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Filename: 20190714_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 14, 2019
1521 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses Joe Biden potentially dropping out of the 2020 presidential race due to health issues and fatigue. He also mentions Hillary Clinton being seen stumbling as she left the 9/11 commemoration in New York City, with her campaign stating she felt overheated. The speaker criticizes the Democratic Party's stance on coal and discusses how energy sources are diminishing, leading to blackouts. They talk about the state of America's nuclear power plants, shutdown of coal plants, de-industrialization, and how China is opening new plants every week while American plants were being closed down monthly under previous administrations. The speaker claims that electric cars produce more carbon than regular cars and mentions the possibility of civil war and broken borders. Preparedness for potential power outages and empty grocery stores is essential to avoid becoming slaves to the system. He promotes purchasing storable food and water filters from Infowarsstore.com as support for freedom.

Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday!
July 14th, 2019.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours, as I am every Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
The Democratic Party has called for firebombing ICE facilities.
We have their quotes here.
They have called for killing ICE officers.
They have called for abolishing the border completely and collapsing the nation for good, making us a failed state like Mexico or beyond.
And now there was a firebombing yesterday of the building and cars with a man firing a semi-automatic rifle.
At the ICE individuals, the local police showed up and shot the man dead.
He was instantly identified online as a member of Antifa and the Redneck Revolt.
And he said that he was there to liberate the facility.
We have his manifesto.
It's up on Infowars.com.
The governor, being a terrorist,
A Democrat came out and said that the man was there to burn up the illegal aliens.
They're actually running a hoax on CNN as of this morning saying the man is a right-winger who is trying to burn up the people because Trump ordered him to.
Story's up on Infowars.com.
Go watch the governor say it.
The governor says he did it for Trump.
These people will lie, folks.
They will lie like nothing you've ever seen.
Troyer went out to the whole illegal alien pro-illegal amium demonstration they had yesterday in Austin and the Antiva folks were wearing shirts that said SMASH ICE and on the shirts shows ICE having their face smashed in.
So that is the refrain.
So that's where all this is going.
Armed rebellion
And they all look like they've caught him and they're the moral superior people.
And Biden starts laughing at them and says, yeah, most of them were convicted felons, criminals, rapists, murderers.
They go, we don't care.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
And so that's the fantasy land here that these folks believe in.
It's a very serious situation, and when you watch the three or four videos that Owen shot live on the streets yesterday that are on Infowars.com, all of these people are white.
They're all telling us how bad white people are, and they all look like they have chromosomal disorders.
And I don't say that with pleasure.
This is a very dangerous group of mutants that are somehow susceptible to the satanic signal
That the globalists are putting out.
In fact, they came over, as they always do, and said, we love Satan, we love the devil, we love to stink, we love being failures.
They started trying to rub their armpits on Owen.
And without looking, I kept running into videos all over the country of the same thing.
We love Satan, we love stinking, we love killing children.
And then just giggling and laughing with pleasure.
And if you look at the women in these videos, again, they look like they were babies.
They were taken out of their cribs, didn't get enough milk.
They've done studies on them.
A lot of them have shriveled brains.
And this is what this has all come down to.
Also, groups of leftists, mainly white, went and took over ICE facilities and ran up Mexican flags in two locations across the United States.
That's all coming up.
But this is what America's total tolerance and paying for sex changes and all the rest of has caused.
Giant groups of spoiled, rotten babies that want war.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide on this Sunday, July 14th, 2019, global transmission.
Infowars.com and Newswars.com are the number one censored websites in the world, with Facebook last week officially calling for their 2.4 billion members to engage in violent attacks.
They said it is not in our terms of service to organize Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson's murder.
It became national news and Facebook said, oh, that's a typo.
No, it was very, very clear that this is a test.
Antifa across the country took down American flags and ran up Mexican flags at different facilities.
We'll be naming and giving you details of with our articles at newswars.com next segment.
And we will also be getting into all of those Facebook announcements, how they're calling for terror attacks against myself, Paul Watson, and saying you're authorized to promote up to their death.
So murder is their game.
You also have a facility in Washington State that was firebombed.
The building was firebombed.
Cars were firebombed.
And terrorists who firebombed ICE facility wrote a manifesto, I am Antifa.
He was a member of the redneck
Revolt, a group that's already had some of their leaders arrested for going to Trump supporters' homes and threatening their small children with firearms.
That's right.
Well, he was a big member of that.
We have all the videos of him at their events up on InfoWars.com.
Terrorist who firebombed ICE facility wrote in manifesto, I am Antifa, said attack was
Motivated by his opposition to concentration camps.
That's an article on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
As of today, the governor of the state is saying that it was a Trump supporter trying to burn up the illegal aliens.
That is now all being announced.
But if you go to the Infowars.com article, you can scroll down, you just click on these HD photos from their own Facebook
And on their own Facebook, they have the man that was shot dead trying to kill police, shooting at them after he was trying to burn down the ICE facility and successfully burned up some of the vehicles.
So ladies and gentlemen, that is the point that we have reached here in this society and this culture.
And that is what the system is pushing and trying to conjure, is an outright explosion of society and a revolution in the streets.
Almost every Netflix show has black people being oppressed in the future, in the past, in the current, and illegal aliens revolting, and the white people being devils, and communists rising up and killing them.
And there are a lot of mentally ill, weak-minded people.
But if you're a TV viewer, you can see in the photo right there, the Antifa bomber was a member of the Puget Sound JBGC.
And you can read right there, they were also, again, part of the John Brown Gun Club.
John Brown, famously.
went around shooting and killing people.
And so that is part of that fan club.
They have been coming out to Trump events all over the country, threatening to blow people's heads off, including Owen Schroer on the streets of Austin, trying to simply go to a vigil for a woman shot and killed by an illegal alien in the back.
They would not let him out of the park.
The Austin police let them brandish AK-47s and threatened to kill Owen, part of the John Brown Gun Club.
Of course, the John Brown fan club and gun club is also something of the New Black Panther Party supports.
They go around saying, oink, oink, bang, bang, kill the police.
And our own Owen Schroyer again went out to the Illegal Alien Sanctuary City events that took place Saturday here in Austin and cities all over the country.
And people were wearing shirts saying, Smash Fascism!
Showing Antifa punching ICE officers in the face.
And I also have the articles here, I'll get to later, where we have different Hollywood stars and others, remember, calling for firebombing ICE facilities.
And they don't have to fear, because CNN profiled the very same redneck revolt, John Brown Gun Club, in Washington.
The very man who did this was profiled in the group as a hero fighting Nazis.
And so, that is exactly what's going on here, and these people mean business.
Anyone who disagrees with them and doesn't want world government, doesn't want communism, is a Nazi.
Then on the left side, they're famous, hiring actors and others to pose as Nazis.
It was even in mainstream news that Charlottesville, a year and a half ago or so,
Actually hired a bunch of crisis actors to come augment the real Nazis and play as role players.
You can actually hire these companies to rent a mob, to rent demonstrations.
They call them AstroTurf.
First time I ever saw this was like 15 years ago in New York.
I went out to cover the UN event, and there were thousands of people getting off buses, being handed their signs that looked like they were handmade, but had been mass-produced, and they were being told off a script what to say.
That's why the rest of them never talk.
When you go out to these leftist events, 99% of them don't talk except one leader.
That's because these are hired individuals, ladies and gentlemen, normally paid about $200 a day to go out and do what they do.
True, useful idiots in every way.
So when we come back, I'm going to get into the details of where the American flags were pulled down, the Mexican flags were run up.
That's on newswars.com.
We'll give the cities, the specifics, show you all that video.
