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Filename: 20190411_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 11, 2019
3056 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Julian Assange's arrest, arguing that whistleblowers are often punished while those who committed the crime remain free. He also criticizes WikiLeaks' claim of exposing government crimes and talks about internet censorship and globalist conspiracies. The video also investigates the ongoing investigation into former Obama administration officials involved in a "deep state" coup against Trump, accusing them of being part of a covert network undermining his presidency, and predicting that the Mueller report will reveal more details. He criticizes media for downplaying these individuals' involvement and calls for restoring FISA court integrity.

Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Coming up, we have Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
Of course, you've probably seen the news now.
It's at the top of drudge.
A lot of people
I've picked up the fact that this morning, I've been talking about this all morning on my show, The David and I Show, that begins at 8 o'clock Central Time.
I'm going to be back later in this hour, but coming up in the next segment will be Paul Joseph Watson, and then Alex Jones will have a report following Paul.
But of course the big news is the arrest of Julian Assange, and as I tweeted out this morning, we now have free speech literally in handcuffs.
And it is a betrayal of everything that the West stands for.
Dissent is no longer allowed.
Truth is punished.
Corruption is rewarded.
Democracy is being shut down.
We just had Theresa May announce that they have delayed Brexit now.
They had a hard date that was going to be this Friday, but now they have delayed Brexit until, just arbitrarily doing it, until Halloween, until she can work out more of a deal, or until people get tired of this.
And move on to something else.
And that's really what's been going on with Julian Assange for a long time.
He's been there for seven years.
They kind of left him alone a little bit.
You know, just kind of dithered like they're doing with Brexit.
Then you had Hollywood come in and do a hit piece on him, assassinate his character.
And you had the late night talk shows hosts like John Oliver and others also doing that.
And after they let that run for a while and then, you know, things got really dangerous with him because he helped to expose the lies of Hillary Clinton.
And then it got to the point where he exposed the lies a year ago when they tried to run the latest annual false flag to try to get us involved in Syria, including then they had to up the ante because they'd already done it two times prior to that.
They had to up the ante to coming up with a fake terror attack
And so he got shut down there at the embassy, but then the real crime, I think, that helped to move this action along was that he exposed the criminal actions of the current president of Ecuador.
So all these things combined together, but make no mistake about it folks, this is coming from the same people who did an attempted coup against President Trump.
The dirty cops.
The intelligence community.
The same people that worked in conjunction between the CIA, Langley, and London.
These same people are the ones who got Julian Assange arrested, who want to try to get him extradited to the United States.
This is something that is about overturning democracy, just like we see with Brexit, just like they tried to do with President Trump in our election.
But folks, if they are allowed to overturn the principle of free speech, then there will be no free elections at any point in the future.
And we've seen how they have done this with the organizations that they funded and created, like Facebook and Twitter and all these social media companies.
On this day, as we've got the Chinese government going around and arresting people and putting them in concentration camps if they're found with Facebook on their phone, because that escapes their great firewall.
Just as they are doing that type of thing, you've got Apple and Tim Cook saying that Apple Music will shut down any songs about Tiananmen Square.
That is the partnership.
This global partnership.
It is a global move of tyranny.
The move against free speech is metastasizing very rapidly.
It's like a very fast spreading cancer.
And President Trump needs to come out against these guys.
Yeah, it's good if he gets Brennan and Clapper, but he's going to have to go much deeper, much broader against this dark global government that is already in place.
And that includes the United States Intelligence Agency, allied with the British, the Australians, New Zealanders and the Canadians, the Five Eyes Movement.
Those people are conspiring together, working with the globalists to help to enable China.
They're going to bring that same pattern of censorship and population control to us.
And we cannot allow this to continue.
We cannot allow it to stand.
All right, stay with us.
Paul Joseph Watson, then Alex Jones, and I'll be back later on in the hour.
We'll be right back.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are live on this live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm here just for this segment to go over the latest Julian Assange news which obviously David has been talking about at length.
New developments since his arrest obviously this morning at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
Axios reports Julian Assange charged by US with conspiracy to hack government computer.
So now they're basically trying to get around this idea that he was arrested for journalism, which he was.
If you zoom out and look at the bigger picture, this is basically the culmination of a one decade plus almost revenge campaign by the deep state against Wikileaks against Julian Assange.
But now they're claiming, because he encouraged Chelsea Manning to collect information from hacking a computer, which again, punish the leaker, don't punish the publisher.
That's why this sets such a nightmare precedent for freedom of the press, because they're punishing the publisher, the journalist, in this entire scenario.
Of course that causes no concern whatsoever to the mainstream media,
Because they're never going to get into trouble for that because they never criticize the deep state.
In fact, they parrot the deep state at every available opportunity.
And to that point, the ACLU wrote earlier today, quote, the ACLU actually being good on an issue for a change.
Any prosecution by the United States of Mr Assange for WikiLeaks publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations.
The reason other news organizations aren't concerned about that, and the reason they're celebrating and applauding the arrest of Assange, is because those news organizations aren't interested in telling the truth.
They don't only ignore the crimes of the deep state, they parrot their talking points on a regular basis.
So that's why the likes of CNN, MSNBC and others are not concerned about the impact on freedom of the press, on freedom of speech.
Because again, they're never going to take that risk of publishing information.
Which offends or criticizes the Deep State.
As you see, the only time when the left, the establishment left, gets fully behind any action by the Trump administration is when it serves the interests of the Deep State.
It happened with Syria twice during those two instances of military interventionism by the Trump administration.
Again, going against what Trump ran on.
Those were the only times when the likes of Rachel Manow, anyone at CNN, anyone at MSNBC actually supported Donald Trump and his administration when it served the interest of the deep state.
You've also got
The wider perspective of this happening in the United Kingdom, obviously, he wasn't just arrested for skipping bail back in 2012.
Now we have learned, and it's now official, that he was arrested because he is about to be extradited to the United States of America, where he could disappear into a black hole for the rest of eternity.
So you have a situation in the United Kingdom where it's literally a country that ignores and eventually looks like it will annul the result of the Democratic vote with Brexit, which still hasn't happened and there's been yet another delay.
They've kicked the can down the road now to the end of October.
We were supposed to leave the European Union based on the Democratic vote that we had nearly three years ago.
We were supposed to leave the European Union at the end of last month.
At the earliest, that's probably not going to happen until the end of October, if it happens at all, because they're just going to keep on kicking the can down the road.
So we have a country that ignores the results of democratic votes, and we have a country that arrests journalists and whistleblowers in the case of Julian Assange.
In other words, it's not a free country.
You also have the point
Donald Trump's just tweeted about Brexit, which we just flashed up there, so at least he's on the offensive on that.
We also have the point that most of the people celebrating, justifying the arrest of Julian Assange today are the exact same people who blathered hysterically about Russian collusion for the past two plus years and were proven spectacularly wrong.
These were the same people that claimed the Trump administration was protecting Julian Assange from extradition because, again, he was part of this grand conspiracy with Russia to hack into and release the pedestrian emails, no evidence for which existed for that.
So again, they wanted their cake and they wanted to eat it.
They said that Assange was part of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy.
Now Assange, having not been extradited under Obama for years and years, has been extradited basically on the orders of the Trump administration, or at least the deep state which stands behind it.
So what is it to be?
They've been proven spectacularly the wrong time and time again about Russian collusion for the past two years plus.
Now they're celebrating and justifying with legalese Julian Assange's arrest and we're supposed to trust their judgment.
No, I'm not going to trust their judgment.
Of course the reason most people on the left who have been infected by Trump derangement syndrome are celebrating and cheering Assange's arrest for the crime of doing journalism is because they're still butthurt about the election
Two and a half years later, they're still butthurt about Hillary Clinton losing, they still blame Julian Assange for his defeat.
So all concerns about freedom of the press, about journalists being arrested and extradited and potentially tortured and put in a hole for releasing truthful information, goes out of the window, because again, Trump Derangement Syndrome eliminates all reason.
In fact, Michael Tracy tweeted this earlier, one of the few honest people on the left with principles,
He said he cannot adequately express his burning contempt for media hacks and Twitter charlatans who spent three years pretending to care about Trump's attacks on press freedom, by which they mostly meant his sarcastic quips to Jim Acosta, but cheer the arrest of Assange.
Of course, that's the narrative we've had for the past two years plus.
Democracy dies in darkness.
Trump is assaulting the free press by being mean to Jim Acosta.
Oh, but when an actual journalist gets arrested and faces torture,
And face us being in a hole for the rest of eternity, the rest of his life.
No, that's just fine, because Hillary Clinton.
Again, they've got no principles whatsoever.
You've got Malcolm Dance over at MSNBC applauding.
With literal hand claps in his tweet, the arrest of a journalist.
Glenn Greenwald tweeted this, the security state agents for MSNBC cheering the Trump administration for arresting Assange because they're authoritarians who only pretend to care about press freedom when it advances their partisan interests.
This is what happens when news outlets merge with the US government.
But it's not just media outlets on the left that are applauding this.
Basically, apart from Judge Andrew Napolitano, who rightly called Assange a hero and said that this was trumped up, phony and ridiculous, Fox News, for the past four or five hours, has had commentator after commentator trotted out, cheering this arrest once again.
So again, they have no principles whatsoever.
As soon as WikiLeaks and Julian Assange is not useful to their partisan agenda anymore, on the right, they dump him.
In fact, there was one Fox News commentator who was literally calling him a rapist, even though those charges were completely dismissed, lying about him from wall to wall.
The Daily Caller, and whether this was some idiot staffer who's going to be fired or whatever, or whether they're going to delete the tweet, they haven't deleted it yet, they basically made a big joke about it and said that Julian Assange, because he did look like a prisoner of war, because he's been mistreated, his health concerns haven't been
Attended to for the past seven years, he's barely seen sunlight.
They were joking about him not knowing what year it was.
And now they're getting ratioed on Twitter for that incredibly dumb tweet.
Hopefully it was just some idiot staffer, but if that is the position of the Daily Caller, then I've lost all respect for the Daily Caller.
Because like Fox News, like NBC, they also have no consistent principles.
So in summary Assange exposed the war crimes committed at the behest of neocon warmongers.
It was those war crimes, it was the deliberate targeting of journalists in Iraq and other countries that harmed America's reputation, not WikiLeaks.
Now the exposure of those war crimes was perfectly in line with the non-interventionist, non-military adventurism, America first policy that Trump first ran on.
So now the only conclusion, and this from what I've seen on Twitter,
And elsewhere is the consensus opinion amongst Trump's base is that Trump must now pardon Julian Assange.
Will Trump side with the deep state that has sought to sabotage and undermine his presidency for the past two years plus?
Or will he side with his base, his supporters, and pardon Julian Assange and do the right thing?
That's going to wrap it up for this segment.
David Knight will be back in the next.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm picking up a fake transmission.
I think it's Alex Jones.
But here's the good news, chumps!
You think you're gonna assassinate Trump?
Shut down the internet, hate him, and bully a bunch of us into going along with you?
I'd like to reserve our hearts and our lungs for being willing to have a fight.
Wanting one at this point.
And only the dumbest morons buy into your SJW globalist George Soros droppings.
George Soros.
Emergency reserve.
Hillary Clinton and the New World Order and Michael Moore.
Go back to Haiti where you came from.
We're awake, and you're not putting us back in the coma!
You got that, Jack?
You're done!
It's over, worldwide!
Get him back!
Get him back!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
I will tell you this, Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
Let's see if that happens.
That'll be next.
Yes, sir.
Aging a lot more than seven years, looking like a hermit who's been locked up for most of their life in solitary confinement, a defiant
Julian Assange was carried from the Ecuadorian embassy where he's been for more than seven years into a waiting government black bag van where he then disappeared so that the UK government can extradite this hero to the United States.
Seven years of solitary confinement for exposing the giant illegal surveillance state that the deep state has been using to dominate and control the American people.
Not giving up U.S.
secrets that hurt any of our real operations, no, but exposing the treason of the Democratic Party working with Communist China and others to surveil and spy on the American people.
Now, let's remember something.
I'll play the clip in a moment.
President Trump famously, about four months before the election in 2016, said, I don't know who has the rest of Hillary's 30,000 emails.
But that's not the issue.
It's the fact that she had them illegally on a server, and that she was letting other governments get onto that server.
So I don't care who has the emails, whether it's Russia.
If Russia's got them, release them.
He's absolutely right.
She's committed the crime.
She's been exposed, and so she now needs to get in trouble.
But instead, she's a member of the establishment like Clapper and Brennan and all the rest of them, who illegally spied on the Trump campaign, then lied to Congress about it, while the whole time illegally leaking the twisted classified information.
Something they accuse Assange of doing.
If you look at the compendium of what Julian Assange has done and what WikiLeaks has done since then, it's been a clearinghouse for intelligence agents and others in our own government that are upset about Vault 7 and all the other incredible revelations that have come out of the CIA planting things on people's computers, of the government trying to create race wars, of all the things we see carried out every day on CNN.
Wikileaks gave us a backstage pass to see what the swamp was up to and we owe much of the freedom this country is now beginning to enjoy and the criminal referrals of the deep state that Congressman Nunes has put forward and Trump openly talking about how there need to be indictments and criminal charges against the people that tried to engage in a coup against the president and against the people.
So yes, President Trump must, must give Julian Assange a pardon.
The grand jury that we know indicted him years ago and the courts need to absolutely reconsider what they've done because you can't have a president saying,
I don't care who's got the emails.
I don't care who's got the evidence of criminal activity.
It's basic whistleblowing to override the system when the system's using secrecy to expand their criminal operations.
The checks and balances out there are brave men and women that will release information.
Like Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.
The government knew Vietnam was lost.
They knew we weren't allowed to win it.
And it was Daniel Ellsberg releasing that information that allowed that war to come to an end.
And of course he did it with authorization of large sectors of the intelligence community.
Just like in the last 10 years, Assange has done the same thing.
The truth is, the leaks aren't coming from the Russians, ladies and gentlemen.
They're coming from people inside our own government that are patriots.
William Benny, technical head of the NSA, he never leaked information to the public.
No, he simply went and testified secretly to Congress, legally and lawfully.
They SWAT teamed him.
They poisoned him.
He lost his legs.
And the list goes.
