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Filename: 20190528_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 28, 2019
3108 lines.

The video discusses concerns about 5G technology's potential impact on health and civil liberties, while also highlighting censorship faced by InfoWars. The Alex Jones Show covers a range of topics including globalism, demonic activity in politics, controversies involving Joe Biden, social media censorship, privacy violations, UFOs, underground bases, and possible future events. The show promotes InfoWars products for privacy concerns and encourages listeners to stay informed about potential globalist agendas. The Bilderberg Group is mentioned as meeting to discuss topics such as combating the desire for a nation state within the EU, climate change, China, Russia, future of capitalism, Brexit, ethics of AI, weaponization of social media, and importance of space.

All kinds of big news to discuss today.
Breaking news, and news that wouldn't have been discussed 10 years ago, but now we discuss it.
But there's certain things we do here at Infowars that other places don't, and that's report on things like 5G that threaten all of us.
So here is John Bowne with the latest report on 5G technology.
5G means more devices at mega-fast speeds, low delays, and your personal files will instantly pop out of the cloud.
But the 5G rollout is rife with so many issues threatening human health and civil liberties that it's simply easier for the Mockingbird Media to sell you a stack of positives rather than address the mountain of negatives.
Self-driving cars.
Smart cities.
Fully connected homes.
This is the future.
And it will be powered by 5G.
5G signals are powerful, but they don't reach as far.
Making it work will require thousands, maybe even millions, of mini cell phone towers pretty much everywhere you can imagine.
Every lamppost, the side of every building, maybe even in every room of your home.
Self-driving cars, for example, require a continuous stream of data.
The quicker that information is delivered to autonomous vehicles, the better and safer they can run.
For many analysts, this is just one example of how 5G could become the connective tissue for the Internet of Things, an industry that's set to grow threefold by 2025, linking and controlling not just robots, but also medical devices, industrial equipment, and agricultural machinery.
Meanwhile, the federal government just signs off on big tech's blank check.
They will just deal with the repercussions later.
Why not?
Congress is so unaccountable, liability is at an all-time joke level.
Why not let a massive unknown potential health threat spread itself throughout every city and suburb across the United States?
The only way we have a deployable, secure 5G system is either with Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, or some combination of them.
American telecom companies are playing and will play a central role in the deployment of 5G both in the United States and globally.
But in terms of developing affordable and deployable equipment sets, we've got to work closely with trusted allies.
Coming to a street lamp near you, right?
300,000 of them are going to sprout up in the United States.
And preliminary studies from National Toxicology Program looking at 2G and 3G look like it can possibly cause heart tumors and brain tumors in rats.
Not people, mind you, rats.
But change cells in the brain and cause ringing in the ears.
We don't know the long-term health risk, and I'm not willing to take that off the table, especially since 5G is closer to you, because it's faster, and it's higher definition, but it doesn't travel as far.
So I need to see longer-term studies on this.
Why is 5G a risk?
5G is ultra-high frequency and intensity, which is further compounded by the millimeter waves that don't travel through objects or as far as 4G or 3G.
Add to that, more mini cell towers must be installed because the current cell towers can't accommodate 5G.
As RadiationHealthRisks.com writes, it is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every two to eight houses.
This will greatly increase our RF radiation exposure.
All cell towers emit radio frequency radiation.
This is what makes them dangerous.
5G can support up to a million devices per square kilometer, while 4G supports only up to a hundred thousand devices per square kilometer.
With RF radiation, how close the source is to our physical bodies is more important than the power level or wattage of the radiation.
RF radiation dissipates with distance.
In other words, a low-powered exposure right next to someone is more dangerous
Then a more powerful exposure a long ways away.
Also, the longer the exposure time is, the more dangerous it is.
5G will be the worst of both worlds.
We will have more sources around us and closer to us.
And there will be more powerful and continuous emissions.
One solution, you can invest in a Wi-Fi router guard.
A Wi-Fi router guard will block between 90 and 95 percent of the RF radiation.
Alright, the full John Bowne report is at InfoWars.com, but they're bringing the 5G, folks, and we're not even doing proper testing.
It's going to fry us.
And that's just what the science says, so really looking forward to that.
Shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watts has launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It's Tuesday, May 28th, 2019.
We're broadcasting live from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
We used to say live from FEMA Region... Is it 6 or 7 here?
FEMA Region 6, thank you.
But you know, I think now we're broadcasting live from FEMA Region Clown World.
I've got television ads teaching transgender children how to shave.
I've got drag queen story time being propped up by a Christian church.
I've got high schools censoring MAGA hats from their yearbooks.
I've got deep fake technology that can now create a scene or an entire personification off of a mere photo.
I've got sex robot threat AI girlfriends indistinguishable from humans after 5G upgrade which also is set to fry us.
And we've now had to have a Florida governor sign a bill outlawing child sex dolls which you could have purchased on Amazon.
So, there's your daily honk pill to start the Alex Jones Show today, but we've got a ton of important news to get to.
The status of the 2020 election.
Major news coming in regards to social media and its future, the future of Facebook.
And then some other interesting news from around the world, but you have to flash back in time.
Not even ten years.
Maybe about five years ago is when they really came out and admitted what they were.
But ten years ago, you were told it didn't exist.
Unless you were listening to Infowars and Alex Jones.
What is it I'm talking about?
The Bilderberg Group.
A secret meeting of world elites
That's been going on for how long now?
Over 50 years.
Meeting back in Switzerland this year.
Now, they used to say this group didn't exist.
They used to call Alex Jones a conspiracy theorist for reporting on this group.
They used to write articles.
In major publications saying there's no such thing as a secret group of global elite that meet called the Bilderberg Group.
Well, they got found out and then about five years ago they had to go full public.
And there's footage of Rob Duke at Bilderberg.
I believe that was in Switzerland a few years back.
And so they've just come out with the Bilderberg 2019 full agenda and participants list.
And it did kind of sneak up on us this year.
It seemed that they wanted it that way.
It is earlier than it is normally.
But the topics that they discuss are always worth noting.
And what is the number one topic?
A stable, strategic order.
Now why do you think that's up there?
Why do you think that's up there?
That is in direct response to the rise of nationalism right now, which these people hate.
They are globalists.
They are international cabals.
And if you have a strong nation-state, they can't thrive.
Topic discussion number two.
What is next for Europe?
You see, what was it two years ago?
What to do about the proletariat?
That was people deciding their own fate.
And so they decided they wanted a nation state.
Europe is deciding they don't want it in the EU.
That is against the Bilderberg agenda.
So that's the top two topics this year at Bilderberg.
But it's kind of an exercise in futility at this point, because their agenda has already been bucked.
It's already been exposed.
Well, let's go on.
Topic number three, climate change and sustainability.
Yeah, these people really care about climate change and sustainability.
They all load up on their private jets.
They all load up with teams and teams and teams of security.
Traveling to get there.
They could do this digitally.
They could do it on the internet.
They could have a green Bilderberg group, do it all digitally.
They don't do it, they fly.
They all fly their private jets.
Let's let them lecture us about climate change and sustainability.
All these big bankers that meet there.
Topic number four, China.
Topic number five, Russia.
Topic number six, the future of capitalism.
Now see, that's kind of like a little thorn on the rose.
This is just a thorn on the rose of them acting like there is no future of capitalism.
Number seven, Brexit.
Of course, that's already number two, what's next for Europe, but they have to separate the two, because they need to know how to thwart Brexit, and how to get Europe back into a strong EU.
The ethics of artificial intelligence.
We'll get into some of that, but again, that's a joke.
Who knows what they're doing with AI?
Who knows how much the AI has already kind of
Been out of their control even.
The weaponization of social media.
No, that's not about Facebook and Google and Apple and everybody stealing your data and selling it and making millions of dollars off of you and then saying it's free.
No, that's not them taking your personal information and spying on you or doxing you or social media companies getting so big they become the public forum and then they censor certain sites to try to manipulate elections.
It's all been found out.
No, that's not even what they're talking about.
They want to know how to stop you from being effective.
They want to know how to stop Alex Jones from getting on social media.
They want to know how to stop InfoWars from penetrating social media.
They're weaponizing social media, and they're about to talk about it with the world elite at the Bilderberg Group.
Ten, the importance of space.
You know, I do have some news about that today.
We don't really get into the paranormal here or that type of discussion, but we'll get into that.
I like to dabble in that outside of work here.
There is some weird stuff going on.
I mean, you know, some people believe that there's nothing up there.
Some people believe it's a projection.
Some people believe the Earth is flat.
And then some people have filmed things that are very strange happening around the Moon.
And then 11, cyber threats.
So that is your Bilderberg topics for discussion this year.
And then, of course, you can even find the list of everybody that's going to be there, including Stacey Abrams.
Boy, they really want a political future for her, don't they?
Stacey Abrams.
That's how you know one of them.
A losing politician gets invited.
They want her in office.
She is with the globalists.
Don't you see how it works, ladies and gentlemen?
We know the players.
We know the game.
You better have your head on a swivel.
You better have your eyes up.
You better have your ears perked.
Because we are about a month away from the engines being turned over to the 2020 election.
And you know what happens then?
Pedal to the metal!
What a ride it is set to be.
So, all kinds of news coming up, but here's the thing, too.
No guests today.
Matt Bracken hosts the 4th Hour.
No guests today, so we're gonna take a ton of phone calls on the Alex Jones Show today.
Not sure when I'm gonna open up the phone lines, got a lot of news and videos to get to, but we're gonna get to the phone lines eventually.
Please go to InfowarsStore.com during this break, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, one of the best things about InfoWars, we've got InfoWars.com slash show.
Where we have all of our live streams of the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, the War Room that I host 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, which I will also be hosting today with some great guests coming up.
And then we have the each individual stream and then we have the full stream that just re-airs all of them.
And so we don't have any corporate sponsors.
We don't have anybody that, you know, outsiders sponsoring us.
And so if you watch at Infowars.com slash show, which is the last place you can because we're banned off all social media, I was actually watching one of the commercials during the break.
So we don't even bore you with like boring commercials during the break.
Like even the breaks are entertaining.
We put meme videos up, classic interviews up, informative stuff up, reports up, funny commercials up, ads up and everything.
And I was watching the break and it was the ad that I, I guess I cut it maybe Sunday or something.
And it's Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi, a couple of stammering... These are the leaders of the Democrat Party.
They don't belong in Congress.
They belong in a, you know, in a facility that helps old people.
And so, I'm sitting here laughing during the break because we're playing the Brain Force ad where Jerry Nadler is... He's having a stroke!
Now, they're not going to admit...
You can't hit me with the Larry David like that.
But seriously, I mean, so here's Jerry Nadler, one of the leaders of the Democrat Party.
He's having a stroke, man.
But look, they don't admit it.
They don't admit that Nancy Pelosi is deteriorating mentally.
They don't admit that Jerry Nadler is deteriorating mentally.
They don't admit that Bill Clinton looks like hell at a Memorial Day parade this weekend.
And so, fine, so I'm sitting here during the break watching the Brain Force Plus ad with Jerry Nadler having a stroke, asking, should I feel bad that we're marketing off of Nadler's stroke that he had live in front of people?
They don't admit what it is!
Oh, he was just dehydrated is the official story.
So why isn't he drinking?
Look, I feel bad for these people, but, you know, karma, karma is a serious thing, okay?
Universal karma is real.
And so, I mean, really what we need to do is we need to put BrainForce Plus in that hand where they're giving them the water bottle.
So hey, so that's what we do during the breaks here.
Jerry Nadler has a stroke, or I mean is dehydrated, and so we turn it into a BrainForce Plus ad.
But folks, we do have some serious specials, and so you know about the censorship that we endure here.
I don't think any InfoWars reporter will even be allowed on social media in 2020.
You know, Kaitlin Bennett does a lot of great work there.
I'm still allowed on Twitter.
I don't expect that to be much longer, so we need your support.
But we've got huge specials right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Again, that's our sponsor, you.
At InfoWarsStore.com.
No big corporate sponsors that bore you during the ad breaks.
Memorial Day Maga Sale.
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You know I love the bodies so much.
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Maybe try half a packet.
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It's all on sale, part of the Memorial Day special.
Please support us at InfoWarsTore.com today, so that we are on air tomorrow, and that we can get more reports from our great reporter, Caitlin Bennett, who went out in Austin, Texas to a pro-choice abortion rally, and the footage that she got is pretty shocking.
Here is just a bit of it.
When do we cut off abortions?
At what week?
I think at three years old is when we should.
You think at three years old is when we should stop aborting children?
Very revealing.
Hi ladies.
Can you tell me what the red... See how the propaganda media works?
Netflix puts out the movie A Handmaid's Tale and then it becomes like a culture thing for abortion.
I'm sorry, I'm not available.
Do you guys really believe that the government is forcing men to have babies with women?
There you go, number 58, touching me unconsensually.
Do you really believe that the government is forcing women to have babies with men?
Tell Alex I say hi.
They don't know what it means.
They saw it on Netflix.
I will not support abortion.
I believe humans with a heartbeat matter.
I'm just asking what your capes mean.
It's obvious.
It's obvious what I get from this.
It's obvious, alright.
You believe the government's forcing women to have babies with men.
That's not what's happening.
Do you believe that's what's happening, ma'am?
If you can't see the images, if you're a radio listener, the full video is at Infowars.com.
I mean, these people are just sick.
So no country for old men.
What does it even mean?
She has basically, you know, the biological textbook representation of a, you know, female anatomy on this sign.
That's not sexist, though.
Seriously, is that not sexist?
What are you going to do with the old men to get them out of this country?
They just hate men.
I'm telling you, at the root of all these people is hate.
No country.
This is no country.
No country for old men.
Oh, I can read.
Thank you.
No country.
That means this vagina is no
Oh, so the vagina is the country.
What does that even mean?
That's not what this looks like, guys.
This is very bad optics.
And it doesn't make sense.
Very bad optics.
Don't talk to anyone.
Don't talk to anybody, really.
