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Filename: 20190611_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 11, 2019
3475 lines.

In this audio clip, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as political correctness, censorship, immigration, treatment of homegrown violent extremists, and financial needs for his show. He promotes products and encourages listeners to support free press and speech through purchasing products. He criticizes mainstream media for not covering certain stories and talks about the situation at the border, health issues, and InfoWars model promoting free press and speech. He also discusses criticism towards Microsoft and Facebook, Roger Stone's trial and defense fund, views on psyops and QAnon movement, censorship faced by InfoWars, Trump's re-election chances, possibility of Michelle Obama becoming the Democratic nominee, influx of people from Ebola-affected countries into the United States, special sale at Infowarsstore.com, sticker bomb to fight

From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And I think a lot of this far-left political correctness is a cancer on progressivism.
I think when you talk to Trump supporters, they're not blind to his myriad flaws, but one thing they always say is, he's not politically correct.
I don't think you can
I don't want to overestimate how much people have been choking on political correctness and hate it.
There were two studies about this recently.
It was in the New York Times front page story a few months ago.
It was also in the Atlantic about a year ago.
The vast majority of liberals in this country hate it.
They think political correctness has gone way too far.
No one likes to be living on eggshells.
Twenty years ago, it would have been conservatives trying to tell me what I could not say.
And now, it's oftentimes the extreme liberal end on social media telling me what I can't say.
And I probably have no idea who they are.
I don't know if you feel this, but I found that what's so exhausting about this is the lack of trust.
You know, when we're just with our own friends in a place that's not public, we're funny, we're politically incorrect, we all do it.
And then in public, and public now means on Twitter or social media, Facebook, I always say that's like our avatar.
It looks like us, sounds like us, but it's this whole other person who talks like a robot.
And can't you just trust me after all these years that I'm not on the wrong side of these issues?
And it's like, no we can't, because we're just trying to get you your scalp and clicks.
I feel like almost like we need to be proceeding in a way that
We're spending enough resources and money with the people that are here now.
As Dan Lyman reported, an 11-year-old girl is recovering from severe injuries after a man intentionally hit her with his car because she is white, according to police.
While those on the left increasingly feel it is their right to commit illegal acts as a form of protest.
Recently, roughly 600 people showed up in Dayton, Ohio to protest nine Klansmen.
There was an overwhelming presence of Antifa and New Black Panther groups that riled up a crowd that the city of Dayton spent $650,000 on security for.
Again, the fascistic, communist-spewing Antifa were supported by the mob, as were the new Black Panthers, who even the out-of-control hate map designating SPLC describes as a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews, and law enforcement officers.
These are the groups the Democrats support.
Yet how are they any different than the Klan?
They essentially share methods of hate-fueled division, even if their ideologies are at odds.
And now, in a second round of Democrat-led federal response to white supremacy, the Democrats singled out white supremacists while ignoring the very real danger to average Americans by the growing leftist mob.
How many hate-related incidents need to take place in order for a group to be designated as extremist and a credible threat?
We don't work groups.
We don't work ideologies.
We don't work movements.
What we work are those individuals who have an ideology or are using an ideology to commit violence.
Doesn't it seem that because the perpetrator is Muslim that the designation would say it's a foreign organization?
That is not correct.
Okay, can you explain why?
Homegrown violent extremists who we, most of the people we arrest in the United States, homegrown violent extremists.
Uh, self-radicalized, born in the U.S., doesn't matter what religion.
But the Orlando Pulse Club shooter meets those qualifications, and he is, you're implying... He worked as an international terrorist because he was following under the definition... But he was homegrown and self-radicalized.
...how we work homegrown violent extremist cases under the global jihad, we worked under international terrorism.
That is correct.
Uh, is white supremacy not a global issue?
It is a global issue.
So why are they not charged with foreign terrorism?
Because the United States Congress doesn't have a statute for us for domestic terrorism like we do on a foreign terrorist organization like ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab.
Could you see how one could see how the way that we are pursuing and charging white supremacy, particularly if they tend to be charged with hate crimes and where
That same type of violence committed by a Muslim extremist could be charged with domestic terrorism.
Hate crimes and domestic terrorism are treated and charged, they're different crimes and they could be pursued differently with different resource allocations.
Can you see how people would say that these are being treated differently?
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Ten.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
How are you?
Do you usually treat women like that?
I'm sticking it, stick that in my face.
I'm sorry?
Don't get any closer to me.
What's wrong?
You're flipping me off and getting in my shot?
Get that **** out of my face.
**** face.
I was over here.
Are you a Pete Buttigieg supporter?
We're an American.
Are you, do you support Pete today?
We're Americans.
Okay, very cool.
He walked up to you.
What are you going to do to me?
Do not walk up to me.
What are you going to do to me?
Do not walk up to me like that again.
What are you going to do to me?
Are you threatening me?
Oh, that's assault.
Now you are.
Oh, that's assault.
You want to call 911?
Yep, call them.
Call them, too.
Because you're walking right up to me.
You walked up to us.
Back up.
Hey, stop, stop, stop.
You treat women like that?
Walk it off.
Walk it off!
Okay, walk it off, bro.
Walk them off.
Walk it off.
Walk it off.
Hey guys, it's your favorite vlogger, Rainbow Snatch.
Viewer discretion is advised.
It's Pittsburgh Pride 2019.
Yes, queen.
Let's go see what some of these LGBTQ allies and friends have to say.
Should we impeach Trump?
Impeach Trump!
Mike Pence for President!
Mike Pence!
Mike Pence for President!
Mike Pence?
You guys want Mike Pence?
Mike Pence?
You want Mike Pence for President?
What the heck was that?
Should we impeach Trump?
Oh, why not?
There's a million reasons to impeach him.
Yeah, impeach him!
Mike Pence for president!
Mike Pence, yeah!
No, we don't want Pence!
We gotta get somebody else in.
But that's what happens.
I know, we're gonna get stuck with that.
So I don't know what's worse.
So should we impeach him then?
Well, I mean, if we can get somebody else in there, but I don't know.
Pence is gonna be worse than Trump.
I don't know.
Should we impeach him then?
I guess if we're just gonna get Mike Pence?
Well, let him ride out his term and let's see what happens.
Yeah, maybe just vote, right?
Who knows?
Should we impeach Trump?
F*** yes!
Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
Yeah, impeach Trump!
Mike Pence for President!
Mike Pence!
Mike Pence?
That's what happens if we impeach Trump, we get Mike Pence.
That's arguably worse.
Because Trump's stupid and Pence knows what he's doing.
So do you think maybe we shouldn't impeach Trump then?
Because we do get Mike Pence if we impeach him.
Is there any other way?
It's called voting next election.
Voting next month.
Voting next election.
That's like the only way.
Otherwise we just get Mike Pence.
F*** him.
I didn't vote for him.
I said f*** him.
F who?
I didn't vote for him.
So do you guys still think we should impeach Trump?
I think that he needs a babysitter for the next year and a half.
Let the term run out.
Yeah, I don't know how everything's gonna get f***ed up in the next year or so.
Awesome, thanks guys!
Do you guys think that we should impeach Trump?
He's a f*** nugget.
Wait, what?
Wait, why?
What'd you say?
It's fine.
So you guys want Mike Pence for president then?
Tear down the whole system!
Because you know that's what will happen, right?
Mike Pence will be president if we impeach Trump.
Why not both of them?
Oh, impeach both of them?
Okay, so what grounds do you think Mr.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, June 11th, 2019, and I can tell you undoubtedly, this is the most overloaded jam-packed of any broadcast I've ever had.
That's why I'm 11 minutes late getting on air.
I've been working until midnight last night.
I got back up at 5 a.m.
this morning.
We have so many exclusive things to cover here that are bombshell.
DrugsReport.com still for three days is top-linked in the middle column.
Our exclusive coverage of not hundreds but thousands of Congolese coming in from the Congo, ravaged by the second biggest, maybe the biggest Ebola outbreak in history.
I sent three camera crews into South Texas and I spent much of yesterday and last night and this morning just watching the reports as more flooded in.
And the problem is then collating it and boiling it down for air.
There's hours, there's probably six hours of live footage and HD footage, and just people violently attacking our reporters, people being thrown out, the locals admitting, oh yes, thousands are here, thousands more are coming.
There's 300 in this church, there's 200 in that church.
It's always way worse than they're telling you.
On the national news.
But in this case, there's not even national news coverage of this, other than DrudgeReport.com.
That is the only big, huge platform, other than InfoWars, that's smaller, that's covering it.
There's some local San Antonio pieces about it, and we're collating those local pieces together with all of our footage, and I'm telling you, it's all... Can't turn away from it.
Okay, so I've got a couple of boil-downs that we'll have by the next hour.
That are unbelievable.
We're talking lines of buses, lines of trucks, lines of vans.
Remember the Democratic Party just busing people out.
No one knows even where they go.
And then local news admits they won't tell us where they're going.
And so we had one crew follow them.
They left out of San Antonio up I-35.
We've got footage of that!
So the crew is doing an incredible job.
And I wish we had more people.
They worked 20 hours yesterday.
And I've been running around here like a captain on a deck of a ship in the middle of a fight.
My heart is pounding.
Because listen, folks, it gets more insane from there.
I didn't watch one.
I didn't watch two.
There's like eight videos, some of which are 30 minutes long, of Democrats attacking
Caitlin Bennett, punching her, punching her cameraman, ramming them, police coming over and saying she's bad, men running 20 feet towards her, threatening to attack her and then attacking her, and then saying, you just attacked me.
That happened at a Mexican food restaurant Saturday night.
People said, F you and your family, and then I said, screw you back, and they said, oh, look at you, all mean, shame on you.
These people are unbelievable.
Grabbing cameras, smashing them, attacking, and they just look like throwing water bottles in people's faces.
Men attacking women.
Hours and hours.
And then it gets more crazy.
I've got Facebook announcing that if you break their rules and use words you're not supposed to, they're going to sue you.
So they've demonetized people, they've banned people, they said you can't use certain names.
Now they're announcing they're going to sue you.
That's up on NewsWatch.com.
Then we've got footage of Sundar Pichai, the incredible perjurer, the incredible liar to Congress, talking to a space alien creature.
from San Francisco.
I mean, you cannot make up this.
Okay, and it gets crazier from there.
It gets crazier from there.
I have scientists in Texas admitting there's a good chance that Ebola is already in Texas from these people coming in that are fleeing Ebola.
And I've got new
Huge undercover sting by Project Veritas and the great James O'Keefe that is devastating.
Total proof of Christians being framed online to be banned by the left.
I mean, it's just an unbelievable broadcast.
You've got to tell everyone you know, tune in.
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I got mobbed on the streets by fans.
But almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's what people out here are talking about.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Please go there.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I just started the broadcast, basically hyperventilating, saying we've got so much huge breaking information.
A normal national news show or something would have maybe one big breaking story a week.
We've got a couple of days that we are progenerating, and each one is just staggering.
Roger Stone called me this morning.
He called me while I was driving to work, because I got ready at home today, at about 10 a.m.
And he said, as you know, I've only done basically one interview since the gag order.
And that was on a sports show.
He said, I'm ready to break my silence.
And I said, well, not on the gag order.
And he said, well, no.
But I said to Roger, in fact, I need to send these articles to you guys he sent me.
Well, send me specifics of what you're intending to cover so that we don't go to where you don't want to go.
Coming up, Roger Stone, veteran of 10 national presidential campaigns, gives us his assessment on the Democratic field seeking to oppose President Trump.
Also, they've had Mr. Dean, who, of course, Stone knew for a long, long time.
Two of the main sub Watergate figures.
Republicans assail Dean's record.
How many presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?
And that is an article of the Washington Examiner.
So I saw two days ago that Dean was going to be testifying to Congress because he knew Nixon.
He's saying, quote, Trump's a crook.
And I remember watching that while I was on the elliptical at my house and thinking,
If this doesn't get Roger Stone to start speaking out again, nothing will.
With his supposed trial coming up here in just a few months.
With the wheels coming off Mueller, all of it.
I've tried to get Roger on, he won't even respond to me other than saying, I cannot talk to you because of the gag order.
And, quote, my phones are tapped.
Well, so what?
You're not doing anything wrong.
You've got
Dean, of the whole Watergate scam, running around, constantly demonizing everybody and demonizing Roger Stone, John Dean, is there a gag order on Mr. Dean?
In fact, there's a video in the Washington Examiner piece of Congressman Gates going after him.
So, yeah, those are the articles Roger sent.
Please print me those as well.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm just overwhelmed.
I'm not complaining about being overwhelmed.
I am so laser focused that it's just insane.
And by the way, I haven't mentioned 10% of the news we've got today.
You understand, I talked to the Border Patrol yesterday, high level.
You've seen some of these same people in our interviews at the border.
The heads of the unions, the heads of the sectors, they come on the show, they talk about it.
When Obama was into the risk of their own jobs.
They're not against Trump.
They understand that he didn't get the funding.
They're overwhelmed.
You think they want to release all these people?
They told me yesterday, they said, Alex, we've got an estimate of over a thousand Africans from the Congo in just the last week that crossed.
Not just the 200 to 300 that got caught on video.
And they told us where to look and what to go after, and they were damn right.
We went to San Antonio, and it turns out that they've got refugee centers in at least four government facilities.
There are large groups congregating out in the streets.
And here's what's crazy.
I'm going to say it again.
You're a TV viewer.
You're watching footage.
Our guys are still in San Antonio, so they're sending this in.
This is last night.
Refugees from the Congo with a bunch of trendy liberals.
Bringing them in to the United States.
This is human smuggling in the name of refugees.
They came through 11 countries to get here, funded by NGOs and Soros, the UN.
Some of them are obscuring their faces.
And they are marching through the city, out of the government facility, to God knows where.
This is the incredible, oh and now they're covering our camera people.
So there's your headline.
Congo invaders assault reporters.
Refugees fleeing Congo Ebola tell reporters they can't film them.
Because they're the royalty.
The god men.
To come here to hate America and bitch and tell us how we suck and how white people are bad.
Because you know that's the brainwashing in the refugee camps in Africa, getting them ready, loading them on planes, bringing them in.
And our crew was out there, I saw them this morning, they said, Alex, we'd walk down the street and there'd be 50 here, 100 there.
It's on the local news that they already have Congo community groups that are saying, oh, thousands are coming, get ready for it.
I have that newscast.
That's what I'm saying.
It's totally insane.
Where's my clipboard?
I've got that Congo clip.
I mean, I've got like 60 clips here.
Local Congolese family tries to make asylum seekers feel at home, and they say, oh, thousands more come, millions come.
You'll get the penny.
You gon' pay!
You gon' pay good!
And hey, I bet there'll be some reparations for slavery!
I bet my kids will probably have to pay them a bunch of money, because I'm a white devil!
But you sure fight hard to get into that white devil's place!
And then once you get in with that white devil, you tell that white devil how bad he is!
I'm not taking this crap anymore.
I'm done.
And I love people from all over, but not when the left brings them here and weaponizes them.
Our reporters went in there politely with mic flags that weren't even InfoWars.
And we were physically assaulted by the leftist white people, and the Hispanic racist, and the Africans then joined in.
That's right, there's video of African invaders here illegally from an Ebola-infested country
They pissed at us because we dare want to even show how they illegally marched right into our country.
But I'll tell you the good news.
You know who the most pissed off people were in San Antonio?
Black people, because they're not going to be politically correct.
They're not smoking the dope.
And they're like, what the hell?
We live here in downtown.
We got businesses here.
And all of a sudden, there's thousands of people from the Congo bugging their eyes out at us and taking control of the city.
They're not stupid.
But like I said,
Just like Europe once the UN opened up the borders.
Millions are coming, baby.
Millions are coming.
And it was only black people that would talk to us.
We've got hours of black people coming up going, what the hell is going on here?
They're not stupid!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is insane.
This is crazy.
This is bunker land.
And I'm telling you, I got hours of this.
We're going to get it all up on InfoWars.com, all up on NewsWars.com, and everybody, other news agencies, everybody, free to air, use it.
Get it out there.
Nobody else is reporting on this, and we haven't even shown you the crazy stuff yet.
