic spirit and ask people to wake up and say no.
Back to you guys.
You can have the final word.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, I mean, again, I want to point this out.
In the Middle East, they would kill anybody that's gay.
We're not against gay people.
In the Middle East, anybody that was a man said they were a woman, they'd kill you.
But the left all wants them to be here running things.
But I ask, who's more insane, the radical Islamists or those that put up with this?
I don't hate this individual, even though they're trying to promote, you know, topless swimming clubs with 12-year-olds.
Obviously, we all know where that goes.
It shows the mind control.
This individual is cannon fodder in a larger operation.
But targeting children and their innocence is the ultimate crime.
And that's what the left and all this is doing and they defend it publicly.
She is a woman who said she was a man.
And this shows how we have to give in to total and complete mental illness.
of the left and reject capitalism, reject the family.
People can't stay on forms, mother or father.
People can't say any of this because we're under assault.
This is a corporate global plan to depopulate us.
This is a new world order plan to do this and we're seeing it in plain view.
And we're actually having someone come on air that's willing to admit all of this.
Children are off limits.
Everyone should keep their hands off the children and let them be innocent.
But only predators target children.
Only predators, because they know children haven't developed yet, can't defend themselves.
Just like child molesters in white vans or any of this.
And anyone that says they want to tell children what they are, want to tell their parents, go away, is an enemy of humanity and is damned to hell forever.
And that's what InfoWars stands against.
And as I said at the start of the show today and the second hour and the third hour, we're going to air.
Mike Adams is taking off today.
He's fine.
I'm going to stay here now because we're going to air coming up the bottom of the hour when I shot a video that aired on the show.
And then Owen asked some really great questions.
It was powerful.
And that's what I want to air.
So one way or another, that's going to go out here today.
You can set your watch by it.
I'm going to stick around until that happens.
It's going to happen.
Got a lot of the stuff we haven't hit yet, obviously.
We got a bunch of phone calls here.
We got a lot to cover.
But, you know, it's truly disgusting the arrogance of these people.
It's like when that one guy that works at a gay topless bar said, we're going to groom your kids whether you like it or not.
We're going to do this.
This is all about domination.
And it makes me incredibly angry.
It's all about control.
So that's what we're dealing with.
But when we come back, I'm going to get into what's really important.
And I should have probably led the whole show with this.
I think we had a theme today from the callers.
That this testimony is a diversion.
But it exposes the whole lie.
It exposes the whole fraud.
And it shows how pathetic they are.
So it's important.
But really, big central banks trying to plunge the dollar.
Google executives coming out saying, yes, we're involved in election stealing.
That's really the biggest news, isn't it?
And we're going to cover it when we come back.
Current senior Google engineer goes public on camera.
Tech is dangerous.
Taking sides.
It's all coming up on the other side.
And I ask you, please, whether you're listening on local AM and FM stations, or the internet, or shortwave, or however, tell people about the broadcast, because this is the light in the dark of the night.
They don't want this transmission on air.
Stay with us.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
Hey, Alex.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I appreciate Mike Adams, who normally hosts his fourth hour, stepping aside today because I promised to get to all these clips and we're going to get to them all here and try to finish up with some of the calls, but you'll find all his great work at naturalnews.com.
And I'm going to take a couple of days off to, I've already planned this, to spend some time with my family.
Because I just, I just have to get away from this for a while.
I'm not complaining.
I just, you know, I don't know, I don't know how to handle this, this paradox.
Of how do you focus on what bad guys are doing and stop them without having it upset you?
Because just looking at that fat pervert with pink lipstick talking about how parents can't come and I'm organizing 12-year-old topless girls to come meet with me and you know just it's all about children it's all sexualization it's all sick but they've learned to just do it out in the open instead of creeping around at parks or whatever driving around in you know white minivans.
So I'm going to get the clip I wanted to play.
That was another clip where I called in.
I wasn't clear to the crew.
I'm going to play the other clip when we come back.
But here's the big news.
Current senior Google engineer, there's hours of this video, goes public on camera saying tech is dangerous and taking sites.
And it's powerful.
And it's on InfoWars.com.
It's on NewsWars.com.
It's on ProjectVeritas.com.
But I want to be very, very clear about this.
It's like a punch in the stomach that a month ago, all that undercover video of the head executive, the director of Google's new projects.
That's all their projects, including censorship.
Bragged Trump will not be reelected.
We're going to stop him.
We control the algorithm.
We're blocking everything.
We're blocking voters.
