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Filename: 20190412_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 12, 2019
3342 lines.

This episode of Infowars focuses on Alex Jones interviewing a former NSA employee, William Binney, discussing surveillance technology used by corporations to control people's thoughts. They also talk about the collaboration between intelligence agencies and bulk data collection on individuals worldwide. The show covers potential solutions for detecting implants in equipment, globalist agendas, 5G technology threats, emergency preparedness, and censorship amidst staying healthy. They promote products available on their website and encourage listeners to call local representatives regarding Julian Assange's pardon while discussing news updates on indictments.

From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
This is the real deal.
We are now inching closer and closer to truth and to justice, and we're holding those that abuse power accountable.
For two years on this program, we have watched a political persecution, all based on lies and a hoax driven by anti-Trump hatred, and literally wrecking the very fabric of our society.
We have massive developments tonight on many fronts.
The Attorney General Barr went before the Senate Appropriations Committee today, and the boomerang I've been telling you about is now in motion.
It is headed right back in the direction I told you it would head.
And we also have a brand new, just released today, closed-door testimony from the General Counsel of the FBI under Comey.
And it is full of massive examples of
Upper Echelon, FBI, DOJ, Abuse of Power.
And also just breaking moments ago, multiple outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, reporting Greg Craig, the White House Counsel for Barack Obama, expects to be indicted over his work in Ukraine.
We'll have more on that in a moment.
Also, we begin with our Hannity Truthwatch with a question.
How did all this happen?
How did it all begin?
We've got to get to the bottom of this or we'll never have equal justice and equal application of our laws.
Future elections and yes, potential presidential deep state coups will occur.
Now today, the Attorney General, he delivered a bombshell development during his testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Exactly what we've been telling you for over two years is true.
Take a look.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
Well, let me... The question is whether it was predicated.
Adequately predicated.
And I'm not suggesting it wasn't adequately predicated, but I'd need to explore that.
I think it's my obligation.
Congress is usually very concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane, and I want to make sure that happened.
We have a lot of rules about that.
I want to say that I've said I'm reviewing this.
I haven't set up a team yet, but I do have in mind having some colleagues help me pull all this information together and let me know whether there's some areas that should be looked at.
This is downright scary.
Every single American, it's not political.
It's not Democrat, Republican, blue, red.
It's not about politics.
We give our law enforcement officials, our intelligence officials, the most powerful tools of intelligence.
They are never to be weaponized against we, the American people, much less a political campaign at the height of an election or to undo an election.
Where are all these civil libertarians on the left?
Where are the liberals calling for investigations?
They got Nadler, Schumer, Blumenthal.
They're freaking out tonight.
They're calling the Attorney General.
They're calling on him to retract his truthful remarks.
They clearly can't handle the truth.
Speaker Pelosi said Barr was off the rails.
Pelosi said that about someone else.
Let me just say how very, very dismaying and disappointing
That the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of our country is going off the rails.
He is the Attorney General of the United States of America, not the Attorney General of Donald Trump.
Well apparently she and other Democrats, they don't want Barr to perform the proper oversight and follow the law and the DOJ and the FBI, which is his job.
They who advanced the Trump witch hunt, they who lied for years, are exposed as the frauds that they are.
They don't want the truth.
I think so.
I spy an Attorney General giving credence to conspiracy theories.
It feels like we, that basically the Attorney General gaslit the country.
We'll be right back folks, stay with us.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists,
I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping and 50% off at importastore.com, something everybody should take advantage of.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got one hell of a Friday, April 12th, 2019 Global Broadcast for you and your family today.
Again, thank you for joining us.
We are going to lay out the incredibly historic developments that are unfolding and the fact that Trump has no choice but to go after the arrogant, hateful, anti-American globalist swamp that has infested not just our nation, but the world.
And the fact that the crimes committed by the security state, controlled by the Democrats, are so massive that it will either destroy this nation and enslave the world, or their corruption will bring them down.
And of course you're noticing that everything we've talked about, everything we've broken down, everything we've laid out, is coming out in the open.
It's not coming true!
It didn't become real because we said it was so, like Oprah Winfrey says.
It was true when I said it three years ago, two years ago, a year ago, a month ago, a week ago, a day ago, an hour ago, that InfoWars is the leader in freeing America, that InfoWars is the leader in exposing globalism, that InfoWars is the leader
On studying real politics and geopolitical systems and these private corporate intelligence agencies and how they operate.
We live in the real world.
We don't get directed by the nightly news on what to cover.
We make the news.
And over and over again, we're patient zero, we're ground zero for bringing down the globalists and they know it.
And I'm not bragging when I get up here and I say that.
I'm trying to explain to people why we're the target.
If we were a weapon system against the globalists, we're the weapon system that continues to cause the chain reactions, that continues to defeat them.
And I can definitely tell you sitting back now, the world understands false flags.
The world understands subterfuge and geopolitical manipulations.
And they understand how globalism operates.
And they understand the constant staged events that Democrats and deep staters are involved in.
And now the people are healthy skeptics again, many of them.
That's more than half the population is somewhat awake.
The problem is a good third of people are cult members and are gonna follow the establishment
Down any rat hole, they're going to execute whatever they're told.
They're going to believe whatever new delusion they're given, and they believe red-blooded Americans that believe in God and country and family and free market and hard work.
What made this country great, they have been taught and believe that we are the enemy, period.
And so we're all going to have to sit here and discuss and debate what we're going to do to counter these individuals.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to play some of the clips of the Deep State now spinning things out of control, saying that the Attorney General is insane and that there was no spying on candidate Trump, President Trump.
But that's all admitted.
We're going to go over the admissions of that.
And we've got all the clips of Chuckie Schumer saying the intelligence agencies have seven ways from Sunday to get back at you.
And we've got Mudd saying the intelligence agencies are going to kill the president.
And we've got all the different newscasts where they said we were spying on them.
The intelligence agencies know they're Russian agents.
And then we have them going and getting the fake FISA warrants.
And now we have Congressman Nunes, the Republican leader on the Judiciary Committee, coming out.
I'm going to play this clip in a moment.
And we have him coming out again on Hannity, the only big national mainstream show that really 100% focuses on this.
Tucker does a great job as well, but Hannity just absolutely has the right instincts to stay on this all the time.
Because this is the attempted coup against not just the president, but America trying to get our country back.
And here's Nunes saying, the spying was going on in 2015.
He's on the committee, the intelligence committee.
He's able to see this information.
It's the Intelligence Committee.
He is able to know what's really going on, but then he can't tell the public because it's classified.
So they all know.
But see, the Globalists were so arrogant that we reverse-engineered everything they were doing by studying how they'd done it before in this country, how they'd done it in other countries, and what their own statements were.
Remember the key to this.
I just heard it saying before Trump even got elected.
Past activity is the best indicator of future behavior.
And the deep state is constantly spying on political candidates and public figures.
And we can see them leaking information on Trump and twisting that information.
That was a critical part of all this.
But then once President Trump was president-elect, they openly said, in fact, I'm going to pull these articles back up.
Let me think if I can give you the exact article off the top of my head.
New York Times, Washington Post, they all wrote them, CNN.
Obama says, Obama tells the New York Times there is evidence of Trump wrongdoing and that that information is being given to the press before he leaves office to stop Trump.
And you can pull up the articles where Obama, evidence of Trump wrongdoing has been gathered by the White House and will be given to the press.
That was in the news.
I read those headlines.
They were spying on the president and then.
We really knew they were scared.
We really knew that there was a problem with the establishment and that they'd gotten caught with their hand in a cookie jar.
The way they then insanely started saying, we never said there was any spying.
We never said that there was any surveillance.
It's no such thing.
Alex Jones made it up.
When they'd all been admitting it.
I'd love to tell you that I am a clairvoyant who has a crystal ball and I just magically knew all this stuff exactly as it came out.
The criminals in the government told you they were doing it.
I went and researched the way they could do it.
The only ways they could carry it out
And sure enough, there was a Defense Department budget that Obama put billions into to do everything you've seen!
MSNBC, Daily Beast, CNN, Media Matters, they've all been paid Department of Defense and CIA money to do what you've seen the last two and a half years!
It is a scandal!
Domestic propaganda with taxpayer money against the people.
It doesn't matter if Obama
Signed an executive order in 2006 legalizing it.
Or 2008, excuse me.
Time flies.
It doesn't matter if right when Obama got into office, he pulled that crap.
It doesn't matter if he tried to legalize.
In fact, pull up, pull up the Washington Post headline, their sub-magazine publication.
Public Affairs.
And just type in, Obama legalizes propaganda inside the United States.
And it says the CIA to engage in domestic propagandization of the American people.
And he put it into executive orders in 2009, and he expanded it in 2012.
And you can go look it up, and there it is!
repeals propaganda ban.
Spreads government-made news to Americans.
And there's a bunch of other articles, and that's the establishment whitewashing it.
Under cover of Christmas, Obama established this controversial anti-propaganda agency before he left office.
And now, Senator Murphy and Senator Blumenthal, both of Connecticut, are trying to get it into the new defense budget because the funding ended
Two months ago.
And you saw all the massive layoffs when that happened.
Well, guess what?
We're not funded by breakaway leftists in the CIA or the Carnegie or Ford Foundation or Soros.
We're funded by you.
And I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that we are going to end all of the specials in the next day.
I already had to pull seven or eight of them because the product sold out.
It's called the Super Spring Sale.
And all the remaining high-quality supplements are 50 to 60% off, storewide free shipping.
That will end by Sunday, period.
Because I just got told DNA Force is about to sell out.
Super Silver Wound Gel is about to sell out.
Hard to believe X2 is close to selling out.
X3, so much of the products there.
Go read the reviews.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
We'll be right back with all the clips and a special guest in studio.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host on this Key Friday broadcast.
I want you to slow down
I'll be as focused as I can because what's happening is so momentous that I'm actually getting butterflies and my hands were shaking during the break.
That never happens.
I've had people put guns to my head and I don't shake.
I can get up and speak to 10,000 people, don't get any butterflies.
I can watch my newborn child come right out of, you know, their mother and I'm emotional but in control.
But I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen,
If you don't feel the chill, you're not dialed in.
Let me tell you something right now.
This planet is going straight to hell with globalists in control of it, with big tech and the Chai Koms, honcho and things.
And once again, America, the battleground of evil and good, is a deciding factor on the future of the nations of the world.
And we are coming back from the dead.
We've got big problems in the future.
But this current big evil wave that was supposed to overtake us is biblically being turned against the enemy right now.
And the Lord works in mysterious ways.
But the way the deep state, here's the bottom line, the way the deep state arrogantly thought Hillary was going to win for sure, and they didn't cover their tracks for all the election fraud and spying and criminal activity and selling the country out as fast as they could.
It's their job to sell it out.
It's their job to bring it down.
It's their job to demoralize it.
They admit it.
We know all that thanks to Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks.
That people in the U.S.
government leaked to him, like Snowden.
Trump's been giving him a medal.
Wouldn't be here right now without Assange.
But when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails.
And those that cried, appease, appease, are hung by those they tried to please.
Author unknown.
Written on a cell wall in the Revolutionary War.
On a British cell wall by an American patriot.
When freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails.
And those that cried, appease, appease, are hung by those they tried to please.
But digressing back to the information.
We're ending the digression.
They arrogantly carried out this entire operation butt naked in front of everybody and they've got one hope that you don't have a memory and that Trump doesn't understand how dangerous this is and thinks he can make deals with these people.
None of their deals ever stick.
Their deals aren't worth the paper they're written on.
And Trump and what's left of our good people and our intelligence agencies and our government understands that and that the country was to be totally sold out and that Microsoft and Google and Apple have all moved to China.
I told you Microsoft had moved there five years ago.
It all got declassified today.
The deal was made under Obama to totally crucify us.
The two minutes to midnight.
God sent Donald Trump.
People say, well, he's not even that godly of a man.
He sure as hell isn't a hypocrite and doesn't tell you how godly he is, does he?
Have you ever read your Bible or your history books?
You know that usually who ends up coming to save a group of people begging God for help is somebody who isn't perfect.
God doesn't tend to send little angel cakes.
Moses was going around killing people and beating them to death and strangling people.
Think he was a cupcake?
Now, these arrogant people are deadly dangerous right now.
You can feel the energy, you can see it.
They're getting their ass whipped right now.
And they can see the knives coming out for them, the fangs coming out, and they are dangerous right now, and people better be praying to God for discernment, and better be politically active right now, because believe me, this country and the world is on a knife's edge.
They arrogantly tried to execute this whole criminal operation in front of the world, got caught in the middle of it,
Continued it.
The whole corrupt media got paid by taxpayer money to do it.
It's all run still by Obama.
Obama and Hillary are still commanding CNN, MSNBC, BuzzFeed.
This is all on record!
They run them!
Why do you think they're all in such precision lockstep with big tech?
We're under 21st century corporate attack.
And if our government and our people don't have the instincts and the guts to legally and lawfully recognize what this is, rebuke it, stand up against it and remove it, we have no future.
Because let me tell you, they're striking back now.
And throughout the day I'll tell you how they're striking back and how I think they're going to strike back next, studying their attack profile.
Right now, they're in trouble and we need to press the attack.
Think again, Mr. President.
You've been around for 13 months.
We've been around since 1908.
I know how this game is going to be played.
We're going to win.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's going to kill this guy.
But he's taking these shots.
This antagonism is taunting to the intelligence community.
You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
What I'm most interested in is getting started on going back to the origins of exactly where this all started.
If it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller's investigation.
President Obama
And if he's fired by Mr. Trump or is tempted to be fired by Mr. Trump, I hope, I really hope that our members of Congress, our elected representatives are going to stand up and say enough is enough.
And stop making apologies and excuses for things that are happening that really flout, I think, our system of laws and government here.
When you say enough is enough, if he's fired, and he's the President of the United States, he could tell Rosenstein to fire him if he wants, but if he's fired, what would you want Congress to do?
First of all, I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry out some of these orders that, again, are inconsistent with what this country is all about.
But I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue, that Republicans and Democrats are going to see that the future of this country is at stake and there needs to be some things done for the good of the future.
And they went on in that very same clip, we'll play later when we come back, to say he'll be gone by December.
And then Blitzer says, what, impeachment?
And they go, no.
And that's the key clip of the whole thing.
That's why I'm saving it for you when we come back.
Now, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a surprise guest in the studio on the other side.
I'll just introduce him when he's here and you'll understand why.
And then we're going to continue back into all this, but you know they're going to strike back.
Everybody should be asking, how is the Deep State going to strike back?
What are they going to do now that they've been caught in this massive crime?
What are they going to do?
That's the $64 trillion question.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Spread those links.
Spread the live feeds to your local radio stations.
Tell folks how you're listening.
That's how we get past the censors.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, he's a very famous civil rights lawyer, First Amendment lawyer, one of the best in the country, writes forwards for major books with some of the top people out there, and we're just very honored to have Norm Pattis in studio with us.
He also is representing me in Connecticut on the Sandy Hook anti-free speech suits, but that's not why he's on air today.
Doing some research, I happen to notice that he was Candace Owens' lawyer.
Many, many, many, many, many, many years ago.
You see, I heard her talk about how she was a victim of a racist hate crime.
That's right, she was bullied by a bunch of white men who hurled slurs at her and sexually harassed her, reportedly.
And the school paid $37,500.
And see, Owens is a winner, so she never made a big deal about that.
But when she was in Congress just a few days ago, we're going to play that clip coming up, they were trying to call her a Nazi and all this other insane garbage.
She pointed out that she'd been the victim of a hate crime.
So I went and I search-enged it.
And here it is, school pays $37,500 to Owen's family, and then it goes on and here is the lawyer, Norman Pattis.
