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Filename: 20190214_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 14, 2019
2944 lines.

Alex Jones discusses his blown Achilles tendon and upcoming surgery plans. He talks about the recent scandal involving McCabe and the FBI's actions against Trump, and promotes various InfoWars products for health and wellness. He also promotes products available at InfoWarsStore.com such as Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing which are now available at a 40% discount during a limited-time immune boost special.

From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Boy, I gotta tell ya...
Getting older is not fun.
I'm 45.
I have great health.
Really don't ever get sick other than allergies.
But I've just been too busy to get my 100% blown Achilles fixed.
I had scans done about a year ago but never had the surgery because it would be 7 weeks off.
I waited too long.
But it's 100% blown.
And I just get so busy that I've stopped working out.
So about a month ago, I started working out again.
And the supplements have helped me not balloon up to where I was six, seven years ago.
Because I'd exercise all the time, I wouldn't lose weight.
And it was the X2, it was SuperMill Vitality that helped me feel like I was 20 again and lose 60-something pounds.
Now I've crept back and gained like 30 of that back.
That's to my next story.
So I started hitting the gym four days a week.
Instead of just doing a little bit of elliptical here and there.
And man, I was like, you know what?
I'm gonna not play around here.
I'm gonna do like I used to when I was 20.
I'm gonna do heavier weight after I warmed up.
And I was gonna make myself, you know, do 30 reps or whatever on biceps.
I never really do arms.
And like I should.
And man, oh my gosh.
I'm pulling that weight up.
And just, you could feel it just tear.
And my bicep is just, it looks like half the size of my other one.
It's just blown.
So, I'm here on air and you can't drag me away from it.
And that's not theatrics.
I should be in a sling.
And I got a nice concierge doctor coming by.
That's the great thing about free market society.
I got a doctor, great medical doctor, orthopedic doctor.
Did a great surgery on my wife's elbow.
From her tennis elbow.
And boy, I tell you, she's out of pain.
She's had the surgery about a month ago.
But I'm only telling the story right now because I usually prepare for the show.
I did prepare last night and some this morning.
But I've done zero preparation since I got here.
And sometimes we have our best broadcast.
When that is the case, but if you see me jolting or pulling back or doing anything like that, it's because I keep forgetting that I cannot straighten my arm.
It's like a cattle prod if I try to straighten it.
So this should be interesting today, because I'm like, I keep forgetting to close the car door, try to drive with two hands, and I just can't do it.
And I can't lower my hand down by my side.
So let me tell you, a bicep injury is not a fun thing.
I've had a few injuries.
And I've powered through them, but I think this is gonna, I'm not gonna wait on the surgery for this one.
I need to have surgery, because this is just unbelievable.
But most people say, they say most bicep injuries just heal themselves in six weeks or so.
We'll see if that is the case.
How excruciating this pain gets.
But I'm just, I'm a little bit older these days, so I'm gonna not act like I'm 20 years old anymore.
What do they say?
The spirit is willing, but the body gives out.
Now, I'm going to get past talking about myself here.
We're going to go to break.
And when we return, on the other side of this quick break, we do have some massive news, obviously, exploding everywhere.
And if you're informed on the Russiagate situation, yeah, we're all sick of Russiagate.
Yeah, it's a bunch of disinfo, and everybody gets tired of it.
But inside of it, it's a window into the deep state.
Like they've meant it to bring down Trump, but hiding in plain view, it should bring them down.
Because when you're informed, and you listen to McCabe, or Comey, or any of these other people, they're lying every time they open their fat mouths.
And so, it's just incredible.
We have a 60-minute clip of that coming up.
It's on drugsreport.com.
It's also on infowars.com and newswars.com.
And so, here he is contradicting
His testimony to Congress.
Should I even go pull the clips up and then play this?
I mean, the guy is a fricking liar, man.
Either way you slice it.
Even if he's telling the truth now, then he lied to Congress.
What a piece of filth.
What a dirtbag.
He said he's an FBI agent.
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Tomorrow's news, today.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live, from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, February 14th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're gonna be here for the next four hours.
This is the most banned, demonized broadcast in the world for good reason.
We tell the truth, and we're fearless.
We really appreciate you, the audience, understanding.
Without you spreading the word,
This operation will get hammered into oblivion.
If that's what's meant to happen, it'll happen, but I'd like to stay at the battle stations as long as possible in this critical time, and I appreciate you all standing with us.
This is such a big deal, this issue I'm going to cover next hour, that I'm going to do some preparation on it, because I don't want to just put this info out and not have some ceremony.
Because so much of what we do is all cattle, no hat.
You know, I don't have the open topped 1975 Cadillac with fake steer horns on it, and I'm not wearing a cowboy hat and a white suit, but I do have cattle.
And usually the guy driving around with their boss hog doesn't actually have any cattle.
And doesn't know how to put a saddle on a horse.
And that's what we see in this whole phony society.
But then when you're all cattle and no hat, you just kind of just deliver the massive goods continually, and the establishment knows what they're hearing, and they're scared.
They're like, boy, if anybody pays attention to this, we're done.
And this particular article right here is so incredible.
Post this in whole to InfoWars.com, please.
And if you just deliver the goods right up front, nobody cares.
So I'm not going to tell you what this article is.
We're going to post it to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com in full with a note that I'm going to cover it all at 12.15.
That should give me time to get the clips together and to properly back this up.
And then we'll put a note on there that at 12.15 I'm covering it and once that part of the show is done we can cut that video out and put it in there.
Because this is a big deal.
And it also shows that even mainstream media can find its soul again.
But this is the type of stuff that has gotten me sued.
Is asking questions.
And so many times when things are being staged, then you have to question everything, and sometimes things aren't staged.
But this is a big, giant, famous event that a major news agency is admitting they went and found was completely staged, including children being hurt, children being killed.
Totally staged.
But then out of that, you could end up with hundreds of thousands dead in World War III.
So, that's coming up.
Obviously, next segment, we're going to get into McCabe.
And that's something that's so big, it's really hard to even do proper justice.
When I got up this morning and I watched this interview, parts of it, while the children were running around getting ready for school and eating their breakfast,
It gave me a headache because my brain went and accessed its memory banks and remembered a bunch of times you testified to Congress and lied to Congress.
And then I'm sitting there on YouTube trying to find it to send it to the producers.
And, you know, my daughter's asking me to comb a knot out of her hair while I please put the iPad down.
And so I got here and didn't get the clips to the producers.
So it's almost like I don't even want to play this if I don't do the justice.
You know what I mean?
McCabe says he ordered the obstruction probe.
Now he told Congress he had nothing to do with the obstruction probe and that the president had never been under investigation.
Rosenstein testified
That the wire was just a joke and that the president also was never under investigation.
But he was directly the target of the investigation.
So they both lie to Congress and now he's on 60 Minutes saying it because he doesn't think you have a memory?
He thinks you're a moron?
He thinks he's not going to get in trouble?
Now, of course, there is a grand jury convened.
Actually, only two of them.
But you never see that in the news.
It's been in the news, grand jury convened over McCabe lying to Congress.
You can find it in some local papers.
But that's it.
And he sits up there, all over television, talking about new lows for the country with Trump.
When it's come out that FBI agents went, the document's been released, went to the State Department and basically said, we'll let you reclassify these as not secret or top secret so that Hillary doesn't go to jail, but we want plum overseas jobs in the nicest cities in Europe.
I mean, that's the level selling your country out?
And you actually go put it in writing?
A threat to the State Department?
If you don't get a plum job?
That's what these FBI agents are turned into at the top!
What a group of criminals!
God help us!
Now, since we've gone into this area, Robert Barnes, lawyer, is one of the best public speakers I've ever heard.
I told him I wanted him to talk about Mueller more in his criminal history, and Isaac Asimov's son and Mueller covering it up and all this, because he didn't know where McCabe came from.
So what I'm going to do is, it's a 30-minute mini-documentary titled
Muller, A Journey to the Dark Side, that Rob Dewey put together.
I think I'm going to have it re-uploaded.
The audio is a little low on our version, but we're going to boost the audio here.
But it's a great piece that Rob put together.
It's a documentary.
We're going to air that for the next couple of segments, when we come back.
And then in the last segment of the hour, I'll get to McCabe and those clips.
It's incredible how evil Mueller is, and the things he's been engaged in, and what he's gotten away with, and the way the government, all these agencies blackmail each other, and just how incredibly corrupt it is, and how foreign governments just walk in and are just buying everyone off publicly.
And you know, I've talked to some really smart people in Washington, and they said, Alex, you don't get it, do you?
They said they're going after Trump because he didn't take money from the Russians.
And they, it's not just that they took money and they're blaming him for what they did, by them putting Trump off his balance, he can't even make deals with Russia, he can't even build buildings there or anything, but beyond that, they just want him pushed off of their quarry, because Russia is so incredibly wealthy, and the globalists are still in control of much of Russia's wealth, and they're all up there buying and selling Russian assets.
So that was just so Trump dare not even be an executive with Russia, so they can still kind of run their Russia projects.
And I kind of knew that, but it didn't really sink in.
Mueller's on the boards of these Russian companies.
They just give him money.
They're all corrupt.
And then they point their fingers at us and say, we're Russians with no proof.
It's just insane, and it's criminal.
There's so much coming up today, but Robert Barnes really knocked it out of the park.
So when we come back, we're going straight to this documentary and we're going to have it reposted to the front page of InfoWars.com so you can share it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, we're going to air large excerpts of this very powerful piece put together, a mini-documentary.
Mueller, a journey to the dark side.
Take a peek into the former FBI directors.
They say shady past.
Deeply disturbing.
Master fixer past.
I mean, just unbelievably bad.
You know, it's like the Monty Python joke where the devil appears in a puff of smoke every time something bad happens, then disappears in another puff of smoke.
It's just like, whoa!
Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, this guy is completely evil.
And continues to cover up child molestation.
And child molestation rinks.
And child porn.
And people are like, hey, Robert Mueller's dangerous.
He'll kill you.
Well, somebody's got to stand up for these kids, man.
I'm not looking for trouble, okay?
But everybody else can just sit there and kiss his butt if you want to.
I'm not doing it.
The country was built on people standing up.
Now everybody just kisses butt all day, and that's why we're in trouble.
And I know the audience is awesome, and I thank you.
By the way, I spent like four minutes talking about this yesterday.
I'm going to spend like one minute now, and then get to the documentary.
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So we went to them, where it's organic, it's high quality, and we said, what is the best, highest in, highest rated bars?
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Now he's selling protein bars.
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And like you need oxygen.
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Alright, I kind of went late on that.
This is about a 30-minute documentary, but the whole thing's powerful.
So I'll back things up.
We'll air most of the next two segments.
Then I'll come back in the next hour and get into McCabe.
And then I'll get into this incredible story that I'm not gonna cover yet.
That's just absolutely critical.
But again, we need your support.
Without your support, spreading the word, supporting local stations and purchasing products, we cannot stand against the Globals.
If you support us, we can do it.
All right, thank you.
Now let's go ahead and let's go ahead and go to this mini documentary that I hope you'll share, Muller, A Journey to the Dark Side.
Mueller is no patriot.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
If Whitey Bulger had a connection with the FBI, he wouldn't think twice about walking into your living room and blowing your brains out.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and 32 others were on a military plane that crashed today in a violent storm.
There are no known survivors at this time.
There are no indications of a problem other than the obvious, bad weather.
We wanted to go to San Diego and find out what an FBI informant is doing, providing cover and shelter for a Saudi terrorist.
And Mueller tried to stop him.
He helped many of the key people that are connected to the Saudis and connected to the bin Laden family to escape the United States.
We now have in this country what is a runaway investigation.
It's spinning out of control.
It's led by Mueller and his merry band of Trump-hating deep state sycophants.
We're going to lose our entire culture and our society if we don't start standing up.
I mean, there's no end to these crazy people.
The truth is collateral damage.
We caught him.
We caught him.
We exposed that this was going on.
If you look at Mueller's entire history, you see sort of the deep state fix-it man is the role that Mueller has played for the better part of three decades.
Here's a guy who came from sort of the wealthy, affluent, old money families.
So old money goes back to when New York was New Amsterdam.
That's how far back his sort of old money, deep state ties go.
So he goes to Princeton during the sort of the Ivy League peak days, part of the dining club culture there that's sort of like the secret societies of Yale and other places.
Goes from there, he volunteers to serve as part of sort of the officer corps in Vietnam.
He doesn't actually see any real problems or isn't harmed in any way, which is sort of a habit of those sort of more privileged kids who go off to war, somehow manage to come back unharmed and more frequently than not.
Comes back, he becomes a lawyer.
He joins the U.S.
Attorney's Office in the Northern District of California and manages to work his way up to Boston.
He becomes one of the assistant prosecutors in Massachusetts.
Well, it's interesting who, when he is at the U.S.
Attorney's Office in the District of Massachusetts in Boston, well, guess who they are supervising as a secret witness, as a secret informant, who they are covering for?
Whitey Bulger.
That's what puts Robert Mueller on the map in terms of the political space.
He becomes one of the key people involved who helps keep four innocent people in a state prison in Massachusetts by covering for the fact that, in fact, Whitey Bulger was the mob boss, the Boston mob boss, who was responsible for the crime that those four innocent people were serving in prison for.
Mueller parlays that successful cover-up of the Whitey Bulger criminal regime that was involved with the FBI in Boston into a position under the Bush Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
He becomes one of the key people there during key prosecutions.
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So I come to you each day and try to explain to you that this is a war of attrition.
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Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or your mind.
Mueller parlays that successful cover-up of the Whitey Bulger criminal regime that was involved with the FBI in Boston into a position under the Bush Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
He becomes one of the key people there during key prosecutions, such as the prosecution of BCCI and the prosecution of Manuel Noriega.
So BCCI was the money launderers bank of choice.
It had a former Kennedy Attorney General who was one of their key bank private counsel.
BCCI was where the drug dealers went.
BCCI is where terrorists went.
BCCI is where marginal political regimes that were under sanctions went.
BCCI was basically the money laundering bank of choice for the world's rogues, the world's terrorists, the world's most violent criminal gangs and operations.
What was key was that BCCI could implicate the CIA.
BCCI could implicate high-ranking members of the intelligence infrastructure in the United States.
BCCI could implicate high-ranking politicians, not only here in the United States, but other places in the world that were favorable to the intelligence and deep state infrastructure of America's political power hierarchy.
And so that was where Bob Mueller stepped in again, the deep state fix-it man.
