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Filename: 20190315_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 15, 2019
3291 lines.

In this podcast episode, Alex Jones discusses various topics including the recent mosque shootings in New Zealand and its potential connection with the globalist agenda. He questions whether certain events are false flags or staged, and addresses New Zealand's gun control laws and crime rates. Jones also mentions the supposed shooter's manifesto, suggesting it could be a globalist attempt to discredit conservatives and promote their agenda by exploiting tragedies. Dr. Nick Begich, a guest on the show, warns against allowing corporations and globalists to control the flow of data in a technocracy that supports them, emphasizing the importance of preserving free debate and discussion without violent reactions to opposing views. He shares the story of Chuck Carter as an example of how powerful entities can suppress opposition through subtle means, and encourages listeners to support independent media outlets like InfoWars to maintain a diverse range of voices and opinions in the public discourse.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, it's the Ides of March, the day that Julius Caesar was killed 2,000 plus years ago.
A date that globalists like to launch new wars, launch assassinations, or launch new movements or revolutions.
You remember old Charlie Manson in 1969, butchering Sharon Tate and cutting her baby out of her body, thinking it would launch a race war.
They were going to blame black people for doing it.
Charlie Manson tried to launch a false flag.
Charlie Manson was involved in the MJ-ULTRA land control program that came out in court, just like the Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski.
Worked in MKUltra for the CIA.
And it just goes on from there.
So I'm not saying this is a false flag.
I'm not saying this is a staged event.
I'm saying we need to pull back and investigate every part of this because there was a famous shooting.
More than 20 years ago in New Zealand that allowed them to confiscate all semi-auto and then all basically bolt-action to where all you could have was single-shot shotguns and rifles with special licenses.
They've had similar events take place in nearby Australia and have taken everything but the single-shot firearms.
Their crime rate has only gone up since that point.
The real Crocodile Dundee would not turn in his firearm, so they killed him at his house.
A paramilitary UN-funded SWAT team.
This is the history of this, but let's pull back.
We've got 49, 50 people dead.
The number keeps going up.
When you actually read the manifesto of the supposed shooter that we have posted on Infowars.com,
And NewsWars.com, you learn why the mainstream media is pulling this down off Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Because the guy praises Communist China, he praises all sorts of socialism and environmentalism, and then he demonizes PewDiePie and Candace Owens by praising them.
Saying, oh, I'm not even as radical as Candace Owens.
She calls for even more violence than I do, when it's the opposite.
She calls for having no violence.
So, I don't know all the angles of this yet, but I'll tell you this.
It's very suspected in the shooting video that we reviewed.
We're not posting it to Infowars.com.
It's been expunged off the internet, but we've got a copy.
We've got some blurred versions we're going to air here coming up for TV viewers.
I'll describe them, obviously, for radio listeners.
Out of the gates, he's a weird leftist eco-fascist.
In fact, let me give you his words exactly.
New Zealand mosque terrorist described himself as an eco-fascist who hated conservatism and admired communist China.
Paul Joseph Watson.
And it's got the quotes from the manifesto up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Now you'll undoubtedly see headlines today that Jones says no one died at the mosque, or mosque, plural.
None of that will be true of course, they'll just say it and they'll never show you.
I'm simply questioning.
Like I did Parkland, was there a police standout?
Because the students told us there was and it turned out there was.
Whatever the truth is, we're going to ferret it out, we're going to open the phones up exclusively to New Zealand
Callers, we've got a raft of expert guests joining us as well today.
Whatever you do, spread the live link and tell folks about that local station you're listening to.
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
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It's been bottled.
The labels are being put on today, and then it's going to be on an 18-wheeler right here to Austin from the
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We witnessed a mosque shooting yesterday.
That means today, our time, on March 15, 2019, that's killed at least 49 people.
White racist claims responsibility.
Now, isn't it sickening that this individual reportedly does something horrible like this and videotapes the whole thing and then later streams it out and then basically turns himself in to the police?
And the media is white supremacist, white man, white man, white man.
But when it's a Muslim running over hundreds of people with a truck, including toddlers, or blowing up a church, or shooting people up, they go, oh, this wasn't Islam, even though they're yelling Allah Akbar.
That's my big frustration, is that when radical, out of control Islam
Destroys hundreds of churches in Egypt just a few years ago and crucifies practitioners upside down in the city streets.
It's cute, it's funny, CNN doesn't even report it.
They call it a good revolution.
But then this apparent monster, and it looks like it's him doing it on the video, I've reviewed it, it's sickening, executing these people, the way ISIS goes into churches and does it.
The whole world is outraged, and the West is evil, and the West is bad, and we need to be more tolerant of Islam.
So, there's so many facets to this.
New Zealand has taken all the guns the last 20 years, except single shot.
How do you get all these full auto?
Australia's taken everything but single shot.
How was he able to carry all this out in two different mosques and finally one guy with a gun, a good guy with a single shot shotgun, ran the coward off?
Good guy with a gun.
There's that facet.
And then there's him saying, oh, you know, subscribe to PewDiePie, which the media is trying to brand as a white supremacist, so they can ban the biggest internet personality out there that's reaching young people.
There's a whole globalist concerted effort by Soros and others to ban PewDiePie, and now this happens.
PewDiePie's come out and said it's disgusting, it's sick, and he has nothing to do with it.
And then he also in his manifesto says, well, I like to kill people and murder people, and I'm for violence, but nobody's more violent, nobody's more hardcore than my idol Candace Owens, who's too radical for me.
It's sick satire.
The full manifesto, which they're pulling off the internet, they say, oh, don't give a murderer attention.
He's gonna get the attention.
They're gonna make him into the right-wing white guy they want.
But we're going to show you where he worships communist China, where he hates Christians, where he hates conservatives, and he just sounds like your standard leftist devil worshiper.
Paul Joseph Watson has the big definitive story up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That needs to get out there.
New Zealand Moss terrorist described himself as an eco-fascist who hated conservatism and admired communist China.
We're going to go over all of it today and have a bunch of guests on and open the phones up specifically for people in New Zealand or in Australia.
Because there's different conflicting reports supposedly from Australia and New Zealand.
Both countries are basically run the same.
They've taken the guns from the few massacres they've had.
Blaming gun owners in general.
But it was a good guy with a gun that began to stop it.
But here's the big elephant in the room.
I've asked Paul Watson to do an article.
He's already churned out like three.
I think Kit Daniels is going to get it done.
I don't know what headline you go with.
It's so crazy.
But I was looking up the number.
Thousands of Christian churches have been blown up in Africa and the Middle East and Asia, including the Philippines.
Can we just play video?
Just type into YouTube.
They try to take it down because it shows what Islam's up to.
Radical Islam.
Type in
ISIS takes over, desecrates churches in Philippines.
There's dozens of videos.
And don't show them shooting people.
They're also executing them.
They go into the church on Easter.
What was it, last year?
And shot like a hundred people.
I think 30-something died.
I mean, that's what goes on.
It's just a footnote in the news.
Oh, ISIS attacked five or six churches on Easter in the Philippines.
And it's a blip in the newspaper.
And there's been hundreds, I mean every day, I see where there's an attack in Indonesia.
They've taken over whole islands, and islands with hundreds of thousands of people on it, and our own media says, oh, the Filipino leader, he's too mean to Islam.
He should be nice to them.
So, hundreds of churches were blown up during the Arab Spring that CNN said was so good that Obama funded, and they went and blew up hundreds, several hundred churches.
In fact, I've got an Egyptian friend that we had on when I was out in Hawaii last year, who's a pastor.
He's always wanting to come on.
I need to give you his name and number, Daria.
We should get him on, because he can talk about this.
But he's an Egyptian Christian.
He can tell you what it's really like.
And we've had a bunch of the famous Egyptian journalist lady on, forget her name, we should get her on in the next few days.
Undoubtedly I'll be doing a special broadcast about this tomorrow.
But the point is, just say the guy's a monster, just say that this scumbag that reportedly did this, and I don't see any evidence that he didn't, because he videotaped it all himself, Brenton Tarrant, is a cowardly scumbag monster.
And you'll see Christians and conservatives and nationalists say that.
But every time there's a church shot up or Christians run over, Muslims say, like the two Muslims we have in Congress, it's not our job, Ilhan Omar, I can play the video, it's not our job when somebody kills people in a car or bombs a church, we didn't do that, why should we have to apologize?
Why should we have to decry it even?
So I'll say that the backpack killer, as they're calling him, he's a big backpacker around the world.
I'll say this guy was a crazy person.
I'll say this guy wanted to be famous.
I'll say this guy was a coward going in and finding a group he thought would be disarmed in a disarmed country.
But where are the Muslim groups decrying Islamic terror attacks on Christians and others?
You could hear a pin drop.
You could pull up all day, just type in the YouTube, ISIS blows up Christian church in Iraq.
ISIS blows up Christian church in Syria.
ISIS blows up Christian, Al-Qaeda blows up church in Egypt.
And there's hours of churches, they come in, they machine gun people, they make them stay in the church, they roll in a shopping cart of plastic explosive, and then they blow the whole church up.
And they stomp on images of Jesus, and they piss all over Mary, literally, and they eat people's hearts, and they put women into sex slavery, and they do all this, and it never even hits the news.
It's just a blurb that, oh, on Easter, you watch, Easter's coming up here in just a few weeks.
Guaranteed on Easter.
That's how Muslims celebrate it.
Radical criminal jihadis.
They will blow up churches all over Kenya, all over Southern Sudan, all over Ethiopia, all over Syria, all over Iraq, all over Egypt, all over Pakistan, anywhere that someone dares still have a little church or a Christian shrine from thousands of years ago and a few Christians show up boldly enough in Pakistan or wherever to say we love you Jesus, there'll be a bomb there or they'll all get machine gunned!
And there won't be one word said in condemnation by the establishment Islamic leaders.
Because they have the House of Islam, and everything outside the House of Islam is war.
And the Muslims that aren't radical will get killed if they ever speak out against radical Islam.
That's how this works.
England and the UK won't even take famous women, given the death penalty that was reprieved, because they're Christians and have been baptized.
Won't even let people who have death sentences and fatwas out on them come as refugees from persecution because it, quote, might upset the Muslims.
So that's where this stands, whether it's Charlie Manson killing somebody or whether it's this scumbag Brenton Tarrant and the latest thing that happened yesterday in New Zealand.
That's today, today.
The day starts over there.
These guys are the very same evil people that want to go out and kill men, women, and children who are unarmed.
They're cowards.
If he thought Islam was so bad, he would have gone and joined the military and gone out and fought radical Islam.
Instead, he's another lunatic trying to trigger a race war, and he admits that's what he wants, is a global race war, conflagration to depopulate the earth because there's too many people.
The exact thing that Charlie Manson said in 1969!
It's the same spirit!
It's an Antichrist spirit!
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And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you, Revy.
And so,
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm a newshound.
And so every Palm Sunday, every Easter particularly, there are
In some cases hundreds of bombings, always dozens of bombings from Pakistan to Egypt to Syria to Iraq to Southern Sudan to Ethiopia to Kenya.
And there's attacks on shopping malls, there's attacks everywhere.
And the Islamists come in and they say, are you a Christian?
Yes, boom, they blow your head off.
And if you're a TV viewer, we're showing you footage of bombs going off and blowing up Christians who dare show up at their church on
Christmas, or on Palm Sunday.
Every Christmas, around the world, from Indonesia to Europe, there are trucks running over men, women, and children in the streets.
There are people screaming Allah Akbar and shooting individuals.
And it's always a tiny footnote, even on Fox News, or maybe an AP headline, but it doesn't get top billing.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of Christians killed each year by radical Islam.
Hundreds of thousands of people killed total.
If you look at the Palm Sunday church bombing of just a year ago in Egypt killed 43, wounded dozens.
But it was a minor footnote compared to terror attack that was terrible in Christchurch, New Zealand that's killed at least 49.
An individual who had left Australia to travel the world, including North Korea and Pakistan.
And we've got his manifesto where he says he loves communist China, hates conservatives, hates Christians, but the media is calling him a white Christian.
But every time there's an Islamic attack, they say, oh, it's not Islamic.
ISIS isn't even Islam, Obama said.
So that's my issue.
I can decry this guy and think it's terrible what he did.
But he's not a Christian.
He's not a conservative.
He calls himself an eco-fascist that thinks there's too many people.
But you notice the media is fighting, the controlled media, to get his manifesto taken down.
They say, oh, don't give him attention.
No, they're giving him lots of attention.
They want to project that he's a right-wing Christian.
So you and I and all of us can be blamed.
That's the big takeaway they want you to have.
Well, the takeaway here is they're covering up what radical Islam does and you don't ever hear.
It's very rare that you see any type of Muslim groups or individuals when there's a mass killing by someone screaming Allah Akbar.
They say, that's not me.
I'm not apologizing.
I didn't do that.
That's not Islam.
Well then I'm not going to take the blame for this guy.
I mean, even if he was quote a Christian conservative, I didn't do that.
He hates Christians.
He hates Conservatives.
It's in his manifesto.
And he wanted this attention.
This is very similar to the attack we saw in Northern Europe five, six years ago.
The guy said he was a Knights Templar.
It's gonna do all this.
It's too early to know all the details here.
But you notice this all streamed on Facebook?
Facebook's like a telephone.
I do not blame Facebook.
And they shouldn't get in trouble.
They took it down as soon as they knew.
It's like saying if you call up and threaten to kill somebody over a telephone, it's the telephone company to blame.
But notice with Gab and Andrew Torba, the guy, two minutes before he goes into the synagogue and shoots the people, that tragic event in Pittsburgh last year, that all of conservative internet got blamed.
And the fact that he was allowed to post on Gab, he also posted on Facebook, that it was Gab's fault.
Just absolutely ridiculous.
It's not Facebook's fault.
It's not YouTube's fault.
You know, that's the headlines.
Oh, YouTube, Facebook and others.
You know, they've got a big responsibility here.
They're in a bunch of trouble.
You're all guilty for what Brenton Tarrant did.
No, he was in a country where only single-shot firearms are legal.
He somehow had full auto.
Play some of the audio coming up next segment.
We've blurred out people actually getting killed.
I've already watched this once, it's hard to watch it again, so viewer discretion advised, even though we've blurted it out.
So here are the toll-free numbers to join us, and then there's a number that's toll, because some people can't dial from New Zealand on a 1-800 number, I understand.
But however you can get through to the phone line, specifically if you're in New Zealand, if you're in Christ Church, New Zealand, now a major Islamic hub,
In Greece, they charged a bunch of people for putting a cross back up on the island of Lesbos, the island of womanly love.
And, seriously, they did that.
They've kind of named an island off Mexico a similar name, the Island of Women, Islas Mejeres, Isla Mejeres.
But, they put the sign back up, so they arrested them for hate, because the Muslims can't even see a cross!
See, we bring in an incompatible religion that doesn't, once it gets to high enough numbers, live in compatibility with us, that historically always attacks us, and then we wonder when a screwball goes and does this.
It's terrible, but they don't humanize the thousands of churches bombed and shot up every year from Indonesia to Germany.
They don't ever humanize the Christmas parties shot up in San Bernardino.
Oh, it's not Muslims.
You know, they were screaming Allah Akbar and kicking over the Christmas trees and asking, are you Christian?
Are you Jew?
Or Muslims attacked the Kenyan situation.
And again, most Muslims don't want to kill people.
But the point is, is that the radical ones are the ones that want control, like a gang.
So here's the toll free number.
For folks to call in from New Zealand.
I believe you dialed 001-877-789-2539.
But you live in New Zealand, you know how to call the states.
We'll put you right to the front of the line.
We're only taking calls from New Zealand.
Or 001-512-646-1776.
And if you live in the nearby area and you want to go cover what's happening or be a correspondent, we would love to see what you have to do.
