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Filename: 20190318_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 18, 2019
2392 lines.

This transcription of an episode of the Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including Facebook's connection with government agencies, criticism of mainstream media coverage of the Christchurch mosque shootings, white nationalism in American culture, censorship by tech companies like Facebook and YouTube, Beto O'Rourke as a potential Democratic frontrunner for the presidential race, Gerald Celente's prediction of the greatest depression to come and ways people can prepare, implications of Deutsche Bank merging with Commerzbank on Germany's economy, income inequality being addressed by Democrats, pot stocks gaining popularity after Wall Street investment in weed, and maintaining a positive attitude for good health.

It's Monday, March 18, 2019.
Facebook is run by the CIA and DARPA.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, otherwise known as DARPA, has been named by several whistleblowers to be the leading innovator in trauma-based mind control.
In 2002, DARPA announced their ambitious IAO program.
The Information Awareness Office was set up to gather and store the personal information of everyone in the United States, including credit card and phone records.
Following strong public criticism that the IAO was blatant mass surveillance, it was officially defunded by Congress in 2003.
In the global surveillance disclosures of 2013, it was revealed that several IAO projects continue to be funded under different names.
In its white paper, DARPA's Dr. Doug Gage stated that the objective of LifeLog was to trace the threads of an individual's life.
LifeLog was going to require each individual user to voluntarily record everything they do in life, producing a unique timeline that would constitute an episodic memory.
Out of this endless ocean of information, DARPA scientists would plot distinctive patterns, mapping out personal relationships, scheduled events, and researchers from DARPA's artificial intelligence sector would feed the data to their machines so the AI computers could study everyone's daily habits and make sense of it.
Civil libertarians attacked the project when it launched, arguing the obvious privacy issues involved with having DARPA keeping such close tabs on the entire population.
On February 4th, 2004, they announced the end of LifeLog.
And on that very same day, Facebook was born.
Within a few months, Sean Parker became the first president of Facebook.
And according to his Wikipedia page, Sean Parker was recruited by the CIA just before finishing high school.
As president of Facebook, Sean Parker brought on their first big investor, Peter Thiel.
Around the same time that LifeLog was created, CIA investment group In-Q-Tel helped Peter Thiel form Palantir Technologies, a company that analyzed massive databases of public information used by the CIA and other offices of the U.S.
intelligence community.
Peter Thiel brought in investor James Breyer, who at the same time was on the board of directors for military defense contractor BBN, along with CIA-run In-Q-Tel CEO Gilman Louie.
With several close connections to the CIA, Facebook went on to accomplish everything that LifeLog hoped to execute.
And all with the appearances of being a private company run by co-creator Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress last April in a grand spectacle that displayed him more like an alien robot than the shrewd business mogul of the world's biggest social media platform.
And now, federal prosecutors are investigating deals that Facebook made with some of the world's largest tech companies.
Top executives are leaving the company.
Director Sheryl Sandberg has sold over $15 million in Facebook shares over the past few weeks.
On Wednesday, March 13th, Facebook and Instagram went down around the globe.
The initial claim of an accidental traffic jam issue with a European internet company was quickly refuted by third-party firm Thousand Eyes, who says the outage appears to be an internal problem.
Facebook later claimed it was due to a server configuration change.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, a lot is happening in the world.
And I've been giving my take on it.
Friday and also Saturday with a special report.
And yesterday with a Sunday show that I've been doing for 11 years.
4 to 6 p.m.
Been doing this broadcast and this time slot for 22 years.
Been on air almost 25.
But you know, I want to hear from the listeners about what you think about New Zealand, and the news reportage, and the weird anomalies, and the manifesto, and John Podesta being in the area, and then his strange comments.
And then we're going to also look into Beto O'Rourke, or Beta Oreck, with his hit-and-run, his DWIs, his fantasy articles about raping women.
And the type of compromised individual he is.
We're gonna discuss all of that.
There is so much to cover, so much to get into today.
And then really the big takeaway.
All the mainstream corporate press is interviewing survivors and family members of victims from the tragic Ides of March Facebook massacre as it's being called.
And they're humanizing the Muslims, and they're getting ready for their funerals, and they're talking about how terrible it was, and mainstream news can show blurred out images of the shooting.
We've shown those as well, but oh, if anybody else that's not mainstream news shows it, you'll have your website taken down, or in New Zealand, they're threatening 10 years in prison.
So we're really seeing these incredible double standards.
Now, when you pull back from this, we certainly know they're using the tragic event to take guns, to call for internet censorship, and to demonize white males.
When a Muslim runs over a couple hundred people with a car, or shoots up a church, or a bunch of Muslim men kidnap little girls and sell them into sex slavery in England, or there's no-go zones and hundreds of cars being burned tonight,
It's not Islam doing that.
It's not men with brown skin doing that.
It's just random crazies and a couple hundred run over, a couple dozen run over, a couple dozen shot, a couple hundred bombed.
It just comes into the news for a day.
They kind of announce it as a footnote.
And you never hear about it again.
But 50 people die and they just plaster it all over the front page of the news, the front page of every news site, the internet.
And all these radical Islamic members of Congress, they come slithering out from underneath their rocks and say that this is an attack on Islam.
Can I go to any Islamic country as a Christian
Well, you know what?
And live in peace and be left alone?
The answer is no.
Even the more tolerant ones like Syria.
Can I go to Saudi Arabia and preach the gospel?
Can I go to Iraq and do it?
Can I go to Sudan and do it?
Can I go to Somalia and do it?
Can I go to Indonesia and do it?
Everywhere Islam comes in, it pushes everybody else out.
And then, when someone acts like Muslims Act, when someone acts like radical Muslims Act, and goes into a place and kills a bunch of innocent people, it's the end of the world, and white people are to blame, and the President hasn't done enough, and it's Trump's fault, and I've got all these news clips about how being white is inherently bad, and the person that supposedly carried out these attacks, Brendan Tarrant,
Says he did it to cause a helter-skelter global race war to depopulate the planet.
Same thing, word for word, Charlie Manson said.
And I've been predicting you'll see Charlie Manson-type crises.
Because they were trying a global takeover in 69, and they're trying one in 2019.
And yes, the man did it as a false flag.
You do a false flag to get your enemies fighting with each other, or to target your enemy, or to blame your enemy.
And he says in the manifesto, I did it to get my enemies fighting.
Limbaugh's come out and said leftists who staged false flag attack to frame conservatives.
It's hiding in plain view.
I'm not saying the shooting didn't happen.
My heart goes out to those that died.
There are a lot of nice Muslims.
The point is they always come in first, and the radicals come in and take them over, and then they kick you out if you don't convert.
So when we come back, I'm gonna get to a very powerful report John Bowne put together.
Podesta labels New Zealand a big juicy target for weaponized propaganda.
That ties into the manifesto, they don't want you to understand.
We're going to look at that and then I'm going to give the number out.
I'm going to do that right now.
I'm going to give the number out.
And I want to hear from you specifically on what you think is going on and what you think is happening and what you think is unfolding.
With this clear global move, I watched CNN, I watched Fox News, I watched ABC News, I watched MSNBC and they said, there is an explosion of white supremacy globally.
There's an explosion of radical Islam and attacking everybody around them.
Not true.
And we need to censor white males and we need to kick the right wing off the internet.
So they're going to their next phase.
I think?
Oliver Darcy, his partner in crime, also said, yeah, Alex Jones still has InfoWars, and he's doing bad things, and we need them off the Internet right now!
Meanwhile, they're giving themselves awards at CNN last week.
They gave the head of CNN for defending free speech.
He's like, we must stop those that try to silence voices asking questions.
Meanwhile, his network's dedicated to savaging the First Amendment publicly.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
It's a total war for the future of this nation and every nation and the family.
We're going to break it all down.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
And we're taking calls specifically on the attacks on free speech.
What are the goals of the massacre?
What he said in the manifesto was to bring in authoritarianism, to smash Christianity, to smash conservatives, to create a communist Chinese model.
That's in his manifesto.
Then he flashes what the left claim is a white power sign.
Well, you better tell the old 7up commercials.
You better tell the Italian food restaurant ads where you go, Bon Appetit, or, Oh, it's wonderful.
Oh, wait till you, wait till you taste the clams in the red sauce.
I mean, everybody knows that means, Oh, it's so good.
It means A-OK.
You know, if you're underwater diving, what's this mean?
I've got enough oxygen.
I'm okay.
What does it mean about food?
Oh, how's that food?
Oh, it's delicious.
But see, now he flashes the sign.
I guess it means the three fingers mean a W. Fitting into the perfect scripting of the false flag they need.
Doesn't mean the shooting didn't happen.
False flags, there's many different variants of them.
It's where you provocateur someone, you let them do it, you protect them or the person doing it.
It goes beyond Jesse Smollett who just staged the event.
You actually do a violent event to blame it on someone.
That's how World War II was launched in Operation Himmler, when the Nazis staged attacks on themselves and killed real people to launch the war with Poland.
That's how World War II started!
And now he says that's why he did it.
Meanwhile, Obama's top professor says they think Trump's gonna stage a false flag.
So it's okay for them to talk about false flags, but not us.
The truth is, they're losing.
We're winning.
Your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
Your take, your view, on this seminal event of the 50 dead Muslims.
Remember, over 1,300 churches, according to the UN, have been blown up in just the last three years by Muslims.
Over a million Christians are displaced every year, just in Africa alone, by Muslims invading from the north into the south.
Millions of Christians have been killed in the last decade by Muslims.
But you don't hear their names, you don't see their funerals, you don't learn their stories.
But, front of CNN since last Friday, the front of ABC, the front of MSNBC, is the tragedy and the world faces the explosion of white supremacist terror, which is incredibly rare.
And you look at McVeigh in Oklahoma City, we know the workers in the buildings, we know the federal court cases, we know who planted the bombs.
That was 100% total stage false flag.
But there are other false flags where the person themselves hires two actors to dump bleach on them and put a rope around their neck and slap them.
That's a false flag where you don't actually have the crime of the person being hurt.
Then you have other events where people go in and attack a group so that the group they want to blame gets in trouble.
And the gentleman, the demon, the creature, Brenton Tarrant, says in the manifesto,
I'm a leftist.
I'm a fascist eco-terrorist.
I want to reduce world population.
The Earth's overpopulated.
I want to make people clash to reduce the number of people.
That's Charlie Manson.
Where do you think Charlie Manson got it?
Where do you think Theodore Kaczynski got it?
I'm not just saying this.
Look it up!
Charlie Manson worked for the CIA in MKUltra in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Charlie Manson!
Theodore Kaczynski worked for the CIA at the exact same time, that's L.A.
Times, in MKULTRA!
Sirhan Sirhan, MKULTRA!
So I don't know if this guy had handlers, but he sure as hell is following the program, and Limbaugh's right, he's a leftist doing this critic class of civilizations.
Here's Podesta Labels New Zealand a Big Juicy Target for Weaponized Propaganda by John Bowne.
It is odd that just four days before the New Zealand massacre, John Podesta, former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman, former Bill Clinton White House chief of staff, former Obama administration counselor, and chairman for the Center for American Progress would be present to praise
Relatively unknown Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as a superstar.
The New Zealand Herald reported four days before the massacre that John Podesta told Newstalk that Ardern had given hope to Social Democrats all around the world.
She's made an impression on the world.
She's somebody that people are paying attention to.
Podesta had been overseeing a global progressives event titled The Path to Progress and had been interviewed by New Zealand's News Hub, describing New Zealand as a big, juicy target.
New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes spy network, a powerful intelligence club made up of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and us.
And as being a member of the Five Eyes group, does that make New Zealand more vulnerable?
I don't think it makes them more vulnerable.
It probably makes them, in some ways, they probably have tighter security.
But it makes them a juicier target.
Let's put it that way.
Add to Podesta's ominous appearance that the mainstream media was immediately and predictably silent on the shooter's leftist leanings, instead opting to further their version of the shooter's manifesto by linking the blame to President Trump and painting the president
I am Chris Cuomo.
Welcome to PRIMETIME.
49 people massacred for being different than their murderer.
And many more before them here at home.
The time has come to stop ignoring an obvious problem abroad and here at home.
White supremacism is on the rise, and the president should know that.
The killer's manifesto, meantime, mentions President Trump, calling him, quote, a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose, unquote.
Jim, has the White House said anything about the reference to the president in this so-called manifesto?
Well, the President was asked about it, Anderson, and he said he hadn't read it, but the White House Counselor, Kellyanne Conway, she was asked about this earlier in the day, and she was urging reporters to read the entire manifesto, and that there were parts of the manifesto that said that this killer was an eco-terrorist, she said, and so on.
She was really looking past the language in this manifesto that was describing the President as sort of a hero to people who identify with their white heritage.
And what was also striking, Anderson, in that manifesto was that the killer was using terms like invaders and invasion.
We see today white nationalism as a rising threat around the world.
I don't really.
I think it's a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.
I guess if you look at what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that's the case.
I don't know enough about it yet.
They're just learning about the person and the people involved.
But it's certainly a terrible thing.
Terrible thing.
Sir, despite what the President says, how embedded is white supremacy in U.S.
culture right now?
Right now?
I mean, I think it's been embedded for a very long time.
I think we're seeing more instances of it, and it's more in your face.
I went to a conference in Texas last year of Muslims.
There were people with guns standing outside shouting no to Sharia law.
I mean, that is what is going on in cities in the United States right now.
Your piece in The Atlantic, you argue that white...
That white nationalism has deep American roots.
I mean, you hear it on Fox News, you hear it from the president, you hear it from the manifesto of the shooter in New Zealand who was motivated by fears of what he called white genocide, which is simply the loss of white political and cultural dominance in countries that he considers to belong to white people.
The political discourse that we're having now, and the administration in power now, Donald Trump himself has said so many things that match what white nationalists say.
It matches their message.
Think of how many efforts we make to stop jihadist terrorism, and that's appropriate.
That is a real threat.
But we don't have a comparable effort in this government to combat
Clearly, the New Zealand shooter was a coward.
And anyone supporting the madness that wipes out women and children in a blaze of supposed glory is a coward as well.
Podesta and the Mockingbird Media are only interested in weaponizing this cowardice.
Attempting to convince the American people that we should be stripped of our rights and downgraded to dirty cowards like themselves.
Fortunately for the average American citizen, albeit temporarily if the Democrats have their way in future elections, the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights say otherwise regarding the clandestine intentions of the New World Order.
