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Filename: 20190219_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 19, 2019
2816 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics including attempts to remove Trump from office, deep state efforts to undermine American sovereignty, the Jussie Smollett incident, and Rod Rosenstein's departure from the Justice Department. The show promotes several products available on InfowarsStore.com. Carpe Donktum discusses his viral video meme about fake hate crimes. In a subsequent segment, Alex Jones addresses sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, highlighting the media's double standard in coverage of these stories. He also mentions various issues such as anti-mass migration parties in national elections, outrage over a Playboy interview with John Wayne, vandalization of a statue due to Me Too concerns, Karl Lagerfeld's warning about mass migration, and the Trump administration launching a campaign against criminalizing homosexuality in dozens of nations.

You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
There is all kinds of important developments that have happened in the last 24 hours and we're going to do everything we can to break them all down and get to all of them in the next four hours of this Tuesday, February 19, 2019 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be joining us in the next segment, but let me just lay out the entire schematic for what we're going to be covering today and really how it all
Is a separate issue, but the same issue.
So now you have multiple Democrats coming out and, let's say, supporting the Deep State coup to remove the President with the 25th Amendment, which was run by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, which was then exposed by House and Senate committees, and then made public when they released the text messages.
And it talks about meeting in McCabe's office, doing everything they can to stop the President.
McCabe then goes on television, does interviews saying, yes, we tried to remove the President with the 25th Amendment.
We were thinking about that.
We did plan on having a wire on Rosenstein when he went and met with the President.
Yes, we did spy on the President as well.
It all happened.
It was all treason.
The President knows it.
And now, in a new form of cover, you're, you know what, the Democrats are just saying, oh yeah, let's invoke the 25th Amendment!
So it used to be, we're not investigating the President, to we're gonna remove the President, to we're not gonna remove the President, to we should remove the President!
And the cycle goes on and on and on.
And there's some other stuff floating out there that they try to use to keep this Russian collusion narrative going.
It's all a big nothing burger, as admitted by Van Jones.
But here's a funny one.
Even, this is hilarious.
This just shows you how the left is totally lost right now.
Bush lawyer, the story is on Infowars.com, Bush lawyer calls for Trump to be removed under 25th Amendment.
So again, we told you they were trying to do this, they denied it, now they have to come out and admit all of it because they did it illegally.
They committed treason, so now they're just trying to commit treason in the open to act like it's no big deal.
But Richard Painter, didn't, look, did Dick Painter not run for office?
I'm pretty sure Dick just ran for office and lost.
Go try to find the dumpster fire ad.
So Dick Painter, a literal dumpster fire campaign ad, runs as a Democrat, a Bush ethics czar.
A President George W. Bush ethics czar.
Is now on the side of the Democrats.
What happened to these people?
They used to think George Bush had no ethics, but his ethics czar, Dick Painter, apparently he's the guy to listen to now, a failed politician.
So you got that developing, just open treason happening right now, just a wide open coup against the president.
We told you it was going on, now it's totally public and they have to come out and admit it.
That's not all.
How about this for a major development?
Rod Rosenstein plans to leave Justice Department next month.
Oh my my, what a juicy little giblet that is.
Now look, I'm no fan of William Barr, but...
Getting Rosenstein out of there is like getting, I mean, that's a major swamp drain.
That is a swamp rat.
Just an obese swamp rat.
Looks like he's going to be leaving the Justice Department.
That's huge.
Yesterday, President Trump delivered an epic and what will be a historic speech in Miami.
Folks, I mean,
I don't know how else to cut it other than he's basically declaring we're going to force regime change in Venezuela.
Now, that was the overtone of the speech, but there was an undertone of attacking socialism, demonizing socialism, saying America will never be socialist, which I totally agree with.
I agree with those undertones, but the overtones of regime change and all options on the table
Well that's something we're going to have to discuss on the Alex Jones Show today.
An epic four hours ahead.
Alex Jones joins us on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
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It's February 19th, 2019.
I'm Alex Jones reporting here from the road.
Owen Schroer is taking over at the start of the next segment with all the very important breaking news and world developments.
First off, we have something that's happened that is extremely illustrative of exactly who the deep state is working for and how they undermine America.
Destiny, and America's sovereignty, and America's interest.
Huawei head, which is completely government backed, who's one of the top members of the Communist Party in China, he's come out and said that the lights will go off in America, and that we will fall, and the lights will stay on in China and in Asia, and that the United States is going to collapse.
And he went on to say that we're so far ahead of you technologically that you'll never catch up.
And to a great extent, that's true.
Because since the 60s and the project that the Rockefellers developed, we took China that had almost no running water, where people didn't even have toilet paper, and industrialized it and then transferred all of our latest technology to them.
Whether it's weapons or genetic engineering.
When China is this huge, powerful, authoritarian state who's taking over large parts of the world and basically dominating Africa and Australia economically and militarily and taking over the South China Sea and shooting on our ships routinely, that that's all okay.
But when Trump says it's okay for America to be a nation and for us to be proud of our country, President Trump is the devil.
Again, the number two telecom in the world, putting in 5G that admittedly dials in and spies on everything we do, who's been caught putting spy chips on all their cell phones and devices, banned by dozens of nations, says, you're going to be in the dark, you're going down, you're going to collapse.
Well, they did cut off our coal, that was half our power.
They did set up tariffs, our own government did, where we couldn't compete.
America was being slowly put into the dark.
And then Trump and InfoWars, and our great audience, simply tries to get a fair shake and we're the traitors.
But let's shift gears out of that now.
The full story is on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Let's get into the victim economy and this small-net character from Fox's, Fox's empire.
I said ABC yesterday, I knew it was Fox, so correction there.
Why on earth is the mainline system defending him?
Why are they making excuses for him?
We'll get into that in just a moment.
But first, let's look at the 25th Amendment coup that we first warned of that was ongoing two years ago, now admitted in the last month in mainstream media, being sold suddenly by all these prominent Democrats and Republicans.
We'll play a clip of this in a moment.
Elizabeth Warren, a known liar who forged her bar entry card as Native American in Texas and other criminal actions.
That is criminal.
She, ladies and gentlemen, says that he needs to be removed via the 25th Amendment.
I don't have any special knowledge.
You know, I'm not the one who hangs out in his office and he sees him every day and sees how well or how poorly he's able to manage from day to day with the decisions that he faces.
But what I do know is there are a whole lot of people who do see him every day who evidently were talking about invoking the 25th Amendment.
My point here is that if they believe that Donald Trump cannot fulfill the obligations of his office, then they have a constitutional responsibility to invoke the 25th Amendment.
Their loyalty under law is not to him personally.
Their loyalty is to the Constitution of the United States and the people of the United States.
And then, of course, we have Brian Williams of Stolen Glory fame, who said he was shot down in a helicopter.
Hillary basically said the same thing.
She was shot on the ground in Bosnia and Serbia, but that's another story.
Brian Williams had George W. Bush's ethics czar.
That's certainly a really, really sick joke.
I guess Jeffrey Dahmer or Hitler will have an ethics czar, maybe Mao Zedong or Attila the Hun or, I don't know, Bugsy Siegel or Al Capone maybe should be hired as the ethics czar.
Painter was on with Brian Williams on NBC telling us how Trump is completely mentally ill and needs to be removed from office.
The president is not well at all mentally.
I think he's an extreme narcissist.
He has been denied what he wants, his wall, and he is having a hissy fit.
He's out of control and we really need to keep in mind that
This is because the President is not well.
This is a man who believes Vladimir Putin rather than his own intelligence sources.
He is not capable of doing the job.
He does need to be removed under the 25th Amendment.
But he stacked his cabinet with people who are unwilling to do that.
And Congress is apparently unwilling to even try to remove him through impeachment.
So again, you just saw those clips.
You just heard those clips.
And there's been so many others the last few days calling for this.
It makes our heads spin.
But it took years and years after we broke this with our sources and with our research for it to be admitted exactly like we said.
And do we get credit?
The answer is shut down InfoWars.
But we made it safe for all the rest of conservative media and all the rest of liberal media to finally admit what's going on behind the scenes.
And only after it failed on the DL, on the down low,
Was it then brought out, out in the open, to then, in a desperate fashion, try to bring Trump down?
Because his approval ratings are going up, despite the economic war with China, the economy's come back some, and the globalists know that their demoralization campaign of America is failing, so they're now in complete panic mode.
Now, let's move back to what I mentioned at the start of the segment, the victim economy.
There are countless top Democrats and countless top Hollywood producers in articles on Infowars.com with their tweets and comments saying they still believe that Smollett is telling the truth.
And that they know there's rampant racism in Chicago, that they don't trust the police, and they think maybe they staged it.
That's actually now being said by most of these Democrats in articles up on Infowars.com.
But Trevor Noah is a little bit smarter.
One of the five late-night comedians that really pose as newsmen, and who most libtards get their so-called news from, he's a little more sophisticated, or his writers are.
They know this House of Cards is coming down.
They know that they can't cover it up.
So what has he come out and said?
What has he come out and pushed?
We'll play the clip in a moment as we go to break here.
And maybe we can come back and play some more of it.
He has come out and said, well, he never bought the story from the beginning, even though he broadcast and talked about it and pushed race war.
But that there was one part of it that was so convincing, that was his acting on an interview he did on television talking about it, that he deserves a major award and that he should be kept on the show because he's such a good liar.
You tell a hoax, you try to get a race war going, you try to blame a whole class of people that just want to make America great again.
You have 12 detectives working on the case in a crime-ridden city run by Democrats, and now you make the whole thing into a giant, sick, filthy joke.
This made me so angry.
Either this guy's telling the truth, or he deserves an Emmy for that interview.
Because if all of that is just a performance, I don't care what he's lying about.
You can't cancel him.
He's too good to not be on TV.
That's basically where the story is now.
And look, I don't know how it's going to end up because every day the story just gets stranger and stranger.
Tomorrow we could find out that those Nigerian brothers are actually princes and they needed the money to unlock their royal inheritance.
I don't know where this is going.
Or maybe they're a part of the NBA team that Obama is forming in Africa.
We don't know.
We don't know.
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
The full clip, again, is up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
The real reason the globalists and Media Matters and Hillary and the deep state want to shut down is we have a memory.
We'll point out what they said a year ago or two years ago or six months ago.
We'll bring up these uncomfortable truths for the establishment.
But the good news is the cat's out of the bag.
People know about staged events and false flags.
They know most of these
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I had to uncrumble a news story here that the crew brought to me during the break because I'm just so sick of it.
This Jussie Smollett obsession, and then Cardi B, who has to be the most forced celebrity, force-fed celebrity since Kim Kardashian.
It's like, it just makes my head spin.
Just total fakeness.
I mean, why are people so obsessed with fake crap?
But that's a totally different thing.
I'm not going to go down that road.
But the reason why I'm frustrated is because I'm sick of hearing about Jussie Smollett
Yes, it's like, okay, he faked the hate crime.
So, but first, look at what's happening now, because this is why the story was handed to me.
And Cardi B, I guess, is amongst these celebrities, blaming now the Chicago police for the faked hate crime.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
So, it's like, there's new developments, and then I gotta come out here and kind of just lay the groundwork again.
So now,
This whole thing apparently originates with a letter sent to Smollett, some, you know, hateful racist letter sent to Smollett, sent to the Empire Studios.
Smollett's upset it didn't get enough attention, so then he staged the hate crime.
So now they have to investigate that letter.
And I don't think you should stop there.
When you're as big of a fraud and as big as a phony as Smollett, I think you now have to investigate, is he even faking being gay to receive advantages in Hollywood?
And is he even really black?
I think we should investigate that because he's a known liar.
I think everything should be investigated.
In fact, he's such a good actor.
I mean, here's the exclusive from ABC News.
ABC News exclusive.
We have the man that faked the hate crime right here.
They knew it.
They all knew it.
They all knew it.
And so he's sitting there crying.
So he's such a good actor.
Or maybe that's a woman.
I don't know.
I mean, everything should be investigated about Jussie Smollett.
He is such a good actor.
He can play the role of a black man without makeup.
He can do blackface without makeup.
Is that the real Jussie Smollett?
I don't know.
This guy is such a phony, such a liar.
I think we need to look at everything.
Is that even a real beard?
But now...
After he's probably faked at least two hate crimes against himself, probably right out of the Democrat Party playbook.
I mean, they've been caught by Project Veritas.
Do I have to go over all of this every day?
And now...
The goddess.
I mean, this is the most talented woman in the world.
She's done so much for women's empowerment.
Really, we should probably just make Cardi B president of the UN.
And I think the whole world would be a better place.
Because she's figured it out.
You see, it's the racist Chicago Police Department that's the problem here.
So first it's, okay, let's, the Trump supporters are not as hateful and racist as we claim, but we really put a lot of stake in that argument.
So let's stage a hate crime.
All right, send a letter to yourself.
Okay, nobody cared about the letter.
All right, go out in the street and pretend to get beat up and claim it was people wearing MAG hats.
Okay, oh, well, we got caught, we faked that.
Okay, well, let's say we had to do it because we just, we had to do it to show how bad America was because of these people.
And then let's blame the police!
But it's just like I said yesterday, folks.
There's a story in the Washington Post, I believe it is, today.
I've got so much news here.
They, oh, yeah, yeah.
Washington Post writer laments Jussie Smollett case falling apart.
I need this story to be true.
That's an executive assistant to the Washington Post editorial board, Nana Efua Mumford.
Needs the story to be true.
They all need the story to be true, because that's their worldview!
They need this confirmation of their worldview!
Instead of learning... See, this is the NPC in them.
Instead of learning that their worldview is not right, instead of learning that their worldview is inaccurate, they have to stage something, hoax something, get the entire American public to go along with it,
Because they need their worldview affirmed, which isn't even accurate.
So look, you know, he's probably going to jail, he probably faked the letter too, he's probably not even gay, it's all fake probably from this guy.
And then here's, you know, so Trevor Noah, let's just roll some of this Trevor Noah clip from last night, where apparently I guess Trevor Noah finally has seen the light that Smollett lied about the whole thing.
Find out!
You've all probably heard about the incident involving Empire actor Jussie Smollett.
The incident involving?
According to Smollett, he was walking the streets of Chicago a few weeks ago at 2 a.m.
trying to get a Subway sandwich when he was beaten up by two white guys.
And not just any two white guys.
These guys recognize Smollett from Empire and they beat him up.
See, this is all still propaganda.
Pause it, pause it, pause it.
This is still all propaganda.
Notice how he lays out the entire false narrative before anything.
Doesn't mention it was all fake.
Doesn't mention he hired two black men to do it.
He lays out the entire false narrative.
This is, I mean, look, I don't know if, I don't think Trevor Noah is this bright.