On and on and on.
Mr. Drake and so many others are heroes and we should realize that and understand that.
And everyone that's taken action against the deep state and spoken out against the Clintons and their crime syndicate are heroes as well.
All of you listeners that have spoken out and spread the word at church and school and work and in the streets who've been persecuted and yelled at and in some cases fired.
You are not victims.
You are targets because you're effective.
You're telling the truth.
You are active in this country, in this world, making it a better place.
So I'll say it again.
Julian Assange is a hero by every yardstick.
And I know that the, quote, intelligence communities are worried about illegal leaks in the future if we hold up leakers as heroes.
But the truth is, each leaker will be judged according to what it is they brought forward.
Were they just a leaker for political gain or power or money?
Or were they people that had a conscience?
And knew that what was going on was wrong, and stepped up to the plate to make the world a more open, free society.
Because the real crime is the deep state and big tech working together with the chi-coms and others, and Google disrespecting our government and our people and our Pentagon so much that it's openly moved to China and thrown its lot in with them.
These authoritarians don't respect us, ladies and gentlemen, because they've used our open, free society to burrow in and destroy us from within.
And if we persecute the heroes in our society to do the right thing, we don't deserve to be a free nation.
We don't deserve to call ourselves Americans.
President Trump has no choice.
And we've seen mixed signals out of his lawyers and others, some arguing that Assange is a hero, some arguing that Assange is a criminal.
And if Trump listens to the neocons, they'll throw
The key away after that door slammed back on Julian Assange.
But President Trump could easily look at the case, point out that almost all of it was actually legitimate whistleblowing, point out that it wasn't criminal leaking, and then find a few areas that perhaps shouldn't have been released and say time served.
Assange has already spent more time in prison than Bradley Manning.
Chelsea Manning.
And again, it's time that he be released and given the hero's welcome he deserves.
Trump doesn't have a choice.
If Trump doesn't do this, how will anybody else in the future know that they do the right thing and already go through hell?
The good people, good men and women, won't stand with him.
The good news is, despite he's really aged and looks like a hermit, the man from the high tower, the man put in solitary confinement, the man of, well, really, solitude, Julian Assange, was defiant and was speaking out.
And if you listen as he shoved the van, he's talking about Trump.
Julian Assange did not want to be an island unto himself, but he's been made that.
He's already been in prison.
It's time we let him out.
Back to David Knight, Owen Schroer, NOI Broadcast.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently... It's Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
It always comes to mind.
Your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
The audio technical crew at InfoWars has slowed down the audio and attempted to isolate it as best we can.
And with about 95% certainty, you can hear Julian Assange repeating over and over again, resist the Trump administration.
The UK must resist.
And then he either says he's being shoved in the van.
Is this what the Trump administration has come to?
Or the Trump administration must be resisted.
It's not exactly clear.
But he's obviously saying resist and talking about the Trump administration.
So one of Trump's biggest allies.
A darling of the leftist press when he was exposing George W. Bush is now facing extradition to the United States after seven years of self-imposed solitary confinement.
Let's go ahead and play that audio at regular speed and then slow it down and then David Nye will be able to comment on it.
Then I'm coming back in the next hour.
Remember 2017?
CNN said that the source that Trump was using, that he was being illegally spied on, and that illegal data was used to get FISA warrants, was Alex Jones and Infowars.com.
Well, turns out as usual, we're right.
So, it's next year's news today.
That's coming up at the start of the next hour.
Now back to this audio, video, and David Knight.
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
UK must resist!
Alright, welcome back.
I'm David Knight here in the studio.
You just heard Alex Jones commenting on the arrest of Julian Assange and I've been commenting on that all morning.
It's absolutely amazing to me to see this happening because as we understand and have been watching this for years, you understand that what Julian Assange did with both the leaks that came from Manning as well as with other things that have happened in the interim, what he did was no different
Then what was done, going back to the Pentagon Papers, what the Hollywood establishment, after doing a character assassination on Julian Assange while he was in the embassy, they patted themselves on the back, in the movie done by Steven Spielberg called The Post, they talked about the Washington Post, they talked about the New York Times, they were handed information from a whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg,
They published classified information.
And at the time, we had an American government that respected the First Amendment and the freedom of the press.
They came after Daniel Ellsberg.
He got off on a technicality or whatever, but he did not go to jail.
Nevertheless, they said, we're not going to come after the press for publishing information that was turned over to them.
And that's precisely what WikiLeaks is doing.
The New York Times lawyer has come out and said, as such, said that that is a very dangerous precedent that is being established.
We understand that the U.S.
is behind this.
This is not something that's being done by the U.K.
This is not about bail.
This is not about Swedish rape.
That particular case was a lie, a honey trap.
That's the way these guys operate.
In the same way they did with the fake dossier with President Trump.
It is the CIA working with British intelligence, as they do, the Five Eyes, US, UK, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand intelligence, the Five Eyes, working together, conspiring together, this deep state, this broad state, this dark state, creating lies about people of the most salacious nature, projecting their perversions on other people.
They came out with that one month after the tapes that were released
With Manning's release of the data.
And so they've been coming after President Trump that entire time.
And so this is just the latest development and something's been rolling out for a long time.
But understand, as I said earlier today, we're seeing the attacks on free speech and free press metastasizing around the world and accelerating.
In both the frequency and in the severity of what's happening.
And now this latest attack against Julian Assange.
It's interesting to look at the response from the Guardian.
Always a servant of the establishment.
The UK Guardian now.
At one point, you know, they were being used to put out the Snowden papers.
But then evidently they've been turned and perhaps they were threatened.
I don't know.
But when we look at what the Guardian is saying, how Ecuador lost patience with house guest Julian Assange.
Are you kidding me?
Is this something that's being put out by the BBC or by the British government?
How Ecuador lost patience with their house guests?
What a bunch of nonsense and lies and spin from the Guardian.
It isn't about that at all, quite frankly.
You know, we had statements coming from Ecuador's president, Lenin Marino, saying that Assange was discourteous.
He was aggressive.
Well, is that what it's come to now?
We're no longer accusing people of being hateful or hate speech.
We now just say, well, you know, he's kind of rude.
And then putting out the statement saying, well, last year, you know, we had to revoke his internet access privileges.
He had poor hygiene habits.
You know, what he did was he exposed the money laundering of Ecuador's president by exposing the Panama Papers.
Not the Pentagon Papers, but the Panama Papers.
WikiLeaks has always told us the truth about the corrupt criminals running our government.
All of our governments.
And we need to have that.
That is part of a vibrant, open, free press.
If we go back to the case of Peter Zinger, he was put on trial for, was it libel or slander or whatever, I guess libel, because he had printed information about the then governor.
I said, no, that's going to be allowed.
We're going to be allowed to say things about the government, but that is no longer being honored by our Western governments now.
If you say things that are discourteous, aggressive, if you have poor hygiene habits, then we will shut you down.
No, the reason they shut him down was because he exposed the lies a year ago
About the false flag attacks that Nikki Haley and Theresa May were trying to use to get us involved in a greater extent in Syria.
A greater extent than we already secretly were.
That's now come out.
More than a dozen military bases there, four airfields, we had thousands of troops, who knows how many.
They never got authorization for these secret wars, but they kept trying to push us further and further in.
This was something that they had announced, they had decided, even before September 11th.
They decided that they were going to go through this list of countries.
Later, we were told what the list was.
And they're going right down the list.
After one country, after the other.
But it is the corruption of Moreno himself in Ecuador, as well as the pressure put on him by the UK.
And make no mistake about it, Pamela Anderson was absolutely correct.
She said the UK is America's bitch.
Theresa May is America's bitch, quite frankly.
Or, you can call her a witch.
She has now overthrown the election, the Brexit election, to Halloween, so yeah, maybe just call her a witch.
A little bit more polite, right?
Maybe not.
You know, Julian Assange talked about how the EU overthrew the election of Greece.
He said, here in the heart of democracy, where democracy was first practiced in Greece, the EU has thrown out the election.
And they put in a Goldman Sachs banker to rule over these people.
Well, now the UK has done the same thing for the EU.
You had the intelligence services that are now conspiring to lock up Julian Assange.
Tried to do the same thing to President Trump.
I'm glad that didn't happen.
But President Trump needs to not play along and try to appease these people.
He needs to go full and strong against this kind of censorship, this global dark government.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight on the Alex Jones Show.
Today we're talking about Julian Assange being arrested this morning.
Absolutely amazing.
As I tweeted out this morning, there are dark days ahead, folks.
This picture we see of Julian Assange being let out in handcuffs.
I really do believe this is going to be an iconic example of the tyranny of the 21st century in the same way that Tiananmen Square and the picture we have of that one individual standing up to the tanks is an iconic picture of the Chinese tyranny.
But the Chinese tyranny just keeps rolling, doesn't it?
We've got now reports that China is going around.
They find Facebook on the phone of people there in China because, you know, that's the way to get around the Great Firewall of China.
If they find Facebook on your phone, they just haul you off to the concentration camps.
And it's a little bit easier than that for them, quite frankly.
They've got their partnership.
With Apple and with other companies.
Tim Cook and Apple have said that they are going to take off of Apple Music.
They're going to take off or Apple Play, whatever they call their service that they've just rolled out.
They're going to ban any songs about Tiananmen Square.
How convenient!
All this is happening on the same day that Theresa May has shut down the Brexit election.
It was supposed to have a deadline of Friday.
She now says, the witch, says we're going to make that Halloween.
Not going to be a treat, it's going to be a trick.
And we've seen this trick running for a long time.
She has been the shill for both the EU as well as the US.
And these same people who work together in an attempted coup, as President Trump said, an attempted coup by dirty cops, it's an attempted coup not just by dirty cops, it's not just the FBI and the Department of Justice.
No, it's really coming from the intelligence services.
It's really the dark military-industrial complex and the intelligence services that are at the center of this.
Conspiring and working with people in the UK to contrive a false case against President Trump as they're doing against Julian Assange.
And then using the circular logic of saying we have a FISA court warrant and so forth, yeah, they concocted a bunch of fictitious, salacious sexual shenanigans about President Trump in the same way they did about Julian Assange, and they did it with Julian Assange a month after
The massive leak of information.
One of those pieces, which I've played over and over again on broadcast here at InfoWars, is the collateral damage piece, which shows the cold-blooded murder of people you could easily see weren't carrying weapons, but carrying cameras.
And then as they shot those people, they pulled back and waited until the ambulance arrived.
And then you can see them laughing about the fact that they're shooting up the ambulance.
That was very damaging.
It was also damaging what he exposed about Hillary Clinton.
And what he exposed, there's some of the clips about the collateral, what was it, collateral damage, or I forget exactly what the title of that was.
But that really got the military-industrial complex angry with Julian Assange.
And as we see the Guardian, they like to point out, oh, well, you know, we helped to publish some of these papers.
They helped to publish some of the Snowden leaks now, but they've now been turned, quite frankly.
Esther Adly, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You're the one that has your name here on this article.
How Ecuador lost patience with house guest Julian Assange.
Poor Ecuador.
Poor Ecuador.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with their president being caught as a corrupt criminal laundering money as part of the Pentagon Papers.
It has nothing to do with that.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Julian Assange exposed, along with us, we were talking about it at the same time, what Nikki Haley and Theresa May were trying to do.
The lies that they were trying to sell us.
The absurd lies about Novichok poisoning of Skripal.
Yeah, I had to do something different.
It was the third year that they had tried to concoct a narrative about gassing of civilians in Syria as Syria was winning.
They're going to come out and they're going to gas people.
And the first time they tried that, remember we pushed back very hard against that here at Infowars.
We had people in the armed forces holding up signs saying we are not going to be Al Qaeda's air force.
And eventually,
You had American intelligence joining with the UN, joining with Russian intelligence, saying, yeah, that wasn't something that came, that wasn't nerve gas, and it wasn't sarin gas, rather, at the time.
That was the gas of choice that they were putting out there.
So it wasn't sarin gas that was coming from the Syrian government.
But they kept trying to do that every year, so then the third year they decided they'd do something different.
They concocted a nonsense narrative about a nerve gas, Novichok,
That if true, I mean, it's eight times more potent than VX nerve gas that we have here in the United States.
As Putin laughed, he said, if it wasn't that, they'd all be dead.
There was a nurse, a doctor rather, female doctor, who worked for a half hour on Skripal and his daughter.
Said, oh, it looked like opioid poisoning or something, opioid overdose.
But if it had been Novichok, they would have died, she would have died.
But we've continued this absurd charade now for over a year.
They've played games with the house and all kinds of things like that.
No, it was not that.
As a matter of fact, when they finally, months later, when they finally did turn samples over to one of the few labs in the world that is allowed to do testing for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, they found a substance there that would be consistent with opioid-like symptoms.
It was, I think, a level 2.
Prohibition chemical weapon.
It wasn't number one like nerve gas or Novichok would be.
And then they said, and we found a pristine sample of Novichok in there as well.
Kind of throwing that out there for all of you who want to pay any attention that after months it would, a pristine non-degraded sample
of Novichok.
In other words, it was added.
It was added by these people.
And so, as we look at this, we've got the Guardian saying, how Ecuador lost patience with its house guest, Julian Assange, as he exposed, maybe, the crimes of their corrupt president.
They are very concerned.
WikiLeaks is.
They have a UN envoy on torture, talking about how they want to, they're concerned that revoking Assange's protection, and this is what they were saying before he was arrested,
We're good to go.
Our torturer-in-chief at the CIA, who was exposed by John Kiriakou.
Remember, when John Kiriakou exposed Gina Haspel's torture program, he went to jail.
None of the people who actually did the torturing went to jail.
No, it was the whistleblower who went to jail, just like they came after the whistleblowers at the NSA, William Binney, Thomas Drake, and others.
It's always the people who are telling us the truth that are going to jail, that are being purged off of the Internet.
And as I said, this is why this is such a dark and dangerous moment that we are entering in here.
Anybody who tells the truth about our corrupt criminals running our governments worldwide is at threat of either being taken out, de-platformed, banned, or going to jail.
Or being executed.
Or being tortured.
Gina Haspel was rewarded for what she did.
Much to the shame of President Trump.
I will never agree with that.
President Trump's done some good things, but he must not appease these tyrants.