So this is back in 2008, this is 11 or almost 12 years ago.
And so it breaks down exactly what happened to her and the fact that this was actually a real what appeared to be hate crime going on and something was done.
So wow, what a crazy world that Norm was already going to be here with us this Friday for some things we're working on.
In Texas and then he's right in the middle of this as well going back 11 plus years ago.
So I just wanted to get your take just generally on this and what Candace went through and the bizarre claim that she's a white supremacist and loves Hitler with an edited tape that a congressman played.
They are really getting desperate.
You know, I'd forgotten I represented Candace Owens until somebody pointed out, you know, that she'd been in front of Congress and I read the story and then I had to look the story up myself about the old case.
In 2007, she got in a dispute with a classmate when she was a student at Stanford High School.
That's on the Gold Coast in Connecticut.
One of her classmates was the son of the then mayor, soon to become governor of Connecticut, Dan Malloy.
She got in a dispute with some kids, somebody was disciplined, and then they left messages on her phone.
I don't know.
I guess I'll be free with my words.
You nigger, we're gonna fucking kill you.
They made comments about her.
She was terrified.
She was too scared.
Repeat that without the cuss words.
We had to delay it so the radio stations didn't hear it.
They said, you n-word, we're gonna f-ing kill you.
Yeah, you n-word, we're gonna f-ing kill you.
We're gonna get you.
They made some comments that put her in fear for her sexual safety.
So she recorded these and went to the police.
The police, we don't know what they did.
They appeared to sit on the case out of deference to the then mayor's son.
So we sued the school district for not doing enough to protect her.
She sat out of class for six weeks.
They settled the case for $37,500 back in 2008.
So she knows what it's like to be singled on account of her gender.
She knows what it's like to be singled on account of her race.
To suggest that she's a tool for white supremacists is a reach too far, Alex.
I don't even know where that comes from.
All she's doing is unifying
That's crazy.
She talked about it in her opening statement.
She talked about it when Congressman Lew played an edited tape where she called Hitler a homicidal maniac.
She's since played the full tape.
The full tape was on a TV interview.
And then she was saying Hitler was not a nationalist.
He was a globalist.
He was the one that launched the EU plan.
He wanted a worldwide, uber-mentioned state.
He wasn't a nationalist.
Well, he wanted a nationalist state.
He wanted space for Lebensraum, living room for the German people.
And that would have unified Germany.
I guess you could say that he wanted the whole world for...
For the Third Reich, you know, for the Third Reich.
But I mean, Candace... It's a form of globalism, like radical Islam wants the whole world.
She is not a tool of anybody's interest other than her own.
But I just can't believe they've got the nerve, because that crazy guy out in, that demon out in New Zealand, said he was trolling and then said, I did this for Candace Owens, when all she's trying to do is create unity of people.
I think that's right.
She's entitled to speak her mind.
People who commit acts of violence, that sort of violence, go wherever they want for inspiration.
I mean, are we going to ban Jodie Foster because someone once tried to kill Reagan to impress her?
Well, I was on Logan Paul's podcast.
It's huge.
And YouTube has since tried to suppress it and censor it.
And I was talking to his crew today.
They're fully aware of it.
They're going to take action.
It's in the Washington Post, New York Times, you know, take it down.
Alex Jones shouldn't be allowed on other shows.
They're saying other people shouldn't be allowed to interview me, but CNN and all them can play edited clips, but somebody else can't actually let me be there so people hear who I am instead of who they claim I am.
But I was talking to him about this and his other host kept bringing up, well, what you're saying might make someone angry and do something.
Well, that's just the way free speech works.
As long as you don't act on something, it doesn't matter.
It's legal and lawful.
But most of the time, what they say I've said isn't true.
Case in point, I've never said that the Sandy Hook parents are trying to make money off all this.
I've said the opposite, that it's a tragedy.
I have said the Democratic Party has seized on it to go after the Second Amendment and First Amendment.
I think they're using these families.
But the fact that stuff like that gets put in suits when it's not true is really dangerous.
It is dangerous, and I don't understand why you have been banned from speaking.
People refer to your speech as hate speech.
What you hate is what's happening to this country.
Hate comes from fear.
Plenty of people are afraid about where this country is headed.
Isolating some people and saying they can't speak scares me more than what any particular speaker says.
So I think, as I've gotten to know you in recent times, what I hear you talking about is a concern that the American people aren't being played straight with.
You're asking questions no one else wants to ask.
You're coming to conclusions that disconfit some people.
So what?
If we hadn't done that at the time of the founding, we'd be drinking British tea and slooting a different flag right now.
So I don't see anything un-American about what you're doing.
What terrifies me is what's being done to you.
Deplatformed, isolated, marginalized, because people don't want to hear what you have to say.
Free speech is not a crime.
And for those that don't understand it, once you're deplatformed, sure we're on a bunch of AM and FM stations, TV stations, we're at Infowars.com.
People have to come to InfoWars.com to click on the audio, to click on the video.
The only way we reach new people is people now hand-sharing it, or texting it, or emailing it, instead of, oh, here's what I really say on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
It becomes popular because people agree, and it unifies people.
But if they're going to say I'm a white supremacist, they don't want me to be able to respond to their lies and show me at over a dozen Klan rallies that I protested and bullhorned with them threatening to kill me.
They need to say I'm a white supremacist and then not let people actually hear the show.
Speaking of another so-called white supremacist, yes, they're actually calling her a white supremacist supporter.
They're calling Laura Loomer a white supremacist supporter.
She's a Zionist, a pro-Israel, absolutely hates Nazis, had family in the Holocaust.
This is how ridiculous the so-called left has gotten, and here's a clip of Candace in Congress two days ago.
I received word on my way in that many of the journalists were confused as to why I was invited.
And none of them knew that I, myself, was the victim of a hate crime when I was in high school.
That's something that very few people know about me, because the media and the journalists and the left are not interested in telling the truth about me, because I don't fit the stereotype of what they like to see in black people.
I'm a Democrat, I support the President of the United States, and I advocate for things that are actually affecting the black community.
Wow, just incredible.
Yeah, it was an incredible story.
Samford, Connecticut is a special place.
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Okay, what might be richer areas of San Francisco, maybe areas of Los Angeles perhaps?
Los Angeles.
Yeah, the entertainment industry, but there's a lot of finance money, banking money, hedge fund money.
Sure, I mean, the money is in lower Manhattan, but it doesn't live there.
No, that's right.
It lives in the Gold Coast.
Norm Pattis, right here in the articles, her lawyer, what a small world that Norm Pattis, her lawyer, who had them settle for the hate crime, a bunch of stuff we can't even get to on air, a bunch of bluebloods, literally harassing her at school, on the street reportedly, over her telephone, that's why she had the proof, what was ongoing, and of course, the media's not covering it now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Now let's be clear.
We're not here to the left going, oh, we're sorry we're white.
Oh, we're sorry.
And so look, you know, we like Candace Owens.
We like Jimi Hendrix.
It's that this is who we are.
Norm Pattis is a famous liberal.
He thinks this is all absolutely out of control.
And the left has become a fascist movement.
And here is Candace Owens, who's clearly against Nazis, with an edited tape, like they always do, she's played the full tape, we played it earlier this week, about how terrible Hitler was, and he wasn't a nationalist, he was this big globalist, he wanted Lebenstrau, living space.
They turned that into an edited tape, saying that he had,
He was a great guy, just like they did with Congressman King when he was explaining that nationalism is not Nazism.
They tried the same little semantical game.
So this is how they deceive.
They've done it to me.
I talk about Hillary Clinton responsible for killing kids in Syria and Libya.
They edited it into another tape saying I said that she killed kids in the basement of a pizza place and people get pissed at me.
That's how deceptive Megyn Kelly is.
That's how deceptive these shows are.
These are lying crooks that told you that Trump's a Russian agent and that I'm a Russian agent.
They'll do anything.
And the question is, now that they've been found out, this is all coming out, what are they going to do next?
But here's Kansas, here's Candace Owens firing back.
And of all the people that Republicans could have selected, they picked Candace Owens.
I don't know Miss Owens.
I'm not going to characterize her.
I'm going to let her own words do the talking.
I'm going to play for you the first 30 seconds of a statement she made about Adolf Hitler.
It's not the first 30 seconds.
It's edited.
Such a liar.
I don't
All right, so my first question is to Ms.
Owen said, quote, if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine.
The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany.
So when people try to legitimize Adolf Hitler, does that feed into white nationalist ideology?
Mr. Liu, I know that Ms.
Owens distanced herself from those comments later, but we expressed great concern over the original comments.
Pause right there and back it up.
That's what they do.
Two seconds.
They say Jones now distances himself from wearing Nazi shoes.
No, never wore Nazi shoes, didn't have Nazi shoes.
A woman from Japan mailed us handmade slippers with a picture of Hillary with a cross through her and a Nazi symbol on her.
OK, that's not being a Nazi.
And again, this is how they work.
So they say, oh, she's distanced herself now.
No, she didn't distance herself.
She played the full damn clip.
But the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters put out an edited clip, which is what they do.
I'm sorry.
Let's go back to it.
It does, Mr. Lew.
I know that Ms.
Owens distanced herself from those comments later, but we expressed great concern over the original comment.
And hit pause again.
That's a little tricky way, you're a lawyer, maybe give it to us in a factual sense or legal sense, to act like, oh, she admits she was guilty, but she distanced herself from the comments when it's an edited clip out of context that they're projecting their twisted meaning onto.
So they're implying, oh, she admits she did it, but she's distanced herself.
No, she said you're a fraud.
She says you edited it.
She says you're a lying pig.
Lawyers, whenever a person makes a statement, a lawyer can take that statement and characterize it any way they will.
In cross-examination, for example, you can compel a witness to answer yes or no.
Truth is often more complicated than that.
When you can box a witness into saying something, then you can confront them with that statement.
When they try to explain it away, oh, now you're distancing yourself from what you said?
No, I never said it that way.
But then they will replay the tape, just that isolated statement.
Truth is complex.
Lawyering is sometimes far simpler than the truth.
You've seen it in your own life, where isolated comments you've made have been taken out of context and you've been beaten over the head with them.
What stuns me is you've been deplatformed or otherwise prevented from having a point of view as though, even if these isolated statements were true, which many of them aren't, what's the harm in letting people hear them?
What's going on?
I mean, you know, I don't know if we're going to get to Julian Assange.
I was stunned to see him arrested.
We're going to get to it with Paul Watson.
I want you to do a segment with Paul.
Do a little bit of The Next Hour.
Got it.
And then we've got a great, chill reunion for lunch for you coming.
But let's go back to Candace Owens.
Here it is.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Owens, I'm sorry.
We just started recording.
Would you like time to respond to that?
Yes, I think it's pretty apparent that Mr. Liu believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety.
He purposely presented an extractive clip.
The witness will suspend for a moment.
It is not proper to refer disparagingly to a member of the committee.
The witness will not do that again.
The witness may continue.
Sure, even though I was called despicable.
The witness may not refer to a member of the committee as stupid.
I didn't refer to him as stupid.
That's not what I said.
That's not what I said at all.
You didn't listen to what I said.
By the way, people think no one has a memory.
Back it up to when she responds.
Anybody with an IQ above 70, even below 70, maybe 60, would know that she said, you think black people are stupid.
You think they're not gonna go look up the actual clip?
Obviously, she wasn't defending Hitler, and you know damn well that's the case.
But again, this is what they do constantly.
They put out a lie, they repeat it, and then there's Nadler.
They called her despicable.
But oh, that's so, that disparagement, so they disparage her, she doesn't disparage them.
She just says you must think we're stupid, which they do.
The Democrats think they own black people.
They used to, so that's why they still think they do.
Here it is.
Yes, I think it's pretty apparent that Mr. Liu believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip in its entirety.
He purposely presented an extractive clip.
Witness will suspend for a moment.
It is not proper to refer disparagingly to a member of the committee.
The witness will not do that again.
She thinks she's dumb and won't catch it.
Well, and maybe she should say the committee should stay awake during the testimony.
I don't know what Nadler was doing.
I didn't hear her call anybody stupid.
I heard her say he must think black people are stupid.
That's right.
A whole different kettle of fish.
If that were a courtroom, there'd be an objection that mischaracterizes the testimony sustained.
But when you're in Congress, and you've got the gavel, you can control and bend the truth any which way you want.
That was a dishonest move by Nadler.
She gets credit, in my view, for calling BS.
That's right.
Well, I've sat there in two committee hearings where they're talking about me, saying I'm a criminal, saying I'm a racist, saying I'm a Russian agent, and I'm sitting there and I have to be quiet with cops standing beside me.
I have to stand in line for hours before just to get in, because, you know, most of the folks don't get in.
I sit down in the fifth row, third row, whatever, and they just lie about me and I don't get to even talk in a committee that's talking about me.
I don't know why they want to manufacture truths that are half-truths, other than the fact that you've become a political token.
You're being passed around, and you're being used for purposes that aren't your own.
That's it.
They've created this strawman false identity of a bad guy, and I'm like this villain they pass around, and I'm like, will you stop it?
They go, no, shut up, we're using you right now.
I don't understand it.
I don't understand the impulse to silence a critic.
You just said it.
They've stolen my identity, created this new creature.
Here, let's finish with Candace.
Uh, the witness will not do that again.
Witness may continue.
Wake up, Chairman.
No, I was called despicable.
Um... Witness may not refer to a member of the committee as stupid.
I didn't refer to him as stupid.
That's not what I said.
That's not what I said at all.
You didn't listen to what I said.
Oh, I don't care.
I don't have to listen.
As I said,
Was it whether or not I believed in nationalism and that nationalism was bad and what I responded to was that I do not believe that we should be characterizing Hitler as a nationalist.
He was a homicidal, psychopathic maniac that killed his own people.
A nationalist would not kill their own people.
That is exactly what I was referring to in the clip and he purposely wanted to give you a cut up, similar to what they do to Donald Trump, to create a different narrative.
That was unbelievably dishonest and he did not allow me to respond to it, which is worrisome and should tell you a lot about where people are today in terms of trying to drum up narratives.
Let's hit pause for a minute.
We're going to come back with more and get Norm Patterson's take on this.
Let me just say...
You're an advocate here is about a chance to hire her.
We never got it done.
I got busy.
I'm glad that she's a turning point USA.
She's awesome.
She's super sexy, super smart, has great integrity.
No wonder they're so scared of her.
And you know, the whole story, I guess Norm, you don't know this, even though she was your client when she was 15.
I'll tell you this when we come back.
She was launching a social media network.
It got popular right away.
Democrats false flagged her, posed as racist again, manipulating her.
She saw the IP addresses were the same people.
Paul Watson learned about it, and that's what helped put her on the map.
But they are really scared of her.
Norm Pattis represented Candace Owens before, and us now.
We'll have the floor.
We return, then Paul Watson joins us to talk about Julian Assange, which is up next hour.
It's a perfect way to have Norm ride shotgun with myself and Paul Watson for a few segments straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is the verboten site.
People all over the country say, I wish I could still hear you.
You're not on YouTube or iTunes.
Too bad you're off the air.
And I'm like, I'm on hundreds of radio stations and I'm on Infowars.com.
Spread the word.
It's here.
But everybody just thinks now that social media is where you go.
Ten years ago it wasn't the case.
We have been habituated, going back to Norm Battis, who represented successfully Candace Owens, when she had a series of real harassment, what you call hate crime, against her.
She was able to record it when they left messages, only a small part of what had happened to her.
That was back in 2008 when she was only 15 years old.
It settled when she was 16 years old.
Now, obviously, folks, she's only 20-something years old, a force to be reckoned with.