I even want to start a system where we have some Skype numbers we put out on air, some Skype handles, and then we only give it out for folks, you know, to call in who are on the ground there in New Zealand.
In fact, I want to do that later today.
I want to give out a Skype handle.
That we'll only use, obviously, in times of emergency for people to call in with live reportage so we can actually see what's happening.
Now, if you can't get in via the toll-free number, it's 0-1-1 or 0-0-1, excuse me, 0-0-1-5-1-2-6-4-6-17-76.
Those are the numbers for folks in New Zealand.
We have such a big audience in New Zealand, in Australia.
It's huge.
But I would expect we're going to get some calls specifically from New Zealand.
Let's open the phones up first for New Zealand.
But this guy was an Aussie.
Does anybody know him?
Does anybody know about these groups of communists he says he's involved in?
Do you see the parallels with Charles Manson wanting to cause a revolution?
Wanting to cause a race war?
Wanting to cause a civil war?
It's all in his manifesto.
And again, I don't want to give him attention.
The media is going to give it total attention, but misrepresent what he said in his manifesto.
So, it's important that we now give attention to who this little monster is.
He's a monster, and when the radical Islamists is going to church and bombing or blowing... Every year in Syria, they try to have...
Very tolerant, nice Islamic country.
They had to put the military out to guard the churches because the radical Muslims want to blow that up.
Speaking of that, Syrian girl.
She lives in Australia.
Her family was thrown out by Assad.
She's no fan, but she's an expert on what's happened over there, proving to be a great source.
She's got a big take from Australia.
And then your phone call straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're going to Syrian girl, been a great reporter the last six, seven years on the whole Syria war, great sources.
She lives in Australia.
She is in exile.
Out of Syria, because of Assad.
She's not even a fan of Assad, but she does not support, obviously, the Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Western takeover.
She's going to be joining us.
And I know it's 5 a.m.
in New Zealand, but we routinely get calls from New Zealand.
We get a lot of calls from Australia.
So if you're in New Zealand, you go to the head of the line.
The next group is Australians to give us your take.
And I know it's 5, 6 a.m.
depending on the time zone over there.
But we want to hear from you.
We want to get your take on this.
Dial however you dial your country code to the U.S.
There's different ways to do it.
and then 512-646-1776.
With different numbers, so you're the experts living in New Zealand or Australia.
I guess it's 001, then 512, 646, 1776, or 001, 877, 789, 2539.
Some people won't need, if you're on an internet phone, to obviously dial the prefects, but you, it's you, it's your, it's your operation, because we want to hear from you, your take on this.
We're going to go to our guest here in a moment.
Here's my takeaway.
The media is going to hype this to create major division.
And every time there's radical Islamic attacks on churches by the hundreds, there's almost no coverage.
When radical jihadis are being funded by the West, there's no coverage of the sex slavery, really any of it.
Also, this guy says he's a communist that hates the conservatives and Christians.
The media is not saying that.
That's in his manifesto.
We have the article on Infowars.com.
A man with a single shot shotgun drove the coward out of there.
So a good guy with a gun.
If I had a mosque or a Christian church or period, you better have somebody armed there.
Because these mass shooters, the media hypes it up, they instead of death by cop, they just want to go kill a bunch of people.
And the more they hype it, the more it happens.
I hate having to hype it, but they're going to misrepresent that he's a big conservative Christian.
So we have to show you who he really is.
So there's that angle.
There's also the Helter Skelter angle that 1969, Charlie Manson, who's involved in a whole CIA cult, just like Theodore Krasinski, the Unabomber, that's declassified, was in MKUltra, he went and killed Sharon Tate and others to blame it on black people, to cause a race war.
Think about that.
And so that's what this scumbag, Brenton Tarrant, says he wants in his manifesto.
I've got a copy of the manifesto right here.
Paul Joseph Watson has written about it at Infowars.com, where he hated conservatives.
New Zealand mosque terrorist described himself as an eco-fascist who hated conservatism and admired communist China.
We're going to go to Syrian girl.
From Australia via Skype in a moment.
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Now, I have some breaking news and we'll go to Syrian girl Oliver Darcy.
Who spends his life defaming me, lying about me, trying to get me off the air, says, you don't have to go to places like 4chan to see vile, racist commentary.
Just go to some of the far-right websites in the US and look at the comments.
Message boards, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, InfoWars, many reprehensible comments from users on Stories, RE, Terratack.
Hey, how do we know it's not you, Oliver Darcy, like Jesse Smollett?
Because back when we did our own comments, we used to track some of the IP addresses, and you'd have people saying racist things against whites, and racist things against blacks, and it was the same person!
Most of the time!
How do we know it isn't a Jussie Smollett, and it isn't a bunch of you trolls at CNN that have been caught staging stuff before?
You want to say that and try to shut things down to shut comments down!
You sniveling little monster!
Alright, Syrian girl joins us.
Thank you so much for coming on the broadcast.
I know it's very early in the morning, Australia time.
I don't want to get time zones wrong.
So what time is it, Syrian girl, Maram Sousley, I always mispronounce your beautiful name, so I'll just call you Syrian girl, at partisan girl, still on Twitter, YouTube, Syrian girl, partisan.
What time is it in Australia?
Actually, Alex, it's about only half an hour past midnight because I'm in the West Coast of Australia, which is like the Wild Wild West.
So it's even a different time zone to the East Coast.
But thank you for having me on.
I really appreciate always that you give me a platform and I respect you and your show and everything you've helped us show what's going on, especially in Syria.
So, um, I guess we should talk about this attack that happened, not in Australia, but New Zealand, which is basically like Australia's Canada.
You know, they're right next door to us.
We have very similar history, culture, et cetera, et cetera.
Um, and the guy that did this was Australian as well.
Apparently he was going there for work, but his manifesto is a garbled mess.
I mean, in, in it, he talks about, uh, um,
Candace Owen, being his greatest influencer, I think he did that on purpose to take her down because she is a black woman and he, in some parts of his manifesto, proclaimed to be a white nationalist.
At the same time, he talked about climate change, you know, not hating Muslims but still shooting up Muslims and
He also, as far as I know, I haven't read the whole thing, but he also said, don't do what I'm doing.
So why are you doing it?
You know, he said he wants to create basically a civil war.
He wants Muslims to retaliate and for there to be chaos and bloodshed.
Because if you want a war, you need soldiers, you need armies and you need casualties.
And unfortunately, I believe that
Things like this have been a direct consequence of foreign policy.
Since the beginning, since the 1980s when Al-Qaeda was created in order to shut down what was a secular regime in Afghanistan, they started funding these terrorists and at that time these guys were portrayed as the heroes and then the same government
brings refugees over to the United States or the West or Australia and they drum up Islamophobia while at the same time bringing in refugees and trying to crush and silence these very people that end up doing these shootings that might be against immigration.
So bottom line, Syrian girl, you're saying they're trying to create a clash of civilizations and when we come back, we'll talk about that PNAC Neocon plan that you're an expert on, but just pulling back from this, you make great points.
He blames PewDiePie, he blames Candace Owens, he says he's doing it for them.
Candace Owens calls for nonviolence.
He says she's the most ultimately violent person on earth.
It's like he's trying to frame these people.
Absolutely, I completely agree.
I mean, if he is lying about that, then how can we take anything that's written in the manifesto seriously?
But you know, the interesting thing is that Al-Qaeda did vow revenge for the Christchurch attack just on social media, but they promised to kill more Syrians
As a consequence of that, because they're currently in Idlib, in Syria, holed up there.
And unfortunately, the last time that Syria tried to attack Idlib, the U.S.
under Nikki Haley actually threatened... Well, you are one of the top experts on this.
When we come back, we'll talk about it.
We've also got callers from New Zealand and Australia.
Stay with us with Syrian Girl.
I'm Alex Jones.
You're not going to get live coverage like this anywhere else.
Please spread the live links.
You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
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You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
She's been all over international television, you name it.
Her family was at the top of the ruling party there decades ago, thrown out by Assad.
She's no fan of Assad, but she's given the most piercing on-target analysis of the fake chemical attacks, now all confirmed, the White Helmets working with ISIS and with criminal elements of her own government, now the attempts to block Trump from pulling out.
She's been amazing.
We do have
Cherie in New Zealand, who I'm going to go to her in just a few minutes, and Alex is in Wyoming, but he's from Australia.
I know it's 5 a.m.
there, you know, almost 1 a.m.
in Australia.
Hard to believe they've got like five different time zones.
It's such a big continent.
And as she described, New Zealand's an island north of it, but it is like they're Canada.
And so the toll-free number to join us, we've given that out, we'll give it out again in the next hour.
We're going to go to Cherie and Alex here in a moment, but recapping,
We'll play some of these clips.
Him saying, okay, go subscribe to PewDiePie, or man, I love Candace Owens, but she's so radical and her calls for violence are so more serious than I am.
It's all very sarcastic, very sick.
I haven't read the whole manifesto, but he sounds like an antifa lunatic.
You're a smart cookie, Syrian girl.
What do you think?
Well, he describes himself as like a centrist, actually, picking out ideas from both sides.
And actually, he played lots of kind of comedic music.
But I think that it's not just about this guy, because he's a product of really something much bigger than him.
He's a product of the situation that's been created by governments, which is why I have to bring this back to the hypocrisy of governments who have been saying all these, you know, lovely words, sympathy for Muslims, and they're pretending to care.
But at the same time, they're bombing Muslims in the Middle East, and they're supporting ISIS and Al-Qaeda that have been killing Muslims in the Middle East.
And, you know, they're tweeting about relishing the death, the stabbing of Gaddafi in the street.
They're relishing in barbarism.
And yet they censor channels like yours.
You know, channels that have been trying to expose this.
And I'm coming at this as both a nationalist and a Muslim.
And I'm from a country that suffered perhaps more terrorism than any country in the world.
And many of the people there were both Muslim and Christian that suffered from it.
But it seems that they don't really matter because they're not in the West.
You know, that brings me to the point that at the end of the day, who's suffering this cycle?
It's all innocent people.
And Al Qaeda vowed revenge on Syrians because that's where they are right now.
That's their headquarters.
And unfortunately, Trump has been pushed into this policy of not getting out of Syria.
That was something that he promised to do.
But now the U.S.
is giving $5 million to the White Helmets.
A group that is linked to Al-Qaeda and one of its members actually happens to be someone who the UK took the citizenship away from.
Because of his ties to Al-Qaeda.
He is actually... Well, let's be clear.
It's the oldest trick in the book... He's a Pakistani-British man.
It's the oldest trick in the book to pose as somebody on the Red Cross, but really you're the military, to pose as an ambulance as you're shipping munitions across enemy lines.
So we understand that.
We'll have you back up soon to get into all the geopolitical systems.
It's been too long.
You should come on at least every month, and I know you do come on our other shows.
But pulling back, because I want to go to some calls from Cherie in New Zealand, who's holding, and Alex from Australia.
And you'll ride shotgun with us and give your analysis.
It's just that I can't help but think this really smells weird.
And I don't know exactly what's amiss, but... It is the Ides of March!
It is the Ides of March when this happened.
That was yesterday.
It's here today.
I said, look for something big on the Ides of March.
I want your take on that.
And also, semi-autos and autos are illegal in New Zealand.
So how did he get those?
He's from another country.
How did he get them?
They have strict gun control.
There's explosive devices in the truck, by the way.
It's all rigged with explosives.
So how did he get all this military equipment?
This proves gun control is a fraud.
And then a guy with a single-shot shotgun is the guy that drove this coward away.
They have gun laws in New Zealand and Australia, like really extreme gun laws.
So obviously if you're a criminal and you want to get a gun, you're going to get a gun.
It's completely ridiculous to even talk about gun laws.
I mean, Syria has gun laws.
You know, I think that that question is mute.
I did want to say that with the US foreign policy, it's also that there's backing these Marxist Kurdish militias that are ethnically cleansing Assyrian Christians.
You know, maybe this was part of a plan because why the Ides of March?
What possible next step is going to happen?
Is there going to be a bigger crackdown on censorship?
This guy, either he's a useful idiot or he's a madman.
But, obviously, they're going to exploit what he's doing to crack down and censor nationalists who really do want to have a conversation about foreign policy and mass migration.
And I'm saying that as an immigrant.
So, like, this conversation needs to be had.
It has to be had with Muslims as well.
We need to be open about it and not suppressing it.
Because what's going to happen is it's going to blow up and cause these maniacs from both sides to start killing each other.
And, you know, everyone's going to get caught in the crossfire.
Well, I couldn't say it any better, and I think you just brought in the missing element.
The last 53 minutes, I thought I'd covered the waterfront.
They're openly blaming Facebook and YouTube and Twitter for clips of the video he streamed on Facebook being grabbed.
It's been taken down everywhere.
They're nothing but communication systems.
It's like saying, get rid of a car, because somebody might use a car illegally, or get rid of a butcher knife.
Well, England's trying to have licenses for knives now, and many stores won't sell
Thank you.
Again, we have Section 230.
They're protected.
It's a communications forum.
You don't shut down the town square because homeless are, you know, throwing up on it at night and because somebody got shot there.
Everybody knows town squares have violence at 3 a.m.
You don't blame the town square.
And so blaming these supposedly free open spaces that we have, what I call free squares, you know, doing something like that is just asinine.
It's like saying somebody used their eyes to point a gun, so let's
Gouge everybody's eyeballs out.
Absolutely, and there's a double standard.
I mean, they choose what to censor and what not to censor.
I mean, Time Magazine won an award for filming a beheading of a Syrian soldier, but when the CIA vetted these guys that turned out to be not so moderate and beheaded a 12-year-old boy, his face in that beheading video was censored.
At the same time, you know, like in Abu Ghraib, all the videos of that torture was on Gaddafi's stabbing.
That was shown.
You know, so they're very selective.
I showed the minivan getting blown up from WikiLeaks after everybody else had shown it and my page got taken down.
Great point, Syrian girl.
Let's go to Cherie in New Zealand, our first caller, then to Alex from Australia.
Cherie, thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
What's your take on this tragedy?
Oh hi Alex, I'm a huge fan, calling from New Zealand.
Well, the whole thing's a bit surreal really.
The reason why I want to call is the timing of it's really interesting.
We've just had a huge measles scare here in New Zealand and it's all happened down in Christchurch with the top immunisation rates in the country and this huge measles outbreak and this big push
Get everyone to have the MMR shot.
Mainly middle-aged people.
And then this happens.
There's something weird about it going.
There's something very, very strange about it all.
The timing.
Oh yes ma'am, I'm just listening to you.
Can you hear me?
How far away do you live from Christchurch?
I'm in the North Island, but my sister-in-law is actually down in the South Island.
She's actually in Christchurch right now.
I can get more information from her today.
She was in lockdown yesterday.
I haven't really talked to her over the phone.
But I'm sure that I'll find out more information about it today, but she watched the whole video, streamed, I don't think she watched it live, but somehow she managed to watch the video, the whole thing, because I just was talking to her on the messenger and I said, did she watch the whole thing?
She said yes.
So I was like, oh, OK.
But, you know, things like this don't happen here, Alex, you know, like there's not even a real racial
I don't know.
I don't know.
Yeah, so it's just really bizarre, but I just find it really bizarre how epic.
Because all of a sudden, the whole country is talking about this measles, measles, fear, panic, panic.
That's right, gotta take the vaccines.
I want to come back in 60 seconds with you and Sir and Girl, and then Alex from Australia.
You stay there.
I want to ask, how do you get all these guns?
I mean, you have very strict gun control laws.
How do you get hand grenades?
Hour number two as we break this down.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Remember lads?
Subscribe to PewDiePie.
Remember lads?
Subscribe to PewDiePie.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide.
Syrian Girl joins us from Australia.
Cherie is calling in from the North Island of New Zealand, there's two islands there, off the coast of Australia.
We've got Alex, who's in Wyoming right now, but from Australia, going to get his take on this, going to take more calls.