Or you'll wind up being hung by them, President Trump.
I talked about that famous quote.
It's very important.
When the best of men rot in filthy jails, right?
And it's interesting because that quote, and I'll repeat that again, I told my audience this morning, that quote didn't come from the American Revolution.
It sounds like it, doesn't it?
But it actually came from a black aviator, one of the Tuskegee Airmen.
He said, I had three strikes against me.
He said, I was black, I was married, I only had one year of college, and they told me they weren't going to let me fly because I was black.
But he persisted.
It was important to him to fight for freedom.
And he did 48 missions.
And he didn't die until he was 92 in 2014.
It's very important that we understand that the fight for liberty goes on.
It didn't just happen in 1776.
And people like Hiram are a good example of this.
George Galloway is saying Julian Assange exposed great crimes and now a great crime has been committed against him.
He said the agent of this crime directly is Marino, but the ultimate purchaser
Is the United States.
That's correct.
It's the United States that's ultimately behind this.
And President Trump, the same elements that came against you, are using the same tactics against Julian Assange that they used against you.
And this is about more than overthrowing one election.
This is about overthrowing all future elections.
If we don't have a free speech, if we don't have liberty as individuals,
We won't have any future elections.
They will overthrow every election if they overthrow our free speech.
And make no doubt about it.
These people who came against you, President Trump, are the ones who are attacking our free speech everywhere on the internet.
The half measures that we've seen talked about, if at all, in Congress.
We had Ted Cruz yesterday play a clip to representatives on Twitter and Facebook.
He showed a meme, rather, of Mother Teresa.
Saying that abortion was a crime against women.
He said, now that's been treated as hate speech by some people, right?
Do you agree that's hate speech?
Put them on an uncomfortable position.
But I'm uncomfortable with the half measures that are being proposed even by the people that seem to notice internet censorship.
Most people don't even notice it in the Republican Party as it's being done against them.
Does President Trump see what's happening to him?
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been.
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family,
I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
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If you're gonna get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong, they don't give you the burpees, but krill oil is the best and it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm sorry, you want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic, it's so good, in my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
When I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed, I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Welcome back.
Yes, even though we were told last week, as Wikileaks, always telling us the truth, said we've had multiple high-level sources tell us that they're going to move against Julian Assange and remove him from the embassy.
A vigil was set up.
There were live streams that were set up at the embassy.
It did not happen over the weekend.
They kept saying, it isn't going to happen.
It's not true.
WikiLeaks is lying to you.
No, it was the Ecuadorian government that was lying to us.
It was the British government that was lying to us, as usual.
And so today, after they waited and after people went away, they took Julian Assange out.
And then they said, well, there's no U.S.
charges against him.
And now we find out that there are.
They had said before, Sweden has shut down the fake charges against him, and I believe that they are fake.
The timing is just too coincidental.
The method is just too coincidental.
Again, the same type of stuff that these people always run a honey pot trap against somebody, make up stuff like they did with President Trump and the Pee dossier.
And use the same people.
Use the CIA, use the people of British intelligence to put this stuff out there.
That came one month after WikiLeaks released the Manning documents and so forth.
And then they said, well, okay, it's just a small charge for jumping bail and going to Ecuador because they were going to extradite him to Sweden and he knew that that was going to be a short trip then from Sweden to the United States.
And so he got asylum in Ecuador, was there for seven years.
But they said, don't worry, we have dropped these charges in Sweden, so that doesn't exist.
There's no charges against you in the U.S.
And then as soon as they arrest him, they say, well, you know, we might bring those charges in Sweden back.
And then we see the more important charges that are being talked about by the AP.
WikiLeaks Assange arrested in London, and now U.S.
charges are unveiled.
How coincidental, isn't it?
Now these people, just like Theresa May and Nikki Haley,
The CIA, MI5, MI6, all these people working together, hand in glove, lying to us constantly, constantly, concealing their crimes and lying to us about everything.
In Washington, the U.S.
Justice Department, says AP, reports AP, accused Assange of conspiring with Manning to break into a classified government computer at the Pentagon.
The charge was announced after Assange was taken into custody.
It's very important for them to say that he conspired with Manning, in the same way that it is important for them to lie about what happened with the DNC papers.
We've had William Binney, an honest man, a good American, that's the name of the documentary about him, who exposed the criminal spying on America that was happening at the NSA.
He also said there was no government hacking, just as Wikileaks did.
Julian Assange said the information about Hillary Clinton and the DNC wasn't turned over to us by a foreign government.
It was turned over by people inside the DNC who were upset about how Hillary had rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders.
And there was a former UK ambassador who said, I went to the US to get that information handed to me.
William Binney did a technical analysis and said, if you look at the dates on these files that were eventually released, the start and the end date, end time that it took to transfer this, he said that couldn't have been hacked over the internet.
And he knows, because he was global technical head of the NSA for decades.
And so he said there's no technical, he's going to be on the show tomorrow I'm just told.
William Binney will be on the show tomorrow to talk about this.
Make sure you tune in and hear that.
He is a great American, he truly is, a good man.
Anyway, it's important for them however to sell the fiction.
That Julian Assange is allied with Russia.
It's also important for them to sell the fiction that he was conspiring with Manning.
Because otherwise, it's a replay, which it really is, of what happened with the Pentagon Papers.
Alright, coming up, we're going to have Alex Jones, and later in the broadcast, Owen Troyer will be back.
He will finish out the broadcast.
I'll also be back.
Stay with us.
Do you realize that when you spread the links from Infowars.com, when you spread the videos, you are changing the world?
It's you that has defeated Hillary and the globalists.
It is you, the Infowarriors, across the planet, that stood against the bullying, that stood against the peer pressure, that stood against the threats, that have now changed the world.
And that's why you've been on the team, supporting us, praying for us, and spreading the word.
You are the Infowar.
And now, because of their intensifying censorship, it's more important than ever
We are the renaissance.
And we are winning.
We're breaking the conditioning!
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It sounds like it's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if there were planned implosions.
It just pancaked.
They took the baby out of incubators and left the children to die on the count of five.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
He called it all fake news.
He denied everything.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
They can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
The White House and the President are citing Infowars.
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory.
We're living in astoundingly historical times.
A lot of really incredibly good things are happening.
Globalism is being exposed as a planetary corporate tyranny.
The fact that a scientific technocracy is targeting the family and the human system for extinction is now an open secret.
But the globalists are striking back against the free press.
Before they were arrogant and believed it didn't matter if there were outliers and voices in the wilderness exposing their program.
They thought the weight of corporate media would drown out those voices.
But now they know they failed.
And a sterling example of why they're now so afraid and see InfoWars as ground zero of where their defeat began is the fact that during the Trump campaign we knew that they were spying on the president because of the statements and the activities they were involved in and the leaks that we saw in the news and the moles
And the fact that this group, that represented the old Bush dynasty and the Clinton dynasty, was so ruthless and had been caught spying on their political enemies in Congress before.
Then, when the president, the Ken president-elect, Obama, through the New York Times, said, don't worry, we know he's a Russian agent, we were surveilling him, we're giving all the information to the media so they can stop him.
But of course, that really wasn't the truth.
They were illegally spying, they tried to set the President and his cohorts up, but it didn't work.
Then, in early 2017, we specifically named who was involved, the fake FISA warrants, that the orders came directly from Barack Obama to support Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, so that Hillary could get into power, cover up for Obama's crimes, and continue the globalist agenda of collapsing the United States into a one-world corporate tyranny.
It's important that out of the many broadcasts on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, that it's recognized that InfoWars was the first place with a major platform to specifically expose the illegal surveillance, the illegal FISA warrants, and more, and specifically call out the Deep State.
They doubled down and said, oh, Alex Jones is fake news.
He is the source of Trump believing he's been spied on.
And in truth,
That's CNN telling the truth, but they lied and said that I had made it up.
Which you now know specifically, we did not make it up.
With total precision from our sources and our research, we laid out exactly what had happened.
Here's a clip from CNN two years ago.
This bizarre circular thing happening where the president cites a theory that he was wiretapped, which developed on this kind of fringe right-wing media.
And then after his tweet storm, InfoWars then started saying, well, look, it was the New York Times that reported it, citing our story, misreading our story.
And now, a few weeks later, the White House and the president are citing
So they've got one kind of bizarre right-wing fringe theory to defend another bizarre right-wing fringe theory, both of which there's no evidence to support.
What else were we talking about two years ago, six years ago?
Communist China taking over Big Tech in Hollywood.
Google making deals with them to sell out the United States.
How 5G run by Chai-coms in Wapo would be used to surveil and control not just Americans but people all over the world.
Who first six years ago wrote articles at Infowars.com, Paul Joseph Watson, about the entire global social credit score that China was rolling out?
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Infowars is ground zero for the takedown of the globalists, and that's why we're so important.
We first exposed the TPP, the tyranny of the European Union, the open border replacement migration UN agenda to bring down Europe and the US borders, the illegal spying, the anti-family agenda.
There are plans to go after the Second Amendment directly.
All of it happened here, thanks to our research, your research, and our focus, your focus, and your support.
That's why, now more than ever, I need listeners to understand we've got to be here in the next phase of the fight that's going to be even more intense as we approach victory.
That's why we need your financial support today.
We need you to commit to go to infolaworestore.com, take advantage of this big sale, the Spring Super Sale, and get the high quality supplements, get t-shirts, get books, get films, get air filtration, get water filtration, get things you and your family already need, and sign up for AutoShip for things you're going to want to reorder but don't want to forget to do, like Wake Up America coffee, the protein bars, the fish oil, and other things like toothpaste that you're going to want to reorder.
Thank you all for making this operation possible.
Thank you to David Knight, all of the great crew, and everyone else, because without you we wouldn't be here.
But the reason they want us off air is not because we're fake news or that we're liars, but because we're real, we have an incredible track record, and we're dedicated to restoring this republic and the planet and having true free will.
I'm very proud of all of you.
Very proud of the work we've done.
And this is a very, very special time.
The globalists aren't going to give any of us credit.
So we have to celebrate our victories and the fact that we've been totally vindicated ourselves.
And I know you will.
Back to David Knight in the live broadcast.
Owen Schroer is at a pro-life demonstration.
And then he'll be back live joining us as well.
I'm back in Austin this afternoon and will be in studio this evening and tomorrow with a huge special Friday transmission with the former technical director of the NSA William Binney and others joining us to talk about the Assange situation and the fact that Trump needs to buck up and needs to pardon Mr. Assange.
Now back to David Knight and the vindicated Infowars live transmission.
Well, David Knight has signed off for the day.
Owen Schroer now in studio.
And if you are a viewer of the Alex Jones Show at InfoWars.com slash show, the last bastion where we're allowed, you can see I just got in studio.
I'm a little frazzled.
There's a little sweat on my brow.
My hair is a bit matted down.
That's because I did, as Alex say, just got back from a pro-abortion rally.
And, well, it was quite amazing.
What do you think?
Obviously I was busy this morning with this broadcast and the live stream that I did at the Planned Parenthood funding rally, so I don't know the details.
But on the surface of what I've known from researching last night and what I've briefly seen this morning, I actually think the fact that Assange is being extradited to the U.S.
is a good thing.
Because it gives Donald Trump the opportunity to do the right thing one time and free Julian Assange.
And if Trump is who we elected or who we thought we elected, that's exactly what he's going to do.
He's going to pardon Assange and he'll grant him asylum or some other situation.
But obviously people are worried.
And if Trump wants to either identify himself as a patriot that's not a part of the deep state or a deep state who's going to go with the D.C.
We want to know who he is?
The Julian Assange problem could be the answer to that question.
We'll have that and more on the other side.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer in studio now, taking over.
And I was at a pro-abortion rally earlier today.
And we're clipping out some of the highlights of this.
And we're going to air that as soon as that compilation is done.
But I haven't obviously had the time to go through all of the news today and disseminate and bring it to you in an eloquent manner.
So what I'm going to do is open up phone lines to talk about the Julian Assange situation, specifically what you think about it.
What you think Trump should do, or if you think Trump already has a plan, or if you think he's about to go sideways on Assange, or if you think he's about to deliver and pardon Assange and just totally move the ball forward against all these treasonous people.
Which, by the way, the president in the last 48 hours I think has referred to bureaucrats and politicians as treasonous three or four times now.
So that's some serious business right there.
Now let's see what happens with Assange.
And see if he doesn't hit a grand slam, or if he doesn't come up short.
But we're gonna take your calls.
See what you think is going on.
Specifically today.
What do you think the President should do with Julian Assange?
Or is going to do with Julian Assange?
Or do you think he's figured it out yet?
Or what do you think he's going to do?
The right thing is to pardon Assange, grant him asylum, or whatever he desires.
But you know, that same side though, I gotta say, even though I do think Julian Assange is a hero journalist, at the same time, if I was in Trump's shoes, I would ask something in return.
And I think you guys know what I'm thinking about.
I would say, Mr. Assange, you know what you've been charged with.
You know what the worst case scenario for you could be.
I don't want that to happen.
Here's the deal that I have for you right here.
But we're going to need to know some names.
We're going to need to know a couple of sources.
You give us those sources,
And we'll sign this deal.
You'll be free.
You can stay here as long as you want.
And we'll make sure you don't get extradited if that's what you desire.
I think that's... I think that's how this should go.
And I think that's fair.
Because you have to understand, in Trump's shoes, he is facing political pressure, whether we like it or not.
And that not only comes from the establishment that we fear and loathe so much, it comes from the principle matter that yes, this was American intelligence, these were Americans that got hacked or that were victims of this.
So at a certain level, as the President of the United States, you have a principle to act on that.
But again, justice is blind.
But I think that's a fair deal for Julian Assange, and I think everybody knows what I'm talking about.
Who gave them the DNC emails?
Not the Podesta hack.
Who was your source?
And if it was Seth Rich, now you know what needs to happen next, don't you?
Murder investigation.
Homicide team.
And all of a sudden, the floodgates open to a brand new can of worms.
So that's what I think should happen.
I really don't know.
I'm not even going to try to predict the President on this one.
But I'd love to talk about it with you.
Now, here's the deal, folks.
Alex has been on a work trip.
I'm in studio.