And then we're going to get into the specific videos that we also have on Infowars.com of the terror group that this gentleman was a part of, and video and photos of him brandishing firearms at Trump events, threatening to kill people.
And CNN, again, profiled them as wonderful, wonderful people.
I've been telling you this is coming.
When you have Joe Biden saying that we're going to get physical now to take over the country, and you've got any means necessary out of all these politicians' mouths, and AOC and Ilhan Omar saying, you know, that America is fundamentally bad now.
We have new clips of that coming up.
They're not going to stop, ladies and gentlemen.
They believe we're weak.
They believe we've put up with so much of this in the past.
And Antifa is funded by big foundation money, George Soros, Alexander Soros, part of the State Department still funding them, Trump hasn't reversed that yet, because there's all this previous funding put into government endowments and private endowments to carry this out.
We are facing hundreds of billions of dollars that's been invested to take this country down and to capture it.
This is being done by powerful multinational corporations that are using leftist rent-a-mobs as their front for the destabilization.
But make no mistake, ahead of 2020, we're now only a year and a quarter out from the real heart of that election.
The election's already really kicked off.
We're just a few months away from, you know, the actual year 2020.
And we're just eight, nine months to the countdown.
So this is an incredible time to be alive, and that's why they want us silenced.
That's why they want Christians and conservatives and libertarians and nationalists and pro-gun groups and pro-family groups taken off the air, taken off the internet, because they're planning big moves.
They're going for broke.
They're going to go all the way.
And the fact that you're seeing them begin these violent attacks, and that the governor
I have the article when we come back, that the governor of the state, where this firebombing and attack happened, where he was trying to kill ICE, trying to burn the building down, that he did it for Trump.
These people have no bottom.
They will do anything, anytime.
So whatever you do, whether you're listening on AM, FM, the internet, shortwave, however you're listening, it is job number one that this transmission
But they even admitted at the Trump Social Media Censorship Summit, Infowars is the number one target of censorship for a reason.
We work hard.
We're focused.
We're dedicated.
And we've helped, with your help, build a resistance to the globalists that's kicking their butt.
But if we're not on the air to fight in this next year and a half, the globalists believe they can win, believe they can move.
So to boil that down, when they're able to shut down independent media, they're going to make their fascist move.
Keeping everybody on air keeps them at bay.
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Full power!
Damn the torpedoes!
Go straight at them!
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
That's it.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones on this Sunday, July 14th, 2019, worldwide broadcast.
So, we've got American flags getting pulled down at ICE centers, we've got fire bombings, we've got people shooting, trying to kill police, and the left is praising it.
On one hand, separately, the governor of Washington State saying he was there trying to burn up the precious illegal aliens.
And behind this is the giant hoax that there's concentration camps and that we're killing people.
The truth is, hundreds of thousands have died in Mexico.
It's a failed state.
Latin America is collapsing.
Thousands a week starve to death in Venezuela.
People are trying to make it here en masse.
They are smuggling children.
They're smuggling drugs.
They're coming across with diseases.
And we're not doing one-tenth the searching and checking we did at the Statue of Liberty in Ellis Island.
But all of these weak-minded individuals who literally look like they've been put in a microwave oven, when you look at all the antifa and leftists,
Believe they're fighting fascists.
Believe they're fighting Nazis.
Believe, like in some virtual reality, they're Captain America battling Red Skull.
And you read this guy's manifesto, we'll get to in a moment, he talks about the dream and how great his life is, and now he finally gets to fight Nazis, and how the trans community taught him to be battle-ready.
I'm not kidding.
And that they are the vanguard that will save everyone.
And how it's just time to start killing anybody that's in law enforcement or that supports Trump.
And that the communist overthrow is going to be beautiful.
Don't think about it, just do it.
I'm going to read it to you in a minute.
And that they have to kill Warren Buffett and Elon Musk and all these other people.
By the way, Elon Musk wants real freedom and real empowerment for folks overall.
And, Warren Buffett's the biggest recipient of the Baker bailout and is a globalist insider.
He pushes all this fake leftist garbage about higher taxes because he actually gets that tax money.
But most of the people he lists in his manifesto other than that, like Buffett and others, are the globalists financing the very Antifa movement through George Soros.
It's incredible!
These people are so stupid!
But first, stories on newswars.com.
This is a cult of America hate.
This is what enemies do when conquering a nation's lands.
Lettuce removed the U.S.
flag and replaced it with a Mexican flag outside an ice processing center in Aurora, Colorado, to protest the detention of illegal immigrants and upcoming deportation raids.
Folks, they released 90% of them.
And again, 90% never show up to their amnesty, to their court hearings for political or religious asylum.
They're not coming here for asylum.
They're coming here for the welfare and to be inducted into the Democrat control system.
It's up 635% from Obama to Trump.
We're being bum-rushed.
Europe's being bum-rushed.
This is organized, and these people sit there freaking out and crying, going, oh my gosh, the Nazis, they're killing them inside, and it's all made-up hoaxes.
Coming up, the former head of the Border Patrol talks about what it's like to open a tractor trailer up.
When the cartels aren't paid all the money they want and there's 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 dead men, women, and children hugging their children dead who died in 150 degree heat in the back of the trailer just because the coyotes felt like killing them.
They find them dead every week in the Southwest in 18 Wheeler.
The smugglers get them across.
They don't pay the final leg.
Somebody doesn't wire the money.
Everybody dies.
And that is Gringo's fault.
El Norte's fault.
You don't see these folks, the meth head professors and all the antifa going and bitching about that.
No, no, no.
It's all how, it's all how, well the women's facilities and for the kids are real nice with big movie screens, but the men are all crowded in.
You're damn right they're crowded in.
Congress wouldn't fund building more centers.
They're simply checking them for disease and finding out they're not already a convicted murderer.
And they turn them loose!
That needs to be changed!
This is crazy!
But the left's been told any control of the border is pure evil.
But oh, the left will throw you off their evergreen college in Washington State.
If you're white, they have no white people weekends.
And no white people allowed at this area or that area.
White people gotta pay more to get into a rap concert.
All this racist crap from Antifa and the left that is funded by the establishment.
They're the useful idiot cannon fodder on the ground.
Now, there's several videos on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, but everybody's got to go look at this, because if you look at the video up close, it's all a bunch of old hippies, and a bunch of Antifa, and hardly any Mexicans.
But Mexicans, on average, are very nationalistic, if they're from Mexico, and they run up the Mexican flag, and everybody's like, woo!
Because the left identifies taking the country down with success.
Here's that video.
So there are illegal aliens, leftist antifa, cheering the American flag being taken down, the Mexican flag being run up.
This is about being conquered.
People are fleeing Mexico because it's failed, but they want you to now become Mexico with all the trappings of that.
Now, let's get into the manifesto itself that you won't hear about on CNN or anywhere else.
You're going to hear he was trying to burn up
Poor people in the processing center.
That's what you're hearing from the governor.
You talk about lying, and when you read over this, the terrorists who firebombed the ICE facility in Washington State yesterday released a manifesto before the attack stating, I am Antifa.
And said the attack was motivated by his opposition to concentration camps, close quote, in the United States.
Sixty-nine-year-old William Van Sportson was shot dead by police, had been through mom-off cocktails at the building and nearby cars on Saturday morning.
According to his manifesto, a copy of which was obtained by Jack Posobiec, Van Sportson was armed with an AR-15 and stated, I am Antifa.
The rest of the manifesto is a rambling advocacy of identity politics mixed with hysteria about concentration camps which clearly suggests that Van Sportensen was radicalized by fringe rhetoric from the likes of Alexandria Cortez or AOC.