But I saw parallels there for my Texas deposition with Bankston and the big, you know,
I don't know how you respond.
I guess there's the rule of optional completeness.
How do you respond to little cobbled together clips like you didn't say that?
It's like refrigerator magnets where they take what you say, cut it up, put it together, and then say respond to that.
Well, that's the problem with cross-examination.
Cross-examination is said to be an engine for the discovery of truth, but it's easy to warp truth that way.
A lawyer asking a person a question on cross-examination can insist that the person answer yes or no.
And so they play a snippet of your conversation, did you say that?
If that's part, you obviously uttered those words, so the correct answer is yes, but you said more than that.
So a better answer to that question might be something like the following, I can't answer that with a yes or no question.
And then the lawyer will insist, I'm demanding that you answer yes or no.
I can't answer that question that way.
Now if there's a judge in the room and the judge compels you to answer, say, I said that in the context of a larger answer.
It may be non-responsive and that's where your lawyer then has to stand up and play the whole truth on redirect examination of you.
Witnesses often make the mistake of thinking they've got to tell the whole story with each interview.
And what they're counting on is there's a jury, they just put an edited clip, they think your lawyers aren't going to be savvy enough, and it's actually true, in 20 minutes, to actually go find the full clip and do it.
That's the sneak attack stuff that went on.
Well, you know, so that's why it's important to develop a relationship with your lawyer and to understand your case strategy going in, to anticipate what the weaknesses in your case are, and be prepared to respond with that clip.
There's no substitute for preparation.
Well, here's an example.
Candace Owens, in her full clip, and even though I say this, they'll edit it and play it, but it's just, if they're criminals, it's what they do.
She said, I have no problem with Hitler wanting to take care of his people and have a nation, but when he ran around like a homicidal maniac, killing minorities and invading the world, it was terrible and horrible.
He's not a nationalist, he was an expansionist, similar to globalism today.
That was the full clip.
We've played it here.
I'm paraphrasing it.
But again, they're so criminal, Media Matters will probably edit me out saying I have no problem with Hitler.
This is how they operate.
And so people have to know that there's no bottom to these people.
Where do you think this goes with all this editing?
There's a battle for the soul of the country going on.
I didn't know much about Infowars until you asked me to represent you.
I've been here for a couple days.
I'm intrigued with what's going on here and I'm proud of what you're doing.
Because there's a broad sense of a crisis of legitimacy in the country.
People don't know where to go, who to trust.
And the debate about nationalism is a perfect example.
I believe what I heard Candace Owen
I don't
This is not the American dream.
Is it a crime to say I want to defend the nation I live in?
And people are being criminalized for that and associated with Hitler for wanting to defend their home.
That's a disconnect.
And so I think what I heard Candace saying is you can't take the black vote for granted.
You can't throw me under the bus and tell me you're taking care of it.
I don't belong to you.
I don't belong to you.
I'm not your slave that ended 100 plus years ago.
You don't owe me reparations, but I don't owe you deference.
This is my home.
And if I'm proud of my nation, you're a criminal for making me feel ashamed of the land I live in.
I'll defend it.
Out of the park, Norm Pattis.
We're going to do a segment with you still on Assange with Paul Watson.
You're going to take a break.
Be back with us later on The War Room with Owen Schroer, 3 o'clock central.
Don't forget David Knight.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
with The David Knight Show.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
They must repent!
No worries.
No worries.
And there's Tucker Carlson's take on it, as Assange begs for Trump to help him.
First, Julian Assange embarrassed virtually everyone in power in Washington.
He published documents that undermined the official story on the Iraq War and Afghanistan.
He got Debbie Wasserman Schultz fired from the DNC.
He humiliated Hillary Clinton by showing that the Democratic primaries were, in fact, rigged.
Pretty much everyone in Washington has reason to hate Julian Assange.
Rather than just admit that straightforwardly, he made us look like buffoons, so now we're sending him to prison.
Instead, they're denouncing him as, you guessed it, a Russian agent.
So, there is Assange.
If you're a TV viewer, it's very, very painful.
He looks like he is.
Been in solitary confinement for 30 years.
He's like a man from a high tower.
He looks like a hermit.
He's got a Gandalfian beard.
His head is almost bald.
And he has been in there seven years and he is still as strong as ever and defiant.
Saying, resist, resist.
UK, resist.
America, he means the globalists.
And he appears to be going to say, resist Trump.
Because imagine how it must feel being picked up by the Trump administration to be drugged back to the United States when Trump said, famously, I played this yesterday, we'll play a little bit later, I don't care who's got Hillary's emails, WikiLeaks or the Russians, just release them.
Well, they did release them, Mr. President.
He did what you asked him to do.
And it was bigger than the Pentagon Papers.
He exposed criminal activity in our government, criminal activity of the deep state trying to stop your election and then later overthrow you.
And so you can argue, well, the Bradley Manning stuff before and whatever.
You can't tell somebody to do something.
Now, you're the commander in chief.
You're a separate branch of government.
You can pardon murderers, crack dealers like Clinton did.
So if you don't pardon him, shame on President Trump.
Now, I saw him in a clip today.
We'll play a little bit later saying, well, I'm not involved.
We'll see what Bob Barr does.
I don't know.
It's a good sign.
I think down the road the right thing is going to be done.
But Norm Padish is here, constitutional lawyer, famous civil rights lawyer.
Represented Candace Owens when she was under hate crime attack and actually got a large settlement for her.
She talked about that in Congress.
No one knew about it until now so we can talk about it.
But what is your view on Assange?
I was troubled to see him arrested and, you know, I've been spending time with you and I woke up the morning he was arrested and I thought, what if Alex Jones is only half right?
Because I'm not as persuaded as you about the deep state.
I just don't think people are that sophisticated.
But I think artificial intelligence is.
And so I thought of the following.
Is it a mystery that Assange got picked up ten days later after Zuckerberg wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post calling for greater regulation of the internet to control hate speech?
And I thought of that line from the Who, new boss same as the old boss.
It used to be that information wanted to be free.
Assange was out there.
He was surfing the net.
He was trying to set information free, giving us information about our government.
Zuckerberg and the surveillance capitalists, and I don't know how many of your viewers have had a chance to look at, shown off the new book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, but look at it.
What she says is, the internet started out about us, about individual consumers.
Our search was going to be perfected with sophisticated algorithms.
And so when they learned what we liked, they tried to predict what we'd like next and feed it to us.
Then they began to harvest our likes and sell them to others to manipulate us, to predict us, to control our behavior.
And now when things get out of hand for people who are profiting, and I don't know about the deep state, but I do know about the surveillance capitalists, they begin to say we need to control what people say because we want to control the income stream.
People who theorize about artificial intelligence say the following, there may come a point where artificial intelligence reaches the point of super intelligence and computers take over.
I don't think we're there yet, but I think the age of surveillance capitalism has come and we need a new Dwight Eisenhower to stand up.
Recall Eisenhower's famous warning about the military?
Everybody quotes him.
It's a 21-minute speech.
It's a farewell speech 1961 in January.
Everybody always only partially quotes.
He says there's a technological controlling elite over the military-industrial complex and we must then beware that they are in control of the military-industrial complex.
He goes on to say they're a breakaway civilization and a monopolizing the future and creating basically a new class system.
And they have, and it's now the computational industrial system, and Zuckerberg is his victim.
By the way, you said that to me on the phone three days ago.
You said this to me on the phone three days ago, and I thought either Norm Pettis is really smart, or he's a little quirky, and then last night and this morning I look up, Zuckerberg and Facebook took down the Ecuadorian former president's site hours before the arrest!
So they're silencing, yeah, this is zero-hedge.
They're silencing, it links to AP, they're silencing his champion minutes or hours before they grab him.
And that's the, that's, that's the concerted intelligence agency, rogue intelligence agency, corporate intelligence agency.
System in a lifetime making sure all this happens the best picked up by the Ecuadorian news was picked up by INN papers AP picked up on it a Bunch of publications picked up on where's the outrage over that?
I mean, I thought the internet was supposed to bring us together not control.
Oh, I hate her he's a white supremacist.
Oh, that's just amazing.
That's a shocking development
Meanwhile, we have the clip we haven't played yet.
Hillary Clinton laughs and jokes at arrests of Julian Assange.
Paul, you live in London.
You've been all over this.
You've tried to isolate exactly what he shouted.
I know you've got sources that have, you know, obviously journalists that have talked to Assange previously.
We're working on getting some of them on.
What do you think is really going on?
Well, obviously the thing that concerned me about it, Alex, was the vampiric smacking of the lips from the media on both left and right.
And why do they do that?
Because, you know, Julian Assange essentially was a publisher.
If he was the leaker, then everybody who leaked information about the Trump administration needs to go to prison as well.
They're not going to.
But the reason the media celebrates the arrest of Julian Assange
Is because these so-called journalists are no longer journalists.
All they do every single day is either contrive phony outrage about some random issue that nobody really cares about or should care about, or they de-platform and silence their ideological enemies.
None of them are doing, apart from a few, real journalism anymore.
So that's why they don't feel the need to defend somebody who is doing real journalism like a WikiLeaks or a Julian Assange.
That's why they were all smacking their lips.
You got Meghan McCain today saying that she hopes Julian Assange rots in hell.
Literally, like, applauding the potential torture and disappearance of him.
So that's why they do it, and they do it with this kind of zeal.
And this lust for people to be punished that you would only see in serial killers and people like that, seriously.
It's this vampiric celebration of the silencing and arrest of people.
Because again, they're all blinded by their Trump derangement syndrome.
Well let's go further, you're absolutely right.
And Paul?
Looking at this, it's the de-evolution of people with this arrested development, as you described SJWs like three years ago in a viral video as toddlers.
They are toddlers, and they're all minions of the establishment.
While AI takes over, they're the last wave of humans in control of the Internet.
They're the bridge that brings AI in to take over.
They're the traitors, and they just see anybody that's popular.
They don't care if it's PewDiePie.
They don't care if it's Julian Assange.
They don't care if it's good, if it's bad.
They just want to silence it because they feel like it's good.
They've had Vanity Fair and a bunch of other publications.
We'll talk about this when we come back.
Celebrate last week!
About how great deplatforming is and how good it is to never have to hear from an Alex Jones again.
These are such dangerous people that can't even think one inch in front of their nose.
We'll get Norm Battis, constitutional lawyer, and Paul Watson, international journalist, take on this.
Paul's very popular with billions of views.
There are publications every day like the Guardian licking their lips, calling him a white supremacist, calling for him to be silenced.
These are outrageous criminal liars!
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There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
Info Wars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family,
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
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I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
All right, Paul Watson's with us for the rest of the hour.
Norm Pattis riding shotgun.
He's going to be on during the second hour of The War Room Today with Owen Schroyer.
That's 3 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And yes, I have signed up two talk show hosts.
To lead two new programs, and I'm developing an in-house show as well.
So I think within about three months, if people keep supporting us, keep praying for us, we're gonna be, I don't know, like six, seven hours more of live TV and radio every day, building our own system here in the face of all the censorship.
So thank you all for your support.
InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
The better the show, the more incredible the news, the more I don't plug.
I have not plugged yet.
I really should.
The big sales have to end Sunday.
It's not the total store sale now because a bunch of stuff sold out.
It's our eight best-selling nutraceuticals are 50 to 60 percent off, free shipping, and those are going to have to end.
DNA Force has to end today because that sucker is almost sold out.
So it's going to go back to regular price for a few weeks.
Six weeks till more of it comes in.
X2, Silver Bullet, Real Red Pill Plus, Real Vitality.
It's all there, but about to sell out, so I've got to end this special.
And then we're going to have another big special next week on air filters, water filters, and t-shirts.
But I've got to get up here tomorrow and cut ads for it.
So thank you all for your support.
Getting back to Assange and the attacks on press freedom, Paul.
The Pentagon Papers.
Daniel Ellsberg.
Well, I've interviewed several times.
We now know that elements of the CIA and the Defense Intelligence thought Vietnam was wrong.
It was out of control.
They tried to end the war.
They leaked that info.
Well, this stuff didn't come from the Russians.
We know it came from Snowden.
It came from others.
And they use people like Manning as a front to release stuff as well.
So I just don't see how Trump says
We played it yesterday.
Maybe cue that up.
You know, I don't know who's got it.
WikiLeaks, the Russians.
If you got it, release it.
You can't say release it.
Then he released the goods, the spirit cooking, the corruption, the rigging the polls, the rigging the debates.
The president, as a candidate, ordered Assange to do it.
Assange did it.
Trump must.
I'm still going to like Trump, let me tell you.
I'm going to do it with a little bit of shame, Paul, if he doesn't let Assange out of prison.
My God, Paul, what do you think?
Well, you've got the added irony, Alex, of the media claiming for two, three years that Assange was in this hat-trick of collusion with Trump and Russia.
So it was Assange, Trump and Russia colluding to steal the election, colluding to hack all the emails.
Assange is not extradited for, what was it, seven years under Obama for the same crime, by the way, that they've got him on now, this computer hacking thing.
So Assange gets extradited, or at least the request for extradition, under the Trump administration.
So how does that line up with this entire narrative that the three of them were in collusion, Trump, Assange and Russia?
It doesn't.
So that completely destroys that narrative.
I know, Paul, but the truth is, it came from U.S.
They helped Trump get in.
Trump knows damn well what happened.
Assange worked with U.S.
It's not the Russians.
intelligence exposing criminals in the government.
It's U.S.
The guy deserves a frickin' medal.
So I understand the optics of Trump slamming the book at Assange, and so they better put a body double in there for the press and let the real guy out, man, because I'm getting pissed.
Well, it's obviously going to be a major optics thing for Trump.
What he's said so far is basically he doesn't know anything about it.
In 2016 he said he loves WikiLeaks and now he says he doesn't know anything about it.
So he's obviously trying to keep his hands... Now this is a real place Trump is getting off the rails and I get the optics.
People don't want optics, they want truth.
Well, just from judging from Trump's base reaction to it on Twitter, I mean, you had some people on the, you know, establishment conservative right, like the Daily Caller, putting out stupid memes.
He had a parade of guests on Fox News basically calling him a rapist, just outright lies.
That was a CIA setup that's now been admitted?
It was a sex operation?
Yeah, I mean, the condom broke.
It clearly wasn't rape from the very beginning.
But you also had today, now they're saying that he was completely insane inside this
Embassy, smearing feces on the walls.
As he said, they've removed his right to defend himself.
Now they're just making out outright insane allegations that he was completely hysterical.
Oh, you know if they had me in solitary confinement now, they would say that I was eating poop.
Yeah, all the people that visited him in that embassy said he was completely well behaved, he was completely cogent.
Obviously he had a whole lot of health problems because they weren't treating him properly for seven years.
He had basically no sunlight.
God, he doesn't look like hell!
He was running around going mental on a skateboard, he was smearing feces on the walls.
The lies are going to get bigger and bigger, the longer he has no voice to defend himself.
No, I agree.
And watching all the media, the New York Times, CNN that had him on as a hero when he was bashing Bush, to watch them, like you said, vampirically lip their filthy lips, like they're having orgasms every five seconds, getting off on this, this is an obscene danger to the press and to everyone.
Norm Pattis, constitutional lawyer.
We don't know what we don't know.
Is the timing against, is the timing, what's going to come out in the Mueller report?
And are they trying to silence Assange while they can?
You know, the claims about his behavior while in the Ecuadorian embassy reminded me of many of the clients I have, some of whom have been on death row.
You put a person in isolation and keep them from the world under close watch for years and it... Tommy Robinson spent three months in solitary confinement and lost 40 pounds and said he almost went insane.
Looking at the clips of Assange, the way he looks with the beard, the hair, you know, the presentation of self.
Howard Hughes.