It comes out.
It's barely news and then goes away.
Well, here's something just as big.
Insider, it's time to decide, do we run technology or does technology run us?
Well, technocracy is where technology runs you, under an oligarchy.
I really don't buy the idea that big tech is politically neutral.
Are we going to just let big tech companies decide who wins every election or who doesn't?
And so, here it is, Project Veritas has published an on-the-record interview with an insider who works at Google named Greg Coppola.
The video interview follows a series of insider Google reports, including internal Google documents recently published by Project Veritas.
And here's why they're so scared.
They want to get the machines in place and not need to have humans anymore, show that humans won't rat them out.
So we're at that crossroads.
It's why this is so mega critical.
And quite frankly, I almost started the show with this today, but we're kind of ending it with it instead.
But it's so important and a sea of things are important.
This is a big deal.
And it's on InfoWars.com right now.
And only you can get it out there.
Remember, YouTube blocked their last video.
YouTube's trying to block this.
Well, that's why we have InfoWars.com.
That's why we have our own uploading system.
That's why we have our own videos.
So we're building a system like YouTube right now at great expense.
That's not a secret project.
I have approved, and we are about to greenlight, and we've already greenlighted, we're about to launch, we're in launch phase of some things that
I don't want it to credit for.
I just want you to know we're doing more than just what you see here.
And you're going to see some big stuff out there very, very soon.
There's a lot of big things you already see out there that your money is behind.
Your money.
I'm here to win.
And again, I get too obsessed with winning.
I get too obsessed with... I get pissed and I apologize to everybody on here that I get mean sometimes and blow up.
That's not an act.
But this is real.
This is a real fight.
This isn't Netflix.
It's not entertainment.
It's not a simulation.
It's not a video game.
You lose this game, you get killed, and so does every future generation.
So here's the Google executive putting his whole life on the line, his name on the line, everything.
Here it is.
It's a time to decide, you know.
Do we run the technology?
Does the technology run us?
Are we going to continue to have elections that mean anything?
Are we going to continue to think for ourselves, or are we going to just let
The biggest tech companies decide who wins every election from now on.
You know, I look at search, and I look at Google News, and I see what it's doing.
And I see Google executives go to Congress and say that it's not manipulated, it's not political.
And I'm just so sure that's not true.
I think the big problem that we have today is there's an ambiguity about whether tech is neutral or whether it's biased.
And, you know... By the way, hit pause real quick.
This guy's signed more nondisclosure agreements than you can shake a stick at.
So remember, he says, I'm just totally sure they're doing it.
He can't tell you because he signed the nondisclosure.
A PhD in computer science and five years of working at one of the world's top computer science companies.
I don't see any doubt that it's very politically biased.
They may be able to stop one man, but they can't stop all of us.
Your courage will be contagious, and it will awaken a sleeping giant.
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I don't see any doubt that it's very politically biased.
Bias in big tech is big news.
Just yesterday, the Justice Department launched an antitrust review.
Two weeks ago, I was at the White House Summit to talk about big tech with the President and other influencers.
Project Veritas investigations have been featured in Congressional hearings, in both the Senate and the House.
Our momentum is growing, and today we have another Google insider, this time out of the shadows, a brave man who is breaking the wall of silence to go on camera as a current Google employee and expose a troubling truth.
My name is Greg Coppola.
I'm a senior software engineer.
I work on artificial intelligence and the Google Assistant.
Yeah, I mean, overall, I'm very concerned to see big tech and the big media
Merged, basically, with the political party, with the Democrat party.
Greg Coppola works in Google's New York office.
He says from his insider's view, the reality of Google's political bias is undeniable.
Don't have a smoking gun.
I just, you know, I've been coding since I was 10.
I have a PhD.
I have five years of experience at Google, and I just know how algorithms are.
They don't write themselves.
We write them to do what we want them to do.
And you can use machine learning, but even then,
You can get the results of machine learning to come out the way you want them to.
It's just a tool that we control.
You know, I look at search, and I look at Google News, and I see what it's doing, and I see Google executives go to Congress and say that it's not manipulated, it's not political, and I'm just so sure that's not true.
And he's talking about Sundar saying, we never control search results.
The algorithm does it like it fell out from underneath a cabbage patch or came out of a
James O'Keefe's problem is he's got so many whistleblowers, and that's great.
If you're a Google whistleblower, you can also send us an email at showtips at infowars.com or contact us because we also want to help out.
We usually send people over to Project Veritas who should do that, but they're really overwhelmed.
