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Filename: 20190628_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 28, 2019
3198 lines.

"The Alex Jones Show covers politics, media manipulation, and censorship. He argues big tech companies like Reddit and Twitter are working with the Democratic Party to control public opinion by censoring content and manipulating narratives. He discusses how some talk show hosts have stopped inviting him on their shows out of fear of being banned themselves, which he sees as a dangerous trend that will only lead to further censorship and suppression of free speech. Throughout the show, Jones emphasizes the importance of standing together in defense of free speech and refusing to be silenced by those who seek to control the narrative."

The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Friday, June 28th, 2019, and the clock is ticking down as we approach the crossroads.
Will humanity accept global governance run by private, ruthless technocrats, or will we
Leap forward again towards the Renaissance, towards the nation state, and towards the empowerment of the individual and the human family.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are seeing astounding routes of the globalist forces across the planet.
And that is because nationalists in the United States, in the last 60 years,
Going back to the John Byrne Society and others, accurately analyze the global corporate structure of the globalists and their plan for the future to destroy the nation states, collapse the borders, impoverish the people, open the borders.
And now,
Because of sites like InfoWars, we were able to popularize in the last 25 years what was only academic.
It was only learned specialists and high-level military officers and FBI agents and those type of people who were trained to identify foreign enemies, corporate takeover systems that were aware of our government being bought off.
We're good to go.
Are the groups taking over America?
Literally, the Rothschilds, the British royal family, a lot of their money.
If you ever wonder why you turn on the news, you think that the U.S.
is run by the royal family and everyone's worshipping them.
They were hated up until the 1920s.
And literally, hundreds of millions of dollars at that time, billions today, was spent
Anglifying is what they called it.
And the East Coast even affected a British accent.
All of this to again bring us into this global empire that Cecil Rhodes and others envisioned.
But I'm digressing into history.
The reason I raise all this is we have come so incredibly far that they thought they would just build their world government.
We'd all just watch sports.
I don't know.
Is it?
That it's a cancer?
That it's designed to basically destroy our nations?
And that people are rejecting it everywhere?
It is incredible.
And I'm going to read his quotes for you coming up at the bottom of the hour.
The article is again up on newswars.com and infowars.com.
But whatever you do, realize we are the heart of the reboot of nationalism and capitalism and Christianity and freedom against the globalist onslaught.
You are the reboot.
You are the megaphone.
You are the lightning.
Uh, that Zeus throws down from heaven.
You are the resistance and when you spread the articles, when you spread the videos, it is the very oxygen.
In this fight that allows us to move forward.
So please, whatever you do, spread the word about the live broadcast on local AM and FM, on shortwave, on satellite, and of course at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're going to go to break.
Robert Barnes and others are going to have all the big highlights of the incredible debate last night, where the Democrats say that they openly represent illegal aliens and that's the party that they are.
It's just incredible.
So we've never seen such clear cut lines of globalism.
Versus Americanism as we're seeing right now.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
In the 40 years that I've been in American politics, I've never seen a situation with the mainstream media in which facts and truth and evidence no longer matters.
The false claim that you purposely said kiddie porn to the Sandy Hook plaintiffs is ludicrous as well as
It's a smear.
Somebody sends you something that's encrypted.
You don't even open it.
It ends up swept up in the discovery of 9 million documents, and then it's blamed on you.
This is Kafka-esque.
This is bizarre.
But the way the mainstream media rushes out to say, Jones sent kiddie porn, is really outrageous.
I have a lot of respect for those media outlets and those commentators who retracted and corrected and clarified.
But I wonder, where are the big boys?
Where's the Wall Street Journal?
Where's Associated Press?
When are they going to report that they made a mistake and what they said about you was inaccurate?
So we both need your help and I urge folks to continue to support InfoWars with your dollars.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
On June 28, 2019, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer and Robert Barnes filling in for Alex today, but we will be hearing from Alex throughout the broadcast.
We also have Carpe Dantum, who is going to be joining us in the second hour, but I think Bob, me and you need to discuss the clown show that was last night, and more than anything,
Just kind of reflecting on it, and you and I were briefly talking before we went live here.
This isn't really us to pat ourselves on the back, but pretty much everything we said before the debate came true.
Biden ended up being the punching bag that took the licks.
He was the big loser.
Yang was the most googled search term.
He was the one that created the most curiosity about him as a candidate.
Marianne Williamson creeped up as number two just for the sheer shock value and the oddity that she is.
We saw, obviously, the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden exchange go viral.
That was kind of, I think, the highlight from the thing, is Biden getting the licks and getting cut over the eye.
He's bleeding out now politically.
But you were talking, too, how you were watching MSNBC afterwards.
I was kind of watching some of the commentary afterward, too.
And it's just amazing how out of touch
mainstream media is with the average American voter.
And it almost made me realize or re-realize that most of these people, when they go on air, like a Rachel Maddow or a Chris Hayes or a Chuck Todd, they're telling their audience what to think.
They're in a position of a dictate.
Telling the audience what to think, where we're just saying, hey, here's what we see, here's the evidence, here's the facts, here's how we think it's gonna go.
Turns out to go that way because we're just in touch with reality.
I mean, it's amazing to watch these people talk down to their audience.
There's no wonder they're losing ratings at an astronomical rate.
No doubt.
And what's amazing is, if you go back and look at the video that got InfoWars kicked off of Instagram, it was the video that showed that Joe Biden had serious cognitive capacity problems.
And the net effect of those cognitive capacity problems got, everybody was commenting on it last night.
So even, you had David Axelrod commenting on it.
You had Sean Trendy for RealClearPolitics commenting on it.
And you had people, I mean, Donald Trump Jr.
in his own inimitable way commenting on it, whether that was Joe Biden's attempt to speak Spanish.
But what you really saw was, this is someone who has a serious health problem.
And it was only Infowars that covered it.
It was attacked by CNN and Oliver Darcy and everybody else, as this was fake news.
When in fact it turned out to be, once again, Tomorrow's News Today.
Because what happened is, in fact, everybody got to see it.
He couldn't finish a single sentence of a single question without him working at it.
It was like watching a stroke victim.
I mean, it was a sad thing to watch.
Well, he admits he had his head cut open and he had the surgery on it.
And you've never seen a candidate, when you've got ten people on stage fighting for time, volunteer to stop talking.
Oh, exactly.
I mean, that was clearly his... Like, sometimes when I have people in trials, I give them a fallback point.
Like, if you get into a jam and you can't remember where you're at and you're sort of emotionally upset, remember your main point and make that point.
And clearly, that was his.
His point was, hey, by the way, if you completely stall out,
If the brain just won't function at all up there, say, my time's up.
My time's up.
And of course, now that's become the meme and it may be the closing statement of Joe Biden's career.
Sorry, my time's up.
I mean, it will be somewhat sad, not entirely sad, but we may have seen the end of Joe Biden last night.
That was it.
His political time is up.
And he appropriately said sorry.
But look at, if you just look at the way the news, they force Biden down your throat.
They tell you Biden is leading in the polls.
Biden, Biden, Biden.
He can't even complete a political debate, really, is what it was.
Oh, I'm out.
That's him tapping out.
He couldn't even complete the debate.
It was a tap out.
It was like the guy who walked into the room.
I forget, it was Peter, whatever his name was, that fought Mike Tyson when Mike Tyson got out of jail.
And his guy in the corner couldn't wait to throw the white towel in.
I mean, he had it ready, I mean, within like 20 seconds.
That was basically Joe Biden last night.
And so he has serious... But there was no Mike Tyson on that stage, though.
Let's be clear.
No, there was not.
Kamala Harris is not Mike Tyson.
You didn't need to be, because they were ready to quit no matter who they were fighting.
I thought Biden was not going to run, and the reason why I thought Biden was not going to run was because of his age, his cognitive health issues, his family corruption issues.
Now, he managed to dodge any of those consequential questions, but he can't through the rest of the debate.
Here's a guy who couldn't even handle defending his busing position 40, 50 years ago.
That's the political place he's at.
We got a Biden gaffe, and we got a Biden hammer.
Biden was hammered by Harris, and then we got the Biden gaffe when he said the very first thing he will do as president is make sure he beats the other guy who's president.
Which is, the only way you can beat Donald Trump is if you've actually already beaten Donald Trump in terms of being president.
So, all of the problems of Biden were there, and when it gets to the point that David Axelrod on CNN, the Obama campaign manager,
No, no, no.
He's clearly there.
Yeah, is he old, but he's with it.
He's got the energy.
He has still the vitality.
Biden lacks all of it, but oh, Trump is unfit, but Biden somehow is fit.
I mean, again, really the aftermath of this in the media, I think, just reminded me.
Not even how fake they are, but just how authoritarian they are.
And I think they basically forced Biden to run because they thought everybody else was weak.
He's desperate.
Biden was the only one who was doing really well against Trump in the polls.
Theoretically, he's blue-collar Joe, so he could appeal to middle America and the middle part of the country.
And I think what they saw last night was, oh man, this guy couldn't stand five seconds against Trump.
And that's why they were willing to throw him to the curb and throw him off the cliff in half a second.
And he enabled that because of his health problems, because of his corruption problems that are still lingering.
But when they saw that Kamala Harris could bait him, literally with race bait, could bait him that quickly, that easily.
And this wasn't something that came out of nowhere.
This wasn't like all the baiting of Donald Trump, where during the debates he heard something for the very first time right in the middle of the debate in some sort of attack.
Here, this is an attack that they've been waging on Biden for two weeks.
This is not new.
This is something that they've been testing over and over and over again, and he still wasn't ready to defend it.
And I think part of that, my guess is he had a prepped answer, is cognitive capacity.
If Kamala Harris can outwit you, you're in trouble.
Yeah, exactly!
She's still the dumbest lawyer I've ever gone up against in court.
This is someone who failed the bar exam in California twice.
Luckily in California you don't have to pass the bar, right?
You can still practice law.
You don't have to go to an accredited law school, but you still have to pass the bar.
The Kamala Harris University.
Yes, exactly.
She'll stamp on your wrist.
And it was repeated failures.
So the fact that they did so, that Biden was so unready for her, knowing it was coming from weeks in advance, couldn't finish sentences, struggled to get math statistics right, was misanalogizing different components, struggling to cite the names of statutes, struggling to remember what his talking points were, that without a teleprompter Joe Biden is DOA.
Not only that, a little tidbit that the media did not cover.
After the debate, Joe Biden refused to go into the little news section.
So everybody goes and does all the interviews afterwards.
Trump loved to do it.
He loved to kill.
He was just going there, slay, slay, slay, slay, slay.
Joe Biden refused to.
They said, oh, you know, he doesn't need to.
So it was like a Mad Max joke, you know, between Bernie and Biden, two grandpa under, only one grandpa left.
And I think that Joe is really done.
Uncle Joe is the Joe that, it's like Ross Perot said, it's time to put him in the basement.
Well, and I think now the Democrat Party establishment elite are in panic mode.
Because Joe Biden is obviously who they wanted, and there's no way, I mean, maybe they still think they can force him down America's throats, but that would be really aggressive.
I think based on the media reaction, they were like, oh, he can't handle it against Trump, and that was his only utility.
We'll have to see.
So here's what's going to happen today on the Alex Jones Show.
We've got Alex coming up in the next segment.
He's going to break all of this down.
We've got Carpe D'Antem coming up in the second hour.
I think we'll open up the phone lines, see what America thought about last night's debate as well.
We'll take your calls.
Folks, we want to continue extended coverage like we had for the last two nights of the Democrat debates.
I mean, the clown world did not let down.
I mean, between transsexual men getting abortions and Joe Biden, first thing once he gets into office is to getting into office.
I mean, just incredible stuff from the clown show.
And it's all possible with your support at Infowarsstore.com.
We're on a razor's edge here every day.
And when we start doing extended broadcasts like last night, we're basically sprinting on a razor's edge.
So, we appreciate your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
Briefly, folks, please do not forget.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Vladimir Putin today at the G20 dropped the bombshell of bombshells because what he said is so incredibly true, but no one, no world leaders except for he and Trump would dare say it.
Globalism is a neoliberal fascistic system that overrides every culture and destroys any type of independence and is designed to create as much debt over the nation state, individual and family as possible.
And Putin understands this because Russia labored for decades under a globalist system using communism as the management program.
And Putin has come out, the article's on Infowars.com, and he has talked about the elephant in the room and said that globalism is basically dead because liberalism as an operating system has been so betrayed that everyone is rejecting it because it's not classical liberalism.
It's globalism.
Globalism is dead in the hearts of men and women and in our minds.
But the globalists are still in place.
And that's the paradox, that they have stolen the money, they control the banks, they control much of the infrastructure, but they're losing the hearts and minds at an accelerated rate.
And that's why they're doing a Hail Mary
To flood Europe and flood the United States and flood Canada and flood Australia and New Zealand with as many military-age men as possible who spend up to a year, usually six months, in hardcore UN refugee camps where they are brainwashed to hate the West and to be social justice warriors.
They're then given backpacks with food, medicine, and thousands of euros or dollars and sent in to the West.
These are the equivalent of paratroopers jumping out of airplanes and invading your country when the Nazis famously invaded Greece with the first paratrooper attack of World War II.
That's all this is.
It's a military invasion.
And there's a very important article on Town Hall.
There's other ones from the other major sites out there, like Daily Caller, that lay all of this out.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
From Town Hall, the biggest winners of Thursday night's Dim Debate were illegal immigrants.
The Democrats on stage Thursday night's debate looked more like they were competing to be the president of illegal immigrants than they were of Americans.
Not only did all 10 Democrats on stage raise their hand when asked who supported giving illegal immigrants free health care, remember when they used to deny that?
They also advocated for open borders.
They went on to advocate for giving them driver's licenses, even letting them vote.
Those Democrats raised their hand when asked whether they believe crossing the border illegally should be a civil offense rather than a crime.
Even though a third of the children being brought in have been kidnapped and many end up dead, that's okay because it's liberal.
Here were some of the responses to that on the issue of deportation.
Buttigieg said when he's president, well, just it's going to be totally legal and the borders are going to be open.
Biden said that the person, someone who only offenses being here without documents, should not be the focus of deportation.
We should fundamentally change the way we deal with things.
Well, we're basically totally open right now.
90% don't show up to the damn hearings.
Swallows well.
No, that person, someone whose only offense is being here without documents, can be part of the great American experience.
That person can contribute.
My congressional district is one of the most diverse in America, and we see the benefits when people contribute and they become a part of the community and they're not in the shadow of the economy, which is what the Democrats want to keep them in the shadow, actually, by not
Making them become documented and it goes on.
It's just unbelievable to watch them all compete to bust the nation wide open.
It's out in the open.
And Putin understands, and Trump understands, and we understand that the social contract has been broken, and that the globalists are simply using the fact that the third world has close to 7 billion people in it, and that they all want to come here, and that they're all being weaponized before they get here and when they get here.
They literally have training camps all over the country.
This is even on CNN.
They brag about it, where they take in the illegal aliens and radicalize them in Austin, Texas, in Atlanta, Jordan, Georgia, in New York.
It's everywhere.
So I'm going to take you back live right now to Robert Barnes, Owen Schroer and others, and then my big breakdown on what Putin had to say.
At the G20 today is coming up in the next segment and then Carpe Dantum is coming up next hour the king of memes and so much more but this is an incredible time to be alive ladies and gentlemen and I just want to get encouraged all of you to understand how important you are and to understand that your word of mouth is king and overrides the censors and that your financial support is paramount to fund this operation.
We have sold more than half of the collection
Thank you.
And 50% off all the supplements has got to end soon.
And my daughter just walked over and said, hi, I love you, baby.
So again, back to the crew in the ATX.
More coming up.
It's nice to have Alex be able to get out of the studio for a couple days, spend some time with his family.
And it's good to have you, Robert Barnes, attorney here, constitutional attorney in studio with me as well.
And, you know, we're selling that Clown World t-shirt.
I'm not even sure if we could have
Imagine that epic of a clown show.
I mean, we're still kind of getting the reverb of some of these clown candidates like Marianne Williamson.
You've been enjoying yourself on Twitter, looking at some of her old tweets over here.
Yeah, I mean, it's going to be, maybe it'll be the next T-shirt will be sort of a meditate with Marianne, some of her wisdom from the past.
So, for example, we're all pregnant with other versions of ourselves.
Which made you abort that other version.
I mean, really, that's what Julian Castro was thinking.
He was thinking of Marianne Williamson.
Hey, everybody's pregnant with someone else.
So, hey, shouldn't we be able to abort our own selves if our own selves don't want to be ourselves?
So, I mean, this was literally the Democratic debate.
This is next level stuff.
No question.
Whether it's the next level of the asylum.
It was a clown world at multiple levels.
In the sense he had the old clown going out and the new clowns coming in.
But you had some crazy... We already have the meme from The Simpsons, but it's like all the Democrats pull up in a little car.
And they're like honking their horns.
I mean, it's a joke.
I mean, it's sad at a certain level.
It's scary at another level.
I think the president's tweets, people thought he would tweet a lot.