At one point in the manifesto, Van Spornsen thanks his trans comrades, close quote, and explains that he was armed with a semi-automatic weapon, suggesting he clearly planned to commit a massacre.
Yeah, he was shooting a police.
The Antifa gun club that Van Spornsen attended also
Locked its Twitter down following the revelations, but not before the photos and all of it have been saved.
And we've already seen these videos of these tough guys out there threatening people in Seattle and other areas with their guns and being worshipped by the leftist police.
We have a video of some of these guys that we're going to play when we come back.
And then I'm going to get into the manifesto.
I'm gonna read you the mental illness of the weak minded people being controlled by Soros, the Democrats and CNN.
CNN profiled his group a month ago.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I agree entirely.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
You know, when I say a lot of this stuff on air, I can't even believe I'm saying it.
Here's an example.
I'm going to cover this the last two segments of the show today.
I got a call.
Well, first, Joe Biggs came up to me.
He was working for Infowars.
In 2016, in July, we had platinum passes.
They were actually bright red.
The best passes you could get at the RNC.
They were behind the scenes, through the Secret Service.
I could walk right up to the rooms the President was in.
Just, I mean, I had the best passes.
And so the Secret Service, I'd given those passes to Biggs.
Got like eight of them.
The Secret Service came over to Biggs.
They're like, hey, we love what you're doing with Hillary and all the rest of this stuff.
By the way, she's got major medical problems.
And do you know about them?
And Biggs is like, well, no.
I've seen Drudge talk about it and stuff.
That's really when you first questioned it.
There's a photo of Biggs and I at the RNC.
And they told Biggs, well, in about three weeks, we're going to contact you or your boss and give you the inside scoop.
But it'll be an intermediary.
It actually wasn't the Secret Service after that.
It was someone from another federal agency came to Austin.
And I'm not going to get into the details, but it's like you see in movies where you meet in a parking garage, basically.
This was in between two parking garages.
And they told me the whole deal.
She's had brain tumors.
They have to take her off the medication so she can give a speech.
But then when she goes off it, she has seizures up to every hour.
You have to understand, I came on air in August with Joe Biggs.
We've got to find those interviews.
And I said, the Secret Service says she has a black ambulance.
And that we've got to follow her around the country.
And that we'll catch her collapsing.
And that they have tents in case she collapses.
Always set up behind wherever she's speaking.
Well, Millie Weaver, a few weeks later, caught him again in Cleveland.
She traveled to Cleveland.
And Hillary was in a tent for an hour, later came out.
We've got those reports somewhere.
A lot of you heard them or saw them.
And then, we didn't catch it.
We didn't catch it.
We're good to go.
Report on this yesterday.
I guess we got busy or whatever, but in the special report, we didn't add her collapsing into the black ambulance.
We're going to add that to the special report.
We're going to air that at the end of the show today.
And we also were unable to dig up the original Millie Weaver report where she's collapsed inside the tent.
You'd think something like that would be like re-airing old Super Bowl clips or something, but I will assure you
That I could find the videos.
And so, I'm gonna stay here tonight, one way or the other.
Because I was up here all day yesterday.
And they found the video.
They just put another shot of another ambulance following her.
We broke the black ambulance.
Bigger than Dallas, Texas here, in probably 10 shows.
And then it all happened just like we said.
Now, guess who does know how accurate we are?
Hillary Rodham Clinton.
That's why she's financed all these lawsuits.
It's why she basically wants me dead.
If anything happens to me, her and her criminal combine are the number one suspects.
But, we're gonna find the old Joe Biggs interviews and my announcements here.
From August 2016.
If you can find them on YouTube or something, send them to us.
Remember, all our YouTube stuff got taken down.
We've got it somewhere here in our archives.
And we're going to show you where I laid out the specifics of she has a black ambulance before it had ever been seen.
And how she's fallen down every hour or so.
And then magically a month later it happened.
Because, why am I bringing up this old news?
I got a call from similar type folks that have given us good info before, and they said, listen, Joe Biden's mad the Democrats are throwing him under the bus.
He's mad that they're pulling up all these race car things.
He's having a lot of health problems at 76.
He's slurring his words.
He's shooting his mouth off behind the scenes saying, I'm going to drop out.
F this.
These people don't appreciate me.
Screw the Democratic Party if they keep this up.
I'm going to bring dirt on everybody.
I'm being told this last Wednesday, then I see on Friday night a speech he gave where he's slurring his words, he can't talk, and he says, why am I here?
Why am I doing this?
He just walks off the stage.
So I shot a special report last night on this.
And we're going to update it a little bit with a few of the clubs I just mentioned.
And then we're going to air that in the last two segments tonight.
Because I'm not saying 100% he is going to drop out.
But the same caliber of sources told us that he's saying he's planning to.
And if you look at where everything's going, I think that sounds very, very credible.
Now listen, I went out on a limb three years ago, three plus years ago, I guess right about three years ago now, when the RNC was happening.
Like didn't Trump even give his speech like tonight, three years ago?
I forget, but the point is, right around this time, but the Secret Service by then hated Hillary so much that we were being cheered all over the city of Cleveland going through Secret Service checkpoints.
Um, we get pulled over going through the checkpoints with our Cleveland PD escorts.
They, you know, sometimes look in the back and see all our guns and wave us through.
But the point is, is that this was Secret Service telling us that we were going to get this information.
And I was behind the scenes being told this.
Biggs was told it.
So I was waiting for the info.
I was also told it.
It came through and it was solid gold.
Now, I was also told
About Lolita Express, and about Jeffrey Epstein, and about the flight logs, and about all the kids, and about the initials on the flight logs.
And Dan Bongino on this show, like, four years ago, in the middle of the campaign, said, Hillary better watch it, because a lot of Secret Service agents saw what was going on, raised the alarm, so Bill Clinton stopped carrying his Secret Service detail with him.
So, oh, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, everything you know about Jeffrey Epstein.
I told you about Jeffrey Epstein 10 years ago.
Now he was a CIA, deep state slash possibly Mossad person using sex operatives and underage kids to frame people for international espionage.
That's now come out in the news.
And we told you about his island 10 years ago.
And we had guest on that told you about the flight logs.
All of this.
Hell, we were talking about the flight logs and all this four years ago with Roger Stone.
He wrote a book about it.
So you got it all here first.
So when I get up here and I shoot a special report saying our high-level sources say Biden's shooting his mouth off about quitting.
You see it in videos where Democrats come over and go, you hate Mexicans!
You deported 3 billion people!
And he goes, first off, a bunch of them weren't Mexicans and a lot of them were murderers and killers.
What are you supposed to do?
I'm proud of that.
They just start screaming at him.
And Biden has basically just had enough.
Are my sources suddenly lying to me?
Well, all they gave me was good info before.
Maybe now they're giving, or maybe Biden doesn't mean it.
Maybe he's throwing a fit.
I probably say every day around the office, I ought to just quit.
I don't mean it.
But this is big news.
I mean, we don't make stuff up.
We said she's got a black ambulance.
She's falling down every hour.
The Secret Service said, listen, that's all we're going to tell you.
Look into her having brain surgeries for tumors.
That's already on record.
And they said, just go research it.
And you got a lot of crew, right?
Just follow her around the campaign trail.
Follow the ambulances, follow the medical tents.
They're having to help her walk.
They got to take her off the drugs.
They said, we're not exactly sure if it's a brain tumor back or what it is, but she's going downhill.
And it happened.
It was all there.
It all happened exactly the way we said it.
I'm going to find the articles, and I'm going to find the videos.
The headline to search would be something like this.
Secret Service says Hillary Clinton having convulsions.
But does it matter?
I will find it.
I will get it.
I will play it!
