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Filename: 20190415_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 15, 2019
3281 lines.

Alex Jones discusses political and societal issues such as censorship and the importance of free speech while promoting various Infowars products. He also touches upon topics like corruption in government, cover-ups by Mueller, and the need for self-sufficiency.

A lot of this has already been investigated and a substantial portion of it has been investigated and is being investigated by the Office of Inspector General at the Department.
But one of the things I want to do is pull together all the information from the various investigations that have gone on, including on the Hill and in the department, and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.
Trump has no choice but to go after the arrogant, hateful, anti-American globalist swamp that has infested not just our nation, but the world.
And the fact that the crimes committed by the security state controlled by the Democrats are so massive that it will either destroy this nation and enslave the world or their corruption will bring them down.
And of course you're noticing that everything we've talked about, everything we've broken down, everything we've laid out, is coming out in the open.
The bulk of information were unverified, uncorroborated information paid for by Hillary.
They denied an American citizen his constitutional rights.
And guess what?
And they got their backdoor right into the Trump campaign through Carter Page.
And in December,
15th of 2016.
We know the Obama officials, oh, they just incidentally spied on Trump officials.
After Rice, well, she reportedly unmasked the names of Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Lieutenant General, 33-year vet Michael Flynn.
After months and months of waiting, truth and justice and facts, in spite of all of them, are now beginning to come cascading down and will drown the proper people.
The world understands false flags.
The world understands subterfuge and geopolitical manipulations.
And they understand how globalism operates.
And they understand the constant staged events that Democrats and deep staters are involved in.
And now the people are healthy skeptics again, many of them.
You're not suggesting, though, that spying occurred?
I don't... Well...
I guess you could.
I think there was a spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
That's more than half the population is somewhat awake.
The problem is a good third of people are cult members that are going to follow the establishment.
Down any rat hole, they're going to execute whatever they're told.
They're going to believe whatever new delusion they're given.
And they believe red-blooded Americans that believe in God and country and family and free market and hard work.
What made this country great, they have been taught and believe that we are the enemy, period.
CARE was founded after 9-11.
Because they recognized that some people did something.
You have no idea right now?
Oh, there's another one.
Another plane just hit.
Some people did something.
Oh my goodness.
There is smoke pouring out of the Pentagon.
Some people did something.
It just flew straight into it.
And so we're all going to have to sit here and discuss and debate what we're going to do to counter these individuals.
And now we have Congressman Nunes, the Republican leader on the Judiciary Committee.
Devin Nunes is called to make eight referrals, five of them he described as straightforward, but it could be the beginning of actual investigation into the investigators in a meaningful way.
Your thoughts?
Well, 8 is a good start.
It's one of the reasons the Mueller operation continued well over a year past its reasonable conclusion, which was over a year ago, where they knew there was no Russia collusion.
By continuing to operate, it essentially protected the investigators from being investigated, and those involved in setting up the Mueller operation from being seriously reviewed by the Justice Department.
Now that's gone.
Criminals in the government told you they were doing it.
I went and researched the way they could do it, the only ways they could carry it out, and sure enough, there was a Defense Department budget that Obama put billions into to do everything you've seen!
MSNBC, Daily Beast, CNN, Media Matters, they've all been paid Department of Defense and CIA money to do what you've seen the last two and a half years!
It is a scandal!
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
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This deal just happened about a month ago.
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Research the Iodine Conspiracy.
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Find out why the globalists don't want you to have the good halogens and want you to have the bad halogens at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the umbrella site.
They should write the supplements.
And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
It is X2 Original.
Now back at InfoWarsStore.com.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources for
Sometimes you need some crazy motherfuckers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, April 15th, 2019.
It's the day we pay our taxes in the private Federal Reserve.
And our President has called for an audit of the Federal Reserve.
He's called it the enemy of the people.
This is attempting to spike and spread our economy.
This is going to be a very important transmission today.
Former Treasury agent inside an IRS whistleblower.
Joe Bannister joins us coming up in the third hour.
The vaunted Caitlin Bennett.
The amazing Millie Weaver.
Both at a Bernie Sanders rally yesterday.
They'll be joining us in the second hour with a lot of exclusive footage.
And a clear Democrat false flag.
Where they had a man running around screaming the N-word in a Make America Great Again hat.
It's all coming up.
Shot poll up on Drudge Report.
Bernie takes the lead out of the field of 18 Democrats with even more set to join.
We've got amazing video up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com right now on the site where you have Bernie supporters openly telling our reporters that they want free health care.
They don't want to have to have jobs.
They want everything absolutely free.
They want free housing.
They want free education.
It's really mind-blowing how stupid they are.
They are listening to the siren song of free stuff that so many people throughout history have basically become beguiled or hypnotized by and then within a decade or so those nations and their prosperity is marked by nothing but giant tombstones.
So that's all coming up.
It's very clear that I've been dead on when it comes to the master plan to take down the Internet and then what they're going to replace it with.
And we're going to be covering that at the bottom of the hour.
And this is the only place in a big way that President Trump is dropping the ball.
And I know he's not stupid.
I know his advisors aren't stupid.
I know that he's had Donald Jr.
as a surrogate out there beating the bushes trying to get Congress and others to move against big tech censorship.
But if we lose on this, we lose on everything else.
So it doesn't matter how much we're winning on other fronts.
If we let the big mega web oligopoly that Drudge is linked to up there, if we let that get into place with what it's planning, it's, as Mr. Paxton said in Aliens, game over, man, game over!
Why is Zuckerberg so relaxed about UK online speech rules or EU censorship?
Well, I'll tell you why.
He wrote the damn things.
Southern Poverty Law Center and the rest of these guys.
We have the master plan.
We know how to blow up the Death Star politically, and that's why they want this show off air, because on subjects like the criminal embedded groups Obama left in government when he left office, or when it comes to COG, Continued Government, or when it comes to 25th Amendment coup takedown plans against the President,
And when it comes to understanding the architecture of the internet takeover, the technocracy they plan to replace it with, I and my guest and this great crew are the most over-the-target bombers.
Dropping truth bombs right on the enemy.
And that's why your prayers and your support is so paramount.
I'm just going to say this and I'm going to leave it at that and then tell you all the other news that's coming up.
How does that great novel begin?
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was the epitome of us all going to heaven or all going straight to hell.
Maybe we'll pull that up or print that off, I'll read it next break.
Our work here at InfoWars, your work supporting us and promoting what we do as a family, has never been more effective.
We've never been more successful at our reach, quite frankly.
And I thought this morning about this.
And I thought, you know, you really shouldn't let the enemy know this, because they'll just come after you stronger.
But you know what?
I'm not a person that engages in deception, even if it's deception by omission.
I always tell people I'm coming.
Hey, Bilderberg, I'm coming to cover you.
Hey, Democrats, I'm coming to your event.
Because I want them to know I'm coming.
I want to walk right into the trap.
I do just want to announce to the listeners that congratulations.
Congratulations to you and everybody else.
We're in one hell of a fight, but we're winning.
And there are some very interesting things happening behind the scenes.
And things that we're tracking, and they have really underestimated the people of America and the world, and the globalists have really underestimated their censorship and their attacks, and the effect it would have, and it has just taken our work and basically highlighted it, emboldened it, and so all the people that count are now listening.
Sure, we had maybe in total bigger audiences some days than we do now, some days.
But who we're reaching at policy level on a planetary scale is incredible.
Not just the President of the United States, but a lot of other people.
And I can tell you that those folks have reached out to us.
We've been in high-level communications with world leaders, heads of industry, you name it, letting us know, hey, you're gonna see some movement, we're on your side, you're on our side, and I'm like, let me wait and see, and I'm seeing it.
So, the empire has been striking back, but the people are now about to strike back.
This thing goes like a soccer game or a football game, back and forth, and then different groups get possession of the ball.
And I can tell ya,
We have possession of the ball, my friends.
We are dominating when it comes to policy and affecting change for the better.
Where we're not dominating is on the capital front.
Yeah, we can bring in twenty, thirty million dollars a year, and then half of that goes into product costs, and the rest of it goes into legal and bandwidth and everything else.
I mean, sometimes I pay
A month, $500,000 IT bills and bandwidth bills.
So the money goes away.
And with them not letting us advertise on these different Google platforms and different systems, where we would go out and advertise not just to our audience, but the general public, that was bringing a lot of the money we had to fund things.
So now we go back to the core audience of radio and TV listeners and viewers and folks watching at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and just say, listen, it's simple.
If you'll just go get your coffee, super high quality, your toothpaste, fluoride free, colloidal silver iodine fortified.
If you'll just get your t-shirts, your books, your films, your water filtration, your air filtration from us, you get great products.
They have incredible five-star reviews by tens of thousands of people.
It's more than that.
Some products have like 10,000 reviews, five-star.
And you fund the second American revolution on a global scale.
Also, fly your colors proud.
All t-shirts, some designers, some just, you know, good old-fashioned t-shirts, are all 50% off.
That means some of the designer shirts cost me up to $19 a piece.
And I just want to move these babies, so I sell them for $29.95.
Some of these are designer shirts.
Some of them cost me $5.
So when I sell them for 50% off, you know, we make money.
But a lot of the shirts cost me on average $15, some $19.95 at 50% off.
A lot of these are loss leaders.
So all the t-shirts are 50% off.
That might've gotten lost in the memo.
All apparel too.
So I noticed the ball caps haven't been lowered 50% off.
I'm gonna have that changed.
Tell them, it's just an oversight.
Everything, all apparel, 50% off.
All apparel, 50% off.
And like, if you've got a good made in America ball cap, it'll cost you like seven bucks, even if you buy like 5,000 of them.
And then when you stitch 1776 on it, it's like another $3.
So, you know, when you're something that cost you $10, and you're selling it for $20, then you discount it, that's it cost.
So, everything, all the apparel, 50% off.
50% off at infowarshore.com.
That's the new big mega sale.
And there's several other big sales that I don't have time to tell you about, but I'll tell you about later because we're going to break here.
But there is a lot of other big sales of the biggest ever on water filtration, air filtration, storable food, it's all there.
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Remember when TV didn't watch you, you watched television?
There's no reviews yet for it, but it's at InfoWarsTore.com.
We bought the best-selling antenna.
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InfoWars HD Digital TV Antenna.
And, I mean, look, you're talking, like, 100-plus digital channels, and then they'll have four or five sub-channels of every old cool TV show, old movies.
It's, like, way better than cable.
And it's, like, Hawaii Five-0, Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeannie, Dallas.
Stuff from the 90s!
New stuff!
Like, when the Olympics was on, I didn't know there were 10 channels of Olympics on TV!
I mean, it's like, my God, this is way better than cable!
And people don't know that it's free after you buy the antenna.
The point is, is that there's so many channels, and it's not watching you!
It's not tracking you!
So we do sell the antennas at the lowest price you'll find.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it going to take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, we know that the big ultra-rich in the world, on average,
Are socialists.
Are communists.
Because they want you to be domesticated.
They want you out of the political and financial game.
They want consolidation.
They want pliable, domesticated minions.
Like George Carlin talked about.
And if you read Carol Quigley, one of their top statisticians and tacticians, in the 60s, one of their top political scientists, Bill Clinton's mentor.
He says we want dumb, pliable, illiterate,
And we want to domesticate them using socialism and communism.
Then we'll have an international system of feudalism over them.
He wrote that in the 1,100-page book, Tragedy and Hope.
So that's the real system.
And so you've got 18 candidates, and they're all competing with each other about who will give you the most free stuff.
Peto O'Rourke, excuse me, Beto O'Rourke, says he'll give you free healthcare, free tuition,
Free homes.
And AOC goes further.
She put out in her Green Deal, what she first said was a false flag, later she admitted it was real, said a staffer accidentally put it in there, that no airplanes or no cars except for her, that you don't have to even work to get an income.
It's not unable, it's don't want to work.
So they're speaking to the millennials who happen to be slobs.
I'm not saying all millennials are slobs.
I think it's a cliche that's overdone, but a lot of them, if you live here in Austin, Texas, glow in the dark, they can barely walk, they're entitled, they're mentally ill, and they don't want to have success in their life other than banding together as authoritarian control freaks to run producers' lives.
They have the key instinct of a bloodsucker.
That we need to be told what to do and how to behave because they're sucking off of us.
They're the elite bloodsuckers.
The minion class of the establishment.
And so now we've got people
They're running away from what the real Democratic Party platform is.
Oh, they're out there, all 18 of them, competing with each other.
Bernie Sanders, AOC, Beto, all of them, about how much free stuff they're going to give you.
But then, when people get upset about it, they go, oh no, that's not really what our party stands for.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders came out.
We're going to play it in a moment.
And said that President Trump is betraying working people.
I thought it was NAFTA and GATT and selling out to China.
Besides, you say white people do not know what it's like to be poor.
When you're nothing but a bum, and worse than a bum, Bernie, you are a criminal.
You and your wife swindle universities and steal the money.
You traveled to honeymoon in the Soviet Union when they were torturing and killing Christians.
And it gets worse.
You have your million-dollar houses, three of them.
You drive $115,000 vehicles.
And you praise Mao and Stalin and Fidel Castro.
You are a lazy pig!
But before we get to you and this clip from your rallies, you are now the frontrunner in major polls.
Before we get to that, let's play Nancy Pelosi.
She says, oh, there's only a few of them in our party.
That is a lie.
Just like they told you, there are no sanctuary cities.
There are no caravans.
It is not a crisis.
Trump made it up.
But suddenly, a week ago, they all changed and said, it is a crisis.
And Trump created it.
That's right.
So let's go to Nancy Pelosi.
She likes to minimize the conflicts within her caucus between the moderates and the progressives.
You have these wings, AOC, and her group on one side.
That's like five people.
No, it's the progressive group.
It's more than five.
I'm a progressive, yeah.
So, there's five people in the Democratic Party leadership of the 18 saying free healthcare, free housing,
Free income, free education, all of it cost something like 80 trillion a year or something, it's impossible.
Talk about the road to ruin, the road to Venezuela.
But she says that, no, no, no, that's just a few people, really.
In Gallup polls, 50 plus percent of millennials and college students
Say they are socialist or communist because they want something free!
We're going to get something free!
They are rich people!
They need to pay me money!
Is that why all the shows like ABC News are sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?
Because they want to get their taxes raised?
They put their money in tax-exempt foundations and don't pay money!
When they say they want taxes raised on rich, that means $125,000 individually or $250,000 husband and wife.
They just want to get rid of the middle class already paying 65% on average.
When the average megacorporation or billionaire pay less than 10% a year.
They wrote laws where they don't have to pay the taxes and then the middle class almost pay all the taxes.
I mean, this is, this is this scumbag lecturing us.
Let's hear from him himself!
Look, I got Einstein hair!
Let's hear from him and all these moochers who think, oh, he's gonna, he couldn't build a company, never worked for the private sector one day.