He ended up doing only three tweets between both debates.
The first one was that the first debate was mostly boring.
And then the incredible mic mess up.
And we'll have Carpe Dantamon at the next hour to talk about his great meme that went viral and was spread and shared by the president.
Set the media mad.
And last night he just made the point of the craziest things that happened wasn't the loony things being said on stage in terms of just personalities, but was instead some of the loony policies that were being endorsed.
Policies that just, I mean, last night every Democratic candidate, every serious major Democratic candidate in both nights
Basically said that Barack Obama was way too far to the right on immigration.
That's where the Democratic Party is.
Not only will it be legal for them to come across the border, now they get free health care if they do so.
Well, we used to... I mean, we've been reporting on this, how the Democrats want open borders for years.
People say, oh, you know, that's ridiculous.
Nobody wants open borders.
I mean, they're there.
They're totally open borders.
That's what they want now.
Total human trafficking.
That's the policy of the Democrat Party.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
President Trump and President Putin were able to meet again today and discuss ways the two nations can try to work together in the future.
But that didn't stop the corporate globalist media from trying to inject more of the fairy tale, more of the fiction, that the Russians meddled in the 2016 election and that's why the walking undead creature Hillary Clinton lost.
No, you lost because you're unpopular and Americans see through your globalist operation.
But this is very revealing because they have to project onto the Russians that they're this outside threat that's trying to destroy Western nations when everyone knows it's globalism that's antithetical to the free market system and the nation states and to groups of people that are allowed to have any kind
We're good.
The social contract between the culture, the government, the system, and the people.
Because it is the system itself that is meant to overwrite society and culture.
And while at the G20, Putin made astounding statements that I am now going to read to you in full from a Paul Joseph Watson article
On InfoWars.com.
Many of these quotes are from the Financial Times of London.
This story needs to go viral.
Listen to this.
Putin says multiculturalism is no longer tenable, close quote.
The liberal idea has become obsolete, Putin continued.
President Vladimir Putin says that liberalism has outlived its purpose and that multiculturalism is no longer tenable, those are quotes.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Putin explained that he had caused the rise of the Trump phenomenon.
I messed up there, so cut it there.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Putin explained what had caused the rise of the Trump phenomenon in the United States, as well as the success of right-wing populist parties throughout Europe.
The ruling elites have broken away from the people, he said, adding that the so-called liberal idea
I think?
Branding Angela Merkel's decision to allow over a million migrants to enter Germany as part of a refugee wave a cardinal mistake.
The liberal idea proposes that nothing needs to be done.
That migrants can kill, plunder, and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected, said Putin.
He added, every crime must have its punishment.
The liberal idea has become obsolete.
While Putin's comments have caused consternation amongst Western liberal elites, they are not far removed from remarks made public yesterday by the Dalai Lama.
The spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists told BBC he did not want to see Europe become Muslim or African, asserting that most refugees should be returned home in order to keep Europe for Europeans.
Here is a clip of that BBC interview with the Dalai Lama.
His emotion also a little bit, you see, too complicated.
What do you think of him in office?
What do you mean by that?
One day he says something, another day he says something.
But I think lack of moral principle.
When he become president, he expressed America first.
That is wrong.
America, you see, should take the global responsibility.
Vladimir Putin and the Dalai Lama's cardinal sin is they're simply stating historical, biological, cultural, religious reality.
If the cultures in Africa were fundamentally so wonderful and good, like the imaginary Marvel comic Black Panther series, then Africa itself would be a technological shining jewel.
If you import hundreds of millions of people, as the UN openly plans, to Europe from Africa, it will not be Europe.
It will be Africa.
Same thing goes for the Middle East.
Europe is having, on average, 1.3 children for every 2 adults.
Just like Japan.
That is societal collapse level.
That is not even replacing the population.
But you don't bring in uneducated third world populations with totally different cultural backgrounds and replace those people.
It doesn't work like that and all the studies and all the demographics show it.
So what is Vladimir Putin doing?
He is incentivizing Russians having children.
And he's incentivizing people coming to Russia who have degrees and skills.
And merit-based systems.
Vladimir Putin understands that if a country is going to be successful, even if it has resources, it's got to have a good culture.
And there's got to be a social contract between the state and the people.
And the people have to be represented, and you have to build a future for humans.
But the technocrats, who have their system of global government, they are building a post-human world.
And teaching you that you're bad and that you shouldn't have a vision and you shouldn't have a life force and you shouldn't have children.
They have inflicted in the West the psychology of not having a family.
And by the time the old feminists at 45 or 50 figure it out, it's too late to have children.
And there are massive numbers of women.
In fact, the majority of feminists saying we were trapped.
We were deceived.
We wish we wouldn't have done this.
But when you travel to trendy areas across the United States or Europe, you will see the young, beautiful women laughing about men and laughing about families and saying we don't need it.
Buying into the poison of the pop culture inflicted on them by the universities and by Hollywood.
The media is acting like what Putin has said is radical.
And it is radical.
Radical in that in an ocean of lies, just a thimble's worth of truth can absolutely override it.
Well, Putin's dumped out an entire ocean of truth here, ladies and gentlemen, and the system doesn't know how to deal with it.
Upwards of 90% of the people brought in from the Middle East and brought in from North Africa don't have jobs five years later.
They are five times more likely to commit crimes.
Pull the numbers up.
90% of the asylum seekers in the US never return for their hearings because they're not asylum seekers.
The Democratic Party is advertising to the world that they can come here and get free stuff and the Democrats will represent them.
That's what we saw last night during the debates.
The Democratic Party competing to be the party
Of illegal aliens.
That is, again, the essence of globalism.
Bring down the West, divide and conquer the planet, and rule it with a worldwide corporate system.
So I salute Vladimir Putin, I salute the Dalai Lama and others, and I salute all of you that are awake and taking action and understand what's happening.
Because it's not too late to reverse the tide.
We could bring in many of these numbers of people and educate them and make them part of our system.
But the globalists from the onset are making that already hard job impossible by brainwashing them and weaponizing them and teaching them to hate the West and that it's their right to come here and conquer us culturally and usurp us.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
I'll be very, very clear with everybody about all of this.
We're going into the season of war, and they have been inches from shutting down the final bank accounts we have through their criminal activity and their digital fraud.
And we need to know that we've got capital to go six months, a year.
We need to end here.
We need to be provisioned.
And you've got my total commitment that I am going to rampage forward against the enemy fearlessly.
I'm loving every minute of this because I know I'm getting under their skin.
I'm bloody and then I'm up politically.
I'm banging heads with them and they can't help but attack back with lies and that just brings more people here.
So I'm in one hell of a fight and so are you and I need war bonds.
I need gas.
I need ammo politically now!
But literally, if you flood us with money, and if you flood us with product purchases, and if you flood us with your word of mouth, you're unstoppable, we're unstoppable together.
I want to send a strong message to the enemy.
I want to raise a couple million dollars, right now, to let the enemy know that their attacks are failing, and that you will stand with us, and I will never back down.
You have my commitment.
This only gives me more energy, and more understanding of what we're facing, and that we were right about this.
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These sales are big!
I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are, and how they were the best, and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us, or they'll shut us down, and the biggest thing people like to buy is supplements, because they know how great they are and how wonderful they were.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature, but Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
Infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right we're head bobbing and rocking right now but we're gonna have to change paths in the universe here in the multiverse here very shortly because we're about to launch a brand new segment probably one and only this is probably a one-off but it may be so popular that
Maybe Robert Barnes and I are going to have to do this a lot, but before I do this, you know, we're about to meditate with Marianne Williamson, who's so in touch with the universe, it's incredible.
But I really wanted to get everything out of this segment, so I've got my Happies right here from InfoWarsStore.com.
So just remember, if you're ever going to meditate, be sure to take your Happies before you meditate.
And I'm not going to lie, I actually did this for the first time this week.
I'm not usually someone that has to deal with stress or anything like that, but this is kind of what it feels like when you do the Happys.
It's actually really good, too.
So I'm going to do one directly to really get my chakras going.
And then, I'm going to do one in my coffee.
Uh-oh, I'm getting greedy.
I'm going to do two.
So now there's two Happys in my coffee.
Robert, I am fully aligned now, so I think it's time for meditation with Marianne.
Robert Barnes, my co-host, has a series of tweets from the Enlightened One, Marianne Williamson, that we will be reading here on air for your enjoyment, and then we will be discussing the topics.
So, Robert Barnes, please get us started in meditation with Marianne.
Marianne has a solution for nuclear war.
The power of your mind is greater than the power of nuclear radiation.
Visualize angels dispersing it into nothingness.
Now let's think about that for a second, Robert, because we've had some serious nuclear tragedies in this world.
If only the Japanese could have known that in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
If only the Russians could have known that in Chernobyl.
If only the Japanese could have known that again with Fukushima.
Think about the world today.
And we wouldn't even have to worry about nuclear conflict or nuclear war.
We could even launch nuclear weapons and not worry about it.
Because if we just put our minds to it, all the radiation will vanish.
Now let's just take...
Five seconds to meditate on all the nuclear radiation and the cesium-137 leaking from Fukushima.
If we just take five seconds, I want you to use, and I want the audience as well, I want to use the full strength of your mind right now to focus for the next five seconds.
Meditate and let's clean up the Fukushima radiation.
Well, we just solved the Fukushima disaster, so I think that that's a positive.
Without question.
And probably could have solved Chernobyl at the same time if we thought about it long enough.
And I'm thinking, too, you know, we keep having these issues with Iran and North Korea and nuclear arms deals.
Why don't we just forget about these deals and just meditate on it?
Just do some yoga moves.
And you'll be okay.
The world will be okay.
Trump is at the G20 right now, meeting with world leaders.
I think there's too much talking and not enough meditating.
Just do the eagle pose.
And that will probably cure everything.
Very enlightened stuff.
Let's move on now to another enlightening moment from Marianne Williamson.
We've seen a lot of bad oil spills.
Well, Marianne does have the solution for that, if you meditate with Marianne.
Visualize the oil spill plugged.
Close your eyes for five minutes and see angels coming over it, filling it with sane and sacred thoughts.
I'm visualizing it right now, Robert, and I see the angels.
They're swooping down now.
And they have a giant, a giant plug.
It's sustainable.
It's green.
It's all natural organic.
And I believe that it is...
Himalayan salt rock.
It is going to plug the oil spill.
This is incredible.
I'm seeing it in my mind.
Are you seeing it, Robert Barnes?
The BP oil spill, it's slowly dissipating and disappearing.
The Alaskan oil spill is slowly disappearing.
You can go back to eating Louisiana oysters again, I think.
Probably just, maybe within minutes, but at least within days.
This is incredible.
For those of you who have had your wildlife ruined in the Gulf or in other areas where there have been oil spills, we now have the answer.
It's visualizing angels coming down with a sustainable Himalayan salt rock plug to stop these oil spills.
And I can tell you just from the two minutes we've spent discussing this now and meditating on it, we've probably
Cleaned up at least 30-40% of all the oil spills.
And all the nuclear radiation spills.
Both are just obliterated overnight.
This audience and the power of meditation has almost cleaned up the earth.
That's all it took.
It just took a few yoga moves and the right meditation with Mary Ann.
And to think that they almost didn't even let Marianne Williamson on the Democrat debate stage.
How would we even be solving these issues right now?
I mean, all she wanted was just to give some love to Donald Trump.
And just give love, and that was going to solve everything.
And really, without a meditation with Marianne, the world probably would be doomed.
Well, thank goodness that she was able to get on that stage and we're now practicing meditation with Marianne.
Let's go back to another enlightening moment from the enlightened one, Marianne Williamson.
If you want a simple explanation for what's happening in America, watch Avatar again.
Well, I think that there's only one thing that we can do right now, and that's obviously pull up as many Avatar GIFs as possible.
Because, you know, Robert, there's a lot of confusion out there, and people, they don't know what to make of it all.
And there's probably some people on Earth that haven't even seen Avatar.
I mean, that's a real issue.
Oh, no doubt.
I mean, it relates really to another meditation with Marianne point, which is, don't let the shrieks of the temporal disturb the silence of your eternal self.
Oh my goodness.
I've been bothered by those shrieks for so long.
Now I know.
And if I was watching Avatar, while confronting those shrieks, in my mind, with the power of my third eye, I could have burned all the sage, and I could have inhaled it, and then I could have been the Avatar.
Exactly, as another great meditation of Marianne's point is, that when enough minds are vibrating on a high enough level, that all lower thought forms fall on their own dead weight.
Now, that is the kind of stuff that, folks, you have to be an expert level of.
You have to be a meditation expert, really a guru, a mystic, if you ever want to reach that level of enlightenment.
So, I don't want to challenge our audience with too much today.
You might sprain a brain muscle, but just think about your mind vibrating to the patterns and the images of Avatar.
While you're solving the world's energy crisis and cleaning up oil spills and radiation spills.
And this is why Marianne Williamson is probably destined to be president, really just because of her mind.
No question.
With our last meditation with Marianne, humanity needs a mental shower.
We need to wash off all prejudices and stand naked beneath the waters of eternal truth.
You know, it reminds me of another Meditation with Marianne moment.
How we're all pregnant with our future self.
And I think about that.
And I think about...
I think about cleansing my mind with the juices from birthing my future self, and cleansing all of the abstraction with just one single birth of thyself.
Well, I think really it explains Julian Castro's comments.
He was imagining that Joe Biden might transition.
And in Joe Biden's transitioning, he too may need to abort his future self.
Well, we know that abortion is obviously a human right, and so if you do want to abort your future self, you obviously have to go into deep meditation and focus, like the Avatar, and think about that future self and envision it.
And that's the only way to have true equilibrium.
And if that doesn't work for you, we leave you with this last meditation of Marianne.
Peacock feathers are created by peacocks eating thorns.
Every thorn you have eaten has become a peacock feather.
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been Meditation with Marianne.
Do what you please with this intel, but always remember, as Robert Barnes said, if you want to be the peacock, you must ingest the thorn and then visualize the colors as the angels swoop down from the heavens and they anoint you the peacock one.
This has been Meditation with Marianne, the future president of the United States of America.
Mark Moritz, what has Big Tech become?
I don't know.
To make real the original promise of an independent free press.
Real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shake people's thoughts.
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
In the 40 years that I've been in American politics, I've never seen a situation with the mainstream media in which facts and truth and evidence no longer matters.
The false claim that you purposely said kiddie porn to the Sandy Hook plaintiffs is ludicrous as well as false.
It's a smear.
Somebody sends you something that's encrypted.
You don't even open it.
It ends up swept up in the discovery of 9 million documents and then it's blamed on you.
This is bizarre.
But the way the mainstream media rushes out to say Jones sent kiddie porn is really outrageous.
I have a lot of respect for those media outlets and those commentators who retracted and corrected and clarified.
But I wonder, where are the big boys?
Where's the Wall Street Journal?
Where's Associated Press?
When are they going to report that they made a mistake and what they said about you was inaccurate?
So we both need your help, and I urge folks to continue to support InfoWars with your dollars.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I mean, honestly, you really believe that there's concentration camps at the border?
Then why are so many people trying to come over?
Um, well, they're trying to get freedom.
They'll do.
But all they're going to be met with is a concentration camp, in your words.
Doesn't make sense, does it?
I mean, I don't know much, but... Yeah.
We're here in St.
Louis, Missouri, and I don't know why we chose this city to come to to ask this question, but we are asking people if they agree with Ocasio-Cortez when she says that detention centers on the U.S.-Mexico border are the same as concentration camps used during World War II.
Let's see if people think that's pretty ridiculous.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said that the detention centers used at the US-Mexico border are comparable to the concentration camps used during World War II.
Do you agree with that?
I do, yes.
Do you agree with that notion?
I personally do, yes.
Do you agree with that notion?
I didn't know about it, but it's not good.
Do you think that that's what we're doing at the border?
Putting them in concentration camps?
I hope not.
Do you agree with Ocasio-Cortez?
I mean, honestly, do you really believe that there's concentration camps at the border?
Then why are so many people trying to come over?
Um, well they're trying to get freedom.
They'll do.
But all they're going to be met with is a concentration camp in your words.
Doesn't make sense, does it?
I mean, I don't know much, but yeah.
So she has recently said that the detention centers at the US-Mexico border are comparable and basically the same as concentration camps used in World War II.
Do you agree with that?
I mean, I personally do.
I think when we look back on history, we always like to think that we're on the right side of history with things and then history repeats itself and everyone's really against it.
So, I mean, I think it's going to take some time for people to kind of see it for what it is.
You know, when you look at the pictures of
Concentration camps when they look like they were just a little bit worse, you know But I guess in this day and age, I mean there's a it's good to draw correlations But that's a little over-the-top for me.
So you say they're just a little bit worse How do you find them similar?
Well taking
Any demographic and sticking them in one place is how they're similar to me.
What demographic is being stuck in the detention center?
Oh, absolutely Hispanic.
Do you think that's a fair comparison?
It depends.
I think for her party, it probably makes sense, right?
But I think that if she really wants to win over all of America, it's going to be tough with such a polarizing comment.