He made sure the BCCI case didn't go far afield.
And you don't have to take my word for it.
Just read what William Sapphire wrote about, who is a columnist for the New York Times, wrote about what Robert Mueller was doing as to the BCCI case when he was interfering with the ability of the New York prosecutor to meaningfully look into the case.
The New York State prosecutor had been the long-term, long-time head of the New York District Attorney's Office for Manhattan.
The guy that they built the show Law & Order was premised upon, his legacy and his history, was trying to meaningfully investigate the various criminal activities of BCCI.
Who was interfering?
Robert Mueller, the Department of Justice under the Poppy Bush administration.
This was documented and detailed repeatedly by William Sapphire on the pages of no less a publication than the New York Times itself.
Despite this, the effect of it was that the BCCI case would never contaminate critical political figures in Washington or around the world, particularly those connected to corruption within our own intelligence infrastructure in the United States and in what's loosely called the Five Eyes in the United Kingdom and Australia and elsewhere.
Bob Mueller would then parlay that success into the manual Noriega prosecution.
Noriega, the longtime dictator of Panama, using his powers ahead of the military to effectively control its political process, killing political adversaries, corrupting elections, having people disappear who would say bad things about him, like call him pineapple face or things like that in a very high-profile public way.
We're good to go.
That is who Manuel Noriega was.
The problem was Manuel Noriega was a U.S.
source dating back to the late 1960s and early 1970s when he had been approached by U.S.
intelligence in Panama while he was just in military school.
He became a critical source of U.S.
intelligence throughout that entire time period.
So when he went AWOL, he went off the reservation like Saddam Hussein did in the late 90s.
The net effect of it was that the political infrastructure here had to punish him.
And so Poppy Bush, who had previously been head of the CIA during a time period in which Manuel Noriega was an informant for the CIA while working for the Panama government, needed to crush him.
So we had the invasion of Panama and the arrest of Mr. Noriega.
And the big question at his trial was going to be whether Noriega could defend himself against the allegations and accusations by pointing out that he was actually on the CIA's payroll while he was doing the things he was accused of doing in a U.S.
Well, so they needed someone from the U.S.
legal system to cover for Manuel Noriega, to make sure that Mr. Noriega could not report on the crimes that he did at the behest and the behalf of Poppy Bush and the CIA and the deep state.
In steps Robert Mueller.
Mr. Mueller would help manage and micromanage and supervise that prosecution and convince the federal judge to not even allow Mr. Noriega to tell the truth in his own defense.
To not even allow him to voice what in fact was the reality and the facts and the history was that he had actually been working on behalf and at the behest of the CIA and other members of the deep state infrastructure when he was running guns.
When he was running drugs, when he was involved in various criminal illicit activities that put Americans' well-being at risk.
Once Mueller satisfied that objective, this was the third time he had helped fix the deep state's problems.
Whitey Bulger in Boston, then BCCI, then Mr. Noriega.
Then Poppy Bush lost his re-election bid, and Bill Clinton came in, and Mr. Robert Mueller went off to cash in and make millions of dollars in the private sector.
He was there for a couple of years when he took a peculiar resume path.
He then went to become an assistant prosecutor, not a head prosecutor, not a chief of any division of a prosecution unit.
He'd gone from being one of the top people at the Department of Justice, making lots of money in the private sector, to becoming a low-level assistant in the Homicide Division in the District of Columbia.
It seemed a peculiar and unusual transition.
Now people would note later that in fact he could have, potentially, had the jurisdiction and authority to pursue deaths that happened in the Clinton administration during the time period that he was at the District of Columbia office.
He did use his time there to argue for the cover-up of various FBI agents and misconduct that took place in Waco, Texas, as was later documented and detailed by Mr. Barr's book.
Mr. Mueller used his connections to lobby for there to be a cover-up and no further action taken, adverse employment action taken, to any of the agents that led to the death of those people at Waco.
But he not only did that, whatever he did at this low-level position while he was in the District of Columbia's office, two things did not happen.
There was no investigation into the death of Ron Brown.
Ron Brown was the Secretary of Commerce under President Clinton when he became under federal criminal grand jury investigation and his own mistress turned rat.
And the issues was whether Ron Brown, who was known as sort of the bag man for the Democratic Party for many decades, who got his name to fame originally through Reverend Jesse Jackson and then became a political fixer, such that it led him to be the Commerce Secretary in the President Clinton's cabinet.
That it took an unusual commerce trip.
Usually you don't take a commerce trip to develop tourism or to develop commercial relationships in a country that is in a war zone.
But that's what happened, apparently, to Commerce Secretary Brown when he was flying over a war zone and his plane went down and the black box was never found.
There was the possibility, if the District of Columbia's office had chosen, where Robert Mueller was now working, to investigate that as a potential homicide.
It was never investigated.
Nor did the District of Columbia office meaningfully exercise any discretion or authority to investigate another death that happened under somewhat suspicious circumstances, in the case of Vince Foster, the White House Counsel, who reportedly had all of the secrets of the Clintons in his own mind.
After that happened, the next extraordinary thing in Robert Mueller's career took place.
Mr. Mueller then got a promotion, a transfer.
By the Clinton administration.
Here's a Republican.
High-ranking Republican.
30-year Republican.
Only appointed by Republicans.
Highly well-connected in Republican political circles.
Gets a Democratic president to nominate him for one of the most prestigious gigs in the entire prosecutorial arena.
To be the head prosecutor for the Northern District of California in San Francisco.
The second most plumb gig outside of the Southern District of New York for any politically ambitious Democratic lawyer.
Why did Robert Mueller go from being a low-level District of Columbia prosecutor suddenly to getting this prime gig under a Democratic president?
It's never been explained.
Then he goes to the U.S.
Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California, where another one of his peculiar cases takes place.
Towards the end of his term, there was a raid by local state officials in a California state prosecution, county prosecution, of the son of a famous science fiction writer, Mr. Asimov.
When they did their raid, they found not only what appeared to be child pornography, but also the ability to make and create child pornography.
These stories started leaking out to the local press by the police officers who were shocked and horrified by what they saw.
Within about a year, year and a half, two years, suddenly, all of a sudden, the feds swooped in.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Towards the end of his term, there was a raid by local state officials in a California state prosecution, county prosecution, of the son of a famous science fiction writer, Mr. Asimov.
When they did their raid, they found not only what appeared to be child pornography, but also the ability to make and create child pornography.
The story started leaking out to the local press by the police officers who were shocked and horrified by what they saw.
Within about a year, year and a half, two years, suddenly all of a sudden the feds swoop in and Mr. Mueller takes over the case.
He will wait about a year or so until the case quietly dies.
Mr. Asimov will see no time in a federal prison.
He'll have his own equipment and everything returned to him.
Within a couple of months of that deal getting done, Mr. Mueller had a new nomination.
He was made the FBI director under George W. Bush.
It is my honor to nominate Robert S. Mueller of California to become the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
In fact, he was made FBI director very soon before the next big deep state scandal would occur, 9-11.
So there had been suspicion and some theories for some time that Mr. Mueller used Mr. Asimov to gain access to names of identities of individuals who are high profile and politically connected who had been involved in either the production or purchase of child pornography.
Whether it's true or not is still unknown because it was never fully investigated or vetted.
The congressional committees that oversaw Mr. Mueller's appointment to the FBI chose not to ask a single question about it.
Once Mr. Mueller got to the FBI, within weeks, 9-11 occurs.
What is Mr. Mueller's first action and reaction?
As is well documented in stories like The Looming Tower and others, the ground agent of the FBI was giving notice to their hierarchy that there were serious problems afoot, including, in fact, key ranking members of the FBI's anti-terrorism division were reporting serious concerns.
The FBI ignored those concerns on the seventh floor of their political hierarchy.
So there were FBI agents warning about people learning to only take off on planes and not land.
People who were using FBI informants in San Diego and Southern California, who would end up being one of the 21 pilots or people involved in the terror events of 9-11.
They were at least alleged or accused to be.
And in addition to that, there was concerns about all of Bin Laden's connections, family and political and financial connections, of people that were here in the United States at the time of 9-11.
What did Robert Mueller do?
Well, first, he helped many of the key people that were connected to the Saudis and connected to the Bin Laden family to escape the United States without any meaningful investigation into them, with secret flights out during a time period in which no flights were actually supposed to be allowed at all, least of all for potential suspects or persons of interest with knowledge and information that could be relevant and significant to the investigation into what actually happened at 9-11.
But it went beyond that.
Mr. Mueller did a massive cover-up campaign to make sure that nobody would find out for almost a decade that the FBI's ground-level agents, their field agents, had been documenting and detailing concerns that the seventh floor had stayed quiet and moot about.
Indeed, one of the key FBI agents who was documenting problems was the head of security at the World Trade Center and died that day.
So much of his information went with him.
And Robert Mueller would spend the next better part of a half a decade covering up what he knew and other people knew that the FBI didn't act upon for political reasons or unexplained reasons.
Mueller has confronted disbounding evidence.
He's candidly admitted what we all now realize.
That today we can't say for sure whether the 9-11 attacks might have been stopped if all the dots had been connected and all the leads been followed.
And I commend the director for the candor of his recent statements.
That would not be the end of Robert Mueller's role as a deep state fix-it man.
He would not only be an FBI director under George W. Bush...
Barack Obama would continue the bipartisan role of Robert Mueller as a deep state fix-it man and allow him to continue on as FBI director even after he took over.
During this time period, Robert Mueller would take critical steps to cover up anything that could implicate high-ranking members of the FBI or law enforcement or intelligence branches or what is loosely or colloquially known as the deep state.
President Trump hasn't even been in office a full year yet, but that hasn't stopped the Deep State from waging an all-out war against him.
The Democrats are working together with the Deep State to discredit the duly elected President of the United States, while ignoring their own crimes and misconduct.
It's a form of a coup.
This is very dangerous for our country.
I regard the Mueller example as the Deep State at its very worst, and it worries me a great deal.
This has reached
This is how the Deep State operates.
They did it to me personally, as a member of Congress, when I was the chairman of the Oversight Committee.
I had the Secret Service, more than 40 agents dove into my background because they wanted to embarrass me.
This has become a supra-authority that now has more power than the President of the United States, not envisioned by the Constitution in any way, shape, or form.
Why the hell should we put up with it?
Had someone come to me a year ago and said this is what we would be dealing with now, I really would have thought of it as a conspiracy theory.
But what we have seen take place over the last 18 months
Are there forces in the United States that are more powerful than Congress?
More powerful than the President of the United States.
More powerful than the President and the Congress combined.
To get in the leadership, it's not, you don't earn your stripes.
That was one thing that I had made a decision even before I went to Washington.
And while I was there, if I had set my goal as to become Chairman of the Banking Committee, I would have had to sell my soul.
Really, and it's the way.
You do exactly what they tell you, you raise a lot of money, and it costs a couple million, now it's probably five or ten million dollars to deliver to the party, and you have to do that by kowtowing to the powerful special interests, mainly the military-industrial complex.
The term, the deep state, would in fact originate from an 1860s, 1870s economist writer who simply called it the dual state, trying to explain the phenomenon to where democratic forces had less and less control over the day-to-day operations of government.
At that point, it was sort of loosely or colloquially called the administrative state.
But in its law enforcement and intelligence branches, where people were obtaining power and unable to be removed or their policies changed, no matter what happened in the elections, led to the phrase Deep State.
It would be popularized and colloquialized again by a group of scholars from Germany in the early 1930s, who were trying to explain the rise of fascism.
They began to understand what fascism was about and where it came from, based on this dual state notion.
That increasingly there are people who controlled military, law enforcement, and intelligence branches of government that were immune from democratic forces.
That were removed from the democratic process.
That they stayed, like J. Edgar Hoover, no matter what happened politically.
No matter who controlled the House, who controlled the Senate, who controlled the Parliament, who controlled the Presidency of any government or the Prime Minister of any government.
That in each case, and in every case, the political powers that be that control the equivalents of the CIA, whether here or overseas, the high-ranking Defense Department individuals, the high-ranking law enforcement people, people that should have been political appointees and subject to the political process, were increasingly their own government.
Hence the dual state notion.
Another state, outside of, independent of, separate from, the democratically controlled political process.
And that became known as the Deep State in the late 60s and early 70s, originally an idea initiated and brought about by the political left to try to explain the way Hoover was able to operate independent of political process, the way the CIA was able to do coups or MKA Ultra independent of and separate from the political process.
Whether that political process is the press and public knowledge, or the political process is the legislative bodies that were supposed to be controlling their funding and overseeing them, or the executive branch, the elected head of the executive branch themselves.
There's a reason why a general like Eisenhower voiced his concerns in 1959.
He was witnessing the dual state, the deep state in action that was so powerful that even a general, former general, and a president of the United States felt he could no longer control them.
That he needed the public to be aware of their activities so there could be more electoral and democratic, little d, democratic control of the dual state, deep state operation that was entrenching and institutionalizing its political power.
Using its control over the intelligence infrastructure, the military infrastructure,
We're good to go.
Of bank money laundering allegations for rogue states, for drug dealers, for terrorists, for people running arms, for people running drugs and that would be the HSBC case.
So HSBC would come under scrutiny because it was the bank of choice for Mexican drug cartels and the bank of choice for various terror running operations.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle.
We're gonna go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
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Again, this is a limited-time Immune Boost Special.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Once again, Robert Mueller would step in.
The net effect of his intervention would be to limit HSB's prosecution to just some criminal fines, protect high-ranking executives from any degree of exposure, and make sure that its role as a deep state facilitator and enabler of corrupt activities around the world would be covered up and hidden.
Nobody within the hierarchy of the intelligence infrastructure, the law enforcement infrastructure, the defense infrastructure of either here or around the world would be implicated by the HSBC scandal, thanks to the role of Robert Mueller.
Mr. Mueller wouldn't stop there.
Mr. Mueller would help cover up the IRS Tea Party inquiry.
That began when the IRS began to target people simply because of their association with known 501c3s or 501c4s, which are public charities and
I think?
Robert Mueller.
Once again, he would cover for the IRS's role as a tool of the dual state and the deep state to harass those they consider their ideological or political adversaries, who can be either on the left or the right.
Mr. Mueller wouldn't stop there.
When the FBI and the DEA and others became involved in a very questionable activity of trying to control guns, and trying to control guns by actually spreading those guns to Mexican drug cartels, known as the Fast and Furious scandal,
I think?
I think?