We're overwhelmed too.
We're trying to do the best we can.
That's why the frustration is just how naked all this is, how out in the open, and that we really can't service all the whistleblowers that are out there.
We tried, a lot of it falls to the cracks, but we're trying.
We're trying as hard as we can.
It's kind of like you're playing tennis or baseball, the pitching machines.
Shooting five balls a second, there's just really no way to hit them all.
You just got to use the force and hit the ones that matter.
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And I'm getting quality products.
The products that I do receive have changed my life.
I mean, the X2 has really done a lot for me.
Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody.
To where everybody buys when it's 50% off.
I'm making $2 on my toothpaste 50% off.
And so it's the same thing with like the fish oil, or the turmeric, or the bone broth.
Thank you so much for the plugs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Coming to you from the Brobotin Studios in Austin, Texas.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Our mere existence outrages globalists.
The Chai Comps.
There's an article by Adan Salazar that you need to tweet on Facebook and send it on email and by word of mouth.
It needs to be seen.
Children beat Ice Piñata at party.
I never even got to the video yesterday where in Tennessee, they're only doing raids on people that have felonies.
I mean, we're talking bank robbery, car theft, rape.
The truth is, as Trump said, 90% are getting released.
Ten percent of prior criminal things are being sent back.
And then ICE is only going out to people with gang affiliations and stuff.
I mean, my God, there's like 40 million illegal aliens in this country.
But the footage in Tennessee I'll play coming up after this clip is, you know, just like trendies out in their outfits blocking the ICE vehicle that has a warrant.
And the news is going, those aren't real warrants.
Resist them.
It's totally a warrant.
It's a real warrant.
But again, they're trying to get the idea that Nazis are coming to kidnap you.
Folks, when you fly into Mexico, you used to go to Cancun, now it's too dangerous.
You fill out a deal and you say what hotel you're at, you say the day you're at.
One time, I decided to stay three days extra.
And I was talking to my dad on the phone.
He goes, well, you know, they'll call your hotel.
When I didn't fly out that day, the next day, they were calling the hotel.
I got called down by security.
I had to get on the phone.
They said, you may have to pay a fine when you're at the airport for this.
And when I got there, they decided not to.
But they were calling the hotel I was at.
Like, hey, you didn't fly out on Southwest, like you said.
Mexico has control of that.
They're bordering Central America.
They better.
That's a hellhole.
You think Mexico's bad?
Guatemala's even worse.
Ten times worse.
Believe me, I had family who lived down there for a long time.
Tried to stabilize the country.
Didn't work.
It's a sickening story, actually, if I told you that one, but... This is the beating up the piñata.
As ICE is the devil, and you go out... You've had Antifa attack the ICE facility, firebomb and all this, and it's just insanity when we have the most lax immigration laws and the biggest welfare, other than Sweden,
And Germany, we're like number three for the most welfare.
For illegal aliens.
But they turn it around where AOC says for life, they've got to be paid because they went through this pain because their parents or whoever rented the kids brought them up here through this hell and then we checked who they were and we're transformed into Nazis with AOC wagging her finger at us.
So here it is.
Infowars.com article.
No one will know about it if you don't get it out there.
Children beat ice piñata at party.
Here it is.
Young immigrants in Illinois have more protection now, thanks to some new laws.
One lets kids stay with a guardian longer while their parents are detained or deported.
The other allows courts to grant special immigrant juvenile status to victims of abuse or neglect.
Oh, hit pause.
Hit pause.
I read all the laws.
Anyone with a child who doesn't have a prior felony in this country is released.
That's why they bring the kids.
But they spin it like, oh, parents being held while their children are with somebody else's family.
It's all, every bit is scripted to, again, just demonize.
Chicago event.
Children took turns trying to break open this piñata shaped like an ICE officer at a block party.
CBS News' Eric Cox is live in the city's Eastside neighborhood with a story you'll see only on 2.
Erica, that block party took place right here at 106th and Ewing.
Organizers telling me the event was never meant to be political, but the piñata was a complete surprise.
Tonight's story does feature children.
We're blurring their faces.
A little girl holding a stick, swinging away at a piñata.
In form of an ice agent.
Break it!
Break it!
Later, a boy takes a crack at it.
That'll tell you.
Here's a comment from our young Robert Wright.
Candy-filled container.
The older ones, of course, we let them know what it meant.
We'll teach them what it meant.
Anthony Martinez heads the Chicago faction of Los Brown Berets, a pro-Chicano activist group that ordered a Batman pinata and- Pause again!