If the hair lifts the Admiral, and the water rises over Bear Creek, we are still going to give you that.
Back to the Antifa manifesto when we come back.
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Viewers and listeners, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and we're under unprecedented evil attacks as you've seen.
But I wanted to take just a minute out here, from the bottom of my heart, to tell you how much it means to me that when you saw those lies against us last week, the worst things you can say about people, that you knew they were liars, you went and looked it up and found out the truth.
And so I feel very strong, and I feel God's hand on my shoulder, and I feel your love in my heart, and I want you to know that love is right back at you.
And I want to thank you for all you've done with your word of mouth and your prayers and your financial support, because I'm committed to fight to the end, but I want to win.
And without you, I'm going to be destroyed, and it's not going to be fun.
But that's not what's important.
The enemy could win.
We're a key chess piece in this fight.
We're being used by God.
You're being used by God.
This is Providence.
So I salute you, and I thank you for all you've done from the bottom of my heart.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, uh, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
I just want listeners to understand, money is what allows us to beat this and stand against this, and we're seeing a lot of orders right now with the Save Info Wars 50% off, but we make only like $5, $10 on higher marked up stuff.
We're making like $2 on the toothpaste at that price, and we're moving at
I don't know.
I like to be expanding.
I like to be fighting.
I like to be winning.
And we are winning the Infowar.
That's why we're so hated.
But we need to be retreaded.
We need to be tuned up.
We need to be fixed up.
We never have time to get it dried up.
We got a lot of holes shot at us.
And the enemy wants to silence us, then they're really going to plant child porn on us.
Then they're going to kill me, or you, or anybody else.
I mean, the Democrats now are going into a full revolutionary fervor, funded by foreign banks and the Chai Comps.
So, go to InfowarStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, so much news is breaking at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com that I can't even keep track of it.
We have stacks of articles where Hollywood scum and others have called for burning down ICE facilities, where Antifa has called for it, Ilhan Omar has called for eradicating the existence.
We have another video where she says that she's a better American than natural born and that she's going to teach you how to be an American.
Her evil is only outdone by her arrogance.
It is simply insane.
Simply insane.
So we're going to be going over all of that in his manifesto here in just a moment.
You know, I mentioned our articles and videos from August of last year.
I mean, August of 2016, three years ago, saying that Hillary Clinton was having convulsions and collapsing, according to Secret Service, being put into a black special ambulance.
Well, the video, the articles, the photos are all right here on InfoWars.com.
That's InfoWars.com.
Secret service leaks Hillary's health to the press.
This is our article, and I'm going to find the interviews I did specifically saying black ambulance before it was ever seen, and one month before she collapsed.
Why am I saying that?
The same type of sources have given us other good information say Biden is saying he's going to drop out of the race.
Now maybe he's only angry.
The way he's been thrown under the bus.
I don't know, but that's what we've run with because it's come from sources that were real Secret Service.
And so, if they were wrong, I would just say they're wrong.
But it's still a credible source.
Nobody's perfect.
People change their minds.
But why would they say she's in a black ambulance?
And just look for the black ambulance.
And that she's having convulsions all the time.
Joe Biggs was told this.
I was told this.
I was told I was going to be given more info.
Then the meeting was, why aren't you catching it?
Just put your reporters on her ass!
It's happening.
Well, the rest of the media knows.
The left's covering it all up.
And it turned out we would catch her falling down and being picked up.
We'd catch her shaking and disappearing.
We caught it in Austin.
We caught it in Cleveland.
But somebody else caught it.
Again, just a citizen journalist from the Netherlands when she completely collapsed having a convulsion.
So, I'm already digressing into this, aren't I?
When I tell you that this is big, that they're saying Joe Biden is saying, I'm sick of this.
Why am I doing this?
I want to get out of this.
The Democratic Party are idiots.
They are destroying themselves.
They are morons.
It's the same thing that Pelosi's saying to Ilhan Omar and AOC and the rest of them.
And so maybe he's just venting, but that story's on Infowars.com.
I didn't just grab that out of the air and then just decide to say that.
Now, there's a story at Infowars.com and Newswars.com that just broke.
It just broke, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm going to read it to you from right here.
And this is a big deal.
It's a very big deal.
And everyone needs to understand that this woman is a monster.
This is again at m4wars.com.
And this is her calling for this just days ago, and now you see this firebombing attack.
We have rogue agencies that have no accountability, no transparency in how they are conducting their businesses.
We know they have spoken in the most vile ways about immigrants.
We know they have certain views about what brown and black people deserve, said Omar.
Total, out-of-control race baiting.
We'll have that video for you when we come back.
So we should be having conversation about eliminating their existence, she added, before accusing Border Patrol agents of terrorizing migrants.
According to Customs and Border Protection, over half the agents who guard the borders between the U.S.
and Mexico, the U.S.
and Canada, are Hispanic.
The number is from 2008, so it's probably even higher now.
The probability to portray CPB agents as some kind of vanguard of white supremacy is clearly wholly inaccurate and hysterical, but this is par for the course when it comes to Ilhan Omar.
The left's crusade against border security has kicked into high gear with the New York Times publishing an op-ed this past weekend that called for the doxxing and public harassment of border patrol agents.
And now...
Antifa wears the shirts all over the country showing Border Patrol being killed, police being killed, stabbed with bayonets, punched in the face, and it says, we beat them in the 1940s, we can beat them again.
And it's nothing but delusional, low IQ meth-head types, who believe though they're literally, again, Captain America fighting Red Skull.
So I will get to the manifesto, I will get to Ilhan Omar, I will get to the firebombing attack and the shooting attack on the ICE facility by a known Antifa militarized unit that's the most militarized and the most violent, the most extreme of the terror organization Antifa.
And this guy went and firebombed and shot up the facility, shot up the police and got killed, said he was going to do it, and the governor says he went to hurt the ICE detainees.
That story's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com as well.
That's the magnitude of these people.
It's not just that they're out killing people.
It's that we're trying to kill people.
It's that they then have the media lie about who they are and what they're doing.
And they think they're rock stars in these mental illness bubbles of New York City, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, San Francisco, California, and L.A.
They're just crazy people that work for multinational corporations, work for George Soros, an actual Nazi collaborator, and they are just
The weakest minded followers who now think it's their green light, their wink and a nod to go out and attack people.
It's very interesting that most of them are Democrats and most of them are white because that's who went around harassing black people in the 50s and 60s and 70s.
Was, again, white Democrats.
But now, they're still a racially based system, but now they see the numbers are dwindling white population, so they jump on board to be the biggest cheerleaders that white people are the devil.
Truly, the scum of the earth.
And we've got so much more to get to today, but these people mean business.
I mean, we've told you the violent attacks are going to intensify.
And the fact that blue cities defend and protect these slime bags everywhere,
Has only encouraged it to get worse.
So I promise I'm gonna be a little bit more, not focused, but judicious about the time because I digressed off into Hillary and Biden planning to leave the race and all the rest of it.
Just to point out, as I was remembering last few days, just how incredible we were over the target with our exclusive information on Hillary being so sick.
And how even now,
I've had people I know go, really?
You got a source saying Biden's talking about quitting?
Yeah, of course I do!
You think I just made up a black ambulance, and Hillary falls down and has convulsions, and then she does it on tape, and it's put in a black ambulance?
You think I just magically made that up?
It's one out of quadrillion, gazillion, begillion, impossible infinities for me to just make that up and it comes true.
It's impossible!
I told you about the New World Order.
I told you about Jeffrey Epstein.
I told you about the cell phones watching you.
I told you about the Google Assist real people listening to you.
I told you about the cancer viruses and the vaccines.
I told you about all of it because it's all there.