I've already done over an hour of live streaming this morning from this Planned Parenthood rally.
My hair has little hat hair, but I've decided to just roll with it and keep the hat that I wore to the Planned Parenthood rally on the desk here as a symbol.
We need to keep America great.
We need to drain the swamp.
We need to stop abortion.
And we need to pardon Assange.
I'm going to have to be broadcasting here on the Alex Jones Show for another hour plus, almost two hours.
But here's the deal.
And then I'm going to be hosting the War Room, which are my normal duties around here, from 3 to 6 p.m.
So I'm going to need some sustained energy.
So what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to take my InfoWars Life Turbo Force.
And I know when I take this, I'll have sustained energy for the rest of this broadcast and then for the war room.
But what I've discovered recently, because normally I just chug the stuff down like an energy shot and it's just like full steam ahead, immediate response.
But what I've discovered recently is when you mix it in with a warm
We're good to go.
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, when we get back, we're going to go to your phone calls, specifically
What do you think the President is going to do about Julian Assange?
What do you think the President should do about Julian Assange?
Or do you think something's already been worked out?
What do you think about my opinion?
We're going to start taking your phone calls on the other side.
And then, we're also going to have the highlight of me at the Planned Parenthood rally bullhorning the baby murderers.
And I have a feeling that this is one of those things where when I'm in live time, I don't even realize how powerful the footage is.
But I have a feeling that this is going to be good.
I'll give you a little teaser.
I got assaulted by a drag queen.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the InfoWar.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war against baby murderers.
It's Owen Schroer filling in for Alex Jones.
We're about to take your phone calls, but look.
We can't even get distracted.
Not that it's not a legitimate distraction to have, but...
What's happening with Julian Assange distracts us from the fact that the President of the United States... You know what?
Let me just cut it dry for you because I don't actually think I've heard anyone say this yet.
Speaking ambiguously, Donald Trump has accused multiple Americans of treason.
I'm gonna tell you exactly who he's talking about.
Barack Obama.
Donald Trump has said Barack Obama committed treason.
You understand?
Pretty big news, isn't it?
Pretty big deal, isn't it?
We told you all along.
So, the President of the United States has now called the former President of the United States treasonous.
He has now accused the former President of the United States of treason.
Yes, that's where we're at.
Barack Obama has been accused of treason.
By the President of the United States of America.
Welcome to the big leagues, big boy.
So first, you have William Barr with the Democrat, I forget her name, Sheehan.
She's like, wait a second.
Are you saying that there was spying going on?
And Barr's like, yes, there was spying going on.
Spying happened against Donald Trump.
And then she's like, wait a second, you're not allowed to say that.
I'm gonna give you an opportunity to walk that back.
You know you're not allowed to say that.
You're not allowed to talk bad about Obama.
So I'm gonna give you a chance to walk that back.
And then he's like, no, would you prefer I called it surveillance?
And she's just like, oh, what?
So here, this is like, again, the Julian Assange thing is legitimate, and it's important, but like, Donald Trump, the President of the United States, has just accused the previous President of the United States of treason.
And it's all been confirmed on record.
Here's the Attorney General confirming what President Trump already knew, and then President Trump reaffirming that after Barr did it on the Hill.
I'm not just, I'm not talking about the FBI necessarily, but intelligence agencies more broadly.
So you're not, you're not suggesting though that spying occurred?
I don't, well, I guess you could, I think there was a spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
Well, let me... The question is whether it was predicated.
Adequately predicated.
And I'm not suggesting it wasn't adequately predicated, but I'd need to explore that.
I think it's my obligation.
Congress is usually very concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane, and I want to make sure that happened.
We have a lot of rules about that.
And this was an attempted coup.
This was an attempted takedown of a president.
And we beat them.
We beat them.
So the Mueller report, when they talk about obstruction,
We fight back, and you know why we fight back?
Because I knew how illegal this whole thing was, it was a scam.
And what I'm most interested in, excuse me, what I'm most interested in is getting started, hopefully the Attorney General, he mentioned it yesterday, he's doing a great job, getting started on going back
All right, so we're just gonna do a little...
I mean, we're just gonna do this on air because I don't want... But here's what we need to do.
We need to cut that clip, and we just did this in live time.
I'm just putting this command out live on air so that not only the crew gets it, but that the audience gets it too, because this is how important this is.
We just need to take that clip...
And boil it down so that it's like a 30 second to 60 second clip because that clip right now is about two minutes.
Most people can't even last 30 seconds on a clip.
Their ADD kicks in.
So what we need to do is boil it down to like 30 seconds or 60 seconds probably where it's Barr saying there was spying, there was spying, and then later he says there was surveillance.
You cut it up, it's like there was spying, there was spying, there was spying, and then you cut Trump in at the end
Where he just says, it was illegal, I knew it was illegal, now we're launching an investigation into them, it was treason.
And you just put that little 30 seconds to 60 seconds out there, we'll play it every segment, you put it on your Twitter feed, you put it on your Facebook feed, you put it on your YouTube feed, put it everywhere!
Republish, retweet, refeed, restream, repost!
Because, folks, I mean,
Do you really think that these people are gonna go down without a fight?
They didn't just commit treason in the public eye because they have nothing to hide.
Whatever it is they're afraid Trump's gonna uncover is much worse than treason!
That's why they committed treason to keep him out of office!
Do you think these people are gonna walk away without a fight?
So you better get ready!
And you better let the public know what's coming, folks.
Let them know we just had a treasonous president for eight years.
The next president's actually going to do something about it.
Get ready!
The Attorney General just announced they spied illegally.
Trump just announced they're launching an investigation into it.
We already know all the facts.
We already know all the details.
I mean, the gravity!
And most people have no clue what is even going on.
I mean, unbelievable.
So guys, and look, we're running 100 different ships here at once, but like, just dedicate a hand or two hands to that, whatever we gotta do to get that 60 seconds out.
We just need to boil it down to as precise and hard-hitting as possible so that other people will share it and that people won't lose interest after 10 seconds.
It needs to be Barr saying, spying, spying, spying, surveillance, and then Trump saying, it was illegal, we knew it was illegal, we're launching into the investigation of that, it was treason.
Put that out, 60 seconds, hardcore.
Everyone listening to this right now needs to share it and say, do you see what's happening here?
But you know what is the craziest part about it, and this is what bothered me so much yesterday?
The average brain-dead leftist is in such a trance, is now consciously so engaged in a death cult, that it doesn't even matter.
They are so deep into Stockholm Syndrome, I mean,
They're going to stand with Obama.
They're going to stand with the Democrats.
They're going to stand with baby murder.
They're going to stand with sex trafficking.
They're going to stand with pedophiles.
They're going to stand with all of that.
They're never coming back to reality, folks.
Do you understand?
These people are gone!
So, we're going to get that clip together.
We're gonna play that every segment.
I want you to re-upload it on your, whatever you have, Facebook, Twitter, anything.
Go, go run around town and play it, blast it from your radio.
And then I promise I'm gonna get to your phone calls.
I said we'd take your calls on Assange, and I promise I'm gonna get to your calls.
It's just, this is so huge.
And I don't even think that we can properly comprehend it because we've already known the treason was there, but it's like the President is announcing action.
The President is calling it treason.
The Attorney General is saying, yes, there was illegal spying.
We know where it came from.
The President just said he's about to launch an investigation.
Do you understand?
It's all about to come out.
It's all about to come out.
Democrats colluding with Russia.
Democrats colluding with Ukraine.
Democrats illegally spying.
Democrats abusing the Justice Department.
Democrats abusing the NSA.
Democrats abusing everything!
Democrats abusing America!
It's all coming out!
And the average leftist, the average leftist is never going to accept it, folks.
And they've already been drawn to violence.
They've already been incited into violence.
They've already gone totally down the means of Stockholm Syndrome.
They're already in a death cult.
You need to beware!
It's only going to go downhill from here when their god, Obama, is guilty of treason!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Today, the nation's Attorney General saying that he thought spying on a political campaign occurred in the investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
I guess you could... I think there was a spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
When you heard the word spying from the Attorney General, what did you think and what does that mean?
Well, I was very disappointed in what Attorney General Barr said today about spying.
Let me just say,
How very, very dismaying and disappointing that the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of our country is going off the rails.
Well, I thought it was both stunning and scary.
This was really a shameful moment for the Attorney General.
I'm flabbergasted.
My heart skipped a beat.
This is a completely loaded term, completely false.
And for the Attorney General to say so is a stain on his reputation.
That was perhaps the most shocking, to really have this dog whistle that was audible to all species.
This is off the rails.
We cannot just adapt to absurdity.
It was a shame, I think, today to see Bill Barr, one of our nation's most respected lawyers, a two-time Attorney General, turn in his tortoise shell glasses for a tinfoil hat.
You know, the term spying has all kinds of negative connotations.
But for the Attorney General to imply, or to say, that there was spying domestically, he knows the language very well, and he knows the terminology.
I have to believe he chose that term deliberately.
Do you want to rephrase what you're doing?
Because I think the word spying could cause everybody in the
Do you think he ever landed on a clear explanation of what he was exactly saying?
Unauthorized surveillance.
I want to make sure there was no unauthorized surveillance.
Okay, thank you.
Is that more appropriate in your mind?
This was an attempted coup.
This was an attempted takedown of a president.
And we beat them.
I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.
It's a big deal.
What we've seen and heard from the president in the past five days may be the biggest lie of all.
Repeatedly, and with no facts to back him up, making the outrageous claim that the so-called deep state spied on his campaign.
No, we did not.
What about this notion that there was a CI, a confidential informant, embedded in the campaign?
Is that true?
Well, as we've seen, unfortunately the identity of this informant is now out in the media.
And this is a fairly benign tool available to the FBI, given all the other capabilities available to them.
Law enforcement officer of our country is going off the rails.
You better think again, Mr. President.
You've been around for 13 months.
We've been around since 1908.
I know how this game is going to be played.
We're going to win.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's going to kill this guy.
But he's taking these shots, this antagonism, this taunting to the intelligence community.
Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
What I'm most interested in is getting started on going back to the origins of exactly where this all started.
If it weren't for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller's investigation.
President Obama
Well, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.
There you have it.
Honestly, I just don't even know...
How to even present this information.
It's so paramount.
It's so key.
I can't tell if we've reached the climax or if we're still heading that way.
I mean, is Barack Obama about to get shackled and hauled off to prison?
I mean, are we actually going to see that imagery?
Along with the rest of them?
Yeah, there's the image that Donald Trump retweeted out a few months back.
Now that Russian collusion is a proven lie, when did the trials for treason begin?
Well, I think the president just announced it, didn't he?
I think the president just announced it, didn't he?
How far is this going to go?
You know, and we currently have a congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who I guess, I don't even know how to properly analyze her comments on September 11th, but she I guess doesn't think it was radical Islam that did it?
And so, here's my thing.
Yeah, we can start with Obama, or Clinton, or all these criminals, but like, it's time to start looking at some other stuff too.
Who was behind the JFK murder?
How about that?
Why were we lied to about the assassination of JFK?
Why were we lied into the Vietnam War via the Gulf of Tonkin?
Why were we lied into further intervention in the Middle East when they said they were throwing babies out of incubators?
Oh, but those same people abort babies in the West and say that's fine.
I mean... It's just like... You just want everything to be back in line.
And things are just so out of line.
And just...
I just don't know what... Because here's the thing, these people are so brainwashed.
If Obama got arrested for treason, I mean, what do you think the average brain-dead leftist would do?
I mean, the protests would never stop, but... That's what I'm saying, like...
President Trump, he can present all the evidence, and we know what happened here.
We know how they made up the Russian dossier, embedded spies around the Trump campaign to set people up, launched a fake investigation based off of that setup, based off of their fake dossier, and then spied on the now President of the United States and his associates in the aftermath of all of their criminal treasonous behavior.
I mean, it's all going to be presented in due time.
It's all going to be out there.
And the average brain-dead leftist is going to totally reject it like a sick person rejects food that it needs to live.
And so if you want to make the analogy to like
An emergency health situation.
It's like you're rejecting the truth like a body that's dying is rejecting food.
And so we're going to have to shove a feeding tube down your throat just so you live.
Or you're going to die!
So here's what we're going to do.
Because I promised I'd take your calls.
And I'm going to take your calls.
And we're going to talk about Julian Assange.
The President of the United States has declared treason.
And it was Obama behind all of it.
But it wasn't just Obama.
So I guess now we find out, is Obama gonna squeal like a little piggy?
Or is he just gonna go down for
The treason he was engaged in.
Or is he gonna say, my goodness, this is peanuts compared to what the Clintons did, this is peanuts compared to what these guys did over here, this is peanuts compared to this and that and the other thing.
Or I'll tell you what, Obama might be the next Clinton body count.
This is where we're at, folks.
What an incredible time to be here.
Right at the tip of the spear at InfoWars.
I mean, the spark of the revolution can be traced back to Infowars.
Everything that we are witnessing now.
And it just drives them crazy.
And that's why they want to shut down.
So we're going to come back.
I'm going to air this clip of Ilhan Omar, I guess denying 9-11.
I guess she's a 9-11 denier, or I don't know what she is, but she is Muslim.
Word told it was Muslims that did 9-11.
Now here she is saying, shut down DHS.
Muslims didn't do 9-11.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Man, I'll tell ya... These Democrats are, I mean...
And I come on air, and I start putting my deep thoughts out on air.
I always get off air, and I'm like, you know, why do you gotta do that?
But it's just like, man, who, Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff?
I mean, who are these people?
Who in the hell is Adam Schiff, this pencil neck creep?
He just put out a tweet of a selfie he took, and I'm like, do you think this looks good?
Do you think this makes you look good?
You literally look like a demonic pedophile, dude.
It's like, you know, folks, you just pray for God's vision and he gives it to you, but there are repercussions.
Because I'm about to play a clip of Ilhan Omar.
And because I pray for God's vision every night, I don't see Ilhan Omar.
I see a snake.
So, here's Ilhan Omar making light of the biggest terror attack in the history of the United States.
Care was founded after 9-11.
Because they recognize that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
Now what is she talking about, some people did something?
Because anybody who's been following me knows that I don't believe the official narrative of 9-11.
Of course not, it's literally impossible.