He spews race-baiting garbage everywhere.
And here he is in front of a crowd of a bunch of dumb white liberals telling him, you're gonna still be the ruling class.
We're still gonna have the Soviet dream here.
You've just got to put me in, okay?
Let's do his take.
Trump has told literally thousands of lies since he began his campaign and since he has been in the White House.
But the biggest lie that he told the people of Pennsylvania and the people of Vermont and people all across this country, the biggest lie was that he was going to stand up for working families and take on the establishment.
That was a monstrous lie.
A monstrous, that was a monstrous lie.
Well, I'm going to take Trump to the woodshed on the other side of the break, but it's not for what you say.
Buddy boy, your little Federal Reserve that he's at war with is the one that raised the interest rates eight times, never raised them under Obama, trying to spike the recovery.
Trump's trying to get jobs back here and trying to do a lot.
Yeah, is he pumping the bubble bigger?
That's all we can do now.
This damn thing's so big, when it blows, we're going down into, it's probably a civil war, so I don't blame him not wanting to deflate it.
What are you supposed to do?
But man... A monstrous lie!
Free stuff for you!
All 18 candidates are offering reparations!
Oh, I forgot that free stuff thing!
Free health care!
Free housing!
Free income!
Free education!
Free, free, free!
Who's going to pay for it?
With all the homeless veterans?
Come in more illegals!
Sanctuary cities!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
The most dreaded broadcast in the world.
Feared by tyrants, technocrats, control freaks, devil worshippers, pedophiles, and trash.
The dread of the Jai Comms.
The dread of the EU.
The dread of the Democratic Party.
The dread of NAMBLA.
The dread of MS-13.
The dread
Of Satan's service.
We are committed.
We are victory because God's light shines through our sails.
He shines white light.
And if you listen.
Alright, here we go.
Let's get into it right now.
I'm going to take President Trump to the woodshed here, because if we don't light a big, giant, red-hot fire under his ass, all the great work we've done is going to be destroyed.
You could say that the number one issue for the President is to defend the border.
The globalists are trying to collapse it, and that is paramount physically to the nation.
And then you've got financially, the private Federal Reserve raising interest rates eight times and having the financial press talk down the economy to kill that great recovery we saw that was record level, up at 4.8% growth.
Once you get growth above 5%, it tends to balloon up to 10%.
You know, China's had a 10% growth rate for 50 years on average.
Why couldn't we have that again?
We haven't had that since the 60s.
The truth is, it's hard to hold America back.
They've been doing it.
The Federal Reserve calls it stopping overheating.
Let me get to the meat and potatoes here.
You could say financially, having the Federal Reserve try to spike the economy, that's paramount.
But above all, you could lose everything you own.
You could even be overrun by a bunch of illegal aliens.
But if I had free speech, and I could reach out to them, and I had a fair playing field, I could convert them into patriots.
But if I don't have speech, I can't do anything.
That's why it becomes paramount.
It's before guns and the right to self-defense.
Why is that?
Because if you're about to use guns to defend your family and to defend your nation, you need to be able to rally other men and women to your cause or you'll never be able to coordinate the use of the weapons.
It's all elementary.
Speech comes first.
And if you've got that, you don't usually need the guns.
When it comes to governments, you need them to fight bad people, rabid dogs, criminals, enemies.
So I have this tendency to always go over all my evidence instead of just seeing what's happening like mainstream media does.
And so I'll go over some of the evidence of it, but let me just do this for you right up front.
I don't say this with pleasure.
It scares the daylights out of me that we're basically the only broadcast that has studied the entire architecture of this takeover.
Drudge has done it some.
Zero Hedge has done a great job.
But when it comes to really calling it, we're over the target.
And I don't say that to go, oh look, we're over the target.
That's why they want us off air.
What we're saying is the kill shot.
Now, you're going to hear me say all this and you're going to go, we've been hearing this for two years.
I know, but it's in mainstream news now today.
And even most people in Congress can't figure out what's going on, because they're busy.
They're not specialists, they're generalists.
They're looking at so many different pieces of news, so many different pieces of information.
They're covering insurance, and they're covering borders, they're covering military, and intelligence, and regulations, and legal, and trying to raise money for re-election.
I watched.
Yesterday, I got up at like 5 a.m.
and I watched two hours, couldn't watch the whole five hours, of the latest Twitter, Facebook, executive meeting, and I watched them lie to the Republican members of the Senate.
I watched the Democrats read off scripts where they say this, and then the heads of those institutions read off their script in a staged event.
I watched premeditated lying going on and it gave me a headache.
Let me give you the big enchilada here.
You know what gives me the really big headache is we know exactly what they're doing.
Tim Cook is shaking in his boots.
He's the guy behind it.
He's the quarterback.
I'll tell you the coaches in a moment.
That son of a bitch!
Son of a bitch is a term of endearment.
I said Julian Assange is a tough son of a bitch.
I shouldn't say that.
That chicken-necked authoritarian weasel, Tim Cook, who quarterbacks and organizes the takedowns of yours truly.
Is merging Europe and the US and all of our infrastructure on the Chinese standards of censorship for the new global model of the social score.
You already know that.
InfoWars told you that six years ago.
We were the first.
The point is, it's here now.
So what am I building up to?
And I don't do this to build suspense.
It's so incredible that even approaching this information is hard to articulate because it's so simple, but so hard to execute it.
If Trump doesn't do this, we're screwed.
And it's the right thing to do, it's the constitutional thing to do, to protect us from oligopolies.
And what is an oligopoly?
It's using five or less major corporations combining monopolies together for super monopolies to take control of society.
That's my definition of it.
Pull up an oligopoly webster's, please.
So we're dealing with oligopolies, or they have another name.
They're called combines or cartels.
Combines are cartels.
Or cartels, but they are cartels.
So we come back from break.
My ultimatum to President Trump.
By the way, it's not an ultimatum from me.
It's the ultimatum of reality.
Like, if you jump off a hundred story
Building without a parachute, you're gonna die when you hit the bottom.
Or 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Or if you smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, you're gonna get lung cancer someday.
You know, it's not a threat to the President, it's... I know you're surrounded by a bunch of candy asses, I know you're surrounded by a bunch of yes-men lawyers, and I know that big techs flood more cash into D.C.
than the defense complex.
But when I come back, I'm gonna lay it all out.
How many times have you heard me say, by the U.S.
government not regulating the internet, it has opened the gates for the U.N., the E.U., and multinational groups backed by the Chinese to fill the vacuum and to create the regulations.
If our government doesn't create the regulations to say, regulations verboten, regulations forbidden, we already have Section 230, we already built the damn thing, it's ours, it's working great,
If our lawyers and our government says we can't act, we can't do anything, when we've got all the rights and all the precedent there, on a dozen or more fronts, then it creates a power vacuum.
And then by extension, all the tech companies then sync to the lowest common denominator, QICOM control.
EU control.
And that's why they have all the headlines.
Zuckerberg's endorsing censorship and EU control and British control.
Why is he doing that?
And all the leftists are going, this doesn't make sense!
Because the globalists have already written the new combines.
Our government's sitting on the sidelines and the internet's being taken over!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, the end of the internet is here.
Five global megacorporations openly bragging that when they're done...
These corporate agreements between China, the EU, and the Democratic Party here in the United States, the Internet as we know it will no longer be, and all content will be filtered through Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and a few other subsidiaries they have.
That's why all the big corporate media has gotten in line, governments have gotten in line, for they've been demonizing us truly as the symbol of why they want to do this.
Here's a few of the articles that are out today.
Bloomberg reports,
About UK online speech rules.
That's because only they'll be allowed to stand.
It's just like Pornhub has half the porn in the world.
They help get legislation through in the UK saying that you can't go to anybody else's website basically but theirs and use a web ID.
It's called monopoly and when monopolies link up it's called oligopoly which is called nightmare tyranny which when it's computerized is called technocracy.
And if you go to Davos meetings even six years ago that were public, they said, we're going to build a panopticonic global technocracy and a cashless system controlling and watching every move you make.
The Chinese government just four months ago put out a press release saying, you will not be able to move a half a foot without us knowing.
And that system is being adopted.
So, by Trump and our government not defending the First Amendment and Section 230 and the internet we built, they are allowing
The vacuum to open and let the chi-coms, the EU, the UK, and the Democrats create it.
Did the US just give away control of the internet?
That was the voice of America in 2016 warning.
And they basically did.
They wanted complete control given to the EU and the UN and China.
But hawks clawed back and Republicans have the US with 30% control.
You're a radio listener, you don't see all the articles my crew's putting on screen.
Why is Zuckerberg so relaxed about UK online speech rules?
Because it makes him part of the oligopoly.
Europe looks to remold internet with new copyright rules.
What did Matt Drudge three years ago say after he met with that Supreme Court Justice?
That's right.
They're gonna use copyright to shut everyone down but the big guys who are above the law and have immunity.
They say you won't even be able to show a news article even though it's total fair use under the UN edict.
So I can't, it's breaking the internet.
So everything's like Netflix, it's approved.
And all the media, all the corporate horrors, the Young Turks, all of them are lining up dutifully to prove their subservience so they can be led into the new golden future, which of course will just get more and more centralized.
The Globalist put out a press release and a thousand publications regurgitated.
But then you're no longer even needed.
German Data Privacy Commissioner says Article 13 of the new laws they're passing in the EU inevitably leads to filters, which inevitably lead to internet oligopoly.
Oh, oligopoly.
That's from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
It's here.
Let's go back a few years.
Handover of U.S.
Internet control to ICANN, officially blocked in Republican Party.
They didn't get ICANN, but they got the global standardization and the other agreements that the president must reverse.
So I'm going to explain this right now.
Obama administration turns the Internet over to the globalists.
2014, InfoWars.com.
Let's back up here.
Let's back up now.
I'm going to explain this for everybody.
We're our own sovereign country and have our rules and our jurisprudence and our common law.
We created the internet, the American people and the British people with our scientists, so that we produced everything else pretty much.
Sorry, we excel like that.
As innovators, as visionaries, as mathematicians, as scientists, as warriors, as everything else.
And so, now,
50 years after the Internet was invented, used by government secretly until about 30 years ago.
Soros and all the documents are out there.
Gets Obama to sign over two-thirds of the Internet to the UN and the EU and a board with the Chinese on it.
Chinese government.
And now they're setting the regulations and rules.
And by extension, that means they build the architecture of Facebook, and Twitter, and YouTube, and Google, and all the other big groups that follow suit, so they can be integrated into the great Hive board.
So they can be compliant.
And so in the future of the Internet, they say in these articles, you will not have websites.
Everything will be filtered.
What did they say two months before I got banned in the Wall Street Journal?
And others wrote about it.
It was, hold on to your tinfoil hat.
YouTube's about to ban Alex Jones.
They said, we're going to ban WikiLeaks and then Alex Jones.
And when that's done and nobody defends them, within a couple of years, the entire internet will be paid.
There'll only be a few thousand channels that five corporations control.
We project profits in the trillions.
So it was a huge 30-page article in the Wall Street Journal admitting all of this.
And now they've done it.
They've gotten almost there.
And I find it really hard to believe Trump doesn't know about this and understand.
This is big money.
This is the swamp.
And betraying the vision of the Internet and the open, free society.
See, the Internet used to be about what we wanted and what we voted on and what we upvoted.
Now the Internet's about what they force-feed you to have it be a control system to not just predict the future and know our wishes.
and supply us.
That was just the invite.
That was just the first act.
Now it tells us what to be, takes control of our lives, makes us betray ourselves, and turns us into bots, ourselves, creatures of the machine, extensions in machine learning of AI, before it finally, in its cocoon, phase two, phase three, shuffles us off.
A husk falls away, and the new creature crawls out.
That is the Illuminati religion.
And so now we're going into the cocooning phase.
You, your children, your family.
Relationships are dying.
People aren't having children or having sex.
They're interfacing with a false reality.
It knows what they want, not the real world that actually they spring from.
And statistically, it knows what you want, like a face sucker, but it makes you more depressed.
It makes you commit suicide.
It makes you more infertile.
It makes you more alone.
But it doesn't matter because it's all you're comfortable with now because you've been made so weak.
And so the vampire slowly sucks you dry before it emerges from your body.
All that's left is your skin.
And this new thing is there.
So that's where we are.
And this is a big idea.
It's a big system.
It's a big program.
And it's killing us.
It's not the technology itself is bad.
It's that this is all been engineered as a program
To lower our defenses, to make us hate ourselves, to kill our life force, to destroy our dreams, and turn everything into a nightmare.
And what has the former head of Facebook, Mr. Parker, said?
What did they all say?
They said, yeah, we designed it to manipulate you, to make you alone, to play on your weaknesses, and make you more weak so we can control you.
And then once you're forced online to live, we can now take it away from you if you don't behave the way we want.
And at first it's just saying you're a liberal and there aren't two genders and families are bad.
Next it's being sterilized.
Next it's...
Signing up to have your mind uploaded to the web so that your carbon body doesn't hurt the earth.
But really, you won't be uploaded.
It'll be AI that knows you, that's been watching you for 20 years, that knows how to mimic you, your voice print, everything you say, so your friends and family think, yeah, Carl, or David, or Carol, or John, or Sanchez.
You know, they had pain, and they were overweight, and they were whatever, and, you know, there wasn't jobs for them anymore, but it didn't matter.
Now they're in a virtual silicon system that isn't bad for the environment, and, you know, he went in, they uploaded his brain, but, you know, you can't have two of those if the agreement is he has to die.
I told you 20 years ago they'd upload your brain.
It's not going to really be uploaded.
It's a fraud.
But say you've got to die.
You've got to give up your physical body in this rebirth.
And, of course, the top scientists are now all over the news saying you must physically die to have your brain uploaded.
So it's a facsimile.
It's not you.
It's a devilish counterfeit.
So if the president doesn't stop the censorship, of course he'll lose the election.
Or maybe the president is the devil.
Maybe the president is like Lucifer, incredibly deceptive.
So deceptive he could even trick me.
And he isn't going to stop all this censorship and control.
He's there to make us think somebody's fighting for us during this long, arduous process so that he stalls us and our resistance long enough
So that we don't resist this machine takeover of humanity.
Because he knows what's going on.
And he knows about this larger program.
And he knows we signed the internet over to the globalists.
And he knows it's going dark.
And they're shutting it down.
And we're very close to this.
And it's already being phased in.
So the president doesn't take action.
And I'm not saying that's what he's done.
He's part of it.
But this is the system.
This is the plan.
The internet's about to be killed.
We're about to go into the full surveillance control grid system.
With people in live time watching what you do on your phone itself, telling you what you can and can't see.
This is outrageous!
I told you 20 years ago they were watching you over the cameras on your computer.
Now it's all admitted.
What else do I need to tell you?