John Bowne reporting.
They're demoralizing you.
It's simple.
They're making America be about hating the country and race-based, and then saying the president is a racist who's trying to unify us.
This is a classic divide-and-conquer strategy, and this individual that said he wanted a race war and division is getting exactly what he wants, and the corporate media, led by John Podesta, is giving them exactly what they need.
They're all working hand-in-glove with the red bug.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I need your help, Frank.
They're trying to shut us down, Frank.
The great Frank of North Carolina has called in.
We're gonna go to him first here in just a few minutes.
We got callers from Hawaii,
Callers from Illinois, callers from all over the country, and callers coming in from around the world.
A toll free number to join us.
We'll flash up on screen for TV viewers.
Let me get serious though.
The corporate media is working in concert all over the world to take this tragic event that just took place in New Zealand.
50 dead Muslims killed cold-bloodedly.
Something ISIS or Al-Qaeda would do.
Something our media would then cover up and not even talk about.
And it's projecting it onto President Trump, onto nationalists, onto gun owners, and onto white people in general.
And so the entire corporate press is anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Western, trying to get the whole world to then hate Americans that are white, hate Europeans that are white, to then have the UN bring in populations for a race-based system.
It's actually very Hitlerian, but it's being engineered by the globalists against the West.
We're supposedly going to respond by being racist and follow their paradigm.
But it's amazing how they won't personalize anybody killed by Muslims, any church shot up, any 200 plus people run over by cars, including toddlers, won't show you their names, won't show their burials, but they will this mosque.
And he said in his manifesto he wants a global race war to depopulate people.
That's what Charlie Manson said.
So the corporate press is aiding and abetting this individual, Brenton Tarrant.
And old John Podesta was right there in New Zealand for the whole thing right on time.
And Limbaugh's come out and said, looks like a leftist staging this as a false flag to blame conservatives.
That's who's got the motive and the media sure playing along with the whole thing.
Now, let's shift gears.
This isn't just about targeting white people and demonizing white people and demonizing the West and demonizing anybody that wants to have sovereignty or anybody who's a capitalist.
It's about blaming Facebook and others who are going along with being blamed.
As if humans being able to communicate spontaneously is bad because someone uses a platform for something that's evil.
Because Brenton Tarrant did this, we now all have to lose our free speech.
We have to be censored and watched and have the feature of live video feeds taken from us because we're more popular.
We the people are more popular than mainstream corporate media, so they're going to protect us
And give us 10 years in prison if we supposedly show any of his statements or him invading the mosque.
But CNN can show the blurred footage because they're special.
And that's really where all this is going.
So this weekend, I did something I really don't do that often.
I see the clips online, I see the news articles, I read the text, I read the transcripts, but I don't have the strength to watch it.
I watched hours of CNN and MSNBC.
I watched Brian, incredibly disingenuous stelter, call for total censorship of the internet.
He said white supremacism is exploding.
Worldwide we're all in danger.
He started with taking Alex Jones off.
That's not enough.
Take them all off.
Oliver Darcy at CNN chimed in.
He said Infowars is spreading hate.
Take it down.
NPR had a big giant fake hit piece where I need to be taken off air because I'm attacking Sandy Hook families and saying send people to their houses.
Total lies!
So it just goes on and on and on.
They're making their move on free speech all over the world and are unifying the program and the plan to do it.
And last week, Tucker Carlson knocked it out of the park, showing the comedic genius of CNN and its CEO holding a gala to give themselves awards.
And talk about how they're champions of free speech battling the evil Trump who's trying to take their speech when all Trump has done is responded back to their lies.
They call that censorship and attacks on the press.
And the head of CNN goes on to say the media is going to be attacked.
We're going to be killed because of what Trump's done.
They've been saying that for two years, folks, and I guarantee you they want us off the air.
So when they stage their big false flag to a media facility,
We're not here and you don't have a platform to talk about what they're doing.
But you can see them teeing it up.
You can see them setting it all up and preparing it.
Yes, since the Christchurch massacre happened,
Since last week, you try to put in Alex Jones on YouTube and search today, this week, it's all the same results.
All hit pieces from a few years ago.
And everybody's noticing it, and they're doing it to everybody.
Trump, Michael Savage, but Beto O'Rourke and Hillary Clinton, oh, their results are up to the minute.
And then in some geographic areas, they're not censoring.
But this is what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
All the hit pieces on top.
But then they go before Congress and say, we don't fix any results.
Meanwhile, in their quarterly prospectus to their shareholders, they admit it.
Their internal videos and text messages, they admit it.
It's all come out, but they just lie.
And then Trump says, he's not going to do anything.
Green lighting it all.
Well, if Trump won't defend himself and defend us, I'm glad he's there and has done a lot of good things, but it's kind of like you watch your two-year-old 90% of the time, but sometimes you let the two-year-old walk out the front door towards the highway 100 yards away and you're just like, well, I watch my two-year-old daughter 90% of the time, but 10% of the time, I let her wander around on the highway.
Trump's like, well, I take care of 90% of stuff, but on the really important stuff, I'm not going to do anything.
I'm going to sit here and do nothing to protect myself or the country or anybody else.
I'm going to just let them do all this to you.
How does that sound?
I'm going to put a big old fat green light up there and just say, it's okay.
It's like if you had a submarine.
And 90% of the time you keep the bulkhead doors closed.
Let's say you're in Cozumel, Mexico and you've got a submarine that goes down to 100 feet and you get to look at the coral reefs and everything.
And you know, they have a good safety record.
But just what if randomly they said, you know, but today we're just going to open the bulkheads up at 100 feet and everybody's going to get killed.
It's okay.
So that's what Trump's doing.
Oh, I'm doing good on this.
I'm doing good on that.
But on the fundamental, I'm just going to... Imagine you've got some prize horses.
And you know, 90% of the time, you close the gates at night and you feed them.
But maybe, maybe a month out of the year, you just decide not to feed them and leave the gates open.
And then you wonder why they don't come back.
Kind of like, well, I make my kids dinner and take care of them, you know, six days a week, but one day a week, I just leave them there.
Same thing!
It's the same damn thing as doing nothing.
I said I'd go to your calls.
We're going to go to your calls when we come back.
But I need to go to this Tucker Carlson piece.
We'll play it when we return.
Then I'll get to Obama's Harvard Law professor.
It's very important.
Dangerous Trump may fabricate emergency to stay in power.
So see, when we question Democrats and globalists doing stuff like that, oh, it's insane, never happened.
But when they say it, oh, it's all very serious.
The truth is governments do stuff like this, and it's legitimate for anybody to ask those type of questions.
That's coming up in your phone calls.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm here live.
We're going to your phone calls here in a moment.
But I wanted to go to this Tucker Carlson piece because he lays it out with CNN having its own award show giving themselves awards for defending free speech.
I mean that's like the Washington Post working against free speech and then saying democracy dies in darkness.
I mean give me a break.
You work around the clock to try to shut down Infowars, and then the Washington Post doesn't know why we're critical of them.
Give me a break!
It's like you punch somebody in the nose, and then you can't believe they fight back.
How about you stop punching me in the nose, and then I'll stop punching you in the nose.
You are the ones attacking us!
My God, you turn on the news, white people are the devil!
That's the opposite of what Martin Luther King said.
You don't judge people off what color they are.
Everybody knows you don't judge.
I don't judge people off what color they are.
I judge off how they speak, what they've done, how they're dressed, what they drive.
Everybody knows that.
It's crazy.
I digress, I want to go to your calls.
Let's go to Tucker Carlson on the real threat.
They're coming for everybody's speech.
Here it is.
Last night, a group of highly paid media figures gathered in Washington, D.C.
to do what they do best, congratulate themselves on being such incredibly good people.
It was the annual First Amendment Awards.
This show wasn't nominated, by the way, and so the literal minded, it might seem a little odd, we've spent the last two years almost alone in Washington, by the way, defending the idea that the unpopular
ought to be allowed to say uncomfortable things in public.
That was our understanding of free speech.
The point of the First Amendment award is now just the opposite.
But this is 2019.
It goes to the media executive who has worked most tirelessly to punish the people he doesn't agree with and force them to be quiet.
Given those new criteria, this year's award went to, of course, CNN President Jeff Zucker.
The day that we allow those in power to determine who gets to ask them questions, and what kinds of questions we ask, that is the day that this dinner ceases to exist.
Who gets to ask the questions?
Now, whatever you think of Jeff Zucker, he is not encumbered by shame.
Keep in mind that it was his network, CNN, that argued in public that Fox News should not be allowed to ask any questions of the candidates in the Democratic primary debates.
That just happened.
It was also CNN that demanded that radio show host Alex Jones be silenced because Jeff Zucker didn't like what he was saying.
CNN waged a long campaign against Jones.
It worked.
Jeff Zucker silenced and de-platformed his show.
It was a stunning defeat for free speech.
So naturally, Jeff Zucker just won the First Amendment award.
Whether you like Donald Trump or you dislike Donald Trump, the one thing that I think we can all agree on is that Donald Trump has made American journalism great again.
At CNN, our core mission is to tell the truth.
To hold those in power accountable, even when it's uncomfortable.
Especially when it's uncomfortable.
CNN's mission is to tell the truth.
Well, maybe someone ought to tell Carter Page.
CNN falsely suggested he was a Russian agent who helped destroy his life.
Or tell it to the Covington High School students.
Jeff Zucker's network slandered and shamed and tried to destroy them all on the basis of lies.
The truth?
Well, maybe the judge will believe that.
Zucker had better hope so.
CNN is facing a $250 million lawsuit over their fraudulent Covington coverage.
Lots of luck.
Jeff Zucker doesn't want to talk about any of that.
So, as always, he changes the subject to, you guessed it, Fox News.
This administration has made it abundantly clear that they do not have respect for or tolerance of a free and independent press.
They call us the enemy of the people.
They limit our access.
They selectively grant interviews, most often to outlets that have assured them that they will follow the script.
Quite literally, they put our lives at risk with their words and their actions.
Fox News follows the script?
This is the only network on television where you won't hear the same script every night.
It's the only news channel that deviates in any way from the other ten.
They are united in total conformity.
We are different.
Zucker hates that.
He prefers strict obedience.
Jeff Zucker would shut down Fox News tomorrow if he could.
Just the other day, Zucker said that Fox News has, quote, done tremendous damage to the country.
By disagreeing with him and his friends.
This is not the behavior of someone who supports free speech.
It's the mark of someone who wants to crush free speech, and has.
And yet in Washington, people like that get First Amendment awards.
It's grotesque.
It's grotesque.
All right, I'm going to take your calls about 30 minutes to the next hour.
The great reporter, Will Johnson, has got a lot of big news.
He's going to be joining us.
I also need to get to a bunch of other news.
I haven't covered Obama's Harvard Law professor.
Trump may fabricate emergencies to stay in power.
No evidence Trump's doing that.
But other presidents have actually planned that.
It's come out.
So it's reasonable for somebody to raise that.
But when I raise it, that other forces might try to pull something like this.
Oh, it's insane.
Well, they just can't have it.
Both ways.
Let's go to Frank.
You know, Frank's gotten pretty famous.
He's been calling in, I think, about 15 years or so.
And I disagree with Frank on some of his politics.
I mean, I don't disagree that the left's a bunch of anti-white racists who are trying to create a race war.
It's very, very sad, but I don't want to sink to that level.
Hey Alex, you know, I had a question for you.
I got a text message several Fridays ago and it said, hey Alex Jones is on.
Saying that it's his final broadcast.
I turned it on real quick and I heard you say it myself.
And I never heard another word about that.
What was that about?
Well, Frank, I believe that you have a good IQ, so I think you're taking a cheap shot.
I didn't make the promo piece.
They did a cinematic piece where it's post-free speech and they're hunting people down and killing them.
It's a very well-done piece, but I said I don't want to air it a lot because it shows us cowering when they come to kill us, and I don't think patriots would do that.
And so clearly it then says at the end of it that this is the world they want to build.
Let's not let that happen.
So if you see something that again, it's like if I dress up as the Joker and I'm saying crazy things, it's called satire or it's called science fiction.
And so actually let's cue that piece up because I love the work of the crew.
But I didn't like the piece.
I spent a lot of time and energy on it, because I said people with low IQs will be confused, and I said I don't like that we're cowering, getting killed for our free speech.
I'm not an offensive guy, but I'm a defensive guy.
If they're ever hunting people down and killing them for their speech in this country, it's time to take action like they did in 1776.
So, Frank, are you joking?
I'm going to air that piece coming up at the start of the next hour for everybody to decide whether I was being deceptive.
Alex, I actually have, as best I can recall, an above average IQ.
And so you thought that piece with Infowars employees having their heads blown off was real?
Well, I'm not on the internet, Alex.
I got a text message.
Somebody had just turned on your show.
It said, turn on Alex.
Oh, now you've got a point.
And that's what I always tell the viewers.
And I tell the crew.
I go, stop thinking everything's visual.
Stop thinking that everything is... You've got to describe to radio listeners.
You've got to narrate.
Because then sometimes things that are for TV sound real for radio.
You got me, Frank.
You're absolutely right about that.
Okay, you got me.
You're right.
You couldn't see the text explaining that it was fiction.
You're absolutely right.
That's why I didn't like the piece.
I had a bad feeling.
A lot of us listen in over our telephones on a call-in line.
We don't even have an app.
I listen in on this phone line.
You know, you get unlimited minutes on a cell phone.
I call into all these shows and listen to them day and night.
Okay, well, you got me, Frank.
Frank got me.
You're absolutely right, Frank.
Well, you're always saying that, you know, they're trying to take you down, so I figured they must have found some way to... By the way, why don't you, and I'll hold you over, why don't you plug, because I've got my foot in my mouth right now, because I forget that that service a bunch of people do for free for the show.
It's very nice.
One out of Michigan, I think one's out of Nevada, where you can call in and listen to the show over your phone.
Tell folks how you do that, I forget.
Well, I have to go into my phone.
I've never memorized it.
I've just got it plugged in as InfoWars on my phone on my contact list, but I can look it up.
There's also a texting system we set up that I've never plugged on air that's tens of thousands signed up for regardless, where you just type in a pound message and then you get alerts when our articles or we go live.
That is invaluable.
That's someplace I've really dropped the ball.
So thanks for mentioning that.
Frank, stay there.
I'm gonna come back to you.
Get your take on the Christchurch situation.