Do you think that most Democrats would agree with her notion that they're the same?
I think that they would probably, it depends where you are, right?
I think maybe half of Democrats would agree with her comment.
Bearing it to a f***ing concentration camp, that's almost disrespectful to like the people who actually went through that.
I don't think they're the same, but I feel like it's, because they're not, you know, this is, we're not killing people.
I mean, I hope we're not killing people that we know of.
I don't know, that's a tough one.
I feel like it could be almost the same, but not quite.
I haven't been in a concentration camp, so I don't have anything to compare it with.
Well, I mean, we can hear from people who have been.
Several people are alive today that lived through that concentration camp in Germany.
They're coming out saying that it's not quite the same as what's going on at the border.
Do you take their word for it?
I mean, are we killing six million people at the U.S.
border and stripping their identities?
Then again, I didn't hear them say it, so I'm just taking your word for it.
Do you think that even if just one person is killed by illegal immigration, that that's a problem and we should do something at the border?
I think anyone being killed is a problem.
I don't think people are being killed due to illegal immigration.
There's about 4,000 people.
I think some illegal immigrants may end up killing people, but that's not the same as saying people are being killed due to illegal immigration.
We have a congresswoman named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who recently compared the detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border to concentration camps used during World War II.
What are your thoughts on that?
Not very far away.
Do you agree?
Super male vitality is what he needs to be able to talk about these things.
What a pansy.
All right, the full Caitlin Bennett video can be found at InfoWars.com.
Carpe Dantum and Alex Jones on the other side of this short break.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We have the man known as Carpe Donctum joining us here today in just a few minutes live with Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, and others.
And I have to control myself when I start talking about somebody like this because this guy has victory written all over him.
There he is, a young man, a father, a family man.
He's been making his memes a couple years.
Some of the memes that I have looked at have gotten over 70 million views with just one meme.
CNN has, on average, 89,000 viewers, if you average a 24-hour day out.
Their top show is a million viewers.
It's a total joke.
It's a total conman facade.
The whole confidence game of globalism, and world government, and corporations above the law, and paying no taxes, and then opening our borders, and exploiting the third world, exploiting us, that's not working anymore.
And we see all these incredible things happening, and you've seen them try to get Carpe Diem to ban.
We've seen the media claim that
He's engaged in doctoring when he put out the Joe Biden, groping Joe Biden.
No CNN, no MSNBC, no Democrats.
Everyone knows when you have a cardboard cutout of Joe Biden, pop up behind Joe Biden and smell his hair and rub his hands on his shoulders, that it's a joke.
That's not doctoring.
It's not doctoring when we zoom in on Jim Acosta.
Attacking the young woman who's the moderator, but I just wanted to say that there are other carpe dondums out there listening right now
And one of the things I'm most proud of is that the InfoWars audience boasts among it almost all of the most effective people that are out there today on radio and grassroots TV and with memes.
Every time we get some great activists on, they're like, hey, InfoWars woke me up or helped wake me up.
That means so much to me to know.
But not only have we gotten people to be aware of the New World Order, but that we've gotten folks to take action.
And that's what the censors can't stop, is all of you.
Whether your meme gets 100 views, or a million views, or 70 million views, it doesn't matter.
It's the action.
It's the will that matters.
So again, thank you all for your support.
Thank you Carpe Donctum for the memes he's done helping InfoWars because we are the focal point of the populist uprising and the enemy believes they can shut us down, they can silence everyone.
So from the bottom of my heart to Carpe Donctum, to the guys guest hosting, to the wonderful producers and crew in there that make this all possible, thank you all for making InfoWars the standard in the resistance.
Now we take you live to the ATX and Carpe Donctum.
And we've got Carpe on the line with us.
But before we go to the Meme King, let's go ahead and show you some of the memes that Alex is talking about.
First, let's go with the, I mean, I couldn't tell this was doctored.
Joe Biden groping Joe Biden video.
I didn't even know it was doctored.
Here it is right here.
Oh no, Joe's coming up behind Joe.
Look out, Joe!
Oh no, Joe.
Don't sniff the hair, Joe.
Say it ain't so, Joe!
I believe history will look back on four years of this president.
Not again!
On a second announcement.
On a second announcement.
As an aberrant moment in time.
Oh, the hair!
Joe, if he gets high, Joe, get a little low.
Oh, there comes the sniffing.
Where did he come from?
Now, I would have never known this video was doctored if it wasn't for the geniuses at CNN pointing that out.
Not exactly.
I thought Joe had a twin.
At least one twin.
Maybe five.
And then his twin is the groping twin.
How many twins can you have if you're a Democrat?
Yeah, precisely.
So now though, let's go to the latest viral meme from Carpe D'Antem.
This one had me rolling.
It is during, you didn't see this, this is why they cut away on MSNBC.
Here's what actually happened during the MSNBC blackout.
Senator Warren, I want to start with you.
We are less than 50 miles from Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed in a school shooting.
Someone's got my binder.
We are going to take a quick break.
We're going to get this technical situation.
What's happening?
What's happening is Rachel Maddow.
Okay, the lights come back to the fog.
And a mysterious figure, a shadow in the fog, it's Donald J. Trump!
This is why they cut the way.
Donald J. Trump was at the Dem Debates, he trolled it, he shut it down, and he won it.
And so this went majorly vital.
It's Carpe Doctum, he's with us now.
Carpe, I mean, it's amazing you were able to capture that on MSNBC when they cut away.
Yeah, I had an inside source that got me the source footage for that.
That's the necessary connection.
That's what's key.
So you had the 4chan connection, the inside intel to get to the bottom line.
It was a whistleblower that was upset with Rachel Maddow.
So they sent me the real clip.
And then you guys all saw the undoctored one, which was mine.
The doctored one was the one that they showed on TV.
That's true.
That's what MSNBC does best, is doctor videos.
And, you know, that's why they want to claim that you're the doctor of the videos.
I mean, it's obvious Joe Biden has at least five twins, maybe ten.
You never really know how many hands might show up behind Joe Biden.
But also the fact that MSNBC would cut away when President Trump showed up at the Democrat debate.
I mean, it really just shows you the control they have.
Right, I know.
Can you imagine?
Being graced with the presence of Donald Trump and then cutting away.
But think about this.
Let's get real for a second.
You started making memes.
It's like an internet viral sensation.
And you kind of took it to the next level in 2016.
Really, you kind of broke ground and created just new moving memes that had the power of animation to it.
And it's taken off so much now where you've been retweeted by the president multiple times.
Did you ever think that would happen?
Um, no, not really.
I mean...
Uh, it didn't start out, what it's become, it didn't start out that way.
You know, it was, uh, you know, it was 2017.
It was the, the great meme war of 2017.
The, uh, CNN, uh, blackmail, uh, of the creator of that wrestling gif, um, that really got it all started.
And then, you know, it's, it's kind of snowballed from there.
There's been lots of people that have joined the fight and all that kind of stuff.
So I, I never thought it would be the level that it's at.
But I mean, you have obviously now had your meme seen probably over a hundred million times.
That's more than an average CNN week of viewers.
What is the bigger honor for you?
Is it being retweeted by the president or making Brian Stelter cry?
Well, a small part of me really likes making Brian Stelter cry.
And Chris Cuomo, Ozzy Osbourne, REM,
That's really what makes it for me.
I love to wake up and see a tweet from Sharon Osbourne where she's really super mad about Crazy Train.
Wait, did that actually happen?
Yeah, yesterday she was mad about it.
She's like, we don't ever want you to use our music again.
So, Ozzy didn't complain, because Ozzy may or may not have been sober at various times.
I ran into him a couple of times in Malibu.
He's an interesting personality.
His wife, you know, also sort of interesting.
Of course, their daughter made famous rounds a couple of years ago when she said that we really need to have all the illegal immigrants and allow Mexican-Americans to be around the country, because who else would, quote, clean her toilets?
Right, exactly.
It's not racist at all.
Yeah, so nice insights there from the Osborne thing.
I mean, The Crazy Train is a great song.
It's notable that she is that way.
By the way, where did you come up with the name Carpe Donctum, by the way?
Oh, it's been around since...
1996 or something when I was in high school.
I don't even remember why, but it means seize the donkey now in pretend Latin, so it still fits.
I don't know if it fit back then, but it fits now.
Have you been surprised at how memeable the Democratic debates and Democratic candidates have turned out?
I mean, we were having some fun with mediation with Marianne, meditation with Marianne.
Do you have any upcoming memes with with with Marianne?
Because it seems like she's a very memeable person in her own way.
You know what?
I'm a jerk, but I'm a jerk that, uh, I have some standards, and she just seems kind of crazy to me, and I don't like to go after people that are just crazy.
What are you talking about?
She seems perfectly balanced and stable.
Yes, we've read her tweets.
It's great wisdom.
How dare you?
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I don't know.
I like to be expanding.
I like to be winning.
I like to be fighting.
And we are winning the Infowar.
That's why we're so hated.
But we need to be retreaded.
We need to be tuned up.
We need to be fixed up.
We never have time to get in a dry dock.
We got a lot of holes shot in us.
And the enemy wants to silence us, then they're really going to plant child porn on us.
Then they're going to kill me, or you, or anybody else.
I mean, the Democrats now are going into a full revolutionary fervor, funded by foreign banks and the Chai Comps.
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So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
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And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven model and the ability to do that and at the same time support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to see and what views they want to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna go with guns and Senator Warren, I want to start with you.
We are less than 50 miles from Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed in a school shooting last year and where there has been significant activism on gun violence ever since.
Many of you are calling for a restoration of an assault weapons ban, but even if implemented,
There will still be hundreds of millions of guns in this country.
Should there be a role for the federal government?
Everybody's mics are on.
I think we have a... I heard that too.
That's okay.
I think we had a little mic issue in the back.
Control room, we've got contrary audio.
Yeah, we have the audience audio.
What's happening?
We are hearing our colleagues' audio.
If the control room can turn off the mics of our previous moderators, we will... You know, we've prepared for everything.
Guess what, guys?
We are going to take a quick break.
We're going to get this technical situation fixed.
We will be right back.
Oh, what a clown show it was.
And one of my favorite clowns was Marianne Williamson.
I have to get serious for a second here.
Robert Barnes and I were a little upset here in studio to hear Carpe Donctum talking down on Marianne Williamson like that, saying disparaging comments.
You know, Carpe, you're pretty good at memes, you're pretty smart in your own right, but
For you to go after an intellectual giant, a spiritual guru, like Marianne Williamson, on this Alex Jones broadcast, I'm sorry, I can't allow that.
That's not going to fly here.
I think really what Carpe needs is a little bit of meditation with Marianne.
That will be able to help him.
Just think of it this way, Carpe.
Your mind is like an airplane, and you are the pilot.
Rise above the clouds.
Fly above the turbulence.
Seek a smoother ride.
Then you'll be okay.
If that doesn't work, remember a gray sky is actually a blue sky covered up by gray clouds.
A guilty person is actually an innocent soul covered up by mistaken behavior.
Simpson liked that tweet.
I don't know if he did.
I feel so much better now.
I like her a lot.
She seems like a very smart lady.
She's helped cure nuclear war.
She's helped cure oil spills.
The other thing she pointed out is that down deep, you may feel like an alien.
Everyone feels, at some level, like an alien in this world.
Because we are.
We come from another realm of consciousness and long for home.
So the, what seems crazy, is really just, she's just an alien from another place.
And if we understood that, then we can connect to it, we can fly above the clouds, we can recognize the sky truly is blue, we can return home, cure nuclear war, cure oil spills, and bring love to Donald Trump and the universe.
So Carpe, now that you've been enlightened,
Maybe you can finally meme Marianne Williamson?
Maybe have Joe giving her some friendly handsy advice.
Some hands-on advice?
That's a possibility.
You've talked me into it.
It might happen now.
I do want to say that I think that E.T.
was actually a documentary and Marianne just never left.
There you go, exactly.
She's still connected, she has the vibe, she's connected to that energy.
One of the memes so far about Marianne was that she's the girlfriend that everybody brings to the poker party that's driving everybody nuts because she keeps talking about crystals.
So it's that kind of meme.
Yeah, dynamic.
Well, I mean, you can bring Marianne Williamson to the poker party.
She talks about crystals.
Or you could bring AOC to the poker party, who does crystal meth.
I mean, you take your pick.
Yeah, you have multiple options there.
Well, at least AOC would assemble your furniture for you if you brought her to a poker party.
Yeah, but it would probably break down.
But, you know, speaking of memes, with the king of memes, Carpe Dantum, how about all the meme magic of AOC going down to an empty parking lot, posing for a photo shoot, and the crazy thing is, too, she brings like a whole gang of people, they're all wearing white, like at some sort of event that she organized, and she's sitting in a parking lot crying,
I mean, they all must have done some serious opium.
Well, it was like a Jim Jones cult meeting.
But I assume that's going to have permanent, memeable use, Carpe.
It's going to be used forever.
It will never not be funny.
You know, the video that Trump tweeted was really popular.
But second to that, the picture that I did with the lineup of
The first debate and then AOC crying in front of it was probably my second most popular thing I did that night.
I mean, you can just put her in so many places, so many settings, so many connections.
You combine sort of meditation with Marianne, AOC's movable, empty parking lot crying imagery, Joe Biden.
With Biden, really, you just do the hands.
You don't even have to do the face, really, just Joe Biden's hands.
And you have permanent, memeable use in a wide range of settings and circumstances.
And it just changes the entire dynamic.
So the, uh, yeah, exactly, exactly.
By the way, who wouldn't feel like, you know, the, it'd be like, you know, the, uh, uh, you know, the one thing I was curious about was whether or not Joe Biden would, uh, would hug anybody last night.
The, uh, but you notice what they did, they actually kept him from even going backstage.
Like they, they only let them in limited circumstances.
Um, yeah, I think that was a smart idea.
They surround him with, with secret service.
I did a video about it, where Bernie's slamming the table.
And you keep seeing Joe do that shock look.
Oh yes, yes, he's going this way, it's going this way, it's going this way.
Yeah, there it is.
Yeah, for someone who can't keep his hands to himself.
He knows what that means.
Apparently he has his own personal bubble, but he doesn't understand the other bubbles.
No, you guys are misunderstanding.
You're misrepresenting Joe Biden here.
He was just upset that Bernie didn't finish the job.
He's like, look man, if you're going to bring your hands into my space like that, at least finish the job over here.
Well, I mean, that was one of the jokes last night was with Bernie and Biden, you know, two grandpas enter, one grandpa leave after the sort of Mad Max thing.
So, what do you think is memable with Kamala Harris, you know, moving forward?
It looks like the media is going to start celebrating her, elevating her.
Where do you think, I mean there's the kid image that she put up where she's got the pony, you know, like the ponytails or whatnot.
There's probably some things there.
I mean she's so serious for the elementary school kid.
She's like, I'm participating in Berkeley busing.
I'm ready to politically join the revolution.
Well she was so woke, I mean she knew she was obviously going to be president even back then.
Oh yeah, I mean she's got, basically she's got the Black Panthers jacket on.
I mean she's ready to lead the revolution.
But what else do you think is sort of nameable about Kamala Harris moving forward?
I'm going to have to do some thinking about it because there's nothing that's innately funny about her.
She's such an empty suit.
Maybe that's what's memeable.
That may be what actually is the memeable thing about her.
She's angry all the time but she doesn't really do anything and then like she gets I think one of the best moments so far with her was when she got stopped in the airport and then she just completely shut down because she couldn't even talk.
Oh yeah that was Anna Paulina who confronted her and yeah she started fumbling and bumbling and she needed her security to come like escort her away.
It really showed how small she is.
Somebody's just talking to her and she's like oh I don't know
Well let's talk about on the other side because you know you've been censored on Twitter and it's Democrats are now pushing for censorship and one of them basically had the Donald shut down so we're going to talk about that on the other side.
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I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are, and how they were the best, and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
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The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
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They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So let's just recap for a second.
There were more Trump supporters outside of the Democrat debates than there were Democrat supporters.
Which is incredibly ironic, considering they're running fake polls saying that six Democrats will beat Trump in Florida even though he gets $150,000 to sign up for a rally, Biden can't fill a high school gymnasium, and nobody shows up for the Democrat debates except Trump supporters.
So, what do the Democrats do
And what do their cohorts in media do, and specifically big tech?
They censor the truth.
They censor reality.
They don't want you to know that Trump beats any Democrat right now 30 times over.
They don't want you to know that all the momentum and all the energy is in Trump's favor.
They want you to think that these weak, chicken-neck, nelly Democrat candidates have some
A chance to beat Trump, even though there's literally zero.
And so what do they do?
They censor.
Story at newswars.com.
Democrat Senator posts for censorship of the Donald before it was quarantined by Reddit.
Now, this is something that we see way too much.
We see this with clowns like Oliver Darcy and Brian Stelter flagging people, Judd LeGum, Jared Holt.
These are the biggest losers on Earth.
I mean, you know, you talk about the biggest losers in America.
I just named four of them.
And so Ron Wyden, the guy that doesn't pass the Schmeltest, he was pushing for the censorship of the Donald subreddit just before it got banned, or quarantined, as they say.