I've just laid out their exact battle plan.
What are you gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So, the globalists want their final revolution against humanity.
What does President Trump need to do?
I was really mad at him because he was letting the universities ban all nationalist, conservative, Christian speech.
When it's federal law, you can't do that or you lose your federal funding.
Well, he signed an executive order to try to stop that.
Now the challenge is taking place.
I intend now to book some college events.
Something I haven't done yet.
We have a lot of tricks up our sleeves.
That's one of the obvious ones we haven't deployed yet.
And so there'll be definite fireworks in defense of the Republic.
But like Robert E. Lee said, I've never seen the backs of our Texans.
So we're going to be taking action on every front.
But the president
Has all these lawyers telling him, oh, it's private corporations.
The courts don't like to regulate those.
We have prohibitive regulations that prohibit discrimination, that give third-party protection to the big tech companies.
Instead, they're going to get regulatory protection from the EU, and regulatory protection from the UK, and the CHICOMs by following their incredibly draconian models, which the universities on the left are ready to merge with
Here in the United States, the operating system of the left and Antifa is Maoist.
They will tell you that.
And so we have an authoritarian control freak problem.
And so again, Mr. President, the claim that, oh, the courts are going to rule against us doing this.
You got to be kidding.
We have cartels openly lying to Congress and censoring conservatives en masse, banning all sorts of House and Senate members ads and re-election announcements off of Twitter and Facebook.
We have Project Veritas undercover video showing all this.
You have Google admitting that, oh, we're not going to let Democrats lose this time when they lost the election in 2018 on November 9th.
We have open and shut one-day trial.
They'd be convicted.
And then they sit there in Stonewall.
So, they're cartels, they're acting as monopolies, and they're allowing foreign governments, the CHICOMs and the EU and others, to regulate them.
And so, of course, Zuckerberg is gonna get new protections internationally because we haven't created or haven't enforced our own laws over what we created, the internet.
It's allowing them, because we've advocated our authority,
In advocation, like a royal stepping down, we have just let them run the gauntlet on us.
And so is that stupidity?
Is that weakness?
Or is that on purpose?
Because it's bad.
And now only the big five tech companies, Apple right through to Google,
Are going to be the filters for what can and can't be on air.
It's incredibly reckless.
It's incredibly dangerous.
It's a new class system.
And it's the end of free societies we allow it to happen.
And there are so many ways to fight it.
So many ways to go after it.
We have the big stick of all the illegal surveillance these companies have been doing.
We had the big stick of how they're offshore and all their tax exemption.
We had the biggest stick that Apple and Google have basically got in bed with the Communist Chinese over the United States.
But that's the globalist model.
Total disrespect for our country.
But I tell you, I tend to think Trump is just not informed, and I think Congress is, because I watch these senators, and I see these House members, and man, the Republicans try to get after big tech, but big tech just stonewalls.
And because of the complexity,
What do you do?
It's just outrageous.
But what's going to bring them down, and what they're most afraid of at Google, is whistleblowers.
It's going to be the whistleblowers that have already brought them down that will bring them down.
That's why it's up to you, whistleblowers, to get the evidence of the censorship out.
We already have, I know, more.
It's time.
It's time to spill your guts.
Do what must be done.
Show no mercy.
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It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I'm not sure why it took so long to recognize that the Democrats wanted the endless supply of illegal aliens to themselves.
After all, most of these immigrants have been here a long time.
They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs.
They support their families.
They worship at our churches.
Many of their kids are American-born or spent most of their lives here.
And their hopes, dreams, and patriotism are just like ours.
As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it,
They are a part of American life.
We also recognize that immigration is essential to our competitiveness.
We need all the fresh, wonderful thinking from all over the world to be part of our economy.
And we also need many of the young people who have been educated in our institutions of higher learning, especially in the sciences, to stay here.
President Trump announced he's going to try to give them what they want.
We are looking at the possibility, strongly looking at it to be honest with you.
California, the governor wants to have a lot of people coming in, refugees coming in, a lot of sanctuary cities, so we'll
Give them to the sanctuary cities maybe to take care of if that's the way they want it because we can only hold them under the current law for 20 days.
They can either deal with it at the border and stop it from getting worse or they're going to have to take on some of that burden in their communities if that becomes an option.
Again, that's not our first choice, probably not even our second or third choice, but we have to look at all options as long as Democrats refuse to do their jobs and fix the problem.
But now the Democrats are vigorously defending against it.
I do think this is an empty threat by the President, though, to talk about busing people from the border into these sanctuary cities.
He likes to create friction sometimes to jumpstart, he says, a Congress that's not acting.
He's injecting fear into our country.
And so if he was looking to solve a problem, he wouldn't be doing things to divide this country against itself.
Beware of anybody that's trying to tell you to be afraid in the strongest country in the world, as opposed to showing our strength and our courage by pulling people together to find common sense solutions to solve this problem.
It's illegal.
It's immoral.
It's unethical.
It's sophomoric.
It's petulant and it's par for the course.
It doesn't fit the plan.
How are they going to turn those red states blue and champion the United Nations replacement migration plan while the sanctuary cities crumble?
We are not going to be able to get it done under the Republican leadership in Congress.
We believe that we will have leverage.
Share tweeted an urgent message of sudden coherence in response to President Trump's proposal.
Saying, I understand helping struggling immigrants, but my city, Los Angeles, isn't taking care of its own.
What about the 50,000 citizens who live on the streets?
People who live below poverty line and hungry?
If my state can't take care of its own, many are vets.
How can it take care of more?
And oddly enough, Cher is right to be concerned.
According to the Migration Policy Institute, Los Angeles has taken in at least 10% of the United States population of illegal immigrants.
Second on that list, Harris County, Texas, or the southern portion of Texas, fueling a blue wave that is gradually heading into central Texas.
This chart right here shows what type of facilities we'd need based on the number of people coming to this country illegally on a monthly basis versus the number of days to adjudicate that initial claim.
And it's pretty shocking.
Right now, we had about 100,000 individuals is what the estimate is for March.
About 100,000 people coming to this country illegally.
If we were, if it takes 45 days right now, it's taking about 40 days I think to get that initial determination.
We're looking at needing detention facilities somewhere about 125,000 beds is what this chart would show you.
On average we apprehend more than a thousand people illegally crossing the border every day.
That's roughly the capacity of 17 commercial buses.
Mexico is a major source country for the transit and production of illicit drugs destined for the United States, including marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and most recently, fentanyl.
As a result of Mexico's dominant role both as a source and transit point for illicit drugs destined for the United States, it's also a primary destination for illicit proceeds that the cartel earns through their distribution networks in the United States.
What's more, as illegal aliens replace Americans in the heartland, they also replace them in the suburbs.
As The Atlantic reported way back in 2014, in 2000, more than half of immigrants lived in the suburbs of the nation's largest metro areas.
That number is now up to 61% as more immigrants migrate to suburban communities instead of urban centers, according to census data from 2000 to 2013 analyzed by the Brookings Institution.
The Democrats want to silence the vote and voice of American citizens, and it's never been clearer than it is today.
We should provide their sanctuary cities with as many illegal aliens as they can't handle.
Maybe then we could start to talk about some security on our southern border.
John Bowne reporting.
If the Dems want them, they can have them.
Up on Infowars.com.
Please find the videos on the front page and share it.
Now, continuing here, Millie Weaver's coming up next segment, but think about this, ladies and gentlemen.
The Democrats want hundreds of thousands a month to pour in, but they want to basically bust them.
Democrats have buses waiting to red states and red cities.
They don't want to pay for them.
It's a weapon.
And so Trump's idea is, well, you say they're legal there, you've overwhelmed our courts, our emergency beds, everything.
You take them, they go, oh no, it's too dangerous.
So he flips the script on them just by making the point.
Another giant caravan just smashed over the Mexican border Saturday, and more are coming.
So they're breaking our borders.
They call them migrants.
That was the old thing when you did have people that lived in Mexico but seasonally came up here in the spring and summer and fall to pick the fruit and all the rest of it in California and South Texas.
That's fine.
They'd be fine even giving them worker visas.
Those are migrants.
People coming in from Europe and Asia and Africa through Latin America and from South America and Central America and collapsed socialist regimes.
That's national suicide.
So it's just hilarious how the president is playing him.
Here is part of what Fox just reported minutes ago.
Nobody thinks that this is the ideal solution, but until we can fix the crisis at the border, we have to look at all options.
This is one of them.
Whether or not it moves forward, that's yet to be determined.
This was raised at a staff level initially and pushed back on.
The president wants us to explore it again.
Kevin Corke, live outside the White House with the latest, Kevin.
Harris, the president has effectively accused many asylum seekers of simply trying to game the system as far as our immigration system is concerned.
He is saying they're effectively trying to skip the line.
He's also said that, along with an explosion of illegal immigration along the southern border, simply have overwhelmed border communities and that means that
They should be moved.
That's the thinking here at the White House.
Move them in other places around the country.
Let me share part of a tweet.
The President's sort of been talking about this ad nauseum and now he's going on Twitter saying this.
Those illegal immigrants who can no longer be legally held, Congress must fix the laws and loopholes, will be subject to Homeland Security given to sanctuary cities and states.
Now critics, as you pointed out,
Accused the White House of being, frankly, cynical, and they're using migrants as a political wedge issue.
In fact, over on Capitol Hill, Harris, some Democrats say the very idea of, quote, dumping, end quote, migrants on sanctuary cities, runs counter to the fundamental promise of America.
The President has no right to spend money appropriated by Congress for other purposes to ship immigrants all over the country.
Everybody talks about Democrats and Republicans getting together.
Along with Caitlin Bennett.
That's coming up.
But folks, they're the ones.
The UN advertising will let you stay here.
Overwhelm our judges.
Overwhelm our courts.
Overwhelm everything.
You have a right to be here.
Same thing the European Union did.
They admit they did it.
And then they go, the president has no right to ship them all over the country.
The Democrats show up with their own buses and their own trains and their own rented aircraft and fly them everywhere to red cities and red states to make us pay for it.
No, you little a-holes!
You filthy Democrats!
You filthy little maggot Nadler!
You're gonna pay for it, you piece of crap!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Well, Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett, two of our amazing reporters, were in Ohio yesterday in Lordstown for the frontrunner of the Democrats.
He's raised $18 million, double his leading competitor.
And in national polls, he is the leader in a record-wide field of 18 different lying, polluting miscreants.
And she's going to be breaking all that down with us
Here in a moment.
But I tell you, coming up when I start the next hour, I was really thinking about this.
Obama administration turns the internet over to the globalists.
That was just four years ago.
And Trump's not stopped it.
That'll be your headline next hour.
Trump handing the internet over to the UN.
And I'm not trying to attack Trump, but that's what's happening.
It's in the news today.
That's who's running the regulations against everybody.
We'll talk to Milley in a moment.
First, we've got three new specials.
We ended the huge mega super sale, but we've got a new sale that in the targeted areas is just as good and is really amazing.
And that is a whole bunch of our high quality apparel.
All of our apparel is 50% off.
That's all the t-shirts, all the ball caps, all everything.
So, again, I would encourage listeners to understand, if you're on a right-wing or national hysteria, you'll get pats on the back, a cup of coffee, probably bought before you're wearing an InfoWars shirt.
Meet a lot of like-minded people.
It's a real adventure.
But if you're on a left hysteria, they don't speak Latin.
They don't know what Molon Labe means.
They don't know what a Attorney Response Team is.
They don't know what Adult California, MyUSA is.
That's some of our new shirts.
So that's a fun thing to just meet like-minded people and spread the word.
But if you wear an InfoWars.com shirt in some leftist areas around universities or whatever, you might get stabbed or hit over the head with a baseball bat or whatever.
So caution when wearing these.
But you know, our audience really doesn't run.
So I made all these t-shirts that don't have InfoWars on them, and people like them, but nothing like they do the ones that are loud and proud, InfoWars.com, or that Trump Medusa t-shirt's my favorite.
But the best-selling is the in-your-face, big, bright red InfoWars.com shirt.
That's the one everybody wants right there.
We have the Don't Tread on Me, we have Mean Like a Wolverine, we have a bunch of great ball caps, 1776, Don't Tread on Me, Infowars.com, 50% off all apparel.
And they point out it's annual.
We've not done this, I looked it up, in over a year.
The dollar isn't what it used to be.
To get a really fancy, nice designer shirt that's smooth and feels nice and is made in America and printed in America is like $12.
Then to print on it until they're $4 or $5.
A lot of these shirts are $17 a piece.
I sell them retail like $29.95.
When I go 50% off, we're losing money.
Now, an InfoWars shirt, it's a nice navy blue shirt, but it only cost me like five bucks, the printing like a dollar.
So I can sell that, you know, for $12.
But the others are costing me like $17, $19 a piece.
So be sure and check all those out.
If you see a shirt for like $17 or $19, it means it cost me that much.
Okay, if you see a shirt for $12, it means it cost me $6.
Everything is 50% off.
We go and look at what the purchase order is, what it was, and give you literally 50% off.
This is the best time.
And these shirts freak the leftists out, the globalists out, and it helps fund this great operation.
But the other big sale is $50 off Alexa Pure Breeze.
We haven't done this since Christmas.
They got more in stock.
I mean, it cost them almost $100 to make the unit.
So a $200 deal compared to other filters that are $500 for the same filter is a great deal.
Well, they do 50% off.
We're splitting like 50 bucks between myself and the distributor.
So that is very close to cost.
Alexa Pure Breeze, four-stage ion filters, 67% off, two-week food supply.
You're getting that at cost.
A two-week nice plastic Coke container.
Hell, at Walmart, the plastic container would cost as much as this cost.
I mean, it's one of those nice, you know,
Okay, going to Millie Weaver and then you'll ride shotgun with us when Caitlin Bennett comes on.
I got so much to talk about.
What do you make of him, Bernie Sanders, being the front man, raising double the money of other Democrats?
This really shows the Democratic Party, contrary to what Pelosi says, the Democratic Party, their ethos, their operating system is basically communism, as the Gallup poll shows.
Well, you know, Bernie held this town hall and the whole objective here was to come to a small town on the outskirts of Youngstown, Ohio, to talk about rallying up these unions behind him, behind his campaign.
And the whole message he was pitching, Alex, was very anti-business.
It was very much like using a strong-handed government to force regulations on these big businesses and kind of rule over them like a tyrannical communist regime.
And the people were cheering, they loved it, but what many of these people don't seem to remember or understand is if you look into the history of Youngstown, Ohio, these unions are what drove the steel and coal mills out of Youngstown.
They actually left to other states
And that's what started the economic collapse in Youngstown, Ohio.
Nearly 100,000 people left.
You're from nearby there, but that's a historical fact.
It was leftist harassing U.S.
industry that ran it out to begin with.