The Brown Berets say, for those inside the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
It's basically the KKK.
But they're not- Oh, it's this great new loving group.
Let's continue.
Young immigrants calls cruel deportation practices.
Taking children from their parents, separating them, let them know... You're begging to get in the country to get all the free crap, and obviously this guy's on welfare.
He's obviously super stupid.
He's in a little commando outfit, telling us how we need to give him more free stuff.
I mean, you know who's more pathetic than him?
We are.
Here he is.
In this community.
Images posted online show several other children in line, waiting to take a swing at the political piñata.
The photos garnering fans on Facebook, but drawing ire from others.
Some calling it ignorant, disrespectful, and teaching the young to hate.
The kids who were breaking open the piñata didn't know anything about it.
Marvin Covington is a member of the Eastside Chamber of Commerce, a group of over 25 Eastside area businesses that organized the mid-July event.
Covington tells CBS2 the chamber wasn't aware the piñata would be present.
It wasn't a sense of, this is terrible, ah, this is something that happened, we gotta move on.
So, there's the Communist group, that's enough.
Par for the course, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all the same thing over and over and over again.
Now I'm not going to air this whole thing because I want to come back and hit something even more important, but here's where I shot a video when they were doing the live show yesterday so they could air my question during Owen Schroeder's war room that's in 20 minutes from now.
Uh, where they had this man, this obese man with pink lipstick, who says he wants to meet with, um, 12-year-old girls with their tops off, no parents allowed, and the government's like, absolutely, we love it.
Uh, here he is, and here is where I stood.
Well, basically, was a little bit meaner to him than I was during my own show.
Here it is.
Jessica, you were on my show today, now you're on The War Room.
And I don't look down on you that you were born a man but you think you're a woman.
That's your choice.
But the questions I didn't get to while you were on haunt me.
We see drag queen story time from Europe to Canada to the U.S.
With children being brought and put in people's laps.
They're dressed up like clowns.
The individuals then tell the kids about shake your booty.
Some cases they ride horsey on the men.
And the whole thing has a very pedophilic feel.
And a lot of the people, it turns out, running Drag Queen Storytime in, say, Houston, Texas, or other cities, are convicted pedophiles.
Then we see Desmond is Amazing, or the Amazing Desmond, from the time he was like 8 years old, now he's like 11, at gay bars, men throwing money at him, and pedophile groups saying how sexy he is.
This whole trans movement, the whole drag queen movement, it's all connected to sex with children, or the sexualization of children.
And the destruction of their youth, their innocence.
And so that's why people are so scared.
And that's why they see photos of you in bathrooms.
And they see you inviting 12-year-olds to events.
You're having them say, parents don't be there.
I mean, I've got three daughters.
There was some man or woman saying, I want your daughters to come have a topless swimming party.
Uh, don't want any parents there.
Well, that sounds like pedophilia 101.
Jeffrey Epstein.
So, I kind of got that question in, but you dodged it.
Answer the question now.
How is 12-year-old girls meeting with a man or a woman at a pool and saying your parents shouldn't come?
That sounds like what you'd do if you were going to kidnap people or something.
It sounds like what you'd do if you were a pedophile.
So, do you want to denounce that right now?
That perspective and tell us how we're wrong and tell us why you want a bunch of little girls at 12 years old to show up and take their tops off with you but no parents should be there?
Answer that question, Jessica.
Because the whole world's watching and the whole world wants to know.
Okay, so again, this is not my event.
If you pull up the LGBTQ... That's enough.
This dude, this guy, this man.
the whole time.
He's the guy who promoted it, pushed it.
It's all crap.
He's backed off because he knows it didn't work.
He pushed, pushed, pushed.
Now he's using what he did to get publicity.
And it's all a load of crap.
They have all the photos and everything.
It's disgusting, ladies and gentlemen.
That's how far this has gone.
Imagine if, like, the football coach said, bring your 12-year-old daughters over to Lone River Topless.
He'd be arrested.
But when a guy's wearing pink lipstick, he's like, oh, I'm gay.
And they go, oh, yeah.
Ooh, ooh.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
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As we gather this evening in the joy of freedom, we remember that all share a truly extraordinary heritage.
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It is the epic tale of a great nation whose people have risked everything for what they know is right and what they know is true.
As long as we stay true to our course, as long as we remember our great history, as long as we never ever stop fighting for a better future, then there will be nothing that America can not do.
Tomorrow's news today.
Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes!
Go straight at them!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I don't like to agree with CNN, but I've been saying since this morning that this was a big derailment, a big defeat for the Democrats.
Well, the headline at Infowars.com and Newswars.com by Paul Joseph Watson has the video there.
Maybe it'll play on the war room coming up in about 15 minutes.
It'll start in 13 minutes with Owen Schroeder.
CNN admits Mueller testimony a victory lap for Trump hearing did not make impeachment more likely.
And that's because it totally fell flat on its face.
Michael Moore, Dems were lame for putting faith in frail old man Robert Mueller.
Well, he certainly was frail.
He's been nothing but a sellout, a nobody his whole life.
These pathetic lawyers behind him are all on power trips.
But you're not in power anymore, dirtbags.
You have nothing.
As soon as your teeth were pulled off our arteries.
So a lot of exciting things happening.
This is powerful for radio, but it's really powerful for video.
Just having some fun.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com.
Watch Alex Jones and Robert Barnes exercise their Second Amendment, firing full-auto at a local range called The Range in Austin.
He was here just a few weeks ago.
By the way, we did put this out today.
I've been so busy, it's been done for weeks.
He'll be back this Sunday.
He's going to be here with us Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Very popular guy.
I love the guy.
Seen him for years on TV, but just gotten it on in the last six months.
He's going to be in studio during Clown World 2 with the live 40 plus hour live broadcast we're going to do covering Clown World Tuesday and Wednesday.
So look for that as well.
But here's a part of that video.
Alex Jones here with Robert Barnes.
And we're at The Range in Austin, one of the most luxurious but accessible ranges in the country.
I'll tell you, this is the Rolls Royce of ranges right here in God's country, right here in South Austin, off I-35.
We're getting our cigars, we're getting our full autos ready.
We've got a bunch of great guns we're going to shoot today.
Then we're going to have some bourbon, smoke these cigars out on the porch a little bit later.
Please stay with us.
This is the type of stuff that pisses the commies off.
The unintentional comedy show that was on display this week, the Razzie Award winning competition of the Democratic Party candidates that would easily compete with the attack of the 50-foot woman or anything like it in what we saw in the Democratic debates.
Where now, not only are they going to decriminalize illegal immigration and make it legal to trespass and break and enter into the United States, they'll give you a free bonus, not only driver's licenses and in some cases maybe the opportunity to vote, but a free bonus and free healthcare for life.
By the way...
By the way, if you hear those drums of war, we are on top of a huge shooting range.
Below us and a shooting range right through there.
So coming up, we're going to have more of this throughout the evening as we come to you from the range in South Austin.
Look at this beautiful Gatling gun.
I'm not a gun expert, but what's a Gatling gun?
I would imagine this is from the Civil War era.
Am I right about that?
It is.
It was patented back in the... started in the 1860s, patented in the 1880s.
Well, it's a Colt.
So Nick tells me I'm correct about that.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Info Wars, rapid fire, coming at you.
What's over here?
Tell us about this.
Oh, here's the ammo.
Model 1877 Cal 45.
And we've got Gatling Colt Manufacturing Co.
Hartford, Connecticut.
Of course, there's no gun manufacturers in Connecticut anymore.
Democrats sued.
Remington and others out of existence.
Aren't they good Americans on the payroll of the giant comps?
So this is the Zenith Arms H&K MP5 clone.
It's produced in Turkey, but it's got the same exact operating system designed by HK.
This operating system has been around for a very long time, and it's been used by military and police forces around the world.
Well, he's definitely got a headache.
He didn't bother shooting this full auto first.
Only in America, baby!
Well, Bob, you grew up in Tennessee, but you were telling me you've been a busy guy, not a huge gun enthusiast.
What did you think after you had a chance to shoot full-auto and some of these other great firearms?
Well, you see the extraordinary fun of it, the hobby of it, the power that it displays.
And the power that the left perceives as dangerous and violent really is a protective power.
It has been the foundational protective power for freedom for people around the world.
And when you get to experience it, when you get to live it, when you get to go through it, when you get to imagine it,
You understand what people who have defended this country from its inception went through and understood, and you get to join in their experience of the joy and the protective embrace that a gun ownership provides.
Well, you were a pretty good shot, though.
I mean, how much firearm experience do you have?
Very little.
So, I've got some friends and they've got mountains in Tennessee that they have property on, so I've gone up and shot a wide range of weapons in that context.
Las Vegas has a lot of great gun ranges of all kinds of guns.
