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Filename: 20190506_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 6, 2019
3652 lines.

In the Alex Jones Show, topics discussed include censorship by big tech companies like Facebook, social media control, free speech suppression, banking issues faced by InfoWars, and product promotions. Jones expresses concerns over manipulation of users by big tech platforms, emphasizing the importance of spreading information to preserve freedom of speech. He discusses power dynamics and potential collusion with China, as well as the impending threat to the 2020 election and censorship of InfoWars. He urges listeners to support InfoWars through product purchases.

We're good.
It's Monday, May 6, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next four hours in the War Room with Owen Troyer's coming up.
I've really thought about the best way to describe what we're facing, and it's like this.
When the settlers first began to come to the New World,
Their technology was a little bit more advanced than the Native Americans.
They had gunpowder.
They had the wheel.
They had a few other things.
And within just a hundred years or so, most of the Native population had been removed or extincted.
And so the best allegory here is, what happens when an advanced civilization comes into contact with an older civilization?
A lot of times the people in the older civilization don't even know what they're looking at, don't even know what they're dealing with, don't even know what they're facing.
And that's really it here.
The system
Thinks you're stupid.
And the system knows you're busy, and the system knows you don't have a lot of time to pay attention to minutia.
So they launch these big, giant system-wide operations that are aimed at you.
And they always give you a cover story of what it is.
Oh, we just took a few extremists off Facebook.
Oh, we just made this safe for you.
And then really what it is, is a gag order on 2.2 million people telling them they can't say Alex Jones's name unless it's negative.
That's a press release.
That's beyond 1984.
That's beyond Brave New World.
And then they put out a listing that says, well, that's because he and Paul Watson are listed as terrorists and child molesters.
Actual criminal designation that the banks have through Interpol.
I told you this last year, we were designated as this.
Now you see it at Facebook publicly.
And it's the social credit score and it's rolling out for everyone.
Now think about the magnitude of that.
Instead, the Republicans are debating, oh, these are private companies.
Are we allowed to stop them?
Morally, Google and Apple have moved to China and are helping surveil and oppress and arrest the population.
And our government has said, especially the Republicans, that's illegal and evil and they should stop.
But they haven't stopped because they don't respect you because you're stupid, you're ignorant, you're not informed, or you're arrogant sitting up there in your committees and you think that you actually know what's going on.
You don't know what's going on.
Because technology and everything has leapt way forward
And Big Tech's been so arrogant that usually when they get called to Congress, they just refuse.
Until Congress finally stands up and does something, and that was the Pentagon demanding it.
So, I'm going to try to articulate what's happening, and again, the magnitude of this is so ultra-massive.
So incredible.
I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship.
And I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
They're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board.
Then that will end for me.
I've had a hell of a run.
It's 20 years next year or 20 years about now.
Hell of a run.
I couldn't have gone any further.
I feel completely I have gone as far out of the galaxy as I can on this.
I still want to stay out here, but I've gone pretty damn far for what one individual can do in this culture.
But I'm talking about the future.
So I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos of these Facebooks and these tweets and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto.
This is ghetto.
This is corporate.
They're taking your energy.
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return.
They're dumbing the language down.
Twitter's designed to reduce the language directly out of 1984.
It's Ingsoc.
Ultimately, it's boring and the kids are always off to something new, except for the something new is owned by the same freaking company or financed by the same banking system.
So I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you, Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If your calling is media, fine.
If your calling is sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
Before this country is so completely fractured.
And we're left with Hillary's brain in the Oval Office in a jar.
Because that's what we're getting.
She's old and she's sick.
She's not a contender.
They're making her a contender with these propped up Saturday Night Live things.
It's like a head on a stick.
That was three plus years ago.
Mad Drudge here in studio laying it all out.
Predicting everything that was coming.
Everything that was unfolding.
But Hillary lost, thanks to InfoWars.
Thanks to Drudge Report.
Thanks to you.
And so now, we are all slated for total destruction.
And so a company called G2 that does work for law enforcement in Interpol, last year under direction from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an offshore criminal organization that's actually criminal, laundering money, running terror organizations, they've been caught doing that, funding white supremacist groups, so they can then have a clash of civilizations, they directed G2
To list Infowars and yours truly, Alex Jones, as a terrorist organization.
And I have the G2 documents.
We've been sending them letters.
We've been getting the lawyers ready.
Because I have no convictions.
I have no criminal record.
I had perfect personal credit.
As good as you can get.
In fact, because I didn't have any debt, I don't have the perfect rating.
It's right below that, because they actually want you to have some debt, and they call that perfect score.
And then in my banking, we had the highest rate you can get of banking trustworthiness of over 23 years of online shopping carts.
The best rating, the best points on what we had to pay for people processing credit cards, you name it.
But overnight, the lords and saviors, the gods, the fascist kings,
The Southern Poverty Law Center that is advising all the big tech, all the big media, setting up these special boards inside MasterCard, all of it to now go after the NRA and Republicans in general.
They said that we are a criminal slash terrorist or violent organization.
No judge, no jury, no face your accuser, a secret designation.
Out of Boston, in all the banks, and you go from perfect score, from the real world, to the secret defamation, the secret scarlet letter, the Kafka-esque system, and we only learn because banks, even though they have agreements not to give it to anybody, gave us the information.
Three different banks, we have it.
The hardcore defamation, the hardcore criminal will to try to not let us do business and live, and not let you buy products from us.
But some banks in the U.S.
know it's a fraud and didn't follow the orders.
Well now you see CNN this weekend saying, oh Alex Jones might have a WhatsApp, that's a text messaging and phone call app, if he has an iPhone.
And Darcy said he's checking in with Facebook to get into my account and see on the iCloud if I have that software and they would take it away from me.
So now it's down to being in my phone taking phone apps away.
I didn't have the phone app.
And there's a big article out today about how big tech's interfacing with the media and allowing them in to all of your accounts.
This is a raping free-for-all.
You think the NSA is bad?
This is beyond it.
And if you look at the letter issued to Paul Joseph Watson, it's reposted.
As hundreds of missiles rain down on Israel, Facebook still hosts pro-Hamas content, praising PJW's verboten, praising Hamas, a terrorist group, apparently fine.
Paul Joseph Watson joins us in the second hour today.
And Facebook put out this press release.
I got the full press release that they only sent out to the media.
Terrorist activity, says Paul Watson's band, for terrorist activity, organized hate, mass or serial murder, human trafficking, organized violence or criminal activity.
I notice they say organized hate is anything they want, and they mix it in with serial murder, human trafficking, organized violence, all the real stuff that Hamas and Hezbollah that they allow to operate are doing.
So the big tech is so emboldened, so arrogant, so criminal that they believe that they can just do this.
And so notice this is the exact list that we got from the big banking credit system that tells banks who's trustworthy, who can have a bank account, who can buy and sell in the cash flow society.
And then now Facebook is going into banking.
And remember, in late March, they did a whole review, this leftist group saying we were anti-Semitic, which we're not, but if we wanted to be, that's our right under the First Amendment.
And they said, well, he is an anti-Semitic.
And so the other executive says in the email chain that Business Insider got, because they were involved in it, oh, well, let's just designate him as a hate figure, and then that'll put him into the Interpol criminal database.
So they've set up this international system that is even in law.
It's all just regulatory.
That they just simply say you're a hate figure and then that puts you into a terrorist designation.
So you go walking into the bank where you've been for 20 years, perfect rating, you're a great citizen, haven't gotten a parking ticket in a decade, speeding ticket in, you know, eight years, and they get real scared and go, just leave, we're calling the police.
And you're like, oh yeah, it's not that bad.
Laura Loomer can't use Uber.
She can't use, um,
Now Uber Eats won't let her order a pizza.
And in the future, that's all that there is, is the smartphone tracking you, listening to you, knowing your identity.
And then Silicon Valley all just goes, well, let's look up her name.
Let's look up Alex's name.
Let's see everything he's doing and what he's up to.
And let's ban him having any services.
I told the New York Post he would have the headline, should we take Alex Jones's telephone away?
So, the universities have banned free speech, all these big companies are racketeering, sharing your data illegally, and they're discriminating against you, and they're giving you a terrorist designation, outside of a court, beyond defamation, trying to destroy your life, bankrupt you, and the Republicans, because the Heritage Foundation said, oh, they're private companies.
Ben Shapiro said, Ben Shapiro went on CNN this weekend and said, oh yeah, you can take Paul Watson and Alex Jones off.
They're private companies.
No, CNN is part of a crime cartel with big tech and the big banks.
They're in all your data, all, everybody.
To the point of Oliver Darcy's so confident now, he says, we're looking to see if Alex Jones has got a WhatsApp.
That's what helped get the new president of Brazil elected, because people could make private text and private phone calls to each other, and by word of mouth they did.
And so now they're talking about having a database and taking all the populace, because WhatsApp's spying on you, and just deleting up to 20 million people using it in Brazil.
You just heard me right.
Facebook is going to go into your phone and not let you call somebody.
Imagine a cult that made you carry around a phone that's really a computer, a mini computer, a supercomputer, and it tracks everything you do with live time people in your phone watching you in a digital re-education camp, tracking everything you're up to,
Everything you're doing and then telling you you can't fly on airplanes, you can't order food, you can't order a taxi, you can't have a bank account because you're a terrorist.
No judge, no jury.
Oh, I heard of that.
The Chinese social credit score that we broke six years ago, that we said was coming here, that we discovered Apple and Google built with NSA technology for the Chai comms.
And now they've brought it here.
And President Trump's sitting there flat footed thinking this is about the First Amendment.
This is about an AI takeover.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
You have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
Ladies and gentlemen, the evil overtaking planet Earth right now is unspeakable.
Most of the public is in a quasi-trance, all the studies show it, a near sleep phase.
Humanity must awaken and come out of the coma.
There will be time to sleep in the grave for eternity.
You are under attack.
Your birthright and your children's birthright is being stolen.
I have the exclusive
Email that no one has put out in the news of Facebook coordinating the censorship with mainstream media.
And I have other documents.
And I have the banking documents.
And I have the Interpol documents, where they are going to track every purchase everyone makes in the world.
And if you don't take vaccines, or you have too many children, or you're a Christian, or you say there's only two genders, you will be put out on the street.
It's here.
And I find it hard to believe that President Trump doesn't know about all this.
I find it very hard to believe.
This is a premeditated, calculated annihilation of free speech.
This is a global AI system in live time, Facebook's the first to go operational, where the instant you try to say Alex Jones or Infowars.com, the second you do it, it says this is not allowed, do it again, you'll be banned.
And everybody's flooding Twitter.
And Facebook freaking out, saying, oh my God, I tried to say God bless Alex Jones, and it won't let me do it.
I tried to say InfoWars won't let me do it.
But if I say Alex Jones is a child molester, I'm able to.
Because the AI is programmed with thousands of insults and responses that are authorized.
But things like, God bless Alex Jones is not authorized, or I support Alex Jones is not authorized.
But if you say he's a Nazi, if you say I'm a child molester, if you say I'm a murderer, if you say I can be arrested, Facebook will boost your post!
Man, you talk about being ganged up on, baby.
But I don't feel sorry for myself.
Absolutely not.
I knew all this was coming, ladies and gentlemen.
AI in live time.
The millisecond.
You hit publish.
We showed it to you on Friday.
We showed it to you on the Sunday show.
I'll show you document cam shots.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this right now.
I want everybody to let this sink in right now, folks.
I want it to sink in so that you understand what's unfolding here.
And I want you to know this is AI
Surveilling you in live time, but in case they think it's satire, it gets flagged to one of 20,000 Southern Poverty Law Center-trained moderators.
They admit this, and then they will look at the meme or the satire, and then they will decide what you really meant when you said Alex Jones is a piece of filth.
Look at this quote of him saying he loves freedom.
And that's why the EU passed a law a few months ago banning memes.
And the prosecutions have begun!
They just say memes of any type!
Like cave drawings!
Just humans communicating!
And showing hypocrisy of a Hillary quote next to another quote!
Because AI can't understand it.
And it's the only thing that they know into the foreseeable future will get around the moderators, is if you start flooding the internet with memes that are sarcastic.
Look at this piece of filth.
Now people found, this is gonna be really interesting, you can say Jones, Alex, or Jones space Alex,
And then you can get the post out, but it can't be InfoWars.com.
It's gotta be NewsWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
But that's all chasing a rabbit down a trail, folks.
We have to cut the head off the snake about this, and that means understanding what's happening, understanding what's unfolding, understanding who's behind this, and stopping it.
This is an internet kill switch.
This is an internet kill switch where AI
In live time, it's pre-programmed to tell you what you can say, when you can say.
Remember about three years ago, iPhones, Androids?
You'd send somebody, like my wife, I'd cuss something.
I'd say, I saw that movie, it effing sucked.
You know what iPhones say, it ducking sucked.
Effing is ducking.
You try to say, this guy's an a-hole.
Won't let you say a-hole!
That's pre-programmed systems.
This is AI.
Machine learning at Twitter, Facebook, Google, they're all helping China, especially Apple and Google, round up their people with a phone, the government's now issuing phones to everybody, where it tracks you, listens to you, watches you, totally controls everything you're doing, and you say, well I'll just leave the system alone then.
You know, it'll just be Alex Jones, it'll just be Paul Joseph Watson who's joining us next hour.
This is
Not Louis Farrakhan, not even Paul Watson.
They said Alex Jones is the maximum ban.
It's I who you may not say my name.
It's I who you may not put out the website.
Because I am Voldemort, according to them.
Of course, it's the complete opposite.
They're the ones stealing your data.
They're the ones trying to suppress you and put you under their central control.
Voldemort's the one that wants to make you a slave and tell you you can only speak and say what he wants.
He turns you into a zombie.
The bad guy in Game of Thrones, what's his name?
The White King or whatever?
I only watched a few episodes.
The Night King.
His people are all slaves.
They can't think.
They do what he wants.
They say what he wants.
They act in one unison.
I am not Voldemort.
I'm not the Night King.
Mark Zuckerberg isn't even the Night King.
He's just one of the generals of the Night King.
He's just one of the ringwraiths of the Night King.
I'm not cold-blooded.
I'm so hot that I can be out in the heat and not sweat, but I come here and get on air in a 70 degree studio and I start sweating because I'm so fired up and red-blooded against this cold-blooded evil.
You know, Dante said the ninth circle of hell isn't on fire, it's ice!
Think about that, it's cold, and it's centralized.
Now we're gonna get into the big meat and potatoes on this straight ahead, but this is it.
And you better believe they're bringing in the internet kill switch, targeted at conservatives, populists, and nationalists.
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Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the ultimate female force.
I looked at all the ingredients and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins.
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I appreciate that.
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Tell us about it.
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So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
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So I'm glad you plugged it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them muted.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
By the way, folks, I'm pretty upset, even behind the scenes here.
The crews did a great job.
I'm very thankful for them.
I'm thankful for the viewers and listeners.
But I'm not worried about Alex Jones.
I'm worried about the whole planet.
I'm worried about humanity.
I'm going to say this again.
Big Tech is in league with the Chi-Coms, helping suppress and arrest people by the millions and even kill them and harvest their organs.
That's even come out in our news.
Google is so arrogant that last year they refused to work with the Pentagon anymore, but have given AI that DARPA created.
Before Obama left, he did all this.
He sabotaged against the country.
It's so obvious there's a globalist coup against the country.
They've sold everything out.
They're trying to shut down loyal Americans.
They're lying about all of this.
I don't care about me, Mr. President.
Very nice for you to show solidarity and send out three InfoWars links.
Over the weekend.
To put your neck out there and know you'll be attacked.
That's great, Mr. President.
Mr. President, I need action just like you need action to save the country.
This is not about free speech.
It's not about private companies.
It's about cartels of companies illegally sharing data with each other and using it to suppress certain political groups to bully and intimidate them for their political views to keep them from the marketplace of ideas.
It's organized crime.
It's the KKK in the 1950s, you know, in Alabama or East Texas, threatening black people that they'll lose their jobs, where they work, if they're seen voting.
It's civil rights violations.
Plus there's just the will.
Can you say there's laws against giving China all our technology and then making it be transferred?
Enforce the damn things!
You've got big tech on all that!
You've got Big Tech on the front of them lying to Congress and saying they haven't been censoring when their own documents and admissions arrogantly and triplicate.
They give interviews to the news going, don't worry, we're going to make sure Trump loses in 2020 and we're censoring all the conservatives.
Ha ha ha.
Then they go to Congress and lie to their face.
This is a power vacuum.
And because our government isn't coming in and prohibitively saying, you're not going to censor to protect rights.
The Bill of Rights isn't laws that take rights away.
It's laws that point out and protect rights.
The First Amendment empowers and protects an already God-given right.
So by our government saying we won't protect the Internet, by our government saying we won't come in and we won't say that the EU and the CHICOMS can't dictate Silicon Valley build an architecture that merges with them a global Internet social score, aka Mark of the Beast, because our government won't come in and be part of that architectural system, you have ceded complete control!