Yes, the unions ran out the businesses because they kept on striking and they kept on causing all these issues for the businesses and they ended up leaving.
One of the biggest steel manufacturers left the state because they were tired of the unions in Youngstown, all these Democrats.
So Bernie coming there saying, let's continue, let's have these unions, let's, you know, smash these businesses with an iron fist.
It's only going to make the problem worse.
And he sits there and tries to, you know, talk bad about what Trump's been doing for the economy.
He's hurting the poor people.
And of course, Bernie will help bankrupt the college and steal the money, so he knows what to do.
Exactly, and many of these teachers are all upset because they don't have, you know, the money to hire many of these teachers.
Many of them are laid off still.
It's been an ever-growing decline for Youngstown because they've never fully recovered from these steel mills.
But I think Bernie, who never had a free market job, first paycheck, 40 years old, I bet he will fix it.
Oh, that's what he's pitching.
He's like, I'll fix it, I'll fix all the problems.
I mean, what I'll say is this.
I followed the Hillary Clinton campaign, and I saw how staged some of her rallies were.
You know, they would have these photo ops to make it look like she had more people there than there actually were.
I'll tell you, there weren't really that many people there at this event.
They could not even fill a high school auditorium.
And the other thing was that it looked like many of the people who were the people asking the questions during question and answers were planted in the audience.
You mean a communist would plant something?
Stay right there.
We're coming up with you and Caitlin Bennett.
We actually have the footage inside this church.
They throw Caitlin out.
And we have a professor that you found out about.
Connie Schultz says, oh, you don't have First Amendment because we choose who has free speech and who doesn't.
It's all coming up with Millie Weaver.
And Caitlin Bennett will join us and will ride shotgun as well.
And then, when we start the next hour, I'm gonna take Trump big time to the woodshed because, yeah, Obama openly tried to transfer the Internet to the UN.
He did to a great extent.
Now Trump's letting him do it!
What do you think all the censorship is?
What do you think all the control is?
That's what it's doing.
Millie Weaver joins us straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, on your mind.
Well, this just in.
We have live video for you to show you.
The 1100 year old church... ...is on fire.
It's 900 years old.
Notre Dame, there it is, and it's the big news.
Been on fire for hours.
It's a symbol of Christendom on fire with the Islamic takeover of France.
I think it's emblematic of what we're facing and what we're dealing with.
So we've got the billowing smoke from the facility built in the 1100s.
I would make it 900 years old.
Joining us now is Caitlin Bennett riding shotgun with Millie.
We were both GreatInfoWars.com reporters who were on the ground in Ohio yesterday covering Bernie.
Another event, he came out and said Trump is hurting working people.
There's also other disgusting clips we're going to be playing.
But first off, I wanted to bring up Kaitlin Bennett.
You got thrown out.
The full videos on Infowars.com are being totally polite.
And then now Connie Schultz, a professor, we'll tell folks about this in a minute, is saying you don't deserve journalism.
Well, it doesn't matter.
They said it's a public event on their website.
You're peacefully sitting there, and so they discriminated against you, but she waves a magic wand, Connie Schultz, who defends the New York Times, I guess, that lied about WMDs and all other lies.
She says, I'm not defending her eviction.
Oh really?
But as a journalist teaching in the journalism school of her alma mater, where Bennett tweeted, this is Penn State, a photo of herself parading around campus with an AR-10 rifle on graduation day, I am clear that she is not a journalist.
Oh yeah, because journalists never do photo ops.
She's with InfoWars!
Oh my gosh, she hid that!
You caught us!
Oh my gosh!
So, Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver, your take on this.
Well, I was really disappointed that I didn't get to hear Bernie speak because I actually wanted to try to ask him a question.
I noticed when I was walking into the event that people were recognizing me and they were taking pictures of me and they were going to the police and showing them.
So I just put my hood up.
And I was actually scrolling on Facebook because I was just getting uncomfortable and I really didn't want attention on me.
It wasn't about me, it was about Bernie.
So, next thing I know, the campaign staff is telling me that I have to leave just because they don't want me there.
I didn't violate any rules.
They actually lied and said that it was an invite-only event.
They lied.
No, no it wasn't, because there was no one checking an invite list at the door.
It was open to the public, and you didn't have to go see.
Well it said come here, it's a public event on his website, and you show that in the report, but when Beto had his event in Austin, they said you must come downtown and sign up.
They had people on the street saying, sign up, give us your name and number.
There were no tickets, it was all a fraud.
So you're telling me a socialist is a fraudster?
Well, what I'm telling you is that socialists now actually believe in private property because they kept saying it was a private event.
So, yeah, Millie?
They sure like to engage in communism, too.
I mean, they had all kinds of shirts for sale.
Look, I think what's happening is these campaigns are trying to mitigate and do damage control because too many people are coming and during their question and answers during their speeches, people are asking them hard questions that these politicians don't want to answer and don't like to answer.
We're good.
And there was also, we'll get back to this, but a cameo, I'd say 100% a smolleter, who shows up and is screaming the N-word.
You talk to people later, he was saying niggardly, which I guess means selfish or stupid or something.
But the point is, he didn't want to actually get branded with saying that in the future.
He's wearing a MAGA hat, he's running around trying to disrupt.
This is a classic smolleting event, but that way participants got to hear some racism with somebody dressed up like a Trump supporter.
You guys also witnessed that.
Oh yeah, that looked completely scripted.
See, you know, Caitlyn was removed.
I think they had a little bit of confusion because there was a grapevine of, there's an InfoWars girl here, and me and Caitlyn were sitting like maybe two or three rows apart, and I think they took her off thinking they solved the problem.
Well, we were there and we saw what they did, the staged interviews, and then this guy running in in a MAGA hat, making sure to scream and yell what sounded like the N-word,
And then he had to wave his hat in the air to make sure everyone in the room saw it.
And then everyone cheers and applauds his removal.
And then Bernie has his little pre-scripted, what sounded like a pre-scripted answer, he sure knew exactly what to say.
And who did he attack?
This is Trump and his divisiveness in America.
And you know, it just seems so scripted.
And of course all the mainstream media left crying.
Yeah, well of course we know from the WikiLeaks, Hillary pulled the same crap in Chicago against Trump.
These people are dastardly.
Yeah, and I think what it is, is the whole, what Laura Loomer's been doing has been so successful, and many other have followed suit, and I think they're trying to ruin that by having now fake bird doggers come in in Trump hats screaming profanity.
Let me tell you what they're scared of, and I want to get both your takes on this, both Caitlin and Millie.
When we had the Bill Clinton's rapist contest, because they were trying to say that Trump was a racist for out of context comments, when Bill Clinton settled rape cases,
Bill Clinton said, I'll tell you what you need to know, that you're a rapist!
All those famous videos, that brought them to their knees.
So, I want to see it as Caitlyn and Millie's revenge.
I want to see men and women everywhere go to these Bernie events, he's the front runner, and say, Bernie, why'd you swindle that college?
Why do you have multi-million dollar houses, like three of them?
Why do you have $100,000 cars that say America sucks all day?
Why do you say white people don't know what it's like to be poor?
I mean, because we need everyone to go confront these scumbags and let their little handlers know they're not going to stop the signal.
Exactly, maybe it needs to be a contest again, Alex.
Well, I don't, you know, we don't have a lot of money around here, but people sure like getting, oh, is it $2,000 every time they said Bill Clinton's a rapist?
So what should we come up with Bernie?
Bernie Sanders is a con man?
Communism fails?
I don't know, what do you say?
Well, we definitely know.
I don't know if you guys have seen it, but there's a photo out there where Bernie's actually speaking at a Ben & Jerry's event, I guess.
I'm not sure.
His podium is actually a remodel of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
But then he speaks out against corporations getting involved in politics and corporate money and all this stuff, but it's out there.
He's doing it.
He's showing everybody and no one blinks an eye.
You are going to get free healthcare!
You are going to get free school!
Free housing!
You are going to get free money if you don't want to work!
But most importantly, reparations!
All white people are guilty and will pay black people money.
Of course, it will go to the Democrats, and we will control the money and get most of it for ourselves.
How outrageous is it to know, Kaitlan, that he is the frontrunner in the Democratic Party?
I think it shows exactly what's going on.
You know, when I go to Bernie events, I would expect the crowd to be mostly young people.
Surprisingly, it's older people and I'm not sure if it's because they need that health care that he's talking about.
The young people are only focused on that free college.
I talked to a couple of them and I asked them, I said, what is socialism?
And one of them even tried to tell me that Bernie Sanders
That is a conspiracy theory and racism!
What do you make of Nancy Pelosi, we'll play the clip and come back, actually saying there are no socialists in our party!
Well, it's ridiculous.
Bernie's an open socialist.
And the ridiculous thing about his whole rally here is that he was attacking General Motors.
And he was saying, let's, you know, put an iron fist on General Motors.
That's the group that got nationalized by Obama.
Let's punish them.
That group's up Obama's rear end.
Exactly, right?
And the irony here, though, is that Youngstown came in to help- I mean, GM came in to help Youngstown after Youngstown lost out because the steel mills all left because of the unions.
So now they're saying, let's have another union chase off the one guy left, GM.
And let's be clear!
We need to have incentives like Venice Waylock!
GM needs to move to Venezuela!
I will destroy and swindle all of you with me and my big, fat, ugly wife!
You belong to me, America, bloodbags!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I like to steal.
I like to bankrupt.
I like billion dollar houses.
I'm Bernie Sanders.
And I'm... Waging war on corruption is Alex Jones.
Notre Dame!
Notre Dame is feeling the burn right now!
We're letting the Islamic invasion do quite nicely!
That will teach you!
They're feeling the burn down in Venezuela!
Thousands starving per week!
And you will feel the burn here too!
Once my army of slugs takes over!
I am the leader!
I am Bernie!
Getting serious, Notre Dame is an incredibly famous place.
If I was going to go to Paris, it is an Islamic, you know, what hole now?
An Islamic toilet, literally.
I would have gone to Notre Dame.
The hunchback, the whole nine yards, built in 1100 and something.
See if my memory serves, right?
Can we pull up when Notre Dame was built?
That sucker is in flames.
That is too bad.
But it'll just turn into a mosque anyway, so maybe it's better.
It just totally burns.
Yeah, I mean, I'm not glad this happened, but I tell you, it's better than the Islamicist capturing it.
That is when the abusive Christian devils built that church, an evil western beauty artifact that now is on fire.
Terrible footage.
That place is up like a Christmas tree right now.
Actually, it's where I live.
I am the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Bernie.
All right, let's stop right now.
Caitlin Bennett, Millie Weaver, I want you guys to do your own show soon.
We're lining that up.
I'm not here interrupting.
Tell folks more about covering Bernie, covering leftists.
They seem to get even more rabid.
How are they responding now that Russiagate's totally falling?
Well, you know, I think that the reason Bernie even chose the location for this event in Youngstown was because Youngstown never really became diversified economically.
They relied so much on steel.
The whole city was built around steel.
There was massive, you know, just implosion of economy there.
Everything was great with the steel mill there.
All these buildings, schools being built, people moving in for the jobs.
Then the Democrats unionized and did so many strikes
That the steel mills decided, we're out of here, we're going to a different state.
You mean Democrats ruined the place?
Oh yeah, it's called Black Monday, look it up.
Everyone knows about it.
The steel mills left and basically everyone who worked for the steel mill lost their job.
And the problem was that there weren't any other big industries in that city.
So what followed, you know, schools shutting down because people are leaving, teachers being laid off.
People leaving homes, you have all of these abandoned cities.
Why not just raise taxes?
You don't need infrastructure like Venezuela!
You just have nothing but me!
And then you... Please continue!
So you had all this economic decline in Youngstown that's been happening for decades.
Then General Motors actually came in to Youngstown and opened a factory there to try to mitigate the damage that's been done.
To exploit the workers!
Well, that's what Bernie says.
Now, Bernie's there at this rally saying, unions, we need to strike against GM.
I will not exploit you.
There will be no college or jobs.
You will be homeless.
And then, here's what will happen.
Youngstown will quite literally burn to the ground if Bernie gets in and pushes his policies because there are so many dilapidated buildings in Youngstown because people have left them vacant.
Firefighters are having a hard time because these
These buildings are being turned into crack houses and they're having fires in them.
Local government is racist.
Bernie will cause Youngstown to burn to the ground.
What do you think, Caitlin?
We know what's going to happen.
We know what's going to happen.
Shut up, young lady!
I had you thrown out of the event, and I say you're not real media.
I agree with Connie Schultz, professor at your college.
She says, shut your piehole.
Your degree means nothing from that college.
I will let you have one more thing you can say, but she agrees.
Shut you up.
You know what's funny about Connie is that she's married to Sherrod Brown, who does not think that post or partial birth abortions should be illegal.
He supports post-birth abortions and partial birth abortions.
So it's so funny.
She's sitting here married to someone who represents me from Ohio, and she's attacking me.
She's attacking a private citizen.
And she thinks that she has some type of grasp on everything by claiming she teaches at the school I went to, as if that gives her any sort of leg up.
She has the right to say you don't get speech!
Shut up!
That's exactly what she's saying.
She's saying that she's a journalist.
Teacher, journalism teacher, what if one of her students wanted to pursue a career with InfoWars or Fox News, and she's over there tweeting that Fox News is propaganda, InfoWars is propaganda.
In what world is this acceptable from academia?
Well, we know that 2019 is acceptable for leftists to come out and just have their bias
In academia, they push down students that don't agree with them, and that's exactly what she's doing, and Kent State needs to do something about it.
Let's talk about the instincts of this.
You're over there, everybody knows you don't disrupt events.
You're there to cover it.
Someone recognizes you, and a little tattle goes over and tells on you, and even the police will apologize to you, and they say, well, it's a private event.
But no, they advertise it as a public event.
People have lost lawsuits over that, but see, Bernie doesn't care.
Well yeah, I mean, it was ridiculous.
I was there to listen.
I could understand.
If I were disrupting, if I was causing arguments in the crowd, I was sitting there on Facebook waiting for Bernie to come out and I have these media people in my face taking pictures and telling on me.
And I asked, I said, did I violate any rules?
And all he says is, no, this is a private event.
And I was like, you can't really say that because it's public property.
It's a public high school.
It's a public event.
And he just keeps throwing out all these lies.
So I get it.
That's the guy that threw you out.
The cops said, both the cops said, we're sorry.
Yes, we agree with you.
Yeah, so they were private security and they're like... But they weren't.
They were off-duty police.
They were just private security in that capacity.
Okay, yeah.
It was really upsetting because, you know, I thought they were officers.
I thought they were police.
So I said, so you're taking orders from them even though this is public.
It's what it was described as and this is public property.
And they really just didn't seem to care.
Well, shifting gears here.
What do you make of Nancy Pelosi?
We'll play the clip.
Trying to distance herself and say there's only five socialists in the Democratic Party leadership.
