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Filename: 20190307_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 7, 2019
3230 lines.

Alex Jones talks about various issues in his radio show, such as vaccines, cancer treatment, feminist agenda in movies, transhumanism, government projects, drug policy, free speech, war, military budget, immigration, corporate profits, and whistleblowers. He criticizes Senator Rand Paul's opinion on mandatory vaccinations and highlights the potential risks associated with them. He also discusses the importance of remembering these risks and not sacrificing liberty for a false sense of security. In addition to this, Jones mentions Infowars Life products that support war against globalists, Alpha Power supplements, and InfoWare Select storable food products.

Welcome on this Thursday, March the 7th, 2019.
I'm David Knight, your host today on the Alex Jones Show.
We've got a lot to talk about.
We're going to talk about
Issues, not only of liberty, but we're going to talk about life and death issues, folks.
We got a lot of news about disease, about cancer, about vaccines.
Of course, we had Rand Paul yesterday.
We talked about the fact that Rand Paul came out and said, look, I get vaccines.
I've chosen to have vaccines for my family and myself.
We choose the schedule in which we're going to take these vaccines.
But everybody ought to have a choice.
Then we had a Republican senator.
Come back and say, no, I don't think you should have a choice.
So let's talk about that issue a little bit today.
You know, we've got Alex Trebek, the host of Jeopardy, announced yesterday he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Very, very concerned for Alex Trebek.
So I'm sure, you know, as many of you prayed for me on New Year's Eve when I had the heart attack.
I'm sure that he would appreciate your prayers as well.
But we're going to talk about what the government is doing in terms of cancer.
We've just had an announcement that they are going to look at food additives, and they have determined that they cause cancer in animals.
They're going to ban them, but not until next year sometime.
So they're going to continue to allow these things to go out there.
Why would the government do that?
Well, because corporate profits are more important to them than your health.
If they say that this is harmful, why wouldn't they ban it?
But they're not going to do that.
And for the same reason that they gave vaccine companies immunity from any kind of lawsuits back in 1986, even though there is a somewhat secret vaccine compensation court
You can put that court in quotation marks.
That has paid out over four billion dollars in compensation.
There is some good news on the horizon.
There was an article about the effectiveness of CBD oil coming out of the UK in terms of treating lung cancer.
So we're going to talk about that.
But we're also going to talk about larger, longer issues.
You know, all of us as we look at this
All of us want to have... never die, right?
That's always been the long-term promise.
We're always looking for ways that we can get eternal life, ways that we can become like God.
That is the oldest desire, the oldest lie that we've ever been told.
And I think that as we look at the movie that is going to be released today from Marvel, not to put too much on it, but in the forefront
What Marvel is pushing on us is a feminist agenda, as the star Brie Larson calls it.
Intersectional feminism.
I mean, if you're like me, and you don't care what intersectional feminism is, and you don't want to lecture from Disney about it, you probably won't be interested in going to the movie.
But if you are going to go to the movie, maybe you ought to think about the bigger issues that are involved in this.
Because I think there's something that is far more sinister, even, than the feminist agenda that's been crammed down our throats, crammed down the minds of our children, so that we, you know, separate the sexes in the same way that we have separated the races in this country.
To make sure there's animosity and division.
That's really my concern about this.
It isn't the roles that women are doing.
But the way that Hollywood is putting this out there and slamming it in people's faces, and I think that Brie Larson, better than anybody else, has personified this in-your-face division that is being pushed on us by Hollywood.
But folks, in the long term, what is really coming at us with the new technology is transhumanism.
And the superhero movies have been pushing that idea for quite some time.
I'm going to tell you how they're pushing that lie.
You know, humanism never gave us any hope.
It never gave us any reason to follow that, even though that has been the state religion for some time.
Humanism is now being transcended by transhumanism.
And that is ultimately what these movies, the dangerous, the really dangerous, eternal lie that these movies are pushing on you and your children.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome on this Thursday, March the 7th, 2019.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Today only, we have a special for President Trump.
Actually, they might extend this special a little bit longer.
We have a company in North Dakota offering to build 234 miles of the border wall for just 1.4 billion dollars.
Now, that's a deal.
President Trump should go for this deal.
I'm sure it's not a limited time offer, but as I've said before,
When you look at any government project, just look at the highways for example.
Do you think that we could build the interstate highway system today with this government?
No, they'd never build it.
Look at the projects in your area.
I could go down a list of five or six different road projects here in Austin that have gone on for years and years and have gone over budget in every respect, and it's not just roads.
California had to just recently cancel their coveted high-speed bullet train that was going to be going through California.
Because they can't build anything at cost.
How do we manage to continue to build homes, for example?
Well, the answer is the government's not doing it.
It's private, for-profit businesses that are doing that.
And as I've said many times on my show, you catch in the mornings, starting at 8 o'clock,
Here on this same network, InfoWars.com.
As I've said many times, when you look in your city and you see these neighborhoods going up, they build the roads in no time at all.
As a matter of fact, they can build entire neighborhoods in a year or so.
And yet, here in Austin, we have multiple road projects that are dragging on for a decade or more, that are costing way more than they ever anticipated.
And then once they get finished, we don't have any more road capacity.
That's the other thing that is so disgusting.
They'll add an additional toll road lane.
That's it.
And so when I talked about that, I said, President Trump, when we talk about the amount of money that he needs, whether it's $8 billion or $20 billion or whatever it is, that's just the beginning.
The government, especially the federal government, will wind up making the wall cost many multiples of that.
Probably wind up costing ten times whatever they think it's going to cost.
And it'll probably, even if they weren't trying to delay it, even if they weren't trying to delay it, these things typically take several times what they initially anticipated it would take.
If they are trying to delay it, you can forget it ever being done.
That's why I said, if President Trump wants to get it done, use the military.
It really is, in spite of what everybody is saying, it really is the purpose of the military to defend our country.
And if we're not going to do that, stop calling it the Defense Department.
Call it the mercenary, the UN Mercenary Department, or whatever you want to call it.
If all we're going to do is regime change, we don't need a military.
You can go back to calling it the Department of War, that's what it used to be called.
If we're not going to defend this country, then call it something else.
President Trump has the authority to defend this country.
He has the largest military budget we've ever had.
I don't think he needed to declare an emergency.
Maybe that would be helpful to get some of the private property aspects that he needs to do in terms of eminent domain to build the wall.
But if he's going to get it done, get the same people who built a dozen military bases and four airfields in Syria.
And we didn't even know about it.
Did you know about that?
We had the discussion years ago between Jeff Sessions and Leon Panetta.
And Jeff Sessions said, well, you're going to come to Congress, right, before you go into Syria and you start putting troops in there?
And he goes, well, Panetta, who was Secretary of Defense at the time, said, well, we'll let you know what we decide.
We'll consult with our global partners, the UN and NATO.
We'll talk to them and we'll probably let you know what we decide.
Well, the jury is in.
They may have consulted with those people, or they may have just done it, but they didn't tell us, did they?
You know, Jeff Sessions at the time was like, golly, I can't believe you'd do that.
You're a congressman, you know what the Constitution says.
You're supposed to have a vote before you go to war, before you put troops in a country.
Well, they didn't.
And they built a dozen military bases, four airfields in Syria, and they'd been there for a while.
Nobody really talked about it until President Trump said, I'm going to bring home several thousand troops.
We were told, oh, there's just a couple hundred advisors there.
And he says, I'm going to bring home 4,000.
Then they said, well, no, there's 2,000 there, whatever.
Now they're going to stay, some of them.
So, well, it'll just be a few of them staying.
Who knows if they're going to bring any of them home or if they're just going to bring some of them home and rotate them out.
Nevertheless, they were able to do this quickly and using money in the defense budget without the authorization of Congress.
I think that's an outrage, frankly.
But we do have an emergency at the border.
We got a story on Infowars.com.
Department of Homeland Security says one million illegal immigrants are expected at the border this year.
It really is an emergency.
And we have, as Homeland Secretary Nielsen said, they have a massive number of women and children coming across.
They give them all pregnancy tests because it is such a common thing for women to be raped in that dangerous passage.
How about the Me Too movement?
You think they'd ever be interested in that kind of thing?
I don't think so.
This North Dakota company said that they would do 234 miles of President Trump's border.
They said people who are talking about this right now say the $1.4 billion that they've got would cover 20 miles of levee wall in the Rio Grande Valley, along with an additional 214 miles in the surrounding area.
They would do it for $1.4 billion.
I think you ought to take them up on that deal.
That's probably even better than he could get the Army Corps of Engineers to do it.
And there's absolutely no reason that we would not protect our country, not protect our border, not do it with money from the Defense Department.
They've even got the illegal war on drugs, the unconstitutional war on drugs.
It is unconstitutional, folks.
Don't ever let them tell you otherwise.
This is something that was a UN agenda, conservatives.
I know that you think, even after 48 years, many of you,
You don't want to see the misery that comes from drug addiction.
You think that law enforcement can solve this problem.
A lot of people in law enforcement will tell you otherwise.
History will tell you otherwise.
We've been doing this for 48 years.
Ten years before Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs in 1971 with the schedules that we have now.
Ten years before that.
The UN created that schedule and all of the drugs, put them in all of those different schedules
And basically he just turned in the homework from the United Nations.
You like what it's done to our country so far?
We had alcohol prohibition and we realized that it was a failure before we went 48 years with that failure.
We also respected the Constitution enough that we passed a constitutional amendment.
Of the 20 some odd amendments, we've got two of them.
That are about alcohol prohibition.
The 18th put it in, the 21st took it out.
Why did they have that?
It's because everybody knew that with the Constitution, the 9th and 10th Amendment, they don't have the power to prohibit anything.
And so now, as we look at Rand Paul talking about this bill to end the Afghan war, we have a situation now
Where everything is, all wars are permitted unless expressly prohibited.
And that's basically what we have with our freedoms.
Everything in this country that was protected under the Bill of Rights is now prohibited unless expressly permitted.
We have turned the Constitution upside down and inside out.
We no longer respect individual liberty in any way, shape, or form.
And I'm going to talk a little bit about that in terms of health.
We're also going to talk about free speech.
There's a lot of free speech issues.
We're going to talk about the Marvel matriarchy that they're so happy about.
It's being sold to us by Disney.
But the bigger issue, I think, is transhumanism.
And we're going to be joined later in the broadcast.
We're going to have Katie Hopkins joining us here in studio.
Before we do, real quickly, let's just, before we go to break, and we're going to go to break in about a minute and a half here, as I said at the top of the
Hour as the show began some of you some radio stations don't carry that they've got a news break Jeopardy host Alex Trebek has announced that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and I generally appreciated people praying for me with a heart attack that I had and I know that he would appreciate your prayers as well He says he plans to beat this low survival rate Statistics for these this disease.
He says he has to he's got a contract for three more years
So we hope that he does.
The odds are against him.
All the celebrities that I've known that have come down with this disease have not survived.
Except for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Allegedly, she has survived.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You know, I want to offer more than words of encouragement to Alex Trebek and other people who have been diagnosed with cancer, who have family members who are diagnosed with cancer.
Welcome back.
There's a story that's on the Daily Mail, actually it was a couple of days ago, and I'm surprised that this hasn't been picked up.
You know, the broader release here.
They're talking about a patient in the UK
And this has been released to a medical journal by the doctors who are treating him.
He's 81 years old and he had refused chemo treatment.
He had also refused any other treatments from the doctors after they diagnosed him with lung cancer.
The only thing that he was willing to do
Was take a couple of drops of CBD oil each day.
And I mean, this is nothing special in terms of its concentration.
I'm just going here from memory.
I think it was something like 20 milligrams per milliliter or something like that.
It's a pretty standard dosage for CBD oil.
And he didn't take a whole lot of it.
He took, again, going from memory, take a look at the article on Daily Mail.
Striking scans show lung cancer patients' tumors shrink because of CBD oil.
He only did it for a couple months and it shrunk significantly.
I'll give you the details here, but again if you want to get the exact dosage of what he took, 20 milligrams per milliliter I think is what it was.
I think he took like nine drops a day and then dropped it back to just two drops a day.
And then after a couple months he said, I don't like the way this tastes, I'm going to quit.
This guy is somebody who all of his life has struggled with respiratory diseases.
He had been diagnosed with a condition called COPD, which is a respiratory issue at a very young age, but he continued to smoke.
And then, I guess it was back in 2016, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
And they said, well, we'd like to do some chemotherapy.
He said, nah, I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to do anything.
So he took CBD oil.
Now, when we look at this, and a lot of people don't understand the difference between CBD and between regular marijuana that has THC.
These are two substances that are part of the plant, but you can grow a plant, even though the government, as part of the UN War on Drugs, had banned
Hemp plants, which have a lot of uses anywhere from paper to textiles and so forth, but also medicine.
You can increase the CBD.
You can selectively breed it to increase the THC.
The THC is the psychoactive component of that.
But the CBD can be used for medical purposes.
I find it very interesting that even as we have
A bill coming out of the federal government, Mitch McConnell, there in Kentucky, along with Rand Paul, pushed for us to be able to grow hemp in the United States.
Hemp is something that they used to use to make ropes, as I pointed out, textiles, many other things.
And we could buy hemp products from Canada, but we couldn't legally grow them here in the United States because they had put it, the United Nations, had put it in their war on drugs that Richard Nixon put into law ten years later.
And so they corrected that, because it doesn't get anybody addicted, it doesn't get anybody high.
And even though they did that, even though they did that at the federal level, even though we've had two-thirds of the states legalize marijuana for medical purposes and so forth, we now have places like New York City, even North Carolina, that are starting to crack down on people putting CBD oil in restaurant products or in coffee drinks or in smoothies or whatever.
It's like, what is going on with this?
Why do they hate it so much?
Well, this may be the answer, folks.
You know, there's a lot of money to be made in cancer treatment, isn't there?
This is a guy, again, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD.
And even though he had that, this guy smoked 20 cigarettes a day in his 20s and 30s.
He was diagnosed with a lung adenocarcinoma in October 2016, when he went to the doctor and complained that his breathlessness was getting worse.
He's now 81.
It had always been breathless, but it was getting worse.
Scans showed that he had a tumor that was about two and a half by two and a half centimeters, which is about an inch by an inch.
They showed that it also had spread to his lymph nodes.
He went back, that was in October, he goes back in December of 2016, and they see that it had increased in size.
And then he goes back again in July of 2017, and it shows that his disease was slowly progressing.
At that point, he began to take some CBD oil, and he had a CT scan in November that revealed a near total resolution of the mass.
According to the report that was filed in a medical journal.
They said that this particular cancer that he had, this lung cancer that he had, only about 15% of the patients survived for five years, according to statistics.
And so, when we look at this, they caution everybody that this is a single case.
This is a study of one person.
But we've had a lot of testimonials from people throughout the years.
They always say that.
Well, that's just one person.
This is not a scientific study.
Well, who's going to do that scientific study?
Why don't they do that scientific study?
Good question.
It's about time, I think, that they did.
And it's about time that you stop having the government prohibit that from people.
Especially when we look at the fact that the FDA has just identified certain food additives that they say are carcinogenic.
They've done animal studies, they're going to ban these, but they're not going to start doing it
Until 2020.
They're going to do that.