I've got my team going through this individual's manifesto that I have here in front of me, and he clearly says, everything I'm doing in this manifesto
Is to cause a civil war.
Is to get the left to go after the guns to start a civil war.
So we're going to walk through this whole thing.
That's why he's trying to get Pootie Pie taken off the air with his, you know, 100 billion views or whatever it is and 100 million subscribers to cause a rebellion, something that Charles Manson wanted originally.
We're going to look at this very closely because I've been saying Charles Manson since I woke up this morning at 6 a.m.
It turns out that's exactly what this is, is a replay of that.
Cherie, your take on that situation and this guy wanted to cause a civil war.
And then separately, how he had these fully autos and explosives in the vehicle, because correct me if I'm wrong, don't you have to have a license in New Zealand and Australia just to even have a single shot firearm on your farm?
Yes, that's right.
In New Zealand you have to have a firearm license and I think the biggest, well the
He can get a, what is it?
I'm talking to my husband, he's telling me the information.
What's it again?
What is it?
Wait, wait.
He had an AR-15, but apparently the magazine that he had was illegal here.
So, I mean, he could have got that from, you know, we have gangs in New Zealand, so it's probably not neither here nor there.
I mean, although I find it hard to sort of see how he could get it from the gangs, because
If he is a, what do they call him, a white supremacist?
I mean, we do have skinhead gangs down in Christchurch, that's kind of well known.
But to get it from the other gangs, they probably would be in rivalry.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know if he's on drugs.
It's all a bit weird right now.
But yes, the gun laws are illegal.
Well, Sheree, as this all develops, as this all develops and unfolds, promise that you or your sister or your husband or whoever can will call in.
Let me get the number out tomorrow, Sunday through next week, so we can get actual real people to give us their take.
Anything else you'd like to add, Sheree?
I would like to add, yeah, because it's quite hard with our news network here.
We're very fake news here as well.
It was very interesting because I was watching, I was not able to get my TV set so I had to watch it through CNN, which I never watch CNN.
And the link between old New Zealand news and CNN was almost instant.
That's how fake, you know, they link.
So, you know, we probably won't get the truth here.
I'm gonna talk to my sister-in-law and see what more I can find out and maybe call you guys back.
God bless.
Be safe, Sheree.
Really, really sad that a Syrian girl said they put radical Muslims in charge, then they let them attack regular Muslims who allow Christians to live in peace and attack their churches and all the rest of it, and then they bring in folks and have a clash of civilization.
We're gonna come back in 60 seconds to get Sheree's girl's take on where she thinks all this is going.
Then, former Navy SEAL, counterterrorism specialist, best-selling author Matt Bracken's gonna give us his take.
Then Stuart Rhodes, constitutional lawyer,
Head of Oath Keepers, Patriot, he's going to be popping in.
Then Millie Weaver, Dr. Nick Baggage, and a bunch of other surprise guests today.
And more of your phone calls from Australia and New Zealand.
Then I'll open the phones up to everybody.
Stay with us.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're going to Alex, who is from Australia but visiting Montana right now, or Wyoming, and the Syrian girl who lives in Australia.
She is an exile there from the Assad regime.
She's giving her expert take, and I've learned over the last six, seven years talking to her, she knows what she's talking about.
She's an international analyst on BBC, RT, you name it.
Giving her take there.
We're going to get her take on that as well over on the next few days as things unfold.
The number to join us if you're in New Zealand or Australia is country code and then 512-646-1776 or again 011 or 001-877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
Some of you can't use the toll-free number, so we give you our regular number, 512-646-1776.
I want to go now to Alex, who's Australian, but visiting Wyoming, to give us his take and then Syrian girl's take.
What do you think about this situation?
How'd he get the guns?
Why is he saying he's a leftist and a conservative, but hates conservatives, but loves China?
Why is all this coming right now?
Why is he demonizing PewDiePie and the Internet?
What do you think's going on?
All very good questions, Alex.
I just want to start off by saying my thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Christchurch.
I was there two years ago and the city is still recovering from those horrific earthquakes they had in 2011 which killed near on 100 people.
Just an interesting fact I'd like to bring up is the fact that you described yourself as an eco-fascist.
However, on the day of his attack, there was mass climate protests going on, where you have all the students walking out, occurring here across America today, but it was yesterday for Australian New Zealand, so I was kind of thinking, if you're so into climate change and preserving it, why would you hijack the news coverage of that?
That's a good question.
Yeah, very interesting, very interesting.
Let's get Shirin Girl's take on that.
Shirin Girl, what do you think about the point he just made?
I just think that a lot of what he said was nonsensical and illogical and sometimes contradictory.
You know, I think he was trolling for at least some of his manifesto.
I mean, he threw a line out there about the white race and maintaining the white race, but Muslims are not a race and not all immigrants are Muslim and some
Muslims are white and some Christians are brown or black.
So it doesn't really make any... If it was someone who actually was into what he was saying, he would have probably thought more about it.
So I think maybe he was an eco-fascist, but I don't think we can trust anything that he says in his manifesto.
The whole thing reeks of a PSYOP.
I mean, whether he's a crazy person trying to do a PSYOP or whether others are helping him, I want to know where he got the firearms.
What do you think, Alex?
Well it's very hard to procure firearms in both Australia and New Zealand, and there's no way he'd be able to bring guns from Australia to New Zealand.
All the attachments and extended magazines he got are illegal, so obviously criminals are going to get their hands on guns no matter what sort of gun control policy people try to instill.
Well, one thing's for sure, Alex, we've got front row seats to what's about to come down with this, and that means Internet censorship, that means blaming platforms he was able to speak on.
Again, that's like blaming somebody using a telephone or writing a letter.
And they've really made their bed in big tech, blaming Gab and Infowars and others, to where they're now getting blamed, which just makes absolutely no sense.
But we'll discover more.
As this unfolds, I wonder if we're going to see Islamic counterattacks, radical Islamic counterattacks from this.
Thank you so much, Alex.
What do you think, Syrian girl?
I think anyone that's seen the video would be disgusted and enraged.
And this was 100% an act of terrorism.
It's important to say this.
I mean, he may have had a mental illness, but a lot of terrorists probably have mental illness as well.
And it was politically motivated even though his politics was completely muddled up.
And one of the things he didn't want was to create a civil war.
I think, probably there will be tit-for-tat, but then again, I think that that tit-for-tat will come from groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and already Al-Qaeda said that they were going to take vengeance because of this shooter, but on Syrians.
I mean, there was a post on social media about it.
I'll send you the link to it.
But perhaps there'll be something else.
And they'll probably use that for some kind of geopolitical interest somewhere down along the line.
Because at the end of the day, they use this kind of stuff either to create chaos in the Middle East by funding terrorism or create chaos in Europe and cracking down and censoring them.
This is all really about control.
And we're in this cycle.
This is like a cyclone.
And we're losing the reins here in the world when it comes to this war.
Well, very well said.
Syrian Girl, God bless you and your great work that you're doing.
It's again, at Partisan Girl on Twitter, YouTube, Syrian Girl Partisan.
Thank you so much and please join us again on the Sunday broadcast.
Thank you, Alex.
4 to 6 p.m.
Thank you.
and I'll probably do a special report tomorrow.
Thank you.
It's just terrible when you wake up in the morning
On the other side of the planet, a crazy monster has executed 49 people and injured a whole bunch of others.
And then I've had a team of several people, we'll have this by the bottom of the hour, but I'm gonna do this at the start of the next hour.
Because Millie Weaver doesn't join us till 1.30.
So I'll have one o'clock, that's in 45 minutes or so, 47 minutes from now.
I'll be able to go through his manifesto then.
And then maybe at that time Matt Bracken and Stuart Rhodes can pop back in, because they're about to join us and give their take on it.
But I've already, during the breaks, gone in and looked at the quotes, and he says repeatedly, I'm going to list conservative icons to get liberals to attack them.
I'm then going to try to get the left to take guns to cause a civil war.
And I'm not just saying this because I want to be able to ideologically blame the left.
This is Jussie Smollett squared.
Like the intelligence level was way more advanced.
Because this isn't clown stuff in your classic low IQ.
This is done very triangulated to cause major infighting and he admits it.
And it's done to create a clash of civilizations.
And it's also meant to manipulate mentally ill people.
It's written perfectly for mentally ill on all different sides to go into this call to arms insanity.
This is exactly what the globalists need is radical Muslims spread out across the world with radical counter-Muslims who will then have this clash of civilizations.
I believe he had help.
You read the cover of The Great Replacement towards a new society.
We march ever forwards.
It overall is a communist cosmology, but it's anti-imperialism with a picture of George Washington.
Workers' rights.
Protection of heritage and culture.
That's to suck everybody in.
Ethnic autonomy.
That's to get all the different groups involved.
Law and order.
That's why you go in and shoot up a bunch of innocent people.
Addiction-free community.
Responsible markets.
That means controlled markets.
And environmentalism.
That's the global government.
So this guy is uber, super bad news.
Got an old sun symbol, old swastika symbol there.
The March Ever Forwards.
That is a socialist, communist term, Marx and Engels.
So we'll get Matt Bracken's take on that, but I'm gonna break down his manifesto next hour.
It is disgusting, and it's designed to cause a civil war, just like Charlie Manson wanted.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The entire way this mass shooting has now killed 49 people in Christchurch, New Zealand, in a southern island.
The whole way this has been carried out is incredibly synthetic, incredibly inauthentic.
It looks like a perfect third-party shoot-em-up game.
And I was making those points a few segments ago, even the Daily Mail.
Has journalists and reporters saying that this thing is a trap to set up reporters so they find every group and every organization they want to blame to get everybody fighting with each other, which is exactly what he says he wants to do.
But the manifesto itself is a trap in itself laid for journalists searching for the meaning behind the horrific crime.
The truth is there, invaluable clues, the shooter's radicalization.
But it's buried beneath a great deal
of, for lack better word, S-posting.
Well, as you can see if you're a TV viewer,
We've already listed here where he wants civil war, where he's explaining it all.
We're going to get to this next hour.
We're going to go to Matt Bracken, who's going to ride shotgun with myself and Stuart Rhodes for the rest of the hour.
We're going to go to him in a moment.
We have another caller though.
Paul in New Zealand, located a half mile away from the attack in
Christchurch, so you live in Christchurch.
Paul, thank you for joining us.
Please give us your take on this, and our heart and prayers go out to all those that were killed or injured.
Hi Alex.
It was a sad day for Christchurch.
I was about half a mile away from the attack.
I was at a church dinner, a church lunch, and then we heard that there was a shooting, so we thought, oh, we better head home.
And when we were driving down the road, not far from the church, we actually went past where he was run off the road.
The police car rammed the car off the road and it was up on the footpath.
And so we were there just a few minutes after the arrest of the guy.
We then thought, oh, we'd better get home and get my granddaughter out of school because we heard there was multiple shootings around the city.
And so we got to the school and picked up my granddaughter and then the school, when we got home, everything was locked down.
So a city of half a million people was practically completely locked down for a couple of hours.
So no schools were open.
It was quite dramatic.
So we didn't really know what was going on.
We didn't know how many shooters were in the city.
They were running through Hagley Park, you know, a big park in the centre of the city.
And so then one of my friends sent the video through to my son.
He downloaded it off the internet.
And we watched it.
It was almost like watching one of the kids shoot up games.
It almost looked exactly like that.
It was quite amazing.
So one thing that... I used to be a... I'm a landlord and I...
I had actually rented out my flat to a Muslim couple a few years ago and they went to the mosque there and they said that the mosque trial was tried to be radicalised a few years ago but the Muslim, moderate Muslims, stood up to the radicalisation and put it down in that particular mosque.
So there were pretty decent people there.
A neighbour who lived next to the mosque was saying that they were really good people, they had a good relationship with them, they were very friendly.
So it was really sad that they were very good people that were actually hurt.
Yeah, Gun Laws New Zealand.
I'm a gun owner and it's a very strict fitting.
I had to go through a two-hour interview to renew my gun license for the interview.
All the family, they want to know what your mental health is and so it's very strict.
So they license the person, not the gun.
But a person who has a license can buy a semi-automatic gun.
But I think they're probably going to come after the automatics after this because I think they used that in Australia, the Port Arthur thing, to actually go after the guns and disarm the people.
But you're very, you cannot use a gun in New Zealand for self-defense.
There's very strict laws about that.
Some of the things I've got to say?
Wow, because I know in New Zealand even for farmers and people to get single shots they had to get a special license.
So how can he be from Australia in a Globetrotter?
They called him the Backpacker.
Yeah, well I read his manifesto and he said that he chose Christchurch specifically because it was a very peaceful place and so nowhere in the world would be safe.
He's not going to divide anybody in Christchurch because everyone gets on really well together.
There's no racial tension here or anything.
It's a very safe city.
I think New Zealand is one of the best places to live in the world.
I think it rates and that in the world.
But he said he actually chose it specifically to make a point that nowhere in the world was safe, which was one of the points that he made.
Well, please, let us get your number so we can call you back if things develop or unfold.
But do you just think total mental illness with this guy?
Or do you think somebody might be behind it with the way he writes this manifesto to make everybody fight with each other and how he was able to get these firearms?
I think he targeted other places around the world.
I don't think he was targeting New Zealand.
I think he was making a statement, sort of a worldwide statement, just for the very fact that he chose Christchurch as being peaceful.
What a horrible demonic person, just to pick a peaceful place and then randomly pick people to kill, just to make a point.
That's what ISIS does.
You know, and he was so, when I watched the video, it was just so horrific.
People were just piled in corners and he just kept shooting into them, you know, like no concern, no empathy at all.
It was just disgusting.
I'm so shocked.
You know, sort of all, sort of, but still shaken, quite shaken by it.
But to actually, you know, for a whole city to be locked down, you know, half a million city, half a million people's city.
I've heard about Christchurch.
I'll be quite honest with you, if I ever decided to bug out and quit the elites moving there, I'd actually looked at Christchurch as a place to move.
This is just insane.
Well, it was actually, it's actually called the Gayos.
We've won multiple awards around the world as the Gayos.
No, I know.
I searched engine years ago, best places in New Zealand, and Christchurch is at the top of the list.
And it's all been rebuilt with all new beautiful buildings.
There's not a house that hasn't been painted or a building that hasn't been renewed.
The whole center of the city is just a beautiful place now because of the rebuild after the earthquake.
There was $30 billion spent on the rebuild.
So, you know, it's just a brand new city now.
It's just beautiful.
Well, that's just terrible.
Well, thank you so much, Paul, for your take on the situation.
And I'm glad that your family was safe with you being a witness to the shooting.
We're all running around trying to pick up the kids at half the school, but we got blocked from actually doing it.
Well, I'm not somebody that's into torture, but man, I'd sure like to find out why this scumbag really did this, or he just may be completely insane.
Obviously he's insane.
Thank you so much for the call, Paul.
Bracken, thanks for holding while the caller called in, but obviously that takes precedent.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes, but what is your just snapshot first approximation of this?
There's a lot to dig in, and the guy was a devotee of Anders Brekvik, the Swede, and he learned from the Brekvik incident that any names mentioned in the manifesto would throw a spotlight on them.
So part of it's trolling, like the Candace Owens thing, but I'm going back to the former guy.
Is he even an Australian?
Why do you care so much about Europe?
This I'm quoting from the manifesto.
Why do you care so much about Europe?
Aren't you an Australian?
This is in the Q&A format of his manifesto.
And he answers,
Australia, just like the rest of the colonies of Europe, is simply an offshoot of the European people, a finger on the hand of the body of Europe.
He does not say he's an Australian.
I was talking today to Brad Johnson, who's a former CIA station chief in the Balkans, you know, speaks Serbian, Russian.
He has a website called IntelReform.org.
He says the guy sounds like a Serbian to him.
The Cyrillic writing on the weapons, even using old church Cyrillic.