My God, they're all pushing socialism and communism.
Gallup poll shows half of them identify as communist.
Here's the clip.
On his website, and we'll pull up and we'll put a little screenshot.
She likes to minimize the conflicts within her caucus between the moderates and the progressives.
You have these wings, AOC and her group on one side.
That's like five people.
No, it's the progressive group.
It's more than five.
I'm a progressive, yeah.
So there's only five socialists or communists in the Democratic Party leadership of Taitlan and Miller.
Oh, what a bunch of baloney.
These Democrat politicians just can straight lie through their teeth with a fake plastic smile on their face like Nancy Pelosi.
It's ridiculous.
They're all pushing for free health care, free college, you know.
Free this, let's open up the free benefits to even non-U.S.
But at least AOC really shows the real face.
I mean, how could she look like the Grinch that stole Christmas in every shot?
It's like a... I mean, I can't even do these faces.
Oh my gosh.
It was more scary than, you know, the thought of socialism was Nancy Pelosi's face in that clip we just saw.
Like, that was so disturbing.
I didn't even know who it was at first.
It was complete plastic, like you said.
But I think that she knows that socialism is detrimental to the country, so she probably does want to distance herself from it.
But she can't really come out and say, like, socialism is bad.
You know, it's only five people because she doesn't want to offend them, because they all need to stick together to get their points across or implement free health care.
So if Nancy Pelosi comes out and tries to make it as if free health care isn't a socialist idea, then more people are going to accept it.
Yeah, I think you're right.
Sorry, go ahead.
I mean, I think it's emblematic that nothing has sold people, but I mean, the Democratic Party is like a bunch of weird, obviously drug addict geriatrics, but they're in power, so the system keeps backing them, but they're pathetic.
Yeah, I mean...
Sorry, Nancy Pelosi is just a dino that's trying to be cool and, you know, throw out all these little cool words to the millennial base, like, I'm a progressive, sanctuary cities.
She's just trying to appeal to millennials.
And she's being fake.
I mean, her face clearly looks classic.
Let me ask you about that.
Democrats now say, do not bring the illegals to us.
You are going to keep them.
So when we come back to talk about it,
I'm gonna stop doing burning.
It's out of control.
It's very addictive.
Can you imagine actually walking around with... I pulled up on a $120,000 Audi.
I have three $1,000,000 houses.
But I'm going to tell you America sucks!
We'll be right back with the third hour!
If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
There is no set stasis.
There is no managed system.
There is no un-continuum.
The continuum is always launching forward into the future.
So, you support us and get creative and get fired up.
We won't just be here 100 years.
We'll be here forever.
We'll turn the whole thing around.
Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here, we made it.
And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you, Reddy.
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced.
Not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family,
I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
To America will fall to a Sith like Venezuela.
And we, the globalists, will rule you forever.
To... To us, men!
To us.
You are badass, and I salute you, and you are the hottest, I don't mean physically looking, you are beautiful, out there, hottest reporters on the internet, kicking Gloveless's butt!
And I have seen how the neocons have tried to attack Millie a few years ago, she ignored it, and they tried to attack Caitlyn, you ignored it, and now they are just beside themselves.
But I gotta say, behind the scenes, Logan Paul said nice things about both of you, so I'm not mad at you mentally about your viral video about how I'm the alpha male, and
You know, how I dominated Logan Paul.
I think Logan Paul's waking up and actually, you know, actually pretty good in ways.
And the guy's like 6'4 and pure muscle, so he probably kicked my ass.
So as nice as you're being saying I'm the alpha male on that show, Logan Paul actually likes you guys.
I think we get you both back on there, even though he got a lot of attacks for doing it.
So let's give some praise to Logan Paul.
You know, the whole media attacks him because they're jealous of his platform.
But I think overall Logan Paul did a good job.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's great that he let you come on and let Caitlyn come on.
Look, there's being nice and saying nice things and then there's just like truth and reality and in my opinion, you kind of stole the show, Alex.
And so, I mean, what am I going to say?
Well, I mean, I do kind of steal the show in obnoxious ways just like you guys do, but I'm just saying.
No, I mean, I get it.
It's fun to have a headline.
What was your headline?
It's going viral right now.
What's the name of the video?
Alex dominates Logan.
Alex Jones dominates Logan Paul.
Because you did!
And it was funny and it was all fun and games.
So, you know, people don't have a sense of humor these days, you know.
I can't say something like that without someone taking offense.
Sure, sure.
No, no, no.
I don't think Logan's taking offense.
Even at me saying he looks like Jimmy Savelle.
But she doesn't.
I just, he was a really nice guy behind the scenes and was a sport about things.
I think he just kind of let me run, actually.
But listen, I'm not knocking your headline, it's a cute headline.
I just, I just, I just, I just, I didn't realize what a, I don't want to get Rogan and his crew in, I didn't realize the guy's been a fan for like 15 years.
So I don't want to get him in trouble.
I mean, I think Logan Paul, you can almost say he's like one of my children.
I didn't realize that.
So that's the problem.
One of my bad children though, you know.
So then, how do we know?
The real question is, how do we know if a lot of these people that are pretending to have this leftist ideology and catering to the left aren't secret InfoWars fans or secretly Trump fans, but they're just all too afraid to come out and say it?
I'm going to hold you guys over.
I have this big thing I'm going to do, and I'll do it too before our next guest joins us, but I've been reached out to in the last year.
I mean, I got reached out to by some of the biggest syndicators 20 years ago, 15 years ago to get me to join them, and I didn't.
They just say, here's our agenda.
It's not like a sellout.
It's not like a dirty thing.
Do you sign on to this?
It's like, this is an off-record meeting.
Do you join us with this ideology and let us run the show?
And I'm like, no.
But I've had some of the biggest people, like you don't get bigger, do that.
I think this is a scam.
And then I actually see them start delivering on what they said they would do.
So yeah, most people actually deep down are still pro-human.
Even if they signed on to this globalist satanic program, at the end of the day, when the rubber meets the road or you come to the edge of the cliff, they're still pro-human.
What do you say about that, Kaitlin?
I think, you know, Logan Paul, when I first went into there, it was
I kind of just had my guard up because of the things people were saying to me about going on there.
I didn't know if they were gonna try to, like, rail me for the things I've tweeted or my opinions.
When I left, I actually had a really bad feeling.
Like, it wasn't as fun as I thought it was gonna be.
I felt like it was more of attacking me.
And then when I went back and I watched it, it was awesome.
And Logan continued to text me.
He was so kind.
I think it was just, I had a, I thought it was going to be... Living in a volcano may sound more dramatic than it really is.
The real drama can be found here in Leilani Estates.
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But more importantly, a good water filtration system will purify it.
By the way, this isn't some butt-kissing excapade for Logan Paul.
It's just that they were gracious, they were nice, they were funny, and they gave me a chance to go on one of the biggest podcasts out there that routinely gets 5, 6, 7 million views.
Joe Rogan was smart.
He said, I want to sneak attack them.
He goes, I know you're getting censored.
We're not going to announce you're coming on.
We're going to drop it like a bomb.
Six million views in one day.
It's up at like 40 million views.
It's about to beat the Elon Musk, even though it's shadow banned in the next week or so.
It'll be the number one podcast in history for a long form podcast.
They're little short ones and stuff that have, you know, 100 million views, but hey,
For anything over an hour, for a podcast over an hour, the record's like 40 million.
We have a four hour, 50 minute podcast that is set to have over 40 million views on all the platforms.
And so, that's with them shadow banning it.
It had six million views in one day, then they did the shadow ban, and that was six million on YouTube.
So I guess we had about 15 million in one day.
I mean, we tracked it.
And again, I don't know why Infowars continues to be number one.
I mean, it is that people want freedom.
It's not that I'm that important.
It's that the measures we're promoting is common sense.
But Logan Paul
You know, his dog got killed by a coyote the day before I got there.
I thought he was joking when he said it.
I was like laughing.
I really felt bad later.
A little sweet Pomeranian.
And I knew who Kong was.
Like, oh, you think this Rorschacher inkblot looks like a coyote?
You must be a fan of Kong.
And I'm like, what's Kong?
Oh, a coyote killed our dog.
And I'm like, oh, yeah, I thought they were joking.
But then I'm at my hotel the next day and there's like coyotes following me in the parking lot.
I got video of this.
I showed it actually two days ago.
I guess it was a Sunday or was that the Friday show?
But yeah, I've got friends and family that have like 10-foot game fences now to stop the coyotes from killing their dogs, their cats.
I forget.
They're attacking kids now and they've got to be exterminated, folks.
That's what people say.
You old farmers and right-wingers want to eradicate the wolves and the coyotes because, folks, if you don't eradicate wolves and coyotes in your area
When you kill a wolf or you kill a coyote, it triggers the pack to have the females go into estrus.
And so they will supply as many puppies as they need to keep the pack alive.
And so you kill one coyote, you get five more.
You have to kill every damn one of them.
And you're like, oh, big deal.
I live in West Austin and I left California last Thursday morning.
And I decided to hike just up the hill by the hotel.
I showed the video, and there was a coyote following me.
So I wait, and then it comes out and is following me again.
Probably only about, you know, 90 pounds, 100 pounds.
And it was giving me the, you know, like Wile E. Coyote looks at Roadrunner like he saw me as a big juicy chicken or something with grease dripping off of it.
And then, it was a Saturday morning.
I get up at like 6.30 a.m., and I go out in the backyard.
I've only got like a small wrought iron fence, and there is my cat.
And the cows have already eaten one of my cats.
And there sure is the devil.
He's a coyote right up against the fence looking through.
Let me talk about getting the willies, folks.
I'm sitting there drinking coffee, 6.30, it's just getting light.
I'm watching my fat tabby walk around, waddle around by the pool.
And looking right through that fence, I see those eyes looking dead on at me.
And I got, I like jumped.
I was like, huh!
And these coyotes are so arrogant, I can't help it.
I got a crossbow now.
I'm waiting.
There's no house behind me.
It's a cliff.
I'll get the crossbow and that son-of-a-bitch was gone, but man, I'm gonna get him.
I'm getting tired of it, man.
There's nothing like being in your backyard and all of a sudden you look up at the rod iron and there's damn wolf-eyes looking at you.
I'm ranting, both of you ladies, getting back into Logan Paul and how he tried to give you a fair shake.
I think you did a good job and impressed him, Kaitlin, and then other points you'd like to make, Millie Weaver.
Well, you know, I think that you going on Logan Paul is going to have a huge impact on young people.
You know, the comments on that video were just, wow, I didn't even know this is who Alex was.
I was totally wrong about Alex.
All the comments were actually steering people towards Infowars.
So regardless of whatever Logan Paul's intentions are of having you on, the outcome is good.
You know, because Logan did recently do that
Flat Earth documentary, I don't know if you saw it, but he essentially trolls the entire Flat Earth community.
He goes and pretends that all of a sudden he's been turned into a Flat Earther, but he's trolling the whole time and then at the end he's like, I never was a Flat Earther, I think these people are stupid.
So whatever his intentions are with having InfoWars on, the bottom line is that the outcome is good because many people are seeing the truth and knowing
That things that Caitlin says and that Alex says have factual basis.
Oh yeah, I mean he clearly trolled the Flat Earthers.
I don't think he's trolling us.
That's why they attacked him so much and said he shouldn't be able to interview me.
I mean they had major publications say he should be taken off the air for having me on.
So they go, well Jones is banned on YouTube.
No, my channels were banned for made-up strikes.
People aren't banned from interviewing me.
Think about that next level of authoritarianism, Millie.
Or just the listeners listening, or Caitlin.
Now they're going to tell you who you can interview?
Yeah, I mean, when I was talking to, I actually texted Logan and I said, thank you for having Alex on.
I think that's awesome because when the cameras were off of us, when I went on there, you know, they were so down to earth.
They were so real.
And we talked about, you know, there are certain things that they just feel like they can't say because there's an audience out there that's watching them.
And you have to make sure you kind of pedal that line.
They were super down to earth.
I think they're more in line with us than we think and what they want to lead on, which I don't blame them at all.
With big tech, you kind of have to stroll that line to have that platform that you gotta have.
Well, that's it.
They did all the lip service to political correctness and made a joke about it.
Like when I said retarded, I love mentally retarded children.
Retarded just means backed up, that they haven't gotten the point.
Instead, they give them vaccines to make people brain damaged, but then say don't use the word retarded.
You know, I've had
Family not born retarded, but the family that was in car wrecks or you know, I had a cousin who died a few years ago He lived it was like 30 something.
He he was like three years old Mom was taking a nap.
It was construction workers there.
They left the door open He opened the third floor and jumped off the top all retarded means is delayed But then people say I'm offended by retarded now.
You can't use that.
Well, then what's the next word?
I use the next word I use it's ridiculous.
I'm not saying retarded to put people down Yeah, I mean I think that
It's just the liberals trying to virtue signal and they want a police speech.
But, you know, the reason I made this highlight clip with you on his show, Alex, is because the show was incredibly hilarious.
I mean, two hours, I watched the entire two hours.
I was rolling on the ground laughing and the whole... Oh, Millie, I'm not criticizing you.
It was so funny.
I don't tell you what headlines.
Sure, I don't tell you what headlines do or any of that.
In fact, I think it's a funny headline.
I just know that Logan Paul watches what we do, and I just don't want him to think that I went in there to dominate him, or I did dominate.
I get your joke headline.
I mean, I think we dominated the First Amendment, and I think they really helped us, but I'm not bitching at you for putting that headline out.
I think it's a funny headline.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's funny too.
I hope that everyone goes and watches the full podcast of Logan Paul because it is really amazing what happens in this podcast.
They get their minds opened to Alex Jones and who he is.
I mean, I think some of them came in with preconceived notions that many leftists have.
And then Alex just runs through all the facts and he destroys all the mainstream media's talking points that people hear about him.
And these guys, it seems like at the end,
It seems like they're totally, you know, it's like their eyes have been open.
Oh yeah, they wanted to keep, I wanted to keep going too.
And then Joey Diaz, who I love to death, had been on his show in years.
We're like, oh, we might be a little late, which we weren't going to be late.
We ended the podcast early to go to Joey Diaz's thing and he canceled it.
So I've told Logan Paul, I've told Joey Diaz, I've told everybody.
Anybody wants to come use our studios for their podcast when they're in Austin, they're welcome to.
You ladies are awesome.
I salute you.
Joe Bannister's coming up.
I've got my special message to Trump.
It'll take a few minutes as well.
But let me just tell you something.
I'm so glad that you guys get the fact that you were attacked, not by the left, but by the neocons, who are the left's gatekeepers, and that you saw what it was.
And after they attacked both of you, you guys just tripled your efforts and are just awesome.
And so you're everything we need to be.
Your crews are awesome as well.