Mr. Jeffrey Epstein was under prosecution and investigation when he was exposed for his nefarious conduct in Miami and New York during the time period that Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI.
Mr. Epstein would get a very strange sweetheart deal that would be covered up for the better part of half a decade.
Thanks to the activities of Mr. Mueller and later rumors would spread and stories would document that in fact it appeared Mr. Epstein acted as an informant for Mr. Mueller basically providing him sort of a blacklist that he could blackmail or that he could extort or that he could have special information in to protect the political prerogatives and prejudices of the dual state deep state that he had long been a loyal servant of.
Twelve years is a long time to do anything, and I guarantee you that Bob's wife Anne agrees.
Today, as Bob prepares to complete his service, this is a wonderful opportunity for all of us as a nation to say thank you to Bob and Anne, but also gives me a chance to announce my choice to be the next director of the FBI, Jim Comey.
So that's the legacy and the history of Robert Mueller.
So when he was appointed as a special counsel by Mr. Rod Rosenstein, with whom Mr. Mueller helped introduce to political power more than two decades before, everybody that knew anything about the deep state, dual state history, or knew anything about Mr. Mueller's history, knew what was going to be coming down the pike.
Knew what was going to happen.
Knew what was going to
All right, there's still 10 minutes of this left and it's very powerful.
It's on Infowars.com.
Mueller, a journey to the dark side with Robert Barnes, attorney at law, really smart criminal lawyer.
We'll be back.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, it's February 14th, Valentine's Day.
2019, Cupid gave me a little present this morning.
He didn't shoot me with a love arrow.
Tore my left bicep.
Ruptured it.
Almost entirely.
I just had a doctor come diagnose it here.
I didn't really need a doctor to tell me that.
But that should be fine.
I'm not complaining.
It's just that if you see me wince, it has uncontrollable pain spasms off and on every 30 seconds.
But that's the thing about pain.
You can dial it out.
But I'm not like Glenn Danzig.
I do mind the pain.
While I was airing that mini documentary that I was already planning to air today, in those very segments, worked out perfectly that the doctor could get here to look at what happened this morning when I was lifting weights.
So I wasn't just airing that because I had to get looked at.
It just worked out that way.
It's really an important documentary, as you just heard.
Mueller, A Journey to the Dark Side.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's totally free.
We're paying for the bandwidth, everything.
And you know, that's something I'm trying to explain to everybody.
I'm not complaining before I get to this big news on McCabe and Moore and his book and his false testimony and his treason.
That it's a paradox how they took all our sponsors by harassing them, including death-threatening people, and how they are now death-threatening my lawyers that if they don't drop my case they're going to kill their children.
And they're giving them specifics and breaking into their offices.
People haven't wanted me to go into that, but I think it's important to point where we're going to get into it.
And, you know, that's the kind of stuff I can ignore.
But other people, it's just a whole other ball of wax.
This country is in a civil war.
But when you get taken off YouTube and all these places where we're hosting our videos with billions of views, we have to pay for the bandwidth.
And we pay millions and millions of dollars a year just for the bandwidth.
Then you've got to have the servers.
Then you've got to, in fact, IT and server cost and bandwidth cost is bigger than what we have to pay the employees.
So it's a paradox where, wow, InfoWars traffic quadrupled after we got banned eight months ago.
That's because we were taking off all the other platforms where the majority of the war was going on.
And so that is where the deplatforming has really hurt us.
You know, the New York Times had headlines like, Alex Jones claimed deplatforming would help him.
It didn't.
And they twist everything I say.
And they take everything I say that's true and turn it into a lie.
They're lie factories.
They're deception factories.
That's not what I said.
I said our core audience of people that really care and are informed is bigger than ever.
But our outreach to new people has been decimated, has been crippled.
But that's the thing.
The establishment knows I get up here and I talk about things that are really going on and really happening.
They know those numbers.
When I sent the New York Times when they asked me about it, the analytics to show that we were getting four times the traffic,
They just didn't include it.
I've had law firms send the New York Times letters with the video clips of where I said I believe Sandy Hook happened four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, where I apologized, and they will not put it in the New York Times or Washington Post, and they say Jones is still doing it, sending people to their homes to hurt them.
It's a clear and present danger.
Get him off the air.
Meanwhile, they're really on Twitter saying, go to the Covington Kids' school, burn it down, shoot them, murder them, punch them in the nose, I'll give you a blowjob.
All left on Twitter, all defended, all wonderful.
They're doing what they claim I never did.
And they're in the news every day with the families going, please stop coming to our houses, please stop harassing us.
You get it?
In my name, they're saying things I never said, twisting it, and then saying I'm the wolf at the door.
It's unbelievable.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying the level of this deception is incredible.
And the way they've got the corporate media working now is they did a bunch of layoffs years ago, and they got them really scared.
And they said, now you're going to destroy speech or you're out of a job.
They tell tenured professors, your job now is to destroy free speech.
And to teach journalists how to destroy free speech, and to be political officers, commissars, or you're out of a job.
They're organized tyranny.
It's here.
They just say in the Manafort case, we're listening to his phone calls to his lawyer, and he lied, and they give transcripts of his phone calls.
You're not supposed to listen to somebody's calls with their lawyer.
There's an amendment in the Constitution, you can't do it.
And of course the FBI's been doing that forever, but they put it in the newspaper now.
They're not just trashing the First Amendment, they're trashing the Fourth, the Fifth, the Seventh, everything!
We're being usurped by multinational corporations.
We're being conquered.
And I guess the Scott in Trump, or maybe it's the German, I think that's the stubbornness, but the Scott in Trump doesn't like getting screwed over financially.
He's like, we're a great country, incredible wealth, with the biggest military.
Why are we selling out?
We should dominate everything.
Through a position of strength and commerce, not through force, which is the actual real model.
Globalists don't want us in charge, and freedom in charge.
They want tyranny in charge.
They want us out of the way, an authoritarian, autocratic, plutocratic, hyper-technocracy, soulless, chi-com operating system.
So we'll get to McCabe in these clips when we come back, but I was just trying to think about all the lies of McCabe, and all the criminal crap he's been involved in, and how they have grand juries, they're printing the articles, now seated, looking to indict him, and he gets up there on television, and he says Trump is immoral and a liar and a crook.
When he's under criminal investigation for lying to Congress, and did it with his butt hanging out in front of everybody.
And all because he looks like a good, nice man.
Well, Ted Bundy, that liked to kidnap little teenage girls and torture them to death, looked like a guy you'd, you know, buy a used car from.
He looked like a football coach, or a tennis coach, and he liked to bite big chunks out of women.
So just because somebody looks like
They're some Ivy League person.
Don't think for a minute you're not dealing with a psychotic killer.
All right, we're gonna go to break.
My point about the support is I'm not even complaining.
I just want to keep fighting.
And it's a literal frontline fight.
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And they want to demoralize us and shut us down.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most suppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech.
About taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Now you're standing there turning dry,
Waging war on corruption.
Crashings and lies.
It's hard once you start playing this Lapeche Mode song to turn it off.
Especially this part coming up towards the end.
You know what?
We'll just go out with that little piece at the end.
Okay, let me jump right into it here.
Next segment we're going to cover a story that's really huge.
And that's getting almost no attention.
That illustrates everything we're talking about here.
But you know, that's evil's technique, is it builds and builds and builds under the surface, and then when it launches its offensive, or its emergence, it hits you with everything it's got, so that you can't process the last thing that happened before the next ten things hit you.
Like, it's a million years ago now, isn't it?
Two weeks ago.
of Virginia.
And now that's ancient history.
They have a psychological algorithm.
They know what they're doing.
They're arrogant.
They're breaking our will.
Oh, remember a month ago?
Seems like a trillion years ago.
The Covington young people are there.
Took us 10 minutes on that Saturday.
Rob Doo, I looked it up.
I'm proud of him, was the first person.
He was up there working on Saturday.
He's off skiing with his sons right now.
I told him take off.
He left for four days ago skiing.
He's a great skier and snowboarder.
He was up here on Saturday.
I was up here on Saturday.
I left
Like 5 o'clock and then he saw the footage about 7 and he said, hey, I'm tweeting about this.
I went and found the raw video.
They go start the fight with them.
These crazy black Israelites are saying all this racist crap.
I said, great job.
This is going to be big.
I'll cover it tomorrow.
By the next day, it was.
But it took four days to get mainstream media.
To spin it, call it jump to conclusion.
It was just a native being nice and the kids were nice.
No, it was a bunch of racist leftist sorrow scum coming over and these kids were so pure and so nice they just thought it was a football dance or a rugby dance and got into it.
And the left then projected all their crap and all their lies and all their BS onto them.
And then you just go back, and you go back, and it's like Senator Menendez.
We played the clip yesterday, he goes, Trump is outrageously evil and racist.
He says that migrants that are involved in drunk driving are criminals.
So you're here illegal, and you're a drunk driver, but that's not criminal.
When both of those are criminal.
Again, it's an inversion of reality.
And that's my biggest beef.
And I've had Travis County Deputy Prosecutors in the studio, off air, they don't want to come on air, showing me cases and documents.
And I'm like, hey, I already know.
Years ago, where illegal aliens
We'll drunk drive and wreck and the judge lets them out on $10 fines because, oh, you're a poor illegal alien.
Yeah, they got a job and they got welfare.
They're driving a brand new Chevy Silverado.
They plow into somebody.
They don't even have insurance.
And the judge just lets them go because, oh, you're a Mexican.
You're God.
Well, a Mexican-American, an American, they don't get that.
I've got Hispanic friends that have got pulled over DWIs, who are veterans.
They spent $20,000 trying to get it reduced.
I've got Hispanic friends, or white friends, that have been caught with a little bit of marijuana.
Throw the book at ya!
Illegal alien!
See, again, no matter if you're Hispanic, or you're a Mexican, or if you're white, if you're a citizen, you're a piece of crap.
And the book's thrown at you.
But if you're a precious little illegal alien, while you're God's gift to this green earth,
And you watch these clips of them signing an abortion bill in New York to kill babies after they're born.
This is not a slow news day.
I've got hundreds of articles that are incredible here.
But I want to remind you that they're celebrating, laughing.
We gonna kill babies after they're born!
You know, when Governor Cuomo says America was never great, it'll never be great,
He's demoralizing you.
He's telling you you're a piece of crap.
And he's saying his ancestors are pieces of crap for wanting to come here.
This is a nation where his family came from Italy.
It was a caste system.
And now he can do whatever he wants.
And he says it's not great.
He says it sucks!
What the hell kind of person is that?
And you put up with that.
It'd be one thing if we were Venezuela.
Which, by the way, used to be great because we became socialists.
Or North Korea.
But we are.
We were.
Let's be honest.
We were the greatest nation on Earth.
But because of crap like that from Cuomo, we're not.
Because we have cancer.
And people feeding existential envy.
These people are dangerous scum.
They signed a bill where now a woman was stabbed to death this weekend.
I went and read the police report.
It was in the New York Post.
Stabbed over 30 times.
Imagine the hate.
20 times in the abdomen.
Slit her throat.
Stabbed her in the face, neck.
He's charged with murdering her, but not with his own baby that was going to be born in a month.
And the police said, well, we tried to charge him for killing the baby, but the prosecutor said it's legal now.
She wanted that baby.
It is a baby.
It's a human.
And it's defenseless.
And they sat there and plunged that knife in over and over again.
And that person murdering his own child doesn't get charged with it.
Remember Cuomo said two years ago, he said, if you're pro-gun or pro-life, get out of New York, you're not welcome here.
And his own party said, clarify, you don't mean that.
He said, no, I say it again.
He talks like he's a 70 IQ.
He goes, oh.
You know, his brother's, younger brother's actually pretty well spoken.
He said what you want.
He's a snake.
But the older brother, like, he had an umbilical cord tied around his neck or something.
He didn't get oxygen.
He's pushing maybe a 75 on a good day.
He's like, I did say it.
I said get out of the state.
We both love you!
And it's just like, we're ruled by this sack of garbage who celebrates publicly, pissing all over the dead bodies of babies?
That's what he does, he unzips his pants!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I said this segment I would get into the future news.
But I've been pulling more video clips and pulling more articles to back it up.
Even though it's all confirmed now by two major respected international news agencies of an incredible false flag that was staged in an attempt to basically trigger a massive war.
And so I printed like two more big articles during the break and I was, I've got to go over these a little bit more because this is so big that I want to, it's not that I have to don't know the facts or forget my ducks in a row, it's that this is so important that I need to sit in here and get focused
During the next three, four minute break, so I can do this properly and get locked and loaded to come into the next segment, but I will cover it next segment.
What happens around here is, I'm looking at Infowars.com, looking at Newswars.com, and then I see video at Newswars.com and at Europewars.com has the exclusive of an elderly German couple forced from their home to accommodate illegal alien Muslims.
And there's the video of it, just like we saw in Italy.
Old man throwing out his hotel, his restaurant, his food, his life's work.
Only a 15-room hotel, little motel.
And the North African Muslims put into it.
He's crying, and the Italian police are just laughing, throwing him out on his ass.
That's at EuropeWars.com.
This is the evil.
This is World War IV.
This is the globalist invasion.
This is how they're carrying it out.
Also, Peter Schiff joins us 15 minutes to the next hour on the economy and Trump and Alexandria Cortez and more.
You don't want to miss that with the head of Global Pacific Capital.
Really smart guy.
And then I'm not bringing this up to go after Joe Rogan.
I'm bringing it up because he's the darling of Google and the darling of Apple and all this.
When they tell Infowars, you're not welcome here, and then they tell Natural News that already had apps, and has hundreds of sites, and has as much traffic as we do combined, of all their sites, oh, if you mention abortion, or you mention Satanism, or you mention illegal aliens, we're not gonna let you have an app.
I mean, now they've gone from denying censorship to, oh, by the way, to have an app, remove these articles off your site, we'll let you have an app.
That is so sensationally evil.
And we just put up with it because as conservatives and nationalists, we muddle through things.
I'm not putting up with it.
It's crazy.
And Joe's up there defending all this censorship and saying it's okay, now he's backed off and Alex shouldn't have been banned and it's wrong and I believe disinfo and Alex is okay, I wanna be friends, Alex.
Little late for that.
Dude, I'm not attacking you because I want you to stop attacking me.
I'm attacking you because you made the wrong decision and have been doing the wrong thing and you're now part of the enemy's fleet.
You're now on the high seas as an attack ship, a battleship, an aircraft carrier.