Because these hotels down there have got the worst damn internet, man, I tell you.
The guys have been having to go out in the car with hotspots to get the stuff uploaded to us.
So, great job to the crew.
I'm going to say this again.
Financially support us, folks.
I want to swing for the fences.
I want to fight the globalists hard.
I want to hire more reporters.
I want to be in the field.
We are kicking butt everywhere, but we need financial support.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
It is the only independent press of this size and scale, of this public reach.
It is the one model that says, here's a way to have a self-supporting, self-sustaining, self-structured, little-d-democratic structure that because the audience determines what content goes up, the audience determines what audience is ultimately reached by their choices in supporting InfoWars.
And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven model and the ability to do that and at the same time support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to see and what views they want to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I remember when Microsoft bought Skype a few years ago.
It's going to go downhill.
I said, that's it.
And I said, get an alternative.
Sure enough, Skype doesn't work for anybody anymore half the time.
So Roger Stone, scheduled to be with us right now, but our Skype's down.
So we're trying to get him on the broadcast.
The answer is put three Skype systems in there.
That is the answer.
And that is what we're going to do.
I might just go to rebroadcast.
We have four?
We have four Skype boxes.
That is unbelievable.
You talk about a technology that worked being ruined.
By the evil Microsoft, the kings of bugs.
You know why, though, folks?
They track everything you do.
Microsoft has announced a year ago that they're going to be in your live browser, on your phone, on your computer, controlling what you can see and what you can do.
And it's now happened.
It's now being announced today.
And not just Microsoft.
Facebook says if you don't do what they say in WhatsApp that they own, they're going to sue you for political incorrectness.
So the terrorizing of the public isn't working, and so the system is now more and more panicking.
That incredible story is at newswars.com.
Needs to get out.
What's Up app.
What's App pledges to sue users over off-platform misbehavior.
Now, Roger Stone in months and months has not done any interviews, and
I saw John Dean, the establishment mole from Watergate, was going to be testifying to Congress a few days ago, and I said, man, I bet Roger finally breaks his silence once that happens.
And sure as the sun came up this morning, Roger texted me, to be technical, and when we talked some via that,
He said, I'm ready to come on to not get into Mueller and not get into all this, but what Dean has said and what he said in Congress and what he's saying about the campaign and Roger's take on all these groups and organizations.
Republicans assailed Dean's record.
How many presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?
And we're going to play that video coming up in a few minutes with Congressman Gates.
Now, right now, I'm going to go to a special report.
And that special report is very, very important.
That's Congo migrants invade Texas with Owen Schroyer.
And again, for radio listeners, it's powerful.
For TV viewers, it's really powerful.
These clips are all being posted as we speak to Infowars.com, to Newswars.com, and several articles there on the front page.
And it's just bombshell.
And it needs to get out if you want to expose what's happening, because once they break the migration routes into the country,
The Africans even tell you, we're coming by the millions.
So they know they're part of a plan.
And then they're going to be given voter ID cards, they're going to be signed up as Democrats, they're going to get their free welfare, and the country will have its new voting bloc.
And that's it.
Just the same plan's been used against Europe.
This is the globalist operation.
I'd be all for bringing people in and educating them and making them Americans, but they're being brought in as globalists.
So, here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Congo migrants invade Texas, and there's a news blackout on it.
Alright, let's go in.
I was told I could have an interview?
There's no media in here.
Excuse me, is there any government funding?
What do you mean no media?
Taxpayer funding?
This is a national interest story.
Excuse me, why are you forcibly removing me?
Wait, wait.
Because there's no media in here.
This is a private... Why not?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Well, why can't we film in here?
Because you don't have the public affairs office with you.
It's a city establishment, so we should be able to film in here, right?
Taxpayer funded?
Alright, well let's capture everything.
They obviously don't want us to see this, so let's just make sure we capture everything in here.
So that people can see how out of control it is.
They already have the migrant facilities that were intended to house these people that are so busy and out of control that this is what we're getting here in San Antonio in the middle of downtown.
And it's overwhelmed here, folks.
As you can see, there's way too many people here.
Downtown San Antonio's bus station just got a little busier as hundreds of migrants from the Congo and Angola arrive in the Alamo City.
71,834 illegal aliens were apprehended between points of entry
In the state of Texas from May 1st to May 28th.
That works out to a daily pace of 2,565 per day.
Or a flow of 936,408 annually.
Just in the state of Texas alone.
Roughly 350 migrants from the Congo are expected to arrive in San Antonio in the coming days.
We're getting intelligence that people from Congo are coming here.
That is an African nation riddled with Ebola.
Thousands of people dying from Ebola.
Is there a proper vetting process happening here?
Are people from Ebola ridden countries here right now?
This is odd.
Yeah, there is a national emergency here.
Is anybody here from Congo?
So there are people here from Congo.
Are you familiar that Congo has deadly Ebola right now?
So now he's trying to drown me out.
He's trying to drown me out right now.
Excuse me, do you know, is anybody here from the Congo?
This guy just flicks me off.
All I am is media.
I just want to make sure we document this.
Can you answer, is anybody here from the Congo?
There are people here from Congo?
Okay, here, just do a pan again real quick.
Just film everything real quick.
Go ahead and just film it.
Do a quick pan again.
Yeah, show all the people working here.
Alright, let's step outside.
So I'm now being kicked out of this facility that's government-funded here.
Dr. Colleen Bridger, the Interim Assistant City Manager, says the Congolese migrants started coming in on Tuesday and said they traveled with a group of about 350 migrants through Ecuador to the southern border.
When we called Border Patrol, they said, yeah, probably another 200 to 300 from the Congo and from Angola will be coming to San Antonio.
Wednesday alone, the Migrant Center saw a total of 450 people, Spanish and French speaking, during the day and housed 375 of them at Travis Park Church at night.
The city opened up the Frank Garrett Center to house the Congolese migrants for the weekend, but after that, they're not sure where they'll put them.
The Department of Homeland Security reported U.S.
Border Patrol agents assigned to the Del Rio station apprehended a large group of 116 individuals.
Large groups present a unique challenge for the men and women of the Del Rio section, said Chief Raul Ortiz.
This large group from Africa further demonstrates the complexity and severity of the border security and humanitarian crisis at our southwestern border.
This is the first large group apprehended in the Del Rio sector and the first large group of people from Africa, including nationals from Angola, Cameroon and the Congo, apprehended on the southwest border this year.
The plan was 350 of them would travel from San Antonio to Portland.
When we reached out to Portland, Maine, they said, please don't send us anymore.
We're already stretched way beyond our capacity.
Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.
You know what I want to do?
I want to get it finished.
The prize I want is victory for the world.
This is the heart of 1776.
You're a white male!
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
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It's Alex Jones!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have Roger Stone, Global Exclusive, breaking his silence after months and months of not doing any interviews since he was indicted and had a gag order put on him.
He is joining us today to get into specifics that he's seen in the news and things he wants to respond to.
He wants to respond to the 20-plus Democrats running for Congress, and he wants to respond to John Dean, who has been out in front of Congress lying about him, lying about the President, lying about others.
Because again, how can he be gagged and have his hands tied, but Mr. Dean, famously, that demonizes all Republican presidents and says they're Richard Nixon, is allowed to run his mouth.
But I'm not going to ask the questions here, because Roger has been very steadfast about not violating the quote, gag order, even though I believe it's unconstitutional.
But he does, as a citizen, have a right to speak about what's happening politically and culturally and economically and societally in this country.
So, Roger Stone, glad we got you on.
I appreciate you contacting us first for your big exclusive, Breaking Your Silence.
Should I ask up front, first, it's good to see your face, good to talk to you this morning.
Why are you breaking your silence now?
Well, Alex, first of all, let me say how good it feels to be back on InfoWars and how much I have missed the camaraderie and the shared goals of you, David Knight, Rob Dew, Millie Weaver, Owen Schroer, Mike Zimmerman, and so many others there.
If there were theme music for this segment, I would choose Gene Autry's Back in the Saddle again.
Alex, you're absolutely right.
I am under a very specific gag order from the court and therefore I cannot discuss my upcoming trial or the charges against me.
But that's not my intention today.
I read all the coverage of John Dean's farcical testimony before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday and I had to respond because it was very interesting.
Mr. Dean offered his opinion but was not a factual witness as to any matter.
Understandable because he has no expertise or knowledge.
Regarding the Mueller report or alleged obstruction of justice by President Trump.
I guess he was trying to avoid a perjury charge, but people need to understand John Dean is a serial liar, that he is a serial perjurer.
That he lied about his involvement as the chief progenitor of the Watergate break-in.
That he lied to President Richard Nixon for almost nine months about his knowledge regarding White House connections to the Watergate break-in.
When confronted, Alex, with differences, discrepancies between his testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee under oath
And his testimony to the Watergate Special Prosecutors and his best-selling book, Blind Ambition.
He said, well, I didn't write Blind Ambition.
That was written by Taylor Branch, my ghostwriter.
Mr. Branch denied that.
Then Mr. Dean said, oh no, I didn't write the book.
It was written by Alice Mayhew, my editor at Random House.
And she denied that.
People need to understand, John Dean is a congenital liar.
And he has hosted himself by attacking all Republican presidents so that no one in the mainstream media will go back and examine his real role as one of those who conducted the Watergate cover-up and lied to virtually everyone about it.
I had no choice but to come on InfoWars today and set the record straight.
Well, Roger, I'm not a political rocket scientist like you about all the ins and outs of it.
I'm just a guy in Texas promoting Americana.
But when I heard a few days ago he was going to testify, then I saw some of the testimony last night, I was like, why do we care what this known liar, questionable person says about somebody 45 years ago when I was a baby?
What does that have to do with Trump?
It's like if there was a serial killer trial and they called in somebody that
Was part of a serial killer case 45 years ago and then said, well, I know about serial killers and Trump's a serial killer.
I mean, it's just the ridiculous, ridiculous.
Where does he have standing?
I mean, what is Congress?
It's a joke.
Well, I assume that Congressman Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who Alex, you and I sat there and heard him lie about a systematic censorship of conservatives and libertarians and Republicans and Trump supporters on the internet in the hearings where the Google chairman came and perjured himself under oath repeatedly, invited Mr. Dean largely as clickbait.
As a way to get the media to cover these hearings.
But it's interesting to me in that John Dean published a book called The Nixon Defense, which he claimed was the definitive collection of the transcription of all of the Watergate tapes.
Unfortunately, he omits the tapes from March 13th, 16th, 17th, and 20th.
Because if you listen to those tapes, and you can find them online, you will hear him plotting the cover-up of the Watergate breakout.
We also know that two
Decorated former New York City police officers, Jack Caulfield and Tony Ulasiewicz, say in their oral histories at Texas A&M University, and also in their memoirs, that John Dean sent them to the Watergate six weeks prior to the break-in to case the place out.
To me, that is evidence, certain evidence, of prior knowledge of the break-in.
So, I think Mr. Dean has forgotten something that the Clintons forgot, which is when we had a monolithic media, when we only had three television networks and an info of national newspapers and in those days, news magazines, it was easy to monopolize the political narrative.
And therefore, you could get your spin on a story and the truth would never really get examined.
It's kind of like Bill Clinton's epic sexual assaults against various women.
In the 80s, the Clinton spin machine was able to contain that.
But now, with a vibrant, robust, internet-based media, based in the internet, there are no secrets.
And Mr. Dean's lies and his perjury and the inconsistencies in his testimony and his book are there for everyone to see.
Alright, now DrudgeReport.com, which means this will be a major international story, is top-linked right now in the middle column, live.
Roger Stone breaks his silence.
What is it like for you, though, to have CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, tell incredible lies about you constantly, and then you can't even respond?
What is that like?
I know you can't get into the gag order itself, but this is crazy!
Well, it can be somewhat frustrating, but I think that the American people realize that
CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, particularly the Washington Post, and sadly the Wall Street Journal, they've blown their credibility.
I mean, I don't get my news from CNN for the same reason that I don't eat out of the toilet.
Virtually nothing that they write, nothing they broadcast is true.
I think most of the American people know that.
It's kind of like at a certain point people recognize dog crap out in the yard.
It's like, there's not lines around the block to eat that.
And I have taken a sabbatical from InfoWars, and I miss all of you terribly, and I watch regularly to prepare myself for the upcoming trial in November.
And let's talk about some of that if you can without violating the gag order, but why wouldn't you even talk to me the last few months?
I mean, everybody was like, what's going on, Roger?
And I'm like, I don't know.
You just say gag order, gag order in the text messages.
Well, because I wanted to take a break.
It is an enormous task.
By the way, let me interrupt you.
I'm famous for that.
You'll have the floor the next 15-20 minutes or as long as you want to stay.
You look frickin' 15 years younger.
Maybe I should take a break for a couple months.
You're looking pretty good there.
Well, the best thing about this situation is I don't have to talk to any obnoxious, left-wing, fake news reporters.
Roger, I'm not kidding.
You look 15 years younger.
Because I know you used to work yourself to death fighting like 20 hours a day.
You look great, man.
Well, I appreciate that, Alex.
It's because I'm still using a number of the products at InfoWars, including my all-time favorite, BrainForce+, which I still highly recommend to anyone who's looking for that extra boost of energy late in the day.
Works great for me and will work great for you.
I'm still very much a believer and very much a customer.
While you're at it, if you want to help me, you can go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
The cost of my legal defense, as you know, Alex, is actually will top $2 million.
I need your help.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
Roger Stone breaks the silence.
Top link on DrugsReport.com.
Because this is news.
Months and months of silence.
He's going to be very careful.
He'll be thrown under the prison.
His trial's coming up.
Stay with us.
Hour number two with Roger Stone.
Okay, it's true.
I stayed up late last night, so I had to.
I think it's official.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Sweet Lucy was a dancer, but all of us were chancer, because she was a samurai.
She made electric shadows beyond our fingertips, and none of us could reach her.
Alright folks, I got a call about an hour before airtime, a text message from Roger Stone, then we talked.
I'm ready to break my silence.
And he's got a lot he wants to get into about politics, the world, about his case coming up, but not the specifics of it.
You're going to get the global exclusive.
But let's bring Owen Troyer in, your co-host from the War Room.
He really misses you.
He was just asking last week, why won't Roger call me back?
You know, how do I get him back on air?
So come on over here.
Let me grab that mic from underneath the table there.
I just decided to do this 10 seconds ago, Owen.
Owen just joked and said, I'll try not to give you Ebola.
But it's not a joke.
It's either the biggest or second biggest Ebola outbreak in history happening in the Congo.
Thousands are coming in right now.
Uh, and they assaulted him.
The leftists assaulted him.
We have all this incredible footage coming up from Roger Leaves.
Bottom of the hour, but you'll ride shotgun with us the next 30 minutes.
Drudge is top link to this.
Uh, Roger Stone breaks his silence, but no joke, you watched people march to bus facilities, get loaded on buses, and get on IH35 North with hundreds more arriving.
As Border Patrol told us, thousands are hitting.
This is insane.
Well, Roger, nice to see you again.
Alex, always a pleasure to be on the show with you.
Yeah, I think that the details of this will be shocking to most Americans, and I think that that's why the media isn't covering this.
Just the simple fact that this facility alone in San Antonio, right in the middle of downtown San Antonio, has had 14,000 people go through it since it opened on March 30th.
Just imagine how many that is.
That's hundreds of new people, by the way.
New people coming in.
That's since March of this year, four months ago, 14,000 people.
And this facility is supposed to be temporary, a pop-up facility for the overwhelming nature of the illegal immigration happening at the Del Rio facility here in Texas, but now this facility in San Antonio is overwhelmed.
And you can see from the... You're going to tell us everything at the bottom of the hour.
The point is, you literally could have Ebola right now.
Well, let's pray to God that I don't.
Stay back!
And the doctor who gave us the interview, we'll talk more about this, basically denied that.
All right, well we have Roger Stone for the next two segments with us, graciously giving us the big exclusive.
We're going to come back and get into your big coverage of the field of 20 candidates, your political inside, your real acumen.
You've been sucked into this whole Russiagate vortex, but you're breaking your silence.