They're going to let the food manufacturers continue on with these additives because it's so important that they have things to preserve the food, to color the food, to make it behave in a certain way in the manufacturing process.
So they are going to continue to let them put these additives in that they think causes cancer.
They're convinced enough that it causes cancer that they're going to ban it, but they're going to allow the manufacturer this
To continue, what does that tell you?
What does that tell you about the actual concern that our government has for your health and safety?
That's why you have to be concerned about your health and safety.
It said, following pressure from several environmental and consumer safety groups, reports EcoWatch, the FDA in October of 2018 opted to ban seven synthetic food additives known to cause harm.
Things like benzophenone, ethyl acrylate,
Pyridine and styrene, things that you and I wouldn't know because they typically don't even put them on the label.
They just list them as artificial flavors.
But they're giving the companies 16 months to continue to use these things, even though they say that to their satisfaction it has been proven to cause cancer in lab animals.
They'll still be putting it in your food for another 16 months.
Which brings us to vaccines, again.
Because there is a epidemic of fear-mongering that is going on in the mainstream media about vaccines.
Everywhere you look, they're talking about these epidemics of measles, for example.
Well, you know, we have a lot of additives that are put into vaccines.
The same type of stuff that they put into these food products.
Sometimes they're used as preservatives.
Sometimes they're used as adjuvants to try to irritate your immune system.
Do you know what those things are?
Have you looked at the label?
Do you realize what the risks are?
Should you be able to determine what those risks are?
Do you realize that there was just a outbreak?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back.
I want to play, we talked about this yesterday, but I want to play Rand Paul, talking about your right to not have mandatory vaccinations for you or for your children.
But I want to give you some context for this.
Because you may not be aware, I've only seen this reported in a couple of places, not mainstream media is not picking this up for the most part, it's just local media that's talking about the contaminated vaccines that were found in three states, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, that are causing infections.
It was reported by WKRC, a company called Location Vaccination.
Started providing vaccines for businesses in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana back in September.
Shortly after that, some people started noticing swelling and lumps at the injection site.
Only after multiple people began complaining about infections did the health department step in, realized that the vaccines had been contaminated.
They'd been improperly stored.
And so they caution people that symptoms can show up
Up to three months after getting the shot.
Now, I think that that has something to do with the fact that Rand Paul came out and said, we need to understand that there are risks involved.
And people need to be able to make their decisions.
And we also need to understand, as I was just talking about in the last segment, the FDA coming out and saying, we're going to ban certain food additives that we've identified that we think, that we're convinced, cause cancer.
And so we're going to ban these, but we're going to let the companies continue to sell them for another 16 months.
Can you distinguish between the difference between food and additives?
Do you understand there's a difference between food and food coloring?
Do you understand there's a difference between food and preservatives that they might put in the food?
Of course you do.
But do you understand the difference when it comes to vaccines?
Because with vaccines, as soon as you start talking about preservatives, and additives, and adjuvants, and so forth, everybody freaks out and says, shut up, you're a stupid anti-vaxxer!
No, I understand the difference, just like I understand the difference between food and food additives.
I understand the difference between vaccines and vaccine additives.
And you should understand the difference as well.
And when we talk about the people who are getting infections from these improperly stored vaccinations,
There was a story that I broke.
I didn't break it, actually.
I talked about it.
I say broke it because nobody else really talks about this kind of stuff in the mainstream media.
You may not be aware that last July, in Samoa, two children died immediately after they got MMR vaccines.
It was a tragic story.
Mother was there with their young toddlers.
One kid gets a vaccine, dies immediately, everybody freaks out.
Mother, who is waiting to get her child a shot, says, no thanks, I don't want that.
And they basically forced her to have that vaccine against her wishes.
And she watched her child immediately die.
Now, there was, as you can imagine, a great deal of concern in Samoa.
But the article wasn't covered very far outside of Samoa.
There were some New Zealand papers that picked it up, but outside of that, outside of the vaccine awareness movement, not too many people talked about this.
And what they did was they did not go after the vaccine companies.
They did not go after the hospital.
They went after the nurses that administered the vaccine.
They became the ones who were the scapegoats in that.
And they said that it was because these things were improperly stored.
That they were past their expiration date.
There's another risk that they don't like to talk about.
You know, we can talk about the adjuvants there that are designed to irritate your immune system, try to help it to respond to what they've just injected, to make sure that you get immunity.
They do that because they were having difficulty conveying immunity, so they put irritants in there.
Do those irritants cause certain long-lasting lifetime conditions in some people that are exposed to that?
I believe they do.
But it's ultimately up to you.
Because your informed consent should be important to the government, but it isn't to most people.
It is to Rand Paul.
Here's what he had to say, and then I'm going to play the rebuttal from another senator, a Republican also, Cassidy.
Who's out there saying, well, if you believe in liberty, that's fine.
Don't get immunized.
But I don't think you have the right to expose other people to the disease.
Well, then you don't have any liberty at all.
You know, the first thing is, we can talk about whether or not a particular medicine is effective.
But the first thing should be, is it safe?
That used to be part of medical ethics.
Going all the way back to the Greek physician Galen, who said, first, do no harm.
That should still apply.
And we should have physicians who advise us of the risks, because every course of action, or even inaction, carries its own risk.
And then ultimately, we should be able to decide, just like that guy who said, no, I don't want chemotherapy, no, I don't want radiation or surgery, I will try CBD for a little bit.
And then it worked!
But he also should have the right to refuse all treatment.
Don't you think?
Are we pro-choice?
Ah, not unless you're talking about killing babies.
Here's what Rand Paul had to say about forcing vaccinations.
I'm not a fan of government coercion, yet given the choice, I do believe that the benefits of most vaccines vastly outweigh the risks.
Yet it is wrong to say that there are no risks to vaccines.
Even the government admits that children are sometimes injured by vaccines.
Since 1988, over $4 billion has been paid out from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Despite the government admitting to and paying $4 billion for vaccine injuries, no informed consent is used or required when you vaccinate your child.
This may be the only medical procedure in today's medical world where an informed consent is not required.
Now, proponents of mandatory government vaccination argue that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk spreading these disease to the immunocompromised community.
There doesn't seem to be enough evidence of this happening to be recorded as a statistic, but it could happen.
But if the fear of this is valid, are we to find that next we'll be mandating flu vaccines?
Between 12,000 and 56,000 people die from the flu, or are said to die from the flu in America, and there's estimated to be a few hundred from measles.
So I would guess that those who want to mandate measles will be after us on the flu next.
Yet the current science only allows for educated guessing when it comes to the flu vaccine.
Each year, before that year's flu vaccine or strain is known, the scientists put their best guess into that year's vaccine.
Some years it's completely wrong.
We vaccinate for the wrong strain of flu vaccine.
Yet five states already mandate flu vaccines.
Is it really appropriate to mandate a vaccine that more often than not vaccinates for the wrong flu strain?
As we contemplate forcing parents to choose this or that vaccine, I think it's important to remember that force is not consistent with the American story, nor is force consistent with the liberty our forefathers sought when they came to America.
I don't think you have to have one or the other, though.
I'm not here to say, don't vaccinate your kids.
If this hearing is for persuasion, I'm all for the persuasion.
I vaccinated myself, I vaccinated my kids.
For myself and my children, I believe that the benefits of vaccines greatly outweigh the risks.
But I still do not favor giving up on liberty for a false sense of security.
That's always the exchange, isn't it?
Give me your freedom for a promise of security.
That's what we've done with the Patriot Act.
That's what we've done with the TSA.
You know, I just had a story of a guy that got caught by the TSA trying to bring a RPG, a rocket-propelled grenade, on board a plane.
And I told my wife, she said, look at this.
I said, it doesn't surprise me as much that a guy would try to bring an RPG on a plane as it does that the TSA would be able to find it.
Because they fail on all these different aspects.
But the biggest failure is the failure of the American people to fall for that false promise.
You've made that Faustian bargain with them over and over again.
You never get freedom when you give up your liberty.
Our people in prisons, they're completely secure, aren't they?
But they don't have any liberty.
Do we think that if we can lock everybody up in prison,
If we live in a police state, in a prison state, that that's preferable to a state of liberty?
Liberty comes with risks.
Inform us of the risks.
Quite frankly, you know, when we look at Cassidy, I don't think that he believes that these vaccines are effective.
Because he's so worried about being exposed to measles.
You'll get real immunity if you get measles.
I know I had it.
Everybody in my generation did as children.
Some people have some bad side effects of it, but that happens with anything.
It's part of risks.
I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech, about taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
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If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late term abortion and all great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's the best seller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
Okay, they're the highest rated.
I'm like, you're only 50% curcuminoid?
Well, yeah, they only put $5 product in the bottle, but that's still incredible, sir.
I'm like, uh, what's the hottest you could do a month later?
Uh, 90, 95%.
No one's ever done that.
I said, how much does that cost for a bottle?
That costs $10.
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor's 3 to 5%.
The top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're going to have 95% curcuminoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive?
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
I've got one more thing to say about vaccines.
Then I want to get into what's going on with the
Matriarchy that is being pushed on us, as well as the transhumanist agenda that you may or may not be aware of.
And then the next hour, we're going to be joined by Robert Barnes.
Later in the program, we're going to have Katie Hopkins join us, so stay tuned.
We've got a lot of stuff coming up here, but before we get back into how this freedom of choice in medical issues plays out, I want to tell you about some of the products that we have at Infowarsstore.com.
You know, we've chosen
To focus on natural health remedies, things that are going to help you to make informed choices about your health as well.
And to also support freedom of speech.
So freedom of choice, we are the people who are really pro-choice.
We don't support euthanasia.
We don't support abortion.
But we support health choice.
Isn't it interesting how these different groups shake down on the issue of choice?
That's why I don't use the term pro-choice when I talk about Democrats.
They are just simply pro-abortion.
They don't want you to have a choice about how to educate your child.
They don't want you to have a choice about what kind of medical treatment you or your children are going to have.
And quite frankly, folks, if we go to government
provided health care.
They will be the ones deciding not only what health care you get and when, but they will also decide things like whether or not you're going to have meat.
It's not just going to be the green issue, it's also going to be the other kind of green, the kind that goes in your wallet.
They're going to decide that because they're paying the health bills, they get to decide what you're going to eat.
Don't be surprised when they take environmentalism
And government health care and combine those two to dictate your diet to you.
But right now you do have a freedom of choice and you do have the ability to choose to support us here at InfoWars and with the products that we sell at InfoWarsStore.com.
One of the products that we have that I take regularly is DNA Force Plus and it is now back in stock at InfoWarsStore.com, 33% off.
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That's right.
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Alright, I want to play a clip from Cassidy.
He's a Republican.
Who doesn't seem to care too much about liberty.
And what he's saying is, we're going to put forward a requirement that you cannot enter school unless you are vaccinated.
Well, throw me into that bar patch, please.
Because quite frankly, I was always concerned about what they'd be injecting into my kids' minds with their indoctrination in the school.
So my wife and I made the choice, even though she was a school teacher, I would say not even though, not in spite of the fact she was a school teacher, but because she was a school teacher, we knew what they were doing.
And we made the choice to homeschool our kids because we didn't want to mess with their minds or their bodies, which they now want to do.
So, here's what this Republican has to say, who thinks, okay, fine, you want to have your freedom of choice?
Well, you don't get to expose other people to diseases.
Evidently, he doesn't think the vaccines work for the people that take them, because they're so worried about being exposed.
But here's what Cassidy had to say.
That in terms of a requirement, the requirement is just that you cannot enter school unless you're vaccinated.
Now, if you're such a believer in liberty, that you do not wish to be vaccinated, then there should be a consequence, and that is that you cannot infect other people.
Mr. Boyle, if your child is born with immunodeficiency, and someone comes to your school who is not vaccinated, and the lack of herd immunity means that your child, who, no fault of their own,
Cannot be immune?
Is it a victimless crime that somebody doesn't get vaccinated and your child dies?
I mean, my gosh, you're the guy who's representing those people who, for whatever reason, the vaccine doesn't work or they're particularly susceptible.
Alright, alright, I can't take anymore of this guy.
That really makes me angry.
This is the same government who leave the borders wide open.
We've just had 200 cases of TB.
They shut down a Georgia high school.
They tested them for, I'm sorry, more than 200 Georgia high school students were tested for tuberculosis.
They didn't have the disease, but they had others that did have the disease that came in because they allowed them into this country.
We don't care who comes into this country.
We don't vet people for health issues.
We used to do that at Ellis Island.
People talk about the Ellis Island experiment.
Well, you know, we, the experience, we did test people when they came into this country once upon a time and for health issues, but we don't do that anymore.
CDC, during the surge of immigrants back in 2016, when the Obama administration said, come on in, if you're young, we're not going to throw you out.
Well, the CDC warned that many staff would be infected, warned staff, rather, at the Border Patrol, that many would be infected with tuberculosis, and they didn't tell the public.
This was something that was only discovered recently when Judicial Watch went through the documents with a foray request.
And right now, in Texas, we have at the detention centers, as I reported yesterday, we have 200 cases of mumps.
We have MMR, the mumps and measles, Rubella vaccination.
Why are they not concerned about that?
Well, because they're not concerned about illegal immigration.
See, certain things are more important than your health.
Things like corporate profits.
That's why they delay prohibiting additives into food that they know cause cancer, that they believe cause cancer.
That's why they don't worry about people coming into this country with things like tuberculosis or Ebola.
Remember when they brought the Ebola cases in?
And we had the guy who is the mayor or the town council or some local official up in Dallas basically lick the walls to show us how wonderful it was that we didn't have to worry about Ebola.
And yet look at the risk with Ebola.
Look at how contagious that is.
Look at the number of people who die with that versus the number of people who die with measles.
It's very rare to die with measles.
And yet, we've got more cases of mumps at the Texas detention centers than they do nationwide of measles, and they are freaking out about the measles.
I'm not freaked out about the mumps, quite frankly.
It's more dangerous if you don't have real immunity, if you get it at a later age.
That's why, when I was growing up, in my generation, if somebody in the neighborhood got one of these childhood diseases, you would send all the kids down there to get it.
At the same time, so they would get real immunity.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sent a letter to some of these statists, like this Republican, Cassidy.
Again, another doctor who was shilling for the pharmaceutical industry.
It wasn't enough that they gave them immunity from any financial responsibility for the harm that they did back in 1986.
Why would they need that if it didn't cause harm?
We've paid out more than four billion dollars in damages in the vaccine injury compensation program.
It's not a real trial.
You go before a special master.
Well, all these people think that they are our special masters and we're their slaves somehow.
But this is what the AAPS says.
It says, how much of a threat is required to justify forcing people to accept government-imposed risks?
Regulators may intervene to protect the public against a one-in-a-million risk of a threat such as cancer from an involuntary exposure to a toxin.
Yeah, they do that, don't they?
They do eventually get rid of some of these additives into food.
Or a one-in-100,000 risk from a voluntary occupational exposure.
What is the risk of death, cancer, or crippling complication from a vaccine?
There is no rigorous safety study.
of any sufficient power to rule out a much lower risk of complications.
Even 1 in 10,000 for vaccines.
They don't even bother to do the studies.
They just say, take the vaccine or your kid's not going to get into school.