Literally Big Tech is colluding with the Democrat Party to attempt to manipulate reality, because they know so many people live in the digital world, to manipulate reality to go with this lie that any one of these Democrats has a chance to beat Trump.
There is zero chance.
There is zero energy.
So first let's go to Carpe D'Antem, who's been censored before.
I mean, what do you make of it?
You've seen it happen to you.
American-hating leftists target you for censorship.
Twitter responds.
Democrats target conservatives and Trump supporters for censorship.
Big Tech responds.
I mean, that is total collusion, and that's total proof that they are trying to deceive the American people.
Well, above and beyond just the fact that I've been censored before, I'm from the Donald.
That's where I got my start.
I'm friends with
With all the moderators there.
I'm friends with a lot of the meme makers from there.
But that's... I would consider that my home.
That's where I started out.
That's the first place that ever supported my work.
Yeah, that's the fifth biggest loser.
I mean, seriously, these people are just losers!
Yeah, they have nothing to do better than just go shut people down.
And The Donald has been a target for a long time.
I don't know if people know this, but The Donald is the only subreddit on the whole site that cannot reach the front page.
They have been blocked from reaching the front page for more than a year.
And it's probably the biggest subreddit.
It's one of the biggest.
Yeah, it's got to be.
Politics is a little bit bigger, but they also hide the numbers of how many people actually subscribe.
There's probably about 6 million people, but they only show the 800,000 that are on the actual site.
But they've reworked their entire algorithm.
I don't
They have been trying to censor and successfully censoring, to a certain extent, for two years now.
This is just the newest wave of it.
And they've done this to us before, probably, I'd say 12 months ago, or maybe 14 months ago.
They quarantined us for a couple days.
And again, this all comes from the same group of people, these leftist progressive Democrats, these fake liberals, who hate free speech.
Here's the analogy that I would say, Robert.
It's like this.
It's like, okay, let's go back to high school, because these people have really never developed, I think, maturity-wise, past the high school level.
It's like, okay, let's say we're in high school.
And I'm going to have a party this weekend.
I'm a pretty popular guy.
People like to come to my parties.
It's always a good time.
But there's this one kid in the class who picks his nose and eats his boogers.
You know, he tells on you if you're passing notes to your, you know, you're the guy sitting on the desk next to you.
He's brown nosing the teacher all day.
You know, he's constantly nitpicking at you or whatever.
So you don't want that kid at your party.
You know, nobody likes him.
Nobody wants him there.
So that kid, maybe Brian Stelter in high school,
Which is surprisingly, that's only like from five years ago.
So that's like, that kid is like, you know, he's calling the teachers, hey Owen's gonna have a party this weekend, you should shut it down.
He's calling the cops, there's gonna be a party at this address this weekend, you should shut it down.
And so, that's what it is.
They're like high school losers that because they never were able to develop social skills, or they never had any interest in developing social skills, they want everyone else to have a bad time.
They want nobody else to be able to have any fun.
That's who these people are.
That's who Brian Stelter is.
That's who Oliver Darcy is.
That's who Chad LeGum is.
That's who Carlos Maza is.
That's who Jared Holt is.
Guys, you don't have to be losers.
Like, we want you to have fun with us, but they just want to be total losers.
Well, I mean, there's a good article today in the Federalist that's entitled, voters are fed up with big tech monopolies trying to run their lives.
And it's about more surveys, it's about more jury evidence, it's about more reviews from scholars and the rest.
We're talking about with big tech, people, the big tech has weaponized the ability to dehumanize people at a scale and without consequence.
Social expectations, as you were talking about, do not limit them.
It's a new world, where a hands-off model is falling very short of understanding what's taking place.
Because Big Tech is filled with people who, quote, wish to have absolute control over your interactions, want to monitor every movement of your eyeball, every twitch of your finger, every thought of your mind, and they do not see you as a human.
A human with dignity, but as nothing more than a click of a mouse or a tap on a screen.
There are people who, I mean half of them, believe that the simulation is actually happening and occurring.
So there are people who, you know, some rejects become serial killers, other rejects become big tech censors.
And that's what's happened.
You have these people who become social rejects, have dehumanized everyone else, want to control.
And they're the kind of kid who had sort of a controlling mommy at home, who was saying, you know, make sure you go here, make sure you go there, make sure you do this, make sure you do that.
They're sort of Kyle from South Park kind of personalities.
And now they have taken over.
And they actually control what you're allowed to say, what you're allowed to speak, what you're allowed to hear, what you're allowed to read.
I mean, not only was the Donald censored and taken off of Reddit, when it's already as... Because some loser Ron Wyden doesn't like it.
Oh, completely.
I mean, this is... Well, Senator... The clown world was such a bad show.
I mean, it was a bad show that it was an unintended comedy.
And it was such an unintended comedy that the only thing to go viral out of it is Carpe's video meme about it.
That's the only thing that really anybody's going to remember, aside from the fact that Joe Biden still likes busing.
But let's go back to the old high school analogy, because there comes a time in high school, too, you know, by your senior year, people kind of, the whole popularity thing kind of just, you know, people don't know.
And so everybody gets invited to the parties.
The geeks, the jocks, the losers, everybody at that point.
And it's like, we're now even inviting them.
Let's use the Fourth of July as an example.
They could come out to the big 4th of July party and have a great time with everybody.
We're all American, we're all celebrating.
They don't want to go!
Now they're going to protest America on the 4th of July!
I would go talk to Brian Stelter if he was on the National Mall.
I'd go say hi to him.
If he wanted to have a beer, I don't know if he drinks any beer or not, maybe one of those tiny little... Soy milk.
Soy milk there, kind of like root beer.
He'll have a soy milk.
If you wanted to have one of those, I'd sit down with him.
Jared Hold has asked me to go have coffee with him.
I'd go have coffee with him, but maybe not after the stuff that he's done recently.
But, you know, I can only go so far.
But that's the point, is that we're sitting here like, hey, like, you know,
You guys can be crazy leftists, but let's at least come together.
I mean, don't try to shut me up.
Don't try to shut down my party.
Don't try to shut down me having a good time.
That's all they want to do.
And then they wonder why they have no friends.
They wonder why they have no lives.
They wonder why there's such rejects.
Because you suck!
Why does everybody hate me?
Quit sucking!
Yeah, why does everybody hate me?
I'm just trying to shut them down and ruin everybody's good time.
Why don't I have any friends?
I'm Brian Stelzer.
I don't know.
I'm 33 and I look like I have an inner tube around me.
All right, Carpe Doctum, meme legend.
Thanks for coming on.
Alex Jones on the other side.
Hopefully the leftists don't complain.
Robert Barnes, what has big tech become?
Big tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change.
And they will become the big tech oligarchs, the equivalent to the big trusts of the 19th century, who ran American politics and ran American economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
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Real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shake people's thoughts.
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
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It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of press and freedom of speech.
That, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
We're good to go.
Thank you.
In the 40 years that I've been in American politics, I've never seen a situation with the mainstream media in which facts and truth and evidence no longer matters.
The false claim that you purposely said kiddie porn to the Sandy Hook plaintiffs is ludicrous as well as false.
It's a smear.
Somebody sends you something that's encrypted.
You don't even open it.
It ends up swept up in the discovery of 9 million documents and then it's blamed on you.
This is bizarre.
But the way the mainstream media rushes out to say Jones sent kiddie porn is really outrageous.
I have a lot of respect for those media outlets and those commentators who retracted and corrected and clarified.
But I wonder, where are the big boys?
Where's the Wall Street Journal?
Where's Associated Press?
When are they going to report that they made a mistake and what they said about you was inaccurate?
So we both need your help, and I urge folks to continue to support InfoWars with your dollars.
I'll be very, very clear with everybody about all of this.
We're going into the season of war.
And they have been inches from shutting down the final bank accounts we have due to their criminal activity and their digital fraud.
And we need to know that we've got capital to go six months, a year.
We need to end here.
We need to be provisioned.
And you've got mine.
Total commitment that I am going to rampage forward against the enemy fearlessly.
I'm 11 every minute of this because I know I'm getting under their skin.
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That just brings more people here.
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But literally, if you flood us with money, and if you flood us with product purchases, and if you flood us with your word of mouth, you're unstoppable, we're unstoppable together.
I want to send a strong message to the enemy.
I want to raise a couple million dollars, right now, to let the enemy know that their attacks are failing, and that you will stand with us, and I will never back down.
You have my commitment.
This only gives me more energy, and more understanding of what we're facing, and that we were right about this.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Clown World!
Infowars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
This is just our test one.
It's gonna be even bigger on the front.
Bigger Clown World for everybody.
And on the back, look at this.
Like a concert t-shirt, ladies and gentlemen.
Clown World 2020.
Cory Booker and all the rest of the usual suspects.
We're gonna have live coverage.
There's only 5,000 of these being printed.
And that's it.
And it funds the operation.
It's a clown world!
We're just living in it.
Celebrate the circus that is Democratic debates with this exclusive limited time clown world shirt.
Really soft, nice, high quality fabric.
Whole nine yards for everybody.
No reviews yet.
Nobody's gotten the shirt yet, ladies and gentlemen.
And yes, we're running store wide.
On this global Friday edition, I've got a big question for everybody.
Yes, we love Trump.
He's embattled.
He's got a lot of great stuff done.
The media lies about him constantly.
So I tend to defend him, even when really he shouldn't be defended on some issues, like censorship.
Let me give you a great example that's breaking right now at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Senator Wyden, who's joined Senator Murphy, Blumenthal, and others for calling me to be completely removed off the air, period, saying I'm a threat to American democracy.
Well, he came out and said the exact same thing about the Donald subreddit.
The biggest subreddit on Reddit.
Now I was eradicated off Reddit years ago.
And then once you're taken off there, people can sit there and lie about you all they want.
Make up whatever stories they want.
People who try to defend me, they get banned too.
They become these authoritarian echo chambers.
Well, now you have the head of Reddit in an Ask Me Anything event with Senator Wyden on there.
And the full text of this screenshot is in a Paul Joseph Watson article on InfoWars.com demanding that it be completely removed.
Well, Reddit simply froze the account, locked it down so no one could say anything.
That's beyond shadow banning.
I'm going to read some of the statements here in a moment, but think about this.
All of these guys are on record.
When I got banned in August of last year, 10 months ago, the first big ban, the big concerted cartel ban, they all came out and said, listen, this is good, but there's thousands of sites as bad or worse.
That's a quote from Wyden.
And all these other people, all of a sudden, all the other talk show hosts, all the other bloggers, almost all of them said, ooh, we better not come on Alex Jones' show anymore.
Ooh, we better not have him on our shows anymore.
Because if we do that, we'll get banned.
No, when you act like that, you get banned later and there's no one to stand up for you.
These are authoritarian tactics that have been used for thousands of years.
There's playbooks literally on it.
Communist playbooks on it, and we're falling right into the trap.
When someone gets banned, I have them on.
When someone gets lied about, I have them on.
When somebody's getting boycotted, I buy advertising on their show, like I did with Limbaugh back when they were trying to take him down seven, eight years ago.
We hang together, or we hang separate.
Who is the only major media outlet that's big that understands this other than Infowars?
It's Matt Drudge.
The more we get persecuted, the more he supported us.
And everybody else, if that matters, is being persecuted.
Oh, who else?
Tucker Carlson.
And then you've got people like Steven Crowder, who said, yes, I'm directly having you on because of the latest Facebook ban two months ago.
And that's what it takes, is it takes standing together and recognizing what's happening.
I care about the censorship of all of us.
I could care less about it happening only to me.
I care about my children.
I'm doing this because the globalists are tyrants and must be opposed.
I'm not doing this because I want the biggest radio or TV show.
So many people get into media to be popular.
And then when the going gets tough, they become conservative light, or patriot light, or nationalist light.
No, not me.
When the going gets tough, I get ten times more hardcore because that historically is the only way to make it out of a tyranny like this.
So think about it.
Just yesterday, Twitter came out and said, oh, we're under a lot of pressure to censor conservatives by liberals, but we're not going to do that, which they've always been doing that.
It's just gotten worse.
We're going to shadow ban people lightly.
So we're not going to put you in a concentration camp, we're just going to put you in a gulag, or we're going to put you in a ghetto right now.
And then later, we'll starve you to death or blow your brains out.
I mean, that's the equivalency of this, because they know they can't hide the shadowbanning anymore.
They know there's congressional investigations, and so now they're just going, well, yes, we're going to hide some of Trump's tweets, and we're going to put little informationals, literally created by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Snopes, beside them.
That's incredible.
Wikipedia link, an encyclopedia link below it, saying there's no such thing as weather modification, this is a conspiracy theory.
So he's at the CFR, he's saying it, but because the countervailing statement is, I'm wrong, none of this exists, even when they're admitting it to their own people, the system has an automated pop-up that puts that garbage out.
So when I say...
Trump hasn't done enough on the censorship.
He hasn't.
It's just completely overwhelming.
Because as I started out this transmission, this report,
Trump knows Senator Wyden is doing this.
He knows Senator Murphy is doing this.
He knows they have hearings in Congress where they say, we want Paul Watson banned.
We want Alex Jones banned.
We want Stephen Crowder banned.
And no one is safe from this, ladies and gentlemen.
This is oppression.
This is authoritarianism.
And we've already gone off the deep end.
Now the left are censoring each other more and more.
This is beyond a slippery slope.
So here's the article.
Dem Senator pushed for censorship of the Donald before it was quarantined by Reddit.
Ron Wyden told Reddit CEO Forum was inciting hatred on June 5th.
Democrat Senator Ron Wyden pushed for the censorship of Donald's subreddit just weeks before it was quarantined by Reddit.
As we reported on Wednesday, Reddit quarantined the forum, which is often a precursor to the total ban.
So do you get the picture, President Trump?
Twitter is already shadowbanning your tweets and already not letting most people see them and pushing them down.
That's been going on for two years.
Now they're going to put comments on the side of your tweets or shadowban them and they're announcing it to see what you'll do.
There's been calls in the media to totally ban you off Twitter.
And now the Donald subreddit, where they know most of the powerful memes come from, is being blocked.
Ahead of being totally banned the week you relaunch your presidential campaign 2020.
And who's demanding it?
The Democratic Party senators who sit on top the network that Obama set up in the Defense Department before he left in 2017.
In December of 2016, he signed the executive orders creating the Countering Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
And you notice what Google did, their head of censorship, when she got caught this week in Project Veritas report.
She put out a report saying, oh, we just meant that we shadow ban and block foreign
Interference that would get Trump reelected.
That's the cover they use when a senator calls up Reddit or sends them messages publicly saying, we want you to take down Donald Trump's biggest support website.
This is insane.
President Trump, this is not free market.
This isn't companies having their own policies.
This is the Democratic Party threatening regulation and sanctions on big tech if they don't censor the American people and meddle in the 2020 election.
And you, with Brad Parscale and all those other people, obviously know what's going on.
So again,
I care about you, President Trump.
I admire you, and I've gone through hell supporting you, and I want to beat these people.
Because if they get in power, I'm probably going to have to leave the country.
They're already trying to put me in prison and your family in prison!
So don't be so confident that you think it's your rallies and you that's totally winning this.
What amplifies your voice to defeat the globalists is us!
And so when they shut us up, they're shutting you up!
We need relief.
We need defense.
We need support right now, President Trump, right now.
It's illegal, it's election meddling, and they're doing it in front of God and country at high noon, pissing in our faces.
Defend us.
Defend yourself.
Defend your family.
Stand up to these criminals.
Take your Section 230.
Start criminal investigations.
There was no damn Russian meddling.
They're the ones that are meddling.
Back to the live feed, but I'm getting really angry.
And it's time for President Trump to take action, but it's time for the American people to take action.
It's unbelievable.
They are probing and they are testing.
And it's time for us to stop sitting here and taking it.
I'm Alex Jones.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic and never backing down.
And we need that same thing now from the president.
We don't need talk about lawsuits and talk about antitrust.
We need action.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time
To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarshore.com.
It's your fight.
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
That's it.
Thanks for holding.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Sandy,
Went to an empty parking lot and brought her gang of thieves out there, all with her, dressed in white to show solidarity over fake news.
Staged a photo shoot in an empty parking lot claiming she was witnessing, I guess, the awful scene going on at what she believes are concentration camps.
Maybe she should go to the Holocaust Museum in D.C.
since she lives there now if you really want to see it.
Actually, really a great historical museum if you're into that.
But, Paul Joseph Watson has just put out a response to the total clown that is AOC.
Here is the latest Paul Joseph Watson video.
You know all those concentration camps on the border AOC has been telling us about?
Well, she's actually found one.
Just look at the raw emotion, the pain, the anguish.
Oh, the humanity!
I'll never forget this because it was the moment I saw with my own eyes that the America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents and caged them!
I feel her emotions in every single picture, especially the last one.
It's pure anger.
And how can one not feel anger after seeing what she saw?
So what did she see?
Distraught children separated from their parents, Mexican miners left to suffer alone in metal cages, crying kids interned in barbaric concentration camps.