A lot coming up in the next two segments, but briefly, what do you make of the millions hitting and the tens of thousands of Africans from places that have Ebola, thousands in Texas, and
Doesn't this vindicate everything you said to Trump three and a half years ago in that meeting when you developed the wall plan?
Well, first of all, seeing you and Owen Troyer together, at first I thought it was the Smith brothers and you might try to sell me some cough drops.
It's great to see you again, Owen.
And this is what I like about Owen Troyer.
What you get is straight ahead, factual reporting, hard news, no opinion, just laying it out there.
And he has the courage to go into the belly of the beast.
So I enjoyed your previous report.
Going into the Belly of the Beast there in San Antonio.
And Owen, it is great to be back with you again.
And you know how much I appreciate your prayers.
Alex, I believe the president's signature issue remains illegal immigration.
He has been heroic in his efforts to seal our border.
He has used tariffs, which he's not really a believer in.
But he won with, stay there, Roger Stone, former chief advisor to Trump, political prisoner.
He breaks his silence now, global exclusive.
Spread the link, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Mr. Dean, how many American presidents have you accused of being Richard Nixon?
I actually wrote a book about Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney with the title, Worse Than Watergate.
So it's sort of become a... Did you make money on that book?
It was a very successful book, yes.
How much money did you make on it?
I'm sorry, I don't have any idea.
More than a million bucks?
More than half a million bucks?
I said I don't have any idea.
How much money did you make from CNN?
I don't really know exactly.
I think I'm going to object to... Wait a second, wait a second.
Mr. Dean has made a cottage industry out of accusing presidents of acting like Richard Nixon.
I would like to know how much money he makes based on making these accusations and exploiting them for his own economic benefit.
Mr. Gates, I appreciate you were not born at the time this all happened.
The... It's not by choice that I've done a lot of this.
It's that I've been dragged into it.
Who for?
Sweet Lucy!
Old Troyer back from the Africa Invasion Force from Congo.
All the exclusive footage, bottom of the hour, just incredible.
But DrudgeReport.com, top-linked,
Roger Stone breaks his silence.
Roger, before we get into why you're breaking your silence, the things you want to get into, what you can say about your trial dates, what's unfolding, because it's this big omnibus ban where you can't talk about anything while the left savages you and lies about you and testifies to Congress and does whatever they want, but just briefly.
We had to let you go when they did the gag order because you can't talk about politics or about basically anything that's too dangerous.
I know that you lost your house, a lot of things.
People don't know how much all these subpoenas and lawsuits and lawyers and you and I have personally been sued a few times by the same people trying to shut us down.
We're in a war.
So the listeners do want to know how do they support Roger Stone and then again recap why you're breaking your silence and then get into the big issues you broke your silence for.
Well, Alex, I appreciate the opportunity.
You're absolutely right.
This kind of legal battle is extraordinarily costly.
My legal defense is going to cost more than $2 million.
But two years of relentless fake news attacks on me have rendered me virtually bankrupt.
I've lost my home, I've lost my savings, I've lost most of my insurance, I've lost my car, and mostly I've lost my ability to make a living because I made a living by speaking and writing.
And of course the subjects that people want to pay me to speak and write about are exactly the topics
And let's be clear, it wasn't just a couple hundred thousand a year you got here, you've been a Fox paid pundit before, that's why I hired you.
It was that you can't give speeches, you can't write books, I mean this is what you were, you weren't just working here, you'd be working at 2 a.m.
I could call you, and you were writing books and writing articles or flying off to give speeches.
They took all that away from you.
So people can help me by going to StoneDefenseFund.com.
And you can make a contribution by credit card, by PayPal, or if you're one of those conservatives who doesn't trust putting your financial information on the internet, you can mail me a check.
Your prayers and your contributions are deeply appreciated.
Alex, over 40,000 Americans have stepped forward to help me finance my legal defense.
Here's what I can say about my case.
I have pled not guilty.
I will not change my plea.
I will mount a vigorous legal defense, and I expect to be exonerated and acquitted on every count.
Beyond that, I'm not able to comment.
If you want to get one of these fantastic Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong t-shirts, right now you can go to 1776.shop.
That's 1776.shop.
But very soon, they'll be available at the Infowars.com store.
That's right, Roger.
And I'm not complaining or bitching myself.
I'm a target, not a victim.
But let me explain.
People say, oh Alex, you can like fight these 30-something lawsuits you've whittled down to 10.
They just settled one of them yesterday for nothing.
They spent a million two in the fake Pepe the Frog thing and they settled for $15,000.
Because the judge said, the most you're getting at trial is $14,000.
You better settle.
The judge told us you better settle.
Better do what the judge says, at least in cases like that.
But imagine, Roger's not in that position.
He, he, he, even though he's being screwed over, he has to go through the fire.
But let me explain something.
I've had the Connecticut lawyers literally appointed by Obama.
One of them's a former prosecutor appointed U.S.
Attorney by Obama.
They know we don't have marketing on Sandy Hook.
They know we're not doing all that stuff.
They have had us in court 11 times the last two months at great expense with the judge demanding and saying, I want the marketing how you made all this money on Sandy Hook.
We hardly ever talk about Sandy Hook.
We have tons of news, too much news.
We never even cover all the news.
We barely covered it.
But they've said in the news and thousands of articles that the golden goose was Sandy Hook.
No, it's the golden goose for those lawyers that use those families and get Democratic Party money.
But then you sit there, and let me tell you folks, when they go through 9 million emails, or when you've got to do this stuff as the court orders it, even with lawyers paying $300 an hour, you're getting $100,000 bills every time they order more discovery, and that's the plan.
There's nothing there, but they come back, back.
They've done that to Roger more than 20 times I know of.
The Congress and Mueller and the lawsuits.
And look, I'm willing to do it.
Other people had to climb up Machine Gun Nest and get killed for freedom and land at D-Day.
We don't have to do that.
We've got to get harassed by leftist lawyers and liars.
But it's hell, and that's why I understand what Roger's going through, because we're going through it.
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Now we've got this segment and the next, Roger, but let's get into meat and potatoes now.
Top link on drugsreport.com.
The whole world wanting to hear what you have to say.
This is your shot at laying it all out.
I know Dean pissed you off.
You don't get to respond, so you are trying to respond.
You want to get into the presidential run, the Democrats, advice for Trump.
You're a citizen.
They want to silence you.
Here's your chance.
You're unleashed this segment and next.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Alex, I'm like an old war horse.
You know, I'm a veteran of 10 national presidential campaigns, and I'm watching this one unfold.
And there's a number of things that I want to say, which is why I'm happy to have this opportunity to come on today.
First of all, it is exceptionally early.
And any polling you see right now is virtually worthless.
So looking, for example, at a poll that shows Joe Biden leading President Trump by double digits in Pennsylvania.
Is meaningless.
This electorate is exceedingly volatile.
These numbers are very changeable.
And if you looked at a similar time period three years ago, Hillary Clinton was leading Donald Trump by double digits in Pennsylvania at this time.
By the way, President Trump carried the Keystone State.
So I think activists get unduly whipped up and the media focuses too much on these meaningless
Horse race polls that this early in the contest really show you nothing.
Now the Iowa caucuses are under a microscope and the Iowa poll is one of the most respected polls conducted in conjunction with the Des Moines Register.
This is a poll where I have a lot of respect for their methodology.
It's very hard to assess who is going to turn out for the Democratic caucuses.
And they show former Vice President Joe Biden at 24, Senator Bernie Sanders right behind him at 17.
Elizabeth Warren at 11, and then all other candidates not breaking double digits.
Significantly, Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York and Congressman Eric Swallowswell of California at 0%.
Now, some to the untrained eye, Alex, will look at this and say, oh, well, Biden's in great shape.
He's the front runner.
No, 24% for somebody who served his eight years as vice president is a sign of weakness, not a sign of strength.
Even in the national polls, Joe Biden with about a third of the Democratic primary vote.
That's a sign of weakness, not strength.
Let's break this down on the other side when we come back.
Roger Stone's our guest.
I mean, we've got the WikiLeaks where Hillary's shed with Podesta.
The year before the campaign started, we're going to buy off every major pollster and say that we're always the lead.
Well, it's clear they've done that with Joe Biden against Bernie Sanders.
Sanders is the real leader, but they've installed Biden.
Roger Stone speaks straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Devastating globalist lies, exposing the mainstream media's propaganda machine.
Tirelessly waging war on corruption, from deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, you gotta know, Alex Jones here, back live with Owen Schroeder, Robin Stone exclusive.
They can't stand that InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com exist.
But they really can't stand that DrudgeReport.com, the second biggest website in the world, not just the biggest news site, it is the biggest news site, second biggest site in the world, you can look that up,
I feel like Yahoo and MSN, it's always like, you know, varies.
Second biggest news site in the world.
Biggest site in the world when it comes to news, but second biggest site total.
And there it is live.
Roger Stone breaks silence.
So Roger, there's a screenshot of you right there.
And we appreciate all the listeners spreading this live feed as well.
So, this is your chance to speak out.
Again, earlier you talked about what spurred you to do it.
I don't know how you do it with all your enemies out there lying about you constantly, saying things we know aren't true.
As soon as they gagged you, they put all the old lies out that you would gallantly go out and defeat.
This has been crazy.
Well, Alex, you mentioned earlier in the broadcast that I look more relaxed, I look more rested, and I'll tell you why.
I put myself in the hands of God.
God has placed me in this situation to face these travails for a purpose.
And I'm here to do His will.
I don't know what His will is yet.
He'll reveal that to me when the time is right.
But I have put my faith in God.
I will prevail at trial.
And the sooner we can get there, obviously, the better.
I would like it.
In the meantime, I just can't ignore national politics.
Last night, I spoke to the Trump 45 Club in Palm Beach, Florida.
There are almost 2,000 people there.
The club is contributing 45% of the gate into their merchandise sales to the Stone Defense Fund, for which I am very grateful.
But many, many people ask me, well, don't you fear a race against Joe Biden?
Aren't you worried about a Biden-Trump matchup?
On the contrary, Alex, I would relish such a contest.
Joe Biden is one of the weakest frontrunners I have ever seen.
First of all, I think in American politics, there's such a thing as that likability factor.
There's nothing likable about Joe Biden.
He has no self-awareness.
He doesn't seem to understand that he comes across as a pompous, know-it-all, loudmouth, blowhard with nothing really to say.
He put aside this tendency to inappropriately touch women and children, which is just downright creepy.
I think he's got so much Botox he can barely move his mouth, which is good because he virtually has nothing interesting to say.
He is an extraordinarily weak frontrunner, and he'd be a particularly weak Democratic candidate if for no other reason.
It is Joe Biden who turbocharged the war on drugs.
Sure, and he was the one that was against desegregation.
And I don't mean to interrupt you, but a NewsWars.com article, there's photos of it, the actual article.
Joe Biden says we cruddy politicians can take away First Amendment if we want to.
And then he says in the old article in Washington Magazine,
The year I was born, 1974, that it's the politician's right to rule you.
When you talk about an arrogant SOB, this guy is a flaming authoritarian.
People have forgotten he got his start as an opponent to the integration of the Wilmington, Delaware school system.
This is the underpinnings of his political career.
He just looks like a total dirtbag, crazy person.
Well, and at the announcement it was came to say he was said he was running because of a rise of white supremacy.
That's right, Joe, you're the white supremacist because you turbocharged the war on drugs.
Now, that's right.
Trump opened the golf courses to black people.
You tried to close them.
Well, it's worse than that.
Really, Joe Biden, as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in what he used to call the Biden Bill, but that was called the 1994 Clinton Crime Bill, it's Joe Biden who mandated the harsh mandatory penalties for the first time nonviolent crime of possession of small amounts of drugs.
This penalty has fallen disproportionately on poor people and black people and minorities.
He is literally responsible for the mass incarceration of millions of people.
By the way, Roger, we had many dinners together, hung out a lot.
We spent weeks and weeks here in Austin over the years, months total.
All your repertoire of understanding of all the political angles.
I was like, would you stop covering Russia?
Would you stop?
And I get you were in the crosshairs, but we were all sick of hearing we knew you were innocent.
I get you were defending yourself, but it's very refreshing to hear you just savage the enemy and just like a pit bull grabbing onto a little lamb, you know, doing this.
So it's so good.
Please come back.
You want to get, you know, rehired to do political punditry.
We're ready.
So very exciting.
Owen, you want to comment on this?
Well yeah, I want to know, Roger, in all of your years of being involved in presidential elections and the nomination process, have you ever seen a race like this in the Democrat Party?
I really think this is dynamic what they're trying to do, forcing Joe Biden down the Democrats' throats.
He doesn't have near as many people turn up for a rally as Sanders does, yet somehow he's claiming to be ahead in every poll.
If the Democrat
A primary process is going to be legitimate.
I don't see how Joe Biden can come out with all of his foreign collusion with Ukraine.
He can't keep his hands off women and children.
Bottom line, he's dirtier than hell.
How do you see this going, Roger?
To me, it looks like the Democrats are just floating a bunch of trial balloons out there to see what the... Waiting for Hillary.
And then they're going to do a bait-and-switch with Biden when it's all said and done.
Have you ever seen anything like that?
The question is, Hillary's acting like she's running.
Yeah, Hillary.
I don't think so.
First of all, I agree with you, Owen.
I don't think when the dust settles that Joe Biden will be the nominee.
It would be suicidal, given his record on race relations, to nominate somebody whose core racism is obvious.
So why has he been positioned as the frontrunner?
Well, I think it's temporary.
First of all, this is a wide-open process.
It's a very dynamic and volatile process.
If Joe Biden wants to run, he's entitled to run.
Let's look at every other one of his presidential campaigns.
We'll do that in the next segment.
We've got to do one more segment with you and then you've got to go, but exclusive with Roger Stone.
Bottom line, why would they run such a loser?
Because I'm not against old people.
I love them.
Most of his speeches, he can't string words together.
Pelosi literally can't talk.
They use one slowed down video to say, oh, she can speak great.
No, we watch her live speeches.
She sounds like she's got a bag of marbles in her mouth.
So Biden sounds like he's drank two bottles of whiskey or he's had a stroke.
His brain's been on the table.
He admits he had the top of his head sawed off.
He admits he thought he'd never talk again.
So my point is,
They're running someone older than Trump for his first term.
I agree with you, Roger.
It's like they're putting him out there as cannon fodder.
Well, first of all, Alex, there is no they.
In other words, the idea that the Democratic Party is controlled, really, that comes later.
Joe Biden wants to run, let him run.
He's cannon fodder.
The Obama machine will sweep him aside.
And I still predict that their strongest nominee, their most likely nominee, would be Michelle Obama.
I agree.
In fact, the word is, I was told by CIA, and these are real people, this is not like regular people that say they work for the CIA, that they've been surveilling, that they had meetings a year ago with Hillary and Michelle talking about running together and them debating who'd be the presidential nominee.
Let's talk about that with one more segment, then we'll get into the African invasion and the UN and the Ebola.
All the exclusive video and then Caitlin Bennett with Owen Schroer coming up.
This is radio.
This is TV.
This is Americana.
This is it.
Spread the live links.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Don't let them censor the truth.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Roger, I want in this segment, this final segment, to thank you for coming on.
And I know that it's rough when you're in court and a judge threats to put you in prison in solitary confinement.
They've done a metaphor, if you say anything about the case, to then just pull back three or four months and say nothing.
But it is great to have you back and to see you re-energized.
Because you didn't look bad before, but you'd be haggard.
I'd talk to you sometimes and you were just like slurring your words for being exhausted.
I'm the same way.
And my wife asked me, she goes, why can't you stop?
You're up at midnight.
And at 4 a.m.
I got back up.
And she's like, what are you doing?
I'm like, we've got crew down there with incredible footage.
I just, it's too amazing.
But it's either you're in the game or you're out of the game.
You can't like be in the kind of in between.
So I think all of us as patriots, I think we should go 110% and then just 100% get out.
But the fact that this judge kind of made you do that, that's how the Lord works in mysterious ways.
But shifting gears in a few other issues, I've got no one, I've got any questions, throw them in here in this final segment.
And by all means, Roger, throw in any points you want to make, that's why you're here.