Yeah, he looks like Howard Hughes.
Dead to rights.
There's something not right there.
But I'm looking forward to seeing the Mueller report.
I'll say this, Assange is a tough son of a bitch.
I admire him.
I've always admired him.
I think that we have government, limited government in this country.
We say that we were governed by our consent.
There are state secrets, and there is a state secret doctrine that permits the government from withholding certain things.
And it is a crime to break that law.
So Julian Assange may have broken that law, but if he broke it in the name of truth, that makes him a martyr, not a criminal.
And there's whistleblower protection.
Well, there is and there isn't.
It's a fact-specific thing.
Again, it depends.
I don't know what the government's case against Assange looks like.
Apparently, it was leaked in part by accident.
We'll soon see it in the extradition.
We know.
They want Snowden's accomplices.
Well, they may.
What are you going to cover on The War Room today?
They may.
I know there's a lot for you to get into.
I want you to get into Assange with Owen Schroeder in the second hour at four o'clock today.
If I have any influence over you at all, I would encourage you to begin to think more about AI and augmented human reality.
You're going to cover AI for an hour, and you're right, because the internet used to be about machine learning.
About the systems learning who we are, and how we operate, and what we want.
And now that it figured that out, it's telling us what we want.
Well, no, and what's more, it's forecasting what we'll do, and thus, people like Cambridge Analytica are buying data to control... To predict the future.
And to control us.
To control us.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
It's the same boss.
Paul, you've got big stuff coming up, but I want to briefly get into, are we not vindicated?
I mean, you first broke, we first broke, all the spying, how they did it, FISA two-plus years ago.
What do you make of that?
Well obviously yeah, again it came out with the Alexa now that the recordings are being listened to not just by the AI but by real people to help improve your choices and the advertising that they bombard you with.
So yeah, as you said, what was it, 2006 we came out with the article that
Basically, they're listening to you on every device.
There's these spy bugs, this, you know, the home of surveillance.
By the way, as you see, Amazon admits thousands of employees are actually telling what Alexa to say.
It's not an AI.
It's people listening, which we already knew.
They've had cases, Alex, with the Samsung TVs and
The Alexa where the police get called because it hears screaming like people playing around.
It hears screaming and it automatically calls the police and they show up to the house.
That came out in court documents.
That happened to a friend of mine.
They were throwing each other in the pool this winter at a pool party and the police came and said, well we got a call from a device in your house that someone was being hurt.
Yeah, that's what happened in the previous case.
In the court documents they said that it heard the screaming.
We're going to cover it all.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com for a pro-human future.
Paul Watson straight ahead.
Norm Pattis, thank you so much.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Paul Joseph Watson's riding shotgun with us.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I'm going to say something right now as Paul gets back in his chair.
I am not a Navy SEAL that swims around under giant oil tankers at night in black ports at 2 a.m.
with jellyfish stinging you and trying to use radar to even know where you're going or sonar.
I'm not some guy that's charged up a hill to fight a machine gun nest.
But I'll tell you something, the listeners of this broadcast standing with us have been in a war.
And it's been a psychological war of being lied about, being demonized, being attacked in the street, having bank accounts taken away, having families attacked, having the media literally encamp around my house and my life and try to take my children from me, and I've not backed down.
And let me just say something to the enemy.
I don't say things unless it's how I really feel.
And I said this on the Logan Paul podcast and they got really pissed.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN, they all talked about it, wrote about it, and played the clip.
Logan Paul said, how you doing under all these attacks?
And I said, you know what?
I'm doing great.
And I mean that.
We're taking the country back.
We're taking the world back.
Doesn't mean it's perfect, but things are getting better in ways.
We have fought hard here, ladies and gentlemen, and it's okay to have a nice car and a house and insurance and, you know, a decent watch, but I don't worship things.
I worship ideas and I worship freedom because that's what God gives us.
I worship God.
We've come one hell of a long way together, folks.
And all of you, the Infowars audience, are activists.
You are leaders.
You are icons.
This movement.
That's why they want to demonize Infowars at all costs.
That's why they write hundreds of articles a day lying about us.
Because they want to intimidate you to not appreciate what you've done and the victories you've had.
Let me just tell you something.
We've made history together.
And more and more, Trump proves absolutely how incredibly real he is.
And the system always tries to misrepresent what he's really doing when he's doing the opposite.
And short of being a dictator, he couldn't be doing more than he's doing right now.
And I trust the president as he gets fully into power to really move against these people.
But I want to talk to Paul before we get these other stories about what he would call this point in history.
Deep state in Europe exposed.
Deep state in the UK exposed.
Deep state in the US exposed.
All these globalists, from May to Trudeau to Merkel, in trouble, about to be voted out by their parliaments.
Again, different than our system where it's a straight up, up and down vote for the president.
They're in because of the parliamentary system.
They're hanging on by their fingernails.
Globalism is discredited.
All the topics and terms we talk about are now mainstream.
We've really changed the world, Paul.
And it's not from a power trip, but from what we've paid and what we've gone through and the hard work we've put in.
I think it's important we all have a little bit of a moment of celebration to realize this isn't all just drudgery.
And there isn't just evil in the world.
And we have really put a knot on the globalist's head.
And so instead of stopping lying, they've doubled down.
But what would you call this period in history?
And what is your response, Paul, to... We broke all the illegal spying first with precise detail from a research.
You can say zero-hedge as well.
We broke it all.
So they think I run zero-hedge.
I don't even know who runs it, loved and learned to love and runs it.
We're smart folks.
We're not bragging here.
We're under missile attack because we're a base that's been the most effective.
We know how to beat the enemy.
It's like if you're giving people different antibiotics to see what fixes something that's killing kids.
This antibiotic doesn't work, that antibiotic doesn't work.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, the M4 is antibiotic.
It's like kryptonite to globalist.
So what would you quantify this?
Because we're not trying to drive around in Lamborghinis or be in Hollywood or any of that.
But the true fame we have, the infamy we have because of our audience and their steadfast support
It's just incredible.
I want to salute the supporters that have stood with us through all of this.
We've changed the world, Paul, and I want to salute you, and I want to salute this crew.
We still got a long way to go, but we've won some big-ass battles here, brother.
We've won some battles, and it's all worth it!
I've known we can win this thing, and whatever else we got to go through, let's just commit to this.
Do you feel what I'm saying?
Do you feel it, Watson?
Yeah, we've won some battles and we've basically won the argument.
That's the time that we're in now.
We've won the argument.
That's why populism's rising.
But that's why we have the deplatforming.
And we've got another case of that today.
The Piranhas are swimming, circling around Laura Loomer once again.
Laura Loomer, this is out of
Huffington Post.
Instagram won't ban Laura Loomer after she incites fans to rise up against Ilhan Omar.
Okay, that's from Huffington Post yesterday.
This is from The Hill, 25th of March, a couple of weeks ago.
Ilhan Omar tells Muslim group to raise hell.
So, Ilhan Omar says exactly the same thing, almost word for word.
She says that the people that did 9-11 did something and took action, and then AOC says if you criticize somebody, praising 3,000 dead Americans, that you are the bad person.
I am sick of these damn people!
Oh, this is the thing, and they've got it straight out of academia, straight out of the Intersectional Feminism Gender Studies courses, where words which disagree with their political argument are now violence.
So yeah, it's not just AOC, it's not just Ilhan Omar.
You also had Rashida Tlaib yesterday come out and say,
Again, they confronted her on this Omar comment.
It was just some people who did something.
And she said that, basically, if you disagree with a woman of color, with a progressive woman of color, then that means you're inciting violence against this person.
Oh, that's a good talking point!
I saw Brian Stelter in my hotel room last weekend, in San Diego, say that we can't allow criticism of female presidential candidates because it's a form of patriarchy.
Exactly, yes.
It's toxic masculinity to merely criticize the relentless idiocy that spews forth from the mouth of someone like AOC or Ilhan Omar.
Even in the case of Ilmar, she said almost exactly word for word the same thing that Laura Loomer said.
And this is someone who's in Congress, okay?
She's got way more power than Laura Loomer.
So basically, Loomer
Her last bastion, I think, is Instagram.
I think, I'm not sure if her Facebook's gone at this point.
No, just like us, they're circling.
She literally yesterday had about 20 big articles saying, why hasn't Instagram banned Laura Loomis yet?
This is what I'm talking about, journalism.
There's no real journalism left.
It's all contrived clickbait.
Paul, it's not just journalism, it's anti-free speech, attack Wolfpacks.
Yeah, it's piranhas.
They're no longer journalists, they're piranha activists trying to silence somebody's last platform on which they can defend themselves.
And you had it here in the UK as well, Alex.
You had Roger Scruton, who is a noted academic and author and philosopher in the UK.
Very sober, very serious guy for decades.
He's got dozens and dozens of books.
He was an advisor for the UK government on housing.
He did an interview with the New Statesman, which again is a leftist publication.
They outright lied, removed some of the responses to the questions.
He was talking about Chinese people being a replica of each other because of what the Communist Party... He was saying, under the Communist Party, they're a corporate borg that's controlled.
I read your article, and then they cut out the part where he said the Communist Party makes them slaves, makes them conformists.
Well then they tried to make out that he'd said all Chinese people are exactly the same.
Oh he's racist.
Within hours he was fired from the government advisory board.
The guy was popping a champagne cork.
The writer of this article on his Instagram page later deleted it.
He also said that, oh by the way, the term Islamophobia was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to make all criticism of Islam a racist slur.
That's completely true!
It was created by a Muslim Brotherhood Front in Iran for exactly that reason.
So again, they stripped the context out of that.
They changed the entire meaning of what he said in this interview.
The UK Conservative Government
Immediately backed down because of this, again, mob outrage.
That's what they do.
They gin up a fake phony mob outrage, they circle the wagons, the piranhas go in, and people get deplatformed because we have such a weak, cowardly, spineless government in this country.
Well the corporations do that on purpose to encourage the malice brigades.
They admit that's the psychology.
When we come back, Paul, you've got the latest article on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Crazed leftists have hysterical temper tantrum over men-are-not-women speech.
Wait till we play this on the other side.
But only you can spread the articles.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Paul Joseph Watson is with us.
He does a lot of great work at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
The media has made it into a big controversy that, oh, Alex Jones has lost Paul Joseph Watson.
He's lefting.
No, that's not the case.
I have told Paul over and over again that I think he should be on air.
He should do his own shows.
He should do his own things and it's positive to be demonized like I am, but it's also negative.
And so I believe Paul should do his own deal.
He finally created summit.news and it's something he's doing separately.
And we're not even really promoting InfoWars on there because I want to see Paul do his own thing.
And I had a sneaky suspicion he'd go from 5 articles a day and 1 video a day to like 10 or 15 and 2 videos a day, which magically happened.
When I'm getting ready to push daisies, I wanted to beat the Globalist.
I don't give a flying you-know-what about me being numero uno.
And I always saw in Paul that he's smart behind the scenes and not just a writer.
So I told him seven years ago, I'm not bragging, it's just a fact, I said, listen, I'm gonna let you go.
If you don't start doing it, YouTube to Facebook to Twitter, you're a smart guy behind the scenes.
You're going to, you know, he'd be coming on my show.
Somebody hated it.
Steve's just as smart as brother.
Got a degree in international political relations from Nottingham University.
Just as smart as a brother.
He doesn't even, he writes articles like once a day.
He didn't want to do that.
So I tried to twist Steve's arm until it didn't work.
I threatened to let him go, but it didn't work.
So, Paul did it, and I just had this new idea, and Paul thought it was good.
So, briefly tell us about Summit.News and what you've set up, Paul, because I know it's already gone viral.
Well, yeah, we've done about, I don't know, 700,000 page views in just over a week, so it's not going too bad.
But yes, you know, one day last week I wrote like 14 articles, but some of them are literally like four paragraphs long.
But sometimes that's all you need to get the story across.
So it is very fresh with a lot of content on a rolling basis.
And one of the top stories on there today, Alex, is crazed leftists have hysterical temper tantrum over men are not women speech.
Now this is Michael Knowles who was given a speech at the University of Missouri last night hosted by Young Americans for Freedom.
Basically centered around the premise men are not women.
So immediately it was occupied.
By the way take a look at that photo at the top of that article right there Alex.
These are new overlords right there.
We're going to play some more audio and some video of these people in a moment.
These are the people, right there, who have been given power in our society to decide who has free speech.
These people can barely get through a day without having a nervous breakdown.
These are the people who think words are violence.
These are the people who, for example, in the UK a few days ago, there was a supermarket, just to go back to this and then we can get on to that article, there's a supermarket called Waitrose which had a three duck chocolate package for Easter.
And one of the ducks was milk chocolate, one was white chocolate, one was dark chocolate.
So they called the trio Crispy and Fluffy, the milk chocolate and the white chocolate.
They called the dark chocolate duckling Ugly.
Somebody complained and said that this was racist.
These are the kind of people that we're dealing with, and these are the kind of corporations that we're dealing with.
But let's be clear, the dark chocolate has a nice name, the milk chocolate, and the yellow one has a nice name, and then there are such things as ugly ducks.
It's purple and dark chocolate, which is the one you know everybody's gonna eat.
It's just famous names of ducks.
It has nothing to do, but because it's a speckled duck that's dark black instead of brown, they give it the name ugly duckling.
But think of the mindset of the person and how laborious and dull and meaningless their life would have to be to get outraged over that, to complain about it, and then for the corporation, Waitrose, which is a giant company in the UK, to actually take it seriously.
Now sometimes these companies take it seriously just so they can virtue signal and get free advertising, but they took it seriously from one complaint and the product was immediately removed.
These are the people we're giving power to in society, and we wonder why we live in clown world, which is the meme that's going around right now, which is very, very appropriate indeed.
So going back to the University of Missouri, you had this talk by Michael Knowles, men are not women, God forbid, that's hate speech now.
So they occupied the auditorium.
They were going to do a silent walkout.
They couldn't do that.
They started standing up screaming and shouting.
One of them literally did like a fake acid attack on the speaker.
It was a substance that smelled like bleach.
They don't really know what it was.
He threw it over the speaker and they tased him and arrested him.
But just go, you can watch the entire video and just the look of these people.
These are the people we're giving power to in society.
These are the people who are getting jobs in Silicon Valley, deciding and defining what free speech is in America.
And they're deranged, they're on insane power trips.
Let's play two minutes from the video that's up on InfoWars.com.
Craves leftist, tapestrical temper tantrum over men, not women's speech.
And again, when they get upset at most universities, they hand out Play-Doh,
You name it, if someone talks about the Constitution, they run and cry and they give them Play-Doh and treat them like children.
This is the arrest of development.
This is the sabotage of America by the CHICOMS funding it.
The CHICOMS are funding this with Silicon Valley.
Here is what happened.
This creates ever-multiplying victim groups.
False victim groups like these people.
This creates ever-multiplying racial victims.
I know, you're so oppressed, my dears.
I know.
Life is so hard for you.
You have to live in the richest, most equitable, most just country in the history of the world.
You have to get a college education.
You have to voluntarily go to lectures.
It's so awful.
I can't imagine that, you know, the people
People who are in war-torn nations, they must truly, they must truly... They created these artificial systems, these universities, where they just worship oppression, no free speech, and a bunch of mentally ill victimhood.
I'm not that.
Thank you, gentlemen.
I appreciate your support, but I'm not that intimidated by these guys here.
They just act like total thugs.
So, Paul, they've activated the lowest IQ followers out there.
They've jumped on the left to stand for each bandwagon.
Paul, where does this go?
Then they try to physically attack him.
Yeah, and just look at them.
These are deeply, deeply unhappy people, mainly based around their physical appearance.
They're fat, deranged, mentally ill losers.
I mean, let's be honest about it.