Maybe he is.
Maybe he's a propagandist.
I don't understand, but he lays out the entire false narrative before he gets to the actual truth.
That is the art of propaganda.
That is the art of speech.
So go back to the clip.
And they threw a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, and yelled, this is MAGA country!
So he affirms the false narrative before he does anything else.
That's right.
The police now believe that Smollett staged his own attack.
Which would be insane!
But, you have to admit, there's a certain part of the story that was always a little weird.
Like, who are the MAGA supporters who hate gay people, who hate black people, but also happen to watch Empire?
Like, I've heard of hate watching, but that shit would be next level.
Alright, well we gotta dump that.
Buying tickets to Fiddle on the Roof, just like, look, I'm no fan of the Jews, but you gotta admit, they can play a mean fiddle!
Alright, I can't really stand this guy.
So, okay, so they're all admitting it was fake now.
I mean, you know.
But they're not really giving... I mean, they're making a big joke out of this.
Notice when they do joke about Trump, it's like hate, like he's the worst.
Here's a guy who's actually lying trying to divide America.
By the way, he did like 10 television interviews after this.
Now he's refusing an interview with the Chicago Police Department.
Wow, funny how that works, isn't it?
So, Jussie Smollett, a total scumbag.
But he's just a typical leftist.
He's just a typical commie leftist socialist that's been propagandized to hate America.
Who knows if he's being run by the Democrat Party or if he did this all, you know, on his own.
There you go folks, that's the left in a nutshell.
Fakes a hate crime against themselves to affirm their worldview that isn't accurate and then blames their enemies for the things that they did.
So first they stage a hate crime against themselves, they blame white guys in Trump hats.
Then they get caught staging it by the Chicago Police Department and then they blame the Chicago Police Department for racism.
That's the modern day left in a nutshell right there.
That's all you need to know.
Case closed.
Now, we move on to more important news on the other side.
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You think in this digital age, your word's gone forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
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So please now, commit to support InfoWars however you can, and realize your provision to InfoWars is your own provision.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Owen Schroer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I haven't even mentioned that we've got great guests coming up today.
Carpe Donctum.
At Carpe Dantum on Twitter.
Who's had, I don't know how many of his meme videos go viral.
Like almost everything he does, everything he touches goes viral.
He's got that magic touch.
And he's gonna be joining us in 30 minutes here.
He had his video shared by President Trump, the State of the Union video.
Everybody hurts in the background.
Twitter banned it.
President Trump then remixed it with Lee Greenwood, proud to be an American, and re-shared it.
So, Carpe Danktum joins us to discuss all that and we'll take a look at his latest meme of the Jussie Smollett hoax.
Just more meme magic.
Because here's what you do.
You take their meme, like this music video was a forced leftist meme, with a bunch of propaganda in it.
It was all broken down by Paul Joseph Watson beautifully.
And you take their meme, which is meant to attack America's culture, and then you remix it with what their culture actually is, staging hoax hate crimes, and you shove it in their face.
And then you take their art form, add your magic to it, and you create better art, more powerful art.
And notice, it's their art that's force-fed.
That song wins a Grammy.
I mean, I guess it's okay.
I mean, when it comes to, like, musical composition and everything, it's total garbage, but, you know, it's music, it's popular, I get it, people listen to it.
It's a catchy song, it's a catchy video.
But, uh, to win the song of the year?
Whoa, let's slow down.
No, it's forced propaganda.
It's forced meme warfare.
So, Carpe Dantum joins us.
Then, Dr. Edwin Vieira is going to be joining us with Stuart Rhodes, who's going to be in studio, to talk about just the latest at the southern border and what needs to be done as President Trump declares an emergency.
And then Paul Joseph Watson is hosting the fourth hour and he's got a brand new video as well that we're going to debut here on the Alex Jones Show that you're not going to want to miss.
Now I got a bunch of news that I got to get to here and I need to really remain focused for the remainder of this segment and in the 10 minute segment after that to try to get to all of this news and really flush it out so that people can understand the tides that are turning right now.
And I'll even explain that a little bit too.
But, as you know, InfoWars is the most censored.
In fact, guys, pull up Paul Joseph Watson's Twitter right now and look at the image he just put up.
It's got like eight commentators on there, media people on there, like himself, Lauren Southern, Stephan Molyneux and others, Tommy Robinson.
And it's kind of got like a, it's almost like a baseball card of stats on social media.
There it is right there.
And basically it takes all these conservative commentators and it's kind of ranking them as far as their following, but more than anything it's just saying, okay, here's where they've been banned, here's where they've not.
Can you guys pull up the full image, if possible, and make it full screen?
Yeah, thank you.
Now, notice how there's one name that's not on there.
Alex Jones.
And the funny thing about that is, that we should almost make the Alex Jones social media baseball card up right now, and it's nothing but X's.
So see, it's got like, Paul Joseph Watson hasn't been banned anywhere, and then it's got, so it's got all his numbers there, and it's got Milo Yiannopoulos, he's got almost 900,000 on YouTube, almost two and a half million on Facebook, and then on Twitter he's got an X, because he's banned.
Ann Coulter on YouTube, X, because she's banned.
So you get the idea.
But see, Alex Jones,
Just X's down the line.
Nothing but X's if you're Alex Jones.
He's not allowed to exist.
Jussie Smollett is allowed to fake a hate crime and divide this country, and he's still allowed on social media.
By the way, just go try to find all the Democrats and all the Hollywood actors and actresses, all their tweets about the Smollett hate crime, at least what they thought was.
They're all gone.
They're all gone!
None of them issued an apology or retraction.
They just delete their tweet and, you know, it's just, you know, whatever.
So, if you want to support Alex Jones, who has nothing but X's next to his name on his social media stats, go to InfoWarsStore.com, because Alex Jones is the one that drives this entire InfoWars team.
He drives the entire satellite cruise ship that we have here in Austin, Texas, and it's all made possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
And Alex is really excited about two products right now.
The Turbo Force, which I'm sure you've heard about by now, which is the energy support, energy boost, focus boost powder that we have.
You mix it up with about 8 ounces of water, chug it down, and you get sustained energy without the crash.
That's at Infowarsstore.com.
And then the Brain Synergy Combo right now, with an order of Turbo Force, you get Brain Force Plus for 50% off.
So that's at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
And then the brand new protein bars are at InfoWarsStore.com right now as well.
If you are the type of individual that keeps protein bars in your pantry like me, now is the time to make the shift to the InfoWars Live Protein Bar.
But give it a try, right now is the time.
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That's two boxes of the brand new InfoWars Live Protein Bars.
We're good to go.
The old protein bar box that you had in your pantry with the brand new InfoWars live protein bar at InfoWarsStore.com and that makes everything we do here possible, which is kind of tough considering we're totally censored on social media.
Now, let's look at some of the developments that we have going right now.
And I'll tell you what.
You know, our ancestors were obsessed with astrology and mapping the stars and mapping the planets and trying to understand the revolutions of the earth and the sun and the moon and everything.
And so this is so
This is so ingrained in our very fabric of our being, of our consciousness, of our gut, of our brain, of our DNA, that I don't know if we can point to astrology for why things happen, or if it's so ingrained in the very fabric of our existence that it still impacts us like the moon impacts the tides.
I follow astrology kind of for fun on the side, but I'm telling you, if you follow astrology, you can track major movements on planet Earth.
And so, there's a full moon, it's called a snow moon, it's the second full moon of winter, and there was other some anomaly happening with this one, and then the new moon is next week.
I was just reading some stuff about this, looking at some stuff, and so when I was doing my research yesterday, I was like, you know what, we're about to see a major sea change happen in here.
Again, I don't know if this is because there's something like super celestial and divine about the stars and the rotation and then our existence, or if it's just because it's so ingrained in our existence for thousands of years, our ancestors studying the stars.
But sure enough, yesterday was the snow moon, and look at some of the major developments we had, folks.
The speech that President Trump gave yesterday addressing Venezuela is so key, it's almost immeasurable.
First, he's basically saying, we're going to force a regime change in Venezuela.
We're saying the president of Venezuela is Guaido.
If you do not accept that, we're moving in.
All options are on the table.
Then he says America will never be a socialist country, attacks socialism in general, says we're going to save Latin America from socialism, we're going to save Cuba and Nicaragua from socialism.
And so now he's attacking socialism in America as well, which is next level because that's where the Democrats are going.
That's what Bernie Sanders has just committed to.
In a story that has gone almost unmentioned, Rod Rosenstein is set to leave the Department of Justice.
How come nobody is talking about this?
This is huge.
So we're going to have all of that, along with some tweets from President Trump on the other side, just savaging on Twitter today.
But some action may be needed soon, folks.
We'll be right back.
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Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
And the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Imagine flying through space.
You're flying through space.
It's the year 3030.
Everyone space travels now.
By the way, President Trump is set to make a Space Force announcement during the Alex Jones Show today.
We may carry that live.
You're traveling through space in the year 3030 and you're on the great ship InfoWars.
And you're traveling through space and you come up to a rest stop and you pull your ship up to the rest stop.
You park it, and you get out, and you're stretching your legs, and people are all staring at you, and they're like, oh my gosh, they're like, what?
Is that the InfoWars ship?
I didn't think that ship, I didn't hear that existed.
I thought that ship was gone.
I thought, I heard that ship didn't exist.
I heard that was just a legend.
And people are like, boy, is that really InfoWars' ship right there?
Is that really it?
Is Alex Jones on that ship?
I heard it was gone.
I've never seen it before.
That's where we're at right now.
Like, you, you stumble upon InfoWars
In the cyberspace, and you're like, oh my gosh, InfoWars?
I thought that was banned.
I thought they erased InfoWars.
We're still out there floating around.
President Trump took to Twitter this morning.
I'm just going to go through all the tweets so far from President Trump today.
It starts this morning, bright and early.
Quoting Victor David Hanson this morning on Fox News, the witch hunt in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which the United States government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and got caught.
Trump added the last part there, and got caught.
So again, here's the president just letting you know.
I mean, he knows these people engaged in treason.
We all want to see him take action, but
It's nice to know that he at least knows what's going on.
Had the opposition party, no not the media, won the election, the stock market would be down at least 10,000 points by now.
We are heading up, up, up.
Yeah, the stock market, at least, I mean, the Dow, the Nasdaq, the S&P have remained
I mean, it's kind of been a roller coaster.
Pretty high.
But the Dow has been up hovering around 26,000 now for a minute.
And that's been rare.
But that's high.
I mean, that's that's big.
It probably would be down.
And Trump's right.
He said it's record highs.
I mean, how dare Russia?
As I predicted.
In his national emergency address, 16 states led mostly by open border Democrats and the radical left have filed a lawsuit in, of course, the Ninth Circuit.
He literally predicted that.
California, the state that has wasted billions of dollars on their out-of-control fast train with no hope of completion, seems in charge.
Now, when I read that, I almost had a belly laugh this morning.
Because if you follow the California fast train story, it really just sums up California in general.
A big fat pipe dream that results with zero done, nothing actually accomplished, but a big fat bill.
That's basically the fast train, and it goes on.
The failed fast-train project in California, where the cost overruns are becoming world record-setting, is hundreds of times more expensive than the desperately needed wall.
And so I've got all these people sending me stories today.
I have one of them in my stack of news.
taxpayers fund border walls in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Middle East.
Someone sent me a story about how the state of Illinois
Just built like 2,000 miles of walls to protect their train tracks.
So, I mean, you know, yeah, you invest a bunch of money in your train tracks, people use the train, you want to protect the train, they build a wall around the train tracks to protect the train tracks.
But we can't have a wall at the southern border.
Oh, and by the way, just since we're on that note,
Democrats no longer want ICE notified when illegal aliens try to purchase a gun.
So again, these people want total gun control.
They've even said they'll confiscate the guns now.
But at the border, you can walk right across with a gun, no problem.
And if you're an illegal immigrant, and you try to purchase a gun, they don't want anybody to know about it.
Now look, if I was a detective, and I saw that happening, or let's just, I mean, what would your first instinct be?
My first instinct would be, you want these people to have illegal guns so they can commit murder.
Do you want them to commit murder for you?
Seth Rich, John Ash, Barrington Wisenant, Sean Lucas.
I mean, those are just recent names.
I mean, if we really want to go down the list, I mean, we only have five minutes left.
It might take the whole segment.
All right, let's go on.
Back to President Trump's tweets.
The Washington Post is a fact-checker only for the Democrats.
For the Republicans and for your all-time favorite president, it is a fake fact-checker, absolutely.
So that is President Trump on Twitter today.
Now again, if you try to go on Twitter and look,
And some of the Democrat tweets, Hollywood tweets over the Jussie Smollett story, they were all deleted.
And there is a Kamala Harris clip here, where she's fumbling and stumbling and bumbling around when she's asked about the tweet.
Also, in the same clip, but in a different moment of the clip, which I think is more significant.
I mean, obviously these Democrats are embarrassed that they got hoaxed by Jussie Smollett, but
In the same moment she says that she's not a democratic socialist.
Now see, I saw that this was coming yesterday when President Trump attacked socialism so hardcore in his historic speech.
He's forcing the Democrats to own socialism.
And so a Democrat like Kamala Harris... See, so basically they're having to measure right now whether it's advantageous to declare yourself socialist or not.
Kamala Harris measured the situation and said no.
Bernie Sanders measured the situation and said yes.
So Kamala Harris gives you a quote today that says, I'm not a democratic socialist.
Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, went full socialist.
Says that this
I think so.
Half of Bernie's base has totally abandoned him.
Beyond abandoned him.
It's like when LeBron James left Cleveland and they started burning his jerseys.
That's what has happened to Bernie Sanders.
I don't see how this guy could win.
His voting base in the 2016 election sued his ass.
He got his ass sued by the people that voted for him.
How in the hell does this guy think he's gonna win?
Or is Bernie Sanders posing as a Democrat again as a stalking horse?
Because he's gonna be the one, look at that, he got a haircut and a comb!
This is unbelievable, a good socialist, Bernie.
I think he's gonna be used as a stalking horse to keep attention off Tulsi Gabbard, which I don't understand.
Look, if the Democrats wanted to win, they would be all in with Tulsi Gabbard.
I fear Tulsi Gabbard.
I thank God the Democrats don't want Tulsi Gabbard.
But here's Bernie Sanders.
He's gonna win.
He's gonna complete the Socialist Revolution, even though he lost last year, and his voters sued his ass.
DNC fraud lawsuit.
That was against you, Bernie Sanders.
You stole from your voters.
You lied to your voters.
They caught on.
The Democrats are just now openly admitting planned treason.
See, first it was, oh, he's unfit.
Russian collusion.
Oh, but we don't want to remove the president.