Then I'll hurry through the callers from all over the country and all over the world.
He got me.
He really got me.
By the way, I'm not criticizing the crew.
It's a very well-done, you know, Netflix-style deal.
It's just... Things are so serious nowadays, people don't get fiction.
Especially when it doesn't translate over radio, which is 70% of our audience.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, NewsWars.com.
It's not as censored as InfoWars, so it's easier to spread on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
And folks have been doing that, so good job.
Alright, going back to Frank.
I'm glad we cleared that up because we did this fictional end of free speech police state takeover video which is well done but I had an issue with it and of course it doesn't translate over radio which is why I never aired it which I guess when I was out of town somebody did air it.
We've always got to remember we are a radio show.
Going back now to Frank.
Frank what's your view on this tragic situation out in New Zealand with the mass killing?
Uh, well, do you want me to give you that number?
I was going to do that as a favor to you for taking my call.
If you want to give that number real quick where people, if they're out on the road or somewhere, they can secretly listen in over their phone.
Yes, tell folks about it.
And I've been using these numbers for a number of years.
Okay, it's area code 605-562-4029.
A lot of shows have them, and if you have unlimited minutes, there's no charge for it.
At least not through Verizon.
You may want to check your... And you can just plug your phone into a speaker, and then it's great.
Yeah, I use my phone as a radio day and night all the time.
No, that's right.
In fact, they just brought me the numbers.
It's 605-562-4029, 512-646-5000, 605-475-5800.
We should create a site on the Listen page that has this, that also has the text alerts that you can get to your phone for news or when we go live.
These are all the things I should be plugging more so.
Thanks for bringing it up, Frank, and I do see your point about that not being suitable for radio because it didn't translate, and I apologize.
Now, what's your take on Christchurch?
Well, you know, I'm not on the Internet these days, and I listen to a lot of alternative media, and, you know, I watch NBC World News Tonight, ABC World News Tonight, I try and watch four or five times a week, and I know last night I heard them say
Two of the individuals that they thought were involved in the shooting initially have been, quote, cleared and released.
And it's just funny, you know, it follows a pattern that I've observed over the years, ever since these shootings started becoming a big thing.
There's always these reports, and I know about the fall of the war and all that, but there's always these reports of multiple shooters, multiple people involved, and I always have to wonder, are these handlers?
I don't know.
I wasn't there.
I'm never going to know what really happened or whatever, but I know one thing.
I can't trust the media, and unfortunately, I can't trust my own government.
I was in a deposition last week on the Sandy Hook lawsuits and they kept getting me trying to say that it was cameramen that were arrested in the woods by Sandy Hook in tactical gear.
And I'm like, no, it was in the news.
As soon as I got out of the deposition, I pulled up the video.
I pulled up the articles where it said that a local cop was in tactical gear from a drill in the woods, but got released.
That happened.
But they were trying to get me to say it didn't happen.
It was crazy.
I remember hearing that live that morning.
So I don't know what happened, but I'll be honest with you, from what I hear about this guy's manifesto, I would be considered a white nationalist.
Of course, a lot of people would smear me as a white supremacist, which would be inaccurate, because I believe in the diversity of life, of all things.
But as a white nationalist, I take my own country's interests first.
And I think our country is being engineered to go through a significant change of demographics, which is, I believe, ultimately going to change the nature... Well, don't hang up, but I'm going to come back to you on the other side in one minute.
We got Will Johnson coming on, and he'll take calls while he's on, and he's a black guy, an American, a patriot, and he'll say there's a war on white people.
But just because there's a war on white people doesn't mean all the quote minorities are involved in it.
I agree they're attempting in the media to target whites and that white genocide's going on, but what's the bigger picture?
What's that really about?
Instead of us all at the grassroots hating each other, who's pulling the strings?
Stay there, Frank.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, if you read the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, he says, I'm an eco-fascist, there's too many people, I want a global race war to reduce population.
I went over his whole manifesto Friday, showed you where he says it, and I want to trigger people to kill each other.
Well, that's a false flag.
When you go do an event to get other people to do what you want, and to blame a group that you're not really with, that's a false flag.
And Rush Limbaugh pointed out that a lot of people are saying that's what's happening, as he read from a Paul Joseph Watson article from Infowars.com.
We're going to go back to franking your calls right now.
I appreciate folks holding, but here is that particular clip from Limbaugh Friday.
The shooter's objective here was to divide.
I mean, another thing that happens here when these events happen, you have
All kinds of speculation that erupts.
And there is an ongoing theory, Mr. Snidley, correct me if I'm wrong about this, there's an ongoing theory that the shooter himself may in fact be a leftist who writes the manifesto and then goes out and performs the deed purposely to smear his political enemies, knowing he's
You're gonna get shot in the process, and you can't immediately discount this.
The left is this insane, they are this crazy, and if that's exactly what the guy's trying to do, then he's hit a home run because right there on Fox News, the shooter is an admitted white nationalist who hates immigrants.
Let's stop right there.
The whole thing is written to get people fighting.
The media goes with his exact line, working with him.
Facebook's down before it happens, so it goes right back up as it happens.
YouTube's now totally censoring.
NPR, CNN this weekend, censor Alex Jones.
It's everywhere, they're making their move.
So Frank, listen.
I get the fact that they're trying to make us a divided nation.
They're trying to make Hispanics be in their own group, blacks in their own group, whites in their own group, like we're all prisoners.
And you hear black students wanting to segregate colleges and high schools.
That's the opposite of Martin Luther King.
It didn't mean segregation, desegregation didn't have its problems.
But there's the Christian ethos of all of us being unified by Christ.
And that could expand to free market or private property.
I don't see a divided world fighting over what color we are having any future.
I get that's how we're designed, we're primitive, all of us.
It's tribalism.
We're being programmed.
It was the West that tried to end all this race stuff.
Now they're using our strength against us.
I'm not going to project onto the minorities that they're godlike.
They're going to be better than white people.
No, the truth is they're just as apt, or more so, to be racist.
So, it's a disastrous situation.
But you read the WikiLeaks.
And they say, we're going to create racial and cultural division to control people.
So I get they're doing it.
So the average pundit on CNN who's black or Hispanic sounds way more racist than David Duke.
I get that I'm not going to be a hypocrite and go, oh, David Duke, he's the devil, when these people are even worse than David Duke, according to their own cosmology.
They're saying any race-based system's evil.
Then they're totally race-based, saying whites are inherently evil.
I've got like five clips just this weekend, I haven't even gotten to, on mainstream news.
Where's my video clip list?
Where they're saying whites are inherently bad.
I mean, you've got the New York Times board members saying whites are subhuman goblin creatures that live in holes.
But it's not the average black person or Hispanic person or Asian person doing this.
It's evil, manipulative globalists.
So, that's my point.
What is your point on this and where you see this going in Christchurch?
Well, I've had, you know, conversations with Muslims, you know, the nice Muslims.
You know, you can have an intelligent conversation with them.
There's one guy, he's a doctor, a PhD.
And he tells me, honestly, he says, look, Frank, you don't have anything to worry about, okay?
Uh, you know, you just live your life.
It's going to happen.
We are coming to America.
We are eventually going to take over, but it's not something you need to worry about.
This is going to take time.
They admit this and they're the people that know they teach it in all their mosque.
There's going to be 3 billion of them in five years.
And if you're a man and join them, you can slap women around and throw them off cliffs.
I don't want to do that.
Once their numbers grow, everything's going to change.
They're going to start placing demands, okay?
And, you know, you call it the Jewish Mafia.
I call it organized Jewry.
They are the ones, primarily, who are behind this.
You can just check the names.
I just go check the names of all the people that are driving this.
That's what I do.
They admit they want to destroy the white race.
They're like, the white race has to be destroyed.
I have pointed out, when I talk about the Jewish Mafia...
I'm saying there's organized crime in every group, so there are Jews that are doing some bad out there, but that's the Jewish Mafia.
I don't believe a Jewish Mafia runs the planet.
I don't believe a Chinese Mafia runs the planet.
I don't believe an Anglo Mafia runs the planet.
An evil Mafia of evil people, who tend to be pedophiles, all work together.
I mean, here's the thing.
How do you respond to China?
If any one racial group's dominating and taking over, it's the Chinese.
It's not their people.
You know, they're under enslavement.
But, I mean, people always say I'm covering up for Israel.
I'm not covering up for Israel.
I want to get past names of people and make it about ideology because then I can get, no matter what color you are or where you came from, if I can get you into free market, capitalism, and free speech, and Second Amendment, then we're going to win.
I'm just trying to sell ideology over race.
Does that make sense?
I believe that China and Israel and organized tyranny have been hooked at the hips for probably a hundred plus years.
This was all planned out a whole long time ago, and they do it for their own interests, their separate interests.
I mean, the symbiotic relationship, I don't know exactly where it's going.
But I know this, there is a war on white people.
I mean the news sounds just like Hitler saying Jews and others are doing this.
Hitler said Jews are evil and they're setting up evil systems to destroy us and they're taking over and they're where all the evil comes from and they're the bad people and they have Jewish privilege and they're the bad guys.
You turn on CNN, just take Jew out of the name and they're saying it about white people.
And it's going on.
And so this is Hitlerian against white Christians.
Because white Christians created a system that Martin Luther King and others picked up, Martin Luther King Jr., of unifying us around ideas, not what color we are, which creates unity and prosperity.
And so I agree there's an attempt to bring racism into play for control.
But I think it's being done because it sabotages culture.
And all I'm saying is I don't believe getting more into racism is going to fix it.
I agree we should defend our identity.
I like St.
Paddy's Day, even though I'm a little bit Irish, because it's one of the few holidays you can celebrate and it's okay to be European.
So I'm all about celebrating everybody's heritage.
But at the same time, I think if we become like the racists we're fighting, we've fallen into the social engineer's plan.
What do you think?
You know, we white nationalists, believe it or not, we actually have people that call in.
They listen to our shows.
And they actually will call in sometimes and say, you know what, you guys are right.
We've got a Mexican guy.
He came here illegally.
And he actually agrees with white nationalism.
He says, you know, you guys really ought to stand up for yourselves.
We have a Jewish guy that calls in.
He is now, he no longer considers himself Jew.
But he calls them and says, you guys are absolutely right in everything you say.
Let me ask you this, because the globalists are starting a fight they're not going to win.
I mean, you turn on CNN or MSNBC, it's literally 1937 Nazi Germany, but just the inverse.
Where do these people think that's going?
I mean, it's certainly radicalizing white people.
You know, I abhor violence.
Murder, death, massacres.
I don't even like killing any living thing.
I don't even hunt.
I'm a veteran, but I abhor violence like that.
But at some point, what are we supposed to do if we love our heritage, if we love
And I'm not saying it's all good, but if we love the ideals, the best part of the ideals that America, we thought, were built on, what are we supposed to do if all that's going to be taken away?
Well, there's no doubt that America's openness and the Christian ethos of the abolitionist movement has been betrayed by the Democrats, who were the racist KKK party then.
They're doing it again.
Frank, I appreciate your call.
I don't normally have a caller on for three segments.
It's important to hear those ideas out.
We've got loaded phones.
I'll get to all of you.
Most talk shows give people like 30 seconds.
I give people like 10 minutes.
We'll get to all of you and we have Will Johnson coming on.
We'll get his take straight away.
Stay with us.
Everybody stay right there.
Well, Will Johnson is an amazing investigative journalist, reporter, and activist in his own right.
He also does some work for Infowars.com.
He's going to ride shotgun with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
We're 15 minutes behind today.
And Vox Day is coming on.
He really thinks this is a false flag out in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Thinks it's a false flag?
Even Rush Limbaugh has come out and said, the guy says he's a leftist, he's a eco-fascist, he wants to exterminate the population, to lower the population, he wants to get a race war going.
And it's all hiding in plain view is what's so frustrating to me.
Is that yes, the media is promoting that white people are inherently evil, that is the opposite of what Martin Luther King said, and is a total fraud.
Judge people according to what color they are, not according to their deeds and what they stand for.
It's asinine on its face.
But that's how this works.
That's how these groups do this.
And so then, you get enough media globally saying whites are evil, they need to be exterminated, they need to be gotten rid of.
The New York Times editorial board saying they're cave creatures, goblins in holes, can't wait till they're all dead.
You're going to start eliciting a violent response, which is exactly what the globalists want.
That's exactly what they want.
It's simple.
What does Brenton Tarrant say in his manifesto?
He says, I want to start a global race war to reduce population.
So, did he have help?
How did he get the guns in Australia?
There's no discussion four or five days later of that.
That's a big telltale sign.
Four days later.
And now they're saying get rid of free speech, and now they're saying stop live streaming of everybody.
So now it gets really, really suspicious that he probably had help, because they're not discussing where the guns come from, all the rest of it, just we're going to take your guns.
But then you have somebody call in who says he's a white nationalist earlier, he's a veteran, and he's hearing people say I'm evil, they're coming to get me, I don't want to kill anybody, but what do I do?
It's falling into the trap.
You've got to expose how they're putting two Vietnamese or Chinese fighting fish.
Can we cue up that James Bond clip from Russia With Love for the next segment?
And you make them attack each other, and once one's dead, the other's hurt, then the other one comes in.
We need to be talking about the third fish.
And about the larger plan.
Or are we just so dumb, they're going to play us off against each other?
How the British, in the Great Games, what they called it, played Pakistan and India off against each other for hundreds of years, and a few thousand British troops were able to control 50 times their number.
Because they played groups of golf against each other.
Will Johnson of uniteamericafirst.com.
You also do work for newswars.com.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I want to get your fresh take on this whole situation.
But I tell you, the whole media is piled onto this now.
And that's really suspicious.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Thank you for having me on again, Alex.
It's an honor to be here.
You know what?
Thank you.
You know what?
This is I like to look at it like this.
It's white genocide.
And the whole objective is to go after white people.
What's the common denominator with all of this?
Every time there's a racial tension or there's a racist incident or anything that ever takes place across the country and now the world is always the common denominator is white people.
They never talk about when Muslims do this.
They never talk about when black people do this.
They never talk about when Hispanics do it.
They only talk about racist issues when it's white people.
Why is it always white people?
They act as if white people are the only ones that commit these horrendous crimes.
I mean, it's like unbelievable insanity that they are brainwashing so many people at a micro level and people don't even see it.
That's the amazing part about all this.
You know, they were killing black babies and white babies, Hispanic babies, but largely
Black baby.