She's literally wearing a t-shirt that says that.
These are the people who are given power to in society.
These are the people who get triggered over chocolate, ugly dock limbs and force giant corporations to change their brand.
I mean, these are the people we're giving power to in society.
There was a scarf which was put out by a company called Fendi, like a thousand dollar scarf.
It looked, it resembled a vagina.
One person complained about it on Twitter, but that's not even the most idiotic thing about this story, Alex.
So the scarf was removed from the clothing line because one person complained about it on Twitter.
But then the scandal got even more controversial because then somebody posted an image of this scarf
And it's on summit.news if you look on the right hand side top of the page.
And they said it was transphobic because obviously now men can have babies too.
So it wasn't enough to remove the scarf from the product line.
No, they had to apologize as well for it being transphobic.
This is clown world.
In fact, there's an entire section on that website.
So that's what it is.
It's total clown world up on summit.news.
What a great idea you came up with there.
But remember J.C.
Penney, people thought that the shadow of the handle of a chrome teapot looked like Hitler, so they apologized and removed that as well.
The corporations are giving power to this on purpose, Paul.
Yeah, you've had examples where there was a Lego man with a drill on a sock in a clothing store, and if you turned it a certain way, it looked like the word Allah.
A bunch of Muslims complained.
The same thing with Nike shoes.
The sole of the shoe, if you looked at it a certain way, looked like the word Allah in Arabic.
Nike immediately removed it and apologized.
Well, let in mentally ill people who literally need like cuddle puppies in safe rooms just to get through the day.
Control society!
So where does it go?
Where does it go?
You know, who was it Orwell that said, you know, that a society that prosecutes the truth tellers basically is, that is the end of society.
That is the end of all free society.
So yeah, we've let these people take power and massive corporations are now being infiltrated by these people.
It's the end of free speech.
I mean, they call it being honk-pilled.
Being black-pilled is like accepting everything and being nihilistic about it.
Being honk-pilled is just laughing at it and surfing the apocalypse and watching as these people literally control society.
But in this case,
The police actually did their job, which was a great thing, so maybe we'll start to see more of that, because these people completely hate the police as well.
So maybe there'll be more on our side.
All right, I want to hit a few other news items with you, and then William Benning, former head of the technical operations of the NSA.
He was the technical director of Snowden.
He'll respond to Julian Assange and more.
Oh yes, you don't want to miss the next hour poll.
Joseph Watts is with us for five more minutes.
Summit.News, Paul Watson's new flagship website.
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They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, let's get into this, Paul.
This guy's really mainline conservative.
Agree with almost everything he says.
Watched a lot of his videos since the famous leftist in Australia and the U.S.
on Comedy Central tried to set him up with edited hour-long interview down to five minutes just like Megyn Kelly did.
Australian activist attempting to enter America interrogated and deported.
And tell us about what happened to him.
He was going to appear on the Rubin Report and Ladder with Crowder show.
This is just incredible.
The fellow that runs TR.News.
Yeah, this is an Australian activist, political commentator called Avi Yemini.
As he said, he appeared on a show with Jim Jeffries, who in public is a big leftist comedian, but apparently not in private.
He makes edgy jokes all the time, he just doesn't want them on camera.
So he was in an interview which was recorded before, way before the New Zealand mosque shooting.
The mosque shooting happened and then they tried to use that to smear Avi Yemini.
By editing answers to questions, which were different questions, exactly as Megyn Kelly did with you.
So they gave him a question, then took an answer from a different question, slammed them together to smear him, to make him look like he hated Muslims, and that was the setup.
Of course, he was recording the whole conversation, so that completely backfired on Jim Jefferies, released the full clip on YouTube, it got over 2 million views just on YouTube alone, went viral on Twitter as well.
Jim Jeffries is yet to respond to it, like three weeks later.
So Yemeni said, right, I'm going to the U.S.
to confront Jim Jeffries and also appear on Crowder and Rubin's shows, as you said.
So as soon as he landed in America, I think this was actually just this morning or last night,
Interrogated by the FBI, detained, and immediately deported.
Yemeni claims that it was at the behest of Comedy Central because they were trying to keep him away from Jim Jefferies.
We have Ilhan Omar saying she loves 9-11 and hates America, she can be in Congress, but a Jewish Australian well-spoken conservative gets lied about.
He wants to come here and do a media tour to expose the lies and he's banned.
And his Facebook page was deleted as well.
For hate speech.
What a surprise.
Again, no specific reason.
He had 300,000 followers.
This thing goes viral.
Jim Jefferies Comedy Central gets completely embarrassed by it.
They didn't even respond to it.
Facebook says, oh, we'll help you out.
Your 300,000 follower page is gone.
So once again doing the bidding, these giant social media corporations doing the bidding of other giant corporations like Comedy Central.
So yeah, now he's been deported, he's on his way back to Australia and that's that.
He was going to go on all these big shows, do a big media tour as he said.
No, FBI said no, DHS said no.
But now they've got to have him on via Skype.
In fact, Daria, everybody, red alert, red alert, I want him on.
I want him, I already wanted him on, I want him on, I want him on, I want him on, I want him on.
And Paul, you've got to start using, you've got YouTube Live and stuff, man, you've got to interview this dude.
You've got to do it, Watson.
Yeah, I know it's, you know, spinning 40 different plates at once.
I'm trying to do as much as I can.
I know, but people want the live stuff from you, and, uh, you know, I know you've got your own studios over there and stuff, but we can do a Summit.News-centric deal through our studios if you want, and set that up.
You just gotta bite the bullet, my friend.
Yeah, I'm doing everything I can.
You must do more.
Hey, seriously, though.
What do you think about this in 60 seconds?
They're actually getting ready to start indicting the Deep State.
What do you make of that?
Well, I don't know, Alex.
I haven't been following it that closely.
I don't see how far it can go.
It's very concerning how... Obama's chief counsel just got his ass indicted.
They've handed down indictment.
Yeah, it's concerning to me, though, how, you know, as we just said, an activist who is basically just doing political commentary can be deported.
You know, we're supposed to have a... I don't know what's going on at my other office across town, even though I got a good crew.
Paul, I'm telling you, the president... Most of government is in rebellion against the president.
Yeah, that's the problem.
I mean, the biggest problem amongst his base is the border issue because, you know, you've got more illegals and legals coming across than even under Obama.
That's because the U.N.
launched their full attack, Paul!
Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's what the base is concerned about, so that's what he needs to address.
That is the big elephant in the room for the Trump base.
All right.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Thank you, Paul.
We'll talk to you again soon.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You have some familiarity with the work of Mr. Assange?
I do, I do.
It couldn't happen to a nicer guy, that's my view.
Well, look, I think...
It is clear from the indictment that came out, it's not about punishing journalism, it's about assisting the hacking of the military computer to steal information from the United States government.
And look, I'll wait and see what happens with the charges and how it proceeds, but he skipped bail in the UK.
You know, Sweeney had those charges which have been dropped in the
Last several years.
But the bottom line is he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it's been charged.
I do think it's a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I remember the last time William Binney, one of the most highly decorated code breakers, one of the top mathematicians in modern history, recognized as a genius, he doesn't like to say it himself, the man that built the modern NSA, and who knows how to use it to actually stop criminals and terrorists instead of giving the establishment
Panopticonic control over us.
Last time he was on, probably six months, eight months ago, I don't remember.
He was talking about a film he was in.
He's the technical advisor for the film Snowden, so powerful.
And I think probably the magnum opus or masterwork of Oliver Stone.
And he said, listen.
Snowden may have actually committed crimes when he did.
But the point is, Hillary's got all these illegal servers.
They're letting foreign governments in.
You've got all this illegal spying.
You've got all this being shared with big corporations.
How about they all get prosecuted first?
But what about Julian Assange?
Because what he released, specifically over the years, the Democrats at first loved.
But then he was fair and released it about the deep state trying to steal the election and other elections and rigging things with CNN.
Well, then he became the biggest enemy ever.
So now we have the mainstream press as attack dogs against
People that are heroes.
I mean, I thought Daniel Ellsberg and helping in the Vietnam War did a great job.
And we know it wasn't Russian intelligence that did that.
We know it was U.S.
intelligence that had a soul and thought, this is wrong to just have a war for no reason.
Let's end this.
So we'll get William Benny's expert take on this.
I really appreciate him joining us.
He's helping
European nations set up NSAs that actually help people, don't surveil them, and I know Trump's quoted him a lot, has been listening to him more, and just ended some of the illegal spying on Binney's advice, and a lot of that's classified, he can't get into those conversations with the President, but William Binney, former actual head of the NSA, the guy that built the modern NSA, joins us, a man who was SWAT teamed and raided and attacked for secretly talking to Congress legally about what's now all become prima facie.
This is a very complex issue, but
Trump's doing a lot of good going after Deep State, but also now Assange being grabbed, I'm really concerned here.
I don't know how the President says, whoever's got the WikiLeaks, who's ever got Hillary's emails, whoever it is, she's the one committing a crime, release it, and then he releases it, Trump wins the election.
There wasn't Russian collusion, there was U.S.
intelligence trying to tell the truth from what I know and what you know.
Is that accurate, sir?
Well, I think the problem is that Deep State has been involved in like, for example, the Steele dossier and helping to pay for it and enabling it and lying to it to the to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on President, now President Trump's campaign.
So, I mean, the point is once they got one warrant on one person, they'll have to look out two degrees from that or two hops from that.
So if that person ever talked to the Republican National Committee, everybody that talks to the Republican National Committee can be spied on now.
And so that's basically how they got to spy on President Trump, under a warrant from the FISA court, which they lied to to get the warrant.
So, I mean, this is all very corrupt.
This is like the, I call them the Praetorian Guard.
They're the ones who are trying to determine who the president is and what the president does.
And this is the deep state with that invested interest in the military-industrial complex and all the companies and all that feed off that information and that money that they get through the contracts with the government.
So this is just a real mess down there in DC.
I understand it's a mess, a swamp, and you've given the president advice on air.
I know you've talked to him privately.
It seems like he's starting to take a lot of your advice.
He just ended one of the big illegal spying programs.
I want to get into that with you, but first, looking at Assange, looking like he's aged 40 years, like a hermit, like Gandalf being drug out of there, and screaming basically, resist, and something about the Trump administration.
What is your take on this overall, and what your inside intel is on what's going on?
Well, from my, from where I, the way I view it is this is that continuation down that totalitarian state slide.
I mean, when they started spying on everybody back in 2001, that's one of the first things that totalitarian states have to do.
They have to know what their population is thinking and what they're planning and what they're, what they're organizing to do within their country.
So they need to know that in order to be able to control it and stop it.
If they, if they want to, if it,
Contradicts, for example, the agenda that they have.
So that's the first step.
The second step, then, is to silence the media, informing the public what's going on.
If you silence them and only feed them certain information, in other words, control the narrative that the people see and hear, then, which is effectively done through the mainstream media.
The mainstream media is pretty much signed up to do this simply because they've been intimidated by, you know, the attacks on Jim Risen and Jim Rosen, the Associated Press, the Tea Party, the Occupy Group, Eliot Spitzer, any number of people using the IRS and the Drug Enforcement Administration and the FBI.
So, I mean, these are the arms of the totalitarian state and how they exercise them to control the population.
Julian Assange has been the one out there telling the truth all along.
And for that, he sticks up above the plane like a nail.
And they need to hammer that nail down and make sure that nail never pops up again.
So in other words, they need to keep him quiet.
And this is basically the way they're threatening everybody and every reporter, really.
Is under threat now worldwide.
If they ever say anything that contradicts the agendas of the governments involved, doesn't have to be the US government, can be any government like the UK, Australia or anybody that's affiliated with them or cooperating with them in this worldwide effort to control the population.
Then, you know, they can order extradition from anywhere and pull people, foreigners from any country in the world back to their country and try them.
This is the threat now that it poses to every reporter, whether they're TV, radio, you know, print, whatever.
They're all now under threat.
They certainly are.
Daniel Ellsberg was hailed for releasing information that ended a war, and Assange released information that showed a giant illegal spying network, and now he's being hauled off.
This is going to be a real black spot on President Trump.
If he doesn't do the right thing.
Now I know they're going to wait until it's depoliticized probably and the word is some of his lawyers have said that Assange should be released, but we're going to find out.
But here's the president, almost three years ago, four or five months before the election, saying, I don't care who's got the footage or who's got the emails, you should release it.
Here it is.
I will tell you this, Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
Let's see if that happens.
That'll be next.
Yes, sir.
And he went on the same speech and said, WikiLeaks, if you have it, release it.
I'm not talking to WikiLeaks, but she's the one that committed a crime.
Release it.
He's following standard journalistic thing that if they're exposing a crime, then you shouldn't go to jail for it.
Actually, President Trump, all he had to do was go to NSA and tell them to turn over the emails that they're missing.
Because they've got them all.
Of course, stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and get into all this with the former technical head of the NSA and whatever topics you want to cover.
But I also want to discuss what you think the president should do, what you think is coming next, and this whole prosecution of the deep state that's supposedly going on.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, yeah.
You couldn't get a better guest on to talk about big tech spy grid, NSA spy grid, EU spy grids, the big AI wars that are already here, Google, Apple, now Microsoft caught throwing their lot in with the shy comms.
I think that William Benny who helped build
The modern NSA.
The guy they say is the key to the sciences that are there.
That he developed with other top engineers to win the Cold War and more.
And now he's the chief whistleblower.
And he watches Snowden in absentia.
In Russia, he watched his son's drug out looking like a hermit out of his prison.
What a time to be alive.
And I was talking during the break, we got a lot to cover the next few segments.
You're going to lay out the blueprint to bring down the house of cards of the criminals.
Again, think about the groups that use the power, not just the big tech, but a big data and the NSA do what they want and where this is going.
So FISA, you're saying is the roadmap and what they did to Trump.
As you've been saying the whole time, and now the president you've obviously talked to off record, is going down that road.
So break down why FISA and the illegal spying that Congressman Nunes is now saying really goes back to 2015 and why this is so big.
This is the string that if pulled will bring down the entire, I guess as they say, the entire sweater.
Yeah, I see.
What it is, is the, uh, actually they'd been spying on President Trump long before he was president or even ran.
So, but in order to verify, validate, or at least justify what they'd been doing, they needed to get a warrant.
So in order to do that, they needed to create this dossier against him so that they could spy on him and all of that and justify retroactively what they'd been doing.
So, um, the whole point is that this, and the president, by the way, has the authorization, he has the authority.
To declassify all the data submitted to the FISA Court and all the FISA Court rulings as a result of that data.
So once he declassified that, that can be shown in Article 3 courts and out in the public.
So now we, the public, will see what was going on with the Deep State and the shadow government, what they were doing to try to get the FISA court to give them a warrant to justify what they'd already been doing.
So that's the key to tell you who's involved, where to start investigating, what tracks to take in the investigation, and who to start interrogating first.
So that'll get down then into the rest of them involved and the rest of the FBI and the DOJ and the DNI, CIA and FBI and NSA.
What do you make of the fact that Democrats bragged when Trump was first elected, oh we were spying on him, we've got dirt, he's a Russian.
Of course that was made up, but they were spying.
Then they said, oh no we didn't.
Now the Democrats are saying, oh the new Attorney General is a liar, we weren't spying, we weren't election meddling.
When, as you said, the FISA court put out a report two years ago saying, hey we were lied to, we're not part of this.
In an Inspector General report, the courts that no one covered, that you
Spotlighted here exclusively from your sources so it seems like as you said they've given a blueprint of their crimes but also of their perjury.
Yeah, yeah.
And by the way, perjury to the FISA court is nothing new.
They've even perjured themselves to the Supreme Court in the Amnesty International v. Clapper.