And that's called treason.
You know, we need our industries.
And Trump's fighting to get some of those back.
But if we don't have speech, we won't have a government that's our own government, so that we can control our own destiny, or at least attempt it.
The magnitude
Of what's going on is so biblical and they started out with censorship and shadow banning and manipulation and false boosting leftist garbage and saying the Republican Party's official ideology on Google is the Nazi Party and all the thousands of things they've been caught doing.
And when the Republicans did nothing, Zuckerberg went, okay, I'm getting harassed by Soros and big tech and other groups to censor everybody ahead of the election.
I'm in trouble because I let Republicans do some advertising with us.
The Democrats did 98% of it, but Republicans did some.
So, I'll just give you what you want.
I'll let you ban whole words like Alex Jones.
Whole names.
I'll say to my 2.2 billion users, you can't say the name Alex Jones unless it's negative.
Think about the cult brainwashing of that.
Telling 2.2 billion people there's a gag order, like he's a global judge, and he runs something bigger than any country in the world, with a bigger population, 2.2 billion, China's 1.5 billion.
He's got control of the biggest digital country in the world.
The identities, the photos, the bank accounts, the names, live time surveilled.
He's been boarded by 20,000 Southern Poverty Law Center criminals.
SJWs that hate free speech and hate America.
Hillary's on TV saying, China, come over here and take over our country.
They're taking my bank accounts.
They're taking Uber from everybody.
They're taking everything digital that we interface digitally.
They destroy that trust they supposedly had of this digital system where they track you in live time, know what you do, have your credit card, to not just track you but say you can't use cars, you can't have hotels, you can't have Airbnb, you can't order food over your phone.
And now CNN says take Alex Jones's digital telephone away from him.
Don't let him call his mama.
That was on CNN over the weekend.
Think about that.
This is really happening.
Telling you who you can talk about.
Telling you what you can say.
Telling you what you can do.
And that's just the beginning.
Of course Zuckerberg wants to be in banking.
Of course Zuckerberg and all these other competing big tech companies want to be the global AI system.
And Zuckerberg's the first to pull the trigger in live time.
There's so many huge stories here.
So many earths.
One of these will be the biggest ever.
But that's how it happens when tyranny just floods in.
More happens in a day than happened in the last 20 years in censorship.
And he's just up there announcing it in a nice little chirpy voice like it's no big deal.
You will talk like I talk.
You will say what I say.
And now he's saying, if you want to be on Facebook, you're going to be in community groups where everyone shares everything.
Then you have community leaders, like in dormitories.
The communists always want you out of houses.
They want you in dormitories.
So that everybody can watch you, surveil you, control you.
They've made two million Uyghurs
In Eastern, it was 1.5 million, now it's all 2 million, in Eastern Mongolia, in Western Mongolia, in Mongolia period, now move into communal metal construction two-story buildings that are like basically huge shipping containers, and you live with a communist minder
From a 500 miles away, 1,000 miles away, another part of China, who watches you and tracks you, and they're all given little smartphones that listen to everything in the home.
And if you don't renounce your religion, and if you don't say you don't believe God exists, you're sent to 10 years hard labor.
And of course, a lot of people are just taken and they're killed.
Now, you want to know the model, that's it.
They live in their houses.
And Zuckerberg is creating digital group living rooms where everyone trusts each other.
It's a cult.
And where you're watched, and you're listened to, and you're tracked.
He's already trained over 300,000 people we know of.
They even tried to recruit me to this six years ago.
I said, no.
Oh yeah, of course.
That the future of this was coming and that you have, quote, thought leaders who have people under them who manage everyone, so that it's not just a bot doing it, but you have managers in your town, in your city, that are watching everything you're doing, watching your kids, reading your mail, but you're going to opt into it because they're your mentor who needs to know what you're up to.
That is beyond East Germany.
But it's okay, Mark Zuckerberg went to Harvard, so it's cool, it's okay.
It's a giant cult.
Imagine if Scientology was doing something like that.
Imagine if the Maharishi was doing something like that.
Have you ever heard of anybody they call a cult doing something like this?
But because he's worth $76 billion, and his company's worth $800 billion or whatever it is, it's okay!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, you know, I try to come in here and be calm and just go over all the evidence of this.
I don't try to explain this again to the hundreds of radio stations and all the people listening and everybody watching online at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I am not a victim.
I'm a target, as Tommy Robinson says.
And I'm not bragging, but in the wars against the globalists, we have devastated them like no one else.
And a lot of that is because of DrudgeReport.com.
I'm not trying to take credit here.
The reason the President got really involved was Drudge for Two Days linked to us.
I know for a fact the White House watched.
And I'm not going to get any more details of that, but we got some calls Friday night.
And I just, you know, let it out.
I said, listen, I don't give a rat's ass about you coming to my aid.
Come to the damn country's aid!
This is racketeering.
This is criminal.
This is organized.
They're saying what words people can use.
They are working with other companies.
They're lying to Congress.
And so, you know, we got some tweets saying, oh, here's Infowars, oh, here's Paul Watson.
Boy, don't they do great work.
Mr. President, Facebook is telling 2 billion, 200 million people
You can only say mean things about certain people.
That's a beta test for you.
It's already going on.
They already blocked your supporters promoting your posts and your videos.
Yes, if you were allowed to share your videos and speeches, you could win the 2020 alone.
Yes, you're right when you say that.
Because you think you'll have enough gravitas on TV and everywhere.
It ain't the old folks getting you elected, sir.
It's the young people that are supporting you and getting the word out and making things go viral.
And they are muffling everything you're doing.
You are the target.
And again, these companies have been spying on people illegally.
You got him by the short hairs.
They have been lying to Congress.
They have been doing false advertising.
And David Frum, I sent an article I saw on Saturday from the neocon Atlantic Magazine, New Atlantic.
And it's still the same search from a Google search, but they changed the headline that afternoon.
Because I know for a fact it was being sent to the President.
And it said, Facebook knows that Donald Trump's not going to do anything.
Donald Trump never stood up to censorship.
And Trump told Big Tech, keep it up, you're going to throw him out in 2020.
What an arrogant story.
So he changes the headline six hours later and rewrites it.
And just says, oh, Trump supports racists.
Because they know that's the type of thing when the president reads the Atlantic article,
Uh, saying that he is a, uh, moron idiot who won't stand up and doesn't get what's happening, that the president might take action.
So you need to call the White House.
You need to go everywhere.
Yeah, that's the article they changed.
Go to Google with that and look as it still has the headline saved.
Hell, I even printed the damn thing.
I think it's in News Office.
But the point is, they're changing the... I want to show the Google search.
They're changing these things in live time.
Because always the original URL will have what the headline was.
That's still on Google.
About how dumb Trump is and how he won't do anything.
Hell, I'll pull it up right now myself.
I mean, you just got the article.
You just put that headline into that sucker!
That's all you gotta do.
I mean, we're in total war!
Our forebearers, when they were getting attacked and robbed, they got pissed!
This is called normal behavior!
And people need to get out of the coma in this country!
God Almighty!
It's like Matt Drudge said here.
He said, they're coming for your speech, they've got a plan, and you better make every show count, and you better kick some ass, and you better have some damn urgency!
Good God!
Can you imagine if there was a cult telling people they couldn't say certain words or names?
They'd be arrested!
But Zuckerberg's running a giant brainwashing cult that's spying and selling your data and lying to Congress and all the rest of the big techs competing, working with China to suppress their own people!
And everybody thinks it's funny.
Everybody thinks it's a joke.
You know, I kind of have this OCD thing about searches, because they were able to find the From article, but they're not able to go to Google and put the wrong headline in, but it'll give you the old link.
So you're not looking for the same link of what you're saying, because it's not going to be the same link.
It's going to show the old headline.
So you put up the David Frum article where he says the president's an idiot and a moron and doesn't know how we're screwing him and don't worry Facebook, Facebook's running over Trump because they know he's stupid and doesn't understand what's happening and he never takes action to defend his own people!
And so you put that, you put that headline into Google, it'll give you the original URL.
We've got to rebroadcast, I'll come find it.
Just get a tape ready.
That's... There it is!
You found it on the Wayback Machine!
I saw Rob Doo walk in there and he knocked it out of the damn park.
Let's do like we did Saturday, dude.
Let's print that son of a bitch again so I've got it on air.
Just get me a paper copy and I'll have that to my dying day.
I just got something done!
Holy crap!
God Almighty!
Now, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
Let's put it back on screen from the Wayback Machine.
That arrogant, neocon, warmongering, lying, leftist serpent set up by a literal communist out of Russia, Trotskyite, David Frum, who pisses all over this country from one end to the other.
I was talking to a national news figure about what a monster Frum is this weekend.
That national news figure I know sent it to the President.
And by the way, Frum, you didn't change the headline in time, you little needle dick jerk.
Let's go back to it.
Facebook knows it can just ignore Trump.
In the past when President publicly criticizes major corporations by name, they got results.
He says Trump's impotent and stupid and let's censor him and take the election because he's a dumbass.
Well, guess what?
You little dumbass, we got it to the President.
Before you change the headline and before you rewrote the article.
So let's show the new headline they're doing is they all think you're a bunch of morons.
Trump attacks Facebook on behalf of racists and grifters.
You see, he didn't want to throw the gauntlet down to the President.
Mr. President, they're laughing at you.
They're engaging in crimes never before seen.
Giant cult-like racketeering.
Huge intimidation.
Mass censoring.
Mass lying.
Mass false advertising.
Alright, we're gonna go to break and come back with Paul Watson.
I feel so good now that we got that.
That was like ecstasy to actually have that happen.
I'm not going to make a big thing out of this.
Really, I just should make a huge thing out of it and explain it to everybody.
You notice I just did 55 minutes of air.
Most talk show hosts will be plugging every segment, what they're selling or what they're doing to fund themselves, okay?
Because there's so much advertising, so many shows, so much marketing, most media is going bankrupt.
Paul Watson, watch summit.news.
And you notice he's asking for people to donate $5 a month so he can hire some people, run his own operation.
You know why?
That's because I told you that there's a chance they're gonna be able to shut us down.
And so people like Paul Watson, who's been here 18, 19 years, I said, listen, you gotta go out and get into business now yourself, my friend.
And so I cut his pay almost down to nothing a few months ago to make Baby Bird get out of the nest cause daddy's got goblins all over him running knives through me!
So when I'm like cruising along like a spaceship I got escape pods going boop boop boop boop and people at the escape pod going I don't really want to go and I'm shoving them into the escape pod going get in the escape pod!
And then I get to see the little comments down below.
Oh, Jones can't pay his people anymore.
Look, he's asking for their emails, Paul, so he can talk to them.
Paul's asking for them to donate, so he and his brother and some people can run Summit.News.
Oh, look at you begging for some money!
While we're the trailblazers, tip of the spear, being totally attacked, sued, lied about, shut down, PayPal taken away.
Listen, as an international terrorist, total attack at every level.
And the system thinks you're so asleep you don't even know what's going on.
Well, our audience does know what's going on.
You can feel the damn energy in this country, so I'll tell you.
Who knows how long you can go to infowarestore.com.
Who knows how long you can even go there and buy X2, or buy the great coffee, or buy the new products we've got.
And listen, if you don't want to belly up to the bar and flood us with money so I can do a good stand-up fight against these bastards, then that's your choice in life.
I really don't give a goddamn anymore.
Excuse me, Lord.
I'm just being so real right now.
Because I'm fighting all the way!
I'm energized!
I'm awake!
I'm not dead!
People ask me how the hell I can have so much energy when I come in here and I'm not like this in person.
They're creating a world government Mark of the Beast!
2.2 billion people just got told they can't use certain words!
They're announcing giant cult-like brainwashing!
They're teaching five-year-olds how to suck cock in public school!
They're sitting there doing everything you could ever freaking imagine!
Killing babies after they're born!
And the churches are such pharisees, they're worried that I just talked about sucking cock instead of killing babies and chucking their damn organs out!
It's like they say in Full Metal Jacket, but they also say it even better in Apocalypse Now.
Apocalypse Now, he says, we drop napalm on villages and fry and burn little kids, but the generals don't let them write cuss words on the side of the airplanes.
Just like Christ said.
You Pharisees!
He said, you know, they go up there and they pray up on the mountain all day, how good they are, tell everybody how good they are, but they are a bunch of sleazebags who only care about power and money.
I care about soul and truth.
And that's where this country and this world is right now.
And the open world government, Mark of the Beast, with the CHICOMS, is now here.
And people are like, well, they're a private company.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us!
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
And I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of our affiliates.
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Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars and sharing videos from repugnant characters.
Now InfoWars, of course, is that web show and website led by rageaholic Alex Jones.
Full of fear-mongering and conspiracy theorizing, InfoWars tells viewers that the world is out to get them.
Jones is facing multiple lawsuits related to his lies about the Sandy Hook school massacre and the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
But none of this seems to repel President- By the way, he can't even get that straight.
Oh, wait, are they about to file- pause.
Are they about to file suit on me?
I remember, like, he would say, like, six months before I got sued by the Sandy Hook people, Jones being sued by the Sandy Hook families, and I'd go, I'm not being sued by them.
So I guess I'm about to be sued by the DNC Seth Rich stuff for questioning an unsolved murder that got shot twice in the back.
Okay, I mean.
So it's all BS.
It's all garbage.
It's not a rageaholic.
You bet.
You know, I just got madder earlier than I've probably gotten mad in five years.
It's that we're watching total cult-like takeover.
It's totally criminal.
It's out of control.
And it's a bunch of nobody crooks at CNN all hooked in with these intelligence agencies that are ignoring what the president says, who just tried to have a giant coup.
And they're still having their internet coup to steal the 2020 election.
They're totally censoring in Europe.
It's out of control.
These people are easy to beat.
But the president has to get involved.
Paul Watson's coming up in the next segment.
So we're going to get him lined up and ready.
Let's go back to Brian Stelter.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars and sharing videos from repugnant characters.
Now InfoWars, of course, is that web show and website led by rageaholic Alex Jones.
Full of fear-mongering and conspiracy theorizing, InfoWars tells viewers that the world is out to get them.
Jones is facing multiple lawsuits related to his lies about the Sandy Hook school massacre and the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
But none of this seems to repel President Trump.
InfoWars content is useful to him.
Alright, stop again.
Useful to him?
InfoWars content?
Okay, you can't even get what the lawsuits are straight.
You can't get any of your other facts straight.
Uh, and you have no audience, but you are the little figurehead spokesperson for this whole deceptive system.
It's unbelievable.
You know, are you going to be held accountable?
Because you said I lied.
No, the internet questioned Sandy Hook.
There were anomalies.
I looked at it.
Before I ever got sued, the families were like, well, you just apologized.
We're real.
It was hurtful you questioning.
And I said, yeah, I think it happened now.
I apologize.
Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.
Suit, suit, suit, suit, suit, suit, suit, suit, suit.
And then the lying by the lawyers saying that I just keep attacking the families, which I never did, and I keep going to their houses, which I never did, and I keep sending... So again, it's all lies.
All lies.
But is he in trouble for lying about Russiagate?
Is he in trouble for lying about WMDs in Iraq?
I mean, are these whole groups that knowingly lie, that fed Hillary the questions for the debates, that lied about Jesse Smollett, that cover up for all this stuff, that are so discredited, that push the Balazi-Ford fraud, all of them know this.
Oh, but they never apologize.
You notice that?
Because they're not real people.
Let's go back to Pumpkinhead.
He also retweeted a strange video about Islam from a user named DeepStateExposed that buys into the QAnon theory.
This is troubling stuff.
A lot of it is troubling stuff.
And at the same time, the president is decrying Facebook's actions.
Pause again.
He tweeted a top Iranian imam saying, we will capture and kill all the men of the West and take their women.
He goes, ha ha ha, it is Allah's will that women are ours on international television.
But see, that's Islamophobia if you show a top imam saying your women belong to us.
You see how that works?
You see how it works?
We keep the babies alive, keep them comfortable.
We're the Democratic Party.
Then we take the little gizzards.
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We're good to go!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Unstoppable watts!
Good stuff.
What if I told you they was lying?
Why they'd say I was hating?
And why they'd list me as a terrorist and make me disappear?
That sounds like an American thing to do.
You know, we're on quite a few 50,000 watt AM stations at 100,000 watt FM's.
But whether they're a 1,000 watt AM or a 10,000 watt FM, we love them, we appreciate them, and we thank them.
And remember, you can promote that local station in your area, and you can also tell folks about the internet streams they have re-streaming our shows in that area.
Now is the time, folks.
We're in a total war.
And the globals are trying to shut us down.
Okay, until 45 after Paul Joseph Watson joins us, we have the exclusive that I got from a major newspaper that Facebook does not want out publicly, but we have what they really have to say about Paul Watson, myself and others, and their criminal activity, their giant internet kill switch.
So that is all coming up with you right now.
But I didn't do this.
In the first hour.