But see, that is not enough.
Now they want to go on and move towards white people, demonize white people, make white people out to be the villains for everything.
And it's not even true.
I mean, so there's so many white people in America that have helped me.
Why would I sit there and think that what the media is telling me that all of a sudden all these white people are the problem?
It is a total lie.
And they're using this to get at everybody.
You know what, for the most part, it's working.
If you turn on the liberal media like CNN, MSNBC, and especially like Don Lemon.
I'm calling Don Lemon out.
He is the main one that's out there talking about that white supremacist is on the rise.
They're attacking everybody that they can that is white.
I mean, the way they attacked you, the way they attacked the president, they attack everybody, the common denominator is white people.
It's always white people when it comes to them, and it's a total lie.
They keep pushing this information out, and that's why the information war is so key.
Because they know that if you have someone such as yourself, such as myself, communicating with each other, talking about the absolutely things that they're doing, that is a problem to them.
You just said it.
That's why they want to shut us all down because we all just want to live in peace.
We don't, it's all lies.
It's totally made up.
99% of people aren't racist and don't want to kill each other.
We're sick of it, but they're forcing the poison down our throats.
You know, Jesse Smollett is a prime example.
It is a false flag.
I mean, so really, you're going to have two white men at 2 a.m.
in the morning, sub-zero degrees.
It's absolutely freezing outside.
They just so happen to yell out, Empire, Megacountry, waiting on Jesse Smollett.
How ignorant do they think that we really are?
How stupid do they think we are?
That's gotta be like one in a trillion, 2.30 in the morning, sub-zero, and then you attack the very guy from Empire and say it to him.
Yes, and you know, he'd come out and said it's white people.
See, the thing is, had he won, had he gotten away with it, he would have went on and got awards and said, you're so brave for standing up and talking about your story, but it completely backfired on him.
And even that false flag, I truly believe that the Democrats had something to do with it.
That's why they don't want to see the phone records.
That's why they redacted most of them.
That's why they're not even sharing them.
Because I truly believe, now I don't have any proof of it,
But I truly believe that the Democrats, they played a part in it some kind of way for this false flag.
And another thing, New Zealand, what took place there is absolutely horrible.
And our prayers go out to the people that lost lives and their families.
Did you think about why did it happen now?
You know, this is me, and I'm not saying it's conspiracy theory or anything, but this is me.
It makes me wonder, why did it happen now, right after the Democrats had to do an entire resolution just to say that they're not anti-Semitic, or to get the perception that they're not anti-Semitic?
And then all of a sudden, this happens.
Not to mention, I've seen reports where there was just days before this took place that John Podesta was there!
I've got the video!
He was absolutely there!
Yeah, I haven't even seen it.
So, I mean, it's false flag after false flag, and even if it's not a false flag, it gives the perception that it is a false flag.
And yeah, two white men attacking Jussie Smollett.
Let's go back to Jussie Smollett.
Two white men at 2 a.m.
attacking him in the mega hat.
Plus, it was the Democrats, it was the Republicans that stopped it!
It's absolutely insane.
You know, I talk to black people on social media and they get angry with me because I say I support the Republican Party.
Well, there's a Republican Party that gave black people guns to protect themselves from the Democratic KKK.
The NRA was set up for that.
Stay there, always on fire.
We've got to get Will on more routinely.
Will Johnson's our guest.
Your calls, I promise, your calls are straight ahead.
Don't hang up.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we've got Henry.
He's been a long time listener.
First time caller.
Nathan, Brad, Douglas, Chris, Ed, Mike, Laura, Andrew.
We're going to him.
I'm going to get to all of you while Will Johnson's with us.
I want to invite Will Johnson on every two weeks or so.
We need to get him his own show.
He does his own show.
By the way, UnitedAmericaFirst.com.
But just during the break, we've got Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, we've got like 15 channels on satellite out there, and I was watching all these big rivers overflowed in the Midwest, and all these bridges out, and all these roads, and all these dead.
You know, there's dead Hispanic people, black people, white people, people with red blood, fighting for their lives from these deadly cyclones.
And these storms, and the news you turn it on, it's all about how white people are evil.
It's total divide and conquer, and it's sick.
Will, I want to get to a bunch of these calls, bam, bam, bam, because they've been holding, I know you can comment on what they have to say, but...
Why don't we take some calls?
What else is on your radar screen?
Because there's just so much craziness going on, and AOC's falling on her face, Beto O'Rourke's falling on his face, Trump, though, is not defending First Amendment enough.
I mean, I'm not saying I hate Trump, but I'm starting to get upset.
No, I'm with you on that.
I believe President Trump's not doing enough about the censorship.
We need more done.
And maybe he's doing something in the background, but I'm not seeing it.
And the people I talk to, they're not seeing it.
And a lot of people don't understand why he's not bringing more attention to the censorship that's taking place in this country, because it's going to affect him in 2020.
Google, YouTube, Facebook, they've all colluded together to try to take down the President of the United States.
And we all see it, so why is he not addressing it?
So the frustration is there, rightfully so.
And one more thing, Alex, you know one thing I'm so sick about, and I'm talking about the white genocide again, is that there's white people when you bring it up and when they're being called racist, they don't tell people to shut up.
I'm so sick of it.
If you're white and someone says that you're racist, by all means, tell them to shut up.
Enough is enough.
If you're not racist, then why take it?
I mean, people have got to stop sitting down to this nonsense.
And that's the very reason why the country's in a predicament right now, because not enough good men and women just stood up and said anything.
When do we get enough of it?
I'm sick of it and I'm not even white.
So when someone says that, say shut up!
Well imagine if you tuned in and they said Hispanics are inherently evil or blacks are inherently evil.
I always like what Martin Luther King said because it was perfect sense.
And yet I go off what somebody says and does.
If somebody's got good food, I go to the restaurant.
I don't care if they're Asian, black, white, Hispanic.
If a woman's good-looking, and I'm not married, I mean, there's good-looking black women, Hispanic women, white women, whatever.
You know, good-looking, you can see what's good-looking.
I mean, if a rug is nice, it's from Pakistan, I buy it.
It's made by Pakistanis, not white people.
If music's good, I listen to all sorts of music.
I love a lot of black musicians.
Again, it's what Martin Luther King said, it's about who you are, not what color you are.
That's crazy, and the left has totally turned against that, and most low-level leftists, mainly white people,
Have bought into it.
It's bizarre.
Because it's white guilt.
They're feeling guilty about something that they didn't even do themselves.
None of these white people own slaves.
None of these black people walking around today, at least under the age of 50, have been slaves, unless they've been slaves in their mind.
That's the extent of it.
But you know what?
The problem is that you have, for example, now they're trying to push reparations.
And I'm trying to go really quick so you can get to your call.
Who's going to pay reparations?
If anyone's going to pay it, there's white tax.
Hold on, we're going to do this.
I'm going to push our next guest back 15 minutes because I got to you late.
I apologize.
We'll do that start of the next hour.
Reparations is a big talk we should have.
The idea that if your grandpa or great-great-great-great-grandpa did something, you're guilty.
That is such authoritarianism.
We'll talk about that with Will Johnson in a moment.
But right now, Henry in Waco, Texas.
Long-time listener.
First-time caller.
Thanks for holding.
You're awesome.
Hey, Alex.
I've just got a few things that I think need to be discussed.
The left likes a shut-down discussion.
They just want to shut it down.
They want to push open borders with Trump's immigration Muslim ban and all the stuff that's been going on.
There's a lot in that video that just doesn't make any sense.
There's too many points and too many places.
The Facebook video came out, it was distorted.
I mean, it came out like 480p instead of 720, which is what always is broadcast.
It just looks like a complete
And if you notice how they'll show Nazis executing Jews on PBS, and they should, but if you show another guy executing people you're not supposed to see it.
Since when can they selectively show who they want being killed when?
Just like all the stuff that you've gone through with Tandy Hook.
All they want to do is shut it down.
It's taken off all the videos on YouTube.
YouTube's even censoring this video right now.
They're censoring
Well, I think what's behind it is there's certain anomalies in the video.
There's certain anomalies in the video that they've not
Taken out.
You have so many things.
Like one thing I'll point out on the video at 6 minutes and 52 seconds.
The magazine laying there on the ground.
That was there before the shooter got there.
They don't want you to see that.
And there's tons of writing all over the magazine just like the writing that's in his car.
All that manifesto stuff he had.
And then he goes back and picks it up at 8 minutes and 30 seconds and puts it in.
Yeah, I think so.
I watched the video and there's a lot of bizarreness.
We know mass shootings happen, I'm not denying it, but we have a right to question.
Here's Obama's Harvard professor.
Dangerous Trump may fabricate emergency to stay in power.
Steve Watson, Infowars.com.
So they go on TV and say Trump may stage terror attacks.
Okay, well then we're allowed to question these as well.
God bless you, Henry.
I'm glad you brought up his points.
And that's a good point.
We're going to do, this Thursday through Friday through Saturday, a 50-hour emergency Save the First Amendment broadcast with a bunch of special guests and a bunch of stuff we've never done before.
Believe me, this is going to be special.
Thursday 8 a.m.
with David Knight, right through Saturday 10 a.m., 50 hours, bunch of special guests.
We're going to blur out the violence.
But we're going to look at all the anomalies, not even saying there's anomalies, we have a right to.
Bill Johnson?
No, I completely agree with you.
And it should be done because the liberal media, they're not going to show any of that.
They're not going to talk about that.
They want to push this narrative again that is white supremacy.
And even when you read through all the information, he doesn't look like he's a white supremacy.
He's completely for the Green Deal.
He's against President Trump.
But yet you have the media, even Fox News, pushing that he's a white supremacist.
Because all racist roads lead to white people.
I mean, it's sickening.
Let me ask this question.
How, all of us growing up on PBS, they show the famous footage in Eastern Europe of them running different people into pits and shooting them, men, women, and children.
How do you show that to prove it happened, and it did go on, because I had family that was there, you know, who went into Germany.
They witnessed it.
There's black and white footage of all this.
How can you show that on PBS during the family hour, but then we're not supposed to be able to show this?
By the way, I wasn't going to show it.
We blurted out the first day.
They're saying don't show any of it.
Well, since when?
But, I mean, you're absolutely right.
Just look at how, if you can go onto YouTube right now, and you can see how Muslims are lining people up in these same, similar pits, and they're gunning people down.
They will show that all day.
You can see it right now on YouTube.
Just Google Muslims killing people in the Middle East.
And you can see video of it.
But they don't want to show this.
Why is it?
Why is it that when Christians are attacked, and was it Nigeria that you just had 60 plus Christians killed within a week?
And you never see that on the news.
They say nothing about it.
They say nothing about it.
You need to go to InfowarsStore.com.
I love the product.
TurboForce is where it's at.
You've got to get it today.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
I didn't tell Will to do that.
You're awesome.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls from Will Johnson and we've got a lot of other folks coming on with us as well.
I'm no stranger to the rain
You know, the globalists think they keep just putting more pressure on me and I'm going to give up.
I've already figured out how this ends.
The only way we lose is by giving up.
We're going to go through the fire together.
And they're splicing humans with animals.
They're aborting tens of millions of our children every year.
We, as a human species, are under attack.
And if this evil force can trick us to hate each other, of what color we are, and arrange ourselves that way, they win.
And they're forcing it!
But people are seeing through it.
I'm going to rampage through your calls now, and then we'll get into the whole reparations movement, the final phase of divide and conquer, the so-called guaranteed income.
All this is to domesticate people so they can force
A way of life on you, just like domesticated animals live under that.
Will Johnson is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with MFullWars.com.
We're going to Ed, Maui, then Nathan, and Brad, and Douglas, and everybody in a moment, and Laura.
But since he mentioned it earlier, we have store-wide free shipping, biggest sale of this year.
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Right now it's 50% off, but I got news this morning that TurboForce has sold so well, next level energy drink, lasts like 10 hours, super healthy, that they're both about to sell out.
So they said, hey, you have this in the 50% off.
One of these will sell out in a week at this price, the other in about two weeks.
We don't get more TurboForce for a couple months.
We don't get the energy bars for over a month.
You need to pull the ad today.
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But whether it's turmeric, the Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, whether it's the best fish oil out there, or whether it's Brain Force Plus, or whether it's X2, we're able to get it in, thanks to your prayers, the great, good halogen.
It's 50% off.
The fluoride-free toothpaste, fortified with a little silver iodine, super blues back in.
Couldn't do a big store-wide sale like this because most stuff was sold out at the end of the year, so it took months to get it back in.
It's back in.
And that's how we fund the great reporters.
And they all do their own thing as well.
Because I think it's important they be independent and have their own operations.
But Will Johnson, Caitlin Bennett, they all are InfoWars reporters and we finance some of their operations.
I want to hire dozens more people.
But it takes money to finance the plane tickets, and the hotels, and the gas, and the travel.
These folks pretty much all just do this at their own expense.
I just pay for the expenses other than their time.
So that's why your purchases of the products are so important, plus they're great products.
All right, and Will, you jump in here.
We're taking these calls together.
Ed in Maui, Hawaii.
Boy, what a beautiful place.
Ed, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks, Alex.
How are you?
Yeah, I'm talking about the Christchurch shooting.
I think, first of all, I'd like to say I believe it was a real incident.
It did happen and people died.
But, as a student of critical thinking, there's a whole bunch of red flags that I'd like to point out that just really make me suspicious of this incident.
First, there's a manifesto.
Whenever I see a manifesto, it's just too convenient.
It's too...
Ready for the narrative that the mainstream media wants to present, so I'm very suspicious of that.
Second, the lone gunman narrative.
We have reports of paramilitary-type people on the ground there, but they're pushing a lone gunman.
And then third, in New Zealand, within 24 hours, they had some very special gun legislation ready to go.
I question the timing and speed of that.
And then, you know, finally, there's an 18-year-old who's been sentenced
I don't know.
I think so.
And that's why I've got to take more calls, because the callers are smarter than I am.
The whole thing's like a drill on how to censor, how to control, but then they can show any other massacre video they want on the news, but this one they're telling you no.
So is it about practicing banning speech on a global scale with coordinated control?
Is that the main reason?
Or is it they're hiding something in the killing video?
I mean, one thing is to get us to stop talking about the whole Democrats being anti-Semitic.
People are not even paying attention.
See, we were talking about the Democrats being anti-Semitic.
That's right.
That was the top story.
All these Muslims.