Turns out, it was an empty parking lot.
Oh, the humanity!
It's pure anger, and how can one not feel anger after seeing what she saw?
I mean, sometimes I get a bit peeved if I see a car parked slightly over the line when there's plenty of room.
But pure anger?
Not really.
Why so serious?
I mean, we know AOC is big on the environment.
Maybe she was mad at the lack of trees.
I saw with my own eyes that the America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents and caged them.
Yeah, you saw with your own eyes a few bored cops and a few dozen hysterical sanctimonious idiots pretending to cry over nothing for a crass photo op.
That's what you saw?
Oh, the humanity!
I'm just glad that Uncle Joe was there to comfort her.
I'm just glad that she was able to visit a Planned Parenthood abortion mill afterwards to cheer herself up.
Oh, the humanity!
I'm just glad that this photographer, and this photographer, and this photographer, all captured her authentic, in-the-moment, grief-ridden reaction.
To an empty parking lot in photos that were definitely not staged.
This definitely wasn't a photo-op attended by over a dozen virtue-signalling celebrities.
And it's definitely not a little odd to show up to a protest in the middle of a desert, dressed in a pristine white outfit, wearing bright red lipstick and a luxury watch.
Because this definitely wasn't staged.
Oh my gosh.
I am so upset.
I'm just like... Oh, I didn't even know there was gonna be a camera crew here today.
You need to let those children go!
Oh my gosh.
I can't take it.
I'm gonna faint.
Let those children go!
Did you get that?
Did you guys get a picture of that?
Guys, please make sure you get my $1,000 Gucci watch and my designer boots in every shot, okay?
When you're wanting Chick-fil-A really bad, and you realize it's a Sunday when you accidentally step on your dog's foot.
After gorging herself on burritos and retried beans, AOC realized she had picked the wrong day to wear white.
When you realize the electricity it takes to power waste disposal units means the world's gonna end in 11 years, not 12.
When the breadline is too long.
Alright, no more boomer memes, I promise.
AOC's reaction in these photos is about as authentic as her fake black accent.
Looks like ain't nothing wrong with that.
Not authentic.
It's about as authentic as her claim of growing up in the Bronx.
When in reality, she spent most of her childhood in Yorktown Heights, which is 90% white.
Not authentic.
It's about as authentic as her claim to care about the financial struggles of working class New Yorkers.
When she literally helped cancel a deal that would have brought 25,000 new jobs to New York.
Not authentic.
You know,
It's really evil.
Alexander Ocasio-Cortez is really an evil person.
To deceive, to knowingly deceive, to be a known fraud, to be a blatant fraud.
You are an evil person.
You are truly a despicable human being.
It makes me sick to see what they do to people.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
It is the only independent press of this size and scale, of this public reach.
It is the one model that says, here's a way to have a self-supporting, self-sustaining, self-structured, little-d democratic structure that because the audience determines what content goes up, the audience determines what audience is ultimately reached by their choices in supporting InfoWars.
And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven model and the ability to do that and at the same time support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to see and what views they want to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez got her start behind the bar.
But, probably belongs behind bars.
For the blatant deception she's engaged in.
You know, it really actually angers me.
I'm trying to calm myself here right now because... She's just such a known fraud and she just acts like the most genuine, caring person.
Just a known fraud, man.
I mean, honestly, I... Robert Barnes with me here in studio.
We're gonna open up the phone lines.
We're gonna take your calls on last night's debate.
We're gonna take your calls on just the total phony that AOC is, but... I mean, what do you make of that?
I mean...
She obviously plans this whole thing.
She gets her gang out there.
But it's like, think about the photojournalists that are involved in the hoax.
Think about all the mainstream media that are involved in the hoax.
I mean, this is the epitome of the Democrat Party.
All of them engaging in known hoaxes, known fake news is to deceive the American people.
That's all they do!
Well, precisely.
I was actually reviewing an article that was called America's White Saviors.
And about how the white liberals are leading a woke revolution that is transforming American politics.
Meanwhile, the white liberals are literally the most racist people you'll ever meet.
Oh, and that was the other part.
The competence downshift by white liberals.
That when white liberals use less competence related languages to minority audiences.
AOC, good, bad and otherwise, is a perfect manifestation of millennial leftism in America.
So it tends to be fake.
It tends to be shallow.
It tends to have very little substance.
But what it does well is it understands social media.
Because that's what the article in Tablet Magazine was about.
There has been no radicalization of the right in America.
They blamed InfoWars for radicalizing people.
InfoWars hasn't radicalized people.
InfoWars has informed people.
Infowars has simply helped organize the populist movement by ordinary people all across the country joining Infowars, making Infowars happen, not corporate backed, not sponsored by some billionaire.
We're beholden to nobody here.
There's no teleprompter up here, there's no script that we have to read off of like poor Joe Biden was trying to do last night and couldn't remember his lines, like an old actor who's passed his prime.
Instead, what the millennial leftism culture has embraced and become a part of is this woke clickbait culture.
They grew up in a safe space culture where they were always scared of being kidnapped off the street.
Their parents were.
So they weren't allowed to interact with other people.
They weren't allowed to interact in random ways.
They were the various social psychologists have pointed this out.
That's why they created a safe space culture online, created a safe space culture on the college campuses, created a safe space culture.
The debate was really a safe space debate.
It was a let's not ask any tough questions, let's not ask any hard questions.
And how the biggest moment in the debate
Like what AOC feeds off of was when Harris challenged Biden on purely identity politics.
That's what that was.
And what Biden was is because he did not understand the context of modern woke politics where this reinforced phenomenon of the radicalization of the white left
That's right.
Nobody was willing to defend Obama's immigration position.
Kamala Harris took shots at Obama's immigration position.
So one of the presidents who was trying to allow illegal immigrants to become legal citizens, one of the most radical moves in 50, 60 years of American politics, that's considered too conservative for the modern-day Democratic Party.
And it's part of this millennial leftist push.
And what really happened is they grew up in a safe space culture, they took over journalism, they took over clickbait journalism in particular,
Just as the white left was becoming increasingly dependent upon clickbait journalism, places like the Huffington Post or even the New York Times.
For example, they had a piece here in this tablet magazine article called America's White Savior, this predominantly Jewish-American publication.
And one of the things they talk about, aside from showing first of all that white liberals are the only group in the entire country who hate themselves,
So African-Americans like themselves, Latinos like themselves, Asian-Americans like themselves, and every white person who's not a liberal likes themselves, but not white liberals.
That's why they prefer outgroups.
That's why they celebrate somebody who's distant, somebody who's foreign, somebody who's exotic.
Well, they love abortion.
It's consistent across the board.
There's a self-hatred that sits underneath it.
And what they've shown is there's a reciprocal relationship between modern technology and these outrage mobs that have been formed online that are also about censorship and control.
Which of course is all based on fake reality, like AOC presenting herself being at a detention facility that she calls a concentration camp, even though she's in an empty parking lot.
A known liar.
She's a known liar.
Well, in fact, that's one of the things they point out here is there's been this massive surge in articles and clickbait articles and that's led to Google searches that leads to political discussion online by the white left and issues like white privilege, racism, social justice, institutional racism, people of color, oppression, marginalized groups.
All of these things have exploded in just the last several years because of the millennial culture taking over journalism, reinforcing its social media bias amongst the older portions of the white left.
And that leads to people believing, only white liberals, suddenly believing racial discrimination is a very serious problem in America.
And that it relates somehow to illegal immigration.
Because of the racial prejudices that actually the white left has.
They went from only, you know, 25-30% of people believing that for 20 years, to all of a sudden 60%.
Well and that's another, that's a form of projection, where the average white liberal is a racist, and so they just project it on everyone else.
They just assume everyone is as racist as they are, even though that's not the case.
In fact, and again, because they like outgroups better than they like ingroups.
And the sort of persecution by the privileged is the sort of the attitudes they get.
But going to that point, what happens is, and this is what they say in the article, the problem is when these moral emotions of the outraged white left become hyperactive and, as you're pointing out, detached from objective reality.
They're no longer connected to the real world.
They motivate division of the society into allies and enemies.
They generate a level of sanctimonious outrage and judgment that places all political dissent beyond the pale.
Because what happens is they have to associate it with race in order to get outraged and feel good about the outgroup.
That's part one, and part two is by doing so, everybody who disagrees with them becomes a racist.
And that allows them to censor them, that allows them to control them, that allows them to systematically censor them, and they use modern technology to achieve this.
Twitter, Facebook, social media mechanisms, all the clickbait journalism that's occurring, you know, on Slate and Vox and other places.
In their world, white racism greets African Americans at every corner.
And what's fascinating is African-Americans and Latinos and Asians have not changed their minds.
So it's only the white left that's getting radicalized because of their outgroup obsession that's really rooted in various forms of racial prejudice that people like AOC play off of, and that last night Joe Biden was the victim of, of the race bait politics that is effectively completely destroying the Democratic Party.
I mean, if you take that apart, and this actually goes back to the 1970s,
Where, you know, African-Americans were critical of white liberals because they saw them as hypocritical and fake.
That's what Kamala Harris was playing on last night.
She was playing on the clickbait, wokeness culture.
In fact, Van Jones on CNN referred to Biden as not being woke enough.
Now, he was asleep in a lot of other ways, Sleepy Joe, but he was asleep in terms of the woke revolution of the white left that now sees race above everything, sees racism everywhere, sees color everywhere, even in places African-Americans, Latinos and others do not.
Yeah, like if you're not addressing the boogeyman, or racism, you're not legitimate.
And that's how an issue from the 1970s, which was his opposition to busing, and the reason why he opposed busing is because about 90% of America opposed busing.
That's the real reason why he opposed busing.
He was a populist.
The joke is that he opposed busting because he knew Kamala Harris was going to throw him under the bus.
And that other people have done so in the past.
And then she did.
And she did.
She threw him under the bus completely.
And that's why he got run over, run backwards, run sideways.
And he wasn't ready for the woke revolution of the white left, who's here to defend us from the great evils of racial oppression.
And so we're the laughing stock of the world because of the left.
Putin is calling it out.
We'll address that on the other side.
But the phone lines are open.
I don't even need to give out the number.
They'll line up.
We'll take your calls on fake AOC and the Democrat debates on the other side.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Shorter filling in.
Robert Barnes in studio as well.
We're about to take your phone calls at 877-789-ALEX.
We've got callers lined up and ready to go.
I want to put two stories together and explain why we're the laughingstock of the world because of people like AOC.
You see,
I don't know if consciously people like AOC have realized that they're only reaching the lowest IQ voter.
They may be doing that intentionally.
Maybe she's just low IQ herself and doesn't realize that that's who she's pandering to.
But I would imagine so when she stages totally fake photo shoots and gets 100,000 likes for it.
I mean, she obviously knows it's fake.
But Vladimir Putin has called up, has gone really strongly against globalism and liberalism, saying it's no longer tenable.
And there's all kinds of stuff.
And of course that's why the Democrats are trying to demonize Russia and try to start a war with Russia, because Russia isn't self-destructive, Russia is not communist, Russia doesn't want to sexualize its kids with drag queen story time, or the LGBTQ agenda, so therefore Russia is bad.
They're not sexualizing the kids, they're not driving their citizens into poverty with fake socialism, which is just enriching themselves.
Like Bernie Sanders does or AOC does.
But I look at the AOC story as the perfect example as to why we are the laughingstock of the world.
When you have a complete dumbass AOC win office, do fake photo shoots, lie about who she is, and you have hundreds of thousands of people loving it, to me it's like
Depressing, like, oh my gosh, like, really this total phony woman can become so popular?
Yeah, that's why liberalism is dying.
Yeah, that's why liberalism is untenable, because it's all fake.
It's all phony.
It's a paper mache.
It'll blow over in a windstorm.
And so that's AOC.
But she knows she's a total liar.
She knows she's a deceiver.
She knows she's the devil.
And you know, I don't know AOC.
You know, there's this thing, Robert, about first impressions and, you know, presenting yourself as a public figure.
So, I don't know AOC, but based on what I've seen, she's a total phony, she's a total liar, and she's evil!
What she does is she effectively emulates the millennial leftist culture, which believes in various forms of government control, believes in all the mythology they've been taught in their public education and public universities.
Basically doesn't believe in the country, doesn't believe in the idea of country.
You saw that reflected yesterday.
Doesn't believe in anything, really, except socialism.
I mean, Alyssa Milano was on there talking yesterday about, on Twitter, about she didn't understand why people were obsessed with this arbitrary line.
She was referring to the border.
Just called it an arbitrary line.
Yeah, yeah.
But that's progressive.
You know, getting rid of borders is progressive, even though having borders was progressive at one time, like when humans were starting to figure out how to build civilizations in society.
Or even just four years ago.
I mean, like, go back and look at the polling survey.
90% of white liberals said we should not have more immigration.
Oh, absolutely.
Biden used to run on closing the border and deporting.
Obama did.
I mean, they voted to build a wall, even.
I mean, it's a total joke.
But that's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying, is that...
They know that they can lie.
There's sadly so many low IQ people that are so uninformed, misinformed, brainwashed.
They know they can stage fake photo shoots.
They know they can lie.
They know they can lie about their heritage.
They know they can lie about who they are.
They know they can lie about socialism.
They can lie about everything.
And it really drives me crazy.
So I need to stop talking because I'm going to start getting angry.
Because I know that these liars that we're dealing with, and the media props them all up, and it honestly just makes me sick.
It makes me sick to know that my fellow humans are being so deceived and goose-stepped into tyranny.
But here's the deal.
We're not socialists here.
We're free market.
We're funded by you at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's how we're able to be on air.
We don't have billionaire donors keeping us on air like all these Media Matters, Southern Poverty Law Center, Right Wing Watch websites.
They just get donors from billionaires and then they act like they're against rich men even though they pay all their bills.
You pay our bills.
The audience pays our bills when you shop at Infowarsstore.com.
And so we've got the 4th of July Mega Sale happening.
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That's how you support the InfoWar.
Now, we're going to go to your phone calls.
We've got callers lined up, so let's fire away with Owen Schroyer, Robert Barnes, sitting in for Alex Jones.
Let's go to Chase the Patriot in California.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Owen?
Great show, the last couple days, and I wanted to start on that.
You know, you really think about the way you guys did your broadcast with Savannah Hernandez and Greg Reese on the street.
It really gave a great perspective.
First of all, that nobody actually cared about 20 Democrats all in one city, but nobody even cared, and nobody showed up.
But at the same time, you see the multi-million dollar corporation of MSNBC, and they can't even get their mics to work.
But luckily, when their mics didn't work, it was right at the perfect moment.
It was like the hand of God coming down.
I could not believe, over and over, Chuck Todd asking one after the next,
How are you going to go get those 100 million guns from these law-abiding citizens?
I just could not believe it.
Owen, how long ago was it where...
You know, we're not going for your guns.
Nobody wants your guns.
And what is it today?
It's the same thing with the open border.
But that's what I'm saying.
That's what's so frustrating about all this.
I mean, that's why I got into political news.
I mean, I don't even know.
There's nothing I can really say.
There's no amount of emotion.
There's no amount of anger.
There's nothing I can do to really show you how I truly feel about these liars.
That's what this is.
I mean, these are liars.
I mean, really, at the end of the day, let's just cut it simple.
The average Democrat is a liar.
The average left-wing media pundit is a liar.
That's who these people are!
Well, truth is their adversary because truth makes them unpopular.
And so, consequently, they can't really discuss and debate the issues in a truthful, honest way.
And the few who can, people like Andrew Yang, what do they do?
They cut off his mic in the second debate.
The people like Tulsi Gabbard, what does the media do?
They try to, the only negative confrontational question asked in two nights of debate over four hours of 20 candidates is to Tulsi Gabbard.
That's it.
I mean this is like, I mean maybe this is a crude comparison, but
I've worked at camps before, you know, where it's for mentally ill, mentally retarded kids.
And, you know, when you're leading that camp, you have to be really focused on keeping everybody organized and, you know, keeping everybody on task and everything.
And imagine though, it's like...
Imagine a camp counselor for mentally retarded kids who have Down Syndrome or something like that, and the camp counselor wants his car cleaned or something.
So he's like, oh, we got a project today, we're cleaning the cars!
And every day it's like, oh, you're cleaning his car, you're cleaning his house or something like that.
Well, you're going to be like, wait a second, you're a total scumbag!
You're taking advantage of mentally retarded people for your own agenda, lying about it,
I mean, again, maybe that's a crude comparison.
That's what the Democrats do to their voters!
Well, it's necessary to sort of gin them up.
In other words, if they ever actually succeeded in delivering meaningful protection for the African-American community... Which they never have done!
Because they can't.
Because if they ever do, then the African-American community no longer needs the Democratic Party for special protection.
Because that's their pitch.
Their pitch is, you need us for special protection.
Otherwise there's these bad, evil people that are going to come for you.
So they have to create this false racial reality to terrorize their own constituency into voting for them.
And then they have to not solve their problem.
No, exactly!
Oh my gosh!