Oh, we're not targeting the president.
The entire investigation was to target the president.
It all comes out.
It all comes out that they were planning a 25th Amendment coup.
It all comes out that they were wearing wires to spy on Trump, or were going to.
Spying on him with his cell phones, had him tap FISA warrants, everything.
So they're behind closed doors treason has now been exposed.
So now they're just going with open treason.
I mean, it's the classic CYA technique.
When you get caught doing something behind doors, just come out and do it wide open in the public to get the attention off the fact you did it behind closed doors.
Act like, oh, there's nothing wrong here.
And then, and then,
Sorry, the crew just handed me something.
It's just beautiful.
So then, when they admit that they're just planning treason openly here in public to remove the president, they say, oh, he's just unfit.
And then Dick Painter.
I mean, folks, the fact that this guy is saying that Trump is unfit for office, this guy's a clown.
This guy's a total goon.
A jester.
A joke.
But he's gonna say Trump is unfit.
He can't even complete a television interview without slobbering on himself.
I'm not exaggerating!
That's Dick Painter!
The former Bush ethics czar.
Bush apparently had no ethics, according to the Democrats.
Oh, but now all of a sudden Richard Painter is the guy they listen to who says Trump's unfit.
He's drooling on air.
We'll be right back with Carpe Danktum.
You don't want to miss the next thing he made.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
This is America!
Don't catch us livin' on...
We're good to go.
Look what I'm whippin' up.
This is America.
Don't got you slippin' up.
Look how I'm livin' up.
Police be trippin' up.
Yeah, this is America.
Guns in my area.
I got the strap.
I gotta carry them.
Yeah, I'ma go get the bag.
Yeah, yeah, or I'ma get the bag.
Yeah, yeah, I'm so cold like, yeah.
Dare I say, we're about to be joined by the Rembrandt, the Da Vinci of meme making.
On the other side of this break, Carpe Dantum.
We're gonna debut this meme on the Alex Jones Show in its entirety on the other side of this break.
But his latest work, he just came out with this, the social media baseball card if you will, Alex Jones.
Does not compute.
Does not exist.
He never even played the game.
He was never even on social media.
In fact, Alex Jones never even existed!
He was never even a human.
And so that is the latest art from Carpe Danktum.
But let's look at the meme that Carpe Danktum made that President Trump shared that was then censored on Twitter.
So this is actually the remix the president put up after they censored the original one.
Democrats pouting to live in America.
They're not proud to be American.
They hate it.
There's the old Bernie before he found a comb and a haircut.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
That was reiterated yesterday in President Trump's speech addressing Venezuela and socialism.
As Bernie Pouws.
Maybe that's why he got the haircut and the comb.
More people are working now than at any time in the history of our country.
157 million people at work.
Democrats hate that.
They just want a bunch of socialists living off the government.
Faith in America's destiny.
That one nation, under God,
Must be the hope and the promise and the light and the glory among all the nations of the world.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Thank you very much.
It's really just a a Goldmine the memes created by Carpe Danktum.
I mean truly just a goldmine.
I mean I go back and I recall
I'm not sure if it was his first meme but I think it was probably the one that went viral and that was the Bugs Bunny with Trump's head on the Bugs Bunny head when he's the maestro at the orchestra.
We're good to go.
Carpe Dankum never stopped and keeps delivering and he joins us on the other side.
So, remember that video President Trump shared that got censored on Twitter?
We have the creator of that video on the other side.
Don't go anywhere, it's the Alex Jones Show.
For those looking for the ultimate source of energy for their day, every day, the Brain Synergy Combo is here.
Combining the powerful TurboForce and BrainForce Plus nootropic formulas, this combo has what you need to hit your maximum potential every day.
Take the tasty tropical berry flavored TurboForce instant ringlets with you on the go or at work to help provide you the focus, clarity, and
We're good.
The Civil Rights Group, the Southern Poverty Law Center says there have been at least 700 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation since the election.
This is America.
Don't got you slippin' up.
Don't got you slippin' up.
Look what I'm whippin' up.
This is America.
Don't got you slippin' up.
Look how I'm livin' up.
You're watching the latest Carpe D'Antem meme video where he's exposing all the fake hate crimes that the left have staged.
Mainstream media choir
This is America.
Look what I'm whipping up.
Look how I'm kicking up.
I'm so pretty
So, Carpe Dantum joins me now, and I gotta be honest with you folks, this is to me, I have to approach this, I think, differently than maybe anyone else that's interviewed Carpe Dantum, but really just, I have to kind of switch gears here because
I feel like right now I'm interviewing one of the greatest artists of all time.
And so that's how I want to approach this.
So, Carpe Doctum, thank you for joining me today on the Alex Jones Show.
First of all, so let's talk about the name.
Obviously, Carpe Diem, Seize the Day, the famous saying.
And then you have Carpe Noctum, which is Seize the Night.
So Carpe Doctum, is that Seize the Donk?
It's Seize the Donkey.
Seize the donkey.
Seize that democrat.
That is my interpretation of my fake Latin, yes.
Well I have to say, you've done a lot of great work obviously, your creativity shines through.
I feel like this last video you did is actually next level.
Because it's like multi-dimensional meme warfare, where you take, and I want to know if you did this intentionally, but you take their leftist meme of forced meme warfare, which is the This is America music video, which they forced everybody to watch, they gave it the Song of the Year award, it was filled with all sorts of propaganda, meant to demonize America,
And then you took it and twisted it and said, no, you guys are the ones that's bad for America.
Was that your intention using that song?
Well, I have to give some credit to Mike Cernovich.
It was his idea to use the song.
But that was the intent, was to turn that whole narrative around.
Like you said, they made it song of the year.
You know, it's got a good beat and all that kind of stuff, but it's not song of the year.
And the video was intentionally made to go viral because of how controversial it was with all the violence that was in it and all that.
But yeah, the intent was to turn that around on them and use it back at them.
Now, when you're seeing a situation like the Smollett story develop,
And you're trying to figure out how you can seize that donkey.
What's going through your head?
I mean, how do you analyze it?
How do you come up with these ideas?
And then, when do you decide, okay, this is what I'm going with?
Well, you know, I actually held off for a really long time on it.
I didn't want to get caught.
You know, attacking it if it was legitimate.
I mean, the story was ridiculous.
Oh, you mean like, unlike CNN and the rest of the mainstream media choir, you waited to know the story.
Well, yeah, you know, it's a shocking thing these days, but I waited, you know, a whole week until it was clear that it was fake.
I thought it sounded fake from the beginning, but without any sort of confirmation, I didn't want to get... I don't want to have to delete tweets.
You know, I don't like to go back and say,
Oh, I made some bad tweets here.
I'm going to delete them.
I like to get the story right the first time.
So after that, then I just approached it just like I'd approach anything else.
You know, it's a hoax.
It deserves to get made fun of, like, as much as you possibly can.
Now I see the video that you made, and I'm watching it, and it's just so brilliant.
Like I said, it's 21st century art to me, you know, motion art, whatever you want to call it, meme art.
And just, I mean, showing all the fake hate crimes and just, boom, hitting them with the hoax, playing that this is America.
It just shows how they are the hoax.
I don't know.
For me, it's just like, this video just encapsulates everything about how they're the hoaxers.
They're the liars.
They're the dividers.
They're the ones who are trying to destroy this country.
And again, it's like, it's just, it's next level genius to use their meme against them.
Has anybody, have people like been upset with you for doing that?
Has there been a backlash or has it mostly just been, dude, you knocked this one out of the park?
I've gotten mostly really good feedback from it.
And honestly, with the president tweeting me and everything like that, I got very little hate mail.
I actually get more hate mail, like, before all this.
So I don't know if people are just afraid to approach me or what, but most of the comments have been really good.
A lot of people have liked it.
I mean, I released it last night at like 10 o'clock and it did just as well as if I had released it primetime.
So clearly it was popular.
Now I want to know what the first, because I think, correct me if I'm wrong, the first meme video you did that at least went viral and got a bunch of attention, was it the meme where you put Trump's head over Bugs Bunny where he's the maestro of the CNN Mainstream Media Orchestra?
Yes, well I did one video before that but it was not viral.
The very first meme that actually went viral was the maestro and Alex Jones played it on the show.
I have to say thank you guys very much because you've promoted my work over the last couple years and really actually put me where I am today.
But that was the first one that was ever viral.
Well, you put yourself where you're at.
We're just an amplification tool here.
And, you know, we just want to get other patriots on there and just get their work out there and amplify them as well.
So it's your work that makes you popular.
We're glad to be an amplification tool for you.
Now, what did it mean?
Obviously, you were covered by Alex Jones years ago and other videos went viral.
And so you've probably been picked up, I'm sure, by dozens of other media outlets.
But to be retweeted by the president, what was that like?
That was crazy.
It was everything that I thought it was going to be.
It was nuts.
My feed, there was no way I could keep up with my Twitter feed.
It was going a mile a minute.
The REM thing was just insane.
I couldn't believe that I was being attacked by a 90s rock band.
Well, everybody hurts.
That's true.
Including REM.
Some people hurt more than others, though, I think.
I think we learned that this week.
And I think the video had, what was it?
Was it three million views when they took it down?
What was it at?
I believe it was, yeah, three million, three and a half million, something like that.
And then the original one that I put out has gotten a couple million views since.
And then the president says, I don't even know where that one's at right now.
4.21, I guess.
Yeah, the new one.
And so it's nice though, because you didn't, you had no, correct me if I'm wrong, but you had no involvement with the remake the President did, right?
He just put his own music over your video?
I'm not at liberty to say.
Okay, then I won't ask my next question either then.
So in the next segment though with Carpe D'Antem, I actually want to get into his mind about some of the stuff he thinks about, you know, with the politics and the Jesse Smollett story and some other developing things, but you just got into the mind there briefly of who, I mean, folks, look.
When, honestly, when painters are painting stuff originally, when, if you go and, like, look at artists when they first started making stuff, nobody cared, they weren't popular.
It wasn't until later in life where they really get popular.
You're looking at a shining star right here, Carpe Dantum, of 21st century meme art.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And then it became a thing of like, oh, it's not necessarily that you don't believe that this is the truth.
You don't even want to see the truth.
This is America.
Jussie Smollett from the hit show Empire was attacked and beaten early this morning.
It's horrible to report.
They are looking for two suspects who are apparently wearing Make America Great Again hats.
I'm really afraid that this is a much bigger operation than two people.
Connect the dots.
This is what happens.
This needs to f***ing stop.
And so I knew everyone would be picking apart his story.
It's not for me.
That's not my concern.
Right, right, right, right.
And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.
The fact that we have these fear mongols.
These people that are
And that would be you, Jussie Smollett.
You are the fear monger.
You are the one trying to separate us.
And it's all been exposed.
And now, you face jail time, my friend.
I almost hope, for Jussie Smollett's case, that this was a Democrat operation and he was just a puppet.
Because that might be the only way you stay out of jail, friend.
Now that was a remake of the original Carpe Dantum meme with the This Is America meme and the Jussie Smollett hoax and the other hoaxes put over it.
And we talked to Carpe.
In the last segment, just to kind of get into his head, who I think is going to go down as one of the most legendary meme makers of all time.
I don't think we understand this art form quite entirely yet.
But I want to kind of just get into some politics with him, just what he thinks about current events here in this segment.
So what do you make of this carpe donctum that Jussie Smollett had the nerve, while he knew this whole thing was obviously fake,
To go on TV and say, this is the state of America.
Racist, sexist, homophobic, how dare we live in this land of fear mongers that try to separate us.
Everything that he is, he tries to project on America.
I mean, what do you take away from that?
Well, first, did he actually say fear mongrels?
Did I mishear that?
Should we get the audio?
We can play the audio again.
I swear he said fear mongrels, not... He did say mongrel.
He did.
He said mongrel.
Doesn't that sound just a little bit racist just on the surface right there?
Wow, I didn't even think about that.
I mean, what was he trying to say there?
But anyway, what I think about all this is this is the tool that
The left uses to silence people.
It's how they make, well, like Alex Jones, they make associations with names so that they can make people fear to say those names.
If you say Alex Jones on Twitter, you might get banned from Twitter.
If you say Alex Jones on Facebook, you might get banned from Facebook.
They want people to be quiet, and they want them to feel that they're by themselves.
So, all of this stuff, the Jesse, or Jesse, whatever, however you say his name, the hoax, it's meant to make us feel isolated, by ourselves, and alone.
That's my take.
You know, what do you think his motivation is?
Is this just how every leftist thinks?
Is this just the very fabric of every leftist?
Could he be working, perhaps, for a Democrat operative?
I mean, could that be the case here?
Or do you really think that this is just the average leftist that just wants to stage things like this to try to destroy this country and this culture?
Honestly, I don't know.
I mean, from what I see around, I mean, there's tons of hoaxes.
There's average, everyday people.
They can't all be operatives, but there's just average, everyday people that think it's a good idea that if they can hurt the president in any way, or hurt the movement in any way, that they'll just do it, and they don't think about the consequences.
They don't expect that there's going to be consequences, because there never are.
These hoaxes, I did want to mention that there's a website there, thehatehoax.org, that I haven't even been able to get on right now because there's been so much traffic there.
And it lists all of the hoaxes from the last two or three years.
And it's a ridiculous number.
And that just proves that they think they're going to get away with it.
You know, I'm glad you brought that up because I want to use that as an example.
And I've been saying this.
Even the littlest action, even the smallest action, even something you think is tiny and insignificant can play a major, major impact.
I guarantee you, the creators of that website, hatehoax.org, when they originally created it and continue to add to it and build the database,
They probably have sometimes wondered if it was worth it, wondered if it wasn't futile, wondered if there was any reason to do it, and then boom!
This happens, it goes viral, they get millions of views, and now the entire purpose all plays out right there.
And so that's why I try to tell people,
Just take action, begin somewhere.
You don't know when your actions can change the world.
You don't know when the smallest actions can change everything.
I mean, like I said, when you first started making memes, did you ever think you'd be shared by the president, featured on InfoWars?
I always hoped I would, but I never thought that I would.
To your point there,
If they had not created that website, how would we find all of these things?
Because I don't know if you've tried to look stuff up, but if you try to look up any of these things, they're buried under thousands of other stuff.
Like you can't even find them.
It's really hard if you're not keeping track and you're keeping a record of it.
Google buries it, Twitter buries it, Facebook, all of them.
YouTube can't find it.
Yeah, yeah, and I even think, this is a conspiracy theory, but I think that Google's, just the entire SEO of Google has become so big now that their algorithms basically now trump all other SEOs somehow.
Because it's even harder to find this stuff on the other search engines out there, and you know Google's working their algorithms to bury these stories.