I see the attacks on you, and I see the left saying, oh, Trump doesn't like Roger.
And they do that for the national news to try to drive a wedge against Trump and against you, between you both.
They do that to us.
Oh, the media calls, oh, you hate Roger now.
Oh, you guys have fallen out, you're big enemies now.
And I'm not even halfway bought into that until I talk to you.
And you just get into these psyops with these people.
And then the QAnon movement.
Oh, Alex is going to jail.
Roger's going to jail.
It's all part of Trump's plan to get the bad guys.
So the bad guys try to put us in prison.
And then the Q is just some fake thing on the internet that says, oh, that's Trump getting the bad guys, while Trump is defending you, saying you're a great guy on Twitter and sending out my videos and defending him.
The way the left works and the psyops they run are just so disgusting.
And people really, I think, need to learn to see through them and get through them.
If you're one of the few people
That if you wanted to make stuff up about Trump and burn him, they would leave you alone.
But you've been a hero.
You haven't done that.
They put incredible pressure on you, incredible pressure on me, and then they turn around to the very heroes that got Trump elected, and they then say that, oh, we're secretly against Trump because some random 4chan troll said it.
That's sick.
I mean, you've known Trump 40 plus years.
Trump's come on my show.
Trump tweets our stuff.
That's real connection.
That's bona fide.
The bones, as they say in Latin.
Let's look at the results, if we may, under President Donald Trump.
Six million new jobs.
650,000 new manufacturing jobs.
Wage growth at the fastest pace in American history.
Unemployment at the lowest point since 1969.
African-American and Hispanic unemployment at the lowest point since those statistics began being kept.
America's respect being restored around the globe.
We're no longer the patsies backing out of the disastrous Iranian deal.
We're not a captured state by globalists being used anymore.
I think so.
I am proud of this president.
I am proud of the role, as small as it was, I played in his election.
If you read my book, The Making of the President 2016, I talk extensively about the importance of Infowars in the nomination phase of the 2016 campaign.
So nothing reported in the fake news media can be taken at face value.
The only thing I'm trying to figure out is who's worse.
Is it the Washington Post or the New York Times?
Virtually nothing they report is accurate or factual.
They are foaming at the mouths, grueling critics of this president.
I remember the days when the New York Times was a great newspaper with some journalistic standards.
Today, that is not the case.
The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC.
These are fountains of disinformation.
Virtually nothing they say should or can be believed.
What's the greatest impediment to this president's re-election?
Let's put it on the table.
It's internet censorship.
2016 was the year in which the stranglehold of the mainstream media on the American political discourse was finally broken.
It was the rise of a vibrant, robust, alternative media based in the internet, in which InfoWars, and the Drudge Report, and the Daily Caller, and Breitbart, and Town Hall, and Big League Politics, and many others
I think?
The very platforms that Donald Trump was able to use to mount his counter-attack on the mainstream media attempts to goldwaterize him, they want to silence us.
It is the greatest single danger to the President's re-election.
It's the greatest single danger to the President's agenda for reform.
It is the greatest single danger to the President's legacy.
And now, finally, what do we see?
The FTC, the Justice Department, finally beginning to move against Facebook, move against Twitter.
Well, I should add, Trump just warned Twitter two days ago.
He said, I am coming after you.
And knowing the President, before he said, I'm looking at it.
But now he's gone through the phases of meeting privately, publicly warning him a bunch.
He's always very judicious.
He's a counter puncher.
But what does it mean when he tweets, OK, I'm coming after you?
The word is he's got a whole new conservative Twitter ready that if he energizes it, he'll break Twitter.
Well, what it means to me is that he's been watching us here at Infowars.com, and he watched us go to the Google hearings in Washington and expose the danger of Internet censorship.
The idea that Congressman Jerry Nadler would sit there and say that the censorship of conservatives on the Internet, particularly by Google, is a right-wing conspiracy theory, is fraudulent.
We've seen their internal memos.
We've seen their internal videos.
We've experienced it firsthand.
Conservatives, libertarians, Trump supporters, Republicans and non-liberals being decapitated, being de-platformed without reason.
It is censorship.
It violates the First Amendment.
But more importantly, from a legal point of view, it violates our antitrust laws.
It's monopolistic practices that are outlawed in America.
So the president's been listening and I do think he's going to take action because his reelection is in peril if he does not do so.
Doesn't matter how strong the economy is, doesn't matter what he's done for peace around the world, doesn't matter what he does to seal our borders.
If the mainstream media is allowed to control the political narrative, the American people will never know about those great successes.
All you see is a constant torrent of criticism.
And let's go further.
Okay, it's bad enough for Trump, okay?
But he's got a big platform again to defend himself.
He's a big boy.
Those of us that get silenced on all these platforms, they say the worst stuff you could ever imagine and then don't let us respond.
And so, it's very demoralizing to his base, but the base is so... Here's the thing about conservatives and Christians and nationalists.
We didn't want power.
We didn't want to be in charge.
But they thought, demonetize us, harass us, lie about us, we go away.
I don't want to kind of let people know the secret, but I think all the censorship's already blown up in their face, Owen.
Well, it's weird now, whenever I go on Twitter, and let's say I post a video report, or I do a live stream, you go back the next day, half of the comments are gone.
It's like a new trend on Twitter.
This tweet, not available, not available, not available.
So that's either them censoring those accounts, or just censoring those messages.
But I think just the average consumer of Twitter that's not even politically involved is starting to see this and think, hey wait, Twitter is not what it once was.
As they censor individuals with computer AI, it's radicalizing the average person.
Don't worry, Roger, you're in Fuego, you're top-linked on Drudge.
Caitlin Bennett's coming up, she's great, we got our Ebola coverage in Texas.
One more segment, Roger Stone, when we come back.
But again, folks...
You don't know what it's like when you get a federal subpoena or a state subpoena, and then they keep hitting you in 10 hearings, 12 hearings, demanding more.
Lawyers have to respond.
Even when good lawyers respond, do it for free, it becomes impossible.
Roger needs funding.
We need funding.
This is a war.
Roger, how do people support you?
They get Roger Stone did nothing wrong shirt?
Well, the best thing to do is to go to stonedefensefund.com, that's stonedefensefund.com, and send a contribution.
I'm facing a financial ruin and a $2 million legal bill, and I need your help today.
We'll talk more about it when we come back and hit the big breaking news.
Stay with us, Roger Stone is close.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Sundar, you know Google is helping China with Dragonfly, and you know that they're helping censor, and you know, you know that you've sold this country out, and you won't even help the Pentagon, but you'll help the Chai Khans.
You bet on the wrong country, Sundar.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is siding with the Communist Chinese against America.
Google's helping arrest Chinese dissidents, Christians and Buddhists.
Google is evil!
Google is going to lie again and violate the law and violate the order of office!
You're in a hallway.
You're in a public hallway.
You're going to be arrested.
That's enough.
You're making too much noise.
So Google's not evil now, officer?
I'm not saying that.
Just control yourself.
Get under control now.
I'm under control, officer.
Thank you.
He's taken my free speech away and lied about me, so I need to stand up to him.
Oh my gosh, is that Congressman Swallow as well?
That's all from Capitol Hill.
Congressman Swallow as well?
Why do you hate the First Amendment so much?
There goes Congressman Swallow's vote.
Hey Jack, I appreciate you supporting the First Amendment, but I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
CNN is destroying free speech.
CNN and the Democrats you know are destroying the First Amendment and needs to be stood up against.
Mr. Dorsey, when can I have my investigation back?
Obama set up a CIA office to shut down independent press in the U.S.
I am not a press employee.
I am a journalist.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Obama set up a CIA office before he left to shut down independent populist media in the U.S.
And Trump knows he was getting ready to sign an executive order reversing it.
The Defense Authorization Act.
So that's the reality of what's going on.
I told you it was a bait and switch.
That's how media operates.
Would Americans fight back against tyranny?
Would they fight back against globalism?
Of course we would.
This is it.
And all these big technocrats think they're going to dominate and control us.
Owen Schroer riding shotgun.
They're not.
We'll do two segments with him on incredible stuff that he and Rob do and the rest of the crew broke down in San Antonio.
Not hundreds, thousands of people from the Congo fleeing Ebola coming in, being shipped all over, reporters being assaulted.
I think Caitlin Bennett's coming up.
This is an orgy of information and we're so thankful for DrugsReport.com because everybody else is scared.
I mean, we're into five days now of San Antonio News reporting.
300, 400, a thousand people from the Congo admit they're fleeing Ebola.
The Border Patrol wants it covered.
No one will cover it.
They say thousands more are already here.
I talked to Border Patrol yesterday.
They're like, why won't Fox cover it?
No offense, Alex, we called them, but they won't call us back.
They usually do.
These are high-level.
We have the buses, we have the vans, we have the... This is massive.
Bus after bus after bus.
This is not 300.
Owen will cover that next hour, and Caitlin Bennett joins us.
But, Roger Stone, in the eight minutes we have left, you have the floor, my friend.
You're breaking your silence.
Thank you so much for being here with us, sir.
It's been three months since you've been on air.
How long has it been, and what else do you want to add?
Well, Alex, I'm glad that we have the opportunity to highlight the importance of Internet censorship as an issue.
It seemed like yesterday that you and I stormed the House Judiciary Committee hearings to hear the chairman of Google perjure himself over and over again.
I can't even find it on a map.
I'm not doing any business in China.
Oh, our app doesn't allow us to track your whereabouts?
Lie after lie after lie.
I do want to point out that Owen Schroer and I will both be speaking at a Demand Free Speech Rally in Washington, D.C.
on Freedom Plaza on July 6th, open to the public.
Come out and help us.
We need huge numbers.
No, no, we'll be there, Roger.
But look, we haven't talked, except maybe twice on the phone in the last three, four months, maybe ten voice messages.
We'll have you back on.
I looked it up.
Today's conversation has been about John Dean's testimony yesterday.
Let's be very clear.
Before the House Judiciary Committee.
No, I get it.
But I had those conversations with you three months ago.
I said, Roger, I'll keep you employed.
You're better not talking about Russiagate.
Everyone's come on and talk about the race.
Talk about politics.
And then suddenly you just disappeared.
So I'm not I'm not I'm not breaking your balls.
I'm asking how your calculus changed from then to agreeing with me.
Well, I'm an old war horse, and I could not see this presidential campaign unfold without putting in my two cents.
And I've been scrupulous here today.
I have not discussed anything in relation to the charges against me or my upcoming trial.
No, I agree.
And they're going to try to spin it that you did, but it's a damn lie.
And look, I have pled not guilty.
I will go to trial.
I need people to help me at StoneDefenseFund.com.
This is an important... Oh, it is damn important.
Let me ask you this then.
You can talk about dates, right?
Because I see different dates in the news.
Can you tell us what... You're allowed to say when you're going to trial, right?
Or what you think, right?
Yes, that's a matter of public information.
My trial is currently scheduled for November 5th in the District of Columbia.
It takes an enormous amount of preparation and an enormous cost.
To mount a vigorous legal defense and I'm dedicating my time and my attention to preparation.
Beyond that, I'm not able to comment and I'm not going to do so.
Sure, let me just add what it's like going up against a former federal prosecutor, U.S.
attorney appointed by Obama that runs the Sandy Hook stuff against us.
They've got ten lawyers full-time on this.
When they show up to court, there's six lawyers.
And they just file stuff constantly.
You're like, oh, just ignore it.
No, dude, they shut us down if we don't.
So everybody wants somebody to fight tyranny.
Everybody wants somebody to get in the field.
Everybody wants, like, we're the Patriots.
Well, we're doing it.
So support Roger financially at StoneDefenseFund.com.
Support us at Inforrestore.com, because this is one damn big war.
And you know what?
We're winning.
Roger, let's talk about that, the good news.
Nationalism's winning.
All the evidence shows Trump's going to win the next election, unless he screws up.
Can you speak to who you think right now is going to win, and what wild cards Trump should look for, and how you think the enemy might run some snaky operation?
Well, the first thing I can tell you is, as a veteran of 10 national presidential campaigns, our politics are exceedingly volatile.
Anyone who tries to make a prediction or a projection of something that's going to happen over 12 months from now is an amateur.
It's like predicting hurricanes or tornadoes in Texas.
The weather does it.
You don't know.
It cannot be done, and we have a number of variables.
Variable number one, internet censorship.
If it's at full throttle, as it was during the 2018 election, I remember coming into the studio the day of that election.
I remember Owen being optimistic about the results, and rightfully so, because based on all reasonable indicators, Republicans should have held the House and the Senate.
I think the internet censorship in that election cost us very dramatically.
Of course it did.
Variable number two.
Are we going to get an honest count?
Are we going to have ballot security and ballot integrity?
Or are the Democrats in states like Texas and Florida and California and New York and others and Ohio and Pennsylvania going to be allowed to vote hundreds of thousands of illegals?
There's variable number two.
That we don't know.
And then we don't know who the Democratic nominee is.
This is an open process.
Just like the bosses of the Democratic Party could not stop, of the Republican Party, could not stop Donald Trump from running the most spectacular, improbable, come-from-behind campaign in American history, the bosses of the Democratic Party cannot stop the flawed candidacy of Joe Biden.
I predict that he will implode before he gets the nomination.
My God, he can hardly talk!
He can barely string together a coherent sentence.
Now, I do think the antipathy between the Obamas and the Clintons are real.
I do not think Hillary has it in her to mount another candidacy in terms of either... No, I agree, but she's trying to stay in to keep control of the money.
She can still raise and steal money today.
Again, the Democrats' strongest candidate, in my opinion, would be Michelle Obama.
The Democrats... Oh yeah, that was my question earlier.
So I'm sure you know about the meetings.
I've confirmed.
They've been in meetings debating who will be on the top of the ticket.
So can you comment on that?
You know, I have some skepticism about that.
Michelle Obama doesn't need Hillary Clinton.
She'd be an exceptionally strong nominee.
The Obamas still control the machinery of the Democratic Party.
Michelle Obama could command the money necessary to stage a viable candidacy.
So you think she's the dark horse for the Democrats?
There's no question about it, and we should not take that lightly.
She would be an extraordinarily formidable and difficult... By the way, I'm not bowing down to political correctness.
She's brown.
But when somebody comes from nowhere to win, it's called dark horse.
I'm going to use the term.
I'm not being politically correct.
It doesn't matter what color she is, she's the dark horse candidate you're saying.
She's the outsider, she's the improbable, but she would be an exceptionally strong candidate.
And we should not underestimate that very... So Michael Obama is the leader right now?
I'm not going to cut that.
I've told you how I see the Democratic side shaking up.
Alex, it's been great to be back with you.
I miss you.
I miss all of my colleagues at InfoWars.
I look forward to doing this again.
Let me tell you how this works.
We're top-linked on drugs, my friend.
That means hundreds of millions of views, not tens of millions.
You are going to stay with us five more minutes about other predictions.
We'll be back in two minutes with Roger Stone, who's even acting coy.
Looks even more sexy.
Shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, this is a short segment.
DrugsReport.com's top length.
News is going to be dissecting this for weeks.
Roger Jones, broken in silence.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Coming up next segment, the exclusive footage of thousands, not hundreds, of Ebola potential infected Africans
Thank you.
Well, I think the President's in very strong shape for re-election.
He has a strong economy, and he has the wind at his back.
He's fighting for American interests around the globe.
He's fighting to seal our borders.
But we as conservatives, we as Republicans, we as Trump supporters, cannot take victory for granted.
We should not assume that this is going to be some kind of landslide, because it's not.
Well, because of the mainstream media's torrent of anti-Trump rhetoric by their distortion and their lies and their attacks on this president.
I've known Donald Trump for 40 years.
It's amazing to me that this guy takes a beating and he keeps on ticking.
This has cost him billions of dollars in his net worth.
He had the greatest life in the world.
He could play golf whenever he wanted, palatial mansions, a fabulous jet, a great family, the nicest apartment, the greatest apartment in all of New York City.
He had a very soft and great life.
And he's given that all up.
Not for the status of being president.
Not to be somebody.
He was already somebody.
But to make America great again.
I go back to that interview that he gave with Barbara Walters 15 or 20 years ago.