It's like, again, if you're the camp counselor for this camp of mentally retarded kids and you say, oh, if you don't clean my car, you know, the big bad boogeyman is going to take your mommy and daddy from you.
That's literally what these Democrats do, man!
It's pure evil!
It's pure evil, man!
I'm just sick of it!
Chase the Patriot, thank you so much for your call.
I'm just sick of the pure evil that comes out of the Democrat Party.
I'm not a Republican, but I'm not pure evil.
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box if you want to mail us a check.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Viewers and listeners, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and we're under unprecedented evil attacks as you've seen.
But I wanted to take just a minute out here, from the bottom of my heart, to tell you how much it means to me that when you saw those lies against us last week, the worst things you can say about people, that you knew they were liars, you went and looked it up and found out the truth.
And so I feel very strong, and I feel God's hand on my shoulder, and I feel your love in my heart, and I want you to know that well.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
I just want listeners to understand, money is what allows us to beat this and stand against this.
And we're seeing a lot of orders right now with the Save Info Wars 50% off.
But we make only like $5, $10 on higher marked up stuff.
We're making like $2 on the toothpaste at that price.
And we're moving a ton of it.
But you move a couple hundred thousand dollars or something and you get $20,000.
That doesn't pay for all the infrastructure, the bandwidth, the lawyers, the crew.
So we need to sell millions and millions and millions of dollars of product.
I want to expand our contract.
And for six months, we've not been able to stand still.
The enemy's been winning.
And I have labored and labored and labored and labored on this.
I like to be expanding.
I like to be winning.
I like to be fighting.
And we are winning the Infowar.
That's why we're so hated.
But we need to be retreaded.
We need to be tuned up.
We need to be fixed up.
We never have time to get it dried up.
We got a lot of holes shot at us.
And if the enemy wants to silence us, then they're really going to plant child porn on us.
Then they're going to kill me, or you, or anybody else.
I mean, the Democrats now are going into a full revolutionary fervor.
Funded by foreign banks and the TICOM.
So, go to InfowarStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So we're taking your calls, but in the break, Robert Barnes and I are just discussing this, because I'm just at a loss for words.
I really am.
And I studied psychology in college.
But I just cannot understand how people can be known, committed liars.
Like, to go into a situation and plan on lying.
Like, you know, that's the incredible thing.
And we just use this AOC instance now because it's trending right now, it's the story, but it's like... And this is why Putin is like, no, your leftism, your globalism is not tenable.
It's a house of cards.
It's built on a fake foundation.
It's all lies.
He's 100% right.
And... I can't even get that mindset, but maybe you just hit on it.
How can you go into a situation consciously and plan on lying and deceiving like AOC did at that parking lot?
But I think that you answered that.
Because we have a hoax culture.
A hoax culture where you can become a celebrity by hoaxing.
That's why we have so many hoax crimes, hoax hate crimes.
I mean they just do it repeatedly and there's really no adverse consequence if they suffer for it.
So that's a big component.
There's something like I could come on here and I could lie and make stuff up and get famous but it's...
It would never even cross my mind!
It's because they've grown up in a culture where they get rewarded and celebrated for it if they do so.
That they don't suffer an adverse consequence even if they're caught and exposed.
Look at all the people doing these hoax hate crimes.
Not a single one within the left has been criticized.
Instead, they're still sympathized with, they're still made celebrities.
It's sort of Jerry Springer combined with safe space lefty culture.
You mix the two and you end up with hoax culture.
You actually just hit it on the head.
I just realized it.
Whenever I would tell a lie,
Even karma would come and get me.
I learned this at a very young age and so I never wanted to wrong people again because karma would always come back or I would feel so bad or whatever.
That's what it is.
These people have never met karma.
They've never had their lies come and catch up to them and discipline them.
Now, it will eventually.
Maybe not tomorrow, but that's what it is.
That's why they could never grow up.
They've never had to be responsible for their actions, and that's why they tout all these policies of never taking responsibility for your actions, never just being able to lie about whatever you want because, well, you can get away with it.
So when you combine those two things, it's a very dangerous thing.
This is what the left has become.
You covered that story.
They hate themselves.
It's really sad that we're watching our fellow Americans just get deceived and brainwashed like this.
It honestly hurts my soul, and I wish that
There was some way we could wake him up, but I guess when, you know, AOC has the power of Twitter and Instagram boosting all of her lies and fake news and, you know, that's what we put up with.
And then, meanwhile, they censor us.
All right, let's go back out of the phone lines.
Let's go to Daryl in Texas.
Go ahead, Daryl.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, I wanted to give my theory on why I do not, I do not think that Democrats, it is not their time this next election.
And that is,
They are basically the same place the Republican Party was two elections ago when we were trying to get Ron Paul elected.
The best thing for their party is Tulsi Gabbard right now, and they don't want her.
No, that's what we were discussing too.
Or even Andrew Yang.
And again, I'm not even saying I like necessarily the two as a candidate, but just from a neutral perspective, observing it from a political perspective,
The Democrats need fresh blood right now.
They're dead.
From a political betting perspective, Tulsi Gabbard, from a Trumpian perspective, Tulsi Gabbard would be kryptonite to Trump's superman appeal.
Because you have someone who's a veteran, who's a woman, who's from Hawaii, who surfs in her spare time.
Not John Kerry kind of windsurfing, but like real surfing.
Uh, she did like a whole physical workout before the debate.
And she's level-headed.
Very level-headed, very realpolitik, clearly consistently anti-war, used to have conservative social opinions before she ended up with lefty social opinions.
So she's the kind of candidate who could pose a real risk to Trump.
But ideally, you know, perfect for Trump, the Democrats are going to run her off and isolate her.
She's the only one who got a negative question out of the 100 plus questions asked over two nights, over four hours, to 20 different candidates.
The only one who got a negative question was the one who was at, you know, 1-2% in the polls.
Because they're so scared.
The Democrats are so scared of her.
And not only that, look at the disdain that the Democrats have, even for their voter base, when if you look organically, who are the two most popular people?
Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang.
That's just organic, natural politics.
You think they'd be picking up on that?
They have total disdain for the American people.
They have total disdain for their constituents.
And so they say, oh, you want Tulsi Gabbard?
You're not going to get her.
Oh, you want Andrew Yang?
We're going to cut his mic off.
I think that the Democrat voters are going to see this.
They are so mismeasured right now.
This is what it is.
They've become such phonies.
They've become such liars.
They've become so detached from reality, they don't even understand how they're killing themselves now.
I mean, one of the things in that article that Tablet had about the so-called white saviors of the left is how out of touch they were with other Democrats in their own party.
African American Democrats, Latino Democrats, and other white Democrats.
I mean, half of the white vote within the Democratic primary process are going to be non-college, blue-collar, middle-class Americans.
They're not into this woke revolution, yet nobody is talking to them at all.
Yeah, but the Democrats are going to get every male transsexual man that's pregnant, they're going to get every one of those votes.
So that may put them over the line.
Thanks for the call, Daryl.
Let's go to Matt in California.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hey, it's Matt out in California again.
I got an idea for the next debate if Carpe could pull it off or possibly somebody out there in the audience has the wherewithal to create a deepfake live with the candidates.
Oh no no, I think I get what you're saying.
So it's basically like, on Snapchat and stuff, they have these filters where they can put like a dog on your face, or like, you know, make you look like a man, have a clown mat, have like a clown thing, and you record it with the clown thing, and then you record the Democratic debates and they'll have clowns on their face.
If it can be done.
Oh man.
I don't know if that's something for Robert.
Oh, it could definitely be done.
I have something for Robert too.
Uh, this is totally crazy sounding, but uh,
The world it seems so corrupted now and the possible blackmail so deep.
I wonder if there would be possibility of pulling off some kind of legal way out for all these people that might be compromised.
Like when you're testifying against you know mob bosses or whatever you get an immunity.
So would there be possibility like people against corruption
And anybody who decides to come forward would get immunity to just say, just spill their guts and say, OK, this is what they got on me.
And just, you know, we're going to use this and we're going to absolve you basically of your sins and give you forgiveness for for for allowing, you know.
Well, I could see I could see that could maybe be going on behind the scenes.
And I want to get your response to this, Robert.
But I look at a guy like Eric Swalwell on the stage and Adam Schiff in office.
And I'm thinking, I mean, that's blackmail.
I mean, the only people that can do that within our legal system are prosecutors, either state or federal, particularly federal.
So I would call it a reverse Comey, because it is what Comey did for all of Hillary's people.
The reason why he was given away immunity like candy, and immunity is supposed to be a very controlled, disciplined process that gets multiple levels of high-ranking approval, clearly didn't happen in the Hillary investigation case, but the reason he did that is he immunized tons of people.
It's the same reason why Mueller kept showing up, immunizing people that were caught with child porn, real child porn.
He was the one that cut the deal with Alexander Acosta, who's in Trump's administration.
So maybe that's a specific example.
Maybe Acosta's like, alright, here's what they got on me.
I let this pedophile off.
I'll work with you to expose them.
Well, all those people have... I'm not saying I know that, I'm just... Well, all those people have extraordinary blackmail files.
So the, I mean, the reason why, I mean, Mueller did a big deal with Asimov's kid in San Francisco back around 2001 in which he, the, the inference was why did this guy get such a sweetheart deal when they found the information on him?
And the same with Epstein.
Epstein is listed as a, as a, basically as a witness for Mueller.
That's the reason why Epstein got the deal.
The Mueller did a deal with that Nader, George Nader character, who ended up having all kinds of child porn, finally got prosecuted on it recently, when he was trying to get him to say bad things about Trump.
Oh, the Nader story is unbelievable.
This guy's been caught with child porn like five times, and it's like he still hangs out around D.C.
like he's one of the crew.
And as long as he was reading the script that Mueller or someone like Mueller wanted to have happen, then what was happening was that these guys were getting to walk repeatedly.
Tony Podesta never faced prosecution for his involvement in what he organized Manafort to do.
You know what?
I just wish, you know, the left sits here and virtue signals like they care about kids and everything.
Don't you wish that the left was anti-pedophile for once?
Oh, precisely.
I mean, especially you look at there's more increasing movement to try to normalize pedophilia.
I mean, I'm not saying they're all pedophiles, but it's like, if you're not against pedophilia, I mean, what else am I to think?
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
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And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time
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And so we've reached that point.
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It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of press and freedom of speech that in fact the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to
I don't know.
I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks in to people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, in that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
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They have side effects.
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I'll be very, very clear with everybody about all of this.
We're going into the season of war.
And they have been inches from shutting down the final bank accounts we have due to their criminal activity and their digital fraud.
And we need to know that we've got capital to go six months, a year.
We need to end here.
We need to be provisioned.
And you've got my total commitment that I am going to rampage forward against the enemy for
I'm loving every minute of this because I know I'm getting under their skin.
I'm bloody and then I'm up politically.
I'm banging heads with them and they can't help but attack back with lies and that just brings more people here.
So I'm in one hell of a fight and so are you and I need war bonds.
I need gas.
I need ammo politically now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It's the gun-slinging Wild West of news.
It's InfoWars.com.
Started more than 20 years ago by Alex Jones, and is now the most influential, impactful news organization in the world, despite more censorship than any news outlet has ever endured in modern history.
Alex Jones is on the line with us now.
Alex, you're trying to enjoy some time away from the office, but wild horses can't drag you away, my friend.
Well, that's right, I'm right over here by a creek, running out, going to Travis to catch a bass.
I'm just listening over the phone.
I can't help it.
You guys are just knocking it all apart.
Incredible job, all the listeners.
But that last caller, Matt, I'm going to start a show, not this weekend, but next weekend, every Saturday, that in a few months will be hosted by the caller.
We've got to get that Matt guy's full name in it, Bob.
I want him to be one of the callers on the first shows.
Every time he calls, he has a great point.
What a genius idea about, not even a deepfake, they'll call it that, but they only have two or three different camera shots.
We just have a clown face, we've already made great ones for Clown World, that goes over each one, and then just basically lay it as a template over the next debate.
In fact, that should be pretty easy to do if you've already got the clowns ready, you see the shots they're going to use beforehand, within a few minutes of the show.
They start turning into clowns when they tell them their offers.
But the even better idea that got them is that we need Trump to really freak the left out.
I don't know if my cell's bad, so I'll take it off in a minute.
Uh, we need him to say, hey, I'll give pardons to anybody that exposes criminal activity in the Republican or the Democratic Party that leads to, you know, indictments or whatever.
And say, we know the Democratic Party is a globalist mafia working for the Chi-Coms, and so is Hollywood, so all you big tech people that are already going public, we'll give you basically amnesty or a pardon
You can come out and expose the crimes that are going on, and I think that right there, if Trump put in an anti-mafia hotline, an organized crime hotline, for any crime, Republican or Democrat, he'll be able to fry the neocons and the Democrats.
And Barnes is a constitutional lawyer, smart on this, but just the stunt of doing it is pure genius.
So that Matt guy, he's our new consultant, Ted.
And imagine, too, that would be like Trump launching Project Veritas right out of the White House.
Exactly, that's what Trump, instead of just having a fireside chat, he needs Project Veritas out of the White House, and then once a week, whoever he wants does a presentation on all the censorship and the corruption, and we'll adopt this with the summit coming up and things like that, but I'm telling you, this is what needs to happen.
Back to you, great gentleman, back to the wonderful crowd.
We have changed the world.
Globalism is in retreat.
The left is getting more hardcore in trying to finish what their original project was, because we've unmasked them.
They're admitting, they're unquoting.
So many good things are happening, and yeah, it's all for those of us in the civil sphere who are being punished, but it's all been so worth it.
I just don't think we've been rejoiced enough at the successes we're having.
We're still in one hell of a fight, folks, but we are at the tip of the spear.
And once you start saying all of this, once you start claiming we're changing the world thanks to you, we're all doing it together.
It's really happening.
The wall of proof goes to Jesus.
Thank Jesus.
Thank God so much.
And just God bless you all.
Back to the break, guys.
Everybody have a wonderful weekend.
We'll have more live shows tomorrow.
We'll get miles and miles of screenings tomorrow.
We have a Sunday show coming up.
It's beautiful.
It's just damn amazing.
And, you know, listening to Alex and kind of remembering what some of the other callers said, and just my complete lack of understanding of how somebody could be such a bold-faced liar, I realize now, too.
Because, see, there's one thing that I don't think anybody, most people, could never relate to, specifically myself.
I would imagine most people have never been blackmailed to such an extent that basically your life is no longer your life.
And if you just have
Two or three candidates from the Democrat side blackmailed into forcing your narrative out there.
That changes the whole narrative.
And even people that may not be under your control now have to go with that narrative just to try to fit in with what they think is the organic movement of a popular Democrat, even though it's all astroturf.
And at the very base of it is just blackmail.
So maybe that's, I mean, look at Joe Biden.
I mean, Ukraine could blackmail Joe Biden.
I mean, you want to talk about blackmail?
I mean, with Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and everything?
I mean, it's crazy!
Well, there's a reason why Hoover had the files that he had.
And if you dig into it, sort of what Alex is talking about, we don't need amnesty for illegal aliens.
We need amnesty for deep state whistleblowers.
What we need is a, and if the president himself can do that, the president can, he has the power of the pardon, the power of the pen.
He can do that across the board.
He could reanimate a whistleblower culture against the Deep State established corruption.
So there's actually a great TV show called Deep State that was on Epic's network.
It's in, I think, season two now.
It's available on Amazon Prime and other places.
But it goes into exactly this.
It portrays the template of how power operates.
I used to give to people who wanted to learn American political history, I said, go back and read James Elroy's American Tabloid Trilogy.
The American Tabloid, it's called Six Thousand, Bloods a Rover, about the 1960s.
But what it really is, is the template of how American power operates.
Just in the same way that Alex has often referenced Operation Northwoods.
It gives you a sense of the mindset, the mentality.
And part of that mindset mentality has always been blackmail.
I was the lawyer who brought one of the first suits against the IRS, the biggest class action ever against the Department of Treasury or the U.S.
And what was happening is, under Obama, what nobody put together was the reason why he was digitizing medical records is it allowed the IRS to know everything about you.
Not only do they now have your self-confession, self-inquisition mechanism of your tax return, where you tell them where you live, you tell them who you live with, you tell them who your loved ones are, you tell them where you go to church, you tell them which party you support, you tell them all of your economic activities.
The reason why they create a lot of those deductions and tax forms is because it becomes a self-confession, self-inquisition mechanism of the government having massive data on you.
Then add your private medical records.
When I brought that suit, they were going after somebody.
The IRS had taken 60 million medical records of more than 10 million Americans.
Every state judge in the state of California.
Many of the politicians in California.
That's not even legal.
It wasn't supposed to be.
Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild, Major League Baseball.
And since it's all digitized and organized, it's so easy to search and find whatever you want.
I mean, I even tested it and found out all kinds of things about all kinds of people.
It was basically Hoover's dream blackmail list.
So if anybody's out there that's effectively continually being blackmailed, you have people like Robin Gritz, who's brought a suit against the FBI because she exposed Andrew McCabe.