It's not hard to find, but you've got to have the will to admit it's real and it's happening.
And yes, I get pissed when I talk about it.
This isn't a game, folks.
This is the real world.
It's not a joke.
And a lot of our fellow countrymen and humans are falling to this evil.
They're falling to this malaise.
They're falling to this virtual reality put out by MSM, where they really think they're fighting and killing Nazis, when they work for real Nazis.
It's unbelievable.
We'll read the manifesto of this poor idiot, this dangerous moron, when we come back.
And so much more.
Please don't forget we're running the 1776 Worldwide Special.
That will end in a couple days.
And it's the biggest special we've had ever on apparel.
All apparel is 1776.
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The Betsy Ross flagged.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm about to get into the manifesto of the gentleman that firebombed the building, cars, was shooting at police and got killed yesterday.
And the bigger twist, the specifics of the governor, saying he did it for Trump, trying to hurt the people inside.
I mean, you just can't make this stuff up.
But first, we have a report by Greg Reese.
Milkshakes to maul off radicalization of leftist pawns go full-blown terrorist.
And when you read the manifesto of this guy, again, you're listening to a delusional fruitcake.
And it's very, very frightening and scary to see how these pawns have been radicalized.
Here it is.
On Friday evening, hundreds of protesters overtook the flagpoles outside the ICE facility in Aurora, Colorado.
They raised a Mexican flag, an upside-down American flag with abolished ICE spray-painted on it, and an upside-down Blue Lives Matter flag.
Less than a day later, a man armed with a rifle threw incendiary devices at an ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington.
A car in the parking lot was torched.
You know what?
Go ahead and pause.
This report's too powerful.
Some stations don't carry this five minutes.
I'm gonna come back, and I'm going to play it next segment, then get into the manifesto, because here's the thing.
When I get really irritable, like I am right now,
It's because I'm angry at myself that I haven't done enough to stop this.
And there's also the sycophantic thing from the left.
Oh, you worship the police.
Now, I've been very critical of bad police over the years, and I'm an expert on the police state, which is the corrupt government using the police as an instrument of oppression.
The police have had their major problems, but in response to the globalist tyranny, we've actually seen a lot of reforms by the police.
And if I have to choose the globalist CHICOM funded over our own municipal police, obviously I'm going to choose that.
And you watch how the whole corporate media has been demonizing police for decades.
You know, I noticed like six, seven years ago that when we would bash bad police or police that the media claimed were bad, that we would be monetized by YouTube and oh, it'd be promoted to the front page of YouTube.
It's incredible.
But if I did a positive profile on police, they would hide the video.
And that was really the final straw.
I guess like eight, nine years ago, when I started figuring out the big picture.
And so now this country is descending into a civil war.
And it's like watching your family be destroyed in front of you because we live here.
This is our nation.
And there's no restraint on the left with Ilhan Omar and just all the things they're doing and the way they've been inciting all of this.
And it's only getting worse by the minute.
So we come back.
We're going to play his report because I got really upset when I saw Greg's report.
And then I went live on air and had forgotten that when I was talking about American flags being taken down and Mexican flags being run up, that I didn't even point out they flew the American flag upside down
With abolished ice spray painted across it.
With the Blue Lives Matter flag upside down, pissed all over.
And it just shows how the MSM and the corporate media and the universities have successfully radicalized giant armies of jerks.
Many of which came to this country for a free ride and then disrespect us the entire time.
And that's where my frustration comes in, is that
You know, I did a period where I talked about leftists being into child sex and child torture.
And then I say all this crazy stuff, and I'm not making it up.
When I talk about them torturing toddlers to death and drinking their blood, that's real confirmed cases, okay?
I'm telling you, you cannot underestimate how evil these people are.
And their servants are just the scum of the earth.
Alright, we'll be back in 60 seconds.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to
We're good to go.
It's a whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
Welcome back.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Hour number two of the Sunday broadcast.
The globalists and their leftist mobs know that America and the world's waking up.
The corporate fascism in the guise of world government.
And so they're resisting.
But Ilhan Omar, AOC, Joe Biden, they're all calling for physical revolution.
Any means necessary.
Overthrow the government.
Just last week, InfoWars.com ran the story Ilhan Omar's calls for eliminating existence of Border Patrol officers themselves.
Here she is.
We have rogue agencies that have no accountability, no transparency in how they conduct their business.
We know that they have spoken in the most vile ways about immigrants.
We know that they have certain views about what brown and black people deserve.
We should be having a conversation about eliminating their existence, reforming the agencies that deal with our most vulnerable, which are children and women.
And we are continuing to allow for them to terrorize people who are running away from the most horrific circumstances, and that's one inhumane, and that can't sit well with the American values that we have, that sort of really clearly cares about dignity and humanity.
Decade-old numbers is the Border Patrol is about 55% Hispanic, about 10% black.
The numbers are it's way above that.
They're not official, but looks like about 65% Hispanic now.
The idea that they're Nazis or these are concentration camps is asinine.
These are failing borders, failed states that we border.
They're pouring across one-third of kidnapped children.
That's mainline numbers.
Obama invited everybody to come in.
They say, if you have a kid, you get in free.
Everything's free.
And when people get here, they're pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags in places like Aurora, Colorado, yesterday.
And then Ilhan Omar fled a failed state, married her brother to do it, has been caught in income tax fraud that she's pled guilty to and paid fines, never worked a day in her life, just came and got on welfare and then runs tax camps.
She's a criminal.
And then she flees Somalia that has bombings every day and women are not elected to government.
Women are basically chattel.
They had giant bombings and machine gun attacks at the only working hotel basically in the country yesterday.
They don't have working airfields.
They don't have electricity in most areas.
But she comes here, I have another clip coming up, and talks about how Americans born here are not patriotic.
She's a real American and she'll teach you how to not be evil.
And then Trump said, which please go back to Somalia.
If you want to come here from Somalia and you want to be part of the country, that's great.
But here's the deal, please don't come from the most barbarous, backwards place on the planet and lecture us all day about how great you are.
She's nothing but a parasite.
Nothing but a parasite.
So, I want to go to Greg Reese's report here, it's short but it's powerful.
Titled, Milkshakes to Maul Off Cocktails.
Radicalized leftist pawns go full-blown terrorist.
Here is the report.
It's on Infowars.com.
Please find it.
Please share it.
America and the world's counting on you.
Only you can stop the globalists.
Here it is.
On Friday evening, hundreds of protesters overtook the flagpoles outside the ICE facility in Aurora, Colorado.
They raised a Mexican flag, an upside-down American flag with abolished ICE spray-painted on it, and an upside-down Blue Lives Matter flag.
Less than a day later, a man armed with a rifle threw incendiary devices at an ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington.
A car in the parking lot was torched, and investigators say the suspect threw flares at a propane tank, trying to make it explode.
Ultimately, four officers opened fire, killing the man.
The Democratic Party is running their platform on radical open border policies.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
If the border goes, then our Constitution goes with it.
Antifa has been using Molotov cocktails in Europe.
And now the dangerous trend has officially arrived in the U.S.
And the mainstream media supports them.
They are strictly principled anti-fascists.
It says it right in the name, Antifa.
Anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.
I think that a lot of people recognize that when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to white supremacist neo-Nazi violence.
When you go to cancer treatment, the radiation is tough treatment, but it is meant to remove the cancer.
But who is really to blame?
There are elected government officials who support Antifa and fill their minds with radical claims of a holocaust happening on our southern border.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, your colleague who was at the border with you, compared the facilities to a concentration camp.
Do you agree with that comparison?
I mean, there's a number of experts that say this is because it's traumatic.