And we've got more than 100 bills in 30 states right now trying to force people to take vaccines that they don't even bother to do the studies on to see if they're safe.
Why bother?
They've already given immunity to the big pharmaceutical companies because what really matters
Is being able to have the power to force you to do whatever they wish.
When I look at situations like this, I have nothing but contempt for people like Cassidy.
Shame on him.
And good for Rand Paul.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
We're going to have Robert Barnes join us in the next segment.
We're going to talk about a transcript that was leaked out of...
Google talking about how they were going to steer the narrative for conservatives.
Yeah, I think they've been steering the narrative for quite some time.
It's just that we are now getting insiders inside the corporation are fed up with this and they're starting to leak this information out.
But let's talk a little bit about some of the news.
It's some updates to some news that's just come out the last couple of days.
You know, we had stories yesterday.
We talked about how Clapper said, I wasn't lying.
I was just confused.
And yesterday, I played for you the clip from Ron Wyden.
The Patriot Act, they interpreted to give them broad, sweeping powers that they realize, as we do, were not constitutional.
They went public with it.
They didn't go public with it initially.
They went to Congress.
Congress really didn't care.
And then, as time went by and nothing was being done, Thomas Drake exposed this to the public.
And then they tried to manufacture felonies, claiming that he had documents in his possession that were classified, even though he didn't.
They classified them after the fact.
These are like orientation things, you know, security is your friend type of thing.
They classified that, tried to send him to prison.
Now, in the context of all that, Congress certainly did know about the surveillance program.
As a matter of fact, Ed Snowden said the reason that he
released the documents the way he did was because the way the NSA whistleblowers are treated.
So we've been talking about that for quite some time.
It was common knowledge to anybody who paid attention to the issue.
And Ron Wyden had something to say after James Clapper claimed that he didn't purposely lie to Congress.
He said, James Clapper needs to stop making excuses for lying to the American people about mass surveillance.
To be clear, I sent him the questions in advance!
Well, of course, this is a question that had been bounced around since right after 2001.
He said, I asked him to correct the record afterward, and he chose to let the lie stand.
Well, you know who else chose to let the lie stand?
Don't talk to me about coming to people because they perjured themselves when they testified before Congress.
When you allow James Clapper to perjure himself to cover up the unconstitutional, illegal actions of a dragnet surveillance state,
That question was material.
And Congress never did anything to call him on his perjury.
And he lied about that.
While, as part of this Russiagate investigation, anybody who says anything that, you know, oh, well, I was wearing a blue suit that day.
No, it was a brown suit.
Oh, okay, now you've lied to the FBI, you've lied to Congress.
Even though it's immaterial, we're going to try to send you to prison for the rest of your life.
But James Clapper, he gets away with this stuff.
And folks, you have to understand that as he and Michael Hayden were talking about metadata, oh, we're just collecting the metadata.
That is the most important thing.
I've talked about this multiple times.
Geospatial intelligence, activity-based intelligence, that is used for human domain analytics.
Geospatial intelligence is where James Clapper has hung out for the last 20 years.
It's a massive conference, and as I said yesterday, it gets less attention than Bilderberg used to get back in the days when there was a press blackout on Bilderberg.
Nobody talks about geospatial intelligence conferences.
Ron Wyden went on to say, when intelligence leaders mislead the public about surveillance, they fuel cynicism and mistrust of government.
That lets wannabe authoritarians gain power.
I'm sorry, these are the wannabe authoritarians.
It does fuel cynicism and mistrust, but they are the authoritarians.
You know, we have other people lying.
Hillary Clinton, when she said, uh, uh, well, I'm not running in 2020.
Then she pulled it back and says, I didn't want to close the door on running.
I'm not close.
She had people who were close to her, uh, putting out feelers to the press saying, oh, no, no, no.
She is absolutely surprised that people took her seriously.
You know, why would anybody take Hillary seriously?
She's as big a liar, if not bigger than James Cockrell.
Stay with us.
I'll be right back.
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They just tell us what they think we ought to know.
You found it.
The tip of the sphere.
It is the Alex Jones Show with David Knight.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It sounds like it's confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if this was a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
It took the babies out of the incubators and left the children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
He denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and Wikileaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
They can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back on this Thursday, March 7th, 2019.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Joining me now in studio is Robert Barnes.
You can find him at barneslawllp.com.
Of course, he is a First Amendment lawyer, no stranger to the listeners of Infowars.com.
Robert's been on several times, always interesting comments.
And Robert, today we had something that was leaked.
Uh, to Breitbart from Google.
We've had several of these situations.
People inside these companies are getting very concerned about it.
I think we all should be very concerned about how social media is being used to engineer political
The Republican Party, and I think conservatism in general, is also going through a lot of internal debates about what should be the position of the party.
And I think that's one that we should be involved in, because we, I think, want, probably, the majority of U.S.
would want to steer conservatives and Republicans more towards a message of liberty and freedom, and away from the more sort of nationalistic, incendiary comments, nativist comments, and things like that.
So, the Republican Party is having discussions about where they want to go, Robert, and Google should be steering that.
Yeah, okay.
I mean, every party has these discussions.
That's always going on.
It's an ongoing thing.
Parties are always moving in one direction or the other.
What is new is the fact that they think
That's nothing new.
That they should be steering this.
And of course, we're talking about Google here, folks.
These are the people that have the default search engine that most people go to.
I think you need to think again if you think that Facebook and Twitter are social media.
And if you think that Google is a search engine, you need to check those assumptions.
And I think when we see these kinds of leaks, that explains it.
I mean basically it's the Chinese model.
They're taking the Chinese model about how to control thought, how to control ideas.
One of the prominent professors that's actually on the left did a study in India and he did a survey to see could Google manipulate its elections just by how it ranks stories.
Oh yeah.
And what he found is you could move as much as 10-20% of the entire electorate.
In fact, what was interesting is the people who knew that manipulation was taking place, they were actually more likely to respond positively to the manipulation.
Because they said, oh, that must mean the approved people have said this is the appropriate way it should be done.
Well, you and I grew up in a situation where we had the three major networks, broadcast networks.
They would all talk about the same stories, every night, and they would all have essentially the same angle.
There was no diversity of opinion whatsoever.
And so that became the established truth, the narrative.
And people in America took that as gospel truth.
Now, the people in the Soviet Union, where they had two outlets, Pravda and Izvestia.
Pravda was supposed to mean truth and Izvestia, news.
They said there's no truth in Pravda, there's no news in Izvestia.
They were cynical about that.
But in America, it's like, well, if Walter Cronkite and Huntley Brinkley say it, that's the truth, right?
The best form of state censorship is to get people to self-censor.
And the most effective means of propaganda is for people to not recognize it as propaganda.
And so what they're doing is sophisticated manipulation of sort of thought control writ large, but now they're taking it to another level.
So, for example, for years Facebook was experimenting with whether they could change election outcomes by just putting on someone's personal Facebook page, please go out and vote today.
And they only did it with some people and not other people.
This got exposed in Iceland because a high-ranking Iceland public official on election day got this message.
And she was like, hmm, is everybody getting this message?
Where does this come from?
Yeah, it was kind of a
That's a false flag.
Completely false flag.
He sets up this Russian bot thing, and then attacks his candidate, and then blames it on the other candidate to make him look like he's allied with the Russians.
And at the same time, a lot of people expressed concern, whether Facebook, Twitter, Google, now Google owns YouTube, whether they'd been manipulating the outcome results in Alabama.
So when they studied the outcome results, I used to do political campaign consulting long before I did election law, and then did First Amendment law, and so forth.
And I told people, well, just look at whether there's disparate results in precincts that are demographically similar and comparable.
And I said, if there is, then that would be a sign that something irregular took place.
If there's not, then that just means, you know, just a response of the broader public to the issues at large.
If Facebook was experimenting though, what you would see is they would try in one precinct to motivate turnout, and not do it in another precinct to see how much they were the ones dictating the outcome.
What they found was extraordinary.
One of the most exceptional deviations and variations between demographically similar precincts that has ever been seen in any election.
So you saw identical precincts that are say 90-95% Democratic in Birmingham,
That are just a few miles apart.
And one of them turned out at 65% turnout of the presidential election.
And one of them turned out at over 90% of the turnout of the presidential election.
And that happened throughout the entire state.
And there's no other explanation for that extraordinary outcome that's more credible right now than the interpretation there may have been social media that Facebook was test running and testing for the 2020 election.
How much could they change the outcome if they put their foot on the lever?
How much could Google do it?
How much could Twitter do it?
Then we come to 2018, and we see midterm results that we've never seen before.
We see comparable demographic and political congressional districts turn out in very different ways.
So, for example, in the districts that flipped, the Democrats had unusually high turnout, but they didn't nationwide.
In fact, they actually turned out at a slightly below average rate than was expected.
The same thing happened between demographically similar districts in terms of you had Republican incumbents unusually get no incumbency bounce in all the districts that appeared to be targeted by social media and democratic engines.
So the question is, was there social media experimentation and manipulation of those election outcomes?
And because if President Trump doesn't get ahead of this, and really this should be appointed, maybe the only useful place for a special counsel in existence, is a special counsel to investigate the 2017 Alabama election, given what we publicly know about it.
And if we did that, then I think we could look at, because he needs to get ahead of this, so they're going to do it en masse in 2020.
They're going to pick the key swing states, and they're going to use their Facebook power, their Google power, their YouTube power, their Twitter power, to manipulate the outcome of the elections by what they do in the algorithms.
And that's why they're trying to shut down Infowars, so places like this won't be able to... Because it's not just pushing a certain agenda, pushing people to the polls, but it's also purging information.
That's that twin part of it there.
We're going to be right back.
Interesting data that Robert Barnes has with us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back.
I'm David Knight and we're talking to Robert Barnes.
Let that run a little bit and listen to that.
I love that song.
Anyway, we were talking about how the elections have already been manipulated, as it looks like.
They've done their test case.
You know, you want to make sure you've got something that works.
You have a control group.
You know, so you try it over here, you've got a placebo over here, and over here you do the real thing.
And it appeared to have worked, certainly in Alabama and other places.
We're talking during the break about how the Internet is becoming really a corporate town.
And when we were taken off back in August of last year, started looking at this, and I think there's a very relevant Supreme Court case, as a lawyer, I'd like to get your, First Amendment lawyer, I'd like to get your take on it.
Marsh v. Alabama, 1946, you had a situation, it was a corporate town, the corporation owned the entire town.
And they had a Jehovah's Witness come through with literature, wanting to put it out.
The corporation doesn't like that literature, just like they don't like conservatives today in Silicon Valley.
So they said, no, you can't do that.
She fought them all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court said, even if the corporation owns the public square, they can't stop free speech.
And I think that's a relevant situation.
I'm surprised that more people are not talking about that in the context of this, because I really do think that we've allowed Silicon Valley to become the corporate owners of the Internet and controlling speech in exactly the same way.
You've had Jack Dorsey has said at least eight times in public that their business model is the public square.
And so if you look at it, the history of that case came in the context
Of coal mining towns doing this.
So big coal mining companies decided, well, they didn't want people getting all agitated and unionizing or doing nothing else, especially when a whole bunch of folks maybe die in an accident.
So they decided, well, we're just going to own the whole town.
And if we own the whole town, we can control law enforcement, we can control speech, we can control political activity, we can control petitioning activity, we can control union organizing, we can control all of it.
And so that was the context in which that Alabama case, though it was a different case, came up to the Supreme Court.
And of course it was made famous in the song by Tennessee Ernie Ford, I load 16 tons of what I get another day older and deeper in debt to the company store, right?
I owe everything to the company store.
Precisely, that whole background.
Johnny Cash saying he once got arrested for picking daisies.
So it was a certain mindset mentality, those kind of company towns, and the Supreme Court was like, we're not going to allow this to be an exception to the First Amendment.
You can't privatize and monopolize the public square.
Those are the two components.
The privatization of the public square and the monopolization of the public square.
And yeah, that's where we are today.
That's exactly what they've created.
That's their model that they've created.
As soon... I mean, you go back to the creation of the Internet.
It was originally put out by a DARPA psychologist talking about the intergalactic computer network.
They shortened it to Internet.
He was a psychologist.
He wanted to control people.
He wanted to control the narrative.
He wanted to control what the public thought.
And when it became practical, that was back in the 1960s, when it became practical in the 1990s, you see all these people from DARPA getting on the boards of all these venture capital firms that are picking and funding the companies that now control the internet.
You had the CIA openly create their own venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel.
And so we know where this is coming from.
And we know that these people are simply a glove, a private glove, for this iron fist of control.
So like in California, where almost all these big tech companies are located, they extended the doctrine even to malls.
And it's called the Pruneyard Doctrine in California.
And they said a private mall could not ban public petitioners because the private mall was a de facto public square.
And so they extended that doctrine of the corporate town to even malls.
Supreme Court did not do that, but the California Supreme Court did.
Now the U.S.
And that's where all of these big tech giants are.
So I brought one of the first cases against Twitter in California, establishing that it applied to Twitter.
The court agreed it did apply to Twitter and then found different factual grounds in that particular case to evade getting further into the issue.
And Twitter instead settled the case on very favorable terms to my client in that instance.
To keep that from being established.
To go up to the appellate court, to go up to the California Supreme Court.
So it definitely needs to be articulated and advocated that there is a free market, but the free market is derivative of rights to property and other things in the Constitution.
Free speech and free expression and free press are the only things that are specifically articulated because there is no free market if you have no free speech.
There is no free market if you don't have free press.
And particularly the independent press, the citizen press, not the government controlled press, not the corporate controlled press.
Uh, which is in bed with the government narrative.
I mean, when's the last time you ever saw a mainstream big corporate media institution challenge a war narrative?
Particularly through something like InfoWars, by supporting InfoWars, sharing InfoWars, expressing it, putting it on social media, backing it in multiple ways, making it independent.
I mean, this is one of the only media organizations in the world that's independent of big corporate donations.
That's right.
That's independent of corporate advertising.
Or sponsors!
Yeah, that's right.
They can't work boycotts against us, so they just came out and shut us down using these owners of the internet.
So they had to ultimately say, this audience is so scary in their ability to act on the information provided by InfoWars, that we have to keep the audience from even hearing the ideas expressed by InfoWars, and now they're even going to the point where they're trying to suppress the voices of the audience when they're acting in their own individual capacity.
Whether they're crowdfunding, whether they're active on social media, no matter which way they're doing it.
And so that shows the power and the success of this, but it also shows the threat that Infowars and the public faces.
That if this free speech and free press is to be maintained and sustained against this Chinese state censorship, private-public co-option model, then it's going to be up to the ordinary people in the audience to do so.
And they can use these terms like, we're going to steer it, we're going to nudge it.
That was the big thing a couple of years ago.
They're talking about nudging, you know, the people in the Obama administration.
It's Orwellian newspeak.
It's like, we'll forecast all this.
Let's talk about, of course, you know, whenever we talk about this juncture, whenever I bring this up on social media, I get people push back.
But what about, you support the freedom of this baker in Colorado to say, well, I'm not going to make a custom cake for somebody.
He's not throwing them, first of all, he's not throwing them out of his business.
They can buy anything off the shelf that they want.
But he's saying, oh, I'm not going to do a custom thing for you because that violates my religious freedom.