You have these people that have suffered consequence due to the blackmail that has taken place, that takes place on a daily basis in the political arena.
And the President needs to exercise the power of the pardon, the power of the pen, the power of the presidency, to basically bring back and say, we're going to give not amnesty to illegal aliens, not amnesty to trespassers, not amnesty to the cartels, not amnesty to the human smugglers, not amnesty to those who break in and enter into the country.
We're going to give amnesty to the whistleblowers who expose the deep state corruption and collusion that is taking place, that is undermining democracy in its most fundamental institutions and exacerbating war and conflict around the world.
Perfect example is the Nixavim sex cult, which has ties to Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer.
Gillibrand, who was up here last night.
Yeah, Gillibrand, like, hey, you're in one of these sex cults, you know, because it came out, I think it was Ranieri or whoever was like, no, I mean, it all came out in the, I guess, litigation process.
I mean, they were putting people in office.
I mean, they were literally getting people in office.
They were trying to have hundreds of congressmen and women in office.
They understood the power of blackmail.
They understood the power of, they were basically bundling money to help influence candidates and campaigns.
And ultimately, they were going to be able to entrap people in a wide range of ways.
So these kind of cultish cultures live off of political protection.
And the only way they can survive is with political protection.
And that goes all the way back to a wide range of similar comparable cases.
People forget, Jim Jones had a lot of political protection initially.
There's a lot of things where you have to wonder if you want to even put this out to the audience, but I'll just go ahead and say it because the enemy already knows this anyway, but let's just look at Julian Assange.
There's a reason why they removed him from the embassy and put him in a jail in London.
Now, a lot of Americans, libertarians, are ticked off that Trump is not, you know, offering an exoneration or amnesty or whatever to Assange.
Folks, you gotta understand, Trump has to extradite Assange here to talk to him.
They took him to the jail in London to keep him away from Trump.
Like, that was the whole purpose.
Yeah, Trump, of course, is trying to expedite Julian Assange.
How the hell else is he going to talk to him?
That's the whole point.
Assange knows where the bodies are buried.
Now, I don't know if Assange would ever tell Trump so much, hey, here's who gave me this, here's who gave me this, here's who gave me this.
But if Trump can bring him in and say, all right, look,
We brought you here, here's the crimes that we have, you know, espionage, what have you, but I want to offer you a deal, but you gotta work with me.
Well, I think for sure the ideal goal is if, people hope that is what President Trump intends, and then he's just keeping it under wraps.
He has to though, because that's how deep this goes.
Again, they took him out of there, they put him in jail because they don't want Trump to talk to him.
Well not only that, they had Sweden all of a sudden start talking about bringing back the allegations.
And it's important for people to know, Julian Assange is not accused of any rape in a conventional way.
They're saying whether he used birth control in a proper way.
Plus those charges were dropped.
They were, but now they're talking about reinstating them.
And what that would do is that would potentially preclude extradition to the United States.
So again, they're going through multiple layers.
To try to protect or try to keep us out from Trump, because they know... Look, we know who we're up against, folks.
These are evil people.
They're running sex cults.
They're running child trafficking rings.
They're running all of it.
Trump isn't involved with it.
That doesn't mean he's perfect, but that's why they're all going after Trump.
Alright, Nick Begich is about to take over the Alex Jones Show.
I'm not sure if Robert Barnes is sticking around, but are you alive tomorrow, too?
Is that the plan?
I think we're gonna do some shooting.
Infowars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
Share those links.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I agree entirely.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Nick Begich.
And welcome back.
You know,
You know, this Friday afternoon, fourth hour, I'm standing in for Alex, and I'm here in Alaska.
And actually, we've got horse fires in south-central Alaska, and I was just telling Daria during the break there that, you know, it's like a fog in town.
It's like you might be in Beijing or somewhere.
Anyway, it's kind of standard deal here in Alaska.
You don't hear much about it on the national news, because most of its wilderness, no one lived there.
But the point is, we have them, sometimes they're pretty dangerous.
When you think about today, it's going to be 82 in Anchorage today and tomorrow.
That's like our high for the year.
It's 100 or more in Austin today.
You know, I was thinking about all the kind of doom and gloom and the nonsense, you know, the free stuff debate, you know, and it reminds me of actually a tactic used here during the last governor's race.
And it was this deal of where the governor said, hey, we're going to give everybody triple their dividend, you know, or make up for the years we couldn't give you the full amount because he
What we have here that most Americans don't know is we have a government by endowment.
We don't have income tax here.
We don't have a state property tax here.
We don't have a state income tax, what I'm talking about.
We don't have a state property tax or a state sales tax.
Uh, what we have is a corporate tax to make over, I think it's a quarter of a million net, you pay nine percent, the first quarter million net in a corporation, small corporations exempt.
And then we have oil and gas and natural resources, which are held, you know, in common.
We're good to go.
And that throws off a pretty good chunk of money every year in earnings because it's invested in all kinds of stuff.
And that came out of our natural resource base, out of our balance sheet.
And I've talked often on this program about the national well.
And here's these morons talking about
Writing off $1.6 trillion in student loans, well, admirable idea, you know, I mean, as far as that goes.
When we needed the economic stimulus, you know, back in 2008 when people were losing their homes and all this was going on and we were bailing out the banks and corporations that made bad decisions.
When we could have, then maybe, instead of giving a couple trillion to the bankers, done that and actually stimulated more spending, which might have boosted the banks with legitimate money being spent in the economy by real consumers who could then buy those houses that were coming on the market and do a lot of other things.
Instead, we spent the money on others.
When we have this pent-up
Demand that's offset by the debt ratios of student debt against graduating graduates from college, you know, so even in a tight market.
We've seen, you know, kind of what's happened.
And while I admire Trump for all kinds of stuff that he's done, the one thing that people kind of forget in this mix is business benefited greatly, and they need to make sure that money is now spent in America on Americans doing things that make America great again.
And not exporting that money, but repatriating.
You know, they're taxing international income from these multinational corporations that are domiciled in the U.S.
They're doing a lot of things differently.
But they also lowered domestic taxes by a substantial amount for corporations.
And I think that's a good idea in the long run.
But we need to see that translated into things that benefit also people working in America.
So, you know, I mean, really?
It's about sovereign wealth.
I want to get into that and the looting of the nation and what's going on behind the scenes as the fake news propaganda stream from the mainstream continues to feed us fertilizer that most of us just call BS.
We'll be right back with InfoWars.
In the 40 years that I've been in American politics,
I've never seen a situation with the mainstream media in which facts and truth and evidence no longer matters.
The false claim that you purposely said kiddie porn to the Sandy Hook plaintiffs is ludicrous as well as false.
It's a smear.
Somebody sends you something that's encrypted.
You don't even open it.
It ends up swept up in the discovery of nine million documents and then it's blamed on you.
This is bizarre.
But the way the mainstream media rushes out to say Jones sent kiddie porn is really outrageous.
I have a lot of respect for those media outlets and those commentators who retracted and corrected and clarified.
But I wonder, where are the big boys?
Where's the Wall Street Journal?
Where's Associated Press?
When are they going to report that they made a mistake and what they said about you was inaccurate?
So we both need your help, and I urge folks to continue to support InfoWars with your dollars.
The Alex Jones Show, because there is a war on for your mind with Nick Begich.
And welcome back, and I'm coming to you from Anchorage, Alaska, today.
And, you know, as we went out of the last segment, I'm thinking about
Thank you.
In that fund, so it's invested in all kinds of things all around the world.
And what happens is that fund then takes its average earnings over five years and it moves forward every year and is recalculated and half of that earnings.
Is then distributed half of the average for the year over a five-year average is distributed to the population in Alaska.
And as I said, we don't have a state income tax, state sales tax or state property tax.
Tax is pretty low here in terms of any of them.
But we have minerals taxation, oil and wealth royalties off state lands and things that bring wealth into the state.
And that's how this fund got formed.
So like last year, it was like $1,600 for each person that lives here.
Now it's expensive to live here.
So, you know, I mean, you got to realize that too.
But without those state taxes, that's kind of nice.
We have local taxes, property taxes in Anchorage, for instance.
But, you know, when you think about the nation,
And the wealth of the nation that has been looted literally for a couple of centuries and even before, you know, because like in my region, Alaska, the looting started with the Russians who were here first.
They kind of enslaved everybody who lived on the Aleutian Islands, all the native peoples there, and anyone they could conquer on the coastline.
They never made it far inland, but
We're good to go.
United States kind of moving west and figured we'd take it anyway or someone would so they sold it to us for two cents an acre two cents in the Treaty of Secession in 1867 the Russians ceded this to us under the czar and
You know, what happened here is we then discovered gold here in the 1890s and the rush was on and that lasted until World War II where our gold industry was shut down completely.
Most people don't realize what happened here.
Gold, silver, non-essential minerals
All the resources stopped for the war effort, and gold was fixed at 35 bucks an ounce by then.
And what happened after the war is inflation tripled everything, but gold was fixed.
So, you know, the gold industry never revised here because it choked off and died, you know, for four years during the war.
So, you know, when you look at the mineral wealth in this part of the world never got developed.
We don't have a railroad here.
And I've talked in the past about the Jones Act, which is an act that benefits shipbuilders in the United States.
And I understand to keep a vibrant shipbuilding industry for defense and other purposes, we subsidize.
And the way we do in the United States is we make sure that any shipment between U.S.
ports has to be flagged by a U.S.
vessel, which costs 10 times as much as a foreign flagged vessel.
Which is why all of the raw minerals produced in Alaska are never going to land in the United States, in terms of the lower 48 states, because there's no linkage by rail or otherwise.
Now, today in the paper, I'm really encouraged, and we've talked about it on this program for years, is a rail link to Canada, which then allows us to move commodities overland.
And this is now being studied in a very serious way, perhaps it will happen.
This is vital to moving the national treasury, the wealth of the nation, into the Rust Belt, where value-added can happen.
Because Alaska doesn't have the population for that value-added, but it would be nice to have it in the United States.
And we have that possibility.
And we're ignoring the possibility of a sovereign wealth fund.
Now, Norway
Has a sovereign wealth fund and they put all their oil money in there and then they allocated in their social security system.
But you know what they built from their oil revenue, their natural resource revenue?
In Norway, they built a trillion with a T, a trillion dollar fund.
Instead of running deficits, you know, Norway kind of runs a surplus, you know, based on that national wealth, that they didn't let industry just loot.
You know, what they did is they contracted to industry to extract those resources, and they competed for those contracts, which makes good sense, right?
This public resource, you know, the oil and gas.
Well, in the United States, we don't do that.
We have these fire sales and tax incentives and all this crap built into the tax code.
And it is.
It's too complicated to get into in this segment.
Maybe another time, another place.
The whole charade started with the income tax back in 1913, okay?
This goes back, you know, blocks back in how the mineral, oil, and gas industries were spared the biggest burden of taxation.
Even to this day, those codes exist.
But the point I'm making today is, because of interest groups, America and Americans have been screwed over
And it pisses me off from the standpoint of everybody is screaming poverty, including in this state of Alaska, the richest state per capita in the nation.
And they're whacking the budget and worrying about the sky is falling.
And, you know, it's moronic and ignorant and uninformed leadership that approaches this state in this way.
Because within the purview of national resources and state resources in terms of land and what's under the land and native resources under the land for that matter, 9% of the state is native owned here based on the legislation by my father back in the 70s, Native Land Claims Settlement Act.
And they own their mineral estate and oil and gas estates.
And then we have the Mental Health Trust, which has about three quarters of a million acres.
And it is a trust and it generates something, but it's pretty inefficient, if you ask me.
But the point of the matter is, the state then has like a hundred title or intended title, about 105 million acres.
And you know, and then, which is about 18, 19% and the rest, 70% is federal government, 1% is the rest private.
Parties but 70% is the national government which is you and me and under that including that doesn't include the 200 mile coastal limit out on the continental shelf which is an oil base the whole northern part of the state of Alaska and has trillions and trillions and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas and perhaps
A hundred billion barrels of oil or more, maybe more, I don't know.
It's going to be crazy when the full tally comes out, but already five trillion dollars has been taken out of there, looted from my perspective by multinational corporations and the state throne of pittance and the Fed's throne of pittance for this.
You know, these are national resources.
Uh, we have to ship them overseas, because it's cheaper to do it.
Yeah, they're double-hulled tankers now, and they're made somewhere else.
But here's the equation.
The Jones Act.
Bringing a ship in from, uh, China, uh, to, uh, L.A.
is about eight, nine hundred bucks.
To bring the same ship halfway back to Hawaii from L.A.
is eight thousand bucks.
Yeah, more or less.
There's your Jones Act.
And that's what it costs us.
It costs us a lot to support the shipping industry at the expense of raw materials getting value-added from Alaska for the wealth of the nation.
We're going to be right back after these brief messages.
You're listening to the InfoWars.
This is Dr. Nick Begich in this fourth hour on a Friday afternoon.
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Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's the time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the info war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now your host, Nick Baggage.
And welcome back.
I appreciate being here today, you know, thinking about this whole topic again, sovereign wealth.
What does that really mean?
You know, when we hear
Discussions about our budget on the national level, our national budget.
We're always listening to this discussion about taxes and who's paying and how much is coming in and how much is going out and what we're spending it on and we all complain about how much they take from us and how little we get back and how they redistribute our wealth, you know.
And the thing about the debates the last couple of nights was
No, it's more of the same, you know, how to get down, dig down deeper and take a little more.
But the point is, the big theft is on the balance sheet.
You know, the things that matter, you know, your assets that produce revenue.
You know, or avoid costs, like when your house is paid off, you don't have a house payment anymore.
Maybe a property tax, insurance, maintenance, but you know what I'm saying.
So when you have assets, real assets, maybe apartment buildings, they throw off some rents when they're paid off, you know, but think about real stuff producing real revenues and natural resources are the very base of the balance sheet of a nation when you think about land and natural resources.
And so
We auction them off at a giveaway price under all kinds of different terms and conditions, when what we should be doing on at least oil and gas is pretty predictable now.
The science is really good.
There's not really wildcatting as such.
Pretty predictable.
But if we captured the national oil and gas and then contracted the work, so all those jobs are there, all those jobs are privately sector managed, you know, like they should be.
Not some other way of doing it, you know, but keep those managed, you know, like corporations manage, but bid it and keep the natural resource instead of leasing it and giving it away.
And you know what you end up with is a tremendous amount of throw-off.
I mean, look at Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund is several trillion dollars, generating significant revenue.
That's non-oil and gas related revenue.
You know, when you start to think about
Sort of, what are we doing with the wealth of this nation?
Who's benefiting by it?
Now, there are some ways that we used to, as individual citizens, benefit by the national wealth.
We used to be able to go out, and we still can in some areas of Alaska, for instance, go out and discover and stake valuable mining claims.
And you used to be able, under the federal rules, go to patent.
Now, the laws are still on the books, but they haven't funded
I think?
Own the titles with very little wealth transferring back to the nation, you know, because these rules haven't been changed.
Some of them in 100 years or more now over 100 years.
So when we look at all of this in terms of the real wealth of the nation isn't being misspent.
In terms of the national budget.
It's being looted on the other end by globalist and multinational corporations that keep the shell game going.
So we're all looking over here at the budget and all these other aspects of the news, the fake news.
The un-news, you know, we're about the info wars.
We're the un-news, maybe.
You know, we kind of unravel the news.
On the other side of the equation is the looting.
Trillions of dollars out the gate.
No one's even seeing it go.
No one's even running the numbers.
They're just going, ah, c'est la vie, you know.
Oh, you're going to leave?
We better give you some tax incentives.
You might go to the third world and screw them over for a while until they throw you out.
See, and this is what happened with oil and gas everywhere in the world.
The multinationals were thrown out.
The other 88% of oil-producing countries actually just bid the world to keep the oil and the gas.
Much better equation, you know.
Some of them even own the downstream, you know, the value-added, like Saudi, you know.
They own the refining and the pipelines and the ships, you know, and that gas station, you know.
They're kind of integrated across the deal and optimize their profit margins for their sovereign wealth, but, you know, they're a
Kingdom, you know, for gosh sakes, you know, but they throw off so much money.
Their people don't work for a living.
They go to college anywhere they want in the world and import everybody else to do the rest of the work.
You know, you know, think about the wealth of a nation under a democratic republic like ours.
And wow, what used to happen in a brown paper bag that we called bribery.
The same thing happens today, only we call it campaign contributions.
We have committees and regulations and rules about who can bring the bag of money to the party.
And that's really all that's changed.
But we somehow have legitimized bribery and corruption by giving it a new name.
Isn't that the most ridiculous?
Yeah, as they all raise their hands.
Hallelujah to the Democratic Republic on two nights of debate.
Give me a break, you morons.
The Republic is being hijacked every day in a million different ways and looted by the, you know, looted, literally.
Every day, the national purse is picked, and our taxes didn't go down.
Hey, but what I want to say on a positive note, because we all know about all that.
We get angry about it, we get mad about it, but we can't get mad about it.
We have to take on a different tack.
We have to recapture the nation so that we don't let it bleed anymore.