And if I don't do this, we're not going to be here.
You know, the number one thing folks can do is to financially support this broadcast so I can have reporters in the field, so we can launch new websites, we can do things to get around the globalist attempts to censor us.
And we've been doing that to a certain extent, and that's why they're so incredibly angry.
But look at Paul Joseph Watson's latest article that's up on Infowars.com.
Look at that article.
That just went live.
And the system is fighting around the clock to make sure that you're unable to see this information.
So, if they're afraid of it, what do you do?
You get it out there.
It's also at summit.news.
Paul saying, forget Facebook.
They want to revoke your access to banking.
That's the real plan.
We have the documents from the banks, from FBI, from Interpol.
And you know, we sent letters months ago to the big banking organization that runs this, G2 in Boston.
So I guess we'll have to do something else, won't we?
No response.
Call the lawsuit.
But let me tell you something.
That takes money.
And so we're going to launch a legal defense fund soon.
But this is for all your freedoms.
But you can't put your money
On a number in this fight that hasn't delivered every time and now the enemy is hitting us with their full attack saying my name is banned and I'm a terrorist and Watson's a terrorist.
We have all the documents right here.
We're going to cover it in a moment.
So again, go to Infowarsstore.com, buy some of the great products, see how great they are and sign up for AutoShip so you don't forget to order every 15 days, every month, every two months.
One click, you can cancel it.
You can order up to every nine months.
On AutoShip.
Get the coffee, get the products, get it all.
That's how I fund this operation.
That's how I do this, and it's 100%.
Up to you funding us to decide whether we're going to be here or not.
Because let me tell you something right now, I'm not giving up.
I'm not backing down.
I'm not giving in.
But I would have already had 24 hours of shows a day.
I would have already had 10 more reporters hired.
I would have already done a lot more.
Instead of spending most of my time figuring out how to pay for things around here to stay on air, I would just be on air, ladies and gentlemen.
So we've got a couple of specials that are about to end that are huge and very successful.
And we've got a new show I want to tell you about that will go to Paul Joseph Watson.
You notice Paul put out a thing on M4's today and I'm glad he did.
I told him to do it.
I told him months ago, I told him six months ago, I said, there's a good chance down the road they're going to be able to shut us down or they're going to bust a cap in my ass.
Because back then they had the FBI follow me around.
They're trying to set me up as a Russian.
I'm not at liberty to talk about the stuff that went on, but it was bad.
And I just said, listen, you need to set up a new website and you need to go out and do your own thing so you don't get banned for being associated with me.
And then I said, and later I'm in prison or something, I hope you'll defend me.
And I just had to tell Paul, look, I'm going to start not paying you much, you and your brother.
You need to start going out and you know.
Figure out ways to raise money yourself, buddy.
Because, you know, I've got to keep this operation rolling here in Austin.
And Paul understands that, but you get to that point when the days are so dark, when the shadows are so long, when the President is sitting there letting the First Amendment be undercut and letting people have their bank accounts taken like we have, and our perfect credit score go from 2% on a credit card transfer up to 5%, all of that's what's killing us, and us having to pay for our own bandwidth.
We still have millions of viewers a day and listeners at InfoWars.com, but now I've got to pay for all the bandwidth!
Doesn't have Google Ads all over it.
It isn't on YouTube.
So there's a heavy cost to being so popular.
And I'm not bitching, but I'm saying, staying in the saddle.
I'm not riding this bull for eight seconds, baby.
I've been riding this sucker for 25 years from nowhere.
We built the whole thing thanks to your sport.
But now, I'm not riding some toy bull in the background.
I'm a little kid.
In the backyard.
I'm riding the biggest, meanest, snarling creature you've ever seen.
And I'm not wearing body armor.
And I gotta stay on this son of a bitch for years.
And that means I gotta take my face being beat in the back of his head.
It means I gotta sit there and let my groin get smashed.
And I gotta be like a demon and just hold on.
But this isn't a technical rodeo, so I can hold on with both hands.
And believe me, I am.
I got that bull around the neck.
And I'm just focused and zenned out in a berserker viking way.
Berserking zen.
Think of that new development.
The berserker spirit in a zen focus.
And the globalists feel the will, the spirit of 1776 that we manifest.
Nobody manifests it like us except Trump.
And we're punching through the enemy.
Not even thinking about it, not even saying it's hard to do.
We're just laying our spiritual weight and our will and our focus and our love for the unborn children against this dragon's gut.
And the blood of the dragon's just pouring out on us, burning us like acid.
My eyeballs are hanging out under skeletons here, my heart's still beating, and the pain feels so good because as I just ram that sword up into its heart, my arm's burning off, but I just hold the sword in its heart as it rots down and as I prepare to collapse under its fat, dead weight.
Total victory!
But I need funding, and I need prayer, and I need support, and I need to see your war face!
These are pedophile, devil-worshipping, child-harvesting, soulless scum we're up against!
And if you don't know this is the real rallying point, and this massive total censorship coming in to control what words you can say, and to surveil you, and what you do, if you don't know this is the big enchilada, then you aren't conscious, and you don't realize what's happening!
The energy level is off the chart, ladies and gentlemen.
Think about it.
If you're fighting devil worshippers that harvest kids' organs, wouldn't you be fired up?
Wouldn't you have energy to stop them?
That's normal.
People walk around like zombies, unalive.
This is what everybody was like in 1776.
Most men were bouncing off the walls.
Some of the Continental Army didn't have uniforms or shoes for up to a year.
But they were craved.
They had the spirit.
You understand that, right?
I'm a wimp compared to those people.
And I sit there and look at the modern person, dead-eyed.
They don't have electricity in their eyes.
They don't have anything.
Because they're not alive.
The spirit is what you want.
Money, women, power will not ever quench it.
Being close to God and standing against evil is what you gotta do.
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I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
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You're our only sponsors.
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So I want to thank you for your support.
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Go to InfoWarsStore.com for whatever the product is you need.
We have thousands of them and it makes this all possible.
Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
That's why I need to make them strong now.
Now, I can be there for my children.
Now, I can make them strong.
Now, I can instruct them.
Now, I can teach them what I've learned.
But not once I'm gone.
You think in this digital age, your word's going forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
It's so much easier to burn video or text or languages now that we have high-tech book burning, isn't it?
But I have joined my will to the resistance.
I can't be destroyed now, as long as I realize I've done right and as long as the people know the truth.
And you can't be destroyed either, as long as you bind yourself to something and commit to it and go through the fire for it.
There is a magic that then takes place that transcends space and time.
When you commit via word of mouth, or to pray for us, or to spread our articles and videos, that overrides everything the enemy's doing.
So please now, commit to support InfoWars however you can, and realize your provision to InfoWars is your own provision.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Cut me in a line tonight Out on the streets again Turn me on, I'm a hot shot Some you'll never forget
You better set me free.
A little bit better than you should be, because I'm alive.
I'm alive!
Come on, baby!
Take a chance with me.
I'm your live wire.
Come on, America!
Come on, world!
This is the most unbelievable tyranny never even heard of in a science fiction book!
This is so over-the-top, it's insane!
They slowly censor us.
We got so sick of hearing about bans and censoring and denials until when they say we're gonna have AI say what words you can use and track you in real time and take your phone service away and your credit card away and your life away if you don't submit to Big Tech and the Silicon Valley cult.
Joining us for the rest of the hour is Paul Joseph Watson.
He would have been on Thursday and Friday, but he had a very serious family illness that has turned out to be okay so far.
We'll just leave it at that.
And then, of course, the president on Friday and Saturday tweeted some support for Watson and, of course, so did many others.
Watson was the top trending thing on Twitter.
And my point to Watson was, that's great, Millie Weaver got tweeted out, you name it, is that we need more than tweets, as we've always said.
We're not mad at the president over that.
We need the president to understand the enemy are experts at reframing the debate about how, oh, it's censorship, oh, they're a private company.
No, they're cartels, they're working in unison, they've done false advertising, they're now telling 2.2 billion users what you can and can't do.
They're working with so-called media watchdogs to interface with the data, so they're in our accounts.
This is a criminal enterprise that would make La Cosa Nostra blush.
And they're doing it all out in the open.
You've written a new article that's critical that everyone get.
It's at newswars.com.
It's at your site, summit.news.
Forget Facebook.
They want to revoke your access to banking.
Social media platforming is only the beginning.
The ultimate social credit score nightmare is coming.
I agree with your article, Paul.
I know you've already written four today.
But it's not coming.
It's here for us.
And when they demonize us and lie about us, the precedence then set, oh, we're not defended for every domino to fall.
So, Paul, this is your first live breakdown of what we're facing, what we're dealing with.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, it's a massive article and it goes over the fact that, as happened to you in InfoWars when you were completely deplatformed last year, they basically put a terror designation against your accounts and against your credit rating, which is what happened to me under the terms of why Facebook banned me and others last week.
And I've pointed this out many times.
They banned us under the definition of dangerous individuals and organizations.
So they put us on the same list, or in the same category, as terrorists, serial killers, human traffickers, and organized violence or criminal activity.
So that's not just your Facebook account.
That kind of designation, this is an extremist designation, and then Oliver Darcy and Brian Stelter got up on CNN and literally used the same word extremist.
That designation sticks for life.
That's not just going to apply to your social media accounts, that's going to apply to your banking.
We've already had several people de-platformed, not by Facebook or Twitter, by their own banks.
You had Robert Spencer, you had Martina Marcotta, you had Enrico Torrio.
Chase Bank de-platforming them over their political opinions.
So this is how it ties into the social credit score.
This is why it's so important to stop this here.
They're now saying on Facebook, as you've said Alex,
Even expressing any kind of sympathy or support for yourself or for Gavin McInnes or any other of these de-platformed extremists means that now you will be banned.
That is the exact same system they've got which has recently come into place in China, where if you associate with somebody who's always already been designated an extremist or a dissident, then you get punished.
This is an absolute nightmare beyond anything Orwell could even imagine.
And let's explain!
Everybody gets mad at the NSA for supposedly spying on people that trigger flags.
It's still unconstitutional, and Trump just reversed that.
This is big companies working together, illegally selling data, lying about their terms of service as Facebook's been caught, then indexing it in live time.
When people try to say Alex Jones or Paul Watson or InfoWars now, instantly it gives them a message saying, you can't post that, and it's got thousands of negative things you're allowed to say.
Anything positive is pre-programmed.
So they admit they've turned, quote, an algorithm.
That means AI-lush.
Where they're telling 2.2 billion people what they can and can't say.
This is incredible.
And now we've got the internal email they sent out to the media a day before the banning even happened.
And in subsequent days after, we got another copy of it.
So this is a new document you're going to be posting soon, and another story.
But this is just huge, Paul, because again,
Last year, we had six bank accounts.
Five were taken.
I had had some of these bank accounts for 20 years.
Merchant accounts with the highest rating because of the fact that we'd already had them try to shut us down different ways.
So we had mitigated all that.
We had the highest rating with banks of never forfeiting a credit card payment, never forfeiting any of our merchant accounts.
And finally, a large bank told us,
Listen, you're listed in Interpol and in InfraGard, and we're not supposed to tell you this, we had to sign agreements as part of the Banking Act and the Telecommunications Act and the FinCEN Act that George Herbert Walker Bush put in, Paul.
So when you say, kind of like a terrorist, no.
This is only reserved to MS-13, known LaCosa Nostra, known Asian gangs, known Russian gangs.
We were put in an extra judiciary
system that says we're terrorists.
And that's why I lost all those accounts.
Now, I had to get involved basically with federal law enforcement and things just to stop it.
I had to literally march in, get involved.
I had to get involved with a chief executive, not of the nation, but I'll just leave it at that, and to have this stopped.
And then I'd sent letters with lawyers to tell Interpol and G2 to stop it.
They haven't, so we're having to gear up suits right now.
So what I'm getting at here is, this is literal CIA terrorist database we've been put in, and they're going into banking at Facebook, Paul, and they've said that's the plan.
So I want folks to know, this is the mark of the beast, where you've never committed a crime, you've got perfect credit, you suddenly can't live, can't get a job, and you don't even know why, because you're in a database.
This is defamatory.
This is discriminatory.
This is criminal.
This is racketeering.
And Congress has been so weak, Paul, Zuckerberg thinks he can get away with it.
I mean, can you imagine walking into a grocery store, scanning your credit card, which will be your only option pretty much soon.
In London, there are entire shops, when you try to pay by cash, they're like, sorry, no cash, we've banned it.
That's gonna be the entire world, or the entire West.
Sweden's going cashless!
PayPal buying up global credit card payment processors.
The free market is not providing a solution to this.
We need antitrust regulation.
You mentioned Facebook.
Headline, Wired News.
Facebook's cryptocurrency might work like loyalty points.
So what about when Facebook buys up the rest of the cryptocurrency market?
Oh, you're banned by Facebook?
Some websites require a Facebook account to even use them.
Oh, a lot of cryptocurrency places are banning Patriots as soon as they sign up.
Exactly, yeah.
And now even your images, photos of you are being blurred on Facebook.
Your face cannot even be seen!
This is worse than like the two, at least during the two minutes of hate, they could actually see Goldstein's face, right?
Not in your case, Alex.
Yeah, I forgot.
It's all over the news.
That's all over Twitter.
We should do a story on it.
Maybe one of the writers thinks that's important.
But people have all these screenshots, but maybe you can pull some up, tell us where to go, Paul.
I've seen it, but in three minutes won't be able to find it.
Where families take pictures.
It was Robert Barnes who tweeted it.
Yeah, Robert Barnes tweeted it out.
Shots of it.
Shots with families that I took when I was in D.C.
They're just banned.
last week.
They're just gone.
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Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, I saw it all over Twitter this weekend.
You'd think that'd be newsworthy, but it's not.
Hell, if I had my head blown off in the street, it wouldn't be on InfoWars.
What we do here doesn't exist in our operation.
We are nothing.
But seriously, the magnitude of that level of censorship, I saw it all over Twitter this weekend.
And I'll find it myself while Paul's talking.
It would show families with me and they would just blur the whole picture out because they took photos with me in live time, not letting people upload photos.
It was all over Paul's Twitter and in the comments people were posting it.
And I just think it's funny that we're so used to censorship that now Twitter blurring a person's face and not uploading it, not one story.
People don't care.
They've given in.
They've submitted.
They've given up.
And now they're going to take your banking away.
Now they're going to take your social security away.
Now they've already taken all your privacy away.
They've gotten away with everything.
Now four states have passed laws to kill babies after they're born.
They've opened the borders up and say a country existing is bad.
So why not, Paul Watson, why not erase people completely out of history like the old Soviet Union did?
Yeah, it's like they're airbrushing you out of the historical photos, isn't it?
Yeah, Robert Barnes tweeted about it, then there's another tweet from somebody called Gabriela Handau on Twitter.
She said...
If you put up a pic of Alex Jones in IG, Instagram, it gets removed or blurred.
Listen, you don't understand.
I just get frustrated by all this stuff because I saw the photos blurred myself.
I'll get it myself.
It doesn't matter.
I'll do it myself.
Everybody just stop looking.
I'll do it myself right now.
Anyways, Paul, please continue with...
The magnitude of what we're dealing with here and how huge this is.
This is not about you being banned or me being banned or us being listed as terrorists.
It's about the fact that they're telling 2.2 billion users what they can do, the fact that Big Tech's moving to China, the fact that Trump's not doing anything about it.
Yeah, the problem is they've prescribed, as Tucker Carlson said, what political views their entire user base can have.
And they are the new public square.
The amount of traffic, social media traffic, they control
It would be akin to your phone company cutting off your service and you not being able to have a phone because they don't like the text messages that you're sending.
It would be akin to a water company, a public utility, cutting off your access to water because they don't like your political content and your political opinions.
This is how much power these big tech corporations have got now.
And there are a couple of bills
Talking about what could be done about it.
Yeah, the tweets were nice, but we've seen the tweets after every other wave of banning and nothing happens.
There's an article at Texas Tribune.
Texas bill would allow state to sue social media companies like Facebook and Twitter over free speech.
So again, that talks about this Senate Bill 2373 would hold social media platforms accountable for restricting user speech based on personal opinions.
There's another one in California.
I think the
Texas one is being voted on today actually.
It went through committee and everything.
It sailed through with everyone voting in favor of it and that's due to be passed today I think or at least move on to the next stage today.
So there are a couple of bills at the state level which are a good template for it.
There's another
Great template article which the administration really needs to see because it lays everything out and why this needs to happen.
Human Events by Will Chamberlain article at Human Events.
Platform access is a civil right.
He makes the case, obviously, you can't discriminate against black people in businesses because they're black.
We had civil rights laws to change that.
So why couldn't you discriminate against people based on their political opinions, which is clearly what Facebook is doing.
That is another great template article that lays out what needs to happen next.
And the idea that this wasn't a political purge, I mean, just go down the list.
Every single person that was instrumental online and offline in many cases in getting Donald Trump elected in 2016 has been the victim of official oppression or has been completely wiped off the internet.