They lied to the Supreme Court to get that thrown out.
And again, it was talking about spying on the U.S.
citizens and using that data in courts of law to convict them and not telling them that that's the basis for their arrest and conviction.
So they do a fabrication through a parallel construction.
They perjure themselves in those courts, too.
That's done hundreds of times every year.
So, you know, and one of the federal agents involved in that program said, this is such a great program.
I just hope we can keep it secret.
Well, you know, this is a secret police, a secret Gestapo.
It's the same thing.
It's no different.
They're, they're doing everything in secret and hiding the, I mean, after all, what are the laws?
What, you know, there's secret laws and we don't know about them.
You know, there's secret, secret interpretations of laws like the 215, uh, uh, Patriot Act segment where they interpret it to allow them to get all the phone records of every U.S.
citizen from every telephone company.
And in fact, when Sensenbrenner and Leahy came out, they later on said that when they wrote this law, you were not intended to be able to do this.
So, that was a violation.
A total power grab, total mission creep.
So, here's the guy that built it.
Explain that to us.
We'll talk next segment about the right way to do it constitutionally, but let's pull back.
Because you're nodding when I'm saying things, but you're the insider.
You're the expert of experts.
Their whole plot to remove the president has now been exposed.
We have the green light, we have the illegal blueprint, spying before they even had warrants, as you said, parallel construction, where you get warrants after you use the illegal spying to get what you need to then get the warrant, or even put false info in.
The president listens to this show.
Mr. Miller listens to the show.
They do.
Sean Hannity listens.
You should probably obviously be on his show, or Tucker Carlson.
In three minutes before you go to break, what do you want to say to the president that he needs to do?
Because you were the equivalent, you know, two-star general running the NSA for real, not just the political head.
You're the guy.
You're the commander.
You're the captain.
What do we need to do?
Well, first of all, to get into it, declassify all the FISA court records relevant to the Steele dossier.
That'll start off the investigation and continue that investigation, start issuing indictments once they have the evidence to prove criminal activity.
The other thing is to focus the entire government into doing a disciplined, professional job now, instead of this bulk acquisition of data on everybody.
If you remove all the data that's not relevant to any criminal activity you're looking at, then they don't have the ability to abuse it.
And so they wouldn't have the ability to retroactively investigate now President Trump or anybody else.
You know, any general in his organization or anybody in the FISA courts.
Who really wants everything you ever did secretly stored and the access of all these SJWs?
This is insane!
What if a foreign government gets it?
Actually, foreign governments already have access to that database through the I.C.
REACH program, the Five Eyes, the GCHQ in England, and the other English-speaking countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
They also have access into this, along with the FBI and the CIA and the DEA.
So, it's all done through I.C.
Well, I understand that, but I mean, just the CHICOMS, the Office of Personnel Management hack, I mean, it's insane to create something like this.
Yeah, but they have it on a... right now they think they're safe because they've got it on a closed network, but they don't really have good documentation of their network, so they really don't even know if there's an open port into that network from the outside.
You know, that's how bad it is.
Because they also lay an outside network in parallel with their internal one.
Plus, what about infiltrators?
Snowden was a patriot, too.
But what about bad guys?
Insiders, yeah, and they started a program internally in NSA, see something or say something about your fellow employees.
So that, you know, it's like the Stasi, you know, it's keeping, keeping watch on the people that are working for you too.
So anybody that has a grudge against anybody internally in NSA, they can make a complaint about them or say there's something suspicious and get them under investigation.
You know, that's just the way of harassing them.
Gosh almighty, when we come back I want to get into how this is done right, but first I want to ask you, since you mentioned it, this Chinese company that's the second biggest 5G out there and the fact that we know these chips have got little mini chips on them they can energize and transponder and get the code data, get the code keys from, let's talk about
Please join us and tell your friends and family to tune in right now.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
Go ahead.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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Everything you do.
I see William Benny, former technical head of the NSA, nodding his head when he hears this song, Electric Eye.
My sight is clean.
No rose-colored glasses.
I keep the country free.
But what happens when that ring of Mordor falls into the hands of people that want to oppress?
You see them trying to fix elections, and you see the new Attorney General, William Barr, saying, no, there's no doubt there was spying, and there's no doubt there was election meddling.
And so now you see the cover story.
So I want to get his take on that, and then from the man that designed the current system.
He's the guy, on record, they admit, who led the teams that built the system that we now have, that's super advanced, AI surveillance, classified 3D models, future predicting programs, what he thinks the President and others should really do.
I know you're advising the EU, who claims they want to fix this, where it's actually targeted, where it's profiled, and where it actually works.
So break that down, please, sir.
The point is that you can actually solve problems and detect threats in advance by doing a very focused, disciplined attack on data.
And it basically boils around three principles.
A deductive approach, an abductive approach, and an inductive approach.
Deductive means simply if you are communicating with phones, you look out two hops from where you are, and that's the zone of suspicion.
You focus on that.
And let everything else go right by.
And the other point is, inductively, you look at things like sites that advocate pedophilia or sites that advocate terrorism or violence against the West.
So you target self-announced groups?
You target self-announced groups?
Yeah, so we're basically looking at human behavior that is suspicious.
That actually justifies probable cause to actually look at them.
And then the point is that that means that these are people falling in the zone of suspicion.
Means you have to look at them.
Doesn't mean they're guilty, but once you look at them, you can resolve whether or not they're involved.
So that then focuses that down to a very finite set of information across the net.
So it makes this content data and an analysis of data for the world a manageable problem.
So if they focused in on that, that would give everybody in the world privacy because you wouldn't have their data stored.
So, and that's the whole point of it, and then that would enable the analysts in NSA, FBI, CIA, and all around the world to actually succeed, where they will be able to successfully get through.
Because let's be clear, as you said before, when you grab everything, it's not for the mission of stopping terrorists or criminals or child molesters.
It blinds that mission.
It's only good for massive artificial intelligence data mining to fix and manipulate markets.
Yeah, that's basically what it does.
It basically makes them dysfunctional.
They can no longer function.
And so it's really great for forensics after the fact.
Once somebody does an attack and you see who it is, you have all the data on them so you focus in on them and pull all the data on them and you can really lay out their network and everything.
But that's too late.
That's after the fact.
Intelligence, the objective is to predict intentions and capabilities of adversaries or potential threats by other things like terrorists and so on.
Stop a nuclear war before it happens.
Stop a nuke or a bio-weapon being released before it does so you don't have World War III.
That's right.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
I wanted, while I was here, to mention one thing.
We're not through with this looking at the indictment on Julian, but it looks like what they're indicting him for is providing information to Chelsea Manning to protect his identity when he's searching, not to break into the codes or through passwords in other systems.
So I think that their charge that's being peddled in the mainstream media, that he provided information to look at, to help Chelsea Manning break into things, is being, it's a false assertion out there, that they're perpetuating.
That's very flimsy.
If you tell somebody how to protect themselves through anonymous surfing, well then a lot of stuff's criminal.
That's incredible.
Yeah, exactly.
That's the point.
And so I think that really puts in question this indictment.
So you're saying anonymity is illegal in the future?
Yeah, that's right.
You no longer have the right to be private.
Please continue.
Yeah, so I just think that that's the main thing that's the weakness with this argument against Julian Assange.
They couldn't actually talk
They couldn't actually put in the indictment that he exposed all these things that they were doing wrong, because that would be attacking journalism, period.
That would be very clear.
So they have to devise something to create some justification to get him into the U.S., and here's what's going to happen when he gets here.
I mean, Chelsea Manning's experienced this, John Kiriakou's experienced this.
What they do is they go to court,
And then the government has so many other charges, the evidence of which is classified, and so they say they can't expose it to the defense, to anybody in the public.
The only people that can see it is the judge in the trial.
That's extremely Kafkaesque.
You don't know the charge you're being... You don't know what you've done.
Yeah, and then they do all this behind closed doors with the judge, and they convict or, you know, the judge, if the judge says, OK, yeah, I'll convict him on that, then he can come out and say you're guilty.
You know, and so you have no defense.
There's no sixth.
Let me ask you a selfish question.
We only got this from banks that are really scared.
We got it from two of them.
We were trying to prepare a suit, but it's next level.
As you know, this is classified, but they have an Interpol and global database of criminals and then alarms that go off of their movements, supposedly.
They used a big multi-billion dollar Boston company that's really the CIA.
A year ago when they banned me off PayPal and a bunch of stuff, we learned this through Discovery, they listed me as an international terrorist and money launderer.
I had double plus rating, no criminal record, the best banking you could have and they took almost all our bank accounts away.
The news said for hate.
No, I have been listed as an international terrorist and a money launderer.
And that's my designation in banking.
And then we went higher up and found out, no, it's the U.S.
I mean, this is not right.
This is out of control.
This is basically what's in the National Defense Authorization Act, Section 1021.
It says, you know, the president or his representative, I guess, can designate you as a terrorist.
You know, and have the military incarcerate you indefinitely with no due process.
That, and I keep pointing out, that that reads just like Special Order 48 issued by the Nazis in 1933 after the Reichstag fire.
And they used that to get rid of all their enemies, anybody they didn't like, and anybody that opposed them in any way, and put them in concentration camps.
So I mean, this reads exactly like that.
Let me raise this point to you.
Other people in banking and even lawyers look at this and they get scared.
Because this isn't supposed to be happening in America and then courts see this and they don't even know how to respond.
And they're doing this to everybody and it's just so un-American, it's so dangerous.
Yeah, well, it's basically this slide toward totalitarianism.
That's how the Nazis got in power and what they did.
You know, it's no different than that.
It's no different than Stalin and the Communists.
Let me ask you as a leading expert on this.
People say, well, then Trump should fix this.
Obviously, he's got a whole rebelling government against him, but I get he should do an executive order or action.
But that's what Obama did, as you know, in the Defense Authorization Act in December 2016.
He put two billion dollars into this Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
And then they just listed all these Americans as terrorists and Russian agents.
And then we're like in FBI files in the airport and everywhere is terrorist.
I mean, this is this is like putting yellow stars on Jews.
Yes it is.
It's exactly the same thing.
That's how you label people and isolate them and keep them out of public view and basically break them.
I mean, that's fundamentally what this is all about.
I can't tell the whole story, but it took a leader of a major... it was a governor.
Well, some of our final banks have to certify, no, this isn't true for us to even keep banking.
So there's a war within the government right now.
I'm not supposed to even have a bank account or a credit card, bro.
I don't have any criminal convictions.
I haven't had a ticket in like five years.
And I'm literally listed as a terrorist.
Well, I mean, that's basically what the Nazis did with Special Order 48.
It's the same thing.
It's like doing the same thing with Section 1021 of the NDAA.
That's what they're doing here.
Well, just thank God there's still people in the government that went in and, like, countermanded part of it.
Or we'd be shut down right now, folks.
I'm not trying to be the victim here.
But we're under attack.
I'm not.
William Binning, he won't talk about it.
They poisoned him, lost his legs.
We'll be right back.
Final segment with this hero.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I gotta tell you, talking to William Benninger in the breaks is incredible, and you better believe it's getting listened to by a bunch of agencies.
He wasn't just the head of the NSA technical, the guy that ran it, not the political head.
He was the guy that they credit with engineering most of it.
A mathematical genius.
And all that's classified, obviously.
He came to Austin once for a couple days, and at dinner, we literally were being followed.
People were sitting next to us, listening to us.
I was looking at a lady sitting right there with a little device sticking out of her napkin recording us.
Everything he said in private is what he said on air.
His integrity is there.
Your integrity as a globalist isn't.
But you were getting during the break into
You were thanking InfoWars, and that's really thanking my viewers and my listeners that make this possible, about the fact that we're the only national show to put out the Snowden slides.
And when I was pulling up articles from you on three, four years ago, all the videos are gone.
On Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, they're all gone.
They're still at PrisonPlanet.tv, which is now free to the public as a national archive.
But people need to understand, we're not up here bitching or complaining, we're just saying
This is a war.
I mean, you got clearly poisoned when you testified during Congress there at the Senate cafeteria, lost your legs.
A lot of folks are going to prison.
People, you know, we're not up here like cream puffs just saying all this.
This is a real war.
They come after you when you talk about this.
So can you speak specifically to those slides?
The Fairview slide was the one that really showed the outright lie that they've been feeding the U.S.
That is, they say they're using all this money to tap the lines and find terrorists.
Well, I mean, you know, when you look at the Fairview slide, it's got all the tap points on the transatlantic cables coming up on the East Coast and West Coast.
And then they have about 80 other tap points going right across the country.
Well, if they're after foreigners, the foreigners are all at those 11 or 12 tap points surfacing from the transoceanic cables.
That's all the foreign data or foreign communications into the country, all the communications going to foreigners out of the country, and all the communications that are transferred through the U.S., like from Europe across the U.S., to transiting the U.S.
to Asia.
So if they only wanted foreigners, all they'd have to do is be at those surface tap points.
But instead, they're right across the country, and they're distributed with the population.
If you look at the map of the distribution of those tap points, it really
parallels the actual population distribution.
So that just exposes their outright lie, showing that they are actually after US citizens, not foreigners.
So, and that idea that they're not doing that was one of the lies that they used to justify.
You have to give up privacy to get security.
That was a lie, too, from the very beginning.
And they knew that because we demonstrated that with the ThinThread program internally in NSA in the 1990s.
Let's expand on that.
We know that Apple
Google and Microsoft have basically been wedded to Communist China.
They have no rules.
They're helping surveil their public, round people up.
A global social credit score to track everything you do.
This is the next level of the web.
An electronic straitjacket, in my view, correct me if I'm wrong, is former technical director of the NSA.
And now, I told people years ago Microsoft was involved, now it's come out.
Well, it's all being used as a mechanism for government to collect, first of all, all the information about people.
And secondly, to distribute information, disinformation, if you will, to control what people think and how they view things.
Like, people get shadow blocked.
Like, if they don't like people like your show or any other show or any activity, like for people wanting to become 501c3s to be politically active, they don't like that.
They have means and ways of stopping it.
And that's what they're using all of this information to basically be able to assess that and take actions accordingly.
So, you know, it's just a, it's just a matter of, uh, this totalitarian slide is still going on and we're still, we're enabling it.
And, and they're being so outright, uh, uh, arrogant about it.
I mean, they can like Clapper and all can go up and lie to Congress.
You know, they can do whatever they say and there are no consequences whatsoever.
So, you know, this is the, this is now they figure they have so much power that nobody can stop them and nobody can do anything about it.
That's, that's, this is really getting bad.
And this is really what I've been hoping that President Trump would address.
That is, he's got enough support internally in these agencies from the lower level employees, not from the management, because the management is really corrupt.
They're on power trips enjoying this wizard power.
Yeah, that's right.
But he's got enough support there.
If he wanted to take action, he could demand the resignation of these people and get them the hell out of the way.
Well, I mean, here's the microcosm.
I have thousands of supporters that buy products from us.
And they give us their phone numbers, their emails, and their trust at a much lower level than this being scooped up.
I would never sit there and exploit what they did.
There's a respect.
They're buying products from me.
They like me.
I don't break those rules.
I don't even have a
Yes, we are.
We build this whole thing and then it's used to screw everyone over.
Don't the people running the surveillance grid get that they can't control themselves?
And they're going to end up creating a crisis so bad that there's going to be a new Nuremberg system, whether it's in five years or 50 years.
They're breaking all the rules that have been laid down to build a safe, good society.
This is shit.
Yes, that's right.
They are.
And by the way, it's all done by greed because they're all paid for this, right?
Well, you know, the bankers are behind it, along with the tech companies are involved.
It's all like a, you know, we keep sharing information and paying each other.
So they're all divorced from it.
There's a lot of people want all the data, but they just don't get what it means.