I thought that... We'll expand.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I meant to say that this morning.
Go ahead.
Yeah, no, I mean, you're right on.
But that's the whole point.
We were talking about that, how the Democrats were anti-Semitic with Ilhan Omar, and now all of a sudden we're talking about how the Muslim community is being attacked by just various white supremacists.
I mean, it's so in our face.
By the way, Ed, isn't it strange as a false flag or red flag or warning sign that he spent all this time in Pakistan and Serbia and all these Muslim areas that had this leftist background before?
I mean, if you're really a Muslim and you want to really make it look bad for everybody that's not a Muslim, you would pull something like this, like Rush Limbaugh said.
And, you know, his background and the fact that he was able to freely travel through countries without being identified is very suspicious.
It has the smell of an intelligence agency all over it.
I tell you, that's why they're scared of us talking, because we can just open the phones up.
Millions of people can hear what Ed has to say.
Anything else, Ed?
Yeah, just one other thing.
This labeling of white people.
You know, when I was growing up, there was Irish Catholic, Italians, Lofts, Jews.
So this attempt to put all white people in this one category is very interesting, and it's a convenient thing.
White people are as diverse as any other minority ethnic group.
And statistically, white people kill white people, black people kill black people, Hispanics kill Hispanics, Asians kill Asians.
On average, we're in our own neighborhoods, we know each other.
Only 2% of people before 1865 were in families that had slaves.
The biggest amount of white people came here after the Civil War, that's admitted.
So almost everyone in the country, like 98%, has no connection to anybody that owned slaves.
So how have white people now had projected onto them that they were slave owners?
It's insane!
They've made white people soft targets.
That's what it is.
And because a lot of white people don't say anything when they're labeled as being racist.
They just kind of get tight-lipped on it.
They say nothing.
And I'm encouraging white people to say, shut up.
I'm not racist.
Stop being silent about it.
I mean, you're labeling black people.
If you say black people do something, black people cry.
You get the NWSCP, the ACLU, all of them attacking you.
If you say anything against black people, but you say something against white people, white people don't say anything.
It's almost reminding me of the GOP.
The GOP, the DNC, the Democrats do something crazy and the GOP says nothing.
I don't understand it.
Stop being silent.
Well, you know why it's hard to get to the calls, because every caller makes such great points.
Please call again, Ed.
You're absolutely on target.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nathan in Alabama.
You're on the air with Will Johnson.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
This is Nathan Wallace from Birmingham.
First time caller.
Came on board with you guys back in 2016.
But ever since the banning, back in August, August 6th, 86 from the internet,
I don't
Sorry, I work still, Mr. Jones.
But yeah, yeah.
I understand.
Oh yeah, they're censoring people that show the manifesto because they want to say it says one thing.
We're going to show you what it says.
They go, oh, don't give them attention.
They're already giving the guy attention.
We've got to say what he's actually saying.
Well, here's the deal.
Just get a burner phone, create a new identity, start your new YouTube, never give up, sir.
Thank you so much, Mr. Jones.
Yeah, no, I'm going to keep going.
I'm still going to support the Infowar.
I'm definitely going to be taking up 50% off Megasale.
We just can't wait for those big sales to come around, Mr. Jones.
Well, God bless you, Nathan.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, what do you make, Will Johnson, of the head of Google and others before Congress saying, we never fix a search, we never censor, when we have all the proof they admit they do it?
Oh, they absolutely do it.
You know, I went on Google one time and I typed in the United States president and it showed all the presidents except for Trump.
Then I went over to Bing and I typed the exact same thing.
It showed every last president, including President Trump.
I took a screenshot of that and I put it on Twitter.
Within two hours, Google corrected it.
So that lets me know that Google is paying attention to what I'm putting out there.
And this was months ago.
So they're still doing it.
They have an agenda.
That was a national story.
You're just one person, but you're smart.
And that became a huge story.
Remember when they said Republicans' political affiliation was Nazis?
And that made them change it?
You know what?
So I watch Netflix every now and then.
And there's a show on there that's deliberately trying to make right-wingers out to be terrorists.
Which is not true at all.
There's an agenda to do it, and they want to control the narrative.
Well, I want to hear about the show.
We're back in two minutes.
Will Johnson, UnitedAmericaFirst.com.
Stay there.
Your calls are coming up, too.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Spread those links, or the enemy wins.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I got a ton of calls I want to go to.
We're going to get to all of you.
Will Johnson wants to get into reparations, which is something I need to talk more about.
You have Democrats openly saying, let's do it.
Do you understand how crazy that is?
I mean, that's like saying... Even if you could prove somebody's ancestors did something.
Your dad murders somebody, you don't go to prison.
Or your mom writes a bad check, you don't go to jail.
The idea that your, like, six great-grandpa's back or something, somebody was involved in slavery,
Then you're going to pay somebody money.
That is just total civil war.
We're going to talk about that in a moment.
Bill Johnson's our guest.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
We'll go to Brad, then we'll go to Laura.
Brad, in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I appreciate you pointing out that this might be a false flag in New Zealand.
Seems like they all are anymore.
I mean, it's hard to say, but... The media's certainly working hand-in-glove.
He wants a race war, and they're just doing whatever the guy wants, so... And whenever the media's all together, it's like a talking point, as you pointed out numerous times on numerous issues.
Whenever you get a talking point and they're saying it's a manifesto, if it makes no sense, it's a mass killing, the media immediately jumps on it, you can tell, it's orchestrated.
It certainly, well he says he wants an orchestrated race war and then how do you get the guns into New Zealand when you can't even own those guns and you have illegal equipment?
Why is there no discussion of that?
Yeah, they shut down any arguments.
They don't want to talk about facts.
They don't want to investigate.
They just want to take some talking points, push them out there, and then demonize someone.
And it's the same, as you point out, with vaccines.
If vaccines were so good, people would go for them.
There wouldn't be any condemnation of people who don't want to take them.
They wouldn't have to shove it down our throat if it was actually good.
So it doesn't make sense.
Clearly they're using it to try to end free speech all over the planet and stop the general public live streaming.
Do you agree with that, Brad?
What else do you think the agenda is?
I think the agenda is constant.
The big picture is they're trying to turn the United States into Europe.
They're just going about it a different way because they've already showed their hand with Europe what they're going to do.
So they're doing it worldwide.
It's a global agenda to shake people up.
Keep everybody nervous, upset, not knowing what's going to happen next.
But they're pushing the agenda to break down America, basically, and they're going about it in various ways.
I agree.
We're going to go to break, come up with a few more calls and get into the whole reparations divide and conquer.
Bill Johnson, what do you think is behind this?
Where do you think this is going?
You know what, I think this is a globalist agenda for gun control across the planet.
This happened overseas, halfway around the world, and they're going to end up trying to implement their gun laws to us.
To my understanding, they're supposed to come out with more gun control that's supposed to take place in New Zealand, and everyone's waiting to see what they're going to do.
And I guarantee, if it's restricting people from protecting themselves, they're going to try to do the same thing here in America.
It's a globalist thing.
I wouldn't be surprised if the UN didn't have anything to do with it.
Yes, and I'm guaranteed that the Democrats are going to say, you know what, we need to push that policy here.
I'm still asking the question, why was John Podesta there days before it took place?
Maybe John Podesta, maybe he has something to do with those firearms getting into the country.
I'm just guessing.
Someone needs to ask those questions.
We need to know.
Because if they're going to try to implement their gun laws here, because you know the Democrats are going to push for it,
We need to know why they're trying to do this.
And what I was talking about earlier, there's a TV show called Designated Survivor.
Everything that they're talking about on there, about gun control, about how the Democrats look great, that's exactly how they're pushing it in the liberal media.
And they're trying to say the right-wingers are the terrorist groups in America.
And white supremacy is on the rise.
The right, the alt-right, the right-wing are the ones that's terrorizing everybody.
And it's not true.
And we need to recognize that.
You're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls right now with Will Johnson, InfoWars.com reporter with UnitedAmericanFirst.com.
Box Day is coming on.
He seeks a lot of this evidence.
Points towards false flag.
That guy says he's doing it to cause a global race war and to get groups going in each other's throats.
That's the definition.
Hi, Laura.
I appreciate your coverage of the front that this story in Christchurch has made.
The problem that I have is that it's taken entirely all the attention off of the picture that was being presented just a few days before in that video that was put out, The Brains Behind AOC.
And I believe there's a connection there.
Okay, say that again.
What's the video that it's covering up from?
The Brains Behind AOC.
Do you recall that?
Oh yeah, how AOC is funded by all these globalists and how she stole millions of dollars and all these...
I believe it's the connection between the Young Turks and her Chief of Staff,
I watch a lot of Hindi films and this kind of thing is par for the course in their mode of thinking.
And you can look at ones like Jai Ho by Salman Khan or a super hit was Shahenshah
There's this theme where there's an element of criminal power that wants to stay in power and they create a false flag or a pretend front attack and then they pretend that their party is the victim and present that image before the public and people just buy it.
No, you're absolutely right.
That's how World War I began with false flags, World War II began.
That's in mainline history books.
And then we talk about false flags and we're crazy and we're not supposed to raise the question.
Thank you, Laura.
Certainly the Democrats have had a few bad months with the Covington kids and with Jesse Schmollett.
And with the governor, that's what started it in Virginia, saying, we keep the babies alive and get their organs.
All of that was coming out.
And so it's been a really bad few months.
And boy, right on time, this guy pops up.
I think she's got a point, Will.
No, absolutely.
You know, they were talking about one of the things that was in that video is how, uh, AOC was like, she won a contest and they ran her through and just put her name in.
And because of the popularity, she won.
That's the only reason why she won.
And it turns out she was running an $18 million pack with a bunch of high power Democrats and the young turds behind her.
Yeah, absolutely, and you know, and now a million dollars is missing, and they're questioning it, and they're trying to, you know, because he's a Democrat, they're just gonna, like, sweep it under the rug.
There's nothing here, nothing here.
Let's talk about it.
But as soon as he gives $24,000 to his friends, doesn't fill out the paperwork, he goes to prison!
Yeah, I mean, because he's not a Democrat.
Democrats can break the law.
Exactly, it's not white privilege, it's Democrat privilege.
It is.
That's exactly what it is.
It's Democrat privilege.
Because you can have someone that assaults two women, that's the lieutenant governor, and guess what happens?
Sweep it under the rug.
McCabe's wife can get a half million from Hillary, right?
While he's going... They're all allowed to commit crimes.
If we did anything minute to what Hillary Clinton did, you wouldn't even see us any longer.
We'd be under the prison.
Federal prison.
It's not in the guillotine.
Hey, Will, I want to invite you because I've been wanting to get you on the show and they're like, well, we hadn't asked.
Damn right.
Will, I want you to host an hour a week at least.
I want you to guest host when I'm out of town because you're always kicking ass.
We've got all these other callers.
Thank you, Laura.
I want to try to get to them.
But you may be gone by then because we have like 20 phone lines.
I will.
So it's impossible once we load them up to always get everybody in the same hour.
But getting into reparations, your view on that, because we've got mainline Democrats from
Camilla Harris to Pocahontas, to Pitot, to O'Rourke, all of them are pushing it now.
My question is, who's going to pay for it?
Who's going to pay reparations?
To me, it's nothing but a tax on white people.
And if it is going to be to where white people pay for it, maybe it should be the Democrats that pay for it.
Because it was the Democrats that were for slavery.
It's the Democrats that is for slavery.
It's the Democrats that stopped reparations in the first place.
Originally, the Republicans came up with it to help black people out, to get on their feet.
But then you have what Andrew Jackson come out or Andrew Johnson come out and say, no, you're not going to have reparations.
So we're going to take what you've been what you've received and give it to your previous slave owners.
That's exactly what took place.
But for some reason, now you have them bringing reparations back like it's their idea.
By the way, I'm going to stop you again.
You've got to come on for a full hour.
That's why I love you, Will.
Because I'm serious.
I've talked to senators, congresspeople.
They don't know any history.
Back at the time, the Republicans wanted 200 acres and three mules and $100.
And then they pared it down to 40 acres and a mule to the actual people.
Here's reparations.
And then it never really happened.
And then now hundreds of years later, we're going to go to people who weren't involved and say reparations.
Trump's real reparations are bringing factories to black areas or cutting taxes on poor people.
The real reparation is having an economy for everybody.
And exactly, it was the Democrats blocked real reparations to real people who'd actually been wrong!
Yes, you're absolutely right.
And here it is, 2019.
Who's going to pay for it?
Do black people pay for reparations too?
Because, I mean, it's just a tax.
Or is it only going to be white people paying for it?
I'm so sick of them trying to divide it.
By the way, there were black people in their own plantations.
So black people have got to pay that.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
Black people, they own slaves, too.
You know, if you look at some of the history, a lot of black people own white people.
And even today, you still have Muslims over in the Middle East owning black people, and the liberal left say nothing about it.
Because they are for slavery when it's to their benefit.
That's why they got Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib coming into the Democratic Party, changing what the party is, trying to move forward.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
You can't even make this nonsense up.
Why do we even have this conversation about reparations in the year 2019?
And who's going to pay for it?
Who's going to benefit from it?
It's crazy.
All it is, is a tax on white people.
And it's in the history books.
Not the ones at college, but the original history books.
It's a congressional record that Democrats blocked real reparations to actual slaves!
They did, because, and then, yeah, they did.
Any of the black people that did receive something, the Democrats made them give it up and give it back to their previous slave owners.
So the previous slave owners benefited again.
I mean, so... Well, let me tell you, you go to East Texas, a lot of black folks have got a little gas well or an oil well, and it's always on 40 acres, because that's the original land that they passed on.
And a lot of black folks in East Texas actually have 40 acres from the end of the Civil War.
So it got pared back to almost nothing, but at least something.
But again, it just... The Democrats are bold, Will.
They're bold.
Why can't we move on as a people?
Why can't we move on as Americans?
You know what?
It only took Obama 2,922 days just about to reverse everything Martin Luther King did.
That's it.
2,922 days is all it took.
And he did it.
Now we have this division in this country like never before.
Wow, that's profound.
Obama overturned Martin Luther King's legacy.
You're right.
In that many days, 2,922 days, is all it took for him to do.
Years and years.
Well, Will Johnson is not just on fire, he's explosive.
Thank you, Will.
Great points.
God bless you.
We're about to go to Vox J of Unauthorized.TV, talk show host, author, comic book company owner, always informative.