And I'm a battered submarine captain with a few torpedoes left and I want to take out big ships before they send me down to Davy Jones' locker.
And my crew's ready.
We've only got a few big torpedoes left and we're not going to sink regular ships.
We're not going to sink supply ships.
We're not going to sink merchant marine ships.
We're not going to sink frigates or corvettes.
We're going to sink big ships.
Joe, you're a big ship.
So when we rise up to the surface in those shipping lanes, we're looking for your signature.
Lit by the moon and stars.
And we're looking in our... Aye, that's the ship!
Load torpedoes!
Flood tubes one and two!
Don't you understand?
You're in a war now, Joe!
You're in info war.
We've raised up in that submarine, big blast holes all over its deck, patched up system.
When we come to the surface, Joe, we've got torpedoes armed and loaded.
I actually got a couple hundred torpedoes left.
But I assigned two to Joe Rogan.
Dauntless in victory.
I kiss the torpedoes.
I oil the torpedoes.
And we haven't even released the main torpedoes yet.
We have an extreme arsenal, and it's not about gloating, but if you're going to do it, you might as well gloat.
Instead of feeling guilty about destroying old friends who've destroyed themselves, one must take a little sick victory in it.
That's why God made us that way, so we wouldn't go crazy.
Oh, that's not Christ-like!
You know, this big preacher up in Dallas, I forget his name, I've seen his sermons, pretty good guy.
It was on InfoWars.com today.
Will you guys print it?
I know, I didn't look at all the stuff.
He's like, you soulless, weak, dumb, fake evangelicals who, because Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck told you that Ted Cruz was the second coming of Jehovah, and that Trump was the devil, you still hate Trump, even though he's in pro-life marches, he's trying to restrict abortion, he's actually doing what he said he would do, and he's trying to get the IRS off the backs of churches to have the First Amendment, something Trump's actually done that's good.
How are you for the Democrats that say kill babies after they're born?
There's no debate that you should support Trump.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's a top evangelical megachurch.
There it is.
Spineless morons!
Dallas megachurch pastor rips never-Trump evangelicals.
Well, you know why they don't do it?
Because they don't want the IRS to come after him.
In fact, print that for me, please.
Oh, let me tell you.
They're going to have deep state going through that man's trash tomorrow morning.
And that's why other preachers won't stand up and do their job, because they get threatened.
And they just want to be up there with their jumbotrons and get up in front of an audience of people and feel like they're in Hollywood while everybody wants to be on TV.
So if I can't be a person in Hollywood, I'm going to be a pastor or I'm going to be a news reporter.
But you see, that's Robert Jeffress, or Jeffers.
I didn't get into media to be a twinkle,
I got into media.
Oh, please get him off.
Talk about American Psycho, good lord.
I got into it because they were trying to pass bills 25 years ago.
25 years ago!
They were going to ban people under 18 being able to touch a gun, even with their dad or their grandfather or their mother or grandmother, and was going to ban 4-8 shooting clubs and YMCA shooting clubs.
And I just had to go down.
And I went to City Council and I went to County Commissioner and I had leftists threaten me that they'd kick my ass if I tried to speak again.
And I'll never forget it.
I said, well, let's go outside.
I'll beat your ass.
And they couldn't believe it because most people that there were no conservatives there.
There were no Americans.
I was like, my God, what the hell's going on here?
There's like a bunch of communists in here.
I'm trying to get jobs and talk radio, and I go and I intern, and people make fun of me and everything else, and I'm just trying to get on air to warn people.
And then there's the guy that's got the show, he's like strutting in, the intern's groveling, and it's all this weird hierarchy of ass-kissing and all this fake stuff.
It's like, we're not on air to pull up in the new car and show off to everybody.
If you stand up for freedom, there'll be new cars growing on trees, dumbass!
That's a product of success and freedom, not the symbol of it!
And so the system thinks they're gonna take everything I've got away, and that I would somehow be broken or capitulate.
I came from nothing.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
And you think about that quit governor.
With his evil effeminate voice, slurping and smacking demonically about, keep them comfortable before we get their organs.
How do we not stand up for those unborn babies?
It's not, don't thank me, it's not, oh Alex you're so great, you're so heroic.
When doctors are on TV that are governors, talking about killing babies after they're born?
I'm not heroic!
I'm not a lunatic!
What's going on?
That son of a bitch is dangerous!
He's a damn murderer!
He's an enemy!
He's cancer!
Cut that son of a bitch out!
What the hell are we talking about here?
Where are our instincts?
Where's our spirit?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, I'm a little bit behind.
I keep saying I promise I'll get to this Syria thing, but they gave me even more articles and more documents.
They've asked me to back more of it up.
Just wait till I get to this.
And I promise that I will start it.
You know what?
I'll do it right now.
I'll just do it right now.
I'll do the Andrew McCabe stuff for two segments and then get Peter Schiff on, because I wanted to do a deep dive on McCabe, the former FBI director, the guy that they had after Comey, our deputy director, and then I started remembering all the stuff he did, and it was like, oh I forgot his wife got a half million dollars from Hillary, like the year of the fake investigation.
I forgot
All the Russiagate stuff.
It's like, really?
You know, it's crazy.
Like you just know he's a bad guy, but you go back and kind of review it.
Like, hey, get me all the stuff on him.
It's like, Lord, I don't feel like I should even talk about McCabe.
Because this is all so bad that I can't come up with words to properly demonize him.
But he has that
Earnest little lookalittle doggy.
Well, I don't want to hear what you look like or what you say.
I want to see what you deliver.
I want to see the outcome of what you say.
And you, McCabe, support the globalists.
You support cover-ups for Hillary.
You support the deep state and the overrunning of our country and MS-13 running around, all this crap.
And you and Rosenstein lied to Congress!
I can't help it, I'm doing it now.
You lied to Congress, and that little ventriloquist doll, Rosenstein, and Comey, he looks like a ventriloquist doll.
What is it?
These guys are creepy looking.
Like some eight foot tall weirdo.
They grew on another planet or something.
Being sarcastic.
So, he goes on 60 Minutes and, oh, oh, the White House, it's a new low every day.
Oh, it's so horrible.
Why, Trump wants to go back to pre-Obama, where they tested people for leprosy and black plague and smallpox and drug-resistant TB.
But, oh, oh no, we can't do that.
We have to limit the beds and then tell everyone, collapse America and have five million on their way.
And then, God forbid, you check anybody.
Okay, well, next time I go to Europe, or next time I go to Mexico, or next time I go to Costa Rica, I'm gonna fly into customs, and I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna get my camera out, and I'm gonna say, hey!
I'm gonna just run and jump over the customs thing, and I'm gonna chant, no border, no wall, no USA at all.
You know, I'd do that to illustrate it, but I guarantee ya,
I would get charged with a felony attempting to jump the border.
Because that's what borders are.
They're like bulkheads on ships.
So I can't do that because I'm a lowly citizen.
But I've seen border policy where they let illegal aliens in that have like pieces of paper in Spanish.
And they just go, all right, come on in.
I get up there, well, Alex Jones, where you been?
Cancun for six days.
Did you buy anything?
Got any merchandise?
Yeah, I bought my wife a watch.
Well, how much was it?
I think $2,000.
How much was that exactly?
Well, the receipt's here.
Let's go behind closed doors, Mr. Jones.
We're going to have you sit back here for 45 minutes.
Then we're going to come back with a couple guys standing around you.
And other people say, we're sorry Alex, we're fans, but these are the leftists.
See, it's little gangs.
Well, let's just dump, see what's in here.
And the head guy goes, I'm sorry.
And they got the receipt, $2,011.
But the point is,
Is that what third world countries are like?
Because I never even buy stuff, but you're walking around in Mexico and there's a watch shop tag.
And in Rolex, you can go buy your wife a tag watch.
Oh baby, let's go in there.
Oh, I don't want anything.
Oh, let's just go in.
Oh, you like that watch?
We'll get it.
And they're all acting weird and paranoid, putting our name down and like, you'll resettle this?
What to do?
I'm like, I actually don't want to watch.
There's like guys with machine guns standing outside the door and it's like, why am I even down here?
You know, it's like, but, but that's what I'm talking about.
It's crazy.
I have been drugged behind customs.
My parents, about a third of the time, they love to go to Europe twice a year.
They go to England, they go to,
Holland, they go to Germany, they go to France, they go to Italy, they go to Greece.
About a third of the time, they get singled out and drugged behind closed doors and asked, do you have anything illegal?
And they just pour through their crap.
Oh, but if you want to stop people coming in and just see who they are when they're climbing over a fence, it's the greatest evil we've ever seen in our lives.
But if you're a veteran with your both legs and your arm blown off,
We're gonna have to stick our hands in your pants now, sir.
Happy time, this is Jihadi doing it.
I'm tired of it.
You know, I can't go to Somalia.
There's not a working airport.
But they, they, they, it's, it's documented.
I know top Hollywood producers are afraid to go there, who try to do an undercover deal.
They can't even get special operations to go in there because they're not authorized to.
You go off the few U.S.
military bases there for five minutes, five minutes,
You're walking down the street in Somali.
A Toyota minivan pulls up.
Purple minivan.
And you're in the vehicle with people going, I'll kill you infidel!
I literally might rape you.
I mean, it's just, it's hellish.
And then you'll be driven off to someplace.
You're kidnapped in five minutes.
And I got to see some woman up there bitching about how much America sucks and how oppressive it is as a Congresswoman, when in Somalia, women are lower than whale crap.
And I'm just not putting up with it anymore!
And I'm not putting up with McCabe!
Or Comey!
And all their intimidation!
Or Mueller!
I don't give a damn what you do to me!
But you bastards are going down!
I'm so sick of you!
Bringing in the worst people!
In your big ritual to crap all over this Christian nation!
I want you to burn in hell.
And I pray, everyone, praise, that no violence comes upon you from man.
But I pray God puts big old giant brain tumors and bone tumors and liver tumors and blood tumors in every damn last one of you globalists.
I'm asking God to kill you.
You smiley-faced, back-slapping pieces of crap!
Let's figure it out!
Some new industry you've got to sell baby organs.
But you know God isn't gonna kill you.
God's gonna put brain tumors in your children, guaranteed.
That's how God works.
Yeah, you know it, don't you?
You hate me because... I've seen the Angel of Death.
And the Angel of Death's got your name written on it.
You're cursed to hell.
And people need to start realizing that this whole planet's about a choice.
And people need to make a choice which side they're on.
But I'm far beyond their evidence.
People say, oh, this is intense.
They're on television smacking their demonic lips about killing already born babies.
That they could adopt for $200,000 on average, but they want to kill him.
You know the demonic thrill somebody like Governor Northup gets when he keeps that baby alive and takes their organs and gets all the rest of that scum on board.
That's a big, giant, satanic ritual.
And in the satanic video game he's playing,
Lesser Magic dressing up in blackface or KKK, which was very Prasada Nangrata in 1984.
That's Lesser Magic.
That's pissing in your face.
But when you can get on TV and convince women to kill their babies after they're born, let me tell you something.
That's right up Satan's alley.
That's Satanism pure Bonafidi.
Doesn't get any more real than that.
So yes.
I'm not just a submarine.
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And the minute you're willing to go the full length is the minute you start living.
Stay with us.
I'll get to the big news now.
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If you want to beat the globalists, if you want to take on the new world order, I'm not doing Bitcoin pump and dumps with Jack Dorsey.
I'm not sitting here selling you cancer cures.
I'm not sitting here, you know, selling you late term abortion and all great it is.
I just go out and say, what is the top heart pill?
What is the top tumor?
It's the best seller because it's anti-inflammatory.
And what's the best lab in the country?
Okay, they're the highest rated.
I'm like, you're only 50% curcuminoid?
Well, yeah, they only put $5 product in the bottle, but that's still incredible, sir.
I'm like, uh, what's the highest you could do a month later?
Uh, 90, 95%.
No one's ever done it.
I said, how much does that cost per bottle?
That costs $10.
No one's ever done that.
Sir, the average competitor is 3 to 5%.
The top brand's 50%.
I'm like, we're going to have 95% curcuminoid.
I mean, you understand, like, that's, like, our information's explosive?
Our fish oil.
I go out and I get the cleanest, the best.
My children take it.
You think I'm gonna give you fish oil that isn't the very damn best on my soul?
You think I'm gonna screw somebody over like one of these devil worshippers?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'll finish up on Captain Ding Dong McCabe.
And then we'll get into the big news.
I'm 30 minutes behind on hitting.
I live back in the woods, you see.
The woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
All I want to do, I wish, I don't want to be on air, folks.
You know that, just like you don't.
I just want to be in the foothills.
Some mountains.
Be a farmer.
Just be friends with the locals.
Sit around on Friday night.
Folks having a cold beer around a fire.
A little bit of square dancing.
And most of us are only one generation or two generations out of that.
Just look at those people.
They were so alive.
People were dialed into the earth and God.
And now, they fear it.
They were real.
And if they can snuff that out, get everybody doing the soy boy, I think they're gonna win.
They won't be able to starve us out.
You can't starve us out.
You don't run our life.
We're self-sufficient.
And we're willing to fight.
Alright, let's get to treason right now.
You can't make us run.
Donald Trump says many of the top FBI brats were fired, forced to leave, or left.
McCabe's wife received big dollars, half a million, from Clinton people for her campaign.
It was from Hillary, actually.
He gave Hillary a pass.
McCabe has disgraced the FBI and disgraced our country.
Make America great again.
And then you read all the new stuff that Congress is releasing, but gets no coverage, where FBI comes in and says, yeah, Hillary has thousands of classified emails.
Each one is a seven-year to 10-year felony.
We'll let you, I think in the right of matters, we'll let you change them to non-classified, which is absconding and fraud and obstruction and wire fraud and forgery.
They write memos and say, but I want that plum London position.
Or I want the, you know, the chief job in Switzerland.
And by the way, will you hire my wife?
And you're just like, God, this is who we've got?
And then McCabe sits up there on 60 Minutes about how Trump's corrupt?
And what a good person he is?
What a joke!
He's under criminal investigation by grand juries for lying to Congress.
Let's play a clip of it right now.
I was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and... Hit pause again!
I was speaking...
To the woman that just sold us out to Russia and Benghazi and the fake server.
I was speaking and I'm a silly boy.
I mean, sorry, continue.
I was speaking to the man who had just run for the presidency and won the election for the presidency.
And who might have done so with the aid of the government of Russia,
Most formidable adversary on the world stage.
No, it's China!
Shut up, you lying sack of crap!