And of course the Supreme Court agreed with him.
But that's a very different thing because his model is not the town square like these other corporations are.
That's a totally different issue, isn't it?
Absolutely, because it's making sure it's equal.
So really what's happening is they want to create an unequal equation.
So they want the independent press, the little guy, to not have the same free press and free speech rights that the big powerful corporate media has.
That's why they're using defamation law in disparate ways.
Big established media can do whatever they want, say whatever, they can smear a bunch of kids in Covington and get away with it without any consequence.
Now, there's going to be consequence because we're going to sue, but they're going to be begging those courts to say, hey we're big media, we should be protected.
Well, none of those same protections are being extended to Alex Jones and Infowar.
Because the independent press, they want there to be a double standard.
It's like there's a double standard in our criminal justice system between what happened with people who were allied with Trump versus Hillary and her crew.
The same thing is happening in the First Amendment context, the free press context, the free speech context.
They want to make it an unequal equation so there's only one audience, only one microphone, only one voice that can be heard in the public.
Alright, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Very interesting.
You can find him at BarnesLawLLP.com.
Thank you, Robert.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back, we're talking to Robert Barnes, BarnesLawLLP.com.
We're talking about First Amendment issues, folks, and it is a first priority.
If we don't have free speech, if the government is going to control that, that's the beginning of the end.
They can control everything.
They can control the narrative.
They can control your behavior.
When we combine this desire to control our speech, what we hear, what we know, what we think we know...
Along with their intention, as we've seen already, how they're working this out, the beta test that they've got going, by Google and others, being done for the Chinese Communist government when they have biometric data on all of their citizens.
And that's why they're rolling out this 5G, because they need to have that bandwidth in order to be able to do complete dragnet surveillance of every activity that we do.
They say, well, you're going to have your Internet of Things, you're going to have your self-driving cars and so forth, which they will be driving.
We will not be driving.
They will be driving.
You will not be driving yourself.
They'll be driving you.
They'll be taxing and tracking your every movement.
And they have to have this massive bandwidth in order to be able to put in the kind of controls that they want.
But I want to go for a moment to
I think
First of all, when you see that clip that they tried to demonize Alex with about saying, well look at this, he shoved a kid down.
I think that's obvious to anybody that takes even a cursory glance at that, that that's not Alex Jones.
And I thought it was one of the most dishonest and dirty tricks I've ever seen for the mainstream media.
Organizations like the Wall Street Journal, who have been at the forefront of demonizing Roger Stone, a lot of people that are Trump supporters.
And of course we understand that they've got a globalist agenda there at the Wall Street Journal, but they have been at the forefront of phony attacks like this, and they were the ones pushing out this idea that that was Alex Jones dominating this.
And the lawyer read that show, got three things here, and that was the first one that she mentioned, Robert.
I mean, it showed the degree to which it wasn't serious or sincere.
That she identified something that was just sort of a comedic meme about the nature of actions and reactions.
And when you contrast that, what exposes their course of conduct is their inconsistency, their hypocrisy and duplicity.
So when you look at a situation like there are Hollywood movie directors who showed the Covington kids being put through a shredder and just being wiped out.
I don't think there was a single strike issued to him.
So somehow, Reza Aslan still has his post up that says, isn't this such a punchable face?
And yet, they've taken no action.
So here there's a meme that Alex Jones is not in at all, that's just about how the left attacks people and then when anybody pushes back, it just dramatizes it, they start screaming.
And say, oh, that somehow is encouraging and incentivizing something bad.
Whereas people who explicitly say, please punch this person, let's put all these minor kids through a shredder and kill them, oh, that's just fine.
Because it's Covington kids and it's on the left.
So Twitter's hypocrisy and duplicity and double standards and their deceptiveness show that their motivation is to put their hand on the lever of one side against the other, not to be equal enforcers of a set of rules.
That's why the rules are so bad.
We're good to go.
Instead of debating them.
I mean, that's what a journalist is supposed to do.
You're supposed to, you know, record the facts, or if you are into analysis and commentary, debate the people that you don't agree with.
But when Alex confronts him, or when Laura Loomer did it at CPAC, that was really disgusting that CPAC would do the same thing over the same guy, this Oliver Darcy, this passive-aggressive censor that works for CNN.
And that was number two in terms of talking about shutting down Alex.
You talk about favoring one side versus the other.
He can slander Alex Jones.
He can try to de-platform and successfully do it.
Anytime he fingers somebody, they immediately do something about it.
And then when Alex confronts him, shut him down.
I mean, it's extraordinary that a public confrontation at a public place that's entirely non-violent, that's entirely about speech between two people that are publicly identified figures is somehow subject to censorship.
I mean, it doesn't make sense.
And it's something that happens routinely on Twitter on the left.
I mean, you had Antifa sitting outside the Deplora Ball, sponsored here by Mike Cernovich and others.
You know, chanting, throwing batteries at people, and demanding that they send out Cernovich over and over again.
They had to have a bunch of police there.
They attacked people at one of those events in New York.
Twitter didn't do anything about that.
Twitter still has all the Antifa accounts up and running.
Twitter still has almost all of those accounts that have... One reason why Fox...
And then when Alex talks in an allegorical way about, you know, using war analogies, you know, Newsflash here, we're called InfoWars.
It is an information war.
Hillary Clinton has said that it's an information war and we're losing it.
You know, one of the things that I've talked about frequently is going back to November of 2017, they had Senate hearings.
And after all the big profile people left, they had a guy, his name is Clint Watts, and he's a retired military, he's worked for the FBI, he's got another organization.
He comes in and he starts using all of these military analogies, saying this is an information war and so forth.
He said, we have to silence the guns on the battlefield, and that means that we shut down social media.
Okay, so he's talking about, you know, taking out the cannons, silencing the guns, it is a civil war, we've got to make sure that we win this civil war, and we're going to, so he's using all those allegorical issues.
Now when Alex does that, they take it out of context, they say, well he means that literally, and then they use that, that was their number three, their third strike.
It was absurd.
It was language that is used every day in the public arena.
And it was nothing nearly as extreme as some of the things Obama has said, some of the things Biden has said, same as some of the things that Clintons have said.
I mean, they use much more grotesque language and have a much bigger platform and actually have political state power behind them.
So somehow all of that, Twitter and social media had no problem with any of that.
Uh, but if Alex Jones just uses the same language that they use, or in often nowhere nearly as, uh, as dramatic language as they use, all of a sudden that's a terrible, horrible thing.
It's so self-evidently discriminatory that the only people who didn't realize it would be seen for what it is, is the Twitter world itself.
They live in their own little bubble so much that they thought, oh, nobody's gonna realize we're discriminating.
We can just go out there and say, we have no idea what's going on here.
Here's a good example of that.
In the back and forth between Rogan and this lawyer, is her name pronounced Gaddy?
Is that it?
Rogan says it's a really important thing to go over the nuances of a particular subject, and he's talking about protected classes and gender and everything.
He says we need to go over the nuances of this because I think
Uh, that one in particular highlights this idea where the problems lie in having a protected class.
The lawyer for Twitter says, uh, we have a lot of protected classes.
We have gender, race, nationality, and Rogan says, but not for white people.
When you say gender or race, and then Gaddy says, well, it protects all protected categories.
She doesn't even realize!
If we protect all protected categories, we will define what is hate speech, and we will define what is protected, and we will protect these particular things, and like we were saying off break, it's like Orwell.
You know, some animals are more equal than others, and some classes are more protected than others.
Some get absolutely no protection at all, right?
She didn't realize that the way the law is structured for protected classes, it doesn't discriminate based on whether or not you vote Democrat or not.
So it's not like, oh, it's our minority coalition, that's what they mean by protected.
No, they mean everybody's protected.
That's who the law protects.
The law doesn't say only people within these categories are protected.
It says you can't discriminate on the basis of race, period.
Can't discriminate on the basis of gender.
Can't discriminate on the basis of religion or political viewpoint.
In a wide range of places.
And the fact that they didn't realize it showed how much they live in their own bubble and didn't realize that their own lives would be seen as their own lives to the world when exposed by a liberal leftist guy like Tim Bull.
Who now they're calling a Nazi because he challenged Twitter.
Yeah, a guy who made his market occupy.
You know, it's like, that's amazing that, you know.
It shows how important it is to have independent journalists who are not captive.
Alright, thank you so much for joining us.
Robert Barnes, RobertBarnesLaw, LLP.com
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You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
That's why I need to make them strong now.
Now, I can be there for my children.
Now, I can make them strong.
Now, I can instruct them.
Now, I can teach them what I've learned.
But not once I'm gone.
You think in this digital age, your word's gone forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
It's so much easier to burn video or text or languages now that we have high-tech book burning, isn't it?
But I have joined my will to the resistance.
I can't be destroyed now, as long as I realize I've done right and as long as the people know the truth.
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There is a magic that then takes place that transcends space and time.
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We are the Renaissance and we are winning.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We're going to talk about the Marvel matriarchy.
Welcome back.
We're going to marvel at that.
And we're going to marvel at transhumanism that is being sold to you.
I imagine it's pretty blatant and pretty obvious, the matriarchy.
We've actually got writers now who play some of these superheroes.
They're not real superheroes.
They just play them.
In Hollywood.
But they are lecturing us on the fact that we have to have women controlling the society.
That's the only way that we're going to be able to move forward.
And they are very, very obvious in what they are pushing at the movies.
But we're going to talk about that, and we're going to talk about the less obvious agenda
Behind all of this as well, because today we have the release of a new movie, Captain Marvel, and it's amazing what they are doing with this, how it is being protected.
We're talking about different protected classes in social media.
Well, you've got not only protected classes and certain types of people that are protected and others that are attacked.
With immunity.
But you also have protected movies.
Take a look at this screenshot here, guys.
Zoom in on this.
This is Flickster.
And as you can see here, when I look at the movies that are coming out this week, the first one that shows up is Captain Marvel.
And you notice that there's absolutely nothing there.
They say, no score yet.
And yet, when you look at all the rest of these films that are coming out, Apollo 11, a Chinese foreign film, and on and on, you can see that they have ratings there of critics, they have ratings of people, whether they want to see it or not, what they think about this.
They've always done that on Flickster.
Now they're saying, and Rotten Tomatoes, now they're saying, oh, we're not going to do that for Captain Marvel.
That tells you right there.
There's always a warning sign when they hide the critical reviews in advance.
But we've got a critical review coming up as to what is in that.
Before we do, real quickly, I want to tell you about some of the products that we sell at Infowarsstore.com.
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on sponsors to try to be independent of boycott so that we could speak freely and tell you what we think.
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But they are trying to control it.
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And again, everything that you buy there helps to support free speech as well as your health.
All right, so Marvel is coming up.
As I said, they're very desperate to have a big opening weekend.
So desperate, as a matter of fact, that they have pulled Stan Lee back from the dead to promote this movie.
Now, Stan Lee does have a
Cameo appearance in this that they had filmed before he died.
He died last November, but they were not going to let his Twitter account go to waste.
As RT points out, it's got 3.6 million followers.
So while they typically use this Twitter account to have respectful retrospections of his life and work,
They went full-on to hawk this movie.
That's how concerned they are.
Captain Marvel, says Stan Lee from the dead, Captain Marvel landed in Hollywood this past Monday for the movie's premiere.
Of course, you will not read any of those reviews, will you?
They have been embargoed.
Read about it more in the evening, read about the evening more below, and they have a tweet there where they talk about its movie premiere.
Some of the people on Twitter came back and said, I hope that when I'm dead,
My corporate owners don't do a weekend at Bernie's with my corpse to show their products.
Another one said, I love you Stan, but I'm unfollowing you because they are necromancing your account and your goodwill in order to market this film.
It's cool when you went full salesman on your Stan Lee brand when you were alive, but now it's just a corporation putting strings on a corpse and making it dance around.
You deserve better.
Another one, picture of Stan Lee, don't make me come down there.
Well, what is it that people are concerned about with Captain Marvel?
Why is the studio concerned that people aren't going to go?
It may have something to do with the outspoken feminism that is being bandied about by the star of the film, Brie Larson.
She has proclaimed the film to be about intersectional feminism.
Intersectional feminism.
I guess that is the newest social justice league warrior insanity.
I don't know what that is.
I don't really care what that is.
If you want to know what intersectional feminism is, go see the film.
I won't be going.
If you don't want that sold to your kids, maybe you won't take them either.
She said it's 2019.
And what 2019 is about, really, is intersectional feminism.
There you go.
See, I didn't know that.
What 2019 is about.
Anyway, she said some critics, these are some of the critical reviews that you're not allowed to see on Rotten Tomatoes or Flixster or whatever.
Captain Marvel, some of them said, is a mundane film.
Marked by unimaginative plotting, a generic superhero film.
We're getting a lot of those lately.
I think we've kind of reached peak genre with this.
A film that does not approach the ranks of top-tier Marvel movies, said another one.
Many have called it a grim film where no one seems to be having much fun, especially in the previews.
You look at the previews.
Look at how Samuel L. Jackson and the character he plays, Nick Fury,
Who is not, doesn't really show too much fury, doesn't show too much backbone either.
He looks very, very calm, not furious, and he looks totally dominated by this woman.
He's like...
So I guess this is where he's starting to get his backbone.
It's a retrospect.
He doesn't have one yet.
James Woods, I think, summarized it best.
He said, maybe America should pick a movie where the studio doesn't hate half of its audience.
So there's a hashtag out there.
Hashtag Alita Challenge.
Now why that?
I talked about this about two and a half weeks ago.
I talked about the film Alita, which did extremely poorly.
Alita had a, not just a female lead, but a female robot lead.
And I said, if you don't understand what that is about, there's a subcurrent here that is far more dangerous, I think, than the obvious one about feminism here.
And I'd say dangerous in the sense that they want the two sexes to war against each other.
They don't want to make men like Nick Fury look passive, look stupid, be dominated by women.
That is one problem, you know, creating this animosity between different sexes just as they've done between different races.
But there's also a transhumanism subtext to these superhero films.
And, you know, when you look at what is really being told to us, I think we have to understand, and I think it's helpful to go back to what people have talked about in terms of mythology.
I'll tell you what Joseph Campbell said, and then I'll tell you what C.S.
Lewis said about mythology from a Christian perspective.
Joseph Campbell, and you probably remember this, NPR did a long series about the power of myth.
One of the things that he said was, mythology provides a cultural framework for society to educate the young.
Well, where are children getting this cultural framework of mythology?
Well, they're getting it in the schools.
They're getting it especially from Hollywood.
It is a worldview of secular humanism.
That, quite frankly, folks, if you don't understand it, that is the religion of the schools.
And I'll have more on this when we come back.
I'm going to tell you the difference between secular humanist myths and the difference between Christian myths.
And it's a very significant difference.
But they want you to look at their superheroes as the answer to life and death.
You know, humanism by itself doesn't offer any hope.
You know, the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
That's why I need to make them strong now.
Now, I can be there for my children.
Now, I can make them strong.
Now, I can instruct them.
Now, I can teach them what I've learned.
But not once I'm gone.
You think in this digital age, your word's gone forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
It's so much easier to burn video or text or languages now that we have high-tech book
Burning isn't it?
But I have joined my will to the resistance.
I can't be destroyed now.