There are camps and people are being concentrated.
This is very simple.
I don't even know why this is a controversial thing for her to say.
We have to really truthfully speak about what's taking place and this is why it's really important for us to abolish ICE.
There is no plan in sight and nobody is having the real conversation.
Is there a natural limit to this kind of immigration?
How many resources does America really have to share with the rest of the world?
Are we as rich as we assume we are?
How many poor people can we realistically accept before we're not that rich at all, but increasingly resemble the countries from which these people are fleeing?
Are you?
Now it's possible there are good answers to these questions, logical answers.
On the other hand, if there are answers, why is the left trying to prevent you from asking the questions?
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
Told you they've been calling for firebombing facilities.
They've got some of the articles here, now they're doing it.
And the governor says, oh, they did it to hurt the illegals.
Remember, about 90% of them get released, and they never show up.
90% get released within two weeks, and then 90% never show up to their amnesty hearings, to their political asylum hearings.
You know, the judges are rubber stamping it.
They just don't show up.
Of course, you can't blame them.
You know, the courts are backlogged four years.
Our border's broken.
Just like Somalia has a broken border.
And here's Ilhan Omar, with pleasure in her eyes, knowing we have a conscience, going, they are concentration camps.
Give me what I want.
I control your country now.
Do as I say.
Here she is, just yesterday, the story's up on newswars.com, everybody needs to get this out, saying that she's a better American.
Ilhan Omar says she's more patriotic than natural-born citizens and will teach them to be American.
Again, the average person spent three months at Ellis Island, the most open time in our history, being checked for diseases.
Some were released right away, most in three months, some six months.
Some were sent back on ships.
It was found they were criminals.
We have the most open country in the world right now.
And we're the bad guys for bringing this snake in from her failed country.
Here it is.
Something that I get criticized for all the time.
It's not what you think, so don't.
Don't gasp.
It is that I am anti-American because I criticize the United States.
And I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born.
And because I am ashamed of
We're going to come back with the rest of this, because she's going to teach us, don't worry.
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Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes!
Go straight at them!
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
No Trump!
No wall!
No USA at all!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The Chinese government, big mega banks, tax exempt, are openly funding Antifa, trying to trigger a civil war and bring down the U.S.
They'll then bring total fascism in after they're done.
And this individual attacked the ICE facility in Washington State.
William Van Sporensen, I want to get to his manifesto, which has been out for a day.
The media is still saying a right-wing terrorist attacked an ICE facility trying to burn up precious immigrants.
That's your controlled press.
They're worse than Baghdad, Bob.
Remember the propagandists in the 2003 Iraq War?
We said the US had been pushed all the way into the ocean and all that.
Same level of garbage.
But right now, here's Ilhan Omar.
Continuing with how, you know, she will teach Americans how to be Americans.
She's a better patriot, and she will teach you.
Here it is.
Why don't you be more like an American?
You can continue to say that.
Why can't you be more like an American?
Because it used to be a very positive thing.
We export American exceptionalism, the great America, the land of liberty and justice.
That is, you know, if you ask anybody walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you America the great.
But we don't live those values here.
And so that hypocrisy is one that I'm bothered by.
I want America the great to be America the great.
If a mother wants to make her son cut his genitals off at age eight in the state of Texas, the courts rule it's gonna happen.
And if I gotta pay for abortions in Travis County, it's gonna happen.
I mean, the idea that we're this oppressed state for the left is a joke.
The left is censoring and oppressing everybody.
You've got this individual, oh, by the way, we're having the three percenters on from Spokane and from Seattle tomorrow.
The very folks that knew this individual and know the
Redneck Revolt group, the terror group, they're going to be joining us, people that have basically had guns pointed at them, by the now dead firebomber William Van Spornsen.
Now he's got a long manifesto.
The full thing's up on InfoWars.com.
You gotta go read this for yourself.
But he just goes on to say that America is now run by Nazis, fascism serves the needs of the state, serves the needs of businesses, and your expense.
Who benefits?
Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Betsy DeVos, George Soros.
I mean, George Soros is the main funder of Antifa, along with Alexander Soros.
But that's a known fact.
It's in mainstream news, the federal filings.
We've got internal Antifa documents.
It just shows these people don't even know who's feeding them.
And then he continues.
He says, to my comrades, I regret that I will miss the rest of the revolution.
Thank you for the honor of having been in your midst.
Talk about delusionals.
Giving me space to be useful.
Oh, letting him be near them.
Oh, to feel that I was fulfilling my ideals has been the spiritual pinnacle of my life.
Doing what I can.
Let's put him up on screen.
I want people to see this.
This is the mind zombie.
Doing what I can to help defend my precious and wondrous people.
This is an experience too rich to describe.
Listen to this.
My trans comrades have transformed me, solidifying my conviction that we will be guided to the dream of future by those most marginalized among us today.
I've dreamed it so clearly that I have no regret for not seeing how it turns out.
Thank you for bringing me so far along.
I am Antifa.
I stand with comrades around the world who act from the love of life.
Comrades who understand that freedom means real freedom for all and life worth living.
And this last part to cut off, what did he say in that last sentence?
Even premeditation.
Comrades who understand that freedom means real freedom for all, and life worth living.
Keep the faith, all power to the people.
And then he goes on to say, buy your guns illegally, begin the slaughter, it's so liberal, love you.
Oh, he also says things like, uh, you know, set aside your thoughts.
Do not think.
Begin the killing.
It's so loving.
You've got to go read this for yourself.
Whack jobs.
Can we show the photos that are tweeted in Paul's article on Infowars.com?
I want to show people him with the...
Redneck Revolt.
And there's these photos of him, just where he's just walking around all glassy-eyed.
There's videos too.
I'm such a good person.
They've almost got tears in their eyes.
We're fighting so hard.
These death camps that people are fighting to get into.
We all got our university degrees and we're all members of the Communist Party.
We're fighting so hard against the horrible country everyone's fighting to get into.
We're ready.
We've got our guns.
And then we all saw what happened in Charlottesville, yeah.
A bunch of hired actors, they admit it.
And boy, are they throwing me in the briar patch with their fake lawsuit out of... Virginia.
Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
We have the contracts.
We have the groups that were hired.
Hired actors to pose as the Nazis.
They ran damn ads two months and a month before the biggest group in the country that hires AstroTurf.
They had websites.
They had drills.
They had training events.
And they sued me saying I said some photographer had killed the woman
And that he'd done it for Hillary.
No, I said you had a bunch of leftists that had worked for Hillary and everybody out there to show the carnage that Soros funded, hoping something happened, so they could then use it to demonize anybody who's conservative.
Which they did!
But almost every Nazi in Charlottesville was a hired actor!
And nothing against, you know, Nelly effeminate gay guys, but I mean, when you watch the Torch Parade, they're all just like patting each other and going, uh, uh, uh, uh.
It's like going to a huge gay bar or something.
They're all, oh, we're Nazis now.
Oh, yeah.
Did I tell you?
And almost all of them formerly worked for Hillary or Obama in the year before.
They're like, Alex, well, yes, we used to be like, but now we're Nazis.
We want to be your friend, Alex.
Come on.
I mean, it's just a bunch of gay dudes dressed up like Nazis.
And they get paid as actors and they're all literally like prancing around like... It's like a candy ass parade or something.
I mean, go watch it.
Go watch the raw footage of them swishing and kissing a little.
Oh, God, we got caught.
Oh, oh.
And I mean, this is America.
This is what goes on.
This is how this crap operates.
We're going to go to break and come back with Joe Biden planning to drop out of the race.
He may decide not to, but this is real information.
This is on InfoWars.com.
I suggest you share it.
I shot this last night.