And she said, What about you, Donald?
Would you ever run for president?
Would you ever run for public office?
He said, No, I don't think so.
Unless things get so bad that I have no choice.
That was 2016, Alex.
That time came.
And those who say, when he went to Britain, for example, that because he showed proper courtesy for the Queen, that that meant that he wanted to be a king, they don't understand Donald Trump in the slightest.
He's doing this not for himself, not for his brand, not for his family, but for us, the American people.
And make no mistake about it.
He is the captain of his own ship.
There is no Karl Rove in Trump land.
There is no Kingmaker.
Donald Trump conceived his own candidacy.
He formed his own platform.
Steve Bannon or anyone else.
It wasn't.
It was Donald J. Trump who decided what he would run on, how he would run and how he would do it.
It was the most improbable come from behind victory in American history.
We cannot take re-election for granted.
We have the issue of internet censorship, which threatens his re-election.
We have the issue of ballot integrity, which threatens his re-election.
And we have the distortions and falsehoods of the fake media.
And Roger, I totally agree.
The economy matters, and he's mainly focused on that.
But if he doesn't defend free speech and his own re-election, because he's so focused on the economy, people will forgive him about economy.
They know we're in a war.
If he doesn't defend it against the censorship, he'll lose, we'll all lose, and the tyrants will win.
This is an epic time.
And the good news is, he's signaling now, he's about to take action.
I totally agree, and Alex, I'll be very candid.
I want to be free to help his re-election.
I want to be able to work for his re-election, not in any formal capacity, but in an informal capacity, as I did in 2016, which is why I need people to help me at stonedefensefund.com.
That's right, Roger.
They're trying to take you out of the game, us out of the game, and support of what you're doing, support of what we're doing, is paramount to the victory.
Thanks for giving us the big exclusive as you've broken your silence for three months.
Thanks to DrudgeReport.com and the great Matt Drudge for having the courage to buck the whole system and give you a voice.
Thanks to all the listeners.
Coming up, the big breaking Ebola news in Texas with Owen Schroer and the Kaitlin Bennett attack by leftists, you name it.
Roger, come back soon.
We salute you.
Great job to have you back public.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
I was told I could have an interview?
There's no media in here.
Excuse me, is there any government funding?
Taxpayer funding?
What do you mean no media?
This is a national interest story.
Excuse me, why are you forcibly removing me?
Wait, wait.
Because there's no media in here.
This is a private... Why not?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Well, why can't we film in here?
Because you don't have the public affairs office with you.
It's a city establishment, so we should be able to film in here, right?
Taxpayer funded?
Alright, well let's capture everything.
They obviously don't want us to see this, so let's just make sure we capture everything in here.
So that people can see how out of control it is.
They already have the migrant facilities that were intended to house these people that are so busy and out of control that this is what we're getting here in San Antonio in the middle of downtown.
And it's overwhelmed here folks.
As you can see there's way too many people here.
And we're getting intelligence that people from Congo are coming here.
That is an African nation riddled with Ebola.
Thousands of people dying from Ebola.
Is there a proper vetting process happening here?
Are people from Ebola-ridden countries here right now?
Woah, this is odd.
Yeah, there is a national emergency here.
Is anybody here from Congo?
So, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this incredible footage.
Radio listeners, go to InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com and spread it like the future of the country depends on it.
I have local Conganese groups saying, oh, millions are coming.
More are coming.
Yeah, we get it.
It already happened to Europe.
And again, I'm not even against these people, but these are uneducated people, poor people with diseases.
And again, when I fly in from Europe or wherever, they check my ID, they see who I am.
Hey, are you?
That's reasonable.
You're supposed to have a border.
You don't do that when you fly to, say, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
You don't check me inside the country, but they do.
This is America.
But they don't check you when you come in from outside.
So, our problem is, and I'll be honest with the listeners, I blew a gasket this morning.
Nothing to do with the crew.
I had been up last night till midnight, went to bed, drank two glasses of water, healthy and working.
I woke up at like 345.
The producers know I was sending them emails and text messages.
I went and got on my computer in my office, and I was watching all the Caitlyn Bennett videos, and I was watching all the Owen Schroeder videos, and I was watching all the Rob Dew videos, I was watching all the Millie Woody videos, and I was like, my God, there's no way to even get this out to people.
This is all so sensational.
The footage we've got today that you'll never see here, because there's no way to air it in a three-hour show.
It's on Infowars.com, and it's insane.
Owen is lovingly going out there and they're saying, F you, you can't videotape.
They're loading men, women, children on buses that are disappearing.
We had a chase team follow them up I-35 North.
I said, we've only got three crews turned back.
Imagine that story if I had the money.
Like, where the hell's this bus of like 50 Africans going?
Because let me tell you, they said 300 came in.
That was just on the news, folks.
It wasn't 300.
They had buses day and night pulling up loaded and vans loaded just like the Border Patrol.
I gotta tell you, our Border Patrol's never lied to me.
They said, Alex, we think it's over a thousand up there.
And then people marching down the streets at nights and disappearing and little kids crying, aren't even with their mommies.
Oh, and we're going to play a lot of these clips.
We've got the great Caitlin Bennett coming up too.
Wow, look at that shot of her.
It's right beyond HD right there.
Look at that awesome lady.
But this is insane, Owen.
What's going on here?
Well, there's so much to get to, Alex.
Like you said, I mean, you can barely even try to get it all into a thing.
I'm spending all my waking hours watching it!
Well, and let's be... I mean, Alex, I'll be honest.
I mean, we were talking, and it's like, you know, you're the Jedi leader, and you're like, No!
More savage!
More heads!
And I'm like, No, Jedi leader!
We need to conceal our power now!
No, we can't!
And so, but anyway...
I mean, just the data that we got from these people, and then I'm live on the war room that airs at Infowars.com slash show that they banned too, you know, because they don't want you to expand your news network.
Every time I go live, a new bus pulls up and unloads 20 new people.
I saw it!
There's two hours of buses pulling up!
It's like a thousand right there!
14,000 have come through that facility since it opened on March 30th.
They told me on record at least 300 people came from Congo.
Let's be clear, you're there all day in bus after bus pull.
These are undocumented men, women, and children from an Ebola country, and where's the national news?
And guys, pull up again, go to the shot when I'm inside, because I want to talk about what I saw inside this facility.
You know, a lot of these people you can tell are definitely downtrodden, maybe sick, maybe not.
They don't know, they don't do the medical check there.
That's done at Del Rio when they come in by the federal government.
They don't get those medical documents.
I had the doctor even admit all that to me.
You go into a city-run thing, you have a right to be there, and these leftists flip out on you like you're the devil.
Well, these are a bunch of leftist volunteers.
The people that are actually city workers that are there were not the same, and they actually would have fair conversations with us off-air.
But the leftists were in charge.
But the leftist volunteers that wear those fake Stranger Things t-shirts, those are the ones that were kind of activated and you could tell started screaming.
And again, it's like Stranger Things.
They've done Upside Down World.
Okay, so here's from inside.
So again, Alex, most of these people you can tell, they come here and again, you know what, maybe they're sick, it's a rough ride for them, of course it is, that's why they want to come here.
Some of them come through 13 different countries to get here, because why?
They know they'll get three meals a day, a roof over their head, they can see a doctor, they can have their kids taken care of, they can get their transportation taken care of, literally all of it.
And hey, if you don't pay your taxes, your house is getting taken to pay for it.
But by the way, you walk outside of that facility,
You take a walk down the block, go left, take another left down the block.
Homeless people everywhere.
A bunch of homeless people everywhere.
And they don't get anything.
Some of them are veterans.
They don't get the three meals a day.
They don't get a roof over their head 24-7.
Because they're not getting signed up for everything.
So, you gotta wonder what in the heck is going on here?
Again, this isn't anything against these people, but why do we have to take everybody in?
Why is this going on?
Oh, by the way, but some of them, Alex, they're not coming here so downtrodden.
They've got smartphones, they've got new clothes.
No, I said that!
This is our upper crust!
Coming in with smugglers to create the Anchor Baby connection.
You can be a world traveler.
Some of these people travel to 13 different countries on this ride.
They get it all paid for.
But we can't even take care of our own people.
So look, let's be humanitarians.
Yeah, we want to take care of people.
And don't worry though, they all want reparations.
They already are like, America sucks, we're here to get the free stuff.
And some of them, in the video when I get in, start chanting at me to leave.
It's like, wait a second, I'm paying for you to be here, bucko.
Oh, I love it.
I'd even assault you.
It's like, hey, we're here.
Give us your goddamn, excuse me, Lord.
Give us your money, bitch.
So I think the American stranger thing gobbling approaches the American citizen.
You're an American.
You're just paying for this.
Get your ass out.
Remember what you said, Alex?
We don't even have time to do this in three hours.
So what'd you do?
You expanded InfoWars to ten hours live a day.
So I'll go live in the war room.
We've got three more hours.
We'll try to crank this out.
But they censor that.
They censor everything you want to do because they don't want people to see this footage.
And can you believe that only DrugsReport.com
Covered this in the videos.
Like, you think America would want to know?
Like, people from an Ebola country, thousands are pouring in.
Buses all day are pulling up.
People are going God knows where.
Not vetted, they admit.
30% ended up in sex slavery.
They don't give a rat's behind, baby!
Because it's Allah Akbar!
This is the leftist takedown of the country, baby.
But I'm telling you, some of these people, they have smartphones, they got brand new electronic equipment, I mean, you know.
Because they're here to set up the vanguard of the smugglers.
Look at that nice purse.
You got a nice bag there, too.
This is like the claw toehold you throw up when you scale.
It's like... They know we're schmucks.
We're jokes.
We're gonna pay for it, baby.
No, and actually, there was a level of that, Alex.
When I went in there, just me having the courage of going in there and asking a question, I could tell that some of the people in there were like, whoa, there's an American actually standing up for America right now?
This is not good for us.
We heard this is a country of slaves.
And then we're somehow bad, Alex.
The most humanitarian aid given out to foreign countries... Oh, they all want to get here, and then once it's all free, we suck, and white people are bad!
I agree.
White people are bad.
I agree with Salon and CNN.
White people are evil!
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I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
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So I'm glad you plugged it.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I already played this in the first hour.
And I don't want to take from Caitlin Bennett's time.
She's hard to get on.
She's so on fire in the field.
Her and Millie Weaver.
We're so proud of these ladies.
But she's been going all over the country, and everywhere she goes now, I told her, I said, you're in danger.
You need to stop having InfoWars flags.
You little mite.
But even when she doesn't have that, they know who she is.
And they physically attack her, and I gotta be honest with you.
I watched these latest videos last night and this morning.
She's filed so many.
There's like six or seven.
And I watched full-grown men hit her, run into her, and attack her camera people, and her fiancé, and her producer.
And I actually felt guilty.
Because I don't have the money to hire security for her.
And I've told her, don't even try this, but I think we should do a fundraiser to hire Millie and Kaitlyn's security.
armed security because I mean we're she's like a five two five three woman and I'm watching you know six foot plus tall man literally physically slap her in the face and because they're there supporting Mayor Love Buddha or whatever his name is but there's all these videos the point is they're getting crazier they're getting more out of control so instead of me asking questions let me just go to Caitlin Bennett
Who does her great work and also does auxiliary work for InfoWars.com.
She's obviously on Twitter.
She's on Facebook.
She's on many other places for now.
But Caitlin, just get into what's happened to you, the names of the videos where people can see them here.
In the interest of time, we can't play them even though they're just... I'm actually freaked out because if a Trump supporter did any of this, I mean, these are men attacking women.
And I'm not putting the men down that are with you, because they know you've said, don't defend me.
But to watch men slap you upside the head and all this, it's all these white guys beating you up.
I see a black guy comes over and defends you.
This is getting scary.
It's getting really scary.
I've noticed, you know, we took away the InfoWars flag for certain situations because we noticed that we wouldn't even be able to go out and get content.
It was just constantly people, you know, gay frogs or Alex Jones or InfoWars.
We wanted to get content.
We wanted to get them saying stuff.
That's why we changed the mic flag, but we'll go back to InfoWars in certain situations.
But we shouldn't have to do that.
We shouldn't have to hide who we are so that we don't get attacked.
Just like you said, people just recognize me in general.
So it's like when I have the InfoWars mic flag on, it's kind of like a double whammy because I'll get the people who don't know me that hate InfoWars, or I'll get the people that just hate me.
And it's like, I can't win for either side.
Sure, but since when do like, there's video we're showing three adult men attack you.
Yeah, so, well, there's two there.
They throw water bottles, they elbow you, they ram you, they slap you.
And I'm not saying I'm Mr. Tough, but if I'd have been there, I don't, I can't, I mean... But this is assault!
This is assault!
Where are the police?
Dude, that's a broken jaw.
My cameraman yesterday got assaulted by one of these people.
Where are the police?
Why are they so entitled?
I'm just telling you.
Well, listen to this.
We went to the police department.
We're the ones that actually identified these guys for the police.
So we go to the police department.
And as of now, they released a statement that the case is open, they're trying to get an arrest warrant for these guys, so hopefully something will happen.
This keeps happening to me.
And it keeps getting worse.
I mean, there's hours of this.
This isn't the only assault.
So, who's the black guy that stood up for you?
He is a local to Cedar Rapids and the people around the park were telling me that he's there all the time.
He cares about the park.
I thanked him very genuinely off camera because I wasn't doing it for questions.
But he's just a normal person that gets three dudes don't beat a woman up.
Yeah, he just has an instinct to defend, A, a woman, but B, he actually cares about the park like you were saying, so he's like, hey, don't come up in my park acting like a fool.
Because by the way, they keep saying on the video, you're in their face.
They run 20 feet and attack you.
Yeah, well the thing is- Hey Owen, why are you in my face?
Hold on.
Owen, why are you in my face?
Why are you in my face?
Hold on.
Hold on a second.
Why are you in my face, man?
Why are you in my face?
Why are you in my face?
It's not me.
Raise it!
Why are you in my face?
Raise it!
Why are you in my face?
Raise it!
I mean, you know, at a certain point, God Almighty, man.
Sorry, go ahead.
But the guy in the white shirt that said nobody's illegal, I actually had a good conversation with him and we actually interviewed him and he gave a pretty good answer.
It wasn't a bad answer, it wasn't a clickbait answer.
And then it's like he realized, oh crap, I just remembered my program is working now.
I don't like her.
So he went and got his dad, and then his dad and himself teamed up and decided that they were going to come attack me for no reason.
I mean, he's old enough to know not to act like this.
He's old enough to know.
And then he's teaching his son to treat women like that.
And these are the real Democrats that are out there.
This is not a minority.
People say that this is a minority in the Democratic Party, and it's not.
This happens all the time to me.
If it were a minority, it wouldn't happen every time I go out.
Sorry, Alex and I were just fighting while... No, no, I unplugged his headphones while I attacked him.
But Caitlin, getting back to you... By the way, I watched like five or six of your videos last time today.
You're getting assaulted everywhere.
Everywhere I go, yeah, it's someone's touching me, someone's spitting on me, someone's slapping me, or trying to... Or elbowing you.
So why do you think they're getting so crazed?
I think...
I think a lot of it has to do with social media, but I also think a lot of it has to
Honestly, I don't know, because when I was at the Pride thing in Des Moines, there were people saying that if, they were like, hey guys, she's there, if you see her, run her over.
If you see her, pour a milkshake on her.
Sure, so that's it.
What's happened is, the left has killed all conservatives or nationalists online, and they just let leftists do whatever they want, so it's creating a feedback loop for basically peer pressure to be violent.
No, no, no, oh my gosh, Alex, you just hit the zeitgeist.
This is the psychosis.
They think if they can get away with unhumaning someone online, but it's not even that.
It's erasing them from their static consciousness.
They then apply that to the real world.
They're going to start killing people.
That's what it is.
If you think about it, if you apply that logic where I can take you out of my consciousness on the internet by either blocking you or having social media.
You're dead online.
It looks like Matt Drudge said this three years ago.
You're dead.
He said, first they put you in an electronic gulag, then they put you in an electronic death camp.
You're out here in the 3D world?
We're gonna just eliminate you here, too.