As long as I realize I've done right, and as long as the people know the truth, and you can't be destroyed either.
As long as you bind yourself to something and commit to it, and go through the fire for it, there is a magic that then takes place that transcends space and time.
When you commit via word of mouth, or to pray for us, or to spread our articles and videos,
That overrides everything the enemy's doing.
So please now, commit to support InfoWars however you can.
And realize your provision to InfoWars is your own provision.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back.
Let's talk about the Pulp Fiction of our time.
And of course, the dominant genre right now, of course, are superhero movies.
Not westerns like when I was growing up.
When I was growing up, we had heroes with true grit.
But they were human.
Human heroes.
Now we have transhumanist heroes.
As I said before we went to break,
Secular humanism is the religion that is being taught in schools, but it is a religion without any hope.
They don't offer any hope, but transhumanism does.
Transhumanism offers you the hope of eternal life.
It offers you the hope of becoming like God.
And it can be done any number of ways.
I mean, look at all the different origin stories that we've got.
You know, it can be genetic modification.
It can be some kind of a magic incantation.
It can be something that is done using technology.
Technological enhancement.
When you go back and look at the film Alita, you know, we've got this robot that's very complex.
That kind of plays into the fantasy of eternal life that Ray Kurzweil has embraced.
You know, hopefully if we can build robots like that we can transfer our consciousness or whatever it is that makes us what we are.
They can't quite define that.
You know, I had Zoltan Isvan of the Transhumanist Party come in and I said, okay, you want to talk about transhumanism, how you're going to live forever, how you're going to transfer yourself into a robot and live forever.
What is it that you're going to be transferring?
Are you simply going to be making a copy of yourself or are you going to be transferred in that?
What are you?
You have a physical component, obviously, but what are you beyond physical?
Is it just a bunch of electrical impulses, or is there a spirit?
And they don't really have an answer for that, but they are providing you with a mythology for that.
As I said, Joseph Campbell, when he talks about the power of myth, he said, mythology provides a cultural framework for society to educate the young.
And what are we telling them?
We're telling them that with genetic modification,
With robotics, with transference and so forth, they can live forever.
They can become godlike.
I think that's really what we're telling them.
He also said that it provides a means of coping with passage from life to death.
Or better yet, never die.
Having eternal life, as Ray Kurzweil points out.
Let me give you an alternative perspective, a Christian perspective.
Lewis said that Christianity
You know, C.S.
is both myth and fact.
Now by that he doesn't mean that it's made up.
He says that it is a true myth.
It is God's myth, whereas the others are men's myth.
And that is the essence of what we are looking at as Christians.
That is the hope.
That is what is not being taught.
To our children.
That is what is not being given as the framework for society by many of us.
Maybe we don't even have that kind of a framework today.
Because we don't even know what the meaning of life is.
We can't even, we look at the abortion debate, we can't even pinpoint when life begins or define it.
I think we can, but we're struggling to say well it's a heartbeat or it's a brain activity.
Certainly those are signs of life.
And we can look at that and say we're going to protect anybody that has a sign of life.
But it's going to be a philosophical understanding of where that life comes from, or what it ultimately consists of.
Who defines that?
You know, when we talk about living eternally, C.S.
Lewis had something else to say.
He said, he has never talked, and neither have you, to a mere mortal.
He said, no matter who you've talked to, he said, everyone is going to exist forever.
The question is, in what state?
He said, some of the people that you see on the street as you're walking along, he says, eventually they're going to be transformed into creatures that are so glorious that you'd be tempted to fall down and worship them.
Others are going to be turned into creatures so hideous that you could not even bear to look at them.
And so we have this choice before us.
Immortal horrors?
or everlasting splendor.
That is the understanding of what life is, what eternal life is for Christians.
We are being sold a phony version and they're selling this version right now!
Because of the control they want to exercise.
When you look at the neural laced brain, we look at this little girl with this cap on to read her mind, join the hive mind, join 5G.
It is a system of total control.
They have something in this world that they want to force upon you and that is the philosophy that's behind it.
That is what's so dangerous and subtle.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back!
We have Katie Hopkins joining us from the UK right now.
She's got a book out called Rude.
You can also find her on Twitter.
Her Twitter handle is K.T.
And again, that's the letters K.T.
She's not spelling out her name Katie, but it's K.T.
She's a British journalist.
She's fighting back against the fall of Europe.
And when Katie Hopkins was here in studio, I talked to her briefly about Brexit.
A couple of months ago, she said, yeah, Britain has fallen.
They're going to make sure that that doesn't go through.
It's one of the most worrying things that I have seen.
I was very excited to see Brexit go through, but now it looks like they have engineered a way to keep that from happening.
And of course, part of that is by controlling the narrative.
I want to talk to Katie about what is going to be happening with Brexit as well as how they are controlling the narrative.
So joining us now from the UK is Katie Hopkins.
Welcome, Katie.
Thank you very much for having me on your show.
Thank you for joining.
Tell us a little bit about what you think is going to be happening with Brexit.
I talked to Paul Joseph Watson.
He's in studio a couple of days ago.
It looks like they have pretty much covered all their bases.
I knew the fix was in when the only person that they put forward
Tell us what you think is going to happen because it's the end of this month, right?
The hard Brexit date is coming up.
You think they're going to delay it?
That's right.
So when our politicians opted to trigger Article 50, that's the legal mechanism by which we would leave the EU, that date is the 29th of March.
So as things stand, on the 29th of March, the UK leaves the EU with or without a deal.
And of course, for Brexiteers like myself, the 17.4 million who just wanted to leave, that's what we would love.
We would love to leave without a deal.
We would love to just get out the door and then sort things out from there.
But what the government, the establishment, the Remainers, those in power have managed to do is make this about a deal.
So it looks like we will get either a deal that is remain, or it may end up that we go back for a second vote where the only options are a really bad deal, or in fact remain.
And in that way we've overturned, the establishment has overturned the will of the people.
And it's beyond comprehension, especially for my American friends who are just like, what happened to the will of the people?
Why is the hard exit no longer an option?
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, the government have created a very complex and fairly smart, actually, communication strategy to try to bewitch people with why no deal is not an option.
If you can believe this, and if your listeners and viewers can believe this, the government actually paid
I mean, this is the level of madness we're talking about.
And today the Daily Mail put out a piece saying,
All Brits need new passports from tomorrow in the event of a no deal.
It's just relentless scare tactics trying to grind people down.
But I think, David, the really interesting thing is people aren't that stupid.
And people now know their vote didn't count.
So the bigger question in the UK is who's ever going to vote again?
How are you going to get close to 20 million people near a ballot box ever again?
Yeah, it was amazing.
When it came out, I was celebrating it.
We're talking about how it was a declaration of independence, and of course that happened just a couple of months before President Trump was elected.
Things looked very, very optimistic, and yet just as we've seen them pull these technical maneuvers to try to shut down different aspects of what President Trump is doing, it's absolutely amazing to see this.
It reminds me of what Nigel Farage was saying when they
He took out the duly elected government of Greece a few years ago, and then put in a former Coleman Sachs banker, and he goes, you're doing this at the heart of democracy, where democracy is right.
You just shut down their entire election.
Well, now they've done it in Britain as well.
It's absolutely amazing.
It is a real craziness, and I think people are, you know, one of the things we're trying to talk about, one of the messages that I like to talk about is this idea of the social contract.
You know, we have democracy for a reason.
It's part of a social contract.
We agree to do things like pay our taxes or abide by the law and order of the land in return for our vote.
You take away our vote and explain to me why are we going to keep paying our taxes?
Why do we want to keep participating in this contract that we haven't seen the benefits of?
So it will be interesting to see what's going to happen on the 29th of March, but probably one of the breaking stories that you guys have been covering.
On the 22nd of March now, they've decided to send Tommy Robinson back to court.
They are charging him again with contempt of court, a charge that was thrown out about five months ago.
And of course that is how I believe.
They think that they're going to be able to weather the storm.
If they can shut down any opposition, any organized opposition, if they can take control of speech in the UK, and of course they have been even more upfront and obvious about it in the UK than they are here.
Here they do it through the corporations and they say well it's just private corporations exercising their private rights and so forth.
There the government comes in directly and gets in your face.
They don't really have a problem
Absolutely, and by making individuals that speak out like myself a target, you know, they send a very clear message.
So the message is, if you speak out, you will, you know, many of the things that I've experienced, lose your job, lose your radio show.
You will lose your column on the newspaper.
You will lose your home, as mine was taken by the court.
You will be punished.
We will clamp down on those people who speak out.
And of course, the impact of that, in my experience and in my email inbox, is that you get so many emails from people saying, keep going, please keep going.
We need you.
You're our voice.
And then you also get emails from people who are recognizing they have to pay their mortgage.
They don't want to lose their job.
And so they're silenced.
And of course, at a deeper level, that means that people are thinking, can I say this before they open their mouth?
Is this a wrong thought?
And once you start to have an entire population, double checking before they even have the thought, your ability to control that population is magnified, I think.
Oh yeah, and that's the Chinese model.
I mean, that has been ingrained in their society for a very long time.
You mentioned something that I'm not familiar with, and I've heard you many times speak.
You said losing your home.
Tell me about that.
I don't know about that story.
Yes, so with a case on Twitter, I put up a tweet that was incorrect, but a system, a mechanism, a new law was created that made me guilty of libel for putting up a tweet that was deleted, that was apologised for, that was retracted.
They pursued that case to the point where
I had to sell my home in order to fund the damages and the costs of that court proceedings.
That's new law that says that damage to reputation is incurred at the time of publication.
And because mine is in a large account with about a million followers, they penalised me significantly.
And with all my other work and jobs in radio, in national newspaper columns, they've always either gone after the sponsors or gone up the ladder
No, no.
Well, I'm so sorry to hear that.
They do the same thing here in America.
I mean, you look at what they did with General Flynn.
He lost his home trying to defend himself from criminal charges.
They don't come in and say, well, we're coming after you because of what you said.
They will manufacture a different reason.
They'll manufacture a process crime somewhere, the same way they're coming after Roger Stone now.
They'll manufacture...
Uh, some kind of a, you know, a process crime that has to do with a immaterial statement that you made to somebody and say, oh, well, you know, you committed perjury or whatever.
And they'll do it on that basis.
They won't just come in and say, well, we don't like what you had to say, so we're going to sue it and take it.
But they are right up front about what they're doing in the UK.
When we come back, I want to talk to you about your new documentary, Homelands.
About Western Europeans who are fleeing Europe.
We'll be right back with Katie Hopkins.
And stay with us, you can find her again on Twitter, Katie Hopkins.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm David Knight and we're talking to Katie Hopkins in the UK.
And you can find her on Twitter at Katie Hopkins.
Her book is Rude and she's got a documentary called Homelands, a new documentary talking about Western Europeans fleeing Europe.
I want to get some more information about that from Katie.
First question, Katie, where are they going?
It's been so interesting, actually.
It's one of the things that's not spoken about because migration to us is about
of Jews from places like Paris and Germany and the movement of people like myself, Christian, white Christians or Christian Brits, Christian culture really, looking for a new place to call home.
So I've just spent a few months from France, from Israel, in Germany and in the north of England where people are looking for their Judeo-Christian heritage.
They're looking for a new place
I spent time in a town in the UK called Saville Town.
It's in the north, in the sort of, if you imagine the land of rolling green hills and mills, it used to be an old mill town making fabric.
It's now 97% Muslim.
By being there, I increased the white population by 4%.
You try being a white person in that town.
So this is the, Homelands is the movement of our people
Looking for a new place to call home and I think it's widely untalked about but I think we're going to see more and more on this, especially with the Jews needing to get out of France and get out of France fast.
Well, again, instead of immigration, you're talking about emigration, with an E, as in, you know, exiting, and exiting Europe is really what people are talking about here.
I see a similar thing happening here in America.
My wife grew up on Long Island.
Now the areas where she grew up, they have rampant problems with MS-13 and violence there because the population has completely changed.
Yeah, when she was growing up, it was basically people who were Italian and Polish that were living in those neighborhoods.
Now it is people coming from El Salvador.
And along with the legitimate people who are trying to flee violence, you have MS-13 coming.
And one individual who had his child killed by MS-13 was saying, I came here to escape that.
Well, you can't escape that if the borders open.
You know, the MS-13 is going to come in and do that.
And right now, MS-13 is killing Hispanic children who are not part of their gang or, you know, they have a romantic rival or something like that.
But that violence is going to spread to other people in the community if, in fact, there is anybody in the community other than El Salvadorans.
But they've basically taken over that Long Island town where my wife grew up.
And I think this is the thing for me and my learning is that it isn't really about race.
We're good to go.
Where is the diversity we were told that, you know, was so great for our country?
And I think the other thing that was really striking for me was sitting with Jewish people now in Israel, thrilled to be in a new place, talking about how they were called dirty Jew or whatever, just walking in the streets of Paris.
This is today in 2019.
And it got me to thinking, I'm talking to a rabbi, that for many of us, we don't have somewhere to run to.
We don't have a place to make aliyah.
We don't have a new place to call home.
And I know that a lot of my friends, colleagues, other regular Brits are increasingly looking eastwards to sort of Poland and Hungary, wondering if their strong stand for our Christian culture could be where we end up taking our families to.
Yeah, I've seen some... we were looking at that as well because my wife is part Polish.
We need to go take a look at that because she doesn't have any connections to that anymore.
But, you know, I've seen the strong standards you pointed out that they've taken and how they're focused on building families and how they understand that they need a homeland for their own culture.
It's absolutely fine.
All these people who talk about multiculturalism don't really respect that.
I mean, you look at Europe.
Uh, when I went there as a high school student, uh, it was a rich tapestry of different cultures that were allowed.
I mean, tiny countries by U.S.
standards are smaller than our states, and yet in each of these they had their own culture, uh, they had different music, different architecture, different languages, and it was, it was
Amazing to be able to see that many different cultures in such a short period of time.
But now they want to dumb everything down into this homogenized, gray, culturalist area.
But I think there's a more sinister aspect of this as well, Katie.
Going back to 2000, the UN was selling this idea that we had to have massive migration because of the welfare state, because of the social system, what we call social security here.
They said we've got this inversion of population because it's a Ponzi scheme.
You're not having enough kids, a lot of reasons for that, but you're not having enough kids so we're going to bring in people from other places to support you in your old age and yet that is exactly what is not happening, right?
Absolutely, and we just had a case this week where for the first time people are now waking up because parents in the UK looking for secondary school places for their children, so that's like 11, 12 years old upwards,
have been told there are no places for their children.
And the school has said, in particular, it's because of new arrivals, international new arrivals.
They get first priority.
Yeah, 2021, one in 25 of our councils have no places for children at secondary school level.
So this is where the leftists that say, oh, well, immigration is great for our country.
It's a net advantage we gain.
Now try being a mum.
of a teenage child who doesn't have a school to go to.
And you know, the demographics here in the UK are shocking.
By 2035, Muslim births outnumber white British births.
You know, we are being replaced at a rapid rate and our children are running out of school places to go to.
Yeah, they planned that and then they sold it to people saying, you're going to be fine with this, they're going to take care of you in your old age.
Yeah, they were going to take care of you in a different way.
We see this happening in London right now, the exploding crime.