He's got a lot of the anomalies on the false flag.
But what type of false flag is it?
It's clearly a false flag, but the spectrum of false flags.
The guy says he did it to create a race war.
Well, that's a false flag.
I mean, Operation Hemler to launch World War II was a false flag.
The Nazis attacked themselves to attack Poland.
So, a false flag is something you do to blame another group and cause an event.
But first, this just broke minutes ago.
Donna Brazile.
Who helped fix the debates on CNN for Hillary, who was involved in all the mega-corruption.
She's now a contributor at Fox News.
Fox News tried to hire me three separate times over the years.
ManCow was in one of the offers.
They wanted us to co-host a show Sunday afternoons together.
I said no.
They couldn't believe it.
So my point is I'm not attacking Fox because of this.
But as a guest, I used to go on Geraldo and other shows.
They told me, your band.
In fact, I was told by a well-known Fox News host at dinner a few years ago, oh yes, you're banned at Fox.
Well, I already knew that.
But this host had tried to get me on.
Another big national host, you might imagine, he's the second biggest person on television, told me I'm banned.
So, Donna Brazile is in at Fox.
Alex Jones is verboten, forbidden.
Well, good.
I add that to my quiver of arrows.
I add that as another feather in my cap, like puss in boots.
I've got the most feathers.
It's just the way it is.
So here's Donna Brazile, ladies and gentlemen, at Fox News.
First of all, welcome to the race.
This is a very large and exciting field.
We have so many dynamic candidates on the Democratic side, whether they come from big states like Texas or California, small states like, of course, Vermont.
We have, I think, inside the Democratic Party, a very... Alright, let's stop there.
I already watched it.
It's a bunch of talking points, like a robot or a Chuck E. Cheese animatronic thing.
But here's the big takeaway from this.
Now you know why the Democrats said, oh my god, we will not allow Fox to host any of our debates.
Because Donna Brazile fixes them!
So if you can't beat them, join them!
Did Fox News hire her to fix the debates?
You better damn believe it!
I mean, it's got to be looked at!
Wow, wow!
Okay, going to voxdayunauthorized.tv, voxday.blogspot.com, VoxVersity on YouTube.
Fox, so much to get into, my friend.
What a crazy time we're in right now.
You wanna plunge right into the new church situation and what's really behind that, what the goals are of it?
Well, let me first say that I don't know exactly what the goals are.
I don't have any secret information.
I don't have any contacts in New Zealand, but a lot of people have been waiting for the next false flag because false flags are not rare.
They're just an element of deception.
It goes back to Sun Tzu.
It goes back to ancient Chinese history.
Deception has always been part of war.
You know, Saul Alinsky, never let a crisis go to waste.
This is all entirely normal.
And of course, as we expected, they had barely arrested the guy when the drumbeat for gun control began.
I think it's important to remember that the two big previous pushes for gun control in the former British Empire, both in England
And in Australia, were presaged by a similar mass shooting, about which there were a number of questions concerning the validity of the attack.
Now, especially in light of the criticism that you've taken over Sandy Hook, I think it's very important to remind the viewers that a false flag doesn't mean that the event is fake.
There's a difference between a fake event and a false flag.
A false flag just means that you're wearing the uniform of your enemy or you're wearing the uniform of somebody that you want to be blamed who didn't actually do it.
And the reason that I was immediately skeptical was because I read the manifesto and as a editor,
It read to me like a document that was written by several different people, as many as three or four different people.
There's different writing styles in it.
It's very unusual that there's this Q&A section.
And the thing that probably was most glaringly apparent was that usually these sort of white supremacist nutcases are completely obsessed with Jews.
And so there wasn't any of the over-the-top anti-Semitism of, you know, the garden variety that you see all over the... No, it's all peanut clash of civilizations a la Dick Cheney or Charlie Manson.
It's all depopulation, globalist World War IV Albert Pike master planning.
Yeah, and how many people that write long, boring manifestos about that sort of thing manage to get through it without going after the Jews on every other page?
And how do you get a bunch of guns into a country that are illegal?
The whole thing is not even being debated.
That and also the bizarre
Painting of slogans all over the all over the weapons and on his shoes and and that sort of thing the dichotomy between the apparent effectiveness of the attack You know a lot of people don't realize that That number of victims is very very high.
It's unusual because usually even in a place where people are unarmed
It's a record kill level.
At the very least, you have to be dubious about the rapidly agreed upon official story.
I mean, yes, sometimes there are mistaken reports early on, like when they said originally there were two or three shooters and shootings in two different places simultaneously.
You know, sometimes
Things get, you know, misreported early on, but again, we see these kind of anomalies every single time you've got a... Sure, it has the same signature.
It has the same signature, plus we have unity of propaganda instantly by corporate media globally, and then let's back up even further.
We have Facebook and Instagram going down for days, and then right as they go up, this happens, meaning whatever was injected at that point would go megaviral.
There's so much that seems to be going on beneath the surface these days.
Don't put any credence into the whole sort of QAnon thing.
I'm not what I would consider to be a believer myself.
Hold on, stay there.
I mean, a lot of this stuff's true in there.
I just think that they can put disinfo in, but let's get your take on that, smart guy.
Box Day is our guest.
The Ides of March, I predicted that they're going to have a big event.
It'll be on the Ides of March or May 1st, because they always do it on those dates.
It's not like I'm a rocket scientist here.
We'll be right back.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Stay with us.
Another time in the age of wonder.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I've been saying for 15, 16 years, if you're receiving this transmission,
You're the resistance.
As soon as Hillary lost, they copied that slogan exactly.
Because they know our source.
Truth, justice, liberty, human empowerment is the future.
And we're resisting their anti-human agenda.
Fox Daily will be 15 minutes to the next hour.
I'm 15 minutes behind today.
And then, out of the gates, like a...
From NASCAR on fire, Gerald Cilente, the Trends Forecaster is coming up.
I'm going to try to get to Andrew, Mick, Chris, Douglas, Griffin.
You're all on the same subject.
I'll get to you in the next segment, but then continue with Vox.
But first off, just to illustrate this, when I see a black child or I see a white child or a Hispanic child, they're all super cute.
And I have instinctively want to protect them and want to teach them and want to help them.
So I don't care if you're black and being aborted or white being aborted or whatever.
I'm against it.
Not because I'm some virtue signaler.
That's half the black people in this country.
Don't get out of mama.
Now, they're going to get born and taught to hate me and everything else, but I still can't be a demon and hate them before they've been brainwashed.
Now, once you've been brainwashed and hate my ass, go ahead and try to kill me and see what happens.
I'll kill your ass, but not because you're black, but because you've been brainwashed and are trying to hurt me.
Now that said, every news channel is plastered, every personal life, every person that died, their mother, their father, their parents, their kids, the funeral coming up, the crying EMS, the crying police.
When a Muslim ran over 200-something people in France, they didn't show the names of anybody that got killed or the dead toddlers, they didn't show the funerals.
When a couple hundred got run over at Christmas in Germany, they didn't show it.
When they do all this stuff constantly, they don't show it!
But on every channel, including Fox, crying EMS, crying police, crying parents, and then saying, white people, white people, white people, white people, white people, white people!
And it's obscene!
And this senator in Australia said, listen, this is wrong, what happened, nobody wants to kill these people, but you got Muslims doing it everywhere and the media's not covering it!
And so the common sense is people would do these type of attacks.
I don't agree with that, but that's the primitive, default, quote, twisted common sense perspective.
So they gotta provocateur it.
And the guy says he's trying to provocateur, and he's got the M.O.
of a twisted leftist.
But this was just during the break.
With a crying EMS worker, and it's totally real, and people died.
And it pulls your heart strings.
And it's a white guy.
But again, you don't see this when Muslims kill millions of Christians.
We don't exist.
Here it is.
New Zealand looking to reform its gun laws in the wake of last week's massacre at two mosques.
What we are learning now about how the gunman was able to get the weapons used in the rampage.
We ended up having to
Lift the bodies over top of other bodies onto our stretchers.
So, when they blew up 1,300 churches the last few years, the Muslims did, from Europe to football events and music events in England, to everywhere.
They don't show you the little girls blown up.
They don't show their families.
So they're humanizing it now.
What does that tell you?
Good, I'm glad they're humanizing these people.
But they don't do it when Christians die, because it'd be every day.
They just killed 60-something people in Nigeria, the Muslims did.
Blew up their church.
Fox State joins us.
Fox, take over this segment I'm ranting and get into why you question this and think it could be a false flag.
And as you said, the different types of false flags.
If you do something to blame a group, it's a false flag.
If someone helps you, it's a false flag.
A false flag just means who says they did it isn't exactly who did it.
Yeah, for example, when the Germans invaded, I believe it was Czechoslovakia, they shot a couple border guards and then put them in German uniforms and then claimed that the Germans had been attacked.
So, you know, there's all kinds of false flags, like I said, that date all the way back to ancient Chinese military history.
You know, it's important to remember that when you're saying false flag, that doesn't mean that it didn't happen or that it was a stage event with crisis actors or anything like that.
With regards to what you're saying, in fact, I was about to raise that very point.
52 Christians, including women and children, were murdered by Muslim activists in Nigeria on Monday, last Monday.
And no one has reported that
No one has put it on the evening news, you know, it's it's a at best.
It's a You know a link on a blog somewhere a link on it.
You're right.
It was 51, but I think it's 60 now.
Yeah Okay.
Yeah, I'm haven't kept up on it.
It hasn't been splashed across my television, you know every hour on the hour Like the events so much closer to home in New Zealand You know But the other thing, you know
People have asked me, okay, why would they do it in New Zealand?
Why would this attack be staged in New Zealand?
And I was thinking about that, and the only answer that I could come up with, well, actually there's two answers.
One is if you're into the whole symbology, the fact that it happened in a place called Christchurch is potentially significant.
But I think much more likely is the fact that
New Zealand does not have strict gun control the way that Australia does.
And compounding that is the fact that New Zealand has been the place that a lot of the globalists have been purchasing land.
That's it!
The elite are making it their new capital.
Well, at least their new refuge.
And so, if you are a... Let's say that things go awry, as I expect them to.
The globalist plan is not going to work.
We know from the Bible that the nations will survive until the very end, and the pendulum is rapidly beginning to swing back.
George Soros is writing depressed articles and talking about how he feels like he's failed.
Henry Kissinger is writing books about explaining why the neoliberal world order is collapsing.
No, you're right.
They admit they've lost, and they're preparing rearguard actions.
That's exactly the takeaway.
That's what I look at.
And so when you think about where they're planning to go, because a lot of people are going to be incredibly angry.
A lot of people are going to be as murderously inclined as this guy down in New Zealand.
Tarrant, or whatever his name is.
If you are a billionaire and you feel like you're going to be a target when, you know, World War III or, you know, complete economic collapse takes place, then the last thing you want is to be going from the frying pan into the fire.
And so, you know, I'm a science fiction writer.
So, you know, if you want to dismiss this as just random science fiction speculation,
That's fine.
I don't pretend to have any special insight into this stuff.
But I was just thinking, you know, when somebody asked me why New Zealand, that was the best answer that I could come up with.
Well, I'm very proud that back when Mark Dice was mad at me 10 years ago and I loved to death, he woke up later and we were friends again.
He memorialized one of his videos because my YouTube channel's down.
Jones is crazy.
He claims that James Cameron's moving to New Zealand in case a disease X gets released.
I met with people
It's a long story and a lot of it's off record, who worked with James Cameron, major director, major producer.
And they said, listen, James Cameron's not all bad.
He agrees with a lot of what you're saying.
He was going to go to total hologram movies and was going to change, but he said he's just given up.
Because they believe this bioweapon is going to get released in the next few decades.
And so he's building underground bases in New Zealand and getting everybody else to move there.
And he has a fleet of ships that he writes off as oceanic investigation ships, which he's always looking for threats.
No, he's afraid New Zealand will fall.
He's got a private Navy.
He's hooked into some weird global intelligence agency.
And then I later confirmed with a bunch of people I know in the military, Delta Force level, that indeed that's going on there with underground projects.
And then now it's in the news they're making it their emergency redoubt or refuge and under collapse their command capital.
So we'll be right back.
That's all been confirmed now.
By the way, Alex Jones here, back live, going 50 minutes to the next hour with Fox Day.
Yeah, I'm not just up here on air saying, oh, I had dinner and hung out for a couple days with a major director and some major producers of big films themselves, who were working with James Cameron.
It's like 15 years ago now.
12, 14 years ago.
He had a whole new system of hologram movies and
No one will be able to have this in their house, and it was going to be the next level, and he just gave up and said, forget it.
It's all over.
I'm moving to New Zealand.
Everything's going to collapse.
And then I ran into a lady who owned one of the biggest defense contractor companies, and she said, we're going to get really big in the next few years, but it doesn't matter.
Everything's going to collapse, but you're spot on.
I mean, those are real stories.
When I told you this weekend, I got called by two national hosts, who you could argue either one of these people could be the biggest in the country.
You could say on the internet, you know, I'm big, but I'm not about who's big or small.
The point is, is that they were telling me the inside of baseball and, you know, things that were going on on their front.
So when I tell you these stories, I'm not just making this stuff up, okay?
So everybody I know is moving to Kauai.
Tasmania or New Zealand.
And some people are moving to Eastern Europe.
But they believe something huge is coming.
And most of them say it's a bioweapon.
It's a disease axe.
No one knows where it comes from.
Wink wink.
We'll talk to Vashti about that in a moment and take him in the next hour and take a few calls.
By the way though, we can turn all this around.
We've turned a lot of stuff around.
Just like they thought globalism would win and now it's in trouble.
So they're just going to go with the bioweapon to wipe us all out and think that's going to work?
If we point out you've got these bunkers and we point out that that's your endgame, if there ever is a bioweapon, even if you don't release it, some race-specific thing that kills 3 billion people, you're not going to be safe in those facilities that are all hidden in the mountains and at the
Those vineyards and I mean I've talked to the guys that installed the stuff like they've got like rocks that pop up and got like double 50 cal machine guns and then I know you robots never came online yet so you've got like former special forces people that are gonna protect you and private jet pads and helicopter pads those guys hate you the minute all this stuff goes down you're all dead I mean you guys have really kind of built your own tomb and I'm just telling you it's not gonna go well it's gonna be you
And you kind of asked for it if you released the weapon.
Your families, they're going to be down in those bunkers as tombs.