Yeah, they don't realize that.
I mean, I keep saying J. Edgar Hoover on super steroids, but you know, that's really what it means.
It means somebody has power over you, whether or not you like it or not.
I mean, if you start doing the wrong thing, they can come and put pressure on you or put pressure on somebody you care about.
And let's be clear.
It's just standard procedure for the SS, the KGB, the Stasi, all of them.
They all did this stuff.
This is an intelligence agency wet dream.
Actually, that's pretty much what Wolfgang Schmidt, a former East German Lieutenant Colonel in the Stasi said.
He said, for us, this would have been a dream come true.
Well, he got hired.
I remember seeing this in 2010.
That Obama had signed a $1.2 million a year contract with the head of the Stasi, former head.
At first, I didn't believe it.
And when I saw the U.S.
Well, I think it's pretty much, it's consistent with what they're after.
I mean, this is all pretty consistent.
I don't really see any, any deviation from this.
Sir, as a former technical head of the NSA, what is it consistent with?
I guess the global domination?
A mad rush to total data power?
Yes, it's all about total control of the population in the world.
That's really what it's all about.
And that's why all these agencies are cooperating together, NSA with the Five Eyes, with about at least nine other countries to do this bulk acquisition.
And then they all share it through various means like XP Score and ICREACH.
And so NSA really has become the storage facility for them and the world, basically.
So just like Hillary's server had 20-something governments on it, they know it.
It becomes like big piles of crap that flies come to.
That's right.
And it's really, you know,
There's no, I mean, there's no discipline, professionalism, or anything in that anymore.
It's all for just bulk acquisition.
That way, they figure they've got everything covered, so that they have all the information in the world.
If anything happens, they've got the data, and they can go in and look at it.
Well, here's an example.
I just finished watching Highwaymen.
It's actually based on a true story.
Not worshiping Bonnie and Clyde.
They offered the Texas Rangers $1,000 to tell their story to AP and they said, no, we're not going to do it.
Imagine the power people get off selling your data.
It's a serious form of robbery.
I know you've got to go.
Do five more minutes with us.
We're going to have a two-minute break.
I want to come back and ask you about 5G and WAPO and the Chinese influence and, you know, the fact that we can transcend this as Americans to these grids that have been built are two-way streets here and are so dangerous.
William Bennett doesn't want to plug anything.
He never wrote a book, never did anything, never got paid for anything.
He just does it as a very humble patriot.
But ExposedFacts.org writes articles about him.
And GoodAmerican.org is a film.
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You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
In my view.
It's so good.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
When I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed, I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Dr. Nick Begg is just coming up.
We're talking to William Benny, the former technical head of the NSA, and he was laying out some big knowledge during that two-minute break, specifically on 5G and other issues, but you were bringing up one other issue.
What was that, Dr. Benny?
That had to deal with the Goosever 2 and the allegation that he worked for the Soviets, the Russians, I mean, in hacking the DNC.
And he put data out there on the web and we could, from that data, we could show that it couldn't cross the web because the download rates were so fast it couldn't, the web could not handle it across the Atlantic.
And we proved that by attempting it from various points and also from data centers.
So, once we proved that, we also could show that he was playing with the data, so manipulating that data into different files, and we showed, therefore, that he was a fabrication.
And further, the timestamps on that data that we were finding, some of our guys were still looking at this, by the way, showed the East Coast in the United States, Central Time in the United States, and one in the Pacific Coast Time.
So whatever was happening there with Gooster 2 was all a fabrication made up and this was the one of the basis for the indictment from Rosenstein.
So he he took fabrications and and and just and put it in his this is proof of my my indictment you know it says indictments of fabrication you know and so and by the way Mueller's group
Nor did any of the House or Senate Intelligence or Judiciary Committees ever call us to give any information about the technical findings we had.
Nobody asked us.
The only thing I got was the President told the Director Pompeo of CIA, he should talk to me if he wanted to get facts about Russiagate.
Well, I mean, what's that tell you?
That tells you the intelligence agencies of the United States are not telling the President or the Director of CIA what the facts are.
They're rogue, out-of-control groups and the President's still trying to get control.
So shifting gears.
Please do this again.
This is too hot right now.
Please come on next week.
And we appreciate your time, sir, Dr. Benning.
What about 5G?
We know it gets into everything.
It grabs data.
So the Chi-Coms are doing it.
They say it's a national security threat.
What is your view on that?
Well, I think it is because anytime you buy equipment from another country, you have to worry about implants and hardware, software being implanted in there that can allow them to control the devices that are used, whether it's in a home or in a switch network or a server or any kind of network.
It means principally that the foreign government has the best control of that system or equipment.
So it's a way of bugging things.
That's what we did with the world using.
I mean, there was some video on or some pictures showing NSA people intercepting Cisco routers being shipped around the world to put implants in hardware and software so that they control the switches.
So that once the people who receive the switches at the end, once they install them in their network, that meant that NSA owned their network.
China's doing what we did to them.
So what do we need to do about that?
Well, you need to be able to scan the devices and scan the software that's in the devices to be able to separate out and see the implants.
There are several ways that are being experimented with now.
For example, and what I was trying to stimulate further development in Europe is
Where you have a radiated, you look at a switch and you can look at the radiation of that switch and be able to tell how many processes are running in it.
So if you know what the norm is for the switch under normal functioning, any deviation from that can be detected, which means there's an implant in there.
So that way you could detect the implants and then you could start to search them and try to find them.
So that's one of the ways of doing it.
Some of the other ways are looking at the fiber optic lines on either end and looking at the luminosity going in and luminosity coming out, the distance between and knowing the loss over that distance of norm, normal transmissions.
Then you can see if there's any deviation from that norm, that means you're tapped.
So, you know, it's...
Well, thank you, Alex, for having me.
Thank you.
We'll be back.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Did you see Carpe Donkum, the great meme maker, got like 40 million views or whatever on Facebook and all other places, Twitter.
And then Brian Stelzer goes, he tried to deceive the public and showed Biden groping Biden.
This is the fake news we're talking about and it's very dangerous.
What do we do?
Let's turn to our panel.
And if you play the Carpe Donctum meme, it's Biden groping Biden.
It's a joke!
It's not a fake news!
It's a joke!
No, it's good.
It's a family show.
No, no, I can't argue with him on that.
Listen, you don't know the danger and the sexism and racism of people like Alex Jones and what a virus he is.
I only have 100,000 viewers.
We have to pay to put me on in different places like bars and restaurants and, well, of course, in train stations and airports and hotels!
But I'm gonna tell you, because I'm Brian Stelter, that we need to do things like take Logan Paul off the air!
I'm gonna be honest with you.
I don't know how to react right now.
Alright, I got a lot of serious news to cover here and Nick Baggish, Dr. Nick Baggish is coming up here at the start of the next segment, but I wanted to apologize to Logan Paul.
Because I didn't know that his dog, Kong, a Pomeranian that I even knew about, and I didn't have time really to follow the show a lot, but I knew about the dog, and also his parrot, had been eaten by a coyote the day before I was there.
So they're on air saying, hey, we want to tell you about our dog getting eaten by a coyote.
I thought it was a joke, because they were joking so much about it.
And they kind of got pissed off towards the end of the interview.
I'd be mad too.
I've had a dog and I've had a cat eaten by coyotes.
And all I'm saying is,
You need them to take care of rabbits.
You need them to keep down other varmints.
But when you don't control coyotes in a city, every time one gets killed, the female goes into heat to make more coyotes.
I mean, it's a problem.
And most people I know have had their cat or dog eaten by a coyote.
They need to be put down.
They spread rabies.
They're great out in the woods.
They're great out in the prairies like wolves.
But they do not need to be in cities.
So I'm on their show, and they're like, yeah, Kong, our Pomeranian, is dead.
It got eaten by a coyote.
I'm in the middle of LA.
I'm like, oh, yeah, right.
Then I'm at my hotel the next morning.
We're going to show some footage of this.
And I'm just walking to get some exercise.
And a coyote walks right up to me, and my phone is like off.
So I'm turning my phone on, and then it's following me.
This thing was following us down a path, so I go in the woods and it comes back out.
I'm showing TV viewers footage of this.
And look, cows don't usually attack humans, but there has been a case in Canada where they attacked a Gilda woman because she ran from them.
This thing did not have rabies, it appeared, but it was not scared of me.
So all I'm saying is it's an example of domestication.
They're supposed to be afraid of us.
They're not supposed to, you know, for us to be afraid of them.
So I wanted to apologize to Logan Paul because we were like, hey, did you hear our dog Kong got eaten by a coyote?
I'm like, oh yeah, right.
Got to shoot it with a crossbow or whatever.
And then once I got off air, they went, no, the dog got killed yesterday by a coyote.
And so I thought they were joking.
So here's, here's, here's what happened.
Hey Alex, you want to hear something?
Our dog got eaten by coyotes the other night.
They do that.
They lure them like gangsters.
Like, oh, hang out with us.
Like, look at my friend.
And they lead them over.
The female, one of the head female coyotes in the pack will lure a neighborhood dog while he's in heat to come and
Go and mate with her, and then the males will gang up on the dog and kill him.
Granted, that's how they do the Kong.
And again, that's a conspiracy theory.
We're supposed to question things, but coyotes are setting up your lab with a whore to get eaten by her boyfriend.
And yeah, how gangster are those fricking dogs?
Our coyote, the one that killed Kong, jumped right over the fence and came and snagged him like a little toy and carried him out.
What kind of dog was that?
A Pomeranian.
So you should get a bow, so it's legal.
You should go into the jungle and kill every ****ing one of those things.
That's metaphysical.
You should take a lightweight 20-pull, 30-pound-pull bow.
We haven't thought about anything like that.
None of that has come up.
Retribution is the last thing on our minds.
Logan, if you want me to come here and hunt that dog, that goddamn... I will come here with bows.
We will hunt that son of a... like Predator, man.
They all have a minigun like... I appreciate that, Alex.
I think we got it taken care of.
What are you gonna do to that?
You gonna get that coyote?
No, I'm not.
Helicopter gunships?
The coyotes are bad news, man.
We buy an Apache.
So, I'm not even apologizing in that I didn't say it was sad.
I wasn't clicking that it was real or that I went and saw how much he loved the Pomeranian that he had for five years and just the fact that I was making a joke out of it.
I thought it was almost a joke.
And so I'm not trying to be a leftist to apologize for everything.
I just didn't realize Logan was actually very upset.
It was like during a break, like a tear swing out of his eyes and stuff.
He loved that dog so much.
So I was just getting at that angle of the whole situation.
Shifting gears here, we're watching epic things happen right now.
And there are predators just like coyotes or wolves that want to feed on us because they're predators.
It's what they do.
And those of us that aren't like that, let's roll some of the footage I shot at my hotel the next morning in Southern California.
There was a walking path by the hotel, so I'm walking and there's a coyote pops out like 50 feet away and it's following me.
It's not even scared.
Then it started thumbing at the mouth.
Then it runs around and shows up in front of us.
And I think of this as a metaphysical example of how tyranny isn't scared of us.
I'm not saying a coyote itself is a bad creature.
I'm just saying this is a dog...
This is a smaller wolf species that's in all of North America that would normally be scared of humans.
But in Southern California, it wasn't.
It was following me.
I didn't have a bag of hamburgers over my shoulder.
I didn't have barbecue on me.
I couldn't believe it was following me.
My phone was turned off.
It finally, when I ran at it, it ran in the woods.
And then 10 minutes later, it's the same one is sitting there in the path waiting for me, staring right at me.
This was all shot on my phone.
So to me, it just shows how like tyrants have no respect for people anymore.
And control freaks have no respect for people anymore.
And this dog, this wolf had no respect.
Now an airplane started flying over about this point and it's had to run off.
But I wasn't even scared of it.
I was just concerned that I've never seen coyotes.
I mean, at this point, I'm 15, 20 feet away.
I mean, I'm right there at the edge of where this thing is.
And it's the same thing with these tyrants.
They just don't care anymore.
They think they're invincible.
But that's all changing.
The indictments are happening.
Trump's taking action.
I'm going to do live special shows tomorrow, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
It's all going to be covered.
Please don't forget because I barely plugged today.
The better the show, the more I'm focused, the less I plug.
We had the big storewide sale.
We have seven of our best-selling items that are left at 50 to 60 percent off.
That's over.
Spring Super Sale.
Storewide free shipping.
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That will end Sunday because I'm coming in tomorrow in the morning to meet with the crew to come up with the new specials for next week.
They'll be good.
They'll be awesome, but they won't be as wide-reaching.
Please take advantage of this Super Sale.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, get a film, whatever you do, take action now because there's nowhere else, as you heard William Benny say earlier, former head of the NSA, nobody has me on to expose the grid like you do.
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They want us off the air because we're real.
So realize, you want somebody committed to tell the truth?
You've got it here.
But they're hitting me from every side, so I need your prayers.
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Nick Begich, straight ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Nick Begich.
And welcome back to InfoWars.
And you know, the last couple hours of the broadcast, pretty interesting stuff, right?
I mean, when you talk about privacy and the technocracy and Asajj, I mean, all of it and sort of how all this
Secrecy syndrome has unraveled.
In fact, I want to roll back to when I first started in this work.
It was before the Internet was at all reliable, number one.
Nobody relied on it.
You'd see something on the Internet that was so suspect, you'd have to go to the library, you know, those places where there's books, and look at that first-generation word processing output of printed material.
Uh, and, and actually confirm that it was real.
You know, so when, when I wrote my first book with Gene Manning, I just don't play this sort.
That's what, how you kind of did it.
And then later, more and more people relied on the internet and the good and bad of that was a little touched on, you know, and the idea that in the electronic world, data can disappear.
Or be suppressed in a way you can't find anymore.
But libraries are a little different.
Print and batter are a little different.
And so I also accumulate books and I'm always impressed by people that do.
Because, you know, researching, you know, when you look at a shelf of books, it's different than looking for something on the internet.
The way you perceive it, the way you reconnect it in your head, you know, and bring it back together.
And when I look back at that time, what they started to call us, people like us, people like Alex, people like me, was this idea that we were
That was the phrase that was being used.
And this idea of accumulator was somebody that went out and collected material and collated it and made sense of it.
We used to call that investigative reporting, right?
I mean, but they had to give it a new name because when you give it a new name then you can villainize it and you can create this whole myth around it or whatever, you know?
And the same with hackers, you know, in terms of what was a hacker initially was some guy that
Dealt with programming and played with it, but not somebody that went in and dove into your life, you know, in some gross way or violated your pass codes or whatever.
But think of the modern media within the technocracy.
That's where we are right now.
If you're listening to this broadcast on a visual medium anyway, chances are you're seeing it on through the Internet.
The fact is the internet offered this great platform for speech and yet those that own the internet or manipulate the internet, control the internet, control what is acceptable speech and that's a dangerous thing in the 21st century when so many rely on single mediums and there are very few of them that have conglomerated really the power of the voice of the town square and that's
One of the reasons I get really concerned, you know, this whole concept of whistleblowing, which is part of, you know, going back...
To 2002.
I had just finished doing some work in the European Parliament a few years before.
They had passed a resolution on security and disarmament, dealing with mind control, mind effects, non-lethal weapons, weapons that would debilitate, but not necessarily kill you.
And they used a lot of my information, my research, that was later used in the book Earthrise and the Revolution, which they got to get the cover up in the
In the info store, because it's in there in the warehouse.
But this book, Earthrise and the Revolution, they used big chunks of it in their research in the technology sections when they developed some of their privacy legislation.
That was right around the time that
Echelon was caught, that's that coalition of governments, British, Canadian, US, New Zealand, Australia after World War II that exchanged data.