I mean, you just had five people stabbed in five days.
It's literally craziness in London.
So there's another stabbing today in West Kensington, which is quite a smart area.
That young boy died on the street.
At the same time, we've got news that someone stabbed earlier in the week, just died.
The stabbings are completely out of control.
You know, there's three elements in my opinion, which is initiation, so some people stab each other for initiation into the gangs.
They're stabbing for retaliation, and they're stabbing for delineation, delineating their territories.
But one thing's for sure, we don't have a knife crime problem.
Knives are not the problem.
We have a gang problem.
You know, it's the same with guns in America, right?
They love to blame the gun, not the person behind it.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Well, what you're talking about there, again, with Islam and the three different aspects of
How they're doing that is the same thing that's happening with the MS-13 gangs.
And they know that these kids are from a foreign country.
They know that they're coming here illegally.
We say we're going to defer any action on them, and that is still going on under the Trump administration.
That was an executive action by the previous administration.
President Trump could stop that at any time if he had the political will.
And yet they allow that to continue to go on.
These people even have the tattoos on their face to tell you that they are MS-13, but they wait until something happens to even other Hispanic kids before they'll do anything about it.
We'll be right back with Katie Hopkins.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, David Knight.
Welcome back.
We're talking to Katie Hopkins.
You can find her on Twitter at K.T.
And she has a documentary that's going to be coming up, I believe it's March the 13th.
Katie, is that correct?
Yeah, that's the launch date, thank you, in Strasbourg in the European Parliament.
So I like to take my work to the heart of the enemy's territory.
And I'm presenting it in association with ENF, that's the European Nations for Freedom.
So if you imagine things like Salvini and the AFD and the League, all the great people who are fighting
I'm hoping to get it over to you guys at InfoWars so that your viewers can watch it.
I think it's really interesting in terms of a migration that's not being talked about, people being forced out of their countries.
So you're going to premiere it right there with the people who are behind these policies.
Let's play a short clip here of the trailer for it.
We've got about a 30 second clip here.
This is a trailer for the documentary Homelands.
On September 1st, 1939, the Nazis invaded Poland, World War II began, and then what led to the Holocaust.
But it didn't start on September 1st.
It began way before, when synagogues were burned, when Jews were targeted, they weren't allowed certain jobs, they weren't allowed to live certain places.
It started then.
And some Jewish communities in the world should treat every day, when they wake up in the morning, every day, this might be September 1st, 1939.
Yeah, that's very true.
And so the question is, you know, where do Europeans go?
The Jews have a homeland now in Israel that they can immigrate to and be protected.
You know, where are we going to go in this?
That's exactly right.
I should point out as well that Doron there, that's Doron Kramer, who's a journalist for one of the biggest papers in Israel.
He used to be a basketball player.
So I'm 5'8", I'm quite tall.
He is 7'4".
So I was walking down the road trying to interview him like this.
I noticed that discrepancy.
I didn't remember you being that short.
I mean, you look like a hobbit talking to him.
Yeah, halfling.
I was like, can I stand on a bench to talk to Doron?
Anyway, I love him.
But the really the other thing that struck me, and you know, it's the stuff that makes the hairs when you're doing these interviews, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
A lady said, a French Jewish lady who was called a dirty Jew in the streets in Paris a few months back.
She said, you know, we have to remember
The pessimists are now in LA with a pool.
The optimists are in Auschwitz.
And she and her husband have made the journey to Israel.
And they've even bought an apartment there for her children because she's desperate for her children to get out of Paris.
There is a real tangible fear that people are leaving it too late to leave.
But absolutely, I came away, I was asking the rabbi, I should have got you the clip before, asking the rabbi, where am I going to go?
Where are my people going to go?
We don't have an Israeli.
And Aliyah is amazing.
You know, they help pay for your flights, your first year, they support you financially, you know, give you accommodation and they meet you at the Israeli, for Jewish people making Aliyah.
They meet them at the airport with their paperwork to make them nationals, Israeli nationals.
I think it's, you know, a gentleman got really upset speaking to me about it because he said for once, finally, he felt accepted and he felt like he was home.
I think this is the narrative of our time.
And again what we're seeing is the rise of this in France because the massive migration of Islam into France as the basis of this.
I've talked to Simon Roche in South Africa multiple times and I pulled him on again last week because
of what I hear coming from the Democrats in this country.
It looks to me like a verbatim replay of what we've, the anti-semitism that we've seen against Jews in Germany, what we see going on in France now, but we see that not only with the white people in South Africa, kill the boar, take their farms and so forth, but I'm seeing it now from the Democrat Party here in America when they talk about reparations.
They have absolutely no way that they can
Put this through, because they can't define here in America.
We've had a lot of intermarrying over the decades, over the centuries, between black and white.
Who's going to define who is black, who's white?
Who is going to define whose ancestors own slaves?
But they don't care, because it's about creating that hatred of the other, isn't it?
Yeah, you're so right.
And I think as a Brit watching Ilhan Omar, watching Rashida Tlaib with her Palestinian flag,
It gives me anxiety, you know, because we're so much further down that line.
We know how this works.
You get densely packed Muslim populations.
You facilitate those with mosques where funds can flow in.
You have people suddenly voting according to their religion.
And before you know it, you've got political Islam.
People voting by their faith, how Allah wants them to vote.
And you've got that right now.
You know, you've got Ilhan Omar, who was out there on the campaign trail with her, you know, jazzy orange headdress looking a bit tropical and modern.
And now she's in your Congress with the black headdress on.
It's all got very serious, starting to come out with some of this.
I think so.
All the major Democrat candidates for president now signing into it either explicitly or implicitly saying, yeah, there has to be something, I'm not sure exactly how it's going to look, but you've got Kamala Harris, you've got Cory Booker, you've got Elizabeth Warren, all of them and many others have signed into this.
But when we look at, as you pointed out, Ilhan Omar, you know, we changed the laws so that she could cover her head.
I think it's important to take a look at what's going on right now in Saudi Arabia.
They have an app for that in Saudi Arabia.
And if you want to know what life in Islamic America is like, take a look at what's going on in Saudi Arabia right now.
We've got an American citizen, as a matter of fact, who is trapped there.
I've talked about this multiple times on my show in the morning, this app called Abshure.
It is being sold by both Google and by Apple.
You know, Apple shut down the InfoWars app.
But if you want to get an app to track your women that they treat like chattel, because they all have to have a male guardian, they have to have his permission, you get that app.
It is put out there by the Kingdom's Interior Ministry.
They own and operate that app.
They've encouraged people to go in and rate it, so it's highly rated.
Google has just said that it is cleared for sale by Google, and this is...
That you can track, you put in the number of the women that belong to you, and whenever they're traveling, you get notification from the Saudi government asking if you want to give them permission to travel.
I mean, can you imagine the levels of madness we are now stooping to?
You know, this is the level of madness in our society.
And it's bizarre, of course, because we can all see it happening.
We all know it's a madness, and yet it's continuing.
We're not stopping it somehow.
We're failing to stop this happening to ourselves.
But yeah, Ilhan Omar, I really...
I'm concerned about, in terms of, you know, we see it in London, we have a Muslim mayor and then we have a Muslim housing association, we have a Muslim police association.
You know, before long you just get the sense that there's no place for us.
I think so.
I think it's quite sinister in itself.
Well, you know, you have this schizophrenia, especially the Democrat Party, where they want to celebrate Ilhan Omar, they want to celebrate her hijab, and yet at the same time, this culture, this religion, is doing this in terms of setting up an app to actually track women and to shut down their movement, even though they've gone out, the Saudis have gone out and said, oh, look, we're going to let them drive.
Well, you're not going to drive without
The permission of a male guardian.
I mean, that's the... but of course they want to put all of us into that position.
They want us all to have travel restrictions unless our government lets us know that we can travel.
It's absolutely insane.
Thank you so much for joining us, Katie Hopkins.
Again, her documentary, Homelands, is going to have its premiere on March 13th.
And we'll have updates on where people can get that.
Of course, you'll probably be able to find it from her Twitter, which is Katie Hopkins.
That's where you'll find her on Twitter.
Thank you so much for joining us, Katie.
Have a great show.
All right, we'll be right back.
Thank you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
I asked Bobby Dylan I asked the Beatles I asked Timothy Leary But he couldn't help me either They called me the Seeker
We've got one more segment and then Mike Adams is going to be taking over in the fourth hour.
Welcome back.
I just had this given to me by the staff here.
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I talked about CBD.
And that article from the Daily Mail, I talked about the context of a guy who basically really didn't care about taking care of his health.
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He took some CBD oil and the doctors, they were absolutely amazed.
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So it was simply him taking CBD oil for a couple of months.
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And I didn't realize we have a CBD product here.
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Take a look at that.
I'll be looking at that myself, quite frankly.
Certainly, it has got a lot of
There are a lot of anecdotal at this point success stories of CBD because they won't do the studies.
You may have some studies start now that Boehner is making money from it.
Remember he always said he was unalterably opposed to it until he became an investor in it and now he has a big
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I've got a interesting story here.
We had a couple of guys that played a hoax on Elliott Abrams.
A couple of Russian comedians.
And they engaged him in whether or not he was going to be attacking Venezuela.
They pretended that they were with the Swiss government.
And they got him to make some interesting statements.
I want to get into that, play that video for you.
Before we do, real quickly,
I just want to follow up as we're talking to Katie Hopkins about immigration and other issues.
We have Congressman Al Green from Texas lecturing Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen saying white babies would not be treated the way these babies of color are being treated at the border.
And I just saw that and thought of the amazing hypocrisy behind that.
You know, we have talked many times about black genocide that is being conducted by Planned Parenthood.
As a matter of fact, that's what they were very open about.
Margaret Sanger and others.
When you look at the way black babies are being treated, there is a big difference at Planned Parenthood.
You want to put out this narrative that babies are being ripped from their parents at the border?
That's not true.
As a matter of fact, they are putting them in military housing.
Where did they get the authority to do that?
Did President Trump have to go to Congress to get authority to detain the families together in military bases?
Of course not.
As Commander-in-Chief, he could do that at the military bases.
In the same way, he could protect the border without any additional allocation of funds because it's part of defending this country.
But they don't even know that these babies coming across the border are actually babies of these parents.
They're trying to do DNA testing in some cases.
But when you rip the baby out of the mother at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, and this is happening many, many times more to black babies than it is to white babies.
That's why we talk about black genocide.
And that was the purpose from the very beginning.
Margaret Sanger and Prescott Bush, the patriarch of the Bush clan, was her treasure at the very beginning.
She was open
About talking about doing this to control the black population.
They put the majority of Planned Parenthood clinics in the black community.
And again, they are having this at many multiples of that.
So, Al Green, if you want to get serious about this,
Then why don't you take a look at what's going on in Planned Parenthood, because they really are ripping the babies away from their mothers, and ripping the babies apart in these Planned Parenthood clinics.
But of course you won't do that, because that is the Democrat right.
It is a ritual that they do not want to give up.
One last thing about immigration, then we'll get into this situation with the Russian pranksters in Elliot Richardson in Venezuela.
We just had a California, a second California judge say that to ask on the census whether or not you are a citizen threatens the very foundation of U.S.
No, I would say that what they're doing, what these judges are doing, threatens the very foundation of the U.S.
You understand that we had a census specifically to allocate representation.
And it's representation of people who are citizens, not people who are not citizens.
And that's why
Up until, I guess it was about 20 years ago, they always asked, are you a citizen?
And that, quite frankly, is the only thing that they have the authority to ask.
They should not be asking and demanding information about you in any other respect.
That's none of their business.
But it is their business to know whether or not you are an American citizen.
Because only American citizens should be allowed to vote.
But of course, that's something else that the California judges and these other people who have set themselves up above the Constitution don't care to pay any attention to.
Let's go to this clip.
It was put out by Sputnik News.
These are a couple of Russian comedians, telephone pranksters, Vovan and Lexus.
Just like the car, I guess.
They called up Elliott Abrams, they engaged him in conversation about what he was going to do with Venezuela, because a lot of us are wondering whether they're going to set up a military operation.
You know, we're coming to March, and March is the Ides of March.
...are typically when the American government, especially in the last several years, have been trying to march off to war in Syria.
Now they're talking about Venezuela.
So this is what Elliott Abrams told these Russian telephone pranksters when he thought that they were calling him from the government of Switzerland.
Also, I wanted to ask you, what are your thoughts about possible military aid to the president of Guaido?
President Guaido.
You know, we're not going to do that.
Yeah, I think it's right.
Unless the regime does something completely crazy like, you know, attacking the U.S.
Yeah, I know.
But our information suggests that people in the regime and in the military are actually nervous about a U.S.
And we think it is useful to keep them nervous.
Um, which is one reason that we will not say publicly, no, no, no, this will never happen.
When I give private briefings to members of Congress, this is exactly what I say to them.
We are not trying to make you in Congress nervous.
We are trying to make the Venezuelan military nervous, and we think that it is a mistake, tactically, to give them endless reassurances that there will never be American military action.
But I can tell you
This is not what we're doing.
What we're doing is what you see.
Financial pressure, economic pressure, diplomatic pressure, political pressure.
Yeah, I agree with you.
And again, they're posing as a Swiss president.
When you listen to that, they don't, I don't know, they have a very heavy Russian accent to me.
Elliot Richardson didn't catch that.
I don't know, does he not get out too much?
I mean, this is...
This guy's been an ambassador.
Does he not get out of the country too much?
I mean, he's pretty provincial if he doesn't catch that Russian accent.
But he thought he was talking to the Swiss president.
And the good news is, because it's not just people in Congress.
I don't know that Congress is getting nervous about a war.
Did they ever get nervous about wars?
They didn't really seem to care too much about Syria or Afghanistan or many of these other places.
Are they really nervous about Venezuela?
I'm nervous about it.
I don't want to see American blood and treasure spent on that.
I want to fight socialism, but I want to fight socialism here in America.
That's where I'm concerned about it.
Let people in Venezuela fight with socialism.
Let them deal with the effects of it.
Let them be the poster child for why we don't want it here in this country, if they're unable to do anything or unwilling to do anything about it.
I mean, we've already got North Korea.
North Korea vs. South Korea.
We had Mao's China vs. Hong Kong vs. Taiwan.
We had East and West Germany.
How many more of these cases do we need to show the world what a centrally planned economy looks like with these people who are control freaks?
Why are we even thinking about this here in America?
It's absolutely insane.
Yeah, we have to have Rand Paul introducing a bill to end the war in Afghanistan.
We've gotten to a position where all wars are by default permitted unless they are expressly prohibited.
We have turned the Constitution upside down and inside out.
Thanks for listening.
Stay with us.
Mike Adams is coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Let me tell you how it will be.
All right, welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
Mike Adams filling in for the other amazing hosts.
And isn't it great to see David Knight back, by the way?
Many blessings to David Knight doing such a great job, incredible research on all the news.
I'm just...
Just so happy to see him back in the seat there in the new studio as well.
Now, I've got an incredible lineup of breaking information for you today.
You know, I always prepare as well, maybe not as much as David Knight does, but I do my best.
And today I've got some big news to bring you about the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons denouncing
Mandatory vaccines.
Denouncing those policies as being kind of junk science.
That there's no rigorous safety studies about vaccines.