Not as your redoubts.
So, I'm not threatening you.
I'm just telling you the way the cow ate the cabbage.
And I do tend to know how the cow ate the cabbage.
So, we're going to win this fight if everybody takes action and everybody supports those of us who took the spear.
They believe they can take out the leadership of the resistance and that the globals are going to win.
That's not the case.
It's up to its fifth edition now.
It's great for kids, great for adults.
Just came out.
And it's already a best-selling comic.
They tried to suppress it.
We also carry several of his books.
Vox Day.
It's all there.
And we have Jordan Etix, A Journey into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker.
That is a satirical headline.
And again, I think he does a lot of good, but it's where he's taking you.
And I agree with Vox about that.
So those are all available at Infowarstore.com.
And then don't forget, store-wide free shipping and 50% off all the supplements, except people just do what I say around here.
Like last week, I get back and I go, and I want to put the protein bars and I want to put Turbo Force that are best sellers at 50% off.
And they go, are you sure?
And I said, yeah.
Well, today they go, the reason we questioned that is they're almost sold out.
I go, why didn't you tell me that?
So, a lot of stuff's about to sell out.
I'm 50% off.
So everything will stay 50% off for the month of March except stuff that's about to sell out.
So tomorrow, the protein bars, TurboForce, all that stuff's got to go back to regular price.
It's about to sell out anyways.
More than coming in for a few months.
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And thank you all for your support, but whatever you do,
Whether you're listening to local radio stations or TV stations or watching online, spread the word.
It's your word of mouth.
Human power over the algorithm.
Human power over the machines that will break their back.
Okay, Vox, continuing, my friend.
Getting under the false flag.
What you think this symbolizes?
The different types of false flags.
The elites, as I agree, admittedly, going into a
Kind of a backtracking format right now.
How do we know that's not a feint?
What do you think?
We know it's not a feint because we can look at the historical trends.
When you look at the openness and the wildly optimistic perspective that the social mood has enjoyed for the past 65 years,
We're actually beyond the end of the pendulum.
The pendulum is already swinging back.
The reason that people have a difficult time understanding the way that the world works is because they tend to only look at what they've seen in their own lifetime.
Most people don't read any history.
Most people don't pay any attention to what's going on.
But there's that old saying that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
The fact is we're all doomed to repeat it.
The only difference is some of us know what's going to happen.
And so
We've seen this massive expansion, we've seen this huge credit bubble, larger than anyone in history because transportation and finance now covers the globe.
Well, we're heading into another period of crash.
That's right.
Nobody knows how bad it will be.
Nobody knows the full extent of it.
And they thought they could sell the collapse as a environmental austerity.
They know that's not going to work now, so they're really scared.
Yes, because the magnitude is too great, and also because they didn't have the courage, or else they were too short-term oriented and greedy, to allow the collapse to take place the three previous times it started to happen.
When it was more manageable.
Yeah, they could have let it crash in 1987, they could have let it crash in 2001, they could have let it crash in 2008.
But in each time period, in each moment of crisis, they refuse to allow the failing institutions to go out of business.
They refuse to accept the pain.
They just pushed it down, you know, they kick the can down the road.
The problem is the can keeps getting bigger and bigger and now it's like an oil barrel that's filled with cement.
They can't kick it much farther.
And so, you know, that's why the Chinese, for example, I find it a little ironic that the Western elites think they're going to run away to New Zealand because New Zealand and Australia are going to fall under Chinese domination.
Relatively quickly.
Well, maybe that tells you who they think is going to win.
That's why they're moving there.
The Chinese, I very much doubt, if you look at the way that the Chinese tend to regard the Western techno elite, I don't think that they would fare very well there.
They're not very popular.
No, that's right.
We're taking over militarily unless the New Zealand Defense Forces kill all these people in one week.
And then they would just dictate to the New Zealand government.
Well, I don't know, but I just know that the Chinese
Don't look favorably on people who look down on them.
And so, you know, the Chinese have a ancient civilization and they're not impressed by any other civilization other than, you know, maybe for technological accomplishments and so forth.
But the big story that people don't pay attention to right now is the way that the Chinese are
They're building up their armed forces, but they're doing it in a way to avoid provocation with the West.
They don't want any sort of conflict right now because they're much more interested in moving into Africa.
They have a plan.
That's their Lebensstrahl.
That's their breadbasket.
Their real Operation Barbarossa is into Africa right now, and of course we're doing nothing to block it because we're idiots.
Well, we can't block it.
There's literally nothing the West could do about it, except for go nuclear, which is not an option.
And so, publicly, they had a plan.
The Politburo had actually approved a plan to settle 100 million Chinese settlers in Africa.
And they formally withdrew it because there were so many diplomatic protests.
But if you look what's happened and the way that they followed the lead of the International Monetary Fund and they loaned a bunch of money to strategic... Sure, we're doing what the West has done, but the West can go in.
Still, and make major deals with those leaders, because the Chinese are such hard bargainers.
We can cut better deals now.
There's been a strategic globalist move to not have the West dominate Africa.
They've let China do it on purpose, is what I'm getting at, Vox.
Yeah, that may be.
Right now, if Trump took action, but of course it's not.
We'll come out with Vox Day in two minutes.
Unauthorized.tv, want to hear about what he's doing there?
We've got all of his great comic books and Jordan Etics!
A journey into the mind of humanity's greatest thinker at InfoWarsTore.com.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said, it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride, son?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
All right, Vox Day, you made a lot of powerful points today, and I think we should really have you on for an hour or so to get into what you think is the real history of the world and where we're going, because...
The establishment, you're right, has given up on the system they built and the giant swindles they created.
Because I'm all for capitalism and free market.
As you know, I don't know what you call this system, crony capitalism, breakaway civilization, multi-tiered frauds.
But they believe what Ponzi operators always believed.
They were invincible.
And now they figured out, oh my God, all the pension funds aren't going to be good, the houses aren't going to be good, we're going to get blamed.
Rearguard action, race war, have everybody kill each other over what color they are, that's not going to work.
At least long term.
So what do they do when they think they're going to be in Kauai, and like Zuckerberg is, and I know the natives, they're literally sharpening blades for when the collapse comes.
Everyone actually knows what's happening.
They're all watching the bunkers being built, you know, from Tasmania to the Cook Islands, to everywhere.
The globalists, is there any way for them to extricate themselves from this?
I don't think so.
I think the die is cast.
I think that, you know, the smartest thing that they could do is come clean and repent and do everything they can to try to salvage the situation or at least mitigate the damage.
You know, if you look at the Romans, the Roman emperors regularly died at the hands of their own praetorian guard.
And I just don't see
How people think that they're going to be able to rape and plunder and enrich themselves at the expense of literally the entire world and think that no one's going to notice, you know?
And they think robots and technocracy will replace humans.
They never do.
No, it's not.
It's not possible.
It's not viable.
And, you know, but before people get
You know, before people think that I'm being depressing here or anything.
No, you're only telling them the elite's current perspectives and what they believe the most probable weather forecast is.
Yeah, and the thing is, humanity will survive.
Lots and lots of people will survive.
And perhaps good things will come out of it.
There's actually a very serious argument to be made that the Black Death is what led to
The European Renaissance.
And so we don't know what's going to come out of this.
All we can do is speak the truth, trust God, pray, and keep your eyes open.
Strap ourselves in.
That's a good idea, too.
You know, it's not a bad idea to be prepared both materially and mentally.
Well, we're going to come back to another segment in a little time to get into this, but at a gut level, instinctive, selfish person level, I'm looking, where's the most remote area with an armored redoubt behind a hill where nobody looks, where I can dig in and have plenty of food and solar panels and weapons?
I mean, at gut level, if I'm a selfish person, for two, three years, my body is like, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate.
Well, I think that if I was in the States, I would probably be happy to go somewhere like the Dakotas or Montana, places where there's just not that many people interested in living in the first place.
People have asked me for a long time, why do you like living in Italy?
And I've always said, I prefer my societies pre-collapsed.
And, you know, Italians have dealt with, you know, they're used to dealing with a government collapsing every year.
So this is not something that is particularly problematic.
And if you think the South had carpetbaggers, Italy has had real carpetbaggers.
Fox, stay there.
Back in 60 seconds, we're gonna let you get into that.
Fox Day, Smart Cookie is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, Vox Dei is a author, researcher, comic book publisher.
They sell us books, great comic books, Alt-Hero.
InfoWarsTore.com, Joel Swindley.
It's coming up.
A lot of big special guests this week, a lot of big stuff coming up next week.
I'm going to leave it at that.
You'll definitely want to be tuning into the broadcast.
I mean, we got a big guest Friday in studio, but I don't talk about a fish till they're in the boat or until they're actually filleted back at the coast and in the fryer.
But just look for that.
Getting back into your gestalt about history of the elite going into a scorched earth retrenchment policy.
They want to scorch earth so we're all fighting with each other so they can run off and hide in their redoubts.
I think it's important to expose what's happening with that paradigm and that people should hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
And I see Trump trying to valiantly pump up a bubble to try to stop the last collapse.
But as you say,
The Federal Reserve and the globalists, even though they say they fear the collapse of the bubble, they still want to kill nationalism and populism, so they've been trying to pop Trump's bubble as a way to get nationalism under control, so it's like a snake eating itself.
Yeah, and it's not working.
You know, we were talking about Italy and you were talking about the problems that we've had over here, but that's why
The Italians already have a full-blown nationalist government.
Right now there's the alliance between the Movimento Cinque Stelle and La Liga, but La Liga, who are the true nationalists, they are so popular now that they would be elected as a majority if there was an election held today.
And they're way, way
Is that the silver lining that nationalists and right-wingers and populists and Christians everywhere from Brazil to Italy are winning?
Is there some way out of this if we got enough patriots elected to try to have some new space-based initiative or secret technology released to create a whole new renaissance of technology that got us out of the bubble?
No, but what it will do is it will
It will significantly reduce the magnitude of the problem.
It will significantly reduce, you know, it'll be civil unrest rather than civil war.
It'll, you know, you'll have people moving, you'll have large-scale repatriations and so forth, but they can be peaceful rather than, you know, turning into some sort of Balkans writ large.
I'm disappointed in that, but my opinion is that he probably has too many things on his plate and that
The censorship of people like you and me and a lot of others is just not a concern for him because the things that he's dealing with are much more urgent problems.
That's my impression.
I could be wrong.
Maybe he just doesn't care.
No, no, I agree.
That's the spin.
But he doesn't get this is who took him over the finish line.
I mean, basic communication.
I think he understands that.
I think he's going to win regardless.
And I think he knows he's going to win regardless.
I think that
You know, I think he is desperately trying to keep his hand in the dike.
And it's possible that, you know, people like you and I who are telling people the truth about what's going on are possibly even making that job harder.
But, you know, you just said it and I'm just going to say it.
The elite are like, well, Trump will let you be in here at one level, but these people are undermining confidence and Jones and others are too powerful.
So we need to call back their power.
But that whole thing about balance.
And so that's it.
Trump knows we're being censored and he supports it.
I wouldn't say he supports it.
I would just say that that it's not a battle that he feels is worth fighting at the moment.
And there may be I mean, it's hard on you.
It's hard on a lot of us.
I should mention.
We just launched a new channel called Unauthorized TV.
You can find it at Unauthorized.TV.
We just launched it three days ago because more and more people keep getting de-platformed and de-monetized and so forth.
So we said, screw it, let's just come up with our own thing.
We already have 1,500 subscribers and the third day of its existence is just beginning.
There's hundreds of hours of great content and it's all
There's a physicist who's planning to start a channel there.
And it's where people can go to get the kind of information that they're not going to be able to get on places like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and so forth.
And so I would encourage anyone who's watching this, if that's of interest to you, come by and there's tons of free content.
And if you want to become a subscriber, it's very easy.
Well that's a great idea and I'm glad you're doing it.
You've also got Brighteon that Mike Adams has done and that's what this is all about.
It's very, very exciting and I love the name Unauthorized.TV.
By the way, I encourage Paul Watson, and we'll put that on screen if we can do that in a moment, Paul Watson, to do his own website for his own thing, with his own passion.
Because sometimes he'll complain about what I'm doing or what somebody else is doing, and I say, do your own thing.
And then RT Media Matters goes, Watson's leaving Jones.
No, that's what...
Parent birds do is they push baby birds out the nest.
I'm not trying to build some edifice.
So I'm like Nancy Pelosi all senile and power going.
I'm your commander.
The real victory sitting back and watching people you've supported and helped build up dominate the enemy.
That's real generaling.
That's real leadership.
And so that's what we're really, really trying to do here.
Vox, thank you so much for the time that you've spent with us today.
A lot of really, really great points.
And one thing's for sure, we're not living in a boring time, so things are certainly exciting.
No, for somebody who has ambitions of writing history, this is a wonderful time to be alive.
It's tremendously interesting, it's tremendously fascinating, and I'm really happy that there's people like you who are using your position to tell people as much of the truth as you can.
All right, Fox, you too.
Back at you.
Jordanetics, great book you've got, all the different comic books, InfoWarsTore.com, be sure and get those.
All right, Paul Watson launched on his own Summit.News, and it's going to have original reporting, other people's reporting.
That's Paul Watson running it, it's Paul Watson doing it out of the UK, and it's going to have a lot of updates, a lot of things added to it, I'm told.
But it's now
A lot of it's InfoWars reporting.
But I told Paul, I said, I want you to go out like I recruited you.
And my goal, if you listen to my ideas, is that it not be InfoWars within a few months.
Because that's victory.
It's not making it about InfoWars, or NewsWars, or Prison Planet.
We'll continue on.
It's just that a tree creates acorns that create new trees.
Two humans create babies that create the future.
Anything that's not satanic creates new things.
And then it grows and
Watch as the sun sets and then gets struck by lightning and falls down.
And then, in amongst the wreckage, the old oak tree grows new oaks.
And they go through that process over and over again.
So, like rivers to the sea, that's what this is about.
True victory is building the next generation.
And watching it do great things.
So Summit.News is in its embryonic phase with a lot of great articles.
So that's all up there right now.
In fact, I'm told Paul's populating it as we speak.
I think that was the beta test side he was doing a few weeks ago.
So maybe Paul told me to launch it today and he said he was ready with it today.
So maybe that's not the case, but that is the way things tend to operate in our experience.
That's consciousness.
That's focus.
In the modern world, we're brought up on television to only watch it and respond to it, not to see what it is and to decide what we're actually looking at.