So is it a country for the unborn, though?
Is it a country for the unborn so they have the right to live there?
Is that what you're saying?
I see what you guys are saying.
Okay, I figured it out.
This uterus is no country for old men.
It's for unborn men, unborn babies.
I'm so glad that you are against abortion.
This is the country right here for unborn humans to thrive and live.
So they can be born and they can be brought up.
Listen to these people cheering abortion.
Happy, healthy life.
Thank you so much.
Abortion is legal in this country.
There are instances with rape and when the mother's health is in danger where, you know, maybe a medical procedure is the right thing.
It's not something to be celebrated, man.
I mean, that's what's sick about this.
They dance for abortion.
I thought InfoWars was more libertarian and about people making their own decisions.
I thought the left was about morals.
I think that's the woman carrying the
When do we have the right to end someone's heartbeat though?
Is that a right that we have to end someone else's heartbeat?
We put people to death all the time.
But is it right?
Now she's comparing an innocent baby to murderers.
Is it right?
I think it's everyone's innocent.
But isn't that the mindset of these people?
The full video is at Infowarsstore.com.
We didn't even, I mean, you heard the first clip, folks.
They are literally saying abort babies up to three years.
Boy, Satan is strong in these people.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Good evening everybody!
There's not even the same universe.
I mean, she is an abject psychopathic demon from hell.
People around her say she's so dark now and so evil and so possessed that they are having nightmares, they're freaking out.
Folks, they say, listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
Whiskey bottles and brand new cars.
Okay, you're in my way.
There's too much coke and too much smoke.
Look what's going on inside you.
What's different at this point, Doug, than me?
I have two words for you.
But you're drunk.
Hey, you saw?
He died.
There's a guy on the radio.
He said me and Hillary are demons.
He said we smell like sulfur.
Ain't that something?
I'm not just being tacky.
Call me Margaret Mead and Samoa.
I had never seen or smelled anyone like that.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
The old, sulfur-smelling Hussein.
President Hussein.
You know... There it is.
I don't know how much is going to end up being exposed.
Or if it is just going to be Obama.
Because the corruption goes well beyond Obama.
But is exposing Obama enough to wake people up and to get them out of their trance?
Or does it need to go deeper?
And how much is President Trump going to expose about Barack Obama?
But you know what it really smells like?
You know what it really smells like around Hussein Obama?
But remember what the President said?
He said, Mr. President, you keep saying treason.
Who are you talking about?
He said, Stroke and McCabe and Comey and probably the higher-ups.
What higher-ups do you think he means, folks?
All of them.
All of them.
They're all being investigated right now.
You know, if the President doesn't deliver on a wall, but he puts those people behind the wall,
I'll be okay.
I'll be alright with it.
Not to say that we don't need to stop the invasion at the southern border, but I mean, I don't know, what is more imperative?
To stop wanton criminals from ever occupying the highest levels of our government again?
Or to stop a mass invasion, which is bringing criminals and disease into this country?
You'd like to see both happen, wouldn't you?
But if you had to pick one, which would it be?
We'd like to see both, Mr. President.
We'd like to see both.
We know they engaged in treason.
We know Obama is a total fraud.
It's all going to come out.
You just wonder how much of it.
There's actually some news developing on that front today.
I didn't intend on getting into it now, but you might as well.
The Democrats have been flip-flopping on impeachment, but it looks like they're going back down towards that road now.
And now you have Rashida Tlaib says that the House Democrats are moving towards consensus for Trump impeachment.
So that's the Waters, the Ted Lou's, the Ilhan Omar's, the Cortez's, the Al Green's.
Yeah, they want to impeach that president.
You know, he's so bad.
I mean, the economic growth, the job growth, the repatriation of funds, the declassifying of the JFK files, the prison reform, cutting all the red tape with the EPA, the stock market growth.
I mean, this guy, he's just, he's got to go!
Now you have a new book from Michael Wolff coming out.
Remember, because, you know, this is what they do now.
Michael Wolff puts out the book Fire and Fury, discredited immediately by, like, everybody that was in it.
And it's like, yeah, okay, it was kind of just a joke.
He probably makes millions of dollars selling it, gets hyped up by the media.
Known fraud.
Comes out with another book.
And again, it's the same purpose served as the last book.
He'll get rich, the book will develop headlines, try to destroy Donald Trump is the agenda.
Mueller drew up obstruction indictment against Trump, Michael Wolff book claims.
So how much would you put into that?
I'm not sure how long it'll take for the president to respond to this, but he will.
Mueller might respond to this too, actually.
Boy, wouldn't that be embarrassing?
In fact, Mueller has already responded, excuse me, said the documents never existed.
But see, when you want to attack Trump, fraud is the ingredient.
Don't you get it?
The ingredient for attacking Donald Trump is fraud.
That is the playbook.
They've been caught at every level engaging in this fraud.
But they don't stop, even though they get caught.
Because that's the ingredient.
It's like if somebody finds your special sauce recipe and they find out the special ingredient, are you going to stop using the special ingredient?
It's in the sauce!
That's their sauce!
Total fraud.
Total disinformation.
Total lies.
Stacked on top, on top of one another.
A web of lies.
They can't even keep them straight.
Doesn't matter.
That's the formula.
That's the ingredient.
They don't know any other ingredient.
And yet... And you know what?
Let me just play this now.
I don't know how long ago this video is from.
You know what, let me show you why President Trump is so popular, even though they lie about him in the polls.
First let's do clip 16, and then let's do clip 22.
So here is a promo put out by the President yesterday on Memorial Day.
I'm thrilled to be aboard the USS Wasp with the brave sailors and marines, the 7th Fleet.
Together you're advancing freedom on the high seas, shielding our nation from dangerous weapons and preserving the peace that generations of valiant American warriors gave their lives to secure.
Our freedom is earned through the blood and sweat and toil and sacrifice of great American patriots just like you.
As we honor America's fallen warriors, we pledge our unwavering devotion to all of those who serve our nation in uniform.
You honor their sacrifice.
You carry on their righteous duty.
And you continue their noble legacy.
On behalf of all Americans, we thank you, we salute you, we honor you, we cherish you, and we stand with you now and forever.
So that's the president just being presidential as it gets.
Now here's a video of him just being human and real as it gets.
This was from the prison reform meeting that he had in the White House.
This is one of the classic funniest videos I've seen from President Trump where an individual who has benefited from the prison reform comes up to thank the president.
I can't believe I ever saw that.
Watch how it went.
Mine is real short.
Two months ago I was in a prison cell and I'm in the White House.
That's continuing to make America great again.
And then he gives him a big hug and a handshake and Trump just throws his arms up with a big... No, go back to that smile.
That smile is priceless, man.
This is what the media doesn't want you to show you, man.
Right there.
This racism is a bunch of bullcrap.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're going to open up the phone lines now and take your calls on anything we've discussed so far.
And then we've got a big clip that we're going to play here in the next hour, which is the president again.
Alluding to the fact he's going to declassify everything, which is just such egg on the Democrats' face.
But everything they do is egg on their face.
They just act like there isn't.
I mean, it's them standing there with like six or seven eggs dripping off of their face saying, I don't have egg on my face.
Trump has egg on his face with
Like the yolk and everything dripping down their face, shells in their hair, and Trump is standing there, the golden toad, perfectly clean, and they're saying, look at the egg on Trump's face as it's dripping down theirs.
But we'll have that clip coming up in the next hour, and we're going to start taking your calls in the next hour.
So, let's open up the phone lines right now.
And we will be taking your calls for the final two hours with me today, and Matt Bracken may want to take your calls into the next
I think?
And so, but here's what you need to know.
They used to say this didn't exist.
They used to act like you were a crazed conspiracy theorist if you thought it did.
Now they're public.
Now they put out their agenda.
Now they put out their guest list.
It used to be secret.
Now they're just public about it.
And you can see, if you study the Bilderberg Group, and if you study what they talk about,
How they try to manipulate and implement their agenda.
The good news is they used to be much more successful when they could do it in the shadows.
Now, everything the Bilderberg group is doing and discussing is in response to what nationalists are doing, what the citizens are doing, not what they're doing to control the two.
When the Bilderberg puts out their agenda and the number one topic for discussion is a stable strategic order, that means how can we save globalism?
How can we save the one world, new world order?
How can we save our agenda for total world domination?
That's what they're really panicked about.
And they called this one, almost in emergency fashion,
At the last minute, normally they do them in August, they had to rush this one through, with the EU collapsing, with Trump more popular than ever, they know globalism is dead.
And so how are they going to try to save it, or how are they going to try to steal the nationalist revolution back into their globalist agenda?
Because they're known for that too.
In other news, Angela Merkel warns against dark forces on the rise in Europe.
Yeah, that would be, again, nationalism.
That would be not wanting the New World Order.
That would be not wanting open borders and mass migration without even making sure the people coming in don't have diseases, aren't criminals, or anything.
You have Jared Kushner going to the Middle East to drum up support for his peace plan, which seems to include a lot of war.
But we shall see about that.
And so they're going to send thousands of troops apparently.
Josh Hawley, man, this guy, I'll tell you, he seems to just be winning on all angles.
He says,
Have to say, I don't understand, he responds to the story, Pentagon White House to discuss plan for more Middle East troops.
I don't understand this, says Hallie.
Why is Pentagon recommending sending thousands more troops to a region where we already have too many, while the biggest threat to American security is Chinese imperialism?
So Josh Hawley, Senator from Missouri, who wiped out that witch Senator Claire McCaskill.
Josh Hawley, also going after social media giants hard.
A true up-and-coming superstar in the Senate.
Russia says the deployment of 1,500 more U.S.
troops to the Middle East will increase the risk of war.
Again, that's why I'm not understanding Kushner's approach here.
And Russia is ultimately going to be the country that either says we've had enough U.S.
intervention in the Middle East
Probably not going to be Iran or China, it'll probably be Russia, and then who knows if those three countries ally together.
And then again, bad news for the EU.
Farage declares this is just the beginning after Brexit party victory in EU elections.
And you know, Katie Hopkins highlights why this is going on.
And then there was another bombing, I think it was in Lyon yesterday, in France.
But Katie Hopkins, in the Tower Hamlets, two weeks ago, a man was hacked with a machete.
One day ago, a 23-year-old was stabbed to death in the street.
Today, a man is assaulted by a gang armed with bats.
Fact check, Tower Hamlets has the highest proportion of Muslims in the UK, has more than 40 mosques.
And, you know, look, she's smart.
Because this is just factual information.
And so, you can show the videos of the groups of Muslims, which are just really just, you know, middle-aged to young men that are just thugs, going to a Tommy Robinson family event and throwing rocks and bricks and everything.
And you just put out the facts.
So, it's not anti-Muslim or Islamophobic to put out facts.
So, these people are going into Europe as an invasion force.
And you know, it's so much bigger than that, because it really comes back to globalism.
Globalism destroyed the Middle East, and so these people are leaving their countries to go destroy the countries where globalism is being forced upon them.
And the citizens are starting to wake up to all of it.
And so they just see an invasion force, they just see a class of civilizations, and they don't want it.
But that's the purpose, you see.
That was the goal the whole time.
Let's do some U.S.
news briefly here.
The indictment of Assange is a blueprint for making journalists into felons, Glenn Greenwald publishes from the Washington Post.
We'll see what happens with this.
Certain people say that Assange has already actually reached a deal with the U.S.
In fact, people I trust are telling me this.
I would hope that that's the case.
I would hope that the president would not throw Julian Assange under the bus and not throw him in jail.
I would hope he'd make him a hero.
Because, yeah, Julian Assange, you know, it's not even fair to say this.
It's just Julian Assange is just like the hammer
That nails the, you know, nail into the frame to build the house.
Do you thank the hammer for building the house?
Or do you thank the architect?
Do you think the guy that actually hammered the nail in?
It was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that wrote the emails, okay?
It was John Podesta that wrote the emails, okay?
It was the Podestas that had the weird art.
It was the Podesta emails that had all the weird references in them.
It was Obama having the $66,000 quote-unquote hot dog parties.
It was Clinton talking about how bad Bernie voters were and how dumb they were.
It was the Clinton campaign talking about how dumb their constituency was.
So, they're the architects of the emails, Assange just showed them to the public.
So, it would be a real shame, wouldn't it?
To see Hillary Clinton walk free, one of the biggest criminals in world history, and then see Assange be locked up for life?
No, that would not be justice.
It would be the exact opposite.
So we'll see.
Where that goes, I'd like to see Assange cooperate at least on one account, and that is, was Seth Rich a source?
Look, stay out of jail, we won't ask you for any other sources, we just want cooperation.
Was Seth Rich a source?
Cooperate with us on this, and we'll grant you immunity.
Supreme Court upholds Indiana abortion law requiring fetal remains to be buried or cremated.
Well, this just destroys Planned Parenthood's profit agenda because they got to keep that baby alive.
Of course, it's not a baby.
At that point, it's just a, you know, it might as well be a cow or a pig or something.
It's just a meat sack that they want to sell.
They've been caught on undercover tape.
And then they lost in court, too.
So, you know, they want to harvest baby's organs.
They admit it.
And so we now have to write laws saying, look, you're not going to harvest that baby's organs, right?
OK, you know what?
You were doing that.
We got to write it into law now.
So that's what Planned Parenthood does.
It's sad that we have to write laws to stop people from doing that, but that's what people do, and so we are now going to have to write laws saying you can't harvest that baby's organs.
Got it.
Thank you.
Alright folks, one hour of the Alex Jones Show in the books.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The tyranny of the EU is facing virtual annihilation politically with the six-week-old Brexit campaign, and it's been picked up and it's been adopted all across Europe as a symbol of rebellion against EU tyranny.
And how does Juncker, the unelected head of the EU, respond?
Juncker lashes out at stupid nationalists on eve of European elections.
Think about the arrogance.
That's an actual quote.
Think about the arrogance of Governor Cuomo making similar statements.
We're not going to make America great again.