So what we couldn't tap our own citizens' phones theoretically, although we know that happens anyway, in the old days when it was actually done,
Legally, but not correctly, not right.
Other countries would do it for each other and then exchange the data.
And they would use dictionaries, ways of focusing on the data, like the last guest Alex just had on, was talking about.
Not collecting everything in big data warehouses, but just precision.
You know, those things that allowed you probable cause, allowed you to get the warrant, allowed you to properly
Pursue criminals which actually catches them before the crime rather than having all this evidence available after the fact which makes you look like a great hero, but It's after the fact ladies and gentlemen, and you know that's kind of too late So you know when I think about?
Intelligence gathering personal privacy the digital doorway something we talked about a lot at that time in 2002 the next thing up is
In the advent of Echelon being caught on the U.S.
side being used for commercial purposes, so U.S.
commercial enterprises could, with their alliance with the government, could win contracts on a global basis.
You know, these are globalists and league with government, you know, and companies and league with government.
You know, that was just really going on.
It's about a little overreach and stretch and use the apparatus that you and I paid for.
To further the cause of things that maybe aren't our cause.
So, you know, in that, there's a little bit of whiplash, backlash, and, you know, that's 2002.
That's a long time ago.
You know, those listening to the broadcast right now in their 30s were, you know, 12.
I mean, come on.
Think about this.
When these things happened, that was sort of the beginning of the stripping away, and it gets lost multi-generationally.
And, you know, you take
Thank you.
And in curiosity and energy, boy, you have some things going for you.
That's really the next revolution.
And you know, when we come in after the break, I want to talk about that whole thought.
But whistleblowing was becoming the issue and there was a need for it.
You know, and everyone saw it because of all the things going on within government and how sophisticated government had become.
And so there were some efforts to do that.
And the parliamentarians that were leading the charge at the time,
Their political careers ended abruptly in scandal.
And yeah, it was based on things they were doing that, you know, that people found objectionable.
But nonetheless, it took them out of the policymaking arena, which is too bad.
And, you know, and it is too bad because this is sort of how it works.
You know, data is collected on everyone.
And eventually, if you're saying the wrong things,
You know, whether it's true or not, you know, things start getting thrown out there and discrediting you like we've seen with Alex and others.
This is common and you get in the position of being defensive.
I don't believe in that because, you know.
You can throw mud all the time.
I've seen it.
I have three generations of political family.
That's why I'm not doing it right now.
If I'm going to have mud thrown at me, at least get a chance to stick to the issues that I think are important to me.
And that's one of the things I want to talk about, you know, because there's a lot of expectations on the part of listeners.
That we should cover everything and be experts on everything and render opinions on everything.
And when you're in the public rendering a thought or an opinion, you take it seriously because we influence others.
We don't just render opinions because we think we're entitled to it.
Not without a factual background, not without good information.
That's what InfoWars.
It's the facts, the information, the power that comes from information, not propaganda.
We're going to be back after these brief messages.
Remember to support InfoWars and listen carefully to what's being broadcast.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Vagic.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back, and I appreciate being here today on this fourth hour of Friday afternoon.
Next week, I'm going to be in Austin and doing some work with the guys down there.
I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm going to try and get some long play stuff recorded.
We've been talking about that and see if we can get some time to do that while I'm down there on some of these issues and get that posted up.
Uh, on InfoWars.
You know, when I think about all of the things hitting us right now, I want to go back to the whole whistleblowing, um, idea and what was happening then and, you know, more than 20 years ago.
Was this idea that government had gotten so big that there needed to be a sort of a way to look in, but not just government, but also private enterprise because of the alliance that Eisenhower, again referenced in the last segment, warned about, you know, the military-industrial complex and what would come of that and the technocracy that would grow from that, which has in fact happened.
And you can look at later writers in the early 70s, the insider
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who later formed the Trilateral Commission, was National Security Advisor.
Jimmy Carter wrote the book.
Between two ages, which was all about this, you know, this technocracy and what was coming and how the various types of economic experiments, socialism would collapse and be replaced and a market economy would grow and the shift to Asia.
I mean, all of it, the political, the economic, the technical, all of it was predicted there.
And when you think about that now laying over the privacy components,
We're good.
Multigenerational history, which is kind of where I left off.
So I've been thinking, you know, after three generations of government, a lot of work, my personally around the world and thinking about a lot of different things and reading a lot, you know, and sometimes people criticize us because we're not hitting their issue.
And recently someone asked me, you know, on another broadcast where I was a guest,
Why do you do Alex Jones?
Why are you on with Alex Jones?
I said, because Alex Jones has been my friend.
Well, this is a new thing for you, right?
I said, no, I've known Alex since he first started.
You know, we started around the same time, within a year or so of each other, almost a quarter of a century ago, and we've worked together a long time.
And, well, you don't always agree with Alex.
I said, well, I don't always agree with my mother either, you know, but I still, uh,
I don't think so.
But the point of the matter is Alex and I share this vision of changing the world and the globalists don't share that vision because our vision is it comes from individuals.
It comes out of the heart of who we are as created human beings.
You know, fundamentally that's where we're at, where we join and lock arms because we recognize to change the world is to be in it.
And not in it in the sense of being absorbed by it and a reflection of it, but
Hey, you want to do something here?
You're only here a short time between stops in eternity, so to speak, and you might as well make the best of it and do it well.
As well as you can anyway, as well as you can consciously do it, you know, and I think that's what Alex does, that's what I do, that's what listeners do when they support the network and do what you do in the world, you know, because there's a lot of spheres of influence you never know.
Who a broadcast touches, you know, what words you say that influence others.
And I had this discussion with someone recently about purpose versus meaning.
You know, there's a big difference.
Purpose means you got to have a plan and a layout and a bunch of judgments and transactions and interactions.
Meaning is different.
It's just you have to do what you believe to be right and true right now, not some future time following some future script that hasn't materialized yet.
Right now.
And on that vein, you know, Assange has been arrested.
He's on his way to being extradited potentially to the U.S.
That's probably going to happen.
Now's a good time, if you believe in free press, because that's really what this is more about.
I don't
Pick up the phone when you get a chance, not during the break, because there's important information during our breaks.
Wait until after the program is over for the day, but call 202-224-3121.
I'm going to say it again really slow.
That's your congressman, your U.S.
Capitol switchboard.
It doesn't plug you into any U.S.
Senator or any House member.
And you call that number, 202-224-3121.
And what happens is, you get to at least leave a message.
And this is what I'm calling it.
This is a little effort.
Call it kind calls.
In other words, don't be angry, don't be mad, don't vent all your anger at these guys.
Do the ops.
Use a soft voice and tell them why you think Asajj should be pardoned.
Might be considered maybe even doing the service of the press that hasn't been done by the mainstream in quite a while.
That's only done by the alternative these days, and it's too bad.
So if you believe that, make the call.
If you don't believe it, I guess make the call too, because I gave you the number as well.
But at least weigh in.
You know, at least have something to say that matters, and you can do that.
It's virtually a free call on your cell phone in the 21st century.
And if you do it, and a bunch of people do it, you plug the switchboard lines, it becomes a big issue, and then it becomes a piece of news that's worth talking about, at least.
People care about this issue, and you can't just blank it out in a news blip for 30 seconds and move on to the next story and forget about this guy.
I don't think we should forget about this guy.
Our allies should remember him.
You know, a lot of the stuff that got released told them that their phone lines were being tapped.
Americans should be, you know, concerned because in our name, felonious felonies around the world were being conducted from kidnapping, torture, you know.
A bunch of things without due process.
A lot of phone tapping, acquiring information, kicking in your digital doorway.
All in the name of the Republic, but more importantly in yours and my name.
The citizenry under who this Republic theoretically at least gains its power and authority.
And the opposite has happened.
It's gaining its power and authority more and more.
From a technocracy of globalist corporations and people with a very, very different vision than the one you and I share.
And so whistleblowing needs to happen.
You know, the Freedom of Information Act that pierces the veil, theoretically, every once in a while yields some nugget, you know, but the way they avoid it is under what's called non-published material.
You know, you put that on the title and somehow that makes it disappear, you know, like a little kid when they're too close in their eyes and thinking the world evaporates.
You know, get real.
But this is what the government does.
I've got one of these.
They're called technical reports and they got all kinds of pretty
Thank you for joining us.
It's not the domain.
That we're creating the image and likeness of God.
Respect is demanded from that, a very different kind than what we're seeing played out today.
InfoWars is a different kind of network.
You know, we're going to be back after a few brief messages.
Support the network.
Support InfoWars.
Support Alex Jones and the mission that we are all on.
This is Dr. Nick Begich on this Friday afternoon.
We'll be right back after these brief messages.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
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And the globalists understand that.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand?
I'm ringing the alarm.
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear of the Zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family,
I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back, and I'm really happy to be here again this Friday afternoon in Alaska.
It's Friday morning, actually.
Still, you know, it's interesting, you know, when you think about all the things going on in the world right now, whistleblower, the idea that you can
You know, more times than not, be correct when you're careful and you construct that carefully.
And I was talking before the break about opinions.
You know, I had a correspondence recently with three young people that sent me, to grab my attention, an image of their library.
It was a big file, probably 3,000 books, you know, for me to take them seriously.
And I always do, you know, take these kind of inquiries.
Very good.
Between sort of moving your way into the world and doing some things in it or expecting it to do it for you.
And this was my kind of observation.
I think about how I started, how Alex started.
Alex started in public access TV.
You know, no one's paying you for any of this work.
No one was paying me either.
In fact, no publisher would touch my original work.
It was published through a publishing organization I created.
And, you know, the thing about it all is, information, getting it printed and documented and getting it out there, what eventually happened, a lot of my stuff did go mainstream.
And it did because the story kind of caught up with the research, you know?
And some of the things I wrote about 20 years ago, you read things in the paper today that are, you know, like it's a brand new story.
And, you know, the same with Alex.
Sometimes we're wrong, not very often, but sometimes we are, because when you're on the edge of information, you get that way.
But the young guys said to me, well, you should have said more about this and that, and the issues that I didn't comment on and went to their program were UFOs and extraterrestrials and aliens, right?
Because I don't know anything about them.
You know, I mean, I've never seen any, none of my family members.
But I have, in my history, I've been a keynote speaker at the UFO Congress, one of the biggest congresses in the world on multiple occasions, and I talk about technology, which I find interesting, but they find it interesting too.
They wouldn't keep inviting me over the years, but I don't know a thing about UFOs, and so I don't talk about them generally, more than what I just said right now.
Um, when you think about sort of all the subjects in the world, there's a gazillion of them.
And some people are angry I don't get enough on one or the other.
And they do that with Alex, too.
It's, hey, you didn't say enough about Israel or Zionism or the Palestinians or whatever.
Well, I'm not an expert on those.
And they go, well, you should have an opinion.
Well, my opinion...
If it's not factually based, it should never be used in a public broadcast.
I mean, come on, how irresponsible is that?
Opinion-based nonsense.
It's called an editorial.
I'm not doing editorials.
I do fact-based information, like Alex and like the rest of this network.
You know, we drive it with information, not with opinion and a bunch of emotion, although that gets wrapped up occasionally, too.
But it's fact-driven.
It's always fact-driven, and that's the important aspect of what we do and the responsibility that goes with it.
And sometimes that's missed on people because you, as the viewing public, have a right to comment on everything without any restriction, without any information, however you wish.
That's the
Free market of information and even people on broadcast side of the equation do the same and most of them do.
But I take it more seriously.
I think people in this network take it more seriously.
And so, you know, distinguishing the information, looking for the facts, that's what's important.
And I think back on the big junctures in history and why multi-generational knowledge is important.
One of my brothers, Tom, who's a state senator, he did his master's thesis on this concept, and he had a degree in journalism and recording engineering and a bunch of other things, and history and economics and philosophy and on and on.
But Tom's thing was looking at things through the lens of
Discourse and commentary and what really distinguishes you know people around the world and having an opportunity to have that dialogue that's what's being lost in so much of this whether it's the technocracy through corporations making themselves as strong and as powerful as sovereign living souls
Think about that.
I mean, how much do they dominate and control elections today?
Which is really our elections, you know, yours and mine, not corporate America.
They don't get to vote.
They don't get to go in there and pull the lever.
They don't get to do any of that.
We do.
They shouldn't be having such a powerful influence on that lever without allowing everyone else's voice to be heard, whether it's we like it or not, whether it's totally opinion based or not, whether it's our standard or not.
Because that's what has to happen within a democratic republic or anything that deals with the true divinity of human beings.
Respect enough to allow that.
And if you don't like what you're hearing, even easier today than ever before because the town square is the switch of a channel.
No longer trying to get out of sound range of literal town square.
So I think, you know, the democracy, the republic has potential of doing something quite unique.
If it's properly protected, just like your digital doorway should be protected the same as your home doorway in terms of privacy.
When we talk about the concepts, think back, when I think back on Watergate and the Pentagon Papers as an example.
I was alive then.
I was a teenager then, but my dad was in the U.S.
Congress when all that was going on.
When the Church Committee was meeting, you know, all of these things were going on, dealing with abuses, the CIA and the FBI and all of it.
And it broke shortly after my dad's disappearance, the disappearance of
Hale Boggs, the House Majority Leader, in this conspiracy that would never have been known had it not been for journalism.
You know, penetrating the Nixon administration, which was pretty draconian.
You know, I can tell you.
What was happening under Hoover as FBI director was pretty awful in terms of what most people think of.
The experimentation on human beings going back many presidents, both parties, for decades, all of it, you know, disgusting.
And much of it still not released to the public here 50, 60 years later.
This is fundamentally wrong.
And so when you think about Assange in this century being the whistleblower, what did he blow?
What really came out of all that?
You can think of Chelsea Manning's thing or whatever his name is, her name is, its name is.
You know, the fact is that that person was pardoned.
People doing more heinous things than reporting the news.
Because I think when it's all distilled down, if Assange hacked in through some security gate in some way that's illegal, okay.
Let's look at that, I suppose.
But let's be careful about that as well.
If he used information that was provided by him by somebody who's already been pardoned by Obama, for God's sake.
What are we going to do prosecuting this guy?
You know, I mean, I believe Assange is a hero.
That there should be tools for the average person to report abuses.
Because what came out of all this was the idea that we were tapping all of our allies' phones.
That we were abusing these very systems put in place against our own people.
We were torturing and kidnapping people.
You know, these things that came out of whistleblowing in the last couple decades.
Before that, it was backing revolutions in foreign countries that we still do.
We call it now regime change instead.
We give it nice names, but the thing is the same, you know.
And whistleblowing in the free press is part of it.
You know, no one gave anybody any plans to build nuclear weapons here, but having an idea to talk about those nuclear weapons belongs in the public domain.
Whether we use our military forces in a semi-legal way, or our central intelligence in a semi-legal way, or a moral way, you know, we're entitled to know that as the American public.
This is our government.
Belongs to us.
So claim it back.
I want to give that phone number for the U.S.
Capitol switchboard.
But this is called kind calls.
Kind calls.
Not mean calls, not angry calls.
Kind calls to your U.S.
Senator or Congressman.
And be an activist on a Friday afternoon.
And plug up the Capitol switchboard Friday afternoon.
Why not?
Or make a note of the number and call it every once in a while when you care about something.
Keep it handy.
Post it next to your telephone.
If you still have a telephone, hook to a wall.
You know, this network is important for information.
I've talked more about sort of the whole thing about whistleblowing and news and how it ought to work today.
Not so much hard news, but the way of looking at the world and addressing some of it.
Think about those that are blowing the whistle.
Let's protect them as they protect our democracy and our republic.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
This is InfoWars, and we're in the middle of it.
And we'll be back next time.
Thanks for supporting us.
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