You, Alex Jones, banned, sued.
Julian Assange, arrested.
Roger Stone, banned, arrested.
Milo Yiannopoulos, smeared, defamed, banned.
Gavin McInnes, you know, smeared as a hate leader, banned.
Robert Spencer, he had his credit card Mastercard access revoked for his Patreon account.
Tommy Robinson, arrested, banned.
Many, many more.
So to claim that this was all, we're just enforcing our terms of service, complete and total BS.
You know, Majid Nawaz, who is a commentator and radio host in the United Kingdom,
...was smeared, libeled, defamed as a quote extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
He won the case.
He won 3.3 million dollars.
The laws in the UK are very different and way more strict in terms of libel and defamation than those in the United States.
So when people get up on mainstream news networks and CNN and literally call me an extremist, that's going to have some consequences because we have different laws.
Well, Paul, let's go further than that.
In the Washington Post and the New York Times, you name it, they'll say,
Many white supremacists and extremists were banned today.
So people think white supremacists, and they say your name, my name, all this.
I mean, it's incredible defamation.
But beyond that, it's the designation, Paul, of you as a hate leader, mixing in with bank robbers and child molesters to do this.
That's the real defamation and slander here, buddy.
Oh, completely.
I mean, there's a group called Hope Not Hate in the UK, which puts out reports and works with the government.
What they do, they're a bit more clever about it.
They talk about National Action, which is a right-wing terrorist group, which is banned by the government, and then in the next paragraph, oh and Paul Joseph Watson, YouTube commentator, he says this.
So they just do it guilt by association, which they can get away with.
But if you literally get up and call somebody an extremist, with no proof whatsoever, bear in mind I didn't get an email from Facebook, there were no posts that they identified that were extremist, that were hate,
And the irony of it is, Alex, that they ban us for hate.
The left's so concerned about hate and bullying and harassment.
If, God forbid, somebody who has been deplatformed in the future commits suicide over this, because this ruins people's lives, right?
We're talking about removing their access to buy and sell.
That is the ultimate endgame of this.
That could leave somebody destitute and homeless.
That could lead to them actually killing themselves.
How are many people on the left who pushed for all this going to react when somebody commits suicide because of de-platforming?
They will be popping champagne corks, they will be laughing it up.
So this idea that they're interested in stopping bullying, harassment and hate, when they're the most hateful people on the internet.
I had to turn off
Paul, you know, I've been ranting and raving here for the first hour and a half.
I've settled down a little bit now, but it's just...
You keep going back to, oh look, they really are censoring conservatives ahead of the election.
Look, everybody conservative is being banned.
It's nationalists, it's patriots all over the world.
We have all the internal documents.
But that isn't how Trump even has to go after them.
False advertising.
Illegally selling data.
Telling 2.2 billion users you can't use certain words.
That's cult level.
That's racketeering.
That's a civil rights violation.
You've got so many angles to this and then just this Heritage Foundation BS.
Oh, it's a private company.
That's all a fraud.
They can't defame us and put us in a designation that's only meant when someone's been convicted of organized crime.
That they're using racketeering, organized crime designations, outside of law, out of G2 and out of Facebook now.
It's going to expand to everything.
To do this to us, we have to move against it.
It was in the news, mainstream news, just this weekend.
They're creating human rights boards, they call them, at MasterCard.
Not to go after talk show hosts in the NRA, that's already happening.
But to look at what conservatives are buying and doing.
They're using that it's digital.
The left has put all these weirdos, SJWs, they're the now controllers in all the digital stuff.
They're on our phones, they're in our bank accounts, they're giving it to the news, they're sharing it.
Oliver Darcy's on TV saying, we're going to see if Alex Jones has WhatsApp on iPhone.
We're in his iPhone.
If he has it, we're going to take it away.
That's criminal evil!
If the NSA was on the news going, we're going to see if Alex Jones has something and take it away, that's total abuse, that's criminal, that's the NSA, but private companies.
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
And I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of our affiliates.
But I'll tell you like it is.
You've seen the unmitigated attack we've been under.
You're our only sponsors.
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So I want to thank you for your support, and I want to encourage you again.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com for whatever the product is you need.
We have thousands of them, and it makes this all possible.
Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
Infowarsstore.com is how you support us, and it's not like we're selling stuff you don't need, you don't want.
The air in the average American home is filled with toxins that put it on par with a major city.
Some of the most polluted areas on earth are major cities.
How can I solve that problem?
So we have air filters at Infowarsstore.com, the Alexa Pure Breeze, which is right now $50 off.
The Alexa Pure Breeze Groundbreaking Ion Cluster Air Filter Technology.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech, about taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is!
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil's better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
The cleanest, the best out there.
You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oil's good.
The krill is the best and it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm sorry, you want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good, in my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, we have several more guests coming up.
I should have the phones up as well.
And I've been ranting and raving here, but if you don't think having your birthright stolen in a global cashless society that totally surveils you, that tells you what you can say in lifetime or you'll be punished is dangerous, you're crazy.
And then now I'm being used and Paul's being used as the test case for people not to stand up for us, and that's everybody else.
I really thought humanity was stronger than this.
And the fact that Zuckerberg is so arrogant and so detached from reality is frightening.
But he's just one of these people.
And Matt Drudge came here over three and a half years ago and was prescient about the internet ghettos and the total control and how they'd use us, being on their platforms for control and how the evil was coming because he knew it was going to happen.
He knew it would happen to us first.
So Paul, here we are now.
You've been listed as a terrorist.
Facebook's now in banking, so they're part of the banking cartel, and they've used the designation.
You've been for no reason ever convicted of a crime, a good guy, defamed.
You're one step from the concentration camp now.
You're in the ghetto.
What do you think the listeners and the viewers should know?
I mean, this fight is their fight.
This is unprecedented.
Trump's got to take action.
It's just wild.
Well, I said in one of the videos I put out, it's biblical.
You know, it's straight-out revelations.
He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and born, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save that he had the mark.
What is the mark today?
It's blind and total obedience to Mark Zuckerberg.
This is the stage that we're at, Alex.
And then the nerve.
of people like Oliver Darcy to get up and see it on CNN and Twitter and say, oh, you need to apologize for this, you need to apologize for that.
When is CNN going to apologize for advocating the invasion of Libya, which their chief national security correspondent did, which caused the migrant crisis and the rise of ISIS?
You know, you want to talk about apologizing for weapons of mass destruction?
You want to talk about apologizing for the Covington High School hoax?
Where children were defamed by relentless and insistent fake news about their behaviour.
You want to talk about the Russian collusion hoax?
Something that has ripped apart America for the past two years?
Are they going to apologise for that?
Are they going to apologize for the Brett Kavanaugh serial rapist hoax?
If you want to make it a competition of who has to apologize to what, compared to, you know, reporting on an unsolved murder in the case of Seth Rich during the height of an election, compared to an invasion that literally led to hundreds of thousands of people dying and destabilized two continents, and they're going to lose that game.
So it's this
And by the way, Paul, I'm not saying you're wrong in your tweets to say, hey, I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes.
But three years ago, CNN would say, hey, say you're sorry for questioning Sandy Hook.
And I said, well, I didn't create questioning it, but there were some anomalies, but I think it happened.
So, you know, questioning is something you got to do, but I'm sorry it hurt feelings.
They went, oh, he admits he's a liar.
They never admit they're wrong because they lie on purpose.
So they're trying to trick you to say that.
Then they're going to say, Paul Watson admits he's a liar.
They won't show the clip.
These are deceivers.
They're following a playbook.
They are the scum of the earth.
And everyone has to remember that, Paul.
Well, exactly.
People can support us, obviously people need to get the products, that's more vital than ever before that they get the products, InfoWarsStore.com.
I've also set up a subscribe store, which is where people can donate, to me personally, because of all this that's happened, because we need these resources to fight back against this censorship.
Yeah, let's be specific, because the trolls flooded in on InfoWars today, when you, how dare you, this guy being listed as a terrorist, that the President's tweeting.
Yeah, signing up for the free newsletter is absolutely vital because that's how I stay in touch with people if everything else disappears.
That's at summit.news.
Remember, Brian Stelter says don't do it.
Yeah, Brian Stelter says don't do it.
That's the best reason to do it.
Summit.news forward slash newsletter.
Summit.news forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free.
Also, if you go on the article, it's on Infowars.com right now and Summit.news.
Support PJW in the fight back against censorship.
That link's to Subscribestar.
You can donate once or you can donate once a month.
That's not going to get deplatformed because the people who run it actually support free speech, God forbid.
If they're trying to take our bank accounts, they're trying to bankrupt us, and then I tell you, hey, you better go do your own thing, because that'll make the enemy happy.
Yeah, they've crippled us.
And we're not just up here telling the viewers that.
And it's kind of a catch-22.
If I sit there and say, hey, you better support us or we'll be shut down, then if I go, hey, they're actually starting to really do it, that'll make the enemy even happier.
But listeners need to go to infowarestore.com.
Coffee, films, books, water filtration, air filtration.
We've had third-party labs test the filters we sell.
Of course, they're the best.
Our enemies have tested them and found they're the best.
Our friends have tested them.
And then that special's about to end.
They sold them to us at cost, their cost.
We tagged 50 bucks on them.
The new competitors are like 400 bucks for their biggest stainless steel gravity-fed filter.
This group's normally 300.
We're selling them for 199.
Alexa Pure Pro, their biggest, best system now.
Twice as much, highest quality.
Most expensive, Vitamin B12, Methicabolamine.
Ultra 12 is twice as strong as Secret 12.
And it's the same Methicabolamine, but when you reformulate, you've got to change the name.
But I did this as, you know, something fun.
You peel off the Ultra 12 label, you'll see the Secret 12 label.
Because first, they already labeled it, and our crew said, listen, Alex,
The marketing guys.
I mainly do the marketing, but they're like, people don't understand when you say plus, it means better and stronger.
You should just do whole new names.
And I said, okay.
And they went, well, we already labeled those the, the original name secret 12 plus.
And I said, okay, well, they're like, we want to put ultra 12 on it.
Well, I don't like the ultra 12 label.
It doesn't look bad, but here, let me show somebody.
On TV or show TV viewers on television.
Here's an Ultra 12 bottle.
Twice as strong.
Methylcobalamin, the highest quality, most expensive type at a very low price.
And it says Ultra 12.
And this is only for the first run of these.
It'll be like this.
And then you peel it off.
This is all the kind of stuff goes on around here arguing about names of things.
Those are important.
Secret 12 right there.
I like that label better.
Secret 12 Plus.
But you can see, this isn't just bright red, it's like purple.
This is so strong under the tongue.
Again, most people, especially Europeans, don't absorb B12 like they're supposed to for mushrooms and the few foods you find it in.
But under the tongue, it'll go into your blood vessels and you get it.
The best way to take it, obviously, is prescription.
Injecting methylcobalamin from a doctor into your fat.
It's amazing.
I've gotten a prescription before for it, but this is the second best thing to that.
It's twice as strong.
It's amazing.
Put it under the tongue.
Hold it for a minute.
Tastes great.
There's no additives.
Just B12.
Tastes like sugar.
It's its own building block of the body, just as important as iodine.
So, we now have Ultra 12.
Secret 12 Plus is what it really is.
50% off, out of the gate, because I want you to try it.
Okay, Paul.
The truth is, we have much bigger audiences still than even places like CNN.
They're plunging, they're going bankrupt, they're propped up, they're pissed.
A lot of this is jealousy of dying newspapers, dying corporate media.
There's a perfect storm with them and Big Tech, and Big Tech's using them to be the policemen of censorship for now, while they collapse.
And in the end, Big Tech knows there'll be no alternative media, no independent websites, and no corporate press anymore, only the AI gods.
Well, you'd have to remember that it was Oliver Darcy who was a failed conservative commentator.
He got very bitter at the success that everyone else in the movement was having back, you know, four or five years ago.
Then he joined CNN and devoted his entire career to deplatforming those people who he was bitter about.
So this is the situation.
If you look at the graph,
For CNN, for example, on YouTube.
Let's bear in mind that Google has come out and said, quote, Google has never manipulated or modified the search results or content of any of its products to promote a particular political ideology.
It does it all the time!
It puts, quote, authoritative news sources above everything else on its search results.
What's authoritative?
Oh look, it's CNN, it's ABC, it's Huffington Post.
They lied and they confound their own statement.
You have Robert Epstein, I've mentioned this a bunch of times.
Oh and by the way, if you look at the graph for CNN's subscriptions on YouTube, suddenly when they change their algorithm, they go way up.
Suddenly their views go way up.
They're immune from the policies that everyone else is subject to.
They can put ads on videos which depict violence and war.
Every single one of my videos is demonetized immediately upon upload.
So Robert Epstein has come out and said that this algorithm shift can affect millions of votes.
It affected at least 2 to 3 million votes during the 2016 presidential election in favor of Hillary.
It's going to do that times 10 with all this new censorship for 2020.
So Trump needs to act now.
The tweets are nice.
We need executive action.
We need... They're right!
You're right.
This isn't about us bitching about being censored.
That's bad enough.
This is 2020 being stolen from World Casual Society.
Chinese social credit score.
It's here.
Listing people as terrorists and are patriots.
Five more minutes with Paul Joseph Watson.
Then, Millie Weaver.
And of course, Caitlin Bennett and more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Stacey in the great state of Texas in FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the ultimate female force.
I looked at all the ingredients and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins that don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural.
I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
Well, it's really great.
You know, it's like a multivitamin.
I take it.
It doesn't have that nasty aftertaste.
It tastes good.
It actually has kind of a pleasant aftertaste.
And, you know, it just gives me energy and fuels me throughout the day, so I really like it.
Well, just so you know, we look at whatever the best herbs are.
They're known to turbocharge women.
And then we get the organic ones and put it in it.
So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things and ultimate female force.
So I'm glad you plugged it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got US aircraft carriers being sent to deal with Iran.
We've got China deals breaking down.
But in the midst of this, we have the attempt to absolutely have big tech go beyond anything ever imagined in 1984.
And not allow people to even talk about people that have been banned's names unless it's negative.
Obviously the President tweeted about you, retweeted your support, all that.
Millie Weaver, great.
But as you said in videos, he usually more than tweet.
But it does show, because he knows how they demonize CNN.
Trump knows how CNN demonizes InfoWars.
That Trump is basically aligning himself and saying, I believe in the First Amendment.
So that's a good thing.
But it's just not a free speech issue.
It's a cartel issue.
It's an election meddling issue.
What is your message to President Trump, Paul?
Well, it's best laid out in the article I spoke about before.
Platform access is a civil right.
We need some kind of digital Bill of Rights.
We need people to look at all angles.
If Facebook wants to be a publisher and not a platform, which is how they're behaving, then remove their immunity from lawsuits under Section 230 of the Communications Act.
Make them legally liable for everything that's posted on their website if they want to act as a publisher.
If somebody gets up on InfoWars and writes an article, and we post an article full of death threats and vile defamatory statements, we're going to get sued for that.
Facebook is immune from that because it's a platform, but it no longer acts as a platform, so there are things you can do there.
And then we whine about the double standard because it's just so brazen.
You know, we've got hundreds of rockets raining down on Israel over the past few days, killing and injuring civilians.
Hamas is listed as a terrorist group by the United States, by the European Union.
All over Facebook, there are pro-Hamas pages.
And in fact, the New York Times reported on that last month.
They said, quote, Hamas enjoys a similar widespread presence on Facebook.
So nobody's doing anything about an actual terrorist group, listed as a terrorist group, that is currently raining down missiles on civilians in Israel.
Oh, but PJW needs to be banned for his edgy opinions.
So it's that double standard again, Alex.
Raheem Kassam just reported a video which shows somebody jokingly punching a pregnant woman in the chest.
To try and get a baby aborted as a joke.
He reported the video for, you know, violence or threat of violence.
Thank you for reporting.
This does not violate our terms.
So you can literally post something punching a pregnant woman in the belly on Instagram.
That's completely fine.
Alex Jones, though, he has to get his face blurred because during the two minutes of hate, you're not even allowed to see.
The face of Goldstein.
That's the level we're at.
And I saw the photos this weekend.
I'm going to dig them out.
It's like families.
I remember taking the photos in D.C.
and stuff with families and their kids and they just blur it and say, oh, you're not allowed to do this because they've scanned my face.
The A.I.
recognizes it and treats it like child porn.
We had another article on InfoWars.
Facebook defends call for Trump assassination.
This woman reported a bunch of assassination threats against President Trump.
And how did they respond?
They'd suspended her for reporting the assassination threats.
I should have led the show with that Jamie White article from last night.
Please tweet that out, Paul.
I still have Twitter and still have YouTube.
And again, people have to remember, you started Summit.News.
We have NewsWars.com, InfoWars.com with our own audio, our own video.
I know you're working on...
Getting your own stuff set up.
We're trying to help you.
We have to do what Drudge came here and warned us.
He said, you got to set your own stuff up now.