It was never that great.
Or Mayor Kahn making statements about England.
It came as no surprise that French President Macron, mouthpiece of the globalists, chose to sour the commemoration of the Armistice Day Centennial observance in Paris with propaganda.
Macron stated, patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.
Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism.
In saying, our interests first, whatever happens to the others, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great, and that which is most important, its moral values.
How do you have leaders in your own countries that say you suck?
Because they're usurpers.
He told CNN,
That he lashed out at stupid nationalists, close quote, on the eve of the European elections.
And he went further.
He said they love their countries.
Well, what else is going to stand up for you but heritage and rule of law invested in Western culture that's being erased?
And then I think about the headlines where you
See the New York Times, the Washington Post, BBC saying, if you don't like the European Union, you're a Nazi.
Or if you claim there's a global government, you're a Nazi.
When Juncker is the heir of the richest royal family of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, his grandfather took by force Luxembourg that he owns, per square mile, the richest country in the world,
He is a literal super king.
He sits on the unelected EU bureaucracy.
They have a ceremonial parliament that is embarrassing them because the whole parliament is basically converting to anti-EU nationalist movements.
So his answer is, we'll just abolish the parliament and put an EU army in every country.
You're not leaving.
His grandfather was the second most powerful person in Germany.
His father was in the SS.
It's over the top.
Hitler envisioned the European Union and its flag.
Hitler designed the EU flag.
Hitler designed the Volkswagen Beetle.
Hitler designed the logo.
Hitler designed the highways.
Hitler developed the plan with Wernher von Braun for NASA.
All of it.
People are looking at us as if we were
A kind of peace god, because we have achieved on this continent what has not been achieved elsewhere.
We have 60 wars, for the time being, globally spoken.
None in Europe, apart Ukraine, which is part of Europe, but which is not part of the European Union.
These populist nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own country.
And they don't like the others.
In some countries of the European Union, the government, parliament, a major part of the society, don't like those coming from far away.
I do like those coming from far away, because the main guiding principle of the European Union should be solidarity.
This is classic dictator stuff, megalomaniac stuff, and there it is coming out of Juncker's fat, disgusting, pig-like mouth.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back to the Alex Jones Show on the other side of this short break with your phone calls.
Don't go anywhere.
Mike in New Jersey, you're on the air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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All right, I said I'd go to your phone calls and the lines are lit up and we got plenty of time to take calls today.
So we're gonna go ahead and start doing that.
We'll be peppering in some news as well.
Hey, Alan.
Good to talk to you, man.
I love you guys.
It's been a long time since, like, 2008, I believe.
And back then, when I first started listening to Alex, I found him from a link from Drudge.
Back in high school, I knew a guy named Crazy Larry, and this would be in, like, 94, 95.
Back then, it was all about the Masons and the New World Order, and they were predicting
There wasn't much out there, you know, it was like pamphlets about a Mason or I think there was a radio show host down in Florida, Dick Orton Liddy, I think he had something to do with Watergate.
Anyway, it was about the Masons and the Amaro.
They were gonna, you know, the Euro was new back then and they were predicting that they would unify North America under the Amaro.
And I remember he asked me, he said,
At what point would you believe that this is all actually happening and it'd be time to, you know, just gather the guns and go underground?
Just try to hunker it out or, you know, survive or, you know, stop playing with this society?
You know, that type of question.
I'm like, well, I guess if they actually came out with an Amaro.
And it's happening today, man, the way that they're flooding us with these migrants.
It's insane.
The demonic activity is coming from people that are already here, that are going around cheering abortion, saying, abort children up to three years, saying, oh I love my abortion, I'd abort my next kid.
Celebrating it, dancing for it.
When they see a Trump hat or an Infowars Mike flag, freaking out and shrieking and screaming at the sky.
So, you know, that's the demonic activity we're seeing personified and it just shows you, to me,
Or at least it feels to me like, wow, okay, I'm really on the right side of history here.
I'm really on the right side of the spiritual battle, when all I have to do is show up with a mic flag or a hat, and I literally start seeing demon-possessed people behaving just like that.
Thank you for the call, Anderson.
We'll go one more demon call here.
Pastor Sam, go ahead Pastor Sam, also in Texas.
General Albert Stubblebine walked into my friend's homeless shelter in the 1980s disguised as a homeless person.
And there was a power encounter that happened.
It is not so far-fetched anymore that there is such a thing as demonic activity, that our enemies operate in it, and that there are paranormal research and paranormal operation centers within our government.
I'd like to read you a verse here.
This is from Acts 16, and it's verse 16, and Paul is trying to preach.
Isn't that kind of the same thing?
Yeah, Jesus Christ is triggering these demons in people, and I'm not comparing anything to that, but it's like, isn't it that same representation?
Like, they see the Infowars Mike flag, that brings a demon.
They see the Trump hat, that brings a demon.
Only because we pray for Jesus!
Like, we ask for Jesus' guidance and help, like, you know, so that's really what it is.
It's that spiritual connection that we have to Jesus, and then these different representations that have now been
Manifested by the media to represent Christians, like Infowars or Donald Trump, and so now that brings out the demons.
It's like a second-hand demon exposure.
It causes them to manifest, absolutely, because they hate the Spirit of God.
They hate the holy angels.
People that are true Christians very often have angels that walk with them, and these things are invisible.
All our forefathers believed in this.
It's only now we're so smart that we don't believe in it.
Well, and many of the forefathers actually did some of the, you know, rituals and stuff.
I mean, this is in kind of the secret history.
It's like the old meme.
The forefathers did the DMT.
I mean, you know, they were involved in a lot of cultish stuff too.
So, they just believed in the Creator and humanity and wanted to see the West go that way instead of the way of tyranny.
And so, uh, but that's just kind of some old cultish stuff if people want to research that.
Pastor Sam, thank you for the call.
Let's go one more, uh, this segment.
Gavin in New Hampshire.
Go ahead, Gavin.
No way, dude.
This is awesome.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling in.
Real quick, I just want to plug some of the new products you guys got going on, because I'm getting some bars tonight for protein, and I've been taking a ton of different supplements that you guys have, but now you guys have the 8-pack, so I'm going to, like, converge them all into one, so it's going to make it so much easier for me for work.
Well yeah, that's why we put it out there, because I know it's tough.
I mean, I have to go through like, you know, ten different supplement bottles every morning to put all the pills in the cap that I then throw down.
So yeah, you just have the package, you just open it up, it's all there.
But yeah, I totally believe that Revelations is around the corner, and it does speak of Jesus' name being blasphemized, and I totally think that's what's going to happen with this New World Order, is globalism's going to come.
You know, as a Christian, I do believe that, you know,
They're going to have us called terrorists.
And the same thing will happen for the Jews, too.
Because we're just Judaic.
That's what Christianity really is.
So it's like, something really eerie.
I feel it in my heart.
Well, if you think about it, they've already done it.
They haven't so much done it in the naming sense, but they've pretty much done it.
I mean, they've demonized the term white nationalist.
Like if you're white or you're a nationalist, somehow you're bad.
You see the discrimination against Christians that happens, yet the total embrace of Islam, and so it's already happening.
I mean, you've seen even government documents come out and say that the number one terror threat in the U.S.
are veterans.
So this is already happening in many ways, Gavin.
You know, I don't know if I'll witness all the revelation, but there's no doubt it is definitely coming in the near future.
But near future could mean 500 years in the big scheme of things.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, it's true.
I stayed up late last night so I had a headache.
They've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watts has launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This is a death mountain, folks.
There's never been more dangerous times.
This isn't me telling you they're gonna do this ten years ago.
It's fear.
So I get wound up and I am in a fighting mood.
I just started getting in their face.
I can't help it.
I'm ready to fight.
I'm awake.
I'm watching the craziest mind control.
Mad Stockholm Syndrome I've ever seen.
I'm watching our country totally dismantled, by design, by people that hate us.
The devil only knows how to con people and manipulate people because he is a magician.
He is a deceiver.
He is a fraud.
He is a lie.
He is not one one trillion what the creator is.
To hell with the devil!
Straight to the pit with Satan!
Down with Satan in the name of Jesus Christ!
Get behind me Satan!
Down with the devil!
Down with the fraud!
Get out of the road!
Get behind me!
I'm just enjoying this way too much.
Just put it on repeat.
That's a little...
Hardcore metal there with the Alex Jones Singing really it's pretty good.
You just take an Alex Jones show put heavy metal behind.
It's actually not a bad song Wow So welcome back to the Alex Jones show Owen Schroer filling in from or for Alex today live from Austin, Texas at the Infowars world headquarters
The most censored broadcast in the world, but it angers them so much that we're still here because of your support at Infowarsstore.com.
Alex is not here today, but he does thank you and salute you for all your support at Infowarsstore.com and the fact that you've made it possible for Alex to do everything he can to fight against the fake news.
And that's really kind of the biggest role, I think.
All things considered, if not to wake up people out of their trance, but also to counter the narratives of the fake news.
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All right, let's take your calls for one more segment and then I'll get back into some news and we'll kind of go in between calls and news and video reports until Matt Bracken takes over in the fourth hour.
So let's go to Cindy calling in from Maryland.
Go ahead, Cindy.
I just, when I was talking to the gentleman earlier,
I was telling him, I have been banned from social media for stupid things.
But I have been trying to get a rally, like a million man rally on Capitol Hill to support our president.
Yeah, it's gonna be the 4th of July.
Is it?
Are you serious?
Well look, here's the problem.
People are busy, they have lives, they have families, traveling is a bear, and quite frankly, D.C.
isn't the easiest place to travel to or be.
And so, it's impossible to really organize a million-man rally unless there's some sort of flashpoint happening, or unless there's something that has a tradition like the Pro-Life March.
So, the only way to do what you're doing
And again, I don't know if the president thought about this or if it's just kind of providence.
He said, we're going to have a big celebration of the 4th of July in Washington, D.C.
That's going to be the march.
I mean, that that's that's how I view it.
I think you're going to have millions of people to D.C.
for the 4th of July to show support present because nobody else can organize it.
Conservatives just don't do it anyway.
And it's just it's just.
I've been trying because I you know, I never got into politics.
In my younger days, I never got into politics because I never thought it affected me.
I never sat to really look into it.
And then when I went to a Trump rally, he had me hooked because he's one of us.
Well, it's just real.
I mean, the energy is just real.
The momentum is real.
And you've never had that at a political rally.
I went to Obama rallies and there was some energy there, but it was fake.
He's a fake.
Trump's the real deal.
And people know it.
So I started delving into, you know, politics.
And I tell you, it is so empowering to
Have a conversation with an idiot and know that I have proof to back up what I'm saying.
You know what I mean?
It's so empowering.
I've never felt this way and I just kept going.
And I want to make a impact.
I mean, I really want to make a big impact because somebody's got to.
Well, you know, if you ask God for the vision,
I think that you'll find, I think you'll find what you're looking for.
I mean, the best thing that I can do at this point is to talk to anybody that will listen to me.
I'll pull a Democrat up and ask them what they think about this subject.
And when they tell me, I'm like, well, okay, you want to live with infancy, you want to live with your children learning the Quran and all of this
You don't even understand.
See, you have such power as a woman.
I have women that send me messages that talk about how they go out in town, you know, with their husbands and kids and they'll be the only one wearing a Trump shirt because they know that the left typically doesn't like coming after women.
So they'll wear a Trump shirt out and they'll get a reaction from people.
And so just general observers will see a reaction.
They'll see, wow, here's this woman here with her kids and her husband getting shouted out.
By someone because they don't like her shirt.
Guess what?
She probably just won over a couple new voters.
So, I mean, even just wearing out a hat or a t-shirt, you have no idea the small impact might turn into a big one.
And you just don't really realize it at the time because it feels trivial.
But to somebody else, that could be a world-changing, worldview-changing moment.
Thanks for the call, Cindy.
Let's squeeze one more in here before we take the break.
Let's go to Chris in Minnesota.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hi Owen, glad you're doing well.
Owen, what do you think about the best way to get CNN and the mainstream media to start reporting the truth?
It's just for Trump to arrest people and charge them.
And then they have to talk about the charges, maybe even use the emergency broadcast system.
What do you think?
You're talking about arresting CNN hosts?
No, I mean start arresting people, Brennan, Hillary.
CNN's irrelevant, okay?
CNN is totally irrelevant, quite honestly, other than whatever role that they'll try to play in starting a race war or a civil war.
But they're basically Tokyo Roast.
Nobody's listening.
They still get Philip Mudd on there and these other nutjobs, but nobody's really listening or watching CNN.
So, no, look, the answer is the same answer.
Trump needs to arrest the deep state.
There's investigations ongoing, Barr's reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation, Trump's going to declassify everything.
It's all going to come out, but it's going to come down to the same issue that Trey Gowdy had, which was Congress cannot prosecute.
So they can find all the crimes in the book, but you better have an AG that's going to prosecute.
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Tom in Texas, police officer on the border.
Talks about MS-13 and more.
Thanks for calling, Tom.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Schroer.
So look at what was put out by a Netflix director with over 2 million followers on Twitter.
A story from tolerance.org.
What's my complicity?
Talking white fragility with Robin DiAngelo.
Here's a quote from the story.
As a white person, I have a racist worldview.
I have racist biases.
I have racist patterns and investments in the system of racism.
I also have investments in not seeing anything I just said because of what it suggests about my identity as a good person.
You may or may not be a racist, but it's not because you're white.
But one thing you definitely are is insane.
But you see, you're allowed to be racist against white people.
And that's what they actually say.
I mean, that's what racists actually say.
And I just think it's hilarious these white people
The white racists, I mean, it's just insane.
Really, this is just insane.
Could you imagine saying this to any group of people?
Could you imagine putting this message out to any group of young people that inherently they are something because of something they have no control over, aka their skin color, or their hair color, or their eye color, or
Something of that nature?
You are this, you have no control over it, but you are inherently that, so you're inherently bad, and now you can be demonized the rest of your life.