So thank you so much and we'll be following all your work at Millie underscore Weaver on Twitter and of course all the great work that Caitlin Bennett does as well.
Liberty Hangout at Liberty Hangout everywhere.
Keep it up ladies.
You are the heart of America.
You are the spirit of 1776.
Thank you Alex.
Thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The 900-year-old cathedral of Notre Dame.
Emblematically collapsed just minutes ago in flames after five hours of raging heat.
I see it as a signet, an image of the fall of Paris, the fall of France, the fall of Christendom.
Simply amazing to see the flames and to see an ancient icon collapse.
But you can rebuild stone and wood and steel.
But what about a culture?
What about a society?
What about a way of life?
Yes, my friends, we are defenseless against things like fire until we have organized systems against it.
But the fire of tyranny, the fire of socialism, the fire of collectivism is racing through our body politic like a disease.
Joining us is a fellow I've known for, I don't know, like 18 years, Joe Bannister, former highly decorated Treasury agent.
And, you know, you can get him on on April 15th when we pay the private Federal Reserve money and we can debate the income tax all day.
But I'd like to bypass all that and say Google.
General Electric, all of them pay almost no corporate tax and their leaders are all based offshore and pay almost no tax.
So they have big accounting firms like Arthur Anderson and Enron had where they almost pay no tax.
So the joke is rich people pay almost no tax.
So why do we see the ultra rich?
Always promoting more taxes on the middle class.
I want to get Joe Bannister's take on that, because you can debate all day, but the average person, oh, you know, the income tax is a fraud, which we know violates due process, was set up in 1913, and Trump points out the Federal Reserve raising interest rates eight times trying to kill the recovery.
You can say, well, you know, the economy's overheating.
Well, now it's going into recession.
They didn't do it to Obama.
So I want to talk to you today, not about your case or your history or how you were found not guilty when they tried to put you in prison twice for telling the truth,
But just the fact that there's other ways to attack this, other ways to fund the country, and from your research, what the constitutional ways are to do it.
Before we had an income tax, this country had an average 10% growth rate from 1798 until 1913.
And after that, only a few years of a 10% growth rate.
So we were doing something before that paid for everything without taxes.
I mean, taxes were what, maybe 10% on average?
I've looked at the different numbers until
The 1900 or so and then they went straight up and something happened.
So Joe Bannister, you're an expert on taxes, you're an accountant, you're a former guy that carried a gun for the IRS, treasury agent.
It's kind of a big gestalt I put out there, but my point is, good to have you here with us.
There's more than one way to skin a cat, right?
Alex, thanks for having me.
Yeah, I think the biggest problem we have is that evil is always 10 steps ahead of us.
You know, certainly back in 1913,
Well, years prior to that, right?
They already knew that, hey, if we can get a 16th Amendment passed and we can usher in this huge income tax system and then comes the Social Security number.
I mean, they're playing a long game.
This is the model of the world government, the cashless society, the digital social score.
This is the model of the beast.
That's right.
And you know, the public, we always play a reactive game rather than a proactive game.
And I shouldn't say, I mean, InfoWars is on the proactive side.
They always have been.
And that's why I've loved coming on the show all these years.
But we as citizens, we as people need to start looking at the long game as well.
And of course, InfoWars is the place to go to find out what the long game is.
Yesterday's news today, as you often say.
So people need to see that what's being put in place now was planned 20, 30, 40, 100 years ago.
And we have to react more quickly.
We have to know the plan ahead of time.
And, you know, good place to go is InfoWars.com.
No, you're right.
Mainstream news is yesterday's news of the day.
We're tomorrow's news of the day.
But as an American patriot, and just as a patriot, as a Catholic American, a good Catholic American, what do you make of the archetypal image of Notre Dame, that beautiful place?
I've never visited Paris, but I wanted to visit that.
I've actually got a pen and ink of Notre Dame.
It's hanging in my dad's office across the street.
Just the image of this archetypally with Paris and Europe falling to Islam, pretty much, and then to see this beautiful church around 900 years up in flames.
That's devastating.
I've never been to France, but I went to Italy two years ago and visited a lot of their churches.
And I said, I'm Catholic, so I just have to go to Mass anyway and see.
And so it was just gorgeous to see the small little towns, the beautiful churches, and of course, in Rome, the churches that are there.
And so it really is devastating to see.
Find out whether it was purposely started or some kind of an accident.
Of course, you have to dig deep because if you ask questions, of course, that's wrong.
That's wrong.
We can't be out of the gates.
I don't know how they know only five hours in they say construction fire started.
Oh, that's true.
What are they blaming on the yellow vest or something?
I mean, you never know.
Well, I'm sure there'll be some parents are gonna be mad at you for asking questions.
Well, that's what's amazing about all this.
So, what should we tackle about the income tax?
Because the argument that, oh, we're just greedy and don't want to pay taxes, as you know, as an accountant, they had Money Magazine do 30 different returns.
They got 30 different responses.
They had Forbes do 50 different responses.
I mean, I go to different CPAs.
Well, is it any wonder that President Trump doesn't want to show his tax returns?
It's not because he's guilty of anything, it's because you give him a target
And somebody's going to shoot at it, and they're going to tell lies about it.
Let's do that when we come back.
I was thinking about you coming on today, and I meant to ask that up front.
And I think, and we'll play the White House Press Secretary, bank this point, Huckabee Sanders.
She goes, you're not smart enough to the bureaucrats to read these.
He's got so many properties, so many companies, so many write-offs, that they're going to try to find some dirt, and they're going to try to say something's criminal.
I've experienced that in these depositions.
Anything they get, they claim is criminal.
I've got a good anecdotal story about myself being under audit to illustrate.
I guess we still have a little time.
We're going to go back in a minute.
Talk about you first, your new book, your website, and how folks can hear one of the most honest government agents ever tell the truth.
How do people find old things, Joe Bannister?
Because we all think on TV, everybody can see stuff, but TV is still a small part of our audience.
We mainly talk radio.
Joe, tell folks how they can find that.
Thank you, Alex.
Agentfortruth.com is the flagship website.
Tons of free information there.
Walks people through.
It's a great place to start your study.
And we all need to do a little homework on the income tax issue.
The book is called Investigating the Federal Income Tax, a Preliminary Report.
I'm sorry, Preliminary Report.
It's called A Report to the American People.
It was a preliminary report 15 years ago.
Now it's the report.
Now it's definitive.
So I'm thrilled that it's being offered at the InfoWars store.
So when people get the book, they can support InfoWars and Bannister.
That's right.
There's no reviews yet, even though we've almost sold out of it, investigating the federal income tax.
It's about as federal as Federal Ammunition or Federal Express.
That's a great point.
I meant to ask that.
Trump, why would you not want to give them your tax returns?
Because they're a blueprint to harass and sabotage all your companies.
They've been doing it to us, believe me.
Why would you give them that?
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
Go ahead.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
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There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been.
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yesterday, she said, the Democrats are too stupid to understand Trump's tax returns.
And that means anybody's too stupid, unless you're the people who filed them, because he's got thousands of properties and all these different write-offs and different things that are going on.
And they're going to use it as a blueprint to go after all of his supporters, all of his partners, and harass them.
Believe me, I've experienced it.
And that's their goal.
Pure mafia tactics.
And Joe Bannister, former Treasury agent, highly decorated, big whistleblower, tried to put him in jail twice for speaking out.
He was exonerated by two jury trials.
We'll talk to him in a moment, but here is Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
This has nothing to do with whether or not they're going to determine policy.
This is all about political partisanship.
This is a dangerous, dangerous road.
And frankly, Chris, I don't think Congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump's taxes will be.
My guess is most of them don't do their own taxes, and I certainly don't trust them to look through the decades of success that the President has and determine anything.
He's filled out hundreds of pages in a financial disclosure form.
And I think it is a disgusting overreach that they are making when they're not doing this based on policy.
And it puts every American who's filled out tax reform or tax forms in the past... This is a yes or no question.
Have you filed your taxes yet?
I'm almost finished.
I'm in the process.
I've got a couple more days.
I'm asking for an extension.
OK, sir.
Now, in the 20 plus lawsuits against me, more than 15 have been thrown out.
They have lawyers, law firms asking for my tax returns.
The entire thing.
Now, that's who our vendors are.
It's who our suppliers are.
It's who everything.
And the courts were going to give it to them.
Despite unprecedented court precedence, we were going to file appeals, but guess what happened?
They leaked the depositions everywhere.
The judges went, oh my God, and now they're not getting them.
But that's where this country is.
I don't have anything to hide.
It's like saying, why do you wear clothes?
What do you have to hide?
Well, I mean, we wear clothes.
Why do you have a door on your house?
I'm not anything criminal, but there are bad people.
Why do I have screens on my windows?
There's mosquitoes.
It's like Facebook people, when it first got big, would say, oh, I'm going to Mexico for Christmas.
Look at the new computer I got in the jewelry.
And it would be geolocated.
No one told them it was a geolocation.
The hackers knew they'd rob your house.
You don't tell people your gate code or your house code or your car code or your bank account because there's bad people, not because you're a criminal.
Joe Bannister, former Treasury agent, great patriot.
You want to try to explain this to folks?
You're making the point Trump would be insane to release his tax returns.
Well, a minor illustration that happened in my own life, you know, law enforcement, government officials have to go through a heightened security, a background check.
And as part of the background check, I had to be audited for three years.
And so the auditor comes in and says that I owe about five grand more for this three-year period.
Now this is back in the 90s, a long time ago.
But that I owed about five grand more, that basically I had cheated on my income taxes.
You know, this is back when I was filing and paying and didn't know all the stuff that I know now.
So that's equivalent to like, they claim you stole $15,000 today's numbers.
Yeah, it's a huge problem.
And so I said, well, no, I don't.
I'm sure that I, I don't know a penny.
And so having come from the CPA, you know, public accounting, I fought every step of the way and I ended up with a thousand dollar refund.
And the auditor was, was against me because, you know, CID agents get paid more, they carry a gun and badge.
You know, at least the agency thinks they walk on water.
And so she had it out for me.
And so she just manufactured a bunch of BS and said, you owe five grand.
And I said, no, I don't.
I'm going to fight you.
And I ended up with a thousand dollar more, you know, refund.
I was too conservative on my tax return.
But the point is... By the way, I've since had big firms come in.
They said, dude, you're way overpaying, even according to their system.
Well, you're probably better off.
I mean, it's not better off economically, but in terms of, you know, how you're being attacked, they can always use those tax returns against anyone.
It's like it's a fraud.
It's a lie.
But if the mob is going to break your legs, pay it.
And so we've overdone it's what I'm saying.
And the thing is, Alex, one of the aspects about Donald Trump that caught my attention, because, you know, I drink and sleep the income tax, is that he did not he refused to show his tax returns throughout the entire campaign.
And he basically told them, tough, I'm not showing you my tax returns.
And he just moved on down the road.
Why don't you show us your wife with her clothes off?
I mean, why do we have to give up our private stuff?
No, I just I thought that was really I really admired him for having the courage when everybody else bows to the IRS and shows every little piece of underwear they deducted.
And, you know, he said, I'm not showing it to you.
And the other thing is, he's under his returns apparently are under audit.
And it could be the same scenario times a billion that I was in, where the auditor says, you owe a bunch of money, after all the smoke clears, they owe you.
So you better wait until the auditor's done.
I never talked about this on air, but a few years ago that happened.
And it's funny, I was caught, people said don't antagonize the IRS, but I'm not afraid of anybody, I have nothing wrong.
That's what we found was, we actually got a couple hundred thousand dollars back after they did the whole thing.
I mean, why would the government think that I'm going to not pay their fake taxes when I'm a target?
Or they think I'm insane?
Well, they're just going to spend forever looking and looking and looking and never finding anything.
But when you're the President of the United States and your tax returns were under audit when you began office, that alone has got to be unprecedented.
So I don't blame the President one bit.
Remember Nixon got in trouble.
For talking about using the IRS on people, but Lois Lerner and all them got caught and nothing happened.
If Trump's failed anywhere, it's not standing up against the censorship enough, and not fighting the IRS, and the persecution it's done to conservatives and nationalists and people.
It's been incredible.
Right, of course.
Having worked in the IRS for five years, I can tell you, if I had the ability and the authority to make changes,
I mean, it would take 50 years.
So even as president, you can try to make things happen.
And I'm not excusing, you know, I mean, the fact... No, you're not.
But explain to people about bureaucracy, because he has a mutiny going against him.
Well, people should look up on the Internet what the halls of the IRS building and the headquarters in Washington, D.C.
look like.
They're cavernous.
They go on like the Matrix movie.
I mean,
You know, and each one of those offices by the thousands are staffed with bureaucrats who have unions and regulations and, you know, but become a whistleblower and you'll find out how quickly they can get things done.
Wow, but they failed with you.
What do you exp...
Again, I don't want to knock Trump, but at the same time, he has let the IRS continue his persecution, maybe debating the tax, the messing with conservatives, Christians, Nationalists, and then on MSNBC they go, well of course we're harassing you, you're Nazis, you deserve it!
So they admit they're harassing everybody, and then Trump just sits there and takes it.
I guess, like you said, what does he do when the bureaucracy is just full of a bunch of criminals?
I mean, my quick idea is, you know, you talk frequently about full-spectrum dominance.
See how to do full-spectrum dominance on Twitter and just start attacking the agencies one by one.
There's plenty of dead bodies over at the IRS headquarters, DOJ, and just start tweeting about it and show people how much waste and fraud and abuse.
Show them what the swamp actually smells like.
And I think that that would keep them all dancing and on their toes.
Let me ask you this question.
No, I agree.
Our government is leftist and helps China pay no taxes, do nothing, screw us over.
Why does our own government have this America was never great, will never be great, and this hard-on to screw American entrepreneurs while the globalists go scot-free?
How do they hire people that just have this hard-on?
Like you said, you're a treasury agent getting awards, so they come after you.
We're going to come back and talk about that.
I call it the chicken you-know-what dimension, the chicken sh-t dimension, or just this thing where these weird little wimps, and I'm not on some power trip like I'm Mr. Tough Guy, but I mean, it's like these weird little wimps, like whoever's good or successful they want to mess with, and then they never seem to get in trouble.
How about they start getting in trouble for once?
I mean, my God, I'm sick of these people.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
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So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here live.
Notre Dame has completely collapsed into a pile of rubble.
Geraldo Cervantes is taking over the next hour.
We'll do a few minutes of the next hour with our guest.
He's been fighting the Globals for so long.
Joe Bannister at AgentForTruth.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Don't forget, Owen Schroer is coming up at 3 o'clock Central with The War Room at the night, 8 a.m.
tomorrow morning.
And the only way we get around the censors is you.
You're awesome.
And it's amazing.
I love you.
But you understand, like, we carry the light in the dark of the night.
And we're resisting the Globalists.