Scientifically, mathematically, with your own eyes.
Historically, I mean, it's all impossible.
The official narrative of 9-11 is a total lie.
I'm not claiming to know what happened.
Hell, there's people that are 100% totally convinced in about five theories out there.
So I'm not going to sit here and act like I know it.
But I am gonna sit here and I'm gonna ask, what is Ilhan Omar talking about?
Because I know what she's talking about.
She's saying Jews did 9-11.
That's what she's saying.
But we don't know that.
We're only left to assume that this Jew hater says that, is insinuating Jews did 9-11 when she's speaking to a group of Muslims.
But you know, if she really cared about this country like she claims to,
She would take a different approach.
And she would actually launch investigations into 9-11.
She would actually try to legislate to get the papers, the 24 classified papers that apparently put most of the blame on Saudi Arabia with all their connections to 9-11.
She would try to fight to get those declassified.
She would try to fight to get a bunch of stuff declassified.
She would go to the hill and the floor and bring up Building 7.
Actually, I can't even.
There's just so much flying through my head right now.
It's like I've got 60 seconds left this segment.
I don't even know where to go.
What is the actual number of buildings that fell on 9-11?
I think it was actually like seven.
But you never hear about those.
They're not in the 9-11 Commission.
And nobody asks any questions.
So if Ilhan Omar really cared about this country and was a patriot trying to get to the bottom of things, that's the approach she would take.
But you notice she doesn't.
She just does a sub
A subconscious insinuation that Jews did 9-11 and then just leaves it hanging out there like some people did something on 9-11.
Well, no, you're right.
Some people did something on 9-11.
3,000 people died.
Tens of thousands of people have died in the aftermath.
All of the American civil liberties were taken since then.
So what are you talking about, Ilhan Omar?
If it wasn't radical Islam, what was it?
Who was it, Ilhan Omar?
Who are you?
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, it's really amazing, folks.
I mean, where do you start?
Where do you begin?
Where do you end?
Where do you conclude?
What do you highlight?
What do you focus on?
But, I mean, it's honestly so crazy right now.
Julian Assange being extradited to the United States, that's huge.
The President declared Barack Obama committed treason, that's huge.
Don't think the deep state is just going to let this happen and not fight back with everything that they have up their sleeve.
I promise I'm going to take your calls on Assange.
But first, here is a former Obama legal counsel,
Um, expecting to be indicted in the Mueller case.
Attorneys for Greg Craig, Obama's chief legal counsel when he was president, have given a press conference and expect their client to be indicted.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Chief Counsel would be the lawyer that green-lighted Obama's illegal spying on Trump during the campaign, and the man who's been implicated and connected with real connections to Russia and Ukraine.
And that's exactly what his lawyers say he's set to be indicted for, is for basically treason and espionage.
This is so
Over the top.
These criminals, literally, took hundreds of millions of dollars from the Ukrainians, the Russians, billions from the Chinese.
They're not Russian or Chinese agents.
They are pimps shelling out America.
And the fact that we know that there's a grand jury open on McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI.
The fact that we know that there have been all these drafts, indictments handed down by Nunes to the Justice Department to look at these referrals.
The fact that all of this is unfolding right now shows that Trump means business and understands that the swamp isn't going to back down.
It's not going to stop until we make them back down and until we remove the embedded criminal networks that Hillary and Obama and others have left in office.
They are so arrogant.
They totally overreach.
They actually tried to overthrow a sitting president.
So business as usual is over.
Because the old days, parties for more than 50 years play footsie together.
But that's over.
The Democrats are going for the juggler.
They're trying to overthrow the country, trying to start a race war.
And so now, this is the beginning of a whole list of indictments, as I told you, that are going to start in the next few weeks and then run for the next year.
This is a huge moment.
The press conference is up on Infowars.com, an article.
I noticed that it's a sub-article.
It's not even the top stories.
And that's just an example of how we're so on the inside here of what's going on that even our own great crew and riders don't think it's a big deal when the indictments start getting handed down because we're so close to it.
This is brand new to the general public, okay?
They got lied to about Russiagate and everything else.
This is such a big deal.
Because once you go after his corrupt lawyer, Obama's chief counsel, once you pull that one string, the entire house of cards comes down, the dominoes begin to fall into place, and it's just an incredibly exciting thing to watch, because Trump's done nothing wrong.
I know I've done nothing wrong.
They've had congressional hearings calling me a Russian agent two years ago, repeatedly, and then never letting me testify to defend myself.
I mean, this is just incredible.
But here's the problem.
They're going to strike back.
They're going to pull some major crap.
So, people better be frosty right now.
They better be focused.
They better be ready.
And they better be watching their six, and everybody better be on top of what's happening in government, out of government, you name it, because this country is fighting a second American Revolution to take power from the globalists.
We fought King George III 240-something years ago.
We're fighting a similar tyranny that's even worse today.
So back to the live broadcast and Owens-Froyer and all of it.
I'll be back just in a few hours, ladies and gentlemen, so please stay with us at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, and for all the attacks that we've seen on Trump, you know, by the media and by Hollywood and by the political establishment, I think we're all starting to see why, aren't we?
If President Donald Trump really does move against these people,
It totally proves in triplicate what we assumed about Donald Trump when we voted him in.
Now he still needs to do it and we still need to see some arrests made.
And really we need to see a Nuremberg trial type of situation with these deep state traders and with these former politicians and bureaucrats that are guilty of treason.
But I'm telling you, as Alex just said,
Just like they're not going to go down politically without a fight.
That's why they did the illegal spying.
That's why they used the media to attack Trump.
That's why they used Hollywood to attack Trump.
That was part of their fight back.
That was part of their response team.
Them inciting their minions into violence, it was all part of their own defense mechanisms, folks.
But they're in deep doo-doo now.
And if Obama goes down, the rest of them will fall.
They're going to reinvestigate the Clinton email scandal, folks.
It's all going to happen.
But they'll pull out all the stops to cover up everything they did illegally for decades.
And again, we've already seen the first, second, third wave of this.
All the violence in the street, all the lies in the mainstream news, all the attacks from the political establishment, Hollywood establishment.
They'll go next level once these indictments start rolling out.
Once the president actually moves against these people.
And I can already see the signs, folks.
Their brainwashed minions are totally on board.
They have total Stockholm Syndrome.
They will think Obama is as innocent as wind-driven snow, even though he's guilty from head to toe.
And they will get even more violent.
They will get even more hateful.
They will get even more rash, because they're not in control anymore.
They've been totally brainwashed.
They're in a death cult.
And they don't even know it.
We've tried to shake them out of it.
We've tried for years.
We've tried it loving.
We've tried it with peace.
We've done everything to try to save these people.
They cannot be saved.
They are totally brainwashed.
They are going to sink with this ship.
And we have to remain steadfast and realize what we're in this for.
And that's going to be the key.
Most people aren't going to understand what this historically significant time is.
They have no idea.
They have no idea what history books are going to write about the eight years Trump was president.
They have no idea what the history books are going to end up writing about Obama.
Oh, my goodness, folks.
I mean, we are at the precipice.
We have almost reached the climax in the great story of the second American Revolution.
I mean, we are starting to climb it right now.
But just as our role increases and becomes more important, in the balance of the universe, in the yin and yang analogy, the left will also respond.
And they will get more violent, they will get more hateful, they will get more vitriolic, and believe it or not, they will actually disintegrate and degenerate even lower and more than they already have.
You think Trump derangement syndrome is bad now, folks?
Wait till the president starts moving against Obama legally.
Wait till indictments start rolling.
Wait till they reinvestigate the Clinton email investigation.
Wait till it comes out all the perjury of James Comey and Clapper and Brennan and all of them.
Like a body, and it's a body politic, fights a disease for survival.
All the street minions out there, all the brainwashed leftists, all the brain-dead progressive liberals, like a body shock response, will go into action.
They're not even in control anymore.
Metaphysically, they're not even in control.
As soon as they see Obama go down, and as soon as they see Trump responsible for it, they will go into absolute fits of madness.
And they will hit the streets, and they will get violent, and they will get hateful, and they will attack you.
And they will use all of the information that they have been putting together for the last two years, using Twitter to get your personal information.
Using Facebook to get your personal information.
Using whoever they have left in stay behind networks at the NSA to get your personal information and they will start launching personal attacks on people.
And they will start coming to your house.
They will start threatening your family.
They will start sending their minions.
I'm good.
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So your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
Yeah, Alex, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh my gosh.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
See, I hadn't gone back and watched my live stream that I did earlier from the baby murder rally that we had here, and they were just pulling it up.
My God.
Just give it up to God.
You know, what are you gonna do?
People out here dancing for baby murder, man.
I just couldn't believe it.
The big news.
Trump is getting ready to move against the deep state.
Hopefully he has enough people that have his back that we're actually going to find some justice here.
If not, Trump won't win again in 2020.
If he does, and he does bring down indictments and arrest the deep state traitors like Obama and Brennan and Clapper, then he will win in 2020 and the whole world will be a better place.
But we're starting to get into that hemisphere now.
We're starting, we just penetrated that hemisphere, and so now we're kind of learning about the atmosphere, testing, seeing what's going on, and then getting ready to find out what we need to do and how we need to respond to this.
But we're just getting into the hemisphere now, so we'll find out what the President has in store.
And then how we need to act in response.
You also got, and so here's the crazy thing.
Is it just a coincidence that right now as we enter this hemisphere of moving against all the traitors and treason that has gone on in this country for so long that now Julian Assange is coming to the states?
I mean, is that just a coincidence?
Is that just providence?
I mean, that's amazing!
What are the odds of that?
And so here we go!
But let's first roll this clip.
Now look, I want everyone watching this to take this 60 second boil down and put it everywhere.
Put it all over your YouTube, all over your Facebook, all over Twitter.
This is the key right here.
And what we need to do is we need to apply pressure on the president to make sure he follows through.
President Trump, move against these people.
Move against Obama.
Move against the deep state.
We got your back!
We got your back, President!
Move against these people!
And if you've got corrupt bureaucrats and corrupt politicians that are traitors and aren't going to have your back, fuck them!
We got your back!
So, take this clip, this 60 seconds, Barr saying Obama's fired, yep, and Trump saying it was treason, we're moving against him.
This is the powerful clip, please share it.
I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.
It's a big deal.
So you're not suggesting though that spying occurred?
I guess you could... I think spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred.
I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it.
That's all.
Hopefully the Attorney General, he mentioned it yesterday, he's doing a great job getting started on going back to the origins of exactly where this all started.
Because this was an illegal witch hunt, and everybody knew it, and they knew it too.
And they got caught, and what they did was treason.
So that's it folks, that's a sign.
That's your warning.
You're driving on the highway, you're on a road trip, you're driving down the interstate, you're coming to my stop government funding of Planned Parenthood rally on May 26th, you're taking a road trip, you're driving through, you're transferring into Texas, and there's the sign, and what does it say?
You're now crossing state lines.
You're now entering the state of Texas.
You're now in the Lone Star State.
Welcome to Texas.
And so that's the sign, now you know you're in Texas.
Just got out of Oklahoma, now I'm in Texas.
That video right there, that's your sign, folks.
You've just entered the hemisphere of going against the treason, the traitors.
You've just entered the age of Trump moving against the traitors.
You've just entered the hemisphere of all the corruption of Obama coming out.
You have just entered.
The time where we start to move against all the traitors in government.
You have just entered.
Welcome to America where we're actually fighting back against the treason.
You have just entered William Barr Attorney General territory.
Will he move against the deep state?
That's the sign.
You get it?
You've now entered the Cold Civil War coming to fruition and now Trump finally fighting back.
Let's roll it one more time.
President Trump has just announced they're about to investigate the sedition and treason that Barack Obama was behind.
I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.
It's a big deal.
So you're not suggesting, though, that spying occurred?
I don't... Well...
I guess you could.
I think there was a spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred.
I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it.
That's all.
Hopefully the Attorney General, he mentioned it yesterday, is doing a great job getting started on going back to the origins of exactly where this all started.
Because this was an illegal witch hunt, and everybody knew it, and they knew it too, and they got caught.
And what they did was treason.
Now folks, I'll be honest with you, as we've just entered this hemisphere.
The fact that right now it all hinges potentially on the Attorney General William Barr, who is a Bushite, doesn't make me too comfortable.
I'll be honest, that's a squeaky hinge.
But the fact that hinge is there and that the door is being opened is enough right now to put out the clarion call
Donald Trump is moving against the Obama administration's treason.
Does it hinge on William Barr in the moment?
Have we entered the hemisphere of the treasonous traitors being investigated?
Do we know what that means?
Not yet.
We're testing the atmosphere.
We're gathering the data from the environment.
But what we know and what we're learning is it's about to get hot.
And you better believe, folks, I mean, you've seen what these people have done just by Trump getting elected.
Imagine what they'll do when he moves against Obama, when he moves against Clinton, when he moves against all their crimes, and when he gets set to release to the public the absolute total proof of the treason from the Obama administration.
It wasn't just a Barack Obama, folks.
But he was the head of the party.
He was the president.
He's gonna be the big name to fall.
And he is the demagogue of the left liberal progressive movement.
You think they've been hateful, violent, and vitriolic?
Wait till they see Obama in shackles.
They will go crazy.
Number one international best-selling author, Matthew David Hurtado's pain was simple.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Schroer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.
It's a big deal.
So you're not suggesting, though, that spying occurred?
I don't... Well...
I think spying did occur.
Yes, I think spying did occur.
I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred.
I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it.
That's all.
Hopefully the Attorney General, he mentioned it yesterday, he's doing a great job getting started on going back to the origins of exactly where this all started.
Because this was an illegal witch hunt, and everybody knew it, and they knew it too, and they got caught.
And what they did was treason.
And we know where it started, folks.
It started with
Bureaucrat inbeds setting up George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.
It started with Hillary Clinton paying Russian operatives for a fake dossier, a manufactured report, so that they could then use all that
To spy on Trump and have this illegitimate campaign of destroying Trump and claiming he was the one guilty of treason when in fact it was Clinton, it was Comey, it was Obama who were engaged in the treason.
And it's all about to come out.
Am I nervous because it hinges on a Bush bureaucrat, William Barr?
But the wick has been lit.