Oh, no, they eliminate you in the digital to eliminate you physically.
But here's the craziest thing, to be honest.
I'm not a tough guy, but man, I saw those guys do that to you.
I mean, that guy, when they hit you, and I was like, that dude, like, it had been, bam, baby, your jaw, baby, get ready.
You know, there's only been one time where I lost my cool on camera, and actually I'm glad it ended up not being on camera, because I was out with Savannah, and she was holding the phone, filming me, and someone came by and did what they do to Caitlin to her, and she was just filming, she first started, luckily the camera wasn't on me, and I took the guy, he was down real quick, he even had a little bit of a... I was about to say, there's that instinct when women and children get messed with, and the games are over.
And he goes and cries to the cops afterwards, and the cops were like, yeah, no dude, you just walked up and assaulted a woman.
So, like, you're lucky we don't arrest your ass here.
But that's what they do.
They literally think they have this privilege to corrupt you.
They're on video, three dudes assaulting a woman for no reason.
I mean, what the hell?
I mean, what frickin' planet are these pot-bellied people?
I think Caitlyn could take them if she wanted to.
She probably could, and I want to commend her.
I'm just waiting.
Waiting for the day I can defend myself.
I know I can.
All right, Caitlin, stay right there.
Let's come back and talk about what else is happening, what's coming next.
We'll play some of these clips coming up.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
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It's 33% off, so we're about to sell out of that.
I stayed up late last night so I had to.
Okay, it's true.
And get the fish oiled!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You found it!
The tip of the spear!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
So, I'm proud of that black American when four men are attacking a five-foot-something girl, swapping her, hitting her.
He comes up and says, I'm gonna beat your ass.
And those guys run for cover.
But you know, she's willing to go out there and be around this.
And I'm not bashing white people, but let's just say that the leftist leadership is white people.
A bunch of pot-bellied effeminate weirdos beating a woman up, then a black dude comes and kicks their ass, or just runs them off.
And I just got reminded by our Affiliate Relations head, John Harmon, he said, don't you remember last year, Millie warned of this, February 1st, 2018, shocking Law & Order episode portrays Antifa rape of Infowars reporter.
And it's Millie Weaver.
They say it's Infowars reporter.
The episode's called Infowars.
And they rape her and they beat her, a whole crew of men.
And the show says, well, women that work for Infowars deserve to be raped.
We played that episode.
We covered it.
And then they said, watch, this will be used for violence.
Remember, they got new shows that come out and say, beat a conservative.
The Good Fight is what it's called.
It says, hit a Nazi.
And if you support America or a free market, you're a Nazi.
So they're ramping this up.
And once again, InfoWars is tomorrow's news today.
I mean, you've already been targeted for destruction.
Now they're just going after the people that you're in support of.
Well, I'm going to say this.
I'm going to do a plug right now, because I've barely been doing plugs the last few days.
News is so hot.
You got my pledge with Caitlin Bennett, who didn't even ask for this, and Millie Weaver.
What's crazy is, Millie Weaver's got her husband, and they have, I don't want to give them details, but they have their baby with them when they're doing this.
And then he does the editing, and he's got to stay behind a lot of the time, just when she goes out alone, and they beat her up.
This is Millie's little, this is a woman getting beat up.
And I told Millie, I said, Millie, you've got to stop going out in public.
She said, no, I'm going to keep doing it.
This is the right thing.
And we're not trying to be victims here, folks.
These are women getting beat up.
And I'm literally looking at the bills and what we're under here, and I want to hire more reporters.
But let me tell you something, I need to be able to send
Registered armed men who are off-duty police.
Those are $50 to $100 an hour for high conflict stuff.
The good ones are $100 an hour.
I've got all the former Blackwater people ready.
I just need an extra $10,000 a month.
We'll have our women defended here.
Let me tell you, when those guys punch a woman, they're going to get their ass taken down.
We've got Blackwater folks ready to go into action, but they've got families, too.
They need money.
Some have gone volunteering.
I didn't mean to do this today as a fundraiser.
Listeners, just go buy the damn products.
Buy the fish oil.
Buy the coffee.
Buy the air filters.
Buy the books.
Buy the videos.
They're all excellent.
We're in a damn war, and I know you're doing it.
I'm telling you, I don't want to just hire more reporters.
I want to be able, we've already got a plan, to put a security detail.
You've got to have, wherever you're at, you've got to have a management group.
We're ready, wherever these ladies are at, because
I've actually told Caitlin and I've told Millie off record, I'll say it on record now, I said a few months ago, I said, ladies, I think you guys should report from a hotel and send somebody else out and don't use our flag.
We're not pulling back, Alex.
And Caitlin told me, she said, if I can't go out there and do it with your flag, I'm not going to work for you.
That was about a year ago when we first hired her.
So I'm bringing out inside baseball here that I don't feel good putting these women out here with these animals.
And I want to pay her more.
She gets paid almost nothing.
She deserves it.
I want to hire security for these ladies.
Folks, I know all these Texas oil families that I'm related to.
I never got any money from it.
They're like, oh, you're doing great, Alex.
These people have helicopter pads.
They have mansions all over the world, but they never give a damn dime to freedom.
Go buy 1,000 tubes of toothpaste if you're some billionaire.
Give us a donation.
We'll put 100% of it towards the fight.
We want to fight.
We want to defend America.
But, Kaitlin, I gave a lot of inside baseball here and said some private stuff, but Kaitlin Bennett, the time we have left in this segment, not just getting into what you view or what you see, let's talk about what it's like, because I feel guilty.
Everywhere you go, you're getting physically assaulted, and at a certain point, I don't want to give the field to these people.
But at a certain point, I want to be able to finance protecting you.
So, describe what it's like all across the country.
So, I was talking to my friend the other day and I told her, I said, when I'm walking down the sidewalk and I have the microphone in my hand and I hear people shouting at me from the streets in their cars, and then I notice that the same car is making multiple blocks around just to film me or just to see me.
And I don't really express this to a lot of people, but
I'm scared that someone's going to run me over.
I'm scared that someone's going to throw something at me.
I'm scared that I will be killed doing this one day.
And I'm laughing, but it's a fear.
But the number one thing... Well, no, ma'am, and it's a real actuality, so why do you keep going?
Because I don't like people putting me into a hole and making me feel so scared that I don't go out and do what I want to do.
And it drives my fiancé crazy, because he tells me, don't use the Infowars mic flag.
We fought so much about this.
Which, by the way, I've agreed.
I've told you a long time.
I agree, sweetheart.
I mean, you're such a warrior.
And I just, maybe we should set up a deal with trusted people that volunteer to go support you.
Because I'm sick of watching men slap you in the face.
I mean, I feel guilty every time you go out there and you get slapped in the face.
Because I'll be honest.
I mean, if I came out there, it'd be bad.
It'd be bad.
I just can't believe that they don't follow chivalry.
They don't follow basic rules, Owen.
Well, they have no reason to.
They've been told by the media that if you say... They've been told you can beat up a hell... What are you, like, 5'2"?
Caitlin, 5'3"?
I'm 5'4", so I'm not red at all.
So they're men beating up a woman on video, and these guys deserve to have their jaws broken, man!
But look at what you've done with what you have available for you, Alex.
I mean, you don't have near the funding that a Fox News or anybody else gets out.
But I still feel guilty.
You know, a general feels guilty filling soldiers into death.
Those are men.
These are women willing to stand up.
It's pathetic.
And where are the men?
Well, you get mad at me because I'll go to these things just solo by myself without even a cameraman.
And you're like, what are you doing, Troyer?
They point guns at you.
And I'm like, Alex, this is a war.
I got to get on my horse and ride.
I don't have time to wait for the cavalry.
I think...
For me personally, it's going to have to end with me defending myself and proving a point, because I don't know if the police department is going to do anything or hold someone accountable, but I feel like it's going to have to go to a point where I'm going to have to knock someone out to prove a point that you can't mess with me.
I'm done being messed with.
I'm so sick of it.
I'm sick of conservatives having to be the person that gets beat up.
I think what should happen is a big man should be standing off, and when they do it, then they defend you, because I think that's what this is coming down to.
That is unless law enforcement wants to do their job.
I mean, that's what would really stop this.
If those guys that assaulted Caitlyn got arrested and went to jail that day, you know, maybe they'll stop.
We saw the last Caitlyn video where she politely goes and they're attacking her and the cop goes, you may complain you're going to jail in a public place.
And she goes, I haven't done anything.
He goes, don't try it.
Fancy talk with me.
He's completely condescending and that's usually how police react to me in these situations because they just don't want to deal with it.
They don't want to deal with it.
He said he didn't want to be there.
He made accusations about me and then it just, all it does is influence me to not want to even go to the police because they're always biased.
They're always not wanting to do their job.
And let's be clear, I'm not in a police ass-kicking position.
They're under pressure, but when you go to a blue city, they're political operatives and they're shameful.
When you're a conservative city, they're fair on average.
You go to a leftist city, the police are bad.
And that's what we deal with.
Yeah, exactly.
There was a clip shown of my fiancé Justin defending me.
I do want to say he does a great job at it.
No, he does.
Where's that clip?
We'll pull that up.
What's the name of it?
I have no clue.
Well, it was the one where
Pride Gets Peaceful is the name of the YouTube clip on Liberty Hangout.
It's 15 minutes long.
We've got that one.
Do you know when that is?
I don't.
I don't, actually.
Because he's the one who created it.
By the way, I'm not putting him down for... I mean, I get it.
You're following a Mahatma Gandhi deal and he does defend you.
I've seen that video.
You've got to enter a mindset when you're out there with these people.
I mean, you have to be in the right mindset to not lose your cool.
Well, here's an example.
I'm with Norm Pattis, famous First Amendment lawyer, one of the top five in the country.
We're eating Mexican food.
I'm signing autographs, whatever, a bunch of listeners.
I get up and this guy goes, F you.
I ignore him.
He goes, F your family.
So I turn around, it's the last table towards the door, and I said, I said, man, I said, you know, you can attack me, but leave my family alone.
He goes, no, F your children.
And I said, why don't you come outside?
And they all went, oh, my God, he's threatening us.
Shame on you.
So they make threats.
And then when you stand up, they act like you did it.
I mean, they're sick filth.
They've got it all.
They're literally all in their mother's basement.
That's just the childish techniques that they use.
That's it.
Poke you, poke you, poke you.
And then when you shove them,
Oh my gosh, he shoved me!
I'm like, you really say that to my family?
Yeah, F your family.
I'm like, let's go outside.
Oh no, I'm like... I said, your mouth isn't cashing those checks, buddy.
They've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's what people out here are talking about.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
It is the only independent press of this size and scale of
I'm good.
And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven model and the ability to do that and at the same time support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to see and what views they want to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
The most banned network in the world.
Tom in Texas, police officer on the border.
Talks about MS-13 and more.
Thanks for calling, Tom.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
Just want to thank you for your products.
I have the InfoWard decals on the outside of my cell phone case, my truck, sports shirts, all the equipment.
I find it's the best way to get your word out.
God bless you, brother.
And I have three or four InfoWard bumper stickers in my glove box right now I hand out if I get to talking to somebody just to help spread
You're our only hope, brother.
I'm telling you, you're more important than I am.
It's people like you on the ground, as you know, that's boots on the ground.
Mike in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling, Mike.
You are the man, Alex.
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It really is good, so thank you.
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Thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And we're gonna ride.
We're gonna ride.
Ride like a one-eyed jack of diamonds with the devil close behind.
We're gonna ride.
Speaking of silver, I had to do some silver bullet from Infowarsstore.com before and after I was in the Ebola camp.
Listen to Will and Jenny's.
And just a touch of sadness in their fingers.
Thunder and lightning in their thighs.
I've never seen anybody attack women in public.
Cowards do it in private.
The fact that the left attacks women in public everywhere is a sign of their downfall.
It's a real sign.
Kaitlin Bennett, you know, I've been watching your work for like the last year and a half since you went public at Penn State.
And since you've done that, you have been on fire.
And you put up with the lies, you put up with the fake disinfo pieces they put out against you, they do the same things to me, the same fake memes, and you've embraced it.
Let me tell you something, I salute you, and I've got three daughters, and I hope that my daughters grow up to be like you.
I admire you, I love you, I envy your fiancé, I love my wife, I'm not saying I want to try to marry you, I'm saying I am envious of you and what you've done in the short time you've been involved.
Your spirit is strong.
And I think you're a harbinger of the next wave that's coming.
What do you say to that?
I mean, it's crazy.
Back when I was in college, I would watch InfoWars, you know, I'd be like, wow, it's so cool.
You know, the Alex Jones memes, we'd laugh about them.
We shared your stuff all over campus.
And then now that I'm able to talk to you and talk to the team and be a part of it, it's a dream come true.
This is
I could not be any happier being where I am, so thank you guys.
But I would not be upset if the next wave of feminism could be females like myself.
Like I said, I cannot take being told what to do.
Or being told to be quiet or getting shamed or, you know, these men out there writing articles about me lying about the things that I've done and then telling me that they hope that I'm shamed so much in public that I refuse to do my job or I don't go outside anymore.
That's not going to stop me.
So what needs to happen is people need to realize that
I'm not going away anytime soon.
And even if they ban me off social media, I still won't go away.
I'm still going to show up at these events.
I'm still going to confront Bernie Sanders.
I'm still going to confront all these Democratic candidates that want to ruin our country so that they know that I will expose them in some way.
Someone will upload the footage.
I'm not going to go away.
And they just need to get used to it because it will be a better ride for them.
I have three daughters.
All I want is them to be nuclear physicists, doctors, homemakers, school teachers, whatever, artists, whatever they want.
As if any patriot American doesn't want their daughter to be amazing.
And you know the truth is, I'll just be honest, I love my daughters.
More than my son.
There's something genetic about a man loving his daughter.
And the idea that we don't love our daughters, and that we're trying to suppress our daughters, is such a lie when it's America and the West.
I love my son as much, but it's different with my daughters.
Let's just say I'm more focused, I'm more committed.
I love my son a lot as well.
To watch them try to silence you and intimidate you and to watch it not working is just a beautiful thing.
And to watch how upset the left is by a sweet, smart woman, how you kill them in these debates, how they get so upset and now they know who you are, just like they hate me or Owen or President Trump.
They go out, they know you.
Not just one or two of them, they all know you.
And that's a real mark.
Here's a real woman.
Who's standing up for what she believes in, and they're scared of a real woman.
The whole leftist feminist thing is a bunch of leaderless women, run by the state that's their pimp.
They don't know what to do, just like the men.
And then I look at the conservative libertarian movement, it's just full of powerful women.
Sexy, amazing, smart, awesome, everything we want!
The whole West is about worshipping women.
It's about the goddess.
And that's our ethos.
We're Christians, but let's just say the West was always about goddess worship.
And we love women.
And to tell the West that we hate women.
We love our mothers.
We love our daughters.
And they tell us we don't love them because they fear the women of the West.
And to see the women of the West like you, Caitlin, you're the first.
I think you're going to call so many women to this fight.
The enemy fears you because they know you're a bell.
That is, that is, that is tolling, that is summoning women.
I don't just think that, I know that, Caitlin.
Well, thank you.
That's really nice.
What you said about how they kind of take the government, leftists and feminists, they take the government as their father figure, someone to take care of them.
They want daddy government to come in.
I had a father who was kind of a no bull crap type of guy.
And even still today, my mom will beg me, stop doing this.
Stop doing this.
You're going to get hurt.
And my dad's like,
Don't tell her to stop doing this.
She's strong.
She's got it.
She can do it.
And he's like, I could never tell you to stop doing what you're doing because you love it so much.
My dad is very strong.
He's humble.
He came from nothing.
And look at me now.
He's done a very good job.
I think I'm going to toot my own horn here.
But I had a very strong father figure in my home, whereas these Democrats and these feminists, they don't like men.
So they don't want men to take care of them.
They want the government to take care of them.
And I think that's very telling that I know I don't need the government's help.
I can take care of myself.
Well, that's what they fear is men and women linking up.
That's the real power.
But it's beyond that.
I think that the modern-day feminist movement wants to take...
Strong, beautiful women, and tear them down.