You got to get off because when Hillary was going to win, she was going to do it right away.
Well, instead, we got like a two and a half year reprieve, but now ahead of the next election, they're doing it regardless, thinking Trump's dumb.
I mean, imagine if Hillary would have won.
Oh, yeah.
It would have happened even sooner, right?
Also, as I said before, you know, get the products from InfoWars.
There's a subscribe store.
That is absolutely key.
It's linked in the article.
Support PJW in the fight back against censorship.
That is my personal page, so go and donate there at Subscribestar.
And again, that's because you're moving out and doing your own thing because, I mean, we're getting to the point where we cannot finance you and your brother and the work you're doing.
Yeah, the enemy, as I told folks, is slowly but surely shutting us down.
That's why we need your financial support, folks.
This is serious.
All right, sign up for the free email as well at summit.news.
All right, Paul, great job.
Please, you're going to be hosting again tomorrow in the fourth hour, correct?
That's right, yeah.
All right, we'll be right back.
Thanks, Paul.
Stay with us.
Infowarsstore.com is how you support us.
And it's not like we're selling stuff you don't need, you don't want.
The air in the average American home is filled with toxins that put it on par with a major city.
Some of the most polluted areas on Earth are major cities.
How can I solve that problem?
So we have air filters at Infowarsstore.com, the Alexa Pure Breeze, which is right now $50 off.
The Alexa Pure Breeze Groundbreaking Ion Cluster Air Filter Technology.
And we've got a limited quantity of these left right now.
We're basically selling these at cost because there was a big overhaul.
Go ahead and read the hundreds of five-star reviews for yourself.
I've got two in my home.
You will notice the difference, ladies and gentlemen, with the Alexa Pure Breeze in your house.
Don't live
In a polluted major city, in your home, have clean air.
Go to Infowarsstore.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Did you ever think you'd grow up and see all the so-called news pundits calling for people that have more viewers than they do and they're just American patriots to be muted, censored, silenced, shut up?
Well, that's what they're doing, and it's been green-lighted by the American people and by Congress and by the President.
This is criminal racketeering to bully and shut up the American people, and now they're saying we're going to list you as terrorist and take your bank accounts away.
I guess a lot of folks are in the land of the cowards, home of the brave.
I guess they'll just then shut up.
You think things will be better then?
No, it'll only get worse.
We have freedom and wealth because we fought and stood up, but we're living off what our forebearers did.
When you go out in public, there's some strong Americans left.
From a race, color, and creed, but most Americans are soft, cowardly people that are just lazy and stupid, and the wolves of the world know it, folks, and this country's going down unless we stand up.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them muted.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them muted.
Banning people.
They're dictating the opinions that everyone on the platform is allowed to have.
I'm a conservative Jew, so I guess that makes me such a dangerous person.
Spreading articles.
Spreading videos.
You're gonna get demonized.
Spreading links.
You're gonna get attacked.
That's going to do something terrible like help Trump get re-elected.
That's really what all this is about.
...said that they deem our content and our brand un... ...is the right to be, do, and say whatever you want.
It's about freedom of expression.
I'm a journalist.
I'm a left not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype.
They can say whatever they think, and I respect their constitutional right to do it.
I hope they respect my... You're next, folks.
You're arresting everybody.
We've lived in a free society so long that when the tyranny comes, people don't know what to do.
And I've used this allegory a hundred times.
I'll use it again.
There was an island out in the South Pacific, and when the... I forget which island the dodo bird was on.
I think it was in the Galapagos chain.
Was it Galapagos?
And big, fat, juicy, delicious birds the size of a turkey.
They never had a predator.
There weren't any wolves, there weren't any foxes, there weren't any dogs.
There was nothing.
There was nothing but these birds running around on this island.
And within just a few years of sailors finding the island, whaling ships would go and stop there.
They'd just walk up with an oar and just club them in the head and eat them.
Big ol' fat juicy meal.
The dodo, Rapus cocculus, is an extinct featherless bird that was endemic to the island's
of East Madagascar.
I've got the whole wrong ocean.
It's the Indian Ocean.
See, my memory, that's why I said check it.
I guess the Indian Ocean is in the Pacific, but technically it's its own little ocean.
The Dodo's closest genetic relative is the also-extinct, solitaire and forming the sub-family, Rapanae, I think, of the family of pigeons and doves.
So the Dodo, people call people a Dodo, they're stupid and don't care about themselves and fall off the edge of a cliff are stupid.
But it was they'd never seen humans, they never had a predator, they had no fear.
And they had no race memory.
You can take a chicken for six, seven generations.
Indoors, never seeing a hawk, never seeing a predator, and they project a hawk on the ceiling.
They've done university studies.
And the chickens all run to the coop.
Even a dumbass chicken knows what a hawk looks like.
Or an owl.
But see, Americans for generations after generations, except for our fighting men, the farm boys from around the country,
The poor white, black, and Hispanic folks, other than them that the ruling class makes fun of, there's no instincts to fight.
Well, let me tell you something.
If I was a chicken, I'm running around like my head's cut off.
And that's what this is.
World government AI tracking everything right out of Revelations, watching what we're doing in real time, tracking it all, telling people with AI in real time you can't say positive things about Alex Jones, and the AI knows if it's positive or negative.
And saying we're watching you, and then designating me as a terrorist, and then I know it's through Interpol and the banks, and they're getting ready to roll it out worldwide against everybody?
Against Christians, gun owners, forced inoculations, Orthodox Jews are a big target for whatever reason.
Anybody that won't bow down to the world government and turn their kids over to the system.
And yeah, I am... I had half a cup of coffee at home this morning.
And I drank like two sips of one here and I feel like I'm on methamphetamine.
I took that a few times in high school.
I tried it out.
I hated it.
I feel like I'm speeding.
And you know why I feel like that?
Why I'm pissed?
Because my instincts are lined up in normal.
We have world government.
We have a government.
We have Democrats saying they're killing babies after they're born.
We have sex education to five-year-olds.
We have convicted pedophiles being brought in on purpose for little kids to sit on their laps in fifth grade.
We have total evil Hollywood demoralizing us.
They attack on the family.
All these lies.
We have criminal collapse news networks calling anyone that doesn't submit to them Nazis.
And then using their fake claim that you're a Nazi to have your bank accounts taken.
That's what the Nazis did.
And as a man... I become physically angry at this point.
Because at a gut level, I've never been more wound up.
I realize the hammer's about to drop.
They're going to make their move.
They're not going to back off on Russiagate.
They're not going to back off on the failed coup.
They're not going to back off on censorship.
They're not backing off on anything.
If you're Zuckerberg, he's personally got $76 billion.
He owns like 500 and something companies.
He's buying up all the credit card companies, buying up all the apps, buying up... He says, if you're a conservative, because you know, those are talking points he gives CNN, you're not going to have access to telephones.
He's going to rule your ass.
And if you don't fundamentally get pissed at that, you're a dodo bird.
Folks, I'm not a dodo bird, and I'm not going to compare myself to an eagle.
Let me just compare myself to a chicken.
Chicken sees a hawk fly over, that chicken runs for the bushes.
That chicken goes, to tell others, hey, the hawk that eats us, he just flew over.
You see, because there's race memory in all animals.
The Dodos were on that island for probably millions of years and nothing ever ate them, at least hundreds of thousands, so they didn't have a race memory.
But you can take a chicken or any other creature that's ever been around predators and they know about predators, they know what they look like, even though they've never seen them.
Kids are worried about monsters when
They get scared when they go in doorways.
Kids that have really good instincts will be scared when they... Oh, always the high IQ kids are scared when they're little.
You always know you got a winner when they're real scared.
Because they got all the memory.
And when lions and tigers and other predators would wait outside a hut or a cave to eat babies that came out.
That's why children, when they're going in and out of houses, are scared.
A lot of children are scared when they first go in or out.
When they kind of hesitate at a door.
They have instincts.
They have soul.
They have spirit.
It was a transference of the genetic memory.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, I'm about 20 minutes behind today is my ranting and we've got Millie Weaver.
We have Caitlyn Bennett.
We also have a gentleman who went and confronted Hillary and Bill Clinton on their failed national tour they're doing because she's still planning to run, folks.
I told you.
Now it's back in the news.
She's so crazy with this field of like 20-something people that I'll be co-hosting some of the fourth hour.
He'll do the rest of it with Will Johnson, who's here in town doing a great job.
But listen, I want to explain something again.
I'm going to say this again.
There's all this huge breaking news.
I'm not covering the fact that the president tweeted our stuff out or that CNN is saying we should be taken off the air because it's about me.
I don't care about that.
I care about the crew.
I care about this operation.
I want to stay on air to fight the globalists.
But I am physically sick that I know I have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I'm a Christian.
I'm not one of these fake Christians.
I want to be clear.
That there's so many fake Christians that are there to give it a bad name.
And I'm not some goody two-shoe up here telling you how perfect I am.
I never committed a sin.
You know, and I'm this holy man.
Anybody telling you that, you better watch out.
They've probably got a little forked tail hidden in their pants.
What I'm getting at here is, this is Antichrist world government beast system stuff.
There's no doubt about it now.
It's all being fulfilled.
And you look at Zuckerberg, looks like he's from Star Trek, like a space alien up there, talking like a robot, got like green skin, announcing anything negative is going to be taken off.
They let Hezbollah, they let Antifa attack everybody, they let the left run around and bully everybody on Facebook, and then they're going to tell you, you don't have speech.
This is dangerous!
And it shows they're not backing down to Americana and Trump, or you or I.
They're going to bring in a total system and bully us and control us.
And I'm not going to sit here and take it.
And I'm pissed.
Millie Weaver, Kaitlin Bennett, both great reporters out there with the work you're seeing on the streets and the world.
I see the videos you shoot at Trump rallies.
Trump people are loving and nice and good.
The leftists are all foul-mouthed, crazy people that just say, get out of here.
You shouldn't even be here.
What would you call this moment in time we're in when hundreds of missiles rained down on Israel?
Facebook still hosts pro-Hamas account.
But list Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones as terrorists.
It's a terrorist designation.
Well, hell, you can say Ben Laden's name on Facebook, you can't say mine.
Facebook defends calls for Trump assassination, bans people that flag it and criticize major sites calling for Trump to be killed.
That's on Infowars.com, with all the screenshots and links.
Forget Facebook, they want to revoke your access to banking.
Folks, this is so insane.
What do you think?
Millie, Caitlin, jump in, say whatever you want about this.
It's just, am I wrong?
Should I be covering the aircraft carrier going to deal with the Iranians?
Should I be covering?
I mean, to me, this is everything here.
They're tripling down on censorship and control.
Gulag level.
Hitler is the only guy I saw in modern history do this with commerce and control of people.
I mean, this is so criminal.
It's okay to be Alex Jones.
It's okay to be Infowars.
It's okay to be Trump.
It's okay to be conservative.
But the left likes to paint otherwise because, quite frankly, they have no way to argue against common sense when their beliefs
Are absolute ludicrous.
I mean, they deny science.
Liberals right now on Twitter are freaking out because there was an announcement that the royal couple had a boy.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a boy.
They're saying, what?
I thought it was supposed to be non-binary.
How can you say that they had a boy?
I mean, this is ludicrous, Alex.
I see all these articles on Infowars and Newswars that link to mainstream articles going, oh, this professor got fired because he said there's only men and women.
It's just an assault on humanity, an assault on men and women.
It's like it's an alien invasion.
So, OK, I'll step in.
So one thing that I wanted to point out when I was watching the show earlier before I came on, Alex, was Brian Stelter.
I completely forgot yesterday when we were talking about this, but Millie and I actually confronted him and tried to get him to denounce censorship of InfoWars, and he wouldn't do it.
He was kind of towing the line, not saying that it should be censored, but also kind of trying to play nice to our faces, saying like, oh, you know, you're not being censored.
I don't support that.
And we tried to get him to say, free Alex Jones, free InfoWars.
And he wouldn't say it, but now that the president tweeted Millie's video and is sharing InfoWars content, he is now full-fledged out there calling Millie disgusting.
I forget the exact word that he used, but... And again, he's a loser nobody.
He's a loser nobody with not even 100,000 viewers.
Again, he's this nobody sack of crap from the New York Times, but anointed to be our lord and king.
You know Alex, that video you played was so powerful where it showed how one by one all of these voices are being silenced and we're seeing the censorship creep in and that's what they're doing essentially boiling the frog slowly so that the frog doesn't jump out of the pot.
Well we need to do something.
We need to figure something out as a group of Americans, people in general, we need to stand up against free speech.
I mean the left is literally running as their party platform line
Anti-Second Amendment, anti-speech, and oh, we'll just give you a bunch of free stuff in exchange for your rights.
But wait, it's not actually free stuff.
You are just essentially redistributing the American people's money back to them.
You know, it's ridiculous.
It's just incredible.
First, they take you off their platforms and they condemn anybody who shares the articles.
And then that leaves people to be able to make up lies about you, Alex, and make up lies about me and Millie and InfoWars in general.
We can't defend ourselves because people can't tell the truth about us.
That is so terrifying.
And if people, the neocons that hate InfoWars and say we're not real conservatives,
What they don't understand is that they are next.
They're gonna come for Ben Shapiro.
They're gonna come for Cabot Phillips.
They're gonna come for these milquetoast conservatives next.
Because the truth is, we aren't dangerous.
We aren't conspiracy theorists.
We aren't any of the labels that they put on us.
But they will not stop here.
Well, they're not going to come for Shapiro because he will convert to the leftist neocon he's always been in the Trotsky model.
As soon as we're all off air, he will then say, actually, I'm a socialist, I'm a liberal.
So that's been his plan the whole time.
He goes on CNN and says, oh, these are private platforms.
You can surveil them and you can tell users whose names they can't say.
Well, then cults aren't bad.
The worst cults don't tell people what name you can say.
I mean, this is not a Harry Potter novel.
It's just disgusting.
It's disgusting.
And what's next?
What happens after all conservative voices have been silenced off of the internet?
The Democrats are able to meddle in elections and influence the outcome.
They get their super hyper progressive Democrats.
Well, I mean, that's the way it is.
Actually, the Weathermen said they want
Christians put in camps, 50 million, 25 million killed.
That's Bill Ayers trained Obama in that.
That was in congressional hearings.
And then they're going to expand out from there.
They're already, Hillary said, put us in digital gulags, put men in fun camps.
And we all laugh about this.
The left are flaming authoritarians.
They have giant throngs of useful idiots.
You go to any of their events, they're ugly, they're stupid, they're lazy, they want something free.
They're never going to get anything free.
They're just the scum.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
I was in a meeting this morning with some of the crew and Kit Daniels.
I was like, there's this big, giant, fat, you know, $500 billion corporation with a trillion-dollar corporation like Apple and a trillion-dollar corporation like Google, working with the Chi-Coms.
It's just like a giant elephant, you know, raping a squirrel or something.
And the people have to organize against this.
It's just an abuse of power.
It's cult-like.
It's out of control.
Tell me what words they can use.
And Kit Daniels goes, you mean like the famous video on Animal Planet of the elephant seal raping the penguin?
And I thought, wait a minute, that doesn't exist.
So we searched it, and there it was.
A penguin being raped by a seal.
A giant elephant seal.
And so I said, my God, the reason I'm going to play this is,
All the other penguins are sitting there watching, and not even running away after this one's been grabbed and is being raped, and that's how it feels like they pick one of us off at a time, and then once the precedent's set, everybody gets raped.
So why not put my head on the penguin, and then put Zuckerberg's head, or Facebook's head, on the other one?
And you know, we can joke about this all day,
But this is really what's going on.
Your birthright, your freedom, your data, your privacy.
AI is watching in real time.
You post my name or InfoWars.
You're being told you can't.
You're being threatened with being deleted.
You're being threatened with being blocked.
That's live time.
You're being raped.
Your freedom is being raped over this telecommunication system.
They say, come on in here.
Don't just communicate over the telephone or in person like you used to.
Communicate over this thing that lets you post photos and make digital calls and text.
By the way, now that you're here, we're going to read what you said, and we're going to tell you what you can say.
Will Johnson, this is real.
It is real.
It's disgusting.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
They're destroying, they're literally raping you from social media.
They're trying to remove you from the planet.
If this was, if this was Alice in Wonderland, they would say, off with his head.
That's exactly what they would do right now.
This is unbelievable to see this.
The penguin getting raped by this seal.
I mean, and that's exactly it.
Facebook is destroying the American people the same way.
They are at our throats, they are at our genitals, they're at the American people like this.
And for this to be taking place like this is disgusting!
It's absolutely disgusting!
How does this happen?
Look at that!
I mean, that's actually exactly what's happening.
Radio listeners have to go to Infowars.com forward slash show to see this.
The left will complain.
This is on mainline TV.
Hey, but the point is, can we change it to Zuckerberg's face please on the seal?
I think that's the final...
The final deal.
We're working on it right now.
You know, we can laugh about this, but let's bring in Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver.