I mean, you can basically learn that in real time.
I had an idea given to me, uh, probably eight months back and I could not, uh, I couldn't do it because I didn't have the time to go sift through all of the footage.
I thought it would be easy.
All I was looking for was, uh, videos of mainstream media people saying Trump is racist.
It's said every day, it's said all the time, but if you go looking in, uh,
In YouTube, it's impossible to find those clips.
You have to comb through.
You gotta comb through everything.
Alright, we got 60 seconds.
Now look, if you don't wanna get into this, I understand, but I need an answer here.
Can you confirm or deny that you were the character featured in Make Love Not Warcraft in South Park?
I can't confirm or deny right now.
Can Carpe D'Antem confirm or deny that he was featured in South Park?
Can you confirm or deny?
I can't confirm or deny.
I just know that InfoWars is the sword of a thousand truths.
Alright folks, well we're gonna have to dig deeper into this mystery.
It's Carpe D'Antem.
He's meme legend at Carpe D'Antem on Twitter.
Follow him now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
There is no debate.
There's a national emergency at the southern border.
No matter which way you slice it.
Now I'm joined in studio by Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org.
Dr. Edwin Vieira joins us over Skype, edwinvieira.com.
His bio, very long and impressive.
Studied at Harvard for many, many years.
Holds many degrees.
Been practicing law for a long time.
Studying constitutional issues for a long time.
So he's going to join us now.
Newswithviews.com is where you can find some of his stuff as well.
And we're going to talk about what the president needs to do at the southern border and what the range of his powers are when it comes to getting the job done.
So, Stuart, good to have you in studio again.
Dr. Edwin Vieira, good for you to join us.
Stuart, why don't you kind of pitch this to Dr. Vieira just as to how you think or what you think the president needs to do.
I know that Dr. Vieira is actually working on a recommendation right now.
Yes, I asked Dr. Vieira to write up his recommendations for President Trump, and we'll do our best to put it in the President's hands.
So, Dr. Vieira, if you could talk to Trump right now, what would you tell him that he could do and should do to strengthen his position and do the right thing?
Well, I think, first of all, he might flesh out that proclamation that he promulgated the other day, because what he is certainly going to be faced with
There's a series of judicial challenges to that.
There's already been one case filed challenging whether a true national emergency actually exists.
And you'll find various talking heads and gurus, legal experts supposedly, on the internet who are also questioning that matter.
It's a rather truncated and euphemistic description he gives of the nature of the emergency that's involved with illegal immigration in this country.
And that's the factual predicate, if you will, for everything else that he does.
Now, if you look at the way the National Emergency Statute is written, it provides essentially no entree for the judiciary to become involved in this process.
What Congress has done is to enact a series of legislation which entitles the President to declare a national emergency and then to execute whatever the powers there are in those particular statutes.
That execution of the powers, of course, is dependent upon his determination that there's a national emergency, but that's a question that really is, as lawyers would say, a political question.
It's one that turns upon the President's discretionary evaluation of the situation, and he's been given, clearly, the authority by Congress to, to that extent, to take that kind of step.
Now, the safeguard against that is built into the National Emergency Statutes, and ultimately it is that Congress, one house or the other, or both of them together eventually,
Can investigate what has been going on.
Supposedly, I would think, can require the administration to provide evidence and give testimony.
And then if necessary, can reverse that determination of a national emergency and prevent the president from taking the action he's taking.
So there's really no room for the judiciary to be involved in this.
But what we will see, just as we saw earlier,
When President Trump began working on the immigration problem and put out his first proclamation, executive order, I can't remember what the title was that he used, immediately people were running into the courts seeking injunctions and other kinds of relief against his action.
So there's problem number one.
Now problem number two gets into the question of the use of the particular statutes that he has invoked.
One of them doesn't seem to me to be particularly controversial.
That's Title 10 of the United States Code, Section 12302, which allows for the President, in a time of national emergency, to call up up to a million members of the Ready Reserve for a period not to exceed 24 months, two years.
The question then arises, though, assuming that statute's use, what are those people going to do?
It certainly was not specified in the proclamation that the President put out as to precisely what people called up under that particular statute would do, or how that would tie into the national emergency that's being posited.
Then we have another statute that he invoked, Title 10 of the United States Code, Section 2802,
Which gives him the power when he declares a national emergency to set up military construction projects for the use of the armed forces.
And that would tie into this question of calling up the ready reserve.
But then we get into what are these military construction projects?
And I suppose most people would say, well, that will be a wall or some similar facility and maybe whatever these ready reserve people would need while that construction was going on.
But the problem behind that is that ultimately, and as the proclamation itself points out, it's the Department of Homeland Security, this civilian agency,
Which is going to be in charge and which up to now has been receiving assistance from the Department of Defense.
So one wonders to what extent you can justify saying that this wall or the other facilities are a strictly military construction project for which that particular statute that I've quoted would give him authority.
Did he make a mistake initially by even putting it in that civilian
Law enforcement box?
Shouldn't he have just said, simply as Commander-in-Chief, I order the military to the border, secure the border, and construct the wall for military?
Make it purely military.
Isn't that the best position he could have been in?
Well, then he still runs into this national emergency quagmire.
Well, why even declare a national emergency, though?
Why not just give the orders?
Well, he wouldn't even need to declare... I don't think he would need to declare a national emergency.
There are two other statutes which no one seems to have noticed.
Title 10 of the United States Code, Section 252 and 253.
I won't quote them because they go into some detail.
But they give the President the authority, without having to declare a national emergency,
To use the armed forces to suppress a whole laundry list of dangerous situations, which would include illegal immigration as it now exists properly defined.
Now, what's interesting about that is that if he used that particular statute, number one, he wouldn't have to declare a national emergency.
He would be able to call up
...the Reddy Reserve under color of that statute.
He would probably be able to engage in this military construction projects operation under the other statutes that I quoted, because if the military were actually involved in this and controlling it...
Then those construction projects would be part of the military deployment operation.
So you'd sweep away a number of these technical but perhaps real legal problems by using those two particular statutes.
And those two particular statutes
Would also obviate the potential problem that could come up under what he's done of the Posse Comitatus Act.
Because, I mean, theoretically, what are these military people he's going to call up to active duty, what are the ready reservists going to do?
Are they simply going to be pick-and-shovel men, engineers, construction people who will work on a wall or some other facility?
Or are they going to actually be securing the border in the sense of attempting to enforce, to some extent at least, probably to a significant extent,
The actual civilian immigration laws along with the Border Patrol people, the ICE people and other, Coast Guard for instance, and other people connected with Homeland Security.
If that's the case...
And you have the military people enforcing civilian law, you run right into the problem of the Posse Comitatus Act.
But an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act is any statute of Congress which has specifically provided for the use of the armed forces in the execution of the laws.
And those two statutes that I quoted, 10 U.S.C.
252 and 253, do precisely that.
So if he had put those two statutes in with the ones he has already identified,
In this proclamation, he would be on the street with Barack Obama.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, this is actually a good example, I think, Stuart and Dr. Edwin Vieira, of why Americans are so frustrated.
Now, during the break, Dr. Edwin Vieira and Stuart Rhodes were carrying on the conversation or the breakdown that Dr. Vieira was going into with what the President needs to do or the powers he has, the authority he has to build a wall, declare a national emergency, send troops to the border.
And I think that this is really where we run into our ultimate frustration here, guys.
Because, obviously, we can sit here and we can talk about all the legal aspects and all the different statutes and everything and we'll get back into that.
It's ridiculous.
There is a damn invasion at the southern border.
I don't need an algorithm.
I don't need arithmetic.
I don't need algebra.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, I don't need trigonometry.
And so it sucks that we have to sit here and try to break down all the different legal angles and everything instead of just America saying, look, there's a damn invasion happening here.
They're running guns.
They're running drugs.
There's rapists.
There's crime.
There's murderers.
This is like, but, oh, but no, because of the politics, guys, we have to sit here and worm our way through thousands of legal statutes and documents just to figure out what the president can or can't do because you have a certain aspect of America that's so politicized, they don't even want to stop what is an obvious national emergency at the border.
So I do want to get back into this, but isn't that the ultimate frustration that we're facing here, that we even have to have this debate, guys?
Well, my frustration is President Trump should simply
I mean, in the Constitution, it lays out Congress's authority to raise an army, and then to create the regulations for the governance of that army.
Then in Article 2, it makes the President the Commander-in-Chief, and he's the one that carries out those regulations for how the army is used, or the militia when called into service to repel invasions, suppress insurrections, or execute the laws of the Union.
I just want the president, and I agree with you, to just rise above the muck.
He's making a mistake.
And just do what needs to be done.
Now again, now we get into the legal statutes with Dr. Edwin Vieira.
What can the president, I mean, does the president basically have the authority right now to say, I'm not playing politics with these people.
I've declared the national emergency.
I'm not playing politics with the courts.
We're going to do whatever it takes, whether that means build a wall, send the army, whatever it takes.
What powers does the president have to rise above the politics, rise above the obstruction, and just do the job of stopping this crisis we have at the southern border?
Well, as Stuart pointed out,
Congress, in the exercise of its own powers with respect to the land and naval forces, the Army and the Navy, promulgates rules and regulations and then statutory authority, which the President, constitutionally, is required to follow.
I mean, even as Commander-in-Chief, he can't invent statutory authority for himself or go outside of the statutory authority that Congress has created.
Now, the problem we have here is that the other side
The people who are attempting to frustrate positive action by the president will use every legal trick and loophole and method of evasion that they can possibly muster to delay and frustrate what he wants and needs to do.
And my point earlier was that his problem in putting out this proclamation under the National Emergencies Act was that
If we leave the courts aside, because the courts really have no authority with respect to that act, Congress still does.
Congress can still intervene, hold hearings, determine that a national emergency doesn't exist, and prevent the President from taking the action that he is attempting to take under this proclamation.
And we know for sure, whatever the Senate might do,
That the House of Representatives in its present composition will certainly open up that kind of activity and begin subpoenaing witnesses and documents and holding hearings and so forth and so on in order to generate a joint resolution to shut this national emergency down.
So my point is, if I were advising the President, where would I go to look for statutory authority which did not put me in this bind?
Probably the last place I would go would be to the National Emergencies Act, because I know I may be subject to the intervention by Congress, or certainly by the House of Representatives.
And the two statutes that I cited, 10 U.S.C.
sections 252 and 253, give the President the kind of power he really needs, because they give the President the power to call up the armed forces, essentially to any degree,
And use them to deal with the kinds of situations, as described in the statute, which could clearly be applied to what's going on with illegal immigration.
And those statutes, invasion, right?
Massive international conspiracies in order to send, who knows, millions of people across the borders of this country illegally.
Those statutes also clearly give the armed forces under the control of the President the authority to execute the laws in some way.
So it gets around the Posse Comitatus Act.
These two statutes that he cited in his proclamation may raise posse comitatus problems, because he hasn't said specifically that the military people he would call up would be executing the laws, or he hasn't proposed a statute that would enable him to do that.
But let me ask you this, though.
Even though he's already declared the national emergency or used those statutes to try to get this done, couldn't he do both?
Couldn't he still say, okay, look, we're dealing with obstruction here, so I'm just going to go ahead and call up as the commander-in-chief and just put the military down there?
I'm just going to go up and, well, my proposal is he could simply add an addendum to this and say, besides what I've said in this proclamation, I am now adding the assertion of authority under these other statutes.
All right, now he's covered himself both ways.
Now, I would have done it without the national emergency to begin with because I would have known, I think he knows, that the House of Representatives is directly hostile to him.
The House of Representatives is not going to accept this by any stretch of the imagination.
They will probably defer for a moment or two to the courts until they get some, you know, Judge Belzebub to come in there and issue an injunction.
Now, it's interesting because that situation would not be justifiable.
The National Emergencies Act makes it plain that only Congress has supervisory authority over the Declaration of National Emergencies by the President.
That's why they have this complicated process built into the statute.
So that creates another layer of complexity.
Well, can the courts do this without Congress?
Can Congress do this without the courts?
I have to listen to Judge Belzebub or whatever.
Trump's advisors have put him into a really deep swamp or rat's nest because of the way they've structured this.
They should have stepped back for a moment and said, wait a minute, what are our opponents going to do?
Number one, they're going to go into the courts.
Number two, they're going to go into the House of Representatives.
How do we avoid that, if possible?
And the answer was, well, let's look at a few statutes that might give the President the authority to deploy members of the armed forces in a law enforcement role where he is not going to be subject to a congressional veto, where he is not going to be subject to some kind of intervention by the courts in terms of an injunction or a written prohibition or whatever they would try to put out.
And I would just point out one thing here.
If he used those two statutes, then he would have authority under another statute, Title 10 of the United States Code, Section 2663, to have the Secretary of the appropriate military department, that would be the Army in this case, obtain land for the use of construction of
Military operational facilities.
Well, if the military is sent down to the border to enforce the laws of the United States with respect to immigration, the military would certainly have to build facilities to enable military personnel to perform those functions, and that would be covered by this particular other statute.
He would not have to go and ask Congress for, well, he might have to ask Congress for some supplementary legislation, depending on how much the whole thing costs, but he could begin right away
Taking control of land and dealing with construction projects, and that would then bring him back into this other section that he actually cites in his proclamation.
So I think it's important not to let the legalities go aside.
In fact, it's fundamentally important.
You can become frustrated.
I think everyone is frustrated with this process, really, on both sides, right?
Democrats or Republicans.
When you look at the immigration problem, it has been mishandled and people have intentionally thrown monkey wrenches into the implementation of the laws.
So we really have to go back in this process and say, wait a minute, let's draw a straight line between A, B, and then B to C until we get to the point where we want to be, without giving Trump's opponents
The ability to frustrate this process through a series of hurdles that they can set up.
And what he has done, and I don't blame him because I don't think he has expertise in this, I think what his advisors have imprudently told him to do is actually going to create more problems, seriously, than the simple thing that I would have said to him to do.
Just use Title 10 of the United States Code, Section 252 and 253, don't worry about the rest of this, and let's see what happens.
What's baffling about that is that we just came off of the Bush administration, which glorified in the Commander-in-Chief's powers in wartime, then the Obama administration, which carried on the same thinking.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Here he is squarely within his obligations, as you said, as the Commander-in-Chief to defend the country, but they ignored that and went instead and put him in this little box, as Dr. Vieira has pointed out.
That's disastrous.
As they sit here and they try to point the finger at Trump saying he's doing something illegal to declare this national emergency or build a wall, the whole thing stems from illegal immigration.
Like this whole thing stems from people coming here illegally and because we have to play politics with the Democrats we just lose sight of that.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, we're talking to constitutional expert, legal expert, Dr. Edwin Vieira.