The Judge, every other thing you can imagine.
What do you think of the range?
This is kind of the model now
In the country, these really fancy, nice ranges are going.
I love the people.
This is a great experience.
Well, it's old school America.
You know, you can smoke cigars, you can drink whiskey, you can shoot real guns, you can hang out.
The restrooms have men on one title and women on the other title.
I noticed that.
That's kind of... There's no, like, transgender, unigender, not sure which gender title.
There's none of those.
There's just actual restrooms.
Which is really hateful.
Yeah, they probably should have 48 other restrooms for that gender and that gender and the other gender and whatever gender people are feeling that given day.
So let's try this out here.
Here's to America.
Sweet Corn, Tennessee, Texas Whiskey.
Why do you think they're sliding so insanely towards the left?
I think it's two things.
You've seen a radicalization of the left in just the last four or five years created by millennial culture taking over social media, taking over a lot of journalism, creating clickbait journalism that has a sort of replicating effect because the clickbait journalism leads to it being shared by a bunch of millennials on social media that increasingly shut down any dissident voices and then that is reinforced by Google searches and that's reinforced by the New York Times covering it.
The New York Times has had an explosion
So it's that cascading radicalization like in Islam, or in white supremacy with the Nazis, the most extreme become the leader, and then it just becomes more extreme, more extreme.
It goes down, it just expands exponentially and sucks you into a black hole of ideology that, even though the whole country doesn't want it, becomes mainstreamed within the power provinces of the Democratic Party.
So it's a one-upping in the orthodoxy.
It keeps going and going and going.
I mean, for example, the New York Times, just five or six years ago, their main reference point to illegal immigration was to say illegal immigrants.
Just ten years ago, it was to call it, say, illegal alien.
Now it is almost never used.
Instead, the word undocumented just came out of nowhere.
And then now it's migrant, and now we've got to give them free everything.
And that's just the way it is.
And they all said, yay, free for anybody that can get here.
Well, what about how we gotta pay for it?
And if you go on top of that, you look at NPR today, apologized for simply using the term illegal immigrant.
So within five years, Obama's policies on immigration, which were already to the left, are now too conservative for every single serious Democratic candidate for the president.
But it's beyond just the echo chamber.
If you read the WikiLeaks, they say we've got an intensified culture war we're losing.
They're just going with race warfare because they actually believe the minorities are stupid and will sell out their birthright as Americans in the name of just racial manipulation.
They're creating a sort of an echo chamber such that nobody can challenge it and contest it within the political arena.
They're moving the Overton window so far to the radical left.
While we're busy fighting the drag of the left, we lose who we are.
Knowing that, the ideas that they want to inject would destroy the idea of borders.
You had Alyssa Milano the other day call the border a quote-unquote arbitrary line.
So it's trying to obliterate certain ideas in a radical fashion.
And here's the thing, if all those countries said it's an arbitrary line, and I can go there and get free stuff, it would be.
If we've got a bunch of free stuff and nobody else does, what happens?
We've got a lifeboat, nobody else does, what happens?
Tomorrow's news today.
I'm Alex Jones, my good buddy over here Robert Barnes.
Promoting freedom and fighting for your rights.
Thanks for your support.
Alright, fun little video there.
I'm gonna go out to ranch though and really blow some stuff up.
Some Tannerites, some good gun videos.
That was fun.
I didn't think we even showed the video where Barnes was shooting really good full auto.
I was shooting like right in the chest with full off.
It's fun stuff to do.
Okay, the War Room's coming up.
Appreciate you all.
Sorry to the callers I didn't get to.
And we'll be back tomorrow as well.
But the War Room starts with Owen Schroer right now.
Please tell folks about that show coming up.
Imagine if somebody told you 20 years ago that in the future universities would be saying, don't use the term America or American, and that American flags would be seen as offensive, and that federal courts would be ruling that it's a hate symbol.
That's all happening.
The left are fascist authoritarians.
They're bullies.
They're criminals.
And now they're trying to make us take down the American flag.
They're saying the Betsy Ross flag, our original flag, was evil when she was an abolitionist.
But people are fighting back in this symbol war, in this information war, at Infowarshore.com.
They're funding our operation, getting great t-shirts, a bunch of great designs, and standing up to
A true 360 win.
So get your Betsy Ross flags and Don't Tread on Me American flags, original designs, at InfowarsStore.com and stand up to the globalists, stand up to the tyrants, and let them know these colors don't run, we're flying them proud!
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, uh, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.