And this is how we get the message through.
I put my big message out to Trump earlier.
But Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver were so enfuego that I didn't do my second message, but it really clicked.
We all got mad at Obama for transferring the internet to the UN, and it happened.
And now they're censoring it, now it's happening, and Trump's doing nothing.
So that means by not being involved, he's supporting it.
I'm going to start the show tomorrow with that.
I've got to get a tooth pulled.
And first tooth of my life pulled, 45.
And I may come back after that and actually shoot a report on it.
I love Jon Ronson and all the fake garbage he puts out at NPR.
What a liar he is, man.
I'll never talk to that guy again.
I knew he was a liar a long time ago, but he put out some piece with all these lies about me growing up in Dallas, Texas, and then said that all my front teeth were knocked out.
And that's why I moved to Austin.
I've never had one tooth
I even offered to get an x-ray when they said it.
Those aren't caps, those are my teeth.
And I called him and I said, I said, uh, I had all my teeth and none had ever been knocked out.
He goes, we believe you, Alex.
No wonder he wrote the psychopath test, because that guy, I want to warn everybody, you better stay damn well clear to him, man, that guy is one of the biggest liars I've ever seen.
Just like Megyn Kelly and all the rest of them.
But he's a predator.
He knows he can lure you in.
Oh, oh, oh, no, I, I, I, everything's okay, Alex.
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And Joe Bannister's new book is also sold there at the site.
Without you buying the products, we are not here.
By the way, reaching people?
It's been rough the last 10 months since the banning, but the psych guys got hit, so we're reaching actually more people than ever, just not on our own platform.
And it's the core audience of radio listeners and Christians and Patriots that buy the books, buy the videos, buy the water filters, get stuff they need.
Well, I'll just buy it from Alex and eat it anyways.
Well, we need you to keep doing it or we won't be here.
So get Investigating the Federal Income Tax, a report to the American people.
Joseph R. Bannister, former IRS Special Agent at Infowarshaw.com.
I give it a review as well.
It is life-saving info.
So, Joe,
I forgot what we were talking about before the break, but it was important.
What do you want to impart to people, in closing here, that they need to know about the state of the world?
Well, I'd like to give a little tidbit out of the book.
It involves Rod Rosenstein.
So, I was in... Yeah, believe it or not, this is how you make your bones in the deep state.
So anyway, I was investigated and prosecuted between 2001 and 2005.
And guess who was the chief prosecutor for the entire West United States for all income tax prosecutions?
Rod Rosenstein.
So that means that, and even one of Rod Rosenstein's underlings wrote an email to him, or to a guy under Rod Rosenstein, saying that Bannister's sincere, Bannister's honorable, and Bannister wants to ask some questions about the income tax, and I think we should meet with him.
And so despite an inroad from one of his underlings, Rosenstein would have still signed off on my indictment and prosecution.
And he probably wasn't too happy about my acquittal in 2005.
It could be just a coincidence that he left in 2005 to do much, much bigger things, as the public knows.
Let me ask you this.
We'll do five more minutes.
You can really get into it.
We know Mueller did a bunch of cover-ups.
We know there's no Russian connection.
Hell, they were saying I was a Russian agent with no evidence.
I know that's not true.
Hillary's up to her eyeballs in it.
But I just think they did all this illegal spying, all these crimes.
Trump had them because of the Judiciary Committee and the Intelligence Committee.
So they had to back off.
I mean, I think that's what came down to it.
But they're not going to make a deal with Trump to back off.
I think he has to prosecute them.
Now is the time and the justice demands it.
But then how will they strike back?
Now, do you agree with all I just said?
And what's your take on it?
Well, I think we all know, Alex, anybody that pays attention, that they scratch each other's backs.
That's the reason they don't like Trump.
Because he's not in the, you know, quid pro quo scratch your back.
Trump is the president.
That's his, the crime is that he's the president.
He actually does what he wants.
There's no, there's no scratching his back.
If you try to scratch his back, he doesn't like that.
And you know better than me about what they do behind closed doors in the Congress and how they're, well, I'll not look at this area if you don't do this and all these backyard deals, backroom deals, and it ends up that the corruption just gets worse and festers.
And so another thing that I like about Trump is he's not somebody that's been playing that game on the American people for decades.
And that's why they don't want him in there, because they want to get back to where everything's behind the scenes.
Oh yeah, some idiot thinks that Trump's an insider.
Let me tell you.
They are afraid of Trump.
I'm not bragging.
Believe me, it's not.
They're afraid of me.
They know we're for real.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect or Trump's perfect, but we're really believe in America and due process and freedom.
And they are so scared because it's been their thing so long.
And now, Joe.
Well, they're trying to do everything they can, as you well know, to take down the avenues of information.
Because people like you and me and all of your listeners, we devour information.
We want to know the truth and we'll do whatever we need to do to get to it.
So they're trying to destroy those avenues of getting the information.
And I'll tell you, if I have to go back to mailing letters and putting stamps on envelopes, I'm going to do it to keep informing people.
And I know that that's how you feel and all your listeners feel.
That's what it takes.
I almost started the show with that today that there's so much digital media no one pays attention to it and we should just get back to old-fashioned handwritten letters not some type form filled deal but handwritten letters people so pay attention to that and you know Trump does that he does handwritten letters or he does personal calls I don't want to kiss Trump's ass it's just true you're right it's that personal touch that's key right now
That's right, and a lot of your listeners, at least the ones that are maybe 30 and above, we still know what it's like to write a letter.
Like I say, we should do the things that are most efficient, but be ready.
If we have to go to guns, as far as the First Amendment goes, you do whatever it takes.
Handing out literature on street corners, if that's what it takes to get the truth out, we're not giving up.
Ass-kissing exercise for police or military.
But as you know, when I first met you 18 years ago or 20 years ago, was it 20?
How long ago was it, Joe?
You got a better brain on dates than I. It was 19, no, 20 years ago because it was about April of 1999 when you came out to the Bay Area when you were doing your police state 2000 interview.
And I already interviewed you before that.
Uh, on the radio.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So when we come back, I'm gonna ask you a really big question.
I've known you 20 years.
We're gonna ask this question on Joe Bannas when we're back in two minutes.
And then Gerald Cilente takes over.
Tomorrow's news today.
That's Joe Bannas' site.
Get the book there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We both sing the Red River Valley.
I'd play the Red River Valley.
He'd sit out in the kitchen and cry.
It's a pretty song.
And run his fingers through seventy years of living.
It's like both my grandfathers.
It's so crazy.
It's a good holiday song.
Crazy stuff, man.
He's a drifter and a driller of oil wells.
An old school hand of the world.
An old school man of the world.
He'd let me drive his truck when he's too drunk to.
He'd let me drive his car when he's too drunk to.
And he'd wink.
And he'd wink.
And give him money for a girl.
And our lives were like some old Western movie.
All right, getting back to you, Joe Bannister.
There's this paradox, because you know I was anti-police state, I was an anti-police.
But growing up seeing police corruption, I expressed that onto all police.
But compared to the general public, I found police and military, especially those that have been around the world, to be more informed about how things really work, and to be more pro-American.
So I think America's destiny, like old Jack McClain would say, hangs with them or falls with them.
And so, yeah, we have corrupt at the top, but it's not a cliche when we say the average rank and file, compared to the public, are good people.
Is that a wrong statement?
Or how would you talk about that paradox of people like you that the average federal law enforcement, local, whatever, a lot of these are good men and women.
Well, they are.
I mean, a little biased, but, you know, two of my brothers are uniformed police officers.
One, a year younger than me, just retired.
But they are good people, and they work with good people, and they really care about doing the right thing.
And they see a lot of horrible stuff.
They go through a lot of... I mean, I've talked to paramedics, too.
This is a tough job seeing burned kids and car wrecks and dead people every week.
That's right.
So, I mean, you know, I've got my own family members.
I mean, I can only live vicariously through them now, you know, since I had to leave under those circumstances 20 years ago.
But, you know, I like to reach out to law enforcement, and I think there's a connection there because they really care about the country.
What's the paradox, though?
Because they seem more awake, but then that's what the system wants to use to oppress us.
I mean, how does that work?
Well, unfortunately, the upper echelons, right?
The cream doesn't rise to the top, always.
No, it's like a cesspool.
The crap rises.
Yeah, so that's the sad part.
And of course, the rank and file just have to be more in number, just like the people have to be more number, make us think.
And like I say, if Trump would let people know just how smelly the swamp is, he talks about the swamp and that's all great and cleaning it up.
But let's see some more evidence of how smelly and mucky the swamp really is.
That's what I want to see.
All right, well, your book's up on InfoWarsTore.com.
It's also at AsiaForTruth.com.
And again, we talk about the income tax.
Obviously, taxes fund the government.
We've got to have some type of system where we have anarchy, which is just as bad as total communism.
But I want to get back to our republic.
We really appreciate you, Joe Bannister, the book investigating this whole system, investigating the federal income tax, InfoWarsTore.com.
Let's get it ordered.
Let's get some reviews in or get it today at AsiaForTruth.com.
Thank you, Joe.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thanks, Alex.
Thanks to everybody.
All right, so we have Gerald Celente about to take over, always informative, and then we have Owen Schroeder, one of my favorite people, loaded for bear, about to take over.
And with all this news I've got, I may just come back, even though I've got this zombie tootoo that's as rotten as Washington, D.C., that in T-minus 30 minutes I'm scheduled to have ripped out of my face.
We'll see what happens.
I've got a high tolerance for pain.
I have a z-suspicion.
I'll be back.
Phil Cilente, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Keep the country clean.
All right, we've got the great Gerald Cilente, the great trends forecaster, taking over at Gerald Cilente on Twitter in a moment.
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And now back to Gerald Cilente and the live global transmission from Kingston, New York.
Hey, Alex, thanks so much for having me.
And yes, everyone listening out there, you know, their annual info was fly your colors proud shirt.
Thank you, sir.
It's a time to fly it, because if you don't, there's not going to be much flies left around other than the mainstream media.
And you can see we're junk.
You know, I was just thinking, anybody that watches the mainstream media is just getting stupid information and being dumbed down and not getting anything that could help them prepare for the future or deal with the present.
So it's really important to support InfoWars at every level that you can.
Because if you don't, our voices are not going to be heard.
And the only voices you will hear are those of the prestitutes.
The ones that get paid to put out.
Just like what happened with Assange.
Hey Bernie, you know B.S.
Bernie Sanders that, I'll give you free education and free healthcare.
I'll give you two conditions if you buy one free.
Yeah, that Bernie, the kind of clowns that I knew when I was growing up.
In Coney Island, you know?
I grew up in the Bronx, we used to go to Coney Island.
That's Bernie, just a broadwalk character.
You know, step right up, step right up.
Not a word about Assange.
Nothing coming out of his mouth.
The only Democratic candidate that spoke out in favor of Assange is Tulsi Gabbard.
And that's the only one I'm standing behind so far.
That arrogant, arrogant, nothing BS Bernie.
The war manga in sheep's clothing.
The clown of a boy that couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
Yeah, that's the kind of guy they wanted to put a bullying zone around school when we were growing up.
Because that's the kind of kid that would get beat up because he couldn't stand up for himself.
Yeah, that's the guy that gave us that Kosovo war when Clinton launched it, that illegal war.
This is the guy that didn't want Congress to vote to go into Afghanistan.
That B.S.
Bernie, going back to InfoWars and supporting it.
And yeah, if you don't do it, that's all you're going to get is the crap, the junk that's being shoved down our throat by the mainstream media that's making you dumber by the minute.
Why would anybody with a brain that big repeat, repeat what Rachel Maddow said?
Repeat what Sean Hannity said?
Repeat what Chris Cuomo said?
What, what person with a brain between their ears would repeat that garbage?
I'll tell you who, the same morons and imbeciles that believed Obama and Bush.
Yep, that's the ones.
Then I got my problems with Trump.
Again, I support Trump totally, totally, 100% on the border issues.
100% on the trade and tariff issues, 0% on a lot of his foreign policy.
Going back to supporting InfoWars, I got my Super Bill Vitality.
That keeps me rocking.
Anyway, moving on to some other information.
The markets, the markets.
As you all know, been on Alex Jones for many, many years.
And we have the Trends Journal Magazine.
And we do trend alerts each week.
Our trend alert a couple of months ago.
No recession.
Trump bump.
And that's where we're at.
No recession in sight.
Everyone's saying that now.
We had an economic 9-11.
Back in September 2018, when they were raising those interest rates.
But now that those rates are coming down, the markets are going up.
They're going up around the world, because they're all doing the same thing.
Pushing down those interest rates, and the United States could lower them nine times.
Can't do that in most countries.
So here you go.
Global rally in stocks gathers momentum.
This is today's Wall Street Journal.
Global stocks are rising at the fastest pace in decades as growth around the world slows.
Leaving many investors questioning how much longer the market could defy the gravity of the underlying economics.
The underlying economics only count the little bit
When the central banksters are in charge of the deal.
And their deal is to keep pumping in that monetary methadone.
And that's what they're going to keep shooting into the system to keep it rocking.
But, what you also have, very very important, you have volume pretty low.
So a lot of people aren't in the markets at this time, so it's pushing it up and valuations are still pretty high.
What happens in a wildcard event,
We keep seeing that Trump bump, bumping a little higher, bumping a little higher.
And the higher is here.
The S&P 500 has risen 16 percent.
Vaulting above the level where banks ranging from Morgan Stanley to Barclays expected it to end this year.
So the market strength is real because again, keep that money flowing in.
And it's going to be pushed in from around the world.
Governor sees limits on rate estimates.
Estimates of Canada's neutral interest rate are meant to provide a sense of where monetary policy could end up and shouldn't be seen as a near-term target.
Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Paulots said Saturday.
The point of this story is, it changed an air tone.
Because now what they're saying is, the language shifted during the Central Bank's March press release, which followed a series of weak economic data, with policy makers saying the outlook continued to warrant a policy rate below neutral range.
What a policy rate below neutral range means is that if everything's cool, we're going to lower interest rates anyway to keep that market going.
And that's what they're going to do.
They're not only going to do it in Canada.
The Canadian economy slowed during the fourth quarter of last year, which the Bank of Canada has said
was sharper and more broad than it had anticipated.
So, what are they going to do?
They're going to lower interest rates.
They're going to lower interest rates to prop up the economy.
They're going to do it and are doing it around the world.
So, that's what to look for.
And there's more to come, and we'll be back to tell you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, thanks for having me on Alex Jones Show.
It's wonderful being here and again, do what you can to keep the truth and freedom alive.
Put your money where your heart and mind are and do what you can.
And support InfoWars.
They have great products out there.
I buy them, put my money where my mind and mouth are.
So, what do we got going on here?
I was talking about the economy and interest rates.
This is in today's financial times.
Trump attacks on Fed stir global concerns for central banks' independence.