And really, this is just a message to President Trump for what he needs to do and how this needs to be evaluated and his advisors.
So, Dr. Vieira, what is the precedent that has been set in protecting the border, the southern border specifically?
What is the precedent that has been set on this issue in American history?
Well, if we look at the most maybe notorious precedent, it was the use by President Wilson of the Army under Black Jack Pershing, as he was known, who became Commander-in-Chief of the American forces during World War I, to go after the Mexican irregulars, if you will, bandits perhaps, under Pancho Villa, who invaded the United States and shot up a town, I believe it was in Arizona, I can't remember the name of the town.
Texas, actually.
We're good.
in Texas to defend that state on the American side of the border.
So certainly we have that as a practical precedent.
But if we go back to the authority of the president to deal with the type situation we're talking about, invasions, massive invasions by illegal aliens, violation of the laws on a massive scale in relationship to immigration, you can go back to the
Constitutional period, 1790s, Congress began writing these statutes that dealt with presidential power to call forth the militia, presidential power to call forth the armed forces, in terms of situations where there was massive violations of the laws, in terms of situations with actual invasions.
And those statutes have come down to us pretty much in the original form.
They've been modified a little bit over the years.
And that's one track that the president can use.
Those statutes do not require any approval by Congress and they don't really allow for any intervention by the courts because they fall within the jurisdiction of the president's political question.
Now the other track that we have really comes out of the days of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman in which the president
Was generating, usurping power, if you will, on the basis of claiming national emergencies.
And Congress came along and said, there's enough of this.
We have to stop this.
We're going to pass a statute that will rescind all the previous national emergencies and say in the future, if the president exercises an authority we're going to give him to declare a national emergency, he can do it only within particular statutes that we've enacted.
And we in Congress will have the authority essentially to veto that.
So there's the problem.
On one track, the president has a great deal of discretion with no direct constitutional veto, no direct, I believe, jurisdiction of the courts to stop him.
On the other side, we have this National Emergencies Act track in which the president has
Not quite as much authority, I think, as on the other track, but he's subject to a congressional veto, certainly subject to intervention by the House of Representatives now, and people are claiming, I've already seen them on the internet, claiming, oh well, this whole national emergencies question is open to scrutiny, challenge, whatever, within the judicial system.
So if, all I'm saying is, if I were to choose one or the other of these tracks,
I would have chosen the one that allows me to argue that the president can act independently, and that his authority goes all the way back to constitutional times, and that that would allow him to use the armed forces without getting into the so-called posse comitatus problem.
We solve all of those difficulties by going on track one.
If we go on to track two, we don't get the benefits of track one, but we get a great deal of detriment in terms of congressional intervention and in terms of judicial intervention.
Yeah, and it's even hard.
I mean, obviously the House is not going to support Trump run by Democrats right now.
But even in the Senate, it's a very thin margin.
It might maybe even tough to get all the Republicans to get behind him on that.
Now, when we come back, we're going to continue this and we'll talk about what perhaps the state of Texas could do on a local level to build the wall, at least to protect Texas, of course.
These caravans and the illegal immigrants, they all go to California already.
That's part of the plan.
That's where they have their places set up.
That's where the Democrats use them to get votes.
So they usually just go through California, but we'll discuss that on the other side.
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Stuart, why don't you take away the final five minutes of this segment with Dr. Edwin Vieira.
With EdwinVieira.com.
So just kind of like just to put it in summary, there were two tracks available to President Trump.
One flows directly from the Constitution and from his obligation and duty to defend the nation as Commander-in-Chief and also to see that laws are executed, faithfully executed, and you specified those being there from the founding.
And the second track is these new, you know, because of people like Truman and the Steele case,
Still a seizure case.
Congress stepped in and said we're going to, you know, we're going to put the president in a more narrow box when it comes to things other than war, basically.
Other than invasions or clear examples that flow from this constitutional authority.
We're going to go ahead and let them do these things, the kind of nefarious or nebulous claims of emergency, but we're going to put them under our control.
Is that pretty much how it went?
Yeah, that's pretty much so, exactly.
So we have these two tracks, and you said before the break, what could a state do?
Well, now that's a third track.
State of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona.
I guess New Mexico and Arizona wouldn't be likely candidates for this.
The states have reserve powers under the Constitution.
And the one that would apply here, at least on the face of it, is Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3.
No state shall engage in war unless invaded or there is an imminent danger thereof.
So the Constitution recognizes that if a state is invaded, it can actually engage in war.
It could do the kind of thing that we talked about earlier that Wilson did in sending perhaps state troops across the border into Mexico in the way Wilson sent Pershing's people across the border after Poncho Villa.
So it would depend, of course, upon what kind of militia structure or state defense force, National Guard, the president of Texas, the governor of Texas would have.
And I'm not conversing with that, I haven't looked specifically at that.
He has both the Texas National Guard and he also has what's called the Texas Guard, which is their first version of a state defense force.
Right, and no doubt there are some provisions in the Texas Code that specify circumstances under which he can call those people forth and use them.
Most of the states have something like that.
Certainly Virginia does.
And I would think that this would be one of the situations that would be covered.
So, I don't think that we have a question that the President could use the regular armed forces and probably parts of the National Guard as well.
We have to look into the National Guard statutes, but certainly the ready reserve component of the regular armed forces.
And the Governor of Texas could use the National Guard, State Guard, whatever malicious structures he has, we could call people up as well.
Now, if those two areas are the areas of interest, then we're talking ultimately of a foundation in the Constitution itself.
It really does not depend upon very much coming out of Congress, and it certainly does not depend upon approval by the judiciary.
So I would think if President Trump and the Governor of Texas were really serious about doing this, they would sit down and coordinate and say, how much can we do with the armed forces, regular armed forces?
How much can we do maybe in the middle with the National Guard people?
And how much can you, Governor of Texas, do with your own state guard, militia-type structures, whatever authority you have under the Texas Constitution and laws?
And we'll put this all together in a package.
I think so.
To maintain order and provide protection against a recurrence of that incursion by the Mexican bandits.
So I think that could be done again today and unfortunately Trump's advisors are simply not suggesting to him that that's what he needs to do.
Would you advise Governor Abbott of Texas to declare an emergency here or would it be the same can of worms by doing that?
What should he say to support the President?
As we have in the problem that we've been discussing earlier, we have to look at the specific statutes that give the governor the authority to act in these various areas and to call up these various forces.
And then we have to avoid the pitfall that President Trump has fallen into as a result of exclusively invoking the National Emergencies Act under a situation in which one House of Congress is definitely hostile to him.
Yeah, maybe two, as was suggested earlier.
Well, the margin is thin in the Senate, but you gotta wonder, again, why President Trump's advisors are just missing the boat on this.
You hope they're not intentionally giving him bad advice, but you just have to wonder, because this seems like something that shouldn't be so hard, gentlemen, especially when you've got all the evidence, you've got the public support.
It really shouldn't be going down these roads.
So, Dr. Edwin Vieira, I mean, just final in closing, what does Trump need to do tomorrow if he wants to stop this invasion at the border?
He has to sit down and rethink this proclamation that he's put out.
And I mean rethink it very, very carefully, amend it.
Uh, rescind it and put in another one, another executive order.
Uh, because otherwise what is on paper now is going to lead him into great difficulties in the courts.
Yeah, and it'll take at least eight months for this thing to hit the ground.
Alright, we'll be right back with the Alex Jones Show.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're discussing the situation at the border, what the President needs to do, with Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org, Dr. Edwin Vieira from EdwinVieira.com and NewsWithViews.com.
It is very frustrating, Stuart.
And we were just discussing where we want to go here, and here's what I'm saying.
We can sit here and have these discussions all day long, and it doesn't matter how informed and how correct and how the advice from Dr. Edwin Vieira needs to be applied here, if the people don't put pressure on President Trump.
Now, I know you have a major announcement that you're gonna make at OathKeepers.org later this afternoon.
You can tease that a bit.
Uh, but basically what it is, because we're talking about the courts, the President already knew that he was going to have to deal with the Ninth Circuit Court.
I mean, he literally said, I'm going to deal with the Ninth Circuit Court, then I'm going to deal with the Appeals Court, and then I'm going to take it to the Supreme Court.
So he already has all of this planned out for the next eight months.
He already thinks that that's how it's going to go.
We have a different vision of how we need to handle this, and we have an audience that has a different vision of how we're going to handle this.
But to me, it's like the President needs the public pressure.
I mean, people need to pick up their phone call and call the White House switchboard.
They need to pick up their phone and call their representatives.
They need to call the House.
They need to call the Senate.
They need to let the President know that waiting for eight years to get this done as it goes through the court process is not acceptable.
And that's the point of the rally, is to get the President to listen to us about what he should be doing as Commander-in-Chief under Title 10, as Dr. Vieira has pointed out.
But even this whole idea of Trump articulating going from a district court judge in 9th Circuit to the appellate court judge to the Supreme Court is showing he's getting bad advice also.
He does not have to wait for that.
Dr. Vieira, could you kind of just point out what he can do?
And I just want to say, because you said it correctly in the break, Dr. Vieira, if he doesn't do this the right way, he's going to lose a lot of his base and people are going to think he's feckless when it comes to this main campaign issue.
Well, they'll more than think it.
I mean, his policies are, if they're not effective, will
They'll know it.
You know, the buck stops here, as Truman says.
Who's responsible for that?
It would be the President himself.
Talking about the court system, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to intervene in any case in a lower court that might come to the Supreme Court through the appellate process.
So, if someone goes into a U.S.
District Court, seeks an injunction against the President, let's assume the judge is going to grant this.
He's a rogue judge.
He's not going to pay attention to the statutes.
He's going to grant the injunction.
President Trump could immediately petition the Supreme Court of the United States, writ of certiorari, to intervene because of the extraordinarily important nature of the case.
We don't have to go through months and months and perhaps years of the appellate ladder and finally get it to the Supreme Court.
There's no reason the Supreme Court couldn't decide to take it if it chooses to do so.
Of course, that's the problem, if it chooses to do so.
So that's where you get into the direct conflict between the executive branch and the congressional branch, Congress and the executive on the one hand, under the National Emergencies Act, and some single district court judge who is claiming to exercise authority to prevent the effective use of the National Emergencies Act, not only by the President Trump,
But by Congress, which has retained the exclusive authority to rule on whether these national emergencies declared by the President are legitimate or not, whether they should be continued, whether they should be terminated, and so forth and so on.
You cannot read that statute and come to any other conclusion than that exclusive jurisdiction over those questions is in the Congress of the United States.
It is not in the judiciary.
So at that point, I think
If the Supreme Court didn't come in right away and tell that lower court judge, no you're wrong, dissolve that injunction or get rid of whatever writ you've provided, then President Trump simply has to take
President Jackson's position, Andrew Jackson, and say, I am not going to allow a single district judge to interfere with the execution of this National Emergencies Act and the proclamation they're under.
Well, what if the President did this?
Because that's within Congress's authority.
What if the President did this?
Because you can use the U.S.
Code for a multiple, you know,
Like, for example, I can go read the U.S.
Code right now that says any politician, anybody in government, that allows, knowingly allows, undocumented citizens, illegal aliens, into this country illegally, and then depending on the crime they commit afterwards, it's a felony!
I mean, you can lock all these people up.
You can lock all these judges up.
You can lock all these Democrat governors and mayors and congressmen up.
I mean, you could literally use the U.S.
Code that says, I've read it a dozen of times, it literally says, if you knowingly accompany or you knowingly allow illegal immigrants into this country, that's a felony.
If they then commit a felony, the felony crime on you just went up 20 years.
If they kill someone, you're now liable for life in prison.
Why doesn't President Trump use that aspect of the U.S.
I doubt, I doubt a Ninth Circuit judge is going to want to stand in the way of this if they think they're going to go to jail.
Well, I think the problem there is a practical, political one.
You have these sanctuary cities, sanctuary state, I guess California's an example, where the elected officials are essentially thumbing their noses at the Constitution of the United States, Article 6, the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, saying, we are not going to abide by these laws with respect to illegal immigrants, what they call undocumented immigrants.
And those people who give aid and assistance to illegal immigrants are liable criminally under certain of the immigration laws.
Now the difficulty is, of course, you have to go to a U.S.
And he has to go to a grand jury, and the grand jury has to give you an indictment, and then the indictment has to go in front of some district court judge, perhaps a rogue judge, who will not dismiss the indictment.
The case has to go to trial.
Will you tell me how many years that's going to take in any particular instance?
It would probably be a good idea for President Trump to have already done this with respect to some of the more notorious instances of this sanctuary city, sanctuary state business.
But he has a difficulty of practice.
And of course, he has not had control, practical control, of the FBI and the Department of Justice since he came into office.
And that's part of the whole enforcement process right there.
And the deep state's been controlling all those mechanisms.
And the deep state is in control there.
So it sounds like the biggest obstacle is the fact that there just are all these obstacles.
I mean, it doesn't matter where it's from.
Even in his own cabinet!
I mean, he can't even get good advice!
That's right.
It's unbelievable.
So in closing, Stuart Rhodes, Dr. Vieira, Stuart, tell people where they can find the announcement you're going to make later.
Yes, on OathKeepers.org this afternoon we'll be announcing our call to action for Americans to go stand on the border and be that human wall as a show of support to the President, but also to encourage him to step all the way back into his constitutional role as Commander-in-Chief and do this right.
And Dr. Edwin Vieira, what will people find at NewsWithViews.com?
Well, they'll find a whole series of articles that I've written, especially since the election of President Trump, that deal with all of these questions.
The deep state, the use of the armed forces and the militia to accomplish some of his activities, dealing especially with, say, gun control or the ability of teachers to be armed in the schools.
I mean, I go into most of these problems, of course, from a constitutional perspective, because ultimately, if you don't have that foundation, you probably don't have much of anything.
And that's why the Democrats are trying to destroy it right now.
Of course, that's not when it plays to their advantage, and they can try to use it to their advantage.
That's always convenient for them.
Alright, Dr. Edwin Vieira, great stuff today.
EdwinVieira.com, NewsWithViews.com, Stuart Rhodes, always great to have you in the studio, OathKeepers.org.
Big announcement coming there this afternoon.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Stuart Rhodes still in studio with me.
You know, he brought his MAGA hat today to talk about some harassment he had to endure yesterday for wearing it out at a restaurant.
And so he's wearing that today.
Well, actually it wasn't me.
It was something I saw on Twitter of a gentleman being harassed in a thrift store.
Oh, it wasn't you.
Lucky you.
Or unlucky you, I guess.
Yeah, so I just threw my hat on my head and said, I never wore a MAGA hat before.