That's what it's all about.
Oh, they're scared of it!
It's about stealing the actual feminine power.
Cut off your hair, you know, pretend to be a man, be all masculine.
That's somehow the leftist feminist movement now, is to be a masculine man, basically.
And it's all about tearing down the actual power of femininity.
Exactly, they're scared of the feminine.
Like, look at the leftist women, they all act like men.
The women!
We want feminine power!
Look at Caitlyn.
She's got long, flowing hair.
She dresses modestly.
She's sober.
I mean, those are the strong traits of a feminine woman that men find attractive.
The left wants to strip all that away from women.
And like I said, she doesn't act like a man when she fights back.
She's just confident as a woman.
It's a feminine energy the enemy fears.
And the only way... Because it renews.
It renews.
The only way they'll leave him alone is if you go in with the liberal trendiness.
So, okay, fine, you didn't chop your hair off or pretend you're a man, but you came with the liberal... But if you kill your baby, and you declare you love Satan, then you can be delivered, Caitlin!
Don't you want to not have children?
Don't you want to betray all your ancestors?
Don't you want to piss on men that are strong?
But the truth is, every woman is half her father.
Every son is half his mother.
We are unified.
There is no sex.
Humans are unified in total collectivism of the genetics of the species.
But individualism manifests the resistance and manifests the race destiny.
And the enemy fears the destiny.
I like to, I like to call, I have a word for it and I've used it in my videos and people laugh at me for it, but I call it alpha female power.
I am an alpha female.
That's why they can't come in and tear me down.
They can't get me to leave their events.
This is,
This is what a woman's supposed to be.
You're supposed to be strong in knowing who you are.
You're supposed to be wanting that man.
And you're not some roided up woman acting like a man.
You're feminine and powerful because you mean well and you're focused.
They fear that destiny.
They hate your guts because you're a real woman.
I always like to say, you know, there's a lot of people, a lot of Democrats and feminists, and I know I keep saying it, but they think it's
Worse to be a mother and want to be a home taker and take care of your family.
They berate women who want to simply just be moms or be feminine or wear high heels and wear pink and have those gender roles.
There's nothing wrong with having these gender roles because that what makes up our society.
That's why the American culture is so strong is because we have gender roles.
The high heels, all of it is putting on a pedestal.
It's on a pedestal.
And you should, you should, mama, that's on a pedestal.
I mean, my God, if the women weren't in the world, what's the worth living?
My God.
And again, they try to take that power away and they put these little leftists in the place of women.
Like, it's dudes.
Like, I don't hate guys who want to be trainees or whatever, but the point is, they're trying to be a beautiful woman because that's powerful.
Okay, fine.
But don't tell us then that women are bad because you want to usurp that incredible power.
I just, I wish more women would, I guess, break away from the whole feminism spell and realize that it's okay to be feminine and be a real woman, be a girl, and have babies, and be a wife, and take care of your family, because that's powerful.
Let me tell you something.
You ain't seen nothing like a woman with a baby they love and the power of a woman.
And that's why they attack it first.
I've seen Millie Weaver.
Caitlin, you have been on fire.
We are so lucky to work with you.
We salute you.
Paul Watts is coming up.
We're coming back in two minutes.
I want to tell listeners about their mission if they choose to accept it.
You know, that whole thing with Mission Impossible is actually real.
They give the best agents a mission.
They say, this is your mission if you choose to accept it.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Playing some Keith Whitley right now.
That'll definitely be on my stereo driving home today.
You think about the holiness of men and women together.
And our billions of children.
And the wars we fought.
And the Sabertooth Tigers we battled.
What we've done together.
And they tell us we're against each other.
Satanism is saying men and women are different.
We're together forever.
Think about that.
Think about a group that tells you to hate your husband, or hate your wife, or hate the other sex.
You realize what we've been through together?
We are one species.
We have babies together.
We are humans.
How do they turn men into this?
Yeah, that's it, sir.
Caitlin Bennett, tell people where they find you and what you're doing.
I'm such a fan of you.
Here behind the scenes, I even tell the crew who do a great job, I say, can you be more like Caitlin Bennett?
And so we just admire you and the work you're doing.
In closing the last few minutes here, what else would you like to add?
How do people follow you?
How do they support with the great work you're doing?
So the number one place you can find our content is Liberty Hangout, and that's on YouTube.
That's where all of our content goes.
I'm on Twitter at KateMarieOX, and Instagram, I don't really use it, but it's kate.meow, because I love cats.
The number one way that anybody could help me, all the listeners, all the viewers, is to go to InfowarsStore.com.
And the number one thing I love is the merch and the t-shirts, because I love wearing them around.
Being a walking billboard for InfoWars.
Because they can't ban you from wearing t-shirts.
Not yet.
They can't ban you from doing that.
My latest video, I urged people just to go out with sidewalk chalk and go out there and write InfoWars all over the sidewalks, public sidewalks.
You can do that.
Put up some stickers that say Free Alex Jones, some InfoWars stickers everywhere.
But go to the store and support us because if we don't get that support at the store, then I can't keep doing what I'm doing.
Alex can't keep doing what he's doing.
So that's how the number one way you can support me.
Caitlin, beyond amazing like this whole crew, you get how historic this fight is and how crazy it is and how weak the enemy is that they're trying this gut level.
Do you think Trump's going to take action?
He's signaling he is against censorship.
Do you think he'll take action?
I do, I honestly do, because he keeps tweeting out, he keeps making statements saying it's a mistake that you're doing this Twitter, it's a mistake that you're doing this YouTube.
Right now, Steven Crowder is in front of, he's actually in Austin, I don't know if you guys want to go out there and join him or see what he's doing, but he's in Austin.
He's in front of the Google office there doing a hate speech, isn't real, change my mind.
They're going to get pressure.
They're going to get pressure.
I hope Trump does something.
I do think that he will.
These companies are getting tax dollars.
They're getting tax dollars.
They're not private companies.
They're public.
They are getting our tax dollars to infringe on our First Amendment rights.
If they want to do that, they need to stop accepting government funding, number one.
And they need to change themselves from a platform to a publisher, whatever it is.
So I think Trump will do something because he's saying that if he doesn't, then the culture is going to change.
And I don't know if there's ever going to be another Republican president because they're just going to demonize all of us, take us all off, silence our voices.
Well, that's right.
The Democrats know their globalism has been rejected.
And so, you go, okay, they've been rejected.
No, they're going to try to extinct us, bring in authoritarianism to shut down what we've said and do.
Here's the good news, Caitlin.
People are resonating with you, and I am so thankful for you coming on the show over a year ago.
I'm so thankful to Millie Weaver when she got you hired with us.
And I just want to say, whatever budget we've got left, I want to try to get you security, even though it's very expensive.
I'm sure listeners are going to support us.
And I want to see you guys expand what you're doing.
So let's talk the next few days.
And we love you, you and your fiancé, and his courage as well.
So thank you so much, Caitlin Bennett.
We salute you.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
She's amazing.
Very, very proud of her.
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking right about the way we have to live.
You know, I want to get this out.
Front for people.
Because I'm not a dramatic person, but they've got some really bad forces circling me right now, which is fine.
I expected this.
I wanted to fight.
I actually feel good.
Worst thing is I see evil stuff going on and really bad people after me.
I'm like, damn, I'm doing my job.
It's like I see it like dollar signs for Jesus, for humanity, for our future.
I see it like winning the lottery.
And they're like, don't you know?
We'll do this.
We'll do that.
And I'm like,
Yeah, no, that's why I did what I did 25 years ago.
But they are really pissed off right now.
And you can feel in the middle of 2019 that we're entering that crossroads right now together.
And, you know, I've seen things out of my fellow Americans that make me ashamed to be an American.
But I've also seen things from my fellow Americans that make me proud to be an American.
And that's really the paradox here.
Because you've got this commitment from me, one trillion percent.
I won't sell out one damn piece of our agenda.
I'll never back down one percent.
In fact, I'll probably die of a heart attack, worried that I'm not fighting as hard as I can.
And that's nothing special.
That's what it's like to be red-blooded.
But I just am so blessed in 2019 to know all of you.
When I shake your hands on the street, I take pictures with you.
When I read your emails and I see what you're doing, your hopes and dreams.
And I just wish that I was wiser.
You know, like the Bible says, wise like a serpent, peaceful as a dove, whatever.
I'll be honest.
I'm not because I've been far beyond the realms of death now.
I've seen the enemy, I've seen their plan, I've seen what they're currently doing.
It's just so crazy.
You're like, why would this happen?
And it's because good men and good women were just trying to live our lives.
And because we weren't satanic, we could never imagine people were.
Well, let me tell you something, folks.
Evil is as real as the sun coming up in the morning.
And as Thomas Jefferson said 240-something years ago, all that evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is that good men do nothing.
And I'm gonna tell you how the universe works.
I don't have all the answers, but let me tell you something.
As Martin Luther King said, justice, the universe bends towards justice.
So I'm gonna tell you a little secret.
Little secret.
If you don't stand up against evil, God doesn't recognize you.
It doesn't matter if you know about good and evil.
It doesn't matter if you know the secrets of the universe, or good and evil.
If you don't stand up against evil, and if you don't take licks for the truth, God will reject you.
So I'm going to tell you again, taking Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is important.
But if you really take Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you're going to stand up against evil.
It's that simple.
So, you look at this whole devil-worshipping world, you say, oh, God doesn't exist, all that.
As you watch world government and Mark of the Beast being openly manifest, and you don't think God's real?
Ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you a newsflash.
God's real, the Holy Ghost is real, Jesus Christ is real, and Satan, and Baphomet, and all of his millions of servants are real.
You're like, well that's the Bible, that's old.
Baby, that ain't old.
That's God creating a whole new group of people that have free will like he does on a planet, but realizing those children are gonna have to face free will.
And so God had one rule, if I'm gonna give birth to billions of free consciousness creatures,
I'm going to have to let my failure Lucifer upon them.
And God said, I want company in the universe.
I want a future.
I'm going to have these children and I'm going to let Satan attack them because they deserve to be free will.
You don't give somebody free will and then control them.
You don't create big tech robots that follow the system.
If you're gonna have a child, like any adult that's had a child, they're gonna die someday.
To give birth to a child is to give death.
To have a child is a human sacrifice to the universe, to God.
Think about that.
You have a child, you're turning him loose in the universe like a ship with little sail on this big ocean of consciousness.
And so that's God's big secret.
Is that he so loved the world he sent his only begotten son so that anyone that believed upon him would be given eternal life.
You think that's stupid?
That's some preacher.
No, that's real.
It's free will.
God gave you consciousness, but you've got to decide that of all these systems, you want to follow God's program.
It's a program.
You're like walking into Best Buy saying, I want the Jesus Christ program from the creator of the planet.
I want that.
God's like, oh, you want the program?
Here's the program.
By the way, there's going to be some problems before you get past the launch phase because nothing's free.
You're like, well, I still want the program.
OK, well.
The wages of sins are death, this is eternal life, but you're going to get tested a little, because you know you never got a job or built a house or had a life without cost.
And God's like, I just want to make sure, before we go to the next level, because there's something big going on up there.
I can all kind of feel there's something big going on.
Imagine when you crest that ocean, that big stormy ocean of God's consciousness.
Imagine before you go up that stairway, and you come up out of that, and you're like, oh wow!
God's gonna be sitting there, and you've got this interdimensional machine gun feeding you ammo, and you're like, yeah, I can't believe I didn't join you, Quinn.
It's okay!
It's all about to happen.
Everything's about to happen.
God's waiting for you on the other side.
But you have to say, get behind me, Satan.
But you look at all these leftists, we can make fun of them, we can laugh at them, we can cry about them, but they're people that joined the system.
They're people that's scared.
They're people that point the lens and say, oh, it was a false system.
What did it know?
But the truth is, you are a spirit.
You are an eternal piece of data.
A seed.
And you're going to either fall to hell or you're going to rise to the dimensions to heaven and you're going to grow and just do things you can't imagine.
I mean, let me just tell you something.
I've seen the other side.
I've been up a few dimensions.
Oh, it's amazing.
It's incredible, but it's also really stressful.
So do you want to care about mainline television and mainline culture and all this, or do you really want to experience the universe?
Unlimited potential.
To be a god is a big deal.
You know, the yogis teach everybody's a god, and the Satanists teach you're a god.
You're not a god.
You're like a cum stain that your dad shot off on the couch
You're not, I don't mean that meanly, you're not the big potential.
You're not even the baby.
You're not even the man.
You're not the man that built the civilization, built the castle, built the world, built the ships, built the spaceships.
You think because the Satanists tell you you're a God because you have the potential of God, you're a God.
God has a stairway built for you.
But there's going to be incredible pressure going up that stairway.
Paul Watson from England is going to take over.
And he's going to talk about what he wants, because it's a free universe.
But I'm going to talk about what I talk about.
All right, I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central Live.
I appreciate this amazing crew.
And I'm even more thankful for you, the viewer and listener, because without you, we are nothing.
I salute you all, and I thank consciousness, free will, and God.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are live.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
As we have currently taking place, these big antitrust hearings into Google, Facebook and other big tech monopolies.
Attendant with that is this article which just came out recently today.
And we've seen this before.
We saw it with Hillary Clinton before the 2016 presidential election.
Where you would Google search the name Hillary Clinton, and then the autocomplete would only return positive search results about Hillary Clinton, despite the innumerable scandals that she had been involved in up until that point.
If you performed the same searches on other search engines, Bing for example, or DuckDuckGo, any of the competitors, which are basically no competition at all of course, Google is virtually a monopoly,
They would return you accurate, auto-complete search results based on what people had searched for before.
We know that Google-owned YouTube admittedly places authoritative news sources at the top of searches for news events,
They allow CNN to run ads on videos about ISIS, but nobody else can do that because, again, they're in a specially protected level that makes them immune from all YouTube and Google's terms of service.
We have videos being buried.
There was the example of a Mark Dice video.
Where you would put in the exact title of the video, word for word, in quotation marks.
His video, with over half a million views, would be buried on something like page 11.
And videos that were completely unrelated to the search would come up on page 1 or 2.
They are gaming their own searches.
They are breaking their own search engines for the purposes of political manipulation.
And it is election meddling.
Given how powerful these corporations are, we've seen the studies by Robert Epstein clearly documenting how they can shift millions of votes on the day of elections simply by which search term comes up before another in regard to a political candidate.
So if a positive result comes up before a negative result, that can shift in the aggregate millions of votes on election day.
So this is known, this is admitted, but there's another huge example of it that's come out today.
And by the way, we had the story a few days ago of when you type in Alex Jones to Google, the link to info was the flagship website of Alex Jones.
It was started by Alex Jones, what, 20 years ago now?
20 plus years ago?
Is buried on page 3.
All the hit pieces about Alex Jones are obviously on top of that.
But now we have an even more brazen example of search engine manipulation.
This is our free beacon.
Google protecting Jussie Smollett from disparaging searchers.
News that Chicago...
Mostly Congolese asylum seekers who've arrived in San Antonio so far this week is now nearly 600 and counting.
Before they leave for wherever they're headed, Jesse DeGoiato says a local Congolese family is among those trying to make them feel welcomed with home-cooked meals.
Dr. Patience Miller, a San Antonio OBGYN, and her mother, Julianne, prepare chicken and fish and side dishes in a way with spices they know Congolese arrivals will love.
Like this thick paste they use for bread.
It's a treat for them to see some fufu.
For those who come from so far, it's hoped that food like this will mean far more than just getting a taste of home.
Some comfort.
Just knowing somebody cares that you're here.
Yet it saddens her seeing these Congolese asylum seekers, especially the women and children.
We're probably the richest country on the planet.
And we're among the poorest.
Some of those in San Antonio may be among this group of 116 braving a slippery dam in the Rio Grande with children in their arms.
Yeah, that's how they cross.
They just hold each other's hands.
It's a long line.
Bosco Miller says asylum seekers have described seeing others traveling with them through Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico die while crossing rivers.
This is the consequence of not having a democratic country in the Congo.
Those already here, he says, are a fraction of what's to come.
We have more.
There's more coming, and probably much bigger, much larger.