This is extremely... You know, I noticed that.
It's old stuff.
And then he could actually... Who knows?
Well, let's come back.
Could he be a crypto-Islamicist?
This is a false flag.
We're going to come right back with Matt Bracken.
He admits he's trying to cause a civil war.
We have Stuart Rhodes joining us as well.
We're going to lay it all out today.
You're not going to get this anywhere else.
They're trying to censor us.
We're just trying to find answers, folks.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, it's the Ides of March, March 15th, 2019.
I've been saying for months and months that the globalists like to launch new revolutions, new wars on March 15th.
It goes back thousands of years since Caesar was killed in the Roman Forum.
People always think he was killed in the Senate, it was in the forum.
But the point is, because I've been at that spot in Rome, it's amazing, that it's synthetic, it's a false flag regardless, because you have a clash of civilizations where PNAC, run by Dick Cheney, says we're going to bring in all the radical Muslims, we're going to have a clash with the West, we're going to suppress people that oppose it until it explodes.
Then we're going to have a whole new war.
And out of that comes the world government.
It's not like there's a crusade to stop Islam.
Out of that comes the world government synthesis.
So I want to get Matt Bracken's take on that, and then also bring up the founder of Oath Keepers, head of Oath Keepers, who's also a constitutional lawyer, where he's practiced law before, he's not practicing now, he's too busy with Oath Keepers, Stuart Rhodes.
So that's all coming up here in just a moment.
But when you pull back from this, just during the break, and we didn't have it DVR'd, it was on satellite, I didn't catch, I was unable to tape it, I watched it.
It was Ilhan Omar from Somalia that says America's garbage, and America's evil, and Venezuela's great.
But she sure wanted to get here from Somalia.
You're kidnapped in five minutes if you're a Westerner in Somalia.
Five minutes.
You are held for ransom, you're killed in many cases.
Their number one business is piracy, and then after that, it's kidnapping.
Women are sold into sex slavery.
Their genitals are cut off.
So she flees that, comes here.
There's no apologies when on Christmas Day, all over the world, people get run over by trucks, churches get blown up, thousands get killed.
Sometimes in just a few days.
Usually it's hundreds.
Palm Sunday, there's usually six, seven, eight, sometimes 20 churches get blown up in Egypt.
It'll be a minor footnote.
Oh, and today there were a bunch of bombings.
No one goes and personalizes the people.
No one shows the Coptic Christians.
No one shows all the brown Christians getting blown up.
But when it happens to the Muslims, it's a big deal.
I don't want to see Muslims gunned down.
I know most of them aren't, but the point is the leadership of a lot of groups is.
So coming up next hour, I'm going to go through The Great Replacement, his manifesto.
We've almost completed reading the whole thing and footnoting it and getting it prepared.
A lot of angles to this.
A lot of other news going on we haven't hit while we're at it.
World War III coming.
Israel's on the brink of war with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Syria and Iran all at the same time.
Powerful Michael Snyder article from EconomicCollapseBlog.com up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Also finally, Adon Salazar, InfoWars.com article.
Child Protective Services investigating mother after 11-year-old drag queen danced at gay bar.
And talked about using ketamine and hung out with convicted murderers on videos with posters about children taking date rape drugs.
Finally, something happening.
Now, let me give the phone number out for folks to call.
We've had some calls from New Zealand, some calls from Australia.
And if you call in, you go to the head of the line.
But now, call specifically on what you think's going on.
If you think it's synthetic,
The guy says he wants to cause a civil war, aka Charlie Manson.
Your take on this and where you think it's going on the Ides of Mark.
Quick comments on that because I want to get a few of you in.
512-646-1776 is the regular number.
Some folks can't call from New Zealand on a toll-free.
And the toll-free number for here in the U.S.
and Canada, many parts of the world it works, 877-789-2539.
I'm friends with a Coptic Christian fellow I met who's a pastor and a business owner and a guy who's really smart.
He's from Egypt, and I'm trying to call him.
He's wanting to come on lately, but to talk about what's happening with Christians being persecuted, strangely enough, and I haven't gotten back with him, but I've been calling him.
He hasn't got back with me, so I want to get him on soon as well.
Going to Matt Bracken, enemiesforeignanddomestic.com, bestselling author, terrorism expert, Navy SEAL, deployed in the Middle East.
What's really going on here?
Well, the fact that he's done so much traveling makes it very easy for him to appear and disappear.
He could have been taken under somebody's wing and programmed and brainwashed.
I mean, starting with a very disturbed individual, but he seems to have gone on quite a journey.
I'm halfway through his manifesto, reading every line.
He's a very intelligent person.
You disagree with his thinking, but the way he puts thoughts together, it's at a high level.
He's a very intelligent person, and whether he's trolling or sincere or all over the place, I can't say.
But the fact that he could assemble these weapons means he either had help, you know, some diplomatic pouch, etc., or he's an extensive planner.
An extensive planner, possibly even a smuggler, if he's doing this all alone.
You know, I call this the Facebook massacre because
What's unique about it is not the location.
He chose New Zealand because it is remote, to show that everywhere white people live, the Muslims are invading.
So he chose New Zealand because there hadn't been anything like this.
He's not a Kiwi.
It's not unique to New Zealand.
What's unique about this shooting compared to Dylann Roof, Anders Brekvik, Parkland, Las Vegas, is that he live-streamed it on Facebook.
Not to some blog that picked it up.
He put this on Facebook and it ran for like 17 or 20 minutes.
That possibly is the unique characteristic, if not for Facebook live streaming or live streaming in general, he might not have done it.
It might not have had the impact that he wanted to have.
And that's where it's going is they want to now say no more live streaming for the general public.
It's too powerful.
It exposes the power structure.
They're scared of it.
So now Apple and YouTube and all of them are going to act like it's legitimate to start taking that away from the general public because you're seeing a demonization of communication systems as if they themselves are bad.
But we're in an info war, obviously, and I think that to be effective in an info war, you use the ammunition that's on the table.
And the ammunition on the table is to call this the Facebook Massacre.
Pin this right on Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark Zuckerberg, he's the guy that made the tool that instigated this, that promoted it.
If not for Facebook live streaming, he might have done something else or nothing at all.
But the fact that he knew that his manifesto would have worldwide impact immediately.
So you can do this in New Zealand.
And it's worldwide, known, seen everywhere.
Without Facebook live-streaming it, this happened in New Zealand.
It's a news story that we read about in the Daily Mail.
It can be massaged and tailored, but because of the powerful tool of Facebook live-streaming, he went to New Zealand and did it that way.
So I say call it the Facebook Massacre.
Let Mark Zuckerberg and his minions defend that it's not the Facebook Massacre.
Put them on the back heels.
Put them on the defensive.
But here's my problem with that.
That's where this is already going, and the momentum is going that way, like they blamed Gab when it wasn't Gab's fault, when it happens five minutes, four minutes before the guy did it.
A platform, a telephone, a TV show, it's not to blame, it's who's saying it.
And I get Zuckerberg and all of them have been using this against us, so it'd be sweet justice to see it done to them, but don't you see the long term where this goes?
Well, this sounds like the Republicans that voted against the border emergency saying, oh, yeah, well, the Democrats will use this if we use it.
Look, there's ammo on the table.
Load the gun and use it.
The ammo on the table is this was a Facebook massacre.
Saying, well, the liberals will use this against us, like with Gab, or practically blaming InfoWars for Sandy Hook in their inverted logic.
I say call this the Facebook Massacre.
Let Mark Zuckerberg come on 60 Minutes and apologize.
Well, that's what they expect everybody else to do.
I mean, I don't see Graham Bells to blame.
Fifty years ago, somebody, you know, called in a bomb threat over the telephone.
But yeah, two more platforms were suspended, Gab, in the wake of the Pittsburgh shooting.
You know, that happened to them, so I'm saying exactly, under the media's justice, you're right.
I guess the best way to teach him would be to say, de-platform Facebook, shut it down, remove it.
Which is strange.
And we're going to go to break, take some calls, and bring Stuart Rhodes on, and ask this question when we come back.
Why have we seen Facebook down?
Why have we seen a bunch of other big platforms completely down for up to a day in the last few days?
All the big platforms have been going down very, very suspiciously.
What's really going on?
Matt Bracken's our guest.
Coming up, Stuart Rhodes and your phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones with News Wars.
News Wars.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
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They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Alright, we're going to be taking your phone calls into the next hour.
Stuart Rhodes is on the road.
Founder of Oathkeepers.org.
He's going to give his take.
Matt Bragg is going to ride shotgun with us for a few more segments as well.
We've taken a lot of calls, obviously from Australia and New Zealand.
We're about to take some calls from Canada and here in the States.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., I'm here in the War Room with Owen Schroyer at 3 p.m.
And then, of course, we have weekday mornings.
That is 8 a.m.
Central Standard Time, David Knight.
Just a footnote, too, about Roger Stone.
I like Roger.
He's a nice person.
I've not been involved in all his politics and all of his machinations and the political stuff he does.
I wanted to hire Roger as a political pundit to talk about politics and news here on air.
And he did a pretty good job until the last few months, and he was just consumed, obviously, with what was happening to him.
And then when he got the gag order, he won't even talk to me.
And so Roger no longer works here, and he understands that.
We've had an amicable parting.
That happened a few weeks ago.
And I wish him well, and I think he's being railroaded.
But people want me to comment on it.
It's gotten to the point where he doesn't want me to comment on it.
At the level he's gotten into with his court and the rest of it.
So, it's not my rodeo.
You've been very supportive of Roger.
I've been very supportive.
It's just that we're fighting a larger fight here.
And I've been sued by Jerome Corsi because of all the Roger Stone stuff.
And Larry Klayman.
It's just, it's out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
The whole situation is completely out of control.
Infowars is growing.
But it doesn't matter.
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We've got loaded phone lines as well.
Matt, I want to bring up Stuart Rhodes and get his approximation as a veteran and a man that's practiced constitutional law and somebody who's been warning about false flags.
I just think the guy getting the guns, the fact that he traveled all over the world, the fact that he's saying he wants to cause a civil war, that's what Charlie Manson wanted in Helter Skelter trying to frame black people for killing Sharon Tate.
But he got caught.
Stuart Rhodes, what's your first approximation on this?
Well, I watched the video.
I found the video online.
I watched the entire thing.
I think this guy was a, I guess you could say a true believer white nationalist apparently.
But yeah, he wanted to spark a race war.
That's what he wanted.
So expect us, you know, whether he was, you know, some kind of a MKUltra manipulated person or not, the outcome is going to be the same.
This is going to be used to attempt to disarm us even further, disarm the West, and also to censor us and crush free speech.
That's what's going to happen.
And so we have to just say, we're just not going to accept that.
We're not going to disarm.
I mean, it didn't help the people in that mosque to be unarmed.
They were completely defenseless.
And that's exactly, you know, why it was successful.
So disarming is not going to save anyone's life.
So don't do it.
Sure, and I don't want to get a fight going on here.
And I usually agree with Matt Bracken.
He's like, it's ammo on the table.
Zuckerberg and everybody blamed Gab for other events.
So let's blame them for this.
To me, it's a transmission system like a telephone.
I think it's a very dangerous game.
Use the left's tactics against them.
I just, I'm not Machiavellian.
I'm not trying to be mean to Matt.
But I think at a fundamental level, I think this is playing with fire.
What do you think, Stewart?
Well, yeah, I mean, for a point, this is on Facebook, right?
He used Facebook as his platform.
If he had done this on your show, if he had livestreamed his attack on your show, he would have used that against you.
So I can see his point.
But the thing is... No, I agree.
That's why we're having the debate.
So what do we do?
We always let the left manipulate and do all this, and we always play clean.
I get his point.
But it's like the Ring of Mordor, though, Matt Bracken.
Yeah, you win the war, but you become Sauron.
Well, it's going to be a fight in the trenches if we're going to win eventually.
You know, I need to get back to this guy.
This is a complicated guy.
Brad Johnson, former CIA officer, station chief in the Balkans.
He says the guy's got a Serbian accent.
Maybe that's put on as a fake, another layer of texture in his... Let's go back.
He's got this Slavic text on the firearms.
Yeah, the Cyrillic letters in Serbian church script, you know, using lettering that is archaic, that is orthodox.
And then he's on the car ride in, he's playing the song, the Serbian nationalist anthem, soldier's anthem, called Remove Kebab.
Kebab meaning like Muslim, shish kebab.
Yeah, it comes after it.
You know, if I had a church, there's no damn way I wouldn't have armed guards.
Oh, no.
Before that, when he's driving, when he's driving, they play the Serbian song.
Alright, well, stop there, guys.
Can you go scrub it back a few minutes before?
We'll come back to that in a moment.
On 8chan, where he was hanging out on the 8chan chat board,
They love the fact that he played that.
Apparently it's something that's like one of their inside things on that chat.
They were like, oh, he played the, you know, the removed kebab music and it's epic.
So they're all into that.
It could be that.
You know, it's a cultural appropriation.
Who knows?
I think we found it.
I think we found it for TV and radio listeners.
Here it is.
So it's clear that he scripted all of this.
He's prepared it.
He hits every political group.
He blames them against each other.
He says, I love Trump.
I hate Trump.
I love Candace Owens, but she's even more violent than me.
You know, I love PewDiePie.
Subscribe to PewDiePie.
I mean, clearly the guy's trying to get the Internet censored is what this looks like to me.
Matt Bracken?
Well, he's trying to cause massive overreaction, leading to a counter-overreaction, resulting in a civil war, and then eventually a race war that he hopes the whites will live.
Reading the manifesto, which I do recommend, he is concerned with the time element.
We can't have a white nationalist victory in 100 years because we'll be extinct.
We have to kick this thing into overdrive now, and that's his goal.
Going back to the Serbian thing, it's a Q&A that he wrote, and he says, but aren't you an Australian?
And then he says something about Australia is just a finger of Europe.
So, the fact that he did not say, yes, I'm an Australian, and Brad Johnson, the CIA guy, he says he uses a Slavic accent when he's saying the PewDiePie thing.
If you can cue up the part where he is, it's great, it's not very high-def, but the part where he's saying, subscribe to PewDiePie, it's either a real or a fake Serbian accent.
The guy's deep.
No, I mean, exactly.
I've got a couple guys that have been reading over it with notes, we're going to come in next hour and break all of this down.
But this is like, this is Charlie Manson 2.0 is what I think.
What do you think, Stuart Rhodes?
Well, I think, you know, frankly, I think this guy was a sincere Eurocentric white nationalist.
I think he traveled the world, and like you said in his manifesto, he traveled in Europe and was disturbed by what he saw about the vast immigration.
And I think it just pushed him over the edge.
And this is why I think it's going to be used to target all the rest of us who are concerned about the same thing.
I mean, it's a real threat to the West.
It's a real...
Well, notice when a guy at Christmas runs over 200 people and kills 100 and something, they don't humanize the baby toddlers, nothing.
When a church is blown up, it's not talked about.
But now with this, it's going to get hyped to the heavens.
Right, so when the Muslims go crazy and kill us, it's never, don't blame Islam, but when a guy who's worried about or concerned about mass immigration of Muslims into Europe goes crazy and kills people, then they're going to blame all the rest of us for the same concern.
That's how it's going to be used.
This is why we have to just fight back and say, you know what, that doesn't erase the fact that this is a problem.
This is what drove this guy over the edge.
I'm not making excuses for him.
Well, what I'm saying is that it's a real serious problem, and he saw it.
And because he saw it, I don't agree with what he did, but he saw something that's very real.
We can't back away from that.
We also can't back away from our responsibility to be armed.
I mean, you know, the only way to stop a shooting like that is to be armed.
That's right, and it was somebody with a firearm that did run him off.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm going to take your phone calls.
Jacob, Josh, Grant, Brandon, Catherine, James, John, Sean, Zach, Ray, and others coming up.