And that spark is moving closer to the powder keg.
And as long as William Barr doesn't sit on that spark and keep it from reaching the powder keg, there are going to be explosive developments when they begin to investigate the origin of the FISA warrants that led to illegal spying on Donald Trump and his campaign.
Get ready.
And we already know the intel.
Just get ready for it to go on public record.
Get ready for there to be testimony on that.
Get ready for there to be hearings on that.
Get ready for the indictments to roll.
And I hope the President does the right thing with all the innocent people whose lives have been destroyed by this phony, treasonous investigation.
And I hope he does the right thing with Julian Assange, who's now being extradited to the United States.
Is it a coincidence that this just happens as we enter the hemisphere of fighting back against the real treason that's been happening in this government?
It's either providence, a coincidence, or by design.
But we're going to take calls.
I feel bad.
I gave out the number.
I said I'd take your calls.
And then I just had to cover all this breaking stuff right now.
And in the next segment, I'm going to play the clip of me getting assaulted by a drag queen at a baby murdering rally here in Austin, Texas.
You're not going to want to miss that.
And then I'm going to jump over and have Matt Bracken take over and I'll be hosting the war room.
But let's go to your phone calls.
Let's start with Mark in Colorado.
Go ahead, Mark.
Thanks for calling in.
Thank you.
Hey, really quick since you were talking about the baby murder stuff going on and everything else like that, I've been kind of hammering it on Twitter this morning too, and I would like someone else's bigger following than I do to say this one.
Most of the people in Congress passing these Democratic laws of late-term abortion are the same people that were telling our heroes coming back from Vietnam and spinning on them saying they were baby killers.
So these laws, what does that make them now?
Well look, first of all, what you're saying is obviously so correct, but trying to reason with these people is futile.
I mean, they have no logic, they cannot see their own fallacies, and when I bring up the fact that a human body only has one heart, and there's two hearts in this situation, they just start to break down and they go into fits of rage and anger.
So there's no trying to reason with these people.
We can pray for them, but that's really about it, unfortunately.
Yeah, it's just sad that you're like here in Colorado, 26 weeks, baby has hair, heartbeat, can recognize the parent's voices.
But you know, here's the thing, but you know what?
This is what I really want people to understand about how sick this is.
Because look, abortion is legal.
It's a touchy subject.
Part of me politically even understands why it's legal.
But the fact that they celebrate abortion.
Like, this isn't something they're all depressed about.
This isn't something like, man, it's sad that we live in a society where people want to kill their kids.
It's sad we live in a society where people feel they can't bring a kid in the world.
It's sad we live in a society where we'll just toss a life to die.
It's sad we live in that society.
No, they love it!
They literally are out there celebrating it!
Dancing for it!
And it's like, if they can't see how they're engaged in a death cult ritual, I can't help them!
Look at that!
That is the face of somebody celebrating abortion!
That is the face of somebody celebrating abortion, man!
That is sick!
And Crowder slammed a good video where, it's about 12 minutes long, it's called The Truth, or uh, Late Term Abortion is Exposed, and it's a 12 minute video, but they're talking to a patient where the lady's talking about giving an injection to her baby that's 8 and a half weeks, or 8 and a half months along, and just to stop the heartbeat and pretend that the baby died on its own.
And the lady that was talking to her had to leave crying and praying for her.
Oh yeah, our own Millie Weaver got him to admit this stuff.
Other undercover video have got him to admit this stuff.
You had a local here, I always forget her name, Giles, who caught originally, she was kind of the pioneer, catching Planned Parenthood admitting what they're doing.
They've been caught admitting they sell baby parts.
I mean, it's literally all caught on tape.
It's ridiculous.
But again, these leftists that stand up, they're not even alive, quite frankly.
Their souls have been totally corrupted by the devil.
They've been totally brainwashed.
I mean, there's nothing I can do.
Again, they're out here celebrating abortion.
I get it.
You want abortion to be legal?
It's a political thing?
I get it.
You're literally celebrating the fact that people kill their kids.
That makes you a member of a death cult.
Mark, thank you so much for the call.
Let's jump to Brad in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Brad.
Thanks, Owen.
Hey, I want to just mention that every time they try and lie and cover it up, it's an opportunity for us.
I mean, there's, God knows there's millions of them right now with these criminals in control, even with Trump in there.
But like you're saying about Assange, it is an opportunity because if they can bring him here and if Trump can pardon him and get him to, or they can just get him on the witness stand to tell what happened with Mark Rich, that will blow the whole Clinton-Obama
Oh, how about the Epstein pedophile files that you have unnamed attorneys trying to keep classified?
Yeah, there's just numerous, millions of ways to pin these people down and to point out their criminal doings, but it's so massive, it's such a large scale that it's almost impossible to focus on where to go first.
Well, and I think, like you said, they keep giving us opportunities and the president has decided to pounce on this illegal spying that the Obama administration engaged in because it became such a huge thing.
The Russian collusion was the biggest story, so that can now be used as a weapon against them.
Yes, but then you saw, you heard Barr kind of walk it back there after they questioned him about it because they've got this alternate universe set up where
The Democrats and the Liberals are running everything and they think we're crazy.
When we're standing on high ground and the moral superiority and only trying to be fair and do what's right for everyone... Oh, there's no doubt.
Again, these people celebrate baby murder.
And again, I hear you, Brad.
I'm not the most confident with this hinging on William Barr either.
He comes from the swamp.
I'm not.
He comes from the establishment.
He's got all the bush ties.
I'm nervous, but hey, we've just entered the hemisphere.
There's no denying that.
Where we go from here, we'll find out.
But we just entered the hemisphere, Brad, and it's time to respond accordingly.
Thank you so much for the call.
Folks, please support us at Infowarsstore.com.
You know, I gotta tell ya, in fact...
Yeah, I don't know what they're going to do.
They're going to start coming after us next level too.
Now that we've entered this hemisphere, everything changes.
They're going to try to censor us in some new way, shape or form, probably within the next week.
So we need your support at Infowarsstore.com because once all this stuff starts to come down, the mainstream media is going to totally cover for Obama.
Even Fox News, except for a few names, will probably go against Trump on this.
And it's going to be all out, total information warfare.
And it already is, but we're still broadcasting here at InfoWars.com slash show, so they can't even have that, folks.
They're not even going to have that.
And we've entered a new hemisphere now.
I'm still gathering data on all the measurements from this atmosphere we've just entered, but folks, it is about to go.
It's very volatile.
It's very volatile, this hemisphere we're in now.
Please support us at InfoWarsStore.com.
Do not let them shut us down.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship.
And I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Uh oh.
You have just entered the hemisphere of moving against the treasonous traitors that have occupied the United States government for decades.
It's volatile, be warned.
There's no going back from here.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex.
We've been busy this week.
Alex has been on a road trip.
I've been busy this week pulling double duty some days, triple duty some days like I will today.
And honestly...
It's all because of your support.
When you support us at Infowarsstore.com, when you give us words of encouragement, when you continue to support us, when you tell us that we're having an impact, that just motivates us to keep working harder and harder, fighting back against these people.
For example, we had a pro-planned parenthood lobby rally today, a baby murdering rally today in Austin, Texas.
You're not gonna come to Austin, Texas and go unopposed when you are supporting baby murder.
So I decided to go out there and let them know, you wanna come push baby murder in Austin, Texas?
You're gonna meet somebody that stands up for the innocent unborn children.
You can find the full video at InfoWars.com, InfoWars crashes Planned Parenthood rally in Austin.
Here is just a short recap and highlight video from that experience.
This is Owen Schroer for InfoWars.com, and every broadcast I do here, I'm afraid will be my last.
Already banned on Twitter, or excuse me, already banned on YouTube and Facebook.
Only have Twitter left.
But here we go.
I'm at a Planned Parenthood rally here in Austin, Texas, where they're rallying for baby murdering.
And so, I just want to come out here and just let them know that
You're not going to have a baby rallying, a baby murdering rally in my city without a little bit of opposition.
Abortion is murder!
Abortion is murder!
Abortion is murder!
Abortion is murder!
Why are you celebrating a dead baby, ma'am?
No, I'm not trying to take anyone's rights away at all.
What if the unborn baby's a woman?
What if the unborn baby's a woman?
Here, let's go talk to this girl.
She wants to try to out-bullhorn me.
I don't want to get in a bullhorn competition with her.
Let's just have an intellect competition so we can mop the floor real quick.
Hey, I'm not trying to take anyone's rights away.
I just want to correct the record.
I'm not trying to take anyone's rights away.
You're saying some really hateful things.
What, like abortion is murder?
Is that not true?
So what happens if I kill you?
It's not true.
I'm actually not here.
Is that murder?
I'm not here.
I'm here to dance.
You need to give her space.
Step back.
You are too close.
Well, she was just saying that I was trying to take people's rights away.
That's fake news.
You need to step back.
Oh, wow.
Step back.
Step back.
Alright, am I a threat?
Do I look like a threat?
Am I a threat right now?
You are in our space.
This is actually public space right here.
Am I?
This is public space.
Yeah, let us dance about it.
Yeah, let us dance about it.
Oh my God!
Get out of here!
He was there!
This is what we do for baby murder right here, folks.
Look at the baby murdering ritual!
Hey, weren't you at the Drag Queen Story Hour?
Was that you?
Was that you?
Did you just assault me?
Yeah, your buddy just assaulted me.
I just got assaulted out here.
I'm minding my own business.
I'm not hurting you.
Yeah, you just assaulted me on camera, actually.
She did not assault you.
Is that a woman?
Is that a woman?
That is a woman.
Did you speak at the Drag Queen Story Hour?
I'm asking a question.
I'm being insulting.
You are being very rude and insulting.
Actually, that person just assaulted me, literally.
Yeah, it's on film.
It's on film.
We all got it.
Thank you.
So, hey, you might as well realize that they got that on film.
Thank you.
Yeah, they did.
That's great.
Alright, so what are you doing now?
I'm trying to keep you from hurting my transgender women.
I haven't hurt anyone.
Who have I hurt?
By your words.
They're very toxic.
What did I say?
What did I say that was toxic?
I'm not going to repeat it.
How am I supposed to know?
Well, tell me.
We are not engaging with you.
Well, how am I supposed to know what's toxic?
I'm not trying to take away your rights.
I just want to stop abortion.
That's all.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
So there you go.
There's a live death cult experience for you.
A live death cult ritual right in front of your own eyes in the state capitol here in Austin, Texas.
You know, look.
I understand abortion is legal, so people get abortions.
You're out here celebrating it.
You're out here celebrating abortions.
That's how sick these people are.
Yeah, I feel like you're... Yeah, okay, abortions are legal.
Abortions happen.
Why are you out here dancing and celebrating it?
Because you're sick.
Because you're in a death cult.
A human sacrifice cult.
It's disgusting.
So that is just a boil-down that our editors put together here, folks.
And look, I asked them to do a five-minute boil-down, and they did exactly what I wanted.
But if you go watch the full 30-minute broadcast, you're going to find some insane stuff.
For example, there's multiple times where that dance team, I'm not exaggerating, they're bending over and sticking their butts in the air and shaking them for abortion.
Great job there, just putting out a five-minute boil down of the 30-minute broadcast.
Again, if you want to watch the full 30-minute broadcast, it's available at InfoWars.com or you can follow me on Twitter at AllIDoIsOwen.
That's where I did the live stream from.
I'm still allowed to broadcast there.
You know, the President said you got to be really smart to survive the censorship.
Well, I'll take that as a compliment, President.
Thank you very much.
But see, you'll notice
She says, you were insulting my transsexual friend.
No, I didn't.
I did not insult your transsexual friend once.
In fact, I never insulted anyone that whole video.
Got to be smart to avoid the censorship.
All right.
So you can watch that full stream.
It's honestly unbelievable.
That was just a flashback just in those five minutes.
Honestly, the full 30 minute broadcast is so powerful.
It's it's it's unbelievable, this stuff.
So share that with your friends and family.
Owen Schroyer, Bullhorn's Baby Murdering Rally.
If you want to see what a live death cult ritual looks like, look no further than that broadcast.
Again, abortion should be something sad, not something we celebrate.
Let's squeeze in a couple more phone calls here before Matt Bracken takes over in the fourth hour.
Let's go to Brittany calling in from Kansas.
Go ahead, Brittany.
Hey Owen, thanks for taking my call.
You know, I got my goodie box and I'm drinking my first Turbo Force.
And it's got me all jazzed.
I'm just excited about this exciting time that we're having right now with all this awesome stuff happening.
It's like that pivotal moment, like you said.
Are you there?
Yeah, I'm just letting you letting you say your piece here.
And I'm telling you, I'm just...
We've entered a new hemisphere.
I just want people to know that that's what we've done.
I mean, you know, look at the signs.
It's like when you cross a sign, you've entered Texas.
We've now entered a new hemisphere, folks.
We're just starting to get the data and everything here, but there's no turning back.
No way back from here, Brittany.
It's like a bullseye.
You guys have hit it, you know, for the last couple years, right?
You've been talking about it.
We've been listening to you.
You know, and here's the thing, too, Brittany, because
I don't want to sit here and spend three hours a day, you know, talking about how vindicated InfoWars is, or how InfoWars is tomorrow's news today, or all the other stuff that goes on that we just kind of let slide because we know our role.
But it's like what happened with the President tweeting out the video with the Dark Knight theme.
You know, if you know this, if you've seen the movie The Dark Knight, you understand the analogy.
I mean, that's basically who we are.
We're the Dark Knight.
Everybody dogs InfoWars.
Everybody does.
I mean, even Q, which I don't want to get into that.
That's not what I called to talk about.
But people on the left are completely brainwashed.
I mean, completely brainwashed.
And they're going to have a mind blown meltdown when all this stuff comes out.
And that's why Trump didn't do it originally.
He's let us have two years.
He took a two year beating by the press, by the left.
And he's been really patient.
Boy, he's got balls of steel to put up with all that.
And I try to use, you know, I try to use experience comparisons.
Like, I mean, I don't get frustrated at the fact, like you said, I mean, even conservatives just totally discount InfoWars.
I mean, look at all the stuff I've experienced that nobody talks about.
Assaulted by a women's march protester.
I just got assaulted by a transsexual Planned Parenthood rallier.