You're on the payroll of Russia, you little bastard!
You're on the payroll!
You're the traitor!
You're the party of hate America!
Let's continue!
And that was something that troubled me greatly.
How long was it after that that you decided to start the obstruction of justice and counterintelligence?
Kid Paws, look at this sanctimonious twit.
I mean, can you get any more... How long was it until you decided... You know, I take myself... Imagine if I did the show like... How long was it until you decided to take action immediately?
First of all... Love you, Jimmy!
What a group of...
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, let's get right into it.
Now into the third hour.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
It is an act of defiance.
It is an act of rebellion against tyranny and the child-killing, demonic, globalist, Democrat infestation when you stand up for Infowars, when you stand up for Newswars, when you stand up for America, when you stand up for decency, when you don't give in to the bullying.
And the more you do it, it gets easier and easier and easier until you can't believe how easy
Let me get to the news that I've been talking about all day long that's so amazing, because we're going to roll some of the footage for TV viewers while I talk about it.
But if you go back a couple years ago, there's been five or six chemical attacks.
And our own governments come out, the Pentagon later, and the UN, everybody say, well, looks like ISIS or Al Qaeda launched these chemical attacks.
Because ISIS and Al Qaeda
Want to be movie stars in the Islamic world.
So, they had given the chemical weapons by Saudi Arabia before Trump made Saudi Arabia stand down.
Saudi Arabia is now coming out of the dark.
At least we hope.
I'm supporting the President.
I hope that happens.
I don't want to have war with Saudi Arabia.
I'm not against Saudi Arabia, just as long as they don't engage in evil overtly against us.
Obama funded ISIS, Al-Qaeda through Saudi Arabia, this whole destabilization.
Let's show you some of the famous footage of the kids fake shaking, fake chemical attack.
Because I don't need to be a rocket scientist when I'm watching footage.
But there's all this famous footage where the doctor's like, he's not a doctor, he's like 18 years old, he's like, oh look!
And then he fake falls over.
We've shown that footage many, many times.
We'll show it in a minute.
But then it was on the news that kids had died, and then later they're back on TV saying, no, we were in the village, the UN came and said, we'll give you money, we'll give you candy bars, we'll give you money, we'll give you peanut butter, just come here.
They douse them with water, and then they do the shoots, and then they edit, they put it out.
So it is crisis actors, but they just recruit from the general public.
Now, we've always known that.
But now, we have three different news agencies.
I was saying two.
We have the BBC and two other agencies saying they've done six-month and year-long investigations and they found the people that supposedly died and it's all true that it was staged.
Well yeah, Obama says, red line, you cross this we invade.
The globalists want to take over Syria.
So obviously they're going to stage it.
Why would Assad ever do something that's going to get him invaded if that's the one thing that'll get him invaded?
So BBC producer says footage of alleged gas attack victims in Syria staged.
And then it goes to the reporter.
A BBC Syria producer has said that footage of people being treated after an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Doma was staged.
The journalist pointed out that no fatalities had occurred at the hospital, adding that the attack on Doma had happened, but sarin had not been used there.
However, the reporter noted that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons would look into whether chlorine was used in the scene.
And then it just goes on from there.
BBC producer says footage of alleged gas attack and victims in Syria, Doma staged.
BBC trying to limit damage after fake news of Syria chemical attack reported.
When I saw this today, I said, wait a minute.
We already have the UN admitting this and other attacks.
We already have other journalists with other newspapers that were there and said, no, it was all staged.
So again, this is what they're doing.
So here's the famous footage.
We can play audio of this.
That'd be great.
You've got the so-called doctor sitting here.
And he looks at the camera.
It's like, get ready, get ready.
The kids are doing their fake legs flopping.
And they stop and start.
He looks at the camera.
Then he falls down.
I mean, a third grader play is better.
So, I don't need to hear the UN say, or hear our military say, or hear the BBC say, or the One Independence say... I mean, I know fake when I... I mean, look at this!
Let's play it again.
He's like, ready?
The kids are like... So, how am I not supposed to question when they launched the original Iraq War?
Saying baby's brains were bashed out, it turned out it was all fake.
And they play this sad music over it.
We must attack Syria.
We must go after Assad now.
He is nerve-gassing children as we speak.
This is the dramatic footage you are seeing.
In fact, look.
Brought to you by CNN.
Syrian regime highly likely to blame.
So, that's why they're so freaked out.
That's why they don't know what to do.
And all the leftist publications like the Guardian.
And they never find chemicals in them.
And then I've got all the articles, London Independent, from previous attacks.
Previous attacks.
And London Independent, they went there, people were there when it happened, they said no, there was no chemical attack.
There was some fighting on the main road.
A few cars have been blown up.
Yeah, some shells have been fired.
People on both sides are dead.
There's no chemicals.
But that's what I'm saying.
That's how evil all this is.
But listen, I don't need
Don't you hear any of that?
Let's play for TV viewers again, but for radio listeners, it's like if I had a toy gun playing with my kids, it has a red end on it, and I went bang, and my son goes, oh, hit my heart, I'm dead, oh gosh, boop.
It's not real.
You know fake when you see it, so you've got like 18-year-old doctors, like, get ready, oh, oh.
And no one else followed.
And then other people, the kids are like looking.
They go, do it!
And they go, they flop around some more.
Doesn't mean there haven't been real chemical attacks.
Because early on, ISIS and Al Qaeda launched real chemical attacks.
But then those didn't work because they shot videos celebrating it.
So now they went in the last few years to fake.
I mean, if you're not a radio listener, if you're a TV viewer, you just saw it.
But radio listeners, you're missing it.
And here are the children.
Oh, dang!
Oh, dang!
Meanwhile, ISIS and Al-Qaeda are launching real chemical attacks.
Meanwhile, they're making kids suicide bomb.
Meanwhile, they're truck bombing for real.
Meanwhile, the West is funding the takedown of countries that didn't attack us to put this type of crap into control.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
BBC producer says footage of alleged gas attack victims in Syrian Doma were staged.
So no wonder I question events.
Aren't you glad we are?
I hope there wasn't a real chemical attack.
But then the very kid that dies in the video later says, they gave me candy.
White helmet came, they gave me candy, put water, said flop.
So I flop.
And they said on national news, cuz he's a cute kid, on CNN, they're like, here's a child that died.
No, he's not dead, CNN.
And you don't want us on air to point out how you're fake news, you're the hoaxers, you're the fraud.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Peter Schiff's been pointing out a lot of things that are happening to the economy, what's happening to Alexandria Cortez, and more.
We'll talk to him from Europe, Pacific Capital, here in just about a minute.
The story's up on Infowars.com, the BBC's reporting it, the London Independent's reporting it, Sputnik's reporting it, but it's getting no traction.
It confirms the UN reports and others from a year ago that the chemical attack in Doma did not happen and was staged by the White Helmets.
Well, we got the kids that supposedly died on video saying that it was staged a year ago.
But see, when you've got stuff like this going on, that's why we have a right to question.
Because things do get staged.
And they're trying to use this to invade Syria, which is a crazy idea.
One of the best things Trump's doing is trying to get us out of Syria, trying to get us out of Afghanistan.
We'll get Peter Schiff's take on that here right now.
Peter from Europac.com, I want to get into the economy with you.
I want to get into your statements on Alexandria Cortez and the pie in the sky.
She's selling it just about the general nature of things.
Look, I'm not paid by Trump to say positive things about him.
I like a lot of what he does.
I hate a lot of what he does.
He's not fighting censorship.
He's doing a lot of things I don't like.
He's doing a lot of things I do like.
But regardless, you've been predicting that if things keep going down this line, we could have Trump lose and then get a bunch of socialists in, but then that'll get a patriot in four years later.
But I see America, and you're right a lot of the time.
In major polls, remember, we're kind of rejecting Cortez because she got so confident where we're going to ban cows and their farts and we're going to ban airplanes and if you don't want to work, you don't have to work.
And then her claiming she didn't do it.
I mean, I'm not saying she's on meth, but she looks like a meth addict to me.
She looks like she has meth mouth.
So does that professor she had on defending her on Tucker Carlson last Friday.
I mean, are you changing your calculus now?
Because it seems like you were right a few weeks ago, but they're going so far it could backfire.
You know, as crazy as they are, it's ultimately not going to be about the climate change deniers, but the economy deniers.
You know, look at the data out today.
The biggest drop in retail sales in one month, this was December, since 2009.
We were in the Great Recession the last time retail sales fell as much as they just plunged.
Look at the numbers we got out yesterday on delinquencies in auto loans.
It is an all-time record high.
People who are 90 days or more behind in their car payments.
I just read today that restaurant sales are falling now.
All right.
Instead of working in Congress.
But these crazy policies that she's advocating, look, the public might just turn to them in 2020 if we are in a bad recession and it's all blamed on the tax cuts, on Trump, on deregulation, and the only solution left for people to grasp for is socialism.
And of course, you know, it's never worked, it's failed every time it's been tried, but that doesn't stop people from trying it again.
Let me ask you this then, and I saw those numbers and I agree that it's a bubble economy and what are we supposed to do?
But there's also the numbers.
People say that they are fiscally the most positive about their investments and the future and the economy.
And so if you're going to be in a fiat system, it's good to have confidence because that's all you do have.
And I know you're invested heavily in Europe and China, but I mean, at the same time, they're having some major financial problems as well.
Not if the optimism is unfounded, and people are going to turn around very quickly when they wake up to reality.
Look, the national debt just yesterday exceeded $22 trillion for the first time.
We're going to break $23 trillion this year, too.
And, you know, we're continuing to go deeper and deeper into debt.
Sure, but you're a smart guy, and I'm a Mr. Fiscal Conservative with you and gold, silver, all that.
We've kind of, like, passed the point of our return now.
Adrenaline's keeping the body alive.
We're okay.
Okay, let's keep it alive.
I mean, we've kind of, there's, I don't think there's any putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.
So I think, it's like, where does the inflation go?
Does it build some infrastructure?
Does it build some factories?
Does it give some confidence?
I mean, I think we're so screwed now, the crash landing is just an inflation war.
Well, inflation doesn't build anything.
It destroys.
All it does is destroy the value of money.
It does in later stages if dictators run off and buy 100 Ferraris.
But if you build infrastructure and attack bombers and cruise missiles, it does.
No, it doesn't Bill.
All that does is divert resources away from where they otherwise would have been deployed.
You cannot make a country rich by printing money.
You know, unfortunately, that's how Cortez ultimately is going to try to finance any type of Green New Deal that we get.
No, you're right.
She said forget deficits, we'll print out of it like Venezuela.
You're right.
I'm just saying we're already on that course.
Let me ask Peter Schiff this way.
You're a smart economist.
A self-made guy, a lot of predictions come true, like 9%.
If we're going down the path anyways, is there any way to tailor the inflationary hellhole where it's better for the public?
Like, if we're going to be executed, a little bit like a cocktail before we get killed?
Well look, I do believe it's better to have a self-inflicted implosion than one that is brought about externally in a worse crisis.
We should bite the bullet and level with the American public about what needs to be done to solve the problems that were created
By big government and the Federal Reserve.
But, you know, nobody wants to do that.
Everybody wants to pretend it's great and keep kicking the can down the road.
I just don't think Trump's going to be able to kick it down the road beyond the 2020 election.
I think if you look at everything that's going on now, it's coming to a head.
And I don't think he's going to get out of Dodge, you know, the way the way Barack Obama did.
But, you know, the craziest thing about, you know, Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal and what she's saying, and of course, you know, everything about it is crazy.
Uh, but is the belief that this is actually going to be good for the economy?
I mean, if we actually had to do this, if we really face this threat, this is going to be mutual shared sacrifice.
Everybody is going to suffer to implement this, particularly the poor and the middle class.
They're going to feel the burden the heaviest.
But she is trying to wrap this thing up as if everybody is going to benefit.
From a huge reduction in our standard of living, which would be required.
And of course, Ortez has always asked of Cortez, how are you going to pay for this?
Her answer is always, how do you pay for anything?
How do we pay for World War II?
She's like a five-year-old.
So let me ask you this.
Because we doubled our population and we won the war, you dumb idiot.
That's a totally different ballgame right now.
She just doesn't get it.
No, but the point she doesn't get, Alex, is that the way we paid for those things is through massive tax increases on the middle class and the working poor.
I mean, she doesn't know her history, but in 1929, just before the Great Depression, the lowest tax bracket for income earners was 1.5%.
And the highest bracket was 25%.
Now even though we increased the top bracket from 25% to 92%, and then it went down to 91% in 1946 after we won the war, we increased the lowest bracket from 1.5% to 24%.
And we only lowered it to 20% in 1946 after we won the war.
And let's be clear, the rich people all had write-offs written into it.
Well, of course, they didn't really pay that top bracket, but the point is that the middle class got hit with massive tax hikes, much bigger than the tax hikes on the rich.
And so that's how we paid for the New Deal and World War II.
And so if AOC wants to pay for the Green New Deal the same way, then it has to be through huge tax increases on her constituents.
Let's talk about what her Green Deal, from your research, would do.
Some are saying total collapse of civilization.
It killed Spain.
They tried half of this.
It killed them.
They were a booming economy until 10 years ago.
Peter Schiff's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
EuroPAC.com is his website.
I'm at NewsWars.com.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
Well, Peter Schiff's a smart cookie at EuroPAC.com.
I want to get his take on where he sees Trump's going in the economy and so much.
You know, I see where Trump was.
It's easy to sit back as an economist and smart guy and say, bite the bullet, and I might have done that if I was the president.
But he thought he would wow the country over with some prosperity, because all that had been given to the bankers for a while and not the people.
But I agree with Schiff.
This whole course is a collision course with disaster.
And, you know, but you talk up America and you say you love the country versus Cuomo saying America was never great, it'll never be that great.
You can't help but love the guy.
But, okay, Pelosi wanted zero, he got 1.3 billion.
He could have declared the emergency and built the whole wall.
He's going along with DACA.
Now, in fairness, he said he'd go along with partial DACA.
But then he's trying to get us out of Afghanistan and Syria.
That's beautiful.
So, I mean, I love Trump.
I'm not going to... I've been destroyed for it.
I've been demonized.
I've been attacked.
We'll go back to Peter Schiff in a moment.
It's just that it is a quandary.
And Peter Schiff's right.
The economy is having some problems.
And when people figure out that it's not all roses,
They're going to turn on him like milk out of his expiration date.