I'm also going to go through the manifesto here, but finishing up with Stuart Rhodes of Oathkeepers.org.
Stuart, I mean, it's true that Islam is run by radical expansionist Islam.
It's true that Muslims kill more than anybody in the world.
Even the UN admits there's been a doubling in the number of Christians killed in the last decade, and that Christians account for more than half of people persecuted and killed on the planet.
And so it's also true that when Muslims strike out and bomb churches or shoot up churches every Christmas, every Easter, all over the world and run down whole families with vehicles, we're told it's not Muslims.
So that's going to cause unhinged people to get violent.
But what about the bigger equation of the clash of civilizations and where the globalists are trying to take this?
What's their endgame?
Well, they're in game to destroy the West, and that's why you have this unholy alliance between the far left and the Islamists.
They both have the same goal, which is to destroy the West.
Certainly, there are some people on the left who don't want to do that.
There are also some Muslims who don't want to do that, but they're a minority within their own world.
The great majority of the left, it's becoming very clear now, absolutely hates the West, hates this country, hates everything about it, and wants to destroy it.
That's part of their religion.
As Matt pointed out not too long ago, we were on the show together, that's their religion.
Marx is their god, you know, and Stalin and Lenin, those that are high priests, those are the prophets.
And they publicly say, America is garbage, it sucks, Christians are horrible.
I mean, these people are the enemy.
And so they'll excuse, in the Marxist worldview, everything is capitalism's fault.
You know, human beings are all shaped by capitalism.
Oh, wearing her $5,000, $3,000 outfits, AOC said, it's indefensible, inexcusable.
Yeah, so if you point out, well look at what the radical Muslims are doing, and their heads, that's the West's fault.
So they have this blinder on their faces where they will accept what's being done, the patriarchy of the Islamists is okay, even though it oppresses women like crazy, you know, cultural circumcision, all that stuff that they do.
That's okay because that's still the West's fault, you know, but that's okay because they're victims too.
So they're the only victims that are allowed to go all over the world and blow people up and impress women.
They're never called out on it by the left, with very few exceptions.
Sam Harris is one of them, right?
But there's a few.
Otherwise, it's all about the West being evil.
Oh, I was at a hotel in Isla Mujeres off the coast of Mexico, and they were having a gay wedding.
And I was watching, in the interactions for the two days that I was at this one hotel, I was watching all these gay guys trying to kiss the ass of a bunch of Muslims wearing, you know, hijabs and everything.
There's just Muslims everywhere now.
And the Muslims would just disgustingly go, ugh!
And like, don't talk to me!
And the men and the women were like, ugh!
And the gay guys would just kiss their ass more.
Don't you get it?
They throw you off buildings, you dumb bastard!
But they hate leftists, hate America so much, they think, ooh, Muslims!
You're my friend!
Stuart Rhodes, we'll talk to you soon.
God bless.
Please join us this weekend.
We're going to have some special reports.
There goes Stuart Rhodes.
We're going to break.
Come back with you, Matt Bracken, and take calls.
But what is your take on that snapshot of the gay men groveling to the Muslims?
Well, this is just a decadent society in its collapse.
I mean, it just comes to my mind because I've been reading the manifesto and, you know, there's a lot of what the shooter says that is on point.
And some of it is about the decadence of the West.
You know, the things that we've been discussing.
You know, the 11-year-old drag queen.
And this is a society that's in its failing stage.
And the Muslims are strong.
America and the West has gangrene all over us.
Our fingers are rotting off, our toes, our eyeballs are falling out.
And it's just insanity.
We'll be right back with Matt Bracken's final statement.
Then your phone calls.
Then I'll read the entire manifesto on air thanks to the great work of one of our producers, Scott.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Hide what you have to hide.
And see your problems.
I just wonder why these mass shooters, curse them to hell if they're Islamic or leftist or right-wing or whatever, would just stop targeting mosques and churches and unarmed innocent people.
You're a real man!
I'm not saying do this, but go find some soldiers!
Go find some warriors!
That's what warriors are supposed to do, is they go find the other group's warriors.
That's why I'm a giant critic of Islam, because it loves to attack women and children.
Matt Bracken, we've got loaded phone lines.
I appreciate you giving us so much time.
We have gone through the entire manifesto.
I'm going to do that after you leave, but I'd like to invite you back.
Obviously, you're a smart guy on the war room today to go back over this manifesto, where at the end he just admits he wants to cause a total revolution, boiling over of the melting pot.
Well, that's what the globalists want!
I mean, they want the clash of civilizations, and out of that comes the outlawing of religion, except their one-world religion, their global social score.
So I think we know the answer.
So whether it's the Council on Foreign Relations, or whether it's the Project for an American Century, or whether it's the CIA-connected Theodore Kaczynski, or the CIA-connected helter-skelter Charlie Manson, or this piece of garbage, Brenton Tarrant, they're telling us what they want.
But what comes out of that crisis?
Well, I think all of the main players, the social actors in this, it seems like all of this is heading towards a big cataclysm, a big conflict.
The New Zealand situation, the guy wants to speed it up because he thinks time is against us.
The globalists want to keep the borders open and keep flooding America and the West with unassimilable third-worlders for as long as they can before there's a rupture.
So what Brenton Tarrant did in New Zealand was try to
To speed it up so that the cataclysm happens sooner rather than later.
But you know what, Stuart, I was agreeing completely with everything that Stuart was saying in the last segments.
The left and the Islamists have an alliance of convenience.
Both think that after they destroy freedom, destroy Western civilization, they can then turn on their main enemy.
But what history teaches, to me at least, is that when socialists
I think so.
So that's what we're seeing.
And in the long run, I think... Let's explain why Napoleon, and Carlos the Jackal, and so many others converted to Islam.
Because for a thug male, it's the best system.
Sure, you get to, right off the bat, you get to oppress women.
You know, when you get, you marry who you buy, the wife, the girl has nothing to say about who she marries.
And if she gets out of line or doesn't do what you like her to do, you can hit her.
So it's a deal with the devil.
Hit her, you can just ground her ass in the pool or stone her to death.
And don't forget, another famous socialist named Adolf Hitler, he happened to be a national socialist, he thought that Islam was great.
He wished that Islam had succeeded in Europe.
In fact, he had the Grand Imam of Jerusalem and all of them sign on.
But when it comes to crunch time, when we're all in our graves, and our women are all in burkas, you know, we're going to look back at these days, and if you read the manifesto, this is what Tarrant is saying.
Embrace infamy.
He's saying in 27 years, they'll let me out of prison.
I'll be a hero.
You know, I don't know, I mean, maybe he's crazy, but what he's seeing is this race war cataclysm and a complete new order, you know, based on whites having white homelands, basically.
Yeah, but if he was so tough, he would have then, say, gone to the Middle East and taken out Erdogan or something.
If he's such a commando, he'd go do that.
It's a propaganda strike.
That's why I call it the Facebook Massacre.
Because he didn't do it for the 49 or 50 that he wants to kill.
He did it for the global impact.
That's why he live-streamed it.
No, no, I know why he did it.
I just, you know, these, these, it's, it's, it's just instinctively targeting a bunch of civilians makes me sick.
But he did it so we'd read his manifesto.
And we are.
But he thinks that in, you know, in his lifetime, that there's a good chance he'll be let out of prison.
It's like, I looked up, somebody mentioned the 14 he wrote all over the rifles.
It has to do with something called the 14 words.
And the 14 words goes back to 1984, if you remember the radio talk show host Allen Berg in Denver.
He got murdered by these white nationalists called the Order.
Some of these guys are in prison for like 200 years, but even from prison, they're still writing and still have influence.
And so the 14 words is about white nationalism.
So he put that all over his rifles so that anybody looking at this Facebook live stream would start doing research on things like the 14 words.
Now clearly, so why do you think Charlie Manson is the first person I know of in the U.S.
since World War II who tried to trigger a race war?
Why does this keep coming up?
Well, imagine the tools that were available then.
The police cracked the case and we knew it was Charlie Manson's gang of losers.
But in the Facebook era, in the social media era, you can cause an act and everybody on the planet knows about it two hours later.
It's just amplified unbelievably since 1969.
And what the Bible talks about in the end days is total insanity and mass murder and just infamy.
Alright, Matt Bracken, great points.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you.
Okay, folks.
Well, I want to go to your phone calls now.
I want to go to your phone calls coming up in the next segment.
You know, Millie Weaver's got some points she wants to make.
And I don't know how I'm going to go over this manifesto if she comes on the show, which I want to talk to Millie about her take on this.
I'm going to have to figure out what I'm going to do because there's so much to get to and so little time.
But this is going to be used, in the sense of the Internet, it's going to be used for cultural collision and cultural crisis.
And then out of that cultural crisis,
They'll call for a One World Code of Ethics, where every ideology has to be approved, and Christianity's banned, and radical Islam's banned, so we quote, don't have these crises anymore, when the globalists admit the PENAC documents, and so many others, that that's their plan.
So I'm gonna move Millie to the last segment of this hour, and I'll host a little bit in the next hour.
We'll push Baggage back some, he'll be all right with that.
Dr. Nick Baggage, always informative.
And so I'll be able to hit the manifesto at the bottom of the hour, but I'm gonna get some of these calls under our belt from Colorado, and Iowa, and Canada, and Texas, and Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida, and some other places.
So have your point ready.
When we come back from break, we're going to go right to your phone calls straight ahead.
But yes, a lot of the news we haven't gotten to is up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Child Protective Services investigated mother after 11-year-old drag queen dances at gay bar.
The money's paid to the parents.
So they literally pimped their kid out for this stuff.
Democrat presidential candidate never played this.
I'm going to play this later.
Andrew Yang fears white people want to put Asians in concentration camps.
So it's all race-based politics.
Tech giants under criminal investigation for potentially illegal data deals.
Nancy Pelosi endorses lowering voting age to 16, which shows they want uninformed people.
Don't let vapid celebrities influence your life, a very important article by Kit Daniels.
Big Labor blasts Green New Deal, says that China and India and Mexico don't have any of these controls, that it will bankrupt us further.
That's the plan of AOC, but I'm glad that working-class blue-collar liberals aren't suicidal.
So, uh, that is all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
But I've been saying the perfect thing with this Islamic invasion going on would be attacks on mosques, and I've said they're coming.
Probably a thousand times in the last year.
And that it would probably be staged.
Whether it was some fellow traveler with the Globalist or a leftist doing a false flag to blame us.
A false flag just simply means that it's not who... who you're told did it, didn't really do it.
Or you're told it's a right-wing Christian, but he's really a leftist.
And I'm just saying, who gains from this?
The larger global plan for societal collapse and crisis.
Please don't forget.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Harrison Smith, one of our great anchors and reporters, he just returned from a big investigation he was doing on the findings of Soon in Japan.
And he came in to me during the break and he said, listen, I've read the manifesto several times.
He said, this is 4chan, this is 8chan, this guy's not a patsy, he's real, he's very intelligent, but he's terribly wrong.
And I'll take calls.
Coming up later in the hour, I'm going to go through the chilling manifesto to give you the mindset of this
Attempt by the globalists to create an atmosphere that causes global crisis, out of which a world government forms.
That's in the CFR.
That's in the UN ethos.
That's the PNAC plan.
So everyone keeps asking, what's the plan?
It's global crisis, global...
You see the left promoting it everywhere.
And then out of that comes a one world government.
And you can say, oh well, you know, this guy makes points.
Not that any of us agree with it.
Of course.
But he makes points in a sub-level of a crisis that's already been engineered.
So Harrison, you're going to be co-hosting with Owen Schroer at three o'clock central today.
Give us a prelude to what you've discovered.
Yeah, basically I followed this, you know, from the minute it happened as it was happening live from the original post on 8chan.
And just the simple matter is the people in the media, if you aren't fully aware of what the 4chan, 8chan, chan culture is, then this manifesto could be absolutely baffling to you.
You cannot understand it without
Absolutely understanding the sarcasm, the inside jokes that go on here.
So I'll fully break it down with Owen Schroyer, but it's important to talk about this manifesto and explain this manifesto because it's not going away.
And this isn't like the guy who shot up the people in Santa Monica, Elliot Rogers.
He had a manifesto, but it was all nonsense, pointless.
It was self-aggrandizing and just explaining why he did this psychotic act.
This guy
In this attack yesterday in New Zealand is, I believe, very thoughtful, very intelligent, and has a plan about what he wanted to have happen.
And so you have to not just ignore this, not just shove it under the rug, but face it and point out exactly why it's wrong, where the logic fails, where his hatred and his overwhelming obsession with race completely blinds him to the reality of the situation.
I believe that Americana, Renaissance, 1776, 20 plus years ago, I believe that I promoted it.
Others would listen that we could build a global network to relaunch nationalism.
We're launching it.
It worked.
So now the globalists are going to try to use a race-based system instead of being ideologically based on free market and Christianity and basic liberty and Western ideas, 1776 worldwide, to make it on racial division.
Just because the globalists are going with race to counter the West,
If we play that game, we lose.
And so we should be concerned about his manifesto because his manifesto could take hold just like our manifesto did and could overwrite our operations.
Right, right, exactly.
He's only going to make things worse for people like us, who don't believe in this racial crap, who don't fall into these lies.
The left makes it racial, they force you to be racial, and then if you go, well they're being racial, I should be racial, it makes perfect sense, but that's the dirty trap.
You'll cover it today, 3 o'clock Central, 4 o'clock Eastern, on The War Room.
Alright, I'm going to be watching that, I don't know about you.
Alright, enough of that, we've had callers holding up to 40 minutes, so I'm going to go to your phone calls now.
Who has been holding the longest?
That would be Josh in Colorado.
Josh, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Colin from Colorado Springs.
First off, everyone needs to look up the symbol of the Black Sun and research it.
Oh, that's the Nazi Secret Society.
You had Black Sun?
Yeah, the Vril Society you were talking about on Joe Rogan.
Now the next thing, real quick, to get to a point.
Red flag, Bill.
Red alert.
Legislator taking over.
Tom Sullivan, father of a kid killed at the James Holmes Massacre.
They're coming for our guns in Colorado.
By the end of the legislature, they have full power right now.
They're going to come for the assault weapons.
I have inside people in the Republicans here.
They're taking over Colorado as we speak.
Well break that down because the Republican Party and the Blue Bloods have admitted they're about to try to make their move and if they convince Trump to get involved with these red flag laws that'll be the end of Trump.
Essentially anybody can say that you're crazy and a judge can come take your gun and now you have to go
As many times as you need to go to a judge to try and get your guns back.
So my county of Teller County actually is a sanctuary now of the Second Amendment, but we're not even sure if it's going to do anything.
So we have to fight in the Supreme Court.
We're pretty much we're in trouble here.
Red alert.
I mean, this guy... And by the way, people say, oh, don't get so freaked out, your guns will be fine.
If people didn't get freaked out, we wouldn't have this right.
The damn Revolutionary War started in 1775 at Bunker Hill and Lexington because they came to take the guns.
So let's stop acting like they don't want them.
The left's gone from denying it to being all over the news saying, repeal the Second Amendment.
They're coming!
That guy down in New Zealand, he's a national socialist.
He is not a capitalist American.
You know what?
They're coming for us!
That's an attack on us, America, directly!
I'm glad you're upset because I'm sick of collectivists and eco-fascists and they want to organize and run everything.
They're not America.
They're not 1776.
I can take a Christian guy from Egypt who's super smart and great and has brown skin, and he'll have a great business, a great family, and it'll be totally law-abiding.
You make him a Muslim, he'll act like a damn animal half the time.
You take a white person and act like that.
It's the culture and it's the spirit.
And we have to have the spirit of Americana defeat their spirit.
And I totally agree with you.
We need to get mad.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
God bless.
I'm glad Josh is mad.
That's normal.
They're teaching five-year-olds how to suck ding-dongs in schools everywhere.