The other mainstream conservative alternative news outlets will never mention me because I'm from InfoWars.
I don't care.
I'm not going to sit here and talk about vindicated or how we even get tossed aside by the right.
I'm here for victory.
I want victory.
I want everybody to have victory.
So thank you, Brittany, for supporting us at InfoWarshow.com.
I hope you enjoy that turbo force.
But just know this.
We don't care who discounts us.
We're like the Dark Knight.
We move forward because we want to have victory.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay, you've got me for the next hour, Matt Bracken, and what a day to be sitting behind the
InfoWars microphone.
This is really terrific.
You know, for probably a year and a half, two years, my wife's been saying, so when is anybody going to jail?
Every time, every month, you know, I'm watching Tucker or Hannity or somebody and they've got, you know, they've got some of these great reporters on like Sarah Carter or Solomon Garrett.
And I'm saying it's about to break loose, you know, or they'll get the heroes from the Freedom Caucus on, like Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows.
And I'm thinking, you know, it's it's weeks now.
I've been told it's weeks, not months.
And that was months ago.
But for a long time, I've thought that that Trump was going to hold off until the Mueller report was in.
It's a poker game and you've got to play the last hand.
So now the Mueller report's in.
Apparently there's nothing, nothing that's pointing to collusion or even obstruction.
And the Democrats are going crazy.
And watching these guys, I think for younger people, people will remember Baghdad Bob early in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Baghdad Bob was saying that everything's great in Iraq, even when the tanks were a few blocks away.
And that's what it's like watching Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Swalwell, and the rest of these shills.
What they're doing, I just read an interesting article today in the American Spectator by R. Emmett Tyrell, who's the editor there.
He's old enough, older than me than probably, to go back to remember the name Alger Hiss, and it's something called the Alger Hiss Strategy, what the Democrats are doing now.
And it's essentially the same as Soviet, what they used to call Soviet party discipline.
That means if you're told in the morning we're all going to go out and say that the sky is green today, everybody will stick to that, no matter what.
The rest of the world will look up and laugh and say the sky is blue, but the entire party will say it's green.
That's what the Soviet spy, Alger Hiss, he was very high in the State Department.
He helped sell out Eastern Europe at the end of World War II at the Yalta Conference.
So he was a communist along with several other very high-ranking people in FDR's administration.
And even after he was stone-cold busted, went to jail for perjury, he claimed he was never a communist, a lie.
You know, he claimed he'd never worked for the Soviets, lie.
So, for the rest of his life, he swore he was not, that he was telling the truth.
And the social justice warrior, progressive, communist left swore that they believed Hiss, you know, against all evidence.
Even when the Soviet Union fell, and Hiss was shown in the Soviet archives to be a spy for the Soviet Union, they just said, well, they must have planted that evidence.
So it's almost hermetically sealed false narrative.
But what's beautiful about it,
Is that it's easy to attack.
You know, in the Soviet Union, it was easy to maintain party discipline because if you broke it, you would risk going to the Gulag or being shot or disappeared.
But in the Free West, it's a lot harder to maintain that kind of party discipline.
So, what it leads to is something that psychologists call cognitive dissonance, where you're trying to hold contradictory ideas in your mind at the same time, and they can't be reconciled, they can't be resolved together.
What you do is you just keep pointing out the sky is blue.
You're a hack.
You're a liar.
Everybody's laughing at you.
Your children will be embarrassed.
You know, you're going to look back on this in your old age and shake your head and say, how could I have gone along with this completely bogus emperor's new clothes story of the Russian collusion hoax?
But there's for now sticking to it.
But as honest journalists peel away, and I would count Cheryl Atkinson years ago being spied on by the Obama regime, a bigger name, Lara Logan, she's also come over.
And so that's what we're seeing coming forward is this split inside of the party discipline.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Before we left, I was just talking about what's called the Alger Hiss strategy, which is just stick to the lie, stick to the Russian collusion.
Everybody is a conspirator.
If Mueller doesn't make the right report, Mueller's in on it.
Attorney General Barr, he's in on it.
Everybody's in on it.
But the way to attack it is just to continue to mock it.
Mock these people as Baghdad bobs.
You know, as shills and hacks that their children are going to be so embarrassed of their obvious lying.
And one at a time, journalists with a little bit of integrity will begin to peel away, joining Lara Logan and Sheryl Atkinson and some others.
And, meanwhile, the CNN, MSNBC crowd will be distilled down to the most kooky, shills, and lackeys.
And not only lackeys, but some pretty high-ranking people.
Brennan and Clapper still have the nerve to go on television, on CNN and MSNBC.
It's amazing.
They're going to be hauled before Congress, put under oath.
They can go to prison just like Alger Hiss.
The question is, you know, for one guy like Alger Hiss, it's maybe easier to be a martyr, a communist martyr, one at a time.
But when you're called into the grand juries and they put everybody together or against each other in their testimony,
Getting right to the bottom of who gave the orders and when, I think it's going to be shown to go at least back to Strokes' text message about Obama wants to know everything that we're doing.
Because there's no way in hell that Brennan, Clapper, and Comey, who I consider really the highest ranking ringleaders of this, along with Obama, Hillary, and Obama's national security team,
There's no way they just cooked this up and Obama was out of the loop.
Obama did it because he thought he could get away with it.
And this is based on the socialist communist dogma that the ends justify the means.
That's what Comey's book A Higher Loyalty means.
Higher than the Constitution.
Higher than your oath.
So these guys
They may all be true believers, like we talked about two weeks ago with Diana West and her great book, Red Thread, about the socialist, communist backgrounds of all of these key players, including some that I didn't know about, like Comey.
You have to go back to their college and graduate work.
That's when they decided, I'm convinced, to go covert
Like Brennan becomes the head of the CIA.
This isn't a fluke.
It's because there's a clandestine network within all of these agencies boosting and lifting people, the good comrades, putting them in power.
You know, I like Hannity, but he keeps saying, oh, 99.99% of the FBI agents are just great.
But somehow these 8 or 10, the small group, they just became traitors on their own.
They all met in an office and decided to become traitors.
They were traitors who were put into position to do maximum damage.
And something else to consider, at the senior executive service level that all these players are in, one of the most damaging things that they do is invite their own friends and lackeys in to be their acolytes, to be their mentees.
The way this works, they have friends in academia that say, this is the guy that will be great in the State Department, meaning he's a very sharp-witted communist who will be a good, effective, treasonous, lying mole.
And that's what happens.
That's how a Brennan gets through the polygraph exam after saying he voted for the communists in 1976, when the Soviet Union still had gulags.
You know, this is how it worked.
It's not an accident that these guys all rose to the top.
Apparently, I hope, Mueller just reached the point where he wasn't willing to completely fabricate.
He was willing to raid Roger Stone's house, put Manafort in solitary confinement, bankrupt family after family, ruin people's reputations, but he wouldn't raise to the level of actually fabricating evidence.
So when the evidence fell short, he was stuck.
With putting in a report, the only poison pill he could do was to throw the obstruction decision over to Barr so that it could then be spun as another hiding of the facts, leading to these redactions.
And speaking of the report that's going to come out next week, the 400-page report,
One of the redaction categories to keep an eye out for, and we're all familiar with the grand jury testimony and so forth, but when you hear sources and methods, this means actual spy tradecraft.
Names of spies and the spy tradecraft.
But we'll be able to read into this report.
We already know the key players, the key spies, and they're the guy named Mifsud Halper,
And Ambassador Downer, the Australian who was in London.
This play of feeding information to Papadopoulos via Mifsud and Halper, and then setting up the meeting with Downer so that it can be, oh, overheard a conversation, let's get this to the FBI.
This was all strictly a ruse.
This was an information operation to give the patent of legitimacy
For the FISA warrant for all of the spying and something that can't be said enough.
I don't know what it is with these famous talking heads on the networks.
They'll say Carter Page was eavesdropped or Papadopoulos was surveilled.
That's not the point because of the three jump rule.
If you can spy on Carter Page, you can spy on everybody who contacted Carter Page, who contacted the people who contacted Carter Page.
So you're throwing a net, you know, degrees of separation wide around the initial surveillance targets, Page and Papadopoulos.
Basically, it's an excuse to spy on all of Trump World, his entire family, his business associates, Trump Tower, everything.
And so it needs to be said, the three-jump rule.
Another thing that hasn't dropped yet, that I'm keeping an eye out for, because this is going to be really difficult, I think, for Barr, they're going to have to blow the FISA court out of the water.
Enough can't be made of the fact that Strzok was a personal law school friend of FISA Judge Rudy Contreras.
And some of the released text messages have to do with Strzok meeting him socially as cover for action, a tradecraft term implying a very, you know, guilty purpose, a guilty reasoning.
You know, why don't you just call him on the phone?
Because you can't leave the electronic trail.
So you arrange to meet at a social event
Then you can go off to the side and have your no recording, meet space, face-to-face conversation, which both can deny.
So it's going to, I think, turn out that the FISA court was just as corrupt as the rest of this entire soft coup, deep state coup.
And it's going to come around.
And with Trump now starting to tweet, like tweeting the video and tweeting about when do the trials begin, there's going to be hell to pay because I know one thing for a fact, along with the Alger Hiss strategy of continuing to lie, bald-faced lie to the camera about collusion,
They're also going to double and triple down at every opportunity.
They see this as their great chance to strike against capitalism.
If you read the book Red Thread by Diana West,
All of these players, it's hard to believe they can rise to the top of FBI and so forth, which means that they get paid off doing gigs for corporations in between being a U.S.
attorney or an attorney general or FBI deputy or boss of the FBI.
In between, they work for corporations.
It's hard to believe these guys, in their own words, in their own writings back to graduate school level,
They're anti-capitalists.
They're for redistribution.
They're just basically stealth communists.
And this is all going to be peeled apart because these guys aren't going to be going down together, you know, like Ray Lewis and his buddies that somebody got stabbed but they all zipped their mouth.
That isn't going to happen this way.
You know, they never could convict any of the Ray Lewis friends because none of them talked.
This group is too big.
There are probably already people who are, you know, giving testimony or have given testimony, and one at a time, they're going to be pointed against each other, and the whole thing is going to unravel.
There will be tons of James Deans in this scandal.
We'll be back in a few minutes.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay, I'm back.
And we're going to be taking some calls, maybe after this segment, towards the end of the show.
And the call-in numbers that everybody's got on speed dial are 877-789-2539-789-ALEX.
And we'll go to calls in a little while.
But I've got another topic to tackle here as soon as I get through this.
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There's a lot of news, obviously, about the Deep State coup, and we could continue that all day, and we'll take calls on that subject.
But there's another subject that's been coming up.
Assange is partly related to this, being arrested.
Whatever you think about the guy, seven years in a couple of rooms like that, I think could make anybody crazy.
And some of the reports about his conduct toward the end can be seen as frustration, certainly.
But personally, if you locked me into a couple of rooms for seven years, I'd probably be bat-ass, you-know-what crazy.
So even to come out of that situation with your sanity would be something.
Now, it's not just Assange and a few other famous people that have been deplatformed and essentially unpersoned.
Tommy Robinson, who is one of the most pivotal figures in Britain,
Uh, not a member of the elite, you know, an actual, uh, you know, lower class, lower class football hooligan kind of guy by his background, but really a brilliant thinker and very, very brave.
One by one, he was cut off from social media until he's basically got no voice unless you actually go to his, um, his, uh, TR News or I think it's trnews.com.
But it's very hard to find them.
These guys just disappear.
They drop off of the radar.
They're not seen anymore.
Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Patreon, PayPal, credit cards even for some people, get dumped by your own credit card company because you're just a bad comrade.
And this is a pattern that we're going to see across the world.
You can see it in more restricted countries like Britain earlier, but you can also see it in the United States or in Canada, certainly.
Faith Goldie, she's just been wiped off of YouTube.
And what's happening is, this is a real example of the Red-Green Alliance in action, the Islamo-Socialism Axis, where the professional internet jihadists
They look at people they want to get kicked off of YouTube, like apostate, ex-Muslim, people like that, have really great YouTube channels.
They don't say anything that's inflammatory, nothing.
But if enough Muslims just call into the moderators at YouTube and say, and say, this guy's a hater, he's an Islamophobe, you're gone!
So, the voices that want greater tyranny, like the socialists and the Islamists, they actually have great sway on social media to ban the few remaining voices for freedom.
I call this unpersoning.
You're still alive, you're still breathing, but you have no microphone.
You know, one at a time, your channels are turned off until it's, that's all folks, boom, you're gone, you've disappeared.
And as a result of this, this has made me think about something else, because I'm reading some articles about...
For example, in New Zealand, people that even linked or attempted to search for the manifesto can be charged with felonies down in New Zealand.
So, not only can they remove digital content from the Internet, and Amazon can stop selling books like Mohammed's Quran, Tommy Robinson and Peter McLaughlin's book,
But they can actually go right into your Kindle.
Okay, this is my Kindle.
I love it.
I got a bunch of titles on there.
But we've seen in the past, technologically, Kindle has the keys.
Anytime you switch on the Wi-Fi on your Kindle, if there's a title they don't like, it just disappears.
I was looking at my Kindle settings in my Kindle sellers account,
And I don't know why I stumbled onto this, but my books are not available in any of the Islamic countries.
So it's very interesting to see where even like the reach of your book, you think, yeah, I'm selling to the world.
No, you're not.
Kindle, Amazon, they're willing to cooperate with the authoritarian states or Islamist states to make sure that there's no bad books, no books that put Islam in anything but the best light.
So my pitch today is, please get hard copies of key books.
We feel like we're on a roll today because of the deep state coup falling apart, but by no means is it a guaranteed thing that Trump's going to be re-elected and the socialists are going to be out of power.
It could go the other way.
There could be something terrible happening economically or otherwise, and we could wind up with a fluke where we do get a President Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris.
It can happen.
It can literally happen, and they're all
To me, they are all Marxists.
So whether you call them leftists, progressives, communists, globalists, they're Marxists.
So get hard copies.
If they win everything digital that they don't like, it's going to be deleted.
Like this book.
I just went to my bookshelf.
Resistance to Tyranny by Martino.
You know, get these books hard copy.
The Red Thread by Diana West.