And then I'll be back, Lord willing, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
It's very important.
Central, David Knight, 8 a.m.
War Room, Owen Troyer.
There's so much more.
We have exclusive guests that knew and had faced the terrorists.
Tomorrow, that the governor is now blaming on Trump.
Yes, it never ends.
Brace yourself for more anti-terror attacks.
They pledged to kill the families of law enforcement.
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And so I feel very strong and I feel God's hand on my shoulder and I feel your love in my heart.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Raw and unfiltered.
That's the truth.
Live, raw, and unfiltered.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, so we're gonna get to this special report that I
Put out last night, but I had them add a few things to it.
Like the original proof that we broke that she was in a black ambulance and collapsing.
They actually found it.
So that's gonna be in this report, updated from the one that's posted at Infowars.com, that Joe Biden is looking to exit the 2020 election.
That doesn't mean he's gonna do it.
Just like it doesn't mean we're gonna catch her in a black ambulance collapsing and having seizures, but we did!
We did!
As the Secret Service told us.
Had another little federal agency drop by and I said, what's the info?
You've been given the info, Alex.
Well, give me more info.
You've been given the info.
We're not violating federal law on HIPAA, Jones.
You already know everything, Jones.
You already know.
You've already had Pachinikon about the brain tumors.
You already know.
Will you just follow her?
For God's sake, this woman's evil.
Well, what do you mean evil?
You already know, Jones.
You already know about the Lita Express.
Can you imagine the Secret Service having to be around these monsters day in and day out, continually?
So they're transferring the video over right now.
And as soon as we have it, we'll play it.
It's about 15 minutes long, so we'll be able to fit it into what's left of the broadcast.
We won't be on air doing stuff like this that is absolutely cutting edge, telling you about Jeffrey Epstein 10 years before anybody else, telling you about all this stuff if you can't support us.
And I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, if you want to see us fight, if you want to see the globals taken down, if you want to see the new world order in trouble,
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Now, here is the report.
This will be
About half of the 30-minute report is up on Infowars.com, but the first half is on Biden, currently set to exit the race.
Doesn't mean it's gonna happen, but it's from good sources that he's talking about it, and very pissed off, and who can blame him?
But the Democrats throw him in the bus, and then we get into the open borders and all the real stuff that's happening as well, and then, like I said, I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Please tell everybody about the show.
That's how we override the censors to the absolute horror of Hillary and Tim Cook and all the rest of the Antifa funding trash.
Here's the report.
And it is golden, is it not?
Like I said, there's something about watch pots that never boil.
Something about things worked on to the very last moment.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the original report.
This is going to be an amazing day.
It's going to be an incredible day.
Let's flush that one and then it's just not meant to happen.
Our labors are not going to happen.
But tomorrow, I can have a longer report, the original Black Ambulance Report, the original Hillary Report, then how it all came true.
We'll have that tomorrow.
Let's air the other version with a huge, beautiful drumroll, ladies and gentlemen.
Here it is for you.
The country wasn't built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs, and hedge fund managers.
There'll be no more Charlottesvilles.
No more Helsinkis.
The challenge of following this disastrous presidency over, we believe in free speech.
That's why I'll end the gag rule, the global gag rule that prevents money from getting to NGOs.
We'll look, we'll look for enforceable commitments.
They'll produce emissions, reduce emissions.
Tomorrow's news.
You're about to exclusively get what is undoubtedly the biggest news in the 2020 pivotal presidential race between Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and the giant field of over 20 Democrats.
Joe Biden is privately complaining to staff, crew, and security, including his secret service detail that he has because he's the former vice president, that he is 76,
That he is slurring his words, that he is having memory problems, and that he is even having coughing fits similar to Hillary Clinton.
If elected, he would be the oldest president elected in U.S.
He'd be 82 years old by the time his first term is served.
And a little bit later, I'm going to break down how Joe Biden was forced to run by the political establishment, by the Democrats, and is now being thrown under the bus.
That's the report we've also gotten, is that he is complaining that he was convinced to do this and told that he would win, and that he would basically run without opposition, and now he's had the Democratic Party turn on him, he's had Obama turn on him, and his legacy is being destroyed right in front of his eyes as part of a larger cheap trick.
Here is the big exclusive news.
Joe Biden is currently intending to drop out of the 2020 race, potentially even before the next debate coming up at the end of the month in Detroit.
He's looking at dropping out before or possibly right after if he can gracefully exit.
If they attack him on the stage, he is intending to release massive amounts of dirt on the other candidates to regain his legacy as he sees it.
And then he will exit, saying the Democratic Party is falling apart and destroying itself, mirroring what Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has been saying about AOC.
This is huge, exclusive breaking news.
We've just received some video of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stumbling as she left the 9-11 commemoration in New York City this morning.
A statement from Clinton's campaign says she felt overheated.
Is she a no-show?
We'll find out.
It seems like there has been some kind of a time delay.
Everybody's just waiting and kind of trying to kill time.
There's a lot of dead time happening.
It is critical, if you're a new viewer or a listener, to understand something.
Before I go further, this is paramount.
In July of 2016, we had the highest level presidential passes at the RNC in Cleveland.
Myself and Joe Biggs were separately approached by Secret Service.
They said in the next month they would have a critical message for us about Hillary Clinton's health, but that we needed to shadow her on the campaign trail and look for a black ambulance.
That's all they would say.
A month later, a representative met with us in Austin and laid out the facts that she has had multiple brain tumors removed, that she would have to go off for medication before speeches.
And that she would then have epileptic seizures without the medication and that we needed to shadow her everywhere.
We almost caught her the next week in Cleveland again collapsing and having to be brought to a tent.
She collapsed at other events as well.
The Democrats were all in, even her constituents on covering this up.
Since then she's been caught falling down and having seizures many times.
So some of the similar type individuals, I'll leave it at that, contacted me Wednesday.
And said, Alex, Joe Biden doesn't want to be on the campaign trail.
He has Secret Service obviously guarding him.
He's the former Vice President.
He is really tired of being thrown under the bus by the Democrats, having his legacy destroyed.
He was promised that even though he's 76 and has health problems, that he was going to be protected by the system.
He now knows he's being set up.
He's not sure why.
Suddenly Obama and others will hardly even talk to him.
Suddenly he's not raising as much money as he was and he's complaining, saying, why am I here?
Why am I doing this?
He's coughing.
He's saying he's having memory problems.
He's getting medical checkups for problems with his brain.
He already had major strokes before.
He almost died from embolisms.
I had two cranial aneurysms.
And they literally had to take the top of my head off.
I mean, they take a saw and they cut your head off.
What are my chances of getting off this table and being completely normal?
He said, well, your chances of living are a lot better.
And so, when I asked the sources, I said, well, are you sure he's gonna drop out?
They said, yes.
He's looking for a way to exit.
He's not sure if he's gonna do it.
We'll be right back.
I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects, not with Mother Nature.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
Hey, Alex.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
I just want listeners to understand, money is what allows us to beat this and stand against this, and we're seeing a lot of orders right now with the Save Info Wars 50% off, but we make only like $5, $10 on higher marked up stuff.
We're making like $2 on the toothpaste at that price, and we're moving at
I don't know.
I like to be expanding.
I like to be winning.
I like to be fighting.
And we are winning the Infowar.
That's why we're so hated.
But we need to be retreaded.
We need to be tuned up.
We need to be fixed up.
We never have time to get it dried up.
We got a lot of holes shot in us.
And if the enemy wants to silence us, then they're really going to plant child porn on us.
Then they're going to kill me, or you, or anybody else.
I mean, the Democrats now are going into a full revolutionary fervor, funded by foreign banks and the Chai Comps.