That is sick.
That is really, really, really sick stuff.
Yeah, I forgot you put the it's okay to be white sign on my desk today.
Didn't even think I'd be covering that.
Of course, I'm actually red more, although maybe my sunburn's kind of gone away.
So it's just, you know, all the left does is race bait.
That's all they do.
And you know what?
I won't even go down that road.
I hate covering this stuff.
It's just like, I just can't even imagine doing that.
Not even to somebody that's my age or somebody older or whatever, but to children, to the youth.
That's what's messed up.
That is what is really messed up.
You've had some really bad tornadoes sweeping through the Midwest.
Ohio, Missouri have had really bad ones, deadly ones.
You know, there's always a lot of tornado activity in Oklahoma and in Kansas, and then it's been moving up towards Missouri in the last 10 years.
I've seen some of this devastation, Joplin, a few years ago.
And so, this stuff does happen, but man, with all of the flooding,
And then the fires we saw in California.
You know, they sit here and they talk about man-made climate change and they want to blame this on climate change.
Well, you know, you may want to rethink that and start calling it man-made weather.
Again, I'm not saying these tornadoes are man-made weather.
I'm saying we know man-made weather is out there.
Are we going to someday in the future learn about weaponized weather?
Is that going to come out?
Of course, that's already come out, but we just don't know if they're using it or not.
It's just pretty wild stuff.
Maine bars residents from opting out of immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons.
So yes.
Let me just rephrase that.
You are a slave to big pharma.
And the left is pro-choice, except when it comes to vaccines.
Then they're all about fascism and all about medical tyranny.
And then they lie about you and say you're an anti-vaxxer.
I just am pro-choice when it comes to vaccines.
That's all it is.
But if you're gonna bring in millions and millions of people over the southern border, let's say 1% of them are carrying a deadly disease, which it's actually worse, but let's go 1%.
You're talking about tens of thousands of people pouring into this country with deadly diseases, and it's outbreaking in California, it's outbreaking in New York, it's outbreaking in Washington,
And then what happens?
You have to go into medical tyranny, and they force you to take a vaccine.
You know, if that doesn't scare you, really, you just trust anybody to put in it.
They just, we'll just trust anybody to put a needle in you.
That is, that is one of the most naive things you could ever have.
Just to trust somebody to put a needle in you.
But that's good.
That's just, you know, nice tyranny, nice medical tyranny for you.
We've talked about the Bilderberg Group.
They have released their list of agendas.
They're trying to save their one world government.
They don't know what to do with nationalism rising worldwide, 1776 worldwide.
Meanwhile, the Democrat race is really hilarious.
So here's how it's going to go.
I can already tell you because it's also contrived.
Joe Biden is maybe, maybe number three or four most popular.
But they're giving him all the polls, and they're saying he's by far ahead of everybody.
I mean, even Politico has a story, Joe Biden is frontrunner by every measure except big crowds.
What other measures are there?
Your fake polls?
Other stories?
Biden's campaign is one of limited exposure.
Yet nobody is showing up.
Trump echoes left-wing criticism with latest attack on Joe Biden.
He talks about his association with the 1994 crime bill and the Clintons and Biden being associated with that.
So Biden, by every measure, is not a front-runner.
No crowds, no polls, horrible track record, comes from a failed Obama administration that couldn't get Hillary elected with all the fake polls.
Literally a serial groper
To put it nicely, of women and children, Biden sucks.
Joe Biden sucks as a political candidate.
Bernie Sanders is so far ahead of Biden, it's not even funny.
Tulsi Gabbard is probably ahead of Biden, but she doesn't even get mentioned.
She gets nothing.
Butt Judge is ahead of Biden.
I would honestly say, right now, it's probably
If I was being, if I was going to rate it based on what I'm saying, I would say Sanders, Butt Judge, Gabbard, Biden.
But they don't want Sanders.
Believe it or not.
He's not a Democrat.
They don't want Tulsi Gabbard.
She's anti-war.
They want Biden.
But do they really want Biden or is it a bait and switch?
But the fact that you have all the polls giving it to Biden, acting like Biden is the gift to the Democrat Party and he's a shoo-in, that just is the sign, folks.
They're waving the flag.
We're giving it to Biden.
We're in control.
We're giving it to Biden.
That's it.
So Sanders, don't bother.
Beto, never wanted to win anyway, just wanted to get rich.
Swalwell, a joke, a doughboy, irrelevant.
They're all irrelevant.
And so that's why they can do this whole thing with Biden.
Biden's irrelevant too.
But they're also irrelevant.
They can force Biden down your throat and then with fake polls and media coverage act like he's legitimate.
In no real world is Joe Biden a legitimate candidate.
Only in a clown world.
But, of course, we're in the clown world.
And so they give you Joe Biden.
Yeah, it doesn't matter that he was in charge of deals with Ukraine when his son was put on one of the big oil boards in there and then just made millions and millions of dollars.
Kids get caught with hardcore drugs, kicked out of the military.
In a very odd situation, his
Deceased son's wife ends up dating his other son, which was her brother-in-law, who has nieces and nephews of hers, and who also has nieces and nephews of the brother-in-law.
I heard that relationship didn't work out so well.
But that's Joe Biden, see?
And he's the leading candidate for the Democrat Party.
Keep telling your listeners that.
Keep telling people that read your fake polls that.
Joe Biden can't fill a high school gymnasium.
Joe Biden has zero chance of beating Donald Trump.
Is Joe Biden really who they want, or is it just a bait and switch?
The Democrat Party, folks, is as good as dead.
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You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
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Burning isn't it?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So social media censorship continues.
And I want to address something now about another individual that's been censored.
Nick Monroe on Twitter and Will Somner.
I've never met the guy.
I've heard he's one of the biggest D-bags you could ever meet, but that could just be rumor and innuendo.
But anyway, he's reporting that Nick Monroe was banned.
He works at Politico.
Or is it the Daily Beast?
No, it's the Daily Beast.
That's right.
He's a big Daily Beast guy.
The Chelsea Clinton News Network there.
The Daily pile of steaming crap.
But anyway, Will Sommer says Twitter banned popular right-wing personality Nick Monroe.
You notice how it's the left always getting the brakes on all the banning that's happening?
They hate free speech.
They're behind it.
But, you know... It is amazing, I have to say.
You know what?
Here's what it is.
Here's all I'm gonna say.
Because I don't know if they're going to continue to use Pizzagate as something to ban people, or if they want to try to... But it's like, either you were there for Pizzagate when it was all breaking, or you weren't.
And if you weren't there, all you really saw was the media spin, and the media lies, and how they try to deflect and project on everything.
But they never talked about the WikiLeaks emails.
Did you notice that?
They never talk about the WikiLeaks emails.
I don't know what a pizza-related map is, bro!
I have no idea!
All the other weird pizza references you made.
People just looked up, what are these pizza references?
And they found out that's code word on the dark web for pedophile crap!
And then who else is involved with these people?
Anthony Weiner!
He gets arrested.
I'm not the one that has art galleries picturing how Jeffrey Dahmer used to pose his murder victims.
That's Podesta!
But you see, it's all about casting aspersions and saying, oh, look at these Pizzagate conspiracy theorists.
Well, what was the conspiracy theory exactly?
Doesn't matter.
Pizzagate's the conspiracy theory.
They demonize one word, and then they project it onto people as a disclaimer of disqualification.
It was in your emails, bro.
It was in your emails, bro.
So, how about Will Somner just publishes the WikiLeaks... Or, you know what?
Here's what I'd like to know.
Please, explain to me what's going on in the WikiLeaks emails when they're talking about pizza-related maps and having kids in the hot tub for your entertainment.
Five-year-olds in the hot tub for your entertainment.
That's in the WikiLeaks emails.
Is that a conspiracy?
Should I be shut down?
Should you be shut down if you share the emails where the Democrats are talking about having children in hot tubs for your entertainment?
So people just see all this crazy weird stuff.
I'm not even going to get into the individuals and all the stuff that got people fired up about this and had their ears perked.
We're not even going to do that.
We're just looking at the WikiLeaks emails asking questions and then people say, hey, look over here.
The FBI and the CIA say this is symbolism for pedophilia.
Hey, look over here.
These are code words for pedophilia on the internet.
And then people go out and say, oh, you're a Pizzagate conspiracy theorist.
I'm not the one that puts children in the pool for people's entertainment!
But you're not allowed to ask questions.
I'm not the one that has art galleries that have children giving fellatio to grown men!
That's the damn Podestas!
I'm not the one sexting underage girls!
That's Anthony Weiner!
I'm not the one that had a top aide busted as a top pedophile!
That's Bill de Blasio!
So I'm sick and tired of them using the term Pizzagate to demonize people, man!
Maybe some people made some mistakes.
You know what?
Maybe there was a bunch of fake information out there.
Maybe it got blown out of proportion.
But wow!
We never got any questions answered, did we?
Anthony Weiner did go to jail though, didn't he?
Bill de Blasio's top staffer did go to jail though, didn't he?
The Podestas do have a creepy, perverted art collection, don't they?
There was weird terminology in the WikiLeaks emails, wasn't there?
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
But you're banned now.
You're bad if you reported on it.
So they're just censoring everybody.
I'm telling you, by 2020, unless something is done, you won't even see anybody tweet anything InfoWars.
They will shut it down.
In fact, it's pretty much reached that point on Facebook and YouTube.
Twitter will be next.
But there is some Facebook news out there.
From VentureBeat, Facebook still can't control the far-right political propaganda monster it built.
I mean, can you believe the lies?
All Facebook did was create a forum of communication, mass communication, multimedia communication, and citizens just used it.
Oh, but because the facts that people put on there and the stories and the opinions and the commentary that you put on there, because they aren't aligned with yours, you just call it far-right political propaganda.
Oh, what about Russia collusion?
What's that?
You know, it's just unbelievable how these people refuse to even look in the mirror and see their own fraud.
Facebook still can't control the far-right political propaganda monster it built.
So what does that mean?
We're still seeing Trump supporters on here.
We're still seeing Infowars reporters on here.
We're still seeing conservatives on here.
This cannot stand.
We must censor free speech.
These people are Nazis.
Facebook says Zuckerberg and Sandberg will defy Canadian subpoena, risking contempt vote.
Yeah, you know, they're getting asked to show up in court all over Europe and Canada, pay a bunch of fines.
Nobody even blinks an eye.
Somehow Facebook rises above all of it, and then they engage in total political censorship and racketeering.
But the good news is, Facebook use is eroding in the United States as social media under pressure.
Well, yeah, when you kick off half the people on there, I guess the use is going to go down.
Facebook sucks anyway.
They all suck, but Matt Drudge was right.
It was all about getting everybody into the social media gulag.
That's what it really is.
Facebook is the gulag.
Google is the gulag.
Twitter is the gulag.
And that's, they get you in there, they get all everybody in there, and then they decide who gets to exist.
And then the public will be so brainwashed and controlled, they won't even think anything else does exist.
It's already happening.
I say, hey, you know, InfoWars is still the InfoWars.com slash show.
They say, what?
I thought you guys were banned from the internet.
No, there's still websites.
InfoWars.com slash show.
Man, I really miss the broadcast that you used to do on YouTube.
It was really fun.
It's too bad they banned you.
Well yeah, but we're still live at Infowars.com slash show.
So it's already working.
The internet gulags are already working.
And people are so addicted to those social medias, they can't even sign off.
So it's almost like a blessing in disguise that Facebook is purging itself of its users.
Josh Hawley puts this out.
Is there a major social media company left that hasn't breached users' privacy?
The story is Snapchat employees abuse data access, spied on users.
They all are.
I got news for you.
They go through your private messages.
They get your facial recognition.
They get your photos.
They get everything.
And you signed on to all of it.
We all did.
And now they think they can control thought and communication.
Why wouldn't you feel that way?
Why wouldn't you have that hubris?
You just spied on hundreds of millions, billions of humans.
You said you're giving them this platform for free.
You took all their data and sold it and got rich.
And then what did you do?
You told them what to think, what they could post, what they couldn't post.
Josh Hawley is right.
It's time to shut Facebook down.
Shut it down.
How do you like that?
You want to be the new DARPA Facebook and you want to collect all the data with the facial recognition, all the location tracking data?
Sell it!
To every bidder, not just the highest bidder.
To every bidder.
And then you tell people that they're using it for free.
And if you click that box, you get access to everything.
And that's how they get away with it.
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Ancient Mayan knowledge is paired with the natural fertility of the land to generate the world's
We're good to go!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're going to go back to your phone calls here, but I wanted to just do this in this short segment.
Because there is some interesting stuff out there.
We don't get too much into the paranormal, but I have a feeling it may go mainstream with the Space Force, and there's just some other crazy stuff happening.
But here's some of the stories.
UFO Hunter Spies New Underground Base Near Area 51.
Wow, what is that?
Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects.
This has been happening a lot lately.
Um, Washington Post publishes this today, UFOs exist and everybody needs to adjust to that fact.
Well, here's the irony of that.
The Washington Post gets to publish this story today and probably get millions of views.
UFOs exist and everybody needs to adjust to that fact.
But major channels on YouTube that do real research into this stuff and are known for it, like Secure Team 10 and The Edge of Wonder, they're getting hit with censorship.
They're not allowed to monetize their videos.
Flat earthers are getting kicked off of YouTube and demonetized.
So if you're just an individual out there that wants to report on your beliefs about the Earth and why you think it's flat or your videos on UFOs and you want to monetize them, you're not allowed to.
But if you're the Washington Post, you get to publish UFOs exist and everybody needs to adjust to that fact.
And you're, nobody's going to scrutinize you for it, and I bet these posts are allowed all over social media.
But if you're an independent journalist, you're not allowed to do it.
So this tells me that there's going to be something coming out here.