I bought it as a souvenir, but I'm going to go ahead and wear it.
It was President's Day yesterday.
So, you know, buy a MAGA hat.
Whether you like Trump or not, if you believe in free speech and don't want to be
Committing a hat crime.
You do want to be committing a hat crime.
A hat crime?
Are you committing a hat crime?
I am.
Right now.
A hat crime.
Well, hat crimes these days don't go unpunished, I mean.
That's okay, bring it.
You can see the hat crime.
No, but, you know, it's funny because that's honestly my biggest motivation, I think, at least.
I mean, obviously I support President Trump most of the time.
I don't agree with everything he does.
I'm not a purist, but, you know, I understand that if you agree with everything the President does, you're probably just in a cult.
It's almost just like the biggest flex of free speech right now is to wear a Trump hat.
I'm not going to be bullied by you.
I'm not going to be intimidated by you.
I'm going to support the president.
I'm going to wear this hat even if it does anger you and you want me to take it off.
Screw you!
Come take it.
Like you said, bring it.
Come and take it.
Come and take it.
It used to be about, you know, the gun from my cold dead hand.
Now it's my MAGA hat.
Come and take my MAGA hat.
And they do, man.
They do.
And so yeah, you got 14 year old boys getting harassed.
I didn't even hear.
What was the story that you heard?
Um, some woman on Twitter was harassing an elderly Cuban man.
There's video of this?
Yes, it is on Twitter, and he's in a thrift store, and she's calling him nasty and horrible, and all she's doing is just solidifying his resolve to wear that hat.
That's all it's going to do.
Yeah, this Cuban who probably defected from the communist state of Cuba, which Donald Trump in his speech yesterday was hammering again, so here's this man who freed
You know, who freed himself from Cuba, who supports the free market in America now, supports what Trump is doing.
And this low life is going to come.
See, that's what they don't even understand.
These people are escaping hell holes created by socialism and communism.
I don't know, but my guess is that she was especially offended because he was Cuban, because he was a minority who was supporting Trump.
They seem to hate minorities who support Trump even more than white people that support Trump.
No, see, that's part of their psychological makeup.
That they want, this whole virtue signal campaign that they have for minorities, it's really nothing more than they want control over the minorities.
So when they see, you know, a black person wearing a Trump hat, the reason why that angers them so much is because they want control over that black person.
They want to be able to tell that black person how to think.
I mean, that's really the psychology of these people.
That's why they get so ticked off when Kanye wears the hats.
That's what it comes down to.
That's why they get so ticked off by people like Brandon Tatum and other black Americans that support Trump.
They want control.
It's all about control.
They'll lie to get control, just like what you saw with Jussie Smollett.
And that's what they want in America.
They want America to be racist and hateful, because that's who they are.
And then when they realize, wow, America really isn't this hateful place we wish it was, they have to fake it to make it.
And any minority who wears a Trump hat is a race traitor, basically.
That's how they see them, is you're a race traitor.
You're not actually for your people.
You know, you're an Oreo, or you're a coconut, or whatever they want to call you.
You know, you're actually a white person.
You're a race traitor.
Oh my gosh, that reminds me.
I met this Venezuelan out when I was in Berkeley.
Of course, the video is banned on YouTube now.
She was this nice Venezuelan lady out there supporting the president, and you had these hateful Trump protesters calling her, and she was like, yeah, I came out here.
She was like, they called me coconut, they called me racist.
She's like 60 years old in a Trump hat, and she's tougher than all these men out there trying to intimidate an old lady.
Give me a break!
It took more courage for her to come out there wearing that Trump hat than any of these fake men that come out here trying to bully her.
There was a Latino for Trump rally here in Texas the other day, and I really think they should be a Venezuelan for Trump.
Well, I think that's coming, especially after the speech that he delivered yesterday, and I mean, I don't know.
I don't support regime change in Venezuela.
I mean, I support regime change per se, but not U.S.-led regime change, I would say, but it does look like that's the direction it's all going in, and so... We should airdrop weapons into the people of Venezuela.
You know, it's, look, extreme situations call for extreme action sometimes.
Yeah, we sent the Liberator pistol, we dropped that into France so the people in France could resist the Nazis when we invaded, Normandy invasion.
It's bad in Venezuela, it really is, and I don't know what the solution is.
Well they were disarmed, they were disarmed about 15 years ago.
Yeah, they can't do anything.
Right, so why not rearm the people of Venezuela so they can take the trash out themselves?
Maybe we just do that in Nicaragua and Cuba too, you know, just see what happens then.
You know, let's really solve socialism.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, let's really solve socialism.
Power to the people.
So, there's that going on right now.
Now, there's some other news that we need to touch on today.
That this is a story that's really pretty much going uncovered.
Rod Rosenstein plans to leave the Justice Department next month.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein plans to leave the Justice Department in mid-March.
An official familiar with the matter said last night.
An announcement on his predecessor is expected soon.
Rosenstein, obviously number two at the Justice Department.
Total swamp rat.
I mean just like swamp rat extraordinaire Rosenstein with that criminal like veneer smile that he's got.
What do you make of this?
I mean there really has been a lot of swamp draining at the FBI and it kind of just goes overlooked because the swamp activity continues.
But what do you make of Rosenstein setting to step down from his post?
Well, his job's done.
He laid the groundwork for what you see now as he opened calls for the use of the 25th Amendment, the open conspiracy he talked about earlier.
And I really kind of think that was his purpose, or his current purpose.
He's done it.
Same with McCabe.
He's gone and done.
They're openly saying, yes, this is what we planned on doing.
We had discussions and now you see, you got Warren, is it Warren?
Running around saying, yes we should do this.
Elizabeth Warren saying we should go ahead and remove the president.
And you got some former Bush, you know, lackey saying the same thing.
So I think they're pushing now for the open conspiracy of, yes, let's go ahead and use the 25th Amendment.
You know, not actual incapacity, but because we think he's got bad policies, we're going to call him mentally incompetent.
I think the Rosenstein step down.
While there's a lot of angles here, I think the reason why it's happening now is the whole wearing a wire thing has now been totally confirmed by McCabe.
And so, basically, he got pressured to step down.
Who knows what that means otherwise behind the scenes.
But that's kind of what I like to think happened there.
This is like...
Here's one.
I don't even know.
I mean, I say if I'm a detective or I'm an investigator and I look into this story, Democrats don't want ICE notified when illegal aliens try to purchase guns.
So again, here's the Democrat Party that wants you to basically submit DNA and just a total, you know, everything if you want to buy a gun.
Whether you support that or not, that's what the Democrats do.
But if you're a non-citizen, if you're an illegal immigrant, then they don't want you on record purchasing a gun?
I mean, do you think?
Look, again, if I'm an investigator, all of a sudden, I'm looking into the Democrat Party running guns with MS-13 and using them to commit murder for them.
That's what I'm doing!
Yeah, this is like Fast and Furious times a thousand.
Just open!
Just wantonly.
We want these people to be armed.
They're really basically saying we want our side.
They want more Kate Steinleys shot to death.
They want more police officers shot to death.
And they don't want there to be any record of it.
Yeah, we want you people to be disarmed by any way we possibly can, but our people, and they can see the legals as being their allies, we don't want you to even look at their weapon handling or possession.
I mean, this really makes me sick that they are now, I mean, they openly fight for non-citizens to have more rights than Americans now.
I just do it, I gotta say, I mean, this is like next level.
Again, if I'm an investigator, if I'm a detective, I'm saying right now, the Democrats are trying to get away with murder in the United States by using illegal alien gang members to do it.
Right, well they're definitely, we call it conspiracy to commit, yeah, murder and terrorism.
So just another level of treason that the Democrats are engaged in.
Just unbelievable levels of treason these people engage in openly now.
They used to do it behind closed doors.
Now that they've been exposed, they have to do it openly in the public to act like it's not a big deal.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's just all kinds of news to get here, and I mean, I wish I could hash it all out.
An Arizona cop, a hero, stopped a knife-wielding jihadist.
That video is out there right now.
Maricopa County, Arizona.
Barely saw any of that in the news.
It's just wild.
By the way, so it looks like, just on a brief, brief level here, on a surface level, this was just handed to me.
Apparently, so this is an older thing, Flynn pushed to share nuclear tech with Saudis, report says.
So my guess is this is, you know, I mean look, United States has been selling arms to Saudi Arabia for how long?
Too long.
But hey, we get rich off of it, Yemen people die, but okay, I guess that's just how we go with that.
And so now they're bringing this back out, even though it's an older story that was already investigated by Mueller.
But see, Mueller, the whole Manafort thing was already investigated and let go, and then they just brought that back up and put him in jail.
And now, Elijah Cumming is preparing an Interim Staff Report Committee on Oversight and Reform.
Whistleblowers raise grave concerns with Trump administration's efforts to sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.
We have been selling weapons technology to Saudi Arabia for frickin' decades.
The Clintons gave the Chinese all of our nuclear secrets.
They gave them our rocket propulsion technology.
I mean, this is a frickin' joke, folks.
So I guess this is the new thing, Stewart.
Instead of Russian collusion, since they have none, they're gonna go with Saudi Arabian collusion, which they have us selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, even though every other president did it.
I guess that's their new angle, Stewart.
Well yeah, anything to attack President Trump, especially on foreign policy grounds, and this is where the never-Trumpers and the neocons come in.
That's who's attacking his foreign policy decisions.
And it goes back to the 25th Amendment.
They're going to try to say, well he's rogue, he's out of control, he's not doing his job properly, and he's putting pressure on the public or putting justification out there for eventually using the 25th Amendment.
That's what I think.
You know, this is kind of a side story, but it's in front of me.
I'm going to mention it here.
Trump promised to repeal the death tax.
It's not repealed yet.
He did give a bunch of exemptions to the death tax, so it's not as hefty as it was, but it still exists and that bill is still sitting out there to repeal the death tax.
It's just insane that we charge people.
We tax their wealth when they die.
So you die and you can't give your kid a farm.
They have to sell the farm to pay the taxes on the farm that you own.
Although maybe, I guess the solution is, Stuart, if you just hook yourself up to one of those machines, just claim you're alive.
You could just be a rotting husk, but if you claim you're alive, maybe that's how you avoid the death tax.
Or steal the Supreme Court.
Yeah, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
So by the way, just in case people want an update,
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was claimed to be at a bunch of different things.
No pictures were taken.
The internet was above.
They've just released an image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I believe it's at, it looks like some place of travel, either a bus stop or train stop or something, or airport.
Of course, she can't walk on her own power.
She has her handlers literally carrying her around everywhere.
It's like Weekend at Bernie's personified.
But that's our Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
One day away from ruling in an iron lung.
Yeah, there's the image right there.
She's totally out of it, folks.
She's gone.
She's not on the Supreme Court anymore.
She's just a ceremonious Supreme Court member that the Democrats are clinging to so that they don't lose total control over this country, which they're about to.
She's a placeholder, basically.
It's just more Democrat obstruction, anti-American crime, in my view.
It's fine.
Story from Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars.com.
If the lights go out in the West, China will still shine bright, or the East will still shine.
That's from the Hawaii-Hawaii founder, Ren Zigfei.
And it was Hawaii or Hawaii, however you want to put it.
They were the ones that got caught with all this backdoor technology in their products, spying on US citizens.
You know, nothing to see here from China trying to spy on us, steal our intellectual property.
I believe they even did...
When they launched their, like, moon base exhibit, they had a picture of a bomb blowing up America.
You remember that?
That was just some nice, loving Chinese propaganda.
Here's a story that's certainly bound to go nowhere from NBC News.
Whistleblower in White House security office seeks protection.
A White House security specialist is seeking official whistleblower protection from the federal government after raising concerns about unwanted security clearances for administration officials, including Jared Kushner.
How much you want to bet that this goes absolutely nowhere, Stuart?
Not a dime.
Here's another one that's going to go absolutely nowhere.
Michael Cohen plans to give America a peek into Trump Tower and it's chilling, according to his lawyer Lenny Davis.
No, you want to know what's chilling?
The amount of heat that's going to come from this story.
It's just what they do.
They just drum up all of this crap and they hope that any of it's going to land or stick.
And none of it does, ever, Stuart.
None of it.
What do you make of this?
Clarence Thomas calls for reconsidering libel standards as Supreme Court rejects Cosby case.
That's kind of a separate issue.
I think that this kind of really stems from Clarence Thomas having to deal with the media trying to destroy him when he was appointed to the Supreme Court, and then everything he saw that happened to Kavanaugh, everything that he's seen happen to Trump, now the Jesse Smollett hoax, the Covington Catholic hoax, and all this stuff.
It's really reached new levels of consolidated fake news to try to destroy singular entities.
Defamation of character.
You know, I've experienced it myself and my organization has as well.
So I think you might be onto something.
I mean, there's an increased level of protection for defamers when they defame someone who's in the public eye.
But now with Twitter and Facebook, I mean, almost everyone's in the public eye.
Or with cell phone cameras.
So, you know, I think there's some... Wait, you mean like Jesse Smollett and his fake hate crime?
No, I mean like the Covenant kids, you know?
But that's what I'm saying, but just like, it's all caught on camera.
Like, the police followed, like, they got the two guys.
Like, they knew who they were and they let Smollett tell his fake news even though they knew who they were the whole time.
Like, yeah, you're always on camera.
I mean...
Oh boy, just, you know, be careful out there.
CBS's Laura Logan calls media mostly liberal in scorched earth interview.
I'm committing professional suicide.
Now this is interesting to me.
I want to continue to monitor this because obviously we all agree, we already all knew this.
And I hope that she's the real deal, but I'm almost curious that maybe she's a stalking horse so that people don't know how bad it actually is.
That it's, oh, it's just liberalized, it's just leftist.
No, I mean, there's, it's a lot worse than that, Stuart.
It's treasonous.
Well, unless she's doing that, I mean, it might be a new, I mean, who knows why she's doing it herself, but it could create a kind of a walk-away movement within the media.
It could be they're bailing ship.
They realize they're starting to go down the tube, they've lost credibility and she must have a future as an independent journalist with some credibility.
Yeah, and plus, I mean, look...
Fox News probably still gets the most views as far as people watching news, but it's a comfort thing.
They're just tuning in because it's there and it's comfortable.
As far as people going out and actively seeking out news, InfoWars, Alex Jones, that's what they want.
That's why they're censoring us so much.
But I think some journalists are learning, like, wow, I can have more impact just being independent than I can working in one of these big news corporations.
Record high, this is a Gallup poll, record high name government as the biggest problem.
Well it's funny that that happened.
This is part of the media hype over Trump too, the hysteria.
Because most people would have already said the government was corrupt years ago.
The FBI is corrupt, it's all corrupt.