That it takes away individual liberty.
So we have a group of doctors and physicians now citing individual liberty.
Yes, you heard that right.
I'm going to cover that here on the Alex Jones Show.
And at the same time,
You have a disturbing development now, where pro-Second Amendment groups and publishers are now pushing vaccines.
So we have this weird, twisted, alternate reality happening now, where you've got physicians' groups saying, no, mandatory vaccines are bad and dangerous and unproven, and then you've got these Second Amendment groups saying, oh no, vaccinate everybody!
You know, gunpoint vaccinations are awesome!
So this insanity, I'm going to lay it out for you.
I'm going to detail it here on the Alex Jones Show.
Let me give you kind of a rundown here, a table of contents of what's coming up.
We've also got research about how measles vaccines are now proven to spread the measles.
This is due to a scientific breakthrough in genetic sequencing.
I'll be covering that in great detail.
I wrote a story about that yesterday on Natural News, but there are some highlights of that that you absolutely need to know about because you know how false flag events or staged events or you could say real events but augmented with hyperbole and so on are used to take away your gun rights?
Well, it turns out that measles vaccines cause
The spread of measles in some children, a little over a third of the measles cases that are diagnosed turn out to be traced back to the measles vaccine itself.
So about one out of every three cases of measles is actually caused by a measles vaccine according to this research.
So we're going to go into that and show you why.
These sort of, you might call them infectious disease false flags, in a sense, are used to push mandatory vaccines.
So false flag operations are always used to take away your liberty, to take away your rights, to have big government jumping in on your life and telling you what to do, what you have to do, putting a gun to your head, sometimes literally putting a gun to your head.
And saying, we demand that we penetrate the bodies of your children with these toxic substances that we know harm and kill some children because the government publishes statistics on that every year.
And yes, children are harmed by vaccines.
So that's coming up too.
Also today, there's a civil war scenario that
Could occur surrounding the 2020 election and involving what's called the National Popular Vote Pact, where now 12 U.S.
states have agreed to push their electoral votes over to whoever wins the quote popular vote.
And there's a scenario that could lead to civil war with this.
I'm going to talk about that in detail.
By the way, to the crew, I'm not seeing the clock, so let me know.
Get that clock up there for me so I can segue out here when the time is right.
Also, some scenarios of how Trump may dump massive documents, even if he loses the election in 2020, which I don't think will happen.
But also comments about his second term and why the Trump second term will be much stronger than Trump's first term.
A couple other comments, too, about how everything the left promotes is an affront to God.
The slippery slope of censorship.
They started with Alex Jones.
Of course, now they're censoring vaccine information.
Thank you.
I do hear the music.
What's coming up next?
Censorship of fluoride, GMOs, pesticides, and anti-cancer foods will all be censored soon.
So all that straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with me here.
We'll be right back after this short break for much more.
Stay with us.
I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most oppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night all the arrogant leftist authoritarians like the Young Turks and others get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
Once again, it is a great honor to be here, to be filling in the fourth hour here for the Alex Jones Show.
Just to be able to reach all of you with this really important information.
Things are changing so quickly.
The assaults on our liberties and freedoms are now so aggressive.
Where you've got now, I mean, think about in Congress now, they're allowing Democrats to be anti-Semitism pushers.
Their hatred is okay, right?
Their hatred is excused by the radical left, but then they say that
You being a Christian, let's say, oh, you're engaged in a hate speech, you have to be censored and banned, but their hatred against Jews is totally fine.
You know what I mean?
And it's just so, the hypocrisy is so blatant, it's out of control.
It's just, here we go again.
Things are getting crazy.
But getting to the main story today.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has just put out, well actually it was over a week ago that they put this out, but it's just starting to surface.
They put out a huge statement opposing mandatory vaccines.
Now again, this is a pro-vaccine group, so you know, I want to be up front about that.
They're not opposed to all vaccines.
It's a pro-vaccine group.
But they are adhering to this foundational principle of what's called informed consent, which means the doctor.
And by the way, this is also, this idea is promoted by the American Medical Association of informed consent.
The doctor is supposed to inform you, or the parent in the case of a child, inform you, okay, here are the possible benefits of this intervention, and here are the possible risks.
Now, you decide.
You decide because guess what?
It's your body.
Doctors are supposed to inform people, and then let people make decisions about what medical interventions they want, because the truth is, and this is what the vaccine pushers deny, the truth is that every medical intervention carries a risk.
And the vaccine industry lies about that, and they say, they just blatantly lie, and they say, well, vaccines have never hurt anyone.
Are you kidding me?
The government publishes statistics every year in the VAERS database.
That's V-A-E-R-S.
I think it's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
It's part of HHS.
You can just go to the website.
V-A-E-R-S dot H-H-S dot gov.
It's right there.
You can download the spreadsheet.
It's, oh, here's how many children had to
We're good to go.
Vaccines don't harm anyone.
That's totally ignorant.
So the American, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says, guess what?
Strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines.
Gonna read you some of the bombshell highlights from their announcements, and then we're gonna go into why some Second Amendment groups are pushing vaccines now, essentially at gunpoint, which is insane.
But back to the AAPS statement.
Quote, governmental preemption of patients or parents decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child rearing.
I was like, wow!
I read that.
Finally, a doctor's group is talking about liberty instead of medical tyranny.
Because, you know, the vaccine industry has devolved into this fanaticism medical cult of, like, vaccine jihadists who are, you know, like they would wear suicide bombing vests as doctors just to run into a group of anti-vaxxers and pull the cord and detonate and kill as many anti-vaxxers as they could.
They're that crazy now.
They're totally insane.
They want to penetrate your body at gunpoint with proven dangerous toxins, toxic ingredients, adjuvants, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, antibiotics, aborted human fetal cells.
We're talking about dead babies that are in the vaccines that are put into your children.
What did I just say?
Yeah, dead babies, okay?
Aborted baby tissue is put into the vaccines.
If you don't believe me, I just published an article on Natural News.
I think it was yesterday, and I've also linked to it today.
But yesterday's article, let's see, it was about the genetic sequencing science breakthrough just proved that measles outbreaks are caused by the measles vaccine.
In that article, I link to the CDC.
I link to the
CDC website that admits aborted human fetal tissue cells are used in vaccines.
And guess what?
Guess what?
One of those cell lines was taken from a murdered baby from a psychiatric patient mother.
So she was in some kind of psych treatment
And they aborted the baby, they grabbed those baby tissues, and then they use that to keep making more and more vaccines so that they're injecting your children with dead baby tissue.
It's true!
The CDC openly admits it.
And people who don't know this are just ignorant.
They're just medically illiterate, frankly.
They don't know what they're talking about.
They don't even know what they don't know about this.
All right, but back to the statement from the AAPS, quote, there are no rigorous safety studies of sufficient power to rule out a much higher risk of complications for vaccines.
There are no studies that use an unvaccinated control group.
There's no honest placebo group.
What the vaccine industry does is they trick the clinical trials.
They take all the toxic ingredients of a vaccine, the adjuvants, the aluminum, the mercury, all these other things, and they call that a placebo.
And they inject both groups with all these toxins, and then all the negative effects, all the seizures, all the comas, all the deaths cancel each other out.
And they say, look, vaccines don't cause seizures.
It's all fraudulent junk science.
It's a trick.
And we're exposing it every day here in the alternative media.
That's why people know this is the only place to get this truth.
All right, the AAPS, I'm going to wrap this up for their statement, but they go on to say the smallpox vaccine is so dangerous you can't even get it now.
There are reports of severe permanent brain damage from other vaccines, including the bird flu vaccine.
And they say there are complications that have followed MMR vaccination.
And are even listed in the manufacturer's packaging insert.
So right on the vaccine insert sheet itself, it says these vaccines cause all these serious complications.
And we've done stories and InfoWars has done stories on that before that show some of those insert sheets.
Enormous conflicts of interest in the vaccine industry.
Suppression of research of scientists who dare to speak out against the toxic effects of vaccines.
All of these things are mentioned by the AAPS.
And also, you know what?
Senator Rand Paul has come out on this issue as well.
Rand Paul says mandatory vaccines are the wrong policy.
Rand Paul is a physician, medically trained.
Rand Paul is pro-vaccine in the general sense.
I think he said that he vaccinates his own children.
I doubt he uses all the multi-dose vaccine vials.
If he knows anything, he'll use single-dose vials without the mercury, but I don't know for sure how he vaccinates his children.
The point is, even Rand Paul, who is essentially pro-vaccine, says mandatory vaccines are a bad policy, a dangerous policy.
Now, here's where this gets twisted.
Now we've got pro-Second Amendment publishers.
That are pushing vaccine propaganda.
One publisher, AmmoLand, AmmoLand.com, which has been a very reliable pro-Second Amendment, pro-Individual Liberty publisher, today they put out this vaccine propaganda cartoon by a cartoonist named Michael P. Ramirez, where they're pushing vaccines.
They're pushing the measles vaccines and they're mocking people who don't want their children vaccinated.
And it's like, what is wrong with you people?
Don't you realize that now you are just like a leftist?
Listening to gun people talk about vaccines when they don't know what they're talking about is just like listening to a liberal talk about Glocks when they don't know how Glocks work.
Like they'll tweet out, oh, we just discovered that Glocks fire bullets when the trigger is pulled.
That's amazing!
And that's what it sounds like when you have these pro-Second Amendment groups pushing vaccines.
They don't know anything about vaccines.
You're falling for the leftist agenda.
You're falling for the globalist agenda.
You want the government to come in at gunpoint and vaccinate your children and penetrate the bodies of your children while you proclaim to be pro-liberty because you support gun rights?
People, the Second Amendment exists to protect you and your family against assaults with a deadly weapon which includes deadly vaccines administered at gunpoint against your will.
That is a deadly weapon.
It's a medical weapon.
Why do you think the Second Amendment exists?
You need to get your head straight on this issue.
I'll be back with more.
This is Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show, back after this break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
I was thinking about these Second Amendment defenders who are now pushing vaccine propaganda.
And this idea just came to me on a break.
Somebody needs to make a meme.
All right?
So all of you awesome meme creators out there, pay attention.
Here's the meme.
I just have the text for it.
You can find the right image.
But the top of the text is, you can't take my guns.
And then the bottom is, but you can have my children.
Because that's what these people are doing.
They're like, government, get your hands off our guns.
But here, you can have our kids.
You can have our homeschooled kids.
You can have our children in public schools.
Just take the kids, shoot them up with whatever you want.
Because, oh yeah, we trust you, the government.
We trust you, the CDC.
We trust Big Pharma.
Yeah, even though the vaccine industry has absolute legal immunity, which means they have no incentive for quality control whatsoever, and the vaccine insert sheets themselves basically say, yeah, this can kill you, or this can cause severe harm and neurological damage, and the government publishes statistics every quarter about how many children are killed by vaccines, but somehow, some of these pro-Second Amendment people who still don't get it are out there, like Ammoland that I mentioned,
You know, if you contact Ameland, be polite.
They're good people.
I'm not saying they're bad people.
They're good on the Second Amendment.
But you need to have liberty to be universal.
If you don't want the government to bust into your house and take your guns, why would you want the government to bust into your house and take your children and vaccinate them against your will as a parent?
It doesn't make any sense.
And of course, it's the radical left that is pushing all of these agendas.
They want to take your guns.
Gun confiscation is now openly pushed.
They want to forcibly vaccinate your children against your wishes.
There's a law that's being debated.
I think it's in Iowa.
I'd have to check that, but where they would actually have armed vaccine squads go door to door to break into your homes, hold parents at gunpoint, and essentially force the children to be vaccinated, essentially at gunpoint.
That's actually being debated now.
These are the same leftists that are now pro-infanticide.
So, of course, they murder children and they celebrate it.
This is the new law in New York and in Vermont, I believe, and other places now.
This is what they want.
And then they claim, oh, we love the children, at least the ones that we don't kill at birth.
We love the surviving children so much.
That we want to just vaccinate them for their own good.
You know what that sounds like?
Sounds like the gun control argument.
Oh, we need to take your guns for the greater good.
This is what you hear from leftists all the time.
Oh, you can't be allowed to make your own decision on self-defense.
The government will defend you against crime.
You don't need a gun.
Just dial 9-1-1 and pray.
And wait 37 hours in Chicago for a police officer to show up.
So, look, my message to all these people and all these political cartoonists like Michael P. Ramirez, who is a pro-liberty cartoonist who's pushing this vaccine propaganda, my message is very simple.
This is what they're doing.
If you believe in liberty, apply it universally.
If you think the government should get out of your gun rights, the government should get out of your health freedom as well.
The government should not tell you that you have to take chemotherapy or that you have to surrender your children to the government thugs, the medical kidnappers who take children away to be forcibly injected and forcibly dripped with chemotherapy drugs.
Get the government out of our lives in every area.
Don't just take one area and then, like, oh, you're against gun confiscation, but you love globalism in every other way.
What's wrong with you?
Get your head on straight.
I mean, why do we have to teach liberty to pro-Second Amendment people?
Don't you get it?
It's universal.
It's universal liberty.
And I apologize if I sound a little steamed on this, but you know what?
You know, that's what this show is all about.
That's what independent media is all about.
We are principled people.
We have principles.
We don't just choose which areas of liberty to ignore.
We are pro-liberty on all the areas of liberty.
We're like, hey, you want to manufacture your own gun where it's legal?
You know, using a ghost gunner or using your workbench or whatever?
That's your right.
Government has no business to tell you that you want to buy or grow your own food.
Government has no right to tell you that you can't have a home garden.
You want to educate your own kids?
Government has no right to come in and force you to push public school propaganda on those kids.
Liberty must be universal or it's pointless.
Because the government will try to invade your life in every area.
They're not going to stop with guns.
They're not going to stop with vaccines.
They're not going to stop with pushing pesticides into the food supply.
They're not going to stop with trying to outlaw homeschooling.
They're not going to stop with the... The tech giants aren't going to stop with the censorship of Alex Jones.
Now they're censoring content about anti-cancer foods.
Now they're censoring content that questions vaccines.
Next, they're going to be censoring content about nutrition.
There's going to be a day soon where you go on to Facebook and you try to post, oh, vitamin C prevents scurvy.
And Facebook is going to say, you're banned.
That's hate speech.
How's that hate speech?
Well, it's not approved by the FDA.
Or, you know, I mean, you pick anything, any nutrient.
Vitamin D prevents rickets.
Well, of course it does.
That's been known for hundreds of years.
But if you go somewhere and say that, Google's gonna ban you, YouTube's gonna ban you.
Because you people, you sat back and you did nothing.
You did nothing while they steamrolled all your rights.
They took away all your liberties.
And you only picked and choose the one liberty that you were gonna defend.
I'm gonna hold on to my guns.
But what?
Let them take your speech?
Let them take your children?
Let them take your home garden?
Let them take your home school?
Let them take your body against your will?
What are you fighting for, if not for universal liberty?
You understand?
It's universal.
The right to speak, the right to worship, the right to express religion, the right to peaceably assemble, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to raise your own children with your decisions as a parent, to decide what goes into that child's body in terms of food and medicine and what is rejected, such as chemotherapy and vaccines and GMOs and pesticides and anything else that you decide as a parent.