There's just way too many anomalies, and then you had the Navy just announce they're changing their, uh,
Official rules on reporting UFOs and so here's just a brief video about this Then we don't get into this stuff often I'm just doing this here today Because I think that there's gonna be some weird stuff coming with this and you have President Trump announcing the Space Force So I'm just kind of giving you a little taste of this now, but here is a short clip on the new base found in the area 51 satellite map
Look at this facility.
It's really quite incredible.
It's near a farm for some reason.
I'm sure the farm is on their private government land.
But still, look at this.
They buried these objects, these rooms or something, underneath here.
They built them and buried them, so there's also a close surface, like level one of the base, you know, the top part.
The rest of it must be very, very, very deep under the ground.
Look at the walls on this.
Okay, this appears to have sliding doors here and here and over here.
So you can, you know, you can watch this video again.
Let's just keep the b-roll going.
This is just stuff from either Google Maps or some Google Earth or something where people just go around following this stuff and they find some weird stuff.
But this is a new base at Area 51.
And again, the significance of this I don't even know.
I'm not the big guy that comes up here and reports on UFOs and the paranormal.
I like to follow it in my free time.
I just have a weird suspicion that something is coming with UFOs and all these sightings of UFOs and the Navy changing their rules on reporting UFOs and just some of the crazy footage.
Now, I'm not even saying they're aliens or I don't even know what's going on.
It's just, there's definitely some crazy stuff happening out there.
You've got China talking about moon bases.
You've got the United States talking about moon bases.
You've got Trump announcing the Space Force.
I mean, you've got Israel talking about going to the moon.
So, something significant is happening in space.
Or I guess if you're one of the people that's a flat-earther that thinks everything NASA does is a lie, NASA or whoever you think is in control of it is about to release some big major hoax.
I just think that that's coming.
There's way too much news developing in the paranormal world right now to not think there may be something significant coming from that.
So just wanted to report on that.
It's pretty interesting.
You know, there is the old operation, I think it's Project Bluebeam, where they talk about basically having holographic fake aliens and then using that to spur some sort of global revolution or unification.
But that's something else, perhaps, for another day.
So, uh, just wanted to pepper in some UFO news, because there's definitely some weird stuff happening out there.
They usually just cover it up, but now the Navy is basically saying, well, we're just gonna make our reports public now.
We'll be right back.
They've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
And we're going to be taking your phone calls once more here in the third hour and then Matt Bracken takes over the fourth hour and then I'll jump back into the saddle and host the war room from 3 to 6 p.m.
at Infowars.com slash show.
Really incredible what we've done here at InfoWars to expand our reach in light of the censorship, which is meant to handicap our reach.
And it, believe me, drives them absolutely crazy at Twitter, at Facebook, at YouTube, at Google, the ones that hate us, that we're still able to exist.
And it's because of your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's really rare.
It really is a gem, what we have here at InfoWars, and it really needs to be preserved.
And part of it is the fact that you fund us.
We're funded by our audience, you sponsor us with your funding by shopping at InfoWarsStore.com, and that's it!
So, we answer to you!
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Great multivitamin and minerals included.
My wife took this among other InfoWars products while she was nursing so that our son would get the vitamins.
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Well, that is just a great review right there.
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I mean, these reviews are great.
I open up the phone lines half the time.
All people want to do is talk about how great the products are, because they're that good.
So shop at Infowarsstore.com.
That's how you support us.
That's how we beat the censorship.
And then we also need you to tell friends and family about InfoWars 2 so that we can expand our audience because that's the one of the big reasons for the censorship is so that we can't expand our audience and influence more people politically to get active in this country like we have so many already.
All right.
And so now we go to the sponsors of this great network by going out to the phone lines.
So let's see who's been holding the longest.
You know what?
I just did the UFO segment.
So let's go to John, who wants to talk UFOs.
We'll double down.
We'll double down and do a little extra paranormal today.
Something kind of not what we normally get into, but there is some interesting stuff.
John calling in from Pittsburgh.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on, Ellen?
I just have two things I wanted to ask.
I wanted to see if you had heard of a YouTuber called Secure Team?
He just recently was banned off of YouTube.
Yeah, I'm well aware of, well, I won't say too much, but yes, major, major YouTube channels, Paranormal, Flat Earth.
Again, I'm not even saying what I believe or don't believe.
I just like watching it.
I think it's mind-expanding stuff, and these are people that do real research.
But yeah, Secureteam10, Tyler over there, is one of the biggest paranormal researchers.
He does some of the most well-researched documentary-style reports.
Yeah, for sure.
And then the other thing I wanted to ask you was if you have heard of a rapper slash lyricist named Tom McDonald?
A song called Straight White Male.
You should check it out.
And some of his other music.
I have not heard of that, but we'll check it out.
Thanks for calling, John.
Yeah, you know, look, I'll just tell you.
I mean, a lot of... I mean...
I don't like putting out stuff, communiques, to people that may be listening, our enemies, but you know what, they're already spying on us anyway through all the social media.
Tyler of Secure Team did a video on Alex Jones back in August last year when we got censored.
And he immediately started getting, you know, warning signs that he was going to be censored for covering it.
And so he took the video down and I understood why and I said, hey man, you know, you can take the video down now and you can exist for another maybe month or year or two, but they'll take you down.
And he's reaching that point now.
And again, these are people that just do paranormal stuff, flat earth videos.
They're not in it to fight the establishment.
They don't go on air calling out politicians or even doing politics at all.
And so it's like, I'm not even a Flat Earther!
You start banning Flat Earth videos, I start getting a little curious.
So, it's just another level of the censorship though, at the end of the day.
That's the new Twilight Zone theme!
By the way, what's his name?
What's the guy's name who did the new Twilight Zone series from Key & Peele?
I forget the guy's name.
Apparently, and I was looking forward to it because I'm a big fan, is it Jordan Peele?
I think it was.
He's won some awards.
He's a big lefty liberal.
But I was hoping he would do the new Twilight Zone and do it right.
And I'm hearing that it has all the leftist political undertones that we hoped it wouldn't.
So, it's just great.
The left just has to take everything and just ruin it with their politics.
You can't just keep your politics out of anything like an American classic like Twilight Zone.
You just gotta politicize that too.
So we won't be watching that.
We'll watch the classics.
In fact, we did our own Twilight Zone video better than anything they could do.
So we just beat them in every game, so that's fine.
That's why they have to censor us.
All right, let's squeeze in another caller real quick.
Let's go with Charles in Canada.
Go ahead, Charles.
Oh, yes.
Oh, anyway, my wife really likes the bodies.
It really helps her joints and all of that.
Anyway, so I just wanted to tell you that.
Now, the other thing, and oh, and I have a
And some of them are just sitting there waiting for me to get around to using them and others I just used.
Anyway, long and short of it is a provider for hosting internet domains.
Yahoo has changed ownership and is part of Verizon now.
And it's also part of Oath Foundation.
Anyway, there was an advertisement for that telling how they support LB...
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Well, we've done it!
We have begun the nationalist revolution.
We have began the next great renaissance.
But this is only the beginning, folks.
The next great challenge is 2020, making sure we get that right.
But man, we need a lot of justice here before we get to that point.
And the president has signaled
He's looking at the treason of Obama, he's looking at the treason of Brennan, he's looking at the treason of Comey, and so on down the line.
And so that news will break eventually.
I do have some other news I want to cover here before we go back to your phone calls.
Adan Salazar has the story at Infowars.com.
Tweet encouraging liberals to steal from Walmart, liked by over 300,000 people.
And so, Walmart, which, you know, look,
Are there cons about Walmart?
Are there negative things you could say about Walmart?
Is Walmart a great American company though?
Does Walmart employ and hire a bunch of people?
Could you complain maybe that they don't get fair wages?
Well, I guess you could when the Waltons are worth billions and billions of dollars.
In fact, it used to be like three of the top ten richest people in America were Waltons.
I'm not sure if that's still the case.
And maybe I have a soft spot for the Waltons because they are from my home state of Missouri, but
Here's Walmart, which is actually like pro-America.
I mean, they really don't have an anti-American agenda.
They may have an agenda to enrich themselves as much as possible, but when it comes to the Waltons, they actually like America and they're conservatives.
So they have been funding abortion bans across six states.
So now liberals are encouraging people to steal from Walmart.
Not that they probably aren't doing that already, but you know, now they're just going public about it.
So, you know, how dare you want to stop?
Innocent children from, or how dare you want innocent children to experience the world.
That's a bad thing.
If you want to abort children, that's a good thing.
Jamie White has the story, Hollywood to make series of anti-conservative films targeting Trump and Drudge.
So I'm just curious.
This has been going on for two years.
So what's really new?
Now, Josh Hawley, again, this guy, man, this guy.
Josh Hawley op-ed, addiction is what Mark Zuckerberg is selling.
Really, I've talked about this before, it's all addiction.
Social media is like crack.
It really is.
It may not have the physical addiction and impairment, but psychological, physiological, yeah, big time.
Gotta get that hit.
Gotta get that like.
Gotta get that share.
Gotta get that viral tweet.
Gotta get that viral post.
That's what it is, though.
Gotta get it.
It really is addicting.
And if you want to look for the signs, do you check your social media before and after, or before you go to bed and right when you wake up in the morning?
Do you check it right before you start your car, right before you get out of your car?
Just like a cigarette.
Just like a cigarette.
And what you're about to see, I have a feeling, from NewsWars.com, Joe Rogan says a tsunami of fake ass is about to come out with these new deep fake videos.
It's pretty wild!
And it was a conservative, who was it, Black Hannity on Twitter that pointed it out, I believe it was, I believe that's who it was, R.C.
Maxwell is his name, said, man, if we're seeing this technology now, how long have they been doing this already?
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, okay.
Let's go back out to your phone lines.
Let's go to Mark in Arizona.
Mark, thank you for calling into the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hey Owen, I just want to say real quick, iodine, secret 12, every day to do one.
B, someone needs to invent a cell phone that disconnects the camera and the speakerphone manually from the motherboard.
Now, I just need to get someone to do this, I'm not the smartest, but I want to censor myself from these big tech guys.
Do you think that's possible?
I don't know if we ever sold this, but there's things that you can have, it's kind of like a window that you can put over your cameras on your phone, and you can just kind of flip the, it's like a door, sliding door if you will.
I mean, yeah, even Mark Zuckerberg puts tape over his camera and microphone, so I mean, they know what's going on.
I mean, they listen to everything you say.
If not them, the AI.
So, as far as a cell phone that does that, I mean, really Mark, it just comes down to old tech, I think.
And I haven't even thought about doing this, because who knows what else is coming through these cell phones, but...
You know, I thought about just having a cell phone for social media and recording and stuff like that, but then having a phone where I actually use the phone to communicate when I'm talking on the phone.
So we do sell.
Yeah, well, we do have the InfoWars phone privacy combo.
It comes with the protective case so that you don't get the harmful radiation, and then it comes with the sliding windows that you put over the camera.
So they got one for your computer, for your tablet, for your phone, it's all at InfoWarsStore.com.
So, you know, that's one solution that's low-tech,
But it is one solution, Mark.
I just, I'm just thinking there's some techie guy out there that can make a switch, a physical switch, on the side of the phone and the tablet that just, you slide it... But Mark, Mark, don't you know Google said when you turn off, when you turn off location services, you turn off location services, even though it came out in a congressional hearing that they lied about that.
It's never off, Mark.
Maybe, but there's, you know, maybe that comes with the next kind of wave of cell phone technology.
Cell phone technology is actually kind of dead.
In fact, it already is dead.
You could communicate via the internet on all cell phones, and I think that's what they're going for.
I mean, the phone is almost a dead tool, honestly, Mark.
So it's kind of a strange thing, I think.
Maybe when we kind of realize this and the new wave of technology comes on the cell phones following the 5G, maybe those privacy concerns will be addressed in manufacturers, but there needs to be market demand.
There is, but I'm not sure if there's enough of it.
Thanks for the call, Mark.
Let's go to Tim in Texas.
Go ahead, Tim.
Hey, can you hear me?
Hey, you know,
All right.
Y'all mentioned the Bilderberg earlier, and I hadn't heard that in a while.
It kind of dropped off the radar for a while, it seems.
I've been listening to you guys since, like, when y'all were doing, like, the Bohemian Grove and all that stuff, putting that stuff out.
But, um, you know, there's a way we can beat them on that level, um, by pulling people together.
Like, that lady, you had a caller earlier, that lady that was all enthusiastic about the Million Man March, and then you mentioned, well, people work.
People work for a living.
Who has the time for being active?
You know, so I wanted to throw something at you, a way to put a group of people together who can actually be on a bigger level and not have to worry about their current situations of having to work.
Well, I'd like to see that, Tim.
And as far as, well, there's a lot of things I could say to that.
Conservatives just don't do that.
They just don't.
They're independent-minded, and they just stay busy, and they have their own individual things that they're working on, so it just never has come together.
That's why I feel like you just have to take advantage of what the present has done with July 4th.
Maybe something feeds off that.
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Mike in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling, Mike.
You are the man, Alex.
I'm so glad to be talking to you.
I'm so excited.
I'm such a big fan.
Ever since I've been listening, I've been buying your products.
I gotta do a shout-out for the Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
The B-B-Bone Broth.
The B-B-Bone Broth.
Tastes like, tastes like, um, great milkshake.
You know, if you just add it to milk.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
Like, good!
I feel great since I've been taking it.
My daughter uses the Bubble Gum Fluoride Free Toothpaste.
I've used the Super Male Vitality, a host of other products.
So thank you so much for that as well.
Brother, you're thanking me for buying the products and keeping us on air.
I'm thanking you.
But yes, this is the ultimate bone broth formula with the turmeric, the chaga mushroom, the true bone broth.
It really is good.
It is next level.
So thank you.
I feel great since I've been taking it.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
I want to go to this just crazy, I don't even know what, this is just...
It just shows you how the Trump derangement syndrome is causing these people to break down to the lowest levels of IQ.
Here's an actress named Busy Phillips.
I don't even know.