And the answer, then they've got it all primed, is men and women fighting with each other, racial divide, class envy, God, and then all the rich billionaires, like he was saying before the break, like that 90% tax he was sure about.
They had family trust, they had deals, they had offshore.
It's like, oh, Trump's a criminal.
His dad gave all his wealth away when the kids were babies.
That's what anybody does.
That's how you get out of the taxes.
So why are all these rich kids trust fund kids?
Because that's how the government don't get the money.
They don't pay the taxes.
Bill Gates, I should pay higher taxes.
The guy pays basically zero.
He has a tax-free foundation.
We'll go back to Peter Schiff in a moment.
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Peter Schiff, you heard all my questions, babblingeuropec.com, nobody needs to have you introduced to them.
You were getting into where you see the economy going, what's going to happen, Trump, all of it.
Yeah, well, you know, Alex, you know, if Trump really wanted to make America great again, the only way to do that is to make government small again.
But the problem is, you know, he hasn't been building a wall, but Trump's been building up government.
He's made government bigger, he's been building bigger national debt, you know, bigger deficits.
So, building up debt and building up government is not the secret to making America great.
We need to be tearing this stuff down.
But Trump has blown that opportunity.
He had two years with a Republican Congress to try to make a difference and to shrink the size of government, to tackle the problems with entitlements, yet he did none of that.
All he did was offer a tax cut paid for with bigger deficits.
Well, he did blow the trifecta.
He did blow the trifecta.
Yeah, and so now this stuff's going to blow up, and America, as I said, is going to turn to another false promise of socialism, of this, you know, utopia that awaits us if we simply turn over everything to the government.
That the government's going to manage the economy, and they're going to take over the distribution of wealth and resources and production, and everybody's going to prosper.
We're going to have all this great prosperity.
That's Venezuela!
How the hell... Yes, exactly.
Do we have half the millennials saying they want communism?
Because they were educated or indoctrinated in American schools.
You know, the average school teacher is a socialist.
They don't know what they're talking about.
I mean, we borrow and spend, you know, so much money, trillions of dollars, to basically brainwash our kids.
We've got student debt now, 1.6 trillion dollars.
What do we have to show for that?
A bunch of socialists, a bunch of people who are waiting to vote
For the same type of economic system that has destroyed Venezuela.
People are starving.
People are dying literally in the streets.
Committing suicide.
So what do you predict?
Next, because Cortez is, I saw on her website that day, it was up for 12 hours, 13 hours, then she says, oh, I never did that.
She said, she said, if you can't work or don't want to work.
I mean, look, democracy is a very dangerous form of government.
I've been saying that for a long time.
And this is the proof.
When you elect people like this, this shows you how dangerous democracy is and how smart our founders were who wrote the Constitution.
They tried to protect us from this.
A republic is actually the cure to democracy.
Yes, we have a Republican government.
Read the Constitution.
It guarantees to every state in the Union a Republican form of government.
There is no mention of the word democracy in the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, in the Declaration of Independence.
America was not founded to be a democracy.
We were founded as a republic to protect Americans from the tyranny of democracy.
Because democracy, like socialism, has failed every time it's been tried because the people vote in socialism.
And when you talk about democratic socialism, that's what it is.
It's socialism where the people vote for it.
And just because the people vote for something bad... Yeah, just because they vote to play Russian Roulette... Well, it's not even Russian Roulette.
You're guaranteed to fail.
How fast does the average socialist state fail?
Like 15 years?
I don't know what the exact number is, but the only ones that even could look like they've succeeded is where they have a strong economy to destroy.
So if you, if socialists come to power, when you have prosperity that was created by capitalism, it takes longer to squander the wealth.
But if socialism... Exactly!
Big, rich, fat country, big, fat, rich Europe or the US or Canada can go 30, 40 years, but when it crashes, it's even worse.
Yeah, the problem is though, we're going to embark on socialism in America when we're already broke.
That's the problem, because we've already had a lot of socialism mixed in with capitalism.
We've had this mixed economy, and capitalism gets the blame for the problems created by socialism, but we're deeply in debt.
We have a completely screwed up economy.
It completely depends on our ability to export dollars and import everything else, but
People are not going to want the world's reserve currency to be a currency issued by a socialist country.
When we start going down the Green New Deal and running massive deficits to try to create this, you know, liberal utopia, the dollar is going to collapse.
I mean, we're not going to be able to buy anything, so we're going to be having the same type of inflation that they're experiencing down there.
What does, Mike Adams did a big video on this and a bunch of experts looked at it.
If we did her deal, if they tried to like tear down all the buildings that aren't whatever and got rid of the airplanes, I mean you listen to this, it's like just cuckoo level.
And like Trump said, only we do it, no one else does.
What is the thinking there?
How are we going to do it?
Where are we going to get the resources?
Where are we going to get the manpower?
I mean everybody's going to have to work 24 hours a day.
But she said nobody has to work!
The kids are gonna have to drop out of school.
Everyone stay there.
Tell us what's gonna happen when we come back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Joe Rogan, my old friend, came out and said that black people are apes, and that their neighborhoods are planet of the apes.
And I was like, wait a minute, I remember running into Joe with his little black daughter.
And then I talked about it, and people said, oh, Joe Rogan doesn't have a black daughter.
And I searched it, and he does, and she looks like a supermodel.
So I don't think Joe's being racist there, but here's the deal.
If I... Well, you guys just killed the... Killed the doors.
Let's bring that back if we can.
If I just hit a button... Anyways.
I'm gonna, next hour, before Matt Bracken takes over, just illustrate he's a Google, Facebook, Twitter darling.
If I said black people are apes, which I don't think, because we're humans, I can agree with black people, they can agree with me.
I mean, we are in the simian class.
We're kind of cool.
We build spaceships and stuff.
The point is, is that that's the big no-no.
You know, Jimmy the Greek 40, 50 years ago said black people, something like that, he got fired.
So why can Joe Rogan do it?
I don't think Joe Rogan's a racist.
I want the governor of Virginia gone because he said kill babies after they're born, not because he dressed up in blackface, which I wouldn't do.
I think it's offensive.
People do it for comedy.
I'm not judging them.
I just, I don't do stuff that, like, puts people down.
As a class.
If I think somebody's a bad person, then I come after them.
Because there are bad Chinese, and there are bad Jews, and there are bad Arabs, and there are bad Brits, and there are bad Mexicans.
But man, it's like fish in the sea.
It's like a totally different deal.
I want to finish up with Peter Schiff on the big news, the economy here.
But I'm digressing.
EuroPAC.com, billions under management globally.
Been pretty accurate with this crystal ball.
I've been asking the questions here, and I want to just ask that last one.
I'll give you the floor for the last seven, eight minutes here.
Thank you for joining us.
How do you see this unfolding if Alexandria Cortez AOC got her way?
Because, you know, they're going to force this vote in the House to prove how crazy it is, but some say it might pass.
I mean, this is pretty much mainline.
The Democratic Party is becoming, this is its mainline is what I'm saying.
Yeah, I don't think it's going to go to a vote in the House.
I don't think Nancy Pelosi is dumb enough to force Democrats to vote on this nonsense and take a side.
But the Senate's calling for that.
Yeah, well, because that makes sense, because the Senate is going to put a lot of Democrats in a very bad position.
I mean, all the Republicans are going to vote against it proudly.
But you have these Democrats that are afraid to go against it.
I mean, look, when Ocasio-Cortez had her press conference,
Announcing this nonsense.
She was surrounded by older white men.
I mean all these white guys.
Why were they there?
Because they're trying to shore up their support for the minorities.
The base of the left wing.
The, you know, the people that support Cortez in this nonsense.
So, they're lining up behind her because they're afraid... No, you're right.
The Democrats are 100% racial now.
It's all based on race.
And so these guys, you know, they're afraid to not support this, but a lot of these guys could be in districts where there's some people who are kind of in the center, some people who are independents.
And, you know, so they're going to lose in the general election, you know, absent the complete collapse of the economy, which I think might happen.
If they support this, so they're damned that they do and they're damned that they don't.
They kill themselves in the primaries if they don't support it, but then they could blow the general if they do.
So I think it's smart politically for the Republicans to bring this nonsense to a vote, but I don't even know what they're voting for.
There isn't actual any real policy implications here.
It's just these grandiose statements.
But it shows the cancer.
It's the grandioseness.
Yeah, and look, even if you think about what they're saying, we're going to rebuild every structure in the United States in the next decade.
Every structure.
Think about how many structures exist in this country.
It took 200 years to build those damn things.
Yeah, exactly.
And we're going to rebuild them in 10 years?
What, is every single person in America going to work construction?
And by the way, if we had to do it to defeat space aliens, we could.
The left puts all these regulations on where it's impossible to build.
Well, first of all, with all the environmental permits we would need, it'll take 10 years just to get the permits to redo all these buildings.
I don't know how to actually do it.
And then people are going to sue, and then she's wearing $5,000 outfits and $2,000 shoes?
And then we have to make them all ADA compliant.
If we're going to rebuild them all, now they all have to be accessible to people in wheelchairs, to people who are blind.
I mean, this is all a bunch of nonsense.
The only person who could propose something like this is a waitress, a bartender, somebody who actually knows nothing.
That's what we've done.
It'd be like her saying, I'm a waitress, I'm opening a bar with free drinks and food every night.
You go bankrupt in one week!
Well, look, that's what happened with Panella Bread.
They finally closed their last restaurant today, where it was like, you know, pay what you want.
You know, if you want to pay, pay.
If not, don't pay.
Of course, nobody paid, and so they ran out of money, and now they're shutting down their business.
Who comes up with these plans?
Look, I would love to open up something like a green cafe, just as a test case, where I say, hey, here's a green cafe, and we're going to pay people enough money so that even our dishwashers and our busboys can support a family.
We're going to give them vacations.
So they are the party of fantasy land, so let me ask you this.
You've got the CEO, Howard Schultz, of the coffee company Starbucks, and he's running around saying, oh, you know, the Democrats are too extreme, but I think he's actually posing as conservative to siphon votes from Trump.
What do you think?
Well, I mean, he'd have to run as an independent, and if he does run as an independent, uh, you know, he may help Trump.
I mean, that might be, uh, something, you know, just like Ross Perot, uh, helped out Bill Clinton.
I don't know.
I mean, he might actually help out Trump.
Sure, but I'm asking you, what do you think is your smart guy is behind Shultz?
What do you think he's doing?
Oh, I have no idea, you know, whether he's just trying to get some publicity or if he really thinks he's going to run for president.
You know, if he's going to run, I don't know why he doesn't just run in the Democratic Party as a centrist Democrat.
He could win there as a centrist Democrat.
Well, I mean, if all the socialists split up the crazy vote, right, then he might be able to get enough of the, you know, slightly less crazy vote in order to get the nomination.
And, you know, as if he took the Democratic nomination, I mean, he would beat Trump.
I mean, I think for sure he would beat him, especially since I think we're going to be in a recession.
But I think the only chance Trump has of winning in a recession is if the Democrats are so far into crazyville that enough people in some of these swing states
You know, just don't want to go that way.
I mean, if there's still enough... Well, yeah, what do you make of this Muslim member of Congress that literally, like, sounds like David Duke crossed with Adolf Hitler?
Look, this is all part of this cultural, political correctness.
As long as you're some type of minority, as long as you fit into this victim class, you can say or do whatever you want with impunity and everything goes.
But if you're not, then there's zero tolerance for you.
It's not really about substance anymore.
It's all about the form.
And that is the trap that we've fallen into.
Unfortunately, there is no substance whatsoever to socialism.
You know, it's all a bunch of rhetoric.
It appeals to people's envy.
It appeals to their greed.
It appeals to the lowest common denominator of, hey, let's steal money from other people so that we can have it.
And somehow, the other people who earn the money, they're not paying their fair share.
Somehow they got their wealth by stealing it, and we just need to redistribute it back to people who are more deserving, and a lot of people have fallen for that.
And ultimately, the people who suffer the most are the middle class, who get wiped out, and the poor who become impoverished even more.
Well that's it, and they're too stupid to remember what happened a year ago.
And that's the paradox, is you have ultra-rich, most of them are globalist leftists, they're all for socialism because they don't pay the tax, they're offshore, they get corporate contracts, government contracts, and so you got the dumb, you know, unwashed masses, you got the elites that are totally soulless, and then they're just screwing over the golden
There are a lot of very rich Democrats and, you know, they're probably going to get in trouble here because they're about to get eaten by their own people.
Because, you know, you've got all these big billionaires.
I mean, some of the wealthiest people have been major contributors to the Democratic Party.
Exactly, and now they've manifested a bunch of Piranha-like, pro-Venezuela, pro-Somali folks that if you want to live in a mud hut and be sold into sex slavery, this is who you want to run things.
Peter Schiff, thank you.
We'll talk to you soon, my friend.
All right, we're going to come back and Matt Bragg is taking over and then I'm going to delve into this because here's the deal.
I'm not trying to bring down Joe Rogan just to do it for no reason.
He can't sit there and run his mouth against me with Soros talking points and not have me go, dude, you said black people are apes and that black neighborhood is planted with apes.
Notice, no coverage of that because he's protected.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So... So, my old friend of 20 years, met him in 1998, Joe Rogan.
He's a very private guy.
And yesterday I played this shocking clip we're about to get to, of him a few years ago, on the podcast before he moved into his new studio, I guess five, six years ago, saying that, I'm not saying this, as Joe Rogan said it, that black people are apes, and that their neighborhoods are planted with the apes.
And when I saw that, I'm like, wait a minute.
Joe Rogan is married to the very beautiful daughter of a famous comedian.
He has two biological children with her.
I have three daughters and a son.
Two daughters.
So I empathize.
And then, you know, he's got an adopted black daughter who he loves.
She's very beautiful, by the way.
Looks like a supermodel.
And so, in fact, we can scroll through some of the photos.
My issue here, that's Joe Rogan's daughter, she's like 20.
Go through some more of the photos.
So, my issue here is, if Governor of Virginia, they're saying resign,
Over being in blackface, which I don't think he should have to.
I think it's, I think it's distasteful.
I've never done it.
But if somebody says, hey, it's 30 years ago, 25 years ago, it's a yearbook, I'll buy it.
But see, he's a leftist who said that other people that did stuff like that should resign as well.
So now we're going to go by your yardstick.
So Joe Rogan sits up there on this high horse that, you know, I'm this big bad guy because I questioned Sandy Hook when they're admitting chemical attacks on children were fake in the BBC today.
In so many other cases, I mean, we should question everything.