Jesse de Goyado, KSAT 12 News.
You got these guys come from Africa.
You don't know what they got?
Disease or what?
Rob Dew here with Action 7 News.
We're in San Antonio, behind me is the Riverwalk, but just a few blocks over is the Greyhound bus station, also a migrant processing center, where they've had up to 350 African migrants that have recently crossed the southern border, ICE detained them, and brought them here to San Antonio.
Now this stressed out the normal services here at San Antonio, and they were kind of freaking out, they were looking for volunteers who spoke French, because most of the migrants, they don't speak English, it's either
French or Portuguese.
But here is the big story.
Right now the Congo is going through the worst Ebola outbreak in its history.
And Ebola is a disease that can incubate in the body for up to a year before you even have it.
And the WHO has said one in four cases they don't even know if people have them.
So what does this mean?
You have people from the Congo coming here.
It's a hotbed of Ebola.
You can have it in your body for up to a year before you show symptoms.
And now they're bringing people into San Antonio and then busing them to wherever they want to go.
In fact, we spoke to a migrant earlier today who him and his entire family is being bused all the way to Portland, Oregon.
Now, we understand these people are looking for a better life, but are they being screened for diseases?
And here is the biggest thing.
There is a total media blackout on this.
One, maybe two stories on the local news, and that's it.
We haven't heard anything else, and it's been just a media blackout.
So we're out here, gonna talk to people in San Antonio, ask them if they know what's going on right in their backyard.
So, do you know, right over here, we got the Greyhound bus station, right?
Yes, right.
And right across the street, they're processing the migrants that are coming in over the border.
Did you hear they brought in 350 migrants from Africa, Angola and the Congo?
No, I didn't hear.
I didn't know that they came from that far off.
Are you surprised to hear that they're... and they caught them crossing the border at night, the border patrol.
They released a video.
Are you surprised to hear that?
That they caught them?
Well, that they're from Africa.
Well, no, because people try to come over here to America all the time.
So it doesn't surprise me that the melting pot everybody wants.
We don't run over there.
They run over here, so.
But we were over there at that church and the lady was saying they have security around there now because she was scared that maybe one of them would open the door and let one of the homeless guys in.
And I told her, well, what happens if they open the door and they let one of them out?
I mean, you know.
Because we don't know.
We don't know them.
We don't know their backgrounds or nothing.
So it could be like Scarface, you know, all those Cubans came over and they didn't know their background.
That could be the same thing here.
Okay, you know what I gotta say about that?
It should not be over there.
All right.
So let me, I'm gonna talk to you in the mic.
No, no, I'm serious.
Because you had the Salvadorans over there, the Hispanics, right?
You got these guys coming from Africa.
You don't know what they got?
Disease or what?
I hear what you're saying.
Now, why is this not on the news anymore?
I don't know.
I really just don't know.
But it should be on the news because they're trying to hide something.
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What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
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Understand that they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back live on the Alex Jones Show.
Got caught off because of some Skype issues, but I was talking about this Washington Free Beacon article.
We've talked about Hillary Clinton searches, positive searches being placed over negative searches in the autocomplete suggestions.
They've done this on many issues.
It can shift millions of votes on election days.
It is clearly election meddling from the masters of the universe.
Now they're even throwing up safe searches, anodyne safe searches for Harvey Weinstein, the alleged serial rapist.
That's right, even though Alex Jones himself is buried on page three in terms of the search for alexjonesreturninginfowars.com, it's buried underneath a cavalcade of hit pieces.
If you search for Harvey Weinstein, the alleged serial rapist, on Google, you will get Harvey Weinstein movies in the autocomplete suggestions, Harvey Weinstein wife, Harvey Weinstein net worth, Harvey Weinstein documentary.
You will get absolutely nothing
In relation to the deluge of rape claims against Harvey Weinstein.
And they're doing the same thing for Jussie Smollett, despite the fact that people only started searching for Jussie Smollett because of one reason, back a couple of months ago, when he faked a hate crime against himself.
Headline, Google protecting Jussie Smollett from disparaging searchers.
Again, anyone on the right, the searches are all disparaging, but nobody cares about that.
Now a review of Google's also complete function on searches of Smollett found no references to anything regarding the hate crime, even though the company's own data shows that it's the only reason his name was ever searched.
This is literally how they're controlling reality.
The top suggested searches for Smollett included Empire, a show where he no longer has a role in.
He's left.
Mighty Ducks, a nearly three decade old movie he had a small role in as a child.
And his wife, who doesn't exist.
That's what you'll get thrown up on the autocomplete suggestions when you Google search Jussie Smollett.
And even if you add an H after his name,
You still don't get hate crime, you still don't get hoax.
And they provide the examples of this in the screenshot.
Easily accessible Google search information reveals there were virtually no searches of Smollett until he said he was attacked.
So nobody was searching for Jussie Smollett height, Jussie Smollett Hawaii, Jussie Smollett empire, Jussie Smollett wife.
Ever, really, in any great volume whatsoever.
They only started searching for him when he faked his own hate crime.
So that's what should show up in Google's also complete suggestions, but it doesn't because they manipulate reality for politically partisan purposes.
The top queries on Smollett include Jussie Attack and Jussie Smollett Fake.
This is when you put the full term in.
And the top related topics to his name include Hoax, Lie, Chicago Police Department, and Hate Crime.
That's according to Google's own data.
But when Freebeacon put this to Google, Google came back and said predictions that associate potentially disparaging or sensitive terms with named individuals are not included in the autocomplete.
Apart from if you're Alex Jones or anyone else on the right, of course, and then only the most disparaging autocomplete suggestions will be provided.
They claim it has nothing to do with censorship.
The policy for autocomplete predictions does not take into account what results may appear when you do the search, but it's specifically about the text in the prediction itself.
So they're protecting Jussie Smollett.
They're literally protecting Harvey Weinstein.
But if you go on Google-owned YouTube and try to search for the exact title of a video, it's buried on page 11 beneath 30, 40 authoritative sources.
To which YouTube's terms of service don't apply because they're completely immune from them.
Similar filtering appears to have been done for searches on fellow Hollywood liberal Harvey Weinstein, whose name in the search bar leads to suggestions such as movies, wife and net worth, rather than anything about the scores of women who've recently accused their Democratic donor of rape and sexual assault.
You could type in Nicholas Sandman, who of course was completely defamed, doxed, exposed by the media for doing little more than smirking.
If you type in Nicholas Sandman, you will get returned all the information about how the media defamed him with very little clarification, given that what pops up is the likes of Washington Post and CNN.
On Bing, a Google competitor, search suggestions don't appear to be censored, and we saw this before with Hillary Clinton.
Where you would type in Hillary Clinton and it would come up with the multitude of scandals that have been connected to Hillary Clinton on Bing and other search engines, but not on Google.
Search suggestions don't appear to be censored, for Jussie Smollett that is.
They're all about the hate crime for Smollett, rape accusers for Weinstein, and about the protest video for Sandman.
Says earlier this year Freebeacon discovered that Google resisted suggesting searches that would produce positive news about President Donald Trump.
Following reports that the Special Counsel investigation would end without further indictments.
So again, it's one rule for one set of people, another rule for everybody else.
They are a partisan monopoly.
That's why they need to be broken up.
Because as I said,
The rankings of these search results and the autocomplete directly impacts how people vote in elections.
This is clearly election meddling.
As we roll towards 2020, Google has been caught doing it once again in regards to Jussie Smollett and all the information about his hate crime and the fact that he staged it himself.
More media manipulation!
Breitbart reports CNN chyron preemptively says Biden speech eviscerates Trump.
So this is a speech which has not even taken place yet.
This is a speech which Joe Biden plans to give tonight.
And hours before he gives it, CNN throws up this chyron on one of their
Shows, which is hemorrhaging viewers.
They've lost 26% of their viewers in a year, let's not forget.
As they close down their London bureau, as they fire their health department staff.
Because everyone abandoned them after the Mueller report collapsed.
And even before that.
So Biden's set to give this speech about Trump tonight.
The CNN chyron says, Biden to eviscerate Trump in Iowa speech today.
Hours before he's given the speech?
Oh, he's eviscerated Trump!
Of course, the term to eviscerate means to completely demolish or debunk.
It's basically saying that Biden's won the argument hours before his speech has even taken place and before Donald Trump even has the right to respond.
Far-left CNN claimed Joe Biden eviscerated President Trump hours before the aging Democrat had even delivered the speech in question.
Based on only a leaked copy of a speech Biden is scheduled to give, which of course the Biden campaign gave to CNN, in Iowa on Tuesday, the ratings and ethically challenged CNN could hardly contain its venomous glee, with a chyron that breathlessly read, breaking news Biden to eviscerate Trump in Iowa speech today.
And of course this occurred on their disastrous morning show, New Day, one of the lowest rating shows in all of cable television.
He's presented Biden's speech as a turning point in a campaign where Democrats have been attacking Trump 24-7 for months now.
So obviously Biden's campaign leaked the speech to CNN with the proviso no doubt that they big it up and say that it quote eviscerates Trump hours before
Biden's speech has even been given.
Absolutely incredible.
More manipulation by CNN.
Of course, we've had the big project Veritas leaks today.
Tech Insider blows whistle on how Pinterest listed top pro-life site as porn.
Bible verses censored.
Another algorithmic manipulation.
And in fact, in one of these instances,
Which James O'Keefe released a couple of hours ago.
They've actually got Ben Shapiro, the Jewish conservative commentator, listed in the algorithm with the term White Supremacy.
Literally, you know, one of the most prominent conservative Jewish commentators in America.
Who is attacked routinely, and I'm no fan of his as you know.
He does very little to call out deplatforming of anyone who's not in his little club.
But again, he's under the most attack from the actual white supremacists.
In fact, even the left wing admits that according to studies.
Yet in Pinterest's own internal algorithms, he's connected to white supremacists so they can relegate his content.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
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Headline up on Summit.News, Vox once gave platform to YouTube comic who told gays, quote, kill yourself!
Oh, this is the media conglomerate funded by NBCUniversal that has the moral high ground on people being mean to homosexuals.
Remember, they led the effort to ban Steven Crowder.
It was Carlos Maza who basically
created a mob outrage firestorm about Crowder using a few gentle insults in the context of the internet.
He called them homophobic slurs.
Insults that Maza himself had used against himself.
But you saw the stampede!
They demonetized Crowder's channel.
He was basically lucky not to get deplatformed, not to get banned, like Alex Jones did last year.
Basically for some of the same charges.
You know, transphobic language, anti-migrant language, stuff like that.
Stephen Crowder managed to survive, I guess, because he had more supporters within Conservative Inc., unlike Alex Jones.
But now Vox, the company that led the effort to ban Stephen Crowder over his use of homophobic language, previously gave a platform to Filthy Frank, who is a YouTube comedian, who produced a satirical YouTube video in which he sang the words, quote,
Now, this was a fairly sympathetic piece.
Basically, Fox put out this profile of the YouTube comedian Filthy Frank a few years ago.
It got 3 million views.
And they tackled the question of whether or not he should be allowed to use such politically incorrect language by asking his fans whether it would be acceptable.
And in the video, all his fans say, well, yeah, he's just a joke.
He's a comedian.
He's doing it in the context of satire, so calling gay people faggots over and over again, which he does, is completely fine.
Stephen Crowder, on the other hand, using far less vociferous language in relation to labelling gay people, no, he has to go.
Because again, Filthy Frank was not political, it was just comedy.
But Vox gave him a platform.
And Brandon Morse writes in Red State, quote, Filthy Frank pulls no punches and even openly says the word faggot without bleeping it.
In one video he comedically apologized, much like Crowder did, for saying certain things especially against the LGBT community.
And then he ended the video with a song which included the lyrics, quote, You're gay now, you're a giant faggot and you should kill yourself.
Vox didn't draw any attention to that, did they?
Morse continues, it should be striking everyone is weird that Vox was only too happy to celebrate comedic videos featuring a person encouraging gay people to kill themselves just two years ago.
Suddenly it can't help but grasp at its pearls at the mere suggestion that someone is queer.
And of course that's what crowd had called Carlos Maza, even though Maza has described himself as queer on many occasions and calls himself at gay wonk on Twitter.
But Crowder can't do that.
He almost got completely wiped out.
His channel got completely demonetized.
And yet Vox gave a platform to somebody who literally called gay people faggots and told them to kill themselves.
Meanwhile, New York Times YouTube cover story falls apart.
Alt-right Caleb Kane now says he was an alt-right civic nationalist.
I did a video about this last night.
Again, the entire premise of this New York Times front page hit piece
It showed yours truly on the front page, along with a bunch of other right-of-center YouTubers.
The entire premise of it was that this guy became radicalized into the alt-right because he went down a rabbit hole of dark, insidious YouTube content that was being thrown up by YouTube's algorithm.
Of course, the implication being YouTube's algorithm needs to completely crush right-of-center content, if not ban those channels entirely.
Problem is,
The conclusion of the article completely debunked the premise of the article.
This guy Caleb Kane turned out to be watching leftist videos.
His YouTube journey went from right-of-center videos to alt-right videos back to leftist videos to the point where he ended up being leftist.
So if anything, he was radicalized to become a leftist.
And he admits in his own tweet, quote,
In fact, someone also sent me numerous DMs that Caleb Kane had sent to somebody else, which they asked me not to publish, so I didn't, in which he states over and over again that he was never all right, which was the premise of the entire New York Times hit piece, so the very foundation of it was a complete misnomer.
Now that's falling apart.
They're also... Oh, by the way, Jack Posobiec made the point
He said this on Twitter, quote, raise your hand if you'd like to know why the New York Times did a front page story about internet radicalization targeting conservatives, but completely ignored Dr. Pizza, the mainstream reporter arrested for federal child sex crimes.
That's right.
He admitted to being a child molester.
This is one of their own.
In the mainstream media, New York Times hasn't even covered it.
Some guy watches some Stefan Molyneux videos, some PJW videos, ends up being a leftist.
They put it on the front page and call it the making of a YouTube radical like it's some dark insidious thing.
Absolutely nothing to say about the pedo who works in their own industry.
We've also got a headline up on Summit News.
Which makes the point that they also attacked, in this hit piece, a Syrian girl.
They've got videos of hers as part of this dark radicalization of Caleb Kane to becoming alt-right, even though he admits he was never alt-right.
And they said that it made him hate Muslim immigrants watching these videos.
Problem being, Syrian girl, as you know, she's been on this broadcast many times, is a Muslim immigrant herself.
So a Muslim immigrant apparently radicalized someone on YouTube into hating Muslim immigrants.
Try and work that one out.
Steve Saylor made the point on Twitter.
He said, New York Times on Saturday, YouTube is bad because it lets Americans watch videos that we don't like, God forbid.
New York Times on Sunday, YouTube is good because it lets Russians watch videos that Putin doesn't like.
They had a headline which said,
Looking for free speech in Russia?
Try YouTube!
So again, it's okay that they can have their free speech in Russia, but we can't have ours in America and in the West, because we're evil and we're bad and we're radicalizing people to become alt-right.
Sundar Pichai there, the Google head who gave the interview, now saying that borderline YouTube content would be removed, so it's only gonna get worse.
Meanwhile, we have this headline up on Infowars.com.
You'll be shocked to learn that Buck claiming married women are less happy is total bull!
There was a big study, and this was completely misinterpreted, not only by happiness expert Paul Dolan, but by the entirety of the mainstream media, who came out with headlines a couple of weeks ago saying that women are unhappy in marriages.
The problem being, the citation in the book was based on the notion
The husbands being absent from the room made women happier.
It actually meant being absent from the relationship.
So they confused being absent from the room with being absent from the entire relationship.
Again, the entire foundation of this premise that women are unhappier in marriages
Has been, in the words of CNN, completely eviscerated, but there will be no walkbacks from the mainstream media.
Meanwhile over in Germany, Hollywood meddles in German mayoral election in effort to defeat AFD candidate.
Absolute control freak behaviour.
It's up on summit.news.
Won't have time to go through it now.
But Hollywood is trying to election meddle in a small German town because an AFD right-wing candidate might get elected.
That story's up on summit.news.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Troyer, Breaking News, InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.