And if you're an adult and get upset by that, you should be upset.
They're teaching five-year-olds how to do it.
So don't tell me I shouldn't say it on the air.
Boy, I'm getting angry now.
Let's go and make another call.
Let's talk to Grant in Iowa.
Says New Zealand Christchurch attack.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Go ahead and breathe, Alex.
People gotta remind me to do that.
Yeah, well, just to get started with this idiot.
He's obviously a sociopath, like Bracken was saying.
This is premeditated.
He's very intelligent.
And that's the most dangerous type of criminal, is an intelligent criminal.
I'm interested to hear Harrison break down the 4chan, 8chan culture, because I don't know much about it.
But, you know, we can't give him the crisis that he wants, because the media is going to give him the knee-jerk reaction that he wants.
I don't know why we still publish the names of shooters.
We shouldn't even say his name.
Just call him the Christchurch Jerk.
And, you know, you can't fight terrorism conventionally.
The only way to combat this behavior in the short term is to be armed, and in the long term is by getting rid of this type of ideology.
Well, I want to say it.
4chan, 8chan has some really interesting stuff and some funny stuff and a lot of great witty memes.
But it also uses an injection port for the fake Q stuff and for racial garbage and for division.
And the globalists are using it, obviously, as an injection port into our veins.
And so I'm not even saying it's bad.
I'm just saying so many times really bad stuff comes out of it that I then get blamed with.
Yeah, and that's how they use the internet against us.
You know, we're spreading the truth, and they're trying to spread falsehoods while we do that.
So, you know, he has a point about infinite immigration.
He talks about his travels to Paris.
Lots of people are concerned about that, but that doesn't give you the right to play God.
Thank you, Grant.
Let me tell you what's going on when we come back, but I'll just say it now.
Great points.
It's a blueprint of everything Trump or I say, so that every time we say it's okay to have a nation, it's okay to have a people, we can be demonized.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, if you're looking for the zeitgeist, no brag, just fact, as close as you're going to get to it is right here.
Which is kind of a scary thing.
I kind of step back in awe sometimes.
You know, if folks knew what was going on behind the scenes around here, if I was at liberty to tell you, you would be pretty positive actually.
There's a lot of bad things happening too, but the power structure has figured out that globalism as it was set up is not going to work.
The people are against it.
Because the people that run the upper echelons were still compartmentalized.
They now know what the end game was, and it's not gonna hunt.
The dog is not gonna hunt.
So now there is a mad scramble to figure out what the establishment's going to do.
And that's the point that we have reached here.
And I'll just leave it at that.
Because I've got a lot of people not trying to charm me to the table with them,
But a lot of people from different levels of government and corporations and the military literally saying, well, what do you think the alternative is?
Well, just how about we don't model everything off after communist China?
Let's start there.
Or orthodox Islam.
That's a nice place to start.
And let's say hands off sexualizing kids.
I think that'll get God off our ass right there.
But you see, there's a lot of people that aren't going to go along with that because they want raw power.
Now why is this shooting happening?
Clearly the guy's very smart.
It's 4chan, 8chan isms and inside colloquial nomenclature and esoteric languages of the autistic army.
To use their own names, not belittling those with autism.
And so whether it's a cut out to demonize that, or whether this person organically came out of that after his world travails, his travels, I don't know.
But he got guns he shouldn't have been able to get, it was highly organized, and now they're blaming all white people, and it's a big smokescreen for all the things that orthodox, radical, expansionist Islam is engaged in.
But the globalists know that humanity is not going along with learned helplessness.
We're not adapting to these paradigms of submission anymore.
We're actually adapting and overcoming.
So, looking at the manifesto itself, it's posted on Infowars.com.
Scott, one of the great producers, went over it.
He should probably do a video or write an article about it because he's made a lot of good points here, but we have a document cam shot for TV viewers.
The Great Replacement.
And then Hiding in Plain View is the Nazi Black Sun symbol, the inner symbol of the inner Nazi party and the occult.
I don't know why I didn't even notice that.
Probably because it was Hiding in Plain View.
And overall, it's an anti-capitalist, anti-decentralized system.
And when you first begin to turn into the pages, he says,
I use these firearms because these are firearms the left's trying to ban in the U.S., and I believe that if we can get them to ban these, it will trigger a civil war, something that Democrats and even Jack Dorsey have called for.
I could have chosen any weapon or means.
A TATP-filled rental van.
Household flour, method of dispersion and ignition source.
A ball-peen hammer and a wooden shield.
Gas, fire, vehicular, attack, plane, attacks, by any means relatable.
I had the will and I had the resources.
I chose firearms for the fact that it would have a social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide, the effect it would have on the politics of the United States and thereby the political situation of the world.
You see, this guy didn't feel like he had a home as a man to show he was successful.
Benjamin had done this in business, but no, he had to do it this way.
The U.S.
is torn into many factions by the Second Amendment, along state, social, cultural, and importantly, racial lines.
With enough pressure, the left wing of the United States will seek to abolish and or attack the very freedom and liberty
This attempt at abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization.
It's already happened, see?
So now when we talk about what's already happened, oh, we got it from him.
This is all written as if, like, he discovered the wheel.
He discovered electricity.
The attempted abolishment of these rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people of the United States and eventually a fracturing of the U.S.
along cultural and racial lines.
Well, that's what the WikiLeaks say Hillary needs to do.
So, see, he's stating what's already happened and acting like it's him.
So it's a form of delusion of grandeur.
Like, I never said I invented 1776 and the Renaissance.
I said I was going to promote it and try to reboot it.
And our audience, together, we flipped the switch.
We got it going.
But to behave like he's triggering all this is just asinine.
It's already been triggered.
And then it just goes on from there.
Where are you as a supporter of Donald Trump?
Are you a supporter?
As a symbol of renewed white identity, which is not what Trump's even doing.
He's an identity of free market and Americana and unifying.
See, that's the lie.
See, you read this.
This is leftist stuff.
A bunch of professors wrote this, some of you.
This is leftist written.
He had accomplices.
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.
As a policy maker and leader?
Dear God, no.
So you see, it's all meant to create fracture and debate.
Is a particular person that radicalized you the most?
Now, Candace Owens.
Who sat in this studio repeatedly, is all about anti-violence, Martin Luther King.
But oh, see, it's all cryptic.
Knowing the left would jump on it, persecute her, because she doesn't want violence, you see.
She's a unifier.
She's marrying a white guy, she's trying to unify everybody.
Is there a particular person that radicalizes you the most?
The person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens.
Each time she spoke, I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.
This is a total sick trolling.
Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my taste.
That is a total satanic inversion of reality.
This is a left-hand path devil note.
Won't your attack result in calls for removal of gun rights from whites in the United States?
That's the plan all along!
You said you would fight to protect your rights in the Constitution.
Well, soon will come the time.
That's what I keep telling people.
You better fight politically, man.
You run your mouth, I won't shoot the U.N.
It's not gonna be the U.N., it's gonna be police under U.N.
Now it continues.
You're a bigot, racist, xenophobe, Islamophobic, Nazi, fascist.
What the F do you just say to me, you little bleeper?
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class with Navy SEALs, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I'm trained in guerrilla warfare, and I'm a top sniper in the entire U.S.
Armed Forces.
This is all just more gibberish, more 4chan, 8chan stuff.
You are nothing to me.
You are just a target.
I will wipe you the F out with precision, the likes of which you've ever seen before this earth.
Mark my words, you think you can get away with shaying the bleak you are of the internet?
Think again, effer.
As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of spies across the U.S.
This is kind of like Q to the next level, just imaginary magic stuff.
Your IP is being traced right now and you better prepare for the storm, maggot.
It's nice trying to be like,
Sergeant Hartman, the storm that wipes out your pathetic little thing you call your life.
You're effing dead, kid.
I can be anywhere, anytime.
I can kill you in over 700 ways.
It just goes on from there about how he wants the big civil war to come.
We'll finish up with this and go to your phone calls.
But this is a PSYOP.
This is globalism wrote large, and I will tell you at a gut level, this guy had help, this is synthetic, and it's the start of more.
This is how the globalists are going to counter nationalism, is having this guy be our spokesperson when he's not a nationalist.
He even tells you he's a global fascist.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You got a lot of nice girls, huh?
Alright, I need to go to your phone calls, and I'm just wading into this whole so-called manifesto.
This was the Navy SEAL copypasta.
Folks that know what that is, this is all just internet jokes.
But then it continues.
Why attack Muslims if all high fertility immigrants
are the issue.
Historically, societally and statistical reasons, there are the most despised group of invaders in the West attacking them receives the greatest level of support.
They are also one of the strongest groups with a high fertility rate and group preference and will to conquer.
So that's a true statement.
Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue?
So he has the whole leftist propaganda there.
Because they are the same issue.
The environment is being destroyed by overpopulation.
We Europeans are one of the groups that is not overpopulating the world.
The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world.
Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation, and by doing so, save the environment.
Well, that's Dick Cheney and use race-specific weapons and wipe out the third world.
So see, he's showing you and teaching you here
What the plan is.
Well then why does the Western elite want to get rid of the West that actually isn't overpopulating?
So this is just all a call for global civil war, out of which comes the one world government.
He goes on to say, conservatism is dead, thank God.
To Christians, and he has some quotes there, to anti-Marxist communists,
I do not want to convert you.
I do not want to come to your understanding.
Egalitarians and those that believe in hierarchy will never come to terms.
I don't want you by my side.
I don't want to share power.
I want you in my sights.
I want your neck under my boot.
See you on the streets, you anti-white scum.
So it makes them at the end, the poor little antifa violent victims, a bunch of professors dressed up attacking people.
Who actually want global depopulation as well and believe in global warming?
To Turks!
If you live in peace in your own lands, you may and may no harm come to you on the east side of the Bosphorus.
But if you attempt to live in European lands anywhere west of the Bosphorus, we will kill you and drive your roaches from our lands.
You are coming for Constantinople.
We will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city.
So he says they're going to retake Constantinople.
And it goes on from there.
So, this is it meant to ignite a global religious and race war.
Section 2, General Thoughts and Potential Strategies.
So this is the globalists trying to trigger international war.
Kind of like in 1984, the inner party gives Winston a system of rebellion and propaganda to actually create a false resistance so they have an excuse just to persecute.
The right of European women
And then it just goes into all this, and at the end, at the very end of it, he talks about, quote, the USA, and all the rest of it, a boiling over in the melting pot.
Civil war in the so-called melting pot of the United States would be a major aim of overthrowing the global power structure of the West.
Egalitarian, individualist, globalist dominant culture.
Now the globalists have hijacked
The egalitarian Renaissance Christian West.
The United States is in turmoil, more so than any other time in history, because the left's using race to divide.
It's in the WikiLeaks.
The United States is in turmoil, more so than any other time in history.
States have other states.
The Electoral College is under attack at every turn.
And the races are each other's throats.
No, the media says that.
On top of all this, a two-party political system split by racial, societal, cultural, linguistic, and class divides.
After an election cycle of two with certain democratic victory, those remaining non-democratic voting, non-brainwashed whites will see the future clear before them.
And with this knowledge, realize the impossibility of diplomatic or political victory.
And he believes she'll be let out of prison 27 years from now after the global race war, the bioweapons are released, and all the minorities are wiped out.
And so they release the bioweapons, they'll claim some scientist that followed this guy released it, but it won't be the scientist.
Randomly doing it will be a larger plan.
And that's basically where this satanic program's going.
People from Charlie Manson to this fellow want to trigger a civil war.
So did Theodore Kaczynski, trained by the CIA.
This is a larger plan by criminals inside our government.
Not whole agencies, but select groups.
And that's the bottom line.
And they use anonymous systems, not that 4chan or 8chan are bad, they just use anonymous systems where they can put this out so that they can't be tracked.
Which, again, I believe in freedom of speech, but I'm being censored so I can't encounter them.
What does that tell you?
Okay, let's continue with some phone calls.
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Okay, we got Colorado, Nevada, we got Canada, we got Texas, we got all these people.
And baggage is cool.
People who know they host the fourth hour know I preempt it.
So it'll be on the last 30 minutes.
I'm gonna take your calls and Millie Weaver pop in.
I have a Coptic Christian that I know who's an American out of
Egypt, he's gonna be popping in if we can.
If not, he'll pop in Sunday on the Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m.
But that's all coming up next hour.
Gonna be jam-packed.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's been holding longest here?
Let's talk to Catherine in Canada.
Or is that Catherine?
My eyes aren't as good as they used to be.
Catherine, go ahead.
It's Catherine.
From Canada.
I just wanted to point out a weird coincidence.
There's an article in the New Zealand Herald from March 11th.
Headline reads, former White House advisor John Podesta praises superstar Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, which is a New Zealand Prime Minister.
And in the article, he says that the Democrats should take a leap from the New Zealand Prime Minister and as well as fascist Trump administration.
So I think that's a weird coincidence that March 11th, John Podesta is in the New Zealand Herald and now this is happening.
I don't know if it's connected, of course, but it's just a weird coincidence.
No, I agree with you.
What do you think about him getting guns that nobody else can get in New Zealand?
That's hugely suspicious.
That's the thing.
There's prominent Democrats in New Zealand, March 11th, and then this happened March 14th.
Where are the guns coming from?
Fast and Furious?
Ring a bell?
We're going to be following that, Catherine.
Call us back and thanks for holding.
You're awesome.
We can take a lot of phone calls.
The problem is there's not a lot of time for each person, but you're awesome.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Paul in Las Vegas.
Go ahead, Paul.
You're on the air.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
One of the things I wanted to point out is that if they try to take our guns, Americans are so innovative.
They will come up with electric weapons that will absolutely put the firearms that we have now in the antique zone.
I built hydrogen fuel cells and I could send a brick at you at 4,000 feet per second.
You could fire anything with it.
It doesn't have to have gunpowder and things like that.
So if they try to take our guns, they're going to be in real trouble.
Well, let's remember, a ball-peen hammer can take away all the guns you want.
So, but they want to kill gun culture.
It's the use of firearms the system hates, and we're way ahead of them.
They're losing.
Yeah, I want to give a real quick plug for my GoFundMe.
I'm trying to get the funds for the lawyers and things like that to finish my patent.
My name is Dan Franklin.
I'm on Facebook.
They're some of the best hydrogen fuel cells you're going to get, and I thought of them while I was taking your brain force.
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They're fantastic.
All right, well, send me an email about this fuel source, and I've got to move quick to these calls because I've got two guests coming up, and I want to get to everybody.
Let's talk to
Jacob in Colorado.
Jacob, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How are you, Mr. Alex Jones?
Hey, good to talk to you.
So my point is, how many people were killed in New Zealand?
Was it around 50 or something like that?
Say that again?
How many people were killed in New Zealand?
They're saying 49 or more.
My point is, in 2018, there was 4,136 Christians
No, I agree.
Since thousands of churches have been bombed or shot by radical Islam, you never hear about it.
It's back in the paper.
And then I think this is a terrible event, but notice the media is maximizing it because they want you to know about it to have Western guilt.
I totally agree with you.
So, by talking about this thing in New Zealand, we're just basically following the Marxist agenda by... No, no, I get your point, but see, they're gonna just put it out there with their spin.
We have to cover it to counter it to create the counter-narrative.
I mean, I'm not even creating a counter-narrative, I'm just debating different angles, but I hear you, Jacob.
Alright, more calls.
Chuck in Nevada.
Sean, Zach, Ryan, Brandon, Tucker, your calls are all coming up in two minutes.
The globalists, the eugenicists are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists,
I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at importstore.com.
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We're good to go!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, whenever we get a caller from New Zealand, they go to the head of the line today.
We'll get the rest of your calls coming up.
We appreciate all of you.
You're awesome.
And I feel so guilty, because we'll get like 30 calls, and then there's no way even an hour to get to them all, and I feel bad we don't get to you, but I'm trying.