And then all of a sudden Trump came in and it became his fault, even though he was never the one in.
Government so I just found that to be funny quick news Blitz here Seven-year-old who was selling hot chocolate to raise funds for the border wall inspired by Trump's State of the Union was called little Hitler How do you like that a nice loving leftist called him little Hitler for wanting to sell hot chocolate to secure the border unbelievable Man who died in Ed Buck's home called the Democrat donor Ed Buck a
The effing devil to his friends.
So basically, you know, when he finishes over at Ed Buck's doing whatever he's doing, he's talking to his friends and basically saying Ed Buck is the devil.
So, you know, Ed Buck, you know, he's a John Podesta type, you know, these types, you know, what kind of art they're into.
They're into the spirit cookings with Marina Abramovich.
So who knows?
Who knows what Ed Buck was into there at a sex dungeon where multiple dead people ended up.
Las Vegas gets snow for second time this month.
So much for global warming.
American Airlines will let super-rich passengers take private helicopters to avoid long lines and traffic.
Yeah, traffic is just out of control in this country.
Neuroscientists say they found an entirely new form of neural communication.
We know so little about the brain.
This could be a big breakthrough here.
Basically, your brain, they've learned now, can now wirelessly essentially send messages across the surface of the brain.
Incredible stuff.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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The tip of the spear!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson!
We are live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show!
And we've got a new video coming up in the next segment, which is my breakdown.
Comedic take somewhat on the unfolding or imploding Jesse Georgesi Smollett hoax.
Latest news story about that comes out of CBS Chicago.
This is being reported by Charlie Damore.
Chicago police confirming they're investigating a tip
That Smollett was in his apartment building elevator with the Osundero brothers, those are the two Nigerian brothers who he allegedly is reported about or has been reportedly paid them to help him stage the attack.
That he was in an elevator, an apartment building elevator with those two brothers on the night of the reported incident.
And we have this out of NBC News.
Police investigating whether Jussie Smollett brothers were together night of alleged attack.
Police in Chicago said they received a tip on Tuesday, claiming that on the night of the alleged attack against actor Jussie Smollett, he was seen with two brothers who were arrested and later released in connection to the incident.
Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the witnesses told officers Smollett was seen riding in an elevator with Ola and Abdel-Ossandero in a building near where the alleged assault happened on January 29th.
Of course, now they've got the receipts, basically proving that those two brothers were the ones who
Bought the rope, or the shoelace, or the noose, as it's been variously called, before the attack at a hardware store.
We've also got CNN reporting this.
Oh, and by the way, speaking of CNN, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks came out with a tweet today, I believe, and Cernovich responded to it.
It's on my Twitter feed right now.
He said, I was skeptical about the Smollett story, and that's why I didn't talk about it on air, but I don't judge people who did.
That's what you do.
Report the news of the day, report updates when you have them.
Well, obviously, that's complete BS, because the news media manages, controls, decide upon, decide upon the narrative of the day.
We had a story yesterday on Infowars.com.
Deranged leftist pulls gun on Trump supporter for wearing MAGA hat.
Arguably a more severe incident than the alleged incident that happened to Jussie Smollett, which apparently may have been staged, as all the evidence points towards.
CNN, which of course reported the Jussie Smollett attack as if it was completely confirmed, they said it was a racist homophobic attack, as if the evidence was all in.
CNN has not reported on this incident at all.
You had some crazed leftists
At a Sam's Club in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Saturday, pull a gun on a couple because they were wearing MAGA hats.
That was the reason.
You want to talk about hate crimes, we have yet another proven, documented political hate crime targeting Trump supporters.
It was reported on by a local news station, a few other local news stations, wasn't even reported by CNN.
You imagine for a second, if a Trump supporter
Was in a mall or on a Sam's Club.
Pulled a gun on a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supporter.
Or a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Or a Nancy Pelosi supporter.
That would be in the news, wall to wall, all week.
This they don't even report on.
So no, it's not just, oh we're just reporting the news as it comes in.
They unquestionably reported this Jussie Smollett attack.
They then crafted an entire narrative
Around the suggestion that it was Trump-themed.
That this is what's been happening since Trump took office, of course, as we know.
And The Daily Call has done a huge list on this, which I'll probably get time to go through later.
Literally dozens and dozens of fake hate crimes since Trump was elected, or at least since he began running for office back in 2015, proven to be complete hoaxes.
They're initially reported when it comes out that it's a complete hoax, it's a complete fraud.
It's either in the back of the newspaper, or it's the fifth item on the news, or it's not on the news at all.
So no, you can't say, oh, we were just reporting the facts as they came in.
The vast majority of these leftists and these Democrats
Who came out with their tweets vehemently blaming Trump supporters for this entire farce.
Have not deleted those tweets, have not issued an update, and now you've got people like Kamala Harris saying, oh I'm not going to comment until all the evidence comes in.
Well that didn't stop you commenting right at the start when there was no proven evidence whatsoever, did it?
Absolutely absurd.
We'll be back with that video and more in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live in 4Wars.com.
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News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're continuing to talk about the Jussie Smollett story.
Obviously reports that he may face a grand jury next week.
The other point to make on this is about the media.
Obviously, this has been used once again to bash the media over the head, but this reminds us that there are actually some legitimate journalists in America that are still out there, that are still doing real, objective, muckraking journalism.
Many people at local CBS news stations in Chicago have rightly taken the credit.
For being very early, very on point, breaking the details of this case as they emerge, even in the face of a left-wing
Hysteria, which again, right at the start of this story, basically attacked anyone that dared question this story of the vicious hate crime targeting a gay African-American.
That was not a nice climate.
That was not a pleasant environment to even dare contradict.
But a lot of these local news journalists did so, obviously from their police sources within the investigation.
And in virtually every instance, they've been proven correct, at least so far.
So again, it comes to the point.
There are real objective journalists left in America, but now they're mainly working for local news stations.
And again, that's because they're just doing their job.
They're not egomaniacal political activists, posing as journalists, lusting after fame, like a lot of people who work for CNN.
And on that point, we're going to go to the video now.
Jussie Smollett is a complete idiot.
Here's the full seven minute video.
Let's roll it.
Jussie Smollett, first American to scam Nigerians.
Let's see if he's who we think he is.
It's him, alright.
You do such a disservice when you lie about things like this.
Personally, I don't understand why everyone's hating on Smollett.
After all, he just helped Trump lower African-American unemployment.
Two more jobs.
When America is so great that you have to hire two dudes from Nigeria to oppress you.
The story fell down from the moment when Smollett claimed that after the attack began, he hit the other guys back.
I punched his ass back.
Which, like the rest of his tale, appears to be fake news.
Get it?
Fake news!
Smollett is tipped to do well at the Oscars this Sunday.
But he's facing some stiff competition.
Believe in something, even if it means making up everything.
But instead of admitting their horrendous mistake, much of the media doubled down.
The Daily Beast tried to argue that Smollett allegedly faking the hate crime to frame Trump supporters.
Was Trump supporters foal?
Nana Afua Mumford of the Washington Post editorial board wrote an article entitled, I doubted Jussie Smollett.
It breaks my heart that I might be right.
Imagine being so beset by Trump derangement syndrome, you're sad that a hate crime didn't happen by echoing Smollett's initial claim that the incident was a Trump-themed racist homophobic attack.
The media also claimed that they were just reporting the facts.
Uh, no.
You literally publish news stories like this one titled, The Jussie Smollett Attack Highlights the Hate Black Gay Americans Face.
According to CNN's Brian Stelter, the media did nothing wrong.
There was a rush to judgment.
I think it was mostly in the celebrity press and among activists and among Twitter people.
I think it was a really careful reporting by news organizations.
Careful reporting like this CNN headline which reported the attack as a definitive homophobic racist incident before any details were proven.
So careful.
We've got some breaking news.
Actor and musician Jussie Smollett from the hit show Empire was attacked and beaten in Chicago.
Two assailants approached him.
Wearing ski masks and yelling homophobic and racist slurs.
Racial and homophobic slurs.
They poured a chemical on him, believed to be bleach, and tied a rope around his neck.
As the men fled, they yelled, this is MAGA country.
Really careful reporting.
Really careful reporting.
But you can't blame the media for being jealous of Jussie Smollett lying.
After all, that's their speciality.
You might even start to believe that this is a banana.
But it's not.
This is an apple.
Really careful reporting.
America's favorite blame game.
Pin the tail on the honky.
We have a media that's saying it's a debate whether or not what just happened to Jussie Smollett is a hate crime.
It's absurd.
The s*** isn't a debate.
I agree.
That isn't a debate.
Is Donald Trump Jr.
promoting a Jussie Smollett conspiracy theory?
Turns out you guys were doing that.
Really careful reporting.
And how many of these Democrats are going to issue retractions if and when Smollett is convicted?
Don't hold your breath.
This was an attempt at modern-day lynching.
No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin.
We must confront this hate!
Which tweet?
What tweet?
About saying that it is a modern-day lynching.
Okay, which tweet?
What tweet?
I, uh... I, uh... My God!
Just heard that Jussie Smollett was brutally assaulted in a racist, homophobic hate crime!
This is awful!
Looks like Sean King threw Smollett under a bus quicker than his own white mother, Kathy Griffin!
No one can ruin a career faster than I can.
Jussie Smollett!
Hold my bleach!
It's 2 AM and minus 20 degrees outside, so I decided to walk to 7-Eleven for a slurpee.
I got jumped by a cell of Islamic State jihadis who yelled,
The facts are still unfolding.
Before any evidence had come in.
Which tweet?
Meanwhile, actual hate crimes against Trump supporters are being carried out on a regular basis and the media barely reports it.
Smollett allegedly staged the attack after a racist letter sent to the Empire Show studios didn't get enough attention.
He was even allegedly prepared to testify against two innocent people the cops had in custody.
Until he realized the two people were his Nigerian buddies, and he mysteriously changed his mind.
Why the hoax?
Because ascribing yourself victimhood status is now one of America's most lucrative career paths.
Just ask Colin Kaepernick.
Nothing attracts power and money quicker than playing the victim.
Our culture has fetishized victimhood into a business, and business is booming.
Also, the notion that Jussie Smollett staged the attack against himself was once a conspiracy theory.
Don't forget that!
When you read news reports of the establishment asserting that conspiracy theories need to be banned because they're harmful to society.
Sometimes conspiracy theories are just inconvenient truths that the political establishment wants to remain hidden.
Smollett is also one of the biggest virtue signalers on the planet.
Proving once again that the most righteously indignant often turn out to be the biggest.
If I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican
Or someone black.
I feel like the doubters would have supported me a lot much more.
There we have it.
Jussie Smollett is a complete idiot.
That video is up on YouTube right now.
Please get it.
Get it out.
Share it.
Latest on this is a report out of Gateway Pundit.
Hate hoax update.
Investigators suspect Nigerian brothers linked to threatening letter sent to Jussie Smollett.
So you remember this was preceded by Smollett receiving this letter which was basically a cut out of magazines calling him gay slurs and black slurs.
Which was sent to the studios of Empire.
Now it turns out that that was likely a setup carried out by the Nigerian brothers as well.
There you see the image of the letter again.
It had MAGA in the top corner to blame it on Trump supporters.
Breitbart reports Alicia Milano struggles to come to grips with Jussie Smollett hate hoax.
She said,
If that man staged his own attack, he's wrong in so many ways.
No one could be that hurtful to stage this, right?
They cannot come to terms with the fact that this was staged.
The liberal tears are beautiful to behold.
And they just can't handle it.
But as we've proven, dozens and dozens of hate crime hoaxes in America, most of them blamed on Trump supporters, have occurred over the past four years and have been documented.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back!
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Now it broke about an hour ago here in the UK, you probably heard the story, there's a similar story in America, of the ISIS bride.
This was a girl who fled London, another great example of integration, as we invite in 300,000 new immigrants into the UK every single year, net.
Fled London when she was 15 to go to Syria to marry an Islamic State fighter,
Basically had abortions while she was ill, had miscarriages, failed to have babies.
Now she's had a baby in a Syrian refugee camp.
She's demanding to come back.
Sob stories are all over the media about how we need to take care of her.
Basically an ISIS supporter married an Islamic State fighter gave interviews saying that
She saw beheaded, decapitated heads in bins and was not phased by it, was not phased by the mass slaughter that ISIS has overseen over the past four years and now just wants to come back and the media's all like, oh she's just a nice British girl from Bethnal Green, let's let her back in at taxpayer expense.
Remember this is the same government.
Headline, Asia BB not offered UK asylum amid concerns of unrest and attacks.
You had a Pakistani Christian refugee who was under threat of being killed by Islamists, not just Islamists, basically people in Pakistan in general, because she renounced Islam.
She ended up, of course, getting refuge in Canada.
The UK government refused to offer her asylum because they thought it would cause unrest in the UK and attacks on embassies.
Her supporters basically got that confirmed from the government.
So think about that.
They were steadfastly refusing to offer asylum to a genuine refugee from Pakistan because it would upset Muslims.
And also implicit within that, it's the same Islamophobia charge that they level at people like me.
If they're not going to let her in because they think moderate Muslims in the United Kingdom will stage unrest or will stage violent attacks,
What does that say about how the UK government views moderate Muslims?
That they're so out of control, that they're so inherently violent, that they will react to one refugee receiving refuge in the United Kingdom by lashing out violently.
That tells you everything you need to know.
They refused to do so because they said it would offend Muslims and now
Wall-to-wall media coverage over the past week from the likes of BBC and Sky News basically demanding that this ISIS-supporting one-time terrorist be allowed back into the UK at taxpayer expense.
The update on this, which just broke about an hour ago, family of ISIS bride Shamina Begum disappointed her UK citizenship is being removed.
Again, they're being given a platform to peddle their sob story, but the Home Office, the UK government, has announced that it intends to remove her British citizenship, their lawyer says.
So they've actually made the right decision, and no doubt leftists are all over Twitter freaking out about it, just like they weren't freaking out about Asia Bibi, an actual refugee who deserved asylum.
And then there's this story out of the sun,
Remember, this is the nice, normal British girl who made a mistake by joining ISIS.
Because 15-year-olds make that mistake all the time, don't they?
You know, normally you'd say a mistake is getting caught smoking weed behind the bike shed or whatever.
She joined ISIS.
Just a mistake.
We've all made it.
Headline, ISIS bride Shamina Begum.
Remember, this is the nice British girl who needs to come back.
We need to take care of her.
She just had a baby.
Guess what she named the baby?
And that's named after a barbaric jihadi warlord who massacred Jews.
That's the nice, normal, repentant British girl who we need to allow back into the country now that she's an adult, now that she's 19.
So she named her baby at the request of her terrorist husband after a barbaric jihadi warlord
who massacred Jews.