But he's on this high horse.
What does his daughter, I want to call her black, white, just a beautiful young lady.
What does she call it when her stepfather says that black people are apes and that they're planet of the apes?
And again, Joe's the one up there pontificating up on this royal high horse about how good he is and how great he is.
Yeah, there's Joe's daughter.
So, yesterday, I noticed the comments, because I went and checked the comments on the video last night on InfoWars.com and NewsForce.com, and some were like, oh, Jones, don't say he's not a racist.
He doesn't have a black daughter.
Why, you don't know that.
So I spent like 20 minutes this morning searching.
I found it.
And once I did, I found the Facebook, the Instagram, all of it.
And it's just crazy.
So here's how this works.
You defend the establishment.
We then judge you by the establishment's gauge.
I don't think Joe's done anything wrong.
I get his joke.
Because Joe says we're all simian in a way, which we are.
So he's not actually doing that.
But according to your gods of Silicon Valley and your whole measurement system, dude, you're a really bad person that shouldn't be on the air.
I'm not saying take you off the air.
I'm just saying, Joe, I've got six more rounds in the cylinder of stuff just as bad or worse.
And like I told you, I'm gonna start laying it out every couple of days, another one.
Because you judge me, I'm going to judge you.
Here's the clip I'm talking about, him on the podcast, talking about blacks being apes.
We're going to go see Planet of the Apes.
So I look on the iPhone app, and it says, OK, take me to this one.
And the guy goes, OK, is that in a good neighborhood?
He's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Guy barely speaks English.
He takes us there.
We get out, and we're giggling.
Oh, we're going to go see Planet of the Apes.
We walk into Planet of the Apes.
We walked into Africa, dude.
We walked in the door, and there was no white people.
There was no white people.
So Joe Rogan is saying that, and Red Band laughs, and Joey Diaz stays out of it.
I mean, can you imagine if I said black people are apes?
Oh, Joe Rogan, 24 hours in, no coverage, it's okay.
He's anointed.
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Matt Bracken, great patriot, best-selling author, Navy SEAL, counter-terrorism expert.
He's taking over.
But, as negative as things are, when you're at the tip of the spear, remember that when we're grinding through the enemy, like a giant juggernaut with our razor blade plows, it stinks and blood's splattering and we're getting shot at and some people are rolling over the side, but let me tell you, behind us is a swath of destruction and victory.
People 20 years ago accused me of being negative 10 years ago.
But about 4 or 5 years ago people said, why the hell are you so positive?
Because I just look at the real world and tell you what I see.
And I see victory.
I don't see victory for everybody.
But for human souls awakening and activating of every skin color and every region, but love God, I see explosive awakening.
That's why you see the enemies going from being arrogant, which was great before.
They didn't know what we were doing.
We're like sneaking around loading the munitions politically.
These guys don't even know what's going on yet.
And then once the bombs went off politically, they're now shitting, they're now crapping their britches.
So we are devastating the enemy.
You are devastating them.
And of course they think they can take me and then demonize me and crush me and that you're so stupid you'll think my destruction is a defeat.
Like Santa Ana thought destroying Colonel Travis and the 186 men would like make everybody lay down.
It did the opposite.
Do I want to die at the Alamo?
Not my flesh.
I don't want to die.
I'm not suicidal, but give me a break.
The jobs I've got, the wars I've got to fight, the total commitment.
You think I'm worried about dying?
You think I'm worried about being in prison or torture?
I'm not worried about anything but getting my metaphysical hands around your neck and strangling you until you're dead!
That's all I want, and I will get it!
You demons think you scare us?
I'm scared of not destroying you!
Because God will destroy me!
I will get you!
Make no mistake!
Last thing I do, you're dead!
Get ready!
And it's that spirit they fear.
You all have that spirit.
And we will win.
Nothing will stop us if you just realize that and never stop.
And thank God every day.
You're not a Jack Dorsey.
You're not a Sundar Pichai.
That you don't come from slaves!
Now I'm gonna stop right there and let Matt Bracken take over.
But thank God you've got the fire of God in your eyes and you're not with the enemy.
And people say, this is intense sounding, murdering children and having governors talk about it on TV after they're born should create destruction.
So I'm a wimp.
And I'm not saying do this, but everyone knows what the real response to that governor is.
And I'm not saying do it because you've got to be wise as a serpent, peaceful as a dove.
The way I behave on air is just a shadow of what God wants.
And I'm not saying even do that.
All I'm telling you is let these people dance around in front of us all day.
Let them think they're in control.
But get busy in the information war and realize they will be defeated in the end.
And realize they are working around the clock to shut us down because they know there's a fire at InfoWars.
With our guests and who we are and what we've done before.
They're obsessed with bloodlines.
They've run my bloodline.
They are crapping their britches right now, ladies and gentlemen, because they fear you.
And they fear me.
And they fear Matt Bracken coming up.
So I'm just going to tell you, it sounds so cheesy and so ridiculous, but it's a farmer's understanding of seeds.
If you simply financially support us, you have a commitment from someone who cannot give up.
There's a difference where I won't give up, I can't give up.
My only problem is that I get so out of control, I'm so angry that like a race car driver blows the engine going to 15,000 RPMs.
I don't pray for strength.
I don't pray for... I pray for God to hold me back.
And I know you feel the same way, so I'm just telling you, you claim you're gonna fight these big military wars with globalists, let's not discuss that.
If you won't fight the information war now, when we're two minutes to midnight, you'll never fight the real war if we get to that point.
And unfortunately, we all know down the road we are.
The planet is collapsing by design, evil has been turned loose.
You see a good response to it, and we're defeating the globalists, the EU's in trouble, the globalists are in trouble, but their counter-offensive is coming.
And so I'll tell you again, if you'll just get your coffee from us, you'll drink it and go, my God, this is incredible.
If you'll just get the protein bars from us, if you'll just get the toothpaste, that's the highest quality out there.
If you'll just provision us, you have my commitment.
Because I'm literally, it's like bloodstream, like my brain's here, I'm ready to fight.
You're the blood.
And I'm just like, give me the blood, give me the blood, give me the oxygen.
I need oxygen.
And I'm not mad at you.
I'm literally jacked in.
You understand, like, the more you energize me, the more I'll attack the enemy.
And so, whatever God's plan is, I'll do it.
But I hate being fought to a standstill.
I hate watching them lick their lips.
I hate thinking, just you've done your tour, give up, go away, and if that's what people want, I'll do it, but they've beaten the hell out of us.
I don't want to give the enemy good propaganda, but I can't lie.
They've fought us to a standstill after 25 years, and they're doing a lot of nasty stuff behind the scenes.
It doesn't make me scared, I feel sorry for myself, the debt threats and breaking into lawyers' offices and threatening to kill their kids.
You know, okay, I'm not supposed to get into all of it.
It doesn't make me get scared, it makes me get mad that I'm not strong enough to get them.
You know, people just knew how real this was.
So, just get your protein bars.
Just get your coffee.
Just get your toothpaste with us.
Just go to InfoWarsTore.com, sign up, get the auto-ship, cancel any time, and I know I've got the fuel like a jet bomber loaded with weapons.
I've got the weapons.
I've got the truth.
You give us the money.
You better believe that that's what they hate.
They're trying to shut down every minute.
Trying to take our bank accounts.
They took our sponsors.
Everything they did made us stronger for this moment.
But if I get the fuel, I will get in that aircraft, and I will go over those enemy bases, and I will metaphysically pull that lever, and with everything I've got looking through those bomb sites, I will drop those bombs of truth right on their heads.
You have my commitment.
I'll drop them right down their chimneys, and I will smile when the jet blows up at the end of the run, and we're going down, because it means my job's done.
Don't want to die, but not worried about it, because the commitment is such a load.
I don't fear death.
I fear these pedophile bastards having their way, and I will not spiritually submit to them, ever!
But this is not just another radio show!
It's not another thousand channels!
It's not all that crap out there!
This is the real resistance!
This is where it starts!
This is a response to governors on TV saying they're keeping babies alive and taking their organs!
This is real!
This isn't a response of a man or a hero!
It's a response of somebody who isn't submitting to die!
Who isn't turning their babies over to be killed!
I will no longer give in to Satan.
I will no longer back down at any level to these people.
Matt Bracken takes over another side of this break.
But they have crushed us down like a sun before it explodes.
And I can see down the road where we're going.
And I... I don't ever want to get up here and tell you that the enemy's winning.
But if people don't get how serious this is, we're gonna lose everything!
Matt Brogan takes over on the other side!
And the war room, three o'clock central!
The damn Soros Army prays you don't spread the links!
So do it!
Great job of the crew.
I'll see you back tomorrow, Lord willing, on the Friday Transmission.
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If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
There is no set stasis.
There is no managed system.
There is no un-continuum.
The continuum is always launching forward into the future.
So you support us and get creative and get fired up.
We won't just be here a hundred years.
We'll be here forever.
We'll turn the whole thing around.
Our grandchildren on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what are going to look back and say, you know, we struggled here.
We made it.
And that's really where this goes.
God's got a big war for you ready.
If you can't face George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong, are you going to really be able to face the other stuff?
And so,
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
You don't go to the next level without getting a big weight put on your back.
And I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to me in the future.
I mean, all I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced, not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, discernment is a human intellect interfacing with the universe of God for divine intelligence.
Let me tell you, it's the most pure intelligence you'll ever have.
Interfacing with God is so powerful.
I told you back in October that Trump would declare a national emergency and that would be the sign that he was taking the proper action.
CNBC now reporting.
They're already announcing the legal challenges.
Trump will sign spending bill and declare, which is perfect, it doesn't let them stall the economy and blame him, a national emergency.
Because Obama signed national emergencies that were unconstitutional in areas that weren't constitutional, like the border or national security, and used that to set up stay-behind networks that I have been enjoying the attacks from.
It's now mainstream news.
Two billion dollars, hundreds of millions against InfoWars and other alternative media.
It has not been fun, let me tell you.
I'm very proud that I'm not having to chew dirt with George Washington and get shot at by Hessians or Redcoats.
I'm just going to be lied about and sued and attacked.
So we'll have Matt Bracken take over, but this is a big deal.
President Trump will sign spending legislation to prevent a government shutdown, declare a national emergency to build his proposed border wall.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just said minutes ago, this will be a day long remembered.
The president is now actually not engaged in some police state action.
It is his duty.
Not his right, it's his duty!
When you've got giant caravans and five million coming Gallup reports and total attacks in UN programs, don't do what Europe did!
We're being attacked!
This isn't showmanship, folks!
This is normal what men act like, to rally people!
And now Trump again.
In the balance, he was doing some things that were wrong, some things that were right.
This puts him into the right column again.
And these evil courts will say that they have jurisdiction over them.
There's three branches of government.
All the lower courts have overrid the president, but then the higher court always unanimously goes with him because he goes with the law.
And in a crisis, the president and the executive is king.
As long as the people support him.
If we had real leadership, and I don't want fascism or Pinochet or helicopters, but my God, they're helicoptering our babies, killing them when they're already born.
Literally sexualizing our children.
I don't want to do this to these people, but I'm not going to stand by while they wage war on our unborn children and our born children.
And wait while they stage some false flags.
I was already getting ready for another meeting.
So Matt's been waiting.
I was going to be listening to Matt.
Matt, this is a big deal.
And this is, thank God, this is such good news.
Mitch McConnell said it.
I hope it's true.
I've got about a 98% probability now.
How amazing is this, Matt Bracken?
I mean, we're watching the real second battle, the first battle found in the nation.
The Civil War was an interim.
But this is really, I guess, the third battle for the future of the Republic.
We are living in incredible times.
Yeah, there's a saying about choosing your battles.
You know, you don't want to blow all your political capital on frivolous things or side issues.
But this is the big show.
The border is really the big one.
And the optics are great.
You know, Trump is a showman.
He really understands media.
How many times have they counted him out, going back to Billy Bush and before that even?
But this is the optic that he can win.
He can go down to the border where those caravans are aiming for the Arizona and Texas border where there's no fence.
And he can make the case that it is an invasion.
When you've got communists, you call them NGOs, you have communists down in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras.
UN-funded, hardcore commies saying, we're coming to overthrow America.
Declared enemies.
And they're not marching.
You know, they're, they just, they show up in a town and they take pictures of them, you know, hoofing it around.
But really they're getting on buses now.
And those buses are not cheap.
No, they're mechanized, they're mechanized infantry.
Yeah, there's very, very deep pockets behind this.
And people need to understand, right in the Constitution, I mean, it's in black and white.
And I don't know what is going on with our talking heads on the networks.
They go into deep, esoteric new laws about the emergency laws, but right in the Constitution, Article 4, Section 4.
The Senate is in charge of it, baby!
Right, and shall protect each of them against invasion.
So it says, the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government, not a democracy, like Peter Schiff was talking about in the last hour.
And shall protect each of them against invasion.
It doesn't say he may protect them if the communist government wishes it to be so.
For example, Newsom in California.
It says he shall protect each of them against invasion.
Well, what happens when you have a communist government like Newsom... Well, that's what I just said!
You don't... It's not a right.
It's a duty.
He will execute!
That's right.
He shall protect each of them, not if the communist government of that state requests it.
And it's very important for people to understand what's going on in California.
You know, for the youngsters, in my lifetime, California produced Ronald Reagan.
It had the referendum on paying nothing to illegal aliens.
No school, no medical, nothing.
And that was overturned by courts.
But this is so clear-cut.
Defending the border.
You know, we had forts built along the border.
We've sent the army into Mexico many times.
I mean, deep into Mexico.
And this is a clear-cut of a case as it gets.
And the media that says, oh, there's no crisis, it's time to call them out for what they are.
They're quizzling traitors.
They want to turn every state into California, or as I call it now, Kalazuela.
Because it's a very perfect ironclad socialist formula to take over a state, flood it with illegals,
You know, they use Motor Voter.
In California, they announce on billboards, on radio, hey, if you're not here legally, don't worry about it.
Come on down and get your driver's license.
And while you're there, we'll hand you a voter card.
And don't mind about voter fraud because we've never investigated anybody for it.
So right now California is completely controlled by the socialists and their illegal alien minions.
And that's what they're going to do in every other state if we don't put a stop to it.
And it has to stop with the border being closed.
As long as you've got tens of thousands of illegals marching in every month.
And then, you know, a year later their kids are in school, then they'll be called the next crop of dreamers.
We're done.
If we can't control the border, this country is done.