And that's part of the dehumanization we all face, isn't it?
Now, no one can say I didn't try.
All right, Gerald Cilente is coming up to the War Room in 45 minutes with Owen Troyer.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Thank you very much.
I want to talk about the markets a little bit, because that's one of the things that we do.
The economy, where's it going?
What's going to happen?
And here's the deal.
You got a global slowdown going on, and it's real.
But, you're not going to see that much of a slowdown in the United States, because they raised interest rates nine times since 2015, and they could lower them nine times as the economy slows down, which it's going to do.
Looking at retail numbers, they're pretty weak.
We're going to start going down as well, because that tax break that Trump put in there is going to start wearing off.
So, the Fed's meeting tomorrow, give their report on Wednesday, and you mark my words, they're going to be, quote, patient in raising interest rates.
We are among the only ones saying, they're not going to be patient, they're going to lower them.
As the economy slows down, they're going to lower
Interest rates.
So, that's going to keep things going for a while.
The housing market.
The housing bubble is bursting around the world.
Australia, phew!
You're looking at Sydney and Melbourne.
Those numbers are down like 9, 10, 11, 12 percent.
Not only in the home ownership, but also in rentals.
In the States, housing numbers aren't great.
New homes?
Eh, not building a lot of them.
People are priced out of the markets.
One of the biggest frauds, brought to you by one of the biggest frauds, Slick Willie Clinton, is when they re-rigged the inflation numbers so that they wouldn't come in high, so that people
that are getting social security wouldn't get increases as inflation increased.
I'll give you an example.
Let's take the housing market.
Look how much home prices have gone up since the Great Recession.
Probably in the United States, probably like 80-90% when you put it all together.
Of course, you know, more in the bigger cities
And less in the smaller towns.
But when you put the average together, that's what you're looking at.
Look at the cost of health care.
Hey, here's one for you.
Again, let's shaft the little people.
Ohio presses to raise gas tax, joining efforts in other cities.
They have a $1 billion infrastructure spending hole, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Governors of more than half a dozen states are considering boosting gas taxes.
That's not counted as inflation.
Not counted as inflation.
Ohio's current $0.28 per gallon is lower than every surrounding state but Kentucky.
Again, it's inflation.
And then you look at where wages are going.
Now, median household income, this is a fact, hasn't gone up in 19 years.
So what's going on?
How come?
Because, again, the numbers are there.
The rich are getting rich, and everybody else is getting poorer.
So this whole game of inflation and the Fed not raising rates because inflation isn't going up is a lot of, I can't say it, but here's our button over here that we hit when we do our TrendVision 2020 podcasts.
Brand new.
That's right.
Because this is just BS.
Inflation is eating the paycheck that's so small.
Holes in it.
You know the numbers.
There's like 60-something percent of the people can't afford a $400 problem.
They don't have any money saved.
So this is going to get a lot worse.
I'm mentioning this because gas taxes, right?
Look what happened over there in France when they raised gas taxes, the Yellow Vest Movement.
When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
Will they lose it in America?
I don't think so.
I don't see that fight here.
Not at all.
New study just came out.
You know, 40% of American adults are obese.
This new study just came out showing that cancer rates, because of obesity, are shooting way up among millennials.
And now they're getting in the range where the cancer rates of people my age, they're getting it with millennials because of the obesity rates.
I'm mentioning this
There's no fight left in this country.
Very little.
But of course, it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men and women.
Samuel Adams.
And that's what it's going to take.
But even when it happens, you can see what's going on in France.
All of a sudden they're smashing windows and breaking into places.
Agents provocateurs.
All these guys in great shape, dressed in black.
Masks over their face, hoods on.
Can't see any of them.
Barely see their eyes.
Agents provocateurs.
So that they
Delegitimize a movement of the people in France.
Gas taxes going up.
That's where we are with the economy.
Real estate.
I was talking about that.
It's kind of peaked.
Is it a time to sell, to buy, to hold?
We don't give that kind of advice.
We're film forecasters.
But our forecast is that it's going to see a pretty strong year this year in a number of ways.
The markets are going to keep going up and if they go down, lower interest rates.
Housing market goes down, lower interest rates.
So that's what it's at.
And there's more.
And we're going to give you more when we come back in just a few.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being here, great being here, and over there.
We're here, you're there.
Great being on InfoWars, love hosting the program, and I'm a supporter.
I put my money where my heart and my mouth is.
I buy InfoWars products and
To keep the spirit of free truth and open minds alive, I would suggest you two, as well, do the same.
Because InfoWars store Mega Sale 50% off.
All InfoWars life supplements plus free shipping and double Patriot Points.
All InfoWars life supplements, again, 50% off.
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And boy, you need that one in this dead brain world.
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And 50% of super male vitality.
That's one of my favorites and others as well.
So consider supporting InfoWars and get their great products that you can't find anywhere else of the quality that they have in the different fields of health, fitness and nutrition that they bring to you.
So I left off with the economy before.
And saying where it's going to go.
And again, this is a reversal because back in September, I was calling for a economic 9-11.
Yep, that's because the Fed was going to aggressively raise interest rates.
But now they're not going to.
And on Wednesday, we're going to see what they're going to have to say.
So the lower interest rates go, up goes the economy.
The United States is in a unique position to do that because you're running out of juice over there in China.
That's right.
They have a debt-to-GDP ratio of almost 300%.
Ours is floating near that 100%.
So when are they going to come up with more cheap yuans?
They're dumb.
Don't know.
Italy's in a recession.
Germany missed it by that much.
Reports coming out, GDP growth in Europe is lucky to grow 1% this year.
What are they going to do?
Hey, their interest rates are in negative territory.
0.04% minus 0.01%.
Minus 0.4%.
Negative interest rates.
Negative bond yields.
The United States is the only country of the major countries that could boost this up.
And they're going to do it.
So, again, I don't give financial advice, but if you're going to buy a house, those interest rates may be going down.
If you're going to refinance, it might be something you might want to consider.
At some point.
See where it's going to go.
We're not even a quarter into the year yet.
The summer markets are the hot markets for real estate.
That's when I believe you're going to start seeing rates go down a bit.
Let's move on to some other things.
Just came out with our new trends journal today!
That's right!
Today, today, today, today, today.
And you know what it is, the cover?
Check it out.
The National Cannabis Freedom Act.
That's right.
We want to have it on every state ballot in 2020.
No government control.
Who are these little clowns?
The criminals that criminalized it
Are now saying we're going to legalize it because we want our cut of the action.
We want to have on every state ballot a very, very simple yes, no vote, a referendum.
Here it is.
Yes, I want the federal, state and local governments to make laws that regulate cannabis cultivation, products,
And personal use and they should tax them at any rate they choose.
Or on your state ballot in the 2020 Presidential Reality Show race.
Again, on every state ballot.
No, I do not want governments to have jurisdiction on cannabis.
Mother Nature's plant
And cannabis taxes, and cannabis should be taxed the same as cucumbers, carrots, celery, and other natural plants.
So, this is a movement that we're starting.
We could get this on every state ballot.
This could become a major, major campaign issue.
So what can you do to help?
Go to NCFA at TrendsResearch.com.
NCFA at TrendsResearch.com.
Tell us your suggestions, how you can help, whatever you want to do.
We're just announcing this.
Trends Journal just went out today to our subscribers.
And if you want to subscribe, you could go to TrendsJournal.com.
TrendsJournal.com, the only magazine in the world where you will read history before it happens.
Only $10.75 a month, money-back guaranteed.
If it doesn't provide you with what we say it is, and you're not happy with it for any reason, you get your dough back, 30-day trial, you know the deal.
That's one of the big stories.
And also, hey, I was on David Night Show.
February 7th.
That's right, over a month ago.
Hey, on Alex Jones Show, too.
That's right.
Next day.
And you know what I forecast?
That Beto O'Rourke would be the leading contender on the Democratic ticket in the run for the White House on the presidential reality show.
That's perfect for him.
Beto O'Rourke.
because that's all that cat's putting out.
A privileged boy who plays that I'm just a regular guy.
We knew that was going to happen because I started seeing front page stories in the toilet paper record, the New York Times.
And not ironically,
The day he announced last week, the day before, Vanity Fair came out with a full-page, front-page story about him.
That's right.
With Annie Leibovitz taking the shots.
The whole thing was planned.
And you know what I call Beto O'Rourke?
The White Obama.
That's right.
And that's what he's gonna do to us.
Folks us
Just like Obama, folks, folks us too.
Playing the same game.
Nothing of consequence.
Using empty phrases.
Yeah, got a whole bunch of them right here.
On and on.
One empty line after another.
Can probably tell that I want to run.
I do think I'd be very good at it.
Yeah, no kidding.
You're great at it.
You're a typical BSer, B.O.
Just like the other B.O., Barack Obama.
But here you got it.
That's who we say is going to be the frontrunner, and we're going to tell you more about it when we get back in just a few.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, great being here.
Wonderful, wonderful to be on The Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars as more and more censorship is closing just about anybody that doesn't agree with the establishment down.
Down big time.
So to keep the voice of truth and freedom alive, do what you can to support Alex Jones and InfoWars and buy some of those great products.
And of course, also we have the Trends Journal, TrendsJournal.com, the magazine where you read history before it happens.
As I mentioned, the new edition just came out.
Of course, covering everything from the U.S.-led Venezuelan coup that's going on over there
To 5G.
One thing after another.
New breakthroughs may cure Alzheimer's.
Presidential reality show.
And when the walls come tumbling down and one thing after another.
So great magazine.
Oh, I forgot the other story too.
The greatest depression.
When it's going to hit.
And what you may consider doing to prepare.
So, I want to stay on this Beto O'Rourke.
Here's some of the comments.
This is what he said.
For this country and for every single one of us.
Come on.
What else do we got here?
I'm just born to do this.
I'm just born to do this.
Born into a very rich family.
Mommy and Daddy sent you away to that prep school.
You never had a real job in your life.
Born on third base and thought you hit a home run.
And your daddy-in-law's a billionaire.
That phony... I had to read the whole thing.
I have to read all this stuff to know what I'm talking about.
That Vanity Fair story.
When he ran for Congress.
Against an incumbent.
He didn't take money from PACs.
From big donors.
But a PAC started up.
And spent $250,000 around there to run ads, TV ads, against the incumbent.
You know who started the pack?
His daddy-in-law!
But Vanity Fair, not so fair in putting out the truth.
And by the way, when he announced his candidacy last week and one day he raised over six million bucks.
So he knows how to play the game.
And that's all this is, the Presidential Reality Show.
And a contestant that knows how to do it best is going to be the winner.
Facts don't count.
Here's what B.O.
had to say in response to a question about the crisis in Venezuela.
He said he would not order military intervention, saying Washington's policy in Latin America
Over the decades, has helped spark the flow of migrants to the U.S.
And he's right on that.
But, he didn't say, America has no business being there.
No, he didn't say that at all.
The only one saying that is Tulsi Gabbard.
And so far, from Hawaii, she doesn't get the kind of press like this.
One piece after another.
Here, today's Wall Street Journal.
A rock show buzzes Iowa.
You got it.
A rock show.
It's all a show.
It's the presidential reality show.
We own that trademark.
You know why I said he was gonna be the top runner?
Because Oprah took him under her wing.
And that's what happened in 2008.
Obama was behind in the polls against Hitler-y.
And Oprah never
Supported any candidate, but she came out for Obama.
And then Obama, after being trained by the queen of talk show hosts in the world, he knew how to talk into that teleprompter with that arrogant Obama attitude, and he just BS'd everybody.
And that's what you're seeing with this Beto O'Rourke.
The press that he's getting,
The setup that he's getting, it's all there.
But of course, we don't know what dirt's going to come out on him.
And we don't know how he'll perform in the debates in the presidential reality show.
But, we got him, we're picking him the winner at this point.
And, he's for NAFTA.
He's for the current trade agreements.
And he's for
Open boardings, take down the wall.
That's going to be a negative for him in running against Trump on the swing states.
Obviously, he has to win Texas.
Trump won.
But those other states, Milwaukee, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, I should say Milwaukee.
Those swing states, they're not going to be for more NAFTA, more globalization, and more open borders.
So although people are writing Trump off, I wouldn't.
And by the way, you know, there's things I like about Trump and things I totally disagree with him.
And now, just got a report that came in.
plans to keep 1,000 troops in Syria.
Front page story in Wall Street Journal.
I thought you were going to pull out all the troops.
So is the deep state deep into Trump and he can't keep by his word and say what he's going to do?
Well, yes or no.
Let's go on to some other news of interest here.
Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank begin talks to create banking powerhouse.
I mentioned to you that one of our trends in the Current Trends Journal is the greatest depression.
Everybody knows that this is a big fraud that pumped up the equity markets.
Zero negative interest rates and quantitative easing.
And it made the bigs bigger.
And now they're getting even bigger.
And that debt bubble is at 250 trillion dollars.
And Deutsche Bank has been doing lousy.
So, the bigs are getting bigger.
They're going to create, they're talking about cutting 30,000 jobs.
Oh, what did I mention before?
Germany is that far away from recession.
So, these are going to be issues, by the way, not only overseas.
We're seeing it happening already with the populist movement.
But it's still going to be a big issue in this campaign.
The Democrats are going to talk about breaking up the monopolies.
They're going to talk about raising taxes for the billionaires.
Which, by the way, I'm all for.
Because under Dwight D. Eisenhower, five-star general, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, and two-term Republican president, the marginal tax rate was around 90%.
And we got three cats.
Buffett and Gates got more dough than half the nation's population.
They should be paying a lot of taxes.
And what did they say?
Amazon didn't pay any taxes last year?
That's going to be the issue.
Income inequality.
But the Democrats are not going to come up with anything on how to create more jobs.
How to build the nation bigger.
It's only the Presidential Reality Show, and you can win on soundbites.
Some other interesting information.
Pot stocks, a big draw after Wall Street gets hooked on weed.
Financial Times Today.
Go back to your Trends Journal.
This is today.
You know, I've been speaking about it for years.
One of our top stories, a number of years ago, reefer money madness, when no one was talking about this.
It's going to be, not a multi-billion dollar business, in about a dozen years or so, a trillion dollar business.
Cash in on cannabis.
It's going to happen.
It'll make you stay healthy, besides making you stay high.
So thanks a lot.
Lovely being on.
Wishing you all the best.
And keep the spirit alive.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.