Ladies, Trump tweeted out some of your stuff.
That's great.
I think what's wrong is that the penguins
Are doing exactly what everyone else is doing.
Everyone thinks that hey, you know if I don't attack Facebook for essentially
Should quiet down, stay silent, not speak out, not do anything he doesn't like, and maybe he'll leave me alone.
No, once he's, you know, once that penguin is probably suffocated to death, he'll move on to the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and it could be you next.
I was watching raw footage.
They try to run away, but he jumps on one.
Caitlin Bennett, I mean, we released raw footage of Zuckerberg.
What do you think of this?
So that is absolutely hilarious that you put Facebook's logo on the seal there, but it's so true.
Everybody should do that as a meme!
We should put Facebook on the heads of bad things.
Yeah, so it's just a perfect metaphor of what's happening.
They're screwing you, and you can see the pings in the background, just kind of like
You know, not looking, not looking, and Millie hit the nail on the head.
That's what so many people are doing right now, and I'm not gonna lie, even I am scared to make certain video reports calling it out because I don't want to be targeted next.
So, it's working.
Their fear, the fear-mongering that they're putting in us is working, and it's gonna spread to so many people, and they're just trying to make sure Trump doesn't win 2020.
That's what all of this comes down to.
If all those penguins made a concentrated attack on that walrus and literally just started pecking him a bunch all over, he would probably run off and be so overwhelmed.
If you let one penguin stand up, they might all stand up.
That's right, just like a bug's life.
That's why everyone needs to start just getting really vocal about it.
In fact, everybody should be tweeting, it's okay to be Alex Jones.
It's okay to be InfoWars.
People should be resisting, not cowering and saying, okay, I better just not say InfoWars anymore.
Because at the end of the day, InfoWars will ban you for anything next.
That's a great idea.
They're reversing it to say Jones Alex.
So those posts are actually getting through.
Then people just put out Summit.News, they put out PrisonPlanet.com or NewsWars.com.
It's InfoWars.com and Alex Jones that's banned.
But dude, Jones Alex and NewsWars.com, that at least makes the Southern Poverty Law Center workers have to go through all the posts to do it themselves.
Yeah, you know, the ping was walking around.
It's just like she said, it's exactly what's happening.
The American people are afraid.
Someone put a post on there when I was on with you Saturday night, someone put it on Facebook and people were commenting on there saying that I'm afraid to say Alex Jones because I'm afraid Facebook is going to remove me.
Simply because by putting your name.
And your co-host saw it themselves.
Yeah, actually my wingman, Ben Burkham, he put the post out there and hours later, he has over 100,000 people on his Facebook, hours later only 32 people actually saw it.
It was 4 likes.
It's completely shadowbanning.
And they're putting the fear into people for this social media platform.
They're putting fear people, to put a name, Alex Jones, is fearful.
They're putting fear into people.
Imagine if you heard in Nazi Germany, Hitler said you'd be arrested if you said someone's name.
No one would believe that.
People didn't believe Hitler did that.
It's just, it's so insane.
But against chirpy Mark Zuckerberg doing it, so it's okay.
They go above and beyond what Nazi Germany did.
You know what Nazi Germany did is cupcakes compared to what they're doing now.
What they're doing now is to a new level because of the technology, because they can really remove someone from all social media platforms simply because you're not saying something that they don't agree with.
What kind of world are we living in?
This is insane!
The lady on CNN, I think her name is...
What's her name?
No, not even Omar.
Go ahead and play the short five-second clip.
She says, I want a ban, I want them shut up, I want them muted.
I mean, this is exactly what it is.
Here it is.
She's a Nazi.
Yeah, they're calling us Nazis all day.
A hundred percent.
This is very Nazi.
Let's go ahead and roll that.
Here it is.
Powerful clip, huh?
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, Navarro, that's exactly what it is.
And for her to say that, and no one's saying, you know what you're saying, right?
No one is saying that to her.
Do you realize what you're saying?
Not a single person did that.
Everyone is like, yes, you know what, you're absolutely right.
We need to remove all of these people to get rid of Alex Jones.
And Republicans doing nothing is greenlighting the theft of 2020.
I'll predict this now.
We're going to come back with all you guys and another guest.
I predict, I'll give more details when we come back, Trump will lose 2020 unless he moves in and stops all this.
It won't matter.
We'll lose the whole country, the whole world.
This is the Chinese Communist Socialist score, perfected in China, now brought back to America by big tech.
Big tech is the enemy of the American people.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The preacher man says it's the end of time In the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry
The interest is up and the stock market's down and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
Alright, here's an example of all the stuff behind the scenes that's been going on.
They've been trying to hack the site.
They've been attacking it.
They've had leftists going over any servers we have trying to take them away.
Infowars.com is just blank right now.
Does it give you an error?
Does it say what it is?
IT's looking at it and they just say, looks like some type of takeover.
They don't want you to have speech.
They want to get you used to taking what they say like you're in communist China and that's the end of it.
In Communist China, you can't send an emoji of the Taiwanese flag.
You can't send out Winnie the Pooh because the dictator doesn't like Winnie the Pooh.
I'm not joking.
Don't worry, we've got NewsWars.com, we've got Summit.News, Paul Runs, we have PrisonPlanet.com.
We've been attacked before, that's why we have lots of sites.
But realize, they don't want you having access to ideas.
They don't want you being able to speak out.
That's why you've got to wear t-shirts in the third dimension.
That's why you gotta go to Hillary and Bill events.
And let them know you're aware of their criminal activity.
That's why you gotta go to Beto events.
Bernie Sanders events.
And it is true, really, Alex Jones and InfoWars really is the symbol of Americana and freedom now.
And they believe they can extinct that, they can make you give up, and then they're going to win.
But they're not going to win.
And Trump must take action.
Pretty crazy.
Try to go to InfoWars.com, and you're getting a bunch of calls about it.
They don't tell me stuff or it upsets me, which is the cardinal rule they're not supposed to do, because I want to be involved in decision making around here.
I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
Somebody's going to get fired for not telling me.
How long has that been going on that nobody told me?
Because that's the one rule is, you gotta tell me when stuff's going on, man.
But no, it doesn't happen.
And I'm not trying to get mad here, but we're in a war.
Go back to Millie Weaver and, of course, Caitlyn Bennett.
They're not going to be able to stop you on the street.
They're not going to be able to stop our listeners.
It's bigger than InfoWars.
Everybody's got to start a website.
Everybody's got to start reporting.
Everybody's got to do it.
We've got to go out and show the globalists, show the left what they're doing, and expose them.
It's that simple.
What do you think people, forget Trump, what can we the people do to fight back against this, all three of you?
Well, you know, as soon as the conservatives go, and they will at some point, it'll be their turn.
Everyone knows where to go to.
Everyone's going to go to InfoWars.com, because that's where the hub is, where we know Alex Jones and InfoWars are still going to be reporting news.
And even if InfoWars.com is taken down,
Well, go to our site InfoWars.com and sign up for our newsletters because newsletters is another way that we can stay in contact with our listeners and our viewers for updates if this kind of a takeover actually does take place.
Well, the biggest thing is people need to get pissed and realize being blocked and censored should make them mad and make them want to spread the word.
I mean, imagine what people could do, like we used to expose the flu shot as deadly.
People should put posters up everywhere.
They should put InfoWars posters up everywhere.
Or put up your own website posters.
The point is, fight back.
Smash Zuckerberg by resisting him politically.
You're absolutely right.
You know, if they start attacking me the way that they're attacking you, I'm going to look at it.
They're attacking a black man that supports President Trump, that has had a communication contact, any kind of contact with Alex Jones.
That's exactly it.
They can't stand someone like me or two ladies having any kind of communication or anyone having communication with Alex Jones.
People, this is war.
We are in a war right now.
They're using war tactics, trying to break down communication.
We've got to fight back, and their main goal is to get us to get at each other's throat.
They want conservatives, they want someone to go out and retaliate.
They want someone to be violent.
They don't have any of their footage.
They have nothing to show that conservatives are violent.
All of the leftists are violent.
So they're trying to do all of these different things to get under our skin.
To try to get at us, to try to get us to be angry.
To try to get us to be violent.
That's why they staged Charlottesville with the fake Nazis and the leftists.
Had the police stand down.
That's why they're so pissed they didn't get what they wanted.
You're absolutely right.
That's why I said of violence, we have to, in fact, I'm going to show people, we've done it years ago.
Everybody, we're going to put posters up today.
I'm going to stay here.
We're going to put them out.
They're going to go on Infowars.com, a whole page of posters about Infowars, about the truth, about vaccines, about whatever.
You just print off a bunch at Kinko's or wherever, and you just go in legal and lawful areas, anywhere they, power poles, you know, wherever, they're going to claim you're bad when you do it.
They're not mad about a, you know, dog walking thing or an ad for real estate.
And you just put these babies up everywhere, and then they're such authoritarians, they'll flip out and put it all over the news and say, how dare
Americans think they have speech and it'll blow up in their face.
I'm telling you folks, get aggressive in the Infowar.
You have to.
You have to get aggressive.
And I love the fact that President Trump is like the Infowars president.
You know, CNN and the rest of them, they hate Infowars so much.
You know what it is?
I had a conversation with a young lady, her name is Marjorie Green, and she was telling me that she knows a person who used to work under Bernie Sanders and under the Obama administration and was constantly listening to you.
After you, he walked away.
See, that's their biggest fear.
They can't have someone like Alex Jones waking people up.
You have touched so many people's hearts and minds.
That is the problem, because you're getting them to pay attention to what they're doing.
That is the main thing here.
Someone is telling them the truth, and that's what they can't have.
Just like you have energy and smarts, we all have it.
It's the fact we're saying, wake up!
They're scared because we're not like the NPR voice, going sleepy.
Wake up!
I'm your NPR liberal.
Everyone's a white supremacist that doesn't love globalism.
Zuckerberg loves you.
What do you think they fear the most, Caitlin Bennett?
I think they fear, I keep bringing it back, I think that they really fear the fact that Trump wins 2020 again.
They weren't expecting the, I guess, the conservative voice on social media being so prominent.
Because as they have control of the media, the outlets, the news outlets, CNN, they have control of what we see on TV and in the news.
As conservatives, we could have control over what people see on social media.
So they have to make sure they scale that back as well.
I believe social media helped Trump win.
Because people were able to spread InfoWars links there.
They were able to just voice their opinion, have conversations.
And now they're scared.
They do not want him to be in power because they can't, therefore, take over the rest of us and implement these crazy policies.
And I love that Trump is the InfoWars president.
Alex, you've got to get a t-shirt with that made because I want to wear it.
And you know what?
I think we should get one saying Alex Jones is the general.
Well, I don't need that.
We could have one that says sweet.
The General.
I like it.
General Jones.
Enough about me.
General Jones.
I'm like the crazy, you know, profit runner out in the wilderness.
No, but seriously.
I get upset by world government being here and them telling 2.2 billion people you can't say somebody's name.
It's not about me.
It's that this is what they were always planning.
And I really get mad that Trump and them are like, oh, well, is it OK to control private companies?
They're big ass monopolies telling people how to think and what to do, trying to tell people, we'll take your job away or call you a Nazi.
And then Facebook said that I'm a terrorist and Paul Watson's a terrorist and put us in an Interpol list.
That's an Interpol list.
I already have the damn documents.
It already happened last year with the banks.
Think about how they say we need judicial reform and prison reform, and I agree.
Non-violent, spent too much time in jail.
I've never been convicted of anything!
And so what I'm saying is they have said I'm a terrorist.
Facebook has, in an Interpol designation, and that's fighting words, man!
I mean, Facebook is a terrorist organization, not me.
It is.
They are.
And they're encouraging other people to be terrorists themselves.
That's what's really going on here.
They encourage all of these mindless
I think?
And the police state, and the police in most cities, they're blue cities, they stand down while 10 to 1 they attack you.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then you have politicians like Maxine Waters going out saying, attack Trump administration.
Attack any of them, wherever you see them.
Attack them.
That's code for attack any conservative, because that's exactly what happened.
And now they have CBS shows about punching a Nazi, but they define a Nazi as any Trump supporter.
Yeah, absolutely.
And Tom Arnold says Trump's a Nazi.
I mean, that is outrageous.
You know what?
It's another tactic in this war to deceive everybody to get everyone to believe.
And everybody knows that what I'm saying is the fact that they've geared up to this point shows they're not backing down after Russiagate fell apart.
They're not.
They're going to go for total censorship.
They're trying to remove Trump.
He goes on the offense or it's over.
Sorry, Millie, Caitlin, I interrupted you.
Well, you know, they're shutting down free speech on the internet.
They're shutting down free speech out on the streets.
If we try to have protests, they send Antifa and other Soros-backed operatives to come violently shut us down so that the media can spin it and say that we're violent.
And they're essentially going to rig the 2020 election.
They're going to flood it with illegal alien votes and, you know, dead votes and whatever else they can, or even just electronic rigging.
And then when we're all off the internet, we can't speak out or contest it.
This is what's happening.
So we need to use our voices now.
Now's the time, while we have it.
I want to ask you all a question when we come back, Jen.
Oh, I know.
The energy level's so high, I'm more crazed than I've ever been.
This is just insane.
Can everybody feel it?
Can you see it?
We'll be right back.
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I want to say BrainForce is great.
I want to say TurboForce is amazing.
It is!
But if you took it with Bish Oil...
It's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
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You've got the children's.
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You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, I just confirmed on the IT guys.
They haven't broken into the whole site itself.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
But they're able to get into the URL and put a fake URL in front of it so nobody can get to the site.
So they've somehow gotten into the DNS or in front of the site, which shows us with one of the telecoms.
And so InfoWars.com's down.
That's why we have NewsWars.com.
That's why we have PrisonPlanet.com.
It's why we have, of course, Paul's done his own thing, Summit.News.
We're launching a bunch of other sites.
It's because the war's here.
They're coming after everything.
Yeah, I see that.
I didn't think that I would be sitting in this chair to experience this here with you today.
I had no idea.
The threat level, the intensity, what they're doing is next level.
This is literally war.
It's like a Star Trek episode where we're like running around inside.
Yeah, it's literally war.
And people, and they're trying to do everything they can to shut you down.
They cannot stand it.
What is it that you're saying that they cannot stand?
I mean, seriously, think about that.
You're just speaking your mind.
There's no teleprompters in here.
You're speaking your mind, and they're afraid of that.
If you're so afraid of someone saying something, that means you're going to have to shut down 2.2 billion people, because at some point, you're going to get afraid of everybody saying something.
Well, I keep going back to this, and we got the man that went out and physically confronted Hillary last night.
I think that's why they're getting so angry, is they're just afraid of the spirit of standing up, and they see the chain reaction from Infowars Milley, and of course, that's Milley Weaver, and then of course Caitlin Bennett.
Where do you see this going, though?
I mean, if Trump doesn't take action?
Well, America, as we know it, will be gone, essentially.
You will be eating maggot sausage and insect ice cream.
Yeah, believe it or not, that's a CNN article that they're pushing, saying we need to eat maggot sausage and insect ice cream in the name of climate change.
America, as we know it, will be gone, okay?
They'll have your sons in dresses because some teacher brainwashed them to think he's non-binary or transgender.
It's all going to go downhill very, very fast.
That's why we need to be able to refute this ideology that the left is pushing because it's mental illness.
They're mentally ill.
They're becoming rabid.
You have grown men
Attacking pregnant women that are conservative women protesting.
These liberal men go and attack pregnant women.
The left has lost their moral compass.
We need Trump to ensure that conservative voices can stay on the internet to maintain sanity amongst our culture.
That's right, and let's be clear.
Once you get people to give up any chivalry or morals, the bottom drops out.
Once they can get the Nazis, the Germans on average were pretty moral at that point, I mean even compared to Americans, it was a very moral society.
But once they were tricked to say, get rid of retarded babies, and then they were tricked to get rid of autistic, then they were tricked to get rid of old people, and then, oh, just kill this, then they were ready to kill everybody.
And that's how it works, and the left has been hyped up now into this crazed mode where they're just willing to do anything, Caitlin.
So one thing I want to point out to the listeners is while we can urge Trump to do something because he needs to act, we can't rely solely on that.
So I love the idea of going out and just putting up signs that it's okay to be Alex Jones, it's okay to be InfoWars.
Post signs everywhere because if enough people do it,
It will make the news.
And if it makes the news, people are going to start talking about it.
Make it go viral.
All you have to do is do one certain thing, put it out there, and it can go viral on social media.
And be smart about it.
Be smart about it, Caitlin.
You're a genius.
Shoot a video on this.
Go out and say it's okay to have free speech.
It's okay to have Infowars.com.
It's okay to support Trump.
It's okay to be white.
It's okay to be human.
Whatever you want to say.
But with Infowars.com on it, go near universities.
Don't go on them, because they're such police states.
And put it up in legal and lawful telephone polls, wherever you see handbills already posted.
Don't try to go, oh, that's illegal.