Because it's absolute fact that more than 80% of these third world immigrants will vote Democrat.
They can't speak English.
They don't know what the Constitution means.
All they've heard is that in America the streets are paved with gold and the government will just hand you a food card, an EBT card, that's going to be good for food, for housing, for medical, for your kids' school, for everything.
All you've got to do is get to America and vote for the Democrats.
And that's the end of our country, folks.
And this is the fight to fight, right at the border, over the wall.
And we'll be back on the other side of this and pick this up.
I'm really thrilled to hear about the emergency.
It's about time.
We'll be seeing you in a minute.
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I've been doing a lot of research into Google and YouTube censorship, and I've noticed that there's one type of video that is the most censored, the most buried, the most oppressed.
And that's the videos where you saw in 2016 election night, all the arrogant leftist authoritarians, like the Young Turks and others, get so butthurt when Trump won.
They don't want us to have that victory.
They don't want us to remember what political action did.
And that's why the globalists, Hillary and others, are trying to shut InfoWars down.
This is a fight about taking your speech away, not just my speech, about taking your very sovereignty away.
This country is in a war!
So again, I want to thank you for what you've done, but I want to remind you, if you don't spread the articles and videos, and if you don't financially get the great products we have and fund us, and the 360 win, we're dead in the water.
I'm in your hands, you're in my hands, InfoWarsStore.com, thank you!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, it's pretty hard to top the energy level of Alex in the last couple hours.
I mean, not everybody can do that without blowing a rod.
I feel it inside, though.
I do.
I'm a little calmer.
I don't want to bust up my microphones here.
But I appreciate the spirit that drives the man.
And if it wasn't for that spirit, there would be no InfoWars.
There'd be no channel you're watching.
There'd be no videos.
There'd be no InfoWars store to keep it all going.
So I really do appreciate it, and I try to pick up some of that energy.
You know, I might not manifest it in quite exactly the same way, but that strength of that Alex is like a waterfall or a geyser at times.
It's like a burning fire, and we should all feel some of that and pick some of that up, because it's a rare thing.
It's a rare thing.
You know, there's people with that kind of energy but that don't have the platform.
And the fact that the powers that be, that the left is trying so hard to shut down InfoWars and other alternative channels just shows how much they fear us.
Because honestly, socialism can't exist where there's a free market of ideas because their ideas are so idiotic and obviously patently stupid.
They can exist in a university because they've made that a monopoly of ideas, where alternate voices are essentially disallowed or kept underground because people are afraid to speak their mind.
And it's increasingly extending into the corporate world.
And you can even see it, for example, on the internet, in social media, when you see guys like Joe Rogan
Kissing up to Jack Dorsey, basically giving him a free pass, and all but saying, look, I'm your boy, and you cover for me, and don't ban me, and I'll cover for you, and it's a huge suck-up.
I see it even on our side with the, you know, the cruise ship conservatives, you know, the Conservatism Inc.
guys that are
They're putting out a conservative message, but they're really just catering to a clique, you know, to the, some would call it controlled opposition, or the, you know, the really manby-pamby, GOP elite type of a crowd.
And that's not going to win.
The controlled opposition is a loser strategy.
That's like the Jews in the German ghettos that just said, just obey the laws and everything will turn out well.
It won't turn out well.
At the individual level, you could compare it to what some people call the gray man strategy.
You know, I'm just going to be camouflaged.
I'm just going to pretend to go along and get along.
But if everybody is the gray man, which I guess is like the exact bell-shaped opposite of Alex Jones, if everybody out there, you so-called conservatives, all try to be the gray man, do you know what that actually is?
On a massive scale, that's called surrender.
That means the left wins.
We have to push back.
We have to be the burr under the saddle.
You know, we have to throw the caltrops in their path.
Otherwise, they win.
And if you doubt me, all you have to do is look at what used to be called the Golden State.
The greatest state in the country, the richest, the best educational system, the best highways.
In every way, the other states looked up to California.
And now look at it.
It's turning into a needle and feces strewn Venezuela.
And you think that this bothers the Democrats, the DemSocs, the Democratic Socialists?
It does not bother them at all because it assures absolute electoral supremacy forever.
And they don't care if they rule the ruins.
They don't care if down at street level the streets are covered with human excrement and heroin needles.
They don't care because up at the 50th floor and at the ranches that you have to helicopter into, life is better than ever.
You know, Silicon Valley is great for the millionaires and billionaires who are leftists, but they're essentially like feudal overlord leftists.
So they don't care if where the middle class used to exist, there's now a flight from the state being replaced with, you know, with third world immigrants.
They don't care.
And not only do they not care, that's the plan for your state.
So when your Democrat and weak Republican politicians aren't strong on the border, what they're saying is, they're winking to each other and laughing at you and saying, your state is the next California, Kalazuela.
And if Florida or Texas flips to Democrat, to Democrat Socialist, it's over.
You know, in California, I
Put down some notes what the formula is.
You know, once they get a control of Congress or the state legislature, they begin to gerrymander.
This makes it harder and harder for any Republican coalition to exist with any kind of power.
Then they pass things that are ridiculous on their face, but hey, they've stood now for more than a decade.
Voter, voter.
Handing voter cards to illegal aliens and telling them at the same time, don't worry, nobody's ever been charged with voter fraud.
We don't even have a voter fraud division in California.
So if you happen to accidentally vote, nobody will come after you.
Now they've upped it to something called vote harvesting.
Where they find out the registered Democrat voters that haven't voted and go to their house and basically, like union goons, strong-arm them into filling out a ballot and then taking it in to be counted.
Not Republicans, just Democrats.
And when that isn't even enough, they'll just do Broward County-style ballot stuffing, which is what they did in Orange County.
When we went to bed at like 10 o'clock one election night, the Republican congressmen were winning in Orange County.
By the next day, it was flipped.
They had gained so many votes, corrupt, fraudulent votes, that they won in a Republican stronghold of Orange County.
So, essentially, the difference between Broward County, Florida, and Orange County, California, was that Broward didn't have an estimate correctly enough that we need 80 or 100,000 false votes, that 60,000 won't be enough.
Well, in Orange County, they had enough.
And there, believe me,
What they say, when California catches a cold, that the whole country's going to get the flu.
I forget how that saying goes, but this is the model for every state.
We're going to see in 2020 massive, massive voter fraud.
Once they get, if they, God forbid, if Trump is either thrown out of office or loses a re-election, we get a President Kamala Harris.
We're going to see things that are going to make today look like the good old days.
We'll see the Electoral College gone.
That'll be the next thing.
Their states are already volunteering that they're not going to abide by the electoral breakdown, that whoever wins the majority in their state will basically, whoever wins the popular vote nationally, I mean, that their state will throw their electoral votes that way.
So this is democracy.
The mob rule taking over against the promise that every state will be guaranteed a Republican form of government.
When you go all the way back to the 17th Amendment, like in 1912, the Senate wasn't supposed to be just another Congress.
It was supposed to answer to the state government, not direct election.
So you can see how, step by step, we've been morphing towards mob rule.
The end of mob rule is Kalazuela.
And that's coming to every state in the country if we don't put a stop to it.
And I'm really glad to see that the battle has been joined now, if the news is correct, with the emergency and the border protection.
That's what's coming and that's the fight that's worth fighting.
We'll talk about it more on the other side of the break.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Okay, while we're looking at those nice looking books there, I forgot to mention, these two books, my last two novels,
I put them on a free Kindle, uh, Amazon Kindle free run for today, so you can go and get my last two novels.
They're both, uh, you know, post-dystopian, you know, the kind of realistic heroes, though.
I don't like the, uh, you know, the typical, uh, guys that can speak 20 languages and parachute down the Kremlin's chimney.
I don't write that kind of crap.
I try to write stuff that
Has some good tricks, good lessons, and things that actual regular human beings could do.
Yeah, I was thinking about something that happened last week.
I was out at a friend's farm, and this is in rural Virginia, or excuse me, Florida.
I used to live in Virginia.
And we met a neighbor down at the corner of the property line.
Just sort of like we're at a corner properties meeting.
It was sort of random event.
Farmer going by on the tractor.
Long conversation ensued as these things happened, and the fellow mentioned he was a Christian and he was looking forward to the rapture.
He was an older guy, maybe another 10 or 15 years older than me.
And my friend across the fence from this new guy on the tractor said, you know, I hope I don't go up in the rapture.
Personally, I don't know about the rapture thing, but these guys seem to be on board with that.
My friend said, I hope I don't go up because
There's too much work to be done down here.
The Lord's gonna need some some soldiers down here to take care of what's coming because it is going to be it is going to be a fight.
I'm really glad to see that the president has joined the fight, declaring an emergency, fighting for the border.
This is something that this is what you call a hill that's worth dying on.
Some things aren't, but this is.
And I don't care what the mainstream media says about it, and I don't care what judges say about it.
If a federal judge says that the Commander-in-Chief of the United States is not allowed to defend the borders of the country,
From an invasion where thousands walk into the country every day and demographically overturn, without the will of the people, without consulting us, overturn our electoral system as we've seen in Kalazoela.
And happening now in other states, I mean, good Lord, who could have ever imagined Virginia turning Democrat?
You drive around Northern Virginia, or as they call it, Yankee-occupied Northern Virginia, you know, above Richmond, you drive around Fairfax County, all you see is signs in Spanish and Korean.
It's unbelievable.
This has all been done with the knowledge of these Democrat quizlings.
And it's the same governor.
He's just turned loose all the felons to vote.
Do you think that heritage Americans, that actual, you know, been here for centuries Americans, are ever going to win in these states that have been invaded?
No, they're not.
They've been demographically conquered.
And if we can't stop the flow, and at the border is the most important, if we can't stop the flow, this country's done.
It won't matter what you do politically, every state is going to be Kalazuela.
Then it's going to be on to abolishing the Electoral College, and it'll be a straight mobocracy, and that's just what the Democrats have planned for us.
You know, probably everybody has seen the movie Idiocracy.
If you haven't, I highly recommend that you watch it.
But I have one, one difference.
You know, I actually believe that the movie Idiocracy is coming true right before our eyes.
But whereas in the movie, the president is a, is a, you know, ex-wrestler, porn star, moron named, I think, Camacho.
In reality, and they rely on a soldier who wakes up from a cryogenic experiment to, you know, guide them back to sanity.
In reality, it's not a President Camacho.
It's a President, you know, in the real idiocracy, you have very smart and evil leaders who know exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it.
They don't ever admit it publicly, but what they're doing, and this is the formula that I come back to, it's Dunning-Kruger plus Cloward-Piven equals the Demsock strategy.
Dunning-Kruger means you have so many people that are basically morons.
When people are fairly dim and they don't get what they want, they get angry.
They don't just get confused.
They actually think, I should have it, dammit.
I should have what I see on TV.
And when they don't, they get angry.
This is a pretty normal reaction.
And what demagogues do, people that are very intelligent and they know better, they say, your anger is justified.
The reason you're angry is because those scapegoats over there
Have taken what should be yours.
In Germany it was the Jews.
Now it's white Christian men, conservatives.
We're being set up for the next scapegoat.
It's a very, extremely evil strategy that they're pulling.
Then it's depending for the time being, the Democrat policy on an intersectional identity alliance, where you draw together all these disparate minority groups, and you cobble them together into a coalition.
But it's a very weak strategy going forward because it can only exist
In a realm that's controlled by political correctness, where you're not allowed to say that it's evil to dress up a little six-year-old boy as a drag queen and have adult homosexual men putting dollars in his pants.
Where you're afraid to say it's evil, it's wrong, you know, to abort babies at the moment of birth.
And if you do, the mainstream media, they won't say a word.
They were a little bit worried about the blackface, but they don't give a damn at all about post-birth abortion, you know, fourth trimester abortion.
This is pure evil.
But when the
When the string finally plays out, as Peter Schiff was talking about in the last hour, eventually the Democrats blow up the economy, the dollar is worthless, it's no more than a ruble, you know, inflated like Venezuela and Bolivars, and the next thing that's going to happen is a complete collapse of the EBT system,
The country is going to go completely off the rails.
At that point, political correctness goes out the window.
And when political correctness is gone, this identity politics alliance is bound to fracture.
Because, you know, Latinos and homosexuals and transsexuals, in the end, all of these splinter groups have nothing in common.
Whereas the core heritage Americans
Those of us who were born and raised in the America of days gone by, not saying it was perfect, but it was strong.
And what our group has been doing...
We've been studying this political situation, whereas you have idiots like AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
They are so stupid that they think that they can just spin like a golden thread on a spinning wheel.
They think that they can just
Spend trillions of dollars out of thin air.
They're so ignorant.
On the other hand, conservatives have been studying the rise and fall of empires and of economies.
We know how communism comes to rise.
We've understood and studied every revolution, the French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution.
We know that they can't succeed until we're disarmed.
And that's not going to happen.
We'll never allow them to disarm us.
So they think that they're going to ride towards some kind of a socialist utopia, which we know always fails, but all they're going to get instead is a civil war.
And I don't know about the left, but my friends have been buying weapons and training, buying ammunition and training.
There's a saying I like to repeat.
Those who don't know what zeroing a rifle means should not pick a fight with those who have and do understand what zeroing a rifle means.
And people that do have zeroed rifles, eventually it's not going to be faculty lounge rules, the political correctness, it's going to be who's got the food, who's got the fuel, and who can deliver it.
That's what's coming.
So we need to harden our hearts.
We need to gird for a long battle because it's coming.
It may be next month or it may be, you know, after the 2020 elections.
Who knows?
But I'm glad to see that the battle is now out in the open with President Trump.
Taking care of the border, finally.
But we'll see.
Time is gonna tell.
And, uh, that's it for me today.
And we'll be back, uh, I'll be back in two weeks, God willing, and reap their prize.
Support Alex Jones and InfoWars, and let's keep going.
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At InfoWars, we're always looking for the very best, best-selling, highest-rated products that we can then private label and sell.
Well, there is a national company who has FDA approval to sell their wound gel that is the strongest out there, and we private label it, and we sell it for $10 less online than they sell it at CVS and Walgreens.
We also have another product, also produced by the same company, Immune Gargle.
We've been selling a lot of the wound gel and a lot of the Immune Gargle
We're gonna go from full price to 40% off on both of these best-selling products right now at InfoWarsLife.com and InfoWarsTore.com.
This is a limited-time immune boost special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, this is a limited-time immune boost special.
Get Super Blue, Silver Immune Gargle, and Super Silver Wound Dressing for 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.