It's going viral and so I kind of want people to just witness the total degeneration of the left's
I don't even know if IQ or thought process just where their mind is in the gutter right now.
Look at this actress Busy Phillips and what she says about, well, let's just say female biology.
Something that happens to half of the population once a month shouldn't be a taboo subject, I think.
I mean, to be totally honest, I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this, but like, if men had their periods, it would be like f***ing celebrated.
You know, it would be like a holiday.
They would get the week off of work and probably the week before and then like the four days after their period ends so that they could recover.
It would just be a different experience.
But men do not get periods.
Women get periods.
So, according to you, we should talk more about periods and men are bad because they don't get periods and I guess you want a week off work every time you have a period.
Am I getting that right?
What do you think?
Do I understand that right?
The Daily Beast says men can have periods and we need to talk about them.
That's a real story.
Oh my gosh.
This is just insane.
What is this world?
Let's go back after the comment.
I can't believe this.
No, you know what?
I'm sorry.
Cancel everything.
I want every mainstream story on periods on my desk right now.
In fact, no more politics, no more social media censorship, no more deep state, no more treason, no more 5G, no more UFO.
I only want period news on my desk now, because Busy Phillips is upset we don't talk about periods enough.
Thank you, there's a story.
Shock video, crazed feminist rubs menstrual blood on her face.
Now that's the kind of hardcore news we want!
So we need more of that!
What is wrong with these people?
Okay, let's go to, I guess, is it Jalentine in Wisconsin?
Jalentine in Wisconsin, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, Galentine, like Valentine.
Galentine, okay.
So, I had given your, you know, person who took my call, I told them about, you know, censorship, but I see this new form of censorship happening, and it's in the schools, but not the universities as much as it is the, you know, elementary schools.
So, I have a 10-year-old son.
And he goes to a Montessori school.
I don't know if you're familiar with that type of school.
But he goes to a Montessori school and it's just a little bit different type of curriculum and so forth.
Uh, and so one day he comes home and he, uh, tells me that he had to go to the principal's office.
Now, my kid is a pretty, uh, quiet kid.
He's timid, you know, a little bit.
He's a little bit, you know, shorter and smaller for his size because, you know, that's just the kind of bloodline that we have.
But, uh, so he's never in trouble.
That's what I'm getting at here.
And so I, you know, I asked him, I say, you know, what happened?
And it turns out that his teacher had handed out this
You know, brief little survey, if you want to call it that, about the President.
And first of all, I found this to be kind of curious in the sense that what does a 10-year-old have to say about politics, right?
Like, when I was 10, you know, I was playing pogs and, you know, I was playing, you know, football and I was doing this and that.
Man, we must be of a similar age.
Pogs was a fun thing for like a couple-year window.
Oh man, I'm 35, so slammers and the whole deal, man.
Yeah, I remember.
So that's what I was into, okay?
I certainly wasn't giving a crap about what was going on in politics.
And so, but the questions weren't even policy-related, because how the heck could they be when you're 10 years old?
So, anyway, I said, well, what were the questions about?
And he literally was asking these kids if they thought that the president was a nice guy, if they thought he was respectful.
And it was obviously some cockamamie thing that the teacher had put together on their own.
And he refused to answer them.
Because he just, for one, he didn't want to sound stupid because he had no idea, like, what he was even expected of him.
And furthermore, my summation of it was, is since a 10-year-old isn't going to have any organic, you know, sort of opinions of his own about politics, all they're really doing, you know, where's a 10-year-old going to get his political information from?
He's going to get it from what he hears at his house, right?
I mean, that's only a natural assumption.
You know, he's going to regurgitate whatever he's hearing around his home, and my estimation was that it was almost sort of as if they were trying to co-file the parents of these kids based on the questions that they were asking.
Well, I would say, I mean, have you contacted the higher-ups at the school asking about this?
A hundred percent.
So I called the principal and I said, listen man, if you guys want to talk about political science or if you guys want to talk about current events, I'm all for it.
But to send out this sort of blanket survey asking his opinions on certain issues as they relate to the president,
But more so from a character standpoint, it just seemed to me as if they were trying to sort of profile the... Well I'll tell you what, let's put aside any assumptions we could make about this situation.
Are they trying to profile the parents?
Are they trying to indoctrinate the students?
Perhaps both.
But here's what we do know.
The left is putting aside anything and everything they can for this anti-Trump agenda.
So what it really comes down to, and this isn't just happening at your child's school, this is happening across the nation at schools where the crew is playing the B-roll now, they're literally censoring MAGA hats out of yearbook photos.
I mean, unbelievable!
That's unheard of!
The truth is that any liberals or leftists that are radicalized and that hate Trump that are in the school system are no longer concerned about teaching the curriculum.
They're no longer putting the children first.
They're putting their own anti-Trump agenda first.
And the story that you just brought on air here is just an example of that.
Whether this individual is trying to profile the parents, whether this individual is trying to indoctrinate the kids, whether the higher-ups are involved in this, whether this is some formula happening around the nation, it all stems from the same thing.
The left has put aside what they actually should be doing, what's right, what's moral, what their job is.
Everything is now to destroy Trump.
That's why the news is out to destroy Trump.
That's why Congress and the Democrat side is out to destroy Trump.
They're not doing their job to try to report news.
They're not doing their job in Congress to hold their oath to the Constitution.
They're trying to destroy Trump.
So the same thing is happening now inside the school system where teachers, who should be putting the children first, teaching the children math and science and biology and everything, that's now a side issue.
The main issue for these people are to indoctrinate the kids in an anti-Trump agenda.
So I think overall, that's the story here, is that leftists that are teaching kids are now putting aside the curriculum
Putting the children's future aside, all for their own selfish hatred of Donald Trump?
Well, right.
And so, and on a side note, as far as my own personal censorship, so I'm a recovering heroin addict.
I was hooked on heroin about eight or nine years.
And, you know, I had several failed attempts at treatment and rehab and whatever, and finally I had a severe enough consequence where I actually had to do 18 months in a state prison in Wisconsin for possession.
I didn't deal drugs, you know, I didn't, you know, push on anybody.
I was, you know, I was in that place, if you want to call it that.
Are they banning you?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Everything is awesome when you're part of a slave team.
Take your vaccines and die, it's for the children.
GMO kills the rats, but it's good for you.
Honeybee Z didn't die, but it's good for you.
You like your IQ dropping, you like to die.
Government loves you, drink your fluoride.
The government loves me.
I'm calling you out, scum!
I break free of your mind-control, filth!
They just have no idea they're dealing with an out-of-control Tasmanian devil that would literally jump on top of them and gouge their eyeballs out and smash their brains all over the ground.
They have no idea!
I've had enough of it!
I'm angry!
I'm not asleep!
I've broken the conditioning!
It doesn't work on me!
It's over for the globalists!
Destruction and hatred of all that is good.
Black rivers of pestilent filth are being poured out upon our heads.
This whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Hope you're cozy under the black wings of the New World Order.
We'll see how that works out for you.
We're not drinking out of your fetid, filthy, pus-filled cup.
You're a goblet of death!
Light that fire that will burn your system into a pile of black slag!
Well that about says it all right there.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment with me Matt Bracken takes over on the other side.
I'm going to take a few more phone calls and then I'll be hosting the War Room from 3 to 6 p.m.
which I do weekdays here at InfoWars.com slash show.
Just real quickly get through these final news stories.
First ever private border wall built in New Mexico.
Part of me kind of wants to see Donald Trump contract.
Like his own company, Trump, to build the wall?
Oh my gosh, could you imagine the triggering that would take effect?
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill outlawing child sex dolls.
Amazing we would even have child sex dolls, but sometimes you can buy them on Amazons, so that's nice.
Sex robot threat AI girlfriends indistinguishable from humans, said no man I know, after major 5G upgrade.
So pretty soon, you know, it'll be rare for you to even date someone from the opposite sex.
It'll be like crazy if you don't have like a robot girlfriend or something.
Trump's targeting of intelligence agencies gains a harder edge.
Yeah, he's going after the corrupt deep state.
We know what's going on here.
World Health Organization removes transgender from list of mental disorders.
Well, that's nice.
I'm glad that we're now politicizing science.
But, of course, that's been going on.
2,000-year-old marble head of God Dionysus discovered under Rome.
Really cool discovery, but this is kind of... People are just now learning about this, but that's pretty interesting.
This crafty robot can write in languages it's never seen before.
Do we even really know the length
That AI has gone.
Have we lost control of the AI?
Have the algorithms taken over?
Do we even know?
Is there other AI that's been released that we don't know about?
But that's pretty incredible.
And this is the future that everybody's really fighting for as far as the globalists are concerned.
Who's going to have the AI that dominates humanity?
All right.
We got through all the news just about, and we got people holding.
So I want to go back to the cell phones.
Let's go to Vulture in Florida.
Go ahead, Vulture.
Been holding for a while.
Thanks for calling.
No, Vultures are awesome.
We're above a scout rep, known to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and we got something going on with the Florida Brevard County Democrats.
Yeah, we, we will believe in a woman's right to choose because two of our members of the XX chromosome, these two females,
They had some bad stuff happen to them, and we turned it over to the United States Defense Intelligence Agency.
They took it to the Judge Advocate General, and they took it to the Joint Chiefs.
And you can see our vulture everywhere on the Internet.
Thousands of links.
You're just not going to get told about it by enemy broadcasts.
And we're the official business.
We took a law
That President Bush 43 signed meant to murder the U.S.
population and now we got it to where we can use it against the enemy, the more equal.
The ones we call the government intruders, no intelligence.
That's the 9-1-1 system instituted by the United Nations and first used, the first 9-1-1 attack on America.
It was the 16th of February, 1968.
Nobody knew about it because it was done by an Alabama senator.
He dialed 911.
It wasn't instituted fully.
Well, look, Vulture, I know that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes.
I guess we'll be on the lookout for any Vulture symbolism as the deep state is crumbling.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's see who has been holding the longest.
Let's go to Bill in Arizona.
Go ahead, Bill.
I just want to... Are you there?
Yep, go ahead.
Okay, Aeon, I just wanted to call in to InfoWars and say thank you very much to Michael Knight and Alex Jones for hosting Mark Hall and sharing the information about the Gulen movement and the Gulen Charter School.
So it turns out that Sonar Tarim, one of the top Gulenists, is now trying to open another charter school in Alabama and the people, the women in Alabama, are really giving them a hard time and fighting back.
And part of it is because of your broadcast and sharing the information about you.
You know, we're just trying to get as much out.
I mean, there's so much going on here.
You know, people call in sometimes and they're upset we didn't cover X, Y, or Z. But, you know, we try to.
It's just like if you don't listen 10 hours a day, you might miss it.
But, Bill, thank you for your support and thank you for calling in today.
I just got a blast through these calls.
Let's go to Sean in Illinois.
This is an interesting one.
Sean says that he's crippled and his caretaker was a leftist that walked out on him.
Sean, go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Thank you for taking my call.
Um, yeah, so my caregiver, um, I just asked her, can you please order my vitamins?
And I guess the site of Infowarsstore.com was too much for her.
She proceeded to call me a racist and then storm out of my house.
Leaving me all by myself.
I can't feed myself.
My current caregiver is here with me right now.
I think she could attest that I really can't do much on my own.
We can hear your caretaker in the bathroom, or in the background, excuse me.
You're telling me you had a caretaker walk out on you mid-care because she saw your InfoWars website pulled up?
I have no idea.
She was like yelling at me about being racist.
And then I said to her, how am I racist when both me and you are Mexican?
And she had like this, huh?
Wait, yeah.
One moment, and then she went back to screaming and storming out.
Yeah, but that's the justification.
Look, it's sad, and I'm sorry to hear that, Sean.
Hopefully you can find some better care.
God bless you.
But the truth is, these people are looking for someone to hate, they're looking for a reason to be mad, they're looking for a reason to be mad at the world, they're looking for someone to point the finger at and blame everything on, and that just happened to be you.
And the fact that you went to Infowars.com was what triggered her to hate you.
And it's like a drug for them.
Hatred is like a drug for them.
And when they find somebody to point the finger at and blame and call racist, that's kind of how they get their rocks off.
It's really sad.
I'm sorry to hear that, Sean.
Hopefully you can find a caretaker that will actually do their job.
Let's go to Venom calling in from Austin.
Go ahead, Venom.
Underrated movie, by the way.
Venom, go ahead.
Hello, Owen Schroyer.
Hey, so I wanted to talk today about censorship.
And what's going on is, I think it's out of control.
And I think that 2020 is the key.
So I wanted to pick your brain a little bit on that.
What's going on is, I think that, you know, Judge Report had a headline about Franklin Graham telling Christians to pray for President Trump.
Now, in my personal opinion, I think that they might even start banning Christians ahead of 2020.
What do you think?
Well, if the Christian supports President Trump, absolutely.
But if the Christian comes out and says Trump is the worst thing ever, I think they could probably slide.
Well, you know, Alex and you have been talking a lot about how
The game plan or the formula that the globalists are following is revelational, is in the book of revelation where, you know, they can't, they keep you from buying and selling.
They keep you from speaking in the public square.
And I think it would benefit them more if they did it before 2020 than after, because then they could say, hey, we were just trying to protect the, the, the election.
We were just, you know, they could use it as an excuse.
What do you think about that?
Well, I think they're going to want to do it before too many people are paying attention to the election.
So I think they're going to do it before 2020 because they kind of want it to go, you know, without major media coverage.
So I think they're going to do it all before 2020.
And it'll mainly be based around censorship of Trump supporters to try to keep him from being reelected and so that they can lie about Trump supporters.
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Mike in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling, Mike.
You are the man, Alex.
I'm so glad to be talking to you.
I'm so excited.
I'm such a big fan.
Ever since I've been listening, I've been buying your products.
I gotta do a shout-out for the Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
The B-B-Bone Broth.
The B-B-Bone Broth.
Tastes like, tastes like, um, great milkshake.
You know, if you just add it to milk.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
It tastes like Ovaltine.