Don't dare call yourself pro-liberty unless you believe in universal liberty.
That's my point.
And yeah, I feel pretty passionate about this.
I'm not trying to mimic Alex Jones here, by the way.
I just feel that it feels like an Alex Jones moment of just outrage.
Just to say the truth.
Just to say what's obvious.
Just like Alex was speaking out against infanticide, you know, on the Joe Rogan Show.
And he's jumping up and down and he's screaming and he's cursing.
That's the appropriate response, people.
I looked at that and I said,
Yes, Alex.
Yes, that is exactly the correct response.
Everybody in America should be jumping up and down and screaming and cursing about the killing of babies, the murdering of babies in our country.
And I'm tired of people saying, well, I want to be polite.
I want to get along with everybody.
Let me tell you something.
These left-wing tyrants, they're not interested in getting along with you.
They're not interested in negotiating with you.
They're not interested in coexistence.
They'll put a bumper sticker on their car.
They don't mean it.
They want to murder you.
They want to murder Christians.
They want to kill Trump supporters.
They want to kill their own babies.
You think they don't want to kill yours too?
Of course they do.
These people are not tolerant.
These people are not inclusive.
They are the enemy of humanity.
Stop trying to appease them.
Stop trying to make the tyrants happy.
Stand up and be an American, for God's sake.
Be a man.
Be a woman.
Have courage.
Have some backbone.
Stand up for something that matters.
Stop giving in to this tyranny in medicine and politics and speech.
Stop giving in.
Stand up.
Take a stand.
It's about damn time.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Mike Adams.
All right, I gotta change the topics here for a minute because I think if I keep talking about these vaccine mandates, I'm just gonna be even more enraged here.
So let me switch the focus here for a minute.
There's a civil war scenario
That you need to know about.
There are 12 states now that have signed on to this, what's called this National Popular Vote Compact.
What it says is, you know how the Electoral College got Trump elected because the Electoral College reflects the popular vote within each state.
And the purpose of the Electoral College was to actually, so that we could have a constitutional republic and not a mobocracy.
Where just the popular votes from the big cities and the big California and New York would determine everything.
We need to represent all the states in America so we have an electoral college that actually gives more weight to the individual votes in states like Wyoming compared to the mob votes of illegal aliens in California, thank goodness.
But of course the left is totally enraged about the fact that the electoral college doesn't vote the way they want it to be.
So they've created this popular vote pact.
12 states have signed on to it.
Colorado most recently, with the governor, just signed it into law.
What this says is that if there are a total of 270 electoral votes in terms of participation of states, and if the popular vote, i.e.
the Hillary Clinton vote,
If Hillary succeeds the other candidate which wins the electoral vote, then all of these states are going to switch their electoral votes to the popular vote candidate.
In other words, if this were in place in 2016, Hillary Clinton would have won.
And states like Colorado would have betrayed their own voters.
So voters in Colorado and Oregon and Washington State and other places where this is being pushed and in some cases signed into law, your votes are going to be outweighed now by the votes of illegal aliens in California and New York and other liberal states.
Now, the Civil War scenario is as follows.
2020 election.
What if we have a repeat of the same thing that happened in 2016, where President Trump wins the Electoral College?
But there's a Democrat candidate, let's say it's Hillary Clinton or maybe Joe Biden, who knows, who wins the popular vote because, of course, Democrats have managed to whip up enough vote fraud and illegal aliens voting in places like California and elsewhere so that they have a popular vote.
In this case, these states that have signed on to this pact would switch their votes to the Democrat candidate.
Now, then the Democrats would announce, we won!
But the conservatives would say, no, no, no, we won.
We won the Electoral College vote.
We won the presidency.
The Democrats would say, no, no, no, we won because of this new law.
Now you have a real split.
What do you have there?
Now you have both sides thinking the other side is completely illegitimate and it shouldn't be leading the country.
This situation can happen.
And we're actually building toward that happening.
And this situation could lead to outright civil war as each side attempts to assert its authority over Washington, D.C.
So I could see 10,000 armed patriots going to Washington, D.C.
to say, no, we're going to defend our Constitution, defend our Republic, defend our President.
I can see that happening.
Meanwhile, the left is going to send, you know, 10,000 Antifa, armed Antifa, I don't know, with baseball bats and spikes or something,
To Washington D.C.
to just start slaughtering people, you know, murdering people.
Maybe they'll bring their own babies along so they can commit infanticide, which they love to do anyway, right there in the streets, you know, to celebrate their philosophy, the philosophy of death.
The left is a death cult.
So you're going to have this.
I can see this happening not only in Virginia and Washington D.C., but other places around the country.
Now, it's not hard to figure out.
And by the way, I want to say here, I do not endorse initiating any kind of violence if such a scenario were to occur.
Our job as responsible gun owners, people who abide by the law, and people who are working to defend our republic against lawlessness, our job is to only fire in self-defense.
In defense.
We don't initiate violence, we stop violence.
But if violence is initiated by the left in that scenario,
Antifa, left-wing terrorists, I don't know, a million Obama followers who have been brainwashed into a zombie-like assault wave.
That battle is going to be over very quickly.
Because the Patriots obviously know how to defend themselves better than people on the left.
But that is a very real event that may happen.
Another event, people, actually, another journalist was asking me recently in a private conversation,
Asking me, why isn't Trump releasing the FISA warrant documents?
Why isn't Trump just dumping the deep state truth out there and exposing everything about Rod Rosenstein and James Comey and the abuse of power, the Robert Mueller investigation, everything?
A couple of answers on that that you may not have thought of.
The obvious answer is, oh, he's waiting for the Mueller report to drop so that he can then dump these documents and, you know, contradict whatever propaganda is in the Mueller report.
Well, that could be happening any day now.
But the other theory is that President Trump is waiting for his second term because he still needs to get elected, you know, re-elected for the second term.
He still needs a base of support in conservatism.
He still needs some amount of the conservative establishment to continue supporting him as president.
So he can't go full-on anti-deep state right yet.
He could do it if he wins a second term, and he doesn't need to be re-elected, but he could also do it, and this is what you may not have thought of, he could also do it if he loses the 2020 election.
Remember, the election happens in November, but the new president wouldn't be sworn in until January.
If you go back to 2016 slash 2017, Obama used that period to sign a whole slew of laws and regulations and executive orders that allowed the deep state to start sharing
Intelligence information that was illegally gathered on President Trump and his campaign managers and his business associates.
And that became part of the deep state investigation, the Russia collusion hoax, into current, modern day President Trump.
But Trump, if he were to lose the 2020 election, which I don't think will happen, but if he were, he would have two months to dump every deep state secret imaginable.
He could just go full out.
Because the President can declassify anything.
He could declassify... Here are the secrets on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Here are the secrets on the corrupt FBI leaders like James Comey and Peter Strzok.
Here's the truth about Robert Mueller.
Here's the FISA warrant illegal acts that took place.
Here's the British intelligence people who conspired
Through back channels, conspired with the Democrat Deep State in America to try to overthrow a presidency.
Here's proof of the coup!
So depending on what happens in the 2020 election, we could be seeing Trump going like full nuclear.
I don't mean that literally.
I mean like dumping, dumping all this information because he's on his way out anyway.
So keep that in mind.
Now one more note about the 2020 election.
Slightly different topic.
You notice how Democrats are fighting the citizenship question on the national census.
What is this all about?
Something you need to keep in mind is that the census determines how many members of the House that each state is granted based on the proportion of its population compared to the national population.
So the more that California can inflate its population with illegals, the more seats California gets in the House of Representatives.
And since California is allowing illegals to vote for senators and to vote for members of Congress, we are being overrun nationally by California's insurrection, by California's lawlessness, and California's willingness to violate the rule of law and allow illegals to be counted in the census and to vote in federal elections.
This is why we must have a national voter ID law in place.
We must have free speech restored very quickly so that we can have an open debate before the 2020 election.
And most importantly, as Stuart Rhodes said from Oath Keepers, and I agree with him,
The leaders of California, the political leaders who are carrying this out, they are engaged in open insurrection.
They must be arrested, criminally charged, indicted, and prosecuted for their open insurrection against the United States of America.
That is what needs to happen right now.
Trump needs to get it done.
Much more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in.
We'll be back after this break.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, we're going to touch on a lot of topics in this final segment for the show today.
Mike Adams here filling in for Alex Jones.
Thank you for continuing with me.
Be sure to share these videos everywhere.
Also, of course, Brighteon.com is the YouTube alternative video platform.
It's spelled like the word bright, B-R-I-G-H-T.
With EON.com on the end of it.
In fact, the Infowars channel there is the largest channel that we have on that platform.
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Use, you know, DuckDuckGo or something different.
You've got to use alternatives for this.
All right, now, a couple other things.
Women's sports are being decimated, of course, by the transgender movement, the LGBT push.
is destroying women's sports to the point where now the Olympics is saying that biological men can compete as women if they just say they're women.
Now this is apparently supposed to be a pro-feminism position so if you
If you want to destroy all women's sports and destroy all the records that women had, you know, think about all the amazing women who spent their lives to be amazing athletes and they have records in the long jump and they have records in sprinting and they have records in every sport you can imagine.
All those records are going to be blown away.
There won't be any more women in the Olympics if this continues.
You're just going to have two branches of the Olympics.
You're going to have men's sports and then you're going to have
You know, girly men's sports.
You're going to have men in men's sports, and you're going to have men in women's sports, men who claim to be women.
How is that feminist?
How is that supporting women's rights?
That's insane.
The reason that men and women are on different teams, I mean, different competitions, is because men and women are biologically different.
And if you didn't have women segregated in their own sports, then there would be no women
Thank you.
Ability for social interaction.
Women are smarter when it comes to friends and family.
Men are just physically stronger and tend to be better at video games and things like that.
Men and women are different.
Biologically different.
And that's why you have to have different competitions in the Olympics.
But I guess the feminists don't care about women anymore.
That's the big upshot from this.
It's just insane.
Here's another piece of news.
So China has stopped buying all the recycled materials that are coming out of these liberal progressive cities, where people dutifully, let's separate the plastic, and let's separate the aluminum, and let's separate the paper, and they do their duty, and they separate all into these little bins, and then these little bins get collected by the cities, and then
Since China's not buying it anymore, these cities just incinerate everything.
They're just burning plastic now.
So, I don't know what the point is of recycling.
And this is being reported all over the mainstream media now, by the way.
I'm not just citing this out of the blue.
I think Wall Street Journal reported on this recently.
The progressivism of recycling has turned into mass plastics incineration and pollution.
So this is the reality of the Green New Deal.
You know, we have this incredible vision.
What if we all just recycled everything and we'd have all this amazing clean world?
That's the utopia.
That's the vision.
That's the promise.
That's the fire festival of ecological environmentalism.
But in reality, you're just burning plastic bottles.
You're just, like, billowing black smoke into the sky and polluting farmlands and polluting communities and creating smog and toxins and causing cancer in nearby communities.
That's the reality of what's happening.
I mean, that's... Recycling has become a joke.
Just like everything that these leftists push.
I mean, they push massive solar farms.
Let's have 100,000 acres of solar farms.
Well, where are you going to get the rare earth metals to make the solar panels?
You know, all these minerals that go into the solar panels.
Where are you going to get those?
Oh, we have these really dirty child slave mining operations in third world countries, but don't tell anybody about that!
Because, you know, those minerals are necessary for wind turbines, and they're necessary for solar panels.
So, yeah, you have all these dirty operations, child slave operations all over the world, destroying the environment in places like China or India or elsewhere, or South America for that matter, for certain minerals, to get these minerals to make all these green products.
Oh, it's so green!
It's so green!
We have green, clean energy here!
Oh, what's that smoke in the distance?
Oh, don't worry, they're just burning all the plastic bottles next door because that's progressive.
Don't worry, women can't compete in the Olympics anymore because that's progressive too.
All the sports records are
Blown away by biological men pretending to be women.
And don't worry about the child slave mines for rare minerals in Asia.
You don't see them, you know, so they don't really matter to the greenie weenies here in the United States and the Ocasio-Cortez Green New Deal, which is, you know, again, the fire festival of utopia, of liberal utopia.
So that's it now.
Recycling is now, you might as well, if you're going to do the same thing that a city did, you just collect all your plastic bottles, and I'm not recommending you do this, but this is what they're doing.
What if you collected all your plastic bottles, threw them into a metal barrel, and just lit them up in your backyard?
That would be the same thing that cities are doing.
They're just burning them!
I mean, this is the 1800s!
Now, this is, I mean, even my grandparents, they had a farm, I remember they would just burn their trash.
And it was like, well, you just burn your trash out here.
I was shocked by that as a kid when I saw that.
I was like, oh, here's a here's a giant barrel.
He's just setting fire to it.
That's interesting.
I'd never seen that before because I grew up in the suburbs.
You know, we had a trash truck come pick up the trash.
But now cities are just going back to just just burn it, burn it all.
They don't care what they release into the atmosphere.
Heavy metals.
You know, computer parts.
You burn those motherboards and those video graphics cards.
Guess what?
You release mercury.
You release toxic levels of copper into the air.
You release all these toxins.
All of these heavy metals.
You release lead into the air.
They don't care!
It's in the name of Utopia!
It's all green now!
So if you just burn toxic trash, that's green.
And that doesn't even count, you know, the $93 trillion Green New Deal, which would, of course, collapse combustion engines, just outlaw all tractors.
There goes the food supply.
Just outlaw trucks on the highway.
There goes Walmart.
No more products at Walmart.
You know, how about, let's tell Ocasio-Cortez.
Before trying this incredible experiment on the entire country, why don't they just do the Green New Deal in New York only?
How about that?
Since that's where Ocasio-Cortez is from, how about just Manhattan Island?
Just have a Green New Deal in one state or one area.
Just ban airplanes.
Shut down the JFK Airport.
Shut down all cars.
Just shut down.
No trucks can deliver food to New York.
Just have trains going everywhere.
Let them start building train tracks across the Atlantic to London, since a lot of people fly to London from New York.
Just see how that goes.
Let's just try it one place first.
You know, before you apply your idiocy to the entire country, how about you try it where you live first?
And, oh yeah, no more beef for you, Ocasio-Cortez.
No more hamburgers, no more steak, no more animal products, even though, you know, your staffers are caught eating burgers all the time.
You can't have that.
Let's have an embargo on meat products to New York State, because they want to try the Green New Deal.
Again, the fire festival of environmentalism.
This is what they want!
Let's let them live in it.
You see, this is the key of socialism.
Socialists are wealthy elitists who want you to live in their nightmares while they live as parasites off of your productivity.
But they never want to live in their own nightmares.
They create these artificial cities extracting your wealth, your money,
Taking away your freedom so they can live like kings and queens, but they never have to be subjected to the atrocious laws that they subject you to.
Which is why Al Gore flies around on airplanes, private jets all over the world, complaining about fossil fuel emissions and global warming.
But there you go.
This is the ultimate hypocrisy, the ultimate contradiction of socialism.
That's why socialism sucks.
That's why we should all vote against it forever.
I say abolish socialism, reject the Green New Deal, and fight for liberty.
Fight for making America great again.
That's why I'm wearing this shirt today.
Thank you for joining me today.
This is Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for tuning in.
Share these videos everywhere and help fight for America.
Take care.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!