We got a bunch of guests backed up.
We're like 30 minutes behind today.
I've moved back.
I've got to nick baggage for about 30 minutes, so I get to these other guests.
We've got a special guest joining us next segment, but Rod, in New Zealand, are you in the North Island, the South Island, and what is your take about this bizarre, horrible tragedy?
All our prayers go out to those poor Muslims that were killed.
Yeah, no, it's pretty appalling, Alex, and great to be able to talk to you, listen to your show on a very regular basis.
That is a tragic event, obviously, and one point I was thinking about as to why the guy might have chosen New Zealand is because life imprisonment here is only 14 years for murder.
And if you get out on good behaviour, then he might be in for 8 years.
Big deal.
Unless they can prove insanity or something else and they can hold them for an extended period of time.
What else does your gut tell you?
No man, I agree with you.
What are locals saying?
Well, it's certainly, you know, like other callers and the media is saying, it's very uncharacteristic of this country.
I don't think it will change much here.
I think it sounds like what you've been reading from the manifesto that he's trying to create a bigger impact, you know, within America and other places by proving, as he's said, that, you know, New Zealand being so remote is not
I don't know.
And so he'll get to live and survive and possibly be running around another eight years.
Who knows?
At least they can prove him, you know, mentally insane or whatever or declare him that.
What does your gut tell you?
Because I read this thing and this, this is all nationalism.
A lot of it's true.
Now, anytime anybody, he's saying everything a lot of people have already said, mixed with a bunch of crap and lies.
So now when we talk about it, it's okay to be sovereign.
It's okay to have your own country.
It's okay to have your own culture.
Now this mass murderer said it.
So we're all supposedly getting our orders from him.
Yeah, obviously he's trying to make a bigger impact around the place, but for us here in New Zealand, we have a very broad representation of races and cultures and all the rest of it here, and it is a pretty
A very peaceful country to live in.
As people have stated, it's not easy to own guns here.
But he's obviously got a weapon.
Some of the weapons were legal.
Perhaps the magazines weren't that he was using.
So he's got connections, I think you're quite right, Alex.
Yeah, they're going to use this to crack down.
Look, I bet money he's in a cult and he had support, just like the Hale-Bopp people.
There's all sorts of cults, and I bet money it's going to come out.
If we see a cover-up, then we know it stinks to high heaven.
Great points, Rod, from New Zealand.
Anything else?
I'm not going to be able for today, Alex.
Hi, nice to speak to you, Alex.
You know, there's nothing that seems organic about any of this.
I think you hit the nail on the head a couple of breaks ago when you went into break.
As far as this being a coordinated, or possibly being a coordinated effort, I don't think it's an accident that Facebook was down for two days, and as soon as it comes up, this event is streamed live on it with probably the highest audience available.
You know, you take, restrict somebody from getting to their Facebook page for a day, and they're like a rabid animal trying to get on there.
Get as much, you know, find out what they missed.
Uh, I think they had a massive audience.
Everything about this plays out like a Hollywood screenplay.
When you showed a couple of clips, you did.
Hold on, stay there.
Your points are so powerful.
I want you to come back and say that again because Facebook and other major platforms have been down for days, comes back up, and then this happens.
And it just has PSYOP written all over it.
It's the Ides of March when this happened.
Which is, I've been predicting something big would happen there, the Global Successful Days.
Stay there Chuck, and then we're going to have a special guest pop in.
Then Millie Weaver, then Dr. Nick Baggage, more of your calls.
It's all coming up.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we were talking to Chuck Innovato.
I wanted to recap what he said, because some people might not have been tuned in.
Facebook, for the first time in its 10-year history, goes down for a couple days, comes back up.
Everyone I knew was like, piranhas.
It's not up, it's down.
We're all constantly checking it.
Suddenly, right as it goes back up, this happens.
This guy gets a maximum audience.
He's got this classic globalist playbook to create race war.
Which the Council on Foreign Relations and all of them call for.
It's crazy.
Then we're going to go to John Abiskaran, a really smart fellow who I got a chance to interview about a year ago.
He's a Coptic Christian, formerly lived in Egypt.
He'll give us his take on this.
And Millie Weaver pops in.
And I appreciate her doing that.
But Chuck in Nevada, recap what you said and finish up.
Well, yeah, basically it was just the idea that with Facebook being down, right, it comes back up.
And we all know, unfortunately, how obsessed people are with that forum.
I just would have loved to have known the numbers when that came back up and in the time period that this was taking place.
You have this live stream taking place right when it comes back.
I mean, the audience must have been massive.
But everything about it, like I said, just a couple of clips you showed of him in his car and then walking to do this.
It all plays out like a screenplay.
The manifesto, Matt Bracken mentioned that.
How articulate and how intelligent it's written, and the guy's got a high IQ, but I don't even think the guy wrote it.
I think it was, I mean, there's just, there's too many points that hit there to kill the national mentality, you know, being a nationalist or being proud about your country and then hitting the, you know, for anti-Second Amendment people.
I mean, there's just so many things, just pounds, everything, and you've been predicting for
For a while now that the globalists need an event, they need something to take it to the next level.
I've been saying I expect attacks on Moscow are imminent and also mainstream media and again the way the media is covering it, the way it's getting so much coverage, this is the perfect thing to also get weak minded people to actually lash out.
The left can't believe that
Christians and conservatives and others have not been racist.
Despite all the leftist race baiting, they can't believe we haven't lashed out.
They can't believe we haven't taken the bait.
That's why they're panicking.
Great points, Chuck.
All right.
John Abiskaron, he's named after a famous Christian that was killed by the pagans.
He's a fella I ran into on a vacation and I looked him up.
He'd been involved in a lot of big movies and Hollywood production and got out of it because it was so evil and moved his family out of that.
And you know, he's worked with a lot of big pastors around the country.
He doesn't call himself a pastor, but I do.
And because he's formerly from Egypt and a great American, and he's been predicting so much of this global crisis, I wanted to get him to briefly pop in and invite him back as a full guest soon to get into more.
But John Obiscaron, thanks for taking time out to join us and give us your view on what's happened with this sad attack with these poor Muslims being killed in New Zealand.
How you doing, Alex?
Great to be on.
Yeah, it's a real tragedy, of course.
It's really bad.
And if you've seen the video, anybody who's ever seen the video, it's really graphic.
And this guy goes in there and kills all these innocent people that are just at a mosque praying.
And we absolutely have to condemn the event and what happened.
Obviously, the problem is, though, is the response.
The response from the global media with this event, and you're right, you've been talking about this, about how they're just trying to grasp at straws, and you just said before I came on, yeah, the way that Christians and conservatives, when we are attacked and persecuted, and of course there's a long history of Christians being persecuted all over the world,
And we're being persecuted here in America too, by the way.
It's not as graphic and bloody, but it's persecution in a completely different way.
They're taking away our First Amendment rights.
They don't want us to be in the political realm, so they don't want us to have a voice.
You can't be pro-life.
I mean, you've got thousands of churches blown up the last few days on Palm Sunday, and on Christmas, and on Easter.
It barely even makes the news.
That's my point.
Every time a Christian church is blown up, or Christians in Germany get run over on Christmas Eve, let's talk about how it was an Islamic attack on Christians.
I'm all against what happened here.
It's terrible, but we need to hear all these Muslim leaders decry those, because I agree we should decry this attack.
Yes, in fact, we should decry this attack the way we are, and the way that the global media is decrying this attack, they should be decrying the same way, at the same level, at the same
No, I don't.
I don't know.
But he wants to start a civil war, right?
That's what he wants.
He wants to start this divide.
And that's what Charlie Manson... Why do these evil people want a global race war?
Because they don't want to make it about God, and about the spirit, or about a free market system, or about ideas.
They want to make it about color.
They want to make it about color?
They want to make it about anything they can.
They just want the war.
This is all tied in with the New World Order, obviously.
Do you know why?
I'm not saying this guy's part of the New World Order.
I'm saying that... You know what you're talking about.
Tell folks what you think's going on.
Well, obviously, I think that, first of all, with the globalists, there's an obvious agenda to make a one-world government, okay?
And anybody who looks into this, and just looks into the New World Order, there's a plethora of information about it everywhere.
You just dig in a little bit and see that it's very obvious that we've got a New World Order that's been trying to take place, and the one thing in the way of them is the West.
You can't have a one world government with a big boy in the neighborhood like America in the way.
So we've been seeing the systematic purposeful destruction of our system, of our free market and free America system, because if they could bring America down in check,
Then they could easily bring in the New World Order.
What we're seeing is a resistance from it.
The rise of Brexit was a huge blow to the New World Order.
And the rise of Trump, honestly, because Trump, everything he's been doing has been to basically stifle, if not stop, the New World Order agenda.
And to bring in, that's why this is a battle of nationalism versus globalism.
If you can't get any more nationalists, and I mean patriotic nationalists by the way, then make America great again, Donald Trump.
Exactly, and we talked for hours when I met you over the few days in Hawaii and your great family and your wife and my wife and all the rest of our great kids, but you're calm on air and a little bit reserved, but you're on fire in person.
You really said a lot of really smart things.
You predicted a lot of what was coming, but I mean, I think the global system is panicking because they're losing.
Yes, well, we're in a referee, Alex.
You realize that?
I really see it that way.
I mean, it's not an accident what's happening.
You're seeing the fight.
It's a resistance.
It's not just the globalists raping the system and raping the people anymore.
What you're seeing is a resistance back, and it's from God, I'm telling you.
He's given us a rep for you.
He's saying, no, this New World Order thing is not going to happen right now.
It's going to happen on my timeline because I'm the Lord and Sovereign of this world, and not on their timeline, not on the enemy's timeline.
With Trump coming in, first of all, we talked about this before.
I mean, it was a miracle that Donald Trump won.
Especially with the system and the globalists and how they're doing.
Oh, it's definitely a miracle.
Yeah, the cheating that they were doing, by the way, there's going to be a lot more about that coming up.
It's going to become mainstream.
The amount of cheating that they've been doing in our voter and our voting system, not only this last election and the 2016 when they tried to cheat to make Hillary win, but they've been cheating all along.
And that's going to be a big talking point that's going to be coming up, okay?
But, you see, that's going to be revealed because it has to.
Because we, the system, the fact is, the number one weapon all this time has been secrecy.
Being able to do all of this stuff is secrecy.
And all the secrecy, like you told me a year ago, is going to be exposed.
That's right.
It's gone.
Come back next week for a full hour, John, via Skype.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
John Obiscaron.
30 seconds.
Tell folks about John Obiscaron, the guy you're named after.
And you've got a really cool name out of Egypt that used to be Christian.
We'll talk to you soon, John.
Thank you, John.
Millie Weaver coming up.
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The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
What we say and what we do that changes the world.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, I'm the upper, upper class high society.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
3 p.m.
I'm here live.
Coming up, we've got to have Nick Magich.
He's always got a lot to cover.
Then the War Room starts.
Yeah, we have a lot of other big news.
We covered some of it.
The big news is this mosque attack, this bizarre manifesto, the Ides of March, the way the media's responded, Facebook being down, it goes back up, this goes out.
It's really bizarre.
Millie Weaver is our guest here, Infowars.com reporter.
And Millie, I appreciate you coming on.
I know we're about 30 minutes behind today, so I appreciate you holding.
Congratulations on the birth of your new child, your two great children.
And your great husband.
But for the time we have, you've got big analysis on the shooting in New Zealand and how it ties into you guys, your infiltration of some of these leftist groups.
So we're going to have more of that obviously next week and then this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
But tell us more about it now.
Okay, so we had an undercover infiltrate a leftist troll farm the last week and what's interesting is this troll farm was getting actual directives on how to sow division and discontent amongst the Trump base and kind of push people into the Yang direction but also sow anti-Jewish propaganda out there and kind of pro-Muslim propaganda.
So what was crazy is that
We saw all of these attacks happening and then this attack happens in New Zealand and it completely mixes in and fits exactly what some of their directives were in this troll farm and actually Oliver Darcy, his response to this New Zealand shooting
Fit completely into this directive, and I'm going to be putting out a report this week on this, spelling it all out.
There's a lot of information details that I want to go over here on this, so that'll be on my report on Millennial Millie.
But one of the directives it says is, color the website as hateful by pushing over-the-top racist and divisive posts that make no real contribution.
So you have leftist accounts, leftist users who are going on sites like InfoWars or whatever else
Creating alt-right, racist accounts and putting racial comments in posts to give the idea that they are a racist platform.
I don't
So that was like seven or eight years ago.
So you're saying you've got the proof of they're pulling this crap and then Oliver Darcy, that snake, says shut down Infowars, they've got racist commenters.
That's right.
Oliver Darcy tweeted out today after this New Zealand attack, essentially pointing the finger at InfoWars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit.
This is his tweet.
He says, you don't have to go to places like 4chan to see vile racist commentary.
Just go to some of the far right websites in the US and look at the comments message boards.
Gateway Pundit, InfoWars, many reprehensible comments from users on stories regarding the New Zealand attack.
So he's pointing the finger here now at the websites of InfoWars and Breitbart.
Is he now trying to call for your website to be banned, Alex?
It's not good enough to just ban you from Twitter.
He wants to pull you off the internet altogether.
And what's crazy is this is literally one of the directives that these leftist trollbot farms had this week.
So what's going on?
Why is Oliver Darcy following directives that this leftist trollbot farm is giving out?
It just shows that the whole point here is to create division amongst the left and the right.
And a lot of it right now on social media is completely contrived, and there are literal psyops going on right now on the American public.
Give us a prelude, because I remember reading, even on Frontline, a documentary like 13 years ago or so, where they admitted they had these whole buildings full of trollbots.
Wow, wow.
They claim I'm like the Homeland Courage, and we have that.
We have two people that do social media that just post our links and articles.
We don't post fights and fake stuff.
But that the left was doing that too.
They'd go create fake controversy and a fake right wing, even Netflix last year admitted they were doing this, to attack their report.
So the left would go, oh look, the right wing doesn't like us, so the left would go watch the movie.
So there's so many levels to this where we've caught the same IP address from corporations literally spewing racism from all angles to create a fight.
Exactly, and I'm looking at one of the directives right now for March 10th, and I mean, some of the things they're telling people to do, these bots, it says, push Andrew Yang, condemn Trump as anti-Semitic, and create opposition to Trump.
They're trying to create a lot of division amongst Trump's base right now by saying that Trump is an Israel-Jewish shill, and anyone who's pro-Trump still, they're gonna try to send bots to claim they're Jewish shill.
By the way, oh my god, this is so breakthrough that you got these internal documents.
I gotta hold you over, Nick Begich will understand.
It's like this Israel thing.
Israel doesn't run anything.
Israel is our ally in the Middle East, but it doesn't even matter.
Forget Israel.
The thing is, the left is what... YouTube and Facebook always allow you're a Jewish shill.
They don't allow you to say America's great, George Washington's wonderful, capitalism's good, let's come together and not be racist.
That gets banned.
But if your Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, magic Jews run everything, it tracks back to Democrats and you've got insiders with the documents, you're going to release showing where they said, call Trump a Jewish shill.
Because I don't know how many times, you're working with Trump, that Jew is shill!
Oh yeah, we literally have the documents.
And I just recently was, one of the things we did was we had this person who infiltrated post my latest video here where I criticized Andrew Yang.
It's insane.
And once it got posted in the message board of the troll farm, all of a sudden my video began to be trolled by all these bots and just hundreds and hundreds of comments saying, claiming that I was a Jewish shill.
You've got an insider watching in a live time them troll you.
So let's explain.
Yes, yes, exactly.
And one of the interesting things also is that they were pushing and saying to attack Ilhan Omar and claim she's anti-Semitic and that she, you know, say she's not white and basically criticize and attack her to make it look like Trump supporters are attacking her for being Muslim to sow more hatred.
Sure, so they want full spectrum dominance.
This is so bombshell.