There is no independence with the central banks.
They're only dependent on the banksters who they are part of the deal with.
So, here's the deal.
You go back to the Nixon days, and the Fed Chair Burns was told by Nixon what to do and not to raise interest rates.
And he didn't.
And Paul Volcker came out with a book.
That's the Federal Reserve Chairman under Reagan.
And in that book, he says, he was brought into the White House.
They sat in a library.
James Baker, the Chief of Staff, called him in.
And with Reagan sitting next to Baker, he said to Volker, the president doesn't want you to raise interest rates before election day.
So let's go back to the economy.
Whether it's in India, whether it's in Turkey, whether it's in the US, whether it's in Argentina, whether it's in Russia, the head of the government is the head of the central bank.
The central banks work hand-in-hand with the government.
They're not separate entities.
And of course, we all know, those of you who watch Alex Jones, that the Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express.
It's a private group, private organization.
So now, what do we have here?
Well, here's what we have.
The election's coming up.
The 2020 Presidential Reality Show.
Trump is going to do everything he can to get re-elected.
And it cats in the real estate business.
So what does that mean?
He knows that when interest rates go up, real estate goes down.
And go back to 1992 with the Clinton running for president, the slogan they used to have in campaign headquarters, it's the economy, stupid.
And that's all it is, folks.
It's the economy.
Trump wants a strong economy.
He's going to do everything he can to make it strong.
And interest rates are going to be one of those things that are going to keep it strong.
So they're going to lower interest rates.
I forecast that the 30-year mortgage, for example, now at around 4.4 is going to be under 4 by Election Day 2020.
Also, staying on the chum.
At this point, I believe, as things exist now,
He will win the 2020 election for a few reasons.
Number one, the primary one, the economy.
Number two, the border.
Number three, I believe that we will have ended the war in Afghanistan.
And there will be a peace treaty with North Korea.
And number four, a strong tariff deal and trade deal that will help bring more jobs back to America.
Because these things are going to be an ongoing negotiation.
If a Democrat was in office, like an Obama, that was favorable to the media,
They would be championing Obama for having a trade deal that benefits the United States rather than Communist China.
So, why will Trump win?
He'll probably lose the popular vote.
But he'll win the swing states.
Particularly on the issues of the economy, on the issues of the border wall.
People don't want more people coming in that they have to pay for.
It's as simple as that.
We can't pay for ourselves.
Also, by the presidential reality show heating up by then, we will also see in 2020 more moves by the administration to rebuild our infrastructure.
And who knows?
Not only ending the war in Afghanistan, but possibly even bringing home the troops and closing some bases.
That's far-fetched, because that's one of my beliefs in occupied peace.
But looking at the overall picture, and again, we were the first magazine, the Trends Journal, it's in print, that called Trump the winner of the 2016 election
In May of 2016, when all the polls and all the major media were going against it.
The issue that's going to hurt Trump the most is that medical issue.
Healthcare is off the charts.
I just had a good friend of mine.
He went to the hospital.
They inserted a catheter.
It was last week.
The doctor told him to pull it out the next day.
He did.
It didn't go well.
He went back to the hospital.
They had to put it back in.
You know what the two visits cost him? $13,000.
This is a guy that he has a name for the Democrats that's not very favorable.
He can't stand them.
He's a Trump supporter.
But he said, what am I going to do about health care?
That's going to be the major issue.
I talked to relatively strong middle class people.
They're paying $30,000 a year for medical coverage.
That's a real burden on them.
That's going to be the big negative that could sway the election.
Because even in the swing states, they want to swing for free.
So medical issues are going to be a big one.
But other than that, our forecast
And you're hearing it on Alex Jones Show.
As things stand now, given the cast of characters that's in the presidential reality show, it's Trump 2020.
Because they're just going to keep pumping up their favorites and their favorites like the Beto O'Rourke and that mayor from South Bend, Indiana.
They're not going to cut it, and neither will Bernie.
Because even the Democrats want jobs.
We're going to be back in a few, and tell you what's going to happen next.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Yes, yes, yes.
And to help keep freedom ringing, you have to support the people that are making it happen.
Such as, you don't have to, of course.
You don't have to if you don't want to.
If you want to just keep listening to the prostitutes and the stupid garbage they put on, tune into ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, or any other one that's controlled by the corporate media.
If you want to hear freedom ring, you have to support the people that are doing it, because it can't happen whether it's our Trends Journal that people are subscribing to, or InfoWars,
You have to put your money where your heart and mind are, and I suggest you start putting your money on InfoWars Life Select Survival Food.
Powered by Patriot Supply.
Two-week survival food plan special.
Now, when you say survival food, I mean it.
Because when things go down, you know what I say.
Guns, gold, and a getaway plan.
And you better have survival food along with that.
Because when this thing unfolds, it's going to go down big.
We have a $250 trillion debt bubble that's probably more like $280 trillion by now, waiting for the new numbers to come out.
When things crash and things go under, you're going to want to have and need what it takes to survive.
And they've just managed to get an incredible deal for anyone looking to take care of their family in an emergency.
And an emergency could happen again at any time, any place, anywhere.
There are a lot of wild cards out there ready to be played.
And they're giving you a special offer to let you help anyone looking to provide food security in an emergency for their family with the two-week food supply.
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Because the folks at InfoWar want to make sure everyone can be ready for a time of need.
So please, because they're doing this to help everyone, please limit to just four purchases for your family, and that's less than $5 a day.
So, again, when this thing goes down, it's going to go down hard.
And it's going to happen globally.
I'm a trend forecaster.
You know, I talk about all these different issues because all things are connected.
Or as Chief Seattle once said, allegedly, all things are connected like the blood which unites us all.
And the blood is spilling.
Take a trip over there to Sudan.
Oh yeah, a lot of blood's been spilling over there.
They got a revolution going on.
Sudanese stay in streets, insisting on civilian leaders.
The Sudanese, over the last month or so, have been taken to the streets daily.
Thousands of people being killed.
They're fighting back against a regime that's been in power for over 30 years.
And they're not alone.
Hey, take a trip down to Algeria.
Same thing going over there, folks.
They had a cat that's been running the show since 1999.
I was almost a youth back then.
Anyway, the guy had two strokes.
Hadn't spoken to the people in six years.
And they say he was still running the show.
The people took to the streets.
Day after day, week after week, month after month.
They brought down the guy.
And now they're gonna have elections on July 4th.
Excuse me, in July.
Not July 4th.
Maybe July 5th.
The people made it happen.
Going back to the emergency foods.
There's disruption all over the world.
How about this one?
UN says scores killed in Tripoli clash.
Oh yeah, from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the richest country in Africa, until the Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama
Samantha Power and Susan Rice, and let's not forget Hillary Clinton, decided Gaddafi has to go.
The richest country in Libya with one of the richest oil reserves in the world.
The cheapest to pull out just among.
Less than a dollar a barrel.
And the sweetest of sweet crude.
Now the place is racked in civil war.
Migrants escaping Africa.
Slavery in Libya as the people are fighting to stay alive on a war brought to you by the Obama.
Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, if only the women's were in charge.
As you know what I say, men, women, black, white, race, creed, or color, good and bad comes in all of them.
So I don't like playing those games.
I call the spade a spade.
Going back to your food supply.
This war in Libya is a big one.
The war in Yemen still keeps going.
And guess what?
The prostitutes?
Hardly a peep.
This is from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
The nominally liberal media powerhouse
MSNBC was once again AWOL.
The 24-hour cable news channel is yet to cover the Yemen war in all of 2019, repeating a similar no-show record when activists were attempting to end the war last spring.
NBC ignored Yemen entirely from September 2016 through July
And the only reason they brought it up was that Guy Kasagi was murdered by the Saudis, allegedly, in Turkey.
And he was a reporter.
Here we go.
Chris Hayes finally reported a U.S.-made bomb that killed over 40 children in Yemen's school bus.
That was in August 2000.
And Fair pointed out that MSNBC had 455 mentions, you ready?
Of Stormy Daniels and Zero of Yemen from July 2017 to July 2018.
And this is why you have to support, whether it's the Trends Journal
Infowars or others that you believe are doing our best to put out the truth.
And let freedom ring.
And end that cycle.
To make it again a nation that has integrity and ethics.
And end this disgusting, prostitute media that just keeps selling hate.
You want to hate Trump?
Tune into the mainstream media.
They haven't stopped since Election Day 2016.
And again, I'm not pumping Trump.
Everybody that knows me knows I call it the way it is.
But this is a waste of time and a waste of energy.
Let's put our energy and our vitality into producing things that are going to make this nation a better nation for us all.
Be back in a few minutes.
The globalists, the eugenicists are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists,
I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at importastore.com, something everybody should take advantage of.
We all know that the outside toxins in the water is a serious health issue.
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With its broad-spectrum contaminant reduction, you'll only need this one filter for clean and refreshing water all over your home.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it going to take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
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Turbo Force at m4slife.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, thanks for having me on InfoWars and hosting The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, that's my kind of music.
I'm that big band kind of guy.
I also like music that not a lot of people know about.
It's called race music.
It happened after World War II.
And what happened was, they call it race music because it was only played on the black radio stations.
They had black and white radio stations back then.
So what happened was, they couldn't afford to put 18 cats on the road anymore after World War II because inflation skyrocketed.
Remember, the big bands start during the Great Depression.
Grab your coat, shake your hat, leave your worries by the doorstep.
Life could be so sweet.
On the sunny side of the street.
And that's what they did.
They had that music to lift people up.
Rather than... Wasn't that, man.
It was a lift up time.
So the big bands really were big.
And they used to travel all around the country.
So there's a depression.
Nobody's making any duck.
And then when World War II started, they had price controls.
Can't raise the price on anything.
So you could still afford to put 18 guys on the road.
But then when World War II ended, they lifted price controls, inflation went thup!
So they couldn't put 18 people on the road.
So they had what they call breaking down the bands.
It was the beginning of rock and roll.
Instead of that swing, they shortened it up.
It's the hottest stuff.
It's the hottest stuff.
People like Red Price Sock, Smiley Lewis.
Anyway, so when I hear that,
Big band stuff, that's the kind of stuff I like, into the beginning of rock and roll.
And again, they called it breaking down the bands.
And they called it race music because they only played it on the black radio stations.
So I had all, I was the youngest of five, so I had older brothers and sisters.
And they weren't listening to any of that.
They were listening to stuff on the white radio stations like, you know, How much is that doggie in the window?
Woof woof.
So, that's the music I like, that hot stuff.
Anyway, moving on.
I was talking about what's going on in Libya.
UN says scores killed in Tripoli clash.
Why isn't there any outrage that this war was brought by Cameron of the UK, Obama,
And Sarkozy of France, with the backing, as I said, of Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice, who the New York Times, the toilet paper record, had written extensively about them being behind it the most.
This destructive war that's destroyed this wonderful country, that compared to all the countries in the area, they were the best by far.
So I'm talking about this because it all ties together.
Gold prices.
Oil prices.
Oil prices are now set to hit $3 a gallon in the United States.
You got Brent Crude above $70 a barrel.
It's the beginning of the driving season.
They're not pumping any oil at a triple, hardly any oil coming out of Libya now.
The sanctions on Venezuela, the country with the richest oil reserves in the world, hardly putting out anything because of the sanctions.
Oil prices are going up.
The more money you put in your gas tank, the less goes into cash registers.
Whether it's in restaurants, retail, hospitality, you name it.
So putting this together, and that's why I talk about global and talk about these different issues.
What's going on in Africa?
Algeria is another big oil supplier.
If oil prices go to $85
To $100 a barrel.
Kiss the economy and the equity markets.
We're gonna go now.
That's what's going to happen.
We need peace.
And I say that not as an empty phrase.
I say that also because in today's paper, the New York Times,
Suicides among veterans show no sign of slowing.
Mr. Trump's executive order was a tacit acknowledgment of what the deaths rendered obvious.
The department has not made a dent in stemming the approximately 20 suicide deaths every day among veterans.
This is terrible.
We have to end these wars.
When I was a young guy, I was prime draft meat for the Vietnam War.
I'm Trump's age.
He got out on a bone spur.
I found my ways of getting out.
And I was too stupid to be against the war based on lies.
I was a kid.
Matter of fact, I liked those.
War things that they were showing, you know, oh, it looks tough.
But I couldn't imagine me walking in water this high, with a lot of weight on my back and carrying a gun over my head and getting shot at.
So I did, I went to college.
I barely got out of high school.
I got out of high school with a 70 average.
I ended up going to school in Charleston, West Virginia.
You know,
A Paisano from the Bronx and Yonkers ending up down there, right?
That's how much I wanted not to go to war.
And it was great, the people in West Virginia were very kind.
But anyway, going back to this and putting it all together, you only had one Tory duty back then.
And in the end, didn't you figure out?
And now these poor men and women are going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, into losing wars!
Going on 18 years in Afghanistan, a war we never should have been in.
We're gonna get that Osama bin Laden and bring him back.
Yeah, that's the BS they gave you.
Wrote about this in detail.
The Iraq War based on lies.
Look what they're doing to the people that are going there.
It's not the senator's sons.
It's not the rich kids.
No, the rich kids' daddies and mommies are paying hundreds and thousands of dollars so baby cakes and baby boy get into Harvard, Princeton, or Yale.
As the poorer people are looking for a future and hoping to find it in the service.
I say, yeah, join the service.
Close all the bases overseas.
What are you doing with a base in Italy and in Germany?
It's only helping the military-industrial complex and all these other countries.
Bring them home!
Secure the homeland with the troops and put them to work rebuilding our rotted third world infrastructure.
Potholes everywhere in a city and state near you.
A rail system that's third world.
You take the subway in New York, it's a night in Calcutta.
Put the troops to work rebuilding our infrastructure.
A Troops Progress Administration.
Now they're going into the military and they're coming out with usable skills, rather than playing these moronic war games.
Join the service, but give them something that they can use when they get out.
That will benefit us all to rebuild our rotted third world infrastructure.
This story is heart-wrenching.
You won't read it again and it won't be on the Cartoon News Network.
It won't be a feature on MSNBC.
More stupid news.
More stupid news brought to you by arrogant people with big attitudes like all of them.
20 suicide deaths every day among veterans.
So please do what you can to Occupy Peace.
OccupyPeace.com is our website.
We're doing all we can to bring peace back to America.
Because if we have more peace, it will be more prosperity for everyone.
The troops can close the border.
We won't even need a border wall.
That's right.
And we put them together, work, getting skills, talent, and passion, because they're really doing something to help this country.
This infrastructure stinks.
It's a joke.
Look what the Chinese are doing.
That's what I have to say for now.
And I'll have more to say when I'm back.
And remember, do all you can to support InfoWars.
See you next time.
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family,
I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
The cleanest, the best out there.
You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oil is the
The best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.