If everybody's already posting there, it's a comment.
And then the left will freak out and call the news.
The news will come and decry it.
It'll be all over the news and chain reaction.
Total genius.
Will you guys come back later today, since you're not on the road, on the war room?
Yeah, we should be able to.
Alright, well whatever you need to do, ladies, don't wait for us from headquarters.
Hit it, get the signs out, you're awesome.
We're going to post a page to Infowars.com with some posters from the past, a few new ones for folks to get and get out there.
This is a total war.
Exercise your speech or lose it.
Myself, Will Johnson, coming up.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Just a good old boy.
Never meanin' no harm.
Ain't in trouble with the law.
It's all you never saw.
Ain't in trouble with the law.
Since the day they were born.
Straightenin' the curve.
Glidin' in the hills.
Someday the mountain might get above the law.
This is the thing about dialect, and it's not because Will Johnson's here and he's black.
I did that famous thing on Joe Rogan.
It's got, by itself, last time I checked without even looking, 10 million views and a couple different videos just on YouTube.
I'm sure it's everywhere else.
People on the street go, make him comfortable.
And people all over say, seven pounds of meat.
But now the left, I saw a few stories going, Jones makes fun of a black person's accent, whatever that is, there's different accents all over this country.
You go up New York, you're a black guy, talking like a Yankee because he's from there.
Listen to me, I sound like a Texan that talks about double speed.
I was making fun of the governor, who literally said, we make them comfortable in a Southern lovin' voice.
Well, where do you think most of the black people were during the Civil War?
They were in the South, so it's a Southern soundin' voice.
If you actually listen to Waylon Jennings, a little bit different voice, you might sound like a blues singer, a black singer.
Because it's the same thing, the same culture.
They make fun of people like fried chicken and watermelon and stuff.
What do you think people eat in the South?
It doesn't matter if you go to a white restaurant or a black restaurant, it's the same damn food.
That's everybody projecting racism onto everything.
I was making fun of the governor, putting on that real sicky sweet southern gentleman voice.
We keep the baby comfortable.
How is it that if you talk in that accent that you're being racist, but when you have Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, AOC,
And the rest of them start talking like that when they get in front of black people, because other than that, they don't talk to black people that way.
As if black people talk that way, or if that's the only way black people can understand what you're saying.
They have it in their mind that black people are so dumbed down that they don't understand anything else unless you talk with a solid accent like theirs.
Because two black people too dumb to understand anything else.
They truly believe that.
That's what I'm saying is, it's a southern dialect of whites and black folks.
You're from Arkansas, so you call it somewhat of a southern accent.
That's what I'm saying is, Hillary's the one that goes and does the fake voice all the time.
We're not doing fake voices, this is how we talk.
So if you listen to Waylon Jennings, he's got a pretty southern voice.
James Earl Jones has got a powerful southern voice.
And then you've got somebody like, the governor's got a sicky sweet southern lovin' voice.
I mean, that's how some of those guys talk.
That's how the white guys talk.
But they try to spin it that I'm being racist.
Yeah, but for them to come out and say that you're being racist, but when they do it purposely to talk to black people like that.
And I can't understand why the black... That's what I'm saying.
I wasn't trying to do a Southern black... I wasn't trying to do a Southern black accent.
You're mocking him.
I was doing his white Southern accent.
Yes, you're mocking him.
And they're like, oh no, Alex Jones is being racist.
See, they find anything and everything to call white people racist.
Because they feel that it's a soft, easy target to call white people racist.
But he's the one, in his own white southern voice, that's always over-exaggerating kind of the elite groups.
I've noticed only like the really rich guys are like...
Oh, nice to take care of you.
Everything's a beautiful day.
Mint julep.
That's how the governor's talking.
You know, it's disgusting that they keep doing that.
And they're not going to stop because they think black people are too dumb to realize what they're doing.
And a lot of these Southern Democrats, black Democrats, they keep giving in to it.
That's why they keep voting for these Democrats day in or year after year after year.
Every two years, they come back and they start talking in that
Southern accent and some chemical imbalance goes on in their brain and all of a sudden these black people say, yes, yes, I have to vote for these Democrats because I'm black.
Can you imagine what Hillary does is in front of Hispanic audiences, if Hispanics have one way of talking and she gets up, she goes, hello, how are you?
I've been told.
I mean, I mean, I grew up in Texas where it's like half Hispanic.
If you walked up around your Hispanic friends and went, how you doing today?
They'd say, what the hell is your problem?
But that's their motto.
They truly believe that people are so dumbed down, they don't understand unless you talk to them that way.
That is their thing.
The chemical imbalance is going on in their heads to have them think that they have to get to these people.
It's their brain.
I have to talk like this.
By the way, I'm not bringing back the $1,000 and $5,000 bonuses because three years ago I had the money.
Over $200 were paid out.
We paid over $300,000 out to listeners.
It put me on Hillary's execution list.
But I said to make it fun, $1,000.
If you legally and lawfully, that means in an outdoor setting, get or call in, get on national TV and say Bill Clinton's a rapist because he settled three rape cases.
They're trying to say Trump was a racist.
I said $1,000 you get out on the news, $5,000 if it's on TV for more than 10 seconds and you're seeing an Infowars.com is plugged.
Now it probably changed the outcome of the election.
Trump even cites that because it was all over the news.
Changed the subject from their made-up stuff to real stuff.
This gentleman, the story's up on Infowars.com.
I appreciate him holding 30 minutes.
I've been behind.
He gets a $1,000 prize.
So let's get his name, his number.
We've got Benjamin Hill's info at deplorable underscore Hill.
He went, like the left encourages people to go,
Peckle Trump rallies.
Well, he went to the Clinton rally that they're having to hand away free tickets to, and this is what happened last night.
Here it is.
I'm a deplorable!
I'm a deplorable!
You're going to jail, lady!
You've all been deceived!
You've all been deceived!
Alex Jones sends his regards!
Alex Jones sends his regards!
We need to pull up all those compilations of Bill Clinton's a rapist, even in the front row.
Because, you know, I guess I'm going to go all the way here.
I'm going to go all the way.
So let's bring this fella up.
Benjamin Hill, you're on there with Will Johnson.
Alex Jones, thanks for holding.
Sorry I got behind today.
What happened once your camera cut off?
Well, it was kind of crazy.
As soon as I walked in there, let me start there, you could smell it.
It was just this overwhelmed feeling of, I shouldn't be here.
There's some funky mojo going on in that crowd.
So the video, I shot the video.
It was just as soon as she started speaking.
I didn't want to stay there any longer and I had to, that's for sure.
And so, as I'm being escorted down my aisle, because I was right in the middle of the row I was in, and I was getting punched in the leg, I was getting pushed.
You can't really see it on the video, but when I started to turn around... Oh, I believe you.
When I covered Beto, I probably, even though I had three security guys, they were still slapping them and slapping me.
Yeah, I did.
I spit on, I had something thrown at me.
The security guard, he was pretty nice.
He insisted I give him my identification card.
That's not happening.
And so, uh, but this isn't the first time you've had me on.
I was on once before.
I remember a few years ago.
What were you on about?
Free Alex Jones?
Well, this, uh, the Free Alex Jones, I went to the Trump rally and got it on national television.
Uh, got up there.
Well, you didn't ask for it and we don't even have the money anymore, but thousand bucks to you.
And you know what?
You know what?
We got $20,000 out there.
$1,000 to the next 20 people that go to any Democrat rally and say, free Alex Jones and get it on national news, or say it right up front in their face, or Bill Clinton's a rapist, or Hillary Clinton's a war criminal Benghazi.
$1,000 just to make it fun.
Yeah, I actually went there in the intention to place her under citizen's arrest.
There's no way she should be out walking around and parading around as the president.
I remember you.
You're a military veteran, right?
You've been on before.
I am.
I served two tours.
One in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.
The energy level, the spiritual... I mean, I'm picking it up.
Are you picking it up?
Oh, absolutely.
You can't help but pick it up.
You can't help but feel it.
Because we are in this fight.
This is not something that's, you know, put on TV.
It's not something that we're making up.
This is reality.
The reality of it is they're trying to crush all of us.
And you just happen to be at the tip of the spear.
But they're trying to break us all down.
They're trying to destroy what is good in this country.
They don't care about the American people.
They really want to harm us.
They really want to destroy us.
And they're starting with you as much as possible.
I love the idea.
You know, I want to ask him, could he smell the sulfur in the room?
I wonder if he could smell it in there.
By the way, I didn't make that up.
I was told by people that knew the Clintons that Bill doesn't smell.
But mousy tongues suck real bad.
It's like a thing where they don't wash because they don't care about you.
And the fact is, she smells like... It's just a rotten stink.
And I've had guests on about it.
Look how flies are always landing on them.
Obama stinks too.
Yeah, I believe it.
They stink.
They stink.
There's something about them.
I mean, I only said that because it's been reported, folks.
That's what everybody that tells me says, that they stink like the devil.
Okay, so a watch is good, and some jewelry.
Better grab some flowers, too.
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Oh, yeah.
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Stacey in the great state of Texas in FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the ultimate female force.
I looked at all the ingredients and they're all organic, root, things like that that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins that don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural.
I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
Well, it's really great.
You know, it's like a multivitamin.
I take it.
It tastes good.
It doesn't have that nasty aftertaste.
It actually has kind of a pleasant aftertaste.
And, you know, it just gives me energy and fuels me throughout the day, so I really like it.
Well, just so you know, we look at whatever the best herbs are.
They're known to turbocharge women.
And then we get the organic ones and put it in it.
So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things in ultimate female force.
So I'm glad you plugged it.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I asked Bobby Dylan I asked the Beatles I asked Timothy Leary But he couldn't help me either They called me the Seeker
All right, we're back live.
I really appreciate everybody today and I appreciate our guest and Will Johnson.
My head's just spinning at this point.
The way CNN and MSNBC and ABC and every channel will say Trump's trying to destroy free speech when he stands up to the media and says they're lying.
He isn't saying shut them down.
He isn't saying stop them.
Then they say take all of us off air.
And in the same show, we'll talk about Trump's war on free speech.
I mean, do they think their listeners don't have any common sense or any discernment or any... they don't see the hypocrisy?
No, they actually do know that.
They know they've got hardcore acolytes that they're radicalizing against us.
Yeah, that's exactly what it is.
They think that the American people don't have any
Since they think the American people can't think for themselves.
They think the American people are lost.
So we have to tell them we have to make them comfortable and tell them what they need to hear.
We want to tickle their ears and say, you know, believe this, but don't believe that.
Believe this and don't believe the truth.
They are at us because they know they're losing.
They know they're losing.
That's why they're going to the extreme right now.
Do you think they're going to stop?
I don't think they're going to stop.
They're going to continue.
You know what?
I think they like the fact that they can remove people and just watch us talk about it.
Oh, they love it!
And then lie to Congress about it.
So I want to go back to our guest, but let me ask you this.
I'm going to say it again.
Trump tweeted Infowars out, which is a big deal because they've demonized it.
They tried to make him deny it.
They tried to make him forsake it.
They tried to make the president say it's bad in thousands of newscasts.
I'm saying thousands that I know about.
And I told Trump, last time I talked to him,
I don't know.
I need you to defend the First Amendment, and I need you to break up these trusts, and I need you to, you know, take them on.
And it's the same thing.
So great.
I also told Trump, I said, listen, if for whatever reason you got to say you disagree with me, because the way they misrepresent and create this drama about me, go ahead, throw me under the bus.
I don't care about me.
I care about the issues.
Well, instead, Trump just doubled down and promoted him for us.
That's great for us.
OK, great.
Thank you, Mr. President.
But that's when the battle loses the war.
We're being mass censored.
Everybody is.
The conservatives and nationalists that promote you are always getting shadow banned and blocked.
They're just admitting it using my name, thinking I'm so unpopular with leftists and conservatives will be scared to defend me because of the demonization, that then the dominoes will all fall.
Mr. President, we need action now.
Benjamin Hill, what do you think the president should do?
Well, he definitely needs to go after Big Tech.
Even the little guys are getting censored.
I mean, it's happening everywhere, Alex.
It's time to... I want to ask Americans.
I want to ask the freedom-loving patriots.
What are you going to do to save your freedoms?
What are you going to do today?
Not tomorrow.
Not a week from now.
You need to go out and you need to lawfully do some action.
That's why I went and said something to Hillary.
That's why I went and did this.
She needs to go to prison.
Somebody needs to lock her up because she's parading around like she's the president and stay behind networks.
Trump needs to go after the deep state and she needs to make an example of somebody.
That's what he's got to do.
And I think the best person for it would be Hillary.
I agree.
And well, she's still running much of the government.
That's why they're all still kiss her ass.
And I'm telling you, with 20 something people running, she's going to wait.
Biden's going to have a medical issue and she's going to come slipping in right at the convention.
You think it's Kamala Harris?
I think it's Kamala Harris.
I think because right now the Democrats, they don't want a white, old male to be president.
They're constantly saying it.
They don't want someone white on the top of the ticket because they want to be the party of women.
Or minority.
That's what they're constantly saying.
And it's always the Democrats that's using a sex or a complexion to divide us.
They're always doing it.
But then notice whenever the Republicans have a really good candidate, like, he's not perfect, but Herman Cain or Allen West, they really go after those black conservatives.
Oh, absolutely.
See, you can't be black and be off the Democrat plantation.
See, that's the problem.
Then you're Uncle Tom, then you're all of these Coons.
I've been called all of them.
I mean, I've...
Just this past day, I was called a new name, Chubb.
I had never heard of that, or Chum.
And I'm like, really?
I was in San Francisco.
And I'm like, really?
What is that?
And they said, I can't explain it to you.
You can call it to me, but you can't explain it to me.
They make up new racist names every day.
And when I was a Democrat, I did not get any of that hate.
It wasn't until I became a conservative where I received that.
But you know what, let me touch on something that you mentioned just a second ago about President Trump.
If we do not stand up and fight for President Trump, we're going to lose in 2020.
He's going to lose in 2020.
Right now, Trump's Twitter.
I can wait.
If I'm sitting there monitoring it, I can look, constantly go to Trump's tweet.
Two hours later, I will get his tweet to pop up on mine.
And already all these liberals, thousands upon thousands of liberals.
Yeah, they hold it and put it to the bottom.
They hold it back and let them all upvote.
Yes, and I can't even see his tweet until after they put all this stuff up.
That's right, you gotta go and you gotta wait on his page is the only way.
But yeah, but the point, yeah, they're attacking him like no other and he's not, that's not even being addressed.
And that's exactly, I don't even care about myself, literally.
It's watching us lose to these weak people and watching them lie.
I just want to fight back!
Yeah, absolutely.
It's not about us being in charge, it's about getting them off our ass!
Yeah, so I'd like to ask your guests this on Skype.
Could you smell the sulfur?
Could you smell the sulfur in the room?
Could you smell the stench?
I'm just curious.
Honestly, I've never smelled anything like that before.
I didn't smell sulfur, but it was some unrecognizable musty, musty smell that I didn't want to be in that any longer than I had to be.
So you smelled the smell of slaves?
Wait, seriously?
I was just... I still can't put a finger on it.
I have no idea what to even call that smell.
Just a... How close would you say it's not like death?
I just want to say one real quick.
Will, I love your work.
Thank you for fighting so hard for us out here on the West Coast.
I'm in Nevada.
I feel like a rare species of being a Republican out here on the West Coast.
So thank you for all you've done at United America First.
You don't have to thank me.
You know what?
It's an honor for me to sit here with Alex Jones.
I know Alex doesn't like for anyone to be pulled on his coattail like that, but you know what?
It's an honor.
I love you guys.
I mean, it's an honor, but you know what?
We're in this fight together, and we have to fight.
Hey, it's an honor to be with you guys.
Everybody in this country, in this world, that doesn't listen to the lies and the intimidation, that still care about me, because they tried to make me a symbol of evil.
They've lied about me so much, that when families come up and say, can we please have a photo?
Oh, thank you.
You're so great.
You're so great.
Without you, I'm dead.
Without the lesser support, I appreciate you guys.
But you know what, it's the liberal, the liberal left, they are giving Alex Jones the power.
They are putting Alex Jones in a position where they don't want him to be, but it's going to happen.
And I want to see it happen.
I want to see General Jones rise up.
That's what I really want to see.
I'm telling you, there is becoming a time...
In our existence on this planet where things are changing dramatically and they had no intentions for someone like you to rise up and do this.
Can you imagine if Alex Jones showed up in some place and he made it known how many people would show up to stand with you side by side?
It's unbelievable the support that you have.
And a lot of people, and I know you don't like hearing it, but it's true.
It's absolutely true.
And I'm going to stand and I'm going to fight as hard as I can until... Well, I'll say this.
I'll say this.
They do have folks out there trying to physically get me, so I've tried to stay behind the lines a lot, but I get out there sometimes.
I certainly announce that we do have to get out in the field more.
I'm going to be getting out in the field more.