When, Millie, you've done so many big investigative reports.
I know you guys got secret recordings of them with kids dancing half-naked at these pedo bars.
That's now in the news.
We're not going to release that yet.
When is this bombshell going to be released?
We are going to be releasing it tomorrow.
Basically, this is so huge, and we had been putting this all together.
We were sitting on it.
We were kind of poking this troll farm to see how they would react and watch them in action.
But now that this New Zealand shooting happened, and we're watching the troll farms come into action, we just realized we have to get this report out as soon as possible.
Okay, so let's release this live on air tomorrow on our own streams.
You can post it so they can't stop us.
You'll give me plenty of time.
What time?
How about 7 o'clock tomorrow night?
Central, eight o'clock your time.
How about you come on, you have the streams, we have it.
How about we do like an hour on this?
You want to go live tomorrow?
Yeah, let's do it, let's do it.
This needs to be exposed because what we're having here are these leftist troll farms, which from what we can find, a lot of these are like really bizarre, you know, LGBTQ, transgender.
Oh, it's the same thing as Candace Owens.
She had a company, she was a super high IQ black lady.
And so they had leftists menace her as right-wingers to drive her into their arms.
So of course, you don't think half the comments on Infowars are really saying kill the black people, do you folks?
It's fake.
And everybody gets that.
The point is, is that this is so huge what Millie and her team have done.
Millie Weaver is on fire!
Nick Baggish is coming up.
We're going to finish up with this and then tomorrow night, 7 o'clock central, we're going to have a live transmission with Millie Weaver.
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The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
What we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists,
I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at importastore.com.
Something everybody should take advantage of.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Baggage is about to take over in the War Room.
T-minus 29 minutes.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I'll be back tomorrow 7 o'clock p.m.
to do the latest updates on the tragic shooting and the global psy-op Ides of March and to get into Millie Weaver and the infiltration into Aleppo's trolling farm.
But it's in the WikiLeaks they try to create racial division.
It's all going into overdrive.
I want to play a clip of Andrew Yang.
First, white people want to put Asians in concentration camps.
So here he is.
Who is going to be the boogeyman of the next 10 to 20 years?
Who's going to be the great rival to the United States in the eyes of American society?
China, that's right.
And so what do you think the attitude is going to be over time for the shrinking, insecure, white majority that's losing their jobs for, let's say, Chinese Americans or Asian Americans?
I don't, I'm, like, I personally, I said to a group at Harvard, I think we're one generation away from falling into the same camps as the Jews who were attacked in the synagogue in Pittsburgh, like, just a couple months ago.
It's like, we're probably one generation away from Americans shooting up a bunch of Asians saying, like, you know, damn the Chinese, because there's a giant Cold War, or even more.
Okay, so that's a giant oversimplification.
China sells its political dissidents organs
And makes billions of dollars a year.
China has two million people in concentration camps just in Mongolia.
That's admitted.
They don't deny that.
China has killed more of its own citizens times five than Hitler did.
And Hitler was really bad.
George Soros will tell you different.
So, he sits up there as a CHICOM agent of the evil political party of the Chinese Communists, who are doing human cloning, everything.
It's just unlimited.
And then he says, the shrinking white majority is making it racial.
Oh, you minorities, you don't get part of the American birthright, you're the majority now.
No, no, no, you get after white people and don't criticize China, because China represents all Asians, which this is government propaganda of China.
The whole Middle Kingdom.
Now, all of Asia is under them.
Actually, they're at war with Japan, they're at war with South Korea, they're at war with Vietnam.
I mean, these countries hate China, which has been trying to dominate them for a thousand years.
But oh, see, if you don't know the anthropology, the sociology, the history, you're just thinking, oh my God, yeah, the Asians, they're all just perfect little cupcakes.
And he's telling us that if we don't accept China stealing all our intellectual property and having, you know, $900 billion trade deficits and infiltrating us, why, we're racist, Millie Weaver!
I'm going to turn this over to Dr. Nick Begich, but closing comments on that.
Tomorrow night, we'll do a couple hours, you'll pop in.
With your video, your developments, 7 o'clock Central tomorrow night, we're doing a special report on all that's happening.
But Millie, I mean, just your take on that.
You talk about the troll farm and the directive is, you know, make it all about Andrew Yang.
I mean, this is incredible.
He's like the Chinese government spokesperson.
He doesn't talk about China and organs being sold, or Falun Gong, or abusing Chinese people, or, you know, David not adopting a Chinese daughter and saving her starving in an orphanage, or my parents adopting a South Korean starving in her orphanage, or any of that.
It's all how white people are inherently evil.
What a race-based bag of crap that the CHICOMs are funding in Hollywood for a race war.
They don't allow that in China, but here they promote it.
They piss on our rug!
I mean, isn't it interesting that the same talking points Andrew Yang is using there, saying the fearful, shrinking white people are what people on the left should be worried about.
Meanwhile, the entire manifesto here... This is Hitler-level race crap!
And it's a Chi-Com agent!
This guy's connected to the Chinese government!
This literal Chinese government agent is running for president, pissing in our face!
Exactly, and it's important to distinguish, though, that Andrew Yang's parents are Taiwanese immigrants, but that doesn't mean he isn't working for China.
No, that's what I'm saying.
No, no, no, he promotes China first.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, exactly.
His campaign slogan is humanity first.
Whereas Trump's is America first, and that really speaks volumes about what, who his interests are for.
You know, he's looking at a global perspective, and that's the same thing that the Chinese... By the way, the Japanese had invaded... I'm not bashing Japanese, they were under imperial control, manipulated into it.
They're good people.
The Japanese had invaded China, they killed over 2 million people, they invaded Korea, they attacked our military bases in the Pacific and Hawaii.
We're good to go.
I know, it's very upsetting and it's upsetting how people are even falling into this Andrew Yang
A trap that's being pushed and propagated by these leftist troll farms.
It literally says on here, you know, repair Andrew Yang's reputation, condemn Trump as a Jewish shill.
I mean, and these are all things we're seeing all this discontent sowed amongst the MAGA movement for Trump right now.
Whether that troll farm's trolling us or whatever, this is what they spew.
Millie, we'll talk to you again tomorrow, seven o'clock central.
Great job.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you, Millie.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
You know, I was thinking about this couple of points that were made earlier, but just to talk about the Chinese just for a second, you know, in terms of long-term strategies, this is really the game, you know, and people confuse economic systems with political systems and they're, you know, I mean, the economic system they're running on is clearly capitalism, but the political system they're running on is communism and nothing's changed.
But when you think about positioning in the world, and that's a lot of what I wanted to cover a little bit today, but the other issue that came up that's really bothering me is this idea of cutting off immediate streaming.
And I realize this disaster in New Zealand, but... No, I agree.
They're trying to end the average person being able to live stream.
That's the main mission here.
And it's really to, again, throttle free speech.
Throttle the town square of the 21st century.
And these are utilities.
Now, they're a little bit too big.
Maybe breaking up utilities is a good idea in this case.
And also making sure that everyone has access, including info wars and even that kind of thing that we find repugnant, like what
This guy did streaming on Facebook.
No question.
You just said it.
When you only have a monopoly like Facebook, it makes the anomalies more powerful.
There was 50 of these.
A nut will get out occasionally, but it's not amplified by the monopoly.
Right, exactly.
And then the mainstream media has a chance to sort of weed it out, and all the alternative media has a chance to assess the situation.
And airing that is not...
Useful, I think.
I think it's inflaming for sure.
It certainly polarizes people even more extremely than we already are.
And I think that's really what the globalists are about.
It's dividing East and West more pragmatically because it's in the East that four big... And I agree, and I want to invite you back on my show.
I want to invite you back on my Sunday show, if you'll do an hour with us, and next week on my show, if you want to do it.
But just, doesn't this smell synthetic?
I'm not even saying it's fake.
Like, he's a product of the programming, but this whole thing looks like PNAC, New American Century, Class of Civilizations.
It's just written.
This is very smartly written.
And you know, you think about what happened with Japanese internment in World War II.
I would like to think
That we've evolved from where we were then as a people, as a democratic republic.
Just in the same way that we went from a point in time when we had slavery in the U.S.
We had women's suffrage and the women's right to vote.
and then we didn't.
And I mean, we had changes in how our country shaped itself.
And to think we're going backwards to that, that's like
Again, inflammatory speech that's wrong-headed.
The issue of being against a country is really more about being against, not the people that live there, but the philosophy that's being really fostered on the world.
Yeah, the leadership of the chi-comps is the problem.
Right, right.
And this is all a globalist, industrial hijacking.
Is what's going on.
And there's a lot more to be said about that.
And you're right.
That's where we're at in this century.
Alright, Dr. Nick Baggage.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us in the War Room.
It's only 15 minutes away.
Stay with us.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions
What we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we the people.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back to InfoWars, and it's March 15th, 2019, and this is Dr. Nick Begich, and I want to pick it up where we left off.
You know, lots going on today, but I want to talk about the censors, all right?
Because there's all kinds of ways to censor populations, and Facebook shut down the streaming, you know, everybody's in their panic party today, and really, it breaks my heart to see
I think?
The Gatekeeper.
You know, do we shut down visual images of war that are shot by mainstream media?
Do we shut down atrocities, you know, such as what we saw in some of the film footage after World War II?
You know, at what point do we decide what is acceptable and not acceptable?
And this is kind of censoring, but using the most extreme events to create the excuse for censoring, and that's
What I think we're all seeing.
And so there's social centers, you know, kind of what is socially acceptable within the confines of your culture.
Like in France, women can walk down the beach with no top on.
No one says anything.
In Saudi Arabia, you try that and you're going to get...
We're good to go.
In deep trouble there, and escorted out of the country.
You might not talk about religion in China either, unless it's guarded by the state, you know, and politically correct.
So ideological.
Politically correct censoring, which we see in the modern world now as offensive language, which is, again, another form of censoring.
Speech, generally, and access to the town square, and that's what we left off with Alex in the last segment.
You know, that's really the globalist grab.
You know, back 41 years ago, when I was in my late teens, I had this idea that the world was advancing based on information systems, communication systems, and transportation systems.
Now, look back, and the information systems and
Is being revolutionized.
We haven't seen all of that yet.
There's more to come and that's going to have to do with alternative fuels, maybe some exotic crazy stuff like anti-gravity based on superconductivity and other technologies are being advanced in this century.
So a lot is coming.
And 25 years ago, I predicted the technocracy, the rise of governments based on their command and control of technology.
And this is what Eisenhower talked about.
He talked about industrial military complex.
And it's really industrial military academic.
Um, complex.
And this is about moving an agenda forward.
Um, as the West is debased, you know, you look at the entire Western population of about a billion, two, uh, that's Europe and the Americas.
Uh, and then you look East and you're talking four billion, you know, between Asia, China, Russia.
Um, and then you look at the demographics of this, where populations in these regions are actually
Shrinking in Russia and China because of the various policies and that is continuing and they say oh no panic party because what do you do with the older generation?
Remember just because their population are shrinking doesn't mean what they do is you know requiring more labor it's not it's requiring less labor because of AI and robotics and that's the real miss and there's four billion
People expected to move into the middle class from the third world in China and Russia and other places, India, over the next couple of decades or the next really three or four decades.
So the money, the industrialists, the globalists are moving there because they've already gutted this economy.
Look at the P&L statement.
I'll give you the numbers.
$18.6 trillion in gross domestic product last year and a $4.2 trillion federal budget.
That doesn't include state or local spending as a percentage of our economy.
That is really huge.
And then when you factor in, you know, that's like 20% of the economy.
It's almost as much as medical grabbing of the economy.
But that's just the federal government.
And there's no way to really pay that out of P&L, out of a tax receipt.
It's going to be a crazy amount of taxes you'd have to impose on everyone.
But we also get import taxes.
You know, this fight with China, actually, we're generating 10 to 25 percent, I think, 10 percent import tariffs on a lot of that.
That's filling the Treasury.
The other thing that happened is we reached out and grabbed the foreign income of our U.S.
We're now taxing them at 15 percent.
You know, we should restrict their exit too, you know, because they can exit freely, leave the U.S., and domicile elsewhere.
citizens can't, and if we're going to treat corporations like citizens, we should treat them the same way.
And one is, we should tax their worldwide income on the same base we taxed at home, number one.
Number two, they can't leave.
If you leave as a citizen, you quit your citizenship as an individual, you give up
20% of your assets as a parting tax.
Look it up in the IRS code.
Corporations don't.
They take their money and run.
If they had to give up 20% if they exited the U.S.
of their capital base or money, their full valuation, that would be interesting, valued by the IRS.
And then if they had to, then I would say if they're going to leave, we should reach back.
Say they've had a free ride for decades, reach back.
And get their foreign revenue streams taxed appropriately before they leave so their taxes are current.
Same deal with U.S.
citizens, by the way.
But, you know, when you look at tax revenues, we've got the, and I'd really like to see the numbers, how much did this 15% tax on these foreign assets of these corporations, these globalists, bring in?
And how much of it was in the Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, lefty space?
Because most of it was.
That's why they're so angry.
And controlling speech.
Think about this.
I want to remind listeners in this last bit that I have of
Something that happened in 1992.
It's a long time ago.
A lot of people weren't even alive that listened to this broadcast then or were little kids, you know, because you'd be in your 30s.
You would have still been a little kid.
But Ross Perot was running and a guy named Chuck Carter was a radio host in the day had
You know, just all over.
Syndicated in daytime in Rush Limbaugh's slot all over the place.
He had a huge impact on Ross Perot's movement and the polls and ability to rise up.
And then they screwed them both over.
I mean, what happened to Chuck Harter is a case study in how people come into your organization, take control in an indirect kind of way, and then destroy you.
And they destroyed Chuck Carter and the network he had, which was influencing too much of the alternative and the thinking population.
So they brought in someone to finance their growth, and they grew.
And then when they hit a point where their cash flows weren't there, they had a little clause in the contract, let these guys take over.
Then they had editorial control, then the whole thing unraveled, which was their real goal.
They didn't care about a few million bucks.
They were willing to lose that.
What they want to do is quiet the voice of opposition.
And that's what's happening to Infowars right now and a lot of other people.
That's why we have to think about this way differently.
We cannot restrict speech, no matter how repugnant.
We cannot react violently and kind to violent actions like this.
But we have to think about what we're doing and make sure we preserve the fundamentals of a free debate and discussion.
You know, China does this restriction nonsense and gives people social scores.
In the West, what we do is the same kind of thing, but it's controlled by corporations, globalists, who have set about to manipulate the flow of data and information in a technocracy that supports them.
This is the bad marriage between globalists and governments.
This is where economic systems override political systems and you get some real damage.
Political systems you can rebel, you can change, you can alter, even in the worst of governments.
But what we're seeing now in China is a wholesale invasion of privacy and also happening throughout the West.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, and next time I'm on, we're going to talk more in-depth on this.
I'm going to try and be in Austin in April and hopefully do some more in-depth recording.
But InfoWars, support InfoWars right now.
Look at the InfoWars store and look at our books, our videos, they're all there.
And it's a 360 win, as Alex says.
Thank you for being here.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
That's why I need to make them strong now.
Now, I can be there for my children.
Now, I can make them strong.
Now, I can instruct them.
Now, I can teach them what I've learned.
But not once I'm gone.
You think in this digital age, your word's going forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
It's so much easier to burn video or text or languages now that we have high-tech book burning, isn't it?
But I have joined my will to the resistance.
I can't be destroyed now, as long as I realize I've done right and as long as the people know the truth.
And you can't be destroyed either, as long as you bind yourself to something and commit to it and go through the fire for it.
There is a magic that then takes place that transcends space and time.
When you commit via word of mouth, or to pray for us, or to spread our articles and videos, that overrides everything the enemy's doing.
So please now, commit to support InfoWars however you can, and realize your provision to InfoWars is your own provision.
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