In the way that it has.
And really bring these multinationals to account for what they've done here.
You know, it's not about, you know, you and me anymore.
It's about them.
They've taken over the reins of government by controlling it to such a great degree, the apparatus of government.
And communications in the 21st century has been handed off to these
Nazi leftists, can you believe it?
I mean, I never thought I could combine the two, you know?
It's like they're doing the same thing that they oppose so bitterly, you know, shutting down speech, shutting down some sense of equality in the world for a major segment of this population in America, you know, like the majority of Americans and perhaps maybe a lot of people in the world.
But, you know, like every station and every network, they're not perfect.
Neither is this one.
But at least we don't work from a script.
You know, we work based on good research and taking sort of an alternative view of the world and then trying to put that into plain language so we might address it within the context of a democratic republic within the 21st century.
Instead, what we have is 1984 on steroids, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I mean,
This is like the worst nightmare of sci-fi writers playing out in this century by these little men.
Who are running these corporations, and they are.
They do not recognize the courage that it requires to maintain free speech in a democratic republic.
They don't have the balls to reflect that in our society.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
We'll be right back.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
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Of course.
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And it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Vagic.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich on this Friday morning, still my time, and afternoon of most of the rest of the country.
You know, we've been talking about swapping wealth and the wealth of nations and looting of the country, really, by globalist multinationals.
I mean, a whole lot of interests have literally conspired by cooperation and, you know, kind of the joint agenda of take what you can and leave nothing behind.
And now what they've done, too, is they've exported most of the factories, plants, dismantling them, moving them overseas.
What they're bringing back here to the United States now is robotics, you know, and robotics will create a lot during the construction phase, but then there's not a lot of jobs left behind there.
But the real wealth, you know, in addition to those factories coming back, what, you know, what then becomes relevant?
It's raw materials, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Transforming that into a different approach, an approach where we contract out services of exploration and subsequent drilling and then construction.
Contracted out same way industry does and you know in the thing is most countries do this with their oil and gas now I'm not talking about those that are grandfathered in because they own the oil and gas rights privately There's a lot of that but in the West most of the West that's not case most of the West the rights
Were withheld, retained by the government, never went with the land.
And there's exceptions in Alaska and throughout the West and various places, but most of it remains public land with those rights inclusive.
And so when you think about
The public wealth now in the 21st century, how do we leverage that wealth in the 21st century that's never going to be replaced once it's gone?
You know, depending on what we're doing, we need to rethink that and look back at the tax code and get rid of things like depletion allowance and depreciate, which is a really false kind of accounting tactic.
We're good to go.
So these codes haven't been changed since the tax codes were invented in 1913 because of mineral oil and gas was a powerful lobby then, and has remained for over 100 years that powerful.
So with the tax reductions to 20% corporate rates, for these organizations, the expected rate is half of that.
And they're taking public resources out of the bargain, basement price.
This is all upside down.
We had to give them a fair profit margin on the construction and all of that work for Americans.
It's great to see that work happen, but the resource, the underlying wealth, is being taken primarily by multinationals.
You know, in Alaska, the North Slope was about half
At one point, British Petroleum, you know, and British Petroleum up until the 80s, you know, for the first number of years of peak production oil, 2 million barrels a day coming out in those days.
The Crown still owned 25% of British Petroleum until they divested in the 80s.
But the point is, we were still a colony for God's sake.
You know, I mean, come on, think about it.
We're still paying the Crown.
Up into the 1980s on money made by their multinational holdings in these corporations.
I mean, it's kind of ridiculous, isn't it?
I mean, stop and think about this.
It's just a shell game, you know, in terms of how we create new words, new ideas, new syntax to throw into the mirage that we're living in and call it reality.
And, you know, that's my friend Ashraf.
I want to tell you about Ashraf.
Ash is a good guy.
He's in his 80s and
He was talking to me and he says, it's like the Colosseum, you know, we're the last act.
And it's true.
And Ashcroft, he comes from a really interesting background.
He was raised by his grandparents in Egypt in the 1950s.
And in Egypt in the 1950s, it's quite a different place.
And he was, his grandfather happened to be the prime minister at the time.
So he was in kind of a privileged position to see Egypt.
In the 1950s, and you know, he lives in the United States has, you know, since the 70s, 60s, anyway, a long time from college on, you know, and he had a career here and did his thing here.
And the changes when he went back after so many years, you know, it's not just the culture moving to Europe, but the culture that resides there now is not the culture in the late 60s, early 70s, not at all.
It's unfortunate.
He's sad, I mean grief-stricken, I would say, more so than what's happened to Egypt and the Middle East in general.
You know, he says, don't go there, Nick, don't go there.
It's not safe, it's not what it was.
You know, and that's a sad thing, you know, you think if we spoke of our nation in that manner, if it were so changed.
My friends, my business partner in Germany left Germany and now lives somewhere else in the world, in Thailand.
Because Germany became so hostile to him in terms of both taxes and culture.
It just changed dramatically.
And you know, my time traveling back and forth the last 25 years in and out of Europe, I can tell you it's a dramatic change throughout most of Europe because of what they've done.
And in the last segments, you know, there was comments on that and what's happening there.
The globalist agenda
is to acquire the wealth nations.
This is the agenda.
Everything else recorded is symptomatic of that agenda, whether it's pharmaceutical industry, the military industrial complex, the academic complex.
You know, it's really about
It's not just screwing the guys jumping over the wall, it's screwing everybody in just different ways.
Why is 10% of Mexico's adult population trying to run away to America?
Because their government's corrupt and every time they try to have a revolution, you know, we prop them up.
Yeah, Yucatan, they tried to have one and the Clinton administration propped up the government.
They're the most corrupt government, you know, anywhere near us and it's on our border.
That has been the problem.
Now, they elected new leadership there.
Let's see what happens, you know?
But maybe they change, and maybe they don't.
But, you know, they're a sovereign nation.
You know, they need to be accountable to their people, just like everybody else.
Or have a revolution, for God's sake.
That's what we did.
And it worked out pretty well a couple hundred years ago.
You know, I think everybody would agree.
Sometimes you need a revolution and we had one.
You know, and now we need a revolution of spirit and mind and heart in this country, not a violent revolution.
You know, the stuff the left is trying to whip up by dividing us under some tribalistic nonsense and rhetoric.
And you picked all that out of the last two days of rhetoric.
You know, from these guys inflaming the tribalism of the nation and the world.
Let's divide everybody and hack them up into little sub-sections of what this great nation is about.
What a bunch of nonsense.
All they do is amplify the division.
That is not what this nation needs.
That is not, that is the diversion.
You know, the left is diverting us in one direction and aspects of the right, you know, and I voted Donald Trump, so did my oldest son, Nicholas, you know, much to the chagrin of the rest of my family.
You know, but I'm disappointed in one thing, because on the right, it's about abortion and the border and other things, and they're all important.
But the big enchilada, the national wealth, as expressed in the P&L statement and the taxes
Giving away to corporations to see if we stimulate some here.
And, you know, the crumbs thrown to the rest.
So let's remember, you know, those corporate changes were permanent.
Ours are temporary.
You know, let's decorate the mahogany with the truth.
What's the long-term program?
And are we part of that program?
Coming back next, I want to talk about the programming of the nation for the globalists and what that means.
We'll be right back.
This is Dr. Nick Peggage in the InfoWars.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena and the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is completely independent of all that.
It is an old-school American
We're good to go.
I want to be very, very clear with everybody about all of this.
We're going into the season of war, and they have been inches from shutting down the final bank accounts we have due to their criminal activity and their digital fraud.
And we need to know that we've got capital to go six months, a year.
We need to end here.
We need to be provisioned.
And you've got my total commitment
That I am going to rampage forward against the enemy fearlessly.
I'm loving every minute of this because I know I'm getting under their skin.
I'm bloody and then I'm up politically.
I'm banging heads with them and they can't help but attack back with lies and that just brings more people here.
So I'm in one hell of a fight and so are you and I need war bonds.
I need gas.
I need ammo politically now.
But literally, if you flood us with money, and if you flood us with product purchases, and if you flood us with your word of mouth, you're unstoppable.
We're unstoppable together.
I want to send a strong message to the enemy.
I want to raise a couple million dollars right now to let the enemy know that their attacks are failing and that you will stand with us, and I will never back down.
You have my commitment.
This only gives me more energy and more understanding of what we're facing and that we were right about this.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time
To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarshore.com.
It's your fight.
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to bring real social, political, economic consequence to their course of conduct.
Otherwise, they will never change, and they will become the Big Tech oligarchs
And then the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich in this fourth hour.
I want to encourage people to support The Info Wars.
Go to theinfowarsstore.com.
Support this network so you can keep hearing all of the hosts and guest hosts, the reporting that goes on.
You know, it's the un-news, unscrambling, the other story, you know, because...
Man, it is truly a war for your mind.
And that's the part I want to get into.
You know, I'm talking about the looting of the nation.
You know, you keep the shell game going over here.
People worrying about social issues.
They're not important.
Well, they're looting us.
This is important.
Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt is being registered by the Federal Reserve, which shouldn't even exist.
For God's sake, it ought to be the Treasury.
You know,
Not debt instruments issued by the Federal Reserve and their 300 member banks.
You know, this was also part of that 1913 screwing of America by the bankers who we bailed out the tune of first the SNLs during the Bush administration.
That was a trillion.
And then another few trillion to the bankers in the last Obama administration and
14 trillion international bankers who also got money out of the Federal Reserve backed up by our good faith and credit.
You know, and we're paying debt on our share of this national debt when it ought to be the Treasury.
Donald Trump, if you're for real, take a look at the Constitution in terms of the Treasury and take the money back.
Don't figure out who's screwing us at the Federal Reserve.
And the Federal Reserve, you know?
Propose a piece of legislation to take it back.
Let's see where our Congress and our U.S.
Senators stand, or is it just BS?
Just more of the same from you, Mr. President, and the Congress and the Senate, you know?
My brother was one of the few Democrats insisting on a full audit of the Federal Reserve from start 1913 to now.
And they wouldn't do it.
They still haven't done it.
How about start there, Mr. President, a full audit?
That's fair to ask for.
Any good businessman would ask for that.
Where's the money?
You know, come on, let's see where it went, where it came in, where it went out.
Why are we doing this?
Think about the wealth of the nation, Mr. President, and redeploying those assets in the public good.
That's you, the CEO of the nation's wealth.
You know, we're being looted in this instant right now and you're the man.
It's your hour.
Stop the looting.
You know, put your finger in the dike of America's balance sheet and stop the flood from breaking through anymore.
You know, it's propaganda time.
Take a look at free speech, right now, or we will not have this dialogue in the future, anywhere, about the things we're talking about on InfoWars.
That's why people need to support InfoWars, and more importantly, people in government need to take action, and those that aren't in government, pick up the phone.
You know?
The phone.
That thing that has every other use but a phone.
Call your congressional offices in your states and at the national office.
Get the phone number.
Look it up.
Call them on the phone.
Call them on the phone until they can't answer anything but you.
And not in an outraged way, but hey, get them to pay attention to why free speech is important.
Whether you like what's being said or not.
It's the basic foundation of a nation.
Next time it's the other guy.
And Alex is absolutely correct on this.
It always starts somewhere.
Oh, it's him, it's not me.
But someday it is you.
You might like the government you got, but the government you get might be a lot different.
So, you know, as someone who comes from three generations of political family at the national, international, state level, local level, I've seen it all and I can tell you the only things that change is the way the bag man with the money arrives.
And there's a few that are ethical and honest.
You got to really dig through.
And some of them are vulgar, you know, vulgar in a lot of ways.
But what are we looking for in a nation right now?
The last time we needed a bully, someone to just go in there, beat some heads.
And we got Donald Trump.
Who has been very effective and I look at the free trade agreements that are now a little better trade agreements, you know, between Mexico and Canada and now the Chinese discussion and what's going on with NATO paying more of their bill instead of us underwriting all of Europe again.
You know, why are we paying 65% of NATO's bill all these years later, you know, grow up Europe 70% of 70 years later, you know, grow up.
Take care of your own business.
You know, we don't have to do it.
We shouldn't meddle in your affairs.
You know, we do all the time, I know.
But you shouldn't meddle in ours.
You know, what people forget, you know, they talk about Russian meddling all the time.
Do you remember when Netanyahu came over here, head of Israel, and went to the Congress and addressed both houses of Congress without even getting a hello to the President on his way in to criticize what was going on here?
You know, that's like collusion.
That's like overstepping your boundaries, right?
Everybody went, oh, well, what are we doing?
No one complained.
You know, Obama went over to Great Britain and commented publicly about Brexit.
It's not his affair.
It wasn't his affair.
It was the United States who interfered with Great Britain's domestic affairs.
You know, that's just not what we should be doing.
You know, when you stop and think about it, these are
National questions within sovereign boundaries.
You know, we were talking about sovereign wealth.
Also, it begins with sovereign humans, individuals, not sovereign corporations.
This is not how the country, this republic, was founded.
Yet, we've transferred by legislation and by Supreme Court decision even, free speech rights we've now conveyed to corporations without equal accountability.
You can criminally indict a corporation, but who's going to jail?
You need to make it so that these guys who are running big tech today can be criminally indicted for severing your civil liberties of free speech.
Criminally indicted.
The board of directors, the officers, the folks that shareholders elect.
These guys
who run these corporations and decided to be the 1984 filter for what's tolerable in speech.
The tolerance party of the liberal left is telling us what's okay to say because everybody should get a trophy except someone we don't agree with.
You know?
I mean, come on, ladies and gentlemen.
The Republic is at stake, and it is the Infowars.
It's globalists who are controlling it, looting now another segment of the public wealth, the airways, which used to be for free and governed in our interest.
Public resources have been sold off as if they're a used car.
These are what protects the Republicans, which is why the public airwaves have always had a legitimacy of disagreeing on ideas.
We couldn't say the seven bad words or whatever it was, you know, that George Carlin used to joke about.
Everything else was permitted.
Even the most repugnant ideas were permitted, whether we liked them or not.
And this is what this Republic was built on.
The idea of censoring it, tamping down view counts.
That's what they've been doing to me.
You can't even do sorts on me anymore because I'm appearing on this network.
They can find me all over the place, but ask what I've done in the last month and nothing here will show up.
And yet I appear every week.
You know?
And it's because
The messages are what they're standing in the way of right now, which is why people need to pass this on through all of your networks, because it is a network, and they created it.
But boy, they're screwing us now with this network.
And this is one phase of what mind control has been all about.
You know, next Friday when we come back, we're going to run out of time.
I want to talk about that.
Because I've been talking about that for 25 years and it goes back to the 70s and the 50s even and before and Next time we'll get into the whole history of how this has happened and then throw the modern overlay Which is where we are today.
So it's not just about looting the national.
Well, it's diluting the national Opportunity to have debate over that.
Well, so the looting can be perfect
And this is what's happening now.
We have a chance to stand in the gap for this network, for Alex Jones and all of the other hosts.
Go to InfoWars, get stuff you need.
There's great supplements, there's books, there's videos.
My books and videos are there.
Support the network.
Patronize the InfoWarsStore.com.
And get the products.
And that's how this network stays on the air.
They are trying to snuff out the voice.
This voice is the voice of the InfoWars.
And you're the tip of the spear.
The InfoWarrior.
I just want listeners to understand.
Money is what allows us to beat this and stand against this.
And we're seeing a lot of orders right now with the Save InfoWars 50% off.
But we make only like $5, $10 on higher marked up stuff.
We're making like $2 on the toothpaste at that price.
And we're moving it.
I don't know.
I like to be expanding.
I like to be winning.
I like to be fighting.
And we are winning the Infowar.
That's why we're so hated.
But we need to be retreaded.
We need to be tuned up.
We need to be fixed up.
We never have time to get it dried up.
We got a lot of holes shot at us.
And the enemy wants to silence us.
Then they're really going to plant child porn on us.
Then they're going to kill me, or you, or anybody else.
I mean, the Democrats now are going into a full revolutionary fervor.
Funded by foreign banks and the TICOMS.
So, go to InfowarStore.com.
Let's talk to Marcus in New York.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to say, your show is a breath of fresh air.
I talk to a lot of people here out in New York City, and one thing I can tell you is that almost nobody agrees with these wars.
I think that the neocons are trying desperately to get Trump to go to a war because they know that that's the only way that they could defeat him in the eyes of the public, the approaching 2020.
That's it.
I mean, if Trump buys into this, it'll be the end of his presidency.
It's the only way I think he can be defeated other than assassinating him.
It's a time to be praying, my friend.
I agree entirely.
And the last thing I just want to say, Alex, is I know they're trying to shut you down, but the reinforcements have arrived, man.
I would love to see you on air until you're 80 years old.
I would love to see what you're talking about when you're 80.
But if they do shut you down, know you've gone into this war, you've won a lot of battles, and there are a lot of people like myself and many others who are going to continue.
We're going to keep fighting in the input war.
And even if something does happen to you or your show, know for a fact that you've gotten a lot of people fired up for liberty.
Thank you, sir, for calling.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.