I'm going to be going to universities more.
And we're just going to force the whole confrontation.
We're not looking for trouble.
We're going to exercise our rights no matter what.
Just like Martin Luther King and Selma, or whatever.
And I use that allegory because he's one of the last guys to do something like that, like Gandhi.
We're going to have to go out, we're going to have to let them do whatever they do to us.
We have to stand up, now or never.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Rain Plains
Rape me.
Rape me.
Dear TV viewer, you can see the latest meme produced by myself and Rob Do.
Yes, it's no joke, this is real footage.
It's what Mark Zuckerberg worth 76 million dollars is doing to me and doing to you.
He's announced 2.2 billion users cannot say my name unless it's negative, which is telling them their political speech, or he'll block them and ban them.
You must attack someone, or I'll take you down.
And again, it's not about me, folks.
The sick feeling I have is that I knew this was coming.
You knew they'd use all the tracking and surveillance, and they said they would.
They have neocons now, the Democrats, with a thing called NewsGuard, where in live time they're going to be on your phone watching what you do, not just at the browser.
Where you visit InfoWars.com and the browser you used from Apple or whatever pops something up.
No, it's going to be at the phone level.
In your operating system, your phone doing it.
And this weekend, Oliver Darcy said it.
He said, we're looking to see if Alex Jones is on, and I keep saying this, WhatsApp.
I'm not on WhatsApp, but it's just a digital phone, like signal and text messaging.
And he said, I'm working to get an account to see if he's got one to take a phone away from him, to take him able to call.
That is so, thank God Almighty!
He's a eunuch.
Tucker calls him a eunuch.
And he's attacking you, trying to remove the ability for you to be able to make a simple phone call or a simple text message.
What is that?
Who, I mean, what does he think?
And then again, they say, oh, private company.
So CNN Interface, this is the police.
The web police, they get into your digital accounts.
They did this when I was on YouTube.
They knew who all my sponsors were.
I mean, you know what?
CNN, they have given CNN so much power.
And they're like losing their ratings are in the dirt.
But they have given CNN so much power.
How does CNN, and it's not really related to...
To Dorsey, but how does CNN get the memo that they were going to Roger Stone's house before the FBI?
Oh, then they lied about it.
So CNN, they're giving CNN all of this power.
Oh, CNN, that's because CNN first used military satellites in 1981, it went out, and it's been working with the CIA ever since.
When we say the CIA, it's not the whole CIA.
The leftist CIA.
They're just entitled.
They believe it's their right to rule.
The criminal news network, they are attacking the American people.
You know, it's just like what President Trump said.
They are at war with the American people.
And people, some people think, well, you know what, the media is just reporting the news.
A lot of people believe the stuff that they're seeing from seeing the communist news network.
Here's some headlines.
There were thousands of these articles.
This is from Israel, this is from Washington Post, all the same headlines.
Facebook bans anti-Semites.
Facebook is banning anti-Semites, like David Duke, they didn't ban him, Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones, as well as some of their fan pages.
So you read that, it says I'm an anti-Semite.
Now here's the deal.
If I wanted to say Jews were bad in the problem, I have a right to say it.
I genuinely don't think it's any one group.
There's bad Jews, there's bad Chinese, there's bad Germans, there's bad whatever, there's bad people in Africa, there's good people everywhere too.
But, to again, not just take us off the internet, not just take us off the monopoly platforms, but to then say we're an anti-Semite to defame us and then we can't respond back.
I can't go on Facebook like all these other Time Magazine and
Washington Post would say, hey, you're full of crap.
So they can go out there and put all this fake information, this fake news about Infowars Alex Jones, and you can't go back and say, that's not true.
You're lying about me, and then you can't go on there and say, this is not true.
You can't, you can't.
They're removing the ability, pretty soon they want to remove the ability from you making a phone call, possibly even call 911, if you're in, if you're harmed, or if you're inside a road somewhere.
They want to cut off all communication to you.
If they can cut off every communication to you from existence, then that would make them happy, and then they can move on to other people.
And when nobody stands up for us, then it does set the precedent.
The Communist Chinese, I played this like a few months ago, it was on their official state-run TV.
They had one of their top people.
They said, yes, our social score is almost in place.
We're testing it in two cities right now with major tech companies.
Venezuela, we're working with them to help suppress their people.
And he said, if you don't submit to the government, you won't be able to move one half foot, was the quote.
I think the crew is so good to find a clip.
I don't know if we can find that from like three or four months ago, but it was like China, social score, you won't be able to move a half a foot.
No trains, no planes, can't leave your house, can't buy anything, can't get a job.
That's what they're doing!
I saw that clip.
I saw that clip.
And you know what it made me think about when Apple is working so, you know, hand in hand with China and they're doing all their things.
On my Facebook page, I've had comments pop up there at the top and I had to accept it.
Or I could no longer proceed on my Facebook saying that I have to abide by the Apple policies to continue on Facebook.
And I'm sitting here thinking, what does Apple have to do with Facebook?
They're all working together.
I'm like, what do they have to do with each other?
And I'm like, you know, it made me think about what you were talking about, how Apple, they removed the InfoWars app.
They're colluding with these communists to destroy American lives.
And it's right there, plain and simple.
They had a speech last year in China where he said, I endorse censorship and I want more of it and I support it.
That's the headline in mainstream news.
I mean, it's like, my God, these people are dangerous villains.
We have all these systems that made us free and open because they work, and they're good, and they're safe, and now we're just throwing it all to the side.
What it is, is they were handing us a candy cane, saying, here kitty, here kitty, it's nice and sweet.
And we all took the candy cane by getting on these social media platforms, and yet here we are, because now the candy, the candy is sweet.
And they said, now we're going to take it back from you.
Well now we're tied up in the back of the van.
Because again, as Drudge warned, 10 years ago 90% of the web was websites.
Today 90 plus percent are these four sites.
And now they're out there waging war with the banks against everybody else's site, everybody else's shopping cart.
They're not going to stop with a monopoly when they're done with Alex Jones.
They're going to move on to their real target, Matt Drudge.
Donald Trump.
President Trump.
They're going to move on to them.
Once they can remove anyone who comes out and says anything against what they are doing, once they achieve that, then they can just remove anyone off of any platform because no one will be around to say the other.
And by the way, we know now that's the plan.
That's what's so sick about this is, I'm not worried about me.
I'm worried that it's gone this far and we haven't done enough to stop it.
Now we're going to come back and play this.
This thing I haven't played all of yet, this stelter thing, it's so disgusting and his condescension, his lies are so incredible.
But I just want to remind people, does that even plug last hour?
And I'm our own worst enemy.
You know, Paul Watson split off us doing summit.news.
We gave him a little bit of help promoting it, setting it up, but it's his site.
I don't know.
You need to do your own thing anyways, because you're of that caliber.
And I said, I know you don't like kind of being under my shadow, but he's like, well, I really don't mind that.
And I went, well, you're going to do this.
And so, you know, I cut Paul's pay in half.
I'll just give you the facts a few months ago, because I need to put it into hiring extra people and going to the next level here.
And Paul's up to that.
And so Paul's doing things now to raise his own money.
And then as soon as it's all the way, he'll be, he'll still write for us, he'll do some things.
But that's what you do in this world.
It's kind of like Breitbart left Drudge.
He was smart, his own thing.
Drudge was like, hey, go do your own thing.
That's what this is all about, is real leadership is about not keeping people under you, but building them up because they have skill.
You've just been around longer, and then turning them out there to be even stronger and be leaders.
And then someday, it's kind of like having children.
They're going to be there when you need them.
That's what I explain to my children.
That's what this is all about.
And so, again, that's how, and some people are like on info or some of the trolls.
Well, look, Jonesy isn't making enough money to pay his employees.
Paul Watson's got his own site, his own systems, his own things.
He's paying for it.
He's trying to hire people.
Yes, he's doing his own thing, and we're trying to say support him at summit.news.
Go there in case he gets kicked off all the platforms.
Sign up for the free email so he can produce his own videos, his own system.
And I'm helping him and telling him where to go and who to use, but I'm telling him, Paul, you better have your own video.
Paul, you better have your own audio, like Matt Drudge said.
You better have your own website.
I'm finally listening.
I knew Matt Drudge was right when he was here, but if I'd have really got up off my ash and really hustled then, we wouldn't be behind the eight ball now.
So I'm Matt Drudge and Watson and saying, you're going to do this, but separately us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, or you're mine.
So, Al Green, from Texas, is basically like a black KKK member.
I mean, I see him on C-SPAN sometimes and just the racist stuff he spews.
He grew up in Texas.
He knows damn well 95% of white people aren't like that.
And he just sits there and bitches and complains about Trump and calls him a racist and says, but he finally tells the truth.
He says, we've got to impeach him or he'll get reelected.
See how that works?
It isn't about something bad Trump did.
It's about the fact that he's winning and Al Green doesn't like it.
You want to make a comment before we play this clip about Al Green?
He's just one nasty dude.
He's just a nasty dude and he's a race baiter.
That's pretty much it.
Put white people on that plateau that they're racist and you're neo-Nazis.
They constantly do it and it's sickening that it's constantly happening.
And by the way, I'm not a victim, so I don't get into the victimhood, but my God, you don't have to cherry-pick to find mainly white Democrats saying white people are bad and white people are inherently evil.
All of them say it.
But it is having an effect on some white people that weren't racist.
They're actually buying into this and actually now believing that the minorities all hate them, when in truth most quote minorities don't hate white people.
It's literally social engineers, like in the WikiLeaks they admit, trying to create racial division.
I mean even AOC put a tweet out saying that we need to talk to our white brothers and sisters about their white supremacy.
We need to convince them all not to do that.
And Ilhan Omar said, this isn't going to be a white country anymore.
It's never been a pure white country, and it was white Christians opened it up, you dumb piece of crap.
But you know what?
It was white people that helped black people.
And I asked this question, I said, when the Underground Railroad was taking place, who owned the deed to the homes that were hiding black people?
Who owned the deed?
It wasn't black people because they were burning the house down.
It was white people.
But see, they don't want to acknowledge that.
That runs all through me.
They don't want to acknowledge how white people helped black people to be where they are today.
But then they want to turn around and demonize white people.
The very same white people that helped them.
The same white people that voted for Obama.
Now they want to demonize those people.
What about reparations?
What's the numbers?
Less than 2% of people...
In this country, I have any relation to slave owners, because it was less than 2% that had slaves.
80% or so of the people that are here today had ancestors that came here from other parts of the world, Europe, Africa, Asia, you name it, after slavery.
So to say that 97% of people have no connection, I mean, but if my great-grandfather was an axe murderer, am I guilty?
I mean, that's slavery to say that I owe money because I'm white.
Meanwhile, 98% of white people have no connection to it.
The Republicans, when they came up with reparations in the first time, they gave black people reparations.
It's already done.
They've already received it.
It was the Democrats that came along and took away the 40 acres and a mule and gave it to the slave masters.
That's what they're not wanting to talk about.
It was the Democrats that didn't want black people to have anything.
Well, you've done your history.
We're good to go.
Yeah, but you know what?
Now, today's the year 2019.
There's water under the bridge.
Let it go.
Right now, they want to do reparations to tax white people.
That's what this is about.
It's a tax for being white.
I've had conversations with crazy liberals saying, do you think it's okay to tax white people simply because they were born white for reparations?
And they say, yes.
This is insane.
It's slavery.
It is.
And it's slavery reversed.
They want to enslave white people.
I've had liberals say that they want to do the same thing to white people what white liberals did to black people.
They want to do the same thing and we're seeing it.
We're experiencing it.
And Al Green is absolutely a nasty, despicable piece of a human being.
Speaking of Al Green, here he is.
I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected.
If we don't impeach him, he will say he has been vindicated.
He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and they didn't take up impeachment.
He will say that we had a constitutional duty to do it if it was there, and we didn't.
He will say that he has been vindicated.
But here's what I say.
We're confronting a constitutional crisis as I speak to you.
As I look the people of America in the eye, I'm telling you we have a constitutional crisis.
When the Chief Executive Officer, the President of the United States, refuses to comply with subpoenas and says he will order others to do so, this creates a constitutional crisis.
But this isn't the genesis of it.
That's been done over and over again.
It started when the Congress was out of control.
It was different branches of government.
You know what?
If I were to say, if I was white and I said what I'm about to say right now, they would say I'm racist.
He needs to stick to playing in the movie Planet of the Apes.
He looks just like one of them.
I can't tell the difference between him and someone else.
He looks just like the Planet of the Apes.
He needs to stick to that.
Because what he's doing in Congress is doing nothing for the American people.
They want to destroy
That is their goal.
They ultimately want to destroy.
They want to remove President Trump because they know good and well, President Trump is going to win in 2020.
Because black people, brown people, Asian people, white people are walking away, running away from this crazy Democrat Party because of the stuff that they're doing.
This man, these Democrats, they are evil, demonic spirits.
We've got to vote them out.
We've got to get rid of them.
It's disgusting.
I'm so sick of seeing what they're doing to this world.
I'm so sick of seeing them attacking people for no reason, simply because of the way God created them.
This is the problem in America.
We've got to put this in perspective.
People, the year 2020, they are going to either try, and you know what?
Facebook already, they're okay with trying to assassinate President Trump, but if we don't pay attention,
We have to wake up because they are going to remove President Trump and they're going to remove our voices before 2020 so that we will believe that the American people do not want him.
Oh, that's it.
I mean, Trump better know.
And Trump said today the Democrats aren't going to win unless they cheat.
They've been caught cheating everywhere.
So, like I said, folks, you better understand.
I know the listeners get this and I hate to come up and say without you, we're not here.
Help us.
Help us.
Help us.
Folks, the Democrats are working around the clock, the Globals, to get us off air because they know.
And I'll at least explain something here, too.
And I'm not bragging about this.
For whatever reason, because he knows there's a history of being very accurate, they worked very hard to keep Trump from talking to me and from Trump from looking at Infowars.com and our reports.
But it doesn't matter now because
There are patriots in our government.
There are people that know what's going on.
It's not just people like Stephen Miller that think they can get rid of him and Trump won't have anybody telling him what's going on.
The more and more patriots are in the White House, and the Secret Service, and the military, and the pilots on the planes, and the black chefs, and everybody is telling Trump things.
And slipping him info war stories and other guests we have on.
And then, you know, then we have the former head of the NSA come here and expose for anybody else the FISA court garbage and all the rest of it.
So I just want to tell the establishment something.
I like my crew, and I don't want to let them go the next few years if they shut us down.
But other than that, the signal's been sent.
I want to be here in future shows getting the word out.
But I want the Democrats and the globalists to know, you've already lost.
And the only way we can lose now is if people give up around the world and give in to the race war and racial division and all this anti-Christian stuff being pushed by the system, and if people don't financially support InfoWars.
We have the very best, Methylcobalamin, high quality, Secret 12.
We ran out of it four months ago.
It's very hard to procure because it's at medical grade.
We don't call it medical grade, but it's the same stuff people get from doctors, you know, for 50 bucks for, you know, one tenth of what's in the bottle and inject.
You don't inject this.
This is front of the tongue.
We went out, got pure methylcobalamin.
It's 50% off!
This is 50% off, it's $24.95, and my crew said, listen, every time you say plus with the new Formula H, people don't think it's good for whatever reason.
I mean, it doesn't boost sales.
This is twice as strong.
You need to call it Ultra 12.
And I said, listen,
Once I got it, I said, I don't like this Ultra 12 thing very much.
Well, they go, well, that's good because you already had the other label on it.
We relabeled it.
You peel the label off.
This just happened like a month ago.
Just got in last week from the manufacturer.
You peel this label off, ladies and gentlemen, for Ultra 12 and it is Secret 12 Plus.
So there's that, you know, weird phenomenon there where we're under the
Under the sticker, it is Secret 12+.
We're really proud of it.
It's 50% off.
It's our new big sale.
We're going to have to end the sales on X2 and the free bottle of X3 very soon, and some of the other sales, so InfoWarsTore.com.
It pisses the globalists off so much we're still on air.
It angers them we're still able to talk.
It angers them that we're still fighting back.
It angers them that you still can communicate and there's some still free market left.
That's why they're trying to create this cashless society where they surveil everything, where they can totally control you, where they can destroy your life.
Again, no reviews yet for these combos, but go read the reviews for them individually, and you'll see the five-star reviews for things like X2.
So, 888-253-3139 is the number to order.
Or, Infowarslife.com takes you right to supplements.
Infowarsstore.com takes you to the umbrella site.
Get a t-shirt, whatever.
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
And I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of our affiliates.
But I'll tell you like it is.
You've seen the unmitigated attack we've been under.
You're our only sponsors.
And when you don't buy the products that are absolutely the best out there, we aren't able to continue on.
So remember, you are the InfoWare.
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And if you go there and buy great products that you already need from across the board, it funds the second American Revolution worldwide.
So I want to thank you for your support.
I want to encourage you again.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com for whatever the product is you need.
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Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
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