So, go to InfowarStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
All right, let's go back to part of the report that's on Infowars.com.
Joe Biden planning to exit 2020 race.
He's eyeing to do it.
Doesn't mean he will, but this is real information.
And then we have a third version of this with even more added data that's going to be uploaded tonight when the full show gets uploaded.
There'll be a third version that has even more information added to it, but here it is live.
They said yes, he's looking for a way to exit.
He's not sure if he's going to do it before the debate, at the end of the month, or after, but he is mightily pissed because they knew he had health problems when he started the campaign and they've gotten a lot worse.
Almost like it's a curse or something.
And so now there's a new video
That's on Infowars.com.
Joe Biden stumbles, slurs, coughs through speech, wonders, what am I doing?
And that's exactly what I was told by our sources that are guarding him, is that Joe Biden.
How does he stay in when every speech he has slurred words, every speech, every sentence has problems, where he's mixing up words, where he is having coughing fits, worse than Hillary.
How at 76 is he going to go through the grueling debates and the campaign and the lights in the next year and a half?
No, Joe Biden is a smart guy.
Joe Biden has been a very intelligent person, though he's worked for the dark side.
And he knows he cannot stay in.
Now, maybe they intended for Biden to go in and win.
But now that they see he's sick, they're planning to attack him, I guess, until he drops out.
So you're about to see what happens.
I don't know all the thinking.
I don't know every angle that goes into this.
But you're getting exclusive information.
So here's his speech yesterday.
And then we're going to play.
The speech that I commentated on when he first launched his campaign on April 31st of this year with slurring his words, not being able to speak.
I asked, has he had a second stroke?
And that's why Facebook said that they finally banned me off Instagram because I was involved in election meddling.
Asking if somebody's had a second stroke, who's already had major problems, is very, very reasonable.
But, again, I'm supposedly fake news.
No, we're real news, and they're scared of us.
They even said on CNN and MSNBC, he's gotta be banned!
Because he's the one that said Hillary was falling down!
And he's the one that now says Biden has trouble talking!
Biden has trouble talking on the videos!
Hillary was falling down!
She fell down on camera, and had a seizure!
They're trying to take us off the air because we have credibility and they know we're telling the truth.
So here's the latest event, and then here's the one that got us banned when we first questioned this months ago.
And see, that's how leadership works.
When you're the first to question something when nobody else will, and it turns out you're right, the inside sources contact you because they know you're not controlled and will tell the truth.
That's why InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com are tomorrow's news today.
As President of the United States, I would remind the world that we are the United States of America and we do not coddle dictators.
The United States of America gives hate no safe harbor.
There will be no more Charlottesvilles, no more Helsinki's.
The challenge of following this disastrous President Taylor
Will not be just to restore the reputation or credibility.
Donald Trump and the demagogues around the world are leaning into these forces.
That triumph of democracy and liberalism over fascism and autocracy that has driven all our economic process and progress.
We believe in free speech.
That's why I'll end the gag rule, the global gag rule that prevents money from getting to NGOs who even talk about family planning.
But President Trump took those words, those literal words, nation of immigrants, out of the statement, the mission statement of our Citizenship and Immigration Services.
We have to be honest about, excuse me, we have to be honest about
Because we've neglected the basics.
By strengthening, by strengthening, by strengthening.
Folks, we're virtually energy independent.
He has, he has, I don't know how to say it, he's alienated us.
From the very democratic allies we need most.
And partnerships built on coercion to take on non-traditional threats, like weaponized corruption.
We cannot be a credible voice on the proliferation of nuclear security.
We'll look for enforceable commitments that will reduce emissions,
And again, here's Biden three months ago.
His first speech went off like a derailment of a train.
And this is what got us banned further because dirty Americans are supposed to keep their mouth shut and not talk about what they observe.
Maybe Hillary takes on kind of an urban accent when she's in front of blacks.
So does AOC.
So maybe he just thinks that these union workers are mentally retarded.
Maybe that's why.
I'm not making fun of retarded people.
I'm really worried about Biden.
Did he just have a big stroke?
He's up to no good about Wall Street.
Let's go back to him.
All my time in public life since I've gotten involved, the country wasn't built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs, and hedge fund managers.
If the enterprise hits hard times, everybody took a hit.
Union workers, the UAW, took incredible cuts in their future and their pensions to get GM working.
They also got that last year and tried to cut wages or freeze wages for their people.
Right today, the same is happening in big hospital systems.
I think we've got to rethink how we define what constitutes a successful economy.
Folks in America don't think their children are going to have the same standard of living they had!
Alright, let's stop right there.
The report goes on and you can go to any speech he gives.
In fact, last night I spent about two hours after the children went to sleep just going to YouTube and typing in Joe Biden and then
Clicking on his videos and watching new ones.
And he was slurring through almost all of them, bumbling around.
Looks like hell.
Looks like he's 90 years old.
He is 76.
How is he going to run?
Well, the word is, he was told he was going to be given the nomination.
And now that he's not, he's getting upset.
Let me shift gears to a subject that's very important.
The Democratic Party, the Audubon Society, the U.N., they don't want the U.S.
to be able to have clean burning coal.
We have more coal than any other country in the world.
We have clean burning coal that produces nothing but carbon dioxide.
That's not monoxide, that's carbon dioxide that plants breathe, and water vapor.
We have the clean coal.
One of the biggest funders for the carbon taxes, it mainly targets again coal.
But you look at New York City, because they won't let us have these plants.
Coal power plants have been shut down, over a thousand of them.
More and more, our energy sources are going out.
We're having more blackouts across the country, like a third world country.
This happened last night.
Let's play the audio.
This is in New York City.
They're up there, and the sound just goes off.
Think about that.
And then hours and hours of no power, they claim, oh, a piece of equipment malfunctioned.
Yeah, the equipment's old.
The nuclear reactors are old.
A thousand coal plants have been shut down.
The country is being de-industrialized.
We can't compete with China when they open five new plants a week.
And up until the time Trump got in, we were closing plants every month.
We're being industrially shut down.
But the left, who wants all the free crap, they're here bitching.
They also said they want electric cars.
Well, electric cars take more carbon than a regular car.
But Gregg Reese cut an ad this week, before this even happened, talking about it for InfoWareStore.com.
Here it is in closing.
As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
Borders are being broken and sovereignty is being challenged.
The world is going to change, and how it changes will likely be decided by those who are prepared to stay strong when the system fails.
The system is vulnerable.
Electricity could be gone in an instant.
And grocery stores could be empty in three days.
Having storable foods and the ability to purify water will give you a fighting chance in the next level.
And being without puts you at the mercy of others or makes you a slave to a dying system.
Buy storable foods and an Alexa Pure Gravity Water Filter today.
Support mankind by being prepared and support freedom by buying from Infowarsstore.com.
I'll see you all back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
We will always be the people who defeated a tyrant across the continent.
Harness science, took to the skies, and soared into the heavens.
Because we will never forget that we are Americans, and the future belongs to us.
The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud, and the free.
We are one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny.
We all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart.
And we are all made by the same Almighty God.
Tomorrow's news today.
Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes!
Go straight at them!
As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
Borders are being broken and sovereignty is being challenged.
The world is going to change, and how it changes will likely be decided by those who are prepared to stay strong when the system fails.
The system is vulnerable.
Electricity could be gone in an instant.
And grocery stores could be empty in three days.
Having storable foods and the ability to purify water will give you a fighting chance in the next level.
And being without puts you at the mercy of others or makes you a slave to a dying system.
Buy storable foods and an Alexa Pure Gravity Water Filter today.
Support mankind by being prepared.
And support freedom by buying from Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.