Like good.
I feel great since I've been taking it.
My daughter uses the Bubble Gum Fluoride 3 toothpaste.
I've used the Super Male Vitality, a host of other products.
So thank you so much for that as well.
Brother, you're thanking me for buying the products and keeping us on air.
I'm thanking you.
But yes, this is the ultimate bone broth formula with the turmeric, the chaga mushroom, the true bone broth.
It is next level.
It really is good.
So thank you.
I feel great since I've been taking it.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, if you were tuning in expecting to see Paul Joseph Watson right now, I'm very sorry to disappoint you.
Paul is off on a secret mission and I've been called in to pinch hit.
Kind of last minute, so if I'm not that prepared, well, how will you ever know the difference?
When was I ever prepared?
It's been a great show so far and I
I'm very tempted to just keep going with what Owen was talking about.
A couple of the callers were making really terrific points.
You know, the teachers that are just brainwashing kids, I think that, you know, how many generations of children being brainwashed, going to education school, becoming teachers, they really do believe that it's their highest calling.
To brainwash the next generation into becoming, like themselves, little brainwashed NPC drones, you know, statists, worshipping the government.
And we really have our work cut out for us because not only is the education system stacked against us, social media, also a product of left-wing social justice education, social media is stacked against us.
And as we go into the 2020 elections, like we're talking about a few calls back, as we go into the 2020 elections, forget about the Russians buying Facebook ads.
If Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all slanted, you know, so that our volume is all the way turned down so that we have no reach, it's going to be very difficult, obviously.
So it's all the more important for us to keep pushing through every channel that we can.
I was reading a really good essay on Gates of Vienna this morning.
Sorry, I don't have a link.
But it was talking about American Samizdat.
And it was using the example of one of my favorite websites, VladTepesBlog.com, where he had something like 10,000 videos on YouTube over the last decade or so.
Really important because there are rapid translations of foreign videos and YouTube just yanked the plug on them.
But what he's been discovering, you know, he has been uploading to BitChute and a website called BitTube, but what he's been discovering is that some of the exact same videos, if they were uploaded by him or by another dangerous un-person, you know, Paul Joseph Watson, people like that, Tommy Robinson, they get put right into limited state.
But if the same videos are put into smaller YouTube channels, they kind of fly under the radar.
So instead of going to, say, 10 or a dozen of your favorite subscribed YouTube channels, you might have to subscribe to a lot more and make a more distributed approach.
So that instead of all of us going to the same channels, we go to many more channels and spread them that way.
Instead of just a central point with lots of distribution,
More like a net, with lots of lateral and vertical distribution.
Anyway, I'd recommend going to Gates of Vienna and looking for that Samizdat article.
It explains it a lot better than I can.
Now, the most interesting news that I've seen coming out of the weekend, you know, obviously, pray for everybody in the flood and tornado zones.
God help them, I mean, all the politics in the world must seem pretty tame if you wake up with no house.
And those people need all the help that they can get.
But in the political context, the biggest thing that I've seen coming out of the weekend was this Joe DiGenova.
It's just radio, but you can get it on YouTube.
The biggest link I've seen is on Conservative Treehouse.
And he's obviously a follower of Sundance on Conservative Treehouse because Joe DiGenova even mentions that website.
But he says that Christopher Wray is an active part of the Deep State cover-up, that he's been an unmitigated disaster, that he's Comey 2.0, and that the reason that Trump wrote the memoranda for Barr
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital AI-enforced gag order.
Not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back
Let's just support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, I'm back.
And I was beginning to talk about Joe DiGenova's amazing 15-minute spiel.
Every Monday, he goes on WMAL, the biggest political radio talk show in Washington, every Monday morning.
And he just laid it bare.
And it seems like he agrees 100% with Sundance at Conservative Treehouse, which means that if you go to Conservative Treehouse, you're pretty close to the truth.
And DeGeneva says that the real scandal is that the whole Russia hoax, the dossier, all of that, it didn't just begin in 2016, it began in 2012 at least.
And that the dossier and the hoax was a part of a cover-up of the Obama era spying that had been ongoing.
It was to finish the Obama era by putting a legal patent up
Over all of their spying, and by making a counterintelligence operation, throwing like, you know, the cloak of invisibility over it.
And he says that the reason that Trump wrote the memoranda for Barr putting the Department of Justice in charge of declassification is because Christopher Wray has been a disaster.
Christopher Wray is a made man, a made member of the deep state.
He might as well be Comey 2.0.
He's been stonewalling, in every way possible, all of this declassification of the Page and Strock memos and so forth.
And, as a result, did I just bust out of InfoWars?
Good grief, am I still on?
Okay, we're having some thunderstorms here in North Florida, which is a blessing.
We haven't had rain in 14 days.
It's been hitting 100 degrees, so I'm hearing some thunder outside, and I don't know how that might affect anything.
A tree falling down on a wire, I don't know.
But anyway, my screen went dark.
Sorry about that, folks.
But Joe DeGeneva says that by giving BAR the authority to declassify,
Now he's got legal teeth behind the declassification.
He can essentially order Christopher Wray and others to hand over the classified documents for his review, or they'll face legal consequences.
So it's not just a question of playing the delay game that they played against Devin Nunes for a couple years.
Now, the orders come with subpoenas behind them.
And if you refuse to comply, you can be charged with obstruction of justice, including people up to Christopher Wray.
Now, on the other side of this equation, over at Bongino.com, the Bongino team
Is talking about Adam Schiff.
Adam Schiff is now blatantly right out front calling for the heads of the intel departments and agencies to resign as a protest to basically make the bar declassification appear illegitimate.
So you can tell that the deep state coup plotters are in a really desperate mood now.
They can't
Refused to comply with a legal order coming from the Department of Justice.
So all they can do now is make a political gesture by falling on their sword and resigning.
And I don't think that's going to be successful.
But it goes to show the desperate straits that the deep state is in right now.
And this would include, you know, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, obviously, the tops of the FBI, the top of the Obama national security team before they left.
And some of these people are probably already ratting on each other, have probably already been in front of grand juries, and the other ones don't know who has said what.
So it's a really interesting time.
But the desperation at the top, guys like Brennan,
I think that we're entering an era where the only moves that they may feel they have left are going to be kinetic moves.
And I'm very worried about the safety of the anti-Deep State team.
I'm very worried about their personal safety.
Just for an example, the spy number one of this entire Deep State coup is this person, supposedly Maltese, you know, interesting background.
Asset of MI6 and the CIA named Joseph Mifsud.
He has gone completely off the radar for months at a time where it's even been questioned if he's alive.
If he's ever put in front of a congressional oversight hearing, maybe a Senate committee being interrogated by Lindsey Graham, if he spills the beans on who told him to set up the Papadopoulos thing,
This whole thing is that the Deep State coup plotters are going to be blown out of the water.
They have a vested, a severe vested interest in ensuring that Joseph Mifsud never talks.
So if I was Joseph Mifsud, I would be afraid to turn on my cell phone.
It might go bang.
I'd be afraid to get in a car.
It might go bang.
So, you know, we're in an era right now, it's almost like living in some kind of a Jason Bourne movie,
Because the deep state coup plotters, they began by trying to put a, you know, a patina of legitimacy over their very illegal spying.
By creating this dossier, going to the FISA court, and then sort of backdating everything under the cloak of a counterintelligence investigation.
That's all gone.
The Mueller report's in.
That hand's been played.
Now Barr has the declassification memo order in his hand.
And these coup plotters have got to seriously wonder who's going to be the G. Gordon Liddy that's willing to go to jail, and who are going to be the John Deans who are going to rat to save their own sorry selves.
And in that kind of a tempestuous milieu, a person like John Brennan, I think he's going to be whispering to people who needs to be taken out.
And when I say taken out, I mean never to be seen again.
This is seriously the type of an era that we're in now.
And anybody not familiar with the Conservative Treehouse, which is run by an anonymous guy named Sundance, he has absolutely had the best reporting on this consistently for the last two years.
And he's been saying, forget about the dossier being the beginning of the investigation,
This doesn't just go back to 2016, this goes back years before.
And like we've known, the ones that have been, of us that have been following this closely, the hero of this story is Admiral Mike Rogers of the NSA.
He's the one that went to Trump.
And told him that he's being surveilled.
Trump put that out as Trump Tower is wiretapped.
The next day, this is during the campaign, Trump moved from New York to New Jersey and had the Trump Tower swept for bugs.
If it wasn't for Mike Rogers, if Mike Rogers was just another deep state
Uh, criminal, then there'd be, there'd be, uh, probably no information about this.
And more than likely Trump would not have been elected.
The coup would have succeeded.
Hillary would be president.
So, you know, fortunately for us guys like Mike Rogers, they know how to protect themselves.
You know, they know how to protect themselves physically and they know how to protect themselves with information.
So they, they can make themselves very hard to take out.
Because if they're taken out, they know where all of the jewels in the vault are.
They know where all the bodies are buried.
And in fact, DeGeneva says, and makes a flat assertion, that the NSA has all 30,000 and more of the Hillary emails that are supposedly missing.
That they vacuum up everything.
They've got it all.
If anything would happen to a Mike Rogers, it'll just increase, you know, speed up the timeline for these disclosures.
And, you know, we're just right now beginning to see the unfolding of all of this.
And I can't wait for the, you know, the first baskets of declassifications to come out.
Supposed to be happening even in the next week or so.
Then you've got the Inspector General report, maybe in a couple of weeks.
But what a time to be alive.
And hey, if you're Joseph Mifsud, imagine how hard it is to be alive like a little fat middle-aged Jason Bourne with assassins lurking around every corner.
And I am seriously not kidding about that.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we're going to be taking some phone calls maybe in the next segment, and that number is 877-789-2539.
You know, one of my go-to sites now, and I think this is part of this Sami's Dot distributed network strategy, is Paul Joseph Watson's Summit News.
So there is some overlap with InfoWars.
Not all content is the same, but when you become an un-person like Paul Joseph Watson, when you know you've got all the guns aiming for you, you have to stay one step ahead.
You have to create new go-to sites because as fast as you make them, they're either shut down or they're quarantined.
Their addresses are put on restricted lists so you can't see them at work.
This is a way to be a moving target.
Anyway, I always check Summit News now, and one that caught my eye from yesterday
Is and this is Memorial Day in the USA, you know, kind of a military-based weekend.
This is this is from the UK though.
The British Army says that people who describe themselves as Patriots.
And get this, they've got this new acronym.
They're XRWs.
Extreme Right Wingers.
They're not worried about Muslim jihadists in the ranks.
No way.
They're worried about extreme right wingers.
And these are people, can you believe it, they describe themselves as patriots.
Who would want to be in the military for any country and be a patriot?
I'm being ironic and sarcastic, but you can see the kind of cognitive dissonance that the left-wingers force themselves into.
So they try to make someone who loves their country enough to join the military, wear the uniform, take up arms, go through arduous training, face possible war.
If they describe themselves as patriots, they're considered a threat.
I mean, this is truly the land of cognitive dissonance.
And these are some of the warning signs from that matrix they put up.
People who describe multicultural towns as lost.
So if Birmingham becomes majority Muslim and the call to prayer is all you hear, and you describe that as lost, you're dangerous.
Obviously, the British Army would just rather have you surrender to Islam.
Anyone who uses the term Islamofascism, probably an XRW.
If you describe political correctness as a left-wing plot, you may be an XRW.
And if you're angry about the loss of national identity, definitely an extreme right-winger.
So imagine you join the military,
For the United Kingdom, Scotland, England, and Wales, and Northern Ireland, you join the UK army, and if you are worried about the loss of national identity, they consider you some kind of an internal enemy.
Well, clearly what this indicates is that the globalists have
Co-opted every part of our governments in the UK, in the United States and elsewhere, including the military.
I look at some of our United States military ads, the recruiting ads they put up, it looks more like the Peace Corps, you know, with somewhere in the background is a warship.
But it looks as if what we're really for is delivering cargo to the third world in military uniform.
When we saw over the weekend, there were a few news stories about West Point graduating the most diverse class ever.
Not the best, not the toughest, but the most diverse.
And some of the pictures of the women graduates
You have to wonder, I mean, they've got, like, the pear-shaped body.
How in the world are they the best if they obviously, just looking at the picture, can't meet the basic physical requirements, the physical standards?
They're supposed to be the best?
It may be the most diverse, but it certainly isn't the best.
And this is all, to me, part of the ongoing clown world that we've been seeing.
And it goes on and on.
Another Summit News article, and elsewhere, Democrat candidate Eric Swalwell apologizes for being white.
I mean, he's such a cuck.
He is basically saying, yeah, I practically shouldn't run because I'm a white guy.
Well, what happened to just the best candidate with the best ideas?
This is where left-wing identity politics is taking their Democrat Party.
They don't care if a guy's smart.
They don't care if he's got the best ideas.
They care what he's got between his legs and what color his skin is.
We've seen over and over again in other countries, when this happens, the country is on a road to decay.
In South Africa, for example, they don't even have electrical power, consistent electrical power, because the political parties in power got rid of the engineers that knew how to do the job and put in, through nepotism, put in their friends and their relatives to run things like power plants and power grids.
Well, when you put idiots in charge,
Of something as important and complex as a power grid, it's predictable what's going to happen.
The same thing happened in Venezuela.
They've got, I think, the last hydroelectric dam, they've been just running it flat out to make up for shortfalls elsewhere.
Never mind any kind of maintenance until the thing just burns itself out.
This is what happens when you have socialist identity politics as your guiding light, as your North Star.
It's no longer about being competent.
It's no longer about being a meritocracy, putting the best people into position.
It's just about gender, sexual identity, and sexual politics.
And the result is going to be like in every other country.
It's going to be the transformation of the United States into something like California.
We see it fully played out in Venezuela.
We see it partly played out in California.
And that's the Democrat plan for all of our states.
And if we don't win in 2020 and push back strongly against this,
The results are going to be a disaster for our country.