The whining teen jihadi has been slammed on social media for choosing a name that doesn't show that she wants to return to Britain in peace, which is what she claimed.
The Mirror says that in Arabic, Jarrah means able fighter or one who wounds.
Wait a minute, I thought Islam was a religion of peace.
Doesn't quite make sense, does it?
The 19-year-old, who's already had two children, a boy and a girl, die while living among the terror group in Syria, gave birth to a second son at the weekend,
She told Sky News, it's a boy.
I named him after my old son who died.
That's what my husband wanted.
So she's claiming that she's repentant, even though simultaneously saying she's not repentant and saying that decapitated heads don't faze her.
Meanwhile, she's still following the orders of her ISIS terrorist husband by naming this baby after a jihadi warlord who is named after somebody who massacred Jewish people.
He was a general from the early days of the Arab conquests, from the religion of peace conquests, chiefly famed for beating the crap out of infidels.
That's who she named her baby after.
Again, a nice normal British girl from East London that just made a mistake that we've all made joining ISIS, seeing people beheaded, seeing mass slaughter on an industrial basis.
But no, we need to let her back in.
And as David Curtin of UKIP noted in a tweet, the mainstream media who wouldn't lift a finger to advocate for Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother whose life is in danger from Islamists, she's actually in danger of assassination on a daily basis, is still banging on about helping a jihadi bride who went to join Islamic State, of her own accord.
She made the choice to do that.
Imam Tawhidi followed up with this comment,
Making a mistake when you're 15 is getting caught smoking by your dad, not joining bloody ISIS.
Old Hoburn made this comment.
Marry a jihadi?
Happily live under ISIS, condone murder, executions, rape, torture.
Expect to be spoken to if you enter the UK, because the UK government came out and said previously, Oh, we're gonna speak to her.
Don't worry about that.
We'll speak to her.
Everything's gonna be okay.
But they've actually made the right decision and cancelled her British citizenship according to the latest report.
This is the Alex Jones Show live at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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We're live!
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Now I put up a tweet about 10 minutes ago, which is a Guardian headline.
My tweet is entitled the first overtly racist modeling agency because the headline is this.
The world's first non-white modeling agency.
A true celebration of diversity.
It's so diverse, there are no white people in it whatsoever.
How diverse is that?
Launched in London a year ago, Lorde boasts a catalogue of models of colour.
We challenge the fashion industry's bias towards Caucasian looks.
There is no bias!
Absolute BS.
My girlfriend's an actress.
She can't get roles because she's white.
Consistently gets turned down for roles in favor of non-white people who are less talented because they're non-white and they have to achieve these ridiculous identity politics quotas.
There's one at the BBC where 8% of their staff have to be disabled
They literally have to find disabled people to fill these roles.
And there was another instance of this which I tweeted yesterday, which is an application form for, again, an acting role.
And it said, I'll read it out, this is for an acting role for somebody aged 20 to 35.
It says female.
This does not mean cis.
So they have to put it in there, you know, to make sure they've got the tranny base covered.
It says actor must identify as deaf or disabled.
Identify as deaf?
What, so do you actually have to be deaf?
Or can you just pretend to be deaf?
Or you just identify as deaf for one day?
Maybe if you don't want to hear an argument you don't like, you can just identify as deaf.
And get this job potentially as well.
It says your disability does not need to be visible.
We're particularly keen to solicit applications from neurodiverse actors, whatever the hell that means.
I guess it means autistic or something like that.
It says any ethnicity, but we encourage applications from deaf and disabled BAME performers, which means non-white.
So they've got acting roles, which are saying if you identify as deaf, then you can come in and play for that role.
Whether that means you actually have to be deaf or not, nobody knows.
And now you've got the first overtly racist modelling agency.
I've spoken to models and basically they already select non-white people en masse because again that's the diversity ghetto chic that they're going for, especially in London.
So you've got all these girls out there who look stereotypically white, many of them are Scandinavian looking, and they're not getting any jobs because they're already picking non-white people again because we've got such fantastic white privilege.
So they're celebrating the first overtly racist modeling agency that specifically excludes white people as a celebration of diversity.
Okay, I thought diversity meant all races and all creeds.
No, it means no white people.
That's what it's come to mean.
That's what it means right now with this first overtly racist modelling agency.
And that has a knock-on effect, and that's shown in this news story, headline out of Sputnik.
Diversity means no white people.
Rash of provocative stickers.
Plagues, UK town.
They were terrorised by some stickers on some lampposts.
Oh my God.
Call the police.
Which they did.
Anti-mass immigration sentiment in the UK has been on the rise amid highly publicized racially charged issues.
Again, we've had a lot of fake hate crimes too.
Including grooming gang child sexual exploitation.
No one cares about that really.
But if you're an ISIS bride who's not faced by decapitated heads, come on in!
Child sexual exploitation scandals rocking the country.
Now this is in the town of St.
Ives, Cambridgeshire.
Where police are investigating a series of provocative anti-immigration stickers which were found on the doors of local homes, local news portal Cambridge Alive has reported.
The series of numbered black and white stickers found across multiple addresses on Monday morning include phrases like...
Mass immigration is white genocide, as well as a series claiming that diversity means no white countries, no white cities, no white neighbourhoods means no white people.
Now where do you think they could have got that idea from, given that we now have one of the biggest newspapers in the United Kingdom celebrating the elimination of white people from an entire profession?
From an entire agency that specifically discriminates against white people, which I believe under UK law is illegal, but no one cares because it's not enforced.
If white people are, you know, feeling the cost of it, nobody cares, nobody enforces it.
Where could they have got that idea from?
Gee, I wonder.
Article continues, one of the stickers featured the phrase, second generation, third, fourth, you have to go back.
Now, this is what happens.
If you throw this in the face of people over and over again, if you prove that your so-called diverse society actually means the elimination of white people, then you'll get extremists on the right who do things like this.
Now, of course, this is just stickers.
They're treating it like it was some massive right-wing terrorist attack.
They're all freaking out.
Residents of St.
Audrey Lane and Langley Close reported the stickers, which were also plastered on lampposts.
Shock horror.
Local woman said she saw stickers on lampposts.
Again, stickers on lampposts, basically akin to a terror attack.
Near a school with the phrases, say no to Muslim rape gangs, God forbid.
Beware of anti-white rape gangs and beware of what is coming.
So again, you're going to have fringes on the extremes and they will lash out and they will come out with that kind of volatile extremist rhetoric.
If you have a situation where white people are specifically ostracized from entire professions, like they're beginning to be in the acting and modeling professions with the first overtly racist modeling agency.
Meanwhile in France, Sputnik again reports French citizens march in protest of rising anti-Semitism in the country.
Gee, I wonder why that's happening.
They've got a Muslim population officially of about 8-9%.
It's probably actually closer to double that.
And now some 14 French political parties, including President Emmanuel Macron's Le Public En Marche, because they have to do it to save face, as well as the Republicans, called on the French electorate to hold political demonstrations all over the country under the slogan, No to Antisemitism.
In addition to the Prime Minister, 19 members of the government are expected to take part in the march, along with former French Presidents Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy.
Anti-Semitism is on the rise.
In fact, I did a video about this.
I forgot how many thousands of Jews fleeing Paris every single year because of this.
It says last year there were 541 registered incidents, up 74% from the 311 registered in 2017.
So it's gone up 74% in a year.
The march is taking place just hours after about 80 graves were discovered vandalized, painted with swastikas, in a Jewish cemetery in Eastern France.
Which reminds me of that Karl Lagerfeld warning, because we had the death of Karl Lagerfeld, the fashion icon today.
He gave an interview with AFP not so long ago, I think it was a few months ago, where he said, quote, one cannot, even if there are decades between them, kill millions of Jews so you can bring millions of their worst enemies in their place.
This is Karl Lagerfeld said this.
I know someone in Germany who took a young Syrian and after four days said, the greatest thing Germany invented was the Holocaust.
So if you invite armies of people who vociferously hate Jews, is it any surprise that in major European countries like France, anti-semitic incidents are up 74%?
Remember the walking while Jew famous video where he walked through Paris?
Wearing Jewish attire, and again was abused mainly by Muslims.
That's what's going to happen if you invite that group of people with those beliefs into your country.
And it's absolutely despicable.
This is the Alex Jones Show, LiveInfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
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Now RT is reporting on Bernie Sanders announcing his candidacy headline.
He's back!
Will Sanders be able to make enough Americans feel the Bern in 2020?
And they make the point in this article.
Now obviously I'm no fan of Bernie Sanders but to some extent he represents a threat to the establishment.
They've co-opted most of his message with some of the other candidates so he's kind of watered down at this point.
But they make the point that
Allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct within Sanders' 2016 campaign will likely plague the candidate this time round.
Of course, that wasn't Sanders, that was allegations against some of his staff who got me too'd.
They also bring up the question of Sanders' age and the fact that he's an old white male.
You see this time and time again in the media when they do a list of potential winning candidates for Democrats in 2020, they list, you know, one to ten.
Sanders is always five or below.
He's not normally in the top five of likely winners because they say he's too old, he's too white, he's too male.
Notice how they don't say the same thing about former Vice President Joe Biden, who is basically, as far as I know, basically the same age as Sanders.
He's old, he's white, he's male.
But he's routinely number one when they come up with these lists of likely Democratic candidate winners.
So why aren't the same allegations being levelled against Joe Biden when it comes to him being pale, male and stale as they've now begun saying because it's okay to insult white people based on the colour of their skin in these new wonderfully diverse anti-racist times.
Obviously the allegations of sexual assault within the Sanders campaign, that's not being talked about within Joe Biden's potential campaign, is it?
In reference to certain videos that have come out over the past few years which prove that Joe Biden
Likes children a lot.
He loves children.
He's very affectionate towards children.
And some people think a little bit too affectionate.
Maybe he's past his time.
He doesn't understand the current climate, but we've played the videos over and over again with his, let's face it, creepy behavior towards children, but not just children, women as well.
You know, the arm around the woman, that was a famous one.
There's another one now where he's got his hands around the midriff of another woman.
Hugs that last forever.
I did a video on this called Creepy Uncle Joe.
It got over a million views.
I'm begging for him to announce his presidency campaign because I'm going to bring that back up, obviously.
But again, Sanders is being hit with these sexual assault allegations, or at least his staff are, which date back four years at this point and are not even that severe from what I've read.
And yet we've got Joe Biden on tape dozens of times
Let's just say, to be kind to him, behaving inappropriately given the current climate around young girls and women.
But no mainstream media outlet is talking about that, are they?
They've got him at number one on most of these lists as likely Democrat winners if he indeed does announce his candidacy.
Some people have said that
He maybe wouldn't if Sanders announced, but it remains to be seen.
The polls show that he's top.
The lists show that he's top.
Because again, they shield him from the same claims that are made against Sanders on a routine basis.
Very interesting that they do that, isn't it?
Meanwhile, back in Europe, we've got 2,000 Islamists ready to carry out attacks at any time.
That's according to a former German spy chief.
The security threat posed by more than 2,000 Islamist terror suspects is just one example of how Angela Merkel's mistake, it wasn't a mistake, it was deliberate, to throw open the borders continues to haunt Germany daily, the country's former spy chief has said.
This is Hans-Jörg Mason, who was forced to retire as Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution chief last year after voicing scepticism over Antifa-promoted footage used to claim Germans had carried out a pogrom against migrants
And he makes the point that he was given, in his own words, he felt chills when he saw that thousands of migrants were allowed to enter Germany just like that.
He said the security situation has been aggravated by the so-called migration crisis and that basically Merkel's decision to throw open the borders has left Germany at great risk.
There are now 2,000 Islamists in the country waiting to carry out attacks.
Meanwhile, of course, we've had the
Footage, we've shown the footage before, of Germans basically being indoctrinated to accept this new way of life.
They've got blonde models in hijabs dancing around telling them to embrace diversity.
They've got narratives in soap operas where white children are told to convert to Islam.
I did a video called the mass brainwashing of Germany where you can see all that footage.
We have
German police, we had a story on Friday about this on Infowars.com, being ordered not to include sexual assaults, not to include honor killings by Muslims in their official crime statistics.
So even though it shows that violent crime in Germany has skyrocketed since the opening of the borders and that 90% of that violent crime is attributed to migrants,
Still those statistics aren't accurate because police are being ordered to bury certain kinds of crime within these statistics before they're publicly released.
And on that same subject we've got an article here out of Voice of Europe.
95% of pickpockets on Brussels public transport are foreigners.
Some 95% of pickpockets operating on or near public transportation in Brussels are foreigners according to figures obtained by a Member of Parliament
Who reportedly requested information regarding the nationalities of petty thieves for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and shared his findings with the local outlet Sceptre.
Says between 2008 and the first quarter of 2018 only 5%.
And this is in Brussels, where they have entire areas which have been taken over by Islamists like Molenbeek.
Which shielded, which hid one of the Paris massacre terrorists for months before he was caught by police.
And then when the police did come to capture him, they stoned the police, tried to drive them away so they couldn't catch this terrorist.
Entire areas of Brussels handed over to people like that.
And now one of the knock-on effects is that 95% of pickpockets of petty thieves are migrants, or I believe at least children of migrants, and those statistics have now been revealed.
So is it any doubt
The anti-mass migration parties continue to perform well, not only in national elections but also with the big EU elections coming up in May.
Now liberals have found something new to be outraged about on Twitter.
Nothing new, it's literally a 48-year-old interview, a 48-year-old Playboy interview with John Wayne.
Which has now resurfaced, and they're all outraged about it on Twitter.
Literally, almost half a century old comments, and they're livid.
He basically uses slurs against gay people, says YRFAAGs in films.
He says, in fact, one of these comments was actually quite woke.
He said black actors should be used for black roles, but he said, he used some disparaging words about African-American people and about gay people.
48 years ago, and this was trending, I believe it's still trending on Twitter, they're still outraged about it.
Meanwhile, iconic statue of kissing sailor vandalised with Me Too just days after the sailor's death.
Now you can't portray that iconic scene of a sailor kissing a nurse, titled Unconditional Surrender, in this new era of Me Too, because again, that is rape culture.
Absolutely incredible.
Of course, we had the death today of Karl Lagerfeld, fashion icon.
His warning about mass migration has basically gone unheard, but that's resurfacing once again.
Meanwhile, the bigoted anti-gay Trump administration has launched a global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality.
They're launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay.
Trump can get up on stage with a rainbow flag and yet on Twitter this is still not enough.
Gay people are being stoned to death in Islamic countries but you know Mike Pence said some bad words once and that's the main threat.
That's going to wrap it up for the Alex Jones Show.
War Room is coming up next in 4Wars.com.
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