Hard copy.
It's going to be pretty tough, just like unpersoning people from social media in 2019.
What happens when all of your bad comrade books get deleted off your computer?
Just like in New Zealand, they can look into your computer and see, oh my goodness, you downloaded the forbidden video.
The police are knocking at your door.
So everything that's considered anti-social, and their definition of anti-social is
Does this book oppose globalization?
Does this book oppose mass migration and population replacement?
If it does, then you're going to be called an alt-right white nationalist.
And your content is going to be stripped off of the Internet.
So if it's digital, it's going to be gone.
And if we have to live through a decade or years or who knows how long of a Soviet-style dictatorship in the United States or while we're fighting a civil war,
Believe me, all the bad digital content that Big Brother doesn't like, it's gonna be gone.
So, my advice is, get the hard copies.
You know, there's my first book, my last book, but get the hard copies because we're gonna be passing them hand-to-hand if the communists come to power.
We'll be back with calls on the other side.
Oh, and 877-789-2539.
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I think?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, we're back to the end of the hour and we have some people that have been waiting on the phone, phone lines for a long, long time.
So first I'm going to, but we're not going to, we can't have a super long conversation.
Let's like, uh, say a spiel and we'll have a little bit and then we're just gonna plow through some phones.
So, um, Travis in Maryland, uh, go ahead.
Talking about a pardon.
For who?
It's nice to meet you.
Um, I'd just like to say, I wish the best for Julian Assange.
Uh, the collateral murder was great.
If you go to julianpaulasange.com, he is exposed as a CIA 9-11 terrorist working with Jacob Rothschild, however.
Yeah, okay.
Thanks a lot.
Uh, Gordon in Illinois.
Let's go to Gordon in Illinois now.
I just wanted to say from earlier that Owen was saying that he thinks Trump should let Assange make a deal to get off to let him know his sources.
What he ought to do is make him give up the missing emails from Hillary because I'm sure he either has them or can get them just to keep as a checkmate because he never knew what was going to happen to it.
I don't know what kind of control Assange could possibly have over any of the hardware or software after seven years in hiding in an embassy.
But I do see potentially him on TV.
I hope he'll be cleaned up.
He won't look like Robinson Crusoe after seven years on the island.
I hope that he's in front of Congress wearing a suit and a tie, not an orange jumpsuit.
Who knows?
He could be like a, you know, Butterfield of Watergate fame, revealing all kinds of secrets that nobody knew about.
But one thing for sure, Trump is not going to step into this in any way, just like with the Mueller investigation.
He's going to keep Assange at arm's length.
He's not going to pardon him.
Not before Flynn and a lot of other people, that's for sure.
Let's go to Randy in Oklahoma.
An old Marine, I understand.
Randy, you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
September 5th.
You bet.
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You're well worth it.
Hey Matt, the assault on the First Amendment is certainly underway.
I've got an action plan.
It's pretty simple, and I think it'll get people's attention.
Most of us know your county chairman or state Republican chairman.
If Trump hurts his base, which he has been doing with some of the actions, he's going to get hurt in the election.
I know a lot of people that are upset about the bump stocks, some of the executive orders, Attorney General Barr's record.
Well, no.
Second Amendment is not good.
There's a lot of people that are pretty upset about it.
I think that you can find that at the grassroots.
We need to ask county chairman and state chairman to get Trump's attention and let Assange, I mean, get a pardon or whatever it takes.
I don't think that there's going to be a pardon for Assange.
No way.
But I do see him on television in front of congressional investigators.
One big TV that's going to be a blockbuster event of the summer.
Imagine Julian Assange.
You'd think it was big when we saw Stroke or Comey or those guys testify.
Imagine Julian Assange testifying on, I mean imagine that could open up Seth Rich and a lot of other mysteries and turn this into a murder mystery as well as an espionage mystery.
But yeah, and as far as free speech, I'm seeing how it's working now.
The government doesn't ban your free speech.
But what they do is they allow Facebook to use completely biased left-wing filters to do the free speech banning on their behalf.
So it's sort of an alliance, like a fascist alliance between the fascist Democrats in the government that hate our ability to still speak.
And the social media left wingers that also hate our ability to speak.
So there's never going to be a crackdown on social media bias against conservatives.
And I think that I continue to say, get off of Facebook, get off of Twitter.
Well, I've been banned.
It's easy for me to say.
But get on to alternative social media.
Free Zoxy.
There's there's Gab, of course, is strong still.
And make them stronger.
Get on them.
Go to friendly social medias.
Get out of enemy territory where you just self-censor yourself.
Let's go now to Brian in California.
Also wants to talk about Julian Assange.
Brian, you there?
Hey, Matt.
Hey, Matt.
Nice to talk to you.
I think that they're bringing Julian Assange here just to protect him.
I don't know, I haven't watched the video, but you know the video with Barr talking to that lady?
It sounded like to me that she was basically, it wasn't asking a question, she was basically saying, are you sure about this?
Because you're dead if you say yeah.
And he basically thought a minute, and he said yeah, so I think he's on board.
I think that Rush has the good take here.
Everybody's been waiting to see.
Barr even has early connections to the CIA.
But is he at his core, is the essence of the man that he'll protect the deep state?
You know, they'll find some old retired guy to investigate TW800, things like that, because they know he's a team player.
Whenever you hear about a blue-ribbon commission of retired elder statesmen, that's the cover-up team.
That's there to put legitimacy on top of a cover-up.
I don't think Barr is that.
What I'm gleaning from him is that the reputation of the DOJ and the FBI, long-term, generational length, is much more important to him than keeping the small group out of prison.
And I see Strzok, McCabe, a lot of these guys potentially going to prison.
And as this all unwinds and untangles, it's going to involve things like Uranium One.
And, you know, they're selling the uranium to the Russians.
$145 million goes to the Clinton Foundation.
How much went to the other guys, Weissman, Mueller, Rosenstein?
You know, so as we unfold this, the deep state coup, I think it's going to, it's going to, the tentacles are going to reach out and take down a lot more of the deep state.
And I don't think that Barr wants his legacy to be that he was another deep state hack liar propping up the false narrative.
So, I think that these deep state coup plotters have a lot to worry about right now.
But that doesn't mean victory is all, you know, everything we see to the horizon.
There are so many things that can happen between now and 2020, you know, to keep Trump from being re-elected.
Just picture in your mind what will happen if there's a President Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker.
It's out of control.
It would be right on the road to Venezuela.
And that would include free speech, calling every white conservative some kind of a Nazi.
We used to just be called American patriots.
And now we're white nationalists.
What the hell?
I'm just an American patriot who happens to have white skin.
But now they're calling me a white nationalist.
So yeah, right now we're kind of coasting on what we perceive to be a wave of victories ahead.
Over the deep state and the, you know, the deep state media.
But goodness, it's going to get ugly if Trump isn't reelected.
And then there's always the specter of a major terrorist attack and assassination.
I mean, imagine if something happened like 1968 with Robert Kennedy being assassinated.
That could lead to, in the modern context, that could lead to a sympathy vote.
If it's false flag that some, you know, white nationalist shot the progressive, you know, frontrunner, then there's going to be a big sympathy vote unless the
The entire thing is unraveled as a false flag.
But we're in very turbulent, tempestuous times.
But for sure, the neo-Bolsheviks are not going to roll over and say, you got us, it was all a false narrative, you win.
They're not going to do that.
They're going to do the Alger Hiss strategy and just lie to the camera.
But where it's going to fall apart is when they're testifying one against the other.
That's how the plot's going to really collapse when they're testifying one against the other.
We'll be back with more calls.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, we're back with our last segment of calls.
And let's go to Jeffrey in Montreal, Canada.
Hi, Matt.
Jeffrey, how are you?
I'm great.
How are you?
I'm good.
Thank you.
I just want to thank the InfoWars team, you, Alex Jones, for this incredible, difficult uphill battle to protect freedom, not only for Americans, but for the whole world.
And I want to add to a couple of points you said concerning the Kindle is that I know Jeff Bezos had an interview on YouTube.
He was talking about how when they sold the book 1984, they had a controversial outcome where they actually went into the Kindles and removed it because there was some sort of legal issue in certain countries.
I know you're right about that.
And speaking of the deep state, I looked at it from a different perspective.
I looked at it from the color.
And when I started looking at the color of UN blue embedded in a lot of the logos in the military, and even if you type in, in Google Images, you type in National Security Agency sign, you will end up seeing two giant signs that are baby blue in front of the buildings.
I didn't build it, they did.
So Iowa, I wanted to mention that I think that the communist movement, world communism, is part of the United Nations.
I think
The Deep State actually really is the U.N.
And I want to say that those who joined the military for the right reasons, I applaud you and I have a great respect for everybody, including anybody in the police outfit.
But I think people should look, you know, speaking of books that were removed from your Kindle, there is one book people should all consider if it's not already on the info or store.
If it's not there, look into it.
It's called None Dare Call It Treason by Stormer.
Oh, absolutely!
Sure, you bet.
This has been known for a long time.
Diana West's book, American Betrayal, is a must-read.
And this book, The Red Thread, is a follow-up, like the Deep State Compendium for American Betrayal.
But the network is very deep, and you know, as far as colors, it was in the, I think, around the Reagan era when the networks flipped the electoral maps from showing the Republicans as, you know, true blue and the Democrats as, you know, leaning red.
They made that switch to kind of confuse it.
So that we wound up being depicted on the election maps as red to kind of muddy the waters from the connotation of the Democrats being the party of the reds, the communists.
So it's not, this isn't new, using colors like that.
The sky blue, I've noticed, it is in some American military logos and things like that.
I don't see the UN as being the driving force of the deep state.
I just see it as one element in this entire matrix, which is, you know, which is academia.
It's the publishing world, movies, but it's also deep into our bureaucracy, even to the extent that the CIA and FBI were penetrated by these, you know,
My opinion is that Julian Assange is probably gonna be a... might be... let's just say he might be... might exchange some information about Pizzagate and Seth Rich.
Yeah, I think that the Seth Rich, it's very possible, but it's going to all be based on his recollections because he'll have been cut off from digital access for so many years that it's just going to be what he remembers and he'll have very little credibility.
I wouldn't doubt that.
I'd be very careful about having food tasters for that man.
There's probably a lot of people who would like to see him slip on a banana peel between here and testifying.
You know, that's for sure.
I don't think he's going to be able to buy life insurance at this point.
So keeping him safe is going to be job one for the marshals or whoever takes custody of him.
And they don't only need to kill people today, they can put something in your food that's going to just make you appear crazy.
To discount any testimony you might give.
Hector in Washington State.
We've got a little bit of time left.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thank you, Matt.
Well, just comparing what's happening to what the Bible says, you know, when it comes to the kings, how God puts kings in the world as He thinks it's the best for His own purpose.
So we've been noticing with Obama and Trump like a flip.
And I think he's just trying to give us an opportunity, you know, to redeem ourselves and think about it.
But also, you know, when it comes to spreading the word outside on the streets, I've been doing it here in New York, Seattle.
Just, you know, bring a Bluetooth speaker outside, hook your phone to it, and then just start playing the Alex Jones Show or any other broadcast that shows, you know, the truth.
Basically just to get the word out.
So I think that's a good idea to do with people outside.
So spread the word faster.
Yeah, so anything you can do to spread the word is good.
Social media or outside on the street like Owen is so great at.
But, you know, I always come back again and again to how many people are afraid to say what they really mean because they're afraid they'll be banned from Facebook.
Are you kidding me?
So they are toning it down.
They're putting on their own throttle.
And this is this is unfortunately very pervasive.
And I just wonder if people are too timid to speak up on social media today when there's very little consequence.
Imagine if the Democrats win and we have national socialist medicine.
Well, it's not only going to be worse level of care and rationing and all of that, but people are going to be really afraid.
Their kids' meds are going to be cut off.
Their operation will be denied.
You know, what they did with the IRS against the Tea Party, imagine social justice warriors as the gatekeepers at the hospital saying, Bracken, I don't think so.
Bad comrade.
No hip replacement.
You know, just the fear of that is
So pervasive and powerful to deter people from doing anything against the bad government.
I mean, we're already, we're like just being sucked into a black hole, little by little.
Well, I won't say that because I need my Patreon and my PayPal for my business, so I won't say that.
And little by little, we get sucked into this hole.
And a few years down the road, we're like Britain with people getting arrested for Facebook posts.
Or completely unpersoned like Tommy Robinson, you know, cut off from everything, basically.
You know, you're like a virtual Julian Assange when you're a Tommy Robinson today.
You can't be reported on.
You're a bad guy.
Yeah, these are times for patriots to stand up and speak out.
You know, so I applaud you for that, Hector.
Mick in Kansas talking about a pardon for Assange.
I don't think it's going to happen.
Or Mickey, go ahead, Mickey.
We need to know everything.
We need those emails, we need to know the sources, and we want justice for Seth Rich.
It's been 33 months since he was slain, and they have... DC has completely dropped the ball on that investigation.
And we want to know who killed Seth Rich.
My money's on the Arwan brothers.
I mean,
I think I remember reading at the time that they were at the same bar that he was out at that night.
And they had access to all the DNC emails, all of their info.
Well, they would have known when he was around.
Forensically, they might have detected the big download when it went on to an external drive.
Because, you know, the experts have said this was not hacked from Russia.
This was an inside job downloaded to an external drive.
Because the transfer speeds were much too great for any internet access.
It was an inside job, and that points to Seth Rich.
And if he didn't do it, they might have thought he did it and killed him anyway.
You know, it could have been a third party that, reminding me of the movie Enemy of the State with Gene Hackman, you know, where the flash drive becomes like the hot potato and whoever's got it is in danger of being scooped up or taken out.
But yeah, I think that the Seth Rich thing is going to elevate the scandal to another level.
Because we already saw the Obama administration commit mass murder.
They started that with Fast and Furious.
That was a murder plan.
They wanted dead Mexicans so that they could take out the Second Amendment.
That's going to be something to see.
I mean, this is going to make the Watergate hearings look like nothing.
This is going to be an unbelievable time, and it's going to be great to watch the left-wing cognitive dissonance fracture and crack apart as the Rachel Maddow's and the Chris Matthews
And the Joe Scarboroughs just lose their minds.
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