And this means we have to really fight back hard and take off the gloves.
Stop being, you know, stop soft peddling what's happening in this country and call these people fools, NPCs, traitors, quislings.
Point out that their policies are putting us on the same road to ruin that Venezuela took.
And remember, they don't care if the United States becomes a wreck like California, because they'll be in charge.
They don't mind ruling the ruins.
It's our job to make sure that they don't win.
And to do that, we have to call them out, fight fire with fire, call them socialists, globalists, communists, and stay right on them.
When we come back, we'll go right to the phone calls.
And we'll see you on the other side.
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Let's shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of a sudden, we used to love you on air.
It was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
InfoWars.com, man!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Before we go to the calls, I want to finish a thought I was concluding with talking about the fact that the Democrats don't mind wrecking our country as long as it puts us into a situation where they can have perpetual power.
Sam Francis called that anarcho-tyranny.
You cause such crime and economic collapse that the government almost needs to use martial law emergency powers to rule, and therefore they can clamp down on what they would consider disruptive hate speech and so forth.
That's definitely their game plan.
But what can you do about it?
Well, I think you have to separate our ideological enemies into two groups, maybe three groups.
The third group is so dumb that there's nothing we can do with them.
They're the Dunning-Kruger Democrats.
They are always going to vote for whoever promises the most welfare, period.
And hopefully that never gets to be 50% of the population.
And then you've got, at the top, the elites who know exactly what they're doing.
Nancy Pelosi's not stupid.
She knows that
She and her elite comrades, they helicopter between estates.
I mean, they know what's in between the walled compounds is looking more and more like Mad Max out in California.
They don't care.
They know what they're doing, and they're just lying socialist traitors.
And I would call them that.
I would say, you know, why are you lying to your people?
Why are you lying?
You know that what you're setting up is a Venezuela situation.
You don't care because you will always be the one with the helicopter and the armored SUV caravan.
But the people that we can reach are the ones that come out of college brainwashed, but they don't want to be called NPCs.
They don't want to be called useful idiots.
Tell them that.
Why are you being a useful idiot in the ruination of your own country?
Look at countries like Venezuela, Cuba.
They went down the same path.
People were waving the communist banners and they became slaves.
They put their own chains on.
Think for yourself.
Stop being an NPC bot.
Become a free person.
Look at other thoughts.
Look at free market economics as a solution, not as evil capitalism.
Look at any country that has ever lifted itself out of poverty.
No country ever lifted out of poverty using socialism and communism.
Just look at North Korea and South Korea for an example, like a laboratory specimen
Capitalism, or as I prefer to say, free market economics, capitalism is actually using Marx's term.
You never use your enemy's terminology.
So free market economics versus socialism, communism.
And just the results speak for themselves.
Tell people, why are you voting to put your own self into the position of being a serf, a slave?
You know, if you want to lift the boat, it has to be through freedom, not through socialism.
All right, and while I'm here, I want to plug my own book.
I have a new book out, The Bracken Collection, and you can also get signed copies if you look around.
For some strange reason, I've been on Facebook for the last couple weeks.
They haven't banned me.
That may be an indicator that they're modifying the algorithms to be a little bit more tolerant.
Maybe they're feeling the heat.
Over the last year and a half, I usually am back for less than a week, then I get a 30-day ban.
I only mention this because it's sort of the canary in the coal mine.
I'm using myself like an experiment, just to test the waters.
Last year, I was permanently banned from Twitter for an anti-Burka meme.
Can't get back to Twitter no matter what.
And, you know, I just mentioned that as sort of a barometer of where we are in social media.
All right, let's go to the calls now.
And Wild Man in Missouri, it sounds like a Jared Diamond kind of a call, wants to talk about geography and ideology.
That intrigued me.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this war that the Democrats and the left are waging that dominate the cities are waging on conservatives and Republicans who dominate the rural areas.
I don't see what they hope to get out of it because the Conservatives and the Republicans pretty much, you know, in the rural areas provide the food and resources that the people in the cities depend on to survive, you know?
They need us.
We don't need them to survive.
Yet they're waging all-out war on rural America and the people who produce the things that everybody has to have to survive.
I just, I wanted to make that point.
Well, if you look at some examples from history, the French Revolution, also collectivization under the Soviet Union, they can use an economic collapse and then stir the population of the cities up into anger against the farmers.
In the French Revolution and in the Soviet Revolution,
They were able to go out into the countryside, in the case of Ukraine, create the starvation famine intentionally.
The people in the cities, you'll always be able to raise a militia to go out to the country and put the jackboots to those farmers that they will say are hoarding the food.
You know, the farmers have the food out in the country and they're starving the cities because they won't get with the new five-year program and follow their orders and bring the food into the cities.
Of course this is nonsense, because by ordering farmers to produce food at a loss to themselves, they're not going to plant.
Why would they?
But it's been an effective tactic in the past, because you can mobilize huge populations in the cities, put them on trucks, and what do you do if you have a farm
With 10 people living on it, and here comes truckloads of hundreds of angry city dwellers, and they're out there to get the food.
You'll absolutely destroy the farm, no more food will be produced, and the country will be further ruined.
So you would say, alright, well why would socialists want to do that?
You have to understand, the worse the crisis, as Lenin put it, the worse the better.
So the farms are absolutely destroyed.
Nothing's being produced.
It's worse than ever in the cities.
But this allows them to kind of, in a loop, create the conditions where they get the city people even angrier and angrier, but their anger is not focused on the socialist leaders that caused this wreckage.
Their anger is focused on those white
Boomers, rural farmers, you know, those bitter clingers with their God and their guns, they're the ones that are stopping the socialist utopia from coming into existence.
Of course this won't produce one loaf of bread.
But to the NPC drones that are the militia army for the for the statists,
They're too dumb to understand that.
They're just going to be brainwashed.
They're going to be told, the rich white farmers have all the food, they're holding it, we need to go out and get it.
The evil socialists at the top of the pyramid, they know that they're just wrecking the country and wrecking the economy.
But through that wreckage, they will create conditions where they can rule through such harsh tactics.
You know, full Stalinist, malice tactics.
When the cities are completely in starvation,
That's when they can rule by emergency decree, they can completely shut down free speech, take away our gun rights, and basically get rid of the white, bitter clingers.
Get rid of them.
Now, you might say, well that still won't produce food.
That's right.
But you absolutely have the chance to destroy and eliminate your primary ideological enemy.
Then they think, well, maybe in 10 or 20 years we'll figure out a way to feed the cities again.
But in the meantime, we are going to be in power forever because we have absolutely eliminated our ideological enemies.
You know, the white, conservative, Christian, rural Americans.
And that's what they're going to do.
When we come back, we'll take another call.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The reason I took that last call, it's really near and dear to my heart, or I wish it wasn't, because it's like anticipating a disaster.
This rural versus urban split is going to be the real dividing line for Civil War II if it comes, and I think that it will.
Because the socialists are willing to absolutely burn down the house in order to eventually succeed.
And what they mean by succeed isn't create prosperity, make a better America.
It's put the socialist elite in permanent control.
Unremovable, like California, but even worse, because it'll be the entire United States of America.
I've been writing about this for a number of years.
This is why I created a printed book, the Bracken Collection, politically incorrect stuff.
This is like more than 10 years ago.
I drew this little thing on a napkin in a restaurant.
The CW2 Cube, mapping the Mediterranean of Civil War II.
If you don't understand
What's going to happen in the middle of a civil war that's not North-South?
It's not like, well, I'm in Alabama, I should be good.
Or I'm in New York, I should be okay.
Or I'm in Kentucky, I don't know what's going to happen.
It's not going to be like that.
If there's another civil war, it's going to be fought at the zip code level.
It's going to be one side of the street against the other side of the street.
And there are absolute lessons that can be learned from studying other modern civil wars.
It's going to look like this county map.
And even the county map's not going to be enough.
If you can picture that, the old cartoon of a series of fish getting ready to eat the smaller fish.
Everybody can picture that in their mind.
That's what a modern civil war looks like, except once the biting starts, it's like a just a free-for-all, like a feeding frenzy.
And there are very predictable known places where it's just fatal to be located when that type of a modern civil war happens.
So I would encourage you to look up my essays on the internet.
They're floating all over the place.
I don't care where you get them.
There is a Kindle version of this, but the reason I made a printed version of this is because when this all comes down, dangerous topics, just like dangerous people like Paul Joseph Watson off this week's Secret Mission, dangerous topics are going to be considered disruptive to the public order.
Just like in the UK today, they'll say that
This subject, it just causes dissension.
We'd rather not have you talk about it.
And if you talk about it, we're going to call you an XRW, an extreme right winger.
Then we'll be able to bring out the big guns, ban you from social media, have a word with your boss, so that maybe you'll lose your job, you'll lose your, you know, if you're renting, you might, we'll have a word with your landlord.
And this is all part of the American version of the social credit system.
It's already much worse in Germany and the UK, and it's coming in America because even though they say, yeah, hey, look, social media is private, credit cards, they're private, PayPal, it's private.
This is the way that the state, the government, and I wish that Trump ran the state.
Trump is the president, but Trump is in the middle of his own war, where he does, you know, nominally, theoretically, Trump has the controls like this, but he doesn't.
He can give an order, for example, you know, to Christopher Wray.
Christopher Wray just says, I can't find it.
Maybe next year, after the election, when you lose.
So the deep state's trying to wait out Trump.
Trump is trying to run the country, but he really doesn't.
This is why the wall isn't being built.
This is why the declassification has to be preceded with an actual memoranda to give Barr the authority to use subpoenas and potentially obstruction of justice charges.
We're in the middle of a war, and just having the president, it's not enough.
If the left wins, if Trump isn't elected, for example, essays like mine are going to disappear from the internet.
They're going to be gone.
And as a result, I tell people, you can't delete a real book.
It may come down, in Sami's dot, it means self-publishing, it's from the Soviet Union, when people would physically type out the entire Gulag archipelago on a typewriter with like three carbon copies to give to friends.
Well, that's why I made a printed copy of, a printed version of this, because it can't be deleted.
I hope that we can take back the terrain that we've lost.
I hope that we can figure out some way to defang the left-wingers that run social media, to make our own social media.
I personally, I'm on FreeZoxy, I'm on Gab, but it's very little compared to Facebook.
I almost feel like a collaborator for even being on Facebook.
I still push out stuff on Facebook, but not the old memes I used to make, because I'll just be banned.
So that's an example of Matt Bracken self-censoring.
So I'm thinking, all right, well, you know, should I be on Facebook?
Shouldn't I be on Facebook?
I justify it as...
I'm using myself as my own little experiment to see the boundaries of their censorship.
But one thing that I know for sure, they can't delete a printed book.
And if it comes down to handing out books among your circle of friends, it might come to that.
Because I'm telling you, I promise you folks, this is not the NPCs that are just bots that think, you know, socialism good, capitalism bad.
The people at the top,
The Swalwells, the Pelosi's, they know what's going on.
They are evil, duplicitous, socialist tyrants.
They know they'll wreck the country.
They don't care.
They know that the elites, which is them, will still have their estates, their walled compounds, and their helicopters.
They know it.
And if they win,
They're going to continue to wreck the economy, which will cause their NPC bot army to be angrier and angrier, which they'll use as an excuse to justify more and more crackdowns on free speech until, you know, books like mine on Kindle just disappear.
It's like, wait a minute, here's my Kindle.
I used to have these books by Matt Bracken.
They're all gone.
They've already done it.
They haven't done literally for political reasons yet, but the system already exists on e-books to take them right off of your e-book reader.
They've done it for copyright reasons, things like that.
But when it becomes a political battle over free speech, if you have something digital, consider it gone.
You know, they'll be able to reach into your computer and take it out, and if they don't take it out, they'll mark you down as a bad comrade, and you'll have your own social media volume turned down to zero, so you'll still see your face on Facebook, but nobody will see your face.
That's how it works.
And that's the battle that we're in today.
So I would urge you to, you know, not only support InfoWars, Summit News,
You know, alternative media all over the place.
Get on every alternative that you can and keep pushing out the message because big social media and the government are working hand in glove to silence us.
With the 2020 elections coming up, you know that they're going to push out all the big guns for massive voter fraud.
I mean, on an unbelievable scale.
And if that happens, if we have a President Swalwell or Kamala Harris, I think Biden, he's history.
I think Biden's already toast.
He just doesn't know it.
The deals that his son Hunter Biden made with him, where they made billions from China and from the Ukraine, I think Biden is toast.
He'll run on top for a while.
He's going to be gone.
The candidate is going to be somebody like a Swalwell or a Kamala Harris or a Buttigieg.
And you can bet, this is the level that they're working at.
I've talked about Brandon and Clapper.
They're ready to go kinetic.
If they have no more legal or quasi-legal options, they're going to go kinetic.
You can bet that they're going to have some huge play ready.
They cannot tolerate a President Trump in 2020.
And they will do anything to ensure that he is taken out.
And that will include kinetic means or other, you know, this Joe Rogan thing, the fake videos.
We saw this
We saw this writer that made the fake quote about Trump run around the world many times before it was revealed as a fake quote about Kim Jong Il or Kim Jong Un and Joe Biden.
That's just a taste of what's coming.
We're going to see entire fake videos that are put out.
The left is not going to quit.
And if they win in 2020, hold on to your hats, because everything I've talked about in the last hour, we're going to see it and maybe things we can't even imagine.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Tom in Texas, police officer on the border.
Talks about MS-13 and more.
Thanks for calling, Tom.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
Just want to thank you for your products.
I have the InfoWard decals on the outside of my cell phone case.
My truck, sport, the shirts, all the equipment.
I'll find it's the best way to get your word out.
God bless you, brother.
And I have three or four InfoWard bumper stickers in my glove box right now I hand out if I get to talking to somebody just to help spread the word.
You're our only hope, brother.
I'm telling you, you're more important than I am.
It's people like you on the ground, as you know, that's boots on the ground.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.